Brazilian Health Devices 2013/2014

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ccording to a forecast made by FMI, still in 2013 Brazil should be occupying once more the 6th position among the biggest global economies surpassing again the United Kingdom. The forecast shows that the Brazilian GDP must be closing the year with an amount of US$ 2,456 trillion, and until 2018, the last period forecasted by FMI, it will achieve an outstanding position among the greatest economies in the world by attaining already in 2016 the 5th position, thus surpassing France. Studies projecting the Brazilian trends based on demographic data, investments, educational levels, and technological advancements show that Brazil may become the 4th major economy in the world until 2050, being only behind China, United States and India.

Upon such excellent perspectives, we are pleased to bring to your hands the 4th edition of the Brazilian Health Devices, a publication by Publimed Editora in partnership with ABIMO – Brazilian Association of Industries of Medical, Dental, Hospital, and Laboratory Devices and Apex-Brasil – Brazilian Trade and Investments Promotion Agency. The magazine has the purpose to present the country and its whole tourism and development potential by distributing it in trade shows and international events, thus opening doors to the accomplishment of new business and stimulating the world to get to know a little more about this huge nation which will be hosting the 2014 World Soccer Championship and the 2016 Olympic Games. A large country, Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world in total area (8,515,767.049 km2) occupying 20.8% of the Americas and 47.7% of the South American territory. In relation to the countries from the American continent, it

Welcome to Brazil!

has the 3rd largest territory, being only behind Canada and United States, and even occupying the position of largest South American country as to its territorial area. Owner of indescribable natural beauties, a rich and diversified culture along with a nice and welcoming people, Brazil is numbered of the most visited countries in the world, and it is among those that receive more productive investments, hosting multinational companies from the most diversified sectors that believe in its development potential. A research performed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in a partnership with the Ministry of Tourism points out that 68% of the population that intend to travel in the coming months choose as destination the own Brazilian states, and this can give us a clear idea on the high level of development the country has been passing by. Facing all of this, how about to get a little more information on this green-yellow giant?

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An innovative industry

Mauricio Borges President of Apex-Brasil

Innovation and technological intensity are common features for the companies in the sector of items and equipment for the medical-hospital area since the preservation of the human health, purpose of the sector, requires agility and accuracy in the diagnosis. This is one of the most innovative sectors in the Brazilian economy recognized in Brazil, and the quality of the Brazilian products is also outstanding abroad, as it is shown in the evolution of exportations which started with US$ 195 million in 2002 attaining US$ 775 million last year. It is expected that until 2015, exportations will surpass the amount of U$ 1 billion. More than 180 countries buy health equipment produced in Brazil, and among them, reference markets in relation to the quality of the products they consume, such as the United States, Germany and Belgium. Not without a reason, it is from the sector the first product developed with assistance from the Design Export Program, a project by the Brazilian Trade and Investments Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) coordinated by the Brazil Design Center (CBD). Supported by the program, the company Signo Vinces developed the EVO, an instrumental kit destined to dental surgeries that has every necessary tool for dental surgeons in the implantodontics process, as well as in other procedures. Developed in partnership with entrepreneurial entities, and among them the Brazilian Association of the Industry of Medical, Dental and Laboratory Items and Equipment (ABIMO), Design Export has as purpose to provide support for Brazilian companies in the development of innovative products with a differentiate design turned to exportation. Since 2002, Apex-Brasil provides support for the exporter effort of equipment in the health area. By means of the Brazilian Health Devices’ (BHD) Sector Project developed in a partnership with ABIMO, it fosters commercial promotion and image actions for the sector, as well as prospection of business opportunities. Presently, 165 companies participate in the Project, and together, they exported US$ 172 million in 2012. These are companies contributing to consolidate the Brazil’s image as an exporter of manufactured items of high technological intensity and high aggregate value.

Brazilian Health Devices: A globalization Project for Brazilian companies

Franco Pallamolla CEO – Brazilian Association of the Industry of Medical, Dental, Hospital, and Laboratory Articles and Equipments (ABIMO)

For 12 years, ABIMO and Apex-Brasil have been working together in the Brazilian Health Devices Project in order to foster exports for the medical devices industry. The purpose of such effort is to develop actions aiming the commercial promotion abroad to construct a solid image of the Brazilian health products developed by a highly qualified industry able to provide an attractive cost-benefit. The companies participating in the Brazilian Health Devices project are more and more consolidating their position into the international market by expanding their operations abroad, and in order to advance in that path, it has become essential to adopt a strategy that would propitiate a higher level of competitiveness, consolidation of their brand, diversification of clients and even new organizational models specific to that market. Along 2012 and 2013, Apex-Brasil and ABIMO are promoting the PIC - FDA (Incentive Accreditation Program from the Food and Drug Administration – an American regulatory agency). The project was born from the ascertainment of the mandatory need to get the FDA accreditation to allow us to export health products to the United States. As result, it is forecasted that 17 companies will get the accreditation up to the end of 2014, and such will allow Brazil to get a major impact over their business, possibilities for exportations added to the credibility that a certified product endorsed by a prestigious regulatory agency deemed a global reference gets in terms of quality and safety. Brazilian Health Devices is also promoting the Internationalization Project which it has been providing support, identification and maintenance of employees abroad: through a strategic plan of international expansion. The employee plays like a local manager in the opening of new markets, survey of information and prospection for new clients. Presently, there are two employees working in full activity (one in Egypt, one in Miami, and within the next months, another one will start his activities in Dubai). Thereby, it is also notably noticed how those partnerships and long term view reinforce the engagement of the Brazilian Health Devices Project with its associated companies and with the strengthening of the globalization for the Brazilian industry. 9


Brazil: a country plenty of opportunities


he combination of innovative social policies of revenue distribution, stability and sustainable growth led Brazil to establish its position among the best economies in the planet in the 21th century. Being in the sixth position when it is considered the Gross Domestic Product, it is only behind the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and France. Another international recognition of its economical solidity was achieved by conquering in 2008 for the first time the “grade of safe investment� stamp, according to the global risk rating agencies. That status signalizes to foreign investors that is safe to apply resources in the country, also showing that it is in condition to honor the payment of the public debt, the country practices good fiscal policies and collects more than spends. It is already self-sufficient in the production of petroleum, and Brazil may be the sixth higher worldwide producer of oil in 2030. Still in the energy sector, it is highlighted as the main exporter of ethanol, the biofuel produced from the sugar cane. In the health area, the advancements are also quite significant: along the last 20 years, it managed to increase its life expectation in 11.24%. In general terms, there was a 12.95 years gain. As to the infant mortality, Brazil was the Latin American country which has achieved the higher fall in the mortality rate of children in around 77% from 1990 to 2012, higher than more developed nations, according to a report from the United Nations. The mortality level among less than five years old children was of 62 for every thousand child born in 1990, and in 2012, 14 for every thousand live born child. Such fall was possible due to a series of measures such as the creation of the Unique Health System (SUS) focused on the primary attention, advancements in the maternal and newborn care, improvement in the hygiene conditions, promotion of the breast-feeding, and creation of social care initiatives. Added to this, some factors such as improvement in the educational level, an appropriate basic sanitation, a lower malnutrition index in the childhood and adolescence, higher access to the health system and prenatal follow-up have significantly benefitted the present picture. Deaths caused by the Aids in the country also experienced a decrease, representing an above 12% fall within a 10 year period, according to a study performed by the Washington University in the United States.

Brazil abroad The participation in international agencies is one of the fronts of the Brazilian foreign policy. As a country-member of the United Nations, Brazil integrates every specialized agency, programme and fund that develops actions in specific areas set by their mandates. In several United Nations’ agencies there are Brazilian people occupying key-positions in the hierarchy. The former minister José Graziano, responsible by the Fome Zero [Zero Hunger] programme during the government of the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is the Director of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization along the 2012-2015 period. He is the first Latin-American occupying such post. The graduated in Biological Sciences and former national secretary of Biodiversity and Forests for the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, Bráulio Dias was chosen on January of 2012 to take the position of Executive Secretary in the Convention on Biological Diversity. Approved in 1992, the Convention foresees the implementation of a series of actions aiming to reduce the destruction of natural habitats, to restore and conserve degraded areas, among others. Besides the UN, Brazil also participates in other international agencies, such as the Organization of American States and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization. President Dilma Rousseff during the opening of the general debate of the 68th United Nations General Assembly

By Agência Brasil

To attain such results, the research analyzed the “weight” of the disease considering the Dalys marker that assesses not only fatal cases, but also the years of life lost due to the premature incapacity. The decrease in the mortality is a trend which has been observed along the last years, as since 1997 Brazil offers treatment with antiretroviral drugs. By its turn, the sector of health equipment and products has grown 6.5% in the first half of 2013 related to the same period of 2012 – an index higher than the average found in other sectors of the economy. Sales have also shown a record increase of 8.6% increase from January to June of 2013. The growth has also promoted the opening of 3,500 job posts in the industrial and commercial activities in the sector – 6.3% higher than the index verified in the first half of 2012. In the social area, a study shows that in almost 20 years more than 29 million Brazilians have left the poverty behind, according to the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. The medium class has passed from 46 million people to 105 million Brazilian citizens during that same period. It contributed to the reduction of the inequality the increase in the care to the elder and disable people, and the expansion of the profit transfer policies, such as the Bolsa Família [Familiy Grant] and Brasil sem Miséria [Brazil Without Extreme Poverty]. Not only individual persons, but also companies have increased their profits in the last few years when the earnings of around 260 companies enlisted on the Futures & Commodities Exchange Market - Bovespa, the second largest stock market in the Americas and the third in the whole world more than doubled. State owned companies followed that same line. Added to this, data from the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic shows that the unemployment level in Brazil has attained its lower historical value. The profit in the job market of the formal sector has grown, and the remuneration of the most vulnerable people increased more than that of the less vulnerable. During the 2001 to 2011 period, 16 million job posts



have been created, and 13 million job posts were fulfilled with a formal labor contract. The qualification of workers has improved, and the task force was relocated to sectors with better opportunities The positive figures show that Brazil is in the right path, but still there is a lot to be done, according to the own citizens. On June of 2013, popular manifestations happened in several cities, taking more than 200 thousand persons to the streets. Representatives from every social class were shouting against the increase in the value of the bus fare and against corruption demanding the politicians’ attention as to the basic rights for the ordinary people. “The magnitude of those manifestations showed the power of our democracy, the strength coming from the voice on the streets and the civility of our population”, it was declared by the President of the Republic, Dilma Rousseff. She said that such voice must be heard, and it surpasses traditional mechanisms of the institutions, political parties, and class entities. Answering those manifestations, Dilma announced five pacts: the fiscal responsibility, political reform, health, urban mobility, and education. The wave of manifestations also helped to approve the destination of the petroleum royalties to the educational sector. The new law will increase the investments in daycare facilities, the qualification of teachers, and the literacy in the right age, besides of allowing the expansion of the full time high school and the creation of universities in the countryside of the states.

Foreign people in Brazil Foreign tourists spent more than US$ 4 billion in their trips to Brazil between January and July of 2013, according to the Central Brazilian Bank, representing a historical record for the period. According to the CEO for the Brazilian Tourism Institute (Embratur), Flávio Dino, Brazil is walking to break the record of entry of foreign currency by means of the tourism. “These are important resources that irrigate the economy in a considerably democratic way, due to the magnitude of the productive chain of the tourism which involves the sectors of food outside home, hotels, small and micro-entrepreneurs added to craftsmen”. From 2003 on, when Embratur first started taking care exclusively of the tourism promotion of Brazil abroad, the entry of foreign currency in 2012 has grown 168%. The result earned in 2012 the historical record of the series started back in 1947. One of the factors that have contributed to such increase is the accomplishment of mega-events such as the Confederations Cup and the World Youth Day. Approximately 20 thousand foreign tourists visited the country along the Confederations Cup, nearly 3% of the total public. Services such as hotels and guesthouses were the main lodging ways mentioned by 80.4% of the public who were interviewed. “The goal is to attract 600 thousand foreign tourists in the World Soccer Game, an event with a huge interest from the international public”, it was said by the Ministry of Tourism, Gastão Vieira. Brazil occupies today the seventh position in the ranking of countries that host international events.

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Innovation, growth, and sustainability in the agricultural sector


griculture in Brazil is historically one of the major key bases of the Brazilian economy since its early colonial age up to the 21st century having evolved from wide monocultures up to a massive diversification of its production. Formerly a sugar cane producer, the Brazilian agriculture is nowadays one of the main exporter nations around the globe of several species of cereals, fruits and grains, among others. While in the United States they have already explored all of their useful land for agriculture, Brazil still is plenty of fertile areas of about one hundred and six million hectares for expansion - a territory largest than the total area comprising France and Spain together.

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (ECO-92) that was held in Brazil in the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1992 has become a milestone which has enshrined the concept of sustainable development, contributing to a wider awareness of environmental and social issues pertained to the human kind. The Agenda 21, the main document generated by the conference, highlighted in its Chapter 29 issues related to the agriculture emphasizing a rural sustainable development. As to the event Rio+20 which was held in Brazil in 2012, it made an analysis on the evolution and changes occurred in the Brazilian economy along these 20 years. In 1992, the non-till farming area was estimated in 1.3 million hectares in Brazil, occupying approximately 4% of the whole cultivated area. In 2012, such area was estimated in 32 million hectares, which means 75% of all cultivated areas. Along that period, the production of grains like rice, corn, soy, and wheat per unit of area (hectare) has increased. The decrease in the consumption of diesel with the adoption of the non-till farming is estimated in 66%, corresponding to a yearly reduction of 42 liters of diesel per hectare. Having as basis 32 million hectares, farmers have abstained to consume 1.34 billion liters of diesel to produce grains at each crop. With this, it was avoided the emission of 3.59 billion kg of CO2. Likewise, the effective use of water can be demonstrated with its increasing retention in the ground and the effective irrigation. After the huge growth presented in the Brazilian agriculture along the previous forty years, the country has passed from its condition of dependent of the importation of food to the position of second bigger exporter worldwide, and the sector has found itself before a new challenge: the time to start the Second Green Revolution. According to Eduardo Daher, director for Andef – National Vegetal Defense Association, Agribusiness in Brazil shall be recording a 40% growth in productivity

until 2050, thus allowing to the worldwide agricultural production to have a 20% increase, and being able to provide food for 9 billion persons all over the world. The First Green Revolution occurred after 1970, when Brazil was dependent of the international market mainly in the importation of food. Within a forty years period, the country has started occupying the position of second exporter of food, being only behind the United Stated. The Green Revolution happened due to the need to becoming independent, and it has been successful since besides of including the use of the land and the opening of the Cerrado (second largest vegetal Brazilian formation, with a well-characterized climate and a soil poor of nutrients), it was based on the technology. Brazil has started adopting fertilizers, certified seeds, pesticides, machinery, and equipment to assure a higher productivity. As to the accomplishment of the Second Green Revolution, Brazil must help overcoming the challenge of feeding the whole population in the planet by providing a food production in a sustainable way, such as by the use of appropriate technologies and the use of more and more effective products, such as pesticides used in lower amounts. Such new leap demands the adoption of innovative techniques related to the human health and environment. The Embrapa–Brazilian Company of Agricultural and Cattle research shows the benefits earned with gains of productivity in the agriculture: between 1970 and 2010, the actual price of foods has been halved. In order allow for the agriculture to reach such performance, there are two strategic factors: the first one is the adoption of



technological innovations that besides of increasing the productivity, they also bring environmental gains, and this can be verified by the increase in the production, which has been infinitely higher to the opening of new areas. The other prime factor is the effective policy of technical assistance and elongation of the rural area for farmers, which has been practiced in the country. Such scenery of technological evolution in the agriculture, the role of Embrapa that completed its 40th anniversary on April of 2013 was fundamental and allowed not only the incorporation of the technology, but it has also propitiated to develop the tropical agriculture. According to the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs from the Presidency of the Republic, the technical assistance to medium sized farmers and to family owned farms is presently nearly four times higher: the average revenue have increased from R$ 639 per hectare to R$ 2.309,00. The FAO, the UN’s entity that takes care of the Agriculture and Food matters have reached to similar conclusions. The entity assesses that in countries with low income and low development index, those resources applied in researches are the most effective instruments to support the agricultural-

cattle sector. It also points out the importance of making investments in infrastructure, credit to acquire inputs and education to farmers. This data shows that companies which do the research and develop new active ingredients to protect the cultivation in the country are on the right path aiming to extend the knowledge to the field. There are several educational and sustainability actions already being developed since many years ago. Another particular initiative all over the world that deserves to be highlighted is the Andef Reward, which has reached its 16th edition with the theme “Innovation and Sustainability – A new green revolution”. Such work started also counting also with the support of an international organization, the Enactus. In the country, the already successful non-till farming has been increased as well as the integration of the plantation/ cattle breeding/forestry by increasing the cultivation area without deforestation, thus creating a cycle that allows the use of the land along the whole year. The adoption of such good agricultural practices that have influenced the positive environmental impact during period and the lack of straw burning combined with the awareness to preserve the natural resources have caused the recovery of more balanced food chains. Brazilian farmers, with the due support of the research, the genetics, the industry of inputs, and from every sector comprising the cultivation production have determined some necessary changes to benefit the whole society, and they have proudly assumed the results started with the evolution in the Brazilian agriculture. Brazil is plenty of available areas to the agriculture, the possibility of incorporating pastures and an effective tropical technology that results in a successful agribusiness, the part that provides support to the Brazilian trade balance and places the country in the position of being the world’s granary.

