Brazilian Health Devices 2012/2013

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n a partnership between ABIMO – Brazilian Association of Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Articles and Equipments and Apex Brasil – Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, we have been pleased to accomplish and address to you the 3rd edition of the Brazilian Health Devices. Once again, the Brazilian Health Devices has the mission to present the whole scenery in the country in its new step of development. Being close of sheltering the 2014 World Soccer Championship and the 2016 Olympic Games, Brazil is owner of astonishing natural beauties, a wealthy and diversified culture, and all of this seasoned with an exotic gastronomy that put the country among the most visited destinations in the world. The country has been acquiring more and more recognition from international communities of several areas, mainly in view of its good performance before the recent economic crisis, and it is increasingly becoming one of the most industrialized countries in the world. Such increasing in the Brazilian industry has been favoring its varied production from consumables up to ultimate technology. When the subject is Brazilian equipments from the Health area, studies have been showing that medical-hospital equipments has had the highest growth rate of exportations compared to last previous years’ figures. There was a 51% increase, when the index in the general Brazilian industry was 13%.

Brazil is growing every day, and it is close to becoming the 3rd major pole of attraction for foreign investments in the world, and its economy was never so internationalized as it is nowadays. The country is strength enough to convince international investors that the country is a fertile ground for years ahead of steady growth, and it has never before attracted such amount of productive capital having occupied in 2011 the 4th position on the ranking of countries that receive the major amount of productive investment. With its huge territorial area comprising 8.5 million square kilometers, this continental country with its 26 states and the Federal District, 5,564 cities and 194 million inhabitants shall be occupying in two years the position of 5th economy in the world.

Welcome to Brazil!


Brazilian medical industry on the right track

The industry of medical, dental and hospital devices and equipments is one of the fastest growing sectors both in Brazil and in the world. By applying the turnover criterion, the growth rate of this segment has exceeded 17% in 2010-2011. According to that same criterion, this industry has tripled its size in 2003-2011. On one hand, these expressive figures result from the income improvements and inclusive public policies Brazil is experiencing that have provided an increasing access of the population to healthcare services. On the other hand, such growth has also revealed the capacity of local companies to keep up with an increasing demand and with unprecedented needs and opportunities that have arisen along with technological developments and expertise that support the healthcare sector. This is a fastgrowing industry that is experiencing constant advances thanks to the intensive use of technology and to the unceasing quest for innovation. The partnership between the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) and the Brazilian Medical Devices Manufacturers Association (ABIMO) which was set with the aim of promoting exportations to the sector also provides support for this industry.

Mauricio Borges President of Apex-Brasil

Over the past years, Brazilian healthcare products have acquired an increasing competitiveness to succeed in the international market. Exportations of the sector has jumped from US$ 195 million in 2001 to US$ 707 million in 2011, and the amount of destination countries rose from 40 to 180 within the same period. A quarter of exportations in the sector are shipped to the demanding and competitive U.S. market thus certifying the high quality of the Brazilian healthcare products. Apex-Brasil also works to attract foreign direct investments into this sector with the aim of strengthening the related production chain, notably those industries that manufacture products of enhanced complexity. The Agency has chosen this path to support the expansion of the healthcare industry and secure Brazil´s position as one of the world´s largest manufacturers of medical and dental devices and hospital equipment.

Innovating for 50 years

Technological innovation is a strategic target to the major economies in the modern worldwide system, demanding a high level of economical and political articulation. 50 year ago, when ABIMO was created, nobody could have imagined that Brazil would face such a challenge, since ours were typical problems of a country with a still incipient industrialization. Same as our entity, the country has matured enough to understand that especially in the production of health equipments, it is essential for the industry to internalize the culture of innovation and to be aware of the new regulations in the sector, in order to achieve a better planning and to develop a strategic sense of its activities. Along this period, our industry has grown. Until recently, it was exclusively turned to the domestic market, and forced by historical deficiencies in the national health policies, it presented back then a not very effective demanding profile. Today, it has been turned into an industry able to cope both with the challenges posed by its new status and to project itself internationally as one of the quality and competitiveness references in the global health market. The real jump in competitiveness and sovereignty of our industry lies on its ability in using every instrument of industrial policies to expand investments in innovation and technological development.

Franco Pallamolla CEO – Brazilian Association of the Industry of Medical, Dental, Hospital, and Laboratory Articles and Equipments (ABIMO)

Thus, in the present level of competitiveness and dynamism all around the world, it remains no doubt on the force that surrounds the innovation paradox: to cope with its challenges poses huge difficulties, but it is more and more the safer path that leads to the economic development. Even when the instruments that we have available need a constant improvement, to invest in innovative attitudes is no longer a possibility, but instead becoming a reality. ABIMO’s commitment is to work for a consolidated health industry into national and international markets for us to invest in technological advancements. Only thus we will be able to go on producing equipments that can even more comply with the demands and making Brazil an important part of the worldwide market of health products.



A country that grows and become specialized


razil is about to become the third largest pole of attraction for foreign investments in the world, and its economy has never been so internationalized. The country has enough strength to convince international investors that it is is plenty of fertile ground for years of steady growth and it has never before attracted as much productive capital. It was US$ 220 billion (R$ 484.60 billion) during the period from 2005 to 2011, and it will receive at least other US$ 250 billion (R$ 550.70) until 2016.

In 2011, Brazil has became the 4th most important destination for investments from abroad, only behind United States, China, and United Kingdom, receiving US$ 67 billion (R$ 147.60 billion) from which 90% were addressed to new projects or the expansion of the production capacity. Until 2014, Brazil shall reach the 3rd position in the ranking of investments. In the last 15 years, Brazil has became globalized and the share of multinational companies (this including companies with at least 20% of foreign capital) in the GDP has passed from 17% in 1995 to 52% in 2010. In 2011, the country responded for almost 5% of US$ 1.5 trillion (R$ 3.3 trillion) investment applied by multinational countries from all over the world. The percentage is almost the double of the current Brazilian participation in the global GDP of almost 3%. As the country increases its participation in the GDP, foreign companies bring technology and impose their standards of effectiveness and management into the market. In fact, although Brazil is not at the level of China, it’s becoming one of those mandatory places for companies that want to get a global presence and to count on a steady domestic market. A research performed by a prestigious Brazilian magazine performed with the 123 largest multinational companies installed in the country shows that more than half companies expects to grow 5% to 20% in Brazil within the next years. Other 24% forecast a higher expansion. For more than half of those companies, the Brazilian subsidiary is among the largest and profitable in the world. Brazilian economy shall grow between 3% and 4% in the next years. The largest multinational companies already operating in Brazil are defending themselves against the new competition that is about to arrive, as is the case in the automotive sector that is having its highest investment cycle of all times: US$ 22 billion (R$ 48.4 billion) until 2015.

Eleven new manufacturers have disclosed their production plans in the country, and it is estimated that until 2019, the Brazilian market will the third major consumer of cars in the world, with annual 6 million units sold in one year - only behind China and United States. Large multinational corporations are willing to expend more money making an ever more higher bet in Brazil. The Brazilian Central Bank which is following the entry of investments in the country has

recorded 45% increase in 2011 in the accrued amount of operations involving US$ 20 to 50 million (R$ 44 to 110.5) — the level with highest recorded growth. The service sector is the one with major amount of new amount of small and medium sized international companies. Besides the market potential, the complexity in the business environment has drawn the attention of newcomer companies. And Brazil is becoming more and more an economy of a significant size mainly in the consumption and infrastructure areas. Source: Exame Magazine

The country is becoming “the adult BRIC”

We see Brazil as a market with a huge potential, with good institutions managing the economy and industries, and this makes the country more mature than others and one of a few which have been recovered from the economic and financial crisis in a fast way.” Thomas Besson, CEO for Nissan Mercosul, which is building a new factory in Rio de Janeiro with investment of R$ 2.6 billion (US$ 1.18 billion) AND which is forecasted to start operating in 2014.

The Brazilian medium class in fast expansion added to the complex structure of intellectual property in the country is creating new opportunities and challenges for Western companies, according to a report disclosed by Thomson Reuters. The report, “The Grown-Up BRIC: Innovation & Brand Expansion in Brazil”, has followed-up along the last ten years activities related to patents and commercial brands, as well as the production of scientific literature, in order to assess the present innovation and expansion levels of the brands.

“Brazil is the most favorable country for the automotive

sector. In terms of research, development, technology, suppliers and raw material to manufacture vehicles, the country has a very good infrastructure. For this, from 2008 to 2010, we have invested R$ 5 billion (US$ 2.26) in the sector, and we will continue investing; after all, the future in Brazil is quite promising. “ Cledorvino Belini, CEO of Fiat Brazil, whose factory in Betim, MG is the largest facility of the company outside Italy. 13


Below, some of the main points disclosed in the research: • Increase in the amount of recessionproof patents: From 2001 to 2010, the total amount of inventions exclusively issued in patent applications published and patents granted in Brazil have presented an increase of 64%. • A massive increase in the amount of Brazilian commercial brands: Between 1990 and 2010, submissions of commercial brands got an increase of almost 200%, and the most significant increase was in class 35: advertising/ business management; class 25: clothing /shoes; class 43: hotels/restaurants; and class 44: medical/cosmetic industry. • Computers, industrial products, automobiles, and pharmaceuticals are thriving in Brazil: From 2001 to 2010, the main technological areas in terms of amount of patent submissions published and patents granted with a Brazilian priority were computers, automotive technology, appliances, and pharmaceuticals. • Steady growth in the production of scientific literature: Brazil has became the 13th major producer of scientific research in the world, and since 2000, it is leader in the production of new researches in Latin America. • Collaboration culture between universities and industries: 27% of every patent in Brazil are owned by universities, a direct outcome from measures taken by the Brazilian government to increase collaboration between universities and industries.

Since 2000, Brazil has become the main Bayer’s target for being a large country. Every company recognizes this is a key-country. In the last 10 years, the company has invested more than R$ 1 billion (US$ 452.90 million) especially after the country has shown an excellent and steady development.” Dr. Horstfried Läpple, CEO of the Bayer Group in Brazil, a German company of the health, agro business, industry and innovative items for 140 years in the country.

“Brazil is member of subsidiaries of Microsoft

who achieved a highlight being among the most growing five among the tem largest companies in the world. By the size of its market, soundness of the banking system and industrial technological base created along the last 20, 30 years, the country has become one of the most attractive for investments.” Michel Levy, Microsoft Brazil’s CEO.

1.2 million formal jobs in 2012 According the General Registry of Employed and Unemployed (Caged) by opening 142,496 job posts in July, it was created 1,232,843 vacancies in the first seven months of 2012. Nowadays, the amount of formal employers in the country is 3.25% higher than the amount recorded in December of 2011. July’s result is 18% higher than the amount of 120,440 employers recorded in June, according to data disclosed by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. In the last 12 months, it was an increase of 1,538,472 employments, corresponding to a 4.09% growth. Whit this, the country has now 39,134,013 persons employed under the CLT (Labor Legislation) laws. Source: Secom – Brazilian Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency of the Republic

“Few economies in the emerging market present the exclusive combination that Brazil does of steady growth and a well-established system of intellectual property”, it was said by David Brown, CEO of the division of Intellectual Property Solutions for Thomson Reuters. “Our analysis shows that Brazil is a country rich in marketing opportunities for the international community. Its steady system of intellectual property and respect by the brand protection make the country a feasible choice for companies searching for global expansion.” With headquarter in New York and 55,000 employees, Thomson Reuters operates in more than 100 countries, and it is the main worldwide source of information on business intelligence and professionals. It combines technical know-how of the industry to an innovative technology in order to offer information of fundamental importance to the main decision makers in financial, legal, tributary, accounting, healthcare, sciences and media markets.

Within two years Brazil is supposed to become the 2nd largest market of executive jets Within two years, Brazil shall be changed into the second highest market of executive jets in the world. The country already has the second larger fleet of general aviation that includes helicopters and turboprop planes, and it is in the third position amongst executive jets. According to Embraer, it is 719 jets. Mexico, which is in the second position has 764 jets, but it is growing in a slower pace than Brazil. In the last three years, the country has added 38 new jets to its fleet. In Brazil, it was delivered 180 jets within the same period, and the country was only behind United States, a market that has absorbed 1,025 new planes, according to a research performed by Embraer with data provided by the consultancy company JetNet. For the next decade, the Brazilian market shall receive 550 new private jet-propelled aircrafts from several brands and models with total revenue of US$ 8 billion (R$ 17.6). For the first time in the country, the Brazilian manufacturer of aircrafts Embraer has exhibited in the 9th Latin American Business Aviation (Labace) the largest trade show of executive jets in Latin America,

its long distance and high luxury executive airplane, the jet Lineage 1000: 36,2 meters long and 28,7 meters wingspan and 8,334 km of autonomy of flight for up to 19 passengers traded at a initial cost of US$ 53 million (R$ 116.7) the most expensive ever produced by that manufacturer from São José dos Campos, a city in the countryside of the state of São Paulo. Lineage 1000 was conceived in 2006 from a platform for the commercial Jet EMB-190, but the first delivery of a jet of that size in commercial scale was only performed in 2009 to HE Aamer Abdul Jalil Al Fahim from Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates. Since then, 13 jets has been sold. Embraer has just started to take a serious look to the sector of executive jets from 2005 on with the success of the Legacy model. Since then, the company has tried to compensate the time lost by using an aggressive launching. The company has today seven lines of executive jets, from the small Phenom to the giant Lineage passing by the intermediary jets Legacy. After expanding the options of traditional jets, it is now making a bet on the top of the market. The Brazilian market is forecasting an extraordinary growth. According to a survey made by the companies JetNet and Embraer, Brazil was the second largest buyer country of executive jets in the last three years. And it is a promising future the company holds 15% of the Brazilian market of executive jets, and it believes that within the next ten years, it will sell between 450 and 600 new executive airplanes in the whole world, a US$ 18 billion (R$ 39.6 billion) business. Embraer has presented for the first time in a trade show in Brazil the luxury Jet which is being used by the Presidency of the Republic.

“As opposed to some companies who only now have discovered Brazil, we have always seen the country

as strategic, where we exert a leadership in the pharmaceutical sector. Recently, we have invested € 500 million (R$ 1,320 billion)* in Medley, and in the next two years, we are going to invest another US$ 100 million (R$ 220.3 million) increasing the production capacity, since the country has a very satisfactory economic, demographic and regulatory condition.” Heraldo Marchezino, General Director for Sanofi-Aventis Brasil, a worldwide pharmaceutical industry 15


Safety and technology in the Brazilian democratic process The Brazilian electoral process is a world reference in terms of agility and disclosing of the polling. The main reason is the implementation of the electronic balloting with a consequent increasing safety against frauds. In order to attain a significant result, it was required years of study, work, and changing, such as updating in the legislation, development of the technology, awareness both of voters and candidates and implementation of new administrative procedures. Thanks to the polling totally computerized, the agility in the disclosing of the results was once again the brand in the Brazilian municipal elections in 2012. It was expected in this election 138,544,348 electors (a 10% higher amount compared to the 2008 elections) in order to elect 5,568 mayors and 57,434 councilmen in every Brazilian city. The polling speed was still the most important feature in the municipal election, and less than 8 hours after the voting has ended, the names of the elected politicians were already known.

In the first shift of the 2010 elections, results of candidates who were in the runoff were disclosed before the midnight after the election has ended. In the turnoff, result has beaten the world record. A few hours after the end of the voting all over the country, the mathematic victory of Dilma Rousseff in the presidency of the republic election was disclosed. In the 2012 elections, more than 7.7 million electors were identified through the biometric system by means of a fingerprint reader used at the voting in the municipal election performed in October. TSE expects that until 2018 every Brazilian elector will be entitled to vote by being identified by the fingerprint electronic system. To get such excellence level, Brazil invests in planning, process engineering, advanced technology and logistics. Furthermore, the ongoing assessment and search for improvement in the electoral system has become a priority, always with much regard to the transparency of information. The secret vote, the creation of the Electoral Court, the re-registering of electors, and the use of electronic balloting since 1996 were the basis for the process to make the Brazilian elections 100% trustable. Source: - Out. 2011

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Made with a steel core and coated by a resistant cover injected in ABS, the Evidence casters are easily cleaned and perfectly sanitized. They provide high resistance, silent movement and easy maneuvers. Their braking system is safe and convenient.

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load capacity up to 80Kg

Rig made with steel plate structure and Polyamide 6 cover that protects against the penetration of dirt and also provides a beautiful design. It offers a soft and quiet rolling, great floor protection, good chemical protection, wear and impact resistance, resulting in an excellent costbenefit ratio. Colors available are: blue, grey, ice and green. Agile - Design, hygiene and safety all combined in one caster!


load capacity up to 150Kg

Manufactured with a steel internal structure with thermoplastic injected parts in order to reduce dust penetration and ease the cleaning without removing caster in service. Fitted with a brake system that locks caster swivelling and rolling simultaneously in the four casters, besides a directional lock for maneuvering in difficult areas.

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The brazilian state


Climate and temperature

razil has a large territory of 8.5 million square kilometers, and it is subject to different altitude, air pressure, air circulation conditions and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. Due to this, there are in the country three types of climate: tropical, equatorial and temperate. About 92% of the Brazilian territory is located between the Ecuador Line and the Tropic of Capricorn, with annual average temperature above 20 °C. The predominant climate in the country is tropical. It is found in the Northeast, Southeast, and Center-West regions, with average temperature above 20°C and a high rainfall rate. The climate fluctuates between humid in the summertime and springtime and dry during the wintertime and fall. The equatorial climate also covers major part of the Brazilian territory, comprising mainly the the Rainforest region. In equatorial areas, temperatures are high (average between 25°C and 27°C), and it rains almost every day. In the wintertime, it may appear a phenomenon known as friagem, which is a sudden fall in the temperature in an often very hot region. The temperate climate predominant in the Southern region is the coldest in the country. Temperatures are around 18 °C, and in the wintertime they may be negative. In the temperate climate, rains are distributed in a regular way along the year. Although not being a common phenomenon in Brazil, it may snow in some mountain regions in the South.

Geographic space and population The Brazilian coast is 7,491 km long and the terrestrial frontier with South American countries is 15,621 Km long: French Guiana, Suriname, Guiana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay. Its political-administrative structure is divided in 26 states and the Federal District added to 5,564 cities. The Federal District, the capital of the country shelters the headquarters of the Brazilian Government along with its three Powers: the Executive, Legislative, and the Judiciary. The division pattern in the country incorporates some natural and socio-economic features. But far from being a stagnant cut, such division is the outcome of the

conceptual evolution and transformation of an ever-changing geographic space. The current definition was made in 1970, after some transformations in the Brazilian space were performed. The regions’ limits are coincident with the frontiers of the states they are part. According to data from the 2010 Census performed by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), Brazil has almost 194 million inhabitants, three million more than in 2010, and the life expectancy of the Brazilian people has increased 25.4 years between 1960 and 2010. The average age has passed from 48 to 73.4 years old. According to forecasts, the life expectancy of the Brazilian population will reach 80 years old until 2040. There is a continuous growth, which is directly associated to the fall in the mortality index.


at short term, implying that only refinaries duly authorized by ANP refineries are be allowed to accomplish the mix of exhaustible to renewable resources to perform the resulting commercialization by means of agreements. The biofuel production can help the economic development of several Brazilian regions, since it allows to explore the best raw-material alternative available in each region. The biofuel consumption can help the country by reducing its dependence of petroleum and contributing to reduce atmospherical pollution, as biofuel does not contain sulphur in its composition, added to the benefit of generating employment alternatives in less benefited areas to other economical activities, and thus promoting the social inclusion. The production of oilseeds in familiar farming makes the biofuel an important alternate to eliminate the poverty in the country. It was anticipated in three years the 5% mix of biofuel to diesel oil in Brazil. The so-called B5 that would be in force only in 2013 has started operating in January of 2010.

