The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
2016 dOrfn istI ivc kI nvF hY
ivMtr roz syPtI
aYgrIPRYsL pRojYkt
istIkfAuNisl mIitMgF
aYbtsPorz istI lgBg 900 iklomItr lMmIaF sVkF nUM TIk Tfk rwKx df pRbMD krdI hY| sfzf sno aqy afeIs kMtrol pRogrfm brPbfrI iqlkvIaF sVkI hflqF nUM TIk rWKdf hY| sfzf tIcf ieh hY ik srd ruwq dOrfn sLihr invfsI sLihr dIaF sVkF ‘qy surwiKaq cwl-iPr skx| ieh jfnx leI ik asIN ikvyN srd ruwq leI iqafr hF aqy sVkF nUM sfP rWKdy hF, vyKo:
aYbtsPorz ivc aYgRIklcr nvIaF cuxOqIaF aqy mOikaF sihq bdl irhf hY| asIN styj-2 ivc nvyN afdysL ivksq kr rhy hF aqy quhfzy ivcfr jfnxf cfhuMdy hF| aOnlfeIn srvyKx ivc Bfg lvo: vyKo
kfAuNisl dIaF mIitMgF dI jfxkfrI istI dI vYbsfeIt‘qy hr dUjy somvfr nUM idwqI jFdI hY| kfAuNisl dy eyjMzy AuplbD hn Aupr|
mnorMjk qohPy dyvo
afpxy igPtkfrz aYbtsPorz rYkrIeysLn sYNtr aqy mYtsukueI rYkrIeysLn sYNtr qoN awj hI KrIdo 20 dy hr igPt kfrz nfl bflg dfKlf kfrz muPq lvo| muPq pfs 31 mfrc, 2017 qwk vrqx og hn| nvMbr 1 qoN dsMbr 31,2016 qwk dy sImq smyN leI ieh pysLksL hY|
2017 krbsfeIzkulYksLn krbkulYkt aYp zfAunloz krnI nf Buwlxf ijs rfhIN kulYksLn idn bfry dwisaf jfvygf| 2017 df klMzr istI dI vYbsfeIt qoN vI zfAunloz kIqf jf skdf hY aqy ry ipRMt kIqf jf skdf hY| hor jfxkfrI leI vyKo: on
aWg bflx qoN pihlF cYwk kro pyNzU eyrIey ivc KulHI awg bflx dI afigaf primt lY ky iml skdI hY | sLihrI ielfikaF ivc sfl ivc hr smyN aWg bflx dI mnfhI hY| bflx qoN pihlF cYwk kro
ivMtrPYst Pn 17 dsMbr qoN jnvrI 2 qwk mYtskueI rYkrIeysLn sYNtr ivKy hflIzy mYijk df ihwsf bxo| rojLfnfdyqYrfkI, skytF,kYNpF, pRogrfmF aqy hor keI ku ivc sLfml hovo| afpxf ivMtrPYst Plfier cuwko jF PRC pRogrfmF dI pUrI ilst aOnlfeIn vyKo
kfAuNisl mItMgF dI sUcI . 28 nvMbr: 3:00 vjy bfad dupihr aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 vjy sLfm pbilk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl 5 dsMbr 3:00 bfad dupihr aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 sLfm pbilk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl dsMbr 12 1:00 vjy dupihry kmytI aOP dI hol kmrf 530 dsMbr 19 3:00 bfad dupihr aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 sLfm pbilk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl
istI nfLl sMprk rwKo @City_Abbotsford
plfsitk dI koeI cIjL pRvfn nhIN CityOfAbbotsford
kMpsytybl ibMnNF ivc plfsitk dI koeI cIjL pRvfn nhIN| ikrpf krky kfgLjL dy bYg vrqo jF ikcn ibnNF ivWc kfgjL icpkf dyvo | ijMnF ibMnF ivWc plfsik hovygf, Auh nhIN cuwky jfxgy|
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
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The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
pMjfb dI isafsq ‘c nvIN krvt luiDafxf qoN afËfd ivDfiekfˆ ‘bYˆs Brfvfˆ` vwloN afpxI ‘iensfP pfrtI` df afm afdmI pfrtI (afp) nfl gwTjoV krn dy aYlfn nfl ijwQy kfˆgrs aqy sLRomxI akflI dl-Bfjpf gwTjoV leI cuxOqI hor vD geI hY, AuWQy nvjoq isMG iswDU dI ‘afvfË-ey-pMjfb` df BivwK vI DuMdlf ho igaf hY. ies dy iewko-iewk bfkI mYˆbr prgt isMG dy kfˆgrs ivwc jfx dI crcf hY. ies qrHfˆ kuJ smfˆ pihlfˆ pMjfb ivDfn sBf dIafˆ afgfmI coxfˆ mOky PYslfkuMn aqy pRBfvI BUimkf inBfAux dI sMBfvnf vjoN dyKI jfˆdI ‘iswDU joVI` iewk vfr apRsMgk bx ky rih geI jfpdI hY. AuWDr sLRomxI akflI dl vwloN 69 AumIdvfrfˆ dI sUcI jfrI krn bfad ies ivwc vI bgfvqI surfˆ AuWcIafˆ hoxIafˆ sLurU ho geIafˆ hn hflfˆik hux qwk ies ivwc ‘sB awCf` hI mMinaf jf irhf sI. sfbkf mMqrI srvx isMG iPlOr aqy sMsdI skwqr aivnfÈ cMdr ny itkt nf dyx dy ivroD ivwc pfrtI nUM alivdf kih idwqI hY. keI hor dilq afgUafˆ vwloN vI itktfˆ nf dyx jfˆ hlky bdlx ivruwD ros pRgt krn dIafˆ ikafsarfeIafˆ hn. pfrtI pRDfn suKbIr isMG bfdl dy rvweIey krky keI tksflI akflI pirvfr pihlfˆ hI pfrtI nUM ‘Pqih` bulf cuwky hn. ienHfˆ pirvfrfˆ dy asr-rsUKL df lfhf lYx leI afm afdmI pfrtI ny jQydfr gurcrn isMG tOhVf dI DI aqy sfbkf ivwq mMqrI kYptn kMvljIq isMG dI pqnI nUM itktfˆ nfl invfijaf hY. sLRomxI akflI dl ivwc ho rhI ieh tuwt-Bwj pfrtI pRDfn leI vwzI cuxOqI dy sMkyq dy rhI hY. kfˆgrs vwloN hfly qwk AumIdvfrfˆ dI sUcI jfrI nhIN kIqI geI pr ies ivwc kuJ dUjIafˆ pfrtIafˆ dy afgUafˆ dI ÈmUlIaq nfl keI sMBfivq AumIdvfrfˆ vwloN nfrfËgI df pRgtfvf krn dy sMkyq iml rhy hn. keI afsvMd kfrkuMnfˆ nUM itktfˆ nf imlx krky ‘afp` ivwc vI kfPI bgfvqI surfˆ AuWTIafˆ pr hux ieh mwDm pY cuwkIafˆ hn. afm afdmI pfrtI qoN vwK hoey DVy suwcf isMG Cotypur dI ‘afpxf pMjfb pfrtI` ny
Bfvyˆ vwKry qOr AuWqy coxfˆ lVn df aYlfn kIqf hY pr hfly qwk ies ivwc ‘afp` nUM cuxOqI dyx dI smrwQf nËr nhIN af rhI. ‘afp` nfl mqByd rwKx vfly kuJ hor afgU vI afpxf vwKrf rfg alfp rhy hn pr ienHfˆ dI ‘qUqI` suxn leI koeI iqafr nhIN. Kwby-pwKI iDrfˆ ny vI kuJ sItfˆ ‘qy afpxI zPlI vjfAux df aYlfn kIqf hY jdoNik bhujn smfj pfrtI ny vI sfrIafˆ sItfˆ ‘qy cox lVn df aYlfn kIqf hoieaf hY pr iPlhfl ieh cox mYdfn dI srgrmI qoN bfhr hn. mOjUdf swqfDfrI gwTjoV dI dUjI iDr Bfjpf ny Bfvyˆ hfly AumIdvfrfˆ dy nfvfˆ vflf pwqf nhIN KoilHaf pr srkfr ivruwD guwsy dI lihr df ies AuWqy vI pRBfv pYxf suBfivk hY. hfl hI ivwc modI srkfr vwloN kIqI geI notbMdI kfrn lokfˆ ivwc pYdf hoeI pRyÈfnI vI ies ‘qy BfrI pY skdI hY. ijAuN ijAuN ivDfn sBf dIafˆ coxfˆ nËdIk af rhIafˆ hn iqAuN iqAuN pMjfb ivwc isafsI qfpmfn vDdf jf irhf hY. sUby dIafˆ sfrIafˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ imÈn 2017 nUM sr krn leI awzI-cotI df Ëor lf rhIafˆ hn. swqf ‘qy kfbË hox leI ieh pfrtIafˆ aMdrUnI jmhUrIaq qfˆ kI, nYiqk aqy pRcwilq isafsI asUlfˆ dI AulMGxf krn ivwc vI Èrm mihsUs nhIN kr rhIafˆ. isafsI nyqfvfˆ ivwc vI iehI vrqfrf pYdf hoxf suBfivk hY. iehI kfrn hY ik pfrtIafˆ ivwc ‘afieaf rfm qy igaf rfm` vflf isafsI swiBafcfr rukx df nfˆ nhIN lY irhf. ijs vI nyqf nUM pfrtI vwloN itkt dyx qoN nfˆh kIqI jf rhI hY; Auh Jwt pflf bdl lYˆdf hY aqy ijwDroN vI itkt imlx dI sMBfvnf jfpdI hY; AuWDr hI tpUsI mfr jfˆdf hY. pirvfrvfd, vpfrk ihwq, Dn, bfhUbl, pfrtI dI Qfˆ nyqf pRqI aMnHI vPfdfrI aqy XkInI ijwq df sUqr itkt dfavydfrI leI ËrUrI bx gey hn. ieh ruJfn idn-b-idn isafsq nUM nIvfxfˆ vwl Dwk irhf hY. ieh vrqfrf ijwQy lokpwKI jmhUrIaq leI mfrU sfbq ho skdf hY, AuWQy pMjfb leI vI nuksfndyh iswD hovygf.
The Patrika Patrika The
Friday, November December 25th, 25th, 2016 2015 Friday,
gurkY U qyn gyzbhfdr dI aflmI mnuNwKGw I aiDkfrF f vwljIvhIrfˆ ikAu q rhy nUnyM dyx
nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. Aun dIN hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI drbfrf isMHfˆ GrfKI kfhlo vwloN iqMn sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI rwiKaf leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI peI. ibR lo kidafl fˆ ny 23 n 2016 nUcM ibRtyn dy vwK hox nUM ‘rfjnIqk-kfr dy dfst y naqydyBfeI dfsjUnfl idwlI ivw aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ rfiesu m frI rfhIN afpxy dy È nU M 28 mY ˆ b rI krYwKÈI hoieiqhfs x brfbr` drsfieaf sI. Ausnfl ny nvMbr 1675 nUM idwqI geI kurbfnI nUM iswKfˆ mnu Biraf ho i eaf hY ijw Q y lo k fˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry XU opIan XUnpUIan vwK krn df PYsnfl lf icqfvnI idwqI sI ik Kfx-pIx dIafˆ vsqfˆ, dyrnfl-nfl rI kOqo m N adb qy siqkfr jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ. afpxy Xfd krdI hYY. muPYgsllyhkU lmfˆ iKlfÌ kO ilaf sI. ies ny mdyqÈdydIjurfjnIqk dymBfa kOmfˆqrI mMzI ivwc pONz dy kmËor qfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk afvfË bulMdafriQkqf, krn aqy ÈhIdI pRfpqasrkrn dy ihw idR ÈfvlI, sPfrqI ho x krky hoxgykIqf . ibRtpr yn nUguM afXfq kfblIaq pRdfBfivq pRdrÈn rU qyg mM q v ipCly asl qy Au c y c y arQfˆ bfry ajy rsUK aqy vpfr ‘qy kuJ pRBfv pfey. iesy bhfdr ‘qy inrBr krnf pvy gf. sbiszI ivwIafˆ c jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivro D qwk shI qihq ibRtaiDaY yn dy npRDnhIN fn mMkIqf qrIigaf zyivzaqy kYmnfrOnhI dy ktOhwqkI,fˆ dI mfrkIt c mMafpxI dI aqykurPUbfnI z stfk rwiKafivw leI dy ky shI pirpyK qoN GoiKaf igaf hY. ipCly kuJ nydhfikafˆ afpxf qoasqIPf dy idw q f sI. drasl, ijs nY i qk-rU h fnI bu l M d I nU M Co i haf, Au s ivw c kmI iksfnI nU M qo V ky rw K dy v ygdI I. N mnuwKI hwkfˆ bfry aflmI aMdolnfˆ mnuwKXUI nieiqhfs ikqy nhIN Au Ërvy srkfr AunÈhIdI Hfˆ df imsfl XUropIan Ian vwl‘c oN 1957 ivwc imldI. ‘sfˆJI dyhAuaqy Bfr kMnfl huixtv sfnU M mhfnaMgudrrU dI ies leI gu r U qy g bhfdr jI nU M mnu w K I hw kfˆ dy dI KyipCly mf nhIN sn cfhu M d y ik ibR t y n , XU r o p Ian AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ dy arQfˆ dI Koj KyqI nIqI` GVI geI sI ijs ‘qy ies bR i hmM z I ivcfrDfrf dy mo Z Iafˆ ‘co N iek igixaf XU nIan qokN bfhr hovhYy.. Aus smyˆ afriQk bjt df 40 PIsdI Bfv 58 iblIan XUro krn df mO f imilaf skdf hY. mfihrfˆ aqy kOmfˆqrI sMsQfvfˆ ny ibRtyn jf mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf invyÈ huMdf sI. ibRtyn dy iksfn dI 55 dyjfˆdaijhy PYsly jfˆ sbMkfnU DI Mnies vwzsuy BmfrU rU qygafmdn bhfdries jI nIqI dy lfimsfl blIdfn PIsdI ‘qy inrBr krdInUM f hY- shfiek I phuMcdyaqy fivk gu dy K idafˆ aflmI mnu w K I aiDkfr sM s Qfvfˆ vI pRphu Bfvfˆ df bybfkI KulMcfsfdOrkIqf sI.wKI sI. dUjy pfsy ibRtyn srkfr leI ies dI Mc. pihlI qrHfˆ nfl dI phu fn mnu nHfˆ nUM afpxy moZIafˆ ivwcoN iek df drjf dy Au nHfˆ ikhfnUsI PYstIicafˆ ly df ibRnUtM ynhfsl dI Au aiDkfrfˆ M kuik J ies isafsI pUrqI krnI sMBv nhIN hovygI. ijs ibRitÈ rhIafˆ krn hiQafr N vriqaf jfˆdf asr hY aqy iksfnIhn. ivw qI leI ivvsQf aqyvjo vpfr ‘qy mfVf df XUropIan XUnIan dy 50 kroV mnuwg KIf.hwafeI[aY kfˆ dI rfKI crcf kO krdy smyˆ lMzn afDfrq mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdI pvy W P[aYbfry W s[ijhI m fˆ q rI AupBogqfvfˆ nfl iswDf sMprk sI, hux Auh Puwt pY iPrkU soc nUpnpx nl nyhogukyrU rih qyg jfvy bhfdr sMiPrkU sQfvnyfdikhf sIˆdfikhY.2019-20 M ibRtyndf amnY ibRtynstI dy loieMktfˆ rnY qwkÈsImq gI. nqIjf ieh hu M d f hY ik mnu w K I hw k fˆ dy rKvfly jI dI ÈhIdI nM U mnu w K I hw k fˆ dI mhw q qf nfl nUM krIb 44 arb zflr bjt Gfty df ibRitÈ iksfnI dI pihlfˆ vI koeI vDIaf afpxy BfeIcfry, afpxI kOm, ivcfrDfrf aqy joV ky Aus bfry ivcfr-vtfˆdrf vI kIqf sI. sfhmxf krnf pvygf. Aus df XUropIan hflq nhIN sI. dyÈ aMdr 50 hYktyar isafsI sihXogIafˆ dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy amnY stI ieMtrnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ BfeIcfry hn. hwd qfˆ aMdr AudoN ho jfˆrfjnIqk, dI hY jdoN iessPfrqI, soc qihq dy afDfirq krIb aY 2,25,000 mOa jMUqdI ivÈv-ivafpI lfnnfmy dI Pfrm 50vIN jY afriQk dbdbf Gt gf.nUM mO iksy ivroDqyI dyvpfrk mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dI Aujfey lMGxf ky aflmI I aiDkfrfˆ dylok ieiqhfs bfry hn ijnHfˆ ivwmnu c wK5,57,000 kMm krdy Au s dIafˆ ishq idak, KyqIdy iek ikqfb iqafr krvf rhI sI. jQybMdI vwloN axgo ilaf kr idwqsMf Bjfˆfl, df hYivwjfˆ ivroDIafˆ hn. krIb 23,000 iksfn muËfirafˆ vjoN mnuwKafriQk I hwkfˆ dI rfKI df ivrogMDBhoIrx lw g pYˆdfdf hY. ies pRfjYkt df AudyÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKI hwkfˆ aqy pRxflIafˆ inGfr KyqI krdy hn. dyÈ aMdr KyqI hyT krIb iÈkfr ho jfxgIafˆ . Au n H f ˆ df mw q sI ik jdo N dy pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb ies dy Ault suBfivk phuMc qihq mnuwKI 6 alM krobVrdfrfˆ eykVdIËmIn hY. ies ivwcoN cfr df isrly K ‘id lO N g mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy lo k ies sbM D I TM Z y idmfg nfl so c xgy qfˆ aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI kroV eykV rfÈtrI trwst, ieMglYˆz dy inÈicq ies PYslyhonUxM glq mihsU jfˆdI hY. qOAurh‘qy Bfvy ˆ afpxy jfˆ ivro DI Kysmy ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ crc, ko a fpry i tv adfirafˆ aqy rfjÈfhI dy. ies. soskftlY c dI dlIl ik qomnu nfqy dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI krngy ˆz, ibRhYtyn N vwwKKhohoxxdyleI kol hYhY.. bfkI KyqI cfrfˆ Kyqr ivwhcn illbrn cldI mM(1617dhflI ‘c jO sfry iensfn ivÈyËo Èrhwkdyfˆvdyyghw hn. ieh Èfml rfiesu mfrI ‘qy f kjfˆdfrafpxIafˆ hn lOkqoN(1632-1704), ivlIam pYWn krkyjO1993 2001 qwk 87,000 iksfn Mc Kmnu wKI hw dI Dfrnf 57), Kuphu dmu qfr mMkgfˆfˆdI‘qysrv Ëorivafpkqf dyvygf. rfjDfnI (1644-1718) aqy vo l ty a r (1694-1778) nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, KyqI DMdf Cwz gey sn. ieh pRikiraf lM zn siQq bhuq sfrIafˆ bYˆikMg aqy hn.jfrI hY pr qfËf siQqI ny AunHfˆ ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. Èfml lgfqfr ivw q I sM s Qfvfˆ brqfnIaf Cw z jfxgIafˆ . gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI ku nUJM dyivcfrvfn È Cwzx leI kr idwqsfihb f hY aqy gurmjbU U qygrbhfdr dI dusoncIafˆ dy bhuq sfry pRhYmaqy uwK dynfl È aqy nUM qfkq bKÈdI hI ivw mnuqwKI I Èhfdq nU M ihM d U Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idw q ibRitÈ iksfn kYnyzf ivwc ËmIn KrIdI qy sQfvfˆ Dfrnf ibRtynnUnfl afpxy hwkvpfrk fˆ dI srvsMivafpk M bl idM dI hY. kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr`
brqfnvI iksfn
sbMDfˆ aqy sMDIafˆ sbMDI muV smIiKaf gurU jI vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly krn leI mjbUr hoxgIafˆ. AunHfˆ vwloN kfrnfˆ AuWqy Jfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI kIqIafˆ KbfxIafˆ xIafˆ pMizqfˆ (bRBivw fhmxfˆ ) nUM AusshI smyˆ dysfbq mugl hobfdÈfh sLaOurrUMghoËybgeIafˆ hn. rfjDfnI lM z n coN dy julmfˆ df sfhmxf krnf pYivwirhf keI bYˆikMAugh, gu ivwrqU IjIaqy sMsmM Qfvfˆ c sI aqy qoN bImf shfieqf gx kU afey sn. Au h ies afs nfl gu r U jI ko l afey sn kr rhIafˆ hn. jrmnI aqy Prfˆs dI ik rUhfnI ivw ÈKsIaq N AunXUHfˆ ndfIan, aihmibRrutqynbf agvfeI c XUropvjo Ian hY aqy ivco l f bx ky aqy mu g l bfdÈfh bgYr muV afpxI hoNd nUM mËbUq aqy siQrnUM smJf ky AunHfˆ nUM musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgy. asIN krn leI juwt geI hY. XUropIan XUnIan smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gurU jI qodIN vwhmfieq K hox dy zy mfrU Bfv hux iksfnI lYxvwdf PYslfpRAu nHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ Au W q y vI pY x y sL u r U ho gey hn. nqIjy muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgIvjo qrHN fˆ ibR t y n dy iksfn dy È Cw z x leI mjbU r ho jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn gey ies qoN pihlfˆ ik ibRivw itÈ iksfnI aqy hn. AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr c jfqI pRQf df KuwlH ky ivro kIqfvpfrk sI. AunHfmM ˆ dIafˆ iKafvfˆ afriQk, ivwqDI aqy dI dfiswiÈkfr hmxvfdI iswKlYDrm hobRfjfvy , Auh sokYcnnU yzM fnkfrdIafˆ ivwc ËmInsn. KrId xf ny lM g r, sM g q aqy pM g q dI pR Q f rfhIN smfijk cfhuMdy hn. ibRtyn ivwc rfÈtrI iksfn aqy Dfrimk brfbrI nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf. ies XUnIan jo ieMglYˆz aqy vylË dy krIb rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI 55,000 iksfnfˆ numfieM dgI krdI hY, bRfhmxvfdI soc dydIDfrnI vkflq krdy sn. XU Ian dIafˆ XUnIan N vwK hoisw xiKafvfˆ ivruwD krky sI. iswrKopDrm ienHfqo ˆ sfrIafˆ ies XUnIan dy pR Dfn imAUirMqOg ryagumMrzU qynyg kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk r ‘qy
irhf hY. ËmInfˆ dy ryt Gtx dy bfvjUd
Èbd vrqy ËmIn jfˆdy hn. gurU jI36,170 dy blIdfn dI brqfnvI dI kImq zflr aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM pRqI hYktyar (krIb 15,070 zflr pRqI CuitafAux vfˆg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukmrfn, eykV) mu hYs. ilm kYnyzpRf jaMf dAurWqdw tfrIE cf afpxI y juKlxI m Eˆ Zfh irhf ivw huMd 15,000 krIb hY.afpf sskYvfrn cvndyaqy qfˆ gurU jI zflr ny AudoN vI afpxf rfh mnIto bfsI. ivKyAunËmIn 2000ipwzflr hI qurnf Hfˆ dI Èhfdq Cy jo sMqokN 6000 lp sI, Au h iksypRq Drm ivÈy sI. iehI zflr I eyk V ÈAuqw pk lbwsImq D hY.nhIN brqfnIaf qw Q Au n H f ˆ dI Èhfdq nU M vw D mhfn bxfAu NdfKhYq. aqy kYnyzf dy rYvIinAU, KrIdo-Pro
kfnUMn iewko qoijhy koeIcfˆqknIkI iesy nËrIey N idwlhoI xdy krky ieiqhfsk dnI cOk ijs U dftyn sIs aiVwQfˆ kf ‘qy vI ies nhIN mhfn hY. ijwgu Qry ibR dIAuKyqqfiraf I df igaf sI, jI[zI[pI[ siQq gurduivw ac frfiewsIs gMj sihb rfÈtrI k PIsdI ihwsnUf M isrP isw K fˆ jfˆ ihM d U a fˆ leI aihm Dfrimk hox krky, rfjnIqk dbfa dI axhoNd, asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn sbiszIafˆ ivwc 50 PIsdI ktOqI krky nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy iksfnasQfn dI hflq ivwc idw suDqfr dI ko eI afs qIrQ df drjf f jfxf cfhIdf hY. nhIN , Au W Q y kY n y z f dIafˆ PY z rl aqy sU b feI ieh kdm mhfn gurU dI gYr-sMprdfiek qy srkfrfˆ vwloN iksfnI KyqI bR ihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vflysbM idRiÈDq tIkobIjfˆ x nUM,mfnqf qy dyx Kfdfˆ vwl dy nflmfr cuwidvfeIafˆ kaf, pr sMdakIdq fˆ, mÈInrI, qyrkIVy aiqaM q Zu hovygg f. sbiszIafˆ df aqy sto rkyjvfˆqykdm mfrkIitM
bMD hY. rieho kuJ itÈ iksfnfˆ -vDIaf ly K kpRafksPo z bru k sibRXU n IvristI, nUM ‘kYnyzrfzclo hY. afksPo (XU` [dy ky [rfh ) ivwpf c irhf ieknfimks df bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk pRoPYsr hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The public being kept in the dark about looming ICBC increases until after the election
he Christy Clark government, through ICBC, won’t tell drivers how much their insurance premiums will have to increase until after the election, say New Democrats. “The public should know the impact of B.C. Liberal incompetence before the election,” said Adrian Dix, New Democrat spokesperson for ICBC. “Christy Clark says that this has nothing to do with her, that this is just a dispute between ICBC and the independent regulator, the B.C. Utilities Commission, but it has everything to do with her. She and her government raided ICBC’s money that was supposed to go to pay claims. They took the money and drivers will pay the price. Christy Clark wasn’t observing an accident, she was driving the car. “It is the B.C. Liberal-appointed ICBC executives who are defending B.C.
Liberal policies and who are attempting to block the public from getting access to ICBC’s financial information.” ICBC representatives have argued that it is not in the public’s interest to know the financial projections for the next four years, but the B.C. Utilities Commission doesn’t agree and has given them only until tomorrow to answer. “We own ICBC, and we’re also the customers,” said Dix. “Voters have the right to know the truth about their government’s mismanagement before the election. The public deserves the truth.”
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
Auh idn bhuq ipwCy rih gey hn, jdoN lok iksy Kfs AudyÈ leI iksy pfrtI dy ivwc Èfml huMdy sn aqy iPr Aus nfl vPfdfrI inBfieaf krdy sn. hux rfjnIqI AudyÈhIx hY. ies kr ky rfjnIqk pfrtIafˆ ivwc Èfml hox vfly bhuq sfry lok vI gwlfˆ qwk vPfdfrI sImq rwKdy hn qy hr vkq iksy ahudy dy suPny lYˆdy hn. jdoN Auh suPnf pUrf nf hovy qfˆ Cflfˆ mfr jfˆdy hn. afm afdmI pfrtI ny ies vfrI ies gwloN pihl kIqI sI ik jdoN hfly bfkI dlfˆ ny afpxI mIitMg vI nhIN sI kIqI, ies pfrtI ny pihlI, dUsrI qy iPr qIsrI sUcI jfrI kr idwqI qy lokfˆ sfhmxy afpxy AumIdvfr pyÈ kr idwqy sn. pihlI sUcI afeI qfˆ ies dy keI lok ruws gey. AunHfˆ ny doÈ lfieaf ik ies pfrtI ivwc itktfˆ ivk rhIafˆ hn. ijhVy iewk idn pihlfˆ qwk pfrtI dI lIzriÈp dI muwC df vfl sn qy sUcI jfrI krn vfly idn vI svyry idwlI qoN nfl hI afey sn, afpxy leI itkt df Ègn nf inklx kfrn Esy pfrtI lIzriÈp nUM ivkfAU kihx lwg pey. ies gwl nUM akflI dl aqy kfˆgrs pfrtI dy afgUafˆ ny bhuq cuwikaf sI qy lokfˆ nUM kihMdy sn ik Auh Kud
The Patrika
pfrtI vPfdfrIaF df jnfjLf
vyK lYx ik ies pfrtI ivwc ikwdfˆ pYisafˆ ipwCy itktfˆ vycIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. pfrtI ny jdoN dUsrI sUcI df aYlfn kIqf qfˆ iPr kuJ lok ruws gey, pr pihlfˆ ijMny nhIN sn ruwsy qy lwgdf sI ik Auh kuVwqx df dOr hux lMG igaf hY. akflI-kfˆgrsI vI bhuqI gwl nhIN sI cuwk sky. akflI dl ies mfmly ivwc dUsrI pfrtI hY, ijs ny AumIdvfrfˆ dI sUcI lokfˆ sfhmxy pyÈ kIqI hY. ies dy pihly Aunwqr AumIdvfrfˆ ivwc sfry mMqrIafˆ df nfˆa af igaf hY. bfkI lokfˆ ivwc keI purfxy ivDfiekfˆ nUM itkt iml geI hY, pr kuJ rih gey hn. cIP pfrlImYˆtrI sYktrI rih cuwky keI lokfˆ nUM vI itkt nhIN imlI aqy kuJ hor QfˆeIN itkt qoN vfˆJy rihMdy jfˆ ipClI vfr cox lV cuwky lokfˆ df rosf dUr krn leI AunHfˆ nUM KVy pYr srkfrI ahudy dy idwqy hn. pfrtI ivwc iPr vI kuJ lok ruwsy hoey hn qy iswDI bgfvq dIafˆ gwlfˆ ho rhIafˆ hn. iPlOr hlky qoN bVy lMmy smyˆ qwk ivDfiek rhy qy keI vfr mMqrI bx cuwky srvx isMG iPlOr, ijhVy hux krqfrpur hlky qoN ivDfiek hn, ny pfrtI qoN asqIPf dy idwqf hY. kuJ hor vI asqIPy dyx vfly suxINdy
hn. pfrtI Èfied ieh khygI ik srvx isMG iPlOr nUM zrwg kys ivwc vlHyty jfx kfrn itkt nhIN idwqI, pr ieho ijhf dfgL kuJ hornfˆ AuWqy vI lwgdf hY. AunHfˆ nUM itkt iml geI hY. mukqsr qoN ijs afdmI nUM akflI pfrtI dy bfkfiedf AumIdvfr dy iKlfPL afËfd KVf kr ky pihlfˆ ijwq dI srdl pfr krfeI sI, iPr akflI pfrtI df AumIdvfr bxf ilaf sI, hux jdoN itkt dyx qoN nfˆh kIqI qfˆ Auh vI ruws igaf hY. inhfl isMG vflf qoN mOjUdf akflI ivDfiek bIbI vI itkt nf imlx kfrn bgfvq dy rfh pYˆdI idKfeI dyˆdI hY. jlMDr ivwc vI rosy hn. hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik pfrtI nfl ieho ijhf rosf aqy bgfvq Auh lok kr rhy hn, ijnHfˆ dy mUMh qoN hr vyly pfrtI leI vPfdfrI dIafˆ gwlfˆ inkilaf krdIafˆ sn. hux itkt nhIN imlI qfˆ pfrtI dy iKlfP ho gey hn. hfly kuJ mhIny pihlfˆ pfrtI pRDfn suKbIr isMG bfdl ny pfrtI dy vrkrfˆ aqy afgUafˆ nUM akflI hox df mfx krn vfly ibwly afpxI CfqI AuWqy tMgx leI ikhf sI qfˆ ieho lok ieh ibwly hor lokfˆ nUM vMzdy iPrdy sn. hux Auh ibwly AunHfˆ ny afpxI kmIË qoN vI lfh ky
Friday, November 25th, 2016
iksy nuwkr ivwc itkf idwqy hn qy lok hws rhy hn. eynI ku vPfdfrI hY pfrtI dI. kfˆgrs vfly ies qoN bfhrI qOr AuWqy KuÈ hn ik pihlfˆ afm afdmI pfrtI qy hux akflI dl dy itktfˆ dy aYlfn nfl ieho ijhy rosy aqy bgfvqfˆ hoeIafˆ hn. jdoN kfˆgrs dI sUcI afvygI qfˆ akflI dl qy afm afdmI pfrtI dovfˆ dy bgfvqIey joV ky kfˆgrs iekwlI dy ivwc Èfied ies qoN vwD lok BVk pYxgy. pihlfˆ vI eydfˆ hI huMdf irhf hY. ipClI vfrI kfˆgrs pfrtI ny keI QfˆeIN ieho ijhy rosy nUM nf sMBfl skx dy kfrn ijwq huMdI jfpdI Cwz ky afpxI JolI ivwc hfr pvf leI sI qy bfad ivwc ieh glqIafˆ mMnxIafˆ peIafˆ sn. ies vfrI iPr kuJ afgU ies qrHfˆ df mfhOl bxfeI jf rhy hn ik ies pfrtI dI sUcI jdoN aqy ijwdfˆ dI vI afeI, Aus dy ivroD df iewk vwzf JwKV AuWT skdf hY. lokfˆ nUM afp pfrtI aqy akflI afgUafˆ qoN bfad kfˆgrsI vPfdfrI vI idws pvygI. ieh Auh aOkfq hovygI, ijs dy leI ieh lok hux iksy pfrtI ivwc Èfml huMdy hn. ijhVf dOr ies vyly cwl irhf hY, Aus ivwc koeI iDr ies qoN bc hI nhIN skdI.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
pusqkF qoN dUr huMdf jf irhf nOjvfn mf: jgIr isMG siTaflf
pusqkfˆ qoN ibnfˆ jIvn aDUrf hY aqy Auh jIvn df idRÈtIkox vI dwsdIafˆ hn. jIvn nUM sMvfrn leI pusqkfˆ pVHnf bhuq ËrUrI hY. ijs qrHfˆ lyKk gulËfr isMG ny inwksuwk ivc afpxy lyK Xfdgfr -ey-qksIm dI nvIN pyÈkfrI bfry iliKaf hY ik 1947 dI vMz ivc pMjfbI sfihqkfrfˆ ny idl nUM ihlf dyx vflIafˆ ilKqfˆ pyÈ kIqIafˆ hn pr jykr nOjvfn pIVHI ienHfˆ sfihqkfrfˆ dIafˆ ilKIafˆ pusqkfˆ nUM nhIN pVHygI qfˆ 1947 dI vMz qy hor anykfˆ kfˆz hoey hn, ijnHfˆ df BMzfr BfÈf ivBfg kol hY, ikqy ies ikqfbfˆ dy BMzfr nUM godfmfˆ ivc peI kxk vfˆg Gux hI nf Kf jfvy. pMjfb srkfr ny vI skUlfˆ ivc lfiebRyrIaf KolH idwqIafˆ hn pr skUl ivc pusqkfˆ dI kmI hY. nOjvfn pIVHI nUM ikvyˆ pusqkfˆ pVHn leI AuqÈfhq krnf hY. ies leI aiDafpkfˆ, pMjfbI sfihq sBfvfˆ, qrkÈIl susfietI qy smfj-syvI sMsQfvfˆ nUM sYmInr krfAux dI loV hY. AunHfˆ nUM cfhIdf hY ik Auh nOjvfnfˆ ivc pusqkfˆ pVHn dI cyqnf pYdf krn. pusqkfˆ pVHn df ÈOk s: krqfr isMG srfBf, lflf hridafl qy s: Bgq isMG hurfˆ nUM sI. dUrdrÈn jlMDr ‘qy lyKk rfm svrn isMG ny iek ieMtrivAU
ivc ikhf hY ik kvI pfÈ ny iliKaf hY ik jd s: Bgq isMG lYiln dI pusqk pVH irhf sI qfˆ jylr ny s: Bgq isMG nUM PfˆsI dyx dI gwl kIqI. s: Bgq isMG ny jylr nUM ikhf ik do imMt ruk ajy do kRfˆqIkfrI gwlfˆ kr rhy hn qy s: Bgq isMG pusqk df pMnf moV ky jylr nfl qur pey qy kvI pfÈ kihMdf hY ik nOjvfnfˆ nUM ijwQoN s: Bgq isMG ny lYiln dI pusqk df pMnf moiVaf hY, AuQoN awgy pVHnf sLurU krnf cfhIdf hY. kihx df Bfv hY ik ijMny vI kRfˆqIkfrI hoey hn, AunHfˆ ny pusqkfˆ qoN syD leI hY. pusqkfˆ hI nOjvfnfˆ nUM jIvn bfry idRÈtIkox dy skdIafˆ hn. BfÈf ivBfg aqy hor pbilÈrfˆ nUM cfhIdf hY ikqfbfˆ dy ryt Gwt rwKy jfx qfˆ ik nOjvfn pIVHI ikqfbfˆ KrId sky. ipMzfˆ dIafˆ gRfm pMcfieqfˆ nUM pMjfb srkfr kol ipMz-ipMz lfiebRyrI KolHx dI mMg rwKxI cfhIdI hY. ipMzfˆ ivc kuJ hI pMjfbI sfihq sBfvfˆ hn, jo vDIaf kMm kr rhIafˆ hn. ajokf nOjvfn soÈl mIzIey nfl jldI juV igaf hY. aijhy nOjvfn eI-pusqkfˆ pVH skdy hn. ienHfˆ nOjvfnfˆ nUM dwsxf pvygf ik pusqkfˆ hI igafn df BMzfr hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Integrity Driving School Encourages You to Focus on the Road
ntegrity Driving School is taking a stand against distracted drivers. We want to make a strong impact and educate the public on the dangers of distracted driving. We have partnered with Jamie Davis Towing from Highway Through Hell, and put together a strong visual display as a convincing plea to stop distracted driving. Come to the parking lot of Integrity Driving School Office at 14 - 33498 Bevan Ave, Abbotsford BC starting Nov 10 for two weeks, to see for yourself the outcome of distracted driving. We want to appeal to drivers to put down all distracting devices - cell phones, GPS, MP3 players - as
the key to stop accidents due to distracted driving. Everybody needs to realize they cannot give their full attention to the road while using these devices, or engaging in other distracting activities. We especially want to reach out to all young student drivers, because statistically the under-20 age group has the
highest proportion of distracted driving and fatal car crashes. The price for not paying attention to the road is too high! We all have a part to play in making sure everyone keeps his or her eyes and mind on the road and hands on the wheel. We encourage the community to join our “One Text or Call Could Wreck It All” campaign. Integrity Driving School pledges our support to help spread the message that distracted drivers are not only a danger to themselves, but also to everyone else on the road. Come talk to us TAKE THE PLEDGE The fight to end distracted driving starts with you. Make the commitment to drive phone-free today. Distracted driving kills and injures thousands of people each year. I pledge to: • Protect lives by never texting or talking on the phone while driving. • Be a good passenger and speak out if the driver in my car is distracted. • Encourage my friends and family to drive phone-free.
