2012–13 Issue 6

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Campus Chronicle

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a publication of the Pacific Union College Student Association


THURSDAY, 14 February 2013

no. 6

How We Met


Date Ideas

By PUC Faculty FEATURE pg. 2

By James Shim SPORTS pg. 4

By Taylor Pittenger OPINION pg. 6

The Ranzolins (left) and other faculty couples reminisce.

Men’s and women’s basketball teams wrap up their regular season games.

Need a last-minute plan to impress your significant other? We have ideas.

REVO Hosts Annual ROCO Art Show of the proceeds from any drinks or pastries that were purchased was donated to REVO’s cause, LOVE 146. Current REVO president, Kristianne Ocampo, introduced this year’s cause at the event. “LOVE 146 is driven by the mission to abolish child trafficking and exploitation and to restore survivors,” said Ocampo. The REVO team selected this cause, which the student body voted on in an open poll last quarter. “We wanted the students to choose the cause, so we could all work toward something close to our hearts,” she said. One of REVO’s primary goals this year is to keep the students involved. As a student-led nonprofit organization, REVO is focusing on an efficient approach to keep PUC informed with open opportunities to contribute to the cause. “From the three years that I have seen Clarissa David and Elina Ramirez perform at the Art Show. REVO in action, this year seems to really Darcie Moningka prioritize engagement of the students,” said By Darcie Moningka Allison Uniat, a senior studying communication and REVO partnered with Napa Valley Coffee Roasting pre-pharmacy. “This was evident when they opened Company to host REVO’s annual ROCO Art Show, up the decision process for this year’s cause to the whole campus.” Wednesday, Jan. 30, from 6-8 p.m. This event was one of REVO’s most successful The event, which was open to PUC students, ROCO art shows. “The turnout was really great this faculty and local residents, showcased original student artwork, displayed throughout the venue and available year. I had never seen the place that packed before,” for purchase. The event also featured live music by says Jeremy Lam, president of last year’s REVO cause, performers, including Tad Worku, Ernest Ly, Clarissa Project Pueblo. “More and more people are becoming David, Sarah Lee and more. In addition, a portion aware of what REVO is and what we stand for.”

This quarter, REVO is also teaming up with PUC World Missions to support Stop Hunger Now, a mealpackaging organization. Spring quarter events include the annual Color Run, REVO Fashion Show, Benefit Concert and Stuff Sale. For more information on REVO, email revopacific@gmail.com or visit www. facebook.com/revopuc.

Katie Jurgens’ piece was one of several on display. Darcie Moningka

PUC Student Attends Inauguration By Austin Ngaruiya On Jan. 21, 2013, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. The inauguration took place on the front steps of Capitol Hill, with an estimated 800,000 people in attendance. This inauguration marks Obama’s second term as president, after he defeated Mitt Romney in the November election. Current PUC student Shanna Crumley, who is in Washington, D.C., as an intern at the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, attended the ceremony. “It was interesting to see it from the inside because I’m technically a government employee now,” said Crumley, a senior who will march at PUC in June. The speech made history when Obama became the first president to defend gay rights in an inauguration speech. “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under

the law — for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well,” said Obama. Obama’s speech laid the groundwork for the progressive policy he plans to implement in his second term. He did not shy away from topics such as global warming or immigration. The rhetoric Obama used tied issues such as gay rights, women’s rights and immigration reform, into a call for equality by using historical allusions. “We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths — that all of us are created equal — is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall,” said Obama. Each of these references alluded to a key point in human rights movements. Obama made human rights a focal point throughout his speech; however, he refrained from speaking about the economy. Instead, Obama challenged the nation to take the necessary steps to make the country prosperous for

future generations, although, some would argue that the future — for the next four years — lies in Barack Obama’s hands. “I [wanted] to hear every word, and...figure out how it applies to me and my job and my population,” said Crumley. “This speech wasn’t just a celebration.”

Crumley (center) with PUC alumni Zach Benton (far left) and Paco Ramos (far right). Courtesy of Shanna Crumley


Campus Chronicle

no. 6


Valentine’s Special: How I Met My Spouse Faculty members share their own love stories. Luckily for you, these aren’t as long as Ted Mosby’s. Compiled by Araya Moss and Giovanni Hashimoto.


