2012–13 Issue 4

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THURSDAY, 6 December 2012

PUC Mission Trip Rush By Matthew Winslow NEWS pg. 3 "Our goal is to continue going back to the same places, to create a relationship with the places we are serving."

Alternative Christmas By Lindsay Valenzuela NEWS pg. 2

New Legislation May Make Reselling Textbooks Illegal Next Year Court, Band wrote, “It means that it’s harder for consumers to buy used products and harder for them to sell them. This has a huge impact on all consumer groups.” PUC students buy and sell used

By Brandon Buell On Oct. 29, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments over whether it is legal to resell consumer goods without the manufacturer’s consent. The debate began after a former Cornell University and University of Southern California

By Carlo Péan FEATURES pg. 3 PUC's ubiquitous history professor opens up about her life, passion and attitude.

Senior Recognition SPORTS pg. 5

Santa's Mail Bag

students would need the publisher’s permission with the possibility of having to return a percentage of the sale to the publisher. While this could

hurt PUC students in need of cheaper bookstore every quarter. This ruling would make those transactions global policy counsel, told illegal, leaving students with limited Bloomberg.com that she believes options for buying and selling consumers have the right to do (continued on pg. 3)

Wiley & Sons for copyright infringement in

Dr. Ileana Douglas

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and ship them to the United States where he resold them on eBay. Bloomberg.com “First Sale Doctrine” as his defense. The doctrine, established in 1908, makes it legal for a consumer to resell a product. favor of the plaintiff, John Wiley & Sons, stating the doctrine only applied to products manufactured in the United States. Law school professor Jonathan Band of Georgetown University believes the ruling


Scott Rhodius

used products. In a legal brief to the Supreme

Black Friday Statistics Show an Increase in Mobile Purchases best deals, with cellphones and tablets being popular choices. IBM reported that mobile shopping enabled 24 percent of smaller bank account and perhaps even a purchasers to access online shopping sites, slight resentment toward other humans.” a 14.3 percent increase from last year. This feeling is reinforced in this year’s items online on Black Friday when he shared that “shopping on my iPhone made the

By Alex Blum Black Friday sales soared in the online shopping arena this year, although in-store shopping is still preferred by those wanting storefront action. ComScore, Inc., reported that Black Friday online shopping hit an all-time high, totaling a whopping $1.04 billion in sales. These 2012 stats represent a 26 percent increase over last year’s Black Friday online sales. Thanksgiving Day online shopping also increased, up 32 percent from 2011, totaling $633 million. IBM reported a 17.4 percent Thanksgiving sales boost and a Black Friday sales increase of 20.7 percent, differing slightly from the comScore report. Consumers used their personal devices to score the


to San Francisco or another place to shop.” He added, “Shopping online was more convenient, since most Black Friday Sales began after Thanksgiving dinner when no one wanted to be trampling other people.” Of the online shoppers using mobile devices, most chose iPad, iPhone and Android devices. Additional tablets and smartphones were used, although those constituted a lesser percentage of total online shopping. Despite the prevalence of smartphones, some students prefer traveling to stores amid the early holiday bustle. Lauren Woolley,

online was “ Shopping more convenient. “

increased sales, as well as the fact that many still shop at storefronts, even as the economy looks up from the depths of a recession. Reports indicate that sales increased notably in many areas, including beauty, home goods and apparel. Overall, Black Friday, Thanksgiving and November’s cumulative holiday sales are encouraging, as they show an increase in market activity over the past year. Whether this trend continues into the Christmas shopping season remains to be seen, but some analysts predict that this holiday shopping season will rake

especially because of the long span that from noon to 4 p.m. on Black Friday. separates Thanksgiving and Christmas. When asked why she prefers shopping in Dr. Anthony Liuzzo of Wilkes University person, she replied, “Going to the store is believes that the 32-day gap between Christmas and Thanksgiving will serve as touch the clothes and see if they are a good consumers spend more time and money on She poked fun, adding that “you come their smartphones and at their favorite stores.








