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Welcome What’s On Your Report Card? Some things are just too important to overlook. Regularly checking your credit score is one of them. Think we’re exaggerating? The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says one report in twenty is so inaccurate, it could reduce your credit score by up to 25 points. 25 points might sound insignificant, but it could easily kick you into a higher loan rate bracket or cause you to be totally disqualified altogether for a loan. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. You could order your reports from each of the these companies at the same time, or as some financial advisors suggest, get one report from a different company every four months so you can continually check your credit standing for a whole year at no cost. For your free report call 1-877-322-8228 or go to, the only website authorized to fill orders for the free annual credit report you are entitled to under law. Other websites offering “free credit reports,” “free credit scores,” or “free credit monitoring” are not part of the legally mandated program and may attempt to sell you something or collect personal information. Visit to learn how to report any incorrect information on your report. Your credit report contains information that affects whether you get a loan and how much you will have to pay to borrow money. Creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses that use the information in your report to evaluate your applications for credit, insurance, em­ployment, or renting a home are among those that have legal access to your report. That’s why it’s essential that you monitor your credit regularly, even if you always pay all your bills on time.

Life and




Capital Region, NY Edition

Publication Manager Account Executive Joel Siegfried, RMC 315-796-2258

Visit for Open House information, updated every Friday afternoon @ 4:30.

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Published By Capital Region LifeandHomes David Lisi, Owner 315-865-5845

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June Issue May 1, 2015

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Joel Siegfried,

This information has been compiled from public records and other sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no guarantee with respect to its accuracy or completeness or the absence of restrictions on use and are not responsible for any liability, loss, or risk that subscribers may incur, directly or indirectly, from using the contents of this site.

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LifeandHomes' goal is to increase real estate, and real estate-related, transactions in our local area. We live here. We care.

Looking for a Franchise? LifeandHomes™ Franchise is a low cost, home-based, recurring revenue business model. Our franchise system enables the franchisee to become the Real Estate Marketing Expert in their community. For more information, contact David Lisi 315.865.5845

How To Move Your

Technology Items You’ve invested a lot of money in your technology and now it’s time to move them to your new home. It’s important to have your household possessions packed correctly. That includes items such as computers, game consoles and others delicate technology. Humboldt Storage and Moving of Boston has come up with several tips to help ease the stress of packing and moving household technology items. One of the first rules to follow when preparing your technology for transport is to power down the items 24 hours in advance. Allowing proper time for the internal components to cool will minimize any risk of damage. When packing items such as flat screen televisions, the best and most affordable way to pack them is using the original box. If that is not available, many moving companies will offer a special corrugated box for transporting. If extra care is needed, consider having the moving company build a special crate for these delicate items. Many moving companies will offer these special services for valuable household goods. It’s also best to have those crated items unpacked by professional movers to ensure they remain in good condition.


Moving can be stressful but by taking the proper precautions with personal technology and items that can contain personal data, these can be one less thing to worry about during a move and cause less stress in the long run.

‘Cleaning Green’ With Vinegar With the array of cleaning options at the grocery store, it is easy to forget that the most natural and effective cleaner could be sitting in your cabinet at this very moment. Vinegar is an all-in-one cleaner. It can take on most any cleaning challenge, no matter the size, and there’s no need to worry about harmful effects typically associated with harsh, chemical cleaning agents. Budget conscious and eco friendly, vinegar is truly a product with many talents.

Live Green With White Vinegar An online survey conducted by The Vinegar Institute found that cleaning/disinfecting are the second most popular uses for white distilled vinegar next to food preparation uses. Here are a few hints on how to utilize the cleaning power of vinegar in your home:

If there are home computers and they contain valuable and irreplaceable data, consider moving them in the car to ensure they stay safe. Moving computers can be done by the moving company but personal computers can also be subject to rough road conditions in a moving van. Also, it is recommended that any personal technology such as tablets including I-Pads and Kindles remain with the person.

• Use full-strength vinegar to banish grease and eliminate mildew.

Technology such as game consoles for the kids can be safely packed in the moving van. These consoles are made to withstand a little bumping around and in most cases, it will not hurt the components if they get moved around during transportation.

• Dilute with ammonia and baking soda to freshen a musty closet.

• Dilute with water to remove grease and grime on miniblinds. • Use full strength to clean chrome fixtures and whiten grout. • Dilute with water to brighten brickwork.