= All photos courtesy of Gregorutti family

Sylvia Gregorutti, Modern Languages

performing Argentina’s interminable national anthem in the band. While opening the classroom door, I took It was March when my world was literally turned in a dozen young guys yelling, shooting spit wads and upside down. I had just turned 16 and had chosen to throwing chalk at the blackboard. The girls weren’t fazed. My first instinct was to be thousands of miles from home. I was starting to turn and run, but the teacher was walking up the have an immersion experience in my parents’ part of the world. I was arriving late the first day of class after stairs behind me. As I walked into the classroom, my

classmate Adrián said, “Another chubby, red-faced, gum-chewing American pastor’s daughter.” A little while later, we got over our first impressions and talked the rest of the year. Our friendship developed over the years, through different languages, serious relationships and across continents. The conversation continues...

Susan Ranzolin, Student Lary Taylor, Business Services

Jennifer Tyner, PR & Marketing

Readers, I’m going to tell you an incredible story—the story of how I met my husband. This true story begins a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… It was the first day back to school after Christmas vacation. There was a new boy sitting at a desk in the seventh grade classroom. He was the Cutest. Boy. Ever. His name was Leo Ranzolin. Naturally, all the girls were very interested in this cute new boy, and I was no exception. While no romance bloomed at that time—it was seventh grade—Leo Ranzolin had certainly captured my attention. He captured my heart a while thereafter. But, remember all those girls? They kept hanging around so it took longer for me to capture his heart. But I finally did (that’s the incredible part), and we have been supremely happy and blessed together ever since. And that is how I met my husband.

It took “meeting” Matthew three times before we became a couple. The first time we saw each other was in a health science class at Loma Linda University. Apparently, sparks did not fly! The second time we “met” was at his house. I was a grad student working for his father in La Sierra’s marketing department. We had a student/staff vespers dinner. Matthew had just returned from serving as a student missionary and better yet, he had chicken pox. While I thought Matt was cute, pox and all, there was no chemistry. And, I found it very interesting that his dad never thought of introducing us! The third time we met was at La Sierra University Church. I was attending church that day with friends, one who I was particularly interested in. I am not proud of my next actions, but they had a huge payoff: I decided I wanted to make this “friend” jealous. So, I saw Matt sitting in the front row at church and decided to give him a friendly hug.

My wife, Kathleen Swanson Taylor, and I met at Union College during our freshman year in 1965. I don’t actually remember the first time I met her. I came to Union with most of my classmates from Campion Academy in Colorado. I remember my friends and I looking over the Union College equivalent of the Funnybook to see the pictures of the freshman girls. She was one of the ones I picked out as a potential date. One of my friends asked her out first, so I think the first time we met was when I asked someone else out and we double dated a couple of times. I do remember that I liked her more than the person I was dating. I do remember our first date. In the late spring of 1965, I asked her to go to the Dairy Queen that was a couple of blocks from the campus. We had a great time and started dating the following year. We have been married now for 41 years with two great children and (finally) two wonderful grandchildren.

Michelle Rai, Communication The PUC cafeteria brought my husband and I together. A group of friends met for dinner one Sunday, but it was closed when we arrived. David suggested, “We could get Chinese food instead,” and I agreed. The others decided to wait another hour for the cafe to open. It was the first time David and I had a real conversation, as we found ourselves at Soo Yuan

Well, this did make the friend jealous, and he asked me on a date that night, but the hug also got Matt’s attention. He spent the next few months trying to get my number for a date. He finally found it on Christmas Eve 1994. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of a move and missed his message on my answering machine. On New Year’s Eve, I unpacked the machine, listened to the message and called Matt back. I was intrigued that he had put in so much effort to ask me out that I accepted. Three dates later, I knew he was the one! On New Year’s Eve 1995 we were married! Seventeen years later, I am happily married to my best friend and father of our two amazing daughters.

Courtesy of Tyner family

and then Magnolia’s (a coffee shop in St. Helena) until 11 p.m. We were both communication majors and we both played volleyball for PUC’s varsity teams, so our paths crossed often. I remember our friends making the “barfing” gesture when we would sit next to each other in class and hold hands. Looking back, I realize how annoying that must have been! But in our defense, we were in love. And, 13 years of marriage later, I can say that we still are. Photos courtesy of Rai family


THURSDAY, 14 February 2013



Four Engagements and a Wedding Recent months have been a whirlwind of engagements and weddings for PUC students. Here are some of their stories. Compiled by Colleen Uechi. of the headlights. I, of course, said yes.” Most embarrassing moment as a couple: For Christmas this last year, Andy and I both bought each other car chargers for our iPhones. And we share the same car. Tentative wedding date: May 9, 2015

Randy Castanaza and Shayla Burkhart

Date of proposal: Jan. 4, 2013

Fun fact about the groom: Bucket list goal before the wedding is to take a road trip with one of his best guy friends by motorcycle up to Canada. Fun fact about the bride: Bucket list goal before the wedding is to spend a year abroad out of the country as a student missionary, hopefully in Denmark.

