September 2018 Circuit Rider

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Tothereeverything is a season, andeverya timepurposeto under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

Pastor Charlie Wilfong Senior Pastor,

A Party with Hope

of children and youth ministries. Also at this event, we will highlight Sunday School teachers for all ages, Sunday morning disciple-building ministries, Christian Education formation for all ages, and small group leaders of all kinds. You will be able to identify those special servant leaders by the A party is a pathway to hope. special t-shirts they will be wearing. Those t-shirts will highlight the many If Jesus’ teaching can be understood, reasons they serve to lead and teach in part, that the Kingdom of God is a in the wide variety of settings we party, then this is instructive for all offer at PUMC. we do. The ministries we share should reflect celebration (a party) of God’s Say a word of thanks to these love and goodness. That celebration servant leaders. will pave the way to hope for those in our pathways. One of the core scriptures that comes to mind as I consider the work So, please know that everyone— of these kinds of servants is Ephesians including you—is invited to our Fall 4:11-13, which says, Youth and Children’s Ministry Kickoff Cookout. This party is scheduled for “The gifts he gave were that some September 9 at 4:30 p.m. on the west would be apostles, some prophets, side of the property. There will be some evangelists, some pastors and food and fun for all. teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Cookout Party, Sept. 9, 4:30 body of Christ, until all of us come p.m. with food and fun for all! to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to We are paving the way to hope with maturity, to the measure of the full this party as we begin the fall season stature of Christ.” 2 It is an instructive quote that was shared in a surprising setting. On August 5, 2016, the NBC narrator commented on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro as follows, “A party is not just ritual, it’s a pathway to hope.”

Those who lead and teach help us to grow in Christ. For me, growing in Christ is growing in love. We may never know all there is to know. We may never succeed in behaving correctly in every situation. But, God has created us with an enormous capacity for love. Those who are growing their love are growing in godliness and in Christlikeness. That’s worth celebrating! 600 Simmons Street I encourage you to attend the Plainfield, Indiana 46168-2264 celebration on September 9. More • 317.839.2319 importantly, I encourage you to Sundays celebrate God’s great grace and Classic Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. love. The more people we include in Preaching Chapel: 11:15 a.m. celebrating God, the more people find NewDay Praise Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. their path to hope. As we teach and Youth Worship (grades 6-12): 10:00 a.m. learn about God’s Kingdom—God’s Bible Explorers (grades K-5): 10:00 a.m. loving plan for life—we grow to live Office Hours: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. (M–F) and love more like Jesus. Go in peace. Go with God. And be Table of Contents well. A Party with Hope 2 Shalom, Classic Worship 4 PUMC Staff News & Updates 4 Fall Is My Favorite! 5 JustFaith@pumc 6 What an Amazing Summer! 7 Raising Thirsty Children 8 Welcome Simon Pick 9 Youth Ministry News 10 Transforming for Tomorrow 12 Mission News 14 Encore Senior Ministry News 16 The Plainfield UMC App Church Council Report 17 Endowment Committee 18 Available in the App Stores New Adult Study 19 Download today at

Serving the Children of Plainfield


SEPTEMBER CLASSIC WORSHIP Classic Worship – 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Sept 2 Celebration of Holy Communion Sept 9 Community Sunday with the staff of Van Buren Elementary School as PUMC’s guests, and guest speaker Ray Helmuth, Van Buren Elementary School Principal in all adult worship. Sept 16 Servant Sunday. PUMC celebrates the ministry of PUMC’s lay servants – all those who serve and lead in the many ministries of PUMC.

PUMC Staff News and Updates PUMC is seeking a part-time Bookkeeper (Treasurer) to perform the normal duties expected in handling funds and keeping accurate financial records for PUMC. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: • Keep accurate and detailed financial records. • Perform general bookkeeping for accounts receivable and accounts payable functions. • Prepare semi-monthly payroll. • Prepare all annual reports to local and state governments. • Balance the church’s books monthly. 4

• Prepare monthly financial reports. • Record individual offerings. • Maintain confidentiality of contributions as per Finance Committee and Church Council current policy. • Administer PUMC’s online and electronic giving. Candidate must demonstrate spiritual character and maturity, passion for Christ and the church, effective communication and administration skills, and teamwork. Successful candidate must show proficiency in ADP Payroll Systems, A/P and A/R processing, Standard Bookkeeping Practices, Quickbooks, and MS Excel. For complete appl icat ion information, visit (Staff/ Available Positions). Complete applications received by September 15, 2018, will be given priority consideration. Questions may be directed to Staff Parish Relations Chair Bob Milligan at or through the church office at 317.839.2319.

Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert Associate Pastor,

Fall Is My Favorite!

As I turned down an aisle in a discount retailer recently, I had a moment of surprise joy… It was of full of fall decorations… Lots of orange, pumpkins, colorful leaves, and fallthemed home décor of all kinds. On this particular 90 degree day, the thought of fall lifted my spirits and gave me hope of a break in the warm weather. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the colors and sights of the season. I love getting my sweatshirts out of storage. I love the food and smells of fall… pumpkin pie, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies… you get the idea. And I love the sense of rest that comes over nature as it turns inward for a season of renewal and regeneration. And fall brings some of my favorite church events and activities…. • Disciple Bible Study classes begin in September. These faith-forming and life-changing Bible Study opportunities are not to be missed. If you want to know more or get in a class, contact Pastor Ken at They are simply amazing. • We host Community Sunday in September – this year on Serving the Children of Plainfield

September 9. Teachers and staff of Van Buren Elementary School will be our guests, we’ll celebrate our own weekday children’s ministry staff, and Ray Helmuth, Van Buren Elementary School Principal, will be our guest speaker in all adult worship. • We’ll kick off the fall ministry season with a cook-out in the west lot, also on September 9, 4:30 p.m. Games, food, a good time for all ages – plan now to be there! • And PUMC is launching an exciting new ministry in September. On September 23 you can join others interested in bringing drama and skits into worship through a new Drama Ministry. Be watching for more details. No matter the season, God is at work in and through PUMC to bring his love to life in worship, in ministry, in mission, and in outreach to the community. Thanks for being a part of what God is doing here! Continued on page 6 5

Continued from page 5 And if you love PUMC and all that you experience here, invite your friends and family to join you. There is a lot going on this month and PUMC would be honored and blessed to welcome and include those who mean the most to you. In NewDay Praise Worship, like all of PUMC’s worship experiences, we seek to create a space and an experience where people who don’t know Jesus can meet him, those who do know Jesus can grow in that relationship, and everyone can find a warm welcome and a safe place to ask questions and talk about faith. Invite a friend to join you this month for NewDay Praise Worship or one of the many activities and events taking place. We’ll save a spot for you! Blessings,

JustFaith@pumc JustFaith@pumc is a new small group that will be meeting on Sunday mornings starting on September 9 at 11:00 am. Please join us in the Koinonia Room, the first classroom to the right just south of the main lobby. We will be discussing Kyle Idleman’s study The End of Me. Email Mike Rohrer at JustFaith@ if you have any questions.

Call for Coffee Cans for Angel Tree One valuable resource that is needed for PUMC’s Angel Tree Ministry every year is coffee cans. We decorate these cans for use in delivering home-baked Christmas Cookies to the Angel Tree children. Ideally, we would like to have metal coffee cans, but we realize that they are hard to come by. A viable alternative are round 240 and 270 cup plastic coffee cans. (We cannot use square cans or 210 cup plastic coffee cans.) Please drop off clean, empty coffee cans at the Donation Depot near the church office to help with this important part of the Christmas Angel Tree Ministry.


Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton

Director Worship Arts | Director Children’s Ministry,

What an Amazing Summer!

What an amazing summer we have had in worship! Thank you so much to all that have helped contribute to worship over these past few months! From the summer choir to Sue Schultz & Zoe Wiltrout, worship hasn't missed a beat from week to week! Thank you for your generous contributions of your time & talents to help bring worship alive!

