Brazilian Health Devices 2011/2012

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2011 | 2012

BRAZILIAN Health Devices

Welcome to Brazil! A fast growing country with an innovative and competitive medical industry

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or the second year in a row, once again supported by ABIMO – Brazilian Association of the Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Articles and Equipments Industry, and Apex Brasil – Brazilian Agency to Promote Exportations and Investments, we were pleased to accomplish the Brazilian Health Devices, publication to promote the country abroad.

Brazil has been achieving an outstanding place in the worldwide scenery due to the quick development of its Economy, being among the more stable countries in the World, receiving investments from foreign companies in the most diversified sectors, with increasing production levels and exportation in continuous development, and as everything indicates, it will be together with other countries that integrate the BRIC among the five bigger economies in the world in a very close future. The sector producer of medical-hospital and dental equipments plays a keystone role in such growth. It is an always evolving industry in technological terms, showing to be strong, capable and able to completely fulfill the needs of its wide Health network, and which has been increasing more and more its participation in international events. With the presence of more than fifty companies in 2011, the Brazilian health industry is celebrating 10 years participating at Feira MEDICA, internationally launching its brand Brazilian Health Devices. Such new brand reflects the technological quality and reliability of its products, and it has the purpose to enlarge markets beyond the 180 consumer countries, bringing to the world products that provide health and quality of life at an excellent cost/ benefit rate. In 2010, such industries has closed business in an amount of US$ 3 million during the MEDICA Fair, thus assuring the maturity of its performance into the external market. Added to the greatness of the industry in this sector, Brazilian Health Devices also shows the development of a new modality of business, known as Health Tourism, that responds today by a marketing turnover of US$ 60 billion per year. Brazil has became a promising alternative in the medical tour itinerary, since it is a world reference in several specialties with several health institutions accredited by international organizations. Brazilian Health Devices also presents a complete scenery of Brazil. Hostess for the 2014 World Soccer Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, owner of incomparable natural beauties, the country is a mandatory stop point for the most demanding tourists in the world. With a wealth and diversified culture plenty of typical festivals and diversified handcraft seasoned by exotic dishes, Brazil is among the top positions on the list as one the most visited countries in the world.

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Innovation: an instrument of insertion and positioning for Brazilian companies into the international market

Competitiveness is currently deemed as a decisive factor to running businesses and entering in the challenging world market. Given such harsh context, Brazil has proved itself to be a global power in several economic segments. Brazil is the second major producer of medical technology among emerging countries, behind only of China. According to a survey made by the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazilian industry has moved US$ 2.6 billions last year in this sector. The country is in a better position compared to Mexico, India, and Turkey that occupy third to fifth place in the ranking. The document first published by WHO last September in Geneva indicates a major participation of emerging countries into the medical technology market. The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) seeks to position Brazilian companies into the major global markets and to attract foreign direct investment to Brazil. We encourage Brazilian companies to add value to their products and services via innovative practices and to make use of innovation as a tool to access and position themselves into new and existing markets. High technology, sustainability and design are critical to sharpen up competitiveness and generate business opportunities to strengthen our economy. The partnership established between Apex-Brasil and the medical sector came into effect in 2001, when the Agency and ABIMO designed the Brazilian Health Devices project, an initiative created to promote exports of medical products and health devices. The project currently supports 143 companies, comprising actions such as international fair development, business rounds with foreign buyers, business intelligence research, courses and workshops. The Brazilian Health Devices brand has proved to be a useful tool to help increase sector´s exports in more than 180%. The search for innovation has always steered our work and shows through every action carried by Apex-Brasil, whether in Brazil or abroad. Our aim is to further consolidate Brazil´s role as the world supplier of a myriad of products. To achieve that goal we are deepening on-going initiatives at main global markets providing increased visibility to the brand Brazil and providing to the world the best image of Brazil. All these actions are aligned to President Roussef´s foreign trade policies, which are carried out by the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade. Mauricio Borges President, Apex-Brasil

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Working together to promote the Brazilian Health industry worldwide

2011 is being a joyful year for the Brazilian industry of medical and dental equipments, as 10 years ago, ABIMO and Apex-Brasil signed a Projector for the sector in a big step for the internationalization of our industry. In 2002, the first conjunct action with ABIMO for such project was performed through the participation and organization of the Brazilian pavilion in the major worldwide event in the sector, the Medical Fair in Dusseldorf, Germany. Along the last years, we have been working together to promote the Brazilian industry focused on the health sector worldwide, having attained expressive achievements: exportations in the sector has grown more than 232%, a U$ 190 million increase in a total amount of U$ 633 million; in 2001, few people knew Brazilian medical items; but today, they are present in more than 180 countries; only a few companies tried to get into the international market by themselves. Nowadays, more than 150 Brazilian industries are selling to foreign markets. The consequence of the maturing of our industry was the creation of an International mark for the sector called Brazilian Health Devices. In 2011, it became the symbol of the Brazilian health products industry. With its conception and divulgation supported by Apex-Brasil, the new brand has the purpose to show to the world the quality and reliability of the Brazilian technology in medical, dental, hospital, and laboratory products, present both in events and in our communication with foreign markets. In the next pages, you are about to follow the path of the Brazilian industry in terms of health products, that has imposed its daring goal of attaining U$ 1 billion of medical products exported across the four corners of the world up to 2015. Enjoy reading!

Franco Pallamolla CEO of the Brazilian Association for the Industry of Medical, Dental, Hospital, Laboratory Articles and Equipments (ABIMO) and CEO of Lifemed

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A geographical space in continuous transformation


razil was not always divided in 26 states and the Federal District that it has today. Our frontiers were influenced by the Treaty of Tordesilhas (document created both by the kings of Portugal and Spain to mark the limits of their territories while the New World was being discovered), the hereditary captaincies (created in 1532 by D. John III, king of Portugal), the discovery of gold in the region of Minas Gerais, and also influenced by the Amazon region, where natural course of rivers guided the path towards the countryside searching for precious metals and for Indians to work as labor force. The frontiers Brazil has today were only defined in the beginning of the 20th Century with the treaties signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The political-administrative structure of Brazil is divided in states, cities and districts. The Federal District shelters the capital of the country that is headquarter of the Brazilian state and its Three Powers: Executive, Legislative, and the Judiciary. The model of division in the country incorporates natural and socio-economic aspects. But far from being a motionless indenture, such division is result of the conceptual evolution and the transformation of a geographical space in continuous changing. The present definition was made back in 1970, after some transformation occurred into the Brazilian space. Borders of each region are coincident with the frontiers of the states they belong to.

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Miscegenation and increase in the longevity

Miscegenation is the mixing of races, people from different ethnic groups. In Brazil, integration relationships first started with the arrival of European colonizers and their integration with Indians, and after a while with African slaves. Between the 19th and the 20th Centuries, Brazil received millions of European immigrants mainly Italians, Portuguese and Spanish, followed by Germans and Japanese. As a consequence of such variation and combination of races within the Brazilian territory, studies point out that the majority of the Brazilian population is genetically half-breeded, and part of white populations carries genetic African and Amerínd linage besides the European. The 2010 Demographic Census comprised a detailed raising on every dwellings in the country. Along the months of data collection and supervision, 191 thousand researchers visited 67.6 million homes of the 5565 Brazilian cities in order to collect information on who they are, how many they are, where they are and how the Brazilian people live. The first definitive results pointed a population formed by 190,732,694 people. In order to improve the quality of life for the population, the census also pointed important differences in the Brazilian’s longevity. By the projections elaborated by the UN Division of Population, it is foreseen that Brazilian elder people above 65 years old shall surpass 10 millions until 2050, and older than 80 years old shall surpass from 1.7

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million to almost 14 million in the same period. The healthy of elder people is occurring due to improvements in the habitation, health and hygiene conditions.

A tropical country

Brazil has a large area of 8.5 million square kilometers, and it is subject to different altitude, pressure, air circulation and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean conditions. There are three climate zones crossing the country: tropical, equatorial and temperate. Around 92% of the Brazilian territory sets between the Equator Line and the Tropic of Capricorn, with annual average temperatures above 68 °F. The main type of climate in the country is tropical. It is found in the Northeast, Southeast and Center-West regions, with an average temperature higher than 68°F and high rain rates. The climate changes between humid in the summer and spring and dry in the winter and autumn. The equatorial climate also covers great part of the Brazilian territory mainly comprising the Rainforest region. In equatorial areas, temperatures are high (average between 77 °F and 80°F) and it rains almost every day. Along the winter it may occur a phenomenon known as friagem [coldness] that is a sudden fall in the temperature of a given region that normally is too hot. Temperate climate predominant in the South region is colder than the rest of the country. It is found there temperatures around 64°F, and during the winter they can be negative. In the temperate climate rains are distributed in a regular way along the year. Despite of not being a common phenomenon in Brazil, it may snow in some mountainous regions of the South. Source: IBGE

One of the largest Economies in the world

Brazil has a free and exporter market. Measured by the parity of the purchasing power, its gross domestic product is close to 2.5 trillion dollars (R$ 3, 674,964 trillion), and t is becoming one of the highest economies in the world since 2010, according to the IMF and the World Bank, and the second major in the American continent, only behind the United States. Brazilian economy is one most increasing in the world, and it shall reach the 4th position 2050. It has hundreds

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of commercial partners, with 60% of exportations mainly of manufactured and semi manufactured items. Brazil’s main commercial partners are: (25.9% of trade), European Union (23.4%), Asia (18.9%), United States (14.0%), and others (17.8%). Brazil ha improved its competitiveness and conquering positions among other countries. Important steps taken since the 90’s towards the fiscal sustainability as well as some measures taken to liberalize and open the economy stimulate in a significant way the country’s basis to propitiate a better environment to the development of the private sector. Owner of a sophisticated technological sector, Brazil develops projects from submarines to aircrafts (Embraer is the third major company producing airplanes in the world) and it is involved in space research: the country has a center to launch satellites, and it was the only country in the South Hemisphere integrating the team responsible by the construction of the International Space Station (EEI). Also, it is pioneer in many other economic fields, including the production of ethanol. According to the World Steel Association, in 2009 Brazil was the 9th major producer of steel in the world, being among the ten first in the last years. Brazil and Mexico are in the forefront of the Latin America multinational companies, and thanks to the higher technology and organization, both of them have turned to be a worldwide success. Those multinational companies are responsible by such transition, both with massive investments abroad, in the region and outside it, and thus acquiring an increasing part of their income at international level. Brazil is also Pioneer in deep-water oil researches from where 73% of its oil reserves are extracted. According

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to statistics performed by the government, Brazil was the first Capitalist country sheltering the ten major automaker companies within its national territory. Presently, it is one of the ten major markets in the world, producing 35 million tons of steel, 26 million tons of cement, 3.5 million TV sets and 5 million refrigerators. Around 70 million cubic meters of oil are being yearly processed to fuel, lubricants, propane gas and a wide range of other hundred petrochemical products. There are at least 161,500 kilometers of paved roads and more than 108,000 megawatts of installed capacity in electric power. Its accountings in the industrial business stand for three fifths of the industrial production in the Latin American economy. Scientific and technological development in the country is attractive to direct foreign investments with an average of US$ 30 billion per year compared to only US$ 2 billion/year in the last decade, thus evidencing a remarkable growth. Agricultural business have also been remarkably dynamic: for two decades, that sector has kept Brazil among countries with higher productivity in areas related to the rural, agricultural and mining sectors that have also been supporting the commercial superavit allowing massive exchange gains and the payment of the external debt. The services sector is the major compound of our GDP

Pre-salt exploration plataform

Numbers of the Economy (values in US$)

Main source: CIA World Fact Book

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14 with 66.8% followed by industrial business, 29.7%. Agriculture represents 3.5% of the GDP. The Brazilian work force is estimated in 100.77 million from which 10% are allocated in the agriculture, 19% in industrial business, and 71% in the services sector.

An industry in plain development

Brazil has the second major industrial park in the Americas. Accounting for 28.5% of the country’s GDP, Brazilian industries are diversified: from automobiles, steel and petrochemical products up to computers, aircrafts and durable consumption goods. With the increase in the economic stability, Brazilian and multinational companies have massively invested in new equipments and technology, great part of them bought by North American companies. Brazil also has a diversified services sector. Along the 1990 decade, banking sector represented 16% of the GDP. Despite of going through a big reformulation, services business in Brazil offer to local companies a wide range of products and attract several new operators, including financial companies from other countries. It has extensive reserves of mineral resources. Big iron and manganese reserves are important sources of industrial raw materials and exportation revenues. Deposits of

nickel, stain, chromite, uranium, bauxite, beryllium, copper, lead, tungsten, zinc, gold, niobium and other minerals are explored. Brazil has also wide reserves of rare grounds with minerals which are essential to the industry of high technology. Among the recently adopted measures to balance the economy, Brazil accomplished reforms aiming its social security and fiscal systems. Such changes brought a remarkable increase: the Fiscal Responsibility Law that controls public expenses from federal, state and city Executive Power. At the same time, it has been made investments to the efficiency of the administration and policies were created to incentive exportations and trade, creating “windows of opportunity� to local and international investors as well as producers. With these modifications, Brazil has reduced its vulnerability: not to import the oil it consumes; the country has now half of the domestic debt by the exchange rate linked to certificates and it contemplates a growing exportation in an average of 20% per year. The exchange rate does not push the industrial sector or increases inflation (4% per year) leaving behind the possibility of a liquidity crisis. As result, after 12 years, the country attained a positive balance in the exportations and exportations accounts added to interests, services and payments abroad.

Embraer produces some of the most modern aircrafts in the world

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Brazil in numbers l 191 million inhabitant l Territory: 8,514,876.599 Kmsq l Shore extension: 7,491 Km l Land frontiers: 15,621 Km (10 countries) l Predominant climate: Tropical l 26 states, a Federal District and 5,564 cities l 1,735 million km of roads l 29,637 km of railroads l 37 ports l 67 airports l Major producer of hydroelectricity in Latin America l 5th country with higher amount of Internet connections l 5th major market of cellular phones l 492 stations of TV generators l 10,044 TV rebroadcast stations l 4,481 radio stations l 26th worldwide importer l 24th worldwide exporter l Major producer and exporter of sugar, coffee, orange juice and soy bean l Major exporter and 2nd major producer of ethanol l 2nd major producer and exporter of ore mine l 2.54 million barrels of petroleum and natural gas generated per day l 150 million tons of grains per year l 605 million tons of sugar cane production between 2009 and 2010 l 833 million tons of port movement in 2010 l 471 million tons of railroad load transported in 2010 l 1.684 million tons of aerial load transported in 2010 l 3rd major cosmetics market l 2nd major organic agricultural production area in the world

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By Roberto Stuckert Filho

The first female leader in Brazil


uccessor of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for the 2011-2014 period, Dilma Vana Rousseff has presenting to the country and the world the image of a capable and balanced head of State who has a personality of her own and with the challenge to succeed the most popular leader in the Brazilian history so far. In her first speeches as a President, Dilma promised “to honor women” and said: “I am happy as few times before for he opportunity History gave me by being the first woman ruling Brazil”. With the commitment to improve the quality of life for every Brazilian citizen, to promote changing in health, educational and infrastructure systems, the President is attaining international detach. As the first woman elected for such position, in her inaugural speech she clearly exposed her intention to eradicate poverty in

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Brazil. “I will not rest while there will be Brazilian people without food on their tables, homeless families and poor children abandoned to their own fate.” With a meteoric carrier, Dilma Rousseff previously occupied positions at the Revenue Secretary in Porto Alegre (1986-1989), President of a State Power, Mines and Communication Foundation in two administrative terms. Affiliate to the Party of Workers (PT) since 2001, she coordinated the governmental Infrastructure team during the Transition Administration between the last term of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and the first term of President Lula, and she became member of the group responsible by the Power Program of the government. She was born in the city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais on December 14, and she first occupied the position of Minister of the Mines and Power between 2003 and June, 2005, when she turned to be Ministry of Internal Affairs. On February, 2010, Dilma was acclaimed pre-candidate for the Party of Workers to the Presidency of the Republic. On March, obeying the electoral legislation, she stood back from the position of Chief Minister of Internal Affairs. In 2011, she occupied once again an outstanding position on international news when together with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Argentinean President Cristina Kirchner she was pointed by the Huffington Post as one of the 18 personalities fighting for equal rights among genders. The Brazilian President found prominence when the British newspaper The Guardian included her on the list of the present one hundred most inspiring females in the “Politics” category among other ten personalities such as the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and the Burmese activist Aung San Suu Kyi. The newspaper quoted Dima’s promise in improving the life conditions of women and her intent to include many female representatives in her Ministries in a higher amount than the previous country’s History. The list was composed by women considered a model of behavior in several areas all over the world, and who also helped other women besides of conquering their rights. Dilma also integrates the Forbes magazine list of the most powerful women, occupying the 3rd place, and the top of the list is Angela Merkel and in second place it is the American Hillary Clinton. The magazine mentions that Dilma made history as the first woman leader of a major economic power in Latin America. Moira Forbes, president and editor of ForbesWoman clarified: “Our list reflects several and dynamic paths towards Power for the today’s women whether they are leader of a nation or defining the agenda of critical issues of our times “.

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19 By Fabio Rodrigues - Ag. Brasil

Brazilian people’s opinion

The assessment of President Dilma Rousseff’s administration made by Brazilian citizens remained increasing in September with 71% of the interviees considering his administration ecellent/good, according to a research made by IBOPE Inteligência ordered by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). Such study showed that Dilma is approved by the majority of the interviees, who keeps a favorable expectation for the rest of her administration and trust in the President. It also shows that the majority of the population approves the Government’s actuations in fighting the hungry and poverty of the Brazilian people and in the environmental policies. in an interview to a TV show (Fantástico, Rede Globo on September 18, 2011), President Dilma said that one of the most important actions in the first nine months of her government was to assure access to free medication to treat diabetes and hypertension. “I think that people who have no money to buy a medication lives a violent human drama”. She also spoke on the tax reduction paid by micro-entrepreneurs and also on the decreasing of taxes for small companies. She also mentioned as one of the most important actions of her government the ascension of 40 million people into the Middle Class. “My major commitment is to assure quality public education, quality health services, and quality in public security services”.

Lula transmits the presidential sash to his successor at Planalto Palace

Dilma opens the High Level Meeting at the UN

President Dilma Rousseff made the opening speech at the High Level Meeting held in New York on September

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20 By Roberto Stuckert Filho

19 and 20, 2011. In her inaugural speech which was followed by authorities and Head of State from 193 countries, the President detached the need to cope – prevent and control – non-transmissible chronic diseases. “The success attained in previous meetings is an incentive to the advancement for a global health agenda. Brazil is elaborating new public policies to attend people suffering with diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and respiratory disorders”, said the President. In her speech, the President also said that Brazil stands for the access to medications as part of the human right to the health, remembering that this was one of the first measures taken by her administration. For her, the defense to the access to medications and the promotion and prevention of health must walk together.


Praising the presence of women in politics

Women participating in politics was one of President Dilma’s outstanding points of her speech at the High Level Meeting at UN. Despite of explaining the ministerial composition of her administration where ten ministries are headed by women, she said there’s still a lot to be done and the gender issue is one of the priorities of her international agenda. “Women are those who most suffer with poverty, analphabetism, failures in the Health System and sexual violence. The economical crisis and mistaken answers to them may aggravate such scenery.” Speking on her participation in the opening of the General UN Meeting, she pointed out: “I’d like to share such honor with every women present, especially with Secretary Michelle Bachelet, the first woman in South President Dilma in a meeting with the President of the United States, Barack Obama in New York

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President Dilma in an audience between her and the Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-Moon America elected as President in her country“. And she finalized: “Women are especially interested in building a safer and peaceful world. We should engage ourselves in the global government reform for the international community to acquire more representative and effective mechanisms.” By Roberto Stuckert Filho

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Goals and projects focusing Health in Brazil

physician specialist in infectious diseases graduated by the State University of Campinas and post graded by the São Paulo University, the Minister of Health, Alexandre Padilha assumed the position at the beginning of Dilma’s administration, and He discloses that the budget of the Ministry of Health for 2011 is of R$ 77 billion. Such resource is being destined to fund attendance at the whole Unified Health System including services such as the SAMU/192 and the following Programs: Brazilian Program of Popular Pharmacy, Health Strategies for the Family, Health for the Indigene people, dental assistance, offer of more than 560 medications free of charge in Health Posts and high-cost pharmacies, among others. “We are aware the importance SUS have had along the past 22 years including millions of people who previously were absolutely unassisted in terms of health, and today, they have a wide attendance comprising the basic attention to the health, vaccination campaigns and even highly complex procedures, such as transplants”. The last National Research by Sampling points that 86% of the SUS [Unified Health System] along the last 12 months were satisfied with the attendance they have been receiving. The priority for the Ministry of Health and their agencies has been to reduce regional inequalities that historically wasted the North and Northeast regions in the country. The agreement “Mais Nordeste e Mais Amazônia Pela Cidadania” [More Northeast and More Amazon for the Citizenship] foresees the improvement in health services focusing the reduction of the child mortality among others commitments. To cope with the challenge of improving the attendance in the public network, the Ministry of Health is creating a national indicator to assess the performance of the SUS in each region supported by health professionals, experts and the whole society, and from such diagnosis it will be defined feasible goals in different Brazilian regions, considering local specificities with states and cities. “We must to identify which is the SUS’ capability of resolution in each region, the extent the access to health is qualified, and the users’ level of satisfaction”, explained the Minister. The improvement in administrating is a fundamental element to perform a deep reform in SUS. “Besides of indicating the performance, it is necessary to prepare its managers for such new scenery”, he exposed. The Ministry of Health has available an important tool for the permanent and continued education for the SUS’ health professionals. This is the UNASUS – SUS Open University formed by a network of Health universities

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and Secretaries sharing a collaborative collection of educational material offering courses accurate capacitating to each specialization. The Ministry of Health is also implanting a special committee to elaborate a proposal for a plan of carriers inside SUS focusing professional providers of basic attention actuating in areas hard to be accessed and fixed, and this must assure the assembling of an effective board by means of civil service exam with adequate salaries and permanent improvement. There is an effort to contract servers by means of civil service exams, to eliminate precarious contracts and to improve working conditions for the SUS professionals all over the country. To re-structure 45 federal College hospitals in the whole Brazilian territory, the Ministry of Health released R$ 300 million. The funding for such re-structure is being shared between the areas of Health and Education in a mutual system that includes the MPOG – Ministry of Planning, Budget and Administration. There is a conjunct effort of such Ministries to create material and institutional conditions for the total performance of those units. With the Rehuf – National Program to Re-structure Federal College Hospitals launched on January, 2010, priorities have been set. Such initiative foresees actions to improve the physical structure, modernization of equipments, re-structure of the human resources and improvement of the administration. Considered a reference in highly complex attendance, examinations, consultations and surgeries, College hospitals offer appropriate structure to assist the population and to teach future health professionals.