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International reference in social inclusion


he World Bank along with the United Nations made the Brazilian pattern of the Bolsa Família [Family Grant] Programme and the Brasil Sem Miséria [Brazil Without Extreme Poverty] Plan a reference of social inclusion to other countries. The revenue complementation has been one of the main instruments to overcome the poverty, but there are also strategies of productive inclusion and incentive to the labor market, such as the raising of the minimum wage. According to the director of the International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth, which is part of the United Nations Development Programme, Jorge Chediek, every country will be able to construct or improve social inclusive policies based on the Brazilian experience. During the ceremony of signature of an agreement between international entities and the Brazilian government, Chediek pointed out that “Brazil has drawn a social policy which is not apart from the economic one or from the general politics in the country”. The Initiative of Knowledge and Innovation for the Poverty Reduction is part of an overall effort performed by the World Bank to produce systematic knowledge and sharing successful experiences that may be replicated in other countries. “This agreement recognizes Brazil as a global leader in the reduction both of the poverty and inequality”, it was said by the CEO for the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim. The Minister of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, Tereza Campello attributes to the Bolsa Família Programme the main share of such favorable results. “It is the basis to build policies to overcome the extreme poverty not only because it is innovative

in several issues, but also because we have an understanding that in order to get a successfully social technology implanted, it is required that it must have dimension, impact and national scaling”, she assessed. The CEO for the Institute of Applied Economics, Marcelo Neri considers that the Brazilian case is interesting not only in relation to the study of poverty, but also as to the results attained especially during the last decade. “We have accomplished the Millennium Development Goals previously”, Neri declared. Since the Bolsa Família Programme was first launched in 2003 until August of 2013, the federal government has destined almost R$ 120 billion to the benefited families. According to the Minister of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, the programme has already drawn 36 million people from the condition of extreme poverty. Since June of 2011, it is part of the Brasil Sem Miséria [Brazil Without Misery] Plan launched by President Dilma Rousseff, who has intensified the federal government’s actions in its fight to eradicate the extreme poverty. Brasil Sem Miséria still foresees the expansion of the productive inclusion and the access to public quality services to the achievement of the full citizenship by the socially most

vulnerable population. It is also part of the Brasil Carinhoso [Caring Brazil] plan, an action that draws from the extreme poverty families with children up to 15 years old. It was conceived within a full attention perspective involving a policies reinforcement linked to the health and education, especially for children aged between zero and six years old.

Technology against the poverty The Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger developed a tool to help in building public policies in the fight against the extreme poverty. It is the application Brasil Sem Miséria no seu Estado [Brazil Without Misery in Your State], that gathers information that may serve as reference to planning actions and which also expands the transparency of resources and expenditures. In the application, it is found surveys on social programmes and actions such as Brasil Verde [Green Brazil], Unidade Básica de Saúde [Basic Health Unit], Água para Todos [Water for Everyone] and information on the labor market in each state along with data from families inscribed in the Single Registry of the federal government, as well as in the coverage of the Bolsa Família. The report also shows the results from actions and state programmes connected to the axles of the productive, urban and rural inclusion.



Conciliating the economic growth with environment preservation

The Brazilian industry makes a high bet on the biofuel Brazil is the most effective producer of ethanol in the whole world. In 2012 the sale of flex cars (gasoline and/ or ethanol fueled) in the country attained 87% from the total amount of vehicles sold, corresponding to 3,163 million units. The industry has made a high bet in the biofuel. Among the various benefits offered by the sugar cane, it is its effectiveness in producing up to 7.5 thousand liters of ethanol. One hectare planted with sugar cane in the Brazilian soil has potential to produce up to 7.5 thousand liters of ethanol, while in the same area of the United States planted with corn turned to the production of ethanol yields less than half of such volume. Presently, such power is used in 20 million flex cars, corresponding to 55% of the total national fleet. The success of the flex car first started in 2003, and the increasing amount of vehicles driven by such technology was very fast, representing today 90% of the whole light fleet marketed in Brazil. The use of ethanol reduces the emission of CO2 by the vehicles’ exhaust pipes that in Brazil is around 170 g/km. Less volatile than gasoline, the ethanol’s evaporative emission is lower when fuelling both tanks and vehicles. The mills, by their turn, burn the sugarcane bagasse to produce electric power, and besides of supplying their own power even allow marketing the surplus of energy. Since the first flex vehicles were launched in 2003, the use of biofuel has already avoided 100 million tons of CO2 from being released in the atmosphere. Such amount is quite significant corresponding to two countries such as Colombia and Peru with no carbon emission along one year.

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Clean Energy to revolutionize the future Brazil may have a predominantly clean energy matrix up to 2050. This was shown in the 3rd issue of the Energy Revolution report performed by the Greenpeace. The participation of renewable sources in the Brazilian energy matrix may be 47% higher along the next 40 years. According to a report disclosed by that entity, the matrix may count with 66.5% of sources such as the wind, sun and biomass to provide fuel for the electric, industrial and transportation sectors. In its 3rd edition in Brazil, the report proposes to get a clean and sustainable energy based on available resources and existing technologies. Such scenery complies with the future needs for power in the country, and it conciliates the economic growth to the environmental preservation. The study also shows how the rational and effective use of power can reduce the dependence of fossil fuels. By the scenery provided by the Energy Revolution, the demand for power will be 25% lower in 2050, when compared to the reference scenery, even if the GDP attains a yearly growth between 2.5% and 3.7%. The document also indicates paths to reduce the CO2 emissions in the country. The set of measures proposed would contribute to get a 60% cut of such emissions until 2050 – from 777 million tons per year having as basis the reference scene to 312 million tons by the proposed scenery. Until 2040, it will be possible to renounce to the energy produced by the nuclear plants, thermal plants fuel oil-fired and mineral coal, and thus avoiding the construction of new hydroelectric power plants. The report foresees a significant increase in the use of renewable sources – it will be 396 gigawatt of electricity installed until 2050, mainly by means of the wind sources, solar photovoltaic, solar heliothermic, biomass, and the small hydroelectric plants. As to the investments, the reduction in the amount of thermoelectric plants and the higher participation of renewable sources will be saving R$ 1,11 trillion until 2050. Despite of a higher amount of investment, the economic advantages are evident when it is assessed the high expenditures with fossil fuels forecasted in the reference scenery. Afterwards, the wind and the sun are free of any charge, opposed to the gas and the fuel.

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Under discussion, the medical care is signalizing an evolutionary process of the sector


he year 2013 was an important periodfor the health area in Brazil, since the discussion on the health care attained a major highlight. Thanks to such intense debate, it can be said that such changing in the behavior has marked an evolutionary process in the area. The sector has been achieving more and more space in nationwide discussions, and particular attention is being given by the federal government to such a significant sector. Health expenses represented in 2012 practically 9% of the Brazilian GDP, corresponding to approximately R$ 396 billion. The sector has employed above 2,9 million persons in 6,293 hospitals and public and private health institutions, providing health services to around 190 million persons.

The 5th edition of the Anahp Observatory, a publication issued in Brazil by the National Association of Private Hospitals gathers a complete analysis on the economic-financial, operational, and people management markers, along with information on the supplementary health system and the quality of hospitals associated to the entity. Anahp is constituted by 51 private profitable and non-profitable hospitals distributed over 12 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, and it occupies a strategic function in the unfolding of fundamental themes to the system’s sustainability and it is ready to strengthen the relationship in the sector and to contribute to a reflection on the role of the private health in the country.

Expanding figures and the quality The amount of employees working in private hospitals affiliated to Anahp has grown 8.1% in 2012 in comparison to the previous year, in a total amount of 80.6 thousand collaborators. Such result is higher than the figures attained in the creation of job posts in Brazil, which has reached 2.9% during the same period. According to the research, the majority of collaborators (64.1%) presents complete high school level, while 22.1% already completed the college education, and 6.3% are postgraduate. “There is a upward trend in the participation of collaborators with higher educational level”, it was explained by Francisco Balestrin, CEO for the Board of Administration of Anahp. Another side is related to the invoicing recorded in 2012 by those hospitals integrating the association, which was of R$ 11.4 billion, and to the average revenue that had a 4% increase in 2012 when compared to the previous year, having passed from R$ 314,5 million to R$ 326,8 million. “It worthwhile to point out that such growth is not attributed to price readjustments, but instead to the increasing demand for hospital services, resulting in a higher amount of patients in need of hospitalization”, Balestrin points out.

Another relevant fact is the 1.4% growth in 2012 in relation to 2011 in the amount of beds in hospitals associated to Anahp that passed from 9,071 to 9,200. From such total, 1.3 thousand are of adult ICU, 442 of neonatal ICU, and 321 of semi-intensive care units. The amount of internments and surgeries followed the amount of beds, with a 2.6% and 2.4% growth, respectively. The positive assessment of services by part of users of the ambulatories is an essential factor to the Brazilian hospitals. Despite the care taken by the health institutions with the increasing demand and with the quality of the assistance provided, the qualitative study requested by Anahp comprising two Brazilian capital cities, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro disclosed that there is still a lot to be done in order to assure higher indexes of satisfaction. The profiling of surgeries was similar to the previous year, with 31.8% related to special and major surgeries, and 34.1% to medium sized medical procedures in the amount of 65.9% of high complex surgeries. It is highlighted that among the special surgical procedures it is included the organ transplantations which are considered of higher complexity within the surgical area. During the last five years, more than one accreditation pattern has been incorporated among the institutions, and in order to participate in the accreditation processes, it is being performed investments in security and in a differentiate quality. Those institutions members of Anahp hold 50% of the international accreditations granted to Brazilian hospitals and 20% of the national accreditations. “Each time we observe an increase in the amount of hospitals committed to search for accreditations that demonstrate the quality of the health care offered”, celebates the CEO.



More Doctors to Brazil The programme More Doctors to Brazil is part of a wide pact to improve the health care among the users of the SUS - Unique Health System that foresees investments in the infrastructure of hospitals and in the health units, besides of providing more doctors to remote regions where there is scarcity of professionals. By calling doctors to work in the basic health care in peripheral regions of big cities and in cities of the Brazil’s countryside, the federal government assures more doctors to Brazil and more health to the population. Vacancies are foremost offered to Brazilian doctors interested in actuating in Brazilian regions where there is a lack of such professionals. Whenever such vacancies are not fulfilled, Brazil accepts the application of foreign doctors in an intent to facilitate the solution of such an emergency problem in the country.Â

Nevertheless, as health is not only performed with professional, the Ministry of Health is investing R$ 15 billion until 2014 in the infrastructure for hospitals and health units. From these, R$ 2.8 billion were destined to work in 16 thousand Basic Health Units and to purchase equipment for 5 thousand units; R$ 3,2 billion for Works in 818 hospitals and acquisition of equipment to 2,5 thousand hospitals, added to R$ 1,4 billion for works in 877 Emergence Units. Furthermore, it is still forecasted investments to be made by the Ministries of Health and Education. The resources comprise R$ 5,5 billion to build 6 thousand UBS and to remodelling and expanding 11,8 thousand units and to build 225 UPA [Emergence Units], and R$ 2 billion in 14 college hospitals.

Transplantations: A partnership between the Ministry and Facebook results in 135 thousand possible donors The partnership between the Brazilian Ministry of Health and Facebook set with the purpose to stimulate the organ donation among users of that social network completed one year in 2013. During such period, 135 thousand people manifested their desire to be possible organ donors. The tool allows for internet users to add such information on his/her timeline as well as on his/her profile. The purpose of such partnership is for the user to share his/her life history and the reasons that led him/ her to become an organ donor. After the insertion of the functionality and the disclosing of the campaign, there was a 1,780% increase in the amount of users on the official page of Organ Donation from the Ministry of Health on the Facebook. The social network has also made available the functionality in other countries. In 2012, it was performed 24 thousand transplant surgeries through the Unique Health System (SUS). Although Brazil has the largest public system of organ transplantation in the world, the Ministry of Health works to increase both the amount of surgeries and donors. In order to be a donor, the person must inform to the family his/her desire, and according to the Brazilian laws, it is not necessary to have a written document. A good way to inform that a person is a donor is to make such information public on the social networking. Watch the movie:

More Medicine courses The creation of a programme to provide doctors to remote regions in need is only one side of a series of structuring measures taken by the government in order to improve the medical formation and to decrease the scarcity of such professionals in the country.

A changing in the training of Medicine students will bring even more new physicians to the health reality in the country. From January of 2015 on, graduation students must actuate along a two year period in the basic health units and in the SUS’ intensive care and emergence units. The so-called “2nd Medicine Cycle� will allow to the students to work in close contact with the population. The Brazilian modeling is inspired to what already happens in countries such as England and Sweden, where students are required to work for a training period with a temporary registration for later to practice the profession with a definitive registration. In a partnership with the Ministry of Education, it will be open 11.5 thousand vacancies in Medicine courses in the country until 2017, and 12 thousand vacancies to form specialists until 2020. From such total, 2,415 new graduation vacancies have already been created, and they will be implanted until the end of 2014 focused on the more demanded areas and which have an appropriate structure to form physicians.



Optimism in the medical, dental and laboratory industry


uring the Annual Associates Meeting performed by ABIMO – Brazilian Association of the Brazilian Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Industry Association, the entity disclosed the result of the study on the sector performed in a partnership with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), a private educational, research and extension institution on the top of the list of the Global Go To Think Tanks Rankings from the Pennsylvania University, which is considered one of the institutions that most affect public policies and the society in Latin America and Caribbean.

The results indicate that production in the sector attained R$ 4.8 billion in 2012 divided in R$ 2.23 billion for medical equipment, R$ 97 million for implants, R$ 83 million for consumables, and R$ 76 million for dental products. It is in an upward curve mainly in the medical equipment area that was of R$ 1.07 billion in 2007. The report testifies that despite of finding some difficulties, the equipment manufacturing sector has been growning and solidifying. In 2012, the value generation in the sector (Sector GDP) attained R$ 2.4 billion thus achieving a real growth around 7% between 2007 and 2009, discounting the price variation. The country’s average is 3.5%, that is, the sector increases the double of the national GDP. The FGV survey has also detailed other important data: the productivity in the sector, that is, the aggregate value per worker between 2007 and 2012. Gains of productivity gains have been essential to support the growth in the sector. Discounted the price variation, the productivity in the sector has grown in average 5% per year during the period. As to the total investment in the sector in 2012, it attained R$ 307 million, corresponding to 13% of the sector’s GDP. In 2007, the marker was of 9.9%. For Márcio Bósio, Institutional Director for ABIMO, such figure is explained by the high level of investments that companies have been performing. “Among our associates, several companies have been investing in the construction of new plants and to modernize their manufacturing park”. Despite it is not a sector with high employability levels, even due to the highly specialized qualification required, the job posts in the sector of equipment have been growing in an average of 4% per year between 2007 and 2012, attaining the mark of 54 thousand people. Despite the exchange rate valuation, exportations have increased in an average of

Arab Health, in Dubai, Arab Emirates

6% per year during the 2007 to 2012 period attaining US$ 775 million during the last year. For Paula Portugal, Exportation Manager for the entity, data shows that small and medium size exporter companies spare no efforts to be kept into the international market. “This is the result of our work with Apex-Brazil through the Brazilian Health Devices Project”, he celebrates.

Expanding international markets For the first time, companies associated to ABIMO which are part of the Brazilian Health Devices Project (BHD) accomplished by the entity in a partnership with ApexBrasil – Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency participated in the Africa Health Exhibition & Congress 2013 held last May in Johannesburg, South Africa. Wto the BHD, which counted on the assistance of a matchmaking consultancy who was searching in Africa prospective clients to the exhibitor companies. “The purpose was to reinforce the commercial promotion performed in the trade show and attract an increasing amount of distributors to the Brazilian pavilion, thus allowing to achieve better practical results for companies in their first participation in the fair”, it was explained by Clara Porto, Coordinator of Commercial Promotion for ABIMO. The African continent offers an important business potential for Brazilian companies. According to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign



Trade (MDIC), in 2012 Brazilian exportations to Africa attained US$ 12.2 billion, and the commercial chain between Brazil and African countries was of US$ 26.4 billion. The fair had 10 companies in the Brazilian Pavilion which was organized by the same partnership between Abimo and Apex-Brazil, and which conducts Brazilian companies to the Arab Health (in Dubai, Arab Emirates), Medica (in DĂźsseldorf, Germany) and Fime (in Miami, USA). Celebrating 10 years of participation in the Arab Health, the major event in the Middle East and the second major in the world turned to the Health sector, the Brazilian pavilion counted on 40 exhibitors, who got in touch with more than 2.000 prospective clients and international distributors.

Fostering exportations ABIMO is the entity that represents the Brazilian industry of health products and search for a sustainable growth in the sector into the national and international market. The Project for the Sector (PS) accomplished by the entity in a partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency) and which is denominated Brazilian Health Devices has as mission to foster exportations in the industries of products and equipment in the Health area. Brazilian Health Devices is the brand that gathers exporter industries from the sector and represents them internationally.

FIME, in Miami, United States

The companies present have done more than 2,400 contacts reaching the mark of U$ 1,500 million in contracts closed, and they left the event with the expectation to accomplish business in the amount of U$ 11 million. At the FIME, which was held in August in the city of Miami, United States and which is also considered one of the greatest events in the sector, the Brazilian delegation participating for the 11th time was composed by 40 companies. According to Clara Porto, along the three days of the fair it was performed 1,282 contacts with 55 countries yielding business contracts around US$ 666 thousand signed with Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Iran, Mexico, Porto Rico, and Venezuela, with business expectations above US$ 10,155 million derived from contracts performed along the event. The Brazilian industry of health equipment was also gathered once again in Dßsseldorf, Germany on November of 2012 participating in the most important event in the sector, the Medica. With 50 companies aware of the demands and with strong investments in researches turned to the production with increasing quality, the fair allowed increasing the sales and market expectations. The results have shown that our exhibitors closed business deals in the amount of US$ 2 million during the fair with more than 2,700 business contacts with executives from the five continents and it was closed contracts in the total amount of US$ 31 million, as result of the event along 2013. The participation in international events strengthens the



image of the medical-hospital industry in Brazil, opens new markets and generates business deals that praise and present to the world the evolution of our technology.

