zf[ gurivMdr isMG DflIvfl rIal-iestyt dy iqMn tOp aYvfrzF nfl snmfinq PryjLr vYlI rIaliesty t `c BfeIcfry dI jfxI-pihcfxI sL K sIaq zf[ gurivMdr isMG DflIvfl vrHf 2017 leI ‘tOp solz XUint’ aqy ‘1% tOp mzYlIan iraYltr’ bxy hn. plYint gruwp iraYltI vloN DflIvfl bYNkuiet hfl srI `c hoey sLfndfr snmfn smfroh `c zf[ gurivMdr isMG DflIvfl nUM iqMn srvoqm aYvfrzF nfl snmfinq kIqf igaf ijnHF `c srI aqy aYbtsPorz dohF `coN, sB qoN vwD XUint vycx, ilst krn aqy tOp acIvmYNt aYvfrz-2017 sLfml hn. rYjLIzYNsLIal qoN ielfvf aYgrIklcr aqy ieMzstrIal Kyqr `c mfihr iraYltr zf[ DflIvfl nflo-nfl, ‘mIzIaf vyvjL ryzIE’ `qy rojLfnf swq qoN hn. tOp mzYlIan aYvfrz imlx `qy AunHF 604-825-1550 jF www.gurvinder10 vjy dOrfn ‘afvfjL-ey- smUh KrIddfrF qy ivkyrqfvF df DMnvfd singhdhaliwal.com rfhIN sMprk qy pMjfb’ pRogrfm vI pysL krdy kIqf hY. zf[ gurivMdr isMG DflIvfl nfl jfxkfrI iml skdI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
ienkm tYks prsnl ibjLns rYNtl jI[aYs[tI[ tI2 buwkkIipMg srivs py-rol
We speak English, Punjabi, & Hindi asIN pMjfbI,ihMdI aqy aMgryjI boldy hF
Report Shows that Local Businesses Rate Location as Number One Reason for Doing Business in Abbotsford The Business Walks program is one of the initiatives that supports City Council’s strategic goal of creating a vibrant local economy. The program is also a component of the City of Abbotsford’s Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) strategy which supports the 7,000 licensed businesses currently operating in Abbotsford. Key findings from the report indicate that 47 percent of businesses rated ‘location’ as the number one reason for doing business in Abbotsford, and thirty five percent rated ‘clientele’ as the second reason for doing business in Abbotsford. “The feedback we received from our local businesses is extremely valuable as this helps us identify future opportunities to support our business community,” said Braun. “From the interviews conducted, we have identified 50 busi-
nesses that want follow up support, which is a great opportunity to continue to grow and develop our local business sector.” Over 125 short interviews were held with business owners and managers. The interviews connected agencies to businesses, provided a venue for business owners and operators to share key challenges
and opportunities with local decision makers, and identified the businesses that require follow-up from Abbotsford’s Economic Development staff. This year’s walks focused on businesses located in the areas of Historic Downtown, Peardonville, Wheel Ave, Maclure Industrial, Mount Lehman, Blueridge and Highstreet.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
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“ isMpsn QOms iek aijhI tIm hY ijMnF ny iewk kys nMU bhuq hI cMgI qrHF cYlMj dy qOr lYky ijwq pRfpq kIqI hY jdoN ik iksy hor kol ies kys nMU lVn dI smrwQf nhIN sI. ” -iewk aYbtsPorz dy ivafh ivwc jfgo vyly vfprI Gtnf dy sbMD ivwc ilMk aKbfr ivwc mfrc 12, 2011nMU CpI rIport dy afDfrq.
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The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
“mMdr msijd ky JgVy my ab ik jo rwb kurbfn hUaf ihMdU afpxf sr pItNygy’ roeygf kurfx bhuq”. scmuwc iensfn ijnHF ienHF JgiVaF jnUMn hY. ieh qF isrP nslpRsqI hY, dI Byt ciVHaf hY sLfied hor ikqy nf DrmpRsqI hY qy Kud-pRsqI hY. jdoN ciVHaf hovy. awj msijd qoVdy hn afdmI coN afdmIaq mrdI hY qF ieho kwlH mMdr tuwt jFdf hY qy prsoN AuhI ijhy hflfq pYdf huMdy hn. pr iPr KMjr iensfn dy pyt ivc. rwb dy vI dunIaF kuJ ku iensfP psMd qy GrF df JgVf nhIN rMg df, nsl df, prAupkfrI bMidaF dy isr qy cldI mjLhb df, Drm qy dIn df JgVf hY hY ijnHF ny afpf iqafg mnuwKqf nUM ijs qy asIN rwb dy GrF dIaF nIhF syD dyx dI koisLsL kIqI, bfbf nfnk, Ausfr idMdy hF. asIN iksy sLrDf vs hjLrq mhuMmd, XsU-msIh, mhfqmf ho ky iksy kfrj qy pYsf Gwt Drm buwD qy ikRsLn dI gIqf df qIsrf qy dI syvf qy pYsf vwD lfAux dy Xqn aTfrvHF aiDafey afpxI imsfl afp ivc hF. sfzf sbMD ijwQoN asIN rojI hn. afdmI ny vMzIaF pf leIaF qy rotI