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Welcome Priced to Sell
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You’ve painted the walls, purged the clutter, replaced those old appliances and let your preferred realtor know you’re ready to put your house on the market. Now comes THE most important part of the process - determining the optimum listing price.
Oneida County NY, Edition
Using a Comparative Marketing Analysis (CMA), a comparison of recent homes with similar amenities in nearby escrow and sold properties, along with your agent’s knowledge of the current market, you and your agent will determine the asking price. Achieving the optimum price will result in a quicker sale, generate more interest, expose the property to more buyers and increase realtor response. Fact is, most of the activity on any new listing occurs within the first few weeks. Overprice at the beginning and your three-weeks-in price reduction could cost you time and money. Interest from buyers may have already waned. One of the first questions savvy buyers and their agents ask is, “How long has this listing been on the market?” Buyers are often reluctant to make an offer on a home that has been on the market for awhile thinking something may be wrong with the home. “Overpriced listings frequently help you to sell your neighbor’s reasonably priced home, making it appear that their home is priced very well,” says agent Phyllis Herb. “Price is the number one factor that most home buyers use to determine which homes they want to view. It’s also important to remember that although you and your Realtor set the asking price, the selling price is determined by the buyer.” Pricing is one of the biggest decisions in the selling process and it’s your agent’s job to know what works best in your market. Listen carefully to their pricing strategy and work with them to set a realistic price. The more the list price is determined by reality and what the market truly looks like, the sooner you’ll be on your way to posting that SOLD sign in your front yard.
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Many Boomers
Surprised By Debt
In Retirement
For most people, retirement means more time to travel, play with grandkids and experience greater personal satisfaction in everyday life. But as Baby Boomers begin to retire, many will experience a different reality - one marked by debt. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid being among them. According to a new study commissioned by Bankers Life Center for a Secure Retirement, more than half of pre-retirees think they’ll pay off their debts before retirement, but only a quarter of retirees actually are debt free. The same study found that eight in 10 middle-income Boomers currently have some debt, and nearly 25 percent have more than 20 years remaining on their mortgage. “We tend to prepare for costs that we can anticipate,” said Scott Goldberg, president of Bankers Life. “Most do not foresee the amount of debt they will carry into retirement and other unexpected expenses, such as long-term care and various health related costs. Our studies show that only about half of Boomers feel they have a strong understanding of financial matters to overcome these hurdles.”
newsShorts their income and find additional sources of income during retirement. Nearly 90 percent express some concerns about making their money last in retirement. “More than ever, it is crucial that Boomers take proactive steps in advance of retirement and recognize the options available while planning for a secure future,” said Goldberg. “From annuities to long-term care insurance to investments, the options beyond Social Security and pensions are increasingly tangible for middle-income Boomers.” Retirees are living longer, more independent lives and being financially prepared for long-term retirement is more important than ever. It’s never too late for Boomers to meet with a trusted financial advisor to prepare and take the correct precautions that can set them up for a more fulfilling experience in their golden years. (NAPSI)
Get Unhinged:
3 Ways to Create
Visually Striking
Doors in Your Home
If you’re looking for a way to make visitors to your home say “wow,” consider alternatives to hinged doors for an unexpected twist.
Not long ago, many retirees relied on pensions and Social Security for income during their golden years. These income streams used to be enough to live on comfortably. Today, fewer companies are offering pensions and benefits from Social Security are getting leaner just as a greater number of Americans are retiring.
“Once you’ve chosen the door that’s perfect for you, it can be hung in a number of distinctive ways,” says Brad Loveless, marketing and product development manager for Simpson Door Company. “A pocket door, sliding barn door or a pivot door can add some personality and pizzazz to your home.”
As Boomers leave the workforce at what looks like lightning speed, they may not be prepared to continue paying off debt or other unexpected expenses. According to the study, middle-income Boomers are unsure of the best ways to maximize
Pocket doors - Similar to closet doors hung on a track, pocket doors slide open and closed, but disappear into the wall when closed. Popular in home offices, bathrooms and utility rooms, using a pocket door in place of a hinged door
saves about 10 square feet of floor space, notes home improvement expert Tim Carter. Depending on the width of the opening, you can use either a single pocket door, or double pocket doors that slide into opposite walls and meet in the middle when closed. Because they don’t seal as tightly as hinged doors, pocket doors are largely limited to use inside the home, instead of as entry doors. Sliding barn doors - Barn doors are a bit like pocket doors in that they slide open and closed, but they’re hung on tracks that are visible. When opened, the doors are located on one side of the wall, instead of disappearing into the wall. “People like the unexpected look of a barn door,” says John Golesh, president of door hardware manufacturer Goldberg Brothers. “They’re a great way to add a rustic, yet elegant look to your home. And with the wide variety of door hangers and handles, a barn door can complement any interior décor.” In addition to the chic look barn doors offer, homes for sale with “barn door” in their listing sold for 13 percent more than expected and 57 days faster, according to research by Zillow Diggs. Pivot doors - Common in ancient buildings, pivot mounted doors are virtually unseen in North American homes. For homeowners who want an element of surprise, a pivot door is a good choice. In place of hinges or overhead sliders and tracks, pivot doors rotate open and closed around pins installed in the top and bottom of the door frame. The pins are set several inches in from the door frame, depending on the door’s size. “For high-end homes with extra-wide doors, pivots are a great way to handle the additional weight, and will be unlike anything your visitors have seen before,” Loveless says. “We are making many different super-sized doors for this exact application.” Unlike pocket doors and barn doors, pivot doors can seal tightly to their frame when closed, so can be used as entry doors. (BPT) September
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While appliances have become more energy efficient as technology has evolved and federal standards tightened, few ever truly shut down anymore. And as Americans add more and more electronic devices to their households—25 on average, according to the Consumer Electronics Association—much more energy is consumed. Take a phone charger as an example. Leaving it plugged in without a phone attached doesn’t mean it’s not drawing power—in fact, it uses 0.26 watts of electricity even when a phone isn’t connected, and 2.24 watts when the handset is charging. That 0.26 watts by itself might not be a big issue, but if most of your electronic devices are doing that, it can add up to as much as 10 percent of your bill, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Cable boxes are a big culprit of 24/7 energy use. Leaving your cable box plugged in for a year and never turning it off adds, on average, $17.83 to your electric bill. Toss in a DVR function and that total jumps to $43.46, DOE reports. And electronics aren’t the only problem. Basic “white goods” appliances like clothes washers and dryers, refrigerators, and dishwashers are so savvy that you can set them to come on late at night, when the wholesale power your co-op must buy costs less—helping your co-op keep power affordable for you and your neighbors. Here again, the bigger you go with a new appliance, the more energy it will use. Electric bills don’t have to be held hostage by 24-hour-a-day energy use. For starters, use a power strip to turn several electronics on or off at once. For a bigger investment, look into 4
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
newsShorts “smart” power strips. They allow you to cut power to certain appliances—say, your TV— while letting power flow to your cable box because it takes time to reboot after being unplugged. If you’re in the market for a new appliance, look for an ENERGY STAR model. It generally consumes less power all around and uses less standby energy. But remember that you actually have to use those energy-efficient settings on your appliances to see savings on your electric bill. (Tipmont)
Protect Your Housing
Your home is an investment in living as well as in savings. If neglected, it will pay no dividends. If properly maintained and improved, it will pay a high yield in comfort and usefulness for your family and in avoidance of costly repair bills. Home improvements also tend to raise neighborhood standards and, as a result, property values. From an economic standpoint, home improvements mean higher employment, increased markets for materials and home products-and therefore a more flourishing community. If you are handy with tools and have the experience, you can save money by doing many jobs yourself. But unless you are skilled in wiring, plumbing, installing heat systems, and cutting through walls, you should rely on professionals for such work. If you plan to use the services of a dealer or contractor, take care to choose one with a reputation for honesty and good workmanship. Most dealers and contractors conscientiously try to give their customers service equivalent to
the full value of their money. Unfortunately, home improvement rackets do exist. Here are a few common sense rules to follow: • Read and understand every word of any contract or other paper before you sign it. • Never sign a contract with anyone who makes fantastic promises. • Reputable dealers are not running give-away businesses. • Avoid wild bargains. The best bargain is a good job. • Never consolidate existing loans through a home improvement contractor. • Do not let salespeople high-pressure you into signing up to buy their materials or services. • Be wary of salespeople who try to scare you into signing for repairs that they say are urgent. Seek the advice of an expert as to how urgent such repairs are. High-pressure and scare tactics are often the mark of a phony deal. • Avoid salespeople who offer you trial purchases or some form of bonus, such as cash, for allowing them to use your house as a model for any purpose. Such offers are well-known gimmicks of swindlers. • Never sign a completion certificate until all the work called for in the contract has been completed to your satisfaction. Be careful not to sign a completion certificate along with a sales order. • Proceed cautiously when the lender or contractor demands a lien on your property. Most lenders do not require a lien if the loan amount is less than $7,500. (hud.gov) Q. What did 75% of 10,000 Home Buyers surveyed by the NAR (National Association of Realtors) list as their top reasons for selecting a Real Estate Professional? A. Being knowledgeable in the housing market, knowledge of Real Estate Practices and Financing, as well as familiarity with Neighborhoods.
Featured Listings
Richfield Springs
$1,100,000 Ohio (Coldbrook)
102 State Route 167 - BEAUTIFUL GEORGIAN STYLE ESTATE & GUEST COTTAGE set on 12 Private Acres in a quaint upstate NY village just minutes from COOPERSTOWN. COMPLETELY FURNISHED! Perfect as a 2nd home, just bring your suitcase!This Nationally Registered Historic home, also known as Sunset Hill, offers over 3,000 Sq/Ft, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, custom kitchen, cozy library, spacious living room, 2 fireplaces, sunlit windows, matching guest cottage, stable and barn. Enjoy private patios overlooking beautiful gardens, trees and amazing views! Sunset Hill was custom designed by Dwight James Baum in 1923.
$108,000 Chadwicks
6654 Lowell Road - SPECTACULAR 4 BR 2,700 SQ/FT RANCH, custom kitchen, GRANITE, STAINLESS, BONUS ROOM, MASTER SUITE, 4 ACRES, close to Thruway & Syracuse.
40 Newton Street - PRISTINE & TOTALLY UPDATED RANCH, Double village lot, 2 BR’s, incredible new kitchen, Corian counters, stainless appliances, new floors, spacious open dining to living room.
Ilion (Columbia)
791 Elizabethtown Road - 5,100 + SQ/FT 5 BRS PLUS 1 BR IN LAW APT on a rural 5 acre lot says it all for this spacious home. Updated kitchen, vaulted great room, master BR suite, adjacent 5 acre lot available.
415 Avery Road - ADIRONDOCK 3 BR LOG HOME ON 102 ACRES w/ STREAM, beautiful kitchen with Corian & stainless, wood furnace & generator, hunting & riding trails!
$89,900 Edmeston
9395 Elm Street - TOP TO BOTTOM QUALITY UPDATES 3 BR, 2 bath home overlooking town park. A new hickory kitchen, stainless,, new baths, first floor laundry, laminate flooring.
$340,000 Deerfield
166 Ohio City Road - ADIRONDACK PREMIER SOLAR POWERED CUSTOM 3 BR HOME OFFTHE GRID! Offering total seclusion on 125 ACRES, does need some finishing however you’ll fall in love with the quality work, knotty pine interior finishes, open kitchen layout, cozy living room, beautiful stoned walls, dramatic vaulted second floor BR ceilings, built in 2009, newer well & septic, conventional forced air furnace, full poured foundation, NYS forestry program tax savings. TOTALYEAR ROUND ENJOYMENT OF ALL SEASONAL RECREATION.
$85,000 Rome
286 Parker Hill Rd - STUNNING VIEWS 10 acres, Carriage style home being built. Interior to be finished by buyer, 24 X 28 framed const. & quality exterior finishes. Minutes to Cooperstown.
421 Putnam Street - SPACIOUS RANCH 1,932 Sq/Ft 4 BR on an acre set way back from the road and is backed by farm land, offers an eat in kitchen, great room, large master BR, the setting alone provides a rareWaterville find!
6730 Trenton Road - TOTAL INTERIOR REMODEL Right from the amazing new Cherry kitchen with granite, stainless, massive center island to the new formal dining room to the dramatic vaulted great room, skylights and loft overlooking gleaming natural light you’ll be checking off the boxes on your wish list.The master BR suite and contemporary porcelain flooring throughout rounds out this beautiful contemporary 3 BR, 3 bath home, huge open rear deck and private 1.3 acre lot provides total seclusion.Whitesboro Schools.
7380 Cider Street - a mechanic’s dream! 1,652 Sq/ft residential home, 2 heated garages/lift/workshops, storage buildings & creek waterfront! NearThruway entrance, MULTI USE PROPERTY!
5395 Lee Center Road - UPDATES GALORE, 2 BR cozy with LOW Lee Center taxes. Updated eat in kitchen, totally new bathroom & vinyl windows, new furnace.
Boonville (Lyonsdale)
Pennystreet Road - 17.7 ACRES WALK TO ADIRONDACK PARK, excellent opportunity to build your seasonal retreat, close to unlimited YEAR ROUND ADIRONDACK ATTRACTIONS
• Stratford, 15.6 Acres $39,900 $23,000 • New Hartford, Mallory Rd, 1.33 acre building Lake Moraine Rd - 200’WATERFRONT LAND Build your lot, views $33,000
dream home on 4.5 acres overlooking gorgeous Lake Moraine hillside. Close to quaint village of Hamilton and amenities.
• Stratford, 5.5 Acres $14,900
Call For More Details!
8326 Boonville Road, RURAL HOMEThis 3 BR 2 bath ranch offers an open modern kitchen, master BR suite, deep yard, 3 season enclosed porch, minutes to Adirondack Park, Adirondack Central schools.
Land Opportunities Featured New Waterfront Property Forestport (Otter Lake) • Rome, Gifford Rd $15,000, Half acre wooded building lot
14 Lakeview Ave - Updated 2,495 Sq/Ft 5 BR in move in condition! Updated kitchen, center Island, plank floors & walk in pantry lavish gardens, carriage barn, & much more!
$59,900 Boonville (Lyonsdale)
$79,900 Lee Center
1209 Cayuga Street - JUST MOVE IN, TOTALLY UPDATED 3 BR ranch has been totally renovated right from the studding. Brand new open kitchen & bath, many other key quality updates.
Richfield Springs
14053 Route 28 - ADIRONDACKWATERFRONT 4 BEDROOM RUSTIC CAMP ON OTTER LAKE Kick back and enjoy this truly rustic seasonal camp and amazing lakefront views right from your own covered porch, offers a cozy first floor layout with a living room overlooking the lake, kitchen & dining room, boasts an all original wood interior, 4 full bedrooms on the second floor, 2 large lots - 50 X 250 & 45 X 130 provides lots of privacy and excellent road set back, boat dock, ENJOY ALL SEASONSWITHYOUR OWN ADIRONDACK GETAWAY
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Happy New Year to You and Yours!
Wishing You And Yours A Happy New Year
Ann M. Carlisto, Broker (315) 868-1549 Robyn Safford, Associate Broker (315) 542-0123 Ronald George, Sales Agent (315) 527-0841 LLC Judy Shepardson, Sales Agent (315) 219-6679
Little Falls
Affordable 2 Family Home in a Great Location. Side by Side. Sep. Utilities. Great Income Producing Opportunity. Low Maintenance Exterior, Off Street Parking, Pine Flooring, Appliances, 2 Bdrm/3 Bdrm Apts. MLS#1603295
Immaculate 3 Bdrm, 1.5 Bath Ranch Home in a Quiet Area. Curb Appeal, Central Air, Garage & Long List of Improvements. Fireplace and Rec Room in Basement. Roof & Mechanicals Updated asWell. MLS# 1602319
P.O. Box 1062 654 E. Main St., Little Falls
Unique 2 Bdrm Home in a Secluded Residential Setting on 1.4 Acres. NaturalWdwk, Original Stained GlassWindows, Hdwd Flrs, Private Drive, Former Church,Tastefully Converted,Yard. A Must See! MLS# 1403618
Little Falls
$139,900 129,900
Charming 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath EnglishTudor. Oak Applianced Kit, DR, LR w/Fp, FR, Den, CherryWdwk, Hdwd Flrs, Privacy, Pool w/Cabana, Deck, Updates. New Boiler, Copper Roof, 2 Stall Garage & Security System. MLS# 1504265
Unique Mid Century Modern Frank LloydWright Inspired HillTop Home on 3.6 Acres. 1 Floor Living Space. 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Great Room LR/DR Combo w/Cathedral Ceilings & Open Hearth Fp, AmazingViews. MLS# 1603004
Completely Renovated c.1880 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath Home on .67 Acres. LR, DR, Oak Kit w/Appl, 1st Flr Master & Bath, Property on Spruce Creek, 2 Stall Garage/Workshop w/ Radiant Oil Heat & 1/2 Bath. MLS# 1601688
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
IncredibleViews! Incredible Home! Grand Colonial From 1890. Updated w/Open Family/Kitchen,Vaulted Office Concept,Winding Staircase, 4 Bdrms, 3 Baths. 6 Stall Horse Barn, 15.2 Acres. Inground Pool, Deck. MLS# 1602576
Lovely 4 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath Home on a lot approx. 50 X 140 w/Detached 2 Stall Garage. Large Kit, Dining Rm, Living Rm, Den, Sun Rm, & Hdwd Flrs. Move in Condition. MLS# 1504445
Nice 3-4 Bdrm Cape Cod on a Quiet Street. Fully Applianced Cherry Kit, LR w/Fp, DR, Sun Room & Bdrm on 1st Flr. 2 Lg Bdrms & Den (Could be 4th Bdrm). New Furnace, Central Air, Deck,Yard & 1 Stall Garage. MLS# 1505183
Salisbury Center
Nice 2 Family Home on a lot approx. 60.2 X 120 with Separate Utilities. 3 Bedrooms in Each Apartment. Walking Distance to Parks, Shopping, & Churches. MLS# 1503548
Gracious Community Living New Homes starting at $70,000 • Design Your New Home!
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Save $4000
Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch, sliding glass door and deck, all black appliances, kitchen island, more. 100% Drywall. Was $73,995, Now $69,995 6
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
• Secure
• Meticulously Maintained • Financing Available • Rome Water
• Westmoreland Schools
Save $7,000
1600 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. New butler pantry, walk-in shower, 100% drywall. Cafe package, located on corner lot. Was $99,995. Now $92,995
8879 Trenton Falls Prospect Rd, Remsen • $315,000 Century old elegant 2985 square foot Colonial with many modern updates and tastefully decorated. New stainless kitchen appliances, Soapstone counter, four fireplaces, 2 1/2 baths, 2 car attached garage and a 30x58 barn, all on 53.5 manicured acres. Mature yard features Perennial gardens, flagstone patio with stone walls and lots of hiking and walking trails. Located in the Holland Patent Central School District in a historic area of well kept country properties!
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Kathy VanVechten Janet Kipper
Art VanVechten Broker/Owner
The kids are heading back to school and it's the perfect time to educate yourself on the real estate opportunities available to you. I'd love to discuss your home's value and answer your questions about the local market. “Lori alleviated much of our stress regarding selling our property. Lori's knowledge & rofessionalism allowed us to focus on other events and trust she would take care of our home in which she did."