This fall we are launching a new extension to the Worship Arts Ministry. Do you act or enjoy conveying a message through funny & serious skits? We are launching a Drama Ministry this fall! On September 23rd you are invited to a pizza party/call-out to find out more about how you can get involved in this vital ministry! Join us in Clayton Hall at 11:30 a.m. as we work together to launch a ministry that is fun, vibrant & expressive. Rehearsals will ben every Sunday from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.. If you have any questions, Serving the Children of Plainfield

feel free to reach out to our Volunteer Drama Director: Nancy Montgomery at As we continue with a heart of worship, bringing excellence to everything that we do, we invite you to consider joining one of the worship arts ensembles at PUMC! All people, regardless of your age & skill level are welcome to join us! • Monday nights: Praise Bells @ 6:00 p.m. & Chancel Bells @ 7:00 p.m. (Bell Room) • Thursday nights: NewDay Praise Team 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. (Worship Annex) • Thursday nights: Sanctuary Choir: 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Music Room) • Sunday mornings: Drama Ministry: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Clayton Hall) Should you have any questions about the Worship Arts Ministry at PUMC, feel free to reach out to Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton, Director of Worship Arts & Children's Ministry at 7

Raising Up Thirsty Children We have been fully engaged in a summer of activities, lessons & fellowship that have truly been a blessing! As we continue to focus on our overall mission as a church, serving the children of Plainfield, I believe that we have great opportunity for growth, both individually and as a church. One devotion that I have been taking the Children's Council through is about Raising Up Thirsty Children. The Bible tells us, and we often quote, Proverbs 22:6, “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.� The reality of this verse causes us to internally reflect upon ourselves to determine if we are truly causing people, not just children, to have a thirst for God. As a foodie, I often smell or see food that looks amazing, then I find myself craving that food. Similarly, we as Christians should be modeling Christ-like behaviors that cause people to want to hunger & thirst for a loving relationship with God. How are you living out your walk with Christ so that others can see and thirst after a similar relationship? Training up a child, in the Hebrew text, actually paints the picture of the midwife dipping her finger into 8

crushed dates and rubbing it on the child's gums in order to create thirst for milk. Matthew 5:13 calls us to be the salt of the earth. If we are being the salt, then potentially it will create a thirst in others for Christ, and that they will see something in us that they admire. Our children are being challenged to be salt, to walk in the fruit of the spirit so that others might want to know God. You are invited to join a team of volunteers that help pour into our children. On Sunday, September 30th, all are welcome to a volunteer training session from 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. in the Church Library. We will cast a vision for the future of PUMC's Children's Ministry, roll out new curriculum, and discover what Sunday mornings and beyond will look like for this ministry. Lastly, we are excited for the Family Fellowship Nights that will be launched in 2019! Be on the lookout for how you can get involved! Reach out to Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton, Director of Worship Arts & Children's Ministry at with any questions or if you would like to get involved!

Welcome Simon Pick

Choir Director & Principle Organist A native of the rural Midwest, Simon Pick grew up in Remsen, Iowa, where he began his studies in organ at the age of fourteen. He graduated with honors from Benedictine College in Atchison, KS, with majors in Music and Theology, and a Master’s Degree in Sacred Music from the University of Notre Dame. Simon is now in the doctoral program in organ performance at Indiana University. Pick has given solo and collaborative recitals throughout the Midwest and Southwest and has performed with collegiate and graduate performance ensembles as both accompanist and soloist. He has performed with ensembles such as Benedictine Baroque, Phoenix Symphony Chorus, Yavapai Festival Chorus, and was the Co-Founder/ Assistant Director and Accompanist Serving the Children of Plainfield

for the Phoenix-based chamber choral ensemble Canticum Novum. Pick started his career as Organist and Choir Director at Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Remsen, Iowa. He would later serve as an Organ Scholar at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. He believes in mentoring and teaching the next generation, and holds strong to a personal philosophy of worship that inspires worshipers to engage freely in worship. Simon will join PUMC as Choir Director & Principal Organist on September 1. He can be reached at Please welcome Simon to PUMC!