Statement by New Democrat Leader John Horgan on racist flyers New Democrat Leader John Horgan issued the following statement about racist flyers being distributed to Richmond homes: “I am angered and saddened by reports of racist flyers being distributed to homes in Richmond. “I hope that I speak for people of every political stripe in British Columbia when I say there is no room for these hateful acts in British Columbia. “All members of the legislature recently stood together to condemn hateful and racist policies of the past - policies like the head tax. “We must not allow similar acts to take root in the present. It is up to all of us to stand up and say no to hate.”
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on National Child Day
he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today also urge you to visit the National issued the following statement to mark Na- Child Day website for activities tional Child Day: and events in your communities marking this special day. “Every day, I am energized by the potential of Canada’s young people. I am equally concerned by “Canada’s future is only as strong the challenges they face, and deeply aware that the and boundless as the dreams and decisions we make today will shape the world they aspirations of our children and will one day inherit. youth. We must support them in everything they do and want “That is why, on National Child Day, I encourage to be.” all Canadians to celebrate our children and youth, and to reflect on the obligation that we have to our children and grandchildren. “Each child deserves to be raised in an environment that is free of violence, discrimination, and exploitation; to grow up with proper nutrition, health care, and a good education; and to have a voice in matters that affect them, and a real, fair chance to succeed. “The Government of Canada remains committed to programs that help every child get the best possible start in life and reach their full potential. Here, at home, we are giving Canadian families more money to help with the high cost of raising their kids through the new Canada Child Benefit, which stands to lift about 300,000 children out of poverty. We are also working with our international partners to create environments where all children are treated with dignity and respect, and given all the opportunities they need to succeed. ‘While the world has made significant progress in advancing children’s rights since the introduction of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, there is still a lot of work to do. Millions of children and young people continue to be denied basic human rights – including education, primary health care, and personal security. Many more are forced into early marriages, recruited as child soldiers, or become victims of child labour. “On this day, Sophie and I invite all Canadians to join us in celebrating National Child Day by speaking to children of all ages about their rights. We
WSO CONDEMNS ANTISEMITIC VANDALISM IN OTTAWA Ottawa (November 17, 2016): WSO condemns the vandalism of three Jewish centers in Ottawa that have been spray-painted with swastikas and hate messaging. Most recently, the Machzikei Hadas synagogue was defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti last night. WSO President Mukhbir Singh said today, “we stand in solidarity with our Jewish friends and condemn the rash of anti-Semitic attacks in Ottawa. There is no place for hatred and intimidation in Canada and we are confident that law enforcement will work quickly to bring the perpetrators to justice.”
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
KusLIaF df iqAuhfr mihMdr mfn
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Contact us for more information & to book your next appointment
778.779.ALMA PAGE 12
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awj myry dysL dy lok
hspqflF ‘c phuMc jfxgy
KusLIaF df iqAuhfr
Gr vfps phuMcx leI
dIvflI mnf rhy hn
hspqflF dy
ptfky, afiqsLbfjLIaF
hjLfrF rupey dy ibwl
aqy anfr clf rhy hn
adf krngy.
byvws pMCIaF qy jfnvrF nUM
hy myry dysL dy Boly loko.
zrf rhy hn
hfly vI vylf hY
ptfikaF dI afvfjL
sMBl jfAu
aqy DUMeyN nfl
nklI miTafeIaF
vfqfvrx nUM hor dUisLq krn ivwc
Kfx qoN qobf kro
Xogdfn pf rhy hn
qy afpxI ishq bcfAu
ieh lok awg ivwc
ptfky, afiqsLbfjLIaF
kroVF rupey PUk rhy hn
aqy anfrF qoN
nklI miTafeIaF Kf ky vI
vfqfvrx nUM hor dUisLq hox qoN bcfAu
KusLI mnf rhy hn
byvws pMCIaF qy jfnvrF
svyr hox qwk ienHF ‘coN
‘qy qrs kro
bhuq sfry lok
qy curfsI lwK jUnF ‘coN
ibmfr ho ky
srvoqm hox df sbUq idAu
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
nvIN sLbdfvlI bfry pRoPYsr dy stYˆz dI crcf 19 nvMbr nUM XUnIvristI afP torfˆto vwloN iewk bihs krvfeI geI hY ijs df muwdf kOmI pwDr AuWqy Cfieaf hoieaf hY. ies bihs df muwZ ies gwl qoN bwiJaf ik XUnIvristI dy pRoPYsr jOrzn pItrsn ny afpxI klfs dy ivw i dafrQIafˆ nU M sMboDn krn leI ilMg inrpwK (gender neutral)pVnfv vrqx qoN mnHf kr idwqf hY. ilMg inrpwK pVnfv qoN Bfv hY ik jo ivwidafrQI afpxy afp nUM mrd jfˆ iesqrI vjoN sMboDn nhIN krvfAuxf cfhuMdy qfˆ Auhnfˆ leI aijhI ÈbdfvlI vrqI jfvy ijs qoN pqf nf lwgy ik sMboDn kIqy jfx vfly ivakqI df ilMg kI hY.
ivwc iksy smilMgI ivakqI bfry itwpxI afid krnI kYnyzf dy ikRmInl jsits koz dI AulMGxf mMnI jfvygI. torfˆto stfr nfl gwlbfq krdy hoey pRoPYsr pItrsn ny afiKaf hY ik srkfr vwloN lokfˆ nUM nvyˆ Èbd bolx leI mjbUr krnf shI nhIN hY.
ijvyˆ mrd aOrq dy sbMD ivwc aMgryËI dy Him, her, he, she, they, it,I aqy you Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn, pRoPYsr pItrsn ilMg inrpwK ivwidafrQIafˆ leI he, she dI QF AuWqy ze, zim, zer vrgy nvyˆ Èbd vrqx qoN ienkfrI hY. ze, zim, zer aqy hor aijhy Èbd awj kwl Auhnfˆ lokfˆ leI vrqy jfˆdy hn ijhVy Kud dI ÈnfKq mrd jfˆ iesqrI qoN vwKrI rwKxI cfhuMdy hn. PYzrl srkfr vwloN ibwl sI 16 pyÈ kIqf jf irhf hY ijs dy pfs hox dI sUrq
CUPE 3902, jo XUnIvristI afP torfˆto dy 7000 tIicMg aisstYˆtfˆ dI numfieMdgI krdI hY, dy smilMgI ivMg ny XUnIvristI nUM iewk pwqr ilK ky nvMbr nUM hox vflI bihs df bfeIkft krn dI mMg kIqI hY . pR o P Y s r pItrsn df ipCly idnIN XUnIvristI ivwc iGrfE vI kIqf igaf sI aqy Aus AuWqy doÈ lfieaf jf irhf hY ik Auh pwKpfqI nËrIaf rwKx vflf ivakqI hY. XUnIvristI ny Aus nUM do pwqr ilK ky slfh idwqI hY ik Auh afpxI BfÈf nUM
AuNtyrIE mnuwKI aiDkfr kimÈn dI muKI rynUM mMDfny df afKxf hY ik iksy ivakqI nUM sMboDn krn qoN pihlfˆ puwiCaf jfxf cfhIdf hY ik Auh iks Èbd nfl sMboDn hoxf psMd krygf aqy jykr quhfnUM pqf nhIN lwg irhf ik ikhVf Èbd vriqaf jfvy qfˆ isrP they Èbd vrq ilaf jfxf cfhIdf hY.
bdl lvy. pRoPYsr pItrsn df afKxf hY nUM psMd hn. rYks mrPI pRoPYsr pItrsn ik XUnIvristI Aus dy bolx dI aËfdI dy nUM iewk bhfdr ivakqI dwsdf hY. hwk dI AulMGxf kr rhI hY. isafsI rUp ivwc drusq hox leI kIqIafˆ nY s nl po s t nfl krdy ho e y pR o P Y s r jfx vflIafˆ gw l fˆ bfry ko n ko r zIaf pItrsn afKdf hY ik 98% mrd Kud XUnIvristI df pRoPYsr gYz sfd (Gad dI ‘mrd` vjoN aqy 98% aOrqfˆ Kud dI Saad) afKdf hY ik XUnIvristIafˆ ivwc aOrq vjoN ÈnfKq krdIafˆ hn. inAUXOrk aËfdI nfl iKafl pRgt krn df mfhOl istI dI imsfl dyˆdy hoey Auh dwsdf hY ik awj kwl mrd aqy aOrq qoN ibnf gfieb ho irhf hY. “awj kwl iËafdfqr Femme Queen Pangender, Gifted pRoPYsr afpxy isr Qwly suwt ky ijAuNdy Gender, Bu t ch, Tw o - Spirit vrgy hn. Auh rIsrc qfˆ krdy hn lyikn koeI vrgy Gwto Gwt 31 Èbd GVy jf cuwky hn. aijhI gwl nhIN krnf cfhuMdy ijs nfl pItrsn muqfbk aYny nfvfˆ nUM cyqy rwKxf koeI ivvfd pYdf hovy ikAuNik Auhnfˆ aMdr sOKf nhIN hY aqy jykr QoVI vI glqI ho zr Gr kr cuwkf hY”. geI qfˆ mnuwKI aiDkfr df zMzf quhfzy AuWqy pRoPYsr sfd ny pRoPYsr jOrzn pItrsn nUM af ky izwgygf. afpxy XU itAUb cYnl AuWqy ilafˆdf ijwQy nYÈnl post dy rYks mrPI vwloN iewk Auhnfˆ dI mulfkfq nUM 1 lwK lokI vyK cuwky afrtIkl (Jordan Petersonhn. pItrsn df afKxf hY ik Auh jylH areal professor, at last) iliKaf jfx, jurmfnf Brn jfˆ nOkrI qoN hwQ Dox igaf hY ijs ivwc XUnIvristI vwloN pRoPYsr pItrsn dI afvfË bMd krn dI koiÈÈ leI iqafr hY lyikn isafsI drusqI vfly krnf glq hY. rYks mrPI ilKdf hY ik pVnfv nhIN vrqygf. knUMn dy mfhr afK purfxy jmfny ivwc rjvfVy quhfzI afvfË rhy hn ik ijs vyly PYzrl srkfr df ibwl bMd krdy sn lyikn awj Auh quhfnUM Auh sI 16 pfs ho igaf qfˆ pRoPYsr pItrsn nUM gwlfˆ bolx leI mjbUr krdy hn jo Auhnfˆ swcmuwc ivwc qklIP hox vflI hY.
The Patrika
Ken Herar’s column
he Abbotsford Ariport (YXX) is the gateway to the Fraser Valley where diversity takes off and lands connecting Canadians from around our country. Half a million passengers use YXX and 2016 is proving to be the strongest year, yet. It seems like whenever I look into the horizon there is a Westjet flight looming in the area. Having traveled through the airport on many occasions my preference for most of my Canadian travel destination is YXX if the connections can be made. Leading the way is Parm Sidhu, Airport General Manager, having worked for the city for the past 21 years forecasts a bright future for our growing airport. Sidhu, who is an Abbotsford Senior grad has worked in several jobs within the city since 1995 like: Skate sharpener, Ice Man, Airport Duty Officer and Terminal Manager, just to name a few. He explains, having a competitive business model is the key to the airport world, which is changing fast due to technology.“Keeping up on general technology trends impacting airlines/passengers, airports and aerospace companies is a challenge, as what works in our industry today, may not work tomorrow.” There is a growing diverse culture at YXX, which is a reflection of the 1,500 people that work on the airfield, 16 who work directly for the airport and the balance for the partners on the field. Partnerships are the key as growth in the surrounding communities continues, especially in the Southern region of the Fraser, Sidhu mentions. Currently, there are three major carriers that workout of YXX to service travelers. Close to 75 million dollars have been invested since 1997, and one of the short-term goals are to secure more daily domestic service to Ontario and
then to attract more international service from YXX. As the population continues to grow south of the Fraser, YXX is positioned well for growth, with goals to attract new flights including daily year-round service to Ontario as well as transborder and international flights. If you ever get to visit or drop off travelers at YXX, you’ll find the experience to be first class right from the ticket personal, security and the janitors. On diversity, walking through the terminal a hidden gem is located near the Westjet ticket office, the Water Clock that once was home at Sevenoaks from 1991 to 2000. A interesting program is held every March out of YXX for young girls and women to meet outstanding females in the aviation and aerospace industry and free flights are offered for eligible candidates called: “The Skies No Limit- Girls Fly Too”. The Abbotsford Airshow, will be held from August 11-13 next year and is always a wonderful opportunity to meet experts in the field from across the globe. Sidhu said, “It’s been an amazing journey, it’s truly been a great partnership with the employer that has invested in me and allowed me to grow my career in the town I grew up in. It’s truly been a partnership.”
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Province details half-a-billion dollars in affordable housing
.C.’s strong economy means British Columbian families in need of affordable rental housing will soon have access to close to 2,900 new units of housing, thanks to the B.C. government’s funding commitment of $516 million toward the 68 projects announced today.
ince, we have acted quickly, approving the development of these projects,” said Rich Coleman, Minister of Natural Gas Development and Responsible for Housing. “We will continue to partner with all levels of government, non-profit housing providers and the private sector to make sure we increase housing and rental supply to meet demand.”
These investments are estimated to produce 5,500 jobs.
In September, the Province announced a $500 million investment which is the
“This is why we continue to work so hard to build Canada’s leading economy,” said Premier Christy Clark. “It gives us the ability to make significant investments, put British Columbians first, and take immediate action to increase the rental supply in communities throughout B.C.” The new housing projects will serve a wide range of needs including lowto moderate-income renters, seniors, youth, adults with developmental disabilities, Aboriginal people and women and children.
largest single-year housing investment by any province in Canada. When added to February’s five-year, $355 million investment, the B.C. government has announced a total of $855 million for affordable housing this year. Details for the remaining housing projects will be announced later this fiscal year. For further information and a funding breakdown see backgrounders.
The announcement was made at one of the project sites in Surrey where a new, 40-unit affordable housing development will be built to provide housing for low-to moderate-income single women with children with special needs. The Province is providing $4.7 million to fund the project, in partnership with YWCA Metro Vancouver. “Recognizing the need for more affordable rental housing in the prov-
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The Patrika
bwicafˆ leI nfÈqy df mhwqv keI mulkfˆ ivwc bwicafˆ dy Kfx-pIx dy bdldy vqIry bfry Koj ho cuwkI hY. ienHfˆ Kojfˆ qoN ieh gwl spÈt hoeI hY ik XfdfÈq AuWqy nfÈqy dI kmI asr pfAuNdI hY. ieMj hI Qkfvt aqy pVHfeI ivwc mn nf itkx bfry vI anyk Kojfˆ rfhIN pqf lwigaf hY ik bwicafˆ vwloN nfÈqf nf krnf ies df muwK kfrn hY. ierfn ivwc iewk iblkul hI vwKry iksm dI Koj kIqI geI hY ijs ivwc 14,880 bwcy jo 6 qoN 18 sfl dy sn, ijnHfˆ ivwcoN awDy ÈihrI qy awDy pyˆzU Kyqrfˆ ivwcoN sn, Èfml kIqy gey. ienHfˆ sfirafˆ qoN AunHfˆ dy mfipafˆ dI hfËrI ivwc iewk Pfrm Brvfieaf igaf. Pfrm ivwc svfl sn: ipCly Cy mhIinafˆ ivwc ikMnI vfr afpxy afp nUM byloVf mihsUs kIqf? ipCly Cy mhIinafˆ ivwc ikMnI vfr bhuq iËafdf guwsf afieaf? ipCly Cy mhIinafˆ ivwc ikMnI vfr Gbrfht mihsUs kIqI? ipCly Cy mhIinafˆ ivwc ikMnI vfr AunINdrf irhf? ipCly Cy mhIinafˆ ivwc ikMnI vfr pUrI gwl smJx ivwc idwkq mihsUs hoeI? ipCly 12 mhIinafˆ ivwc ikMnI vfr bhuq AudfsI qy ZihMdI klf ivwc gey? kdy do hPiqafˆ qwk roËmrf dI pVHfeI jfˆ kMm kfr qoN awky mihsUs kIqf? ipCly 12 mhIinafˆ ivwc kdy rfq Br Gbrfht ivwc sON nf sky hovo?,
ipCly iqMn mhIinafˆ ivwc skUl ivwc iksy hor bwcy nfl JgVf kIqf jfˆ Aus nUM qMg kIqf hovy?, ipCly iqMn mhIinafˆ ivwc iksy hor bwcy ny quhfnUM qMg kIqf hovy? ipCly 12 mhIinafˆ ivwc ikMnI vfr guwQmguwQf hoey? ies sfry Pfrm dy aKIr ivwc iewk aihm svfl df jvfb puwiCaf igaf sI. Auh sI ik hPqy ivwc ikMnI vfr svyry skUl jfx qoN pihlfˆ nfÈqf nhIN kr ky gey? ienHfˆ dy jvfb vwjoN puwiCaf igaf sI-
zf[ hriÈMdr kOr
skUl ivwc Kyzfˆ dy pIrIaz hPqy ‘c ikMny hn qy AunHfˆ ivwc ikMny GMty pRqI hPqy Kyizaf igaf? ikMny GMty roË tI[vI[/mobfeIl/ieMtrnYWt/ kMipAUtr vyKx AuWqy lfey jfˆdy hn? do GMty qoN Gwt jfˆ vwD? ienHfˆ dy nqIjy ies qrHfˆ sn:
ierfn ivwc nfÈqy ivwc kxk dI brYWz, pnIr, mwKx, aMzf qy duwD afm qOr AuWqy kdy nhIN ilaf jfˆdf hY. ies ivcly aiq loVINdy PYtI roË krdf/krdI hfˆ- qy kI kuwJ KfDf aYisz, ËrUrI qwq qy glUkoË hn. ijwQy jfˆdf hY? ieh sfry qwq idmfgI ishq leI ËrUrI sn, AuWQy glUkoË tirptoPYn bxfAux ivwc hPqy ivwc 2 idn mdd krdI hY jo isrotoinn ivclf loVINdf hPqy ivwc 3 qoN 4 idn pRotIn hY. iehI isrotoinn mUz AuWqy pUrf asr pfAuNdI hY. hPqy ivwc 5 qoN 6 idn kuVIafˆ qy muMizafˆ ivcly asr iewko ijhy ies qoN ielfvf mfipafˆ dI afmdn, mfipafˆ idsy. dI pVHfeI qy izgrIafˆ, mfipafˆ dI nOkrI, Gr bfr qy sfˆJf twbr afid sfrI jfxkfrI ienHfˆ ivwcoN 2537 nfÈqf nhIN kr rhy sn, leI geI. iewk vwKry Pfrm ivwc ishq pwKoN 1771 kdy-kdfeIN krdy sn qy 9119 roË jfxkfrI BrI geI: nfÈqf krdy sn. ipCly hPqy ivwc roË 30 imMt qwk ikMny idn ksrq kIqI?
Friday, November 25th, 2016
pUrI gwl smJx aqy Xfd rwKx ivwc idwkq afAuxI, iDafn nf lf skxf vrgy lwCx afm idsy. ienHfˆ ivwcoN ÈihrI bwicafˆ ivwc ieh lwCx pyˆzU bwicafˆ nfloN vwD sn. kuVIafˆ ijhVIafˆ nfÈqf nhIN kr rhIafˆ sn, AunHfˆ ivwc vfDU guwsf, afpxy afp nUM byloVf smJxf, Gbrfht, qxfa, icMqf qy ZihMdI klf muMizafˆ nfloN vwD idsI.
lVfeI JgVf krn ivwc vI nfÈqf nf krn vfly bwicafˆ ivwc dUijafˆ nfloN 95 PIsdI vwD kys sfhmxy afey. ienHfˆ ivwc kuVIafˆ nfÈqf nf krn vfilafˆ ivwc bhuq iËafdf nfloN muMizafˆ dI igxqI vwD sI. CyqI qYÈ ivwc af jfxf, Gbrfht hoxI,
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
idmfgI ibmfrI, mfr kutfeI krnI, afpxy afp nUM sihj nf rwK skxf qy CyqI BVk jfxf vI 50[4 PIsdI AunHfˆ bwicafˆ ivwc vwD sI jo AuWkf hI nfÈqf nhIN sn kr rhy. 41[9 PIsdI Auh bwcy sn jo kdy-kdfeIN nfÈqf kr rhy sn pr roË nfÈqf krn vfilafˆ ivwcoN isrP 7 PIsdI bwcy hI aijhf kr rhy sn.
roË nfÈqf nf krn vfly bwicafˆ ivwcoN 32[6 PIsdI pqly sn, 42[3 PIsdI sfDfrn Bfr dy aqy 25 PIsdI motfpy dy iÈkfr sn jdoNik roË nfÈqf krn vfilafˆ ivwc 34[7 PIsdI pqly sn qy isrP 17 PIsdI motfpy dy iÈkfr. bfkI 48 PIsdI sfDfrn Bfr dy sn.
roË nfÈqf krn vfilafˆ nfloN 78 PIsdI nfÈqf nf krn vfly pUrI nINd nhIN sn lY rhy.
rhy sn qy bury suPinafˆ qoN bcy hoey sn.
roË nfÈqf krn vfilafˆ ivwcoN isrP 2 73 PIsdI Auh bwcy jo nfÈqf nhIN sn kr PIsdI hI isgrt syvn kr rhy sn qy rhy, do GMty qoN ikqy vwD tI[vI[/mobfeIl ienHfˆ ivwcoN 69 PIsdI roË qgVI ksrq jfˆ kMipAUtr vrq rhy sn aqy ienHfˆ ivwcoN vI kr rhy sn. 33[5 PIsdI ksrq vI nf brfbr kr roË nfÈqf krn vfilafˆ ivwcoN lgpg 80 rhy sn. PIsdI pUrI nINd Bfv 8 GMitafˆ qoN vwD sON
ijhVy bwcy roË nfÈqf nhIN sn kr rhy, Auh CyqI aÈfˆq ho jfˆdy sn aqy mn nUM itkfAux leI isgrt syvn krn lwg pey sn. bQyry Èrfb vI pIx lwg pey sn qy kuJ nÈf vI kr rhy sn. roË nfÈqf nf krn vfly bwcy kfPI TMZy pIx dy afdI sn. ienHfˆ ivwcoN 45[4 PIsdI roË jfˆ hPqy ivwc iqMn qoN cfr idn TMZy ËrUr pI rhy sn.
roËfnf nfÈqf krn vfilafˆ dy srIr ivwc kOrtIsol dI mfqrf Gwt sI jo idmfg nUM qMdrusq rwK ky qxfE Gtf idMdI hY. ienHfˆ sfry roË nfÈqf krn vfly bwicafˆ dy nMbr pVHfeI ivwc vDIaf sn qy XfdfÈq vI dUijafˆ nfloN qyË sI. ierfnI muMizafˆ dI XfdfÈq kuVIafˆ nfloN rqf ku vwD inklI. roË nfÈqf krn vfilafˆ ivwc ‘jMk PUzË` Kfx df ruJfn kfPI Gwt lwiBaf. bwicafˆ ivwc idno-idn ienf guwsf vDdf jf irhf hY qy bhuq jldI kfhly pY ky mfr kutfeI
jfˆ mfipafˆ nfl bdslUkI qwk krn lwg pey hn. ies qoN AunHfˆ dI mfnisk hflq bfry Koj krn dI loV mihsUs kIqI geI. pUrI dunIafˆ ivwc aijhIafˆ iÈkfieqfˆ imlx AuWqy ivÈv ishq sMgTn ny kih idwqf hY ik 2020 qwk bwicafˆ ivwc mfnisk qxfE qy guwsf muwK ibmfrIafˆ bx ky sfhmxy afAuxgIafˆ. ies vyly vI lgpg 22 PIsdI jvfn ho rhy bwcy idmfgI ibmfrIafˆ nfl jUJ rhy hn. mYzIkl jrnlfˆ ivwc Cipaf zytf spÈt kr irhf hY ik hr pMjfˆ ivwcoN iewk bwcf jvfn ho jfx qwk mfnisk rog, icMqf, guwsf, ZihMdI klf, kfhlfpn, mfr kutfeI jfˆ gflHI gloc afid krnf ËrUr sLurU krygf. sfbq ho cuwikaf hY ik aijhy mfnisk rogfˆ nfl pIVq bwcy hI awgoN Èrfb pIxI, isgrtnoÈI, ksrq nf krnI, jMk PUz Kfxy aqy ienHfˆ sdkf ho rhy rog ijvyˆ motfpf, blwz pRYÈr, Èwkr rog, isr pIV, joVfˆ dI qklIÌ, aYlrjI, dmf aqy kYˆsr afid rogfˆ nUM shyV rhy hn. ies vyly bhuq sfry skUlfˆ kfljfˆ ivwc dosqfˆ ivwc lVfeI, pVHfeI ivwc pCVnf, dUjy nUM nIvfˆ ivKfAuxf, Bwdf mËfk AuzfAuxf qy KudkuÈI qwk leI mjbUr krnf afid vwKo-vwK skUlfˆ ivwc 9 qoN 54 PIsdI qwk kysfˆ ivwc sfhmxy af irhf hY. kuVIafˆ ivwc Gbrfht, qxfE, ZihMdI klf, zr, itk ky nf bih skxf,
afpsI iKwcoqfx, icVicVfpn, shylIafˆ nfl lVfeI qy iekwlfpn mihsUs krnf afid vyKx ivwc af irhf hY. keI kuVIafˆ ivwc Kurfk nfl sbMiDq mfnisk rog vyKx nUM af rhy hn, ijvyˆ loV qoN vwD Kf ky AultI kr dyxf jfˆ AuWkf hI Kfxf Cwz dyxf afid. dunIafˆ dy cotI dy mYzIkl kfljfˆ ivwc hoeIafˆ sfrIafˆ Kojfˆ ieh sfbq kr cuwkIafˆ hn ik nfÈqy vyly KfDI sMquilq Kurfk nfl ijwQy mUz vDIaf rihMdf hY, AuWQy buwDI AuWqy vI vDIaf asr pYˆdf hY qy socx smJx dy nflo-nfl Xfd ÈkqI vI vDdI hY. awjkwlH dy bwicafˆ ivwc nfÈqf Cwzx df ruJfn vDdf jf irhf hY jo nf isrP AunHfˆ dI mfnisk qy srIrk ishq df nfs mfr irhf hY blik smfijk pwKoN vI inGfr df kfrn bxdf jf irhf hY. nfÈqf nf kr ky skUl jfˆ kflj ivwcoN klfsfˆ Cwz ky Kfx pIx nUM kMtIn dOVnf aqy jMk PUz Kfxy bwicafˆ dI sihxÈIlqf Kqm krdf jf irhf hY qy AunHfˆ nUM hOlI hOlI lVfky, jurm vwl Dwkx, bhuq sfrIafˆ aYlrjIafˆ nfl jUJx, guwsy vfly aqy afKy nf lwgx vfly vI bxf irhf hY. mYzIkl Kojfˆ AuWqy afDfirq qwQ jfx lYx bfad mfipafˆ df qy aiDafpkfˆ df PrË bxdf hY ik koeI vI bwcf GroN sMquilq Kurfk vflf nfsLqf kIqy bgYr nhIN jfxf cfhIdf.
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The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Diabetes Awareness Month: diabetes research
ealth Minister Terry Lake has issued the following statement for Diabetes Awareness
“Diabetes affects over 400,000 British Columbians of all ages. Diabetes Awareness Month is an opportunity to learn more about risk factors for this disease and the impact it has on people and their families. There are many supports and resources available to families to help manage and prevent the disease. “These include extending coverage of insulin pumps to patients 25 and under, new provincial standards for diabetes care in schools and providing an incentive payment for doctors to help them in offering continuous care for their diabetic patients. “Thanks to B.C.’s PharmaCare program, residents can receive coverage for 14 effective therapies for the treatment and management of diabetes, and the program continues to review other new therapies for possible coverage.
“British Columbia is also a leading centre for world-class health research supported by the #BCTECH Strategy. The province has a high-calibre health research environment, with strong research centres and excellent researchers. “At BC Children’s Hospital, research by the Canucks for Kids Fund Childhood Diabetes Laboratories aims to improve the lives of children with diabetes by understanding the causes of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and improving treatments. “Promising research is coming out of the Centre for Drug Research and Development. The centre is working with Zucara Therapeutics to develop a new safe and effective long-term therapeutic to prevent hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, in patients with diabetes. Low blood sugar is a daily
risk people with diabetes face and can have serious, long-term complications. Although still in its early stages, this new potential drug therapy would dramatically change how people manage their diabetes, improving their health and quality of life. “We want to help British Columbians make healthy choices and be proactive in managing their health. Chronic disease is the largest contributor to B.C.’s health-care costs and as more children and adults develop Type 2 diabetes, we want to encourage British Columbians to lead healthy lifestyles. Healthy Families BC offers a wide range of resources such as dietitian services, help for those who smoke, and supports for increasing physical activity. Both the Carrot Rewards app and ParticipACTION’s workplace UPnGO initiative
encourage people to get moving and are rewarded with loyalty points. “Thanks to our investments in healthy living and clinical prevention, the overall rate of people in B.C. developing Type 2 diabetes has been dropping since 2010. “As the number of people living with diabetes in urban areas continues to rise, I’m encouraged to see cities like Vancouver stepping up and addressing this issue by joining the Cities Changing Diabetes program and taking action against diabetes. “We are increasing screening rates significantly, and now about 85% of adults in B.C. over age 45 have been screened for diabetes. “In addition to the many supports in place, there is exciting diabetes research coming out of B.C. that can improve the health of people of all ages living with diabetes. I encourage all British Columbians to be healthy leaders and take steps to reduce the chance of getting a chronic disease like diabetes.”
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
B.C. finance minister opens London Stock Exchange
ollowing B.C.’s highly successful issue of a Masala bond into the Indian offshore rupee market in September, B.C.’s Finance Minister Michael de Jong was invited to open trading at the London Stock Exchange today where the bond was listed.
de Jong was in London to celebrate B.C. becoming the first foreign government to issue a bond in the Masala market. He was joined by Alok Sharma MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Minister for Asia and the Pacific); His Excellency Mr. Dinesh K. Patnaik, Indian High Commissioner to the UK; Nikhil Rathi, CEO, London Stock Exchange; and members of the London financial community, particularly those with connections to India and the Masala bond market. The Masala bond issue demonstrates the Province’s confidence in the out-
look for India, and positions B.C. to participate in internationalization of the rupee and India’s economy. Being the first foreign government to issue a Masala bond, B.C. continues its reputation as an innovator and leader amongst its AAA-rated peers in diversifying sources of funding. This celebration comes on the heels of de Jong’s trade trip to India in October, where he met with Honourable Arun Jaitley India’s Minister of Finance, senior government officials, and business leaders. These meetings continued to foster growing relationships and partnerships with India. India is a priority market for B.C. With the advantages of a young demographic profile, a growing middle class and one of the world’s fastestgrowing economies, B.C. is forging and strengthening business, economic and trade relationships with India.
