June 17th, 2016

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The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, June 17th, 2016


The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016


zOnlz pIars lMzn dI aOtomoitv Kyqr ivwc 15 sfl srivs krky, zOnlz pIars PlorIzf clf igaf ijwQy Aus ny vYst pflm bIc ielfky ivwc 7 sfl kMm kIqf. Aus qoN bfd zOnlz bI sI afieaf ijwQy Aus ny vwzIaF kMpnIaF ijvyN ik bI aYm zbil XAU vYnkUvr, vOlksvYgn vfeIt rfk aqy bI aYm zbl XAU lYNglI ivwc kMm kIqf. 30 sfl dy qjLrby bfad, zOnlz ny aYbtsPorz af ky afpxf kfrobfr sLurU kIqf- zrfeIv XoropIan. zrfeIv XoropIan afm rpyar sLfpF vFgU nhIN, ieWQy do sfl dI lybr vrMtI dy nfl hI mfstr srtIPfeIz tYkinsLn quhfnMU afpxy pfsy df pUrf mul idMdy hn. jd vI quhFnMU gzI df qyl bdlfE krnf hovy jF gzI dI srivs krOxI hovy, zrfeIv XoropIan quhFnMU qswlI bKLsL syvfvF pRdfn krn ivwc mfihr hY. eyQy qusIN afpxI bI aYm zbil XAU, imnI, mrsyzIjL, krf skdy ho. afE aqy zrfeIv XoropIan aOzI, lYNz rovr, porsL, vOlksvYgn, aqy dIaF syvfvF df lfB AuTfE. iesLiqhfr hor vI kuJ bhuq sfrIaF gwzIaF dI rIpyar ryTF vyKo.


Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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Patrika The Patrika

June18th, 17th,2015 2016 Friday,Friday, December

  

amrIkf ivwoN ikR c sKLims UnI aqy kFz aYbtsPordy z myklw arbvwl nvyN sfl dIaF jn smUh nUM vDfeIaF

amrIkf dy PlorIzf rfj dy ArlYNzy sLihr ivwc iewk nfeIt klwb AuWqy hmly (pMjfbI pwiqRkf vwloN aYbtsPorz istI myar dI KLbr ny iewk vfr iPr sfry sMsfr hYnrI brfAUn nfl kIqI sMKyp pr ivsLysL nUM hlUx idwqf hY. Aus klwb ivwc hoeI gwlbfq df sfraMsL pfTkF leI ikRsims go lIbfrI ivwc pMjfh lokF dI mOq ho aqy nvyN sfl dy sLuB afgmn dIaF KusLIaF geI hY qy iesihwqoqN vw DL kIqf jKLmIjfhoirhf ey hn. sFJIaF krn pys hY) Gtnf dy sMbMD ivwc ijs ivakqI nUM ijvyN hI CwutIaF dodfsLIsIjL n afAu x vflf mrn dy bfad mMinaf igaf hY, hY my a r aqy kO N s l kimAu i ntI ies eIvY Aus dy bfp ny qF BfvyN Aus nUM iksy qrHF Nt dy kw jLt osVpM -Kro ivwMc vfDf jokrn sKq dy Qs I L jnU n nfl Vn nUleI M TIk imhnq kr rhy hn. stfP ny kfro b frIaF nhIN mMinaf, pr dihsLqgrd grwup nfl iml ky pUry sLihr nuM sjfAux vfsqy afeI[aYWs[afeI[aYWs dy tivwtr Kfqy ivwc ijvy ik hfeIstrIt trI lfeIitMg, ikRsims Aus dI Poto inklxf keI iesLfry krdf hY. zYkorysLnjL nUM pUry sLihr ivwc cmkfAuxf, aPL finsqfn ipConktfAU V vfly hr gsfl dI qrHdy F zfAU n aYmF-bfp btsPorzdf pwikRuqsrims Aumr mqIn su B fa qo N ihM s k pRivrqI tRI lfeIitMg krnf, stfP vloN df sI, pr dihsL q grdI nfl vI Au s pRfeIvytlI ikRsims iznr vI afrgynfeIjLdf sM bMD ho iehistI gwlvwlvfrdfq kIqf. myv ayg rf,aqy oN sfry jnhoxsmUqwhk ko I nhIN soc nvy sikaf. nUe M ikR simssI aqy N sfl dIaF lwK-lwK


issitm nUM smyN dy hfx df bxfAux leI 2 imlIan zflr Krc krn df PYslf kIqf hY. ies Krcy krky istI nUM tYks ivwc 2[5 pRqIsLq df vfDf krnf hovygf. lokF nUM qurMq hI CyqI nfl nqIjy pRfpq hoxgy. stfP dy kMmkfj ivc qyjLI afeygI. byGiraF dy muwdy ‘qy myar ny afiKaf ik AunHF dy vfsqy Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn. istI sUbf srkfr nfl byGiraF leI rYx bsyrf nO jvfn kfsov qoN afey Auh leI jdoN Xqn kfsovo bxfAu x leI pRofprtI pRfsn. pq krn ivw c rU s ivrw u D lVdy sn, amrIkf kr rhI hY. AunHF ikhf ik kONsl ny pRfeIvytdI sYktr nfl mfrikt isMgrhIvfsqy srkfr AunHF vI dI srpR sqI hfAU krdI sI qy sM p rk kIqf ho i eaf hY . ienH F skImF ‘qy y eysy ilhfjdfrI ivwc AunHF nUM amrIkI vIjL ajy kM m ho irhf hY . ieh qu r M q hI pU r IaF iml gey sn. jnUMnI zMg mfrn igwJy hoey nhIN Au h dohovskdIaF. yN muMzy amrIkf ivwc jf ky afpxIaF

afdqF sn Cwikz Dfrimk sky qy BfeIcfiraF vfrdfq kr myar nynhIN hor ikhf aqyqI kfro sI. bfrI BfeIcfiraF nfl afrjLI vDfeIaF. myar brfAUn aYbtsPorz ivKy idw eydF pihlI vfr nhIN hoieaf. iewk vfrI sLYltr iqafr krn leI kMm kIqf jf 1953 qoN rihMdf hY. jdoN qoN Auh kYnyzf dI hfkm ieh gwl kdy nhIN mMnxgy, amrIkI mUl dy eIsfeI prvfrF ivwc jnm amrIkI ivsL f l pR f eIvy t trFijt knstrksL n irhf hY. myar ny byGiraF dI shfieqf afny hY ik aPgfinsqfn lY n muMzy jdo N pfiksqfn qoN nho pr leIieh Pryso jLl r F hY lQ swXUciInt nfl kMm krn kMx pnIvfly ivciqMsI[eI[E[ sI. hYnrI brfAU ivw c jdo N so v Iaq rU s nfl ny V vflI ky qFz amrIkf IaF dI idlcspI jLfhr kIqI hY qF ik Ausrkfr nHF nUM aYbafey tsPor istI ivwcdIiqMKunPIaf sfl eykOjNsMslr sI, Au s ivrw u D jhfd krn vfsqy jL ihrI idKfieaf jfey ik ijL L M d gI bsL r krn df nyirhf igRP qfr kIqy sn. mu M i zaF dy mF-bfp aqy hux vrqmfn ivc Auh myar dI ho r qrIkf vI hY . gM d lF Edo N amrIkf ny hI pfiksqfn smJdy pdvI ‘qysnhY ik . muMzy inrdosL hn, pr jdoN sn.mYsonv s tuwtxivc nfl AunHF nfl sfhmxf krfieaf igaf qF muMizaF ivw myacrbIjIaF vwloN istI yjIaq r dIrUqnKfh my a r brfAU n aY b tsPo r z invfsIaF leI mwuk geI pr ny afp dwisaf ik Auh ieslfm gRihx kr amrIkf kIqy geyvfsqy vfDy lVfeI nUM jfiejL aqy sI, ZukvF ies nUM ruqjgrdI Lgfr, ishq zx N ielfvf ijnH F gBry t F nU M Au s dy hfkmF ny cfbIaF ky dihsL dI tryaqy inMgKylY x qo pfiksqfn afKidaF qswlI pRgt kIqI geI ik ieslf suK sLFqI nfl rihx leI sB qoN vwD vDIaf gey sn. iewk vfr brqfnIaf ivwc eydF dy idw qIaF snnUqy ijhVy hfkmF nfl istI M lfB hI pfiksqfnI hoeygf. istI mYnyjaqy r sQfn bnfAux leI afpxI pUrI Xogqf aqy dIOjIqnKfh 230,000 zflr sflfnf qoN iew k lVky ny aPL g finsqfn ivw c izAU t I kr PL jrnY l F nU M ies ivw c o N lY x -dy x df cskf XqnF nfl awgy vD ky agvfeI kr irhf hY. vDfidwkyqf255,000 zflrlVfeI kIqI nf geImwuk hYI ieh ky afey iewk PLOjI df Bry cONk ivwc glf vwZ lf sI, AunF leI sI qy vfDf aqyMdkMy m anudihsL sfr Xo g hY aYbtsPorz ivkfsmuleI ky kql krn dy ipwCafriQk oN ienHF amrIkI MizaF nf AuhAus mwdI ukxXodygxqff cfhu sn. qgrdI ikAu nyjr dI qnKfh koel IF afAu x pYvfly ivc AumyhavI r jw iewdkI- KL dy rfh x dIkugwJlsflF mMnI sI. qmNikho2013 jFdI qoqFN mYpfiksqfn dy PLOjivwI c jrnY vfDf nhIN ho i eaf sI aqy nfly 260 imlIan cmqkfrI dU r -idR s L t I rw K df hY . hY n rI pusLqI ibRitsL eIsfeI twbr df pwuqr sI. qy isafsI afgUaF df hlvf-mMzf bMd ho brfAU n ivw aY b xy inkl vfly zflr dy bjt vflI aqy 900 krmcfrIaF amrIkf ctsPo eydF rdyz kyivc s vIafAu bQyr jfxf sI, ies Aukfj h BwleI TI qpdI vflI istI kONslleI dy kMm 16 nvMrwbKrdy 60,000 nvyN Au loskFdIaF leI invfs vfsqy rhy hn aqy eyjMsIaF inkMistI mIaF rhy . dunIaf Br ivwc ies vyly PYlI hoeI mYnyjr nfl jrUrI kdm cuwkx dy XqnF nUM kONsLl dI aYgjYkitv mIitMg ny mYnyjr dI sfbq ho rhIaF hn. dihsL grdI, ijwQvy IjL dihsL qgrdI BfvyN c vfDyaqy dI qjL pRvfn kr leI. bfry sMjIdf Xojnf leI kMm kr irhf hY. qnKfhqivw , jnUMn idKfeI dy irhf hY, ieh sB Aus invfsIaF gw dy lrihx leIivw pbilk ijhVIaF F crcf c hn,sQfnF AunHF aqy ivwc nhIN myar ny hor afiKaf ik mYnyjr dI qnKfh vy l y amrIkf dI aPLgfinsqfn nIqI afrgy Ntr df ivkfs Bfvy N AunsfeIjL dyszL istI ivwc sYibnF lfiesY Ns sL qofN ml gMn hor eydI ysy istI vrgIaF sUby dIaF ds istIaF nqIjf hY. Esfmf ibl lfdyn qy muwlf mnorMnMjI nKuwl dI df loVhonU rwhYK. xmyadIr kfnU xMf vI vI smJdf eydF dy df dy mYnyjrF nfloN pihlI qnKfh Gwt sI ijvNy qwk ijMzYnly vI grd amrIkf hoieafleI iqMnFdoafAu zor sYNtr sQfipq kqlF sLI tTihrfieaf jFdf hYkrn , pr mnsU dI kur ktilm, tf,dihsL klovqnf, mYiplirj, dI qjL v Ij hY . ies qo N vI vD istI dI sM p qI nU M bfad ivw c mfrny pey , iew k jF dUsry mOjUdf vfrdfq Aus qoN bVI vwKrI hY. iPr vI nnYmo, inAUvYst minstr, ircmMz, sfnIc dy nvInIkrn leI 1[5 iblIan zflr dy AuCwszqfdF aqyN ieh srI. iqafr jykr mYvI nyjamrIkf r ieh jfb jFdfny rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf dI ieh gwl hux smy Krcf afeygf ijs ivwc ienPrfstrkcr kIqy qy krvfey sn. amrIkI rfsL t rpqI qF istI nU M nvy N mY n y j r dI Bfl BrnI pYxI Aus dysL ivwc ivcfrn dy leI bihs iCV df ivkfs ijvNy ik aYbtsPorz eyarport ies geI hY ik jxy-Kxy dy hwQ ivwc hiQafr sI. nUM ipCly dOr dI gwl kih ky kMnI nhIN pRojYkt, vftr vrks, sVkF aqy pulF dI iKskf skdf, AunHF dI nIqI ies dOr ivwc hoAuxsffrI cfhIdf hY ik nhIN. aqy hor pbilk srivs ijvyN ik aKIr ivc myar ny aYbtsPorz dI qrwkI vI doglI hI hY. aYbtsPo rz pul Nt. aqy ivkfs leI sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry afpxy smfj ivwIsc aqy lokPfier F nUM KuzIpfrtmY wlHy hiQafr vwlloN pfey gdfn isPq-slfh kridaF gw iehXobhu q dI mfVI hoeI hY ik klwb rwmyKaxr dI ulH dyrxzI dyjFsnaw nhINq , Iieh amrIkf aYbKwtsPo ivkfs leI afiKaf ik ieh BfeIcfrf istI dI vsoN df c kIqI geI ies golIbfrI ivwc pMjfh dy k jFidlcspI AunHF dy rwpRKqdf IinD PYslf vI lo qIbr hY ijvy N ik krdy hor ivw lgBg iewk iqhfeI hY ijs ny istI dy ivkfs iensfnF dI aqy mOq sLholfGfXo geI ghY,ihwpr ies nUM rihxgy bfkI dunIaF amrIkf dIaF ivwc sLfndfr kfrobfrI, pr 5 lw K vrg PuwtnUM ieM zstrIal sf pfieaf vfrdfq nhIN zxfaqy cfhIdf, dihsL qgrdF I nIqIaF crcf krn lYNz ‘qy ienvYpRsqtmY Nt leI dI idlcspI ivKfdf iew hY.kmya r hYnrIsmJ brfAUkyn ny ikRsCwims nvyN iewkhIlVI df ihwsf smJ agly pUrhy rf hn. aiDkfr hY. ienHF nIqIaF nUM amrIkf GtnfvF sfl dIaFdIsfry BfeIcfiraF nUM vDfeI utxy cfhIdy hn. sMhmy sfr ny vI keI vfr Bugiqaf hY, pr glqI nhIN kdm idMidaFpwikhf, ‘myrf afiPs sLf ies KuwlHf vkq hY’. myar kMmkfj ivc PurqI ilafAux leI mM nI geI. iewk vfr amrIkf ivwc mYrfQn ijhVy ivkoilqry sMkt mUhry KVf hY, Aus qknIkI sfDnf dy nvInIkrn leI vI sLflf! nvF sfl suK sLFqI, KusLIaF KyiVaF ksfbly glIrnhIN dO V aMqhYivw cNsdol bMnybstfP cwl gey aqymuKu LhflIleI nfldoBrpU hov,y! spwsLt nIqI AuqsLdyfihq . kO dy kMaqy ipAUtkurJ dy lok mfry gey sn. vfrdfq krn vfly dovyN aqy spwsLt amlF dI loV hY.

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016



KUn dfn –mhF dfn sMsfr Br ivwc 14 jUn nuM ivsLv KLUndfn idvs dy qOr ‘qy mnfieaf jFdf hY. sfl 2004 qoN afrMB hoieaf ieh idn hr sfl smfj ivwc KLUndfn dy vDdy mhwqv dy sbMD ivwc jfgrUkqf aqy pRyrnf pYdf krn dy mMqv nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY. KLUndfn krky iksy ivakqI nUM jIvn df anmol qohPf idwqf jf skdf hY. KLUn kudrq dI vzmwulI dfq hY, ieh PYktrIaF ivwc iqafr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. KLUndfn dI mhwqqf df aihsfs sfnUM AudNo hMudf hY jdoN asIN jF sfzf afpxf koeI KLUn leI ijLMdgI aqy mOq dy ivckfr ltk irhf huuMdf hY. KUn dy cfr gruwp ey, bI, ey-bI aqy E hn. afstrylIan iPjIsLn kfrl lYNzstInr ny 1900 ivwc pihly iqMn mnwuKI KLUn gruwp ey, bI aqy E lwBy sn. ies leI AunHF nUM 1930 ivwc nobyl purskfr idwqf igaf. kfrl lYNzstInr dy jnm idn vjoN hI 14 jUn nUM sMsfr Br ivwc ivsLv KLUndfqf idvs mnfieaf jFdf hY. Bfrq ivwc kOmI pwDr ‘qy pihlI akqUbr nUM kOmI KLUndfn idvs mnfieaf jFdf hY. aMkiVaF anusfr dysL ivwc hr sfl qkrIbn pMj kroV XUint KLUn dI jrUrq huMdI hY pr musLkl nfl 80 lwK XUint hI KLUndfn sdkf pRfpq huMdf hY. hr do sYikMz ivwc iksy nf iksy nUM KLUn dI loV huMdI hY aqy ies qrHF hr idn 38,000 KLUndfn krn vfilaF dI jLrUrq huMdI hY, pr ieh ivzMbnf hI hY ik KLUndfn

krn sbMDI smfj ivwc PYlIaF nfkfrqmk aPLvfhF aqy jfgrUkqf dI Gft sdkf lok KLUndfn krn leI awgy nhIN afAuNdy. ies krky KLUn dI Gft dI smwisaf bxI hoeI hY aqy ikMnIaF hI ijLMdgIaF KLUn dI smyN isr pRfpqI nf hox kfrn dm qoV jFdIaF hn. iewk aOsq ivakqI dy srIr ivwc cfr qoN pMj iltr KLUn huMdf hY. KLUndfn krdy smyN isrPL iewk XUint KLUn hI ilaf jFdf hY aqy ies nUM qkrIbn 10 imMtF ivwc lY ilaf jFdf hY. 18 qoN 60 sfl dI Aumr df koeI vI qMdrusq ivakqI (pursL jF aOrq) KLUndfn kr skdf hY. KLUndfnI df vjn Gwto-Gwt 45 iklo hoxf cfhIdf hY. pursL 90 idnF aqy aOrqF 120 idnF bfad dubfrf KUndfn kr skdy hn. iksy ibmfrI qoN gRsq aOrq jF pursL nUM KUndfn nhIN krnf cfhIdf. mfhvfrI dy dOrfn aOrqF nUM aqy bwicaF nUM duwD iplfAux vflIaF mfvF nUM KLUndfn nhIN krnf cfhIdf. KUndfn krn qoN bfad ishq leI loVINdf Kfx-pIx krnf cfhIdf hY aqy KUndfn krn qoN bfad iewk-do GMty qwk koeI vfhn nhIN clfAuxf cfhIdf. smyN dI loV hY ik sfnUM mfnv jIvn dI mhwqqf smJdy hoey, KLUn vrgI vzmwulI dfq nUM dfn krn dI rvfieq df ihwsf bxnf cfhIdf hY ikAuNik sfzy vwloN kIqf KLUndfn iksy dI ijLMdgI bcf skdf hY, iksy dy pirvfr dy murJfey ichry ‘qy rOxk ilafAux ivwc shfeI ho skdf hY.

ihlyrI qy vfeIt hfAUs

amrIkI rfsLtrpqI dy ahudy leI mukfblf zYmokrYitk pfrtI dI AumIdvfr ihlyrI ro z m kilM t n aqy irpbilkn pfrtI dy zonlz trMp drimafn hovygf. dovF pfrtIaF ny aiDkfrq qO r ‘qy afpxy AumIdvfr ajy qYa krny hn, pr pfrtI nfmjL d gI hfsl krn leI cw l rhI kvfied dy hux qwk dy ruJfnF qoN dovF iDrF dy AumIdvfr gLYrrsmI qOr ‘qy qYa ho gey hn. irpbilkn trMp ny afpxy sLrIkF nUM pihlF hI morcf Cwzx leI mjbUr kr idwqf sI. ihlyrI leI zYmokrYitk rfh mukfblqn ibKm irhf. zYmokrYitk itkt leI iewk hor pRmwuK dfavydfr brnI sYNzrjL ajy vI morcf Cwzx leI iqafr nhIN. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf vwloN hux ihlyrI dI iswDI hmfieq kr idwqy jfx nfl sYNzrjL dI dfavydfrI kmjLor pY geI hY. ijLkrXog hY ik awT sfl pihlF jdoN Ebfmf ny rfsLtrpqI dy ahudy leI dfavydfrI pysL kIqI sI qF sRImqI kilMtn zYmokrYitk itkt leI mwuK dfavydfr sI. zonlz trMp ny irpbilkn itkt leI afpxI dfavydfrI mjLbUq krn vfsqy aMD-rfsLtrII qy inrol pwCmvfdI lwPfjLI nUM afpxf ‘trMp-kfrz’ bxfieaf. mIzIaf vwloN kIqy gey srvyKxF anusfr ihlyrI

mkbUlIaq qy votrF dI psMdIdgI dy pwKoN 10 PLIsdI qoN vwD votF nfl trMp qoN awgy hY. rfjsI pM i zq Au s nUM amrIkf dI aglI rfsLtrpqI vjoN dyKdy hn aqy ieh mMinaf jf irhf hY ik sMXukq rfj amrIkf dI pihlI mihlf rfsLtrpqI bx ky Auh nvF ieiqhfs isrjx jf rhI hY. amrIkI rfsLtrpqI nUM sfzI DrqI AuWqy sB qoN qfkqvr iensfn mMinaf jFdf hY. ihlyrI nUM ies ahudy nfl juVI qfkq aqy ijLMmyvfrIaF df pihlF hI BrpUr aihsfs hY. Aus df pqI ivlIam jYPLrsn kilMtn AurPL ibl kilMtn do vfr amrIkI rfsLtrpqI rih cwukf hY. drasl, ibl dy kfrjkfl dOrfn ihlyrI aiqaMq srgrm ‘pRQm iesqrI’ mMnI jFdI sI aqy mwuZ ivc qF ieh vI crcf cwldI rhI sI ik ‘ibl qF aYsL krdf hY, pRsLfsink PLYsly ihlyrI hI lYNdI hY. PAGE 5


The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016



Happy Father’s Day

Dr. David McLauren, Ph.D.

any Canadians observe Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June. It is a day for people to show their appreciation for fathers and father figures. Father figures may include stepfathers, fathers-in-law, guardians (eg. foster parents), and family friends. Here are some of dad’s favourite sayings: “Go ask your mother”, “Just wait ‘till I get home” “When I was your age…” “I’m busy right now!”

It was already dark and the father was meditating on what he said and was feeling guilty. Maybe he thought, his Father’s Day presents us with an opson wanted to buy something. Finally, portunity to look at masculinity once trying to ease his mind, the father went again. Men are busy with their lives, to his son’s room. careers and pursuits of their dreams. So many demands have been placed “Are you asleep, son?” asked the father. on them. Fathers take great delight to “No, Daddy. Why?” replied the boy, give stuff to their children, rather kids partially asleep. “Here’s the money want to just spend quality time with you asked for earlier, “ the father said. their dads! “Thanks, Daddy!” rejoiced the son, With a timid voice and idolizing eyes, while putting his hand under his pila little boy greeted his father as he low and removing some money. “Now returned from work, “Daddy, how I have enough!! Now I have twenty much do you make an hour?” Greatly dollars!” the boy said to his father, who surprised, but giving his boy a glaring was gazing at his son, confused at what look, the father said: “Don’t bother me his son had just said. now, I’m tired.” “Daddy, can I buy an hour of your “But Daddy, just tell me please! How time?” much do you make an hour,” the boy insisted. The father, finally giving up, Kids are longing to spend quality replied: “Twenty dollars an hour.” time with their fathers. Are you a “Okay, Daddy? Could you loan me ten father? Do something with your kids dollars?” the boy asked. Showing his this weekend so that money can’t restlessness and positively disturbed, buy! Happy Father’s day! A special the father yelled: “So that was the Father’s day celebration will be held reason you asked how much I earn, on Saturday June 18, 630pm Mosaic right? Go to sleep and don’t bother me Church 2940 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford, BC anymore!” Dr. David McLauren, can be reached at dmclauren@gmail.com


The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016




$6 million to help connect students with coding, new curriculum and computers

onnecting students with the skills they need to succeed in our changing world is the key goal of British Columbia’s new curriculum – and $6 million announced today by Premier Christy Clark will invest in training for teachers to teach coding and the new curriculum, as well as for computers for classrooms. “Supporting the new curriculum just makes sense – for our students today and for our success as a province tomorrow,” Premier Clark said. “Coding and our new curriculum are connecting students with the problem-solving and critical-thinking skills they need to thrive – no matter what path they

Trustees Association (BCSTA). ”Today’s announcement supports BCSTA’s request for the funding needed by school districts to bring this new curriculum to “This is great news for educators and life.” students across our province. Learning to code and the critical thinking skills Designed by teachit develops has multiple benefits for ers, B.C.’s new curyoung minds,” said Patrick Sauriol, riculum will teach DigiBC executive director. “Children students the basics throughout British Columbia will learn of reading, writing technology fundamentals that they can and arithmetic in a way that connects use to pursue interesting and high- them to collaboration, communication paying careers, such as creating video and critical thinking skills they will need to succeed after high school. school in Burnaby. At today’s event, students in grades 4 to 7 from Taylor Park showcased their coding and robotics projects developed with the help of secondary students from Byrne Creek Community school - just one example of B.C.’s innovative learning in action.

“As you can see at this showcase, the children of today are already living in the future, and in many cases teaching us adults how to do things,” said Burnaby Board of Education chair Ron Burton. “A coding module in B.C.’s new curriculum provides students the opportunity to further develop prob-

lem-solving skills to explain the world and ultimately broaden their horizons.” Teaching children coding is part of the #BCTECH Strategy, a key component of the B.C.’s Jobs Plan to support the growth of B.C.’s vibrant technology sector and strengthen British Columbia’s diverse knowledge-based economy. The multi-year strategy includes a $100-million BC Tech Fund and initiatives to increase talent development and market access for tech companies that will drive innovation and productivity throughout the province.

games, the next generation of robotics, or new technologies for established By the end of Grade 9, every student B.C. industries, like forestry, mining in British Columbia will take a mod- or energy production.” ule of basic coding under B.C.’s new curriculum. Coding is a hands-on way The Province will support coding and of teaching students how to analyze the new curriculum in 2016-17 by a problem, determine the steps to fix providing: that problem and then create direc$2 million for teacher training, specifitions so a machine can carry out those cally for the coding curriculum, steps. Whether or not students pursue careers in the tech sector, these are vital $2 million to help school districts analysis and critical thinking skills for purchase equipment and resources to future success. support coding instruction, and choose.”

“The world is changing and we need to move forward so students have the skills they need to succeed in that changing world,” Education Minister Mike Bernier said. “Preparing our kids for their future is our most important job, and getting teachers trained to teach coding and the new curriculum is just one way we are doing that.”

$2 million to help teachers bring the new curriculum to life in their classrooms, building on the $1 million provided this past year, and the dedicated professional training time (worth $100 million) made available to teachers over three years.

