October 21, 2016

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The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, October 21st, 2016

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, October 21st, 2016

Save the date! in partnership with






Location: Abbotsford Banquet Centre For more information call Bharathi at 604  309  4121 or Kim at 604 557  6450

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, October 21st, 2016

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, October 21st, 2016



The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



Prime Minister Trudeau congratulates next United Nations Secretary General


he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement to congratulate António Guterres on becoming the next United Nations Secretary General: “On behalf of all Canadians, I am delighted to extend my congratulations to Antόnio Guterres on his appointment by the United Nations General Assembly to be the next United Nations Secretary General, beginning in January 2017. “Canada firmly believes that the United Nations is essential to resolving many of the world’s most pressing challenges him and the UN make the world a bet– from climate change, to refugees and ter place for its 7.5 billion inhabitants. migration, to securing peace. “We have worked closely with Mr. “Early next year, Mr. Guterres takes Guterres during his time as UN High on one of the most challenging jobs in Commissioner for Refugees, and we the world. Canada will be there to help look forward to working with him in his new capacity as Secretary General.”



Patrika The Patrika

  

Friday, October18th, 21st,2015 2016 Friday, December

aYbsL tsPo myar vwldI oN ikRs rfbrzmfPIaf cuims xOqaqy I iewknvy hPLqy N sfl dIaF jn smUh nUM vDfeIaF

ipCly dy aMdr-aMdr hI (pMkjqsr, fbI pwimfnsf qRkf vwlaqy oN aYbtsPorz istI myar mu hYnrI brfAUn nfl kIqI sMKyp pr ivsLysL jlMDr ivwc iqMn gwlbfq df sfraMsL pfTkF leI ikRsims nO j vfnF nU M mO q dy aqy nvyN sfl dy sLuB afgmn dIaF KusLIaF Gft Au q frn dIaF sFJIaF krn ihwq pysL kIqf jf irhf hY) ihrdy vydk GtnfvF utIaF nyijvypMN jhIfb Cwivw c sLdf rfbsIjLn afAux vflf hY my a r aqy kO N s l mfPIaf dI gLYrkfnUkimAu MnI intI ies eIvYNt kdy f jL rosv-Kro f e IsaL ivw F cdvfDf f krn leI sKq imhnq kr rhy hn. prdfPLfsL kr idwqf stfP ny kfrobfrIaF iml sfl ky pUvI ry ies sLihr nuM sjfAux vfsqy hYnfl . ipCly ijvy ik hfeIstrIt trI lfeIitMg, ikRsims mfPIey ny abohr dy zYkorysLnjL nUM pUry sLihr ivwc cmkfAuxf, iew k dilq nO j vfn hr sfl dI qrHF zfAUn tfAUn aYbtsPorz BIm tFk tR dfI by rihmIg krnf, stfP vloN ikRsims lfeIitM nfl kql krsims idwqiznr f sI jdo ik iesy sfl pRfeIvy tlI ikR vI Nafrgy nfeIjL 27 meI nU M mu k qsfr ijL l H y dy ipM z QFdy vhfl kIqf. myar aqy istI vwloN sfry jn smU df ajmy r isM G nvy vI N iesy nUM ikR sims aqy sfl vrqfry dIaF lwKdI-lwByKt cVH igaf sI. dw s xXo g hY ik sUbyrdyz sLivKy rfb vDfeIaF. myar brfAUn aYbtsPo kfro bfrqoN dyrihM vwz y AuWNqqoy NisafsI aF 1953 dyf ihw hY.sjdo Auh kYnafgU yzf dI dI srpR vflIaF 20 kMpknstrksL nIaF df kbjL ivsL f l spRqI f eIvy t trFijt nf nI ivc sI[eI[E[ hYnrI brfAU n hYkM.pieh kMpnIaF ijwQy sI. gLYrkfnU MnI ZM g nfl aYrbfb tsPo istIhn, ivwc AuiqMWQny iew sfl kONslr sL vyrczdIaF kV-dw ukV aqydIhuxivkrI vrqmfn h mykrdIaF ar dI Tyirhf kydfrF nUM vIivc pRBAu fivq pdvI ‘qy hY . hn.

myar brfAU aYbtsPo z invfsIaF leI isafsI sLihn hfsl sLrrfb mfPIaf afpxy iesbnUfr M rujnULgM fr, ishqulaqy zx qo N ielfvf kfro vDx-Pw x Ky leI hr hrbf su K sL F qI nfl rihx leI sB qo N vw D vrq irhf hY. ies duafrf nf isrPLvDIaf sLrfb sQfn bnfAux leI afpxI pUrI Xogqf aqy dI ivkrI leI hI gLLlq ZMgF dI vrqoN kIqI XqnF nfl awgy vD ky agvfeI kr irhf hY. jf rhI hY blik nfjfiejL sLrfb vI vycI aYbtsPorz dy kfrj afriQk jf rhI hY. ies leI ivkfs AunHF nyleI iewk afAuxgLrvfly kuJ dy sflF ivc nUmyM akirM r iew k pfsy Ib GrF muMizaF idaF cmqkfrI dU r -idR s L t I rw K df hY . hY n rI dy qOr ‘qy rwiKaf hoieaf hY aqy dUjy pfsy brfAU n aY b tsPo z ivc afAu x vflydf ienH F afpxIaF gLYrrkfnU MnI kfrvfeIaF 60,000 nvy N lo k F leI invfs vfsqyxistI ivroD krn vfilaF nUM sbk isKfAu leI mY n y j r nfl jrU r I kdm cu w k x dy vI XqnF bfAUNsr aqy guMzf iksm dy ivakqI pfly sMjIdf Xojnf leI kMmnfl krvIirhf . hobfry ey hn. afbfkfrI ivBfg ienHFhYdI invfsIaF dy rihx leI pbilk sQfnF aqy imlIBugq jwg-jLfihr hY. ies siQqI ivwc afrgynfeIjLz istI sYNtr df ivkfs sLfml sLrfb mfPLIaf dIaF gLYrkfnUMnI kfrvfeIaF hY. myar mnorMjn dI loV nUM vI smJdf nUhoM ieaf rokxfiqMKLnq ry qotN KflI hY. F afAu zor sYnhIN Ntr sQfipq krn N vI vD vw istI dI sMpqI pMdIjqjL fb vivwIjchYsL. ries fb qomfPIaf loN aiDkfrq dy nvInIkrn leI 1[5 iblIan zflrjf aqy axaiDkfrq qOr ‘qy clfieaf KrcfsLafey ivw-cnjfiejL ienPrfstrkcr irhf rfbgdff ijs jfiejL kfrobfr nf df ivkfs ijvN y ik aY b tsPo rz eya rport kyvl hfl hI ivwc vfpr rhIaF drdnfk pRojYkt, vftr vrks, sVkF aqy pulF dI qy axmnwuKI GtnfvF df kfrn bx irhf AusfrI aqy hor pbilk srivs ijvyN ik hY blik ieh sUby dy lokF dy smfijk qy aYbtsPorz pulIs aqy Pfier zIpfrtmYNt. afriQk pwK smyq pMjfbIaF dI ishq nUM vI aYFbpRtsPo rzkr dy snaw leIqoN bumyraIrqrH Bfivq irhf q hYI. ivkfs 70PIsdI vI qIbr idlcspI rw K df hY ijvy N ik vwD sVk hfdisaF leI sLrfb nUM ijLMmho yvrfr kfro b frI 5 lw K vrg Pu w t ieM z strIal mMinaf jFdf hY. srkfr sUby dy ivkfs leI lYrNzfb‘qydIienvY stmYnUNtM pyleI idlcspI sL kmfeI qlIaF dlIlFivKf nfl rhy hn. drusq drsfAux ivwc vI Borf Br sLrm mihsU ivwcx sLleI rfb myar skMmnhIN kfj kr ivcrhI. PurqIrfj ilafAu dIaF PYktrIaF igxqI do drjn qknIkI sfDnf dIaF dy nvInIkrn leI vIdy AuqsLfihq hY. kOaqy Nsl sLnyrstfP kMibpAU r krIb ho jfxI fb df dykfro frt90


issitm nUM smyN dy hfx df bxfAux leI 2 imlIan zflr Krc krn df PYslf kIqf hY. ies Krcy krky istI nUM tYks ivwc 2[5 pRqIsLq df vfDf krnf hovygf. lokF nUM qurMq hI CyqI nfl nqIjy pRfpq hoxgy. stfP dy kMmkfj ivc qyjLI afeygI. byGiraF dy muwdy ‘qy myar ny afiKaf ik AunHF dy vfsqy Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn. istI sUbf srkfr nfl byGiraF leI rYx bsyrf bxfAux leI pRfprtI pRfpq krn leI Xqn kr rhI hY. AunHF ikhf ik kONsl ny pRfeIvyt sYktr nfl vI mfrikt hfAUisMg vfsqy sMprk kIqf hoieaf hY. ienHF skImF ‘qy ajy kMru mphoey irhf hY. Mcieh qursw MqqhI pUrIaFdy arb qwk phu jfxf fDfrIaF nhIN ho skdIaF.

sLrfb dy kfrobfrIaF dy ihwqF ivwc Bugqx myNaibnF r ny sM hoB rvikhf qo nhINikhoDfrimk skdf. BfeIcfiraF iesy vrqfry aqycwlkfro bfrI BfeIcfiraF nflipMafrjL I dy idaF hI afbkfrI ivBfg zF dIaF sL Y l tr iqafr krn leI kM m kIqf jf pMcfieqF vwloN AunHF dyipMzF ivwc Tyky nf irhf . mya ny bynU GMiraF dI toshfieqf Ko lHx hYdIaF byrnqIaF rwdI dI krI ivwc leI Pry j L r hY l Q XU i nt nfl kM m swutx qoN vI guryjL nhIN krdf. rsUKLvkrn fnF dI dI idlcspI jLfhrhIkIqI hY zqFdyikhry AunkHF mo nUV M imlIBu gq sdkf hr ipM idKfieaf jfey ik ijLLMdgI bsLr krn df ‘qy sLrfb dI CotI-vwzI dukfn KuwLlH geI hY. hor qrIkf vI hY. hor qF hor, kOmI aqy sUbfeI sLfhrfhF qoN myr afb r vw istI mYnxyjrdy dI sL dylTyoN k y htfAu supqnKfh rIm korivc t dy kIqy gey vfDy nUM jfiejL aqyAuZukvF idsLf-inrdysLF dIaF vI DwjIaF zfeIaF afKidaF lI pR geI ikduies jf rhIaFqsw hn. sLgrtfb kIqI PYktrIaF afrf nfl istI nU M lfB hI ho e y g f. istI mYnipM yjrzF pYdf kIqy jf rhy pRdUsLx qoN pR Bfivq dI qnKfh 230,000 zflr sflfnf qoN dy lokF dI koeI suxvfeI nhIN ho rhI. ies vDf ky 255,000 zflr kIqI geI hY ieh sB kuJ leI srkfr afpxI ijLMmyvfrI qoN vfDf AusdI Xogqf aqy kMm anusfr Xog hY Bw j NnhIN skdI. ikAu ik 2013 qoN mYnyjr dI qnKfh ivwc koeI

vfDf eaf sI aqy nfly 260 pM jfbnhINdIhoiieh bdiksmqI hI imlIan khI jf zflr dy bjt vflI aqy 900 krmcfrIaF skdI hY ik ies dy hukmrfnF aqy isafsI vflI istI kONsl dy kMmkfj leI 16 nvMbr afgU aF ny isafsq aqy swqf nUM lok syvf nUM kONsLl dI aYgjYkitv mIitMg ny mYnyjr dI dI QF afpxy jfiejL-nfjfiejL kfrobfr qnKfh ivwc vfDy dI qjLvIjL pRvfn kr leI. cmkfAux df jLrIaf bxf ilaf hY.sUby myacripCly ny hor ku afiKaf dIfb, qnKfh ivw J sflFikdOmYrnfnyjrsLr ryqfho r ey y s y istI vrgIaF sU b y dIaF ds istIaF bjrI, trFsport, kybl tIvI qy mIzIaf dyN mY nyjrF gY nflo N pihlI qnKfh t sI ijvN y qo ielfvf r-rvfieqI AUrjfGwsmy q sY NkVy dIzku ktilm, ltf, vnf, vw y-Co ty kfrobzYfrF AuWqklo y rsU KLvmY fnFiplirj, jF AunHF nnYmo, inAUvYst minstr, ircmMz, sfnIc dy nfmjLd ivakqI kfbjL hn. iehI kfrn aqy srI. jykr mYnyjr ieh jfb Cwz jFdf hY fn Bfl ryqf-bjrI KMIz qF ik istIipCly nUM nvysflF N mYnyjdOrrdI BrnI pYx qo N vI mihM g y ivkdy rhy . trFspo r t dy DM dy sI. ivwc Coty aprytr lgpg gfieb ho cuwky aKIrkyivc ar mfPIaf ny aYbtsPo rzmnmfnIafF dI qrwkI hn. bl my tIvI dIaF aqy ivkfs leI sfAU Q ey s L I an ny nf kyvl lokF nUM hYrfn-pRysLfnBfeIcfry kIqf hY vwloN pfey isPq-slfh kridaF blik keIXog pMdfn jfbIdItIvI cYnlF nUM vI pRsfrn afiKaf ik ieh BfeIcfrf istI dI vsoN df rokx leI mjbur kr idwqf. swqf dI qfkq lgBg iewk iqhfeI hY ijs ny istI dy ivkfs nfl hofrndfr keIaqy kfrosLblfrF munfPy ivwc sL fGfXorfhIN g ihwBfrI sf pfieaf kmfey vI rsL df nF ldf hY. myajfx r hYnivw rIcbrfAU n nyUKvfnF ikRsims aqybonvy N hY . sw q fDfrIaf df ieh vrqfrf hI sL rfb sfl dIaF sfry hI BfeIcfiraF nUM vDfeI smy q vwKikhf, -vwK‘my iksm dy mfPL Iaf idMidaF rf afiPs hmy sLf grw KuwlupHf hYpY’d .f krn leI ijLMmyvfr hY. ieh groh hux pMjfb sLflf! nvF sfl suK sLFqI, KusLIaF KyiVaF dy amn-kfnUMn leI cuxOqI bxy idKfeI dy aqy KusLhflI nfl BrpUr hovy! rhy hn.

The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016


zrfAux vflf hY coxF qoN pihlF df pMjfb df mfhOl aYn coxF dI dMdI AuWqy KVy hoey pMjfb ivwc keI ieho ijhy kFz vfpr rhy hn, ijnHF dy nfl ieh icMqf pYdf hoxI suBfivk hY ik coxF KYr vflIaF sLfied nhIN rih jfxgIaF. ies qrHF df koeI vI KdsLf hovy qF rfj srkfr nUM ies dy leI kwlH nUM ijLMmyvfr Tihrfieaf jfxf hY, ies leI ieh Aus dI ijLMmyvfrI hY ik hflfq nUM nvyN tkrfvF qy kFzf vwl vDx qoN rokx dI koisLsL kry.

pMjfb ivwc ieh kuJ hux afm ijhf vrqfrf bxdf jf irhf hY. qIsrf pwK rfjsI KihbfjLI ivwc puls dy iewk-qrPf vgx nfl mfhOl dy Krfb hoeI jfx df hY. lokqMqr ivwc mMqrIaF aqy mwuK mMqrIaF dy puqly sfVn df kMm afm hI huMdf rihMdf hY qy ies ivwc afm krky srkfrI msLInrI df dKl dyxf jfiejL nhIN mMinaf jFdf.

pihlI gwl qF amn-kfnUMn dy pwK qoN hY. bhuq sfrIaF GtnfvF ipCly smyN ivwc ies rfj ivwc ieho ijhIaF hoeIaF hn, ijnHF ny lokF dy mn ivwc pMjfb srkfr df aks cMgf nhIN rihx idwqf. ienHF GtnfvF ivwc abohr df BIm tFk ieho ijhI vfrdfq vI hY, ijs ny sfry Bfrq dy lokF df iDafn vI iKwicaf sI. sLrfb dy kfrobfrI dy sYLWlr ivwc iewk grIb dIaF lwqF-bfhF tuwk dyx dy bfad jd Aus dI mOq ho geI qF puls dy aPsr dosLIaF dy bcfa leI ieh kihx dy rfh pY gey ik mrn vflf vI mfVy ikrdfr vflf sI. Auh mfVy ikrdfr vflf hovy vI qF sLrfb df DMdf krdy iewk akflI pwKI kfrobfrI jF Aus dy kirMidaF nUM ieh hwk iblkuwl nhIN sI ik Aus dy nfl ieho ijhf hwdoN bfhrf kihr gujLfrdy. Auh puls nUM kih ky kys bxvf skdy sn.

kFgrsI rfj vyly ieho ijhy puqly keI vfrI akflIaF nUM vI sfVdy hoey vyiKaf jFdf irhf hY. ies vfr dusihry vfly idn luiDafxy ivwc kFgrs pfrtI dy kuJ lokF ny iewk puqlf sfVn df pRogrfm bxf ilaf qy ies ivwc nisLaF df mwudf mwuK rUp ivwc AuBfiraf. asIN ies pRogrfm dy TIk jF glq hox dI crcf nUM ies vkq nhIN CyVdy, sgoN ieh kihxf cfhuMdy hF ik jdoN ieh pRogrfm bixaf sI qF ies nfl jy rfj srkfr nUM koeI kOV sI jF kfnUMn dI koeI AulMGxf ho rhI sI, iPr ies nUM rokx leI iksy mYijstryt dy nfl puls ByjI jf skdI sI. awgy vI eydF keI vfrI hMudf irhf hY. ies dI QF EQy akflI dl nfl juVy hoey kuJ hoCy iksm dy lok jf phuMcy qy afpo ivwc gwl hwQo-pfeI qoN hor awgy vD geI. iPr jdoN puls ny kys bxfieaf qF Aus qoN mIzIey ivwc asloN iewk-qrPf kfrvfeI df pRBfv bxdf ipaf hux mfnsf ijLlHy dy GrFgnf ipMz ivwc dilq hY. puls nUM kuJ qF inrpwKqf df iKafl BfeIcfry dy iewk ivakqI df kql hoieaf rwK lYxf cfhIdf sI. hY qy Aus dI iewk lwq vwZ leI geI hY. hux Aus mfmly nUM lY ky kFgrs vfly vI kfPI ies ivwc iPr ijs srpMc df nFa af irhf kOV ivwc hn aqy AunHF nUM eydF hox leI kuJ hY, Auh akflI dl nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY. hPiqaF qwk hox jf rhI ivDfn sBf cox vI akflI pfrtI ies bfry cuwp vwt rhI hY. jdoN pRyrq krdI ho skdI hY. rfj krdI iDr qy ieho ijhy bMdy vfrdfqF krngy qF akflI ies dI lIzrisLp ies qoN koeI icMqf krdI lIzrisLp dy cwup rihx nfl buwqf nhIN sr idKfeI nhIN dyNdI. pMjfb df mfhOl pihlF hI skxf. cuwp qF qoVnI pvygI. cMgf nhIN. kuJ dyr pihlF ieh gwl pMjfb dUsrf pfsf jnqk tkrfa df hY. lok jdoN afpxIaF mMgF nf mMny jfx jF vfr-vfr trkf dyx qNo iKwJy hoey huMdy hn qF AunHF nUM qsLwdd nfl dbfAux df rfh lokqMqr ivwc jfiejL nhIN ikhf jf skdf. ies vkq ieho kuJ ho irhf hY. nqIjf ieh inkilaf hY ik Auh hor iKwJ jfx ipwCoN mwuK mMqrI dy ipMz dI pfxI vflI tYNkI AuWqy cVHn qwk phuMcx lwgy hn. jlflfbfd ivwc puls ny ijwdF df ivhfr kIqf hY, Aus dy lok-rfjI pRbMD hyT hox dI klpnf vI nhIN krnI cfhIdI, pr

srkfr qy puls afp mMn cuwkI hY ik eyQy keI gYNg aqy gYNgstr qury iPrdy hn. lok kihMdy hn ik hr gYNg aqy hr gYNgstr iksy nf iksy isafsI lIzr nfl nyVqf dy afsry CflF mfrdf iPrdf hY. ieh gYNg Blk nUM coxF ivwc vI DmwcV pfAuxgy. afjLfdI qoN bfad pMjfb dy lokF ny coxF bhuq vyKIaF aqy BugqIaF hn, pr ijMnf zr ies vfrI mihsUs kIqf jf irhf hY, pihlf kdy nhIN kIqf igaf. ies df ielfj hoxf cfhIdf hY. PAGE 5


The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016

Student success story: Kelvin Zhang


leneagle Secondary student Kelvin Zhang is an incredible innovator with serious smarts. He loves using artificial intelligence to solve real-world problems. These days he’s focussing on the technology of self-driving cars. Kelvin noticed a problem with self-driving cars, which have to be programmed to respond to every situation they face on the road. So what happens when they are faced with a situation for which they haven’t been programmed? The results aren’t pretty. This got Kelvin thinking. What if the car didn’t have to be programmed for each driving scenario, but could learn how to respond, just like a person could? Most people would write this off as impossible. But Kelvin made it happen by using his knowledge of artificial intelligence and coding.

In Grade 7, he created a robot that can mimic human upper-body movements from the other side of the world. In Grade 8 he coded an algorithm that could automatically identify if someone was being bullied by analyzing their Twitter feed. Both of those projects also went to the Canada Wide Science Fair.

How? He used coding to create an algorithm that works like a human brain. This algorithm controls a virtual car, so that by a process similar to human evolution, it can go from knowing nothing about driving to being able to go along any path without crashing.

When Kelvin gets an idea for a project, he puts all his free time and energy into it. He hopes to apply his dedication to one day earn a computer science degree. After that, his goal is to be an entrepreneur, opening a large-scale technology company.

Last summer, he attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Launch Camp, an entrepreneurship summer camp for high schoolers, where he gained valuable experience in entrepreneurship and founded a company with a team. Without a doubt, Kelvin will continue using his skills to make the world more safe and conveThis project wasn’t Kelvin’s first foray nient well into the future. into the world of artificial intelligence. This amazing project earned Kelvin a trip to the Canada Wide Science Fair last year in Montreal, where he won a gold medal and $5,000 in awards. Kelvin describes this trip as “incredible beyond description,” and he was honoured to be able to meet some of the brightest minds from across Canada.


The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016





ieh gwl pMjfb dy lokF leI hYrfnI pYdf krn vflI sI ik jdoN akflI-Bfjpf gwTjoV dI srkfr dI afKrI iCmfhI cwl rhI hY, EdoN kYptn amirMdr isMG dy iKlfP cwldf iBRsLtfcfr df kys acfnk hI vfps lYx dI arjLI adflq phuMc geI. Aus dI hYrfnI hfly KLqm nhIN sI hoeI ik hux jQydfr qoqf isMG dy iKlfP kys vfps hox lwgf hY. gwl ieh vI hYrfnI vflI hY. ijs qrIky nfl ienHF dovF kysF dy vfps lYx dI arjLI dfier kIqI geI hY, Aus qNo rfjnIqI dy iksy guwJy pYNqVy df Brm pY jfxf suBfvk hY, qy Auh pY vI irhf hY.

The Patrika 

kys vfpsIaF df iksf

kys vfps lYx dI arjLI dfier hoeI hY. ies qoN lokF ivwc ieh gwl PYlxf suBfivk sI ik akflI aqy kFgrsI afpo ivwc rly hoey hn.

afm afdmI pfrtI ny ieho muwdf cwuikaf sI ik amirMdr isMG dy iKlfP kys vfps lYx dI arjLI ieh sfbq krdI hY ik akflIkFgrsI dovyN iDrF afpo ivwc rly hoey hn. amirMdr isMG ny ies qoN aglI khfxI kwZ ilaFdI hY. Aus df kihxf hY ik jdoN sbMDq jwj CwutI AuWqy hox krky ajy ieh irport KolHI vI nhIN geI, EdoN afm afdmI pfrtI dy afgUaF vwloN ies irport ivwc drj gwlF df ijLkr krn qoN sfbq huMdf hY ik ieh vyrvy AunHF nUM akflI lIzrF ny myry bfry Brm dI siQqI pYdf krn leI pucfey hn aqy ieh dovyN pwK imly hoey hn. iewk gwl ivwcoN ieh vI suxI geI ik Bfjpf dy iewk kyNdrI afgU ny ieh cusqI KyzI hY, qF ju kYptn amirMdr isMG nUM AuBfr ky akflIaF nUM Bfjpf dy leI sItF df kotf vDfAux vfsqy mjbUr kIqf jf sky.

akflI-Bfjpf afgU ibnF sLwk ieh dfavf krdy rhy ik kYptn amirMdr isMG AuWqy ijhVf iBRsLtfcfr df kys cldf ipaf hY, Auh asIN bxfieaf hY, pr aslIaq ieh hY ik ieh kys rfj swqf kYptn amirMdr isMG dy hwQ huMidaF hI bx igaf sI. ivDfn sBf ivwc ieh mwudf kFgrs dy afgU bIr divMdr isMG ny cuwikaf sI qy Ausy dy afDfr AuWqy jdoN amirMdr isMG dI srkfr dOrfn jFc dy hukm kIqy gey qF ies bfry bfkfiedf AUt-ptFg ijhI ies crcf dOrfn jQydfr kys drj ho igaf sI. bfad ivwc akflIqoqf isMG dy iKlfP kys vfps lYx dI Bfjpf gwTjoV dI ijwq ho geI qy AunHF ny arjLI vI adflq nUM phuMc geI. pMjfb ieh kys lgfqfr cwldf rwiKaf. skUl iswiKaf borz dy klrkF dI BrqI ipClIaF ivDfn sBf coxF dOrfn Auh dubfrf ivw c iBR s L t fcfr df ky s jQy d fr qo q f ijwq gey qy kys cwldf irhf. hux acfnk isMG dy iKlfP cwldf sI. aKbfrI KbrF


muqfbk ies arjLI ivwc dlIl idwqI geI hY ik iswiKaf borz iewk Kud-muKiqafr adfrf hY qy ies dI BrqI ivwc mMqrI dI BUimkf nf hox kfrn jQydfr qoqf isMG nUM kys ivwcoN kwZ idwqf jfvy. iswiKaf borz dI Kud-muKiqafrI dI ieh dlIl dyxI sI qF ieh nON sfl pihlF vI idwqI jf skdI sI, pr idwqI nhIN geI. hux aglIaF coxF nyVy phuMc ky ieh dlIl vrqx qy kys Kfrj krvfAux qoN keI qrHF dy Brm pYdf hox lwgy hn, ijnHF ivwc iewk gwl ieh vI khI jf rhI hY ik srkfr aglIaF coxF qoN pihlF afpxy hr bMdy jF afpxy bMidaF dI iksm dy hr bMdy dy iKlfP cwldf hr kys smytx dy mUz ivwc hY. ieh ivcfr pysL kr rhy lok ies qoN aglI gwl ieh kihMdy hn ik dovF iDrF nUM zr hY ik jy afm afdmI pfrtI iksy qrHF idwlI vFg swqf qwk phuMc geI qF Aus nUM bxy-bxfey kys nf iml jfx, ies leI cwldy kysF dIaF PfeIlF Twpx df kMm sLurU kr idwqf igaf hY. ieh swc vI ho skdf hY qy nhIN vI. ikAuNik ieh gwl koeI nhIN jfxdf ik dovF kysF nUM vfps lYx dI arjLI ies kfhlI ivwc pysL ikAuN hoeI hY, ies leI hr iksy nUM afpo-afpxy iswty kwZx df hwk hY. srkfr qy rfjsI lIzrisLp ivwc iewk Cotf ijhf Prk huMdf hY. rfjsI lIzrisLp ny isrP

Friday, October 21st, 2016

agvfeI dyxI huMdI hY aqy srkfr asl ivwc Auh amlf-PYlf huMdf hY, ijs ny dysL dy sMivDfnk ZFcy muqfbk pRsLfsn cwldf rwKx leI aPsr qoN klrk qwk BUimkf inBfAuxI huMdI hY. ieh gwl afm khI jFdI hY ik Qfxy df munsLI qy ipMz df ptvfrI ijhVI gwl iksy QF ilK dyx, suprIm kort qwk vI Ausy dy afDfr AuWqy bihs huMdI hY. kihx qoN Bfv ieh ik ptvfrI qy Qfxy dy munsLI qoN pMjfb dy mwuK skwqr qwk sfry lok ies srkfrI msLInrI df aMg huMdy hn qy sMivDfnk pwK AunHF ny vyKxf huMdf hY, qF ik rfjsI lIzrisLp koeI sMivDfn AulMGdy kMm nf krvfeI jfvy. rfjsI lIzrisLp aqy srkfrI msLInrI dy ivcfly df ieh prdf hux axgOilaf ho ky rih igaf hY qy rfjsI lIzrisLp hI srkfr hY. ivDfn sBf coxF isr AuWqy hox kfrn rfjsI lIzrisLp afpxI loV muqfbk keI qrHF dy PYsly krn aqy krfAux dI loV smJygI, pr ieh ijLMmyvfrI asl ivwc srkfrI msLIn smJy jFdy amly-PYly dI hY ik Auh sMivDfnk hwdF df iKafl rwK ky cwlx. kys vfpsIaF dy ijhVy kdm hux cwuky jf rhy hn, ienHF leI ijLMmyvfrI kwlH-kloqr nUM afKrkfr AunHF dy isr hI pYxI hY.

