Circuit Rider, October 2016

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Broadway Backstage Showtunes Spotlight Sacred Truths

Sundays in October Classic Worship in the Sanctuary

A LETTER FROM PASTOR CHARLIE Faithfulness and Fruitfulness


n Sunday, September 18, we celebrated retiring the mortgage in morning worship and in a special “mortgage burning” ceremony that same afternoon in Wesley Woods. The Linns donated ice cream, which made the celebration all the sweeter. The mortgage was taken in 1994 for over $1.4 million to provide the south education wing. Thank you for your sustained generosity and faithfulness, which has resulted in fruitfulness in the lives of so many children, youth, and adults. I believe that this accomplishment is also evidence of the truth of Luke 1:37, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Thank you for cooperating with God and God’s purposes to fulfill this ministry. Nothing is impossible with God. Your faithfulness as a congregation results in fruitfulness for God’s Kingdom. Faithfully following God’s call, we recently provided a new home for NewDay Praise worship, adjusted that worship format, and added a Classic worship hour. As a result, NewDay Praise average attendance has increased by 14% over 2015. Our combined worship attendance has increased by 2% over 2015. We 1

are on course to have more Sundays with combined worship attendance over 500 than we did in 2015! Glory to God for our strong, faithful, fruitful, and growing worship life! Your faithfulness in giving has resulted in fruitfulness. As of mid-September, you have given $33,585.37 more than the same period in 2015 to the Basic Ministry Budget (including the mortgage). Remember, our pipe organ restoration project is fully funded, with cash on hand for the final payment. Glory to God for our strong, faithful, fruitful, and growing financial stewardship! Your faithfulness brings fruitfulness as we welcome others, include them in our community, invite them, and bring them to worship and other special events. Our hospitality enthusiastically extends to new relationships beyond our walls. Glory to God for our strong, faithful, fruitful, and growing hospitality! Your faithfulness brings fruitfulness! As you read this Circuit Rider, notice the Broadway worship series, Trunk or Treat, NewDay Praise (continued on page 3)


ave the dates for these special worship experiences through the end of 2016! Nov. 13 Consecration Sunday Celebration @ Plainfield High School (One combined worship, 10:00 a.m., with free luncheon to follow.) Dec. 25 Christmas Day Worship (10:00 a.m. only in both Classic and NewDay Praise)

Consecration Sunday Is Coming November 13


ongregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes. Rather than the home-to-home pledge card campaign of years’ past, our congregation’s Finance Committee has selected the New (continued on page 17) Serving the Children of Plainfield

600 Simmons Street Plainfield, Indiana 46168-2264 Telephone: 317.839.2319 Fax: 317.839.1509 Sundays Classic Worship: 8:30, 9:50 & 11:10 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship: 9:50 a.m. Youth Worship (grades 6-12): 9:45 a.m. Bible Explorers (grades K-5): 9:45 a.m. Office Hours: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. (M–F)

Index Senior Pastor’s Letter Consecration Sunday Newday Pastor’s Letter Children’s Ministry New Membership Class Youth Ministry Worship Arts Mission News Beautiful Autumn Church Council Report Giving Report Finance Committee Update Church Directory Update Notes to the Congregation

1 2 4 6 7 8 9 12 15 16 18 19 20 21 2

(continued from page 1) and Classic worship schedules, and all the other events that provide good opportunities to invite and bring new friends so that they can experience the BIG Love of God through the life and witness of PUMC. Thank you for your faithfulness

as a congregation, which makes it possible for God to bring forth so much fruitfulness! Go in peace. Go with God. And be well. Shalom,