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Don’t LOVE IT? LIST it with LORI!!! For selling Tips, Visit my website lori.centralnewyork.com
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2306 Genesee Street, Utica, New York
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lorihamlin23@gmail.com Cell: 315-790-0990 Office: 315-735-2222 x 6625 September
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6347 Wager Drive, Lee
This beautiful ranch home is in mint condition & a great location! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 Baths, spacious kitchen & living room, open floor plan, family room w/ gas fireplace. $149,900 MLS# 1603354
7343 Lake Shore Drive, Vienna
Very nice waterfront property with three bedrooms, formal dining, central air, porch, patio, beautiful view!! New on demand hot water tank. $279,900 MLS# 1601932
6295 Lorena Road, Rome
Spacious ranch w/ lots of curb appeal. Updated kitchen, roomy living room, beautiful hw floors, sunroom, central air, finished basement, porch, garage & turn-around driveway. $139,900 MLS# 1603534
1188 Erie Blvd W, Rome
4794 Humaston Road, Rome
Beautiful L-shaped bi-level located just outside city limits. Huge family room w/ pellet stove, formal dining room, master bath, office, hardwoods, fencing, garage. Great quiet area. $195,000 MLS# 1603292
9772 Beartown Road, Ava
Renovated farm house on 5.5 Acres; three bedrooms, two baths, hardwood floors. Spring-fed pond, waterfalls; barn w/horse stall,hay loft; flexible floor plan; large covered decking, newer steel roof. $174,900
926-928 Floyd Ave
Very nice duplex - side by side - each bedroom has three bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, formal dining, living room, full bath, hardwood floors, and two stall garage. Excellent potential. $99,500 MLS# 1601439
Broker Fred Macchia
315-337-4390 170 Skinner, Oneida
This elegant 1912 home has new hardwood floors, 3 fireplaces, 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, inground pool, slate tile roof, and so much more! $319,900 MLS# 1504616
1004 Schuyler Street, Rome
Comfortable & charming 3-4 bedroom home. Hardwoods, natural woodwork, living room w/ gas fireplace, formal dining, den, family room, main level laundry, attic rec room. $74,500 MLS# 1603334
304 E Garden Street, Rome
3 bedroom, 1½ bath home located in a residential area near parks and shopping. Spacious living room with stained glass window, natural oak woodwork, formal dining room $52,000 MLS#1603038
1701-1709 N James/102 Chestnut Rome
904, 906, 908, 912, 914 Erie Blvd W, Rome
Great location next to Lowe’s corner lot with traffic light. This property is also for lease. One acre parcel. Location makes this property ideal for any type of business. $395,000 MLS# 1400676
Properties are in excellent condition. Great income generator and location is fantastic. Buildings located on the corner of N James and Chestnut Streets.$650,000 MLS# 1400449
Excellent location. Property consists of two buildings and a vacant lot. High traffic count. MLS# 1400374
731 Erie Blvd, Rome
920 Erie Blvd W, Rome Great retail location with excellent exposure. Three offices, showroom, and storage area. $145,000 MLS# 1601358
Excellent commercial space, unlimited use, separate sections, basement, three phase, and situated on a high traffic count boulevard. $145,000 MLS# 1504325
1006 Black River Blvd, Rome, NY 13440 www.1stromerealty.com
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
106 Main Street, Boonville
Historic Hulbert House Restaurant, bar, and hotel. Three dining rooms, full commercial kitchen, banquet room, cherry wood bar, original dutch fireplaces, 8 hotel rooms $235,000 MLS# 1503602
2622 St Rt 12, Leyden
Excellent 37 acre retreat on Black River!! Beautiful spacious kitchen w/ cherry cabinets, open floor plan, formal dining, red oak flooring, two full baths. $397,000. MLS# 1503692
1903 N Madison, Rome
1900 s/f home w/ 5 bedrooms & 1.5 Bathrooms. Large oversized kitchen w/breakfast bar. Large full basement is great for storage. Attached garage. Backyard has privacy bushes. $119,900 MLS# 1603380
10975 St Rt 26, #996, Ava
Excellent oppurtunity - farm house partially gutted for rehab, existing outbuilding, drilled well, septic, 153 plus acres, adirondack school system. $169,000 MLS# 1600090
Sleepy Hollow Road, Lee
22 Acres of land with barn. Public water, gas, electric, available at road. Lovely country setting. $31,000 MLS# 1501943
2379 81 Nys Rt 49, Blossvale
Former Top of the Hill restaurant and a 3 bedroom, 1800 s/f residence. High traffic count on 2 state roads. $169,900 MLS#1400572
Fred Macchia, CCIM Broker/Owner
8644 Emerald Circle, Lee
Executive home on a 10 acre Delta Lake Estates parcel. Many unique features gourmet kitchen, inground pool, pool house, bar, theater, billiard & sun rooms. $429,000 MLS# 1600288
3071 St Rt 49, Blossvale
Lovely three bedroom, 1.5 Bath country home. Formal dining room, den, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, one acre private setting, and centrally located to Syracuse, Rome, & Utica.
State Rt 12, Leyden
Beautiful with partial woods, some pasture, and waterfront!! Located along the black river this property offers 570’ of frontage. Great recreational area $132,000. MLS# 1503722
8171 Turin Road, Rome
Here is a golden opportunity for a chef/ investor to own a new york style fully equipped restaurant with unlimited possibilities!! Beautiful property setting. $395,000 MLS#1504596
1002 Black River Blvd, Rome
Exceptional office/retail building with two upper level apartments. Open floor plan, full basement with overhead, central air, high traffic. $265,000 MLS#1303811
Martin C. Bell 794-6090
Rianna Lazzaro 525-4430
Frank Aceto 717-3747
Lisa A. Kowalczyk Nicholas Mancari Michele L. Bruzzese 534-1301 725-2601 269-2394
Chas Levitt 982-1202
Barbara Goldsmith Samir Kendic 794-7702 527-4024
Merissa Sigbieny 527-9689
Alen Zekic 570-0148
Ed Coffin 725-8818
Visit our website for a complete list of our featured homes. BARNEVELD
4 Thurston Blvd - JUST LISTED 4 bdrm, Colonial, 3 baths, 2700+ sq. ft, private and park like 2+ Acres, hardwoods, granite kitchen, fireplace, 2nd floor laundry, attached garage. $369,900 MLS#1603031 Contact Barbara Goldsmith
7065 Curry Hill Rd-Renovated 3 bdrm, 2 baths, 2000+ sq. ft, 50+ Acres, hardwoods, Master Suite, 1st floor laundry, deck. $234,900 MLS#1602357 Contact Rianna Lazzaro
47 New Hartford St- Well established and successful Wholesale/ Retail Greenhouse business. Prime location. Situated on 5 Acres includes 8 greenhouses, two barns, equipment, 2 family home, pond and so much more. Please visit worosylogreenhouses. com for more information or contact Lisa Kowalczyk. PRICE REDUCED $799,000
3623 Rt 12- JUST LISTED 3 bdrm, Ranch, hardwoods, eat-in kitchen, deck, updated bath and roof, fenced yard, attached garage. $119,900 MLS#1602933 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk
7306 Lakeview Dr S-WATERFRONT! 4 bdrm, Ranch, 2 baths, 2600 sq. ft, hardwoods, Master Suite, views. $385,000 MLS#1502074 Contact Martin Bell
1221 Hillview Dr- JUST LISTED 3 bdrm, Ranch, hardwoods, updated kitchen and bath, new electrical, attached garage. $104,900 MLS#1602813 Contact Samir Kendic 1209 Hammond Ave- 5 bdrm, Ranch, 2 1/2 baths, deck, great yard, “4” car garage. $129,990 MLS#1602001 Contact Alen Zekic
7619 Oakview Terrace-JUST LISTED 5 bdrm, Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, 2700+ sq. ft, open floor plan, 2 Acres, central air, Master Suite, 1st floor laundry, finished basement, deck. PRICE REDUCED $299,900 MLS#1602483 Contact Michele Bruzzese
10455 Powell Rd-4 bdrms, 4 1/2 baths, 13 years young, 4600+ sq. ft, 10+Acres, hardwoods, central air, Master Suite, “3” car attached garage, ponds. $499,900 MLS#1601061 Contact Barbara Goldsmith
775 E. Main St- 3 bdrms, 2100+ sq. ft, hardwoods, 1st floor
laundry. $54,900 MLS#1501590 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk 137 McCready Rd-3 bdrm, Colonial, 26 Acres, 1 1/2 baths, newer furnace, “2” car attached garage, views. $214,900 MLS#1601283 Contact Martin Bell
51 Oxford Rd- JUST LISTED Two Family! Separate Utilities. Great Income. $99,900 MLS#1603104 Contact Martin Bell 14 Osborn Ave- 2/3 bdrm, Ranch, hardwoods, updated kitchen, fenced yard, “2” car garage. $109,900 MLS#1603256 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk 13 Kris Ann Dr- Parkview Estates! JUST LISTED 2 bdrm, mobile home, updated granite kitchen, deck, storage shed, great yard. $19,900 MLS#1603250 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk 1 Butternut Rd- JUST LISTED 4 bdrm, Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, 2000+ sq. ft, fireplace, 1st floor laundry, SunRoom, wrap around porch, “2” car attached garage. $249,900 MLS#1603318 Contact Martin Bell 1 Stanhope Ct-JUST LISTED 4 bdrm, Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, 1900+ sq. ft, fireplace, updated kitchen and baths, deck, corner lot, attached garage. $249,900 MLS#1603035 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk
426 Euclid Rd-4 bdrms, updated kitchen, new bath & windows. $84,900 MLS#1404117 Contact Martin Bell 632 Cosby Rd-4 bdrm, Colonial, 2 baths, 1800+ sq. ft, deck, attached garage. $119,900 MLS#1504005 Contact Samir Kendic
506 N. Madison St – 7 Unit! Fully Rented. Great Cash Flow. $99,900 MLS#1200186 Contact Lisa Kowalczyk
2724 Church Rd- 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Ranch, fireplace, newer roof & furnace. $129,900 MLS#1504170 Contact Michele Bruzzese
2100 Baker Ave- 3 bdrm, Colonial, 1700+ sq. ft, fireplace, hardwoods, new bath, triple lot. PRICE REDUCED $119,900 MLS#1600738 Contact Rianna Lazzaro 15 Geer Ave- 4 bdrm, Colonial, 1 1/2 baths, 1900+ sq, ft, hardwoods, fireplace, cherry kitchen, enclosed porch. $167,500 MLS#1601532 Contact Martin Bell
8532 Clark Mills Rd - 4 bdrms, 2 baths, 1700+ sq. ft, hardwoods, deck, attached garage. PRICE REDUCED $155,900 MLS#1601954 Contact Samir Kendic
www.Life and Homes .com
Rob Diedrich Assoc.
Clyde Diedrich /Broker Bob Morgan Janice Harter Geri Simonette-Hendrix
55 E. Main Street, Mohawk, NY 13407 (315) 866-7702 www.Century21.com
$94,900 Schuyler
$37,500 Ilion
$79,900 Herkimer
$74,500 Ilion
Grand home on a quiet street & on a beautiful lot.This classic home features generous rooms including a living room with fireplace and large dining room, entry room, large family room or first floor bedroom, two full baths, four bedrooms and a partially finished attic. MLS#1603310
This is a house made to enjoy life to its fullestwith its big front porch and back patio area near a babbling brook, spacious eat-in kitchen and living and dining room connected and a half bath on first floor. Upstairs has three bedrooms and fourth room used as an office and full bath. MLS# 1603109
Lovely raised ranch in convenient location just minutes from Utica or theValley. Private one acre lot screened with mature evergreens, beautiful wood flooring, an open living/ dining area with sliders to a private back deck.There is a great working kitchen, three bedrooms. MLS# 1602553
Do you want country living and privacy? A very spacious 3 Bedroom ranch home w/ an in-law apartment, garages & a large pond all on 5.4 acres of land. Plenty of room! MLS# 1602924
A grand village home awaiting restoration. If you appreciate vintage character and charm, you will love this home. It features intricate hardwood floors, a grand staircase, original oak woodwork, beautiful pocket doors , French doors, built-ins, and so much more. MLS#1603524
Well maintained Herkimer 4 unit apt building. Includes three 1 bedroom units & a 2 bedroom unit. Updates include replacement windows, insulated entry doors, some vinyl siding, and the electric entrance.The building is accented by a nice lot with plenty of tenant parking. MLS# 1601817
Gokey Real Estate 60 Utica St
Clinton NY 13323 • Office. 315.853.3767
78 EMERSON AVE - TWO STORY HOME FEATURES Entry hall, living room with fireplace, formal dining room, eat in kitchen, half bath, second floor three bedroom, full bath, full attic,full basement with finished room, gleaming hard wood floors, wrap around deck, garage and front porch.
10386 MILLER ROAD - CONTEMPORARY Custom built one owner home, features open floor plan, entry hall open to family room w/ fireplace, living room, formal dining, upscale appliance kitchen with French doors to deck, one bedr. full bath first floor, office, laundry room, second floor 3 bedroom. MLS# 1601508
868-4339 866-6465 866-1885 868-4833
LaVerne Dudik Valerie Duncan Margie Smith
$93,000 Ohio
LOTS OF CHARACTER in this beautifully well maintained home! Home includes a kitchen with corian countertops, formal dining room, 3 nice size bedrooms, living room and a den. Hardwood and plank floors throughout. Gas furnace is 7 years old , newer roof, 1 stall garage. MLS# 1602385
Spacious Adirondack ranch style home on 2 acres just off the West Canada Creek. The main portion of the home features 3 bedrooms, open living/ dining room, kitchen, bath and a great room addition beautifully finished in tongue & groove cedar. MLS# 1603404
$157,500 Dolgeville
Classic Log home with a peaceful country setting and views of fields and hills.The home features two bedrooms, a full bath, custom wood kitchen with Hickory floor, dining room, cathedral ceiling, great room, office and more.Wonderful natural light from the new addition. MLS# 1602536
Peggy Nolan,
Licensed R.E. Salesperson
Julio Solano
Licensed R.E. Salesperson
Jamie Sheehy
Licensed R.E. Salesperson
429-9794 868-6924 823-0667
Fabulous & spacious colonial on 16+ acres at the edge of the village.The home features 3 bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, a formal dining room, living room, new granite kitchen, & a family room overlooking the pool & patio. New siding, windows, new furnace, metal roof & more. MLS# 1603095
Dorothy Gokey Broker
Cell. 315.725.4570
Matti Leetmaa
Licensed R.E. Salesperson
11 FINEVIEW DRIVE - NEWLY LISTED RANCH FEATURES: living room with fireplace, large eat-in kitchen, three bedrooms and bath, gleaming hardwoods, tile, full basement, attached garage. Custom built oneowner home, situated on a lot 90 x 205.67. Minutes to Rome, Utica. Whitesboro schools. MLS# 1602465
1828 SOUTH ST - Near Culver. Large custom Ranch. 1,632 square feet, open floor plan, tile and carpet, living room, formal dining area, open to sunroom overlooking large back yard, applianced kitchen with breakfast bar, utility room, three bedrooms, two full bath, large master suite, full basement and garage. MLS# 1601775
7238 STATE ROUTE 5 - COMMERCIAL ZONING LARGE 5,800 SQ. FT. Many uses - once a restaurant, conference center, large out building, situated on 1.13 acres high traffic area, ideal for offices, retail, ETC. GREAT SAVINGS WITH OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE $310,000. MLS# 1602694
9628 TAYLOR ROAD - CHARMING describes this Colonial featuring applianced kitchen with dining area, formal dining room, living room with fireplace, four bedrs. two full baths Garage, outbuilding, one bedroom cottage, situated on 8.50 acres with 1,227.5 feet of road frontage, Adirondack schools. MLS# 1601548
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
415 SPRATT PLACE - QUIET DEAD END STREET OFF RIVERSIDE DRIVE. Dutch Colonial, Pride of ownership, custom kitchen (Mennonite) wood working thru out home, entry hall, formal dining, living room/ fireplace, bath 1/2, sun room/family, office, gleaming hardwoods, full attic, garage. MLS# 1601807
2427 CHENANGO ROAD - LEASE Lease, 1900 per month plus utilities, ample parking, 4 offices, kitchen, bathroom, tiled entry hall, plus large area ideal for many uses, daycare, insurance office etc. MLS# 1600714.
Coldwell Banker Prime is pleased to announce Paul F. Sacco who has joined our team as a licensed realtor. Paul is a native of Utica & has resided in New Hartford for the past 40 years. For the past 35 years Paul has acted as Vice President and later President of JM Door Incorp. Paul has worked in both residential and commercial markets. His experience with architects and developers has given him a unique perspective on homeowners and their needs. Paul has always been passionate about real estate and is now excited to make that passion his career. Let him open a new door for you!
West Winfield
11254 Forks Rd - Custom built on 22.74 acres w/ 2 barns. Home incl. custom lg kitchen, whole house generator. Totally insulated in 2011 zero draft, central air & purification system. MLS# 1603348 Elizabeth Ficchi Ext. 205
116 Hunt Valley Rd, This 3 bed/2 bath Ranch, w/first floor laundry, great room, master suite, walk-in closet, 2 fireplaces, & central air. MLS# 1603278 Jan Cidzik Ext. 209
32 Gulf Rd, Located on a quiet country street. Roof, Furnace, Water Heater and Windows all new in the past 6 years. Great hardwoods. Covered porch with a gazebo. MLS# 1603403 Linda Williams Ext. 204
45 South 5th Avenue, A great house with a classic feel. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths & 1st fl laundry. This home has style & character throughout. Spacious, modern kitchen. MLS# 1603482 Paul Ridley Ext. 242
6313 Hidden Meadow Drive, NEW PRICE! Contemporary home on a wooded lot. Vaulted ceilings, handmade kitchen cabinets w/ granite, metallic backsplash, gas FP, master BR w/ on-suite. MLS# 1602586 Heather Cole Ext. 211
222 Main St, Beautiful & bright lg cape, w/ master on 1 fl, new tiled bath, 2nd BR has all new built-ins, Beautiful kitchen overlooks grand enclosed in-ground pool area. MLS# 1603510 Paul Sacco Ext. 256
10 Dexter, Cute & Cozy! Sellers are motivated. Wonderful landscaped yard. Updated kitchen, master on 2nd floor. Partially finished basement. Oversized garage w/power. MLS# 1603379 Gloria Rocci Ext. 217
Pohl Road, 97 Acres for your enjoyment! Some wooded areas, some open areas. Come hike, hunt. MLS# 1603453 Jodie DeCosty
Ext. 201
4287 Indianfield, NEW PRICE! What a wonderful house to come home to! Updated kitchen w/breakfast bar, dining & living rooms, family room w/ FP. 1st fl laundry & 1/2 bath.MLS# 1602254 Jodie DeCosty Ext 201
421 Putnam Street, NEW PRICE! This spacious 1,932 Sq/Ft 4BR 3BA ranch, eat in kitchen w/ island, formal dining, fire placed living room & great room, lg master suite.MLS# 1601374 Richard Parent Ext. 203
South Utica
148 Ridge Road, Well cared for one owner home. Clean, bright and move in ready. Heated garage, walk out basement, private yard. Extra large paved driveway. MLS# 1603138 Deb Roberts Ext. 239
19 Owens Place, NEW PRICE! A neat & tidy 3 Bedroom cape with a 2 year old roof, newer windows & siding. Close to schools & shopping. Walk out basement & deep yard. MLS# 1602372 Diana Raymond Ext. 207
Gloria Rocci Ext. 217
Richard Parent Ext. 203
Jan Cidzik Ext. 209
Jodie DeCosty Ext. 201
Diana Raymond Ext. 207
Paul F Sacco Ext. 256
Debbie Roberts Ext. 239
Pat Townsend Ext. 218
16 Kurts Kourt, PRICE REDUCED! Sunny and bright ranch style home located in the popular Herthum Hills subdivision. Open layout w/vaulted ceilings, central air, 3BR, 2 BA.MLS# 1601490 Deb Roberts Ext 239
South Utica
32 Higby Rd, Down goes price! Room and character throughout...great yard and 2 story garage! Seller looking for offers! MLS# 1603326 Gloria Rocci
Ext. 217
Phil Russo Ext. 212
Terrance Chambrone Ext. 214
Heather Cole Ext. 211
Doreen Engelhart Ext. 250
Linda Williams Ext. 204
Elizabeth Ficchi Ext. 205
Frank Centro Ext. 210
Paul Ridley Ext. 242
682 State Route 365, NEW PRICE! Situated high above Hinckley Reservoir with views. This home has much to offer: 1 floor living,4 BR, 2 full baths, huge living room. MLS# 1601269 Pat Townsend Ext. 218
267 Camp Rd, Secluded seasonal property on the Unadilla River! Off the grid w/ wired generator, propane lights & wood stove for heat. Great for fishing, kayaking, and more!MLS# 1603405 Linda Williams Ext 204
www.Life and Homes .com
Kim Beckley Barbara Clemens Monica Mercurio
Clemens-Beckley Real Estate, Inc. 315-334-1046
420 N. Washington Street Rome, NY 13440 clemensbeckleyrealestate.com
Wendy Palinski & Julie Sestito – Broker/Owners Kim Beckley Barbara Clemens Monica Mercurio Jill Mumpton
John McMahon Sharron Puglio Diane Dainotto Norma Warcup
$184,900 Rome
$57,000 Rome
$194,500 Rome
$49,900 Rome
$104,500 Rome
$74,900 Rome
$117,000 Kirkland
$84,900 Rome
$113,000 Rome
$124,900 Rome
$184,900 Rome
$69,900 Rome
$124,900 Rome
$109,900 Westernville
$138,000 Lee
$139,900 Rome
$149,900 Rome
$209,900 Rome
$224,000 Lee Center
$319,900 Lee Center
$164,900 Marcy
$420,000 Rome
7715 Gifford Hill Rd - If you are looking for a large home this is it...4 spacious bedrooms 2 1/2 UPDATED baths! Formal living room and dining room. Family room w/ SOAPSTONE fireplace. HUGE lot that is peaceful and private. MLS# 1603197
1029 Westbrook Dr - 3 bedroom / 1 bath ranch w/ great curb appeal. Kitchen w/ stainless appliances. Mudroom/ laundry room. Sun porch and lovely yard for relaxing. Oversized driveway. MLS# 1603479
6270 Lorena Rd - 3 bedroom 1 bath cape on a DOUBLE LOT! Almost 1700 sq ft of living space. Large rooms. Come put your finishing touches on this little gem. MLS# 1603473
407 Beech St - This is a great ranch in Rome with a huge lot. Backyard feels like you are in the country. 3 bedrooms 1 bath. Partially finished basement. Large living room and kitchen. Formal dining room. New furnace and central air. MLS# 1602358
8156 Turin Rd -MMeticulously maintained 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath home on large lot. Tri-level, family room/bonus room in lower level. Living room has hardwoods, gas fireplace and large bay window. MLS# 1602772
7024 Stokes Westernville Rd -Wake up to the stunning views of Lake Delta. 273 FEET OF LAKEFRONT. You have found your lakeside paradise! 2 bedrooms 2 bath. Paved path to lake and dock. Sunroom and large 2 stall garage. MLS# 1502099
202 Lyndale - 3 bedrooms/1 bath ranch with newly finsished hardwood floors. Full basement with workshop. Inground pool. MLS# 1602246
706 Cherry St - This is a charming home with a beautiful kitchen, lovely entry with French doors, formal dining room, 3 bedrooms 1 bath and a finished attic space. MLS# 1600214
207 W. Pine St - Lovely home w/ 3 beds, 1 1/2 baths. HUGE formal dining room, living room w/ fireplace, Lots of closet space, large bedrooms.2 sunrooms and breakfast nook. Large lot. MLS# 1602632
6726 Route 233 - 3 bedroom 1 bath. Currently being used as a 2 bedroom...Large master bedroom,1st floor laundry, central air, newer septic, above ground pool. Oriskany Schools. MLS# 1601539
1117 N. James St - 3 bedroom 1 bath ranch w/ GORGEOUS hardwood floors. Large open kitchen/ dining room. Spacious master bedroom. 2-car attached garage. Next to Franklyn Field. MLS# 1603474
6785 Williams Rd. - Lovely 4 bedroom 3 1/2 bath completely updated home. In-law apt currently integrated. Beautiful hardwoods, newer furnace, kitchen and bath. MLS# 1603571
9530 State Rt 46 - 3 bedroom ranch on a large scenic lot. 1-stall attached and 2-stall detached garages. Insulated windows, carrier furnace, updated bath and 1st floor laundry. 40x70 barn/dance hall. MLS# 1602533
$87,000 Trenton
321 N. Levitt St - Lovely home on a TRIPLE LOT! 3 bedrooms 2 bath. Lots of updates make this a great buy....Fully applianced kitchen, lots of closets, fenced yard and 2 garages for storage plus an outbuilding. MLS# 1603464
8219 East Floyd Rd - Spacious cape w/ 4 beds, 2 bath. Living room w/ pellet stove, formal dining room, office and cozy family room. 16x24 deck, oversized 2 car attached garage, 2 car carport, storage shed and loft. Holland Patent Schools. MLS# 1602897
$152,000 Rome
8741 Maple Lane -This beautiful and bright 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath ranch has so much to offer. Step down from the kitchen into the solarium with your cup of coffee and enjoy our four seasons all year long. Hardwood floors throughout. Fireplace in living has a coal insert. MLS# 1603650
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
7991 Cedarwood Dr - AMAZING KITCHEN in this 4 bedroom/2 1/2 bath home w/ pool. Open Concept living with large ISLAND overlooking the living room, all levels finished w/ exercise room/ MANCAVE in the lower level.2- car garage. MLS# 1603490
7788 Merrick Rd - City living w/ a country feel. 4 bedroom 2 bath. Large living room and family room, formal dining, Huge master suite, breakfast area, large deck, 3-season room all set on 1.58 acres. 2 car attached garage. MLS# 1602995
505 Liberty St - 3 bedroom 1 bath well maintained 2-story home. New high efficiency gas furnace. Eat-in kitchen, formal dining room and third floor bonus room. MLS# 1601700
7636 Main St - 4 bedroom 1 bath federal style 2 story home with open front porch, nice setback, setting provides lots of privacy. Hardwoods, newer roof and Clinton Schools. MLS# 1601965
1006 Wood St - Charming cape w. 3 beds, 1 bath. Addition makes this home larger than it looks. Fomal dining room/family room. Beautiful deck w/ sunsetter awning. Updated furnace and central air. MLS#1602914
8664 Willow Dr - 5 bedroom ranch in immaculate condition. New roof, furnace, central air, new septic, driveway and insulation. Cherry kitchen, hardwoods, freshly painted. MLS# 1601897
8295 Link Rd -Wonderful ranch just outside the city. 3 bedroom home w/ 1 1/2 baths. Country setting, huge front porch. Built in 2003. Beautiful kitchen, family room and living room. 2 acres. Oversized 2 stall heated garage. MLS# 1602393
6375Willow - Exceptional 3600 sq ft home with 5 bedrooms 3 1/2 bath. Custom built. In-law quarters w/ private entrance, gourmet kitchen w/ everything a chef would need. 20x40 inground pool, deck and oversized 3-stall garage. Beautifully landscaped. MLS# 1602084
112 Second St - This is a great 4 bedroom 2 bath home with open kitchen, large living room, 1st floor laundry, 2-stall garage and extra large lot. New electrical and plumbing. MLS# 1602472
1011 Van Buren Ave - 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath cape. GORGEOUS hardwood floors, sunroom w/ fireplace, central air, fenced yard and 1-car attached garage. Don’t miss this great home! MLS# 1603457
102 Parkway - PRICED TO SELL. Custom built 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath home. Oppers kitchen w/ granite. Formal dining, newer roof and siding. Central air and deck w/ awning. MLS# 1600412
936 W. Thomas St - Well maintained and updated 3 bedroom 1 bath ranch on a corner lot. Newer roof, oak cabinets, large 3-season room, extra-wide driveway and fenced yard. MLS#1603505
6106 Stokes-Lee Center Rd. - Gorgeous home w/ 3 bedrooms 2 baths 1st floor laundry room. Gourmet kitchen w/ great room open to living area. Wood beam ceilings, loft, gas fireplace, mudroom, finished basement, new roof, septic, windows, siding, driveway & bamboo floors. MLS# 1601500
8250 Northgate Dr - Great home w/ 3 bedrooms, 1 full and 2 1/2 baths. Updated kitchen w/ corian counters, hardwood floors, attached 2-stall garage, large lot. John Joy Elementary..This is a great home. MLS#1602733
If you are SELLING a home, why not work with an attentive agent who knows what he is doing?