Confirmation Class Starting September 16

The engaging and formative spiritual journey that is Confirmation Class gets underway on Sunday, September 16th at 4:30 pm. Confirmation is an eight-month program for middle school youth focused on Christian education and spiritual development. Confirmation Students are challenged to prioritize their relationship with Christ and take personal responsibility for their faith. Student experiences include


worship and classroom sessions, service projects, a weekend retreat, and mentoring. To register your child for Confirmation Class, please pick up a registration packet in the youth ministries office or contact the church to have the forms emailed to you. If you have any questions about Confirmation, baptism, class activities, or PUMC youth programs contact Pastor Bob Preusch at 317.839.2319 ext 230 or email

Brick Bar-B-Que Grills Ready for Use This past spring and summer PUMC High School youth J.T. White and Ben Crum made their Eagle Scout projects the construction of two large brick bar-b-que grills in the Wesley Woods picnic area behind the church. The grills have been tested out and they are ready for use by church members and other groups. The grills, and the GaGa ball pit built in 2017 by Sam Kirchoff, are the latest of several Eagle Scout projects that are making Wesley Woods into a nice park and a great place to hold an outdoor event. If you would like to reserve the Wesley Woods picnic area for a gathering or event contact Brent Miller in the church office.

J.T. White

Ben Crum

GaGa Ball Pit in Action Serving the Children of Plainfield

Sam Kirchoff 11

Transforming for Tomorrow Begins Projects Transforming for Tomorrow is a 5-year initiative of PUMC to ensure a person’s experience with PUMC’s building matches our words of grace and welcome. Capital projects to be completed during this time include repair and resurfacing of the existing parking lot, a new electronic exterior sign, kitchen renovation, updated restrooms, and so much more. With these upgrades and improvements PUMC will be able to continue vibrant and vital ministry well in to the future with a safe, attractive facility that will welcome and serve many people and families. In August contracts were signed for repair and resurfacing of the existing parking lot and for an exterior, electronic sign. Both of these projects will commence in coming days and will be completed this fall. Thank you for your prayerful, faithful, generous support of this ministry and Transforming for Tomorrow! Learn more at PUMC celebrated the anticipated parking lot repair with a Parking Lot Painting Party on August 19.


very gifted artist. When he told his brother, Albert, it was his time to go to college, he said, sadly, that it would be impossible for him to go. His hands were almost useless because of working in the mines. To pay homage to Albert for his sacrifice, Albrecht drew his brother’s hands in a praying attitude. This drawing has been copied many times, and is now called, “The Praying Hands”.

The Praying Hands Marge Welker

We all know that September means Labor Day. We take time from working with our hands and rest for a day. This brings to mind an anonymous story that I heard. In the 15th century, there was a family of 18. The father had a difficult time trying to feed all of his family. He was a goldsmith, but did other things to make money. Two of the boys had dreams of going to college. They wanted to be artists. A pact was made between the two boys. They would toss a coin and whoever won would go to college. The other would pay his way by working in the mines. Albrecht Dürer won the toss and went off to college at Nuremberg. His brother, Albert, went down into the mines for the next four years. Albrecht returned from college a Serving the Children of Plainfield

Rachel Circle Update Rachel Circle of PUMC United Methodist Women will meet Tuesday, September 11 at 7:00 pm in Clayton Hall. Jeanne Milligan will tell us about Eleanor’s Christmas Shop and Food Pantry at Eleanor Skillen School 34 in Indianapolis. Public School 34, which we support each year, serves students Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade. Questions? Contact Kathy List at or Roberta Rhodes at


Mission News

Ruth Ellen Stone, Committee Chair,

Henderson Settlement Mission Trip

839-2319 or Don Sanders at (317) 8397192. You don’t have to come for the entire week - partial weeks are readily accepted. If you like, you can play some golf or visit Cumberland Gap on some off-time. Come join us for some Appalachian mountain music, ice cream, socializing and game playing in the evenings, and culminating with a meaningful communion service the latter part of the week.

