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What’s On Your Report Card?
Some things are just too important to overlook. Regularly checking your credit score is one of them. Think we’re exaggerating? The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says one report in twenty is so inaccurate, it could reduce your credit score by up to 25 points. 25 points might sound insignificant, but it could easily kick you into a higher loan rate bracket or cause you to be totally disqualified altogether for a loan. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. You could order your reports from each of the these companies at the same time, or as some financial advisors suggest, get one report from a different company every four months so you can continually check your credit standing for a whole year at no cost. For your free report call 1-877-322-8228 or go to www.annualcreditreport.com, the only website authorized to fill orders for the free annual credit report you are entitled to under law. Other websites offering “free credit reports,” “free credit scores,” or “free credit monitoring” are not part of the legally mandated program and may attempt to sell you something or collect personal information. Visit www.consumer.ftc.gov to learn how to report any incorrect information on your report.
Oneida County NY, Edition
Published By LISI MERCHANT SOLUTIONS, INC. Publication Franchisee, RMC David P. L isi
David P. Lisi, RMC
Real Estate Marketing Consultant 315-865-5845 • David@lifeandhomes.com
Table of Contents Magazine Deadlines Page 2 News Shorts 3-4 House Listing Directory 19,20,22,25 Front Cover Featured Home 41 Ask The Expert 50 Commercial Section 52-53
LifeandHomes Magazine Account Executive DAVID P. LISI
315-865-5845 david@lifeandhomes.com
Advertising Deadline June Issue May 21, 2015
Corporate Office
Lisi Merchant Solutions, Inc. PO Box 18 Holland Patent, NY 13354
315-865-5845 Fax 1-315-865-7418 www.LifeandHomes.net For franchise information call, 315-865-5845 LifeandHomes™ is published monthly by Lisi Merchant Solutions, Inc.
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Your credit report contains information that affects whether you get a loan and how much you will have to pay to borrow money. Creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses that use the information in your report to evaluate your applications for credit, insurance, employment, or renting a home are among those that have legal access to your report. That’s why it’s essential that you monitor your credit regularly, even if you always pay all your bills on time.
i David P. Lis
Corporate Editor Kim L isi
LifeandHomes' goal is to increase real estate, and real estate-related, transactions in our local area. We live here. We care.
This information has been compiled from public records and other sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no guarantee with respect to its accuracy or completeness or the absence of restrictions on use and are not responsible for any liability, loss, or risk that subscribers may incur, directly or indirectly, from using the contents of this site. Copyright © 2015 Lisi Merchant Solutions, Inc.
Looking for a Franchise? LifeandHomes™ Franchise is a low cost, home-based, recurring revenue business model. Our franchise system enables the franchisee to become the Real Estate Marketing Expert in their community. Contact David Lisi 315.865.5845 LifeandHomes.net david@lifeandhomes.com
How To Move Your
Technology Items You’ve invested a lot of money in your technology and now it’s time to move them to your new home. It’s important to have your household possessions packed correctly. That includes items such as computers, game consoles and others delicate technology. Humboldt Storage and Moving of Boston has come up with several tips to help ease the stress of packing and moving household technology items. One of the first rules to follow when preparing your technology for transport is to power down the items 24 hours in advance. Allowing proper time for the internal components to cool will minimize any risk of damage. When packing items such as flat screen televisions, the best and most affordable way to pack them is using the original box. If that is not available, many moving companies will offer a special corrugated box for transporting. If extra care is needed, consider having the moving company build a special crate for these delicate items. Many moving companies will offer these special services for valuable household goods. It’s also best to have those crated items unpacked by professional movers to ensure they remain in good condition.
Moving can be stressful but by taking the proper precautions with personal technology and items that can contain personal data, these can be one less thing to worry about during a move and cause less stress in the long run. www.humboldt.com
‘Cleaning Green’ With Vinegar With the array of cleaning options at the grocery store, it is easy to forget that the most natural and effective cleaner could be sitting in your cabinet at this very moment. Vinegar is an all-in-one cleaner. It can take on most any cleaning challenge, no matter the size, and there’s no need to worry about harmful effects typically associated with harsh, chemical cleaning agents. Budget conscious and eco friendly, vinegar is truly a product with many talents.
Live Green With White Vinegar An online survey conducted by The Vinegar Institute found that cleaning/disinfecting are the second most popular uses for white distilled vinegar next to food preparation uses. Here are a few hints on how to utilize the cleaning power of vinegar in your home:
If there are home computers and they contain valuable and irreplaceable data, consider moving them in the car to ensure they stay safe. Moving computers can be done by the moving company but personal computers can also be subject to rough road conditions in a moving van. Also, it is recommended that any personal technology such as tablets including I-Pads and Kindles remain with the person.
• Use full-strength vinegar to banish grease and eliminate mildew.
Technology such as game consoles for the kids can be safely packed in the moving van. These consoles are made to withstand a little bumping around and in most cases, it will not hurt the components if they get moved around during transportation.
• Dilute with ammonia and baking soda to freshen a musty closet.
• Dilute with water to remove grease and grime on miniblinds. • Use full strength to clean chrome fixtures and whiten grout. • Dilute with water to brighten brickwork.
• Mix with salt and baking soda to unclog drains. • Dilute with water to deodorize the garbage disposal.
• Spray full strength to get rid of unwanted grass and weeds. • Use full strength to remove your child’s ballpoint pen “art” from painted walls. • Add 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons white vinegar to a 1-quart vase of water to keep flowers fresh longer. • Mix white distilled vinegar and linseed oil to clean leather. Rub the mixture into the leather and then polish with a soft cloth. This information comes from the professionals at The Vinegar Institute, an international trade association representing the vast majority of vinegar manufacturers and bottlers, as well as suppliers to the industry. For further information, visit www.versatilevinegar.org. (NAPSI)
Smart Ways To Save For the most enjoyment at the least expense when shopping in stores and online, try these tips: • Compare in-store and online pricing from multiple retailers by downloading a bar code scanner app to your smartphone. • Check tech items. “Special buys” may have model numbers that cannot be found elsewhere because the products only resemble other products by that manufacturer. • Make a list with clothing sizes, products and model numbers. Carry it with you and whenever you see a bargain on something that suits someone on the list, you can make the purchase. • Shop with a friend, whether in stores or online, to get more done in less time—and help you line up and avoid impulse purchases. • Research products and compare prices with the help of deal sites such as BuyVia, Groupon and eBay, which will highlight sales as well as the best pricing for products all year long. For additional tips and to view deals, visit www.buyvia.com. (NAPSI)
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Ten Common Myths About Lawn Care
It’s the time of year when homeowners turn to the care and upkeep of their lawns with the goal of seeing their yard and landscape flourish. It’s also the time of year when landscape professionals must address some common misperceptions about when and how to tend to the lawn for maximum success. PLANET, a national landscape industry association, asked its professional landscape members to name the 10 most common lawn care myths: Myth: The best time to replace the lawn is in the spring, as plants get ready to bloom. Reality: Sowing seed in the spring sets one up for potential problems, as heat sets in during the summer months and weeds compete for space. The best time to sow seed is in the fall when the temperatures are more consistent and highly competitive weeds, like crabgrass, have gone dormant. Myth: Water new plants every day to prevent them from drying out. Reality: Overwatering kills as many plants as lack of water. It is better to make sure you are wetting the entire root system of your new plant and then allow the soil to dry to the point that it is only moist. Myth: To have a healthy lawn, dethatch in the spring. Reality: Thatch is a layer of living and dead plant material, including the crown, roots and stems of the turfgrass plant. The brown on the surface at the beginning of the spring will slowly recede into the background all by itself as new leaves emerge. While dethatching is a common and sometimes necessary practice, it should be done only when thatch is excessive. Myth: It’s a good idea to remove clippings after mowing. 4
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
newsShorts Reality: There is a misconception that grass clippings contribute significantly to thatch. Grass clippings are mostly water and decompose rapidly, returning significant amounts of fertilizer to the lawn. Research shows that up to one-third of applied fertilizer can be recycled by simply returning clippings. Myth: Golf courses cut their grass short, so it’s a good idea to do the same. Reality: Golf courses use incredibly sophisticated and expensive mowers to achieve a short height of cut. Check the appropriate mowing height for your species of grass, but in general, never cut more than one-third of the grass leaf at a time. Myth: Lawns are not “organic.” Reality: Sometimes, lawns are thought of as areas that don’t provide environmental benefits. However, they are actually highly complex and dynamic organic systems that not only contain turfgrasses, but also earthworms, fungi, soil microbes and other life forms that coexist and make possible the lawns we all enjoy for recreation, sports and aesthetics. Myth: The best time to fertilize your lawn is in early spring. Reality: Different varieties of grass like nutrients at different times of the year. You need to use the right fertilizer source, at the right rate, at the right time, and in the right place. Cool-season grasses, like Kentucky bluegrass, are usually given nutrients in fall and early spring when it is cooler. Warm-season grasses, like Bermuda grass, usually like nutrients in late spring and early fall when it is warmer. Myth: The products lawn care companies use are dangerous and more powerful than what a homeowner can use. Reality: Most of the products professionals use can be purchased at the garden center, but the difference is that professionals are regulated and, by law, have to use the proper amounts, apply them correctly and dispose of them properly. Myth: While digging in my lawn, I saw a grub worm. I should apply a grub control application every year.
Reality: Most of the time, grubs don’t attack fescue lawns because of their deeper root zone. Grubs in small numbers are not harmful to a lawn; in fact, they are beneficial, as they aerate the soil. It’s having too many that can be harmful. Call a professional to evaluate your lawn. Myth:Watering the lawn with the garden hose saves more money than installing an irrigation system. Reality: Consider installing an irrigation system that uses smart controllers which have sensors that only allow for watering when conditions require it. Smart irrigation can offer a cost savings of approximately 15–20 percent on water bills. Convert irrigation spray nozzles from sprinklers to rotating nozzles which spread heavy droplets of water at a slower pace which makes them more targeted and effective. For more tips on taking care of your lawn or to hire a landscape professional, visit www.loveyourlandscape.com
Garage Safety Fumes from your garage can filter into your living space. The fumes can come from a variety of sources in the garage: stored gasoline; oils and other automotive fluids; exhaust fumes from cars. Here are some suggestions for minimizing the problem: • Keep all fluid containers tightly sealed. • Do not idle your car in the garage. • After pulling your vehicle into the garage, leave the garage door open for a few minutes to let the exhaust fumes clear out. • Keep the entryway door to the house closed at all times. For increased safety, always keep a fire extinguisher on hand - and make sure its the right kind. Class B/C extinguishers are preferred for garages as they are able to fight fires involving grease, oil, gas, kerosene and energized electrical equipment.
Richard Parent Licensed Sales Associate 4848 Commercial Drive, Suite 800 New Hartford, Ny 13413
315.292.8617 (Cell) homes@richardparent.com
Featured Listing
792 Newport Road - Spectacular 2 ½ story quality custom contemporary, incredible valley views, perfectly set on 14 acres, 4 BR’s, 3 ½ baths, dramatic vaulted entrance, open kitchen w/ granite counters, vaulted fire placed living room, huge deck to 20 X 40 heated pool, private patios, much more, Whitesboro schools.
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Holland Patent
Eagle Bay
Richfield Springs
West Winfield
West Burlington
Old Forge
2449 Route 8 - Horse lover’s riders’paradise, 59 gorgeous acres with sweeping hilltop views, horse barn, fenced riding areas, 2,952 sq./ft. new custom home, 2 master suites.
14 Lakeview Ave - Updated 2,495 Sq/Ft 5 BR in move in condition! Updated kitchen, center Island, plank floors & walk in pantry lavish gardens, carriage barn, & much more!
211 Crosby Road- Excellent 2 family investment opportunity right in the middle of town! Brings in over $17k in annual rental income! Updated w/ new kitchens & baths.Well cared for!
9981 Korber Rd-Amazing views on over 11 acres from this 4 BR ranch w/ adorable in law apartment! Offers an open kitchen layout, great room w/ vaulted ceilings, master bedroom.
4422 Norway St -Original charm & character WOWs you throughout this entire 2,218 Sq./ Ft. home! Offers 3 spacious BR’s, huge country kitchen, fireplaces in both LR and master BR.
502 S. Frankfort Street - READYTO MOVE IN! This 4 BR home has been fully updated top to bottom! Offers a bright kitchen, formal dining, spacious living room, beautiful hardwoods.
10 Forge Hill Dr. - Amazing curb appeal in this newer pristine 2,221 sq/ft 3 BR 2.5 bath Cape Cod! Open bright kitchen with island, 1st floor master and amazing bonus room.
7095 Dorn Spur Road -The setting alone willWOW you!This 1,848 Sq/Ft 3 BR Cape on 2.5 acres is set back over 300’and offers privacy galore! Oak kitchen w/ stainless appliances.
1 Addison Terrace- Nice 3 BR home located on a quiet dead end street. Updated kitchen & bath, spacious living & dining room combo, a blend of hardwoods, ceramic & carpeting.
8020 Crestview Lane -Well cared for 3 BR 2,302 S/F split level in a great location, bright updated kitchen w/ new appliances, counters, massive master BR & fire placed family room.
702 Armstrong Road -Chalet styled home on almost 5 acres! Beautiful wooded lot with trails galore & small creek, Spacious yet cozy living room w/ wood stove, massive game room.
South Utica
165 Ridge Road - Looking for that perfect starter home in move in condition….this is it! Well maintained and offers 2 bedrooms, updated kitchen & bath, central air, newer roof, vinyl siding.
5615 Route 233 - 3 BR plus ranch with an amazing 8 year old heated! Set on a rural 7 acre lot and convenient to thruway & Syracuse, updated kitchen.
2406 Route 80 - Minutes to Cooperstown & NYCM Insurance! Well-kept multi-level home on 7+ acres! Amazing sun room addition w/ vaulted ceilings vinyl siding & windows.
2332 Route 315- If you’re looking for country w/ a rural setting, this 2 bed ranch w/ a nice yard would be a good choice! Offers a newer kitchen, needs some cosmeticTLC, priced to sell.
5502 Rt. 28 -Residential & commercial opportunity! 1,560 s/f 4 BR new kitchen, large living room, prime ½ acre lot, house in need of TLC, only sold w/ adjacent restaurant/bar.
12 Hillcrest Ave- Fully updated 5 BR 1,888 Sq. /Ft ranch! If you’re looking to just move in this is it! Offers a 2nd floor bonus, brand new kitchen with island, new appliances.
1107 Warren Ave- A great investment opportunity! 2 buildings on the parcel, a front 4 BR home currently rented. A separate potential home in rear which needs work. Sold as is.
Commercial Properties
Land Opportunities • Ohio, 21.7 Acres $39,900
• Little Falls, 20,1 Acres $26,000
• Newport, 20.6 Acres $39,900
• Stratford, 5.5 Acres $14,900
• Stratford, 15.6 Acres $39,900
Call For More Details!
Eagle Bay
5496 Rt 28 -Commercial & residential opportunity! Restaurant, Bar, 5 room motel, 4 guest cottages, prime ½ acre lot, TLC & repairs needed, only sold w/adjacent residential home, minutes from Fourth Lake, Inlet & Old Forge!
10659 Gage Road -Attractive 1,653 Sq/Ft building, excellent proximity to Rt. 12 and Mapledale shopping area! Previously used as a veterinary hospital, attractive reception area, plenty of parking for a wide array of uses!
2938 Rt 12b - Excellent investment opportunity! Currently used as an auto body shop/car dealership with plenty of room for parking, 3 heated bays, large office, good exposure, excellent commercial multi-use building!
www.RichardParentHomes.com • Office: 315-768-1680 x 203
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Happy New Year to You and Yours! Ann M. Carlisto, Broker LLC
Little Falls
Completely Renovated Historic Home. State of the Art Mechanicals & Upgrades. Amazing Kitchen, Parlors, DR, FR, 5 Bdrms/Baths. Perfect for B&B. 5 Stall + Workshop Garage. Pristine One Family w/in-law Suite Options. Everything is Turn Key. MLS#1500987
P.O. Box 1062 654 E. Main St., Little Falls
Call Anytime (315) 868-1549
Little Falls
Little Falls
Centrally Located and Full of Character. 5 Bdrms, 2 Bath, 2,868 Sq. Ft. Sep Utils, Hdwd Floors, Woodworking, Spacious Family Rms, Garage & Yard. This Home Must Be Seen! Well Cared for Inside & Out! MLS#1501462
Exceptional 4 Bdrm, 3 Bath Contemporary Home on 10.9 Acres. Enjoy Privacy w/Views Just Minutes from the City. Kit w/Appliances, LR, DR, Din Area, Family Rm w/Fireplace, Sun Rm, Central Air, Nice Landscaped Yard, Deck & 2 Stall Att. Garage. MLS# 1501176
Little Falls
$97,500 $92,000
Well Kept 3-4 Bdrm Home w/Two Semi Finished Attic Rooms for Expanded Living Space. Spacious Dining Rm w/Gas Fp. Great Nat Wdwk, Screened Porch, & Back Deck Overlooking Private Back Yard. MLS#1403127
Little Falls
Unique 2 Bdrm Home in a Secluded Residential Setting on approx. 1.4 Acres. Natural Wdwk, Original Stained Glass Windows, Hdwd Flrs, Private Drive, Former Church, Tastefully Converted, Yard, Lots of Parking. A Must See! MLS# 1403618
New Income Properties Little Falls $46,500-Spacious 2 Family. 8 Bdrms, 2 Baths, Mechanicals Updated, Separate Utilities, Deep Yard w/ Privacy, Plenty of Parking.
Great Camp on Piseco Lake. Part of Half Moon Beach Association. 2 Bdrms, 1 Bath w/Plenty of Extra Sleeping Space. 2.5 Min.Walk to Best Beach in Adirondacks. (Owned by the Park) Only 1 Annual Assoc Fee to Pay. This Camp is Ready to Go.MLS# 1403655
Little Falls
Nice Brick Duplex - 1 Apt. 4 Bdrms, 1 Bath w/Central Air. 1 Apt. 2 Bdrms, 1 Bath. 2,534 Sq. Ft. Natural Wdwk, Sep Utils, Some Cedar Closets, 2 Garages. Great Location Close to School, Parks, Churches, Hospital. MLS# 1402068
Elegant Lathrop Mansion c.1902 4-5 Bdrm, 5 Bath Mediterranean StyleVilla w/Tile Roof & Bricks of Unpolished Marble Grand Entry. All Orig. NatWdwk, & Fireplaces. Includes Carriage House. New Furnace. Great for Business w/Apts, B&B, or Private Residence. MLS#1500663
Little Falls
Nice Brick Duplex – 1 Apt. 3 Bdrms, 1.5 Baths, 1 Apt. 2 Bdrms, 1 Bath. Sep Utils, Nat Wdwk, 2 Garages. Walking Distance to Parks, Churches, School, & Hospital. SELLER WILL PAY $3,600 TOWARDS BUYERS CLOSING COSTS. MLS#1402762
$49,900-Great 2 Family. 4 Bdrms, 2.5 Baths, New Porch Roofs, Painted Exterior, Updated Electrical Panels, Separate Utilities. $39,900-4 Unit Investment Property. 7 Bdrms, 4 Baths, Separate Utilities, 6 Car Detached Garage, Convenient Location.
6377 State Route 233, Rome NY • 315-336-7323
Visit Us At www.americanhomesny.com/camelotvillage
Gracious Community Living New Homes starting at $70,000 • Design Your New Home!
• 6 Months Free Lot Rent • Meticulously Maintained • Rome Water • Secure • Financing Available • Westmoreland Schools 6
Save $4000
Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch, sliding glass door and deck, all black appliances, kitchen island, more. 100% Drywall. Was $73,995, Now $69,995
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Coming Soon!
Brand new spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch. 100% drywall, black appliances, kitchen island, sliding glass doors and deck, ceramic back splashes, 54” Shower, More!
