Canola Booklet 2014

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Book your canola seed today.

Š 2013 UFA Co-operative Limited. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents InVigor® Canola Varieties . . . . . . . . . . 7-11 DEKALB® Canola Varieties . . . . . . . 12-15 CANTERRA SEEDS Varieties . . . . . . . 16-19 Days to Maturity Chart . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Nexera™ Varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-25 Seedling Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 Spring Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-35 Storage Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37 Notes Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 Credit Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41

Canola Seed Guide


When it comes to choosing the best for your farm, UFA continues to offer the highest yielding canola varieties available on the market. We’ve compiled the data into easy to follow charts to give you as much information as possible before you make your canola choice. Each farm is very different, and certain canola varieties will thrive in your unique conditions while others may not. It’s important to learn what’s best suited to your individual needs. Challenging weather and ever changing field conditions should all factor into your decision. A key factor to help mitigate your risk is to consider using a combination of canola varieties. Using both early and later maturing varieties can help you manage your time and ease your production risks. We’ve assembled an easy to follow Maturity Chart (located in the centrefold of this guide) to add clarity to your decision.

Consider Using the “Days to Maturity” chart to reduce risk, manage workload, and cut stress As the average size of prairie farms continues to climb, managing both risk and workload are growing priorities for many producers. If increasing the window to complete each crop management stage – from ideal pesticide application date right through to harvest – would reduce pressure on your farm, consider factoring in days to maturity when selecting varieties next year.

“Right now days to maturity doesn’t come into play very much when producers make their variety selections. But if you’ve got lots of acres and you’re worried about staying on top of the workload especially at swathing, growing varieties with different maturity dates could buy you enough time to get the job done,” says Shawn Senko, an agronomy specialist with the Canola Council of Canada who focuses on oilseed trials. Likewise, growing varieties with differing days to maturity will reduce your vulnerability to a heat wave at full flower, or an early season frost. The key is to use days to maturity to your advantage.

“A lot of guys who have both longer and shorter days to maturity varieties make the mistake of seeding the later maturing varieties first, because they want to avoid an early frost. It’s kind of counter intuitive to seed the early maturing varieties first,” says Senko. “But, by putting a shorter days to maturity variety in a couple days before you plant the late maturing variety, you can get upwards of a week between them at harvest, which will reduce the chance that you’re going to be really overwhelmed at swathing time.” Get the most from your fields this season. Your local UFA Crop Production Representative is there to provide the best canola options suited to your specific growing zone, soil condition and crop rotation history. Our UFA Crop Production Representatives deliver technical expertise and agronomic support based on your individual needs.

Canola Seed Guide


Canola Varieties All canola varieties have attributes that make them top performers under the right conditions. UFA offers canola varieties in all three of the top production systems – Roundup Ready®, LibertyLink® and Clearfield®. Published performance results for each variety are available from the seed vendors, and from the Canola Council of Canada’s Canola Performance Trials program. Talk to your local UFA Farm & Ranch Supply store, Crop Production Representative or Key Account Manager about the canola mix that’s right for your farm. Vendor websites: InVigor®, Bayer CropScience – DEKALB®, Monsanto Canada – CANTERRA SEEDS – Nexera™ Canola, Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. – Provincial Yield Results: Yield Alberta 2013 – Performance Trials: Canola Council of Canada’s Canola Performance Trials program – UFA Crop Demonstration Program: Visit and click on the “Crop Demos 2013” tab

