2012–13 Issue 7

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Campus Chronicle

The Campus Chronicle is a free publication.

a publication of the Pacific Union College Student Association


WEDNESDAY, 27 February 2013

no. 7

INSIDE: BEYOND THE TWO MINUTES Last week, SA candidates had less than 120 seconds to pitch their campaigns. With elections approaching, we asked them to tell voters some of the things they didn’t get to say in their brief moment onstage.








1 You will receive an email at 12 a.m. on Thursday. Use the included link to take you to the polls.

4 You have until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday to cast your vote.

2 Make the appropriate selections and submit your vote.


3 Do not try to forward this link to others or attempt to vote again. Each link is personalized and can only be accessed once.

5 Winners will be announced on Friday through email.

If you missed the candidates’ speeches, check out the PUC SA Facebook page for the videos.


Campus Chronicle

no. 7


Who is SA? It’s You. According to the PUC SA Constitution and Bylaws: ARTICLE I NAME, AUTHORITY, OBJECTIVES AND MEMBERSHIP Para. 1. The name of this organization shall be the Pacific Union College Student Association hereinafter referred to as the PUC SA. Para. 2. This organization shall operate by the authority and with the consent of the Pacific Union College Board of Trustees, administration and faculty. Para. 3. The purpose of this organization shall be to foster a spirit of cooperation among the students, faculty and administration. It shall also publish the student periodicals (Para. 89, 90, 91, 92, and 93). Para. 4. Each student shall become a member of the PUC SA by virtue of enrollment for a minimum of six quarter hours.

The People Passing on the Torch Before you vote for the 2013-2014 officers, make sure you know the current officers and what they do. Samantha Angeles

Danielle Hagood

Jean-Pierre Tan

Student Association President

Executive Vice President

Social Vice President

“Troubleshooter” of SA. Supports and leads SA officer team, serves on administrative committees, advises senators on bills, leads at least six special projects per quarter and represents student body to outside sources. Cameron Haley Religious Vice President

Organizes collective worship, small group and service opportunities. Acts as a spiritual leader by developing a spiritual mission for the campus. Collaborates with RVPs from other campuses to host retreats and exchange ideas.

As chair of Student Senate, the EVP organizes committees, orchestrates Senate and Town Hall meetings and oversees senators and any bills they write. Also manages both SA officer and senator elections. Metelleklang Kevin Iyechad Financial Vice President Oversees “lifeblood” of SA. Takes care of SA’s $300,000 budget and advises officers and Senate on spending. Must be organized, competent and reliable.

In charge of promoting weekly events that give students alternative options on Saturday nights. Also coordinates with on-campus clubs and other offices to help better the social environment on campus. Will Yoshimura Funnybook Editor

Produces Funnybook, a publication that serves as an informal campus directory at the beginning of the school year. Oversees and organizes photography as well as designing book’s layout.

Colleen Uechi

Andrew Lloren

Rachel Wuerstlin

Campus Chronicle Editor

Video Yearbook Editor

Diogenes Lantern Editor

Leads staff of 20+ employees to produce 13 issues for the year. Organizes weekly meetings and oversees all text, photography and designs in the newspaper.

Attends and records events and other aspects of PUC life, both on and off campus. Films interviews with various students and faculty. Edits and compiles content for end-of-the-year video.

Responsible for producing PUC’s yearbook. Oversees team and works with students, clubs, departments and printing companies to compile and organize content. Photographs events, designs layout.


WEDNESDAY, 27 February 2013



Candidates for the Office of President R

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You plan to provide students with regular outreach. transportation to Safeway and other popular Most of these things are things that social vice is places. How would you go about doing this? responsible for, and as president I will be working together with her to do what is possible.

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Major in theology Junior

for Presi ning de n nt Ru





Major in business administration, Minor in biology Junior



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Majors in business administration and aviation Junior

To make this possible I would look into borrowing vans from PUC Prep and if they are not available, How does your experience in different cultures we’d use the PUC bus, rent vans or find drivers. If (growing up in Russia, living in the U.S.) shape I get elected, I will have to see how much money I who you are as a person? will have in my budget for this to happen. For me, experiencing both Russian and American What other key points on your list of student cultures made me a better person by being kind, appreciative and caring because I have seen both sides suggestions would you like to focus on? of these cultures. Living in the United States taught I have asked more than 200 students on this me how to appreciate life and the simple things like campus what they would like to change next year. having a place to sleep, food to eat, a school where I Based on their responses, I want to provide students can get an education and the friends that I have, but with events that they would like to have, such as art most importantly, being here has made my faith in events (students draw pictures, and best pictures win God stronger than ever. awards), more events in the cities (San Francisco, Napa)—for example, banquets, bowling, ice skating. Is there anything else you’d like to add? I would also like to have different activities such PUC, I have been preparing physically and mentally as Spirit Week, a water slide, karaoke and possibly purchase an air hockey table for the Campus Center. for a very long time. I have been learning and listening Besides all of that, I want to have more community to what can I do to change next year as your leader.

