Different Types of Popular Mangos
There are many different varieties of mangoes that are edible. Mango is the only fruit that makes people eagerly wait for its arrival. Yes, this fruit has something big to offer all. This fruit is enriched with rich nutrients and also minerals. Let's see the types of varieties that Mango has well reserved. The list is as follows:
Alphonso: It's a seasonal fruit that is considered superior amongst all the other fruits. This is considered in terms of its sweetness, flavour and also its richness. This mango fruit is expensive amongst all the other varieties. It is found in many parts of India such as Ratnagiri and many other places in India.
It's a mango variety that grows in the different parts of India. It is especially found in North India, Pakistan and Nepal. This variety of mango is enriched with different shades of minerals and nutrients. Malihabad that is in Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of dasheri mango.
It is mostly cultivated in Northern India. This mango variety is greenish in color and slightly ripe that tastes good.
Totapuri: This mango is mostly cultivated in the South India. It is then transported to the other cities such as Bangalore and many different parts of India. This mango is one of the good varieties of mango and it has mango pulp. This tree is medium in size and has slightly yellow fruits. The different shades of mangoes have thus given a scope to the Indians for expanding of their trades. Thus, there are many places for mango dices in India, where mango dices are eaten with salty and spicy mixes.
Nutritional Value of Mango: This fruit is one of the most popular, rich and high quality fruit with less fiber. Indeed one of the best fruit that contains vitamin B6, vitamin A and it contains minimal tartness. Each fruit measures approximately 5 to 15 cms in length and about 4 to 10 cms in width. The physical characteristics may differ in each and every mango. But the basic structure is thus the same.
Health Benefits That Should Be Considered:  It is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber and various other antioxidant compounds.  It is used for protecting of the colon, breast cancer and leukemia cancer too.
It is an excellent source of vitamin A and contains flavonoids like betacarotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. Mango contains potassium which is indeed a good component for cell and the body fluids. This indeed helps in controlling of the heart rate and also the blood pressure level. It further contains moderate amounts of copper and vital enzymes that contain superoxide dismutase and cytochrome c-oxidase. This is required for the production of RBCs. It is also rich in phytonutrients which is also due to the presence of pigment antioxidants like carotenoids and polyphenols. These are the health benefits of mangoes that should be considered. Thus, the percentage of nutrients in types of mangoes may differ, but it has much to offer for a human body.
This Article is Originally Posted on http://fruitpuplexporters.weebly.com/blog/different-types-of-popularmangos