Broadway Backstage Showtunes Spotlight Sacred Truths

October Classic Worship Series in the sanctuary



October 2 “Who Do You Say Jesus Is?” Jesus Christ Superstar Celebration of Holy Communion 7:00 p.m. “Plainfield Pops: Broadway” Public Concert in PUMC Sanctuary October 9 “Justice” Les Miserables October 16 “Careful” South Pacific October 23 “Masquerade” The Phantom of the Opera October 30 “Our Struggle” Wicked



hat is the first thing you think of when you hear the word “worship?” Maybe being in church on a Sunday morning? Maybe the music you sing in church or along with the radio? Maybe it’s something less clear in your mind… something mysterious and hard to articulate. Webster Dictionary defines worship as… “the act of showing respect and love for a god especially by praying with other people who believe in the same god : the act of worshipping God or a god” Lead Pastor Charlie Wilfong offers this definition… “Christian worship is giving God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all our love and all our attention in reverence of who God is and in joy for what God has done.” These are helpful definitions, but you’ll notice that they are not very specific. Across Christian history the details of Christian worship have been varied and diverse. Each generation has left their mark on corporate, public worship as they’ve sought to express their love to God Serving the Children of Plainfield

in ways that were meaningful to their particular time and culture. Sometimes it has been quiet and reverent. Sometimes loud and exuberant. Sometimes highly structured and formal. Sometimes relaxed and casual. No one way has been designated by the church as the ‘right’ way to worship. In fact, it stands to reason that worship of a creative, creating God would be creative, diverse, and ever-changing. Just at PUMC on any given Sunday morning you can worship in the sanctuary in a more Classic style that includes hymns, organ music and liturgies. You can worship upstairs with teenagers in a style that reflects their youthful energy and uses words, images, and music appropriate and relevant to that age group. In the Worship Annex you can worship in a relaxed, coffee-house atmosphere where worship is casual and comfortable, kids - and adults - move around to get a snack or a water or fill their coffee, where worship is bit more interactive and music is led by a live, contemporary-style band. But in all these settings we seek as 4

our primary task: to show love and respect for God, giving him our love and attention. In NewDay Praise Worship in October we’re going to dive a little deeper into worship by seeking what Scripture has to say about it, examining our own role as worship-ers, and maybe even experiencing some new expressions of worship. We’ll pray, sing, read and study Scripture, celebrate Holy Communion, return thanks to God

through our generous giving, and celebrate our life together and our life in Christ. And of course, we’ll have a little fun. If you’ve not yet, we hope you’ll join us some Sunday in October at 9:50 a.m. in the Worship Annex. It’s a new day in NewDay Praise and we’d love you to be a part of it! Blessings,



NewDay Praise Worship Series

9:50 a.m. Sundays in the Worship Annex October 2 Worship as… Mystery Celebration of Holy Communion October 9 Worship as… Drama October 16 Worship as… Wonder October 23 Worship as… Transformation October 30 Worship as… Celebration Bible Explorers (grades K-5) will join the party in worship this morning. November 6 Life as… Worship

Children’s Ministry Amanda Norton, Director,

Trunk or Treat


ou are invited to the PUMC parking lot on October 29 from 4:30-6 p.m. for fun, games, prizes, costumes, candy and trickor-treating from car to car! Trunk or Treat is a great opportunity to enjoy Trick or Treating in a fun and safe environment. ALL ages are welcome! Come dressed in your best costume and bring a neighbor or a friend! If you will volunteer to decorate the candy, please contact Amanda trunk of your vehicle and distribute Norton at

PUMC Weekday Children’s Programs Are Back in Session!


lasses are back in session in PUMC’s weekday children’s programs! We are glad to welcome and serve nearly 150 children, ages 1-grade 5, throughout each week. If you’d like to know more about Serving the Children of Plainfield

these programs at PUMC, please contact Directors Sigrid Schuld (age 1-PreK) at or Sandy Fansler (grades k-5) at or phone the church office at 317.839.2319. 6

New Transportation Initiative to Serve the Children of Plainfield


or some students, a doctor’s appointment or visit to the dentist means missing something important - often an entire day of school. For families that struggle with reliable transportation, getting a child to both an appointment and to school in one day might be impossible. PUMC will be helping children at Van Buren Elementary School right here in Plainfield to navigate these kinds of transportation challenges during this school year. PUMC will match volunteers with students (and their parent or guardian) to get them to the occasional

appointment during school hours. This new, additional service will complement the transportation PUMC is already providing for Van Buren’s Tuesday ‘N Thursday (TNT) after school, student enrichment program. If you can help provide transportation on an occasional basis during the next nine months, please contact Pastor Ken Loudenback at kloudenback@pumc. org or through the church office. Thank you for showing the BIG Love of God to these students and families!