• Mix with salt and baking soda to unclog drains. • Dilute with water to deodorize the garbage disposal.

• Spray full strength to get rid of unwanted grass and weeds. • Use full strength to remove your child’s ballpoint pen “art” from painted walls. • Add 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons white vinegar to a 1-quart vase of water to keep flowers fresh longer. • Mix white distilled vinegar and linseed oil to clean leather. Rub the mixture into the leather and then polish with a soft cloth. This information comes from the professionals at The Vinegar Institute, an international trade association representing the vast majority of vinegar manufacturers and bottlers, as well as suppliers to the industry. For further information, visit (NAPSI)

Smart Ways To Save For the most enjoyment at the least expense when shopping in stores and online, try these tips: • Compare in-store and online pricing from multiple retailers by downloading a bar code scanner app to your smartphone. • Check tech items. “Special buys” may have model numbers that cannot be found elsewhere because the products only resemble other products by that manufacturer. • Make a list with clothing sizes, products and model numbers. Carry it with you and whenever you see a bargain on something that suits someone on the list, you can make the purchase. • Shop with a friend, whether in stores or online, to get more done in less time—and help you line up and avoid impulse purchases. • Research products and compare prices with the help of deal sites such as BuyVia, Groupon and eBay, which will highlight sales as well as the best pricing for products all year long. For additional tips and to view deals, visit (NAPSI)


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Ten Common Myths About Lawn Care


It’s the time of year when homeowners turn to the care and upkeep of their lawns with the goal of seeing their yard and landscape flourish. It’s also the time of year when landscape professionals must address some common misperceptions about when and how to tend to the lawn for maximum success. PLANET, a national landscape industry association, asked its professional landscape members to name the 10 most common lawn care myths: Myth: The best time to replace the lawn is in the spring, as plants get ready to bloom. Reality: Sowing seed in the spring sets one up for potential problems, as heat sets in during the summer months and weeds compete for space. The best time to sow seed is in the fall when the temperatures are more consistent and highly competitive weeds, like crabgrass, have gone dormant. Myth: Water new plants every day to prevent them from drying out. Reality: Overwatering kills as many plants as lack of water. It is better to make sure you are wetting the entire root system of your new plant and then allow the soil to dry to the point that it is only moist. Myth: To have a healthy lawn, dethatch in the spring. Reality: Thatch is a layer of living and dead plant material, including the crown, roots and stems of the turfgrass plant. The brown on the surface at the beginning of the spring will slowly recede into the background all by itself as new leaves emerge. While dethatching is a common and sometimes necessary practice, it should be done only when thatch is excessive. Myth: It’s a good idea to remove clippings after mowing. 4

LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region

newsShorts Reality: There is a misconception that grass clippings contribute significantly to thatch. Grass clippings are mostly water and decompose rapidly, returning significant amounts of fertilizer to the lawn. Research shows that up to one-third of applied fertilizer can be recycled by simply returning clippings. Myth: Golf courses cut their grass short, so it’s a good idea to do the same. Reality: Golf courses use incredibly sophisticated and expensive mowers to achieve a short height of cut. Check the appropriate mowing height for your species of grass, but in general, never cut more than one-third of the grass leaf at a time. Myth: Lawns are not “organic.” Reality: Sometimes, lawns are thought of as areas that don’t provide environmental benefits. However, they are actually highly complex and dynamic organic systems that not only contain turfgrasses, but also earthworms, fungi, soil microbes and other life forms that coexist and make possible the lawns we all enjoy for recreation, sports and aesthetics. Myth: The best time to fertilize your lawn is in early spring. Reality: Different varieties of grass like nutrients at different times of the year. You need to use the right fertilizer source, at the right rate, at the right time, and in the right place. Cool-season grasses, like Kentucky bluegrass, are usually given nutrients in fall and early spring when it is cooler. Warm-season grasses, like Bermuda grass, usually like nutrients in late spring and early fall when it is warmer. Myth: The products lawn care companies use are dangerous and more powerful than what a homeowner can use. Reality: Most of the products professionals use can be purchased at the garden center, but the difference is that professionals are regulated and, by law, have to use the proper amounts, apply them correctly and dispose of them properly. Myth: While digging in my lawn, I saw a grub worm. I should apply a grub control application every year.