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Alternative Christmas: Holiday Traditions Around the World Christmas festivities last so much longer over there.” Raised Seventh-day Adventist, Robinson did not partake in most of the traditions because they are based in Roman Catholic tradition. which are large dinner parties,” she added. “There is usually one in a different house every night starting from Dec. 16 to the 24th.” These large parties often include tamales, a goat or beef, agua de canela and buñuelos all in preparation for Noche Buena or Christmas Eve, where people gather to eat, tell stories and play. Lin, Nielsen and Robinson celebrate "American Christmas" as well the traditions of their roots. Angelica Casas their gifts on Jan. 6, during which three wise men supposedly provide gifts for the children. By Angelica Casas her homeland, although many people celebrate it. “I usually go to the town plaza for the cutting “We decorate for Christmas: trees, lights of the giant ‘Rosca de Reyes,’ then to a friend’s ‘Tis the season again, when the halls are and shops play Christmas songs, but we don’t house for further celebrations,” Robinson said. decked with holly, twinkling lights are strung really get together with family,” she said. On the other side of the world, in Australia, In Taiwan the true holiday is the Chinese Christmas is celebrated during the Southern indoors and outdoors and the familiar Christmas tree is dressed in brilliant ornaments and lights. Hemisphere’s winter, which is summer for Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the generally falling in late January or even early- those of us in the Western Hemisphere. United States. Americans spent more than $135 to mid-February. During the holiday, the old billion on Christmas in 2010, more than every other remembers reading different stories about holiday combined, according to a CNBC report. to get rid of bad luck from the previous year. Santa growing up. One story had Santa pulled “The entire family will clean every corner The festive holiday, which originated in Europe, of the house and buy new clothes,” Lin said. of reindeer. The reason Santa used kangaroos has spread all over the world, with each country creating it own spin and making it its own. Christmas “Elders or adults will give us [the kids], money instead of reindeer, she said, is because it is too isn’t the only holiday that falls during those cozy and put them in [a] red envelope." In China, winter weeks; cultures around the world have their red is widely thought to symbolize good luck. Despite the different ways cultures celebrate own unique celebrations during the holiday season. the holidays, one thing remains true. Holidays Tina Lin, a native of Taiwan, does not recall are a time where families come together and “Christmas is more of a season and a frame celebrate together. Christmas as a particularly important holiday in

Alternative Christmas: Students Share their Holiday Traditions By Lindsay Valenzuela

such as gathering together, sharing presents a nd eati ng good food. There is nothing wrong with these traditions, It is the holiday season and as Christmas but to some the meaning of Christmas is more draws closer, families prepare for their traditional celebrations. In some homes, many along the lines of sharing. Many churches or families have adopted American traditions families make it their mission to make a least while others have adopted traditions that one family happy each Christmas. Perhaps these most people have not recognized or noticed. new traditions into your family as well. Every year around Thanksgiving time, my family collects toys, clothes, shoes, food and it is time for celebrating. To celebrate, people do various used items from schools and churches. a variety of things to uphold certain traditions. A few days before Christmas we load up a One of our students, Danielle Nelson, shared moving truck full of things we’ve collected her own family traditions. “My family’s big After crossing the border, church members, as day is actually Christmas Eve. Every year we have a themed Christmas Eve party (based on well as my family, distribute the collected items to families who live in cement enclosures. These Chronicle staff member Tosh Giles shared families are barely getting by and do not have the his traditions as well. He says, “My family has money to buy food or presents for Christmas. This always gone all out on decorating gingerbread tradition of giving has allowed my family to spread men. I have never once built a gingerbread house, Another PUC student, Ana Delgado, says but have always made cookies of all shapes. It’s good entertainment and competition, makes that her church is involved in something similar. tasty treats for later and doesn’t cost too much.” She says, “My church does a charity that gives Giles added that his family of 10 also has out toys to the kids in the neighborhood. And if another custom to make sure everyone gets an there are really needy families in church we give equal amount of gifts. Each drew names from a them food baskets and toys for their children.” It is obvious that there are plenty of ways Santa hat, with “no switching or trading allowed.” No one is supposed to know who has which name, to celebrate Christmas. But it is especially but the secret has gotten out in recent years. awesome when people are able to take the time “As the siblings’ families grow, it gets to not only focus on the stress of Christmas, even more complicated,” Giles says. “The but remember to give back and spread the love. Often times Christmas becomes one of the most biggest [Christmas] we ever had was at my house with nearly 20 people passing through.” stressful events of the year. There is so much work put Like many families, Nelson and Giles into decorating, being pressured into buying presents, celebrate many American traditions that we making a lot of food and many other problems. The all have incorporated into our celebrations meaning of Christmas has been lost and it is our

