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Lampung Culture-Based

Hak cipta pada penulis Hak penerbitan pada penerbit Tidak boleh diproduksi sebagian atau seluruhnya dalam bentuk apapun Tanpa izin tertulis dari pengarang dan/atau penerbit Kutipan Pasal 72 : Sanksi pelanggaran Undang-undang Hak Cipta (UU No. 10 Tahun 2012) 1. Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) atau Pasal (49) ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dipidana dengan pidana penjara masingmasing paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan dan/atau denda paling sedikit Rp. 1. 000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah), atau pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan atau denda paling banyak Rp. 5. 000.000.000,00 (lima miliar rupiah) 2. Barang siapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan, atau menjual kepada umum suatu Ciptaan atau hasil barang hasil pelanggaran Hak Cipta atau Hak Terkait sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp. 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah)


Lampung Culture-Based

Helta Anggia Noning Verawati Arnes Y. Vandika

Perpustakaan Nasional RI: Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based Penulis: Helta Anggia, S.Pd., M.A. Noning Verawati, S.Sos., M.A. Arnes Yuli Vandika, S.Kom., M.Kom. Desain Cover & Layout Team Aura Creative Penerbit AURA (CV. Anugrah Utama Raharja) Anggota IKAPI No.003/LPU/2013 viii + 162 hal : 15,5 x 23 cm Cetakan November 2018 ISBN : 978-602-5940-72-9 Alamat Jl. Prof. Dr. Soemantri Brojonegoro, Komplek Unila Gedongmeneng Bandar Lampung HP. 081281430268 E-mail : redaksiaura@gmail.com Website : www.aura-publishing.com

Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-undang

PREFACE Praise be to Allah for the blessing, guidance, and mercies upon all of us so that we could finish the compilation of this teaching module “Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based”. This teaching module is compiled as one of the research outputs of the research entitled”English language Learning System Based on Lampung Local Cultures” The authors realize that the preparation of this book will not be completed without the help of various parties. Therefore on this occasion we would like to thank to: 1. Bapak Dr. M. Yusuf Sulfarano Barusman, M.B.A as the president of Universitas Bandar Lampung 2. Ibu Ir. Lilies Widojoko, M.T as the coordinator of research center and community service of Universitas Bandar Lampung. 3. Bapak Drs. Soewito, M.M as the vice coordinator of research center and community service of Universitas Bandar Lampung. 4. Bapak Susanto, S.S.,M.Hum.,M.A.,Ph.D the dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Bandar Lampung. 5. Bapak Prof. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A as the leader of partner researcher team. 6. Bapak Dr. Hery Yufrizal, M.A as the member of partner researcher team. 7. All academic civitas of Universitas Bandar Lampung

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


We realize this textbook did not escape the various shortcomings. The authors expect advice and criticism for perfection and improvement so that finally this textbook can provide benefits for the field of education and application of the field and can be developed again further. Bandar Lampung, 30 October 2017



Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Table of Content

Preface .............................................................................................. Table of Content ............................................................................ Chapter 1 Going back to the past ............................................... Chapter 2 Elephants’ house ......................................................... Chapter 3 Traditional House ....................................................... Chapter 4 Landmark...................................................................... Chapter 5 Interview ....................................................................... Chapter 6 Traditional Food .......................................................... Chapter 7 Famous People ............................................................. Chapter 8 Famous People ............................................................. Chapter 9 Our Region ................................................................... Chapter 10 Lampung Waterfall ................................................... Chapter 11 Kiluan Bay .................................................................. Chapter 12 Tanjung Setia ............................................................. Chapter 13 Pesagi Mountain........................................................ Chapter 14 Famous People ........................................................... Chapter 15 Famous People ........................................................... Chapter 16 Tourism ....................................................................... List of References .......................................................................... Appendices .....................................................................................

v vii 1 16 27 40 48 55 68 78 87 98 106 115 122 130 145 154

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


CHAPTER I TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect TEXT

: Going back to the past : Lampung Museum :: Informative text : Aesthetic sense : Products : Lampung culture : Understanding (explaining and identifying) : answering, performing :

Lampung Museum

Lampung Museum, the most significant building that indicated Lampung characteristic and becomes that only museum in Lampung Province. This museum is settled only 15 minutes from downtown Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Having Lampungâ€&#x;s distinct architectural style, the museum is a path to retracing the past through an extensive display of prehistoric artifacts, cultural relics as well as the flora and fauna which are typically found in Lampung. At this museum, there are antique ceramics from other countries such as China and Siam that become one of distinctive collections. Based on the inventory from 2011, the museum holds a collection of over 4,700 items. These are divided into 10 groups which are the items related to geography, biology, ethnography, history, numismatics, philology, ceramics, fine arts and technology. The largest part of the collections at Lampung Museum is dedicated to ethnography, which is the thing that study of culture. Up to these days, there are over 2,000 objects in this category which includes objects that were once used in everyday life and various items characteristic of both the past and present from Lampung culture. Start from 1975, this museum was begun with its construction, holding its groundbreaking three years later in 1978. Then, the grand opening was held few years later on 24 September 1988, where it was inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture of the time, Prof Dr. Fuad Hasan. Lampung Museum is precisely located in Jl . Zainal Arifin No. Pagar Alam .64, Meneng building , Bandar Lampung. The closest Airport is the RadenInten II Airport in the city of Bandar Lampung. This is a domestic only airport, serving Jakarta, Bandung and Batam. The Lampung Museum is located approximately 5 kilometers north of Tandjungkarang, the central area of Bandar Lampung. It is easily accessible by rental car, public transportation or motorcycle http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/lampung/lampungmuseum.html


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to identify what they have found in it after their visit to Lampung Museum and explain what they can find in Lampung museum and. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ss classify and categorize what Lampung cultural things that they find in their visit to Lampung museum. III. Ss report their findings at Lampung museum to their friends in front of the class IV. Ss demonstrate one example of Lampung culture practices which they have seen previously in the museum. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about the importance of museum for seeing the past in this link: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=SehKVHo601c while filling in the blank space in the video text provided by the teacher. (listening, writing) b. Ss discuss in peer regarding the cloze answer and the message of the video. (speaking, listening) c. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with their own experience of visiting the museum near their place. (speaking, listening) d. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Lampung Museum text. (writing, listening, speaking) e. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


f. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Going to the past with Lampung Museum. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of video report text from this link http://gg.gg/69b41Practice(listening) b. Ss with the help of the teacher imitate report in the video and read along with the video. (pronunciation, reading) c. Ss in peer make a video record on their own loud reading about Lampung museum text. (speaking) 4. Practice a. Ss visit Lampung museum directly or do an internet research then classify and categorize what Lampung cultural things that they find in their visit to Lampung museum.(reading, writing) b. Ss make a report their findings at Lampung museum to their friends in front of the class. (writing, speaking) c. Ss compare and discuss together about their findings (speaking, reading) d. Ss read another text about Lampung people culture in West Lampung both silently and with loud voice. (reading, speaking) e. Ss work in two or three big groups preparing for Lampung cultural show performances. (speaking) f. Ss perform in groups and link the video recording of the performance to Youtube.com (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions (reading, writing) b. Ss individually record their own presentation about Lampung museum (speaking) Exercise: Reading Comprehension 1. How do people retrace the past of Lampung through the Lampung Museum? 2. From ten categories of collections, which one is the biggest categories found in Museum Lampung and explain why? 3. How long had it been until the government officially held a grand opening to Museum Lampung? 4. Do you think it is easy to access Museum Lampung? why 5. From the text above, what do you think probably happened between Lampung and China as well as Siam? Writing Exercise 1. With your partner, please visit Museum Lampung and make a report on certain artifact classifications which interest you the most! Discuss the report template with your teacher. Grammar Exercise Choose the best answer. 1. I told him I ‌‌. something to show to his brother last week. a. had b. has c. have d. have had Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


2. I‟m sure I ……. him two years ago. a. am seeing b. have seen c. have been seeing d. saw 3. John …….off his bike one day last year. a. falls b. fell c. has been falling d. is falling 4. Which sentence is correct for simple past tense? a. Is she write a letter to him? b. she writing a letter to him? c. Did she writing a letter to him? d. Does Did she write a letter to him? 5. Yesterday, the students……… the map of Indonesia. a. learn b. are learning c. learns d. learned 6. Tuti : Where did you go yesterday, Rani? Rani: I ……. to Bandung with my mother. Tuti : How did you go there? Rani: By bus. a. go b. went c. have gone d. am going


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

7. X: Did Roni …… Tom and Jerry show last night? Y: Yes, he did. a. watched b. watch c. watches d. watching 8. Lina : Did the boys study after class? Rudi : No. Lina : What did they do? Rudi : They…..football. a. play b. plays c. played d. will play 9. Budi : What did you buy last night on a big sale? Jojo : ………………. a. I buy a jacket. b. I will buy a jacket. c. I bought a jacket. d. I am buying a jacket. 10. Pio : Where did you go last night? Jes : ……………………………. a. I do not go anywhere. I stay at home. b. I will not go anywhere. I‟ll stay at home. c. I‟m not going anywhere. I‟m staying at home. d. I did not go anywhere. I stayed at home.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Vocabulary Exercise Do the following exercises. 1) Lina …… the match in Olympic Games. She is so sad. A. won B. lost C. jumped D. celebrated 2) I went to dentist yesterday because my ….. were in pain. A. hands B. fingers C. teeth D. ears 3) A : Can you help me? B : Yes, of course. What can I do for you? A : Please, ….. this bag to my room. B : Yes, Sir. A. bring B. help C. give D. Has 4) This exercise was too ….. for me. I got score 100. A. difficult B. easy C. expensive D. high


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

5) Diana‟s barbie is broken. Diana is very …… now. A. confuse B. sad C. happy D. charm 6) The teacher‟s duty is to ….. the students in the school. A. teach B. play C. make D. work 7) Luna is celebrating her birthday. Now Luna feels …… A. angry B. dusty C. easy D. happy 8) Mia : Adi, your shoes are so fit in your …… . You look georgeus. Adi : Thank you. A. finger B. lip C. hand D. feet

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


9) The clown is so …… . He makes all kids laugh and happy.

Figure 1. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/AbMiFu) A. funny B. quiet C. noisy D. disgusting 10) I am so hungry. So, I …… a meal . A. prepare B. walk C. kick D. wear


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

11) Rina : I want to wear my white gown to Amanda‟s party. What do you think? Lisa : I think the red one is better. Rina : Ok. I will …… the red gown A. wrap B. go C. wear D. give 12) The carpet is …… . I want to clean it. A. large B. shiny C. dirty D. soft 13) A : When did you get up in this morning? B : …… A. I got up at 5.00 B. I had my breakfast C. I was sleepy D. I went to school 14) Tami : Where do you want move? Dikta : I want to ….. to Australia with my parents. A. come B. find C. move D. run 15) Katherine didn‟t study hard. She didn‟t ….. the exam. A. study B. give C. pass Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


D. break 16) The gardener ….. the grass every Monday and Thursday. A. cuts B. plans C. trains D. comes 17) I can‟t hear anything since my …… are sick. A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. mouth 18) Sugar is ….. , but honey is sweeter than sugar. A. salty B. small C. sweet D. smooth 19) Kathy is a ….. . She teaches Math in our class. Every students love her. A. kind teacher B. ugly teacher C. arrogant teacher D. emotional teacher 20) Lili : Do you have a ….. ? Shopkeeper : Yes, we do. The fruit rack is right there. A. persian cat B. green apple C. running shoes D. drawing book 12

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

21) My mother is a nurse. She works in Harapan Bunda Hospital. She ….. the A. thinks B. ignores C. helps D. finds 22) Teguh : This fried chicken is my favourite. Hilda : I like it too. This fried chicken is very ….. A. delicious B. bitter C. salty D. dangerous 23) Something that you can find in your bedroom is a ….. . A. blackboard B. bed C. stove D. garden 24) Grant is a tailor. He makes ….. . A. clothes B. bag C. belt D. ice cream 25) My father always reads ….. everymorning . A. radio B. computer C. television D. newspaper

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Complete the table with the names of jobs. post

0 postman





















Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions. 1 Chris gets ……… well with the people in his class. 2 I‟m looking ……… to my eighteenth birthday. 3 Mary enjoys looking ……… children. 4 The boy has run ……… from home and the police are looking for him. 5 Have you heard? Jane is going ……… with Dave. I don‟t know what she sees in him!


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 2. Taman Purbakala, Pugung Raharjo (Source: https://goo.gl/images/9k7M4C)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


CHAPTER II TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect TEXT

: Elephants‟ house : Way Kambas : home life : Informative text : Aesthetic sense : Products, persons, practices : Lampung culture : Understanding (explaining and identifying) : answering, performing :

Way Kambas


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Way Kambas National Park is located in Lampung province, South Sumatra, Indonesia. This national Park is consisting of forest and preservation for Sumatran tigers and elephant sanctuary. This park also becomes a breeding center or Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) that has been build up in 1995. Way Kambas National Park is a representative of the lowland forest ecosystem consisting of freshwater swamp forest, meadow grass, and coastal forests in Sumatra. Plant species that grow in this national park are, api-api (Avicennia marina), Sonneratia (Sonneratia sp.), Palm (Nypa fruticans), Gelam (Melaleuca leucadendron), salam (Syzygium polyanthum), mire (Glochidion borneensis), almond (Terminalia cattapa), sea pine (Casuarina equisetifolia), pandan (Pandanus sp.), puspa (Schima wallichii), meranti (Shorea sp.), oil (Dipterocarpus gracilis), and ramin (Gonystylus bancanus). Way Kambas National Park has 50 species of mammals such as Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), tapir (Tapirus indicus), coyote (Cuon alpinus sumatrensis), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus); 406 forest bird species including ducks (Cairina scutulata), yarn and clothing stork (Ciconia episcopus stormi), stork casks (Leptoptilos javanicus), Crested Fireback (Lophura ignita), Peacock (Argusianus argus argus), Little Cormorant snake ( Anhinga melanogaster); different types of reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. Wild elephants which are trained in the Elephant Training Centre can be used as elephant riding, attractions, transport timber and plow the fields. At the elephant training center, we can see trainers that educate and train wild elephants, we can also see the attraction of elephants playing football, dancing, shaking hands, respectfully, draping flowers, pull the rope, swimming and many other attractions. This elephant training center was established in Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


1985. Until this day, it has been successful in educating and tame elephants around 290 elephants. How to get there : If you are using public transport, the simplest route is taking a bus from Rajabasa Terminal in Bandar Lampung in the direction of Way Jepara. Get off at thestone elephant at Rajabasa Lama Village, Way Jepara, and resume by an “Ojek” or motorbike taxi ride to the Way Kanan or the Elephant Training Centre (ETC), which is the entrance to WKNP. Keep in mind that the last direct bus back to Rajabasa Lama Returns at 15.00 hrs Western Indonesia Time, and it is best if you arrive before dusk, since the “Ojek” driver won‟t drive you there after this time. The whole trip would take approximately around 2-3 hours. Alternatively, fromBandar Lampung, you can catch a bus to Metro and subsequently another bus to Rajabasa Lama which also last around 2-3 hours. If you happen to use or rent a car, from Bandar Lampung take the Kota Bumi Road northward and just follow the serial elephant signs that will easily take you to WKNP. It is possible to hire a taxi from Bandar Lampung to Way Kambas but it is considerably more expensive. From Bandarlampung to east Lampung district, the roads are relatively in good condition. However, as you enter Sukadana area the trip will get a little bumpy since some parts of the road are in poor condition. From Way Jepara market to the entrance of WKNP the poorly condition road last for about 5 Km. http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/lampung/way_kambas.html

1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to identify and explain animals that are commonly found in Lampung.. 18