kmfAuNdy hF Aus DrqI nfl nhIN Auh vMzIaF awj Aus dy GrF qwk vI huMdf sgoN afpxy afp nUM Drm df phuMc geIaF, asIN dIvfrF AuWcIaF alMbrdfr dwsx df vwD huMdf hY. jy krn lwg pey, mnuwK qoN mnuwK dI by-ivsLvfsLI qy by-BrosgI ny sfnUM ievyN nf huMdf qF awj awz awz DrmF dy ikwQy lY aFdf? asIN iensfn qoN vwD nF qy skUlF kfljF qy XUnIvtistIaF iensfnIaq nUM dIvfrF, nPrqF qy dy nfm nf rwKy jFdy qy gurU GrF qy rwb jMgF dI Byt cVHf idwqf. ikMnHF cMgf qoN pihlF Drm df nfm nf idwqf jFdf. hovy jy dysLF dIaF coxF iksy iejLm jy iensfn ny, dysLF dI DrqI dI iewk dy nF qy nf ho ky isrP mnuwKqf dy nF igwT ipwCy vI lVfeI lVI qF sLhId qF qy lVIaF jfx asIN afpxy afp qy iensfn hoieaf. mrI qF iensfnIaq lybl lfAux qoN ibnF jIAuN nhIN skdy XqIm qF bwcy hoey nF, AuWjVIaF qF jy koeI iKzfrI ikRikt ivc hfrdf mfvF dIaF kuwKF qy BYxF dy suhfg. hY qF iensfn dI kImq nhIN dysL df koeI JgVf koeI jMg iensfn df kuJ nf afAuNdf hY, dysLF dI lVfeI huMdI nhIN suafr skdI sgoN hor JgVy pYdf hY. ikMnHF cMgf hovy jy kdy srhwdF nUM krky afdmI nUM isrP Ausdf bflx Cwz ky isrP kyvl qy kyvl mnuwK dI bxf ky rwK idMdI hY. ies dI bhuq gwl kIqI jfvy nhIN qF iek sLfier vwzI imsfl sI sMqflI dI vMz qy, hux muqfibk:kuJ muslm dysLF coN AujV ky afAux vfly sLrnfrQI hn. nslI bU nfl “jLhny iensF kI hwdNy gLr iesqrh GwtqI rhI, Bry sfzy Auh sLKs ijnHF nUM iensfnF qoN bU afAux lwg jFdI hY. Blf ieh qo jMLmI pr srhwdNy hI srhwdyN rih ikho ijhI dysL BgqI hY, ikho ijhf jfeNygI.” PAGE 4
Friday, February December3rd, 25th, 2015 Friday, 2017
The Patrika Patrika The
dI msijd AuWqy hmly nUM aMjfm dyx vfly dI guikAU rU qyibk g bhfdr jI dI aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrF nUM dyx hoeI pCfx Prst izgrI mrzr dy Cy mfmly drj
nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU koielfrzivro vwD lIafˆ oN ies kYzyt mwrih cuwikaf hY.afpxy 2002ivcfrDfrk ikAU dI msijd vwloNibk: idwqikAU y geyibkblIdfn nUM BfrqI DkflI jI ny dy hwmfmly kfˆ dI ivw c Au h ey a r Po r s kY z y t sI Au W q y aY q vfr nU M ho e y hmly , nU M aw q vfdI hmlf dw s idafˆ ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHfˆ rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI iPr PO j I kY z y t sI. kY z y t asl ijs ivw c Cy ivakqI mfry ho i eafˆ ies dI inKy D I vwloN iqMn sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI rwiKaf leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI kIqI peI. gey sn qy pMj hor ËKmI ho ivwc kYnyzIan hiQafrbMd geI. trUzo ny iewk ibafn dfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nfl idwlI ivwc nhIN Mdy qy jfrI gey sn, nUM aMjfm dyx vfly sYnfvfˆ dy mYˆbr mnu krky keI afiKaf ik ies wKI huieiqhfs aijhIafˆ imsflfˆ nfl nvMbr 1675 nUM idwqI geI kurbfnI nUM iswKfˆ inMg vIhoinhIN iewkmfqr 27 sflf mÈkUk dI AunHfˆ nUM POjI tryBiraf qrHfˆ dI ihMsf nfl idl, eaf hY ijw Q y lo k fˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl imldI. ikAUibk ivwc vlUMDiraf pCfx kr leI geI hY. d f hY.. afpxy AunHfˆ kOmistI jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆjfˆvfrIafˆ Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy PrY julˆcmfˆBfÈf iKlfÌ dI pbilk lvl imR q kfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ qy kY nyzf alY gËYˆzburlibso nyty nUaqy M somÈhIdI vfr pRfpq krn dy ihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk afvfË Md krn XUnIvristI vwkfblIaq loN ies gwldf pRdydrÈn mu s lmfn BfeIcfry nfl kIqf pr gurU qyg nUmMM qPrst izgrI mrzr Cyy arQfˆ bfry ajy v ipCly asl qy Audycyc dI puÈtI kIqIbhfdr geI hYjIikny afpxy du w K sfˆ J f kIqf. Auivro nHfˆ Dieh ivcfrDfrk Iafˆ mfmilafˆ qy kql krnkIqf dI igaf aqy nf hI qwk shI aiDaY n nhIN ibsonyty ies ieM s tIicAU È n vI afiKaf ik vM n su v M n qf dy hw k fˆ dI rw i Kaf leI afpxI ku r bfnI dy ky ko iÈÈpirpy krnKdyqo5N Go mfmilafˆ dy hY. ipCly kuJ shI iKaf igaf dI soÈl sfieMs PYkltI df hI sfzI qfkq hY qy Dfrimk ijs nY i qk-rU h fnI bu l M d I nU M Co i haf, Au s dI sbM D ivwc qocfrj dhfikafˆ N mnuwKkIqf I hwkigaf. fˆ bfry aflmI aMdolnfˆ ividafrQI sI. sihxÈIlqf sfnUnhIN M kYnimldI. yzIan ‘c ikqy du p ihr nU M sw d I pR Y W s