Paradise Pets Magazine Key West | Vol. 1 Iss. 1

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Mange in Cats

10th Annual Keyy West Dachshund Walk 2nd Annual Chihuahua Conch Republic Flash Mob

Back Troubles in Dachshunds Health Essentials for a Happy Pet

Tips for Traveling With Your Dog

Volume 1 Issue 1 | Jan/Feb/Mar 2015Pets $6.95 Paradise Magazine Š 2015 Publish In Paradise |

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Paradise Pets Magazine is published by Publish In Paradise for the purpose of uniting and supporting our communities. 35% of all advertising revenue is donated back into our communities, with 10% of that supporting our furry and feathered friends at our local Florida Keys SPCA. For advertising inquiries, please visit us online or email © 2015 Publish in Paradise Paradise Pets Magazine Key West, FL 33045 Publisher/Editor: Angela J. Richards Contributors: John Burstal Julie Carson Celia Carson Dr. Gurpartap Dabhia Ron King Melissa Martin

On the cover: Paula Winston with Max of Key West, Florida. This was Max’s first year in retirement of the Dachshund Parade after participating for seven years. At age 15, he is now taking things easy.

From the Editor Welcome to our first issue! I started this publication to have some fun while enjoying great pets and their parents in our beautiful island community here in Key West, Florida. On top of that, there are some needs in our community that are going unmet, and in seeking our Heavenly Father for a way to meet those needs, I was given the idea of this magazine. Because of that, proceeds of the advertising sales in the magazine will go toward meeting some needs in our community as well as others. First off, ten percent will go towards our local FKSPCA for their new building, which is a great need, and twenty-five percent will go towards New Beginnings, with the goal of creating transitional housing for homeless women and children, as well as relocation services for the many who struggle with homelessness in the Keys. I hope you enjoy our magazine–I am open to suggestions. Enjoy!


PARADISE PETS MAGAZINE DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational and interest purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Veterinarians cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make medical recommendations for your pet without first establishing a veterinarianclient-patient relationship. Your pet's medical protocol should be given by your local holistic veterinarian.

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Features 6

Attract More Birds in Your Garden With Niger Seeds

14 Health Essentials for a Happy Pet 16 Tips for Traveling With Your Dog

Departments Pet Parents 4

Reader Submitted Pics


Pet Parents Interview: Richard Dennison & Ronnie Rupe

Pet Health 8

Mange in Cats


Back Troubles in Dachshunds

Pet Events 18

10th Annual Key West Dachshund Walk


2nd Annual Chihuahua Conch Republic Flash Mob

17 Resource Guide Find us on Facebook Follow Us on Instagram Paradise Pets Magazine Š 2015 Publish In Paradise | | 3

Key West

www. ParadisePetsMag .com

Key West Left: Kathy Salazar, holding Molly (3 yrs.) Molly’s mama is Diane Story.

Alaska “Clyde” enjoying exercise.

Key West

Bentley going for a stroll…

Photo submitted by Julie Carson

Photo submitted by Angela J. Willard Perez

Joey sun bathing…

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring it was peace.” ~ Milan Kundera

Submit Your Pet Pics!


“DJ” is playing with our food…. Photo submitted by Angela J. Willard Perez

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Photo submitted by Julie Carson


This is wonderful, wonderful! Be the bird. You are the bird. Sacrifice yourself to abandoned family values....” ~ Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak

Raja poised to purrrfection…

Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat.” ~Mark Twain

tles (6 1/2) Kim Pucik and Skit at Blossoms Cafe

rst sight…

ty, Love at fi Savannah and Dus


“D.J.” (Dusty Junior)

Alaska Photos submitted by Angela J. Willard Perez

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Photo credit Angela J. Willard Perez

Key West

Attract More Birds in Your Garden With Niger Seeds By John Burstal

If you have a lovely garden and wish to have many birds chirping around in joy then the best way is to have a bird feeder installed in your garden and fill it with some Niger seeds regularly. They are cultivated in various parts of Asia, India and Africa. This is a black colored seed and is rich in oil content and is loaded with calories. It is a favorite of many birds, which explains why you will find finches, wild birds and many other small birds frequenting your garden.