Reality: Most of the time, grubs don’t attack fescue lawns because of their deeper root zone. Grubs in small numbers are not harmful to a lawn; in fact, they are beneficial, as they aerate the soil. It’s having too many that can be harmful. Call a professional to evaluate your lawn. Myth:Watering the lawn with the garden hose saves more money than installing an irrigation system. Reality: Consider installing an irrigation system that uses smart controllers which have sensors that only allow for watering when conditions require it. Smart irrigation can offer a cost savings of approximately 15–20 percent on water bills. Convert irrigation spray nozzles from sprinklers to rotating nozzles which spread heavy droplets of water at a slower pace which makes them more targeted and effective. For more tips on taking care of your lawn or to hire a landscape professional, visit

Garage Safety Fumes from your garage can filter into your living space. The fumes can come from a variety of sources in the garage: stored gasoline; oils and other automotive fluids; exhaust fumes from cars. Here are some suggestions for minimizing the problem: • Keep all fluid containers tightly sealed. • Do not idle your car in the garage. • After pulling your vehicle into the garage, leave the garage door open for a few minutes to let the exhaust fumes clear out. • Keep the entryway door to the house closed at all times. For increased safety, always keep a fire extinguisher on hand - and make sure its the right kind. Class B/C extinguishers are preferred for garages as they are able to fight fires involving grease, oil, gas, kerosene and energized electrical equipment.

CMN Real Estate

1510 Central Ave #380 Albany NY 12205

518-456-7140 • .

Are you a small business owner who has been turned down by your local bank? Glens Falls

$349,900 Troy

Beautiful restoredVictorian Mansion w/ 5 elegant apartments located in historic downtown Glens Falls. Great investor property with a very good cash flow. Building has efficient steam heat & a newer furnace. Excellent amenities are included for the tenants (Wi-Fi, Laundry Room, and plenty of parking) to help insure against turnover.

$279,900 Niskayuna

Unit 9: 1st fl/side 1BR 1 BA $575. 2000 Sq FT Garage/Carriage House $300.00 (discounted for services for owner). Tax estimates based new, lower assessment(Troy reassessment) Unit 3 needs work.Est. for repairs 13-18K(price based on work to be completed). Many updates over the past few years including a new roof and windows.


Well maintained Side Hall Colonial in Avon Crest, in the So. Colonie school district. New gas fireplace insert last year. All baths updated within the past 3 years. Above ground pool with heater. Recently installed sliding glass doors to two tier deck. Ceramic tile floors in kitchen and baths. Professionally landscaped. New driveway last year.

If so, CMN FUNDING has the products you’ve been searching for. With straightforward answers to your questions and easy-tounderstand products, we can get you the cash that you need. • Direct commercial loans up to $750,000* • Adjustable rates as low as 8.5% or Fixed rates for 25 years • LTVs up to 70% on almost all commercial property types (1st liens only) • Closings in as little as 2-3 weeks *Select states and programs only


$247,000 North Greenbush

Move right in to this beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home nestled on 1.26 acres in East Greenbush Schools, beautiful kitchen with space for entertaining your guests. in ground heated swimming pool, outside deck for many relaxing evenings under the stars, wood burning fire place for those cool nights, full basement with 9 ft ceilings.

$219,000 Rotterdam

You Have NothingTo Do But Move Right InToThis Beautifully Updated 2 story, 3 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath Home In Desirable North Greenbush, Conveniently Located And CloseTo Everything. EnjoyThoseWarm Nights Relaxing On The Back Deck , Many UpdatesTo Be Enjoyed, New Upstairs Bath, New 500 s/fPaver PatioWith Fire Pit.


Large Home on 1.47 cleared Acres. Original woodwork, stained glass windows & hardwood floors give this home a lot of charm. It like a park in your backyard, which includes an above ground pool, horseshoe pit, fireplace and swing set and deck. Possible Short Sale…Process started with the bank.

For more information, please contact:

STEPHEN FRANK (P): 518-435-1119 (E): (W): 1510 Central Ave, Suite 380 Albany, NY 12205

Robert Lawless, Broker

Lawless Real Estate

(315) 724-7474

Megan Marolf, Lic. R.E. Agent 315-831-3654

“Let us make your Adirondack Dreams a reality”


8601 Woods Rd, Kayuta Lake $525,000 Enjoy lake living at its best in this wonderfully maintained home with level lakefront lot with very large peninsula that is used soley by property owners. This home is move-in ready and is coming completely furnished inside and out!