“The introduction of an expanded IT curriculum for B.C. students will Premier Clark and Bernier were joined help to prepare them for careers in the by education partners to announce 21st-century economy,” said Teresa critical supports for coding and the new Rezansoff, president of the BC School curriculum at Taylor Park Elementary


The Patrika



Friday, June 17th, 2016

kYNsr qoN bcx leI pOsLitk Bojn KfE rynUkf agrvfl aqy soinkf sLrmf kYNsr iewk aijhIaF ibmfrIaF df smUh hY ijs ivwc srIr dy sYWlF dI bxqr KLrfb ho jFdI hY aqy ieh KLrfb bxqr vfly sYWl srIr ivwc PYlx lgdy hn. Bfrq ivwc mrdF ivwc sB qoN vwD PyPVy aqy mUMh df kYNsr huMdf hY jdoNik aOrqF ivwc srvfeIkl aqy CfqI df kYNsr ijLafdf huMdf hY. sfl 2010 ivwc Bfrq ivwc 5,56,400 mOqF kYNsr kfrn hoeIaF. ienHF ivwcoN 71 PLIsdI 30-69 sfl dI Aumr dy sn. Bfrq ivwc kYNsr df mwuK kfrn qMbfkU hY. sMsfr ivwc Bfrq hI iewk aijhf dysL hY ijwQy mUMh df kYNsr sB qoN ijLafdf pfieaf jFdf hY. mulk ivwc hr sfl qkrIbn 75,000 qoN 80,000 nvyN mrIjL kYNsr dI sUcI ivwc sLfiml ho jFdy hn. pMjfb dy mflvf ielfky ivwc ijLafdf kYNsr dy mrIjL pfey jFdy hn. 20-30 PLIsdI mrIjLF nUM kYNsr gLLlq Kfx dIaF afdqF aqy sMBog dy qrIky kfrn huMdf hY. AuNJ, kYNsr keI kfrnF krky ho skdf hY ijvyN ik rihx-sihx df qrIkf, vfqfvrx, pirvfrk clx aqy qxfE.


rihx-sihx dy qrIikaF ivwc KLfs qOr ‘qy isgirt pIxf, ijLafdf PYt vflf Bojn Kfxf, PlF-sbjLIaF df Gwt pRXog, ksrq nf krnf, sUrj dIaF prvYNgxI ikrnF dy sMprk ivwc ijLafdf rihxf aqy motfpf afid sLfiml hn. vfqfvrx vI kfPI hwd qwk kYNsr df kfrn bx skdf hY ijvyN ik Gr ivwc DUMaF, hvf df pRdUsLx, PYktrIaF df pRdUsLx qy rsfieixk pdfrQF nfl kMm krnf afid. kYNsr qNo bcx leI srIr ivwc pYdf hox vfly kuJ lwCxF df iDafn rwKxf bhuq jrUrI hY qy ieh lwCx hn: glf KLrfb jo ik TIk hI nf hoxf. ibnHF kfrn KUn inklxf aqy izscfrj hoxf. Kfx ivwc hmysLf musLkl hoxf. iksy vI idKx vfly mONky df afkfr bdlxf. KFsI TIk nf hoxf aqy blYzr ivwc qbdIlI. srIr dy iksy vI aMg df ibnHF kfrn suwjxf. 30 PLIsdI qoN ijLafdf kYNsr kysF nUM kyvl kY N sr pY d f krn vfly kfrnF nUM bdl

ky jF AuunHF qoN bc ky hI roikaf jf skdf hY. rojLmrf dIaF Bojn s b M D I afdqF ivwc hI qbdIlI k r k y asIN ies iBafnk rog qoN bc skdy hF. hoeIaF KojF qoN bfad ieh pqf cwilaf hY ik kudrqI qOr ‘qy pfey jfx vflIaF KLurfkI vsqF ivwc kYNsr nUM rokx dI bhuq qfkq huMdI hY. ienHF KurfkI vsqF ivwc kudrqI msfly sB qoN mhwqvpUrn hn ijvyN ik imrc, adrk, lsx, hldI, ielfeIcI, myQy, sONP, jIrf, DnIaf, dfl cInI, ajvYn, lONg aqy jvIqrI afid. ieh msfly sfzy pMjfbI Kurfk df mhwqvpUrn ihwsf vI hn. pr sfnUM ienHF msfilaF nUM hor ijLafdf vrqxf

cfhIdf hY qF jo asIN kYNsr vrgI ibmfrI qoN bc skIey. hr iewk msfly dI afpxI sugMD aqy mhwqqf hY. ienHF dI vrqoN nfl sfnUM Gwt kYlrIjL nfl ijLafdf svfd Kfxf iml skdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf ienHF ivwc PfeItonUutrIeyntjL huMdy hn jo ik kYNsr qoN bcfAuNdy hn. ienHF msfilaF dy nfl hI sfnUM pOsLitk Bojn Kfxf cfhIdf hY ijs ivwc sfbq anfj, dflF, sbjLIaF aqy PLl sLfiml

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016

hox. Bojn ivwc 30 PIsdI qoN ijLafdf PYt vI nhIN hoxI cfhIdI aqy sYcUrytrz/Tos PYt ijvyN ik mwKx, iGE aqy mlfeI afid dI vrqoN bhuq Gwt krnI cfhIdI hY. Bojn ivwc sfrIaF sbjLIaf ijvyN ik GIaf, qorI, bMNdgoBI, goBI aqy hry pwqydfr sbjLIaF afid ijLafdf hoxIaF cfhIdIaF hn. Bojn ivwc KurfkI rysLf vDfAux leI sfbq anfj qy dflF afid df pRXog krnf cfhIdf hY. Bojn nUM hor pOsLitk bnfAux leI Bojn pkfAux dy vwK-vwK qrIky ijvyN ik BuMnxf, puMgrfAux, KmIrIkrn, Aubflxf aqy BfP nfl pkfAuxf afid apxfAuxy cfhIdy hn. awj-kwlH dy dOr ivwc hr ivakqI Pfst PUz(brgr,pIjLf afid) Kfxf psMd krdf hY. Pfst PUz ivwc ijLafdf mfqrf ivwc qyl aqy kYlrI hox kfrn ieh bhuq hI nuksfndfiek huMdf hY. ies ivwc koeI vI pOsLitk qwq shI mfqrf ivwc nhIN huMdf. Pfst PUz ijLafdf Kfx nfl keI qrHF dIaF ibmfrIaF ho skdIaF hn aqy ieh kYNsr df vI kfrn bx skdf hY. ies leI sfnUM Pfst PUz dI vrqoN Gwt krnI cfhIdI hY. kYNsr qoN bcfAux vfly kuJ aihm Bojn



rUp ivwc kMm krky sfnUM kYNsr qoN bcfAuNdy hn. srdIaF ivwc pflk dI vrqoN ijLafdf krnI cfhIdI hY ikAuNik ies ivwc lIAUtn nF df iewk qwq huMdf hY jo ik CfqI dy kYNsr qoN bcfAuNdf hy. soieafbIn ivwc afeIsoPlyvonol huMdf hY jo kYNsr qoN bcfAuNdf hY. aKro t aqy dfKF dI vrqo N vI kfPL I lfBdfiek huMdI hY. lONg df qyl, sroN df qyl afid vI Bojn ivwc vrqxf cfhIdf hY. jvI (Ets) ivwc PInol huMdy hn jo ik kYNsr qoN bcfAuNdy hn. Bojn ivwc kudrqI msfilaF dI vrqoN krnI cfhIdI hY. pOsLitk Kurfk dy nfl hI sfnUM rojLfnf ksrq ijvyN ik sYr krnf, Kyzxf qy nwcxf afid cfhIdf hY. rojLfnf KLurfk qy rihx-sihx ivwc QoVHI ijhI qbdIlI krky hI asIN ies iBafnk rog qoN bc skdy hF.

Kurfk ivwc bItf-kYrotIn, ivtfimn ‘eI’ aqy ‘sI’ vfly Bojn ijvy N ik aFvlf, PUz aqy inAuitRsLn ivBfg, hom sfieMs amrUd, aflUbuKfrf, syb aqy anfr ijLafdf kflj, pM j fb Ky q IbfVI XU n IvristI, Kfxy cfhIdy hn. ieh qwq aYNtIafksIzYNt dy luiDafxf.

hux kF nhIN bnyry AuWqy boldf

suKcYn isMG qolfvfl

pMjfb swiBafcfr ivwc jdoN kF bnyry ‘qy boldf qF Gr dy sfry mYNbr nfl dI nfl kih idMdy ik awj jLrUr koeI irsLqydfr afvygf. keI vfr irsLqydfr af vI jFdf qy keI vfr nhIN vI pr ieh lok-ivsLvfs ijAuN df iqAuN kfiem hY. pMjfbI lok isafxpF qy lok gIqF ivwc vI kF df ijLkr afAuNdf hY. ijvyN ijaLfdf isafxy bxn vfly bMdy nUM ‘isafxy kF’ ikhf jFdf hY. iesy qrHF lok gIq rUp mfhIey ivwc vI kF df ijLkr imldf hY, imsfl vjoN-

dy idlF ivwc pMCIaF dI KLfs QF sI qF hI qF iewk-iewk drwKq ‘qy EdoN 40-50 dy krIb kF bYTy kF-kF krdy afm njLrI pY jFdy sn jdoNik awj aYnI igxqI ivwc iekwTy awj nf kF njLr afAuNdy hn qy nf hI koeI hor pMCI. awj asIN kfvF dI bhuqI ‘kF-kF’ brdfisLq vI nhIN kr skdy. pihlF qF kF qury jFdy rfhIaF dy isrF ivwc afm TuMgF mfr jFdy sn aqy Gr ivwcoN pwkdIaF jF Qfl ivc prosIaF rotIaF vI ibnF iksy zr dy cuwk ky lY jFdy sn pr awj kF vI mnwuK dy bdldy vqIry qoN zr igaf hY aqy bnyiraF ‘qy bolxoN ht koTy ‘qy kF boly, igaf hY. svfrQI mnwuK ny vfqfvrx df icwTI myry mfhIey dI, ivwc myrf nF boly. koeI konf hI nhIN Cwizaf plIq kIqy ibnF pihlF bjLurg ijLMdgI dIaF swcfeIaF jF qF kF ikwQoN boly? kOVy-imwTy qjribaF nUM pRdrisLq krn leI jnOrF nUM pfqr bxf ky bwicaF nUM nYiqkqf df awj bjLurg, qoqly bwcy dI khfxI vflf pfT pVHfAux leI khfxIaF suxfAuNdy. ‘kF’ kF Kf dy(kF idKf dy) vfly pRsLn df AuWqr ienHF khfxIaF df isLMgfr jLrUr huMdf, BfvyN dyxoN byvws hn. BfvyN kF nUM sfzy smfj ivwc Klnfiek dy rUp ivwc hI shI. ‘kF qy icVI mUrK qy bysurf igixaf jFdf sI pr hY qF dI khfxI’ aqy ‘kF qy lUMbVI dI khfxI’, sfzy vfqfvrx df ihwsf sI. awj mnwuK dI bwcy bVI rIJ nfl suxdy. BfvyN EdoN AunHF nUM vfqfvrx nfl CyVCfV sdkf iekwlf kF hI ienHF khfxIaF df AupdysL smJ ivwc nhIN nhIN sgoN hor vI keI sohxy pMCI jo kdy sfzy sI afAuNdf pr Auh hr roj vfr-vfr ieh GrF dy bnyiraF df isLMgfr hoieaf krdy sI, khfxIaF suxn dI ijLwd krdy. pihlF lokF sfzy drimafn nhIN hn. PAGE 9



The Patrika 

Friday, June 17th, 2016

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, June 17th, 2016


Want better Brix? In a trial in Bluecrop, the addition of Stella Maris Marine Plant Extract improved BRIX by 24%. 14


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Punjabi Patrika July 2014 Better Brix.indd PAGE 12


7/2/2014 1:38:59 PM


Friday, June 17th, 2016

amrIkf ‘c gMn kMtrol dI bihs iCVI ErlYNzo ‘c hmijnsI nfeIt klwb ‘c aMnyHvfh PfieirMg qoN bfad bMdUk ihMsf bfry iPr qoN bihs iCV peI hY. kfnUMnsfjF ny bMdUkF ‘qy kMtrol leI sKLq kfnUMn bnfAux dI dubfrf mMg kIqI hY. AuDr jhfdI jQybMdI ieslfimk styt ny golIbfrI dI ijLMmyvfrI kbUlidaF ikhf hY ik Aumr mqIn AunHF df iewk ispfhI sI ijs nUM Kudf ny nfeIt klwb ‘qy hmlf krn leI Byijaf sI. ies hmly ‘c 50 ivakqI hlfk aqy 55 qoN vwD jKLmI hoey hn. ‘inAUXfrk tfeImjL’ dI irport muqfbk mqIn ny imafmI ‘c do bMidaF nUM cuMmx lYNidaF dyiKaf ijs qoN Auh KPLf sI aqy KuPLIaf eyjMsIaF ny ies kfry nUM GrylU dihsLqgrdI df nfm idwqf hY.

sYnytr tOm kfrpr ny ikhf ik hOLlnfk hmly ny amrIkf nUM cyqy krvf idwqf hY ik Auh dysL ‘c dihsLqgrdI iKLlfP cOks rhy. sYnytr sUjLn kOilnjL ny hmly nUM 9/11 qoN bfad hoieaf sB qoN vwzf hmlf krfr idwqf hY. sYnytr jOhn bUjLmYn ny ikhf ik afeI[aYWs[afeI[aYWs[ aqy kwtV ieslfmI dihsLqgrdF ny afpxy hmfieqIaF nUM swdf idwqf hoieaf hY ik Auh amrIkf ‘qy hmly krdy rihx. AunHF ikhf ik ieh hmlf sfzI afjLfdI ‘qy hY aqy AunHF dy hr hfl ‘c Kfqmy dy Xqn qyjL kIqy jfxy cfhIdy hn. BfrqamrIkI kFgrsmYn amI byrf ny ikhf ik ieh hmlf brfbrI dIaF kdrF-kImqF ‘qy hY. AunHF ikhf ik Auh aijhy kqlyafm nUM rokx leI lgfqfr sMGrsL krdy rihxgy. Ploirzf dy sYnytr mfrko rUibE ny ikhf kFgrsmYn zyivz aYn issIlfeIn ny ikhf ik GrylU pwDr ‘qy kwtVvfdI qfkqF hux ik srkfr nUM ies bfry gMBIrqf nfl ivcfr surwiKaf blF aqy KuPLIaf eyjMsIaf leI krnf pvygf. cuxOqI bx geIaF hn. spIkr pfl irafn ny ikhf ik ieslfmI dihsLqgrdF nfl ErlYNzo kqlyafm dy pIVqF dI Xfd ‘c jMg lVI jf rhI hY. AunHF vwloN nPLrq aqy inAUXfrk dI aYNpfier styt iblizMg dIaF bwqIaF bMd rwKIaF geIaF aqy vrlz tryz dmnkfrI ivcfrDfrf PYlfeI jf rhI hY aqy sYNtr nUM gya pRfeIz JMzy dy rMg ‘c rMigaf iksy vI mulk nUM ies qoN KLqrf ho skdf hY. igaf. inAUXfrk dy myar ibl zI blysIE kFgrsmYn rObrt sI bObI skOt ny bMdUkF ny sLihr ‘c JMzy JukfAux df aYlfn kIqf. ‘qy kMtrol sbMDI sKLq kfnUMn bxfey jfx dI vkflq kIqI.

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  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? ‚ Â?‚ Â? Â? Â? ƒ Â? ƒ Â? „ Â? Â? Â… Â… Â? Â? ‚ „ ‚Â? † € ƒ Â? ƒ Â… † Â? Â? Â? ‚ Â? „ „ Â? Â? Â?† ‚ Â… Â… Â? „ „ Â? Â… Â? Â? Â?

When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

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ichmond is well known for many of its special features. It is considered to be one of the healthiest, cleanest and multicultural communities in Canada. The Olympic Oval, Steveston Village, the Highway to Heaven and the rich farming heritage of this community are some of Richmond’s outstanding assets and attractions. For the past several years, the City of Richmond along with Richmond Museum Society has been showcasing what this community has to offer. Doors Open offers an excellent opportunity to explore Richmond’s unique religious, cultural and heritage sites. This year, 42 organizations, places of worship and various institutions opened their doors to the public on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5. Among these 42 places this year were four places of worship along our Highway to Heaven (aka #5 Road). Lingyen Mountain Temple at Williams and #5 Road provided guided tours to Pure Land Buddhist Monastery established in 1999. It was a great way to experience tranquility in the peaceful circular meditation garden and enjoy

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016


Doors Open in Richmond a free vegetarian lunch. The visitors then moved on to India Cultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas down the road. This spacious place of worship for the Sikh community welcomed visitors on both days. In addition to giving a brief overview about Sikhism and the Indo-Canadian community, volunteers welcomed the visitors with open arms and showed them around. In this regard close to twenty volunteers including students from Cambie Secondary School and community activists took the time to welcome visitors on both days.

Az-Zahraa Islamic Centre. It contains a multipurpose facility featuring a mosque, congregational halls, an independent Islamic school and a fullsized gymnasium. The tour included visit to the sacred prayer hall under a magnificent green dome, demonstration of a Muslim prayer, displays and explanations of the basic beliefs and practices of Islam. The tour concluded with light refreshments. From the Az-Zahraa Islamic Centre, the visitors had an opportunity to visit B.C. Muslim Association’s Richmond Mosque. This 30 year old mosque is one of the largest mosques in Metro Vancouver. Its traditional architecture is quite impressive. It serves worshippers from the Far East, Middle East, Africa, Indian subcontinent and Europe. This year’s theme was “Experiencing Islam through Arts and Calligraphy” with a focus on Islamic art including a photo gallery and several documentaries. Visitors also had an opportunity to try Arabic calligraphy.

While at the Gurdwara, visitors were invited to the Diwan (Prayer) Hall and were given a brief overview of the teachings/philosophy of the Sikh Holy Scripture, Shri Guru Granth Sahib. The visitors were also given brief talk about the growth and development of the Indo-Canadian community in Canada. The tour concluded with light refreshments. It was great to see a large number of visitors from diverse communities take the time to visit These were just four of the 42 excelthe Gurdwara. From the Gurdwara, lent sites for the visitors to enjoy. The the visitors moved next door to the organizers as well as the volunteers at

each of these special sites did an amazing job in welcoming the visitors and make them feel comfortable. The City of Richmond and Richmond Museum Society must be commended for doing an excellent job in highlighting our community in such an impressive manner.

Balwant Sanghera (Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist)

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The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016




British Columbia striding ahead in men’s health

You Check is an online, 18-set questionnaire that men can use to get a snapshot of their health. It delivers a custom report with health tips on how to improve their current and future health. Don’t Change Much is a website with quick recipes, easy ways to be active and advice from Canadian celebrities like NHL veteran Trevor “Raising awareness about men’s health Linden and Olympians Simon Whitis something that benefits all of us,” field and Adam Kreek. Lake said. “Most British Columbians know that making healthy choices can “We can prevent up to 70% of men’s make immediate impacts by increasing chronic health problems without addour daily energy levels, but it also can ing another dollar, doctor or hospital to help reduce, mitigate or prevent future the health care system through health injury or illness. As a father and a hus- initiatives directed at men,” said Dr. band, I owe it to myself and my family Larry Goldenberg, chair of the CMHF. to make the small changes needed to “The Government of British Columbia ensure I’m a part of their lives for as is a leader in recognizing the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles long as possible.” and the benefit of healthier men to VGH and UBC Hospital Foundation families, employers and communities. will work Canadian Men’s Health I applaud them on the funding of our Foundation (CMHF) to encourage an work to improve the health of men in additional 20,000 men over two years British Columbia.” to participate in Don’t Change Much, and You Check, two men’s health This funding builds on the $1 million the Ministry of Health provided to awareness programs. VGH and UBC Hospital Foundation in 2014 and $5 million in 2013 to suphe Province has provided $2 million to the Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) and UBC Hospital Foundation to motivate men to live healthier lives, Health Minister Terry Lake announced today while marking the start of Canadian Men’s Health Week.

port the foundation’s efforts to further absorb and act on the idea that small develop men’s health research and lifestyle changes can have significant, health promotion. long-term health benefits.” “The results from our Don’t Change Much lifestyle campaign show that British Columbian men and their families are more motivated when armed with health information and lifestyle programs and support,” said Wayne Hartrick, president the CMHF. “Our campaign is enabling B.C. men to hear,

Canadian Men’s Health Foundation is a national, non-profit organization founded by Order of Canada recipient Dr. Larry Goldenberg. The mission of CMHF is to inspire Canadian men to adopt a healthier lifestyle to prevent prostate cancer and other men’s health problems.


The Patrika


Friday, June 17th, 2016


irsLiqaF dI mflf sMjoa ky rwKdI hY aOrq

prmjIq kOr nUr

aOrq keI irsLiqaF dIaF pwkIaF aqy kwcIaF qfxIaF-bfxIaf aqy hor sUqrF ivwc suBfivk hI bwJI qy rwuJI rihMdI moqI qF iviBMn irsLqy hn, pr mflf aOrq hY. Aus dI hY. jy irsLiqaF dI gwl krIey qF anykF pRkfr dy irsLqy aOrq ny hI isrjy hn aqy AunHF nUM inBfAux qy sMjoa ky rwKx pirkrmf ieh sfry irsLqy krdy hn. jy ikDry mflf df ivwc vI Aus dI aihm BUimkf hY. Audfhrn vjoN dfdI-pVdfdI, nfnI-pVnfnI, ddys-mmys, nnys-ccys, pqHIs- Dfgf Gs jfvy qf ieh sfry moqI ibKr jFdy hn. ienHF kuVmxI, sONkx, drfxI-jTfxI, nxfn, BrjfeI, nUMh, DI, mF, BYx, pqnI, BqIjI, BxyvIN afid sB irsLqy igxfey jf irsLiqaF dy ibKrdy jfx dI avsQf qoN pihlF hI aOrq skdy hn ijnHF nUM moqIaF vFg lVI ‘c proieaf jf skdf hY. ies bfry jfx jFdI hY. Aus dI hoNd, siQqI jF pRfpqI bfbq XuwD jF sMGrsL ieiqhfsk kfl qoN huMdy afey hn jo We build single or double washroom trailers and dunIaF dy sfhmxy hn. hand wash stations. Portable lunchrooms are Aus ikqy vI suKfvyN sbMDF nUM ibnsx nhIN dyxf locdI. Gr, available. Mobile welding services are provided pirvfr nUM mjLbUq krn ivwc aOrq ny smfijk, mfnisk aqy throughout the Lower Mainland. Shop services GrylU are available in Abbotsford BC. vrqfry d f sMqfp qF hMZfieaf hI hY, nfl hI ijxsI j F

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apRvfinq sbMDF dI ahUqI vI pfeI hY. ies sB ivwc Aus df mMqv inrol rUp ivwc irsLiqaF nUM sMjoa ky rwKxf hI irhf hY. ajoky smyN dI pRsMgikqf ‘c sMXukq pirvfrF dI mhwqf bhuq mhwqvpUrn rhI hY ijs ‘c jTfxIaF, drfxIaF, swsF, pqIsF aqy ienHF duafrf isrjy pirvfrF qy hor irsLiqaF df ivlwKx aqy aihm Xogdfn irhf hY. ies ivwc koeI sLwk nhIN vwK-vwK irsLiqaF dy rUp ivwc aOrqF afpxy

Friday, June 17th, 2016

aqy ijs Gr pirvfr ‘c ivafhIaF huMdIaF hn AunHF sBnF dy ipE-dfdy, dfdI-pVdfdI dI aOlfd nUM sFJy rUp ‘c pfldIaF-posdIaF aqy rojI-rotI leI krmsLIl bnfAux ivwc AuWGf Xogdfn pfAuNdIaF rhIaF hn. bdldy smyN ‘c aijhf sB kuJ bIqy dIaF gwlF rih geIaF hn. ies dy kfrn keI hn. sB qoN vwzy kfrn KpqkfrI rucI, hAUmY aqy qmogux df BfrU hoxf hY. awj jTfxI jF drfxI ieh nhIN smJ rhI ik myrf pwuq jF DI, dUjI df vI Enf hI hY. sgoN ijLwdbfjLI ‘c svY-hoNd nUM Bulf ky inwjqv nUM awgy krky, mfnvI ihwqF df qF dUr irhf, GrylU ihwqF nUM Zfh lwg rhI hY. awj asIN vyKdy hF ik nxd-BrjfeI, drfxI-jTfxI, BYxF-BYxF, BYx-Brf afid anykF irsLiqaF ivwc vI qryVF af cuwkIaF hn ieh sB irsLqy pfkIjLgI dy hn ijnHF nU M aw j dI pVH I -ilKI aO r q TIk aqy AusfrU idRsLtIkox qoN smJ rhI hY aqy irsLiqaF dy imlvrqx dy srokfrF nUM Aujlf mfrg pRdfn kr rhI hY. jy ikqy AUxqfeIaF vI rih rhIaF hn qF ies df kfrn smfijkqf, afriQkqf aqy nYiqkqf dI shI pCfx nf hoxf jF glPq dI lpyt ivwc hoxf hI hY. ieh mMnxf pvygf ik aOrq kudrq dI sLRyst rcnf hY. ieh vI swcfeI hY ik Pl ijMnf rwuKF nUM lwgdy hn, Auh hmysLf Juky njLr afAuNdy hn. iesy pRkfr aOrq

The Patrika 


vI irsLqy bxfeI rwKx leI Juk jFdI hY. PlsrUp pqI-pqnI, BYx-Brf, pwuqr-DI jF shuiraF-pyikaF dy anMq sfkfcfrI dy sbMDf ‘c irsLiqaF dI dvMdfqmk siQqI nUM aOrq hI suKfvF bnfAux df Xqn krdI hY. ieh srbivafpI swc hY ik irsLqy-nfqy qF bxdy hI aOrq dI hoNd-siQqI qoN hn. pqI-pqnI dy irsLqy ivwc zUMGf inwG smUihk irsLiqaF dI eykqf df sUck bxdf hY. purfxy simaF ivwc afriQk pwKoN ipClwg jF asfvIN rhI pqnI bVy ksLt sihMdIshfrdI aqy ies qrHF anHpVqf sdkf keI aOkVF BugqdI hoeI irsLiqaF dI qMd nUM gMZx-prOx aqy sfvIN pwDrI ijMdgI ijAUx dy afsfrF nUM isrjxoN KuMJ vI jFdI rhI. iPr vI Auh afpxI aOlfd, sLrIky, BfeIcfry , py i kaF-shiu r aF afid nfl sbMiDq irsLiqaF nUM ieksur aqy iekjuwt rwKx vfsqy afpxy ihwqF df blIdfn dy ky afpxy Gr-pirvfr aqy aOlfd vfsqy sFJF df pul AusfrdI rhI hY. ajokI aOrq pVHilK ky AuWcy ahuidaF dy DfrnI hox sdkf afriQk pwKoN kfPI mjLbUq ho geI hY aqy aMD-ivsLvfsF qy rvfieqI vlgxF qoN agFh lMG afeI hY. Auh irsLiqaF dI pfkIjLgI nUM vI cMgI qrHF smJx dy smrwQ ho cwukI hY aqy inBfapRsMgqf ‘c vI insLcy bfKULbI AusfrU rol adf kr skdI hY.


