TAKING OFF! by: anthony pellegrino
10 M a r c h 20 20
In the past, the city of Worcester conjured an image of an old mill town in decline but today the city is experiencing a Renaissance. What was once a flyover city in the heart of Massachusetts is now becoming a tourist destination and business hot spot thanks to improvements such as Polar Park, the Worcester Public Marketplace and the Kelley Square redesign. In this issue of Pulse Magazine, we will explore the modes of transportation that help make Worcester accessible to all! It is projected that Worcester’s population will grow by tens of thousands in the next decade. Many of these new residents will be young, working professionals who will be looking for new ways to commute. Fortunately, Worcester has several transportation options to suit the needs of its citizens, notably the Worcester Airport, the WRTA bus system, and the Amtrak commuter rail out of Union Station.