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We br i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Dunlap To Host Valley Fest 2011 "Valley Fest, a Cultural Experience" kicks off April 16 & 17th, 2011, celebrating Sequatchie Valley's wealth of cultural diversity. The familyfriendly event features music, art, and day long activities. A variety of food vendors will be on hand offering samples of "flavors of the world" and musical acts and entertainers will be delighting the crowds. For more information on Valley Fest 2011, visit
Tips On Making A Do-It-Yourself Move
For a growing number of families, relocating has become a “moving experience.”That’s because whether they’re going across town or across the country, they’re choosing to move themselves. For some, it’s a way to have more control over the process. For others, it can add up to significant savings.To help you take part in this trend, here are some tips from the professionals at an industry-leading company—Penske. • Rent from experts. Renting trucks from knowledgeable professionals can help ensure that your move is smooth and easy. “Moving is one of life’s most stressful moments,” said Don Mikes, vice president of truck rental for Penske. “Our goal is to help guide people through their journey.”
• The right accessories can make a difference. Boxes, bubble wrap, moving blankets and hand trucks are essential to protect your items and make your move more enjoyable. • Mark it up. Label as you pack. It makes it easier to put the boxes in the right room when unloading.
can be taken. Remember, however, that lawn care products are not effective unless they are used properly. Stay aware - After the application of pesticides and other pest-management tools, keep track of lawn conditions. Lawns require care beyond the use of pesticides, so it remains important that grass is kept trimmed and watered.
• Think safety first. Rental trucks are taller, wider, heavier and require more stopping distance than cars. Pick up your truck early. Practice driving. Take precautions when the truck is loaded. Beware of low-hanging branches and overhangs when cornering. Park in well-lit areas and padlock the rear door. Penske Truck Rental has 24/7 emergency roadside assistance and optional protection plans.
Treat products with care - Store all pesticides according to label directions, away from children and pets. Handling pesticide products responsibly protects both lawn and homeowner. For more information on properly choosing and using pesticides and fertilizers, visit or (ARA)
• Get oriented. Ask the truck rental associate to walk you through the vehicle’s features. It should be a clean and well-maintained vehicle.
Making a Comeback
• Drive green. Use a truck rental company affiliated with EPA’s SmartWay program. A little preparation goes a long way to ensure an easier and safe move. More free moving tips are available at (NAPSI)
Make Your Lawn
Something to Share
A lawn is an extension of our living space, a place we can enjoy outdoor activities with family and friends. When pests invade our yards and threaten our comfort and safety, it's important to take action to control insects and weeds by choosing and using lawn and garden products carefully.
Plan - Before taking action on any lawn care project, research potential problems carefully. Execute - Once a plan is in place, proper action
Today, a new generation of design-savvy homeowners is rediscovering the beauty, durability and usefulness of cast iron in kitchens and bathrooms. A handful of enterprising manufacturers are reinventing the look, design and appeal of cast iron. If the concept of cast iron in kitchen and bath fixtures is new to you, consider the material’s advantages: * Durable. Enameled cast iron is especially durable, combining the longevity and dent-resistance of cast iron with the rust-proof beauty of enamel. * Customizable. Cast-iron sinks and bathtubs add instant elegance to a space. And with more than 20 colors to choose from, it’s easy to create a customized look to reflect personal style. * Eco-friendly. Some cast-iron products, like those made by bathtub pioneer Kohler, have a “green” side. Kohler manufactures its cast iron lavatories, kitchen sinks and bathtubs from 83 percent recycled and reclaimed materials. (ARA) www.Life and Homes .com
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• Pack wisely. Load your heaviest items first. Avoid injury by always bending your knees and lifting with your legs.
In the first part of the last century, iron was everywhere in American homes: Cookware on the stovetop, sinks and bathtubs, and fences that decorated and defined the front yard. But lighter, rust-resistant materials became available, and iron fell by the wayside as a material in homes.
• Reserve early. Book your rental truck at least two weeks in advance.
