Electoral Programme 2014
Paving the Way Together
Welcome As a University student, we know that your major concern is to succeed in your studies and move forward to the next big step in .shaping your career and future We believe that your University experience - from the environment which you frequent on a daily basis to the services you use - matters a great deal in shaping your way ahead. We want a University which empowers and guides you at every step of your experience, and we firmly believe that a strong student Council can be a catalyst for such a .reality This programme is based on what you have suggested. In this manifesto, we are aiming to improve your University experience in a tangible manner, with a set of concrete proposals which would .make the difference you deserve On behalf of our team, I am pleased to invite you to take a look at our vision, and join us in paving the way .together for a better University
Matthew Zerafa Pulse President
Paving the Way Together
Electoral Programme 2014
Together for a more effective representation
Enter into negotiations with the Government with the aim of extending its park-and-ride proposal for University students living in the southern parts of Malta.
Commission an independent study on the viability of introducing a childcare system for part-time student parents.
In collaboration with the Student Maintenance Grants Board, improve the Smart Card refund system, mainly by introducing a joint service with increased student hours and better efficiency.
Collaborate with University officials to resurface Car Park 6.
Finalise the Refurbishment Project at Quadrangle, and launch a 10,000 Euro Landscaping Fund. The first projects via this fund will be the Tespi Theatre as well as a revamp to the unutilized space in front of the Library. Lobby for the extension of Library opening hours to Sundays and Public Holidays during exam periods.
Electoral Programme 2014
Improving the standard of education Install two outdoor heaters at Quadrangle, to be used during the winter period. Engage in discussions with University and Government officials with the aim of creating a Faculty of Sports and Physical Education. Engage in discussions with University and Government officials with the aim of creating a Faculty of Sports and Physical Education. Introduce a KSU Sport Marathon involving a variety of sport disciplines. Increase the number of lockers at the Library.
Conduct an internet connectivity audit in order to establish which areas lack Wi-Fi connection, leading to improved services, especially in Lecture Theatres.
Launch the services of a nutritional and fitness expert for free in order to guide students toward a healthy lifestyle through an individual fitness portfolio.
Install considerable amount of lefthanded seats in Gateway lecture halls, the Arts Lecture Theatre (ALT), and the Mikiel Anton Vassalli Lecture Centre.
Equal opportunities for all
Install more electricity sockets at Quadrangle, the Old Humanities Building, and the Arts Lecture Theatre for improved connectivity.
In collaboration with the V18 Foundation, PULSE in KSU will aim to offer art scholarships for all students. Increase capacity tents.
Quadrangle’s seating and install extendable
Engage in discussions in order to increase the number of vending machines distributed around Campus.
Publish online the latest approved Executive Board minutes.
Implement a trans-inclusive policy to ensure that all transgender students at both University and Junior College are not discriminated against on an administrative level.
Upgrade Freshers’ Week, extending activities to other areas besides Quadrangle, including the area surrounding the Library and the Old Humanities Building.
Electoral Programme 2014
Towards an Accountable and Efficient Council.
Publish quarterly financial and administrative reports, together with a biannual performance review from a strengthened KSU Disciplinary Board.
Commission a comprehensive security audit of the entire campus to identify possible safety measures, including the installation of new security cameras, particularly in the parking areas and where bike racks are located.
Establish an Alumni Contribution Fund, through which past University students may voluntarily donate an annual sum in aid of the Research Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT). Annual finances of this Fund will be published independently of the Council’s finances.
Launch a KSU Sports Fund, which will be helping young athletes to benefit from more resources. A portion of the funds will also be allotted to athletes representing Malta abroad.
Effective student-centred communication
Create a buddy system for firstyear students to help them get accustomed to the University lifestyle.
Hold a biannual consultation session with every Faculty, for tighter cooperation and communication with all students.
Together with the Precincts Office, a KSU Event Planner will be created through which student organisations would be able to access an online booking database for locations around University, including the Common Room.
Install a Digital Hub offering onthe-go services and information, and upgrade the signage around University to make it more studentfriendly and complimentary to the environment. Improve the current KSU Application incorporating bus routes to and from University amongst other features.