kfnPrM s dy AuBfr nfl hux sfnUM mhfn gurU dI ÈhIdI imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ho x nfqy bhu q ipafrI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkfˆhYdI. eI goleI lIbfrI ivw c afr[sI[aY m[pI[aiDkfrfˆ dy bulfry dy msijd ipCly AuWc mfnvI arQfˆ dIivwKocj hoies nyz‘co Ian sfzy kOmI r ihmM qy grO srI musilm ny dw i saf mÈkU khY.Au W qy ivwc iewk pRoPYsbR zI ivcfrDfrf dy moZkYIafˆ N iek igixaf krn df mOkik f imilaf qfxy bfxy df atu w t ihw s f hn smyq hYCy awqvfd nfl sbMDq cfrj stor dy mflk jf skdf . qy ies qrH f ˆ dIafˆ gqIivDIafˆ mfry gey. pMj lw gxy bfkI hn. aYqnËrIafˆ vfr ivakqI mnu wKIajy aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nfl dyiKaf U qyg ivw bhfdr jI dysfzIafˆ lfimsfl blIdfn nUM kimAU i ntIË, M nfjLugu k rhflq c leI nU dy ieslfimk jfˆM dikAU f hY-i bk shfiek jfˆ kfnUMnI phuMcËKmIafˆ aqy suBnUfivk dy K idafˆ aflmI mnu w K I aiDkfr sM s Qfvfˆ vI Èihrfˆ qy sfzy dy È ivw c ko e I igaf. klcrl sYˆtr ivKy qoN Mc hspqfl phuMc. pihlI qrHfˆ hmly dI phu dOrfn mnuiljfieaf wKI nhINivw hYc . oN iek df drjf dy AunHfik ˆ nUM mrn afpxy moQfˆZIafˆ pu i ls dw i saf ku wJ dyr bfad rfqIN 8:00 vjytIicafˆ aiDkfrfˆ nUM ku J isafsI nUM nyhfsl rhIafˆ hn. vfilafˆ dI Au m r 39 qy 60 qo N pihlfˆ ibso n y t y nU M iew k ho r krn leI hiQafr vjoN vriqaf jfˆdf hY aqy trUzo ny somvfr dupihr sflkrdy drimafn sI. ies qoN nUM hfAUs afP kfmnË ivwc ivakqI Pqfr bfry kIqfcrcf mnuwKI hwnfl kfˆ dIigRrfKI smyˆ lMzn afDfrq mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdI ielfvf drjn N vI vwD hornfˆ iewk vfrI muV ies hmly nUM igaf sI. y zU ibk so iPrkUv fd suPurwtyqpY ˆdf ikAU hY. iPrkU c pnpx df qoamnY s tI ieMtrnYÈnl ny gurU qyg bhfdr mfmUlI swtfˆ awqvfdI hmlf krfr idMidafˆ anusfr nqIjf iehdUjy huMdivakqI f hY ik mnunUM wKI hwivakqIafˆ kfˆ dy rKvflynUM jI dI ÈhIdI mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI mhwqqf nfl lwgIafˆ. hspqfl ivwc iljfey nMUies cÈmdId gvfh, vjo N PiVHkOamf, ivcfrDfrf afpxy BfeIcfry afpxI aqy joV dI inKydDrfI vI kIqI. nHfˆ ky Au s bfry ivcfr-vtfˆ kIqfAusI. gey pMj ivakqIafˆ ivwcoN iqMn igaf hY. isafsI sihXogIafˆ dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy amnYstI ieMtrnYvwÈlnl o N kM Ë rvy i tv pfrtI dI Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ somvfr qwk ieMtYˆisv kyar qirm afgU ro n f aY ˆ b ro hn. hwd t AudoNnYhoÈjfˆ I hY jdo izpfrtmY ˆqfˆafP nldizPY s ˆ N ies soc qihq dy ivÈv-ivafpIaMaY lfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqËI ivwc sn. do hor dI hflq aY n [zI[pI[ afgU Qfms vw loN ies gwIldydImnupuwKÈItIaiDkfrfˆ kIqI dI AulMGxf nUM mOky aflmI mnuwKqyI aiDkfrfˆ iksy ivroD dy ieiqhfs bfry nfjLuk pr siQr dwsI jfˆdI hY. mlkyar nfl Èfm geI ik alY axgohYilaf krgËYidwˆzqrf ibso jfˆdnf ythYy jfˆ ivroDIafˆ dy iek ikqfb iqafr krvf rhI sI. jQy bMdIsmyˆ vwloN qrI ikAU eyrIaf ivwc dOr‘c f krn mnuwKibk I hwkistI fˆ dI rfKI df ivro D hoxpRDlwfn g mM pYˆd f hYjsitn . ies pRtrU fjYz kotqydf AuikAU dyÈibk hrykdfsdI mnuwKdI I hwvI kfˆ 2002 qy 2004 drimafn ikAUibk dy pRImIar iPilp Xojnf bxfeI geI. ies dy Ault suBfivk phuMc qihq mnuwKI dy alMbrdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI df isrlyK ‘id lONg mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy kYdnI yhYz.fAudI sMˆ safpxy d ivwhoxcjfˆhoivro vygDIIKytrM p ‘c dIafˆ y wbihs! 17vIN nIqIafˆ sdI dy pMj AuAu WGWyq mnu KI aiDkfrfˆ jfˆ h Bfvy my ies dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gu r U qy g bhfdr jI df nfm vI dy. iesamrIkf soc dI dydlIl hY ik mnuikR wK iho x dy Etvf: rfÈtrpqI tk aYmnfqy pI jYnI kvYn df nUM iemIgRyÈn mMqrI aihmd Èfml hY . bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jO h n illbrn sfry iensfn hwkˆ fˆ nydyVhwkkihxf dfr hn.hY ieh zO nlz trMp ivÈy vwloÈ N Bfvy ik dyÈ Br ivwc husYn ny Etvf ivwc (1617nYÈnl 57), (1632-1704), phuMcK mnu kfˆ dIkYsrv Bivw ivwwKcI hwajy nyzf ivafpkqf df kYnyzdI IanDfrnf ies mu wdy nUjOM hlYn kylOk s i k A U i r t I a ivlIam Y z v f e I ËpYrWn (1644-1718) aqy voltya r (1694-1778) dI hYjfx , ijs qihq Drm, dOnUrM jnm f nhINidM