12016 State Route 365, Remsen $239,500 Waterfront property on Hinckley Lake. Property boasts 3 bedrooms + office w/ 2 full baths, wood-burning fireplace, laundry room, lg open kitchen w/ custom cabinetry, detached 2 stall garage w/ black-top driveway on 3.74 acres & a gorgeous waterfront lot!

1125 O’Brien Rd, Forestport $106,000

Great starter home with three bedrooms, one bath, large master on first floor, open floor plan, light and bright, detached 4 car garage with drive-out back door, large corner lot and affordable taxes with Kayuta Lake Views.

Waterfront & Acreage, Forestport $225,000 Now available are 35.98 acres and over 2500’ on the Black River feeding into Kayuta Lake! Prime waterfront land and one of the largest parcels still available. Property lies just past Kayuta Lake Campground.

352 Hollywood Rd, Old Forge $289,900

1012 Sand Lane, Forestport


12122 Nys Rt. 365, Remsen $164,900

Great little piece of property w/ waterfront at the end of the channel overlooking the lake. Camp has two bedrooms, one bathroom, open floor plan, and tasteful Adirondack features throughout. The deck overlooking the water is the perfect place for entertaining.

Two bedroom, one bath home with one level, open floor plan Nice kitchen island facing the living room and a cute back patio via the sliding glass doors. Attached two stall garage and paved driveway with Kayuta Lake nearby.

Custom log home on over three acres, walking distance to Hinckley Lake. Hardwood floors and Adirondack features make this home a must-see. Detached single stall garage, huge/dry basement, large second story loft, and a convenient location.

8082 Goldie Roberts Rd, Remsen $98,000 Log cabin on almost 18 acres off of private road. Property sits on the banks of Black River, just above Crandall Falls. Off-grid living for the adventurer in all of us. Perfect hunting camp. Large 22x28 garage to store winter toys!

263 N. Spall Rd, Russia $219,000 Hunter’s paradise awaits at this secluded log cabin with frontage on a nice trout stream. Property sits on 147 acres and was built within the last decade. Very private setting and beautiful year-round camp with two bedrooms and all amenities on site.

9097 Main Street, Stittville $139,900 Investment opportunity awaits! Nine unit mobile home park available for purchase on 2.5 acres of land. Convenient location with village sewer and water. Property is looking for a new owner to bring it to its full potential.


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Coldwell Banker Prime Properties

Loudonville Office 433 Loudon Rd, Loudonville, NY 12211 Call: 518.427.9000 Web: The Capital Region’s Foremost Real Estate Authority.

Andrea Burr 640-4407



123 Spring St. Great investment opportunity. 7 stall garage. In the heart of the student housing. Rent by the month, the semester, the year. Fully Rented, low maintenance, newer roof and garage doors. Bill Kellert 640-4442


$64,400 Troy

$89,900 Troy

$115,900 Albany


610 Lansing St. 1st time home owners… homeownership has never been more accessible! Charming, cozy & loaded with updates. Now’s the time to invest in your future. Updated throughout, new kitchen, bath, windows and roof. So much for so little! Christopher Culihan 640-4419

449 8th Ave. Adorable affordable Cape waiting for the remodeler’s touch. Hardwood floors, fireplace, spacious rooms, all new exterior finishes, siding, replacement windows, and roof. Handicap entrance. Bill Kellert 640-4442

40 117th St. Move right in to this charming 3 bedroom 1 ½ bath home. 3 zone heat, updated electric, private fenced double lot. Chock full of upgrades. Dodie Esposito 640-4452

51 Ten Broeck Street Historic home in the Ten Broeck Triangle, complete w/natural brick exterior, 2 original intact fireplace mantles, hardwood floors, views of the Hudson River off the huge 24x14 ft deck. 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths. Greg Tobin 640-4455

Christopher Culihan 640-4419

Rosemarie Durant 640-4427


$173,900 Niskayuna

$179,900 Colonie

$204,500 Troy

$209,900 Latham



$219,900 Albany

$225,000 Schaghticoke

$262,000 Loudonville

$317,900 Albany


8 Fremont La. Well cared for, single owner home, nestled on a quiet side street. Newer kitchen, fenced yard, screened porch, deck, freshly painted, just move right in! Dodie Esposito 640-4452