Save $10,000
Come look. New 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch. Many upgrades, ready to move in. Covered front porch, black appliances, Hickory cabinets and more. Was $79,995. Now $69,995
Denise Witchley
Lic. Real Estate Broker/Owner
335-6971 cell 337-0841 office
“The Key to your front door” Rome
605 Shankenberry Ave - Don’t let the outside fool you this home is super large inside! Plenty of space to get lost in. Well taken care for. Large open eat-in kitchen. Formal dining room. Great family room. 2nd story laundry. Plenty of room for a 3rd bed. Garage, yard and room for all the cars. Convenient to library, stores and don’t forget the restaurants! This is a must-see home! MLS#1500491 Rome
222 N Washington Street This home needs some TLC but don’t let that scare you away. Huge home with lots of room (approx. 3400 sqft) and did I mention lots of rooms? QSN#356078
7774 Gifford Road - turn the key and welcome home! This home offers the best; open floor plan; double-sided fireplace in master bed/whirlpoolbath/steam shower. Sun room to large deck. 2 Laundry rooms. Freshly finished basement with add. Living space. Exercise room with special gym flooring. Pack your bags! QSN#357793 5526 Rome Taberg Road - I need new owners - the present owners are ready to move! I offer lots of open space, lots of parking, lots of visibility! I can be home to your business and still have plenty of room to rent out for extra income. Hurry in! Don’t let me be alone! QSN# 356076
Happy Mother’s Day!
www.homecomingrealty.net • 734 Erie Blvd. W, Rome, NY 13440
#1 Selling Company in Utica, Rome & Mohawk Valley Lori D’Onofrio Hamlin Associate Broker
2306 Genesee Street, Utica, New York
LoriHamlin@roadrunner.com Cell: 315-790-0990 Office: 315-735-2222 x 6625 New York Mills $129,900 69 Main Street - Zoned 2 family currently being used 1 family, 2 kitchens, interior updated 2001, 2 bathrooms, diversified open floor plan, can be used for home office,3 stall garage, plenty of parking. MLS# 1501443
May is the Ideal Time to Buy or Sell
Call Me Today
Don’t LOVE IT? LIST it with LORI!!! For selling Tips, Visit my website www.lori.centralnewyork.com
New Hartford
$49,900 Utica
Tilden Ave - A rare find in New Hartford. 1.9 acres of land with utilities. Flat and ready to be built on. Huges Elementary school, water, sewer, electric and gas at the road. MLS# 1500077
109 Harter Place - An adorable South Utica 4 bedroom Bungalow offering new bathroom and windows, hardwood floors, central air, 1 car stall garage and on a quiet street. MLS# 1501307
www.Life and Homes .com
8568 Teugega Pt Road, Rome
Beautiful executive home borders Lake Delta and Teugega Country Club. In ground pool, 3 car garage, 3 fireplaces, lake access with view, woodmode kitchen. $395,000 MLS#1401061
6595 Dix Road, Rome
Very nice 3 bedroom,1.5 Bath ranch. Living room w/ fireplace, family room, office, den,spacious summer porch, finished basement, almost two acres of lovely landscaping & pond. $139,000 MLS# 1501263
644 Parry Street, Rome
Nice three bedroom city two story home. New bath and concrete driveway in 2011. New pergo floor and dishwasher in 2009. 1St floor laundry. Central air, and insulated windows. $59,900 MLS# 1404441
415 N James Street, Rome
This commercial property has potential - located on a high traffic count street, fully equipped bar, nice living quarters/ rental apartment above, full basement, curb appeal. $150,000 MLS# 1403867
N. James St, W Chestnut St - Rome
1701, 1705, 1707, 1709 N. James St, 102 W Chestnut St. Properties are in excellent condition. Great income generator and location is fantastic. MLS# 1400449
1006 Black River Blvd, Rome, NY 13440 admin@firstromerealty.com
1195 Fish Creek Road, West Leyden
Great country setting. 4 Bedrooms, 1.5 Baths, 15 acres, pole barn, in ground pool, Boonville electric, Adirondack schools, patio, deck, pond, professionally landscaped. $210,000 MLS#1501502
6372 Anderegg Drive, Lee
Very nice town of lee ranch with three bedrooms, hardwood floors, fresh paint, insulated windows, finished basement. $89,500 MLS#1402989
9180 Rt 26, Lee
Beautiful private setting, wraparound porch, open floor plan, main level master suite, large kitchen, 1st floor laundry mud room, recently updated, stainless appliances. $129,900 MLS# 1404330
407 N. James Street, Rome
Fully equipped bakery. Formally B&L Bakery - a very popular and respected bakery in the city. There is a one bedroom apartment upstairs. $155,000 MLS# 1404057
8490 Turin Road, Rome
State of the Art building w/ high traffic count state road. 3 phase 240V electric, waste oil boiler w/ radiant heat in floor. Office, wash bay, parts room, shop production, other rooms. MLS# 1400674
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Broker Fred Macchia
315-337-4390 8644 Emerald Circle, Lee
Exceptional five bedroom 2.5 Bath executive home. Fantastic gourmet kitchen, in ground pool, pool house, spectacular bar, theater, billiard rooms. Stone front wall $550,000 MLS# 1403138
923 Highland Avenue, Rome
Like new - open and beautifully done. Spacious rooms, many updates , extra deep garage, deep lot on dead end street. , Near Denti Elementary, main level laundry. $139,900 MLS # 1500381
518 Mayberry Road, Rome
Very 3 beds, 1 bath home w/ new appliances. Large living & dining rooms. Cedar closet, new windows, screened in gazebo, 16x24 insulated garage w/ cable & electric. $79,000 MLS# 1500699
904, 906, 908, 912, 914 Erie Blvd W, Rome
Excellent location. Property consists of two buildings and a vacant lot. High traffic count. MLS# 1400374
144 146 Cornwall Avenue, Utica
Very nice two family home. Fully rented, both apartments have three bedrooms and dining rooms. $79,000 MLS#1402043
301 W Chestnut Street, Rome
Outstanding ranch with 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath, & 2 half baths. New cherry kitchen, granite counter tops, new appliances.
7985 Winfield Circle, Rome
Excellent split level home. 4 Beds, 3 baths, family room with fireplace, master suite, spacious open kitchen with sliders to deck, freshly painted interior, new roof, furnace w/ central air. $155,000 MLS#1500824
9157 Main St, Westenville
Commercial - turnkey opportunity. This Convenience store would make a great family business, call for more information. MLS# 1500617
1033 W Dominick Street, Rome
This building is a quality constructed building located in a business district. Open floor plan. Perfect business location. $225,000 MLS#1303756
2379 81 Nys Rt 49, Blossvale
Former Top of the Hill restaurant and a 3 bedroom, 1800 s/f residence. High traffic count on 2 state roads. $169,900 MLS#1400572
Fred Macchia, CCIM Broker/Owner
6212 Hawkins Corners Road, Lee
Very nice four bedroom, 1.5 Bath split level home. Spacious kitchen, family room with gas fireplace, above ground pool, 100 x 167 lot, Great Town of Lee location! $145,000
14 Jefferson Court, Rome
Charming expanded cape with open feel. 3 Beds, 1 baths, 1532 sqft, dining area with sliding doors, hedged private yard on quiet cul de sac, newer furnace, central air, and hot water tank. $79,500 MLS# 1501239
748 W Dominick Street, Rome
This is a great property zoned c2 mixed residential/commercial. Spacious residential property or could be a two family with retail space opportunity. $59,500 MLS# 1404473
720 Erie Blvd. W., Rome
This property consists of a 4 bedroom, 1.5 Bath home/office and a 1400 sq. Ft. Commercial steel building with sewer and water. The steel building has two overhead doors. $134,000 MLS#1400871
1002 Black River Blvd, Rome
Exceptional office/retail building with two upper level apartments. Open floor plan, full basement with overhead, central air, high traffic. $265,000 MLS#1303811
$169,900 Ilion
177 Camp Road - Ranch home located on the 12th Fairway of the Cedar Lake Golf Course! 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 stall garage, Semi-circular driveway, eat in kitchen, formal dining room, dining room, great views. MLS#1402120 Thomas H. Stubley (315) 717-2748 (c)
$119,900 Sherrill
$189,900 Earlville
$62,000 Utica
41 Lyndon Place- 3 bdrm Herthum Heights colonial, 1.5 baths, formal dining room w/fireplace, deck, 2 stall garage, central air! MLS#1501262 Thomas H. Stubley (315)717-2748
East Utica
239 Leonard St-4 bdrm Cape, 1.5 baths, modern kitchen, large heated room between house and garage! MLS#s323908 Jennie M. Chapin (315)761-5058
8 Preston Street - Fully rented Duplex. Close to Colgate University, convenient to Hamilton shopping district. MLS#97716 James Michalowski(386) 451-0064 (c)
$74,900 Ilion
801 Jay St- 2 fully rented apartments on second floor, Huge 3-4 bdrm 1st floor apartment is unfinished; was once used as a karate Studio, has great potential as office space or a great living space. MLS#1500693 Patricia D. Hamilton (315)489-8518
$650,000 Richfield Springs $298,900
$88,900 Paris
29 Balsam Crescent- Perry Manor, 2 bdrm Ranch brings you close to everything while providing the quiet atmosphere you desire. Large fenced in lot with outbuildings. MLS#1500143 Thomas H. Stubley (315) 717-2748 (c)
$121,900 South Utica
245 Leonard St- 4 bdrm Ranch, new roof, insulation, windows, and bathroom! Finished basement. MLS#324606 Jennie M. Chapin (315)761-5058
8801 Grange Hill Road - 4 bdrm Contemporary overlooks All of New Hartford. Heated Pool plus the View! MLS#1402447 Thomas H. Stubley (315) 717-2748 (c)
$131,900 Vernon
103 Ridge Road-4 bdrm colonial with 2,000+ sq. ft. of living space, 2 full baths, den wrap around floor concept living room. Extra Lot included. MLS# 1500177 Thomas H. Stubley (315) 717-2748 (c)
1825 US Highway 20 - Home and buildings of Vertucci Power. 3 bdrm Cape Cod, 2.5 baths, 4 stall horse barn, and 80x40 home of Vertucci Power. MLS# 1500320 Thomas H. Stubley (315) 717-2748 (c)
$119,900 Waterville
4751 Day Road-3bdrm, 2 bath, boasting many updates, barn has 4 stalls ready, able to accommodate 4 more, tack room, and wash bay. MLS#324606 Jennie M. Chapin (315)761-5058
1227 Osborne Ave- 3bdrm ranch, 2 bath, master bath has a bonus shower stall, fireplace in LR, Extra long garage. Comes with home warranty! MLS#1403534 Gary Bernard Hudson (315) 292-8323 (c)
$49,900 Utica
$49,900 Ilion
$79,900 Ilion
$99,000 Schuyler
$17,500 Schuyler
$85,000 Herkimer
1506 Brinckerhoff Ave- 3 unit is a great income property. All kitchens have refrigerators and ovens, coin operated washer for tenants to use along with a dryer. MLS#1402731 David J. Matrulli (315) 225-2271 (c)
$149,900 German Flatts
West Street- This Mansion was formerly a residence. Now Attorney Office and Apartments with 7 separate rentals, with room for more! 2 story garage! MLS#1501323 Thomas H. Stubley (315)717-2748
$114,900 New Hartford
109 N Fourth Ave - 4bdrm, 1 ½ baths, many updates, pool and deck. MLS#1500399 Thomas H. Stubley(315) 717-2748 (c)
$77,900 Sherrill
708 Elm Street - 3 bdrm, 2 story home close to the park and school. A great starter home! MLS#S326482 Pamela Carter (315) 762-8145 (c)
$37,900 Ilion
142 West North Street - Move-In Ready House, fenced in back yard, large living room, Galley Kitchen w/Eating area and Cozy Porch. MLS#1402958 Thomas H. Stubley (315) 717-2748 (c)
279 Halleneck Rd-20+acres, Herkimer County, Just waiting for the right Developer or Individual looking for that Special Place to make their own! MLS#1402530 Thomas H. Stubley (315)717-2748
1508 Brinckerhoff Ave- 2 family with separate heat, gas and electric. Landlord pays for water. Complete with refrigerators and stoves. MLS#1402730 David J. Matrulli (315)225-2271
Hawthorne Road-5+acres, lots of road frontage, beautiful homes built in the area. MLS#91162 James Michalowski(386)451-0064
11 South Fourth Ave-2 family charmer, option of supplemental income or convert back to one family! 2 bdrms downstairs, 1 bdrm upstairs. MLS#1501101
37 Louis Road-40 acres, high elevation makes for great views! MLS#92034 James Michalowski(386)451-0064
133 Second Street – 2 Family home with Plenty of Parking! 3 bdrms downstairs with front and back porches. 2 bedroom apartment upstairs. MLS# 1402469 Thomas H. Stubley (315) 717-2748 (c)
526 Louis Ridge Road-10 Acres, watiting for your dream home. MLS#98719 James Michalowski(386)451-0064
Make Your Move With RealtyUSA
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Karen Basile Janet Kipper Agnes Knox Bill Gamett Mary Taylor
Serving the Mohawk Valley Since 1976
2617 Genesee Street Utica, NY 13501 www.century21.com
Jon Purdy Dan Lazarek Robert Spencer Rita Gamela
Art VanVechten Broker/Owner
Century 21 Agents. Smarter. Bolder. Faster. 39 Point Rd, Woodgate
Lakefront home on pristine, spring fed White Lake! This home is well kept and in immaculate condition. Total 2600 sq.ft. with full finished basement that walks out to 168’ Lake frontage. Property is complete with floating dock and boat house that includes 17’ Bayliner. Spectacular views from every room, 2 fireplaces, large master bedroom, sauna, decks, patio and attached 2 car garage. Private setting on large, mature 1.2 acre lot with convenient year round access just off Route 28!
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
#1 Coldwell Banker in New York State 4848 Commercial Drive, Suite 800 New Hartford, NY 13413 Call 768.1680
Richard Parent Ext. 203
Gloria Rocci Ext. 217
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties is proud to announce and welcome
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties is proud to announce and welcome
Joe Keyes
Phil Russo
as a Full Time Agent to Our Team of Top Notch Professional Agents!
as a Full Time Agent to Our Team of Top Notch Professional Agents!
I am a people person and I realize the American dream of home ownership. With my 20 plus years of Retail Sales & Management experience, I am excited to be a licensed real estate professional and join the Coldwell Banker Prime Properties, full time professional’s sales team. I was raised in the Mohawk Valley and love everything it has to offer. If you or someone you know are looking to buy or sell a home, I would love to meet with you and earn your business.
Phil Russo has lived in Central New York all of his life. Phil has been a sales professional with Coldwell Banker Prime Properties for the past seven years and has recently committed to joining our full time professional sales team. Phil specializes in residential and commercial real estate. If you’re buying or selling residential or commercial real estate be sure to call Phil for his expertise.
Debbie Roberts Diana Raymond Ext. 239 Ext. 207
Jodie DeCosty Terrance Chambrone Laura Minard Ext. 201 Ext. 214 Ext. 205
Heather Cole Ext. 211
Jan Cidzik Ext. 209
325 White St, Village charmer! Updated country kitchen w/ SS appliances, 1st fl laundry, 6 BR, 2 BA, Pocket doors, claw toe tub, & gorgeous hardwoods. MLS1501508 Jodie DeCosty Ext. 201
6262 North St, Convenient Marcy location, private corner lot, sun porch, First floor master, hardwoods, updated electric, new windows, new basement cement floor. MLS#1501116 Deb Roberts Ext 239
Pat Townsend Ext. 218
Phil Russo Ext. 212
8009 Brookside Dr, Pride of ownership shows in this 4 bedroom, 3 full bath home, with GAS FORCED AIR heat! Freshly painted, home is in a desirable location! MLS#1501427 Jan Cidzik Ext. 209
South Utica
5 Parkside Ct, Charming Tudor! Character galore! French doors, moldings, hardwoods, enclosed sunroom. Don't miss out on this one! MLS#1501125 Gloria Rocci Ext. 217
Joe Keyes Ext. 204
Lori Frieden Ext. 250
604 Ravine Dr, Hardwoods, large eat-in kitchen w/appliances, central air, enclosed sunporch. Wonderful yard. A Great House! MLS#1501486 Gloria Rocci Ext. 217
East Utica
9232 Shelley Dr, Contemporary w/an amazing kitchen w/stunning cabinetry, granite & high end appl., double faced fireplace, vaulted ceilings, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, sunroom. MLS# 1501196 Jodie DeCosty Ext. 201
1315 Keene St, Beamed ceilings, open floor plan, new furnace, central air. Very well maintained. First floor bedroom. Enclosed sun porch. MLS#1501120 Gloria Rocci Ext. 217
10 Sprucedale Ave, Room to spread out in this 4 bedroom ranch. Hardwoods, new windows, oversized 2 stall garage, vinyl siding, finished basement. MLS#1501078 Deb Roberts Ext 239
7593 Camroden Rd, Country home in Holland Patent school disctrict w/ sunroom, new windows, ash cherry master bedroom, new floors. MLS#1501446 Jan Cidzik Ext. 209
837 Bush Rd, Open & bright contemporary style w/ 5 spacious BR, 2 full baths, on 11.7 acres offering great views of the Valley from every window! MLS#1501271 Deb Roberts Ext 239
7 Shepard Ave, This 2 bedroom ranch boasts refinished hardwoods, updated kitchen, bathroom, electrical and landscaping. New Hartford schools. MLS#1501425 Diana Raymond Ext. 207
South Utica
2009 Sunset Ave, Adorable story home with 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath, large living room and dining room. Master on the first floor. Priced to sell quick! MLS#1501320 Heather Cole Ext. 211
The Area’s Premiere Real Estate Search Engine!
www.Life and Homes .com
Selling Your Home?
New York Mills
305 Snowden Hill Road MLS# 1501090
Top Producer
218 Clinton Street - Fabulous size & condition, 3 or 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on acre lot. MLS#1501080
Mark Canter
10403 N. Steuben Rd. - Own a piece of heaven , 15 acres ranch with horse barn, fencing, and views. MLS# 1403485
3 Glenridge Road - Great size & condition, 3 bedroom ranch with family room addition and pool. MLS# 1500425
16 Crescent Dr. - Great condition, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath Ranch. Lots of updating. 2 stall garage, central air. MLS# 1501283
5516 Lowell Road - completely renovated house. Built in 1890 renovated in 2011. Great size kitchen. MLS# 1500127
249 County Highway 20 - Fabulous condition and completely remodeled! 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. MLS# 1500061
Great size and condition, 4 bedroom home in Whitesboro school district.
1307 Noyes Street - clean & pretty, great oak kitchen w/appliances. Nice living room & dining room w/hardwoods. MLS#1403436
Mark Canter Call Mark 315-794-3452 + Weichert Realtors, Campion Weeks = SOLD 141 Genesee St., New Hartford, NY 13413 • www.campionweeks.com
Representing both Buyers & Sellers.
Recognized. Respected. Recommended.
For All Your Real Estate Needs Caroline Marino Associate Broker
315-404-7380 Care218@yahoo.com
Top Producer
NEW ON THE MARKET • $254,500 Russett Bush Lane, South East Utica - You are going to LOVE this Fabulous UPDATED Ranch. Beautiful Stainless and Cherry Kitchen with Breakfast Area, Family Room, Large Formal Dining Room, Living Room, 3+ Bedrooms, 2 Full and 2 Half Baths. Gleaming Hardwood Floors, Beautifully Finished Lower Level. Large Deck Overlooks Large Private Yard. 2 Stall Attached Garage.
Call or Text Caroline @ 404-7380 or E-mail: care218@yahoo.com for your private showing!
