ICLEI Resilient Cities Program Booklet

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Program Resilient Cities 2016

The 7th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation 6 - 8 July 2016 | Bonn, Germany

Patronage United Nations Climate Change Secretariat

Robert Glasser

James Nxumalo

Special Representative of the SecretaryGeneral for Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

Mayor, eThekwini Municipality/Durban, ICLEI First Vice President and Co-Chair of Resilient City Strategies


Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book I extend a warm welcome to the participants of Resilient Cities 2016! In its seventh year, this conference performs as the world’s leading platform for urban resilience and climate adaptation. Once again, urban leaders, expert researchers and implementation partners, with all their transformative power, have come together here in Bonn. There could be no better place and time for such a gathering than here and now. UN Bonn has been shaping a sustainable future for the last 20 years. And the energy and spirit of our UN agencies have engaged multiple actors with the cause of sustainability – including ICLEI and the City of Bonn!

Ashok Sridharan Mayor, City of Bonn, Germany Member of the ICLEI Global Executive Committee

In the past fifteen months, significant steps have been made in the major global debates. While the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement challenge us, they also offer huge opportunities in light of the new recognition and role of cities and local authorities. Resilient Cities in Bonn will bring the strings together – and lead us one important step further towards a global urban agenda and Habitat III. Therefore, I am pleased and honored to host the Resilient Cities 2016 Congress and to be part of the Steering Committee. I am very happy about this occasion to network with my fellow mayors and to contribute to a consensus on strategic decisions on how to shape a sustainable urban future. Again, welcome to Bonn! I hope you will be inspired by the discussions and networking at Resilient Cities 2016. And I am confident that you will leave here with lots of new contacts and ideas for transformative action – our future deserves it!

Promoting urban development that is “inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable,” in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 11, has become increasingly challenging in the midst of rapid urbanization and growing risks. Cities must simultaneously address a range of issues, for example, by building and maintaining safer infrastructure and housing, anticipating public health threats, restoring ecology within the city, reimagining resource management, expanding social welfare and economic opportunities for all, and improving disaster risk management. To successfully resolve various challenges, local governments need integrated approaches with innovative and forward-looking development strategies. Most importantly, they must include all residents in decision-making and implementation processes.

Won-Soon Park Mayor, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Republic of Korea ICLEI President

These principles are at the heart of the Seoul 2030 Plan, a plan decided by citizens at each step with a vision for a “Happy City of Citizens with Communication and Consideration.” Like the SDGs, the 2030 Seoul Plan also includes 17 goals. These are centered around five core issues: people-centered city without discrimination, dynamic global city with a strong job market, vibrant cultural and historic city, lively and safe city, and stable housing and easy transportation, communityoriented city. To ensure a people-centered city, Seoul engages citizens in participatory planning and budgeting initiatives, such as the “Honorary ViceMayor” system which represents twelve different community groups. To ensure a safe city, Seoul’s 100-Year Urban Planning Promise pledges to create a city that is protected from disasters, conforms to the natural topography, and preserves the water cycle. In this way, Seoul and its citizens strive to do our part toward the goal of sustainable cities and communities that leave no one behind. On the occasion of the 7th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation, I invite you to join with Seoul and leading local governments and practitioners to help define a collective vision for advancing local resilience action toward 2030 and beyond. Confronting the full range of urban risks with urban planning that looks not only 10 or 20 but 100 years into the future will require global cooperation, which is why gatherings like the Resilient Cities congress are so important. I wish you an inspiring three days of exchange and partnershipbuilding that will help place the focus of urban development at the intersection of people, planet, and possibilities.


Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book Welcome to Resilient Cities 2016, the 7th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation. At this first post-2015 edition of our congress, we celebrate the recognition of local governments after decades of ambitious action as key stakeholders and contributors in the global frameworks adopted last year. We are now united at all levels of government under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction to reduce disaster risk and losses, under the Paris Agreement to stem the tide of climate change by limiting global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees, and through the overarching Sustainable Development Goals to transform our world including by making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (SDG 11). In response, we must define the mechanisms for multi-level governance which will enable us to deliver on the promise of 2015 while building the capacity of cities and regions to determine and scale up their own local contributions. Of particular importance is unlocking the financing needed for these investments using a demand-driven approach that respects local priorities and development. On July 7th and 8th, our second Financing Resilience Forum will focus on how to capacitate subnational governments to design and deliver sustainable, resilient development projects that are attractive for public and private investment at all levels. These discussions will identify immediate steps that can be taken through initiatives like the Transformative Actions Program (TAP) to foster innovation and partnerships that will pave the way to lasting systemic change.

Gino Van Begin Secretary General, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

Equally important is unlocking the human capital within cities that is needed to achieve the post-2015 goals. Partnering with marginalized groups including the urban poor, migrants, and informal sector workers is essential to reducing risks and losses. Inclusive approaches also increase the overall resilience and livability of urban areas by creating more cohesive and adaptive societies. These themes will be in focus at a special forum on July 6th and 7th and will also inform input on the Zero Draft of the New Urban Agenda ahead of the final prepcom to the Habitat III conference. I invite you to join ICLEI and the community of local governments and experts gathered here in Bonn to take advantage of this moment to provoke new ways of thinking and of working together toward the vision of more sustainable and resilient cities.

Program Committee The Program Committee for the Resilient Cities congress is composed of experts from local governments and partner organizations centrally involved in the theme of urban resilience and climate change adaptation. Program Committee members provide advice on congress themes and support the review process of the call for contributions. Chair: Laura Kavanaugh, Resilient Cities Program Manager, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany

• Debra Roberts, Deputy Head: Environmental Planning & Climate Protection, eThekwini Municipality, South Africa

• Stephania Aleixo de Paula e Silva, Deputy Municipal Secretary, Municipal International Relations Sub-Secretariat, Municipal Development Secretariat, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

• Katharina Schneider-Roos, Deputy Executive Director, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation, Basel, Switzerland

• Mark Boysen, Sustainability Coordinator and Corporate Energy Manager, District of Saanich, Victoria, Canada • David Dodman, Director, Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK • Nathan Lee Engle, Climate Change Specialist, Climate Policy Team at The World Bank, Washington DC, USA • Matthias Garschagen, Head of Vulnerability Assessment Risk Management and Adaptive Planning, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Bonn, Germany • Jason Hartke, Supervisory Program Manager, Commercial Buildings Integration, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington DC, USA • Lykke Leonardsen, Head of Program for Resilient and Sustainable City Solutions, City of Copenhagen, Denmark • Carrie Mitchell, Assistant Professor, School of Planning, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada • Jiahua Pan, Director, Institute for Urban & Environmental Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China

• Violeta Somera Seva, Senior Advisor to the Mayor, Makati City, Philippines • Anthony Socci, Senior Advisor on Climate and Energy, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, USA • Nico Tillie, Director, European Office, World Council on City Data; Researcher / Lecturer, Delft University of Technology, Rotterdam, the Netherlands • Rafael Tuts, Coordinator, Urban Planning and Design Branch; Acting Coordinator, Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya • Jerry Velasquez, Chief, Advocacy and Outreach, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), Geneva, Switzerland • Carmen Vogt, Senior Policy Advisor for Urban Development and Cities and Climate Change, Project Manager „Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Regions“, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany • Koko Warner, Manager, Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Risks Subprogramme, Adaptation Programme, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC)


Program Overview

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book Schedule: Wednesday 6 July

Resilient Cities 2016 will include: 3 plenary sessions 26 parallel sessions

08:00 Registration opens

3 sub-plenaries

2 poster sessions

2 Reality Check Workshops

3 co-events

2 roundtable discussions


10:00 - 12:30 OPENING PLENARY S29-32 Post-2015: Taking stock and moving forward to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

Pre-events on Tuesday 5 July (at GSI)

12:30 - 14:30 Lunch

3rd Open European Day (OED)

09:00 - 17:15

registration required

13:30 - 14:30 Poster Session


OED reception hosted by the 17:15 - 18:15 European Environment Agency open to all!

