2012–13 Issue 2

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Election Special By CC Staff NEWS pg. 2

THURSDAY, 25 October 2012

Debate Grows as Election Day Nears

Americans are faced with what is widely described as the most monumental election of our lifetime.

Men’s B-Ball By James Shim NEWS pg. 3 With a fresh slate, the Pioneers men’s basketball team brings optimism to the start of the season.

Alcohol on campus By Webbo Chen OPINIONS pg. 7 This lifestyle that PUC encourages us to live is mainly to protect us.

Fresh Start

By Daniela Rodriguez OPINIONS pg. 6

This Day In History Oct. 25, 1881 Pablo Picasso is born. BACK PAGE pg. 8

PUC Climbing Wall Closed for the Year By Ben Speegle The Pacific Union College climbing wall, located in the Pacific Auditorium Fitness Room, closed earlier this year, following the semi-annual inspection by Adventist Risk Management, PUC’s insurance provider. The inspector expressed concern about the safety of the wall. As a result, PUC Human Resources Risk Manager Gayln Bowers elected to close the wall. Bowers said the three main concerns expressed during the inspection were: the space between the climbing wall and the fitness center equipment is insufficient, (continued on pg. 3)

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PUC and Save Rural Angwin have planted signs along Howell Mountain Road in attempt to influence voters traveling to and from Angwin.

By Alex Blum On Nov. 6, Napa Valley residents will vote on Measure U, an initiative supported and spearheaded by the local group Save Rural Angwin (SRA). The measure has incited heated debate between some members of the Angwin community and Napa County as a whole. Pacific Union College is a vocal opponent of the measure, because it would restrict its autonomy as a landowner. “What bothers me [about] Measure U is that the government is getting involved in private affairs,” said Associate Professor Ileana Douglas. “…I don’t think they have any right to tell us that we cannot develop the land the way we want to develop the land. It is for us to decide.” Measure U seeks to restrict urban development in Angwin while encouraging growth of the pre-existing sewage treatment facility. Acreage near the College Market

and other campus land would not be altered by urban development if Measure U is passed. SRA, which calls itself a “grass roots and all-volunteer organization” with a desire to preserve a generationally agricultural Angwin, worked to put Measure U on the Napa County ballot. The group collected 4,600 signatures (representing 10 percent of Napa County’s voting populace) and joined with the County Board of Supervisors in the process. “[Measure U] would preserve an area on Pacific Union College farmland now destined for ‘Urban Residential’ development,” wrote Michael Hackett, SRA’s chair. He addressed other concerns on the group’s website, stressing that school-related buildings like dormitories, classrooms and faculty houses would not be restricted by Measure U. The issue of land sale and development is complicated by its ethical, political and spatial implications. SRA supporters believe the land should be spared from urban development, while others find this to be an oversimplified position. Residents opposed to Measure U claim in slogans that it is “Unfair to Pacific Union College” and “Unnecessary for Napa County.” For many, Pacific Union College’s right to sell land for any purpose is paramount to the freedom of the institution. The Napa County Coalition Against Unfair and Unnecessary Initiatives—No on U claims that “Measure U is a costly ‘solution’ to an issue that just doesn’t exist,” outlining in a report how land use works (continued on Photo Credits: Allison Regen pg. 3)

Halloween: Hallowed or Heathen? By Chloé Robles-Evano Halloween is the one night of the year where incessant doorbell ringing is rewarded. It is a night when what would normally be defined as soliciting is instead viewed as a community coming together. America’s love for consumerism rears Arianna Duran and her older sister Rayna its head and hoards of individually packaged candies, costumes and themed décor take over local Targets, Wal-Marts and grocery stores. Bright orange pumpkins are found on porches throughout neighborhoods. These unassuming gourds are usually accompanied by faux cobwebs, gaunt skeletons and various other forlorn and macabre ornamentation that is so characteristic of Halloween. Unless your nearest neighbor is miles away, it is safe to assume that you have not escaped the familiar


chime of someone at your door every Oct. 31. Within Adventist culture, Halloween is generally frowned upon. This is due largely in part to the supernatural and demonic tones of the holiday. Halloween is also known as Allhallows Eve and All Saints’ Eve. It was believed that the supernatural realm could be accessed on this day. This meant that spirits of the deceased would roam about. One of the doctrines of the Adventist Church is that when people die, they remain so until Jesus’ second coming and that there are no such thing as ghosts, only demonic representations. A holiday dedicated entirely to the dead coming back to earth? Yeah, Adventists vote no on that. However, dress up isn’t something prohibited in the Bible. From one angle, Halloween is simply a grand scale play date with costumes. With that perspective, Halloween seems harmless enough. In fact, many Adventist academies have School Spirit Weeks in which students are encouraged to dress up with certain themes in mind. Jacquie Robinson, sophomore film and television major, explained that her academy encouraged the entire school to participate in Spirit Weeks, “but if anyone dressed up for Halloween they would (continued on pg. 3)








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Election Offers Stark Contrast for Voters By Campus Chronicle Staff

Photo Credit: Austen Hufford, Flickr.com

Photo Credit: Lewie Osborne, Flickr.com

This November, Americans are faced with what is widely described as the most monumental election of our lifetime, as President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney offer distinct perspectives on nearly every issue, from minute policy details to more sweeping philosophical differences on issues that affect Americans in everyday life. Before you take a trip to the polls, get a clearer glimpse of what each candidate plans to offer America.