The Patrika

PAGE 18 Friday, December 18th 2015

Friday, JunePAGE 17th, 2016 19


$100M to boost B.C.’s tech creation of Threefund Abbotsford Residents to sector and jobGovernment he Province of British this fund Order we’re creating ince, building on the success The remaining two pillars, ing faster than the economy Receive of Abbotsford Canada to Itsprovide Columbia is creating a stronger foundation for of the B.C. Renaissance talent and markets, include overall. continued growth · GrahamCapital Taylor -Fund In recognition his extensive ser-deepen the B.C. is integral to diversifying Abbotsford City Councilvenis proud to announce that sector, a $100-million B.C.’s technology actions to (BCRCF),ofthe immediate support vice and dedication to the community. technology talent Joanne Field,fund Graham Wendy ture capital as it Taylor builds and which is Neufeld a majorare employer pool by the Province’s economy, province’s well developed this year’s recipients of the Order Abbotsford. across the the foundation for a compreinofcommunities developing · Wendy Neufeld - In recognition of profound contribu- and attracting Angel investment commustrengthening B.C.’s busifor Indigenous hensiveoftechnology strategy shine on theto the tions community. “Each these individuals haveprovince, dedicated to countless nity, and responding to cur- the highest quality talent, ness landscape, and creating aimed at stimulating growth global stage while creating rent funding needs. and actions to make it eas- jobs wellness mental in B.C. communities. The Order of Abbotsford in the fast-moving sector, well-paying ier to access new



award ceremony will be held BC Jobs PlanTrudeau, builds on he PrimeThe Minister, Justin markets. The comon July 1, at the Canada Day today announced immediate the strengths of B.C.’sand key plete #BCTECH ceremonies at Abbotsford targeted mental wellness support for sectors and its educated and Strategy will be anExhibition Park. As a part Indigenous communities. The Prime Minister Premier Christy Clark today skilled workforce, keeping nounced in January. of the Order of Abbotsford made the announcement after meeting with announced the new BC Tech the province diverse, recognition, one or more youth from Nishnawbe Aski Nation. strong Fund as part of the first of The BC Tech The BC Tech Fund and growing. recipients will be presented three economy-building pil- F u n d w i l l will beSome in operation Indigenous communities in Canada – with The Citizen of the Year partnership theand BC particularly thoseInlocated in rural,with remote lars in the B.C. government’s help promin 2016 following award which honours inInnovation Council, the isolated areas – are facing distressing mental multi-year #BCTECH Strat- i s i n g t e c h ana open procuredividual contributions of health and suicide crises. These communities province is hosting B.C.’s egy that will drive growth companies in ment process to secitizen who has served with too often lack proper access to vital services the greatest distinction and and job creation in the multi- B.C.’s tech cure a private sector first #BCTECH Summit, support,toandJan. the service that do excelled in fields of endeavor billion dollar tech sector. sector by crefund and manager 18-19, offerings 2016, where the hours of time and energy to making Abbotsford a comexist are not always culturally-appropriate or benefitingCapital the residents of the City of Abbotsford. ating an avenue for capital administer it. The process for #BCTECH Strategy will is one of three pilplete community, andsector a better properly aligned with community needs. be “B.C.’s technology is place for future generafunding, enabling them to identifying a fund manager released in full. The sumtions,” said Braun. “We are sincerely grateful to each of All 3 recipients their names recorded in the lars inwill thehave forthcoming consistently growing faster Newa funding approximately $69 our million take thefornext today with posting ofmit this year’s recipients and their families theirstep yearstowards Order of #BCTECH Abbotsford Merit Book, This which isbegins maintained will showcase tech Strategy. than the overall economy will support immediate measures that will of dedication and volunteerism in our community.” joining the ranks of by other for a Negotiated Request for the Office of the Mayor. industry and offer opporfirst pillar, announced today, making this the perfect time provide urgently needed help and support job-creating tech companies. Proposal (NRFP). tunities to connect this also includes continuing to 2016 Order Abbotsford recipients: to catch theofwave and help Nomination forms for the 2017 Order of Abbotsford while the Government of Canada workstowith growing sector. To register support B.C.’s competitive available on the City’s website at www. in the The newpassionately fund will alsoawards help are B.C.’s technology sector,Leaders Indigenous in the context of the ·smaller Joannecompanies Field - Injoin recognition of her abbotsford.ca/order. or learn more, go to: http:// tax system and research enranks of economy builders,” develop a sustainable venture Health Accord to develop a long-term plan to a key pillar of the BC Jobs advocating for the youth of Abbotsford. addressgrowthese important health issues. said Premier Clark. “With capital system in the prov- vironment. Plan, is consistently bctechsummit.ca/

creating jobs and strengthening a diverse economy.

jobs back at home for British Columbians.”

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The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016




Lieutenant Governor’s medal: hospitality grad Rebecca Noort put skills to use planning wedding

FV’s Hospitality Event Planning certificate program is known for its practical focus. In Rebecca Noort’s case, the skills she picked up had an immediate application. Roughly one week after she crossed the stage here at UFV Convocation on June 3, she walked down the aisle to marry her fiancé Phil on June 11. That means that while she was completing the program, she was also planning the biggest event of her life so far: her wedding. Talk about experiential learning! Noort, who lives in Abbotsford, excelled in her studies, and has been chosen the 2016 winner of the Lieutenant Governor’s medal for the top student in a certificate program at UFV.

Her professor, Nancy Barker, has nothing but praise for Noort.

helping and collaborating with her fellow students, and working in the tourism industry,” she notes. “Rebecca is the kind of person who always makes lemonade out of lemons. You could translate this into descriptions such as curious, opportunistic, problemsolver, can-do attitude, self-reliant, accountable, strong moral code, communicative, and leader. I always enjoy a student from whom I can learn from, this year, through Rebecca’s attitude, curiosity and initiative I learned a lot.”

“Rebecca is an engaged community member, volunteering in many arenas, “I’ve always been interested in event planning,” Noort says. “This program allowed me to learn more about it, about the types of jobs that are out there, and about the other skills that go along with event planning, such as marketing, communications, and tourism-related duties.” Throughout the year, the class volunteered at various events, building up their skill set. “It was great to see what we were learning put into practice,” notes Noort. “I enjoyed volunteering for the different projects and learning from the hands-on experience.”

For her extended practicum, Noort volunteered with the City of Abbotsford, working directly with the special events coordinator. Noort is honoured to be receiving the Lieutenant Governor’s medal. “I’d really like to thank my professor Nancy Barker for her support,” she notes. “It was a difficult and intense course, but we all worked together to get through it. I’m proud of my class!”


The Patrika


Friday, June 17th, 2016


“alOikk sLhfdq”

‘igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL’

sLhfdq dy awKrI arQ hn, gvfhI. ieh PfrsLI BfsLf df sLbd hY qy qusLfihd qoN bixaf hY. sLhId Auh hY jo afpxy KLUn dy KUn df zuwilaf hoieaf iewk-iewk kqrf kdy ajFeI nhIN jFdf . iksy pMjfbI dy kvI ny bVf KUbsUrq iliKaf hY:

dI rOa DVkFdf hY. ieh KUn murdf ho cuwkI jdoN dIn dy pfqsLfh ny AucI sur ivwc swc df sMsikRqI nUM punr surjIqI bKLsLdf hY. iek ngmf alfipaf. AurdU df sLfier ilKdf hY; “swc kI bfxI nfnk afKy scu suxfiesI sc kI bylf” (aMg 723) shId kI jo mOq hY voh kOm kI hXfq hY.

ibrQf nhIN sLhIdF df KUn jFdf,

pwCm dy iewk dfrsLink jY rom df kQn hY;

jd ieh zuwlHdf jug pltf dyNdf.

The blood of martyr is the seed of the church. Bfv sLhIdF df KUn Drm df bIj huMdf hY.

ieh KUn brUd dI icxg bxky, sIny jLjLibaF dy BFbV lf idMdf. eyho cVHy qUPfnF nUM sLFq krdf, ikDry ieho Bucfl ilaf idMdf. eyh hY KUn mnwuKqf leI tIkf, kOmF mfrdIaF ivc jfn pf idMdf. sLhIdF df KUn gulfmI df jIvn ijAUNdIaF kOmF dy mUMh qy afeI pIlwqx nUM dUr krky nUr bKLsLdf hY. sLhIdF dy KUn ivwc by-iensfPI ivruwD roh huMdf hY. sLhIdF df KUn gulfm kOm dy jMmy hoey KUn nUM ipGlf ky Aus ivwc jIvn

hXfq qoN hXfq hY voh mOq BI hXfq hY.

ies sMdrB ivwc jdoN asIN sRI gurU arjn dyv jI dI sLhfdq nUM vyKdy hF qF ieh gwl spwsLt ho jFdI hY ik AuhnF nUM pRfpq hoey mhfn ivrsy qy AuhnF dy afpxy mhfn jIvn krqvF ny AunHF dI hXfqI ivwc hI smfijk, rfjnIqk qy Dfrimk kRFqI ilaFdI sI. AuhnF dI sLhfdq hI ies gwl dI sLhfdq hY. gvfhI hY. swc kihxf qy swc suxnf dovyN hI bhuq aOKy hn. jo swc sux nhIN skdf Auh dunIN df bfdsLfh nhIN ho skdf qy jo swc kih nhIN skdf Auh dInNF df pfqsLfh nhIN ho skdf.

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qF dunI df bfdsLfh bfbr buKlf AuiTaf. swc nUM jylH ivwc suwitaf igaf, cwkIaF pIhfeIaF geIaF. pr bfdsLfh ieh Bwul igaf ik do puVF ivckfr dfxy qF pIsy jf skdy hn, swc nhIN. sLfied AudoN bfbr gurU nfnk dyv jI nUM sLhId kr dyNdf pr ihMd ivwc nvF afieaf jyqU bfdsLfh iksy pwujy hoey rwb dy ipafry dI afh df BfgI nhIN sI bxnf cfhuMdf. Ausdf pwuqr hmfXU, sLyr sfh sUrI koloN 1540 eI: nUM knOj dy mYdfn ivwcoN BFj Kf ky KzUr sfihb afieaf. gurU aMgd dyv jI koloN Auh asLIrvfd lYx afieaf sI. Aus vyly gurU nfnk sfihb jI dI dUsrI joiq bwicaF dIaF kusLqIaF vyK rhI sI. AuhnF bfdsLfh vwl koeI Aucycf iDafn nf idwqf. hfry hoey bfdsLfh dI hEumY jKLmI hoey swp vFg plsyty mfrn lwgI. roh ivwc af ky imafn ivwcoN qlvfr kwZ leI ik mYN iesdf isr klm kr idaF. gurU aMgd dyv jI ny mKmUrI awKIaF Aupr krky kyvl ieMnf ikhf

gurU arjn dyv jI dy smyN swc dI afvfjL bhuq hI bulMd ho cwukI sI. pMjfb dy kx-kx ivwcoN Aus dIaF guMjfrf suxIaF jf skdIaF sn. hux vkq df bfdsLfh jhFgIr iqlimlf AuiTaf. lok afpxy hwkF pRqI jfgrUk ho cuwky sn. Aus df ihrdf sV bl ky mnUr ho igaf. Aus ny iesnUM sLFq krn leI swc dI afvfjL dy

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The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016

pRqIk pMjvyN siqgurU sRI gurU arjn dyv jI nUM qwqI qvI qy dfixaF vfkur BuMinaf, qwqI ryq dy kVCy pfvn sIs Aupr pfey, Aubfly KFdy KOldy grm jl dy vltohy ivwc ibTfieaf. jbr dI ieMqhf ho geI sI pRMqU sbr muskrf ky bfdsLfh nUM kih irhf sI; ajy qyry jLulm ‘c ksr bfkI hY. mjLlUm dI afh ‘c asr bfkI hY. ikqy qyrf jbr mwuk jfey nf jLflm, myrf qy ajy kfPLI sbr bfkI hY. ies qrHF dy anykF qsIhy sihMidaF sRI gurU arjn dyv jI 30 meI sMn 1606 eI: (jyT sudI cOQ sMmq 1663 ib:) nUM lfhOr (pfiksqfn) ivKy sLhId kr idwqy gey. ies sLhIdI ny dunIaF nUM iewk isDFq bKisLaF. iewk PlsPLf idwqf ik jdoN koeI jLfbr hfkm qsLwdd dy GoVy nUM lgfm nf dyvy qF Ausdy pYr-pYr hyTF awg dy BFbV bfl idAu. iesy leI pMcm gurU jI ny lfhOLr nUM jfx smyN afpxy byty qy jF nsLIn, gurU hir goibMd sfihb jI nUM ieh aMiqm AupdysL idwqf sI; “pwuqr jIE! hux afAux vflf smF inrf mflf Pyrn df nhIN hovygf. mflf dI rwiKaf vfsqy qlvfr vI rKxI pvygI. jLulm df nfsL qy Drm df pRkfsL krn leI mIrI qy pIrI dIaF do qlvfrF Dfrn krnIaF. ienHF ivcfrF df


Kulfsf BfeI gurdfs jI ny cOLqIvIN vfr dI qyrvIN pAuVI ivwc ies qrHF kIqf hY: ijAuN kir KUhhu inkly gil bDy pfxI. ijAuN mxI kfly spu isir his dyie nf jfxI. jfx kQUrI imrg qin mir mukY afxI. qyl iqlhu ikAuN ivxu pIVy GfxI. ijAu muh BMny grI dy nlIeyr insfxI. bymuK lohf sfDIaY vgdI vfdfxI ..” arQ- “ijs qrHF KUh ivwcoN pfxI kwZx leI gfgr dy gl nUM rwsI pfAuxI pYNdI hY. ijvyN kfly swp dI isrI imwD ky hI mxI hfsl kIqI jf skdI hY. ijvyN ksqUrI hfsl krn leI ihrn nUM mfrnf pYNdf hY. qyl dI pRfpqI leI iqlF nUM kohlU ivwc pIVnf pYNdf hY. ijvyN nfrIal nUM BMn ky hI igrI pRfpq huMdI hY iqvyN sfkq pursLF nUM iswDy krn leI lohf KVkfAuxf pYNdf hY.” asIN sLFq meI sLhfdq dyx cwly hF, ies nfl jy jLflm bfdsLfh ny koeI sbk nf iswiKaf qF iPr by-mqlb sLFq meI ZMg nfl kImqI ijMdgfnIaF ajfeIN nf gvfeIaF quhfzI qlvfr suGV isafxy srjn dI nsLqr vFg smfj df gMdf mvfd kwZx leI cwly.” hr iewk Dfrimk sLhfdq rfjsI kuitl nIqwgF dI mOq df pYgfm huMdI hY. ies krky hI ies nUM asIN alOikk sLhfdq afKdy hF.


sfihqkfr dosqo qy sfihq pRymIE 18 jUn, 2016, idn Èincrvfr nUM 1[15 vjy inAUtn lfiebRyrI srI ivc pusqk rIlIË smfroh mina jf irhf hY ijs ivc ipRM[ suirMdrpfl kOr brfV dI ÈfhmuKI ivc iliKaf igaf kfiv sMgRih `tukVy tukVy iËMdgI`, ieMdrjIq kOr iswDU dI vfrqk pusqk `jMg ajy vI jfrI hY`, ndIm prmfr df nvfˆ nfvl `byar krIk pfrk` aqy jrnYl isMG syKf dy `vgocf` nfvl df ihMdI anuvfd `ipGlqI Xfdyˆ` lok arpn kIqf jfvygf. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk nMbr: ndIm prmfr 604 298 2920, jrnYl isMG syKf 778 246 1087



The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016



Canada 150 Mural Mosaic Workshops

he City of Abbotsford is proud to be one of eight communities in BC participating in the Canada 150 Mural Mosaic project. The purpose of the project is to create the ultimate

Abbotsford School of Integrated Arts (ASIA) will also begin painting tiles this week. Public workshops will be held at the Reach Gallery Museum and Kariton Art Gallery and Boutique

time capsule to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Canada by uniting the 13 provinces and territories together through one unified collaborative mural mosaic.

during the months of June and July for the public to participate in this legacy project. The final workshops and mosaic assembly led by the Mural Mosaic team will be held from July 21-23.

Each participating city or town creates a section of the mural that symbolizes their community made up of 400-750 individual tiles painted by members of that community. Each community mural connects virtually to other community murals resulting in a massive coast to coast unified virtual mosaic. Once painted, the individual community tiles will be assembled into a unified mosaic representing our community. The mural will then be permanently assembled and displayed at the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium so it will stand as a cultural legacy piece for future generations of Abbotsford to enjoy.

Please note the following dates and locations for opportunities for the public to participate in this project:

The first group to paint tiles for the Canada 150 Mural Mosaic project in Abbotsford is underway at W.J. Mouat Secondary School with Maisie Lam and Jordan Turner’s art class completing the first group of tiles.


The Reach Gallery Museum June 17th 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm June 24th 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Kariton Art Gallery and Boutique June 11th 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm June 25th 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Canada Day - Exhibition Park July 1st 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Grand Mural Mosaic Workshop July 21 & 22nd at the Reach Gallery Museum July 21st 3:30 pm to 9:00 pm July 22nd 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm For more information on the Canada 150 Mural Mosaic project, please visit www.canada150mosaic.com or call at 604-864-5613.

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika 


The Government of Canada provides further support to break down barriers for Canadians with print disabilities


he Government of Canada is providing $2 million in funding this year to CNIB through the Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability component to continue to support CNIB in its production of alternate format published materials for people with print disabilities. People with print disabilities include those with visual impairments, people with impairments which affect reading comprehension (such as learning disabilities), and people who are unable to hold or turn the pages of a book. The announcement is being made in parallel to an event that will be hosted today by CNIB at the Sir John A MacDonald building in Ottawa to celebrate that Canada is moving forward on the Marrakesh Treaty and the Government of Canada’s efforts to break down barriers for people with disabilities. The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabili-

ties, and the Honourable Navdeep S i n g h Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, will join representatives from CNIB today to commemorate the occasion. Minister Qualtrough reiterates the Government of Canada’s commitment to undertake in the coming months a national engagement process with Canadians, including Canadians with disabilities, provinces, territories, municipalities and other stakeholders that will lead to the tabling of new accessibility legislation.


The Patrika


Friday, June 17th, 2016


guaFZIaF nfl ikAuN vD rhIaF hn dUrIaF? ies qrHF lwg irhf hY ik sfzI ivdysL nIqI dy ijvyN do hI vwzy pihlU hox, amrIkf nUM KusL krnf aqy cIn dy vD rhy rsUK qoN icMqq hoxf. ieh dovyN afps ivwc rlgwz ho gey hn aqy Bfrq-amrIkf dI cIn nUM Gyrn dI nIqI ivwc ihwsydfr bxdf jfpdf hY. sfzI ieh nIqI sfzy guaFZIaF, ijvyN ik inpfl afid nfl sfzy irsLqy guMJldfr aqy qxfapUrn bxf rhI hY. inpfl nfl sfzy irsLiqaF ivwc qxfa bhuq vD igaf hY aqy sfzy irsLiqaF ivwc hor kuVwqx vDI jf rhI hY. ieh sfzy leI bhuq icMqf df ivsLf hoxf cfhIdf hY. Bfrq dy inpfl nfl irsLqy bhuq

hI nyVly aqy ivsLysL rhy hn. dovF dysLF ivwc ieiqhfsk, BUgoilk, swiBafcfrk, Dfrimk aqy afriQk sFJ ies qrHF dI rhI hY ik bfkI dy sMsfr ivwc do suqMqr dysLF ivwc ies qrHF dI sFJ Gwt hI dyKx nUM imldI hY. sfzI ieiqhfsk sFJ eynI mjLbUq hY ik dovF dysLF nUM afps ivwc inKyVnf lgpg asMBv hY. kI bwuD df jnm Bfrq ivc hoieaf jF inpfl ivwc? kI mfAUNt aYvrYst Bfrq ivwc hY jF inpfl ivwc? bfkI df sMsfr ienHF nUMN inKyV ky nhIN dyKdf, Auh bwuD aqy mfAUNt aYvrYst nUM Bfrq nfl joV ky hI dyKdy hn. pMjfb df qF inpfl nfl bhuq hI ivsLysL

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A division of

irsLqf irhf hY. mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG dI PLOj ivwc gorKy ispfhI sn. Aus dy nypfl dy rfjy nfl bhuq hI dosqfnf sbMD sn. rxjIq isMG dI mOq ipwCoN jdoN aMgryjLF ny mhfrfxI ijMdF nUM kYd krky bnfrs dy nyVy cunfr dy iklHy ivwc Byj idwqf qF Auh AuWQoN Bwj ky nypfl clI geI aqy inpfl dy rfjy jMg bhfdr rfxf qoN sLrn mMgI. Aus ny aMgryjLf dy bhuq ijLafdf dbfa pfAux dy bfvjUd Aus nUM inpfl ivwc sLrn idwqI. mhfrfxI ijMdF leI iewk iblkuwl nvF mhwl cfr burjf drbfr bxfieaf igaf. ieh mhwl kfTmMzU ivwc QfpfQwlI drbfr smUh dy ivwc Ausfiraf igaf. inpfl srkfr ny mhfrfxI dy Krcy leI Bwqf vI insLcq kIqf. rfjnIqk qy kUtnIqk qOr ‘qy Bfrq aqy inpfl iewk-dUjy dy bhuq nyVy rhy hn. dovF dysLF dy nfgirkF nUM dUjy dysL ivwc jfx leI vIjLf nhIN lYxf pYNdf. iewk-dUjy dysL ivwc vIjLy qoN ibnF sPLr krn dI KwulH qoN ielfvf inpflI Bfrq ivwc kMm krn leI vI afjLfd hn aqy AunHF ‘qy Auh kfnUMn nhIN lfgU huMdy jo ik bfkI ivdysLI nfgirkF ‘qy lfgU huMdy hn. swiBafcfrk qOr ‘qy vI BfrqIaF aqy inpflIaF ivwc eynI nyVqf hY ik AunHF nUM hor nfgirkF nfloN inKyVnf aOKf ho jFdf hY. eynI nyVqf aqy sFJf dy bfvjUd inpfl aqy Bfrq iewk-dUjy qoN dUr hoeI jf rhy lwgdy hn. ieh spwsLt hoeI jf irhf hY ik idno-idn inpfl Bfrq qoN dUr aqy cIn dy nyVy hoeI jf irhf hY. inpflIaF ivwc ieh Bfvnf vDI jf rhI hY ik Bfrq AunHF nfl brfbrqf aqy siqkfr vflf vrqfa nhIN krdf. Audfhrn vjoN inpfl aqy Bfrq ivwc jo smJOqy hoey hn, Auh nfbrfbrqf ‘qy afDfirq hn, BfvyN ieh smJOqf sugOlI ivwc 1815 ‘c ibRitsL ieMzIaf nfl hoieaf, ijs ivwc inpfl nUM afpxf kfPI ihwsf Bfrq nUM dyxf ipaf ijvyN ik iswkm, dfrjIilMg, imQlf,nYnIqfl bfsLfrr, kumfAu aqy gVvfl afid. 1950 ivc inpfl Bfrq imwqrqf sMDI ‘qy dsqKLq hoey. inpfl vwloN inpfl dy pRDfn mMqrI mohn sLmsLyr jMg bhfdr rfxf ny dsqKLq kIqy pRMqU Bfrq vwloN iksy brfbr dy nyqf ny dsqKLq nhIN kIqy aqy Bfrq dy inpfl ivc rfjdUq cMdysLvr pRsfd nfrfiex isMG ny hI ies ‘qy dsqKLq kIqy sn. ies qoN Ault inpfl ivwc ieh Bfvnf vDI jf rhI hY ik cIn Aus nfl ijLafdf brfbrI aqy siqkfr nfl pysL afAuNdf hY. ijMnI ijLafdf Bfrq ieh koisLsL krdf hY ik inpfl nUM cIn dy hor nyVy hox qoN roikaf jfey, Enf ijLafdf hI inpfl cIn dy nyVy hoeI jf irhf hY. lgdf hY ik inpfl nfl Bfrq dI nIqI iewk GuMmxGyrI ivwc Ps cuwkI hY. Bfrq ies axsuKfvIN siQqI ivwcoN iks qrHF inkl skdf hY? ieh socx dI loV hY. Bfrq leI ieh mhwqvpUrn hY ik Aus dy amrIkf nfl cMgy sbMD hox pr aijhf guaFZIaF dI kImq ‘qy nhIN kIqf jf skdf. Bfrq

zf: svrfj isMG

nUM isrP inpfl nfl hI nhIN sgoN lgpg hr iewk guaFFZI dysL nfl iksy nf iksy smw i saf df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY. lgpg Au h sfry ieh mihsUs krdy hn ik Bfrq AunHF nUM Auh siqkfr aqy mfnqf nhIN idMdf, ijs dy ik Auh hwkdfr hn. aMq ivwc ieh nqIjf inkldf hY ik Auh Bfrq nfloN cIn nfl afpxy sMbMD ivwc ijLafdf suKfvF mihsUs krdy hn. asIN sRIlMkf dI hI Audfhrn lY skdy hF. Bfrq aqy amrIkf ny iml ky sRIlMkf dI ipClI srkfr jo ik cIn dy bhuq ijLafdf nyVy smJI jFdI sI, nUM bdlx ivwc BUimkf inBfeI aqy mOjUdf srkfr df Jukfa Bfrq aqy amrIkf vwl dyiKaf jf skdf sI. pRMqU QoVHI dyr bfad hI nvIN srkfr dI nIqI bdl geI aqy Aus df iPr cIn vwl Jukfa spwsLt njLr afAux lwg ipaf. pr ieh pRikiraf isrP Coty dysLF ‘qy hI lfgU nhIN huMdI, sgoN rUs vrgy bhuq vwzy dysL ‘qy vI lfgU huMdI hY. ipCly do dhfikaF ivwc rUs cIn dy lgfqfr hor nyVy hoeI jf irhf hY. iewQoN qk ik dovyN dysL iewk-dUjy dy sB qoN nyVly sfQI bx gey hn aqy dovF dIaF nIqIaF ivwc lgpg pUrn sihmqI dyKI jf skdI hY. asIN ieh kih skdy hF ik cIn nfl sfzf srhwdI JgVf hY aqy Aus nfl sfzI iewk lVfeI vI 1962 ivwc ho cuwkI hY. ies leI sfzy Aus nfl sbMD bhuqy suKfvyN nhIN hn. pRMqU inpfl jF rUs nfl qF sfzI koeI aijhI smwisaf nhIN sI. ienHF dovyN dysLF dy qF Bfrq nfl bhuq vDIaf sbMD rhy hn. kOVI swcfeI qF ieh hY ik sfzIaF AulJIaF hoeIaF qrjIhF kfrn hI asIN ienHF dysLF nfl afpxy ivsLysL aqy nyVly sbMD kfiem nhIN rwK sky. ieh kihxf sLfied aiqkQnI nf hovy ik amrIkf nUM KusL krn leI asIN ienHF dysLF nUM nfKusL kr ilaf hY. rUs dy sMdrB ivwc qF ieh Dfrnf spwsLt ho jFdI hY, ijMnf asIN amrIkf dy nyVy hoey hF, Enf hI asIN rUs qoN dUr hoey hF. pRMqU inpfl dI siQqI ivwc sfnUM ieh irsLqf eynf spwsLt nhIN idsdf. pRMqU asIN hor bfrIkI nfl dyKIey qF amrIkf nUM KusL krn dI nIqI ies leI ijLMmyvfr njLr afeygI. amrIkf ies Kyqr dy Coty dysLF nUM vI cIn nfl afpxI sLrIkI dy sMdrB ivwc hI dyKdf hY ik cIn nUM Gyrn dI nIqI ivwc Auh iks qrHF dI BUimkf inBfa skdy hn? jo koeI dysL cIn dy nyVy ho irhf hY amrIkf Aus nUM sjLf dyxI jLrUrI smJdf hY. kI Bfrq vI amrIkf dI ies nIqI ‘qy cwl irhf hY?