13:30 - 14:15 GAN Co-event


Climate-KIC Matchmaker 9:00 – 16:45 Workshop: Connecting cities and investors for climate action closed event

Mayors’ Lunch

13:30 - 14:15 Financing resilience S34-35 roundtable discussions 14:30 - 16:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS A

(see p. 5)

16:00 - 16:45 Coffee break



Program key (for page 5) - Inclusive and Resilient Urban Development Forum - Financing Resilience Forum


Opening reception (see page 19)

Schedule: Thursday 7 July

- Congress sessions


- Co-events

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break


S29 S31

S35 S34

12:30 - 14:30 TAP networking


13:30 - 14:30 Poster Session


13:15 - 14:00 UCCRN Co-event




16:15 - 16:30

16:00 - 16:45 Coffee break

18:30 Dinner S06

Restaurant S01

19:00 - 20:00 S25-26 UN-Habitat Co-event

19:30 High Level Dinner, Bonn City Hall



(see p. 5)

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 - 12:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS H

Main entrance

(see p. 5)

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Langer Grabenweg

- Registration desk - Hotel reception desk


(see p. 5)

Schedule: Friday 8 July


Foyer 1

Map key


(by invitation, see page 19)



(see p. 5)

Urban Development and Investment Funds




12:30 - 14:30 Lunch



(see p. 5)

11:00 - 12:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS D (see p. 5)


Foyer 2 S26

(see p. 5)

- Plenary room

- Restroom

- Session rooms

- Bus stop

- Exhibition area

- Parking lot

13:30 - 14:30 SPECIAL PLENARY: Receiving urban refugees


14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break 15:00 - 16:30 SUMMARY & OUTLOOK PLENARY

Shaping a sustainable urban future: The view to 2030 S29-32

16:30 - 17:30 Reception

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book Parallel sessions and sub-plenaries: Wednesday 6 July 14:30 - 16:00


16:45 - 18:15

PARALLEL SESSIONS B Inclusive and Resilient Urban Development Forum Opening


Advancing global frameworks through local action


A1 PANEL S25-26

Key elements for cities addressing the water-related impacts of climate change



Advancing EbA through pioneer research, partnerships and city projects


Paris’ Adaptation Strategy Strengthening energy systems to enhance urban resilience

Parallel sessions and sub-plenaries: Thursday 7 July 09:00 - 10:30 C1 PANEL S30-32

PARALLEL SESSIONS C Incorporating resilience into City Development Strategies


Successful regional and community-level collaboration


River-revitalization and better use of green/blue infrastructure for urban resilience

C4 PANEL S25-26

Cities as first responders to climate change, and the role of the UCCRN Regional Hubs

C5 PANEL S29-31

Financing Resilience Forum Opening Panel

11:00 - 12:30 D1 PANEL S30-32 D2 REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP S25-26

14:30 - 16:00



Inclusive governance: Partnering with communities and marginalized groups


Novel data & spatial analysis tools to inform resilience planning and urban development

E4 PANEL S34-35

Resilience planning in small & intermediate-sized cities in subSaharan Africa


Attracting finance through sustainable and resilient project design

PARALLEL SESSIONS D Slum upgrading achieving resilient cities for all in Africa Adaptation on the ground: Can Tho and Da Nang, Vietnam *11:00-13:00

D3 PANEL S29-31

Public-Private-Community Partnerships for climate compatible development

D4 PANEL S34-35

Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA)

Advances in global initiatives: Supporting cities to assess, act, and report

16:45 - 18:15



Know Your City: Linking community slum data to urban resilience


Launch and reception! New online adaptation options catalogue for practitioners Upscaling efforts to finance urban resilience and adaptation

Parallel sessions and sub-plenaries: Friday 8 July 09:00 - 10:30


G1 PANEL S29-32

Innovative and effective ways of sharing knowledge

G2 PANEL S01-02

City Resilience Index: A tool to assess and measure the resilience of cities

G3 PANEL S34-35

Resilient urban food systems: City progress


City Innovation Platforms for African infrastructure risk and resilience

11:00 - 12:30 H1 PANEL S34-35 H2 REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP S25-26 H3 PANEL S29-32 H4 DISCUSSION S01-02

PARALLEL SESSIONS H Building resilience in towns and provinces of Small Island States Urban adaptation for better quality of life in the Greater Bangkok Area, Thailand

*11:00 - 13:00

Resilient urban food systems: Assessment, monitoring, and networking Investing in urban resilience: Making the urban poor & cities more resilient


Wednesday, 06 July 08:00


10:00 - 12:30 Room: S29-32

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book

Registration opens (GSI reception) Post-2015: Taking stock and moving forward to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable (Opening Plenary)

Welcome • Ashok Sridharan, Mayor, City of Bonn, Germany; ICLEI Special Messenger to UNFCCC and carbonn Climate Registry • Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability Post 2015: Taking stock and moving forward Facilitator: Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI • Jerry Velasquez, Chief of Advocacy and Outreach, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), Geneva, Switzerland • Nick Nuttall, Head of Communications and Outreach, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) • Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environmental Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark • Pusadee Tamthai, Deputy Governor, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand • Manuel Araujo, Mayor, Quelimane Municipality, Mozambique Inclusive urban climate policies in cities without evictions • Almuth Schauber, Urban Pro-Poor Programmes, Asia Department / Policy and Global Future Challenges, Misereor, Aachen, Germany Supporting capacity-building in local governments to attract and invest financing for resilient development • Hans-Peter Egler, CEO, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB), Basel, Switzerland


12:30 - 14:30

13:30 - 14:30

Exhibition area:



12:30 - 14:30 Parkrestaurant Rheinaue

Mayors Lunch (see page 19 for details)

Poster session: During the poster sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, presenters will be available for your comments and questions in the exhibition area. Find poster descriptions at http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/

POSTERS: Effective preparedness for landslide disaster risk reduction in sub-district Detukoso, East Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia • Zakarias Arioz Ghele Radja, Mineral Resource Development Staff, Ende District Government, Indonesia +R3: more Reality, more Realization, more Resilience: The evolution of environmental information • Giuseppe Orlando, Engineer, Technical Management Instructor, City of Monopoli, Italy The roles of scientific engagement for integrated resilience policy development: A case study of three U.S. cities • Christopher Clavin, Research Staff Member, Science & Technology Policy Institute, Washington DC, USA Stimulating local climate action in Kenya, Vietnam, South Africa and the Philippines • Paola Adriázola, Project Manager, V-LED Project, Adelphi, Berlin, Germany Towards a best practice for neighborhood resilience – “Making Cities Together” • Naomi Hoogervorst, Country representative, Placemakers, Nairobi, Kenya Co-producing climate change information for climate sensitive and robust city region decision making • Meggan Spires, Manager, Climate Change Adaptation & Biodiversity, ICLEI Africa, Cape Town, South Africa The Ecuadorian coastal region after the earthquake: New challenges for building resilient communities through urban planning • Ricardo Pozo, Architect and MSc in Urban Development, Doctoral Candidate (PhD) from the ARUS Program (Advanced Research in Urban Systems), Duisburg-Essen University, Essen, Germany Determining the limits of infrastructure capacity in urban communities: A building scale analysis • Chibulu Luo, PhD Researcher, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Quality of local climate change adaptation plans in the United States • Sierra Woodruff, PhD Candidate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA Critical factors affecting urban food system resilience • Jody Harris, PhD Researcher, Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK Building resilience for mountain communities through climate and conservation policy • Maddie Rehn, Project Director of The Mountain Pact and Masters Candidate, Western State Colorado University, Gunnison, USA Food as infrastructure for a resilient community: Examples from Reno, Nevada • MJ Pickett, Masters Candidate, Western Colorado State University, Gunnison, USA Industrial gas and the importance of sustainable industries to resilient cities • David Mitchell, Masters Candidate, Western State Colorado University, Gunnison, USA


Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book

Wednesday, 06 July

Facilitator: Bohyun Kim, Junior Officer, Smart Cities, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany

13:30 - 14:15

Table 1: Facilitating finance for cities: Finding the right mixture • Hosted by Johannes Karremans, Director Technical Assistance, EUROCLIMA Programme, Brussels, Belgium


Table 2: The role of manufacturing firms in building urban resilience in South and Southeast Asia • Hosted by Stephanie Rust, Vice President, International Programs, Institute for Sustainable Communities, Montpelier, USA; and

Roundtable discussions on financing resilience

• Thomas Neise, Research Fellow, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Room: S34-35

CO-EVENT Sponsored learning exchanges: Find out more!

13:30 - 14:15 Room: S25-26

organized by the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) (refreshments provided)


14:30 - 16:00

Full session descriptions are available at: http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/ Facilitator: Matthias Garschagen, Head of Vulnerability Assessment, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Bonn, Germany Panelists: • Jerry Velasquez, Chief, Advocacy and Outreach, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), Geneva, Switzerland • Robert Kehew, Unit Leader, Climate Change Planning Unit, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, (UN-Habitat), Nairobi, Kenya • Laureline Krichewsky-Simon, Associate Programme Officer, Adaptation Programme, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC)

• Matthias Garschagen, Head of Vulnerability Assessment, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Bonn, Germany


Advancing global frameworks through local action: The view from 2016


• Christoph Graf von Waldersee, Program Finance Director, The Ecological Sequestration Trust (TEST), London, UK


Room: S30-32

• David Dodman, Director, Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK • Arun Jharevi, Senior Energy Adviser, City of Burien, USA

Facilitator: Heidi Braun, Program Officer, Climate Change Program, IDRC, Ottawa, Canada Panelists: • Benjamin Delali Dovie, Researcher, Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana • Miroslava Morán, Researcher, CATHALAC, Panama City, Panama • Grace Rachid, Researcher, American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut, Lebanon • Hsien-Wei Lee, Director, Environmental Protection Bureau, Tainan City Government, Chinese Taipei Organized in cooperation with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Facilitator: Anthony Socci, Senior Lead on International Climate Policy, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, USA Presenters: Comparing the costs of grey and green infrastructure in the Paris region • Marc Barra, Ecological Engineer, Natureparif, Pantin, France Managing ecosystems for more resilient cities in India, Bolivia and Jamaica • Andrea Markos, Consultant, Natura Bolivia Foundation, Santa Cruz, Bolivia; and • Arpita Mandal, Lecturer, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica Kaohsiung City’s pioneer plan for biological diversity • Chia-Chun Huang, Specialist, Environmental Protection Bureau, Kaohsiung City, Chinese Taipei Achieving sustainability goals for urban coasts: Research needs and challenges • Sarah Close, Special Projects Manager, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Silver Spring, USA



Collaboration, coordination and communication: Key elements for cities addressing the water-related impacts of climate change Room: S25-26 PRESENTATIONS A2

Advancing ecosystem-based adaptation through pioneer research, partnerships and city projects

Room: S29-31


Wednesday, 06 July 16:00 - 16:45

Coffee break

16:45 - 18:15


Exhibition area: S05-06

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book

Full session descriptions are available at: http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/



Facilitator: William Cobbett, Director, Cities Alliance, Brussels, Belgium Panelists: • David Dodman, Director, Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK • Vida Tangwan, Treasurer, Informal Hawkers’ and Vendors’ Association, Accra, Ghana • Ofelia Bagotlo, National Community Leader, Homeless Peoples Federation of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines • Sundaa Bridgett-Jones, Senior Associate Director, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA (tbc) • Manuel Araujo, Mayor, Quelimane Municipality, Mozambique • Mohamed Hilmy, Mayor, Municipal Council of Matale, Sri Lanka (tbc)

Room: S30-32




Towards the implementation of a comprehensive urban cooling strategy to adapt to climate change

Room: S25-26

B2 PRESENTATIONS Strengthening energy systems to enhance urban resilience

Room: S34-35


Organized in cooperation with Cities Alliance

Facilitator and speaker: Marie Gantois, Leader on Climate Change Strategy, City of Paris, France Discussants: • Chantal Pacteau, Deputy Director, Paris Consortium Climate-Environment-Society; Researcher, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France • Marc Barra, Ecological Engineer, Natureparif, Pantin, France • Gregory Richardson, Policy Analyst, Climate Change and Innovation Bureau, Health Canada, Government of Canada, Ottawa, Canada Organized in cooperation with the City of Paris

Facilitator: Maryke van Staden, Low Carbon Cities Program Manager and Director of the carbonn Center, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany Presenters: Enhancing community resilience through energy efficiency • David Ribeiro, Senior Analyst, ACEEE, Washington DC, USA Increasing resilience through energy efficiency projects in the City of Turku • Risto Veivo, Development Manager, Climate and Environment, City of Turku, Finland Melaka’s energy security and resilience plans • Zainal Bin Hussin, Mayor, City of Melaka, Malaysia Climate resilient energy supply and green spaces: Examples from three cities • Jeannette Sieber, Project Manager/ Geographer, EIFER European Institute for Energy Research, Karlsruhe, Germany

Opening reception hosted by the City of Bonn at Bundesrechnungshof (see page 19 for details) Welcome remarks by Reinhard Limbach, Deputy Mayor, City of Bonn

Live Reporting:

Follow: @ICLEI_ResCities

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#Resilient Cities

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book

Thursday, 07 July


09:00 - 10:30

Full session descriptions are available at: http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/ Facilitator: Julian Baskin, Head of Programme Unit, Cities Alliance, Brussels, Belgium


Panelists: • Paul Rabé, Senior Land Specialist, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands • Piero Pelizzaro, Resilience Expert and Co-Founder, Climalia; Project Manager, Milan Municipality Smart City Department, Milan, Italy



• Braulio Eduardo Morera, Associate, Arup, London, UK

Discussant: • Tagir Carimo, Mayor, Pemba Municipality, Mozambique

Incorporating resilience into City Development Strategies

Organized in cooperation with Cities Alliance

Room: S30-32

Facilitator: Ewa Jackson, Manager, ICLEI Canada, Toronto, Canada


• Katerina E. Trostmann, Research Analyst, Vulnerability & Adaptation, World Resources Institute (WRI), Sao Paulo, Brazil

Presenters: Interregional collaboration: Examples from Sweden • Magnus Qvant, Secretary General, Resilient Regions Association, Malmö, Sweden; and • Silvia Haslinger Olsson, Operations Manager, Resilient Regions Association, Malmö, Sweden