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22 Manufacturer of medical-hospital furniture and equipments, Hospimetal is present in several countries

The achievements of the Brazilian industry in health products


he industry of health products in the world is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Economy. In 2009, the sales invoicing of those items was estimated in U$ 289 billion, and it is forecasted it will attain U$487 billion in 2016, resulting in a yearly growth of 7%. The sector has more than 27 thousand industries around the world employing more than 1 million people. It is expected the emerging Economies such as Brazil, China and India will bring a next wave of growth to the health products market. Brazil’s image as manufacturer of medical-hospital and dental items is in an process of evolution. Attributes such as development, technology and business potential are added to the country’s image, thus benefiting the whole national industry. In Brazil, the sector is divided in Odontology (equipments, inputs and instruments), Laboratory (equipments, reagents, and consumables), Radiology (devices, accessories and consumables), medical-hospital equipments (non-electric furniture, eletromedicals,

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surgical instruments, physiotherapy devices, and hotel services), Implants (orthopedic, neurological, cardiac, among others) and consumables (hypodermic, textile, patches, and others). As to the size of Brazilian companies in that sector, they are ranked as follows: Medium



16.6 %







The Southeast Region of the country comprising the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo shelters the highest amount of industries in that sector, corresponding to 87.3% of the total productive capacity in the area followed by the Southern Region (states of Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina) with 11.1%, and other Regions (North, Northeast, and Center-West) with 1.6%.

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23 The invoicing in the sector had almost 200% increase during the 2003 to 2010 period, attaining U$ 4.791 billion, and it evolved in the following way:

Import and export by segment

As to export, the segment of Patches was the most remarkable one, with an 87% increase in its external sales during the 2006 to 2010 period.

Country of origin of importations and destination of exportations

United States were the major buyers (22.4%) of equipments and consumables used in Odontology, medical-hospital and laboratory Brazilian items in 2010. In total, 10 countries composed the total of major buyers of the Brazilian products (USA, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Belgium, Peru, Germany, and Paraguay), generating a total amount of US$ 633,057.000. Brazilian importations sunned up U$$ 3,667,075, and it was performed commercial trades with the following countries (by order of trade volume): USA, Germany, China, Japan, Malaysia, Switzerland, Irish, Netherlands, Sweden, and United Kingdom. By their turn, exportations had a total accrued in an 2003 Invoicing (in US$ 1,000)


amount of US$ 619 million during that period with an 8% increase related to the same period of the last year. More than 56% companies of that sector compete earnestly other markets added to the Brazilian. For this, around 82% of exporters has mounted appropriate structures dedicated to attend foreign buyers. Such structures provide employment to 755 persons (3.3 average per exporter with a specific area dedicated to exportation), being 86% allocated in Brazil and 14% abroad. From the Brazilian companies in the sector, 57% export part of their production. (Source: Estudo Setorial da Indústria de Equipamentos Médicos, Odontológicos, Hospitalares e de Laboratórios no Brasil, IEMI e ABIMO, May, 201)

The growth generating new employments and technological advancements

The balance for the first half of 2011 performed by the WEB Setorial – an economic consultant for the Brazilian Association of Importers of Equipments, Products, and Medical-Hospital Supplies (Abimed) and the Brazilian Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosis (CBDL) – based on data from IBGE has shown that the sector of medical and diagnosis materials and equipments has presented 2005


1,602,433 1,828,433 2,457,701 3,090,780









Export 2006 (US$)

2007 (US$)

2008 (US$)

2009 (US$)

2010 (US$)



















Medical-Hospital Equipments
























Brazilian exportations in the health industry area had an increase during the first semester of 2011 Not even the dollar depreciation would undermine exportations of the Brazilian health industry during the first semester of 2011, when the sector exported US$ 338 million, a 8% increase related to last year’s. In 2010, international sales of health equipments represented 13.2% of the total invoicing in the industry, with a total turnover of US$ 633 million. The aim is to attain US$ 696 million up to the end of 2011, and US$ 1 billion exportations up to 2015. In the first semester, the most exported item in the sector was inputs – US$ 164 million – with a 6% growth in relation to the same period of the previous year. The best growth rates during the period were attained in the sectors of radiology (24% with US$ 13 million trades), medical-hospital equipments (18% sales - US% 33 million), and implants (13% - US$ 58 million sold outside Brazil). Articles most exported during that period were: adhesive dressing (U$ 44 million), sterilized catguts for surgical sutures (U$ 32 million), and cardiac valves (US$ 26 million).

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Ibramed produces equipments for the areas of physical rehabilitation, aesthetics, and medical aesthetics

a 21% increase in the production from January to June of this year compared to the same period in 2010. The sales in the commercial and services branches had a 10% from January to May. Still according to the Ministry of Work (MTE) and Caged, in the first half of 2011 the industrial and commercial activities in the sector of medical and diagnosis materials and equipments generated 3,603 thousand new jobs in relation to the amount of jobs in December, 2010. In June, 2011, the sector was already providing employment to 113 thousand people in industrial and commercial activities. The major generation of employment among groups of the sector occurred in the wholesale trade of dental, medical and hospital machinery, devices and equipments in the accrued amount from January to June, 2011 (22.8%). Services of diagnostic and therapeutic complementation that consumes the products traded by the sector presented a 10.1% increase in the June, 2011 jobs in relation to the December, 2010. According to the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosis (CBDL), Carlos Gouvêa the rapid growth in the sector is a reflection of the positive economic moment in the country, and it has been contributing for the generation of jobs and technological advancement that is granting to the population the most diversified solutions in terms of health products. “As it is a sector with high technological value, it still is quite dependant of importations. On the other hand, exportations are increasing, showing an even higher importance Brazil is attaining compared to other Latin America countries “, said that director.

Participation in international events

The Brazilian health industry celebrates in 2011 nine years participating in the Medical Fair to be held in the

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city of Düsseldorf, Germany as the main event in the world for the health sector, gathering every year more than 130 thousand visitors from all over the world and 5 thousand exhibitor companies launching their marks internationally, Brazilian Health Devices aims to settle the image of the Brazilian market abroad as a competent and committed manufacturer of health products, with an affordable, trusty and advanced technology and with an excellent cost/benefit ratio. Previously called Brazilian Medical and Dental Devices, the project went through a branding reformulation in November, 2010. It was performed an intense work with the participation of more than 30 companies and which lasted 3 months in order to result in a new logo, a new name and a new international positioning for the sector. Organized by the Brazilian Association of the Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Supplies and Equipment Industry (ABIMO) in an partnership with the Brazilian Agency, to Promote Exportations and Investments (ApexBrasil), the Brazilian Pavilion counts on the participation of more than fifty companies. The creation of the Brazilian Health Devices brand is result from the Integrated Sector Project (PSI) held in 2002. The project has contributed for an 180% increase in external sales in the sector within a seven years period in the following categories: laboratory, odontology, radiology, medical-hospital supplies, patches, and consumables. The new international brand of the Brazilian health industry reflects the technological quality and reliability of its products, in order to enlarge markets beyond the 180 consumer countries of the five continents. The purpose is to progressively increase the volume of exportations – which attained the level of US$ 633 million in 2010. The Brazilian Health Devices brand will take to the world products to provide health and quality of life at an excellent cost/benefit. In 2010, Brazilian industries participating in the event closed business of around US$ 4 millions and prospecting more than US$ 38 million for the following 12 months after the event. “We were able to perceive the evolution of the Brazilian participation along the years with the enlargement of the pavilion and the higher level of recognition and higher amount of visitors to our companies. The fact we re participating for the first time of a worldwide event in the sector launching an international brand shows the maturity in the actuation of our industry in foreign markets”, says Paula Portugal, Manager of the ABIMO’s International Projects. The success of the Brazilian industry in international events was repeated along Fime held last August, 2011 in Miami, United States. The Fair received thousands of visitors, and it is among the main events of the health sector at worldwide level turned to the presentation of new technologies and services for hospitals and health establishments. Our 9th participation in that event was quite promising.

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25 Fime 2011 and Medica 2010

Fifty Brazilian micro and large size companies invested in search for conquering international markets. Along Fime, Brazilian companies performed 1,840 contacts and US$ 380 thousand on business. Added to this, it is expected further business for the next 12 months in an amount of US$10 million. The participating companies performed contacts with several countries mainly United States, Canada and Latin America countries. It was commercialized from disposable items to ICU devices and furniture. The Brazilian delegation is also present in another event of international importance: Arab Health, which is held in the Arabian Emirates in the city of Dubai, where it closes big business and opens new frontiers to the growth of the Brazilian industry abroad.

Strategies to assure the quality in the Brazilian health products

Brazil has now mechanisms actuating to promote and protect health. Anvisa – National Agency of Health Surveillance is an official entity in charge by the safety of the health products and services, and also participating in the assembling of its access to the markets. For this, it actuates from the registration and authorization for products and services to enter into the market up to the follow-up of their performance in the next postcommercialization phases. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are rules that sets the applicable requirements in the manufacture of medical items from methods and controls used in the project, purchase, manufacture, packing, labeling, storage up to their installation, usage and technical assistance of every product turned to the sector. The legislation sets that every supplier of medical-hospital must fulfill every requirement in order to assure the safety and effectiveness of their use. Further to this, such certification aggregates value to products and

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equipments and sets rules to improve the companies’ performance. The Country disposes of an association working in an intense way in order to stimulate the industry to get a certification of its products with Good Manufacturing Practices, and the Brazilian Association of Certified Companies actuates providing assistance to bid processes and promoting a permanent interaction between its associates and Anvisa. The criterion of quality applied to Brazilian products turned to the health segment has been proving to be a quite important differential in the promotion of the country into international markets, walking to get equivalence to the main producers of technology at a worldwide level.

The Brazilian health industry integrates committees that define international standards to the manufacturing of hospital equipments By means of an agreement between the Brazilian Association of Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Articles and Equipments (ABIMO) and the Pan American Health Organization (OPAS), the Brazilian health industry became an integrating member of several regulatory forums and committees to the manufacturing of medicalhospital equipments using electric and electronic technologies. In September, the Brazilian delegation headed by Vicente Barbosa, ABIMO’s director and Superintendent for ABNT/CB-26 participated in the meeting at TC 62 of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) – an entity that defines international technical rules. The meeting was held in Nuremberg, Germany. The Brazilian participation in such context reinforces the concern ABIMO has in relation to the quality of medical equipments aiming the patients’ safety. It is fundamental that every manufacturer of health products is aware of every national and international Technical Rules involved in the products of its manufacturing line.

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The dental market in Brazil


here are reasons to be optimistic as to the Brazilian market of dental equipments and materials, as well as of items for oral hygiene. The sector as whole is increasing, presenting good results and placing Brazil among the first markets in the world as to some segments. Besides, the Brazilian dental market has potential to grow and improve even more as producer, exporter and consumer both as to equipments, materials and oral hygiene. This is the scenery shown by data, analysis and experiences provided by entities that represent the sector: the Brazilian Association of Industries of the Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Articles and Equipments (Abimo), Brazilian Association of Personal Hygiene, Perfumes and Cos¬metics (Abihpec) and the Brazilian Association of Business of Dental Products (ABCPO). Accounting for 22% of the whole production of the medical-hospital and dental industry, the sector of dental equipments and articles – formed by 93 Brazilian companies, 29 more than 10 years ago – has been recorded good results. The major responsible by such invoicing is the Brazilian market. The domestic sales generated R$ 916 million in 2008, and 88.3% of such amount come from the private sector, 10.5% from the public sector, and 1.2% from the remaining, a result attained from exclusive supplying contracts, leasing, and others. Although the participation into the external

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market still has a lower representation, the industry has been turning its attention to it as well, and the exported amounts increased from US$ 71.7 million in 2006 to US$ 82.5 million in 2008. As to exportation, the products that can be mentioned are furniture for offices, acrylic prosthesis, articles and devices for dental prosthesis, burr-drills, and other instruments and devices. As to products for oral hygiene, Brazil also accumulates good results. The majority of companies manufacturers of such items in the country is transnational, but it keeps an expressive local production, even for exportation. Added to this, the Brazilian trade and consumption also helps towards the development of such market worldwide, and according to Abihpec, presently it amounts US$ 31 billion. Brazil is the second in thatmarket, responsible by 9.2%, behind USA (16.2%) and ahead of China (7.4%), and such position is increasing each year. The good economical results Brazil is presenting as to the oral hygiene follows the present performance of the general personal hygiene sector, where it is the third consumer market in the World, according to data supplied by Abihpec. “The country’s growth in such market may be attributed to the stability of the Brazilian Economy and to the higher insertion of women into the labor market and in the College education, as women are focused and more conscious on their hygiene, beauty and prevention”, asserts João Carlos Basílio, president of the Brazilian Association of the Personal Hygiene and Cosmetics Industry. The forecast for the Dental market in Brazil continues increasing, and an indication of this is when it is compared to the whole medical – hospital and dental industry of equipments and materials: while it had an average growth of 8% in 2009, the dental sector had a 16% growth. “The evolution trend of sales indicates so. Such growth has being stimulated by the technological innovation of the products and by the results attained in previous years. Another indication of an even higher growth potential in the production and invoicing in the Brazilian dental industry is that import expenditures in that sector has also grown, showing that it still have room for the national industry to grow into the domestic market, which is consuming more in the last few years. Source:

Analysis per sector

For seven years in a row, the dental segment keeps a positive result in the trade balance. A partial report ordered by ABIMO indicates that the sector closed 2009 with US$ 70.4 million in exportations and US$ 45.,8 million in importations. Such performance is associated to the technology employed in products developed by

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28 the sector and by the manufacturing capacity installed in the country. From the 800 thousand dental implants and 2.4 million accessories and prosthetic compounds consumed per year in the country, 90% are supplied by the national industry. With a surplus, the dental sector exports mainly to Germany, United States and South American. Together, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, and Chile correspond to 28.4% of sales for the foreign market. Taking into account the most traded products, it can be mentioned devices and equipments for dental offices followed by dentist chairs. The research indicates the sector ended 2009 with US$ 70.4 million in exportations, and US$ 45.8 million in importations. Such performance is associated to the technology employed in products developed by the sector and due to the manufacturing capacity installed in the country. From 800 thousand implants and 2.4 million dental accessories and prosthetic compounds consumed in the country per year, 90% are supplied by local industries.

offering a wide variety of treatments to national and international patients. In one of the visits, the Boston University (a branch of the North American college) showed interest in presenting the Brazilian technology to its academics.

Advancements of national companies in the sector

Running to keep updated with the evolutions and changing in Odontology, in the market and in the whole society. That is what Brazilian companies or those actuating in Brazil in the sector of dental equipments and materials are doing to remain competitive, updated and to answer to the consumers’ demands. According to Dr. Francisco Carlos Rehder Neto, Marketing Intelligence Supervisor of the 100% Brazilian company Gnatus Equipamentos Médico-odontológicos, the company has been constantly investing in researches to promote Biosafety, a Sustainable Development and Technology. “Such innovations are easily perceived in our products, as we know how important is to listen to our market. Conquering new markets In such context, it was created a Marketing Intelligence In March, 2011, the Brazilian dental industry has recorded Department headed by a dental surgeon, whose purpose one of its best participations in international events, is to act like a bridge between the Innovation and with is presence at the Internacional Dental Conference Marketing Departments meaning that our ears are open & Arab Dental Exhibition (AEEDC) held in Dubai, Arab for the needs and desires from dental surgeons, and Emirates where it attained a 10 times higher sales volume based on researches, we get the conditions to approach than in the previous edition in terms of business with the more and more to the answers of the questions posed external market. by the market: its needs, what it wants, its expectations”, The summit of the sector counted on the presence of 19 exposes the professional. Brazilian manufacturers, who still prospected more than By its turn, Dentscler Indústria de Aparelhos US$ 3 million business for the following 12 months. Odontológicos is presently investing on qualified For four years, Brazil marks its presence at AEEDC, coworkers by offering training to them. Besides such attaining increasingly good results. Such performance professional qualification, a great part of investments marks the advancement of national brands that invest the company does is dedicated to the accomplishment and make a bet on some areas that have incorporated of thorough quality tests and to the acquisition of the majority of new technologies, and with a regulatory ultimate raw material, thus propitiating higher safety in system to entry in any region of the globe. handling. During the summit, part of the Brazilian delegation knew “We believe that by achieving quality and safety, we are the Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), first free medical zone able to become more competitive and consequently in the world. The complex shelters hospitals, clinics, spa conquering more room into the market”, says Mr. João resorts, laboratories and health educational institutions, Albino Camillo, Director. Dabi Atlante, Brazilian manufacturer of dental equipments and dental implants is also with its Profile of the Brazilian dentist eyes open to the ultimate changes in several Brazil shelters 19% of the total dentists in the world. Such data is supplied in the book aspects, in order to fit them to its production. “Present Profile and Trend of the Brazilian Surgeon-Dentist”, first launched at the 28th Ciosp According to José Miranda da Cruz Neto, – International Congress of Odontology in São Paulo). The country has the higher amount of Superintendent Director of that company, dental professionals in the world in terms of absolute numbers: it is 219,575 professionals some trends observed in the last decade registered. The Global Atlas of Odontology published in 2009 by the International Dental were: ageing of the population, increasing Federation estimates an amount as high as one million dentists in the world. From all the in the female participation in the profession, countries included in that Atlas, Brazil is the one with higher amount of professionals. The field of work for a dentist both in preventive Odontology and in other specialties is quite more comfort to the patient to remain in the wide. The predominant profile of that professional is the one working in private offices dental chair, prevention and biosafety. “Thus, (38.8%) or working by percentage (25.5%) and 26.5% attend in dental insurance plans or in we work on such trends before defining our cooperative systems, and 12.2% work for the public network. research and development program.” A great part of the Brazilian dentists attended or is attending post-graduation courses. One of the major difficulties faced by surgeon-dentists is the high competitiveness in the work market.

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Source: Associação Brasileira de Odontologia (ABO) – ABO Nacional – Revista On Line -

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Apex-Brasil: Tireless efforts to position the country as a major player in the global market

he mission of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) is to promote exportation of Brazilian products and services, contributing to the internationalization of Brazilian companies and attracting foreign investment to Brazil. As an instance of strategy formulation, Apex-Brasil is a Brazilian government agency linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). Apex-Brasil currently provide support to more than 13,000 companies in 80 productive sectors of the Brazilian economy exporting to more than 200 markets. Through initiatives undertaken in a partnership with organizations of industrial sectors, the Agency organizes trade promotion activities, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, supporting the participation of Brazilian companies in major international exhibitions and visits of foreign buyers and opinion formers to know the Brazilian productive structure. It also produces trade and competitive intelligence studies with the purpose

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of guiding decisions of domestic corporations on their entrance into international markets. Besides its headquarters in Brasilia, Apex-Brasil has offices in Brazilian states and Business Support Centers (CNs) around the world. Those centers serve as platforms to assist the process of internationalization of Brazilian companies exploring business opportunities and increase their participation in key global markets, and serve as a benchmark for attracting foreign investment. CNs are strategically located in Asia (Beijing - China), Middle East (Dubai - United Arab Emirates), North America (Miami USA), Central America and the Caribbean (Havana - Cuba), Western Europe (Brussels - Belgium) Eastern Europe (Moscow - Russia) and Africa (Luanda - Angola). Next to the Brussels CN are the Brazilian Business Affairs (BBA), Office of Apex-Brasil and the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), whose function is to monitor trends and decisions of the European Union that may affect Brazilian exports. The agency also coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) for the country, working to identify business opportunities and promoting strategic events and assuring support to foreign investors throughout the whole process in Brazil. The objective is to attract productive capital from foreign companies that may incorporate technological innovations, new business management models and deepen the supply chains. As to the international cooperation, Apex-Brasil co-ordinates important global forums and heads the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and the Iberian-American Network of Trade Promotion Organizations (REDIBERO), consolidating Brazil as a regional reference in the promotion of exports and attracting foreign direct investments.