College Affordability

opposes repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. While in Congress, his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan has voted to uphold the Defense of President Obama: President Obama has doubled funding for Pell Marriage Act and to ban same-sex couples from Grants and increased the maximum grant size adopting children in Washington, D.C. from what it was in his first term, making higher education accessible to millions more students. Equal Pay for Equal Work During the budget fight of March 2012, President Obama prevented a House Republican attempt President Obama: to reduce availability of Pell Grants and freeze The first bill President Obama signed into law them at current rates. when elected was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Obama has also placed lowering the cost Act. The law makes it easier for women to sue of college front and center. In June 2012, he should they discover they are being paid less declared that, “higher education cannot be a due to their gender, and remove the statute of luxury reserved for the privileged few. It is an limitations so they can sue at any time. economic necessity that every family should be Obama has advocated for further measures to able to afford.” ensure equal pay for equal work, promoting the passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act to address Mitt Romney: the continuing male–female income disparity in Romney argues that while the federal spending the country. for college students has increased through Pell Grants, the costs for college and student loan debt Mitt Romney: has grown at an even higher rate. He believes Romney’s position on the Lilly Ledbetter that issuing colleges what he calls a “blank legislation and the Paycheck Fairness Act is check” through direct grants from the federal unclear. His running mate Paul Ryan opposed government has rewarded tuition increases. the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in the House of Romney wrote that he would make sure Pell Representatives, arguing that it would increase Grants are there for students “that need them lawsuits from women suing for equal pay. He most.” He added that he would put private also opposed the Paycheck Fairness Act, saying lenders back in the business of issuing federally the law would impose hardships on small backed student loans and let companies compile businesses without accomplishing its goal. data about lending and colleges for consumers.

Marriage Equality President Obama: President Obama became the first president to publicly support same-sex marriage. Prior to declaring his support of marriage for all, the president has supported full civil unions for LGBTQ couples that gave them the legal rights and privileges of a marriage. Obama also supports repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, which requires the federal government to differentiate between married hetero- and homosexual couples and was recently ruled as discriminatory by a New York federal appeals court. Mitt Romney: Romney does not support same-sex marriage and promises to defend traditional marriage (between one man and one woman) if elected president. He supports a constitutional amendment to protect traditional marriage and

Romney has also committed to reversing parts of Obamacare, which would allow insurance companies to begin charging more for insurance based on gender again. Several states already limited or banned the use of gender-based health insurance rates preceding Obamacare.

Jobs President Obama: When President Obama took office, the economy was reportedly shedding about 800,000 private sector jobs a month but it has now seen 31 months of consecutive job growth. Since the president took office, the private sector has added 5.2 million new jobs. The president says the report shows the country is on the right track. Part of his plan to continue adding jobs in a second term includes targeted tax cuts, infrastructure spending and aid to state and local governments.

Mitt Romney: Republicans point out that the reported unemployment rate of 7.2 percent is in reality higher, as unemployment stats do not account for workers who have lost their jobs and given up looking or have taken a lower paying job than their skills should earn. This would include college grads who have taken a job that doesn’t require a degree. Romney proposed a five-point plan to add 12 million jobs. This includes: making the Women’s Health U.S. energy independent, enacting a fair-trade plan with other countries, improving skills and President Obama: During his four years in office, President education, cutting the deficit by reducing the Obama has ensured that women will receive birth size of government and helping small businesses control without co-pays and increased funding with comprehensive tax reform. for cancer screenings, HIV tests and other basic health procedures. Taxes The Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, President Obama: bans charging women more for healthcare than President Obama’s tax plan would increase men. Meanwhile, the president fought to protect taxes on those earning over $250,000 per year, funding for the Planned Parenthood Federation with another tax hike to those over $1 million of America, the nation’s largest reproductive per year. He says he will not increase taxes for provider that serves as the primary health care the middle class. provider for many women. Mitt Romney: Mitt Romney: Romney also vows tax cuts, not raises, on the Romney pledged to stop federal funding of middle class. Although his definition of middle Planned Parenthood. He has voiced support for class and middle-class income is under dispute. the proposed Blunt Amendment, which would He also stated he will not reduce taxes of those allow employers to offer employees insurance with incomes over $250,000 or $1 million. that excludes coverage for birth control.