kIqf vflf prnsl, kfPI icMqkOqm,hn. AunHfˆ mMg zYnIal jIn nfl rl ky Èfml hn. ilMngHfˆ dy jfˆ swivcfrDfrf Mdf.m vfr nU M ijvy ˆ krvfeI inAUË kfnPrMs ivwc Au q musilm df dyÈkofˆ edyI sQfn kIqInhINikhuso gurU qyg Aubhfdr jI qOdIr Au ÈhIdI iesyaYm aMpIË qrIvI nfgirkfˆ Wqy afrËI Wqy hI afpxy m AuWqy hI y. ieh Ausfihb mId vIdI kuJ kMivcfrvfn gurdyU qyidw gqbhfdr soc nUpfbM M qfkq bKÈdI hYf aqy hI mnu lfeI dI kfrn kYnyz dy nfl prqxgy AuwKdIoN hI ies mu w d y pR g tfeI jf rhI hY ik Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI KfqrvfeIt idwqI hwm kpIË fˆ dI srv M bl dI hY.krvfeI aY dI nINivafpk d ËrUrDfrnf AuWz nUAu W qy idM bihs jfvy . hfAU s qy amrIkI aiDkfrIafˆ kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr` geI hY. mMinaf jf irhf hY AunHfˆ ieh qrk Èbd vI idwvrqy qf ikjfˆdnfl bfq ivwcdI y hn.kIqI gurU geI jI dygwlblIdfn gurso U jImvfr vwloN afpxf ipCly ik qoN sLurblIdfn U hox jfdyx dy trMPYpsly dIafˆ nIqIafˆ df asr kI pqf lw i gaf ies bfry vInUM aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey kfrnfˆ y Jfq mfrnfivwËrU hYN .kYkÈmIrI rhI sMsAu dWqdI kfrvfeI c rIjdo nyzIanfˆ dy ro Ë gfr qy bfkI aiDkfrIafˆ vw l jld CuitafAux vfˆg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukoN mrfn, pMn izqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ ) nUM Auivcfly s smyˆ dy arQcfry mugl bfdÈfh kY y z Ian aY m pIË AuWqy pYxf hY qfˆ sfzI jfxkfrI idwqI jfvygI. afpxI musilm pRjf AuWqy julm Zfh irhf huMdf aOrMgËydf b dyieho julivÈf mfˆ df rihx sfhmxf gw krnf crcf lbfqpYqyirhf isafsI qrkfˆ ivwc qfˆ gurU jI ny AudkYoN vI afpf vfrn dy rfh nyzafpxf f dy aflH f aiDkfrIafˆ sI aqy x afey vflf hY. Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf trMmM pghfvI rihx vfly hn. Hfˆ dIies Èhfdq klp sI, gruipw w pCynUjoM sMamrIkI sn. Auh ies afs nfl gurU jI kol afey sn hI qurnf sI. Aundy Au h iksy Drm ivÈy È qw k sImq nhIN sI.igaf iehI dUikjyrUpfsy pR D fn mM q rI jsitn Au n H f ˆ afiKaf ik Au h jfnxf aiDkfrIafˆ vw l o N dw i saf hfnI ÈKsIaq vjoN AunHfˆ df aihm ruqbf qw Q Au n H f ˆ dI Èhfdq nU M vw D mhfn bxfAu N d ft, hY. trU z o ny vIkY ˆ z Au W q y ieh tvIt cfhu M d I hY ik sw q mu s ilm hY ik kY n y z Ian pfspo r hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdÈfh nUM krky hlcl mcf idw q I hY ik mu l kfˆ ivw c o N afAu x vfly lo k fˆ ijnH f ˆ ivw c do h rI nfgirkqf smJf ky AunHfˆ nUM musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgy. asIN iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy ieiqhfsk cfˆdnI cOk kY nyzf skdy iks qrH ibnfˆ DfrimkpMizqfˆ AuWqvwy l asQfeI pfbMdI vfly kYnyzIan vI Èfml hn, smJ hfˆfˆ ik kÈmIrI oN gurU jIamrIkI ijs Qfˆ mhfn nUguM ies rU dfPYsIs Auqfiraf By dy lY riPAU jf skdI hY, ‘qy iehiesDfrkfˆ sly nfl koeI dId Bfv hmfieq x dfjPYIafˆ slfdfAunHfˆ ikvy leIˆ lfeI bhuqIafˆ igafriPAU sI, siQq gurdua frf sIs gMf,jamrIkf sihb nUM svfgq krdf hY . hfAU s afP vI ik sIrIafeI j I Prk nhIN pvy g muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHfˆ isrP iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk kfmnË ivwcikpRisw ÈnK kfl rfn Wqy aximwQy smyˆ df aijhf kdy ierfdf vI jfxdy sn DrmdOdy moZI pR guog rU rfm nfnkAusn asQfn asQfn trM p dy ies PY s ly qy trU z o dy leI ro k ikvy jf nhIN rhImMinaf nhIN jfxf irhf.cfhIdf. husYn ies ny afiKaf aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQfˆ lfeI nU M qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnu w K I aiDkfr lihr ibafn y BKvIN crcf hY? ies qoN ielfvf ies nfl ik ienHfˆ pRBfivq dyÈfˆ nfldy df KuwlH Au kyWqivro D kIqf sI. hoAuxnHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ drjf idwqfˆ f ivakqIafˆ jfxf cfhIdfkol hY. dI sMBfvnf bxI I hY. kYnyzisw Ian ikvyˆ pRqIrQ BfivqasQfn hoxgy dfsbM Dq ijnH bRfhmxvfdI soc honUeM nkfrdIafˆ sn. K Drm ieh rYkdm dIcgYprmfnY r-sMpˆrdfiek qy ijnHfˆ kol sQfeI ËIzYˆsmhfn I kYnguyzrfU ivw t rYËIzYˆtqy ny lMgdOr,rfn sMgaY q naqy pMgq vwdIlpR iesy [zI[pI[ oN Qf rfhIN smfijk bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly idRÈtIkox nUM mfnqf sty t s hY Au n H f ˆ df kI bxy g f. vflf drjf hY qy