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Health is a very serious matter

T The Brazilian Network of Human Milk is a worldwide reference

he Ministry of Health is developing several programs and actions in order to assure a qualified medical attendance to the population, and these are some

of them: Fighting Against Dengue: This disease is one major problem to the public health in the whole world, and especially in Tropical countries like Brazil. During the first semester of 2001, the cases confirmed of such disease had a 45% falling compared to the same period in 2010. The amount of deaths due to the disease has suffered a 44% reduction compared to the last year’s. Brazilian Popular Pharmacy: It is a program created to increase the access to population to essential medications sold at lower prices than the ones found in the market. The program counts on its own network of pharmacies and with a partnership with drugstores of the private networking. Such action began on February, 2011, and it had a 194% expansion in the access to medications to treat hypertension and diabetes, and more than 17 thousand private pharmacies all over the country joined

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the program. In January 853 thousand patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes, and in July that number raised to 2,5 million. Organ Donation: Its purpose is the grant awareness to the population on the importance of the organ donation to save lives. In 2010, the amount of donors had a 15% increase related to 2009, and this represents a landmark, as the annual average in the last seven years was of 9.9 donor per million people (pmp). Such an increase is due to the strengthening of the National Transplantation System (SNT) and higher investments in the sector. Health for Families: It is a strategy to grant a new directive in the operation of the model of assistance through the implantation of multiprofessional teams into the basic units of health. Brazil has 32,029 health supporting teams to familes, responsible by assisting more than 101 million people all over the country. Each team develops actions to promote health, preventing, recovering, rehabilitating from diseases and its more frequent consequences, besides of providing the health maintenance to the attended persons. With a qualified basic attention, up to 80% of the health problems among the population can be solved. Brazil Sorridente [Brazil Smiling]: Program that gathers a series of actions driven to the dental health focused on citizens of every age. The Centers of Odontologic Specialties (CEOs) integrate the program offering services completely free of charge through the SUS [Unified Health System], such as endodontic treatment, attendance to patients with special needs, smaller oral procedures, periodonty, and diagnosis. Presently, Brazil counts on 866 centers whose attendances has risen from six to 25 million between 2002 and 2010. Prompt-Attendance: Round Clock Prompt-Attendance units working as intermediary units between the Basic Health Units and the hospitals, helping to unburden emergence rooms, enlarging and improving access for Brazilian people to emergence services at the Unified Health System. They attend cases that need intermediary medical attention, such as pressure, high fever, fractures, cuttings and infarction problems, and thus avoiding those patients to be sent to the hospitals’ emergence rooms. The UPAs work seven days a week, 24 hours a day solving an average of 7% of cases. Health for women: To increase the coverage in providing mammography to women between 50 and 69 years old, granting preventive breast cancer and cervix cancer examinations in 25 to 64 years old women and treating 100% women with precursor cervix cancer lesions are goals that are part of the Plan for Strategic Actions to Fight Against Chronic Non-Transmissible Diseases (DCNT) launched on September, 2011 by the Ministry of Health. According to President Dilma Rousseff, these goals must be accomplished along the 2012 to 2022 period.

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Olhar Brasil [Brazil’s Looking]: Its purpose is to identify sight problems in students from public elementary schools, the MEC’s program Brasil Alfabetizado [Brazil alphabetizes] and among the population with higher than 60 years old providing ophthalmologic assistance and supplying glasses whenever is detected refraction problems. Such action foresees direct assistance to 44 million people involving application of approximately R$ 323.3 million during a three year period. Fractionated Medication: It is supplied manufactured medication in special packages sold in the exact amount according to the need, thus avoiding the risk of intoxication by the consumption of the remains of the drug that remains stored at home, thus reducing the waste and saving money. PNAN: National Feeding and Nutrition Policy that carries among others directives to promote healthy food habits, prevent and control nutritional disorders as well as diseases related to feeding and nutrition, and monitoring the feeding and nutritional status. One of the actions included in the plan is the definition of an agenda of goals with entrepreneurs seeking to suppress the Trans fat levels in the food, according to the parameters set by the World Health Organization. In August 2011, the Ministry of Health has reassured the commitment of the federal government as to the food safety aiming to reduce early deaths due to chronic non-transmissible diseases. Controlling tobaccoism: Since 1996, Brazil counts on a federal legislation restricting the use and advertising of products derivate from tobacco whether in public or private collective sites, except in areas especially provided for such consumption provided they are isolated and ventilated. For now, seven states has laws turning the environment 100% free of smoke: Amazonas, Paraíba, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Roraima, and São Paulo. QualiSUS: It is a set of changes that aim to propitiate more comfort to the users of the Unified Health System, providing assistance according to the grade of risk and a more effective attention by health professionals and a lower time of internment in hospitals. This contributes to save a higher amount of lives reducing damages to the health, besides of assuring satisfaction to part of the population as to the assistance received. Service of Mobile Health Care to Urgencies (SAMU/192) is part of the QualiSUS. In its operational central, the physician attends an emergence call with autonomy to classify it and to decide the destination of the patient according to information on vacancies in emergence beds of each hospital. National Health Card: It is a tool that links procedures performed in all the Unified Health System to the Professional who performed it as well as the health unit where such procedures were performed. Through such registration, both SUS users as well as health Professionals receive a national identification number. Human Milk Bank: Created in 1998 in a partnership

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between the Ministry of Health and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), the Brazilian Network of Milk Bank is a worldwide reference in attendance, considered by the World Health Organization the one that most contributed to reduce child mortality and in promoting the breast feeding among other works developed around the world during the 90’s. Such indication has turned Brazil into a worldwide reference in breast feeding. By organizing a collection and distribution system of that product, Brazil has innovated developing a technology that allows using different features and qualities of the breast milk to treat premature babies and thus accelerating the process of recovery. The structure has 200 milk banking and 85 collection posts all over the Brazilian territory. According to the 2010 Census performed by IBGE, the child mortality rate felt from 69.12 to 22.47 deaths per thousand babies born alive in the country between 1980 and 2009. In 2010, 119,000 liters of milk were collected by the Human Milk Bank all over the Brazilian territory.

Government is fomenting the National Day Against Smocking

Fighting for Health Malaria

In order to increase actions against malaria, in 2010 was launched the Project to Expand Access to Measures to Prevent and Control Malaria in Vulnerable Populations in the Brazilian Rain Forest, whose goal is a 50% reduction in the total cases of malaria in 47 selected cities from the 2007 epidemiological data. As consequence, the amount of malaria in the Legalized Amazon had a 31% falling along the first six months of 2011 related to the same period of 2010.


Brazil is internationally recognized for assuring universal and free access to the antiretroviral treatment for the disease – used in serum positive patients – due to the break in the patent of medications, thus allowing that 80% of such medications are used by Brazilian patients by producing them inside Brazil. Thirty years after AIDS was first discovered, measures to reduce the damages adopted by the Brazilian government

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36 allowed to reduce from 25% to 5% the participation of users of injectable drugs in the total new infections in the country. The Unified Health System offers services of diagnosis, counseling before and after the test, medical assistance and free access to the medications, besides of funding actions of vigilance and prevention in each state, with annual investments of around R$ 1.2 billion/year. Presently, 210 thousand people are being treated at the public network. From 20 medications offered free of charge, some are produced in the country as part of the Federal government policy to strengthen the national industry. With the knowledge acquired, Brazil is maintaining international co-operations in the sector, mainly with countries of the South Hemisphere. One of the major points is the installation of a factory of antiretroviral medications in Mozambique, Africa. Brazil is deemed one of the older and committed countries in fighting against such epidemic. AIDS and racism are the new target for the World Day for the Fight Against AIDS this year in Brazil. According to the National Program DST/Aids, the theme was chosen because it was verified that the black people was never targeted in prevention campaigns. And black people represents 47.3% of the Brazilian population, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Its slogan is “Aids and Racism. Brazil must live without prejudice”.


A partial balance of the National Vaccination Campaign against Poliomyelitis point out that more than 10.4 million children were vaccinated in the first phase. Such figure corresponds to 73.92% of the targeted-public. The investment in both phases of the vaccination campaign is of R$ 46.6 million. To purchase and distribute the vaccines it was invested R$ 26.3 million and R$ 20.2 million were used to make the campaign working were transferred to the health funds of each state and city, to be used in logistic actions for the campaign. Brazil is free from the virus that causes the disease since 1989, when the last case was recorded in the state of Paraíba. In 1994, the country received from the World Health Organization a certificate that poliomyelitis was eliminated in the country.


According to a partial balance of the campaign against measles, more than 5.7 million children received the dose of the triple viral vaccine (measles, rubella and mumps) along this year (56.26%). In 2011 the vaccination campaign against measles was anticipated aiming to keep Brazil out of the possibility of disseminating the virus, since in June there was an outbreak of the disease in Europe. With the arrival of the vacations in July, the flux both of ingoing tourists visiting Brazil and Brazilian tourists going outside Brazil increased. The goal for the Ministry of Health is to perform the vaccination campaign against measles in two phases, reaching at least 95% of the 17,094,519 younger than 7 years old children.


Up to 2012, Brazil will be self-sufficient in the production of vaccines against the Influenza virus that causes the disease called flu, thanks to Instituto Butantan, one of the major biomedical research center in the world headquartered in the city of São Paulo, SP. Besides of producing vaccines against simple flu, its factory has also capacity to produce other subtypes of the Influenza virus, such as the H1N1, the so-called swine flu, as well as the H5N1, the bird flu in an event of a pandemic. For the first time in History, a vaccine against the flu is 100% produced inside Brazil.

Premature mortality due to chronic diseases

The Ministry of Health has launched this year the Plan of Actions to Cope with Non-Transmissible Chronic Diseases (DCNT). Such plan foresees a set of measures to reduce in 2% per year the mortality rate due to diseases such as cancer and diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disorders such as infartion and stroke (AVC). Gathering actions to be performed in the next ten years is the Brazilian response to a worldwide concerning: it is estimated that in 2008, 63% of deaths in the world have occurred due to DCNT; one third of such deaths in younger than 60 years old persons.

“Zé Gotinha” symbolizes the Vaccination Campaign Against Measles

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Great names in Health

razil is a rich country in terms of diversity and natural beauties. There is no doubt about that. But another outstanding point that few persons must know is the important personalities in the Health area, whether by their contributions for the advancements they attained both in Medicine, as leaders of companies or by promoting events in that area. Next, we will be exposing the carrier of some personalities.

Paulo and Titular Professor of the MBA Health Course by IBMEC São Paulo, Dr. Lottenberg is author of the book “The Brazilian Health can be successful”* published by Atheneu, and now in its second edition. He is member of the World Council for the VISEX refractive surgery procedures, being part of the International Society of Refractive Surgery; member of the Committee Hospital for the Future Joint Commission; member of the Scientific Commission for the Program of Continuing Medical Education of the Brazilian Medical Association, and member of the Pan-American Ophthalmological Board Foundation in Arlington, Texas, USA. In 2008, he received the prize Analysis of Medicine being indicated as one of the most admired in Ophthalmology – Análise Editorial.

Waleska Santos: making the sector grow and intensify

Founder and CEO of HOSPITALAR FEIRA + FÓRUM, Dr. Waleska Santos managed all the editions of the fair, personally commanding the process that made the event to grow and be diversified up to being consolidated as the most important fair and forum in the health sector in all Latin America. She was born in the city of Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul and she got her Medical Degree by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in the capital city of Porto

Claudio Luiz Lottenberg: leader of a institution with international standard

Dr. Claudio Luiz Lottenberg was born in São Paulo, and he got his Master and Doctorship degrees in Ophthalmology, being a physician graded by the Medical School of the São Paulo University. Presently, he is CEO of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, an institution with international standards, and one of the major Health references in Brazil. Dr. Lottenberg was also Municipal Health Secretary for the City of São Paulo, when he implanted the standardization in the use of medications. In such position, he along other professionals created the first directive documentation for the Unified Basic Units (UBS) and thus helping to develop a qualified health service. He still signed partnerships with private companies in order to reform public hospitals, and since then, he is required to talk about the relationship public/private all over Brazil. Professor and joint-supervision for the Post—Graduating course in Ophthalmology at the Federal University of São

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Alegre. Parallel to her graduation, she devoted herself to the commercial promotion following her husband, the entrepreneur Francisco Santos managing the Couromoda –International Fair of Shoes, Sports Articles and Leather Items, today in its 39th edition, held in São Paulo. The increase of such activities made Dr. Waleska to chose a new professional option: she abandoned the medical practice to devote herself to the accomplishment of fairs and congresses in Brazil and abroad. In 1992, she created the company Hospitalar Feiras e Congressos and launched her major project: the Fair HOSPITALAR, dedicated to present solutions for hospitals, laboratories, clinics and medical offices, which is held every year in São Paulo. Today, HOSPITALAR is in its 19th edition, and it is already consolidated as the major health fair and forum in Latin America. It gathers 1,250 exhibitors from 34 countries, receiving more than 90 thousand visitors each edition, and sheltering more than 60 simultaneous events between congresses, workshops, seminars, and representative summits of every health segment. Occupying the vice –presidency of the Couromoda/ Hospitalar Group, Dr. Waleska has been actuating for more than 35 in the organization and accomplishment of every fair of the Group: Couromoda (shoes and fashion); Hospitalar (Medicine and Health); Hair Brasil (hair and beauty); São Paulo Prêt-à-Porter (clothing industry and fashion accessories), Expo Enfermagem e Reabilitação.

Marlene Schmidt Rodrigues: in charge of Fanem for more than 40 years

Executive Director of Fanem, a Brazilian company actuating in the manufacturing of neonatological items, laboratory, and biosafety, Dr. Marlene Schmidt Rodrigues

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is a successful entrepreneur. And this is because after 87 year of actuation, Fanem exports directly to about 90 countries, and having already conquered several and important awards, as well as having attained recognition from countless institutions, health societies, and governmental entities. Daughter of the visionary Walter Schmidt, Dr. Marlene assumed Fanem’s direction in the 70’s, when she began using a more participative management model, thus providing dynamism to a most modern line of design. She also enlarged the scope of the training by being focused on the client. Such change was reflected on the level of satisfaction of the clients as well as on the numbers attained by the trainings Fanem supplied. Only in 2010, the company trained 6,000 professionals. Besides of acting in the Fanem’s executive management, Dr. Marlene Schmidt is also CEO of ABEC – Brazilian Association of Certified Companies. Along her professional path, she was Director for the Female Department of ADESG – Association of Graduates by the High War School. She participated in several sales and exportation courses in Brazil and abroad, integrating several task forces in professional associations. With a bachelor’s degree in Law School by PUC São Paulo, Dr. Marlene has always taken leadership positions throughout her path, representing today a prestigious company worldwide.

Silvia Regina Brandalise: an example of hope and social commitment

Silvia Regina Brandalise, MD is Professor and Chairman of the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Service at the Department of Pediatrics, Medical Sciences Faculty, at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil. She is also Chairmen of the Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Research Center (CIPOI) at UNICAMP. Since 1970 she was invited to be full time professor at UNICAMP, where she founded the Blood Coagulation Laboratory in the university being in charge of it from 1970-1977 as well as by the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center (1994), introducing the population-based sickle cell neonatal screening program in the city of Campinas (1994), the first one in Brazil. So far, she coordinates the Neonatal Screening Program in Campinas. She directs the Postgraduate Program in Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology at CIPED/UNICAMP. She found Boldrini´s Children Center, a nonprofitable hospital in Campinas, specialized in pediatric hematology and oncology. Since 1980 she was elected as Boldrini´s Directory Board as President. Dr Brandalise is a member of various scientific societies, participating in several scientific committees, being elected as Vice-President (1981-1982) and President of SOBOPE (1991-1992) and of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Oncology (SLAOP) (2003-2011). She was indicated as Consultant Member of the Hemoglobinopathy Program at the São Paulo Health

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Secretary and a member of the Bone Marrow Transplantation Program at the Ministry of Health. She has authored more than 300 publications in peer-reviewed journals, as well as abstracts and textbook chapters primarily focusing on pediatric hematology/oncology. Dr Brandalise is a member of the International Childhood Cancer Consortium (ICCC) and of the Childhood ALL Collaborative Group (CALLCG, UK). She received several honorable titles for outstanding contributions to the pediatric hematology/oncology fields in Campinas and Brazil, and she was just elected President of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) for Latin America, an entity headquarted in Zurich, Switzerland that comprises 1450 members from all over the world, and representing the major scientific society oriented to the child and adolescent cancer.

Jorge Kalil: a main name in the fight against infections

Immunologist physician and Titular Professor of the USP Medical School, Jorge Kalil was born in Porto Alegre. He got his medical degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and got Mastership and Doctorship in Human Biology by the University of Paris and Lecturer by the São Paulo University. He is director of the Immunology Lab of Incor, President of the Curator Council of the Zerbini Foundation, researcher 1A for CNPq, coordinator of the Institute of Investigation in Immunology, vice-president of the International Union of Immunology Societies (IUIS), and president elected for the 2013-2016 period. He is also director of Institute Butantan, one of the major biomedical research centers in the world.

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He was President Founder of the Brazilian Association of Organ Transplantation, Vice-President Founder of the Latin-American Association of Immunology, President of the Brazilian Society of Immunology, International Scholar of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute, director of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of Hospital Sírio Libanês, member of the Medical Council and President of the Directive Council of the Institute of de Education and Research of that same Hospital. Creator and director of the Institute of Sciences of the German Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz and vice clinicaldirector of Hospital das Clínicas. As a researcher, he has more than 350 internationally indexed publications, 76 participations in chapters of books and dozens of articles published on the media. He is owner of several patents, being some of them new vaccines. He was pioneer in implanting the monoclonal antibody technology in France. He is devoted to study the mechanisms of immunological recognition, as well the distinction between the self and non-self. Using several models of human diseases, these studies have been contributing to the understanding of the rejection in transplantations, in protecting the human body against infectious diseases, as well as failures of such recognition that may lead to self-immune diseases. He received the honor of Commander and the Grand Cross of the National Order of the Scientific Merit. He was also rewarded with a prize from the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), considered the Nobel prize of the developing countries by his contribution in the knowledge of how an infection may lead to an autoimmune disease.

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43 José Luiz Gomes do Amaral: representing Brazil abroad with ability

Born in the city of São Paulo on February 24, 1950, José Luiz Gomes do Amaral has dual nationality, Brazilian/ Portuguese, and he got his medical degree with specialization in Anesthesiology in Brazil, and Intensive Care in France. He is president of the Brazilian Medical Association and the World Medical Association, entity that represents 9 million physician all over the world. Before him, only two other Brazilian physicians headed that international entity. Aiming his work on behalf of the integration among representative medical institutions, he represents Brazil as part of the WMA Council since 2005. He was founder of the Medical Community in Portuguese Language (CMLP) that gathers today physicians from Brazil, Portugal, Cabo Verde, Angola e Mozambique. He also represents Brazil at the LatinAmerican Medical Confederation and in the Caribbean (Confemel) and at the Iberia-American Forum of Medical Entities. Amaral is Titular Professor of the São Paulo Medical School – UNIFESP. He was vice-president and president of the São Paulo School of Medicine from 1995 to 2005 and he was re-elected president of the Brazilian Medical Association for the 2008-2011 period. He has been accomplishing an outstanding work in searching for the formation and dignity of the Medical profession, as well as defending a qualified medical assistance; from the Draft of Law to regulate the practice of the

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profession and to implement a Plan for the Carrier, Jobs and Salaries, and even to consolidate the prioritization system in medical procedures.

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R$ 1.5 billion invested in scientific projects and to enlarge our technological area


or the next four years, the Minitery of Health Will rise fourfold the amount invested in the research and development areas and to innovate the sector. It was presented recently na investment plan in na amount of R$ 1.5 billion, R$ 350 million per year. Those resources will be applied on stratetigic actions definided according to the set of prioritary themes which align the national research to the need of the country. “When the Ministry of Health hás as goal the Access with quality to every Brazilian citizen, it is fundamental to strengthen initiatives that focuse the research, development and innovation in health”, said the Minister of Health, Alexandre Padilha. In the past four years, the Ministry of Health has applied R$ 400 million – equivalent to 53% of the whole resource invested in the sector in Brazil. Two new measures are promising to accelerate both the process of approval of tests with new drugs involving human beings in the country and the publication of articles written by Brazilian researchers. Two platforms Will gather research projects and clininal experiments in on-line digital environments: “Plataforma Brasil” and the Brazilian Registration of Clinical Experiments (Rebec). Also, it is being launched a course to the rational use of medications which will qualify health professionals in assisting pacients. At the same time, a research performed in 35 thousand dwells in the country Will survey how Brazilian people has access to products, follows the treatment, uses and removes medications. It will begin this year and it must be concluded in 2013. Furthermore, the Minister of Health was recently in Cube to sign a mutual cooperation agreement involving research, development and production of medications and other products to the health. Those partnerships involve 58 research and development projects with 12 new medications related, mainly to the therapy and diagnosis of different types of cancer, prevention of amputations as consequence of diabetes added to vaccines. Brazil and Cube hás also settled cooperations in clininal research in the oncological áreas and for the articulation of the sole clinical experiment platforms in Latin America – certified by the World Health Organization.

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48 Among the prioritary agreements, it is the transfer of technology from Cube to Brazil for the production of a drug that promises to reduce in more than 50% amputations in diabetic patientes: Heberprot-P indicated to treat the so-called “ulcer of the diabetic foot”. Another important point is the collaboration for the development of monoclonal antibodies, capable of recognizing cancer cells, thus sparing healthy cells and resulting in less toxic effects than the traditional chemotherapy. The majority of medications is composed by monoclonal antibodies which are in the frontier in the worldwide biotechnology. Seven innovating oncological drugs researched and developped in Cube are among the priorities for the collaboration with Brazil, and that is the more important area in the technological collaboration between both countries. Diabetes is among the main causes of death among the Brazilian people being responsible by more than 57 thousand deaths all over the country. Besides of enlarging the assistance to diabetic patients through the SUS using the drug Heberprot-P, the co-operation agreement to produce such medication Will have impact on the Brazilian Economy by allowing that the product be exported to other countries. Source: Ascom/MS - Advisory Communication Council for the Health Ministry

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Valorization of the Brazilian science abroad

As a reflection of the higher visibility attained by sciences in Brazil, the new international insertion of the national scientific communication was theme of the II Seminary to Assess the Development in the Brazilian Publications. First published by the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), the present version of that document presents results that show na increasing participation in scientific publications edited in Brazil in the international scenery. In 2010, it was indexed in the JCR, 103 publications from different areas of knowledge, representing a 43% increase related to 2009, including the JCR Science and JCR Social Sciences compilations. The majority of the Brazilian publications listed in the JCR by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) – electronic library of scientific publications – has kept or improved its performance in terms of quotations received. As to the Latin American countries and also the other emerging countries including China and India, the relative performance of those publications presented advancements deemed exceptional. During the seminary, scientific communication and scientometry experts debated the features and consequences that appear in such context in which the amount of quotations is an important assessment factor for scientific magazines,

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influencing publications in several areas. Brazilian publications is in accordance to the Thomson Reuters’ policy, company responsible by the JCR, and this has been a benefit to the international repositioning of of the Science developed in Brazil particularly national publications. From them, 11 kept a higher than 1 Impact Factor in 2010, and this represents na advancement to the visibility of the scientific research of the country.