How long you’ve been together: Three years How he/she proposed: Randy says, “I proposed twice, in the middle of the street, and in front of a stop sign. I followed her home from her job…. She didn’t know I was in town. When we reached the spot I had decided on, I cut her off and got out of the car. I [had] written all that I needed to say on my hand, but the sweat blurred it up, so I had to say the first thing on my mind and heart.” Most embarrassing moment: Screaming like little kids at Disneyland when Shayla won Woody and I won Bullseye.

J.R. Rogers and Aimée Oliver Date of proposal: June 13, 2012 How long you’ve been together: 1 year, 2 months, 4 days. Really, we’re still dating [even though we’re married]. How he proposed: Long walk on the beach at sunset. Most embarrassing moment as a couple: We just don’t get embarrassed. Wedding date: Dec. 16, 2012 Fun fact about the groom: Bakes better than Aimée. Fun fact about the bride: Never matches her socks unless she’s in a bad mood.

Tentative wedding date: May 29, 2013

Oscar Villa and Lauren Armstrong Fun fact about the groom: If given the option, I could eat pizza, sherbet ice cream and Sprite for breakfast, Date of proposal: Dec. 23, 2012 lunch and dinner for the rest of my life.

Fun fact about the bride: Has a very real fear of birds. How long you’ve been together: Since the fall of 2010: two years and five months. How he/she proposed: Lauren says, “I was spending the weekend before Christmas with his family. We were out and about in his hometown…. He took me to see his [elementary school] and described some of his memories from his time there.... He continued the ‘tour’ of his hometown, showing me areas that had been important growing up. He...started up the mountain to a spot we’d been once before where you can see the entire town. He parked the car and asked if I’d like to get out so we could have a better view. We were huddled together in the chilly winter air, taking in the view of the town where he grew up, when he Kylee Brock and Andrew Robinson began his sweet speech, ending by getting on one knee and asking me to marry him. Of course, I said yes! Date of proposal: Dec. 28, 2012 Most embarrassing moment as a couple: The first How long you’ve been together: One and a half years. (and only!) time we went roller skating together, we weren’t expecting a challenge. It had been a few years How he/she proposed: Kylee says, “We were driving since either of us had been, but we were confident. home from Napa after feeding my addiction of How hard could it be? Turns out, very! The second we Starbucks, and he was driving. He started surging the stepped onto the rink, both of us fell flat on our butts! car and panicking that my truck was malfunctioning. Let’s just say it took us a while to get the hang of it. He was like, ‘I think we need to pull over. I’ll do it in a little bit.’ So we keep driving, for about another 20 Tentative wedding date: April 2014 minutes. By now I’m figuring out what’s going on. He pulls over and pops the hood. What he doesn’t realize Fun fact about the groom: Oscar’s favorite types of is that there [are] a good 3-4 inches of windshield I music are jazz and funk. can still see through. So I saw him pull out the ring and get situated. He waved me over, said his little Fun fact about the bride: Many people are surprised speech and popped the question [in the] silhouette to learn that Lauren is decent at playing the guitar.

Alice Chun and Matthew Phelps

Date of proposal: Dec. 16, 2012 How long you’ve been together: 990 days as of Feb. 14, 2013. Do the math. How he/she proposed: Matt says, “Alice was making chocolate covered pretzels and I snuck out of the kitchen. I put the classic ‘Unforgettable’ by Nat King Cole on my record player and turned on the Christmas lights on our tree. Alice was begging to open a Christmas present early. Little did she know I was planning on popping the question, and her present just happened to be a ring. I got down on one knee and asked her if she would marry me.” Most embarrassing moment as a couple: Matt: “When I had to ask her to marry me twice because she was too busy crying to answer the question!” Alice: “I was just enjoying the moment. Give a girl some slack!” Tentative wedding date: Sometime in July. Fun fact about the groom: LEGOs, Star Wars and fishing. What more needs to be said? Fun fact about the bride: She kept the One Ring as an engagement ring instead of destroying it and saving Middle Earth.