UFA Supplier

Weed Control System



® ®


Genuity® Roundup Ready®


Genuity® Roundup Ready®


Roundup Ready® and Clearfield®

UFA carries the most popular varieties of InVigor® canola seed using the LibertyLink® production system from Bayer CropScience. The DEKALB® and CANTERRA SEEDS canola seed options rely on the Genuity® Roundup Ready® weed control trait, which controls the widest spectrum and stages of weeds of any canola system on the market today. It remains the best tool available for managing Group 1 and Group 2 resistant weeds and offers great flexibility with a wide window of application and reliable performance under challenging environmental conditions. And for those farmers who can participate in the value-added contract canola market, UFA features four Nexera™ varieties which utilize either the Roundup Ready® or Clearfield® weed control programs. UFA has partnered with selected farmers to create crop demonstration sites across Alberta. Each site is a grower managed field-scale comparison trial using the grower’s equipment and crop inputs. All crop management decisions are made by the grower to ensure ‘real world’ results. Our crop demonstration plots* feature the canola varieties we will be offering in 2014, plus several others. For more information please visit and click on Crop Demos 2013 to get local canola field trial data to help you make the best decisions for your operation, so you can grow with confidence all season long. * Field plots are designed to ensure yield data is representative and unbiased. Field plots are professionally managed by AgCall Associates under established Canola Council of Canada protocols.

Canola Seed Guide



When you choose to grow InVigor® hybrid canola, you can count on superior genetics, great performance and outstanding yields. InVigor hybrids have led the way for 17 years running in the Western Canada Canola Rapeseed Recommending Committee (WCC/RRC) registration trials. To get the InVigor you want and the best return on your investment, secure your hybrid today while supplies last.

InVigor® L252 (limited supply available) InVigor® L252 Hybrid Canola Seed Yield

110% of the NEW checks (InVigor 5440 and Pioneer Hi-Bred 45H29) in the 2011/2012 WCC/RCC co-op trials


1 day later than the average of the checks

Growing Zones

All of Alberta



Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Superior to the NEW checks

Seed Treatment

Prosper® EverGol

Overall Comment

A mid-season hybrid that offers growers high yield performance, enhanced standability and superior blackleg resistance.

Canola Seed Guide



InVigor® L261 (limited supply available) InVigor® L261 Hybrid Canola Seed Yield

107% of the NEW checks (InVigor 5440 and Pioneer Hi-Bred 45H29) in the 2011/2012 WCC/RCC co-op trials


2 days later than the average of the checks

Growing Zones

All mid to long growing zones in Alberta



Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Equal to the NEW checks

Seed Treatment

Prosper® EverGol

Overall Comment

Delivers high yield, superior blackleg resistance and standability you can count on.

InVigor® L130 InVigor® L130 Hybrid Canola Seed Yield

134% of the checks (46A65 and Q2) in the 2008/2009 WCC/RCC co-op trials


2 days earlier than the average of the checks

Growing Zones

All growing zones in Alberta



Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Equal to the checks

Seed Treatment

Prosper® EverGol

Overall Comment

Early maturing and high yielding with great standability, InVigor L130 has quickly become a fan favorite of canola growers across the Prairies.


InVigor® 5440 InVigor® 5440 Hybrid Canola Seed Yield

135% of the checks (46A65 and Q2) in the 2005/2006 WCC/RCC co-op trials


Equal to the average of the checks

Growing Zones

All growing zones in Alberta



Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Slightly higher than the checks

Seed Treatment

Prosper® EverGol

Overall Comment

InVigor 5440 is the model of consistency, with great yields and excellent standability.

InVigor® L120 InVigor® L120 Hybrid Canola Seed Yield

134% of the checks (46A65 and Q2) in the 2009/2010 WCC/RCC co-op trials


Over 3 days earlier than the average of the checks

Growing Zones

All growing zones in Alberta


Short - Medium

Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Equal to the checks

Seed Treatment

Prosper® EverGol

Overall Comment

An early maturing hybrid with strong yield potential.

Canola Seed Guide




InVigor® L150 InVigor® L150 Hybrid Canola Seed Yield

143% of the checks (46A65 and Q2) in the 2008/2009 WCC/RCC co-op trials


Equal to the average of the checks

Growing Zones

All growing zones in Alberta



Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Equal to the checks

Seed Treatment

Prosper® EverGol

Overall Comment

InVigor L150 is the first hybrid to ever repeat as top yielder in the WCC/RRC co-op trials (2009 and 2010).