Membership Discovery Class October 30


UMC offers a Membership Discovery Class for persons seeking to learn more about membership at PUMC. The fall 2016 class will be October 30. The class provides an overview of the ministry and mission of PUMC and helps participants find meaningful places to connect with this congregation. Class focuses on getting to know the church and its programs, ministries, and missions; developing relationships with others in the group and church; and meeting church staff. Participants are invited to consider membership at the conclusion of the class. The class will meet on Sunday, October 30. The group will enjoy a light meal in Clayton Hall at 5:00 p.m. and then meet with pastors and church leaders until 7 p.m. This session will include childcare. To learn more or register for this fall class, contact Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert at or 317.839.2319, ext. 244. 7

Youth Ministry

Rev. Bob Preusch, Youth Pastor,

Youth in Mission Milwaukee 2016

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Worship Arts

Michael Pettry, Director,

October Worship Series: Broadway and the Bible?!


s has become a recent tradition at PUMC, the month of October tends to include a Classic Worship series that is creatively unique and draws upon an area of pop culture to highlight lessons or principles of our Christian faith. The October 2015 October 2 series was built Who Do You Say on music of The Jesus Is? Beatles. This October, we will use the music of Broadway musicals to highlight specific subjects from Scripture. As part of the five-week Classic Worship series, various musical, theatrical and artistic areas of PUMC will lend their talents. Thanks to Rick Jones and Ed Rhodes for designing and building the theatre marquee in the main October 9 lobby! Thanks Justice 9

to dozens of musicians who lend their talent in worship and through the Sunday, October 2, 7:00 p.m. concert in the sanctuary featuring choir, October 16 orchestra and Careful guest soloists. At the heart of this worship series is a desire to more fully grow in our own faith journeys. Some people have decades of experience as a Christian, while others are only now dipping their toe in the water, considering PUMC as a church home. A worship series like this affords October 23 all of us the Masquerade opportunity to reach out to those who do not have a church home – and to those who may have drifted away from PUMC in recent years – with an invitation to check out something unique on Sunday mornings in worship.

PUMC’s music ministry is diverse and varied with music spanning the past 600 years through today, various continents and countries, jazz, gospel, bluegrass, October 30 bells… You name Our Struggle it! The abiding theme through all of our music in weekly worship is that it is given at the highest possible level of beauty in praise of the Creator.

An Evening of Broadway

The first concert of our new PUMC Concert Series is on Sunday, October 2, 7:00 p.m. The choir and orchestra will perform favorites from new and classic Broadway musicals alike in a concert that is free and open to the public. There are no tickets – invite a friend!

Take Note: Sign up for Organ Lessons!


Christmas Eve Singers


atch the weekly worship folder late in October for information about the Christmas Eve festival choir. Singing with orchestra at the 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Christmas Eve worship, the choir rehearses in late-November and December and is open to all persons without audition. Serving the Children of Plainfield

t long last, our beautiful organ is ready for us to enjoy! Have you been eager to sound the trumpets, luxuriate in the luscious strings, and make the low pipes rumble? Come explore these wonderful sounds by scheduling organ lessons with Jaime Carini. She is eager to help you dive right in whether you are returning to the instrument or starting anew. You might even be asked to play for a Sunday service. Contact her at 918.706.3005 or Thank you to everyone who sang in the Sunday, October 2 “Plainfield Pops: An Evening on Broadway” performance. We hope you will continue singing with the Adult Choir this fall. Contact Music Director Michael Pettry,, to learn more. 10

New @ PUMC: Threshold Singers

TnT & Van Buren Singers


s part of September’s Community Day in worship, hreshold Choir is an singers from Van Buren Elementary international organization School sang in worship at the of more than 125 chapters. The 9:50 hour. More than 30 young goal of Threshold Choir is to bring people sang “Amazing Grace” and ease and comfort to those at the learned about the history of the threshold of living and dying. A hymn writer John Newton – an calm and focused presence at the Englishman who was a slave ship bedside, with gentle voices, simple owner before his conversion. The songs, and sincere kindness, can be intersection of music, history soothing and reassuring to clients, and faith provides a meaningful family, and caregivers alike. learning opportunity for these Threshold Singers of Hendricks young persons. Thanks for County is a new local Threshold welcoming these young musicians Choir chapter that formed in and their families! March 2016 and is in-residence at PUMC. Contact the church office to learn more or connect with this group.