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



suKdyv mfdpurI

KusLIaF KyiVaF df lok nfc-lwuzI lwuzI pMjfbIaf df bVf mnmohk nfc irhf hY. ieh afm krky iksy ijwq dI KusLI ivwc nwicaf jFdf irhf hY. iksy ny mukwdmf ijwiqaf hY jF Kyz dy mYdfn ivwc mwl mfrI hY qF Jwt ZolI nUM bulf ky ijwq dI KusLI df pRgtfvf lwuzI pf ky hI kIqf jFdf sI. AuNj qF lwuzI sfry pMjfb ivwc pfeI jFdI rhI hY, pr sFdl bfr dy ielfky ivwc jFglI lok JUmr dy nfl-nfl lwuzI vI pfAuNdy hn. mrd qy qIvIaF vwKry-vwKry qOr ‘qy hI lwuzI pfAuNdy hn. isaflkot aqy guwjrFvfly dy ielfky ivwc lwuzI BMgVy dy nflo-nfl pfeI jFdI sI. BMgVf nfc lwuzI dy qfl nfl hI sLurU kIqf jFdf hY. ijLlHf isaflkot dI qihsIl psrUr dy ipMz kory ky ivwc gPUr sLfh df bhuq BfrI mylf lwgdf hY. ies myly ‘qy afly-duafly dy ipMzF dy lokF dy BMgVy aqy lwuzI dy mukfbly hoieaf krdy sn. aYmnfbfd dI ivsfKI ‘qy vI ieh mukfbly huMdy sn. mflvy dy ielfky ivwc vI igwDf pfAuNdy smyN muitafrF lwuzI pfAuNdIaF hn. ZolI afpxy Zol ‘qy zwgf mfrdf hY qy lwuzI df qfl vjfAuNdf hY. Zol dI afvfjL nfl iKcINdy gwBrU ies dy afly-duafly gol dfiery ivwc Gyrf Gwq lYNdy hn. Auh awKF mtkfAuNdy , moZy ihlfAuNdy, lwk lckfAuNdy

aqy CfqI awgy qfVI mfrdy hoey cwkr aMdr qfl ivwc hOlI-hOlI( msq cfly qurdy hyn. iPr ZolI iesLfrf krky qfl bdldf hY qy iqMn qfVIaF vjfeIaF jFdIaF hn. pihlI qfVI Gyry dy aMdrly pfsy Juk ky, dUjI CfqI awgy qy qIjI iPr Gyry dy bfhrly pfsy Juk ky mfrI jFdI hY. nfl-nfl qfl qyjL hoeI jFdf hY. ies mgroN ZolI iPr qfl bdldf hY qy Aus dy iesLfry nfl pihlF swjI bFh qy swjI lwq cwuk ky Kwby pYr nfl kwuidaf jFdf hY, iPr KwbI bFh qy KwbI lwq cwuk ky swjy pYr nfl kwuddy hn qy nfl hI bwly bwly sLyrf, Auey Auey, bwigaf sLyrf josL ivwc vfr-vfr boldy hn. kdy kdy Auh nwcdy hoey iewk pYr dy Bfr bih ky awDf cwkr kwtdy hn-ZolI zwgy qy zwgf mfrI jFdf hY qy nfc dI gqI qyjL huMdI jFdI hY. gwBrU nwcdy hoey hfloN byhfl ho jFdy hn. msqI JUm JUm jFdI hY. jy koeI hMB jfvy qF nfc ivwcy Cwz ky bfhr jf bYTdf hY. bfhr bYTIaF suafxIaF qy afdmI nwcdy gwBrUaF vwl pRsLMsf BrIaF awKIaF nfl vyK ky afnMd mfxdy hn. lwuzI pfAux smyN anyk pRkfr dy gIq gfey jFdy hn. bfry dy ielfky ivwc Zoly aqy swdF lfeIaF jFdIaF hn. ieh Zoly qy swdF afm qOr ‘qy imrjLy, swsI, puMnU, hIr rFJy aqy sUrimaF dIaF

huMdIaF hn. mflvy dy ielfky ivwc igwDy rMg df sunihrI qIr dIaF lMbIaF bolIaF pfeIaF jFdIaF hn. mfiraf jwt ny mwuCF koloN vt ky iewk jxf hyk lf ky Zolf jF swd lfAuNdf hY qy aMqly twpy ‘qy nfc mG AuWTdf hY. lwuzI AuWz igaf vFg BMbIr df iewk afrMiBk gIq hY: pMj swq lfh ley GoiVEN CMny AuWqy CMnf lwuzI pf sUr idaf kMnf nOvF lfihaf sfihbF df vIr lwuzI Gm Eey lwuzI Gm luwzI Gm Eey luwzI sfihbF izwgdy BrfvF nUM vyKky Gm. awKINE suwtdI nIr ZolI qfl bdldf hY aqy koeI jxf ipV ivwc afh kI kIqf imrijLaf KLUnIaf af ky Zolf lfAuNdf hY: bybs nI sfihbF akl dIey JwlIey

hor nf clfeI aYsf qIr

koTI hfvI af kwc dI, rfvI Kq nf GwlIey asF iewk iZwz lwqF dy lfeIaF ijhVy lf pRIq plIq cf krnI,

iewko mF df cuMiGaf sIr.

afKx lok inwglIey

sroiqaF df roh BK AuWTdf hY. gwBrU bwkry bulfAuNdy hoey cFgrF mfrdy hn. Zol hor qyjL vwjdf hY. smF bMinHaf jFdf hY. awj ieh nfc bIqy smyN dI khfxI bx ky rih igaf hY. ikDry koeI lwuzI nhIN pYNdI, nf hI ikDry JUmr njLrI afAuNdf hY, pr pMjfb dIaF XUnIvristIaF vwloN krvfey jFdy XUQ PYstIvlF qy ivrfsqI myilaF ivwc awjkwlH ies nfc nMU sLfml krky ies nUM surjIq krn dy Xqn ho rhy hn.

nfl kusMgI dy sMg nf krIey, rfh dusLmx df tlIey KyzIey nfl iKzkfrF, gytI vyK ky cwlIey[[[ mlveI gwBrU imrjLy dI swd lfAuNdf hY: Bwqy ‘coN kwZ ilaf jwt ny tol ky


The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016


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The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016





The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016

Impressive Enlightening Diwali celebration by TD Bank unjabi youngsters enthralled the audience with Diwali by inviting such multicultural audience. To provide the Punjabi cultural tinge to the event the Bhangra Bhangra Team of Punjabi youths nicely enthralled Abbotsford: Quite in accordance with the true the audience with their forceful and hilarious perspirit of Diwali, popularly known as the Festival of formance two times. Lights, an impressive and enlightening multicultural program was arranged by all the branches of It was keynote speaker Gian Singh Kotli who providTD Canada Trust Abbotsford on October 16 at the ed all embracing light on various aspects of Diwali prestigious Abbotsford Banquet and Conference as celebrated by different communities. He narrated Hall. With a view to create more awareness about the incidents as to how the lamps were lit when Lord the multicultural aspect of Diwali the Bank invited Rama came back to his kingdom after spending 14 communities from all backgrounds to attend this years in exile, Guru Hargobind Ji came to Amritsar, event. Speakers stressed upon the need to celebrate ascension to thrown of King Bikramaditya, mar-


tyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji, worship of Goddess Kali, etc. The tradition goes on and to commemorate those events we light earthen lamps with mustard oil and decorate our homes with costly lights as well. This is a ritual. Quoting from Sikh Scripture Gian Singh Kotli stressed upon the need to grasp the real significance of this celebration which lies in enlightening our hearts with love compassion, humbleness, service, sympathy and virtuous deeds by removing the darkness of ignorance, evil deeds, greed, lust, hatred, meaningless rituals and envy. Punjabi Patrika chief editor Andy Sidhu, Editor Dave Sidhu, noted artist Jarnail Singh Panesar, Rizwan Peerzada President Ahmaddiya Jamaat Abbotsford and associates specially attended the program. Sarbjeet Johal, Ahamad Rahan TD Bank manager and all members worked hard to make this program a success. Guests were provided with very delicious multicultural dinner.

-Gian Singh Kotli


The Patrika


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Friday, October 21st, 2016

amrIkI pRDfn mMqrI dI cox nFh pKI agly mhIny amrIkf dy pRDfn dI cox hox jf rhI hY. ijs GtIaf pwDr aqy nfkfrqmk phuMc nfl ieh cox muihMm clfeI jf rhI hY aijhI pihlI kdy vI nhIN dyKI geI. bhuq sfry amrIkI lok ies ivcfr nfl sihmq hn. huxy-huxy hoey iewk srvyKx anusfr 70 PLIsdI qoN vwD amrIkI ieh mihsUs krdy hn ik ieh cox muihMm nfkfrqmk (nYgyitv) hY. amrIkf dy ieiqhfs ivwc pihlI vfrI hoieaf hY ik dovF pfrtIaF (zYmokryitk aqy rIpbilkn) dy AumIdvfrF nUM nf-psMd krn vfly lokF dI igxqI AunHF nUM psMd krn vfilaF nfloN ijLafdf hY. Audfhrx vjoN 60 PLIsdI lok ieh mihsUs krdy hn ik zYmokryitk pfrtI dI AumIdvfr ihlyrI kilMtn ‘qy Brosf nhIN kIqf jf skdf. 67 PIsdI lokF nUM rIpbilkn pfrtI dy AumIdvfr zonlz trMp dy qOr-qrIky psMd nhIN. dovyN AumIdvfr afpxIaF KUbIaF dwsx dI bjfey dUjy AumIdvfr dIaF kmjoLrIaF dwsx ‘qy jLor dy rhy hn. ihlyrI kilMtn kih rhI hY ik trMp ny tYks nf Br ky iewk qrHF nfl tYks dI corI kIqI hY. Aus ny aOrqF nfl ivqkrf kIqf hY aqy aOrqF df sosLx kIqf hY. aijhy vIzIE vI jfrI kIqy gey hn, ijnHF ivwc trMp aOrqF df

kfmuk soLsx krdy idKfey gey hn. trMp ny ihlyrI bfry ikhf ik Aus ny 30,000 hjLfr eI-myl gfieb kr idwqIaF hn. ieh Aus vyly dIaF sn jdoN Auh amrIkf dI ivdysL mMqrI sI. trMp df kihxf hY ik ieh gwl sfibq krdI hY ik Auh afpxy ahudy dI gLlq vrqoN krdI rhI hY aqy Aus ny dysL df kfnUMn qoiVaf hY. Aus df ieh vI kihxf hY ik Auh afpxy pqI ibl kilMtn vwloN aOrqF df kfmuk sosLx krn ivwc BfgIdfr sI. kuJ idn pihlF hI aYnbIsI tI[vI[ ny dovF AumIdvfrF dI zIbyt/bihs krvfeI. ies bihs-muhfbsy df pwDr byhwd GtIaf sI. dUjf ies dy sMcflk ny inrpwKqf dy isDFq dIaF DwjIaF Auzf idwqIaF. Auh KwulHy qOr ‘qy ihlyrI kilMtn df pwK lY irhf sI. slIky nUM alivdf kihMdy hoey aYnbIsI ny bihs dOrfn hI tI[vI[ ‘qy ieh PlYsL krnf sLurU kr idwqf ik trMp JUT bol irhf hY. jLfihr hY ik aijhI cox amrIkf ivwc rfjnIiqk vMz aqy nslI vMz nUM hor vI iqwKf kr dyvygI aqy ijhVf vI AumIdvfr ijwqygf Aus leI amrIkIaF ivwc eykqf rwKxI lwgpg asMBv ho jfvygI. amrIkf dI izwg rhI sfKL nUM coxF nUM burI qrHF pRBfivq kIqf hY aqy ieh cox amrIkf nUM qkVf krn dI bjfey hor kmjLor kr skdI hY.

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock


Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business. We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? ‚ Â?‚ Â? Â? Â? ƒ Â? ƒ Â? „ Â? Â? Â… Â… Â? Â? ‚ „ ‚Â? † € ƒ Â? ƒ Â… † Â? Â? Â? ‚ Â? „ „ Â? Â? Â?† ‚ Â… Â… Â? „ „ Â? Â… Â? Â? Â?

When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

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We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

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We offer:

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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

PAGE 14 Friday, December 25th, 2015

The Patrika

     

trades students receivenUM new gurU qygUFV bhfdr jI dI aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrF dyx

Skilled tradesgustudents at the University nOvIN pfqÈfhI rU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) of the Fraser Valley (UFV) will vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI benefit mwDkflI from the‘cpurchase of new industryieiqhfs invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHfˆ standard as part a vwloN iqMn trades sfQIafˆ equipment BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI of sqI $187,000 investment by the dfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nflProvince. idwlI ivwc nvMbr 1675 nUM idwqI geI kurbfnI nUM iswKfˆ Chilliwack MLA John Martin and dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl Chilliwack-Hope ThronXfd krdI hYY. muglMLA hkUmqLaurie dy julmfˆ iKlfÌ ess announced theaqy funding behalf afvfË bulMd krn ÈhIdI on pRfpq krnofdy Advanced Minister mMqv ipClyEducation asl qy Auc ycy arQfˆAndrew bfry ajy Wilkinson during a visit the universiqwk shI aiDaYn nhIN kIqftoigaf aqy nf hI ty. investment willigaf benefit students shIThe pirpy K qoN GoiKaf hY. ipCly kuJ in the heavy-duty mechanic foundation, dhfikafˆ qoN mnuwKI hw kfˆ bfry aflmI aMdolnfˆ plumbing and at dy AuBfr nfl huxcarpentry sfnUM mhfn programs gurU dI ÈhIdI UFV. Equipment includes a heavyipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ dy arQfˆ dI Koj duty tiremOkchanger krn df f imilaf for hY. the heavy-duty mechanical foundation program. mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf “UFV will help the jfˆdf hY-trades shfiekstudents jfˆ kfnUMnI phu Mc aqy suBfivk province meetqrH the demand phuMc. pihlI fˆ dI phuMc dOfor rfnskilled mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ in nUM our kuJ region isafsI and tIicafˆ nUM hfsl workers throughout krn leI hiQafr vjoN“New vriqaffunding jfˆdf hY for aqy B.C.,” Martin said. mnuwKI hw kfˆ dI rfKIisbfry smyˆ trades equipment partcrcf of thekrdy B.C.’s iPrkUvfor fd PuJobs wt pYˆdBlueprint f hY. iPrkUcommitment soc pnpx df Skills nqIjf ieh hustudents Mdf hY ik mnu wKI hwthe kfˆ dy rKvfly to connect with training afpxy BfeIcfry , afpxI kO m , ivcfrDfrf they need for jobs that support a aqy diisafsIstrong sihXogand Iafˆ dygrowing hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy verse, economy.” hn. hwd qfˆ AudoN ho jfˆdI hY jdoN ies soc qihq The 2025 Market iksy ivro DI dyLabour mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dI Outlook AulMGxf nUM forecasts high-demand for the axgoilaf kr idwqf jfˆdf hY jfˆ ivroskilled DIafˆ dy trades 10Dyears, mnuwKI hwover kfˆ dIthe rfKInext df ivro hox lwgincludpYˆdf hY. ies dy Ault suBfivk phuMc qihq mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI jfˆdI hY. Auh Bfvyˆ afpxy hox jfˆ ivroDI Kymy dy. ies soc dI dlIl hY ik mnuwK hox dy nfqy sfry iensfn ivÈyÈ hwkfˆ dy hwkdfr hn. ieh phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI soc nUM qfkq bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY.

gurU jI vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly kfrnfˆ AuWqy Jfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh aOrMgËyb dy julmfˆ df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf sI aqy Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf mMgx afey sn. Auh ies afs nfl gurU jI kol afey sn ik rUhfnI ÈKsIaq vjoN AunHfˆ df aihm ruqbf hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdÈfh nUM smJf ky AunHfˆ nUM musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgy. asIN smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gurU jI dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHfˆ jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ny lMgr, sMgq aqy pMgq dI pRQf rfhIN smfijk aqy Dfrimk brfbrI nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf. ies rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. iswK Drm dIafˆ ienHfˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk qOr ‘qy gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk


ing carpenters, hwkfˆ10,300 dI rfKIjob leIopenings ztx df for PYslf krky gurU 2,800 job openings for heavy-duty jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI equipment and ivro 2,500 rfKI dI hfmI mechanics BrI. ivcfrDfrk DIafˆjob dI openings B.C.dyxI peI. rwiKaf leIfor Aunplumbers Hfˆ nUM afpxI kuinrbfnI

“The are keI among the nfl top mnu wKI skilled ieiqhfstrades aijhIafˆ imsflfˆ in-demand Throness Biraf hoieaf jobs hY ijwQin y lokB.C.,” fˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry, said. new leI investment in .trades kOm jfˆ“This ivcfrDfrf jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ afpxy ihwqfˆ qoN Auequipment Wpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ nyensure nYiqk training will help kfblIaq df pRare drÈn kIqffor prthese gurU opqyg UFV students ready bhfdr jI nyand afpxy ivcfrDfrk DIafˆ portunities it will give themivro access dy hw kfˆ dI rwiKaf leIon afpxI kurbfnI dy ky to equipment used jobsites by emijs nY i qk-rU h fnI bu l M d I nU M Co i haf, Au s dI ployers in B.C.” imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhIN imldI. The Ministry Advanced Education ies leI gurU qygofbhfdr jI nUM mnu wKI hwkfˆ dI has invested $970,246 in trades trainbRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf ing equipment at UFV through B.C.’s jf skdf hY. Skills for Jobs Blueprint. Government gurU also qyg bhfdr jI $1.4 dy lfimsfl nUM has invested millionblIdfn for 358 dy K idafˆ aflmI mnu w K I aiDkfr sM s Qfvfˆ vI additional critical trades training seats AunUFV. Hfˆ nUM afpxy moZIafˆ ivwcoN iek df drjf dy at rhIafˆ hn. “The University of the Fraser Valley lMzn afDfrq mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdI continues to prepare students with amnY s tI ieM t rnY È nl ny gu r U qy g bhfdr high-quality education for careers that jI dI ÈhIdI nMU mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI mhwqqf nfl are in demand in their communities joV ky Aus bfry ivcfr-vtfˆdrf vI kIqf sI. and throughout the province,” said amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ UFV president Mark Evered. “Governdy ivÈv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI ment support, such as this funding for mOky aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs bfry industry-standard trades iek ikqfb iqafr krvf rhItraining sI. jQybequipMdI vwloN ment, means that our students will ies pRfjYkt df AudyÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKhave I hwkfˆ

Friday, October 21st, 2016 PAGE 5

industry-standard equipment

access to the tools that they need to become skilled workers.” The 2025 Labour Market Outlook estimates that trades, transport and equipment operators and related careers new trades training equipment and faare among the top 10 in-demand oc- cilities. B.C.’s Blueprint was launched cupation groups in B.C. in 2014 to connect British Columbians “Hands-on, real-world training here at with the training and education they UFV is providing the next generation need to get in-demand jobs that support of trades people the tools we need to a diverse, strong and growing economy. succeed for years to come,” said UFV Nearly one million job openings are heavy mechanical foundation student expected in B.C. over the next decade, Patrick Scott. “The opportunity to work and eight out of 10 of these openings with cutting-edge technology gives us will require post-secondary education. the experience it takes to make an im- In-demand occupations requiring postmediate impact in the workforce.” secondary education or training range The funding announced today is part from professional to management to of the B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint trades. commitment to invest $185 million in

dy alMbrdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb df isrlyK ‘id lONg mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI Èfml hY. bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jOhn illbrn (161757), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), ivlIam pYWn (1644-1718) aqy voltyar (1694-1778) Èfml hn.

kuJ ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr` Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM CuitafAux vfˆg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukmrfn, afpxI musilm pRjf AuWqy julm Zfh irhf huMdf qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh hI qurnf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, Auh iksy Drm ivÈyÈ qwk sImq nhIN sI. iehI qwQ AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq nUM vwD mhfn bxfAuNdf hY. iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy ieiqhfsk cfˆdnI cOk ijs Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM isrP iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. ieh kdm mhfn gurU dI gYr-sMprdfiek qy bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly idRÈtIkox nUM mfnqf qy akIdq dyx vwl dyr nfl cuwikaf, pr aiqaMq Zukvfˆ kdm hovygf. - ly K k afksPo r z bru k s XU n IvristI, afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df pRoPYsr hY.


The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



FREE Bhangra dancing & Dhol drumming for high school credits.

South Asian Arts and iLearn DL Secondary School offer students high school credits in Bhangra dancing and Dhol drumming at no cost.

“We use basic patterns and styling of Bhangra and combine them with modern steps. Essentially, this is how the dance form has evolved and become popular in Greater Vancouver,” said Sian and This fall, Grade 10 to 12 students in Bhuller. Greater Vancouver will be able to earn elective credits in Bhangra dancing and While the main focus is introductory Dhol drumming at South Asian Arts and skills, the courses also include an eleiLearn DL Secondary School. ment of history, storytelling and the celebration of diBhangra is a versity by emfolk art origipowering stunating from dents through Northern Indance, music dia. Similar and culture. to hip-hop The group in terms of format of the storytelling, classes fosters specific chostudent social reography and skills like revisual aesthetspect, confiics, Bhangra has had a local evolution dence and teamwork. and resurgence of sorts, especially with the competitive scene. As an incentive to express themselves, students will engage in different styles With over 45 years of combined experi- of dance and music, connect to numerence, instructors Gurp Sian and Rayman ous intercultural collaborations, develop Bhuller have championed Bhangra as positive relationships with the extensive an art form in Greater Vancouver. Now local and global Bhangra network and they are bringing Bhangra dance skills, have the potential to also earn volunteer music, theory and community experience credits. to high school students.

Sian and Bhuller, who also teach Bhangra at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (linked to http://dailyhive.com/vancouver/kwantlen-polytechnic-universitybhangra-dance-course)., developed choreography that is representative of the traditional dance styling, but is accessible to a wider audience.

If you want to have fun, stay in shape and earn high school credits, contact iLearn DL Secondary School at 604-590-5504 or register online at www.southasianarts. ca (linked to http://www.southasianarts. ca/free-high-school-credit-bhangra-dholcourses). Bhangra & Dhol courses are held outside of school hours at South South Asian Arts has been a leader in Asian Arts Studio, located at 114-12827 the arts and culture Bhangra scene since 76th Avenue in Surrey and are FREE of 2005 and performed at numerous events charge. during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, including the opening ceremonies. Spaces are limited so register today.


The Patrika





he World Sikh Organization of Canada expresses sincere condolences on the passing of former Alberta premier, Jim Prentice. WSO Vice President for Alberta Tejinder Singh Sidhu said today, “Jim Prentice was a devoted public servant and was dedicated to the service of Alberta and all of Canada. Alberta’s Sikhs will fondly remember the instrumental role he played in helping establish the Dashmesh Culture Centre gurdwara here in Calgary. Jim took time away from his personal life to ensure that the growing Sikh community had a place to gather and worship and provided his services without any cost. He will be sorely missed. Our prayers are with the Prentice family at this difficult time and with the families of the others that lost their lives in last night’s crash.”

reer and even before politics, Jim was a good friend of the Sikh community who was willing to stand beside us even when the community was not yet well known or understood. He always gave Sikhs a seat at the table.”

The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) is a national non-profit organization with a mandate to promote and protect the interests of Canadian Sikhs as well as to promote and advocate for the protection of human rights WSO Board Member from Edmonton of all individuals, irrespective of race, Harman Kandola, said, “I had the religion, gender, ethnicity, and social privilege of working closely with Jim and economic status. Prentice. Throughout his political ca-


Friday, October 21st, 2016

Sehaj Paath for World Peace uru Granth Sahib Ji is our present Guru. It is Guru Ji’s hukam to do nitnem and sehaj path (reading Guru Granth Sahib J from the beginning till end). By doing Sehaj Path or spiritual level gets improved and with that we get Guruji’s blessings. Also, it gives guidance about how to live our daily life. Moreover it’s a direct one to one link with Guruji.