InVigor® L135C InVigor® L135C Hybrid Canola Seed Yield

138% of the checks (46A65 and Q2) in the 2010 WCC/RCC co-op trials


3 days earlier than the average of the checks

Growing Zones

All growing zones in Alberta


Short – Medium

Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Equal to the checks

Seed Treatment

Prosper® EverGol

Overall Comment

An excellent combination of early maturity and high yield potential, clubroot resistant InVigor L135C delivers peace of mind for growers in clubroot areas.

InVigor速 Canola Seed Guide



For leading-edge growers, Monsanto’s DEKALB brand is a canola genetics leader that continues to deliver hybrids with higher yield potential. Specifically bred for high performance agriculture, DEKALB canola hybrids combine an innovative breeding program with industry leading trait technology and enhanced disease protection. This year DEKALB introduces our most powerful lineup ever, with some of the highest yielding hybrids on the market today.

DEKALB® 74-54 RR DEKALB® 74-54 RR – Genuity® Roundup Ready® Hybrid Yield

105% of check (Pioneer® 45H29) in 2012 Monsanto Field Scale Trials


1.2 days later than 73-45 RR

Growing Zones

All of Alberta



Lodging Resistance


Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Very High

Seed Treatment

Acceleron® Seed Treatment Technology/with Vibrance® and Jumpstart® options

Overall Comment

DEKALB® 74-54 RR is the highest yielding and most consistent DEKALB® hybrid across Western Canada in our 2012 trials.

Clubroot Rating

R (Resistant)

DEKALB® 74-44 BL


104% of check (Pioneer® 45H29); 105% of check (InVigor L150) – in 2011-2012 Monsanto Field Scale Trials


1.1 days later than 73-45 RR

Growing Zones

All of Alberta



Lodging Resistance

Very Good

Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Very high

Seed Treatment

Acceleron® Seed Treatment Technology/with Vibrance® and Jumpstart® options

Overall Comment

DEKALB® 74-44 RR is a broad acre product that offers outstanding yield potential and next generation multigenic blackleg resistance.

Fusarium Wilt Rating


DEKALB® 74-44 BL – Genuity® Roundup Ready® Hybrid

R (Resistant)

DEKALB® 73-75 RR DEKALB® 73-75 RR – Genuity® Roundup Ready® Hybrid Yield

102% of checks (Pioneer® 45H29 & InVigor 5440) 2010-2012 Monsanto field scale trials


1.1 days later than 73-45 RR

Growing Zones

All of Alberta



Lodging Resistance

Very Good

Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Very High

Fusarium Wilt Rating

R (Resistant)

Seed Treatment

Acceleron® Seed Treatment Technology

Overall Comment

Termed “The Brute”, DEKALB® 73-75 RR is a robust looking plant all through the growing season, offering excellent yield potential.

Canola Seed Guide


DEKALB® 73-15 RR DEKALB® 73-15 RR Genuity® Roundup Ready® Hybrid



105% of InVigor L120; 107% of Pioneer® 43E01 in 2012 Monsanto Field Scale Trials


1.2 days earlier than 73-45 RR

Growing Zones

Short and mid-season zones of Alberta



Lodging Resistance


Blackleg Rating

MR (Moderately Fusarium Wilt Resistance resistant)

Oil Content

Very high

Seed Treatment

Acceleron® Seed Treatment Technology

Overall Comment

The earliest maturing hybrid in the DEKALB® lineup, 73-15 RR is an excellent option for the short season zone and for harvest management in the mid to long zones.

R (Resistant)

DEKALB® 73-45 RR DEKALB® 73-45 RR – Genuity® Roundup Ready® Hybrid Yield

102% of 45H29; 100% of InVigor 5440 in 2010-2012 Monsanto field scale trials


2.1 days earlier than Pioneer® 45H29

Growing Zones

All of Alberta


Short to medium

Lodging Resistance


Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Oil Content

Very high

Seed Treatment

Acceleron® Seed Treatment Technology

Overall Comment

DEKALB® 73-45 RR is tried and tested in Western Canada, where it performs well with high yield potential.