Electoral Programme 2014 In collaboration with the National Commission for Persons with Disability, commission a full accessibility review of the campus, leading to the creation of a Campus Accessibility Map.
Empowering student activism
With the management and coordination of the Organisations’ Forum, re-launch Organisations’ Days, with a biannual frequency to increase exposure for student organisations.discuss international opportunities they could benefit from. Commission a KPS working group to create an official KSU Community Policy based on the promotion of civil rights, environmental awareness, multicultural diversity, and artistic innovation. Identify and create a storage room in Students’ House which would be made available against a fully-refundable lease to student organisations for temporary usage. Develop a community kitchenette at Students’ House, open for all students. Initiate a pilot project through which student organisations would benefit from a refund for their precincts charge.
Establish a formalised resource pool for student organisations via the KSU organisations’ Forum, so that student organisations would be able to lease and lend equipment against a fully refundable payment.
Facilitating the educational experience.
ways to introduce a new Library of Materials in the Faculty of Architecture which will be accessible by all students.
Introduce a five-minute reading time system for all examinations.
Organise a series of business conferences in collaboration with Malta Enterprise, in order to expose students to employment opportunities and useful skills.
Introduce a five-minute reading time system for all examinations.
Engage in discussions with all faculties in order to support the introduction of two Turnitin submissions as a common minimum for every assignment.
Engage in discussions on a Faculty basis before the start of every examination session in order to push for the timely publication of results.
Electoral Programme 2014 Commission a study and hold a conference to evaluate the possible discrimination of international students and identify reforms for a fairer system.
Re-launch the International Officers’ Meetings in order to provide organisations with a platform to discuss international opportunities they could benefit from.
Develop an Erasmus+ strategy in order to identify and apply for European-wide projects which students and their organisations could benefit from. Introduce the KSU Resource Card offering discounts and special offers for international students, with emphasis on local products.
Reaching for opportunities beyond our shores
For a holistic Junior College Experience
Install solar charging docks at the JC Pjazza for ease of access to sustainable electric points.
Introduce the KSU JC App with specific information for College students, including timetables.
Enter into negotiations with the MATSEC Board so that subjects such as Psychology and Physical Education become available at an Advanced level, and in order to introduce new subjects, including European Studies and Legal Studies.
Install a rain shelter in front of the Junior College.
Create an outdoor recreational area, including a larger gazebo and artificial turf.
Electoral Programme 2014 Launch a car pooling strategy, including an application system encouraging students living in common vicinities to share trips to University. Promote the planting of indigenous plants around campus.
Commission a long-term waste separation management plan through KPS in accordance with the nation’s targets for recycling and environmental responsibility.
For the benefit of cyclists, install a public air compressor, together with access to other useful tools.
Reintroduce Environmental Week and promote green jobs in collaboration with the main student organisations and leading Environmental NGOs.
An Environmentally responsible Campus.
Locate and develop an outdoor study area, in order to ease pressure off library during examination periods.
Engage in discussions with the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts to include student-organised activities on Campus in events such as the Malta Arts Festival. Give emerging talent an excellent platform to emerge through Campus Fest by widening the concept of the Festival. Hold the first-ever KSU World Cup Village with themed activities, promoting cultural diversity through sports, and lending a new lease of life to Campus during the summer period. Continue organising already wellrenowned KSU events, such as the Graduation Ball, the Car Treasure Hunt and the upcoming Summer Bash, involving student organisations at the core of the planning process to their benefit. Collaborate with the V18 Foundation and the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts to promote the creation of public art murals on Campus. Actively campaign with the University administration and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth and Sport in order to place artificial turf on the 11-aside ground. Install a rubber surface on the University running track.
An active lifestyle
Locate and develop an outdoor study area, in order to ease pressure off library during examination periods. Locate and develop an outdoor study area, in order to ease pressure off library during examination periods. Locate and develop an outdoor study area, in order to ease pressure off library during examination periods.
Locate and develop an outdoor study area, in order to ease pressure off library during examination periods.
Pulse Electoral Programme 2014
Paving the Way Together