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The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
kI arQ rwKdy hn ‘irpyrIan’ qy ‘bysn’ sLbd?
awjklH pMjfb dy dirafeI pfxIafˆ df mslf iek bVf BwKvfˆ ivÈf bixaf hoieaf hY. rfiepyrIan, dirafeI bysn arQfq isMD bysn afid Èbd bVy vrqy jfˆdy hn. lokfˆ dI jfxkfrI leI ienHfˆ Èbdfˆ dI ivafiKaf hyT ilKy anusfr kIqI jfˆdI hY-rfiepyrIan: ijs rfj ivc pfxI df koeI sroq hY aqy Aus dy afly-duafly Aus dI ËmIn hY, Aus rfj nUM sbMDq jl sroq df rfiepyrIan Bfv mflk ikhf jfˆdf hY. ies mflkI kfrn pfxI nUM vrqxf, Aus df inXMqrx krnf rfiepyrIan hwk hY. rfiepyrIan mflk leI ieh ËrUrI hY ik ies pfxI dI qrksMgq vrqoN kry aqy hor lokfˆ jo ieh hwk rwKdy hox, AunHfˆ dI qrksMgq vrqoN ivc dKLl nf dyvy. rfiepyrIan hwk iek kfnUMn dI Èkl ivc aMqrrfÈtrI aihmIaq rwKdf hY, ijs nUM bhuq sfry dyÈ vrqdy hn. ies hwk dI AuqpqI ‘ieMgilÈ kfmn lfa` qoN hY. ieh kYnyzf, afstRylIaf aqy amrIkf dIafˆ pUrbI stytfˆ ivc afm vrqoN ivc hY. ies kfnUMn nUM hYilMskI (iPnlYˆz) ivc pRvfn kIqf igaf sI. rfiepyrIan mq dy aDIn ijnHfˆ lokfˆ, dyÈfˆ, pRfˆqfˆ dI ËmIn jfˆ jfiedfd iek diraf jfˆ pfxI dy ËKIry nfl hovy aqy jo ies pfxI dy ËKIry ivc afey hVH nfl asr-aMdfË huMdf hovy aqy rwiKaf leI ËrUrI kfrvfeI krdf hovy,
Auh hI ies pfxI nUM vrqx df hwkdfr hY. rfiepyrIan kfnUMn anusfr ieh pfxI Aus BUmI df iek aMg hY, ijs AuWpr ieh akfÈ qoN vrHdf hY aqy Ausy BUmI AuWqy vgdf hY. imÈIgn (amrIkf) dy rfiepyrIan hwk jfiedfdI hwk hn aqy ies nUM kyvl hwk rwKx vflf hI vrq skdf hY. dirafeI bysn: iek dirafeI bysn jfˆ iKwqy df Èfbidk arQ hY ik Auh Kyqr ijs df DrqI AuWprlf pfxI Aus diraf ivc bhuq sfrIafˆ shfiek ndIafˆ, qMg KfVIafˆ aqy Kwzfˆ aqy hor nfilafˆ afid rfhIN phuMcdf hY aqy ies iekwTy hoey pfxI nUM aijhf diraf smuMdr ivc suwtdf hY. ieh isMD ndI Kyqr vI Bfrq dI 1947 ivc hoeI vMz dy iswty vjoN vMizaf igaf, ijs AuprMq 1960 ivc 19 sqMbr nUM Bfrq aqy pfiksqfn drimafn dirafeI pfxIafˆ nUM vMzx leI ‘ieMzs vftr trItI` hoeI. ies anusfr sqluj, ibafs aqy rfvI diraf Bfrq dy ihwsy afey, cnfb, ijhlm aqy isMD pfiksqfn dy. hr dyÈ vMz vjoN ihwsy afey dirafvfˆ df pUrf-pUrf pfxI vrq skdf hY. sqluj, ibafs aqy rfvI diraf BfrqI pMjfb dy ihwsy afey. ienHfˆ dirafvfˆ qoN ielfvf jmunf diraf jo isMD bysn df ihwsf nhIN sI aqy pMjfb df sImfˆqI diraf sI df pfxI pwCmI jmunf nihr rfhIN Aus vyly df pMjfb vrqdf sI.
AuWpr ilKy rfiepyrIan lfa aqy dirafeI bysn isDfˆq anusfr sqluj, ibafs aqy rfvI diraf awj dy pMjfb ivc pYˆdy hn aqy ienHfˆ df pfxI vrqx df aiDkfr Aus nUM hY. rfjsQfn, hirafxf aqy idwlI nf hI rfiepyrIan pRfˆq hn aqy nf hI ienHfˆ pRfˆqfˆ df koeI ndI nflf ienHfˆ dirafvfˆ ivc shfiek ndI vjoN pYˆdf hY, nf hI ienHfˆ pRfˆqfˆ df Kyqr isMD dirafeI bysn ivc Èfiml hY. sMivDfn anusfr ieh pRfˆq ies pfxI dy hwkdfr vI nhIN hn. jMmU-kÈmIr rfvI diraf df rfiepyrIan pRfˆq hY, Aus df pfxI ‘qy hwk bxdf hY. kyˆdr ny sMivDfn dI AulMGxf kridafˆ 1955 ivc rfvI aqy ibafs dirafvfˆ dy awDy pfxI qoN vI vwD rfjsQfn nUM dy idwqf. bfad ivc hoey hor asMivDfnk PYsilafˆ anusfr hirafxf qy idwlI nUM vI pfxI idwqf igaf. hirafxf jo pfxI vwzI imkdfr ivc sqluj diraf ivcoN BfKVf nihr rfhIN lYˆdf hY, Auh jd pMjfb df ihwsf sI lY igaf pr jmunf dy pfxI ‘coN pMjfb nUM bxdf ihwsf nf idwqf igaf. dirafvfˆ nUM afps ivc joVnf : ‘ajIq` (16 nvMbr, 2016) dI KLbr anusfr 15 nvMbr nUM kyˆdrI kYbint ny suprIm kort dy hukm anusfr ndIafˆ nUM afps ivc joVn leI ivÈyÈ kmytI dy gTn nUM pRvfngI idwqI hY. kuJ icr hoieaf kyˆdrI srkfr ny iek Xojnf AulIkI sI ik ijwQy hVH afAuNdy
ikrpfl isMG drdI
hn, AuQy pfxI vfDU hY aqy AuQoN pfxI lY ky soky vfly Kyqrfˆ ivc vriqaf jf skdf hY. srkfr AuWqr pRdyÈ, ibhfr aqy afsfm vrgy pRdyÈfˆ dy dirafvfˆ df pfxI diraf joV ky dyÈ ivc ikqy lY jfvy qfˆ TIk hY, ijQy bhuq hVH afAuNdy hn. pr pMjfb ivc aijhf krnf ies pRdyÈ nUM brbfd krnf hovygf, ijQy dirafeI pfxI dI pihlfˆ hI bhuq Gft hY. diraf ibafs aqy sqluj pihlfˆ hI pMzohbwgI surMg aqy suMdr ngr-zyhr cYnl rfhIN juVy hoey hn. diraf rfvI qy ibafs ‘mfDopur-ibafs ilMk` rfhIN imlfey gey hn. isMD pfxIafˆ sbMDI jo sMDI pfiksqfn aqy Bfrq ivckfr hoeI sI, Aus anusfr sqluj ibafs aqy rfvI dirafvfˆ dy kYcmYˆt (jl afDfr Kyqr) eyrIey ivc Bfrq koeI qbdIlI nhIN kr skdf. sMDI ivc ieh vI drj hY ik dovyˆ dyÈ dirafvfˆ dy kudrqI vihx df rK-rKfE krngy, jy vihx ivc ivGn pfieaf jfˆdf hY qfˆ dUsrI iDr nUM pdfrQk nuksfn hovygf. jy pMjfb dy dirafvfˆ nUM hor dirafvfˆ nfl joiVaf jfˆdf hY qfˆ ienHfˆ dirafvfˆ dy kYcmYˆt eyrIey ivc vwzI AuWQl-puQl hovygI jo pMjfb leI brbfdI df kfrn bx skdf hY, isMD pfxIafˆ dI sMDI dI AulMGxf aqy pMjfb dy vfqfvrn ivc vwzI qbdIlI hovygI. iesy krky pMjfb pRfˆq ies Xojnf dI sKq ivroDqf krdf hY.
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Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
golIaF clfAux df vrqfrf qy smfj ies hPqy dI Auh KLbr isafsI jfˆ srkfrI qoN ht ky smfjI pwK qoN vI lYx vflI hY, ijs df sMbMD hirafxy ivwc iewk ivafh dy mOky hoeI PfieirMg nfl hY. koeI iksy nfl iksy qrHfˆ JgVf krn nhIN sI afieaf, do iDrfˆ vI nhIN sn, pr golI cwlI aqy iewk aOrq dI mOq ho geI qy kuJ hornfˆ nUM golIafˆ lwgx ipwCoN hspqfl dfKl hoxf pY igaf hY. golIafˆ clfAux vflI iewk Dfrimk Kyqr dI aOrq sI aqy Aus dy nfl gey hiQafrbMd gfrz sn. AunHfˆ sfirafˆ ivwcoN iksy ny Èrfb afid vI nhIN sI pIqI, ijs kfrn ieh kih idwqf jfvy ik nÈy ivwc glqI hoeI hovygI, sgoN KuÈI ivwc KIvy hoey Auh lok nwcdy aqy nfl dI nfl golIafˆ clfeI jf rhy sn. gruwp dI muKI sfDvI ny Kud vI golIafˆ clfeIafˆ sn qy kihMdy hn ik mOq Ausy dI clfeI golI dy nfl hoeI hY. jdoN ieh Gtnf vfpr geI qfˆ Auh sfDvI afpxy hiQafrbMd gfrzfˆ dy nfl mOky qoN iKsk geI aqy do idn puls lwBdI rhI. iPr Auh afp iswDI adflq geI qy afqm-smwrpx kr idwqf. lwgdf hY ik ies smyˆ dOrfn Auh afpxy rfjsI sMprkfˆ dy rfhIN afpxy leI iksy ilhfj df pRbMD krdI rhI hovygI aqy sfrI gwl hox dy bfad afqm-smwrpx krn dI kfrvfeI
vI adflq ivwc ies leI pfeI geI ik Aus nUM Kud pyÈ hox nfl kfnUMn df ilhfj vI iml sky. puls dI mMg AuWqy hux Aus df irmfˆz idwqf igaf hY qy Auh kuJ idn hor puls kol rhygI. asIN ies vkq ies gwl ivwc nhIN jfxf cfhuMdy ik ieh sfDvI iewk Kfs iksm dI rfjsI plyQx vflI Dfrimkqf dI pRcfrk sI, sgoN ies dI Qfˆ smfjI smwisaf dI gwl krnI cfhuMdy hfˆ. Bfrq ivwc ivafh-ÈfdIafˆ mOky hiQafrfˆ dI numfieÈ qy Pfier kIqy jfx df Bwdfpx hux afm hI hox lwgf hY. lwgBwg sfry mYirj pYilsfˆ ivwc ilK ky lfieaf igaf hY ik pYlys aMdr iksy vI qrHfˆ df hiQafr ilafAuxf mnHf hY, pr lok hiQafrfˆ smyq jfˆdy hn qy iPr Pfier krn lwgy rihMdy hn, kdI vI iksy pYlys vfly ny afx ky roikaf nhIN. bhuq sfry QfˆeIN ies qrHfˆ krdy lokfˆ qoN golIafˆ lwg ky iksy nf iksy dI mOq ho jfx dI KLbr afAuNdI rhI hY, pr lok vI ies dI pRvfh nhIN krdy. iewk ivafh ivwc qfˆ lfVy dy jIjy ny golI clfeI qy pihlI golI lfVy dI dUsrI BYx dy bwcy nUM lwgI qy dUsrI Jtfpt cwl jfx nfl lfVy nUM jf vwjI. bwcy dI mOq ho geI qy lfVf hspqfl jf ipaf, ijwQy dUsry pwK qoN kuVI nUM ilaf ky lfvfˆ kIqIafˆ geIafˆ. ivafh
sogI ho igaf sI. iewk hor Qfˆ ivdyÈ qoN afey hoey pMjfbI mihmfn ny ibgfnI gMn PV ky clf idwqI qy Aus nfl iewk bMdf mfiraf jfx qoN bfad ivdyÈ qoN afieaf pMjfbI qy gMn df mflk dovyˆ jxy Ps gey sn. gwl isrP ivafhfˆ dy mOky PfieirMg krn dI nhIN, hux Dfrimk smfgmfˆ dy mOky vI Pfier krn df kMm hox lwg ipaf hY. jlMDr ivwc iewk vfr eydfˆ dy Dfrimk smfgm mOky afeI sMgq nUM slfmI dyx dy cwkr ivwc kIqI PfieirMg nfl do mOqfˆ ho geIafˆ sn. keI Qfˆ iksy lIzr nUM qrwkI df ahudf iml jfvy qfˆ AunHfˆ dy mfx ivwc kIqy jfˆdy smfgmfˆ mOky vI golIafˆ clfAux dI KLbr aqy kdy-kdfeIˆ vIzIE irkfrizMg iksy tI vI cYnl AuWqy pyÈ kIqI geI vyKx nUM iml jfˆdI hY. ies dy bfad vI kdI AunHfˆ lokfˆ AuWqy kys drj nhIN huMdf. mMqrI bxy jfˆ ipMz df srpMc, Aus dy sfQI ieh smJdy hn ik ieho ijhy mOky jdoN qwk golIafˆ dI gUMj hr pfsy nhIN suxI geI, ieh smfgm hI aDUrf rih jfxf hY. ies leI PfieirMg kIqI jfˆdI hY qy koeI iksy nUM tokdf nhIN. agly idnfˆ ivwc pMjfb aqy pMj hor rfjfˆ ivwc coxfˆ dI srgrmI sLurU hoxI hY qfˆ ijnHfˆ leI itkt df aYlfn hoieaf hY, AunHfˆ ivwcoN keI afgU hiQafrbMd gfrzfˆ ivcfly nf
isrP KVy hoxgy, sgoN AunHfˆ nUM keI Qfˆ golIafˆ clf ky slfmI idwqI jfvygI. kfnUMn ies nUM vyKdf rhygf. iPr KLbr afvygI ik KuÈI ivwc clfeI golI nfl iewk hor bMdf mfiraf igaf hY. ieh vrqfrf rukygf nhIN. asIN pihlfˆ hI ikhf hY ik ieh smwisaf isrP srkfrI jfˆ isafsI pwDr dI nhIN, smfjI pwDr dI vI hY, ikAuNik ijnHfˆ ny hornfˆ nUM syD dyxI hY, Auho lok hI ies cwkr ivwc pY ky glq kMm krdy idKfeI dy rhy hn. ieh kMm bMd hoxf cfhIdf hY. srkfr dI mÈInrI vI ies ivwc kfnUMn dy muqfbk kfrvfeI kry qy smfj vI. ieh iËMmyvfrI sfzI sBnfˆ dI sfˆJI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Rotary Clubs of Abbotsford Presents Don Funk Memorial Award
he Rotary Clubs of Abbotsford, Abbotsford-Sumas and Abbotsford-Matsqui were pleased to present the annual Don Funk Memorial Award joined by Assistant Governor Brad Whittaker of Chilliwack Rotary Club and fellow Abbotsford Rotarian Ken Funk, brother of the late Don Funk. This award is given to an outstanding Rotarian in each of the three clubs who have demonstrated exceptional “Service Above Self” in their actions, both within and outside the Rotary community. Don Funk was a member of the Rotary Club of Abbotsford for many years. His dedication to our community and to overseas projects, particularly by securing and shipping hospital equipment to countries in need, was recognized by Rotary International with the Service Above Self Award, the highest honor given to a Rotarian. Don was instrumental in chartering both the Sumas and the Matsqui Rotary Clubs and unbelievably, maintained a perfect attendance at all three. The Rotary
Clubs of Abbotsford have continued the tradition of honouring a “Rotarian of the Year” with a Paul Harris Fellowship. This year’s recipients are Ron Kelly (Abbotsford), Ralph Payne (Abbotsford-Sumas), and Raj Patara (Abbotsford-Matsqui). “Ron Kelly is one of the steadiest, quietest and most conscientious leaders of the Rotary Club of Abbotsford. A member since 1992, Ron has been President, consistently supports club activities and programs, is a Paul Harris Fellow plus 8, and most-notably, serves as our long-standing Rotary Foundation Chair, each year inspiring our club members to give generously to Rotary projects.” said President Sara Lawson. She went on to say, “Ron you are a stellar Rotarian, and we recognize your commitment to the Rotary Foundation as your legacy. Well deserved, and well done!” Abbotsford-Sumas is awarding Ralph Payne with the Rotarian of the Year award. President Thomas McMillan stated that “Ralph was always the go to
person when our club had a difficult decision to make, either financially or projects based and is definitely a committed Rotarian. Whenever asked, he supports any club project with enthusiasm and humour. He is a totally committed Rotarian, a Past President charter member of our club, multiple Paul Harris Fellow recipient, and under his guidance has challenged our club to be a top achiever within our Rotary District in donating to the Rotary Foundation!”
continually share the spirit of Rotary with the next generation of leaders. In her short time with our club she has helped organize many club projects and is always willing to roll up her sleeves to help get the job done!”
President Mike Welte (AbbotsfordMatsqui) was pleased to announce that “Raj Patara - Director of Guest Speakers and Field Trip Planning is receiving the award this year. Raj continues to show a contagious enthusiasm for Rotary and goes out of her way to
Congratulations to each of our 2016 award recipients! Through their individual efforts and commitment, combined with the collective efforts of Abbotsford Rotarians across our community we are make Abbotsford a better place to live, learn, and grow!
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
2nd Annual Business Walks Taking Place in Abbotsford ABBOTSFORD – November 18, 2016 – The City of Abbotsford will host its 2nd annual Business Walks event from November 29 to December 1, announced Mayor Henry Braun today.
Commerce and Business Development Canada. Business Walks programs are recognized as Economic Development Best Practice by the Provincial Government of BC.
“We are pleased to be able to have this opportunity again this year to interact with local business owners one-on-one and hear what they have to say,” said Mayor Henry Braun. “The Business Walks program is a great way for local community leaders to informally meet with our business community and it allows us to gather the business intelligence needed to support our local economy.”
“Regular and open communication with our business community ensures that we are aware of the challenges and opportunities our businesses face,” said Braun. “The information gathered provides us with the ability to serve our business customers by making it easier for them to do business in Abbotsford.”
Over 65 volunteers - from elected officials, including MLA Simon Gibson and MLA Darryl Plecas, to representatives from business organizations - will be hitting the streets in the goal of fostering business growth in the community. The program is powered by the City of Abbotsford Economic Development department with significant support from stakeholders such as the University of the Fraser Valley, Chamber of
The 2nd annual Business Walks will take place in the areas of Peardonville Road, Highstreet, Maclure Industrial area, Mount Lehman, Historic Downtown, and the Blueridge area from November 29 - December 1. Businesses in these areas wishing to be part of the business walks are encouraged to contact the City at More information on the Abbotsford Business Walks program can be found online at
ominations are now open for the 14th Annual Fraser Valley Cultural Diversity Awards.
Concepts of cultural diversity include age, gender, abilities, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion and socioeconomic background. Organizations and individuals that work towards building an inclusive community are encouraged to apply. The event is presented by Abbotsford Community Services in partnership with Mission, and Chilliwack Community Services as well as the Langley New Directions English Language School. The Fraser Valley Cultural Diversity Awards started in 2003 to recognize the best practices of organizations and individuals that embrace the diversity in our community.
Each year, the awards receive nominations for businesses, programs, initiatives, schools and leaders that work towards building an inclusive community, providing their clients & customers with accessible environments, and having workforces reflective of their community.
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sMvydnsLIl mYtfzftf shyj ky sI[aYs[afeI[aYs[ ny kfnUMn qoiVaf! Etvf: PYzrl kort dy jwj df kihxf hY ik kYnyzf dI KuPIaf eyjMsI ny gYrkfnUMnI qOr AuWqy ds sflF dy arsy qwk lokF df ielYktROink zftf jmHF krky rwiKaf. ies dy jLfihr hox nfl sbMDq lokF nUM nuksfn vI ho skdf sI.
ies PYsly nUM jnqk kridaF jwj sfiemn Nominees from Abbotsford, Mission, noiel ny afiKaf ik afpxy zftf iekwTf Langley and Chilliwack that exemplify the spirit of cultural diversity are krn dy pRogrfm bfry adflq nUM jfxkfrI ijAUzIsLIal vfrMtF dI vrqoN krky iekwTI encouraged to apply. kIqI geI hY. PYsly ivwc afiKaf igaf ik Categories include: Inclusive Environment, Marketing, Innovative sI[aYs[afeI[aYs[ nUM ieh jfxkfrI AudoN Initiative, Champion of Diversity and qwk shyj ky nhIN sI rwKxI cfhIdI jdoN Effective Human Resources Strate- qwk ies nfl kYnyzf dI sikAUirtI leI gies. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, iswDf Kqrf nf huMdf. January 10, 2017. ies dy nfl hI noiel ny afiKaf ik kfnUMn Nomination forms are available at dy inXmF dI lfjLmI qOr AuWqy pflxf hoxI or by contacting Patri- cfhIdI hY ikAuNik ies qoN ibnF ijs kMm cia Driessen at cda@abbotsfordcom- nUM krn leI lokF qy adfiraF dI or 604-308-5673. myvfrI lfeI jFdI hY Auh pUrI nhIN huMdI qy
nf hI Aus AuWqy XkIn hI kIqf jf skdf hY. pbilk syPtI mMqrI rflP guzyl vwloN PYsly df svfgq kIqf igaf qy afiKaf igaf ik srkfr ies iKlfP apIl nhIN krygI. ijLkrXog hY ik sI[aYs[afeI[aYs[ ny 2006 qoN sLurU krky KUPIaf jfxkfrI hfsl krn leI afprysLnl zftf anYlyisjL sYNtr nF df sLkqIsLflI pRogrfm sLurU kIqf sI ijs qihq iekwTI kIqI jfxkfrI nfl KuPIaf srivs vwloN ijnHF lokF dI ingrfnI kIqI jFdI hY, AunHF df inwjI vyrvf jLfhr ho skdf sI. ies qrHF iekwTy krky rwKy jfx vfly mtIrIal nUM mYtfzftf afiKaf jFdf hY. ies PYsly qoN Bfv hY ik sI[aYs[afeI[aYs[ vwloN mYtfzftf AudoN qwk hI sFB ky rwiKaf jf skdf hY jF ies dI AudoN hI vrqoN kIqI jf skdI hY jy ieh kYnyzIan sikAUirtI leI koeI Kqrf hovy jF iPr kOmI rwiKaf, ivdysLI mfmilaF afid ivwc jFc leI ies dI loV hovy. PAGE 23
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
amrIkf ivwc swqf bdlx dy bfvjUd kYnyzf qy ikAUbf dy sbMDfˆ ivwc koeI Prk nhIN afvygf: trUzo
jfrzn dy POjI ijMm ivwc kYnyzIan sYink imRqk pfieaf igaf Etvf: jfrzn dI POj nUM isKlfeI dyx leI ZMg qrIky qlfÈx vfly kYnyzIan sYink dI mOq ho geI. ieh jfxkfrI vIrvfr nUM izpfrtmYˆt afP nYÈnl izPYˆs vwloN idwqI geI. kfrbonIar, inAU PfAUNzlYˆz aYˆz lYbrfzor df 50 sflf myjr skft PUt jfrzn dI rfjDfnI amfn ivwc POjI ijMm ivwc bysuwD hflq ivwc imilaf. Aus nUM hos ivwc ilafAux dIafˆ koiÈÈfˆ nfkfmXfb
rihx mgroN Aus nUM imRqk aYlfn idwqf igaf. nYÈnl izPYˆs vwloN jfˆc sLurU kr idwqI geI hY pr aiDkfrIafˆ df kihxf hY ik iksy qrHfˆ dI gVbVI df koeI KdÈf nhIN hY. aPgfinsqfn ivwc syvf inBfa cuwikaf PUt sqMbr dy sLurU ivwc jfrzn afieaf sI. iewQy kYnyzIan sYnfvfˆ ny jfrzn dy POjIafˆ nUM isKlfeI dyxI sLurU kIqI sI.
afpxy afKrI ivdysL dOry nUM Kqm krn qoN pihlF trUzo nfl mulfkfq krngy Ebfmf lImf, pyrU: rfÈtrpqI vjoN afpxy afKrI ivdyÈ dOry nUM Kqm krn qoN pihlfˆ brfk Ebfmf afstry l IafeI qy kY n y z IafeI afgUafˆ nfl vwKry qOr AuWqy mulfkfq krnI cfhuMdy hn. iËkrXog hY ik dovfˆ mulkfˆ ny amrIkf qy nOˆ hor pYsyiPk irMm mulkfˆ nfl mltInYÈnl tryz agrImYˆt sbMDI gwlbfq sLurU krvfAux ivwc aihm BUimkf inBfeI sI. pr kfˆgrs vwloN ies zIl dI puÈtI kIqy jfx dI sMBfvnf Gwt hI hY. ies krfr qoˆ Ebfmf nUM kfPI afsfˆ sn pr kfˆgrs dy ruK kfrn AunHfˆ nUM vwzf Jtkf lwigaf hY. rfÈtrpqI dI cox ijwqx vfly zfnlz trMp df kihxf hY ik tryz zIlË amrIkI kfimafˆ nUM nuksfn phuMcf
skdIafˆ hn qy AunHfˆ vwloN trfˆs pYsyiPk pfrtnriÈp agrImYˆt df ivroD vI kIqf jf irhf hY. aYqvfr nUM pyrU dI rfjDfnI lImf ivwc eyÈIaf pYsyiPk ieknfimk Porm dy sflfnf iejlfs ivwc hornfˆ ivÈv afgUafˆ nfl mulfkfq krn qoN ielfvf Ebfmf ny vwKry qOr AuWqy afstrylIaf dy pRDfn mMqrI mYlkOm trnbuwl nfl mIitMg kIqI. iËkrXog hY ik afstrylIaf trfˆs pYsyiPk tryz zIl ivwc amrIkf df BfeIvfl hY. ies qoN ielfvf Ebfmf, kYnyzf dy pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo nfl vI mulfkfq krnI cfhuMdy hn. kYnyzf vI tI[pI[pI[ ivwc amrIkf df BfeIvfl hY.
iewk Gr ivwcoN imlIaF iqMn lfsLF, puils nUM PYˆtfinl dI EvrzojL df sLwk ivnIpYg: irhfieÈI ielfky dy iewk Gr ivwcoN do aOrqfˆ qy iewk purÈ dI lfÈ imlx qoN bfad aiDkfrIafˆ df kihxf hY ik ieh iqMny mOqfˆ PYˆtfinl dI EvrzoË kfrn hoeIafˆ lwgdIafˆ hn. puils ny dwisaf ik AunHfˆ nUM iewk Gr ivwcoN iqMn lfÈfˆ imlIafˆ. lfÈfˆ dy kol icwty rMg df pfAUzr qy keI hor nÈIly pdfrQ pey sn. ienHfˆ ivakqIafˆ nfl sbMDq iksy hor ivakqI vwloN mYzIkl smwisaf dws ky awDI rfq nUM kfl kIqy jfx qoN bfad aiDkfrI mOky AuWqy phuMcy. jdoN puils ies Gr ivwc dfKl hoeI qfˆ sB qoN pihlfˆ AunHfˆ nUM iewk bysuwD ivakqI Gr ivwc nËr afieaf qy ieh vI pfieaf igaf ik koeI ËbrdsqI Gr ivwc dfKl hoieaf hY. Gr dy aMdr iewk purÈ qy do aOrqfˆ, ijnHfˆ dI Aumr 40 sfl qoN Gwt sI, dIafˆ lfÈfˆ peIafˆ sn. kfˆstybl rOb kfrvr ny afiKaf ik AunHfˆ nUM swLk ipaf PAGE 24
ik ieh pfAUzr isMQYitk PYˆtfinl jfˆ Aus qoN vI ÈkqIÈflI asr vflI kfrPYˆtfinl ho skdI hY. iËkrXog hY ik ies sfl ieh zrwg kfPI ivk irhf hY qy ies kfrn hox vflIafˆ mOqfˆ ivwc vI vfDf hoieaf hY. dovyˆ nÈIly pdfrQ Gfqk ho skdy hn. kfrPYˆtfinl dy nmk dy kuwJ dfixafˆ ijMnI mfqrf vI Gfqk ho skdI hY. puils df kihxf hY ik ies nUM hornfˆ nÈIly pdfrQfˆ nfl imks kr idwqf jfˆdf hY ijvyˆ ik kokIn jfˆ ikRstl mYWQ, qfˆ ik XUËrË nUM ieh pqf hI nf cwly ik Auh ieh sB lY rhy hn. kfrvr ny dwisaf ik puils ieh pqf lfAux dI koiÈÈ kr rhI hY ik Gr ivwcoN pfieaf igaf nÈIlf pdfrQ afiKrkfr Gr ivwc afieaf ikwQoN sI. ho skdf hY ik ieh kimAUintI ivwc zrwg sbMDI iksy hor gqIivDI nfl vI juiVaf hovy.
hvfnf: pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny ikAUbf dy ividafrQIafˆ dy gruwp nUM ieh spÈt qOr AuWqy afiKaf ik vfeIt hfAUs ivwc Bfvyˆ trMp af jfvy pr ikAUbf bfry kYnyzf afpxf stYˆz nhIN bdlygf. ikAUbf AuWqy amrIkf vwloN lfeIafˆ rokfˆ, zfnlz trMp dI rfÈtrpqI vjoN cox qy BivwK ivwc kYnyzf-ikAUbf sbMDfˆ bfry AuWTy qOKilafˆ sbMDI svflfˆ df jvfb idMidafˆ trUzo ny XUnIvristI dy ividafrQIafˆ nUM Èfˆq krn dI kfPI koiÈÈ kIqI. ividafrQIafˆ dI pihlI kqfr ivwc mihmfn dy rUp ivwc ikAUbf dy rfÈtrpqI rfAul kfsqro vI mOjUd sn. trUzo ny afiKaf ik AunHfˆ leI amrIkf dy cox nqIjy vI kYnyzf qy ikAUbf ivcly mËbUq qy dosqfnfˆ sbMDfˆ ivwc qbdIlI nhIN ilaf skxgy. trUzo ny afiKaf ik kYnyzf nUM ies ivwc koeI ivroDfBfs nËr nhIN afAuNdf ik Auh ikAUbf df pwkf dosq bixaf rihx dy nfl nfl amrIkf df BfeIvfl vI bixaf rhy. AunHfˆ spÈt
kIqf ik asIN vwKrf mulk hfˆ qy asIN afpxy irÈiqafˆ qy sbMDfˆ dI cox afp krn leI afËfd hfˆ. ikAUubf nfl ijho ijhI phuMc amrIkf apxf irhf hY Auh glq hY. sfnUM lwgdf hY ik BfeIvflI qy sfˆJ dI sfzI phuMc ikqy iËafdf vDIaf hY. trUzo ny ieh vI afiKaf ik afpxy dosqfˆ qy BfeIvflfˆ nUM ieh dwsxf ik AunHfˆ nUM kI krnf cfhIdf hY jfˆ kI nhIN krnf cfhIdf ieh sfzf kMm nhIN hY. sfnUM bws ieh pqf hoxf cfhIdf hY ik jo krnf cfhIdf hY Auh asIN kr rhy hfˆ jfˆ nhIN. XUnIvristI afP hvfnf ivwc ividafrQIafˆ nfl iewk GMty leI cwilaf ieh sYÈn Ausy idn hoieaf jdoN ikAUibafeI POj ny pMj idnfˆ leI POjI mÈkfˆ sLurU kIqIafˆ hn. idn vyly soPI gRYgOier trUzo ny ilMg smfnqf bfry iewk pYnl nfl gwlbfq kIqI qy kMm vflI Qfˆ AuWqy aOrqfˆ qy mrdfˆ nUM brfbr mOky dyx leI PrfKidlI vKfAux AuWqy ikAUbf dy afgUafˆ dI ÈlfGf vI kIqI.
rfiel bYˆk dI qrË AuWqy tI[zI[ bYˆk ny vI afpxIafˆ iPksz mfrgyj drfˆ ivwc kIqf vfDf torfˆto: rfiel bYˆk afP kYnyzf dI qrË AuWqy tI[zI[ bYˆk ny vI afpxIafˆ iPksz mfrgyj drfˆ ivwc cuwp cupIiqafˆ vfDf kr idwqf hY. ieh PYslf vIrvfr qoN pRBfvI hovygf. tI[zI[ dI qrËmfn cYirl iPwkr ny buwDvfr nUM afiKaf ik bYˆk ny cfr sflfˆ leI iPksz mfrgyj dI ivsyÈ dr ivwc pMj mUl aMkfˆ df vfDf kIqf hY Bfv ies ivwc 2[44 PIsdI vfDf hoieaf hY jdik pMj sflf iPks mfrgyj ivwc ds mUl aMkfˆ df vfDf krky ies nUM 2[69 PIsdI vfDf kIqf igaf hY. ieMtYlImfrgyj ivKy mfrgyj bRokr qy ateMpy com dy bfnI rOb mYkilstr df
kihxf hY ik AunHfˆ nUM afs hY ik bfkI bYˆk vI jld hI ieh kdm AuTfAuxgy. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik bfˆz mfrikt ivwc afey AuCfl kfrn bYˆkf dI nkdI qwk phuMc kfPI mihMgI ho geI hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ipCly hPqy asIN pfieaf ik bOz dIafˆ kImqfˆ ivwc 25 plws mUl aMkfˆ df vfDf hoieaf hY qfˆ vwzy bYˆkfˆ ivwc vI Ausy qrË AuWqy QoVHI bhuq ihljul huMdI hI hY. kuwJ bYˆkfˆ ny ieh vfDf kr ilaf hY qy kuwJ hor 48 qoN 72 GMitafˆ ivwc ieho ijhf hI PYslf krngy. pr iewjV iewk idÈf vwl hI vDdf huMdf hY.
sYm EstraOP bxy EˆtfrIE ivc sB qoN CotI Aumr dy aYWm[pI[pI[ Etvf: EˆtfrIE ivc do ijmnI coxfˆ hoeIafˆ ijnHfˆ ivcoN iek Etvf vynIar vflI ilbrl pfrtI ny ijwq hfisl kIqI qy dUjI sIt ‘c kMËrvyitv dy 19 sflf sYm EstraOP ny ijwq hfisl kIqI. Xfd rhy ik Etvf dy ies hlky qoN hmyÈf hI ilbrl ijwqdI
afeI hY jdik inafgrf dy ies hlky qoN kMËrvyitv ijwqdI afeI hY. sYm EstraOP ijs ny 19 sfl dI Aumr ‘c cox lVky sB qoN Gwt Aumr dy aYWm[pI[pI[ bxn df mfx hfisl kIqf hY.