Campus Chronicle

no. 6


Pioneers Suffer Bitter Loss on Senior Night By James Shim After coming off a hard fought singledigit loss against Cal Pac’s number one ranked team, William Jessup, the Pioneers continued their home stand by playing what was easily their best game of the season. In their second to last game, the Pioneers made a dominating statement against the visiting Menlo College Oaks with a 76-56 win. The Pioneers played with efficiency, shooting 42 percent from the field while holding their opponent to 28 percent shooting. Not only did they show great shooting efficiency, but the Pioneers also showed great physical presence in the paint, as they outrebounded Menlo 61-36. Second year head coach Kirt Brower added, “It was great seeing such a team effort. Every player scored, and we also started to execute on defense better.” Ben Vincent led the team with a double-double, as he finished with 13 points and 13 rebounds. Will Bell and

ways. Carter, Sepulveda and Bell were all acknowledged before playing the final home game of their collegiate career. The Pioneers came out swinging, making key defensive stops and clicking on offense. It was a tight game throughout the first half, and the Pioneers found themselves leading by only three entering the half. At the second half, the Pioneers found themselves playing catch up, as UC Merced was able to make adjustments coming out of the locker room. The Pioneers had no answer for Merced guard Aki Chambers, who finished with 34 points and shot 8-10 from the three-point line. The Pioneers made a late push in the final minutes of the game, but it was not enough, as the Pioneers fell to UC Senior Marcus Charter coming off a screen set by Ben Vincent. Allison Regan Merced for the second time this season. As the season draws to a close, the Marcus Carter finished with 16 and 15 looked to end their last home game of points respectively, and Daniel Sepulveda the season on a positive note. Before Pioneers look to regroup as a team and led the way on defense with three steals. tip-off, Coach Brower recognized three prepare for the Cal Pac Conference With momentum in their favor seniors that have helped and contributed Tournament on Feb. 23. heading into Senior Night, the Pioneers to this team in a numerous amount of

Women’s Basketball Recap: Tough Season Draws to a Close By James Shim As the men’s basketball team was preparing for Senior Night, the Lady Pioneers had to tackle the UC Merced Bobcats in what would be their second to last home game of the season. The Pioneers were able to slow down Merced’s offense in the first half, but found themselves struggling to get anything going on offense. Struggling to put the ball in the basket, the Pioneers found themselves down 13 points in the first half. Entering the second half, the Lady Pioneers still played with a high level of energy despite the deficit. Going back and forth with Merced, the Pioneers doubled their first half score, but still found themselves losing 34-50 against the Bobcats. Despite outrebounding Merced 44-38, the Pioneers shot only twenty percent from the field, as nothing seemed to be going their way on offense. Kimberlee Clarke led the team in scoring with nine points, as three other lady Pioneers finished with seven. A short bench with little depth, the Lady Pioneers draw closer to the end of what has been a grueling and long season. Tonight, Feb. 14, the Pioneers will host UC Santa Cruz on Senior Night for their final home game of the season, where the seniors on the team will be acknowledged on Senior Night, as the Pioneers athletic department plans to recognize the hard work the seniors have put in throughout the season.

Coach Glover discusses gameplan with Lady Pioneers. Allison Regan

Alex Gallardo drives past a UC Merced defender to get to the lane. Allison Regan


THURSDAY, 14 February 2013



Cyclist Lance Armstrong Admits to PED Use By Lauren Armstrong In his first interview since he was dropped from the Tour de France late last year, Lance Armstrong admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). In the Jan. 14, 2013, interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong was asked several questions: if he took banned substances, if those substances included the blood-booster EPO, if he did blood doping and transfusions, if he used testosterone, cortisone and human growth hormone and if he took banned substances and blood dope in all his Tour de France wins. The answer to all the above was yes. There is much conjecture as to Armstrong’s motive behind finally coming clean. Some, like David Wolpe of the Washington Post, say that the confession was a staged press ploy or an attempt by Armstrong to inflate his ego. Others suspect that the confession of Armstrong’s former teammate Floyd Landis two

and a half years ago may have prompted Armstrong the sport for life. Armstrong is currently trying to get to make this admission. back into organized sports. Many are asking the question, “Who else knew?” Armstrong and his ex-fiancée Sheryl Crow separated in 2006 after three years together, and it’s still unconfirmed how much she knew about his doping. Crow has said that she “kinda felt like the rest of America” when Armstrong confessed in his interview with Oprah. However, a poll by the LA Times last month shows that over 80 percent of respondents answered “yes” to the following question: “Do you think Sheryl Crow knew Lance Armstrong was doping while they were dating?” In August 2012, Armstrong’s seven Tour de France titles were stripped, and he was banned from competitive cycling by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). Two months later, the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) accepted the USADA’s Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong findings, and Armstrong was officially banned from pictured on left. Angus Kingston, Flickr.com