Follow these simple instructions for a PEST (plan, execute, stay aware and treat products with care) plan of action for caring for your lawn:
Cast Iron
• Select smart. A 12 or 16-foot truck can be a very versatile size—excellent for moving everything from a few large items or the contents of a small condo or apartment.
Avoid Foreclosure
Rescue Scams
6. “Your lender never had the legal authority to make a loan.” Don’t listen to anyone who claims “secret laws” can erase your debt.
• Clean out, throw out: Take time to go through expenses that aren’t really necessary or useful anymore. Consider cutting them and saving that money or applying it toward paying down another debt.
Following a few suggestions can help save many homeowners struggling with mortgages and other debt from seeing things go from bad to worse.
7. “Just sign this now; we’ll fill in the blanks later.” Read and understand everything you sign. Never let anyone else fill out paperwork for you. Don’t let anyone pressure you into signing anything.
• Get organized: Explore how you can simplify your finances by making savings and payments automatic, switching to online statements, and consolidating accounts if appropriate.
You can get free assistance from a housing counselor approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at (888) 9954673 and
8. “Call (800) Fed-Loan.” Beware of companies that imitate official federal programs. Providers must tell you they are affiliated with the government.
• Check your credit health: Consumers should check their credit once every three months. If you haven't checked your credit report and score lately, obtain yours today at
As for people or companies offering mortgage modification assistance or foreclosure relief, Federal Trade Commission rules ban advance fees, require clear disclosures and prohibit false or misleading claims. Experts at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency suggest you beware of these 10 lines: 1. “Pay us $1,000 and we’ll save your home.” Companies cannot collect fees until you have a written, acceptable offer from your lender and a written description of the key changes to your mortgage. 2. “I guarantee I will save your home—trust me.” Beware of guarantees like this one. Providers must give you realistic evidence for any claim they make.
Chattanooga, TN
3. “Sign over your home and we’ll let you stay in it.” Signing over the deed gives the recipient the power to evict you, raise your rent or sell your house—and you’ll still have to pay the mortgage.
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4. “Stop paying your mortgage.” Don’t trust anyone who tells you to stop making mortgage payments to your lender or servicer, even if that person promises to do it for you. You could lose your home and hurt your credit rating. 5. “If your lender calls, don’t talk to them.” Providers cannot tell you to stop communicating with your lender or servicer. 4
We br i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
9. “File for bankruptcy and keep your home.” Filing for bankruptcy stops foreclosure only temporarily. If you don’t make your mortgage payments, the bankruptcy court will eventually let the lender foreclose. Some scam artists may file bankruptcy in your name, without your knowledge, to temporarily stop foreclosure and give you the impression that he or she has negotiated a new agreement on your behalf. 10. “Why haven’t you replied to our offer? Do you want to live on the streets?” High-pressure tactics signal trouble. You can learn more at,,, and (NAPSI)
Spring Clean Your Finances Spring’s arrival might mean cleaning out the basement, attic, and garage. But while you’re making a clean sweep, you might also want to consider other areas of your life that could use tidying up. National credit bureau TransUnion recommends using the spring cleaning impulse to see what areas of your finances you can clean up and provides the following tips:
• Plan today for tomorrow: Make sure to save for the unexpected and future goals. Also, if there is a large purchase on the horizon, save now and pay more upfront later - helping you avoid charging the purchase to a credit card and accruing more interest. (ARA)
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mortgageCorner 5 Questions to Ask When Deciding To Refinance Your Home Loan By Jason Topp
1. What is Your Current Rate and What Rate Could You Get? What is your existing rate on your mortgage? Where are rates at now in the open market? There are factors that could affect your rate including credit scores and your debt-to-income ratio. You may want to improve your credit score first then call around to see what kind of rates you can get. Otherwise, if your credit score is great, go online or contact mortgage companies to find out what rates you could get.