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
With every listing and sale, I am making a contribution to the
Representing both Buyers Sellers. Experienced. MiracleandNetwork
219 N. Prospect St. Herkimer NY 13350 315-866-2002 • bward@brucewardusa.com • Bruce Ward, Lic. R.E. Broker
122 WILLIS AVE. HERKIMER- (PETRIE DEV.) - $114,500 Ready to downsize & only two taxes? This ranch style home offers 3 br’s, bright eat-in kitchen w/corian counters, gas stove in lr/fm rm, hardwood floors recently refinished, private yard w/in-ground pool! QSN#360823
187 MAIN ROAD - EAST HERKIMER- $90,000 NEW TO THE MARKET: Three family unit has all modern apts, vinyl siding, plenty of parking & convenient location- two-2 br apts & one-1 br apts. Tenants pay own utilities-great investment at $90,000. QSN#361456
4312 ACME RD. FRANKFORT - $81,900 34 N FIFTH AVE - ILION- $110,000 Nice, quaint house right off 5S-very convenient for commuting- move in ready Want it all? You can have this terrific 3 br home w/lots of room & 2 updated baths, w/minimal modernizing- 3 br’s, w/one large br lofted above garage- could be replacement windows, applianced kitchen, 1st floor laundry, deck/patio & above great starter. QSN#354603 ground pool priced to sell $110,000. QSN# 353886
88 OTSEGO STREET - ILION - $139,000 Commercial bldg that offers 5 rental units- one-3 br w/washer & dryer hook ups- two 2 br and two 1 br all w/appliances (ref & stoves) come check it out at $139,000. QSN# 348638
228 DEWEY AVE - HERKIMER - $45,000 Want it all at a reasonable price-$45,000 new roof, vinyl siding, repl. Windows, furnace, hwh, appliances as well as w & d stay- 3 br’s, lr formal dr, central air too! A must see – call today for your appt. QSN#356339
425 ROCK HILL ROAD - MOHAWK - $165,000 NEW TO THE MARKET: Twn. German Flatts- ranch- - country living w/views! Formal entrance w/guest closets- eat-in applianced kitchen w/walk thru to formal dr & lr- 3 br’s, hdwd floors, swirled ceilings- 2 stall att. Garage/pole barn & shed all this & more on 2 acre parcel. QSN#371314
900 W GERMAN ST - HERKIMER - $65,000 Herkimer- Twn. Herkimer w/only two taxes- former Boyles Pit- 3,000 s/f + building w/smaller bldg attached, 25x56 pole barn to the rear- 6+ acres- great possibilities for many businesses---asking only $65,000. QSN#362919
www.Life and Homes .com
$169,900 Utica
Own your own pond.The setting for this home is wonderful! Remodeled upstairs allows for 3 separate bedrooms. Barbara Frank, 725-4411
$89,900 Schuyler
Cozy country home on the Chenango River with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, includes a 1st floor master suite, 1st floor laundry, soapstone wood stove, HUGE living room, 2 stall garage. Short drive to the village of Hamilton. Alicia Lewis, 368-8492
$219,900 Canastota
$234,900 Ilion
$147,900 Westernville
$339,900 Deansboro
$349,900 Deansboro
$119,000 West Winfield
$199,900 Hoffmeister
$249,000 Clinton
$399,900 Westmoreland
$129,900 Deansboro
$119,900 Piseco
$139,000 Clinton
$153,500 Remsen
One In A Million! A perfect blend of historic character & modern amenities create this magnificent home & setting in Historic Clinton. Third story is amazing!Two bedrooms, full bath,utility room. Barbara Frank, 725-4411
$55,000 Westmoreland
Affordable living in desired Clinton! Open floor plan, tray ceiling, recessed lighting,many updates including bathrooms, kitchen, lighting, & floors. 1st floor laundry, ss appliances, beautiful storage shed or barn on large lot! Tara D’Amico 351-6263
$74,900 Westmoreland
STEAL ALERT! 3 bedroom bungalow, hardwood floors, new windows, fenced yard, nice front porch and rear patio complete with bonus family room and bar in the basement. Beautiful interior, and care to original details. Mindy Bradley, 796-5619
$789,000 Clinton
Fantastic 15 acre building lot #34 at the Fox Hollow Subdivision on Cogar Road. In an area od finer homes (see pictures). Will need well and septic. James Lenahan, 723-2270
$109,900 Clinton
WOW factor ranch, reasonably priced! Great room with fireplace & sound system, awesome kitchen w/ granite counters, stainless appliances, even a 156 bottle wine fridge! Covered front porch, rear deck & patio. Barbara Owens, 725-3836
$109,900 Clinton
Quiet location & convenient to everything. Well maintained ranch has freshly painted interior w/ 3 BR & 1 BA. Newly finished hardwoods in LR & all BR. New vinyl floor in kitchen w/ new ss range & dishwasher. Tim Sweetland, 601-5059
Well maintained spacious Colonial conveniently located minutes from the thruway & downtown Westmoreland. Oversize garage/carriage house provides great storage. Enjoy the private park-like back yard.Tim Sweetland, 601-5059
A well cared for log home offering one level living with the popular open concept floor plan?Yes please!This lovely home is even better in person than in the pictures! Relax on the porch, deck or screened in porch. Barbara Owens, 725-3836
What a location for a home based business!The opportunities are endless in the fantastic location on an island surrounded by Rt 20, Stone Rd. and Wall St. 6 bedroom, 2 bath farmhouse plus barn on 1.2 acres. Barbara Owens, 725-3836
This 3 bedroom home has been tastefully updated throughout, all insulated, central air, high eff. nat. gas furnace, septic, windows, maple kitchen, upgraded counters, walk-in shower, heated whirlpool bath.Teresa Homer, 404-1023
You’ll LOVE the LOCATION of this Clinton classic! Many updates. Retains the charm of yesteryear. 4 bedroom home. Updates to kitchen, baths, windows, roof, features inground pool in private oversized rear yard. Barbara Owens, 725-3836
Immaculate 1 yr old 4 BR 3 BA home is a nature lovers paradise. Nestled on 5.9 ac, it’s floor to ceiling windows provide a spectacular view. Custom kitch has granite counter tops & SS appliances. Becky Shepherd, 225-7372
Southern Adirondack home on 60 acres of land borderingWest Canada Creek, minutes from 2 lakes! Ideal for All Season Recreations! 4 Bedrooms, 3½ Baths, new 2 stall heated garage w/ partially finished upstairs. Christine Hughes, 794-2342
Adorable and cozy 2 story 2 bedroom home completely furnished with Adirondack décor and overlooking theWest Canada Creek Flow, AND your own pond! An awesome view! All hardwood floors and a deck. Christine Hughes, 794-2342
Cozy lake front home with 188 feet of shoreline. This home is larger than it looks with a master suite, two more bedrooms, a living room and family room both with fireplaces, two and one half baths. Becky Shepherd, 225-7372
1880 Colonial on 6 acres.Totally gutted and renovated. 5 bedrooms, each with their own bath! Barbara Frank, 725-4411
Spectacular private 6 acre setting for this gorgeous home! Must see to appreciate all this home has to offer. 1st floor master suite, exquisite living room with fireplace, stunning formal dining room. Screened in porch. Barbara Owens, 725-3836
Are we in town or out in the country? Best of both worlds for this Clinton classic on a 1 acre lot! Popular open floor plan unexpected in a home of this era. Newer kitchen & baths, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Barbara Owens, 725-3836
Updated & well maintained 3 bedroom ranch on a double lot within a stones throw of the Central Valley high school! Quiet neighborhood, LG RM sizes & municipal utilities! Updated bath, new stainless appliances. Mindy Bradley, 796-5619
Own a little piece of paradise! Located in a peaceful country setting this 3 bedroom cape cod offers plenty of space w/ a unique blend of old & new. Low heating costs w/ coal burning stoves, room for extra toys.Teresa Homer, 404-1023
Nestled in a serene 10 acre setting is this lovely log home! Easy living with its 3-4 bdrms, 2 full baths, large eat-in kitchen, first flr laundry and living room with gas fired wood stove. Basement with high ceilings. Barbara Owens, 725-3836
Beautiful view from this waterfront property on Kayuta Lake. 30 minutes to Utica/Rome area. Loft area is semi finished and is plumbed for 2nd Bath. Would be great as a snowmobile retreat or Hunting camp. James Lenahan, 723-2270
Clinton Branch 26 College St, Clinton, NY 13323 315.853.4400 Waterville Branch 379 Stafford Ave, Waterville, NY 13480 315.725.1434 14
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
$133,000 Oneida
$109,900 Durhamville
$280,000 Oneida
$229,900 Oneida
$129,900 Oneida
$216,000 Westmoreland
$129,000 Canastota
$134,900 Rome
$115,000 Augusta
$449,500 Wampsville
$105,000 Wampsville
$109,900 Oneida
$149,000 Vernon
$240,000 Oneida
$129,900 Verona
Overlooking the scenic Oneida Community Golf Course sits this lovely bigger-than-it looks Cape Cod with newer roof, windows, furnace, HW heater, carpeting, SS kitchen appliances. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
A Super cute home on .48 acres in great location. Home has a beautiful private backyard with lots of trees and a stunning view. On the first floor are 3 bedrooms, nicely updated full bath. Jeanette Denney, 240-3814
Large home w multiple living/investment options.The 2nd floor of this home could function as an inlaw apartment or rental w a kitchen & full bath already in place, or easily convert back to a single family home. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
Great potential. Remember when everyone went there after the track got over? Well it has not changed and just in time for the new season! The Tavern has kitchen, bar, dining room and seats. 60+. Barbara Parker, 761-2341
Beautifully renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1900 s.f home w/ a 2 car garage & fully fenced yard. The 1st floor features a gorgeous new kitchen w/ stainless steel appliances, glass tile back splash & dining area that over looks the family room.
This 3 bdrm, 2 bath Colonial has it’s original charm with some great updates including a remodeled kitchen with bamboo floors, a 1st floor full bath with laundry, vinyl replacement windows, and a new steel garage roof. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
Gorgeous custom home w/3600+/- sq.ft including a finished basement that sits on 10+/- acres w/a 40x50 barn & an extra 24x26 detached garage. Large open kitchen w/granite counter tops. Jeanette Denney, 240-3814
This is a wonderful 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath colonial that will meet all of your needs!With excellent curb appeal, the exterior offers beautiful lawn, spacious gazebo and shed.The home has a very spacious interior. Mary Lynn Denby, 762-8797
Greater Syracuse Association of REALTORS® www.cnyrealtor.com
Beautiful designed and upgraded Contemporary home on 4.32 acres with a scenic view of Old Erie Golf Course. This home offers a semi-open floor plan with formal and informal dining areas. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
Everything you want can be found right here in this updated home enveloped by the large, spacious lot less than 5 minutes from the Thruway.The remodeled kitchen and hardwood floors are great. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
Conveniently located for a commute to Syracuse Utica or Rome. 3 bdrm ranch w many nice features including partially finished basement and oversized attached garage. Mary Lynn Denby, 762-8797
Absolutely beautiful. Large master bedroom on the 1st floor, 2 additional bedrooms up. Wonderful kitchen w granite countertops and stainless steel appliance. Fenced in yard. Oversized 1 car garage. Suzanne Rosendale, 374-7451
Spacious Oneida Heights Colonial w 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths. Kitchen w Granite counter tops, lg pantry cabinet. Open to Family room w gas fireplace. Good closet space. Walk-out basement is mostly finished. Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484
Thoughtfully updated throughout! 3 bd., 2 baths, beautiful kitchen with granite counter tops, breakfast bar,all new stainless steel appliances and lovely hardwood floors. Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484
Nice cape cod with many updates. 4 bedrooms, 1 remodeled bath, generous size family room with fireplace, Eat-in kitchen with newer appliances and flooring. Some hardwoods and newer carpeting. Penny Wuest, 264-8212
$350,000 Canastota
Commercial building corner lot located at the oneida walmart/ tsc intersection of Rte.5 and 365A. A heavy traffic highly visible location, minutes from downtown Oneida & Turning Stone Casino. Anna Collins, 264-1270
$94,900 Rome
Very nice home near everything, stone fireplace, 2 apartments, 2,200 s/f. A must see. Call agent formal dining room. Beautiful full open porch now for a viewing. and a lovely covered patio in the rear. Very Ryan Kirch, 264-4198 comfortable home to show and sell. Plus In-Law apartment. Barbara Parker, 761-2341
$349,000 Wampsville
After 40 years, owner wants to retire. Golden opportunity for you to be your own boss.This is a turn key opportunity that is currently open and making more than enough money to pay the bills & give you a place to live. WellsTooke, 396-5121
$55,000 Clinton
Nice 3 BR home inVerona has been well maintained & has great layout! Move-in condition & fully applianced w many updates including new laminate flooring, new w/w carpet & paint within past 4 years. Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484
Freshly painted throughout. New kitchen and bath flooring and new carpet. Has hardwood floors too. New bath tub and sink, new circuit breaker system. This is a home to love. Suzanne Rosendale, 374-7451
$125,000 Verona
Reap the benefits of Clinton living while enjoying some extra elbow room. Situated an a large lot with an expansive rear yard proudly sits this 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath Cape Cod style home. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
Motivated seller! Beautiful bungalow w oversized yard.Watch the deer from your kitchen window! Wampsville is a wonderful, friendly small village. This home features 3 bdrms, updated kitchen with oak cabinets. Barbara Parker, 761-2341
Just the right amount of space. This loveable 3 bdrm home is surrounded by 1.98 playful acres w/ a sizable garage. Large country kitchen, to the bright airy living room , and the enjoyable family room. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
Oneida Branch 730 Lenox Ave, Oneida, NY 13421 315.363.5533
www.Life and Homes .com
Clemens-Beckley Real Estate, Inc. 315-334-1046
420 N. Washington Street Rome, NY 13440 clemensbeckleyrealestate.com
Kim Beckley – Broker/Owner
Barbara Clemens Edward Beer Jill Mumpton
John McMahon Wendy Palinski Sharron Puglio
Diane Dainotto Julie Sestito Norma Warcup
$225,000 Oriskany
$117,900 Westernville
$212,000 Whitesboro
$114,900 Rome
$124,000 Rome
$159,900 Rome
$165,900 Rome
$110,000 Westmoreland
$69,900 Rome
$134,900 Forestport
$499,000 Rome
$176,900 Lee Center
$120,000 Rome
$59,900 Rome
$92,500 Rome
$49,000 Rome
$147,900 Verona
$25,000 Rome
$84,900 Osceola
$69,900 Rome
Historic 4 bedroom, 2 bath 2-story. Updates include newer garage, roof, appliances, propane wood stove, plus newer family room w/ extra loft bedroom. Two-car detached garage. MLS# 1501224
Charming 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath Ranch w/eat-in kitchen and lovely hardwoods. Updates include new electrical, windows, above ground pool, and septic. One-car attached garage. MLS# 1501038
Two-family w/new furnace, nice sized yard, 2-stall garage. Both apartments have entry porches; lower 3 BR, 1 BA w/built-in cabinets, dining room; upper 2 BR, 1 BA w/eat-in kitchen. MLS #1403256
Three bedroom, 1 full plus two ½-bath 2-story w/butlers pantry, living room w/fireplace. Two decks, patio, carriage house w/loft. Property extends to driveway entrance at Turin Street. MLS#1403308
3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath Ranch w/KraftMaid kitchen, stainless steel appliances. Family room, living room w/fireplace, hardwoods, updated baths, full basement. One-car attached garage. MLS# 1501210
Three bedroom, 2 bath 2-story w/remodeled kitchen, open living area, master bedroom w/bath, plus newer flooring & windows. Large deck overlooks a deep, fenced backyard. MLS#1400689
Three bedroom, 1-1/2 bath Ranch w/formal dining, den, sunroom, and family room in partially-finished basement w/fireplace. Lovely landscaped private yard w/1-car attached garage. MLS# 1403607
Two bedroom, 1-1/2 bath Condo w/master bath, soaking tub, and stand-up shower. Large Great room w/fireplace, back patio w/ retractable awning. New roof and backyard storage shed. MLS# 1403842
Three bedroom, 1-1/2 bath 2-story, freshly painted interior w/ updated kitchen and baths. First floor laundry, sunroom, newer furnace, some new windows, plus blown-in insulation. MLS# 1500246
31 acres with 688’ road frontage near Blackman’s Corners. Call for more information. MLS#1501160
Three bedroom, 2-1/2 bath custom-built salt box home w/open floor plan and multiple decks on 5.9 acres. Small barn for storage and lovely river views in secluded wooded setting. MLS# 1402226
Three bedroom, 1-1/2 bath 2-story w/updated kitchen, family room w/gas fireplace, plus full walk-up attic. Private, fenced backyard w/ deck. One-car detached garage. MLS# 1403071
Custom-built 4 bedroom, 2 bath log home w/4+ acres, 366’lakefront on Forestport Pond. Hickory cabinets, quartz counters, cathedral ceiling. Finished basement, radiant heat, central air. MLS#1404056
3 bedroom, 1 bath Cape Cod w/eat-in kitchen, cherry cabinets, and ceramic flooring. New bathroom, HE gas furnace w/central air. Covered patio plus 1-car detached garage. MLS# 1501156
Three bedroom, 2-newly updated full bathrooms, Cape Cod w/ formal dining, hardwoods and living room. New windows, gutter system, and patio plus 1-car attached garage. MLS# 1404515
Nicely updated 3 bedroom Cape Cod with eat-in kitchen and finished rooms in basement for added living space.1 car detached garage, fenced in backyard & located on quiet dead end street. MLS#1501004
Three bedroom, 1 bath Ranch w/spacious kitchen, formal dining, and finished basement w/family room and fireplace. Sunroom between garage and house on a large lot. MLS# 1404060
Three bedroom, 2 full bath, Expanded Cape Cod. Newer kitchen w/Corian counters and large breakfast area. Family room w/gas fireplace, partially-finished basement. Tandem 2-car garage. MLS# 1501522
Two bedroom, 1 bath 2-story starter home or investment property. First floor eat-in kitchen, formal dining, family room. Bedrooms 2nd floor w/loft area overlooking family room. MLS# 1500602
Two bedroom, 1 bath Bungalow-style camp in Osceola set on 40 acres with plenty of hunting and fishing. Gorgeous, peaceful setting in the Tug Hill. Close to several fish and game clubs. MLS# 1501610
Five bedroom, 3 bath 2-story w/built-ins, hardwoods throughout plus central air. Home could easily convert to a main home w/apartment upstairs. 1-car detached garage. MLS# 1404139
Four bedroom Split Level w/formal dining, living room, plus walk-up attic. Newer roof, windows, and furnace. Back deck, walkout basement to backyard plus 2-car attached garage. MLS#1500306
Two bedroom, 1 bath Ranch in country setting w/large, oversized garage, full basement plus deck overlooking beautiful yard. Brand new hot water boiler. MLS# 1501245
2 Store Front commercial property w/2 apartments (3 BR & 1 BR) make up this highly visible and well-maintained property. Building is fully occupied. Exterior consists of vinyl siding/brick. MLS# 1500956
Four bedroom, 2 bath Colonial w/formal dining, 2-sided propane fireplace, game room and garage floor both w/radiant heat, new outdoor furnace, plus fenced in yard! MLS#1500645
Single Family (Rome): 727 Cherry Street: $39,900 320 W. Thomas Street: $42,000 NEW PRICE!
Two Family Homes (Rome): Rome
$129,000 Rome
Four bedroom, 2 bath Ranch w/Woodmode kitchen, formal dining, hardwood floors, fireplace, one-car attached garage. Newer furnace, central air, windows, roof. Large fenced yard. MLS# 1501414
$149,900 Rome
Remodeled 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath Ranch w/cobblestone fireplace in living room. Updated wiring, plumbing, insulation, hot water on-demand, plus geothermal heating/cooling system. MLS# 1501584
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
$259,900 Rome
Exceptional 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath center hall Colonial w/original woodwork and refinished hardwoods. Updated kitchen, newer windows, plus finished 3rd floor bonus room. MLS# 1501588
Three bedroom, 1 bath Ranch w/formal dining area, living room, den. Full basement, 2-car attached garage, and nice yard on a quiet dead end street. MLS#1402635
903-905 Oakwood Street: $94,900 1112-1114 N. Madison Street: $138,900
Commercial: 104 Lyndale Dr., Rome: $29,900 NEW PRICE! 2199 Bleecker Street, Utica: $124,900
gorgeous hardwoods, fenced yard, in-ground pool, partially finished bsmt, new tankless heating system w/instant hot water.Newer siding & roof. MLS# 1501000
New Hartford
New Hartford
110 Cedarcrest Lane - Superbly kept 11 years young Colonial featuring 4 bedroom 2.5 bath, family room with gas fireplace, updated applianced kitchen, finished basement, master bath, 2 tier deck, wonderful yard and central air. Come see it - you will be impressed. MLS#1500318
2306 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502 315-735-2222
Henri Abiyaghi (315) 404-2838
habiyaghi@hotmail.com shopcnyhomes.com
attentive agent
who knows what he is doing?