Ascension of the scientific production in the country

The magazine Clinics is a scientific publication of Hospital das Clinicas of the Medical College of São Paulo, and it is na excelent example of the Brazilian scientific evolution and it brought in its September issue 20 original articles, a review of article, three communications and three case reports. “The Brazilian scientific production is in a moment of international ascension

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Henrique Duarte Prata, General Director for the Hospital do Câncer de Barretos, Dra. Scylla Duarte Prata, President of the Pio XII Foundaton, Raymond N. Dubois and Executive VicePresident of the Texas University MD Anderson Cancer Center

and recognition. The magazine Clinics hás increased its influence in the world of medical sciencies and it has become an important showcase for researches”, said Dr. Maurício Rocha e Silva, editor. Among the studies reported, there is a paper on alergic rinites; the relationship between exposition to tabacco in teenager mothers along the prenatal period and its consequences in newborns, and studies on colestherol in elder people and teenagers. For Dr Mauricio Rocha e Silva, the articles published in Clinics magazine is attaining international importance because they are being published in English and in na online version indexed on the main database and medical libraies in the world.

An Exchange straitens partnership in clinical and lab researches

Hospital de Câncer in the city of Barretos (city in the countryside of the state of São Paulo) is the new coinstitution of the MD Anderson Cancer Center Institute (EUA), the biggest and most important Oncology institution in the world. An excellence in Oncology, that hospital records 3 thousand attendances/Day, totally focused on patientsfrom the Unified Health System (SUS). It shelters people all over Brazil with professionalism and humanization, and this is the big differential of that institution. The hospital closed 2010 with 484,269 attendances performed to 50,865 patients from 1372 cities of all the Country’s 27 states - a record of coverage. It gathers 250 physicians and

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more than 2.5 thousand employees, and it keeps 13 free lodgings to patients and caretakers of those patients in an amount of 650 vacancies. The agreement signed by Henrique Prata, manager of that hospital and Raymond DuBois, Executive President for MD Anderson Will allow the Exchange of professionals and researchers between both institutions besides of straitening the partnership in clinical and lab researches. It is the first time a hospital from the government network receives such title in Brazil. “This agreement will allow that institutions learn from each other always in benef of pacients”, said Edmundo Mauad, Scientific Director for the HCâncer Barretos. Raymond DuBois explained that the Hospital do Câncer de Barretos has made amazing progresses in its efforts to offer a quality attendance to its patients, including important papers in the prevention area.”Such partnership will help us to understand the challenges faced by the destitute population in Brazil, also allowing us not only to learn with its experiences and incorporarating such knowledge at MD Anderson, but also granting a support to improve even more the attendace for patients”, he concluded. MD Anderson Cancer Center of the Texas University hás marked its 70th anniversary in 2011, and it is one of the most respectful centers of the world exclusively dedicated to attend patients with cancer, research, education and prevention. Another partnership involving six Brazilian hospitals and entities famous worldwide from approximately 25 counties shall defne a world-wide protocol as to the type of optimum childbirth in the gemelar pregnancy. The Hospital of the Medical College of the Medical Scholl in Jundiaí became one of the sites the Toronto, Canada has chosen to participate in that project. The project developed by that hospital has started in February, 2009 and it allowed hat gemelar pregnant women to be sorted to define if the patient would be allowed to be included in the program, and it is in its final phase, and around 26 patients were randomized. For the feasibility of the Gemelar Pregnancy Project, it was created a prenatal ambulatory, and pregnant women from the city of Jundiaí (SP) and region were sent to the hospital to be followed along their pregnancy, the delivery and in the postbirth. The twin newborns are also being monitored until the age of two years old. The frequency of gemelar pregnancy in the world is one each 80 deliveries. Today, the best alternative for gemelar deliveries is unknown;the majority is Born from a a caesarian, but that work shall confirm or change such preference. In order to reach to a final conclusion, it was necessary 2800 randomized gemelar pregnant women all over the world.

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R. Bo

Responsรกvel tรฉcnico: Dr. Antoninho Sanfins Arnoni - CRM: 16.071






R. Borges Lagoa, 1.450 - Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil - Tel.: +55 11 5080-4000 -

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Brazil in the international route of the medical tourism

“H Hospital Sírio-Libanês Complex in São Paulo, SP with more than 100,000 m2

ealth Trip” is the practice of travelling to another cities or countries in order to get medical assistance for diagnosis, surgeries and treatments in different medical specialties. Brazil turned to be a promising alternative in the medical tourism route, as it is a worldwide reference in several medical specialties with many hospitals and institutions accredited by non-profitable organizations that assess the models to be adopted by medical services, such as JCI (Joint Commission International) and the Canadian Accreditation. According to data supplied by WHO – World Health Organization, the market of medical tourism moves US$ 60 billion per year, Brazil has a great growth potential in the sector. According to the Ministry of Tourism, in the last three years the Brazilian medical tourism received around 180 thousand foreigners from Angola and United States besides of countries from Europe and Latin America to get medical assistance in the country. São Paulo is the main destination, followed by Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife, and Curitiba. In the city of São Paulo, medical tourism already responds by 18% of guests in hotels, and they stay an average of 3.3 days in the capital, according to the SPCVB (São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau). But according to analysts of the sector, these figures may

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still increase. It is expected that such market is going to have an annual growth between 3 and 4%, showing that the country may get a great benefit by such niche. Such growth is a trend, when it is considered the good moment in the Brazilian Economy as well as well as the good quality of the medicine practiced in our country both in view of the technology used and the capability of health professionals. According to Mariana Palha, organizer of the main event focusing the medical tourism in the country, the Medical Travel Meeting Brazil, among the most wanted medical specialty are plastic surgery and dental assistance. “We want to stimulate orthopedics, sports medicine, bariatric surgery, and assisted reproduction” as well, she added. Brazil was chosen to host the next World Soccer Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, and this has generated a great interest from foreign investors in the country, since by now, the health area is one of the most promising. It is expected that medical tourism in Brazil will have a 35% growth in the next five years, and investments destined to the accomplishment of those big worldwide events in the country will benefit that sector, which will have a more consolidated and working structure in airports and hotels, among others. “Such figure is composed not only based on investments in the sector, but also due to the growth of foreign persons coming to the country for the World Cup and de Olympic Games”, explains Mariana. The 2nd edition of the Medical Travel Meeting Brazil was held in the city of São Paulo – SP last August 29 and 30, 2011. The pioneering event in the country gathered leaders in the sector in Brazil and in the world to present and debate advancements in the structure of the activity, and it is foreseen that it will generate business opportunities for health agencies and international brokers. It counted on the presence of several professionals of national and international markets and the major players and buyers in the sector, such as Arthur Porter, General Director of the McGill University Health Center of Montreal, Canada, Greg Lindsay, journalist and lecturer who deals with themes such as innovation and the future of cities, and a representative of the Ministry of Health of Angola, as well as guests from South America and Europe, of

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53 the Brazilian Ministry of Health, Alexandre Padilha, Caio Carvalho, President of the SPTuris, David Uip, Technical Director of the Institute of Infectology Emílio Ribas, and José Luiz Gomes do Amaral, President of the AMB – Brazilian Medical Association. Those leaders discussed in a productive schedule the medical tourism sector in the country approaching matters such as demand among the international market and solutions for the insertion into the global market, investment opportunities into the Brazilian market added to the official launching of the Brazilian Association of Medical Travel and the Brazil platform that gathers the main players in the sector in an unique portal, and regularization of the health visa.

Health Visa: the novelty presented in the event

During the second Day of the event, a representative from the Ministry of Health in CNIg – National Council of Immigration approached the Recommended Resolution nº 02/2000 that deals with the Health Visa in legal spheres. It was explained that such Resolution already exists, but its application is not fully supported, and it was mentioned the need of an awareness as to the urgency to review that resolution in order to accelerate procedures to grant in an exceptional basis a temporary visa for foreign people coming to Brazil seeking for

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medical assistance. This may expressively stimulate that sector in the country.

Differentials: Medical assistance with quality and in the formation of professionals

In the field of plastic surgery, for instance, Brazil is recognized worldwide as a barn for great professionals. “We have one of the most modern technological resources, and mainly a great tradition in forming medical professionals. We are today the second country in the world’s total amount of plastic surgeries, only behind United State. Our centers of education and their professionals are recognized worldwide attracting a great amount of foreign persons seeking for learning and assistance”, pointed out the plastic surgery Ruben Penteado, director of the Integrated Center of Medicine. The physician told he attends in his clinic patients of multiple nationalities: Swede, Mozambicans, Japanese, Germans and even North Americans seeking for the most varied treatments in esthetic and repairing surgeries. He has no doubts that Brazil can still get a great advancement in this field. “We are aware that nowadays, money is not a preponderant issue to make such choice. I believe that Brazilian physicians develop great ability in solving problems. This is added to the

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We talk your language

Excellence, cutting edge technology and team work. These are the elements that place the Hospital Sirio-Libanテェs among the best hospitals around the world. Putting together a team of internationally recognized specialists, and the latest technological advances, the institution offers expertise in the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of cancer patients. As a world-class hospital, Sirio-Libanテェs is a comprehensive facility that also offers dedicated centers for cardiology and other medical specialties, high-complexity imaging guided procedures, rehabilitation, a brand new state-of-the-art surgical floor, research and educational programs. This is our way of caring for our patients, in a welcoming environment, and in your language.

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Responsável Técnico: Dr. Antonio Carlos Onofre de Lira - CRM65344 Base Brazilian 2011_Geral.indd 55

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Hospital Complex Edmundo Vasconcelos in the city of São Paulo: one of the biggest and most important medicalhospital complexes in the country with more than 25,000 m2

humanitarian way Brazilian physicians deal with foreign patients, a feature not always found in their country of origin, and the presence of highly capable clinics and hospitals make Brazil an excellence pole in the medical area”, said the plastic surgeon. The ophthalmologist Virgílio Centurion, director of IMO, abbreviation for Brazilian Institute of Eyes Diseases, believes that Brazil may open new economic and social horizons by exploring medical tourism, mainly due to the high qualification of Brazilian professionals. “Despite of Ophthalmology is of the most well practiced specialty in a global way, there is no doubt about the high level of each specialty in major Brazilian centers. Ophthalmology has 12 subspecialties recognized by the Brazilian Medical Association, and in every other areas, Brazil is in an outstanding position at global level. This is due to the excellent background its professionals has been attaining (Medical Residency of the specialty) and the investment in state-of-the-art equipments”, says the physician. The gynecologist Joji Ueno, director of the GERA Clinic endorses the statement of the ophthalmologist. “The choice of Brazil as the site to get medical assistance is more related to the quality of our professionals than to any currency issue. In my field of action – human reproduction – Brazil is a reference. Today, the good practices in Medicine need to be based on three pillars: the continuous improvement of its professionals; researches on new medications, and the advancement in technology that allows attaining more accurate medications, follow-up and diagnosis. These three aspects that together facilitate the decision-making by part of the health professionals, propitiating more

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accuracy in the treatment provided to the patient. In Brazil, these three variables are balanced in this very moment”, points out Ueno.

Brazilian hospitals confirm the growth in the assistance of foreign patients

Hospitals are improving more and more their processes searching for international certifications and accreditations that assure a quality and safety medical assistance, as for instance the Joint Commission International accreditation. Undoubtedly, this is an important differential in the Health Tourism sector. Another attractive for the Health Tourism is the price. Developing countries as Brazil invest in new technologies, searching for an spreading in new treatments. A prove of this is several clinical researches performed in the country which are applied locally and recognized worldwide. In its big majority, treatments are considered cheaper, and they bring in their baggage the same quality applied in other countries. The increasing demand by patients coming from other countries looking for different types of treatment Brazil has made Hospital Sírio-Libanês, a philanthropic Brazilian institution developing integrated actions of social health assistance, education and research to create in 2005 an area to provide assistance to International Patients. In that same sense, the institution has also made some investments to train a team prepared to host those people and by putting signals in several languages throughout the hospital. From 2006 until the end of 2010, the amount of admissions of international patients had a higher than 500% increase attaining 1900 internments, with the same trend observed for 2011. Patients come from the United States (8%), Germany (6%), Spain (10%), France (14%), Africa (24%), Paraguay (19%), Argentina (14%), and others (5%). “The good reputation and excellence of the Brazilian Medicine that comes from its health professionals and our hospitals is one of the major points that attracts foreign patients to our country. Today, foreign patients represent an important portion of the HSL revenue”, explains

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57 the Commercial, Communication and Marketing Superintendent of Hospital Sírio-Libanês, Dr. André Alexandre Osmo. HCor – Hospital do Coração [Hospital for the Heart] in São Paulo recorded a 150% growth in the assistance of international patients. To handle with such demand, it counts on a specialized department to attend and follow such patients in their passage by that hospital. Allocated in the Commercial Management, the Relationship Coordination to International Patients helps dealing with cultural issues such as language, adaptation to the hospital environment and feeding, among other needs. According to the Commercial Manager for HCor, Fernanda Crema, there has been an increasing demand for specialized assistance in Brazil, due to the quality of the medical procedures performed in the county. “We are convinced that the recognition of HCor and its clinical staff also comes from our scientific contribution in a worldwide level, including publication of papers, researches and presentations in international congresses”, she explained. “Our goal is to keep and increase the international recognition both as a highly qualified hospital and to the state-of-the-art technology and differentiated assistance to patients”, concluded Fernanda.

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Among the competitive advantages found in the country as to the medical care, it is the fact that in Brazil it is practiced a state-of-the-art Medicine, with some of the best hospitals in the world, counting on 26 internationally accredited installations and surgeons and clinicians recognized worldwide (JCI and Canadian). Added to this, private hospitals perform expressive investments in expansion to attend such demand. Presently, it is being developed a project to create the Brazil-Health brand with the purpose to consolidate the country as a reference destination in medical assistance. Through the web platform in three languages, research and education centers, private hospitals and their services, specialized clinics, health professionals and the own industry of equipments for hospitals in the country are being already spread, making Brazil to be considered a pioneer with international excellence. For patients, the service will grant access to the best private Medicine in Brazil; with an effective and professional process management; round clock bilingual support; quick answers to requests; better management of the practicing process; legal protection and insurance for any intercurrence included. A specialized team will render services before, during and after the travel, including planning, transportation and follow-up.

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Incentives to the agribusiness and to the evolution of the biofuel


ynamic, the Brazilian agribusiness has been growing around 3.6% per year resisting to international crisis that has demanded continuous adaptations by the economy. The performance of the Brazilian agriculture puts agribusiness in an outstanding position in terms of the Brazilian trade balance, despite the commercial and political grants adopted by the developed countries. In 2010, WHO has pointed Brazil has the third major exporter of agricultural items in the world, only behind United States and the European Union. • Main products: Coffee, soy, wheat, rice, corn, sugar cane, cocoa, citrines, meat • Growth rate: 9.2% • Task force: 15% of the total • GDP of the sector: 3.5% of the total In the last 50 years, the Brazilian population has been growing in an average of 2% per year, and in order to attend such demand, it was necessary to promote the development of the cattle breeding and special farm activities. Thus, it began an authentic “green revolution” allowing to the country to create and expand a complex agribusiness sector. The importance farmers have been given is showed by means of the Agricultural and Cattle Breeding Plan and a special program to the familiar agriculture (Pronaf), that grants funding for equipments and harvesting, promoting the use of new technologies. As to the familiar farming, more than 800 thousand inhabitants from the rural

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zones are supported by credit, research and extension programs as an incentive to the entrepreneurism. Brazil is the worldwide leader in terms of soy exportation, and it is responsible by 80% of the orange juice produced in the planet. In the forefront of the grain cultivation with a total production as high as 110 million tons/year it is the soy bean with a 50 million tons production. With the Program of Agricultural Land Reform, the country is focused in supporting adequate work conditions for more than one million families living in areas distributed by the state, an initiative capable of generating two million employments. Through partnerships, public and international policies, government is working to grant substructure for the settlements implanting schools and medical facilities. Brazil has more than 600,000 km sq of lands divided in about five thousand domains of rural properties. As to the cattle breeding, the “green ox” created in pastures with a feeding based on fay and mineral salts has conquered markets in Asia, Europe and the Americas. The country has the biggest herd in the world surpassing the US$ 1 billion/year mark in importations. Since 2003, it also occupies the first place worldwide in chicken meat sales.

Biofuel in Brazil

Biofuels are fuels from renewable sources obtained from the processing of some vegetables such as the sugar cane, oleaginous plants, agro residues, eucalyptus, among many others. The search for alternatives to the consumption of petroleum has begun in the 70’s driven

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60 by the decrease in the external dependence for the petroleum. Another reason was the concern on the quality of the air in big cities and with the negative effects of the vehicles’ emissions. The major producers and users of alcohol, the United States and Brazil started focusing on this aspect in a much intensified way, while other countries kept only a reduced interest on such matter. During the second half of the 90’s, with the arrival of the electronic fuel injection and the 3-way catalysts in automobiles and the consequent dramatic reduction in the emissions caused by the exhausting pipe, the pollutant effect of automobiles was no longer a big concern, but continued motivating the use of alcohol. The Climate Agreement in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and the signature of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 sanctioned such concerns with the global climate and set responsibilities for each nation signing the UN Convention on Climate Changes. The Kyoto Protocol was finally ratified on 2005 stating quantitative goals to reduce the emission of gases producers of the greenhouse effect by developed countries in relation to the levels found back in 1990.

Ethanol and biodiesel

Ethanol has been used as fuel in Brazil since 1920, but only with the arrival of the Proálcool Program on November, 1975 its role was clearly defined allowing that the private sector would massively invest on the increase of the production. Presently, Brazil is the major ethanol from sugar cane producer in the world, but in terms of total production, it remains behind United States that uses corn as raw material. The technology for the ethanol production

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in Brazil is totally developed, allowing getting some gains in terms of agricultural and industrial productivity. Around 50% of the crushed sugar cane in Brazil is used to produce ethanol, and there are varieties of sugar cane genetically modified that allow big cost reduction in their production. The sugar-alcohol sector is in wide expansion into the external market both to the sugar and to the ethanol. Brazil intends to be a big exporter of such biofuel. Ethanol is successful in Brazil substituting gasoline, and it has a promising future with the arrival of the second generation of technologies. Also, biodiesel is another old Brazilian project. Since the 70’s, several researches for the use of vegetable oils in the fuel production have been developed in the country.

Investments increase the biofuel production

Petrobras Biocombustível will invest US$ 2.5 billion in the enlargement of the ethanol and biodiesel production between 2011 and 2015. These resources are part of the US$ 4.1 billion destined to the biofuel business that foresees US$ 1.3 billion to the ethanol logistics and US$ 300 million destined to researches in the sector. The business plan forecasts a total amount of US$ 224.7 billion investments for the next five years. The increase in the ethanol production will be priorized with an investment of US$ 1.9 billion, representing 76% from the total for the production. The goal is to reach 5.6 billion liters in 2015 and a 12% share of participation in the national market. Thus, the subsidiary must assume the leadership in Brazil. “Our initial planning had a 30% increase to invest in ethanol”, pointed out Petrobras Biocombustível CEO, Miguel Rossetto. Around 70% of the total volume of investments in ethanol will be used in the production, with the construction of new mills, distilleries, increase of the milling capacity and renewal of the sugar cane fields. As to the biodiesel and agricultural supply whose investments are of US$ 600 million, the company will keep for the next years a participation of around 25% in the national market, taking into account the organic growth of the diesel demand and the vigency of the B5 (5% biodiesel added to the diesel). In the biofuel research area, the US$ 300 million investment will be destined to develop the second generation of the ethanol, the cellulose ethanol aiming the large scale production. It also will receive increases the research for aviation biofuels and for the improvement of the productive processes assuring Brazil will be at the forefront of the sustainability.

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the sustainable development to preserve the existing environmental assets in their properties by paying R$ 300.00 every quarter to the registered families in that Program. Forecasted by the Provisional Measure 535/11, the Bolsa Verde Program intends to reach families who can have part of their land inscribed within areas of public, communitarian and familiar forests normally destined to the use and support of traditional people and communities of family farmers, those who are settled by the land reform and Indigene peoples. Among other initiatives, it is worthwhile to detach the SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation whose mission is to defend Atlantic Forest areas, to preserve communities living in that region and to conserve its wealthy natural, historical and cultural assets through a sustainable development. Created in 1986 by a group of persons already active in other entities and among them scientists, entrepreneurs, journalists and defenders of the environmental issue, the SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation unites the ideal of environmental conservation to the purpose of making people professionals and generating knowledge at the site. The co-ordination of national environmental policies is in charge of the Ministry of the Environment along with the Secretaries that deals with the climate changing and environmental quality, biodiversity and forests, hydric resources and urban environment, extractive and sustainable rural development, and environmental citizenship. Furthermore, the federal government has already announced the creation of a program of income transfer to families in extreme poverty situation to promote environmental conservation in areas where they live and work. the Bolsa Verde Program will pay every quarter R$ 300 per family who preserve the national forests, extractive reserves and those who aims the sustainable development. That amount will be transferred by means of the Bolsa Família [Familiar Benefit] card. With a well directed work, it is possible to assure a sustainable growth without degrading the environment. Source: Ministry of Environment

areas of those animals in coast and ocean islands of nine Brazilian states. The name Tamar was created by combining the initial syllable of the Portuguese word tartaruga marinha that means sea turtle; and such abbreviation was necessary in the practice due to the small space in the metal plates used to identify turtles marked in several studies. Since then, the expression started meaning the Brazilian Program for the Sea Turtle Conservation. Tamar is nationally supported by the company Petrobras added to regional sponsorships, state and cities governments, companies and national and international institutions, besides of non-profitable organizations. Nevertheless, the role of the communities where Tamar has its bases and the civil society in general is fundamental by help in an individual or collective way. The National Coordination of the Tamar/ICMBio Project just announced the final results of the 30th reproductive season of the sea turtles (2010/2011) ended in the first semester of 2011. Data indicate new records only inside the Brazilian continent: around 18200 nests registered and protected generating approximately 1,250,000 sea turtle babies that reached the sea safely. This represents a 20% increase related to the previous reproductive season.

