URI Viewbook 2009

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Fast Facts 12,800 undergraduate students 3,100 graduate students 3,100 freshmen for fall of 2009 55 U.S. states and territories 64 nations represented 14 to 1: student to faculty ratio 66% of classes have 29 students or fewer 75% of faculty members have doctorates 80 majors offered 30 honor societies

At URI, we’ve always had to think bigger than ourselves. Our world is in need of a constant flow of big ideas to solve the problems of the planet and its people, and URI is prepared to help. Beyond being an incredibly beautiful place, we do important research at URI. From textile design, to ocean science, to pharmacology, to materials research studying sustainable fuels for the future. To inspire new ideas and spark innovation, we’ve reinvented the

very way we teach. We take learning beyond the traditional classroom and welcome original thinking. We even create new majors in response to the world’s evolving needs, ­mixing language, sciences, and other disci­plines to develop international programs in business, engineering, pharmacy, and more. Along with being perfectly positioned to be a creative problem solver, from farm to factory to sea floor, URI is also blessed with natural resources that inspire you and our faculty to innovate

and discover daily. We live and work in a beautiful place. Tree-lined. Quiet. Quintessential New England. Our campus makes people happy. We’ve found that happy people are productive people. You can breathe here. You can think here. You can do your best work here. So no matter what you study at URI, from performing arts to pharmacy, languages and engineering, nursing, textile design, psychology, or environmental science, you’ll be prepared to make your mark on the world. A meaningful mark.

COVER PHOTO: KELLENE MCCAFFREY—Fredon, NJ, Class of 2009. Major: Journalism. Minors: Art and Writing. First published during her URI internship at Zink, a NYC high fashion magazine. Featured in two Glamour magazine photo spreads after winning a national competition run by Herbal Essences Hydralicious products and Glamour.


Kingston Campus...................................................... 2-3 University College..................................................... 4-5 College of Arts and Sciences................................... 6-7 College of Business Administration........................ 8-9 College of Engineering..........................................10-11 College of the Environment and Life Sciences.. 12-13 College of Human Science and Services............ 14-15 Internships and Experiential Education.............. 16-17 College of Nursing................................................. 18-19 College of Pharmacy............................................. 20-21 Interdisciplinary Studies....................................... 22-23 Feinstein Providence Campus...................................24 Alumni..........................................................................25 Athletics................................................................. 26-27 Student Life............................................................ 28-29 Dining and Housing............................................... 30-31 Admission and Tuition.......................................... 32-33


ooze•ball \ üz-bol \ n: double elimination volleyball played on a very muddy field; annual URI tradition since 1990, organized by the Student Alumni Association as a fundraiser to support other campus initiatives such as Rhody Ram Scholarships and the Homecoming bonfire.

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Welcome to our Kingston campus.

Hope Commons, bursting with energy and conversation, is the perfect place to grab a meal or enjoy the late-night wireless lounge with its four-sided fireplace. The Memorial Union is a hub for student clubs and organizations, good eats, and consumer services like haircuts. When the weather’s warm, the quad is students’ favorite place to hang out, toss a Frisbee, or study together. The Ryan Center offers everything from Akon and Third Eye Blind concerts to career fairs and is also home to the men’s and women’s basketball teams. theryancenter.com The Fine Arts Center will entertain you with musicals, plays, student exhibits, and musical performances. uri.edu/artsci

Our robust athletics complex includes the Mackal Field House and Keaney Gymnasium for weights and cardio, indoor track, hoops, and volleyball; the Tootell Physical Education Center, which includes the Aquatics Center for swimming and diving; Meade Stadium for football; Bill Beck Field for baseball; and the softball and soccer complexes. Nearby, the Bradford R. Boss Arena is home to men’s and women’s ice hockey and recreational skating. GoRhody.com And if there’s actually something you can’t find on campus or you just want a change of pace, there are plenty of places to check out in neighboring Wakefield and Narragansett, where buses from campus run more often thanks to recent green initiatives. Plus, you can take a bus to Providence, Newport, or T. F. Green International Airport. And there’s an Amtrak station just down the road. For more information on Kingston and the surrounding areas: southcountyri.com.

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Picturesque pastures. A sprawling quad. Miles of beautiful beaches nearby. Our main campus in Kingston is an idyllic setting. And it’s dynamic, with activities galore. When you live at URI, there’s no need to spend money on gasoline because you’ll be close enough to walk everywhere—from the bookstore to the library to the fitness center and more—all without leaving the comforts of “home.”


University College

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering


uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

Imagine starting college with your class schedule already in hand and knowing your way around campus. University College—our fully dedicated advising college and academic home for incoming students—gives you the information and guidance you need, along with support and access to tutors, peer mentors, academic advisors, and more. We also provide special advising services for student-athletes and transfer students, as well as workshops on exploring majors and finding the right minors, and services for planning your career. There’s something for everyone at UC.



College of the Environment and Life Sciences

College of Human Science and Services

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

THE BEGINNING OF SOMETHING BIG. Begin with the basics: General Education classes represent one-third of an undergraduate degree program at URI. Our academic advisors will guide you through your course selections and your degree requirements. For details on the required areas of study, visit uri.edu/univcol/advising and go to the General Education Handbook.