THURSDAY, 25 October 2012



C B A Areas proposed for redesignation from urban residential to agriculture, watershed and open space. (Provided by Napa County, used with permission from the Napa Valley Register)

(Measure U continued from pg. 1) and the restrictions that would be placed on Pacific Union College in the event that its land was sold for development. “Public review,” “approval process” and “environmental protection” are mentioned. These terms represent the normal county processes and procedures that would still be implemented should development occur, perhaps alleviating fears that unchecked

urbanization looms on the horizon should Measure U not pass. President Heather Knight has spoken resolutely against it, even helping put together a Measure U rebuttal in the Napa County sample ballot— an informational packet for voters. She recently discussed the issue in a school-wide email to PUC students and a town hall meeting held on campus. In an e-mail to the student body, Knight discussed the implications of Measure U and the college’s stance on the issue. Quoting her own letter to the Napa Valley Register, she emphasized that “Measure U is an unfortunate attempt by a few community members to ask the voters of Napa County to circumvent the normal public process in Angwin.” This sentiment is reflected by many who oppose Measure U. During the town hall meeting held on Oct. 17, Knight addressed PUC’s official stance in greater depth. She addressed the illegality of Measure U and shared her hopes for the future of the college. In particular, she would like to see new grocery store options and restaurants introduced to the commercial strip currently home to the College Market, Ace Hardware and others storefronts. Save Rural Angwin has long been opposed to the “Eco-Village,” an infrastructure concept that was designed to incorporate 600 new homes into Angwin’s current landscape. Knight adamantly opposed the “Eco-Village” as well in her address and stated that as of May 22, it

has been off the table. She instead promoted the prospect of affordable housing for faculty, staff and others near her own Los Posadas residence. The housing introduced to this area of campus would be 60 percent affordable housing and 40 percent housing of comparable market value to other housing in the area. Another concern is the price of the legistlation. According to the coalition, “independent analysis commissioned by Napa County determined that Measure U is legally flawed,” and costly. The coalition projects a final price tag of well over $1 million in taxpayer dollars and other fees. Knight stressed the negative financial effects this would have on the college. If the legislation were passed, Knight discussed PUC’s possible future litigation over the illegality of the measure. This would likely take the form of a lawsuit between the college and the Napa County. Such legal issues would be time consuming and costly to the college. SRA’s position is that “Measure U is in solid agreement with all the policies of the Napa County General Plan to preserve Angwin as a ‘rural community.’” This is a point of contention, as Pacific Union College and others argue that Measure U is unfair and unnecessary for the community of Angwin and Napa County. The Nov. 6 vote will determine whether Pacific Union College must answer to the people of Napa County for land autonomy.

(Climbing Wall continued from pg. 1) there are no staff employees on campus who are certified rock-climbing instructors and the wall needs to be inspected by an engineer specializing in climbing walls. Bowers, in his second year as risk manager, said he never planned to close the wall permanently. “We want to provide things to do, but we want them to be safe, especially from a legal standpoint,” said Bowers. He said that there is no indication that the wall was previously unsafe, but from a risk perspective, changes need to be made prior to the wall reopening. The wall was installed in 1976 by Jim Hanson, according to Mike Hellie, assistant professor of exercise science, health & nutrition. Hellie, who has worked at PUC for the past 22 years, said the wall was briefly closed 10 years ago, due to a

lack of interest. Aside from updating holds and non-structural equipment, the wall has not been upgraded or inspected since installation. According to Bowers, for the wall to reopen, a number of things must be addressed. The wall must meet 2012 climbing wall regulations. If the structure is sound, then an assessment of current equipment will be done. Following these two actions, Bowers will either announce the reopening of the wall or give an explanation about why the wall cannot be used. Regardless of the results, the soonest possible reopening of the climbing wall is next school year, Bowers said. “I would rather close it for one year to make sure it is safe from all perspectives,” said Bowers. “When you rush safety, people get hurt.”

(Halloween continued from pg. 1) get sent home… because celebrating Halloween was not cool there.” Adventist have been shifting their views on Halloween over the past couple decades. Instead of frowning on it as a day that promotes the afterlife, most contemporary Adventists have decided to focus instead on the amusement of dressing up in costumes and getting free candy. Halloween is a perfect excuse to fellowship with your friends in a different and enjoyable setting. The majority of people interviewed said that as children they donned costumes for Halloween. Like most holidays, each person interviewed celebrated it slightly different. Some people were allowed to dress up, but could not go out. Some people were allowed to dress up and go out, but either received a lecture on the fallacies of ghosts and the evils of witches or were given the understanding that it was only a childhood phase and was unnecessary upon growing up. “[It was] all about the costumes and the

candy,” said Danielle Nelson, junior psychology major, of her childhood Halloween experiences. However, as the daughter of a pastor, she explained that she “was never one to believe in magic and stuff.” Another student explained that she wasn’t even allowed to dress up as a child because it was a form of celebrating “the devil’s holiday.” This is more consistent with traditional Adventists views on Halloween. At PUC, however, there have been events in Staff members in Halloween garb. Above right, RoblesEvano. Below, Webbo Chen. Photo courtesy of CC Staff. the past, like MOG-toberfest, that have included dressing up, games and candy. It should be noted that no satanic rituals or anything of the like took place, just good clean fun. Either way, Halloween doesn’t have to be something to be looked down upon. You don’t need costumes to hang out with your friends, but it definitely makes for a good time.