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016



KuwlHy suBfa df nfc hY BMgVf pMjfbIaF df mrdfvF nfc BMgVf sMsfr pwDr ‘qy afpxI ivlwKx pCfx rwKdf hY. ies ivwc josL, bhfdrI, idl tuMbvIaF mudrfvF aqy imlvrqn vrgy pMjfbI cirwqr dy sfry hI gux sLfiml hn. BMgVf Enf hI purfxf hY ijMnI pMjfbI ikrsfnI. hflFik smyN dI rPqfr aqy swiBafcfrk qbdIlIaF afAux nfl BMgVy dy srUp ivwc vI bhuq qbdIlI afeI hY aqy lgfqfr af rhI hY. BMgVy ny skUlF, kfljF aqy XUnIvristIaF dy lok-nfc mukfbilaF ivwc sLfiml hox krky bhuq ivkfs kIqf hY. ies ivwc nvyN qjrby hox nfl inKfr vI af irhf hY pr awjkwlH BMgVf isrPL styj dI iewk ivAuNqbMd pysLkfrI bx ky rih igaf hY jdoNik BMgVf KwulHy suBfa df nfc hY jo iksy vI bMidsL df muQfj nhIN. ies dI sLurUafq bfry keI DfrnfvF pRcwlq hn. ijvyN jdoN mwD eysLIaf qoN afrIaf lok Bfrq afey qF kuJ kbIly pMjfb dy iKwqy ivwc vws gey aqy afpxy nfl BMgVf lY ky afey. ieh vI ikhf jFdf hY ik KusLI mOky ieh lok ‘BMg’ pI ky msqI ivwc afp muhfry nwcdy sn, ies qrHF BMg qoN BMgVf sLbd df AuQfn hoieaf. iewk imwQ ieh vI hY ik ies df sbMD ibkrmI sMmq dy ivsfK mhIny dI pihlI qfrIKL nfl hY ijwQy lok KyqI dy kMmF qoN ivhly ho ky myly ‘qy jFdy qy mn dI KusLI df anusfr nwcdy-twpdy sn. pihlF BfvyN ies df koeI KLfs ivDfn qy pihrfvf nhIN sI pr myilaF leI Aucyc nfl iqafr hoxf hI BMgVy df pihrfvf bx igaf aqy BMgVy leI kuJ ku insLicq adfvF vI hoNd ivwc af geIaF ijs nfl BMgVy ivwc ieksfrqf afAuxI sLurU hoeI. awj mfvy vflIaF rMgibrMgIaF qurly vflIaf pwgF bMnHIN, KuwlHIaF bfhvF vfly cusq kuVqy, KwulHy cfdry, nokF vflIaF jwuqIaF, rMg-ibrMgIaF jfktF, glF ivwc kYNTy, hwQF ivwc kfto, algojLy, qUMbI, KUMzy qy rumfl BMgVy df aihm aMg hn. ‘Zol’ df vI BMgVy nfl atuwt irsLqf hY. ZolI zwgf lgf ky BMgVf sLurU hox df aYlfn krdf hY aqy iewk qfl anusfr BMgVcI, BMgVy dy ipV ivwc pRvysL krdy hn. AunHF dIaF mudrfvF ivwc ieksfrqf hox dy nfl srIr dy hr aMg ivwc vI lYa huMdI hY jo ik Zol dI qfl nfl cldI hoeI pihlF sihjy-sihjy qy iPr qyjL huMdI jFdI hY. ies ivwc qkVy

qy gwTy hoey srIrF df pRdrsLn, sfDfrn qy vDIaf pusLfk pf ky vIrqf qy hONsly BrpUr nfc mudrfvF rfhIN kIqf jFdf hY. pihlF nwcx vfilaF ivwcoN hI iewk jF do jxy awgy af ky bolI pfAuNdy sn pr awj-kwlH bolIaF pfAux leI ZolI dy nfl vwKrf ivakqI huMdf hY. bolI pfAux vflf ijwQy bolI pf ky BMgVy nUM iewk hulfrf idMdf hY, AuWQy ivwcivwc keI qrHF dy sLbd ijvyN Eey[[[, asLky qy bwly jvfnF vrq ky jF llkfrf mfr ky BMgVf pfAux vfilaF nUM hor josL qy vDIaf pysLkfrI leI hwlfsLyrI vI idMdf hY. ajokf BMgVf keI qrHF dIaF BMgVf sLYlIaF df imsLrx hY, jo bhuq lMmy pVfvF ivwcoN dI huMdf hoieaf ajoky snmfinq mukfm ‘qy phuMicaf hY. BMgVf pysL krn smyN Zol dI qfl muqfbk keI qrHF dIaF mudrfvF pysL

kIqIaF jFdIaF hn. keI vfr koeI KLfs adf jF ZMg iksy KLfs iKwqy dy lokF ivwc afpxI vwKrI QF bxf lYNdf hY aqy iPr ieh pRvfn hoeI adf jF ZMg, BMgVy df ihwsf bx jFdI hY. ies qrHF Aus nUM EhI nF dy idwqf jFdf hY ijvyN: lwuzI, Dmfl, quxkf, jrk, Cfl, pMjfb, jugnI, lihrIaf, isaflkotIaf afid. nvy N qjrby aqy mu k fbly ivco N gujLrn krky awj-kwlH keI nvIaF sLYlIaF vI BMgVy ivwc sLfiml hoeIaF hn ijvyN: cMzIgVHIaF Dmfl(isMgl), Dmfl(zbl), Dmfl(GuMm ky), Dmfl(QfpI), luwzI(swjy pYr ‘qy), luwzI(Kwby pYr ‘qy) BMgVf(uisMgl), BMgVf(zbl), BMgVf(bfhvF iKlfr ky), BMgVf(Llwk ‘qy hwQ rwK ky), BMgVf( bYT ky, JUmr, rfa JUmr) afid. awj-kwlH pMjfbIaF vwloN hr KusLI mOky BMgVf pfieaf jFdf hY, BfvyN Zol dI QF ‘qy zI[jy[ ijLafdf dyKx nUM iml irhf hY. BMgVf pMjfb qoN bfhr vI pRcwilq hoieaf hY. pMjfbIaF qoN ielfvf hornF swiBafqfvF dy lok vI ies ivwc zUMGI idlcspI lYNdy hn. keI XUrpI dysLF dy vfsI pMjfbIaF vFg BMgVf pf rhy hn. sLflf! BMgVf hor vI AucfeIaF Cohy! PAGE 25


The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016


THE FISHING IS FREE THIS FATHERS’ DAY WEEKEND Family Fishing Society of BC Fish for free, have a great family outing and enter to win prizes at a local Family Fishing event throughout BC this Fathers’ Day weekend. The Family Fishing Society of B.C., on behalf of the 48 hosting communities in 2016, invites experienced and novice anglers of all ages to enjoy a day on the water for free as part of an effort to get more British Columbians hooked on fishing. Create your own fishing adventure or visit one of the many organized events around the province. “Summer for many B.C. families is about spending time together in the outdoors and Family Fishing Weekend is the perfect way to kick off the season. Whether you’re a veteran angler or never touch a rod, the Family Fishing Weekend is a great way to get out and enjoy B.C.’s natural beauty and, maybe, get hooked on fishing”, said Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.


B.C.’s Family Fishing Weekend is the perfect opportunity to explore one of the province’s thousands of lakes, rivers, streams or tidal waters for free, compliments of the Province and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). A goal of the Family Fishing Weekend is to encourage British Columbians to enjoy our province’s world-class sport fishing opportunities and to become more aware of our natural resources. DFO is offering free saltwater fishing over Fathers’ Day weekend and, as with the provincial program, certain regulations apply. Regulations for tidal waters are administered by the federal government. fm-gp/rec/weekend-eng. html for tidal waters.

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika 



The Patrika



nisLaF df mwudf muV crcf ‘c lok sBf coxF mOky pMjfb ivwc sB qoN vwD cricq irhf nisLaf df mwudf hux pMjfbI gIq-sMgIq aqy iPLlmF rfhIN muV AuWBrdf njr af irhf hY. iewk pfsy pMjfb ivc nisLaF dI vrqoN sbMDI bxfeI geI iPLLlm ‘AuVqf pMjfb’ bfry cwl rhy ivvfd BiKaf hoieaf hY aqy dUjy pfsy ‘ieMzIan ieMstIicAUt afPL mYnyjmYNt (afeI[afeI[aYWm[) aihmdfbfd ny iewk aiDaYn rfhIN pMjfb ivwc nisLaF dI vD rhI vrqoN leI pMjfbI gIqF nUM ijLMmyvfr Tihrf idwqf hY. sUbfeI ivDfn sBf dIaF kuJ mhIinaF bfad hox vflIaF coxF dy mwdynjLr pMjfb dI swqfDfrI iDr sRLomxI akflI dl qy Bfjpf vwloN ‘AuVqf pMjfb’ AuWqy qy ieqrfjL pRgt kridaF ies nUM irlIjL hox qoN rokx leI koisLsLF kIqIaF jf rhIaF hn jdoN ik ivroDI pfrtIaF kFgrs aqy afm afdmI pfrtI vwloN aijhf krnf isafsI ihwqF qNo pRyirq grdfinaF jf irhf hY. akflI dl vwloN ieqrfj drj krfAux bfad kyNdrI iPLlm pRmfxn borz vwloN muV iewk inrIKx kmytI bxf idwqI geI hY ijs nfl ies iPLlm dy 17 jUNn nUM irlIjL hox ‘qy pRsLnicMn lwg igaf hY. sLRomxI akflI dl afpxy isafsI asrrsUK rfhIN iPLlm dy kuJ ihwsy ktvfAux jF ies nUM irlIjL hox qoN rokx ivwc qF sPl ho skdf hY pr nisLaF, ihMsf aqy hlky pwDr


dy rumFs nfl BrpUr pMjfbI gIq-sMgIq dy pihlF hI pMjfb dI jvfnI ivwc hrmnipafrf hox dy nfkfrfqmk pRBfv qoN Aus leI bcxf musLikl hY. afeI[afeI[aYWm[ dy aiDaYn anusfr pMjfbI gIq pMjfb dI jvfnI nUM nisLaf vwl pRyirq kr rhy hn. afeI[afeI[aYWm[ dy pRo: DIrj sLrmf dI agvfeI hyT hoey aiDaYn qihq 50 dy krIb pRcwilq pMjfbI gIqF sbMDI 136 muMizaF aqy 64 kuVIaF qoN pRfpq pRBfvF anusfr ieh gIqF pMjfb dy nOjvfnF nUM mfnisk qOr ‘qy nisLaF dy nfl-nfl ihMsf vwl AuksfAux aqy aOrqF pRqI nfkfrfqmk soc dy DfrnI bxfAux ivwc aihm BUimkf inBf rhy hn. aiDaYn ivwc ieh Kulfsf kIqf igaf hY ik lgpg 2000 pMjfbI gIqF ivwc nisLaF aqy ihMsf dI srdfrI dI pysLkfrI dy nfl-nfl aOrqF pRqI GtIaf soc df pRgtfvf kIqf igaf hY aqy ieh gIq awj dI nOjvfn pIVHI dI psMd bxy hoey hn. ienHF gIqF dy pRBfv hyT hI pMjfb dy nOjvfn nisLaF, ihMsf aqy aOrqF nfl vDIkIaF pRqI ruicq ho rhy hn. afeI[afeI[aY W m[ aihmdfbfd df ieh aiDaYn keI svfl KVHy kr irhf hY. pMjfb dy lgpg zyZ kroV dy krIb nOjvfnF ivwcoN isrP 200 AuWqy kIqf igaf aiDaYn ijwQy ies dI mulFkx ivDI ‘qy svfl KVHf krdf

hY, AuWQy BrosyXogqf nUM vI sLwkI bxfAuNdf hY. ies aiDaYn ivwc ikDry vI ies gwl df ijLkr nhIN ik gIq sux ky nOjvfn nsLf lYx dy afdI ikvyN ho gey aqy gIqF ny AunHF nUM nsLy lYx vwl ikvyN pRyirq kIqf. aiDaYn anusfr kuVIaF gIqf dy pRBfv hyT nisLaF pRqI qF ruicq hoeIaF hn pr ihMsf pRqI nhIN jo ik afpxy-afp ivwc ivroDfBfs hY. iewk pRBfv ieh vI bxdf hY ik ieh aiDaYn pMjfb ivwc nisLaF, ihMsf aqy aOrqF ivrwuD vDIkIaF dy vD rhy ruJfn dy asl kfrnF nUM lukfAux dy nfl-nfl srkfr nUM ies sB kuJ dI ijLMmyvfrI qoN mukq krky ies vrqfry df isrPL gIqF dy isr BFzf BMnx dI sfijLsLnumf koisLsL hY. ieh TIk hY ik ieh gIq aswiBak hn aqy nOjvfn pIVHI dy idlidmfg ‘qy burf pRBfv pf rhy hn pr hkIkq ieh hY ik pMjfb dy nOjvfnF ivwc nisLaF dy vD rhy ruJfn df mwuK kfrn byrujLgfrI hY. aiDaYnkrqf ny ies pwKoN awKF bMd krky rwKIaF hn. iesy qrHF ihMsf aqy aOrqF ivruwD vD rhy jurmF df kfrn ijwQy kuJ hwd qwk nisLaF dy pRBfv df prqfE hY, AuWQy srkfrF vwloN dosLIaF dI srpRsqI aqy sLKLq sjLfvF nf imlxf vI hY. gIq, sMgIq df mnwuKI ivhfr ‘qy hlkf pRBfv pYx qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf pr ies nUM iksy vI rUp ivwc ies vrqfry df mwuK kfrk nhIN mMinaf jf skdf.

Friday, June 17th, 2016

pRImIar dI jLubfn ‘qy afeI hwzbIqI aOrqF nfl CyVCfV qy durivhfr nMU TwlH pfAux leI ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy kfnUMn ivwc soD bfry pysL kIqy ibwl nUM srkfr vwloN hmfieq idwqI jfvygI. ieh pihlI vfr hY ik ivroDI iDr vwloN pysL kIqy iksy ibwl nUM srkfrI smrQn imlygf. iewQoN dI pihlI mihlf pRImIar kirstI klfrk ny afpxy-afp nUM pIVqF ivwc sLfml kridaF ikhf ik hryk aOrq ny Aumr dy iksy nf iksy pVfa ‘qy pursL dy mfVy ivvhfr df sMqfp hMZfieaf huMdf hY pr iksy nf iksy kfrn Auh ies pIV nUM afpxy aMdr hI dbf lYNdI hY. AunHF Bfvuk huMdy hoey hwzbIqI sFJI kIqI qy ikhf ik AunHF ny ibwl df msOdf pVHn qoN bfad jdoN afpxIaF shylIaF nfl gwl kIqI qF Auh hYrfn rih geI ik AunHF ivwcoN bhuqIaF nfl kdy nf kdy ieMj vfpiraf sI. AunHF mMinaf ik ieho-ijhI burfeI dIaF jVHF isrPL kYnyzf ivwc hI nhIN, sgoN sfrI dunIaF ivwc PYlIaF hoeIaF hn. AunHF ikhf ik qjvIjLq ibwl ny 1978 ivwc 13 sflF dI Aumry KLud nfl vfprI mfVI Gtnf jLubfn ‘qy ilaf idwqI hY.

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016



ihMd-amrIkI sFJ pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI df qfjLfqrIn amrIkf dOrf BfvyN pihlF vFg sLoamYnisLp nfl BrpUr nhIN irhf, iPr vI ies dIaF kUtnIqk qy afriQk pRfpqIqaF pihly dOiraF nfloN vwD hn. modI qy amrIkI rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf pihlF Cy vfr iml cwuky hn aqy hux dovF drimafn hoeI swqvIN mulfkfq vI dovF dI nyVqf nUM drsfAuNdI idsI. AuNj, pihlIaF mIitMgF dy mukfbly ies vfr dovyN vwD iehiqafq, pr vwD sihj nfl ivcrdy dyKy gey. ies dI iewk vjHf hY ik Ebfmf dy rfsLtrpqI vjoN kfrjkfl dy mihjL Cy mhIny bcy hn aqy amrIkI kfnUMnF anusfr Auh nIqIgq mfmilaF ivwc lgpg byaKLiqafry ho cwuky hn. ilhfjLf, Auh koeI vwzf vfadf krn dI siQqI ivwc nhIN sn. Bfrq qy amrIkf drimafn nIqIgq nyVqf vDfAux leI ipCly do sflF dOrfn zyZ drjn qoN vwD aihm PLYsly hoey hn, pr dovF dysLF dIaF rfjnIqk qy pRsLfsink pRxflIaF ivcly vKryivaF kfrn ienHF PLYsilaF nUM amlI rUp dyx dI rPLqfr mwDm rhI hY. sRI modI df hflIaF dOrf ieh rPLqfr vDfAux pwKoN vwD ihqkfrI sfbq hox dI sMBfvnf hY. ies df sMkyq dovF dysLF vwloN jfrI sFJy aYlfnnfmy qoN vI imldf hY. ies aYlfnnfmy anusfr amrIkf Bfrq nUM ‘pRmwuK rwiKaf BfeIvfl’ vjoN mfnqf idMdf hY ijs df Bfv hY ik amrIkI aPLsrsLfhI hux Bfrq nfl sbMDq mwuidaF nUM qrjIhI afDfr ‘qy nijwTygI. Bfrq, amrIkI hiQafrF qy PLOjI sfjLo-sfmfn df sB qoN vwzf KrIddfr bx igaf hY. rxnIqk qOr ‘qy aihm mMny jFdy hornF KyqrF ivwc vI dovF dysLF drimafn sihXog vwD irhf hY. amrIkI kMpnIaF ny Bfrq ivwc do prmfxU ibjlI plFt lfAux leI iekrfrnfmy vI kIqy hn. duvwly rwiKaf sihXog smJOqy df mhwqv ieh hY ik ies sdkf amrIkf vwK-vwK hiQafr pRxflIaF dI iqafrI leI loVINdI qknflojI Bfrq nUM muhweIaf krvfeygf. aijhf hox nfl Bfrq keI qrHF dy hiQafr KLud iqafr krn dy smrwQ ho jfvygf. ijvyN ik pRDfn mMqrI modI ny amrIkI kFgrs nUM afpxy sMboDn dOrfn ikhf, AunHF dy dOry ny dihsLqvfd iKLlfPL Gol ivc duvwlf sihXog vDfAux ivwc vI vwzf Xogdfn

pfieaf hY. amrIkf, dihsLqgrdF dIaF srgrmIaF bfry aihm jfxkfrI Bfrq nfl sFJI krn leI rfjLI ho igaf hY. amrIkf ny imsfeIl tY k nflo j I kM t ro l irjIm (aYWm[tI[sI[afr[) ivwc BfrqI dfKLlf sMBv bnfAux ivwc mdd idwqI hY ijs qoN Bfv hY ik Bfrq hux aflmI bfjLfr, KLfs krky amrIkI mMzI ivwcoN hiQafrF nfl lYs zron aqy lMmI dUrI qwk mfr krn vfly imsfeIl KrId skygf. iesy qrHF amrIkf ny sMXukq rfsLtr slfmqI kONsl aqy hor aflmI sMgTnF ivwc Bfrq dy dfKLly dI hmfieq kIqI hY . amrIkf dIaF ieh sfrIaF ‘imhrbfnIaF’ muPq nhIN ho skdIaF. Aus ny ienHF dI kImq vsUlx dI ivAuNq jLrUr GVI hovygI, pr iPlhfl Aus ny BfrqI ihwqF qy sMvydnfvF nUM iDafn ivwc rwKidaF dwKxI cIn sfgrI iKwqy ivwc Bfrq vwloN Aus df KwulH ky sfQ dyx dI mMg jLfhrf qOr ‘qy nhIN AuBfrI. ieh gwl lukI-CupI nhIN ik amrIkf, cIn dy afriQk qy sPLfrqI AuBfr qy pfsfr nUM rokx leI Bfrq nUM Zfl vjoN vrqxf cfhuMdf hY, pr BfrqI hukmrfn iDrF-pihlF XUpIey aqy hux aYWn[zI[ey[ ny cIn nfl 4057 iklomItr lMbI sFJI srhwd dy mwdynjLr aijhf koeI vI kdm iswDy qOr ‘qy AuTfAux qoN guryjL kIqf hY ijs nUM cIn BVkfAU smJy. modI dy dOry rfhIN Bfrq ny ijwQy rwiKaf qoN ielfvf vxj-vpfr qy svwC AUrjf dy KyqrF ivwc afpxf bxdf hwk hfsl krn ivwc kfmXfbI hfsl kIqI hY, AuWQy ieh dOrf BfrqI qknIkI kfimaF leI amrIkI vIijLaF dI igxqI vDfAux pwKoN nfkfm sfbq hoieaf hY. aijhI iewk hor nfkfmI BfrqrUs sbMDF nfl juVI hoeI hY. ieh jfpdf hY ik amrIkf nUM KusL krn Kfiqr Bfrq, rUs nfl afpxI rvfieqI nyVqf nUM ivsfrdf cilaf af irhf hY. mfihrF df kihxf hY ik PLOjI pwK qoN amrIkf dy hor smJOiqaF df cfhvfn sI, pr ienHF smJOiqaF dy isry cVHn dI sUrq ivwc Bfrq df rUs nfl rwiKaf sihXog KLqm ho jfxf sI. Bfrq, aijhf ivgfV pYdf krn dy hwk ivwc nhIN. AuNj vI, PLOjI sfjLo-sfmfn dI KrId dy Kyqr ivwc iksy iewk dysL ‘qy inrBr hoxf bhuqI sUJ-bUJ vflI gwl nhIN mMnI jFdI.

PfdrjL zya mnfE

mulK rfj ‘pRymI’

KusLIaF df BMzfr bfpU, sUrj df pRkfsL bfpU mfipaF dI kro syvf, qurMq hovy mflomfl Gxy ibRC dI CF bfpU, eIsLvr df rUp bfpU sulJy isafxy puqr, pRymI syvf mfipaf krdy ipqf nfl ibqfey pl, GVIaF cyqy afAuNdy ny mfVf klcr nsf nf vrqx, jo isKy hunr, XfdF nMU qVPfAuaf dy ny

rwb kolNo hY zrdy

huMdI hY pihcfn sfzI, bfpU df nf krky

aYsy pwuqr rwb swB nUM dyvy, mfVy dI loV nhIN

svrgF qoN sohxf Gr, huMdf mF df nF krky Pfdr zy mnfE asIsF rwb nUM pfAux leI, Aumr bIqx keI sfl pfAu afAuNdI kdy QoV nhIN. PAGE 29

The Patrika



kYnyzf af ky vwsx vyly bYNikÀg syvfvF ikvyN pRfpq krnIaF hn (NC) nvyN dyÈ ivwc iËÀdgI bxfAuxI iksy leI vI iewk dlyrfnf PYslf huÀdf hY. nvyN afAux vfly bhuqy ivakqIaF leI ieh AuhnF ‘qy bhuq hfvI hox vflf aqy qxfAu Biraf ho skdf hY, pr ieh joÈ aqy BivwK bfry AumIdF nfl BrpUr vI ho skdf hY.

coxF vI huÀdIaF hn. kI quhfƒ isrP ivakqIgq Kfqy dI loV hY, jF qusIN kfrobfr krn bfry vI ivcfr kr rhy ho? • loVINdIaF syvfvF: kI quhfƒ ivdyÈF ivwc pYsy Byjx, mudrf df vtFdrf krn jF syPtI izpfiËt bfks jF lfk-bfks vrqx dI loV hovygI? quhfƒ ieh jfxnf cfhIdf hY ik ibl dy Bugqfn krn leI kI coxF hn, aqy quhfƒ kI lwgdf hY ik hryk mhIny qusIN ikÀny lYx-dyx krogy.

hflFik XkInI qOr ‘qy ieh asImq mOkf huÀdf hY, pr cuxOqIaF ivwc nvIN ivvsQf, swiBafcfr, aqy sLfied nvIN BfÈf ƒ smJxf, aqy nfl hI iksy nvyN dyÈ ivwc kÀm krn aqy rihx dy QoVHy vwKry qrIikaF ƒ iswKxf vI huÀdf hY. kuJ sB qoN iËafdf qurÀq pYdf hox vflIaF • PIsF aqy ivafj drF: quhfzy duafrf cuxy gey bYNk loVF ivwc rihx leI jgHf lwBxI, nOkrI lYxI, aqy Kfqy ‘qy inrBr krdy hoey quhfƒ vwK-vwK PIsF dy bYNk Kfqf KolHxf hY. nfl-nfl, vwK-vwK ivÈyÈqfvF aqy Pfiedy imlxgy. RBC ivKy swiBafcfrk mfrkItF dI zfierYktr, nvyN afAux vfly ivakqIaF leI, kuJ bYNk sImq smyN ikRstIn iÈslr (Christine Shisler) kihÀdI leI mhInyvfr PIsF qoN Cot dyxgy jF krn ivwc quhfzI hY, “kYnyzIan bYNk Kfqf KolHx nfl quhfƒ pYsy jmF mdd krn leI CotF pyÈ krngy. krvfAux aqy loV pYx qy afpxy pYisaF qwk phuÀcx • afpxy pYsy qwk phuÀcxf: afpxy pYsy qwk suKflI phuÀc leI surwiKaq jgHf imlygI. kYnyzf dI bYNikÀg ivvsQf hoxI mhwqvpUrn huÀdI hY. kI qusIN bRFc ivwc, tYlIPon hornF dyÈF qoN vwKrI ho skdI hY, aqy vwK-vwK iksm rfhIN, aOnlfeIn jF Pyr mobfiel aYp rfhIN bYNikÀg dIaF ivwqI sÀsQfvF, bYNk KfiqaF aqy AuplbD syvfvF krn ƒ qrjIh idÀdy ho? kI quhfzI aftomyitz bYNk ƒ smJxf aihm huÀdf hY.” mÈInF (ABMs) qwk asfn phuÀc hovygI? koeI vI PYsly krn qoN pihlF, ikRstIn awgy idwqIaF koeI bYNk Kfqf KolHx bfry vfDU jfxkfrI rbc.com/ gwlF ‘qy ivcfr krn dI isPfrÈ krdI hY: newcomers ‘qy AuplbD hY. • Kfqy dI iksm: muwK coxF ivwc bcq, cYikÀg jF www.newscanada.com amrIkI zflr hn, hflFik hryk iksm ivwc hor


Friday, June 17th, 2016

mF dIaF gwlF kMvljIq isMG iZwloN

mF kihMdI sI gwlF mwuk geIaf mfvF DIaF dIaF gwlF kdoN mwukdIaF ny jFdI hoeI sLfied Auh duwK nhIN sI dyxf cfhuMdI sfry duwK sIny ivwc lY ky Auh ies dunIaF qoN qur geI qF hI Aus dIaF gwlF muwk geIaF afKLrI sPLr sI lMbf Aus df ies leI dwuK mYN vI nf dwisaf bhuq kuJ myry aMdr rih igaf qF hI sLfied gwlF mwuk geIaF mF kdI supny ivwc afeIN afpxy duwK mYnUM KolH suxfeIN mfvF DIaF iekwiTaF bihxf mYN vI bhuq kuJ qYnUM kihxf mfvF DIaF dIaF gwlF nhIN mwukdIaF mF qyrIaF ikvyN gwlF mwuk geIaF?