URI 101

The world is your classroom: At URI, you can also choose from 190 National Student Exchange colleges and universities or 200 Study Abroad locations in 40 countries around the globe. Learn more at uri.edu/international.

All incoming students take URI 101: Traditions and Transformations is a required one-credit course designed to teach you about URI’s support services. We’ll help you become a better learner, explore your major, and ensure that your transition to the University is as smooth as possible. Our learning communities team you up with other students who share your interests as you move from University College into your major course work.

Community Service: URI 101 also teaches the value of community service and contributing to society—personally rewarding experiences that employers will value, as well. We are home to The Feinstein Enriching America Program and the Clearinghouse for Volunteers. Visit uri.edu/volunteer for details.

Internships and Experiential Education: See how you can apply classroom learning to experiences in career-related settings with full- and part-time internships, offered everywhere from down the street to D.C. to Dublin. Visit uri.edu/univcol/ internships.

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Sometimes learning is a give and take.


University College

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Home to dozens of majors, our College of Arts and Sciences provides you with all the advantages of a liberal arts college along with the resources and faculty of a major research university. Our programs are dynamic, innovative, and perfectly in tune with today’s workforce trends. Our new School of Communication, for example, unites the strengths of our writing, communication studies, film media, journalism, and library and information studies programs, offering courses in Web-based communications, international communications, visual literacy, and more. As new careers emerge in the world, we also continue to create new majors: forensic chemistry, writing and rhetoric, and film media to name a few. We even provide specialized tracks within some of our majors. For example, you can focus on criminal justice as a sociology major. You can minor in nonviolence and peace studies or hunger studies, or combine any major with a foreign language. From mathematics to art history, psychology to philosophy, our programs and renowned research help you become a critical and analytical thinker truly prepared to contribute to the world. For a complete list of our majors, visit uri.edu/artsci.




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Sought after by bomb squads following the 2005 London bombings and called on regularly to collaborate with the FBI on terrorist attacks, URI Professor of Chemistry Jimmie Oxley knows a little something about explosives. And this internationally acclaimed explosives expert shares her extensive knowledge with students in the College of Arts and Sciences. As one of two universities selected by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to co-lead a new Center of Excellence for Explosives Detection, Mitigation, and Response, URI receives up to $2 million a year to educate the next generation of explosives experts. It’s big thinking that will benefit the whole country. Big time.



College of the Environment and Life Sciences

College of Human Science and Services

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

Parler français peut-il vous rendre plus compétitif? Could speaking French make you more market- able? That’s what URI Professor of French, Film Studies, and Comparative Literature Alain-Philippe Durand firmly believes. And at URI, students can even combine French with majors such as engineering; pharmacy; and textiles, fashion merchandising and design to earn dual degrees. Professor Durand, who received France’s highest

teaching honor, the Palmes Academique, feels that students who major in a foreign language and another field send a message to potential employers that they can handle a challenging workload, function in a multicultural environment, and adapt to any situation. More and more students are taking his word for it, making URI’s French program the second largest in the country. Magnifique!

maybe an internship in London is your cup of tea.

Eva Rubinoff—South Kingstown, RI, Class of 2009. Major: Communication Studies. Minor: Leadership Studies.

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Eva Rubinoff says URI gave her the tools to do anything she wants to do. She’s already applied those tools at internships in public relations, marketing, and event planning, including a semester at Boudoir Public Relations in the heart of London—her first time living outside her hometown. From supportive professors at the close-knit School of Communication to the endless resources of the wider University, all of Eva’s URI experiences have inspired her to pursue a career in service leadership. In fact, before she graduated, she was offered a position with the American Cancer Society.


University College

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Succeeding in the business world today requires global thinking and creativity. To that end, our College of Business Administration offers seven different business majors—accounting, entrepreneurial management, finance, general business administration, global business management, marketing, and supply chain management—each providing a broad perspective of domestic and global business challenges. Each leading to a wide array of career opportunities. Successful business people think strategically and quickly. Think big. Think like a business leader. We’ll teach you how.

Invest in Yourself. Add one more year and graduate with two degrees in our International Business Program. Select from French, German, or Spanish (or minor in Chinese) and earn a B.S. in business plus a B.A. in a foreign language. This program includes a semester of

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

Heung Wing Poon—Barrington,RI, Class of 2012. Major: Supply Chain Management. Minor: Economics. Born in Hong Kong and fluent in Chinese, Heung Wing was one of four URI students chosen for PricewaterhouseCooper’s highly competitive eXplore Program, designed to recruit promising business majors for a future career with PwC.


study abroad and a professional internship— often paid! Or, you can earn your business degree and move directly into our one-year M.B.A. program.

Help manage a $100,000 fund before you graduate. Imagine being a college student with a portfolio of more than $100,000 to invest any way you see fit. In 2001, the URI Alumni Association created that portfolio—the Ram Fund—to give advanced business students the chance to invest and manage money for the long term. Getting real-world, hands-on experience is what URI is all about.

Peter dadalt—Assistant Professor of Finance, faculty advisor to the Ram Fund.

Katie Beltz—Cortland, OH, Class of 2009. u

College of the Environment and Life Sciences

College of Human Science and Services

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

The Climb to the top starts in kingston. Marketing major Katie Beltz spent her final semester at URI interning with the threetime Super Bowl champion New England Patriots, an experience she says wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of her business professors. Working in the marketing department of the model NFL franchise, she used real-world experience planning promotional events, coordinating player appearances, and marketing to premium ticket holders. Best of all, Katie had a great time doing it. Now she’s ready to tackle the rest of the world.