Brazil hosts the major health event in the Americas

By Jefferson Bernardes/

An event which has been happening for 20 years in São Paulo – SP, Hospitalar – an international trade show for Products, Equipment, services and Technologies for Hospitals, Laboratories, Drugstores, Clinics, and Medical Offices is the biggest in the Americas, and it draws the attention of the health sector around the world to the potential both for the Brazilian and the LatinAmerican markets by promoting business and strategic partnerships. “The Hospitalar Fair and the Forum reaches 20 years with the commitment to continue supporting the actuation towards the development and improvement for the whole sector, fostering the growth in the whole chain and marking its presence as a positive agenda for the health sector around the world”, it was explained by Dr. Waleska Santos, founder and CEO for the trade show. Its most recent edition performed on May of 2013 gathered 1,250 exhibitors from 37 countries to present their products, equipment and services for the health market attracting 90 thousand professional

visitors from 74 countries, and among them, hospital executives, doctors, nurses, researchers and leaders from the sector who visited the event searching for novelties and relationships with the sector, besides of looking for professional updating thanks to the 60 congresses and seminars performed parallel to the event and focused on the health management. Hospitalar Fair and Forum generates a high index of business with positive impacts on the Brazilian economy of the sector for a minimum period one year.

The strength of our industry By developing a strategic role in the global economic and geopolitical arena, Brazil presents a balanced mix of stable economic growth and environmental sustainability that creates an excellent environment for the business development. Among several sectors, the industry of health products is one of the most essential and dynamic areas in the economy. Most than half companies in the country integrating the sector dispute other markets besides the Brazilian, as is the case of Instramed with headquarters in the city of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and it started its operations in 1980 with the clear purpose to develop a national technology for the sophisticated and strategic market Hospitalar Fair and the Forum, in São Paulo, Brazil



of medical equipment. In the last three years, exportations in the company had a 120% increase. According to Márcia Kruse, Exportation Supervisor, defibrillators (even the portable ones – External Automatic Defibrillators – DEAs) have been attaining a major highlight in the international market. “There is a great demand for electric-heart devices, as this is the main cause of death around the world”, it was explained by Márcia. Argentina, Peru, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Uruguay, Portugal, and Colombia are the countries that purchase most part of the company’s products. Deltronix, a usual participant in the international market for at least 15 year has


Overview of the Brazilian Foreign Trades in 2013 During the first half of 2013, the Brazilian foreign trade recorded a trade chain of US$ 231.9 billion with a 2.0% increase over the same period of 2012, when it was attained US$ 227.4 billion. Besides importation, the purchase of raw materials and intermediate items represented 43.7% of the total amount added to assets, 21.8% showing that the Brazilian trading agenda of importation is strongly linked to assets driven to the productive activity. Importations of consumables represented 16.8%, and fuels and lubricants, 17.8%. Related to 2012, it must be pointed out the category of assets that presented a 6.6% increase. The remaining categories presented the following increases: fuel and lubricants (+10.6%), raw materials and intermediary items (+6,8%), and consumables (+2.6%). As to the main destination markets, there was a growth in the sales to Asia, Middle East, and Mercosul. The sales to China had an 8.5% increase, thus assuring to the country its position of highest individual buyer of Brazilian products between January and June of 2013.

Medica, in Düsseldorf, Germany

in Bolivia, Mexico, Indonesia, Paraguay, Thailand, and Venezuela its main buyers. Its most outstanding products are electrosurgical generators, mainly the models for major surgeries and to be used in hospitals. “Along all this time, we progressively expanded our participation by increasing the amount of countries in which we actuate, added to the quantity of models exported. Upon the attainment of the CE mark, which is in its final homologation step, our markets will increase in a very significant way”, explains Dr. José Baptista Portugal Paulin, CEO of the company. Based on the excellent level of customer services mainly in the post sales area and services (technical assistance), the DrillerMed’s exportations are being expanded. The main line of the company’s products is turned to engines for dental implants and bone surgeries, in which it is leader in Brazil. André Vilela, Commercial and Scientific Director for DrillerMed explains that such leadership added to the knowledge of the professional who are present in events inside the country promote the sales of equipment abroad. The major buyer countries are those integrating the Latin

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America (except Chile and Mexico) added to Middle East and Africa. “As to Europe and North America, we are working to get the CE and FDA accreditation for new products with ultimate technology in order to achieve an even higher performance level”, explains André. Another company that represents very well the Brazilian exportations is WEM which is in the international market since the 90’s in the beginning selling its products in a punctual and reactive way. From 2000 on, it structured its exportation department and started participating on a regular basis in international trade shows and events. The CVHP Griff pen is an example of global class item developed by WEM which has been reaching a high level of success abroad, in such a way that the product was first launched in the USA in 2012, where the company attained the FDA’s certification. It is an innovative accessory that propitiates low bleeding levels thanks to the electronic scalpel that cuts and coagulates at the same time by using argon gas. United States and South American countries are among those countries that bought the greater amounts of products from the company. According to Vilma Peixeiro, Commercial and Marketing Manager for WEM, sales for the foreign market represent approximately 25% of the total invoicing, with a strong increasing trend thanks to the work which has been developed. “Presently, we export to more than 70 countries, and we have trained distributors in different continents”, she explains. Being present in the market since 1915, and therefore a company that follows the evolutionary history of the Brazilian industry, Fami has been developing itself in the exportation area through the strategically placement of representatives in American countries and also by the participation in international fairs where it sporadically sells to countries like the Eastern European, Middle East, and Italy, among others. The major consuming countries of its products are

Paraguay, Bolivia, and Mexico, among others. According to Jussara Marques, Consultant of Foreign Trades, the Fami’s products get an excellent highlight into the international market. “Our sterilization boxes, trays, and bedside items have a high safety and quality standard”, she points out. Another company which has been increasing its exported amount is BMR Medical headquartered in Curitiba, state of Paraná which makes its oncological, pain management, gynecological, and obstretics, mending of ventral hermias products available by structuring a specific department to handle with the foreign market after the Paragon line was acquired in 2011 along with the transfer of its manufacturing plant to Boston. According to Rafael Martinelli, BMR Medical’s CEO, the company started offering its products in international trade shows as the Hospitalar in the first half of 2013, and in the Medica in November. “Our most outstanding product for the global market is the Paragon, globally acquired and the first in our exportation line. In 2014, other products will join our portfolio, Martinelli explains, complementing that the countries which buy his products the most are Italy, Spain and Canada.



Technology for the benefit health


elemedicine is in constant evolution in Brazil. No one has any doubt that using technology to decrease distances and to improve processes helps to ensure quality in the assistance for the population. Aware of this, the Ministry of Health has created the National Program TelessaĂşde Brasil Redes that works together with the Technical Scientific Nucleus of the TelessaĂşde implemented in several states offering teleconsultations, telediagnosis and teleducation in the Basic Health Units.

medical image systems with remote diagnosis that may contribute to decrease the scarcity of specialists and even providing training and qualification for professionals from the medical area with no displacement to the reference centers. Upon these actions, several multinational companies have invested in the country offering solutions to assure the feasibility of the projects. One of them is the Grupo Telefônica to whom Brazil is one of the priority markets for the growth of the eHealth sector. Other examples are Intel and Microsoft.


One of such nucleus is located in São Paulo, and it is focused on the interactive distant education by means of the websites on the internet; promotion of the teleconsultation and providing a second formative opinion in an integrate way to the education and focused on thematic sectors such as the health for pregnant and breastfeeding women, health for elder people, course about the drugs, training of caregivers for disabled persons, hypertension and diabetes, digital contents and oral-health teleducation, among others; health development in communities with the production of audiovisual content on DVD, availability of the Health Channel from IPTVUSP and accomplishment of qualification course for monitors, and strengthening of specialized second formative opinions and telediagnosis. One of the highlights is the Virtual Man Project that comprises the development of 3-D images of the human body by using graphic computer resources of several areas. The project Young Doctor is a multiprofessional activity which is, distant education and the Virtual Man Project with the purpose to stimulate and value high school and college students to perform cooperated works that promote health and improve the quality of life in communities in need through a sustainable action. By its turn, the Ministry of Sciences and Technology has developed the College Networking of Telemedicine aiming to support the improvement of the already existing projects and to stimulate the appearance of future works. The initiative foresees communication services infrastructure as well as part of the computer and communication equipment for researching groups, thus promoting integration and connectivity, and spreading the activities performed by the participant institutions. Such implantation brings scientific, technological, economic and social impacts to the already existing medical assistance, and it allows the adoption of simple and low-cost measures as the implementation of analysis of

Magnamed receives the Inova Saúde Award

Equipment When dealing with medical-hospital equipment, the Brazilian industry is also always investing in innovation by offering quality products inside and outside the country. In recognition, Abimo – Brazilian Association Industry of Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Supplies and Equipment has created the Inova Saúde Award to stimulate the research and the development of new technologies. The Association believes that fostering the national industry regardless the size or area of actuation is beneficial for the country that wins in technology; as well as the whole society, who is benefitted by the new solutions and opportunities. The winner product of the 2013 edition was the OxyMag, an electronic blower for transportation and emergence developed by Magnamed, a company focused on the development of solutions for pulmonary ventilation and anesthesia.



According to Tatsuo Suzuki, Administrative Director, the device presents many functionalities that other models do not have, since it is the only transportation blower in the world that provides ventilation from newborn patients up to adults; it has a touch screen display that with a single touch on the image makes all the adjustments in the ventilation parameters instantaneously and starts the process; it pursues a remote diagnosis system via internet for technical assistance and it integrates the wrist oxymeter and capnography just connecting the corresponding sensor cable. Furthermore, it weighs only 3.25 kg (the smaller in the world) and has an extended lifetime of the battery load: above 6 hours. “The Market research has shown that Brazil still did not have manufacturers of transportation blowers for newborns. Around the world, there was only specific blowers for newborns or infantile/adult. We have initially developed a technology of pneumatic integrate circuit that today is the technological platform for the company’s blowers. We used in the development of the electronic circuit the ultimate items found in the market to attain a great deal of reliability and low power consumption”, Suzuki details. OxyMag is exporting to South Africa, Venocópio IV Plus, by Duan Internacional

OxyMag, by Magnamed

Angola, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dubai, Egypt, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia, Ukraine, Syria, and India, among others. According to the award organizers, it was very difficult to select the best innovative product, due to the quality of the Brazilian companies. Braile Biomédica was among the finalists with the centrifuge pump Centriflux, indicated for the blood pumping in cardiopulmonary bypass procedures with maximum duration of 6 hours. Other outstanding product was the Venocópio IV Plus by Duan Internacional which by the simple light projection is able to pervade the subcutaneous tissue and allow viewing a specific vein before punching it and minimizing the patient’s pain. Added to this, it reduces the need of using the tourniquet that temporarily interrupts the blood flow and thus changing the biochemical and hematological parameters. Venosbaby is the optimum version for children up to seven years old, since it has a rotating rod that allows the use in the limbs of newborn babies. Also a finalist, Micromar concurred with the navigation system AIMNAV developed to supplement the increasing medical needs in the neurosurgical area. The solution contains several tools that help physicians in “frameless” procedures going from a mere biopsy up to the extraction of tumors in regions difficult to be accessed. It has a camera with a retractile and moving arm that provides total freedom to locate it in the surgical field, making the system convenient and ergonomic.

anuncio hospimetal





The flight of the dental market


uring the 60’s, a change has started in the medical assistance pattern in Brazil due to the high costs of those services, making the resource inaccessible to major part of the population. Motivated by such reality, the health plans have appeared offering medical and hospital services at prices compatible with the revenue of certain specific levels of the population. Today, that kind of assistance comprises around 30% of the whole Brazilian population, and a similar fact has been occurring in the dental area. During the 90’s, there was a boom in the dental plan market, and from 2000 on, they started being offered by companies to their employees. With such benefit, both public and private companies have fulfilled an important gap to the Brazilian population, and the dental area was no longer seen as an expensive, unpleasant, painful necessity, responsible by 25% of the absence from work, according to data provided by the World Health Organization.

Thanks to the qualification of dental surgeons, the idea of long-term and painful treatment has been disappearing, since modern techniques allow the accomplishment of treatments in a shorter period of time and with a high level of effectiveness. Prevention is also attaining relevance in the sector. Studies have proved that with the maintenance of the oral health, the direction towards the modern Brazilian Odontology is advancing, at each R$ 1.00 invested, R$ 18.00 will be saved in the future. Added to this, with the rise of the Brazilian economy, the sector is forecasting a promising future, and it presents some trends: »» Dental tourism: people from the most diversified countries seeking for dental assistance in Brazil thanks to the more accessible prices associated to the recognition that the Brazilian Odontology is achieving international relevance; »» The concern about a continuing education by the professional disputing space into the labor market intensifies the search for a master degree both related to technical issues and to themes involving business management. Such evolution has changed the concepts involved in Odontology stimulating the search for a constant improvement; »» As to the social responsibility, an increasing amount of dentists are choosing to help people or communities in nearly disastrous situations both in the country and outside it by providing free dental assistance. This kind of project has already become true in the majority of the Brazilian dental offices; »» Humanizing treatments also occupies an outstanding position. Brazil was the first country recognizing the Odontology turned to patients with special needs, bearers of neuromotor and learning disabilities, chronic systemic diseases, and even psychosocial disorders or emotionally disturbed.

The profession Brazil is the home for 19% of the whole dentists in the world, according to the “Present Profiling and Trend for the Brazilian Surgeon-Dentist”. The “Global Atlas of Odontology”, published by the International Dental Federation estimates an amount of slightly above one million of dentists around the world, and even with every country included, Brazil is the one with the higher amount of those professionals. The labor market for professionals of Dentistry is constantly growing, mainly in the Orthodontics, Implant Dentistry, Occupational Dentistry, Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain. Surgeon-dentists have the ability to actuate both in the ambulatory and hospital range. Dentists can also actuate directly in the accomplishment of clinical and preventive procedures as well as in the management of the service constituting another possibility in their field of work. The Brazilian Odontology operates in developing research aiming the improvement of its products and services, and it has been achieved higher levels. Brazil is presently the 13th country as to the representativeness in global level.

Optimism for the sector of equipment There are promising and consistent expectations about the Brazilian markets of dental equipment and materials. Generally, the sector has been growing when compared 47


to other health areas, placing Brazil among the first markets in the world. According to surveys performed by the Brazilian Association of the Industry of Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Devices (Abimo), the real growth in the dental products market along the 2005 to 2012 period was of 7.2%. The sector is essential for the real growth in the GDP of the sector during the related period by generating R$ 2.1 billion together with instruments for medical usage and optical items. According to the entity, Brazilian companies have invested millions in innovations along the last years. More than 56% of the companies that form the sector hardly dispute for international markets. “Today, the Brazilian dental sector is seen as a reference. We are a huge market in the world, but we still have further room to grow, and the perspective is to keep a continuing accelerate growth”, it was said by Paula Portugal, International Manager for the Abimo’s Brazilian Health Devices project. In 2012, the production in the sector represented by the Association attained R$ 4.8 billion from which R$ 76 million were related to dental materials. The amounts exported had a 5.4% growth between 2007 and 2012, with a highlight for furniture,

Mandatory presence in the ICU The profession of surgeon-dentist is so important for the people’s health that recently, a law was approved determining as mandatory his presence in the multidisciplinary teams at the Intensive Care Units. According to the proposal, patients at ICUs require special care not only to treat the problem that took him to the internment, but also to take care of the other organs and systems that may suffer some harmful deterioration for his recovery and prognosis. For the CEO of the Department of Odontology of the AMIB – Brazilian Association of Intensive Medicine, Dr. Teresa Morais, the lack of dental treatment increases the possibility for infections and sepsis at the Intensive Care Units, and it may lead even to get pneumonia, a disease which is responsible by 30% of deaths in such environment. prosthesis, articles and devices for dental prosthesis, drill engines, among others equipment and instruments. With the purpose to disclose to the world the quality and reliability of the Brazilian Dental industry, Abimo in a partnership with Apex-Brasil is investing in the participation in the main trade shows of the sector such as: CIOSP (São Paulo), AEEDC (Dubai/EAU), CDS (Chicago/ EUA), and IDS (Colonia/Germany).

Changes in the oral health have a positive reflection on the general health Historically, public services of oral health in Brazil was characterized by low complex actions in their majority curative and mutilating of restrict access, and being characterized as an area of extreme social exclusion. The implementation of the National Policy of Oral Health named ‘Brasil Sorridente’ poses a landmark on the focus of attention in the oral health in the country, advancing in the improvement of organizing the health system as a whole with a model that takes into consideration the universal feature, the integrality and equity. The main lines of action of the program are the reorganization of the Basic Attention on the oral health, expansion and qualification of the Specialized Attention mainly through the implantation of the Centers of Dental Odontology Specialties and the Regional Laboratories of Dental Prosthesis, and the feasibility of the Fluor addition at the water treatment stations.



The Brazilian ability for inovation and its impact on the country’s development


he increasing recognition by foreign governments around the world that innovation is the key-factor towards the economic growth has put Brazil before a motivating reality: the country has been highlighted in the production of scientific literature among those countries with a well-established research such as Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, and USA, being the leader of the Latin American group.

Scientific Production “A key marker for the quality in the innovation produced in a given region is the level of impact and the results of the investigations published in the scientific literature. Inventions particularly influential are frequently quoted in scientific magazines and newspapers as important milestones in the progressive march towards innovation. Such quotes can be tracked down by performing a bibliographic analysis that assesses the penetration of a

particular innovation in the context of the scientific literature”, it was explained by Rob Willows, global vice-president of Studies in Intellectual Property of the business unit of the IP&Science by Thomson Reuters, responsible by the presentation of the study “Investments in Innovation in Brazil and the impact on the country’s development” elaborated by the Intellectual Property & Science (IP&S) unit. The study showed that Brazilian scientists published 46,795 scientific papers in indexed magazines in the Thomson Reuters Science Citation along 2012, thus making the country the 14th higher producer of scientific research around the world – a 10 position leap within 20 years. According to the most recent UNESCO’s Sciences Report published in 2010, more than 90% of the articles from Brazil were generated in public colleges. According to that survey, there is a strong increase in the scientific production in Brazil when compared to the previous 25 years. The country has presented growth rates that place the country ahead of the Latin America group, being even higher than Germany, the United Kingdom and

São Paulo is the 9th city in the world as to the amount of clinical research centers The ViS Research Institute, a platform that gathers data on 400 thousand clinical research centers made a pioneering survey to identify those cities which are the main poles for clinical studies around the world. Among the first top ten as to the amount of research centers, the city of São Paulo occupies the 9th position ahead of other major cities such as Paris and London. “São Paulo has a high amount of research centers, each of them performing an average of 12 studies, but there is room and potential for the city to host a much larger amount of studies”, it was told by Fábio Thiers, CEO for ViS.