17 Troy Place Charming spacious Cape Cod 4 bedroom home in the award winning Niskayuna School District awaits the lucky home owner. Large scale family room, private yard perfect for entertaining year round.Walk to all the stores along Union St. Rosemarie Durant 640-4427

4 St. Thomas La. Upgraded split in a great neighborhood with Colonie schools. Recently replaced kitchen cabinets, tiled backsplash, granite counters, tiled floor, hardwood floors, new roof, bedroom windows, and so much more. May Anne Hess 640-4415

16 Michigan Ave. Lovely 4 bedroom 1 ½ bath colonial just minutes from RPI and Samaritan Hospital. Large fenced yard, double lot, upgraded kitchen with stainless appliances and Calif. Closeted pantry, working wood fireplace. Elizabeth C. O’Haire 640-4436

30 East Glenwood Dr. 3 bedroom ranch in North Colonie schools! Great Adirondack style bonus room, 1,200 ft. of living space, fenced yard, Minutes from the hub of all the Capital Region has to offer. Charles Tom Nightingale 640-4420

Betsy C. O’Haire 640-4436

20 Meadowbrook Rd. Light and bright set the tone for this 3 bed, 1 ½ bath raised ranch. New vinyl windows, corian counters, tumbled marble kitchen backsplash, freshly painted throughout, very private corner lot, North Colonie Schools. Mary Anne Hess 640-4415

181 Lancaster St. Urban sophistication at its finest. Impressive townhome has been updated and improved from top to bottom. New boiler, resurfaced roof, appliances and granite counters. Skylight, office nook and the perfect layout for entertaining too! Andrea Burr 640-4407

315 Ridge Rd. Well maintained, 4 bed, 2 ½ bath home in perfect country setting. Nestled on 15 private acres, this is country living at its finest. 1st floor office, separate tool shed, & loads of options. Motivated sellers looking for reasonable offers! Heather Bayly 640-4417

558 Albany Shaker Road Charming Farmhouse, totally renovated, 4 bedroom, 2 ½ baths, tons of charm. Fabulous hardwood floors, Jacuzzi tub in master, above ground pool and huge deck in yard. Walking distance to The Crossings. Michael Palage 640-4402

188 North Pearl Street Unique development opportunity amidst the downtownTheater Arts District. Zoned C# this vacant land is perfect mixed use locale for commercial and residential. 17,459 sq. ft., 145 feet of North Pearl Street frontage. Greg Tobin 640-4455

Jeanne Fitzgerald 640-4422

Peter Luzinas

Office Manager 640-4409


Christine Richardson 640-4462

LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region

Jean Mosher 640-4421

Maribeth Duclos 640-4412

Denise Arnold 640-4401

Karyn Long 640-4460

Eileen Heim 640-4440

Seating is limited! Preregister by calling Maribeth @ 518-312-2764

Coldwell Banker Prime Properties

Loudonville Office 433 Loudon Rd, Loudonville, NY 12211 Call: 518.427.9000 Web: The Capital Region’s Foremost Real Estate Authority.


$339,900 Troy

1162 Godfrey La. Come inside & relax by the gas fp in the living rm. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout, spacious 5 bedroom-2 full, 2 half baths. Freshly painted-updated bathrooms-granite countertops, stainless steel appliances. Jean Mosher 640-4421

$349,000 Johnsburg

2 Kestner Lane This property has all the “I wants!”Hardwood floors, 9ft ceilings, stainless appliances, 2nd floor laundry, finished legal basement with full bath and so much more. 4 bedrooms 3 ½ baths, only 3 yrs. young! Andrea Burr 640-4407

$349,900 Pittstown

40 Birch Mountain Rd. Ready for your own Adirondack retreat? Gorgeous contemporary home in desirable Garnet Hills locale in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains.Year round access, private beach on the 13th lake, 4 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths. Maribeth Duclos 640-4412

$374,900 Loudonville

44 Windy Ridge Way Horse Farm on 23 magnificent acres, w/ 11 stall stable w/ tack room, 30 x 60 equipment barn, tennis court & amazing views from the top of Windy Ridge Way. 4 bed, 2 bath raised ranch w/ potential & possibilities. Heather Bayly 640-4417