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skills she learned at URI and gained priceless


University College

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Creating, inventing, and working in teams. This is what it takes to succeed in the engineering workplace today. And it’s what URI’s College of Engineering prepares you for with leading research programs and internationally renowned faculty. The proof is in our graduates’ extraordinary job placement rate. Choose from eight engineering disciplines—biomedical, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, industrial, mechanical, and ocean—as well as a five-year International Engineering Program and a five-year Engineering and M.B.A. program. Our International Engineering Program (IEP) embodies the global perspective and team building required of engineers today. (A program made even more amazing considering we pioneered it more than 20 years ago.) We’ve recently added the study of the Chinese language as an IEP option. Immerse yourself in the spirit of learning at one of our two IEP Houses, Living and Learning Communities with other IEP students, your own chef, and role models for academic success.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

M LEC 10

e g r. u r i . e d u

College of the Environment and Life Sciences

College of Human Science and Services

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

20,000 feet under the sea. For most people, the ocean is a great place to surf, fish, dive, and sail. To ocean engineering major Martha Ziolkowksi, it’s a place to study wave mechanics and find new ways to generate safe, renewable energy from one of our most valuable and abundant resources. Interning with Total Oil & Gas in France, she’s developing offshore structures designed to extract energy from waves. Students like Martha are also building better instruments for underwater mapping and monitoring, offshore structures, marine protection, and more. Extraordinary experiences beyond the classroom—and even under the sea—make URI a great place to learn.

New Pathway to Pharmaceutical Careers. In response to the unprecedented advances in medicine and life sciences in the world today, we developed a new pharmaceutical engineering track —a unique intersection of chemical engineering and pharmacy. This new chemical engineering program prepares you to be exceptionally qualified and competitive as an interdisciplinary specialist in the pharmaceutical profession. New opportunities and rewarding salaries await.

CULE sensor

Martha Ziolkowski­—Toronto, Ontario, Class of 2010.

Imagine an entire biotechnology laboratory reduced to the size of a pea and placed on a computer chip. While not yet a reality, that technology for detecting small particles in micrometer-sized channels—called microfluidics—will soon revolutionize research into new pharmaceuticals, early detection of infections, and other health-related fields. It could even be used to monitor a person’s exposure to a biological agent released by a terrorist. Equally impressive is the fact that URI was awarded a highly competitive $2.4 million grant by the National Science Foundation to develop this technology along with the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. “We’ve identified a cutting-edge technology and we’re going to use it as a platform for developing a new multidisciplinary, multinational model to internationalize engineering research and education,” says Mohammad Faghri, URI professor of mechanical engineering and applied mechanics. It’s one of the many big ideas that have big possibilities at URI’s College of Engineering.

t FABIAN SIERRA—Pawtucket, RI, Class of 2009

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A biotechnology lab the size of a pea.


University College

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering

COLLEGE OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND LIFE SCIENCES If you care about wildlife conservation, environmental policy, resource sustainability, and the future of our planet, you’ve found your home. At URI’s College of the Environment and Life Sciences, you’ll develop new scientific knowledge, partner with world-class faculty, and get your hands dirty by learning in the field—or stream. As part of a prominent research university, you’ll not only conduct laboratory experiments in our cutting-edge Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences; you’ll also gain important realworld experiences that will give you a competitive edge in your career. From our top-ranked landscape architecture program to pre-med and pre-veterinary courses to geological studies, we offer a wide variety of majors with opportunities to study around the corner or around the world. Visit uri.edu/cels.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.



Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology Albert Kausch has found that when switchgrass is genetically modified and used as a biofuel, it lowers greenhouse gas emissions and yields better results than corn or biodiesel, without nitrogen or chemical fertilizers. Professor Kausch has launched Project Golden Switchgrass at URI, to develop “the variety of enhanced switchgrass that everyone needs.” Although native switchgrass grown commercially today could produce ethanol for approximately $2.70 a gallon, a genetically improved version could cost as low as $1. Low-cost, renewable energy to reduce the United States’ dependence on foreign oil—it’s important research and it’s happening at URI.

College of the Environment and Life Sciences

College of Human Science and Services

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

it doesn’t seem like a big thing. Tick-borne diseases are a huge problem globally. URI Professor of Plant Sciences Thomas Mather—one of the world’s top researchers in Lyme and other tick-borne diseases— recently proved the effectiveness and superiority of a better tick repellent. Professor Mather and his team discovered

that repellent used on clothing and containing permethrin—not DEET—is the best option for preventing tick bites. It’s the kind of research that could save lives worldwide, and it’s just one of the many invaluable, earth-conscious programs you can find at URI.


Rachel Wigton—Jamestown, RI, Class of 2009.


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Marine biology major Rachel Wigton didn’t let a little thing like geography keep her in one place during college. She spent the summer after her sophomore year on a month-long research cruise to the Gulf of California studying jumbo squid with Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Brad Seibel, who leads research about how the cephalopod, and other species, might be affected by decreasing oxygen levels in the deep sea. At URI, we know that every creature—jumbo and small—is important to the ecosystem of the entire ocean.