3. What Are the Costs? Ask your lender for a good breakdown of what the fees will be on your refinance so you can factor that in when you do the math. Your existing lender might be able to give you more of a break – so call them first. Call around and get a sense of what other lenders are charging so you can use that for leverage. I’m not sure how flexible lenders are these days with their closing costs, but it doesn’t hurt to ask them to drop fees, lower costs and see if you can save on the refinance.
2. What Is Your Time Frame? If you are planning on staying in your existing home for only another year or two – run the numbers and see if it makes sense. You may want to hold off on the mortgage refinance! If you plan to stay a little longer, your break-even point won’t seem as bad. The longer you stay, the more attractive the refinance becomes. Run the numbers and figure out your break-even point.
4. What Is Your Current Mortgage Type? If you still have an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM), seriously consider a fixed-interest loan. If you currently have a 30-year mortgage, but you’d like to get that down to a 15 – look at a refinance. Depending on how the numbers shake out, you could wind up cutting your mortgage down without having to pay that much more in monthly payments.
5. Will a Refinance Allow You to Get Rid of PMI? PMI is Private Mortgage Insurance that lenders typically charge if your loan-to-value ratio is not quite 80%. If you weren’t able to put 20% for a down payment, chances are you are paying PMI. You may be able to get rid of PMI through a simple refinance. Decreasing home values have made mortage refinancing difficult in many cases. But if you can do it and get rid of PMI, that will be a very good motivator to go for the refi! If you paid off some of your mortgage and think your loanto-value is at least 80% then you may want to refinance so you can get rid of PMI! Reprinted with permission. Jason writes at Redeeming Riches where he helps others Restore Their Money and Renew Their Minds. If you want to learn how to save money, visit to to catch more of Jason's posts. In the 4th quarter of 2010, 46 percent of homeowners who refinanced their first-lien home mortgage lowered their principal balance by paying-in additional money at closing.
April ■
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7465 Lacie Jay Ln
$29,711 260 Branch Creek Rd - Building Lot
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Chris Sikes • 423-894-3050
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Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
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Rock Spring
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Tellico Plains
Reagan Valley Rd/ Fairview Rd - Building Lot
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40.20 Acres
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Chris Sikes • 423-894-3050
Paul Avratin • 423-303-6520
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Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
Signal Mountain
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250 Clark Grayson Rd
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Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
Soddy Daisy
$224,900 10697 Thatcher Crest Dr.#39
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Getting Organized Can
Save You Money Is your life so disorganized that it’s costing you money?
If you’re like all too many Americans, you’re spending so much time rummaging around for lost or misplaced items-wasting a combined 9 million hours a day—that you’re probably too frazzled to even contemplate that question. That’s a real shame. Because it turns out it’s not just stuff like car keys and medicine we’re mislaying. According to Harris Interactive, 23 percent of adults admit to paying their bills late because they’ve lost them in what we’ll call The Great Abyss.
• Baskets are your new best friend. Everyone in your house should have his or her own decorative one to hold loose items. “It’s an instant declutterer,” says Pollack.
And you know what happens when you don’t pay your bills on time, right? You incur late fees— and, in the case of bank credit cards, for example, also open yourself to sky-high annual interest rates.
• No one should be without a “home management” binder. Well, okay, you can probably do without it if you’re paying someone $100,000 a year just to keep track of your family’s schedule, emergency contact numbers and all the rest of life’s minutiae that contribute to high stress levels. But for the rest of us, Pollack advises separating each section with Avery NoteTabs ( that have the advantage of being writable, highlightable, stickable and removable.
“People have to realize that being disorganized has real-life consequences,” says organizational expert Jill Pollack, who’s been featured everywhere from WE’s “Bridezillas” to Time you organized your life? Read on for some expert tips:
• Your second-best friend is your coding system. Alphabetizing your files—yes, you’ll need files— is apparently so yesterday. The “more intuitive” way to go? Colors. You know, green for financial documents, red for health matters, and so on.