Mission News

Ruth Ellen Stone, Committee Chair,

Kokomo Urban Outreach


ne of the most heavily damaged areas in the recent storms and tornado outbreak which hit Kokomo, IN, was in the section of the city served by Urban Outreach and Trinity UMC. Many people in that part of town lost their housing, most of their possessions, and in some cases their employment. Churches and other groups in Kokomo, as well as the Indiana Conference of the UMC, responded quickly to meet immediate needs. The Indiana UMC Conference Disaster Coordinator and Volunteers In Mission Coordinator are keeping in close touch to communicate those needs which can be met immediately and to formulate plans for meeting others soon. Serving the Children of Plainfield

Volunteers in relatively large numbers will be needed to help with various projects in the area in the coming months. If you would like to help in this way, please send your name and email address to Pastor Ken Loudenback at kloudenback@pumc. org, noting Urban Ministry in the subject line. The Mission Work Area of PUMC will use this list to communicate quickly with interested persons as soon as details of the needs and times are known. Thank you to those who have already made monetary gifts to help with the recovery efforts. Such contributions are still very important. Gifts may be made to PUMC, marked “Kokomo Storm Relief.” Your prayers and gifts show God’s BIG Love to our neighbors right here in Indiana. 12

Midwest Mission Distribution Cleaning Buckets


hanks to the many who contributed funding for Cleaning Buckets which will be assembled at Midwest Mission Distribution Center and shipped to the areas where they are needed in Louisiana and South Bend, Indiana. Showing love with cleaning supplies is a significant way to help a person whose house has been full of water, mud, and debris.

Bundle ‘Em Up!


efore we know it the temps will drop and the chill of winter will be in the air. You can help a Hendricks County family stay warm when the cold weather hits by donating now to an area coat drive. Please deliver new or clean, gently used coats and other cold weather items (hats, gloves, etc) to the marked boxes in the Donation Depot in the south hallway, across from the church office or in the Worship Annex by October, 22. Thank you for warming the hands and hearts of a local family in need. 13

Volunteers In Mission (VIM) Training


ould you like to make a difference for people in need by leading a work mission team? Prepare to lead such an event at VIM Training on Saturday, October 15, at Nashville (Indiana) UMC from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. To register or get more information, please contact Pastor Ken Loudenback at kloudenback@pumc. org or through the church office at 317.839.2319. (There is a small fee to register but the necessary work book will be provided by PUMC.)

Henderson Settlement Work Team


UMC will send a mission work team to Henderson Settlement in Kentucky the week of October 16-22. If you would like to register or have more information, please contact Don Sanders or Pastor Ken Loudenback through the church office.



unday, October 23 is the date for the Plainfield Area CROP Walk beginning in Hummel Park at 2 p.m. (registration at 1:30). Hunger is a worldwide problem, but you can be a part of the solution right here in Plainfield by participating in the CROP Walk that day. Funds raised by those who sponsor the walkers help provide good food and clean water for persons around the world. Twenty-five percent remains in the local area for support to food pantries, such as the one at St Mark’s Episcopal Church in Plainfield, sponsored by the local Church Federation.

This event is for all ages of persons and pets. (Several dogs were noted on the walking route last year.) The walk begins at Shelter number 3 in Hummel Park and follows the local park trails to Dairy Queen where a free treat is offered, then back to Hummel Park. (There is a way to shorten the route if necessary.) Invite your friends to join you in this walk for fun, exercise, and the chance to meet the needs of hungry people. If you have questions, contact Dan Stone at Let’s End Hunger One Step At A Time! Registration and materials will be available in the lobbies at PUMC on Sundays in October. Look for the display after each worship service.




