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Sizzling Summer Listings
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Welcome Welcome
Thanks But No Thanks The list of
Life and
“must-have” real estate features have pretty much
remained the same for the past few years; Open concept, stainless steel appliances, hardwood floors. You know the routine.
Account Executive/Owner Sales Representative
That list got me to wondering what features potential home buyers might find LEAST appealing? Lucky for us, the National Association of Home Builders recently asked home buyers that same question. Can you guess which features made the “turn off” list? Coming in as the number one feature homebuyers rated as the least desirable in a home or development complex...drumroll, please... elevator. I’m not kidding. Elevator topped the “turn off” list; followed closely by, of all things, glass walls. Maybe it’s the areas I’ve lived in or the price range we’ve shopped in but I haven’t come across enough homes with elevators or glass walls to make me feel the need to include them on a list. Completing the list, in order of least preferred: wine cellar, pet washing station, roof partially covered by plants, (I hate when that happens), golf course, in-law suite, cork flooring in the living room on the main level, and a feature I personally think should be moved to the top of the list waaaayyyy ahead of an elevator, dual toilets in the primary bath. There you have it. Now you know what buyers don’t want. If you have a laundry room, exterior lighting, double sink, walk-in pantry or a home office, and you’re selling, you’re in luck. Those features topped this year’s list of features buyers are looking for. You get to sit back and wait for the offers to roll in. For those of you with an elevator or glass walls, the news isn’t as good. You may have to work a little harder to find the right buyer.
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David P. Lisi, RMC
P: 315-865-5845
David P. Lisi, RMC
Real Estate Marketing Consultant 315-865-5845 •
Table of Contents
News Shorts 3-4 ______________________________________________ Glebus Realty 5 ______________________________________________ Deborah Fontes 6 Hinman Construction 6 ______________________________________________ Julie & Co 7 ______________________________________________ Joseph Krongold 8-9 ______________________________________________ Krutz Realty 10 ______________________________________________ Brenda St. Louis 11 ______________________________________________ Peaceful Living 12 ______________________________________________ Bradley Park Builders 13 ______________________________________________ Marketing Listing Service 14 ______________________________________________ Empire State Stone 15 Great North Lighting 15 ______________________________________________ Chris McCabe 16-17 ______________________________________________ Professional Career Ctr 18 ______________________________________________ Michelle Thompson 19 ______________________________________________ ADK Realty 20 ______________________________________________ Products & Service Directory 21 ______________________________________________ Digger Dan 23 South Fork 23 ______________________________________________ Brzostek’s Auction Service back cover
Sales Representative
Doug Benson, RMC
P: 315-368-5040
Advertising Deadline September Issue
July 30, 2021 For advertising rates & info, contact
Published by Corporate Office
David P. Lisi, Owner 315-865-5845
Corporate Editor
KIM LISI Lisi Merchant Solutions, Inc.
PO Box 18 Holland Patent, NY 13354 LifeandHomes is published monthly by Lisi Merchant Solutions, Inc.
This information has been compiled from public records and other sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no guarantee with respect to its accuracy or completeness or the absence of restrictions on use and are not responsible for any liability, loss, or risk that subscribers may incur, directly or indirectly, from using the contents of this site. Copyright © 2021 Lisi Merchant Solutions, Inc.