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika 




The Patrika 

84 sflf aOrq ny pfs kIqI gRyz 12 pRIiKaf

sFtf Eno XU bI sI dy nvyN pRDfn inXukq

kYmlUps dI 84 sflf QYrIsf vfkr ny gRyz 7 pfs krn mgroN pVHfeI Cwz idwqI sI| vwzI hox qy Aus df ivafh ho igaf; Aus dy bwcy ho gey| jdoN Auh skUl jFdy bwicaF dI pVHfeI ivc shfieqf krn lwgI| ieAuN kridaF Aus ny sQfnk lfiebRyrI ivcoN pusqkF lYxIaF sLurU kIqIaF | ieMnHF pusqkF ny Aus dI pVHfeI pRqI jigafsf surjIq kr idwqI| iesy jigafsf ny Aus nUM gRyz 12 dI pRIiKaf pfs krn dy Xog bxf idwqf| hux Aus ny ieh pRIiKaf 5 aOKy kors lY ky pfs kr leI hY| iewQoN qwk ik vwzI Aumr dy pRIiKafrQIaF nUM imlx vflI koeI vI irafieq lYx qoN ienkfr kr idwqf| hux Auh vzyrI Aumr dy ivakqIaF nUM muV pVHfeI krn leI Auqsfihq krn df pRogrfm bxf rhI hY|

XUnIvristI aOP Cincinnati dy pRDfn sYntf Eno nUM XUnIvristI aOP bI sI df nvF pRDfn inXukq kIqf igaf| ieh afsfmI zf: arivMd gupqf vwloN asqIPf dyx ‘qy KflI hoeI sI jo kyvl sfl ku Br hI ies pd ‘qy rhy| Eno vYnkUvr ivc hI pYdf hoey sn | AuMnHF dI pYdfiesL smyN (1960) jfpfn ivc pYdf hoey AuMnHF dy ipqf tkfsLI Eno ihsfb dy pRoPYsr sn| ies qrF Eno dfipCokV eysLIan hY| Eno 2012 ivc isnkInYtI XUnIvristI dy pihly eysLIan-amrIkn pRDfn bxy sn| nfmvrjIv ivigafnI Eno ny XUnIvristI dy lfa skUl ivKy iek BfrI iekwT nUM sMBoDq huMidaF ikhf ik Auh XUnIvristI dy aiDafpk vrg, vrqmfn aqy sfbkf ividafrQIaF dI syvf leI vcnbD hn| AuMnHF ieh vI ikhf ik XUnIvristI ivc cwl rhy ilMgI msilaF qoN BY-BIq hox dI QF ieMnHF dy hwl leI BrpUr Xqn krngy

afrQk ivkfs ivc bI sI dy mohrI bxn dI sMBfvnf kfnPrMs borz aOP kYnyzf vwloN kIqI BivwK bfxI anusfr bI sI afrQk ivkfs dy Kyqr ivc dysLBr ivc mohrI rhygf| borz df kihxf hY ik 2016 ivc bI sI dI gI zI pI dI dr 3% rhygI aqy agly sfl vI ieh dr kfiem rhygI| EntorIE 2[8% dI dr nfl bI sI qoN ipwCy rih jfvygf| rfsLtrI aqy vxjI smwisafvF bfry slfh dyx vflI ies sMsQf df kihxf hY ik albrtf mMdvdVy qoN moV ktdf 2017 ivc 2[5% dI gI zI pI pRfpq kr skygf|

hVH-rokU bMnH bnfAux leI $1[6 imlIan pRvfn AuwqrI vYnkUvr aqy izsitRkt aOP AuwqrI vYnkUvr vwloN hVHF dI mfr qoN bcx leI kIqy jf rhy AuprfilaF ivc bI sI srkfr vwloN $1[6 imlIan idwqfjfvygf| ies sbMD ivc bolidaF aYmrjYNsI iqafrI dI mMqrI mfAumI Xfmfmfto ny ikhf ik pbilk syPtI nUM XkInI bxfAuxf srkfr df pihlf krqwv hY | ies krky srkfr pbilk syPtI nUM mjLbUq krn dI cfhvfn sMsQfvF aQvf eyjYNsIaF dI mflI shfieqf krn leI hr smyN qqpr hY ; ieh eyjYNsI lokl srkfr hovy jF koeI pRfeIvyt sMgTn| AuMnHF ikhf ik 2008 qoN hux qwk srkfr hVHF dI mfr qoN bcx leI bxfey gey pRojYktF leI $145 imlIan df Xogdfn pf cuwkI hY

vfrfKFdy GrF dI QuV bfry afm lok icMqq ijAuN ijAuN GrF dIaF kImqF asmfny cVH rhIaF hn aqy afm lokF nUM vfrFKFdy Gr imlxy aOKy ho rhy hn iqAuN iqAuN afm lokF ivc rfjnIqk nyqfvF ivruwD roh vD irhf hY | aijhy lokF dI mMg hY ik ivdysLI DnfZ mihMgf Bf KRId ky AuMnHF nUM suMny Cwz rhy hn ikAuNik asl ivc AuMnHF nUM ieMnHF GrF dI loV hI nhIN; Auh qF afpxf PflqU Dn iewQy invysL kr rhy hn| srkfr nUM cfhIdf hY ik aijhy absentee homeowners ‘qy BfrItYks lgfvy| kIqy geyiek srvyKx ivc 80% lokF ny ies mMg dI hmfieq kIqI hY| ies srvyJKx ivc Bfg lYx vfilaF ivcoN bhuq sfry vfrfKFdy GrF dI QuV bfry iqMny pwDrF dIaF srkfrF dI byruKI ‘qy aOKy hn| PAGE 32

GrF dIaF cVHIaF kImqF vYnkUvr dI afriQkqf leI hfnIkfrk

Friday, June 17th, 2016

bI sI pbilk srivs vIk jUn 13-17 df spqfh pbilk srivs vIk vjoN mnfieaf jf irhf hY| ies bfry ivwq mMqrI mfeIk zI jONg ny ikhf ik ies mOky AuMnHF srkfrI krmcfrIaF nUM siqkfiraF jFdf hY ijMnHF ny afpxy afpxy Kyqr ivc ijLkrXog kMm kIqf hovy| AuMnHF ik sUby dy 200 KyqrF ivc 26,000 krmcfrI syvf inBf rhy hn| ies qrF srkfr sB qoN vwzI aYNplfier hY| afm lok ieMnHF srkfrI krmcfrIaF dI syvf df lfhf lY rhy hn| hr srkfrI krmcfrI B.C Public Service Oath of Employment pRqI pRqIbwDhY| ies sugMD df arQ hY ik hr krmcfrI lokF dI syvf qno mno krygf aqy lokF df Brosy nUM XkInI bxfAuxf Aus df muwZlf krqwv hY | mMqrI ny ikhf ik ieh gOrvpUrn krmcfrI Auprokq vcnbwDqf dI pUrqI leI hf sMBv Xqn krdy hn| ies hPqy ijwQy vDIaf krmcfrIaF df snmfn kIqf jFdf hY AuwQy AuMnHF dI lok syvF pRqI vcnbwDq nUM qfjLf kIqf jFdf hY|

pbilk skUlF ivc bfeIbl vMzx df aml bMd ipCly sfl aYbtsPorz dy pbilk skUlF dy aYilmYNtrI skUlF ivc 112 holI bfeIblF vMzIaF geIaF sn , pRMqU vMz qoN pihlF mfipaF dI sihmqI leI geI sI| bI sI ihAUmimnst aYsosIeysLn vwloN ieqrfjL kIqf igaf sI ik pbilk skUl Drm-inrpwK rwKy jfxy cfhIdy hn| ies ieqrfjL nUM jfiejL mMnidaF aYbtsPorz skUl izsitRkt ny PYslf kIqf hY ik hux pbilk skUlF ivc bfeIbl jF koeI hor Dfrimk pusqk nhIN vMzI jfvygI| Auprokq aYsosIeysLn dy aYgjLYkitv zfierYktr ieafn busLPIlz df kihxf hY ik Auh cOks rihxgy ik pbilk skUlF ivc aijhf aml muV nf duhrfieaf jfvy|

vYnkUvr dy myar gRYgr rfbrtsn df ivcfr hY ik vYnkUr dy GrF dIaFasmfnI cVH rhIaF kImqF vYnkUvr dI afriQkqf leI Kqrf bx rhIaF hn| AuMnHF ikhf ik bYNkF, rIal aYstyt borzF aqy arQ sLfsqrIaF vwloN ies ruJfn nUM TlH pfAux leI Xqn krn dI apIl kIqI geI hY| AuMnHF ny afpxy ibafn ivc ikhf hY ik hfAUisMg df arQ koeI pdfrQ nhIN sgoN kyvl ‘qy kyvl lokF dy rihx vfly Gr hoxf cfhIdf hY| iewko hPqy ivc mkfnF dIaF kImqF ivc 37% df AuCfl af jfxf iksy vI pwKoN sLuB nhIN| ies ruJfn kfrn lok iewQoN Bwj ky nyVly sLihrF vwl jf rhy hn| dunIaF Br ivcoN bylgfmf invysL: ho irhf hY iewQoN dI pfrtI nUM dfn dyx vfilaF nUM afrzr hfAUisMg mfrikt ivc| KRRIddfr ijwQy af ky nhIN vs rhy; aOP bI sI imilaf kyvl AuMnHF df PflqU Dn hI iewQy af ky lokF nUM iewQoN Bjf irhf hY| ieho ijhy invysL ‘qy motf aYsL kr lgfieaf jfxf bI sI ilbrl pfrtI nUM BfrI dfn dyx vfly 16 ivakqIaF cfhIdf hY | ieh ivcfr pRImIar ikRstI klfrk vwloN vI nUM afrzr aOP bI sI nfl snmfinaf igaf hY| prMqU ientYgirtI bI sI vwloN srkfr dy ies aml dI kVI pRgtfey gey hn| aflo c nf kIqI geI hY | ies sM s Qf dy aY g jL Y k itv pMjfbI sihq sBf muZlI rijstrz zfierYktr zrmOz tRYivs df kihxf hY ik aijhy snmfn dyx df mfp dMz dfn nhIN sgoN afm lokF dI BlfeI leI aYbtsPorz dI cox kIqf kMm hoxf cfhIdf hY| AuMnHF nfl hI ieh ikhf ik sMBv pMjfbI sihq sBf muZlI rijstrz aYbtsPorz dI hY ik ieMnHF ivakqIaF ivcoN kuJ swc muwc ies snmfn dy cox kIqI geI, ieh cox srb-sMmqI nfl agly do sfl hwkdfr hox , prMqU ijs ksvwtI nfl ieh snmfn idwqy leI kIqI geI hY. ijs df vyrvf hyT ilKq anusfr hY. gey hn, Auh ksvwtI ies snmfn dI kdr GtfAuNdI hY| srpRsq- sRI gurmIq isMG itvfxf, kuafrzInytr-sRI pYisaF bdly imilaf snmfn LKrIdI vsq brfbr hI rih gurivMdr isMG DflIvfl, mIq kuafrzInytr-sRImqI bIbI jFdf hY jo koeI amIr afdmI hI KrId skdf hY| gurbcn kOr iZwloN, pRDfn- sRI gurbKsL isMG Zwt, mIq skUlF ‘c kMipAUtr koizMg pRDfn- sRI mihmf isMG qUr, jnrl skwqr-sRI srujIq pfT kRm df Bfg bxygf isMG shoqf, skwqr- sRImqI bIbI sqvMq kOr pMDyr, KjLfncI- sRI mulK rfj bjfj pRymI, pRYs skwqr- sRI bI sI dy isiKaf mMqRfly vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik CyqI kuldIp isMG syKoN hI skUlF dy gRyz 6 qoN 9 dy ividafrQIaF nUM kMipUtr koizMg

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lfjLmI isKfeI jfvygI ijs leI $2 imlIan dI rfsLI KrcI jfvygI aqy $2 imlIan ies kMMmic leI loVINdf sfjLo-sfmfn KRIdx leI Kricaf jfvygf| ividafrQIaF nUM iksy smwisaf df ivsLlysLn krn aqy Aus nUM hwl krn dI isKlfeI idwqI jfvygI| sMBfvnf hY ik sqMbr 2018 ivc ieh pRogrfm sLurU kr idwqf jfvygf|

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika 


kyˆdrI pMjfbI lyKk sBf AuwqrI amrIkf df mfisk iekwT svrgvfsI gurdyv isMG mfn nMU smripq kyˆdrI pMjfbI lyKk sBf AuwqrI amrIkf df mhInf vfr smfgm sBf dy sfbkf pRDfn aqy pRiswD lyKk s: gurdyv isMG mfn jI dI Xfd nUM smripq kIqf igaf . ikqfb irlIË smfgm ivwc lyiKkf hrbMs kOr bYˆs dIafˆ iqMn ikqfbfˆ ( du w K fˆ df igw D f, Dfrimk bo l Iafˆ , ivrsy dy rM g ) irlIË kIqIafˆ geIafˆ . s:gurdyv isMG mfn jI dI Xfd ivwc ipRqpfl igwl, dljIq kilafxpurI, surjIq isMG mfDopurI ( Bfvuk gIq gfieaf), hrBjn isMG mfˆgt (ivcfr), ieMdrjIq isMG DfmI , amrIk plfhI, divMdr jOhl, jIvn rfmpurI sB ny afpxI afpxI ÈrDfˆjlI aqy Auhnfˆ dIafˆ rcnfvfˆ sfJIafˆ kIqIafˆ .


The Patrika


jLihrI gIq




blivMdr bflm ijwq ky jy mYN hfr igaf hF.

poirMdr isMglf dupflI DrmF df bhuq pRcfr ho igaf

zuwbdy pwQr qfr igaf hF.

iensfnIaq df vI kuJ kr leIey.

AuWQy sB afpxy ho jFdy,

sLfied rwb KusL ho jfvy

sohxy cMdF df

ijwQy vI iewk vfr igaf hF.

afE iPr qNo aihd kr leIey.

mfry rfqF nUM Pfhy lfky,

kI hoieaf jy nHyrf hF mYN,

dysLI DuMn rlLgI

aMbr nUM isLMgfr igaf hF.

ivwc ibdysLI dy

kI koeI sLwk hY, ieh swc hY,

nfg vI gfAuNdy

mYN awg dy ivckfr igaf hF.

gurmyl bIroky gIq dI DuMn AuWTy pwCm qoN

vwjdI pUrb jfky ieh gIq hY kfql

jIBF dy sfj bxfky, PLslF nUM qyeIaf ciVHaf icVIaF dy KMB Kohy

sMG vI pfV ley, asF kMn vI pfV ley sMK twlIaF Zol ngfry qy vfjy vI bhuq qoV ley. koeI afpxypn dI Dun Br leIey.

poqI df KLq afieaf lwgdf, AuWz pwbF dy Bfr igaf hF.

Friday, June 17th, 2016

“ipMz vflf moh” pvn “igwlF vflf” Bwul-BulyKy jF pMjfb Xfd afAuNdf ey, mYnUM myry ipMz vflf moh ijhf sqfAuNdf ey. vwg pYNdy nIr awKoN hfAukf ijhf Br ky, bYT jfvy mwuK vI koeI cwup ijhI PVky. kmlf ijhf idl kuJ bolxf nIN cfhuMdf ey, mYnUM myry ipMz vflf[[[ cfry-KUMjy ipMz dIaF GuMm afvF glIaF, ijwQy myry idl dIaF sDrf ny plIaF.

mihl vI bxf ley, golk vI Br ley

konf-konf, kwlf-kwlf bVf hI rvfAuNdf ey,

nfm vI kmf ley, KyKx vI kr ley.

mYnUM myry ipMz vflf[[[

nfnk dy nfm ‘qy swucI ikrq kr leIey

mINh nf izwgy byrI AuWqoN byr ivhVy idwsdy,

sLfied rwb KusL ho jfvy

cwuk ky skfAuxy koTy imwTy-imwTy iPsdy.

pfrlImYNt ‘c kF dyKx

iewk skMUn ijhf ihrdy ivwc,

‘bilAU iPlmF’ lfky,

hAUmY df swp mfr igaf hF.

afE iPr qNo aihd kr leIey.

lV pYNdy afips ‘c hwQ jy koeI lfAuNdf ey,

jLfq qy DrmF ‘c vMzy

sLfied hux bMdf bx jfvF,

lMgr lf ley, milk Bfgo vI sdf ley

mYnUM myry ipMz vflf[[[

sfjL sMgIq dy

dfnv-kuMj Auqfr igaf hF.

rsmF vI kr leIaF, pIr vI mnf ley.

iksy gwloN AUxy BfvyN Gftf nhIN koeI eyQy af,

nHyrf hF myrI aihmIaq,

lflo dI ikrq df guxgfx kr leIey.

JIl ‘c cMn Auqfr igaf hF.

afE iPr qoN aihd kr leIey.

irmiJm df JOkf bx ky

kuwqf vI Kf igaf rotI gF vI Kf leI

ihMmqF nUM KMG kIqI

qpdI BwTI Tfr igaf hF.

rwijaf hoieaf hor rwj igaf.

sony dI grd cVHfky,

hr hMJU ivwc qsvIr myrI,

nfmdfiqaF vI pcf leI rotI.

gIq dI DuMn

qyry idl ivckfr igaf hF.

rUVI qoN rotI lwBdy dI BwuK hr leIey

rfg vI jLihrI kIqy ivhu imlfky, cMgIaF socF df acfr zwibaF ivwc bMd ipaf

AuWTy pwCm qoN vwjdI ivwc pUrb jfky….

afs sqpfl isMG Ausfhn awj nhIN qF kwlH ho jfxf, hr musLikl ny hwl ho jfxf. liVaF iBiVaF kuJ nhIN hoxf, sLFqmeI kr gwl ho jfxf.

Bys vI vtf ley, lok vI lVf ley.

suwky kwKF dI BwTI ivwc,

awKF idKf leIaF, hjUm vI vDf ley.

bx ky iewk aMgfr igaf hF.

jo rwb cfhuMdf hY Auh kuJ vI kr leIey.

‘bflm’ ruKsq hox qoN pihlF,

afE iPr qoN aihd kr leIey.

dy ky sB nUM ipafr igaf hF.

pIVF ihMmq nfl mihMdr mfn

“igwlF dy pvn” qfhIEN swBy gwlF cyqy af. pwuC kdy dyKIN Jwt AuNglI igxfAuNdf ey, mYnUM myry ipMz vflf moh ijhf sqfAuNdf ey.

gLjLl srdfr pMCI ijLMdgI dI pING nUM aYsf hulfrf af igaf. hux myry pYrF dy nyVy hr isqfrf af igaf. iesLk dy isLkvy igly sB Es dy ivwc ruVH gey, husn dy nYxF ‘c iewk hMJU Kfrf af igaf. dy geI Aus nUM JkfnI mihk AuhdI afpxI, ijs nUM lwBdf ihrn jfl aMdr ivcfrf af igaf. jfxdf sI Auh ik Aus nUM hr iksy durkfrnf, drd myry kol iesy zr df mfrf af igaf. roikE myrf jnfjLf pl dy pl leI roikE, kr lvF dIdfr swjx df duafrf af igaf.

pIVF ihMmq nfl jo ny jrdIaF,

qF hI kuwKF ivwc DIaF ny mrdIaF.

mOq qoN Auh ijMdf kd ny zrdIaF.

jy qusIN tihxI qoN Puwl nf qoVdy,

imhnq qyrI, rihmq EhdI,

imhnqI qy sfhsI afdmIaF df,

qF ienHF ivcoN nf mihkF mrdIaF.

iPr qyrI icwTI kI afeI ijAux dI afsLf jgI,

vyKI, cwl so cwl ho jfxf.

dosqo, ijwqF ny pfxI BrdIaF.

kwtI jfvy bMdf AuhI tfhxIaF,

virHaF ipwCoN ijAux df idl nUM shfrf af igaf.

vgdy pfxI swucy rihMdy,

jLflmF dy awgy jo nf JukdIaF,

CfvF Dwup ivwc Aus nUM jo ny krdIaF.

msukxI qyrI nUM qwk ky iKiVaf sI jd myrf bfgL,

jykr rwKyN soc AusfrU, dusLmx vI qyry vwl ho jfxf.

KVH igEU jy, musLikl ho jfxf. kI hoieaf jy PfzI rih igaf, ihMmq rwK, awvl ho jfxf. PAGE 34

ipafirE, Auh kOmF kdy nhIN mrdIaF. mfn mihMgy nisLaF nUM jo lwg gey, hfly vI mF-bfp locx pwuqF nUM,

Auh guaf bYTy jLmInF Gr dIaF.

rojL mYN piVHaf krFgf afpxI BfsLf dy ivwc, klpnf ivwc qyry muKVy df Auqfrf af igaf.

myrIaF awKF ‘ c awj EhI njLfrf af igaf. KLud nUM miraf hoieaf hI hux qk smJdf jo irhf, hux qF jfpy Drq ‘qy ‘pMCI’ dubfrf af igaf.

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016


pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF ieh smF nhIN aFsU bhfvxy df. kql krky rfjy-vjLIr qfeIN, koeI kMm nhIN hux pCqfvxy df. hwQ afeIN nf ho kurbfn jfeIN, iKLafl krIN nf bc ky jfvxy df. hIrf isMG df mMqr cwl igaf, POjF sfrIaF Aus dy nfl hoeIaf. sMDfvflIaf kIqI afphudrI, ivwc roh dy Auh sn lfl hoeIaF. kuJ gwusf pRqfp dy kql df ey, kuwJ aMgryjL dI suxky cfl hoeIaF. hrcMd isMGf ho ky htdIaF ny, nhIN hoxIaF iksy qoN tfl hoeIaf.. koeI pYdl koeI GoiVaF qy, AUTF, hfQIaF ho asvfr cwly. qopF, rihkly, qIr, bMdUkF, qygF, lfhOr vwl nUM mfro-mfr cwly. PLOjF jf ky iklHy nUM Gyr ilaf, mfrU vwjy qy jMgI hiQafr cwly. hrcMd isMGf iklHy dy ivwc QoVHy, CfAuxI ivwcoN sI by-sLumfr cwly. igrd iklHy dy bIVIaF sO qopF, cfry pfisAuN awg vrHfAux lwgy. iklHy aMdr afx ky Ptx goly, awgF BVkIaF jfnF mukfAux lwgy. msIN sLFqI hoeI sI rfj aMdr, klF suwqIaF muV jgfAux lwgy. hrcMd isMGf isvy nf hoey TMzy, loQF ijmIN qy hor ivCfAux lwgy. lihxf isMG iklHy dI kMD AuWqy, dyKo morcy rfq nUM afx bylI. golI ihwk dy ivwc sI afx vwjI, leI AusdI QF qy jfn bylI. KOry Ausy dy PLOjIaF BuMn idwqf, ivc hnyry nf hoeI pCfx bylI. hrcMd isMGf cfcy nUM vyK ajIq isMG, lwgf bihky hMJU vhfx bylI. lihxf isMG ny roh dy ivwc ikhf,

hrcMd isMGf jUJdy rx XoDy, mwul moVIN srdfr khfvxy df.. rihMdI POLj ny suwt hiQafr idwqy, sMDFvflIey hoey jd icwq loko. PLOj Kflsf iklHy dy ivwc afeI, hIrf isMG dI ho geI ijwq loko. ikMnI CyqI hoxIaF ho geIaF, mOq huMdI nf iksy dI imwq loko. hrcMd isMGf nf jfnF ipafrIaF ny, ipafry sB nUM afpxy ihwq loko.. aTfrF sqMbr aTfrF sON qrqflI eI: nUM rfjf hIrf isMG ny kMvr dlIp isMG dI muV qfj-posI kIqI

PAGE 35 hrcMd isMG bfgVI

hox lokF qy awiqafcfr lwgy, kIqf AuhI jo mn nUM Bfieaf ey. hrcMd isMGf hoeI mOq ssqI, vFg pfxI dy lhU bhfieaf ey.. vcn kIqy PLOjIaF nfl ijhVy, qlb sB dI rfjy vDfa idwqI.

dlIp isMG nUM KLqrf Aus pfsoN,

JfVU ivwc KLjLfny dy Pyr idwqf,

jf ky pMcF nUM Auh BVkfAux lwgf.

ienfm dy ky PLOj srcf idwqI.

hrcMd isMGf jwlHy ny mwq mfrI,

rupey bfrF kry ipafidaF dy,

kUtnIqIaF bih isKfAux lwgf..

qIh asvfrF dI qlb sI lf idwqI.

hIrf isMG nUM jd mlUm hoieaf,

hrcMd isMGf nbflg dlIp isMG

jvfhr isMG kI klf vKFvdf jI.

dI, srpRsq ijMdF sI bxf idwqI..

purfxf hiQafr jo zogry vrqdy sI,

mhfrfxI ijMdF dy sky

rfjf Aus qy muV clFvdf jI.