October 14 - 20, 2018

Henderson Settlement, nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, serves families in one of the poorest areas in the United States. Henderson Settlement provides services to help people obtain clothing, food, education, adequate shelter, and personal skills to improve their lives. Another team from PUMC will be traveling to Henderson Settlement in October to serve those in need. We will be making quilts to sell in the Gift Shop to help support these services, assisting in the Thrift Store to provide clothing and household items, working on repairing homes, assisting in sewing classes, working in the library, and providing various other skilled and non-skilled labor. If you would be interested in joining a PUMC team of volunteers, or would like more information about this outreach, please contact Pastor Ken Loudenback in the church office (317) 14

School Supplies Thanks to those who have already helped provide school supplies of various types for Madina School in Sierra Leone as well as locally. There are still needs in area schools with whom PUMC partners, including IPS #34. Donations of paper, pencils, pens, erasers, etc. would be welcome. Please place these in the Donation Depot across from the main office at PUMC. Many school children will be appreciative of these efforts.

2ND SATURDAY LUNCH Second Saturday Lunch This relatively new project of PUMC is in need of persons to help prepare, pack, and deliver a simple meal on the second Saturday of each month. (No food served at PUMC that day.) If you want to volunteer or need more information, contact Mary Ann Hamilton who coordinates this meal. (Financial support is also needed.)

Family Promise Bonfire Nehemiah Ranch in Avon September 22 from 5-8pm

Have you helped support Family Promise? PUMC has been a part of hosting families for three years now! If you have helped in any way, you are invited to a bonfire being hosted by Family Promise of Hendricks County as a thank you! All the former and current families and support families are also invited so you may get to see some old friends. Your support and time have truly made a difference in many lives. In 2018 alone there have been 15 families that have moved into stable housing and dozens of others have been helped to keep their homes. Vida Nueva These families, often for the first Word has been received that time, know what it is like to be loved Vida Nueva is undergoing changes and supported. You are a part of that. in program and location. More information will be provided soon. Family Promise Service The need for our support for that Opportunity ministry will continue, of course. The next weeks for PUMC to host Please pray for this important Family Promise next are September ministry as it moves and grows. 9 and November 25. Contact Mary Raver at for more information.

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Encore Senior Ministry Sue Hylton,

Encore Upcoming Events Young at Heart Luncheon

Thursday, September 20, Noon Clayton Hall at PUMC Do you sometimes long for the good ol’ days of simplicity? Then you will want to “Enjoy the Simple Things” and attend the annual Young at Heart Luncheon in Clayton Hall on Thursday, September 20. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon. Great entertainment will immediately follow the luncheon. By now, those who are 65 years and beyond should have received an invitation to the Young at Heart luncheon. If you fit this category and have not received your mailed invitation which included a registration card, please let chair Barbara Baker (317.839.4716) or member Sue Hylton (317.839.2946) know. If you have completed your card, you may drop it off at the office or place it in the holder located on the Encore desk. This special event planned with you in mind is a wonderful time to reconnect with those that we don’t see each week and enjoy being served a wonderful meal and enjoy delightful entertainment. This is something that you will want to add to your calendar!


Special Encore Event

Friday, October 12, afternoon October is providing a very special opportunity for Encore friends to make jewelry! ‘Don’t think you can make jewelry other than string beads? Think again! Save the afternoon of Friday, October 12 when we will work with Sally from Sally’s Ceramics. Location depends on the number of people who sign up for this fun activity! We will either go to her studio in Pittsboro or meet at PUMC. Please sign up for this activity on September 9, 16 or 23 at the Encore desk located in the main lobby so that we can make final arrangements of exact time and location. You will surprise yourself with your abilities in making beautiful jewelry. Sally has told me that everyone will want to make two pieces of jewelry … one for themselves and one to give as a gift. (Remember: Christmas is just around the corner!) The cost is: 1 piece for $15 or 2 pieces for $25. Stop by the Encore desk to see what your creation might resemble. Encore is a great way to connect to the people of PUMC. Keep watching for details to Encore activities in the weekly worship folder, Circuit Rider, and your email if you have provided me with your address. Join us when you can! Questions? Call Sue Hylton at 317.839.2946.