City-region interactions following the 2013 Boulder County floods (USA) • Zoe Petropoulos, Science Policy Fellow, Science & Technology Policy Institute, Washington DC, USA; and • Christopher Clavin, Research Staff Member, Science &Technology Policy Institute, Washington DC, USA


Bay Blueprint: Coastal adaptation in Port Phillip Region, Melbourne, Australia • Bernie Cotter, Managing Director, ICLEI Oceania, Melbourne, Australia

Successful regional and community-level collaboration Room: S01-02

Inclusive approaches to increase community resilience in Valledupar, Colombia • Ernesto Betancourt Morales, Subnational Coordinator LCRD Program, Bogota, Colombia; and • Anibal Quiroz, Planning Secretary, City of Valledupar, Colombia

Facilitator: Julia Peleikis, Coordinator Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI Europe, Freiburg, Germany Presenters: Multifunctional adaptation as a tool to address different hazards, focusing on climate regulation, flood control and food security • Catarina Freitas, Director of Sustainable Environmental Management and Planning Department, City of Almada, Portugal; and • Nuno Lopes, Head of the Environmental Studies and Management Division, City of Almada, Portugal Ecosystem-based adaptation in the vulnerable delta-city of Beira, Mozambique • Robbert Snep, Researcher Green Cities, Metropolitan Solutions, Alterra Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands The Chiveve River Park: Piloting blue and green infrastructure in Beira City, Mozambique • Bianca Reichel, Project Manager, CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter, Braunschweig, Germany; and • Daviz Mbepo Simango, Mayor, City Council of Beira, Mozambique


Riverrevitalization and better use of green/blue infrastructure for urban resilience Room: S34-35

Urban Natural Assets for Africa: Working with local stakeholders to unlock the value of blue-green infrastructure for thriving communities in African cities • Kobie Brand, Regional Director, ICLEI Africa, Cape Town, South Africa; and • Ellika Hermansson Török, Senior Adviser and Communication Strategist, SwedBio at Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Thursday, 07 July C4


Cities as first responders to climate change, and the role of the UCCRN Regional Hubs

Room: S25-26

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book

Facilitators: • Somayya Ali Ibrahim, International Program Manager, Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN), New York, USA; and • Chantal Pacteau, Deputy Director, Paris Consortium Climate-Environment-Society; Researcher, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France Panelists: • Meggan Spires, Climate Change Adaptation & Biodiversity, ICLEI Africa, Cape Town, South Africa • Sean O’Donoghue, Acting Manager, Climate Protection Branch, Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department, eThekwini Municipality/Durban, South Africa • Maria Fernanda Lemos, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro; Lead Author, ARC3.2 Coastal Zones in Urban Areas Chapter, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil • Stelios Grafakos, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) of Erasmus University; Coordinating Lead Author, ARC3.2 Mitigation and Adaptation Chapter, Rotterdam, the Netherlands • Reimund Schwarze, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research; Coordinating Lead Author, ARC3.2 Economics, Finance, Private Sector Chapter, Leipzig, Germany





Facilitator: Hans-Peter Egler, CEO, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB), Basel, Switzerland Panelists: • Vanessa Otto-Mentz, Head Group Strategy Unit, Santam, Cape Town, South Africa • Maryke van Staden, Low Carbon Cities Program Manager and Director of the carbonn Center, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany • Palash Srivastava, Director PPPI and Programmes, Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC), Mumbai, India (tbc) • Stefan Köhler, Head of Programme, Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience, UNOPS, Copenhagen, Denmark

Room: S29-31

• Thaven Naidoo, Africa Climate Change Adaptation Coordinator, Climate Technology Initiative Private Finance Advisory Network, Johannesburg, South Africa Forum hosted with Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB)

10:30- 11:00

Exhibition area: S05-06

11:00 - 12:30

Coffee break

THEME SESSIONS D Full session descriptions are available at: http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/




Slum upgrading achieving resilient cities for all in Africa

Room: S30-32


Facilitator: Kerstin Sommer, Unit Leader, Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch, UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya Panelists: • Julian Baskin, Head of Programme Unit, Cities Alliance, Brussels, Belgium • Ellen Oteng Nsiah, Executive Director, Housing the Masses, Accra, Ghana • Sipliant Takougang, National Coordinator Urban Governance Programme, Ministry of Urban Development and Habitat, Yaounde, Cameroon • Wolfgang Ryll, Principal Sector Economist, KfW, Frankfurt, Germany

Organized in cooperation with UN-Habitat and Cities Alliance

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book

Thursday, 07 July

Organized inQuynh cooperation with the Research Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN)and Technology Facilitator: Anh Nguyen, Fellow, National Institute for Science Policy and Strategy Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam • Anthony Socci, Senior Advisor on Climate and Energy, US Environmental Protection Agency Speakers: (US-EPA), Washington DC, USA • Quang Vinh Ky, Director, Can Tho Climate Change Coordination Office, Can Tho City, Vietnam Panelists: • Minh Quy Phan, Coordinator, Da Nang Climate Change Coordination Office and Project • Coordinator Somayya Ali of Ibrahim, UrbanDa Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN), the 100Program ResilientManager, Cities Project, Nang City, Vietnam New York, USA • Thi Yen Nhi Nguyen, Urban Planning Official, Da Nang Department of Construction, Da Nang • City, Josephine Lee, Program Manager, ICMA CityLinks, Washington DC, USA Vietnam • Kathryn Vines, Head of Adaptation Research, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, New York, Summary: USA The aim ofDinshaw, the workshop is to World present and discuss how the twoWashington coastal cities are managing with • Ayesha Associate, Resources Institute (WRI), DC, USA increasing climate change risks. In recent years, the cities have experienced extreme flooding • Noloyiso Walingo, Environmental Health Manager, Ugu District Municipality, South Africa interchanged with droughts and salinity intrusion. There is currently lack of adequate knowledge • Sean O’Donoghue, Manager Climate Protection Branch, on how to address these slow-onset disasters. Through thiseThekwini workshop,Municipality/Durban, the cities will exploreSouth ways to Africa effectively plan and implement successful water management to respond to flooding, salinity intrusion, and drought risks.




Adaptation on the ground: Can Tho and Da Nang cities, Vietnam

Room: S25-26 * 11:00 - 13:00

Organized in cooperation with the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN)

Organized in cooperation with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Facilitators: Facilitator: Maryke van Staden, Low Carbon Cities Program Manager and Director of the carbonn Center,Global ICLEI Public World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany • Mairi Dupar, Affairs Coordinator, Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), London, UK; and Speakers: • Barbara Anton, Coordinator Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI Europe, • Freiburg, MercedesGermany Mathebula, Sustainability Specialist, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Pretoria, South Africa • Kibii Komen, Sustainability Projects Advisor, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Speakers: Pretoria, South Africa • Ari Huhtala, Deputy CEO for Policy and Programmes, CDKN, London, UK Input: • Hammad Raza, Regional Coordinator, CDKN Asia; General Manager, Programs, Leadership for



Public-PrivateCommunity Partnerships for climate compatible development

Room: S29-31

This highly interactive panel will focus on how to create an enabling environment for the private sector, as well as community and citizen-level engagement in climate-compatible development. Taking in a wide range of experience from CDKN and ICLEI projects in developing countries, panelists and audience members will explore successful strategies deployed to forge public private community partnerships enhancing urban resilience. Organized in cooperation with the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and ICLEI Forum hosted with Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB) Facilitator: Joern Meyer, Public Sector Advisor, KfW, Frankfurt, Germany