PUC’s now-defunct climbing wall. Photo Credit: JJ Massey


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New-Look Pioneers: Men’s Basketball Preview By James Shim With a fresh slate, the Pioneers bring optimism to the start of the basketball season. The team looks to rebound from a four-win season and build up a program that has struggled in the past. This season they have new manpower to help do it. PUC Athletic Director Kirt Brower returns for a second season as the men’s basketball head coach. Heading into this season, Brower brings a newly revamped roster, with only six players from last season return. Part of the returning squad is last year’s team captain Will Bell and assists leader Marcus Carter. Bell, a senior and four-year player, not only brings valuable experience to this team, but also brings a great leadership presence to the table. Well respected by his teammates, Bell’s leadership and experience will help a fairly novice team (three starters return) to grow and develop throughout the season. Senior forward Marcus Carter, the Pioneers’ second-leading scorer during the 2011-2012 year, also

returns. Averaging 14 points and six rebounds last season, Carter was a focal point on the Pioneers offense last season. Much of the same can be expected this season, since Carter is familiar with Brower’s system. The men’s Pioneer team will certainly miss their leading scorer last season, Josh Jewett, who will be forever remembered for the “Josh Jewett Half Court Shot” that sent PUC to the playoffs back in 2009. With Jewett’s departure, Brower brings in 13 new players, including some familiar names such as Daniel Sepulveda, a post player who last played with the team in 2010. Jeffrey Georges, the guy who everyone just seems to know on campus, also joins the team. With the new roster for the 2012 season intact, Brower believes that the possibilities are endless for this team if they can improve on their defense from last season. “Defense will be a huge key for us this year,” said Brower. “We feel that we will be able to score more, having added some more talent in combination with some hard work in the offseason. If this team commits to getting stops and taking

Players and coaching staff of the 2012-2013 men’s Pioneers basketball team. Photo Credit: Brian Kyle

pride in our defense, we feel the sky is the limit.” Brower also said that “passion, unselfishness and character” are things the team focuses on as their identity this year, to ultimately achieve their goal of winning more conference games than last season, and also attempting to win the first playoff game in PUC history. The Pioneers open their season

against a non-conference opponent in an exhibition match against Humboldt State on Oct. 25. They will continue to play non-conference opponents until early January, when PUC will host California State University Maritime in their conference home opener on Jan. 12.

Small Depth, Big Heart: Women’s Basketball Preview something, he’s gonna do it,” said senior guard Alex Gallardo. “…His emphasis on basketball is more of a play-as-you-go kind of thing. There are set plays and things we obviously have to run, but in the plays themselves, we have our own freedom to play basketball.” Eight girls strong, the Lady Pioneers are still slowly growing. A team comprised of two freshmen and three sophomores, the women are young but still have the experience to have a successful season. A relatively small team in height and numbers, the Pioneers will surely make up for it in hustle and tenacity. Volleyball players Ali Santanello and Jackie Davis will be joining the team late, but with their skill and athleticism, they have the potential to add another dimension to the team. With a short bench, the Lady Pioneers have been hard focused on conditioning, as all of the players will likely get a significant amount of minutes on the court. “After evaluating the talent I have, these are some of the hardest working young women,” said Glover. “What I bring to the table is a defensive minded philosophy…. We’re going to play some really strong defense.” The Lady Pioneers have three returners, but with point guard-captain Players and coaching staff of the 2012-2013 women’s Pioneers basketball team. Gabby Alvero out with an injured knee for an uncertain amount of time, Photo Credit: Brian Kyle it may be difficult for the Pioneers to adjust and find someone to step up By Rachel Cacho and fill that void. However, the Pioneers have added two new recruits this season, Kimberlee Clarke, a transfer from the University of Texas With a new head coach and new players, the PUC women’s basketball at Dallas, and Katrice Mitchell from Berean Christian located in Walnut team has high hopes for a strong season. Creek. Both Clarke and Mitchell add much needed height to this Pioneers George Glover, the new women’s coach, spent nine years coaching at roster, with Clarke coming in at 5-foot-10 inches, while Mitchell is a solid Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy before joining the Pioneers staff. In 5-foot-7-inches. three of the five years that Glover headed the boy’s program at PHAA, the “We have to work as one. That’s they key to the whole equation,” Glover Cougars won their league’s regular season title. Winning a championship emphasized. “…We’ve been working since September...[and] it’s just so in 2010-2011, and losing in the quarterfinals of the CIF Division VI season amazing how well they’ve bonded together…. Meshing all that energy, tournament, Glover led his team to victory many times. Along with first that whole group together as one team, that’s the coaching staff’s goal right time assistant coaches at PUC, Antwan Padilla and Wayne Peterson, now: to bring everyone together in one accord as a great basketball team.” Glover and his coaching staff are looking to improve Pioneers basketball As a new season approaches, the team looks to rebuild and start off the and make adjustments to come out on top. The new head coach has already season right in its first game on Nov. 12, against South Oregon University. made an impression with his reliability and the creative freedom he allows Last season, the team lost to the Red-Tailed Hawks at the Covered Wagon, his players. 84-73, but with a new year and a new team, the Pioneers hope to start the “[Coach Glover] is the type of person that if he says he’s going to do season off with a win.