Fusarium Wilt Rating

R (Resistant)

DEKALB速 Canola Seed Guide


Canterra Seeds

At CANTERRA SEEDS we recognize that our customers have different canola needs, based on a diverse set of criteria. Our broad canola line-up allows us to recommend the best genetics for your farm. The newest and greatest canola products to come from CANTERRA SEEDS, these varieties offer higher yields and improved performance.

CANTERRA 1990 CANTERRA 1990 – Genuity® Roundup Ready® Hybrid Yield

101% of InVigor 5440 (YieldWorks and Demonstration Trials)


0.5 days later than checks (46A65/Q2)

Growing Zones

All of Alberta



Lodging Resistance

Very good

Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Seed Treatment

Helix Vibrance/Prosper® Evergol

Overall Comment

Excellent yield that surpasses the competition.

Fusarium Wilt Rating

R (Resistant)



100% of InVigor 5440 (YieldWorks and Demonstration Trials)


2.0 days later than checks (46A65/Q2)

Growing Zones

Long season zones of Alberta



Lodging Resistance


Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Seed Treatment

Helix Vibrance/Prosper® Evergol

Overall Comment

The best standing hybrid on the market.

Fusarium Wilt Rating

Canterra Seeds

CANTERRA 1970 – Genuity® Roundup Ready® Hybrid

R (Resistant)

CANTERRA 1960 CANTERRA 1960 – Genuity® Roundup Ready® Hybrid Yield

103% of 73-77RR (WCC/RRC)


0.5 days later than checks (46A65/Q2)

Growing Zones

All of Alberta



Lodging Resistance


Blackleg Rating

R (Resistant)

Clubroot Rating

R (Resistant)

Seed Treatment

Helix Vibrance/Prosper® Evergol

Overall Comment

Resistant to clubroot.

Fusarium Wilt Rating

R (Resistant)

Canola Seed Guide


CANTERRA 1918 CANTERRA 1918 – Genuity® Roundup Ready® Open Pollinated

Canterra Seeds


107% of CANTERRA 1818RR (YieldWorks and Demonstration Trials)


Equal to checks (46A65/Q2)

Growing Zones

All of Alberta



Lodging Resistance

Very Good

Blackleg Rating

MR (Moderately Fusarium Wilt Rating resistant)

Seed Treatment

Helix Vibrance/Prosper® Evergol

Overall Comment

Open pollinated variety with great value.

R (Resistant)

Canterra Seeds Canola Seed Guide


Maturity Chart Understanding the maturity of the canola seed you purchase is key.

This guide shows the average maturity of the seed


InVigor® L120

InVigor® L135C

DEKALB® 73-15 RR

InVigor® L130

Over 3 Days Earlier than Checks

-3 Days

-2.5 Days

-2 Days

DEKALB® 73-45 RR DEKALB® 72-65 RR

-1.5 Days

-1 Day


Table of Reference



InVigor® L252. . . . . . . pg 7 InVigor® L261. . . . . . . pg 8 InVigor® L130. . . . . . . pg 8 InVigor® 5440. . . . . . . pg 9 InVigor® L120. . . . . . . pg 9 InVigor® L150. . . . . . . pg 10 InVigor® L135C. . . . . . pg 10

DEKALB® 74-54 RR. . . pg 12 DEKALB® 74-44 BL. . . pg 13 DEKALB® 73-75 RR. . . pg 13 DEKALB® 73-15 RR. . . pg 14 DEKALB® 73-45 RR. . . pg 14