Biodiesel Brazil has in its geography big agronomic advantages for being located in a tropical region with high annual rates of luminosity and average temperature. By associating the water availability and the rainfall cycle, it is the country with highest potential to the production of renewable power. There is a large diversity of options to produce biofuel such as the palm and babassu in the Northern region, the soy, the sunflower seed and peanut in the South, Southeast and Center-West regions, and the castor beanthat added of being the option for the Northeastern semi-arid region, it is also an alternate to the other regions in the country. ANP (National Agency of Petroleum) estimates that the current biofuel production in Brazil is about 176 million liters per year. The Biofuel Program is a project from the Brazilian government with the purpose to promote the merging of renewable (vegetal fuel) with exhaustible resources (petroleum) 19


Preserving the Rainforest area The Brazilian Company of Agricultural and Cattle Breeding Research (Embrapa) linked to the Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Supplying actuates in partnership with other institutions from the Federal Government to reduce and control deforestation of the Rainforest area. One way Embrapa actuates in the Rainforest area is by means of several research and development projects which are being accomplished to support the Green Arch Operation, an inter-ministerial action developed in 43 cities of the Amazonas, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, and Roraima states. Embrapa Produtos e Mercado [Embrapa Products and Market] together with Embrapa Amazônia Oriental [Embrapa Eastern Amazon] and Embrapa Agri-savagepastoral, decentralized Embrapa units in partnership with the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra) develop a Project with the purpose to organize the production of native seeds and seedling in the Rainforest area from the selection of areas allocated to tanks up to the certification of the resulting material as a way to achieve the recovery of areas of Legal Reserve and Permanent Preservation in eight cities of the Green Arch Programme. It is being performed actions for an organization in chain, installation of seed collection areas and infrastructure for the seedling production aiming to legalize the tanks and to make the actuation of the seed collectors professionalized. Besides of recomposing the Amazon environment, the purpose of the seed production is to propitiate to familiar farmers an alternative income. In the end, the action is forecasted to benefit 7,094 families by implementing 95 satellite-tanks and 16 seed collection areas (ACS). The organization system to produce native tree seedling proposed in the project is being used as a pattern to be replicated in other projects in several Brazilian biomes

besides of being a strong input to the implementation of the new seed and tree seedling legislation and to the new forestry code.

Sustainable action TerraCycle is an international organization turned to the reutilization and recycling of hard to be recovered products. It creates green products from several kinds of materials hard to be recycled and with no adequate destination. It counts on exclusive partnerships with major companies, and it is one of the creators of green products that grow the most in the whole world. The project actuates both in the Brazilian territory and in the whole world, and it is present in 14 countries mobilizing around 20 million people in the residues collection and recycling. TerraCycle Brigades are national programmes by which hard to be recovered packaging are collected, and the oldest one has already collected 1,262,647,000 units of recycled packages, collecting funds for non-profitable entities or schools. In 2011, TerraCycle collected around one million packages of powder juice in Brazil to construct the largest sculpture made of recycled material in the world, 15.2 meters tall. It was a robot made of pressed plates from packaging which were disassembled and their parts were used to make materials to the park where it was exposed, such as benches, tables, etc.


Brazil in numbers • 1,735 million km of roads • 29,637 Km of railroads • 37 ports and 67 airports • Largest producer of hydroelectric power in Latin America, 86% of renewable sources • Responsible by half of the South America economy • 26th world importer and 24th world exporter • 3rd largest democracy in the world • 8th consumer market in the world • It holds the most modern and advanced banking system in the world • It is the most entrepreneuring country in the world with around 3.5 million micro-companies • Fixed telephones: the country occupies the 5th position in the amount of installed lines • 5th country with higher amount of internet connections (40% of the whole Latin America) • 2nd largest market of mobile telephones (650 thousand new habilitations/month) • 212. 6 million mobile lines is the total of the Brazilian market. As to Smartphone, it is one of the countries with the most increasing amount of sales • Health sector represents 7% of the GDP with a revenue of US$ 187.5 billion per year • Largest producer and exporter of sugar, coffee, Orange juice, and soy • 2nd largest producer and exporter of ore and 8th producer of iron • 2,54 million barrels of oil and natural gas generated per day • 3rd largest market of cosmetic products • 2nd largest area of organic agriculture production in the world • 5th largest market and the 6th worldwide producer of vehicles (14 factories installed and 4 being installed) • 1st country developing the biodiesel, 2nd producer and largest exporter of ethanol • Worldwide leader in the production of eucalyptus pulp production

• World’s largest biological diversity with 11% of the planet’s whole water resource • It shelters the largest forest-based industry in Latin America • One of the largest producers in the world of organic food and products • Largest commercial cattle breeding in the world, above 198 million cattle units for beef industry • 3rd largest producer of fruits in the world • Textile industry is responsible by 4.9% of the Brazilian GDP • World’s 3rd largest producer of shoes • 5th largest rubber industry • 7th chemical industry in the world • 5,000 Brazilian entrepreneurs have above R$ 66 million (US$ 30 million) assets • 6,890 Brazilian companies have attained the ISO-9000 Certificate, the highest amount in developing countries. • 2nd largest market of executive jets and helicopters • São Paulo is the city with highest fleet of helicopters in the world • 50,000 editorial titles published per year


Brazilian Government is investing in infrastructure through a program to accelerate the growth


ontinually being developed, Brazil is a country of continental dimensions that requires a good management in order to generate a higher quality of life for its more than 190 million inhabitants. Due to this, the federal Brazilian government has launched PAC – Growth Acceleration Program to last four years to stimulate the Brazilian economy by funding infrastructure works (ports, roads, airports, sewage systems, power generation, waterways, railroads, etc.). It was applied R$ 619 billion (US$ 304 billion) during the period. To continue with the project, government has launched in 2010 the PAC 2 that foresees R$ 958.9 billion (US$ 472.3 billion) until 2014, added to R$ 631.6 billion (US$ 311.13) after 2014 thus enhancing the total to R$ 1,59 trillion (US$ 783 million). These amounts will be invested in a series of sectors such as transportation, energy, culture, environment, health, social area, and habitation.

PAC My House My Life

PAC Better city This PAC comprises investments to perform sanitation actions, prevention in risky areas, urban mobility, and paving, in order to improve the social and urban infrastructure.

PAC Citizen community Communitarian development in big cities will undergo by an increase in the coverage of social and urban services mainly in the health, education, culture, and safety areas. Such area will receive R$ 23 billion (US$ 11.33 billion) divided in six axles. Investments will be performed at UPAs (Portuguese abbreviation for Emergence Care Units), UBS (Basic Health Units), daycare and pre-school centers, sports facilities, and community police stations. In the health area, UPAs shall receive R$ 2.6 billion (US$ 1.3 billion) forecasted to build 500 units. The plan foresees the construction of other 8,694 UBS by applying R$ 5.5 billion (US$ 2.70) for routine care, healthcare centers comprising dressing, gynecology, children and dental care, and vaccination. President Dilma has anticipated the construction of 6,000 daycare units and preschool centers by applying R$ 7.6 million (US$ 3.74) for such purpose. In the area of public security, PAC 2 comprises the construction of 2,883 community police stations also with an R$ 1.6 billion (US$ 788 million) budget.

In order to assure good quality housing, this axle will be focused on urbanizing settlements, investments in the project My House My Life and a major opening for residential funding. It is forecasted to invest R$ 71.7 billion (US$ 35.32) along the four-year period of the program to construct around 2 million houses. Summed up, initiatives in this area are expected to attain R$ 278.2 billion (US$ 137.04 billion) with R$ 176 billion (US$ 86.70 billion) funded by saving accounts, and R$ 30.5 billion (US$ 15.02 billion) for urbanization of slums and “palafita� house areas. The program subsidizes housing for families with total income of up to 10 minimum wages with progressive funding installments for the population of income ranging from 6 to 10 minimum wages.

PAC Water and Light for All Major priorities in this axle are: general access to electricity, to increase the water supply, and to assure a better use of the hydric resources. From the total amount of R$ 30.6 billion (US$ 15.07) to be invested between 2011 and 2014, the program Light for All will receive R$ 5.5 billion (US$ 2.07) aimed to accomplish 495 thousand electrical connections. More than R$ 13 billion (US$ 6.40) will be applied to supply urban areas, and R$ 12.1 billion (US$ 5.96) are forecasted for hydric resources (agriculture and rivers).

PAC Transportation The expansion of the logistic networking in the country is the aim of this axle, which will improve actions to interconnect the road and railroad networking and to



integrate ports, hydro ways, and airports. It is expected an investment of R$ 109 billion (US$ 53.70). From such amount, R$ 104.5 (US$ 51.47) will be invested between 2011 and 2013 and R$ 4.5 billion (US$ 2.21) in 2014. From such amount, almost half is destined to roads. PAC 2 intends to add 7,919 km to the existing roads, and to perform maintenance along 55 thousand kilometers. New projects are being directed to 12,636 km. Railroads are in the second position with investments of R$ 46 billion (US$ 22.66) forecasted. it is also foreseen the expansion of 4,696 km of the railroad networking, added to R$ 5.1 billion (US$ 2.51) to be invested in 48 undertakings in 21 ports: 12 in deepening drainage, 24 in infrastructure of ports, five in logistics, and seven in passengers’ terminals aiming the 2014 World Soccer Championship. PAC 2 also forecasts R$ 2.7 billion (US$ 1.33) investments in 48 hydro way undertakings from which 34 will be hydro way terminals, seven to provide structure to hydro ways, and seven related to feasibility studies. Airports are forecasted to receive R$ 3 billion (US$ 1.477) destined to 22 undertakings comprising 14 airports – 15 undertakings related to passengers’ terminals; five to strips, yards, and traffic control towers, and two to studies and projects.

PAC Energy The purpose of this axle is to assure a safe electric power supply, to spread the use of renewable power sources and to increase the production of oil and gas in the pre-salt area. Government intends to build ten hydroelectric power plants of the platform type added to 44 conventional hydroelectric facilities funded by resources from PAC 2. Investment forecasted for this field amounts R$ 116 billion (US$ 57.14). There are even R$ 125.7 billion (US$ 61.92) reserved to the area of oil from the pre-salt. It will be applied R$ 64.5 billion (US$ 31.77) in commodities during the period added to R$ 61.2 billion (US$ 30.14) forecasted after 2014. R$ 9.3 billion (US$ 4.58 billion) – divided in R$ 8.2 billion (US$ 4.03 billion) from 2011 to 2014, and R$ 1.1 billion (US$ 541 million) in the post-2014 period –to be applied in natural gas. The purpose is to expand the natural gas transportation infrastructure, to install new pipelines and re-gasification and liquefaction terminals. Thus, priority for the domestic market would be reinforced. PAC’s accountability for the society is provided in the form of four-month financial statements in a report containing an assessment of the Program’s progress and the follow-up of the work which is being monitored in its main aspects. The management of the program has as basis the data’s transparency and disclosing. Source: Valor Online, Agência Brasil, UOL

Since the beginning of the PAC, there is an accrued increase of 52.6% in the formation of capital Public and private investments have become the main responsibles by the economic growth in Brazil, according to the report “Brazilian Economy in Perspective” from the Ministry of the Treasury. The participation in the increasing productive capability of the Gross Domestic Product has raised 2.9 percentage points between 2002 and 2011, with an average annual growth rate of investments attaining 8.66%, between 2004 and 2011. This result grants to the country an outstanding position all over the world. Since 2006, the beginning of PAC, investments have had an accrued growth of 52.6%. In the same period, the family’s consumptions have grown 31.1%. According to the Ministry of the Treasury,


this is consequence of the economical policy focused on increasing investments. Between 2007 and 2011, incentives to investments has attained R$ 31 billion (US$ 15.27) by means of fiscal benefits.

Brazil surpasses the target to reduce childhood mortality 2012 Report of Progress – Commitment to the children’s survival: A promise being renewed by the UN points out that Brazil has already attained the reduction rates targeted in the Development Purposes for the Millennium related to less than five year old children’s mortality. The result confirms that the Public Health policies from the federal government turned to families, pregnant women and children have had effect. In 2011, Brazil was one of the five countries that presented a reduction in the childhood mortality. “To attain the target set by the UN ahead in time is an important achievement to Brazil. Such significant reduction is part of the expansion of the Basic Attention in the country by means of the Health Strategy to the Family and actions which are aimed to improve the complete attention to the children’s health. But we want further advancements. For this, we have the “Stork Network” to reinforce the quality in the prenatal care and also in assisting the delivery.” The National Policy of Breastfeeding has

also been achieved to increase the breastfeeding rate in a significant way, thus effectively contributing for the country to reach the international targets. Brazil has the biggest and most complex Human Milk Bank networking in the world. Added to this, the reduction of poverty accomplished by the Brazilian program of income transfer, Family Grant [Bolsa Família, in Portuguese] is a strong factor to reduce the childhood deaths. In order to be allowed to receive such federal revenue, every mother of children with up to seven years old must present the updated card of vaccines, and if the woman is pregnant, the pre-natal must be followed.


Global presence for the peace


ince 1947, Brazil participates in operations accomplished by the UN to help war-revenged countries to create conditions to get a longlasting peace, and this year, Brazil has sent military observers to the Balkans to co-operate with regional authorities as to the issue of refugees and to monitor the situation at the borders between Greece – in a civil war – and Albania, Bulgaria e a Yugoslavia. In the 50s and 60s, the country has integrated international peace forces under the UN aegis in the Middle East, and the Organization of American States (OAS) in the Caribbean. Between 1957 and 1967, the Suez Battalion participated in the 1st UN Emergence Force with the purpose to avoid conflicts between Egyptian and Israeli forces. Along ten years, Brazil has sent to Suez around 6.3 thousand men exerting the operational command of the mission between January, 1965 and 1966. In the following decades, Brazil was present in several actions in the Americas, Asia, and in Africa. In 1994, a company helped in maintaining the peace in Mozambique. On September, 1995, the Brazilian Army sent to Angola more than one thousand men (a battalion, an engineering company, and an advanced medic post). Recently, Brazilian officers have been actuating as observers in Africa, Central America, Europe, and Asia, cooperating to find a peaceful solution to the border conflict between Ecuador and Peru. The participation in peace missions has brought prestige to the country’s foreign policy, increasing the national recognition in the worldwide scenery. In several situations, the coordination and command of operations were managed by Brazilians, same as it happened with missions in East Timor (1999 to 2006) and Haiti (2004). In the first, officers and electoral observers were sent to follow up the referendum on the independence organized by the UN in 1999. With the crisis caused by the attack of militia protected by Indonesia which was opposed to the independence, it was created an international force that counted with the participation of Brazilians, and by installing the Temporary Administration for East Timor headed by Sérgio Vieira de Mello. In 2004, Brazil assumed the leadership of the international military force in Haiti in the range of the UN Mission for the Peacekeeping of Haiti (Minustah) before the pool of countries into the context of vacancy of power caused by the absence of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. During the earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010 and that resulted in the death of 220 thousand people, Minustah has played a fundamental role in the local reconstruction


process still in course. After the natural disaster, Brazil has increased its participation in the Mission sending about two thousand men, and supported – alongside Canada, the European Union, United States, France, and Spain – the accomplishment of the 2011 electoral process when Michel Martelly was elected President of the country. Added to this, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has inaugurated an official headquarter for technical activities in the Haiti Project, a cooperation set between the Brazilian, Cuban, and Haiti governments to strengthen the Haitian health system. The place is called “Health Space Zilda Arns” paying homage to the Brazilian pediatrician and doctor in public health who died in 2010 during the disaster. The Minister of Health, Alexandre Padilha remembers that Zilda Arns played an important role in the range of health for children inside and outside the country. “The inauguration of that healthcare space is a homage and recognition of the importance of activities developed by Zilda Arns in the health area in Haiti”. The agreement which was signed back in 2010 strengthens the Haitian health authority and restructures the health care and epidemiological surveillance system in the Caribbean country. The assistance Brazil provided uses extra resources from the Ministry of Health duly approved by the National Congress in 2010 for special assistant operations abroad and humanitarian assistance to Haiti in initiatives turned to the health area. Included in the project, it was already refurbished and reconstructed two labs specialized in epidemiological surveillance, and it will be built three reference hospitals as well – which will operate in an articulated way with the network of Primary Attention in the country and a center of healthcare to disabled persons. Sources: UB, Army, and Hospitalar

Besides of fighting for the peace, the participation in international organizations is one of the fronts in the foreign Brazilian politics. As a country member of the UN, Brazil integrates every specialized agency, programs, and funds developing actions in specific areas set by its representatives. Some of them are: United Nations Organization for Education, Culture and Sciences (UNESCO), International Organization of Work (IOW), UN Conjunct Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and UN Children’s Fund (Unicef). In the economic-financial area, Brazil is member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank both of them connected to the UN System. In several UN agencies, there are Brazilians occupying key positions in the hierarchy. Ambassador Sergio Duarte was the Brazilian man in the top position in the UN Offices, Representative for Disarmament Matters Affairs until mid 2012. The former Ministry José Graziano, responsible by the Fome Zero [Zero Hunger] program of the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is director of the UN Organization for Agriculture and Food (FAO) for the 2012-2015 period. He is the first Latin American man occupying the position. The Bachelor in Biological Sciences and former national Secretary of Biodiversity and Forests of the Ministry of Environment in Brazil, Bráulio Dias was selected on January, 2012 to take the position of Executive Secretary of the Agreement on Biological Diversity (CBD). Approved in 1992, the Agreement foresees the implementation of a series of actions aiming to reduce the destruction of natural habitats and to restore and preserve degraded areas, among other activitiess. Besides the UN, Brazil participates in other international organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS) and Organization of the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty (OTCA). OAS gathers 35 states from the American continent. The organization actuates in four fronts: in the strengthening of the democracy, human rights, security, and development. OTCA is an international organization in charge by coordinating actions related to the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty involving the promotion of sustainable development in the region. Sources: UN in Brazil and OAS 31


Women’s power


n a recent newsletter, Moira Forbes, CEO of the magazine Forbes Woman has said that “powerful women exert their influence in very distinct ways and with quite different purposes and most diversified impacts on the global community”. Women occupy approximately 24% of head positions in the world, according to data provided by the consultant company The Grant Thornton International Business Report based on information from private companies in 36 countries. But Latin America is the highlight on the regional ranking of that same survey with 28% of women occupying head positions. Specifically in Brazil, 21.43% of head positions are occupied by women. Therefore, the Forbes’ CEO of Forbes was absolutely right when she ended her newsletter with the following statement: “Whether heading multimillionaire companies or ruling countries, defining the cultural pattern of our lives or as head of humanitarian initiatives, these women are collectively changing our planet “. And in Brazil this is not different.

Dilma Rousseff remains the third most powerful woman in the world

Dilma Rousseff

For the second time in a row, the American magazine Forbes has ranked President Dilma Rousseff as the third most powerful woman in the world, and the magazine has used her image on the cover page of that edition. Economist and politician, during the government of the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva she headed the Ministry of Mines and Power, and later, the Chief of Staff position for the Presidency of the Republic. Dilma has become the first woman to be elected to the position of head of state and of the government in the Brazilian history. The magazine Forbes has pointed out that the President of the 6th economy in the world remains “an ambitious woman in the half of her mandate, disclosing two aggressive programs “. The first is “Brazil without Misery”, destined to eradicate poverty and to increase the access to education, healthcare, and public services; the second one is an initiative turned to the entrepreneurial growth and innovation. “I want to leave as legacy, a country with a

larger medium class, more competitive and with a higher level of education”, Dilma has said to Forbes. The text of the magazine that describes the trajectory of the personality, it mentions that the last decades in Brazil were “amazing” because the country was succeful in restraining inflation, in performing privatizations and in promoting the growth in its Gross Domestic Product, also asserting that it is being done a main bet is in the entrepreneurism. According to the magazine, “Brazil has become one of the more entrepreneuring countries in the world having one out of four adults employed in some way”, and the rate of 5.8% unemployment is considered “envious”. In 2009, Dilma was included among the 100 more influent Brazilians of the year by the Brazilian magazine Época, and in November of the following year, the own Forbes magazine has ranked her as the 16th most powerful person in the world. In 2011, she was mentioned on the list of 100 more influent personalities in the world by the Time magazine, as the third most powerful woman in the planet. She has also received the Woodrow Wilson Award, dedicated to heads of state committed to improve the quality of life both in the country and around the world. Dilma was also the first woman to open a General UN Meeting in 2011 in New York.