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

b. Terminal objectives: I. Ssread the reading text out loud individually and together. II. Ssclassify and categorize what Lampung cultural things that they find in their visit to Lampung museum. III. Ssreport the characteristics of Lampung typical animals IV. Ssdemonstrate one example of Lampung culture practices which they have seen previously in the museum. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about the importance of museum for seeing the past in this link: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=SehKVHo601c while filling in the blank space in the video text provided by the teacher. (listening, writing) b. Ss discuss in peer regarding the cloze answer and the message of the video. (speaking, listening) c. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with their own experience of visiting the museum near their place. (speaking, listening) d. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Lampung Museum text. (writing, listening, speaking) e. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) f. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Going to the past with Lampung Museum.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of video report text from this link http://gg.gg/69b41Practice(listening) b. Ss with the help of the teacher imitate report in the video and read along with the video. (pronunciation, reading) c. Ss in peer make a video record on their own loud reading about Lampung museum text. (speaking) 4. Practice a. Ss visit Lampung museum directly or do an internet research then classify and categorize what Lampung cultural things that they find in their visit to Lampung museum.(reading, writing) b. Ss make a report their findings at Lampung museum to their friends in front of the class. (writing, speaking) c. Ss compare and discuss together about their findings (speaking, reading) d. Ss read another text about Lampung people culture in West Lampung both silently and with loud voice. (reading, speaking) e. Ss work in two or three big groups preparing for Lampung cultural show performances. (speaking) f. Ss perform in groups and link the video recording of the performance to Youtube.com (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions (reading, writing) b. Ss individually record their own presentation about Lampung museum (speaking) Exercise Grammar exercise Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your chosen answer! 1. She _____ her dog everyday a. To feed b. Feed c. Feeds d. Feeding 2. I ____ always ____ to the dentist a. Do not, go b. Does not, go c. Do not, went d. Does not, went 3. When __ you ____ a shower? a. Do, took b. Do, take c. Do, taken d. Do, taking

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


4. Q: Do you like to sing? A: …

Figure 3. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/5q2gR9) a. Yes, I likes to sing b. Yes, I like to sing c. Yes, I am liking to sing d. Yes, I liked to sing 5. Tom and I ____ ____ together. a. Do surfing b. Don‟t surfing c. Do surfs d. Don‟t surf


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

6. I ___ breakfast every day at 7 AM a. Eat b. To eat c. Ate d. Eaten 7. Q: How do you go to school? A: We ___ the bus to school a. Rode b. Ridden c. Ride d. Riding 8. Q: When do you do your homework? A: … a. I have did my homework at 6 PM b. I did my homework at 6 PM c. I do my homework at 6 PM d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM 9. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park? A: … a. No, I doesn‟t enjoy playing in the park b. No, I no enjoy playing in the park c. No, I don‟t enjoy playing in the park d. No, I don‟t enjoys playing in the park 10. Q: Does he love his mother? A: … a. He love his mother b. He loves his mother c. He to love his mother d. He is loving his mother Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Vocabulary Exercise Complete each sentence by choosing the correct preposition. 1. She has no control … that dog! (over / on / with) 2. Do not feel guilty … being late. (from / about / with) 3. Has was somewhere … Rome and Venice. (between / among / along) 4. Be careful! Do not go … the trees. (beyond / over / without) 5. Which way … does this box go? (about / up / over) 6. He managed to pass … studying hard. (by / with / from) 7. They walked … to the end of the street. (beyond / aside / up) 8. They sang … the long walk home. (along / throughout / over) 9. He failed … lack of work. (for / through / with) 10. The car went … us at a very high speed! (against / past / around) 11. My brother is really … snowboarding – he goes every winter. (for / over / into) 12. You should be pleased … the results. (with / for / over) 13. It was sunny all … the summer months. (through / between / round) 14. The bus stops just … the traffic lights. (down / to / before) 15. The shares have risen … six euros each. (up / at / to) 16. I have spent three years … that company. (to / for / at) 17. The proposal is … consideration at the moment. (for / with / under) 18. The shopkeeper chased … the thieves. (behind / along / after) 19. We were delighted … her news. (for / by / of) 20. From the house we could walk … to the sea. (beyond / below / down)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter of each word is given. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

I couldn‟t see inside the flat because the c______ were drawn. There‟s no bath in the bathroom, only a sh____. I need a really big new w______ – the old one is too small for all my clothes. I like sitting in a comfortable a______ in front of a fire. We‟ve got a new electric c______ in the kitchen. It‟s safer than the old gas one. We live on the tenth floor of a t______ block. His grandparents live in a lovely c______ in the countryside. They‟ve got a s______-d______ house and they keep arguing with their neighbors. The flat has recently been renovated. It‟s in very good c_____. The flat is fully f______, so you won‟t have to buy any furniture. She‟s got a comfortable, r______ flat; there‟s a lot of space. The flat is very conveniently l______, close to shops and public transport. Living in a tourist r______ can be tiring there are always tourists around. The center is too noisy for me; I prefer to live in the s______. It is not fair to let your mother do all the h______: cleaning, washing up, ironing and on. When you live on your own, you have to pay the r______. Our telephone b______ for last month is enormous - there must be a mistake. Jenny and her sister sh______ a room which is not really big enough for the two of them. Did you remember to l______ the door? We‟ve got the keys to our new flat! We can m______ in next week! Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 4. Danau Ranau (Source: https://goo.gl/images/F3W3DQ)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect Psychomotor aspect TEXT

: Traditional House : Kenali : Historical Home : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Comprehending and producing : Answering, showing : Re-creating, telling :

Kenali Traditional House

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Every region in Indonesia has particular traditional house that representing the area, culture or way the ancestors live for generation. In Lampung the traditional homes is in the form of stage house that made of wood, which the under part is intentionally being blanked as a place to save livestock and crops. Commonly, those traditional houses have been standing for decades or even hundreds of years. The forms of traditional houses in Lampung is can be see in some villages at Belalau district like, Hujung, Kenali, Turgak, Luas, Kotabesi, Canggu, Pekon Balak, Negeri Ratu, Sukabumi, and in the District of Balik Bukit like Kotaagung and Empulau Ulu. As in other areas, in Lampung traditional homes has several forms that adapted to the position and status of the owner, such as Gedung Dalom that designation Kraton / Palace for a Suttan / Sultan / King / Saibatin, who is the owner of Indigenous Peoples, the owner of region and customary rights. However, the oldest traditional home in West Lampung is about 350 years old. Kenali traditional house, is the home from Lampung that also popular by the name of Pesagi house. Lampung traditional house is reside in Kenali Village, West Lampung. Rumah Kenali is a house that has different look other than common house in Lampung. The roof is made of fiber leaves, instead of tile or zinc. Instead of made by concrete or brick, the wall is still made of wood. Everything under the house is only supported by large wooden beams. Although, the house was built by wood that standing for hundreds of years, but the house is still standing firm against the time. There is an interesting thing of this traditional house. Despite having been crowned as archaeological site, but we can see the glow of life at this old house because it still occupied by the owners. The home is well-maintain by the ower and there is love inside the house.


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Anyway, the house has been occupied by the family for 3 generations, which reached 300 years until today and it already be the witness to the history of Indonesian struggle against the colonials. http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/lampung/kenali_house.html

1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to comprehend what they read about Kenali Traditional House and producing the other informative texts related with West Lampung culture. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text loud loud in individually and together. II. Ss choose the other traditional things that can be found in West Lampung. III. Ss re-create an informative text of traditional thing in West Lampung which they have choosen before. IV. Ss tell in front of the class about their informative text by using presentation media. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about the sky view of Kenali village in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QH9_ 6QpfRY. (listening) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with their own village. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Kenali Traditional House text. (writing, listening, speaking)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences. (vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Explore West Lampung. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of video informative text from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pR6GhMxlB8 (listening) b. Ss with the help of the teacher comprehend the video content. (pronunciation, reading) 4. Practice a. Ss will be divided into five groups then they will also be provided by the teacher about five traditional things in West Lampung which should be made as an informative text. They are Kepapang Stone, Beguk Sakti, Purajaya Site, Sisa Buay Pernong, and Princess Stone (Batu Putri) which can be done by using internet access. (reading, writing) b. Ss compare and discuss together about their text (speaking, reading) c. Ss present their text in groups and link the video recording of the presentation to Youtube.com (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions (reading, writing) b. Ss individually record their own presentation about Kenali Traditional House. (speaking) Exercise Grammar Exercise Move these sentences below into passive voice! 1. Anne visited grandmother.

Figure 5. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/1FosoC) Answer: ...................................................... 2. Amanda returned my book last night. Answer: ......................................................

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


3. My father bought this car last year. Answer: ...................................................... 4. They were cutting a big tree. Answer: ...................................................... 5. Joni had edited ten articles last month. Answer: ...................................................... 6. Marcel was watering the plants. Answer: ...................................................... 7. The police picked up them in a cafe last night. Answer: ...................................................... 8. The seller offered some discounts to the buyers. Answer: ...................................................... 9. Who borrowed your dictionary? Answer: ...................................................... 10. Which book did they hide? Answer: ...................................................... 11. Whom did Ridho remind? Answer: ...................................................... 12. What book was Elma looking for? Answer: ...................................................... 13. Who disappointed you? Answer: ......................................................


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

14. How many books did Farida cover? Answer: ...................................................... 15. Why did the teacher leave the meeting last night? Answer: ...................................................... 16. Why did Mr. Rozak scold you yesterday? Answer: ...................................................... 17. Whose secretary stole an important document? Answer: ...................................................... 18. How many coconuts did Angga send to the market? Answer: ...................................................... 19. How much water were the villagers taking on the desert last week? Answer : ...................................................... 20. Where did Anita bring those kittens? Answer : ...................................................... Translation Exercise Translate into English ! 1. Monas dibangun pada tahun 1986 oleh Presiden Soeharto. Answer: ...................................................... 2. Perhiasan bibiku telah dicuri tadi malam. Answer: ...................................................... 3. Gedung-gedung tua itu diledakkan seminggu yang lalu. Answer: ...................................................... Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


4. Temanku sedang diwawancari oleh pemilik perusahaan tadi pagi. Answer: ...................................................... 5. Sapiku dibeli oleh seorang perempuan yang baik hati hari Minggu lalu. Answer: ...................................................... 6. Apa yang sedang dibicarakan oleh mereka semalam? Answer: ...................................................... 7. Apakah mobilmu sedang dicat jam 8 kemarin? Answer: ...................................................... 8. Buah apa yang sedang diperas oleh kakakmu ketika aku datang tadi malam? Answer: ...................................................... 9. Apa yang sudah dimakan oleh adik perempuanmu kemarin? Answer: ...................................................... 10. Baju-baju siapa yang sedang dijemur di atas rumput kemarin siang? Answer: ...................................................... Vocabulary Exercise Circle the correct answer. 1. Bread, pasta and rice are‌ A. dairy products B. cereal products C. fats D. junk food 34

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

2 Which of the following is not a vegetable? A. cucumber B. pear B. cauliflower D. sweet corn 3 Which of the following is not a kind of meat? A. bacon B. turkey C. beef D. herring 4 Which of the following is not a fruit? A. plum B. apricot C. radish D. watermelon 5 This bread is rather‌ A. stale B. well-done C. strong D. mild 6 This wine is very‌ A. still B. spicy C. dry D. fresh

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


7 I prefer ___ water. A. still B. stale C. sweet D. rare 8 We need a ___ of bread. A. can B. jar C. bar D. loaf 9 I’d like a big ___ of chocolate, please. A bar B jar C packet D can 10 Can I have a ___ of cherry jam, please? A can B jar C carton D loaf 11 You can ___ water in a kettle. A cook B boil C bake D slice


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

12 You can ___ a cake in the oven. A fry B melt C mix D bake 13 You can ___ tomatoes with a knife. A cook B stir C slice D mix 14 I usually have lunch in the school‌ A bar B canteen C restaurant D pub 15 Before a meal you have to ___ the table. A lay B clear C do D wash up 16 We sat down at the restaurant table and read the‌ A card B dish C bill D menu

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


17 The waiter recommended the ___ of the day. A course B dish C menu D plate 18 We ordered starters, a main ___ and a dessert. A meal B food C course D dish 19 We finished eating and asked the waiter to bring us the‌ A tip B bill C receipt D sum 20 We thought the waiter was very nice, so we left a big‌ A tip B money C bill D cash


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 6. Nuwo Sesat (Source: https://goo.gl/images/TyWSvp)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect Psychomotor aspect TEXT

: Landmark : Siger Tower : Traditional Site : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Making lists, explaining : Answering, showing : Demonstrating, telling :

Siger Tower


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Siger is a tower that is also a zero point in southern Sumatra. It was inaugurated by the Lampung Governor Sjachroedin Z.P, since 30 April 2008. The inauguration was marked with a siren, the inscription, and the release of doves along with numbers of ambassadors. Siger tower is a blend between land mark and tourism site. It said that Siger Tower is like a beautiful girl who will attract everyone to propose. This tower will bring tourism attraction and investment for Lampung. Siger Tower was built with attention to show the characteristic of Lampung. In the vicinity of the monument was built spaces that display Lampung cultural and tourism infrastructure. As a monument that located at the tip of Sumatra Island, Siger Tower is equipped with marker for Zero Point of Sumatra Island. Siger tower has gold color that come with the room where the tourists can see Bakauheni Port as well as the panoramic beauty of the sea and natural surroundings. Literally, Siger is customary hat bride from Lampung. In fact, Siger tower is a crown-shaped building that consists of nine series which symbolizes the nine languages in Lampung. The yellow and red color is representing the golden color of the bride custom hats. Moreover, the building is also decorated with carvings that indicating fabric pattern from Lampung. http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/lampung/siger_tower.html 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to list other iconic buildings of Lampung and explain about it as a tour guide. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ss list and explain the iconic building of Lampung. Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


III. Ss demonstrate as a tour guide of iconic building in Lampung. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about how to be a good tour guide in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPsVEucIFQc while taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with other opinion. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Siger Tower text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Tour de Lampung. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of tour guide from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSfU2EkCZyU (listening) b. Ss imitate what the tour guide did in the video. (speaking) 4. Practice a. Ss in form of groups do an internet research then list and identify the iconic building of Lampung. (reading, writing) b. Ss prepare the tour of iconic Lampung building outside the class. (writing, speaking) c. Ss perform in groups and link the video recording of the performance to Youtube.com (speaking)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing) b. Ss individually record their own presentation about Siger Tower. (speaking) Exercise Grammar Exercise Change the active into passive voice! 1. My mother bought many oranges. Passive voice is______________ 2. Dolph will play the guitar at the stage. Passive voice is______________ 3. Sandra uses the glasses every day.

Figure 7. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/3rFZPN) Passive voice is______________

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


4. The students spoke English at class last night. Passive voice is______________ 5. We have watched the movie. Passive voice is______________ 6. Gina does this assignment. Passive voice is______________ 7. They don‟t do this assignment. Passive voice is______________ 8. Does Lucy do this assignment? Passive voice is______________ 9. The lion eats meat. Passive voice is______________ 10. The cow doesn‟t eat meat. Passive voice is______________ 11. Does that animal eat meat? Passive voice is______________ 12. We watch a movie. Passive voice is______________ 13. I don‟t watch the news. Passive voice is______________ 14. Does John watch the big matches? Passive voice is______________ 15. My mother makes some cakes. Passive voice is______________


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Vocabulary Exercise Write the missing verbs in the sentences below in the Past Simple. Choose from the following: call plan

clean cry enjoy rain show

invite sto

jump talk

move need use wait

1. The weather was terrible in Ireland. It rained nearly every day. 2. Why do the windows look dirty already? I______________ them yesterday. 3. He was only three when his parents______________from London to New York. 4. Yesterday Maria_______me an amazing photo of you. 5. I ___to Karen at the party. She was really interesting. 6. She was really happy when she won the tennis match and she _____over the net. 7. I_________ _ you three times this afternoon, hut your phone was always engaged. 8. We______________forty people to the party, but only twenty came. 9. She went to the shops because she______________to buy some milk and eggs. 10. Thank you for a wonderful evening. 1 really______________it. 11. My little sister____________ when our cat died. 12. I _____________reading that computer book because it was so boring. 13. I didn't write in pen. I______________a pencil. 14. We______________for you for an hour outside the cinema. Where were you? 15. They looked at the map and______________their journey.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Complete the sentences with the missing verbs. 1. I _ swimming three times a week. 2. Helen and Richard _ yoga in their free time. 3. Do you _ tennis? 4. We must _ todayâ€&#x;s match to qualify for the next round. 5. My brother became very popular after he two goals for his schoolâ€&#x;s representation Match the words to make correct collocations. 1. Football a trunks 2. Tennis b lift 3. Swimming c rink 4. Ski d court 5. skating e kit

Complete the table with the names of sportspeople. 6. Sport



0 athlete











Complete the sentences with the missing verbs. 1. I _ swimming three times a week. 2. Helen and Richard _ yoga in their free time. 3. Do you _ tennis?