Front Cover Featured Home
Now with 3 Publications: Capital Region Syracuse Central New York (Oneida & Herkimer Counties)
Work In Demand
When workplaces in 2020 due to the virus, it sparked a surge in home buying that is leading to some big decisions for homeowners as offices begin to reopen. After more than a year of working remotely, Americans have moved farther away from the office and are less willing to commute, according to survey data from®. Those pandemic purchases are leaving some new homeowners and companies in conflict about what’s next. Nearly sixty percent of new homeowners, who purchased within the last twelve months, are working from home and 62% prefer to be. Despite it being the clear preference, only 48% have been told by their employer they can continue to work remotely. One quarter of those surveyed still have no definitive answer on whether or not they can remain fully remote indefinitely and another quarter already have plans to return. “Throughout the last year we have seen homebuyers across the country, empowered by the new found ability to work remotely, moving farther and farther from crowded urban downtowns in search of more space, higher quality of life, and a lower cost of living,” said George Ratiu, Sr. economist for® “Our survey data shows that people are really enjoying their new communities and larger homes, and aren’t willing to give them up anytime soon. Looking forward, if companies return to more conservative policies on working from home, we could see an influx of new
•Door Delivery: If a carrier delivers mail or homeowners in the job market. For companies willing to stay more flexible with either hybrid or entirely remote opportunities, there is a large cohort of young professionals with growing families who value homeownership and affordability, and welcome the benefits of a technologically-enhanced employment landscape.” That’s created a dilemma for new homeowners who are happy at home and uncertain if and when their employer will want them back in the office. When asked what they will do if their employer decides they must return to the jobsite -- while 48% said they’d try to arrange a flexible schedule that allows for some in-office work and some remote work, nearly a quarter say they will find a new job. Just 30% of those asked said they would willingly return to the office if asked and only eight percent say they would sell their pandemic purchase in favor of a home closer to work. (PRNewswire)
Tips To
Stop Dog
Attacks On
Mail Carriers Warm weather means more pets are outdoors, posing an increased risk for our mail carriers, and others making home deliveries. When a dog attacks a letter carrier, the dog owner could be held liable for all medical expenses, repayment of lost work hours, replacement of the uniform and other costs, which can run into thousands of dollars. Here are four simple tips to prevent dog bite injuries that should be enforced all year round:
packages to your front door, place your dog in a separate room and close that door before opening the front door. Some dogs burst through screen doors or plate-glass windows to attack visitors. Dog owners should keep the family pet secured. Remind children and other family members not to take mail directly from carriers in the presence of the family pet, as the dog may view the person handing mail to a family member as a threatening gesture.
•Electronic Fencing: Carriers may assume, when they see no physical fence around a property, the property is animal-free. This can be a dangerous mistake. Postal officials request that you keep your dog restrained or inside when the mail is delivered. Although the electronic fence may keep your dog from wandering, it does not protect your Postal Service carrier, who must enter your property to deliver the mail. Even homes with curbside mailboxes may have oversized packages or signature-needed items that require the carrier to approach a doorstep and cross the boundaries of the electronic fence. This poses a serious risk to carrier safety.
•Dog in Yard: Make sure your dog is properly restrained on a leash away from where your mail carrier is delivering the mail. Mail delivery service can be interrupted at an address or neighborhood the carrier deems unsafe because of an unrestrained dog. Service will be restored once assurance has been given that the animal will be confined during regular delivery hours.
•Tracking: Dog owners who have access to postal notification features such as Informed Delivery ( for letter mail and package tracking are urged to use this as a way to gauge when the carrier is on the way and to ensure the dog is properly restrained. Expecting a postal package delivery on Sunday? Postal officials urge dog owners to restrain their animals on Sundays as well, as more residences are receiving deliveries throughout the weekend. (NAPSI)—
NewsShorts Sponsored by Brzostek’s Auction Service (See their ad on the back cover)
■ www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
Every Home
grade extinguisher, as well as an easy-to-read color-coded gauge for accurate measurement. Remember, a fire extinguisher that has been discharged is no longer effective, so consider rechargeable extinguishers, which can be recharged by a certified professional if the unit is used.
“A fire starts in a residential home every 86 seconds in the U.S. - and the rapid protection offered by fire extinguishers can make the difference between minor, insignificant damage and greater tragedy,” says Tarsila Wey, director of marketing for First Alert. Follow these tips on fire extinguishers in the home:
Know your ABCs. While they may look similar, fire extinguishers have very specific ratings that indicate what kind of fire they are designed to extinguish. A Class A rating can put out fires caused by wood, paper, trash and other common materials, while Class B rated extinguishers are intended for gasoline and flammable liquids. Class C-rated extinguishers are meant for fires caused by electrical equipment, such as frayed cords. For trusted reliable protection, It’s best to select a multirated extinguisher, such as the First Alert Rechargeable Home Fire Extinguisher, which is capable of handling most types of household fires.