The challenge of managing the giant company Petrobras Graduated in Chemical Engineering by the Federal

Maria das Graças Silva 33


University Fluminense with mastership in Nuclear Engineering and MBA in Economy, Maria das Graças Silva Foster is the first woman occupying the position of CEO for Petrobras, the largest Brazilian company and the fifth largest oil company in the world, with net revenue of R$ 213 billion (US$ 105 billion) in 2010. With a humble background, in just six months after she assumed the position, Graça Foster has achieved the title of being the third most powerful woman in the business world around the globe, according to the ranking of the Forbes magazine, only behind Indra Nooyi, Pepsico’s CEO, and Irene Rosenfeld of Kraft Foods. In 2012, she was elected by the magazines Time and Fortune one of the most powerful women in the business world. Graça Foster occupies the first position in the global ranking of executives actuating outside the United States. The importance of the oil and gas sector for the global economy is one of the factors that have influenced the choice of her name by the magazine that describes Graça as a professional who has always remained close to the Petrobras’ oil and gas unit as well as the government along her whole carrier. Until February, 2012, when she assumed the Presidency of the company where she has already been working for 32 years, she was Director of Gas and Power, CEO for Petrobras Distribuidora, CEO for Petroquisa, and Executive Manager for Petroquímica e Fertilizantes, besides of exerting the position of Secretary of Oil and Gas for the Ministry of Mines and Power along the 2003 to 2006 period. As CEO for Petrobras, she will face the challenge to put in action the biggest investment plan in the world by which until 2015 the state company will spend R$ 456.1 billion (US$ 224.7 billion) to explore new wells to extract oil from deep-waters and from the pre-salt layer, as well as to capture gas and to produce ethanol and fertilizers.

Luiza Helena Trajano Inácio Rodrigues

Success in managing people The entrepreneur Luiza Helena Trajano Inácio Rodrigues is a nice example of entrepreneurism as head of a large retail store networking named Magazine Luiza and other companies integrated to her holding. She was succeful in changing the stores initially located in Franca, a city in the countryside of the state of São Paulo into a sufficiently strong network able to compete with giants in the same sector. Since Luiza Helena was young, she has already shown important skills while she occupied several positions before she became superintendent director of the company. Within few years, she has expanded the network in a fast and consolidated way. Even in critical moments of economical crisis, she has increased the amount of employees and multiplied the units. She is the kind of person who prefers interpersonal relationship both with her clients, co-workers and suppliers, and one of her accomplishments was to make available easy and fast credit at low interest rates and lower installments, a system especially driven to lowincome clients. Presently, it is considered a model of success all over the country, and Magazine Luiza is mentioned as an example of humanitarian management. Luiza Helena has already received several homage and rewards besides of being elected one of the main Brazilian executives by the newspaper Valor Econômico and the consultant company Egon Zehnder. She has also performed lecturers in several events, where she tells,

among other subjects, her experience as entrepreneur and her management based on the valorization of the human being.

The executive nun who manages millions in the Health area Rosane Ghedin was Born in Boa Vista, in the countryside of the state of Paraná. Granddaughter of Italians, she grew among seven brothers, and she was the only child in the family who has choosen the religious life. She went to a convent when she was 15 years old, despite of her parents’ reluctance. An example of success in managing public resources, she has been running for five years the Congregation of Sisters of Santa Marcelina managing almost R$ 700 million (US$ 344.8) between revenue for hospitals, contracts and projects in the Health and Culture areas. Religious of the Congregation Sisters of Santa Marcelina, she is graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics specialized in Hospital

Rosane Ghedin

Administration by the College Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo. Currently, she is Director-President of the Health Complex Santa Marcelina and Santa Marcelina Culture. She develops several works of social inclusion in the community with special highlight to the House of the Mission Anawim to the

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recovery of young people fighting against drug addiction and behavioral attitudes. Rosane has been already honored by the Health Ministry, the State Secretary of Health, the Municipal Secretary of Health, the São Paulo state government, the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Regional Council of Administration in the State of São Paulo (CRA-SP), and by the São Paulo City Council, among other public and private agencies due to her distinguished actuation before organizations she manages, and mostly due to the relevant social role that the works she manages exert upon the society. She also actuates as voluntary for the mission of her Congregation in inclusion and social projects focused on rehabilitation of chemical addicted persons and in the accomplishment of works turned to the guidance and familiar integration of young people, having as purpose employment and citizenship by cultivating values such as growth and respect for others.

Social transformation as purpose in life

When one looks for a personality who dedicated his life for others’ welfare, the name that comes to the mind is doctor Zilda Arns Neumann, specialized in Public Health, Pediatrics, and Sanitation, always aimed to save the lives of poor children from child mortality, malnutrition and violence into the communitarian familiar environment, developing her own methodology to multiply knowledge and solidarity among poorest families. She coordinated the vaccination campaign against child paralysis in the country, and she helped to fight against the first poliomyelitis epidemic in Brazil having created a method which was later adopted by the Ministry of Health. Zilda Arns was also invited to manage the Motherhood-Child Department of the São Paulo State Secretary of Health where she instituted successful programmes of family planning, gynecological cancer prevention, school health, and breastfeeding. She also created the Pastoral of the Child, whose work has been allowed to follow up almost one million of poor families in 4,060 Brazilian cities. She also founded the Pastoral of Elder People that provides services for more than 100,000 of elder persons. On January 12, 2010, she was in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in a humanitarian mission introducing the Pastoral of the Child when the country was hit by a violent earthquake and she was a fatal victim in the catastrophe. Zilda Arns received several special mentions and titles of Honorary Citizen in Brazil. Likewise, Pastoral of the Child was granted several rewards for the work which is being developed since its foundation. In 2012, in an international selection, Arns was elected the 17th greatest Brazilian woman of all times.

Working for the sake of a human pattern of attendance

Zilda Arns

Ahead of the State Secretary of Rights to the Disabled Persons since 2008, Linamara Rizzo Battistella articulates actions that result in public policies for the sake of the social inclusion. Director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Institute of Hospital das Clínicas from the USP College of Medicine for more than 20 years, she is a physiatrist doctor and professor of the College of Medicine from the São Paulo University (USP). Linamara has always associated sciences to solidarity, and she has been working for the construction of a humanized and equal pattern of attendance.

Linamara Rizzo Battistella

She worked at Hospital das ClĂ­nicas of the College of Medicine from the SĂŁo Paulo University, where she was the head of the Rehabilitation Service, implementing the medical residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation by modeling the National Committee of Medical Residency at the College of Medicine from USP, which has been considered for a long time the first official program of the Ministry of Education. In 1976, she started the complete rehabilitation assistance which has become national standard to hemophilic patients. From that period on, she also developed and installed the systematic attendance for musculoskeletal disorders caused by hemophilia. At last, the pioneering Brazilian experience has been reproduced in the whole Latin American continent, in Europe. The doctor was also founder of the State Council for Subjects related to Bearers of Disabilities, where she has implemented assistance measures in the range of the Unique Health System. She has actively participated in committees and work groups from the Ministry of Health in issues related to the health and rehabilitation of disabled persons.



One of the most industrialized countries in the world


or a long time, Brazil occupied some highlight only in the primary sectors of the agriculture, cattle breeding and extractive activities, but nowadays, it is getting more and more recognition in several areas, mainly after its good performance before the economical crisis, thus becoming one of the most industrialized countries in the world. The intensification of the Brazilian industry is providing the country with a huge and diversified industrial park that produces from consumption assets to the ultimate technology. In 2011, the industrial production closed with a 0.3% increase, according to a survey disclosed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Among the 27 sectors which were researched in the annual accrual, 15 had an increase in the production indicator. Among the sectors, the more significant positive impacts came from automotive vehicles (2.4%) and other transportation equipments (8.0%) followed by extractive industries (2.1%), among others. As to products, the major highlights came from trucks, tractor-truck, vehicles to transport goods and chassis with motor for bus and trucks; airplanes, motorcycles and ore. For 2012, it is forecasted a 2% growth in the Brazilian economy, and for 2013, the forecasts are of 4.25%. Even with positive results, government is making its part in order to stimulate the economy, as for instance cutting taxes and interests from cars and reducing the rate of the Tax Over Financial Operations for Investments, and by increasing the amount of installments to buy vehicles besides of disclosing lower interest rates for companies. Government has also disclosed a reduction from 2.5% to 1.5% in the Tax over Financial Operations on the credit for natural persons. This has made the rate to fall back to where it was in the beginning of 2011, consequently providing lower interest rates to consumers and by reducing the Tax over Industrialized Products to products of the white line such as ovens, refrigerators and washing machines, the retailing sales has been increasing. Nonetheless, the rate reduction was not the main factor responsible by controlling the economic crisis in Brazil, but instead, the economic policies of restraining expenditures to generate exchanging value as well as controlling over financial institutions, which were adopted by the federal government in the last decade. Some reflections resulting from such measures, such as maintenance of employment rates added to the psychological factor of stimulating the consumption were more important than the fiscal incentive which was generated. The balance

Brazilian Agency of Industrial Development With the mission to develop strategic actions to the Brazilian industrial policy, ABDI is an entity to promote the productive investment, employment, innovation and industrial competitiveness in the country. It actuates by contributing in a decisive way to consolidate Brazil as one of the most powerful economies in the 21st Century. Connected to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, it is the link between the public and private sectors. ABDI plays a key-role in the Brasil Maior Plan, being a reference in the public-private articulation to promote the employment, innovation and transformation into the Brazilian industry and for this, it counts with a highly qualified technical team. in the economy has been shown basic to preserve the industrial sector in Brazil. The substantial increase in the consumption of industrialized goods mainly those of the “white goods” (term used to comprise some household appliances) and from the automotive industry was fundamental to preserve the market from a probable deflation on such goods. One of the sectors with major highlight in Brazil is the automotive, which is far from facing a crisis. The average expectation for the sector in 2012 is to have an increase from 4.5% to 5% related to the 2011’s volume, which is expected to attain 3.69 million units sold. Such amount includes automobiles, light commercial vehicles, trucks, and buses. Another significant sector is the metallurgy. After decades under the domain of state owned companies all around the world, the privatization process occurred in the two last decades along with the commercial opening in several economies has created a friendlyenvironment towards a highest competition in the sector. Companies started to favor a management driven to attain productivity and profit as a result of an operation, thus initiating a consolidation process and formation of great groups. The increase in the demand and in the price

of the iron and inputs caused by the participation of China into the world market has changed the dynamics in the competition and has imposed more agility to companies in formulating and performing their strategies. For Brazil, there is perspective of a significant change in the sector for the next few years when it is considered the new investments from companies that promise to duplicate their productive capacity until the end of 2012. Added to this, the country also counts on 2,640 companies installed in 384 incubators that besides of generating 16,394 job posts have an intense scientific and technological knowledge. The main focus of such initiatives is to develop new products and methods (see graphic), but also focused on social inclusion and in solving the bottlenecks in the productive chains of the Local Productive Arrangements. The Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation and its agencies has destined R$ 53.5 million (US$ 24.9 million) between 2003 and 2011 comprising 341 projects coming from such incubated companies. “This initiative is within the target to change the country in a scientific, technological and innovative potency”, it was said by the Secretary of Technological Development and Innovation of the MCTI, Álvaro Prata. The incubated companies are after from the services and industrial sectors. In their major part, they are innovating at national range, and round one-third actuate only in their own region. According to the study, a lower group is innovative in relation to the worldwide state-of-the-art. “They generate essential Technologies to priority entrepreneurial sectors in the country and they promote social and regional development”, it was assessed by the Secretary. The incubators’ profiling is mainly technological: 67% address their production towards such purpose. According to the research, the annual invoicing of the incubated companies is around R$ 533 million (US$ 241.9). The 2,509 graded companies (those which already walk for their own account) are generating currently 29,205 job posts with an invoicing of R$ 4.1 billion (US$ 1.86) per year. Source: Secom – Brazilian Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency of the Republic



Evolution of exportation of Brazilian equipments for the health area


survey performed by the Brazilian Association of the Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Industry of Articles and Equipments (ABIMO) based on data from the Secretary of Foreign Trade discloses that exportations in the sector have grown 13% in 2011, while exportations have grown 11%. The medical-hospital equipments sector has presented the highest exportation growth when compared to last years’ figures. There was an increase of 51%, while the general index of the Brazilian industry has evolved 13%. According to the Vice-President of the entity, Paulo Fraccaro, companies have invested in research, development and innovation along the years searching for space into the competitive international market disputed by 27 thousand industries around the world. A proof of such investment is the meaningful increase in the Brazilian exportations of health equipments: it was 260% since 2002, when companies were exporting less than U$ 200 million (R$ 440.6 million). In 2011 it was attained US$ 707 million (R$ 1,557.5 billion) in exportations, and it is present in 180 countries from five continents. “The US$ 1 billion (R$ 2,203 billion) target in exportations of health articles was anticipated from 2015 to 2014 due to the growth above expectation”, he has added. Fraccaro mentions that in a recent study performed by the World Health Organization, Brazil is recognized as the second emerging country as to the revenue of medical devices, only behind China. “In the last three years, the sales revenue of our industry has increased 35%. The trend is to attain from a 10% to 15% increase per year, much more than the Brazilian GDP (2.7% in 2011)”, he has informed. According to him, the Brazilian image as supplier of health equipments has been changing along the years. In 2010, in a partnership with the Brazilian Agency to Promote Exportations and Investments (Apex-Brasil), ABIMO has performed a branding work to identify how the industry is internationally seen and to create a new positioning and a logotype to represent the sector. Consequently, it has appeared the brand Brazilian Health Devices with the intent to represent Brazilian companies by offering an accessible technology based on a diversified and reliable industry with commercial flexibility in every step of the relationship. “In two years (2009 to 2011), exportations in the sector have grown 30%, and exportations of companies from the Brazilian Health Devices project have grown 53%. Today, exportations of companies participating in the project represent ¼ of the general exportations in the sector”,

according to information provided by Paula Portugal, International Manager for the Brazilian Health Devices project. Fraccaro adds that in little time after using the brand, it was already possible to identify an improvement in the image of Brazil as a supplier of health products. “An image survey made during the 2012 Arab Health Fair has shown that the amount of interviewed persons that started considering Brazil a global player of the sector has increased along with the amount of interviewed persons who appreciate very much the image of the Brazilian industry”. The amount of interviewed persons who consider “good” the quality of the Brazilian products and the requirements of services to clients and innovative technology had a 70% growth representing an excellent rate. “The amount of deals closed and the expectation for the next 12 months after the 2012 trade show was also higher when compared to the participation in the 2011 event”, Fraccaro has added.

Sectors The sector of medical, hospital and dental equipments represent 35% of the health industry complex generating more than one hundred thousand job posts. Specifically in the Dental sector, Brazil has a major highlight with about 20% of the total professionals in the area as related to the whole world, being a reference in dental techniques. Consequently, the Brazilian

industry in the sector is quite advanced, with a highest amount of exportations. In the area of orthopedic, cardiac, and esthetic surgeries, Brazil is also outstanding with professionals in the area, with world-renowned Brazilian physicians. This is another factor with a positive influence in the quality of the Brazilian industry. In the ranking of largest buyers of the Brazilian equipments and materials used in the dental, medical-hospital and laboratory fields, United States is keeping the lead. Almost ¼ of all the Brazilian exportations in 2011 were addressed to that country, and 1/3 of imported products were from the United States. In 2011, countries that bought the major amount of medical-hospital equipments from the Brazilian industry were: the Netherlands, United States, Argentina, Venezuela and Mexico. Other data show that the market share in countries as the United States, Germany and other nations from the European Community has been decreasing since 2006, being replaced by the emerging markets such as South Korea, Brazil, and Mexico.

Further projects Besides the Brazilian Health Devices, the partnership ABIMO/Apex-Brasil has developed a supportive exportation project of medical-hospital and dental products in an approximate amount of R$ 11 million (US$ 5 million) to invest in several commercial promotion actions and market intelligence including commercial missions, international trade shows, programmes of incentive to attain international accreditation, internationalization of companies, and allocation of staff abroad added to a wide portfolio of products and services with competitive intelligence seeking to help companies to conquer the international market and to increase

Interviewed persons who have already bought Brazilian medical products assess them as:

In the sector of silicone transplants, Silimed is the first and largest manufacturer in Latin America



Brazilian exportations in the sector. One of the highlights is the Programme of Incentive to Accreditation. It has the purpose to help the Brazilian health industry to achieve the FDA– Food and Drug Administration’s Accreditation. By bearing the seal granted by the American regulating agency, Brazilian products will get further competitiveness in international markets. “Besides these projects, companies are also investing more and more with the purpose to become international. Seventy percent of health items industry in Brazil make many investments in research and development, which is a basic factor to attain competitiveness in the worldwide scenery”, Fraccaro has added.

Brazilian exportations in million US$

Our industrial strength Brazil plays a strategic role in the global economic and geopolitical arena. Presently, it presents a balanced mix of steady economic growth and environmental sustainable that combined with effective programs of wealth distribution creates an excellent environment for business to grow. Among several sectors, the health products industry is one of the most vital and dynamic for the economy. The worldwide sales invoicing was estimated in U$ 289 billion (R$ 636.6 billion) in 2009, and it is forecasted to attain U$ 487 billion (R$ 1,072.8 trillion) in 2016, resulting in an annual growth of 7%. In the country, more than 56% of all companies that compose the health sector are working hard to reach other

Fanem, a Brazilian multinational company which is pioneer in manufacturing medical and laboratory equipments

markets besides the Brazilian. One of them is Fanem, a Brazilian multinational company which is pioneer in manufacturing medical and laboratory equipments, and whose exportations have grown 18% in the first half of 2012 compared to the same period of last year. According to Dr. Karin Schmidt, Administrative Director, this was the second more expressive semester in the history of Fanem that invests about 35% of its production into the foreign market. Its products are traded in more than 90 Latin American, Middle East, Asian, and European countries. India, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Algeria, Thailand, Peru, and Colombia are among the countries that purchase equipments of the brand. “Fanem is considered today the Brazilian company with the highest level of representativeness in the worldwide industry of medical equipments, especially in the area of neonatology, with major expression in the global market of incubators. We have a quite aggressive actuation into markets we select and in which we invest for a long time. As differential for a good exportation performance, we have an excellent cost-benefit relationship of our line of products and the improvement of the Brazilian exchange rate conditions”, Dr. Karin points out. Still within such internationalization strategy, the company has started in the first half of 2012 the production of the first equipments in a factory located in Bangalore, India. That unit is focused on the Indian market, which has responded by 7% of the whole Fanem’s exportations in 2011, besides of supplying products to other regions in Asia and Middle East. Baumer is dedicated to the production and trading of


medical-hospital equipments and products in the areas of orthopedic and biomaterials, among others, and it decided to become a major international player in the sectors it actuates. For this, it has the technology, management skills and competitiveness. “After surpassing the phase of being merely a exporter, the company today is opening new offices in other countries such as India and Jordan. This way, exportations constitute an important part of our strategy to grow, since we face international competitiveness and improve the quality of our products in order to adjust them to the demands from different markets, Walter José Lafratta, Manager for the International Area points out. The company exports to Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Paraguay, Turkey, Jordan, Ecuador, Angola, and India 20% of its business. Among Baumer’s differentials, Lafratta mentions its modern manufacturing plant, an effective cost control, quality control of its products, innovation of products and processes and technological updating. Another outstanding company is Ortosintese, specialized in the production of orthopedic implants and in the development of hospital equipments turned to surgical and disinfection centers. Its exportations represent 40% of its invoicing, having as main destinations Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Iran, Russia, Egypt, and South Africa. According to Enrique Ponce López, Exportation Manager, exportations are fundamental, because they allow the company to be present in different markets and to be aware and get new experiences and to follow trends and technologies. Ortosintese has two manufacturing units: one for hospital equipments and another for the line of implants and orthopedic instruments with an updated technological park. Leader in graphic plates and films both in Brazil and Latin American, IBF – Brazilian Industry of Films, but its turn, is among the four higher producers of offset plates in

Ortosintese has an updated technological park

the world. For the company, to export medical products has acquired a major importance for its activities, thus helping it to be present in more than 70 countries such Germany, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, USA, and Saudi Arabia. From the total exported, products of the medical area represent 8%. “We keep a commercial and technical team at disposal for our clients. The commercial team makes constant travels opening new business”, it points out Pedro Ivo Turelli, Export Manager. In the sector of silicone transplants, Silimed is the first and largest manufacturer in Latin America, already occupying the third position in the worldwide ranking of the sector. Its line of products for aesthetic and repairing purposes is one of the largest and diversified in the market, presenting a serial number in each manufactured piece, thus assuring 100% safety in tracking the product since its manufacturing process. “As Brazil is the hub of plastic surgery in the world, this allowed Silimed to expand itself and to become consolidated. Currently, within the globalization reality we are experiencing, the worldwide presence is very important for us, even for Brazilian physicians to realize that our quality has won every barrier. From the economical point of view, to export for several countries is important to stabilize the balance of financial crisis that oscillate between markets”, it exposes Margaret Figueiredo, Partner Director. Presently, 65% of its production is destined to other countries. The main markets are Latin America, Europe, Australia, and USA. In 2012, silicone-gel breast implants have got the FDA approval to be traded in the USA. “Silimed is the only non-American company authorized to sell silicone-gel breast prosthesis in the USA”, Margaret points out. These are just a few examples in the quality of the Brazilian health industry that is opening its doors more and more to the external market, offering the best of it.