Brf jvfhr isMG df pRcfr

jvfhr isMG iPrMgI nUM jf imilaf,

jvfhr isMG ijMdF dI sLih AuWqy,

ivwc PLOj dy gwl DumFvdf jI.

rsUK COxIaF ivwc vDfAux lwgf.

hrcMd isMGf ijMdF dy nfl rlky,

hIrf isMG dI nIq-bdnIq hoeI,

sOdybfjLIaF krI jFvdf jI..

kihMdf ijMdF nUM Auh sqfAux lwgf.


hIrf isMG ny mfr ivroDIaF nUM, ivwc iklHy dy jsLn mnfieaf eI. pMj sfl dy bfl dlIp isMG nUM, mhfrfjf muV qoN Aus bxfieaf eI. nfl rsmF kIqI qfj-posLI , rfjy-nvfbF qfeIN bulfieaf eI. hrcMd isMG afp vjLLIr hoieaf, sLfhI Purmfn hY pVH suxfieaf eI.. hIrf isMG ny afpxy KLfs bMdy, KLfs ahuidaF Auqy bhfa idwqy. sMDFvflIaf nfl jo sn bMdy, Auho kr sI Aus PLnfh idwqy. imsLr bylI rfm, ig: gurmuK isMG, nfl hor vI kql krvf idwqy. hrcMd isMGf Gr sMDfvflIaF dy, rfjfsFsI jo sB Zhfa idwqy.. jwlHy pMizq nUM hIrf isMG rfjy, slfhkfr hY afpxf lfieaf ey. jgIrF Koh ky sMDFvflIaF qoN, sihm Ausny sB qy pfieaf ey. PAGE 35


The Patrika 

Friday, June 17th, 2016

mUlvfsIaF dIaF ishq syvfvF leI 69 imlIan zflr Etvf, 14 jUn: pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny ieh rkm EntfrIE, mYnItobf qy nUnfvq, somvfr nUM agly iqMn sflF leI mUlvfsIaF ijwQy ienHF pYisaf dI bhuq loV hY, ivKy dI mYNtl hYlQ srivisjL leI 69 imlIan sMkt dI GVI ivwc AuWQy phuMc ky mdd krn amrIkf nfeIt klwb ‘c aMDfDuMd zflr muhweIaf krvfAux df vfadf kIqf. vflIaF tImF vwloN syvfvF muhweIaf krvfAux ieh aYlfn AunHF AuWqrI EntfrIE qoN 20 golIbfrI 50 mry 53 PwtV leI hY. ies qoN ielfvf mdd leI 32 hor qoN nyVy qyVy imlx afey mUlvfsIaF dy vPd mfnisk vYWlnYWs tImF vI mOjUd rihxgIaF. ErlY N z o –amrIkf dy Plo r Izf rfj dy hoieaf sI. iPr Aus df pirvfr PlorIzf nfl mulfkfq qoN bfad kIqf. ErlYNzo sLihr ivwc nfeIt klwb ‘pls cilaf igaf sI. pRDfn mMqrI dy afiPs vwlNo iewk ibafn EntfrIE dI zIar lyk Prst nysLn dy ErlYNzo’ ivwc aPgfn mUl dy amrIkI plws aYWl[jI[bI[tI[ nfeIt klwb ivwc jfrI krky afiKaf igaf ik ieh PMz 24 sflf rYNzl kRoa ny afiKaf ik nOjvfnF nfgirk hmlfvr Aumr mqIn ny aMnHyvfh hmlf krn qoN pihlF hmlfvr ny 911 nMbr AunHF kimAUintIjL dI mdd leI muhweIaf dy vPd dI gwl nUM iDafn nfl suxnf bhuq golIbfrI krky 50 lokF dI hwiqaf kr nUM kfl krky ikhf sI ik Auh afeI[aYWs[ krvfey jf rhy hn ijwQy mfnisk ishq nfl jLrUrI sI. hux smF af igaf hY ik ies qoN idwqI. ies nUM 11 sqMbr 2001 dI Gtnf dy hukmF df pflx kr irhf hY. ies qoN juVIaF smwisafvF kfPI vwD hn. ies dOrfn pihlf ik nOjvfnF nUM hfsLIey AuWqy Dwikaf qoN bfad df sB qoN vwzf KLUnI hmlf dwisaf ieh aMdfjLf lfieaf jf skdf hY ik ieh igaf hY. hmly qoN bfad mqIn dI sfbkf srkfr nvF ishq sbMDI krfr krn leI jfvy Auh koeI stYNz lYx. nOjvfnF nUM vI awqvfdI hmlf afeI[aYWs vwloN krvfieaf pqnI df Aus bfry kihxf hY ik mqIn mUlvfsI afgUaF nfl gwlbfq jfrI rwKygI. aijhy mwuidaF AuWqy hox vflI gwlbfq ivwc ho skdf hY. idmfgI qOr AuWqy ibmfr sI aqy Aus dy sLfml kIqf jfvy ijnHF AuWqy afguUaF nUM iDafn ivhfr kfPI ihMsk sI. rfsLtrpqI brfk dwisaf igaf hY ik bMb jYkyt pihn ky nvyN Krcy iks qrHF, ikwQy qy ikvyN kIqy jfxgy Ebfmf ny ikhf ik ies Gtnf dy ipwCy Cupy hmlfvr Aus nfeIt klwb ivwc dfKl ienHF bfry pUrf vyrvf hfsl nhIN ho sikaf. dyx dI Kfs loV hY. dosLIaF nUM bKLisLaf nhIN jfvygf. PlorIzf dy hoieaf sI. irportF anusfr hmlfvr kol PMzF dy mfmly ivwc qflmyl jLrUrI: trUzo ErlYNzo ivwc iewk ‘gy klwb’ ivwc asflt asflt rfeIPl sI qy Aus ny klwb ivwc rfeIPl nfl lYs hmlfvr ny aYqvfr rfq lokF nUM bMdI bxf ilaf sI. ieh Gtnf AudoN EntfrIE: pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo df rl ky kMm krn dI loV hY. buinafdI ZFcf nUM 50 lokF df kql kr idwqf aqy 53 horF vfprI, jdoN kimAUintI ies klwb ivwc kihxf hY ik afAux vfly hPLiqaF ivwc AunHF ivwcoN iewk hY. nMU jKLmI kr idwqf. ies nUM amrIkf dy ‘prfeIz mMQ sYlIbryt’ kr rhI sI. PYzrl srkfr torFto qy hornF QfvF AuWqy trUzo ny ies sbMD ivwc koeI vyrvy nhIN ieiqhfs ivwc hux qwk df sB qoN iBafnk buinafdI ZFcy nfl juVI rkm dI vMz sbMDI idwqy. sInIar PYzrl qy pRoivMsLIal srkfr golI kFz aqy 9/11 qoN bfad sB qoN vwzf sLihr ivwc ieh 24 GMitaF ivwc golIbfrI aYlfn krygI. AunHF afiKaf ik grmIaF dy dy sUqrF df kihxf hY ik ijnHF pRojYktF nUM awqvfdI hmlf ikhf jf skdf hY. mOky dI dUsrI Gtnf hY. ies qoN pihlF sLuwkrvfr AuWqy phuMcI pulIs ny hmlfvr AuWqy kfbU nUM iewk iQeytr ivwc iewk bMdUkDfrI ny golI mOsm ivwc AusfrI dy idnF leI buinafdI PYzrl srkfr qoN PMz hfsl hoxgy AunHF pfAux leI Xqn kIqf. hmlfvr ny klwb mfr ky gfiekf ikRstInf igRmI df kql kr ZFcy dI rkm shI QF AuWqy lfeI jfvygI. bfry ajy srkfrF vwloN gwlbfq kIqI jf rhI hY. ijLkrXog hY ik afpxy 2016 dy ivwc lokF nUM bMdI bxf ilaf sI. puls ny 4 idwqf sI. afpxy sY N t r blfk afiPs ivw c iew k GMitaF dI sKLq imhnq ipwCoN Aus nUM mfr klwb golI kFz dy csLmdId lokF ny Pysbwuk ieMtrivAU dOrfn trUzo ny vfadf kIqf ik bjt ivwc trUzo dI agvfeI ivwc ilbrlF ny buinafdI ZFcy leI 125 iblIan zflr idwqf. ies dy ipwCy vI kfPI smF cOksI rwKI pyj AuWqy ies Gtnf nfl juVIaF sUcnfvF PYzrl srkfr, poRivMsF qy imAUNspYLltIaF rwKy. ies ivwcoN bhuqf Krcf bfad vfly sflF geI. amrIkf dI GrylU jFc eyjMsI aYWP[ sLyar kIqIaF hn. jfrzn nfa dy XUjLr drimafn kM m kfj vfly sbM D F nU M mu V ivwc mYgf pRojYkts AuWqy kIqf jfvygf. pr bI[ afeI[ ny ajy mqIn dI aiDkfrk qOr ny iliKaf, ‘mYN AuWQy sI, jdoN rfq do vjy AuWqy pCfx nhIN kIqI, pr bfkI surwiKaf klwb ivwc PfieirMg sLurU hoeI, AudoN klwb Ausfrn ivwc afAux vflIaF pycIdgIaF 11[9 iblIan zflr pihly do qoN pMj sflF aiDkfrIaF ny vfrdfq vflI QF qoN imlI pUrf Biraf hoieaf sI. hmlfvr ny keI bfry AunHF ivcfr vtFdrf kIqf hY. trUzo ny leI rwKI geI hY. lfsL aqy brfmq hoey hiQafrF qoN Aus dI ivakqIaF nUM EQy bMDk bxf rwiKaf sI.’ afiKaf ik EntfrIE nUM iewk dhfkf ho igaf trUzo ny afiKaf ik Auh srkfrF dy sfry pCfx kIqI hY. mqIn dI sfbkf pqnI qy Aus ErlYNzo puls ansufr aYqvfr qVky (lokl PYzrl srkfr nfl dsq pMjf lYNidaF. AunHF pwDrF ivcfly sbMDF nUM suDfrnf cfhuMdy df pUrf pirvfr mUl rUp ivwc aPgfinsqfn smyN muqfbk) ieh Gtnf vfprI. puls ny ieh vI afiKaf ik hfrpr srkfr ny kdy hn. ies smyN torFto dy myar jOhn torI, qoN sI, pr mqIn df jnm inAUXfrk ivwc ies nUM awqvfdI Gtnf dwisaf hY. EntfrIE nUM smiJaf hI nhIN. AunHF kdy EntfrIE dI pRImIar kYQlIn ivwn qy trUzo EntfrIE dI prvfh vI nhIN kIqI. isrP myjr pRojYktrF bfry iewk dUjy dI rfie nfl iPlIpInjL ‘c kYnyzIan bMdI dy kql dI inKyDI coxF vyly sIt hfsl krn leI Auh lok kMm kr rhy hn. trUzo df kihxf hY ik Etvf, 13 jUn: iPlIpInjl ivwc abU AunHF hfl PYimlI nfl duwK sFJf kridaF EntfrIE vwl mUMh krdy sn. pr hux sB srkfrF drimafn qflmyl dI pihlI kVI swXP awqvfdIaF vwloN bMDI bxf ky rwKy gey iew k vfrI mu V aw q vfdI jQy b M d IaF nU M kuJ bdl igaf hY. sfnUM keI muwidaF AuWqy buinafdI ZFcf hY qy dUjf pYnsLn suDfr hn. kYnyzIan df kql kIqy jfx dI Kbr imlI iPrOqI dI rkm nf dyx dI kYnyzf dI nIqI hfAUisMg mfrikt nUM TwlH pfAux dI loV: polojL hY. pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo df kihxf hY nUM duhrfieaf. AunHF afiKaf ik ies qrHF aiqvfdIaF dIaF mMgF pUrIaF krky asIN Etvf: bYNk afPL kYnyzf ny cyqfvnI idMidaF nhIN kr rhy pr ieh afiKaf jf skdf hY ik srkfr iPlIpInjL dy aiDkfrIaF nfl kYnyzf dI bdKohI nhIN kr skdy. iewQy afiKaf hY ik vYnkUvr qy torFto vrgIaF ik hfl dI GVI asIN isrPL qmfsLbIn bx rl ky ieh pqf lfAux dI koisLsL kr rhI dwsxf bxdf hY ik ipCly sfl sqMbr hfAUisMg mfrikt ivwc GrF dIaF kImqF ky hI siQqI nUM vyK rhy hF. hY ik kYlgrI dy rObrt hfl nUM iPlIpInjL ivwc iewk irjLfrt qoN abU swXP ny jOhn ivwc ho irhf iejfPf bhuqf icr nhIN itkygf. ivwc mfr mukfieaf igaf hY. polojL ny afiKaf ik jy ieho hfl irhf qF irzszyl, nfrvya dy iewk hor ivakqI qy iPlIpIn dI iewk aOrq nUM agvf kr gvrnr stIPn polojL ny cyqfvnI idMidaF arQcfry AuWqy vI afAux vfly smyN ivwc ies trUzo ny pwqrkfrF nfl gwlbfq kridaF afiKaf ik afriQk buinafdI gwlF ijvyN ik df mfVf asr pvygf. ijLLkrXog hY ik bIqy ilaf sI. rojLgfr pYdf krnf, iemIgRysLn qy afriQk dwisaf ik sfzy kol ieh mMnx df hr kfrn bwuDvfr nUM ivwq mMqrI ibwl mOrinAU ny vI 68 sflf irzszy l df aprY l ivw c Au d o N ivkfs afid nUM drV ky ieh kImqF awgy hY ik iml rhIaF KbrF swc hn. ijLkrXog ieh sMkyq idwqf sI ik Etvf rIal astyt hY ik alkfiedf nfl sbMDq awqvfdI isr klm kr idwqf igaf sI jdoN Aus dy sUt vwt geIaF hn. kYnyzf dI ivwqI siQrqf mfrikt AuWqy njLr rwK irhf hY qy srkfr agvfkfrF dI iPrOqI dI mMg nUM pUrf nhIN bfry Cy mhIinaF dy mulFkx bfry irport jQybMdI ny ieh cyqfvnI idwqI sI ik jy AunHF sI kIqf igaf. somvfr nUM trUzo ny aiKaf pysL krn smyN Etvf ivwc inAUjL kfnPrMs nUM ieh ivcfrF kr rhI hY ik kYnyzIan ajy nUM 8 imlIan zflr dI iPrOqI nf imlI qF ik srkfr iPlIpInjL dy aiDkfrIaF nfl sMboDn kridaF polojL ny afiKaf ik jy ienHF vI Gr KrId skx. ies leI ieh XkInI Auh somvfr nUM hfl nUM mfr dyxgy. trUzo ny kMm kr rhI hY qy ieh XkInI bnfAux dI mfriktF df rvweIaf ieho irhf qF asIN bxfAux leI rIal astyt mfriktF ivwc afiKaf ik ies kql nfl kYnyzf pUrI qrHF koisLsL kr rhI hY ik ies kfry leI ijLMmyvfr ies dI pVcol krky koeI hwl lwBFgy. AunHF afeI qyjLI nUM TwlH pfAux vfsqy mfpdMz qYa ivakqIaF nUM sjLf idwqI jfvy. afiKaf ik asIN iksy iksm dI pysLIingoeI krn bfry ivcfrF cwl rhIaF hn. abU swXP nUM hI ijLMmyvfr mMndf hY. PAGE 36

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016

‘AuWcf burj lfhOr df…` qu k pMjfbI lokgIqfˆ df aijhf muhfˆdrf hY ijs ivwc bdlfa kIqy bgYr ies qoN aglIafˆ qukfˆ ivwc gIqkfrfˆ ny afpo afpxy aMdfË nfl qbdIlI kridafˆ ies gIq nUM nvIN pCfx dyx df Auprflf kIqf. iksy hwd qwk Auh kfmXfb vI rhy hn. ies gIq nUM gfAux vfly gfiekfˆ ivwcoN lok gfiek suirMdr iCMdf ny sB qoN vDyry Èohrq hfsl kIqI hY. Aus ny ieh gIq ‘AuWcf burj lfhOr df, qy mYˆ KVHI sukfvfˆ kys…` dy rUp ivwc sroiqafˆ sfhmxy rwiKaf. srhwd pfr ieh gIq bdlI hoey Èbdfˆ ‘AuWcf burj lfhOr df, hyT vgy diraf vy mfhIaf…` nfl gfieaf igaf. iewk hor pfiksqfnI Pnkfr ny ies gIq ivwc Pyrbdl kridafˆ ies dy bol aqy Bfv iblkul bdl idwqy: `AuWcf burj lfhOr df, ijwQy bldy cfr icrfg. iewk pfsy df dfqf vfrs, iewk df mfDo lfl. iewk pfsy Èfh ienfieq, dUjy pfsy Èfh jmfl….` srhwd pfr dy iewk hor gIqkfr ny ies dy bol bdl ky ies qrHfˆ pyÈ kIqy- ‘AuWcy burj lfhOr dy, ijwQy vsdy cfr imÈfl.



AuWcf burj lfhOr df…

iewk pfsy mIafˆ mIr dI bsqI, iewk df Èfh jmfl. iewk pfsy df dfqf mfilk, iewk df mfDo lfl….` iewk pfiksqfnI nfvlkfr aÈPfk aihmd ny ‘AuWcy burj lfhOr dy` isrlyK hyT nftk dy rUp ivwc iewk pusqk vI ilKI hY. Bfrq aqy pfiksqfn dy ‘AuWcf bu r j lfhO r df…` gIq nfl sbMiDq arQ qy Bfv afps ivwc iblkul myl nhIN Kfˆdy, pr ienHfˆ ivwc lfhOr df AuWcf burj sfˆJf irhf. iew k sw c feI ieh vI hY ik gIqkfrfˆ qy Pnkfrfˆ ny ies lokgIq sdkf KUb Èohrq hfsl kIqI, pr Auh cfh ky vI lfhOr dy AuWcy burj nfl iensfP nhIN kr sky. ikAuN jo ienHfˆ gIqfˆ nUM suxn vfly sroqy awj vI lfhOr dy AuWcy burj dI aslIaq, hoNd aqy ieiqhfs qoN pUrI qrHfˆ byKbr hn.

ivwc sMmn burj nUM musMmn burj ikhf jfˆdf hY ijs df arQ huMdf hY awT Bujfvfˆ vflf burj. lfhOr dy AuWcy burj nfˆ nfl lokgIqfˆ rfhIN pRi swDI pRf pq krn vfly ÈfhI iklHy dy sMmn burj dI AusfrI mugl bfdÈfh akbr ny krvfeI sI. mugl bfdÈfh Èfhjhfˆ ies bu r j nU M afpxI irhfieÈ vjo N iesqymfl krdf irhf. aPgfn hmlfvr aihmd Èfh durfnI ny lfhOr Pqih krn ‘qy iesy burj ivwc afpxf drbfr sjfieaf. 27 nvMbr 1798 nUM jdoN Èyr-eypMjfb mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG ny aihmd Èfh durfnI dy poqry Èfh Ëmfn nUM llkfridafˆ iqMn vfr ies burj ‘qy hmlf kIqf, Aus smyˆ Auh iewQy hI Tihiraf hoieaf sI. mhfrfjy ny lfhOr ‘qy aiDkfr krn qoN bfad ies smfrk dI nv-AusfrI krvfeI, pr purfxy Zfˆcy ivwc koeI qbdIlI nhIN kIq kIqI.

lokgIqfˆ ivwc mihË qukbMdI leI iesqymfl kIqy gey ‘lfhOr dy AuWcy burj` Èbd AuWQoN dy ÈfhI iklHy dy lfhO r dy iklH y dy ÈIÈ mihl sMmn burj leI vrqy gey hn ijs nfl lwgdy ies smfrk nUM ÈyrdI mugl aqy iswK ieiqhfs ivwc ey-pMjfb afpxy inwjI qy lfhOr ivÈyÈ aihmIaq rhI hY. PfrsI drbfr dy dPqrI kfrjfˆ ihwq

iesqymfl krdf irhf. AunHIN idnIN diraf rfvI ies smfrk dIafˆ bfhrI dIvfrfˆ nfl Kih ky lMGdf sI aqy diraf ivwc burjfˆ dy prCfvyˆ ivKfeI idMdy sn. Èfied Ausy idRÈ nUM ‘AuWcf burj lfhOr df, hyT vgy diraf vy mfhIaf…` gIq dy rUp ivwc klmbwD kIqf igaf hovy. mOjUdf smyˆ diraf iewQoN qkrIbn sfZy iqMn iklomItr dUr jf cuwikaf hY. diraf dy Aus purfxy ihwsy nUM buwZf diraf kih ky sMboiDq kIqf jfˆdf hY. alYgËYˆzr brnË ny 1831 ivwc sMmn burj vyiKaf aqy afpxy sPLrnfmy ivwc bVI KUbsUrqI nfl ies df vyrvf drj kIqf. Auh ilKdf hY ik kmirafˆ dy aMdr kwc dIafˆ boqlfˆ ivwc rMg-ibrMgf pfxI pfieaf hox krky rOÈnI ivwc vwKrf hI nËfrf idK irhf sI. iesy Bvn ivwc mhfrfjy df rfq nUM sOx vflf kmrf vI sI ijwQy Aus dI cfˆdI dI kursI rwKI hoeI sI. ies Bvn dIafˆ dIvfrfˆ nUM kÈmIrI Èflfˆ nfl sjfieaf igaf sI. ies Bvn ivwc ijMnf

suirMdr koCV

vI PrnIcr rwiKaf hoieaf sI, AunHfˆ sB ‘qy cfˆdI qy sony dy pwqry cVHy hoey sn. ÈfhI mihmfnfˆ dy mnorMjn leI mhfrfjy vwloN iewQy hI mihPLlfˆ sjfeIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ sn. mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG ny afpxy Èfsn kfl dOrfn hI ies dy pfs sMgmrmrI awT-drf Ausfiraf. ÈfhI Èfno-ÈOkq dy gvfh rhy iesy sMmn burj ivwc aMgryËI Èfsn smyˆ dsMbr 1846 ivwc mhfrfxI ijMd kOr nUM kYd krky rwiKaf igaf aqy bfad ivwc agsq 1847 ivwc Aus nUM ÈyKupUrf dy iklHy ivwc nËrbMd kr idwqf igaf. ies qrHfˆ lokgIqfˆ ivclf ieh ‘AuuWcf burj` bnfm lfhOr dy iklHy df sMmn burj lokgIqfˆ df muhfˆdrf hox dy nfl-nfl iswK ieiqhfs nfl sbMiDq keI mhwqvpUrn Gtnfvfˆ df gvfh irhf hY.

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B.C. ŒË•ù ∑Á◊™Áá≈ˬ, Á¡flb Á∑ ‚⁄Ë Áflø ª⁄Ù„ •Ã ’¢Œ∑ Î ŒË Á„¢‚Ê É ⁄Ù∑À ‹® ‚„ÊßÃÊ flÊ‚Ã B.C. ŒË ‚⁄∑Ê⁄ fl‹Ù,b ß∑ ÁÃ¢á ‚Ê‹ ŒË, $23 Á◊‹Ë•á ŒË fløá’œÃÊ áÊ‹ BC •Ò≈b Ë-ªÒª b ÿÍÁá≈, RCMP •Ã `Ê®◊ ‚≈ı“⁄¬ fl‹Ùb ’¢Œ∑ Í ù •Ã ª⁄Ù„ù ŒË ⁄ÀáËÃË (Guns and Gangs Strategy)

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ªÒ⁄∑ÊCáË „ÁÕ¶⁄ù ŒË ‚Í„ ŒÀ •Ã ªÒª b Á≈“ ‹Ê®á ’Ê⁄ ¡Êª⁄Í∑ÃÊ É ©Ã·ÊÁ„à ∑⁄á ‹® `Ê®◊ ‚≈ı“⁄¬ Œ á∑Œ ßáÊ◊ (Proven Cash) flÊ‚Ã $450,000 ŒË ◊ŒŒ ±e¢« ªÒbª ‹Ê®Ö (End Gang Life) “aÙª⁄Ê◊ Áflø ‚Ùœ ªÒbª “aËflÒb·á ‚⁄Ë ⁄Ò“•⁄Ê™b« (Wrap) “aÙª⁄Ê◊ ‹® Áá⁄¢Ã⁄ Áfl°ÃË ◊ŒŒ áı¡flÊáù ð∑ „Ù⁄ flœ⁄ “„È¢ø ‚⁄Ë Áflø ’¢ŒÎ∑ù •Ã ª⁄Ù„ù áÊ‹ ‚’¢œù Áflø ∑ÁÕà Ãı⁄ $Ã ·Ê◊‹ •“⁄ʜ˕ù ŒË•ù Ã⁄¡Ë„ flÊ‹Ë•ù ÖÊ®‹ù ‹® ‚◊⁄Á“à ‚⁄∑Ê⁄Ë fl∑Ë‹ flœ⁄ “ÈÁ‹‚, ŒÙ 10- ◊Òb’⁄Ë ≈Ë◊ù Œ flÊœ áÊ‹ `Ê®◊ Á⁄«°∑·á •Ã ªÒbª ¶™≈⁄Ëø ŒÊ áflù ŒÖÃ⁄ ªÒ⁄∑ÊCáË „ÁÕ¶⁄ù ’Ê⁄ ≈Ê‚∑ ÖÙ⁄‚

Punjabi Patrika.indd 1

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16-05-09 8:06 PM

The Patrika


Friday, June 17th, 2016


kOx kr irhY bdnfm pMjfb nUM? ‘AuVqf pMjfb’ iPLlm sbMDI sLurU hoey ivvfd nfl pMjfb ivwc nisLaF df mwudf iewk vfr muV gMBIr crcf df ivsLf bx igaf hY. pMjfb dI swqfDfrI pfrtI sLRomxI akflI dl mwuZ qoN hI sUby dy nisLaF ivwc igRPq hox dy swc qoN nf kyvl ienkfr hI krdI af rhI hY blik ieh gwl kihx vfilaF nUM pMjfb ivroDI vI dsdI afeI hY. sLRomxI akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr isMG bfdl pMjfb dy nOjvfnF dy vwzI igxqI ivwc nsLfgRsq hox sbMDI kIqy

jf rhy pRcfr nUM pMjfb aqy pMjfbIaF nUM bdnfm krn dI sfijsL vjoN dyKdy hn. kyNdr ivwc zf[mnmohn isMG dI agvfeI vflI XU[pI[ey[ srkfr mOky Auh pMjfb nisLaF dy pRcwlx leI kyNdr srkfr nUM dosLI TihrfAuNdy rhy hn pr modI srkfr afAux qoN bfad AunHF ies gwl ‘qy cwup sfD leI hY. hor qF hor, Auh pMjfb ivwc sLrfb smyq keI nisLaF dy syvn nUM koeI smwisaf mMnx qoN vI ienkfrI hn. PYslf afvfm ny hI dyxf hY kOx kr irhY pMjfb nUM bdnfm?