Have One
Fortunately, many home improvements are not as Keep it within reach. Unattended cooking is the number one cause of home fires in the U.S., according to the National Fire Protection Association. When seconds count, having an extinguisher within reach is crucial for quick response. Place fire extinguishers on every level of your home, plus the common places like the kitchen and garage. The NFPA recommends installing fire extinguishers close to room exits so that you can discharge them and quickly escape if the fire cannot be controlled. In addition, make sure that every responsible member of your household (including house sitters and babysitters) knows where each fire extinguisher is placed. Know how to use it. Fire extinguishers generally include instructions on proper usage, but a simple way to remember the steps is with the acronym PASS:
• Pull the pin on the extinguisher • Aim the nozzle low toward the base of the fire • Squeeze the trigger • Sweep the nozzle from side to side There are a variety of fire extinguisher types to choose from - from home and kitchen to commercial applications. Select a home fire extinguisher that weighs three pounds or less for easy handling. For home fire extinguishers, other features to look for include a metal valve and trigger, which offer the durability of a commercial
To learn more about fire safety, visit (BPT) -
Choose Carpet For
A Healthy,Stylish,
Comfortable Home Being at home more often has inspired many people to make changes in their favorite spaces that focus on health and comfort. You might be surprised to learn that carpeting a room supports both these goals, plus offers near endless style possibilities. EclipseTM Rapid Wall Repair Patches from DAP Carpet is a popular flooring option, accounting for 48% of the total U.S. flooring market, according to the Carpet and Rug Institute. Adding carpet or refreshing the carpet you already have in your home has many benefits, from helping you breathe easier to keeping loved ones safe. Here are the top reasons people are opting for carpet:
Health and indoor air quality. Carpet can help support a healthy home, even for people with
asthma and allergies. The updated asthma management guidelines from the National Institutes of Health’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute do not include recommendations to remove carpet as a way to treat asthma and allergies. “Scientific research shows that carpet does not negatively impact allergies or asthma. In fact, carpet can improve your home’s air quality by trapping allergens, keeping them out of the breathing zone and making them easy to vacuum,” said Dr. Michael Halwig, allergy specialist on the clinical faculty of Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. “All too often patients have been advised to remove carpeting in the home to deal with environmental allergies. This is often expensive and impractical for many families. Current knowledge shows that the use of vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters and other environmental control measures are much more effective in reducing allergens in the home.”
Safety and noise reduction. Carpet and carpet pads help absorb excessive sounds to soften noises within a room while serving as a sound barrier between floors. This is especially important in rooms with large TVs, sound systems or speaker phones, as well as in hallways and on stairs to soften foot traffic. Whether you’re working, studying or relaxing, carpet reduces noise so you can focus. Carpet is also a safe choice, particularly in multigenerational homes. In addition to added comfort in cushioning footsteps, carpet can help reduce slips and falls that may occur more easily on hard surface flooring. Carpet is safe for the whole family, but especially for toddlers and older individuals who are more prone to falls. If a fall does happen, carpet can help minimize injury. Fashion and functionality. Carpet can serve as a neutral foundation, in popular tones of gray, cream or beige, or it can be a focal point featuring vibrant colors and bold patterns. Select an option that suits your personal taste and complements your home’s aesthetic. Because carpet provides thermal insulation, it helps maintain a room’s optimum temperature. To learn more about the research and benefits of carpet, visit (BPT)
NewsShorts Sponsored by Brzostek’s Auction Service (See their ad on the back cover) 4
LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region
Adirondack Properties By
Brenda Wells Associate Broker
Lake Champlain Vacation Home
GLEBUS REALTY 1391 US Route 9 Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Call 518-791-0075 (Mobile) or 518-532-7191 (Office) $229,000
Johnson Pond
Alta Lakefront Home
Lakefront Vacation home, fireplace, 440’ directwaterfront, detached 2 car garage, 0.8 Acres.
North Hudson at the gate of the High Peaks, 6 acres off grid, borders state land, dock rights, fishing is great!
On Lake Champlain, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, large wrap around deck, stone patio, dock, 130’ on Lake.
All Season Alta Log Home
Gary Glebus
Listing & Selling Properties in the Adirondacks for 43 years
114 Acres
151 Acres
In Schroon Lake- prime location for a professional office (furnished) or your vacation or retirement home.
1500 Rd Ft-Outstanding Views of Lake Champlain & the Green Mountains of Vermont. Roads into the acreage.
Consisting of 2 parcels, on the Earnest Smith Road in the Town of Horicon, short drive to the Adirondack store.
222 Acres with outstanding views
Split Level Ranch on 7.8 acres
Near Lake Champlain
All Season Adirondack Home
Built in 2016 with 2 bedrooms on 16 acres with sugar bush, pasture, deck, pole barn, near Lake Champlain.
Traditional Mint Condition Home
2 bedrooms, knotty pine, skylights, large deck, hardwood & tile floors, 1.2 acres, walk to Marina on Lake Champlain.
Two Lakefront Homes
Each separate deeded on Lake Champlain, 0.8 acres & 0.3 acres, 129’ waterfront & 80’ waterfornt, town water.
Beautiful Adirondack Chalet
Adirondack Home with 383 Acres
Of Lake Champlain, its Valley and the Green Mountains of Vermont. wildlife galore, 8.5 acres per dwelling,
4 bedrooms, 3 baths, pole barn, plus a barn, recreational building, this is an ideal mini-farm, pond.
Country home in good condition- 5 bedrooms 2 baths, town water & sewer, wrap around porch, close to all amenities.