Love and Lies: A Linebacker’s Fake Girlfriend By Colleen Uechi When the Angels decided to call themselves the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, I thought it was the most bizarre thing I’d ever heard. But that was way before I saw this news report on TV several years later: “Manti Te’o Hoax: Notre Dame Linebacker Allegedly Invented Girlfriend.” If you haven’t caught wind of this or haven’t been keeping up since the news first broke, let me give you a quick rundown. Pay attention because it’s crazy stuff. During the season, Te’o won the hearts of college fans with his heartfelt story of triumph despite the death of his grandmother and his girlfriend. The grandmother part is true. The girlfriend thing…. A little hard to explain. Her name was Lennay Kekua. They supposedly met online in 2009, then later that year in California after a USC-Notre Dame game. The two kept in touch and eventually started going out in early 2012. In June, Kekua got in a car accident, and while she was in the hospital, doctors discovered she had leukemia. Her September passing left a nation in tearful sympathy for the heartbroken Te’o, who went on to have a season worthy of a first-round NFL draft pick. The Heisman Trophy ceremony comes and goes. (Te’o is runner-up.) The ‘Bama-Notre Dame national championship comes and goes. (The Tide smashes the Irish.) Then the news breaks on Jan. 16: Te’o’s tragic girlfriend saga is a hoax. Te’o plays victim while we meet the man behind the hoax: Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, a family friend who fabricated the whole story and apparently is really good


South Bend Tribune reports Te’o met fake girlfriend Kekua.


Te’o’s father believes Te’o and Kekua met often in Hawaii.

Jan ‘12

ESPN reports Kekua was in a life-threatening car accident. Te’o and Kekua in “relationship.”

at impersonating a girl on the phone. A few days later, Te’o admits he made up some parts of his relationship with Kekua (they never actually met in person), but insists his love was real. Then, in an interview with Dr. Phil, Tuiasosopo says he is sexually confused and in love with Te’o. Tuiasosopo also reveals he was molested as a child, and that his troubled beginnings drove him to take these sorts of actions. Molestation is not a joke, and any claims of the sort should be taken seriously. However, it’s really hard to believe the guy that duped not only Te’o, but several others as well. That’s right. Now, we’re finding out Tuiasosopo fooled others online with his fake identity,

Jun ‘12

Kekua diagnosed with leukemia after complications from car accident.

including pageant queen Tessi Toluta’u, another Te’o family friend. It’s just sad and bizarre all around. However, it turns out that Te’o did manage to find real love around last November. He had a brief relationship with a St. Mary’s College student, Alexandra Del Pilar. There’s supposedly proof in a photo of Te’o and Del Pilar sitting on Santa’s lap. However, I’m not sure if that’s proof enough. Santa Claus and a girlfriend of Manti Te’o? Those are two people many would argue don’t exist. Moral of the story? If you’re desperate for love this Valentine’s Day, just don’t do a Manti. No girlfriend is better than a fake one.

Lennay Kekua pictured above with Te’o. Neon Tommy Flickr.com

Sep ‘12

Dec ‘12

Te’o’s grandma passes away. Hours later Te’o is informed Kekua passed away.

Te’o informed Kekua is not dead. Later informed Kekua is a hoax. Still claims “lost girlfriend to cancer.”

Jan ‘13 Deadspin releases Te’o hoax story online.

Jan ‘13

Jan ‘13

Te’o claims to have never met Kekua. Claimed to have tailored stories to have people think they met.

Te’o tells ESPN a man named Tuiasosopo was behind girlfriend hoax.

Jan ‘13

Tuiasosopo tells Dr. Phil that Te’o not involved. Claims to be confused sexually and that molestation during childhood led to troubled actions.


Campus Chronicle

no. 6


Worst Date Ever: Please Don’t Make Me Do It Again! By Ari Duran I know what many of you are thinking: Ari is spilling a juicy story about Webbo and what he is secretly like. WRONG! This story does not start with Webbo, but it sure does end with him. Let me take you back to the good ol’ days of high school. I’m sure that many of you feel that high school can either bring out the good, the bad or the ugly in people. Sadly, this story is an ugly one. In my case, it turned out well for me in the end, but for the man in this story…well let’s just say he is in a better place now, far away from where I am today. It all began on MySpace. One summer day, I was perusing my profile page, updating my features, when an old classmate of mine from elementary school wrote to me. When I checked my inbox, he was just mentioning how long it had been since we saw each other and wanted to catch up. My mistake was saying yes. I invited him to my teen Bible study group that night. Unbeknownst to me, he thought this was a date. He started off the night by picking me up and saying that we were going to my church, but he wanted to go on a pit stop to Red Robin (I still refuse to dine there to this day). We went in and grabbed a bite to eat. Then, he ordered a milkshake, and, as if we were in the 1950s, he said that we were going to be sharing