Courtesy of Danielle Nelson If you want to adopt a new tradition into your family, try helping out a local church or even come up with your own ideas on how to give back. Having the whole family together means that you can be a team and work together to make someone else’s day a a step back and realize what really matters to you.


THURSDAY, 6 December 2012



PUC Gears Up For Rush Of Mission Trips with the ShareHim/Quiet Hour Ministries. What to Expect: A breakdown of the future mission projects By Matthew Winslow

directing its attention to four main mission trips. The department will be sending groups to

that will happen over the coming months. “Our goal is to continue going back to the same places, to create a relationship with the places we are serving,” - Fabio Maia, the Service and Missions Coordinator. The trips are as follows: During Christmas break a group will be visiting will be going to help with construction in the communities, doing health talks and helping wherever they are needed. (Jan. 1-6, 2013) In Chinchaga, Costa Rica, they will be building a three-room Sabbath school for a church in the spring. (Mar. 21-31, 2013) Also in the spring, a group will go to Brazil and team up with Loma Linda University and ADRA for a medical mission trip in the Amazon. They will be offering medical and dental care to the Amazonian communities. (Mar. 21-31, 2013) This summer, a student missions group

media tools like Facebook and Twitter with the

share the gospel in evangelism meetings in the Crowdrise has become the preferred method communities there.” (Aug. 30-Sept. 14, 2013) of fundraising for the Missions Office. Lindsey Henning, a sophomore music How to Get There: Crowdrise helps students fundraise Pohnpei, Micronesia, in January, 2013, was able to raise over $2000 for her mission trip in By Ben Speegle under one week using the Crowdrise website. The site will prove useful for a variety of The days of writing fundraising trips. Students have the opportunity to spend up letters and making church appeals for to 10 days serving as short-term missionaries, money to support missionaries are over. Crowdrise, an online fundraising website for while others choose to serve as missionaries for individuals, charities and events, is a tool the a longer period of time in locations all over the world, from Guyana to Thailand to Argentina. to help support the short-term and longterm missionaries sent from the campus into the field. The simple, hip website, w w w. c r o w d r i s e . com, provides easy fundraising tools in a lighthearted interface. The slogan for Crowdrise (“If you don’t give back, no one will like you”) humorously disguises the effectiveness of the website as a fundraising instrument. PUC students on last year's medical mission trip to Brazil. Combining social

Courtesy of World Missions

(Selling Used Textbooks from pg. 1) whatever they want with their goods. “If you buy a legitimate, authentic good, then you own it, plain and simple,” she said.

works in different markets around the world. Unauthorized importation of home video discs and CDs into the U.S. market could...undermine copyright owners’ ability to recoup their investment in creative activity.” The Supreme Court has a long road ahead of it. If the Supreme Court rules that reselling of copyrighted material is illegal, students would have limited ways to buy secondhand books, thus increasing the already high cost of receiving an education.

lend it, give it away or donate it.” The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) both supported the ruling. In a separate legal brief, the organizations stated the ruling would protect copyright owners’ investments overseas. “They rely on the ability to divide rights across markets and Kirtsaeng to plan for and control the timing vs. John Wiley & Sons case. and manner of the release of their

