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WORCESTER’S KICKBALL LEAGUE – A GREAT WORKOUT AND NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY JENNY PACILLO Back in elementary school, kickball was a favorite activity in gym class and recess. There was something about that feeling of accomplishment when you kicked the ball so hard it flew right between members of the opposing team, and you made it to first or second base as your teammates cheered you on. It was one of those great, childhood memories…but who says it has to be just a memory?

You can sign up as an individual (free agent) or a small group where you will be assigned to a team or can sign up as a captain with a whole team ready to go. Players are provided with team shirts and sponsor deals. For those working for employers who have Corporate Wellness Programs, there may also be an opportunity to have registrations sponsored.

CLUBWAKA is a 21+ coed sports program offering a kickball league right here in Worcester. Originally founded in 1998 by a group of friends who wanted to create a social club to connect with others, they found that there were a lot of people who were also looking for a fun, relaxing sports league experience as an adult. So, combining those two ideas, the first World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA) was developed.

“Being a recent college graduate and now in grad school, a lot of my friends have moved on to different schools, are working or are finishing up their undergrads,” says Griffin. “So being able to meet new people and have the opportunity to play a fun sport and hang out with people who are nearby has been great. We have players from their early 20’s like me to players in their 50’s. You also get to meet people from across the league because when you aren’t playing your game, you can help referee their games.”

The league is more focused on the community and social aspect of the club rather than a very competitive sports organization. Happy hours, parties and other social events are as much a part of the experience as playing kickball together.

Kickball games are 7 innings or about an hour in length, whichever comes first, and take place on a weeknight. The rules pretty much follow standard kickball rules, with a couple minor differences such as requirements for bunting.

“My older brother is on the team and has been playing for a while and had been talking to me about joining. It’s really a great way to meet other people and have a great time. The White Eagle sponsors our team, so we’ll go and play our game and then go out after and have a beer and watch the Celtics game there,” says Jack Griffin, a veteran league player.

In addition to games and tournaments, the league also offers social events, such as a weekend “summer camp” for adults, and weekends in Virginia Beach and Las Vegas complete with sports and other exciting activities.

What began as a small idea quickly grew, and now operates in over 30 cities. The club is built around four core values: Live fun, do the right thing, family first and build strong communities. It’s focused on a safe and positive experience, networking with like minded people and helping to support community businesses and charities.

“Seriously, just do it – don’t worry if you’re a good kickball player because you don’t even really need to be. Not everyone is. It’s all about having fun and making friends,” he says.

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Thinking about signing up? Jack says do it.


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