Henri Abiyaghi
Call Henri (315) 404-2838
Check out my virtual tours at: www.facebook.com/shopcnyhomes Marcy
New Hartford
South Utica
New Hartford
Exceptional quality in this Transitional home in Buckland Estate features 1st fl master bdrm & laundry, rounded corners edges, ceramic flooring, stone in front & back of house, high efficiency furnace & C/A, granite counters, cathedral ceiling & loft overlooking fireplaced LR! Come see for yourself! MLS# 1600171
Associate Broker, ABR
(315) 404-2838
habiyaghi@hotmail.com shopcnyhomes.com
1 Lloyds Lane - Offering 5 bedroom 4.5 bath, new windows throughout, newer furnace, central air, 3 months old hot water heater, 4 months old softener, great in-ground pool, not to mention a spectacular IN-LAW APARTMENT! What are you waiting for? MLS# 1600170
103 French Road - Great Colonial home situated on a double lot featuring beautiful hardwood floors, over sized kitchen, living room, dining room, 1st floor bedroom, third floor finished, 2 stall detached garage with attached car port. A lot of house for the money! MLS# 1603641
2306 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502 315-735-2222
8039 Sand Ridge Road - Welcome to this private setting of this Contemporary 4BR 2.5Bath home nestled on 4 acres. Newer High efficiency furnace with A/C, Cathedral Ceilings with Skylights fireplaced LR, beautiful kitchen with Island and 2 stall garage. MLS# 1600039
7 Harrogate Road - Simply home! Come visit this 4 bedroom 2.5 bath Colonial located near shopping!! Large maple kitchen with hardwood floors, large deck leading to yard, 3 zone heating system with central air condition and finished basement! Need say more?? Come see for yourself! MLS# 1603612
4355 Indian Field Road - Stately Colonial situated on 1.24 acres of amazing view in a sought after location!! Featuring 5 bedrooms, 2 master suites, updated 3.5 bathrooms, living room and family room with fireplaces, 1st floor laundry, eat-in kitchen, in-ground pool and the list goes on. MLS# 1601957
Barbara Owens
Associate Broker
315 725 3836 cell/text • BarbaraOwens.com
This secluded mid century home even has it’s own Observatory!!! Located on a private 66 acre farm with barns, fields, woods and plenty of privacy! Built by a contractor for his own family-the craftsmanship and attention to detail truly shine! Call for details! $399,900 MLS#1602670
This beauty fulfills all wishes! Master suite, kitchen with granite, hardwood up and down, fireplace, central air,, ETC! Your outside wish list is covered too- gorgeous views, a 30 x 36 pole barn with own driveway, pool all on 2 acres complete with fruit trees. $349,900 MLS# 1601898
MOTIVATED SELLER OFFERS $10,0000 CASH INCENTIVE WITH ACCEPTABLE OFFER! Set on 1.27 acres in the village of Clinton! The incredibly handsome house features elegant and well proportioned spaces and the period details you were hoping for! $279,900 MLS# 1601353
Terrific light and flow in this gorgeous Italianate Victorian! This home boasts much original character including high ceilings, tall windows, beautiful woodwork and hardwood flooring. Sunny kitchen, spacious living room with wood burning fireplace. $249,900 MLS# 1601580
Unexpected! This classic village home has been updated to include an open floor plan at the rear- kitchen to family room with gas fireplace! This bright space overlooks a spacious rear yard complete with stamped concrete patio and pergola covered eating area. Offerred at $239,900.
OTHER LISTINGS 3783 Prospect Street, Oneida $16,900 6375 Kimball Road, Oriskany Falls $39,900 8007 Brimfield Street, Clinton $99,900
Super spacious and set on an absolutely gorgeous lot! This charmer of a farmhouse sits just outside of the village of Clinton, offering the perfect blend of town and country. Large garage with unique workshop/home business space and room for 3 cars. $224,900 MLS#1601970
This craftsman style home retains much original charm! French doors, unpainted period details- even working retractable canvas window awnings! Brought into modern times w/ a newer kitchen, baths & functional mudroom. And THAT YARD!! $169,900. MLS # 1602281
Watch the sun set over your own 5 acres! Offering sweeping views, near popular Kirkland Town Park. Fresh and clean interior and nicely updated with 2 full baths, first floor laundry, hardwood floors and a gas fireplace. 2 car garage man cave, huge mudroom. $169,900 MLS# 1600837
Offering SO MUCH for the price range is this sweet house! Vintage charm freshened with new heat and central air, most all new windows, gas fireplace, public water and sewer. $99,900 MLS # 1602606
3800 Fountain Street, Clinton $189.177 Valley & Barker Roads, Oriskany Falls $69,900 140 Utica Street, Clinton $158,000 4240 Bristol Road, Clinton
www.Life and Homes .com
$299,000 New Hartford
$869,000 Madison
$128,000 Old Forge
$369,900 Oneida
$279,900 Piseco
$575,000 New Hartford
$149,900 Utica
$105,000 Greig
$164,900 Rome
$134,900 Eagle Bay
Quality home in beautiful, serene setting. Everything you need – 2 bedroom in-law apt, relaxing breezeway, patio, outbuildings that can accommodate horses. Newer roof & windows. Impeccably maintained! Doug Fiore, 404-4866
This 5 BR, 3.5 BA Colonial is deceivingly spacious & has it all! Formal living & dining rooms, lg family rm with fireplace, 3 car garage, and even a solarium! Tim Sweetland, 601-5059
Rich in history & charm, a 3 BR, 2 BA updated colonial gem w/ original details throughout! Exceptional kitchen, updated baths, heating, plumbing & electrical. Beautiful private yard, barn, & so much more! Mindy Bradley, 796-5619
Deceivingly large 5 BR, 2 BA expanded bungalow. Hardwood floors, master suite on 2nd floor, bonus playroom/bar area in bsmt. too! Central air on lower level, wall unit AC in master. Large deck off fam. Rm/kitchen! Barbara Frank, 725-4411
Magnificent one owner home offered for the 1st time! Custom built 4 BR estate on nearly 3 acres. Gourmet kitchen, 2 story living rm, mahogany office, in-ground pool w/outdoor bar, lg pool house, and more! Barbara Frank, 725-4411
Custom built home offers plenty of space & open floor plan. Spacious rooms, family rm w/ fireplace, formal dining w/ hardwoods, attached 2.5 car heated garage, fin. bsmt, and large workshop! Teresa Homer, 404-1023
N. Utica colonial on HUGE double lot. 2 stall garage, fenced yd, deck w/ awning & updates galore – new roof, furnace, windows, doors, kitchen, appliances, paint, and MORE!! MOVE IN READY!! Jim Lenahan, 723-2270
PRICE REDUCED! 3 BR, 1.5 BA w/ oversized living rm w/ fireplace, vaulted ceilings, refinished hardwoods, newer windows, updated kitchen, new paint, new front porch, landscaping & woodstove, and more! Jim Lenahan, 723-2270
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Gorgeously restored 4 BR, 2.5 BA farmhouse with over 3100 sf gives you plenty of living and storage space! Stunning great rm has 1 of 3 fireplaces. All in Madison School District. A must see! Gloria DeStefanis, 723-8593
Stunning ADK 3 BR, 3 BA lakefront home on 1.5 acres with 120’of Piseco Lake waterfront! 2.5 stall heated garage, radiant heat.Tiered walkout deck, dock, barn and so much more! Christine Hughes, 794-2342
Spacious , immaculate 4 BR, 2 BA year round home w/ detached heated 2 car garage & 25 x 22 waterfront lot. Appliances, some furnishings & generator included! Cathy Dibble, 315-369-8085
$65,000 Old Forge
$159,900 Old Forge
$160,000 Deansboro
$69,900 Deansboro
Immaculate home on beautiful 5 acre setting, near KirklandTown Park! Nicely updated w/ 2 full baths, 1st floor laundry, hardwood floors & gas fireplace. Spacious 2 car garage w/ workshop! Barbara Owens, 725-3836
$225,000 Clinton
TWO HOMES, ONE LOW PRICE! 2 beautiful year round homes on 1 commercially zoned property across from trail 5. Enjoy relaxing in one, while the other provides rental income, or rent both. MUST SEE! Annette Curri 315-369-5161
$279,900 Inlet
4 bedroom 2.5 bath Dutch Colonial on quiet rd with private 1.4 acre lot. Deceptively lg & features 1st floor master suite. Gorgeous back yd w/ in-ground solar heated pool & 2 story tree house!! Tim Sweetland, 601-5059
$385,000 Madison
Executive 4 BR, 2.5 BA Colonial near new New Hartford Schools. Spacious family rm w/ fireplace, kitchen w/ beautiful cabinetry & ceramic tile, formal dining, master w/ bath, central AC, rear deck w/ back yard! James Foley, 315-794-9460
$99,000 Clinton
Storybook cabin w/ ructic & roomy wrap around porch. Light filled loft, water & elec. 36 beautiful, private acres! Located on seasonal road, easy access all summer & great snowmobiling in winter! Mindy Bradley, 796-5619
$1,500,000 Clinton
Absolutely elegant year round First Lake home with beautiful custom woodwork & too many luxury amenities to list! Granite countertops, SS appliances. 3 car garage, pontoon boat. MUST SEE! James Foley, 315-794-9460
3 BR, 1.5 BA home just waiting for someone to come in and restore it to its original beauty! Situated so you can appreciate the rolling hills of Madison. Gloria DeStefanis, 723-8593
Charming 2 BR, 1 BA furnished camp just outside of Old Forge. Propane fireplace, rear deck, window AC in living rm, & both bedrooms, water access, wooded rear lot. Come and see this! MaryAnn Nelson 315-369-8603
$399,900 Indian Lake
This mid century modern house is located on a private 66 acre farm! Built by a contractor – craftmanship & attention to detail shines! 3-4 BR, 2 offices, 2 decks, patio, 2 car garage, barn & so much more! Barbara Owens, 725-3836
Price reduced! Adorable turnkey ADK Chalet. Custom furniture, new propane wood stove. Lg side lot w/ fire pit.Wrap around deck w/ panoramic views. Includes 20 ft of deeded First Lake waterfront! Audrey Strutynski, 315-559-8957
Lovely and bright 2 story with private setting.Very well maintained throughout the years. Big creek runs through property. Really something to see here! Whitney Rosati, 271-7140
Cleared land with great driveway, bordering state Historically rich, spectacular 3 story home.Well land with a stream on the property. maintained! Dream kitch w/ granite & custom Seth Homer, 351-6660 built-ins. Slate & hrdwd flrs, FP, library/ 6th bdrm, exposed beams, inground pool, in-law apt. or rental & MORE!Tara D’Amico, 351-6263
$144,900 Oriskany Falls
$83,500 Whitesboro
$129,900 Camden
$65,000 Munnsville
Thousand Island Park
$275,000 Forestport
Well-Maintained 4 bdrm. home w/lots of updates! Updated kitchen w/brand new floor & a breakfast rm. Living rm w/in-ceiling lighting, Cathedral ceilings, skylight & a Hampton Wood burning fireplace. 2 tier deck, hot tub, fence. Jeanette Denney, 240-3814
Take a step into yesteryear this home has lots of history, nestled on 4+/- acres. 4,000 +/- sq. ft. barn in great condition. Open the doors to a new world.1 fb, 2,800. Barb Parker, 761-2341
This seasonal cottage can handle a crowd with its 5 BRs and 2.5 baths and has a great kitchen for hosting largegroups! Relaxonthewraparoundporchorenjoy some privacy on the back deck. Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484
2.8 acres, country kitchen, an expansive living room, a den/office, 1st floor laundry, 3 bedrms, and 2 full baths, a two stall garage, and an outbuilding. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
Two bedroom Colonial has many improvement including an updated bathroom, some new flooring, vinyl windows and siding. 1st floor laundry Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
$95,900 Sherrill
This cottage sits on a lovely inlet leading out to the lake with your very own boat launch to set out on your canoe or kayak. Jeanette Denney, 240-3814
$235,000 Oneida
4 bdrm, 2.5 bath Colonial and the kitchen has new granite counter tops and a new SS stove, family room leads to a rear deck overlooking the private yard. New flooring throughout with a 6 yr old roof and a large 2 stall attached garage. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
Gorgeous contemporary home w/newly stained cedarsiding.Walkintoyourformallivingroomw/cathedral ceiling, floor to ceiling wood burning fireplace & huge windows w/windowseat. Jeanette Denney, 240-3814
$449,500 Oneida
$299,900 Canastota
$169,900 Camden
$137,000 Osceola
$115,000 Osceola
$74,000 Oneida
Beautiful staircase, stained glass windows, original skylight, plus numerous updates including kitchen with Cherry Cabinets, Corian counter tops, Island, Bar sink, Gas FP and more! Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484
$95,000 Munnsville
Sherrill sweetie with lots of updates at a great price. Hardwood floors in the LR & DR, an updated kitchen, two large bedrooms, a nice yard, and more to see. You’ll breathe a sigh of relief when you see your affordable Sherrill Electric bill. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
$69,000 Sherrill
2 bedroom ranch on 1.64 acres just outside of Oneida. Huge kitchen with sliding glass doors to the deck . The property is zoned commercial. Ashley Howard, 264-4718
$474,900 Westmoreland
Wrap-a-round porches,paved driveway, hardwood floors, three wood burning fireplaces, high ceilings, in ground heated pool. Recent upgrades include new furnace, water tank, granite counter tops, stainless steel sink. SandraWagner, 292-0797
$225,000 Oneida
This year round home is located in the private Snowbird Lake community with access to scenic, motorless Snowbird Lake through the Snowbird Owner’s Lake Assoc. (SOLA). Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
$73,500 Oneida
2-3 bdrm. bungalow has LR with gas fireplace and then into the formal DR. HW floors under LR & DR carpet. Semi finished space on the 2nd fl could serve as a 3rd bedrm . 2 car garage, and inground pool. Sharon Kimball, 264-9230
There are 2 bedrooms on the 2nd floor with beautiful viewofthe55+ acre property.Lessthan 7 miles toNYS Thruway and 11 Miles toVernon Downs, settled nicely between Syracuse and Utica. Shawn Salsman, 371-5166
This spacious ranch offers a beautiful oak eat in kitchen with solid surface counters and a breakfast bar. An open floor plan with a gigantic family room. Ryan Kirch, 264-4198
$87,000 Canastota
The home has a first floor master bedroom , laundry room and open dining room to the living room with pellet stove to keep you cozy. New laminate flooring through out and stainless steel appliances. Ashley Howard, 264-4718
5 bdrms, 3 baths, family room w/a fireplace and convenient to a formal dining room and formal living room, gourmet kitchen offers custom cherry cabinets, stainless steel appliances and center island w/a second sink. Ryan Kirch, 264-4198
5 bedrooms and 3 full baths. The laundry room is located conveniently off the kitchen. A spacious dining room and great room. Shawn Salsman, 371-5166
$74,900 Canastota
Well maintained 2 family home. First floor apartment has 3 BRs, breakfast room, laundry room and fully applianced kitchen with Oak Cabinets. Upstairs apartment has Birch cabinets and small eat-in area, with 2 BRs. Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484
2-3 bedroom home in Canastota School District on a 1/4 acre lot w babbling creek. Enclosed front porch, detached garage and shed. Great back yard for entertaining. Barb Parker, 761-2341
5 bdrms, 3 full baths, gleaming Hickory floors in Formal LR & DR. Pass thru from kitchen has view of Fireplace & TV in LR. Gourmet Kitchen with granite counter tops, pantry cupboard & Breakfast room with slider to 2 tiered deck. 5 acres. Mary Pat Adams, 761-5484
Living room / Dining combo with cathedral ceilings a woodburningfireplaceandawoodstovealargeeatin kitchen with a breakfast bar, island and pantry. Ryan Kirch, 264-4198
New kitchen floor, freshly painted interior and newer front porch. Relax on the patio in the spacious yard or enjoy a bath in the original claw foot tub. Ashley Howard, 264-4718
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Outstanding Agents 7763 Turin Rd. Proabone@cnymail.com Rome, NY 13440 www.uticaromerealtors.com Outstanding Results 7634 GIFFORD RD ROME $79,900
602 PARK DR ROME $35,900
210 W. EMBARGO ST ROME $94,900
803 LYNWOOD DR ROME $234,900
1108 DELRAY DR ROME $84,500
This Cozy Cape Is Larger Than It Looks; 2 Bedrooms; EatIn Kitchen; Formal Dining; Hardwood Floors; Sunroom Or Light & Bright Dining Area; Updated Bath; Deep Private Lot; Garage; Great Potential With A Little Work.