World reference in .


razil has about 240,000 dental

surgeons in activity and more than 33,500 organizations providers of dental care all over the Brazilian territory. Added to this, Brazil was the first country in the world recognizing the Dentistry sector focused on patients with special needs such as neuromotor conditions, learning disabilities, chronic systemic diseases and even psycho-social difficulties or emotional syndromes.

For ten years, this is the most outstanding sector among others integrating the Brazilian Health industry as the unique with a surplus in its trading balance. According to ABIMO – Brazilian Association of the Industry of Articles and Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Equipments, there was 10% growth per year within such period, except in 2009. In 2011, the dental sector exported R$ 176.60 million (US$ 87 million) and imported US$ 80 million (R$ 162.40), resulting in approximately US$ 7 million (RS$ 14.21 million) of positive balance. “Today, the Brazilian dental sector is considered reference. Brazil is a big market to the world, but we still have potential to grow, and the perspective is to continue in a fast pace. Importations have had a major evolution; however, exportations are keeping up the pace, and due to this, we succeeded in maintaining a positive trade balance”, says Paula Portugal, International Manager for the ABIMO’s Brazilian Health Devices project. According to the entity, the Brazilian companies from the dental sector it represents has invested R$ 41 million (US$ 18 million) in innovations along 2010. Currently, Brazil has 101 manufacturers of dental items and equipments. More than 56% of companies from that sector are working hard to conquer other markets apart from the Brazilian’s. One of the major representatives is Gnatus Equipamentos Médico-Odontológicos from Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, whose production is 45% addressed to the external market. “Foreign trade is an important pillar for us supported by a versatile mix of products that assure us to be able to supply to markets whether focused on more economic or sophisticated products” Lucia Carolina Bernardi Franzini, Manager of Foreign Trade points out. Currently, the company is present in more than 135 countries mainly in Latin America added to a quite significant actuation in Asia, Europe and Africa in countries such as India, Indonesia, Russia and Turkey. “Our philosophy is to work along with our distributors, since they are our right arm in each country. To get each market’s specificities as well as their strong and weak

countries”, Biagi explains. He has also pointed out that the company gives priority to an intense relationship with Dabi’s international business partners by having a local distributor. Added to this, the company is duly accredited.

Innovating in implants

Gnatus is present in more than 135 countries

points and which opportunities must be explored are decisive factors that drive the development of specific strategies for each location, all of this, of course, supported by a good product with an excellent technical background”, Lucia exposes. Another company which is in an outstanding position in Brazil and all over the world is Dabi Atlante, also with factory in Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo. After 66 years of activity in the dental sector, it production is being exported since the 60’s. “Our products are internationally competitive, and when the local market has presented a critical or restrictive scenario, exportations acted as an important way out to overcome difficulties mainly under a not so favorable exchange rate”, it was informed by Caetano Biagi, Superintendent Director. Nowadays, Dabi Atlante’s exportations represent around 10% of its sales, but there were times when they attained 20% to 25% of the company’s invoicing. “The main company’s foreign market is Latin America, where Dabi’s equipments have established a solid reputation in the last decades, and where it keeps steady relationships with local business partners. Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Venezuela, Cuba, and Mexico are some important partners. More recently, with investments in the area of imaging diagnosis, we have also sold the Eagle, the only panoramic digital device manufactured in the Southern Hemisphere to United States and Europe. Currently, exportations are occurring very regularly to about 30

In the area of dental implants, one of the major companies in the sector is Implacil De Bortoli, which operates into the market for 30, and it is pioneer in launching national osseointegrated implants. The company has just disclosed the 92.7 level of osseointegration or BIC (Bone Implant Connection) in a titanium prosthesis implant. Such index must change the dental implant reality both in Brazil and all around the world, as this accomplishment puts Brazil’s researches ahead all over the world in the area by being mentioned on the pages of the most regarded scientific magazine in the world aimed to Dental matters in Europe, Quintessence International. Before the Brazilian discovery, only an implant from Sweden and another one from Switzerland have attained the 80% BIC after more than 50 years of research, what was already a high index when compared to the usual 50% rate previously recorded. The publication mentions the conclusions of an analysis performed in Italy performed by one of the most famous worldwide experts in the area of Oral Implantology, Dr. Adriano Piattelli, Professor of Oral Pathology for the Faculty of Dentistry of the ChietiPescara University in Italy. The professional has studies performed along with the main implant manufacturers in the planet besides of being the researcher with the highest amount of publications around the world. “To attain 92.7% of osseointegration is a quite relevant data. We have worked with the main brands in the world, and the index which was reached in this analysis is one of the most expressive attained so far. This result reinforces the potential and quality of the Brazilian implantology, the first in the world both in quantity and in results”, Dr. Jamil Shibli, Professor of the Post-Graduation Program in Dentistry from the Guarulhos University, the only Brazilian author in the analysis has explained. According to the FDI, Brazil is in the second position on the ranking of production and placement of dental implants only behind USA. The country performs 2.4 million implants per year.

Resources and improvements As part of the Ministry’s assistant work, the Minister of Health, Alexandre Padilha has signed recently a 49


ministerial order readjusting the transfer of resources to install and provide funds for the Center of Dental Specialties (CEO). With such readjustment, resources will amount R$ 132 million (US$ 59.9 million) per year with the purpose to fund the adaptation of the facilities and to provide maintenance and purchasing of the materials necessary for the center to operate. “The increase in the resources to fund the CEOs assures to the Brazilian people the right to have an appropriate dentition and access to oral treatments”, it has asserted Padilha by the time the order was signed. According to the General Coordination of Oral Health, the CEOs will be able to take part in the Networking of Cares for Disabled People which was created inside the Plan “Viver Sem Limite” [Living with no Limits] from the federal government. The units which will take part in the networking will receive 25% more funding as incentive for actuating as reference in the dental treatment for persons with disabilities and patients with special needs. Around 420 centers are being incorporated to such national network until the end of 2013. Currently, there are 890 CEOs in the country.

Trade Shows With the purpose to disclose to the world the quality and reliability in the technology of the Brazilian dental industry, ABIMO, in a partnership with Apex-Brasil, invests in the participation in the main national and international trade shows in the sector, such as: CIOSP (São Paulo), AEEDC (Dubai/ EAU), CDS (Chicago/EUA), and IDS (Colonia/ Germany).

CIOSP (São Paulo International Dental Congress), promoted by the São Paulo Association of SurgeonDentists is the major Dental event in Latin America. In 2012, it received more than 80 thousand persons with a scientific agenda of excellence level, and it brought significant novelties and famous lecturers, main advancements who have shown main advancements in dental research, technology and sciences. New Technologies in adhesive materials, minimum invasive techniques to remove damaged tissues and the use of sealants we some of the subjects approached in the event, as well as the trend to replace old and stained dental restorations by imperceptible restorations with similar color and shape of the person’s teeth. Porcelain restorations were considered the material that propitiates Best esthetics, high resistance, color stability and durability. It was also approached themes such as stem cells which are being used in the tooth regeneration, soft bones and tissues, drawing more and more the scientific community’s attention. Techniques that 15 or 20 years ago seemed to be visionary are now becoming applicable. In the last edition of the Chicago Dental Show, it was assessed that there was a major participation of the Brazilian industry, with 240% growth in the amount of contacts and 30% in the amount of business deals when compared to the last edition. “Today, USA represents the main market to the Dental sector around the world, besides of being the second major destination for the Brazilian exportations. Our presence in the event strengthens the image of the Brazilian dental industry in the competitive North-American market”, it was said by Tarso Evangelista, ABIMOS’ Intelligence Coordinator.

Dabi’s equipments have established a solid reputation in the last decades in Latin America


Brazil is leader in Latin America in the amount of clinical trials

Innovation and economical development walk together. Similar to other emerging countries such as China and South Korea, Brazil has been showing an accelerated economic growth. Nevertheless, development in the field of clinical research may be the most outstanding fact in these countries. In the last 20 years, clinical research in Brazil has been evolving in a significant way, and one of the major landmarks is the Resolution No. 196/96 of the National Health Council that sets the rules for trials involving human beings. Each year, around 2.6% of all articles published in indexed magazines are written by Brazilian authors, representing a five times increase in the Brazilian production. The strengthening of the clinical trial in Brazil comprises the creation, expansion or consolidation of new centers as well as the strengthening of the link between education and research. The interaction between biomedical and basic researches is essential for the generation of national knowledge in specific issues and to provide a structure in the productive sector of technology connected to the healthcare. The changing in the demographic and epidemiological profile in the country has brought to the list of priorities researches on cardiovascular diseases, neoplasias, mental diseases, conditions associated to urbanization, accidents, and diseases related to the aging and epidemiological diseases. Consolidation of trials in cellular and molecular biology applied to the medicine is essential for medical procedures in the country to keep up-to-date and competitive to allow interactions with the productive sector and to install a national biotechnological park. The importance of clinical trials is directly connected to the advancement of scientific knowledge and to the survey of data effectiveness for physicians, health professionals and sanitary authorities to be allowed to decide which treatment can be used upon a specific condition. In Brazil, the importance of the sector goes beyond: many times, participating in a clinical trial is an opportunity to patients of severe or rather rare conditions to get access to innovative drugs still unavailable in the local market. Situations like that are common among patients with cancer, and it has helped many bearers of the HIV virus, who in the past were treated only in clinical trials, to control their condition. Due to these reasons, it is quite exciting and important the leading position Brazil occupies today before other Latin American countries. According to information provided

on the website Clinical Trials, which is the most important mapping of clinical trials performed all over the world, in 2011 Brazil has recorded around 500 researches. The amount comprises the analysis in the preenrollment phase and enrollment of patients in progress and completed. The country is ahead Mexico (which has recorded 181 trials in the period), Argentina (140), and Colombia (78). As to the BRICS countries, Brazil is in the second position. By the total amount of trials recorded on the website Clinical Trials, the country is only behind China.

Brazilian researchers discover a new material to treat bone lesions Studies developed at the Federal University of São Carlos in the state of São Paulo are proposing new techniques and products to develop artificial bone grafts. Researchers from the Laboratory of glass materials (LaMaV) from that institution have recently got a patent license for an invention using Biosilicate, a material attained from a glass crystallization process which is highly bioactive is capable of interacting with the bone tissue to promote its regeneration. The patent was named “Biosilicate-based suspension to prepare bone grafts (scaffolds), the resulting bone grafts attained, and the process to attain them “. The importance of such invention can be assessed by the relevance of treating bone lesions, as the bone tissue is considered the second most commonly transplanted organ, just after the blood. Furthermore, researchers from that laboratory have pointed out that the ageing of the population and the increase in orthopedic surgeries using bone grafts have been expanding at a fast rate along with the clinical need for biomaterials. Currently, the most common way physicians use to treat bone fractures is autogenous grafts performed with material from the own patient. Nevertheless, the small amount of material available, the risks for

an infection and the need of additional surgeries, among other complications make this therapy unsatisfactory.

Research assesses genetic changes caused by bacteria Classified in 1994 by the International Cancer Research Agency as a carcinogenic bacteria, Helicobacter pylori increases in up to nine times the risk for getting stomach cancer, it is present in 90% of patients with chronic gastritis. Seeking to assess the importance of a treatment to impede the progression of such bacteria until it triggers such condition, a study of the Post-graduation in Genetics Program of the Unesp São José do Rio Preto in the state of São Paulo has performed researches with patients infected by that bacteria who have been submitted to the standard therapy using antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and by the later analysis on how each patient has reacted to the treatment. The purpose was to verify if the bacteria was eliminated and if the gene expression in the gastric mucous membrane that is part of the inflammatory and the growth of cell processes turned back to the same previous state to the contamination. First started in 2010, the research is being performed by the doctoral candidate Aline Cristina Targa Cadamuro under the guidance of the geneticist Ana Elizabete Silva from the Department of Biology of the Institute in partnership with the Hospital de Base de Rio Preto. The analysis is being made by means of biopsies collected through endoscopies from sixty infected patients. The doctoral candidate has already presented the results of the work in congresses of Genetics both in England and Brazil, and she says that results can help to introduce some changes to improve the treatment.



Brazil on the route of Health


ealth travels are one of the most ancient activities in the history of the human kind. Nowadays, they are mainly focused on medical and hospital activities, and it is estimated that the sector generates revenue in the amount of US$ 63 billion (R$ 138.8 billion) per year around the world. According to information provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, medical travels and the welfare tourism can be a positive response for the seasonality challenge of the tourism. Furthermore, it contributes to put the country into the international market of the sector. Factors such as the significant variety of therapies available, the care that follows international standards along with the prices – most of times lower than the ones found in other countries – allied particularly to a privileged set of mild climate and cultural diversity besides of a large amount of national and international flights, put Brazil in an outstanding situation in such activity. In 2009, around 0.6% of tourists who entered in the country declared to be in Brazil for healthcare reasons. In 2010, the amount remained the same – it was about 31 thousand travels per year in Brazil driven to the medical/ welfare tourism. It is expected that in the next five years, the sector will increase 35% in Brazil. Foreign patients coming to Brazil looking for healthcare are supposed to spend an average of US$ 300 (R$ 661) per day, without considering medical expenses. Francisco Balestrin, CEO of the Anahp Council – National Association of Private Hospitals, that gathers 46 of the major healthcare institutions in the country reports that in fact, Brazil is being prepared to take an outstanding position in the route of the sector. Major part of the Brazilian institutions is in search or already has international accreditations. The intention is to follow the same world’s indicators of quality and safety, thus assuring full support to foreign patients. Basically, there are two main international accreditations that Brazilian companies are looking for: JCI – Joint Commission International and Accreditation Canada. 22 institutions in Brazil have the JCI accreditation. “We also count on the ultimate world class technology in the healthcare area, with professionals graduated in foreign medical institutions are who are accustomed with the healthcare practices performed in other countries. We are adjusting ourselves to the behavior, care, protocols, processes, technology and medical formation standards”, Balestrin points out. Added to this, the country is being adjusted to the modeling of collecting medical services through credit cards, money orders or by means of agreements with international insurance plans. Brazil is receiving patients mainly from Portuguesespeaking Africa countries mostly looking for high complex medical procedures.


It also counts on a large flow from the Mercosul countries added to Colombia, Bolivia, and Chile. They trust in the quality of medical care provided in Brazil, and they come here to be submitted mainly to treatment in the oncologic, orthopedic, cardiologic, neurological, and bariatric areas. “We have started dealing with ApexBrasil – Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency to create an international programme to stimulate medical travels having Brazil as destination, focused on Latin America, Europe and North America”, Baslestrin added. Furthermore, to disclose Brazilian hospitals to other countries, Anahp has launched an English version of the “Anahp Observatory”, publication that presents a whole analysis of the economic-financial, operational, people management and quality of the associated hospitals indicators, as well as an analysis of the whole supplementary healthcare system.

Health for foreign people in Brazil In 2012, the Center of Reference and Training in DST/Aids (CRT) in São Paulo has attained the mark of 564 foreign HIV patients who received free medical care since 2008, representing more than 11% bearers of the virus at that venue. The coming of those patients has started due to two main reasons: the free treatment assured by the federal government through the Unique Health System, and the lack of discrimination to serum positive patients. The free treatment for foreign people is an outcome from an international co-operation policy adopted by Brazil that provides treatment to those patients and trains professionals of the health area coming from other countries. According to the São Paulo State Secretariat of Health, in the last four years, the Center of Reference and Training in DST/Aids provided care to patients of 36 nationalities, and the majority came from Chile, Argentina, Portugal, Paraguay and Angola, although there also be patients from Japan, United States, and Switzerland, for instance. Another governmental action allows to foreigners non-resident in Brazil and to those who are waiting for an organ, tissues or parts of the human body to be submitted to a transplant in the country provided

that the donor is alive – spouse or up to forth degree relatives in direct line or collateral. The rule is applied to surgeries performed in the private networking. The accomplishment of such transplants with resources funded by the Unique System of Health is only possible with the previous existence of international reciprocitybased agreements. According to the Ministry of Health, the measure covers mainly the frontier population that sometimes is unable to get access to a surgery because there is no law to rule such procedure.

Movement In order to increase the sector and to organize the offering, the state company São Paulo Turismo has launched the guide “São Paulo Health – A Guide for Medical, Welfare and Quality of Life Tourism” with information on the main hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and receptive travel agencies working in the sector. The central idea is to disclose the excellence of services available in the city, also drawing one’s attention to leisure offers available in the city. The guide is available in Portuguese, Spanish, and English versions; it has 10 chapters approaching themes such as check-up, hospitals, clinics, plastic and esthetic surgery, laboratories, diagnostic medicine, dental spas, urban spas, and massage clinics, parks, open air healthcare, hints on tours and services to tourists added to details on each institution and its specialties, pertinent information for tourism professionals to mount packages related to the health sector and guidance for the consumer interested in performing a procedure, to expand the stay or to make the healthcare the primary reason for the visit. In Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, four hospitals work together to attract new patients from other countries. The “cluster” (term used to assign the group of hospitals performing this kind of activity) is around US$ 700 million (R$ 1,542 billion) per year offering high quality services. Patients spend around US$ 20 thousand (R$ 44 thousand) in each travel, and they consider it a high quality service which is provided at the same level than that provided by North-American institutions, for instance. The city is receiving qualification mainly from Medical Schools to become a reference center in special treatments and specialized procedures.