Serving the Children of Plainfield


Beautiful Autumn by Marge Welker


he FUN Adult Sunday School Class will again be selling Beef House Rolls, Apple Butter and Strawberry Jam for the holidays. et’s take a stroll down an Look for the tables in the lobbies on autumn lane. This is a Sundays, October 23 and 30. Please contact class members through the beautiful time of year because of the colors of the trees. Breath-taking church office with questions. colors of gold, orange, yellow and brown. But there is more than this. There is a peacefulness, a gentleness and a magic in the air with the rustling of the fallen leaves and children laughing as they play in the leaves. As a leaf flutters to the ground and I pick it up to admire it, I’m reminded how leaves and trees enter our daily lives. I look at a yellow leaf he FUN Adult Sunday School and see God’s sunshine, a green leaf Class is hosting a Trivia Fun reminds me of the plentiful food Night on Saturday, October 15, at 7:00 that God provides, and a red leaf p.m. in Clayton Hall. Teams from 2 reminds me of God’s sacrifice of his to 8 will compete in several different Son for our redemption! categories, including PUMC trivia, As we walk a ways into the Sports, Entertainment and more! You woods we sense a stillness and it may bring your own team or come overwhelms us. We remember the on your own and join up with others. verse in Psalms 46:10, “Be still, and Beverages will be provided but you are know that I am God...” invited to bring snacks for your table. We ask that you bring a box of cereal for Be still and be aware of what great the food pantry at Indianapolis Public things God has given us. Be aware School 34. Invite your friends and come of the beauty of the trees and leaves for a fun night of friendly competition! this autumn.




Church Council Report

Mike Rohrer, Committee Chair,


he Church Council met for its regular monthly meeting on September 14. In addition to hearing devotions and praying, hearing regular reports from committee chairs and lay leaders, the Council celebrated Glory Sightings (evidences of God’s work for good around us) including... Kids Connection (PUMC’s before and after school program) is at maximum enrollment and has begun to keep a waiting list. In service to the children of Plainfield, we celebrate the following enrollment for 2016-2017 school year: 10 Super Sun-risers (early morning students) 22 Before School Students 28 After School Students In service to the children of Plainfield, fourteen drivers have volunteered to help Van Buren students get to important appointments during the school day throughout this current school year. Additionally, the Council received the following reports and made the following actions: Church Council elected an ad hoc team of staff and laity to guide PUMC in discovering and clarifying its core values. This will aid PUMC in uniquely and effectively living out its vision of serving the Serving the Children of Plainfield

children of Plainfield. Per Pastor Charlie Wilfong’s recommendation, the Council elected the following persons to this ad hoc team: * Chairs of Staff Parish Relations Committee, Finance Committee, Church Council, and Board of Trustees • Pastors Wilfong, Gilbert, Preusch, and Loudenback • Facilities Manager • Children’s Ministry Director • Music Director • Office Manager The transportation initiative in partnership with Van Buren Elementary School is moving forward. The purpose of this initiative is to provide transportation, starting Oct. 1, 2016, for students (and parent or guardian) to appointments during the school day. Training and record keeping processes are being put into place to facilitate this service. PUMC has a list of volunteers to serve as drivers. PUMC served three families through Family Promise of Hendricks for one week in September. PUMC provided volunteers for this outreach to homeless families of Hendricks County. PUMC will next serve for one week in October. (continued from page 18) 16

on Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend who feel strongly Consecration Sunday Stewardship opposed to completing a card. Program again this year as a way The procedure is done in such a to teach the biblical and spiritual way that no one feels personal principles of generous giving in our embarrassment if he or she chooses stewardship education emphasis not to fill out a card. this year. We will do no Consecration Sunday New home solicitation Worship & Celebration Consecration to ask people to Sunday is based November 13, 2016 complete cards. on the biblical During morning 10:00 a.m. philosophy of worship our guest Plainfield High School the need of the leader, Rev. Doug Childcare, Children’s Activities, giver to give Anderson (who and Lunch Provided for his or her spoke on our first own spiritual Consecration development, Sunday last November), will conduct rather than on the need of the a brief period of instruction and church to receive. Instead of treating inspiration, climaxed by members people like members of a social making their commitments as a club who should pay dues, we will confidential act of worship. treat people like followers of Jesus We will encourage participation Christ who want to give unselfishly in Consecration Sunday events as an act of discipleship. New through the Consecration Sunday Consecration Sunday encourages Team led by Bob Milligan and people toward proportionate and PUMC’s Church Council members. systematic giving in response to the Since we will make no follow-up question, “What percentage of my visits to ask people to complete their income is God calling me to give?” cards, we will make every effort During morning worship on to inform, inspire, and commit Consecration Sunday, November everyone to attend Consecration 13, we are asking attendees and Sunday worship on November 13. members to make their financial Thanks in advance for your commitments to our church’s enthusiastic participation in missionary, benevolent, and Consecration Sunday events. educational ministries in this Mike Rohrer community and around the world. Church Council Chair Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning worship