University College

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering

COLLEGE OF HUMAN SCIENCE AND SERVICES The art of relationships. The science of speech. The study of body movement. Improving quality of life is an invaluable contribution to the world—one that is the focus of the fields studied in URI’s College of Human Science and Services. From teacher education to health-related fields to the world of fashion and textiles, this college prepares its graduates for a variety of careers by combining class work with practical, hands-on experiences. This practical approach to learning helps us graduate big thinkers who answer questions of enormous importance in human science. What are multiple intelligences and how do children learn? Can adults relearn how to speak after trauma? Which interior materials are healthy for both corporations and our planet? Make a difference and enhance the lives of ordinary people in extraordinary ways.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.



Teaching English as a Second Language in Madrid comes easy to Stacey Leasca. This double degree-earner in English and secondary education credits the lesson planning and education theory she learned at URI for preparing her to make a difference in the lives of her students. Learning from encouraging professors who served as caring mentors, Stacey felt so inspired to blend her passions for education and travel that she’s now pursuing a position with Spain’s Ministry of Education. Stacey Leasca—South Kingstown, RI., Class of 2008, tutoring Alberto and Paula in Madrid, Spain.


College of the Environment & Life Sciences

College of Human Science and Services

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

Lisa Marie Carroll—Babylon, NY, Class of 2008.

Lisa Marie Carroll, a textiles, Lisa Mariefashion Carroll merchandising, and design major, traveled all the way to Italy to land her dream job back home: an exciting position in interior design. After doing independent studies with a design professor from the College of Human Science and Services, Lisa Marie discovered she wanted to focus on home design instead of fashion, and headed to Florence and Venice to explore her interests. In Italy, Lisa Marie studied art, painted, visited major museums, and developed her design

skills. She even took an intensive Italian language course. When she returned home she put her URI education and Italian experience to good use with an internship at Bed Bath & Beyond, where she helped design products, worked with domestic and foreign vendors, and successfully managed plenty of international communication. Lisa Marie is now an assistant buyer for Bed Bath & Beyond. Design and language. Two disciplines that yielded one great job offer.

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From Kingston to Italy and Beyond.


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THE KIND OF INTERNSHIP THAT MAKES YOUR EDUCATION STRONGER. URI kinesiology major Derrek Douglas was chosen from hundreds of applicants to be the strength and conditioning intern at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in San Diego. He attributes this opportunity to the experience he received interning with URI’s varsity athletic department, as well as recommendations from professors. Since 2003, three URI kinesiology students have been accepted to this highly competitive program, including Norris Golberg, class of 2009. More than half of the respondents to a recent survey of URI graduates benefited from internships acquired through Career Services, University College, or faculty connections. Ninety-six percent of them are now employed, in graduate school, or both. Derrek Douglas—Hawthorne, NJ, Class of 2008

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

The perfect training ground for the Olympic Training Center.


University College

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering

COLLEGE OF NURSING URI’s College of Nursing goes beyond the standard nursing curriculum with innovative, high-tech teaching methods. You’ll have the opportunity to learn in an on-campus, state-of-the-art intensive care unit and use technology that simulates the most advanced nursing environments. You’ll study with our simulated baby and adult patients. Our electronic study tools help you constantly monitor your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll even use a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) to replicate the actual nursing setting. As our population ages and the demand for nurses grows around the world, we prepare students for every stage of the life cycle. At the College of Nursing you’ll work with distinguished faculty who are as renowned for their neonatal research as they are for their work in gerontology. Researchers are funded by prestigious sources such as the National Institutes of Health and the Mayday Fund. We also encourage double majors, minors, and interdisciplinary studies like our program in thanatology, the study of death and dying. May Ly—Providence, RI, Class of 2008

Learning to care for people, from classroom to clinic.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

When May Ly graduated from URI’s College of Nursing, she didn’t just leave with a bachelor of science degree, she left with 900 hours of clinical experience under her belt. She even had over 100 hours logged in caring for four or five patients a day in the postoperative unit of Providence’s Miriam Hospital, one of the leading cardiovascular hospitals in the country. It’s this kind of real-world experience that gives URI’s nursing graduates an impressive level of confidence and competence when they enter the workforce. As Assistant Professor of Nursing Barbara O’Brien says, “When our nursing students graduate, most have a level of maturity that far surpasses their peers’ because they’ve confronted serious injury and illness.” We’ll teach you how knowledge and experience can pave the way to a successful nursing career.



College of the Environment and Life Sciences

College of Human Science and Services

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

Huge idea for low-birthweight babies. nurse-midwife, found it does. As she puts it, “This low-tech change in clinical practice has the potential to reduce the risk of disease and disability and to improve the neonatal and early childhood outcomes for these most vulnerable preterm infants.” Her findings garnered international attention

and led to a $2 million, 5-year grant from the National Institutes of Health so she can continue her investigation into the benefits of delaying umbilical cord clamping for preterm infants. It’s an important study that could improve and even save lives. And it’s happening at URI’s College of Nursing.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

When a baby with a very low birthweight is born, the umbilical cord is usually cut immediately. But what if you delayed cutting the cord for just a brief amount of time? Could more blood from the placenta have health benefits for the baby? Judith Mercer, URI clinical professor of nursing and a certified


University College

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business Administration

College of Engineering

COLLEGE OF PHARMACY State-of-the-art human patient simulators. An IMAX-quality visualization system. And an international pharmacy program in France. These are just a few of our unique offerings. The importance of pharmacy and pharmacological research can’t be overstated in a world that’s transforming daily, with a world population that’s growing exponentially. Our program emphasizes evidence-based decision-making. We receive extensive research funding from the National Institutes of Health and the pharmaceutical industry. We’re building a new 140,000 square-foot home complete with cutting-edge laboratories, providing greater research capacity to meet and exceed rising industry standards, and more space for students to learn and work together. With a pharmacy degree from URI, you can work anywhere in the world.

tapping into the extraordinary powers of an ordinary berry.