Our institutions One of the outstanding institutions in the healthcare for foreign patients is Hospital Sírio-Libanês in São Paulo, SP, which has been taking advantages from the good reputation the Brazilian medicine has abroad. According to Dr. André Osmo, Commercial and Marketing Superintend, the amount of patients coming from other countries to get healthcare in the hospital has been increased. “On one hand, as it is an excellence center gathering the

Best medical staff from different specialties, and on the other hand, for taking care of people instead of just treat their diseases. For us, offering a humanized attendance is as important as being pioneers in the adoption of ultimate technologies. This is added to the differential we have due to our excellence duly certified by the Joint International Commission”, he points out. In order to provide health services in an adequate and high quality way to foreign patients, Sírio-Libanês has implemented a specialized department: the area of International Relationships which counts on several services, and among them, a bi-lingual team (English and Spanish); assistance in the organization of the travels, including scheduling of transportation to and from the airport; checking the coverage of medical and hospital expenditures with the international health insurance company, facilitating the scheduling process for consultations and examinations to the foreign patient; stay in hotels close to the

Hospital Sírio-Libanês



hospital at reduced fares; added to an internal personalized concierge service along the whole stay, among others. Dr. Osmo tells that within a five-year period, the revenue of the institution coming from international patients has grown 400%. In general, the major demand is from Latin America, Angola, Europe and United States. “Up to September of 2012, we have provided healthcare to about 500 foreign patients. From such total, Paraguay represents 34%, Uruguay, 33%, Angola, 19%, Europe, a 3%, United States, 3%. Other countries from Oceania, Asia and the remaining from Africa and Latin America represent 9%. In 2012, Uruguay was the country with higher growth level, with 62% increase in the demand when compared to last year’s”, he discloses. Still in São Paulo, Hospital Santa Paula bears two major international accreditations: the Joint International Commission and the Canadian Accreditation. According to Leandro Dias, Relationship Manager, the institution has been qualifying receptionists and nurses to serve foreign patients besides of offering close protocols and packages with the medical staff from its clinical team focused on that public. “We have set some strategic partnerships with hotels close to the hospital as well as with Brazilian companies which provide services of Exchange for patients from other markets. Added to this, our website is prepared to answers contacts from persons abroad”, he has added. In Salvador, state of Bahia, Hospital

Português is in an outstanding position by offering ultimate technology, assistance capability for different pathologies and their complexity levels, a specialized and renowned clinical staff, strategic geographic location, a consolidated credibility into the health market, Level 1 Accreditation – following safety principles provided by the National Accreditation Organization, the Brazilian Manual of Accreditation – besides of a permanent focus on the improvement of the internal processes and its infrastructure. “These are some essential factors to keep HP in the forefront in the accomplishment of medium and high complexity medical procedures and in rendering a Hospital Santa Paula qualified assistance”, Dr. Álvaro Nonato de Souza, Technical Director points out. The hospital has a Planning Commission of Assistance to Tourists that performs periodical meetings to develop actions focused on the assistance to the foreign public. An example is answering to situations involving sportive accidents promoted by the trauma and orthopedics specialty. Hospital Mater Dei in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais is also prepared to provide healthcare for foreign patients. The institution promotes qualifying actions of medical services by training healthcare and clerical professionals to receive that kind of public, making available hospital hotel services such as concierge services. It even offers qualification in a foreign language (English) and keeps in its functional board collaborators with fluent English and Spanish languages. As differential, it offers a qualified assistance certified by two international and one national certification: ISO 9001:2008, Level 3 ONA, and NIAHO. “Added to this, the hospital is

Hospital Português

accredited to the Sentinel Network of the National Health Surveillance Agency, a project created to construct a network of health services ready to notify adverse events and technical complaints on health items”, Márcia Salvador Géo, Assistance Operational Vice-President and Clinical Director has added. According to her, another positive factor is that the institution has a qualified clinical staff with constant investments in scientific updating, added to more than 50 medical specialties. In Recife, state of Pernambuco, Hospital Santa Joana has a multidisciplinary team able to provide healthcare for foreign patients. “It was created an exclusive department focused on this, the Care (Central of International Reception and Relationship) that offers everything that is necessary to provide comfort and welfare to clients providing bi-lingual attendance and services seeking to reduce language and cultural barriers”, it was explained by the Executive Director, Marcelo Vieira. The hospital has bi-lingual signalization, bilingual informative and educational sheets, and an English version of the website. It also counts on a team of physicians and

Hospital Mater Dei multidisciplinary professionals fluent on other languages and they are part of a supporting and follow-up list to provide services to such patients. “Added to the whole structure of the hospital, the staff counts on the Santa Joana Diagnosis with its advanced equipments from the worldwide market to perform preventive and diagnostic examinations. All of this in a program of quality obeying the most strict quality and international Standards of assistance safety”, Vieira points out, remembering that the institution is accredited by the North American Consulate to provide healthcare to North American citizens, diplomats and general authorities.



In 2012, the amount of trade shows is growing at an 11.6% rate in Brazil


he demand for technical trade shows is a phenomenon directly connected to a steady currency, economic growth and predictability of investments performed by industries. Without offering technological innovation and the possibility to close business deals, it would be impossible for this kind of event to be held. UBRAFE – Brazilian Union of Promoters of Fairs, in its Schedule “Main Business Trade Shows in Brazil”, deemed the major reference in promoting companies of every size has pointed out the forecast for the market of big trade shows in 2012. A highlight was the estimated 11.6% growth in the sector when compared to the beginning of the record in 1992. Another advancement is expected to happen in the expositors universe, composed by 50,000 companies from which 8,000 are foreign companies of every size disclosing a 16.2% increase compared to 2011. With this, UBRAFE expects that around 5,400,000 professionals will visit the main trade shows in Brazil. In the Brazilian trade shows, the presentation of an equipment is a real technical lesson. Visitors have at their disposal free of any charge the best consultancy to solve their problems. Furthermore, companies invest in lectures, conferences, discussions and integrated congresses that many times are organized in the form of pre-events aiming to attract the public for the mainstream.

Participation in international events

Fair + Forum Hospitalar

Brazilian companies want more and more to share experiences with foreign markets in their search to acquire ultimate know-how. In order to assure this target is feasible in a fast and qualified way, groups of executives, federations, and associations from several sectors are organized to perform business travels under the articulation and association of several sectors organized to perform business travels. The so-called entrepreneurial missions have the purpose to set trade contacts and to close business deals. In 2011, Brazilian entrepreneurial missions have increased in R$ 736 million (US$ 363 million) the country’s agenda of exportations. More than 230 Brazilian companies had participated in the round of business. Along the year, business delegations were seeking to strengthen commercial relationship to the Dominican Republic, China, Mexico, South American (Peru, Colombia, Chile, and Venezuela), and South Africa (Angola, Mozambique), according to information provided by Apex-Brasil –


Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency.

Health industry generates millions abroad In its 2011 edition, the MEDICA Trade Show which was held in November in Düsseldorf, Germany, 54 Brazilian expositors marked their presence in the event. In the Brazilian Pavilion, expositors performed around 3,600 business contacts with executives from 99 countries, resulting in business in an amount of R$ 4 million (US$ 2 million), and it is expected to generate a revenue of R$ 40 million (US$ 20 million) in the 2012 edition. In January of the following year, the Brazilian health industry participated in the Arab Health, the major trade show in the sector in the Middle East and the second major in the world, which was held in Dubai, Arab Emirates and counted on the participation of 44 companies, from which five was present in the event for the first time. On that occasion, it was performed more than three thousand business contacts which has generated business in the amount of R$ 2.42 million (US$1.1 million), and it is forecasted further R$ 30.8 million (US$ 14

Brazilian Pavilion at the Medica Fair

million) business deals to be closed along the year. Results surpassed 27% the 2011 figures of contacts in terms of business deals closed, representing an advancement of 11%. In August, the Brazilian delegation has made its 10th participation at the FIME, one of the major events in the medical area in the world and the biggest in United States, which was held in Miami. During the event, it was performed 1,500 contacts with 52 countries generating business around R$ 1,211 million (US$ 550 thousand) with countries such as Paraguay, Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, and Colombia. During the previous year, it was more than R$ 815 thousand (US$ 370 thousand) in business deals closed. The participation of Brazil in events is performed through a partnership between Abimo – Brazilian Association of the Industry of Medical, Hospital, and Dental Equipments and Apex-Brasil – Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency. “Our participations are extremely positive”, assess Paulo Henrique Fraccaro, Abimo’s Vice-President assesses. According to him, our industry successfully fulfills all the steps that converge on an ambitious target to attain in 2015, US$ 1 billion in business abroad and to be in 10 years among the five best worldwide manufacturers of medical products of medium/high technological density.

Hospitalar is a highlight on the ranking of the 10 best trade shows in the country The web portal of the respected Brazilian magazine Exame has presented on September of 2012 a ranking of the biggest trade shows in Brazil assessed from a point of view of amount of visitors received and the impact they have on the sectors comprised. Among the ten biggest events enlisted, it is Hospitalar, the leader trade show/forum in the health sector organized by the Couromoda/Hospitalar Group. Hospitalar – International Trade Show of Products, Equipments, Services and Technology for Hospitals, Laboratories, Drugstores, Clinics and Medical Offices performed in the city of São Paulo, SP is the biggest specialized event in that area all over the American continent. It is multi-sectorial, and the most complete exhibition of products for the health area, presenting thousands of items of medical equipments, products, and services,

providing as a display for new launching and a meeting point between suppliers and their clients. In 2012, the event had 1,250 expositors and 92,000 professional visitors including researchers, personalities from the Health sector and thousands of hospital executives, doctors, nurses, and professionals who have influence or make the purchasing decisions in hospitals, clinics, offices, and laboratories. It worth wile to point out that the ten most important trade shows in Brazil are held in the city of São Paulo, reassuring the importance of that big economical center as the door of entry for businesses and relationships both in the domestic market and in Latin America. “For two decades, Hospitalar is dedicated to the development of the health sector, in which period we have strongly contributed to transform and optimize the relationship between

several players in the health chain. And the outcome can be seen in the supplier industry, the health establishments, the population served, and in entities that have influence on public and private health policies “, Dr. Waleska Santos, CEO of Hospitalar Feira e Fórum has declared. A big trade show is able to offer some things both to expositors and visitors that go far beyond the businesses accomplished along the four days of the event. “It also implies in aggregating information, relationships, and other opportunities that only a city which is the hub for business, technology, culture, fashion behavior and politic is able to offer. All these attributes grant to São Paulo the condition of a global city, reference for those who are in the forefront of any area of activity “, Dr. Waleska has completed. It is worth while to mention that since 2000, Hospitalar bear a Certified Trade Show diploma granted by the U.S. Trade Department, and this represents an official recommendation to American entrepreneurs, indicating the trade show is effective, added of the fact of being an adequate business channel to the health market both in Brazil and Latin America.



Examples of solidarity


razilian personalities and companies from several sectors dedicate part of their time to important social works to underprivileged children from several regions, creating charitable organizations known all over the country. The Formula 1 pilot Ayrton Senna (deceased in 1994), the TV hostess and singer Xuxa Meneghel, the soccer players RaĂ­ and Leonardo and even the communication network Globo are some of the examples.

Ayrton Senna Institute The Ayrton Senna Institute is a non-profitable organization that researches and produces knowledge to improve the quality in education on large scale. Founded in 1994 following the wishes of the tri-times Formula 1 champion, Ayrton Senna, the institute works to develop the potential of generations to come, helping students to be successful in the school and to be citizens able to cope with the professional, economic, cultural and political demands of the 21st Century. Each year, Instituto Ayrton Senna capacitates 60 thousand educators, and the programme benefits in a direct way 2 million students in more than 1,300 cities in several regions of Brazil. Funded with its own resources, with donations and partnerships with private companies, the Institute provides management services free of any charge for the educational process that includes assessment and planning, to form managers and educators, development of pedagogical solutions and innovative technologies, all of this articulated in such a way to promote a complete education to the whole development of children and adolescents in their multiple competences. The dramatic results of its technologies and successful practices make Instituto Ayrton Senna a reference in elaborating public policies. Due to the recognized production and spreading of knowledge and solutions for the human development, the Institute integrates since 2004 the UNESCO’s network of Senior Chairs in the world and provides a direct collaboration for Brazil to be allowed to attain the targets proposed by the UN to provide a qualified basic education to every child and every young people until 2015. Source:

and their families, and at national level working to protect, promote and assure the rights to children and adolescent people. The work performed by the institution is organized in four different programmes: Correctional Actions, Integrated Attendance, Institutional Organization and Communication and Institutional and Communitarian Relationships. The Xuxa Meneghel Foundation has 37 specialized employees and several volunteers. These are social educators who receive a continuing formation to exercise their attributions. An important data: onethird of the employees of the institution are constituted by former students.

Xuxa Meneghel Foundation Inaugurated on October12, 1989, the Xuxa Meneghel Foundation actuates both at local and national levels. At national scope, it is a reference of social work in the area of childhood and youth, committed to assure the human rights and social development. Based on such experience, it has expanded affirmative actions all over the Brazilian territory by inserting the institution into regional and national networking, in social controlling spaces such as Forums and Councils of Rights to the Children and Adolescent People. It is a philanthropic institution of public interest managed by Directive, Curator, and Fiscal Councils which are kept by its CEO, Maria da Graça Xuxa Meneghel, receiving donations from individual persons and legal entities that support its expenses. The central activities are developed in two levels: communitarian by means of an attendance work to children and adolescents in the region of Guaratiba in Rio de Janeiro


Gol de Letra Foundation With headquarters in São Paulo – SP and Rio de Janeiro – RJ, the NPC Gol de Letra Foundation was instituted in 1998 by the former soccer players Raí and Leonardo, who had a common dream: to contribute for the education of children and young people from socially vulnerable communities, for them to have more opportunities and perspectives in life. On the occasion, they consulted experts from other institutions such as the Ayrton Senna Institute and the Abrinq Foundation in order to define methodologies and to structure the team. Finally, on December 10 of 1998, the Day of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the dream has came true and the Gol de Letra Foundation was created. Since it was first instituted, it serves children and young people by propitiating art, cultural, communication, sports, leisure, citizenship, and education activities as well as education towards the work. The methodology based on integral education considers and works within the context of the persons to whom it provides services, also promoting the strengthening both of families and communities. Currently, the Foundation serves around 1,300 children and adolescents and it counts with 80 collaborators, 60 partner-companies, 400 associates and several volunteers added to thousands of persons around the country contributing for the work to continue growing and being developed. After many years of activity, the Foundation has started a spreading process of its correctional practices for other communities, counting on the partnership of organizations and companies. Source:



Crianรงa Esperanรงa The Crianรงa Esperanรงa Programme, an initiative by the TV Network Globo (the biggest Brazilian television network) in a partnership with UNESCO comprises a social mobilization in search for transforming the future of children and young people in a social vulnerability situation. Once a year, a live show is produced and broadcasted during the prime time, with structure based on central themes such as education, human rights, and cultural diversity. The campaign to raise funds lasts one month, and it is promoted by means of thousands of TV spots inviting the general public to make donations directly to UNESCO. The show is the highlight of the whole campaign, and it has high audience ratings, making Crianรงa Esperanรงa one of the

most watched TV shows in Brazil. By means of an innovative process, the sector of Human and Social Sciences from the UNESCO Representative in Brazil selects projects submitted by non-governmental organizations to receive funding along with the UNESCO scheduling assistance thus beginning a process of knowledge transfer. Many of these initiatives provide local answers to minimize issues and to induce the improvement of public policies, besides of reinforcing local leaderships. The proposal for projects to be selected is analyzed based on national and international rules in which children and adolescents are seen as the biggest asset for a society. Despite these projects are supported by the Crianรงa Esperanรงa Programme for a two year period, it is given priority to those that show sustainability and which offer technical training for young people. Recognized by the UN as an international model, Crianรงa Esperanรงa incentivizes the debate on public policies and transforms lives. Along two months, every Globoโ s TV show is united to present themes related to the campaign producing TV reports and special sketches added to the campaign itself with the purpose to report the accounts as to the application of the resources collected. In 2012, Crianรงa Esperanรงa is supporting 114 projects that benefit more than 30 thousand children and adolescents, and so far, more than R$ 250 million (US$ 113.5) in donations were invested in Brazil in more than 5 thousand social projects. Those contributions have assured the rights to more than 4 million children and adolescents, helping to reduce child mortality and work, to fight against sexual exploitation of boys and girls, and to prepare low income young people to the work market. Source:


Investment in social areas more than doubled in 16 years


nvestments in health, education, welfare, and other items classified as Federal Social Expenditures have passed from R$ 1,471.46 (US$ 667.72) per person in 1995 to R$ 3,324.84 (US$ 1,508.8) in 2010 in Brazil (Chart below). Without considering the growth in the population in the same period, it was a total increase of R$ 234 billion (US$ 106) in 1995 to R$ 638.5 billion (US$ 289.8 billion) in 2010, representing 172% of real growth within a 16 year period.

Program inserts disabled people into the job market In Brazil, disabled people with ages between 16 and 45 years old receiving the Continuing Benefit Conveyance are allowed to participate in the BPC Program of Work, with the purpose to grant access to jobs, apprenticeship programs and professional qualification aimed to disabled people. This is an intermediate program between the labor demand and the offer for disabled professionals, taking into account both their skills and deficiency, and by stimulating autonomous workers, entrepreneurs and cooperatives granting them access to the microcredit. Qualifying courses are offered through the federal professional education networking and through national entities of apprenticeship such as the National Service of Industrial Apprenticeship (Senai), Social Service of the Industry (Sesi), and the National Commercial Apprenticeship Service (Senac). The Continuing Benefit Conveyance is part of the Social Assistance Policy that integrates the Basic Social Protection in the range of the Unique System of Social Assistance, and it assures the monthly payment of a minimum wage to older than 65 year disabled people of any age with long term physical, mental, intellectual impediments or impediments of sensitive nature that may impede them in their full and effective participation into the society. The plan proposes to insert the Agreement into the people’s lives by means of a political articulation of access to education, social inclusion, attention to the health and accessibility. It is forecasted an investment of R$ 7.6 billion (US$ 3.44 billion) until 2014. Source: Agência Brasil / Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger / Portal Brasil

Rehabilitation Fair + Forum It was held in the city of SĂŁo Paulo on August 15 to 17, 2012 the Rehabilitation Fair + Forum, a professional event to create new business opportunities, to exchange experiences and spread knowledge between companies, institutions and professionals from the Health sector from all over the country and abroad dedicated to the prevention, attendance and inclusion of disabled people. By approaching supplier companies to professionals specialized in the rehabilitation area, the event has expanded the view and the understanding on the needs for products, equipments, process and technologies to provide services to persons with permanent or temporary disabilities. Rehabilitation Fair + Forum were also a moment for updating, interaction and relationship to the Brazilian and international professionals.

already the greatest medal winner in the country. Dias is also responsible by setting the new world record, since he holds the best world mark in the 50 meters freestyle S5, 100 meter front crawl SB4, 50 m backstroke S5, and 50 meters butterfly swimming S5. Brazil has contributed with nine breaking of world records in the Paralympic Games being five in swimming and four in athletics. At the 2012 London Paralympics Games, Brazilian athletes have conquered 21 gold, 14 silver, and 8 brass medals, thus putting Brazil in the 7th position in the worldwide board with 43 medals won.