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

4. We must _ todayâ€&#x;s match to qualify for the next round. 5. My brother became very popular after he two goals for his schoolâ€&#x;s representation. Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 8. Tapis of Lampung (Source: https://goo.gl/images/n9Nssu)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect TEXT

: Interview : Pasir Putih : Iconic Beach : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Presenting, explaining : Giving, proposing :

Pasir Putih Beach at Lampung

Located about 20 KM from Bandar Lampung, Pantai Pasir Putih or White Sand Beach is one of the tourist attractions in 48

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Lampung and the nearest destination that only takes about 20 minutes from downtown. Pasir Putih Beach offers captivating views of sparkling sea, and clean and fine white sandy beach. Around the beach there is shelter, toilets, rest room and rental motorboats that being functioned as the facilities for the visitors. The beach is always crowded on holiday and becomes one of favorit places to go. We can relax our mind while doing swimming and boating to Condong Island. We can rent a boat from the White Sand Beach and having so much fun at the island. While, for those who want to enjoy the underwater, we can take the boat to Bule Island. There will be colorful coral reefs and clown fishes under the water that can be seen from glass box, a traditional tools that been used by the fisherman to catch the lobster. Pasir Putih beach is located in Trans Sumatra highway, Tarahan, Lampung and it accessible by any vehicles and public transportations. For those who ride private vehicles can start the journey from Bandar Lampung, for about 35 minutes. While if you take public transportation, we can take the route from Lampung directly to Pasir Putih beach. After reaching the location, we can enchanted by the magnificent view from this location and there will be entrance fee that have to be paid, for Rp. 20.000/ person. Pasir Putih beach has magnificent view, showing the combination of grenn and bluish sea water and decorated by the fine white sandy beach along the shore. The shady nuance around the beach is also stunning; there are lines of trees that standing firmly around the beach, adding the refreshing atmosphere in the middle of pouring sunlight. http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/pasir-putih-beach-at-lampung/

1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to present about Pasir Putih and explain to audiences. Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ss present and explain about Pasir Putih to audiences. III. Ss propose the holiday package in Pasir Putih. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Pasir Putih in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMJ8P0E3q20 while taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with their experience in visiting Pasir Putih (if they have visited). (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Pasir Putih text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Holiday on Pasir Putih. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of travel agent from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYO9CXUdpug (listening) b. Ss with the help of teacher comprehend the video. (speaking) 4. Practice a. Ss in form of groups make a holiday package to Pasir Putih (internet connection is available). (reading, writing) 50

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

b. Ss present and explain about Pasir Putih in front of the class. (speaking) c. Ss propose the holiday package to other students and it will be recorded to YouTube.com (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing) b. Ss individually record their own presentation about Pasir Putih. (speaking) Exercise Grammar exercise Put the following sentences into Past Continuous Tense. Use the words in parentheses! 1. Jane … (eat) breakfast when her friends called yesterday morning. 2. The students … (talk), when the teacher entered the room. 3. While Jane … (clean) the apartment, her husband … (read) a magazine. 4. She … (cook) the lunch when her friends came to her house.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Figure 9. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/ndJE3i) 5. We … (have) lunch when you came to my office yesterday. 6. Jack … (paint) the house when you called him yesterday afternoon. 7. When you came to my house last night, I … (type) this report. 8. They (discuss) their next plans while we … (prepare) something yesterday morning. 9. When he left me, I … (talk) to one of our customers. 10. I got a phone call from my father when I … (work) in the office yesterday morning. Vocabulary exercise Turn the verb in the brackets into the Present Continuous Tense! 1. Mr. Baker (teach) his son to ride a bicycle. 2. It (rain) very heavily. 3. I don‟t think you (tell) the truth. 4. Today is a lovely day. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing). 5. Where is the puppy? It (lie) under the sofa. 6. Which fish (live) in the sea? 7. What (be) you (do) during your spare time? 8. Who (make) the terrible noise? 52

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

9. Oh, no! it (go) to hit me. 10. Tom (have) a bath now. Complete each sentence by typing the comparative or superlative form of the adjective shown in CAPITALS. 1. I hope my mother will be … . (GENEROUS) 2. She was looking … than when I saw her last. (CHEERFUL) 3. Of all my presents, this is the … . (SPECIAL) 4. In the … sense, everything in life is religious. (WIDE) 5. He is stuck in the … job imaginable. (DREARY) 6. Today‟s statement was the … yet. (CANDID) 7. The new car is … than the old one. (RELIABLE) 8. She is the … woman I have ever met. (ELEGANT) 9. He was the … of the team‟s strikers. (IMPRESSIVE) 10. The … children rushed to the table first. (GREEDY) Match the words that have similar meaning. 1. Chilly a wet 2. Rainy b hurricane 3. Foggy c. hill 4. Wind d. cold 5. Mountain e. misty Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter of each word is given. 1. The town of Pompeii was destroyed by a volcanic e_. 2. When there‟s a f_, people die from lack of food. 3. Earthquakes and tsunamis are natural d_. 4. Air p_ is caused by smoke from factories, car exhaust fumes, and aero planes. 5. Many scientists believe that global warming is caused by the g_ effect.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


6. To help protect the environment, you can s_ your rubbish. 7. If we do not protect rare animal species, they may become e_. Complete the table with the names of scientists. Discipline science biology mathematics chemistry physics psychology

Person 0 scientist 1 2 3 4 5

Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 10. Slimpuyang Beach (Source: https://goo.gl/images/4cTb7t)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


TOPIC : Traditional Food Big „C‟ culture : Lampung Traditional Food Little „C‟ culture : Cultural information : Informative text Cultural sense : Cultural element : Cultural type : Lampung culture Cognitive aspect : Presenting, explaining Affective aspect : Giving, showing TEXT : Traditional food of lampung Seruit

As described previously, that seriut Lampung is a typical food served at the event either a large family gathering or at other

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


events such as weddings, indigenous to the religious. For the people Pepadun, harpoon used as a staple food consumed daily, because eating habits harpoon on specific days or times are not shared by all indigenous peoples, it is because it is done for generations just for some people. Harpoon itself is food from grilled fish paste mixed with sambar typical of Lampung, tempoyak or no one gives some mangoes. Types of fish that are used harpoon diverse, itâ€&#x;s just used is fish of the great rivers, such as Balide fish, fish baung layis fish and a variety of other fish. To eat harpoon bias is in the added vegetables to make it more delicious. Tempoyak

If you love the food made from durian, you can try typical dishes Lampung. Tempoyak is a dish that has the basic ingredients that have been fermented durian fruit. So far, Tempoyak already known in various regions in Indonesia and in the neighboring country like Malaysia. Lampungâ€&#x;s typical dishes you can make


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

yourself at home without having to buy. For pembuatanya, you can prepare meat durian that does not contain much water. Durian been cultivated from durian which have super quality and completely ripe so that the quality of Tempoyak taste more delicious. After that, you have to separate the flesh durian with seeds and given a bit of salt. Then add cayenne pepper to taste, this is to speed up the fermentation and keep it in a tightly closed and have the cold air temperature, if necessary input into the refrigerator. After 2 to 5 days, you can process them with fish such as Teri, Mujair, carp and other fish. If the sauce is made, you have to mix the garlic and red chili smooth or that have been cut into small pieces, add a little sugar for sugar substitutes. Then fry about 3 minutes, after considered, sambal Tempoyak ready to be served with other food. http://blog.umy.ac.id/vickydhea/2016/12/26/halo-dunia/ 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to present about Lampung traditional food and explain how to make it to audiences. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ss present about Lampung traditional food to audiences. III. Ss explain the procedure of making Lampung traditional food.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Pringsewu traditional food in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDzB8Fcfn74 while taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with their experience in eating traditional food (if they have eaten). (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Traditional Food of Lampung text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Lampung Traditional Culinary. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of how to make a seruit from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goDZzLuIO2k (listening) b. Ss take a note of the video for their presentation. (writing) 4. Practice a. Ss in form of groups search on the internet about the procedure of making Lampung traditional food. (reading, writing) b. Ss present and explain about the procedure of making Lampung traditional food and recorded to YouTube. (speaking)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some (reading, writing)




Exercise Grammar exercise Choose the best answer. 1. My sister feels drowsy ______ she has a long time fever. a. Because b. So c. But d. Until 2. She was tired _____ she took a rest in a long time. a. Because b. So c. But d. Until 3. We drive to north _____ we want to Europe. a. Because b. So c. But d. Until

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


4. My laptop is the ______ among others. a. Good b. Better c. Bestest d. Best 5. Isnâ€&#x;t he the ______? a. Tall b. Taller c. Tallest d. Most tall 6. This book is too ______. a. Big b. Biggest c. Bigger d. Biggers 7. Randy has ____ old. a. Grown b. Grow c. Growed d. Grows 8. She is falling in ____ with me. a. Love b. Loving c. Lover d. Loves


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

9. I am going to buy an _____ fish. a. Extra large b. Large c. Medium d. Largest 10. Cats ____ fast. a. Run b. Runs c. Running d. Ran 11. I ______ to your house. a. Went b. Goes c. Gone d. Going 12. She will _____ us. a. Follow b. Follows c. Following d. Followed

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


13. I have ______ a beautiful rose for her.

Figure 11. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/z9mXfd) a. Bring b. Bringing c. Brought d. Brings 14. I ______ go to Washington D.C next week. a. Am going to b. Will c. Was going to d. Plans to 15. Do you _____ me to go? a. Wants b. Want c. Wanted d. Wanting


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

16. She is the best _____. a. Singing b. Sings c. Singer d. Singers 17. _____ here will make you being arrested. a. Hide b. Hidden c. Hides d. Hiding 18. She is fast ____ she is old a. Because b. But c. Although d. Since 19. Move fast _____ we cannot reach them. a. Or b. But c. Because d. Until 20. I have lived here ____ you were child. a. Since b. Because c. Until d. So

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Vocabulary Exercise Read these famous failed predictions. Then complete the sentence using will + the verb in brackets. a) We are in September 1914: according to most newspapers in Britain and Germany, the war (be) will be over by Christmas. They cannot imagine that the war (continue) ________until1918, and (claim)__________ the lives of about 9 million in the military and a further 7 million civilians. b) We are in 1919: according to geologist Albert Porta, the conjunction of six planets (cause)______ the Sun to explode. In fact, the Sun (probably destroy)______________ the Earth one day, when it becomes a red giant in about 4.5 billion years. c) We are in 1977: according to Ken Olson, head of a company, people (never want) ________________ a in the home. Latest predictions (2005) suggest that ownership (reach)__________________ 1.3 billion worldwide by 2010.

computer computer computer machines

d) We are in 1999: according to many scientists, computers (crash) ______________and (cause) ______________chaos on the first day of the new millennium. e) And one to look forward to: according to the Aztec calendar, the world (come) _____________ to an end on 22 December 2012. We (have to) ______________wait and see.


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Circle the correct answer. 1 The book has a very interesting A plot B bestseller C volume D fiction. 2 The main in The Chronicles of Narnia are four children. A persons B chapters C characters D people 3. I’m reading the novel 1984 George Orwell. A of B on C by D at 4 Jimi Hendrix’s first album Are You Experienced? was in 1967. A published B released C shown D sold 5 In The Departed Leonardo di Caprio as police officer Billy Costigan. A plays B acts C stars D presents

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


6 John Constable painted of the English countryside. A portraits B still lifes C masterpieces D landscapes 7 Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice the story of two sisters. A tells B says C gives D presents 8 The Lord of the Rings is in an imaginary world called Middle-earth. A placed B set C situated D based 9 Martin Scorsese’s film Goodfellas is on a true story. A made B filmed C based D hot 10 A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was into a film in 2005. A turned B adapted C based D made


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Speaking Exercise Discuss with your partners how to make lapis legit, one of the iconic foods from Lampung, by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 12. Lapis Legit (Source: https://goo.gl/images/VkvpS6)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect TEXT

: Famous people : Lampung Famous Figure : Bob Sadino : Biography text : : : Lampung culture : Mentioning, explaining : Choosing, showing :

Bob Sadino Biography - Entrepreneur Success From Indonesia

Bob Sadino (Lampung, March 9, 1933), or fondly called om Bob, is a businessman from Indonesia who do business in the field of food and livestock. He is the owner of the business network and


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Kemchick Kemfood. On many occasions, he was often seen wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts that became his trademark. Bob Sadino born from an affluent family. He was the youngest of five children. When her parents died, Bob was 19 years old when it inherits all family property because the other sibling is already considered an established life. Bob then spent most of his wealth to the world. Along the way, he stopped in the Netherlands and settled for more than 9 years. There, he worked in Djakarta Lylod in the city of Amsterdam and also in Hamburg, Germany. While living in Holland, Bob met his life partner, Soelami Soejoed. In 1967, Bob and his family returned to Indonesia. He brought along his two Mercedes, made in the 1960s. One of which he sold to buy a plot of land in Kemang, South Jakarta while others keep it save. After a long stay and live in Indonesia, Bob decided to quit his job because he has the determination to work independently. First job after leaving the company is renting a Mercedes car he had, he himself becomes the driver. Unfortunately, one day he had an accident which resulted in his car badly damaged. Since no money to fix it, Bob turned the work into a mason. His salary when it was only Rp.100. He also had been suffering from depression due to life stressors experienced. One day, her friend suggested Bob raising chickens to fight depression. Bob interested. When raising chickens that appear inspiring entrepreneurship. He watched the lives of the chickens livestock. He got the inspiration, the chicken could be fighting for his life, certainly any human can. As a chicken farmer, Bob and his wife, a few pounds every day selling eggs. Within one and a half years, he and his wife had many customers, especially foreigners, because they speak fluent English. Bob and his wife live in Kemang, Jakarta, where there are many foreigners settled. Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Not infrequently the couple insulted customers, babu strangers though. But they mirror themselves, improve services. Drastic changes were to happen to Bob, from a personal feudal servant. After that, over time the silver-haired Bob, became the sole owner of the grocery store (supermarket) Kem Chicks. He always looks simple with a short sleeve shirt and shorts. Bob supermarket business is growing rapidly, reaching into agribusiness, especially horticulture, managing vegetable gardens for the consumption of foreigners in Indonesia. Because of that he also formed a partnership with farmers in some areas. Bob believes that every successful step always begins failures. Entrepreneurial journey was not as smooth as it seems. He and his wife are turned upside down. For him money is not the number one. The important thing is the willingness, commitment, daring search and seize opportunities. In the mind of someone doing something develops, plans do not always have the raw and rigid, that is in a person is the development of what he had done. Weaknesses of many people, too much thinking to make a plan so that he did not immediately step. "The most important action," said Bob. Bob The success can not be separated from his ignorance that he immediately jumped into the field. After ups and downs, Bob skilled and master the art. The process is different from the prevalence of successful Bob, it should start from the science, then practice, then a skilled and professional. According to Bob, a lot of people starting from the knowledge, thinking and acting all-powerful, arrogant, because they feel have a science than others. While Bob was always flexible to customers, listen to suggestions and customer complaints. With an attitude like that Bob won sympathy and customers to create market. According to Bob, customer satisfaction will create self-gratification. So he always tried his best to serve customers. 70