First-Time Buyers Or Investors Take Notice Of This Starter Home; 2 Bedrooms; Eat-In Kitchen; New Furnace; Newer Windows, Roof & Siding; Freshly Painted Interior; Nice Rear Yard; Why Pay Rent When You Can Own?
Pristine Condition Turnkey Dental Office With Rental Income Apartment; Plenty Of Off & On-Street Parking; Updated Mechanically & Cosmetically; Could Accommodate Any Professional Business Or Convert To Apartments.
Pristine Custom 1-Owner Home; 3 Bedrooms; 2 Full, 2 Partial Baths; BeautifulWoodmode KitchenWith Granite Counters, New Stainless Steel Appliances; Formal Dining; Family RoomWith Fireplace; Living Room; Master Suite; Finished BasementWith Summer Kitchen, Bath; Central Air; 2-Stall Attached Garage; Inground Pool; New HugeTrex Deck.
Open Eat-In KitchenToVery Large Living Room; Large Family Room & Bedroom Addition Off Back Of HomeWith Fireplace; 3 Bedrooms; Enlarged Bath; Bonus Room For Computer Space; Newer Gas Furnace; Newer Carpeting; Several Newer Windows; Attached Garage; Fenced Backyard; Great Family Neighborhood.
711 CHERRY ST ROME $54,500
515 N. JAY ST ROME $47,000
6385 ANDEREGG DR ROME $97,000
7732 GIFFORD RD ROME $159,900
Nice Investment Potential; Currently A 2-Family Dwelling; Could Be Converted Back Into A Single Unit; Entry Halls; Living Rooms; Laundry; Attic; Separate Entrances;Very Nice Upstairs Unit, Downstairs Needs SomeTLC; 2-Stall Attached Garage; Deep Lot.
Updated Eat-In Oak Kitchen; Updated Bath With Shower Stall; 3 Bedrooms; 12’x24’Family Room Addition; Updated Furnace With Central Air, Windows, Doors, Flooring; Fenced Yard; 2-Stall Attached & 1-Stall Detached Garage; A Must-See!
Extremely RareTo Find A 2,000 Sq. Ft. Ranch; 4 Bedrooms; 2 1/2 Baths; Cherry KitchenWith Large Center Island; Formal Dining; Huge Family RoomWithVaulted Ceiling, Fireplace; Living Room; Master SuiteWith Full Bath,Walk-In Closet; Main Floor Laundry; Central Air; 2-Stall Attached Garage; BeautifulYard
Step Back InTime InThis Federal-Style Constructed Home; 5 Bedrooms; 2 Baths; New Gorgeous Farmhouse Style Kitchen With Granite Counters, Stainless Steel Appliances; Dining Area; Hardwood Floors; New Main Floor Bath; 3 Fireplaces; Mostly All NewWindows; Potential Rental Or Expansion Space; Attached Garage; Beautiful Lot.
This Spacious Home Is PricedTo Sell; 4 Bedrooms; 2 Baths; Eat-In Kitchen; Formal Dining; Hardwood Floors; Newer FurnaceWith Central Air; Open Front PorchTo Sit Out On; 2-Stall Garage; NearYMCA, Arts Center, Playground;Very Motivated Owner.
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Make Me Move!
Must See
Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch. Oversized 2 car garage, large deck, nice lot with attractive landscaping, new range, dishwasher, more. $52,900 $48,900
Very nice late model, 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch. Garage, central air, all appliances including washer & dryer, storage shed. New carpet and floors, dry wall throughout. $54,900
New Listing • Luxury Ranch
Newer large luxury ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air, all appliances including washer/dryer/dishwasher. Fireplace, large deck, storage shed, ceiling fans, new roof and water heater. Must See! $64,900
Gracious 3 bedroom, 2 bath Ranch, 2 car garage, central air, all late model appliances including washer/dryer, drywall throughout, new water heater, new floors, much more to see. $95,000
R. A. Wilkes Real Estate LLC
23 Mexico Street Camden, N.Y. 13316
www.camdenny.com/wilkes rawilkes@dreamscape.com
$134,900 Camden
$210,000 Camden
$229,900 Camden
$44,000 Camden
$195,000 Camden
$84,900 Camden
2741 Moran Post Rd-Charming country colonial, unique original woodwork, high ceilings w/ large sunny windows. 4 bedrooms & 2 baths, attached 2 car garage, garden, paved driveway & above ground pool on nearly an acre! Adv.#S37 & MLS#S360103
Panther Lake
18Wall Street- Cute as can be totally remodeled 1 bedroom year round cottage with lake rights! Unique cobble stone full basement, central heat, open sunny deck & ready to enjoy all summer with deeded lake right for easy access! Adv.# R04
10 Emmons Circle-Two story colonial home in a great neighborhood, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths & 2 half baths, kitchen with custom cabinets, finished basement with family room & in-ground pool with private fenced yard. Adv.#R26
99 Mexico Street-Quality built custom ranch has 2 bedrooms & 2 1/2 baths, vaulted ceilings, full insulated poured concrete walk out basement with family room, large open deck & 2 car attached garage on 1.4 acres! Adv#S35 & MLS#S359720
97 Mexico Street-Stunning“Sears Catalog Home”on 3.1 acres! Offers ornate woodwork, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, in-ground pool with stamped concrete, barn/garage with finished Cabana room & loads of storage! Adv#S36 & MLS#S359949
24 East Elm Street-Colonial w/ modern paint colors throughout offers 3 bedrooms, full bath, den/office, family room/4th bedroom, eat in country kitchen w/ appliances & main level laundry. Fenced yard & 1 car att. garage, breezeway. Adv.#S14
Our Real Estate Staff :
Bambi Norman, Broker/Owner Bill Norman, Sales Agent Yvonne Carle, Sales Agent Lorie Lescenski, Sales Agent Lisa Brown, Sales Agent
$59,900 Camden
37 Harden Blvd-Affordable 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with all appliances! You will appreciate the newer furnace, vinyl replacement windows & vinyl siding. Good size village lot with storage shed too! Adv.#S15
$109,900 Taberg
3 Second Street-This Italianate Home offers 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, step saver kitchen, formal dining room, living room, family room, den & main level laundry. Home occupation area offers 2 additional rooms with a separate entrance. Adv.#S12
$99,900 Camden
$164,900 Westdale
73 Second Street-Mid size 3 bedroom, 2 bath colonial home with attached 1 car garage. New furnace, vinyl siding, new thermo pane windows & shingle roof! Nice neighborhood very near the schools! Adv.#S25
4766 Streun Road-Mini Farm with great outbuildings! Two bedroom, 1 1/2 bath ranch, horse barn, pole barn with large heated/insulated shop & 2 car garage with outdoor wood boiler. Adv#S30 & MLS#S358671
1630 St. Rte #69-Commercial Buildings that were formerly“Kelley’s Dutch Hill Sports”Motorcycle/ Snowmobile Shop on 2.6 acres! Offers 2 large buildings heated w/ an outdoor wood boiler, + a cold storage warehouse. Single family home. Adv.#S07
11078Westdale Road-Charming country double wide mobile home on 4.1 acres with 2 car garage! There’s 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large kitchen with island, dining room with pellet stove, living room with fireplace. Adv#S31 & MLS#S359423
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(315) 732-6181
Mary Sexton Dale Combs Handley Parr
Sarah Roy
Jim Benson
Reneé Riffle
(315) 853-3535
Sexton Real Estate Sandra Reilly
Susan Callahan
Suzie Fraser
Rita Hummel
Ciro Raspante
Sue Connors
Sandra Hoyland
Joseph Thalia Shirley McHarris Cotrich-Brewer Eadline
Carla Mascaro
Jacob Bailey
17 Chestnut St., Clinton
$575,000 10603 John St, Barneveld
This Dutch Colonial blends historic grandeur with 21st century amenities. Elegant, spacious rooms, hardwood flrs & beautiful master suite. Step out your front door into the quaint Village of Clinton or walk out your back door to the grounds of a country estate.
$575,000 8215 Kellog St, Clinton
Stunning 78 acre estate is bordered on all sides by the 9 Mile Creek. Custom built home with impeccable workmanship of the highest standards. Beautiful kitchen opens up to a sunlit & spacious family room, elegant LR with FP, DR and luxurious master w/ FP.
$519,000 48 Williams St, Clinton
An exceptional opportunity! Custom built home on 35 acres minutes away from the village of Clinton. Large kitchen and open floor plan built for those who love to cook and entertain.
$474,500 3280 Craig Rd., Clinton
Grand & historic with timeless grace & old world charm in the heart of the village! Original woodwork & irreplaceable qualities throughout. You will appreciate the exceptional craftsmanship of a bygone era. The history, location & architecture are unparalleled.
If construction, space, character & setting are important to you-This country landmark has been totally redone & transformed into a one of a kind estate property. Granite kit, mstrs on 1st & 2nd fl finished bsmt. For rent! $2,500/mo. Call Mary Combs for more info 315-794-8004
225 Arrowhead Way, Clinton $399,000 10067 Davis Rd, Deerfield
$365,500 15 Slaytonbush Ln, New Hartford $359,000 9516 Pinnacle Rd, Sauquoit
$299,900 21 Elm St, Clinton
109 Camp Rd, Clayville
$259,000 2515 Timian Rd, Sauquoit
$249,900 3202 Gorton Lake Rd, Brookfield $230,000 6794 Roberts Rd, Clinton
$189,900 9123 Plank Rd., Remsen
216 Higby Rd, New Hartford
$179,900 8825 Karlen Rd., Lee
$169,900 3853 Fountain St, Clinton
$164,900 4324 Saunders Ave, Clinton
Stately transitional colonial on 3.2 Private acres w/extraordinary Sprawling 4 BDRM Ranch with 3.5 BA on 5.72 serene acres! 2,558 sq ft views in popular arrowhead subdivision. Expansive & bright new PLUS a finished walk-out basement and beautiful patio make this the interior. Granite kitchen, sunroom, tray ceiling, mstr suite, in-law apt perfect home for entertaining or separate office, 4 car garage. Setting & price make this hard to beat.
Welcome to the wonderful community of Cedar Lake Golf Club, a hidden gem in Upstate NY, just 20 minutes from Utica! Step outside your 2 level deck overlooking the 5th green and beautiful Cedar Lake
Immaculate and updated 4bdrm 2ba New Hartford home. Newer furnace, windows, baths, kitchen and appliances. Beautiful hardwoods. Neat as a pin and ready to call yours.
Its a WOW house! 4 bedroom 2 bath Colonial. Wide open spaces, beautiful hardwoods, 2 family rooms, spa room, first floor laundry, 3 stall attached and wood heated garage/workshop, so many updates, situated on almost 3 acres with frontage on two roads.
Spectacular colonial w/views of Delta Lake! Family rm w/frpl, living, formal dining rm, gleaming hrdwds, 1st fl laundry, spacious screened sunroom overlooking a great deck w/jacuzzi & beautifully maintained fenced yard. A flexible fl plan allows special use room to be a 4th bdrm.
Timeless grace & elegance in this magnificent estate property located at end of dead end street.The detail & craftsmanship are extraordinary & irreplaceable. Incredible space w/sunlit sunroom, mstr suite w/balcony. Finished 3rd fl & lower level walkout. Once in a lifetime offering.
Escape to a paradise on peaceful Gorton Lake, just 15 minutes from Utica. Enjoy hunting, fishing, hiking & winter sports. This one owner custom built lake front home features a large woodmode kitchen and plenty of open space.
Over 4,000 sq ft and unbelievably beautiful! Have you ever dreamed of a B&B? A perfect opportunity gracefully set on 2.66 acres with fabulous carriage barn plus a 6 car garage! One of Sauquoit’s most admired homes.
There are a few homes in Clinton that have a view like this! Many updates throughout. 15 acres included & more available! Sold as is.
$169,000 905 N George St, Rome
1900 sq ft one level living with 3 bedrms...1 bath...formal dining...huge kitchen and living room w/ fireplace...office and laundry.This one is a looker! Immaculate and curb appeal plus. Situated on 2.5 acres and a 2 stall detached garage w/workshop/sunporch.
On one of the most desired Rome Streets is this stunning 4 bed 2.5 bathVictorian. 2600 sq ft Amazing woodwork...leaded and stained glass windows.
This classic village landmark, updated throughout, has it all! The warmth & character embrace you the minute you walk in the door. Wonderful porc hes, 2 car garage, plus separate barn, all on an incredible park-like lot in the heart of the village!
Beautiful 5 bedroom home completely redone w/ new carpeting tongue & groove flooring. Enjoy sitting on an open deck w/ a view of beautiful gardens, above ground pool w/ a deck & gazebo. Outbuilding upstairs completely finished for small extra room or kids entertainment.
Beautifully re-done top to bottom, 4BD 2.5 BA, Large deck and open concept great for entertaining. Everything has been done for you inside and out! Truly a move in ready home!
LAND Miller Mills Rd., Columbia
135 Arrowhead Way, Clinton
Clinton Rd., New Hartford
3731 Fountain St, Clinton
$154,900 6 Prospect St, Clinton
$149,900 15 Sunnybrook Lane, N Utica $138,900 114 Second Ave, Frankfort
A beautiful country setting just outside the village. Fantastic Adirondack Perfect location for this adorable 3 BD Ranch.Walk to the village, grocery great room with floor to ceiling Fieldstone fireplace and hand hewn & drug store. Quiet street with spacious backyard. Ideal retirement or reclaimed barn beams. Step outside on a beautiful 2 level deck overlook- starter home, a rare find! ing a sprawling acre lot. 3 season front porch, hardwood floors.
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
This beautiful 3 bedroom ranch, with inground pool and central air, sits at the end of a cul-de-sac in a great North Utica neighborhood and is just minutes from shopping. The many updates include fence, pool liner, renovated full bath w/ Jacuzzi tub.
Just move right into this updated spacious village home with a deep back yard. Enjoy the wrap around porch overlooking the quiet neighborhood. Plenty of room in the two stall garage with convenient inside and outside access to the basement.
58 Cascade Dr., New Hartford
Seymour Lane, Westmoreland
Kellogg St., Clinton
9 College Street Clinton, NY
Serving Oneida, Madison & Herkimer County Areas
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Pondra Bowen-Kitchen
Betty Abel-Jellencich Licensed Salesperson
Bill Welch
Cal Lyon
Associate Broker
Associate Broker
Ernie Sportello
Licensed Salesperson
John Barkett
Mike Rahn
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson
Elisha Abbe
Licensed Salesperson
Multi-Family Ilion
46 Benedict Ave Lovely and grand Victorian village home. Sought after neighborhood, nice and quiet private backyard, 2 stall garage. Currently a 1 family but could be very easily converted to a 2 family. It does have separate electric service currently. It also has two kitchens. MLS# 1601242
1553 Brinckerhoff Ave JUST REDUCED! Both units are currently rented. Leases are month to month. MLS# 1504103
1636 Dudley Ave JUST REDUCED! Units have full hardwood floors. Both units are currently rented. Leases are month to month. Furnace is 4 years old. MLS# 1504101
3518 Post St Fully occupied with long term renters. Each unit offers 2BR, applianced Kitchen, LR and bath. Full basement with 2yr. old Furnace, Insulated windows, washer/dryer hook-ups in each unit. Shows very well! MLS# 1602190
2602 Sunset Ave Attractive 2 family in great South Utica neighborhood. Each unit has 2 bedrooms and recently remodeled. MLS# 1600206
Residential Waterville
7407 Loomis Rd - Just move in! Bring your horse & toys and enjoy this well kept 3BR 2BA manufactured Ranch on 4.70 acres of open land. Great location near Gorton Lake & State lands. 3 great outbuildings for you treasures, huge rear deck with pleasant views, Waterville Schools. MLS# 1601033
1677 Main St - Many updates; newer baths, recently painted, Furnace 9 years old, 2 yr old roof. Deep backyard & nice in-ground pool; 24x26 Pole Barn. MLS# 1603517
Clark Mills
63 North St Circa 1830 village home close to Morrisville College! Enjoy the peaceful country setting & beautiful perennial gardens. This home has been completely renovated; offering 5BR 2BA. All public utilities. Relax on the rear deck & enjoy the babbling brook & wildlife. MLS# 1602997
7539 Old Bristol Rd Move in ready! Enjoy this cozy 2BR 1BA ranch on a great sized lot with storage shed. Freshly painted interior, hardwood floors, applianced kitchen, GFHA heat, insulated windows; Bdry basement; laundry hookups in garage & basement. MLS# 1602365
126 Pershing Ave 4 season Adirondack cottage, 1.01 acres; large pole barn; 12x12 shed. 3BR 1BA, Kitchen, LR, DR and large deck. Close to Hinckley Lake & snowmobile trails. Make this your vacation retreat or year round home. MLS# 1601287
6 Prospect St - Nice 4 bed home with dining room, mud room, 1st floor bedroom and half bath & laundry. Great yard, dead end street, Clinton schools. Quiet dead end street. New furnace. Fun upgrades could make this a 2 bath home or a home office instead of 4 bed or even a suite/in-law or family/bonus room. Just think of all the possibilities! MLS# 1602740
12295 State Route 365 -This 3BR 2BA home has all the charm of a rustic home, located near the Adirondack Park. Private setting to enjoy the den w/ fireplace, wood walls & high ceiling. Den leads upstairs to open loft area w/ 3BR & bath. Close to Hinckley Lake, enjoy nearby snowmobile trails. 20 minutes to Utica, 30 minutes to Old Forge. Home needs some TLC. MLS# 1602036
448 Coventry Ave NEW LISTING!! Land with your city home! 50x395 deep lot. Great starter home with detached garage. 2-3 Bedrooms, 1 full Bath. Own this diamond in the rough for less than most rents per month. Owner finance available to qualified buyers. MLS# 1601125
5627 Fairlane Rd If you need more living space or an in-law apartment, this is it. 5BR 2BA; nice size back yard for your free time. Two additions provide all you need. Short travel to Oneida or Rome. MLS# 1600951
New Hartford
29 Front St Charming Village home on quiet street, close to amenities. Great floor plan; 3BR, 1BA, Formal Dining Room. Great country Kitchen with Corian counters & bright windows. Beautiful front porch & rear deck. VVS Schools. MLS# 1603189
WHITETAIL MEADOWS HAMLET OF CHADWICKS 46 Benedict Ave- Grand Victorian village home on dead end street. Enjoy the grandeur as a single family or a 2 family, 2 stairways, separate electric and 2 laundry hookups. A huge basement, full attic and 2 stall garage provide plentiful storage. Municipal electric, close to main highways for commuting and has reasonable taxes. MLS# 1601156
1541 Conkling Ave - Tastefully remodeled home on corner lot, reflects pride of ownership; spacious yard. 4 bedrooms-expansion possible by seller contractor on second floor, electric heat upstairs very seldom used.Great floor plan with first floor bed and bath and laundry.Front & side porches to choose from; open floor plan between LR & DR. MLS# 1601155
13 Chestnut Hills - Ready for simple living ? Chestnut Hills Condo offering 2 bedrooms , 1.5 baths great location and New Hartford schools. Monthly maintenance fee is $183.57 includes : water ,trash ,lawn care , snowplowing, and exterior maintenance. Updates include heating sys. vacuumed ,new windows & patio door. Carefree living just decorate to your liking. MLS# 1603389
Building Lots available from $30,000-$52,000 in highly desired established subdivision with all utilities; Sauquoit Schools and Chadwicks mailing address. There is a special exemption; Builder does not have to pay for the Lot until the Spec House is sold. Deed restrictions & surveys are available.
www.Life and Homes .com
LifeandHomes.com Open Market Listing Service™
For more information on any of these houses, visit www.LifeandHomes.com and type in the QSN#
9948 Hawkinsville Rd
$27,900 Lot #3 Bellingertown Road S
10 Bedrooms / 4.0 Baths
5+ Acre Lot
QSN #445818
QSN #445822
Century 21 Gentry Realty Elizabeth Miller
Century 21 Gentry Realty Elizabeth Miller
408 New Boston Rd
169 Little Beaver Lake Rd
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
QSN #435262
QSN #445820
Dominion Homes Amy Abdoo
Century 21 Gentry Realty Elizabeth Miller
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
2015 Oneida St
10534 Woodgate Rd
6 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #435263
QSN #445819
Neu Dot Realty Dorothy Neumann
Century 21 Gentry Realty Elizabeth Miller
Lic. R.E. Broker
7547 Old Bristol Rd
3089 Bower Road S
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
2 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
QSN #443471
QSN #445817
Dominion Homes Amy Abdoo
Century 21 Gentry Realty Rieanna Lee
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
349 County Hwy 120 4 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
3793 Southside Rd 2 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
QSN #445986 United Country Real Estate/HBE Group, Inc.
