bob-eye the referee by apol sta. maria women’s skimmers Php 1295
the artist
This is a pencil drawing colored in adobe photoshop. Here you can see Elephant A and Elephant B are fighting! Elephant A’s friends are on the right and Elephant B’s friends are on the left. Very exciting!
John Paul Sta. Maria is an advertising Creatives guy but for his other life, he creates comic books and exhibits his original works. When he’s not busy with work, he works on spaceships.
bob-eye the referee
nemonita by nemo aguila
women’s skimmers Php 1295
the artist
Nemo brings to life a blank (footwear) canvas as he whips up a PdP-exclusive ‘manster’ (pronounced as monster :p) design. Growing up in the streets, Nemo gets his inspiration from his and other people’s ‘random experiences.’
Nemo Aguila is a multi-disciplinary artist. His work ranges from drawings/illustration to paintings and toy customization. He is also a member of Pilipinas Street Plan (PSP) a collective of individuals that celebrate and make art on streets. He is known for his threeeyed neon monsters that you can sometimes find on streets, canvas, toy and some other surface.
by lady krystle tanmantiong & anna oposa women’s skimmers Php 1295 A splash of color. A splash of life. For most of us who can only dream of going scuba diving in Tubbataha, we took this opportunity to take you on an underwater journey. Brimming with species that can be found in our waters, these skimmers celebrate the vibrant wealth of life that flourishes beneath our Philippine seas.
the artists
After studying a markedly left-brained course in the Ateneo, Layds decided to indulge her creative curiosity at Parsons the New School for Design in New York. She has been working as a designer at a branding agency in the Big Apple since graduating in early 2009. She enjoys riding her Dutch-style bike through Central Park on weekends, picnics, Saint’s Alp Teahouse’s Black Milk Tea, and Jollibee Chickenjoy.
Anna Oposa is a multi-hyphenated changemaker: writer, public speaker, teacher, consultant, PADI rescue scuba diver, and co-founder and Chief Mermaid of Save Philippine Seas. With her motto, “Stop global whining,” she believes she is best at being an ambassador of good vibes.
For inquiries, contact: +63915.804.8683