What Do You Do in EVA?
By Angela Zhang
If you ever visit Canyon Crest Academy, you will notice the artwork embedded into the campus. From the wall murals to the poles next to the Learning Commons, from the painted staircase to the sculpture garden, visual arts is undoubtedly one of the many strengths of CCA. The Envision Visual Arts Conservatory, or EVA, directed by Mrs. Mortensen, is a place for the passionate artists of CCA to take their artistic style to the next level.
So, what exactly happens in EVA Conservatory? As a proud member of EVA Consevatory, I can say that our first and foremost duty is... snacks. Satisfying everyone’s afterschool munchies seems to be the priority of EVA members after the fourthperiod bell rings. Twice every school year, each member of EVA is responsible for bringing snacks to feed the entire art conservatory. It is one of EVA’s most cherished traditions, as it is essential to feed the starving artists of CCA so they can create
gorgeous art pieces for the next two hours. The school year in EVA Conservatory is generally split into two components: figure and portraiture. Figure drawing dominates the first half of the year. Towards the second semester, the focus shifts towards creating portraiture pieces. Both figure drawing and portraiture are important but difficult skills to master when trying to establish a solid foundation in visual arts. Especially when drawing from life, these skills help
the artist to better see in three dimensions, which enables an artist to capture the volume and shape more convincingly on paper. Senior portraits are this year’s portraiture assignment for EVA artists. Some students chose to paint a photo of their relatives or grandparents, while others chose to paint from a photograph of a senior from the Carlsbad Senior Center. The finished art pieces were showcased at FOTA earlier this year. Apart from figure