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
International students benefit B.C. school communities
nternational students studying in B.C. are enriching the province’s classrooms, homes and communities while they benefit from a world class education system. Today, to help celebrate International Education Week, Education Minister Mike Bernier visited Byrne Creek Community school to meet with secondary students from many different countries, as well as Canadian students and homestay partners.
Bernier was joined by Burnaby board of education chair Ron Burton, teachers and school staff to speak with international and Canadian students and hear about their experiences.
Today, Gianmarco Luu, an Italian student studying at Byrne Creek shared how involvement in school British Columbia is one of the most and community events popular study destinations for inter- has changed his pernational students in Canada, hosting spective of the world almost one third of all international students living in the country. Inter- – he is now considernational students bring social, eco- ing going to university nomic and cultural benefits to B.C. in B.C. and pursuing a communities. career in international relations.
Pick up tand Delivery Service Available We dry clean Punjabi Ladies’ Suits, Saris, & Men’s Suits
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#101-30537 Blueridge Dr. Abbotsford, BC
gurdf dfnI dI loV sfry BfeIcfry nUM apIl kIqI jFdI hY ik sfnMU blwz gruwp “E” vflLy iewk lfeIv gurdf dfn krn vflLy dI qurMq loV hY| “E” gurwp bhuq Gwt hox krky asIN ipCly lMmy smyN qoN AuzIk kr rhy hF aqy AunHF dI ishq ivwc lgfqfr inGfr af irhf hY| asIN Ausdy bdly ivwc “eybI” blwz grwup vflLf gurdf vI dy skdy hF | ies sbMDI hor jfxkfrI lYx leI sMprk kro: 778-242-0813
604- 557-8556
jy qusIN “E” blwz grwp nhI ho qF vI qusIN ikznI zonysLn pRogrfm df ihwsf bx ky mwdd kr skdy ho| ies sbMDI hor jfxkfrI lYx leI qusIN ies vYwbsfeIt ‘qy jfE :
Need a Live Kidney Donor
We need a live Kidney Donor for blood group “O” immediately. We have been waiting for a kidney donor for long time as blood group “O” is rare. It is deteriorating recipient’s health as well. We have a live kidney donor for blood group AB in exchange as well. For more information, Please contact me: 778-242-0813
604- 557-8556
If you want to help and you are not a direct match, you can also join the The Kidney Paired Donation Program or go to their website ( and learn about this nationwide program and help the recipient.
International students also provide Canadian students with opportunities to learn other languages, cultures and new ways of thinking. Burnaby resident student Kiana Lim appreciates the diversity of her high school and hopes to contribute positively to our rapidly growing and diverse society by studying biomedical sciences. B.C.’s international education sector provides communities throughout the province with valuable social and
cultural opportunities. Eva Olejniczak, a homestay parent and teacher, explained how hosting international students enhances her own family life. They learn traditions from all around the world from the students they host, and have made connections that will last a lifetime. Thanks to B.C.’s high-quality education opportunities, exciting natural surroundings and welcoming communities, the province’s international education sector will continue to thrive and grow, drawing students from all over the world.
Down, danger, dial: electrical safety tips to help British Columbians stay safe during storm season
C Hydro is reminding the public about the hazards of electricity and the importance of staying safe this winter. Electrical equipment is more prone to damage during the fall and winter months when high winds and heavy rain can cause trees to fall on power lines and knock down power poles. If you come across a fallen power line, assume it is dangerous, stay at least 10 meters back – the length of a school bus – and dial 9-1-1. Every fallen power line should be treated as an emergency. Safety is a key priority for BC Hydro and if a power line does fall, crews will work with emergency responders to ensure the area around the line is safe. This includes storm restoration efforts from power line technicians, wire guards,
damage assessors and vegetation crews. BC Hydro is also reminding British Columbians to use caution, stay 10 meters back and dial 9-1-1, if they come across: •
a hanging power line,
• a tree that has fallen on an electrical line, • a power pole with a broken crossarm, • a low-hanging power line close to the ground, or • a power pole leaning more than two metres. Electrical equipment can be dangerous and people are injured or killed by electricity every year. For more information on electrical safety, visit
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
rwjI rUh vflf sLmsLyr sMDU sLmsLyr mdfrpuury df jMimaf jfieaf hY. sLmsLyr XfrF df Xfr qy imwqrF df imwqr hY. XfrI inBfAux jfxdf hY. kflj smyN dIaF XfrIaF awj qwk inBfeI jFdf hY. jwsovfl, surjIq pfqr, gurBjn igwl. Auh pfsL, dIdfr sMDU, ibMdrwKIey dI Xfd ivwCV jfx ipwCoN vI idl ivwc sFBI bYTf. sLmsLyr ny XfrIaF pflIaF ny afpxf-afp guaf ky. luiDafxy vflf hirMdr kfkf AuhdI ihwk df vflf hY. pwg-vwt Brf, sikaF nfloN vwD. luiDafxy jdoN gyVf mfrdf qF sB qoN pihlF kfky nUM imldf. AunHF nfl duwK-suK sFJF krdf. hor vI imwqrF nfl gfhy-bgfhy iml ky bIqy vkq dIaF bfqF Xfd krdf rihMdf hY. Aus dy dosqF df dfierf bVf ivsLfl hY. qfhIEN qF ies bolI nUM duhrfAuNdf rihMdf hY- ‘kwlI ijMdVI qy Xfr bQyry, kIhdfkIhdf mfx rwK lF.’
nvyN gvweIaF nUM gfAux-mwqF idMdf. cMzIgVH rihMdy smyN hI sLmsLyr df myl ibMdrwKIey nfl ho igaf, ijhVf AunHF idnF ivwc BMgVy dI tIm nfl bolIaF pfieaf krdf sI. sLmsLyr ny Aus dI afvfjL ivcly guxF nUM pCfx AuhnUM gIq irkfrz krvfAux vfly pfsy qor ilaf. bws iPr kI, sLmsLyr ilKdf qy ibMdrwKIaf gfAuNdf. dovF dI joVI ny aqul sLrmf dy imAUijLk nfl DuMm pf idwqI, gfAux vfilaF dI mMzI ivwc. iqwkVI kmfl dI jcI qy inBI. gfiekI dI mUhrlI kqfr ivwc ibMdrwKIey nUM KVHf krn vflf sLmsLyr sMDU hI hY, hor koeI nhIN. surjIq nUM gfiekI ivwc mUhry ilafAux df ishrf vI sLmsLyr dy isr hI bwJdf hY, iksy hor dy isr nhIN. bws iPr kI, sLmsLyr dI bwly-bwly ho geI. sMDU df iswkf vwzy gfAux vfilaF ivwc cwlx lwgf. hr iewk gfiek Aus dy gIq nUM gfAuxf afpxf DMn Bfg smJx lwgf. ibwtI qoN lY ky suirMdr kOr qwk, suirMdr iCMdy, kuldIp mfxk qoN lY ky hMs rfj hMs qwk ny Aus dy gIqF nUM afpxI afvfjL idwqI. sLmsLyr ny afpxI gIqkfrI dy pYr dUrdrsLn qoN lY ky tI[sIrIjL qwk psfr ley. Auhny AunHF idnF ivwc pYsf vI Kwitaf qy afpxy nF df iswkf vI mMnvfieaf.
pMj jmfqF afpxy ipMz mdfry pVHIaF. dsvIN iswDvF byt qoN bI[ey[ Kflsf kflj luiDafixE qy aYm[ey[luiDafxf gOrimMt kflj qoN kIqI. iPr bMgy kflj ivwc pRoPYsrI kIqI. ‘pMjfbI itRibAUn’ ivwc kfPLI smF sb-aYzItrI kIqI. pVHdy smyN Aus nUM Gulx dI vI cytk sI. mfVf-motf gfAux nUM vI mUMh mfiraf qy cFdI rfm qoN qUMbI dy poty lfAuxy iswKy. aKLbfrF ivwc kMm krdy smyN khfxIaF ilKIaF. gIqkfrF bfry lyK sLmsLyr dI gIqkfrI sB hwdF bMny twp geI. vI ilKy ijhVy aKLbfrF aqy mYgjLInF ivwc ibMdrwKIey dy gIq ‘dupwtf qyrf swq rMg df’ gfhy-bgfhy Cpdy rhy. ipwCoN ‘qyry ‘coN qyrf Xfr boldf’ gIq nfl iksy vyly sLmsLyr gfAux nUM vI mfVf-motf gwl isry hI lwg geI. ivafh-sLfdIaF ivwc mUMh mfrdf sI. ieh AunHF idnF dI gwl ieh gIq bhuq cwilaf. ieh gIq sLmsLyr hY jdoN Aus dy aMdr gIq ilKx df sLONk sMDU dI gIqkfrI df hfsl ho inbiVaf. vI AuWslvwty lY irhf sI. AuNj jdoN Auh iewk gwl hor vI hY, jy ibMdrwKIey ivwcoN khfxIkfr dy qOr ‘qy AuWBr irhf sI, Aus sLmsLyr nUM mnPLI kr dyeIey qF ipwCoN kI dI ikqfb ‘koeI idE jvfb’ af cwukI sI. rih jfvygf. qusIN afp hI isafxy ho. bwuq suirMdr iCMdy dy aYl[pI[ irkfrz ‘nYxF dy do hn qy jfn iewk hY. vxjfry’ dy gIqF dI irkfrizMg ho rhI sMDU dI gIqkfrI qy gfAux vfilaF ivwc sI. Aus ivwc sLmsLyr df vI iewk gIq iewk vwKrI hI QF hY. Auhny iksy dI DrI (lok gfQf) ‘jfnI cor’ irkfrz kIqf iewt nhIN rihx idwqI. iksy dI gwuzI cfVHqI, igaf, ijs nUM sroiqaF ny AunHF idnF ivwc iksy dI kwtqI. iksy nUM jLukfmI afvfjL bhuq psMd kIqf. jdoN sLmsLyr gIqkfrF ilKqf, iksy dI GwgI qy iksy dI afvfjL dI kqfr ivwc isr AuWcf kr KVHf ho igaf nUM tFtI ilKqf. sLmsLyr dI iewk isPLq hY, qF khfxI qoN pfsf vwt igaf. gfiekF ivwc Aus ny iksy koloN cfh dI Gwut neIN pIqI sMDU dI gIqkfrI df zMkf vwjx lwg ipaf. sgoN pwilEN pYsy Krcy. ies gwloN sLmsLyr Aus nUM ibMdrwKIey dy myl ny aMbr ivwc rwjI rUh vflf iensfn hY. sLmsLyr pihlF AuWzx lf idwqf. khfxIaF ilKdf huMdf sI, ijhVIaf aKLbsLfied ienHF idnF ivwc hI sLmsLyr nUM frF, mYgjLInF ivwc CpdIaF sn. iksy smyN aKLbfr ivwc nOkrI iml geI sI qy Aus AuhdI iewk khfxI ‘gwCf ncfr’ dI bVI ny cMzIgVH nUM afpxf itkfxf bxf ilaf. crcf hoeI sfihqk Kyqr ivwc. sLmsLyr dI AuNj CwutI vfly idn kdy -kdfeIN ivw c vfrqk AuWqy vI pUrI pkV hY. ipMz mdfrivcfly tfeIm imly qy luiDafxy jLrUr gyVf pury df nF Auhdy gIqF dy lok mnF dI slyt mfrdf. luiDafxf Auhdf afpxf sLihr AuWqy iewk sulJy hoey gIqkfr vjoN Aukrf sI. ies dy nfl AuhdI bwukl dI sFJ sI. idwqf. jy ikqy khfxIkfr rihMdf qF AuhdI imwqrF-dosqF nUM imldf, mihiPlF lfAuNdf sfihqk Kyqr ivwc vI bwly-bwly hoxI sI. qy gfAux vfilaF nfl gwlF sFJIaF krdf. clo dfqy dy rMg ny.
PAGE 27 dyv QrIikaF vflf
AuhdI pihlI ikqfb ‘koeI idE jvfb’ qoN bfad pfiksqfnI gIqF df sMgRih ‘AuWcf burj lfhor df’ CpI. cVHdy pMjfb dy gfiekF bfry lyKF dI pusqk ‘lok surF’ qy Aus dy nfl hI lihMdy pMjfb dy gfiekF bfry ‘sur dirafE pfr dy’ pfsL bfry ikqfb ‘iewk pfsL ieh vI’ ilKI ikAuNik pfsL Aus df lMgotIaf Xfr sI. dovF dI aFdr dI sFJ sI. awj vI sLmsLyr AuhnUM Xfd kr jLjLbfqI ho awKF Br lYNdf hY. sLmsLyr dy ilKy, jo ibMdrwKIey ny gIq gfey, AunHF df sMgRih Cp cuwikaf hY, jo iewk dsqfvyjL hY. ies dI smyN anusfr loV sI. cUhVcwkIaf jgjIq vI sLmsLyr df ijgrI Xfr sI. Auhny sLmsLyr dI rfie nfl AunHF idnF ivwc iewk iPlm bxfeI sI ‘mfhI muMzf’. iPlm bxfAux qy khfxI qrfsLx ivwc sMDU df pUrf sihXog sI. jdoN iPLlm irlIjL hoeI qF itkt iKVkI ‘qy mfr Kf geI. kuJ smF bIq jfx ipwCoN iPr dUjI iPLlm bxfAux dI skIm bxfeI. khfxI jgjIq ny ilKI, sLmsLyr dI rfie nfl. mfhxI KyVy vfly srdfrF nUM nfl lY ilaf pRozksLn ivwc. gwgU igwl nUM Cotf ijhf rol idwqf igaf. pYsf mfhxI KyVy vfilaF qy jgjIq ny rl ky lfieaf. iekbfl iZwloN dI vI iPLlm bxfAux ivwc sFJ sI. iPLlm dy gfxy ilKfAux leI keI vfr soicaf igaf. keI gIqkfrF dy nF ivcfry gey. sLmsLyr dy kihx ‘qy gIqF leI mYnUM afiKaf igaf qy gfAux leI suirMdr iCMdy nUM. mYnUM khfxI suxfeI geI, lokysLnF smJf idwqIaF geIaF, pMdrF ku idn ‘c mYN gIq ilK idwqy. QIm gIq ‘pwuq jwtF dy’ mYN keI qrjFf ‘qy iliKaf . jwgy dI qrjL AuWqy ‘gwzI bMd’ ivwc iliKaf bhuq psMd kIqf igaf. ieh gIq sI ‘puwq jwtF dy bulfAuNdy bwkry’. ies gIq nUM afvfjL suirMdr iCMdy ny idwqI. gIq bhuq hI pfpUlr hoieaf, jo awj vI pMjfb dI iPjLf ivwc gUMj irhf hY. gIqF nUM prKx leI sLmsLyr dI awK qy sUJ bVI iqwKI hY. ieho gIq iPlm leI plwspuafieMt bixaf. suirMdr iCMdy dI afvfj pihlI vfr isnmf hfl ‘c gUMjI. myry pwly ilPLfPLy pf ky idwqf iewk sLgn hI pfieaf. ieh gwl sLmsLyr awj vI mihsUs krdf hY. sLmsLyr jdoN mihPl ivwc gwl krdf-krdf swjy hwQ dIaF AuNglF nUM guwt smyq hOlI ijhI GuMmf ky KolHdf qy KumfrI BrIaf awKF dIaF puqlIaF nUM ncfAuNdf hY qF smJo gwl ivwc kuJ rlOLt hY. koeI sLrfrq kr irhf, quhfzy nfl. sLmsLyr dI bfzI lYNgUeyj bVf kuJ ibafn kr jFdI hY. dyKx vfly qy suxn vfly nUM kwK nhIN pqf lwgdf. gIqkfrF qy gfAux vfilaF bfry gwlF ctKfry lf-lf suxfAuNdf, afpxy duafly juVI mMzlI nUM. sLmsLyr vwizaF dy bhuq sfry Byd afpxy
iZwz ivwc lukoeI iPrdf. mYN keI vfrI afiKaf ienHF sfiraF bfry ikqfb hI ilK dy qF jo lokF nUM pqf lwg jfvy ienHF guwJIaF gwlF df. bws, hF kih ky tfl Cwzdf. keI gfAux vfilaF dI qF sFg aYsI lfhuMdf ik kol bYiTaF dy iZwzI pIVF puaf idMdf. iewk gIq Auhny korVy CMd ivwc joiVaf hoieaf ijs ivwc iksy nUM mfP nHIN kIqf. jdoN ikqy irkfrz ho igaf, nHyrIaf af jfxgIaF. gwlF bhuq ny. clo hux kQf df Bog pfeIey. gIqkfrI dy Kyqr ivwc sLmsLyr sMDU dI invyklI QF bx geI hY. gIq rcnf krdy smyN Auh sLbdF df pUrf iDafn rwKdf hY. sLbdF nUM jgfAuNdf, AunF nfl gwlF krdf, iPr AunHF ivwcoN ijhVy qukF ivwc iPwt krnXog huMdy, AunHF nUM suwcy moqIaF vfguM jVdf hY. Auhdy ilLKy hoey hrPL pOx ivwc qoqy, kbUqr bx ky boldy hn, icVIaF vFgUM icVHcol pfAuNdy hn. sroiqaF dy idlF nUM kIl lYNdy hn. gIq suxn vflf mMqr-mugD ho gIq nfl iekimk ho JUmx lg pYNdf hY. Aus nUM afpxf vjUd Bwul jFdf hY. sLmsLyr dy ilKy gIqF dI iehI jfdUgrI hY. Auhdy gIqF ivwc srlqf, svwCqf, sihcfrqf hY. Aus dy gIq pMjfb dy ivrsy dy nYx-nksL inKfrdy hn, ivgfVdy nhIN. Aus dy gIq mnwuKI jLjLbfq dI BrpUr qrjmfnI krdy hn, juafn idl dIaF rIJF dIaF bfqF pfAuNdy hn. vsidaF GrF dIaF mmtIaF, bnyiraF AuWqy bldy dIivaF vrgy hn. sMDU dy gIq, ijhVy gIq DrqI dy ivhVy ivwc siBaqf dIaF nuwkrF nUM rusLnfAuNdy hn. jdoN vI koeI rfhIN pFDI gIq suxdf hY qF Aus df gozf, moZf afp-muhfry ihwlx lwg jFdf hY. roisaF-ruJyivaF, dwuKF-swuKF qy afriQk qMgIaF-qrusLIaF nUM Bwul klihrI mor vFgUM pYlF pfAux lwg pYNdf hY. ieho hY sLmsLyr sMDU dI gIqkfrI df isKr. sMDU dI lyKxI lfhOr df AuWcf burj hY, ijhVf awj dUroN njLr afAuNdf hY. PAGE 27
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
akflI dl sfhmxy cuxOqIafˆ
qIjI vfr muV swqf hiQafAux dy cfhvfn sLRomxI akflI dl nUM ies vfr vwzIafˆ isafsI cuxOqIafˆ df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf jfpdf hY. hËfrfˆ isrlwQ kfrkunfˆ dIafˆ kurbfnIafˆ nfl mËbUq hoeI dyÈ dI dUjI sB qoN purfxI pfrtI afpxI invyklI idwK guaf cuwkI hY. ipClIafˆ ivDfn sBf aqy lok sBf coxfˆ dOrfn horfˆ pfrtIafˆ ivwcoN afey afgUafˆ nUM AumIdvfr bxfAux dy ruJfn nUM hor hulfrf idMidafˆ 2017 ivwc hox jf rhIafˆ sUbfeI ivDfn sBf coxfˆ leI pfrtI vwloN aYlfny 69 AumIdvfrfˆ dI sUcI ieh khfxI ibafn kr rhI hY. itkt nf imlx qoN nfrfË keI purfxy afgU pfrtI nUM alivdf kih gey hn. mOjUdf ivDfn sBf ivwc muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl qoN bfad sB qoN vwD Cy vfr
ijwqy srvn isMG iPlOr itkt nf dyx kfrn pfrtI Cwz ky kfˆgrs ivwc Èfml ho gey hn. bspf ivwcoN af ky akflI ivDfiek bxy aivnfÈ cMdr ny vI itkt nf imlx krky akflI dl nUM alivdf kih idwqI hY aqy muV bspf ivwc jfx dI iqafrI ivwc hn. KyqI mMqrI jQydfr qoqf isMG nfl ivvfd dy kfrn inhfl isMG vflf qoN rfjivMdr kOr BfgIbfˆdr ny afËfd cox lVn dI icqfvnI dy idwqI hY. akflI dl vwloN aYlfny AumIdvfrfˆ ivwcoN suwcf isMG lMgfh aqy jQydfr qoqf isMG nUM adflq vwloN sËf hox kfrn ienHfˆ dy cox lV skx dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ AuWqy suafl AuTfey jf rhy hn. akflI dl qoN tksflI akflI pirvfr iknfrf kr rhy hn. jQydfr gurcrn isMG tOhVf dI bytI kuldIp
kOr nUM afm afdmI pfrtI ny tOhVf smrQk mMny jfx vfly pr bfdl dy pfly ivwc cly gey pRym isMG cMdUmfjrf dy PrËMd dy mukfbly snOr qoN cox mYdfn ivwc Auqfr idwqf hY. iesy qrHfˆ akflI dl dy KËfncI aqy suKbIr bfdl ny nyVy mMny jfˆdy aYn[ky[ Èrmf nUM kYptn kMvljIq isMG dI ivDvf srbjIq kOr afm afdmI pfrtI vwloN zyrfbsI qoN cuxOqI dy rhy hn. tOhVf aqy kYptn kMvljIq aijhy afgU sn ijnHfˆ dI akflI dl aMdr alwg pCfx rhI hY. akflI dl byÈwk pMQk muwidafˆ vwl muVn dI koiÈÈ kr irhf hY pr pMQk pirvfrfˆ dI akflI dl aMdr axdyKI ny kfrkunfˆ ivwc iewk byBrosgI df mfhOl pYdf kr idwqf hY. Èfied iehI vjHf hY ik 90 sflfˆ nUM Zuwky aqy pMj vfr muwK mMqrI bxy pRkfÈ isMG bfdl qoN ielfvf akflI dl coxfˆ ivwc idKfAux leI koeI hor vwzf ichrf nhIN AuBfr sikaf hflfˆik pRÈfsink aqy srkfrI PYsilafˆ dy vwzy ihwsy AuWqy suKbIr isMG bfdl dI mohr sfP idKfeI idMdI hY. akflI dl nUM ieh aihsfs vI ho irhf hY ik Aus dI pMQk CbI DuMdlI huMdI jf rhI hY aqy Èfied iesy krky Xfdgfrfˆ bxfAux qy drbfr sfihb dy ierd-igrd suMdrIkrn vrgy sMkyqk pRfjYktfˆ nfl pMQk Bfvnfvfˆ nUM BuMnfAux dI koiÈÈ ho rhI hY. pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxfˆ ivwc pihlI vfr hY ik mukfblf kyvl dovyˆ rvfieqI pfrtIafˆ aMdr hI nhIN blik iewk qIjI iDr afm afdmI pfrtI vI mËbUqI nfl dfavydfr bx ky AuWBrI hY. rvfieqI pfrtIafˆ vfˆg hI cox ijwqx dy bhuq sfry Auprfly krn dy bfvjUd ies ivwc axikafsy PYsly lYx aqy isafsq dy alwg muhfvry dI vI aQfh smrwQf hY. rvfieqI pfrtIafˆ ivwc hux qwk iewk ailKq smJOqf irhf hY ik iksy vI pfrtI dy pRmuwK afgU dy mukfbly dUjI pfrtI df vwzf afgU cox nhIN lVygf. arivMd kyjrIvfl ny idwlI dI qqkflI aqy lgfqfr 15 sfl muwK mMqrI rhI ÈIlf dIkÈq iKlfP cox lVn df aYlfn krky sB nUM acMiBq kr idwqf sI. pMjfb ivwc vI akflI dl dy pRDfn aqy cox pRbMD dy muKI suKbIr isMG bfdl iKlfP ‘afp` ny pMjfb dy sB qoN vwD jfxy-pCfxy ichry BgvMq mfn nUM Auqfrn df aYlfn kr idwqf hY. aijhf krn nfl muPq dI pblIistI qfˆ imlygI hI nfl dI nfl ieh vwizafˆ nfl iswDf mwQf lgfAux dI dlyrI vfsqy jfxy jfˆdy pMjfbI suBfa dI nbË AuWqy hwQ rwKx dI vI koiÈÈ hY. swqf ivroDI Bfvnfvfˆ dy ies mfhOl ivwc bqOr akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl leI ieh cox sKq iemiqhfn vjoN nËr af rhI hY. PAGE 28
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
cMdrf guaFZ burf… gurdIp isMG ZwuzI mnuwK ieklfpy ivwc nhIN jIa skdf. ies hY. ies irÈqy dI pflxf ivwc PrËfˆ aqy leI Auh iviBMn irÈiqafˆ dy qfxy-bfxy aiDkfrfˆ jfˆ afpxy qy guafˆZI dIafˆ loVfˆ buxdf hY. ieh buxqIafˆ hI Aus nUM ijAuNdy df sMquln bx jfvy qfˆ ies dy brfbr hor rihx leI sfh bKÈdIafˆ hn. Aus nUM koeI vI irÈqf KVo nhIN skdf. dUjy pfsy smfijk jIv bxfAuNdIafˆ hn. sLurUafqI PrËfˆ aqy aiDkfrfˆ df asMquln pYdf ho dOr ivwc ienHfˆ buxqIafˆ df Gyrf isrP KUn jfvy jfˆ iPr afpxI hAUmY awgy af jfvy qfˆ dy irÈqy hI huMdy hn. KUn dy irÈiqafˆ dy iPr ies irÈqy vrgf mfVf aqy dm Guwtx nfl hI Auh aijhy irÈiqafˆ df sMgI bxdf vflf koeI irÈqf nhIN ho skdf. afpy qwk hY ijnHfˆ dy agfVI ipCfVI KUn df irÈqf ismitaf mnuwK iewQy bhuq hI mfVy mnuwKI juVdf huMdf hY. asl ivwc ieh irÈqy pihlI irÈqy df ibMb isrjdf hY. asl ivwc asIN nËr ivwc KUn dy irÈiqafˆ vfˆg hI jfpdy hor iksy vI irÈqy nfl qoV ivCoVy vflI huMdy hn. ies qoN ielfvf mnuwK qIjI qrHfˆ hflq ivwc ho skdy hfˆ. ies hflq nfl dy irÈqy isrjdf hY jo bhuq krIbI aqy inBfa vI kIqf jf skdf hY, pr guafˆZI gihry ho jfˆdy hn. ieh irÈqy vrqmfn nfl irÈiqafˆ ivwc sMquln brkrfr nf smfijk siQqI ivwc mnuwKI jIvn ‘qy bhuq rhy qfˆ ieh cwqo pihr sfnUM ivÈyÈ qrHfˆ dI gihrI Cfp Cwz rhy hn. mnuwK dy dosq, Auprfmqf/qxfa idMdf hY. ieh Auprfmqf shylIafˆ, guafˆZI, kMm dy sQfn ‘qy aijhy awKfˆ ivwc rVkx dy qul huMdI hY. ies qoN irÈqy bxdy aqy pRPuwilq huMdy hn. awjkwlH asIN iksy vI qrHfˆ Cutkfrf nhIN pf skdy. soÈl mIzIaf vI irÈiqafˆ dI pirBfÈf dy pqI pqnI df irÈqf sfhfˆ df irÈqf huMdf irhf hY, pr ieh ieMtrnYWt qwk hI ismty hY. gurbfxI ies nUM ‘eyk joq doie mUrqI` huMdy hn. ienHfˆ df pRBfv afm jIvn ivwc df drjf idMdI hY. jy ikDry iewQy qryV pYdf nfˆmfqr hI vyKx nUM imldf hY. smfijk ho jfvy qfˆ sfzf dm Guwtx lwg jfˆdf hY. ivhfr ivwc afeI aMqfˆ dI qbdIlI kfrn aOrq df pqI lfeIlwg iksm df hovy aqy KUn vfly irÈiqafˆ df rMg iPwkf pY cuwkf Auh iksy dIafˆ sux sux ky pqnI nfl lVhY. mnuwK df afpy qwk sIimq ho jfxf iewk feI JgVf krI rwKy qfˆ Aus aOrq leI sfh Kqrnfk pihlU bxdf jf irhf hY. iesy lYxf vI aOKf ho jfˆdf hY. ieAuN hI guafˆZI krky awj asIN pihly do qrHfˆ dy irÈiqafˆ iewk dUjy dIafˆ loVfˆ df iDafn rwKx dI Qfˆ dI bjfey qIjI qrHfˆ dy irÈiqafˆ ivwcoN af- isrP Kud nUM hI pRmuwK rwKx qfˆ iewQy vI qimk iqRpqI loVdy hfˆ. ieh irÈqy ikDry iewk dUjy nUM vyK ky dm Guwtdf rihMdf hY. ikDry ajy vI irÈqf Èbd dI pivwqrqf iesy krky kihMdy hn: brkrfr rwKx dI vfh lf rhy hn. KdÈf lfeI lwg nf hovy Gr vflf, hY ik sfzy smfjI ivhfr dI tuwt Bwj iewk idn ienHfˆ nUM vI Korf lf dyvygI. ienHfˆ ivwcoN cMdrf guaFZ burf. guafˆZ df irÈqf bhuq hI mhwqvpUrn huMdf
ilbrl srkfr dI iewk sfl dI kfrguËfrI nUM nkfiraf ronf aYˆbroË ny brYˆptn: kMËrvyitv pfrtI dI aMqirm afgU ronf aYˆbroË vwloN brYˆptn ivKy sfbkf sports mMqrI bwl gosl dy afiPs ivwc sfAUQ eyÈIan mIzIaf nfl gwlbfq kIqI geI. ijwQy AunHfˆ ny ilbrl pfrtI qy jsitn trUzo vwloN kIqy gey vfaidafˆ nUM qoVn df ihsfb ikqfb sfˆJf kIqf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ilbrlfˆ ny dyÈ nUM vwzy krËy hyT nwp idwqf hY qy ieh krËf iksy nf iksy rUp ivwc afAux vflIafˆ pIVHIafˆ vwloN tYks dy rUp ivwc Auqfiraf jfvygf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik aYnf pYsf Krcx dy bfvjUd ilbrl srkfr koeI vI Puwl tfeIm jfb ikReyt krn qoN asPl rhI hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik jsitn trUzo ny iewk sfl dy aMdr aMdr kfrbn tYks ilafˆdf qy ies dy nfl hI ienkm tYks ivwc vI vfDf kIqf. iewQy hI bws nhIN ajy keI hor qrHfˆ dy tYks lfAux bfry ilbrl srkfr soc ivcfr kr rhI hY. ijwQy tYks dy ivwc vfDf kIqf jf irhf hY AuWQy hI bwicafˆ dy ijhVy bYnyiPtË
kMËrvyitv srkfr vwloN clfey gey sI ijvyˆ ik cfeIlz iPtnYWs tYks kRYizt qy bwicafˆ leI kuwJ hor tYks kRYiztË afid mOjUdf srkfr ny rwd kr idwqy hn. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik kMËrvyitv srkfr smyˆ iemIgRyÈn dy jo tIcy sn AunHfˆ nUM mOjUdf ilbrl srkfr hfsl nhIN kr skI. ies smyˆ ilbrl srkfr ijhVIafˆ qbdIlIafˆ ilaf rhI hY Aus qoN ieho lwgdf hY ik ieh afpxy tfrgYWt pUry nhIN kr skxgy. ibwl sI-24 qy sI-51 bfry gwl kridafˆ AunHfˆ afiKaf ik cMgI gwl hY ik ilbrlfˆ ny vfady muqfbk ies nUM mnsUK nhIN kIqf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ibwl sI-24 qy sI-51 sfzI surwiKaf nUM hor mËbUq bxfAuNdf hY. ilbrl mMqrI mrIam mOnsYWP, ijs df jnm ierfn ivwc hoieaf sI pr Aus ny aPgfinsqfn df jnm dws ky kYnyzf dI nfgirkqf lY leI sI, bfry AunHfˆ afiKaf ik jy kYnyzIan ieË a kYnyzIan ieË a kYnyzIan mfnqf hY qfˆ lwgdf hY ik Auh mMqrIafˆ AuWqy nhIN ZukdI. PAGE 29
The Patrika
Conservative MPs condemn hateful acts against Ottawa places of worship OTTAWA, ON – David Anderson, Member of Parliament for Cypress Hills—Grasslands and Official Opposition Critic for International Human Rights and Religious Freedom, released the following statement today following a series of hateful acts committed against Ottawa synagogues, a church, a mosque, and a private residence this week: “Conservatives condemn, in the strongest of terms, the hateful acts against Ottawa houses of worship in the past week. These cowardly acts are meant to threaten the long-established and vibrant religious communities of Ottawa. To the contrary, these acts will only strengthen Canadians’ resolve to protect their religious freedoms in the face of threats and intimidation.” Garnett Genuis, Member of Parliament for Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan and Deputy Critic for Inter-
TD Canada Trust
national Human Rights and Religious Freedom, added: “We encourage the Ottawa Police Service to pursue all possible means of investigation, and work to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. Acts of hatred against one group of Canadians is an attack on us all. “Religious freedom is a cherished right in Canada. Every synagogue, church, mosque and other place of worship should be an environment in which all can freely practice their faith without fear of intimidation, coercion or violence.”
For more information, please contact: Dave Gill Account Manager 604-870-2224
Meet your Agriculture Specialist Dave Gill has been working for many years in various roles within the financial industry. Dave is an Account Manager with the TD Abbotsford Agriculture Services.
ecognizing that the Emergency Department can be an overwhelming environment for a person in crisis, Fraser Health will be opening a new emergency area for Mental Health and Substance Use patients at Abbotsford Regional Hospital. Designed specifically for people who arrive at the hospital with mental health or substance use concerns, the unit will provide a lowstimulus, therapeutic and secure space for a person to receive specialized assessment, treatment and care. “The opening of a new emergency area for Mental Health and Substance Use patients in Abbotsford is an important example of providing care to people in crisis in a setting that addresses their needs with empathy and respect,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “This new area will complement recent investments Fraser Health has made in mental health in the community.” “It is very difficult to see a loved one struggle with mental health or substance use,” said Abbotsford West MLA Mike de Jong. “This funding is just part of our overall strategy to make treatment for these concerns a priority.”
Experience: Dave’s current position as an agriculture specialist in your area, focuses on helping farm and agribusiness customers and prospects reach their financial goals. Using a suite of specialized financial products and services, he can tailor competitive lending solutions to match the requirements of your farm or agribusiness. He has held various positions including Financial Advisor and Small Business Advisor providing support to a business portfolio of clients. Dave hails from a first generation family of farmers; he has solid and proven expertise in the agriculture business. Dave understands agriculture and the specific needs of your enterprise. From day-to-day financing to acquisition of machinery/equipment and quota or real estate requirements, he can help you choose products and services that best suit your unique agriculture business needs.