Balancing economic growth and sustainable development

This is one of the most difficult issues in the modern world, since increasing the industrial production also means producing more garbage. Concepts such as responsibility and solidarity are being rescued when coping with one of the biggest and more up-to-date challenges in our society, which is to deal with the environmental appropriate destination of solid residues. Such residues have a great economic value, according to a study ordered by the Ministry of Environment (MMA) to the Institute of Applied Economics (Ipea). Data attained by the National

Interactive actions to defend the sea turtles

The Tamar Project protects sea turtles along approximately 1,100 km of shores

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Tamar Project was created in 1980, and it is internationally recognized as one of the most successful experiences in the marine conservation, serving as pattern to other countries, mainly because it involves directly coast communities in its socio environmental work. Researching, conservation and handling the five sea turtle species that appear in Brazil, all of them threatened of extinction is the main Tamar’s mission, who protects about 1100 km of beaches through its 23 bases kept in feeding, spawning, growth and rest

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Reinforcing the commitment with biodiversity


he 1988 Brazilian Constitution considered for the first time the environment issue as a strategic factor to make political decisions, acknowledging the link between social and economic development and the preservation of the nature. As the time passed, such changing in the point of view was also adopted by state and city administrations, that started splitting the Brazilian State as part of the responsibility in the conduction of environmental policies. When Rio-92 hosted the UN Conference on Environment and Development and ratified the signature of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Brazil has reinforced its commitment in protecting its biodiversity.

Environmental development and preservation

A sustainable economic growth is part of the actions Brazil promoted, and so becoming one of the most actuating countries in the global agenda as to themes connected to the environment and actively participating in the multilateral agreement. Development and environmental preservation can and shall walk together. For this, Brazil has the greatest amount of rain forests, fresh water and biodiversity in the planet, added to a cleaner power matrix in the industrialized world. The Brazilian mega diversity is remarkable along its whole 8.5 million square meters area, its several climate zones and six biomes – Amazon, the Cerrado, Pantanal, Pampas, the Atlantic Forest and the Caatinga. It is in Brazil that it remains the greatest humid rainforest, the Amazon Forest, with more

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than 30 vegetal species, besides the greatest floodable plains in the world, the Pantanal. Such fauna and flora diversity is worldwide recognized, since 20% of the total species of plants are found in those biomes. The purpose of the Brazilian government is to work on behalf of the preservation and to the sustainable development of national biomes. For this, strategies of specific policies for each biome were developed, organizing spaces of social participation, working for an institutional reform in the forest sector and increasing the biodiversity concept. There are good examples of this actuation, such as the Terra Legal [Legal Ground] Program, whose aim is to regularize the use of public lands occupied in the Amazon region, counting on the partnership with states and cities governments coordinated by the Ministries of the Agrarian Development and Environment in order to eliminate one of the main problems connected to the development in that region: the process of regularizing the possession of small ground plots. Brazilian government is also incentivizing the preservation of the nature through the Environmental Conservation Program, known as Bolsa Verde [Green Benefit]. Such program aims stimulating poor families living in national forests, extractive reserves and reserves that aim

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Research of Basic Sanitation disclosed that 994 Brazilian cities have services of selective garbage collection, that means, approximately 18% of the Brazilian cities already have this kind of service. A good example of this are 282 mil tons of post-consumption packaging that received adequate destination in 2010, making Brazil to keep its position among the major PET recyclers in the world. Although Brazil does not count on comprehensive garbage collection systems, last year’s volume of recycled PETs resulted in a 7.6% growth over the 262 mil tons recorded in 2009. These figures are part of the 7th PET Recycling Census divulged in August by the Brazilian Association of the PET Industry showing that Brazil provides adequate destination to 56% of the total PET packaging consumed. Such recycle material feeds a diversified industry, and the major user of such service stll is the textile sector with 38% of the total recycled production. Next it goes non-saturate and alkyd resins (19%), general packaging (17%), laminates and boards (8%), arch strips (7%), tubes (4%), and others (7%). The PET recycling industry had a final invoicing of R$ 1,.18 billion in 2010, R$ 1,09 billion above the amount recorded in the previous year. Such amount already corresponds to 36% of the whole invoicing of R$ 3.27 billion of the PET packaging sector and recycled products. Researches also show that the post-consumption PVC recycling index in Brazil passed from 14.5% in 2009 to 15.1% in 2010. The recycled volume was of 25,302 tons above 20,693 tons recycled in the previous year, meaning a 22.3% increase. The PVC recycling industry in Brazil employs 1339 people with an invoicing of R$ 133 million. PVC is a different and versatile plastic (57% are produced from the chlorine attained from marine salt – an inexhaustible resource – and 43% of ethylene, which is derivate from the petroleum), and it is also present in applications with high aggregate value, such as equipments to the medical area (bags, catheters), utensils for the automotive industry, agricultural applications, among others. Despite of being among the three types of most produced plastic in the world, it is the one that least appears in the urban garbage thanks to its long term applications, with higher than 15 years useful life in tubes, connections, floors, construction frames and windows, among others. Many products may reach 50 years of use. So, it is quite natural these products take a long time to arrive at a recycling company in the form of residues.

Healthy human beings are outcome of a balanced and biologically active soil

Brazil is becoming consolidated as a major producer and exporter of organic food with more than 15 thousand of certified real estates and those in transition process, 75% of which belonging to familiar farmers.

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The organic agriculture emphasizes the use and dealing practices without using synthetic fertilizers of high solubility and agrochemicals added to growth regulators and synthetic additives to the animal feeding. Its handling valorizes the effective use of natural nonrenewable resources, as well as the good use and biological processes aligned to the biodiversity, the environment, economic development and the quality of the human life. Such agricultural practice is concerned to the health of human beings, animals and plants, and it understands that healthy human beings are product of balanced and biologically active soils whenever is adopted integrating techniques and making a bet on the diversity of cultivations. The support to the organic production is present in several actions of the Brazilian government that offers special line of credit to the sector besides of incentivizing the transition for traditional farming projects to the organic production. Due to the importance the organic production has attained in the Brazilian food market, the country has issued a regulation that assures to the consumer that some product follows legal rules. Perspectives are highly favorable to the increasing Brazilian participation in the worldwide market, mainly in sectors of tropical fruits, meats and other basic items. Among the attributes of quality, products related to the health preservation are increasingly attaining power. It also appears attributes of environmental quality in productive processes, especially those related to the protection of fountainheads and biodiversity.

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Measures to control atmospheric pollution

According to researches made by the USP College of Medicine, it is estimate that around 10% of death of older people, 7% of the child mortality, and 15 to 20% of hospital internment of children due to respiratory diseases are related to the variations of the atmospheric pollution. Brazil has adopted some actions to control the emission of pollutants in the atmosphere. The Program Vehicle Inspection was first implanted in the city of São Paulo

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in 2007. The measure seeks to minimize the emission of pollutants by vehicles registered in the city seeking to stimulate their owners to perform the adequate maintenance in order to keep their vehicles’ emission within the patterns recommended by the National Council of Environment. Above all things, this is a program that aims the public health, and it was gradually implanted: it started with the diesel fleet registered in the city, and later passing to motorcycles, alcohol, gas or gasoline fueled vehicles, thus attaining 100% of the fleet (seven million vehicles) in 2010 completing the whole progressive implantation cycle. In 2009, the vehicle inspection was extended to the whole country. The automobile shifting consists of the traffic prohibition of vehicles on streets and avenues of the city in certain times and days in a shifting schedule. The purpose is to improve the traffic of cars and the local quality in the air. The total cycle lasts five days, the business days of the week. During weekends and holidays, there is no shifting. The driver who does not obey such schedule is fined and he is charged with four points in his driver license. Due to the constant increase in the fleet of vehicles in the country, such measure isolate may not mean a significant decreasing, but whenever it is allied to public transportation, expansion of cycle ways and the increase in using less pollutant fuels, they improve the quality of life in the cities. As to the use of bicycles, Brazil has 600 km of cycle ways, from which 160 km are in Rio de Janeiro. The project Rio Capital da Bicicleta [Rio, Capital City of the Bicycle] intends doubling that figure up to 2012 by better integrating bicycle routes to public transportation in that city. It is 160 km to enjoy the paradisiacal scenery of the city of Rio de Janeiro over two wheels. Those who pass by the cycle ways are delighted with the scenery of beaches and ponds, perfect to the leisure and jogging. The country is the third worldwide producer of bicycles behind China and India. The idea of adopting bicycles as a locomotion means is becoming mature, and the country is investing on exclusive ways for such transportation modality. Nowadays, Brazil has 70 million bicycles, and 53% of them are used as transportation to go and come back from work or school. The use of bicycle as a means of transportation is significant in Brazil. According to he National Association of Public Transportation (ANTP), 7.4% of dislocations in urban areas are performed by bicycle in a daily amoun of 15 million travels in the country. Travels are not anymore concentrated in small and medium sized cities of the countryside, but instead in big metropolis. Several Brazilian capitals already have their cycle ways similar to São Paulo – that city intends to implant approximately 900 km. of lanes for bicycles up to 2018; Porto Alegre (RS) foresees the construction of cycle-lanes in 495 km. of streets and avenues of the gaúcha capital; and Rio de Janeiro intends to construct a net similar to that of the São Paulo capital.









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MODELS HOME HOSP (autoclavable)

For adult and child use Only one size mask More resistant to impacts Better use for medication Volume 150 ml Bi-valved Adaptable to the main medicaments (MDI) Does not contain Latex Does not contain Bisfenol A Easy to use and wash









Standard Model

Tutti-frutti aroma and flavor Medical use Individually wrapped Non-toxic Free from sugar, latex and medicine substances Disposable Ideal for oral motor exercise Colored in different models: - Standard - Animal - Animal Jr. - Mickey & Friends (New)

Animal Model

Mickey & Friends Model Animal Jr Model

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66 By Jeffesor Pancieri - SPTuris

Celebrating 100 years, Theatro Municipal de SĂŁo Paulo is one of the major in Brazil

Exchanging ideas, experiences and assets


ultural relationships in international relationships aim to propitiate a major understanding and approximating people. In the field of diplomacy, culture constitutes a way to create a favorable environment to the understanding by means of exchanging ideias, experiences and assets. Brazil looks for the promotion of an image of a quite diverse and inclusive ethnic society, tolerant and in an on-going process of renewal. It even presents what makes the Brazilian culture unique, but at the same tome, it is revealed affinities uniting Brazil to other people. Such mutual knowledge process stimulates the comprehension of the Brazil’s image abroad generating familiarity with the reality in the country.

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The Foreign Affairs Ministry exerts a meaningful role in spreading the Brazilian culture abroad. Each year, it is identified initiatives that may open new ways to the national artistic production as well as to show barely known faces of our cultural diversity outside the country. Also, it has been given importance to the continuing traditional cultural programs that already have their faithful audience such as cinema festivals, musical contests, seminaries and expositions. The inherent tasks of that job are developed by the Cultural Department, an unit that is part of the General Sub Secretary of Co-operation and Commercial Promotion. Through its Divisions, the Cultural Department trades agreements, sets contacts seeking to accomplish cultural events, promoting the teaching of the Brazilian language.

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67 Public policies to spread the Brazilian culture developed abroad by the Ministry of Foreign Relationships are already consolidated in several areas. The Brazilian participation in international movie, music and plastic art events, for instance, generates an expectation among the public and in the media. The wealthy and creativity of the Brazilian culture makes such spreading effort to continue and to be renewed, thus propitiating new opportunities for the insertion of our cultural expressions worldwide. Cultural divulgation is fundamental to the differentiated construction of the country’s image abroad. Investments of the Brazilian Government in cultural affairs may supply a good returning in terms of the country’s image, as well as in its political relationships and the international economy.

Rock In Rio: For a Better World

Brazil accomplishes one major music and entertainment festival in the world: Rock in Rio. An even made for every “tribe” that moves the phonographic industry, tourism and the economy in the country. The message the Festival tries to spread is to unite everyone by the music. The first Rock in Rio was held in Jacarepaguá, state of Rio de Janeiro on January, 1985, occupying an area with 250 thousand square meters, and it received 1,380,000 people. Those were times of the beginning of the Democracy in Brazil, which was celebrated with a scream of union and freedom, and for the country opening its doors for the first time to big international attractions. In its nine editions being three in Brazil (1985, 1991, and 2001), four in Portugal (2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010) and two in Spain (2008 and 2010), Rock in Rio gathered more than 5 million people applauding 656 musical groups in live performance. It was more than 780 hours of music broadcasted to more than 1 billion viewers in 80 countries. Presenting the slogan “For a Better World”, Rock in Rio has always searched for a pioneering feature in its business model, aiming a sustainable and socially responsible actuation going from the compensation of Carbon emissions up to the choosing socio-environmental active partnerships. In 2011, the event in its 10th edition, was held from September 23 to October 2, and it received 1 million people, besides of 50 artists and groups. It presented as major novelty: the adoption of the 100R Seal granted to organizations that are outstanding by their environmental concerns and that take concrete measures aiming to build a better world. The project is an essential part of the event’s Sustainability Plan and it has as goal to assure that 100% of the residues generated during, along and after Rock in Rio have a proper final destination. Besides of good music, the public at Cidade do Rock was allowed to access information on safe sex. “Fique Sabendo” [Be Aware], a programmed action to the early prevention and diagnosis of the AIDS virus had a stand where the public could make a quick test to check for the disease. It was a initiative of the Brazilian Ministry

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of Health supported by the Fund of Populations from the UN (UNFPA). The action also included distribution of 250 thousand condoms with the purpose to detach the importance to cope with sexually transmissible diseases (DST), AIDS and viral hepatitis on the agenda of the Public Health, and offering to the population access to information and prevention, diagnosis and assistance.


The place Brazilian music occupies in the world music scenery seems to be more and more clear, and it has passed by an international structuring to keep its competitiveness in the market and bring profits to the country. Roberto Carlos One of the first young idols in the Brazilian culture, Roberto Carlos is the singer and composer who was the first leader in the Rock Movement in Brazil. At the beginning of the 70’s, he reformulated his rock’n roll repertoire and has became a romantic singer and composer, and he hasn’t changed since then, but instead his target-public has changed becoming an adult audience. His recordings already sold more than 120 million copies, beating all the best seller charts including Spanish and English recordings in several countries. He presented concerts in hundreds of cities in Brazil and abroad. His fan club is one of the biggest in the world. His popularity made him known as “The King” in Brazil and Latin America. In 2010, during the Radio City Music Hall Award in New York, the former Sony Music CEO, Richard Sanders called him “King of the Latin Music”.

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68 In September, 2011, he was invited by the Israeli Government to make a concert to more than 5 thousand people in the city of Jerusalem in Israel. During the concert, images were showing sacred sites of Old Jerusalem, such as the Church of the Holly Grave, the Wall of Lamentations and the Al-Aksa Mosque. The city was thrilled with the presence of “The King”, who sang even in the Hebrew language. Chico Buarque Francisco Buarque de Holanda, most known by Chico Buarque is a Brazilian musician, author of plays and writer known in Brazil and abroad by the wideness and importance of his work. He is a declared Socialist, he selfexiled in Italy in 1969 due to the increasing repression from the military dictatorship in Brazil, and he returned in 1970 as one of the most active artists in criticizing politics and in fighting for the re-democratization of the country. Son of an important Brazilian historian and journalist and of a painter and pianist, Chico was revealed to the Brazilian audiences when he won the Brazilian Festival of Popular Music in 1966 with a song named “A Banda”. His participation in that festival marked his first public appearance and hew had great repercussion presenting an unique style supported by the “carioca” urban music movement, the Bossa Nova that first appeared in 1957. Along his carrier, samba and MPB were also widely explored.

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Chico participated as author and composer of movie soundtracks such as “Bye Bye Brasil” (director: Cacá Diegues) and “Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos” (director: Bruno Barreto). He composed songs for theatrical plays such as “Ópera do Malandro” and “Morte e Vida Severina”, and he wrote books which became important movies added to plays such as “Roda Viva”, a landmark in the resistance against the dictatorship in Brazil. Since he was very young, Chico has conquered recognition from the critics and the audience from his very beginning. He was always interested in music, and this was reinforced along his carrier as composer and performer of several major artists of the Brazilian Popular Music such as Tom Jobim, Vinícius de Moraes, Toquinho, Milton Nascimento, and Caetano Veloso. In his literary carrier, he won three Jabuti Award: best romance in 1992, with “Estorvo”, besides the Book of the Year with “Budapeste” first launched in 2004, and “Leite Derramado” in 2010. Jorge Ben Jor Popular Brazilian guitar player and composer, Jorge Ben Jor has an unique style comprising several rhythms such as rock and roll, samba, samba rock (term he likes to use), bossa nova, jazz, maracatu, funk, and even hip hop, with lyrics that mix good-humor, sarcasm and esoteric themes.

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His music has a singular importance to the Brazilian music, since it incorporates new elements in the rhythm and in the way he plays the guitar with mixed features of rock, soul, and North-American funk, besides of Arabian and African influences. He had influenced the rhythm of sambalanço, and he was re-recorded by several major names in the next generation of the Brazilian music who have been paying homage to him. In 1963, Jorge Ben Jor has became unanimous among music critics at that time for his new beat called SambaRock that pleased at the same time extreme groups such as the Bossa Nova and Jovem Guarda. “Mas que Nada” was his first big success in Brazil, and it is also one of the most performed songs in Portuguese language in the United States so far, in a version performed by the Brazilian musician Sérgio Mendes with the North American hip hop group Black Eyed Peas. This was one of a few successful songs in that country (same as “The Girl from Ipanela” [Garota de Ipanema]), and that music has been re-recorded by artists such as Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Al Jarreau, Herb Alpert, José Feliciano, and Trini Lopez. In the 80’s, he dedicated himself to spread his music abroad. In this new phase, his music attained a more pop feature, but still adding the “swing” style. His music “W/ Brasil” first launched in 1990 was a hit on the dancing floors in 1991 and 1992, and it was a real fever at that time. That song was also an homage to the singer Tim Maia. João Carlos Martins Maestro João Carlos Martins is one of our musicians of greatest international projection. The maestro was deprived several times to play the piano, such as when he had a nerve disrupted in a soccer game in New York. He recovered the movements of his hands, but as the time passed a new disease was developed forcing him to stop playing, and back then he believed it was forever. But his uncontrollable passion by the piano made him to return; he performed big concerts using the movements of his left hand in an unique style of playing and taking maximum advantage of the beauty from classic pieces. When he was in Sofia, Bulgaria for a concert, he was victim of a robbery and suffered a stroke on his head causing once again the loss of part of the movements of his hands making him once again to think he would never play the piano again. Such passion for the music inspired a French-German documentary on his life called “Die Martins Passion”, winner of four international festivals and which was already watched for more than one million people in Europe and Brazil. In 2004 he was in London conducting the English Chamber Orchestra, one of the major chamber orchestras in the world, and the Bachiana Chamber Orchestra. Unable to hold the baton or turn the pages of the score in concerts, João Carlos makes a detailed work of memorizing note by note, thus showing even more his perfectionism and dedication to the world of music.

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Roberto Carlos has already sold more than 120 million recordings

Chico Buarque, recognized by the wideness and importance of his work

Seu Jorge’s songs are a competent mix of black rhythms

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Maestro João Carlos Martins and the Philarmonic Bachiana Orchestra: talent and overcoming difficulties

Paulo Coelho, author of “The Alchemist”, the most outstanding Brazilian book worldwide

which also appear in the soundtrack of that production. The European press has “adopted” the musician. His extire repairer/homeless path salved by the music awakes a lot of curiosity in the international market. But the quality of his independent album “Samba Esporte Fino” recorded by Mario Caldato in Los Angeles and first launched in 2001 was the base to the success attained by the artist. Seu Jorge makes a competent mixing of black rhythms such as samba, reggae, jongo, funk, and rap, and his work has been valorized all over the world. He already performed in the United States with the group Planet Hemp; he launched albums in Italy and France, and he was one of the prominences in the Midem programming, the most important fair of the international phonographic business held in Cannes, France. The official music for the Pan-American Games in Guadalajara (El Mismo Sol) which will be held in Mexico nerxt October 14 to 30, 2011 will count on Seu Jorge partipation in a partnership with the Mexican Alejandro Fernandes. The musician also heads a program for introduction to the music focused to young needing people. His actuation in rescuing music to persons who do not know it is part of the magic moment Maestro João Carlos Martins lives. Seu Jorge Jorge Mário da Silva, most known as Seu Jorge is an actor, singer, bass player and composer of Brazilian popular music (MPB), composing rhythms such as samba and soul. Since he was a teenager, he used to go to the rodas de samba in the carioca nights following his father and brothers in suburban funk parties, and soon he started to become a professional singing in the night. Seu Jorge has expanded his international carrier marking his presence in the American movie industry when he appeared as a character in the movie The Life Aquatic with Steve Zisso by Wes Anderson produced by Disney Productions. In that movie, he performs music playing guitar in several Portuguese versions of David Bowie’s hits By Marcos Borges

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“O Alquimista” is the major literary phenomenon in the 20th Century

The Brazilian book of major projection outside Brazil is “O Alquimista” [The Alchemist] (Planeta Brasil) written by the Brazilian writer, song writer and philosopher Paulo Coelho, who has entered in the Guinness Book as the most translated book with translations in 69 languages. His books attained the first best sellers places in countries such as Canada, Belgium, Mexico, Argentina, France, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Norway, England, Morocco, and South Korea. In Tokyo, the book attained the 8th place among best sellers only two months after it was launched, and in France the book sold more then 1.5 million issues from 1994 to 1996. “O Alquimista” is one of the most important literary phenomenon of the 20th Century. It attained the first place on the best sellers list in 18 countries having sold more than 41 million issues. Edited in 1988, despite its slow initial sales O Alquimista would be transformed in the Brazilian book most sold ever. In September, 2007, the UN has nominated Paulo Coelho his new Messenger of Peace aside the Jordanian Princess Haya, the Argentinean-Israeli maestro Daniel Barenboim and the Japanese violin player Midori Goto. The announcement was made during the ceremony of the International Day of Peace at the UN headquarters in New York presided by the General-Secretary of that entity, Ban Ki-moon. Invited to make a speech at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Frankfurt Fair 2008 due to his involvement in interactive lecture projects, he also received a homage due to his mark of 100 millions book sold. During that event, he received another certificate from the Guinness Book as the live writer most translated all over the world. His thankfulness speech resumed: “Dream is Our Business “.