By Carlo Péan

they often call “Momma Douglas,” a name she adamantly insists was Ileana Douglas, assistant given to her—as both an inspiration professor of history, has been a and friend. In 2010, students smiling face at PUC since first moving to Angwin 13 years ago. She came as academic dean, of my reason to belong, because but now teaches European and they are the best I have,” she said, Latin American history, political describing interactions with students science and occasionally Asian as her favorite part of academia. history in the PUC’s department of Even though she has been in the history, political studies and ethics. school system for decades, Douglas Students know Douglas—whom says she still brings passion to every

class period. “I prepare each class is an unconcealed passion for her important, she said, “History teaches us to discover the real meaning of, perhaps, human nature. To know what it means to be a human being.” Douglas chose to become a history college professor who taught her that “the relevance [one] can connect with ancient times,” she recounted. She also studied music and education. Despite her kind and energetic personality, life hasn’t always been easy for Douglas. While living in Puerto Rico in 1989, she received shocking news. “All of the sudden, I [found out I had] cancer,” she recounted. “It was breast cancer.” Through it all, she remembers keeping a positive outlook on life. “I’m not going to be ashamed,” she remembered “I’m going to die, I have to lose my hair, oh well,” she said, looking back on her battle with cancer. “Other people cannot see, cannot walk. Other people cannot hear. What is a breast? Nothing, I still have another one. I still have my

hands, my ears, my legs, my eyes.” Douglas says, “Happiness comes from passion, enthusiasm, love, and most importantly, faith.” Even in the face of cancer, Douglas made her own happiness. “That means that I didn’t cry when I heard that [I had cancer],” she remembered. “Why should I get preferential treatment?” Douglas eventually defeated cancer, and with that battle far behind, her contagious bright attitude continues to light the halls of Irwin and of the PUC campus, where

Hollie Macomber


no. 4


By James Shim

game against Notre Dame de Nemur, as they

The Lady Pioneers traveled to Oregon on

Glover said of the team, “We are going to take this and work hard in practice. We need to continue to work on the defensive end

2013 season. With the arrival of new head coach George Glover, the Pioneers look to improve on a 4-17 record from last season. For the women’s basketball team, one of the season’s biggest issues

The Lady Pioneers had little time to rest, as in a few days they were headed to the Notre Dame de Nemur (NDNU) Tournament, in Belmont, Calif. The tournament would be a real Offensively, the Pioneers were led by test for the team, as they were scheduled to face are two strong NCAA Division II programs. game with 14 points and four rebounds. Junior guard Emily Assavapisitkul also contributed with eight points and three rebounds. throughout the entire tournament. Once again, guards Unfortunately, the Pioneers fell to Southern Gallardo and Assavapisitkul led the team in points, Oregon in their season opener, as the Pioneers were as Gallardo posted 14 points and Assavapisitkul held to only 17 percent shooting for the night. On the other end, Southern Oregon was able to play also made a contribution, scoring eight points. The Lady Pioneers played strong in their second

Unfortunately for the Pioneers, NDNU pulled away in the second half, making points through double, making 14 points and grabbing seven rebounds. Assavapisitkul posted 13 points and four rebounds, while Gallardo added nine points defense and led the Pioneers with eight rebounds. Despite going 0-2 in the tournament, Glover was pleased with his team. “From an effort and competitive standpoint, they are second to none. These girls have it and I could not ask for much more.” belt, the Pioneers look to get ready for conference games that will begin on Jan. 12.

Handball and Volleyball Intramurals: Snapshots From the Week

opponent Young Shin.

Caroline Kim and Ali Santanello demonstrate teamwork.

Jordan Monteith unleashes a vicious attack in a volleyball match.