sLRomxI akflI dl aqy ies dy hmfieqI Bfvy N ku J vI kihx pr pM j fb dy nOjvfnF dI vwzI igxqI dy nisLaf duy pRBfv hyT hox qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. pMjfb ivwc sLrfb aqy nisLaf dI vrqoN qy pRcwlx sbMDI BfvyN koeI ivsLysL ivDIvq aiDaYn mOjUd nhIN pr kuJ srvyKx jLrUr mOjUd hn. 2006 ivwc gurU nfnk dyv XUnIvristI dy pRo: afr[aYs[sMDU dI agvfeI ivwc aMimRqsr, jlMDr, biTMzf aqy pitaflf ijLilHaF dy srvy

anusfr nisLaF ivwc gRsq pMjfbIaF ivwcoN 73 PLIsdI 16 qoN 35 Aumr vrg dy hn. lgpg iehI iswtf 2010 ivwc ieMstIicAUt afPL izvYlpmYNt, cMzIgVH vwloN kIqy gey aiDaYn dOrfn sfhmxy afieaf. afl ieMzIaf ieMstIicAUt afPL mYzIkl sfieMsjL(eymjL), idwlI vwloN iesy sfl kIqy gey aiDaYn muqfbk nsLfgRsq ivakqIaF ivwcoN 76 PLIsdI 18 qoN 35 gruwp hn. aPLIm, qMbfkU, BwukI, hYroien, smYk, icwtf aqy aijhy hor isMQYitk nisLaF dy nfl-nfl sLrfb df nsLf vI pMjfbIaF nUM kfPLI hwd qwk pRBfivq kr irhf hY. pRfpq aMkiVaF anusfr pMjfb ivwc akflI-Bfjpf srkfr dy ipCly awT sflF dOrfn sLrfb dy TyikaF dI igxqI ivwc 50 PLIsdI aqy ies dI ivkrI ivwc 85 PLIsdI vfDf hoieaf hY. sLrfb pIx vfilaF ivwc vI vwzI igxqI 15 qoN 35 sfl dy nOjvfnF dI dwsI jFdI hY. ies qoN ielfvf iesy smyN dOrfn sUby ivwc sLrfb dIaF PYktrIaF dI igxqI vI duwgxI qoN vwD ho geI hY. ieh sfry qwQ pMjfb srkfr dI nisLaF pRqI nIqI aqy nIaq df BlI-BFq Kulfsf kr rhy hn. iehI kfrn hY ik pMjfb nUM nisLaF dy CyvyN diraf nfl qulnf idwqI jfx lwgI hY. ipCly sflF dOrfn nisLaF dy kfrobfr ivwc mMqrIaF, ivDfiekF aqy hor rsUKLvfnF dI sLmULlIaq crcf df ivsLf rhI hY. iesy krky lok sBf dIaF coxF mOky swqfDfrI iDr nUM lokF dy BfrI ivroD df sfhmxy krnf ipaf aqy nmosLI BrI hfr sihxI peI. nisLaF dy pRcwlx dI hkIkq qoN ienkfr krn vflI akflI-Bfjpf srkfr nuM krfrI hfr bfad nisLaF ivruwD muihMm clfAux leI mjLbUr hoxf ipaf. nisLaF dy qskrF aqy kfrobfrIaF ivruwD koeI Tos kfrvfeI dI QF nsLyVIaF dI PV-PVfeI dI kvfied rfhIN lokF dy awKIN Gwtf pfAux krky ies muihMm dy sfriQk nqIjy nhIN inkl sky. iswty vjoN pMjfb ivc nisLaF dI smwisaf Gtx dI bjfey vDdI hI jf rhI hY. Bfrq srkfr dy smfijk inaF aqy sLskqIkrn mMqrfly vwloN nsLIly pdfrQF ‘qy inrBr lokF sbMDI PrvrI 2015 qoN aprYl 2015 dOrfn krvfey gey srvyKx anusfr pMjfb dI pOxy iqMn kroV dI vsoN ivwcoN 2,30,000 ivakqI nsLIly pdfrQF dy afdI hn. ieh igxqI iewk lwK ipwCy 836 bxdI hY jdoNik mulk ivwc ieh igxqI aOsqn isrP 250 hY. ies qoN spwsLt hY ik pMjfb nsLIly pdfrQF dI lpyt ivwc hY. sUbf srkfr ies siQqI dI ijLMmyvfrI qoN Bwj nhIN skdI. hkIkq nUM mihjL ibafnbfjLI nfl JuTlfAux aqy swcfeI nUM ivroDI iDr df kUV pRcfr grdfn ky aslIaq qoN awKF mItx dI nIqI drusq nhIN khI jf skdI.

gurUsr suDfr invfsIaF vloN slfnf smfgm 19 jUn nUM smUh ngr aqy ielfkf invfsIaF vloN sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik hr sfl dI qrHF ies sfl vI gurU hrgoibMd sfihb jI df pRkfsL idhfVf imqI 19 jUn 2016 nUM 70 aYvIinAU 124 strIt Kflsf skUl srI ivKy mnfieaf jf irhf hY. sihj pfT dy Bog 9[30 vjy svyry pfey jfxgy AuprMq dIvfn sjxgy. sfrIaF sMgqF nUM inmrqf sihq bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik smfgm ivwc sLfml ho ky gurU dIaF KusLIaF dy pfqr bxo. jfxkfrI leI Pon nMbr –srpMc muKiqafr isMG igwl -604-556-3482, zf: pUrn isMG igwl-778-998-5733, jsivMdr isMG igwl-604-3673831, mnDIr isMG igwl-604-897-4560, ipafrf isMG nwq-604-825-0365 PAGE 38

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016



mnuwKqf df kqlyafm ErlY N z o ( Plo i rzf, amrIkf) ivw c 50 ivakqIaF nUM kql aqy 53 qoN vwD nUM jKLmI krn dI Gtnf ny iekwly amrIkf vfsIaF nUM nhIN sgoN mnwuKqf nUM prym krn vfly smUh ivsLv nfgirkF nUM ihlf ky rwK idwqf hY. ivsLv dIaF cfry kUtF qoN hmdrdI,aPsos aqy eykqf Bfv dI AuWTI lihr sfbq krdI hY ik hr sMvydnsLIl mnwuK afpxy hmsfey mnwuKF df drd smJdf hY bysLwk Auh iksy kOm, nsl jF Drm nfl sbMiDq hox. srbwq df Blf, (sfrf ivsLv iewk pirvfr hY) vrgy srb kilafxkfrI isDFq gurUaF pIrF ny pysL hI ies leI kIqy hn qF jo asIN AuhnF dI pflxf kr skIey. ‘gya klwb’ (smilMgIaF dy klwb) ivwc hmlf vflf 29 sflf Emr mIr sdIkI mtIn G4S isikAuirtI eyjMsI ivwc 2007 qoN kMm krdf af irhf sI. ieh eyjMsI amrIkf dy keI PYzrl mihkmy dIaF iemfrqF leI surwiKaf pRdfn krn df kMm krdI hY. Emr mtIn qoN aYP[ bI[ afeI[ 2013 aqy 2014 ivwc qPqIsL krdI rhI hY. Aus AuWqy aiqvfdI jQybMdIaF df nfm lY ky afpxy sfQI mulfjLmF nUM DmkIaF dyx dy dosL rhy hn. aYP[ bI[ afeI[ nUM ieh vI pqf sI ik mtIn df iewk dosq afeIiss vfsqy mnwuKI bMb bx cwukf hY. mqIn df dursfhs vyKo ik hmlf krn jfx qoN kuJ GVIaF pihlF Auh

911 kfl krky dwsdf hY ik Aus dy afeIiss dy nyqf abU-bkr-al-bgdfdI nfl nyVly sMbMD hn. ies sfry kuJ dy bfvjUd mqIn ny kqlyafm nUM sraMjLfm idwqf, ies nUM surwiKaf pRbMDF ivwc Gft ikhf jfvy jF isstm dI kmjLorI? ipCly 10 sflF ivwc amrIkf ivwc 43 smUihk kqlyafm dIaF GtnfvF vfprnf sfbq krdf hY ik awj ivsLv df koeI vI mulk aiqvfd dy iGnfAuxy nfg qoN surwiKaq nhIN hY. ErlYNzo dI Gtnf amrIkf dy ieiqhfs df ipCly 25 sflF ivwc sB qoN vwzf iGnfAuxf kfrf hY. ErlYNzo vrgy kqlyafmF qoN isrP amrIkf nUM hI nhIN sgoN smUh mfnvqf nUM sbk iswKxf cfhIdf hY. isrP ErlYNzo kI, aiqvfd df jNnUMnI isr ijwQy ikqy vI ikqy isr cwukdf hY, Aus nUM Aus QF hI nwpx dI loV hY. aiqvfd iksy ivsLysL mulk, Drm, nsl jF ibrqI df ivroDI nhIN sgoN mnuwKqf df ivroDI hY. amrIkf nUM ivsLysL krky gMnF bfry kfnUMnF df muqfilaf krn dI sKLq loV hY. pqf nhIN ies gwl nUM smJx ivwc ikMnI ku musLkl hY ik gMn iksy nUM nhIN mfrdI lyikn ijhnF hwQF ivwc gMn huMdI hY, Auh jLrUr lokfeI df Gfx krdy hn. pfvrPwul gMn lfbI df gMn nUM amrIkI jn-jIvn df ihwsf bxfey rwKx leI bijLwd rihxf durBfgI gwl hY.

June 11-18

2016 #BhangraLove


Photo by Joseph Klymkiw Government Sponsors:


Media Sponsors:





The Patrika 

Friday, June 17th, 2016

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika 


bfpU kwlf mwJF cfrdf prmjIq kOr srihMd

vrqmfn aqy bIqy smyN dI qulnf krIey qF bhuq aMqr njLr afAuNdf hY. mnwuK dIaF muZlIaF loVF kwulI, gwulI aqy jwulI ivwc vI bhuq bdlfE af igaf hY.aYnf hI nhIN, mnwuK dy nfl psLUaF dy rihx-sihx df ZMg vI bdl igaf hY. purfxy smyN bhuqy Gr kwcy huMdy sn jF awDy ku kwcy aqy awDy pwky. kwcy GrF vfilaF afpxy Gr awgy kwcy cONqry qy pwky vfilaF pwkIaF cOqrIaF bxfeIaF huMdIaF. GrF df pfxI sFJI glI dI nflI ivwc izwgdf. Gr dy agly ivhVy jF kwcy cONqry AuWqy jLrf htvIaF zMgrF dIaF KurlIaF vI kwcIaF hI huMdIaF sn. zMgr psLU isMJ mfr-mfr KurlIaF Zfh vI idMdy

qF Gr dIaF suafxIaF imwtI lf ky AunHF nUM iPr TIk kr idMdIaF. KurlIaF dy awgy lwkV dy motymo ty ikwly gwzy hu M d y . Au s dO r ivwc zMgr-psLU rwisaF nfl bMnHy huMdy sn. iksy drwKq dI jVH nfl vI zMgr bMnHy jFdy. kwcI QF nUM pwut ky

bfkI pMnf 48 ‘qy



The Patrika

Little Twinkle Preschool Ltd. On June 14th Little Twinkle had their Year End Show and it was a blast of fun! It is clear that being based in a government school has great advantages, which contribute to the children’s learning. This was seen through their performances. The preschooler’s art and writing skills were clearly on display in the foyer. Their reading skills were presented through their story telling, theatre performances and their music skills were shown through song and dance. Children also showed their knowledge in phonics by presenting the sounds and letters of the alphabet.



Friday, June 17th, 2016

iltl tivMkl pRI skUl ilmitz 14 jUn nMU iltl itvMkl vloN sflfnf sLoa hoieaf. ieh bhuq hI Pn Biraf sLoa sI. ieh qF spsLt hI hY ik ieh srkfrI skUl ‘qy aDfirq hox krky ies nMU bwicaF leI pVHfeI vfsqy bhuq sfrIaF shUlqF aqy lfB imldy hn. ienHF nMU bwicaF vloN idKfeIaF jFdIaF pRPfrmYNs rfhIN pRgtfieaf jFdf hY. Poier ‘qy pRI skUlrF dI afrt aqy sikljL sfP sfP pRgtfeIaF hoeIaF hn. AunHF dIaF pVHn dI sikl khfxI kihx aqy QIeytr dI pysLkfrI rfhIN jfxI jFdI hY aqy AunHF dI sMgIq dIaF siklj nfc aqy gfxy rfhIN pRgt huMdI hY. bwcy afpxy igafn nMU hr sfl dI qrHF Poinks rfhIN afvfjF aqy alPfbYt awKrF rfhIN pRgtfAuNdy hn.

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika 




The Patrika 

afb-E-hvf myN rhygI iKafl kI ibjlI

Friday, June 17th, 2016

guljLfr isMG sMDU

sLhId-ey-afjLm Bgq isMG dI jylH not bwuk Aus ny ienHF nUM afpxy rsfly ivwc lVIvfr KuwlHI crcf iCV peI hY. irlIjL krn dI Cfpx AuprMq ikqfbI rUp ivwc vI Cfipaf. rsm jsits ajy iqvfVI, jsits dIpk myry sfhmxy sLhId-ey-afjLm s: Bgq iswbl aqy hirafxf dy aYzvokyt jnrl sRI isMG dI ‘jylH not bwuk’ peI hY. ies nUM bldyv mhfjn ny inBfeI. pRo: hrIsL purI XUnIstfr buks, muhflI vfly hrIsL jYn ny ienHF mhwqvpUrn itwpxIaF dy hvfly ny aYzvokyt mflivMdrjIq isMG vVYc nfl nfl ienHF nUM cYkslovfkIaf dy sMgrfmI rl ky pRkfisLq kIqf hY. cfr sO qoN vwD kvI jUlIas iPAUick dIaF itwpxIaf pMinaF vflI ies not bwuk dy 176 pMinaF dy brfbr igixaf ijs dI PFsI dy AuWqy Bgq isMG dIaF not kIqIaF itwpxIaF qKLqy qoN ‘nots Prfm dI gYlojL’ pusqk hn, ijhVIaF Aus ny jylH ivwc pVHIaF 46 ipClI sdI dy awD ivwc dunIaF Br dy pusqkF ivwcoN ijAuN dIaF iqAuN jF afpxy bwuDIjIvIaF ivwc cricq rhI. Bgq sLbdF ivwc soD-suDfeI krky ilKIaF hn. isMG dI not bwuk ivwc pRiswD kvIaF qoN pihly pMny AuWqy iliKaf imldf hY ik ieh ibnF eyNjls, mfrks, lYinn, trftskI, 404 pMny 12 sqMbr, 1929 nUM Bgq isMG sukrfq, plYto, arsqU vrgy sON qoN vwD vwloN sONpy gey sn. hux ies poQI dy 486 icMqkF dy kQn imldy hn. keI QfeIN Cpy pMny hn, ijs ivwc hrIsL jYn dI 107 Bgq isMG ny AunHF kQnF dy kyvl sfr pMinaF dI vwzI BUimkf, Putkl pMny aqy aMsL hI idwqy hn. pr hQlI poQI ivwc hor bhuq sfrI smwgrI sLfiml hY jo Bgq sMpfdkF ny mUl sroq lwB ky qy AunHF nUM ikaf KUb ikafmq kf hY isMG aqy AunHF dy sfQIaF nUM smJx ivwc brfbr Cfp ky ies not bwuk dI gMBIrqf bhuq shfeI ho skdI hY. qy mhwqv nUM hor vI Aujfgr kr idwqf goieaf koeI idn aOr hY. sLhId dy mnpsMd isLarF ivwcoN nmUny Xf rwb nf voh smJy hY nf smJyNgy myrI bfq 1981 ivw c sL h Id Bgq isM G dy Co t y vjoN kuJ isLar hyT ilKy hn: Brf kulbIr isMG dy AuWdm nfl ieh not huxu ieh not bwuk swq-awT BfsLfvF ivwc Dy aOr idl Aunko joo nf dy muJ ko jLubF aOr bwuk nvIN idwlI siQq jvfhr lfl nihrU Cp cwukI hY. ies df pMjfbI rUp lok gIq afj kuJ aOr BI pI lUM ik sunf hY mYNny imAUjLIam ivwc phuMcI qy AunHF ny ienHF idl hI hY nf sMg E iKsLq drd sy Brnf pRkfsLn cMzIgVH ny Cfipaf sI. hux 5 jUn dIaF do kfpIaF krky nYsLnl afrkfeIvjL, afqy hY hjLrq ey vfiejL myry smJfny ko afey ikAuN 2016 nUM lokgIq/XUnIstfr vwloN ies df nvIN idwlI qy gurUkul kFgVI PrIdfbfd nUM aMgryjLI aYzIsLn cMzIgVH pRYs klwb ivwc (amIr mInfeI) roeyNgy hm hjLfr bfr koeI hmy sqfey ikAuN vI sONpIaF. AuQoN ‘bwuk krfnIkl’ jYpur dy irlIjL kIqy jfx AuprMq ies not bwuk bfry sMpfdk bI[aYs[hUjf nuM ienHF dI sUh imlI qy jfqy hUey kihqy ho ikafmq ko imlyNgy dr nhIN, hrm nhIN, dr nhIN afsqf nhIN


The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016

bYTy hYN rfh gujLr py hm koeI hmyN AuTfey ikAuN (imrjLf gLfilb) nsLf iplf ky igrfnf qo sB ko afqf hY mjLf qo jb hY ik igrqoN ko Qfm ly sfkI (muhMmd iekbfl)



vI vwD huMdI. XUnIstfr buks dI dfd dyxI bxdI hY. dyr afey durwsq afey. aMiqkf {not bwuk ivwcoN aigafq kvIaF dy isLar} afiqsL ey KfmosL BI ikaf afiqsL ey KfmosL hY AuV gey idl ky DUeyN lyikn DUaF koeI nhIN

mYN vuh icrfg hUM ijsko ProgL ey hsqI myN coxvyN isLarF qy icMqkF dy toitaF nfl BrpUr ieh not bwuk ‘PFsI dy qKLqy qoN’ krIb suBf ny rOsLn kIaf buJf BI dIaf iewk dhfkf pihlF vI Cp skdI sI qy aYn afb E hvf myN rhygI iKafl kI ibjlI sMBv hY ik ies dI crcf Aus smyN hux nfloN Xy musLq ey Kfk hY PfnI, rhy nf rhy.


The Patrika


Friday, June 17th, 2016



aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE


byrI ipwkrF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dy by r I Pfrm leI ipwkrF dI loV hY aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hovygf| 50 sYNt pRqI pONz. hor jfxkfrI gurdIp klyr nfl sMprk kro: 604-859-8123

kfimaF dI loV

Employment cont’d

kfimaF dI loV zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-5400 jF 604825-3508

lM b r imw l ivw c lM b r stY i kM g krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh, kMm iclfvYk ivwc hovygf| hor zrfievr aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-8663923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228 aYbtsPorz dI kMpnI nUM bI[sI[ - albrtf cwlx leI 2 sflF dy kfimaF dI loV qjLrby vflLy kMpnI zrfievrF aqy aYbtsPorz dI lokl imWl leI Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| vDIaf plYnr PIzr aqy gRIn cyn ‘qy kMm ryt aqy hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: krn leI kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| 778-908-4422 cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mfhOl| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-807kfimaF dI loV 2097 vrkr dI loV

aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| Pon kro: 778-8784723 (dupihr qoN bfad)


aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15[00 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr | aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269

Employment cont’d Help Wanted Shalu’s Hair & Beauty Salon is now hiring a hairdresser and an aesthetician. Experience required. E-mail: shaluhair_beautysalon@ hotmail.com or apply in person. #3 2142 Clearbrook Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 2X2

Help Wanted shfrf mYnUPYkcirMg vfilLaF nUM PuWl tfeIm PrnIcr kYbint bnfAux vfilLaF dI loV hY| Sahara Furniture Manufacturing is looking for full time furniturecabinet builders. Apply in person between 9am to 3pm. For more information, Call: 604-864-4181, Fax: 604-864-4943 and Address: Unit#9 – 31088 Peardonville Road, Abbotsford, BC.

Matrimonial kMinaf dI loV

32 sflf, ihMdU (aroVf), kYnyzIan iemIgRFt, kwd 5’3”, lVky leI kY n y z Ian iemIgR F t jF istIjn lVkI dI loV hY| lVky df sfrf pirvfr kYnyzf ivwc hY| sMprk kro: 604-751-6251

suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604-615-9877

Noor Appliances Repair / Tent Rental $25 Service Charge Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs       .

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika


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604-751-3536 PAGE 47

The Patrika The Patrika  


kudrq dIaF anmol dfqF ivwcoN pfxI hI sB qoN AuWqm dfq hY, ijs ibnF jIvn sMBv hI nhIN hY, ikAuNik pfxI hI jIvn hY. mnwuK dI AuqpqI vI pfxI ivwcoN hoeI hY. ies DrqI ‘qy jdoN sB qoN pihlF koeI jfndfr jIv pYdf hoieaf sI qF Auh pfxI ivwc hI pYdf hoieaf sI. ies DrqI dy suhwpx df rfjL vI pfxI ivwc hI Cuipaf hoieaf hY. pfxI nUM sB DrmF ivwc vI bVf hI siqkfr idwqf hoieaf hY qy ies dI pUjf vI kIqI jFdI hY. iswK Drm ivwc pfxI nUM ipqf vrgf drjf dy ky siqkfiraf igaf hY. sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df pihlf slok hI pfxI bfry hY; pvxu gurU pfxI ipqf mfqf Driq mhqu.. gurbfxI ivwc qF pfxI nUM bhuq hI siqkfr qy mhwqqf idwqI hoeI hY. gurbfxI ivwc pfxI df anykF vfr ijLkr afAuNdf hY; pihlf pfxI ijAu hY ijqu hiraf sBu koie.. pfxI mnuwK dI sB qoN mwuZlI qy aihm loV hY. jdoN pfxI sfzI ijLMdgI df ainwKVvF aMg bixaf



pMnf 41 mdI bfkI Aus ivwc sfeIkl df purfxf tfier awDf ku purfxy simaF ivwcblbIr afm mwisM JG zyZsIcy do sO rupey vfl dwb ky bfkI bfhr bcy tfier nfl vI zMgr- dI iml jFdI aqy vDIaf nsl ivwc mwJ Cf bMaMndH ridwsuqwtf jFdf N dyhY.bdlx pMk j-swq sO rupey dI imldI. ajoky smyN lokf sI. nUM pYsmy rhI pfxI iew qy jLihrIlf pfxI vw DrqI Gr, glIaF, nflIaFvsqU qy cONwq ry jfvy pwky ghof ieh afm mwJ vI pYNqI-cflI hjLfr dI imldI hY bx rhy hn. DrqI hyTnfl pfxI jIrn dI vpfrk gey . iew t F dIaF Ku r lIaF bxf ky Au n H F ‘qy qy vDIaf nsl dIaf mwJF qF lwKF nUM Zuk kudrqI pRikiraf dI QF jLihrIlf kdy iksy ny soicaf qwk nhIN sI. jfx dysL dy vzysmysLN ihrF pfxI iswDf hI DrqI jaf kIqI sIimMhy tTdIByitIp lwgkeI I. kuJ geIaF hn. AunHF simaF ivwc pyNzU lok duwD c rfsL qy bhu rfsLtnhIN rI sn vycdy aqy duwD vycx nUM pwuq vycx jf irhf hY jo ikbfad iewk sIimM vwzf tGodIaf r ivwmjL bUq tKurI rlIaF bxn kM p nIaF ny pfxI dy kfro b fr aprfD hY. pMjfblwgdIaF sfrIaF IaF aqy lwkV dy ikwilaF dI QF lohy df brfbr smJdy sn. awj lok duwD df cMgf nU M afpxy hw Q F ivw c lY ilaf zrynF gMdy nfilaF dy rU ivwku cMzf ijhf bxf ky pwkI KurlI kfrobfr kr rhy hn aqy pwuq nUM ivafhux srIaf mopV ky . igMgaf. Dly pfxIaF dI smwisaf vg rhIaF hn. luivw iDafxf f hYlw c jVH df idwqbufwZjfx ies qoN ielfvf mOky vI keI mfpy cMgf mwul vwtdy hn. idno N idn gM B Ir hu I jf rhI nflf, jlMDr dIrwikflf sM i Gaf saF dI QF lohy dy sMgl psLUaF dyMdglF sLxihrF ivwrfjnIqk c qF zMgpfrtIaF r-psLU pihlF t zyrn aqy icwtI vyeIN, aMimRqsr dI hY. ies smwisaf dy hwl lwB pRdUisLvIq Gwho df isLMgfr bx gey. pihlF keI GrF ivwc ieh quMg Zfb zryn smyq hor sfrIaf df iehI vylf hY ik afKr rwKy jFdy rhy sn pfxI pr aw -kwlvIH pyEnI NzU GrF ivwc nUMjajy gMBIrqf phIaF vflIaF siQqI bxI KuhIrlIaF ikAuN? vIqy lo F nUM runfl zry n F hI pM j fblwk dyV lodIaF k F leI vIkieh Jfn nhIN vyKxlYnUrhIaF M iml irhf hY aqy ijMnI nfl lYloxkf huMdIaF M roVH kylYiewjfvy Dr-Au gI?Dr kr zyarIaF cfhIdf srfp bxIaF hoeIaF hn,sn ienHijnH F dfF nUikDr qoN duwD hY mw.ul lY rhy hn. hux ipMzF ilafdyjFdf sI. ieh sfPL-suQrIaF KurlIaf jLihrIlf pfxI mflvy nfl-nfl ivw c lo k F ny iew k -do mwJF hI rwKIaF huMdIaF LI kMpnIaF Bfrq vfr bw leIsmsqI df sfDn vI nUM pfxI sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dI crnCoh rfjsQfn dy AunHF keI ielfikaF ‘cicaF vI ivdy hn jdoNik ipCly smyN hr Gr ivwc pMj-swq vwzIjF mMztoI Bvjo N psLdI U Kyiew q kcrn y ivwN dy cK rhIaF pRfpq pivwqr vyeIN dI hwQIN sPfeI kYNsr PYlf rhIaFbxdIaF. hn, ijwQjdo oN ieh mwJF nfl KurlIaF BrIaf rihMdIaf sn. hn. pfxI dI mfrkIt ‘qy nhfAu jFdy qF KflI KurlI ivdysLI krky sMgqF ny dysL dy sfhmxy iewk lMGdIaF hn. bIkfny rxdfleI kYNsiljfey r kMpnIaF afpxI iejLfrydfrIEdo rwNKzMxgrF dy gorwhiKaf y mqrfl N vI koemfzl I sUg mfzl hoieafqohY . ies hspqfl mrIjLF nfl ivwcBiraf bYT kyipaf bwicaF nUM cfa cVH jFdf. Auh leI sfrf jL o r lgfAu x ivw c ju t IaF nhIN sI mM n df. aw j dy bw c y go h y dy ny iVEN nUM apxf ky lok afpxy pfxIaF nUM hY. ies hspqflskU ivwlcdfpMkM jm fbvIdyAuWQy bYT ky hI krdy. pihlF ho e IaF hn. ienH F kM p nIaF ny nhIN lM G dy . ieh smy N df kU h xI mo V hY . aw j bcfAu x leI ko e I srkfrI mdd lok vI vwzI igxqI sfl DfrivwkwcZhr x smy N KuripCly lI ivwcsflF kwKFivw jFcqUpfxI VI AuWdy qy kfrobfr jy iksy Gr mw J hY qF Au s nU M sIrI pflI jF dI Au z Ik kIqy ibnF afp ihM m q dfKl hMudy hn. dys L dy dirafvF U dilaf hoieafnMdfxf pfieaf jFdf qoN 15000 kroV jorupkxk, ey df kfro fr krky iPrbGr dy vwzy vI bjLkfrj urg hI sLsMurBU flkrrhyskdy hn. iewk sfijLsL qihqmwplIq kIqf jf kI qy jON afid df mo t f-mo t f aftf huMdhYf.. ivdy s L I kIqf dw i saf jFdf hn.nUpfxIaF drqI nUM nvIN pnIrI M qF iesdydfkunf sLONksfDnF hY qy nf irhf hY ik kudrq dI ies anmol ies dy lflc ivwckMp gFnIaF jF mwpfxI J itk ky KVHrfhIN lokF bcfAux leI sB qoN pihlF qF Aus dy vpfr dfq nUM pihlF plIq hox dyvo qy hI vwl. iehI kfrn hY ik DIaF nUM awj vI KUnvypsIny aF du ly AuNjdIvIkmfeI ‘CVF’ nUM muPLq ivwc pY rhy gMdy pfxI bMd kIqy jfx bfad ivwc lokF jFdI. nUM sfPLgAU pfxI dywDdycox bfpU df iPLkr hY aqy awj vI Auh ieh bolI ivwcienH hI F pI jfxgIaF. (lwqkro F) mfrdIaF dIaF ipClIaFies bfry iPr aglf kdm pwuitaf jfvy. bhfny ies df vpfr . kudrq hn. ‘hry hry Gfh AuWqy swp PUkF mfrdf, Bwjo socrwxsIdI GVI afhYgeI lwqF ivw pfeI jFdI ijs hY. pfxI afE afpxy pfxIaF nUM sMBflIey dI dfq nUM vpfr bnfAu xc f lokftI kF dyvFg vy bfpU ‘kwlf mwJf cfrdf’ Aucyc nfl isLq x dfdy mw udf dysvIro L dIaF M pyNzhYU .lopfxI k ‘inafxf pfAu xf’hokihM hn. ikAuNik pfxI hY qF pRfxI hY nhI hwkF ‘qy iewk zfkynUvFg nUM dy dU gfAu NdIaF hn ikAuNik awj vI bfpU ‘kwlf hI rfjnIqk pfrtIaF Au s ZM g nfl qF KLqm khfxI hY. vpfrk vsqU bxfey jfx nfl ies mw JFN ik cfrdf’ hY. nhIN Au B fr rhIaF jF kih lvo dI sB qoN vwD mfr grIb mulkF dy

pfxI hY qF pRfxI hY, nhIN qF KLqm khfxI hY!