Panelists: • Florian Wieneke, Senior Sector Economist Climate Change, KfW, Frankfurt, Germany • Lea Müller, Vice President Global Partnerhips, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Zürich, Switzerland • Maxime Souvignet, Consultant, GFA Consulting Group, Hamburg, Germany Summary: The panel will outline the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) methodology and discuss its first results in the cities of Barisal, Bangladesh and San Salvador, El Salvador. Organized in cooperation with KfW Development Bank. Forum hosted with Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB)

FINANCING RESILIENCE FORUM Economics of Climate Adaptation: Identifying and pricing adaptation measures

Room: S34-35

12:30 - 14:30


13:30 - 14:30

Poster session: (see page 6) During the poster sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, presenters will be available for your comments and questions in the exhibition area. Find poster descriptions at http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/

Exhibition area:





• Environment Tarryn Quayle, Integrated Urban(LEAD) WaterPakistan, Management Professional Officer, ICLEI Africa, Cape and Development Islamabad, Pakistan Town, Bood, South MesoAmerican Africa • Nadia Reef Scientist and Climate Change Officer, WWF Central America, Belize City, Belize The City of Tshwane will share its progress in achieving its long-term Vision 2055 towards • Ranell Dedicatoria, Program ICLEI Southeast Quezonwill City,have Philippines a low carbon, resource efficientManager, and climate resilient city.Asia, Participants an in-depth look how Tshwane plannedGermanwatch, for a comprehensive, integrated adaptation plan; its steps • Lisainto Junghans, Policy Advisor, Bonn, Germay in Daniel achieving a green economy; and its innovative outreach program aimed atofchanging the • Ryan, Coordinator of Sustainability Studies, Institute of Technology Buenos Aires; population’s behaviorFARN, towards climate change. Through this workshop, participants will gain Research Director, Buenos Aires, Argentina an understanding of key issues in the development of a climate change response strategy that • Thanh mitigation Nguyen, Senior Program Officer, The Foundation, Ha Noi, Vietnam includes and adaptation and will beAsia introduced to a rigorous sustainability financing mechanism to support city resilience plans. Summary:


Thursday, 07 July

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book

12:30 - 14:30

Meet TAP Cities!


The Resilient Cities 2016 Financing Resilience Forum will also be the platform to follow up on the Transformative Actions Program (TAP) launched in 2015 to catalyze and improve capital flows to cities and regions in order to accelerate low-carbon and resilient urban development.

Exhibition area:

Room: S05-06

13:15 - 14:00 Room: S01-02 14:30 - 16:00

CO-EVENT Science for cities: Key findings from the UCCRN ARC3.2 report and UCCRN Regional Hubs organized with the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN)

THEME SESSIONS E Full session descriptions are available at: http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/



Inclusive governance: Partnering with communities and marginalized groups

Room: S25-26



Facilitator: Kobie Brand, Regional Director, ICLEI Africa, Cape Town, South Africa Presenters: Adaptive governance for a more resilient urban future: Cases from Asia • Sarah Colenbrander, Researcher, Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK Working together to build a more resilient region • Sundaa Bridgett-Jones, Senior Associate Director, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA Gender-sensitive local governance: The missing ingredient for resilient cities • Sandra Pepera, Director, Gender, Women, and Democracy, National Democratic Institute, Washington DC, USA Social dialogue at the local level • Edmundo Werna, Construction Sector Specialist, International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Inclusive risk reduction in the markets of Accra • Dorcas Ansah, Accra City Coordinator, WIEGO, Accra, Ghana; • Esther Ofei-Aboagye, Former Director, Institute of Local Government Studies, Accra, Ghana; • Vida Tangwan, Treasurer, Informal Hawkers’ and Vendors’ Association, Accra, Ghana Organized in cooperation with Cities Alliance Facilitator: Steve Gawler, Regional Director, ICLEI Oceania, Melbourne, Australia Panelists:

Advances in global initiatives: Supporting cities to assess, act, and report

Room: S30-32

• Meghan Doherty, Project Manager, Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN), South Bend, USA • Maryke van Staden, Low Carbon Cities Program Manager and Director of the carbonn Center, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany • Jerry Velasquez, Chief, Advocacy and Outreach, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), Geneva, Switzerland • Leah Flax, Senior Program Manager, City Solutions, 100 Resilient Cities - Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA • Lorenzo Chelleri, Postdoctoral Researcher, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy

E3 PRESENTATIONS Novel data and spatial analysis tools to inform resilience planning and urban development

Facilitator: Joseph Wladkowski, Head of ICLEI Global Capacity Center, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany Presenters: Arming communities with data and tools for better climate decision-making • Nancy Beller-simms, Program Manager, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Silver Spring, USA Applying geographical information systems for disaster prevention in Taichung City • Hsien-Yi Lee, Deputy Secretary-General, Taichung City Government, Chinese Taipei MEGADAPT: a framework for transforming social-hydrological risk in megacities • Amy Lerner, Assistant Research Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico

Room: S01-02

Integrated modeling of water infrastructures in urban structure types • Martin Schulwitz, Research Associate and PhD Student, ILS - Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development, Dortmund, Germany A novel GIS tool for critical infrastructure resilience mapping • Ehiaze Ehimen, Senior Research Coordinator, Future Analytics Consulting Ltd., Dublin, Ireland


Thursday, 07 July

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book


Facilitator: Robert Kehew, Unit Leader, Climate Change Planning Unit, Urban Planning and Design Branch, UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya


Presenter: Katharina Rochell, Urban Resilience Specialist, UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya

Resilience planning in small and intermediatesized cities in subSaharan Africa

Panelists: • Joost Möhlmann, Head of Programme, UN-Habitat Mozambique, Maputo, Mozambique • Julian Baskin, Head of Programme Unit, Cities Alliance, Brussels, Belgium • Sean O’Donoghue, Acting Manager of the Climate Protection Branch, Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department, eThekwini Municipality/Durban, South Africa (tbc) • Daviz Mbepo Simango, Mayor, City Council of Beira, Mozambique

Room: S34-35

Organized in cooperation with UN-Habitat Using SuRe® – The standard for sustainable and resilient infrastructure to improve Transformative Actions Program (TAP) projects Facilitators: • Louis Downing, Director Capacity Building, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation, Basel, Switzerland; • Hans-Peter Egler, CEO, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation, Basel, Switzerland; • Katharina Schneider-Roos, Deputy Executive Director, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation, Basel, Switzerland; • Palash Srivastava, Director PPPI and Programmes, Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC), Mumbai, India (tbc) • Ralph Horne, Director, UN Global Compact Cities Programme, Melbourne, Australia (tbc) Summary:

Organized in cooperation with forum host Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB)


16:15 - 16:30

Financing urban resilience with Urban Development Investment Funds • •

Christoph Graf von Waldersee, Program Finance Director, The Ecological Sequestration Trust, London, UK Catherine Allinson, Director, Future Earth Ltd, London, UK

16:45 - 18:15

FINANCING RESILIENCE FORUM Attracting finance through sustainable and resilient project design

Room: S29-31


This workshop will explore sustainable and resilient project design factors and how they can assist with attracting finance for infrastructure projects based on SuRe® - the Standard for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure. The following Transformative Actions Program (TAP) applicants will be in focus at the workshop: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Turku, Finland; Santa Rosa, Philippines; State of Minas Gerais, Brazil