-0.5 Day

UFA is offering compared to the average of CHECKS



DEKALB® 74-54 RR DEKALB® 74-44 BL DEKALB® 73-75 RR InVigor® 5440 InVigor® L150

Nexera™ 1016 RR CANTERRA 1990 CANTERRA 1960

InVigor® L252*

46A65/Q2 +0.5 Day

+1 Day

Nexera™ 2012 CL CANTERRA 1970

Nexera™ 2016 CL

Nexera™ 1012 RR

+1.5 Days +2 Days +2.5 Days +3 Days



InVigor® L261*



CANTERRA 1990 . . . . pg 16 CANTERRA 1970 . . . . pg 17 CANTERRA 1960 . . . . pg 17 CANTERRA 1918 . . . . pg 18

NexeraTM 1012 RR. . . . pg 22 NexeraTM 1016 RR. . . . pg 23 NexeraTM 2012 CL. . . . pg 23 NexeraTM 2016 CL. . . . pg 24

*Check varieties for InVigor L252 and InVigor L261 are InVigor 5440/Pioneer 45H29.

Canola Seed Guide


Heart-healthy Omega-9 Oils, made from high-yielding Nexera™ canola, are the new standard in today’s food industry – paying you more. *

Recommended only where production contracts are available; ask your UFA Crop Production Representative for details.

Nexera™ 1012 RR Nexera™ Canola Hybrid 1012 RR



101% of the check (72-65)

Days To Maturity†

4 days later than the check

Growing Zones

Mid to Long Growing Zones

Lodging Resistance

Very Good

Blackleg Rating1

R (Resistant)

Overall Comment

Nexera Hybrid 1012 RR includes a grower premium combined with yield potential equivalent to any competitive canola hybrid making Nexera canola the most profitable for your canola acres.

Fusarium Wilt Resistance2

R (Resistant)

Nexera™ 1016 RR Nexera™ Canola Hybrid 1016 RR Yield

95.5% of the check (72-65)

Days To Maturity†

1 day later than the check

Growing Zones

Mid to Long Growing Zones

Lodging Resistance

Very Good

Blackleg Rating1

R (Resistant)

Overall Comment

Nexera Hybrid 1016 RR includes a grower premium combined with yield potential equivalent to any competitive canola hybrid making Nexera canola the most profitable for your canola acres.

Fusarium Wilt Resistance2

R (Resistant)

Nexera™ 2012 CL Nexera™ Canola Hybrid 2012 CL 99.7% of check (45P70)

Days To Maturity†

1 day later than the check

Growing Zones

Mid to Long Growing Zones

Lodging Resistance

Very Good

Blackleg Rating1

MR (Moderately Fusarium Wilt Resistance2 resistant)

Overall Comment

Nexera Hybrid 2012 CL includes a grower premium combined with yield potential equivalent to any competitive canola hybrid making Nexera canola the most profitable for your canola acres.



R (Resistant)

Canola Seed Guide


Nexera™ 2016 CL Nexera™ Canola Hybrid 2016 CL Yield

97.1% of check (45P70)

Days To Maturity†

3 days later than the check

Growing Zones

Mid to Long Growing Zones

Lodging Resistance

Very Good

Blackleg Rating1

R (Resistant)

Overall Comment

Nexera Hybrid 2016 CL includes a grower premium combined with yield potential equivalent to any competitive canola hybrid making Nexera canola the most profitable for your canola acres.

Fusarium Wilt Resistance2

R (Resistant)

† Days to maturity based on 2011 Nexera canola AOA trials across western Canada with maturity of check set at 100 days. 1 Blackleg rating is based on the official Western Canada Canola Rapeseed Recommending Committee (WCC/RRC) procedures for variety registration. 2 Fusarium wilt rating is based on data collected from the Alberta Research Council Indoor Screening Protocol and is recognized by Western Canada Canola Rapeseed Recommending Committee (WCC/RRC) for variety registration NEXERATM

UFA’s Production Contracting Capability for Nexera Seed. Nexera Production Contracting – Increasing demand for omega-9 oil will drive end-user demand for a reliable supply of Nexera seed. To acquire a Nexera canola hybrid from UFA, growers must sign a Nexera production contract. Nexera hybrids are grown using established canola production practices with the canola harvest stored separately to protect its integrity. Production contracts are available at select UFA locations.