(continued from page 2)


Because God Gives, We Give. Thank You for You Generosity!


renda Barnett, PUMC Financial Administrator, reports the following giving in July-August, 2016, to ministry and mission beyond the Basic Ministry Budget. Give easily and safely online any time at Thank you for your generosity! Family Assistance Fund (direct aid to local families in need): $ 820.00 Family Promise (ministry with homeless families): $ 300.60 Madina Village School, Sierra Leone: $ 850.00 Madina Village Sewing Machines: $ 50.00 Music Ministry: $ 1,225.00 Youth Ministry: $ 150.00 Henderson Settlement (UM Mission in Appalachia): $ 560.00 PUMC Homeless Outreach: $ 615.00 Friendly Planet Missiology: $ 20.00 Africa University: $ 1,000.00 Imagine No Malaria: $ 1,161.00 UMCOR/Louisiana Flooding: $ 960.00 Kokomo, Indiana, Storm Aid: $ 545.00 MMDC Flood Cleaning Buckets: $ 223.57 St. Mark’s Food Pantry (Plainfield, IN): $ 100.00 PUMC Memorial Gifts: $ 40.00 Total Giving beyond the Basic Ministry Budget: $ 8,620.17 (July-August 2016)

(continued from page 16) It was announced that Senior Pastor Charlie Wilfong will serve on the Indiana UMC Area Episcopacy Committee in support of Indiana’s new Bishop Trimble. Per Indiana UMC Conference guidelines, PUMC Church Council approved PUMC pastor compensation packages for 2017. Questions may be directed to Staff Parish Relations Committee Chair, Bob Milligan, at staffparish@pumc. org or through the church office. PUMC is completing the purchase Serving the Children of Plainfield

of the Kelly property west of the church. This purchase secures access to the PUMC property from the western most side of the property for future growth and ministry Thank you for your ongoing prayerful support of the ministry and mission of the Church Council and PUMC.


Finance Committee Update John Baer, Committee Chair,


e continue to celebrate your faithfulness in giving to God through the ministry and mission of PUMC. As of this writing we have a newly built, beautiful pipe organ that is fully funded awaiting completion; we have just paid off the mortgage that we took out on this property 22 years ago in the amount of $1.4 million to build the south education wing; and we have seen God at work through your giving that is at a record level this year. Glory to God! To date, 2016 giving is $33,000 more than this time last year. This includes more than $11,000 given to help retire the mortgage. Thank you for your generosity! If you have any questions about how to fulfill your 2016 pledge or to set up regular electronic giving, please be in touch with Brenda Barnett, Financial Administrator, at Looking ahead… the Endowment Committee has been working hard to complete all new documents


to formalize and support endowment giving at PUMC before the end of this year. We are about to close on the purchase of additional land directly behind our church while it’s still available. This will provide space for future expansion and growth. (Please note: This property will be purchased using funds from the church’s line of credit at the bank. PUMC is not taking a mortgage on this property and there will be no encumbrance on the church’s property.) Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity! Detailed financial records are always available by request in the church office. If you have questions, feel free to drop me a note or email me at finance@pumc. org.

New Church Directory Printing in November


he next printing of PUMC’s church directory will happen next month, and we want everyone to be included in it. Whether you access it via computer, hand-held device or paper printout, the directory is a convenient way to stay in touch with those in the congregation. To date, we have 251 families included in the directory. Many of those have not submitted a photo, and hundreds more have not submitted any information to be included. You must register to be included in the directory. We encourage you to submit your information and picture as soon as possible. The next deadline is October 24. If you miss the deadline, you can still submit your information and picture for the online version of the directory, but your listing will not be included in the paper version until the next printing. Please stop by the church office during business hours, or the table in the Main Lobby on Sunday mornings in October to fill out the registration form and have Office Manager Brent Miller or a volunteer take your picture. Or you can register online by going to the PUMC website,, clicking on “Info Center” and then “Online Directory.” It’s quick and easy! If you already have a photo you’d Serving the Children of Plainfield