QSN #439096
Sharon Baisley
Dominion Homes Amy Abdoo
Lic. R.E. Broker
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Bill Lake Homes A different kind of home built with pride & integrity by professionals. 3 Bill Lake Homes Lot Models available for viewing 1 Ranch, 1 Colonial & 1 Cape Call 315-841-8700 for details! 2-2015 Doublewides. Deals to be made. No unreasonable offer refused. Also featuring Redman Homes single & double wides. Owner’s Special $2500 off lot models!
KD Homes
Rt 12 Waterville, NY 13480 Mon - Sat 9am-5pm 841-8700 email kdhomes@frontiernet.net web kdhomesny.com
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Home Pro Home Inspections LLC
Re-Utilize CNY
Estate Liquidations & Clean Out Service
2209 St. Rte. 5 Utica NY 13502
Jonathon D. Smoulcey jon@reutilizecny.com 315.292.2076 315.797.3788
Store Hours: Tues - Fri 11-6 Sat & Sun 11-4 Travel radius 250 miles
Open Market Listing Service™ Greig
LifeandHomes.com For more information on any of these houses, visit www.LifeandHomes.com and type in the QSN#
8292 Steam Mill Road
5086 Bear Path Road
1 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
Turnkey Cafe
QSN #395817
QSN #445204
Century 21 Gentry Realty Marcia Brooks
Noyes Real Estate Judy Noyes
Lic RE Salesperson
New Hartford
2978 West Hill Road
54 Clintonview Blvd.
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #440461
QSN #432162
Noyes Real Estate Jennifer Dapson Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
RealtyUSA CNY Inc Linda Kuzniar lkuzniar@realtyusa.com
New Hartford
608 Bellinger Ave
14 Sylvan Glen Rd
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
QSN #439299
QSN #385462
Dominion Homes Amy Abdoo
Royal Rose Realty, Llc Rosemary Roy
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Broker
$315,000 8879 Trenton Falls Prospect Rd
4217 Mud Lake Rd 3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #445821
QSN #435252
Century 21 Gentry Realty Marcia Brooks
Century 21 A Yankee Trader Art VanVechten
Lic RE Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Broker
7275 Kiner Drive
524 W Dominick St
2 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
QSN #445816
QSN #442555
Century 21 Gentry Realty Rieanna Lee Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
Where friends send friends. 2010 Oriskany street W, Utica, NY 13502 (315) 733-0421 • www.enjems.com V I N Y L , L A M I N AT E & A R E A R U G S
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LifeandHomes.com Open Market Listing Service™
For more information on any of these houses, visit www.LifeandHomes.com and type in the QSN#
1806 N George St 4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
$149,900 624 Stewart Landing Road 2 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
QSN #388965
QSN #445987 United Country Real Estate/HBE Group, Inc.
National M&D Dailey Realty Maria Dailey
Sharon Baisley Lic. R.E. Broker
Lic. R.E. Broker
304 Sam
Sylvan Beach
503 16th Ave
2 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
QSN #440862
QSN #272555
National M&D Dailey Realty Maria Dailey
Steven Peter Properties Steve Ruscitto
Lic. R.E. Broker
Real Estate Services
405 Lynwood Street
1 Ellmore Drive
4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
QSN #390730
QSN #445845
National M&D Dailey Realty Maria Dailey Lic. R.E. Broker
RealtyUSA CNY Inc Linda Kuzniar Lic. R.E. Salesperson
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THIS WEEKEND‘S OPEN HOUSES LifeandHomes.com/NY - Open House Info updated every Friday @ 4:30 22
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
BENN (315) 831-5061
5584 Lake Shore Drive Kayuta Lake, Remsen, NY
REALTY BennRealty.com
H. Edward Benn
Natalie Roth
Licensed R.E. Salesperson
Beth Roberts
Licensed Associate Broker
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STUCKIE ROAD 20 ACRE FARMETTE $145,000 Unique property boasts a meticulous, comfortable, 3 BR, 1 1/2 bath, homeW/ attached garage. Horse barn, fenced pasture with nice pond, 24 X 30 pole barn, and a 480 sq. ft. cottage/bunk house for guests.
4019 OSCEOLA ROAD WEST LEYDEN $99,000 Located on Point Rock Creek, private, year round propertyW/ single family home, a new 24 X 32 pole barn with a bar/party room upstairs, plus a slabW/power, water & sewer for a Summer campsite or large RV.
820 CALVERT ST ROME $70,000 Newly remodeled 3 Bdrm, 1 Bath home. Hardwood and tile floors throughout, cedar closet in the foyer, Formal dining room, new gas furnace, city water and sewer.
12053WOODHULL RD, FORESTPORT $170,000 This 5.85 acre property has over 2000 ft. of waterfront on the Forestport pond, with level access into the water w/ a beautiful grassy shoreline The cozy year round home can be used in all 4 seasons, and is close to both BREIA and snowmobile trails.
300’FRONTAGE - SNOWBIRD LAKE $275,000 A RARE OPPORTUNITY Call for an appointment to tour this most unique property w/ a 2 story period barn & newly renovated 3 BR owners quarters on a 5 acre site w/ 300+ Lakefront, water falls & stream.
CORNER OF KINCAID RD & MEEKERVILLE RD $110,000 Come and relax on the front or back porch of this perfect home away from home! Newer log cabin w/ loft BR tucked into a 7+ acre wooded setting., Direct vent propane heater & wood stove. 225 watt, 12 volt solar system, Electric power at street.
LONE PINE LAKE RD FORESTPORT $69,900 Renovated A frame on wooded 7 acre lot. Sleeps 8. Beautiful vistas across the Lake. Quick access to C-7 snowmobile trails.
Lake Access/Boat Launch to Private White Lake -just one of the perks! Large 3 BR ranch, O/S 2 car attached garage. Great room, huge covered deck, 3 lots, large shed, on the snowmobile trail. Town of Webb School District. A Must see!
MOOSE RIVER FALLS CHALET $289,000 Elegant, Adirondack chalet nestled into a private 3 acre riverfront setting, overlooking the picturesque Lower Moose River Falls. Expansive waterfront. Immaculate, move in condition.6 zone in-floor radiant heat including garage.
WHEELERTOWN ROAD PARADISE $171,000 Enjoy one level country living in this 3 BR, 2 bath, 3 Yr old, custom built home on 8 acres, bordering NY State Lands, walking trails throughout Bright and airy with quartz kitchen counters, and open floor plan, radiant heat.
KINCAID ROAD, SNOWBIRD LAKE $174,900 Ideal setup for the active RVing family with a cozy, 1 BR home, attached to a large barn with storage and hook ups for your RV, on a private 5 acre,wooded riverfront lot. Pavilion for 2nd RV included
DEER LODGE WHEELERTOWN RD $175,000 2 BR, 1 Bath lodge on 8 acres w/ frontage on Little Black Creek and a stone and wood gazebo for entertaining, outbuildings for storage and trails throughout it’s fully wooded surroundings. Kayak, fish or canoe.
Custom 3 BR ,2 Bath chalet W/ 650 sq ft great room, beautiful kitchen, massive FP wall, private master suite, walkout basement w/ in floor heat. on a 5+ acre lot. Snowmobile right from your home.
BEAVER TRAIL KAYUTA LAKE $269,500 This unique upgraded 3 bedroom cottage is located Custom built, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1188 sq. ft. log on a 2.4 acre, wooded lot within the gated portion home, nestled into a private lot w/ 200’waterfront. SOLA & enjoys a deeded 10’ROW to water. Easy Full width porch. Dock. Outbuildings. access to groomed snowmobile trails
Lots & Land SNOWBIRD LAKE Lot # 166 Little Beaver Lake Rd.W….5.01 Acres
Lot # 200 Little Beaver Lake Rd. E 5.65 Acres
MEEKERVILLE RD FORESTPORT $175,000 Wooded, 2 acre, Riverfront retreat, with over 400’frontage along the sparkling rapids of the Little Woodhull as it flows into the Big Woodhull. 2 bedroom 2 bath home with a 12’ sunroom overlooking the rapids.
SCAMOTT RD., FORESTPORT $149,900 Beautifully finished, bright and airy, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home for sale in a quiet wooded neighborhood. Drive thru barn for toys and storage. Trail C-7
9732 DEER PATH CIRCLE,MARCY $399,000 Spectacular 4 BR, 3 1/2 bath, executive home on a 2.4 acre, cul-de-sac lot in the coveted, private, Hidden Meadow subdivision. Finished w/o basement. Deck w/ screened gazebo. 3 stall garage.
MAC ARTHUR RD HINCKLEY LAKE $280,000 Over 400 feet of frontage on beautiful Hinckley Lake. Spectacular views. This custom home offers an open floor plan, a detached barn for toys and storage, Large kitchen and a living room w/ a fireplace for those cozy Winter nights!
Lot #2 Crab Apple Drive………5.11 Acres
Lot #9 Crab Apple Drive………6.0 Acres
WOODGATE 10601Woodgate Drive, 5.7 acres w/ stream
www.Life and Homes .com
RealtyUSA Section
For All Your Real Estate Needs
Recognized. Respected. Recommended.
Caroline E. Marino
141 Genesee St., New Hartford, NY
Licensed Associate R.E. Broker • Top Producer C:315-404-7380 • Care218@yahoo.com
303 Stafford Circle N, Clinton
Move right in this 1896 Square Foot, well maintained 3 bedroom Raised Ranch. This lovely home offers a NEW kitchen and appliances, updated bath, windows and flooring. Spacious Family Room, Office with Fireplace and French Doors. MLS# 1603486
9120 Main Street, Stittville
Certified Military Specialist
Turn of Century Victorian offers Grand Staircase, double LRs & DR, both w/gorgeous pocket doors, generous rm sizes & high ceilings. Newer kitchen & windows. Wrap around porch offers custom awnings & shades & elec outlets. MLS# 1504592
Representing both Buyers & Sellers. With every listing and sale, I am making a contribution to the
Children’s 44 Kellogg Street, Kirkland
Looking for charm,updates & a private park? This lovely colonial has it all & more! Beautifully updated, cherry kitchen w/oversized island. Gleaming HDWDS in light filled DR & LRs. Fam rm leads to sunroom & park-like private yard. 1st fl. laundry. MLS# 1603487
611 Ravine Drive, Deerfield
Miracle Network
This well maintained 2 bedroom, 2 bath home has a spacious updated kitchen & all appliances. 1st bath is updated, 2nd bath is new by a designer, full walk in w/ a hand held, & rain shower, plenty of storage & counter space. MLS# 1603651
Would one of These Homes be Perfect for You or Someone You Know?
AMAZING Village Home...!! Nothing Left to do! Beautiful Interior, 3 Bedrooms and 2 Full Bath. METICULOUSLY RENOVATED from the grounds up. Gorgeous New Kitchen with Granite Counters & Stainless Steel Appliances. Natural Maple Hardwood Floors Downstairs. High End Laminate Floors Upstairs. And for your convenience, Owner added Laundry w/Brand New Washer & Dryer on 1st. Floor. Other Renovations Include New Mechanicals, Windows, Gutters, Bathrooms, Walls just to name a few. Start Packing and MOVE Right IN! New Listing!
Charming Bungalow..!! With Everything on One Level. Very Spacious Living Room w/ Fireplace. Formal Dining Room. Very Cute Enclosed Front Porch to Enjoy. Updated Kitchen & Bath. Newer Windows. Laundry on the First Floor. Den/Mud Room with Sliding Doors to a Nice Deck and Very Deep Backyard. 1-Car Detached Garage. Hardwoods. Additional 950SF of SemiFinished Lower level. Great Value! MLS# 1603388 New Listing!
141 Genesee St., New Hartford, NY 13413
AzzaGiorgi@gmail.com Web: AzzaGiorgi.RealtyUSA.com 24
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Azza Giorgi Top Producer
(315) 534-2709 (C)
Trusted Knowledge, Proven Performance
$594,900 Lee Center
$390,000 Deerfield
$324,900 Whitesboro
$344,900 New Hartford
$199,500 Sylvan Beach
$264,900 Southeast Utica
$249,000 Sauquoit
$229,900 Utica
$174,500 Marcy
$169,900 Oriskany
South Utica
$157,500 Poland
$144,900 New Hartford
$142,000 New York Mills
$139,900 Clinton
$137,900 Utica
$114,900 New York Mills
$105,000 Whitesboro
Exceptional 4 BD, 2.5 BA Colonial on 17 acres. 4300 s/f offering DR, office, sunroom, master suite, 2 car attached gar. MLS# 1600438
Beautiful 4 BD, 2.5 BA Cape, FR, DR, cherry kitchen w/granite & stainless appl. 2 car garage. Tiered deck. MLS# 1601318
Gorgeous Ranch model home 3 bedroom, 2 bath, hardwoods, gourmet kitchen, 2044 s/f High End Design! MLS# 1601994
Fabulous upscale duplex on 2.5 acres. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths each side. 4-car garage. Quality throughout! MLS# 1602729
Pristine, one owner 4/5 BD Ranch or 3 BDs Stunning contemporary with 4 BDs, 2.5 w/in-law apt. 2.5 BAs, FR, DR, 2 car gar. BAs. 2 car attached gar., FR, DR, manCentral air. cave, large yard. MLS# 1601830 MLS# 1504730
Classic 4 BD, 2 BA colonial. DR, FR addi- Large, updated country home. 4 BDs, 2 New listing! Don’t miss this 3 BR Ranch tion. Many updates, 1st flr laundry, kit w/ BA, DR, large yard, deck. Barn. w/hardwood floors. Dining room, atstainless appliances. Garage. MMLS# 1601260 tached garage, large yard. MLS# 1603359 MLS# 1603306
Updated 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath Colonial. Kitchen, hardwood floors, Appliances, 2-car garage & much more! MLS# 1602677
Fantastic 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath Colonial, Meticulously Renovated!! 3 BR 2 BA, hardin-law suite, inground pool, updated woods. All new inside! Fantastic village kitchen. 3300 s/f. location! MLS# 1603580 MLS# 1602038
Charming 3 bedroom stone-front Cape. FR, DR, attached garage. Newer roof & windows, deck, great yard. MLS# 1603235
Spacious Ranch w/expansion attic. Hardwood floors, dining room, updated bath, private yard, 2-car garage. MLS# 1602359
Dock your boat at this lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch. FR, 2 car attached gar plus 1 car detached. Walk to restaurants, etc. MLS# 1600349
Meticulous 4 BD, 2 BA Ranch, dining rm, Impeccable 4/5 BR, 3 BA home. Updated finished basement, country lot oversized roof, furnace, windows. 1 owner,Trek 2 car garage, 2 tiered deck. Deck. MLS# 1603483 MLS# 1603070
Raised Ranch 3 BR, family rm, office, fireplace. New kitchen, windows, deck, large yard, 2 stall garage MLS# 1603486
Carefree living in this turn-key updated 2 /BR, 2 BA condo. Low HOA fees, large garage, storage. MLS# 1603305
Charming 3-bedroom village home. 1 Charming Bungalow! 2 BD, 1.5 BA, LR w/ bath. Updated kitchen. Nice yard. Vinyl FP. Updated kitchen. Deep yard. Great siding. 2-car garage. value! MLS# 1603388 MLS# 1601891
Congratulations Utica South
$94,900 Ohio
Meticulous 3 bedroom, 2 story home. Family room, dining room. Priced to sell. Updates. Don’t wait! MLS# 1602007
$74,900 Ilion
Nicely remodeled 3 BD camp on 5.3 acres. Great room concept, enclosed porch, barn/garage. 2 miles from Hinckley Reservoir. Enjoy the outdoors. MLS# 1603307
Great opportunity. 2 family or 1 family. Low mortgage, utilities and taxes. Good investment. MLS# 1603353
to our Top Producer for the month of July!
Azza Giorgi!
www.Life and Homes .com
RealtyUSA Section
Selling Your Home?
Mark S. Canter
Top Producer
Call Mark to get your SOLD sign today!
Gorgeous private duplex on 2.6 acres in Whitesboro schools. MLS# 1602729
6 Caitlin Ave - Gorgeous new home on nice lot in great area.
218 Clinton Street - Fabulous condition and size 3-4 bedroom home on acre lot. Open concept with large living room.
East Utica
2211 Pinnacle Road - Fabulous 4 bedroom 2 bath Split Level in impeccable condition. Stamped concrete patio, deck.
LAND Marcy - Toby Road -
Building lot with utilities. $10,000
Schuyler - Cogar Drive 5 acres. $32,500
6722 Reservoir Road - Great 3 bedroom log home with amazing new 28 x 26 attached garage.
6214 Airport Road - LIVE ON VACATION! Log home on VERY PRIVATE 1.5 acres of woodland. 6 car pole barn.
Call Mark 315-794-3452 26
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
North Utica 444 Van Roen Rd - Nice 3 bedroom ranch w/ full basement and garage. Hardwoods floors just refinished! MLS# 1602620
Sauquoit - Mallory Road Two 5 acre parcels. $36,500
Frankfort - Clemons/Brice Road 40 acre. $59,900
Call Mark to Get Your SOLD Sign Today!
141 Genesee St., New Hartford, NY 13413 • www.realtyusa.com
adeline Vandyke,
Lic. R.E. Salesperson, ABR, SRES
New Hartford
Lease $1,450
13 Merritt Place - Lease this 1596 square foot Cape Code in New Hartford. MLS# 1603560
938 Arthur Street - Spacious Ranch home with 2 large bedrooms, hardwood floors, updated bath, covered patio, shed and attached garage!Why are you still renting? MLS# 1603421
720 Eleanor Place - 1700+ square feet this 4 bedroom 1.5 bath East Utica home = room for everyone. Open floor plan, eat-in kitchen, dining room, porch, above ground pool, deck, 2 car garage, the list goes on. MLS# 1602886
past decade this home is sure to please!With 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, flexible spaces & 60’on the Black River this property has a lot to offer. MLS# 1601567
15 Elm Street - INCREDIBLE!The word sums this 3 bedroom 1 bath home up perfectly! Every inch had been updated by a meticulous craftsman.The attention to detail is superb, materials are top quality. MLS# 1603532
140 FairwayView Drive - Gorgeous 1.3 acre cleared lot ready for the home of your dreams.Walk out your back door onto the Cedar Lake Golf Course 15th fairway. MLS# 1603073
1849 County Rt 17 -Well maintained 2 bedroom Signal wide Mobile Home on almost an acre of land with detached garage. MLS# 1600379
Lyons Falls $135,000 3810 Franklin Street - Completely remodeled over the
211- Ottilia St - Beautifully maintained South Utica home ready for you to make your own. Just over 1500 square feet, 4 bedroom, 1 bath w/ hardwood floors, large rooms,. The original charm is sure to please. MLS#1603052
315.404.6431• addie13424@yahoo.com 2306 Genesee St, Utica NY
1120 E. Dominick Street - Zoned General Industrial this property offers a wide range of possibilities. 1/3 acre, 7 service bays between 2 buildings, 2 offices, 2 bathrooms, 7 overhead doors and ample lighting. MLS# 1603441
Shakes Road - Great 4.4 acre building lot in a quiet area. 77’dug well and loads of road frontage. Perfect place for your dream home! MLS# 1602173
610West Liberty Street - Great two unit! Each apartment offers two bedrooms and one bathroom. MLS#1603186
8752 Delta Ave - Beautifully updated and lovingly maintained, this house has it all! 4-5 bedrooms, 2 baths, granite & stainless steel applianced kitchen, fireplaced family room, pool, outdoor shower. MLS# 1603202
Glass Factory Road - Almost 12 private acres to build your dream home! Driveway has been cleared on this partially wooded lot and just imagine enjoying the view of your pond in the morning sun! MLS# 1601355
220Third Street - Spectacular opportunity! Student housing complex complete w/ cooking & laundry facilities, rec rooms, bathrooms for ea. gender, 35 student rooms, parking lot, basketball hoop. MLS# 1602157
104 East Schuyler St - 2 Unit w/ large detached garage in the heart of Boonville. Great investment opportunity or live relatively inexpensively while your tenant helps pay the mortgage! MLS# 1602676
225West Main St -Well maintained investment property with long term tenants!This one is ready to start making you money!!!! MLS# 1603289
www.Life and Homes .com
3 Bedroom 2 full bath single wide located within Terrace Hill Estates in Ilion, built in 2010. Large eat-in kitchen with maple cabinets, Washer and Dryer hook ups, closets galore! Outbuilding for extra storage.