Bill Kellert



45 Cheshire Way Carriage home in popular East Hills, offers bright open floor plan, high ceilings, hardwood floors, fabulous screened porch, private lot. Fresh and ready to go! Fabulous value! Andrea Burr 640-4407

Greg Tobin 640-4455


$399,900 Loudonville

9 Shereen La. Great open floor plan, stunning kitchen, granite counters, limestone and hardwood floors, 1st or 2nd floor master suites, fabulous landscaping, in ground heated pool, North Colonie Schools. Jeanne Fitzgerald 640-4422

$410,000 Loudonville

6 Guilder Ct. Just reduced, move right in to this stunning custom built home on a private cul-de-sac, in the exclusive East Hills community. Sumptuous 1st floor master suite, glorious year round sun room, stunning perennial gardens, large rooms. Maribeth Duclos 640-4412

$419,900 Loudonville

11 Fairview Road Gorgeous Crisafulli built center hall colonial in great Old Loudonville neighborhood. Gleaming hardwood floors, open family room/kitchen, 4-5 bedrooms, 4 full baths, 3 car garage. Great yard w/ deck, finished basement. Mary Anne Hess 640-4415

$430,000 Loudonville

7 Schuyler Hills Road The best value in Loudonville! Gorgeous brick home boasts hardwood floors, 3 new bathrooms, new lighting, A/C, roof, and so much more! Ideal in-law set up. This is a must see!! The owners want it sold! Eileen Heim 640-4440


361 Loudon Road Surround yourself with nature in this one of a kind contemporary home. Two story great room, open floor plan, new kitchen, updated mechanicals,3 beds, 2 ½ baths, Loudonville Elem. School. Jeanne Fitzgerald 640-4422

Dodie Esposito 640-4452


$549,000 Troy

8 Park Drive 3,600 ft. of space, including 5 bedrooms, media room, finished basement with kitchen, gleaming hardwood floors, patio w/gas grill, huge private yard, North Colonie schools, available immediately. Jeanne Fitzgerald 640-4422

Nick Testo 640-4404

$549,900 Loudonville

10 Westover Rd., The Warren House… a unique opportunity to own one of historicTroy’s most renowned estate homes. Known for its unique architecture, it has withstood the test of time.Warm gracious, with a stunning layout, 6 bedrooms, 4 baths. Maribeth Duclos 640-4412

Brian Marsh 640-4453

$579,000 Loudonville

8 Proctor Court Family home on quiet cul de sac on 1.6 private acres. Gleaming hardwood floors through unusual floor plan w/ private family living. Stunning 2 story den w/ bar & spiral staircase to 2nd floor, 7 fireplaces, screened porch & decks. Jeanne Fitzgerald 640-4422

Heather Bayly 640-4417

Justin Luzinas

$775,000 Menands

33 Burton La. Available for sale or lease! Step inside this elegant custom built home. 3900 sq. ft. of hardwood floors, beautiful moldings, charm and style throughout. Stunning open floor plan, charming sun room, front and rear porches. Jeanne Fitzgerald 640-4422


Matt Rucinski 640-4430


1 Sage Estate Capital Region’s most exclusive gated enclave community. 4000+ ft home on 1+ acres, 4 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths, 3 fireplaces, amazing moldings throughout, granite, cook’s kitchen, all in a stunning park like setting. Dodie Esposito 640-4452

Elizabeth Brown-Goyette

Charles Tom Nightingale 640-4420



Mary Anne Hess 640-4415

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For more information on any of these houses, visit and type in the QSN#


Open Market Listing Service™ Rexford


49 Gala Pl


Call Pat Today

4 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths

4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths

QSN #362924

QSN #362920

Realty USA Rachel Derikart

CCS Realty Group Patrick Seeberger

Lic R.E. Salesperson

Lic. R.E. Broker



North Greenbush



8 Crimson Circle

3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths

4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths

QSN #362922

QSN #362921

Realty USA Rachel Derikart

Realty USA Rachel Derikart

Lic R.E. Salesperson

Lic R.E. Salesperson



North Greenbush



57 Crimson Circle


541 9th Ave

4 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths

3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths

QSN #362923

QSN #354373

Realty USA Rachel Derikart Lic R.E. Salesperson


Caroga Lake

Featured Property

South Shore Road, Caroga Lake • lovely secluded 3 or 4 bedroom home • newly remodeled new furnace/water heater/electrical • garage and heated pole barn • walking distance to lake & marina • listed for $199,000 no offers refused! now at $180,000 10


1543 Van Cortland St

LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region

Deb Sicilia, Licensed R.E. Salesperson Kinship Properties, Inc.

