KSU 2O15
– Pulse in KSU will introduce a Notes Sharing Hub across all courses, working closely with student organisations to facilitate the setting up of such system on their own platforms to empower them to offer better services to the students they represent. – Pulse in KSU will push forward a proposal, through which a system of real-time tracking of all examination papers will be introduced. This system will incorporate a specific bar code for each credit’s examination, which would be scanned when the paper is sent to examiners for correction, as well as when the final mark is received at the Faculty office to be published. – Pulse in KSU will work with the University Administration and Precincts Office to identify open spaces around campus to be used for the setting up of temporary artistic installations, followed by a call for submissions open to all students. Furthermore, Pulse in KSU will allocate €2,500 to finance the infrastructure and material of the installations. – Pulse in KSU will organise the first-ever ‘ KSU Summer Fest’ in August: a threeday music festival focusing entirely on promoting emerging musicians, bands and singers. – Pulse in KSU will set up the ‘KSU Sport Fund’ with €5,000 to support both individuals and organisations who wish to organise sport-related events and initiatives.
– Pulse in KSU will be proactive in policy by immediately opening a consultation period with the student body on the policy issues they would like to tackle and formulating a calendar of issues to be discussed in KPS. – Pulse in KSU will undertake a complete regeneration of the Quadrangle with adequate modern seating arraignments and a planned out space distribution of hard and soft landscaping. – Pulse in KSU will commission a technical analysis to map the WIFI signal strength around the entire campus so as to identify all areas suffering from weak connectivity. – Pulse in KSU will seek to minimise the issue of traffic congestion and parking accessibility in car parks around University by installing a system of sensors at each entrance which would mark whether the car park has any available spots. Drivers would be able to see whether the car park is available through digital signs at the entrance and on their mobile devices through the KSU app. – Pulse in KSU will offer student organisations a space on the KSU app to promote their activities, together with one notification per semester for each student organisation.
– Pulse in KSU will continue supporting the already-existing Futsal and Swimming Teams, while working to set up the first-ever University Female Volleyball Team and University Pool Club. – Pulse in KSU will lobby with the University Administration to introduce more optional study units of a sporting nature. – Pulse in KSU will collaborate with the Health Promotion Department, the Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth and Sport, and student organisations to embark on an intensive educational campaign on health and physical activity. – Pulse in KSU will install outdoor table tennis equipment and outdoor chess tables to encourage more students to choose sporting activities during their leisure time. – Pulse in KSU will install environmentally-sensitive lighting along the walking trail at Wied Ghollieqa, whilst embarking on an educational campaign to promote its use for recreational hikes. – Pulse in KSU will address the serious health and safety issues in various locations around campus, particularly installing railing and non-slip tape on the stairs leading from the tunnel to the National Pool. – Pulse in KSU will organise the first edition of the ‘University Winter Sports Festival’ combining a variety of sport disciplines, in collaboration with faculty-based organisations.
– Pulse in KSU will change the Room Allocation Report from a burden to an opportunity for organisations to improve their work. The yearly report will be abolished and instead replaced by three quarterly reports: A work plan for the upcoming scholastic year in September; A mid-term report in February; An end-of-year report in July
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The RAR Adjudication Board will be appointed during the second KPS meeting, and will include two students elected from KPS.
Each report would be evaluated within two weeks, following which the Board will make a meeting with each organisation to present the results and, in the case of the work plan and mid-term report, its recommendations. The final result which would determine the room allocation will be mostly based on the degree of implementation of the work plan and the nature of the events and initiatives organised.
– Pulse in KSU will introduce an SMS alert system whereby one official from each organisation would receive a text message whenever new mail is received. – Pulse in KSU will install USB charging sockets in organisations’ offices. – Pulse in KSU will seek to maximise the use of Common Room by installing a foldable divider, transforming it into a multi-purpose space to be used by more than one organisation at once. – Pulse in KSU will enter in negotiations with the Maintenance Grants Board to extend the summer internship scheme to the winter period.
– Pulse in KSU will set out to tackle once and for all the issue of lack of accessibility for disabled students. A report will be commissioned, highlighting the main areas which require infrastructural changes, and a task force composed of representatives of the National Commission for Persons with Disability, the University Administration, and Precincts Office will be set up to identify solutions. – Pulse in KSU will produce a calendar featuring student organisations, with all proceeds going to charity. – Pulse in KSU will compile and publish a book about the history of student organisations and student representation on campus. – Pulse in KSU will set up a political think-tank with the aim of providing space for students to discuss matters relating to local and international affairs, diplomacy and foreign relations, among others. – Pulse in KSU will work to organise the first-ever ‘TEDxUoM’ conference on campus, with the participation of local and foreign entrepreneurs, inventors, and creative thinkers. – Pulse in KSU will embark on an anti-smoking campaign, making use of videos, floor stickers, and information messages on all cigarette bins on campus. – Pulse in KSU will work to organize a year-long calendar of fundraising events to help different charitable organisations and institutions.
– Pulse in KSU will refurbish the open space in front of the Science Lecture Theatre (SLT), with the installation of new paving and benches. – Pulse in KSU will install a number of solar chargers in different areas, including Quadrangle, the Green Areas, and the Arvid Pardo Garden. – Pulse in KSU will work closely with Environmental Organizations on Campus to carry out monthly clean-ups of different areas around Malta and Gozo. – Pulse in KSU will install a canopy on the door of Students House. – Pulse in KSU will work to install more cigarette bins around Campus, especially in all green areas.