Gokey Real Estate Clinton NY 13323 • Office. 315.853.3767
416 Quentin Rd. -Cozy updated cape featuring applianced kitchen, dining area, first floor master bedroom, bath living room, large sec, fl bedroom, storage, finished lower level great for man cave or teenager with one half bath MLS# 1500400
12 HORIZON DRIVE - Three bedroom two full baths large living room, applianced kitchen and dining room, 1200 Sq feet, attached garage and deck. MLS# 1403803
NORTH BAY - MULHOLLAND RD.- 68 ACRES, 349 frontage close to Oneida Lake, more land available. $99,000
Peggy Nolan,
Cell. 315.725.4570
Licensed Real Estate Agent
Frances Piscione Licensed Real Estate Agent
NORTH BAY - RT 49 - 49.8 ACRES, close to
Garry Williams
110 HONEY HILL RD - Minutes from Herkimer. Great recession proof mobile home park. 22 units, maintained income property, new water, sewer, pavement. Possible financing. MLS# 1500763
Dorothy Gokey, Broker
Licensed Real Estate Agent
5 EDGEMONT CIRCLE - Three bedrooms bath one half cape, applianced kitchen, dining area, large living room, deck,, garage, stone front. MLS# 1500793
13 SHERMAN OAKS - CONDO Easy living in this two bedr. two full baths &1/2 bath updated applianced kitchen, with dining area and family room, formal living room, laundry room, loads of storage, two balconies, porch end unit close to village move in condition. MLS# 1501089
47 NORMA DRIVE - Two year old custom double wide w/ black top driveway, carport, 8 x 10 shed. Interior features, living room, appliance kitchen w/ dining area, large master bedroom w/ garden tub & shower, second bedroom. Full bath, open floor, mint condition.
Rome, great land for new home. $79,500
76 Indian Mound Drive - Spectacular updated 4 bedroom 2.5 bath Colonial in Herthum Heights features large fireplaced family room , large eat-in kitchen w/ breakfast bar, formal dining room, 4 season sunroom, gorgeous hardwoods throughout. Large fenced yard, in-ground pool, partially finished basement, new tankless heating system w/instant hot water. Newer siding & roof. MLS#1501000
Trials Crossing Lot 12 - NEW CONSTRUCTION! Brand new 4 BR, 2.5 bath Colonial located in popular development, minutes away from shopping, restaurant, gas station & walking trails! 1830 s/f, hardwoods, stainless steel appliance, AC & public utilities. Pick your colors…Call for details. MLS# 1500597
For All Your Real Estate Needs Call Henri!
5435 Walker Road - Everything is done! Just move into this 3 bedroom Cape and put in your personal touch. Roof, electrical, kitchen, bath, floors all updated!!! Come see for yourself!!! MLS#1500692
1438 Albany - Welcome home to this East Utica Split Level 4 bedroom 2 bath situated on a corner lot. Home features hardwoods throughout, dining room, living room with fireplace, a great eat-in kitchen and an in-law apartment!!! MLS#1401530
If you are buying or selling a home, why not work with an
120 Paris Road - Charming 3BD, 2BA Ranch in a fabulous neighborhood!Classic fireplaced living room, formal dining room, updated kitchen w/ stainless appliances, updated furnace & baths, central air, new windows, finished family room in lower level, spacious fenced in yard w/beautiful gardens & attached garage. MLS# 1501459
2631 King Road - Absolutely stunning 5 years young colonial with a view on 1.75 acres! Features include finished walk out basement, 4BR, 2 bath and 2(1/2) bath, LR with gas fireplace, DR, dining area, not to mention a beautifully applianced kitchen with stainless and center island. MLS# 1501458
Associate Broker
60 Utica St
1 Dartmoor Lane - Welcome home to this classic 3 bed, 2.5 bath Colonial superbly located and perfectly situated on a park lot setting on 1.8 acres of incredible privacy in one of New Hartford most desirable location! Perfect for entertaining with a remarkably family friendly plan! MLS# 1501109
5270 TOWNLINE ROAD - COUNTRY LIVING three bedrooms two full baths large living room, applianced kitchen with dining area PLUS large pole barn, front and rear overhead doors sited on large lot 178 X290. MLS# 1404447
STATE RT 46 - 8.1 acres. Low Boonville Electric Rates! Ready for your modular, Dbl wide, Mobile Home, complete w/ septic, pavement. Will install well, addt’l 2,900. Country Living at it’s best w/ trout stream, Whitetail Deer. By snowmobile & cross count ski trails, Lake close by! MLS# 1500835
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We work for you, the client We Offer both Buyer & Seller Agents
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(315) 732-6181
Mary Sexton Combs
Dale Handley Parr
Sarah Roy
Jim Benson
(315) 853-3535
Sexton Real Estate Reneé Riffle
Sandra Reilly
Susan Callahan
Suzie Fraser
Rita Hummel
Ciro Raspante
Sue Connors
Sandra Hoyland
Joseph McHarris
23 Chestnut St., Clinton
$789,000 17 Chestnut St., Clinton
$630,000 113 Chapel View, Clinton
99 Kirkland Ave., Clinton
$349,000 5984 Cooper St., Vernon
$329,900 23 Eagle Ridge New Hartford $279,900 84 Old Kirkland Ave., Clinton
37 Janet Terr., New Hartford
$210,000 19 Proctor Ave., Clinton
$209,900 2 University Drive, Clinton
517 Woodhaven Rd., Utica
$164,900 8151 Turin Rd., Rome
$164,900 8164 Woods Hwy, Whitesboro $164,900 2815 Leibel Pl., S. Utica
503 Rockhaven Rd., Utica
$129,900 1612 Depeyster Ave., Utica
$129,900 4785 Cole St., Munnsville
Historic Clinton Mansion… Once in a lifetime opportunity to own this amazing village landmark. The history, architecture & setting alone are unmatched in our area. 8 bdrms, 7 full baths, 2 half baths, 3 sunrooms, 8 frplcs, billiard room, the list goes on. Truly breathtaking.
Meticulously Maintained, Dreamy horse prop. 6 stall barn, 5 fenced Pastures, 1 w/run-in shed. 1,000 +bale hay loft. 40x80 pole barn w/ cement flr & 3 overhead doors. 2 car htd garage. SO much to love about this charming Clinton farm!! Super convenient location.
Many renovations make this home a leisurely fit. New Furnace. Newer Windows, gutters, deck, baths (2). Roomy sized, fenced lot with a newer, heated in-ground pool. Just in time for summertime fun! Quiet neighborhood and super convenient location.
Want living space?Well its right here in this super-expanded 2000+ sq ft cape!Youll fall in love w/the open fl plan & well appointed updates. Cozy up by the stone frpl, party on the deck, relax in the pool & end your day in the huge mstr.This home truly has it all. Best of all, it can be yours!
So well maintained! Pretty much everything updated in the last 8 to 10 years! Spotless expanded Cape in a great neighborhood!
This Dutch Colonial blends historic grandeur with 21st century amenities. Elegant, spacious rooms, hardwood flrs & beautiful master suite. Step out your front door into the quaint Village of Clinton or walk out your back door to the grounds of a country estate.
Equestrian heaven, horse lovers paradise! Meticulously maintained property. 12 Stall barn w/indoor arena, outdoor riding area, pasture w/run in shed. Access to extensive trail system. Huge kitchen! Master bath w/new barn style door. Unique floor plan.
$549,900 3985 Bristol Rd., Clinton
Stunning chapel view colonial. No expense spared. Gorgeous woodwork throughout. Top of the line, radiant heat system. 3 Levels of pristine living space. Possible in-law on lower walk-out level.
Exceptional value in exceptional neighborhood & location! 2 Story entry open & bright (extra large windows) located on quiet cul-de-sac in middle grove subdivision. New heating, multi level deck, extra deep garage. Must see!
Great location! Beautiful home perfectly updated and ready to move in! Great finished space in the lower level!
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Classic Sears home! Charming 2 bedroom expanded cape. Attached 2 stall and a fabulous man cave 42x42 detached shop with gas, electric and plumbing!
$279,900 1225 Pleasant St., New Hartford $219,900
A converted barn! Unique, spacious, updated, full of character on spectacular, private cul-de-sac lot. Jaw dropping kit, bdrm on 1st fl, incredible mstr suite w/2nd fl deck, magnificent yard, so peaceful, 2nd fl laundry, 3rd fl office, brand new heating & hot water, windows.
Enormous interior not visible from the street.“If walls could talk”this family homestead radiates warmth & wonderful stories of yesteryear. The ballroom size living rm & mstr are exceptional & both w/frpls, the dining rm w/walk out patio stunning, the grounds are lush & private.
Great Location Great home!! Ready to move in and make your own. This one owner home has been maintained beautifully!
Elevated quiet country dead end road this well maintained ranch w/new master suite, new Buderus heating system, new Anderson windows & blown in insulation! Peaceful setting & well cared for.
$134,900 257 Silverstone Rd., Remsen $134,500
Picture perfect bungalow lovingly restored by professional interior designer owner. 2Nd fl mstr ensuite, perfect retreat or in-law/teen privacy. Fully fenced yard.
Beautiful Lake front property...small quiet lake ...a perfect get a way...35 mins. from Utica! 3 season fun or convert to year round! Fully furnished plus ,boats, lawn mowers and more! Just bring your bathing suit, bottle of favorite beverage and ENJOY!
$120,000 11768 Stonehedge Rd., Remsen $119,500 3928 New St., Clinton
Beautiful views from your living room in this newly remodeled 3 bdrm home. Big deck on back goes to above ground pool & plenty of privacy. All new floors & wood molding. All new thermal pane windows. 24x32 garage plenty of room for your man cave.
Enjoy the peace & tranquility offered with this 4 bdrm colonial nestled on nearly a 4 acre lot with a stocked pond. Large principle rooms & bdrms. A private sanctuary close to the village.
$169,900 32 Cheyenne Cres., Whitesboro $169,900 7345 Pryor Rd., Clinton
Wow! Check this one out! 5 Nicely sized bdrms totally updated Convenient location just outside the village is this well interior & maintenance free exterior! Super sized mstr suite, maintained 4 bdrm colonial. wonderful backyard & deck to rear. Come see you will be happy you did.
Welcome home!Tons of“WOW”moments in this expanded Ranch w/ updates galore! Fenced in yard backed-up to the woods w/Inground Pool as your personal oasis. Beautifully finished BR, full bath, & frpl Fam Rm in bsmt add additional 600SqFt! New furnace, Cntrl A/C, Siding.
$499,000 7429 Norton Ave., Clinton
Extraordinary effort/articulate attention to detail make bristol barns the historic masterpiece & one of a kind landmark that it is. Wonderful balance of old world details & historical accuracy while addressing the needs/lifestyles of today's families. Pristine condition.
Seller motivated! Beautiful well maintained 3 bdrm 2 bath ranch w/built-in garage. Full finished bsmt for extra bdrm or play rm. Sets on 2.66 acres surrounded by privacy & less than mile to Hinckley Lake. Must see!
So close to the village w/out the village taxes. Turn of the century 2 story home offers bright sunny rooms w/so much potential. No flood zone!
Open Market Listing Service™ Dolgeville
LifeandHomes.com For more information on any of these houses, visit www.LifeandHomes.com and type in the QSN#
202 W. State Street
892 Jerusalem Hill Road
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #373283 United Country Real Estate/HBE Group, Inc.
QSN #361117
Sharon Baisley
Fabozzi Realty Dick Fabozzi
Lic. R.E. Broker
Lic RE Broker/Owner
$169,900 10686 Taberg Florence Road
Litlle Falls
4 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
QSN #354975
9 Moreland Street QSN #373282 United Country Real Estate/HBE Group, Inc.
Noyes Real Estate Judy Noyes
John Carlin Lic. R.E. Broker
$244,900 3141 N North South Road
8028 Poplar Road 2 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
2 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #354974
QSN #372128
Rivet Realty Beth F. Roberts
Century 21 Gentry Realty Marcia Brooks
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker
Lic RE Salesperson
604 Talson Park Drive
Route 291
5 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
Near Nano-Tech
QSN #354994
QSN #361017
Elizabeth Droz
Royal-Rose Realty Nicholas J. Cieslewitz
Lic R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Weichert Realtors Champion Weeks
Hudson, Florida
Barrington Hills Resort 2 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths QSN #336771
6289 Mallory Road 4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths QSN #360936
Barbara W. Dunn Barbara W. Dunn
Century 21 Gentry Realty Elizabeth Miller
Lic. R.E. Broker
www.Life and Homes .com
LifeandHomes.com Open Market Listing Service™
For more information on any of these houses, visit www.LifeandHomes.com and type in the QSN#
10301 Adirondack View”
New Hartford
24 Augusta Drive
4 Bedrooms / 2.1 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
QSN #361019
QSN #361392
Coldwell Banker Faith Properties Ben Tringo
Oneida County - FSBO Louise
Lic. R. E. Salesperson
FSBO Owner
425 Rock Hill Road,
Old Forge
106 Deer Run
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #372933
QSN #361114
Bruce Ward & Company Nancy Arno
Rivet Realty Beth F. Roberts
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker
6323 Lynch Road
123 Jenkins Street
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
QSN #354976
QSN #354993
Noyes Real Estate Judy Noyes
Weichert Realtors Champion Weeks
Elizabeth Droz
Lic R.E. Salesperson
New Hartford
12 S Hills Drive
Oriskany Falls
3 Bedrooms / 3.5 Baths
Business, One or Two Family
QSN #347441
QSN #371861
Century 21 Gentry Realty Elizabeth Miller Broker/Owner
New Hartford
176 Paris Road QSN #372126
Lemery Realty Debbie Lemery Assoc. R.E. Broker
• Currently utilized as residential, but also zoned as commercial (unlimited options). • Plenty of parking – 2 stall detached garage. • Perfect location – central to everything – within walking distance of New Hartford village. • Three bedrooms with possible fourth or home office space. • Cozy living area with working fireplace. • Beautiful raised covered porch w/ new French doors facing Genesee St. • Low utilities $$ • Property has been completely updated/renovated w/in last 18 months. • Plus new kitchen appliances! • Family medical issue forces sale.
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
2633 Genesee Street – NEW PRICE! - $124,900.
9144 Rosemarie Road
4 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
Weichert Campion Weeks • Caroline Marino, Lic. Assoc Broker 315-404-7380 • care218@yahoo.com
Noyes Real Estate Judy Noyes
242 Main St.
QSN #373349
Rivet Realty Cathy Dibble Lic. Assoc. R.E. Broker
Like us on Facebook!