Event in Brazil has gathered the most famous names all over the world in the electrotherapy sector

Victory of Brazilian athletes at the Paralympics Games The paralympic athlete Daniel Dias has closed his participation in individual competitions at the London Paralympic Games by winning a gold medal in the 100 meters front crawl S5. The Brazilian athlete presented a perfect performance in this edition of the Games, and he has conquered the first position in every competition he participated. It was six gold medals in three competitions. Added to the four gold medals he won in Beijing, Daniel is The paralympic athlete Daniel Dias

The Australian Alex Ward, creator of the Aussie current, one of the main lecturers in the event

In the beginning of October, 2012, the city of Amparo in the countryside of the São Paulo state has became the world’s Capital of Rehabilitation. It was held in the headquarters of the company Ibramed the III International Scientific Meeting that has gathered the most famous names in the electrotherapy sector all over the world along three days of lectures. Seven international and five national lecturers conducted that event, emphasizing the presence of the Australian Alex Ward, creator of the Aussie current, the North-American James Bellew, President of the third edition of the Meeting, the English Tim Watson, creator of the most visited portal on electrotherapy all over the world, and another North-American, David Draper, a reference in research and clinic involving short-wave diathermy. The International Meeting is acquiring international projection, and it is being seen as an opportunity for professional updating and networking. 73


Brazil hosting discussions on sustainability


he city of Rio de Janeiro was honored by hosting the UN Conference on Sustainable Development held on June 13 to 22, 2012. Its main focus was to renew the political commitment towards a sustainable development by means of making an assessment on the progress and gaps in the implementation of the decisions adopted by major leaders on such matter as well as to deal with new issues. The Conference has had two main themes: Green Economy within the sustainable development context and elimination of poverty, and the institutional structure for a sustainable development. During the event, the UN has disclosed that Brazil occupies today the 5th position in the Ranking of Comprehensive Wealthy. ICW is a result from the United Nations’ Environment Programme along with the International Programme of Human Dimensions developed by the United Nations University. It proposes to measure the countries’ “green economy” in order to evaluate the sustainable development. The Brazilian government has shown at Rio+20 that the economic growth in the country is based on clean and renewable energy produced both by hydroelectric power plant and biofuel. Around 45% of the energy used in Brazil to supply electric power and fuel for automobiles and machinery are renewable, while the international average of usage of renewable sources is 13%. “Such percentage takes us one step ahead from the rest of the world which is still concentrated in a fossil and fissile source matrix of energy meaning energy from charcoal, petroleum, or nuclear power”, President Dilma Rousseff has said. The Healthcare was one of the outstanding sectors of that event, and it has represented a major victory for the sector being included even in the final Rio+20 document. “The document includes on the agenda the theme of sustainable development of countries in a definitive way thus reassuring the commitment for a universal healthcare coverage”, it was declared by the Brazilian Minister of Health, Alexandre Padilha. For him, efforts to provide the universal coverage of healthcare – one of the principles included in the Unique Health System – will be as important as the commitments assumed at Eco 92 that allowed Brazil to attain a set of purposes for the millennium in the last ten years. For instance, in 2011, the country has attained a reduction in the rate of mother-child mortality and a reduction in the incidence of tuberculosis, besides of being assured a highest access to healthcare to persons infected by the HIV virus. Since the Conference Rio-92, Brazil has expanded its access to the primary attention to health, which has jumped from 3% coverage in 1992 to 63% in 2012. During Rio+20, the General Director of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan has praised Brazil for leading discussions to include the theme Health in the final document, which was analyzed by more than 100 chiefs of state present in the Conference.


From the colonial sculptures to comic books

The author of the most important art piece ever donated to the UN Cândido Portinari was one of the most famous Brazilian painters. Such great artist was born in the city of Brodowski (in the countryside of the state of São Paulo) in December 29, 1903 also relevant in the areas of poetry and politics. Portinari portrayed main social issues in Brazil by using some artistic elements of the European modern art. A figurative art that adds value to traditions in painting, its works reflect influences from the Surrealism, Cubism, and the art of the Mexican muralists. Among them, it can be highlighted “The First Mass in Brazil”, “São Francisco de Assis”, and “Tiradentes”. His most famous portraits are: self-portrait, the portrait of his mother and the famous Brazilian writer, Mário de Andrade. In 1935 he received a reward in New York for his work “Coffee”, and from that moment on, his work started to be known all over the world. His greatest works, the panels War and Peace were a gift from the Brazilian government to the UN headquarters in New York. They were ordered to the painter at the end of 1952, and they should comprise a 280 sqm surface, a wider space than the one destined to the work “Last Judgment” by Michelangelo installed in the Sistine Chapel inside the Vaticano. Against medical advices that prohibited him to paint due to the symptoms of intoxication by the paints, Portinari accepted the invitation. He worked hard for four years performing 180 studies, drafts, and models for the murals, which were delivered in 1956; the panels War and Peace were sent to the Ministry of Foreign Relationships back then, Macedo Soares to be donated to the UN. Before the shipment, the works were mounted side-byside in the back stage of Theatro Municipal, and in 1956, they were inaugurated in a ceremony by the President of the Republic by that time, Juscelino Kubitschek, who on that occasion delivered to Portinari the Golden Medal as the Best Painter of the Year (1955) granted by the International Fine Arts Council in New York. Located in a noble place of access restricted to UN delegates at the UN’s foyer, the monumental panels could never be seen by the general public for security reasons, not even in guided visitations. Nevertheless, in 2007, the announcement of a major refurbishing in the UN building to be performed between 2010 and 2013 propitiated the unique opportunity for the War and Peace panels to be exposed both in Brazil and abroad, and upon a request made by the Brazilian government, the organization has entrusted the panels to the country until August, 2013. The works have already been exposed at Theatro Municipal and the Gustavo Capanema Palace in Rio de

Panels War and Peace by Candido Portinari


Janeiro, as well as at the Latin America Memorial in São Paulo, propitiating to the Brazilian people a unique opportunity to know them and to appreciate them. On February of 1962, Brazil has lost one of its greatest plastic artists, who gave many contributions for Brazil to be recognized in other countries. His death was caused by intoxication due to the chemical compounds present in the paints.

The most important sculptor, carver, and architect from the Colonial Brazil Among the main Brazilian historical cities, Ouro Preto is a highlight not only for the magnitude of the colonial mansions from the 18th Century, but also due to its peculiar climate and the déjà-vu sensation that it propitiates for visitors walking along its streets. The city was born with the discovery of gold. Even before the year of 1700, adventurer spirits and the impulse for attaining easy wealth took to the region hundreds of adventurers, mostly Portuguese and from São Paulo, the so-called Bandeirantes. In every corner, there are clues of the great deal of wealth that has made the city. Antônio Francisco Lisboa, its most distinguished son, known as Aleijadinho was an important sculptor, carver and architect of the Colonial Brazil. All his engraving, architectural projects, relief printings and statues were performed in the state of Minas Gerais, especially in the cities of Ouro Preto, Sabará, São João Del rei and Congonh. The main monuments that contain his works are the São Francisco de Assis Church and the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Motosinhos. In the church of São Francisco de Assis, almost all images garnishing the niche in the altars are framed. The chancel arch assumes a framing function as a point of junction with the building. There, it was incorporated pulpits made of stone framed by two pillars with high and profiling architraves obliquely arranged. Thus, the arches, the altar and the pulpits form a composition. These pulpits constitute the

first documented works by Aleijadinho as a soapstone basembossment sculptor, serving as basis for researchers who study the features of his style. With a style related to the Baroque and the Rococo, it is deemed by critics the greatest exponent of the Colonial art in Brazil, surpassing the Brazilian frontiers; for some foreign researchers, he is the greatest name of the American Baroque art, deserving a distinguished position in the history of the Western art. The recessing art (typical of the internal ornaments of the Baroque chapels and churches), the imaginary and sculptors in stone are the basic elements of the Baroque sculpture, responsible by the plastic configuration and monumental dimension of religious temples in Minas Gerais. The sculpture in stone gets a decisive importance in the middle of the 18th Century, when Aleijadinho introduced the soapstone embossments and statues. His extensive work found in several cities of the state of Minas Gerais, museums, and private collections can be synthesized in accomplishments that bear an amazing architectural and sculptural conception. Aleijadinho was buried under the altar of Our Lady Boa Morte in the Antônio Dias Church. Along the years, the concern with the preservation of the city of Ouro Preto was materialized through successive

Church of São Francisco de Assis

official measures. In 1944, it was created the Museu da Inconfidência [Infidelity of Minas Gerais Museum], reinforcing the historical and artistic importance of the city into the national scenery. In 1980, after important studies made by a team of experts linked to the UNESCO, the city was recognized as Cultural Heritage of the Human Kind.

Mauricio de Sousa: opening our minds and making us dream The greatest Brazilian cartoonist dedicated to the children’s world, Mauricio de Sousa is author of the famous Turma da Mônica (Monica’s Gang). He has started his artistic activities making some illustrations for a newspaper in the city of Mogi das Cruzes in São Paulo, when he already presented a special talent to draw. From that time on, that was his main dream. Although he worked as a police reporter in a newspaper for five years, he had never abandoned his dream to be dedicated to the drawing, when it was propitiated to him the first opportunity to publish some comic

strips in that same newspaper, back then, he created the features Bidu and Franjinha in 1959. Dedicated, Mauricio was creating other characters such as Cebolinha, Chico Bento, and Tia Lenita, and next, it has appeared his most famous character inspired in his own daughter, Mônica, and which was first published in 1970. Thus, as a father of ten children, he has had inspiration enough to create new characters, such as the glutton Magali, who are also known in the whole wide world. In 1972, it has arrived to the newsstands the magazine Cebolinha, and next, other publications were launched. Mauricio has also launched characters with physical disabilities like Dorinha, a blind girl, the wheelchair user Luca, and the mute boy Humberto, thus giving excellent examples of social inclusion, added to Japanese characters celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Japanese immigration to Brazil. He has also created other characters inspired in soccer players which have their own magazines: Pelezinho and Ronaldinho Gaucho.



In the 80s, he has founded the animation studio Black & White with a big team that has created eight full-length cartoon movies, although at that time, the country was passing by a difficult economical moment with high inflation and a market reserve legislation that impeding any kind of modernization. Upon such scenery, Mauricio has decided to come back to the comic books, but as the national conjuncture started to improve, his stories has started to surpass frontiers, becoming known outside Brazil when they, and they have been adapted to a movie, television, and videogames, besides of being licensed for several products of some brands to use his characters, and being present in 40 countries in 14 languages. For his brilliant performance, in 2007 Mauricio de Sousa was honored by one of the most traditional samba schools in São Paulo, Unidos do Peruche, which took to the Carnival parade the theme “Along with Mauricio de Sousa, Unidos do Peruche opens the wings, books, and minds to create dream”. In the last few years, the writer has created the monthly magazine Turma da Mônica Jovem with the same gang in their teen years, which was also published in English and Spanish, helping Brazilians to get familiarized with other languages. Recently, he has announced his first comic book with serum-positive characters approaching issues such as ways of transmission and what is the HIV virus.

Investments made by the government shall spread the national literature abroad Brazil is among the 10 greatest book producers in the worldwide market, but unlike what is thought, not only of Paulo Coelho lives the Brazilian literature abroad. Even with the writer being mentioned in the Guinness Book with his work “The Alchemist” – the world’s most widely translated book (69 languages) –, other authors has also conquered foreign readers.

Recent names from the Brazilian literary market have shown a significant advancement in valorization of the country’s culture abroad. Among them, the writer Bernardo Carvalho, who has launched the book “Nine nights” in 11 countries, and the writer Patrícia Melo with her book “In Praise of Lies” is already present in at least 20 countries. Eduardo Spohr writer of the book “The battle of the Apocalypse”, and Daniel Galera, author of “Horse Hands” are also bets of success. When the journalist Edney Silvestre has launched his first novel, “If I close my eyes now” in 2009, he certainly did not hope such recognition for his work, which by the way has won an important reward of the Brazilian literature, the Jabuti in the category of best novel, which was launched in Portugal, Italia, France, and Serbia. More experienced, Milton Hatoum who has been translated into 17 languages has on the front page of his website the cover of his books published abroad. An excellent opportunity for the Brazilian literature abroad is the Frankfurt Trade Show in Germany, the biggest international book event in the world, which in 2013 will have Brazil as a highlight. Upon the importance of the event, the National Library Foundation, an entity pertaining to the Brazilian Ministry of Culture has presented a federal programme to stimulate the internationalization in the Brazilian literature, and it is forecasting investments for the next ten years. First launched on July of 2012 in the city of Parati, Rio de Janeiro, the Program to Support the Translation and Publication of Brazilian Authors Abroad will grant to foreign publisher companies until 2020 approximately R$ 16.74 million (US$

It was launched in Frankfurt the first magazine containing texts written by Brazilian writers The National Library Foundation (FBN), in a partnership with Itaú Cultural, the Official São Paulo Press and Itamaraty has presented the first edition of the magazine “MACHADO DE ASSIS – Brazilian Literature in Translation”. The magazine was launched at the 2012 Frankfurt Book Trade Show, Germany which was held on October 10 to 14. The publication has printed biannual editions and virtual quarterly editions where texts written by Brazilian writers are translated preferably to Spanish and English. The publication presents to the publishing market authors who have been conquering an outstanding position in the country. For the first edition, the priority was given to the present production of the writers, taking into account a diversity of ages, styles, and themes.

7.6 million) for translation scholarships and support to re-edition of works by Brazilian authors. It will be granted R$ 4.4 thousand (U$ 2 thousand) to R$ 17.6 thousand (U$ 8 thousand) to translate Brazilian works. The re-edition of expired works will receive a financial support between R$ 1,100 thousand (US$ 500) and R$ 8.8 thousand (US$ 4 thousand) per selected work. Until 2013, investments in the sector will attain R$ 4.4 million (US$ 2 million). According to a study performed in 2009 in the country, the twelve most widely read Brazilian writers abroad in the most varied

Jorge Amado

literary genders are: Machado de Assis, Clarice Lispector, Guimarães Rosa, Jorge Amado, Graciliano Ramos, Milton Hatoum, Chico Buarque de Holanda, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Rubem Fonseca, Oswald de Andrade, Mário de Andrade, and Moacyr Scliar. The study has also pointed out names such as Gilberto Freyre, Roberto Schwarz, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Lygia Fagundes Telles, Raduan Nassar, and Ferreira Gullar among others.

Our cinema is collecting successes all around the world Brazil has been present in the main movie events around the world. Among them, the Montreal (Canada), Havana (Cuba), San Sebastian (Spain), Cannes (France), Guadalajara (Mexico), and the Venice (Italy) Festivals, as well as the Oscar, an award promoted by the most important representative of the film industry in the world, where Brazil annually competes in the “Best Foreign Movie” category, when Brazilian productions are much appreciated. In 2002, “Cidade de Deus” by Fernando Meirelles put for the first time Brazil in the fight for technical awards when it was nominated for Best Direction, Best Film Editing, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Photography. This series of awards has started back in 1953 with the



A Brazilian man rewarded by his actuation in the international movie industry

Scene of the motion picture “Central do Brasil”

motion picture “Sinhá Moça” by Tom Payne at the Venice Festival. The participation of “O Cangaceiro” by Lima Barreto at the Cannes Festival was also significant for the Brazilian movies to be accepted in international festivals, as it was the recognition of “Tropa da Elite” directed by José Padilha who won the Gold Bear at the Berlin Festival (it is estimated that around 11 million people have watched this motion picture), “Cidade de Deus” directed by Fernando Meirelles, who collects prizes in several festivals such as the Cannes (France), Bafta (England), Havana (Cuba), and “Central do Brasil” directed by Walter Salles, who won the Gold Bear as Best Movie and the Silver Bear for Best Actress to Fernanda Montenegro added to the prize of Best Movie at the Berlin Festival, also eligible to the prize of Best Foreign Movie at the Oscar. The improvement in the quality of the Brazilian movies has been essential for these achievements, as well as the diversity in the art of film making in the country and the realistic themes of some movies that approach day-to-day issues. These awarding endorse the quality in the productions and spread the representativeness that the Brazilian movie industry has accomplished abroad after the re-warming in the Brazilian movie industry stimulated by the Rouanet Law of Incentive to the Culture, among other factors.

Besides of working in soap operas and shows produced on the Brazilian television, Rodrigo Santoro has adopted the motion pictures in 1996, thus collecting so many success that he is already one of the most representative figures of the foreign art of filming. In 2001, in a role of a young man interned by force in a mental hospital by his own family in the film “Bicho de Sete Cabeças” by Laís Bodanzky, he has received several national awards as well as in several South American countries (winner in the Best Actor category at the Cartagena Festival in 2002). Simultaneously, he actuated in the movie “Abril Despedaçado” by Walter Salles, nominated for the Golden Globe Award in 2002 as Best Foreign Movie where he played the role of a simple man named Tonho from the countryside of the Northeast region of Brazil. He also played the role of the transvestite Lady Di in the movie “Carandiru” by Hector Babenco in 2003, and in that same year, he requested a temporary absence from his work on a soap opera, for him to be launched in an international carrier. During that period, he filmed a participation in the American production “Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle” and in the English movie “Love Actually”, where he played a romantic role alongside the actress Laura Linney. At the 2004 Cannes Festival, Rodrigo won in the category of Male Revelation for his role in the movie “Carandiru”. In 2005, alongside the actress Nicole Kidman He participated in a millionaire advertising for a Chanel scent. In 2006 he made his debut on the international television playing the role of Paulo, a character in the third season of the series “Lost”, which was released in Brazil on March of 2007. In the end of that same year, he was nominated for the ranking of the sexiest men in the planet, ahead of Brad Pitt, promoted by the North American magazine People. He appeared as a villain in the Canadian production “300” also in 2007 by the director Zack Snyder. In the story adapted from the comic books by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley, he played the role of the


Persian King Xerxes, and due to this, he was required to completely cut his hair and to cover his face with dozens of piercings. By his performance, he was nominated together with Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep to the MTV Movie Award of Best Villain. For his performance in the film “Heleno” in 2011, he was the great winner of the Havana Festival in the Best Actor category. With a steady carrier both in Brazil and abroad, Rodrigo Santoro is an important actor representative of the Brazilian film industry outside the country.

repercussion. She have started in motion pictures in 1998, but only in 2005 she embarked on an international carrier, when she participated in the film “Solo Dios Sabe”. Braga made her debut in foreign movies in 2006 alongside Brendan Fraser, Mos Def, and Caralina Sandino Mereno in the film “Journey to the End of the Night” which was launched at the Tribeca Film Festival. In 2007, she was casted to work alongside Will Smith in the motion picture “I am Legend”, besides of participating in other two national movies. In 2008, she also appeared in “Redbelt” alongside Chiwetel Ejiofor, and she played the role of Beth in the sci-fi film “Repo Men”. She played the role of Isabelle in the motion picture “Predadores”, which was filmed and produced by the Troublemaker Studios and Robert Rodriguez, and “Eleven Minutes” in 2010. Next year, she actuated in the terror movie “O Ritual” playing the role of Angelina Vargas, alongside Anthony Hopkins. She also appears in the Walter Salles movie “On the Road”, where the Brazilian actress had a significant participation in a story that tells about freedom, love, and choices. Presently, she is filming “Elysium” that counts also on the participation of the Brazilian actor Wagner Moura. The actress has also received several awards both from national and international critics by her performance in the motion Picture “Cidade Baixa” (Best Actress at the International Verona Festival in 2005). It has also received the award of Best Actress at the Punta Del Este Cinema Festival for the film “Cabeça a Prêmio” in 2010.

Good winds blow on the Carrier of Alice Braga Alice Braga Moraes is the full name of the actress Alice Braga, who was born on April 15 of 1983 in a family of artists. Her mother, Ana Braga, is an actress and advertiser; her aunt, Sônia Braga, is a famous Brazilian artist known abroad, and her sister, Rita Moraes, is a film producer. Following the familiar trend, she has started her carrier in the theater and advertising. Alice Braga studied Communication and Art at the PUC University in São Paulo, and her works are mostly connected to the film industry, where she has met important actors and directors. One of them is Fernando Meirelles, who in 2002 designated her to play a role in the movie “Cidade de Deus”, a performance that has got international

Phenomenon on the internet, Michel Teló invades the international market Former singer of the group Tradição, Michel Teló is a 30 years old guy from the state of Paraná, who could already consider himself a winner for being successful in his solo

carrier after he left his former group; but singing double-meaning music such as “Fugidinha” and “Se Intrometeu”, and the catchphrase “Ei, psiu! Beijo me liga”, Teló has taken the greatest and most decisive step of his carrier by launching the track which made him such phenomenon on the internet and has put him into the international market: “Ai, se eu te pego”. By the end of 2011, the Brazilian singer of sertanejo music was recognized as a musical phenomenon by the North American magazine Forbes. In the report, the success of the Teló’s music on the web is compared to Justin Bieber’s. The music remained for several months in the ranking of the most downloaded music on the iTunes in several countries such as Portugal, Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Peru. Forbes has also pointed out that the song was translated to English, Polish, Greek, and Hebrew and it has conquered some famous names in the sports who helped for its popularity, among them the tennis player Rafael

Nadal, who celebrated the title at the Davis Cup listening to that Brazilian song; the soccer forwarder Cristiano Ronaldo, who celebrated a goal for the team Real Madrid dancing the choreography of that song, and the Denver Nugget’s athletes, who have mounted a version broadcasted on the NBA website, the North American basketball league. The magazine compares Teló to the successful example of Carmem Miranda (The Brazilian Bombshell) in the 1940’s asserting that he is the Brazilian singer with best chances to continue conquering the international market. In the end of 2011, the hit was already watched more than 94 million times on the website YouTube, and it was among the most played songs on the radios around the world. Keeping a watchful eye on this market, Michel Teló has performed in 2012 concerts all over the Europe and South America mixing electronic music with the sound of his accordion disclosing the video of the music “If I Catch You”, the international version for “Ai, se eu te pego”.