On 17 acres with million dollar views of Lake Champlain and the Green Mountains of Vermont. cathedral ceiling.
And 5,000’ rd ft, ideal mini-farm, outstanding views of Lake Champlain, babbling brook, pasture, 11 tillable acres.
Million Dollar Views
Affordable Business Opportunity
Alta Log Home on Lake Champlain 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, balcony overlooks living room, wrap around deck, full basement, central air, town water.
From this 417 acres overlooking Lake Champlain &Fort Crown Point, trails throughout, 8.5 acres per dwelling.
Prime location in Moriah, this building can make your business venture come true.
1.93 Acres Bordering State Land
In the Town of Schroon, power nearby, close to all amenities in town, your Adirondack retreat or hunter’s paradise!
Prime Location
For your Business or Family Home withing walking distance to shops & stores, bank and all other amenities.
Listing & Selling Properties in the Adirondacks for 43 years
■ www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
We Have Buyers For Your Home! Pending
Thinking of Selling? Contact me for your FREE Seller’s Guide to Real Estate.
Text: 518-596-2273 Investment
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1008 Strong St. Schenectady $68,000
1602 Foster Ave. Schenectady 2 Family $119,900
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Deborah Fontes
Agent Debbie in “The Little Red Car” Real Estate Associate Broker Seller Representative Specialist
322 Ballston Rd. Glenville, NY 12302
Design ~ Build ~ Remodel Additions, Kitchens and Baths.
Office: (518) 885-1835 6
LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region
Office 518-396-5850
Cell 518-596-2273
■ www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
Ready For A Change Of Address? I Have Buyers For Your Home
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To Get Your Home Estimate Seniors Real Estate Specialist®
Joseph I Krongold,
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker Email:
One Solar Way, Latham, New York 12110 8
LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region
You Owe It To Yourself To Experience
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City-Owned properties available for purchase. Homebuyer Education * Grants * Expert Advice* Finance opportunities
O: (518) 389-2001
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ext 123 C: (518) 867-1299
One Solar Way, Latham, New York 12110
■ www.Lif ean d H o m es . com
Residential • Commercial • Farms • Investments • Acreage 518 East Main Street, Little Falls
2585 State Route 165, Seward
189 Upper Deck Road, Stark
The Copper Moose Ale House, an awardwinning, anchor restaurant/craft-beer hotspot. This is a real “turn-key’ offering business, building, and ALL equipment, fixtures, furniture, small-wares, everything included. The 3-story building is approx. 5,800 sqft. The 1st floor- Copper Moose Ale House. 2nd floor - storage. The 3rd floor - a 1 bed/1bath apartment. Asking $349,000
1019 Engleville Road, Sharon
This charming farmhouse sits on 109 acres with the most incredible views! This original farmhouse features 2,500 square feet of beautiful living space, that can be enjoyed all year round. Two fire places, large open concept kitchen, natural lit sunroom. Large deck in rear of home, 3 barns, garage, 3 tractors, and fresh water springs. Asking $350,000
373 Reed Hill Rd, Fultonville
22-24 Hewitt Street, Amsterdam
Raised ranch located just outside of Sharon Springs. Close enough to everything you need, yet far enough away for peace and quiet! 2 bedrooms, with an extra space downstairs that could also be a bedroom. Beautiful views off the back of the property. Close to state land. With a little TLC, this home could be the perfect getaway! Asking $85,000
1714 Mill Rd, St Johnsville
Private, large yard and the relaxing sound of running water! Great owner-occupied dwelling or a desirable two family investment property. GREAT LOCATION! Please note: Water, sewer and garbage pick-up charges are included in the city taxes! Both units are currently occupied. Tenants would love to stay, but both are willing to re-locate. Asking $139,900
89 Church Street, Canajoharie
Located just outside the village sits this cute and spacious 2-Bedroom, 1.5 bath home with a separate living quarters on the property, perfect for an in-law apartment or rental income. The home features a large kitchen and living room, as well as a den/dining area. Also on the property is a large (24 x 48) garage with workshop. Asking $139,900
36 Reid Street, Fort Plain
Four bedroom home located in the Village of Canajoharie with 2272 square feet of living space, large living room and dining room. There is aux room off the living room and another room that can be a den or a kid’s playroom. Upstairs there are three good size bedroom and midsize bedroom. The home is in good condition. Asking $99,900
110 S. Kingsboro Ave., Gloversville