Canola Seed Guide


Seedling Nutrition

Seedling Nutrition Getting a crop off to a healthy start is vital to maximizing profits at the end of the season. The following four products are available to help canola get a head start.

Magnify Canola Magnify is an innovative proprietary NPK based formulation, with a high load of essential micronutrients to meet the early season needs of your canola crop. Magnify is formulated to be both safe on the crop and compatible with most herbicides. A properly timed application of Magnify will maximize root and seedling development.

ATP PreCede ATP’s PreCede formulation was designed to deliver the critical nutrients in the proper form and ratio required by the seed to cold start the crop. For oilseeds the main formula is 3-28-4-4Zn-2Mn.

Protinus Protinus is a micronutrient that delivers zinc, manganese and iron directly to the growing seedling. It results in larger, more vigorous seedlings that are better able to cope with early season stress which can provide greater yield potential.

OMEX Canada Primer Primer Canola is a balanced formulation with phosphorus, potassium and a series of micronutrients that are essential for the early-season growth and development of canola. Seedling Nutrition

Application of Primer Canola improves canola’s tolerance to early-season stress and compensates for any nutritional shortage.

Discuss these important seed nutrition options with your UFA Crop Production Representative to determine what’s right for your crop. *Nutrition;; Canola Seed Guide


Other Spring Considerations 1. Proper FERTILITY is crucial to a healthy competitive crop. 2. Regular scouting for EARLY PESTS (such as flea beetles) and if necessary, appropriate control options will help maximize crop vigour. 3. Previous CROP CHOICE will determine which canola variety is right for your farm. Canolas that offer other herbicide choices may be preferred options. 4. SEEDING RATES differ depending on variety choice, seeding equipment and row spacing used. Take care to adjust the rate to your specific field requirements. 5. Early WEED CONTROL will minimize crop competition and maximize crop potential.

Spring Considerations

Canola Harvest Crop Staging for Swath Timing When you have a good crop of canola standing in the field, it is awfully easy to rush into swathing due to fears of shattering, wind losses, or an early frost. But those who wait will usually reap rewards including lower green seed, higher yield and better quality.

“There are a pretty significant number of growers who are swathing too early. Granted, some may be doing it on purpose because they have a large number of acres to complete. However, many are doing it because they get anxious about getting started, especially if people around them have started,” says Murray Hartman, Oilseed Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Things to keep in mind when staging the crop:


• Canola crops often ripen unevenly; i.e. hilltops are often much riper than low spots. • Pods on the bottom of the plant are formed first and thus will mature before pods on the top of the plant. • Headlands can be ahead or behind the rest of the crop; for example the headlands may be delayed due to set back from flea beetle damage in the spring.

Canola Seed Guide


Seed Colour Change Swathing too early often results in elevated greenseed, especially in hot and windy conditions that force a very quick dry down. If you grow varieties that tend towards higher greenseed amounts, be very careful to swath on the later side in order to give seeds the chance to finish ridding themselves of chlorophyll, says Murray Hartman, Oilseed Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. The SEED COLOUR is the most important factor to determining when to swath your crop. The overall colour of the field and pods is not exactly indicative of how ripe the seeds are. Some varieties appear ripe on the outside of the pod before the seeds are actually mature.

“If you have a lot of the crop on the side stems, you have to err on the later side since they develop more slowly. That’s one variable that producers may not evaluate enough,” says Hartman. When the seeds reach 35 - 40% moisture they turn colour. Ripening canola seeds will turn from green to yellow to brown or black depending on the variety. In the fall in Western Canada, ripening seeds lose moisture at a rate of approximately 1-3% moisture per day. The optimum time to swath canola is when 50 - 60% of the seeds have colour change. Seed colour change will usually increase about 10% every 2 to 3 days. To choose your best timing, split open pods and look at the colour of the seed coats inside. Harvest

This process is very sensitive to weather conditions. In hot, dry conditions, seed maturity can take place very rapidly. However, if it is cool and moist the seed will take much longer to dry down.

