4 minute read
Goats + Yoga = Bliss

Photos by Spence Photographics

Goats + Yoga = Bliss
By Hailey Ploski Sarno
Breathe in, hold the table pose and breathe out for 3 … 2 … 1 … then a precious baby goat jumps on your back.
Its little hooves feel like a gentle massage as it putters around, then jumps down to join its brothers and sisters munching on the grass around you.


Under the shade of a sycamore tree on a beautiful farm or in the afternoon sun at a winery — life doesn’t get much more relaxing than stretching out with a herd of precious, mischievous and downright adorable baby goats.
Yes, Goat Yoga is a thing and it’s being offered all over Frederick County. Naturally, we had to investigate, so we tried out Goat for the Soul in Union Bridge and attended an event at Big Cork Vineyards in Rohrersville featuring GoatToBeZen Yoga.
We’ve tried a few fitness classes in the past, such as Pilates and pole-dancing, but believe us when we say goat yoga classes are a truly unique experience.
Even though it involves more time snuggling goats than holding yoga poses, the classes are very relaxing and an absolute blast. The group we joined were of all different fitness levels and even though some members were more experienced with yoga, and some more with goats, nobody felt out of place.
We all giggled and cooed at the young “kids” and everyone at some point found themselves under a pile of rambunctious (but gentle!) goats.
Photos by Spence Photographics
I don’t think we stopped laughing the whole time in the best possible way.


What if I told you that goat yoga (or any yoga with animals for that matter) is excellent for your health? Well, it’s true! There are countless benefits to practicing yoga, such as improving your energy level, increasing flexibility, losing weight, reducing blood pressure and even helping with conditions such as back pain, arthritis, headaches and insomnia, all of which stem from yoga’s calming effect on your parasympathetic nervous system.
And animal therapy is also a well-established method of healing and treating a variety of conditions, including anxiety, stress, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), cardiovascular disease and fatigue. It’s also been helpful for people receiving cancer treatment or in substance abuse recovery as well.
As a generally busy human, I find myself running between activities and work with little time to slow down and be in the moment. Goat yoga was the perfect opportunity to turn my brain off and relax for an afternoon and taking that time out for myself actually did help me sleep better.

Photos by Spence Photographics


Chomping at the bit to sign up? Don’t worry! The season is gearing up and there is a plethora of events all over Frederick County featuring these fluffy goat babies. Goat for the Soul offers a variety of classes on their gorgeous farm in Union Bridge. To some of them, you can bring an adult beverage as well! While they do raise goats at the farm, they also have horses, pigs, chickens, hens, turkeys, guinea hens, dogs, cats and rabbits.
GoatToBeZen also offers classes on their farm, called Prosperity Acres, which is outside of the county, in Sunderland. They raise goats and make soap, shampoo, goat milk ice cream and other goodies you can purchase.
Both Goat for the Soul and GoatToBeZen have partnered with wineries, breweries and distilleries in Frederick County and typically will have a package that pairs goat yoga, wine tastings and a tour while you’re on-site.
So, am I going to recommend goat yoga to everyone I know? Most definitely! It’s the perfect activity for anyone who loves animals and would like to get outside for the afternoon, and the best part is you don’t even need to be flexible.
Photos by Spence Photographics
Goat to be Zen Yoga 5811 Sunderland Court Sunderland 443.684.4316 goattobezenyoga.com
Goat for the Soul 10209 Fountain School Road Union Bridge 240.405.2208 goatforthesoul.com