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71 Movie productions attract audiences all over the world

The improvement in the quality of the Brazilian movies in the last decade has collaborated for their projection in the international scenery. Presently, we have excellent productions in the most varied genders and for all kinds of tastes, marking presence in the main representative events worldwide, such as the Montreal (Canada), Havana (Cuba), San Sebastián (Spain), Cannes (France), Guadalajara (Mexico), and Venice (Italy) festivals. What draws the attention and makes movie theaters crowded in several countries are the realist themes of some Brazilian movies on our day-to-day problems, such as “Central do Brasil” and “Cidade de Deus” that deals with the problem of the favelas [shantytowns] and the social inequality, and “Tropa de Elite” that deals with the drug traffic and the violence in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This last one directed by José Padilha won the Golden Bear as Best Movie at the Berlin 2008 Festival, and it have became an example of success in our movie industry. “Cidade de Deus” directed by Fernando Meirelles has gathered awards in several festivals: Cannes (France), Bafta (England), Havana (Cuba), among others, and “Central do Brasil” by Walter Salles won the Golden Bear (Best Movie), the Silver Bear (Best Leading Actress Fernanda Montenegro), and the Best Movie Awards

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The movie “Tropa de Elite” that deals with the drug traffic and violence in Rio de Janeiro was rewarded with the Golden Bear in the 2008 Berlin Festival

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(Ecumenic Jury) at the Berlin Festival. The movie was also nominated in the category of Best Foreign Movie at the Oscar Award. Our successful path in this sector started in 1950/1960, when the movie “O Cangaceiro” written and directed by Lima Barreto won the Best Adventure Movie Award at the Cannes Festival, thus inaugurating the cangaço gender in the Brazilian movie. In that same year, “Sinha Moça” was the first movie winning the Venice Festival. In 1963, “O Pagador de Promessas” was the first Brazilian movie being awarded at the Cannes Festival with the Golden Palm. This year, the movie “Tropa de Elite 2” will represent Brazil at the 2012 Oscar Award indicated for a vacancy among the nominees for the Best Foreign Movie award. The choice of that movie was announced in September 20 by the Ministry of the Culture, and it was indicated for its technical and artistic qualities. The Oscar ceremony will be held in Los Angeles at the Kodak Theatre on February 26, 2012.

Brazilian soap operas are a success abroad

The soap opera “Escrava Isaura” made in 1976 was seen in more than 80 countries

Presently, Brazilian soap operas are exported for more than 120 countries injecting in the Brazilian Economy around US$ 150 millions each year, reaching approximately 60 million of foreign viewers. The first production of that gender broadcasted outside Brazil was “O Bem Amado” (1973), written by Dias Gomes. “Escrava Isaura”, 1976 was a huge success, and it was sold for more than 80 countries. Until some time ago, it was the most exported Brazilian soap opera, title now held by “Da Cor do Pecado” (100 countries), “Terra Nostra” (95 countries), and “O Clone” (90 countries). When the TV Channel Telemundo first started aiming

Latin people living in the United States in 2002, the soap opera “O Clone” increased the TV ratings in 60%, and the bijouterie factories exhaustively reproduced the jewelry used by one of the characters. In Portugal, hair dressers started giving courses to women interested in reproducing the make up used in that soap opera. “Escrava Isaura” was so successful in China when it was broadcasted in 1985 that the actress Lucélia Santos who played the main role won the “Golden Eagle” award, the most importance TV award in that country, being consecrated as the first foreign actress in receiving such an honor. Around 450 million Chinese people were watching that soap opera. In Cuba, Fidel Castro canceled the power rationing in 1984 for the population to be allowed to watch the soap opera. In that same country, the hours of soccer games had to be changed as the population rather to stay home watching the soap opera instead of going to the stadiums. Productions such as “Gabriela Cravo e Canela”, “Vale Tudo”, “Roque Santeiro”, “Senhora do Destino”, and “Da Cor do Pecado” were exhibited in the most several countries attaining high ratings. “Roque Santeiro” by Dias Gomes was so successful in Cuba that its leading actress, Regina Duarte, became an idol there. The story was also a success in Angola at a point that a local fair has now the same name as the soap opera. “Laços de Família” was exhibited in 66 countries, and the drama of one of its characters who was suffering of leukemia generated an organ donation campaign all over the Latin America and the United States. When “Páginas da Vida” was exhibited in Ecuador, the story of a girl bearer of the Down syndrome led the TV Channel Ecuavisa to create a campaign to stand for the rights of the bearers of such syndrome. In Romania, a beach on the Black Sea coast was named “Copacabana” on the account of the soap operas which had as scenery the city of Rio de Janeiro. In 2005, 45 Brazilian soap operas were exhibited all over the world, the highest amount since they started being exported.

Turning the culture popular in the country

Brazil has attaining important advancements to enlarge, qualify and turn its museums popular. According to the National Museums Registration, the country has today 3.025 units and other 60 are being installed. Brazilian museums are public or private spaces that generate more than 22 thousands direct employments and attract a major amount of audience. Presently, they are seen as a social tool of identity affirmation, as they preserve the memory of the communities. The great amount of museums allied to the good results in the national Economy has resulted in an increase in the amount of visitors and the visits went from 15 millions in 2003 to about 80 millions in 2010.

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Oscar Niemeyer Museum in Curitiba, PR has a collection with almost 2000 pieces by contemporary Brazilian artists

Such evolution has grown the demand for qualified professionals, resulting in the creation of College courses added to mastership and doctorship in Museology. The good Brazilian results have been acknowledged also outside Brazil. The first time the country participated in the research on the most visited museums and expositions all over the world performed by the famous British magazine The Art Newspaper, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB) in Rio de Janeiro was in 14th place. The 29th Bienal São Paulo occupied the 12nd position among the exhibitions with higher amount of visitors. Brazil has museums of every style which preserve the culture and tell the story of the country. Minas Gerais shelters the Inhotim Cultural Institute in Brumadinho with gardens designed by Burle Max, and it has one of the major contemporary art collections in the world. Masp in São Paulo was designed by the Modernist architecture Lina Bo Bardi, and it became a postcard of the city. It has the major art collection in Latin America with more than 8 thousand pieces by artists such as Monet, Rembrandt, Picasso, Cézanne, Degas, Van Gogh, and Di Cavalcanti among several others. In the Museu Oscar Niemeyer in Curitiba, PR, the own building is a work of art. First inaugurated in 2002, the MON has a collection of almost 2 thousand works of contemporary Brazilian artists such as Emanoel Araújo, Nelson Leirner, Tarsila do Amaral, and Cândido Portinari, added to maquettes by Niemeyer, which are permanently exhibited. Museu de Arte Contemporânea in Niterói – RJ has a collection constituted by more than 1200 pieces of contemporary artists gathered by the collector João Sattamini, besides of works donated by the own artists. MAM – Museu de Arte Moderna in Bahia is settled in a former sugar mill of the 17th Century located in the borders of the Baía de Todos os Santos. It counts on a collection of around one thousand works by artists such as Tarsila do Amaral, Cândido Portinari, Flávio de Carvalho, and Di Cavalcanti. In Recife, PE, Instituto Ricardo Brennand gathers Brazilian

paintings, sculptures, tapestries and furniture and from the rest of the world, detaching Dutch pieces mainly 15 oil paintings by Frans Post – it is the major private collection of the Dutch painter in the world. The country also offers a series of thematic museums such as the Museum of the Portuguese Language in São Paulo that uses technological resources to talk about the language spoken by the Brazilian people. The National Museum of the Sea located in the small city of São Francisco do Sul in the state of Santa Catarina presents to visitors more than 60 life-sized boats added to aeromodelism pieces and maritime handcraft. The Museum of Sciences and Technology located in Porto Alegre offers 750 experiments aiming the dynamic and interactive apprenticeship. One of the distinctions in the thematic museums category is the Museum of Soccer focused on the national passion of every Brazilian people. Besides of telling the story of the soccer in the country, the Museum of Soccer located at the Pacaembu Stadium in São Paulo also tells the story of Brazil. In a playful and very exciting way, the museum allows the visitor to understand why soccer lives inside the soul of every Brazilian people. First inaugurated in 2008, it already attracted more than 1 million people, as well as the Press from all over the world, such as the North American newspaper The New York Times, the French Le Monde, and the English The Guardian. The museum stands the visitation based on three pillars: thrilling, story and amusement. Photo, video, audio files and interactivities are formulas that enchant visitors. “It is a singular school- museum of ideas”, explains its curator Leonel Kaz. Besides of giving opportunity to rescue the history of the country by means of the sports, the museum is a new leisure alternative. “The museum still re-qualifies a historical asset of São Paulo - the Pacaembu Stadium. And above it all, it creates a new tourism icone to the capital of São Paulo, which in the last year is being disentailed from the business tourism and it is affirming itself as a big leisure, cultural and events destination in South America”, adds Caio Luiz de Carvalho, president of the São Paulo Tourism Company and president of the Management Council of the Museum of Soccer.

Cellebration of the 100th Anniversary of Theatro Municipal de São Paulo

A São Paulo postcard, Theatro Municipal de São Paulo is one of the most important theaters in the city both due to its architectural style similar to the most important theaters in the world clearly inspired in the Paris Opera and for its historical importance, as it was stage for the 1922 Week of Modern Art, the initial landmark for the Modernism movement in Brazil. It was built to attend the wishes of the São Paulo elite back then, who wanted the city to have a theater at the same level of great cultural centers in the world, capable to promote operas and concerts.

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75 Its construction started in 1903 and ended in 1911. Its architectural style is eclectic in fashion in Europe since the second half of the 20th Century, combining Renascentist, Barroco, and Art Nouveau styles. The inauguration happened on September 12, 1911, and there was a crowd of people around it astonished by the electricpowered lights that came from inside and around it. The night of feast had as attraction a portion of the opera “O Guarani” by Carlos Gomes and the enactment of the opera “Hamlet” with the baritone Titta Ruffo singing the main role. Nowadays, it is more exuberant thanks to a reform that lasted 2 years and 8 months with an investment of R$ 28.3 millions. The stage has more technology and structure to host big settings. During September, 2011, home artistic companies starred a series of presentations that started on the 12th day, official date for the inauguration back in 1911. The Symphonic City Orchestra and the Lyric Coral open the festivities with an unheard setting the opera “Rigoletto” by Giuseppe Verdi. Maestro Abel Rocha signed the musical direction and conducted the performance that counted on the scenic direction of Felipe Hirsch and the scenography signed by Daniela Thomas and Felipe Tassara.

The closing was presented by the choreography of the piece “Lost Paradise” (“Paraíso Perdido”) performed by Balé da Cidade de São Paulo. Created by the Greek choreographer Andonis Foniadakis, the spetacle was played between September 27 and 30.

Romero Britto: the artist of vibrating colors and audacious compositions

One of the most awarded artists of our times, Romero Britto is the younger and successful pop artist of his generation creating masterpieces that evoke the spirit of hope and transmitting a warmth sensation. He was born in the state of Pernambuco in the city of Recife in 1963, and he works with vibrant colors and audacious compositions, thus creating gracious themes with elements composed by the Cubism. Admired among the international community, Romero has paintings and sculptures in five continents and in more than 100 galleries around the world. In 2005 he was nominated Art Ambassador of the Florida state. That same year and in 2006 he was invited to be part of a restricted list of international artists selected to the Florence Bienal. The Arts and Exhibitions International invited Romero

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76 By Wanderley Celestino - SPTuris

Traditional postcard of the city of São Paulo, Masp has the greatest art collection in Latin America with more than 8 thousand pieces By Museum of Soccer

Room that pays tribute to the World Cups at the Soccer Museum in São Paulo, SP: a national passion

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to create a pyramid to celebrate the returning of the Tutankhamon treasury exposition in London after 35 years. Romero’s pyramid is the biggest art installation in the history of the Hyde Park so far with a height equivalent to a four-stories building, and it is scheduled to be permanently installed at the Child Museum of Cairo, Egypt. In 2008, Romero Britto created a limited series of stamps with the title Sports for the Peace celebrating the memorable talent of athletes in the Olympic Games in Beijing, and his art was also exhibited at the famous Louvre Museum in Paris. The artist was invited for the third time in a row to make a speech at the World Economic Forum; he received an invitation to open the XLI Super Bowl along with the Soleil Circus and to create the prestigious UN stamp collection as well. These facts make clear that the artist is present in a definite way in the art universe with pieces in the most precious private collections, always being required by major companies worldwide, to whom he incorporates his art to grant visibility to their brands. In 2012 he will be homaged by a “school of samba” at the Sambódromo: Renascer de Jacarepaguá will tell his life and it will be his debut in the Special Group with the theme “Romero Britto, the artist of joy gives the tune for the fun ”. The “school” will open the 2112 Rio de Janeiro Carnival, and it will be the first to parade on the Carnival Sunday. Britto believes that “Art is a very important thing for not be shared” and this is one of the reasons why he created the Romero Britto Foundation in 2007.

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Clockwise, Fabiana Murer, Marta, Cesar Cielo and Ganso and Neymar: great athletes of international prominence By Jefferson Bernardes/VIPCOMM

The homeland of great athletes


razil gave birth to several modalities of sports, which are practiced very often. The country is the homeland of the futsal, sand soccer, foot volley and the society soccer added to the capoeira. Deemed one of the major global power in the worldwide soccer, the country not only occupies a prominent place, but it also holds the highest amount of prizes, exporting athletes to other countries. With five titles conquered in the Soccer World Cup among other important titles, it holds several history landmarks in sports, besides of being the homeland of players who made history and among them the one considered best ever: “king” Pelé. As to basketball, Brazil is also among one of the most traditional countries. In the past, it attained the mark of being one of the best in the world in the modality with great players and practioners spread through all the corners of the country. It has some players like Leandrinho (Toronto Raptors), Nenê (Denver Nuggets), Tiago Splitter (San Antonio Spurs), and Anderson Varejão

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(Cleveland Cavaliers) actuating at NBA, considered the major basketball league in the world. Some of the main players in the history of the Brazilian sports it is Oscar and Hortência. In the zenith of their carriers, basketball was considered the second most popular sports in Brazil. In total, summing up male and female titles, the Brazilian female basketball holds three world championship. Automobilism is another popular sports in Brazil, that started getting dimension after the first Formule 1 titles won by Emerson Fittipaldi. Next, Nelson Piquet and Ayrton Senna helped fixing even more the Brazilian automobilism in the category. Senna is deemed one of the best names in the history of the Brazilian sports, and one of the best pilots in the history of the automobilism. He was three times world champion. As for tennis, Brazil had great names in the past as Maria Esther Bueno, nineteen times winner of the Grand Slams and Gustavo Kuerten, “Guga” who won three times the Roland Garros tournament. Today, the Brazilian tennis is well represented by Thomaz Bellucci, one of the 30 best in the world.

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As to martial arts, it can be mentioned the jiu-jitsu and MMA. The last one is already considered by many experts the second most popular sports in Brazil.

Neymar and Ganso, big promises for the male soccer

Every year, Brazilian soccer reveals good players. For this, many young men who show talent in basic categories are pointed as future excellent footballers. This is the case of Neymar and Paulo Henrique “Ganso” both playing for the Santos Futebol Clube team and covet by European teams. The coach for the Brazilian selection, Mano Menezes believes, trusts and makes a bet on the talent of those young promises, and he foresees that Neymar and Ganso are the two major hopes to get the victory in the 2014 World Cup. Besides, both of them are idols and successful among young soccer lovers. Boys aspire to be like them, even imitating the way they use their clothes and their hair cut. Those players also cause some hysteria among girls who form fan-clubs and tattoo their names on their bodies.

Marta is the best in the World in the female soccer category

The Brazilian Female Soccer Team is dominant in South America, and it always gets good positions on FIFA’s ranking. Despite it does not receive yet the same recognition and prominence than the male team, it has the best player in the world. Bearer of the shirt number 10, Marta was already chosen as the best in the world for five times in a row, a record both among women and men. In 2009, she was also considered one of the most influent Brazilian persons by the Brazilian magazine “Época”. After the 2007 Pan-American Games, Marta was compared to By Jefferson Bernardes/VIPCOMM

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Pelé, and she was called “Pelé in Skirts”. Added to this, she joined the Walk of Fame in Maracanã (one of the most important stadiums in Brazil, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro), and so far, she is the only woman leaving the marks of her feet in that place. Marta already played for big clubs such as Vasco da Gama, Santa Cruz, Umeå IK (Swede), Santos, and she is presently applying for the Western New York Flash.

For the fifth time, the Sub-20 Brazilian team has conquered the World title

An increasing amount of good results in the swimming category

Swimming is a sports attaining popularity in the country, and as new individual talents appear, the modality is being restructured and starts receiving more investments. Brazil is participating in the swimming modality since the 1920 Olympic Games in the first Brazilian delegation. Today, the country counts on famous names in international competitions, bringing an increasing amount of good results holder of South American and world records, finals and medals in world championships and Olympic Games and high level national tournaments, such as the Maria Lenk Trophy. Brazil has conquered three golden medals, one silver and four bronze medals in the 2009 World Tournament of long course pools. As to the championship of short course, Brazil got nine golden medals, five silver and seven bronze medals. Owner of 10 golden medals in the last edition of the Pan-American Games held in Rio de Janeiro,

Thiago Pereira has attained an outstanding position as one of the Best at the PanAmerican Games

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the Brazilian swimming team counts on names such as Cesar Cielo (50 m e 100 m free style), Felipe França (50 m and 100 m backstroke), and Thiago Pereira (200 m e 400 m medley), a major name of the 2007 Pan. In 2010, the Pan-Pacific Swimming Championship in Irvine (EUA), Thiago attained the bronze medal in the 200 meters and 400 meters medley and the title of King of the World Short Pool Swimming Cup Championship. In the last stage of the Cup in Stockholm, the Brazilian athlete won the 400m medley competition, achieving the silver medal in the 100m in a total of 22 medals (19 golden and three silver medals). The Brazilian swimming team at the 2011 Pan-American Games held in Guadalajara, Mexico won 24 medals: 10 gold, 8 silver, and 6 bronze medals. The most important position in such modality was Thiago Pereira, who became the Brazilian athlete, who conquered the major amount of gold medals in Pan American Games, with a total of 12 medals, six conquered at the 2007 Rio Pan and six in Guadalajara.

Fabiana Murer conquered the first Golden Medal to Brazil in athletics

Fabiana Murer is a Brazilian athlete and world champion, record owner in Brazil and South American in the modality of pole vault. In 2011, Fabiana conquered her first medal in the World Athlete Championship

in Daegu, South Korea, beating the owner of the world record and two times Olympic champion Anna Rogowska as well as all the elite in that sports there, she also conquered the first golden medal for Brazil in world championship of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). The athlete won the golden medal after surpassing the mark of 4.85 m. In 2010, she conquered the title of 2nd better athlete in the world both in outdoor and indoor lanes. Further to this, she was world champion and became one of the best jumpers in the history of the modality. Her marks made her the 4th better ever in the female pole vault category.

The World Championship title of beach volley belongs to the Juliana and Larissa team

In 2011, the Brazilian beach volley team Juliana and Larissa conquered the worldwide title in the category against the North Americans Walsh and May in the Rome World Championship. This was the third victory of Juliana and Larissa against the two time Olympic champions Walsh and May. They have already beat the American team in the final stage in BrasĂ­lia and the quarterfinals in the World Circuit in China. Six times champions in the World Circuit of beach volley, Juliana

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81 and Larissa conquered the vice world championship in 2005 and 2009 besides of having conquered the bronze medal in 2007. Playing against the three times world champion North American team, the Brazilian athletes got the world title, thus ending a 10 year fasting, since the last time Brazil got the first place in the World Championship was 2001 with the Adriana Behar and Shelda team.

Sub-20 Soccer Team: 2011 World Champion

The Brazilian Sub-20 team conquered the 2011 World title in Colombia in a remarkable match with a record audience in the competition. Brazil presented the most offensive team along the tournament with a total of 18 goals, and it won the finals against Portugal in a 3x2 match. The prominence in the final match was the midfielder of the Internacional de Porto Alegre team, Oscar who scored three goals, being the greatest player ever in that Championship. With such conquest, Brazil has now five titles conquered in the Sub-20 World Championship (1983, 1985, 1993, 2003, and 2011).

Juliana and Larissa are six-time champions in the World Circuit in the beach volley

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82 Olympic gymnastics means Diego Hipolyto

Anderson “The Spider” Silva is deemed MMA’s the Best fighter ever

Diego Hypolito is a gymnast who got in 2011 another excellent result in the Brazilian artistic gymnastic. The athlete has proved to be one of the best in the world in the modality, winner of the gold medal in the sole category during the stage in Ghent, Belgium for the World Cup, besides of winning the bronze medal in the jumping category. With such conquest, Diego became two times world champion in the sole category.

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MMA and UFC are always increasing in the country

The MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) popularity is always increasing in Brazil. Anderson “The Spider” Silva, major reference of that sports in Brazil has a huge portion of responsibility for the expansion of such “fever” that promises not to pass soon. The athlete is the present record owner with the higher amount of consecutive victories and world champion in the middleweight (up to 84 kg) category in the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) tournament. Pointed by the president of the UFC as the better MMA fighter ever, Spider had 28 victories and four defeats in the event. Another detach of the Brazilian team in the modality is Vitor “The Phenomenon” Belfort, who defeated two fighters in his debut event at UFC back in 1997, having conquered the UFC 12 Heavyweight Tournament. With the age of 19 years old, Belfort became the younger fighter ever winning the UFC tournament. In the 46th of that Championship, the athlete has conquered the Belt in the Middleweight Category. Rodrigo “Minotauro” Nogueira was also part of the Brazilian team, and he is deemed a legend of the MMA with 36 victories and only six defeats in his history. With 19 victories and five defeats by knockout and 16 victories by knockout, technical knockout or finalization, Maurício “Shogun” Rua is another start in that sports with triumphs in his history over big names of the MMA such as Mark Coleman, Kevin Randleman, Chuck Liddel, Rodrigo “Minotauro” Nogueira, and Quinton “Rampage” Jackson.