With the blessings and cooperation of Sangat, Khalsa School Surrey is going to do a humble effort of Sri Sehaj Paath for world peace. These Sehaj Paaths are going to be done personally in the homes of individuals as well in local Gurudwaras. Khalsa School will be providing, free of cost, to sangat: Sen-

chi/Pothy of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Rail (wooden stand), Hazooria and Diary (to record progress of path.) Arambh: We will receive all the Senchis (Pothy) by October 30th, 2016. So Arambh (start) of these Sri Sehaj Paaths can be anytime after October 30, 2016. Bhog: Bhog of these Sri Sehaj Paaths can be either on January 5, 2017 (Parkash Divas of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji) or on Vaisakhi (Khalsa Sajna Divas) in the Gurudwaras wherever the path was started. Any Gursikh veer or any Bhainji or any student can start Sri Sehaj Paath. Please provide your contact information in full so that we can provide best service.

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



B.C. New Democrat leader John Horgan puts families first with $10 a day child care VANCOUVER — The Christy Clark government’s failure to invest in affordable universal child care has created a crisis for working families, and B.C. New Democrat leader John Horgan says he’ll change that with a $10 a day child care program for parents and kids across the province. “It’s time families have an affordable, universal child care program in B.C., and we’re going to work toward a $10-a-day program. It’s the right thing to do for our kids, for working families and for our economy,” Horgan said.

“This child care crisis hurts families, and it also hurts our economy,” Horgan said. “Lack of affordable, quality child care prevents parents from participating in the labour force, and B.C.’s business and labour sectors agree with New Democrats that the Clark government’s ongoing neglect of child care makes it difficult for businesses to attract women, young families and skilled workers.“

“After housing, child care is the second-highest cost facing B.C. families. Parents here are paying some of the highest child care fees in the country. Too many parents can’t find child care and spend years on waitlists. B.C. mothers’ participation rates are Roughly 20 per cent of children have the second lowest in Canada, and 40 access to regulated childcare, and fees per cent of B.C. families report that a in the Lower Mainland can run to parent could not return to work at the over $1200 per month, say child care end of parental leave due to lack of childcare spaces. advocates.



The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016

B.C. post-secondary student success story: Banpreet Grewal


anpreet grew up in Ludhiana, Punjab, India, where he became interested in sciences. He always dreamt of studying abroad, and when he learned about the Applied Science for Engineering Program at Langara, he knew he had found the right place. “The reputation and quality of education of Langara College compelled me to choose the program. It’s a stepping stone for Banpreet to pursue the only place that offers a program his goal of becoming an engineer. like this.” “My advice for students who are conThe program worked for Banpreet sidering taking Applied Science for because the courses were a natural Engineering is to be prepared: it’s a extension of the math and sciences he challenging program! It is more practilearned in India. Designed for students cal than theoretical. You will have to who need time to transition into the study hard, but in the end, this program heavy workload that the study of engi- will offer you a better future, and give neering requires, the program became you good experience and knowledge.

Abbotsford By-Laws Ruffling Up Some Feathers urbir Brar, a resident of Abbotsford, British goal to develop a pigeon therapy program. He Columbia, has raised pigeons in his backyard began working on the idea while he was a Crimiwithin the city since he was six years old. For nal Justice student at the University of the Fraser many years he raised his pigeons Valley. Brar’s goal is to without any problems from his use pigeons in an Anineighbours, the City of Abbotsmal Assisted Therapy ford, or CARE Animal Control. (AAT) and Animal AsNow 23, his hobby is threatened sisted Learning (AAL) by an Abbotsford by-law that environment in order to restricts the housing and raising assist at-risk youth in not of pigeons within the city limits. only leaving the criminal lifestyle behind but also Brar explains that he is one use the pigeons to assist in of the few young members in the learning of core school the community that are still subjects and materials. involved in the sport. Although there are a fairly significant “Pigeons have unique number of individuals that raise characteristics and special pigeons in the municipality - the skills that can make them average age of individuals involved in the sport is extremely helpful in turning the lives of at-risk youth much older. The sport overall is considered to be in around. The non-judgemental behaviour and the scidecline in most parts of North America. In contrast, ence behind the pigeons make them a perfect animal the sport is gaining in popularity in many parts of to use in the classrooms.” Brar has plans to develop the world including India, Belgium, Taiwan, China, an AAT and AAL program that will assist youth in South Africa, and the Philippines. learning math, science, history, language arts, nutrition, and many more subjects. Brar highlights that Brar has done a lot of work in promoting the sport. it is a good hobby that connects individuals with Even building youth at-risk pigeons loft and pronature. “It provides a holistic approach towards conviding them with free birds. However, more than necting with youth and understanding them better.” promoting the sport, Brar has pursued a self-inspired The sport can be enjoyed from the comfort of your



backyard and the entire family has an opportunity to participate. Brar argues that the birds do not bother anyone if the pet owner does their job. Brar has been asked by the Abbotsford City Council to attend their executive meeting at 3:00 pm on Monday, October 24th, 2016. It is open to the public and the community is being encouraged to attend. Brar hopes to present the council with a policy recommendation report that will include information on the standard to which pigeons should be kept and rules and regulations that should be enacted in order to allow pigeons to be raised. He believes that a licensing system should be created where responsible pet owners are allowed to raise their pigeons if a set of guidelines is followed.

Images Courtesty of : Abbotsford News

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



New Real Estate Council appointed to ensure consumer protection government-appointed members will misconduct, and to $500,000 from follow. $25,000 for brokerage misconduct, allowing for commissions from licensees The Real Estate Council of British and brokerages engaging in misconduct Columbia is now one part of a broader to be taken back to council for licensee system of organizations responsible for and public education, transferring rulesupervising the real estate industry. The making authority from council to the council continues to be responsible for superintendent, and allowing owners licensing, investigating complaints, ento train and supervise licensees only if Robert D. Holmes is appointed as chair forcing licensee rules and disciplining they themselves are licensees. of the council. Holmes brings a wealth licensees found to be breaching their obligations. Premier Christy Clark has laid out of legal expertise to the council, having worked as a litigation and arbitration Newly appointed superintendent of six principles to guide government’s decisions in addressing housing affordlawyer for more than 32 years. He also real estate Mike Noseworthy will asability in the Lower Mainland: served as president of the Trial Lawyers sume leadership of the Office of the Association of B.C., president of the Superintendent of Real Estate on Oct. Ensuring the dream of home ownership BC Civil Liberties Association and on 19, 2016. Changes to the regulatory remains within reach of the middle provincial council of the B.C. Branch framework for the real estate industry class increase the superintendent’s oversight of the Canadian Bar Association. of and authority over the council. These Increasing housing supply The B.C. government has taken sig- and other changes to the Real Estate Transit expansion nificant action to protect real estate Services Act to significantly strengthen consumers and safeguard the public consumer protection took effect on Supporting first-time home buyers interest, overhauling the regulatory Sept. 30, 2016. Ensuring consumer protection framework and strengthening oversight Other steps that are strengthening realand accountability of the sector. Self- estate regulation include increasing the Increasing rental supply regulation of the industry is ended with maximum penalty for misconduct to A number of changes put in place by these appointments. A second set of $250,000 from $10,000 for individual the provincial government are already overnment is appointing nine public-interest members to the Real Estate Council of British Columbia, increasing its accountability and objectivity in fulfilling its role of protecting the public interest, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced today.


working to help make housing more affordable for middle-class families, and further steps will be announced in the coming weeks. To date, the Province has: Committed $855 million this year to support the construction of rental housing throughout British Columbia, in addition to other housing affordability actions. Implemented a 15% additional property transfer tax that applies to foreign purchasers of residential real estate in Metro Vancouver. Strengthened consumer protection in British Columbia’s real estate market through increased oversight and accountability of real-estate licensees. Introduced a luxury tax on properties that sell for more than $2 million. Introduced a Newly Built Homes exemption, which has helped nearly 6,400 families save an average of $7,500 on their newly built homes.


The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

kFgrs vwloN kYptn nUM mwuK mMqrI dy ahudy df AumIdvfr aYlfny jfx dI sMBfvnf huxy-huxy lok dusihrf mnf ky hty hn. dusihry nUM nykI dI bdI AuWpr ijwq dy pRqIk vjoN dyiKaf jFdf hY. sRI rfm nUM nykI qy rfvx nUM bdI df pRqIk mMinaf jFdf hY. pMjfb ivDfn sBf dIaF coxF isr ‘qy hn. ijs qrHF dy ieljLfm rfjnIqk nyqfvF vwloN iewk-dUsry ‘qy lfey jf rhy hn, AunHF ‘qy ingHf mfiraF ieMj lgdf hY ik ijvyN rfjnIqI ivwc rfm qF sLfied koeI vI nhIN, sfry rfvx hI njLr afAuNdy hn. asl ivwc iewk smF sI jdoN lok kihMdy sn ik ‘pYsy df kI pYsf qF kMjrF kol vI bhuq huMdf hY’ gwl qy iewjLq, siqkfr qy cirwqr dI hY. Aus vkq jy iksy dy cirwqr ‘qy mfmUlI ijhf ieljLfm(dfgL) vI lwg jFdf sI qF Aus nUM Dox leI Auh afpxI jfn qwk kurbfn krn leI iqafr ho jFdf sI. pYsy qoN ikqy vwD aihmIaq iewjLq qy pfk-sfPL dfmn dI huMdI sI. pr hux ies qrHF jfpdf hY ik pYsf hI sB kuJ hY. ies pdfrQvfdI Xwug ivwc bMdy dI iewjLq Aus kol mOjUd koTIaF, kfrF qy hor asfisaF nfl mfp ky hI huMdI hY. hor qF hor awjkwlH dy bhuqy kiQq sMq-mhfqmF dI mhfnqf qy siqkfr vI AunHF kol mOjUd vwzIaF-vwzIaF gwzIaF, sLfndfr zyiraF qy gMnmYnF dI DfV

df muQfj ho igaf lwgdf hY. KYr, rfjnIqI jo kdy smfj syvf qy dysL BgqI leI afpF vfrn df mfmlf sI, hux pYsf qy qfkq hiQafAux df DMdf bxI njLr afAuNdI hY. BfvyN sfry nf shI pr bhuqy rfjnIqIvfn afpxy ‘qy lwgy ieljLfmF dI pRvfh nhIN krdy. AunHF nUM ieh ieljLfm afpxy dfmn ‘qy lwgy dfgL nhIN jfpdy. pMjfb ivwc coxF isr ‘qy hn qy lok duibDf ivwc hn ik ikWDr jfx, iks nUM cuxn, ies hmfm ivwc lgpg sfry hI nMgy njLr af rhy hn-sLfied iksy sLfier df ieh isLar TIk hI hY‘ab koeI burI bfq, burI bfq hI nhIN, ab dfimn-ey - ieKL l fk py , Dw b f nhIN lgdf.’ kYptn aYlfny jfxgy mwuK mMqrI ahudy dy AumIdvfr pMjfb kFgrs dy pRDfn qy sfbkf mwuK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG nUM dIvflI dy nyVyqyVy kFgrs hfeI kmfn vwloN pMjfb ivwc kFgrs dI ijwq dI sUrq ivwc aglf mwuK mMqrI bxfey jfx dI bfkfiedf aYlfn kr idwqy jfx dI sMBfvnf hY. sfzI pMjfb kFgrs

dy mwuK rxnIqIkfr sRI pRsLFq iksLor ny kFgrs hfeI kmfn nUM ieh slfh idwqI hY ik agly kuJ hPiqaF ivwc kYptn amirMdr isM G nU M pM j fb kFgrs vw l o N bfkfiedf sMBfivq mwuK mMqrI df ichrf aYlfny jfx nfl pMjfb kFgrs dI cox muihMm nUM hor bl imlygf. pqf lwgf hY ik kFgrs dIaF aMdrUnI srvyKx irportF ieh kihMdIaF hn ik kFgrs vwloN hyTly pwDr ‘qy sLurU kIqI pRcfr muihMm ny afpxf rMg ivKfAuxf sLurU kr idwqf hY qy kuJ ielfikaF ivwc kFgrs dI siQqI kfPI suDrI hY. hor vwKvwK iDrF vwloN krvfey gey cox srvyKxF bfry vI jo crcy suxfeI dy rhy hn, AunHF anusfr vI pMjfb ivwc kFgrs dI siQqI ivwc pihlF nfloN kuJ suDfr hoieaf dwisaf jf irhf hY. ieh gwl kYptn amirMdr isMG dy hwk ivwc hI jFdI hY. BfvyN ajy qwk kFgrs ny kYptn nUM ivDIvq qOr ‘qy mwuK mMqrI dy ahudy df ichrf nhIN aYlfinaf pr pMjfb ivwc kFgrs dI cox muihMm qF pUrI qrHF kYptn kyNdirq hI hY. ies drimafn ieh crcf vI kfPI jLor PV irhf hY ik kuJ kYptn ivroDI ieh vI cfhuMdy hn ik jy kYptn nUM aglf sMBfivq mwuK mMqrI aYlfnxf hY qF AuWqr pRdysL vFg hI pMjfb kFgrs df pRDfn vI iksy hor nUM inXukq kr idwqf jfvy jF Gwto-Gwt pMjfb kFgrs df koeI aYkitMg pRDfn hI Llfieaf jfvy. kYptn amirMdr isMG aijhI iksy qjLvIjL nUM mnjLUr nhIN krngy. ikAuNik jy AunHF nUM aijhf mMnjLUr huMdf qF ieh qF bhuq pihlf hI ho skdf sI pr Auh sfrf jLor lf ky aqy hfeI kmfn nUM mjbUr krky pMjfb pRdysL kFgrs dy pRDfn bxy sn. asl ivwc AunHF

ny pMjfb kFgrs df pRDfn bxn nUM qrjIh hI ies leI idwqI hovygI qF jo ivDfn sBf dIaF itktF dI vMz vyly sfrI kmfn AunHF dy afpxy hwQ ivwc rhy. hux BfvyN pMjfb ivwc kFgrs dy AumIdvfrF dI ijwq hfr bfry jfxkfrI sRI pRsLFq iksLor hI muhweIaf krvfAuxgy aqy AumIdvfrF dI ilst ‘qy afKrI PYslf sRI rfhul gFDI qy sRImqI sonIaf gFDI krngy. pr amlI qOr ‘qy itktF dI vMz df PYslf pMjfb kFgrs dI ieMcfrj afsLf kumfrI, pfrtI dy kOmI skwqr hrIsL cODrI qy pMjfb kFgrs pRDfn kYptn amirMdr isMG hI krngy. ies ivwc vI bhuqI kYptn dI hI cwlx dI AumId hY. pr jykr kYptn nUM aglf sMBfivq mwuK mMqrI aYlfn ky pMjfb kFgrs df pRDfn koeI hor bxf idwqf jFdf hY qF Auh vI brfbr df swqf kyNdr bx jfvygf, ijs nUM kYptn iksy sUrq ivwc brdfsLq nhIN kr skdy. iswDU DVy nfl gwlbfq ajy jfrI hflF ik kYptn amirMdr isMG bfry ieh suxfeI dy irhf hY ik Auh s: nvjoq isMG iswDU dy afvfjL-ey-pMjfb morcy nfl koeI cox smJOqf krn leI iqafr nhIN, sgoN AunHF dI aMdrKfqy ieh koisLsL hY ik ies morcy nUM qoV ky s: pRgt isMG jF bYNs BrfvF nUM kFgrs ivwc sLfiml kr ilaf jfvy. pr pqf lwgf hY ik ajy qwk afvfjL-ey-pMjfb dy cfry ivDfiek iekmwuT hn. kYptn dy ivroD nUM dyKidaF kFgrs hfeI kmfn qy iswDU DVy ivwc hux gwl do iDrF ivwc smJOqy dI nhIN, sgoN afvfjL-ey-pMjfb nUM kFgrs ivwc imlfAux dI ho rhI hY.

bjt ivwc kIqI geI pysLIingoeI nfloN 5 iblIan zflr vwD rhygf PYzrl Gftf: tIzI torFto tIzI bYNk vwloN kIqI geI pysLIingoeI anusfr ies sfl PYzrl srkfr df Gftf mfrc ivwc srkfr vwloN pysL kIqy bjt ivwc drsfeI sMBfvnf nfloN 5 iblIan zflr vwD hovygf. bYNk df kihxf hY ik aijhf susq arQcfry kfrn hovygf. bYNk ny afpxy vwloN kIqI geI igxqI-imxqI qoN bfad dwisaf ik ies sfl Gftf 34 iblIan zflr qwk awpV jfvygf. pMj sflF dy arsy dOrfn sMcq Gftf ipCly bjt ivwc kIqI geI pysLIingoeI qoN 16[5 iblIan zflr vwD hovygf. bYNk df PAGE 20

ieh vI mMnxf hY ies vwzy Gfty dy bfvjUd 2020-21 dy ivwqI vrHy dOrfn, drimafny afriQk ivkfs nfl kwul GrylU Auqpfd dr mOjUdf pwDr 31 qoN 32 PLIsdI rihx dI sMBfvnf hY. jdoN tIzI bYNk dI irport bfry pwuiCaf igaf qF ivwq mMqrI ibwl mOrinAU ny afiKaf ik AunHF nUM ies gwl dI KusLI hY ik ivsLvivafpI pwDr AuWqy cuxOqI BrpUr afriQk mfhOl dy mwdynjLr AunHF vwloN shI afriQk PYsly kIqy gey hn.

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



idwlI gurduafrf kmytI dI rfjnIqI idwlI ivwc afm afdmI pfrtI dI srkfr smJdy hn ik akflI dl df kyNdr srkfr hY. idwlI srkfr ny idwlI iswK gurduafrf ivclf pRBfv idwlI srkfr dy mnsUby nUM sPl nhIN ho x dy v y g f. ikAuNik ies cox leI iewk qF idw l I dy Aup-rfjpfl dI sihmqI cfhIdI hY qy dUsrf idwlI puils vwloN coxF leI iqafr hox pRbMDk kmytI dIaF nvIaF votF bxfAuxIaF dI hfmI vI cfhIdI hY qy idwlI puils aqy sLurU kr idwqIaF hn. pRfpq jfxkfrI idwlI dy Aup-rfjpfl dovyN hI kyNdr srkfr anusfr adflqI hukmF anusfr nvIN cox dy aDIn hn. qoN pihlF nvIaF votF bxfAuxIaF jLrUrI idwlI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dIaF coxF sn. pqf lwgf hY ik idwlI srkfr vwloN votF BfvyN pMjfb qoN pihlF hox, nfl hI hox jF bxfAux df kMm eynI qyjLI nfl jfrI hY ik bfad ivwc hox pr ienHF coxF leI mYdfn ieh iesy mhIny pUrf ho jfx dI sMBfvnf hY. BKxf sLurU ho igaf hY. pihlf ienHF coxF mOjUdf kmytI dI imafd jnvrI 2017 ivwc ivwc mwuK mukfblf akflI dl bfdl aqy KLqm ho rhI hY. ies gwl dI crcf jLorF ‘qy srnf BrfvF dy akflI dl drimafn hI hY ik idwlI dI sRI arivMd kyjrIvfl srkfr huMdf sI. srnf BrfvF nUM idwlI dI sLIlf cfhuMdI hY ik ies kmytI dIaF coxF pMjfb dIksLq srkfr dI hmfieq vI imldI rhI ivDfn sBf dIaF coxF qoN pihlF jF nfl hY. pr hux hflfq bdly hoey hn. ies vyly hI krvf leIaF jfx. pr rfjnIqk hlky

idwlI ivwc afm afdmI pfrtI dI srkfr hY. afm afdmI pfrtI dIaF njLrF vI idwlI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dIaF coxF ‘qy hn. ‘afp’ dy mwuK pfrlImfnI skwqr dy ivDfiek s: avqfr isMG kflkf jI dI agvfeI ivwc iewk inrol iswK jQybMdI ‘pMQk syvf dl’ bxfeI jf cuwkI hY, jdoNik idwlI gurduafrf coxF lVn df aYlfn pRiswD rfgI BfeI bldyv isMG vzflf vI kr cuwky hn. AunHF ny ‘iswK sdBfvnf dl’ nFa dI jQybMdI bxfeI hY. sRI akfl qKLq dy sfbk jQydfr BfeI

rxjIq isMG vI ienHF coxF ivwc srgrm ihwsf lYx dI iqafrI kr rhy dwsy jFdy hn. ieh vyKx vflI gwl hY ik Auh koeI vwKrI jQybMdI bxfAuNdy hn jF afm afdmI pfrtI dy ‘pMQk syvf dl’ nfl koeI smJOqf krdy hn. qsvIr ajy spwsLt nhIN, jdoN ik s: qrivMdr isMG mrvfhf dI agvfeI vflI jQybMdI ‘kyNdrI gurU isMG sBf’ vI ienHF coxF ivwc srgrm ihwsf lYx dI iqafrI ivwc dwsI jf rhI hY.


The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

UNITED SIKHS Emergency Response Team Dispatched to Haiti. Hurricane Matthew Leaves Immense now faces a crisis that requires Devastation in its Wake. a “massive response” from the international community. Picture courtesy: CNN.org UNITED SIKHS Sikh Aid NaHaiti: On Tuesday, October 4, 2016, tional Director, Jatinder Singh Hurricane Matthew reached the coast said “The flooding caused by of Haiti - a nation still recovering from Hurricane Matthew has created a massive earthquake in 2010. Matthew a risk of potential contaminawrecked homes and destroyed commution of the drinking water by raw sewage. It is extremely concerning, as the contaminated water might cause a surge of cholera cases among the survivors. Hence, the top priority right now, is to provide clean water and emergency relief supplies”.

nities along the southwestern tip of the country. UNITED SIKHS volunteer team in Haiti is currently working on delivering emergency relief materials and pure drinking water to avoid cholera. The United Nations stated that with at least 1.4 million people needing emergency aid after Hurricane Matthew, Haiti


According to the United Nations, the disaster has affected 350,000 Haitians and left the country facing its worst humanitarian crisis since the devastating earthquake six years ago. The southern part of Haiti, on the western peninsula, got L u n a C h a r l e s U N I T E D hit the hardest and is difficult to reach. SIKHS coordinator with our UNITED SIKHS’ Emergency Response Team has arrived in Haiti to assist in the volunteer in Haiti emergency relief efforts. Luna Charles, our program coordinator in Haiti said, “Cholera, UNITED SIKHS volunteers at work in which is spread through water or food, Haiti during the earthquake relief operacontaminated with Vibrio cholerae bacte- tions in 2010 ria, can cause severe diarrhea and vomit- During the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, ing and can lead to extreme dehydration. UNITED SIKHS Aid launched an imIt can quickly become an outbreak and mediate massive response by providing untreated patients can die within hours.” emergency supplies, medical assistance and food. At a later stage the team also

provided temporary shelters to the disaster survivors and continued its projects till 2014. UNITED SIKHS AID team worked tirelessly to ensure that the distribution of dry food, emergency and medical supplies reached the various Port-au-Prince communities and orphanages in need. We need your support. The UNITED SIKHS AID emergency response team in Haiti is distributing emergency survival kits including food, water and blankets. There is a need for temporary shelters and security for which we are working with the UN Clusters. Your help is needed now. Your donation, in any amount, could help save lives.

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



Finance Minister Michael de Jong’s statement on the passing of Jim Prentice


inance Minister Michael de Jong has issued the following statement on the passing of Jim Prentice, former Alberta premier and former federal cabinet minister: “I was very saddened to learn about the untimely passing of Jim Prentice. Jim was an enduring champion of Canadian values who devoted much of his adult life to public service.

time in Canada’s relationship with Aboriginal people.

“Like many who had the opportunity to work with Jim, I will remember him for his sensitivity, integrity and collaborative approach to seeking solutions. His legacy will carry on through his “Today is a day to honour Jim’s service countless contributions to our country. to all Canadians. I am particularly mindful of the critical and constructive “My sincerest condolences go out to role Jim played during an important Jim’s family, friends and all who knew him.”