THURSDAY, 25 October 2012



2012-2013 NBA Preview

good person. It just feels all wrong. Nonetheless, the Lakers’ offense will thrive this year with Nash at the helm. Their pick-n-roll offense with Nash and Dwight or Nash and Gasol will give every team in the league fits. Dwight Howard will make their defense great by anchoring the paint and bolstering their front line. Oh, and they still have that Kobe Bryant guy. However, basketball is about Kobe Bryant warns NBA players and fans to get ready for another big season. building a team, not collecting Photo Credit: Aaron Frutman, Flickr.com talent. The Celtics did that this offseason with their many small, but By Austin Ngaruiya stay in Optimus Lebron mode and effective moves. have another monster MVP season. The Celtics added two former There are sounds of sneakers, Teams in the off-season were very “Sixth Man of the Year” award swishes and fans booing David busy trying to make acquisitions winners with Jason Terry and Stern. Ahh, the NBA has returned. that could help them compete with Leandro Barbosa. They also When we last saw the NBA, the the Heat. Teams like the Lakers, acquired Courtney Lee, and drafted Miami Heat were being crowned Celtics and the Thunder all made two solid big men: Jared Sullinger champions and an enormous improvements to their teams. from Ohio State and Fab Melo from monkey was lifted off LeBron Somehow, the Lakers acquired Syracuse. The Celtics also have James’ back. In last year’s playoffs, both Steve Nash and Dwight two players returning from seasonLeBron morphed into Optimus Howard in the off-season. ending injuries: Jeff Green (heart LeBron with astonishing averages Dwight Howard follows a legacy complications), and Avery Bradley of 30 points, 10 rebounds and 6 as a Laker center that compares to (shoulder surgery). assists per game. the likes of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, These additions, along with the He was truly unstoppable. Wilt Chamberlain and Shaquille talented veteran roster already in The scary thing is, after winning O’Neal. place, make the Celtics the deepest three MVPs, and a Finals MVP, The exorbitantly rich have gotten team in the league. Now that Kevin LeBron might truly be just entering richer. Garnett and Paul Pierce have aged, his prime. As a Mavericks fan, my seeing they have handed the reins to their Now that his championship Steve Nash in a Laker uniform is a young talented point guard Rajon pressure is gone, look for LeBron to lot like seeing your ex with a really Rondo.

Around the Hill: Updates and Recaps from Pioneer Sports By David O’Hair

Women’s Volleyball

On Thursday, Oct. 11, the Pioneers volleyball team fell just shy of a victory against West Coast Baptist, losing two games to three. The Pioneers went out strong, taking the first two games before surrendering the next three due to “unforced errors,” said sophomore outside hitter Jenna Glantz. The highlights were senior setter Lauren Woolley, who delivered 29 assists, and Jenna Glantz, who ended the game with a total of 15 kills. The match was a thrilling five-game affair that left both the Pioneer players and fans hungry for victory in the next game. Thursday, Oct. 18 the Pioneers faced Menlo College and were beaten, losing three games to zero. They kept fighting despite game difficulty and narrowly lost the last game 25-20. With the season drawing to a close, Coach/ Assistant Athletic Director Brittany Brown said the team will focus on cutting down key errors. “We’re just looking for consistency and composure,” said Brown. “We struggled with that in some games, and we’ve done well in others. Going into the tournament, our bodies are where I would like them to be; we’re in shape,

Rondo will flirt with a tripledouble in almost every game this year. Expect the talented point guard to be in the MVP race with LeBron James and Kevin Durant. Speaking of Durant, the Oklahoma City Thunder stayed quiet in the off-season after their loss in the NBA Finals. However, they may have had the steal of the draft by selecting the 6-foot-10inch forward from Baylor, Perry Jones III. He was arguably the most athletically gifted player in the draft, but there are questions about his work ethic. Jones III will just add to an already young and super talented roster that features a three-time scoring champion, an all star point guard, and the reigning sixth man of the year. When June rolls around, I expect to see the Lakers and Thunder in the Western Conference Finals. While the Celtics and Heat face off in the Eastern Conference Finals. I foresee a Celtics-Thunder NBA Finals, with the Celtics coming out on top. Get ready for monster dunks, irrational pull-up three pointers, and Metta World Peace doing Metta World Peace things. The NBA is back, and it feels good.

our skills are fine. We need to just be executing.”