Brazilian scientists advance in the research for a medication seeking to fight against the HIV virus Brazilian researches that study the healing of the disease through the use of a medicinal plant able to draw the virus from its latency have just advanced another step forward. It was successfully ended the last step of preclinical tests in Rhesus monkeys in order to verify the effectiveness and possible contraindications. Headed by the pharmacist Luiz Francisco Pianowski, the team studying the healing of the HIV has detected that a substance extracted from the plant Aveloz (Euphorbia tirucalli) displaces the virus from the infected cell causing its death (apoptosis) and thus making the virus to be exposed to the existing antiretroviral. According to Pianowski, “such discovery opens the horizons to the search for a healing of the HIV, since the current treatments only actuate by killing the virus when it multiplies and leaves the invaded cell to get in others”. Upon the demonstration of the low toxicity level in the organism of the tested animals, the research advances towards the next step, when tests in humans will start.

USA. Technological areas that present the highest part of the Brazilian scientific production are: clinical medicine, animal and vegetal sciences, agricultural sciences, chemistry and physics. Brazil is an emerging market with a hyper-growth, a protector of the intellectual property rights, and a fertile land for innovation. Together, these spirits of growth combined with a solid legal infrastructure are creating an interesting market for the local and multinational companies. 51


Increase of the national patents According to the study “Investments in Innovation in Brazil and the impact on the country’s development”, since 2009 the levels of national patent applications has grown 12% above the ones recorded in 2003. It also shows an evident trend towards the areas of ultimate technology in terms of basic inventions published in the country. Computers, natural products, automotive technology, and appliances are included among the main categories of patents filed between 2003 and 2012. The study also disclosed that 27% of every Brazilian patent are owned by universities. Such phenomenon which is also seen in China is the direct result of measures taken by the Brazilian government to improve the cooperation between universities and the industry Academic production.

The analysis shows the highest applicants during the 20032012 period in terms of amount of Brazilian basic inventions, from which seven among the 10 best transferees are academic or non-profitable organizations.

Source: Thomson Reuters Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI)

Researchers are coordinating international studies on the cancer The Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG) gathers a group of researchers in the Rio Grande do Sul state involved in international researches of the cancer. With headquarters in the city of Porto Alegre and under the coordination of the physician and researcher Carlos Henrique Escosteguy Barrios, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine of PUC-RS, a non-profitable entity being the first Latin American group of multinational cooperation exclusively dedicated to perform investigations in the oncologic area. The entity coordinates activities of more than 70 clinical investigators in Latin America specialized in cancer and focused on the development of new and alternative drugs to treat the disease. Its members are distributed among 12 Latin America countries, and they have been performing substantial contributions in several international assays of different kinds of tumors based on more than 7,000 new cases of cancer per month.

LACOG also develops educational courses in clinical research and promotes the Annual Latin American Conference on Oncology that shares the most recent information in the oncologic area.



The best destination for health


razil is already deemed the 6th most wanted destination to treat health problems, and the 2nd in plastic surgeries in the world. The country has more than 4,500 certified esthetic treatments and has accomplished in 2011 more than 905,000 surgical procedures and 542,090 non-surgical treatments, according to the Global Survey of Aesthetic Procedures performed by the International Society of Plastic Surgery (Isaps).

According to the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, foreign people correspond to 3% of patients who are submitted to esthetic interventions. São Paulo is the leader city in the accomplishment of these interventions followed by Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, and Brasília. Brazil also receives patients who rely on the quality of the health care to receive treatment in the oncological, orthopedic, cardiologic, neurological and bariatric areas. In the next five years, it is expected that health travels will increase 35% in Brazil. These figures make the country alongside Mexico and Colombia the leaders in that sector in the Latin-American continent, disputing the global podium of medical and esthetic treatments for tourists with the European Union and Asia, according to the 2012/2013 World Travel Trends Report. There was a nearly 20% growth in such kind of tourism all over Latin America, according to the IPK World Travel Monitor. Glaucos Antunes, Master Coach InterCultural for GA Intercultural Development has already heard several positive statements from foreign people in relation to the top Brazilian hospitals. “Some of them are deemed institutions of excellence often certified both in the medical and in the organizational areas. The amounts spent in the procedures also play a major role to cooperate for the expansion of that extremely promising market”, he declares. According to him, upon the globalization, information is immediately accessible everywhere in the planet for the people interested all over the world to find in Brazil possibility to be submitted to specific surgical procedures. Francisco Balestrin, Chairman of the Anahp Board – National Association of Private Hospitals insists to point out that the country counts with ultimate technology added to global class professionals who studied abroad and are familiarized with health practices from other countries. “We are adapting ourselves to the behavior, assistance, protocols, processes, technology, medical education and management

patterns. Added to this, the country is being adapted to the pattern to collect medical services through credit cards, remittance of payment or by means of agreements with international health plans”. Aiming to provide quality services in an appropriate way to patients from other countries, several hospitals have been investing in bilingual teams (English and Spanish); assistance to the travel organization including scheduling of transfers to and from the airport; checking the coverage of the medical and hospital expenses with international health insurance companies, operating as a facilitator in the process of scheduling consultations and exams to foreign patients; lodging in hotels close to the hospitals with reduced fares; internal customized conciergerie services along the whole admission, as well as bilingual signs, folders and websites. Added to this, major part of the institutions is searching or already has international accreditations. The intent is to follow the same standard of global quality and safety assistance indicators, thus assuring total support to foreign patients. Basically, there are two main international accreditations the institutions are looking for: JCI – Joint Commission International and the Accreditation Canada.

Investing in the humanizing Brazilian hospitals have been strongly investing in humanizing. Guilherme Kosmann, Institutional Manager for MCF Consultoria e Conhecimento



anuncio hosp. sirio libanes

anuncio hosp. sirio libanes



One of the oldest tourism activities The evolution of the health concept emphasizes the well-fare, and more than that, the dynamic condition of the healthdisease process that leads towards a continuous search for keeping the health. Before such context, it appears that although health travels seem to be a new segment it is one of the oldest tourism activities, once the displacement in search for the health has been occurring since the ancient times and around the whole world. In Brazil, there is a significant variety of therapies available with international pattern of assistance and prices quite lower than the ones found in other countries. By aggregating value to such advantages, the country has also to offer an especially privileged set of landscape and cultural diversity. explains that the high quality in the health assistance and the positive result from the experience are the main attribute the patient searches for. According to him, it is fundamental that the excellence of the medical quality is recognized and thefacilities are different, and this should justify the choice for the hospital. For Kosmann, the Premium market in the health area seeks to offer the higher level of comfort possible. “It is about doing the medical care to resemble the least possible to a medical treatment. It is about making the patient who will be submitted to a surgery to return to the room and he does not feel as he was in a hospital room, or the food offered must have a flavor of the international gastronomy, although observing the prescribed diet”, he explains. It must be understood by assistance comfort conditions similar to hotels. “We have to pick the patient’s bag, following him up to the room or taking him to the car and expressing to everybody our sympathy. The top technology completes the tripod,

because we are aware that both tourists and Brazilian patients want to get the best result”, Kosmann points out.

Hotel networking It is precisely the different assistance to the user that the Brazilian health chain has been betting in order to conquer the international public, starting with the quality of services offered by the institutions and by the excellent hotel standard, including issues related to the location, as the hotels are close to large hospitals. With units well located and easy to access, Brazilian hospitals already offer special fares and appropriate accommodations for those who will be submitted to some medical or esthetic procedure or even for those who are only escorting. “We use to receive persons in need for a treatment, and needing to stay a few days through the partnership with famous hospitals with which we use to work applying a special fare”, it was told by Cinthia Archonas, Sales Manager from the Quality Suites Long Stay Bela Cintra, located in the city of São Paulo. The Brazilian hotel networking is also concerned to the accessibility issues, investing in adapted accommodations for bearers of physical disabilities with larger doors and bathroom with no box, among other features, besides of dedicating special attention to the assistance mainly in such delicate moment like this.



Health Talents

By Edson Lopes Jr.

Saving lives is the main function of a health professional whether providing medical care to patients or by developing researches on several specializations. Added to this, a major part is dedicated to the creation of social projects and institutions to support people in need and others, even actuating in the politics arena by assuming posts connected to the sector. Next, some of the main Brazilian names and their contribution to the development of the health area in the country.

David Uip São Paulo State Secretary of Health, David Everson Uip is the greatest AIDS specialist in Brazil. Graduated in Medicine by the University Foundation of the ABC, with a Master Degree and Doctorate in Infectious Diseases by the São Paulo University, he was formerly was executive director of the HC-FMUSP’s Heart Institute (InCor) and CEO of the Zerbini Foundation, an entity that provides financial support to InCor. He also directed for ten years the House of Aids in the city of São Paulo, and since 2002, he coordinates prevention projects to the vertical transmission of the HIV and biosafety in the national hospitals of Angola,

Africa, where he helps in the qualification of physicians and local professionals to provide health care for sick people by means of trainings and interchanging. In 2009, he assumed the command of the Emílio Ribas Infectious Diseases Institute, the greatest national reference center for infectious contagious diseases, which was founded 133 years ago. In that place, he signed an agreement with the College of Medicine Foundation, an entity that provides support for the assistance, teaching and research of the FMUSP’s Hospital das Clínicas seeking to accelerate the reposition of human resources and modernize the hospital management. He gained fame by providing medical care for politicians and celebrities, such as the Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff and the singer Fábio Júnior. He is also owner of the Professor David E. Uip Clinic in São Paulo, that, besides of actuating in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases also offers multi-professional assistance in the areas of Nutrition, Physiotherapy, Psychology and Dentistry.

Chao Lung Wen Chao Lung Wen, most known as Professor Chao is graduated by the College of Medicine of the São Paulo University. He is the Head of the Telemedicine course of the FMUSP, CEO for the Brazilian Board of Telemedicine and Telehealth, Member of the Permanent Committee of Telehealth and the Executive Committee of Telehealth of the Ministry of Health from the HC-FMUSP. He obtained his PhD by developing the thesis of Computing Environment Supportive to the Clinical Practice, and the first Habilitation in Telemedicine for the USP Medicine College with the

thesis “A Model of virtual ambulatory and electronic tutor to the application in medical interconsultation and technology-mediated distant education”. He developed several papers such as the creation of the Amazon Region Telemedicine Pole and the Innovation and Research Center in Telemedicine and Telehealth Solutions. He was responsible by the structuring of the Education and Research network of the HC-FMUSP (a telemedicine networking based on optical fiber interconnecting every unit of the FMUSP’s Hospital das Clínicas Complex) and by the construction of a technological structure of video streaming and web conference servers, among others. He is responsible by the creation of the Virtual Man Project that uses 3D graphic computer resources to create dynamics sequences of video to teach complex health themes in a simple and objective way. Also, he is responsible by the conception and implementation of the Young Doctor Project, a program that promotes social development of communities in need by means of the involvement of college students with high school students aiming to provide quality of life, prevention of diseases and primary attention. He has more than 10 papers published on Telemedicine, 20 papers presented in international congresses, and 30 in national congresses. He made above 150 lectures and taught training in Telemedicine and Telehealth.

the amount of prostate cancer surgeries. Graduated in Medicine by the São Paulo University (USP), he owns a PhD Degree and Habilitation in Urology by that same university, and he performed his Post Graduation internship in Urology at the Harvard Medical School (Boston, EUA). He is Full Professor in Urology in the USP’s Medicine College, author or co-author of 461 scientific papers published in national and international indexed magazines and of 180 chapters in national and international books having as line of research “Prognostic Factors and Natural History of the Urological Neoplasm” and “Surgical Treatment of the Urological Cancer”. He oriented 23 Post Graduation students in Urology in UNIFESP and USP, and he had direct participation in the formation of 212 specialists in the area of Urology. Author or editor of 21 scientific books, he actuates as Member of the Editorial Board of 12 national and international medical magazines as Ad Hoc Scientific Assistant for FAPESP, CNPq and the American Urological Association. In the management of the FMUSP’s Urology area, he set an international interchange with the Harvard Medical School (EUA), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, EUA), MD Anderson Cancer Institute (Houston, EUA), Miami University (Miami, EUA), Florida University at Celebration (Orlando, EUA) and the South California University (Los Angeles, EUA). Through resources attained from Private Institutions and Fostering Agencies, he created the Urology Unit of the UNIFESP’s Kidney and Hypertension Hospital, the Urology Sector of the UNIFESP’s Hospital São Paulo, the UNIFESP’s Prostate Nucleus, Institute of the Prostate and Technological Innovation Center of the Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz, House of the Medicine Student of the FMUSP, the FMUSP’s Laboratory of Medical Investigation 55, Center of Teaching and Search in Surgery “Vicky Safra”. He received 56 awards and honors in the medical area and the titles of Citizen from Goiás, Bahia, Rio-Grande, and Paraiba. He is member of the Advisory Board from the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies da Harvard Medical School. Outside the medical activity, he is a columnist for the newspaper Folha de São Paulo and CEO of the Advisory Council of the Criança é Vida Foundation.

Miguel Srougi One of the main specialists in the country in the study and training of urological tumors and prostate diseases, Miguel Srougi is considered the first doctor in Brazil as to



to several congresses and meetings in several countries, besides of weekly participations in interviews on different Medias. Responsible by the “The Truth about Drugs” program daily broadcasted by the Jovem Pan Radio Station from São Paulo, he is also reviser for national and international medical publications with publications in hundreds of books and specialized magazines.

Priscila Pini Zenatti

Anthony Wong One of the highest Brazilian authorities in Toxicology, Anthony Wong is medical doctor by the Medical School of the São Paulo University. Medical Assistant of the Children’s Institute of Hospital das Clínicas of the USP’s Medical School since 1976, he isalso specialist in Pediatrics by the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, in Pediatric Intensive Care by the Brazilian Association of Intensive Medicine and in Toxicology by the Brazilian Society of Toxicology. He is vice-president of the International Forum for Alcohol and Drug Testing, medical director and head of the Center of Toxicological Assistance for the Children’s Institute of Hospital das Clínicas of the USP’s Medical School, scientific director for MAXILABOR Diagnósticos (drug analysis), medical director for the Brazilian Institute of Toxicological Studies, and medical supervisor of the Center of the Safety Assistance and Consultancy for Health Products. Added to this, he is aneffective member of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, of the European Association of Poison Control Centers and Clinical Toxicologists, the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, and the European Workplace Drug Testing Society. He is also advisor for the World Health Organizationin the Programme INTOX da IPCS – Toxicology Groupof the United Nations as to the International Programme of Chemical Security in the Environment, member and Advisor for the Pharmacovigilance Group of the World Health Organization and member/consultant elected of the United States Pharmacopeia, being the only Brazilian in that board since 2010. A national and international reference in his areas of actuation, Wong is invited

In the field of genetics and molecular biology, Priscila Pini Zenatti is a major highlight. Graduated in Biological Sciences and with Masters Degree in Genetics and Evolution by the UFSCar in São Paulo, she attained her doctorate in Molecular Biological Genetics by Unicamp in the same state, when she studied mutations in the IL-7R at LLA-T, performing part of her study in the Medical School of Lisbon and in the National Institute of Health (USA). Presently, she is postdoctorate in the Children Center Boldrini that actuates in the care for children and adolescents with cancer and hematological diseases and in the National Laboratory of Biosciences in a project denominated “Development of monoclonal therapeutic antibodies against the LLA’s mutant homodimer IL-7R”. Her paper “Oncogenic IL7R Gain-of-Function Mutations in the Childhood T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia” was selected for an oral presentation at the Young Scientist Symposium SBBqConesul held during the XLI Annual Meeting of the SBBq in 2012. In the year of 2013, her thesis of doctorate “Study on the Interleukin 7 Leukemia Receptorin acute lymphocytic leukemia of pediatric T-lineage” received the Capes Award granted to the best doctorate thesis selected in each of the 48 areas of knowledge from post-graduation courses. Such research discloses that the defective IL7R protein leads to the uncontrolled proliferation of the acute T-lymphocyticleukemia (LLA-T), a discovery that has contributed for the identification and understanding of a new mechanism responsible by the appearance of the leukemia in the childhood. At short term, such mutation can be used as a new target for the development of specific drugs to treat the disease.

anuncio magnamed



Brazilian movies and series achieve international prominence

Culture for every taste

The new whoop in the Brazilian film industry is the movie Flores Raras, directed by Bruno Barreto, and which will be shown in the Brazilian movie theaters in August opening the Gramado Festival that takes place in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in the beginning of September. The film was already exported to countries such as Scandinavia, Saudi Arabia, Korea and Germany to be launched in the first week of November in the United States in a strategic way to be allowed to compete both for the Oscar and the Golden Globe. The film tells the story of a real love story between an architect, Lota de Macedo Soares played by the Brazilian actress Gl贸ria Pires, and the North-American poet Elizabeth Bishop played by the Australian actress Miranda Otto during the 50/60 decades. At that time, Brazil was passing by huge transformations: Bras铆lia, the new federal capital was being constructed, the bossa nova was making a phenomenal success and Rio de Janeiro was being prepared to cease of being the capital of the country. In such scenario, the American poet Elisabeth Bishop arrives in the city to spend some days with Lota de Macedo Soares, a strong and entrepreneurial woman from the carioca society. With personalities far ahead their time, they quickly set a personal relationship,

Emmy, which is considered the Oscar of the television worldwide. The ceremony where the winners were disclosed was held on November of 2012 in New York. “O Astro” was awarded in the “Soap Opera” category. The 2011 production written by Alcides Nogueira and Geraldo Carneiro was based on the homonimous soap opera from 1978 by Janete Clair, which had in its cast Rodrigo Lombardi as the lead character, Herculano Quintanilha, added to Carolina Ferraz, Alinne Moraes, Daniel Filho, Regina Duarte, and others. The series “A mulher invisível”, based on an eponymous film from 2009 by Cláudio Torres was awarded in the Comedy category. It is the story of Pedro (Selton Mello), his “imaginary” girlfriend Amanda (Luana Piovani) and his wife Clarisse (Débora Falabella) surpassed the series “Absolutely fabulous” and “Spy” from the United Kingdom, and “What if?”, from Belgium in the award.