The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

sMgIqk imTfs, sLoKI qyljLq df smyl sI afsLf BONsly afsLf Bosly iksy pCfx dI muQfj nhIN. Auh sB qoN vwD gIq gfAux df aflmI irkfrz bxf cwukI hY. afpxI Aumr dy 83 sfl Auh 8 sqMbr nUM pUry kr rhI hY, pr Aus dI afvfjL ajy vI kmfl dI hY. pycIdf qoN pycIdf DunF Auh hux vI bVy sihj nfl gf lYNdI hY. Aus dI qRfsdI ieh rhI ik lqf mMgysLkr dI CotI BYx hox kfrn Aus nUM iPlm sMgIq ivwc vI hmysLF lqf qoN Cotf drjf imilaf, brfbrI kdy nhIN imlI.


afsLf Bosly dI gfiekI nUM iqMn sMgIqkfrF ny vwK-vwK sFicaF ivwc Zfilaf aqy ies AuWqy lqf nfloN vwKrI pfx cVHfeI. ieh sn: sicn dyv brmn, ENkfr pRsLfd neIar aqy rfhul dyv brmn. sicn dyv brmn, jo ik dfdf brmn vjoN jfixaf jFdf sI, ny afsLf nUM gfiekI ivwc hfv-Bfv ilafAux dy rfh pfieaf, E[pI[neIar ny Aus nUM afDuinkqfvfdI gfiekf ivwc bdilaf aqy rfhul dyv brmn ny Aus nfl iml ky iPLlm gfiekI dy Kyqr ivwc ienklfbI qjrby kIqy. afsLf Bosly ienHF iqMnF df aihsfn mMndI hY, pr nfl hI ieh kihMdI hY ik dfdf brmn df Xogdfn sB qo vzmwulf sI aqy AunHF ny Aus nUM mukMmlf hfsl krn dy rfh pfieaf. Auh ieh vI kihMdI hY ik dfdf ny Aus dI afvfjL aMdrlI cMclqf qy sLoKI dI pUrI KLUbsUrqI nfl vrqoN kIqI, pr nfl hI Aus nUM sMjIdf gIq pursojL qy purasr aMdfjL ivwc gfAux dy gur vI isKfey. Auh ieh vI mMndI hY ik dfdf brmn dy shfiek

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vjoN kMm kridaF afr[zI[brmn AurPL pMcm ny Aus dI gfiekI dIaF kuJ KLfs KUbIaF aqy qjrby krn dI Aus dI ibrqI nUM pCfixaf aqy BivwK ivwc ienHF guxF dI KLUb vrqoN vI kIqI. iewQy svfl ieh AuWTdf hY ik kI hornF sMgIqkfrF, ijnHF leI afsLf ny sYNkVy gIq gfey, ny sMpUrn gfiekf vjoN Aus dy ivkfs ivwc koeI Xogdfn nhIN pfieaf? ies svfl df jvfb hY: iblkuwl Xogdfn pfieaf, pr ienHF ivwcoN iksy vI sMgIqkfr dI pihlI psMd afsLf Bosly nhIN sI. hryk dI pihlI psMd lqf(mMgysLkr) hI sI. afsLf nUM qF gIq gfAux leI AudoN bulfAuxf ipaf jdoN iPLlm inrmfqf jF qF lqf dI PIs adf krn leI iqafr nhIN sI huMdf aqy jF lqf kol kMm dy boJ kfrn irkfrizMg leI qrIkF nhIN sI huMdIaF.


iewk sMgIqkfr ny afsLf qoN bhuq sfry gIq gvfey. Auh pihlf aijhf sMgIqkfr sI ijs ny drjnf ihwt iPLlmF df sMgIq idwqf, pr mkbUlIaq dI pOVI AuWpr bhuq AuWcf nhIN cVH sikaf. Auh nf qF nOsLfd alI jF sI[rfmcMdr jF sLMkr jYiksn vrgf isKrlf mukfm hfsl kr sikaf, nf dfdf brmn vFg sdfbhfr sMgIqkfr vflf ruqbf hfsl kr sikaf. ieh sMgIqkfr sI rvIsLMkr sLrmf. Aus ny sLrmf goq dI vrqo iewk iPLlm df sMgIq dyx leI kIqI. iPr rvIsLMkr dy nF hyT sMgIq dyxf sLurU kIqf qF nvF BMblBUsf pYdf ho igaf ikAuNik AunHIN idnIN isqfrvfdk pMizq rvIsLMkr dI KUb gwuzI cVH rhI sI aqy Auh iPLlmF ivwc sMgIq vI dyx wlgy sn. iesy leI rvIsLMkr ivwcoN sLMkr dI vI ktOqI kr idwqI geI aqy iekwly rvI dy nF hyT sMgIq dyxf sLurU hoieaf. ieh kdm KusLiksmqI ilafAux vflf sfbq hoieaf. rvI iksy ‘ey’ gryz iPLlm ivwc afsLf Bosly qoN solo gIq gvfAux vflf pihlI sMgIqkfr sI. AudoN qk afsLf ny ijMny vI solo gIq gfey sn, Auh ‘bI’ qy ‘sI’ gryz iPlmF leI sn. ieh iPLlm sI ‘vcn’ (1955) ijs df inrmfx qy inrdysLn dyvyNdr goiel ny kIqf. goiel vI rvI vFg purfxI idwlI df jMmpl sI. ‘vcn’ goiel, rvI qy afsLf dI pihlI islvr jublI iPLlm sI aqy ies rfhIN afpxy pysLyvfrfnf jIvn ivwc afeI qbdIlI qoN rvI ies hwd qwk sLukrgujLfr hoieaf ik Aus ny pwCmI bMbeI (jI hF, AudoN muMbeI, bMbeI hoieaf krdf sI) dy sLFqf krUjL Kyqr ivwc Ausfry afpxy bMgly df nfm hI ‘vcn’ rwK idwqf. ies iPLlm dy swq gIq sn aqy swqF ivwc afsLf Bosly dI afvfjL sI. ieh nhIN ik rvI Aus dI afvfjL df dIvfnf sI. mjbUrI ieh sI ik goiel dI iPLLlm df bjt sImq sI aqy lqf mMgysLkr hr gIq gfAux leI pMj sO rupey lYNdI sI jdoNik afsLF df ryt sO rupey pRqI gIq sI. iPLlm dy swq gIqF ivwcoN pMj lokipRX hoey. sB qo msLhUr ‘jLrf sIK lo awKIEN sLrmfnf’ hIroien gIqf bflI AuWqy iPLlmfieaf igaf. iesy qrHF ‘jb lIXf hfQ myN hfQ, inBfnf sfQ’ awj vI ryzIE qy tIvI AuWqy vwjdf rihMdf hY. gIqf bflI qy blrfj sfhnI AuWpr iPLlmfey ies sdfbhfr gIq ivwc vI afsLf df sfQ muhMmd rPI ny idwqf. ies dI Dun pihlI vfr suxn ‘qy E[pI[ neIar vwloN bxfeI jfpdI hY. ieh rvI dI KLUbI vI sI aqy KLfmI vI ik Aus ny iPLlmsfjL bI[afr[copVf dIaF iPLlmF nUM Cwz ky bfkI hornF iPLlmF ivwc jo vI sMgIq idwqf, Aus AuWpr Aus dI afpxI koeI invyklI Cfp nhIN sI huMdI. kdy Auh DunF hymMq kumfr dIaF bxfeIaf jfpdIaF sn, kdy sMLkr jYiksLn

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



dIaf aqy kdy kilafx jI afnMd jI jF lqf ny qlq mihmUd dI PLIs dy brfbr lksLmIkFq-ipafry lfl dIaF. afpxI PLIs 500 rupey pRqI gIq kr leI. jdoN icwqRgupq nUM pqf lwgf qF Ausny lqf rvI qy afsLf df sMgIqk sPLr eynf iekjuwt nuM ikhf, “lqf jI, hux qusIN myrI phuMc qoN sI ik afsLf Bosly ny Aus dIaF qrjLF vfly bfhr ho. myry inrmfqf 1950 ivwc 100 385 gIq gfey. rvI kdy aijhI hAumY df rupey pRqI gIq adf krdy sn, hux Auh isLkfr nhIN irhf ik Auh isKLrlf sMgIqkfr 500 rupey dyx leI rfjLI nhIN hoxgy.” ies sI. Auh afpxI PLIs ivwc inrmfqf dI ‘qy lqf df jvfb sI, “jdoN koeI vDIaf hYsIaq muqfibk hyr-Pyr kr lYNdf sI. iesy itAUn iqafr hovy aqy quhfnUM jfpy ik ieh kfrn Aus kol iPLlmF dI kmI nhIN rhI. jdoN myry leI hY qF mYnUM Pon kr dyxf. mYN 100 Aus nUM ieh jfipaf ik muMbeI iPLlm jgq nUM hux Aus dI loV nhIN rhI aqy Aus dy krIar df sUrj asq hox vwl vD irhf hY qF Aus ny KyqrI iPLlmF vwl mUMh kr ilaf. 1986 qoN 2005 qk Auh milaflm iPLlmF ivwc bOby rvI dy nF hyT sMgIq idMdf irhf. afsLf Bosly dy AuBfr qy rvI dI cVHq vfly vrHy nfl-nfl cwldy rhy, pr rvI leI Aus dI gfiekI df drjf ptrfxI vflf nhI irhf. dUjy pfsy E[pI[neIar ny 15 sflF (1957 qoN 1972) qk afsLf dI gfiekI nUM ruqby AuWqy brkrfr rwiKaf. Aus nUM kdy iksy vI gIq leI lqf mMgysLkr dI jLrUrq mihsUs nhIN hoeI. iesy leI jLqI mqBydF jF rusyivaF dy bfvjUd afsLf vwloN E[pI[ pRqI lgfqfr idKfieaf rupey dI PLIs ‘qy hI Auh gIq gf idaFgI.” jFdf nfsLukrfpn jfiejL nhIN jfpdf. icwqRgupq leI ieh pysLksL XfdgfrI DunF iekwlf rvI hI nhIN, sMgIqkfr KwXfm ny vI bxfAux leI swdy vFg sI. lqf ny vI afpxf afsLf nUM dUjyu drjy dI gfiekf hI smiJaf. vfadf inBfieaf. icwqRgupq dy bYtn hyT Aus dI vI iewCf huMdI sI ik Auh afpxI lqf ny 240 gIq gfey ijnHF ivwc 151 solo hr Dun leI lqf nUM hI vrqy. pr rvI sn aqy ienHF ivwcoN bhuqy XfdgfrI sn. vFg KwXfm dI smwisaf ieh sI ik Aus imsfl vjoN ‘rMg idl kI DVkn BI, lfqI hI dIaf bhuqIaF iPLlmF ‘bI’ gryz vflIaf qo hogI (pqMg, 1960), ‘idl kf dIaf jlf sn Bfv AunHF ivwc isKrly iPlm isqfry ky gXf kOn myrI qnhfeI myN (afkfsLdIp, nhIN sI huMdy. afsfL AunHF dI loV nhIN sI, 1965), ‘kb qk hjLUr rUTy rhogy, ly ky mjbUrI sI. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik AunHF ny guwsy myN ipafr’ (aOlfd, 1968). jdoN Coty ienHF iPlmF ivwc cMgIaF DunF bxfeIaF qoN Cotf aqy vwzy qoN vwzf sMgIqkfr lqf qoN aqy afsLf ny vI ienHF nUM rUh nfl gfieaf. gIq gvAux df Auqsuk hovy, AudoN afsLf nUM sLFied iesy leI jdoN mujLwPr alI dI afpxf mukfm bxfAux leI ikMnf sMGrsL iPLlm ‘EmrfE jfn’(1982) df sMgIq krnf ipaf, ies df aMdfjLf sihjy hI bxfAuNidaF KwXfm nUM mihsUs hoieaf ik lfieaf jf skdf hY. iPLlm dIaF gLjLlF qy gIqF leI lqf dI sLMkr jYiksLn nUM afpxy krIar dy mwuZ ivwc afvfjL ZukvIN nhIN rhygI qF Aus ny afsLf afsLF Bosly dI loV hI nhIN mihsUs hoeI. df shfrf lYxf vfjb smiJaf. ieh vwKrI sLMkr isMG rGuvMsLI qy jYiksLn dieafBfeI gwl hY ik AudoN qk afsLf bqOr gfiekf eynI pMcfl dI joVI ny ‘brsfq(1949), qoN lY pirpwk ho cwukI sI ik KwXfm nUM Aus pfsoN ky ‘piqqf’(1953) qk dy sflF dOrfn vDIaf nqIjy lYx leI bhuqI imhnq nhIN 13 iPLlmf ivwc 105 gIq rcy, pr ienHF krnI peI. ieh afsLf dIpysLyvfrfnf phuMc ivwcoN iek vI afsLf qoN nhIN gvfieaf. qy vzwpx sI ik Aus ny KwXfm dIaF DunF AunHF kol lqf mMgysLkr sI ijs ny AunHF nUM rUh nfl gfieaf aqy ies juglbMdI dy vwloN bxfey ienHF 105 gIqf ivwcoN 84 ivwc sMgIqk nqIjy asfDfrn rhy. hfjLrI BrI. afsLf dI loV AunHF nUM iPLlm icRqguupq Auh sMgIqkfr sI ijs nUM ‘bI’ ‘isLksq’ (sqMbr 1953) leI peI. ieh gryz iPLlmF dy idnF ivwc afsLf AuWpr gIq ‘cmky ibjUrIaf grjy myG, mq jf ry lgfqfr inrBr krnf ipaf. pr Aus vwloN blm prdysvf’ aiBnyqrI nilnI jXvMq hr mihlf klfkfr leI Dun sMjox lwigaf AuWqy iPLlmfieaf igaf. ieh vwKrI gwl hY Aus Dun dI gfiekf vjoN lqf mMgysLkr hI ik ‘bUt pfilsL’(1955) qoN bfad AunHF nUM icqvI jFdI sI. lqf aijhy pRBfvsLflI hr iPLlm ivwc kuJ gIqF leI afsLf dI loV sMgIq dI smrwQF qoN vfkPL sI. 1953 ivwc mihsUs hox lwgI.

afsLf Bosly ny afpxy krIar dOrfn hux qwk 97 sMgIqkfrF leI iPLlmI gIq gfey. ienHF ivwcoN sB qoN vwD 840 afpxy dosq (qy bfad ivwc pqI) rfhul dyv brmn AurPL pMcm leI irkfrz krvfey gey . ies qo N bfad lksLmI kFq ipafry lfl leI Aus ny 485, rvI leI 385, kilafxjI-afnMdjI leI 297, bwpI lihrI leI 442 aqy sLMkr jYiksLn leI 214 gIq irkfrz hoey. dysLBgqI nfl Eq-poq gIq ‘aY myry vqn ky logo[[[’asl ivwc jvfhr lfl nihrU dI hfjLrI ivwc afsLf Bosly ny gfAuxf sI. ies nUM pMizq pRdIp ny iliKaf aqy Dun sI[rfmcMdr ny bxfeI. rfmcMdr qy lqf mMgysLkr dI axbx cwl rhI sI, ilhfjLf, AunHf ny gIq dI Dun vI afsLf muqfibk iqafr kIqI aqy Aus nUM aiBafs krvfAuxf vI sLurU kr idwqf. pMizq pRdIp pRDfn mMqrI jvfhr lfl nihrU sfhmxy gIq dI Twuk bxfAux dy kuJ ijLafdf hI cfhvfn sn. AunHF ny cwup-cupIqy lqf nfl gwl kIqI. lqf, pMizq nihrU dI hfjLrI ivwc gIq gfAux df mOkf

nhIN sI KuMJfAuxf cfhMudI. Aus dI ‘hF’ bfry sI[rfmcMdr nUM sUicq kIqf igaf. rfmcMdr duibDf ivwc pY gey. Auh afsLf dIaF BfvnfvF nUM afhq nhIN sI krnf cfhuMdy. pMizq pRdIp ny dovF BYxF vwloN sFJy qOr ‘qy gIq gfey jfx df pRsqfv bixaf. pr jdoN idwlI jfx df smF afieaf qf jhfjL dI itkt isrPL lqf kol phuMcI, afsLf AuzIkdI rhI. ieh ikAuN hoieaf, ies bfry Auh Kud kuJ dwsx leI iqafr nhIN. lqf kuJ vI pqf nf hox dI gwl krdI hY. pMizq pRdIp qy sI[rfmcMdr hux ies jhfn ivwc nhIN. PAGE 25


The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016

Health Sciences speakers’ series at UFV Chilliwack Oct 24


arm reduction, student mentorship, anxiety and mindfulness, attitudes about death, and chronic pain will all be on the agenda at UFV next week.

Come find out more about research and teaching initiatives in the UFV Faculty of Health Sciences Dean’s Speaker Series on Monday, Oct 24 at noon at the Aboriginal Gathering Place at the Chilliwack campus at Canada Education Park.

ment and the successful completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at the UFV? — Presented by Renette Aubin Boisclair of Nursing. Home Free Home Free: Impact and Effectiveness of the Dr. Peter Centre Harm Reduction Model for Those Living with HIV/AIDS and Using Illicit Drugs — presented by Bethany Jeal of Nursing.

Exploring Student Mentorship in Kinesiology through KINPALS (a new Six speakers will deliver five-minute mentorship program that pairs upperpresentations on current topics in level Kinesiology student with new incoming students) — presented by health. Amber Johnson of Kinesiology. Admission is free and the public is Thinking about Death in our Modern welcome. Medicalized Culture — presented by The event will feature internal research Ashley Moyse of Kinesiology. and teaching initiatives from six members of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The Faces of Chronic Pain — presented JoAnne Nelmes of Nursing. Topics and presenters are: Anxiety and Mindfulness in Nursing Competitive Admission Standards: Education — presented by Maggie Do they equate to academic achieve- Shamro of Nursing.


The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016






The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



Food for F milies The Patrika team is holding a food drive for the Abbotsford Food Bank this Diwali. Help us feed families by dropping your donations at the Punjabi Patrika office: Unit 10133230 Old Yale Road Abbotsford (Behind White Spot). Donate a minimum of 4 nonperishable items, and be entered to win one of many prizes! Draw will be on November 3rd! Donors names will be published! For more information, contact us at 604-852-2288 or 778-552-1827.

Donate! Donate!

dfn kro! dfn kro!

pMjfbI pwiqRkf, aYbtsPorz PUz bYNk dI shieqf leI PUz zrfeIv kr irhf hY. ies cMgy kfrj leI sfnMU quhfzy sihXog dI loV hY| loVHvMd pirvfrF dI shfieqf leI awgy afE aqy vwD qoN vwD dfn kro! qusIN nf Krfb hox vflf Kfxf ijvyN ik zwibaF jF pYktF ivwc bMd Kfx vflLy pdfrQ sfzy dPqr XUint 101-33230 Elz Xyl roz aYbtsPorz (nYsL igwl vkIl vflLI iblizMg) ivwc CWz skdy ho. cfr qoN vwD cIjF dfn krky qusIN afpxf nfm lwkI zrfa ivwc sLfiml kr skdy hoo| lwkI zRfa 3 nvMbr nUM kwiZaf jfvygf| dfn krn vflLy swjxF dy nfm afAux vflLy pMjfbI pwiqRkf dy aMk ivwc Cfpy jfxgy| hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604-852-2288 jF 778-552-1827


The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

Spice Kitchen- The Indian Palate brings a new approach to Indian Cuisine in Abbotsford


acked with his degree in hotel management, continental as well as Indian cuisine, and working experiences in world renowned hotels such as the Hyatt and Marriot, head chef Ankush Agnihotri brings a new blend of natural foods and new blends of spices to his kitchen. On the other hand, with a MBA degree from England, and experiences from running his own restaurant for over half a decade as well as working for the world famous Oberoi’s Hotel in India, Arvy Grewal brings with him an international experience of dining. Put Arvy Grewal and Ankush Agnihotri together, and you end up with the Spice Kitchen- The Indian Palate which brings a new culture of Indian Cuisine to Abbotsford. When Grewal and Agnihotri first met in 2012, they knew that they had it within them to bring a new taste to Indian Cuisine, especially in an area like Abbotsford where the Indian population and competition for dining is ever so increasing with the city’s growth. “Starting was a struggle” Ankush and Arvy admit, however it wasn’t long before their restaurant began taking catering orders for large parties

thing is great.” So what makes the Spice Kitchen so unique? The secret for Arvy and Ankush’s success lies in their healthy and nutritious food. “Good food comes with good ingredients” says head chef, Ankush. At Spice Kitchen, Arvy and Ankush are dedicated to providing fresh ingredients, with no preservatives, colours OR any artificial flavours. “All the food suppliers are still surprised and ask us to this day how we can cook without any artificial flavours” says Arvy. It is typical for restaurants to use artificial flavours and colours to make their dishes look appealing. However, both Ankush and Arvy are strong believers of natural ingredients which is why they use their ““Great staff and environment.” and own blend of Indian spices and only “Food, service and ambience, every- use local produce for their dishes. and corporate gatherings for up to 1000 people, as well as providing restaurant bookings for events up to 150 people. While all the restaurants that came before th em in the area had failed, according to t r i p a d v i s o r. com, Arvy and Ankush are now running the #1 Indian restaurant in Abbotsford, and one of the top 10 best overall restaurant in Fraser Valley including Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley, Mission, and Hope. Spice Kitchen is also rated 5/5 on Facebook and 5/5 on Yellow pages with customer reviews reading

“There is absolutely no compromising with quality and services” they say while emphasizing that they truly care for their customers and want them to experience dining in a way like never before from the moment they enter the restaurant to the moment they leave. With dishes from all parts of India and many options for continental cuisine, the menu at Spice Kitchen is only growing especially with their new addition of their Winter Menu releasing next month. So for the next time you crave Indian Food but also need to keep your belly in check, visit Ankush and Arvy at the Spice Kitchen at 2955 Gladwin Rd #100, Abbotsford. Spice Kitchen is also open for Diwali and Christmas event bookings, so call (604) 746-7915 to book your next event. Come satisfy your Indian taste buds with their daily buffet, or come enjoy your own customized food as per your choice with a variety of MSG and Gluten free curries and all natural food choices. Whether its their famous rum infused chicken in Sharabi Kebabi Tikka Masala, or their popular coconut and tofu based Malai Kofta, Spice Kitchen is the new hit in Abbotsford, and is definitely a must try!

spfeIs ikcn : ieMzIan pYlyt vwloN ilaFdf igaf aYbtsPorz ivc nvF rsoeI pRbMD muwK Kfnsfmf aMkusL agnIhoqrI ny XurpI mhFdIpI aqy BfrqI pkvfn bfry hotl mYnjmYNt ivc pRfpq kIqI izgrI nfl aqy hXfq aqy mYrIat ijhy pRiswD hotlF ivc kMm krn dy nfl rsoeI ivc kudrqI Kurfk aqy msfilaF dy nvyN sumyl ilaFdy hn| dUjy pfsy arvI gryvfl ny ieMglYNz qoN aYm bI ey dI izgrI pRfpq krky pMj sfl qoN afpxf hotl clfAux aqy ieMzIaf dy sMsfr pRiswD Aubyrfey hotl ivc kMm krky pRfpq kIqy qjrby nfl Kfx df aMqrrfsLtrI qjrbf ilaFdf hY| arvI gryvfl aqy aMkusL agnIhoqrI dI joVI nfl bixaf hY spfeIs ikcn – ieMzIan pYlyt ijs ny ilaFdf hY aYbtsPorz ivc BfrqI suafdF df nvF klcr|jdoN gryvfl aqy agnIhoqrI 2012 ivc pihlI vfr imly qF Auh jfxdy sn ik AuMnHF ivc smRwQf hY aYbtsPorz ijhy eyrIaf ivc ieMzIan kujLIn ilafAux dI , ijs QF sLihr dy ivsQfr nfl jn sMiKaf vD rhI hY aqy KfixaF df mukfblf lgfqfr vD irhf hY| aMkusL aqy arvI mMndy hn ik sLurU ivc kuJ sMGrsL krnf ipaf pr iPr CyqI hI AuMnHF dy rYstorYNt nUM vwzIaF vwzIaF PAGE 30

pfrtIaF aqy kfrporyt iekwTF aqy 1000 lokF leI rYstorYNtF dI syvf dy afrzr imlx lwgy| BfvyN tripadvisor.com ‘qy idwqI jfxkfrI anusfr AuMnHF dy mfrikt ivc afAux qoN pihlF sfry rYstorYNt PylH ho gey sn pr arvI aqy aMkusL aYbtsPorz ivc #1 ieMzIan rYstrYNt,aqy PRyjLr vYlI ivc iphly 10 rYstorYNtF ivwco iek clf rhy hn ijMnHF ivc aYbtsPorz, iclfvYk,lYNglI,imsLn aqy hop ivc cldy rYstorYNt vI sLfml hn| Pys buwk ‘qy spfeIs ikcn nUM 5/5 aqy XYlo pyjs ivc 5/5 nMbr dy ky gfhkF ny ies dy pdfrQF nUM “ Great staff & environment” aqy Kfxy,syvf aqy mfhOl nUM vDIaf grdfinaf hY| ies qrF spfeIs ikcn dy ikhVy gux ies nUM lfsfnI bxfAuNdy hn? arvI aqy aMkusL dI sPlqf AuMnHF dy pOsLtk aqy ishq-vDfAU KfixaF krky hY| mwuK Kfnsfmf aMkusL df kihxf hY,” cMgf Kfxf ies ivcly cMgy qwqF krky cMgf huMdf hY|” aMkusL aqy

arvI spfeIs ikcn ivc aijhy qfjLf qwq AuplbD krn leI vcnbwD hn ijMnHf ivc koeI rMg ,pRIjLrvyitv aqy bnfvtI mihkF nf hox| arvI df kihxf hY,” sfry inrmfqf hYrfn ho ky sfnUM puCdy hn ,”asIN bnfvtI mihkF qoN ibnF Kfxf ikvyN iqafr krdy hF| ” afm rYstorYNtF vfsqy afpxy KfixaF nUM suafdI aqy afkrsLk bxfAux leI bnfvtI sugMDIaF dI vrqoN krnf jLrUrI ho igaf hY | prMqU arvI aqy aMkusL df kudrqI qwqF ivc pwkf XkIn hY ijs krky afpxf bxfieaf ieM z Ian msfilaF df imsLrn vrqdy hn aqy afpxy pkvfnF leI sQfnk pdfrQ vrqdy hn| AuMnHF df kihxf hY ,” kuafiltI aqy syvfvF pwKo koeI AuMnHF df mukfblf nhIN kr skdf|” nfl hI Auh jLor dy kihMdy hn ik Auh afpxy gfhkF df bhuq iKafl rKdy hn aqy cfhuMdy hn ik AuMnHF dy gfhk afAuNidaF vI ‘qy jfx lwigaF ieh mihsUs krn ik AuMnHF ny pihlF kdI

aijhy Kfxy df anMd nhIN ilaf| Bfrq dy hr Bfg dy pkvfnF krky aqy mhFdIpI KfixaF dI vMngIaF AuplbD hox krky spfeIs ikcn df mIno agly mhIny srd rwqI mIno dy afAUx nfl hor ivsQfr ho irhf hY| ies krky jgoN qusI aglI vfr spfeIs ikcn af ky arvI aqy aMkusL nUM 2955 glYzivn roz #100 qy siQq spfeIs ikcn ivc imlo qF ieMzIan PUz KFidaF afpxy pyt nUM kfbU ivc rwKxf| spfeIs ikcn dIvflI aqy ikRsims dy smfgmF dI buikMg leI vI Epn hY| aijhI buikMg leI 604-7467915 ‘qy sMprk kro| afE aqy ieMnHF dy rojLfnf dy biPaF dy suafdF df anMd mfxo jf afpxI psMd dy Kfxy KfE ijhVy glUtn mukq hoxgy aqy vMnsuvMny hoxgy | bfvyN ieh rm ieniPUjLz sLrbqI kbfbI itwkf msflf hovy BfvyN kokont aqy toPU vflf mlfeIkoPqf ho v y | spfeIs ikcn aY b tsPo r z ivc iek nvyklf ikcn hY. iewk vfr jLrUr ajLmfE ies dy jLfieky aqy sugMDIaF!

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016


B.C. leads Canada, extends support for youth aging out of care ore youth in care will benefit from extended supports, including life skills programs that focus on financial planning, healthy living and employability, thanks to changes to the Agreements with Young Adults (AYA) program.


Previously, AYA was available for former youth in care from their 19th birthday to their 24th. The changes boost eligibility to the age of 26 and increase the length of time a young person can receive benefits, from two years to four, helping ensure more young people from government care have the opportunity to achieve their goals and succeed in life. The AYA program covers costs like living expenses, child care, tuition and health care, while a former youth in care is attending school or a rehabilitation program. AYA is now also being expanded to include life skills


Diwali Celebration at Muriel Arnason Library

LANGLEY, B.C.—On Saturday, Ocprograms, which help give young tober 22, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, adults the tools and knowledge that Muriel Arnason Library and the Townthey need to make positive decisions ship of Langley are celebrating their that can enrich their future. 13th annual Diwali (Festival of Lights) Former youth in care can apply for an Diwali, which means “a row of lights”, AYA as early as Nov. 30, 2016, with is the most widely celebrated Indian life skills courses festival, and marks the victory of good starting in the new over evil and the beginning of the New year. An application Year in India. process for interested service providers will Everyone is cordially invited to experibe posted on the BC ence diversity of culture through crafts, Bid website on Oct. 18, 2016, and the full list of approved life skills programming service providers will be available online by Nov. 30, 2016. Abbotsford, BC – Join us for our 2nd Annual Burger & Brew Fundraiser! Enhancements to the AYA program This event will be held at Townhall help solidify B.C.’s place as a leader Public House(33720 South Fraser in Canada, exceeding many of the sup- Way) on October 25, 2016 from 7pmports and services provided by other 10pm. jurisdictions. No other province in the country provides this extensive degree . On Tuesday, October 25th, the comof support – and for as long – to young munity is invited to support the arts adults who have been in government council through a night out with friends at Townhall Public House. For a minicare.

face painting, Mehndi, Indian music and dance, displays, and delicious refreshments. Also learn a few basic steps of Punjabi folk dance, Bhangra. All Diwali activities are drop-in, free and open to the public. For more information, please call 604532-3590, or visit Muriel Arnason Library, located in the Township of Langley Civic Facility at 20338 - 65 Avenue.