Why should you feed the birds with Niger seeds? Birds like red polls, finches, gold finches, and siskins love them in black that you can find them devouring it in your garden almost every day. As said earlier, they are best for birds in cold months as the presence of high protein in it helps in re-growth of their feathers during their mounting stage. If you wish to feed your winged friends in a better way then make sure that you purchase a feeder designed especially for Niger seeds as it is a bit heavy and can withstand winds blowing with high speed. Hence, you can stay assured that the seeds will not spill on the ground.

Make sure that you purchase a Niger seed feeder for birds along with a tray fitted to it as it would help to avoid its wastage.

What must you remember while feeding Niger seeds to birds? It is important for you to remember a few pointers before you proceed to purchase Niger seeds for birds as you must make sure that you learn every aspect about it before you give it to your little friends at the garden.

Purchase only in less amounts: When you go to purchase, make sure that you don't stock up too much as the presence of oil in the seeds would make it very dry if you store it for a long time. Birds will not eat such dried seeds as they are not attractive. Hence make sure that you purchase the Niger seeds that will last you only for few months.

Do not confuse it with thistle seeds: Though Niger seeds are also called as thistle, it is not the ones that you often find growing along the fences or on roads. These are

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imported seeds that are treated with heat in order to sterilize it and to prevent it from germination during cold months.

Paradise Pet Accessories

Niger seeds have shells: You will find black seed like shells on the ground, which would make you, think that the birds have threw the seeds on the ground. But in reality, the black shiny thing you see are its shells as the birds would eat the nuts inside it and would discard the hulls. Make a close examination to find out how its shells look.

Source: John Burstal





The reason birds can fly and we can't is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” ~J.M. Barrie, The Little White Bird Paradise Pets Magazine © 2015 Publish In Paradise | | 7

Mange in Cats By Ron King, Š 2007


ange is a highly contagious condition of the skin caused by mites and parasites in animals. Cats affected by mange most often stay outdoors. If left untreated, the cat may become very ill and lose its fur. The symptoms of mange include itching, discomfort, and scratching. Here are options cat owners should use to treat their cat affected by mange. Mange in cats is fairly uncommon; yet it is possible for a cat to contract mange. If your cat is losing fur, you should always to take your cat to the vet. Other diseases and problems other than mange can cause hair loss. A vet can look at a sample of the cat's skin or fur under a microscope to confirm whether or not your cat has mange. There are a few different various types of mange that are thought to affect cats. Ear mites are not usually considered mange, but the parasites that cause in ear mites can also cause mange. Ear mites should always be treated with injections or prescription ear drops. When a feline has ear mites, the inside of their ears will look dirty. Black oily-looking dirt will cover the inside of the cat's ears. These are not the actual mites, but are the dropping left behind from the mites. Another form of mange is called Demodex Mange. This type of mange is not contagious. Cat and dogs do not pass this type of mange to each other. Generally cats and dogs have small amounts of these mites inhabiting on

their skin. This type type of mange does not often bother the cat unless it becomes inflamed. It might show up as small patches of hair loss. In more serious cases, it can cause in a bacterial infection on the skin. The skin can become inflamed, red and itchy. Demodex Mange usually starts causing problems in cats that are immuno-suppressed or that are aging. This type of mange can also adversely affect cats with poor health. Hormones and stress might also cause this type of mange to cause problems. It can be seen in pregnant and nursing cats or male cats that are not neutered. There are treatment options for this kind of mange. When you take your cat to the animal doctor for possible mange, you vet will perform a thorough health exam. This will rule out autoimmune diseases and other varieties of parasites such as worms. An oral medication called Ivermectin can be used. Although this drug is not approved by the Federal Drug Administration to use for mange, many vets find this treatment very effective. Another treatment option is dipping your cat in a prescribed pesticide. This is highly effective, but it can cause problems like vomiting and seizures in cats. Additionally, the treatment is poisonous, therefore it should not be applied with pregnant cats or by people who are pregnant. This dip is routinely done weekly for up to six weeks. Sarcoptic mange is another form of mange that can be contracted by felines. This variety of mange is highly contagious and very