• Clear your desk. If your home’s cluttered, odds are so is your office. Make a point to clear it before you leave at night so you can start fresh in the morning. Pollack has three final words of advice for pack rats who insist on keeping every last tax return (seven years normally suffices), every last paycheck (toss once you’ve gotten your W-2 form) and every last credit card statement (shred immediately, after checking for accuracy, since they’re a prime source of identity theft). Those words? “Purge, purge, purge.” (NAPSI)
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• Stay on top of your bills. Not only do current bills rate a file folder all their own—color code it neon green, if you like—but you need to make a habit of going through it once or twice a week to remit payment.
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Cost Effective Ways to Boost
Anyone who's ever bought, sold or even just looked at a house can tell you first impressions matter. A house can be filled to the rafters with luxury touches, but if it
L i f e and H o m e s
Chattanooga, TN
With real estate sales still sluggish across the country, curb appeal is taking on a new meaning for many homeowners. While an attractive home exterior can still boost potential resale value, homeowners are also looking at curb appeal as a way to enhance the enjoyment of their homes. Giving the exterior of their home a facelift not only makes the house stand out on the street, it also allows homeowners to "move up" without the expense of remodeling or moving. Fortunately, many curb appeal-enhancing projects can be cost-effective too, yielding significant improvements for a modest investment. 8
We br i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
Curb Appeal lacks curb appeal, few potential buyers will ever step in the door to see what's inside.
"Projects can be inexpensive and simple while adding tremendous value and curb appeal," says Mark Clement, how-to expert and host of "MyFixItUpLife." If you're looking for low-cost, high-impact ways to create or improve curb appeal, consider these ideas: * Make small improvements that have a big impact. Simple touches like repainting the front door, window trim and shutters, planting flowers, and switching outdated light fixtures can create a whole new look. Plus, these simple improvements have the advantage of
being scalable. Instead of re-siding the entire house, you can freshen the facade by tackling smaller portions, such as a porch or garage. Later, if you want to continue the improvement, you can re-side other areas of the facade. * Choose materials that are durable and stylish. Skimping on materials may seem like a great way to save money, but you could end up spending more in the long run if you have to redo a job that was first done with lower quality materials. Purchase the best quality materials you can afford - not only will they look better than cheaper goods, they'll last longer and provide more enjoyment and value.
* Dress up the exterior with accents. Adding touches like accents to gables, posts and beams, drain chains in place of downspouts or planter boxes made with beautiful, sustainable materials like Western Red Cedar is a great way to improve curb appeal while stretching your budget. Quality materials retain their beauty over time better than cheaper materials. * Illuminate. Light is a powerful accent, and, thanks to the availability of easy-to-install solar lights, you don't need to pay a professional to light your landscape. Solar lights - readily available in home improvement stores - provide decorative illumination to driveways, walkways and gardens.
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* Think "green." Whenever possible, choose materials that are truly sustainable, like Western
"Natural, long-lasting materials, like real wood, return beauty, durability and value," Clement says. (ARA)
* Introduce shade. Arbors and trellises adorned with flowering vines are not only beautiful in warm months; they're a great way to add areas of shade to your landscape. They can even be used to block the scorching heat from the afternoon sun from parts of your home's interior. Building an arbor or trellis is well within the capabilities of most do-it-yourselfers. For free ideas and plans, visit * Add a splash of color to your landscape with low-maintenance plantings that require little attention. As an added "green" step, consider plants that require less water, too. Your local home extension office can help you identify what types of plants will grow best in your region.
Red Cedar. Sustainable materials are ones that have been harvested and/or manufactured through methods designed to reduce their impact on the environment.
