May 2022 - Issue #3
Route 66 from Barstow to Newberry Springs
IT IS, PERHAPS, THE MOST FAMOUS ROAD IN EXISTENCE. Once a mighty highway taking people on the journey from Chicago to Los Angeles, Route 66 today lies somewhat forgotten. Here in California’s Mojave Desert, it is a small, two lane highway running parallel to the mighty Interstate 40. Today’s travelers zip down I-40 heading to somewhere better, not realizing what they are missing on that little side road. Until now, I had been one of those fast drivers, eager to get somewhere else. I-40 is about the destination. But Route 66? Route 66 is about the journey. Read more on page 4
Check out the events going on in our area this month.
After the Pandemic: Creating Better Communities AS A RELATIVELY NEW RESIDENT TO THE HIGH DESERT, after relocating from Los Angeles I was a bit disappointed by how few family-friendly activities are available for us to enjoy. The pandemic only magnified the disparity. As we begin to open up and gather, I wish to amplify the necessity of healthy activities that contribute to overall wellness of individuals and the community. As reported in a study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, “Adults
The Giant Tortoise
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The PULSE of the High Desert
during COVID-19 reported high levels of alcohol consumption, with those who reported high levels of impact from COVID-19 reporting significantly more than participants who were not as impacted by COVID-19. Additionally, participants reported perceived increases in their current alcohol intake compared to pre-COVID-19.”
QUITE A FEW YEARS AGO THE LOCAL WOMEN’S CLUB and some talented area artists placed a giant tortoise sculpture in front of the Victor Valley Museum with an accompanying plaque. Unfortunately the desert heat and wind, and people sitting or standing on the poor fellow for a photo op, started to take its toll. His paint was chipping off. His legs were detached, with the front ones facing in the wrong direction. His head and long neck were lying on the concrete. Several sections of shell were missing entirely. So you can see why he was a sad, sad creature. Read more on page 15
Read more on page 8
Inside: Fifty Years of the Banana Club - page 6 The difference between a hobby and a business for tax purposes - Page 9 Victor Valley College invites job seekers to Community Job Fair - page 10 At Home Mobility Test increases safety: Timed Up and Go - page 17 Victorville breaks ground on Wellness Center Campus - Page 18 Local History at the Hesperia Old Town Museum - page 20