What specific goals or plans do you have as You mentioned you’ve held other leadership president? positions at various levels. Tell us about those. As president, I would like to build upon the theme of unity for this year and implement a theme of service. The idea that we can all act together as a serving unit is a phenomenal thought. One project I have in mind is shoeboxes for the homeless. Each student would have an opportunity to create shoeboxes filled with goods such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, razors, etc. Once all shoeboxes have been completed, they can be passed out to the homeless in Berkeley. Another would be Project Christmas. My plan would be for each of the dorms to adopt a less fortunate family in the area and provide them with a special Christmas. Each dorm would be allotted a budget of $250 to buy the family groceries, clothes and various other gifts. Students give the presents to the family in person before Christmas break.

I was president in high school for my sophomore and senior year, Biology Club officer and a REVO officer. Off campus, I serve as an Administrative Intern at Paradise Village Resort. The internship provided me with opportunities to handle a million dollar budget and work closely with administration regarding policies, and I also gained experience in the HR and marketing departments.

How does your experience in different cultures (growing up in India, living in the U.S.) shape who you are as a person? Being a part of the Indian culture has really taught me to always work hard and strive to maintain a work ethic of integrity. Moving to America has presented me with the opportunities to begin my career.

How would your experiences as a current My organization and punctuality were enhanced as member of SA dictate your plan as president? FVP, and those skills will invaluably help support the

SA team to perform at its fullest potential with myself As an officer, my experience of handling the in a different position: president. financial aspects of the SA has given me a better understanding of what the SA is capable of doing. How does your experience in different cultures As your SA FVP, I have been involved in every (living in Palau, attending college in the U.S.) officer’s—including the Senate’s—plans financially. shape who you are as a person? I learned a lot about my team based on how they used their money. Knowing them both financially My mom and dad were both very poor when they and personally, I made sure to perform to the best were younger. My mom, the youngest of thirteen, of my ability for them. I do what I know I can do, recalls how they would make a big pot of soup, mostly and I trust my team to do what I know they can do. vegetables, and add a can of tuna for taste, for that’s all they could afford. My dad tells me that when he What drew you toward running for president came to the U.S. for college, he arrived with nothing but the clothes and flip flops he wore. instead of re-campaigning for FVP? My parents worked hard to accomplish their dreams. I recognize that someone else could benefit from Their strong work ethic and passion to serve is why I serving as your FVP. As for me, I too wish to continue to grow in my ability am at PUC today and why I am who I am. I look up to serve. The president plays the role of manager of a to them, and I feel I owe it to them, to my family and team. The president needs to be consistent in his/her to everybody whom I am blessed to meet, to always conducts and able to perform them in a timely manner. give and do my very best.


Campus Chronicle

no. 7


Candidates for Vice President Offices Executive Vice President fo



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ecutive Vic r Ex e



Major in business administration, emphasis in accounting Sophomore

basic cooking utilities. • Andre Rec Room TV Accessories: acquired You mentioned you can’t help getting involved in campus events. As EVP, how would you accessories to connect the laptops to the TV. balance the various activities you’d be part of? So far, the latter two are still underway. They’re literally coming in the mail! A planner. And Post-its. I always leave a bit of a leeway for unexpected events (both fortunate and What are some of the specific changes you hope unfortunate). Oh, and opportunity costs (giving to see take place through Senate next year? something up [to do] what’s best for you). Sometimes, I want to continue to let the whole student body I would have to say no to some activities. know who our senators are. I want all eyes to be on Tell us something about your experience on them. Not only because I want that to motivate them to do awesome things on campus but to also know and Senate. understand that they are doing what they promise to Senate has pushed me to make things happen. do: to serve the whole student body. But as an added benefit to the future senator (aside What I’ve done so far: • Andre Recreational Room TV: acquired 32- from looking amazing in your résumé), I plan to create inch TV for workout room in Andre Hall, so residents incentives and benefits for them. Understand that a senator isn’t paid at all. That’s why these little “bonuses” could use it to plug in their workout videos. • Kitchen Bill: equipped Andre kitchen with are pretty much the cherry on top!

ocial Vice

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I have been able to help coordinate and run several 50th birthday parties, sweet sixteens, banquets, theme/game/movie nights, barbecues, etc. A lot of my experience comes from those events. Last year was my first year at PUC, and I was named secretary of the Dramatic Arts Society, one of the theater groups on campus. Through that office, I was able to help plan events such as the 24-hour play festivals, quarterly lock-ins and other parties. I’ve been social events coordinator, fusion leader, director of various theater programs, etc. Through these positions, I have applied my skills, creativity and knowledge to the events I’ve coordinated.