Our goal is to help you succeed.
M04688 (0311)
Friday, November 25th, 2016
“Mental health and substance use are issues of concern throughout North America and B.C. is at the forefront of efforts to address these needs,” said Abbotsford South MLA Darryl Plecas. “This purpose built space will handle the intake of these vulnerable patients as well as ensure people discharged are connected to the appropriate community services.” “We’re taking action on a number of fronts and this specialized space will give Abbotsford an appropriate setting to treat to those who arrive in Emergency in crisis,” said AbbotsfordMission MLA Simon Gibson. Slated to open in the summer of 2017, the emergency area will be located adjacent to the current Emergency De-
partment and will feature its own nursing station, consult rooms, stretcher bays and seclusion spaces. “We know that people who visit our Emergency Department in crisis require a calm, compassionate environment that addresses their needs quickly and effectively,” said Valerie Spurrell, executive director, Abbotsford Regional Hospital. “The emergency area for Mental Health and Substance Use patients will provide focused, supportive care to people when they are at their most vulnerable and create a safer environment for patients and staff.” Fraser Health has also recently invested in community mental health and substance use resources in Abbotsford, including the creation of the Marshall Road Residence with 50 beds to support mental health clients and new hospital community liaison teams to provide enhanced support to people who have been discharged from hospital. Recognizing that the number of individuals arriving at Abbotsford Regional Hospital with mental health or substance use concerns has increased, the new emergency area will provide a secure environment to support those in crisis. The area will be staffed by emergency physicians and emergency psychiatric nurses and supported by psychiatrists to assess and treat any mental health, substance use and physical concerns a person might have. If required, a person can be admitted to a psychiatric unit or, if they are stabilized, discharged and connected to community mental health services.
Friday, November 25th, 2016
DrqI AuWqy mnwuKI jIvn bysLumfr rMgf ivwc rMigaf hoieaf hY. bhuq Gwt aijhf vfprdf hY ik iksy mnwuK df jIvn jnm qoN lY ky ijLMdgI dy afKLrI pVfa qwk ieko ijhf irhf hovy. sdIaF qoN mnwuK ies DrqI ‘qy jIa irhf hY. hmysLF hI mnwuKI mn dI ieh iewCf rhI hY ik Aus df jIvn hor sohxf qy cMgyrf hovy. ieh gwl jLrUr hY ik sdIaF pihlF mnwuKI jIvn kudrq dy aMg-sMg vDyry ivcrdf sI. ajokf mnwuK ivkfs dI aMnHI hnyrI ivwc AulJ ky kudrq qoN dUr jf irhf hY qy idno idn sMktF df isLkfr ho irhf hY. afs hmysLf mnwuKI jIvn df QMm rhI hY. ies qoN ibnF qF sLfied ijAUxf hI sMBv nhIN hY. afs df pwlf CyqI Cwz bYTx vflf ivakqI mOq qoN pihlF hI anykF vfr mrdf hY. isafxy kihMdy hn ik jIvn afsF shfry hI cwldf hY. swuK, duwK jIvn dI pYV df ihwsf hn. nf qF hmysLF suwKF dy vfjy vwjdy rihMdy hn qy nf hI sdf duwKF dI JVI lwgI rihMdI hY. jy dovF siQqIaF ivwc hI mnuwK sihj qy azol rhy qF ijLMdgI sfvIN pwDrI cldI rihMdI hY. iksy siQqI qoN Auqyijq ho ky zol jfx nfl sMkt hor gihrf jFdf hY. smfijk vrqfry vwl njLr mfrIey qF bhuqy lok KusLI smyN ieMny Auqyijq ho jFdy hn ik Auh sB kuJ Bwul jFdy hn. hflFik KusLI mn dI invyklI siQqI df nF hY. bhuq rMg-qmfsLy, LsLor-sLrfby jF ZolZmwky nfl KusLI vDfeI nhIN jf skdI. ies nUM afpxy ipafiraF nfl sFJI krky dUx svfieaf kIqf jf skdf hY. iesy qrHF gLm jF AudfsI smyN dy zUMgy BMvrF ivwc guafc jfxf ijMLdgI dI aslIaq qoN mUMh moVnf
The Patrika
guribMdr isMG mfxk
jy pwqJV hY afeI qF
hY. KusLI smyN gm nUM Bwul jfxf qy gmI smyN KusLI ZUMzx leI koeI Xqn hI nf krnf ijLMdgI dy swc qoN munkr hox vflI gwl hY. mnwuK dy hONsly dI aslI prK sMkt smyN hI huMdI hY. jy musIbq smyN afs dI koeI ikrn mGdI nf rhy qF duwKF drdF dI sMvydnF bhuq qIbr ho jfdI hY. iksy vI aOLKI siQqI smyN jLbq qy hONsly df pwlf Cwz bYTxf ijLMdgI nUM ibKVy rfhF ‘qy qorn dy qul hY. mn ivwc afs hovy qy hONsly df pwlf Gwut ky PiVaf hovy qF musIbqF dy keI Bvsfgr qry jf skdy hn. swuKF dy smyN nUM qF mnuwK rMg qmfisLaF ivwc mfx lYNdf hY, pr duwKF qy musIbqF smyN isdk qy sbr df pwlf Cwz bYTdf hY. duwK smyN mnwuK nUM jfpdf hY ik kudrq Aus nUM hI ikAuN vDyry duwK dy rhI hY. jdoNik aijhf iblkwul nhIN hY. kudrq dy vrqfry ivwc koeI ivqkrf nhIN hY. jy afm hflfqF ivwc mnwuK iksy musIbq mfry dy dwuK nUM vMzx dI Bfvnf rwKdf hovy qF sMkt smyN Aus nMU hONslf dyx vfilaF dI kmI nhIN rihMdI. anykF duKdfeI qy idl dihlfAux vflIaF GtnfvF sfzy ieiqhfs df ihwsf hn. sMqflI dI vMz smyN anykF lok afpxy ipafriraF dIaF lfsLF nUM iwpCy Cwz KUn dy awQrU vhfAuNdy KflI hwQI ijAUNdIaF lfsLF bx ky srhwd dy afr-pfr phuMcy sn. sB kuJ guaf ky ijLMdgI nUM nvyN isry qoN sLurU krnf Kflf jI df vfVf nhIN hY. iewk pfsy mnF ivwc drd df qUPLfn AuWiTaf hovy qy dUjy pfsy qkVy hONsly qy ijgry df pwlf PV ky iPr ijLMdgI vwl prqxf CotI gwl nhIN hY. hOlI-hOlI iehlok mnF ivwc afsF dy dIp jgf ky ijLMdgI ijAUx dy afhr ivwc
mnwuK kdy kdy inrfsLf dy aflm ivwc vI ivcrdf hY, pr afs dI ikrn mnwuK dy mn ivwc ijLMdgI ijAUx df cfa qy Aumfh pYdf krI rwKdI hY. hr imhnqI ivakqI afsF shfry hI afpxy kMm ivwc juitaf rihMdf hY. afs nf hovy qF mnwuKI mn ivwcoN ijMLdgI ijAUx dI qmMnf hI mr jfvy qy jy mnwuK dy aMdroN qFG hI mwuk jfvy qF sfry sMsfr df kfrobfr ikvyN cwlygf. hr kfrj dI sPlqf srhwdF ‘qy lVdy POjI jvfnF dy pirvfr ipwCy imhnq dy nfl-nfl afsLfvfdI soc afsF shfry hI jIvn gujLfrdy hn. jMg smyN df vI vwzf hwQ huMdf hY. mnF ivwc keI qOKLly vI pYNdf ho jFdy hn, pr bwuZI mF dIaF awKF ivwc afs dI iewk hmysLF cMgy dI afs rwKxI ijLMdgI pRqI ikrn huMdI hY ik Aus dy ijgr df totf iewk sfriQk njLrIaf hY qy iksy vI Gtnf dy idn shI slfmq prq afvygf. swq smuMdroN vfprn qoN pihlF hI afs dI kMnI Cwz dyxf pfr rotI-rojLI leI jUJdy prdysLIaF dy inrfsLfvfdI soc df pRgtfvf hY. sfriQk pirvfr afsF dy shfry hI keI keI sfl soc vfly lok ikMnI vI vwzI smwisaf ivwc kwZ lYNdy hn.Bly idnF dI afs ivwc prdysF AulJy hox Auh kdy vI KudkusLI dy rfh dIaF dusLvfrIaf Jwldy lok afpxy bwicaF, nhIN qurdy. AunHF nUM afs dI koeI ikrn ibrhoN dI awg ivwc sVdIaf jIvn-sfQxF itmitmfAuNdI njLr afAuNdI rihMdI hY. qy moh dy awQrU vhfAuNdIaf mfvF nUM imlx byafs ho ky ijAUxf koeI ijLMdgI nhIN hY. leI qVpdy rihMdy hn. sLgnF dI mihMdI mMijLl ikMnI vI dUr ikAuN nf hovy pr afs df rMg ajy iPwkf vI nhIN hoieaf huMdf ik df iewk inwkf ijhf dIvf itmitmfAuNdf sfQI dUr prdys nUM AuzfrI mfr jFdf hY. rihxf cfhIdf hY. pMjfbI sLFier surjIq nvIN ivaFhdV idn-rfq afsF dI PulkfrI AuxdI rihMdI hY ik kdoN Aus dy idl df pfqr df ieh isLar vI afsLfvfdI njLrIey mihrm vqnF nUM prqy. mnwuK aMdroN afs dI qrjLmfnI krdf hY: ruwJ gey. DMn hn Auh lok ijnHF ny sB kuJ brbfd hox dy bfvjUd azol rih ky dubfrf ikrq df rfh cuixaf qy imhnq dy blbUqy ijLMdgI dI hfrI bfjLI ijwq leI. kdy BUcfl, kdy sunfmIaF, kdy hVH, kdy dMgy-Psfd, kdy aiqvfdIaf dIaf golIaf qy hor vI bhuq kuJ aijhf hY jo afpxy qn ‘qy hMZf ky lok kuknUs dI qrHF iPr afpxI rfK ivwcoN AuWT KVHy huMdy hn.
dI icxg mwuk jfvy qF srIr murdf ho jFdf hY. afs shfry mnwuK phfV ijwzIaF musIbqF nUM vI brdfsLq kr lYNdf hY. Gr ivwc jnmy bwcy dI afmd dy nfl hI mfpy Aus dI ijLMdgI bfry keI qrHF dIaF afsF lgf lYNdy hn.
jy pwqJV hY afeI qF Pyr kI hY, qUM aglI ruwq ‘c XkIn rwKIN . mYN ilafAuxf ikqoN lwB ky klmF, qUM PwulF jogI jLmIn rwKIN.
nMgf krdI kilwp vflf pfsf, jyT koloN GuMz kwZdI[[[ modI srkfr ny swqf dI vfgzor sMBfldy sfr ieh iekrfr kIqf sI ik ipClI srkfr dy smyN koly dIaF KfnF qy spYktrm dI alftmYNt ivwc ijs iksm dy Gutfly vfpry sn, BivwK ivwc srkfr AuhnF nUM rokx leI hr sMBv kdm pwutygI qy DnkubyrF dy ihwqF nfloN jnqk ihwqF nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI. srkfr afpxy kfrjF ivwc pfrdrsLqf vI ilafvygI qy juafbdyhI nUM vI XkInI bxfieaf jfvygf. vyKx ivwc kI af irhf hY? ieh srkfr vI pihlIaF srkfrF vFg Dn-kubyrF dy ihwqF nUM awgy vDfAux dy rfh peI hoeI hY. ies dIaF imsflF afey idn sfhmxy afAuNdIaF rihMdIaF hn, pr srb AuWc adflq ivwc iewk jn ihwq ptIsLn dI suxvfeI dOrfn ieh swc EdoN AuWGVvyN rUp ivwc sfhmxy af igaf, jdoN irjLrv bYNk afPL ieMzIaf dy aiDkfrq kfnUMnI bulfry ny ieh ikhf ik Aus vwloN pMj sO kroV rupey jF ies qoN vwD dy bYNkF dy dyxdfrF dI jo sUcI sIlbMd ilPLfPLy ivwc pysL kIqI geI hY, Aus nUM jnqk nf kIqf jfvy, ieh sUcI KuPLIaF hI
rihxI cfhIdI hY. ies leI dlIl AuhnF ny ieh idwqI ik bYNkF dy nym-knUMn hI aijhy hn ik dyxdfrF dy nFa jnqk nhIN kIqy jf skdy. srb AuWc adflq dy mfxXog jwjF ny jdoN ieh vfjb suafl pwuiCaf ik ijhVy lok bYNkF qoN BfrI rkmF lY ky vfps nhIN kr rhy, AuhnF dy nFa jnqk ikAuN nhIN kIqfy jfxy cfhIdy, qF vkIl kol ies df koeI ZuwkvF juafb nhIN sI. jwj sfihbfn ny ikhf ik bYNkF dy kfr-ivhfr ivwc pfrdrsLqf hoxI cfhIdI hY qy ijhVy vI lok BfrI krjLy lY ky vfps nhIN krdy, AuhnF dy nFa sUcnf dy aiDkfr kfnUMn dy qihq jfxn df jnqf nUM pUrf aiDkfr hY. AuhnF ny ieh vI ikhf ik jy ies sUcI ivwc sO kroV rupey jF ies qoN vwD df krjLf nf moVn vfilaF dy nFa vI sLfml kr ley jfx qF ieh rkm sLfied iewk lwK kroV rupey qoN vI vwD skdI hY. mfxXog jwjF ny ies gwl ‘qy hYrfnI pRgt kIqI ik nf moVy jfx vfly krijLaF dI rkm idno-idn vD rhI hY. lok bYNkF qoN kroVF rupey dy krjLy hfsl krdy hn
qy iPr kMpnIaF nUM dIvflIaf krfr dy ky Prfr ho jFdy hn. dUjy pfsy pMdrF jF vIh hjLfr rupey df mfmUlI ijhf krjLf lYx vfly iksfn ies dI vfpsI nf kr skx kfrn aMqF dIaF musIbqF Jwldy hn. ieh irwt ptIsLn dfier krn vfly vkIl pRsLFq BUsLx ny adflq sfhmxy ieh aKLbfrI irport vI pysL kIqI ik ipCly iqMn sflF dOrfn srkfr ny vwzy Dn-kubyrF vwloN bYNkF dy iewk lwK cOdF hjLfr kroV rupey dy krjLy nf moVn Xog krfr dy ky vwty Kfqy pf idwqy hn. AuhnF ny ieh qwQ vI adflq dy iDafn ivwc ilaFdf ik iesy adflq ny dsMbr 2015 ivwc ieh afdysL jfrI kIqf sI ik irjLrv bYNk nUM krjLf nf moVn vfilaF Dn-kubyrF dy nFa qy bYNkF dy KVy bkfey bfry sUcnf dyxI lfjLmI hovygI. ies dy bfvjUd irjLrv bYNk ieh dlIl dy irhf hY ik vwzy krjLy nf moVn vfilaF dI jfxkfrI jnqk krnI bYNkF dy nymF-kfnUMnF dy anukUl nhIN.
hkIkq ieh hY ik rojLfnf hI aKLbfrF ivwc srvjnk qy inwjI bYNkF dy sQfnk pRbMDkF vwloN vfr-vfr mMg krn ‘qy krjLf nf moVn vfilaF dI sUcI iesLiqhfrF dy rUp ivwc jfrI kIqI jFdI hY. iehnF ivwc ieh gwl vI drj huMdI hY ik ivafj smyq ikMnI rkm AuhnF dy nFa ‘qy KVI hY qy AuhnF dI mflkI vflI ikhVI-ikhVI jfiedfd inlfm kIqI jfvygI. ieho nhIN, iehnF ivwc AuhnF dI jLmfnq dyx vfilaF dy nFa vI drj huMdy hn. Dn-kubyrF df mfmlf ies qoN vwKrf hY. sDfrn lokF nUM AudoN hI pqf lwgf, jdoN bYNkF df hjLfrF kroV rupey df krjLf nf moVn vflf ivjy mfilaf izplomyitk pfsport ‘qy brqfnIaf phuMcx ivwc sPLl ho igaf. hux ieh ikhf jf irhf hY ik Auh brqfnIaf df nfgirk hY, ies leI Aus nUM Bfrq ilaf ky adflq dy ktihry ivwc KVf krnf iewk qrHF nfl asMBv hY. srkfr hY ik Auh aijhy lokF dy nFa vI jnqk kfrn qoN iJjk rhI hY. sfzy sLfskF dy ikrdfr AuWqy pMjfbI dI ieh bolI pUrI-pUrI ZwukdI hY, ‘nMgf rwKdI kilwp vflf pfsf qy jyT koloN GuMz kwZdI!’ PAGE 31
The Patrika
nf CyV khfxI drdF dI
Friday, November 25th, 2016
hrcMd isMG bfgVI
nfnk af jfE hrcMd isMG bfgVI
nf CyV khfxI drdF dI, ajy jLKm ijgr dy awly ny.
pvn ‘igwlF vflf’ vfh idlF idaf mihrmF
muV jwg cfnx hoey, nfnk af jfE.
ksy dy cfa nf rihx aDUry
jo lfeIaF mYnUM afpixaF, mYN cotF shIaF kwly ny.
idl hI idwqf qoV,
hwQ bMn asIN Kloey, nfnk af jfE.
jo koTI dysL bxfeI sI, ivc lY ky jIp KVfeI sI
sI kyhy mOky afKqf
nfnk jI muV jwg qy afAu
muwk jfx ieh gMnF-golIaF, koeI kql nf hoey…
Auh Aus qy kbjLf kr bYTy, mYN pYsy
vy qyrI sfnUM loV.
kUV-kpt nUM muV Twl pfAu
bfhroN Gwly ny…nf CyV….
qUM inrdeI ny suxidaF
QF-QF hux pKMzI bYTy
jo hwzIaF gMgf ruVIaF ny, Auh muV nf ipwCy muVIaF ny
hI idwqf Zol vjf,
mYnUM bhuq smJfieaf lokF ny,
vy awD-aDUry rih gey
mYN iek suxI nf Jwly ny…nf CyV….
myry idl dy cfa.
ikhf jf-jf irsLqydfrF nUM, mYN pMcF nMbrdfrF nUM
mYN kUkF iPrdI mfrdI
sfry hI mUMh moV gey, Auh nfl myry nf cwly ny… hux pYsf ho pRDfn igaf, qy mr-muk dIn iemfn igaf vgI hnyrI lflc dI, sB lok jVF qoN hwly ny…
pr qYnUM nf koeI sfr, myrI qyry bfJoN sohixaF dws ikhVf suxy pukfr.
ijhVy sfzIaF bfhvF sI, qy hwQIN krdy CfvF sI
jgq jlMdy qfeIN bcfE vrdI awg Kloey, nfnk af jfE…
qyrf nfm iDafky hr iek, tYksI, kfr trwk clfey iksy nUM koeI qot rhy nf, sB jwg rwj ky Kfey
Gr-Gr hovy eId-dIvflI,
nfnk af jfE…
KusLIaF dyvy sfry jIaF
qyry dr qy cwl ky afieaf,
hr aMmVI bUhy dy Auqy, qyl KusLI df coey
kuwJ awKr mYN joV ilafieaf
nfnk af jfE…
ikAuN hoieaf by-pRvfh
idlF dy hovx pUry
jo muUhry sfh nf kwZdy sI, hux pYNdy kr-kr hwly ny…
dyK JwlI-kmlI ivlkdI
KusLI vsx puwqr-DIaF,
Gr jLmInF Cwz afieaf, mYN moh dIaF qMdF vwZ afieaf
qyry sfhu ivwc lYNdI sfh.
sukr hY bc gey AunHF qoN, ieh sfh jo myry pwly ny…
vy nf tuwty-tuwt ky juVngy
gwl sux lAu cMd PrvfhI dI, hr pfsy Kyz qbfhI dI
af leIey sfQ inBf
pYr-pYr qy Kqrf ey, rfh swpF-sIhF mwly ny… nf CyV khfxI drdF dI, ajy jLKm ijgr dy awly ny
sB ny kMmF nUM hwQ pfey
vMzx lohVI lfvx qIaF
nf mMmI nf zYzI JUry, cfAu
hr kMm sfQoN krvf bYTy, sB DIaF-puwq ivafh bYTy
dysL-ivdysLI lok jo afey,
suKI vsx sB nUMhF-DIaF,
qUM afKy lwg mMn myrIaF
jo qkdy sfzIaF rfhvF sI, awj krdy kMm avwly ny…
nfnk af jfE…
‘cMd PrvfhI’ kvI inmfxf, dId qyrI df hY iqRhfieaf klm myrI nUM jo qUM idwqy, moqI AuhI proey nfnk af jfAu, muV jwg cfnx hoey….
koeI sfr nhIN lYNdf hrcMd isMG bfgVI
ivq muqfibk hr koeI,
cfroN pfsy mihk iKzfAuNdy,
koeI hfly bhuqI dUr nI
mdd kry iBKfrI dI.
kfiv-ikafrI dI,
muV vfips ‘pvn’ qUM af.
koeI sfr nhIN lYNdf, pr ilKfrI dI.
koeI sfr nhIN lYNdf loko, pr ilKfrI dI.
smF-sLkqI lf ky klmF kvI clfAuNdy ny
sBf-susfietIaF bVIaF
cMgf-mfVf jo huMdf Auh ilK suxfAuNdy ny
aqy bhuq adfry ny
rmn sMDU isry df isriPrf hfkm qy
nhIN imldf pVfa iewQy.
sB JUTy gvfh iewQy.
qUM afieaf idl myry ivwc
nhIN hoxf myry hwk ivwc koeI vI PYslf iewQy.
hux qyrf ijgrf vI prKFgf,
BrygI JolI kdy myrI, hY
bVy afAuNdy ny ies QF ‘qy,
lwgdI afs bymfanI,
nf koeI Tihrdf iewQy.
myrI mMnq hY sLIsLy dI qy pwQr df Kudf iewQy.
isrP smJOiqaF nUM
qrs afAuNdf hY Aus ‘qy jo
ijLMdgI kihky bsr krnf,
vPf bdly vPf cfhuMdf,
krngy jo Kqf aYsI,
KUn psInf iek krky ieh jo kmfAuNdy ny
jo AuNglI PV ky qurdf hY
Auh Bugqxgy sjLf iewQy.
Auh pusqkF Cfpx vfilaF hwQ PVfAuNdy ny
AuhI idMdf dgf iewQy.
idlf ies sLihr nUM hux
pIV klyjy Jwldy ijvyN BuwK ny afrI dI,
isrf dUjf vI DrqI df mYN
alivdf kihxf hI ibhqr hY,
koeI sfr nhIN lYNdf loko, pr ilKfrI dI.
koeI sfr nhIN lYNdf loko, pr ilKfrI dI.
CUh ky prq afieaf hF,
ijnHF ny jLKm hI idwqy
ilK ikqfbF iPr AunHF dy GuMz cukfAuNdy ny
ivq muqfibk hr koeI, m
sPr imldf, Klfa imldf,
Auh sFJF kr Pnfh iewQy.
swdy-pwqr dy ky lokF qfeIN bulfAuNdy ny
dd kry iBKfrI dI.
njLrsfnI krdy rihMdy dunIaF dfrI dI koeI sfr nhIN lYNdf loko, pr ilKfrI dI. kivqf ilK ky bolx jf ky ivwc drbfrF dy ryzIE, tYlIivjLn, Cpdy ivwc aKbfrF dy kvI leI qjOrI KflI, hr vpfrI dI, koeI sfr nhIN lYNdf loko, pr ilKfrI dI.
sLfhUkfr, srkfrF DnI Drm duafry ny iksy pfisAuN kdr hoeI nf, klm ivcfrI dI, koeI sfr nhIN lYNdf loko, pr ilKfrI dI. gfvx vfly gIq qy gLjLlF lY lY gfAuNdy ny nfm-dfm qy kfrF-koTIaF KUb bxfAuNdy ny ‘cMd PrvfhI’ klm dy lyKIN ruwq lcfrI dI,
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF
kihx kuwJ qy krnf hor kuwJ, prdy JUT dy Auqy sI pfAux lwgy. pul bMbeI qoN ilaFdf byVIaF df, bhfnf rfKI df asIN bxfAux lwgy. diraf pfr ielfkf lhOr df jo, kbjLf Aus dy jLorIN jmfAux lwgy. hrcMd isMGf awQry kuJ aPsr, sLFq iswKF nUM inwq sqfAux lwgy.. sMDI pihlF aMgryjL ny afp qoVI, ilKqF vfady sB Bulf ky jI. imwqrcfrI aqy asUlF qoN iPr gey, vYr bYT gey afpsI pf ky jI. iswK afpxy ielfky dy ivwc afey, asIN afey POjF cVHf ky jI. hrcMd isMGf myjr simwQ hurIN, swc ilK gey Tok vjHf ky jI.. cfr sfl qoN iqafrIaF kr rhy, smF Auh aKIr nUM afieaf eI. bMdy gMZy lhOr iPrMgIaF ny, iswK PLOj nUM AunHF Auksfieaf eI. awgy jf ky cfxn ho jfxf, jo AunHF ny cMd cVHfieaf eI. hrcMd isMGf rfvx sI kd mrdf, Byq Brf ny dy ky mrvfieaf eI.. lVfeI afrMB hox smyN aMgryjLI PLOjF dI nPLrI aqy siQqI bwqI hjLfr qoN vwD aMgryjL PLOjI, nyVy hwd dy kr psfr bYTy. ksOlI, aMbfly ds hjLfr hY sI, nON hjLfr sI myrT iqafr bYTy. bfkI idwlI, krnfl dy ivwc rwKy, qopF, rihkly sB isLMgfr bYTy..
PAGE 33 hrcMd isMG bfgVI
lfrz hfrizMg luiDafxy dy ivwc bYTf,
Aus PLOj nUM rokF pfeIaF ny.
AuQy nPrI pMj hjLfr hY sI.
‘ajy Tihro’ afKLky rok idwqy,
bfrF qopF Zyr brUd goly, rPlF,
GVIaF kImqI Aus guafeIaF ny.
qIr qy GoV asvfr hY sI.
AuqoN dyKxI-pfKxI iswK jfpy,
bfrF qopF swq hjLfr PLOjI,
Aus lIkF iswKI nUM lfeIaF ny.
iProjLpur dy ivwc iqafr hY sI.
hrcMd isMG nmk hrfm hoieaf,
hrcMd isMGf myjr jnrl jOnH iltrl,
ikqy sfeIaF qy ikqy vDfeIaF ny..
hoky bYTf KLbrdfr hY sI..
Aus vyly jy nlUaf sLyr huMdf,
bfrF dsMbr nUM aMbfly qoN gPL quiraf,
jF ijAuNdf sLyry pMjfb huMdf.
sqfrF qrIk bsIn Auh aFvdf eI.
iProjLpur ‘coN syD iPrMgIaF nUM,
luiDafxy qoN tuMzI lft quiraf, dovyN
kIqf AunHF dy nfl ihsfb huMdf.
dlF duf myl krFvdf eI.
imlx dyNdy nf dliPrMgIaF dy,
brYz Puwt kr jMg sfmfn kwTf,
Kfnf aMgryjL df kIqf Krfb hMudf.
dysL-DoRhI lfl isMG ny aMgryjL df hukm mMn ky PLOjF ieh kih ky ipwCy htfAuxIaF
nfl ienHF dy cflf pFvdf eI.
hrcMd isMGf nf ruldI bfdsLfhI,
lfl isMG aMgryjLF df hukm pf ky,
hrcMd isMGf sLfmIN ciVwk phMucy,
gulfm kdy nf dysL pMjfb huMdf..
kOm nfl sI dgLf kmfAux lwgf.
agly idn dl mwudkI jFvdf eI..
lfl isMG ny iPruojpur nUM ijwqx dIbjfey kYptn inklsn (jo polItIkl eyjMt brYz ieDr lfhOr srkfr df vwzf vjLIr lfl isMG Pwut df nfieb, iProjLpur rihMdf sI) nUM afpxy sxy POjI dsqy dy iProjLpur Auqy Gyrf eylcI rfhIN ieMJ icwTI ByjI igafrF dsMbr nUM ielfky lYx afpxy, lfl isMG gwLdfr ny ilK icwTI, iswK POjI sqlujoN pfr afey. bMd Byijaf inklsn kol bylI. dysL kOm dI sLfn bcfAux leI, DIr PVI zry iPrMgIaF ny, Auh qy krkymfr-mfr afey. jd pVHI AunHF ny KolH bylI. lfl isMG vI AunHF nUM afx imilaf, Llfl isMG dfs mYN afpdf hF, sFB afpxy sB hiQafr afey. jo kho pugfvF bol bylI. hrcMd isMGf pey iProjLpur nUM, hrcMd isMGf rwiKAu gwl pVdy, mrnf-mfrnf idl ivc Dfr afey.. ikqy KolH nf dyxI pol bylI.. myjr jnrl sr jOhn iltlr kol Aus smyN myry vfsqy dwso hukm kI ey, swq hjLfr PLOjI aqy isrPL bfrF qopF sn. Auh sihm ky iklHy ivwc hI sih igaf nYx afpdy awgy Jukdy ny.
srkfr aMgryjLI rwKU iKafl qyrf, qyry krFgy kMm afsfn mIaF. hrcMd isMGf dl htf ipwCy, ajy CyVxf nhIN Gmsfn mIaF..
pihlF vYrI Auqy nhIN vfr krnf, dsmysL ipqf df hukm sunfAux lwgf. hukm gurU df Drm hY Kflsy df, mihmf Kflsy dI Auh gfAux lwgf. hrcMd isMGf inrCl Kflsy nUM, Cl krky ipwCoN htfAux lwgf.. DrmI sLyrF df sLyrf dy nfl iBVnf, sLfn iswKI dI afpF vDfeIey jI. gvrnr jnrl tuMzI lft qfeIN, pihlF afpF mfr mukfeIey jI. rfjf mry qy PLOj hY Bwj jFdI, ijwq sOKI aMgryjL qy pfeIey jI. hrcMd isMGf cwl ky afAU afpy,
isMGf ikhf hoey jy hukm sfnUM,
iswK PLOjI jMg leI hoey kfhly,
afpF rqf hor ssqfeIey jI..
asIN huxy jMg mcfeIey jI.
myQoN roikaf ieh nf rukdy ny.
iqnF pfisAuN sLihr nUM Gyr ilaf, h
iewk pihr dI ibwlf hY mfr sfzI,
ux bhuqI dyr nf lfeIey jI.
GoV cVHy sLyr ieAuN bwukdy ny.
afpxI pusqk ivc mYk grYgr Aus vyly df hfl pMny 80-81 qy ieAuN ibafn krdf hY
AuWnI lwK jo sfzf ipaf ieQy, Aus nUM
hrcMd isMGf ienHF qoN zr afAuNdf,
huxy kYsL krfeIey jI.
qusIN mkfAu ijvyN ieh muwkdy ny..
hrcMd isMGf aMgryjL nUM ielm hojy,
aMgryjLF vwloN lfl isMG nUM hukm
aYsy AusnUM hwQ ivKfeIey jI..
lfl isMG nUM Byijaf KLq AunHF,
pr lfl isMG gLwdfr ny ieh nfkrn idwqf
qyrI dosqI AuqoN kurbfn mIaF.
lfl isMG sI Xfr iPrMgIaF df,
hmlf hox nf dyvIN iProjLpur qy, qYnUM kIqf asIN Purmfn mIaF.
Aus vyly jy iswK iProjLpur qy, hmlf krky pYNdy twut mIaF. sr iltrl bcfa nf skdf sI, sOKy hI lYNdy aMgryjL nUM kwut mIaF. BfrI qopF qy josL aQfh hY sI, lYNdy sLihr KjLfinaF lwut mIaF. hrcMd isMGf lfl isMG gwdfr krky, jVH aMgryjL dI sky nf pwut mIaF.. PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
FORTUNATE TO HAVE AKSHAY WITH ME; HE IS MY GREATEST SUPPORT : TWINKLE want to fit in this world or in a size 4 dress. For all the oddballs and misfits out there, eventually if you just follow your path, you will reach somewhere no one else has. You are uniquely meant to do something that only you can do.” Twinkle’s movie career was short lived and she realized that she was meant to do things beyond being in front of the camera. This led her to explore her creative side and she soon became a successful interior designer and an entrepreneur. She is quite a gifted writer and soon started to pen her thoughts for a column and later penned down her debut novel “Mrs Funnybones: She’s Just Like You and a Lot Like Me”. Writer and former actress Twinkle Khanna, who is married to Akshay Kumar says her husband is more proud of her work than anyone ever has been. “This book is dedicated to Akshay. He is my biggest cheerleader, my greatest support. He is a man who takes more pride in my work than anyone ever has. So, I am very fortunate to have this man with me,” Twinkle said at the book’s launch in Mumbai. Twinkle also spoke about her life’s philosophy and said, “We grow up and we need to confront a society to be fit in. My granny was always mourning about the fact I wear dull, stained jeans or don’t brush my hair. My mother always wants me to put me on a diet.” “I would tell her I don’t
Bhansali has given Ranveer roles of his life time. Be it Ram from Ram Leela or Bajirao from Bajirao Mastani, Ranveer certainly has a lot to thank Bhansali for. Ranveer, of course is quite grateful and also states that the director not just changed his ideas about acting but also helped him evolve as an actor. “There was a spike in my evolution when I worked with him for the first time. He comes and changes everything, and you have to adapt the fluidity of his creativity that moment and go with it with full conviction”, Ranveer said. While has begun
shooting for the periodical drama Padmavati, his next big project with Bhansali, he is also tied upwith the promotions of his upcoming movie ‘Befikre’. Aditya Chopra returns to the chair of a director after many years with Befikre. This film also stars ‘Shudh Desi Romance’ actress Vaani Kapoor in the lead. Ranveer is quite excited about being directed by Adi. “I think Adi sir is a blend of both credibility and commerce. He is one director who really engulfs a very wide spectrum of audience. It will be subtle nuance, incredible and completely entertaining. At the end of the day, he is a full on mainstream director”, Ranveer said.
JOURNEY : HRITHIK Hrithik Roshan, who will soon be seen on screen in Kaabil, says filming the movie was a beautiful journey for him. Hrithik was speaking at the DLF Mall of India where he unveiled the new collection of the Swiss luxury time piece brand Rado’s Lightness Collection. He believes in the brand’s philosophy that “if you can imagine, you can do it”. “This is something I have based my life on. That if I can see it in my mind,
then I can do it. It was even more amazing that I applied this when I played a blind man in ‘Kaabil‘. It was a beautiful journey and I hope you all watch the film,” he said. “I hope when you see the movie, you will also feel what I was feeling in the film,” added Hrithik. Talking about the film, Hrithik said, “It is about a man, who against all odds, finds the strength inside him to make his life the way he wants it to be.”