this strawberry milkshake. Luckily, I am allergic to strawberries, and I had no hesitation at all to reject that offer. After dinner, we went to my Bible study meeting, and he wanted to make one of my guy friends jealous by putting his arm around me and placing his hand on my leg, but he had another thing coming. I was not about to tolerate such behavior. Thankfully, after my Bible study group was over, he said that he was taking me home, but instead, he chose to take me to his family’s house. On our way there, he told me, “My dad said if I get you pregnant, then I am paying for it, and my mom said that I better use protection tonight.” That statement in itself stopped me dead in my tracks. Not only was this hangout not going anywhere, but what kind of a girl did he think I was?! All I knew was that this “Bible study hangout” needed to end, pronto. After about an hour of me sitting on his sofa, watching him and his mom watch “Grey’s Anatomy” together, we finally left. Once he dropped me off, I ran inside, only to find that he was only 20 steps behind me. Dear Lord! This man could not take a hint! He asked to come inside, to which I replied, “Well, I am going to hit the hay, but it was nice to catch up.” Then he asked, “Want to watch a movie?” May I add, while he asked this question, he was browsing through

our DVD collection in the other room. My sister and her friend picked out the dullest movie, hoping to shoo him away, but it turned out to be his favorite movie. Two hours passed, and the movie was long over. I headed toward the door, held it wide open and said, “See you! Drive home safe!” While I gave my farewell, he walked over to where my mom was on her computer and began talking to her. When he first started talking, it was 10 p.m.; after some time, it was 2 a.m. My mom was like, “Okay, nice to see you again!” He paid no attention to that remark, and just a few seconds later he laid a huge, giant fart in the middle of my living room. If I wasn’t already over-the-edge disgusted before this flatulence, I was now. That was definitely the final straw. I got up the courage to say, “Hey it’s late and you have to go, buddy!” Finally, he moved to the door, where he stood expecting a goodbye kiss, but it only turned into a high-five and a never-seeing-you-again wave. The following day, he texted me a few poems, so I had to break the news of not seeing him again. This is where Webbo comes into my story. The saying is true; you do have to “hang out” with a few toads before your handsome prince can sweep you off your feet. So, ladies and gents out there, if you have not found the love of your life yet, just be patient. When they show up, it will definitely be worth the wait!

Date Ideas for Dummies: On and Off Campus By Taylor Pittenger Planning a Valentine’s Day date is probably last on your to-do list. Today, you get a freebie. Here are some fun, cheap date ideas for you and your significant other. You cannot go wrong with a romantic walk through downtown St. Helena. Most of the shops and restaurants are closed later in the evening (and any that would be open will probably be packed), but another option is going down to Safeway to buy ice cream. Once you have your ice cream, go window-shopping with your date. St. Helena at night can be very cozy and is a

close drive. Napa is also a great date location. There is a wide variety of things you can do, ranging from exploring downtown to eating at In-N-Out. You do not need to visit an extravagant place to have a good date. If you do not have a car or you want to save gas money, you can still have a date on campus. For the outdoorsy types, an afternoon hike to Linda Falls would be an option both can enjoy. Be sure to leave early in the afternoon because sunset is around 5:30 p.m. Also, if you leave early, you can watch the sunset together. An alternative date is a picnic after class. Why

not utilize the campus of “America’s most beautiful college” by eating outdoors with your most beautiful sweetheart? Another date idea is spending time cooking a meal with your date. Skip dinner at the cafeteria and eat a meal you’ve prepared together. Try a recipe that you know from home. Not only will it show off your cooking skills, but you can also enjoy a meal that reminds you of your mom while you are on a date. And if all else fails, you can always watch a movie in the dorm lobby. Nothing screams romance more than Netflix at your girlfriend’s dorm.

Valentine’s Day Fashion Tips for Guys and Girls By Janet Morales Going on a date this Valentine’s day and don’t know what to wear? Here are some options to consider.


If you are going on a picnic, choose something fun and flirty. A sundress or swingy skirt in an interesting print, like polka dots, works better than the cliché red dress and heels (mud- and grassstained heels are never attractive). Pair that with some flats or oxfords. Going on a hike with your date? Don’t go hiking in a skirt but also don’t wear your ratty old gym outfit. Choose a cute workout outfit. Opt for a pair of capris or leggings with a loose and free-

flowing tank top, or go for a tailored pullover to show off your waist. If you’re having a night out on the town, go for a more dressy casual style. A studded collared buttondown with a sweater over it would be appropriate. Add a skirt with tights and booties (make them the same color to make your legs look longer), and presto! You’re ready! If you do want to wear the traditional red and pink colors, do so in smaller doses, like a clutch, headband or nails.