Describe some of the unique social events you would plan for next year.

What specific experiences qualify you to do One event I would love to do is “The Quarter Party.” this job? Each quarter, we would have an event where everything



S for g n ni

Majors in film & television and communication Sophomore



Social VP

costs a quarter. One for your entrance fee, and one for whatever else you want. For me, cost is a huge factor by which people decide whether or not to attend events. Another event I would love to do is called the “Almost Anything Goes Olympics.” We would divide people into color-coded teams in which they would participate in a set of crazy games where almost anything goes. The third and final event is “The Theme Night.” The 50s, 80s, 2000s, etc., are great eras that people can dress up and participate in. It doesn’t even have to be eras—it can be movies, music, etc. My goal as SVP would be to have my events provide connection for students.

Financial VP inancial Vice or F f Pr g

What have you learned from handling various more money. For example, when we spent money for budgets that you could apply to this position? our Funnybook, did we go through a rigorous process



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in finding the absolute best printer? Was that company One of the main lessons I have learned was what able to give us the best deal on quality, number of pages, to do when one is over budget. I have been privy etc.? As your next FVP, I will bring a questioning to a multitude of businesses in different financial process that will save us money in the long term. states, from newly opening to closing. I find that any simple transaction can lead to a slow downfall Describe more of your goals for next year. if one overspends. My other two main goals next year are to improve I have studied and applied contingency plans, reassignment of resources and reduction of project transparency between SA and students and the overall size, all to decrease spending before or after an event. enhancement of our financial structure. I will provide monthly financial records of SA’s spending. I would You mentioned wanting to have “more input love feedback if you feel that SA may be spending too much, too little or spending it in the wrong area. into SA’s budget.” Could you elaborate? Secondly, I would create an outreach program where My main goal next year is to have a much stronger other financially strong businesses come in and analyze role in the budgets of other SA officers. I believe a our spending. Perhaps we can achieve a financial person like me, with a strong financial background, organization similar to that of Fortune 500 companies. Majors in biochemistry and business administration can determine where to cut back and where to spend Sophomore




WEDNESDAY, 27 February 2013


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Fin for

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Ru nn

ELECTION ISSUE Majors in Spanish and business administration, You mentioned an internship you’ve been a emphasis in management part of. What specific skills have you gleaned Junior from these positions that you feel you could

incorporate into your position? Overspending has been a problem in the past. How do you plan to balance prudent As a result of my internship, I’m familiar with spending while adequately meeting the wants QuickBooks (an accounting program that keeps track of every financial transaction a business makes). A lot and needs of students? Overspending happens when people fail to anticipate additional expenses and/or don’t have (or understand) current information about their budgets. My goal is to work with officers to help them plan for and avoid surprise expenses, as well as keep them updated on their budgets and help them understand the numbers.


of our previous FVPs learned QuickBooks on the job, after they took office—I’m ahead of the curve in that respect. My internship has been an opportunity to see the difference between accounting for a grade and accounting for real. Actual bank reconciliations are much longer than the textbook versions you do in class.

Religious VP fo

Pr e

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ligious Vic r Re e





the weekly meetings to plan vespers, where the RVP team lays out the format and flow of the service. I’ve had the opportunity to learn all the details behind the scenes of our spiritual programs and have taken part in making them a reality. The elected RVP will officially begin training for next year during spring quarter, but I feel that I have been in the process of training ever since I came to PUC. This is important because I am familiar with the role and duties of the RVP, can take inspiration from the great examples I have seen in previous years and will implement my own new ideas.

You mentioned wanting to bring improvements to music, interactions and speakers. What specific types of changes do you want to make in these areas?

Major in theology Sophomore

Changes I would make to music would focus on the continual encouragement and improvement of bands and their unique styles by giving musicians more opportunities to play and providing feedback on how to improve. “Interactions” has a double meaning to it. What some call “intersnacktions” is always a great social aspect of Friday nights, and I want to make that as good as possible. However, I also mean “interactions” in the sense that I want to present opportunities for students to connect with each other during a service. Some existing examples of this that I would like to continually improve in vespers are “I Saw Jesus” and breaking into prayer groups. However, I would like to incorporate interactions into other places, like the welcome and announcements as well. For speakers, I was heavily inspired by this year’s faculty winter revival. We have so many wonderful faculty members on this campus that care about us and mean something to us, so I would love to have them speak more often.