Prachi Desai has been stereotyped as the 'girl-nextdoor'. Before her big screen debut in 2008 with 'Rock On!!’ Prachi played the virtuous girl on Ekta Kapoor's 'Kasamh Se' and the actress feels the audience hasn't been able to see her as anything other than a good girl. "After Rock On!!, just like what happens with everyone, I got stereotyped. First of all, because I came from a television background and secondly because I didn't play a glamorous, larger than life character. I wasn't launched in one of those extremely big budget films where I was anyway elevated to that position. After that (Rock On) it was extremely difficult for me to change the perception of 'sweet simple girl next door' and get roles which were my age," the actress said. Another stereotype Prachi has faced is that filmmakers supposed she was quite older in age and therefore offered her more mature roles. "I was 19 when I did 'Rock On!!' but I've had the strangest reactions from some of the biggest filmmakers where they met me and were often surprised that I looked so young. I still get offered roles where I am intense, subtle but in real life I think I am kind of opposite of that. But that's an outsiders struggle although out. Whether it is a Kangana from 'Gangster' or Vidya Balan from 'Parineeta', it takes time to find your best scripts and roles. You just have to keep working hard," she said. So what does Prachi want to do next? Prachi says she now wants to do an out-and-out love story. "I am very keen to take on interesting roles because this is the time when people are also open to do new things, chose different topics which also makes us fearless to take on different subjects. Personally, I would like to do a love story," the actress said.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
B.C. multicultural champions honoured during awards ceremony
ive B.C. multicultural champions were recognized Nov. 18, 2016, before friends, family and their peers at the seventh British Columbia Multicultural Awards. The awards recognize British Columbians whose exceptional work helps bring diverse cultures together by embracing diversity and promoting multiculturalism.
This year’s award recipients used the arts to break down barriers and unite communities. They partnered with dozens of organizations throughout the province to allow children and youth to develop an understanding of the importance of multiculturalism, respect for diversity, acceptance and inclusion; helped to deliver an innovative public awareness media campaign aimed at challenging racism and hatred; and built meaningful opportunities for immigrant newcomers to fully participate in all aspects of British Columbia society.
Government received 146 nominations for awards in five categories: individual, organization, business, youth and multicultural excellence in government. Nominees selected for an award are chosen by a panel of judges with expertise in multiculturalism and anti-racism.
28 idnF
ivwc Bfr GtfE aqy jihrIly rsfiex qoN mukqI pfE • • • • •
myry pUry sihXog nflL ieh pRogrfm 3 jnvrI qoN sLurU ho irhf hY sB qoN vwD bdlfa ilafAux vflLy leI $1000 df nkd ienfm hPqfvrI pVqfl kIqI jfvygI vYjItyrIan (sLfkfhfrI) KfixaF dI cox kr skdy ho (BfrqI KfixaF smyq) huxy hI sfeIn – awp kro sItF sImq hn Ph: (604) 330 - 3132
The 2016 British Columbia Multicultural Award recipients: Individual: Paulina Grainger Organization: Equitas - International Centre for Human Rights Education Business: Williams Lake Tribune Youth: Chitha Manoranjan Government: BC Housing All award recipients receive a trophy and those selected in the first four categories noted above also receive $5,000 to be donated to a non-profit organization of their choice to further support the work of multiculturalism in the province.
Harj Hadani Trainer
Cascades to host high school three-point shooting contest Nov. 26
he University of the Fraser Valley athletic department is inviting high school basketball players to compete for the title of B.C.’s Best Three-Point Shooter. The Cascades will be holding threepoint shooting contests at halftime of their Canada West basketball games on Saturday, Nov. 26 vs. the UNBC Timberwolves. The contest is open to male and female high school basketball players, and the format will be similar to the NBA three-point shootout, in which players have one minute to shoot a total of 25 basketballs from five spots around the arc. The male and female contest winners will receive a package of prizes featuring a game basketball from Skyline Athletics. The event is free to enter, and athletes must pre-register by filling out an online form at by 12 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 25. The three-point shootout is part of an exciting game day at UFV’s Envision
Athletic Centre which sees the Cascades basketball teams take on UNBC (women 5 p.m., men 7 p.m.) and the Cascades volleyball teams face the College of the Rockies Avalanche (women 5 p.m., men 7 p.m.). The three-point contest begins with a preliminary round at 1:30 p.m. at the Envision Athletic Centre. Athletes will have access to the gym at 1 p.m. to warm up, and spectators are welcome. Competitors are asked to wear their high school team jersey and shorts. The top three female finishers from the preliminaries will advance to the finals at halftime of that evening’s Cascades women’s game, and the top three male finishers will shoot at halftime of the men’s game. High school, middle school, elementary and club basketball players wearing their team jerseys will receive free admission to the Cascades basketball games. This is the Cascades’ second annual high school three-point contest. Last year’s event was only open
to athletes from Abbotsford high schools, whereas this year’s event has no such location restrictions. Sapna Deo (Yale Lions) and Jass Singh (W.J. Mouat Hawks) were the 2015 champions. The Abbotsford Police City Basketball Tournament is a key supporter of the three-point shootout. The APCBT is an annual city-wide hoops extravaganza operated in conjunction with the Abbotsford Police Department, involving every school team in Abbotsford from Grade 8 through Grade 12. This year’s tournament runs Dec. 7-10, and will feature more than 50 teams and 750 athletes. The senior boys and girls divisions will be held at UFV’s Envision Athletic Centre.
For more information on the Abbotsford Police City Basketball Tournament, visit For more information on UFV Athletics, visit or follow us via social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr and Snapchat.
The Patrika
iek mF vwloN mUlvfsIaF dy rUhfnI smfgm dy mfmly ivc skUl izsitRkt ivruwD mukwdmf
aiDafpkF dI adflqI ijwq nfl ividafrQIaF leI vDyry Krc krnf pvygf—ikRstI klfrk
kYNizs srvytIas nF dI aOrq ny port albrnI skUl izsitRkt ivruwD mukwdmf ies leI kIqf hY ik Aus dy bwicaF nUM mUlvfsIaF dI aiDafimk rsm ivcsLfml hox leI mjbUr ikAuN kIqf igaf| Aus dI qrPoN mukwdmf arQfq ptIsLIn jsits sYNtr Pfr kMstIicAUsLnl PrImjL vwloN dfier kIqf igaf| ies ivcieh dfavf kIqf igaf hY ik skUl izsitRkt 70 df ieh aml Aus dy bwicaF dI Dfrimk afjLfdI dI AulMGxf krdf hY| AuDrskUl izsitRkt df kihxf hY ik aijhy smfgm ividafrQIaF nUM vwK vwK pRMprfvF bfry jfxkfrI dyxdf sfDn bxdy hn| skUlL izsitRkt vwloN smfgm qoN pihlF iek pwqr rfhIN sUcnf ByjI geI sI ik ies smfgm ivc ividafrQI sIzr dI iek tihxI hwQ ivc PVngy aqy ivcfrvfn sMq vwloN Cwzy gey sugMDq DUeyN df anMd mfxngy aqy sfP AUrjf df qjrbf hfsl krngy|
ipCly idnIN suprIm kort aOP kYnyzf ny bI sI tIcrjL PYzrysLn dy hwk ivc PYslf dy ky bI sI srkfr aqy aiDafpkF ivckfr cwl rhy sMGrsM df Bog pf idwqf hY | iesy krky pRImIar kiRstI klfrk ny ies PYsly nUM XfdgfrI PYslf kihMidaF mMinaf ik hux aiDfpkF dIaF mMgF nUM pUrf krn leI vDyry invysL krnf bxdf hY | ieMnHF mMgF ivc vwzIaF mMgF sn – klfsF dy sfeIjL, ivsLysL loVF leI ivsLysL aiDafpkF df pRbMD krnf | 2002 ivc arMB hoey ies tkrfa smyN ikRstI klfrk isiKaf mMqrI sn| AudoN qoN lY ky ies lVfeI ivc keI Auqrfa cVHfa afey pr aMq ijwq bIsI tIcr PYzrysLn dI hoeI hY| hux srkfr nUM skUlF ivc stfiPMg 2002 vflI bhfl krnI pvygI| ieMj krn leI hor Krcy df pRbMD krnf hovygf| pRImIar ny ikhf ik ividafrQIaF df ihq vDyry sfDn AuplbD krfAux ivc hY| ircmMz aqy swrHI skULl ijLilaF ny tIcrF dI byhqrI leI socxf sLurU kr idwqf hY| dUsiraF nUM aijhf krnf pvygf|
bI sI ijhy sUby ivc PUz bYNkF dI loV ikAuN? bI sI ivc lgBg 100 PUz bYNk hn jo 100,000 lokF nUM PUz dy rhy hn iPr vI loVvMdF dI loV pUrI nhIN ho rhI| aflockF df svfl hY ik kI PUz dfn dyx vfilaF dI Gft hY, jF nIqI dI asPlqf hY| gorzn nybrhuwz hfAUs nfl sbMDq pfl tylr df kihxf hY ik nIqI dI aSplqf hY| ieMnHF bYNkF qoN PUz lYx vfilaF ivcoN keI lok pUrf idn kMm krdy hn; kI Auh afpxf pyt Brn jogI kmfeI nhIN kr rhy? kI vYl-Pyar dIaF drF Gwt hn; kI ieMnHF ivcoN kuJ lok muPq Puz df nfjfiejL Pfiedf lY rhy hn| AuMu nHF df kihxf hY ik ieMnHF pwKF dI GoK krnI jLrUrI hY|
ivigafnI vloN PUz ivcDoKf krn vfilaF dI DoKf-DVI PVn df ZMg ivksq XU bI dI 24 sflf ividafrQx XfksI hU nUM PUz ivc ho rhI DoKF-DVI nUM PVn df ZMg ivksq avfrz dy ky snmfinq kIqf jf irhf hY| Aus df kihxf hY ik sMBv hY ik qusIN bIP dI QF GoVy df mfs Kf rhy hovy| XUrp ivc ieh skYNzl ho cuwkf hY| sMBv hY ik iksyrYstrYNt ivc ijhVI sfmn mwCI qusIN Kf rhy ho,Auh ieh nf hovy|2008 dOrfn cIn ivc bwicaF dy PfrmUly ivc plfsitk dI imlfvt PVI geI| AuMnHF ieh vI dwisaf ik nvMbr 2015 aqy PrvrI 2016 ivckfr 57 duysLF ivcoN 11 imilan iklogRfm jfalI PUz Europol-Interpol vwloN PVI geI| XU bI sI dI izfktryt kr rhI ividafrQx XfksI hU vwloN ieMnHF gwlf pRgtfvf kIqf hY | Aus ny aijhI DoKfDVI nUM PVn leI qyjL qrIkf kwiZaf hY ijs iv nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy dI vrqoN kIqIU jFdI hY| hr rsfienk vsqU dI afpxI aduwqI vfeIbRysLn huMdI hY ijvyN sfzIaF AuMglF dI Cfp hr iek dI vwKrI huMdI hY| Aus ny ieh kfZ cIn dI pIikMg XUnIvristI dy sihXog nfl kwZI hY| PAGE 36
vYnkUvr gYstfAun ivKy tYksI ivc bYTI aOrq bxI golI df insLfnf ipCly idnIN vYnkUvr gYstfAun ivKy iek aOrq tYksI ivc bYTI sI | acfnk Aus dy iek golI af lwgI| Aus nUM Jwt hspqfl phuMcfieaf igaf| smiJaf jf irhf hY ik itm hfrtn ‘qy KVy do grupF ivc kuJ qlKI ho geI qF acfnk tYksI ivc bYTy joVy ivcoN ies aOrq Aupr golI clfeI geI| CyqI hI puils AuwQy phuMc geI aqy AuMnHF ny nyVly aFZ guaFZ dy rozvya dI qlfsLI sLurU kr idwqI| iswty vjoN do sLwkI afdmIaF nUM ihrfsq ivc lY ilaf| tYksI zRfeIvr dy koeI swt qF lwgI prMqU Auh ieMnf sihimaf hoieaf sI ik iksy puwC igwC df jvfb nf dy sikaf| tRYiPk vI QoVI dyr leI rok idwqf igaf| puils vwloN apIl kIqI geI hY ik iksy ny ieh Gtnf awKIN vyKI hovy qF puils nUM 604-717-2541 jF 1-800-222-8477 ‘qy sMprk krn dI KyclL kry|
bI sI aYgrIPUz & sIPUz kfnPrMs KyqIbfVI mMqrI nfrm lYitk vwloN aYgrI PUz aqy sIPUz dy Auqpfdn nfl juVy lokF nUM vDfeI idMidaF ikhf,” KyqIbfVI mMqrI vjoN mYN myrf tIcf sfDfrn hY aqy Auh hY – bI sI aYgrIPUz aqy sIPUz sYktr nUM kfmXfb bxfAuxf| mYnUM ies hPqy kfnPrMs zYlIgytF nUM ‘jI afieaF ’ kihx ivc aqy ies sYktr nUM pRPulwq krn dy horZMg ivksq krn dy ZMg lwBx dI crcf kridaF bhuq pRsMnqf hoeI| do idn asIN ies kMm ivc ruwJy rhy| 2015 ivcbI sI ny 13 iblIan zflr dI aYgrIPUz aqy sIPUz pYdf krky mIl pwQr kfiem kIqf| kfnPrMs dy kmry AuMnHF lokF nfl Bry hoey sn ijhVy PUz pRozksn vwlpUrf iDafn dy rhy hn| bI sI srkfr iespRfpqI nUM nf kyvl kfiem rwKx dI qFGrKdI hY sgoN ies BfrI sPlqf Aupr hor AusfrU kMm krn dI locf rKdI hY|vmYnUM ivsLvfsL hY ik ies sYktr df BivwK bhuq rosLn hY aqy asIN sfry iml ky ies nUM pRPulwq krFgy|”
Friday, November 25th, 2016
XU bI sI dI nvIN cyar pyNzU ishq sMBfl dI vkflq krygI ishq mMqrI tYrI lyk vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf ik srkfr XU bI sI ivc $5 imlIan dI lfgq nfl nvIN cyar sQfipq krygI ijhVI sUby Br dy pyNzU ielfikaF ivc ishq shUlqF vDfAux ivc shfieqf krygI| lMmy aqy bhumwuly qjrby dy mflk zf: zyv snYzn nUM ies cyar df bfnI muKI Qfipaf igaf hY| Auh ipRMs jOrj ivKy AuwqrI mYzIkl pRogrfm dy vI pihly muKI sn| agly pMj sflF ivc hr sfl $350,00 pyNzI ishq Koj, pyNzU aqy dUrdurfzy ielfikaF dI ishq sMBfl leI slfhkfr kmytI bxfeI jfvygI| zfktrF nUM pyNzU ielfikaF ivc itkfeI rwKx dy pRogrfm bxfey jfxgy| zf: snYzn rfiel kflj aOPL jnrl pRYktIsLnrjL aqy rfiel kflj aOPL iPjLIsLIanjL aOP aYiznbrg dy PYlo hn| AuMnHF dI iqMn sflf pdkfl nvMbr 1, 2016 qoN sLurU hY| iessbMD ivc tYrI lyk df kihxf hY” bI sI pyNzU lokF nUM ishq shUlqF dI vwzI cxOqI df sfhmzf krnf pY irhf hY| mYnUM KLusLI hY ik zf snYzn ny nvIN inXukqI pRvfn krky pyNzI ishq shUlqF nUM lIh isr ilafAux dI cxOqI kbUl kIqI hY | afs hY ik Auh Xqn ivc sPl hoxgy aqy pYNzU lokF nUM cMgyrIaF ishUlqF AuplbD krn ivcsPl hoxgy|”
vYnkUvr kfAuNisl ivc KflI GrF ‘qy tYks lfAux dy mwudy ‘qy crcf hovygI vYnkUvr lkfAuNisl pRsqfv ieh hY ik KflI pey GrF Aupr tYks lfieaf jfvy jF nf| jy ieh pRqfv pfs ho igaf qF kYnyzf Br ivc iek pihl hovygI| vYnkUvr dy nyar jOrj rfbrtsn iehtYks lfAuX dI BrpUr hmfieq kr rhy hn| AuMnHF dI dlIl hY ies nfl ieMnHF GrF dy mflk ies tYks qoN bcx leI afpxyGr ikrfey ‘qy dyx lwg jfxgy aqy iehikrfey ‘qy Gr lYx vfilaF leI shfiek iswD hovygf| Au Dies skIm dy aflockF df kihxf hY ik ieMnHF GrF ivcoN bhuqy aYsL vfly Gr hn jF bhuq kImqI Gr hn ; mflk ieMnHF nUM ikrfey ‘qy nhIN dyxgy| AuMnHF leI 1% tYks dyxf musLkl nhIN hovygf| rYNtl GrF dIsmwisaf ijAuN dI iqAuN bxy rhygI| jy tYks df pRsqfv pfs ho igaf qF 2017dysLurU ivclfgU ho jfvygf aqy tYks dI pihlI adfiegI 2018 ivc dyxXog hovygI|
sUbf srkfr aqy vYnkUvr istI ivMtr sLYtr plYn dy BfeIvflL hoxgy byGiraF nUM srdI qoN bcfAux leI sUbf srkfr aqy vYnkUvr istI vwloN sFJy qPOr ‘qy sLYltr bxfey jfxgy| ies qrFdy 192 sLYltr GrF leI srkfr $1[2 imlIan aqy vYnkUvr istI $500,000 KrcygI| istI vwloN XkInI bxfieaf jfvygf ik ieMnHF sLYltrF ivc sfjLosfmfn pUrf hov ieMnHF ivc rihx vfilaF nUM Kfxf idwqf jfvy; ishq syvfvF idwqIaF aqy ieMnHF nUM pRogrfmF vwl syDq kIqf jfvy ijMnHF ivc pwkI irhfiesL iml skdI hovy| Xfd rhy ik vYnkUvr ivc 957 sQfeI Gr AuplbD hn|hfAUisMg leI ijLmyvfr mMqrI irc kolmYn df kixf hY ik ieh sLYltr sUby ivclI byGiraF dI smwisaf hwl vwl mhwqvpUrn kdm hY| iesy qrF mysrsfihb df ivcfr hY ik BfvyN ieh sLYltr pwkf hwl nhIN krdy pr sOx leI QF iml jfxI, Kfxf iml jfxf aqy ishq syvfvF AuplbD ho jfxf ieMnHF grIb guribaF dI vwzI shfieqf hY.
Friday, November 25th, 2016
kwjl, surmf aqy loa nfrI dIafˆ awKIafˆ dy iÈMgfr df atuwt ihwsy rhy hn. muwZ kdIm qoN hI qRImqfˆ nUM afpxy afp nUM iÈMgfrn, sjfvx qy inKfrn df byhwd ÈOk irhf hY. aOrqfˆ afpxIafˆ awKfˆ dI suMdrqf ivwc vfDy leI hmyÈfˆ hI loa, kwjl aqy surmf pf ky iKwc df kyˆdr bxdIafˆ hn. awKfˆ dI iKwc vDfAux dI prMprf sdIafˆ purfxI hY. Bfvyˆ awjkwlH awKfˆ nUM sjfAux leI qrHfˆ-qrHfˆ dIafˆ cIËfˆ pRcwilq ho geIafˆ hn, pr loa, kwjl aqy surmf pfAux dI afpxI hI mhwqqf hY. moihMjodVo aqy hVwpf siBaqfvfˆ dI KudfeI smyˆ AuWQoN inklIafˆ lfK dIafˆ bxIafˆ nmUnydfr sUrmydfnIafˆ ies gwl dI gvfhI BrdIafˆ hn ik AunHfˆ simafˆ ivwc vI aOrqfˆ afpxIafˆ awKfˆ ivwc surmf pfAux dIafˆ ÈOkIn huMdIafˆ sn. loa, kwjl aqy surmy ivwc iewk dUjy nfloN aMqr hY. vDIaf surmf iksy Kfs iksm dy pQrIly pdfrQ aYˆtImnI slPfeIz nUM rgV ky iqafr kIqf jfˆdf sI. dUjy pfsy vzyrI Aumr dIafˆ qRImqfˆ dysI iGAu jfˆ srHoN dy qyl df dIvf bfl ky Aus Aupr kwcI imwtI dI pkf ky bxfeI hoeI TUTI jfˆ ipwql-qfˆby dI zUMGI ijhI kOlI nUM dIvy dI lft Aupr mUDI mfr ky Aus dI loa nfl Gr ivwc hI kwjl/loa iqafr kr lYˆdIafˆ sn. kwjl, surmy nfloN vDyry kflf aqy gfVHf huMdf hY aqy awKfˆ nUM Gwt
The Patrika
zory iKwc surmf nf pfeIey…
nuksfn phuMcfAuNdf hY. iksy pQrIly pdfrQ qoN bixaf surmf mihMgf aqy Gwt mfqrf ivwc imldf hY. zfktrfˆ dI rfie muqfibk ies qrHfˆ dy surmy keI vfr awKfˆ dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ nUM swdf vI dy jfˆdy hn. surmf aqy kwjl awKfˆ dy iÈMgfr df sfDn hox df iËkr sfzy gIqfˆ lok gIqfˆ ivwc afm imldf hY. isafxy kihMdy hn ik surmf pfAuxf vI iewk klf hY. iewk khfvq hY: surmf pf qfˆ hr koeI lYˆdf hY, pr mtkfAuxf iksy iksy nUM hI afAuNdf hY. purfxy vyilafˆ ivwc muitafr leI pUCfˆ iKwc ky surmf pfAuxf vrijq smiJaf jfˆdf sI. Gr dI isafxI aOrq awlVH muitafr nUM smJfAuNdI hoeI kihMdI: zory iKwc surmf nf pfeIey, DIey Gr mfipafˆ dy. pr Auh qfˆ kihMdI hY: kflf surmf awKfˆ df dfrU lokIˆ BYVy lfAux qohmqfˆ. jy koeI kuVI ÈOk nfl mwloËorI Gridafˆ qoN corI surmy dIafˆ do cfr slfeIafˆ awKfˆ ivwc pf lYˆdI qfˆ keI vfr ieMj huMdf: iKVkI Ehly mYˆ surmf pfieaf AuproN af igaf qfieaf, nIˆ ro-ro inkl igaf bVy ÈOk nfl pfieaf. surmf sMBfl ky rwKx leI iewk vDIaf nmUnydfr surmydfnI bxI huMdI hY. ies dI pCfx iksy klfvqI muitafr nUM hI huMdI hY. surmf aOrqfˆ dy iÈMgfr df ihwsf qfˆ hY hI, pr jdoN DfrI bMnH ky pfieaf surmf moV Aupr jfˆ igwDy dy ipV
snyhieMdr isMG mIlU
ivwc afpxf rUp idKfAuNdf hY qfˆ gIq Xfd afAuNdf hY: surmf pMj rwqIafˆ pf ky moV ‘qy KVHgI.
ijnHfˆ ny afpxIafˆ awKIafˆ ivwc ipafr muhwbq dIafˆ surm slfeIafˆ pf leIafˆ hox, AunHfˆ leI surmf pfAuxf aOKf ho jfˆdf hY ikAuNik AunHfˆ df ipafr qfˆ awKIafˆ ivwc vs jfˆdf hY. iewk Èfier kihMdf hY:
rhI hY. ies sbMDI lMmI hyk vflf lok gIq hY: surm slfeIafˆ qYnUM iks pfeIafˆ
ikhVI awK ivwc pfvfˆ surmf
surm slfeIafˆ qYnUM BfbI ny pfeIafˆ.
vy dovfˆ ivwc qUM vsdf.
ies qrHfˆ hI iewk vMngI df rUp hY:
ajoky PYÈn dy Xuwg ivwc vI surmy ny afpxI Qfˆ ijAuN dI iqAuN brkrfr rwKI hoeI hY, pr hux loa/kwjl dI Qfˆ pYnislnumf ajoky sfDnfˆ ny lY leI hY. awKfˆ nUM iÈMgfrn ivwc surmf vDIaf rol inBfa irhf hY. ies dy nfl hI brfq cVHn qoN pihlfˆ lfVy dy rUp ivwc sjy Pwby afpxy lfzly idEr dIafˆ awKfˆ ivwc surmf pfAux dI rsm BrjfeI inBfAuNdI hY. ieh rsm sdIafˆ qoN clI af
pihlI slfeI mYˆ pfvfˆ, vy idErn myiraf ikqy dUjI nf kr leIˆ vy bMd, qIjI slfeI qfˆ pfvfˆ, vy idErn myiraf jy mohrfˆ dyvyˆ pMj…. ies qrHfˆ loa kwjl aqy surmf sfzy swiBafcfr ivwc afpxI ivÈys Qfˆ rwKdf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-ipwq-vfXU-ivkfr. afriQk lfB hovy pr ivsLysL Krc hovy, bMDU-suwK, hOsly ivwc vfDf, mfqf-ipqf nUM ksLt, sMqfn pwK qoN suwK, dusLmx mjbUq, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc inGfr. nvMbr 19, 20, 29, 30; dsMbr 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
Something coming to a head financially can encourage you to take a look at commitments you need to make in the future. This will give you the opportunity to take your priorities into account. If you leave things you are in danger of opening up opportunities for others to sort matters out in a way that suits them, not you.
The Full Moon this week occurs in your sign. This brings the opportunity for matters of a personal nature or of a personal interest to reach some sort of conclusion. At the same time you may gain a clearer perspective on any prospects for the future that can mean fulfilling your wishes. Listen to yourself not others.
ibRK-ishq TIk, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf, bMDU-ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-pwK qoN hfnI, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. nvMbr 21, 22, 23; dsMbr 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
imQn-srIrk ksLt, KUn df dbfE asiQr, GrylU-JMjt, imwqr-bMDU df sihXog imly, sMpdfsuwK, sMqfn aqy sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, iesqrI-suwK imly. nvMbr 15, 16, 24, 25; dsMbr 4, 5, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
krk-pyt Krfb hovy, Dn aqy pirvfr df suwK, bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK TIk, sMpdf-lfB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI. nvMbr 17, 18, 26, 27, 28; dsMbr 6, 7, 14 asLuwB hn.
isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, Brf df suwK, hOsly ivwc vfDf, sMpdf imly, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK-lfB, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI. nvMbr 19, 20, 29, 30; dsMbr 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-ishq TIk rhy, Dn-sMpdf-suwK-lfB, bMDU-ksLt, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, PjUl Krc hovy, iesqrI-pwK sLuwB, kfrobfr TIk, nvMbr 21, 22, 23, dsMbr 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
qulf-ishq TIk rhy, Dn-hfnI-BY, imwqr-bMDU-suwK, acwl-sMpdf-ivvfd, XojnfvF ivwc sPlqf, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr bfry icMqf. nvMbr 15, 16, 24, 25; dsMbr 4, 5, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
ibRsick-ishq Krfb hovy, ibmfrI aqy dusLmn df BY, sLuwB-Krc, bMDU-ksLt, iesqrI aqy sMqfn pwK sLuwB, kfrobfr ivwc ivkfs. nvMbr 17, 18, 26, 27, 28; dsMbr 6, 7, 14 asLuwB hn.
Dn-ishq TIk rhy, GrylU-JMJt, imwqr-bMDU df sihXog imly, sMqfn ksLt, iesqrI-suwK TIk, sLuwB-kfrj nypry cVHn, kfrobfr TIk, nvMbr 19, 20, 29, 30 dsMbr 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-pyt Krfb hovy, pirvfr df suwK, bMDU-suwK, acwl-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, dusLmn nuksfn phuMcfx, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. nvMbr 21, 22, 23; dsMbr 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
kuMB-ishq TIk rhy, Dn-sMpdf df suwK imly, bMDU-suwK, hOsly ivwc vfDf hovy, sMqfn pwK TIk, iesqrI-suwK imly, Drm-krm ivwc mn lwgy. nvMbr 15, 16, 24, 25; dsMbr 4, 5, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
mIn-ishq TIk rhy, pirvfrk klysL, Br dy pwK qoN hfnI, mfqf nUM ksLt, Xojnf asPl, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr TIk. nvMbr 17, 18, 26, 27, 28; dsMbr 6, 7, 14 asLuwB hn.
There is something building up behind the scenes. It will be difficult for you to move matters your way when dealing with others to early December. The best you can do is to be forthright about what you want in the future. Then pay close attention to the response you get. That will tell you more than anything else.
Anything involving you with a group of people, which can include friends can bring a very stable or successful result. Others can see you in a favourable light, especially when it comes to future prospects. You cannot afford to be sloppy with detail to early December. Someone might love to make a big deal about it.
Some interesting conversations can arise with others. You should think before you make any comments that could be misinterpreted. Also be careful about any questioning that might come from others – they are unlikely to be expressing their real reasons for asking. Be sure daily obligations are not put aside for pleasure.
You need to get things in order in your own mind from now to early December when it comes to home and family matters particularly. You might have to deal with rebellion if your plans don’t suit someone else’s expectations of you. It might be hard to get a straight answer. Taking action on details will sort queries out quickly.
Some exciting opportunities to enjoy yourself could arise unexpectedly. Keep your daily routines up to date so that you can take advantage of them. Someone else may not be impressed but don’t let this stop you. The one thing you will need to be mindful of is getting enough rest. You will enjoy any information gathering as well.
Somebody else could be anxious to finalise things or bring matters to a point where they will be dealt with for a particular outcome. It would not be wise to enter into any financial matters in a casual manner. You need to be sure of what sort of structure would be established as a result. There will be something to laugh about.
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication is now in your sign where it will remain until 3rd December. This will encourage you to mentally focus on yourself, what you want to be committed to as well as perhaps the obligations you cannot avoid and have to learn to deal with. Your strength of mind has likely improved.
You will be tempted to be lazy. This could arise because of unplanned social opportunities. It is unwise to get distracted from matters that you need to pay attention to, especially if there is money involved or it can end up unsettling many things you have in place. You should also think carefully before spending impulsively.
There is the opportunity to steer things in directions that suit you. Being very aware of most important priorities to you is the key, as well being prepared to be brave and take whatever action is required. Your own money does not need to come into this in any way so don’t be tempted. Hold off and let things surface, as they will.
You have the opportunity to clearly visualise exactly what commitments are or need to be accepted in relation to personal matters you have been contemplating since mid 2015. You don’t have to act straight away. You will begin a new 2-year personal cycle just before Christmas – that will give you greater self-confidence.