get a feel for the other teams in preparation for the final meet on Nov. 2. “We weren’t there to run fast; we were there Men’s and Women’s Cross Country to understand,” Toohey explained. “Next week, The men’s and women’s cross country teams traveled to William Jessup University on Oct. 19 November 2, is for running fast.” to compete in the NAIA championship preview race. The women competed in a five-kilometer Men’s Soccer race and the men participated with a distance On Oct. 14 the Pioneer men’s soccer team took of eight kilometers for their race. The teams on the opposing team from Simpson University. raced on mostly flat terrain at William Jessup, PUC was eager to play to see how the teamas opposed to the very hilly training terrain that rebuilding year is playing out. The game was they run on consistently. tied until Simpson University scored a goal right “I can speak for the team and say we are really before the half was over. excited to go race somewhere new and make After halftime the Pioneers came out ready new friends,” sophomore runner Evan Smith to fight, however, player fatigue and Simpson said before the race. University’s quickness found holes in the Official results were not available for print, but defense. Around the mid-point of the second Coach Phil Toohey reported that his runners cut half, Simpson University went on a goal-scoring key slivers off of their personal bests. roll and the game ended with an official score of “While we came in sort of middle of the pack, 0-5, favoring the Simpson Redhawks. the point was that it was a preview, and that’s “Our team is ready to come back out and (improving their times) what I asked them to do,” prepare to face Simpson in our next game,” said Toohey. The coach instructed his runners to Freshman Ricardo Rangel said afterwards.

From left, in green: Stephanie Villalta, Meena Kim and Hannah Johnson (179) in an earlier meet. Photo Credit: Allison Regan

Matt Kimble (6) leaps to defend an oncoming kick. Photo Credit: Allison Regan


no. 2


Alcohol on Campus: A Private School Perspective By Lindsay Valenzuela Pacific Union College has been my first and only college. Therefore I have learned and grown accustomed what it means to follow and live the Christian lifestyle. Some of these expectations have been forgotten or otherwise not confirmed recently. As a Seventh-day Adventist institution, PUC specifically speaks against alcohol and prohibits possession and consumption. Unfortunately, it seems like some of our students need some reminding of the rules as we continue through the rest of the year. Aside from the rules against alcohol, we, as an Adventist community, do not support it. The school and church have taught us that alcohol poisons the mind and blocks people’s ability to think clearly and logically. For these reasons, among several health reasons, Adventists have chosen not to support alcohol consumption. Personally, I never understood the point of alcohol consumption, especially to the point of getting wasted. Some people say it’s to relieve the pain and/or simply to forget the stresses in their lives. Whatever the situation, I still think it’s not worth the risk. Even though alcohol consumption may be a personal decision, it does not mean that we can decide not to respect the rules on alcohol at PUC. Respect for the school rules is important. In fact, every student on this campus signed a contract promising to not have possession of

alcohol. This contract is a legal matter, so, in my eyes, PUC lets people off easy by punishing students with their own rules. Also, when dealing with underage incidents, PUC decides to deal with it instead of immediately turning students over to the police. PUC deals with each alcohol incident differently. Each case, however, results in appearing in front of a committee, curfew restrictions and, in some cases, suspension from school. In a private school, these incidents shouldn’t even be a problem. PUC rules may be strict to some people, but, honestly, what else is expected? Choosing to come back to campus in a drunken state will probably not go unnoticed, which will, in turn, result in PUC punishing the choices you’ve made. Is this a surprise to anyone? No, probably not. So why are we complaining about the rules? It should come as no shock that PUC would enforce the rules or, should I say, lifestyle. This lifestyle that PUC encourages us to live is mainly to protect us. According to the Century Council, there were a reported 791 total alcoholimpaired driving fatalities and 94 fatalities involving people under 21 in California during 2010. So, in reality, PUC probably wants to do the state a favor and not add to those numbers. Without the effects of alcohol looming around our community, we are able to live a healthier life. Without a constantly clouded judgment, we will not as easily make mistakes that will come

back and haunt us. PUC has guidelines and rules. Each student is here because they want to be here, which also means each student needs to respect the rules. No one is keeping you here. If you can’t comply with the rules, perhaps this isn’t the environment for you.

Photo Credit: Charamelody, Flickr.com

Fresh Start: A Freshman’s First Impressions of PUC I have ever forced myself to scoff down in my about everyone. life. I devoted myself to the salad bar, and ramen I love the diversity that the PUC community noodles became a whole new food group. Never offers as well as the friendliness that everyone In the six months before my college career have I appreciated the deliciousness of fast food seems to exude. In addition to this, I finally had began, I was berated, lectured and browbeaten more than I do now. the chance to develop a newfound independence into believing that I knew absolutely nothing I had to come to grips with the harsh jolt into that pushed me into a new level of maturity and about what was about to ensue. the college workload, which truly requires the self-assertion. Only after surviving academy senioritis, most effort of all the changes. I also struggled The best part, however, is that, through the perpetual questions about my future plans and to remember to unlock my suitemates out of our variety and newborn freedom, a strong sense of who knows how many instances of hearing the bathroom every time I went in. All these lessons community is built into the students here. There dictatorial phrase “you don’t understand how have definitely made my first month on campus a is a feeling of belonging that is impossible to different it is” did I finally make it to my first day learning experience. miss, even to a freshman who still has no idea of college. Coming from a private academy with 100 what she’s doing. In all honesty, they were right. I was not students, it feels very unusual to not recognize prepared for the biggest culture shock I would every face I see and know pretty much everything ever experience, and it has taken me a full month Photo Credit: SA Yearbook Staff of embarrassing mistakes to feel like I know anything about college life. The most immediate matter I faced was the hills and the stairs. In the first week alone, I sprinted up the stairs what seemed like 100 times to my fourth-floor dorm room in a race to retrieve a forgotten textbook, lab goggles or whatever. It took two incidents of walking down to the bookstore without my wallet or ID card to learn to put my lanyard to good use. Never again will I order from Amazon and have to haul my items from the mailroom, up what felt like Mount Everest and back to Winning. By Saturday, I could feel the calf muscles coming in. The cafeteria was also a problem I definitely needed to address. The first time I stood in line for 20 minutes, I ended up with something I can only describe as the most disappointing meal