Brick Victorian style home with a huge detached garage. Features high ceilings, open staircase, hardwood floors, stain glass windows, large formal living rooms, French doors, and many nooks and crannies. 2 front porches. Paved driveway with carport. Asking $169,900
This home has a lot of potential and needs some improvements, but it has a lot of charm. Wood floors throughout. Original woodwork and moldings remain but have been painted. If you are looking for rental property, tenants are willing to remain. Asking $82,000
52 Burr Street, Gloversville
24 East Eleventh Ave, Gloversville
BRAND NEW ROOF NEWLY INSTALLED, CARPORT HAS BEEN INCLOSED and old ramp removed, making easier access to the kitchen. Fence along driveway restricting driveway use has been removed, Landscaping in front yard. Up coming improvements to be done, two new entrance door replacement and some new windows to be installed. Asking $119,000
Cute 3 bedroom home located in the quaint Village of Canajoharie. Beautiful hardwood floors lead you through this open and bright floor plan. Large kitchen and back patio for entertaining your guests. Fenced in backyard. Asking $119,000
21 Oxford Terrace, Gloversville
204 Main Street, Fort Plain
Many updates have transformed this home into a great place for your family. Relax on the quiet front porch or spend time in the pool this summer! Asking $115,000
This two family side by side apartment home with two bedroom on the second floor for both apartments has been well maintained.Both apartments have updated kitchens, spacious bedrooms, separate driveways on each side of the house and a large yard.The rood is in very good shape, newer hotter boiler. updated electrical boxes and the apartment are HUD approved. Asking $49,900
75 Walnut Street, Canajoharie
83 Cliff Street, Canajoharie
3-story commercial brick building located between Albany & Utica, minutes from NYS thruway ext 29. Property includes 3 storefronts and 3 apartments. Building is completely refurbished and qualifies for Federal& NYS Historic Preservation Tax Credit Programs. Approximately 2,792 SF per floor. Solar panels on the roof make this building efficient. Asking $239,000
Drive into this home that is set off the road and enjoy the quiet. 56.85 acres with trails throughout along with mature fruit trees, berries. Watch the wildlife out your window Also a pond with a camping area to spend these hot summer nights. This is a must see. Asking $275,000
18 E. Liberty St., St Johnsville
1694 Mill Road, St. Johnsville
Located just outside of town this lovely twostory home features 5 bedrooms and 1 1/2 bathrooms. On the first floor you will find a large, eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room, half bath with laundry hookup, and a family room. The five bedrooms on the second floor each have ample closet space and the full bathroom was recently updated. Asking $157,999
Two homes and large garage on 40 acres, surrounded by meadows, gardens, and woods. First home, surrounded by trees, features an open kitchen, cathedral ceilings, master suite/ jacuzzi tub and ample closet space and back deck. Very large 2 car garage. Second house features a bright kitchen, vinyl plank flooring, 3 bedrooms and deck. Could be used as income property or an oasis for friends and family. Asking $290,000
Great income opportunity !! This 4 unit property has 2/1br and 2/2br apartments. Close to all amenities with in walking distance. 3 units are leased one unit is owner occupied. Must see !! Asking $185,000
Bussiness opportunity 2 family upstairs is rented good tenant down stairs is vacant. This 2 family can be combined with 9 Union St and 125 E Fulton St. Asking $59,000
We Have Sizzling Summer Deals! Give Us A Call Today! K RUTZ P ROPERTIES
59 W. MAIN STREET CANAJOHARIE 518-673-2820 2474 STATE HWY 30 MAYFIELD 518-661-6118 54 E MAIN STREET ST. JOHNSVILLE 518-568-2776
LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region
Custom Built Hilltop Ranch
4330 County Route 30, Granville | 3 Bedrooms | 3 Baths | 9+ Acres | $399,000 5 years young custom-built ranch on a private hilltop with views you won’t believe!! You can see West & Gore Mountains. 2456 sq. ft. of living space that offers, cathedral ceiling, 1st-floor master bed/bath, open concept, ss appliances. Walkout finished basement with large family room w/ bar area , 2 other rooms, full bath and stone patio area. Huge 28X32 garage w/large overhead doors and plenty of room for all the toys. Enjoy your evening on the wrap-around deck (custom-made railings) taking in the breathtaking sunsets and wildlife.
170 Acre Farm
301 Gibbs Road, Granville
| 3 Bedrooms | 2 Baths | 170 Acres |
170 Acre farm, was recently a milking farm. Milking Barn is tie-stall and will include bulk tank, pipeline and milking pump. 2016 a 100x68 Pole barn was built (cost then $200,000). Then there is a 100x50 Pole barn across the road that has a well also. Some fields are fenced in for pastures, hayfields and some woodland. A 2005 doublewide 3 bedroom/2 bath, 1456 sq. ft. is included. Would consider subdividing also.