fˆ kol Dfrimk nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf. ies qy akIdq dyx vwl dyr nfl cuwiijnH soaqy mvfr nUM sMsbrfbrI d dI kfrvfeI kaf, pr sB leI ilbrl srkfr pfsport dy nfl sQfeI rfhIN Aun Hfˆ CUqCfq buries feI nUM BMies izaf, ijs dI aiqaMq Zukvfˆ kdm hovygf. sL u r U hu M i dafˆ sfrdIhI kI krn jf rhI hY? rYËIzYˆts vfly kfrz vI hn, bRwd fhmxvfdI mu y AuWqy aYso mc rjMdysDfrnI I bihsvkflq krdy sn. Auh vI amrIkf ivwc dfKl ly K k afksPo r z bru k s XU n IvristI, iswK Drm ienHfˆ jf sfrIafˆ iKafvfˆ krvfAu x dIdIafˆ mMg kIqI rhI iswienH f ˆ ivwkrky c o N ku w J- svflfˆ dy ho skxgy. afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df kÈmIrI bR f hmx ivcfrDfrk qO r ‘qy gu r U qy g hY. aYn[zI[pI[ dI iemIgRyÈn jvfb qfˆ aY q vfr du p ihr
bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk pRoPYsr hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Aligning funding for student spaces with in-demand jobs
Talent is mission critical in BC’s tech sector—and a major focus of BC’s Jobs Plan. BC is aligning education & training with in-demand occupations, ensuring BC’ers have the education and skills that tech employers are looking for. Communication Design student Matthew Boucher
Thousands of student spaces have been newly targeted over the last three years as operating grants for public post-secondary
institutions are aligned with education and training for a variety of indemand occupations.
Targeted operating grants now account for approximately 22% of the $1.86-billion budget for public post-secondary in-
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
stitutions, including an additional $90 million in 2016-17. The goal is to target about 25% of operating grants by 2017-18 to education and training that supports in-demand occupations as part of the commitment made in B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint. “It is important that British Columbians have the skills needed to fill the one million job openings expected by 2025,” said Advanced Education Minister Andrew Wilkinson. “Our government has a data-driven plan to align education and training to jobs in demand, from tech to trades through to health.” Before 2014-15, about $190 million was targeted every year toward mainly health-related programs such as medicine, nursing and midwifery. This represented approximately 10% of provincial operating grants to universities, colleges and institutes. Funding targeted for programs that support high-demand jobs from professional occupations to social services through to technology will increase to about 25% of annual operating grants by 2017-18. “The immediate priority is to put British Columbians at the forefront of opportunity in our burgeoning tech sector," said Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services Minister Amrik Virk. “By aligning education and training with in-
demand occupations we’re ensuring that businesses get the talent they need and British Columbians are ready to enter the marketplace as soon as they finish school.” “Talent is mission critical for the growing and diverse tech sector in British Columbia – it is certainly no longer a niche industry,” said Copperleaf CEO Judi Hess. “It is important that British Columbians can not only compete, but also profit from a rapidly changing world by having the education and skills that tech employers are looking for.” Programming is being aligned with the top 100 occupations listed in the British Columbia 2025 Labour Market Outlook as well as priority health occupations, regional labour priorities, and programs for Aboriginal people and people with disabilities. Examples of how postsecondary education institutions have aligned education and training in 2016-17 to labour market demand include: British Columbia Institute of Technology – computer systems technology. Camosun College – environmental technology. College of New Caledonia – applied science (engineering) certificate. College of the Rockies – adventure tourism business operations.