By Daniela Rodriguez


THURSDAY, 25 October 2012



Alcohol on Campus: A Public School Perspective By Webbo Chen In light of issues with on-campus drunkenness, I would like to pitch in two cents from a perspective with which most of you are probably not familiar: UC Davis’ stance on alcohol. As some of you may know, I transferred to PUC from UC Davis last spring quarter. I experienced a lot during the three years I attended the public university. I heavily involved myself in a Christian fellowship my first two years, and I found myself deeply integrated into the house party scene my last my year. After many winter quarter visits to PUC, I knew I would have to give the latter up if I transferred. I admit, UC Davis may seem a lot more “chill” than PUC in terms of drinking policies. UC Davis offers a viticulture and enology major, a program that focuses on winemaking and grape-growing. Residence halls allow students who are of age to have and drink alcohol in their rooms. Fraternity row is within walking distance, just across the street from campus. UC Davis even has a pub on campus, the Gunrock Pub, where students 21 and over can grab a beer or two after a hard final.

However, all these liberties do not mean UC Davis is lackadaisical when it comes to upholding the laws on drinking. UC Davis offers that major because it is a public university that takes pride in its agriculture. Although 21-year-old students may drink in their dorm rooms, UC Davis’s Guide to Residence Hall Life specifically states that they must do so “in their assigned room/ suite or that of another resident who is of legal drinking age, with the door closed” and “need to be aware that they are not to consume alcohol around underage residents, including their roommates or suitemates.” Regardless, underage drinking proves to be a problem that any college cannot totally contain. While UC Davis uses services like Tipsy Taxi and the Safe Party website to educate and protect its students, PUC calls upon the Seventh-day Adventist faith to provide different means to the same end. I understand that being on the wrong side of rules may seem harsh, maybe even unfair. Receiving a BUI in Davis for bicycling under the influence might seem silly, but it is a serious matter of ensuring safety in the town widely

known as the “Bicycle Capital of America.” Disciplinary actions for on-campus drunkenness might seem extreme, but PUC rightly justifies those actions when protecting its students from being branded as hypocrites. When it comes to alcohol, PUC has a notolerance policy for a reason. We agree to our school’s terms when we agree to attend. Even if we 21 year olds have a right to consume alcohol by law, we must relinquish that right and replace it with PUC’s policy if we are to call ourselves Pioneers. Our off-the-hill decisions—smart or not-so-smart—are our business, but the latter decisions and consequences that follow become PUC business once we set foot on this hill.

Photo Credit: niXerKG, Flickr.com

PUC Committed to its Neighbors: An Editorial from the Office of the President By Dr. Heather J. Knight As president of Pacific Union College, I receive a wide diversity of responses when I ask our faculty, staff and students what brought them to Pacific Union College, as well as what makes them stay in this very special environment. For some, it is the opportunity to experience a high-quality liberal arts education in a smallcollege setting, while for others it is tied to their personal commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with its emphasis on health and wellness. However, there is one response that I hear from almost everyone, every single day that I am on campus: “It’s just so beautiful up here.” In fact, PUC was just recognized in the Aug. 13 and Aug. 20 issues of Newsweek as “the most beautiful college campus in America.” We at the college consider ourselves lucky to have called Angwin and the hills of Napa County our home for learning since 1909. We enjoy the green hills, bountiful nature, bright blue sky, and soft breezes rustling through the tall trees. Our pristine and inspiring natural surroundings play a major role in the attraction of quality faculty and students to our college, and we are 100 percent committed to working with our neighbors to preserve the rural character of our area and the lands surrounding the college, as can be attested to by my many meetings with the Save Rural Angwin group during the past three years, as well as PUC’s consistently positive stewardship of our property over the past 100 years. Over the past few years, Pacific Union College has seen tremendous academic growth and progress, as evidenced by the fact that U.S. News