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problematic to persistent. Cat that are affected by this variety of mange are extremely itchy and the scratching can cause serious inflammation and sometimes bleeding of the skin. Mites will burrow into the skin and leave the eggs. When a cat has this, the excessive scratching can also cause scabbing and infections on the skin. This variety of mange is often determined by examining the cat's skin or fur under a microscope. If it is indeed Sarcoptic mange, your animal doctor will want to wash the cat with a medicated shampoo and then treat the cat with a pesticide dip. Just as with Sarcoptic mange, this pesticide dip is very potent and extreme caution must to be used when treating your cat. If you suspect your feline has mange, you should take your cat to the vet for an exam. In order to treat the infection, it is required to know which type of mange your cat has. Also, it is not unwise to use "home remedies" for mange that are often found. These remedies can be extremely dangerous to your cat. In many cases, hair loss is not mange. Hair loss can be caused by allergic reactions to foods, plants or even medications. Allergic reactions are treated much differently than mange so it is very important to look medical care for your animal.

Cat Mange is a skin disorder caused by mites skin. It is uncommon in cats but can occur. Mites can cause a localized form of the condition that starts on the ear, face and neck. Left untreated, it can spread throughout the body and become what is known as a generalized form of the condition. Common symptoms include itch, dandruff, hair loss and sores. Treatment is with a limesulfur dip and prescription medications." Source:

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Back Troubles in Photo courtesy Julie Carson


By Celia Carson


he short answer to what to do if your Dachshund has back trouble is to stop reading this and take him to your veterinarian. In severe cases, you literally only have a matter of hours to react, waiting can mean the difference between full recovery and your dog never regaining his mobility. Hopefully you have already been to the vet and are now trying to understand what is happening to your beloved Dachshund. I am not a medical expert but after my personal experience I accumulated a significant amount of information. The Dachshund's elongated body predisposes them to back issues. Another genetic component is the discs outer layer being thinner than normal and sometimes calcifying making it brittle. Discs are the cushions between the vertebrae in the spinal column. The medical name for this health issue is Intervertebral Disc Disease. It is possible for the herniation to occur in the neck area, but more frequent in the middle of the back where the chest and abdomen meet (where most stress is absorbed when jumping). The spinal cord in dogs extends to the hips; in people it stops in the middle of the back (we have nerves that extend beyond that but not the actual spinal cord). This is why disc problems in dogs are dramatically more severe than in humans. A disc weakened by age or

trauma can bulge (herniate) or rupture. Bulged discs protrude and can place pressure on the spinal cord causing severe pain, weakness or even paralysis. The effect on the spinal cord depends on the severity of pressure. Ruptured discs release the contents (a jelly like substance) into the spinal canal. A ruptured disc is the most severe; the disc contents traumatize the spinal cord and create a great deal of swelling. When this happens quickly reducing the swelling is imperative. The longer the spinal cord is deprived of oxygen and spinal fluid the less nerve function there is to return. The exact cause of a disc bulging or rupturing is frequently unknown. It is rarely associated with a severe trauma, many believe it occurs by dogs jumping off furniture. While preventing your dog from jumping off furniture is difficult, every effort should be made to train them to wait to be picked up or to use a ramp. There is a wide array of ramps or steps available to assist the dog going up and down to beds, couches and other furniture. Traversing long stairs should also be avoided as well as play that involves twisting and jumping. When you carry your Dachshund keep his spine horizontal and use two hands to pick him up