FLIP: a democratic, open and plural Brazilian culture The International Literary Feast of Paraty (FLIP), a town located in the state of Rio de Janeiro was held during the period of July 3 to 7 of 2013, and it honored the Brazilian writer Graciliano Ramos. The homage to the writer was mainly based on its personal experiences lived to write his romances. For the writer, the individual life has always been connected to the set of space-time circumstances. Extremely personal, his literature has a universal feature. Soon during his childhood, Graciliano manifested talent

By Divulgação/TV Globo

By Divulgação/TV Globo

generating achievements and losses that are being reflected up to these days. Bold, passed in times when under several aspects intolerance interfered in a brutal way on the people’s lives, the film shows the lesbian militancy before the challenges to disrupt traditional patterns of a relationships between women, and to participate in the construction of a world of equality among genders. The soap opera “O Astro” and the series “A mulher invisível”, both of them produced by the TV network Globo won the International

Débora, Selton and Luana, lead actors of the series “A mulher invisível”

Rodrigo Lombardi, main character of ‘O Astro’



Comprising the most diversified themes such as popular culture, literature, design, art, graffiti, comics books, images, theater, music and even digital books, the event is already positioned as one of the most important in the global literary media.

Brazilian participation in international book trade shows

The writer Graciliano Ramos, honored by the 2013 FLIP

to write, and he never stopped using his vocation. In favor of a literature within the reach of everyone and against the fact of many times it becomes a symbol of distinction between social classes, the author defended the idea that writing could be an activity not aimed for few persons: “Words were not made to shine, but instead to be said “, he used to say. With the presence of important national and international authors such as Aleksandar Hemon, Ana Martins Marques, Cleonice Berardinelli, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Francisco Bosco, and Geoff Dyer, among many others, this year’s event also had the participation of Gilberto Gil, singer and composer born in the city of Salvador, state of Bahia and who beside Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa and Tom Zé had a fundamental role in the modernization process of the Brazilian popular music with the creation of a movement denominated “Tropicalism” which assimilated the pop culture into the national genres and breaking barriers between the traditional and the avant-garde transforming moral and behavior criteria. The performer has taken the position of Ministry of the Culture in 2003. He recorded more than 35 albums, and he was awarded with the Grammy Award in 1998 as the Best World Music.

More than 100 publishing companies from ten Brazilian states and the Federal District were present in the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany which was held between October 9 and 13, and it is deemed the major literary event around the world. Brazil was the guest of honor, and it participated with the presence of more than 70 authors, and the event was the opportunity for visitors to get to know a little bit more on the wealthy, diversity, vitality and creativity of the Brazilian culture. The National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan) took the collections Grandes Obras e Intervenções [Major Work and Interventions] along with the Routes of the Heritage. On the total, it was 23 bilingual publications portraying the diversity of the Brazilian heritage. The works are related to the registration activities and the valuation of both the material and the intangible heritage, and to the restoration and recovery designs of the historic centers. Iphan has already published more than 1.5 thousand titles which are freely distributed to public libraries, universities and schools all over Brazil. The country was also honored in the 25th International Book Fair of Bogotá (FILbo), held during the April 18 to Nelson Rodrigues

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

May 1st of 2013 period. More than just a privilege, to be honored by the Colombians in the most important cultural event of their Silver Jubilee was the opportunity

to become known in countries from the Amazon Basin, Central America, and the Caribbean. The centennial of Jorge Amado and Nelson Rodrigues were celebrated with the reading of parts of their books performed by Colombian actors. Millôr Fernandes was theme for a debate; it was dedicated a round-table discussion about Carlos Drummond de Andrade; and Guimarães Rosa was remembered in the launching of the seventh edition of the literary contest promoted by the Cultural Institute Brasil Colômbia (Ibraco). The Brazilian space even sheltered two important exhibitions: Cora Coralina - Coração do Brasil and Clarice Lispector - A hora da estrela, showing a diversified and wealthy Brazil as to its regional and universal aspects. On September of 2013, Brazil presented a part both of its culture and literature to the Chinese public participating in the International Book Fair of Beijing. By developing the relationship between China and Brazil, more and more Chinese citizens are showing interest to get know Brazil better. In the Brazilian stand of the book fair, some literary works, music and video attracted many Chinese people and visitors from several parts of the world.



The funk music integrates every Brazilian and worldwide social class The carioca funk is a musical style that came from the Rio de Janeiro’s favelas, and despite its name, it is different from the funk beat that came from the United States. From the 70’s, black, soul, shaft and funk balls started to happen in Rio de Janeiro, and during the

A “Fever” in Brazil, Anitta is a success also abroad

80’s such kind of balls started to receive influence from the rhythm that came from Florida, the denominated miami bass that brought a more erotic music with a faster beat. The first carioca funk recordings were versions of that genre. Nowadays, funk is among the most heard rhythms by young people. From the slums to the asphalt, it was succeeded in an unusual way as integrator of social classes in Rio de Janeiro, which is also divided by the type of geography in the city. By talking about the reality in an irreverent way, the funk was welcome of the young mass. Some erotic and dual meaning lyrics reveal high creativity and freedom of speech which is quite rare to be seen other Brazilian musical styles. The funk has been gaining more and more space in other cities along with

international recognition, since it was elected one of the great sensations in the European summer, and it is the base for a successful hit by the singer Mia, “Bucky Done Gun”. Funk, electronic music and hip hop are mixed in the hits by Naldo Benny, a singer from Rio de Janeiro who is competing in five categories of the Latin Grammy: Best New Artist, Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Video of the Year and Best Brazilian Song. Recorded in Miami, the video “Se Joga” has the participation of the NorthAmerican rapper Fat Joe. Naldo commented his nomination to the award: “I always wanted to make history with the music, and to achieve such nominations shows that I am in the right path.” Other icon of the Brazilian funk music is the singer Anitta. The young singer started her carrier singing in weddings and special ceremonies as well as in baptisms in a church, but she always enjoyed the funk balls. The 20 year old funky singer quitted her fixed job in a large mining company in pursue of her dream to sing in the balls, and she already was a ballroom dance teacher. Her history started when she decided to record a video and to post it on the You Tube, and thanks to the high amount of accesses, she was seen by a musical producer who gave her two hits to make a record that quickly reached the first positions among those most played songs on the Brazilian radios. In her performances, Anitta also sings English music supported by two stiletto dancers, the same musical style

The funk singer Naldo Benny is competing in five categories of the Latin Grammy

adopted by Beyoncé. She is considered a “fever” in Brazil, and the singer is also achieving success abroad, being even compared by the NorthAmerican magazine Forbes to performers such as Rihanna, Shakira and Ivete Sangalo. The publication asserts that the young singer has an average of 20 shows every month, and she has big chances to become an international star, since she speaks English fluently and makes an even higher bet on elements turned to the hip hop.

Brazil shelters the greatest musical festival in the Latin world Considered the 7th best festival in the world by the specialized website, Rock in Rio is a music festival originated in Brazil idealized by the Brazilian entrepreneur Roberto Medina, and which was first performed in 1985. Since its creation, it

was recognized as the major musical meeting in the Latin world. Originally organized in Rio de Janeiro from where its name is originated, it became an event of worldwide repercussion, and in 2004 it had its first edition outside the country in Lisbon, Portugal. In 2008, it was presented for the first time in two different places: Lisbon and Madrid. In 2013, the event was held from September 13 to 22, and it received a public estimated of 595,000 persons. Intense days with a lot of music presented by performers and national and international bands such as Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, Ben Harper, Charlie Musselwhite, George Benson and Ivan Lins, Metallica, Justin Timberlake, Sepultura + Tambours du Bronx, Skank and Beyoncé, once again transformed the Rock in Rio an unique spectacle.

Spreading happiness Brazilians are spread around all the corners of the world, and they are known by their charisma, good mood and sympathy. Due to this, the Brazilian Day was created, a



free access festival celebrating the diversity in the Brazilian culture through a big outdoor feast with live music by some of the most successful Brazilian performers, celebrities and sporting stars, traditional dances and good food. The festival first started in New York, and today it attracts each year 1.5 million people to the 5th Avenue. As a result of the success, the Brazilian Day has become an international event also performed in Miami, London, Tokyo, Toronto, Angola and Lisbon.

A precise calculation As to the item “arts”, Brazil gathers important cartoonists, who get highlight due to their social influence and great human deepness. One of them is Arnaldo Angeli Filho, better known as Angeli, who since the 80’s has been developing a gallery of famous characters with an anarchic and urban mood such as Los Três Amigos and Bob Cuspe. He has also launched the magazine Chiclete com Banana, an editorial success that attained 110 thousand copies, and it is considered today one of the most important cartoons ever edited in Brazil. His strips were published in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Argentina, but it was in

Millôr Fernandes, draftsman, humorist, dramatist, writer, translator and journalist

the Portugal market that he attained a major highlight even having a compilation of his work launched by the publishing company Devir in 2000. Another famous cartoonist is Laerte Coutinho, who in the 80’s published his comics in the magazines Chiclete com Banana (edited by Angeli), Geraldão (edited by Glauco) and Circo, all of them published by Circo Editorial, which later launched its own magazine, Piratas do Tietê, whose characters changed the sea by the not least dangerous river that crosses the city of São Paulo. In 1985 he launched his first book, O Tamanho da Coisa, a collection of his charges. Laerte also actuated as a screenwriter and collaborated in several shows of the Brazilian network Rede Globo, and participated in the making of the

Serginho Groisman at the opening of the Brazilian Day

By TV Globo

Brazilian Day

Chiclete com Banana Magazine by Arnaldo Angeli Filho

screenplay and storyboard of the short animation movie Los Tres Amigos directed by Daniel Messias and winner of the HQMIX award. Millôr Fernandes, deceased in 2012 with the age of 88 has left his brand in the main media in the country as draftsman, humorist, dramatist, writer, translator and journalist. Bearer of a style deemed peculiar, he used to be seen as a pathfinder into the Brazilian cultural landscaping. As a screenwriter, he wrote more than dozens of texts, and he also wrote the scripts for musical shows. He also collaborated with articles and chronic for the most important media in the country. As scriptwriter, he wrote about his own life: “My fate does not pass by the power, religion or any of these stupid entities. Mine is an original script written by myself. Due to this, I don’t die in the end”. Multifaceted, he attained success both from the critics and the public in every gender he ventured in. Besides his success in the literary and artistic areas, he was also proud on his sporting performance, considering it one of his major idealizations the co-creation of the frescobol. In 1983, he was honored in the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, when he was the samba theme for the Samba School Acadêmicos do Sossego, from Niterói (RJ).



Brazil hosts the charisma of Pope Francis


he World Youth Day, a religious event promoted by the Catholic Church first instituted by Pope John Paul II in 1985, a one week meeting that gathers millions of catholic all over the world, being mainly young catholic. 1984 celebrated the International Youth Meeting in the Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican with Pope John Paul II, when the Pope delivered to Young catholic a cross which would become one of the main WYD’s icons, and what became known as the World Youth Day’s Cross. The United Nations declared 1985 the International Year of Youth. In March, there was another international meeting of young people at the Vatican, and along that same year, the Pope announced the institution of the World Youth Day. The event is performed in a city chosen by the Pope, who also suggests a theme withdrawn from a verse in the bible. The city chosen to host the 2013 WYD was Rio de Janeiro, and it was held in July. In his first international travel, Pope Francis had an agenda plenty of activities in a schedule that included from formal acts such as the meeting with the Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff up to the visit to a poor community, a hospital and to youths in detention.

Breaking protocols: the mark of the papal visit Both Brazilians and foreign people have been able to perceive how simple, friendly and charismatic is the Pope and how he speaks in a more colloquial way than other popes, with coherent words and actions which have been the mark of his Pontificate. Pope Francis talked both to the people present in the meeting and to more than one billion catholic people in the planet as he was speaking on a talk show instead of a preacher talking about religious matters, different from that paused and clerical way used by former popes. He was born in Argentina, and Francis is the first Jesuit to be elected Pope. He was graded in the spiritual school of Santo Inácio de Loyola, founder of the Companhia de Jesus [Society of Jesus]. Pope Francis has left his mark everywhere he went in Brazil, always breaking protocols: he sat down to pray on an ordinary bench besides volunteers and pilgrims; he went close to the congregation who were waiting for him in the city of Aparecida; he kept the windows open of the car that took him from the airport to the Metropolitan Cathedra in Rio de Janeiro, blessing the people along the path; it gave a very hard time for the bodyguards who were following outside the car, when he asked that one of them brought a child to him, kissing her and then returning the child to the mother. Undoubtedly, the right Pope in the right time.

Special attention to psychiatric treatment and chemical dependents During his visit to Rio de Janeiro, Pope Francis inaugurated the Pole of Integral Mental Health Care (PAI) of the São Francisco de Assis Hospital in the district of Tijuca, a project created by the São Francisco de Assis Association at Providência de Deus. It is focused on general psychiatric treatment, especially to chemical dependents, and

the Papa Francisco PAI is functioning in one of the eight buildings of the hospital complex managed by the association, occupying a 2.000 sqm area. It has 80 beds and around 80 professionals to provide medical care for private persons, associated to health plans and public patients, providing emergence and ambulatory assistance with an average period of internment of 30 days. “I want to hold each of you, who are Christ’s flesh asking for God to fill your way with sense and hope”, it was said by the Pope especially to those who were being recovered and the ones already recovered.

The importance of Latin America Thousands of pilgrims who were in Rio to meet the first Latin-American Pope went back to their countries leaving in Brazil a track of well-fare marked by Pope Francis’ smiles and joy mixed to the around 3 million young people who changed Copacabana, the most sexy beach in the world in a huge altar of faith and fraternization. Analyzing the consequences of the first international travel of the first non-European Pope to his continent of origin, it can be observed that the messages that Francis left behind are important for the whole American continent that proportionally has the major amount of Christian people going beyond the faith and the Roman Church. From such territory it will depend the hope for food and water for the whole world, and from such territory it may arise the message coming from the young blood full of enthusiasm and willingness to live without losing the hope in the future. Francis’ call to the Latin-American ecclesiastical hierarchy asked from them to “leave your palaces behind to meet those who are excluded, and don’t be afraid of being committed to those who continue suffering the burden of exclusion” will certainly have impact on the political world.

The JMJ 2013 showed that Brazil is prepared to host big events The WYD has attained a record amount of pilgrims. The public present in the event reached 3.7 million people, resulting in an expressive economic impact: visitors spent R$ 1.8 billion, according to figures supplied by the Ministry of Tourism. Researches from the Ibope Inteligência Institute have shown that 95%



6,746 photos were posted. On the Facebook, the Rio 2013 WYD website generated 13,011 million of reach. There was also 1.13 million “likes”. Facebook and Twitter summed up 1.3 million participants. The social network covered the whole meeting in real time, mainly the central acts. Around 21 languages managed the Rio2013 WYD profiling. The official website attained more than 4 million accesses. The countries with higher amount visitors were Brazil (3,35 million), Argentina (211,645), United States (166,625), Italy (106,158), and France (73,391).

participants left satisfied with the event. Added to this, 93% showned desire to participate in the next editions, and 98% would recommend the meeting to other persons. The assessment was also positive among specific areas approached by the research. The concerts and attractions were approved by 94% of the pilgrims, the spot of the Journey had 92% of approval rate, lighting received 91% of favorable votes, and the Rio de Janeiro people’s hospitality, 91%. It was 427 thousand subscriptions for the World Youth Day coming from 175 countries. There were around 180 thousand pilgrims inscribed with lodging included, while the housing available in homestays attained 356.4 thousand. The greatness of the event has confirmed Brazilian’s vocation to host big festivities of international repercussion.

On the social networks During the visit of Pope Francis in Rio de Janeiro, the World Youth Day was one of the most commented matters on the social networking. Along the period of the event, it was 24.89 million accesses, surpassing the 22 million attained on the Madrid event. The Rio 2013 WYD attained the Twitter’s trending topics in every day of the event. It was 175,163 followers added to 2.39 million tag mentions monitored. Furthermore, visualizations on the You tube attained 3,06 million during the week of the event. The Flickr attained 6.42 million visitors, and

The pope thanks for the warm welcome and promises to be back in 2017 The president of CNBB and archbishop of the city of Aparecida (SP), cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis received a letter from Pope Francis where he thanks for the warm welcoming received in Brazil, especially in the city of Aparecida. In the letter, the Pope talks about his memoires that remained on the joyful crowd at the Esplanade of the Sanctuary, even under a cold and rainy weather, who wanted to follow his pilgrimage to Aparecida and his prayers turned to the Brazilian people. ”I’ve entrusted to Her, Our Mother, the life of each Brazilian person, and I’ve also asked Her to make burn into the heart of each priest from such huge country an even higher care announcing Jesus Christ’s Good News. And this certainly was an event where the Lord has cumulated of graces the Church in Brazil”, Pope Francis wrote. Acclaimed by the faithful crowd when he climbed the Benedict XVI Tribune just after the mass in the National Sanctuary, the pope said he will come back to the country in 2017, when it will be celebrated the 300th anniversary when the image of Our Lady of Conception was found. As the saint patroness of Brazil, she is represented by a small terracotta image of the Virgin Mary that the story tells it The image of Our Lady Aparecida, patron saint of Brazil

By Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

was found in the waters of the Paraíba River. According to the narration, the appearance of the image happened on October of 1717, when three fishermen casted their fishing net and brought to the surface of the waters an image of the Virgin Mary without the head. When the fishing net was casted again, they caught the head of the image, which was involved by them in a handkerchief. After having recovered both parts, the fishermen caught so many fishes that they were forced to come back to the port, since the volume of fishes was threatening to submerge the boat. This was the first miracle attributed to the image, and over time, the devotion was increasing among the people in the region, and according to them, many other graces were accomplished by those who used to pray before the saint. Presently, the original image of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Aparecida is accommodated in the basilica that bears her name located in the city of Aparecida in the countryside of the São Paulo state. Her

President Dilma Rousseff in the arrival of Your Holiness Pope Francis in the city of Rio de Janeiro

liturgical feast is celebrated on October 12, a national Holiday in Brazil since 1980, when Pope John Paul II consecrated the basilica that is the fourth more visited Marian sanctuary in the world, able to shelter up to 45,000 faithful persons. The announcement of his return to Brazil was a surprise even to Dom Raymundo Damasceno, who made the invitation to the pope. “Please, pray for me, I need it. God bless you all, and Our Lady Aparecida will take care of you. See you in 2017”, it was said by the pope in his farewell speech.