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Bob put his company like a family. All family members must be mutual respect Kem Chicks, nothing major, all have functions and powers. Children's Teachers Return to their homeland in 1967, after many years in Europe with recent work as an employee Djakarta Lloyd in Amsterdam and Hamburg, Bob, the youngest of five children, had only one determination, work independently. His father, Sadino, Solo man who became head teacher at the junior high and high school Tanjungkarang, died when Bob was 19. Capital he had brought from Europe, two Mercedes sedans made in the 1960s. One he sold to buy a plot of land in Kemang, South Jakarta. At that time, the area of Kemang quiet, still lie fields and gardens. While the other car ditaksikan, Bob own driver. One time, the car was rented. Apparently, not that money back, but the news of a devastating car accident. "My heart were destroyed," said Bob. Loss of income, Bob then worked so construction workers. In fact, if he wanted to, his wife, Soelami Soejoed, experienced as foreign secretary, could save the state. However, Bob insisted, "I am the head of the family. I have to make a living. " To calm the mind, Bob received the gift of 50 chickens race of acquaintances, Sri Mulyono Herlambang. From here Bob uphill: He managed to become the sole owner and entrepreneur Kem Chicks vegetable farming hydroponic system. Then there Kem Food, meat processing plant in Pulogadung, and a "stall" shaslik in Blok M, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta. Note the beginning of 1985 showed, on average per month the company Bob sells 40 to 50 tons of fresh meat, 60 to 70 tons of processed meat, and 100 tons of fresh vegetables. "I'm living a fantasy," said Bob describes its business success. Father of two children and then gives an example of the results of

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


his fantasies, kale can sell Rp 1,000 per kilogram. "Wherever there was no one selling kale with the price that much," said Bob. Uncle Bob, close calls to his men, did not want to move out of the food business. For him, the field now practiced endless. Because he did not want to fantasize that stuff. Hajj this quirky-looking, big fan of classical music and jazz. Moments of the most beautiful to him, while praying with his wife and two children. http://makalahlaporanterbaru1.blogspot.co.id/2012/08/bobsadino-biography-entrepreneur.html 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to mention about Lampung Famous Figures and explain their biography. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ss mention about Lampung Famous Figures. III. Ss explain their biography in front of the class. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Bob Sadino in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L5HyGtseXk while taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and ask some questions related to that video. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Bob Sadino Biography text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Learning from Uncle Bob. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch a video about elements in biography text from this link https://www.youtube.com/ watch? v=Ym DavD 2y9X8 (listening) b. Ss take a note of the video for their presentation. (writing) 4. Practice a. Ss individually search on the internet about Lampung Famous Figures. (reading, writing) b. Ss present and explain about the biography of his/her life in front of the class. (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on their friends in front. (speaking) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some (reading, writing)




Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Exercise Grammar Exercise Make the questions from the sentences below! 1. Susan is cooking chicken in the kitchen now. 2. Some students study mathematic in the library every afternoon. 3. Badrus calls his sister in Java every week. 4. We are inviting our teacher in our tournament now. 5. Andrew has opened a box in the ware house for two minutes. Add tag questions. 1. They want to come, don’t they___? 2. Elizabeth is a dentist,____________________?

Figure 13. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/EYsdLt) 3. They won't be there,__________________? 4. You'll be there,__________________? 5. There aren't any problems,______________? 6. That's your umbrella,__________________? 7. George is a student,__________________? 74

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

8. He's learned a lot in the last couple of years,____________? 9. Larry has* a bicycle,__________________? 10. Monkeys can't swim,__________________? 11. Tina will help us later,__________________? 12. Peggy would like to come with us to the party,_____________? 13. Those aren't Tony's books,________________? 14. You've never been to Paris,________________? 15. There is something wrong with Jane today,____________? 16. Everyone can learn how to swim,___________? 17. Nobody cheated on the exam,_____________? 18. Nothing went wrong while I was gone,________________? 19. I am invited, ______________? 20. This grammar is easy,__________________? Vocabulary Exercise Use either active or passive, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in parentheses. 1. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world's oxygen (produce) _________________there. 2. Right now Roberto is in the hospital. He (treat) _________________ for a bad burn on his hand and arm. 3. The game (win, probably) ____________________by the other team tomorrow. They are a lot better than we are. 4. There was a terrible accident on a busy downtown street yesterday. Dozens of people (see) __________________it, including my friend, who (interview) ________________ by the police. 5. In my country, certain prices, such as the price of medical supplies, (control) ________ __________________by the

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


government. Other prices (determine) _____________________by how much consumers are willing to pay for a product. 6. Yesterday a purse-snatcher (catch)______________________by a dog. While the thief (chase)___________________________by the police, he (jump) ______________ over a fence into someone's yard, where he encountered a ferocious dog. The dog (keep)__________________the thief from escaping. 7. The first fish (appear)__________________on the earth about 500 million years ago. Up to now, more than 20,000 kinds offish (name) ___________________________ and (describe)________________ by scientists. New species (discover) ____________________every year, so the total increases continually. 8. Richard Anderson is a former astronaut. Several years ago, when he was 52, Anderson (inform) ______________________by his superior at an aircraft corporation that he could no longer be a test pilot. He (tell) __________________that he was being relieved of his duties because of his age. Anderson took the corporation to court for age discrimination. Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter of each word is given. She‟s got a f_____. Her temperature is 39 degrees. Be careful about what you eat so you don‟t get f____ poisoning. It _____ my ankle playing tennis. It hurts a lot. I‟ve got a s______throat. I cannot talk much. There was a b_______ man walking down the road with a white stick. 6 His sister is d______. She cannot walk and has difficulty using her hands. 7 He won‟t be able to walk for eight months. He needs a w______.

1 2 3 4 5


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

8 I‟d like to make an a______ to see Dr. Walker, please. 9 They are going to t_______ her with a new drug. Perhaps it will help. 10 I hope a c_______ for AIDS will be discovered soon. Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions. 1 I‟ve got a terrible pain______my chest. 2 He diedheart a heart attack. 3 I think I‟m addicted 3, chocolate! It‟s like a drug. 4 I‟m allergic ______ strawberries. 5 My aunt suffers ______ insomnia. 6 He recovered______ stomach cancer. 7 They operated ______ her a week ago. She‟s much better now. 8 My grandmother walks, cycles and does yoga. She‟s ______ very good shape. 9/10 I‟m out______ shape. I should take _______ a sport. Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 14. Dr. Ir. M. Yusuf Sulfarano Barusman, MBA (Source: https://goo.gl/images/NY25dN)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect Psychomotor aspect TEXT

: Famous people : Lampung Famous Figure : Sri Mulyani Indrawati : Biography text : : : Lampung culture : Exemplifying, applying : Following, performing : Imitating, demonstrating :

Biography of Sri Mulyani


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Sri Mulyani Indrawati was born in Bandar Lampung, Lampung, August 26, 1962 is a strong candidate for President of the World Bank, which currently serves as Executive Director of the World Bank. Previously, she served as Minister of Finance of the United Indonesia Cabinet. Once, she was based in the Office of the World Bank, she was practically left his post as finance minister. She was an intelligent woman in the field of economy. Her career as a finance minister Yudhoyono during leadership began when she replaced the previous finance minister Jusuf Anwar. Prior to her finance minister, she served as Minister of State for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas of the United Indonesia Cabinet. Sri Mulyani was formerly known as an economic analyst in Indonesia. She served as Head of the Institute for Economic and Social Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (UI LPEM) since June 1998. Her career history in the moments before serving as finance minister is also quite brilliant. She has been named as the best Finance Minister of Asia for 2006 by the Emerging Markets on 18 September 2006 at the sidelines of the Annual Session of the World Bank and IMF in Singapore. She was also named the most influential woman in the world to-23 according to Forbes magazine in 2008 and the most powerful women in Indonesia 2nd Globe Asia magazine in October 2007. She was excellent, intelligent, beautiful and popular. Critical analysis, straightforward and clear. Its action has been tested in the bureaucracy and international institutions. Less than four years, three bears ministerial posts, having previously been a consultant in USAid and Executive Director of the IMF. She has the potential of women and youth leaders to be president. Three ministers who assumed office for the first time that female-headed households. Starting from the Ministry of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas, the Ministry of Finance and Acting Minister for Economic Affairs of United Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Indonesia Cabinet. President appointed her as executor task replaces the Coordinating Minister for Economy Boediono who was elected Governor of Bank Indonesia. She concurrently served year after Finance Minister Minister of State Planning / Head of Bappenas United Indonesia Cabinet, former Executive Director of the IMF is believed to replace the Minister of Finance Yusuf Anwar in a reshuffle announced KiB inducted December 5 and December 7, 2005. http://www.ib-article.com/2012/07/sri-mulyani-biographyworld-bank.html 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to exemplify Lampung Famous Figures and apply it in an interview. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ss imitate the Lampung Famous Figures in form of style, intonation, etc. III. Ss demonstrate their figures as an interviewee in an exclusive interview. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Sri Mulyani interview in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJtlK32h0e8 while taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their impression to Sri Mulyani. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Sri Mulyani Biography text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented 80

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vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Lampung Woman Rules Indonesian Finance. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch a video about interview from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFNn5KYnlZg (listening) b. Ss take a note of the video for their presentation. (writing) 4. Practice a. Ss in peer group search on the internet about Lampung Famous Figures biography, then prepare an exclusive interview as if they are really the figures (imitating). (reading, writing) b. Ss perform and demonstrate an exclusive interview with a famous figure in front of the class and recorded on YouTube.com. (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on their friends in front. (speaking) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment

a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Exercise Grammar exercise Fill in past simple or past perfect simple. 1 After they ……(see) the Tower they …….(go) to Westminster Abbey. 2 He …….(ask) me which animals I …….(hunt) in Africa. 3 After Columbus ……(discover) America he ……..(return) to Spain. 4 Before they ……..(move) to Liverpool they ……….(sell) everything. 5 After he ………(work) very hard he ………….(fall) ill. 6 She ………….(open) the box after she ……….(find) the key. 7 They …………(go) to a restaurant after they ……..(sail). 8 Before they …………(start) the party they ………….(.invite) some friends. 9 After she ……….(wash) the curtains she …………(clean) the windows. 10 They …………(go) for a sightseeing tour after the bus …………..(arrive). 11 Before he ………….(mow) the lawn he ……….(pick) some roses. 12 After he ………(finish) school he ………..(work) for a magazine. 13 They ………(drink) a cup of tea after they …………(finish) lunch. 14 He ………….(ask) me for her telephone number before he……………….. (phone) her. 15 My sister ……….(eat) all the chocolate before my parents……….. (come) home.


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Translation Exercise Read the following sentences carefully and then translate them into bahasa Indonesia. The first one has been done for you as an example. Make sure that your handwriting is readable. 1. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Kadang-kadang saya berbaring di tempat tidur hingga waktu makan siang. 2. Deborah will be here for five days. .................................................................................................... 3. Has your brother ever been to Canada before ? .................................................................................................... 4. You should not leave your son alone. .................................................................................................... 5. You'll have to go to embassy to get your passport renewed. .................................................................................................... 6. He told them he had no intention of going to Martyn's party. .................................................................................................... 7. You can come and see me any time you want. .................................................................................................... 8. Is that the hairspray which is advertised on television? ....................................................................................................

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


9. She can't expect everyone to like modern jazz just because she does. .................................................................................................... 10. Edinburgh is said to be one of the best universities for medicine. .................................................................................................... Read the text carefully; then translate it into bahasa Indonesia. Write your translation on the separate sheet. Skip one line and make sure your handwriting is readable

Figure 15. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/3jmDBD) Dear Samanta, I will tell you the first thing which I can remember. It was when I was three - about 1899. We were all sitting round the fire waiting for my soldier brother to come home - he was the eldest boy in the family. He arrived about six in the eveninq and had managed to ride all the way from Ipswich station in a milk-cart. The young man came in, and it was the first time 1 had seen him. He wore a red coat and locked very lively. Mother got up and kissed him, but


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

father just sat and said, „How are you?' Then we had tea, all of us staring at my brother. It was dark; it was wintertime. A few days later he set off again, and my mother stood in the middle of the road, watching. He was going to fight in South Africa. Pamela. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. broke carried confirmed crashed deleted discovered invented made observed switched

1 Maria Sklodowska-Curie ______ polonium and radium. 2 Alexander Bell ______ the telephone. 3 Dian Fossey ______ gorillas in the mountain forests of Rwanda. 4/5 Galileo ______ out an experiment which ______ his hypothesis. 6 It seems that we have ______ an important discovery. 7 I ______ off the TV after the film had ended. 8 Our washing machine ______ down last night and flooded the bathroom. 9 My mother‟s computer ______ yesterday: it stopped responding and I couldn‟t make it work. 10 Oh no! I‟ve just ______ an important file by accident. Match the words to make correct collocations. 1. come 2. out of 3. space 4. computer 5. outer

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


A. B. C. D. E.

station programmer space to the conclusion order

Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 16. M. Ridho Ficardo (Source: https://goo.gl/images/2oimgy) 86

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect Psychomotor aspect TEXT

: Our region : Lampung : : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Remembering, producing : Choosing, performing : Practicing, perfecting :

LAMPUNG Lampung, propinsi (or provinsi; province), southern Sumatra, Indonesia. It is bounded by the Java Sea to the east, the Sunda Strait to the south, the Indian Ocean to the west, and South Sumatra (Sumatera Selatan) province to the north and northwest. The province includes the islands of Sebuku, Sebesi, Sertung, and Rakata in the Sunda Strait. The area formed part of the kingdom of Kantoli in southern Sumatra in the beginning of the 6th century and in the 14th century was included in the Hindu Majapahit empire of eastern Java. Hindu and Buddhist archaeological remains have been found at Palas, Talangpadang, Liwa, and Mount Besar. In the 16th century, Lampung was part of the Muslim state of Bantam (now Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Banten province) under Hasanuddin (ruled 1552–70). The Dutch incorporated Lampung into their colonial empire in 1860. It became part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950. The southernmost portion of the Barisan Mountains runs the length of the province from the northwest to southeast and is surmounted by volcanic cones including Mounts Batai, 5,518 feet (1,682 metres) and Tebak, 6,939 feet (2,115 metres). The mountains are flanked by narrow coastland on the southwest and by rapidly descending highlands on the northeast. The eastern lowland area of Lampung stretches from the foothills of the mountains to the belt of swamps along the eastern coast. The Sekampung, Seputih, and Tulangbewang rivers descend the eastern slopes of the mountains and drain eastward into the Java Sea. Mangrove and freshwater swamp forests are found along the coast; tropical lowland evergreen rainforests extend from the coastal swamps into the mountains. Most of the population is engaged in agriculture; rubber, tea, coffee, soybeans, sweet potatoes, corn (maize), peanuts (groundnuts), copra, and palm oil are produced. Deep-sea fishing is also important. Industries include wood carving, food processing, cloth weaving, mat and basket making, and the production of handmade paper. Road and railway transport is confined to the foothills of the Barisan Mountains and link Tanjung Kurang, the provincial capital, with Kotabumi, Panjang, and Telukbatung. The eastern half of the province relies mainly on riverine transport. The population is a mixture of Malay, Javanese, and Minangkabau. The Javanese are the most numerous because of a large influx of rural Javanese into Lampung in the early 20th century. Area 13,368 square miles (34,624 square km). Pop. (2000) 6,730,751; (2010) 7,608,405. https://www.britannica.com/place/Lampung


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to remember about Lampung and produce a role-play about everything in Lampung. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ss remember and produce a role-play about everything in Lampung. III. Ss perform their role-play in front of teachers. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Lampung Province in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaKbg2GbYcU. (listening) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion of that video. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Lampung Province text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – It is all about Lampung 3. Exposure a. Ss watch a video about acting skills from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDSP8wYlMzY (listening) b. Ss take a note of the video for their performance. (writing)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


4. Practice a. Ss in one big group prepare a role-play about Lampung Province, they can creatively think what the content of the role-play and also can use internet to help them. (reading, writing) b. Ss produce and perform their role-play in front of their teachers and recorded on YouTube.com. (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on their performance in front, and also their teachers are able to give comments. (speaking) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment

a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing) Exercise Vocabulary Exercise Choose the correct answer from the option a, b, c, or d. 1) A school is the place where students … with their teachers. A. teach B. work C. play D. study 2) Bunga is celebrating her birthday. Now Bunga feels …… A. happy B. easy C. angry 90

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

D. hungry 3) Intan : Amir, your new shoes are good and really fit in your …… . You look charming and cool. Amir: Thank you Nita. A. body B. feet C. finger D. hand 4) There is a clown in my friend‟s birthday party. He is very … . He makes all children laugh and happy. A. angry B. noisy C. funny D. quiet 5) My little sister and brother are very hungry, so I …… lunch for them. A. prepare B. wear C. throw D. kick 6) Thomas ….. the competition in a National Olimpiade. He looks very happy. A. jumped B. lost C. celebrated D. won

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


7) My younger brother went to dentist two days ago because his ….. were in pain. A. teeth B. ears C. hands D. fingers 8) Fena : Can you lend me a hand? Rissa : Yes, of course. What can I help you? Fena: Please, ….. these textbooks to my office. Rissa : Yes sure, Sir. A. put B. give C. bring D. read 9) The exam was too ….. for her. She got an A! A. easy B. expensive C. difficult D. high 10) Tina‟s bicycle is broken. Tina is really …… now.

