November/December 2013 • Volume 11 • Issue 6 EDITORIAL Minor Cuts and Abrasions: Do They Need Our Help?
Dermatographic Fixed-Drug Eruption: Another Cause of Pseudo-Darier’s Sign
ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS Prevalence of Depression in Vitiligo Patients
Recurrent Infantile Myofibromatosis in a 19-Month-Old Boy Presenting as Ulcerated Plaque
Lowthian and Parish
Androgenic Alopecia in Women: An Indian Perspective Sehgal, Srivastava, Aggarwal, and Midha
REVIEW What’s New in Infantile Hemangiomas: Current Insights and Future Perspectives Semkova, Kazandjieva, and Tsankov
DEPARTMENTS perils of dermatopathology Location, Location, Location: Proper Site Selection and Use of Direct Immunofluorescence Testing
Cosulich and Norton
Hocar, Sab, Akhdari, Amal, Ouladsiad, and Belaabidia
HIV/AIDS Kaposi Sarcoma: The Indian Perspective Sehgal, Verma, and Sharma
Borderline Tuberculoid Leprosy Mimicking Mycosis Fungoides
Rodríguez-Acosta, Esquivel-Pedraza, Saeb-Lima, Arenas-Guzmán, Granados-Arriola, and Domínguez-Cherit
BOOK REVIEW Dermatology at a Glance Petronic-Rosic
Patel, Wassef, Sharma, Mian, and Lambert
Photo capsule Inverse Lichen Planus Lee and Schwartz
new to the clinic New Drugs to Treat Hereditary Angioedema Scheinfeld
COSMETIC SCIENCE Will Epigenetics Change Our Approach to Treating Skin Conditions? Epstein
case studies From Mole to Scar: The Unintended Consequence of Treatment With an Over-the-Counter Mole Removal Cream
Lebanese Dermatological Society
Bronsnick, Kirkorian, Khan, Cole, and Rao Belarusian Society of Dermatovenereologists and Cosmetologists
North American Dermatologic Society