I want to bring quality to all aspects of our spiritual events. A lot of these examples are related to vespers because that is one of the main roles of the RVP. Anything else you’d like to add? As a member of two RVP teams, what have you However, while I will use vespers in my examples, experienced that has prepared you for this job? the principles can be applied to all spiritual meetings “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” on campus. The most important thing from both years has been “Love God, love people.”


Pr e

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ligious Vic r Re e

BOR Major in theology Sophomore



One thing I will include in vespers is a “Christian Talent Show.” There are many students who are musically gifted. This way more students get to directly participate in vespers, plus many others will come to vespers to see their friends perform. Before becoming a theology major, I studied TV production at College of San Mateo. I want to produce a Christian movie here on campus. Film students can get experience by helping in the production. The movie is to be aimed at students through the life of an individual in college, a life that will be tested in many ways, but his faith in God leads him to be successful and grow in his relationship with God.

You mentioned working for the conference. How do you feel this and other experiences qualify you for this position?

At the Central California Conference, I directed a youth evangelism program called Proyecto Timoteo. My Tell us more about specific goals or plans you experience in this project gave me the organizational have for next school year’s spiritual programs. skills needed for the proper planning of school events aimed to help the students grow in their walk with God.

Also, this training gave me the skills and knowledge to better attract the youth to themes of a religious nature.

You also mentioned wanting to have an open forum at PUC. Can you clarify your vision for that (regular or one-time event, kinds of topics, etc.)? The idea of the open forum will work with the help of the student chaplains. One week of the month, students can talk about different issues during dorm worship. During this special dorm worship, each dorm will produce a question related to the chosen topic. These questions will be given to the expert brought in for that week’s vespers and will be addressed in the first part of a two-section vespers. The second section of the vespers program will include a system in which students can use their cellphones to submit other questions live from their seats. The forum is to be held once per month to a total of nine weeks in the school year. These forums will address themes such as self worth, sexuality, atheism and spiritism, as well as some of the Christian beliefs important to our church.


Campus Chronicle

no. 7


Candidates for Publication Offices Funnybook Editor



for Funnybook g Ed in i nn




Publishing the Funnybook early in the school I really want to do is to have a nighttime social event in year is key to its appeal. How would you plan which I can promote taking photos by having people to balance speed and quality with this job? come and just socialize like they would otherwise. The Funnybook Social would be a cool and relaxed event, I want to publish the Funnybook as early as possible, in the Grind perhaps, where students could come in so, to get that done with quality, I’m going to be and take their photo in a photo booth. working on it and designing during the summer months. I’m going to make sure that by the time the Anything else you’d like to add? next school year starts, I will be done with all the The Funnybook is a great book to feature students in really core design work and be ready to take pictures and to learn something you don’t know about a certain and print the book! person/friend. I think that this is an opportunity for How would you go about acquiring a students to get a publication unlike any of the other substantial amount of student photos in so yearbooks, Facebook pages, etc., that they look at from short a time (the first few weeks of school)? time to time. They’ll get a fun keepsake, one that they will want to hold on to for a long time. I’m going to be promoting the Funnybook like crazy. I’ll be coming up with more ideas to trick—I mean draw—people into taking a photo of themselves. What

Major in graphic design Sophomore

Campus Chronicle (Newspaper) Editor e r ito Ed

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Campus Chron r o icl f

What other qualifications besides a journalism What vision do you have for the Chronicle’s major prepare you for this job? future? I’m the Op-Ed Copyeditor for this school year’s I see the Campus Chronicle being relevant to readers. Campus Chronicle staff. I work well with others, Ideally, someone should pick up the paper, read it and always emphasize an open mind and love fleshing find something that relates to them. I want people ideas out. to want to read the paper, so I’ll continue raising the bar to keep the Campus Chronicle a newspaper that You were originally an aerospace engineering we’re proud of.

major at UC Davis. What led you to change Anything else you’d like to add? fields?

W EB BO CHEN Major in Communication, emphasis in journalism Senior

e r ito Ed

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Campus Chron r o icl f


I’ve always had a passion for writing. I do love math and science and rockets and the idea of living in outer space. However, I’ve found my calling and sense of belonging as a journalism major here at PUC. Writing just fits perfectly in my life and makes sense to me.

Both James and I have like minds in our vision for the Campus Chronicle’s success. We probably just have slightly different means to the same ends at times. That being said, the election for next year’s Campus Chronicle editor isn’t about who’s the better candidate. It’s more about with whose vision you agree more. Please find that out, vote for the respective candidate and reap the reward of a great newspaper either way.