Rianna Lazzaro 525-4430
Frank Aceto 717-3747
Lisa A. Kowalczyk 534-1301
615 Cain St-2 bdrm, Ranch, eat-in kitchen, 1st floor laundry, many updates. $59,900 MLS#1304236 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk
54 Cardinal Lane-JUST LISTED 3 bdrm, Ranch, 2 baths, central air, deck with hot tub. $67,000 MLS#1501485 Contact Barbara Goldsmith
1426 Conkling Ave-3 bdrms, 1st floor laundry, newer furnace and updated bath. $54,900 MLS#1500896 Contact Alen Zekic 747 Jay St-Two Family! Separate Utilities. Newer kitchens, baths, roof and windows. $63,900 MLS#1500369 Contact Alen Zekic 762 Mary St-4 bdrm, 1 ½ baths, newer furnace, windows & roof. $66,900 MLS#1500722 Contact Samir Kendic 1124 Columbus Ave-3 bdrms, central air, hardwoods, situated on“3”lots. $89,900 MLS#1403788 Contact Barb Goldsmith 605 Plymouth Pl-4 bdrms, hardwoods, fireplace, new windows. $89,900 MLS#1403511 Contact Alen Zekic 914 Armory Dr-3 bdrms, 2 baths, hardwoods, newer furnace & windows. $95,900 MLS#1500586 Contact Barb Goldsmith 932 Arthur St-5 bdrms, 2 baths, 2100 sq. ft, fireplace, updated granite kitchen, hardwoods, newer windows and roof. $169,900 MLS#1403432 Contact Rianna Lazzaro
Martin C. Bell 794-6090
Michele L. Bruzzese 269-2394
Chas Levitt 982-1202
Barbara Goldsmith 794-7702
437 Keyes Rd-JUST LISTED 3 bdrm, Ranch, corner lot, newer roof. $79,900 MLS#1501461 Contact Martin Bell 426 Euclid Rd-4 bdrms, updated kitchen, new bath & windows. $89,900 MLS#1404117 Contact Martin Bell 406 VanDyke Rd-Updated 3 bdrm, new kitchen, deck, att. garage. $114,900 MLS#1508058 Contact Alen Zekic 4 Theresa Ct-3 bdrms, 2 baths, 1900+ sq. ft, fireplace, hardwoods, deck. $116,900 MLS#1402847 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk 522 Reels Dr-JUST LISTED 3 bdrms, 1600+ sq. ft, hardwoods, deck, newer windows. $119,900 MLS#1501358 Contact Martin Bell 409 Jeanette Dr-4 bdrm, Ranch, central air, hardwoods, 1st floor laundry, new kitchen, windows and deck. $159,900 MLS#1500612 Contact Alen Zekic
617 Kilkenny Dr-3bdrm, 2006 mobile home. Convenient location. $23,900 MLS#1402629 Contact Michele Bruzzese
506 N. Madison St – 7 Unit! Fully Rented. Great Cash Flow. $99,900 MLS#1200186 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk
2700 Mohawk St-Renovated 3 bdrm, Ranch, 2 baths, fireplace, hardwoods, 1600+ sq. ft, granite kitchen, deck. $189,900 MLS#1500626 Contact Chas Levitt
131 Hawthorne Ave-Two Family! 3 bdrm, Flats. Separate Utilities. $84,900 MLS#1400702 Contact Barb Goldsmith 10 Foery Dr#106-1 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, Condo, open floor plan, central air, updated bath, spacious master with California closets. $112,900 MLS#1500196 Contact Barbara Goldsmith
1122 Mathews Ave-Two Family! Separate Utilities. Newer furnaces. $44,900 MLS#1402558 Contact Chas Levitt
7217 State Rt 5-3 bdrms, 2 baths, 1900+ sq. ft, fireplace, newer roof, Clinton Schools. $154,900 MLS#1403860 Contact Martin Bell 6316 Dix Rd-JUST LISTED 4 bdrms, 2 baths, fireplace, private lot, newer furnace. $185,000 MLS#1501315 Contact Michele Bruzzese
Alen Zekic 570-0148
7407 Loomis Rd-3 bdrm, Ranch, 2 baths, 1600+ sq. ft, 4+ Acres, deck, views. $99,900 MLS#1402151 Contact Rianna Lazzaro
1 Hilltop Terrace – 3 bdrm, 2 baths, hardwoods, attached garage. New Hartford Schools. $129,900 MLS#1500941 Contact Martin Bell 46 Benton Circle-3 bdrm, Ranch, 1 ½ baths, fireplace, open floor plan, hardwood floors. $144,900 MLS#1404263 Contact Martin Bell 3809 Snowden Hill Rd-JUST LISTED 3 bdrm, Ranch, 1 ½ baths, 1700+ sq. ft, fireplace, view, newer furnace, windows and roof. $189,900 MLS#1501422 Contact Michele Bruzzese 2967 Graffenburg Rd-3 bdrm, Ranch, 2 ½ baths, 1900+ sq. ft, Brazilian hardwoods, open floor plan, 1+ Acre, Inground Pool. PRICE REDUCED $329,000 MLS#15006687 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk
Merissa Sigbieny 527-9689
10455 Powell Rd-4 bdrm, Contemporary, 12 years young, 4 ½ baths, 4600+ sq. ft, 10+ Acres, fireplaces, hardwoods, Master Suite, deck, Inground Pool. $649,000 MLS#1404378 Contact Barbara Goldsmith
1184 Higby Rd-3 bdrm, Ranch, newer boiler, Sauquoit School District. $59,900 MLS#1404005 Contact Rianna Lazzaro 5510 Woodlawn Pl-3 bdrms, hardwoods, updated kitchen, new furnace, windows, roof and siding. $114,900 MLS#1403464 Contact Michele Bruzzese 6826 Ritchie Rd-JUST LISTED 2 bdrm, Ranch, 2 baths, 1+ Acre, fireplace, deck. $164,900 MLS#1500953 Contact Martin Bell
Samir Kendic 527-4024
7834 State Highway 28-2 bdrm, 2 bath, Ranch, open floor plan, deck, views, new roof. $369,900 MLS#1400758 Contact Martin Bell
112 N. Crescent Dr-2 bdrm, central air, hardwoods, newer windows, roof and siding. $74,900 MLS#1500649 Contact Rianna Lazzaro 1314 N. James St- 3 bdrms, 1 full, 2 half baths, fireplace, hardwoods, newer furnace, fenced yard. $119,900 MLS#1500614 Contact Michele Bruzzese 7113 Coleman Mills Rd-3 bdrm, Log Home, 1 ½ baths, 2200 sq. ft, 1+ Acre, deck, new windows and roof. $169,900 MLS#1401859 Contact Barb Goldsmith 608 Riverside Dr-3 bdrms, hardwoods, deck, newer windows and roof. PRICE REDUCED $81,000 MLS#1401475 Contact Michele Bruzzese
171 Main St-5 bdrms, 2900+ sq. ft, 1st floor laundry, hardwoods, newer roof and windows. $84,500 MLS#1403885 Contact Martin Bell 137 Main St-4 bdrms, 2 baths, 2700+ sq. ft, central air, 1st floor laundry, fireplace. $99,900 MLS#1402352 Contact Frank Aceto
2136 Sinclair Ave-JUST LISTED 2 bdrm, Ranch, 1 ½ baths, fireplace, hardwoods, deck, newer roof. $119,900 MLS#1501024 Contact Rianna Lazzaro 12 First St-3 bdrms, fireplace, hardwoods, maple kitchen, updated bath, boiler, windows and roof. Double lot. New York Mills Schools. $139,900 MLS#1500502 Contact Michele Bruzzese
Schuyler: 16 Hawthorne Rd- Cogar Estates! 27+ Acres. $34,900 MLS#1200450 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk
www.Life and Homes .com
LifeandHomes.com Open Market Listing Service™
For more information on any of these houses, visit www.LifeandHomes.com and type in the QSN#
9144 Rosemarie Road
110 Fifth Street
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
2 Bedrooms / 0.5 Baths
QSN #372934
Rivet Realty Rivet Realty
QSN #361115
Rivet Realty Beth F. Roberts
Lic R.E Assoc. Broker
406 W Oak Street
2799 State Rt 28
4 Bedrooms / 3.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
QSN #272404
QSN #372935
National M&D Dailey Realty Maria E. Dailey
Rivet Realty Rivet Realty
Lic R.E. Broker/Owner
1806 N. George Street
164 Spruce Drive
4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #272403
QSN #372936
National M&D Dailey Realty Maria E. Dailey
Rivet Realty Rivet Realty
Lic R.E. Broker/Owner
1232 Court Street
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
For Sale or Lease
QSN #361200
QSN #372741
Dellecese & Longo Realty JoAnn Longo
Dellecese & Longo Realty JoAnn Longo
Lic. R. E. Broker
Lic. R. E. Broker
Sylvan Beach
503 16th Ave
$79,900 2303 W Whitesboro Street - 2 Unit
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
5 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #272555
QSN #360931
Steven Peter Properties Steve Ruscitto
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
219 N. Prospect St. Herkimer NY 13350 315-866-2002 • bward@brucewardusa.com • Bruce Ward, Lic. R.E. Broker
“I lost my job and got behind on house payments. We called BRUCE WARD & COMPANY to list so we wouldn’t lose everything. “Where are you going to live any cheaper?” asked Bruce. “You do plan to get another job, don’t you?” Long story short, BRUCE WARD & COMPANY paid our payments up to date and kept us going until my new job came through. With BRUCE WARD & COMPANY, it’s definitely about MORE than just money!!!” D.G./ Herkimer NY Sometimes it’s better to lend a hand than to look for a commission. BRUCE WARD & COMPANY has been helping people cure their real estate problems for over forty years. We appreciate your business and THANK YOU for allowing us to serve you.
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Royal-Rose Realty Nicholas J. Cieslewitz
Real Estate Services
119 Windsor Circle - Simpson Mnr Mobile Home Pk
Prompt, Reliable, Professional Service
Empowering you to make better
informed real estate decisions Available seven days a week for inspections & consultations.
Bob Aldi • 315 749 3452 info@aldihomeinspectionsinc.com www.AldiHomeInspectionsInc.com NYS Licensed Home Inspector #16000062761 Member: ASHI • NAHI • NYSAHI
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9 College Street Clinton, NY
Serving Oneida, Madison & Herkimer County Areas
853-7251 HUD Broker
Visit Us at PondrasHomes.com
Pondra Bowen-Kitchen Broker/Owner
Betty Abel-Jellencich Licensed Salesperson
Bill Welch
Associate Broker
Cal Lyon
Associate Broker
Ernie Sportello
Licensed Salesperson
Gordon Wydysh
Licensed Salesperson
John Barkett
Licensed Salesperson
New Hartford
Mike Rahn
Licensed Salesperson
5161 State Rt 233 -Well kept, 3 bedroom,1 bath ranch on 1.23 acres ( 2-tax parcels). Enjoy the pleasure of Dean’s Creek in the park like back yard. Full basement, great for expansion of living area. Home offers central air & beautiful hardwoods, newer roof & hot water heater. Circular stone driveway. MLS#1500363
2950 Wells Gifford - Country delight! Hobby farm 3.7 acres & rentable land available. Enjoy this tastefully renovated circa 1870 home now offering 2400 sq. ft. 4BR 2BA. MLS#1500928
3340 Post St. - Stunning oversized cape on 1.24 acres. 1680 sq. ft. of living space offering 4BR 2BA. Relax on the beautiful front porch and enjoy the views. Large rear deck perfect for gatherings.This home offers gas hot water baseboard & solar heat. Full basement ideal for rec room or workshop. Clinton schools & so much more! MLS#1501302
9800 Roberts Rd - Tastefully remodeled ranch with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Gourmet kitchen, awesome Master Bath, inground pool; Pole Barn. MLS#1501299
6339 Rt 26 - REDUCED!!Wow!! Solid well maintained bi-level ranch offering 3BR, 1.5BA, Family Room. Hardwood and handicap accessible. New roof, central air, public water &Westmoreland schools. MLS#1402906
1400 Kellogg Ave. - SolidVinyl sided Ranch on a corner lot with relaxing front porch. Newer windows, expansion attic all insulated. This home offers 2BR 1BA, Formal DR & Living Room. Hardwoods need refinishing; full basement GFHA heat and outbuilding for storage. Utica Schools. MLS#1501189
8312 Kellogg St.-PRICE REDUCED!!Wow Factor!!Totally renovated country home..new siding, windows, plumbing, electric, boiler & addition. Hickory Kitchen! MLS#1500109
445 Larchmont Ave - This 3BR cape, in a quiet neighborhood is move in ready. Newer roof, central air, and nice hardwoods are just a few of its wonderful amenities. Fenced backyard and heated, 2-stall garage are plus’s. This seller is motivated to sell and furnishings are negotiable as seller is relocating. MLS#1501047
Clark Mills
New Hartford
5 Middle St - REDUCED!!This 4 BR, 2BA home in Clinton School District is a“rare find”for under $70,000. Home features a 22x8 porch off the back of the house and a detached garage. Public water & sewer is also a plus. MLS#1500946
5860 Bartlett Rd -WOW! Oversized Raised Ranch on 10 acres with 2 ponds & woods. 3BR 1.5BA, awesome kitchen; ideal home for entertaining. MLS#1501345
9334 Chapman Rd-REDUCED!! Outstanding possibilities ! Attention Developers,Equestrians,and organic farmers.This property offers a beautifully renovated 5 br,2.5 bath 3500 sq.. home , in-law cottage on grounds,2 barns and a 60 x 80 pole barn all have water.This home sits back in from the road with privacy galore.Subdividable.MLS#1500780
106 College St. - Delightful Clinton home offering a towpath to Oriskany Creek on 1.1 acres. 1797 sq. ft. 3BR 2BA; 1st floor Master BR, BA and Laundry. Charm & character, no Village Tax..a must see! MLS#1501075
172 County Hwy 19- REDUCED!This is a well-built & insulated 3BR home w/DR, LR, FR, 1.5BA. Home is in Mount Markham School District.The water source is a spring fed pond with an ultra-modern filtration system.There is over 25 acres w/barn. School taxes show w/ star. MLS#1303558
508 Expense St. - Nicely maintained 2 story home offering 3BR 1BA. Spacious updated applianced kitchen, formal dining room, beautiful foyer and woodwork. Home has been well insulated, replacement window, full attic and basement. Fenced yard and 1 car detached garage. MLS#1500587
2735 Hatch Lake Rd-Wow! Quiet country setting with view on 2 acres.Well maintained 3BR 2BA double wide with great updates. Fireplaced living room; gas fireplace in sitting room; gorgeous grounds. MLS#1500499
149 Utica St. - Stunning 2 family home just outside the Village of Clinton. Pristine interiors each unit has 1BR LR, fully applianced kitchen. All separate utilities; full basement. Detached 2 car garage with 2nd floor man cave. Home is set up for easy conversion to 1 family. MLS#1500716
LAND Bradley Brook Rd, Lebanon 149 Utica St. - “Blue Heron Pond” Bradley Brook Road Lebanon: 27 acres of paradise including spring fed 14 Acre pond, fully stocked with perch, large mouth bass & more. This peaceful retreat also offers marketable timber and gas wells for future fracking, if interest4ed. Boat launch & dock; fencing installed & shed. $165,000 MLS#1501232
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Open Market Listing Service™ Utica
LifeandHomes.com For more information on any of these houses, visit www.LifeandHomes.com and type in the QSN#
443 Parklane Drive
539 White Street
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #357101
QSN #372931
Coldwell Banker Faith Properties Ben Tringo
Lemery Realty Debbie Lemery
Lic. R. E. Salesperson
Assoc. R.E. Broker
7 Bonnie Brae
114 E Bacon Street
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #373348
QSN #372932
Coldwell Banker Faith Properties Sara Onsik Klimek
Lemery Realty Debbie Lemery
Lic.R.E. Salesperson
Assoc. R.E. Broker
West Turin
35 Emerson Avenue
3953 Franklin Street
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
2 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
QSN #372739
QSN #372127
Dellecese & Longo Realty JoAnn Longo
Century 21 Gentry Realty Elizabeth Miller
Lic. R. E. Broker
102 Boyce Avenue
4 Kurts Kourt
4 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.1 Baths
QSN #372740
QSN #362932
Dellecese & Longo Realty JoAnn Longo
Coldwell Banker Faith Properties Judy Hinman
Lic. R. E. Broker
2253 Lakeshore Drive
75 Cambridge Road
1 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #360935
QSN #372124
Lemery Realty Debbie Lemery
Weichert Realtors Champion Weeks
Elizabeth Droz Lic R.E. Salesperson
Assoc. R.E. Broker
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www.Life and Homes .com
Magnificent home with custom detail throughout. 5 BDs, 3 full and 2 half baths. Gorgeous gourmet kitchen. DR, FR, 1st flr master Bdrm, finished basement. 3 car gar, double lot. MLS# 1500516 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
141 Genesee St., New Hartford www.campionweeks.com Voted Top Residential Real Estate Company
Striking brick, 3-4 BD, 3.5 BA contemporary. Elegant living in 2856 s/f with 1st flr master BD, exceptional finished walk-out basement. 3 car gar, 5.2 acres. MLS# 1501008 www.CampionWeeks.com 735-8515
Custom built, 2600 s/f colonial. 10 yrs young w/ 4 BDs, 2.5 BAs, FR, DR, att double gar. Panoramic views. Fine custom details throughout. MLS# 1403007 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Beautiful brick, center hall colonial, fireplaces, 2 car garage. Over 2900 elegant s/f. MLS# 1403103 www.Campionweeks.com
Caroline Marino
Susan Alberico
Mark Canter
Vera Sadallah
Sam Vedete
Mark Enjem
Ellen Campion Linda Cavalier
New York Mills
Immaculate, spacious 3 BD, 3 BA split level. DR, FR, HW flrs. New kit, w/stainless steel appliances. Att gar. great lot. Many updates. MLS# 1501080 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Great ranch offering 3 BDs, 1.5 BAs, DR, FR w/ sliding doors to deck & fenced yard. Att 2 car gar. Many updates. MLS# 1501283 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Charming, well maintained 3 BD ranch, DR, gas fireplace, att gar. Large yard, full basement. Deck.
Newly renovated cape with 4/5 BDs, FR, garage. Vinyl sided appliances. Gleaming HW floors.
MLS# 1501313 www.Campionweeks.com
MLS# 1403989 www.Campionweeks.com
South Utica
New Hartford
Charming 3 BD, 2 BA bungalow with beautiful updated kit, DR, master suite. Att gar. Lovely landscaping. MLS# 1404417 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Completely renovated 3 BD, 2 BA home on 3.5 acres. DR, large rooms, updated kit, baths, windows, siding, etc. MLS# 1500127 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Charming, one owner cape. 3 BDs, 2 BAs, DR or den, eat-in kit. Breezeway, att gar. New furnace. Great yard. MLS# 1500276 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
North Utica
Paul Durrigan
Linda Kuzniar Michael Grassi
Well maintained 3 or 4 BD, 2 BA cape. Updated roof, windows and baths. Att gar. Full basement. MLS# 1403921 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Pat LoGuidice
South Edmeston
Completely renovated 4 BD, 2 BA home. Super new oak kitchen, 1st flr master Bdrm and bath. DR, 2 car gar. MLS# 1500061 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Updated, spacious 3 BD ranch. FR, DR, sunroom. Updated roof, windows kit & landscaping. Nice yard w/ deck and pool. MLS# 1500425 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
North Utica
South Utica
Ruth Fanelli
Lovely, updated 4 BD cape. Eat-in kit, finished basement. Att 2 car gar. Vinyl siding.
Immaculate 3 BD, 1.5 BA 2 story, DR, updated roof, furnace, windows, etc. Fireplace, garage.
MLS# 1500951 www.Campionweeks.com
MLS# 1501469 www.Campionweeks.com
Luis Montero
Rosemary Nicotera Sabrina Arcuri
Tom Mazzotta Brett Lowjewski
Income producing 2 family investment property. Near shopping, restaurants & busline. 3 BDS in each apt. Separate utilities. MLS# 1500084 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Terrific 2-3 BD brick cape with wrap around deck. Many updates, lovely neighborhood. 2 car garage. MLS# 1500505 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
West Utica
Another great investment opportunity. Two family with 3 BDs in each apt. Sep utilities, newer furnaces & roof. New windows. Near Utica College. MLS# 1501092 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
North Utica
Affordable vinyl sided ranch. Why pay rent? Full basement, att garage. Fenced yard. 2 BDs, den, newer windows. MLS# 1500821 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
LifeandHomes â– Central New York
East Utica
Large two family with 3 BDs in each apt. Separate utilities, 2 car garage. Deep lot. MLS# 1501328 www.Campionweeks.com
West Utica
Great Utica College area investment property. Many updates throughout. Newer furnaces & windows. Vinyl siding, 2 BDs in each apt. Live in or use as investment. MLS# 1501148 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
North Utica
Immaculate, one owner 3 BD ranch. DR, remodeled kit & bath. Newer windows, vinyl sided. Oversized lot. MLS# 1403389 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
West Utica
Jerry Orsaeo
Roseanne Wood
Doreen Gray
Liz Droz
Two family investment property near Utica College, hospitals, business. 3 bedrooms in each apt. Separate utilities. Freshly painted interior. MLS# 1500563 www.Campionweeks.com 735-8515
Think Clinton Real Estate!
Barbara Owens
Associate Broker
315 725 3836 cell/text • BarbaraOwens.com
Immaculate home in popular Park View Estates! Sunny eat in kitchen with vaulted ceilings and skylights, master suite, central air, huge deck, carport, storage shed. Lot rent includes taxes, water/sewer and trash removal. $59,900 MLS # 1500316
Lovely Victorian home! Newer: furnace, wiring, plumbing, water heater, walls & insulation. Features include bright rooms, original moldings, high ceilings, 1st floor laundry, wide plank floors, deep yard & porch. Low taxes! $109,900 MLS #1500292
Are we in town or out in the country? Best of both worlds for this Clinton classic on a 1 acre lot! Popular open floor plan unexpanded in a home of this ear. Newer kitchen & baths, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 full baths. $153,500 MLS# 1501525
Highly prized College Street location for this six bedroom colonial! Traditional floorplan with front and rear staircases. Super huge eat in kitchen opens to deck overlooking deep village lot. First floor laundry room, full walk up attic..Come see! $185,000 MLS# 1401604
THE BEST Commercial location! Your own “island” island surrounded by high traffic/high visibility Rt 20/Wall St/Stone Road. House plus 3 outbuildings. 1.2 Commercially zoned acres means opportunity! $199,900 MLS # 1501405
4240 BRISTOL ROAD, CLINTON Thinking of new construction? Call today and hear about the many floorplan options available. To be custom built on the 2 acre lot with a view! Starting at $279,900 MLS# 1500463
303 PRESTWICK COVE, ORISKANY FALLS The BEST floorplan! Dramatic open concept ranch screams quality & style! Too many details to list, but it’s all here: granite counters, central a/c, 4th bedrm/bonus rm, heated garage, 16 x 16 trex deck, on & on! 2nd lot protects privacy $269,900 MLS #1404327
Serenity, sophistication & simplicity combine in this spacious contemporary on 22 acres! A perfect choice for entertaining w/ great flow & light! New cooks kitchen, master suite, up to 4 bedrooms & 3 full baths. Barn w/ 2 stalls, inground pool, pond, gardens, apple trees. $399,900 MLS # 1402900
Spectacular private 6 acre setting for this gorgeous home! Must see to appreciate all this home has to offer. 1st floor master suite, exquisite living room with fireplace, stunning formal dining room. $399,900 MLS# 1501452
Valerie Duncan, Associate Broker
Geri Simonette-Hendrix, Associate Broker
315-868-6924 (cell) • vduncan@twcny.rr.com
315-894-8057 • geri.simihend@yahoo.com
Rob Diedrich Assoc.