like to use, it can be submitted electronically, or the church office can scan an existing photo and return it to you. (You cannot use photos from previous church pictorial directories due to copyright laws.) Please contact Brent Miller at (317) 839-2319 or to answer any questions you may have about the directory. Thank you for being a part of this important church communication tool. eNews from PUMC Visit to sign-up for free weekly eNews. Follow PUMC on /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers PUMC weekly worship notes. Details are at or on your YouVersion app. Give Securely Online Staff listing available at

Calendar of Events PUMC’s October 2016 Calendar of Events can be found at


Notes to the Congregation Dear friends, Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement, cards, and well wishes following a recent (very minor) surgery. Recovery is going well, and I am slowly making my way back to full activity. Your words and acts of love and care are a powerful witness to and reminder of God’s grace as expressed through the community of faith. Thank you for being the church – for me, my husband, and so many others on a daily basis.

New Adult Study

The Resurrection of Jesus


n The Challenge of Jesus, renowned historical Jesus scholar John Dominic Crossan, presents his life’s work exploring the matrix of Jesus’ unique time and place. Drawing on scholarly text, excavation and history, Dr. Crossan introduces us to the flesh and blood people who shaped the world into which Jesus was born. In these DVD presentations, we meet a Jesus we’ve not known before. This study explores the World of Jesus, the Life of Jesus, the Death of Jesus and the Resurrection of Jesus. Please join the Ordinary People Adult Sunday School Class as Dan Stone leads the last unit of this series, a foursession study of the Resurrection of Jesus. Join the class in the Wesley Room (room 21), located in the south education wing on Sundays at 9:45 a.m. 21

Blessings, Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert We are most grateful to the staff and all of our friends at PUMC for the visits, prayers, calls and cards during John’s hospitalization and rehab. Thanks to all of that, the beautiful prayer blanket from Ordinary People and excellent therapy, he is making very good progress. We are blessed. John and Jane Martin PUMC sends a special ‘thank you’ to Mick and Linda Linn for the donation of ice cream that added a ‘sweet’ ending to the Mortgage Burning Celebration on September 18. Thank you for your generosity and kindness! PUMC Staff and Congregation

A big thank you to all who helped Charlie and myself during our move to a smaller place. Oma found a good home for our piano. Larry Rudy and other friends helped spruce up the yard after we left, and before our home went on the market. May God bless all of you. Yolanda Goltz

In the Hospital this Past Month • Sue Doty • Betty Little

• Jim Bell

Love & Sympathy • • • • • •

Ed and Lisa Rhodes and family on the death of Lisa’s father, Edward Shay. Christine Bennett and family on the death of her father. Mike Galyan and his family on the death of his mother. Mike McFarling and his family on the death of his father. The family & friends of Ken Day on his death. Elaine Jacone and her family on the death of her son Patrick.

Serving the Children of Plainfield

In Our Prayers Prayer Blanket Ministry

• Mickey and Bob Fulbright from Karen, Lori, Jeanna, Cindy, Erin, and Mary with prayers of God’s peace, comfort and strength in the loss of their son. • Elaine Jacone from the F.U.N. Class with prayers of strength, understanding, and comfort. • Chris Bennett and family from Jan and John Baer and Joe and Sandy Bennett with prayers of strength and peace. • Phyllis Daniel from Jan and John Baer and Joe and Sandy Bennett with prayers of strength and peace. • Susan Froelich from Mike and Mary Ann Hamilton with prayers of healing, comfort, and strength.

Do you want to order a prayer blanket or bandanna? Prayer blankets and bandannas are tangible ways to express God’s love and give those in need comfort and support from the PUMC congregation. If you would like to order a blanket or bandanna, please contact Carol Foxworthy at or 317.838.7588. Blanket: $20; Bandanna: $10. Make your check payable to PUMC and mark it Prayer Blanket Ministry.


Serving the Children of Plainfield

October 2016 Plainfield United Methodist Church 600 Simmons Street Plainfield, IN 46168

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