Figure 17. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/NH6mF2) 92

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

A. charm B. happy C. sad D. confused 11) My sister is a nurse. She works in Anak Bunda Hospital. She ….. every patient there. A. sees B. thinks C. ignores D. helps 12) John : French Fries and fried chicken are my favorite foods. Vira : Yes, I like them too. These French Fries and fried chicken are very … . A. salty B. sour C. delicious D. bitter 13) You can find …. in your kitchen. A. pillow B. stove C. television D. sofa 14) My mother is a tailor. She sews and makes … . A. books B. foods C. chairs D. clothes

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


15) My father always reads ….. every morning in living room. A. newspaper B. radio C. computer D. television 16) The gardener that works at my school … the grass and plants a very beautiful flower every Friday. A. throws B. plants C. cuts D. goes 17) My friend‟s …… are sick, so he cannot hear anything well. A. cheeks B. nose C. eyes D. ears 18) Candy is … , but honey is sweeter than candy. A. sweet B. salty C. sour D. smooth 19) Danu is a … . He teaches Biology in our class. Every student loves him. A. selfish teacher B. kind teacher C. emotional teacher D. arrogant teacher


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

20) Ahmad : Do you have a ….. ? Shopkeeper : Of course, we do. You can find it in the book section over here. A. football shoes B. black pen C. red apples D. drawing book 21) Dina : I will wear my white and blue dress to Frieda‟s birthday party. What do you think? Vina : In my opinion, the pink one is better for you. Dina : Really? Okay I will …… the pink dress. A. go B. lose C. hang D. wear 22) The classroom looks very … . The students should clean it soon before the teacher comes. A. dirty B. tidy C. shiny D. rough 23) Dino : When do you usually get up in the morning? Alden : …… A. I have breakfast with my family B. I get up at 5 a.m. C. I go to bed D. I am sleepy

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


24) Aulia : Drake, where do you want to go? Drake : I want to ….. to Europe with my parents and siblings. A. walk B. stay C. run D. move 25) Linda did not study hard, so she did not … the exam. A. study B. pass C. break D. go Grammar Exercise Change into Passive Sentence. Somebody will wash their clothes tomorrow. Susan will buy a new car after graduation. I will give you 20% discount if you buy it now. Are we going to learn Spanish after school? I am not going to make pizza this weekend. Use the words in brackets to make positive (+) and negative (–) sentences or questions (?) in Present Simple or Present Continuous. 0 I don‟t like broccoli. (?) (Tom, spinach) Does Tom like spinach? 1 I am learning Japanese. (?) (you, Chinese) _____ 2 Where do you come from? (+) (my father, Germany) _____ 3 Are you talking on the phone? (+) (she, on Skype) _____ 4 We go to the cinema every week. (?) (he, often) 96

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_____ Ella gets up early on Saturdays. (–) (Bethany and Alexia, on Sundays) _____

Circle the correct verb form. 0 This semester we are studying / study the Second World War. 1 My mother is a doctor. And what is your father doing / does your father do? 2 My two best friends are lawyers. But they’re not working / don’t work at the moment. 3 Most banks in my area are closing / close at 5.30 p.m. 4 Bad news. Th e price of petrol’s going up / goes up again. 5 Do you speak / Are you speaking any other foreign languages? 6 Hurry up! We‘re running / run late! Speaking Exercise Describe the picture bel ow by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 18. Gang PU (Source: https://goo.gl/images/SWrJDe) Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect Psychomotor aspect TEXT

: Lampung Waterfall : Lembah Pelangi : : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Comprehending and producing : Answering, showing : Re-creating, telling :

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall sounds unfamiliar for either local or foreign tourists. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall is located in Sukamaju village, Ulubelu sub district, Tanggamus district, Lampung province, Indonesia. The access to this place is quite difficult because Ulu Belu sub district is a remote area in Lampung with its hilly contours which make this tourist spot elusive. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall has two levels where the waterfall on the second level has two branches. The height of the first level waterfall is about 100 meters, while the second level waterfall is about dozens of meters. The best enchantment of this waterfall is the rainbow which appears between the valley and the waterfall as the name suggests. The soft flowing gurgling waterfall sounds is like a chant of nature which can remove the tiredness of the long trip to go there. Under the waterfall, there are several spots of warm water which can be an interesting spot for bathing. In this place, you will be shown a panorama of natural beauty which is very interesting for every pair of eyes seeing it. Rocky hills accompanied by leafy trees will actually soothe both your eyes. http://www.englishiana.com/2016/05/contoh-descriptive-texttempat-wisata.html?m=1 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to comprehend what theyread about Lembah Pelangi Waterfall and producing the other informative texts related with otherwaterfalls in Lampung b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text loud loud in individually and together. II. Ss choosethe other waterfalls that can be found in Lampung.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


III. Ss re-createan informative text of waterfall in Lampung which they have choosen before. IV. Ss tellin front of the class about their informative text by using presentation media. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about the Lembah Pelangi Waterfall in this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-kLOhM4 Z1w. (listening) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and tell their experience if they have visited waterfall. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Lembah Pelangi Waterfalltext. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – The Beauty of Waterfall. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of videoinformative text from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pR6GhMxlB8 (listening) b. Ss with the help of the teacher comprehend the video content. (pronunciation, reading) 4. Practice a. Ss will be divided into some groups then they will also search on the internet about waterfall in Lampung which later should be made as an informative text.(reading, writing) 100

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

b. Ss compare and discuss together about their text(speaking, reading) c. Ss present their text in groups and link the video recording of the presentation to Youtube.com (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions (reading, writing) b. Ss individually record their own presentation about Lembah Pelangi Waterfall.(speaking) Exercise Reading Exercise Read carefully, and then choose the best answer.

Figure 19. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/4TcG9h)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae. It is cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. The fruit is known as a peppercorn when dried. It is approximately 5 millimeters (0,20 in) in diameter, dark red when fully mature, and , like all drupes, contains a single seed. Peppercorns, and the powdered pepper derived from grinding them, may be described simply as pepper or more precisely as black pepper (cooked and dried unripe fruit), green pepper ( dried unripe fruit), and white pepper (dried ripe seeds). Black pepper is native to south India. It is extensively cultivated there and elsewhere in tropical regions. Currently Vietnam is the worldâ€&#x;s largest producer and exporter of pepper, producing 34% of the worldâ€&#x;s Piper nigrum crop as of 2008. Dried ground pepper has been used since ancient times for both its flavor and as a medicine. Black pepper is the worldâ€&#x;s most traded spice. It is one of the most common spices added to European cuisine and its descendants. The spiciness of black pepper is due to the chemical piperine. We can find this spice anywhere in the industrialized world. It is often paired with table salt. (Adapted from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_pepper) 1. How has dried ground peer been used since ancient times? a. for its flavor b. as a medicine c. for trading d. for both its flavor and as a medicine 2. What does the word native in paragraph one mean? a. imported b. indigenous c. imitation d. irregular


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

3. What does the word them in paragraph one refer to? a. seeds b. fruits c. peppercorns d. black pepper 4. What is paragraph three about? a. pepper trading b. the uses of pepper c. ancient times d. pepper with table salt Vocabulary Exercise Complete each sentence by choosing the correct preposition. 1. If you want information, go to the desk … . (opposite / across / beside) 2. I left my book … in the classroom. (down / without / behind) 3. John is in the class … me. (beyond / over / above) 4. The children gathered … the teacher for a story. (about / against / around) 5. That picture looks too small … the other one. (beside / among / near) 6. I am totally … the proposals to cut costs. (opposite / beside / against) 7. Great news – I am so pleased … you! (by / for / to) 8. You must hand it to me … 6 pm. (by / inside / on) 9. There were six of us … the table. (about / round / outside) 10. She took the shopping … of the bags. (out / without / outside) 11. The project will be finished … two weeks. (under / inside / from) 12. We live within a mile … the school. (to / by / of) 13. He recovered … his illness quickly. (from / with / over)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


14. She was very upset – she looked … to tears. (near / about / round) 15. I want to improve … my last exam results. (with / on / by) 16. The break … lectures lasts 15 minutes. (between / without / around) 17. He was proud … his achievements. (in / of / for) 18. The company used consultants from … . (without / around / outside) 19. We swam deep … the sea to the coral beds. (beneath / below / under) 20. They put the chairs … the back wall of the wall. (along / up / about) Grammar exercise Change into Active Sentence. The room will not be cleaned this morning. Are the walls going to be painted by her? Japanese food will be cooked by my mother. The Science project is going to be finished tomorrow afternoon. Cindy will be bought a new TV by her boyfriend. Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. My driving course is going (go) well and, to my surprise, I 1__ (enjoy) it very much. Harry and Liz, who run the driving school in my area, 2__ (seem) very professional. But what I like most about them is that they 3__ (feel) like friends rather than teachers. I know I‟m making a lot of stupid mistakes (still!) but they keep saying: „Don‟t worry. You 4 __ (learn). Everybody 5__ (need) to go through this stage‟. They always 6 __ (concentrate) on the positive


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

and 7 __ (support) me in every way. Itâ€&#x;s great that Anna from my school 8 __ (do) the course with me. At the moment we 9 __ (practice) different driving maneuvers. Anna 10__ (find) them really difficult but she 11__ (get) better and better. I 12 __ (think) we will both pass our driving test in March. Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 20. Batu Tegi Dam (Source: https://goo.gl/images/z2jcjA)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect Psychomotor aspect TEXT

: Bay : Kiluan Bay : : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Identifying, explaining : Answering, showing : Demonstrating, telling :

Kiluan Bay


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Kiluan Bay is a tourist attraction which is located in Kiluan village, Kelumbayan sub district, Tanggamus district, South Lampung. Kiluan Bay is about 80 kilometers from Bandar Lampung city center or three to four hour if you go there by car. This is the place of migration for a bunch of mouth bottles dolphins. This bay has stunning natural landscape and coast. The sand beach which is spreading out there is white and gentle. It is quite harmonious with the blue color of the sea. Besides swimming and snorkeling, in this bay you can also see the attractions from a group of dolphins. The attractions of a group of dolphins can usually be seen around 06:00 to 10:00 in the morning. However, to watch the attractions you must first rent a small boat or Jukung. By using the small boat or Jukung, you will be brought Into the middle of the see where the dolphins gather. It takes around twenty five minutes from the coast. From close distance, you can see a group of dolphins which swim and even jump on the side of the coming boat as if they welcomed your coming. http://www.englishiana.com/2016/05/contoh-descriptivetext-tempat-wisata.html?m=1 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to identifyother beauty of Kiluan Bay andexplainabout it as a tour guide. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ss show and explainthe beauty of Kiluan Bay. III. Ss demonstrateas a tour guide of Kiluan Bay Tour.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about how to be a good tour guide in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPsVEucIFQcwhile taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with other opinion. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Kiluan Bay text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Tour de Kiluan. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of tour guide from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSfU2EkCZyU(liste ning) b. Ss imitate what the tour guide did in the video. (speaking) 4. Practice a. Ss in form of groups do an internet research then and identifythe other beauty of Kiluan Bay.(reading, writing) b. Ss prepare the tour of Kiluan Bay outside the class. (writing, speaking) c. Ss perform in groups and link the video recording of the performance to Youtube.com (speaking)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some (reading, writing)




Exercise Reading exercise Read carefully, and then answer the questions below.

Figure 21. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/x1uaQi)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. They are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are grown for protection of property from wild animals, as well as many other uses. Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also include members like beets, gypsophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago, bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass. Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. Their stems have adapted to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well known. Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from areoles. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar. 1. Where can we find cacti mostly? A. In the jungle. B. On the beach. C. On the mountain. D. In the arid and hot region. 2. Why do cacti mostly bloom at night? A. Because their flowers are large. B. Since cacti are unusual and distinctive plants. C. Since cacti are pollinated by nocturnal insects. D. As the afternoon period is used for photosynthetic process. 110

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

3. What does the first paragraph tell us about? A. The members of cacti. B. The habitat of cacti. C. The use of cacti D. Types of cacti. 4. What is the purpose of the text ? A. To give information about American cacti B. To explain physical feature of cacti C. To describe cacti in general D. To tell cacti‟s life 5. “Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which …” The synonym of the word “distinctive” is … A. typical B. antique C. unique D. different Grammar Exercise Do the following exercises. 1. I was sleeping when somebody knocked the door ( change this sentence into past perfect tense ) 2. I was working when shanty came ( change this sentence into past perfect tense ) 3. budi had lived in bali ( change this sentence into past perfect tense ) 4. my father had eaten before I worked. ( change this sentence into past perfect tense ) 5. the mechanic had been repairing my car ( change this sentence into past perfect tense )

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


6. semua siswa telah belajar sebelum guru mereka memberikan kuis ( change this indonesian word sentence into English in past perfect tense ) 7. ayahku belum datang ketika ibuku pergi ke pasar ( change this negative indonesian word sentence into English in past perfect tense ) 8. tria mandi setelah dia main basket ( change this indonesian word sentence into English in past perfect tense ) 9. saya bertemu budi setelah saya menghadiri sebuah pesta ( change this indonesian word sentence into English in past perfect tense ) 10. apakah dina belum membaca buku itu ketika saya meminjamnya ? ( change this interrogative indonesian word sentence into English in past perfect tense ) 11. when did the guest come yesterday ? after he …. Cooking. 12. he started working for his hospital two years ago, didn‟t he ? 13. when she arrived at the station, the train …. 14. jony….. about her before they met. 15. we allowed the children to watch their favorite tv program yesterday, only after they …. doing their assignment. Circle the correct verb form. 0 When we arrived they finished / had finished / used to finish their dinner. We were late again! 1 Barbara used to go / had gone / was going shopping more often than she does now. 2 What exactly did you do / were you doing / did you use to do when I called you yesterday? 3 I missed our History test because you didn’t tell / hadn’t told / weren’t telling me about it.