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117 Crawford Lane S.E
174 Scenic Hollow Dr
3 Bedrooms / 1.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
For more details visit Type in Quick Search #67309
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Paul Avratin • 423-303-6520
Connie Faircloth • 423-667-0949
Keller Williams Realty - Cleveland Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
323 Pickett Fence Dr
353 Rabbit Farm Rd
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 3 Full Baths/ 2 Half Baths
For more details visit Type in Quick Search #54670
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Connie Faircloth • 423-667-0949
Kevin Wohl • 423-243-6000
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
61 Spring Creek Dr
401 Farmington Ln
2 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
4 Bedrooms / 3.0 Baths
For more details visit Type in Quick Search #54717
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Connie Faircloth • 423-667-0949
Kevin Wohl • 423-243-6000
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
414 Ray Johnson Rd
57 Wilson St
4 Bedrooms / 3.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 1.5 Baths
For more details visit Type in Quick Search #54541
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Connie Faircloth • 423-667-0949
Pamela Brown • 423-949-7653
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
111 Pond Rd
322 Rock Creek Rd
3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
For more details visit Type in Quick Search #54631
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Connie Faircloth • 423-667-0949
Pamela Brown • 423-949-7653
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
762 Brier Branch
449 Dogwood Ln
5 Bedrooms / 4.0 Baths
3 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
For more details visit Type in Quick Search #54588
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Connie Faircloth • 423-667-0949
Pamela Brown • 423-949-7653
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
Century 21 Professional Group Realtor •
Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
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How to Tackle Home Comfort Repairs for Warmer Months Homeowners are looking forward to warmer weather after winter weather took a toll on homes and businesses across the U.S. Harsh weather even made its mark on The coming of spring is revealing a list of post-winter home repairs that need to be made. After being stuck inside for the past few months, getting outside now to assess home damage and tackle initial projects will help you get a jump-start on the season. Begin with weekend projects that alleviate water damage, such as clearing out gutters and downspouts. Look at the roofing and siding of your home, and repair any broken or missing shingles or panels. These projects allow you to dust off your toolkit, organize your garage and make a list of what needs to be done in the coming months to improve the stability and comfort of your home.
* Clean air ducts. Remove air ducts and return-air grille plates, and thoroughly clean with a rag, scrubbing brush or vacuum to prevent any irritants or dust from making their way into your home's air. * Inspect the outdoor air conditioning unit. Remove leaves, grass, dirt and other debris that may have built up around your outdoor air conditioning unit or heat pump to ensure nothing is obstructing the air flow. * Listen for strange noises. Simply listening for loud or unfamiliar noises is good protocol for evaluating bigger issues that may be plaguing your home comfort system.
If you have an old HVAC system, or you are simply wondering how well your current system is performing, take the time to schedule a routine
Additionally, ask your local dealer about what you can do to maintain greater control over energy costs and environmental impact, especially on hot days ahead. To locate an independent American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning dealer near you, visit With these new improvements, your home will be looking and feeling as fresh as spring, and your cabin fever will be a thing of the past. (ARA)
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Easy troubleshooting tips for a variety of system problems are also available in American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning's Symptom Checker guide, found online at
maintenance checkup with an HVAC professional. He or she can advise you on ways to improve the safety and comfort of your home, and make sure your HVAC system is operating properly.
* Check the furnace filter. Cleaning or changing your furnace filter each month will help extend
the life of your furnace and may help save on heating and cooling energy costs.
This is also a good time of year to make sure your home's heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is functioning properly and at its most efficient rate. While most HVAC maintenance requires the help of a professional contractor, American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning offers a few simple things homeowners can manage this time of year:
typically warm climates in the southeastern part of the country, which experienced some of the coldest temperatures on record. Dunlap
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4 Bedrooms / 2.0 Baths
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Pamela Brown • 423-949-7653
Pamela Brown • 423-949-7653
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Low Mortgage Rates - Synovus Mortgage Corp. 423-643-8889
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204 Hatfield Ln
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Tips for Better Remodeling or Landscaping Projects For many homeowners, the return of warm weather signals that time of year to launch the long-awaited home remodeling or backyard patio project. With the typical major kitchen remodel topping $58,000 and the cost of a new roof topping $21,000, according to the National Association of Realtors 2009 Cost vs. Value Report, taking on even a minor remodel calls for careful attention to detail. It's even more important if you're not a do-ityourselfer and want to hire a contractor to perform some or all of the work, says, the world's leading online legal resource. Doing your homework upfront and being crystal clear in your dealings with a home remodeling or landscaping contractor will reduce miscommunication, frustration and expensive errors.