& World Report has ranked us in the top tier of our category in the “Best Colleges” issue for 17 consecutive years. I feel privileged to be part of such a distinctive learning community—Napa Valley’s only four-year college—that is preparing our students to, indeed, change the world. But along with our upward trajectory, Pacific Union College must make important decisions to address the needs of future generations of students. To do this, the college has considered many options, including the potential sale of some excess property to support growing our endowment, thus providing for student scholarships and long-overdue maintenance to some of our academic facilities. As with most major decisions in Napa County, we were expecting a robust community discussion and debate surrounding the pros and cons of the various options under discussion. What we did not expect, however, was an aggressive paid signature drive that eventually qualified a divisive countywide initiative, Measure U, for the November 2012 ballot. Measure U is an unfortunate attempt by a few community members to ask the voters of Napa County to circumvent the normal public process in Angwin. This measure is not about the future of Napa County; rather, it is a specifically targeted attempt to take away Pacific Union College’s rights as a private-property owner. After all, while there is no large-scale development planned for Angwin, any proposed development would be subject to extensive public vetting by the community and would require Pacific Union College to seek and obtain discretionary permits from the county and other government agencies.

For more than 100 years, the students, staff and alumni of PUC have had a deep connection to the land and to the community, and we know our future is strongly tied to Napa County’s. So it concerns us that because Measure U is poorly crafted, it could have unintended consequences for Napa County beyond Angwin — including exorbitant costs and possible conflicts with existing voter-approved measures. Especially in these difficult economic times, Napa County cannot afford to waste valuable taxpayer dollars on legal fees and administrative costs. But passage of Measure U would force Napa County to do just that. Most importantly, an independent legal analysis commissioned by the county determined that Measure U is legally flawed and could cost the county as much as $1.3 million, plus fees, if passed. In these difficult economic times for local government, these taxpayer dollars would be better spent on fixing roads, ensuring public safety and other vital public services — not wasted on legal fees to fight an unfair and unnecessary initiative. Measure U is unnecessary. It does not serve our local community and it will only cost Napa County taxpayers. Measure U is opposed by the Napa Chamber of Commerce, Supervisor Bill Dodd and leaders from across the county. As fellow residents of Napa County committed to the long-term health of our area, we ask you to vote “no” on Measure U and join us in working together in a positive, not divisive, manner to ensure that the rural character of Angwin and Napa County are preserved for generations to come.


no. 2

List of the Week: School Survival With midterms coming up and vacation still a teasing month away, school may be bogging you down. Here’s a list of random entertainment to distract you from your workload. Compiled by Nic Miller.

1. Eating Well

Some of Napa Valley’s finest eateries are only minutes away. Check out this issue’s collection of meals to satisfy your morning, afternoon and evening cravings.

Photo Credit: Gillwoodscafe.com

Breakfast: Gillwoods Stop by Gillwoods on Main Street in St. Helena for a delicious stack of warm blueberry pancakes or a spicy cilantro omelet. It’s an affordable morning breakfast spot that’s a real treat and definitely worth the trip to town, with most items priced around $10. The best part is, breakfast is served all day long. Audrey Hepburn not included.

Photo Credit: Lalunamarket.com

Photo Credit: Cindysbackstreetkitchen.com

Lunch: La Luna Market

Dinner: Cindy’s Backstreet Kitchen

Located in Rutherford, this is one of those easyto-miss places, but once discovered, it’s hard to forget. The selection of certified-amazing burritos is packed with only the finest ingredients. Be sure to pick up their homemade flan and a Mexican Coke, which substitutes cane sugar for corn syrup and makes you feel a bit nostalgic with its glass bottle. Average price: $4.42

Cindy’s invites its patrons in for some delicious dishes in a simple and cozy, yet elegant setting. Highlights include their Incredible Mushroom Tamales, Stuffed Piquillo Peppers, and my personal favorite, the Grilled Hanger Steak. However, it’s a bit pricey at Cindy’s, so save it for the special occasions or hot dates with that one special person.

2. Homework Sucks...Watch YouTube Videos

We all have rough days. Lighten your spirits a bit with today’s selection of YouTube gems.

11-Month-Old Twins Dancing to Daddy’s Guitar

2 Hamsters 1 Wheel

Where’s the Chapstick?

3. We Live in a Beautiful World

4. This Day in History (25th)

Today we’re highlighting Devetashka cave in Bulgaria. Minecraft much? For more stunning locations, check out We Live in a Beautiful World on Facebook

Oct. 25, 1881 Pablo Picasso is born. Check out his and other modern works by Matisse, Cezanne, and Degas at the deYoung Museum in San Francisco during the exhibition of The William S. Paley Collection: A Taste for Modernism, which runs through Dec. 30. Tickets are $20.

Single Ladies Devastation

5. New in Music

Ellie Goulding Halcyon, Released Oct. 9, Ellie Goulding. What more has to be said? Halcyon, Goulding’s latest record, packs some incredible new tracks that feel fresh yet retain her unique vocal style. On repeat are: Figure 8, Anything Could Happen, and Only You. Swedish House Mafia

Until Now, Released Oct. 22, SHM has pushed out some pretty fantastic tracks during their regrettably short run, including Save the World and Don’t You Worry Child. Download their finale album Until Now and soak up the dance goodness that this Swedish trio has bestowed upon us for the last time.

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