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

4 Nobody wanted to go out yesterday because it rained / used to rain / was raining heavily. 5 On my way to the airport I suddenly remembered that I left / had left / used to leave my passport at home. 6 On Monday morning I woke up / had woken up / used to wake up with a splitting headache. 7 Our daughter took all her savings out of the piggy bank and went / had gone / was going to the bank. 8 What songs had you sung / were you singing / did you use to sing when you were in primary school? Vocabulary Exercise 1) The gardener ….. the grass every Monday and Thursday. A. cuts B. plans C. trains D. comes 2) I can‟t hear anything since my …… are sick. A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. mouth 3) Sugar is ….. , but honey is sweeter than sugar. A. salty B. small C. sweet D. smooth

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


5) Kathy is a ….. . She teaches Math in our class. Every students love her. A. kind teacher B. ugly teacher C. arrogant teacher D. emotional teacher Complete each sentence by typing the comparative or superlative form of the adjective shown in CAPITALS. 1. We stayed in the … hotels we could find. (LUXURIOUS) 2. Jown is … to her problems than I am. (SYMPATHETIC) 3. She is … with people than she used to be. (IMPATIENT) 4. She needs to mae the quality of her work … . (CONSISTENT) 5. Her writing is … and livelier than in her last novel. (FRESH) Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 22. Puncak Mas (Source: https://goo.gl/images/Ng9LRC) 114

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect TEXT

: Interview : Tanjung Setia : Iconic Beach : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Presenting, explaining : Giving, proposing :

Tanjung Setia Beach

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Lampung is not only famous for its Way Kambas National Park. One of the best tourist attractions of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach. This beach is located in the village of Tanjung Setia, West Lampung district, Lampung province. It is about 273 km or about six to seven hour driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung province. This beach has not been well known by the citizens of Indonesia yet, but for the world surfers this beach is a hidden paradise for surfing. This beach is exactly laid on the track of large Indian Ocean currents that make this beach have waves which are quite perfect for surfing. The perfect wave of this beach usually lasts from June to August with the height which can reach up to six to seven meters with a 200 meters length. In addition to perfect waves for surfing, the beach also has an ambience which is quite natural with white sand along the beach. Rows of palm tree which grow also adorn this beach. For local people, the beach area is also an ideal place for fishing. Some fish which are often obtained by the fisherman are blue marlin which is so big enough that its weight can reach up to 70 kilograms. By local residents this fish is known by the name of Iwa Tuhuk. http://www.englishiana.com/2016/05/contoh-descriptivetext-tempat-wisata.html?m=1 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to present about Tanjung Setia and explainto audiences. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Sspresent and explainabout Tanjung Setia to audiences. III. Ss propose the holiday package in Tanjung Setia.


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Tanjung Setia in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZvAV0-ZkPwwhile taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with their experience in visiting Tanjung Setia (if they have visited). (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Tanjung Setia Beach text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson – Holiday on Tanjung Setia. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example of travel agent from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYO9CXUdpug(liste ning) b. Ss with the help of teacher comprehend the video. (speaking) 4. Practice a. Ss in form of groupsmake a holiday package to Tanjung Setia (internet connection is available).(reading, writing) b. Sspresent and explainabout Tanjung Setia in front of the class. (speaking) c. Ss propose the holiday package to other students and it will be recorded to YouTube.com (speaking)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing) Exercise Grammar Exercise Complete this sentences using will or will be. 1. I am sure we … pass the exam. 2. I don‟t think the test … very difficult. 3. She … angry if I am late. 4. They … come here soon. 5. I wonder where we … 30 years from now. Complete this sentence using is/am/are going to or is/am/are going to be. 1. He … wash the car. 2. Look at the clouds. It … rain. 3. I … buy something for lunch. 4. She … nice to you because of the gift. 5. We … the players. Re-arrange these sentences below into good sentences. 1. to – go – are – We – to – year – Surabaya – going – next 2. isn‟t – She – presenter – gonna – the – be 3. soon – be – I – back – will 4. finish – We – before – will – project – the – lunch 118

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I – to – her – going – tomorrow – am – phone – evening you – are – be – at – gonna – 3 – o‟clock – Where is – to – visit – going – Who – Nana be – I – he – think – the – won‟t – leader watch – They – after – will – doing – their – a – movie – homework 10. guest – sure – she – I am – be – my – will – special Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Use Past Simple, Past Continuous or used to. 0 They decided (decide) to postpone their honeymoon until the summer. 1 I was sure I __ (see) that woman before but I couldn‟t remember when and where. 2 The dog ate our lunch while we __ (not watch). 3 They __ (go) to the gym three times a week but now they don‟t have that much time. 4 Margaret __ (not realize) that two people at the next table were watching her all the time. 5 When I __ (cycle) to school this morning, I saw a dangerous accident involving three cars. 6 Her final presentation went very well although she __ (spend) only one hour preparing it the night before. Vocabulary Exercise Choose the best answer. 1) Lili : Do you have a ….. ? Shopkeeper : Yes, we do. The fruit rack is right there. A. Persian cat B. green apple C. running shoes D. drawing book Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


2) My mother is a nurse. She works in Harapan Bunda Hospital. She ….. the doctors. A. thinks B. ignores C. helps D. finds 3) Teguh Hilda

: This fried chicken is my favourite. : I like it too. This fried chicken is very …..

Figure 23. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/V22DKd) A. delicious B. bitter C. salty D. dangerous 4) Something that you can find in your bedroom is a ….. . A. blackboard B. bed C. stove D. garden


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

5) Grant is a tailor. He makes ….. . A. clothes B. bag C. belt D. ice cream Complete the sentences below using the correct preposition. 1. I have spent three years … that company. (to / for / at) 2. The proposal is … consideration at the moment. (for/with/ under) 3. The shopkeeper chased … the thieves. (behind / along / after) 4. We were delighted … her news. (for / by / of) 5. From the house we could walk … to the sea. (beyond / below / down) Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 24. Kelumbayan (Gigi Hiu Beach) (Source: https://goo.gl/images/JThxnR)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect TEXT

: Mountain : Pesagi Mountain : Mountain in Lampung : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Showing, presenting : Giving, showing :

Pesagi Mountain, The Highest Peak at Lampung

Those who love to challenge themselves and hike the highest point must be visit the Pesagi Mt. This mountain is the highest 122

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

point at West Lampung district and it is located in Belalau district. This mountain area has also been developed as a natural tourist attraction called Pekon Hujung. Pesagi Mt is located in the district of Balik Bukit, Liwa, West Lampung, and this is the highest mountain in Lampung, that reaches a height of 2,262 meters. At the foot of this mountain, it believed as the location of the Sekala Brak Kingdom, which is the forerunner of Lampung ethnic descent. Inside the Pekon Hujung travelers can climb to the summit of Pesagi Mountain and enjoying the natural beauty at West Lampung from the highest point. In this area, there is available a traditional homestay with adequate facilities for visitors who are interested in staying overnight in the mountain. The top of Pesagi Mt is fabulous; the height of this mountain reaches 2,200 meters above sea level. The beauty and originality of the nature around Pesagi still awake, and make this as special attraction. From the top of this mountain, the visitors can enjoy the beauty of West Lampung, Ranau Lake, OKU community settlement, Krui high seas, and Belimbing high seas. The privileged of Pesagi summit is has challenging hiking trail. In the stepped area there are many interesting plants such diverse species of orchids and a variety of wild life like birds and wild animals. Anyone who passing this area is forbidden to take and flowers or other plants, and let alone the animals free. All visitors must save the environment well and should not be littering during the journey. It said that at the peak of Pesagi Mt, there are seven wells, one of which sometimes emits a smell like perfume. Not everyone can get the water from the well. According to the local residents, only the climbersâ€&#x; whit “clean heartâ€? will get it. Those who are not environmentally friendly or do not have good intentions, will not get the water out of the well. Pesagi peaks found in the area of Pekon Hujung or Pekon Village, District Belalau, West Lampung. Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


To reach the top of Pesagi Mt, there are two routes that can be taken; the first alternative, visitors can walk from Pekon Bahway, and it will ending in Pekon Hujung. This trajectory requires the normal time of 12 hours round trip by foot. The second alternative is by starts and ends the route from Pekon Hujung, with the same estimated time of 12 hours according to the good climate. http://indonesia-tourism.com/blog/pesagi-mountain-thehighest-peak-at-lampung/ 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to showand presenttheir plan of making a hiking travel and trip on Pesagi Mountain. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ssshowand present hiking travel and trip on Pesagi Mountain. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Pesagi Mountain in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP-1iq6kHsMwhile taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and compare with their experience in hiking the mountain (if they have done). (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Pesagi Mountain, The Highest Peak at Lampung text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson –Hiking on Pesagi Mountain. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch an example hiking travel presentation from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCVf4RBv-d0 (listening) b. Ss take a note of the video for their presentation. (writing) 4. Practice a. Ss in form of groupssearch on the internet about the what they need to present about Hiking Travel and Trip on Pesagi Mountain.(reading, writing) b. Ssshowand presentaboutthe planning in Hiking Travel and Trip on Pesagi Mountain and recorded to YouTube. (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on the Youtube video. (speaking, writing) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Exercise Vocabulary Exercise Complete the sentences below using these words: boring, camera, tomorrow, guitar, key, volume, you, bed, almost, yellow, next, puppy, doctor, marathon, go. 1. I am learning to play the . . . . . 2. Itâ€&#x;s going to be windy . . . . . 3. I like reading before going to . . . . . 4. I went to the pet shop to get a . . . . . 5. This movie is . . . . . 6. I am in training for a . . . . . 7. Please turn down the . . . . . 8. Where is my car . . . . . ? 9. . . . . . is my favorite colour. 10. I love taking photo with my . . . . . 11. Letâ€&#x;s . . . . . fishing.

Figure 25. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/sS829E)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

12. I want to be a . . . . . 13. I will be in Bali . . . . . week. 14. It‟s . . . . . time for lunch. 15. How are . . . . . ? Arrange the sentences below to be a good story.  I think I will also buy one novel.  I am sure it will be very fun.  Secondly, I am going to visit Ina‟s house.  I am gonna make chicken soup for mother‟s birthday on Sunday.  Here are the activities I am going to do this weekend.  Thirdly, I am going to buy anything I need for cooking.  Ina and I love swimming very much.  So, we are going to swim in her swimming pool.  I am going to buy some books about eye health.  Firstly, I am going to go to a book store on Saturday.  We will have a simple but special birthday party for her. Grammar Exercise Do the following exercises. (+) She will be the first female leader. (Change into negative and interrogative) (?) Will you take me to the airport? (Change into positive and negative) (-) We are not going to go on holiday next week. (Change into positive and interrogative) (?) Is she going to write a story about you? (Change into positive and negative) (+) I am going to be his partner. (Change into negative and interrogative)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Some of the sentences below contain mistakes in the highlighted parts. Correct the mistakes and circle (o) the correct sentences. 0 We played Monopoly in the dining room when the lights went off We were playing Monopoly 00 I used to have much more time for going out with my friends, now I‟m too busy with my children. o 1 Margaret had a terrible stomach-ache yesterday because she used to eat too much and too quickly. _____ 2 When I arrived at Joan‟s house to pick her up for a ride to London, she was still getting ready. _____ 3 There are now plenty of wonderful restaurants in my town that didn‟t use to be around when I was a student. _____ 4 While he worked as a freelance television producer, he was offered a job at „Good Morning America.‟ _____ 5 At that moment Paul had realized that his life could change only if he wanted it to change. _____ 6 Did you use to buy anything interesting in the sales last weekend? _____


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 26. Seminung Mountain (Source: https://goo.gl/images/QQ6e2w)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect TEXT

: Famous people : Lampung Famous Figure : Aburizal Bakrie : Biography text : : : Lampung culture : Mentioning, explaining : Choosing, showing :

Biography of Abu Rizal Bakrie - Entrepreneur Indonesia


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Bakrie was born in Jakarta, 15 November 1946, he was the eldest of the family Achmad Bakrie, Bakrie Group founder, and fondly called Ical. After completing courses at the Faculty of Electrical Bandung Institute of Technology in 1973, Ical choose a company developing a family focus, and the last before becoming a cabinet member, he led the Bakrie Group (1992-2004). During working in the corporate world, Ical is also active in the management a number of employers' organizations. Before deciding to abandon a career in the corporate world, he served as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) for two periods (1994-2004). In 2004, Ical decided to end a career in the corporate world, having won the trust as the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare of the United Indonesia Cabinet 2004-2009 period. And since being elected Chairman of Golkar Party 2009-2010, devoted his time and energy to take care of the party. As a businessman Indonesia Bakrie is also Golkar Party Chairman since October 9, 2009. He served the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare in the United Indonesia Cabinet. Previously he also served as Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs in the same cabinet, but its position changed in the reshuffle that made President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on December 5, 2005. Ical been touted as the richest man in Southeast Asia. He spelled out the most brilliant entrepreneurs in the ten years of reform in Indonesia. In addition to get out of the economic crisis that threaten the company, Bakrie Group, it could occupy an important position in government. Bakrie family had also been named by Forbes Asia magazine as the richest person in Indonesia in 2007. He did not dispute, but also did not respond to excess. What is the secret of this successful family business? NEWS scene was blowing in from Singapore. Lions of District's, Forbes Asia magazine issue of December 13, Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


2007 was launched. Its contents, as in previous years, displaying a list of those super-UNCLE HUSSAIN alias of Indonesia's richest. And who make a scene, champion for this year is the Bakrie, a businessman and politician who had sunk during the economic crisis a decade ago. Many people gasped. How could Aburizal Ical-familiar callthat previously were in sixth place with a fortune of U.S. $ 1.2 billion, are now thrust into the top? The answer, according to Forbes research, lies in its ability to double the coffers of wealth. Within a year, Bakrie family's wealth soared almost five-fold from a year earlier to U.S. $ 5.4 billion, or around Rp 50.2 trillion! Thanks to this achievement, tycoon Aburizal directly displacing the top five at once. Boss Raja Garuda Mas Group, Sukanto Tanoto, who last year was named the richest man, has dropped one place to the runner-up sequence. Bakrie Group is fortunate indeed. According to an investment banker, this business group benefited from two blessings at once: the soaring commodity prices in world markets and global investors rush in the Asia-Pacific capital markets. That is why, in a number of stock exchange indices in the region flew an average of 27 percent so far this year. BursaIndonesia even expected to grow by 52 percent. Bakrie family as owners of 40 percent of the Earth would go happy. Shares are now worth cash dikantonginya Rp 47 trillion. This means more than 90 percent of the total wealth is estimated at about Rp 50.2 trillion, Forbes derived from ownership of shares of mining companies. "This is evidence of growing confidence," said Aburizal in Jimbaran, Bali. That's just from the stock of the Earth. These families still have other money in the stock mines Indonesia. PT's stock price rose 223 percent Bakrieland Development, PT Energi Mega Persada 190 percent, PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantations 126 percent, PT Bakrie & Brothers 96 percent, and PT Bakrie Telecom 75 132

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

percent. Generally, this family is the majority owner in these public companies. Then what is the secret behind the triumph of the Bakrie Group? Some analysts and executives from the business group said the key lies in the expertise and time management sees opportunities in decision-making. According to Suryo Sulisto, Chairman of Earth Resources, is not separated from the rapid motion of the Bakrie Group hijack the highly skilled professionals, from within and outside the country, to occupy management positions terrace. There is also another answer behind the rise business Bakrie. In the eyes of economists Dradjad Wibowo, Bakrie key to success is a combination of three things: luck, skill to read the market, and proximity to power steering. An investment banker adds one factor: luck. Bakrie shrewdness chance to steal business from competitors no doubt. http://www.anekamakalah.com/2012/07/biography-of-aburizal-bakrie.html 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to mentionabout Lampung Famous Figures and explain their biography. b. Terminal objectives: IV. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. V. Ssmentionabout Lampung Famous Figures. VI. Ss explain their biography in front of the class.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Abu Rizal Bakrie in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixi8uel7v3Awhile taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video and ask some questions related to that video. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Abu Rizal Bakrie Biography text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson –The Story of Abu Rizal Bakrie. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch a video about elements in biography text from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmDAvD2y9X8 (listening) b. Ss take a note of the video for their presentation. (writing) 4. Practice a. Ssindividuallysearch on the internet about Lampung Famous Figures.(reading, writing) b. Sspresent and explainaboutthe biography of his/her life in front of the class. (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on their friends in front. (speaking) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 134