2nd Annual Burger & Brew Fundraiser at Townhall mum donation of $15 per ticket you will receive a Beef, Chicken or Veggie Burger with fries and your choice of House Lager, 6oz wine or Hi-Ball. There will be door prizes, a toonie toss, a 50/50 raffle, food and fun! Space is limited, so purchase your tickets in advance at the Kariton Art Gallery or online at www.abbotsfordartscouncil. com.



The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016

pRImIar vwloN isrkwZvyN srkfrI krmcfrIaF df snmfn

GrylU ihMsf dy pIVqF dI shfieqf leI nvF XUint kfiem

bI sI dy vfk-ien kilinkF ivc zfktrF dI Gft

19 akqUbr nUM mfnXog pRImIar ikRstI klfrk ny ‘ sRysLtqf snmfn smfgm’ ivc AuMnHF srkfrI krmcfrIaF df snmfn kIqf ijMnHF ny Auwqm kMm kIqf| ies mOky pRImIar ny ikhf,

ipRMsjOrj ivc iek nvF shfieqf XUint (DVU) KoilHaf igaf ijhVf iGrylU ihMsf nfl pIVq ivakqIaF dI shfieqf smrpn BfvnF nfl krygf| ies XUint ivc Auh mfhr sLfml hn ijhVy bhuq gMBIr srIrk ihMsf aqy mfnisk ihMsfdy isLkfr ivakqIaF dI shfieqfkrngy aqy AuMnHF dI surwiKaf XkInI bxfAuxgy| ies tIm ivc iek afrsI aYm pI df aPsr, kimAuintI aDfirq srivs vrkr aqy bwicaF aqy pirvfr mMqRfly df aiDkfrI hovygf| ies XUint leI $100,000 oRvfn kIqy gey hn| vrxnXog hY ik bI sI ivc aijhy 8 hor XUint hn| 2014 qoN hux qwk ieMnHF XUintF nUM $1[7 imlIan idwqy jf cuwky hn| bI sI dy pbilk syPtI mMqrI mfeIk moirs df kihxf hY ik pirvfr ihMsf nUM rokx leI keI qrF dy mfhrF dI loV hY ikAuNik ies ihMsf dy kfrn vI keI qrF dy hn ijvyN pYsy Dyly df mfmlf, GrFdI mflkI df mslf aqy bwicaF dI spurdgI aqy srpRsqI afid |

vfk-ien kilinks aOP bI sI dI aYsosIeysLn dy bfnI zfierYktr mfeIk mYklfgiln df kihxf hY ieMnHF ivc zfktrF dI Gft hY | AuwQy hfjLr zfktr kol ieMnf smF nhIN huMdf ik AuwQy gey hr mrIjL nUM vyK sky| iesy krky ipCly pMj sflF ivc 25 vfk-ien kilink bMd krny pey| 1pCly 12 mhIinaF ivc kYlonf, vrnn aqy ivktorIaf bMd kr idwqy gey| AuMnHF ikhf ik BfvyN pihlFnfloN ikqy vD zfktr sUby ivc kMm kr rhy hn prMqU bI sI ivc ajy vI PYimlI zfktrF dI QoV hY|

” srkfr dy bI sI nUM awgy iljfx vfly pRogrfmF nUM shI rUp ivc lfgU krn ivc pRiqBfsLflI aqy lgn vfly srkfrI krmcfrIaF dI tIm df hwQ huMdf hY| ies sfl asIN aijhy ivsLysL krmcfrIaF df snmfn kr rhy hF ijMnHF ny bI sI invfsIaF dy jIvn nUM suDfrn leI jI jfn nfl kMm kIqf hY|” pMj vwK vwK KyqrF ivc ivc sRysLt kMm krn vfly krmcfrIaF nUM AuMnHF dI vDIaf agvfeI, ieMnovysLn, pRbMDkI Auwqmqf, aqt BfeIvflI leI snmfnq kIqf igaf|

bI sI ivc vyst rIzksLn vIk mnfAux df aYlfn bI sI srkfr vwloN akqUbr 17-23 nUM vyst rIxksLn vIk aYlfinaf igaf hY| ies aYlfn df mMqv lokF nUM ieh dwsxf hY ik ikMnf kUVf lYNziPljL ivc suwitafjf irhf hY| ieh vI dwisaf jfvygf ik hr ivakqI rIsfeIkilMg, kMOsitMg afid rfhINkUVf Gwtkrn ivc shfieqf kr skdf hY| kYnyzf Brivc bI sI pihlf sUbf hY ijs vwloN aijhy Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn| sUby df klfeImyt lIzrisLp plYn df tIcf hY ik kUVy ivcoN PUz df kUVf Gtfieaf jfvy | ipClysfl sUby dy vfqfvrn mMqRfly vwloN Residential Food Waste Prevention Toolkit ikqfbcf Cfipaf igaf ijs dI shfieqf nfl imAuinspYltIaF aqy BfeIcfrk sMsQfvF PUz dykUVy nUM GtfAux ivc afpxI BUimkf inBf skdIaF hn| ies bfry vfqfvrn mMqrI mYrI polk df kihxf hY ik bI sI ieMnovyitv pRogrfm arMB krn ivc dysL Br ivc mohrI irhf hY| PUzvyst nUM GtfAux df pRogrfm vI aijhf iek pRogrfm hY ijs nUM lfgU krn leI bI sI srkfr BrpUr jqn kr rhI hY|

jLihrIlI KuMB Kfx nfl iqMn sflf bwcy dI mOq ivktorIaf: ipCly hPLqy afpxy pirvfr nfl ivktorIaf ivwc cfrf lwBx gey iewk iqMn sflf bwcy dI jLihrIlI KuMB (msLrUm)Kfx kfrn mOq ho geI.

vYnkUvr afeILlYNz dI hYlQ aQfrtI df kihxf hY ik lVky dI mOq mMglvfr rfq nUM hoeI jdik Aus nUM kfPI idn pihlF ielfj leI aYzmMtn dy hsqpfl dfKl krvf idwqf igaf sI. zf[ ircrz stYnivwk, jo ik vYnkUvr afeIlYNz dy cIP mYzIkl hYlQ afPIsr hn, df kihxf hY ik ies qRfsdI bI sI dy ividaf mMqrI mfeIk brnIar ny vYnkUvr skUl nfl ieh iswD ho igaf hY ik afpxy mnorMjn leI msLrUm borz dy nONdy nON tRwstI htf idwqy hn| kfrn ieh dwisaf cugx jfx vfilaF leI ieh ikMnI mhwqvpUrn hY ik AunHF igaf ik borz imQI imqI qwk afpxf sMqulq bwjt pfs nUM jLihrIlI qy gLYr jLihrIlI iksm ivclf Prk pqf hovy. nhIN kr sikaf| tRwstIaF ny qF srkfr dy bwjt sMqulq stYnivwk df kihxf hY ik ijnHF lokF ny ies kMm leI koeI krn dy suJfa nUM rwd kr idwqf sI| keI mhIinaF qoN bwjt isKlfeI nhIN leI huMdI AunHF leI jLihrIlI iksm qy Kfx dy mfmly nM lYY ky srkfr aqy borz ivckfr ksLmkwsL cwl lfiek KuMBF dI iksm ivcfly pCfx krnf aOKf huMdf hY. rhI sI | vYnkUvr dy myar gRYgr rfbrtsn ny cuxy hoey ies qoN cMgf ieh huMdf hY ik ijnHF nUM ies bfry pwkf XkIn tRwstIaF nUM brKfsq krn vfly PYsly nUM mMdBfgf PYslf nf hovy Auh ies qrHF dI KuMB nUM qoVn hI nf. ieh mMinaf ikhf hY| AuDr bI sI skUl tRwstI aYsosIeysLn ny ies PYsly jf irhf hY ik bwcy ny jLihrIlI KuMB Kf leI pr Aus dy nUM mMdBfg qF ikhf pr nfl hI inafie pUrn vI kih idwqf srIr ivwc jLihrIlf pdfrQ ikMnI mfqrf ivwc imilaf ies ikAuNik borz df srkfr nfl JgVf Kqm hox ivc nhIN dI jFc kIqI jf rhI hY. sI af irhf aqy borz smyN isr bwjt nf pfs kr sikaf| l borz dy sfbkf muKI mfeIk lMbfrzI ny vI lokrfjI aYbtsPorz kfAuNisl vwloN iek vkIl skU ieMzo knyzIan sInIar sYNtr srIZMg nfl cuxy hoieaF nUM brKfsq krn dy PYsly dI inMdf dI inXukqI zYltf dy borz afP zfierYktrjL kIqI hY| dYltfskUlborz dy sfbkf suprientYNzYNt zfien 2017-18 dI cox srbsMmqI nfl 2015 dOrfn vYnkUvr dI iek kfnUMnI Prm dy 1 imlIan trnr nUM vYnkUvr skUl boz dy tRwstI inXukq kIqf igaf dy ibwl cukfAux mgroN istI aOP aYbtsPorz iek pwkf hY| iesqrF iewko ivakqI nON afdmIaF dI QF lvygf| hyT hoeI: vkIl inXukq kr rhI hY| ikhf igafhY ik ieh vkIl inq dy kMm-kfj nUM clfAux aqy lMmy smyN dIaF XojnfvF lYNglI ivc hoey kql dI pVqfl ho pRDfn –s: hrpfl isMG brfV , sInIar mIq pRDfn-s: gurnfm isMG iswDU , mIq pRDfn- bIbI rivMdr kOr bYNs bxfAux ivc istI dy stfP dI shfieqf krygf| ies sbMD rhI hY , skwqr- s: hrcMd isMG igwl , mIq skwqr- s: ivc istI mYnyjr jOrj mwry df kihxf hY,” aYbtsPorz afr sI aY m pI vw l o N ies Kbr dI pu s L t I kIw q I geI hY ik gurbcn isMG brfV , KjLfncI- s: hrI isMG Cokr , mIq hux brnbI,ivktorIaf aqy swrHI vrgf vwzf sLihr bx lY g lI dy py N z U ey r Iaf ivc iek ivakqI df kql ho i eaf hY KjLfncI- s: avqfr isMG iZwloN , ies qoN ielfvf 12 hor igaf hY| ieh vkIl kimAuintI dI vD rhIaF loVF pUrIaF | kql ho i eaf afdmI 72 aY i vinAU dy 23700 blfk ivc zfierYktrjL vI cuxy gey. krn ivc shfiek hovygf| iPr vI kdI kdI iksy bfhrI aY q vfr nU M 10:30 vjy svy r y vy i Kaf igaf| bI sI aY N b U l Y N s vkIl dI loV bxI rhygI| prMqU nvyN vkIl dI inXukqI nfl afm kfnUMnI mfmilaF df inptfrf krn ivc pYsy dI shfieqf leI bulfieaf igaf prMqU Auh afdmI dIaFswtF bwcq hovygI| rsmO qOr ‘qy ies vkIl nUM ‘pRfprtI, irsk ieMnIaF gMBIr sn ik ik Auh bcfieaf nf sikaf| iP mYnyjmYNt & kfnUMnI syvfvF df zfierYktr ikhf jfvygf| ientYgryitz homIsfeIz ienvYstIgysLn tIm nUM bulfieaf Xfdrhyik ies sfl istI nUM vwK vwK 8 kfnUMnI mukwdimaF jo ies kql dI pVqfl kr rhI hY| tIm df anumfn hY ik dfsfhmxfkrnf ipaf ijMnHF ivcoN pMj motr vhIkl dur Aus ivakqI nUM insLfnf bxf ky mfiraf igaf hY| Aus dI GtnfvF nfl sbMDq sn| vwK vwK kfnUMnI PrmF nUM ies pCfx hYljL eyNjljL dy 56 sflf mYNbr rfbrt kIQ grin sfl idwqy gey $1[1 imlIan ivcoN vwzf ihwsf byGiraF vjoN kIqI geI hY| hux iek 27 sflf jysn PRFiss Aupr nUM AuMnHF dy kYNpF ‘coM KdyVx dy JgiVaF ‘qy Krc hoieaf| ies kql dy dosL lhgfey gey hn| PAGE 32

bI sI dy ividaf mMqrI vwloN vYnkUvr skULl borz dy sfry tRwstI brKfsq

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



bRFc ivwc vIzIE ‘qy anuvfd aYp dy nfl RBC ny BfÈf sbÀDI rukfvtF dUr kIqIaF vfsqivk smyN ivwc bhu-BfÈfeI anuvfd – ijs ivwc amrIkI ieÈfiraF dI BfÈf vI Èfml hY – AuWqrI amrIkf dI ivwqI sÀsQf ƒ gfhkF leI do-pfsV vIzIE syvf dyx vflI pihlI sÀsQf bxfAuNdI hY

rwK ky, jo gfhk dI qrjIhI BfÈf bol sky jF AuhnF ƒ Pon ‘qy jfxkfrI muhweIaf kr ky, afpxy nYtvrk dy rfhIN bhu-BfÈfeI syvfvF muhweIaf kr irhf hY. hfl hI ivwc afpxIaF sfrIaF bRFcF ivwc nvIN anuvfd syvf aYp ƒ ÈurU krn dy nfl ies ny ies kdy-kdy gwlbfq cuxOqI BrI bx skdI Pfsly ƒ hor Gtf idwqf hY. hY, Kfs krky jdoN BfÈf sbÀDI rukfvtF mOjUd hox. RBC ny hfl hI ivwc bRFcF AuWqrI amrIkf ivwc afpxI iksm dI leI iewk aijhI nvIN BfÈf aYp ÈurU kIqI pihlI syvf dy rUp ivwc, ieh aYp gfhkF jo afpxf bYNk sbÀDI kÀm-kfj krn ivwc leI afpxI bYNikÀg krn vfsqy vfsqivk gfhkF dI mdd krn leI vfsqivk smyN smyN ivwc pyÈyvr anuvfdkF qk vIizE ivwc pyÈyvr anuvfdkF qwk vIzIE phuÀc phuÀc muhweIaf krdI hY. RBC ies vIzIE muhweIaf krdI hY. aYp dy rfhIN AuWqrI amrIkf ivwc afpxy gfhkF ƒ amrIkI ieÈfiraF dI BfÈf pyÈ kYnyzf afAux vfly keI iemIgRYNtF leI ijnHF krn vflI pihlI ivWqI sÀsQf vI hY. dI muwK BfÈf aÀgRyËI jF PRYNc nhIN hY, jitl iviÈaF ƒ smJxf jF nvyN bYNikÀg isstm “ieh mhwqvpUrn hY ik sfzy gfhk sfzy ƒ iswKxf asl ivwc iewk sÀGrÈ ho skdf nfl aijhy qrIky nfl gwl kr skx jo hY. RBC smJdf hY ik gfhkF ƒ aijhI AuhnF leI sB qoN vwD shUlq Biraf hY. smrwQf aqy sfDn muhweIaf krnf ijnHF iewk btn ƒ CUhx dy nfl, hux asIN dyÈ nfl Auh afpxI psÀd dI BfÈf ivwc bYNikÀg dy iewk iknfry qoN dUjy iknfry qk bRFcF bfry gwlbfq kr skx, kYnyzf ivwc AuhnF ivwc BfÈf sbÀDI rukfvtF ƒ dUr kr skdy dI ivwqI sfKrqf ivkisq krn leI bhuq hF -- ieh AuhnF qrIikaF ivwcoN iewk hY hI iËafdf mhwqvpUrn hY. ies BfÈf sbÀDI ijnHF duafrf RBC hr roË afpxy gfhkF dI rukfvt ƒ pfr krn ivwc gfhkF dI mdd awgy vDx ivwc mdd krdf hY,” RBC dy krn leI, RBC, bRFc ivwc aijhf stfP inwjI aqy vpfrk bYNikÀg dy aYgËIikAUitv

vfeIs pRYjIzYNt, ikrk zzsYk (Kirk Dudtschak) ny ikhf. “sfƒ mfx hY ik asIN afpxy gfhkF leI phuÀcXog bYNikÀg muhweIaf krn ivwc agvfeI krnf jfrI rwK rhy hF.” hux AuplbD, ieh afn-izmFz vIzIE srivs vrqmfn ivwc 13 BfÈfvF pyÈ krdI hY, ijs ivwc hor vI Èfml kIqIaF jfxgIaF. ieh aYp afzIE kfnPRYNisÀg, iewk syvf jo RBC ny 2009 qoN tYlIPon ‘qy pyÈ kIqI hY, dy mfiDam nfl 200 BfÈfvF pyÈ krdI hY. “nvyN afAux vfilaF ƒ AuhnF dI qrjIhI BfÈf ivwc bYNikÀg sbÀDI gwlbfq krn dI smrwQf muhweIaf krnI, sfzy gfhkF dI ies bfry jfxn ivwc mdd krn leI bhuq hI mhwqvpUrn hY ik kYnyzf ivwc bYNikÀg ikvyN kÀm krdI hY aqy ikhVy Auqpfd aqy hwl AuhnF leI TIk hn. nvIN BfÈf aYp Aus iksy vI ivakqI leI vI AupXogI hY jo aÀgRyËI jF PRYNc ƒ dUjI BfÈf smJdf hY, BfvyN Auh iewQy ikÀny vI smyN qoN rih rhy hn,” RBC ivKy bhu-swiBafcfrk mfrkItF dI sInIar zfierYktr, ikRstIn iÈslr (Christine Shisler) ny ikhf.

qyË qwQ: ieh ikvyN kÀm krdI hY: jdoN iksy • gfhk ƒ iksy bYNk bRFc ivwc BfÈf syvfvF dI loV huÀdI hY, qF koeI bYNikÀg slfhkfr tYblyt ‘qy BfÈf aYp ƒ KolHygf, aqy gfhk dI qrjIhI BfÈf cuxygf. iewk imÀt qoN Gwt smyN dy aÀdr, gfhk ƒ iksy pyÈfvr duBfÈIey dy nfl joV idwqf jfvygf. do-pfsV vIzIE/ afzIE tYknflojI dI vrqoN krdy hoey, gfhk aqy bYNkr iPr iswDf duBfÈIey dy nfl gwl kr skdy hn, jo sunyhy pRdriÈq krn leI skRIn-AuWpr ivklpk vHfeItborz ivÈyÈqf ƒ vI vrq skdf hY. • pyÈ kIqIaF jFdIaF BfÈfvF: hux vIzIE anuvfd dy rfhIN 13 BfÈfvF AuplbD hn ijnHF ivwc Èfml hn, mYNzfirn, kYNtonIË, korIafeI, poilÈ, somflI, arbI, hyqIan ikR E l, pu r qgflI, ivaqnfmI, hmo N g , nypflI, rUsI, aqy amrIkI ieÈfiraF dI BfÈf. ieh aYp afzIE kfnPRYNisÀg dy rfhIN vI 200 BfÈfvF df smrQn krdI hY. bRFc phuÀc: ieh syvf kYnyzf Br • ivwc sfrIaF RBC bRFcF ‘qy AuplbD hY. PAGE 33

The Patrika






nF awK amVI dI roeI

pvn “igwlF vflf” gurbcn kOr iZwloN sfzf sw i Bafcfr rih igafhogy Xfr Kqm, idldfr Kqm iks dwsF mYN drd afpxf, sIny ivc lkoieaf. golIaF aqy bMdUkF, hogy idlF ‘coN swcVy ipafr Kqm drd myrf hY afhIN Biraf, hwzIN hY smoieaf. DIaF-BYxF Kfk imlf kyimafr Kqm sMskfr Kqm idwqIaF kr mfsLUkF. iKiVaf Puwl smoieaf imwtI, qwqI hvf df Jokf afieaf. nisLaF dy nfl mrdy ijhVy- pYrF hyT mDoilaf mYnUM, KusLbU df muwl iksy n pfieaf. hogy bMdy dy awj ikrdfr Kqm KudkusLIaF ny krdy ijhVy, Kqm kMmF nUM krdYN Kqm hoieE sfgr dIaF mYN lihrF bx bx, ZUMzF peI iknfrf. Auh kfhqoN nIN dIhdy bMdy hoey nf qyry, kMmkfr Kqm hwQ psfrF lihrF ivcoN, jy qIlf bxy shfrf. kfsL ikqy koeI AunHF dI, suxdf af ky kUkF, pVH gutky poQIaF, Kqm kIqy kdI kMs ny ptVIN ptkI, bx ibjlI cVI asmfn. sfzf swiBafcfr rih igaf[[[ iPr vI bwdl bx ky brsI, jrf leI TMz vrqfx. pr hoieaf nf qyrf, hMkfr Kqm jMmx qoN pihlF mrdIaF DIaFbulbul qoN lY drd AuDfrf, gf gf drd bKyrF. ikMny guwglF DUP qYN sfV idwqy blI dfj dI cVHdIaF DIaF, sIny ivclf drd awQrU, awKIaF ivcoN kyrF. pr hoey nf eIrKf, sfV Kqm Auh kfhqoN nI dINhdIaF ibn jwg dyKy mYN qur jfvF, cMn bxf jF qfrf. sfzf swiBafcfr rih igaf[[[ sdfm, ihtlr dy qKq Kqm hogy sUlI AuWqy cVHgy ijhVymyry nfl hY jwg bgIcf, jwg jfx df sfrf. pr hoeI nf ieh world war Kqm dysL dI Kfiqr mrgy ijhVy, myry bfJF iesLk inmfxf, iks sLmfr qy blsI. icwtf Kf Kf XUQ Kqm hoeI kfsL! ikqy koeI PVdf af ky, sLmFh hY iKwc pqMgy dI, ikMJ pqMgf jlsI. AunHF dIaF bMdUkF, hoey ijnHF lfeI jIq, juJfr Kqm mYN hI DrqI mYN hI grdsL, pOxF ivc smoeI. sfzf swiBafcfr rih igaf[[[ zfnsIvflIaf Kqm pMjfb hojU BwuKy pyt jo sVk qy sONdy, Kfk ‘iZwloN’ dI ksy n qwkI, n awK amVI dI roeI. JfVU ny kIqf nf gMd, ies vfr Kqm nMgy hfVH-isafl lMGfAuNdy kfsL! ikqy koeI vyKy af ky, pukfrdf hY koeI gLjLl ivlkidaF dIaF hUkF, mndIp kOr pRIq nirMdr inMdI sfzf swiBafcfr rih igaf[[[ jy qnhfeIaF nf huMdIaF, qYnUM pOxfˆ ivwcoN sux pukfrdf hY koeI, PslF df mwul ijwQy koeI qF qyry jfx df aihsfs ikMj huMdf. pfAuNdIaF nhIN srkfrF, qYnUM cuwp-cuwp afvfËfˆ mfrdf hY koeI. ibRD-afsLrm ivwc buZfpf, jy sB dI aihmIaq iewko ijhI huMdI, qYnUM Kuafbfˆ ‘c isrj awKIN pfvy surmf, bwicaF ibnF gujLfrf. qF ijLMdgI ivwc koeI KLfs ikMj huMdf. nrm poitafˆ nf jLulPfˆ sMvfrdf hY koeI. srhwdF qy mrgy ijhVy, jy irsLiqaF ivwc huMdI nf koeI qryV, rfKI krdy-krdy, idny ryq AuqoN lwBy qyry pYVfˆ dy inÈfn, rojLI-rotI pfvx dy leI qF vwK nhuMaF nfloN mfs ikMj huMdf. rfqIN qfirafˆ ‘coN nkÈ qlfÈdf hY koeI. ivwc smuMdr qrgy. byieqbfrIaF ruwqF jy kdy bdlx hI nf, tuwtIaF sVkF hfl bury ny Byjy irÈmfˆ dy hwQ qYnUM, jo sunyhy nf imly, mrdy lokI-lwKF, qF mOsm bdlxf rfs ikMj huMdf. vftfˆ lMmIafˆ dy hwQoN inwq hfrdf hY koeI. bfibaF lwut pMjfb Kfh ilaf, hr vyly jy rihMdI mwQy ‘qy iqAUVI, kdy zr-ie-Ëmfnf koloN dUr ho ky dyK, kI-kI bolky dwsF. pVH-ilK bwcy ruldy iPrdy qF Gr ivwc KusLI df vfs ikMj huMdf. qyry isr Auqy iËMdgI vfrdf hY koeI. kMm nI koeI lwBdf, Dwk idMdI nPLrq jy sB nUM iewk pfsy, qyrI byidlI nUM dyK mYnUM ieMj jfpdf, bfhr jfx leI hr koeI qfhIN awk ibgfny cwbdf. qF koeI iksy dy pfs ikMj huMdf. bYTf jMglfˆ ‘c pwQr qrfÈdf hY koeI. pvn “igwlF idaF” hfAuikaF ivwcoN, iml jFdf ‘pRIq’ nUM jy sfry pRsLnF df AuWqr, qYnUM pOxfˆ ‘coN sux pukfrdf hY koeI, suxdIaF ijwQy sLUkf, qYnUM cuwp-cuwp afvfËfˆ mfrdf hY koeI. sfzf swiBafcfr rih igaf[[[ qF lwBdy-lwBdy ienHF nUM mn Audfs ikMj huMdf. PAGE 34

Friday, October 21st, 2016

qlfsL snyhieMdr mIlU pwuq piVHaf kr, iliKaf kr. ikAuN nhIN qUM afls df pwlf Cwz ky, ikqfbF dy lV lgdf. ijhVIaF qyrI soc qy smJ nUM inKfrn korI anpVH mF ny iewk idn ipMz gey nUM ikhf sI. qyrf bfpU vI qF ikqfbF pVHdf qy ilKdf sI. pwuq Kfndfn dI sLnfKq bx, bfpU dI klm df vfrs bx, ienHF sLbdF nUM khy, ikMny vrHy bIq gey. iliKaf kr, piVHaf kr, qyry kol klm hY. sLbdF qy aklF vflf imwqr mMzl hY. ikAuN qUM pI ky, Kf ky, sON ky, afpxf kImqI smF kql kr irhf hY. awj Aus kuVI ny mF dy bolF nUM duhrfieaf, ijvyN mF dI afqmf, Aus mfiDam duafrf mYnUM Pyr pRyr qy smJf rhI hovy, qUM XfdF dy sMdUk sFBy anuBv kfgjL Aupr ilK ky sfrQk kr sLbdF nUM sPr ‘qy qor. cfry pwly boc ky ikAuN nhIN isLsLtfcfr aqy afdrsLvfd df lV PVdf mYN iekdm guMmsum hoieaf, AuWT Kloieaf, ijvy iksy gihrI nINd ivwcoN jfigaf hovF. Aus kuVI df mn-msqk vI mYnUM mF vFg hI swcf-swucf lwgf, mYN ikMnf icr Aus dy aks ‘coN mF dy nksL, dyr qwk qlfsLdf irhf. qlfsLdf irhf! qlfsLdf irhf!