Friday, November 25th, 2016
pMjfbI ivc sdIafˆ qoN sfihq ricaf jf irhf hY pr nf hI 1947 qoN pihlfˆ qy nf hI hux pMjfbI BfÈf nUM rfjsI, smfijk ‘qy afriQkqf dI BfÈf bxfieaf igaf hY. 1835 ivc lfrz ivlIam bYˆitk ny afpxy iek aMgryË aPsr tI[bI[ mYkfly nUM Bfrq ivc ivwidak Zfˆcf iqafr krn leI ikhf sI qfˆ mYkfly ny ieh ikhf ik ‘vDIaf XUrpI sfihq nfl Biraf iek Kfnf hI Bfrq dy sfry dy sfry dysI sfihq dy brfbr hY. asIN aijhy ivakqIafˆ dI iek jmfq pYdf krnI cfhuMdy hfˆ jo KUn qy rMg dy pwKoN qfˆ BfrqI hox pr rucIafˆ, ivcfrfˆ, ieKlfkI aqy buwDI dy pwKoN aMgryË hox.` mYkfly dy ienHfˆ sfry ivcfrfˆ qy AudyÈfˆ nfl sihmq huMidafˆ lfrz ivlIam bYˆitk ny vI ikhf sI ik ‘aMgryË srkfr df muwK inÈfnf aMgryËI dy mfiDam rfhIN XUrpI sfihq qy ivigafn nUM PYlfAuxf hY. iswiKaf leI rfKvyˆ kIqy gey sfry Dn df sB qoN cMgf lfB qfˆ hI hovygf jykr Auh isrP aMgryËI iswiKaf Auqy hI Krc kIqf jfvy.` 1854 ivc vuwz izspYc, 1882 ivc hMtr kimÈn aqy 1902 ivc ieMzIan XUnIvristIË kimÈn bxy, ijnHfˆ dy aDIn keI skUl, kflj qy XUnIvristIafˆ KolHIafˆ geIafˆ. ies AuprMq 1947 qoN bfad vI ijMny kimÈn bxy bhuqy qfˆ aMgryËI rfj dy iswiKaf kimÈnfˆ dy AudyÈfˆ dI pUrqI hI krdy rhy. 15 agsq 1947 qoN bfad skUl, kflj qy iswiKaf sMsQfvfˆ ivc mfq-BfÈfvfˆ nUM TIk ZMg nfl lfgU nf kIqf igaf qy awj ‘rfj BfÈf aYkt` lfgU hox AuprMq vI pMjfbI BfÈf pMjfb ivc hr jgHf ivhfr ivc lfgU nhIN hoeI. 1850 ivc aM g ry Ë fˆ dy pM j fb Au p r kbËy dO r fn aMgryËI BfÈf dy pRcfr qy pRsfr Aupr Ëor idwqf jfx lwgf. pMjfb pihlI vfr iksy kMpnI dy aDIn afAuNdf hY qy ies qrHfˆ ieh ivÈv mMzI nfl juVdf hY. pMjfbI BfÈf qy sfihq vI vpfrk nËrfˆ qoN vyKy jfx lwgy aqy aMgryËfˆ ny hr pwK ivc afpxy munfPy leI pMjfbIaq dI vrqoN kIqI. pwCm nfl sumyl dOrfn nvfˆ sfihq qy nvIN BfÈf aMgryËI df bolbflf hox lwgf. BfÈf nIqI aijhI bxfeI geI ik ibRitÈ rfj dy aDIn aijhy lok afAux jo vyKx nUM BfrqI pr akloN aMgryË hox. ies leI aMgryËfˆ ny pMjfbIafˆ nUM nOkrIafˆ idwqIafˆ pr Auh kdy nhIN cfhuMdy sn ik ieQoN dy vwK-vwK Drmfˆ, BfeIcfirafˆ dy lok iekwTy hox. ies leI brqfnvI bsqIvfd ny ‘pfVo qy rfj kro` dI nIqI qihq BfÈf nUM Drm nfl joVn dy koJy Xqn kIqy qfˆ jo lok vMzy rihx aqy afps ivc hI lVdy rihx. pMjfbI pihlfˆ gurduafirafˆ, zyirafˆ afid ivc pVHfeI jfˆdI rhI qy iPr aMgryËfˆ ny jgIrdfrfˆ nUM
The Patrika
pMjfbI BfÈf dI smwisaf df ipCokV
inwjI sMsQfvfˆ KolHx dI iejfËq idwqI qfˆ aMgryËfˆ dy pwK ivc iek mwD vrg jmfq hoNd ivc afAuNdI hY qy ies jmfq ivc vwKrI rfjnIqI qy Drm Pisaf hoieaf sI qy aMgryË ieh nhIN cfhuMdy sn ik iswK, ihMdU qy musilm iek hox. iesy qrHfˆ hI nvIˆ rfjnIqI/BfÈf dI rfjnIqI-ho N d ivc afAuNdI hY. ihMdUafˆ dI ihMdI, muslmfnfˆ dI PfrsI qy iswKfˆ nUM pMjfbI BfÈf dy sOVI vMz ivc vMz idwqf igaf. isMG sBf vfilafˆ ny iswK sMsQfvfˆ , afrIaf smfjIafˆ ny zI[ey[vI[ sMsQfvfˆ qy muslmfnfˆ ny ieslfimk sMsQfvfˆ KolHIafˆ pr ies sB nfl jo pihlfˆ iek sn, hux vMzy gey. 1947 ivc Bfrq dI vMz huMdI hY qfˆ ihMdusqfn qy pfiksqfn hoNd ivc afAuNdy hn. ies nfl iekwlI ËmIn dI hI vMz nhIN hoeI blik BfÈfvfˆ, swiBafcfrfˆ, loksmUhfˆ qy pCfxfˆ dI vI vMz hoeI. ies smyˆ pihlI vfr pMjfbI BfÈf qy smuwcI pMjfbIaq nUM vMz idwqf jfˆdf hY qy ies nfl sfihq vI vMizaf jfˆdf hY. ies qrHfˆ pMjfbI ihMdUafˆ, muslmfnfˆ qy iswKfˆ dI BfÈf dI bjfey kyvl iswKfˆ dI BfÈf bx ky rih jfˆdI hY. iesy hI smwisaf ivcoN pMjfbI sUby dI rfjnIqI hoNd ivc afAuNdI hY qy mfstr qfrf isMG hurfˆ dI agvfeI ivc rfjnIqk pd qy gwdIafˆ dI pRfpqI leI keI Gol lVy jfˆdy hn jo agfˆh jf ky iPrkU rMgq ivc Kfilsqfn dI mMg rfhIN hor pRcMz huMdy hn. BfÈf dI rfjnIqI ivc Drm aqy Kyqrvfd ny KUb BUimkf inBfeI hY. ‘Bfrq dy vwKry-vwKry ihwisafˆ ivc AuTIafˆ rfjsI lihrfˆ ny jy BfÈf nfl juVy msilafˆ jfˆ iPrikafˆ leI vwKrI DrqI jfˆ dyÈ dI gwl kIqI hY qfˆ Auh lihrfˆ dy krqf-Drqf aqy AunHfˆ lihrfˆ dy sMcflk swqf pRfpqI dI hoV dy vDyry cfhvfn sn. BfÈf dy nfˆ Aupr hox vflI isafsq sfDfrn mnuwK dI ibhqrI dy sMklp dI DfrnI nhIN sI. ies dy Ault afriQk sMpMn lokfˆ dI swqf pRfpqI dI lVfeI sI. pMjfb ivc cwlI lihr ny pMjfbI BfÈf df afp hI nuksfn kIqf hY. iesy df lfhf lY ky kyˆdr srkfr ny ihmfcl, hirafxf, rfjsQfn qy jMmU dy pMjfbI boldy ielfikafˆ nUM pMjfb qoN vwK kr idwqf aqy hux ivÈfl pMjfb dI jgHf iek inwkI ijhI ‘pMjfbI` df CuxCuxf hwQ rih igaf hY jo Cxkx jogf vI nhIN hY. Boly-Bfly pMjfbIafˆ df vot bYˆk hiQafAux leI kyˆdr qy rfj swqf ny cflfˆ KyzIafˆ hn qy pMjfbI BfÈf dI ibhqrI Bfldy pMjfbIafˆ nUM burkI pfeI hY. kfˆgrs srkfr ny 1962 ‘c pMjfbIafˆ nUM pMjfbI ivÈvividaflf idwqf qfˆ jo pMjfbIafˆ df vot hfsl kIqf jf sky. ies qrHfˆ hI mihkmf pM j fbI (BfÈf ivBfg pM j fb, pitaflf) qy hor sMsQfvfˆ sOVI rfjnIqI
ivco N bxIafˆ , ijnH f ˆ df hÈr srkfrI byiDafnI kfrn awj bVf Ksqf hoieaf ipaf hY qy ieh sB adfry jo cogy vjoN idwqy gey sn, bMd hox iknfry hn qfˆ pMjfbI dy ivkfs dI gwl krnf qfˆ ienHfˆ dy vs nhIN irhf. ies dy nfl hI ‘hrI kRfˆqI` df rOlf pY jfˆdf hY qy ËmInI suDfrfˆ df aKOqI islislf sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. iksfnfˆ nUM KyqIbfVI mÈInrI qy ËihrIlIafˆ dvfeIafˆ krËy Aupr idwqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn qy ies qrHfˆ Cotf iksfn hor grIb huMdf igaf qy DnfZ hor DnfZ. ies muhfË ivc jo DnfZ qy jgIrdfr vrg AuiTaf Aus ny Èihr dy vpfr ivc rucI lYxI sLurU kIqI qy pUMjIpqIafˆ nfl sOdy kIqy. awj dy swqfDfrI Ausy vrg ivc afAuNdy hn. dUjy pfsy vwzf ikrqI qy byËmInf vrg vI bxdf igaf qy awj pMjfb ivc krIb 30 PIsdI lokfˆ kol cwpf vI ËmIn nhIN hY. ‘hrI kRfˆqI` dI hoV ivc Coty iksfn kriËafˆ kfrn Kyq mËdUrfˆ ivc qbdIl ho gey qy idhfVIafˆ krn lwgy qy jo pihlfˆ hI idhfVIdfr sn AunHfˆ dI iËMdgI ivc bVy vwzy sMkt afey. krËy df boJ ieMnf vD igaf ik kyvl ipCly do ku dhfikafˆ ivc hI ZfeI lwK iksfn-mËdUr afriQk qMgI kfrn KudkuÈI kr gey hn. ies sB kuJ ny BfÈf dy msly Aupr vI burf asr pfieaf hY. DnfZ iËmIˆdfrfˆ ny swqfDfrIafˆ qy pUMjIpqIafˆ nfl iml ky motIafˆ kmfeIafˆ kIqIafˆ qy Coty iksfnfˆ dIafˆ ËmInfˆ KrId ky Koh leIafˆ qy vwzy Èihrfˆ qy ivdyÈfˆ ivc pUMjI invyÈ kIqf. Coty ipMzfˆ ivc jo bcyKucy rih rhy hn AunHfˆ ivc bhuqy qfˆ grIb qy Coty iksfn hI hn. 1991 qoN bfad kfˆgrs srkfr ny ivÈvIkrn, AudfrIkrn, sMsfrIkrn dIafˆ lok-mfrU nIqIafˆ bVI qyËI nfl lfgU kIqIafˆ, ijs nfl hr adfry df injIkrn hoxf qYa hoieaf qy awj iswiKaf dy Kyqr (ijs df iswDf sbMD BfÈf nfl juVdf hY) ivc vwzI qbdIlI ilafˆdI. sfl 2014 dy aMkiVafˆ anusfr do-iqhfeI ihwsf iswiKaf sMsQfvfˆ inwjI aqy kyvl iek iqhfeI ihwsf hI srkfrI rih geIafˆ hn qy 20ivafˆ dy dhfky ivc qfˆ srkfrI iswiKaf df mfVf hfl ho jfvygf. ies dy nfl hI ijhVy ividafrQI srkfrI sMsQfvfˆ ivc pVHdy vI hn, AunHfˆ ivc dilqfˆ, mËdUrfˆ, ikrqIafˆ, Coty iksfnfˆ dy bwcy hn. amIrfˆ qy mwD sLRyxI dy bwcy qfˆ inwjI sMsQfvfˆ ivc pVHdy hn ijQy pMjfbI mfiDam ivc pVHfeI nhIN huMdI qy ivÈy vI hor huMdy hn pr srkfrI sMsQfvfˆ ivc pMjfbI mfiDam ivc pVHfeI huMdI hY qy hfkm iDr mfq-BfÈf pRqI afpxI JUTI hmdrdI ivKfAux leI hr styj Aupr afpxy dfavy krdI hY ik Auh pMjfbI BfÈf dy pRcfr qy pRsfr leI bhuq kuJ kr rhI hY. jdik qwQ ieh dwsdy
PAGE 39 iekbfl somIaf hn pMjfbI kyvl grIbfˆ dI BfÈf bx ky rih geI hY qy kyvl srkfrI skUlfˆ qy sMsQfvfˆ qwk hI mihdUd hY. srkfrfˆ dIafˆ ivÈvIkrn qy inwjIkrn dIafˆ nIqIafˆ ny pUMjIpqIafˆ qy jgIrdfrfˆ nUM inwjI sMsQfvfˆ KolHx dI KuwlH idwqI, ijs ivc rfjsI afgUafˆ qy AunHfˆ dy irÈqydfrfˆ dI vwzI BfeIvflI huMdI hY. ienHfˆ sMsQfvfˆ ivc lgfqfr vfDf ho irhf hY qy srkfrI ividak adfry bMd kIqy jf rhy hn. ienHfˆ inwjI skUlfˆ, kfljfˆ qy ivÈvividafilafˆ ivc pMjfbI BfÈf nUM qrjIh nhIN idwqI jfˆdI aqy ienHfˆ ivc kyvl amIrËfidafˆ dy kfkykfkIafˆ hI pVHdy hn. ivigafn, qknIk, mkY n kI, zfktrI, kfnU M n afid vrgy iviÈafˆ dy AuWc kors kyvl amIrËfidafˆ qwk hI sImq kr idwqy gey hn. klfvfˆ dy ivÈy srkfrI sMsQfvfˆ dy grIb ividafrQIafˆ dI JolI pfey jf rhy hn ijwQy ividaf df mfiDam pMjfbI hY qy ienHfˆ ividafrQIafˆ nUM hor BfÈfvfˆ df igafn hfsl krn df mOkf nhIN imldf jdik AunHfˆ nUM vI mfq-BfÈf dy nfl-nfl hor BfÈfvfˆ ivc igafn hfsl krn df hwk hoxf cfhIdf hY. so ies nIqI kfrn pMjfbI kyvl grIbfˆ dI BfÈf bxdI jf rhI hY qy afAuNdy simafˆ ivwc ies dy bolx vfly kyvl hyTly pwDr dy grIb hI rih jfxgy qy ieh vrqfrf BfÈf dy nfl-nfl bfkI sB vrqfirafˆ nUM vI Kfqmy vwl lY jfvygf, ijs ivwc siBafcfr qy sfihq vI Èfml hY. jy siQqI ieh hY ik Bfrq dy 84 kroV lok grIbI ryKf qoN vI hyTfˆ rih rhy hox qfˆ BfÈf qy siBafcfr dI iPkr krn dI bjfey Auh rfq dI rotI df iPkr hI krngy. AunHfˆ leI iksy BfÈf df, iks siBafcfr df koeI mqlb nhIN rih jfˆdf pr BfÈf nfl mnuwK dI pCfx qy hoNd juVI huMdI hY qy ies ny Aus ivwc axK, cyqnf, jËbf qy joÈ Brnf huMdf hY. smfj ivwc jo BfÈf smfj, vpfr qy rfjnIqI dI hovygI AuhI vDy-PuwlygI qy jykr swqfDfrIafˆ dy iËhn hI iPrkfpRsq qy nPqr dy rMg nfl rMgy hox qfˆ iPr Aus smfj jfˆ dy È dIafˆ ivlw K xqfvfˆ qy iBMnqfvfˆ nUM Kqrf qfˆ hoxf hI hY. mOjUdf srkfr ny BfÈfvfˆ, sfihq qy siBafcfrfˆ dy mMzIkrn krn leI nvyˆ kimÈn qy kmytIafˆ ibTfAuxIafˆ sLurU kr idwqIafˆ hn qy ienHfˆ dIafˆ nIqIafˆ bsqIvfdI aMgryËfˆ dIafˆ nIqIafˆ qoN kdy vI vwKrIafˆ nhIN hoxgIafˆ. awj dIafˆ iswiKaf nIqIafˆ vI aMgryËI rfj dIafˆ nIqIafˆ df hI iÈkfr hn. srkfr afpxI iËMmyvfrI qoN Bwj rhI hY aqy iswiKaf sMsQfvfˆ nUM inwjI hwQfˆ ivwc Tyky AuWpr dy rhI hY. ies hflq ivwc DVfDV inwjI XUnIvristIafˆ qy skUl KuwlH rhy hn, ijnHfˆ df mnÈf koeI smfijkPAGE 39
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The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
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Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
idwlI cwlo, nOn-stOp. PLlfeIts hux syl `qy. sfzy nvyN 787 zRImlfeInr `qy vYnkUvr qoN idwlI dI nOn-stOp Auzfx Bro. sfzy kol iqMn qrHF dI kYibn srivs dI cox, pMjfbI aqy ihMdI bolx vfly PLlfeIt atYNzYNt aqy ieMzIan Kfxy dI vDIaf cox hY; itktF buwk krn df ies qoN ibhqr mOkf hfly qwk kdI afieaf hI nhIN. itktF buwk krn leI`qy jfE jF afpxy trYvl eyjMt nfl sMprk kro.
vYnkUvr qoN idwlI vflIaF nOn-stOp PLlfeIts 8 apRYl, 2017 qwk hI cwlxgIaF.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Canada Also Experiencing Shift in Conservative Politic
ast month I wrote about the U.S. Presidential Election; more specifically, the fracturing that had been taking place within the Republican Party. Having taken the time to comment on what was taking place in the United States, I thought it only appropriate that this month I reflect on what is taking place within Canadian politics. More specifically, what is taking place within ‘conservative’ Canadian politics. During the last election I was, admittedly, troubled by the state of the Conservative Party. Though I have never held anything but a conservative membership (my first federal membership was as a teenager with the Canadian Alliance Party before they merged with the Progressive Conservatives in 2003 to form today’s Conservative Party of Canada), in recent years I have struggled. Now before I go any further, I should say that although I still identify as a conservative, over the past five or six years my political thinking has changed and I now find myself identifying more so as a progressive conservative. So what does that mean? It means that while I still believe strongly in core conservative principles – free enterprise, international trade, a strong national defense, local government, etc. – I also hold liberal (small “l”) views on social issues. For example, I have no problems with the legalization of marijuana, and I am honored to be attending my first gay wedding next summer. Though perhaps what I have just written is disturbing for some conservatives, I am delighted by the fact that they are now becoming the minority within the party. Indeed, over the past few years the Conservative Party of Canada was staring to feel a lot like the Republican Party (very, very right of center), and though there are still those elements within the party, more and more conservatives are taking an active role in reshaping the party’s narrative. Whether it be changes within the party’s very own constitution which now recognizes that marriage is between two people who are in love regardless of gender, to the example set by the Hon. Michelle Rempel who, just last month, championed a motion in the
FOR THE RECORD Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M. House regarding Yazidis refugees (a very different approach to immigration compared to Republican’s); the reality is that more and more conservatives are focusing on issues that truly matter. Indeed, from social justice, to the environment (our very own Abbotsford MP, the Hon. Ed Fast doing an excellent job as the Environment Critic), to immigration, the Conservative Party is turning a page – one that has progressives like me find very optimistic!
For the Record… Not too long ago I was meeting with a local Conservative MP. He introduced me to his staff as “this is the Justin we like… except for his hair… we all have to admit, the other Justin has much better hair.” We all chuckled, myself included, because let’s face it… Mr. Trudeau has great hair and I hardly have any. However, despite his good looks, charm, and international rockstar status, the question still remains – what good is a country with a popular Prime Minister, if our economy is being driven in to the ground? To that end – and further to the shift I have spoken about within this months column – it is my sincere hope that the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada not only fosters progressive values, but also has the charisma and depth so that we can enjoy the best of both worlds – a country of equality for all, and a strong economy to support it. Justin P. Goodrich is the Managing Partner of Alliance Public & Government Relations (
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
hfkm bKqVI vflf aqy dljIq kOr ny kYnyzf ivwc pfeIaF DuMmF pMjfbI do gfixaf dy supr stfr lok- gfiek joVI hfkm bKqVI vflf aqy dljIq kOr df sLoa lYNglI bYNkut hfl ivKy supr ihwt irhf| drsLkF nfl Kcf-Kc Bry hfl ivwc krIb pMj GMty cwly ies pRogRfm ny kYnyzf ivwc iek nvF ieqhfs isrj idwqf. ies mOky pMjfbI lok gIq mohdIp mfn, hrnIq nIqU, qy rxXoD hyar qy siqMdr iswDU ny vI afpxI klf dy jOhr ivKfey. ies mOky muwK mihmfn mYNbr pfrlImYNt suwK DflIvfl ny soaL dy pRbMDkF gurlfB isMG brfV, BuipMdr bwbI igwl, kulvMq isMG igwl, suKdIp isMG igwl, nirMdr sYxI, jgdyv isMG pMDyr nMU vDfeI idMidaF ikhf ik sfzy sWiBafcfr nMU cfr cMd lfAux vfly ieho ijhy pRogrfm kYnyzf dI DrqI qy lgfqfr krfey jfxy cfhIdy hn aqy sfry klfkfrF df snmfn kIqf.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
vwzy not nUM bMd krn dI Kyz bfry TIk gwl rfm jyTmlfnI kihMdf jfpdY jiqMdr pnUM
pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI afpxy dyÈ dy lokfˆ nUM jdoN kuJ Brosf dyvy qfˆ kIl ky rwK dyˆdf hY, pr aml ivwc gwl Auh nhIN huMdI, ijhVI lokfˆ nUM bxdI dwsI jfˆdI hY. Aus ny jdoN ikhf ik ivdyÈfˆ ivwc ipaf kflf Dn vfps ilafAuxf aqy hr nfgirk dy Kfqy ivwc iqMn-iqMn lwK rupey pf dyxy hn qfˆ lokfˆ ny Brosf kr ilaf sI. lok socdy sn ik kmfl df afdmI hY ik srkfr sMBflx qoN pihlfˆ hI aMkVy vI pqf kr ley hn ik kflf Dn kuwl ikMnf qy iks-iks dy Kfqy ivwc ikMnf-ikMnf pfAuxf hY, pr bfad ivwc afp hI pfrlImYˆt ivwc ieh vI mMn ilaf ik Bfrq df iks dyÈ ivwc ikMnf Dn ipaf hY, hfly qwk ieho gwl pqf nhIN. afrfm nfl lokfˆ nUM kih idwqf ik Auh gwl iewk cox jumlf sI, Aus nUM Bulf idE. iPr Auh kuJ hor jumly Cwzx lwg ipaf. hux Aus ny awT nvMbr nUM iewk ÈoÈf Cwz idwqf ik Bfrq dy vwzy krMsI not bMd krny hn aqy ies leI krny hn ik ijnHfˆ kol kflf Dn hY, Auh vwzy notfˆ ivwc rwKdy hn. nfl ieh kih idwqf ik hux pMj sO dy not dI Qfˆ pMj sO df nvfˆ not qy iewk hËfr vfly not dI Qfˆ do hËfr dy not bxvf ky clfvfˆgy. ijnHfˆ corfˆ ny iewk hËfr dy notfˆ ivwc kflf Dn
rwiKaf hoieaf sI, AunHfˆ nUM do hËfr dy not nfl aiVwkf nhIN pYxf, sgoN awgoN leI kflf Dn rwKx dI sOK ho jfvygI. pihlfˆ iewk kroV df kflf Dn sfˆBx leI iewk lwK dIafˆ sO gwTIafˆ lukfAuxIafˆ pYˆdIafˆ hn, hux pMjfh gwTIafˆ lukfAux nfl kMm sr jfxf hY. kihx qoN Bfv ieh ik iewk kroV vfly purfxy bksy ivwc hux do kroV rupey kflf Dn rwiKaf jf skygf. bYˆk dy lfkrfˆ ivwc vI pihlfˆ nfloN duwgxy not lukfey jf skxgy. nirMdr modI ny aYlfn kIqf sI ik Auh kfly Dn vfly lokfˆ nUM itkx nhIN dyxgy, pr AunHfˆ df ieh aYlfn afm afdmI leI musIbqfˆ lY ky afieaf. hr kMm ruikaf ipaf hY. ijnHfˆ ny DI dy ivafh leI pYlys buwk krvfieaf sI, ivafh df hor sfmfn vI lYxf sI, sB Qfˆ nvyˆ not jfˆ pihly Coty not mMgy jfx kfrn kuVwqx PYl rhI hY. iksy kfrobfr dy islisly ivwc jfˆ iksy qIrQ Xfqrf afid leI ijhVy lok ikqy gey sn, rfh ivwc AunHfˆ koloN sO aqy ies qoN Coty not muwk jfx ipwCoN ryl df sPr kridafˆ afpxy leI jfˆ afpxy bwicafˆ leI Kfxf KrIdx jogy pYsy nhIN bcy aqy pMj sO df not koeI lYˆdf nhIN. hspqflfˆ ivwc keI Qfˆ iksy mrIË df ielfj krn leI jfˆ mOq ho
jfx dy bfad lfÈ cuwkx vyly nvyˆ not leI aiVwkf pY igaf aqy afm lokfˆ nUM afpo ivwc AugrfhI kr ky pIVq prvfr dI mdd krnI peI hY. bYˆkfˆ dy bfhr lwgIafˆ hoeIafˆ lfeInfˆ nUM pRDfn mMqrI ny iewk BfÈx dOrfn kfly Dn vfly lokfˆ dI BIV vI kih idwqf. iksy bYˆk awgy koeI vwzf pUMjIpqI pYsy lYx nUM KVf idKfeI nhIN idwqf, afm lokfˆ dI BIV huMdI hY. pfrlImYˆt mYˆbr vI EQy nhIN sI afey. AunHfˆ dy kirMdy af ky eynf kMm kr gey hoxgy qy AunHfˆ dy afpxy Kfqy ivwc ieMtrI vI nhIN hoeI hovygI. do ivÈyÈ hsqIafˆ dI ies dOrfn lfeIn ivwc lwgx dI Poto lokfˆ ny vyKI hY. iewk qfˆ rfhul gfˆDI ny idwlI qy muMbeI ivwc ey tI aYYWm mÈIn ivwcoN pYsy kZvfAux dy bhfny lokfˆ dI BIV ivwc phuMc ky srkfr dI BMzI kIqI hY. Bfjpf dy bulfry itwpxI krdy suxfeI idwqy ik awgy kdy rfhul gfˆDI ey tI aYWm mÈIn qwk jfˆdf idKfeI nhIN idwqf, hux Auh isrP rfjnIqI krn igaf hY, qfˆ ik dyÈ dy lokfˆ nUM vrglfieaf jf sky. dUsrI ivÈyÈ hsqI pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI dI mfqf hIrf byn iksy bYˆk dy drvfËy AuWqy purfxy not qbdIl
krvfAux geI sI. isrP cfr hËfr rupey dy purfxy not bdlx leI pRDfn mMqrI dI mfqf nUM bYˆk jfx dI loV nhIN sI, pihlfˆ vI kdy nhIN sI geI. Aumr dy ies afrfm krn dy pVfa AuWqy Aus df bYˆk jfxf vI rfhul gfˆDI dI jn sMprk muihMm vfˆg hI hY. eynI ssqy pwDr dI mÈhUrI Kwtx leI Aus pRDfn mMqrI modI dI mfqf ies mOky Kud
Friday, November 25th, 2016
cwl ky bYˆk geI, ijhVf kihMdf hY ik Aus ny dyÈ dI syvf krn leI afpxf prvfr Cwz idwqf hY. prvfr Cwz idwqf hY qfˆ isrP cfr hËfr rupey dy not bdlx leI pRDfn mMqrI dI mfqf df bYˆk jfxf mIzIey ivwc ies qrHfˆ pyÈ krn dI kI loV sI, ies dI afm lokfˆ nUM smJ nhIN af skI. rih geI gwl ies dyÈ ivwc notfˆ nUM bMd krn aqy ies nfl kflf Dn bfhr kZvf lYx dI, ieh qmfÈf pihlfˆ vI ho cuwkf hY. dUsrI sMsfr jMg qoN bfad jdoN ieh vyiKaf ik dyÈ afËfd hox lwgf hY qfˆ ijhVy vwzy BfrqI syT rfqo-rfq KuwlH ky afËfdI lihr dy pwK ivwc KVy hox lwg pey aqy aMgryËfˆ df KfDf nmk Buwlx lwgy sn, ibRitÈ hfkmfˆ ny vI AunHfˆ nUM Jtkf idwqf sI. afËfdI dyx qoN zyZ sfl pihlfˆ AunHfˆ ny iewk hËfr aqy ds hËfr rupey dy not bMd kr idwqy sn. ieh AunHfˆ lokfˆ leI vwzf Jtkf sI, ijnHfˆ ny sMsfr jMg dy dOrfn aMgryËfˆ dI ikRpf nfl jMgI Tyky ley qy motf mfl kmfieaf sI. muwZly sflfˆ ivwc pMizq nihrU nUM bVf iemfndfr ikhf jfˆdf sI. Aus ny afpxy rfj dy swqvyˆ sfl ivwc aMgryËfˆ dy bMd kIqy dovyˆ vwzy notfˆ dy ivcfly iewk pMj hËfr vflf not clf idwqf sI. kflf Dn sfˆBx df vsIlf dwsy jfˆdy ieh iqMny not iPr morfrjI izsfeI dy rfj dOrfn bMd kIqy gey sn, pr swq sfl ipwCoN rfjIv gfˆDI ny iPr pMj sO df not cflU kr idwqf qy qyrfˆ sfl bfad Bfjpf dy atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI dI srkfr vyly iewk hËfr df not bfËfr ivwc af igaf sI. hux af ky nirMdr modI ny rfjIv gfˆDI qy vfjpfeI dovfˆ dI clfeI krMsI bMd kr ky jdoN ieh gwl khI hY ik ieh not isrP kfly Dn vfilafˆ dy kMm afAuNdy hn qfˆ ies df ieh vI mqlb hY ik corfˆ nUM kflf Dn joVn df mOkf rfjIv gfˆDI qy atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI dovfˆ ny idwqf sI. svfl ieh AuWTdf hY ik kI hux vflI srkfr ivwc AunHfˆ corfˆ nfl sfˆJ rwKx vflf koeI nhIN rih igaf? Bfjpf df icrfˆ df sfQI, keI vfrI rfj sBf ivwc ies pfrtI dI pRqIinDqf kr cuwkf qy kyˆdr df kfnUMn mMqrI rih cuwkf sInIar vkIl rfm jyTmlfnI kihMdf hY ik corfˆ dy prdy Zwkx
The Patrika
leI ieh kdm cuwikaf igaf hY. ieh vwzy cor kOx hn? AunHfˆ ivwcoN ikMny lokfˆ nUM modI rfj ivwc hwQ pfieaf igaf, ieh Kbr kdy suxI nhIN geI. pRDfn mMqrI kih irhf hY ik srkfr dy vwzy aPsr qy afgU idwlI ivwc rihMdy hn qy goaf afid ivwc iksy hor dy nfˆa AuWqy bMgilafˆ qy hotlfˆ dy mflk hn. ieh gwl jdoN pqf hY qfˆ AunHfˆ AuWqy kfrvfeI hoxI cfhIdI hY. CwbI meI 2014 nUM shuM cuwk ky dyÈ dI kmfn sMBflx vflI nirMdr modI srkfr ies CwbI nvMbr nUM afpxI awDI imafd lMGf lvygI, pr AunHfˆ bynfmI jfiedfdfˆ vfly aPsrfˆ aqy afgUafˆ iKlfP koeI kfrvfeI hoeI nhIN suxI geI. jdoN krn lwgxgy qfˆ pihlfˆ afpxy nyVly Psx df zr hY. ies suwkrvfr mhfrfÈtr ivwc Bfjpf dI srkfr dy koafpryitv mihkmy dy mMqrI aqy sInIar Bfjpf afgU dI kfr ivwcoN bfnvyˆ lwK rupey PVy jfx dI Kbr afeI hY. do idn pihlfˆ cMzIgVoNˆ afAuNdI iewk kfr nUM puls ny PiVaf qfˆ Aus ivwcoN kfPI motI rkm purfxy bMd hoey not imly hn aqy Aus kfr dy svfrfˆ ny ikhf ik Auh huiÈafrpur dy iksy vwzy Bfjpf nyqf qoN ieh not bdlvfAux jf rhy sn. ies ipwCoN kI hoieaf, ieh gwl koeI nhIN jfx sikaf. ies qrHfˆ dy ikwsy ies dyÈ ivwc axigxq iml skdy hn. Bfrq dI rfjnIqI ivwc duwD-Doqf koeI afgU lwBxf aOKf hY. sfnUM iewk gwl keI vfrI cyqy af jfˆdI hY ik idwlI qoN iewk nyqf ny jdoN aMimRqsr qoN pfrlImYˆt cox lVnI sI, Aus nUM hvfeI awzy qoN iswDf iewk isafsI mIitMg ivwc iljfieaf igaf sI aqy Aus dy sfmfn ivwc iewk vwzf bYg sI. bYTk muwkx qwk Auh bYg guMm ho igaf qy iPr lwBf hI nhIN qy mfmlf kfPI moty mfl df dwisaf igaf sI. ies bfry aKbfrfˆ ivwc kuJ Kbrfˆ afeIafˆ qy iPr cuwp vwt geI. do BfeIvfl pfrtIafˆ dy afgU iewk dUsry vwl ieÈfry krdy rhy sn. Aus bYg bfry awj qwk pqf nhIN lwg sikaf. Èfied rfm jyTmlfnI TIk afKdf hY ik vwzy not bMd kr ky Aus nfloN vwzy not cflU krn dy nfl ieh kihxf ik kfly Dn AuWqy cot kIqI hY, ies qoN vwzf mËfk koeI nhIN ho skdf.