By Nigel Roddis/Reuters


A barn for new sporting disciplines and great athletes


razil has and practices a wide range of sporting disciplines. It was born in the country the futsal, the beach soccer, the foot volley, and the mini-soccer, added to the capoeira. Considered one of the major worldwide soccer potencies, the country is outstanding as a major exporter of athletes to the whole world. Five times winner of the World Soccer Championship among other important titles, Brazil holds several sporting marks, and furthermore, it is deemed the homeland for soccer players who made the history, and among them, the one who is considered the greatest of all times: “King” Pelé. In the global basketball, it is also one of the most traditional countries with some players presently playing for the NBA, which is deemed the most important league in the worldwide sports such as Leandrinho, Nenê, Tiago Splitter, and Anderson Varejão. Car racing is another popular modality in the country, which first started to attain an outstanding dimension after the first Formula 1 titles won by Emerson Fittipaldi. Later on, Nelson Piquet and Ayrton Senna helped to set even more the Brazilian racing. Senna is considered one of the most important names in the Brazilian sports, and one of the best pilots ever in the racing history. He was winner for three times of the world championship. In the group of martial arts, it can be pointed out the judo, jiu-jitsu, and MMA, and this last one is already considered by many experts the second most popular sports in Brazil.


Paralympic Stars Athletes bearer of disabilities were among the highlights in athletics, and swimming stole the scene in some of the most competitive disciplines in the London 2012 Olympic Games, taking Brazil to its best position in the history of the Paralympic Games: 7th position. The double of swimmers André Brasil conquered three gold medals, and Daniel Dias won other six, thus becoming the greatest Brazilian medalist in the Games. Athletics has also recorded seven Brazilian victories in the Paralympic Games with highlight to the marathon runner Tito Sena, the sprinter Terezinha Guilhermina, who won two gold medals along with the young Alan Fonteles, gold medal in the Men’s 200. For Rio 2016, Brazil will surely make a bet on diversification increasing the amount of competitors in different categories, since the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) believes it is possible to further improve the performance of the Brazilian delegation in the event to be disputed on home soil.

Neymar: the star

By Marcio Rodrigues/CPB

In 2003, at the age of 11, Neymar has arrived to the basic categories of the soccer Santos team where Pelé, the idol was first consecrated, a team which was founded in 1912 in the city of Santos, state of São Paulo. Since his first years, he started being treated as a real jewel by his coaches, and during his

By Eddie Keogh/Reuters


teenage years, he already received great attention from the media participating in friendly matches with players who already had a professional carrier since a long time. At the age of 14, he travelled to Spain to make a kind of internship period in the Real Madrid, which at that time had in its cast athletes like Ronaldo Fenômeno, Zinédine Zidane and Robinho. The footballer was approved in the tests for the team, and he was even recorded in the Madrid Soccer Federation. By having noticed the interest of the Real Madrid team and running the risk to lose its future athlete, the Santos team’s management paid R$ 1 million to the soccer baller to stay in the club’s basic categories in order to become a professional athlete there. The Real Madrid management thought it was not worth to spend that amount of money for a 14 years old athlete. The soccer baller made his debut in the professional team during the 2009 Paulista Championship. The team finished in the second position, but the striker was elected the revelation of that championship.

He was the most popular player of the Brazilian team, and in his opening match, he marked the four-goal victory for Brazil. At the end of the South-American Cup, he was also the top scorer of the tournament with nine goals. For the main Brazilian National Soccer team, Neymar was first selected in 2010, and right from the start, he marked a header, his first goal wearing the Brazilian soccer’s shirt. Next year, during a friendly match against Scotland, he marked the two winning goals.

By Jefferson Bernardes/VIPCOMM

2011 started with all the Brazilian soccer spotlights over Neymar, who started being known by many experts as the best soccer baller in activity in the country, and he has established his place when he had one of his goals elected as the most beautiful of that year and by being the first player in South America to be indicated to the Golden Ball Award. During a match on February 5 of 2012, his birthday, the striker marked his hundredth goal in his carrier. It was 82 goals for the Santos team and other 18 by the Brazil’s National Soccer Team. On May of 2012, Neymar marked two goals in the Last 16 of the Libertadores Cup becoming the top scorer of the Santos team in its post-Pelé era with 106 goals marked, surpassing the former striker Serginho Chulapa, who had 104 goals. In October, the striker made his 200th goal playing for Santos. By the basic teams in Brazil, Neymar defended the Sub-17 in 2009, and Sub-20 in the 2011 South-American, thus assuring the Brazilian place in the 2012 Olympic Games.



At the 2011 America Cup in a match against Ecuador, Neymar marked two goals of the 4x2 victory, thus helping to ensure Brazil in the first position of its group. The striker was also selected to the matches in the Superclássico das Américas against the rival Argentina marking one of the two winning goals. This was his first title won in the Brazilian National Soccer Team. Right after the next week following the Superclássico, he was the author of the sole goal of the victory against Costa Rica in other friendly match. Neymar disputed his second match for the Brazilian National Team in 2012, already being prepared for the London Olympic Games, and he was one of the highlights of that match by marking the first penalty goal and assisting in the two following goals. In the 2013 Confederations Cup, the striker had the privilege to play with the number 10 shirt having disputed the five matches of the tournament, and alongside his colleagues, he won every match. In the grand finale against Spain, Brazil won by 3x0 with a Neymar’s goal, thus becoming four-time winner. The top scorer was elected the best player in that championship and vice-striker with four goals marked. On May of 2013, it was formalized the transfer of the soccer player to the Barcelona team formalized through a fabulous amount of euros. In his official presentation, Neymar was hosted by 56 thousand fans at Camp Nou, when he broke the Zlatan Ibrahimović’s record, who in 2009 took around 50 thousand fans to the stadium. After checking the first actuations of the athlete playing by the team, the Spanish media stated: “Neymar is priceless”.

Gustavo Kuerten: the “Guga” Considered the best tennis player in the Brazilian history with his position set at the International Tennis Hall of Fame, Gustavo Kuerten was elected for three times the “Best Tennis Player from South America” and “Best Brazilian Athlete”. Also, he was the first tennis player to achieve and win his first high level final in a Grand Slam, and the sole in the history beating Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi in the same tournament. When he won the 2001 Hamburg tournament, Guga became the fifth tennis player in 50 years completing the “Grand Slam on sandstone”, that means, winning at least one time the Roland Garros, Monte Carlo, Roma, and Hamburg tournaments. In 2010, Guga received the Philippe Chatrier Trophy, the highest world tennis award in recognition of the actions developed by the Guga Kuerten Institute and the threetime winner of the Roland Garros tournament. In 2013, the Brazilian tennis idol was honored in a ceremony promoted by the Professional Tennis Players Association (ATP), the top world entity of tennis. It was decorated then those tennis players who have led the worldwide ranking for at least one week. Guga was the first Latin-American tennis player occupying such coveted position. The homage places Guga aside the major icons of that Sporting activity.

Oscar: the warrior Ten years after formally abandoning the courts, Oscar Schmidt has officially entered in the Basketball Hall of Fame, the Naismith Memorial, during a ceremony held at the Symphony Hall in Springfield, United States. Besides of accomplishing another historic event of his carrier, the Brazilian player had the honor to receive the award from the hands of Larry Bird, one of the greatest Oscar’s idols and one of the major tennis’ names in the world. Best performer in the Olympic Games and in World Championships, Oscar is also part of the Hall of Fame of the

By FlĂĄvio Florido/UOL

Arthur Zanetti: the gymnast International Basketball Federation (FIBA). The former basketball player is included in the Naismith Memorial together with the other Brazilian players HortĂŞncia and Ubiratan Macial, who joined the Memorial in 2005 and 2010, respectively. Idol in the Brazilian sports, Oscar has attracted the attention for his willpower. He was diagnosed with brain cancer, and while being treated, the athlete is an example of stiffness showing that he is not defeated by the illness.

Champion in the 2012 London Olympic Games, Arthur Zanetti has also conquered the gold medal during the World Championship of Artistic Gymnastics disputed in Antwerp, Belgium. With his victory, Arthur has joined a selected group of Brazilian athletes who succeeded in becoming both world and Olympic champions. He joins other six legendary athletes: Emanuel and Ricardo from the category beach volley; Robert Scheidt and Torben Grael from the sailing; Cesar Cielo, swimming, and Rodrigo Pessoa, horse riding. In collective sporting, the Male Volley Brazilian Team was the sole achieving the feat.





P Welcome to the country of the World Soccer Championship!

reparations for the 2014 Soccer Championship in Brazil are already at full steam. The twelve cities that will be hosting the event – Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Paulo – are receiving investments above R$ 25 billion in airports, stadiums and new transportation systems, all of them to adapt the infrastructure in the capital cities to the thousands of tourists who are expected to be coming to watch the greatest soccer event around the world. The feast and the works have started right after the announcement that the country was selected to host the event on October 30 of 2009 during a meeting of the Fifa’s executive committee held in Zurich, Switzerland. This will be the second time that Brazil will host the event. In 1950, the country was chosen because it was one of the countries which were not hit by the Second World War. Presently, it is the only country participating in every edition, being five times champion winning in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, and 2002, and the first three times world champion, and this entitled the country of getting the definitive possession of the Jules Rimet Cup. Added to this, it was two times vice-champion and finished in the third position in other three championships. Today, what gathers the greatest amount of visibility on the media is the situation of the stadiums where the matches will be played, which are being modernize or rebuilt, but parallel to that, much more is being performed. It is estimated that the 2014 Fifa’s World Soccer Championship will aggregate R$ 183 billion to

By Fábio Rodrigues Pozzebom/ABr

the Brazilian GDP, and it will mobilize R$ 33 billion in investments in infrastructure with highlight to the transportation and road systems areas. It will be invested around R$ 13 billion in 49 mobility projects such as the highway corridors, monorails, BRTs (Bus Rapid Transit) and VLTs (Light Rail Vehicle). Approximately 3,7 million Brazilian and foreign tourists must be generating R$ 9,4 billion along the event. 700 thousand permanent and par time jobs are being created in every area. The event will also propitiate a better redefinition of the public spaces like squares and museums, besides of expanding the access to technologies and improving the public security, without mentioning the increase in the tourism potential. For the Cup, the Ministry of Tourism announced an R$ 110.6 million investment package as a reinforcement to the cities to be prepared and to be invested in tourism infrastructure works. The amount must fund the implantation of Service Centers to Tourists, tourism signalization and accessibility projects in the most attractive spots of the cities. To disclose the tourism attractions in other countries, Embratur – Brazilian Institute of Tourism has been promoting events of the Brazilian gastronomy, music and cultural manifestations in 14 countries. The purpose is to foster attractions that soccer fans will be finding during their visit to the country by the time of the World Championship when 64 matches will be played. The first phase of sales of tickets ended with almost 6,2 million requests, and above 70% of the requests came from Brazilians – about four million tickets followed by the United States, Argentina, Germany, Chile, England, Australia, Japan, Colombia and Canada. Altogether, 203 nations have already recorded entry applications. The FIFA’s Program of Volunteers is counting on about 152 thousand applicants inscribed. Such amount represents more than double of the applicants in the South African

2013 Confederations Cup Six out of the 12 stadiums which will be sheltering the World Soccer Cup were inaugurated along the 2013 Confederations Cup, a tournament traditionally held in the previous year to the World Soccer Cup, and which also serves as a preparation to the main event. The 2013 Confederations Cup paid a tribute to the culture of the participant countries, and the opening had the presence of the Brazilian carnavalesco Paulo Barros. The event was held between June 15 and 30 of 2013, and it enshrined the host selection team winner of the Cup. Brazil is the country which so far has won the highest amount of the Confederations Cup: 1997, 2005, 2009, and 2013. Approximately 20 thousand foreign tourists visited the country during the 2013 Confederations Cup. Along the matches, the Brazilian Institute of Tourism (Embratur) accomplished a satisfaction survey with 453 foreign soccer fans and journalists, and such survey has shown that the visitors’ perception both about the country and the Brazilian people has changed. According to the survey, the importance of Brazil into the worldwide scene has increased to 83.2% of the interviewed people, and 39.7% asserted that the image they had about country has improved after their stay along the tournament. Among the services that pleased the most it can be pointed out the general conditions of the city, aspects of the local nature and the quality of the matches. The public has also approved the price in the restaurants as well as the taxi service. The best assessed infrastructure items in the host cities were: private transportation services, cleanliness of the streets and public security. The best assessed tourism services were the restaurants, the nightlife and the local lodging. What caught the tourist’s attention the most in the host cities was the quality of the stadiums, the comfort of their installations and the availability of the employees to supply information. The travelers’ satisfaction was also strong: 81.2% said they were very satisfied and intend to come back. 97% would recommend the travel to their friends and families. The friendliness, hospitality, the beauty of the landscape and nature as well as the 85 climate was deemed positive aspects in Brazil.

By Portal da Copa/Setembro de 2013

By Portal da Copa/Setembro de 2013

86 National Mané Garrincha Stadium in Brasília (Federal District)

iro (Rio de Janeiro)

Stadium of Maracanã in Rio de Jane

Soccer Cup in 2010, and more than triple of the 2006 FIFA’s Soccer Championship in Germany. In total, between 24 and 30 thousand workers are being contracted to work for the Cup stadiums, and many of them were benefitted with a technical qualification program added to six thousand security agents to actuate in the arenas, all of them professionals who passed by several special trainings. Aiming to perform a successful event, Brazil has created professional qualification programs associated to the Cup’s productive chains mainly turned to the tourism such as the Pronatec Cup that seeks to qualify 500 thousand workers until the world championship.

Infrastructure in the host cities It worthwhile to remember that the city of São Paulo has won the dispute to host the opening of the Cup. The stadium which is being constructed in the district of Itaquera will have capacity for 68 thousand persons, and it will be stage for the first appearance of the Brazilian team on June 12 of 2014. From that date on, it will be played 63 matches in 12 host cities. Despite the large amount of visitors, there will be no difficulty to find a lodge. Along the Cup,

it will be a daily demand for 35 thousand rooms to provide lodging to the nearly 600 thousand visitors during an average of 10 days. Only Rio de Janeiro intends to inaugurate at least 80 hotels until 2014. The International Airport of Viracopos in the city of Campinas (São Paulo state) has also passed by some works to get capacity for 14 million passengers per year. Still in São Paulo, the Guarulhos Airport will get other two passengers terminals to provide quality services to the increasing movement. All other Brazilian airports which will be receiving the flow of visitors along the Cup will be submitted to adequacies, such as the Tom Jobim Airport in Rio de Janeiro, and many others are ready as is the case of the Salvador airport in the state of Bahia, which was chosen by passengers as the best in the FIFA’s 2013 Confederations Cup in Brazil. The 12 stadiums that will be receiving the 2014 World Soccer Championship matches are: the Mineirão Stadium in Belo Horizonte (state of Minas Gerais); the National Mané Garrincha Stadium in Brasília (Federal District); the Arena Pantanal in Cuiabá (state of Mato Grosso); Arena da Baixada in Curitiba (state of Paraná); the Castelão Stadium in Fortaleza (Ceará); Arena Amazônia in Manaus (Amazonas); the Dunas Stadium in Natal (Rio Grande do Norte); the Beira-Rio Stadium in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul); Arena Pernambuco in Recife (Pernambuco); Stadium of Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro; and Itaquera Arena in São Paulo. The stadiums are showing a very high level, and they are among the best and most modern in the world, and besides the soccer games, they will also receive concerts and big events. The spaces will offer stores, restaurants and cultural spaces to the public such as museums and amphitheaters, and also being a space for leisure for the whole population. The Castelão in Fortaleza was the first stadium to be ready. It is the largest arena in the Northeastern region of the country,

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By Portal da Copa/Setembro de 2013


By Portal da Copa/Setembro de 2013

Fonte Nova Arena in Salvador (Bahia)

ulo (São Paulo)

Itaquera Arena in São Pa

with more than 63 thousand seats. The space already functions as a multi-use arena, and it received a concert by Paul McCartney sheltering a museum on the history of the Ceará soccer added to an auditorium that offers free sessions of national movies to the community.