Brenda St. Louis Lic. R.E. Salesperson
518-260-6909 Cell
518-932-0302 Office
178 Glen St., Glens Falls, NY
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LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region
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Call TEAM McCABE at (518)765-SOLD TODAY! Get the local real estate experts on your side! 2390 WESTERN AVE. GUILDERLAND NY 12084
Chris McCabe
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Philip Battaglino
Kathy Burbank
John Fitzgerald
C: (518) 210-6488
C: (518) 461-8032
C: (518) 858-9178
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Jason Wynn
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
C: (518) 225-9013
DOWN SIZING • MOVING • BUYING • SELLING We Can Help With It All! CHRISTOPHER MCCABE Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Email: 2390 WESTERN AVE. GUILDERLAND NY 12084
Call Team McCabe at (518) 765-SOLD Today!
19 Purtell Avenue, Colonie • $299,900
99 Hazelhurst Avenue, Albany • $219,900
29 Rose Court, Cohoes • $209,900
Immaculate, full brick updated ranch home with one-floor living. Finished basement with family room, game room or large master bedroom with half bathroom Oversized 2 car garage. Beautiful hardwood floors have been recently refinished to shine. This is the perfect home for first-time homeowners or someone looking to downsize. Fantastic floor plan. You won’t find a better quality home in award-winning North Colonie Schools for the price. Location, Location, Location! MLS# 202121789
Come see this well-maintained and updated Albany raised ranch-style home with an in-law area. Home features 2 bedrooms, kitchen, DR, LR, and bath on the upper level with an in-law area, 2nd bathroom, and 2nd kitchen area on the lower level. Lower level could also be a perfect game room or teenager space. 1 car garage with driveway. Why pay rent, when you can own this home conveniently located near colleges, State Campus, bus line, shopping, and restaurants. Walkout basement. MLS# 202121785
LOCATION! LOCATION! This lovely home is located in a desirable Cohoes hill neighborhood. This home features a 1st floor BR, full bath, LR, DR, and kitchen. 2nd floor features a spacious master BR. Hardwood floors. Updated electrical (2012). Full Bathroom updated 2019. Vinyl windows. Convenient location to highways, schools, parks, restaurants, shopping, and work. Great starter or downsize home. I car garage. Off-street parking! MLS# 202322909
1210 10th Avenue, Colonie • $170,900
224 23rd Street, Watervliet • $169,900
1121 24th Street, Watervliet • $224,900
This adorable 3 Br/1 bath bungalow style home is a perfect starter or downsize home with low Colonie town taxes. Home features LR, DR, eat-in kitchen, enclosed side porch currently being used as a home office and a generous 2 car detached garage. Plenty of off-street parking for about 8 vehicles or park the boat/camper. Enjoy sitting on the back deck or by the fireplace in the backyard. This cozy home is sure to impress. Convenient location. MLS# 202121783
This long-time owner is ready to sell this well-maintained money maker. Home is located close to shopping, churches, schools, restaurants, and bus line. These spacious units have been well maintained and updated over the years. Both units consist of eat-in kitchens, generous size living, and dining rooms, and laundry rooms. Separate utilities and good tenants currently make this a must-see for either owner occupied or investor. Plenty of closet space. 1 car garage w/access from the back alley. MLS# 202121789
This Watervliet home is an entertainer’s dream that will create memories of a lifetime. This 3 BR/ 1.5 bath 2 story home features an eat-in kitchen, LR, family room, DR, 2nd-floor laundry room, and a 1st floor enclosed back porch that overlooks the beautifully landscaped private back yard. The dreamy backyard boasts an in-ground swimming pool, shed, and pool house with a bar. Off-street parking. Walk-up attic has the potential to be finished.
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(315)432-1045 Toll Free: (844)626-8773 18
LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region
1829 Greek Revival On 8+ Acres
7 BEDROOMS | 3 BATHS | 4,171 SQ. FT.
4692 Military Road, Russia NY This 1829 Greek Revival is a natural paradise majestically set on 8.2 acres boasting fabulous views. The original Buck Hill Farm has been restored & meticulously maintained. As a primary home @ 4,171 sq ft or 2nd home, enjoy a personal playground w/ room for horses, toys, dogs & yourself!
$449,999 drilled well, convenient overhead door plus refinished old milk house. Income potential w/ its 7 bedrooms and 4 baths for a corporate retreat, event venue B & B, Boutique Inn.