– Pulse in KSU will reform the structure of the Education Office by abolishing the education officers’ meetings and instead giving faculty-based student organisations an observer status during KE meetings. This will ensure the utmost synergy between KSU, Student Representatives, and their respective organisation. – Pulse in KSU will organise the first-ever Education Week, including seminars and workshops by professionals on how to increase academic productivity and exam performance. – Pulse in KSU will engage in discussions with the University Administration, the Government, and the private sector with the aim of increasing the number of placements for a wider range of courses. – Pulse in KSU will create a ‘Contact Your Student Rep’ tab on its Facebook page in order to facilitate communication between students and their student representatives. – Pulse in KSU will enter in discussions with the Administrations of Mater Dei Hospital and the University of Malta with the intent of solving the long-standing issue of lack of WIFI connection in Medical School lecture halls. – Pulse in KSU will support student representatives in organising consultation meetings with students in their respective faculties.
– Pulse in KSU will collaborate with the canteen operator to introduce a number of vending machines closer to the lecture halls at Mater Dei Medical School. – Pulse in KSU will support all concerned student organisations in requesting necessary assurances and facilitating discussions concerning the opening of the Barts Medical School in Gozo. – Pulse in KSU will install four charging bays at the Mater Dei Medical School. – Pulse in KSU will invest in three new computers in the Mater Dei Medical Library. – Pulse in KSU will invest heavily to increase plugs in lecture halls, Quadrangle, the Faculty of Health Science, and the Mater Dei Medical School. – Pulse in KSU will continue working closely with the University Administration to try help different faculty-based organisations obtain an office within their respective faculty. – Pulse in KSU will increase the chargers present at KSU Common Room to include laptop chargers.
– Pulse in KSU will draw up a holistic cultural policy with clear objectives to increase the resources and exposure allocated to arts and culture at University.
– Pulse in KSU will donate pocket scores to the Library of the Department of Music in order to be utilised for studying and research.
– Pulse in KSU will organise the first-ever ‘KSU Symphonic Concert’ on quad, with the participation of students and leading local talents.
– Pulse in KSU will collaborate with the National Book Council in organising a Maltese literature competition among University students.
– Pulse in KSU will permanently set up the University of Malta Orchestra, composed of students and alumni.
– Pulse in KSU will enter into discussions with the Arts Council Malta in order to extend the Malta Arts Festival to University, with student-organised events on campus.
– Pulse in KSU will introduce the ‘Book a Gig’ scheme through which musical performers would be able to make use of KSU’s sound system and schedule a performance on Wednesdays and Fridays during Degree+ hours. – Pulse in KSU will enter into discussions with the University Cultural Cooperative (KKU) to have the annual ‘Evenings on Campus’ organised during the scholastic period rather than in summer, so as to increase participation and involvement of the student body. – Pulse in KSU will overhaul the current format of Students’ Fest, aiming to include original music pieces with already-renowned songs, and opening a poll for students to be able to select their favourite theme from a shortlist.
– Pulse in KSU will continue organising renowned annual events, with particular focus on creating specific working groups through a renewed Organisations Forum. – Pulse in KSU will organise the ‘University Beach Games’, including competitive tournaments and beach fitness sessions.
– Pulse in KSU will persist in negotiating with the Administration of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in order to allow Gozitan medical students to sit for their exams in Gozo. – Pulse in KSU will embark on an initiative to update and increase the number of computers at the Gozo Campus with the clear aim of achieving full availability of exams in Gozo by June 2016. – Pulse in KSU will coordinate an Organisations and Careers’ Day at the Sir M.A. Refalo Gozo Sixth Form with the aim of helping Gozitan postsecondary students familiarise themselves with the opportunities ahead. – Pulse in KSU will enter in discussions with Malta Public Transport in order to ensure that the X1A route which goes directly from Ċirkewwa to Msida is maintained in the new arrangements and extended to Friday afternoon. – Pulse in KSU will seriously commit itself to developing the accessibility of live video conferencing at the Gozo Campus, with the aim of forming the basis of a strategy to increase the number of courses in Gozo.
– Pulse in KSU will organise a ‘Diversity Week’ to raise awareness about the different ethnicities present on campus. – Pulse in KSU will participate in at least five educational exchanges abroad, thus expanding the opportunities for students to travel and expand their knowledge. – Pulse in KSU will organise an international conference in Malta on the future of student representation, in collaboration with foreign and facultybased organisations. – Pulse in KSU will help faculty-based student organisations to identify possible twinning initiatives with international organisations of the same scope based in foreign Universities. – Pulse in KSU will organise an Erasmus+ Fair to showcase the different Universities available for students to choose for their experience abroad.
– Pulse in KSU will work with the University and Junior College IT Services Departments to ensure that WIFI connectivity is improved especially in the canteen, basement, Pjazza, fourth floor, and Chrisco Office. – Pulse in KSU will increase the amount of laptops available for rent to ten. – Pulse in KSU will donate a total of five new computers to be set up at the IT Lab and Library. – Pulse in KSU will expand the services offered by the KSU App for Junior College students by introducing the ‘Guide Your Future’ service, through which one would be able to have a list of University courses open to choose according to the subjects being studied. – Pulse in KSU will install an absent lecturers’ monitor in Canteen and Study Area.