The seeds are still green but should remain firm (not squish) when rolled between the thumb and forefinger. Immature translucent seeds will shrink substantially in the swath, resulting in yield reduction.

The seeds in the pods approximately half way up the plant will look like this. Note that there are seeds with tan or brown colouring. These seeds are considered to be turned.


The seeds in the bottom pods will have turned brown/black and be hard.

Canola Seed Guide


More Crop Staging & Colour Change Information Canola crops are at the ideal or optimal cutting time for only 3 to 5 days in good drying weather conditions. Delay cutting until the least mature areas have at least some colour change in the lower pods – provided this does not put the more mature areas at risk of excess shattering. Since the lower pods are formed first, they will mature first. The lower pods will have seeds that are dark (reddish-brown, brown, or black) and hard. Seeds in the middle of the stem will be some shade of yellow or brown, while seeds at the top will generally be green. Green seeds that are firm and will roll when pressed between the thumb and forefinger are ready to swath. Remember that canola seed does not continue to fill while the plants cure in the swath. If the seed has not accumulated its full complement of oil and protein at the time of swathing, no further accumulation will occur in the swath and some potential yield will be lost from immature seed. EXTREME TEMPERATURES - (heat or frost) in the fall can lead to rapid desiccation of plant cells which deactivates the enzymes that clear chlorophyll from the plant cells. This means that cutting a crop in the heat or having a killing frost on immature seeds have the potential to leave more chlorophyll in the seed - giving you a higher green count in your harvested crop. Harvest

Swathing Tips ANCHOR THE SWATHS - Leave as much stubble height as possible and use a swath roller to help anchor the swath and reduce risk of wind damage. Be careful not to push the swath tight onto the ground to allow air flow beneath the crop. PREVENT BUNCHING - Adjust the canvas speed and widen the swather opening as needed to prevent bunching at the desired speed of travel. Bunched swaths will dry down slowly, and will be problematic during combining. ALLOW TIME TO CURE - The crop needs time to cure after swathing. Start checking green seed levels about 8 to 10 days after swathing. Note that the swaths may take up to three weeks (or more) to cure for harvesting depending on the weather.


AVOID CUTTING IN THE HEAT OF THE DAY - Swathing in the cool evening hours and into the early morning allows the plants to dry down at a slower rate which reduces the chances of downgrading the crop due to excess green seed count. Cutting when it’s cooler also helps reduce shattering losses.

Canola Seed Guide


Harvest Timing Regardless of whether or not a crop is straight combined or swathed and then combined, the crop is ready to be harvested and stored at 10% moisture. Seed stored above this moisture level can heat rapidly, especially if there is a high level of immature seed present. If there are high levels of green seed present, allow the crop to dry down for a few more days before combining. Green seed may ripen in the swath, but will not change significantly once stored.


Harvest Canola Seed Guide


Grain Storage Solutions Not managing your binned canola is an invitation to disaster. There is ultimately just one rule about canola storage: seeds are the best they can ever be on the day they go into storage. Factors that will affect canola’s quality in storage include seed maturity and condition, moisture and temperature, storage and handling methods, moulds and pests, dockage, and length of storage. Producers invest huge time, effort and dollars all spring and summer to get the best possible crop into their bins. But far too many producers leave their investment up to fate.


“We often ask producers when the last time they checked their bin was. Lots, maybe most, say it was when they put the grain in,” says Kristen Phillips, an agronomy specialist who focuses on storage and harvest management for the Canola Council of Canada. “Nobody talks about losing a bin to spoilage because they don’t want anyone else to know. These are incredibly costly losses that are completely preventable if people managed their bins better.” Producers need to be checking their bins regularly, “especially at the very beginning, it needs to be on a weekly basis

at a minimum,” says Phillips. “It’s the same thing as we say all season long: you have to scout to know.” Leave the top hatch of the bin open for several days during dry weather to allow heat and moisture to escape. Prevent leakage in roof and door openings, and joints between structural components to avoid losses. As heating and moisture migration problems tend to be more severe in larger storage structures, canola should be stored in the smallest bins available, without sacrificing convenience and efficient handling. Aerating the bin contents can reduce the temperature and moisture of the stored seed. If the seed is binned at above 25°C, or if pockets of immature seeds or green weed seeds are present, 8.3% moisture is too high for long-term, safe storage. For storage longer than five months, canola should be binned at a maximum of 8% moisture.