Taking your girl on a picnic? This is the perfect occasion to show her your sense of style. Let her know you don’t live in your sweats 24/7. Choose a polo shirt, a pair of khakis and your casual pair of Sperry boat shoes. Easy, simple, yet stylish! You’re going hiking, you say? Well, since she will likely be sporting workout gear, rather then her five-inch heels, you should do the same. However, if it’s a night of walking around town

and having a good time, it’s better to dress up just a smidge (because let’s face it, she is probably going to dress up). So, choose something semi-casual: khakis, paired with a plaid button down, a tie and a v-neck sweater over it. P.S. The weather will be 70 degrees and sunny with a low in the 40s.


THURSDAY, 14 February 2013



If You’re Single and You Know It, It’s OK other oft-used phrase. For example, Sally Smith posts a picture of the meal her man just cooked for her. “Surprised me with this prime rib and a dozen roses. Best boyfriend ever!” Drink up (your soda).

3. Cheer someone up.

By Colleen Uechi OK, so we can all agree that Valentine’s Day is just fine and dandy for the couples, but what about those who herald Feb. 14 as Singles Awareness Day? If you, like me, are one of those distinguished, privileged people, then this is the article you’ve been waiting for. I have devised a list of entertaining things for either guys or girls, so you too can have just as much fun–and probably even more–than all those lovebirds.

1. Possible date-night activities aren’t just for couples.

Going to the movies, eating out at a nice restaurant, or perusing a beautiful twinkling city like San Francisco are all things that can be done with a bunch of good friends, so go do it! However, if you have neither a car nor money, there are still plenty of ridiculous things you can enjoy.

2. Play an Adventist, non-alcoholic version of the drinking game.

appointed hour, march down and count away. The winner or person with the closest guess is crowned King or Queen of the Singles. This comes with many privileges, which you and your friends can make up

When I studied abroad in Spain, my friends and I went around the dorm on Valentine’s Day and taped encouraging notes and candy on people’s doors. Sounds cheesy, but you might be surprised how fun it can be, both for you and the people receiving the notes.

4. Do something non-romantic.

On that same Valentine’s Day in Spain, a bunch of us decided to make the infamous spaghetti mix from the movie “Elf.” For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, this dish includes chocolate, maple syrup, M&Ms, pop-tarts and who knows what else. It’s pretty disgusting when it’s hot and even more disgusting when it gets cold. Forget your dreams of eating spaghetti like Lady and the Tramp; Will Ferrell in a bright elf on your own. I’m getting lazy here. 7. Enjoy being stuck on the hill. costume eating syrupy noodles is where it’s at. Wait, that’s not supposed to be fun, right? It can be. 5. Just let go. You have no one to impress (and please do not get Play some basketball in the gym, or maybe run, or depressed when I say this; you’ll see why I mean it maybe swim. (Dr. Seuss, is that you?) Have a nerf as a good thing), so why not flaunt the freedom that gun war. Longboard. Study for the quiz all the people comes with this privilege? Put on your frumpiest, most with significant others are going to fail on Feb. 15. comfortable clothes; flop down in a pile of blankets The possibilities are endless. Perhaps one of these ridiculous suggestions can take on your unmade bed; grab some snacks and enjoy a good movie, TV show, or your favorite video game. your mind off the love craze of Valentine’s Day. You I know, this sounds like something you’d do after a know, in Spanish there’s another name for this holiday break-up, but why can’t it be a fun activity? Snacks, a (which is celebrated on Feb. 14 in some countries and comfy bed and movies are an awesome combination on different days in others): Día del Amor y la Amistad, which means “Day of Love and Friendship.” Nice, if you ask me. right? It doesn’t have to be all about the couples. Enjoy 6. Play the ‘King/Queen of the Singles’ the relationships you have right now, romantic or not.

Is there such a thing? There is now. You only need Facebook or some other social network (Instagram is another good option), and some type of soda, perhaps Sprite. Browse through your newsfeed and your friends’ Game. newsfeeds, and take a swig every time someone claims Guess how many couples will be lounging in the they have the “best boyfriend/girlfriend ever,” or some lobby of your dorm around a certain time. At the