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84 By Caio Pimenta - SPTuris

Escola de Samba Mocidade Alegre on parade at the Anhembi Sambodrome in São Paulo, SP

Celebrations reveal typical aspects of every Region


n a wide country as Brazil, the diversity of the culture and habits propitiates features which are peculiar to each Brazilian state. This assortment becomes more clear in regional feasts such as dancing, food and artistic manifestations that are typical of each region. Such celebrations put in motion the tourism sector in the country, and they are appealing both for Brazilian and foreign people. The Brazilian popular culture reflects the core of the rational miscegenation which is part of the country, incorporating influences from several people mainly Europeans, Africans, and Indigenes. Among the major artistic way of expression of the Brazilian day-to-day, there are popular feasts that reveal typical aspects of each Brazilian region.

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Carnival, for instance is the major of them, gathering each year thousands of revelers dancing and watching “escolas de samba” [samba dancing schools] parades, and even attracting a huge amount of foreign visitors who stay in bleachers and special boxes at Avenida Marquês de Sapucaí in the city of Rio de Janeiro. But Carnival is also present in the agenda of several other Brazilian cities, attracting interest from all visitors: São Paulo also produces animated escolas de samba parades performed at the Anhembi’s Sambódromo; in Pernambuco, revelers from cities of Olinda and Recife dance on the streets wearing costumes following musical groups and “maracatus” over allegoristic cars carrying famous giant puppeteers; in Salvador, capital city of the Bahia state, the amusement is granted by “trios elétricos”, which are moving stages that drag millions of people behind them listening to the axé, a typical Bahia song, and such celebration goes up to the rising sun.

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The feast lasts four days, and it prepares the people to the beginning of the Quadragesima on the Ash Wednesday, when every faithful people use burnt ashes of palms (Palm Day) to bless oneself and then starting to wait for the Ester celebrations.

The National Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida receives millions of peregrinators on the Day of the religious Patroness of Brazil

N. Sra. da Achiropita Feast: One of the most traditional feasts in the city of São Paulo – SP, it has been brought by Italian immigrants and it is held in the District of Bexiga during the weekends of August. Besides of counting on the public’s participation in a procession to honor Nossa Senhora, it offers typically Italian beverage and food. Divino Espírito Santo Feast: One of the most ancient practices in the Catholicism, it is celebrated after Ester on the Day of Pentecost, and it has as unique features the white dove and the Holly Crown, the coronation of the emperors and distribution of alms. Círio de Nazaré: Portuguese pilgrimage celebrated since 1793 on the second Sunday of October in the city of Belém, state of Pará. Círio is the Latin word that

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86 (who used to worship the God Ox Apis, God of the Fertility); soon, it was spread across some Brazilian regions, receiving different names and interpretations. Folia de Reis: In the catholic tradition, this is the part in the Holly Bible where Three Wise Men visit Jesus. In the Brazilian culture, Christmas feasts were celebrated by groups visiting houses playing cheerful songs praising the “Holly Kings” and the birth of Christ, and such feasts used to be extended up to the date consecrated to the Three Wise Men (January the 6th). In the city of Muqui, Sothern region of the state of Espírito Santo, it happens since 1950, and it is the major and oldest meeting of “Folia de Reis”, and it has been gathered around 90 groups from several states of the country.

Barretos shelters one of the bigger Cowboy Festivals in the world

Several Brazilian states have outstanding June Festivals

stands for a big candle, as the celebration is held at night using candles. Parintins Festival: Big folklore celebration that mobilizes the whole Amazon city of Parintins around the fighting between two societies: Boi Garantido (costumes in red) and Boi Caprichoso (blue costumes). Along the feast, there are parades of allegoric cars, special choreographies and a lot of music. The show is annually performed during the last weekend of June. Presentations happen at the Bumbódromo, a structure in a stylized bull head shape which has capacity for 35 thousand viewers. The Parintins Feast is already one of the major divulging events in the Brazilian culture. Bumba-meu-boi: One of the most traditional recreations in Brazil, it is a mix of theater, dance, music, and circus. It is a quite popular feast in São Luís, capital city of the state of Maranhão, and it happens on June as well. It first appeared at the end of the 18th Century influenced by Portuguese traditions and from the Egyptian pharaohs

Grape Festival: Traditional feast originally from Italy, it is performed every two years in the city of Caxias do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul. At first, it was a celebration to celebrate the harvest of the grape, but it has been expanded losing most of its original feature. The agroindustrial fair that is part of the event is visited by more than 300 thousand people, and it also shelters the famous Queen Of Grapes Contest. Micaretas: They are out of season carnivals created in the baiana city of Feira de Santana in 1937 by a group of people who were sad because Carnival of that year was not held due to the strong pouring rain. It was so successful that it became a national mania. Since the 90s, Micaretas happen in several Brazilian cities. Nossa Senhora Aparecida: Holly Patroness of Brazil (October 12 – national holyday), millions of pilgrims go visiting the National Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida located in the city of Aparecida, state of São Paulo. Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida is one of the catholic names that Mary, Mother of Jesus receives, and her story began when fishermen launched their nets in the river Paraíba do Sul, and after

Micaretas are out of season carnivals, a national mania

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88 Cowboy Festival: One of the greatest CowBoy feasts in the world, it is held since 1955 during the two last weekends of August in the city of Barretos, countryside of the São Paulo state. Besides the horse and bull rodeos, there still are other modalities as well as musical shows. Oktoberfest: The feast is held in the state of Santa Catarina during October in the city of Blumenau. It was created molded by a similar which happens in Munique, Germany. It lures about 600 thousand people, Who enjoy music, dancing, drinking eer and the typical food.

Traditional festival in São Luis, the Bumba-meu-boi is a mix of theater, dancing, music and circus many unsuccessful attempting, they withdrawn from the waters the body of a headless image. In a new try, they caught the head, and from that moment on, fishes started prodigally coming into the nets of those humble fishermen. The fact occurred back in 1717, and it was deemed a miracle, giving birth to a worshipping that remains from that times up to these days among the Brazilian people.

June Cellebrations: Along June, Campina Grande in the state of Paraíba receives millions of tourists in one of the major feasts in the country to celebrate São João, Santo Antônio and São Pedro, and it happens big attractions such as the quadrille contest, and collective weddings. Another feast fighting for the title of Greatest São João Party in the World is the Pernambuco city of Caruaru. Celebrations last more than one month, and take thousands of people to that city attracted by its music concerts, dance presentations, and typical foods. The state of Bahia is also becoming outstanding in such type of feast, and it has investing and growing as a tourism spot in this time of the year. Festa de Navegantes: The greatest religious feast of Porto Alegre, it is celebrated on February in a homage to Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes [The Lady of the Seamen]. It is a procession held on the ground carrying the image of Nossa Senhora do Rosário that starts downtown going to the Church Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes. Source: Ministério do Turismo

Homage to Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes

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Each Brazilian Region has its own food ritual


he Brazilian cuisine is typically regional, as each part of the country has its own feeding rituals. The feijoada, moqueca, the Brazilian barbecue, duck with tucupi, tutu de feijão, acarajé... it is a wide list of dishes. They have in common the fact all of them are acknowledged as recipes with a peculiar Brazilian taste. Our gastronomy was born from a mix of native Indians and the owners of the land, of the Portuguese colonizers and black African people brought to Brazil to work in farms and sugar cane plantations. Natives gave their contribution with the manioc and its several uses, the consumption of the Amazon fishes and exotic meats. Added to the methods to prepare it, the Portuguese helped to fix the taste for the sugar and the consumption of the pork meat, and the same time incorporating to their meals the manioc flour, thus generating a quite interesting diversity Portuguese technique with local ingredients. By their turn, the African slaves disseminated the use of the coconut milk, the dendê oil and the red pepper. Brazil’s continental proportions were responsible by the changing of the new national cuisine in multiple regional culinary. In the Northern Region and in the Pantanal region there is an intense use of fishes, while in the South the proximity with Argentina and Uruguay has awaken the taste for meats. Europeans who stayed here brought the habit to eat legumes and vegetables, a habit which was few assimilated by the Indians. If the Brazilian gastronomy have taken different forms according to the region it was set, the Brazilian food was always committed to dishes with a strong taste. With the mixing of habits and food tastes, foreign ingredients and dishes were adapted to the menu of the Brazilian people without the novelties being considered genuinely national food. An example of this is the pizza, a quite spread food in the Southeast region, but which has not in other states the same devotion the São Paulo inhabitants do. Arabian and Japanese dishes have similar situation. The Italian food besides the pizza has brought dry industrialized pasta and Germans, although in a lower proportion has brought sausages (hot-dog, bacon, Mortadella), and the beer.

Brazilian Ingredients is in the increase

A trend to the future of our feeding is a higher valorization of native foods. For those chefs already using native ingredients this is a good news, since using simple ingredients typical of the country allows for the Brazilian

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food to accentuate the freshness of the food by applying sophisticated techniques and respecting the essence of those ingredients. The future of the Brazilian food passes by the discovery of new ingredients and the reinvention of what is today despised or less appraised. Vegetables must become a main dish mainly those with a rich protein content, such as beans and favas. Sources of protein will also become diversified. In Europe and Asia, there is not meat in different cutting anymore (such as second category meats), thus allowing that all the meat is used. The trend is that creativity and innovation are tested thanks to the need of using less explored foods.

Manioc, a Brazilian queen

Cultivated and consumed by Indigene people in the form of flour or the beijus (a kind of cake made of the gum extracted from the manioc or made of a mass of the cooked manioc), manioc is a tubercle originated from the Amazon region which was disseminated among several Indigene cultures reaching the Aztec people in Mexico. But only in Brazil manioc conquered all palates; first the locals, and next appreciated by the Portuguese colonizers and African slaves. It was the support for the explorers and travelers who was penetrating in the countryside, for instance. When the manioc was crushed with dried meat the result was the paçoca which used to be stored in leather bags serving as provision during the travels. It is in the original region of the manioc that several of its uses were found by using a special tool (a cylindrical basket used to squeeze the tubercle), the Indigenes extracted not only the flour but also the gum, the tapioca and the tucupi which is a broth considered sophisticated and hard to be found in other regions of the country, most used in several Amazon recipes. Today, toasted and seasoned manioc flour is a side dish from simple up to most sophisticated dishes, being an essential ingredient on the Brazilian table.

The bean and the feijoada

Similar as to the manioc, the bean used to be known by the Indigene people before Portuguese colonizers arrived in Brazil. But its use was not spread in the daily live of the first persons who were living here. Portuguese, Africans and the Amerinds used to eat that leguminous once in a while, but they did not include it in their daily meals, but rather using manioc and its variations, especially the flour. From the 17th Century, the bean – particularly the back bean which is originated from the South America – started to conquer space in the meals of the owners of

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Africans did, the malagueta pepper found in the Western African coast, different from the fruit with the same name known in Brazil. By the way, the Brazilian malagueta is of the capsicum kind, and its name was used by the colonizers and slaves who got in touch with the American fruit they started using it instead of the African variety. Before the end of the 16th Century, the American malagueta was conquered the preference on the European tables. However, the different varieties of pepper remained marked all over Brazil, especially in the North and Northeast regions that besides the Indigene presence, also counts on a strong African influence – mainly in the state of Bahia.

The valorization of the cachaça in the worldwide market

The traditional and very famous Brazilian feijoada

the lands, Amerinds and African slaves. He did not have the same importance as the flour yet, but it already followed several meals. The practice of cooking legumes and grains with meat is originated from Europe, especially in dishes such as the Portuguese stew, the Spanish puchero and the French cassoulet. From the adaptation of such Portuguese stew it was originated the feijoada – opposed to the believe that such dish was originated in the senzalas. The first records of the feijoada are found at the end of the 19th Century. Although that dish do not synthesize the Brazilian cuisine, it became an icon, representing Brazil when the theme is culinary. Added to the bean, the dish aggregate several elements of our cookery such as the pork meat, the seasoning, the flour and the pepper.

Pepper, a typical fruit of America

Pepper is a small savory and almost always burning fruit from the Piperaceae. The capsicum pepper is a fruit original from the South America. The Indigene people was already using it to season their dishes adding it to cooked foods. Europeans used more the black pepper (piper nigrum), an Asian grain and one of the most ancient spices of the Human kind, and its trading was one of the reasons American colonizers came to the American continent. They also knew another kind of pepper, same as the

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With the Brazilian gastronomic movement, the cachaça started to be acknowledged, valorized and even celebrated by a public interested in the culture of our regionalism. It is not difficult to find it exposed in an outstanding position in elegant restaurants and bars or even to recognize its flavor granting a special flavor in recipes made by famous chefs. Such beverage belongs to the class of the aguardentes (burning water, that means ácqua ardens, term used by the Greeks) made of sugar cane, levens and water. Its manufacturing process begins with the sugar cane being pressed, producing a juice in which is added water, and under the effect of the levens starts a process of fermentation. It is distilled in installations called alembics heating the juice (the garapa) that concentrates the alcohol. The rediscovery of the value of the regional culinary and the investments that manufacturers have been made to valorize the product made the beverage to become known worldwide. One of the reasons why cachaça is a well accepted product is its differentiation from other drinks. With a characteristic scent and flavor, it can be mixed to fruit juices intensifying their taste. In recipes integrated to the most varied mixtures and cocktails, the beverage may be fundamental to grant a special taste to some drinks. In its most known version and appreciated by foreign people visiting Brazil it is the caipirinha, a mixing of cachaça, lemon and sugar. Thanks to such superb level of acceptance, the Brazilian cachaça is being exported in an even more significant way. In the state of Pernambuco there is a museum dedicated to it. Conceived by the entrepreneur José Moisés de Moura considered the greatest cachaça collector in the world, the visitor finds in that museum thousands of most different bottles in exotic forms divided per region, as well as miniatures and cachaças imported from 21 countries added to labels among other curiosities. Added to the history of Brazil, its culture, habits and geography,

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94 it also shows paintings, books, poetry, jokes and other materials connected to such traditional beverage. Cachaça was chosen as the “star of the decade” by the French magazine Rayon Boisson, and caipirinha as the “drink of the decade” by the British magazine of the beverage industry Impact International.

Our greatest chefs

Defender of the Brazilian cuisine, Chef Alex Atala takes the Amazon cooking as base for his best dishes

Brazil has been producing great chefs disputed by the best national and international hotels and restaurants. Flávia Quaresma is one of them. Graded in Paris at the school of culinary Le Cordon Bleu, Flávia experimented cuisines from all over the world until she developed her own style that mixes the traditionalism of the French gastronomy with the Brazilian tropical feature, giving preference to organic foods. Another Brazilian chef increasingly famous is Alex Atala. Very young, he traveled to Europe as a hitchhiker and worked painting walls in Belgium. By suggestion of a friend, he attended a professionalizing gastronomy course and started working in restaurants back in Belgium, France and in Italy, improving his knowledge in the art of the culinary. Alex own the restaurant D.O.M. (acronym of the Latin expression Deo Optimo Maximo), that in 2007 was in the 40th place on the list of the best restaurants in the world (San Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants) and it was included in the guide organized by the Londoner magazine Restaurant. In 2009 it passed to the 24th position on that list, in 2010 to the 18th position, and in 2011 to the 7th position. Defender of the Brazilian regional food, he integrates the Amazon culinary, specifically that from the state of Pará as the basis to some of his best dishes. Marcelo Pinheiro is one of the most talented and competent Brazilian chefs, being detached by his creativity and refined techniques. He has won several prizes in Brazil, and he was the first to win an international cuisine contest - the Azteca Cup in 2005. He is owner of the restaurant Tarsila where he exerts a cuisine of

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personality, perfect technique that innovates in the ingredients granting privilege to authentic flavors and mixing them with subtleness generating amazing results. But an magnificent taste is only one of the outstanding points. His cuisine is also distinguished by the accurate esthetics that seduces the most demanding palates including the visual. The recipes in the menu ofthe restaurant Carlota owned by the chef and owner Carla Pernambuco has no borders. Master in dosing seasonings, Carla is always preparing dishes with daring features varying from stimulating Vietnamese rolls up to a delicious guava jam soufflé with catupiry syrup, both of them widely copied. She was actress, journalist and public relations, but her aptitude for the culinary has first appeared back in the time when she lived in New York, where she got a traineeship in a catering service and in SoHo and Chinatown restaurants. At that time, she developed an intense passion for Asian foods. Back to São Paulo, in 1995 she open the restaurant Carlota attaining an immediate success.

Chefs do not live only in function of their kitchen

The famous chefs Teresa Corção and Margarida Nogueira received from the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) the award “Special Recognition” in the category Humanitarian by the work she developed with the Maniva Institute. The rewarding ceremony was held during the annual conference of the IACP on April, 2010 in Oregon, United States. Although the kitchen was her domestic refuge since she was a child, it was in London that Teresa has deepened her culinary knowledge while she was developing her greatest passion and hobby: cooking. Margarida Nogueira render services as consultant to several restaurants in the country as well as to journalists and foreign writers interested in knowing the Brazilian culinary. The award renders an homage to remarkable professionals who has contributed to strengthen the local gastronomy and in spreading the Association. The Maniva Institute is a non-profitable association conceived by Teresa which has as goal to use the Brazilian culinary as a tool for social transformation, uniting pleasure and ethics in feeding. Manioc was the link used to connect young people, children, familiar farmers and consumers with the food biodiversity. The Maniva Institute promoted around 3 thousand tapioca workshops for children all around Brazil. Such NPO also produced two documentaries on the manioc flour in Bragança, state of Pará. In 2009, she inaugurated the program “Ecochefs – Cooks with social and environmental responsibility” to develop educational projects. That association received the Santander Talentos da Maturidade award in the category of Remarkable Programs with the project “Seu Bené e Dona Maria: farm entrepreneurs and flour teachers”.

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By Projeto Baleia Jubarte, Enrico Marcovaldi

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2014 World Cup: Brazil will be the center of the attentions


n 2014, the FIFA World Cup – one of the major sports events in the planet will be held in Brazil with the following 12 cities hosting the matches: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, and São Paulo. In 2007, when it was first announced that the country will host the event, it has started a nationwide effort not only to fulfill the organizational demands for that event to provide a good impression of the country to the world, but also collaborating in the development of the country as a whole. Nowadays, what is drawing most attention of the Press is the situation of stadiums that will host matches. They

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are being modernized or rebuilt. Parallel to this, much more is being done. It is estimated that the 2014 FIFA World Cup will aggregate R$ 183 billion to the GDP, and it will be allocated R$ 33 billion investments in infrastructure, mainly in the transportation area. It will be invested around R$ 13 billion in 49 works in the mobility area, such as special corridors along highways, monorails, BRTs (Bus Rapid Transit), and VLTs (Light Rail Vehicles). It is expected that approximately 3.7 million Brazilian and foreign tourists will generate R$ 9.4 billion during the event in every area, and 700 thousand permanent and temporary jobs will be created. The event will also propitiate a better redefinition of public spaces such as squares and museums and increasing the access to technologies to the Brazilian people, improving public security and increasing the potential to the tourism.

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As to the time schedule of the event, the first important date was July 30, when it was performed the classification of groups in the eliminatory phase at Marina da Gloria, Rio de Janeiro. In his speech at the opening of that event, the President of FIFA, Joseph Blatter mentioned the Federation trusts in Brazil. President Dilma Rousseff focused the advancements the country has achieved in several areas. “Today, Brazil is appreciated for many other things than its soccer team, music and popular feasts. All of you will find a quite prepared country to host the World Cup. We are making our part for the 2014 World Cup to be the better ever. Those who will grant us the privilege of visiting Brazil will have opportunity to know a joyful, generous and solidary people, who know how to host in an enthusiastic way. Welcome to Brazil”, she declared. The soccer players Pelé, Zico, Cafu, Ronaldo, the Phenomenon, Zagalo, Bebeto, and Neymar participated in the ceremony that had musical performances by Ana Carolina, Ivan Lins, and Ivete Sangalo with the accompaniment of the Symphonic Orchestra of Heliópolis. Daniel Jobim made a performance dedicated to the Bossa Nova followed by images projected on a big screen of a historical recording session back in 1967 of a duet between his father, maestro Tom Jobim and the American singer Frank Sinatra.

Working at full capacity

All the twelve arenas that will host the 2014 World Cup matches are already in progress. Nine of them will be concluded until the end of 2012 and the remaining in 2013. Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social opened a R$ 400 million credit line for each stadium and formalized contracts in an amount of R$ 2.3 billion. According to President Dilma Rousseff, the reform and construction of stadiums are being developed in “adequate pace”. To attend not only soccer lovers who may also stay in ships, but also the increasing demand of cruisers arriving along the Brazilian coast, seven new tourism terminals will be functioning in 2013 with a R$ 898.9 million investment. The comfort and safety for airplane passengers will have a R$ 6.5 billion investment from the Government for thirteen airports. From them, eight are already in progress and one, Viracopos (SP) is ready. Five of the 12 cities that will host matches already initiated a reformulation in the collective transportation necessary to the public’s mobility; all the 49 projects are in due time, demanding an investment of R$ 12.1 billion. In the city of São Paulo, the bus-subway system will be responsible by transporting 73% soccer fans during the Cup. According to Governor Geraldo Alckmin, the State is prepared to transport by train and subway 120 thousand passenger per hour, thus surpassing the minimum recommended by Fifa: 50 thousand. Ronaldo Phenomenon ran by subway the Estação da Luz and Estação Corinthians/Itaquera portion, where it is being

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Project of the Manaus, AM stadium that will cost around US$ 3,360 billion

Dunas Stadium is the name of the complex to be built in the city of Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte

The opening match of the 2014 FIFA’s World Cup will be held at the “Fielzão” Stadium in the city of São Paulo, SP

Reform of the Mané Garrincha Stadium in Brasília, DF

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100 By Roberto Stuckert Filho

The director of the Inter-American Development Bank, Fernando Flores said that Brazil has all that it is necessary to consolidate and show to the world its capability and leadership as to the sustainable development.


President Dilma Rousseff escorted by Pelé during her on-site visit to the works of revitalization of the Mineirão Stadium

built the stadium that will host some soccer matches and appreciated the travel. “It was spent 19 minutes. The accessibility is excellent, the stadium is excellent, and this could be verified a thousand days ahead the Cup”, he said. In terms of technology, Brasília will have free access to the Internet at a 2Gbps speed in the central portion of the city. Wi-Fi is intended to reach the whole Federal District until the 2014 World Cup or even before that date.