DINORAH JEAN-GILLES (center)—Pawcatuck, CT., Class of 2012, with Professor Seeram and a post-doctoral fellow.

Sometimes a big idea about a little thing can lead to life-saving discoveries. Take berries. They might taste good in cereal and yogurt, but URI Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Navindra Seeram and his students are studying how berries can help fight cancer. Already, they’ve discovered that extracts from the jamun berry have a strong effect

against two different kinds of breast cancer. Thanks to Professor Seeram, URI has a research partnership with City of Hope Hospital in California, allowing URI pharmacy students to collaborate with researchers at one of the nation’s designated comprehensive cancer centers. Perfect preparation for fruitful work in the growing medicinal plant industry.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

No need for needles.


URI Associate Professor of Pharmacy Fatemeh Akhlaghi and her team have developed a pain-free way to measure the levels of immunosuppressive drugs essential to the health of organ transplant patients. Too much means organ rejection; too little means infection and toxicity. Professor Akhlaghi’s groundbreaking work involves using saliva, instead of blood, to test for the proper levels. It’s an approach especially good for

the elderly and children, from whom daily blood draws can be especially difficult. But that’s not all—her method, now under review for a patent, is less complicated, less expensive, and more accurate. Because a transplant patient remains dependent on lifelong drug therapy with a mixture of immunosuppressant agents, a noninvasive monitoring procedure is all about improving the patient’s quality of life.

College of the Environment and Life Sciences

College of Human Science and Services

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

Hold a seashell up to your ear and it sounds like the ocean. But what do you hear when you listen to other things from the sea? Like marine microbes? URI Professor of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Dave Rowley, one of only a handful of marine microbial chemists in the world, hears the molecular communication between marine microbes. These conversations could help scientists discover compounds that might someday lead to novel anti-

bacterial agents. According to Rowley, “Most of our current antibiotic drugs derive from natural products produced by terrestrial microorganisms, so as we try to stay one step ahead of the pathogens, the most logical next place to look is at marine microbes.” It’s all part of URI’s exciting “Drugs from the Sea” program started in 1966, one that has helped the College of Pharmacy earn a worldwide reputation for excellence.


uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

Fish. Seaweed. Coral. Antibiotics. It’s a big ocean.


Interdisciplinary Studies If you can dream it, we can help you achieve it. At URI, we’re constantly creating unique programs of combined majors to help students approach problem-solving from different perspectives, and better prepare them for a world that’s changing by the day. If you want to combine two—or more— of your interests, the only limit is your imagination.

College of Engineering


College of Arts and Sciences INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING

Jonathan Grillot—Tobyhanna, PA, Class of 2009. Majors: German, Industrial Engineering.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.



Jonathan Grillot has put his future career in high gear. While enrolled in URI’s International Engineering Program, he interned at Volkswagen headquarters in Wolfsburg, Germany, and is looking forward to a career designing vehicles that are good for the earth. Begun in 1987, URI’s five-year International Engineering Program was the first of its kind in the nation and has become a national and international

model. Students simultaneously earn degrees in both engineering and either German, French, or Spanish. A Chinese option is also available. Since the program’s inception, hundreds of students have interned with companies in Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, China, Canada, and Lichtenstein. At URI, we’re all about multidisciplinary, multi-dimensional, and multicultural thinking. And as Jonathan will soon tell you, multi-job offers.

Harrison Zimmer—Port Jefferson, NY, Class of 2011 u

College of Arts and Sciences


Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) UNDERWATER archaeology

GSO at URI’s Bay Campus: • W orld leader in ocean education, with a research vessel that travels the globe • N ew 42,000 sq. ft. building housing the Ocean Science and Exploration Center, Pell Marine Science Library, Inner Space Center, and Institute for Archaeological Oceanography • C ourses offered to undergraduates include Ocean Exploration (co-taught by Professor Robert Ballard, who discovered the Titanic), Life in the Sea, and an honors course on Climate Change Through History.

The world doesn’t have one-dimensional challenges. Which is why we prepare you in multi-dimensional ways.

Harrison Zimmer, double-majoring in ocean engineering and anthropology, and minoring in underwater archaeology, works with Professor Mather and his team on the technology used to find and excavate shipwrecks. Harrsion spent his summer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) building underwater vehicles that help capture better information from the world’s oceans. Professor ­Robert Ballard is helping Professor Mather develop the first graduate program in the world that merges the fields of oceanography, ocean engineering, history, archaeology, and anthropology.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

Beneath the deep waters of Narragansett Bay lies a treasure trove of American history: dozens of sunken ships dating back several hundred years. There’s probably no one who knows more about them than URI history professor and marine archaeologist Rod Mather. Combining his background in maritime history, his scuba diving experience, and his passion for sunken ships, Mather teaches maritime history and underwater archaeology. Each class involves the social sciences, the humanities, and physical science.