Sustainability During the matches of the 2013 Confederations Cup, it was fathered around eight tons of solid residues in each match. In each match, 15 trained volunteers were guiding soccer fans as to the selective collection in the arenas, and 30 collectors from local cooperatives were controlling the destination of the material. The residue management project in the stadiums of the Confederations Cup counted with an average of 800 container systems for the collection per arena. Other actions incorporated by FIFA to decrease the impact of accomplishing such sporting events in the environment as well as to compensate the effects generated by the tournament were the support of using clean energy together with the implantation of “carbon footprint” mechanisms, that means, ways of withdrawing those gases that result in the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. 2,7 million tons of carbon dioxide whether by direct or indirect emissions will be launched, and FIFA has committed to compensate such emissions by fostering some special actions

such as the use of clean fuel and renewable energy, by planting forests and the acquisition into the market of certified products. Major part of the Brazil World Soccer Cup received the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certificate, an international accreditation system and environmental guidance to foster building and ecological constructions, and several solar panels to generate renewable power. Added to this, it was organized certified training courses about sustainable management for operators in the stadiums. One of the ideas was the recovery of the rainwater by using the natural topography, constructing large steel box girders as channels to collect the waters from tropical rain. The surface of the roofs and façades were made of a fiberglass tissue with a heat-reflective coating which has a refreshing effect and reducing the need for artificial cooling. At the Castelão, it is already possible to recover the rain water to irrigate both the field and the bathrooms. At Arena Pernambuco, it was installed solar panels to heat the water along with a cooling system and natural lighting. In the construction of the Arena Fonte Nova, it was recovered part of the material from the old stadium. The roofing of the Mané Garrincha stadium in Brasília will get solar panels to generate power to illuminate the field and every other facility making it self-sufficient and thus decreasing the maintenance expenditures.

Health Naturally, the Health area is one of the main priorities of a such huge event. It was organized a Theme Health Chamber to mount every health assistance structure both in the places of the competition and connected events (medical centers and ambulances) defining rules and the amount of each equipment and input, added to the backup support (a regulating central, reference hospitals) added to the strategic health planning and Civil Defense. The Health area has two lines of actuation: assistance (health

The soccer player Ronaldo and the official mascot for the 2014 World Soccer Championship: the armadillo Fuleco

By Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

units) and surveillance (hotel preparation, food networking, immunization actions, and control of vectors and zoonosis). A theme that will be receiving most part of the attention in every city is the food, especially the typical foods from each region that normally draws the attention of tourists. Due to this, the qualification of workers in that sector along with the adoption of the Good Practices of Food Handling will be reinforced. In São Paulo, the main entry gate for foreign people in the country, the State Secretariat of Health has decided to create a State Travellers’ Health Committee, which will be adopting some measures to control events in crafts and planes. As to the training for the health professionals, several kinds of qualifying programmes are being performed. Some of the qualification programmes are in English and Spanish, in order to facilitate the exchange of information between doctors and patients, as well as all the Brazilian teams with foreign teams; there is also another updating programme with a varied emergence assistance protocols and emergence assistance. A group has already made an even wider qualification course in the United States aiming to learn rules, protocols, and guidelines from the Shock Trauma Center Adams Cowley, the Trauma Center of the Maryland University, reference in the assistance to the North-American President, Barack Obama in the event of an emergence. Such training is also part of the preparation for the 2016 Olympic Games. The professionals have been selected according to their experience in traumas along with their link to some health unit from the public state networking.

President Dilma Rousseff talks to the neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis during a meeting at the Presidential Planalto Palace

Added to the new health units and the qualification of the professional who will provide direct assistance to the population, each host-city of the World Soccer Cup had to choose a brand to be worked. Rio de Janeiro, for instance, has elected: “The Cup free from tobacco”. Another important newness with chances to make the 2014 World Soccer Cup in Brazil historic is that the opening of the event will be stage for a special kick: a young paraplegic Brazilian boy will raise up from his wheelchair, walk ten steps and inaugurate with a kick not only the event, but the greatest accomplishment in neurosciences around the world. Considered one among the 20 greatest scientists in the planet, the Brazilian neuroscientist doctor Miguel Nicolelis is the head of a project involving 170 scientists from several parts of the globe. The proposal is deemed by the Scientific American magazine one among the ten best ideas which are “beyond the limits of the present science”. According to Nicolelis, there are still challenges to be overcome until there, but the first simulations were already been made, and everything is working according to the expectation. The Walk Again Project is being supported by the FINEP (Funding for Studies and Projects) with around R$ 33 million in non-repayable resources thanks to an exoskeleton, a kind of external graft of the human skeleton directly controlled by the handicapped person. The idea is the result of more than one decade of researches of the Brain-Machine Interface (ICM) that allows the transmission of electric impulses from the brain to some external receptors, which, by their turn understand the commands and performing them. The researchers are originated in the Natal International Institute of Neurosciences Edmond and Lily Safra (IINNELS) with headquarters in Macaíba, in the outskirts of the city of Natal (state of Rio Grande do Norte), and in the Duke University in Durham, United States where Nicolelis works as a researcher. 89

90 Buyers from Iraq and Ecuador in the final match of the Confederations Cup

I It’s a spetacular show!

n November 2012, Apex-Brasil bought from FIFA a sponsorship quota of the Confederations Cup and the 2014 World Cup as “national supporter”. The initiative to bring potential foreign buyers to watch the games, living a unique experience with the emotion of the World Cup and the Confederations Cup was designed with the goal of bringing Brazilian businessmen and potential buyers together, thus strengthening the relationship and providing the business performance in the short and medium term. This action began in the Confederations Cup, when more than 800 foreign businessmen came to Brazil, from about 60 countries from different continents covering six complexes, Technology and Health among them. Through a partnership between the Agency, the Brazilian Health Devices project, promoted by ABIMO raffled tickets for games earlier in 2013, in the largest trade shows in the world, contemplating buyers from Portugal, Dubai, Peru, China, Iraq, Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico and Nigeria. “We believe that within a year, we will have about US$ 2 million in business resulting from this action”, explains the marketing and export manager of ABIMO, Paula Portugal. “Beyond this value, the relationship and rapprochement with those buyers and opinion makers was of great importance to our company.” The opening match was held in Brasilia, on June 15th. Fernando Guerra, a buyer from Portugal, was raffled during the IDS, the main dental products exhibition in the world held in Cologne, Germany. Besides seeing the opening match of the Brazilian team, he was at the Conexão, São Paulo’s dental implants company.

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For the company, Portugal is the gateway to Europe. The company is consolidating its presence in the country and establishing very important linkages to the scientific community, closing a partnership with the largest group of dental clinics in Portugal. “Commercially, we are expecting in the first year a business volume of EUR 500,000 “, says Xavier Boadas, export manager at the Conexão. What most caught the attention of the Portuguese visitor was the “flawless” manufacturing organization, with a sophisticated quality system. Guerra explains that the EU market for health devices is highly demanding and requires companies with strong support innovation and research: “Within this context, Brazilian products are highly competitive in the international arena”, he says.

Peru Another buyer who was in Brasilia for the first match was Cesar Navarro, from BCC Biomedical from Peru. He returned to Brazil after a successful business rounds during the Business Partnering Project in the HOSPITALAR trade show. Navarro visited Loktal and Hospimetal, located in São Paulo and Araçatuba, respectively. “I was very pleased to have made the visits”, he says. “Mainly by getting to know the professional structure and the production capacity of both companies”. The entrepreneur believes that the partnership with Brazilian companies will increasingly consolidate as the sales are happening.

César Navarro (BCC Biomedical – Peru) and Clara Porto (ABIMO) in the opening match in Brasilia

The group from Apex-Brasil and ABIMO with guests from Iraq, Ecuador and Argentina in the event of reception for the final round of the Cup

Memorandum on understanding Two directors of the Arab Heath exhibition were also part of the expected entourage. Besides watching the opening match, the executives visited the headquarters of ApexBrasil, where they signed the MOU - Memorandum of Understanding between ABIMO and the Arab Health organizers (Informa). MOU forecasts a drawing for a pair of tickets to the 2014 World Cup during Arab Health 2014, which will take place from January 27th to 30th. More than 100,000 professional visitors may deposit the coupon on the ballot box that will be placed in the Brazilian Pavilion promoted by ABIMO and Apex-Brasil. For Simon Page, Director of Informa, partnerships like this are extremely important, mainly due to the strategic role of Brazil in the global economy. “This partnership will place the Brazilian pavilion as a focal point of the exhibition next year, highlighting Brazil in Arab Health”, he added. Also according to Page, an extensive marketing campaign will be promoted by Informa for the Brazilian pavilion focused on the disclosure of the pavilion’s location and the image of Brazil. Also along the meeting, the CEO for Apex-Brasil, Mauricio Borges mentioned the interest of Apex-Brasil on projects like this and approved ABIMO signing a new partnership with Informa for the same project, this time for the Africa Health trade show, which will be held in May in South Africa. The approach with the board of Arab Health was essential for ABIMO’s Trade Promotion Coordinator, Clara Porto, because it allowed the access to information of specific markets. “It was important to meet the directors in order to facilitate their arrangements with ABIMO in exhibitions managed by them in which we participate, and showing a Brazil that the directors didn’t know”, she says. “The executives left Brazil thrilled with what they saw”.

visit created a very good environment for business: “I think we have strengthened relationship bonds with our clients in a more effective way than in a traditional business meeting”, says. Baumer hopes to expand the portfolio of products purchased by its customers. “We are forecasting US$ 1 million sales for the next 12 months”, adds Lafratta.

Walter Lafratta (Baumer) and clients from Mexico

Mexican market The Brazil x Mexico match was accompanied by Mexican businessmen, representatives from a major importer of orthopedic products. Mexico represents a large market in the medical and hospital industry, since it has few manufacturers, a large population and socioeconomic indicators similar to Brazil. They visited Baumer in São Paulo and attended a hip surgery. For the foreign trade manager of the company, Walter Lafratta, the

Nigeria Fanem hosted buyers from Nigeria for the match Nigeria x Spain, in Fortaleza. Nigeria is a country with a high birth rate and infant mortality. At the same time, it is a country of many public and private investments bringing good business opportunities. “After these days, the relationship became much closer, and it appeared a sincere complicity between both companies and their directors.” says Fanem’s CEO, Djalma Luiz Rodrigues. “Businesses have accelerated and became of high level.” According to him, it was closed business in a total amount of $ 100,000, thus surpassing all expectations. “It was a brilliant idea using the unique occasion that it is an international event in Brazil,” he says.



Business from China Two buyers from one of the leading importers of dental products from China were in one of the semifinal matches in Fortaleza between Italy and Spain. They also visited the factory of a dental material company: Angelus, in Londrina, Paraná. “I believe we’ll be performing business around US$ 100,000.00,” says Wang. According to him, China is one of the largest markets for medical devices. The dental field has grown about 30% annually. The foreign trade manager of Angelus, Sidarta Cypriano, believes that the buyer is always more confident after visiting the factory: “We kicked off for business,” said Cypriano.

Final match - Brazil x Spain Sismatec in Curitiba, received the visit of the Iraqi guests Yasir Mohammed Kadhim and Ali Al-Ahmad, representative buyers from the Shamsalwatan Group and were drawn during Arab Health. Besides Curitiba, they attended three meetings in São Paulo with the companies Baumer, Loktal and Magnamed, and one in Rio de Janeiro with IBF where they watched the final match of the Confederations Cup between Brazil and Spain. Kadhim believes that business can take place from 2014 on “Presently, the Brazilian products have highest quality in the medical area, as well as in other sectors,” he said.

The Iraqi were thrilled with the promoted action: “I’ve never seen a project like this in my life!”. South American buyers – from Ecuador and Argentina have earned their tickets to the final match of the World Cup during AEEDC, a dental trade show in Dubai. Zacarías Ledesma and Diego Azuaga from the Argentine company Orthodent visited Real Odontológica in the city of Três Corações, state of Minas Gerais. As clients for 10 years, Orthodent’s representatives had the opportunity to meet new products from the Real’s production line and they were allowed to see firsthand the manufacture of each handmade item of dental models. “Argentina has a growing potential, with a major demand for our products”, says Nadia Lemos from Real. According to Nadia, as a result of the action, Real expects to increase its sales flow and decrease the delivery time for completion of the business. The team appointed to the final match also had the Ecuadorian Paulina Viteri and Juan Araujo. They were also in São José dos Campos, visiting the company of dental implants Titanium Fix. After the visits, all of them enjoyed Rio de Janeiro and followed the final match between Brazil and Spain. The Confederations Cup was a big project and a warm-up for the 2014 World Cup. The guests travelled over 93,000 miles, and all of them were accompanied by one ABIMO’s representative throughout the time they spent in Brazil thus making them to feel at home. The opportunity to be with international buyers visiting a company is very important for ABIMO, because it strengthens relationships with the members, besides of being an appropriate time to enrich the knowledge about the manufacturing process of the industry. In addition to the communication channel established, it was also an opportunity for the associated companies to be assured that ABIMO managers and organizes actions closely, besides presenting the Brazilian health care industry to international buyers.

Diego Azuaga, Zacarías Ledesma (Orthodent), Katherine Guimarães and Paula Portugal (ABIMO) in the final match in Rio de Janeiro

If you think Brazilians have talent with their feet, you will be surprised to see the amazing things that also happen when we dedicate ourselves to the heart

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This equipment is developed with Brazilian talent and world class standards. Advanced, durable, versatile and ready to meet your needs. Learn more at



RIO 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Rio 2016: a sporting feast to thrill the whole world The Rio 2016 Olympic Games will be celebrating a transformation and it will take full advantage of the natural city’s landscape exploring the Brazilian experience in hosting big size events, but also with an impact and technical excellence along with the hospitality to organize a feast which will thrill the whole world. Sports, culture, education will be integrated in activities in the city. With a lot of celebration, Brazil received on October 2, 2009 the news that it would be hosting the event. The successful Pan-American Games in 2007 was one of the major factor contributing for Rio de Janeiro to get the right to host the 2016 Olympic Games. In the project of its application presented to the International Olympic Committee, the Brazilian Olympic Committee has proposed to take advantage of good part of the competition and infrastructure spots built for the PanAmerican Games. Added to the legacy of the sporting facilities and the program of volunteers, the Rio 2016 project proposes some initiatives to develop sports in Brazil, South America and in the world. For the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, the event will be the gate for a continent with 400 million inhabitants sheltering for the first time an edition of the event.

The works to shelter the event Starting with the choice of Brazil, people involved is working non-stop. One of the main is the Transcarioca, a way linking the International Airport of Galeão to Barra da Tijuca, the region where several competitions will be held in 2016. With it, the travel time between the Olympic community and the population will be reduced. Among the urban infrastructure works in the city of Rio de Janeiro are the Park of the Vila dos Atletas [The Athletes Village], the Bus Rapid Transit, a new subway line, renewal of the Port Zone, recovery of the Jacarepaguá lagoons, the urbanization design of the “Morar Carioca” slums and the implantation of the Olympic Experimental Gymnasiums. Besides the refurbishing of installations such as the Maracanan Stadium and the Sambódromo that will host the archery contests and the departure/arrival of the marathon, the Barra Olympic Park will have new installations linked to the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center, to the Rio de Janeiro Velodrome and to the Center of Tennis that will be transformed together in the first Olympic

By Rio 2016/Alex Ferro

Training Center in the country and the most modern in South America turned to high performance athletes. Considered the “heart of the Rio 2016 Games”, the three pavilions of the Barra Olympic Park will be receiving more than ten olympic and paralympic competitions. Athletes will have the Olympic Village with infrastructure and differentials such as the Olympic Beach and the Carioca Street with coffee shops, restaurants and stores. Added to the Barra Olympic Park that will also shelter the Olympic Golf Course , the region of Deodoro in the Western zone of the city will be the stage for seven competitions (equestrian, bicycling - mountain bike, and BMX, modern pentathlon, Shooting sport, canoeing - slalom, hockey and fencing), and tree Paralympic categories (Shooting sport, equestrian and wheelchair fencing). The design of a Brazilian Paralympic Training Center in São Paulo has been already approved. The center will concentrate 15

The World Paralympic champion Yohansson Nascimento runs along with children from Vila do Mato Alto in Rio de Janeiro during the celebration of the three years for the greatest edition of the Games

modalities, and it will be the main legacy of the 2016 Paralympic Games in terms of sportive infrastructure for adapted sports. It will also be the main excellence center both in Brazil and Latin America, and one of the largest in the world. The center is part of the Brasil Medalhas [Brazil Medals] Plan by the federal government to which it was granted


By Rio 2016/Alex Ferro

98 Representatives from the International Olympic Games visiting the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon during a meeting of the Organizer Committee of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games

the additional sum of R$ 1 billion in the budget for the Brazilian sports between 2013 and 2016 with the purpose to project Brazil among the world’s biggest sporting powers from the Olympic and Paralympic Games. As to the Paralympic sports, the purpose is that the country will be classified among the five first tops in the ranking of medals after having conquered the ninth position in the Beijing Games in 2008 and the seventh position in London 2012. The São Paulo installation is pioneering in the country, and it is inspired in countries such as Ukraine, China and South Korea which adopted the model and were successful in preparing their athletes.

The games The numbers are quite impressive. Only for the Olympic Games it will be 45 world championships in only 17 days. As to the Paralympic games, it will be other 23. As stage for all these events, the Rio Olympic Arena will shelter 36 competition facilities including researching centers in a total amount of 50 spaces. The only sporting modality of the Rio 2016™ Olympic and Paralympic Games to be disputed in more than one city, soccer will happen in five stadiums which will receive matches of the male and female tournaments: the Mineirão in Belo Horizonte; the Nacional

Mané Garrincha Stadium in Brasília; the Fonte Nova Arena in Salvador, and Maracanã, in Rio de Janeiro, added to São Paulo that will also be hosting matches of the competition. Rio 2016 has set a partnership with industrial associations in order to help small companies to supply assets and services to the games, and it is benefitting 800 thousand students all over Brazil to get access to more sports activities. Among the legacies that Rio de Janeiro will be receiving after the event is the expansion of the pacification program and the reforesting of areas destined to the construction of the installations. The 2016 Paralympic Games will have the same pattern than the Olympic Games. The Olympic Village was designed to be a totally inclusive and accessible environment offering safety and comfort to all athletes. The city will expand its accessibility infrastructure including spots of tourism visitation and events. The nearly 75 new hotels being constructed in the city will have at least 5% of their rooms accessible. With a record of 4,350 athletes from more than 150 countries fighting for medals in 22 sports categories, the first South American Paralympic Games will also be the greatest in history. The formation of new athletes is being fostered in Rio de Janeiro, and there are already around 1.8 thousand disabled students attended for more than 40 specialized professors in the municipal’s sporting village. From 2016 on, with the inclusion of the paratriathlo and paracanoeing, the program of the games increased to 22 sporting categories. More than 70 broadcasting TV stations will be showing the Games for a global audience. Around 5,500 journalists and 1.8 million viewers are being expected in the events which will also mobilize 25,000 volunteers.