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with one hand supporting his waist or rear legs. Keeping your Dachshund's weight down will also mitigate back issues, extra weight is a constant strain. Symptoms include yelping when touched, arching their back, unsteady walking or paralysis of the rear legs. Sometimes the nerves to the bladder and colon are affected making it difficult for dogs to urinate and defecate on their own. A wobbly walk is a precursor to paralysis, if you see this symptom it is time to get to a specialist for evaluation. Treatment almost always includes using an anti-inflammatory medicine. You'll hear the term "conservative treatment", this means a less radical approach or non surgical. Conservative treatments can include rest and medication, injections (Adequan is a medication said to promote healing of disc cartilage) and even chiropractic or acupuncture treatments. While surgery is expensive it can be highly effective if done within the first twenty-four hours of paralysis. After twentyfour hours the success rate drops, but with therapy and rest there is still hope. Confinement is a critical component of treatment regardless of the approach. A small crate placed where the dog can see you and is easy to clean can be effective. Confinement usually last two to six weeks depending on the severity of the injury, your vet can advise what is appropriate for your dog. Continuing this vital treatment is important since the dog can easily reinjure himself. The medication they receive makes them feel so much better that they want to resume their normal activities before they are completely healed.

There has also been some success with therapy in paraplegic Dachshunds. Gentle manipulation of the paralyzed limbs and water walking (where the water supports his rear end) and towel walking (a towel slung under his abdomen for support) have been cited in success stories. Some paraplegic dogs are fitted for carts and back to racing through the house in no time. Dog diapers are available for bowel and bladder issues, I've even seen them in hot pink with lime green polka dots. There is no universally correct treatment for all Dachshunds with back trouble. This is a choice that you and your vet need to make after evaluation of his symptoms, your dog's overall health and age, and the length of time since injury. Unfortunately, like in human medical issues, your finances will also play a role. If you feel it is time to see a specialist look for one specializing in neurology and surgery with experience with Dachshunds.

Celia Carson is the webmaster of Her website provides a journal and dog advice from the perspective of her miniature Dachshund. While quirky, the site has valuable insight to Dachshund ownership, training and care.

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit

with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring it was peace.” ~ Milan Kundera

Paralysis in Dachshunds is not a death sentence. Surgery and conservative treatments will often bring your dog back to 100 percent.

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Pet Parents Interview

By Angela J. Perez

to find her a home. Richard and Ronnie brought her into their home to foster her until they found her a home, and they fell in love with her.

Richard Dennison and Ronnie Rupe

Richard explains that they have always had dogs, and at one point they even owned a kennel. In the Seventies, they owned Dennison Larupe Kennel in Akron, Ohio, where they raised schnauzers and had 18 of them. “I was referred to as the ‘bitch breeder’,” explains Richard, “because I was very selective in the schnauzers I would breed, as we raised quality puppies including silvers, grays, black and silvers.”

are the owners of Gourmet Nibbles and Baskets with Flowers by Request on Frances Street. They have been together 41 years and are the proud parents of their pets Suggs (3) and Lola (3).

Now with their home in Key West, they are enjoying our pet-friendly island.

Suggs is a long-haired pedigree Chihuahua. Richard and Ronnie bought her when she was 8 weeks old from a pedigree kennel in Kent, Ohio. She was flown down to Key West and has been home with them since.

Richard: They give you eternal love. I think dogs come to you from God, because when I was ill, they were there by my side to comfort me at all times. Anytime I’m not feeling well, Suggs will lay across my chest, and Lola on my lap, to let me know things will be okay. They share in your life.

Q: What is the best part of sharing your life with your fur babies?

Q: If you could change one thing about them, what would it be? Lola is their rescued baby. Richard explains that a lady came into their shop about 6 months ago, who was moving out of town into a place where she couldn’t have dogs. She was going to put Lola down if she wasn’t able

Richard: I would give them a voice.

Q: What do you think they would say? Richard: I don’t know, but it would be interesting to know. Yesterday, Lola was

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spayed and received all her shots, and was micro-chipped. It would be nice if she could say, “Thank you Daddy, or something.”

Richard: Suggs has a skin allergy that we are treating her with antibiotics and a special bath at the vet.

Q: What is your dogs’ favorite foods and treats? Richard: They like carrots. We don’t actually give them any treats, we keep them on Blue dog food--to keep them healthy--and we don’t give them much people food because it’s not good for them. A lot of it’s not good for us, either.

Q: What would you say is the best part of living in Key West with dogs? Richard: That this place is just so dog friendly.

Q: Do you have any special routines you enjoy with them?