sLok smfcfr bVy duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq jFdf hY ik srdfrnI pRIqm kor Prvfhf supqnI svrgvfsI s: gurcrn isMG Prvfhf ipClf ipMz gurfieaf ijlf jlMDr afpxI 87 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky 21 nvMbr 2016 nMU sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey hn. AunHF df aMiqm sskfr 26 nvMbr 2016 idn sincrvfr 10:30 vjy PryjLr irvr PIAUnrl hom 2061 irvr sfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf. AunHF nimwq aMiqm ardfs 12:30 vjy imsLn guriswK sosfeItI 32086 lohIz hfeIvy imsLn ivwc hovygI. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: jsbIr isMG Prvfhf: 778-878-4770, lKbIr isMG Prvfhf: 778-5526895, jF mnjIq Prvfhf: 604-240-2625
The Patrika
Workers Wanted
Class 1 truck driver required to transport loads for our company. The loads are for USA (CA). Experience in trucking industry will be preferred. Knowledge of English is must and Knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Drivers abstract and drug test required. Send resume to, 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2
Farm workers wanted for M&G Brothers Farms Ltd, $10.85/Hr., must be hard working, energetic & willing to work in all weather conditions. Duties include: planting, weeding, harvesting and packing of berries, 50-60 hrs/wk starting in April and ending in October. Send resumes to: 143 MT. Lehman Road, Abbotsford, BC, V4X 2L5
zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-5400 jF 604825-3508
• Positions available in Warehouse, Packing and Slicing • 40 hrs per week • Lifting Bending Involved • Clean Indoor environment Drop of your resume at 28265- 58th Ave, Abbotsford Or Call: 778-323-7727, 604-856-9833
Farm Workers Needed Farm Workers Needed for MSB Farm Ltd. 5331 Riverside Street, Matsqui, BC, V4X 3R2. General farm duties include berry picking, cultivating, irrigation, cleaning, harvesting. Up to 50 hours/ week. Wages are $10.85 per hour. No education is required; knowledge of English and farm work experience will be assets. For more information, Call : 604820-1124 or Fax: 604-557-0774 or e-mail:
kfimaF dI loV lMbr imwl ivwc lMbr stYikMg krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh, kM m iclfvY k ivw c ho v y g f| ho r jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-8663923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228 Suman's is Hiring
We are looking for a new team member for our growing business. Need a hairdresser or aesthetician with experience in Threading and waxing .. experience in India will be considered as well . Email your resume or call 604-850-1376 or 604-8974035 Sumansbeauty@gmail. comEmployment cont'd
Employment cont'd
Truck Driver Wanted
kfimaF dI loV
Avina Fresh Mushrooms is looking for Full Time Workers
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Caregiver Needed Wanted a full-time Caregiver, to take care of two children 8 &11 years old. Both parents are working. Must be able to speak and read English. Wages $12 per hour. Location, Abbotsford, Contact: , Ph: 604-758-1614 & 778-552-2214
Caregiver Wanted Wanted a full-time caregiver, to take care of two children 7&8 years old. Both parents are working. Must be able to speak and read English. . Salary $12 per hour. Location Abbotsford. Contact 604-557-6773 & 778-345-5046
Wanted Caregiver / Nanny Wanted a full time -caregiver, to take care of two boys 6 & 3 years old. Both parents working. Must be able to speak and read English. Salary $12/ hr. Location: Abbotsford Contact: 778-345-6410 or Email: Delivery Driver & Labourer Needed for Door Company
heavy lifting involved, $12 - $14 based on experience, benefits offered, drop resume off at Project Doors, 2592 Mt. Lehman Rd, Abbotsford or Fax resume to 604-557-9420 or Email resume to
Employment cont'd vrkr dI loV aYbtsPor ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf ku w k hY l pr, ikcn hY l pr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| Pon : 778-878-4723 (dupihr 12 vjy qoN bfad)
aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604-615-9877
Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge
Epl`ieMs irpyEr E pl`ieMs
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal
Workers Wanted Jarnail Maan
kfimaF dI loV hY • Fax 604-850-9308
The Patrika
Pysbuwk: nvfˆ mfnisk rog Pysbuwk df ÈbdI arQ qfˆ ikqfbI ichrf ho skdf hY, pr ies dI kfZ kwZx vfly ny pqf nhIN kI soc ky ies Guxqr df nfˆ Pysbuwk rwiKaf hovygf. hux ieh iewk ibmfrI vfˆg sB nUM icMbV igaf hY. 10-11 sfl df bwcf vI afpxI Pysbuwk df Kfqf KolHI bYTf hY qy 90-95 sfl df ivakqI vI ies dI vrqoN krdf hY. ijs ivakqI nUM koeI puwCdf nhIN sI, byrfˆ vwty nhIN sI isafxdf, Aus leI ieh soÈl mIzIaf vrdfn sI. afpxI mrËI nfl Auh afpxIafˆ jfxkfrIafˆ jfˆ AuplwbDIafˆ Pysbuwk rfhIN dUijafˆ nfl sfˆJIafˆ kr skdf sI. pr ho kI irhf hY…? skUloN pVH ky afey bwcy rotI Kfx jfˆ cfh-pfxI pIx qoN pihlfˆ afpxy mobfeIlfˆ vwl Bwjdy hn. ikMinafˆ ny PrYˆz irkuaYstfˆ pfeIafˆ, ikMinafˆ ny lfeIk kIqf, ikMinafˆ ny kmYˆts kIqy? pihlfˆ lfeIk dI gwl hI krIey. iewk Pysbuwk Kfqy vflf afpxf duwK sfˆJf krdf hY. durGtnf ivwc lwq tuwt geI, hspqfl ivwc ipaf hfˆ. Poto vI icpkfAuNdf hY. plwsqr lwigaf, ichrf duKI hY. Aus nUM ‘lfeIk` kIqf jf irhf hY DVfDV. hor hY, koeI nOjvfn puwqr mfiraf igaf. sfrf pirvfr kIrny pfeI jfˆdf hY. Aus nUM ‘lfeIk` kIqf jf irhf hY. Pysbuwk dy sMcflk vpfrI qfˆ hn hI. afpxy hr PAGE 48
KfqfDfrk nUM svyry ‘guwz mfrinMg` afKx lwg pey hn. KfqfDfrk vI iewk sfl, do sfl, cfr sfl dI purfxI ‘mYmrI` pfAux lwg pey hn. bMdf hYrfn ho jfˆdf hY, ieh qfˆ mYˆ Buwl hI igaf sI, KuÈ huMdf hY. jy KfqfDfrk KuÈiksmqI nfl lyKk hY, sfihqk hlikafˆ ‘c koeI bhuqI puwC-dws nhIN, cMgf rsflf Aus dI ‘bhumuwlI` rcnf nUM Cfpdf nhIN qfˆ Pysbuwk ‘qy Auh afpxI BVfs kwZ lYˆdf hY. hr roË kdy koeI itwpxI, kdy koeI gLËl, kdy koeI iÈar Auh Pysbuwk ‘qy Qopdf rihMdf hY. jy hfËrI lfAux leI kuJ vI nhIN huMdf qfˆ pwg bMnH ky jfˆ iqafr huMdy dI Poto Pysbuwk ‘qy icpkf ky kumYˆt krdf hY:` awj mYˆ lHoZUvfl cwilafˆ AuWQy imlfˆgy,` ijvyˆ bfdl sfihb igwdVbfhy sMgq drÈn krn jf rhy hox. koeI lyKk eyarport ‘qy hYˆzbYg moZy pfeI qsvIr Byjdf hY: ‘torfˆto leI Auzfn dI AuzIk ‘c….` koeI lyKk kihMdf hY: ‘dosqo! muafPL krnf awj qusIN myrI gLËl nhIN pVH skogy ikAuNik ipCly do idnfˆ qoN ishq TIk nhIN hY. kbË qoˆ bhuq duKI hfˆ.` Aus nUM vI ‘PrYˆz` ‘lfeIk` kr rhy hn. gwl ‘PrYˆz` dI af geI qfˆ afE PrYˆz bfry gwl kr leIey. bhuq pihlfˆ aMgryË sfnUM do Èbd dy gey sn: aMkl aqy afˆtI. vKryvfˆ krnf bVf aOKf hY: aMkl,
mfsV hY, PuwPV hY, cfcf hY jfˆ shurf hY. afˆtIafˆ vI ies Èbd qoN anyk vfr KPf hoeIafˆ hn jdoN AunHfˆ ‘coN koeI hYrfnI nfl puwCdI hY- ‘BfeI, mYˆ qYnUM afˆtI idwsdI hfˆ?` bulfAux vfly dI siQqI vI hfsohIxI bx jfˆdI hY, ikAuNik ipwCy BYx jfˆ sRImqI ivwcoN Èbd hI bcdy hn. hux Pysbuwk ny ieh JMjt vI mukf idwqf hY. iewko Èbd hY PrYˆz. kmfl dyKo, shury dI nUMh PrYˆz, dfdy dI poqI PrYˆz, pqI dI pqnI PrYˆz, Bfvyˆ hr roË Gr ‘c cfr vfr Bfˆzy KVkdy hox… qy ieAuN sB PrYˆz, PrYˆz, PrYˆz. iPr smwisaf iewk hor hY, isafsI bMidafˆ dy
Friday, November 25th, 2016
bldyv isMG (sVknfmf)
Pysbuwk bVI lot afeI hY. ivroDI iDr nUM puwTf-iswDf bolxf hovy, jlUs kwZxf hovy, Aus dy dwby murdy Prolxy hox qfˆ Pysbuwk df plytPfrm bVf kMm idMdf hY. ies ‘qy qsvIr pf idAu, vIzIE pf idAu, koeI rok-tok nhIN hY. lfeIk kro, kumYˆt kro jfˆ Èyar kro quhfzI mrËI. iPr PrYˆzfˆ qoN awgy dysIˆ dosqIafˆ vDdIafˆ hn, cYitMg sLurU huMdI hY, iPr imlxIafˆ dI sMBfvnf bxdI hY qy iPr keI vfr qoiqafˆ dy CwlIafˆ cUMzx qoN bfad hI akl afAuNdI hY. so imwqro, awj ieMnf ku hI lfeIk kro, kmYˆt kro jfˆ Èyar kro. imldy rhfˆgy. ˆ
Friday, November 25th, 2016
The Patrika
akflI AumIdvfrfˆ dI sUcI dy sMkyq afgfmI ivDfn sBf coxfˆ leI swqfDfrI akflI-Bfjpf gwTjoV dI pRmuwK BfeIvfl pfrtI sLRomxI akflI dl vwloN jfrI kIqI geI 69 AumIdvfrfˆ dI sUcI keI sMkyq dy rhI hY. akflI dl dy afpxy ihwsy dIafˆ kuwl 94 sItfˆ ivwcoN 25 AuWqy nfvfˆ df aYlfn hI bfkI rih igaf hY. ajy qwk AumIdvfr nf aYlfny jfx vfilafˆ ivwc muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl qoN ielfvf akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr isMG bfdl aqy iesqrI akflI dl dI pRDfn bIbI jgIr kO r vI Èfiml hn. sU c I ivw c jfqIgq aqy Dfrimk sMquln bxfAux dI koiÈÈ vjoN nON AumIdvfr mjHbI/bflmIkI, 10 rvIdfsIaf qy afidDrmI, Cy ihMdU, do rfmgVHIaf aqy iewk iewk kMboj qy guwjr BfeIcfry dy AumIdvfrfˆ nUM itkt idwqI geI hY. kfˆgrs aqy bspf smyq horfˆ pfrtIafˆ ivwcoN afey afgUafˆ aqy pfrtI dy vwzy nyqfvfˆ dy PrËMdfˆ nUM AumIdvfr bxfAux smyq 19 nvyˆ ichirafˆ nUM mYdfn ivwc Auqfiraf igaf hY. pMj mOjUdf ivDfiekfˆ dy itkt kwt ky aqy awDI drjn dy hlky qbdIl krnf swqf ivroDI Bfvnfvfˆ nUM Èfˆq krn dI rxnIqI df ihwsf mMinaf jf irhf hY. ies qoN ieh sMkyq imlxf suBfivk hY ik pfrtI hfeIkmfn mMqrIafˆ aqy bfdl
pirvfr dy nyVly irÈqydfrfˆ aqy jnrl vrg nfl sbMiDq afgUafˆ iKlfPL swqf ivroDI Bfvnfvfˆ nUM svIkfrn leI hfly iqafr nhIN hY. srvn isMG iPlOr dI itkt kwtx ipwCy Aus dy byty df nfˆ nÈf qskrI dy mfmly ivwc bolxf mMinaf jf irhf hY. muwK sMsdI skwqr aivnfÈ cMdr vI iesy mfr hyT afey jfpdy hn pr, ibkrm isMG mjITIaf dy mfmly ivwc ieh muwdf awKoN Auhly kr idwqf igaf hY. ivwq mMqrI primMdr isMG ZIˆzsf nUM Aus dI iewCf anusfr sunfm dI bjfey lihrf qoN itkt idwqI geI jdoN ik bfkI sfry mMqrI afpxy purfxy hlikafˆ qoN cox lVngy. coxfˆ hfrn dy bfvjUd vwzy afgUafˆ nUM itkt dyx dI rvfieq kfiem rwKidafˆ ipClIafˆ coxfˆ ivwc hfrn vfly syvf isMG syKvfˆ, suwcf isMG lMgfh, inrml isMG kfhloN qy zf[ AuipMdrjIq kOr nUM vI itkt idwqI geI hY. sMsd mYˆbr pRym isMG cMdUmfjrf, rxjIq isMG bRhmpurf, blivMdr isMG BUMdV qy crnjIq isMG atvfl afid afgUafˆ dy puwqrfˆ nUM AumIdvfr bxf ky isafsq ivwc kunbfpRsqI dI brkrfrI puKqf rUp ivwc idKfeI dy rhI hY. kfˆgrs pfrtI ‘coN kuJ idn pihlfˆ hI akflI dl ivwc Èfiml hoey aqy nfBf qoN AumIdvfr aYlfny gey
kbIr dfs aqy krqfrpur qoN syT sqpfl mwl nUM itktfˆ dyx ipwCy zyrf bwlfˆ dy ÈrfDflUafˆ dIafˆ votfˆ BunfAux df mMqv mMinaf jf irhf hY. nfBf hlky nfl sbMiDq hlkf ieMcfrj mwKx lfl lflkf qy BdOV dy hlkf ieMcfrj drbfrf isMG gurU nUM vI nmoÈI JwlxI peI hY. bhujn smfj pfrtI ivwcoN dl ivwc ilafˆdy do AumIdvfr vI itkt hfsl krn ivwc kfmXfb rhy. kpUrQlf sIt qoN prmjIq isMG pMmf dI itkt iksy dilq nUM jnrl sIt qoN itkt dyx df invyklf Auprflf vrnxXog hY. aOrqfˆ dI ihwsydfrI ipClIafˆ coxfˆ qoN awgy nhIN vD skI. sfbkf sMsd mYˆbr bsMq isMG Kflsf dy byty ibkrmjIq isMG Kflsf dI itkt kwtx nfl jQydfr gurcrn isMG tOhVf dy smrQkfˆ nUM iknfry krn df pRBfv hor vI puKqf huMdf hY. ies qoN pihlfˆ krnYl isMG pMjolI nUM sLRomxI kmytI dI kfrjkfrnI ivwc nhIN sI ilaf igaf jdoN ik pitaflf idhfqI qoN dfavydfr tOhVf dI bytI kuldIp kOr pihlfˆ hI pfrtI Cwz ky afm afdmI pfrtI df pwlf PV cuwkI hY. iewQoN ipClI ivDfn sBf cox dOrfn bfgI cox lVy pulIs aPsr rxbIr isMG KtVf dy byty sqvIr
isMG KtVf nUM itkt nfl invfj idwqf igaf hY. ies sUcI dy aYlfn nfl akflI dl dy aMdr keI qrHfˆ dIafˆ afvfËfˆ AuWTx dI sMBfvnf qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. ieh dyKxf vI idlcssp rhygf ik kI nfrfË afgUafˆ nUM itkt dI jgHf pfrtIafˆ dy ahudy jfˆ ies smyˆ srkfrI pdvIafˆ Èfˆq krvf skxgIaF.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Punjabi Patrika celebrates 20th. Anniversary with a Food Drive
unjabi Patrika celebrated its 20th. Anniversary on November 3rd with a food drive for the Abbotsford Food Bank. We had a great turnout with our Mayor, Honourable Henry Braun leading the way with councillors, Sandy Blue, Wendy Falk,, Ross Siemens and Kelly Chahal also making their presence felt. Mark & Maureen Evered from UFV, Rick Rake from Mission Community Services, the President of Khalsa Diwan Society Mr. Mohinder Gill with a few members of his Board, Linda and Nicole from Mike de Jong’s office, Jeff Starchuk, Jason Lee, & Rupinder Kanda from RBC besides other dignitaries were also present. In a short spell of about 4 hours we were able to collect $1,600 cash and over 3 bins of various kinds of foodstuff which was donated to the Food Bank. Punjabi Patrika would like to thank all our sponsors:Shoppers Drugmart (Betty Desmone) Spice Kitchen Restaurant
Dairy Queen (Harmail Brar) Pita Pit (Chris) Congratulations to the winners of the Lucky Draw:Deepy Deol Sonia Chahal Dr. Shelly Khosla Dr. Darryl Plecas Balbir Gill Summer Giesbrecht Aman Sharma Gurpreet Saddher The management of Punjabi Patrika and staff would like to thank each and every one who participated with their contributions and time to help make this event a success
White Spot (Rod Cook GM)
Canada + India Connecting countries and cultures
Students at UFV’s Chandigarh campus, which recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary
With a UFV campus in Chandigarh, India, and the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies in Abbotsford, UFV’s proud connection with India continues to grow.
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
We Provide Services for Men, Women and Kids HAIR & BEAUTY SALON Thank you to all our valued customers with you support we completed 5 years in business
NOW Introducing Hydra Facial special offer $70.00 (reg $100.00) Follow Us on Instragram
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#3 2142 Clearbrook Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 2X2
The Patrika
Friday, November 25th, 2016
CARS 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2015 FORD 2015 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2016 FORD SUVS 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD
STOCK # FEG43943 FEG55551 FEG58470 FEG60538 FEG66142 FOF32054 FOF84751 FOG42135 FOG66686 FOG70553 FOG70554 FNH25303 FNH27856 FNH27857 FNH35459 FNH35460 FNH35461 FNH47949 FNH60562 FNH69133 FNH72956 FNH83325 MUG00860
EAH06499 EAH17306 EAH32999 EAH33000 EAH43614 EAH63866 EAH66906 EAH66908 EAH70277 EAH70278 EAH70279 EAH72560 EAH72564 EAH85906 EAH85907 EAH92158 EAH93191 EAH93192 EDG18688 EDG38820 EDG47425 EDG47426 EDG47427 EDG60738 EXH13886 EXH45195
$19,699 $20,849 $20,849 $20,149 $19,999 $23,064 $30,964 $30,999 $28,299 $22,549 $24,398 $27,888 $31,288 $44,288 $36,738 $28,738 $27,488 $34,788 $43,738 $44,038 $27,338 $27,338 $40,498 $32,839 $29,539 $31,589 $43,239 $29,389 $42,039 $29,389 $33,089 $41,539 $42,839 $42,639 $32,339 $42,339 $35,839 $36,389 $31,589 $39,789 $40,339 $44,589 $44,589 $56,189 $57,139 $57,689 $50,339 $58,639 $56,489
– $1,838 – $1,977 – $1,977 – $1,893 – $1,866 – $6,239 – $7,598 – $6,259 – $5,934 – $5,552 – $5,673 – $5,625 – $5,966 – $7,067 – $6,511 – $5,711 – $5,586 – $6,316 – $7,012 – $7,074 – $5,571 – $5,570 – $7,400 – $5,964 – $5,616 – $5,799 – $6,902 – $6,102 – $6,782 – $5,602 – $5,950 – $6,732 – $6,862 – $6,842 – $5,897 – $6,813 – $6,247 – $6,302 – $5,821 – $6,557 – $6,612 – $8,022 – $7,971 – $9,108 – $9,222 – $9,288 – $8,541 – $4,878 – $4,698
$17,861 $18,872 $18,872 $18,256 $18,133 $16,825 $23,366 $24,740 $22,365 $16,997 $18,725 $22,263 $25,322 $37,221 $30,227 $23,027 $21,902 $28,472 $36,726 $36,964 $21,767 $21,768 $33,098 $26,875 $23,923 $25,790 $36,337 $23,287 $35,257 $23,787 $27,139 $34,807 $35,977 $35,797 $26,442 $35,526 $29,592 $30,087 $25,768 $33,232 $33,727 $36,567 $36,618 $47,081 $47,917 $48,401 $41,798 $53,761 $51,791
2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD 2017 FORD TRUCKS 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD 2016 FORD
$56,389 $72,389 $74,589 $75,139
– $4,688 – $6,990 – $7,230 – $7,303
$51,701 $65,399 $67,359 $67,836
F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150 F-150
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– $14,364 – $12,216 – $12,566 – $13,515 – $15,102 – $15,102 – $14,268 – $13,894 – $13,684 – $13,684 – $14,691 – $13,797 – $13,825 – $15,108 – $14,320 – $13,372 – $13,372 – $13,372 – $13,888 – $13,108 – $13,794 – $13,830 – $13,614 – $13,614 – $13,614 – $13,668 – $13,614 – $13,614 – $13,768 – $13,750 – $13,810 – $12,464 – $15,034 – $13,656 – $13,710 – $13,560 – $13,480 – $15,465 – $13,216 – $13,266 – $14,310 – $12,513 – $12,746 – $12,513 – $13,429 – $13,656
$57,935 $27,583 $27,233 $40,884 $55,847 $55,847 $57,231 $41,155 $39,615 $39,615 $39,508 $40,452 $40,644 $63,391 $44,279 $37,327 $37,327 $37,327 $43,611 $35,391 $40,405 $43,169 $39,085 $39,085 $39,085 $39,481 $39,085 $39,085 $42,731 $42,599 $40,539 $27,335 $42,015 $41,893 $42,289 $38,689 $38,119 $55,164 $36,183 $36,558 $46,689 $28,786 $28,553 $28,786 $40,230 $41,893
EPH06626 EPH09268 EPH18393
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F1G89597 F1G89598 F1G89599 F1G89600 F1G89605 F1G91247 F1H03774 F1H03775 F1H03776 F1H03777 F1H16209 F1H16211 F1H16212 F1H16213 F1H16215 F1H16220 F2H43049 F3G06770 F3G06771 F3G06772 F3G06773 F3G06774 F3G06775 F3G06776 F3G18960 F3G18961 F3G18962 F3G18964 F3G18965 F3G34367 F3G34368 F3G34369 F3G34370 F3G34371 F3G34373 F3G34374 F3G34376 F3G34377 F3G43709 F3G43710 F3G77803 F3G77804 F3G77806 F3G77807 F3H12951 F3H31678 F3H43050 F3H49981 F3H66747
– $13,656 – $13,656 – $13,656 – $13,710 – $13,656 – $13,656 – $13,174 – $7,056 – $7,093 – $7,815 – $8,554 – $7,096 – $7,096 – $7,536 – $7,137 – $7,521 – $6,193 – $14,020 – $19,118 – $19,118 – $19,173 – $19,239 – $19,239 – $19,184 – $19,184 – $19,409 – $19,827 – $19,079 – $19,145 – $19,145 – $19,079 – $19,829 – $19,079 – $19,079 – $19,134 – $19,200 – $19,200 – $19,145 – $17,432 – $19,640 – $19,706 – $19,160 – $19,628 – $19,075 – $19,141 – $13,378 – $13,445 – $13,337 – $13,558 – $14,046
$41,893 $41,893 $41,893 $42,289 $41,893 $41,893 $38,375 $41,743 $42,081 $48,134 $55,595 $42,103 $42,103 $49,063 $42,037 $45,928 $35,106 $43,279 $62,341 $62,341 $62,746 $63,230 $63,230 $62,825 $62,825 $64,470 $67,537 $62,050 $62,534 $62,534 $62,050 $61,300 $62,050 $62,050 $62,455 $62,939 $62,939 $62,534 $49,967 $66,169 $66,653 $62,649 $66,081 $62,054 $62,538 $73,765 $74,373 $73,277 $75,391 $77,968
MON - THURS • 8:30AM - 8PM FRI & SAT • 8:30AM - 6PM SUN • CLOSED M I S S I O N
T H E F R A S E R VA L L E Y ’ S O N LY F O R D S U P E R S T O R E ! Prices are net of all possible Ford rebates and credits, including Bonus Cash, Non Stackable Cash, Winter Safety Cash and Accessory credit rebate (cash alternative). F-150 prices are not combinable with 0% financing. Some vehicles advertised do not qualify for 0% financing. Dealer may sell for less. Vehicles advertised are subject to prior sale. Offers only valid at MSA Ford Sales. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. All offers expire October 31st at 8:00 pm (PST).
Friday, November 25th, 2016
What is Fair Market Value? What is fair market value? When you are buying or selling a home, naturally, your most important concern is getting the best price. As a seller, you may have lived in your home for years. You have contributed towards the mortgage each month. You have maintained your home. And now, it is only right that you should reap the rewards of your efforts. As a buyer, you want to ensure you are paying fair value for a home. How then, do you get fair market value for your home? In this article we will explain, specific house, present condition and 30 to 90 days, the three factors that influence market value. In this article, we refer to market value, as it applies to single-family homes only. Evaluation methods are different for condominiums and commercial properties.
The term, “market value,� is a broad and confusing term. Consumers shop in a store and pay the price indicated on the price tag. A book is worth $18.95 according to the tag. A car is worth $15,000 because the price tag says it is. We rarely question the value or worth placed on these items. We just pay the price. At the end of the season, if an item did not sell, its value changes. The $18.95 book did not attract enough buyers. Therefore, the store puts the book on sale to entice people to buy the unsold books. Initially, the market value of the book was $18.95. However, when new titles arrive on the shelf, or the subject of the book is no longer popular, the market value could drop to $9.95. Therefore, market value is the price that an item will sell for, within a reaContinuued on page 4
Friday, November 25th , 2016
Friday, November 25th, 2016 Welcome
More than 22 Years of Experience in Real Estate
iw ll ali Greetings to A
Surinder (Sam) Toor 604-857-1098 Toll Free:
Cell: 604-857-2427
Buying or Selling any type of Property? Call Today!
Huntingdon Road, Abbotsford
Hobby farm 6.9 Acres. Excellent location next to elementary school, 3 miles from U.F.V., close to U.S.A border, big house. Some blueberry 3 year old, vegetables, out standing buildings, roof 8 years old. Showing only with a p p o i n t m e n t . Call Sam Toor
2378 Holly St. Abbotsford
Very hard to find 7700 SQFT big lot with house in west end of city. 2 bedroom house lot 70x110. Close to shopping and bus service, school. Easy to build dream house. It has a new roof, paint, tiles. Very good tenants paying $1100 rent per month. Showing only with appointment.
5 acres with house
Great location, custom built, 3 story house, over 4350 sq ft, 3 car garage,bigger lot, (8145 sqft). Close to all level schools, apollo gym, shopping, business, playground, and bus services.
4033 Brisbane Court Custom built two storey home with full walkout daylight legal basement suite. Home shows very beautiful with superb, quality millwork throughout, coffered ceilings, two kitchens on the main floor, maple kitchen cabinets and granite countertop. Bedroom on main could be an office. Two master bedrooms upstairs, total 4 bedrooms upstairs plus more, 2 laundries, large lot. This house is situated at the very end of a short cul-de-sac backing onto greenbelt and farmland. Seller may consider trade with small house.
Great location Close to town Apollo Gym Level land
Continuued from page 1 sonable time period. When considering real estate, “reasonable” refers to one to three months.
When it comes to determining fair market value on a home, the following definition is helpful: “Market value is the price at which a particular house, in its current condition, will sell within 30 to 90 days.” Three criteria make up this definition; 1. Specific house
Friday, November 25th , 2016
2. Present condition 3. 30 to 90 days To determine a home’s value, most people use an appraisal or comparative market evaluations. An appraisal, conducted by a certified appraiser, is a professional opinion of a property’s market value, based on recent sales of comparable properties, location, square footage, construction quality, floor plan, shopping, schools, transportation, etc. On average, this
type of evaluation costs $300 - $500. Lenders require an appraisal as part of the mortgage application process. A comparative market evaluation (CMA), performed by a Real Estate Professional is a free, informal estimate of market value, based on sales of comparable properties. Specific house Market value is limited to your specific house. The location and neighbourhood of your particular home is
the starting point for this determination. The exact same house in another city, or another neighbourhood across town, does not matter for your determination. For example, a house in St. Albert could be worth $375,000. But if the exact same home was located in Edmonton, it may only be valued at $300,000. Home prices also fluctuate significantly from city to city and from
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Friday, November 25th , 2016
2790 Allwood Street
• Lots of Updates! Close to all Schools • Perfect for 1st Time Buyer
1415 Kaslo Court
32164 Mouat Drive
• 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths
• Living Space = 1768 sf • Lot = 6360 sf
• Sumas Prairie • Media Room • 6 Bedrooms
• 4 Baths • Living Space = 4000+ sf
• Barns are leased
•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety
• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area
• Legal Suite • Media Room • 6 Bedrooms
• 4 Baths • Living Space = 3222 sf • Lot = 7987 sf
5-33890 Marshall Road
2290 Imperial Street .........................................$550,000 2125 Topaz Street ..............................................$449,900 32373 Grouse Court .........................................$529,900 34040 Higginson Crescent .............................$915,000
• Machine Pick • Duke / Blue Crop /16-13 / Elliott
9 Ac 25.3
• 40x80 Shed • 3000+ SF Brand New Home
34004 Clayburn Road
res c A 10
34125 Higginson Crescent
res c A 82
• 6 Baths • Living Space = 5069 sf • Lot = 7955 sf
3 Ac 36.8
1390 Angus Campbell Road
cres A 6 5
3 Ac 4 . 1 3
Lot 6 Glenmore Road
• Legal Suite 2 Bdrm • 1 Bdrm Unauth • 8 Bedrooms
44 - 30748 Cardinal Avenue............................$459,700 30544 Steelhead Court ....................................$619,900 34631 1ST Avenue .............................................$400,000 3666 New Castle Road .....................................$649,000
• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm SOL
• Legal Suite • 3 Baths • Almost 1/4 Acre Lot • Living Space = 2147 sf • 5 Bedrooms • Lot = 10,354 sf
Abbotsford, BC V2T 3R7
•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop & Duke Variety
Lot 1 on Glenmore Road
• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty
• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production
430 Bowman Road
res c A 10
• Matsqui Area • 3 Bdrm Mobile • Blueberry Farm • Flat / Rectangular • Planted in 3 Varieties • 5 min from town
• Build Dream home • Duke / Elliott • Blue Crop / Reka • Property needs • Income producing well
5212 Beharrell Road
Lot B on Beharrell
5111 Tolmie Road............................................$1,149,900 4627 Dixon Road ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ........................................$874,700 565 Marion Road ........................................... $1,699,900
39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 McCallum Road ~ Agassiz ........................... $2,300,000 Taylor Road ~ MtLehman Area .................. $2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Continuued from page 4
neighbourhood to neighbourhood. Therefore, when considering the market value of your home, it must be compared to similar homes in the same or adjoning neighbourhoods. Present condition The second factor in determining market value is the condition of your home. Is it in “showing” condition? Does it need some improvements? The condition of your home determines the number of buyers who may want to view and purchase the property. This relates to the time your home will remain on the market before it sells. Most home buyers want a reasonably priced home, in good condition. They may look less favourably on a home that requires major work. Some people determine a market value by subtracting the amount of estimated fix-up costs from the selling price. This may not be the best way to evaluate a home. A home in good condition sells for $80,000. A home you may like needs $4,000 in repairs. This
may not equate to a market value of $76,000 ($80,000 - $4,000). Why not? Homes that require work take longer to sell. To attract more buyers, the price may have to be reduced beyond the cost of the repairs. it is all a matter of how much someone is willing to pay for these repairs. Additionally, determining market value for a home that needs some work, is not an exact science. Some Real Estate Professionals suggest subtracting approximately two to three times the amount of the fix-up costs. 30 to 90 days In most markets, a home will sell within 30 to 90 days. If it does not, the price is probably too high. Even homes that are “perfect” will not sell in this time, if the price is too high. On the opposite end: if a house sells within a short period, perhaps the asking price was too low or it could be a hot market. When there are housing shortages or fear of rising prices, many homes are purchased within a matter of days of the listing.
Friday, November 25th , 2016
Friday, November 25th, 2016
Friday, November 25th , 2016
Jasbir Banwait
Manbir Banwait
REAL ESTATE MARKETING • Commercial • Agricultural • Residential
(778) 552-0305 / (778) 241-4472
Friday, November 25th, 2016
RUPINDER DAVESHER FREE 604-832-2831 Market Evaluation
Personal Real Estate Corporation
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Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes Some of the finest blueberry growing land in BC. Farm production is consistent & at full production levels. Two houses & multiple barns & sheds provide great rental income. Approximately 10 acres Duke, 5 acres Bluecrop, 1 acre Elliot and 1 acre Bluegold.
Custom Built Luxury Abbotsford Home
Blueberry Farm in Excellent location in Matsqui, Abbotsford
3 storey almost 7300 SF home on 10360 SF lot. 12 bdrms, 10.5 baths & 4 kitchens. 3 bdrms & laundry on main. S/S appliances w/granite & quartz countertops.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
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Brand New! Abbotsford West
2 storey, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms up. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths on main + family room and rec-room. In area of newer homes. Hurry on this one!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Fully finished basement, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Large car-port. Fenced backyard. Priced to sell!!
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Great Location/Abbotsford!
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Maple kitchen w/granite counter tops. Each bedroom has own ensuite. Plus 2 bedroom legal suite. Still time to pick your colours. Act Fast!!
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Building Lot 5928 sq ft lot near Delair Park!! Close to shopping, Castle Fun Park, easy access to hwy #1. $429,000 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Rupinder Davesher Personal Real Estate Corporation
Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
Friday, November 25th , 2016
How not to pay too much for your next home
hether you are buying your first home, or your fifth, the process of buying a home is a detailed, time-consuming venture. At the same time, it is an emotional period laden with difficult choices. You want to ensure that the home you purchase meets your family’s needs now and in the future. Each of these decisions often involves money. When you consider all that money it represents, you will want to ensure that you do not pay too much. This article helps you become a savvy buyer, by pointing out some of the pitfalls inherent in the home-buying process. These include such things as knowing what you want before you begin shopping, taking your time to shop, choosing the right Real Estate Professional, and remaining objective while viewing potential homes. With this information, you will be closer to finding your ideal home. #1 Before you shop, develop a needs vs. wants lis Everyone has a picture of an ideal home. This would include all the features you not only need, but have long desired. However, when it comes time to buying a home, the desires cost more. While it is nice to think about having a beautifully landscaped backyard or a solarium perhaps even some built-in appliances, these are usually considered luxury items, which can add considerably to the price of your home. That is why it is a good idea to develop a needs and wants lists. With this list, begin with items you really need like adequate space, garage and number of bedrooms. For most people, basic needs should be considered first. After that, you could consider additional desires, if you can manage these benefits financially. With such a list in your hands, you are less likely to be caught up in the excitement of the pursuit. you will have a good idea of what you want, within you price range, and if you can afford those additional items. #2 Get pre-approved prior to shopping Visit your financial or lending institution prior to home buying. Quickly,
you will know the amount of mortgage you will qualify for. Be sure to get a mortgage commitment in writing. Most importantly, this tells sellers that you are a serious prospect. Depending upon market conditions, a seller may lean towards an unconditional offer. you will have less negotiating power if you have to wait for mortgage approval. Banks and financial institutions have developed many programs especially for home buyers, be that first-time buyers or those with equity in their homes. When you review your needs and objectives with a lending officer, you will be one step closer to purchasing your home. #3 Choose your winning team Buying a home is a complicated process with many people involved. From choosing the right mortgage, to finding a home inspector, to viewing available properties, there are many steps involved for even the hardiest person. With a Real Estate Professional on your side, you will have access to these services, already in place and highly recommended. A good agent has the knowledge and experience developed from many years of helping both buyers and sellers. During this time they have developed a network of people, from lenders, lawyers, home inspectors and movers, to assist both home buyers and sellers. #4 Communicate clearly with your Real Estate Professional Spending time with your Real Estate Professional will reap huge dividends. When you have a clear picture of the type of home you are looking for, your Real Estate Professional can come closer to finding the home you want. You will not waste time looking at homes that do not match your needs. #5 it is still true - location, location, location You have heard it so many times, that it is probably starting to sound like a broken record. That is because it is true! A home is not a stand alone item. Rather the value of a home is greatly affected by the surrounding homes. do not let your emotions determine your purchase. Think resale. The desir-
ability and resale value of your home depends largely on location more than any other factor. People want a desirable community that includes character, quality of schools, access to work, major transportation arteries, recreational facilities, etc. On your viewing trips, take a careful look and ask the following questions: How does this home compare to others in the neighbourhood? Are yards fenced? Are there many children playing in the streets? Are front and backyards and the exterior of the homes properly maintained? Walk around the neighbourhood and get a feel for the people living in the area. You may want to speak with a few neighbors to get their comments. If you like the community, carefully examine the home you like. Generally speaking, extremely large homes surrounded by smaller homes tend to appreciate less than a large home among other large homes. Alternatively, the smallest home in the neighbourhood tends to stand out by the other homes on the block. Sometimes, it could take a bit longer to sell a smaller home, as some people are reluctant to pay extra for the neighbourhood. Additional factors that affect the property value of a home include traffic, sounds, smells, zoning bylaws. Be objective. do not rely too heavily on your emotions. Be sure you are completely satisfied with the neighbourhood. If you choose a neighbourhood with problems, you likely will not get as much as you hoped when it comes time to sell. #6 Use your Real Estate Professional’s knowledge of the community Your Real Estate Professional is trained in all aspects of Real Estate, including understanding supply and demand, economics and the neighbourhoods of the city in which they practice. As they regularly view homes as they are placed on the market, they are at the heartbeat of knowledge and information about housing trends and prices. They can save you time and money, by narrowing your prospects to only those that meet your requirements. It is a very time consuming process to view every home available
that meets your needs. A Real Estate Professional can do much of the work for you, by reviewing your needs, reviewing the properties and then hopefully, advising you of a potential match. A comprehensive knowledge of the available homes in your neighbourhood is one of your Real Estate Professional’s strongest assets. With the aid of computerized systems, a Real Estate Professional is notified within hours when a home becomes available. #7 Check your emotions, and shop with your head When people purchase a home on emotion, without an objective view of the property, problems may develop later. Shopping for a home is an emotional process. It could be costly. Using your head, along with asking for an objective opinion (from your Real Estate Professional) could help you avoid costly errors. #8 Pay attention to “red flags” When evaluating a home, be sure you know the difference between acceptable and unacceptable problems. Cosmetic items like peeling paint, worn carpeting, unattractive wallpaper can be easily remedied. You could use these as negotiating items, as there will be costs involved in updating the home. Major problems, however, are clearly “red flags.” Look for items such as major foundation cracks, water damage, outdated electrical systems and inadequate plumbing. These items could cost you dearly in the future. #9 Hiring a home inspector is a wise investment A home inspection is an inexpensive way to gain peace of mind and guard your pocket book. A proper inspection will cover all areas of the house including foundation, electrical, heating, plumbing, floors, walls, ceilings, attic, roof, siding and trim, porches, patios, decks, garage and drainage. A professional inspector can give you an objective view of the property, with a written report, indicating the present condition and items that will need repair.