Specializing in Residential Real Estate
Visit us at www.paviarealestateresidential.com
Real Estate Residential
5 Oxford Rd., New Hartford • 315-736-1555
717 Parkway East, Utica
4 Bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, Updated kitchen with stainless steel appliances! Gorgeous formal Dinning Room, Family Room with fireplace, enclosed sun room. 2 stall garage, Situated on corner lot. Asking Price $249,000.
10609 Doyle Road, Deerfield
4 bedrooms 3 full bath with separate Jacuzzi room! 5 +/- acres in the exclusive Deer Run neighborhood. Quality contemporary will WOW you with it’s open floor plan! Walking trails on this beautiful land. Radiant floor heat, attached 2 stall garage. Just minutes from the city!
Tina Pavia Broker
212 Wildwood Ridge, Frankfort
2 Bedroom 1 ½ bath updated townhouse located in the town of Frankfort just outside the Utica line. Pride of ownership throughout! Newer kitchen, quaint back patio. Asking Price $97,900.
7 Burr Street, Cazenovia
CharmingVillage home in the heart of Cazenovia! 3 bedrooms 2 full baths, new kitchen with cambria counter tops. Hardwood, tile and marble floors throughout! Carrara marble in bathrooms. Deck, furnace, H2O tank, sump pump all updated in 2013. All the work has been done, just move in your belongings!
243 Wildwood Ridge, Frankfort
2 Bedroom 1 ½ bath updated townhouse available. Newer kitchen, large walk-in closets, central air, security system & one stall attached garage. Back yard patio allows you to enjoy a beautiful view of the city.
Sabrina Arcuri 404-6430
Rosemary Talarico 351-9290
2301 Portal Road, Utica
22 ½ Main Street, Whitesboro
Family Circle, Rome, NY
Higby Road, New Hartford
3 bedroom home with 1 full bath and 2 half baths located in 2 family, ideal for an owner occupy or investment! Offering quiet neighborhood. With over 1,800 +/- SF, lower level offers separate utilities, GREAT INCOME, laundry hood-ups, 2nd kitchen and family area for entertaining. separate entrances. Asking $114,900 Price Reduced!
78 Oxford Road, New Hartford
3 bedrooms 1 ½ baths charming home located in theVillage Build your dream home on this corner lot in beautiful Family Beautiful building lot available. 137’of frontage on Higby of New Hartford. Hardwood and tile throughout, newer roof, Circle neighborhood. No town taxes.Water, Gas & Electric at road. Road. This lot backs up to South Woods. Hughes elementary furnace and windows. 2 stall garage, walking distance to Bradley school. Water, sewer, electric and gas at the road. $32,000 Elementary School and New Hartford High School in addition to Last Lot Available! $21,900 restaurants and stores in theVillage. Asking Price $159,900.
Lawless Real Estate Robert Lawless, Broker
(315) 724-7474
Lawless Real Estate
“Let us make your Adirondack Dreams a reality”
$475,000 5245 Lily Pond Rd, Greig, NY
11920 Bellingertown Rd, Forestport
11435 N Lake Rd, Forestport
$245,900 3046 Mohawk Drive, Forestport
9040 Woods Rd, Kayuta Lake
Newer custom-built home on over 85 acres with timber value. Home features wide open living space with over 1600sf, two bedrooms each with their own bathroom, large full basement could be finished into additional living space. Large storage barn and outbuilding.
Great four bedroom camp with approximately 66’ of water front on Lily Pond feeding into Brantingham Lake. The boathouse could use a little TLC, but offers two additional bedrooms and living space. This is a great piece of property! Owners are motivated!
Welcome to beautiful Snowbird Lake Association! This 5.01 acre lot will have a new cabin constructed on site! There is still time for a great deal of customization as construction has yet to begin. Lot features 200’ waterfront on Little Beaver Lake, great for nature watching! Garage construction available at additional charge.
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
10311 Hinman Rd, Trenton
Gorgeous magazine home with top of the line construction. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms upstairs and three bedrooms framed downstairs with a finished full bath. Over 2400sf upstairs, additional 2000sf downstairs. Walk out basement, attached two-stall garage on 5 acres.
Megan Marolf, Lic. Agent 315-771-6556
$99,000 9111 Black Bear Bend, Boonville
Wonderful, off-grid Lincoln Log cabin sitting on 6.13 acres within the Black River Forest Association. Property has over 250’ of frontage on Black River in an extremely private setting. Propane lights, wood stove heat, actual toilet, hand pump well for water, and generator hook-up all help to make off-grid living easier. Large loft can sleep 10 easily, plus additional sleeping space in living area.
$159,000 4039 Tamarack Rd, Kayuta Lake
New fence, fresh paint, new carpets, new 1/2 bath! There are 4 large bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, nice screened porch for morning coffee & ample side deck great for entertaining. Property has nearly 100’ of deep water frontage on Black River, feeding into Kayuta Lake just around the bend. Property was completely rebuilt in 2005.
$189,000 1133 Hemlock Hills Rd, Kayuta Lake $289,900
Cozy year-round home built in 2010 situated on over five acres of land within 1/2 mile of state boat launch to Kayuta Lake. Beautiful Adirondack interior with custom cabinetry and wood details throughout. Open floor plan with great kitchen peninsula, ideal for entertaining. Home is coming turn-key with most furnishings.
Wonderful and large waterfront log home. Property is owned by original owner and features nearly 200’ of waterfront on Kayuta Lake on the popular “island” portion of the lake. Property features four large bedrooms, two full bathrooms, full dry concrete walk-out basement. Home is ready for a new owner to renew its potential.
$119,000 7534 Gulf Brook Dr, Kayuta Lake
Adorable two bedroom, year-round camp with 60’ shared sandy beach area just an easy walk away on Kayuta Lake. Major snowmobile trail also runs behind the property, perfect for any four season enthusiast. Home is coming turn-key with most furnishings. Double lot offering a great deal of yard and opportunity for an extra guest space.
This adorable, recently updated, year round camp is anxiously awaiting its new owners. Property features 2 bedrooms, with an open living space, great for entertaining. Some updates include: flooring, paint, electric service, septic, windows, insulation, & plumbing! Bunkhouse behind the camp would be a great for overflow w/ TLC.
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Gateway Properties
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Your Gateway to the Simple Life
315-831-8778 1-877-NY-LANDS
of Upstate New York Inc.
gatewaypropertiesofupstateny.com Properties for sale throughout NY state
aWCCL Inc. affiliated company
We have Cash Buyers looking to buy large tracts of land. Call us today to sell yours!
Forestport • $54,000 14.84 Acres - Cabin tucked away in the woods, water to cabin comes from a spring next to the cabin. This is a great all season camp. Cabin needs a septic system. Property borders Cummings Creek in the rear, is just a short trip to the groomed snowmobile trail, close to state land.
Forestport • $13,500 5 Acres - Five wooded acres, close to Halt Creek and Little Woodhull Creek and just a short trip from the groomed snowmobile trails, giving you year round recreational opportunities. This property is gently rolling and wetlands may be present. This is a great piece for the sportsman.
Forestport • $69,900 57.24 Acres - Beautifully wooded property, on a dead end road, with marketable timber value. Power is available at the road. Fantastic for the outdoor enthusiast, close to Kayuta Lake and many great creeks for fishing, swimming and boating, bordering groomed snowmobile trail.
Lewis • $164,900 92 Acres - Great mix of it all! This property has rolling terrain with great views, old farm fields, woods, a small brook, and borders county land. It is located on a dead end road and power is available at the road. This property is very close to the C4A groomed snowmobile trail.
Remsen • $14,900 5 Acres - Beautifully wooded lot close to year round recreation! This piece is perfect for an offgrid cabin. Property is close to Hinckley Reservoir, less than 150 yards from the C4 groomed snowmobile trail, less than 3 miles from State Land and so much more!
Remsen • $49,900 18.56 Acres - Unfinished 20’ x 27’ cabin with an 8’ wraparound porch on two sides, and a loft is waiting for you to make it your own. This property borders the Nature Conservancy, is minutes from Hinckley Reservoir and the groomed snowmobile trail system, for year round opportunities.
Remsen • $49,900 3.26 Acres - This wooded, waterfront property is ideal for a home or camp. Located on Little Black Creek, this is a great spot for fishing, swimming, or just relaxing. The land itself holds some historic significance as well. This property is close to Hinckley Reservoir.
Rome • $49,900 2 Bedrooms - Why rent when you can own? Take a look at this affordable, cozy, ranch with hardwoods! With a little TLC this could be a great starter or retirement home! Great yard and location!
Russia • $424,500 31.3 Acres - This two story log home has all of the amenities! Radiant heat flooring, central air conditioning, insulated windows, foam insulation in the foundation, a security system, back-up generator, propane fireplace, recessed lighting, first floor laundry, handicap access and more.
Sherrill • $245,500 .84 Acres - This well built, sprawling Ranch home is located in historic and prestigious Kenwood. Home features three bedrooms, two full baths, hardwoods, wood beams, fireplaces, skylight, formal dining room, a family room with wood walls, a wood ceiling, and window seat.
www.Life and Homes .com
Town & City Real Estate
Tony Pavia, Licensed R.E. Broker
Graduate of Mendenhall School of Auctioneering, High Point NC.
315-735-9850 • apavia8453@aol.com 3 Arnold Ave, Utica, NY 13501
Call me 315-796-2739
Auction Services Available. Residential * Commercial * Land
$110,000 EAST UTICA
Offers Wanted! Large Colonial offering 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, laundry room, garage w/ patio- deck. Aprox 1920 sq ft. Move in condition. MLS# 1601258
$110,000 FRANKFORT
Large one family offering 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, fully updated, fenced-in yard. 2 attached garages, family room w/ fireplace in living room, dining room. MLS# 1602782
$67,900 ROME
$55,000 ROME
Corner lot. Deep yard. Single family of- Offers Wanted. 2 bedrooms each unit, fering 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths w/ living living rooms, baths, kitchens. Sold “As rm, dining rm, laundry rm. Sold “As Is”. Is”. A bargain. MLS# 1601271 Cash Only. MLS# 1603098
$24,900 HERKIMER
$14,900 MOHAWK
$79,900 FLOYD
Ranch with stone & vinyl front siding. Offering 2-3 berooms, finished basement, fam. room w/ fireplace, HW floors, deep yard.Offers wanted. MLS# 1600013
$37,500 HERKIMER
Holland Patent schools. Ranch on 2.59 acres +/-. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplaced living room & more. Country setting. MLS# 1603229
Older 2 story offering 3 bedrooms, bath, 2 Family investment property. Near the Make an offer! One family on a corner Single family offering 2 bedrooms, One family offering 3 bedrooms, 1.5 2 family on two additional lots. New park. Make an offer. MLS# 1602476 lot offering 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, living bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, baths, living room with fireplace, dining York Mills schools, great location. attached garage. Central air. room, dining room, laundry room. De- driveway. Cash Only. MLS# 1603524 room, detached garage. MLS# 1602485 MLS# 1601905 MLS# 1603438 tached garage. Sold“As Is”MLS# 1600790
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Rosemary Roy: Broker-Owner
8 Parkway Circle, Utica NY 13501 • 315-792-8043 6822 Main Street, Verona Beach, NY 13478 • 315-762-0000
Extension: #25 Mobile: 315-794-5276 Email: info@royal-rose.com
Associate Brokers
Bonnie Tuttle
Extension: #65 Mobile: 315-794-8880 Email: bontut@gmail.com
Celebrating 27 Years!
Al Zito
New Listing
SOLD New Hartford, 224 Valley View Rd
Asking $144,900 *Very Nice Ranch *3 Bedrms & Bath *One Owner *New Windows, Roof & Furnace *Private, Wooded, Deep 204’ Yard *Central Air & Attached Garage
North Utica, 703 Cosby Road
Asking $89,900 *Very Nice Ranch *3 Bedrm & Bath *Private rear patio & fenced yard *Central air *Large shed/work area * Location convenient to shopping
Extension: #44 Mobile: 315-796-9047 Email: alzito1@gmail.com
New Listing Sylvan Beach, 7327 Lakeshore
Asking $149,000 Wonderful lake front cottage * Spectacular sun set view on Oneida Lake *Family cottage for 50 years *3 bedroom & bath *Seasonal vacation home *Bedroom w/ lake view.
New Hartford, 14 Sylvan Glen Asking $229,900 *4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Ranch *Beautiful Spacious Floor Plan *Lower Level Finished In-Law Apt. *2 Fireplaces * Inground Pool *Enclosed Florida Room
John R. Doti
Marcy, 10041 Hillside Terrace
Extension: #33 Mobile: 315-292-0754 Email: jdoti@royal-rose.com
Asking $159,900 *Classic 1,800 sq.ft. Ti-Level *3 Bedrms, 1.5 Bath *300’x300’ lot with privacy *Central air *Close to SUNY Poly & shopping *2 car attached garage
Kelly DeRosa
Extension: #53 Mobile: 315-542-6335 Email: kderosa91@gmail.com
New Listing South Utica, 67 Ballantyne Brae E. Utica, 1809 Blandina
Asking $149,900 *Exceptional Ranch *5 Bedrms, 2 Baths *Totally Modern Throughout *Versatile Flr Plan Permits In-Law Apts * Central Air, Ceramic Flrs, In Floor Heating *Meticulous & Magnificent
Asking $134,900 *Charming bungalow *3 Bedrooms & Bath *Rochester hardwoods *2 car garage *Arches linking liv & din room *full of character
E. Utica, 607 James Street Asking $69,000 *Very nice 2 family *3 Bedrooms each apt. *All separate utilities *Recently updated *New drywall, kitchens, baths & roof *Well maintained!
Salespersons John Roy
Sylvan Beach, 100 28th Ave Asking $149,900 *Beautiful Ranch *Modern Throughout *3 Bedrms & 2 Baths *Spectacular Waterfront View *Deceiving in size from exterior *Open Floor Plan
S.E. Utica, 7 Parkway Circle
Asking $179,900 * Executive Raised Ranch, * 4 Bedrms, 2 Baths, * 2375 sq. ft., * Lower level may be utilized as in-law apt., * Central Air, * Modern Kit & Baths, * Lg Family Room w/ cath. ceiling
Extension: #52 Mobile: 315-527-1676 Email: john@royal-rose.com
Veronica N. Boyko
Extension: #63 Mobile: 315-796-0439 Email: bepano@yahoo.com
Nicholas Cieslewitz
Extension: #67 Mobile: 315-794-0887 Email: nick@royal-rose.com Blossvale, 7928 Lewis Road Asking $124,900 *Very nice 2 story *4 bedrooms & bath *Country living at its best *Extremely well maintained *Situated on Lot 257’ x 199’ irreg. *Short drive to Sylvan Beach & Utica/Rome
New York Mills, 552 Main Street Asking $64,900 *Townhouse *”As-Is” Needs TLC *Middle Unit *Offers “Old World Charm” *3 Bedrms & Bath *Vacant & Ready To Be Sold!
Sylvan Beach, 2409 Main Street Asking $229,900 *Custom Built Ranch *Lake rights *3 Bed & 2 Bath *Mstr Bedrm & Bath w/ whirlpool *Fireplace, skylight & more! *Inground pool & central air.
Frankfort, Welshbush Road
Asking $49,900 *Corner of Welshbush & Sunrise Ct *2 Prime Building Lots *Minutes from Culver Ave E. Utica *Existing drilled well w/ high volume *Numerous Trees, Nice View! *Offered Individually for $26,900 Each
Herkimer, 608 Church Street
Asking $89,900 *Very nice 2 story *3 Bedrooms & 2 Baths *Beautiful 20’ x 20’ patio *Spacious floor plan *Updates throughout *Extremely well maintained
Extension: #60 Mobile: 315- 520-0308 Email: mari@royal-rose.com
SOLD Asking $129,900 *Beautiful Adirondack Cottage *4 Bedrms & Bath *2nd Flr offers 5th Bedrm/Gameroom *Front Yard Overlooks Black River *Yards From Snowmobile Trails *Enjoy Fishing, Swimming, Hunting
Constableville, 5881 High St
Asking $68,900 Great 2 story * 5 bedrooms, 2 baths * Winter wonderland *Nice outside deck for entertaining *Adjacent to ATV trails *Detached garage.
Sylvan Beach, 1917 Vienna Rd
Asking $229,000 *Exceptional 2 story *4 bedrooms & 3 baths *Easily converted to a Duplex *Corner lot w/ deep yard *Beautiful woodwork, sauna in Master bath & more *2 car attached garage.
Sylvan Beach, #224 8th Ave
Asking $119,900 * Prime Commercial *Multi Use *Versitile Flr Plan *Extremely Well Maintained *Retail Store Front *Rental Office Space *2 New Heating & Central Air Units *31’x24’ Conference Room
Extension: #40 Email: realtorelvis@gmail.com
Marianne Bungert
Commercial Corner
Boonville, 418 Fenton Terrace
Elvis Kalabic
Carolyn Williams
West Utica, 1001 Oriskany Blvd Asking $369,900 *Prime Commercial *Super Location w/ High Visibility *Corner of Oriskany Blvd & Schuyler St *Well Established Seasoned Auto Dealership *Property has Bill Board Income *100 Parking Spaces
Extension: #64 Mobile: 315-601-1232 Email: casabidib@aol.com
Rosemarie Costello
Extension: #69 Mobile: 315-269-0416 Email: rosemarie111569@aol.com
Lisa A. Carbone E. Utica, 810 Nichols St
Asking $63,900 * 3, 2 & 1 bedrm apts. * Separate Utilities * Includes Vacant Extra Lot * Numerous Updates * Excellent Income or Owner Occupy * Extremely Well Maintained
Hinckley, 651 Fisher Road
Asking $129,900 *Beautiful Contemporary 2 Story* 1,988 sq.ft. Serene Living * 3 Bedrooms & Baths *Cozy Inside w Loft, Woodstove & Skylights * Year Round Recreational Haven *French Doors Exit to Patio & Poolside *20’ x 40’ Inground Pool w Accented Stonework
E. Utica, 1623 Neilson Street Asking $45,000 *Nice Ranch *3 Bedrms & Bath *Modern Kit & Bath *Many updates *Well maintained *Insulated windows
New Hartford
*Prime Location *Professional Office Space *Easy access to Rte 5,8 & 12 *Elevator & handicap access *1,000 square feet *Share space avail with adjusted rates * $1,000 per month + gas/elec.