Sustainability Plan Rio 2016 elaborated a Sustainability Management Plan for the Rio 2016 Games with programmes, initiatives and projects related to sustainability to plan and operate the event, with actions focused on four central working fronts: water conservation, renewed power, neutral carbon games, and garbage management and social responsibility.

The projects to the construction and modernization of the hotel network took into account the concern with sustainability and energy effectiveness, such as selective garbage collection, acoustic comfort, rationalization as to the use of water and residue management that received an incentive funding. The Rio 2016 Committee neutralized 716 tons of carbon emitted in the application process of the city by planting 2,386 tree seedlings at the National Park


The Olympic Beach

The Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon

Simulation of it will be the Olympic Park in the Rio 2016™ Games

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos By Rio 2016/Lumo Arquitetura

International zone at the Olympic and Paralympic Village [Ceremonial and Welcoming Square]

The Copacabana Stadium

By Rio 2016/Organising committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

National Equestrian Center

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos

Marina da Glória

By Rio 2016/Lumo Arquitetura

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos


of Pedra Branca and the Sportive Complex of Deodoro, where it was inaugurated the Olympic Woods planting 107 native trees from the Atlantic Rainforest. The proposal of the “Green Games” is being reassured with actions like the planting of more than three million trees in strategic areas and the development of a bus with GNV flex technology (natural vehicular gas) and diesel that decreases 80% of the emission of particulate material, and 20% in the emission of CO2, one of the main causes for the global warming. The sanitation conditions of Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, one of the most beautiful Rio de Janeiro postcards and headquarters of the rowing and canoeing competitions has achieved 92% improvement, being close to the pattern allowed for swimming. With the depollution provided by the Baía de Guanabara Program, it will receive sailing competitions, and such Program will treat 2,500 liters of waste water per second.

The sustainability program has a sub-mark, “Abraça Rio 2016” to be used in every communication of the games related to the theme. Such sub-mark is colored in blue, and it is inspired in the visual identity of Rio 2016, with the purpose to promote responsible behaviors.



Beauty and entertainment beyond expectations


round 5.67 million foreign people visited Brazil in 2012, according to the Ministry of Tourism, representing a record for the country. Argentina has kept the first position as issuer with 29% of tourists followed by the United States. Germany, with 258 thousand visitors surpassed Uruguay having conquered the third position. The greatest issuers of tourists live in South America followed by Europeans and North-Americans. Most part of them is leisure travelers; a smaller portion is business travelers, and the remaining come to find the family, religious destinations, to attend courses and to go shopping.

Sunset at the Guaiba River – Porto Alegre/Rio Grande do Sul

According to great part of tourists, travels to Brazil fully meet or even surpass the expectations, in such extent that 95.7% intend to come back to the country. A good reason for this is the 2013 World Soccer Cup which shall attract around 600 thousand foreign travellers and three million Brazilians. In total, it will be offered 25,000 rooms in the hotel networking to comply with the demand posed by the mega-event. It will also be constructed or refurbished 71 Centers of Services to Tourists in the 12 host-cities as well as other 10 in the borders with the Mercosul countries. Below, it will be shown the main tourism attractions in the host-cities of the Cup for those who want more than just soccer in a country rich by its diversity in every aspect.

On land, art nouveau styled palaces are spread by the downtown area, and well preserved, they shelter cultural spaces such as the postcard of the city, the Amazonas Theater. As to the Amazon food, fishes are always the highlight. The secret in each dish is due to its ingredients and spices such as the tucupi, ginger, and the açaí. To aid the digestion, it worthwhile to walk around the Ponta Negra district surrounded by buildings, the sidewalks, the sports areas, lively bars and river beaches. Ponta Negra Beach - Natal/Rio Grande do Norte

Manaus Starting point for thrilling rides that open the Rainforest, Manaus has a lot to offer to tourists who arrive there eager to get an intimate contact with the exotics seen in TV documentaries. The basic program is also the most famous: the boat tour going up to the meeting of the rivers Negro and Solimões that run parallel along six kilometers without the waters – one muddy and the other dark waters – being mixed. Junction of the Rivers Negro and Solimões - Manaus/Amazonas

Natal The 400 kilometer beach along the coast of Natal and surrounding area are framed by dunes, reefs, cliffs and natural swimming pools that make the capital city of the state of Rio Grande do Norte one of the most wanted destinations in the country. One can add to all of these the buggy rides, rustic fishing villages, a preserved nature, lively nightlife and sun in almost every day of the year. The most popular beach is the Ponta Negra, a crowded beach during the day hours because of its kiosks; and popular in the sunset gathering some of the best local bars and restaurants. In many of them, the menu is plenty of typical delights from the regional cuisine based on seafood, dried meat, green beans and the “milk-rice”. When it is about shopping, the markets with the local handcrafting spread all over Natal offer wooden, fabric and glass pieces. At the Tourism Center, a big house that formerly was the jail, it is outstanding the delicate labyrinth lace embroidery and the colored clay works.




Rio de Janeiro

Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Humanity since 1987, Brasília attracts tourists from all over the world. The feeling it is a mere political scenery in the country is demystified by the amount of attractive and interesting rides for mystical persons, first time travellers or culture lovers. The capital of Brazil counts on several architectural attractions with an innovative design. At the Ministries Esplanade, the Metropolitan Cathedral built in 1967 by the architect Oscar Niemeyer has works by Di Cavalcanti and offers a spectacle conducted by colored windows that propitiate natural lighting below ground level. Another attraction is the Catetinho, the first Brasília’s construction (1957), which has left untouchable with its furniture and objects from that time. One of the major art works in the city is the National Theater Cláudio Santoro, always presenting fabulous exhibitions added to three concert halls. It is also unmissable the Parque da Cidade with four million square meters, sports courts, a kart racing lane, a pond with pedal boats, waving swimming pool, a riding club, cycling track, a skate ramp, and much more, everything with the signature of the landscaping created by Burle Marx. Brasília presents one of the highest life standards in the country, and it is deemed the fifth best Brazilian city to do business.

The main carioca icons, Christ the Redeemer and the Sugar Loaf are mandatory tours for those who visit Rio de Janeiro, the “Marvelous City” with its nearly 30 kilometers of seaside contoured by the promenades and bicycle lanes full of crowd along the whole day walking, pedaling, running or just watching the movement. A mandatory program after the beach, the perfect draft beer leads persons to the bars where snacks like the caldinho de feijão (a kind of bean sauce), the pastel and ham sandwiches are equivalent to a meal. Its newest tourism attraction is the City of Samba that assures a Carnival mood along the whole year, and sheltering the sheds of the main samba schools. Through their shops, it is possible to closely follow the production of the floats and fantasies; added to this, there is a spectacle directed by the choreographer Carlinhos de Jesus gathering the dancers, ritmistas, baianas and the couple of mestre-sala and porta-bandeiras, ending with a mini-Carnival parade. Leaving the rhythm of the feast behind, one of the most peculiar places is the district of Santa Teresa located on top of a hill cut by the rails of the old cable car. Plenty of squares and cultural spaces, it is full of two-storey houses that shelter art studios, small craft stores, bars and restaurants. One of the most important building is Convento de Santa Teresa built in the 19th Century and which provided the name for the district.

Metropolitan Cathedral Brasilia/Federal District

Fortaleza The capital city of Ceará has attractions for every kind of taste. Beginning with the beautiful seafront formed by the beaches of Iracema, Meireles and Mucuripe that are united by the Beira Mar Avenue, a meeting spot both for tourists andlocals at the sunset. The Futuro Beach is perfect for diving accompanied by a lot of comfort – several stalls offer not only the typical crab legs and the pargo, a fish baked into coarse salt, and they also offer showers of sweet water, chairs, sun-shades and a lot of excitement. Around the city, there are the dunes and colored cliffs which are the Ceará trade mark. On board of the buggies, it is enjoyed the beaches of Morro Branco and das Fontes, Costa Leste or Sol Nascente. The Western Coast (Sol Poente) is outstanding due to the Cumbuco’s lagoons that attract fans of the Jet Ski, windsurf and kite surf. A metropolis with an excited nightlife, Fortaleza has a party for every night

of the week – by the way, its Monday is the most cheering night in the planet. The famous tapiocas are found in the district of Messejana gathering more than 20 restaurantstalls. Handcraft is spread all over the city, which is plenty of fairs and markets where the labyrinth renda, the most traditional in the state, divide space with hammocks, little bottles with drawings made of the colored sand and the crafts made of clay and wood.

Recife A coastal city plenty of movement, art and joy. This is Recife, capital city of the state of Pernambuco, where the frevo is the most genuine and characteristic cultural manifestation, a cultural Brazilian asset. From Boa Viagem – the district that provides the name of the democratic beach – to the Ancient Recife with the street of Bom Jesus as a reference, there is a lot to do. There are churches, colonial big houses and museums keeping the rich history of the state. By crossing the Buarque de Macedo Bridge, it will be easy to know Capela Dourada, possibly the most beautiful church in Recife which was built between the 17th and 18th Centuries with all its roof and internal walls covered in



gold. The metropolis still reserves a countless restaurants specialized in seafood and with a lively nightlife rocked by the rhythms of Pernambuco. In the surrounding areas, natural beauty is the trademark. Whether being towards the Northern or Southern sides within a 100 km radius, destinations such as Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Porto de Galinhas and Maria Farinha invite to make rides which may be performed along one day.

Curitiba This is a famous city by its good culinary, by the traditional Theater Festival, by its Christmas exhibitions at Palácio Avenida, and also by the beautiful tourism points like the Barigui Park that besides of being a refuge for several species of animals, it is also a large natural preservation area in the central region. The Botanic Garden, one of the most famous Brazilian postcards Works as a research center of the Paraná state’s flora. Its main attraction is an iron and glass greenhouse inspired by the Crystal Palace in London. For the culture lovers, the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, work made by the Brazilian architect is a space dedicated to the exhibition of visual arts, architecture and design composed by approximately two thousand pieces. In 2012 it was elected one among the 20 most beautiful museums in the world by the North-American guide Flavorwire.

Salvador The mixture of races, cultures and faiths with a generous dose of joy and syncretism provides to Salvador a unique mood that attracts both Brazilians and foreign people along the whole year. But it is in the summer that the capital city of the state of Bahia gets brighter with its crowd-dragging popular feasts behind religious images, and, of course, the Trios Elétricos. From December up to the Carnival, there are many being honored – from Senhor do Bonfim to King Momo. In the uptown is located the colored Pelourinho, a historical district enlisted as heritage by UNESCO as a Humanity’s Cultural Heritage. Its streets and alleys have hundreds of big houses from the 17th and 18th Centuries sheltering from museums to candomblé yards added to catholic temples that attract academics from the whole world – as is the case of the São Francisco Church, deemed the richer barroco work in the country. In order to reach the lower part of the city, it is required to get in one of the Salvador’s postcards: the Lacerda Elevator that connects both spots of the city. By the shore, exploring the beaches is fundamental. Among the urban beaches, the most democratic and crowded is Pontal da Barra. Apart from the downtown area, Itapuã, Stella Maris and Flamengo have clean waters and a peaceful environment. Outstanding items in the gastronomy are the acarajé, the bobó, the moqueca and the caruru, always flavored by the azeite-de-dendê.

The São Francisco Church – Salvador/Bahia

Cuiabá Capital city of the state of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá is deemed the heart of the South America. With a rich history, culture, arts and gastronomy, it is also highlighted by the heat: both from the sun and the human as well! Due to the high temperatures along the whole year, rides are recommended later in the afternoon in such a way that some museums, churches and cultural centers start functioning during that period, like the Nossa Senhora do Rosário and São Benedito Churches. Another city’s postcard, Sesc Arsenal also starts its activities in the afternoon and keeping its cultural presentations up to midnight. But the mornings in Cuiabá can also be quite interesting and fulfilled with visits to historic spots such as the Caixa D’Água Museum functioning in a former aqueduct, or the House of the Artisan that gathers handcrafts by local artists and with a room specialized

in indigenous items. The city is also the gate of entrance for the largest wetland in the planet – the Pantanal in Mato Grosso, and to Chapada dos Guimarães.

Belo Horizonte It is the city of the meeting, known and cherished for its generous hospitality, passion by soccer, rich culture and by the curves of the Modernist Brazilian architecture in the landscaping of the Minas Gerais’ mountains. One of its most known postcards is the São Francisco de Assis Church considered the master piece of the Pampulha set with 14 tile panels by Cândido Portinari that integrates the Mineirão stadium, an icon of the Brazilian soccer. It is the Brazilian city with the highest amount of bars per inhabitant offering the most varied options and styles, whether to have fun or to enjoy the international gastronomy. The great amount of dance, theater, and circus festivals added to frequent expositions transform BH (short name for Belo Horizonte, how it is called by the locals) in a cultural cocktail. The architectural highlight is the Palácio da Liberdade in art déco styling; and Palácio das Artes, with stages constantly presenting famous



São Paulo The financial, corporate and commercial hub in South America, the city of São Paulo is the 14th more globalized city in the planet, marked by the business tourism. Among its attractions, it promotes one of the most important fashion week in the world, the São Paulo Fashion Week, being one of the main centers generator of fashion trends. The cultural tourism is also relevant, especially having in mind several international events happening in the metropolis, such as the São Paulo Bienal de Artes as well as several concerts of international artists and a nightlife deemed one of the best in the country. The city has several movie theaters, theaters, museums and cultural centers. As people use to say: there is always something to do in São Paulo. Furthermore, it counts on a wide gastronomic diversity comprising more than 50 types of food, and it is being called the “Global Capital of the Gastronomy”. Among its architectural beauties are Estação da Luz and MASP São Paulo Art Museum, without mentioning the Paulista Avenue, an important financial center and one of its most characteristics tourism points.

Porto Alegre Capital of the most Southern state in Brazil, Porto Alegre has as postcard the sunset at the river Guaíba, probably one of the most beautiful in the world and which can be admired in the park Marinha do Brasil a place that shelters spaces for radical sports and the largest skate lane in Brazil, as well as an amphitheater, a disputed place for walking and a bicycle lane. The main cultural center in the city, Usina do Gasômetro, has a coffee shop, a movie theater and cultural spaces where it is presented lectures, stage plays, and concerts among other events. Affectionately called Redenção, the Farroupilha Park is another attraction. With a large green area near the downtown area of the city, it has several attractions such as the Parquinho da Redenção, the Bom Fim Market, the Mini-zoo and Café do Lago. In the gastronomic area, it is impossible not to prove the real gaúcho barbecue, which best meat, according to the locals, is the costela de gado. Also typical from the city it is the erva mate, the basic ingredient of the traditional chimarrão. It is common to see by the street men with their gourds, pumps and thermos bottles with hot water to enjoy the beverage. The Paulista Avenue - São Paulo/São Paulo By Raul Junior

groups such as the Corpo Group (dance), Galpão (theater) and Giramundo (puppet theater), originals from the city.

Abimo Associates participating in the PSI

PSI – Integrated Sector Project is an agreement signed between Brazilian Association of Medical –Hospital, and Dental Industries (ABIMO) and the Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exportations and Investments (Apex-Brasil) with the purpose to accomplish actions turned to international market such as participation in fairs, delegations and visits to potential foreign clients, besides of organizing rounds of negotiations to hostess potential buyers in Brazil in order to promote exportations of medical-hospital and dental equipaments. Products for Laboratories

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Radiological Products

Index Ambiotec...............................................97 Bio-Art......................................................69 Bioclin......................................................91 BMR Medical ...........................................79 Brasuture.................................................81 Carci........................................................33 CDK........................................................101 Dabi Atlante..............................................49 Deltronix...............................................53 DK Diagnostics.........................................31 Dorja........................................................13 DrillerMed.................................................7 Edlo..........................................................27 Fami........................................................75 Fanem .....................................................4, 5 GTT...........................................................67 Hosp. Edmundo Vasconcelos...................59 Hosp. Sírio-Libanês............................56, 57

Hospimetal....................................................43 Hospitalar (Fair + Forum)..................38, 39, 4th IBF................................................................93 Indusbello.....................................................35 Instramed......................................................95 KLD..............................................................2nd, 3 Magnamed...................................................63 MDT......................................................21 Neurotec......................................................23 NS.................................................................37 Ortosintese...................................................77 Protec .....................................................114, 3rd Schioppa.......................................................17 Sincron..........................................................99 TMed...........................................................105 Traumec.........................................................71 Wama..........................................................107 WEM.............................................................87

Editorial Carol Gonçalves

General Director Adilson Luiz Furlan de Mendonça Managing Director Vanessa Borjuca F. A. Santos Managing Editor Leda Lúcia Borjuca

Editorial Assistant Luiza Neves de Mendonça Account Managers Marcio Augusto Gama Ronaldo de Almeida Santos Commercial Assistant Nadia Silva de Nadai Customer Relationship Andrea Neves de Mendonça Graphic Design and Advertising Creation Lilian Carmona

Editor and Advertising Rua Prof. Castro Pereira, 141 02523-010 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil Phone: 55 11 3966 2000 Brazilian Health Devices is published by Publimed Editora Ltda. supported by Abimo and APEX-Brasil, aiming the commercial promotion of the country and the medical hospital and dental Brazilian industry, distributed in international health events. The advertiser companies are solely responsible for the content of their pages. The reproduction without the previous authorization of the publishing company is forbidden. Circulation: 2013/2014








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