818 Shaw Street, Utica $46,900 278 Otsego Street, Illion $69,900 2302Welsh Bush Road, Frankfort $109,900 2747 Rt 12 B Deansboro $130,000 6739 Bogusville Road, Deansboro $139,900 6300 Skinner Road,Westmoreland $147,900 3893 Fountain Street, Clinton $153,500 521 Doe Road,Waterville $174,900 144 Northwood Circle, Rome $205,000 5 Chestnut Street, Clinton $219,900 Vacant lot Fountain Street $$25,000 Vacant land 5 acres Maxwell Road, Clinton $25,000 Vacant land 5 acres Lumbard Road, Clinton $35,000
Clyde Diedrich /Broker Bob Morgan Jenifer Nagele Margie Smith Patricia Camardella
55 E. Main Street, Mohawk, NY 13407 (315) 866-7702 www.Century21.com
868-4339 866-6465 717-6098 823-0667 717-2385
LaVerne Dudik Valerie Duncan Janice Harter Geri Simonette-Hendrix
429-9794 868-6924 866-1885 868-4833
$295,500 Herkimer
$79,500 St Johnsville
$169,900 Herkimer
Little Falls
$69,000 Ilion
$32,500 Schuyler
$339,000 Mohawk
Exceptional Country Ranch- Just 3 years old. Custom built home includes 2 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, a custom kitchen with Cherry cabinets and quartz countertop, a spacious living room, and a full finished basement. All on 46 Wooded acres. QSN#370866
Cozy two bedroom Bungalow with an updated kitchen, nice living room, dining room, full bath and breakfast nook. There is a newer furnace, roof and replacement windows. The Home features a full width front porch and a back covered patio. QSN#356369
Updated village home with replacement windows and a new roof.You will love the new modern kitchen with stainless appliances and the modern dining room.The home features 3 bedrooms, a full bath, living room, new kitchen and dining room. QSN# 371647
This North Ilion home features two bedrooms, a full bath, upstairs sitting room or den, a spacious living room, dining room and kitchen. Recent improvements include vinyl siding, a metal roof, replacement windows, a newer heat system and an updated electric entrance. QSN#362925
Spacious home with so much to offer.The home includes four bedrooms, two full baths, a large living room with a stone fireplace, a great foyer, a family room with a stone hearth for a pellet stove, a dining room, kitchen with breakfast table, and a first floor laundry. QSN# 347568
Located in Strawberry Hills park this 1989 doublewide manufactured home features 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a kitchen, and an open living room and dining area with cathedral ceiling.The home has a newer metal roof, updated heat system with central air conditioning. QSN# 370865
Country living at its best- Beautiful Ranch home featuring three bedrooms, 2 baths, a spacious living room, kitchen with breakfast bar and dining room, all on over 6 acres. Sit on the front deck and look across the fields all the way to Route 20 and CherryValley. QSN#362402
157 acres, a partially remodeled farmhouse, 3car detached garage, a big barn and various outbuildings for sale.The land runs betweenWatkins and Baum to almost Millers Grove Road and Baum and McKennan on other side of road.The land consists of approximately 30 tillable acres. QSN#360204
A rare find in Herkimer-This beautifulTri-level home features 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, a living room, dining room, kitchen and family room.The master bedroom suite features a cathedral ceiling and private ceramic bath.The living room has marble floors and a brick fireplace. QSN#362400
Spacious village home with many updates on a large lot.This home is over 2,200 sq. ft. and includes a spacious living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths and a mud room with laundry. A three season sunroom attaches the oversized two car garage to the house. QSN# 358073
www.Life and Homes .com
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All-Pro Realty
Tony Abone, Broker/Owner
7763 Turin Rd. Rome, NY 13440
Each Office Independently Owned and Operated
Visit Our Website At
“Over 50 Years Experience” Outstanding Agents Proabone@cnymail.com www.uticaromerealtors.com Outstanding Results
204 ST. PETERS AVE ROME $74,500
7048 COLEMAN MILLS RD., ROME $114,000
408 N. WASHINGTON ST., ROME $69,900
1712 LINCOLN LANE, ROME $168,900
Spacious &Very Private; 3 Bedrooms; 2 Baths; Large Eat-In Kitchen; Formal Dining; Den; Central Air; Lots Of Living Space With FullThird Floor Attic; FencedYard; Nice 2-Stall Garage With Ample Parking; OutbuildingWith Electricity; Could Be 4 Bedrooms
One Owner Custom-Built Ranch; 3 Bedrooms; Eat-In Kitchen; Formal Dining; All Hardwoods Under Carpet; Open Floor Plan; New Roof, Hotwater Heater; Oversized Heated Garage With Full Kitchen; Nice Sized Lot; Fenced Yard; Great Location
Money-Maker For Investors; This Property Is In Very Good Condition; Has Been Updated Over The Past Several Years; All Very Rentable Apartments; Laundry Available; Entry Halls; Living Rooms; Close To Downtown, YMCA, Jervis Library
Great Open Floor Plan; 3 Bedrooms; Updated Kitchen, Bath; Laminate Flooring; Formal Dining; Finished Basement; Newer Roof, Siding, Furnace, Hotwater Tank; Nice Color Scheme; Vinyl Windows; Large Open Front Porch; Carport
ThisTraditional Colonial Is Located In One Of Rome’s Finest Neighborhoods; 4 Bedrooms; 2 ½ Baths; Beautiful New KitchenWith Granite Counters, Center Island; Family Room With Fireplace; Living Room; Main Floor Laundry RoomWith Half-Bath; Master Bedroom, Bath; Full Basement; Newer Roof,Windows; 2-Stall Attached Garage
314 SAM ST., ROME $149,900
6757 MARTIN ST., ROME $398,000
6747 MARTIN ST., ROME $175,000
1701 LINCOLN LANE, ROME $149,300
202 MAPLE ST., ROME $159,500
Perfect For The Growing Family; 4 Bedrooms; 1 ½ Baths; Formal Dining; Family Room; Living Room; Dining Area; 2 Fireplaces; Huge Greatroom; Hardwood Floors; Central Air; Soccer-Size Backyard; Inground Pool; 2-Stall Attached & 4-Stall Detached Garages
This 16,000 Square Foot Building Has Many Uses; Currently Being Used As A Welding & Machine Shop & Iron Works; Open Floor Plan In Manufacturing Area; Office Space; Overhead 5-Ton Cranes; 24’Ceiling Height; 3-Phase Wiring; Large Overhead Doors; Bathrooms; Plenty Of Parking; Near Railroad, Barge Canal
PRICE REDUCED: Recently Set Up As A Dog Kennel; 42 Steel Kennels; Wash Area; Indoor & Outdoor Fenced Exercise Areas; Reception, Storage Areas; Overhead Door; Central Air; Concrete Floor; Parking; Bath; Loading Dock; Exceptionally Clean; Multi-Functional Flexibility With The Floor Plan Layout
Great North Rome Location; 4 Bedrooms; 2 Baths; Eat-In Kitchen; Formal Dining; Large Family Room; Living Room; Hardwood Floors; Freshly Painted Interior; Newer Furnace With Central Air; Attached Garage; Private Backyard; Great Family Area; Ridge Mills Elementary
True Center Hall Colonial; 4 Bedrooms; 2 Full, 2 Partial Baths; Oppers Woodmode Kitchen With Huge Island; Large Dining Area; Huge Master With Full Bath, Walk-In Closets; Huge Living Room With Fireplace; Formal Dining; Main Floor Laundry; Beautiful 3-Season Room; Summer Kitchen In Basement; Full Attic; 2-Stall Garage
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Town & City Tony Pavia, Real Estate
Licensed R.E. Broker
Graduate of Mendenhall School of Auctioneering, High Point NC.
315-735-9850 • apavia8453@aol.com
Call me 315-796-2739
3 Arnold Ave, Utica, NY 13501
Auction Services Available. Residential * Commercial * Land
New Listing. Investors, great potential. Needs work. Five 1 bedroom apts and one 2 bedroom. Plenty of parking. Cash Buyer Only! MLS# 1501479
$37,900 MARCY
Handy Man special! Six rooms each unit with 2 detached garages. In the village of Frankfort. Sold “As Is”. MLS# 1500864
DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION! Two Older 2 story offering 3 bedrooms, 2.5 story, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Updated baths. Needs TLC. Make an offer. kitchen and baths, carport, deep yard. MLS# 1501331 MLS# 1402574
Cute ranch in need of TLC offering 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, deed. Rear yard. Sold “As Is”. MLS# 1404505
$44,900 SCHUYLER
Two story home offering 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, dining room, eatin kitchen, full basement. Good size yard. Parking. MLS# 1500474
Large colonial with lots of potential over 2000 sq. ft. with an adjacent lot and 2 attached garages. Cash Only. MLS# 1403010
$89,900 ILION
$24,500 ONEIDA
Location, Location! Over 1900 sq ft offering 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, fireplace living room, central air, deep yard. Make an offer! MLS# 1404067
$159,000 WEST UTICA
Commercial - Great opportunity for 2 bedrooms each flat, 1 detached gaOwner Occupied and Business. In- rage, fenced garage. Offers wanted. cludes 4 BR house with 2 commercial MLS# 1501138 building. Approx 6000 s/f and 1.14 acres. MLS# 1404147
Older 2 story home on a corner lot, offering 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, updated kitchen and baths. MLS# 1500937
Old style home offers 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, full basement. Cash Only! MLS# 1500669
www.Life and Homes .com
#1 Selling Company in Utica, Rome, and the Mohawk Valley 494 French Road, Utica, New York
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www.camdenny.com/wilkes rawilkes@dreamscape.com
Panther Lake
10890 Florence Hill Road-Country ranch with 3 bedrooms & 1 1/2 baths. Large living room with freestanding fireplace, full basement, storage garage & generous lot! Adv.# R03
18 Wall Street- Cute as can be totally remodeled 1 bedroom year round cottage with lake rights! Unique cobble stone full basement, central heat, open sunny deck & ready to enjoy all summer! Adv.# R04
364 Foil Road-Unique 2 story barn on 54.2 surveyed acres! Plenty of pasture & hayfields that were set up for a dairy. Main barn was once a dinner theater about 20 yrs ago, use your imagination!! Being sold “as is”! Adv.#R16
Birmingham Drive-Secluded 2 story cabin with 15 wooded acres on the Carterville Pond! It’s 14’x 40’& ready to finish your way, offers nice trails to explore, perfect for hunting, fishing, recreation & relaxation! Adv.#Q42
2111 California Road-Nearly new 3 bedroom, 2 bath contemporary style stick built home, offers a Hickory kitchen with appliances, dining room & living room with the open floor plan & knotty pine vaulted ceilings. There’s a full basement, 2 car attached garage and over 2 acres of land! Adv.#R01
Our Real Estate Staff :
Bambi Norman, Broker/Owner Bill Norman, Sales Agent Yvonne Carle, Sales Agent
Sylvan Beach
Lee Center
64 Second Street-SpaciousVillage Queen Anne home with 5 bedrooms & 2 baths, double living room, formal dining room & large carriage barn with second floor loft. Many original features to enjoy! Adv.#Q16
52 Third Street-Affordable colonial home offers 3 bedrooms, full bath, living room with fireplace, family room, first floor laundry & eat in kitchen with plenty of cabinets. Attached garage, open deck & large lot. Adv.#Q07
1719 Co. Rt.# 17-Ranch on 8.3 acres, 4 bedrooms & 2 ½ baths! Living room, dining room, 2 large porches, 2 car garage with bonus bakery/cannery kitchen with walk in cooler, additional barn & nearly 90 blueberry bushes. Adv.#Q23
Peeky Drive: 140 acres of wooded land with Mill Stream running through the property. Roomy hunters cabin has a bunk room for 8, kitchen with lounging area & bath all adjacent to state forest land & the snowmobile trail. Adv.# R05
1410 Osceola Road-Lewis County Snowmobiliers delight right on the trail system in the Hamlet of Osceola. Offers 4 bedrooms & two baths with new flooring and finishing just completed. Adv.#Q44
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
755 Co. Rt. #19-Salt Box style home on 5.54 acres! Offers 2 bedrooms, full bath, remodeled kitchen with good size living room & dining area. Attached 2 car garage & plenty of storage in the 3 outbuildings! Adv.#R13
40 Liberty Street-Cozy 3 bedroom waterfront home on fish creek! Modest size rooms, eat in kitchen, laundry area, dining room, living room & full bath. Large yard with oversize one car garage! Adv.#M55
5384 Brookfield Road-Doublewide mobile home with 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. Living room with wood stove, kitchen with appliances. Large 2 car garage with its own heated bath & workshop with wood stove on 1.6 acres! Adv.#Q58
2891 Main Street-Colonial home in the Hamlet of McConnellsville! Offers 3 or more bedrooms & 2 ½ baths with a spacious & versatile layout. Detached garage, spacious 1 acre lot & above ground pool. Adv#Q45
17 Elm Street-Village Colonial offer 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, full bath & large living room with pellet stove. Attached garage, nice level lot & public water/sewer. Adv.#Q53
204 Drive #13-Completely remodeled 3 bedroom Oneida Lake year round modest size home with great views! The right of way to the lake is directly in front, for an unobstructed view and an easy walk to the shoreline with room to dock a boat. Adv.#R12
25 Fayette Street-3,200 sq. ft. colonial 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home with modern flair! Addition gives this home a nice layout with a great room that overlooks the in-ground pool with stamped concrete patio, tucked privately behind the 3 car attached garage. Adv.#R15
8232 Preston Hill Road-Country ranch on 5 partially wooded acres!! Offers 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, kitchen with dining area, double entry bath & back added family room set up with a wood stove. Adv# R17
2856 Powell Road- Cute Country Ranch near McConellsville on a 1 acre lot! Offers 2 bedrooms, bath with shower, main level laundry area, galley kitchen with plenty of oak cabinets, breakfast area, large living room & a 4 seasons heated back porch w/ a page wire fenced-in area for your pets. Adv#Q46
113 Main Street-Stately 5 bedroom, 2 bath Mansard style home, lots of original features & many nice modern improvements including 41 thermopayne windows & Hickory kitchen & the exterior of the home having new paint colors. Beautiful porches to sit and watch the world go by! Adv.#Q49
1600 Harborview Drive-Waterfront home at a great price! Offers 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, oak kitchen & living room with fireplace. Enjoy the 50’of water frontage on Fish Creek with deep water dockage for fishing & your boat. Adv.#Q28
59 Mexico Street-Two family home! Main level 2 bedroom apartment. Upper level one bedroom aparment. Paved driveway, vinyl siding & metal roof. Detached 2 car garage, move in condition! Adv.#Q11
8769 Marsh Road-154 acres with 2 handyman homes in need of repairs. Large detached shop/garage & a private location down a long driveway. Additional adjacent 90 acres available for $90,000. Ask for Adv.# Q37 & Adv.#Q36
47 E. Elm Street-Well kept & tastefully done colonial home! Offers 4 generous bedrooms, 1 1/2 modern baths, main level laundry & knotty pine kitchen with center island & appliances. Nice hardwood floors & modern paint colors. Adv.#R18
8427 Dixon Road-Two bedroom expanded country ranch with wonderful upgrades! New added living room, sile stone kitchen counters, vinyl siding, pellet stove & pellet fireplace to name a few. Spiral staircase leads to the cozy family room, office area & den in the basement. Adv.#R19
I’ll make your satisfaction my priority & purpose. As a buyer or seller, it’s time it was about you!
141 Genesee St., New Hartford, NY 13413
Susan Alberico
315-723-0892 SAlber7740@aol.com
Proven performer for over 30 years
8039 Sand Ridge Rd, Barneveld $249,900
109 Camp Rd at Cedar Lake Golf Club
Relax while sitting and watching the golfers on the 5th hole or join in on the fun. Live where coming home means relaxing in the hot tub or going to the club for a meal. This home is 3445 sq ft and has 3 bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half baths on 1.5 acres. Manicured lawns and an intricate deck system, every part of this home shows pride of ownership. Year round entertainment, Comfortable flexible floor plan. Oversized 3 stall garage.
Charming, quality built 2000 sq ft 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath Contemporary tucked into over 4 wooded acres only 10 minutes from Utica. Cathedral ceilings with skylights, living room with stone fireplace, formal dining room, oversized kitchen with island/breakfast bar and dining area, family room, first floor laundry and 2 stall attached garage. Wonderful value in beautiful neighborhood.
Gracious Community Living • Meticulously Maintained • Rome Water Secure • Financing Available • No Closing Costs • Westmoreland Schools
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Our Best Buy
Charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch. Backs up to woods, den could be 4th bedroom, central air, range, refrigerator and dishwasher, shed. $32,900
Woods In Back
Large 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch, backs up to woods. All appliances including dryer, jacuzzi, deck, storage shed, more. $39,900
Owner Anxious
Nice newer 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch. Central air, new water heater, open floor plan, more. Was $39,900 $36,900
Gracious Ranch
Sprawling newer 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home, central air, 2 car garage, fireplace, all appliances including washer/dryer. Drywall, living areas, much more. $76,900
www.Life and Homes .com
#1 Selling Company in Utica, Rome & Mohawk Valley
adeline Vandyke,
Lic. R.E. Salesperson, ABR, SRES
315.404.6431• addie13424@yahoo.com 494 French Road, Utica NY
$59,900 Herkimer
$97,500 Utica
$299,900 Rome
212 East Main Street - This home offers over 1700 Sq Ft, 3-5 bedrooms, 2 baths, a great fenced yard and tons of potential. MLS# 1501178
169 West Bacon St - Great Waterville home!! 4 bedroom boasting over 1800 sq ft of living space, partially fenced yard, garage with storage loft, deck and so much more!!! MLS# 1500346
5478 Bushart Road - EQUESTRIAN’S DELIGHT! This custom post & beam Cape is new & ready for you to enjoy. Coupled w/ the top notch living quarters for your 4 legged friends. MLS#1500656
231 Pullman Street -What a great house for the money! Over 1100 s/f, newer roof, vinyl siding, furnace &1st floor windows with all appliances included! A little paint and flooring will go a long way in this home! MLS#1501403
16 Carlile Ave - Behold the charm of the 20s in this home. Ample size LR, DR. Wheelchair accessible suite leads to huge screened in porch. New furnace. Hardwoods under carpets! MLS# 1400656
Seifert Road - Great 4.4 acre building lot in a quiet area. 77’dug well and loads of road frontage. Perfect place for your dream home!! MLS# 1404487
7 Dodd Street - Adorable 3 bedroom Bungalow on a great dead end street! Hardwood floors, great light, fenced yard, big decks, detached garage and so much more! MLS# 1403969
200 West Main Street - Turn of the century charmer!! Original woodwork, hardware, leaded glass doors. tin ceilings, and a former carriage house are just a few of the highlights. MLS# 1500228
Carmen Road - Gorgeous 5 acre building lot. MLS# 1500604
Little Falls
1709 State Route 5 South - This home offers a very versatile floor plan. At over 1600 s/f this 2-3 bedrooms has gorgeous views, spacious rooms, tons of storage & so much more all in a country setting. MLS#1500813
6381 Elmer Hill Road - Great 3 bedroom Ranch home awaiting your personal touches! Replacement windows, newer roof and furnace, hardwoods under carpets, oversized garage & great yard. MLS#1500878
337 Pleasant Street - All of the conveniences of today while maintaining the charm of the‘20s! Loads of natural light, generously sized rooms, balcony, 2 decks, large landscaped yard. MLS# 1500179
Holland Patent
State Route 365 - Beautiful 4.9 acres of cleared building lot just outside the village. MLS# 1500184
10074 Swamp Road - Great 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with open floor plan, tons of natural light, huge garage with electric, on just over 3.5 acres with a pond in front! Don’t pass this one by!!! MLS#1501020
704 Utica Street - Looking for a place to start your own business?This commercial property located in theVillage of Oriskany offers a bright, open first floor commercial space & an upstairs apartment MLS# 1404383
it’s like having a Realtor in your pocket! Whitesboro
$75,000 Oriskany Falls
344 Main Street Ext - Warehouse & office space currently occupied by a roofing company.Concrete loading docks, 16’& 10’overhead doors w/ramp to facilitate loading unloading of freight. MLS# 1300632
103 105 Broad Street North South - Great Oriskany Falls Duplex! Imagine having someone else help with your mortgage!!! Both apartments are 2 story with flexible spaces. MLS#1403644
200 West Main Street - Turn of the century charmer! Original woodwork, hardware, leaded glass doors. tin ceilings, & a former carriage house are just a few of the highlights. All the modern amenities. MLS# 1500227
Download the NEW app from the iTunes or GooglePlay Store now! Utica
$134,900 Utica
2714 Sunset Ave - situated between French Rd and Lyon Place this massive 2 unit w/ 6 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, hardwoods, spacious rooms, & tons of natural light is a great investment. MLS# 1500247
237 Blossom Lane - Beautifully maintained 3 bedroom 2 bath home in a great 55+ community. Featuring a huge sunroom, and Master Guard Home Watch system, and gas fireplace. MLS# 1500351
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Happyfrom New Year
New Listings
Gateway Properties
Nicholas Polce Michele Reid
aWCCL Inc. affiliated company
Westmoreland • $140,000
Norway • $84,900
This lot has over 50 acres of possibilities. There is a 30’ x 60’ pole barn with an 8’ x 60’ overhang on this lot. This lot is guaranteed buildable and Owner Financing is Available! These lots all contain a mixture of hard and soft woods. Terrain is gently rolling. Overall, great habitat for deer, bear, turkey, snowshoe hare and grouse. Some brooks and ponds on the property. Some lots border hundreds of acres of state lands with bass ponds. Snowmobile and ATV trails are close by. Infrastructure throughout, trails and old driveway entrances.