Brazilian music into the worldwide scenery Noel Rosa, Tom Jobim, Vinícius de Moraes, Mutantes, João Gilberto, and Pixinguinha are just some examples of artists who has marked their names in the Brazilian music history; they are icons of our culture, and who have made



Brazil to be recognized all over the world and won the status of being a legend in their own country. In fact, Brazil is a real musical mix of different rhythms and styles that varies from region to region. Music is solidly rooted into its people’s soul helping in the construction both of its identity and culture. There is a sound for every taste: the Bahia’s axé, the frevo in Pernambuco, reggae in Maranhão, the São Paulo’s rock, samba and pagode in Rio de Janeiro, forró and baião all over the Northeast region of the country, fandango in Rio Grande do Sul, added, of course, to the sertanejo, pop and electronic music. The musical eclecticism is the brand of this country of continental dimensions.

Luan Santana and Paula Fernandes are also mentioned by Forbes The Forbes report has also mentioned two other names from the Brazilian sertanejo music: Luan Santana and Paula Fernandes. Paula has already sold more than 1,5 million copies of her latest released DVD/CD, and that same album is amongst the most sold in Portugal. An important name in the Brazilian music, she is being prepared for an international carrier by launching a track alongside the North American singer Taylor Swift. By his turn, the cache of a Luan’s, who is only 20 years old is one of the most

expensive in the country: about R$ 300 thousand (US$ 136.17 thousand) each concert. His first live performance album was one of the most sold in 2010, and he was already mentioned as one of the most popular on the internet ahead of some singers such as 50 Cent, Coldplay, Britney Spears, and Kesha on the Billboard’s Social 50 Charts. In all, Luan has already sold more than 200 thousand copies of DVDs and more than 400 thousand CDs, and these figures make him one of the greatest artists as to the amount of albums sold in Brazil.

More than 9 million records sold in Brazil and abroad Over her 19 year carrier, Marisa Monte has sold more than 9 million records in Brazil and abroad, and she has been constantly expanding her audience, accumulating prizes and critics who recognize her as one of the greatest singers of the modern Brazilian music, making a bridge between tradition and the contemporary pop music by integrating genders and always surprising audiences with her originality and the quality of her voice, with her talent as a composer and the soundness of her musical choices. The secret of her success is well known: both on her records and shows, Marisa has never made concessions, always singing what it pleases her, being surrounded by excellent musicians and always renewing her repertoire. In the closing of the Olympic Games in London, she appeared as Iemanjá chanting the Brazilian Bachiana No. 5 Aria by Heitor Villa-Lobos, alongside other Brazilian artists. Iemanjá is also known as the Queen of the Sea, and she is a very popular African goddess, who is yearly honored in Salvador, state of Bahia by receiving offerings along the whole Brazilian beaches in the New Year’s Eve.

Music full of political activism and social awareness Caetano Veloso was born on August 7 of 1942 in the city of Santo Amaro, Bahia, and since he was a child, he always has shown a huge interest by the art, painting, and music. He has started his carrier singing bossa nova songs under the influence of João Gilberto, one of the icons and founders of

that musical movement. He collaborated in the first steps of a musical style which was known as MPB (Portuguese abbreviation for Brazilian Popular Music), moving the pop music towards a political activism and social awareness. His name was then associated to the hippie movement late in the 1960’s and with the songs of a movement which was called “Tropicália”. He worked as movie critic, and his work has acquired a heavily political and intellectual engagement contour, making the artist to be settled being respected and heard both by the media and the specialized critics. Since the beginning, Veloso has always shown a contester political position, being even mistaken as a militant of the left party, and due to this, he attracted the animosity from the military regimen instituted in Brazil in 1964, whose government lasted until 1985. Back then, his songs were often censored, and some of them were even banished. In the 1980’s, his popularity outside Brazil has grown mainly in Israel, Portugal, France, and Africa. His first album totally in the English language (there was

already an album in the Spanish language) was “A Foreign Sound – Um som Estrangeiro” (2004), in which he sang classic songs from the United States and England. From his wide discography, it can also be highlighted the album “Estrangeiro” recorded in New York, after a series of performances in Italy receiving an excellent reception from the printed media and critics in the United States. In 1997 was disclosed the first book Caetano wrote, “Verdade Tropical”, a personal report on his view about the world. His album “Livro” in 1998 has won the 2000 Grammy Award in the World Music category. In 2004, he was considered one of the most respected and productive Latin American pop-stars with more than fifty records available including songs in soundtrack of films such as “Hable con Ella” (Talk to Her) by Pedro A l m o d o v a r, and “Frida”. Caetano Veloso is considered one of the most important personalities of the Brazilian popular music.



By Nelson Perez/Riotur

Brazilian folklore: one of the richest and diversified in the world


olklore is synonym of popular culture, and it represents the social identity of the community through collective or individual creations; it is also an essential part of Brazil as a whole. Composed by the most varied contributions – especially the Portuguese, black and Indigenous – and with immemorial roots, the Brazilian folklore is rich and diversified, subject to intensified studies and wide dissemination. Nevertheless, it was only in the 19th Century that the folklore has started receiving attention from the national elite, when researchers in the country have started studying native manifestations and publishing systematic studies. From the very first interest on facts contained in the oral history, its music, feasts and plays have been passed to be subject of study. In the 20th Century, the writer Mário de Andrade, one of the leaders of the Modernism – a historical period characterized by several cultural movements – was a major researcher of the national folklore in an attempting to open a dialogue with the human and social sciences that was just coming up in the country. Other influent names connected to the Modernist movement such as the painters Di Cavalcanti and Tarsila do Amaral and the musician Villa-Lobos have also incorporated folkloric elements in their works. Mário had the opportunity to act in an official way for the sake of the folklore by creating the Ethnological and Folklore Society while he was directing the Department of Culture of the state of São Paulo between 1935 and 1938 by opening courses to form researchers and when there was lectures by famous luminars such as Lévi-Strauss. In the 1950s, the movement was multiplied on large scale attracting famous figures such as Cecília Meireles, Câmara Cascudo, Edison Carneiro, Florestan Fernandes, and Gilberto Freire, besides of foreign people like Roger Bastide and Pierre Verger. The folkloric movement back then had a larger institutional consecration in the National Commission of the Folklore founded in 1947 by Renato Almeida by UNESCO’s recommendation. It has such an importance that within the post-war context, the concern with the folklore was inserted into initiatives for the sake of world peace, since it was seen as an element of understanding between people, stimulating the respect for differences and allowing the construction


By JoĂŁo Ramos/Bahiatursa


of different identities. Brazil was then proud of being the first country to comply with the international recommendation to create a committee to deal with the subject. In 1958, it was instituted the Campaign to the Defense of the Brazilian Folklore, an executive agency pertaining to the Ministry of Education to incentive debates and researches through state committees of folklore. Incorporated to Funarte, in 1979 it was changed into the National Institute of the Folklore. In 1990, the Institute was known by Coordination of Folklore and Popular Culture, nowadays called the National Center of Folklore and Popular Culture linked to the National Heritage Institute with the purpose to formulate, boost and accomplish programmes and projects at national level turned to the research, documentation, promotion and support to expressions of the Brazilian popular cultures. Currently, the Brazilian folklore has got an outstanding position. Besides of being the feeding source of major part of the cultural tourism in the country providing

dynamics to the trading, industry and services, it has become an instrument of education in schools with its own museums and it is protected by the law, being considered a historical and cultural heritage of the country.

Highlights Brazil has a quite rich folklore that includes myths, legends, popular tales, rites and religious and social ceremonies, games, proverbs, divinations, food recipes, styles of clothing and adornment, prayers, curses, enchantment, swears, dances, chants, slangs, nicknames for persons and places, challenges, greetings, farewells, tongue-twisters, enactment, feasts, handcraft, popular medicine, details of needlework, instrumental music, lullabies, nursery rhymes, and even some peculiar ways to create, call and command animals. Some of the main feasts are: the Carnival, Folia de Reis, Farras de Boi, Cavalhadas, Feasts of June, the Feast of the Divine and the Congado. In all of them, several folkloric expressions are gathered such as the food, clothing, theater, games, and competitions, telling cases and tales, religious rites, dances and songs. In arts, Brazilian handcraft is one of the richest in the world, disclosing through folkloric feature its customs, habits and traditions from each place. During the last years, the national handcraft has got a major importance even outside the country, dignifying the handmade work. Added to this, by employing huge amounts of less

Religious rite paying homage to IemanjĂĄ

By J. Borges


Wood engraving of Lampião and Maria Bonita contained in a cordel brochure

specialized labor, it poses an important social and economical function, assuring a source of income to many families and communities. As to the main toys with roots in the Brazilian folkloric traditions, it is: dolls, the kite, slingshot, spinning top, and traps, and they may involve some kind of dispute among groups or in individual games such as catch and ride, marbles, hide-and-seek, rescue, never 3, and pick-up. One outstanding feature in the popular culture is the “cordel” literature from the Northeast region of Brazil consisting of a booklet with rhymed narratives exposed to be sold hung on a string about subjects that goes from myths from the Northeastern wilderness to present social, political and economical situations. Many times, they are illustrated by naive but quite expressive xylogravures, increasing the interest by them and making them a rich iconographic source of the popular imagination. As to the stories, another significant part of the cultural expression of the country is one of the most known tales: the legend of the river dolphin, represented by a young, beautiful and charming man who catch spells on women during balls and feasts. After conquering a woman, he takes her to the border of a river and gets the woman pregnant. Before the morning comes,

he dives into the river to be changed into a river dolphin. The story was first created probably in the Amazon region. Originated from an Indigenous legend, it is the story of princess Naiá, who climbed the hills in persecution to the moon, hoping that it would see her and to change her into a star. She made it for a while, crying because she was unnoticed. One night, crying on the borders of a lake, Naiá saw the image of the moon reflected on the waters. Thinking the moon was there to rescue her, she dove into the river and she was not seen anymore. With compassion, the Moon decided to change her into a different star, the “Star in the Waters”, the water lily, whose white and scented flowers just open at night, and at the sunrise they become pinky. Another typical legend is the Curupira, a mythological Indigenous entity, protector of the woods and wild animals. It is represented by a dwarf with red long hair with his feet turned inwards, and causing persons who persecute his tracks to get lost. He appears riding a boar punishing everyone who disrespects the nature. These are some examples of the wide diversity of features that characterize the Brazilian folklore, making the country - that due to its continental dimensions is culturally wealthy - a niche for the most beautiful and interesting popular manifestations in the world. Lily flower, the “Star of the Waters”

By J. Borges


The Football Country Hosts the 2014 World Cup


reparations for the 2014 World Football Championship are working at full capacity. The twelve Brazilian cities that will host the event Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, and São Paulo are receiving investments above R$ 25 billion (US$ 11.3 billion) to be applied in airports, stadiums, and new transportation systems to adapt the capital cities’ infrastructure to the thousands of tourists who will be coming to watch the biggest football event in the world. Celebrations and works have started right after the country was selected to host the event, which was announced on October 30, 2009 during a meeting of the Fifa’s executive Committee in Zurich, Switzerland. “All of us agree that the Fifa’s World Football Championship in Brazil must be a success. We have expressed our mutual trust together with President Dilma Rousseff, and we are convinced we are able to accomplish an amazing Fifa’s 2013 Confederations Cup and an exceptional World Football Championship in 2014”, Fifa’s CEO, Joseph S. Blatter has declared. This will be the second time Brazil will host that event. In 1950, it was chosen as host country because the country was not hit by the Second World War. Presently, it is the only country to take part in every edition and for being five-time champion: 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, and 2002, and the first tri-times world champion giving the country the definitive possession of the Jules Rimet Cup. Besides, it was two-time vice-champion and it was in the third position for two times. It is not in vain that Brazil is known as the Country of the Football...

Tourism For the World Football Championship, the Ministry of Tourism has announced an R$ 110.6 million (US$ 50.20 million) package of investments to reinforce preparation of cities and to invest in tourism infrastructure works. The amount shall be used to fund the implementation of centers of attendance to tourists, tourism signalization and accessibility works in the main venues of attraction in each host city. To disclose tourism attractions in other countries, Embratur – Brazilian Institute of Tourism has already started a campaign that foresees until 2013 to accomplish gastronomy, musical and cultural Brazilian exhibitions from the host-cities in 14 countries. The idea is to promote the attractions football fans will find by the time they visit the country during the Championship. According to Jean-Edouard Courcier, Director of the Fifa’s Hospitality Program, 3.2 million tickets will be sold for the 64 matches. It worthwhiles to recall that São Paulo has won the fight to receive the Championship matches, and Arena Corinthians, a stadium being constructed with capacity for 68 thousand people will stage the first presentation of the Brazilian national football team at the Championship.

Infrastructure Even receiving a big amount of visitors, they will find no difficulties in getting a

hotel, according to the Director for Match Services, Paul Whelan, who represents the partner company of the entity in Brazil responsible by booking hotel accommodations for tourists who will come from all over the planet to watch the matches. During the period of the Championship, it will have demand for 35 thousand rooms per day for about 600 thousand visitors to be lodge in average for 10 days. Rio is foreseeing to inaugurate at least 80 hotels until 2014. As to the venues to receive the teams, the first list preapproved by Fifa containing the training centers and hotels has been already released. All the five country’s regions will be represented on the list in a total of 54 equipments between training centers and hotels. As it was set by Fifa, a minimum of 64 installations other two updating must be performed, and the amount can reach 100. Still comprising the infrastructure, it is being built the International Airport of Viracopos in Campinas, state of São Paulo which will have capability for 14 million passengers, requiring investments in the amount of US$ 710.7 million (R$ 1,565 billion). It is foreseen that the new terminal will be completed before the World Championship will begin. Still in São Paulo, the Guarulhos Airport will be added two passengers’ terminals to provide qualified services with the increase in the movement. All the other Brazilian airports which will be receiving visitors along the Championship will undergo adjustments, such as the Tom Jobim Airport in Rio de Janeiro. The refurbishing of the Passengers Terminal 1 is scheduled to be concluded on December of 2013 with a cost of R$ 301 million (US$ 136.64). The refurbishing of the Passengers Terminal 2 will be divided in four steps, and it will also be completed on December of 2013. Overall, the restoration and revitalization of the strips and yards system will be delivered until October of 2013. The Corinthians Stadium



Maracanã Stadium

Health on focus As expected, the Health area is one of the priorities in an event of such proportions. The Undersecretary of the Health Surveillance in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Hellen Miyamoto explains that for the World Football Championship, it was organized a Thematic Chamber of Health with representatives from every area in the government and another local chamber composed by the State Secretaries of Health, Civil Defense, Municipal of Health and Civil Defense added to the local organizing committee (Fifa). The committee is responsible by mounting the whole structure of services at the sites of the competitions and events linked to the Championship (medical care and ambulances). Representatives from the government will be responsible by defining the rules and amounts of each equipment and input added to the supportive background (central of regulations, reference hospitals) and the strategic planning for the Health and Civil Defense. The local

Technical Chamber performs weekly meetings to organize all the procedures. In the health area, there will be two lines of action: assistance (healthcare units) and surveillance (preparation of hotels, food networking, immunization actions, and controlling of vectors and zoonosis). “Rio de Janeiro, for instance, has already a wide experience in performing big events, and it has been a reference for the other host-cities of the 2014 World Championship. All the planning is being done in a way that 98% of all cases are solved at the venue of the attendance without being necessary to remove the patient”, Hellen explains. As to the training of health professionals, several kinds of qualifying programs are being performed. Some of them are courses of English and Spanish languages to facilitate in the exchange of information between doctors and patients as well as of the Brazilian teams and teams from abroad; another updating program on the several emergence protocol of attendance. A group received a wide qualification in the United States to learn about rules, protocols and guidelines provided from the Shock Trauma Center Adams Cowley, the Center of Trauma of the Maryland University, reference of attendance and which provides medical care to the United States President, Barack Obama in emergencies. Such training is also part of the preparations to the 2016 Olympic Games. They were selected due to their expertise in the trauma area and link to some health unit from the state public network. According to Hellen, the sportive events in the country will leave behind several legacies. Besides of the new healthcare units and qualification for the professionals who provide direct health care to the population, each city that will host the World Championship matches will be obliged, for instance, to choose a theme to be developed. Rio de Janeiro has elected: “Championship without tobacco”. To reduce the nicotine consumption depends on awareness actions at medium and long term. Mineirão Stadium


The name of the ball: Brazuca For the first time in History, the name of the Fifa’s World Football Championship was chosen by football fans: Brazuca has received 77.8% from the total one million and one hundred thousand votes, surpassing Bossa Nova (14.6%) and Carnavalesca (7.6%) to replace the 2014 name, Jabulani. Fifa has defined Brazuca as an informal term used by Brazilians to depict the national pride for the lifestyle in the country. It symbolizes emotion, pride, and goodwill, same as the local approach provided to the soccer matches. “I am very happy by the direct participation of the Brazilian soccer fans in selecting the name of one of the most outstanding symbols of the event. I am sure this ball will make history”, it was said by the Secretary-General of the entity, Jérome Valcke. Brazuca has already a date settled to enter the field: June 12, 2014 in the debut of the Brazilian team at the Fifa’s World Football Championship, at the Arena Corinthians in the city of São Paulo. The final match will be held on July 13 at the Maracanã Stadium, Rio de Janeiro.

The “tatu-bola” is the mascot of the 2014 Soccer Championship Fifa has performed the registration on the website of the European Patent Office the drawing for the 2014 Football Championship’s mascot, confirming the “tatubola” as the animal chosen to represent the country. The Idea of having the “Tolypeutes tricinctus” [threebanded armadillo, the Brazilian “tatu-bola”] as the symbol was born in the state of Ceará and the idea was presented to the Ministry of Sports and the Local Organizer Committee by the non-profitable organization Associação Caatinga, idealizer of the project. In the text of the campaign, the entity explains that such type of “tatu” is in danger of extinction in Brazil, and the habit of hunting made it already disappear in several states. In defending its selection, the NPO has reminded that the original name was given due to its ability to bend over its body to protect itself whenever he feels threatened thus assuming the form of a ball.


By Alexandre Macieira/Riotur

Olympic Games: now it’s the time for Brazil!


fter the London Olympic Games have ended, all the attentions were turned to the city of Rio de Janeiro, the next city to host the biggest sportive celebration in the world. The country has received the news on October 2, 2009 with much celebration, making Brazil the first South American country to host that event. The successful 2007 Pan-American Games was one of the factors that has contributed for Rio de Janeiro to achieve the right of hosting the 2016 Olympic Games. In the Rio de Janeiro’s project presented to the International Olympic Committee, the Brazilian Olympic Committee has proposed to take advantage of good part of the venues of the competition and infrastructure built for the PanAmerican Games. Since then, the work never stops. One of the main works is Transcarioca, a way which will connect the International Airport of Galeão to Barra da Tijuca, the region that is going to shelter several competitions in 2016. With it, the time spent in circulations from the Olympic community will be reduced. The famous Sambódromo will also be refurbished. The place will be the starting and arrival points for the marathon and it will shelter the archery competitions.

Brazilian show at the closure of the London Olympic Games

According to Mario Cilenti, Director of Relationship to the National Olympic and Paralympic Committees and the Olympic Village there is a great expectation as to the Rio 2016. “Many people do not know Rio, Brazil or South America. There is an amazing amount of people who have never been in any South America country, even among members of the Olympic Committees. To them, it is like arriving in a completely different world. Do to this reason, I think we are going to have a lot of visitors. As everyone already knew London, they are wishing a big feast, human warmth, passion that is quite different from everything that has been done before. Much is expected in relation to the whole experience that goes far beyond sports”, he declared.