You mentioned you’ve learned and continue to I feel that I do present myself with a very “chill” learn many things as a current staff member. laidback personality, and I do take a lot of things I What specific lessons have you picked up that do lightly. However, I know that as “editor-in-chief,” there are many responsibilities that I must take care you value and can implement? One of the most important things I learned and really value is keeping deadlines. Personally for me, deadlines mean a lot because pushing back deadlines just makes for more work later on. Another thing I really value and would like to implement is communication between staff members. I think that the Campus Chronicle can be made stronger by having communication between staff members more accessible. I feel that if we can grow together as something bigger, our work can be done more easily and we can have more fun.

of, deadlines being one of them. When it comes to deadlines, I plan to map out due dates for everyone on staff. Obviously, having a great staff around me will help a lot. In terms of managing a staff, the most important thing to me will be keeping everybody on task.

You described improvements made in past years at the Chronicle. What changes of your own do you hope to bring to the paper?

Some of the things that I would like to change would be to continually improving the layout of the Campus Chronicle, possibly adding a variety of new sections, As a laid-back guy, how do you plan to take and just making it relevant to as many students as Major in Communication, emphasis in public relations possible on campus. I plan on continually improving charge of both staff and deadlines? Junior upon the paper and not letting it fall into mediocrity.


WEDNESDAY, 27 February 2013



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Video Yearb o fo r


E di

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Video Yearbook Editor I’ve taken film classes since high school and even In addition, I would also like to include a segment volunteered at LLBN, which is an Adventist Television with interviews from students and faculty, thus making Network. Here at PUC, I have completed Editing, Video Yearbook a little more personal. Intro to Film and Intro to Television. I am currently in the process of completing Sound Design and Cinematography.

Does your Colloquy clip reflect what you want to see in the video yearbook? If not, what do you actually envison? If so, what additional things would you like to incorporate?




Major in film & television Sophomore

The clip shown at Colloquy shows the style in which the Video Yearbook footage will be shot but not necessarily the content. I want Video Yearbook to be less about the school and more about the students [that] make up the school. It is important for Video Yearbook to show what it really means to be part of PUC. All those little things that make our school unique from all others.



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Video Yearb o fo r

Why do you want to run for SA office?


E di

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Tell us more about your qualifications and skill set.

I believe I have new ideas to bring. I feel that God has given me a gift, and what better way to use it than to create a film about life at PUC?


What vision do you see for the video yearbook besides alien spaceships? Time travel... But really, I want to create a video yearbook that tells a story of PUC and the people in it over the course of a year. My goal is to make it feel like a movie, something you can look back to one day and reminisce on this slice of your life.


Anything else you’d like to add?

Short Film

Don’t settle for anything but greatness. I follow that mentality every day, and I would carry it over to the creation of the video yearbook.

Major in film & television Sophomore


What motivates you to dedicate your time weren’t as motivated to work hard. And that’s probably one of the most difficult things I had to deal with. and energy to producing the yearbook?

iogenes Lan ter or D f n g Ed r ito

Ru nn

Diogenes Lantern (Yearbook) Editor

AL LISON REGAN Major in photography Sophomore

I’ve been working on yearbooks ever since high school. I was a yearbook editor all four years of high school along with helping out on last year’s yearbook, and I am currently the photo editor of this year’s yearbook. It’s just something that I’ve always been drawn to, from taking pictures at events, to creating a layout, to the long hours of planning and brainstorming. I just want to be a part of capturing this school’s memories and your time here at PUC.

Describe the problems and successes you’ve had as a four-time yearbook editor in high school. In high school there were people who were only taking yearbook as a “class” or for “credit,” so they

Now, in college, having the ability to hire people who are just as passionate about it as you are definitely makes a yearbook staff more motivated and successful. Honestly, a yearbook comes down to the team that you have behind you.

Photo Blog


Campus Chronicle

no. 7

The Backpage Reading up on the candidates is enough thinking for one day. Relax with a contest or some games.

This isn’t a Giugni’s sandwich, but your next sandwich could be. The Chronicle is giving away a certificate to everyone’s favorite deli!

Here’s how to enter the contest: 1. Go to the Campus Chronicle page on Facebook. 2. Look for a Giugni’s status. 3. Comment on the status with your favorite Giugni’s sandwich concoction. 4. Whichever sandwich idea comment has the most likes will win. 5. Check back for our announcement of the winner on March 12.

Games Sudoku

Special edition designed by Jesse Aguilera and Daniel Lopez

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