Coffee break 16:00 - 16:45 Exhibition area: S05-06

THEME SESSIONS F Full session descriptions are available at: http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/

Facilitator: Julian Baskin, Head of Programme Unit, Cities Alliance, Brussels, Belgium Panelists: • Muhammed Lutwama, Executive Director, ACTogether, Kampala, Uganda • Ofelia Bagotlo, National Community Leader, Homeless Peoples Federation of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines • David Dodman, Director, Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK

Organized in cooperation with Cities Alliance and Shack / Slum Dwellers International



INCLUSIVE AND RESILIENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT FORUM Know Your City: Linking community slum data to urban resilience Room: S25-26

Facilitators: • •

Charlotte MacAlister, Senior Program Officer, Climate Change Specialist, IDRC, Ottawa, Canada Ewa Jackson, Manager, ICLEI Canada, Toronto, Canada



Speakers: • Michaël Houle, Adaptation & Resilience Project Coordinator, ICLEI Canada, Toronto, Canada • Somayya Ali Ibrahim, International Program Manager, Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN), New York, USA

Launch and reception! New online adaptation options catalogue for practitioners

Organized in cooperation with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and ICLEI Canada

Room: S29-31


Thursday, 07 July SP3




Upscaling efforts to finance urban resilience and adaptation

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book

Facilitator: Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Panelists: • Katharina Schneider-Roos, Deputy Executive Director, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation, Basel, Switzerland • BK Tripathi, Member Secretary, National Capital Region Planning Board, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, India (tbc) • Peter Baum, Analyst, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, European Bank for Reconstruct­ion and Development (EBRD), London, UK • Temuulin Enkhmunkh, CEO, Ulaanbaatar Development Corporation, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia • Carolina Cortes, Climate Change Chief Executive, CAF Latin American Development Bank, Quito, Ecuador • Matthieu Pegon, Senior Resource Mobilization Specialist, Green Climate Fund, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Room: S30-32

• Astrid Zwick, Head of Department, Corporate Responsibility, Munich Re, Munich, Germany • Roger Savage, Director for Cities and Urban Infrastructure, Atkins Acuity Business, London, UK Forum hosted with Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB)


Dinner GSI Restaurant

19:00 20:00

CO-EVENT Guiding principles for city climate action planning


organized by UN-Habitat (refreshments provided)


High level dinner at Bonn City Hall (upon invitation) see page 19 for details

Friday, 08 July 09:00 - 10:30



Full session descriptions are available at: http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/



Innovative and effective ways of sharing knowledge and delivering actionable information to decision makers

• Matthias Garschagen, Head of Vulnerability Assessment, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Bonn, Germany

Room: S29-32

• Barney Dickson, Head Of Climate Change Adaptation Unit, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya

• Anthony Socci, Senior Lead on International Climate Policy, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, USA

Panelists: • Somayya Ali Ibrahim, International Program Manager, Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN), New York, USA • Jessica Barlow, Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Network (EPIC-N); Director of the Sage Project, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA • Sean O’Donoghue, Acting Manager, Climate Protection Branch, Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department, eThekwini Municipality/Durban, South Africa

• Jessica Hitt, Program Manager, Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE), Bainbride Island, USA • Maria Uhle, Program Director for International Activities, U.S. National Science Foundation, Arlington, USA Organized in cooperation with US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Facilitator: Braulio Eduardo Morera, Associate, Arup, London, UK Panelists:

City Resilience Index: A tool to assess and measure the resilience of cities

• Sundaa Bridgett-Jones, Senior Associate Director, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA • Jo da Silva, Director, Arup, London, UK • Leah Flax, Senior Program Manager, City Solutions, 100 Resilient Cities - Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA • Bedoshruti Sadhukhan, Program Coordinator, Sustainability Management, ICLEI South Asia, New Delhi, India • Tikender Singh Panwar, Deputy Mayor, City of Shimla, India

Room: S01-02


Organized in cooperation with Arup

Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book Facilitator: Carmen Vogt, Senior Policy Advisor for Urban Development and Cities and Climate Change, Project Manager “Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Regions”, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany Panelists: • Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability • Marielle Dubbeling, Director, RUAF Foundation, Leusden, the Netherlands • Sara Valencia Naranjo, Projects Acquisitions Expert, Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area, Medellin, Colombia • Barbara Steele, Councilor, City of Surrey, Metro Vancouver, Canada

Friday, 08 July G3


Resilient urban food systems: City progress Room: S34-35

• Stefan Schmitz, Director, Food, Agriculture and Rural Development, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn, Germany Organized in cooperation with RUAF Foundation, ICLEI, BMZ and GIZ Facilitators: • Vanessa Otto-Mentz, Head Group Strategy Unit, Santam, Cape Town, South Africa • Kobie Brand, Regional Director, ICLEI Africa, Cape Town, South Africa • Butch Bacani, Programme Leader, The UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative (UNEP FI - PSI), Geneva, Switzerland • Tom Herbstein, Programme Manager, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership’s (CISL) ClimateWise, Cambridge, UK Summary: This session will bring together current City Innovation Platforms for African Infrastructure Risk and Resilience partners and interested stakeholders to dialogue and contribute to the proof of concept design of the first CIP which is planned to take place in Dar es Salaam in August 2016. Organized in cooperation with ICLEI Africa, Santam, UNEP FI PSI, and ClimateWise

City Innovation Platforms (CIPs) for African infrastructure risk and resilience

Room: S25-26 10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 12:30


Coffee Break

Exhibition area: S05-06



Full session descriptions are available at: http://resilientcities2016.iclei.org/program/ Facilitator: Steve Gawler, Regional Director, ICLEI Oceania, Melbourne, Australia Panelists: • Edward Ngava, Deputy Mayor, Honiara City Council, Solomon Islands • Carl Wright, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF), London, UK • Bernie Cotter, Managing Director, ICLEI Oceania, Melbourne, Australia Organized in cooperation with ICLEI Oceania



Building resilience in towns and provinces of Small Island States

Room: S34-35 Facilitator: Nipon Poapongsakorn, Distinguished Fellow and Former President of the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), Bangkok, Thailand Speakers: • Pusadee Tamthai, Deputy Governor, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Bangkok, Thailand • Suwanna Jungrungrueng, Director, Environment Office, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Bangkok, Thailand • Petchada Weschasri, Director, Technical and Planning Division, Pak Kret Municipality, Thailand • Sanya Saengpoompong, Senior Expert on Irrigation Engineering (Operations & Maintenance), Royal Irrigation Department, Bangkok, Thailand • Suthiporn Chandawanich, Director, Business Development, Navanakorn Public Company, Bangkok, Thailand • Nujpanit Narkpitaks, President Affairs Coordinator/Researcher, TDRI, Bangkok, Thailand Summary: The aim of the workshop is to highlight successful cases in the Greater Bangkok Area in managing extreme weather events. It will present the experiences of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Pak Kret Municipality, the Royal Irrigation Department, and local industries in designing and implementing strategies to deal with floods and droughts.