Enjoy year-round sports in the foothills of the Adirondacks. Private yet, not remote. Within 30-90 minutes to hospitals, colleges, arts, Property features 3 stall garage w/ heated workshop, in-ground Cooperstown, racing & gaming, NYS thruway or North and South pool fully fenced & pool house. Large 40 x 40 barn w/ electric, scenic state routes. Your search is over!
Let the #1 Selling Team Help You Find Your Next Home 315-735-2222
Michelle Gorea Thompson ABR, RSPS
Cell- 315-794-3260 Email-
The John Brown Team Member, John Brown Team, Licensed Salesperson
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LifeandHomes Adirondack Living
Gateway to the Adirondacks! We’re a Sportsman’s Paradise! Gateway to the Adirondacks! We’re a Sportsman’s Paradise! NEW
Grand Victorian on West Caroga lake! $350,000 Several lots included- 220Ft of waterfront with 2 docks! Spacious 3BR/1BA- full attic, 2 car garage. A very special house with lots of updates!
New! Lakefront Lot! $100,000 West Stoner Lake! Quiet Adirondack Lake APA Approved for 24x24 Cottage!
New! Canajoharie-$60,000 Make offer on this Diamond in the rough Sturdy house with classic features, good bones Roll up your sleeves and bring back to modern times.
Canada Lake - $249,900 3 Season 3BR/1BA with 100 ft of waterfront! Classic Adirondack summer house, log accents with modern amenities. Docks at the lakefront for lounging and boats.
New Construction! $250,000 3BR 1.5BA High efficiency & High techYear round home! Short walk to Deeded Lake access!
New! 200+ Acres 200+ Acres with waterfront on Great Sacandaga. Spectacular offering. Town of Northampton.
NEW! Bleecker! $280,000 15Acres Extremely Private. Over 2000 sq ft of House! 1BR/2BS could become 3BR! Full basement! Oak & Tile floors thru out! Open Kitchen/Dining. Full high pour basement for more living space. Woods and open clearing with small barn and outbuilding.
Johnstown Schools! $249,900 Just outside Town this new to the market 4BR Is sure to please! Open floor plan, freshly painted Nice deck and yard to relax!
NEW! Lake Edward! $145,000 Charming 2BR/1BA waterfront cottage on no motor Lake Edward! Town of Bleecker- just minutes to Johnstown/ Gloversville. Peace and quiet are yours to enjoy!
Ephratah Sportsman’s Paradise 13 Acres! Trails, woods, pond, barn, out buildings, fruit trees and a Beautiful 4BR/2BA home,full partially Finished basement! 2nd Lot included is a small retail shop owner uses- so can you or you could rent!
Caroga Lake $14,000 Building lot on Alderwood Park Rd Dead end road, wooded. Build an escape here!
Rensselaerville Secret Paradise! 58 Acres, 400 Ft Waterfront Private Lake Bordering Partridge Run State Forest, Come home to a peaceful and energy restoring atmosphere on a secluded glacier created lake. Fields, scenic wetlands, forest and a beautiful lake. Zoned Recreational you can create your own compound, private retreat, artist colony or redo history, Once a private camp!
West Caroga Lake Access $130,000 West Caroga Lake $130,000 122 Lakeview Ave -3BR/1BA 3 Season Cottage walking West Caroga Lake Access via Lakeview Beach. Updated distance to Private Lakeview beach. Many updates done, 3BR/1BA 3 Season move-in ready! Furnishings can stay so it’s your turn to make this your getaway! you can be on the lake this summer!
Caroga year-round home! Stratford! $55,000 Bleecker Mt Hideaway $168,000 Full Recreational Package! 38 ft. 2020 Travel Trailer, 4 43 Acres- Adirondack Forest. Very Private gravel road to 2BR/1BA. Well maintained and move in ready! Knotty wheeler, lawnmower 200 Amp electric on the property. secluded camp, outbuildings, target range. Tree stands on pine interior. Granite kitchen counters, plenty of room for Lots of state land rivers and Stewart’s landing nearby. the trails. Electric and phone are at the road. guests too! Oversized garage with tons of storage!
Building Lot Caroga Lake $15,000 “Resort”land use - .36 acres. Very private at the end of private road!.
128 Third Ave. $130,000 MOVE IN! 10yrs Young in mint condition. Insulated for year-round fun. Cathedral ceilings, open floor plan 1BR down, Big loft up. Deeded Lake Access to E. Caroga Lake.