Assuming the responsibility London has closed the 2012 Olympic Games paying tribute to the icons of its culture, remembering from the phenomenon of the British music up to celebrated authors of its literature. Brazil also took part of the show represented by the singers Seu Jorge, BNegão, and Marisa Monte, the athletes Robert Scheidt and Maurren Maggi, the

Passage of the flag London - Rio

international top model Alessandra Ambrósio and the street sweeper dancer who is symbol of the Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro, Renato Sorriso. All of this, added to King Pelé, who surprised the people in the end of the Brazilian parade. On that occasion, the Olympic flag passed from the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson along the CEO of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge until arriving in the hands of the Mayor of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes. The Brazilian flag was also flown aside the Greek flag, and the Brazilian national anthem has shown that the responsibility by the next



Olympic Games is now with Brazil. The show presented a lot of samba, maracatu (Brazilian typical rhythms) and joy, a preview of what tourists and athletes from all over the world will see in 2016. There was another feast by the time the Olympic flag has arrived in Brazil. The CEO of the Organizer Committee of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic in Rio, Carlos Arthur Nuzman has highlighted the importance of such landmark in the history of the Brazilian sports. “We will work hard to accomplish the Games with excellence, in order to deliver a big legacy not only to the city but rather for the whole country”, he has explained. In homage to the passage of the Olympic flag, Brazil’s Central Bank has launched two commemorative coins. The special bimetal one real coin holds in the silver core of the backside the caption “Brasil” with the 2016 Rio Games logo. On the back of the coin is the Olympic Flag. In the golden ring, it appears the caption “Entrega da Bandeira Olímpica” [Delivery of the Olympic Flag] and “Londres 2012-Rio 2016”. From the total amount of almost two million coins produced, one part will be sold in special packages for collectors, and the remaining will be put in circulation through the banking network. It was also produced a commemorative R$ 5 silver coin with the maximum production of 20 thousand pieces, outstanding the

illustration of two icons that symbolize the Olympic cities: the Tower Bridge and Christ the Redeemer.

For the whole world to see The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff has inaugurated in London during the Olympic Games, the exhibition Brazil at Heart that has shown the Brazilian ability to organize mega events such as the 2014 Worldwide Soccer Championship and the 2016 Olympic Games. The central purpose of this initiative was to go beyond the natural Brazilian attributes already known by foreign people, and to show the modern country plenty of innovation which was applied to organize the events. By means of the Visorama, a virtual reality system, visitors of the exposition are allowed to walk by Rio de Janeiro using a binocular surround by images in 360 degrees. In another environment, a virtual version of the soccer player Neymar was inviting visitors to challenge him to perform “embaixadinhas” (Brazilian kick control).

Everyone joining hands The logo of the Olympic Games in Brazil was a well-kept secret by 400 persons for not to spoil the surprise by the time of the official disclosing. The logo is composed by persons’ hand in hand forming the Sugar Loaf, a postcard of the city of Rio de Janeiro. “It is an inspiring translation of the Olympic spirit and its athletes, Rio de Janeiro and the cariocas, their nature, feelings, and aspirations. It recognizes that the people make Rio de Janeiro to be a unique city, and they will make the Olympic Games a real grand event. Due to this, it is an essentially human logo”, the Organizer Committee has explained in an official note. The prototype was presented during a party of the 2010/2011 New Year’s Eve at the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro with the presence of several athletes along with a performance of the singer from Bahia, Daniela Mercury.

Another space presented creativity, originality, and quality in the Brazilian artistic production with performances by the bands Monobloco and Bloco do Sargento Pimenta, and an installation developed by the artistic group Bijari from São Paulo formed by visual interventions and multimedia artists. Added to this, the Somerset House on the borders of the Tamisa River in London sheltered three exhibitions of Casa Brasil. One of them was “From the border to the Threshold: Brazilian Art and Design in the 21st Century” that gathered contemporary art and design, expressing the wealthy and surprising cultural offer from Brazil. “Passion and Transformation: a unique experience through the sports” presented the history of Rio 2016 from the moment of the successful application, passing by its view and plans to receive the Games. At last, “Brazil: that’s the time!” offered a vibrating and attracting landscape of the country, its tourist destinations, gastronomy, nature,

and culture. Free exhibitions and attractions were visited for more than 25,000 people during the 2012 Olympic Games. The Athlete of the Century and King of Soccer Pelé was also at Casa Brasil, surprising the audience, and signing customized T-shirts in that space.




Doors open to the world


xotic and contrasting landscapes, beautiful beaches, excellent gastronomy and a nice and welcoming people. When one thinks on such features, Brazil is an outstanding country whether in tourism or business trips. Its cultural and natural diversity with biomes such as the cerrado, caatinga, the tropical and Atlantic forests attract tourists along the year, as well as its features and typical cultures of each Brazilian region. With its multicultural manifestations, Brazil is famous by its popular feasts, ecological tours, beautiful landscaping, soccer, musical concerts that offer tourism options for all kind of tastes: for those who enjoy cold weather, adventurers, those who are in search for paradisiacal places, those who enjoy the sun and the beach and for those who enjoy cultural and historical programmes. There are many reasons to know Brazil: • Because of its mountains, fields, rivers, beaches, waterfalls, sand dunes and cliffs, swamps, caverns, forest, and flower fields; • 16 out of the 20 largest hotel networking in the world operate in the country; • A colored and diversified fauna and flora; • 29 international airway companies actuate in the country; • Ecological areas that shelter preserved of endangered species; • 97% visitors intend to come back soon. Brazil receives persons all over the world and thousands of immigrants from several countries who choose the country to live in. Some of the Brazilian destinations:


By SPTuris/collection

By SPTuris/collection

Estação da Luz, São Paulo, postcard of the city that shows Portuguese Language Museum

São Paulo Typical urban city, São Paulo has as main attraction events and business, such as trade shows, congresses and lectures that put the city on top of the business and cultural tourism in the country. For leisure hours, the visitor will also find in the city amusement in museums, expositions along with an excellent gastronomy. In a one hour tour by the streets of São Paulo downtown, it is possible to enjoy and participate of some of the most fantastic tourism options. Pinacoteca do Estado is a starting point with exhibitions and expositions that worth the price of the ticket. The building was refurbished by the famous architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha, and it shelters important pieces of the Brazilian art. Just about five minutes away, it is the architectural complex of Estação da Luz where it is installed the Museum of the Portuguese Language. In that region of the city, restaurants of the European and Eastern cuisine are aligned to receive tourists ofeering quality to those who want to go beyond the traditional gastronomy. The Municipal Theater is one of the major São Paulo’s postcards: first open to the

Paulista Avenue

public in 1911, it was designed following patterns of the main theaters around the world at that time. It has hundreds of ancient paintings and more than 14 thousand stained glasses – a real sculpture. Monastery of São Bento, with an impressive architecture typical from the 17th Century is located less than 10 minutes away from the theater. The interior was decorated by famous monks who are part of the European history. Even those who are not religious will be amazed: the monastery has a beautiful theater which is surrounded by stores that sell breads, cakes and candies handmade by the monks. Recipes are kept secret always using special ingredients. Praça da Sé is aside with the cathedral of the same name. after being refurbished, it was re-open to the public in 2002. It is one of the major temples around the world, with great importance for the national history: the manifestation in favor of the Diretas Já campaign, a movement in 1984 fighting for democratic freedom gathered more than 300 thousand people. Praça da Sé is the city’s ground zero: every distance in the city is calculated from that point. It will be also the ground 107


zero for the main tourism event in Brazil for the next decades: the 2014 World Soccer Championship. Several cultural and sportive events also attract millions of tourists to the state of São Paulo: the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Brazil, the Peão Boiadeiro Feast (Rodeo Festival] in Barretos, the Winter Festival in Campos do Jordão, and the Flowers Festival in Holambra. Religious tourism is also an attraction in the state. Cities such as Aparecida, Guaratinguetá, and Cruzeiro receive thousands of pilgrims every year. Aparecida is one of the São Paulo’s 29 cities which are considered “tourist centers” with the Basilica Nossa Senhora Aparecida as one of its main tourism spots, since it is known by pilgrims as the former house of Our Lady Aparecida. Cunha, São Luís do Paraitinga, and Iguape are other recommended destinations to those who are looking for historic cities and architectural assets.

Maranhão Located between the North and Northeast regions, for its amazing mix of geographical aspects, the state of Maranhão has the privilege to have one of the biggest diversity

of ecosystems in the country. It has 640 kilometers of tropical shores, rain-forest, cerrados, mangues, open sea delta, and the only desert in the world with thousands of clear water lagoons, composing a state which is being discovered and appreciated in the whole world. São Luís, the capital city of the Maranhão state shelters major part of the historical assets in the state, and it was founded by French people in 1612, having received its name as a homage to Luís XIII, king of France. With more than 3,500 real estates from the 18th and 19th Centuries, it is reference of the Brazilian Colonial architecture mainly the façades of houses of the Historical Center of São Luis which was considered by UNESCO a Cultural Heritage. São Luís is plenty of cultural manifestations such as the bumba meu boi, tambor de crioula, the Portuguese Dancing, dances of June, and the reggae, among others. It shelters the biggest architectural set of Portuguese tiles in Latin America added to a wide extension of salty beaches. The city has a busy nightlife plenty of bars, restaurants with typical foods, clubs, theaters, movie theaters, and many shows with local, national and international artists. It is a city with many leisure options. Barreirinhas, the city that is the gate of entry to Lençóis Maranhenses has a big river named Preguiças. With several bars, restaurants and high quality hotels, the city receives thousands of tourists who come to see the groundwater. Parque dos Lençóis Pole, located in the eastern seashore of Maranhão comprises the cities of Humberto de Campos, Primeira Cruz, Santo Amaro, and Barreirinhas. Its best attraction is the National Park, a beautiful and intriguing phenomenon of nature that has

Lençóis Maranhenses

Pudim de tapioca

received this name due to the top view of the park that reminds a sheet negligently thrown over a bed. Parque Nacional dos Lençóis is an 155 thousand hectare ecological paradise with dunes, rivers, pounds, and the manguezais. A rare geological phenomenon, it has been formed along thousands of years by the action of nature. With an amazing landscaping, it is formed by endless sand that make the place to seem like a desert, but with quite different features. The volume of rain assures to Lençóis some of its most beautiful landscaping. Rainwaters form lagoons spread practically all over the area of the park in a unique landscaping. Some of them like Lagoa Azul and Lagoa Bonita are famous due to their beauty. The dunes of fine quartz sand reach 20 meter tall covering 50 km of the coastline of Maranhão. The villages of Caburé, Atins,

and Mandacaru also are mandatory spots for those visiting the region. By its turn, the city of Carolina has waterfalls as attractions; located in the region of Águas Maranhenses, it has a major historical importance and streets with sidewalks made in soapstone. It also has a set of colonial houses. The city of Pindaré Mirim is known as the cradle of the Maranhão culture. During the June Festival, the feasts on its arraial present several folklore attractions, but mainly focused on the bumba meu boi feast. Along that period, it is possible to hear batucadas from the drums all over the city along all night.

Rio Grande do Sul The state of Rio Grande do Sul has a lot of tourism options. Serra Gaúcha attracts thousands of tourists every year along the wintertime and in the summertime. The region has beautiful landscaping formed by canyons, and Araucaria pine forests. Furthermore, the

Astonishing nature The best wineries in Brazil are located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul

gastronomy in the region is quite rich, and its European culture, a heritage from the German and Italian immigrants recreates a piece of Europe into the Brazilian lands. Caxias do Sul, Bento Gonçalves, and Garibaldi are known in the region as “Small Italy” where it is possible to find the best

wineries in Brazil. Some wineries from Rio Grande do Sul have won international prizes due to the high quality of their wines and sparkling wines. The state has privileged geo-climate conditions, being located in the beginning of the 30 and 50 degree parallel, considered ideal to the production of wine grapes. This allows producing noble European grape strains such as Merlot, Chardonnay, 109


By Jota Freitas/Setur BA

and Cabernet Sauvignon, among others. The gaúcha grape and wine are produced following both the best available techniques and advanced technological conditions similar to the best winery in Europe. There are several consolidated tourist itineraries in the region comprising from the Italian colonization with varied options up to ecological, sports, culinary, and historicalcultural tourism. It is a region plenty of historical buildings from immigrants, delicious foods added to traditional festivals such the Grape Feast. The cities of Gramado and Canela are mandatory destinations along the Christmas Season due to their decoration and Christmas parks. In the wintertime, tourists use to visit those cities for their low temperatures often negative with possibility to snow, and this happening in a tropical climate country as Brazil is. The region offers several options for tours, such as the Mini-World and the Santa’s House. In Gramado, it is also held an internationally known Movie Festival. In the city of Nova Prata in the middle of the native jungle, there is a thematic park with fountains pouring thermal water at 41°C which has excellent medicinal and therapeutic properties. In the Northern portion, the sea shore of the state arises in a small strip between the sea and the mountains, where it is found the largest string of lagoons in Latin America. There are about 50 lagoons connected by rivers and channels. In the Southern

portion, it is found the largest lake complex in the world constituted by Lagoa dos Patos and Lagoa Mirim, the two largest in the country. The Region of the Missions is a tourist region located in the Northwest region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and it receives tourists from Brazil and abroad mainly from Argentine, Paraguay, Uruguay and Europe. The region is composed by 46 cities. A land with a wealth history, its main attractions are archeological sites from Sete Povos das Missões [The Seven People from the Mission] added to museums and sanctuaries. One of the most visited places is the Archeological Site of São Miguel Arcanjo, which has been declared by UNESCO a World Heritage. But added to its recognized regional history, other attractions are also being explored such as walks, horse riding, and traditional activities.

Alagoas The Atlantic Ocean runs along the Alagoas coast plenty of wonderful beaches. It is one of the major producers of sugarcane and coconut in the country, and its economy is agriculture-cattle based. The state is the land of the sururu, a lagoon shellfish that is used by the people from the seashore as a traditional food along with the coconut juice. Alagoas has one of the richest folklore in the country, and its most visited destinations are: Maceió, Maragogi, Japaratinga, Barra de São Miguel, Piaçabuçu, Marechal Deodoro, and Penedo, the last one with great potential to become a tourism and historical attraction. Seafood, fritada de siri, sururu, maçunim, the traditional peixada which is a fish stew plenty of pepper sauce and coconut juice, the chiclete de camarão prepared with

Pelourinho, Salvador/BA

mozzarella cheese, curd cheese, and spices which are part of the typical cuisine in the state. Maceió is a beautiful city, a real paradise surrounded by beaches with natural swimming pools and clear waters. Excellent choices are: the beach of Pajuçara, where it is possible to have a trip in a jangada, which is a traditional fishing raft; the shore of Pontal da Barra, ideal for those who like surfing, and to get a ride in a schooner; the shore of Ipioca, a more peaceful and perfect place for a walk. The feasts that happen in the city every year as well as important monuments, museums and the Theater Deodoro attract a huge amount of tourists every year. The city is known as “The City-Smile” and “Paradise of Waters “. Among so many travel options in the Brazilian territory, the beauty of the turquoise hue of the sea in Maragogi makes the city the second most wanted destination in the state of Alagoas. The mix of palm trees, fine sand, clear, calm and sometimes almost warm sea make Maragogi to be known as the “Brazilian Caribbean”. The destination propitiates a direct contact with nature. By diving in its calm sea, it is possible to observe coral reefs and multicolored fishes. Maragogi – the Indian name meaning “free river” – is part of the Coast of Coral, the largest area of Environmental Protection (APA) of the Brazilian Navy. The city is outstanding by gathering an excellent hotel infrastructure along with some of the most beautiful beaches in the Alagoas seashore. It is 22 km of almost desert sands in a bucolic environment, ideal for those who are in search for a peaceful place. Besides the shore of the same name of the city, Burgalhau, Barra Grande are Peroba on the borders with the state of Pernambuco are the most wanted beaches. Less than 10 km always from Maragogi is

Japaratinga. With just above 7 thousand inhabitants, the city allies tranquility and the charm of an old village of fishermen with an efficient tourism structure of bars and pousadas (small and simpler hotels). As to rural tourism, it worth wiles visiting the sugar mill Marrecas de São Gonçalo, tasting the seafood cuisine and the traditional bolinhos de goma. Among the local events, it can be highlighted the Shellfish Festival, the Opening of the Summer, the Emancipation Feast, the São Benedito Feast (Peroba), Our Lady da Guia (Barra Grande), and the São Bento Feast.

Outstanding monuments The Brazilian website “” performed a research with internet users to elect the national monuments which should be on a list as the Seven Brazilian Wonders. Since Christ the Redeemer is among the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, it was out of the voting. Below, it is being shown the result of the research: 1 –Curitiba (State of Parana) Botanical Garden 2 – The Amazonas Theater in Manaus (AM) 3 –Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasília (DF) 4 –Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 5 –Reis Magos Fort in Natal (RN) 6 - Pelourinho Ladder in Salvador (BA) 7 – MASP, São Paulo (SP)




Abimo Associates participating in the PSI

PSI – Integrated Sector Project is an agreement signed between Brazilian Association of Medical –Hospital, and Dental Industries (ABIMO) and the Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exportations and Investments (Apex-Brasil) with the purpose to accomplish actions turned to international market such as participation in fairs, delegations and visits to potential foreign clients, besides of organizing rounds of negotiations to hostess potential buyers in Brazil in order to promote exportations of medical-hospital and dental equipaments. Company/ Page


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Index Agaplastic..................................... 85 Alko............................................. 101 Brasuture...................................... 83 Carci.............................................. 29 CDK............................................... 59 Dabi Atlante............................ 50, 51 Deltronix....................................... 71 Diagnostek..................................... 23 Dorja............................................. 79 DrillerMed..................................... 81 Duan.............................................. 89 Exxomed..................................... 105 Fami.............................................. 65 Fanem.......................................... 4, 5 Hosp. Sírio-Libanês........................ 57 Hospitalar and Reabilitação 2013 (Fair + Forum) ........................ 66, 67, 4th Ibramed.................... centerpiece, 3rd

Instramed........................................ 7 J Procópio...................................... 99 KLD............................................. 2nd, 3 Konex............................................. 35 Lifemed.......................................... 37 Magnamed.................................... 21 MDT................................................ 75 Medicone....................................... 93 Medpej........................................... 95 Neurotec........................................ 45 NS................................................... 91 Protec....................................... 10, 11 Schioppa........................................ 17 Sismatec......................................... 47 TMed.............................................. 61 Traumec......................................... 27 Wama............................................ 87 WEM.............................................. 63

Editorial Carol Gonçalves

General Director Adilson Luiz Furlan de Mendonça Managing Director Vanessa Borjuca F. A. Santos Managing Editor Leda Lúcia Borjuca

Editorial Assistant Luiza Neves de Mendonça Account Managers Marcio Augusto Gama Ronaldo de Almeida Santos Commercial Assistant Nadia Silva de Nadai Customer Relationship Andrea Neves de Mendonça Graphic Design and Advertising Creation Lilian Carmona

Editor and Advertising Rua Prof. Castro Pereira, 141 02523-010 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil Phone: 55 11 3966 2000 Brazilian Health Devices is published by Publimed Editora Ltda. supported by Abimo and APEX-Brasil, aiming the commercial promotion of the country and the medical hospital and dental Brazilian industry, distributed in international health events. The advertiser companies are solely responsible for the content of their pages. The reproduction without the previous authorization of the publishing company is forbidden. Circulation: 2012/2013

Centro de Estudos e Formação Avançada Ibramed

Get to know CEFAI The CEFAI was founded in 2009 with the aim of providing unrestricted and up-to-date access to scientific and clinical knowledge to the various professionals in health care area. CEFAI has Masters and Doctorate degree holder professors who are specialized in different areas of knowledge related to human health. The main purpose of our Center is to make the knowledge produced by the different areas of health care accessible to working professionals. Our courses are developed in order to meet market needs. Reliable teaching, ethical action, and high quality are our ideals.

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