Keoni Real goes all out to defend his team’s net. R.A. Paulson

Men’s Basketball: Pioneers Seek First Win of New Season By James Shim

improvements before the start of Cal-Pac The Pioneers had yet one more game to play conference play, which begins in early January. Against TMC, forward Danny Sepulveda led Biola University on Nov. 20. Once again, much As many students here at PUC were ready the team in scoring with 16 points, as he proved was the same for the Pioneers, as they were for Thanksgiving break, the men’s basketball Guard Will Bell was right behind Sepulveda, On Nov. 7, the Pioneers faced off against the Master’s College (TMC) during the second home game this season. Once again, the Pioneers were forced to use only seven players throughout the game, as many members on the team remained ineligible. In this non-conference game, the Pioneers started slow but managed to trail their opponent by a margin

Despite the loss, the Pioneers were in good fortune, as the second leading scorer last year, senior guard Marcus Carter, has now been cleared and eligible to play. Carter adds a nice scoring option for this team, outside of Bell and Brown, and also

After their loss against TMC, the Pioneers started their Thanksgiving break off by playing or end the half as well as we would have liked.” against Hope International University (HIU). Not much went right for either PUC or HIU, and In addition, Coach Brower said that the Pioneers were able to make it a close game at the half, the Pioneers lost, 45-27. PUC shot under 20 percent because of their energy and physical level of play. that game, while Hope International barely scored Unfortunately, their efforts were not a match over 30 percent. With none of the Pioneers players against The Master's College, as the Pioneers scoring in double digits, PUC scored only eight points were outscored 39-31 in the second half and

In the second half, Biola continued the same way they started, outscoring the Pioneers 3729. In the end, PUC fell to Biola, 53-72. Biola was able to keep their momentum going because strong 50 percent for the match. Biola also outrebounded PUC, 39-29, with 11 offensive rebounds. season with the team, Carter was able to go 8-for12 and also led the team in scoring with 20 points. The Pioneers still have multiple tune-up games before their conference opener, with against Westminister College of Salt Lake City. With time to improve before the conference opener on Jan. 12 against California State University-Maritime, the Pioneers will take each

and make improvements to strengthen their team, 13, and transfer Michael Vincent, who also recently with the ultimate goal of being ready to face-off Coach Brower went on to say, “I thought our guys showed a lot of toughness throughout the game, and became eligible, led the team in steals with four. against conference opponents, when it really counts. the court, we were successful against a good team.” as a Pioneer this season, as he shot two-for-twelve


THURSDAY, 6 December 2012



Senior Athlete Recognition: A Last Hurrah Compiled by Darcie Moningka Calai Brown Sacramento, Calif. Psychology Volleyball, Middle Outside Hitter What you’ll miss most about being a Pioneer: Being around my team and my coach. We have become close in the last couple years.... I will miss playing volleyball because this is all I know, and it has developed me to the person I am today.

Lauren Woolley Redlands, Calif. Business Marketing Volleyball, Setter What you’ll miss most about being a Pioneer: I’ll miss playing at the collegiate level. Maybe, without the NAIA knowing. Most memorable moment: When I had to play middle a few years back. Good times.

Melissa Yong San Jose, Calif. Biochemistry/ Pre-Pharmacy Volleyball, Libero Greatest moment as a Pioneer: and driving to Oregon for tournaments. Hardest moment: Starvation. Advice to future PUC athletes: It’s not all about winning.

Career goals: love that lets me be creative and hopefully travel!

Career goals: To be admitted to pharmacy schools and eventually become a pharmacist. And after I am settled with that, opening a bakery!

Coach Brittany Brown says: “Lauren has moved around positions a lot and earned the role as starting setter. She was team captain and gave so much to our program. I can't thank her enough. She has great work ethic and humor, bringing a diverse type of leadership, which I will miss greatly.”

Coach Brittany Brown says: “Melissa leads by

Amgad Ramzy Qena, Egypt Accounting Soccer, Forward

Wagih Goda Sohag, Egypt Accounting/Law

Randy Castanaza

What you’ll miss most about being a Pioneer: What I will miss the most about being a Pioneer is the good team spirit and fun times we had as a team.

What you’ll miss most about being a Pioneer: I will miss the teamwork and the competition within the team!

Most memorable moment: When I gave a girl a facial, I remember the whole crowd and my team

Career goals: I am going into law. I want to work Coach Brittany Brown says: “Calai has been...not only a strong athlete, but a vocal leader on and off the court. She works hard everyday and holds her teammates accountable. I will miss her consistency, love for the game and ability to get things done.”