54 East Main Street, St. Johnsville NY 13452

(O) 518-568-2100 (C) 518-495-5770

CMN Real Estate Brent Tague Licensed Real Estate Broker

$199,000 518-456-7140

Featured Property 210 Green Bridge Rd., Thendara, NY

$575,000 Listing #1147

POST AND BEAM RIVERFONT HOME snowmobile trail system. Bike the TOBIE Trail or Situated on 210 feet of the beautiful Moose take a leisurely walk to Old Forge. A detached, River, this gorgeous post and beam, year two-story, 27 x 24 foot, two car garage will around home on the Green Bridge Rd. In give you plenty of storage for all those special Thendara, NY, offers you the opportunity to extras. Sit by the beautiful stone fireplace and canoe or kayak from your very own private dock enjoy this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with its or snowmobile for miles on the Town of Webb many new amenities for years to come.

Rivet Realty

2979 State Rt. 28, pO Box 247 Old forge, nY 13420 www. phone/Fax: 315-369-6573 May

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12133 NYS Rt 28, Woodgate

Commercial Section $499,900

Fully furnished log home with Master Suite, 2 bedrooms and 2 full baths PLUS 2 Successful businesses on premises. Situated on 26 Acres of woodlands!

Adirondack Hearthside Realty, LLC

Elise LaGrange, Lic. R.E. Salesperson 315-369-5440 •

48 1st St $195,000

Great investment opportunity. Rents are low...have not been raised in years. All separate utilities. 4 new boilers. Two new hot water tanks.

CMN Real Estate

1510 Central Ave #380 Albany NY 12205



Monthly Lease Includes:

11 Furnace Street Oriskany NY 13424

• Internet • Electricity • Heat/AC • Private Parking • Snow Plowing

Are you paying too much? Bring us your current lease and let us help! Call!!! Chances Are A Custom Lease Will Save You $$$

9 Unit: Many updates over the past few years including a new roof and windows (2010) Hardwired smoke detectors, sprinkler system, updated kitchens and baths in some units. 2000 S/F Garage/Carriage House

CMN Real Estate

1510 Central Ave #380 Albany NY 12205

Office Space Available

629 3rd Ave $279,900

• Security/Fire System • Breakroom • Conference Room • Cleaning of Offices

Perfect for any business looking for a quiet, beautiful setting! • Can be modified to suit tenant • 5600 square feet plus usable space • Monthly Office rents start at $200 • Storage (additional monthly charge)

To Arrange a Walk-Thru Appointment, Please Call Ed or Dick at

315-527-5661 • 315-736-3225 •

Attention Realtors: $1000 bonus*

for Realtor who assists in leasing of space. • 2600 sq/ft of Commercial Space • New Structure • New Equipment • High Traffic • Established, Turn-Key Convenience Store • 15 Minutes from Utica Nano-Tech Call 315-525-2643 Ask for Rick or Email 12

LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region

*Conditions Apply. See Broker for Details.

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158 Woodin Rd, Clifton Park, NY 12065 (518)371-7944 • Fax: (518)348-0878 NYS License# 16000005522


NYS License Home Inspector Lic# 16000005522 • NYS Certified Pest Inspector #T5685318 NYS Certified Home Inspector Instructor • Instructor & Owner of Clifton Park Home Inspection Training Center (Affiliated with Askus) • NYS Certified Code Officer Associations: President of Local Chapter of NACHI • Member of NYSBOC

With my home inspections you will receive a good professional inspection.