W Units, 708 Kirkland
Asking $115,000 *5 Units *Bar/Restaurant *Prime Location in N/S Arterial Project *Pedestrain Bridge & Park Nearby *Monthly Rental Income
Extension: #77 Mobile: 315-404-2653 Email: romanolisa12@yahoo.com
Garry E. Williams
Extension: #76 Mobile: 315-867-9111 Email: landnfarms13309@gmail.com
We Appreciate The Opportunity To Say Thank You!
www.Life and Homes .com
#1 in Mohawk Valley Sales Utica Rome 735-2222 356-5760
CALL OR TEXT: 404-2838 habiyaghi@hotmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 725-3250 marciaarchibald@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 794-1616 balio@roadrunner.com
ANTHONY “BUB” BARRA CALL OR TEXT: 867-8278 bubbarra@ntcnet.com
CALL OR TEXT: 601-2187 SellCNYHomes@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 794-0990 lawrencebenboulay@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 525-2643 rmbrower@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 570-6640 john@johnbrownsells.com
GENEVIEVE CARABIN CALL OR TEXT: 865-4129 jennycarabin@yahoo.com
CALL OR TEXT: 570-6640 john@johnbrownsells.com
CALL OR TEXT: 525-2766 Ldamanda@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 723-5979 ted.derby@yahoo.com
CALL OR TEXT: 525-2733 dinardolori@yahoo.com
CALL OR TEXT: 525-4115 jfanelli@verizon.net
CALL OR TEXT: 225-8922 crystalfaria@yahoo.com
CALL OR TEXT: 534-3828 lisa.r.filletti@gmail.com
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Locally Owned Ilion 574-2260
#1 in Mohawk Valley Sales Utica Rome 735-2222 356-5760
Locally Owned Ilion 574-2260
CALL OR TEXT: 404-5615 virginiafranco99@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 225-9958 lorifriedensells@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 790-0990 lorihamlin23@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 794-8305 judy.hinman@yahoo.com
CALL OR TEXT: 717-5597 jenniferrhoover@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 525-0656 audrey@centralnewyork.com
CALL OR TEXT: 489-7114 ck.lazzaro@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 717-5379 dianelockwood1@yahoo.com
CALL OR TEXT: 269-7357 cinmaj@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 525-1532 paulinernicotera@yahoo.com
CALL OR TEXT: 723-4538 karen@karennovak.com
SARA ONISK KLIMEK CALL OR TEXT: 749-8608 saraonisk@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 272-5529 pattipalumbo1@gmail.com
JOSEPH “J.C.” PANTOLA CALL OR TEXT: 725-6580 jpantola@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 404-1940 JonPetersCBFP@gmail.com
www.Life and Homes .com
#1 in Mohawk Valley Sales Utica Rome 735-2222 356-5760
CALL OR TEXT: 527-1252 lindaapeters@gmail.com
BITSY MAYE-RATTLER CALL OR TEXT: 794-5208 maye_bitsy@hotmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 525-1995 barbrobertsis1@yahoo.com
AMANDA REINFELDS CALL OR TEXT: 404-9154 areinfelds@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 404-3567 john@johnbrownsells.com
CALL OR TEXT: 736-7262 keith@centralnewyork.com
CALL OR TEXT: 534-4040 shep77@roadrunner.com
CALL OR TEXT: 525-7600 sroczykb@gmail.com OLEG TEREBEY CALL OR TEXT: 520-4854 oterebey@yahoo.com MICHELLE THOMPSON SRES
CALL OR TEXT: 794-3260 saratogaunion@aol.com
CALL OR TEXT: 941-2686 johntopor@yahoo.com
BENJAMIN “BEN” TRINGO CALL OR TEXT: 723-0269 ben@centralnewyork.com
CALL OR TEXT: 723-7741 kathy@centralnewyork.com
CALL OR TEXT: 269-2526 ismailsells@gmail.com
CALL OR TEXT: 868-3226 joanne@centralnewyork.com
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Locally Owned Ilion 574-2260
KAY Real Estate, Inc. 126 MAIN STREET, ONEIDA, NY 13421 www.kayrealestate.com 363-9191
This Queen AnnVictorian home boasts 2,900 sq. ft. w/ spectacular woodwork & details. 4 spacious bedrooms, living room & family room, dining room w/ solid wood judge’s paneling, custom kitchen w/ stainless appliances, 3 season sun room, huge 3rd floor rec room! $198,700 JayneWentworth 363-9191 or 264-1456 (C)
Built in 1998, this Ranch offers a huge eat-in kitchen with center island and appliances, large living room, 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Master bath has a walk-in shower. Full finished walk-out basement with half bath. Huge pole barn. All on one acre with city water. $189,900 Julie Stickels 363-9191 or 762-3434 (C)
…in a prime location! Zoned for a home / business or if you’re looking for a home! This Sherrill property has a large yard, 4+ bedrooms and 3 stall garage! Used as a doctor‘s office for many years! Endless options. Call today! $174,900 Janet Mautner 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
Boasting 1,800 square feet! Three bedroom 1 ½ bath Ranch! OPEN floor plan! Living room open to dining and kitchen open to family room with fireplace! Full basement is semi-finished. Two stall garage. It‘s nice! $145,000 Janet Mautner 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
Walking distance to schools & parks, this 3 bedroom Colonial boasts thermo windows, updated furnace & central air. You‘ll love the cozy living room, formal dining room, den or office, 1st floor laundry, fully applianced kitchen, 2 car garage & yard w/ 2 tiered deck! $124,500. JayneWentworth 363-9191 or 264-1456 (C)
This Farmhouse Colonial offers great living space and 4 bedrooms! Many updates plus a detached barn that was used for a home business and has several finished rooms, a screened in gazebo, a small building used for sales and all nestled on a 4.038 +/- acre lot. $164,900 Janet Mautner 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
Beautiful 3 bedroom Colonial! Foyer, kitchen with granite counters open to family room, living room, finished basement, 2 ½ baths, garage and fenced yard! You‘ll love it! $179,500 Janet Mautner 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
This custom built Ranch is beautiful! 2,085 square feet! Hardwood floors! Beautiful moldings! 3 bedrooms! Gourmet custom kitchen! OPEN floor plan - all on one level! 2 ½ baths! Nestled on 1.02 acre. $269,900 Janet Mautner 363-9191 or 762-8683 (C)
WANTED: Chestnut Hill Condo-for Lease or Purchase—Call Jean Hunt
23 Oxford Road, New Hartford, NY SAUQUOIT • $154,900 Totally updated from Roof to Furnace, this 4 BR, 1.5 Bath Open Concept Cape offers Hardwoods, FP, Dining Rm, Kitchen w/Granite and NEW SS Appliances, Screen Porch, Covered patio, att. garage and DEEP lot. Call Jean. MLS# 1603239
Jean Hunt 315-223-4868 315-725-4700
Melanie Flynn
Lic. R.E. Salesperson
315-790-5589 609-618-5465
NEW HARTFORD • $178,000
Lease to Own. This end unit is the prettiest around! Main floor features a beautiful new kitchen with Hickory cabinets, granite countertops & stainless steel appls, & an open concept to Din Rm & Liv Rm, all w/ woodgrain laminate floor. 2nd Flr-two large Bdrms & Baths. Finished lower level with built-ins. MLS# 1601552 Call Jean.
This 1,800 sft Ranch offers 3 nice sized bedrms, 2 full, updated tile baths, Fam Rm w/fireplace, 2 car garage, 20x40 in-ground pool, on a half-acre lot. Hardwood floors throughout, kitchen with island, and MORE. Don’t wait! MLS# 1601458 Call Jean
Listings on uticaromerealtor.com September
www.Life and Homes .com
Premier Properties 2312 Genesee St Utica, NY 13502 Independently owned and operated
44 Emerson Ave • Utica
Charming south Utica bungalow features 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, garage and a porch for entertaining/relaxing. the interior has hardwood flooring, an updated kitchen with butler pantry and a first floor bedroom, bath and laundry. the electrical has been updated along with vinyl windows and a newer roof.
Investment Opportunities! 2 to 4 unit apartment buildings, College Area Housing Rentals, 4+ Unit Commercial, Corporate Relocation Housing Rentals, Income Producing Single Family Homes I Want to be Considered Your Investment Property Specialist! 26-28 Emerson Ave Utica • $89,900
2-unit rental in highly desirable south Utica location. Close to st elizabeth’s/Faxton hospitals, Utica College, elementary schools, and area business. Owner/ renters can walk to work, coffee shops, and local restaurants. many updates throughout. New roof 2011. strong rental history. mLs# 1603166
Brett Lojewski
Licensed Real Estate Broker/Owner (C) 315-794-4815 (O)315-735-4663 blojewski@weichert.com | Weichert.com
1662 Dudley Ave • Utica • $64,900
Charming 3 bedroom 1.5 bath bungalow with great bones, character, and new features. New appliances, new furnace, new replacement windows, and new added insulation. Great front porch for outdoor relaxing. Centrally located for all conveniences. Why rent when you can own? mLs# 1602691
Has your investment advisor or accountant suggested that you buy an
Call Brett Lojewski at 794-4815, Your investment property specialist! 1662 West, Utica
Attention to investors, handyman special, 2 family with great potential for investment or owner occupy. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath on each level, ½ sided with newer porches and roof. $18,900
1305 Oak St • Utica College Housing • $39,900
West Utica bungalow featuring 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and the opportunity to expand. Near Utica College!!! Close to bus line, schools and parks. Owners occupy or rent. A must see for the price! mLs# 1601297
1206 Maple Utica •$34,900
Converted 1-family house reasonably priced for owner occupancy or investment. Newer appliances, hot water tank, and furnace. Owner is a also selling 1102 & 1103 Ash st. mLs# 1600630
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
11-13 Carlile Ave • Utica • $105,900
2 unit Cash Cow. rents for $1900 per month w/ separate utilities. property is well maintained & centrally located in desirable south Utica neighborhood. 3 bedrooms up, 4 bedrooms down, sided, storm windows, central air, new flooring, & plenty of parking. Close to hospitals, Utica College, & area business. Do the math, it works! mLs# 1602257
192 Casler Rd Little Falls, NY 13365
Koehler Real Estate
Large Building Lots
Hillside Heights Building Lots
Adirondack Land
Little Beaver Lodge 55 Acres
New Homes Modular
Your Family Oriented Development A Few Remaining Building Lots Are Available At
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Camp Whitetail
Curbside Utilities, Deed Restrictions
A Must See For Your New Home
65 Acres
1 Acre Lots • Builders Welcome
Great Setting For Your New Home Or Camp. These Properties Have It All! Large beaver ponds, woods, fields, streams, abundant wildlife, snowmobile/ATV trails, town road with electric. Asking $69,900 & $79,900. Interested, 315-891-3254
“The Best Homes at the Best Prices” Middleville - 2 acre to 8 acre building lots.
Located Off McKern Road, Floyd, NY
We can give you better specifications, more upgraded features,
Private community. 35 exceptional homesites set on 235 acres. Riding Trails, sunset views. Direct Snowmobile and ATV trails. Prices starting at $16,900 and up. Interested, 315-891-3254
A HIGHER QUALITY HOME and we can do it all for less money.
Bring Us Your Best Deal - We Will Beat It!
Phone: 315-891-3254
Roman Realty
225 N Washington Street Rome NY 13440
David Jordan
Lic. R.E. Broker romanrealty@ymail.com
$229,000 Rome
$149,000 Rome
9077 Kettle Hill Rd - Lake Delta Ranch With 4+ acres & dock. Waterfront w/calm bay. Updated Kitchen w/ Quartz Counters, New Boiler & Windows, Upstairs Laundry, Trout Stream. MLS # 1601557
1407 N. James St - Large Ranch. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge master suite with bath & walk-in closet. Pool and pool house, large yard. MLS# 1602529
808 Turin Rd - Updated kitchen and bathroom, updated plumbing and electric. High efficiency furnace, added insulation. Large fenced yard. MLS# 1601402
220 W Liberty St - Commercial Unit & 2 Residential Units. Centrally Located Beauty Salon or Barber Shop or Office Unit w/ 2 Residential Apartments for Income w/ SEPARATE Heating Unit & Electric. MLS # 1601189
6313 Karlen Road - Deeded lake rights come with this 2 or 3 bedroom Ranch with large yard. Partially finished basement with pellet stove and bar. MLS# 1504779
6758 Stokes/Westernville Rd - Located near Lake Delta, this Ranch comes with 2 acres of Land. Beautiful Hardwood Floors Throughout, Full Basement with a 1/2 bath, Central Air Conditioning, Fireplace. MLS# 1602074
7306 Lakeview Drive - Lake Delta waterfront home at the end of a deadend street. 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath, Corian Counter Tops. And a 2 bedroom, 900 s/f In-Law apartment or rental unit. MLS# 1601435
144 Northwood Circle - Modern split level in exquisite Lee Neighborhood. New carpeting, electric, lighting throughout this home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, wet bar, so much more. MLS# 1602335
7974 Rome Westernville Rd - This 3 Bedroom Ranch comes with a Large Yard Near Mohawk Trail and Mohawk River. Next to Snowmobile Trail. Insulated Windows. LOW TAXES. MLS # 1603169
119 Victory Dr - Walking distance to Hazzelton Park...This Brick Cape has a Knotty Pine Sun room over looking Fenced Back Yard... Concrete Patio...NEWER Roof...Hardwood and Laminate Flooring. MLS # 1602599
Please CALL if you have ANY questions about these homes. We have many others that may fit your needs. Give us a call!
www.Life and Homes .com
245 Posson Road, Norwich, NY 13815
www.PossonRealty.net • David Posson, Licensed Real Estate Broker 2706 – Chenango County Showplace Dairy Farm.
2707 – 31 surveyed acres.
Close to 100 acres. Flat land well drained. Very nice 2 story dairy barn with 72 ties and a free stall addition with 65 free stalls. Large attached concrete barn yard. Big bunker silo for feed storage. Completely remodeled top to bottom 2 story home. 3 large bedrooms, big kitchen and family room with outdoor covered deck, 1 car garage, and rec room. In ground swimming pool. 2 additional buildings for storage. REA Electricity. Great location for farm sales. Schools, hospitals and shopping close by. Asking $699,000.
New fenced pastures. Horse Barn, Large 2 story Barn. Pond, Year Round Trout stream. Historic Country Home with 5 bdrm, 2 bth, original hardwood flooring, everything in exceptional condition. Quiet road. Close to shopping and schools. Approximately 12 mins from Hamilton. Asking $250,000
2486 - Beautiful Otsego County Gentleman’s Farm
2729 - Oneida County Hobby Farm.
Beautiful set property with 10.75 acres mostly pasture with 4 spring fed ponds and small creek. 4 bdrm 3 ½ bth home. Attached 2 car garage. Barn with 5 box stalls Large pole barn. Couple of run in sheds. Fenced pastures. Some high tensile fencing. Drilled well and Private septic system. Mins from Clinton, Hamilton College, and Colgate University. Raise a few beef, horses, or grow vegetables this is a nice piece of land that has endless opportunities. Asking $182,900.
North Utica
New Hartford
Exceptional Land and Buildings. 75 Beautiful acres bordering the Unadilla River. Good 24x42 Shop Building for storing equipment. Stock barn, storage barn. Both of these buildings are in excellent shape. Very nice 2 story Log home with a full basement. Driveway over 600 ft long to a very quiet road. Spectacular setting. Awesome location. Mins from schools, shopping and hospitals. Mins from local Ag infrastructure and businesses. Asking $299,000.
Understated elegance in this Circa 1938 center hall colonial on 1.5 very private and wooded acres. Formal living & dining rooms, Designer kitchen w/stainless appliances, granite countertops, & a hearth warmed fireplace with a wall of glass overlooking a koi pond. 4 bedrooms 3.5 baths, hardwoods, newer mechanicals, heated garage, and an attached greenhouse w/separate zoned heat & plumbing.
IN TOWN TREASURE • $449,900 Elegant proportions, architectural details, nooks & crannies abound in this Circa 1926 English Estate. 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths, Master Bath has Walk in Shower with multiple body jets, Formal Living and Dining rooms, Applianced Chef’s Kitchen with spacious Butler’s Pantry and an oversized Breakfast Area. Magnificent Family Room with oversized windows that bring the outside in. Nearly five private acres with in ground pool.
Joseph Scarafile
Licensed Real Estate Broker GRI/Owner email: grandenvironments@gmail.com
Margaret Graniero Sales Associate
23 Oxford Road, New Hartford 38
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Investment Opportunities Utica $68,000
513 Nichols Street - Attention Investors, Well maintained 3 unit with updated apartments, new siding, furnace, windows, partial roof. Plenty of parking. Great income producing. $1600 monthly income. MLS# 1601708
Rome $65,000
1024 W Dominick Street - Loaded- Open floor plan Ranch features 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, replacement windows, AC, central vac, new bath and shower installed, newer kitchen appliances w/dishwasher & garbage disposal. Partially finished basement with large workshop, full kitchen,and den. Screened in back porch leading to private deep backyard and heated garage with huge work shop. Very low utility bills and taxes. Close to shopping centers. MLS# 1601677
Utica $78,000
508 Nichols Street - Attention Investors, Well maintained, income producing 3 unit. Newer siding, windows and interior updates. One 4 bedroom with 2 baths, 2 two bedroom apartments. $1650 monthly income. MLS# 1601748
800 Black River Blvd. Rome, New York 13440
Adirondack Real Estate
Own A Piece of The Adirondacks
2730 Route 28, Old Forge, NY 13420
Check all the listings at: www.birdsadkrealestate.com
Old Forge
Singing Waters Campground Business Opportunity. SingingWaters is a full-service campground/RV park set just 5 miles outside of Old Forge, NY.The property consists of 145 sites with 60 year round/summer seasonal sites, 85 sites with electric/water/sewer hookups.
Raquette Lake Home
Waterfront 3 bedroom home on 7 acre lot with 370’of lakefront. Features large living room with fireplace, dining room with fireplace, kitchen, bath, & loft. Also includes guest cabin. Boat access for added privacy & electric power & phone service.
Rondaxe Lake Camp
Old Forge
Old Forge
Raquette Lake
Old Forge
Old Forge
This is a seasonal camp with 100ft of lake front on Rondaxe Lake. Located on 2.1 acres. One story camp with a loft. Stone fire place and propane heat, with large back deck and dock on the lake.
Boat access only seasonal home, located at Green Point. 2 Story home with seperate sleeping cabin included. The main house has a first floor bedroom and full bathroom, 2 bedrooms on the second floor, full kitchen, living room w/woodstove, laundry room, screened in porch.
Marine Dealership - 2730 Rt 28 - Business Opportunity with spacious living quarters. Old Forge Marine dealership & garage includes 2 offices, 50’X 100’store and garage on 180ft of road frontage on Rt 28. Garage has 3 overhead doors in back and 1 in front.
Summit Place -This is a 1 acre cleared building lot overlooking 1st Lake with lake rights to Hollywood Hills. Possible owner financing.
Tuttle Road - 3rd Lake Home. Year round 4 bedroom ranch home with boathouse on 100’of lakefront, 3700 sq ft and 1.8 Acres. Features sun porch & walk out basement facing 3rd lake.
210 Pullman Ave - Centrally located property in the heart of Old Forge! This is a 1 story, 2 bedrooms, and 2.5 baths home. Close by the Enchanted Forest Water Safari, snowmobile trails, and walking distance of restaurants and shops, this home is in a prime location! www.Life and Homes .com
Recipient of 2013 “Circle of Honor” & “Most Improved Production” Awards
Ryan Kirch
730 Lenox Ave, Oneida, NY 13421
Office: 315-363-5533
165 Willow Meadow Way - 5 bedroom Custom built two story home, with a first floor living option that is sure to impress! 12’ceilings with crown molding throughout the first floor. The perfect open floor plan with a gourmet kitchen offering custom cabinetry and stainless steel appliances. Family room with a fireplace. Formal dining room with a tray ceiling and a formal living room. Oak and ceramic tile floors throughout, an oversized 3 car attached garage on a landscaped lot with a stamp Crete patio. Just like new! MLS# 1603018
1508 NYS Rt 49 - Custom built Waterfront chalet on Oneida Lake! The ground floor offers radiant heat with a family room, full bath, utility room and workshop. The main living level features a first floor bedroom, full bath, laundry an open floor plan and a floor to ceiling fireplace. The second story offers an interior balcony, a master suite with a private balcony and two additional bedrooms. All this value is surrounded by vibrant grass and landscaping. Walleye a few steps away! Once in a lifetime opportunity! MLS# 1602144
Bonnie Vaccaro
Email: ryan.kirch@huntrealestate.com Cell: 315-264-4198
Waterfront Chalet
Custom Built Luxury
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
C: 315-727-3964 O: 315-446-8291 BonnieVaccaro@Realtyusa.com
EMERY Realty
Sylvan Beach Waterfront
1524 Oyster Cove - Dock your boat at your home address! Private, yet close to everything. Nice 1-level home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room with fireplace, family room, nice entryway, 2-car attached plus 1-car garage with workshop and party room in back. Not a drive by. Check it out. MLS# s347165
593 Sayles Street - Great Buy! 3 bedroom ranch on full basement - all updated and painted throughout. All new kitchen appliances, large living room, breezeway with wood burning stoves. Sits pretty on a large lot. MLS# s356232
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Doug Lemery, Broker • Debbie Lemery, Associate Broker Matt Hutchings, Salesperson • Terry Hoffman, Salesperson
9606 PINNACLE RD, SAUQUOIT • $264,900 Country Lovers Dream! Pride of ownership radiates throughout this amazing 2,600 sq.ft. log home nestle on 5.68 acres just minutes from Utica and New Hartford.Living room w/vaulted wood ceiling and cozy wood stove, beautiful hickory kitchen w/lg breakfast bar and stainless appliances, master suite w/ 2nd floor balcony, family room w/fireplace and much more. Call for your appointment today.You will not be disappointed. MLS# 1603383
OPEN HOUSE • SEPTEMBER 18 • 12-1:30pm 101 PINEHURST LANE, AUGUSTA • $289,900 Invest in a lifestyle! A story book setting surrounds this stunning colonial overlooking the 14th green of Barker Brook Golf Course! This lovely home offers 4 beds, 2 1/2 baths, hardwood floors, beautiful kitchen w/granite & new appliances, spacious master suite and great family-game room and much more..including your own golf cart garage! Don’t wait, this home won’t last long. MLS# 1602768
2615 STATE ROUTE 315, DEANSBORO • $198,000 Step back in time and enjoy this beautiful Colonial home nestled among tall trees on over 5 scenic acres! Many recent renovations with careful attention to preserve the original charm and character of this 4 bedroom, 2 bath classic beauty! Large yard, pool and a huge modern barn for cars, hobbies or even horses. MLS# 1602399
139 W. BACON ST, WATERVILLE • $129,900 This amazing Victorian reflects the craftsmanship of years gone by. Original moldings, spectacular entry, stained glass, built-ins, wood floors, an much more including updated county kitchen and baths! Locate in a quiet residential neighborhood with a 2 story carriage barn an an inviting in-ground pool. MLS# 1600239
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The Welcome Home Team 26 College Street Clinton, NY 13323 James Lenahan (315) 723-2270 Mindy Bradley (315) 796-5619 Office: (315) 853-4400 jim.lenahan@huntrealestate.com mindy.bradley@huntrealestate.com
Buy land,
they’re not making it anymore.