Most memorable moment: When the Pioneers soccer team landed 2nd on the league my freshmen year. Career goals: accountant and start my own business one day. Teammate Austin Ngaruiya says: “Amgad was always smiling. It didn’t matter if things were going great or all hell was breaking loose. Amgad always had a smile on his face.”

Krista Noel Ballew Santa Cruz, Calif. Nursing Cross-Country What I’ll miss about being a Pioneer: The community up here is amazing, and being able to represent PUC is awesome. Most memorable moment: Running in the dark on the back trails at 7 a.m.; pretty sketchy stuff. Career goals: I had the opportunity to work in a children’s hospital in Romania, and that really changed my life. Some day I would like to work in the NICU (Neonatal ICU), with sick infants who have no voice, and be their advocate. I also want to ... get a Masters degree.

Most memorable moment: When I scored Career goals: International lawyer in business. Teammate Joseph Cruz says: “Wagih Goda is arguably the best player on our team. He has great ball-handling skills and, as a captain, has the respect he earned throughout his time here. He is the best Egyptian I know, and it was great getting to know him and his awesome humor.”

Melissa Gage Glendale, Calif. Chemistry, emphasis in Biochemistry Cross-Country What you’ll miss most about being a Pioneer: All the support! I’ve never had so many people I didn’t know cheering for me. Most memorable moment: Whiskeytown Relay Career goals: Pharmacy Teammate Stephanie Villalta says: “Melissa was always motivated to run and improve her time. She was the motivator, always full of laughs, and was never the one to seek attention.”

what. She is one of those players that you love coming through your program, because she gets along with everyone, works hard and can laugh at herself along the way.”

Biology/Pre-Vet Soccer, Defensive What you’ll miss most about being a Pioneer: The teamwork, the friendships created and having faithful fans. Most memorable moment: 4-1 win against Menlo College my freshmen year. Career goals: To work as a veterinarian, and for the government doing animal research. Teammate Keoni Real says: “Randy is an everywhere we need him to be. He is passionate, strong-willed and does what is best for the team. He is a skilled player that embodies the game.”

Uziel Barba-Marin Santa Cruz County, Calif. Cross-Country What you’ll miss most about being a Pioneer: from class or work for a race, and the free gear. Most memorable moment: Hands down, every 7 a.m. practice with the team and all the fun times we shared as a team after a race. Career goals: Become a helicopter pilot paramedic for the San Francisco 49ers.


no. 4


The Chronicle Staff Raids Santa’s Mail Bag Earlier this week, the staff stumbled upon Santa's sack of letters. As we were unable to contact the jolly gift giver, curiosity got the best of us, and we sifted through the mail. Some of the stand-out letters are published below. We'll probably be going on Santa's naughty list for this.

Dear Santa,

I grow weary waiting for your reply to my last letter. I suppose my “assassin reindeer” plan was thwarted. animal’s nose wasn’t the best of ideas. No matter, my threats shall not be mocked. As of now, I have in my custody, an elf who is willing to testify against the sadistic conditions under which your “little helpers” have to work. But for the record, I’ll voice my demands once more. Give me the rights to that coal mine you keep for the naughty children, you ancient, overweight, overgrown fairy! Breaking and entering into the homes of decent people, only to gorge yourself on their pantry goods and leave cheap knock-off, made-in-China trinkets as reparations is preposterous. That’s right. I know about the factory in China. Now, I know of the money you’re making at the mine, and I want in. If you try to pull that whole “I’ll give proper authorities. I covered for you once with Tiny Tim’s “accident,” I won’t look the other way again. Be sure to understand Mr. Claus, I am a force to be reckoned with! Sincerely, Ebenezer Scrooge (Via his trusty scribe, Carlo Péan)