The Realistic Notebook: Seeing Rom Coms for What They Really Are By Carlo Péan I’m going to be honest with you. I’m a sucker for chick flicks. I say this confidently because I am sure I’m not the only guy who feels this way. In fact, if you’re a guy who doesn’t feel like this or a girl who is doubtful about this, I want you to do a little experiment for me. Go to at least five other males that aren’t too far from you and ask them if they like chick flicks. I’m betting that at least one will say yes, even if it is after they dart their eyes and shamefully hang their head. Nothing to be ashamed of my brothers! But, I must follow the ethical code of journalism that is set before me and expose the truth. I’m sorry, I know the women of PUC will be up in arms against me and probably call me bitter or demand to have me excommunicated, for what God in heaven would listen to such a cynic’s prayers? Nevertheless, here I go to expose the ugly lie of the chick flick. To be sure that this is actually a bad story plot and not just a bad script or bad acting, I’ll analyze my favorite femalefriendly movie: “The Notebook.” This movie is a heart-warming story about two young lovers whose destiny is to be together, in spite of the horrors of dementia and a mother who just needed her own love story. Let’s be honest. This story only works if Noah (Ryan Gosling) is attractive. Imagine an ugly Noah. Rather than Gosling’s killer eyes looking continuously at

his shoes before nervously looking up with a killer smile, he instead never blinks, and his crooked smile, accompanied by the heaviest breathing possible, makes you glad that you went ahead and splurged on that pepper spray or rape whistle. Now this new and improved Noah goes up to Allie (Rachel McAdams) and demands that she go out on a date with him. She says no and then he takes the next rational step and threatens to throw himself from the highest point on a Ferris wheel until she changes her mind. Now back to sexy Ryan Gosling. They date for one summer. One! And obviously she has to go home— which they knew the whole time—and the brat throws a fit and the boy losses all man cards when he writes 365 letters to his summer fling. I know, I know. You’ll say, “Carlo, it was so romantic! That’s how much he loved her!” Let me ask you, how romantic is that? Would any woman or man want 365 letters from an ex? And on Gosling’s part, do you really have something to say

each day? It’s hard enough to keep a journal for myself, much less for some girl I spent an amazing summer with. I mean, what do you say around day 136? “Dear Allie, well, not much has happened since I wrote you yesterday. I heard that Farmer Brown lost a chicken to a fox, but that’s just a rumor. Um, I’m feeling sort of stupid now… Forgetting why I’m doing this. Whatever happens, I promise you I’ll never forget you. I’ll especially never find some emotionally vulnerable war widow and shack up with her when I get lonely in the near future. Well, until tomorrow!” So, when years later, the engaged woman finds out that that one guy from two summers ago is still alive, she decides to visit him. They meet up, kiss in the rain (bad idea while wearing non-waterproof makeup, Allie), spend a night or two fornicating, and the girl who’s accustomed to the finer things in life decides to marry the poor boy. Yeah, this story fits together so flawlessly. You know what, maybe this isn’t the movie’s fault. Maybe I need to stop taking movies so seriously and should quit expecting them to be based on reality. Just sayin’. Think about it. OK?

Would any woman or man want 365 letters from an ex?


Campus Chronicle

no. 6

PUC Celeb Look Alikes Check out your peers’ doppelgängers. Who knows? Maybe you have class with a celebrity. Compiled by Lindsay Valenzuela.

Halle Berry

Shaun White

Lewis Robinson

James McAvoy

Jennifer Garner

JJ Nash

Ben Speegle

Josh Wendt

Jose Karry

Amanda Schlotthauer

Sasha Pieterse

Sharni Vinson

James Franco

Elizabeth Reaser

Kristen Stewart

Sydney Henderson

Mattie Lake

Noel Russell

Danielle Hagood

Jessica Aldred

SA REPORTS Your Student Association. Your officers. Here’s what they’re doing for you. By Samantha Angeles, President Is the Napa Wine Train Banquet expensive at $40 a ticket? From a girl who doesn’t like to pay $40 for much of anything, I could see the answer being yes. But because my sister and I sent our parents on this train for their anniversary, I know that the train ride alone is $50, and the ride with a three-course gourmet meal (which is what the banquet will be) is $114 per ticket. How can it be that much? It’s one of Napa

Valley’s biggest attractions. And here’s our chance to live the Napa lifetsyle on a budget. Hopefully, $40 looks a little less suspicious now! Something else you might not know about this banquet is that JP Tan, your social vice president, pulled off a miracle to make it happen. After an unnamed outside organization dropped the ball on the banquet we’d planned for this quarter, he could have just given up and done one next quarter. But instead, he worked non-stop for four weeks to make this one happen. AND there’ll

be banquets next quarter, too. There’s always a story behind each event, administrative decision and plan. As your student representative, I’ll do my best to give you some snapshots here. You don’t always have to agree–I don’t always either. After you know the story, send your feedback to snangeles@puc.edu. We’ll do our best to make the changes you want to see and find the answers you need. It’s your right to be informed–we work for you!

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