It is being designed for the Cup, the National Stadium of Brasília, competing to win the Leed Platinum Seal – top environmental certification in the world. “In order to attain such certification, we are taking special care as to the sustainable use of electrical power and water, the final destination of work residues, and even with the safety of workers”, said Agnelo Queiroz, Governor of the Federal District. For him, sustainability and environmental preservation are among the highest legacies the 2014 World Cup will leave behind to the country. Besides the stadium, Queiroz pointed out the programs which are already in progress in the environmental area, such as treatment of 100% of the solid residues produced in the capital, the program to preserve fountainheads and ciliary woods. Still, the Governor mentioned several benefits to the countryside as to the urban mobility that includes accessibility and a complete reformulation of Public Transportation in the Federal District.

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Around 3.7 million tourists who will travel across the country on July, 2014 shall meet health actions focused to the reality of each city that will host the Cup matches in Brazil. A theme that will receive attention in every city is feeding, especially typical dishes from each region, which is a matter that normally draws the tourists’ attention. Due to this, the capability of workers in that sector and the adoption of Good Practices in Handling Food will be reinforced in the next two years. In São Paulo, the main entrance gate of foreign people, the State Secretary of Health decided to create a State Health Committee to Travelers setting measures to control any events in ships and airplanes. Added to this, Hospital das Clínicas which part of the Medical College of the São Paulo University and Fifa offered training to 45 physicians who will work at stadiums in host cities of the World Cup. The Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of that hospital is the only center of excellence already accredited by Fifa for the event in Brazil. The course was conducted by the Fifa’s instructor Efraim Kramer from South Africa, responsible by the medical department of Johannesburg during the last World Cup. Themes such as cardiac diseases in players during matches, medical equipments required by each stadium, and procedures in the event of tumults involving soccer fans were approached.


Thinking about international tourists visiting Brazil in 2014, the Brazilian Institute of Tourism developed a new tool to assist in the promotion of tourism destinations in the 12 cities that will host matches: a 360o video, that uses an innovative technology to catch images with a different panoramic and interactive visualization of local tourism attractions. The initiative in promoting destinations using such technology is inedited in Brazil. Productions include surroundings of those regions with major touristic potential, in an intent from Embratur to incentive foreign tourists to know other destinations than those where the matches will be held. According to the president of Embratur, Flávio Dino, these new technologies will allow showing a different image of Brazil to the world. “Our tourism attractions are beautiful by nature with many diversified options, and we are able to attend several kinds of publics. Now, it is necessary to reinforce our image as to other issues, such as modernity and technological advancement”, he said. Videos are being shown on the Embratur website (www., where it is possible to interact with images as if the person was there moving the camera around sites of interest.

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102 By AECOM

Urban overview of the Olympic Park Rio 2016 in charge of the English consultant AECOM


In 2016 Brazil will the country of sports

n 2016 the greatest sports event in the planet will be held for the first time in History in South America. The city of Rio de Janeiro will be proud to host the Olympic and Paralympics Games The substructure necessary to accomplish the necessary substructure for the Olympic Games is impressive in its every detail. It will be more than 100,000 people directly involved in the organization including 70,000 volunteers and millions of people suffering the impact in that city, the country and the whole continent. It is foreseen more than 10,500 athletes from around 205 nations all over the world, besides of professionals from the press, supporting staff, spots lovers and tourists from the whole globe. One differential of this edition is the integration of the integration between the London and Rio de Janeiro organizing committees, considered as the biggest in the history of the Olympic Games. Around 25% of the composers in the Brazilian Olympic Committee are foreigners.

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The Olympic Games pose an excellent opportunity for Rio de Janeiro, which will be the major example of transformation after hosting the event. The promise is to build six subway stations along 13 km. added to four express corridors by which it will circulate articulated buses to improve mobility of persons through the city. As a legacy, the greatest sports celebration will leave behind it the self-assertion and improvement of the self esteem of the Brazilian people, besides to strengthening the institutional image of the city and acceleration the local urban modernization. With its natural beauties and a very beautiful architecture, Rio de Janeiro will be marvelous stages to athletes from all over the world. The original project foresees the dispute of every sport within the boundaries of the city with the creation of four concentration zones of sportive installations: Barra, Copacabana, Deodoro, and Maracanã. At the same time the concentration of installations inside each zone increases the operational efficiency and intensifies the viewer’s experience, it also allow the distribution of the games’ legacy across local communities. According to a survey performed by the Foundation Institute of Administration (FIA) ordered by

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103 the Ministry of Sports, it can be created 120 thousand employments per year until 2016 all over Brazil. The Maracanan Stadium and other for stadiums in the cities which will host soccer games will pass by reforms for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, when they will attain Olympic pattern. Another nine competition installations will be built, and they will remain as a permanent legacy of the Games. Each of them will be anchored on a sound commercial plan, thus assuring its long term sustainability and contributing to the development of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and for a higher participation of the community. Still talking on infrastructure, the reason for the big celebration was the choice of the design to build the Olympic Park, which will be lifted in the area of JacarepaguĂĄ race course in the Western Zone of the city. The winner was the English architectural office Aecom, which already has the know-how for have been designed the London Olympic Park for the 2012 London Olympic

Games. The differential of this design is the Olympic Lane in a form of a footbridge and surrounded villages of coexistence inspired in the outline that consecrated Brazil and Rio de Janeiro’s image all over the world: the sidewalks of Copacabana. Inside a 1.18 million square meters, it will be performed contests in 15 Olympic modalities (basketball, judo, taekwondo, wrestling, handball, hockey, tennis, cycling, gymnastics, water polo, swimming, synchronized swimming, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, and trampoline) added to 11 Paralympics (wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby, bochas, judo, sitting volleyball, goal ball, Paralympics soccer of 5, Paralympics soccer of 7, wheelchair tennis, cycling and swimming). The Brazilian Federal Government and the state and city governments of Rio de Janeiro are committed to assure the security for every participant in the Olympic Games as well as to the local population and visitors before, during and after the games. The governments will work

Artistic illustration of the Olympic Stadium JoĂŁo Havelange in Rio de Janeiro after the works will be concluded

By Rio 2016/Lumo Arquitetura

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104 By Rio 2016/Lumo Arquitetura

Live Site of Quinta da Boa Vista in Rio de Janeiro

Reform of the Maracanã foresees a new covering to the stadium

in an integrate way with the purpose to assure a safe and please environment for everyone.


The Brazilian Olympic and Paralympic authorities had a meeting on the Brazilian Independence Day (September the 7th) to Begin the Five years countdown to the beginning of the Paralympic Games in 2016. The ceremony at the headquarters of the Rio 2016 Committee in the District of Barra da Tijuca preceded the celebrations for the International Day of the Paralympic Sports held in London, By Rio 2016/Lumo Arquitetura

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city which will host the 2012 Games next September 8. “We are going to have 22 sports modalities, including two new ones: Para-Triathlon and para-canoeing. It will be 4,200 athletes from 160 countries, 5,500 journalists, 30,000 volunteers, more than one million spectators, and more than 300 million viewers”, said Carlos Arthur Nuzman, president of the Brazilian Olympic Committee during the ceremony of opening. The 15th Paralympic Games in 2016 will complete a 52 history of the adapted sports in Brazil that started with the first match of wheelchair basketball in the country between the Rio and São Paulo teams. The popularization of such event made the Brazilian Committee to embark along with 188 athletes to the last edition in Beijing in 2008. It is being built for those athletes in the Northern Zone of Rio de Janeiro the Experimental Paralympic Gymnasium (Gepo) Honório Gurgel that will count on educational facilities totally dedicated to prepare and to train students bearers of special needs and vocation to sports. It will have a sportive center of approximately 22 thousand square meters, same as it is being performed in other four spots throughout the city by the City Secretary of Education. The Experimental Olympic Gymnasium of Santa Teresa, Caju, Pedra de Guaratiba, and Ilha do Governador will follow a systematic pattern to disclose talented people. The complex will have swimming pools, multi-sports court, and a skate lane, besides of the whole social concern with each neighbor community.

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73 million foreign people will visit Brazil until 2014

Christ, the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, RJ: the most photographed Brazilian postcard


ccording to the National Tourism Council (CNT), Brazil expects to increase to R$ 8.9 billion international currencies coming to the country through 73 million domestic or foreign visitors arriving at the Brazilian airports. Such forecast shows that tourism shall be consolidated as the main consumption product in Brazil for the next years. Tourism stimulates investments all over the country in several sectors of the Economy and sports events are the great responsible by such increase. The increase in the business generation will be significant both due to the international events that will be held in Brazil from 2013 on, and by the insertion and social mobility that is happening in Brazil which is facing a growth of around 30% in the business, health, leisure, ecological, adventure, religious, cultural and gastronomic tourism. More events mean more tourists in the country, and consequently more money and movement in several sectors of our Economy. Until 2020, such movement shall attain the US$ 18 billion mark according to data provided by the Ministry of Tourism. Few destinations can offer tourism options as wide as Brazil does. Its natural beauties, big popular festivals and several protected environmental reserves are attractions that fill the eyes of the tourists when it’s time for them to choose a destination for their vacations. The world is

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already accustomed listening to Rio de Janeiro, Carnival, Amazon or the several Brazilian beaches that seem like heaven. Researches performed by the Brazilian Tourism Institute – Embratur show that the most desired destination by foreign tourists visiting Brazil is Rio de Janeiro. Also called Marvelous City, the capital city of the state of Rio de Janeiro has some breathtaking landscapes, and it is also the place of the most popular feast in the world: the Carnival. The most shot Brazilian postcard, Christ the Redeemer, Corcovado recently had some restorations, and in 2007, it was elect one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Homage to the Brazilian religiosity, it became symbol of the city of Rio de Janeiro and its enchantment, receiving everyone with its arms open wide. Inaugurated in 1931, the monument is 38 meters height and weighting 1145 tons. Its project was developed by Engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, and it took almost five years to be completed. The Sugar Loaf and its shape of a missile with its a privileged location, its presence in the History of the city, and the original access to the peak is a natural, historical and tourism landmark in the city. The inauguration of the telpher projected back in 1912 has projected Brazil’s name abroad, thus levering the tourism in the country. Presently, the view of its trolley in a continuous come and go is definitively incorporated to the Rio de Janeiro landscape. The peak of the Sugar Loaf is located at

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the entrance of the Guanabara Bay, and its visual is a reference for navigators entering in the city both by sea and by air, who look for it because it is located in the peripheral zone of the city. At its feet Estácio de Sá founded on March 1st, 1565 the city of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. Beautiful beaches and natural beauties also call the attention, seducing 35% tourists visiting the country. The Brazilian shore is extended along more than seven thousand kilometers, propitiating the most diversified leisure options. Among the most visited beaches in the country it is the famous beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana along the Rio de Janeiro coast; Jurerê Internacional in the state of Santa Catarina, South region of the country; Praia do Forte along the North shore of the state of Bahia; the wonderful beaches of the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, and the state of Ceará.

From North to South, Brazilian beaches amazes tourists Ipanema e Copacabana The District of Ipanema is among the main tourism points in the city of Rio de Janeiro for visitors that every year fill the traditional district and its marvelous beaches. Its population is composed by middle and high-class people, and this has stimulated the luxury business in that District that has stores and boutiques of international brands besides of famous jewelries. The District still has one of the best and more traditional bars and restaurants of Rio de Janeiro, such as Bar Garota de Ipanema, that was the scenery that inspired Vinícius de Morais to create his most famous song known and applauded everywhere. Copacabana, which is affectionately called “Princesinha do Mar” [Little Princess of the Sea] is considered one of the most famous beaches in the world. Magnificent big events are held on its sand, such By Beto Westphall - Santur as world championships of sand soccer and volleyball, national and international concerts gathering millions of people, and one of the biggest New Year’s Celebrations in the world, with the presence of more than 2,000,000 people. The curved shape of its sidewalks in a “wide sea” pattern is known all over the world, and it was inspired in the sidewalks of Lisboa by the famous architect Roberto Burle Marx.

a lot of green and pure air. With a coast 2 km wide, it offers to visitors a calm sea of warm waters. Its houses does not have fences or rails, and they are located in safe arborous streets with a differentiate infrastructure based on the environmental preservation. Besides peace and tranquility, Jurerê still shelters concerts and cultural events, excellent oceanfront bars and restaurants, as well as an open mall in the open sky with great shopping and leisure options. Praia do Forte The famous natural swimming pools of Praia do Forte in the state of Bahia, with its limpid waters that can be appreciated in the ebb tide are also attractive due to the wideness of its aquatic universe, presenting a wide range of fishes in different shapes and colors. Vila dos Pescadores [Fishers’ Village] is a small place that attracts tourists from the whole world and amazes everyone with its path composed by trees and birds. The Baleia Jubarte Institute is located at Praia do Forte, and it works monitoring and preserving the humpback whales that during the July to October period use to be inside the Brazilian territory. It is an almost wild environment with a kind of sophistication that amazes everyone. Fernando de Noronha’s beach Fernando de Noronha, state of Pernambuco reserves to tourists very beautiful beaches, bays and a very wealthy nature, among other surprises. It is 500 years of History that turns the archipelago an asset that deserves to be seen and mostly preserved. From one side, it is the Brazil, the “internal sea “ with 10 beaches, two enjoyable bays, added to a special one, where the entrance is allowed to anyone: Baía dos Golfinhos [Dolphins’ Bay]. A quiet sea in the major part of the year, protected from winds and granting access from one beach to another in a ride full of beauty and adventure.

Florianópolis, SC: a place like heaven with lots of greens and fresh air

Jurerê Internacional In the South region of the country, in the city of Florianópolis, capital of the Santa Catarina state, Jurerê Internacional is an outstanding and especially paradisiacal place with

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108 By Jefferson Pancieri - SPTuris

Lençóis Maranhenses, MA: a beautiful and intriguing phenomenon of the nature

Catedral da Sé in São Paulo, SP: one of the biggest neo-Gothic churches in the world By Jota Freitas - SETUR/BA

Farol da Barra in Salvador, BA: the first in Brazil and the older in the Continent

Fernando de Noronha, PE: very beautiful beaches and a wealthy nature Vitória régia: water plant from the Amazon region, with leaves that can support the weight of a small child, with very frangrant flowers that only open their petals at night

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109 On the other side, Africa, the “outside sea “ with 4 beaches, a creek, two concentration areas and a set of natural swimming pools between rocks. Water spouts, huge areas plenty of colored fishes as they were big aquariums ready to be enjoyed and cherished.

By Iolita Cunha - Santur

Iracema Beach Fortaleza, capital city of the state of Ceará is one of the most beautiful and exciting in the Brazilian Northeast region. Further to the sun that shines along the whole year, it shelters 25 km of beautiful beaches, with a delicious cuisine and a rich handcraft, everything among its architecture that mixes hHistory, modernity, and the nature. The city has one of the most wanted sites by tourists: the beach of Iracema. Iracema, the Virgin with Honey Lips was an Indigene woman immortalized in the novel of the same name written by a famous Brazilian writer born in that city, José de Alencar. The beach is plenty of restaurants with a diversified food, besides of a lot of night amusement.

Paradisiacal landscapes in several states Dunas Maranhenses The touristic pole “Parque dos Lençóis” located in the Eastern shores of the state of Maranhão has as major attraction the National Park Lençóis Maranhenses, a beautiful and intriguing phenomenon of the nature, whose gate of entrance is the city of Barreirinhas. The park is an ecological paradise with 155 thousand hectares of dunes, rivers, lakes and mangroves. A rare geological phenomenon, it was formed along thousands of years by the action of the nature. Its landscapes are magnificent: an immensity of sand that makes the place seem like a desert, although with quite different features. The rains assure the most beautiful landscapes when pluvial waters form ponds which are spread along the whole area of the park, creating a unique place. Lagoa Azul and Lagoa Bonita are famous by their beauty and excellent bathing conditions. Beautiful beaches are waiting for tourists in Barreirinhas, a real sanctuary of nature.

The hyacinth macaw (arara-azul) a bird that lives in the Rain Forest and is outstanding due to its beauty, size and behavior

Tourism of nature and adventure Bonito is located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Center-West region of Brazil. It is 280 km far from the capital city, Campo Grande and 180 km far from Pantanal, and inside Serra da Bodoquena, a region plenty of natural beauties, such as National Park of Serra da Bodoquena, as well as cultural wealth as an Indigene reserve with three different ethnic groups. Ecotourism is the essence of the city that mix harmony and integration with the nature. The waterfalls are like natural pools. Its caves disclose the past, and its rivers with limpid waters and relaxing spas are samples of a rare paradise that propitiate to visitors moments of pure pleasure. The city first started to attain some prominence in Brazil and in the world

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110 By Tiago Melo

due to its natural features and also by the form it manages its touristic system, in complete harmony with nature. As for the food, there is a lot of options of regional dishes, varied fresh water fishes, exotic meats besides of bars and thematic festivals that moves the city’s night life.

Bonito, MS: a rare paradise plenty of natural beauties

Parati, RJ: beautiful colonial city deemed a National Heritage

Further to business, São Paulo has an intense night life

By Acervo SPTuris

Avenida Paulista, São Paulo, SP: economic, culture and entertainment pole

Art, culture and assets in the state of Minas Gerais The seven historical cities of the Minas Gerais state (Congonhas, Diamantina, Mariana, Ouro Preto, Sabará, São João Del Rei, and Tiradentes) form a rich and unmatched artistic and architectural asset that can be enjoyed in luxurious churches, museums, streets and the casarios, big houses that preserve all its tradition and culture. Marked by the Cycle of Gold, slavery and revolutionary ideals such as the Inconfidência Mineira social movement, those cities keep treasuries as the Baroque art, known in the whole world by the works of artists like Aleijadinho and Ataíde. The state has the biggest Baroque collection in Brazil, and some of the cities as Diamantina and Ouro Preto received the title of Cultural Asset of the Human Kind. Religiosity in Minas is expressed by beautiful churches and popular feasts that attracts persons from all parts of the world that feel allured by the hospitality of a very warming people.

The city of São Paulo, besides of being the flagship in the country with a huge vocation to the development of business receives entrepreneurs and investors from the whole world, and it also has many leisure options. The Carnival, Formule Indy, and Virada Cultural are events that gather millions of people and attract tourists from other cities and abroad. Other smaller events are held in the city celebrating different cultures, historical and religious dates. São Paulo is plenty of bars and night-clubs, with options for all tastes and all kind of public. The District of Vila Madalena, for example, is known because of its big concentration of bars and restaurants that besides of tidbits and the excellent gastronomy offers the most varied music styles. For those who prefer a more classic ambience, bars downtown are an excellent option. One of the most famous bars is the Brahma located on the famous corner of the Ipiranga and São João Avenues, sang by Caetano Veloso in his song Sampa (a gentle way to call the city). Vila Olímpia is a redoubt for the in and interesting persons, and Rua Augusta is plenty of excellent nigh clubs and high quality music. The worldwide tourism has beaten its record once again in this year’s first semester, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) with a 4.4% growth rate, with the best performance being attained by South America, with a 15% growth rate, three times higher than the worldwide average. In that same period, Brazil recorded an 11.7% growth rate in tourism. Between January and June of this year, the total amount of international arrivals reached 440 million, 19 million above the same period of 2010. The increase of tourists in international travels fits in great measure to the initial forecast divulged by WHO in the beginning of 2011 pointing a 4% to 5% advancement for this year. Source: Ascom Embratur

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Brazilian Industry






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Abimo Associates participating in the PSI PSI – Integrated Sector Project is an agreement signed between Brazilian Association of Medical –Hospital, and Dental Industries (ABIMO) and the Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exportations and Investments (Apex-Brasil) with the purpose to accomplish actions turned to international market such as participation in fairs, delegations and visits to potential foreign clients, besides of organizing rounds of negotiations to hostess potential buyers in Brazil in order to promote exportations of medical-hospital and dental equipments.



















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Index Agaplastic......................................... 65 Alko................................................... 31 Baumer............................................. 75 Bic..................................................... 57 Brasuture.......................................... 82 Casex................................................ 85 CDK................................................... 81 Cremer.............................................. 89 Deltronix........................................... 15 Dentscler.......................................... 27 Diagnostek........................................ 37 Dorja................................................. 41 Fami.................................................. 43 Fanem................................................. 5 HB Hospitalar.................................... 68 Hosp. Edmundo Vasconcelos............ 51 Hosp. Sírio-Libanês..................... 54/55 Hospitalar 2012.................... 44, 45, 4th Ibramed....................... centerpiece, 3rd Instramed....................................... 101 Intermed........................................... 87

J. Procópio........................................ 71 KLD Biosistemas...........................2nd, 3 Konex................................................ 80 Lifemed............................................. 19 Magnamed....................................... 17 MDT.................................................. 95 Medicone................................... 48, 49 Medpej........................................... 105 Meta Bio......................................... 111 Microem........................................... 83 Neurotec........................................... 13 NS..................................................... 59 Ortosintese....................................... 93 Protec............................................. 8, 9 Schioppa........................................... 77 Sismatec........................................... 73 TMed................................................ 47 Vipi................................................... 29 Wama............................................... 53 WEM................................................. 39

Editorial Carol Gonçalves Editorial Assistant Luiza Neves de Mendonça

General Director Adilson Luiz Furlan de Mendonça Communication Director Vanessa Borjuca F. A. Santos Director of Circulation and Marketing Leda Lúcia Borjuca

Account Managers Marcio Augusto Gama Nelson de Brano Ronaldo de Almeida Santos Commercial Assistant Nadia Silva de Nadai Database Andrea Neves de Mendonça Graphic design and Advertising creation Ronei Lacerda

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Editor and Advertising R. Prof. Castro Pereira, 141 02523-010 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil Phone: 55 11 3966-2000 Brazilian Health Services is published by Publimed Editora Ltda. supported by Abimo and APEX-Brasil, aiming the commercial promotion of the country and the medicalhospital and dental Brazilian industry, distributed in international health events.

The advertiser companies are solely responsible for the content of their pages. The reproduction without the previous authorization of the publishing company if forbidden. November/2011

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