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Table 33. ESA –Dairy Company
152 | Carlos Fúquene Retamoso
Table 33. ESA –Dairy Company. Observed environmental practices * Dairy Company has developed green products by performing actions to diminish the environmental impact of their products through light packaging and carbon neutral products. * Adoption of green processes practices were associated to process monitoring, improvement of operations to achieve efficiency in resource management and the implementation of water and energy efficiency programs at production plants. * Building capacities in supply chains associated to strengthen the productivity of farmers in order to ensure better social conditions in the region and boost the supply chain of raw milk * Support for the improvement of the quality of public education and the development of nutrition programs in rural areas influenced by the Company. * Adoption of industry standards and voluntary programs such as ISO 14001 and
Portafolio Verde.
• ESA Factors.
a) Business context
Normative pressures such as green industry and green markets are the main influencing sub-factors in the business context. In opposition, community pressures do not constitute the main influence on the adoption of proactive environmental strategies by this company.
Normative pressures corresponded to industry standards from green industry, sustainable packaging from competitors and green requirements from credit providers. The dairy sector is a very dynamic industry that promotes environmental performance improvement. For example, the main competitor anticipated the reduction of the packaging layer (to use less plastic) just by a few months. Conversely, the competitor got behind Dairy Company in the development of carbon neutral products (Competitor of Dairy-Company, 2019). Mechanisms for the adoption of ISO 14001 and the greening of the supply chain correspond to the fulfillment of IFC requirements when granting a financial loan. IFC is a capitalization fund provider that has supported Dairy Company in two occasions: 2011 and 2018.
In relation to the adoption of ISO 14001 in the production plants, a public official report of the company also states that the greening of the supply chain is one of the most important requirements of IFC investments (IFC, 2017b)