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Figure 7. The expected relative increase in observations if all countries comply with the GBON regulations
from World Meteorological Organisation: Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF)
by Anne Stein
6.3 SOFF outcome: Sustained compliance with GBON
SOFF establishes a highly ambitious long-term target of achieving sustained GBON
compliance in all SIDS and LDCs. Based on a GBON gap assessment performed in January 2020 by the WMO Secretariat, it is estimated that to close the GBON gap and meet the GBON regulations in SIDS and LDCs, more than 2000 new or rehabilitated stations (surface and upper air stations) need to become operational and exchange data. This will allow SIDS and LDCs to achieve GBON compliance through more than 2300 stations exchanging observations. Once these stations are operating and sharing the data, observations shared to the Global Producing Centres are estimated to increase by 28 times for surface stations and 12 times for upper air stations compared to the January 2020 baseline. As shown in figure 7, SIDS and LDCs require by far the largest increase in shared observation to achieve GBON compliance.
Figure 7. The expected relative increase in observations (surface and upper air) if all countries comply with the GBON regulations. Source: WMO Secretariat, 2020
6.4 SOFF outputs
SOFF will achieve its outcome through eight outputs delivered across the Readiness, Investment and Compliance phases. Section 8 describes how SOFF resources will be deployed to deliver these outputs.
6.4.1 Readiness Phase
Output 1. Country Hydromet Diagnostics (CHD) undertaken and GBON established and verified
The first step for any country accessing SOFF resources involves assessing the GBON country gap and conducting the CHD. The GBON country gap will be verified by WMO as the SOFF Technical Authority.
Output 2. GBON national contribution plan developed and verified
The information provided by GBON gap assessment complemented by the CHD broader screening of gaps and NMHS capacity will become the basis for the development of the GBON National Contribution Plan. This plan will identify and articulate, in the form of a funding proposal, the investments and human and institutional capacity needed to operate, maintain and sustain a national observing network compliant with the GBON regulations.
6.4.2 Investment Phase
Output 3. GBON infrastructure in place
Observation infrastructure, telecommunications, and other needed equipment for GBON compliance will be acquired and installed.
Output 4. GBON human and institutional capacity developed
Human and institutional capacity to operate and maintain the observing network will be developed.
6.4.3 Compliance Phase
Output 5. Annual GBON compliance and impact report developed and delivered
The SOFF Secretariat will work with WMO technical authority and WMO Global Producing Centres in developing and delivering a report composed of two subsections:
• Report on countries’ GBON compliance and SOFF implementation progress.
The annual report will provide the status of both the individual countries’ compliance and the overall SOFF implementation progress against the targets established. • Report on the impact of improved observations in forecast performance in SOFF supported countries and globally. The report will assess the contribution of increased observations sharing to the improvement of weather forecast performance. The report will also provide feedback on the quality of observations.
Output 6. GBON data internationally shared and results-based finance provided
Results-based finance will be provided as a contribution to the operations and maintenance costs needed to sustain GBON data sharing compliance. Support to sustain GBON compliance will be provided on a long-term basis. During SOFF replenishment cycles countries’ status and eligibility criteria will be reviewed and adjusted, as needed, by decision of the Steering Committee.
Output 7. On-demand advisory support provided
Advisory support on GBON operations and maintenance will be provided through peer advisors.
Output 8. Weather and climate analysis products are freely available
These products are generated by the WMO Global Producing Centres and are exchanged internationally via the Global Data Processing and Forecasting System. According the WMO Unified Data Policy (Extraordinary Session of the World Meteorological Congress, October 2021), these products will be exchanged on a free and unrestricted basis with all WMO Members.