Oriskany • $169,900
Must see all of the new updates & upgrades including hookup to city water, hot water heater, blown in insulation, deck, hard wired smoke detectors, light fixtures, basement entry door, paint in many rooms, kitchen (including: oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, flooring, sink, countertops & Amish built island) Great neighborhood in Oriskany School District. This home was only on the market 2 weeks and is now Sale Pending.
Remsen • $17,500
9.50 acre lot property close to snowmobile trails, the Nature Conservancy, and minutes from Hinckley Lake. Great for hunting or a getaway camp. Privacy and serenity abound on this piece. This property has been perc tested, so a well and a septic can be installed. Owner financing is available. Special Price of $17,500 for this ad only!
Broker/Owner, Sales Agent (C) 315-525-1080 (C) 315-571-4535
of Upstate New York Inc.
Many upgrades/updates in the last few years including a new hot water heater, new septic and leach field, new siding, and a new kitchen. This home has many cozy features including a wood stove in the living room and a pellet stove in the family room. Bedrooms, family room and living room all have wall to wall carpet. The laundry room is conveniently located on the second floor, where the four bedrooms are located as well. This home also has an attached, one stall garage& is situated on 1.8 acres on a quiet country road. Sellers are highly motivated as this is a divorce sale. Home is priced BELOW assessment value.
Your Gateway to the Simple Life
1-877-NY-LANDS gatewaypropertiesofupstateny.com land for sale throughout NY state
Forestport • $89,900
Year round cabin/cabin-style home, 30 acres of woods, it offers seclusion while being close to restaurants and stores. This cabin is insulated, pellet stove, and water lines are wrapped to protect against freezing. There is a drilled well, septic and new hot water heater. The interior is finished with tongue and groove pine and sleeping areas have wall to wall carpet. The living room area features a skylight and carpet as well. This cabin has power, and comes complete with a stove, refrigerator, television and beds. You can comfortably sleep six or more.
This charming home is located in a picturesque country setting. Second floor has two bedrooms and a full bath. Master bedroom on the first floor features a walk-in cedar closet and en suite. Kitchen, dining room, laundry area, living room, half bath, and bonus room are all on the first floor as well. Living room has a propane fireplace and windows that look out over the five acre spring-fed pond. Pond has fish, a small dock and storage shed nearby with power. This property also has a fruit tree orchard, a large vegetable garden and a walking path around the pond.
Coldbrook • $154,900
Custom built home in the Southern Adirondacks close to lakes and streams. There is a beach and boat launch close by. The house contains 2 bedrooms and 1 bath with a loft. The loft can be converted to another bedroom. The living room is complemented with a cathedral ceiling. The living room is finished with tongue and groove pine and you can keep warm with your propane woodstove in the living room. The home has a modern wood finished kitchen as well. The house measures 24x32 with a wraparound porch. The cellar is a crawl space with 8 inch poured wall and floor which is insulated. This beautiful place is also situated on 11 acres.
Floyd • $131,000
Everything you need for a family home: four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a family room, mudroom, backyard with a deck, loads of storage space, garage and a pool, all in the Oriskany School District! This home also has a first floor laundry, partially finished basement, office, new flooring in the living room, and is on a corner lot.
Forestport • $219,900
This immaculate home has two front entrances, one into the foyer, and one into the mud room. The mud room has an entrance into the two stall, attached, insulated garage. This home has a master bedroom with two closets and an en suite as well as a second bedroom and a second full bathroom. The picture window, another large window and sliding glass doors on the back of the house were designed specifically to enjoy the tranquil views of the Forestport Reservoir. The living room holds a gas fireplace and the picture window. The formal dining room has sliding glass doors that lead to a 12X14 deck.
Norway • $49,900
33+ acres perfect for that new home, or cabin, out in the country. There is a mixture of softwoods and hardwoods in the front of the property with old apple trees and stone walls from a farm that was once located here. There is a small brook that runs from up on the hill to the back of the property. This property has timber value from the mature trees that could be harvested. This property is close to snowmobile trails, Spruce Lake, and just minutes from State Lands. This beautifully wooded piece of property is on a maintained road with power available at the road.
Commercial • Buffalo Head Restaurant 10626 North Lake Road, Forestport • $425,000 This historic landmark restaurant is available and ready for you to make it your own. The Buffalo Head Restaurant comes complete with all appliances, cookware, dishes and more.
Forestport Reservoir, on the snowmobile trail system, and just a short detour off of Route 28 on the way to Old Forge, a perfect location for year round revenue.
This three hundred plus seat restaurant has been a favorite of locals and tourists alike for generations. This historic gem is conveniently located on the way to North Lake, South Lake, close to Kayuta Lake,
Seller is highly motivated and financing is available. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a showing.
www.Life and Homes .com
Serving Mohawk Valley & Central NY 148 W Dominick Street, Rome keyrealtyofrome@gmail.com
Peter W. Antonowicz, Broker/Owner
Kara M. Eaton, Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Opening Doors. Closing Deals. Ready to Buy or Sell? We provide Expert Advise 8758 Delta Ave, Rome
3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Ranch. MLS#1404376
811 Highland Ave, Rome $91,000 2-3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Ranch. MLS#1501096
Why wait, call today!
160 Acre Hobby Farm $250,000
Gentleman’s Farm
Southern Otsego County. 160 acre Hobby Farm. 40 acres in good hay meadows. 60 acres of good pasture w/year round pond. Balance in nice clean woods. Older 2 story 4 bdrm farm house in good to fair condition. 30x50 pole barn and small run in shed. An excellent farm to run beef or horses & make hay. Close to I88. Easy to get to. Short drive to shopping and hospitals, yet in the country. Spectacular views, very nice setting. $250,000 or best offer. ** Could be bought with less land.
Oneida County Gentleman’s Farm located on a very quiet road. Mins South of Utica NY. Good three story home. Modern 2 story barn w/hay loft, box stalls for beef or horses. 2 other out buildings for additional storage and shop. All on 12+ acres Nice retirement property or place to raise a family. Place to have a few beef cows or horses. Close to schools shopping & hospitals. Asking $144,900. Sellers are motivated.
Victorian Manor
Gentleman’s Farm
1870 Victorian Manor. Refurbished 4,000 sq ft Victorian home w/matching Carriage Barn, Studio Barn & Storage Bldg. 40x80 Pole barn on 3 1/2 acres. Great Buy on a beautiful set of buildings. Drastically reduced from $399,000 to $269,000
and free Market Analysis
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Madison County Showplace Gentleman’s Farm. Big Acreage. Quiet Setting. 200+ acres, 70 tillable good well drained loem soils. Balance pasture & woods. Good 2 story 4 bdrm home. In-ground pool. 32x40 Heated shop. Additional machinery storage. Nice little 2 story 50 stall barn, drive in mow. Additional pole barn for storage & young stock. Quiet road, nice views. Good location. Close to schools, shopping, hospitals & airport. Asking $529,000.
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We are Excited to Announce
Through Commitment & Service Excellence
Perfectly Located at the last block of a dead end street is this 3 Bedroom, 1½ bath Home. Very Private big deep fenced back yard. Updates include newer windows, hot water tank, furnace, and flooring. Nice above ground pool to enjoy in those hot summer days. Very quiet area surrounded by well maintained homes. Offered at $103,500. MLS#1501326
Very Well Maintained Home Located in a 55+ Strawberry Hills Park - Newer Furnace, Hot Water Tank, Oven & Refrigerator. Roof is 7 years old. Large Deck Overlooking Big Private Yard. Nice Concrete Driveway. Lot Rent Includes Water, Sewer, Taxes and Trash Pickup. Conveniently located close to shopping areas. Offered at $15,000. MLS#1500385
Magnificent Village Home that has been totally renovated from top to bottom. Numerous updates to include open style Kitchen to Dining & a beautiful great room. Tiled bathrooms, Laundry on 2nd floor. Within walking distance to parks and village amenities. Centrally located to many Mohawk Valley Attractions. Offered at $129,900. MLS#1501430
Whether Buying or Selling,
Call or text me for a no-obligation Consultation and to help YOU find a place to call HOME!
494 French Road, Utica, New York azzagiorgi@gmail.com
Azza Giorgi Realtor
(315) 534-2709
Trusted Knowledge * Proven Performance
Lawrence “Ben” Boulay
494 French Road, utica, new york 315-735-2222
315-794-0990 lawrencebenboulay@gmail.com Visit www.CentralNewYork.com for the best local searches!
Coldwell Banker Faith 2014 new agent of the year Bigger than it looks! Great Buy
Port Leyden
76 Old Kirkland Ave - stunning home on quiet cul de sac! Enjoy country living while close to the village in this expanded 4 bedroom 2 bath cape, offering granite countertop kitchen.
What a great house to raise a family.Plenty of space inside w/3 large bdrms 2.5 baths.Many recent updates including master suite.Large lot, deck, pool & garage. MLS#1500522
1508 Brookside Ave - A rare find on a double lot. Quiet neighborhood. Much bigger than it appears. Gleaming hardwood floors, slate flooring in the family room. MLS#1402921
Very Private
West Winfield
406 Curtis Ave - Country living with the convenience of being close to town. This 4 bedroom 1.5 bath home is waiting for a loving family. Enough space for the family. MLS# 1402104
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Charming 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home w/ many upgrades - new furnace, insulation & most windows in 2010. Fenced yard w/ sunporch out front & in-ground pool. MLS# 1404300
You will fall in love! This 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath house has been very well cared for. Beautiful hardwood floors, lots of storage, large front porch and 2nd floor sunroom. MLS#1501611
Tom Koehler Real Estate 315-891-3254
Quality Modular Homes, LLC.
“Quality Building Lots”
“The Best Homes at the Best Prices”
Adirondack Land
“IT’S SIMPLE” We can give you better specifications, more upgraded features,
Little Beaver Lodge 55 Acres
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Phone: 315-891-3254
5584 Lake Shore Drive Kayuta Lake, Remsen, NY
REALTY BennRealty.com
Interested, 315-891-3254
H. Edward Benn, Broker Harold Benn - Sales Person Natalie Roth - Sales Person
(315) 831-5061
HUGHES ROAD RIVERFRONT $159,000 Classic 7 yr old, 3 BR log cabin nestled into a private 3.3 acre setting over looking the bubbling rapids in Black Creek. Furnished and ready to enjoy!
SNOWBIRD LAKE FORESTPORT $298,000 A RARE OPPORTUNITY Call for an appointment to tour this most unique property w/ a 2 story period barn & renovated 3 BR owners quarters on a 5 acre site w/ 300+ Lakefront and water falls.
New construction on a large private wooded lot in this popular development, offering great sporting opportunities nearby. Call now so we customize the home to your needs.
Cozy 3 bedroom log cabin chalet on 24.5 acre site w/ your own private lake, 50’barn, and 600’frontage on the Black River. A property you must tour to appreciate it’s potential.
Large beaver ponds, woods, fields, streams, abundant wildlife, snowmobile/ATV trails, town road with electric. 30 minutes to Old Forge or Utica. Asking $79,900 & $89,900.
WILD RIVER FOREST REMSEN $119,000 NEARLY NEW 3 BR log cabin on 5+ acre wooded Custom built, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1188 sq. ft. log home, nestled into a private lot w/ 200’waterfront. lot w/ over 300’river frontage. 24 ft barn. Structure needs re-leveling. A great buy for the handy man Full width porch. Dock. Outbuildings. or contractor.Take a look and make an offer.
NORTH LAKE RD, FORESTPORT $150,000 Totally renovated 3 BR, home tucked into a 24 acre setting. All new electric w/ auto start standby generator.Wood burning furnace in basement. Large barn, picnic pavilion and lean-to.
Cozy furnished cottage with sleeping loft, on a A great opportunity for the family looking for a cozyWATERFRONT home,Wrap around deck with very private, five acre wooded setting. Solar power. breathtaking vistas along the Black River.125’waterfront, with dock, Small barn w/full workshop. Large Available with 10 acres of land for $68,000. 2+ acre, wooded yard with a spacious 40’barn with lots of room for all of your toys. Kubota mower. Standby generator.
www.Life and Homes .com
Adirondack Real Estate 2730 Route 28, Old Forge, NY 13420
Check all the listings at: www.birdsadkrealestate.com
Commercial & Residential
Antlers Raquette Lake $795,000 $695,000
3rd Lake, Old Forge
Marine Dealership & Garage $895,000
Thendara - Rt. 28, Old Forge. 7,500 square feet. 2 offices, 50’ X 100’ store & garage on 180 ft road frontage.The property is 280ft deep. Garage has 3 overhead doors in back & 1 in front. Hydraulic lift & compressor included. 4 bedroom, 1 ½ Baths, New Sun Room & Deck
Well-Established year round, motel and cabins, many renovated. 100’of waterfront incl 2 boat docks, 1 beach dock & private swim area.Walking proximity to amenities,Water Park. Separate 3 BR, 2 BA owners quarters.
Raquette Lake Home
The Stumble Inn, Woodgate $395,000
Long Lake Cabin, Long Lake $59,000
Seasonal Camp on Raquette Lake $549,000
6th Lake Lake Front
2 Buildings on a corner lot on route 28 in Eagle Bay. 1st building is a 2 bedroom year round cabin with full bath w/ kitchen/livingroom. 2nd building has full bath, can be used as an office, store or living space. Excellent for rentals.
Raquette Lake: 3 bedroom home on 7 ac lot with 370’ of lakefront. Features large living room with fireplace, dining room with fireplace, kitchen, bath, & loft. Also includes guest cabin. Boat access for added privacy.
This Raquette Lake, year round family compound includes a 2 story, 3 stall boat house on 162’of lakefront & beach. The 2 story home, built in 2003, has 1 bedroom & a 2 stall garage w/ beautiful views right from your house.
Restaurant/bar, recently renovated dining room, lg wrap around bar, storage. Full dishwasher /dishwasher station, lg kitchen. Includes lake rights toWhite Lake & year around 1 BR, 1BA log home w/ full basement.
Tuttle Road -Year around 4 bedroom ranch home with boathouse on 100’of lakefront. Features sun porch & walk out basement facing 3rd Lake.
Don’t miss this 6.2 ac. wooded lot with small cabin on Kickerville Road. Town water & under ground power. Possible Owner financing.
This 2 acre camp is a boat access only seasonal home w/ 208 ft’of lakefront, located at Green Point. 2 story home w/ separate sleeping cabin.The main house has a 1st floor bedroom & full bathroom, 2 bedrooms on 2nd floor.
Pine Knoll Lodge, Old Forge $1,400,000
4 bedroom, 1 bath chalet style home located on the shore of 6th Lake. Open floor plan, large deck & yard, dock w beach area and great view.Two large docks, lackside decks and firepit, swing set and large lawn.
315.941.4840 • bob@woodshomeinspection.com • woodshomeinspection.com
Pre-season deck inspections $
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
• Home Inspection up to 1500 square feet s/f: $275.00 • Radon Testing • Septic Dye Test • Water Purity & Flow Testing
Robert Wood, Owner • NYS Licensed Home Inspector #16000055082 • NRSB Radon Measurement Specialist Certificate #1355051
10% Veterans Discount (Active Duty, Reserve, Honorable Discharge)
176 Acre 7200 s/f Luxury Estate with Equestrian Facilities for
Open house for Agents and Pre-qualified buyers Sunday May 31, 2015 Noon to 1:30PM. Buyers and Agents can call 315-876-2262 to register. Upstate Country Estate | 6650 Fox Road Marcy, NY 13403
A one-of-a-kind, expansive 176 acre multi-building property loaded with unique amenities. Features a beautifully appointed 7,200 square foot 5 bedroom home, with plentiful natural light, large open rooms, and a huge central kitchen with custom cabinets, granite countertops, and dual kitchen islands. High end 4 stall equestrian barn with post and board wood fenced pastures, an outdoor sand riding ring, and trails. 30x56 foot insulated pole barn with front and rear overhead doors, lean to, and wood stove. Ideally positioned country living near the NYS Thruway--just one hour from Syracuse, and 1.5hrs from Albany. Unique features: in home 9 seat tiered movie theater, 15 camera security system with mobile and internet access, heated salt water pool, invisible dog fence inside and out, automatic full back-up natural gas powered generator, drive out basement, 1.25 acre pond fully stocked with bass and sunfish, outdoor wash bay for large equipment, driveway alarm, and much more!
Starting Bid Price $1.00 | Buy It Now/List Price $1,400,000.00
How to Bid: Call Representative Below and/or visit UpstateCountryEstate.com to download bidding packet.
Michael R. Franklin
Licensed Real Estate Broker
1406 North State Street Syracuse, NY 13208 (o) 315.876.2262 www.FranklinRuttan.com www.UpstateMansion.com
Deborah Hapanowicz
Licensed Associate RE Broker
2306 Genesee Street Utica, New York 13502 (O) 315-735-2222 315-723-7210
DeborahHapanowicz@Gmail.com May
www.Life and Homes .com
A. Fumarola Realty, Inc. Anthony Fumarola Lic. R.E. Broker/Owner 315 865-4140 anthony.fumarola@gmail.com
P.O. Box 338, Holland Patent, NY 13354
Residential Building Lots Half to 3/4 Acre. 11 to choose from. Whitesboro School District in the Town of Schuyler with Public water, Electric and Gas available at road front. Perk test results in broker office. $33,000
Recreational / Residential Town of Russia 55 acres (2 adjoining parcels), 46+ acre of natural forest, Frontage on route 365 also accessible through Pershing Ave and Belleau Wood Drive. $55,000
development / Residential 20 Blue Heron drive, Barneveld $395,000 Exceptional 2500 sq. ft. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath contemporary ranch in a distinguished subdivision. Quality built w/ recent high-end upgrades from high efficiency 6 zone heat system, on demand hot water, appliances, granite counter tops and hardwood flooring to remote window coverings. Finished versatile room above garage. MLS# 1500788
town of Marcy Excellent site for a residential development or just enjoy your own private land. Wooded lot with a pond will have you feeling like you’re miles away! On Glass Factory Rd. within 2 miles of Suny Polytechnic institute, Nearly 12 acres with public utilities. $64,900 Commercial listings in the City of Utica and Ilion. Call for more information
9431 Chapman Road, New Hartford
Specializing in Residential Real Estate Visit us at www.paviarealestateresidential.com 5 Oxford Rd., New Hartford • (315) 736.1555
Tina Pavia Licensed R.E. Broker
Sabrina Arcuri Sales Associate
Wilson, Graffenburg & Higby Road Looking for privacy…2 separate parcels available with up to 125 +/- acres. Zoned residential with no deed restrictions. Great view, New Hartford School District. Owner will sell together or separately. 2 lots also available for purchase.
For Sale: 128 Kensington Drive, S. Utica Well kept South Utica Cape! 3 bedroom 1 & ½ bath with hardwood floors. New kitchen floor and appliances! Great starter or retirement home. Jones Elementary School. Fenced in yard. Price Reduced! $119,900.
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Exactly what you have been waiting for! Beautiful, spacious 3 plus bedrooms, 5 Bath ranch with soaring ceilings large chef’s kitchen. Great flow for living and entertaining. Hardwood and tile with radiant heat. Bonus party room with separate entrance, built-in bar, separate shower, bath, heating and Kitchenette. All Situated on 7 +/- Acres!