Okanagan College – computer information systems. North Island College – interactive media and communications design. Simon Fraser University – computing science. Thompson Rivers University – social work. The University of British Columbia – computer engineering. The University of the Fraser Valley – computer information systems. The University of Victoria – software ngineering. University of Northern British Columbia – bachelor of commerce, major in accounting. Vancouver Community College – computer science and software systems certificate. Vancouver Island University – information technology and applied systems. Government will continue to increase targeted funding with $50 million in 2017-18 bringing additional targeted funding to $270 million. Almost one million jobs openings are expected by 2025 because of retirements as well as economic growth. Eight out of 10 of these jobs openings will require some sort of post-secondary education or training.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
sLuwD hvf df qrsyvF sfzy afly-duafly dI vfXUmMzlI prq ivc mOjUd DUV, DUMaF, gYs, bUMd bdbU qy vfsLp afid dI Auh axAuicq mfqrf, jo mnuwKF dy vfsLp afid dI Auh axAuicq mfqrf, jo mnuwKF, pOidaF jF jIvF leI nuksfndyh pRBfvF df kfrn bxdI hY, nUM hvf-pRdUsLx ikhf jFdf hY. hvf-pRdUsLx, jIvn nU M mfnx ivc ivGn pfAuNdf hY. vfpr rhIaF anykF ikirafvF dy PlsrUp, sfzy vfXUmMzl ivc iviBMn pRdUsLxkrqf dfKl huMdy rihMdy hn. ijhVy sfzy vfqfvrnI kfrkF nfl ikiraf krky vfqfvrn nUM jLihrIlf aqy gMDlf kr idMdy hn. gYr-kudrqI qy axsfvyN ivkfs aqy aKOqI afDuinkqf kfrn vfqfvrn ivc sspyNzz pfrtIkl mYtr (ijhVy qwq hvf ivcoN mnPI cfhIdy hn) aqy nfeItro j n afksfeIz jLihr vD rhI hY. hvf ivc aYs[pI[aYm[ dI mfqrf 100 qoN 200 mfeIkoRgRfm (lGU gRfm) pRqI Gx mItr hoxI cfhIdI
hY pRMqU bhuqy ielfikaF ivc ies dI mfqrf 296 qoN 586 mfeIkrogRfm pRqI Gx mItr ho geI hY. iesy qrHF nfeItrojn afksfeIz dI mfqrf vI 30 mfeIkrogRfm pRqI ikAUbk mItr hoxI cfhIdI hY pr ieh 46 qwk phuMc geI hY. hflF ik slPr zfieafksfeIz (aYs[E[tU[) inrDfirq mfqrf 30 mfeIkro g R f m qo N Gw t hY pRMqU vD ieh vI rhI hY. XuwDF, bnfvtI KfdF aqy ndIn nfsLkkItnfsLk dy vfsLpIkrn smyq vfhnF aqy snaqI iekfeIaF ivcoN inkl rhy jLihrIly DUMey aqy KyqI rihM-KhUMd nUM lfeIaF jFdIaF awgF ny afpxf rMg ivKfAuxf sLurU kr idwqf hY. ies qoN ibnF sLor-pRdUsLx ny vI hvf dy jVHIN awk dy idwqf hY. hux mnuwK sLuwD hvf leI qrsygf. hvf/vfXUmMzl sfzI DrqI dy cOigrdy PYlI gYsI prq nUM vfXUmMzl ikhf jFdf hY . ieh iew k ku d rqI
gqIsLIl isstm hY kudrqI aqy mnuwK-inrmfixq soimaF qoN anyk hI Tos dRv aqy gYsF lgfqfr vfXUmMzl ivc phuMcdIaF rihMdIaF hn. ieh pdfrQ, hvf dy kMDfVy cVH, dUr-dUr qwk phuMc jFdy hn. afps ivc rlgw z ho jFdy hn. prspr ikRafvF nfl ieh pdfrQ anyk BOiqk qy rsfieixk pdfrQF dy jnmdfqf bx jFdy hn. smyN nfl ieh nvjnmy rsfiexI pdfrQ ndIaF, dirafvF, JIlF qy smuMdrF ivc phuMc jFdy hn. svwC qy KusLk hvf ivc GxPl vjoN 78[09 PIsdI nfeItrojn gYs huMdI hY aqy lgpg 20[94 pRqIsLq afksIjn gYs. ienHF dovyN pRmuwK gYsF qoN ielfvf sfzy vfXUmMzl ivc kfrbn zfieafksfeIz, hIlIam, afrgn, ikRptfn, nfietrs afksfeIz, jLIkon qy kuJ ku hor kfrbfink gYsF huMdIaF hn, ijnHF dI kuwl mfqrf lgpg 0[97 PIsdI hI huMdI hY. ienHF gYsF dI mfqrf iBMn iBMn