Dearest Santa,

This year has been a toughie. I know right now, you are evaluating the whole “naughty or nice” thing, and I hope you get this early enough making fun of people isn’t nice, but some people make it so easy for me. I can’t help it if they are always stating the obvious; I’m going to laugh when the smarts get them. So, I’m actually being really nice, because laughing. Okay, so here is my Christmas list: out). would be awesome. Also, can I get those Nikes with the memory foam soles (for electronics)? Also, can you make my husband bring home roses every Wednesday as a mid-week pick-me-up? Just so you know, I did remove a nail from my road earlier this year, smile all the time, and I’m talking “pudding face” smiling. That’s super nice because it’s really hard to smile at a lot of people. Thank you, Santa! Brooke Hiebert P.S. Another thing, I want a fat wallet and a skinny butt. Could you

Dear Santa, This year, it’s no secret that the holidays are going to be rough. With one

living in a bleak wasteland enveloped in bone-chilling cold is not nearly as bad as it seems from sunny California. I have no doubt the elves are pleasant, lovely creatures, despite their mindless dedication to constructing

slim Christmas. We’re learning how to be more creative during the holidays, like by putting more handmade gifts under the tree.

your nostrils have become accustomed to the daunting stench of reindeer aroma. I trust Mrs. Claus is feeding you a well-balanced diet of cookies and

pressures to make the holidays special on a tighter budget. Some Christmas traditions may have to go MIA for a couple years, or Christmas lists may have to be edited down. I now think about what I really need. When I was younger, Christmas

to deliver gifts to the entire population of the globe in a single night? It’s implausible. That is why, dearest Nicholas, I will be as straight forward as I can.

the year. Now, though, those gifts might not come during Christmas either. Even though the gifts I do get are smaller, I appreciate them so much more. As a college student who works and is learning the value of money (as

iPhone 5 and shopping sprees. That is not my intention. Although, if there

me even the smallest gifts. The thought truly is what counts. In my family, we’ve learned not to take each other for granted. Family is more important than what money can buy. It’s funny how, when money is

willing to take it off your hands. Sure, I could ask you to bump up my grades a couple percentages, or

Now, the moments where everyone can be together are the most special. With my brother visiting his wife’s family every other year and different I would never ask for such egocentric things, Santa. See, the thing I want when we’re all under one roof. The games we play and the laughs we have are what the holidays are about. So, this year’s Christmas list is different than years past. I’m not asking other people, in case you get stuck thinking about what to give). What I want for Christmas, above anything else, is to have my entire family with me. Bring them here from wherever in the world they happen to be. That’s all I need this year, and I promise I’ve been good enough. Sincerely, Daniella Rodriguez in case.

along the way, though, I realized that they’re not at the top of my list. I want happiness, safety and good health for those I love. Sure, there are forward to most isn’t what’s under it, but being with those who are sitting around it. Sincerely, Lauren Armstrong


THURSDAY, 6 December 2012



Pajama-clad section editor Chloé Robles-Evano and editor-in-chief Colleen Uechi enjoyed some bedtime reading courtesy of Santa’s mail. Allison Regan

The Chronicle’s North Pole correspondents photographed an unhappy Santa Claus pondering the loss of his Christmas letters. Christopher S. Penn, Flickr.com

Santa Claus Writes a Reply to Scrooge's Letter Dear Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge, Let it be known that I don’t respond to threats lightly. I’ve been in this business since you wrinkly, money pinching old windbag! Don’t think I haven’t been keeping my eye on you and let me tell you, you sir are buried deep in the naughty list. I am fully aware of your former partner’s “demise,” Jacob Marley. It seems to me that you’re red nosed assassin has

visited more than rooftop. I took the liberty of looking into your a bit of a break down are we? Seems that old ghosts have come to haunt you Ebenezer. Anyone would read your letter and take it for the ramblings of a madman. but a former dentist of mine and frankly a disappointment. He wouldn’t know rotten teeth

Also I’ll have you know those pantry goods are distributed to my workers. Mrs. Claus has me on this oatmeal cookie diet, can’t have a good boy and give all my best to Past, Present doubt deliver your gift with a bang. Season’s Greetings, (Via his trusty scribe, Angelica Casas)