The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF

jvfhr isMG dy kql mgroN koeI vI srdfr vjLIrI lYx leI iqafr nf hoieaf dihl ipaf srdfrF dy idlF AuWqy , vjLIrI lYx leI iksy nf hF kIqI. pMcF pwuiCaf rfjf gulfb isMG nUM, pr Ausny awigAuN nFh kIqI. isrkwZ srdfr jI bVy bYTy, pr AuWcI nf iksy ny bFh kIqI. hrcMd isMGf rfj dI zor ijMdF, hwQ afpxy Aus ny qF kIqI. mhfrfxI ny nfmI pMc lY ky, pMcfieq leI hY iek bxf bylI. dIvfn dInfnfQ, BfeI rfm isMG, imsr lfl isMG vI ilaf rlf bylI. dInfnfQ KLjfncI Qfp idwqf, KLjLfnf Aus nUM idwqf sMBfl bylI. hrcMd isMGf Bgq rfm qy nUrdIn, qnKfhF vMzx qy idwqy ny lf bylI.. kvIE vfc zfvF-zol lhOr dI bfdsLfhI, byVf ilaf qUPfnF ijAuN Gyr mIaF. pMz qUVI dI KuwlHy diraf ijvyN, zwulH jfx ijAuN borI ‘coN byr mIaF. kuMzf irhf nf PLOj dy isr koeI, afpo-DfpI cfr-cuPyr mIaF. hrcMd isMGf sUhx df bMnH tuwtf, qIlHy iKlry lwgI n dyr mIaF.. ijMd, ijMdF dI duwKF ny JMb idwqI, Jonf JfVdy ijvyN ikrsfn loko. koeI irhf nf ZfrsF dyx vflf, vYrI hoieaf Kud Bgvfn loko. pwuq Cotf qy pqI nf isr Auqy, lY leI vIr dI vYrIaF jfn loko.

hrcMd isMGf jKLm qy jKLm hoey,

iewk-dUey dy nfl sI vYr hoieaf,

kIqy smyN ny Gor Gmsfn loko..

rwq jMgF dy ivwc sI cox lwgI.

roxy-Doxy rwKky iewk pfsy,

aMq ijwq aMgryjL dy hwQ afeI,

rfj-Bfg hY ijMdF clfAux lwgI.

gwuzI AunHF dI aMbrIN BOx lwgI.

iekwTy krky Qfpy pMcF nUM,

hrcMd isMGf Bfrq ivwc pYr afpxy,

drbfr afp sI Auh lgfAux lwgI.

eIst ieMzIaf kMpnI Pyr jmfAux lwgI..

burCfgrdI rfj ‘coN KLqm hoey, guwsy-igly qy Brm imtfAux lwgI.. hrcMd isMGf dUr aMdysL ho ky, nvIaF nIqIaF Auho bxfAux lwgI.

aMgryjLF vyiKaf ihMdusqfn aMdr, kOmF, Drm qy bolIaF bfhlIaF ny. QF-QF qy rfjy-nvfb bYTy,

hrcMd isMG bfgVI

dyh hiQafr aqy mdfd iewk nUM, iPr dUsry qfeIN hrfAux lwgy. hrcMd isMGf ielfkf rfijaF qoN,

iewk dUjy nfl dusLmxIaF pflIaF ny.

ies qrHF sI Auh hiQafAux lwgy..

cflbfjL, huisLafr, mwkfr gory,

hOlI-hOlI kYNsr dy rog vFgUM,

pfeIaF sB nfl BfeI-vflIaF ny.

ieh rfijaF qfeIN mkfAuNdy gey.

hrcMd isMGf ‘pfVo qy rfj kro’,

dUr dwKx qoN mfrF mfrdy ieh,

ieh nIqIaF ienHF apxflIaF ny..

idwlI vwl nUM pYr vDfAuNdy gey.

khfxI bFdr aqy ibwlIaF dI,

JMzy lfh lfh ihMdusqfnIaF dy

hrcMd isMGf bKLsLIaF rwb dfqf,

iPrMgI rfijaF Auqy apxfAux lwgy.

, XUnIan jYk nUM ieh lihrfAuNdy gey.

Bfrq sony dI icVI sdFvdf eI..

iewk-dUey nUM cwk-cukf ky Auh,

hrcMd isMGf dysL dI lwut krky,

afey cwl ierfn-ierfk vfly, qurk,

afps ivwc sI ByV pvfAux lwgy.

mfl lMdn dy ivwc pcfAuNdy gey..

bVy icrF qoN ihMdusqfn suhxf, sfry jwg nUM iKwcF pFvdf eI. hr dysL dUr-durfzy qoN, iewQy krn sudfgrI aFvdf eI. jo afAuNdf iewQy hI itk jFdf, pOx-pfxI sB nUM BFvdf eIf.

aPLgfn qy cwl XUnfn afieaf. PrFsIsI, zwc qy hor keI, sfgr gfh ky ieMgilsqfn afieaf. koeI cwl ky krn vpfr afey, POjF joV koeAI lwutx-lutfx afieaf. hrcMd isMGf hr pfisaF qoN, cwl ies qy sfrf jhfn afieaf.. jyrf krky lok vlfieq vfly, krn ihMdusqfn dI Bfl afey. PrFsIsI AunHF df kr ipwCf, TwlH iksLqIaF AunHF dy nfl afey. nIqI AunHF dI vxj-vpfr dI sI, vftF lMmIaF GflxF Gfl afey. hrcMd isMGf AuWqr-pwCmI qwt AuWqy, vycx afpxf Auh sI mfl afey.. aMgryjF ny PrFsIsIaF nUM ihMdusqfn ‘coN kwZxf PrFsIsIaF aqy iPrMgIaf dI, afps ivwc lVfeI sI hox lwgI. PAGE 35

The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

suprIm kort leI trUzo vwloN mYlkOm rovy jj nfmjLd

sMXukq rfsLtr dy pIskIipMg imsLn AuWqy kYnyzIan sYnfvF nUM qfienfq krn dy hwk ivwc hn bhuigxqI kYnyzIan Etvf: sMGrsL vfly ielfikaF ivwc sMXukq rfsLtr dy pIskIipMg imsLn Auqy kYnyzIan sYnfvF nUM qfienfq krn dy hwk ivwc 70 PILsdI kYnyzIan hn. nYnojL irsrc vwloN krvfey gey srvyKx ivwc pfieaf igaf ik 80 PLIsdI kYnyzIan socdy hn ik sMXukq rfsLtr dy pIskIipMg imsLn nfl juVnf aqy kYnyzIan sYnfvF qy sfjLo smfn dI vrqoN jF qF bhuq cMgI (37PLIsdI) hY jF iPr cMgI(37PLIsdI) hY. isrP Cy PILsdI df mMnxf hY ik sYinkF qy sfjLo smfn dI vrqoN shI nhIN hY jdik cfr PLIsdI mMndy hn ik ieh bhuq mfVf ivcfr hY. agsq dy mhIny ivwc pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny ieh vfadf kIqf sI ik Auh sMXukq rfsLtr dy pIskIipMg imsLn leI 600 sYink qfienfq krngy pr AunHF ieh nhIN sI dwisaf ik ienHF sYinkF nUM ikwQy qfienfq kIqf jfvygf. rwiKaf mMqrI hrjIq swjx vwloN bIqy vIrvfr nUM sMXukq rfsLtr df

dOrf kIqf igaf qy AunHF sMXukq rfsLtr dy jnrl skwqr bfn kI mUn nfl vI mulfkfq kIqI. ieh vI mMinaf jf irhf hY ik ies dOrfn kYnyzf dy pIskIipMg imsLnjL bfry vI ivcfr vtFdrf kIqf igaf hovygf. srvyKx ivwc pfieaf igaf ik ds ivwcoN swq kYnyzIan (30PIsdI) ies ivcfr df smrQn krdy hn ik kYnyzIan sYnfvF nUM sMGrsL vfly ielfky ivwc qfienfq kIqf jfvygf jdik 39PLIsdI kuwJ hwd qwk ies ivcfr dy smrQn ivwc hn. ies qoN ielfvf 14 PLIsdI kuJ hwd qwk ies dy Ault hn jdik 13 PLIsdI ies ivcfr dy iblkuwl Ault hn. cfrF ivwcoN iqMn kYnyzIanF (48PLIsdI) df mMnxf hY jdik 30 PLIsdI df kwuJ hwd qwk mMnxf hY ik kYnyzIan pIskIprjL nUM Aus smyN dusLmx nUM golI mfr dyxI cfhIdI hY jdoN AunHF nUM KLqrf mihsUs hovy. 11PLIsdI ies dy Ault hn jdik 6 PLIsdI ies dy ivroD ivwc hn.

Etvf: pR D fn mM q rI jsitn trU z o ny inAUPfAUNzlYNz ivwc pYdf hoey jwj mYlkOm rovy nUM suprIm kort afP kYnyzf dy bYNc ivwc inXukq krn leI nvIN nfmInysLn pRikiraf apxfeI.

pRYkits vI krdy rhy hn qy sMivDfnk mfmilaF, ivdysLI sbMDF, mYrItfeIm srhwdF dI sflsI qoN ielfvf sMXukq rfsLtr rfhIN rvfieqI kfnUMn bfry gwlbfq ivwc ijAUrI mYNbr rih cwuky hn. ies dy nfl hI Auh dovF BfsLfvF jfxdy hox vflI sLrq vI pUrI jwj mYlkOm rovy dysL dy AuWGy awT jwjF krdy hn. vfly bYNc ivwc sLfml hoxgy. ajy ies bfry jnqk mulFkx qy pfrlImfnI mYNbrF vwloN trU z o ny iew k rlIjL ivw c afiKaf ik agly hPqy AunHF dI ieMtrivAU bfkI rihMdI jwj mYlkOm rovy dI nfmjLdgI df aYlfn hY. rovy df jnm 1953 ivwc syNt jOhnjL, kridaF hoieaF AunHF nUM kfPI KusLI ho rhI inAUPfAUNzlYNz aYNz lYbrfzOr ivwc hoieaf hY. ies mOky inAUPfAUNzlYNz aYNz lYbrfzOr sI. rovy dI cox iewk ajLfdfnf pYnl vwlNo dy pRImIar zvfeIt bfl ny afiKaf ik rovy ibnYkfrF dI sUcI ivwcoN kIqI geI sI. ieh dI aYny vwzy ahudy AuWqy nfmjLdgI pRoivMs isstm trUzo vwloN agsq mhIny dy aMq leI bVy mfx vflI gwl hY. trUzo ny pihlI ivwc sLurU kIqf igaf sI qF ik cox krn dI vfr iksy jwj nUM suprIm kort leI inXukq gupq pRikiraf nUM Kqm krky ies mfmly kIqf hY. aglI asfmI 2018 ivwc AudoN ivwc pfrdrsLqf ilaFdI jf sky. pUrI krnI hovygI jdoN cIP jsits bYvrly mYklYkiln 75 sfl dI syvf mukqI dI Aumr rovy nUM srkfr nfl kMm krn df kfPI pUrI kr lYxgy. qjrbf hY ies qoN ielfvf Auh pRfeIvyt

glqI nfl cwlI golI kfrn jnrl nUM hoieaf 2,000 zflr df jurmfnf gYitinAU: sUitMg ryNijjL AuWqy keI GMty ibqfAu x qy aPgfinsqfn imsL n ivw c ihwsydfrI pfAux dy bfvjUd ierfk ivwc glqI nfl clfeI geI iewk golI kfrn myjr jnrl mfeIk rolIAU, jo ik kYnyzf dI spYsLl PorisjL soljrjL dy kmFzr sn, nUM jwj dy sfhmxy sPfeI dyxI peI.

ivwc sLumfr hox vfly sInIar kmFzr nUM nf isrP iewh ijwlq brdfsLq krnI peI sgoN kort mfrsLl dI agvfeI kr rhy jwj lYPtInYNt krnl lueIs ivnsYNt aftIAul vwloN Aus nUM 2,000 zflr df jurmfnf vI kIqf igaf.

suxvfeI qoN bfad rolIAU ny afiKaf ik ies ijL k rXo g hY ik ies sInIar sY i nk, jo jurmfny nfl Aus dy krIar dy iewk aYpIsoz ishq PMzF ivwc ktOqIaF dy mwudy AuWqy ishq mMqrI qy ik lMmy smyN qoN stIkqf nfl insLfnf lfAux df aMq ho igaf qy Auh jwj vwloN suxfey pRoivMsF ivcfly tkrfa vflI ivsLysL Pors dy mYNbr sn, qoN 2015 PYsly nfl pUrI qrHF ieqPfk rwKdy hn. torFto– vDyry PYzrl PMzF dI mMg kr rhy iPlpOt dI ies qrHF dI itwpxI dy cwlidaF dy aMq ivwc AuWqrI ierfk ivwc afpxI POjI AunHF afiKaf ik sgoN AunHF nUM ies gwl AuWqy afpxy pRoivMsLIal qy tYrItorIal hmruqbf pRoivMsLIal qy tYrytorIal ishq mMqrIaF tukVI nfl jFdy smyN acfnk golI cwl geI. mfx hY ik Auh aijhy ikwqy ivwc hn ijwQy aiDkfrIaF nUM cyqfvnI idMidaF ishq ivcfly tkrfa df mwuZ bwJ igaf hY. ieh jnrljL dI jvfbdyhI vI Ausy qrHF huMdI bIqy mMglvfr dupihr nUM rolIAU nUM Aus mMqrI jyn iPlpOt ny afiKaf ik ieh sfrI sfry pRoivMsLIal qy tYrytorIal ishq mMqrI hY ijvyN pRfeIvyt qy kfrporljL dI huMdI hY. glqI nfl jvfb dyx leI kort mfrsLl df rkm isrP qy isrP hYlQ kyar leI hI srkfr vwloN ishq PMzF ivwc kIqI jfx vflI ieh iesy qrHF hI hoxf cfhIdf hY. axgihlI sfhmxf krnf ipaf. Aus AuWqy axgihlI inrDfrq hoxI cfhIdI hY. torFto ivwc iewk ktOqI dy iKlfP iewkjwut hn. ikAUibk dy vrqx dI ieho sjLf hoxI cfhIdI hY. vrqx df dosL lwigaf hY. ibhqrIn sYinkF inAUjL kfnPrMs ivwc iPlpOt ny afiKaf ishq mMqrI gytn bYryt, jo ik PYzrl ik srkfr kYnyzIanF nUM ibhqr ishq trFsPr pyamYNts dy mwudy AuWqy sB qoN vwD jLihrIlI KuMB Kfx nfl iqMn sflf bwcy dI mOq shUlqF dyx leI vcnbwD hY. ijLkrXog bVboly hn, ny afiKaf ik ies sflfnf vfDy hY ik sfrIaF pRoivMsF qy tYrytrIjL ivwcoN nUM Cy PIsdI qoN kwt ky iqMn PIsdI krn qoN ivktorIaf: ipCly hPLqy afpxy pirvfr ikMnI mhwqvpUrn hY ik AunHF nUM jLihrIlI qy bhuqy afgU bIqy mMglvfr nUM ishq mMqrI Bfv hovygf mrIjLF leI Gwt syvfvF. nfl ivktorIaf ivwc cfrf lwBx gey iewk gLYr jLihrIlI iksm ivclf Prk pqf hovy. nfl hox vflI mulfkfq qoN pihlF hI iewQy ies dO r fn so m vfr nU M pR o i vM s L I al qy iqMn sflf bwcy dI jLihrIlI KuMB (msLrUm) Zuky hoey sn. iPlpOt ny afiKaf ik ishq stYnivwk df kihxf hY ik ijnHF lokF ny ies tYrItorIal ishq qy ivwq mMqrIaF ny ieh Kfx kfrn mOq ho geI. mMqrI rihMidaF AunHF dI ieh ijLMmyvfrI hY suJfa vI idwqf ik PYzrl srkfr nUM AudoN kMm leI koeI isKlfeI nhIN leI huMdI AunHF ik ishq ivwc invysL krn qy ishq isstm qwk ishq sbMDI ies trFsPr ktOqIaF vYnkUvr afeILlYNz dI hYlQ aQfrtI df leI jLihrIlI iksm qy Kfx lfiek KuMBF ivc suDfr ilaFdf jfvy. pr jdoN Auh ivwq dy mwudy nUM awgy pf dyxf cfhIdf hY jdoN qwk kihxf hY ik lVky dI mOq mMglvfr rfq nUM mMqrI kol hor pYsy leI jfx qF Auh ieh pRImIarjL qy pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo hoeI jdik Aus nUM kfPI idn pihlF ielfj dI iksm ivcfly pCfx krnf aOKf huMdf hY. XkInI bxfAuxf cfhuMdy hn ik sfrf pYsf ies qoN cMgf ieh huMdf hY ik ijnHF nUM ies iekwTy bYT ky iksy krfr AuWqy shI nhIN leI aYzmMtn dy hsqpfl dfKl krvf ishq leI hI vriqaf jfvygf. pf lYNdy. idwqf igaf sI. zf[ ircrz stYnivwk, jo bfry pwkf XkIn nf hovy Auh ies qrHF dI ik vYnkUvr afeIlYNz dy cIP mYzIkl hYlQ KuMB nUM qoVn hI nf. ieh mMinaf jf irhf hY afPIsr hn, df kihxf hY ik ies qRfsdI ik bwcy ny jLihrIlI KuMB Kf leI pr Aus dy nfl ieh iswD ho igaf hY ik afpxy mnorMjn srIr ivwc jLihrIlf pdfrQ ikMnI mfqrf Advertise in the leI msLrUm cugx jfx vfilaF leI ieh ivwc imilaf ies dI jFc kIqI jf rhI hY.

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The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

jdoN krfmfqI pfxI pIx lfiek vI nf inkilaf ipCly idnIN sfzy sLihr qoN kuJ dUrI ‘qy siQq iewk Kyq ivcly bor ivwcoN krfmfqI pfxI inklx dI aPvfh PYlI. ijAuN-ijAuN ieh gwl lokF ivwc PYldI geI ik ies bor dy krfmfqI pfxI nfl cmVI dIaF ibmfrIaF qoN ielfvf hor vI anykF ibmfrIaF TIk huMdIaF hn, lokF dIaF vhIrF ies QF vwl vDdIaF geIaF. asIN kuJ pwqrkfrF sfQI ies gwl dI swcfeI jfxn leI Aus QF ‘qy gey. AuWQy jf ky vyiKaf ik ies bor kol Kyq dy mflkF ny iewk Cotf ijhf

vfilaF ny vI afpxIaF dukfnF ies QF ‘qy lgf leIaF sn. ieh dukfndfr vI iewQy afAux vfly lokF nUM ies pfxI dI krfmfq bfry vDf-cVHf ky dwsx lwg pey qF ik ienHF df kfrobfr vI cldf rhy. ies krfmfqI pfxI bfry mIzIaf ivwc vI crcf hox lwgI. jdoN ies krfmfqI pfxI dI gwl qrksLIlF qwk phuMcI qF AunHF ny ies QF df dOrf kIqf. ipMz dy kuJ jfgrUk lokF nfl gwlbfq kIqI aqy sMbMiDq Kyq mflkF bfry jfxkfrI pRfpq kIqI. ipMz vfsIaF qoN AunHF nUM ieh vI pqf lwgf ik ies bor dy pfxI vflI PLsl dUjy KyqF nfloN mfVI rihMdI hY.

jgqfr smflsr

qrksLIl vfilaF ny krfmfqI pfxI df nmUnf lY ky lYborytrI ivwc Byj idwqf. irport afAux ‘qy pqf lwgf ik ieh pfxI pIx jF rog TIk krnf qF dUr Kyq dI PLsl leI vI TIk nhIN sI. hOlI hOlI afm lokF qwk vI ieh jfxkfrI phuMc geI ik jo pfxI jLmIn leI TIk nhIN, Aus ny ibmfrIaF kI htfAuxIaF hn. lokF nUM ieh smJ af igaf ik ieh isrPL lwutx leI pfKMz ricaf igaf hY. kuJ idnF bfad ieh ‘dukfndfrI’ Kud hI mwTI pYxI sLurU ho geI. hux AuWQy iksy dukfndfr df tYNt nhIN aqy ‘sLrDflU’ vI ivrlf tFvf hI afAuNdf hY.

CwpV rUpI qlfb bxfieaf hoieaf sI ijwQy cmVI aqy hor anykF ibmfrIaF dy mrIjL bVI AumId qy KusLI nfl nhf rhy sn. asIN ieh dyK ky hYrfn ho gey ik sfDfrn ibmfrI vfilaF qoN lY ky gMBIr ibmfrIaF vfly mrIjL iewkoN QF ‘qy QoVHy ijhy pfxI ivwc nhf rhy hn. sLfied Auh ies gwl qoN axjfx sn ik ies qrHF ibmfrI TIk hox dI QF hor vD skdI hY. jdoN asIN Kyq dy mflkF nfl gwlbfq kIqI qF AunHF dwisaf ik ies QF ‘qy gurU nfnk dyv jI dI afvfjL peI sI ik ies pfxI nfl nhfAux qoN bfad sfrIaF ibmfrIaF TIk ho jfxgIaF. AunHF ny iewk Cotf ijhf kmrf bxf ky ivwc sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dI Poto rwKI hoeI sI. lok lfeIn ivwc lwg ky Poto awgy nqmsqk huMdy hoey pYsy aqy Pl afid cVHf rhy sn. Kyq mflkF ny ies QF df nfm sRI gurU nfnk Gft rwK idwqf. ijs gurU ny lokF nUM aijhy krm-kFzF ivwcoN kwZx leI afpxf sfrf jIvn smripq kIqf sI, awj AunHF lokF dI aijhI mfniskqf dyK ky asIN hYrfn sF. Kyq mflkF ny dwisaf ik kuJ idn pihlF ies pfxI ivwc nhfAux nfl AunHF dy Kyq ivwc kMm krn vflf mjLdUr, jo cmVI rog qNo pIVq sI, TIk ho igaf. iPr kuJ hor lok vI nhfAux afey aqy AunHF dy vI rog vI TIk ho gey. jdoN Kyq mflkF koloN asIN ienHF sfry lokF dy pqy-iTkfxy pwuCy qF AunHF ny koeI Tos jvfb dyx dI QF gwl gol-mol kr idwqI. ipMz ivwc jf ky jdoN asIN QoVHI CfxbIx kIqI qF pqf lwgf ik Auh iqMn Brf hn. AunHF kol kyvl pMj eykV jLmIn hY aqy AunHF dy pirvfr df gujLfrf musikl nfl hI cldf hY. Aus QF ‘qy nhfAux leI lok vwzI igxqI ivwc af rhy sn. iewk idn df cVfvf krIb 15 hjLfr rupey qwk phuMc igaf. kuJ ku idnF ivwc hI Aus QF ny iewk myly vrgI sLkl lY leI sI. cfh-pkOiVaF, imTfeIaF qy Pl vycx PAGE 37

The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

Sonam , I Got It Wrong, You Are Super Hot : Shobhaa De

HRITHIK IS MULTI-TALENTED AND A GIFT TO THE INDUSTRY : TIGER Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff considers Hrithik Rohan as the only Bollywood star who is a 'complete package'. "He is multi-talented and a gift to the industry. I am a fan of him since childhood and used to copy his steps as a child. That's why there are similarities in the way we dance. I feel he's the only complete package in the industry," Tiger said on Zoom Channel's show 'Diwali Beats'. Shroff also said that his 'Baaghi' co-star Shraddha Kapoor is very hardworking. "Shraddha is a delight to work with, very hardworking and very simple. Even after giving blockbusters, she is really down to earth and simple soul," he added. Tiger, who was last seen on-screen in the superhero film 'A Flying Jatt', will next be seen in the upcoming film 'Munna Micheal', where he plays the role of an ardent fan of late King of Pop Michael Jackson.

Author Shobhaa De, who had previously started a war of words with Sonam Kapoor by calling her a “lassie who lacks oomph”, has now referred to her as “super hot”, according to a report. Looks like this is Shobhaa’s way of extending an olive branch to Sonam. Inspired an online campaign ThingsDon’tJudge, Shobhaa took the first step towards reconciling with Sonam, the report said. Shobhaa said, “Saw this ThingsDontJudge but people do. Inspired to make amends. Sonam Kapoor, I got it wrong: You are super hot.” The report said that Sonam’s dispute with Shobhaa started when the author criticized her film I Hate Luv Storys in one of her blogs, labeling it as “I Hate Dumb Storys” and calling Sonam “a lassie who lacks oomph”. After that Sonam had said, “Guys please don’t take Shobhaa De seriously. She’s a fossil who’s getting no action and going through menopause. So just for her.”

'I Don't Want to Talk About My Personal Life' Katrina

IS BEFIKRE INSPIRED BY FRENCH FILM LOVE ME IF YOU DARE? Befikre symbolizes energetic, free-spirited and happy-go-lucky romance and if the recently released trailer is anything to go by the party has just started. Whle the film does remind us of the many time seen rom-com scenarios in Hollywood films, it looks like there are some other international films that may have inspired the making of Befikre. Love Me If You Dare is a French-Belgian film starring Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet that revolves around two kids who start off their game of dare as children and as adults their dares gets more


convoluted and risky. Amid this, they fall in love but they don’t confess it to each other. The recently released trailer of Befikre interestingly resembles this film greatly. From Vaani daring Ranveer Singh to slap a policeman to stripping to sex in the car, the notion of using dare to add spirit in their relationship seem to be a concept borrowed from Love Me If You Dare. Other than that Ranveer Singh and Vaani Kapoor’s Befikre has been extensively shot in Paris, giving it yet another French connection.

Katrina Kaif is taking it easy these days as she is trying to figure out which films she wants to work on. She was quoted saying, “I have never spoken about films that aren’t confirmed or that I’m not doing. If you ask me at the moment, if there’s a film, I would say no. There’s no confirmation from my end. Exactly what happened, which talks with who — I have never spoken about it. It’s not professional." When asked about how public relationships take away from work, she said, “Since I have come into the industry, I have been saying the same thing. So it’s been that many years for me when I have said I don’t want to talk about my personal life. There’s not just one reason. I will always maintain that, for me, it is the right thing to do.”