Q: What do you wish was different to make life in Key West with dogs more enjoyable?

Richard: Bedtime. Suggs runs up the stairs up onto the bed, Lola jumps on the rocking chair and jumps into bed, and Suggs has to give me kisses. When I say it’s bedtime she nestles under the covers.

Richard: People picking up their dog’s poo so you don’t step in it. It only takes a minute.

Ronnie: My special time with my pets is in the mornings. We get up about 5:45AM, I have tea or coffee, check my email, and they snuggle right up to me with Lola on my left side and Suggs in the back of my neck. I love that time.

Q: Do you have any special accommodations that you have made for your beloved animals? Richard & Ronnie: We have stairs to help them get up onto the bed, and a gate in the kitchen for their safety, to be in a safe area when we are not home.

Q: Does your pet have any conditions or concerns that you are addressing?

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Health Essentials for a Happy Pet


ith wagging tails and bright eyes, pets offer up a wealth of benefits to their owners. Keeping your four-legged friends active, energetic and at their best begins with providing essential nutrients, which can quickly result in changes you can see.

Visible differences Introducing a nutritionally complete diet that provides essential nutrients can bring about a visible difference in your dog's behavior in as little as a week, while overall changes may be more apparent after 28 days on the new food. Some signs to watch for include:

● Energy (day 7+): An optimal blend of ingredients provides the energy your dog needs. One telltale sign of ample energy is that your dog is active and eager when you see him during the day. He may also show interest in playing longer and demonstrate greater enjoyment with your activities. ● Digestibility (day 14+): High digestibility means your dog's body is able to use a large percentage of his food, maximizing the absorption of nutrients though his digestive system. That means he may produce less solid waste - in other words, he may have smaller, firmer stools.

● Skin and Coat (day 21+): At the threeweek mark, your dog's coat and skin may be showing the benefits of the essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. A shiny, healthy coat; smooth and elastic skin; and hair that is glossy and rich in color, are all signs your dog is getting the support he needs in his food. ● Bright eyes (day 21+): When a dog gets the vitamins he needs to help support eye health, his eyes look bright and are, for the most part, clear of discharge, with clean lashes and eyelids. ● Dental health (day 28+): After 28 days, your dog should show signs of good dental health. Healthy teeth look mostly white or off-white; healthy gums that range in color from black to pink with a clean, smooth surface; and fresher, better-smelling breath.

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Balanced and complete The foundation of a complete and balanced diet is providing the right proportions of nutrients from seven required groups including water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals, vitamins and energy. You can help support your dog's overall health by providing fresh, clean water and choosing a pet food that has an optimal balance of nutrients for their age. One brand of pet food formulas, Purina ONE SMARTBLEND, was carefully developed by nutritionists and food scientists to provide 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for each life stage. These dry dog food formulas offer benefits like meat, poultry or fish as the first ingredient along with other high quality protein sources to help support strong muscles including a healthy heart. They also provide levels of vitamins E and A which help promote bright eyes, a window to your dog's health. These formulas also provide essential omega-6 fatty acids including linoleic acid, along with other vitamins and minerals to help give your dog a shiny coat and healthy skin. Wholesome sources of carbohydrate and fat help provide the healthy energy to fuel your dog's activities with you.

Promoting good nutrition everywhere To demonstrate the visible difference great nutrition can make in the lives of pets, Purina ONE looked to a dog-friendly community to kick-off the Purina ONE 28 Day Challenge. To see what happened when dog owners from Asheville, North Carolina switched to the brand's formula for 28 days and hear personal stories and experiences on video, visit Source: Purina ONE | Family Features

Pet Therapy by Melissa Martin

Children with fur, accepting and attentive, beloved family members of different species. Meeting needs for unconditional love, filling lonely spaces with companionship. Sitting on laps, reducing blood pressure, giving and receiving reciprocal nurturing. Living in the moment with squeaky toys, bringing smiles to human faces. Unaware of disability and illness, animals respond to substance of heart. Giving comfort and hope, building relationship with pets.

Melissa Martin writes about the God and human connection and condition.