City climate resilience: Urban adaptation for better quality of life in the Greater Bangkok Area, Thailand

Room: S25-26 * 11:00 - 13:00

Organized in cooperation with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)


Friday, 08 July H3


Resilient urban food systems: Assessment, monitoring, and networking

Room: S29-32



Investing in urban resilience: Making cities and the urban poor more resilient

Room: S01-02


12:30 - 14:30




Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book Facilitator: Barbara Anton, Coordinator Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience, ICLEI Europe, Freiburg, Germany • Marielle Dubbeling, Director, RUAF Foundation, Leusden, the Netherlands • Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability • Cinzia Tegoni, Project Manager “Food Smart Cities for Development”, Foreign Affairs Department, Development Aid Mayor’s Office, City of Milan, Italy • Guido Santini, Technical Advisor, Program Coordinator, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy • Anna Faucher, Project Manager, International Urban Food Network (IUFN), Paris, France

Organized in cooperation with RUAF Foundation, ICLEI, and IUFN Facilitators: Roman Serdar Mendle, Smart Cities Program Manager, ICLEI World Secretariat, Bonn, Germany • Josef Leitmann, Team Leader, Urban Resilience, GFDRR/ World Bank, Washington DC, USA • Sarah Colenbrander, Researcher, Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK Summary: Consultation to obtain feedback on the report “Investing in Urban Resilience: Making the Urban Poor and Cities More Resilient” to be launched at Habitat III. Organized in cooperation with The World Bank

Lunch Receiving urban refugees: Strengthening the social fabric for resilient cities today and tomorrow Keynote: Alfredo Zamudio, Director, Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue

13:30 - 14:30

Chair: Ioana Popp, Migration Policy Officer, International Organization for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland

Room: S29-32

Discussant: Rüdiger Wagner, Lawyer, Executive Director, Family, Health and Legal Affairs Division, City of Bonn, Germany

14:30 - 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 - 16:30 Room: S29-32

Exhibition area: S05-06

Shaping a sustainable urban future: The view to 2030 Summary and Outlook Plenary

Key messages for urban resilience-building toward 2030 Facilitator: Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Special message from Mayors • Ashok Sridharan, Mayor, City of Bonn, Germany; ICLEI Special Messenger to UNFCCC and carbonn Climate Registry Open European Day outcomes • Birgit Georgi, Project Manager Regional Vulnerability, European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark Congress summary and outcomes • Congress Rapporteurs Emerging health risks: Dengue fever in Tainan City • Shih-Chung Liu, Deputy Secretary-General, Tainan City Government, Chinese Taipei From Bonn to Quito: Ideas for the New Urban Agenda Facilitator: Monika Zimmermann, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI • Aromar Revi, Director, Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), New Delhi, India • Ingrid Gabriela-Hoven, Director-General, Global Issues – Sector Policies and Programs, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn, Germany (tbc) • Edward Ngava, Deputy Mayor, Honiara City Council, Solomon Islands (tbc) • Barbara Steele, Director, Metro Vancouver Board of Directors; Councillor, City of Surrey, Canada • Sipliant Takougang, National Coordinator, Urban Governance Program, Ministry of Urban Development and Habitat, Yaounde, Cameroon

16:30 - 17:30



Resilient Cities 2016 | Program Book


Exhibition is open all day from 6 to 8 July in room S05-06

BMZ is responsible for formulating the principles and strategies of German development policy, which form the basis of cooperation with partner countries and international organizations. Sustainable urban development is recognized as a key element for achieving international development and climate goals and therefore constitutes a significant field of German development policy. BMZ is hence a very committed actor in the Habitat III process and actively contributes to shape the international debate on urbanization. - www.bmz.de

The German Partnership for Sustainable Mobility (GPSM) is serving as a guide for sustainable mobility and green logistics solutions from Germany. As a platform for exchanging knowledge, expertise and experiences, GPSM supports the transformation towards sustainability in developing and emerging countries. It serves as a network of information from academia, businesses, civil society and associations. - www.german-sustainable-mobility.de

The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. The EEA is a major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing, and evaluating environmental policy, and also informing the general public. Currently, the EEA has 33 member countries. The EEA also coordinates the European environment information and observation network (Eionet). - www.eea.europa.eu

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) supports decision-makers in designing and delivering climate compatible development. CDKN does this by combining research, advisory services, and knowledge management in support of locally owned and managed policy processes. CDKN works in partnership with decision-makers in the public, private and non-governmental sectors nationally, regionally, and globally. CDKN holds strongly to the ideals of human development and environmental sustainability. - www.cdkn.org

Kaohsiung Chinese Taipei 1-31 October


WorldFestival 2017

Kaohsiung City will host the 3rd EcoMobility World Festival in October 2017. The Festival will enable the city to free valuable urban space from car traffic by opening the streets of the Hamasen neighborhood in Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei exclusively for ecomobile modes of transport such as walking, cycling, public transport, shared vehicles, and light electric vehicles. - www.ecomobilityfestival2017.org

The Transformative Actions Program (TAP) aims to catalyze and improve capital flows to cities and regions to accelerate low-carbon and resilient urban development. - http://tappotential.org

The cCR is the world’s leading reporting platform to enhance transparency, accountability, and credibility of local and subnational climate action. Over 610 cities and regions, representing over 8% of the world’s total population report to the cCR, with an aggregated committment of 1 GtCO2e emission reductions by 2020. - http://carbonn.org

The Compact of Mayors is a global coalition of mayors and city officials committing to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, enhance resilience to climate change and track progress publicly. It will change into the new Global Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy in January 2017 after merging with the Covenant of Mayors - www.compactofmayors.org

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is the leading global network of over 1,500 cities, towns and regions committed​to building​a sustainable future. By helping the ICLEI Network to become sustainable,​low-carbon, ecomobile, resilient, biodiverse, resourceefficient, healthy and happy, with a green economy and smart infrastructure, we impact over 20% of the global urban population. - www.iclei.org


Resilient Cities 2016 | Practical Information CONGRESS VENUE Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI) Langer Grabenweg 68


D-53175 Bonn-Bad Godesberg Reaching the venue from Bonn Central Station:




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GSI – Gustav-Stresemann Institut


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Take the underground/tram lines number 16 or 63 direction Bad Godesberg to the stop MaxLöbner-Straße. Alternatively you may also take the tram line 66, detailed below.







Take the underground/tram-line 66, direction Bonn/Bad Honnef to the stop Robert-SchumanPlatz. Exit to Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee.




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Reaching the venue from ICE-Station Siegburg/Bonn:

Max-Löbner-Str./ Friesdorf

Trams 16 and 63 between Bonn Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) and Max-Löbner-Straße run every 7 minutes. Tram 66 between SiegburgBonn train station and tram stop RobertSchuman-Platz runs every 10 minutes. BONN TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE REGISTRATION AND PARTICIPANTS HELP DESK

The Tourist Information Office in Bonn is located at Windeckstraße 1, 53111 Bonn.

The registration and participants help desk will be available for the duration of the congress.


Opening hours are: Tuesday, 5 July: 15:00 – 18:00 Wednesday, 6 July: 08:00 – 19:00 Thursday, 7 July: 08:15 – 19:00 Friday, 8 July: 08:15 – 17:00

The exhibition space is located near the registration desk, in room S05-06. Please see page 17 for a full list of exhibitors. It will also be the main area for networking and coffee break presentations during congress breaks. Posters will be displayed in the exhibition area. Please refer to page 6 and the session description available for the poster sessions. The posters will be presented on Wednesday, 6 July and Thursday, 7 July from 13:30-14:30. Poster presenters will be available during these sessions to explain their work and answer your questions.

INTERNET CONNECTION GSI provides free wireless Internet access. Please note that during peak hours the connection may be slower.