Ensure your aeration system is designed for canola. Canola seeds’ small size means they pack together far more tightly than a larger sized grain like wheat, greatly reducing air flow. While a bin with a partially perforated floor and smaller fan size might suit wheat storage, you may need to increase the air movement capacity of your system to protect oilseeds from spoilage. Even a small temperature gradient between the inside of the bin and the surrounding air temperature can create damaging condensation. Consider storing canola in bins equipped with temperature and humidity sensors. Talk to your UFA bin experts for more information. * Canola Harvest References: Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development; Canola Council

Canola Seed Guide




Canola Seed Guide


Use UFA Credit Partners to help maximize your cash flow UFA’s finance partners offer diverse options for most of your farm needs UFA and our credit partners offer a variety of financing programs and payment options that give you the flexibility to better align your cash flow with your farming activities. Depending on the program you choose, payments can be matched to meet the seasonal changes of your business. Our financing partners can offer you competitive interest rates. Financing with our partners makes your UFA line of credit available for other purchases. It also helps you manage your resources by leaving funds available on deposit with your financial institution for when you need it. Your approved credit limit with our credit partners or with UFA is separate from your financial institution line of credit allowing you to have more purchasing power. Financing options help your money work for you, when you need it. Information and credit applications are available through your local UFA Farm and Ranch Supply store, your UFA Crop Representative or your Key Account Manager. Applicants must apply for and be approved for credit.


Financing Options Available for your Farm Needs Farm Credit Canada: FCC has two financing options Easy Term Credit • Credit approval is product specific with fixed payment terms • Preapproval over the phone with fixed or variable interest rate Easy Grow Credit • Revolving line of credit for crop inputs with deferred payment options • Purchases after Sept. 1, 2013 can be deferred to Feb. 15, 2015

Yield More Financing Program: offered through Scotiabank™ • Specific to your crop inputs needs offering deferred payments • Two minimum payments are required: 1st by January 20, and the 2nd by March 20

United Farmers of Alberta: Use your account, credit card or debit card • Purchases are interest free until the 25th of the following month, when payment is due • Apply for a new UFA account or apply for a limit increase to your existing account For more information on our financing options: Farm Credit Canada: 1-800-510-6669 Yield More Financing: 1-866-603-4188 or email:


UFA Credit Department: 1-877-258-4500, select option “5”

Canola Seed Guide



Phone Number


Phone Number


(403) 948-5913

Medicine Hat

(403) 529-2424


(780) 675-4999


(403) 556-3348


(403) 362-6200


(403) 664-3611


(780) 672-1115

Pincher Creek

(403) 627-5343


(403) 625-3337


(403) 783-4811


(403) 577-3535


(780) 753-2226

Drayton Valley

(780) 621-0313

Red Deer

(403) 356-3800


(780) 835-2288

Spruce Grove

(780) 962-2282


(780) 837-2258

St. Paul

(780) 645-7700

Fort Saskatchewan (780) 998-3437


(403) 742-3426

Grande Prairie

(780) 532-1281


(403) 934-6684


(780) 332-4633


(403) 223-8917


(403) 854-4441


(403) 442-4262

High River

(403) 652-2733

Two Hills

(780) 657-3333

La Crete

(780) 928-3088


(780) 853-5323


(780) 986-4554


(403) 485-2257


(403) 328-5531


(780) 349-4055


(780) 786-4451

For a complete listing of our Farm and Ranch Supply stores, please visit

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