PEOPLE NEVER POINTED FINGERS AT MARRIED ACTRESSES EARLIER : KAJOL It’s believed that marriage is the end of career for an actress in Bollywood. While many leading ladies have given up the lure of big screen for family life, there are quite a few mavericks who have managed both. And one of them is actress Kajol. "Married actresses have been working in films for a very long time. It's just that they never came into focus and people never pointed them out and said, 'Hey, you're married and you're working'," said Kajol. "You had a Sharmila Tagore, you had my mother (Tanuja), you had Saira Banu, you had so many actresses, who worked after they got married, in fact more after they got married than before they got married. Dimple Kapadia for that matter." "So yes, there are actresses who have been working pre and postmarriage and nothing changed in their entire imagery. There were a lot of actresses who did not work at all once they got married. And that is a possible choice, I believe." "And, of course, there were some who just didn't make it and chose to use marriage as an excuse. So, I don't think I'm a pathbreaker in that sense. Maybe because the spotlight is on me right now. But I didn't do it first. I just followed in some very illustrious footsteps." Kajol is married to actor Ajay Devgn and her decision to get hitched at the peak of her career was looked down up on by many. Kajol and Ajay have two kids and she returned to the silver screen post motherhood but has done limited work. She was last seen on the big screen in 'Dilwale'.

The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016


jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK- rkq-ipwq ivkfr, afriQk hflfq ivwc suDfr afvy, Brf df swuK, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfnpwK qoN icMqf rhy, dusLmxF vwloN hfnI df zr, iesqrI-swuK, kfrobfr TIk. akqUbr 23, 24; nvMbr 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLwuB hn.

The Full Moon occurs in your sign while linking with Uranus. Do not be tempted to do something impulsively because you want to change the status quo. Be cautious with anything that has danger attached. Other than that, something could suddenly erupt involving others that would caution you to consider obligations on your part.

Someone who has been quite open of late could start to become withdrawn or secretive. You could feel unappreciated as a result but there is not much you can do but step back and analyse what seems to be going on. There is something of an unexpected nature building up behind the scenes that could be a separate matter.

  ibRK- ishq-pwK TIk, pr nyr-ksLt dI sMBfvnf, imwqr-bMDU-swuK, acwl-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK qoN sLuwB smfcfr, dusLmn df BY, iesqrI-swuK, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI. akqUbr 17, 18, 25, 26; nvMbr 4, 5, 13, 14 asLwuB hn.



imQun- ishq TIk rhy. guwsy ‘c vfDf, Dn-hfnI-BY, Brf nUM ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf, iesqrI swuK, sMqfn pwK vI TIk rhy. akqUbr 19, 20, 27, 28, 29; nvMbr 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



krk- nyqr-ksLt, GrylU JgVy, imwqr-bMDU swuK, sMqfn pwK sLuwB rhy, iesqrI-pwK qoN suuwK imly, dusLmn dby rihx, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. akqUbr 21, 22, 29, 31; nvMbr 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



isMG- srIrk ksLt, pyt Krfb, Dn-lfB, pirvfr df suwK imly, Brf df suwK, sMpdf lfB, sMqfn-pwK sLwuB, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. akqUbr 23, 24; nvMbr 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLwuB hn.



kMinaf- ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, pirvfrk-swuK imly, imwqr-bMDU-swuK, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, sMqfn-pwK-sLwuB, ibmfrI aqy dusLmn df BY, kfrobfr TIk. akqUbr 17, 18, 25, 26; nvMbr 4, 5, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

7  qulf- ishq TIk rhy. afriQk siQqI suDry, Brf df suwK imly, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf,. dusLmx koloN hfnI df zr, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr kuJ TIk. akqUbr 19, 20, 27, 28, 29; nvMbr 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.





ibRsLick- ishq TIk rhy, Dn aqy pirvfr df suwK imly, acwl-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK TIk, sLwuB smfcfr imly, rog-BY, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. akqUbr 21, 22, 30, 31; nvMbr 9, 10 asLuwB hn. Dn-ishq TIk rhy, Dn-sMpdf qoN suwK lfB, bMDU-ksLt, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-pwK qoN sihXog imly, kfrobfr ivwc ivkfs. akqUbr 23, 24; nvMbr 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLwuB hn.

10  mkr- ishq TIk rhy, GrylU JMJt, Dn-hfnI, imwqr-bMDU-swuK, sMqfn-pwK sLwuB, dusLmn dby rihx, iesqrI-swuK imly, kfrobfr TIk rhy. akqUbr 17, 18, 25, 26; nvMbr 4, 5, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

11  kuMB- pyt Krfb rhy, Dn aqy pirvfr df swuK imly, Brf nUM ksLt, hONsly ivwc kmI afvy, sMpdfswuK imly, sMqfn-pwK sLwuB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. akqUbr 19, 20, 27, 28, 29; nvMbr 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



mIn- ishq TIk rhy, GrylU klysL rhy, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf, bMDU- swuK, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn-pwK sLwuB, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK imly, kfrobfr TIk. akqUbr 21, 22, 30, 31; nvMbr 9, 10 asLwuB hn.

Activity with others will step up considerably from now to mid November. If you have been looking for a commitment from somebody else, either personally or work wise, this would be the time to pursue it. Something could come to a head rather unexpectedly with a friend or in any situation involving a group of people.

It is time to put pleasure aside and focus on bringing a better balance to daily routines that involves making a commitment. This might equally apply to your health with either diet or exercise – perhaps both. Do not feel obliged to take on extra responsibilities that could get landed on you with very little notice.

Sudden insight to what is possible in the future can come out of the blue. It could leave you with a lot of questions that need to be answered. This might simply entail gathering information. There should be greater opportunity to enjoy yourself from now to mid November. This must not distract you from daily commitments though.

You can be more than surprised by what someone else expects of you or that they are not on the same wavelength with a matter as you had thought. This could involve finances. Don’t let this take you off track when it comes to the way you intend to structure matters. Calmly work on this from now to mid November.

A matter can suddenly come out in the open from the perspective of another person. You will need to decide how you are going to react and this does not have to be as quickly as the whole situation can come up. You will need to take charge so that you get the foundation in place that suits your needs for the next 2 years.

There is certainly some sort of hidden agenda operating in your life right now that has not been generated by you. This is a waiting game but there could be some sudden eruptions when it comes to daily routines and this is what you need to keep an eye on. Pay attention to your finances between now and mid November.

Venus, the planet of peace, balance and harmony moves into your sign this week where it will remain until 12th November. It will encourage you to spoil yourself but this needs to be kept in check with Saturn in your sign as well. Any sudden romance that may present itself will be short lived. Friendship is more important.

Family matters can come to a very unexpected head in which there can be a change of direction you did not anticipate. Commitments and obligations will come into this somehow and you can find yourself in a position where you cannot handle everything. You will need to decide what is most important to you personally.

You could surprise yourself with the ideas that pop into your head this week. You might also come across information unexpectedly that gives you answers to things that have been in the back of your mind. This can result in a different view of the future though you should not set about changing anything in a hurry. Be patient.

Be very careful about spending money on impulse because you are likely to spend far more than you initially intend. This is especially so if somebody else encourages you. There are commitments you will need to take a balanced approach to from now to mid November. You need to focus on what you consider important priorities.


The Patrika



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Friday, October 21st, 2016

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The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016

Happy Diwali






sign up TODAY & receive FREE gifts. The longer the membership*, the more gifts you receive!


5—8 pm Clarke Theatre 33700 Prentis Ave., Mission, BC Questions? 604-826-3634



Brought to you by:

You’re invited to celebrate Diwali! Delicious food, entertainment, and a multi-cultural community bazaar. Admission is free! Non-perishable food items greatly appreciated.

every Saturday & Sunday September 17 - October 31! for a chance to WIN a bonus MONTH on your membership!

MAJOR SPONSORS: * Memberships included (Annual Pass, 6-Month Pass, 3-Month Pass, 1-Month Pass). Members are entered into draw to win a 1-Month Pass. Guest must sign-in at reception and be accompanied by a member. Participating friends and members are entered into the draw for chance of winning 1 of 10 Weekend Warrior Workout Packs. Weekend Warrior Workout Packs includes cinch backpack, water bottle, and workout towel. Prizes will be drawn November 3, 2016.

For a full listing of PRC drop-in activities visit us online at www.abbotsford.ca/prc.

Fraser Valley Hindu Cultural Society MEDIA SPONSORS:

What’s On! TM

Register online www.direct2rec.com

Abbotsford Recreation Centre 604.853.4221 | Matsqui Recreation Centre 604.855.0500





The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016




The Patrika



sLok smfcfr bVy duKI ihrdy nflL sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik qyjf isMG pMDyr (qihsIldfr),91 sflF dI suvfsF dI pMUjI pUrI krky pRfmqmf dy crnF ivwc jf ibrfjy hn| AunHf df ipClf ipMz isafVH, ijlHf luiDafxf sI aqy Ayuh ipCly 36 sflF qoN kYnyzf ivwc rih rhy sn| Auh afpxy ipWCy pirvfr dI PulvfVI smyq afpxI supqnI nUM Cwz gey hn| AunHF df sskfr 22 akqUbr, 2016, idn sLnIvfr nUM bfad dupihr 2[30 vjy PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom (2061 irvrsfeIz ro z ) ivKy hovygf| Aus AuprMq AunHF dy nimq rwKy gey sihj pfT df Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs bfad dupihr 4[30 vjy Kflsf dIvfn susfietI gurUGr, aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI| pirvfr nflL duwK sFJf krn leI hyT ilKy Pon nMbrF ‘qy sMprk kr skdy ho| gu i bM d r isM G pM D y r (spu w q r): 604-807-3633 jF Gr:604859-6769


Friday, October 21st, 2016

sLok smfcfr bVy duKI ihrdy nflL sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik virMdr isMG idEl, spuwqr suKdyv isMG idEl, 39 sflF dI Aumr ivwc afpxy pirvfr nUM sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey hn| AunHf df ipClf ipMz zFgoN aqy lMmy smyN qoN sMgrUr ivwc rih rhy sn| Auh 1999 ivwc kYnyzf afey aqy aYbtsPorz ivwc hI rhy| Auh afpxy ipWCy pUry pirvfr ivwc 2 lVky 7 sflf aqy 9 sflf aqy supqnI nUM Cwz gey hn| AunHF df sskfr 23 akqUbr, 2016, idn aYqvfr nUM bfad dupihr 12[30 vjy PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom (2061 irvrsfeIz ro z ) ivKy hovygf| Aus AuprMq AunHF dy nimq rwKy gey sihj pfT df Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs bfad dupihr 2[30 vjy bfbf bMdf bhfdr isMG bhfdr gurUGr ivKy hovygI| pirvfr nflL duwK sFJf krn leI hyT ilKy Pon nMbrF ‘qy sMprk kr skdy ho| jgjIq isMG idEl (Brf) 306491-6986 jF rijMdr isMG KMgUVf (dfmfd) 778-322-9925

The Patrika 

Friday, October 21st, 2016


sLok smfcfr mfstr bMqf isMG gryvfl, ipMz Pwlyvfl 83 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky 17 akqU b r nU M pRlok isDfr gey hn. AunHF df aMiqm sMskfr aYqvfr, 23 akqUbr, bfad dupihr 1:30 vjy irvrsfeIz iPAUnrl hom, zYltf ivKy hovygf. aMiqm ardfs Kflsf d Iv fn s os fie tI, XOrk sYNtr, srI ivKy bfad dupihr 3:30 vjy hovygI. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: srbjIq isMG gryvfl (spuwqr) Pon: 604351-2482


The Patrika



Friday, October 21st, 2016

pMjfbI pwiqRkf df dIvflI spYsLl aMk 28 akqUbr sLukrvfr nMU pMjfbI pwiqRkf dy pfTkF nMU ieh jfxky KusLI hovygI iek dIvflI spYsLl aMk 28 akqUbr idn sLuwkrvfr nMU pRkfisLq hovygf. so vpfrI aqy kfrobfrI vIrF nMU sinmr bynqI hY ik afpxy sMdysL soNmvfr qwwk phuMcdy kro jI. ilKfrI vIr vI afpxIaF ilKqF aqy rcnfvF somvfr qwk phuMcdIaF kro jI.

Employment kfimaF dI loV

lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM qjLrbykfr typr dI loV hY, nvyN kfimaF nUM tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| cMgI qnKfh, aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-854-9540 jF 604-615-7495 Workers Wanted Farm workers required starting Janurary 2017. 40 to 60 hours per week. Duties include pruning, planting, weeding, & harvesting berries. As well as other general farm duties. Work is outdoors & can be physically demanding. Wage $10.85 per hour. Fax resume to 604-850-7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 6C9.

Caregiver Wanted Wanted F/T In Home Caregiver to work from a Abbotsford home 40 hrs/wk $11.50 hr help take care of 3 children. Both parents working full time. Must be able to read/speak English. Drop and pick from school, prepare meals, snacks, help with homework, after school activities, appointments, light housekeeping duties. "Optional accommodation available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment" Dhillon Family email: harjeet. dhillon8@hotmail.com

Workers Wanted Seasonal employment from January- July 2017 harvesting and pruning raspberries and blueberries. Must be prepared to work in an environment that is physically demanding and work repetitive tasks in a wide range of outdoor weather conditions. Hours range from 45-60 hours per week, $10.85 per hour. Please apply in person at Boparai Farm, 390 Hamm Rd., Abbotsford, BC, V2T 6B5 or Call: 778-552-5439


Employment cont'd Caregiver Wanted Wanted a full-time caregiver, female to take care of two children 7&8 years old. Both parents are working. Must be able to speak and read English. Knowledge of Punjabi will be preferred. Salary $12 per hour. Location Abbotsford. Contact 604557-6773 & 778-345-5046

Truck Driver Wanted Class 1 truck driver required to transport loads for our company. The loads are for USA (CA). Experience in trucking industry will be preferred. Knowledge of English is must and Knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Drivers abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@gloadtransport.com, 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2

Employment cont'd

kfimaF dI loV

PryimMg kMpnI leI qjLrbykfr vrkrF dI jrUurq hY| ibnF qjLrby dy nvyN vrkr vI aplfeI kr skdy hn| cMgI qnKfh idwqI jfvygI| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604832-1902 kfimaF dI loV

aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604-615-9877

Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Epl`ieMs irpyEr E aYbtsPorz dI PryimMg kMpnI pl`ieMs  leI qjLrbykfr vrkrF dI   loV hY| nvyN kfmy vI aplfeI kr skdy hn| qjLrby anusfr 

vDIaf qnKfh idwqI jfvygI| Wanted Caregiver / Nanny rfeIz df pRbMD hY, hor jfxkfrI Wanted a full time -caregiver, female leI Pon kro: 604-825-5411 to take care of two boys 6 & 3 years old. Both parents working. Must be able to speak and read English. Knowledge of Punjabi will be preferred. Salary $12/ hr. Location: Abbotsford Contact: 778-345-6410 or Email: gurcharangill91@gmail. com


kMinaf dI loV

42 sflf pMjfbI kMboj qlfksLudf lVky leI knyzIan lVkI dI loV hY| lVky df vrkr dI loV afpxf kfrobfr hY| qlfksLudf, ivjtr jF ivDvf vI sMprk aYbtsPor ivwc pIjf stor kr skdy hn aqy jfqvfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr pfq df koeI bMDn nhIN | hor dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI jfxkfrI leI eI-myl kro hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI aqy afpxf bfieEzYtf Byjo: jfvygI| Pon : 778-878-4723 1979kaura@gmail.com (dupihr 12 vjy qoN bfad)

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



gurduafrf sfihb klgIDr drbfr ivKy iewk rojLf gurmiq XUQ gurmiq kYNp gurduafrf sfihb klgIDr drbfr ivKy 21 akqUbr, 2016 idn sLuwkrvfr nUM svyry 9:30 qoN 3:30 qwk bfbf buwZf jI nUM smripq iewk rojLf gurmiq kYNp afXojq kIqf igaf hY. kYNp ivwc gurduafrf sfihb dy muwK syvfdfr BfeI srbjIq isMG vwloN bwicaF aqy nOjvfnF nUM bfbf jI dy jIvn bfry slfeIz sLoa rfhIN BrpUr jfxkfrI idwqI jfvygI. kYNp dOrfn ieMglYNz qoN ivsLysL rUp ivwc phuMcI bIbI qrn kOr vwloN vrksLfp kIqI jfvygI. aYbtsPorz puils ivBfg dy muKI bOb irwc vwloN bwicaF aqy mfipaF nfl ivsLysL vfrqflfp hovygI. vDyry jfxkfrI leI gurduafrf sfihb dy Pysbuwk pyj Gurdwara Kalgidhar Darbar ‘qy jfAu jF iswD sMprk kro.



The Patrika 

afjLfdI dy prvfny qy rwq-cUsxIaF jokF awj qoN krIb iek sdI ipCfˆh nUM Jfˆq mfrIey qfˆ keI rOck qwQ sfhmxy afAuNdy hn. gdr pfrtI dI sQfpnf roËI rotI dI Bfl ‘c BfrqIafˆ, Kfs krky pMjfb, dy AunHfˆ kfimafˆ vwloN kIqI geI sI, jo kYnyzf, amrIkf, jrmn, Prfˆs, ietlI qy dwKxI aPrIkf dy dyÈfˆ ivwc gey sn. AunHfˆ dyÈfˆ dy mukfbly afpxy dyÈ dI durgqI, Ëflm ivdyÈI gulfmI, grIbI, anpVHqf, rUVIvfdI, smfijk kdrfˆ kImqfˆ, afriQk luwt Koh qy mnuwKI gulfmI qy dur-ivhfr Auh mUl kfrn sn, ijnHfˆ ny ivdyÈ ivwc rihMdy ihMdosqfnIafˆ dI ËmIr nUM JMjoV ky AunHfˆ dyÈfˆ ‘c cMgf imhnqfnf lYx vfilafˆ qy KuÈhfl kfrobfr sQfpq kr cuwky BfrqIafˆ ‘coN iek vwzy ihwsy ny gdr pfrtI dy JMzy Qwly hiQafrbMd Gol rfhIN sfmrfjI hkUmq AultfAux df aihd ilaf. ies mksd leI kurbfnIafˆ dI JVI lf idwqI. ivÈnUM gxyÈ ipMgly, lflf hridafl, BfeI prmfnMd, sohx isMG Bknf, BfeI kysr isMG TwTgVH, krqfr isMG srfBf, pMizq kfˆÈI rfm, Tfkr dfs, BfeI cUVH isMG, munÈI krIm bKÈ, munÈI rfm, mOlvI brkq Aulf, BfeI Bgvfn isMG, ÈhId AUDm isMG aqy hor dyÈ Bgqfˆ ny gdr pfrtI dI agvfeI hyT afËfdI dI aijhI


icxg sulgfeI, ijs ny BfrqIafˆ dy iek ihwsy dy mnfˆ ‘c kuJ kr guËrn df BfˆbV mcf idwqf. ieQoN qwk ik BfeI prmfnMd ny amrIkf ivwc dvfeIafˆ bfry pVHfeI krn AuprMq nfmxf Kwtx dy nfl-nfl dOlq vI iekwTI kIqI qy ipwCoN gdr pfrtI nfl juV ky axQwk Gflxf GflI. pMizq kfÈI rfm gdr pfrtI dy pihly KËfncI cuxy gey sn. AunHfˆ ny ds hËfr zflr nkd qy iek ËmIn df kImqI tuwkVf gdr pfrtI dy dPqr qy aKbfr cflU krn leI apRYl 1913 ivwc idwqf. AunHIN idnIN jdoN 2-3 zflr idhfVI kmf ky amrIkf ivwc vwsy BfrqI vfDU sMquÈtI mihsUs krdy sn, pMizq kfÈI rfm vwloN eynf vwzf Auphfr gdrI lihr dy lyKy lfAuxf AunHfˆ df dyÈ dI afËfdI pRqI zUMGy snyh dI inÈfnI sI. rfm pRÈfd ibsiml qy mdn mohn ZIˆgrf PfˆsI df jfm pIx vfly pihly dyÈ Bgqfˆ ivwcoN sn. mhfqmf gfˆDI, dfdf BfeI nfrojI, mdn mohn mflvIaf, gopfl ikRÈn goKly, muhMmd alI ijnfh, vlB BfeI ptyl, sI[ rfjgopflfafcfrIaf, bfbU rijMdr pRÈfd, moqI lfl nihrU, lflf lfjpq rfey afid dI agvfeI hyT kfˆgrs vwloN clfeI afËfdI dI lihr, akflIafˆ dI gurduafirafˆ nUM mhMqfˆ qoN mukq krfAux dI lihr, pwgVI sMBfl jwtf lihr, mOplf

Friday, October 21st, 2016

bUtf rfm

kfˆz, kUkf lihr, pRjf mMzl lihr, 1929 Bojn afid dI Gft qoN ielfvf jMgl pfxI df Bfrq Cwzo aMdoln afid clfey. qy ieÈnfn afid vI jyl koTVI ‘c krnf pYˆdf sI. aMgryËfˆ vwloN jylfˆ ivwc gYr mnuwKI ies qoN ielfvf 1946 dI nyvI vwloN hVqfl, vqIrf kIqf jfˆdf sI. aMzymfn ivKy sËf jilHafˆ vflf bfg kfˆz, nnkfxf sfihb df vjoN kYdIafˆ nUM qyl pIVn vfly kohlUafˆ awgy sfkf, mlyr kotly df sfkf, 1857 ivwc joqxf, ivwqoN vwD cwkI pIsx leI anfj POj vwloN bgfvq, Auqr pRdyÈ gorKpur dyxf, suwkI muMj df iClkf jfx buwJ ky kuwtx lfglf cOrI cOrf kfˆz, Bgq isMG, rfjgurU, leI dyxf, hr kYdI koloN cfhy Auh rfjsI suKdyv, cMdr ÈyKr afËfd afid dIafˆ ikAuN nf hovy, kuJ hPiqafˆ qwk hYˆz mÈIn Èhfdqfˆ, myrT sfiËÈ kys, lfhOr sfiËÈ nfl qIh pONz pRqI hPqf qyl kZfAux dI kys, myrT sfiËÈ kys, iProËpur CfAuxI muÈwkq ËrUr lYxI. jy iek pONz vI qyl Gty ivwc POj vwloN bgfvq dI koiÈÈ, 1857 qfˆ qIh bYˆqfˆ dI krVI sËf dyxI. hwQkVIafˆ ‘c lfhOr CfAuxI qoN dwKxI BfrqI POjIafˆ qy byVIafˆ nfl jkV ky rwKxf. dI bgfvq nfl sbMDq ‘kfilafˆ vfly KUh df sfkf`, ijwQy aMgryËfˆ ny 300 qoN vwD jy koeI mnuwKI hwk dI afvfË AuTfAuNdf qfˆ POjIafˆ nUM golIafˆ nfl Auzf ky KUh ivwc Aus nUM sflfˆ bwDI jfnvrfˆ vfˆg ipMjry ‘c dwb idwqf sI. mhfqmf gfˆDI df zfˆzI mfrc bMd kr dyxf. brP dIafˆ iswlfˆ AuWqy iltf qy nf-imlvrqn aMdoln, ivdyÈI vsqfˆ ky qÈwdd krnf. bMnH ky koVy mfrny, ijs df bfeIkft, kYnyzf ivclf kfmf gftfmfrU nfl srIr ivwcoN lhU inkl pYˆdf sI. sËf kfˆz qy bjbj Gft vflI Gtnf, muslI vjoN roËfnf rfÈn ivwc ktOqI kr dyxI, pytf ividafrQI aMdoln, rfjsI kYdIafˆ aijhy vrqfry sn, ijnHfˆ snmuK dyÈ Bgqfˆ vwloN aMzymfn sYlUlr jyl ivwc nf isrP nUM ijAUx leI mjbUr hoxf pYˆdf sI. rfjsI axmnuwKI qsIihafˆ ivruwD mrn vrq qy BuwK kYdIafˆ dI ËmIn/jfiedfd kurk krnf, dyÈ hVqflfˆ jfrI rhIafˆ, sgoN nyqf jI suBfÈ qoN jlfvqnI dy hukm, ivwqoN vwD jurmfny qy cMdr bos qy afËfd ihMd POj vwloN aMgryËfˆ lMbIafˆ kYdfˆ dyÈ Bgqfˆ leI dyÈ syvf df df ivroD, jYqo df morcf aqy hrÈy-CIny myvf mMinaf jfˆdf sI. ajIq isMG aijhy dy moGy morcf, ‘gdr dI gUMj` vrgIafˆ dyÈ Bgq sn, jo 38 sfl rUpoÈI dI hflq aKbfrfˆ vwloN dyÈ aqy ivdyÈfˆ ivwc aMgryËI ivwc ivdyÈfˆ ivwc rihMdy hoey afËfdI leI slqnq ivruwD DUMafˆDfr pRcfr aqy keI sMGrÈ krdy rhy. lflf hridafl afpxy hor aijhy kfrnfmy hn, ijnHfˆ ny bqOr kOm smyˆ dy aËIm buwDIjIvI sn, jo ÈfdI qoN ihMdosqfnIafˆ dI ËmIr nUM aMgryËfˆ dy julmo bfad afpxy iqMn mhIny dI DI aqy Drm isqm ivruwD lfmbMd krn leI pRyiraf. pqnI nUM AunHfˆ dy hfl AuWqy Cwz ky sfrI Aumr ivdyÈfˆ ‘c afËfdI qy mnuwKI hwkfˆ leI Aupr idwqy hvfly 1857 qoN ivwZI geI kOmI sMGrÈÈIl rhy. AunHfˆ aMiqm sfh vI ivdyÈI afËfdI lihr dy aMÈ hn. asl ivwc srjmIˆ AuWqy ilaf. pyÈfvr qoN kMinaf kumfrI qwk df ihMdosqfn EdoN ivdyÈI hkUmq ivruwD bgfvq df JMzf sfnUM Bfrq vfsIafˆ, Kfs krky isafsI brdfr bx igaf sI. keIafˆ rfjfˆ; ijvyˆ nyqfvfˆ qy kfrkuMnfˆ, nUM afpxy igrybfn ‘c afËfdI qoN pihlfˆ vflf sfˆJf bMgfl qy Jfq mfr ky ËrUr prKxf cfhIdf hY ik lwKfˆ pMjfb, Auqr pRdyÈ, ibhfr, mhfrfÈtr, kurbfnIafˆ dyx AuprMq pRfpq hoeI afËfdI gujrfq qy mwD pRdyÈ ivwc afËfdI dy gol nUM nfl asIN ikqy iKlvfV qfˆ nhIN kr rhy? kI vfDU jnqk smrQn imldf irhf. afËfdI asIN lok ihwq nfloN jfqI svfrQ nUM pihl prvfinafˆ dI iËMdgI ‘qy Jfq mfrIey qfˆ qfˆ nhIN dy rhy? kI asIN lok syvf nUM vpfrk aijhy qwQ idRÈtI gocr huMdy hn ik Auh nËr nfl qfˆ nhIN dyK rhy? kI asIN jfqI svfrQ qy lflc ibnfˆ dyÈ nUM afËfd krfAux suwK afrfm qy dOlq dy vfikaf hwkdfr hfˆ? dI iewCf rwKdy sn. keI dyÈ Bgqfˆ ny kI dyÈ vfsIafˆ nUM iswDy aiswDy qOr ‘qy asIN amIr qy pVHy ilKy hox dy bfvjUd sMGrÈ luwtxf afpxf hwk qfˆ nhIN smJdy? kI asIN meI qy Kqirafˆ dI iËMdgI nUM soc smJ ky afËfdI dy prvfinafˆ dy mukfbly dyÈ leI apxfieaf. aMgryËI Èfsn dIafˆ mhwqv swcmuwc afpxf kuJ nf kuJ inÈfvr kr pUrn pdvIafˆ nUM Tokr mfr ky jn aMdoln rhy hfˆ? kI vqn vfsIafˆ nUM asIN smfijk, nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf. keI afËfdI GulftIafˆ afriQk qy rfjnIqk brfbrI dy dfavydfr ny aYÈo afrfm qy KuÈhfl iËMdgI ijAUx mMnx nUM iqafr hfˆ? kI asIN afpxy dyÈ nfloN vqn vfsqy jylfˆ kwtx, qsIhy Jwlx, nUM Bfrq mfqf smJdy hoey Aus dy lhU nUM BuwKy iqhfey rihx, jlfvqnI, rUpoÈI aqy jokfˆ vfˆg qfˆ nhIN cUs rhy? dyÈ BgqI qy mukwdimafˆ dI lVI nUM iKwVy mwQy svIkfiraf. nfgirkqf sfQoN ienHfˆ svflfˆ df jvfb bVI plMGfˆ dI syj nfloN jyl dIafˆ duÈvfrIafˆ nUM bysbrI nfl mMg rhI hY. AuToˆ, ihMmq Dro KuÈgvfr smiJaf. AunHfˆ idnfˆ ivwc jylfˆ dI qy jvfb idE ik qusIN swcmuwc hI dyÈ pRqI hflq bVI kÈtdyh, inrfÈf jnk qy sPfeI afpxI iËMmyvfrI iemfndfrI nfl inBf rhy rihq huMdI sI. pwKf, ibjlI, ibsqr, cMgy ho ik nhIN.

