3 minute read




Q: We’re looking to spend a day in the wilderness. What’s a fun, natural attraction close to the plateau area?

With all the waterfalls in Highlands and Cashiers area, we may forget there is much to explore nearby. Rufus Morgan Falls is about 1.5 hours away in Macon County, just west of Franklin. The one-mile loop trail is a fair to moderate hike. The right loop is where many begin their journey from the well-marked parking area. This route will take you over some log and water crossings. Persons with balance issues or small children may wish to take the left loop, about 30 yards beyond the main parking area. Both trails are approximately one half-mile to the falls.

Although the hike is suitable for younger children, there are a lot of roots on the path. One needs to take their time and be sure-footed. Once you reach the top (about 300 feet elevation change), there is a small spur trail to the bottom of the falls. You can see and hear the falls from this spur. Be sure to take it to the base of the falls, where you will discover cool water to wade in as you feel the slight breeze from the falls. Many large boulders greet you, allowing for great photos.

Rick with family & friends at Rufus Morgan Falls

To drive to the trailhead, take US 64 West of Franklin. From the 441S, Atlanta Exit, continue 64W about 3.7 miles and take a right onto “Old Murphy Road.” Take next left onto “Wayah Road,” Loafers Glory Store is on your left. Follow Wayah Road about 6 miles to FS388 (Forest Service Road) on your left. This is a gravel road. Continue FS388 for about 2 miles to “Rufus Morgan” trailhead and parking. The right loop begins here. The left loop is about 30 yards past the main parking area. Enjoy your adventure on one of my favorite hikes in the area.

Rick Creel is a broker with Landmark Realty Group and an outdoor enthusiast. He has lived, hiked and mountain biked in this area since 1973 and knows the region’s many features and outdoor activities. He enjoys sharing the history of this area and encouraging others to benefit from all there is to see and do here in the mountains. See Rick’s drone videos on Youtube: Roamin’ the Mountains.

Contact Rick Creel today!

O: 828-743-0510 C: 828-506-0011 or RICK@LANDMARKRG.COM

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