sQfnF ivKy smyN nfl bdldI rihMdI hY. hvf-pRdUsLx dI pCfx muwK ZMg iqMn hn-sMvydk pCfx, BOiqk mfp aqy pOidaF, psLUaF aqy iemfrqF AuWqy pRBfvF dI jfxkfrI. sMvydk pCfx afm krky hvf-pRdUsLx smwisaf df pihlf sUck huMdI hY. sMvydk pCfx qyjL qy asfDfrx bU, idRsLtqf dI Gft, aw K F ivc rVk, mU M h ivc qyjLfbI suafd aqy pYrF hyT ikrk df aihsfs. ieh ZMg iek afqmnuKI Gtnf hY ikrk df aihsfs. ieh ZMg iek afqmnuKI Gtnf hY aqy vwK-vwK ivakqIaF leI awzawz mfqrf vfly pRBfv huMdy hn. BOiqk mfp-kfrj hvf-pRdUsLx ivc mOjUd bhuq hI Gwt mfqrf vfly, prMqU jLihrIly pdfrQF jF ryzIE-aYkitv mfdy dI hoNd qwk nUM jfnx ivc vwzy mddgfr sfbq huMdy hn. hvf-pRdUsLx vfly Kyqr ivcoN hvf dy nmUny lY
ivjY bMbylI ky AunHF dI ivigafnk ivDIaF rfhIN jFc ies kfrj ivc shfeI huMdI hY. vfXU pRdUsLx nUM smJx leI keI vrgF ivc vMizaf jf skdf hY. muwK qOr `qy iqMn hn: ivakqIgq, smudfiek aqy pysLvfrfnf vfXU pRdUsLx. isgrt-bIVI pIxf ivakqIgq vfXU pRdUsLx nUM drsfAuNdf hY. kolf bflx jF ibjleI AUrjf pYdf krnf, motrF-gwzIaF dI vrqoN afid smudfiek (smUihk BfeIcfrk) vfXU pRdUsLx dIaF AudfhrxF hn. py s L f vfrfn vfXU pR d U s L x df sbMD ivsLysL DMidaF ijvyN KyqI aqy AudXog nfl sbMiDq kfrjF kfrn huMdf hY. vfXU-pRdUsLx ikirafsLIlqf sUrj dI rOsLnI ivc keI qrHF dy axjly hfeIzrojLn,
nfeItrojn aqy afksfeIzF nfl pRqIikRaf krky EjLon, alzIhfeIzjL afid bxfAuNdy hn. ienHF nUM ivigafnk sLbdfvlI ivc Poto kYmIkl aksfeIzYNts afKdy hn. ienHF dy kfrn Poto kYmIkl smok (DUMaF,DuMd) bx jFdf hY. ies dI ivafiKaf sB qoN pihlF 1905 ivc iek ivigafnI aY c [ey [ vo k s ny kIqI sI. smok Poto kYmIkl vI ho skdf hY aqy kolf bflx nfl vI bx skdf hY. ieh BIV-BVwky vfly iKwiqaF aqy snawqI KyqrF ivc bhuq huMdf hY. keI mOsmF ivc Kfs krky KyqI rihMd-KUMhd nUM awg lfAux aqy XuwDF vyly qF ieh byhwd vD jFdf hY. ies qwQ dI pusLtI KfVI XuwD smyN mfrc 1991 ivc ksLmIr vfdI ivc kfly rMg dI hoeI brPvfrI smyN ho geI sI. gYs dy rUp ivc Tos jF qrl kxF nU M hvf ivc Cw z x dI ikiraf nUM eyrosol afKdy hn ijvyN ik DUMaF, DUV, bnfvtI
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
iCVkfa krnf afid. ienH F ivc kloroPlUro kfrbn huMdy hn jo hvf nUM dUisLq krdy hn aqy jIvn nUM Kqrf pYdf kr idMdy hn. hvf aMdr DUMeyN aqy DUMV dy kxF dI vwD mfqrf dy kfrn sUrj dI rOsLnI DrqI AuWpr Gwt mfqrf ivc puwjdI hY, ijs kfrn DrqI Auprlf pRfxI aqy bnspqI jIvn pRBfivq huMdf hY. Kqrnfk bykfbU DUMaF vfXU pR d U s L x df mu w K sro q DUMaF hY. ieh DUMaF bnspqI nUM awg lfAux, blx vfly koly, pYtrol, zIjLl jF hor bflxF ivcoN pYdf huMdf hY. kolf qy pYtrol afid dy blx nfl slPr zfeIaksfeIz kfrbn qy afksfeIz vrgIaF gYsF hvf ivc iml ky ies nUM pRdUisLq krdIaF hn. zIjLl afid qoN nfeItrojLn dy afksfeIz, hfeIzrokfrbn aqy kfrbn monoaksfeIz vrgIaF jL i hrIlIaF gY s F hvf ivc rl jFdIaF hn. XuwD smwgrI, rfktF, jYWt jhfjLF ivcoN inklx vflf DU M a F Au p rlI hvf nU M dUisLq kr idMdf hY jMgl, kxk aqy Jony dI rihMd-KUMhd nUM awg lfAux nfl pYdf hox vflf DUMaF qF Aus mOky hvf nUM byhwd dUisLq krdf hY. DfqF Zflx dy kfrKfinaF ivcoN inklx vflf DUMaF, DUV afid dy ivc keI aijhIaF DfqF dy kx huMdy hn jo ishq leI hfnIkfrk huMdIaF hn. ienHF ivc iswkf, kromIam, byrIlIam, inkl, vynfzIam, sMKIaf, kyzIam afid bhuq hI jLihrIlIaF hn. DUV kxF aqy kfrbn zfeIaksfeIz df mOsm Aupr bhuq hI burf asr pY irhf hY. 1957 ivc hvf ivclI kfrbn zfeIaksfeIz dI mfqrf 311 pI[ pI[ aYm[ sI[ jo hux vD ky 338 pI[pI[aYm[ ho geI hY. vfXUmMzl ivc hr sfl