The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016



mhfBfrq, rfmlIlHf qy awlHf hU inrmfqf inrdysLk bI[afr[copVf df sIrIal ‘mhfBfrq’ 1988 qoN 1990 qwk dUrdrsLn dI sLfn huMdf sI. 94 iksLqF vflf ieh sIrIal hr aYqvfr ds vjy jdoN iewk GMty leI idKfieaf jFdf sI qF sVkF suMnIaF ho jFdIaf sn. afm afdmI, cfhy Auh iksy vI Drm nfl sbMDq sI, ies sIrIal df dIvfnf sI. ies qoN pihlF dUrdrsLn ‘qy suprihwt rhy sIrIal ‘rfmfiex’ dy mukfbly smuwcy ivsLf-vsqu dI smkflI pirpyK ivwc ivafiKaf qy sLkqIsLflI sMvfd ‘mhfBfrq’ dI ivlwKxqf sI. ieh sMvfd ihMdI dy AuWGy sfihqkfr zf[rfhI mfsUm rjLf dy ilKy hoey sn. muslmfn hox dy bfvjUd ihMdU ieiqhfs-imiQhfs nfl juVy GtnfkRm dI ivvykpUrn qy qfrikk ivafiKaf aqy sMvfdF nUM ihMdU sMvydnfvF muqfibk Zflx dy bfvjUd srbivafpkqf bKL s L x I zf[rjL f dI ivdvqf, srbaMgI suhj qy smkflInqf df kmfl sI. ieh gMgf-jmunI qihjLIb dI bKLisLsL sI ijs ny iewk musilm nUM ihMdU PlsPLy qy sLfsqRIaqf nUM vrqmfn Xuwg dy qfrikk pYmfinaF muqfibk Zflx dy kfbl bxfieaf. ieh gwl bihs dI bfiejL hY ik ‘rfmfiex’ qy ‘mhfBfrq’ vrgy sIrIalF dy rfsLtrI tYlIivjLn AuWqy pRsfrn ny Bfrq ivwc ihMdUqvI ivcfrDfrf dy vDx Puwlx aqy Bfjpf dy AuBfr ivwc ikMnI aihm BUimkf inBfeI. iPr vI, kmfl dI gwl ieh rhI ik aijhy AuBfr dy bfvjUd iksy ny vI aijhf ieqrfjL krn dI jurawq nhIN kIqI ik mhFirsLI vyd ivafs ricq gfQf nUM ajoky smyN muqfibk qsL r Ih krn dI ijL M m y v frI iew k musilm nUM ikAuN sONpI geI.

leI nvfjUdIn vwloN BogI geI ijLwlq vwl iDafn dyx df nf smF sI aqy nf hI iewCf. iswdIkI qF hY hI alpvfdI. ‘gYNgjL afPL vsypur’ , bdlpur’, ‘lMc bfks’ , ‘dbMg qy keI hor aihm iPlmF ivwc imafrI BUimkfvF inBfAux vflf ieh adfkfr aijhy apmfn dy bfvjUd koRiDq nhIN, ieh Aus aMdrlI sihxsLIlqf df pRmfx hY. iewk aKLbfr vwloN ies mfmly ‘qy bhuq kurydy jfx ‘qy Aus ny ikhf, “ijLMdgI ivwc mYN eynIaF irjYksLnjL dyKIaF hn ik guwsf afAuxf hI bMd ho igaf hY.” AuNj, Aus nUM ies gwl df aPsos hY ik Auh jo kuJ afpxy bcpn ivwc sihjBfa krdf af irhf sI, hux Aus nUM ihMdUaF qy muslmfnF dI pflfbMdI ny asihj bxf idwqf hY.

jnm sLqfbdI mOky afpxI qkrIr ivwc pRDfn mMqrI modI ny AupfiDafie dy hI hvfly nfl musilm BfeIcfry nUM purskfrn jF iqrskfrn dI QF afpixaF vFg apnfAux df swdf idwqf sI. AunHF vwloN vrqy sLbd ‘pirsLikRq’(sLuDIkrn) qoN ivvfd vI AuiTaf sI pr moty qOr ‘qy AunHF ny afpxy hI BgqF nUM musilm BfeIcfry nfl pfVf GtfAux leI pRyiraf sI. sRI modI dy ies sunyhy nUM mIzIaf ivwc cMgI QF vI imlI sI. keI mIzIaf pMizqF ny qF ies nUM ‘ihrdy pirvrqn’ vI krfr idwqf sI. pr AunHF dI aijhI qkrIr qoN hPLqf ku bfad nvfjLudIn iswdIkI nfl jo vrqfrf ieh iesy pflfbMdI df hI asr hY ik qIhry vfpiraf, Aus iKlfPL nf qF AunHF dI srkfr qlfk jF sFJy isivl koz vrgy muwidaF ‘qy kfnUMn kimsLn vwloN ByjI geI sfDfrn pRsLnfvlI AuWqy kuJ bolI aqy nf hI pfrtI. musilm prsnl lfa borz iqwKI pRqIikiraf apnfAuxf jF gly lgfAuxf qF dUr irhf, pRgtfAuNidaF ies nUM Bfrq dy ‘ihMdUkrn’ dI iqrskfrn nUM vI inMidaf nhIN igaf. buDfxf cfl dwsdf hY. Auh vI ieh jfxidaF hoieaf ik kfnUMn kimsLn aijhf kuJ suprIm kort dI rfmlIlHf kmytI df mwuK mukfmI Bfjpf dI hdfieq ‘qykr irhf hY. dUjy pfsy borz dI afgU hY. Aus df kQn sI, “nvfjLUdIn ny jo ies soc ipwCy Cupy qOKLilaF nUM sMboiDq hox krnf cfihaf, Auh svfgqXog sI. pr iewk qy munfisb sMvydnf ivKfAux dI QF hukmrfn bMdy sI KusLI dI KLfiqr asIN amn-kfnUMn iDr qy Aus dy ipwTUaF vwloN ieh pRqIkrm dI ivvsQf dI blI qF nhIN dy skdy.” blI mu s ilm mjL h bI lIzrisL p nU M iqR s kfrn leI vriqaf jf irhf hY. BfrqI jnsMG dy sMsQfpk pMizq dInidafl AupfiDafie dI

suirMdr isMG qyj qF nhIN sI idwqI jf skdI, KwulH ky ivro D qF kIqf jf skdf sI,

‘svfgqXog’ dy hwk ivwc KVHn dI smrwQf qF idKfeI jf skdI sI. AuNj, aijhI smrwQf AudoN hI sMBv huMdI hY jdoN iksy swc pRqI ihrdy aMdr koeI afsQf, ivsLvfs qy idRVqf hovy. hux qwk alpsMiKakF pRqI jo srkfrI vrqfrf dyKx nUM iml irhf hY, Auh iksy aMdrUnI Dfrnf dI pYdfiesL nf ho ky hkUmqI mjbUrIaF dI imsfl vwD hY. iesy leI jdoN kyNdrI gRih mMqrI rfjnfQ isMG, mrhUm indf PfjLlI dy hvfly nfl ‘mOlvIEN kf sjdf, pMizqoN kI pUjf/mjLdUroN kI heIaf heIaf, awlf hU” vflI quk boldf hY qF swc nf bolx df pRBfv idMdf hY.

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The Patrika Friday, October 21st, 2016






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Friday, October 21st, 2016


Friday, October 21st, 2016

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Friday, October 21st 2016

Friday, October 21st, 2016





Friday, October 21st 2016

Friday, October 21st, 2016





Friday, October 21st 2016


Friday, October 21st, 2016


2790 Allwood Street Abbotsford, BC V2T 3R7

778 -241-7451






• Legal Suite • Media Room • 6 Bedrooms





• 4 Baths • Living Space = 3222 sf • Lot = 7987 sf

• 4 Bedroom • 3 Baths


• Living Space = 2058 sf • Lot = 5812 sf

2735 Mitchell Street

• Legal Suite 2 Bdrm • 1 Bdrm Unauth • 9 Bedrooms





• 74.52 Acres in Bradner • Estate Home • 5 Bedrooms

s Acre

• Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm • Planted in 3 Varieties

• 3 Bdrm Mobile • Flat / Rectangular • 5 min from town

5212 Beharrell Road

• 4 Baths • Lot = 7987 sf

1390 Angus Campbell Road


• Machine Pick • Duke / Blue Crop /16-13 / Elliott

9A 25.3

• 40x80 Shed • 3000+ SF Brand New Home

34004 Clayburn Road


• Build Dream Home • property needs well

Lot B on Beharrell Road

• Close to Hwy 1 & 3 Road • 3 Bedrooms

430 Bowman Road


• 2 Baths • Some Updates • Planted in Duke

5111 Tolmie Road

4627 Di on Road .....................................$2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ..................................$874,700 565 Marion Road .....................................$1,699,900 39963 North Parallel Road .......................$1,850,000

• 8 Acres = Duke • LAND ONLY • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • Expect 225-250k • 6 Acres = Liberty production

CR 10 A

Ac 8.23

s Acre

• Duke / Elliott • Blue Crop / Reka • Income producing

33423 Kingsley Terrace


3A 36.8


• Sumas Prairie • Media Room • 6 Bedrooms

• 3 Baths • Living Space = 2000 sf • Lot = 6000 sf

2290 Imperial Street ...................................$550,000 2125 Topa Street .......................................$449,900 32373 Grouse Court ....................................$529,900 34040 Higginson Crescent ..........................$915,000



• 4 Baths • Living Space = 4964 sf • Has Mobile w/Tenants

• Legal Suite • Close To UFV • 5 Bedrooms


cre A 3 4

5571 Ross Road



• 6 Baths • Living Space = 5069 sf • Lot = 7955 sf

34125 Higginson Crescent

44 - 30748 Cardinal Avenue ........................$459,700 30544 Steelhead Court ...............................$619,900 34631 1ST Avenue ......................................$400,000 3666 New Castle Road ................................$649,000










5-33890 Marshall Road



• Hatzic Mission • Currently Rented • 2 Bedrooms

• 2 Baths • Living Space = 1665 sf

37424 Lougheed Highway

McCallum Road Agassi .......................$2,300,000 Taylor Road Mt Lehman Area ................$2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ...................................$1,048,900 2727 240 Street .......................................$1,950,000




Friday, October 21st 2016


Friday, October 21st, 2016

Students to become B.C.’s Masters of Disaster


new program to help inspire students throughout the province to do their part to prepare British Columbia families and communities for emergencies is now available in B.C. classrooms. Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness Naomi Yamamoto announced the launch of the Master of Disaster program, a three-module learning resource, available in both English and French, designed to help Grade 6 students learn about emergency preparedness from a proactive and interactive all-hazards perspective. To become a Master of Disaster, students gain the knowledge necessary to prepare for the worst should disaster strike, as well as the skills to create more resilient and connected households and families that understand the importance of working together before, during and after an emergency.

The Master of Disaster program was first introduced by PreparedBC as a pilot in five schools in April 2016. Feedback received from teachers and students who participated in the pilot has been incorporated to enhance the program in preparation for today’s provincewide launch. The program was developed in collaboration with public, independent and First Nations school teachers from around B.C., emergency program coordinators, parent advisory council members, school administrators and the Insurance Bureau of Canada.



Friday, October 21st 2016

UFV presents panel on Lessons Learned from Avian Influenza


in the detection, outbreak management, and industry recovery efforts of four outbreaks of notifiGuest Panelists: able Avian Flu in the Dr. Victoria Bowes, Diagnostic Avian last 12 years. PatholoSarah Loehndorf, BC UFV’s Alumni Association is gist, BC Broiler Hatching Egg bringing together a panel of exMinistry of Commission pert speakers on Mon, Oct 24 at Agriculture 5 pm to explore how the industry UFV alumna Sarah has evolved in the way it responds Dr. Bowes Loehndorf is the on farm program coorto this disease and the wider scale has spent dinator at the BC Broiler Hatching Egg impacts of disease outbreaks on the last 28 Commission. She works directly with producers, their families, and years emhatching egg producers on biosecurity, farming communities. Join facployed at food safety, and animal welfare. Durulty host Renee Prasad, a UFV the Proing the last Avian Influenza event she agriculture professor, and guest vincial worked with Canadian Food Inspection panelists at an evening open to Veterinary Agency staff in the permitting departstudents, alumni, faculty and the Diagnostic ment as an industry representative. public. The event will take place Laboratory Sarah graduated from UFV in 2012 in the Aboriginal Gathering Place in Abbotswith her Livestock Production certifion the UFV Chilliwack campus at ford as a specialist pathologist with cate, Horticulture Crop Production & Canada Education Park. Admission is expertise in avian pathology. The Protection certificate, and Agriculture free and the public is welcome. diagnostic caseload involves disease Technology diploma. She is currently investigations in all species of birds. pursuing a Bachelor of Science in The Fraser Valley poultry industry is Dr. Bowes has been directly involved unique in many ways. Most farms are he Fraser Valley poultry industry has dealt with several outbreaks of Avian Flu over the past 12 years. Find out what lessons farmers, industry representatives, and ministry experts have learned at a special event at the University of the Fraser Valley.


family farms and the concentration of operations in the valley is very high, while urban encroachment is increasing.

Biology through Thompson Rivers University. Allan Cross, Hatching Egg Producer and Broiler Grower in Aldergrove and Abbotsford, industry leader in emergency disease response Allan Cross immigrated to Canada in 1992 and has been involved in the poultry industry ever since. Allan is the past president and current vice-chair of the BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission. He brings a valued perspective not only on being an egg producer but also as the co-lead (industry) of the 2014/15 avian influenza response.

Friday, October 21st, 2016




Friday, October 21st 2016

Ambrose announces changes to the Energy-efficient lighting helps Shadow Cabinet British Columbians save year-round


ona Ambrose, Leader of the Official Opposition and Interim Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, today announced changes to the Shadow Cabinet. “The race for the leadership of the Conservative Party is growing, both in the number of candidates, and in excitement about their ideas for the future of our party and our country. Recently, a number of Shadow Cabinet members have stepped away from their critic roles to join this historic contest. I want to wish Steven Blaney, Erin O’Toole and Lisa Raitt the best of luck as they pursue this next step, and I thank them for their service to our Caucus and Shadow Cabinet since November of last year. I also want to welcome back Tony Clement to the Shadow Cabinet, and thank him for his willingness to serve.”


“As well, I want to thank Members of Parliament John Brassard, Alupa Clarke, Gerard Deltell, Phil McColeman, Pierre Poilievre and Alain Rayes for agreeing to serve in new roles in the Shadow Cabinet. I look forward to working with them and the entire Caucus to hold this Liberal government to account over the coming days and weeks.”

With the darker, winter months ahead, BC Hydro is partnering with more than 275 retailers across the province to offer discounts on energy-efficient LED bulbs, lighting fixtures and controls.

can last up to 20 years. Residential lighting can account for up to 15 per cent of a household’s electricity use and simple actions like turning off unnecessary lights will help save on lighting costs.

Until October 20, customers can get up to a $10 instant rebate on select ENERGY STAR LED bulbs and $5 on lighting fixtures like ceiling mounts, chandeliers and floor lamps. Customers can also save $3 on select lighting control systems like dimmers, timers and motion sensors.

• Turn off unnecessary lights: Two 100-watt incandescent bulbs switched off for two hours a day can save $12 over a year.

Lights are kept on for longer periods in the fall and winter months, causing electricity use to rise. Making the switch to energy-efficient lighting products can help British Columbians offset the increasing energy demand during the colder and darker months of the year. ENERGY STAR LED bulbs and fixtures use at least 75 per cent less energy than incandescent lighting and

• Use task lighting: Turning off ceiling lights and using table lamps and track lighting in work and hobby areas, as well as kitchens, can save $6 a year. Since 2011, BC Hydro has provided instant rebates on more than 2.1 million energy-saving light bulbs. These bulbs have produced cumulative energy savings of 54 gigawatt hours – that’s enough to power more than 5,000 homes in B.C. for a year. For more information on products with instant rebates and a list of participating retailers, visit powersmart.ca.

Friday, October 21st, 2016





Friday, October 21st 2016


Friday, October 21st, 2016

Prime Minister announces nomination of Mr. Justice Malcolm Rowe to the Supreme Court of Canada


he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the nomination of Mr. Justice Malcolm Rowe for the Supreme Court of Canada.

To further meet our commitment to openness and transparency, members of the House’s Justice and Human Rights Committee and Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs Commit-

tee – as well as representatives of the Bloc Québécois and Green Party – will be invited to take part in a Q&A session with the nominee, moderated by a law professor, on October 25.

The new selection process is being used in this instance to fill the vacancy left by Justice Thomas Cromwell who retired from the Supreme Court of Canada on September 1, 2016.

First appointed as a trial judge in 1999, Mr. Justice Rowe has sat on the Court of Appeal of Newfoundland and Labrador since 2001. Throughout his distinguished career, working for the Federal Government, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, and in private law practice, he was involved in constitutional matters, foreign relations, the arbitration of maritime boundaries, and the negotiation of conventional law through the United Nations. Since being appointed to the bench, he has made a remarkable contribution to the area of sentencing law. Justice Rowe’s deep knowledge of criminal, constitutional, and public law has made him an ideal candidate to sit on Canada’s highest court. This is the first nomination by the Government of Canada under its new Supreme Court selection process, which was established to promote greater openness, transparency, and accountability. With today’s announcement, the members of the House of Commons’ Committee on Justice and Human Rights will be given a week to prepare for a special committee hearing, where the Minister of Justice and the Chair of the Independent Advisory Board will explain the process and why the nominee was selected.

msqI dI Puhfr mfxo! dIvflI dIaF vDfeIaF!



Friday, October 21st 2016

GOLF: Cascades women ranked No. 1, men No. 2 going into national championships The University of the Fraser Valley golf teams are among the favourites at the PING CCAA Golf National Championships, which tee off this week at Fox Meadow Golf Course in Stratford, PEI.

The Cascades women’s team, in fact, is the favourite – they ascended to the No. 1 spot in the most recent edition of the CCAA national rankings, coming off a decisive PACWEST conference title. The UFV men’s squad, mean-

while, holds down the No. 2 spot in their national rankings, trailing only the Camosun Chargers, the reigning PACWEST and CCAA champ. The 54-hole tournament, hosted by Holland College, begins Wednesday

Shaw nfl iml ky dIvy jgfeIey,

imiTafeIaF vMzIey qy KusLIaF mnfeIey.

and runs through Friday, and will feature 15 men’s teams, 10 women’s teams and several individual entries. Event coverage, including live leaderboards and video, is available at ccaa. ca/sports/golf.

Fight for $15 minimum wage campaign launches new BC election video Vancouver – With the provincial election just seven months away, the BC Federation of Labour is releasing a new 30-second video today urging voters to elect a government that will implement a $15 per hour minimum wage for all workers. The video highlights the financial challenges faced by minimum wage workers who earn less than $20,000 per year and identifies a simple solution: raise BC’s minimum wage to $15 per hour. Nearly half a million British Columbians—one out of four workers in the province—earn less than $15 per hour. The majority are women and 81% are 20 or older.

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hux hI afrzr krn leI, 1-877-287-3808 `qy kfl kro jF shaw.ca/Diwali `qy jfE. * ijhVy gfhkF ny isrPL 2 sfl dI ieMtrnYWt qy tIvI ValuePlan nfl ieMtrnYWt 150 aqy prsnl tIvI nUM cuixaf hY, AuhnF nUM iehnF bys srivsjL leI kImq dI grMtI imlygI. Shaw gfhkF `qy afm qOr `qy lfgU hox vfly vfDy dy nqIjy vjoN, ilKqI sLrqF qihq, pihly sfl dI grMtIsLudf bys srivsjL dI idqI jfx vflI mfsk PIs aqy dUsry sfl dI grMtIsLudf bys srivsjL dI idqI jfx vflI mfsk PIs `qy vfDf nhIN hovygf. iksy vI tYlIivjLn aYz-afnjL, cYnljL, cYnl pYkyjLF, QIMm pYks, ikrfey dy XMqr, PLon aYz-afnjL (ijvyN vfiesmyl jF kfl vyitMg), GrylU jF ieMtrnYsLnl lMmIN-dUrI dy cfrjjL, py-pr-XUjL cfrjLj jF Qrz pfrtI lfgq smyq iksy `qy vI kIMmq dI grMtI nhIN hY, pr Shaw vloN pRdfn kIqIaF srivsjL dy nqIjy vjoN adf kIqy jfx vfly lyvIjL, srcfrjLjL, tYks jF dUsrIaF PLIsF qwk sImq nhIN hY. jy qusIN ieMtrnYWt 150 qoN hyTF afpxf ieMtrnYWt srivs df lYvl ilafAuNdy ho qF koeI vI lfgU hox Xog kImq dI grMtI nhIN imlygI. ⟠ pysLksL nvMbr 30, 2016 qwk AuplbwD hY aqy ibnF noits qoN bdlI jf skdI hY. idKfeIaF geIaF kImqF ivc tYks sLfml nhIN hY. pysLksL isrPL coxvIaF mfriktF ivc AuplbD hY. pysLks LisrPL nvyN gfhkF `qy lfgU huMdI hY. nvyN gfhkF ny ipCly 90 idnF ivc Shaw dI koeI vI srivs(jL) (ieMtrnYWt, vIzIE aqy/jF Pon) jF bMzl nUM nhIN ilaf hoxf cfhIdf. inXmq ryt do sfl dy smJOqy qoN bfad lfgU hoxgy aqy bdl skdy hn. sfry KyqrF ivc sfrIaF Shaw srivsjL AuplbD nhIN hn. kUnYksLn dI spIz mOzm XMqr, iblizMg vfieirMg, ieMtrnYWt tRYiPk aqy vfqfvrxI hflqF nfl bdl skdI hY. “Up to” spIz Gwt qoN Gwt hflqF `qy aDfrq hY. cYnl aqy QIm pYk dI AuplbDqf mfrikt nfl vwK-vwK huMdI hY. HD poRgrfimMg leI HD hfrzvyar dI loV hY. jy quhfzI koeI vI srivs kYNsl huMdI hY qF quhfnUM Shaw nUM XMqr vfps krnf pvygf jo qusIN nhIN KrIidaf hY. qusIN Shaw srivsjL nUM agFh nhIN vyc skdy. sfrIaF Shaw srivsjL `qy, sfzIaF Joint Terms of Use aqy Privacy Policy lfgU huMdI hY jo shaw.ca `qy AuplbD hY. ^2 sfl ValuePlan isrPL ieMtrnYWt smJOqy jF ieMtrnYWt qy tIvI smJOqy vjoN AuplbD hY. ieMtrnYWt aqy tIvI 2 sfl ValuePlan dy aDIn, gfhk 2 sfl dy smJOqy dOrfn, 3 tIvI qwk dy kunYksLn leI, iek kMplImYNtrI HDPVR rYNtl dy nfl do vfDU kMplImYNtrI HD bfks pRfpq krngy. ieMtrnYWt 30 jF Aupr lYx `qy gfhk PLrI mOzm rYNtl pRfpq krngy, vrnf $4 pRqI mhInf rYNtl PLIs lfgU hovygI. XMqr dy mfzl tfeIp bdl skdy hF aqy nvyN jF murMmq kIqy ho skdy hn. 2 sfl ValuePlan qoN bfhr Shaw Pon srivsjL iksy vI smyN sLfml kIqIaF jF htfeIaF jf skdIaF hn. syl dy smyN sfrIaF srivsjL lYx `qy nvyN gfhkF nUM PLrI sQfpqI imlygI; bfkI dUsrIaF srivsjL aqy hfrzvyar dy afrzrjL `qy $100 dI sQfpqI PLIs lfgU hovygI. pihlF kYNsl krn dI PLIs lfgU hovygI aqy 2 sfl ValuePlan ivc bfkI bcdy mhIinaF dI igxqI nUM pihlF kYNsl krn dI PLIs (ieMtrnYWt aqy tIvI smJOqy leI $20 pRqI mhInf) nfl guxf krky ihsfb lgfieaf jfvygf. 2 sfl dI ValuePlans bfry ijLafdf jfxkfrI shaw.ca/valueplandetails `qy leI jf skdI hY. ◊Aapka Colors, Life OK jF Sony TV sLfml krvfAUx leI ATN lYxf jrUrI hY.


“Our Fightfor15BC.ca campaign will improve living standards for hundreds of thousands of workers and their families,” says BCFED President Irene Lanzinger. “It’s a key element in a concrete poverty reduction strategy to address the widening gap between rich and poor in BC.” While BC has the highest cost of living in the country, the province’s current $10.85 minimum wage is at the bottom of the table in Canada and leaves workers more than $5,000 below the poverty line. The video will run on social media networks including Facebook and Instagram. At the end of the video viewers are encouraged to sign the petition.

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