Feinstein Providence Campus A small city with big opportunities. Big business. Little shops. Big mall. Theaters. Art galleries. Museums. Restaurants. Clubs. Providence has it all, along with a nonresidential URI campus where you can earn your entire degree or simply take a few courses as a Kingston student looking for a change of scene. From fascinating courses and nationally recognized professors to an outstanding communications curriculum and a biotechnology certificate program, our Providence campus is an exciting place to learn.

A campus that offers it all, in the middle of it all. URI’s Providence campus is located in the heart of downtown, around the corner from the Providence Performing Arts Center, the Rhode Island Convention Center, and the state’s ABC network affiliate. In fact, it’s perfectly positioned to take advantage of all the city has to offer, from culture and entertainment to internships and jobs. For more information about Providence, visit pwcvb.com.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.



URI’s Providence Biotechnology Center is the base of operations for cutting-edge training programs needed for New England’s rapidly growing biopharmaceutical industry. One year of biotechnology classes plus a one semester full-time biotech internship equals eligibility for employment as a biomanufacturing professional. Then complete a bachelor’s degree on a reduced schedule while working in the field. It’s an innovative approach that was perfect for clinical laboratory sciences major Alicia Wagoner, who had a passion for medicine and biology even while growing up in Trinidad. She recently fulfilled her lifelong dream, switching from a first career in banking to a new one biotechnology. At URI, we’re not afraid to forge a new path.


Alicia Wagoner–Cranston, RI, Class of 2009.


As chief national correspondent for CNN, John King is one of the most-watched and influential broadcasters in the world. This 1985 URI journalism graduate has covered nearly every major news story, often on site, during his distinguished career. He reported on the September 11 terrorist attack, the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as president of South Africa, the tsunami in Southeast Asia, and the war on terrorism. He has covered the last six U.S. presidential elections, including the historic 2008 election when he pioneered the use of CNN’s “multitouch” board, which allowed him to delve into election data and track delegates. He’s in good company, with CNN’s Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour, a 1983 alumna; New York Times Managing Editor John Geddes, a 1974 alumnus; and thousands of other URI alumni making big news.


uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.



In 2008, the URI sailing team earned its 11th Kennedy Cup, college sailing’s national big boat championship. The team has also competed in France.

A powerhouse in the Atlantic 10, the men’s soccer team has captured six conference tourney titles, and since 1999, Rhody has been in the NCAA tournament five times.

ATHLETICS Compete on any level you want.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

URI recently captured its first women’s Atlantic 10 rowing championship, finishing 16 points ahead of 12-time champion Massachusetts.


Intercollegiate Varsity Sports All are NCAA Division I members except football (IAA). Baseball (M) Basketball (M&W) Cross Country (M&W) Football (M) Golf (M) Rowing (W) Soccer (M&W) Softball (W) Swimming & Diving (W) Tennis (W) Track & Field (Indoor) (M&W) Track & Field (Outdoor) (M&W)

URI Ultimate is so popular it attracted enough students to form three complete teams in just as many years. This year, players traveled to tournaments in Georgia and Louisiana.

Last year, URI women’s ice hockey was ranked No. 1 in Division I of the American Collegiate Hockey Association. The team captured its sixth straight eastern crown.

Volleyball (W) Intramural Sports Intramural sports are offered in men’s, women’s, and co-ed divisions according to yearly demand. Badminton Basketball Beach Volleyball Billiards Bowling Field Hockey Flag Football Floor Hockey Golf Ice Hockey Soccer (Indoor) Soccer (Outdoor) Softball Tennis Volleyball Club Sports These sports compete at the intercollegiate club level. Crew* (M) Equestrian* (M&W) Ice Hockey* (M&W) Lacrosse* (M&W) Roller Hockey (M) Rugby* (M&W) Sailing* (M&W&C) Skiing (M&W) Ultimate (C) Volleyball (M) Wrestling (M&W) * Teams raise funds to pay their coaches.

G o R h o d y. c o m

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

At URI, it’s about the game and the grades. Over 160 URI student-athletes were named to the Atlantic 10 Commissioner’s Honor Roll for having earned a GPA of 3.50 or better in the fall 2008 and spring 2009 semesters. Men’s basketball standout Jimmy Baron was named one of ESPN the Magazine’s Academic All-Americans in 2009. Our Department of Athletics strives to provide quality facilities and programs that cultivate an exciting atmosphere for the University and the community. Go Rams!


WORKING WITH ORPHANS IS ONE WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS. Matt Brum wanted to make the most of his time at URI. He’s been a mentor, tour guide, orientation leader, and peer leader. He’s in a fraternity and two honor societies. With the Newman Club, he’s made two trips to New Orleans to help hurricane relief efforts. And he spent winter break 2009 in Nicaragua with 15 other students from URI’s Catholic Center, helping build a new orphanage in Diriamba. “I never imagined a few years ago that I would be doing what I’m doing,” he says. “Through my various involvements, I’ve made myself a better person and met incredible people along the way.” Whatever your interests, in the classroom or out, they’re not too big for URI.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

Matthew Brum—East Providence, RI, Class of 2010. Major: Accounting. Minor: Leadership Studies.