ho i eaf hY qF ies nU M pR d U i sL q krn df mqlb sfPL hY ik afpxy cOigrdy nUM qbfh krnf qy mnuwK jfqI dI hoNd leI hI Kqrf pYdf krnf. munfPLy dI hoV ivwc pfxI dI ies kudrqI dfq nUM bVI burI qrHF qy qyjLI nfl pRdUisLq kIqf jf irhf hY. pRdUisLq pfxI ny mnwuKI ishq keI lfielfj ibmfrIaF df bVf vwzf sMkt KVHf kr idwqf hY. ivsLv jl idvs mOky pMjfb dy gMDly ho rhy pfxI dy kudrqI sroqF ‘qy Jfq mfrIey qF siQqI bVI gMBIr njLr afAuNdI hY. DrqI ‘qy pfxI dy byaMq jLKIry hn. ies DrqI ‘qy 73 PLIsdI smMudr vflf pfxI hY pr Auh Kfrf hox kfrx pIx Xog nhIN hY. glysLIarF dy rUp ivwc phfVF ‘qy jMmI brP df pfxI dirafvF rfhIN sfzy kol phuMcdf hY pr ijs qrHF df vrqfrf dirafvF nUM gMdy krn df cwl irhf hY ieh pfxI vI pIxXog nhIN rhy. DrqI hyTlf pfxI pIxXog qF hY pr ieh bhuqf smF nhIN rihxf ikAuNik ijhVy lok pfxI nUM vpfr bnfAux vfly pfsy qyjLI nfl cwl rhy hn AuhI lok DrqI hyTly pfxI nUM vI dUisLq krn ‘c lwgy hoey hn. bhuqy PYktrIaF vfly bor krky dUisLq

Friday, June 17th, 2016 Friday, March 25th, 2016

The Patrika

Friday, June 17th, 2016


afpxy ierfdy


prmjIq ppU

krnI qrwkI jy qUM ivwc sMsfr dy,

Bgq srfBy vfgUMN jfn dyxI iswK lY,

Coty vwizaF nUM ieko ijMnf siqkfr dy,

afpxy ierfidaF nUM[[[

bol ieh PLkIrF vfly ihrdy ‘qy ilK lY,

iJVkF ikAuN dyNvyN dr afey hoey PLkIr nUM,

afpxy ierfidaF nUM pfn dyxI iswK lY.

gl nfl lf lvIN kohVI duKIey srIr nUM,

ijwq df jy kry pRbMD myry dosqf,

awzI hoeI JolI qfeI Bfn dyxI iswK lY,

iPr hoxy hONsly buulMd myry dosqf,

afpxy ierfidaF nUM[[[

lokF hwQIN swc dI jLubfn dyxI iswK lY,

mn nUM nf hOlf krIN XuwD dy mYdfn ‘c,

afpxy ierfidaF nUM[[[

kfn vFgUM josL BrIN pFzU blvfn ‘c,

cuglI clfkI JUT TwgI nyVy jfeIN nf,

kMbidaf hwQF ‘c kmfn dyxI iswK lY,

gux ibnF mfx kry mUMh kdy lfeIN nf,

afpxy ierfidaF nUM[[[

hAumYN rUpI jl nuM invfx dyxI iswK lY,

aMdr nf JfqI mfry mwqF idMdf hor nMU,

afpxy ierfidaF NnUM[[[

afpy nUM pCfx lvy afKIN icwq cor nUM,

imly kdy mOkf syvf jwg dI krn nUM,

mwq mn bxy nf sLYqfn dyxI iswK lY,

sInf qfx awgy KVHIN dysL leI mrn nUM,

afpxy ierfdy…




The Patrika 

Friday, June 17th, 2016

Friday, June 17th, 2016

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, June 17th, 2016

Friday, June 17th, 2016




gurikrpf tRYvl dy AudGftn smyN, kuldIp isMG syKoN, iswtI kONslr kYlI cfhl, AurvsLI mlhoqrf (Enr), iswtI kONslr moa igwl aqy aYbtsPorz eyarpOrt dy jI aYm, prm iswDU irbn kwitMg dI rsm krdy hoey.

Friday, June 17th, 2016

hfly rfq bfkI ey!

cmn dI idAul ieh nf smJo! ik igaf dOr-burf. myry hmAumr Xfro! soco jLrf! ichry bdly ny, hY nkfb AuhI, AuhI pYmfny, AuhI sfkI ey! dosqo! hfly rfq bfkI ey! nfm-ismrn dI ies Aumry vI, bfp afVHqIey nUM ismrdf ey. lih jfey krjLf, mrn qoN pihlF, iesy gLm ivwc Auh rojL mrdf ey. socdf rihMdf, bs ieho hr pl, ik “mYN rwb df ivgfiVaf kI ey? dosqo! hfly rfq bfkI ey! jy jvfnI, nsLy dy rfh pY geI, iehnUM ieh rfh idKfieaf hY iks ny? iehdI ns-ns ‘c KUn dI QF qy, ‘jLihr soco! rlfieaf hY iks ny? kI? AuhI qF nhIN, iehdI mujirm jo, zfkUaF dI jmfq bfkI ey. dosqo! hfly rfq bfkI hY! jy nf hfly vI smJy ik ieh hY, byVIaF iPr qoN pfAux dI sfijLsL! sPl ho jfvygI bVI CyqI, snMU jVH qoN imtfAux dI sfijsL sON gey ikAuN ? Bro hMgfrf qF idAUl dI bfq hly bfkI hY dosqo hly rfq bfkI hY

bolIaF rfm srUp axKI Dfvy! Dfvy ! Dfvy! bfdsLfh clfk awj df , ijhVf inwq koeI CurlI clfvy. AuWlU hY bxfAuNdf lokF df, JUTy cmqkfr idKlfvy. sLosyL aPvfhF Cwz ky, inwq gDI-gyV ivwc pfvy. awKy KMB lfky TIk krdY, ikvyN Bwijaf mzIhr jfvy. PVky koeI cUhy mfr nUM, gurU jI df bfj bxfvy. pY geI jy KrsL ikDry, Auh qF rfmyafxy CwpVI ‘c nfvy. muMzf beI sMGyiVaF df, gl ipCly jnm dI suxfvy. gxysL kihMdy duwD pINvdf, Bwijaf sLihr sfrf jfvy. ByzF dy eIjV nUM, dws ikhVf smJfvy. PAGE R2

Friday, June 17th, 2016





Friday, June 17th, 2016

Friday, June 17th, 2016





Friday, June 17th, 2016

Saving birds and animals is Elizabeth Melnick’s mission

ome people say volunteering is for the birds — as in it’s not worth doing. But for Elizabeth Melnick, volunteering is literally for the thousands of birds and other wild animals that she and her helpers have saved and attempt to rehabilitated over the years.

Melnick has been taking in injured birds and animals at the non-profit Elizabeth’s Wildlife Centre in Abbotsford for 30 years. Her backyard contains aviaries and other shelters, and she and her team of volunteers are kept busy daily caring for their guests until they are ready to be released to the wild.


For her devotion those unable to help themselves, Melnick receives this year’s Betty Urquhart Community Service award from UFV. Melnick’s mission combines her love of animals and her medical training — she is a 1993 graduate of UFV’s Nursing program. On any given day you can find robins, squirrels, opossums, pigeons, ducks, and bunnies (currently 40 in her house) under her care at the shelter. Melnick rarely takes a day off — “I’m lucky if I can get out to the store!” — and says receiving the award is a welcome boost. “It’s amazing, so heart-warming, that people would think to honour me. I do

get tired, but hearing that news gave me such a wonderful boost of energy!” But her real rewards come from the animals. “When you get something that’s unconscious and barely breathing, and you think of a way to warm it up, maybe put it on IV fluids, and then come back later and look and it’s sitting up and perky, that’s the best feeling ever,” she says. UFV’s Community Service award is named for Betty Urquhart, who was one of the first employees of the university and believed strongly in volunteering and giving back to the

community. Betty passed away in 1995, but UFV keeps her memory alive by honouring a person or group exemplifying her commitment to lifelong learning and community.

Friday, June 17th, 2016





Friday, June 17th, 2016


Friday, June 17th, 2016

Letter to the Editor Dear editor, Richmond Hospital will be embarking on a major addition soon. This hospital has been serving this community for over half a century. The building is getting old. Also, the population of Richmond has increased considerably during the past few years. With this in mind, in co-operation with the provincial government, Vancouver Coastal Health is planning an acute care tower with the most modern equipment and facilities. Of course, such a huge project will require a lot of financial and moral support from the community. India Cultural Centre of Canada’s Gurdwara Nanak Niwas has been an integral part of this community. As such, this place of worship has launched a fundraising campaign for the Richmond Hospital Foundation. The response so far has been great. In this context, I would like to urge members of our community, especially those residing in Richmond to donate generously to this worthwhile cause.

Donors can come to Gurdwara Nanak Niwas, 8600 #5 Road to donate. If by any chance, anyone is unable to come to the Gurdwara, he/she should leave their contact information. Our volunteers will come to their place to collect the donation. Tax deductible receipts will be issued to every donor. For further information, please feel free to contact the Gurdwara at 604-274-7479 or me at 604-836-8976.

Thank you. Sincerely, Balwant Sanghera




Friday, June 17th, 2016

Friday, June 17th, 2016





Friday, June 17th, 2016


Friday, June 17th, 2016 PREC



Sutton Group - West Coast Realty #106 7565 132 St., Surrey. BC. PH:604-572-3005 FAX: 778-574-4174


- Highest Dollar Volume Award

- Commercial Top Sales Award

FOR SALE Spectacular! Estate home on 14.827 Acres of high yield blueberry farm. Luxury unfolds with the stunning front foyer, dual staircases, and elevated catwalk. The regal great room is situated next to a gourmet chef kitchen w/ separate wok kitchen & walk in pantry. A media room, yoga/ exercise room, 8 bedrooms & multiple entertaining rooms round out this spectacular home. Gaze out upon south views of Mt. Baker or the north views of the North Shore Mountains from outdoor patios situated both upstairs and down. This is true luxury at its best! The farm features healthy mature blueberry varieties Duke, Elliott, and Reca ensuring steady crops throughout the season. Fully automated irrigation. Too much to list! Book a showing today! Asking $4,999,900


A very rare opportunity to own a beautiful Parisian feel Salon/Café in Historic Abbotsford. Well established, with a loyal client following this beautiful establishment offers all day brunch, Lunch and Afternoon Tea. In addition, this beautiful café offers so much more! Reservations for Showers, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Special occasions and even Private Wedding ceremonies. Wait...there's more! This beautiful treasure of a business offers gorgeous select apparel, furnishings, jewelry, linens, gifts, vintage treasures and home décor. A beautiful, breathtaking turnkey operation this is a chance to own a niche business created and established with love and a business owners delight don't miss this opportunity! Please do not approach staff, contact listing realtor for any info required. Asking $75,000


4 acres, Hotel and development site available in the City of Regina, Saskatchewan. Prime location, not to be missed! Contact for more details.


Established custom steel and aluminum fabrication business. Great opportunity to run your own business with services that include: aluminum welding and repair, custom and stock trailers, mobile welding service, crane fabrication, fabrication of residential gates, security bars and much more! Mon– Fri operation closed on weekends. Please contact me for more details on this hard to come by opportunity! Asking $149,000


Established Indian Sweets and Restaurant business located in high traffic area of Scott Rd, Surrey. Wide variety vegetarian menu with sweets. Can be expanded to add non vegetarian dishes to the menu. Catering services provided regular clientele. Seating for 50. Complete turn key restaurant great business opportunity! Asking $129,000


Fantastic opportunity to run your own Pizza & Indian Cuisine business! Excellent food, rated 4.5/5 by customers open 7 days a week, very busy location take out with availability for seating if desired. Tons of tourists year round, central to major sites in Hope and integral area near grocery stores, city hall, local police station, motels and cinema. Well established, great sales and a complete turn key operation that will not last long! Asking $199,000


Don't miss this chance to run your own buy Convenience store/Mini mart! This well established business is well or-ganized, excellent set up, with all your essential sundries for sale as well as lottery AND the licensing to sell Pizza at this location! Busy area near parks, schools, residences it is the perfect small business! Ample of opportunity to add your ideas to an already turn key operation! Don't miss this great small business prospect! Asking $149,000

Laundry Business for Sale. Well established coin laundry on Scott Rd. and D SOL 94 Ave. Very profitable, heavy duty washers and dryers. Good lease terms. Baby ultrasound franchise, 3D ultrasound private clinic for pregnant moms is available for sale. Easy to run with low overhead. Located across Surrey Memorial Hospital in a medical building. Asking $169,900 Non Stop Pizza and Curry Business for Sale

Very well running Non-Stop Pizza and Curry Restaurant for sale in Cloverdale - 191 and 72 Ave. Don’t miss it. Asking $99,000 Hair Salon Business for sale



Great Franchise opportunity just listed! Busy Coquitlam Center Mall location for Chop N Toss Franchise! Wont last long! Asking $158,800



In Mughal Garden plaza 2 units available, approx 4875 sqft.Already leased to long term tenants, to be sold together. Asking $1.25 million RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE

8321 - 128 St., Surrey. Excellent location in busy plaza. Asking $209,000 OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE

Approx. 3100 SF of office space available for sale in the busiest plaza in Surrey. Close to Banquet Halls, retailshops & offices. Asking $749,000

17358 104A AVE

Fully finished side by side strata units for a total of approx. 5540 sqft. Available for sale. Close to Port Kells Industrial area. Easy access to both Highway 1 and Pacific Highway truck crossing.

95 Ave & 152 St., 940 sqft. office space is available for lease on 2nd floor including 3 small offices, meeting room and reception. Also available 9400 sqft. space for lease. LOTS OF EXPOSURE.


Great opportunity. Non Stop Pizza Franchise available in various locations throughout the Lower Mainland. Contact for more information.

Located on Fraser Hwy, Cloverdale area, well established business, easy to maintain, higher monthly revenue. Asking $69,900

Don't miss this rare opportunity to own your own busy Lighthouse Indian Cuisine Franchise! Prime location in Brickyard Station Plaza this fantastic business has Take out and dine in, beautiful décor, quality kitchen, Full Liquor license and full Indian Cuisine Menu. Complete turn key operation enables you to be your own boss with this established franchise. Contact me today for further info. Asking $389,000

2590 sqft. Retail and Office space for sale Asking $649,000


A treasure gem of Italian cuisine tucked away in Hope! Open for lunch and dinner this quaint restaurant serves traditional Italian classics in a fantastic atmosphere and ambiance. Perfect casual dining for locals as well as tourist traffic. Turn key operation ready for you to implement your dreams as a restaurant owner! Asking $219,000


4020 272 ST, LANGLEY

Magnificent luxury estate situate don 8.5 acres with over 8100 sq. ft of living space. Home includes 6 bdrms, 8 washrooms, a separate guest house and fruit stand. 5 acres has blueberry plants as well. This stunning home possesses every luxury possible with high ceilings, crown molding, stainless steel appliances,Granite counter tops, open floor plan, large gym room, grand patio, sundecks, built in vacuum, top of the line security system, separate wok kitchen and much more! This gorgeous home is situated in the middle of serene farmland yet only two minutes away from Aldergrove Town centre and with quick access to Hwy #1. The second house is rented as well as fruit stall.Rare opportunity to advantage of this stunning home! Call today for a personal viewing.


UNITS FOR SALE & LEASE 13737 96 Ave, City Centre #705 $465,000, #706 $335,000 Two adjoining offices in a new building across from SMH. Can be bought or leased together for a total space of 1600 sqft. or separate.


Great Investment Opportunity! Total 2168 Sq. Ft of space 1084 Sq. ft on the ground level and 1084 Sq Ft. on the upper level. Main level has reception area and a large room, the upper level can be used as office space. There is an office on the main floor as well. Yoga studio, dance studio and many, many other idea can be implemented here! Bring your ideas to this great investment unit. Please contact me for more info. Asking $475,000


8927 152 St.,Approx. 1100 sqft. office space for lease available in Guildford area on 152nsd street

in Surrey.

93 AVE & 120 ST

Units available on busy Scott Road at 93rd Ave & 120 St. Approx. 750 to 1700 sqft. space available on main floor, second floor and basement. Ready to move in! 11925 95 AVE

Approx. 4500 sqft. office space available. Rec. area, small office, lunch room and conference room. Very nicely designed and finished. J.J SAINI PLAZA

8077 KING GEORGE BLVD. Units available for lease in one of the best located plazas. East access to highway and close to all amenities.

Amazing opportunity to be your own boss! Established Donair food outlet in prime busy area in Langley. Already steady clientele from UNIT FOR LEASE ON 72 & 132 ST the numerous businesses surrounding, tons of traffic and lots of Available for lease. Opp JR Furniture. Good mix of warehouse and office opportunity to expand the business further. Low lease, and great space. Centrally located in light industrial zoning. area make this the perfect turn key operation to own your own business today! Asking $99,000






8318 Scott Road is offering medical and other professionals an opportunity to purchase premium office space in Surey, BC. Set to be completed by fall 2016, this state if the art steel and concrete building will offer a mixture of retail and office space to professionals looking for a long term home for their business. Space is limited. Call today for more details.


2006-2007 2004-2005 2011, 2012 2008-2009 2013-2014




Investment Opportunity in Hope. 7200 Sq. ft large Lot Fully renovated home close to the Downtown core. 2 bed, 2 bath 850 sq.ft home to use as a rental property. Asking $259,000



Great opportunity to get into a Franchised and easy to operate Candy business! This established franchise is located in Ocean Park Shopping Center near major anchor Safeway. This rapidly growing franchise currently has 22 locations within BC and Alberta. With unique product Imported from the US and UK this franchise is completely turn –key and full training provided. This easy to run business is perfect for a couple and for those wanting to try their hand at being an entrepreneur. Asking $79,900


Located in a busy commercial plaza in the heart of Surrey. Lots of traffic and close to public transportation, restaurants, office and retail shops. Established recently the spa and salon offers modern décor up to date equipment/furnishings. Excellent turn key operation. Asking $80,000





Friday, June 17th, 2016

Friday, June 17th, 2016




Friday, June 17th, 2016

Olympics should Te3n celebrates the power of three get a bigger platform: Salman

Salman Khan’s appointment as the Olympics goodwill ambassador was met with more brickbats than praises. In an interview when he was asked if the court cases against him were the reason of the opposition, he said, "So, you have issues with one person who has court cases becoming the Olympics goodwill ambassador. But there are so many big politicians who have court cases . So, desh zyaada important hai ya Olympics (is Olympics more important than the country)? for me, India is most important. So,

I am ready to leave it , if you also leave . There are so many people, who have scams, corruption and even rapes, but they are still there ." He added, "Olympics should get a bigger platform, and more people should know about it. More than any committee or official, it is about the sportspersons. Several of our sportspersons neither have the equipment nor the nutrition, they only get two meals in a day. But still, they go and win medals for India. Imagine what will happen if you give them all the facilities they need?"

I hope people make ‘Udta Punjab’ tax-free

While his much anticipated movie ‘Udta Punjab’ awaits for go-ahead from the censor board, actor Shahid Kapoor hopes that the film, that this movie will be made tax-free so that it could reach a wider audience. Udta Punjab addresses the drug abuse issue in Punjab and Shahid hopes that the message reaches the masses. He said “To be able to put a message across and to reach out to a number of people you have to entertain them. I hope they make this film tax-free so that people can watch this for less money because it is telling something that you need to know.” The Central Board of Film Certification has apparently denied a release certificate for ‘Udta Punjab’, with allude to “excessive swearing, abusive language and drug consumption” in its content. About this Shahid said: “I don’t want to comment on something that hasn’t been defined yet. Once it gets defined and once we understand what the expectation is and what the final decision is (then we can talk about it). Right now, it is in the process of dialogue.” “I don’t think it’s annoying because I think it’s part of the process. I just feel that when I did ‘Haider’ the content was definitely evolved and the film came out and it is one of my most liked films… You need to make films which


Ribhu Dasgupta's Te3n, like which brings together three powerhouse Amitabh performers Bachchan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Vidya Balan (who features in a pivotal guest appearance) for the first time on celluoid, has already piqued the interest of movie goers for its rare ensemble. The actors had different reasons for doing the thriller. Big B, who essays the role of John Biswas, a senior citizen

who is in the quest of justice, says, “The unique story and the way it was supposed to be narrated on screen prompted me to do the film. I also wanted to work with Sujoy Ghosh and Ribhu Dasgupta again.“ Vidya enthuses that she chose Te3n as the plot intrigued her. “It's interesting as the central protagonist is a 70year-old man seeking justice while a cop becomes a priest to redeem himself.“ Talking about his

experience while working on this emotional drama, Ribhu says, “It has been enriching. It involves the trust and hard work of a lot of people. The audience will decide the movie's fate now. We are anxiously awaiting their verdict.“ Creative producer Sujoy Ghosh, who has worked with all the three actors before, sums it up with, “I hope Te3n entertains the viewers as we have put in a lot of hard work.“

Shahid Kapoor talk about something which has certain substance. The censor board is the right body to give a certificate to your film so I don’t have problems with the process,” he added. Shahid has come a long way from his first film Ishq Vishq professionally and in personal life as well. Today Shahid who is all set to welcome his first child with wife Mira Rajput, says he is happy to not be limited to any category. He said: “I am very happy. It’s very liberating to not be limited to any category. People tell me they like me more when I am experimenting so it is great to know people are ready to back me when I am taking a risk… That is a great thing to know as an actor then there are no boundaries, you can go out there and express yourself.” the personal front looks great too, Shahid said: “I feel settled. I feel at ease. I feel centered. I don’t look at things as best and worst because I really feel there is always something great that is happening and there is always a problem to solve.”

‘Nil Battey Sannata’ was a beautiful film: Sonam

Actress Sonam Kapoor is impressed by Swara Bhaskar’s film ‘Nil Battey Sannata’ and she hopes that more such films will be made. “It was a beautiful film. Swara Bhaskar has done a beautiful job, I think she is the best actress currently…. It feels good that such films are made, hopefully more such good films are made and do well; I’m very happy that this film is doing well at the box-office,” Sonam said at a special screening of the film. Sonam and Swara share good rapport and they worked in films together. There were reports that the

duo will be doing a film together, but Swara said that it’s too early to comment on this. Sonam has more to say about Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari “You don’t even realize that it is Ashwiny’s first film; I had to ask her if it was her first. How well she has extracted work out of the actors! I am very impressed. “I hadn’t watched it as I have been travelling for many months now. I was completely bowled over. I cried a lot in the film. At the interval point in the first half and constantly in the second half from the first minute till the end, I was crying.”


Friday, June 17th, 2016

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Friday, June 17th, 2016

Parade Prospera Credit Union Canada Day Parade – 11am South Fraser Way/Ware Street to Trethewey Street/MaClure. Parade grandstand on South Fraser Way between Bourquin and Gladwin.

Proud Sponsor of the

Main Stage 1pm-10pm Talented young local performers: Team T&J A fresh dose of active and uplifting family entertainment with original music. Fionn Band Jada Klein Her Brothers Kiss Radio DJ

Family Fun Food Truck Festival Community Displays Hayrides & Mini Golf

Abbotsford Exhibition Park

Friday, July 1


Fireworks Celebration 10pm Abbotsford Exhibition Park, Rotary Stadium

Dog Zone Fierce Flyers Flyball Club demo’s at 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30. Pony Rides - 1-5pm (Sponsored by Eco-Dairy) Kids love the pony ride experience. It maybe your first ride but it won’t be your last. The perfect chance to make some lasting memories. . . don’t forget your camera. Interactive Play Zones - 1-5pm BC Summer Games Sports Zone - 1pm Join the Abbotsford 2016 BC Summer Games team and try out some fun summer sports! Beginning July 21st, the best athletes from the province will be in Abbotsford to compete in the BC Summer Games and you can take the first shot this Canada Day!

SPONSORED IN PART BY: • Fraser Valley Food Truck Association • McDonalds • Homestead Nursery • BCAA • Fraser Valley Regional Library • The Reach Gallery Museum

www.abbotsford.ca/canadaday PAGE R18

• Twisters Gymnastics • Abbotsford/Mission Recycling • 4Cats Art Studio • Fraserway RV • Abbotsford Centre • EcoDairy • BC Summer Games

• Rogers Radio • Agrifair • Fierce Flyers Flyball Club • Avenue Machinery • GLH Vending • Celebration Fireworks


Friday, June 17th, 2016

Sa n su

E o V ne SI ho LU rtp C ma EX g s


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Offers available for a limited time and subject to change without notice. Device savings recovery fees and/or service deactivation fee apply in accordance with your service agreement. Where applicable, additional airtime, data, long distance, roaming, options and taxes are extra and billed monthly. 1 Business GST number required. 2 Incoming/Outgoing calls placed/ended while within Canada to Canadian phone numbers. Excluding calls made through call forwarding, video calling or similar services. Compatible device required. Includes messages sent from Canada to any Canadian wireless number. Sent/received premium texts (alerts, messages related to content and promotions), sent international texts and messages sent while roaming not included and charged at applicable rates. 3 Monthly Data cap at 61GB for all lines on the Share Everything for Business Plan. 4 Visit www.rogers.com/roamlikehome for full details and additional conditions on ROAM LIKE HOME™. * Bill Credits applied on 2nd invoice only on new 2-yr term activations of an eligible Premium Smartphone (priced at $200 or above) with the Primary Line starting at $100/month and all additional lines at $50/month for Smartphones. Up to $400 Bill Credit requires new activations of a minimum of 2 lines on the Share Everything for Business 4GB $100 Primary Line & $50 Add-A-Line with each device priced at $250 or above Additional conditions apply. Inquire within for full details. Š 2016 Rogers Communications




Friday, June 17th, 2016

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.