4 Sherman Oaks, New Hartford 2 Bedroom 2 ½ Bath updated townhouse with finished basement, 1 stall attached garage, New windows and sliding glass doors. Jacuzzi tub, hardwood floors. $149,900
For Sale: 3997 Oneida Street, New Hartford Great opportunity to get your kids into New Hartford School District. 2 Bedroom 1 ½ Baths home available. Large lot in rear included with property. Asking Price $79,000.
KAY Real Estate, Inc. 126 MAIN STREET, ONEIDA, NY 13421 www.kayrealestate.com 363-9191
. . . construction and privacy! 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, 3400 square feet. 14.5 acres - panoramic view like no other! Hardwoods, custom kitchen, 2 story oak foyer. Take a drive - you won’t be disappointed! $349,900 Julie Stickels 363-9191 or 762-3434 (C)
AND an awesome view, this home is such a beauty! 2 bedrooms and a loft, 2 full baths, living room with cathedral ceiling, gorgeous maple kitchen. New 2 car garage and large breezeway or sun porch! $179,000 Julie Stickels 363-9191 or 762-3434 (C)
Custom built home on 7.7 +/- acres! 2 fireplaces, huge master suite, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, hardwoods, finished lower level, 2 car attached garage plus 40‘ x 30‘ detached 2 story garage. Inground pool! The view is endless! $334,000 Janet Maunter 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
Vernon horse farm on 46.92 acres. 2 barns, 6 pastures, PVC fencing, fruit trees plus a 2,500 +/- square foot home that has been updated! Newer kitchen and baths! Fully insulated. Inground pool. Minutes from everything. $274,500 Janet Mautner 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
On a spacious city lot, this older Colonial has had numerous updates - all adding to the efficiency! 4 bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, huge country kitchen with large breakfast bar! All appliances stay! Hardwood floors, gorgeous woodwork and a finished basement too! $151,500 Julie Stickels 363-9191 or 762-3434 (C)
23 Oxford Road, New Hartford, NY Listings on uticaromerealtor.com
This Ranch home has 3 bedrooms! Hardwood floors! Living room with gas fireplace, kitchen open to dining with wood cupboards, 3 season porch, 1st floor laundry, 2 stall garage! Oh, my . . . . $134,500 Janet Mautner 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
Jean Hunt, Broker
Boasting 2,560 square feet, this 4 or 5 bedroom home has been redone from the roof to the cellar! Gorgeous cherry kitchen with appliances, formal dining, huge living room, 1st floor office, bedroom and bath, full basement and garage too! You’ll fall for this one! $179,500 Janet Mautner 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
Four bedroom Colonial with unique “open”floor plan. Hardwood floors throughout! Living room, family room with fireplace, formal dining, rec room and garage! It’s house beautiful. $133,900 Janet Maunter 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
Melanie Flynn, Agent
315-223-4868 315-725-4700
315-790-5589 609-618-5465
34 yrs. of Satisfied Customers Knowledgeable - Skillfull Negotiator Buyer Representative - Seller Representative WANTED: New Hartford home 3,000+ sf, under 20 yrs. old, call JEAN HUNT 7254700
Clinton Schools
Sauquoit Schools
Holland Patent Schools
Absolutely PRISTINE 3 BRVillage Colonial,Tastefully updated w/ cherry kitchen with island, gleaming hardwoods, Fam Rm AND Sunporch, deck, 2 car garage, and perennial gardens. MLS# 1501351 Call Melanie
Stately 8 year old Colonial-Situated in a small subdivision with deep backyard, home features 3 large bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, oversize 2 car garage and huge new Trex deck. MLS#1500954 Call Melanie
Updated and spacious, this 3 or 4 bedroom classic Colonial offers 2.5 Baths w/jacuzzi, pellet stove, updated mechanicals and over 3 acres of land. MLS# 1401594 Call Jean
www.Life and Homes .com
SRE Senshine Real Estate, LLC Utica/Syracuse
Real Estate Sales & Rentals 315-725-7167
Selling/Buying or Renting call me!!! Alex Sen Broker (C) 725.7167
Ed Kasperovich Sales Agent (C) 534.3484
2112 Sunset Ave Utica, NY 13502 • (P) 797.2400 •
5 Amy Ave - Move right into this renovated south Utica home, 4 beds, 1.5 baths, walking distance to St. Elizabeth Medical Center, large/fenced yard. Also available for lease $1,250/month. MLS# 1403176
822 W. Dominick St - Nice 3BD 2BA Bungalow with many updates on double lot. MLS# 1403554
South Utica
2103 - 2105 Sunset Ave - great 2 family w garage, updated and fully rented, walking distance to St. Elizabeth medical center. MLS# 1501395
541 Doe Road - 3 beds, 2 baths, great log home on 2.5 Acres, many updates, nice country/park like setting on a private road. MLS# 1304308
119 Hawthorne Ave - totally renovated income property, new roof, windows and interiors of both units have been renovated. Fully rented. MLS# 1403550
South Utica
2107-2109 Sunset Ave - nice duplex, new furnaces, insulated, long term tenants. MLS#1501397
540 Doe Road - 4 Bed, 2 bath private setting, all log home on 25 acres in a quiet upstate location,well maintained, huge deck,must see! MLS# 1403168
15 Shepard - renovated duplex in walking distance to shopping and public transportation. Fully rented, tenants pay all utilities. MLS# 1403660
South Utica
133-135 Seward Ave - Renovated and Rented side-by-side duplex, tenants pay all utilities. Owner is a licensed broker. MLS# 1403658
True Service with Savings South Utica
2112 Sunset Ave - completely renovated and rented 2 apartments and an office, lots of parking. MLS#1403662
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
South Utica
2111-2113 Sunset Ave - Rare opportunity 3 unit redone and fully rented with great long term tenants, excellent cash flow. MLS# 1501399
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties
Announces Award Winners & Top Producers!
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Richard Parent Ext. 203
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International Diamond Society Jan Cidzik Ext. 209
Diana Raymond Debbie Roberts Ext. 207 Ext. 239
Gloria Rocci Ext. 217
Diana Raymond Ext. 207
Debbie Roberts Ext. 239
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We are excited to announce that
William “Bill” Bassett has joined Coldwell Banker Faith Properties
Bill’s hard work and attention to detail will make your real estate experience, whether as a Seller or Buyer, a successful one.
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sellcnyhomes@gmail.com • 315-601-2187 494 French Road, Utica NY
Visit www.CentralNewYork.com for the best local searches!
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We are excited to announce that
Chris Shephard
has joined Coldwell Banker Faith Properties Chris’ years of experience, hard work and attention to detail will make your real estate experience, whether as a Seller or Buyer, a very smooth and successful one.
Contact Chris at shep77@roadrunner.com • 315-534-4040 494 French Road, Utica NY
Visit www.CentralNewYork.com for the best local searches!
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Featured Property
21 Chestnut Street One In A Million!! A perfect blend of historic character and modern amenities create this magnificent home and setting in Historic Clinton. 5 bedrooms, 4 full baths, 2 half baths. Third story is amazing, with two bedrooms, full bath, utility room, oversized family room /game room with tremendous closet space for storage!
26 College St, Clinton, NY 13323
Barbara Frank,
Lic. R.E. Salesperson,
315-725-4411(C) • 315.853.4400 (O)
Barbara Frank
HOMEPROINSPECT.NET • NYS License # 16000023007
www.Life and Homes .com
Associate Brok Email: jim.len Cell:
The Welcome Home Team
Combining Experience & Technical Savvy
26 College Street Clinton, NY 13323 James Lenahan (315) 723-2270 Mindy Bradley (315) 796-5619 Office: (315) 853-4400 jim.lenahan@huntrealestate.com mindy.bradley@huntrealestate.com
$250,000 Schuyler
BrownTract Rd - Beautiful view from this waterfront property on Kayuta Lake. 30 minutes to Utica/Rome area. Loft area is semi finished & plumbed for 2nd Bath. Great as a snowmobile retreat or Hunting camp or make it your year-round Home! MLS# 1500623
$34,900 Schuyler
Bush Road - Beautiful 6 acre parcel overlooking the Mohawk Valley. Peacful serenity, partially open laced by a generous wood line. Sets on a paved road with electric in Schuyler. MLS# 1501536
LifeandHomes â– Central New York
$55,000 Schuyler
46 Mowers Road - Imagine 20 Acres with views to build your New Dream Home on! Located in the Land & Lakes subdivision near the Cogar land. Is partially wooded with stream at the rear of property. In area of finer homes.Will need well & septic, Perc test is complete. MLS# 1200939
$55,000 West Winfield
Cougar Road - Fantastic 15 acre building lot #34 at the Fox Hollow Subdivision on Cogar Road. In an area od finer homes (see pictures).Will need well and septic. MLS# 1501332
593 Albany Rd - 9 years young Barn home conversion. If you want unique charm here it is! 4 bedroom 2 bathroom delight w/ cathedral ceiling great room, beautiful craftsmanship, new windows, 17x36 deck, fully insulated. Directly borders the Cedar Lake Gulf Club. MLS#1500352
176 Acre 7200 s/f Luxury Estate with Equestrian Facilities for Sealed Bid Auction June 12, 2015
Little Falls
$450,000 Beaver Lake Watson
Tibbitts Road -historic circa 1870 farm on 30.7 Acres completely renovated. Original woodwork, 18 rms, 4 br, 3 new baths. Gourmet kitchen large bluestone patio, creek frontage private, picturesque setting. Totally renovated home was built for Dr. William Tibbitts in 1870, who became a local politician & social figure in Herkimer County. NowadagaCreekFarm.com
Wolfe Road - Rustic Adirondack Great camp built by the family that founded the National Cash Register company. Main lodge with majestic fireplace and four bedrooms. 1250’ of water frontage on peninsula. Boat house with two bedroom apartment right on water. Beach house with kitchen and one bedroom. Beach area.
St. Johnsville
$795,000 Cooperstown
Mill Road - 1830s stone mill with magnificent waterfalls turned luxury home or B&B. Grounds with trails around creek and falls like a state park. BeekmanBrothersMill.com
$925,000 Marcy
Keys Road, Middlefield - Nestled in the hills above Cooperstown this 7200 s/f contemporary cedar built home stands 2.5 stories high w/walls of glass, 100 s/f. of hardwood, floor to ceiling fireplace, dream kitchen w/ culinary island, granite, Jenn Air appliances, amazing 17 seat state of art theater, game room & more. CooperstownEstate.com
1406 North State Street Syracuse, NY 13208 www.FranklinRuttan.com www.UpstateMansions.com
$1.4 M
Fox Road - 176 acre, 7200 s/f luxury estate w/ equestrian facilities, loaded w/ unique amenities. Features a beautifully appointed 7,200 s/f 6 bedroom home, w/ plenty of natural light, large open rooms, & a huge central kitchen w/ custom cabinets, granite countertops, & dual kitchen islands. UpstateCountryEstate.com Sealed Bid Auction. Bids due on or before 6/12.
Michael R. Franklin Licensed Real Estate Broker (o) 315.876.2262
The Performance Team We have plenty of knowledge and experience to assist you in any of your real estate needs. We will personally walk you through from start to finish whether you are selling or purchasing. We are always available for you.
Century 21 Rob Diedrich Associates Geri Simonette-Hendrix, Associate Broker
C: 315-868-4833
55 East Main Street, Mohawk, NY 13407 Office – 315-866-7702
Valerie Duncan, Associate Broker
C: 315-868-6924
www.Life and Homes .com
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Home Inspector #16000055082 NRSB Radon measurement Wood Specialist Certificate #1355051 Bob Owner www. woodshomeinspection.com
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Storage Buildings
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LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Lancaster Cty. craftsmanship, using only the finest materials for strength, durability, quality and attention to detail.
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THIS WEEKEND‘S OPEN HOUSES LifeandHomes.com/NY - Open House Info updated every Friday @ 4:30
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494 French Road, Utica, New York
8514 State Route 365- Opportunity awaits you w/tons of potential, so much space, great high traffic location. Cash producing property w/3 tenants presently. Room to expand& offices upstairs or apartment. MLS# 1501126
Visit www.CentralNewYork.com for the best local searches!
11206 Cosby Manor Rd - Sale or lease 33,772 sf building on 9.2 acre parcel.Currently used as light manufacturing w/3500 sf office.Previously call center. Zoned planned development, 3 loading docks. MLS#1500679
• Can be modified to suit tenant • 5600 square feet plus usable space • Monthly Office rents start at $200 • Storage (additional monthly charge)
To Arrange a Walk-Thru Appointment, Please Call Ed or Dick at
Please call for details.
Perfect for any business looking for a quiet, beautiful setting!
2-8 East Main St - Corner location in Ilion Business District w/ walking distance to Remington Arms, 9506 square feet 11 unit mixed use building, high vehicle and foot traffic. Ilion municipal electric. MLS# 1404398
109 Mappa Ave -Well constructed former Masonic Temple built in 1927 offers beautiful original hardwoods, woodwork plus 2 floors with over 3000 square feet each! Great for a loft apartment conversion MLS# 1501002
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
636 Varick Street - Parcel and building serves as storage and office for adjacent bar and is being sold with bar at 632 Varick Street. MLS# 1501396
18 College Street - 4 years left on 5 yr lease on College St. in village of Clinton, down the hill from Hamilton College. $1000 month increasing to $1100 month years 3-5. All season cafe business for sale as well. MLS#1501497
601-603 James Street - Office Exclusive - Parcel and building serves as storage and office for adjacent bar and is being sold with bar at 632Varick Street.
13 Bride Street - Mixed 5 unit with 3276 square foot building on theWest Canada Creek in theVillage of Middleville. Store front and apartments, 2 stall basement garage with direct access to Creek. MLS#1501460
734-736 Columbia Street - Income producing 5 unit with no vacancy, 5400 square feet mixed use building in the Brewery District, corner location near Varick Street. MLS# 1404394
938 Blandina Street - Shop offers 3 bays and 2 lifts. MLS#1501106
Specializing in Commercial Real Estate Sales, Leasing, Consulting, Development & Management 5 Oxford Rd., New Hartford • (315) 736.1555 PaviaRealEstate.com • Licensed in NY and PA
Dominic Pavia
For Lease: 106 Memorial Parkway, Utica
For Lease: 706 Erie Blvd. W
6,000 +/- office space available. Co-tenancy with Utica School District. Owner will build to suit. On-site parking.
900 +/- SF office/retail spave available. Co-tenancy with Enterprise Rental Car. Highly visible corner location.
For Sale: 2310 Genesee Street, Utica
For Sale: 2199 Bleecker Street, Utica
2,587 +/- SF office building available in prestigious South Utica location. High traffic & visibility. Parking in rear with one stall attached garage.
For Lease: 8195 Seneca Turnpike, New Hartford
1,562 +/- SF commercial building available. Recently renovated. Across from the Masonic Care Community. Open floor plan with excellent office opportunities.
3,066 +/- SF Former Landmark Restaurant & Bar– Marc’s Seneca Inn. Turn-Key Restaurant, great location, draw from Clinton, Whitestown & New Hartford.
For Sale: 1122 Kossuth Ave., Utica
13,272 +/- SF building available. 1st floor office with 2 loading docks & 3 overhead doors. 2nd floor 3-bedroom apt. and 3rd floor open space.
Patrick V. Agen
For Sale: 7391 Cider Street, Westmoreland
Brian Snow
John Jweid
For Sale: 12970 NYS Route 12, Boonville
7,200+/- SF warehouse available. Three 14’x 14’overhead doors. High ceilings, close to NYS Thruway Exit 32. Room to expand.
6,580 +/- SF class“A”office building situated o 4 +/- acres. Can easily be converted to Medical Office. Great location to serve the Boonville rural community.
For Sale: 7 Hopper Street, Utica
For Sale: 2312 Genesee Street, Utica
6,231 +/- SF building with high architectural ceilings & molding with some hardwoods. Office space on each floor, library & conference room. Parking in rear. Asking price $129,900.
2,800 +/- SF building available. First floor office space, 2nd floor has two-1 bedroom apartments. Situated on double lot. Parking lot in rear.
For Lease: 1705 Burrstone Road, New Hartford
For Lease: 9559 River Road, Marcy
3,792 +/- SF retail/office space available. Close to Slocum Dickson, Utica College, St. Luke’s Hospital & Utica/New Hartford Business Park.
4,480 +/- SF warehouse building. 3 phase electric, oil separator 2 overhead doors, 16’ceilings, gas radiant heat.
Are You Looking to Sell Investment Properties? We are always looking for Buyers!
5298 Terry Road, Syracuse $695,000 (fully leased office/retail building, 10 year leases)
612-614 West Seneca Tpk,Syracuse $199,900 (4 unit fully occupied)
Allied Real Estate Investment Network 286 Genesee Street Utica Ny 13502
Properties Brokered Through SBG Inc.
3208 West Genesee St, Syracuse $995,000 (fully leased office/retail building, 15 year leases)
Joel Siegfried
Brokers Protected May
Licensed R.E. Broker
315-796-2258 JSiegfried35@gmail.com
www.Life and Homes .com
Joseph Scarafile
Licensed Real Estate Broker GRI/Owner email: grandenvironments@gmail.com
Cindy Zielinski Sales Associate
Margaret Graniero Sales Associate
The Magic Combination • $579,900 Custom built, pristine and beautifully appointed center hall Colonial. This home enjoys an idyllic setting on 7.7 acres of rolling lawns and woods. Grand formal rooms, 5 bedrooms, 3 full and 2 half baths. Meticulously maintained hardwood floors, three masonry fireplaces, guest suite with separate entrance. Detached heated garage.
23 Oxford Road, New Hartford
A Rare Find • $289,900
Custom built. 1 owner meticulously maintained Colonial. Well proportioned rooms throughout. Expanded deck overlooking private yard with mature plantings and a wooded backdrop. A must see!
May 16-21, 2015
The Awareness Continues... Making Our Children Safer… One Child At A Time 54
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
requires seasoned professionals with proven track records of su
Commercial Lending Source BANK QUALITY LOANS - COMPETE WITH THE BANKS! Quality credit deserves quality rates. We can provide the needed capital to build up a borrower’s commercial property portfolio and help them attain quality credit. We’re here to help our borrower’s reach the top tier of loan programs so they can benefit from our bank quality competitive rates and terms. We offer competitive rates and terms for loans which meet bank quality guidelines. • Direct commercial loans up to $750,000* • Adjustable Low rates or Fixed rates for up to 25 years
• LTVs up to 70% on almost all commercial property types (1st liens only) • Closings in as little as 2-3 weeks *Select states and programs only
For more information, please contact:
Joel Siegfried • 315-796-2258 • joels@lifeandhomes.com
2 Family
6870 S. James Street, Rome NY 2 family home with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath each. Eat-in kitchen, living room, full cellar. $79,500
6845 S. James Street Commercial store front. $125,000 Firm
6000 +/- SF. Ample parking.
House For Rent
7743 Gifford Road, Rome NY Ranch with 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths, full dry basement, hot water baseboard heat and attached garage. City water, sewer and gas. Spacious yard with patio. Close to amenities. $1,500 monthly plus security. No pets.
Single Family
6877 S. James Street, Rome NY Single family, 4 bedroom home with eat-in kitchen, living room, 1.5 baths, full cellar. $82,500
Delta Lake Property
6642 Stokes-Westernville Road, Ava NY 4 bedroom, 2 baths, garage. Situated on 8+ acres. Can sub-divide into 5 building lots. Also zoned recreational. 475’ Lakefront. $525,000
6.5 Acres - City of Rome
South Fork Enterprises, LLC
Commercial Property - Land development at the corner of Liberty & Gifford Road. Suitable for condos and townhouses. Water, sewer and gas. Close to shopping. Variance required. $195,000 FIRM.
Frank - 315-271-4490
www.Life and Homes .com
LifeandHomes â– Central New York