Urban ad May 2014_Layout 1 2016-06-20 11:52 AM Page 1




IDRC at Resilient Cities www.idrc.ca/en/program/climate-change



Research is critical to Research is critical to understanding understanding how climate how climate change willcities affect cities change will affect Join our in these parallel sessions: Join ourresearchers researchers in these parallel sessions: n Wednesday July 6 | 14:30-16:00 | A1 Wednesday July 6 | 14:30-16:00 | A1 Collaboration, Coordination and Communication: Collaboration, coordination and Key Elements for Cities Addressing the Watercommunication: Key elements for cities Related Impacts of Climate Change addressing the water-related impacts of climate n Thursday July 7 | 11:00-12:30 | D2 change


Thursday 7 |and 11:00-13:00 | D2Vietnam ground: July Can Tho Da Nang cities, REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP: Adaptation n Thursday July 7 | 16:45-18:15 | F2 on the ground: Can Tho and Da Nang cities, Launch and Reception! New Online Adaptation Vietnam Options Catalogue for Practitioners

Thursday July 7 | 16:45-18:15 | F2 n Friday July 8 | 11:00-12:30 | H2 Launch and reception! New online adaptation REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP: Adaptation on the options catalogue for practitioners ground: Reforming Water management institutions

Friday 8 | 11:00-13:00 | H2 and July improving urban resilience planning by the Bangkok Municipal Administration and Kret REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP: CityPak climate municipality, Thailand resilience: Urban adaptation for better quality of life in the Greater Bangkok Area, Thailand

Resilient Cities 2016 | Practical Information CATERING & EVENING EVENTS


Meal and drink vouchers are required for dinners and lunches during the congress. Registered participants will receive vouchers (one per meal and one for a drink per meal) upon registration. Additional vouchers may be purchased at the reception desk of the venue.

During the congress all sessions will be documented with photographs and video material. The material may be used by ICLEI and partners for print and web publication in the future. If you do not wish to appear in any visual material please inform ICLEI immediately by contacting us via email: media@iclei.org.

Please return the non-used vouchers to the congress team at the registration desk upon your departure. (Invitation only) Mayors’ lunch, Wednesday 6 July: ParkRestaurant, Rheinaue Following the Opening Plenary, Mayors are invited to join a special lunch hosted by the City of Bonn to discuss local implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Transfers will be organized by taxi at 12:40 with the meeting point at the Registration Desk. Wednesday, 6 July: Reception hosted by the City of Bonn at Bundesrechnungshof: On the evening of Wednesday, 6 July, the City of Bonn invites all congress participants to a reception at the Bundesrechnungshof (Adenauerallee 81 Bonn). Transfer from the congress venue by tram will be organized in small groups led by ICLEI representatives starting at 18:45 with the meeting point at the registration desk. There will be a luggage/coat check.

BANKS AND ATMs NEAR THE VENUE The closest bank to the Congress venue is the Volksbank along Heinemannstraße towards the Rheinaue Park. From the venue, turn right towards Heinemannstrasse, and take another right onto the main road. The bank is approximately 350 m ahead on your left. In the opposite direction is the Maritim Hotel, which has an ATM. To get there from the Congress venue, turn right towards Heinemannstrasse and take a left onto the main road. Turn right at Jean-Monet-Straße and left into the roundabout entrance of the hotel. SHOPPING IN BONN GSI is located in the South of Bonn, 10 minutes by tram from the city center where you can access shops, post office, pharmacies, bakeries etc. to fulfill your needs. Shops are normally open until 20:00 from Monday to Saturday and closed on Sundays. Within a 5 minute walking distance from the venue, such as Heinemannstraße, you will find a variety of restaurants.

(Invitation only) High-level Dinner, Bonn City Hall, Thursday, 7 July at 19:30


Transfer from the congress venue by tram will be organized in small groups led by ICLEI representatives starting at 18:45 with the meeting point at the registration desk.

Please note that Uber and Lift rideshares do not operate in Germany.

Taxi Bonn e.G. Tel: +49 (0) 228 / 55 55 55


General emergency number: 112

The venue has a meditation/prayer room. Ask at the GSI desk for directions.

Medical emergency service/Arztrufzentrale: 116, 117 Police emergency: 110.

Resilient Cities 2016 - Congress team

Laura Kavanaugh

Tu My Tran

Evgenia Mitroliou

Events Officer

Program Officer

Thiago Soares Barbizan

Kristen Körsgen

Program Manager Resilient City Agenda

Logistics, exhibition, and venue

Congress program

Program Officer

Registration and participants

Congress program

Events Officer


Resilient Cities 2015 | Program Book


Kindly complete the following evaluation form to help us improve and return it to the registration desk

Please rate each session from 1-5 by circling the corresponding number, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. Please indicate which parallel session you attended by writing the session number (1,2,3,4,5).


DAY 1: Opening plenary: (a) speakers

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Sub-plenary & Session A __ (indicate session 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers


Sub-plenary & Session B __ (indicate session 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers


(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

DAY 2:


Session C __ (indicate session no.) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Session D __ (indicate session no.) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Session E __ (indicate session no.) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Sub-plenary & Session F __ (indicate session no.) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

DAY 3:


Session G __ (indicate session no.) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Session H __ (indicate session no.) 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

“Receiving urban refugees� special plenary 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Summary and outlook plenary 1 2 3 4 5 N/A (a) speakers

(b) content

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Poster session:

1 2 3 4 5 N/A


1 2 3 4 5 N/A


Resilient Cities 2015 | Program Book


Kindly complete the following evaluation form to help us improve and return it to the registration desk

OVERALL IMPRESSIONS: 1. Please indicate 1-2 speakers who you found most interesting or inspiring and why:

2. Please explain in one sentence: Your personal experience during the Congress: Your city/organization’s take-away from the Congress: How you would improve the Congress: 3. What topics would you have liked to see more featured at this year’s Resilient Cities?

4. What was your main goal in attending Resilient Cities 2016?

5. Were you able to achieve this? If not, what hindered you in achieving this?

6. Do you have any feedback or suggestions for the organizers? Please include suggestions for improvement in areas, such as website, reporting, etc.

LOGISTICS: Please rate the following critieria from 1-5 by circling the corresponding number, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. Kindly write any further remarks in the right hand column.


1. Quality of the website







2. Pre-congress communications







3. Online registration







4. Online payment system







5. Congress venue







6. Registration desk/ info desk







7. Congress team







8. Congress program booklet







9. Wednesday 6 July reception







10. Networking opportunities/ coffee breaks








Supporting partners

Cities Alliance Cities Without Slums

International Development Research Centre Centre de recherches pour le développement international

The Sustainable Infrastructure Financing Forum and Summit

Endorsing partners

UNU-EHS Institute for Environment and Human Security

Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative


Cover photo: ©Felipe Moreno Icons: www.flaticon.com


Media partners

SAVE THE DATE! Resilient Cities 2017

8th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation

4 – 6 May 2017 | Bonn, Germany We are happy to announce that next year’s Resilient Cities Congress 2017 will take place in Bonn, Germany from 4 – 6 May 2017. Please mark the date in your calendar. To discuss partnership opportunities for congress sessions, forums, co-events, and exhibition, please contact us at resilient.cities@iclei.org.

Call for contributions opens in October 2016!

Resilient Cities 2016 Congress Secretariat ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, World Secretariat Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 7 53113 Bonn Germany Tel: +49-(0)228 / 976 299-37 Fax: +49-(0)228 / 976 299-01 Email: resilient.cities@iclei.org

From 5 to 8 July 2016 Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Room S03 Tel: +49-(0)176 / 345 333 78 Email: resilient.cities@iclei.org For media-related questions contact: media@iclei.org


Download full session descriptions from: resilientcities2016. iclei.org/program. html

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