Everything you need: Class, Community, career.

Student Affairs Find the resources you need to succeed in college. Check us out at uri.edu/student_affairs. Honors Program Our Honors Program includes freshman courses with tutorials and independent research projects guided by faculty mentors. We even have an honors colloquium that brings nationally and internationally distinguished writers, artists, and scholars to campus. Visit uri.edu/hpr. Center for Student Leadership Development Classes. Internships. Teaching assistant positions. Workshops and conferences. All designed to enhance your leadership skills. Discover more online at mu.uri.edu/leadership.

Multicultural Center Participate in cultural celebrations. Learn about social justice. Collaborate to make a contribution to society. Explore more at uri.edu/mcc. Women’s Services Enjoy the Women’s Center, a supportive environment focused on the talents and goals of our female students and faculty. Visit us at uri.edu/women_center. International Students We can answer your questions about academic programs, government agencies, embassies, consulates, and more. Visit uri.edu/iss. Health Services Sore throat? Nagging cough? Migraine? Learn about our health resources at health.uri.edu. Safety First Get the details about our emergency response resources, the Safe Ride Program, and our EmergencyALERT system by visiting uri.edu/emergency.

Career Services You don’t have to be a senior to get career experience working at local, regional, national, and international companies like Abercrombie & Fitch, Walgreens, Raytheon, and Disney. For more information, visit career.uri.edu. Tutoring Services We provide free one-on-one tutoring for a variety of courses, writing consultation, and workshops on study strategies. Visit uri.edu/aec. Library Services From Internet resources to special collections to access to the Higher Education Library Information Network, our library has it all. Visit uri.edu/library. Religious Services The University chaplains represent the Roman Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant communities; referrals are available to representatives of other faiths. For more details, visit us at uri.edu/chaplains.

Counseling Services The Counseling Center offers individual counseling, skill building, and support groups. For more info, visit uri.edu/coun. Disability Services URI offers reasonable accommodations for exams, courses, programs, housing, and transportation. Learn more at uri.edu/disability. MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION Check out the heart and hub of campus activities, where you’ll find clubs and organizations, our bookstore, a convenience store, several dining options (including the Ram’s Den), our student-run radio station (WRIU), the student newspaper (The Good Five-Cent Cigar), a hair salon, a computer store, an eyeglass store, and a popular wireless “airport lounge.” mu.uri.edu.

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

Student INVOLVEMENT Get the most out of your college experience: get involved. For a full list of our more than 100 student clubs and organizations, visit mu.uri.edu/involvement.


What’s on the menu? How about anything you want?

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

There are plenty of dining options at URI and a wide variety of foods from which to choose. If you live in a University residence hall or a suite-style apartment without a kitchen, you’ll purchase a resident meal plan each semester. You can also buy Dining Dollars, so you can pick up a Starbucks coffee or a Freshëns Yogurt, and stop at the on-campus food courts and convenience stores.



For even more dining options, a Ram Account will give you access to all University dining services, as well as University retail shops, residence hall laundry and vending machines, and participating restaurants and retail locations in the Kingston Emporium and neighboring towns. When we say choice, we mean it.

A home away from home ­—and far from typical.

Choose from a traditional corridor living arrangement with community bathrooms; a two-room suite with an adjoining bathroom; or an apartment with

a kitchen, living room, four or five bedrooms, and two adjoining bathrooms. With so many options, you’re sure to find a living space that will make you feel right at home. We also offer Living and Learning Communities in some of our colleges and programs for students who share academic interests—including those who start off as undecided. Join a study group. Meet classmates. Literally live and learn.


uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

So what’s new with campus living at URI? Quite a bit, actually. For starters, many of our residence halls are either renovated or brand-new and even certified environmentally “green.” And with the recent additions, we are now able to offer more living styles to meet your needs.



consideration for all forms of financial

Application Deadlines:

The University of Rhode Island is a

aid, including Pell Grants and the R.I.

Merit Scholarship/Early Action:

member of the Common Application group. For your application to be considered complete, we must receive: • application for admission, including essay and URI Supplement • application fee of $65 • official high school transcript (sent by the school)

Higher Education Grants (for R.I. residents only). Merit Scholarships No separate application is required, but students must apply by the December 1 Early Action deadline (all required application materials must be received

Deposit: May 1, 2010 Applications are not reviewed until all required materials are received by the Office of Admission.

by this date). Preference for our highest level

• official SAT or ACT scores (MUST be

awards will be given to students with

Estimated Costs for 2010

a challenging curriculum, a GPA of

Tuition and Fees:

3.40/4.00, a class rank in the top 25%,

Rhode Island Residents..........$ 9,528

a combined SAT score (critical reading

Out-of-State Students..............$26,026

• at least one letter of recommendation Financial Aid Apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): fafsa.ed.gov (URI code is 0003414). Financial assistance may take the form of grants, scholarships, loans, employment, or any combination of these. Financial aid is awarded on the basis of need: the cost of attending the University minus your expected family contribution. Your family contribution is determined after you complete the FAFSA application. Be

and math) of 1200 or ACT of 26, and involvement and leadership in school and/or community. Satisfaction of the

• GPA of 3.31 • Class rank in top 1/3 • SAT of 1659 • SAT Critical Reading of 542 • SAT Math of 564 • SAT Writing of 553