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6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing) Exercise READING COMPREHENSION Read carefully, and the answer the questions. (This text is for question number 1) Line 1 London grew up beside the Thames, being founded at a point where the river could be forded or crossed. Julius Caesar, hoping to conquer Britain, crossed the Thames in 54 B.C., and Danish pirates often entered the river later. Line 5 centuries. However, when times grew more peaceful, the Thames became a London thoroughfare. State barges carried kings and queens to and from Greenwich Palace and Westminster Palace. Prisoners were also taken in boats to Traitor‟s Gate in the Tower of London. 1. It is implied that if London grew up beside the Thames and the Thames became a London thoroughfare, then the Thames is in …. a. Ireland b. America c. England d. Germany (This text is for question number 2 – 4) Line 1 The administration of a college or university provides the governing structure of the institution. Although each

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


institution organizes its administration differently, nearly all colleges and universities have a board of trustees, a Line 5 president, at least one vice president, deans of various divisions, and a number of academic departments. In addition, state college and university systems are governed by state boards of higher education. 2. The word various in line 5 has a close meaning with … . a. miscellaneous b. variety c. kinds d. difference 3. Where in the passage does the author mention that state college and university systems are governed by state boards of higher education? a. Line 1 – 2 b. Lines 2 – 3 c. Lines 4 – 5 d. Lines 6 – 7 4. The word its in Line 3 refers to … . a. administration b. institution c. president d. divisions (This text is for question number 5) Line 1 Rebecca Friedman earned her M. Ed. in Teacher Leadership and Teaching the Adult Learner, and a post-Masters certificate in School Administration and Supervision from Johns Hopkins University‟s School of 136

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Line 5 Education. Mrs. Friedman is currently a 5th grade teacher at Ohr Chadash Academy, a 3rd and 4th grade teacher at Beth Am Religious School, and an Adjunct Professor for Baltimore City Community College, all located in Baltimore, Maryland. She has presented Professional Line 10 Development workshops on using American Sign Language in the classroom at Hopkins, Beth Am, and Ohr Chadash. She has also presented at the Baltimore Conventiom Center on this topic at the annual AIMS and MANSEF conferences during Fall of 2011. 5. What is the purpose of the passage? a. To introduce Rebecca Friedman b. To describe John Hopkins University c. To describe the Baltimore Convention Center d. To introduce AIMS and MANSEF This section is for number 6 to 15 After Keyra … (6) the coyote so much cunning he became very ambitious and … (7) to do many things which were very much too … (8) for him and which Keyra never intended he should do. One of them … (9) got so conceited that he thought he could … (10) with the stars and so he asked one of them to fly close to the top of a … (11) and take him by the paw and let him dance once around through the sky. The star only laughed at him and … (12) its eye, but the next right when it came around, it sailed close to the mountain and took the coyote by the paw, and flew away with him through the sky. But g the … (13) coyote soon grew tired of dancing this way, and could not wait for the star to come around to the mountain again. He … (14) down at the earth and it seemed g quite near to him, and as the star could not g I wait or fly low just then, he let go and leaped down. Poor … (15) He was ten Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


whole snows in falling, and when he struck the earth he was smashed flatter than a willow mat or a frog in the road. 6. The correct answer is …. a. give b. gave c. given d. gain 7. The correct answer is …. a. will b. would c. want d. wanted 8. The correct answer is …. a. hard b. hear c. hom d. hunt 9. The correct answer is…. a. ons b. owl c. once d. okay 10. The correct answer is …. a. dream b. drug c. dance d. dragon


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

11. The correct answer is …. a. mountain b. monumen c. mobile d. making 12. The correct answer is …. a. wine b. winked c. well d. want 13. The correct answer is …. a. tools b. tone c. too d. foolish 14. The correct answer is …. a. like b. looked c. loan d. lime 15. The correct answer is …. a. coyote b. cone c. come d. cube‟

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


16. Ana : Do you want some chocolate? Aida: …. a. I know. b. I‟m okay. c. I am happy. d. Yes, please. 17. Mr. Tamam: Could you give me two bottles of soft drink? Waitress : How about ice tea? a. Here it is. b. Yes, please. c. I‟m sorry we don‟t have it. d. I‟d love it. 18. Mia : … to take the suitcase in the car? Refan: With my pleasure. a. would you like b. here you are c. nothing d. I could help you


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Dialog for number 19 and 20

Figure 27. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/f7yqFx) Viola: Hello? Wuri : Hello. Is Vivian there? This is Wuri.” Viola: “Oh, hi Wuri. I am sorry she is at the office. Wuri :…. (19) for her? Viola: Of course. Wuri : Well, I just remain her to come to Dina‟s party this afternoon. Did you get my message? Viola: Yes, I did. Don‟t worry I‟ll tell her.” Wuri:…. (20). Goodbye. Viola: Bye Wuri. 19. The correct answer is …. a. Well, can I leave the message b. That‟s fine c. I know what you mean d. I‟m really sorry to hear that

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


20. The correct answer is …. a. I‟m sorry I can‟t b. Thank you Viola c. No problem, dear d. Yes, you‟re right Text for number 21 and 22 Dolphin Attraction Show Ticket: Rp. 25,000 (adult) Rp. 10,000 (child) Opening hours: 10.00 a.m. – 18.00 p.m Monday-Sunday Features: Walrus Show Swimming with the dolphins Magic show Lucky draw 21. How long does the show in a day? a. five hours b. six hours c. seven hours d. eight hours . 22. The followings are featured in the show, except…. a. Walrus show b. Photo session with the dolphin c. Magic show d. Lucky draw


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

23. X: You look so tired…. did you walk? Y: More than six kilometres, I think. a. how far b. how long c. how many d. how big 24. letter – her – Risti – a – village – writes – to – in – the – often – parents The correct arrangement is …. a. Risti often writes a letter her parents to in the village. b. Risti often writes a letter to the village her parents in. c. Risti often writes a letter to her parents in the village. d. Risti often writes a letter in the village to her parents. 25. The followings belong to fable, except. „ a. The grasshopper and the Ant b. Cinderella c. Mouse deer and the Crocodiles d. Turtle and the Hare Grammar Exercise Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Use Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or used to. I don‟t exactly remember when it 1 happened (happen) but I think I (still/attend) my final year of school. One night I 2__ (have) a terrible dream and 3__ (wake up) sweating and trembling in my bed. The dream was about a man (I can clearly remember his wrinkled face), who I 4__ (chase) me because he was sure that I 5__ (steal) his wallet. In my dream I tried to explain to the furious man what 6 __ (happen) to his wallet but he 7__ (not listen). It was a real nightmare! I don‟t have dreams like that anymore but the Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


strangest thing about it all is that for many years I 8__ (dream) about that wrinkled man every time I something wrong 9 __ (do) . Vocabulary Exercise Complete each sentence by writing the comparative or superlative form of the adjective shown in CAPITALS. 1. She is the … person that I had ever met. (DETERMINED) 2. Children become … as they get older. (INDEPENDENT) 3. It is children who get the … form of the disease. (SEVERE) 4. The more he praised her, the … her face grew. (RED) 5. His … comments were reserved for the parents of illbehaved children. (SHARP) Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 28. Sjachroedin Zainal Pagaralam (Source: https://goo.gl/images/8ihGLw)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect Psychomotor aspect TEXT

: Famous people : Lampung Famous Figure : Zulkifli Hasan : Biography text : : : Lampung culture : Exemplifying, applying : Following, performing : Imitating, demonstrating :

Zulkifli Hasan

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Zulkifli Hasan (born May 17, 1962 in Lampung) is an Indonesian politician who is currently serving as Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), replacing Sidarto Danusubroto since October 8, 2014. Previously, he was Indonesian Minister of Forestry, succeeding Sambat Kaban, from October 22, 2009 to October 1, 2014. On his tenure as Minister of Forestry, he has twice received the title of Honorary Doctorate (Honoris Causa), which is the first for the field of Public Administration of Sejong University (Seoul, Korea) and the second to the field of Human Resource Management (HRM) from State University of Semarang (Semarang, Indonesia). During 2004-2009, he was active in the legislature as a member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR) and during the years 2005-2010, he held positions as General Secretary of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan completed his upper secondary education at SMAN 53 Jakarta in 1982. Subsequently, he took a degree program at the Faculty of Economics, University Krisnadwipayana and got a degree in economics in 1996 . He then took a post-graduate program at the School of Management PPM and earned a Master of Management in 2003. At the beginning of his tenure as Chairman of the Constitutional Committee, he assumed the task of organizing the inauguration of president-vice president for the 2014-2019 reign in the midst of the tense political situation. In preparation ahead of the inauguration, he is committed to hold the inauguration well and will seek the presence of all parties, including Prabowo and Hatta Rajasa as candidates for president and vice president who became a competitor winning pair, Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla . He managed to do their job well and the inauguration was taking place peacefully. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulkifli_Hasan


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to exemplifyLampungFamous Figures and applyit in an interview. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ssimitatethe Lampung Famous Figures in form of style, intonation, etc. III. Ss demonstrate their figures as an interviewee in an exclusive interview. 2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Zulkifli Hasan interview with Harrison Ford in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6fKSwyNIkUwhile taking a note from that video. (listening, writing) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion about the video. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Zulkifli Hasan Biography text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson –Zulkifli Hasan: From Lampung to Indonesia. 3. Exposure a. Ss watch a video about interviewfrom this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFNn5KYnlZg(listen ing) Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


b. Ss take a note of the video for their presentation. (writing) 4. Practice a. Ss in peer groupsearch on the internet about Lampung Famous Figures biography, then prepare an exclusive interview as if they are really the figures (imitating).(reading, writing) b. Ssperform and demonstratean exclusive interview with a famous figure in front of the class and recorded on YouTube.com. (speaking) 5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on their friends in front. (speaking) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing) Exerscise Reading Exercise Read carefully, and answer the questions below. The Sarai are an indigenous people living in the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia's Kola peninsula. Originally, the Sami religion was animistic; that is, for them, nature and natural objects had a conscious life, a spirit. Therefore, one was expected to move quietly in the wilderness and avoid making a disturbance out of courtesy to these spirits. Ghengis Khan is said to have declared that the Sami were one people he would never try to fight again. Because the Sami were not


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

warriors and did not believe in war, they simply disappeared in times of conflict. They were known as "peaceful retreaters." 1. Based on the tone of the passage, which of the following words bestdescribes the author's attitude toward the Sami people? a. admiring b. pitying 48 c. contemptuous d. patronizing 2. `The closest meaning of the underlined word animistic, as it is used in the passage, is a. the irrational belief in supernatural beings. b. the belief that animals and plants have souls. c. the belief that animals are gods. d. the primitive belief that people can be reincarnated as animals. 3. What is the meaning of the underlined word courtesy as it is used in the passage? a. timidity b. caution c. respect d. fear

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Figure 29. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/Yn7pKN) Daffodil bulbs require well-drained soil and a sunny planting location. They should be planted in holes that are 3-6 inches deep and there should be 2-4 inches between bulbs. The bulb should be placed in the hole, pointed side up, root side down. Once the bulb is planted, water the area thoroughly. 4. According to the above directions, when planting daffodil bulbs, which of the following conditions is not necessary? a. a sunny location b. well-drained soil c. proper placement of bulbs in soil d. proper fertilization 5. According to the above directions, which of the following is true? a. Daffodils do best in sandy soil. b. Daffodil bulbs should be planted in autumn for spring blooming. c. It is possible to plant daffodil bulbs upside down. d. Daffodil bulbs require daily watering. 150

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Grammar Exercise First, read and complete the text with phrases from the box. wakes the children up 10 p.m. many times very tired taxi bus

20 children 6 o'clock gives them breakfast St Johns Hospital

My name is Jennie. I‟m a nurse......................................and I work at................................................I look after sick children at night. I start work at.............................................................and finish early at...........................................in the morning. I go to work by ........................................................ but I come home in the morning by.......................................................................because I‟m tired. I have...........................................in my section. I look at the children................................................. during the night. Sometimes I sit and talk to a child. The children sleep most of the time. At 6 o'clock the day nurse arrives and…………........................................... She ................................................................. at 7 o'clock. I go home and go to bed at 8 o'clock. I usually feel ...........................................

Circle the Present Perfect form that would be appropriate in the situations below. 0 You‟re mad because your sister dropped your favorite mug. How many times have I told / been telling you not to touch it? 1 You come home and see your brother covered with paint. Have you painted / been painting? 2 Your talking with your friends about new books. Have you read / been reading Paulo Coelho‟s latest book?

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


3 You‟re explaining why you don‟t fancy going to the cinema I‟ve seen / been seeing this film three times this year. 4 You‟re talking with your friend about your dance teacher. I‟ve had / been having classes with her since March. 5 You‟re discussing your favorite rock band. They‟ve played / been playing together since 2002. 6 Your classmates are asking you about your new glasses. I‟ve had / been having them for over two months. 7 You‟re gossiping about the best pupil in your class. He‟s written / been writing a five-page essay. That‟s far too long! 8 You‟re mad because your friend‟s phone is always busy. I‟ve tried / been trying to call her for more than an hour. And she‟s still on the phone! Vocabulary Exercise Complete each sentence by choosing the correct preposition. 1. She has no control … that dog! (over / on / with) 2. Do not feel guilty … being late. (from / about / with) 3. Has was somewhere … Rome and Venice. (between / among / along) 4. Be careful! Do not go … the trees. (beyond / over / without) 5. Which way … does this box go? (about / up / over) 6. He managed to pass … studying hard. (by / with / from) 7. They walked … to the end of the street. (beyond / aside / up) 8. They sang … the long walk home. (along / throughout / over) 9. He failed … lack of work. (for / through / with)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

10. The car went … us at a very high speed! (against / past / around) 11. My brother is really … snowboarding – he goes every winter. (for / over / into) 12. You should be pleased … the results. (with / for / over) 13. It was sunny all … the summer months. (through / between / round) 14. The bus stops just … the traffic lights. (down / to / before) 15. The shares have risen … six euros each. (up / at / to) Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 30. Radin Intan II (Source: https://goo.gl/images/7vTJ3y)

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based



TOPIC Big „C‟ culture Little „C‟ culture Cultural information Cultural sense Cultural element Cultural type Cognitive aspect Affective aspect Psychomotor aspect TEXT

: Tourism : Pahawang Island : : Informative text : : : Lampung culture : Remembering, producing : Choosing, performing : Practicing, perfecting :

Pahawang Island


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Pahawang Island is an island located in Punduh Padada sub district, Pasawaran district, Lampung province. The island is divided into two; They are Pahawang Besar island and Pahawang Kecil island. Pahawang island saves a lot of beauty. Beautiful scenery, hills of green trees, white sand beaches, crystal clear and fresh sea water are all you can enjoy on the island. It is suitable for those who like snorkelling. Moreover, in small Pahawang Island there is a natural bridge called Tanjung Putus. Tanjung Putus connects between the Tanjung Putus island and the Pahawang Kecil island. Tanjung Putus can only be seen during low tide because when the tides rise, this natural bridge will be under water. Tanjung Putus region is also one of the favorite diving spot for the visitors. Small Pahawang island can be reached approximately ten minutes from big Pahawang island. Most visitors stay at Pahawang Big Island because mostly locals live there. http://www.englishiana.com/2016/05/contoh-descriptive-texttempat-wisata.html?m=1 1. Lesson objectives a. General objective: At the end of the class the students are supposed to be able to remember aboutPahawang Island and producea role-play about Pahawang Island. b. Terminal objectives: I. Ss read the reading text oud loud in individually and together. II. Ssremember and produce a role-play about Pahawang Island. III. Ss perform their role-play in front of teachers.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