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Quality credit deserves quality rates. We can provide the needed capital to build up a borrower’s commercial property portfolio and help them attain quality credit. We’re here to help our borrower’s reach the top tier of loan programs so they can benefit from our bank quality competitive rates and terms. We offer competitive rates and terms for loans which meet bank quality guidelines. Loan Amounts: $500,000 to $5,000,000 Property Types: Multifamily 5+ units, Mobile Home Parks, Mixed Use, Office, Retail, Lt Industrial, and Self-Storage Lending Areas: Nationwide top 120 MSAs except AK, HI, ND, SD Amortization: Up to 30 years *Index: 6-Mo. LIBOR * Margin: MF 3.00% – 4.00% / Other properties 4.00-5.00% Min. Credit Score: Generally 700 (Global cash flow analysis req’d) Rate Caps: 2.00%/1.00%/5.00% lifetime * Personal Recourse: Required * Floor: Initial Rate



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LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region

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Happyfrom New Year

New Listings

Gateway Properties

Nicholas Polce Michele Reid

aWCCL Inc. affiliated company

Buffalo Head Restaurant • $425,000

Norway • $84,900

This lot has over 50 acres of possibilities. There is a 30’ x 60’pole barn with an 8’ x 60’ overhang on this lot. This lot is guaranteed buildable and Owner Financing is Available! These lots all contain a mixture of hard and soft woods. Terrain is gently rolling. Overall, great habitat for deer, bear, turkey.

Norway • $15,500

Special, limited time pricing is available on this 13.81 acre lot. This property is very close to state land and is guaranteed buildable. Owner financing is also available with 1/3 down! These lots all contain a mixture of hard and soft woods. Terrain is gently rolling.

West Turin • $39,900

12 x 24 Cabin on thirteen acres. There is a small creek that runs through the back part of the property. Cabin is towards the back of the property with a loft overlooking the creek. Property also has a 12 x 8 shed for storage. Driveway ends on the snowmobile trail in the winter months.


Broker/Owner, Sales Agent (C) 315-525-1080 (C) 315-571-4535

of Upstate New York Inc.

Historic landmark restaurant comes complete with all appliances, cookware, dishes and more. Three hundred + seating. restaurant located on the way to North Lake, South Lake, close to Kayuta Lake, snowmobile trail system, Old Forge, Perfect location for year round revenue. Seller is highly motivated and financing is available. Contact Nick 315-525-1080

Your Gateway to the Simple Life

1-877-NY-LANDS land for sale throughout NY state

Camden • $45,000

7 acres on Drought Road in the town of Camden. It is a maintained dirt road that is very quiet. It is fully wooded and there are stone walls around part of the boundaries. The cabin is only a year old and is completely self-sustaining. There is a well and septic and the inside is finished.

Remsen • $21,500

9 plus acres close to snowmobile trails, the Nature Conservancy, and minutes from Hinckley Lake. Great for hunting or a getaway camp. Privacy and serenity abound, perc tested, well and a septic can be installed. Owner financing available.

Remsen • $21,500

This property is close to snowmobile trails, the Nature Conservancy, and minutes from Hinckley Lake. Great for hunting or a getaway camp. Privacy and serenity abound on this piece. This property has been perc tested, so a well and a septic can be installed. Owner financing is available.

Watson • $45,000

Cabin in the woods, tucked away deep in the pines. You can hear the Independence River from the porch. A 16x24 cabin sits on 11 acres with a loft and is completed inside. Very close to Otter Creek horse trail as well as the snowmobile trails! This cabin is really nice inside and out.

Herkimer Office Building • $225,000

14,364+/- sf on 1.6 acres, 3 Floors w elevator. Large lot with room for expansion. Currently 100% of units leased. Parking for 30+ cars. Over 12% Cap Rate. Broker Owned. Serious Inquiries. Contact Nick 315-525-1080

West Leyden • $39,800

Just over 10 acres of well-drained soil, on the snowmobile trail, with power available at the road. The maintained road becomes a dead end just past the property in the winter. This property is in the Tug Hill Snowmobile region, just off of Osceola Road, close to ponds, brooks and State Land. Property is mostly wooded.

We are proud to announce the sale of Eleven Thousand Four Hundred Acres in the Adirondacks high peaks area. Hale Brook Forest LLC, a limited liability company from Delaware, purchased the property from a private individual, the tract spans the three townships of Jay, Lewis and Chesterfield in Essex County, New York. The property consists of a multitude of hiking trails, several lakes and ponds as well as streams and brooks, all accompanied by a string of camps that are accessible from a network of interior roads. The new owners plan on offering the property to the public for long term recreational leasing while managing it for sustainable forestry. Sale Price: Eleven Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars


LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region

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