Thoughts for the Holidays: Is Consumerism Consuming Us? By Daniel DeCaires

As we’ve grown older, our taste has

year. This day falls immediately after Thanksgiving so infatuated with the things we want that we because retailers know that families will already be consumerism hard at work. Consumerism employs actually convince ourselves that we need them. together. Therefore, they will be much more inclined the theory that increasing the consumption of goods Consumerism heavily capitalizes on this notion. to do much of their holiday shopping all at once. is economically desirable. It boosts the economy From the recession-proof Black Friday to the Don’t get me wrong. I do love giving gifts and unwrapping frenzy of Christmas morning, more We, as college students, are bombarded with to take a moment to reevaluate the holiday season. these advertisements on a daily basis. Everything in December than all other months combined. It is important to take some time to appreciate what from the specifically aimed advertisements Christmas and the holiday season make up the we have, rather than so intently looking forward to on Facebook to the vast selection of new biggest revenue-generating time of the year. With all what we want. Although we have been raised in an of the gift-giving and festivities, it is estimated that ever-growing culture of consumerism, it does not attention and urge us to spend money. So much the average American family will spend almost two mean that we need to lose sight of the true meaning percent of their annual income during Christmas time of Christmas by making it all about the presents. advertising for the company and its future revenues. Take some time to really cherish and This system is actually so effective that it immensely and all of our businesses nationwide. appreciate all of the things that you have this convinces many of us that we need the latest fad. Black Friday actually gets its name from the idea Christmas. After all, it is the most wonderful We need a new Apple product every year because that retailers will have enough sales on this day to be “it’s faster.” We need a new pair of $300 boots and they’re super cute.” While these reasons have tremendous validity in some socioeconomic groups, they aren’t very substantial on a more global scale. It is important to note that true consumerism Christian values. Consumerism encourages around trending brand names and seasonal styles. different approach than one would have taken a few the loss of values we hold to be true for ourselves. When we were children and we were given a brand new toy, it remained our favorite toy for at new princess playset or the Nintendo 64 took quite a bit of time to dissipate. We were much slower to set our eyes on new must-have toys or amenities

Samsungtomorrow, Flickr.com


no. 4

Things to Keep You Busy When You’re Not Busy Our Pick: Winter Film Releases

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Les Misérables

Zero Dark Thirty

In 19th-century France,

A chronicle of the decadelong hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy SEAL Team 6 in May, 2011.

A curious Hobbit, Bilbo decades has been hunted by the ruthless policeman Javert after he breaks parole, agrees to care for factory worker Fantine’s daughter, Cosette. The fateful decision changes their lives forever.

Lonely Mountain with a vigorous group of dwarves to reclaim a treasure stolen from them by the dragon Smaug.

Release: Dec. 14, 2012

Release: Jan. 11, 2013

Release: Dec. 25, 2012 Film descriptions courtesy of IMDb.com

This Week at PUC Dec. 7, Sunset 4:49 p.m. Dec. 8, Symphonic Wind Ensemble Concert Dec. 13, Bookstore buyback end

Where’s Waldo?

Dec. 10-13, Fall Quarter Finals Dec. 13, Residence halls close 6 p.m. Dec. 13-Jan. 6, Christmas Break

A Very #pucchristmas Share your holiday adventures with fellow PUC students on Instagram! Hashtag photos of Christmas lights, trees, cookies, drinks, presents, etc. with the hashtag #pucchristmas and tag the Campus Chronicle @PUC_Chronicle.

Christmas Classics: Old & New - Spotify Playlist Build your Christmas spirit with artists such as the Jackson 5, Marvin Gaye, Michael Bublé, and U2, with this Spotify holiday playlist. Listen now at: http://tinyurl.com/playpuc

Press Play: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

DIY Christmas Feeling crafty? Check out these dorm) for the holidays. A. Holiday Cards http://tinyurl.com/pucdiy1 http://tinyurl.com/pucdiy2

A staple of Christmas cinema,Ch r istmas Vacation, starring Chevy Chase, is the perfect pick-me-up for winter’s cold and dreary days. Look for Christmas Vacation in your channel guide or watch it for free with an Amazon Prime membership.

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