- Mark Twain
$99,000 Utica
Story book cabin with rustic and roomy wrap around porch, light filled loft, water and electric. All setting on 36 private acres. Located on a seasonal road, easy access all summer, used as a snowmobile trail during winter months. MLS# 1601116
If you are looking for N. Utica Home with HUGE DOUBLE LOT, for the kids to play or your dog to roam this is it! Comes with 2 STALL GARAGE, FENCED YARD, DECK W/AWNING, and UPDATES GALORE! MLS# 1602188
Schuyler 20 Acres $39,900 Vernon 7.88 Acres $64,900 Holland Patent 2 Acres $20,000 Schuyler 5.8 Acres $30,000
$149,900 Rome
Marvelously rich in history and charm, a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom updated colonial gem with original details through-out! Exceptionally done CustomWoodcraft kitchen! Updated bathrooms, heating, plumbing & electrical. MLS# 1603583
$134,900 Boonville
The most unique Ranch home in this development with oversized LR w/firepl. & Vaulted Ceilings. Refinished Hardwood flrs, Newer windows, Complete Updated Kit., New Paint, New Front Porch, Landscaping, & Woodstove. MLS# 1602966
On over 4 acres & ready to go! Updates include; Hickory Kitchen, Furnace,Windows, Insulation, Septic & Leach Field,Woodstove, Shed, Water Softner & Generator hook up! New 20x16 Deck & new Adk-Look Family Room off Kitchen.TONS of closets. MLS# 1601585
Gateway Properties of Upstate New York Inc.
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25 Acres & Private Lake
2638 NYS Rt 12, Port Leyden
Sick of sharing? Need your own Private Lake? Whoever said money can’t buy happiness has never been to this Cabin! All your dreams are about to come true! 25 acres of wilderness wonderland, Private stocked lake, 600 ft on the Black River and a log cabin that could have been built by Daniel Boone himself. Fishing, kayaking, 4 wheeling, hunting, whatever your pleasure is, you’ll find it here. This is not a place, it’s an experience. If you’re in the market for happy, this one is for you. MLS# 1602627 For a virtual tour, visit: http://tinyurl.com/2638Rt12
38 REDMOND RD, Barneveld
Pristine sun-drenched 4 bed 3 full 2 half bath colonial located in the established neighborhood of Redmond Hills is a work of art. Gracious spaces highlighted by elegant architectural details will delight the eye. The tasteful and well appointed kitchen is framed by stainless steel appliances, granite counters and a Viking Stove. At days-end, retreat to the spacious master suite featuring vaulted ceiling and spa-like bath. The professionally designed low maintenance garden is the crowning jewel.
Keller Williams Realty | Keller Williams Mohawk Valley 2 Campion Rd 2n Fl, New Hartford NY 13413
Tasha Peterson Licensed R.E. Salesperson
315.869.SOLD (7653)
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LifeandHomes â– Central New York
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Mohawk Valley Listing Service, Inc.
219 N. Prospect St. Herkimer NY 13350 315-866-2002 • bward@brucewardusa.com • Bruce Ward, Lic. R.E. Broker
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
SALES AGENTS: NANCY ARNO - 315-895-4520 CAROL COLLINS - 315-794-8894 ELYSE KANE - 315-868-3709 PATRICIA KELLY - 315-717-2421 JAMIE LAPORTE - 315-717-3994 MONICA MUNFORD - 315-794-7618 LESLIE NICOLETTE - 315-985-0212 PAMELA RADLEY - 315-717-7530 MARIE SCIALDONE - 315-868-5563 CAROL SPISAK - 315-269-6933 DEBBIE WESTON - 315-985-0840 BARBARA WIERS - 315-866-3356
Mohawk Valley Listing Service, Inc.
M O H A W K VA L L E Y H O M E S . C O M
M O H A W K VA L L E Y L I S T I N G S E R V I C E , I N C . P R O U D LY S E R V I C I N G H E R K I M E R & O N E I D A C O U N T I E S F O R O V E R 3 2 Y E A R S .
219 N. Prospect St. Herkimer NY 13350
Century 21 Rob Diedrich Associates 55 East Main Street, Mohawk, NY 13407 Office – 315-866-7702
Valerie Duncan, Associate Broker C: 315-868-6924
849 BUSH ROAD, SCHUYLER • $340,000
Exceptional opportunity if you are looking for an exclusive private beautifully landscaped 8.10 Acres - your own mini estate nestled in upstate new york - just minutes from exit 30 of the new york state thruway. Impeccably maintained 4 bedroom ranch home offers attractive kitchen - ceramic tiled granite counter top - open concept to dining area - continuing on to the large formal dining room, entry way to living room and four bedrooms & three full baths. This is a must see property and will surely surpass all your dreams and expectations!
Lic. R.E. Salesperson 315.269.6933 • carol1320@aol.com
120 Paratore Road, Frankfort $139,000
Lovely raised ranch in convenient location minutes from Utica or the valley. You’ll love the private one acre lot screened with mature evergreens. The home features beautiful wood flooring, a combo living dining area with sliding doors to a private deck, a great working kitchen, three bedrooms, two full baths and a spacious family room in finished basement with coal burning stove. Call or text me at 315-868-6924 for viewing. September
www.Life and Homes .com
Mohawk Valley Listing Service, Inc.
Joe Macri Realty 235 S. Main Street, Herkimer 315-866-2209 106 Loomis Street, Little Falls 315-823-0136 joemacrirealty.com
Your Happiness Is Our Concern Joe Macri Jr. Lic. R.E. Broker 315-823-0136 jmacri40@yahoo.com
John Macri Lic. R.E. Salesperson (C) 315-867-3081
Members of the Mohawk Valley Listing Service Over 40 Years of Real Estate Experience Residential, Commercial, Multi-Family & Land Expertise
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
9 Fourth Street - Located on a double lot, this home offers 3 bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, and a heated in-ground pool. The 1st floor has a kitchen with granite countertops, formal dining room, family room, a living room, and a half bath. 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and an additional room for an office. Call Bill Macri at 315-360-6445.
63 Morgan Street Semi-remodeled 3 family. Main apt. has large living quarters, updated furnace and electric. Separate electric, enclosed porch. Located in center of village.
57 Moreland Street - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home with an updated furnace, hot water tank and electrical. Nice eat in kitchen, and low taxes. Laundry on the first floor.
19Ward Street - Nice 2 family home, located close to the school, hospital, park and library. 3 bedrooms, washer & dryer hookups upstairs and 2 bedrooms with washer & dryer hookups downstairs. There is driveway with parking for two cars. Great return on your investment!
Bill Macri Associate Broker (C) 315-360-6445
72 Burwell St- What a great opportunity to own this beautiful two family home. Each unit has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, living room, dining room, laundry room, and porch. All utilities are separate and include new electricity, new furnace, and vinyl windows. Parking for 6 cars. Near the school, park, hospital, library.
31& 33 Petrie Street - Beautiful duplex with 3 bedrooms, eat in kitchens, large living & dining rooms in each unit. The main unit has a finished basement with a bathroom. There is a 5 stall garage and plenty of privacy. Enclosed back porch.
143 Loomis Street - Lovely 3 bdrm home with natural woodwork and a fireplace in the living room. Possibility for a 4th bdrm or great playroom and office space. Beautiful french doors lead into the dining room. There is a laundry room on the first floor. Two stall detached garage and vinyl siding.
83 Prospect St - Charming affordable home with many great updates. Newer roof, some new windows and updated electric. Gorgeous refinished hardwood floors, and natural woodwork. New carpeting and stain glass. Call Bill for your own private showing at 315-360-6445!
LifeandHomes â– Central New York
668 E. Monroe St - Beautiful 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath Victorian with natural woodwork and hardwood floors. Living room with fireplace, family room, dining room, and eat-in kitchen. New roof, vinyl windows, and an above ground pool. Inside the city with 1.6 acres of land. Gorgeous views of the city.
10 Porteus Street - Beautiful home, move in condition. Entertainment center stays. Separate utilities. Appliances stay, all plumbing & electrical updated.
72 West Monroe St. -This 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home has a large 2 stall garage with an attached carport, and tons of parking. Fabulous updates include a new roof on the home and garage. There is a new furnace, hot water tank, and brand new carpeting throughout the upstairs. Kick back & enjoy your favorite drink on your new front porch.
336 S. Washington St. - Solid construction - 2nd floor, insulated, can be master bedroom and bath or 2 smaller bedrooms. Basement waterproofed w/drainage pipes & sump pump. Nice backyard, some vinyl windows, & hardwood floors. Appliances stay.
Little Falls
Little Falls
Little Falls
East Herkimer
Little Falls
Little Falls
32 Manheim Street - You will love this gorgeous 2 story Colonial with a country setting, yet on the edge of the city. This 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home has a new deck that surrounds a beautiful patio area. The roof is only 4 years old, and laundry room on the first floor.
131 Dockey Road - Good business opportunity in ideal location next to very busy highway. 3 bdrm apartment upstairs for income. There is a kitchen, bar and 2 dining halls for parties, banquets, etc. Additional parking lot now comes with building. 1.5 acres of land. 2 stall attached garage.
113 West St - Charming 3 bdrm Cape with newer roof, furnace, vinyl windows and large lot. Great location, low taxes and one stall garage.
46 Arthur St- This Beautiful 3-bedroom Colonial provides an open floor plan w/ large rooms throughout. There is a family room & laundry room on the 1t floor along w/ an enclosed front porch. Spacious bedrooms upstairs, vinyl windows throughout the house. Nice size yard for kids to play at!! Call Bill Macri at 315-360-6445 for your showing!
14 Burwell Street - ElegantVictorian that is perfectly located near the scenic Eastern Park and Benton Hall Academy. Gorgeous Dutch front door leading into the foyer. Stunning fireplace in the large living room. Hardwood floors throughout. Original stained glass in staircase. New granite countertops, with top of the line kitchen appliances.
322 Eastern Avenue - Kitchen is semi-modern, stove and refrigerator stay, roof - 5 to 7 years old, furnace 10 years approx. Nice yard, very large rooms.
209 Perry St - Fully renovated 2 family home with a new roof, new floors, and a newer furnace. Great return on your investment. Both units are currently rented!!
48 Furnace Street - Great starter home in need of some TLC. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath home, with low taxes. Call Bill Macri for a private showing, 360-6445.
LifeandHomes Business news & directory the Latest technology in Outdoor Lighting: Made in the USA HiLumz® USA is a LED Lighting Manufacturer based out of Alpharetta Georgia. Their flagship product line is the Diamonz® retrofit series. All of their products are made in the USA. Their objective is to utilize the newest technology to radically increase the thermal and LED performance of their products. Their choice of circuit boards and thermal interface materials, transfer more heat out of the fixture. The LEDs themselves are specifically designed by CREE to withstand higher operating temperatures with out performance or lifetime degradation. This allows for a compact, high output LED product.
Protect your Finances from
Federal Policy Risk by Andrew Gehrig
As of late there has been a renewed fear in the stability of the US Economy. Recently Carl Icahn of Icahn Enterprises has commented on low interest rates and surge in corporate share buybacks, saying that not enough money being put into needed capital and that huge bubbles are being created by this environment. Bill Gross of Janius Capital said in a recent interview “I don’t like bonds; I don’t like most stocks; I don’t like private equity. Real assets such as land, gold, and tangible plant and equipment at a discount are favored asset categories.” The Empire State Manufacturing Index, a survey of a pool 150 of CEOs throughout New York’s various industries, has been negative in 8 of the past 12 months, showing that general business conditions are declining. Other current leading economic indicators point to a slowing economy, which is not consistent with President Obama’s June 1st assessment on the economy. “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” With today’s economic conditions, it is imperative to closely watch the Federal Reserve’s actions following this election. Removing interest rate hikes from the table and shifting to a more expansionary monetary policy would have large repercussions on prices of commodities and consumer goods. With heightened fiscal and monetary policy uncertainty in the coming months ahead, it may be wise to shift into a more conservative investing outlook and position, in order to preserve capital for future growth opportunities.
Their retrofit kits can replace Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium Lamps in a variety of applications. They are cost effective and qualify for various utility rebates. HiLumz USA backs their products with an outstanding 7 year warranty. With rebates now up to 50% of the project cost, the time has never been better to upgrade existing lighting to LED.
Reduced Utility Costs, Through Lighting Systems Upgrades
LED Lighting Projects Offer • Increased Light • Improved Aesthetics • Large Incentives
Call Us Today to Receive a Free Lighting Assessment and Energy Consultation! Andrew Gehrig Program Manager Potentia Management Group, LLC.
11 Furnace Street, Oriskany N.Y. 13424
“Remarks by the President on the Economy.” The White House. The White House, 01 June 2016. Web. 23 Aug. 2016.
Reuters. “Bill Gross Says You Should Start Buying Land and Gold.” Bill Gross Says You Should Start Buying Land and Gold Comments. Fortune, 03 Aug. 2016. Web. 23 Aug. 2016.
• Reduced Cost • Minimized Maintenance • Positive Cash Flow
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Dominic Pavia
Commercial Section
Specializing in Commercial Real Estate Sales, Leasing, Consulting, Development & Management 5 Oxford Rd., New Hartford • (315) 736.1555 • PaviaRealEstate.com • Licensed in NY and PA
For Lease: 5817-5823 Rome-Taberg Road, Rome
1,150 - 2,370 +/- SF store fronts available. Located next to Wal-Mart Super Center. Co-Tenancy with national tenants.
For Sale: 5642 Horatio Street, Utica
14,576 +/- SF building available situated on 2.44 +/- acres. Warehouse/garage 6 overhead doors & mechanics pit. High traffic.
For Sale: 418 Bleecker Street, Utica
11,500 +/- SF building available. Former Grimaldi’s Restaurant. Partially equipped, seating for 200 +/-, on-site parking lot for 30 +/- cars.
For Lease: 555 French Road, Bldg. B, New Hartford
1,200 – 3,200 +/- SF office space available. Located at entrance to Utica Business Park. Close to area hospitals, Utica College and Slocum Dickson Medical Center. On-Site parking.
For Sale or Lease: 8120 Route 12, Barneveld
4,000 +/- office/retail building available. High visibility & traffic. Central location serving numerous communities & serves as the main corridor to the Adirondack Park.
For Sale or Lease: 601 State Street, Utica, NY
6,000 +/- SF flex use building on busy corner 1.4 +/- acre site. Current dental lab building adaptable for a variety of uses.
For Lease: 8411-8421 Seneca Tpk, New Hartford
1,000 & 14,000 +/- SF, completely renovated shopping plaza. Co-tenancy with Plato’s Closet, Faxon St. Lukes Health Care & other local tenants.
For Lease: 401 Main Street, Utica
7,300 +/- SF turn-key restaurant available in the heart of Utica. New flooring & windows. Located across from the Amtrak train station & close to the auditorium.
For Sale or Lease: 12215 Route 28, Deerfield
3,000 +/- SF restaurant situated on 1.3 acres. Seasonal rental cabins with 700’+/- waterfront on West Canada Creek. 2 bedroom living quarters on property.
For Sale: 1415 Genesee Street, Utica
5,040 +/- SF building zoned Office/Apartment consisting of 2,500 +/- SF on each side with separate utilities. Currently occupied by American Red Cross.
For Lease: 133 Oriskany Blvd. Whitesboro
2,200 +/- SF available in busy neighborhood shopping center. Co-tenancy with national tenants. Landlord offering incentives with long term lease.
For Sale or Lease: 5140 Commercial Dr. Yorkville
23,757 +/- SF building available with high ceilings. Indoor pit, gas radiant heat plus hanging gas fired units in warehouse. Rubber roof in-stalled 2001.
LifeandHomes ■ Central New York
Patrick V. Agen
For Lease: 106 Memorial Parkway, Utica
6,000 +/- office space available. Co-tenancy with Utica School District. Owner will build to suit. On-site parking.
For Sale: 8403 Turin Road, Rome
1,260 +/- SF retail location on busy corner. Formerly operated as a repair center. 2- auto lifts large overhead doors. Available immediately.
For Sale: 9421 River Road, Marcy
1,400 +/- building available on a busy retail corridor with over 200’frontage. Excellent office, retail or auto sales location.
For Sale or Lease: 2256 Broad Street, Frankfort
9,568 +/- SF building available. Currently occupied by Marcy Excavating. Office space has been recently updated and the roofing is new. Loading dock leads to a storage area.
For Sale: 300 Hangar Road, Oriskany
5,576 +/- SF with 1,000 +/- Sf of office situated on 3.95 +/- acres of land. Zoned Light manufacturing, located in the Oneida County Industrial Park.
For Sale: 1641 Genesee Street, Utica
2,512 +/- SF building available. Situated on 1.3 acres. Corner location with traffic light. High visibility and high traffic.
Brian Snow
John Jweid
For Lease: 50 Auert Ave., N. Utica
3,587 +/- SF former bank branch building in front of busy N.Utica Shopping Center. Co-tenant with Price Chopper, Dollar Tree, Rite Aid, Berkshire Bank and many more quality tenants.
For Sale or Lease: 4555 Route 233 Westmoreland
8,990 +/- SF building available situated on 8.5 +/- acres. Apartment on 2nd floor. Former banquet hall. Currently being used as indoor flea market.
For Lease: 9735 River Road, Marcy
1.3 +/- acre redevelopment site available. Ground lease, owner will build to suite. Close proximity to SUNY Poly and Nano site.
For Sale: 1426-1436 Lenox Ave., Utica
2,960 +/- SF popular bar/restaurant available. Partially equipped, & outdoor seating. Parking lot on the corner of Lenox & Oswego Street. Price reduced $149,000.
For Sale: 12 Genesee Street, New Hartford
6,500 +/- building located in the Village of New Hartford. Former theater with high ceiling. Great visibility & high traffic.
For Sale: 5521 Route 28, Eagle Bay
4,262 +/- SF building available. Currently occupied as The Inn at Eagle Bay. Fully equipped restaurant Bar Room. 600 +/- SF detached garage included. $239,000
Greater Buffalo NY 716-218-0139 LifeandHomes
Commercial Section
Rob Savoy
Rome • $28,500 per lot
6327 Lamphear Road - 8 Building Lots Available. 200x300 or 175x300. Surveyed, ready for new homes, city water, electric at pole. Great location, minutes outside of Rome.
Licensed Associate Broker
315-723-4542 rls477@gmail.com
Seven Valley Realty, Inc.
Representing the Mohawk Valley We offer a FREE market analysis to all sellers
Frankfort • For Sale or Lease
Marcy • For Lease
Rome • For Sale
Floyd • For Sale
9443 River Road - Move in ready. Unload your desks and open up for business. Class A office space with fully rented hair salon next door. New furnace in 2002 with central air. Separate utilities. Opportunity to serve a location in Marcy sector in New York State. Ample parking, well established business. Space could be 3 separate business units. Total of 4,600SF fully leased. Purchase this fully rented two tenant building. Business machines and equipment will move out if the buyer wants to be in the space.
2237 E Broad St - Exc. condition existing blg, with Cold storage detached and over 6000 sq ft of offices, heated storage. loading dock. 3.5 handicap baths. 5 min into Utica, easy aces. Ample parking and room to grow. Security and fire system. Upgraded windows,furnace,air conditioning. This a move in and start your business!! Next to Utica Post Office.
8042 River Road - One of a kind ranch home with stone walls open floor plan and beautiful grounds! A must see to appreciate. Sits on just over an acre. Counrty setting but close to Rome or Utica. great neighborhood. Sit back on deck and relax as deer pass by. Great home all around.
425 Erie Blvd - 19,000 s/f 3-story Commercial Building. Great location in the heart of downtown Rome, NY. many possibilities, retail, restaurant, Automotive. Estimate on tear down is 80,000. Motivated seller. Possible owner financing available.
Western NY - Camroden Road - 5 acres for sale.
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Investors Section Why Investing In Real Estate Is Easier Than Ever Residential real estate investing has shifted to one without geographic limitations due to developments in technology, financing and processes that can make it easier for investors to search, purchase and manage properties from afar. In the past, investors were generally limited to loans from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, which allow a max. of four and 10 properties. A new lending sector has emerged providing financing for investors of various sizes and neither limits the number of properties available for financing nor underwrites the loan amount based on personal income. The single-family residential market can present opportunities for “mom and pop” investors, particularly those who consider five key points: 1. Understand the total costs: Operating expenses and fixed costs can vary greatly from state to state. 2. Choose your tenants wisely: Use a property manager to identify and qualify tenants and detail exactly the financial criteria and standards required. Research local laws regarding tenant selection & advertising for tenants. 3. Know the market as if you lived there: Talk to local brokers, read the local newspaper to understand the economy and visit the area. 4. Choose either appreciation or yield or a little of both: Deciding which type of market you want to invest in will help with focus. Some markets straddle yield and appreciation, and researching the longterm trend for market dynamics is important as these may quickly shift to only yield or appreciation. 5. Know your exit strategy: The number of owner-occupied houses is important as a higher rate of home ownership may make it easier to sell the home. The overall liquidity of the market is also important. Data now exists that can help investors understand the vibrancy of a market even without much buying and selling. Find your next single-family real estate investment at www.investability.com. (NAPSI) This material was provided and sponsored by Investability Real Estate, Inc., part of the Altisource® family of companies. The material is provided for general and educational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, tax or investment advice.
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