September/October 2013 • Volume 11 • Issue 5 EDITORIAL Continuing Medical Education II: MOC, CME, ABD, ABMS, ACGME, CMS, FSMB, IOM, MOL, PQRS, SMB, Etcetera et Ad Nauseum
COSMETIC SCIENCE Is It Time to Revise CFR Title 21-Food Drugs & Cosmetics Act for Skin Care Products? Epstein
Lambert and Parish
COMMENTARY Drug Reactions With Involvement of the Proximal Nail Fold Chang
ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS Use of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in the Treatment of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis—Experience With 3 Patients Mahajan and Kanwar
Polypharmacy in Dermatology: Analysis of a Nationally Representative Sample of 46,273 Dermatology Patient Visits in the United States From 1995 to 2009 Gupta, Gupta, and Fink
REVIEW Aging and Facial Changes—Documenting Clinical Signs, Part 1: Clinical Changes of the Aging Face Nkengne and Bertin
CORE CURRICULUM Hair Biology and Its Comprehensive Sequence in Female Pattern Baldness: Treatment Modalities—Part III
case studies Multiple Cystic Disease: K17 Dysfunction? Cabrera, Hermida, Griffa, Civitillo, and Porta
Multiple Giant Vulvar Syringoma: An Extraordinary Report Sadeghian and Ziaei
Epidermolysis Bullosa Pruriginosa Affecting 3 Successive Generations Kumar, Mondal, Lal, and Gharami
An Unusual Presentation and Distribution of Generalized Eruptive Syringomas Chow, Gharavi, Smart, Yashar, and Young
An Unusual Presentation of Perforating Metastatic Calcinosis Cutis Livingood and Newman
CORRESPONDENCE Acneiform Eruption and Pruritus in a Patient With Quetiapine Therapy Kansal and Sharma
Acquired Reactive Perforating Collagenosis Chhabra and Sharma
Sehgal, Srivastava, Aggarwal, and Midha
DEPARTMENTS perils of dermatopathology Atypia Without Pleomorphism and Atypia Without Atypia: When You Can’t Even See the Trees for the Trees Harmon, Lambert, Katava, and Lambert
new to the clinic Epiduo (Adapalene 0.1% and Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5%) Approval in Children 9 Years and Older Scheinfeld
Lebanese Dermatological Society