2. Warm up a. Ss watch a video about Pahawang Island in this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJQ5kP5QCYA. (listening) b. Ss randomly chosen by the teacher convey their opinion of that video and their impression about Pahawang. (speaking, listening) c. Ss do a vocabulary game related to Pahawang Island text. (writing, listening, speaking) d. T invents some important vocabularies of the text on the white board and Ss drill the pronunciation of the invented vocabularies and practice making them in sentences.(vocabulary, pronunciation) e. T lead the Ss to the topic of todayâ€&#x;s lesson –From Pahawang With Love 3. Exposure a. Ss watch a video about acting skills from this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDSP8wYlMzY(listen ing) b. Ss take a note of the video for their performance. (writing) 4. Practice a. Ss in one big groupprepare a role-play about Pahawang Island, they can creatively think what the content of the roleplay and also can use internet to help them.(reading, writing) b. Ss produce and performtheir role-play in front of theirteachers and recorded on YouTube.com. (speaking)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

5. Review a. Ss individually give constructive comments and reflection on their performance in front, and also their teachers are able to give comments.(speaking) b. Ss and T reflect the culture points and language skills that have been learned so far. (speaking) 6. Assessment

a. Ss answer some reading comprehension questions. (reading, writing) Exercise Vocabulary Exercise Complete each sentence by choosing the correct homophone. Homphones are words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings 1. I … home from work by bike. (road / rode) 2. I told that … Glyn and he was horrified. (to / too / two) 3. It must have been someone who is in the … about the project who told the press about it. (no / know) 4. The plaster cast will help to … the broken bone. (heal / heel) 5. Do not walk around outside in your … feet. (bare / bear) 6. American pit bull terriers are … for their fighting instincts. (bread / bred) 7. Would you lie a seat by the … or would you prefer to be by the window? (aisle / isle) 8. She gave him a long … but did not answer his question. (stair / stare) 9. The bird flew off with a bright red … in its beak. (berry / bury) 10. He had an accident while he was driving a … car. (hire / higher) 11. They set … for France. (sale / sail) 12. There is a … in the pipe. (brake / break) Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


13. There will be new … on drink-driving from next week. (curbs / kerbs) 14. Well, cut it in … and we will have half each. (to / too / two) 15. It was freezing outside and her hands were … with cold. (blew / blue) 16. Most rock groups spend two of three months a year on the … . (road / rode) 17. She … about medical matters for a national newspaper. (rights / writes) 18. We could take out a … to buy a car. (loan / lone) 19. The girl carefully pulled up the weed by its … . (roots / routes) 20. They pulled out of the deal at the last minute leaving us … and dry. (hi / high) Grammar Exercise Choose the best anwer. 1. They had already ............ the news when I informed it to them a. knew b. know c. knowing d. known e. to know 2. When i moved in this city, Oscar hadn't ............ here for a year a. lived b. lives c. living d. live e. to live


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

3. ............ your son brushed his teeth before he went to sleep a. Have b. Has c. Having d. Had been e. Had 4. My children told me that they ............ their homework a. had already did b. had already done c. had already do d. have already done e. have already did 5. He ............ his car when she was about to buy it from him a. had sell b. has sell c. had sold d. have sold e. has sold 6. ............ you prepared yourself before you followed the National Examination? a. Having b. To have c. Has d. Have e. Had 7. Cindy............ English for several minutes when his father left the house a. had studied b. had study Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


c. has studied d. have studied e. had studying 8. My wife told me that she ............ my favorite cake.

Figure 31. (Source: https://goo.gl/images/U5sC5s) a. b. c. d. e.

had cook had cooking had cooked has cooked have cooked

9. When we finished studying, We hadn't ............ the lesson a. understanding b. understood c. understand d. to understand e. to understood 10. Paul had ............ his wallet for several hours before he finally found it under the table a. looked for b. look for 160

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

c. looking for d. to look for e. to looked for Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. 0 I‟m sorry, I‟m late. I hope you haven‟t been waiting (not wait) long. 1 I feel really tired. I ________ (shop) for Christmas gifts all morning. 2 My favorite player _______(score) 7 goals in 10 matches so far. 3 I‟m afraid I ________(forget) your surname. 4 Georgia ________ (practice) yoga since she was 15 years old. 5 We __________(not hear) from Barbara since April. Have you? 6 She doesn‟t know what to do – she _________(lose) her passport and all her money. 7 Do you know how long ________ (go) out together?

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Speaking Exercise Describe the picture below by your own words and tell your friends in front of the class.

Figure 32. Alau-Alau Beach (Source: https://goo.gl/images/HkoiFH)


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


lahir di Bandar Lampung, 08 January 1985.

Penulis memulai pendidikanya di Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo 2004. Gelar Strata 1 ( S1) di tempuh di IAIN Raden Intan, Lampung, sejak 2006-2010, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Gelar strata 2 (Master Of Art) nya di Techno Global University, New Delhi, 2011-2013 dengan spesialisasi: English Literature. Saat ini penulis bekerja sebagai dosen tetap Universitas Bandar Lampung ( UBL). Penulis memiliki berbagai pengalaman di bidang Bahasa Inggris yang terangkum dibawah ini:  Team Leader, DIKTI funded Research Project, Universitas Bandar Lampung, 2016-2017  Head of Study Program, English Education Department, Universitas Bandar Lampung, 2016 - present  Student Counseling, English Education Department, Universitas Bandar Lampung, 2016 – present Islamic Student Activity Unit Advisor, Universitas Bandar Lampung, 2016 – present.  Guru Agama dan Bahasa Inggris 2004 – 2010 di beberapa Pondok Pesantren di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia  Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Bandar Lampung, 2013 – sekarang dengan konsetrasi mengajar pada Mata Kuliah ( Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Introduction to Paragraph Writing, Advance

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Paragraph Writing, English Language Testing and Evaluation , Extensive Reading)  Instruktur TOEFL, Universitas Bandar Lampung, 2016 – sekarang dengan ketrampilan Integrated Skills Penulis juga aktif dalam berbagai publikasi ilmiah yaitu:  ["Learners’ Autonomy in Out-Of-Class English Writing Learning Activity of the Third Semester Students of English Education Study Program of Universitas Bandar Lampung" English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 20/09/2017]  ["Students’critical Thinking in Online Discussion Forum" International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL), 21/05/2016]  ["The Use of Authentic Materials in Speaking Class at The Second Semester Students of English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Bandar Lampung University" International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL), 21/05/2016]  ["The Art of Seduction of Giacomo Casanova An Analysis of “The Story of My Life”" International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS), 31/07/2015]  ["Teaching English Words‟ Literal Meaning To 2nd Semester Students of FKIP UBL Through Stage Hypnosis" International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL), 22/05/2014] Selain publikasi yang dilakukan penulis juga telah menerima berbagai perhargaan internasional seperti:  Master‟s Degree Scholarship on English Literature from Indian Council for Cultural Relations, India 2011  Master‟s Degree Scholarship on Teaching English as an International Language from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand 2014


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

 11 week Short Course Fellowship in two countries, Brunei Darussalam and the US on English Language Enrichment Program from the Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam, 2016  2018 Seminar for Education Officials of Developing Countries Fellowship sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C, China. Penulis juga aktif dalam berbagai konferensi tingkat internasional  ["Lampung Culture-Based English Lesson Plan and Classroom Activities” Asia TEFL Conference at University of Macau, Macau 29/06/2018]  ["Students’critical Thinking in Online Discussion Forum" International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL), 21/05/2016]  ["The Use of Authentic Materials in Speaking Class at The Second Semester Students of English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Bandar Lampung University" International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL), 21/05/2016]  ["The Art of Seduction of Giacomo Casanova An Analysis of “The Story of My Life”" International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS), 31/07/2015]  ["Teaching English Words‟ Literal Meaning To 2nd Semester Students of FKIP UBL Through Stage Hypnosis" International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL), 22/05/2014] Disamping itu, penulis juga akatif dalam berbagai aktifitas lainnya seperti  "Teaching Bahasa Indonesia to Indian Students”, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, October-November 2012.  “Free TOEFL Trainer for university students, Republic of Letters English Course, Bandar Lampung 2013-2017.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


 "Language Orientation" UKM Bahasa, UIN Raden Intan Lampung, October 2014.  "Seminar Beasiswa Internasional" UIN Raden Intan, September 2017.  "Supervising English Department students and alumni of Universitas Bandar Lampung in getting International scholarships, December 2015-present.  “TOEFL trainer for Lecturers of UIN Raden Intan Lampung”, September 2017. Penulis dapat di hubungi melalui: Helta Anggia Hp: (+62) 813-6822-3723) helta@ubl.ac.id


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Noning Verawati,

lahir di Adi Jaya, 05 Mei 1986. Penulis

memulai pendidikanya di SMA Negeri 1, Terbanggi Besar. Gelar Strata 1 (S1) di tempuh di UPN Veteran Jogjakarta pada jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi. Gelar strata 2 (Master Of Art) nya di tempuh di Universitas Gadjah Mada Jogkakarta . Sejak tahun 2011, penulis bekerja sebagai dosen Universitas Bandar Lampung ( UBL) pada Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi dengan mengampu mata kuliah, komunikasi massa, Manajemen Media massa, Komunikasi dan Negosiasi Bisnis, Jurnalistik, Perkembengan Teknologi Komunikasi. Sebelum bekerja sebagai tenaga pengajar, penulis memulai karirnya sebagai reporter magang ( Juli –Agustus) di Radio UNISI 104.5 FM Jogjakarta, Asisten dosen ( Agustus-November) pada praktikum Jurnalistik Radio di UPN Veteran Jogjakarta, reporter di Radio MQ FM 92,3 FM Jogjakarta ( Oktober 2007-Mei 2008), reporter tetap Radio UNISI Jogjakarta 104.5 FM ( Juni-2011). Penulis juga aktif dalam berbagai publikasi ilmiah yaitu: 

Program Radio „‟Program Seksualitas‟‟ dalam Pemberdayaan Perempuang.2009: Komunikasi Dan Dunia Penelitian Dalam Perspektif Kualitatif. UGM-Jogakarta.

Formulasi Pembuatan Program Acara Budaya Lampung Sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Kebudayaan di Radio Swasta Kota Bandar Lampung. 2017. Prosiding Kearifan Lokal dalam Dinamika Masyarakat Multikultural. UNILA.

Program Acara Kesenian Tradisional di Radio Siaran Swasta Lokal di DIY ( Studi Komperatif Tentang FaktorFaktor yang Mempengaruhi Eksistensi Program Acara Kesenian Tradisional di Radio Siaran Swasata pada Frekuensi FM dan AM di Jogkakata. 2012. Disertasi Jogjakarta.

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Selain itu, penulis juga menerima hibah penelitian dan pengabdian dari Kemenristik Dikti: 

2018, Hibah PKPT ( tahun ke 2) dengan judul riset system Pembelajaran Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris, Berbasis Budaya Lokal Masyarakat Lampung

2017, Hibah Dosen Pemula (PDP) dengan Judul Formulasi Pembuatan Program Acara Budaya Lampung Sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Kebudayaan Di Radio Siaran Swasta Kota Bandar Lampung

2017, Hibah PKPT ( tahun ke1) dengan judul riset system Pembelajaran Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris, Berbasis Budaya Lokal Masyarakat Lampung

2015.,Hibah Dosen Pemula, Analisis Startegi Promosi Kawasan Pariwisata Pantai di Provinsi Lampung

2015, Hibah Bersaiang. Pengembangan Model Pelayanan Publik Melalui Program E. Government di Provinsi Lampung.

2015, Pemanfaatan Limbah Udang Sebagai Pakan Itik dan Pembuatan Telur Asin Rasa Udang Rendah Kolesterol ( tahap 2 )

Penulis dapat di hubungi melalui: Noning Verawati Hp: (+62) 813-92853835 Noning.verawati@ubl.ac.id


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

Arnes Yuli Vandika,

lahir di Sidoarjo, 3 juli 1977 . Penulis

memulai pendidikanya SMA Negeri 1 Telukbetung. Gelar Strata 1 ( S1) di B.S in Computer Science – University of Bandar Lampung. Gelar strata 2, Master Komputer (M.Kom) di tempuh Eresha School of IT. Saat ini penulis bekerja sebagai dosen tetap Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL). Dengan menukuni berbagai pemintan yaitu : Computer Network High Preformance Network Wireless Network Sensor High Performance Computing Parralel Grid Computing Research Network Grid Computing Software Defined Network Software Defined Radio Cloud Security Services Penulis juga memiliki berbagai pengalaman di bidang Komputer jaringan yang terangkum dibawah ini: Period (yyyy/mm) from




Name & Location of Workplace


Job Description/Duty (In detail)

Lecture Faculty of Junior / Teach : Computer National - Communication Science Lecture ID Data and Network University of (NIDN) : - Cloud Computing Bandar 020307770 - Operating System Lampung 1 Faculty of

Prepare and help teach Assistance Computer the Material Lecture : 2011.09.28 2012.09.18 Lecture - Communication Science Data and Network University of

Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based


Bandar Lampung


Operating System Architecture Computer


Building from zero Local Network Communication in Campus

Computer Center

Network 2006.09.05 2011.09.15 University of Engineer Bandar Lampung -

Building from zero Datacenter Campus and farm server TroubleShoot Network and Wireless

Lab. Network Internet 2005.05.05 2010.09.10


Lab. Responsible

Center Manager University of Bandar

Service user practicum Teach practicum


Penulis juga aktif dalam berbagai publikasi ilmiah yaitu: 1. The Application Of Web Based Learning By Using A Blended Learning Approach In Speaking Ii Class Of English Education Study Program Of Teacher Training And Education Faculty Of Bandar Lampung University, Proceedings the Fourth International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) 2016 , Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2303-1417.20-21 May 2016 2. Learning Interaction In Web Based Learning In Speaking II Class Of English Education Study Program Of Teacher Training And Education Faculty Of Bandar Lampung University , Proceedings the Fourth International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) 2016 , Universitas Bandar


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based








Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2303-1417.20-21 May 2016 IT Bussiness : At A Glance Cloud Learning System in EF Bandarlampung, Proceedings the Third International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG), Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2339-1650.20-21 May 2016 The Impact Of It Social Network Path In The Students Of Community, Proceedings the Third International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS), Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2460-0598.5-7 June 2015 Impact From Social Media To Social Life Proceedings the Third International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS), Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2460-0598.5-7 June 2015 An Using E-CRM To Improve Market Value Companies , Proceedings the Third International Multidiciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS), Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2460-0598. 5-7 June 2015 E-Archive : Digital Storage Media Proceedings the Third International Conference on Technology and Engineering Development (ICETD) 2014, Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2301-5690.27-28 October 2014 Organize Bad Manual Financial Database of Educational Organization by Bank to Decrease Financial Criminalize, Proceedings the Third International Conference on Technology and Engineering Development (ICETD) 2014, Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2301-5690.27-28 October 2014 Prototype Topology SDN for Simple Network Campus, Proceedings the Third International Conference on Technology and Engineering Development (ICETD) 2014, Universitas Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based







Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2301-5690. 27-28 October 2014 E-Education : Social Media Network for Distance Learning System, Proceedings the Second International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) 2014, Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2303-1417. 20-22 May 2014 At a Glance Information System in LMS for Education Language, Proceedings the Second International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) 2014, Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2303-1417. 20-22 May 2014 Designing IT Governance Approach Standard ISO 38500 for Indonesia Higher Education , Proceedings the First International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG), Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2339-1650. 22-24 Oktober 2013 E-Business : At A Glance Indonesia Online Shop Agent, Proceedings The First International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG), Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2339-1650. 22-24 Oktober 2013 Bridging Router to ADSL Modem for Stability Network Connection , Proceedings the Second International Conference on Technology and Engineering Development (ICETD) 2013, Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2301-5690. 27-29 August 2013

Penulis dapat di hubungi melalui: Arnes Yuli V. (62)81540835537 dan (62) 8127987252 Email: arnes@ubl.ac.id


Learning English: Lampung Culture-Based

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