Housing and Dining:................$10,638 Average Totals:

scholarship; the overall quality of the

Rhode Island Residents..........$20,166

applicant pool determines the degree of competition for these awards. Depending upon available funding, other scholarships may be awarded to students with a strong record of academic achievement who fall slightly below these criteria.

but no later than March 1, to ensure

Profile OF FreshmEn Admitted for fall 2009

New England Regional*..........$15,708

minimum criteria does not guarantee a

sure to file your FAFSA after January 1,

uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

Regular Application: February 1, 2010

• list of senior courses sent electronically by the testing agency)


December 1, 2009

Out-of-State Students..............$36,664 New England Regional*..........$28,346 Regional Student Programs (RSP Tuition Break) * The New England Board of Higher Education Regional Student Program provides discounted tuition to New England residents for a select group of majors. Learn more at nebhe.org or visit uri.edu/admission/newenglandprog.

It is the policy of the University of Rhode Island not to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, color, creed, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or discriminate against disabled and Vietnam era veterans in the recruitment, admission, or treatment of students, the recruitment, hiring, or treatment of faculty and staff, and in the operation of its activities and programs, as specified by state and federal laws, including the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments to the Higher Education Act, Executive Order 11246, as amended, Sections 503/504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and all other laws which pertain to access and equality. For further information regarding this statement, please contact Roxanne Gomes, Interim Director, Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity, at 401.874.2442. 07/09/30M/ADM3

• ACT of 24


SEEING IS BELIEVING. VISIT US. From the campus to the classrooms to the cafés to the conversion coating labs, come see where big thinking is happening on a tour of URI. We offer year-round information sessions and campus tours. Plan a visit today. Learn more at uri.edu/admission/visiting.

Fall Open Houses Choose from the following dates: Saturday, October 24, 2009 | Friday, November 6, 2009 | Saturday, November 7, 2009 Space is limited and reservations are required for the Open House, so please RSVP at uri.edu/admission. If you have a disability and need an accommodation, please call 874.7000 at least three business days in advance. For TTY assistance, please call the R.I. Relay Service at 1.800.745.5555.

Boston: 78 miles

Providence: 29 miles




New York: 161 miles By Bus:

By Train:

By Plane:

By Car:

Bus service to Providence is provided by Peter Pan Lines. Call 800.343.9999 or visit ­peterpanbus.com. Bus ­service from Providence to Kingston is provided by the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA). Call 401.781.9400 or visit ripta.com.

Amtrak service along the Northeast Corridor includes Kingston station, about two miles from the Kingston campus. For more information, call 800.872.7245 or visit amtrak.com.

T.F. Green International Airport is about 20 miles from URI’s Kingston campus. Bus transportation and car rentals are available at the airport. Visit pvdairport.com for more information.

For directions that include an interactive map, visit uri.edu/home/visitors. uri.edu • THINK BIG. WE DO.

Newport: 16 miles


Office of Admission Newman Hall, 14 Upper College Road Kingston, RI 02881 USA

UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS College of Arts and Sciences African and African-American Studies Anthropology Art Art History Chemistry Chemistry and Forensic Chemistry Classical Studies Communication Studies Computer Science Economics English Film Media French German History Italian Journalism Mathematics Music Music Composition Music Education

College of Business Administration

College of the Environment and Life Sciences


Animal Science and Technology

Entrepreneurial Management

Aquaculture and Fishery Technology


Biological Sciences

General Business Administration


Global Business Management

Clinical Laboratory Science

Marketing Supply Chain Management

Environmental Economics and Management

International Business Program (dual degree in French, German, Spanish, or a minor in Chinese)

Environmental Science and Management Geology and Geological Oceanography Geosciences

SmartMoney magazine

Biomedical Engineering

Landscape Architecture

Chemical Engineering

Marine Affairs

ranks URI first in New

Civil Engineering

Marine Biology

England and 15th in the U.S.

Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Nutrition and Dietetics

for the relationship between

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Resource Economics and Commerce

tuition costs and graduates’

Mechanical Engineering

Wildlife and Conservation Biology

earning power.

Ocean Engineering

Philosophy Physics

Engineering and M.B.A. Program

Physics and Physical Oceanography Political Science Psychology Public Relations Sociology Spanish Theatre Women’s Studies Writing and Rhetoric

WHY URI? Return on Investment!

College of Engineering

International Engineering Program (dual degree in French, German, Spanish, or a minor in Chinese)

Music Performance

Environmental Horticulture and Turfgrass Management

College of Human Science and Services Communicative Disorders Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Human Development and Family Studies Kinesiology Secondary Education Textile Marketing Textiles, Fashion Merchandising, and Design

College of Nursing Nursing College Of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences (bachelor’s degree) Pharmacy (6-year doctoral degree) Preprofessional Studies Predental Prelaw Premedical Pre-Physical Therapy Preveterinary

Cert no. SW-COC-001516

Produced by the URI Publications Office, Division of University Advancement, for the Office of Admission. Photos by Don Bousquet and Son Aerial Photography, CNN, Ryan T. Conarty, Duke Photography, Joe Giblin, Graduate School of Oceanography, Benjamin Hager, Rudi Hempe, Cassandra Kaliszewski, Joe Kovar, Nora Lewis, John Peterson, pwcvb.com


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