Church Council Report

Nikki Shoultz, Committee Chairperson,

The Church Council met for its regular monthly meeting on August 8, 2018. In addition to hearing devotions and praying, receiving regular reports from committee chairs and lay leaders, the Council celebrated Glory Sightings, evidences of God’s work for good around us. Additionally, the Council received the following reports and made the following actions: Mary Raver, Lay Leader for Missions, reported that CROP Walk for Hunger Relief will be October 7. Sandy Bennett will be traveling to Sierra Leone August 27 - September 22 to assist with teacher enrichment and training at the Madina Village School. In August school supplies were gathered for local area school children. Imagine No Malaria received $1,214.10. PUMC’s next week to host Family Promise is September 9. Second Saturday Lunch is underway and could use additional servant volunteers. Jennifer Finesilver, Lay Leader for Worship, reported that in August, Classic Worship will see the “Key Lessons from the Old Testament” series. On September 9, we will celebrate Community Sunday welcoming and honoring teachers and school workers from Van Buren Elementary School. October 28 is Consecration Sunday with Dr. Kent Millard as our guest preacher. In the four weeks prior, we will engage Serving the Children of Plainfield

a church-wide study and worship series of Dr. Millard’s book, “The Gratitude Path.” Bree Dunscombe reported for Children’s Ministry that the Back 2 School, Back 2 Worship event was attended by over 170 people. More than 75 back packs with school supplies were distributed. Additional supplies will be sent to local elementary schools. Trunk or Treat for the community will be on October 28. The month of September is dedicated to appreciation of teachers, Sunday school teachers and servant leaders. Teacher/volunteer training is in the works. Jacob is working on a volunteer handbook that every children’s ministry volunteer will receive. The Weekday Children’s Ministry Open House is August 27 and 30 from 5-7:30 p.m. Transforming for Tomorrow We now have $318,500 in gifts and pledges for Transforming for Tomorrow. We have secured a $500,000 line of credit to use for cash flow management. The electronic sign has been approved by the Steering Committee and has been presented to the town for approval. We anticipate a midOctober installation. The contract has been signed for the repair and repaving of the existing parking lot. This is scheduled to begin August 27. 17

Bill Edie, PUMC Finance Chair, reported that 10% of gifts received for the Transforming for Tomorrow initiative is going into the major maintenance fund. A letter from Conference Superintendent Jim Bushfield thanking us for our connectional tithe was circulated. Bob Milligan, PUMC Staff Parish Relations Chair, reported that Simon Pick has accepted the position of Primary Organist/Choir Director and will begin on September 1. Simon comes to us from Central UMC in Phoenix. He is moving to Indiana to pursue his doctoral degree in organ performance at IU Jacobs School of Music. Bob thanked the search committee for their efforts. Bob also reported that Brenda Barnett has tendered her resignation as Financial Administrator. Bob distributed a job description for that position. A search committee has been formed and has a target of filling the position by September 28. Brenda will continue in her position until the transition is complete. Consecration Sunday is October 28. The following names were elected to the Consecration Sunday committee: Mike Rohrer (Chair), Brenda Barnett, Bree Dunscombe, Bill Edie, Elaine Jacone, Brian Long, Bob Milligan, Jim Rodarmel, Laurie Rohrer, Eiric Shriner, Zoe Wiltrout, Kathy Perry, Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton, Pastor Charlie Wilfong, and Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert. The next meeting of the Church Council will be September 12, 2018, 7:00 p.m. 18

Endowment Minute

Tim Hansen, Endowment Chair,

Can Money Buy Happiness? If you think money can’t buy happiness, you haven’t given enough of it away. Giving to current needs can certainly be fulfilling and bring happiness to us. Now consider how you would feel knowing that a gift from you would start making a difference from the time you gave it to well into the future, even past the time of your death. Does this sound good? Then a gift to an endowment fund may be right for you. Gifts to endowment funds are invested in a way that the gift provides income and grows in value. The original gift is maintained in the fund to perpetuity while the growth and income is used to make grants from the endowment to fulfill our Christian purpose. PUMC has endowments that support the physical assets of the church, missions, worship, and children and youth programs. We have made grants this year supporting missions and church worship and look forward to making additional grants in the future. If this interests you, please contact Tim Hansen, Endowment Chair, or the church office to learn more. The answer is definitely “yes”, money can buy happiness.