Dog VD

“Did“You Know? Brucellosis is a venereal disease in which bacteria invade the reproductive organs. Please get your dog checked.


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Tips for Traveling With Your Dog

Heather Loenser, DVM, knows first-hand the joys and challenges of traveling with her dog. She and her family recently adopted a year-old Border collie named Calvin. "As a new dog in our house, Calvin is experiencing some separation anxiety, so we don't want to board him or leave him with a pet sitter," Dr. Loenser explained. "Even though he suffers from car sickness, when the family goes on vacation, Calvin comes with us."

tty Images Photo courtesy of Ge

commands: sit, down, stay, quiet and come will help make your dog welcome wherever you go.

Dr. Loenser is often called upon to help her clients prepare for vacations with their dogs. Her top five travel tips are:

3. Take First Aid on the Road

1. Consider Car Safety

Accidents happen; be prepared with a mobile app offered by the American Red Cross. It contains veterinary advice for everyday emergencies, interactive features and a locator for American Animal Hospital Associationaccredited hospitals across the nation.

When it comes to car trips, practice safety first. In some states, it is illegal for dogs to ride unrestrained in a vehicle. The Center for Pet Safety tests vehicle restraints for dogs; their recommendations can be found at

2. Be a Considerate Guest Whether at a pet-friendly hotel or at the in-laws' house, not everyone will love your dog as much as you do. Make sure your dog is well-groomed and don't forget canine etiquette. A quick refresher course in the basics

Download the app at:

4. Avoid Dietary Changes Stay as close to your dog's regular feeding schedule as possible and avoid giving extra treats or different types of foods that may upset their stomach. Dr. Loenser suggests giving regular meals in a food dispensing toy, which will also help use up some stored energy from the trip.

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5. Consult Your Veterinarian One of the main reasons dogs get left behind is, like Calvin, they suffer from motion sickness. "My clients often try over-the-counter remedies first," Dr. Loenser said. "However, OTC products are not very effective and have a sedative effect that can be unpleasant for the dog." "I prescribe an FDA approved medication for dogs called CERENIA(r) (maropitant citrate) to prevent vomiting due to motion sickness in my canine clients 16 weeks and older - and Calvin." Dr. Loenser knows it is safe and effective because it's the medicine she uses every day to prevent and treat other causes of vomiting in her patients. She advises dog owners to talk to their veterinarians who can help find a solution for their dogs' car sickness. "When you think about it, taking your dog along on vacation can be less expensive than paying for a kennel or dog sitter. That leaves more to spend on fun activities to enjoy with your dog."

Resource Guide Key West

Florida Keys SPCA Adoption services, animal control, and more. 5230 College Road, Key West, FL (305) 294-4857 |

Xena Fund Financial help with veterinary care 1623 Laird Street, Key West, FL (305) 432-0494 |

Paradise Day Spa Pamper Your Pet, Then Pamper Yourself 1012 Truman Ave., Key West, FL 305-TRY-RELAX |

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Use CERENIA Tablets for acute vomiting in dogs 8 weeks and older, and for prevention of vomiting due to motion sickness in dogs 16 weeks and older. Safe use has not been evaluated in cats and dogs with gastrointestinal obstruction, or those that have ingested toxins. Use with caution in dogs with hepatic dysfunction.

Do you have a pet business? A pet friendly motel, restaurant or other establishment? Get listed in our resource guide and we will connect you to pet parents in the Keys and beyond.

In people, topical exposure may elicit localized allergic skin reactions, and repeated or prolonged exposure may lead to skin sensitization. See full Prescribing Information;

All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. Š 2014 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved. October 2014. CER-00085 Source: Cerenia | Family Features

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Photos by Angela J. Perez for Paradise Pets Magazine

Above: Roxanne Fleszar holding her fur baby, Beauregard (both of Key West), posing with longtime friend, Jim Sollecito, who came from Syracuse, NY to celebrate the inclusion of the Chihuahuas in the parade.

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Above: Wylie (6 mo.) watching his first parade with his parents, Terry and Lynn Retson.

According to a little bird, there were more than 200 dogs participating in this year’s parade.

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