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Chattanooga, TN
If you're ready to take the plunge, here are some time-tested tips from for a better remodeling or landscaping project: 1. Ask yourself: Does it make sense? Before you move too quickly, it's critical to determine if it makes sense to remodel. The first place to look is your neighborhood. Are other neighbors improving their homes and enhancing the exteriors of their homes, as well as their yards? Is your city or town properly maintaining streets and public areas? Are you committed to staying in your home at least five years? Remodeling and landscaping can be expensive and, in many cases, you will not fully recoup your investment. While it's important to do it for yourself, be careful not to over invest either.
We b r i n g p e o p l e a n d h o m e s t o g e t h e r .
2. Do your homework. Before you call a contractor, do your homework to get a good idea of what you want from your remodeling or landscaping project. Visit showrooms, talk to friends and neighbors who have recently remodeled, read home and landscaping magazines, and visit open houses and showcase homes to see what's hot in home remodeling and landscaping projects. Start a notebook to collect your ideas, product information and product samples. 3. Build a budget. As you do your homework, start piecing together a budget of what various products and materials may cost. Keep in
mind, especially when remodeling an older home, there may be unexpected surprises (such as plumbing or electrical) that could drive up the costs of your remodeling project. To be on the safe side, always add 20 percent to the generally recommended costs of a remodeling project. 4. Listen to word-of-mouth. If you hire a contractor, make sure that any contractor that you consider is licensed, bonded and insured. Word-of-mouth is the most reliable method to finding a contractor. Ask your friends, neighbors or family members for the names of contractors or landscapers with whom they've worked.
5. Get multiple bids. Always get at least three proposals when selecting a contractor to handle your remodeling or landscaping project. Always meet the contractor in person and never agree to hire a contractor after your first meeting. Obtain all estimates in writing and carefully compare the details that each contractor has spelled out in his or her proposal.
Your Decorative Source
6. Check your permits. Be wary of the contractor who says you don't need to pull a permit from city hall for your remodeling or landscaping project. A permit typically represents the minimum construction standard set by a local community. In other words, a permit actually protects you as the homeowner from shoddy construction or landscaping practices. If you live in a historic neighborhood, there may be more restrictive guidelines that you must follow that have been set by a neighborhood council.
for a Vast Selection
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7. Get references. Before you say "yes" to a contractor's proposal, get at least three to five references from a contractor. Call the contractor's references and ask about the experience of working with him or her - did the contractor complete the project on time and on budget? Was the contractor responsive to making changes throughout the project and the completion of the punch list (all of the final details to wrap up a project)? Contact your local Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been filed about the contractor. And, contact building suppliers and subcontractors (electricians, plumbers, etc.) to see if your contractor pays his or her bills on time. 8. Get it in writing. Never, ever agree to hire a contractor, even if it's your brother-in-law, on a handshake. Always insist on a contract, says Be precise about exactly what services will be performed and by when. Specify exactly what products and materials will be used. Spell out when payments will be made to the contractor and clarify what recourse you have if the work is not completed to your satisfaction. If need be, contact an attorney specializing in contracts to review the document before signing. 9. Do a gut check. You need to feel good about having someone come into your home every day for weeks or possibly several months. Working with a contractor should be fun, but more importantly, you need a contractor who listens and responds to you. Check your gut reaction. If in any way you feel uncomfortable with a contractor, don't sign the contract. And if you have to, move quickly to cancel it. Many states allow a consumer to cancel a contract within three business days after signing it.
(At Main & Fagan, One Block East of Central Ave.)
April â–
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10. Be completely satisfied. Never pay for the entire remodeling project or landscaping project up front, before construction begins. In most cases, you'll put down 25 percent of the total project amount to get the work started. After that, you'll pay portions at certain milestones up until the completion of the project. Don't make the final payment until you are completely satisfied with the work. It's one of your last defenses to ensuring that work is completed to your satisfaction. (ARA)
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