Pay It Forward

New Adult Study

You can’t take it with you, however, you can control how it is used and help others at the same time. The Endowment Fund that has been created at PUMC is a long term plan to “pay it forward” and take some of the burden off of those that follow us in the future to meet the annual needs the church, while hopefully reducing the need for capital campaigns when large or unexpected problems occur. These funds take years to build to a level that will generate sufficient income to fund major projects, but the sooner it starts the faster it grows. There are multiple funds within the Endowment Fund, created to meet your special area of interest within the church. My personal choice will be the facility fund, since it is central to the activities of the church. This is a long game, but given ample support, it will make a huge difference in the ability of the Church to succeed in its mission, while being financially secure. It is up to us to determine where and when we will gift our wealth. Making sure that we have ample funds to support ourselves, share wealth with our family and aid deserving charities and institutions is normal. However, it is good to give to the church in a fashion that will help others going forward when your needs are diminished. Please look into the PUMC Endowment Plan and give it your prayerful consideration.

These are confusing times for many Christians. Traditional biblical values are not only rejected; it seems as if they’re attacked on every front. It’s all happened at warp speed, leaving many of us spiritually and culturally disoriented or even fearful, frustrated, and angry. How can we spiritually survive in an increasingly spiritually hostile environment? And is there any hope for the next generation? In this 5-session series, Larry Osborne introduces us to a man forced to live in a fast-changing and godless society. This man faced fears about the future, concern for his safety, and the discouragement of a world that seemed to be falling apart at warp speed. That man was Daniel, and with the power of hope, humility, and wisdom, he not only survived, but thrived. Each session also includes real-life stories of people struggling to thrive in an ever-increasing godless society. Though Daniel lived thousands of years ago, he has much to teach us today. We are pleased to have John Miller as our discussion leader for this five-part study beginning September 2. Plan now to join us in the Ordinary People classroom, the Wesley Room (room 21), on Sundays at 10:00am. All are welcome!

Mike McFarling

Serving the Children of Plainfield

Thriving In Babylon


In the Hospital this Past Month

Prayer Blankets

• Sherry Gummer • Sue Doty from Eric & Jennifer Finesilver with prayers for comfort • Quentin Shore and healing. • Floyd Bennett • Mary Lew Taylor • Ruth Miller from Margaret Hay with prayers for comfort and healing. • Pam Peercy from Margaret Hay with Love & Sympathy prayers for comfort and healing. • The family and friends of Debby • Ann Knight from Kathy Helms with Keller Williams on her death. prayers for comfort and peace. • The family and friends of Margaret • Rita Horn from Todd and Debbie Martin on her death. Sprinkle with prayers for comfort and peace. • Tamara Miller & family on the death of her father. • Sam Horn from Todd and Debbie Sprinkle with prayers for comfort • Dan & Ruth Ellen Stone & family on and peace. the death of their son-in-law Kirk Horn. • Jack Horn from Todd and Debbie Sprinkle with prayers for comfort and peace. • Caroline Horn from Todd and Debbie Sprinkle with prayers for comfort and peace. • Shirley McCoy • Ken Buckner • Oma Buckner • Jane Martin • Steve Best


Do you want to order a prayer blanket or bandanna? Prayer blankets and bandannas are tangible ways to express God’s love and give those in need comfort and support from the PUMC congregation. If you would like to order a blanket or bandanna, please contact Carol Foxworthy at or 317.838.7588. Blanket: $20; Bandanna: $10. Make your check payable to PUMC and mark it Prayer Blanket Ministry.

Ways to Connect eNews from PUMC Visit to sign-up for free weekly eNews and digital delivery of the monthly newsletter, “The Circuit Rider.” Follow PUMC on /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers PUMC weekly sermons available in the Plainfield UMC App.

PUMC Vital Signs

2018 YTD Basic Ministry Budget thru July Giving $628,221 Expenses $566,703 Giving – Expense Balance $61,518 6 months “budget” $609,856

Bible Reading Plan available in the Plainfield UMC App.

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on Sunday morning. ACH IN-PERSON




DRAFT via Online SECURE at pumc.orgBANKor SecureGive on your mobile device.









Phone Brenda Barnett in the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.


Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at

Serving the Children of Plainfield


September 2018 Plainfield United Methodist Church 600 Simmons Street Plainfield, IN 46168 Time Sensitive Material Return Service Requested

Serving the Children of Plainfield

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