New Listings Coming! Check the Website 518-835-2357 20
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Product & Service Directory
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in the LifeandHomes™ Product & Service Directory | 315-865-5845
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OLEARY OVERHEAD DOOR, LLC 518-321-2736 Specializing in Residential & Commercial repair & installation of garage doors and openers. Serving Saratoga, Clifton Park, Glens Falls & surrounding areas.
be a part of the Capital Region’s ever growing Home Service Network, give us a call and join the LifeandHomes™ community! 315-865-5845
GREENBUSH FOAM SPRAY FOAM INSULATION Providing high-performance spray foam 518-993-2600 Member Since 02/18
Overhead Doors
insulation to create energy efficient homes. Reliable service and attention to detail. Call for your free estimate.
Driveways, parking lots, concrete sidewalks, asphalt repair, seal coating, excavating, commercial & municipal paving and more. Free estimate, Fully insured.
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Member Since 02/18
choose from. Quick installation, easy to clean, built in steps and seats, no seams. Available in white or colors.
M. MAZZA PAVING LLC 518-478-5053 Specializing in hot mix asphalt and concrete. Member Since 03/20
GLIMMERGLASS SWIM SPAS & POOLS 518-993-5151 One piece fiberglass pools, 28 models to
We Remember You After The Pool Is In
VERSATILE SHEDS & GAZEBOS Stock is priced to sell! Wooden,Vinyl, 518-584-7924
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Lower Your Heating Bills Spray Foam Insulation
Greenbush Foam Spray Foam Insulation Call for your FREE Estimate
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Call 518-993-2600
Call 877-993-7727or 518-993-5151
A subsidiary of Old Oak Environmental Restoration, Inc., Fort Plain NY
OLeary Overhead Door, LLC
Serving Saratoga, Clifton Park, Glens Falls and Surrounding Areas!
Don’t see YOUR Product or Service info in this issue? Contact David Lisi 315-865-5845
Specializing in all Residential and Commercial repair and installation of Garage Doors and Openers.
518-321-2736 •
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Your House
& Property
Make a record of what you have and where you have it now to prevent problems for yourself and your loved ones later. The next time you look around your home, or that of your aging relatives, you may be astonished how much “stuff” accumulates over the years. Are there things—and the stories they tell—you want to save to pass down to the next generation? Is your will or estate plan on hold because you don’t know where to start? What if you had a natural disaster or break-in—are your items properly protected by insurance? You can make this year the one in which you get your estate in order with these five easy steps: 1.Get started. The best way to get something done is to start. Decide if it makes sense to tackle items by room or by category and get started. This is not something that has to be done in one day, in fact, it might take several days or longer to get organized. Don’t be discouraged. Once it’s done, it will only need periodic updating. 2.Take photos. Use a photo-based mobile app, such as 22
LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region
Manage My Things, to accurately and efficiently track items. You can upload one item at a time or batches of items such as fine china. “If you’ve ever had to empty a parent’s home, decide which of your heirs gets your things when you die or have confidence you’ll be made whole if a disaster strikes, then you know all the decisions you make are emotional,” said Rick McKenna, CEO of Manage My Things. “This app takes you through much of the complex decision-making, so your time is better spent with loved ones. All you need to know is how to take photos and answer a few questions. The app does the rest.” 3.Donate or discard. There are many services and organizations that can help you remove items from your home, either for donation or to discard. Some examples include Habitat for Humanity and Goodwill for donations. Some donations may even be tax deductible. To dispose of stuff, you can contact 1-800-GOT-JUNK? to schedule a pick-up.
4.Share with your agents. Fires, hurricanes and floods can often expose the two-thirds of all homeowners who are under-insured. It’s important to inventory items in a home and share the report with insurance agents for review to accurately modify home protection policies and ensure you’re properly covered. Additionally, 50% to 60% of U.S. adults don’t have a will, leaving their loved ones the difficulty of getting affairs in order. By sharing your estate plan, you’re helping ensure peace of mind for yourself and the ones you care about. 5.Set and (mostly) forget. Set a reminder to revisit your estate plan at least once a year or when there are major life changes such as a move or significant purchase. Following these five steps can mean you’ll find yourself in better financial and mental space next year and for many years to come. (NAPSI)
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Waterfront Living On Delta Lake Zoned Recreational • Endless Opportunities 6642 Stokes- Westernville, Ava $775,000 • 421’Waterfront • 12+/- Acres • Private Delta Lake access • Mostly level & cleared • Can be sub-divided into 8+ lots
• One dug well/septic on site • Excellent drainage & perk test • Rare opportunity in highly sought after location
South Fork Enterprises, LLC
Frank 315-271-4490 or 315-525-8279
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LifeandHomes ■ Capital Region