iek imlIan ipwCy iek Bfg kfrbn zfeIksfeIz df vfDf huMdf hY. jy ieh vfDf iesy dr nfl huMdf irhf qF 21vIN sdI dy qIjy dhfky qwk vfXU mMzl ivc kfrbn zfeIaksfeIz dI mfqrf krIb 61000 imlIan tn jF 420 pI[pI[aY m [ ho jfvygI. Bfrq ivc ies nfl qfpmfn ivc 2 qo N 3 drjy sYntIgryz df vfDf ho jfvygf, ijs nfl vfsLpIkrn dI dr pRqI idn 2 qoN 3 imlImItr vD jfvygI ijs kfrn pfxI df gMBIr sMkt pYdf ho jfvygf. vfXUmMzl ivc vDdI jf rhI kfrbn zfeIaksfeIz dI mfqrf ny gMBIr Kqrf pYdf kr idwqf hY. AudXoigk kRFqI qoN pihlF vfXUmMzl dy 10 lwK Bfg ivc kfrbn zfeIaksfeIz dI mfqrf 275 qoN 285 Bfg qwk sI. 1980 ivc ieh vD ky 338 ho geI hY. DrqI dI grmfiesL dIrG qrMgF rfhIN AuWzdI hY. ies df 90 PIsdI ihwsf vfXUmMzl sok lYNdf hY. vfXUmMzl ivc mOjUd EjLon, kfrbn zfeIaksfeIz aqy vfsLpkxF kfrn sUrjI AUrjf DrqI dy vfXUmMzl ivc hI rok leI jFdI hY, ijs dy BYVy pRBfv pYNdy hn. pihlF pihl isrP slPr zfieafksfeIz nUM hI pOidaF AuWqy BYVy pRBfv df kfrn mMinaf jFdf sI, pRMqU nvyN kItnsLkF qy jVI-bUtI-nfsLk dvfeIaF dI Koj AuprMq pOidaF AuWqy mfrU pRBfv pfAux vfly pdfrQF ivc vwzf vfDf ho igaf. AudXoigk ivkfs nfl DrqI dy kudrqI vfqfvrn qy vfXU m M z l ivc anyk nvyN pRdUsLx-krqf phuMc gey. keI vfr qF pRdUsLx dy sroq ienHF AudXogF qoN 100 mIl dI dUrI `qy mOjUd bnspqI AuWqy vI mfrU pRBfv pfAuNdy njLr af jFdy hn. AudXogF qy Kfs kr Dfq-soDk kfrKfinaF qoN
inkl rhIaF jLihrIlIaF gYsF ny qF keI sQfnF AuWqy bnspqI nUM pUrI qrHF qihs-nihs kr idwqf hY. ijvyN-ijvyN vfXUmMzl ivc kx rUpI pdfrQF dI mfqrf vDdI jFdI hY, ieh pdfrQ sU r j qo N af rhI rO s L n I df vDyry iKMzfAu krn lgdy hn, ijs dy PlsrUp DrqI AuWqy phuMc rhI qfp AUrjf dI mfqrf Gtx lgdI hY qy ies gRih df qfpmfn Gtxf sLurU ho jFdf hY. ivsLv-ivafpI qOr AuWqy DrqI dy qfpmfn ivc Gftf, sfzy vfXUmMzl ivc vDyry pRdUsLxkrqf kxF dI hoNd nfl joiVaf jFdf hY. ies pRBfv dy TIk Ault pRBfv hY grIn hfAUs pRBfv, jo vfXUmMzl ivc kfrbn zfieaksfeIz gYs dI vDyry mfqrf qoN pYdf huMdf hY. aijhf aMdfjLf hY ik jy mOjUdf dr nfl hI, vfXUmMzl ivc kfrbn zfieaksfeIz gYs dI mfqrf lgfqfr vDdI geI qF agly 5 dhfikaF aM d r DrqI dy ivsLv-ivafpI qfpmfn ivc 4 drjf sYlsIas df vfDf ho jfvygf. mfihrF anusfr ieh qfpmfn vfDf ipR Q vI dIaF brPfnI DruvI topIaF nUM ipGlf dyvygf aqy ivafpk hVHF df kfrn bxygf mgroN jl-vihx suwk jfxgy. awj loV hY; afpxy cOigrdy dI sucwjI sFB-sMBfl, kudrqI sMquln aqy ies dy kudrqI suhwpx nUM bxfeI rwKx leI, hvf-pRdUsLx nUM suXog ivAuNqbMdI nfl nwQ pfeIey. qd hI asIN afpxIaF BivwKmeI mnuwKI pIVIaF nUM KusLhfl qy svwC jIvn ijAUx Xog hflfq dy skFgy. hfly ieh sfzIaF srkfrF dy ‘eyjMzy’ ivc nhIN hY. iPr ieh kMm kwlIaF ‘srkfrF’ df vI nhIN hY, asIN-qusIN vI ies `c ihwsf pfAuxf hY.
The Patrika
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Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Dasmesh Punjabi School’s Student Council Donate $5000 to Abbotsford Community Services with the help of Telus Service/Sewa is one of the core values adopted by Dasmesh Punjabi School. In our culture there are simple and precise practices lead out by our Gurus that are outlined as “the sikh way of living.� As Gurus emphasized Sikhs should lead a disciplined life engaged in Naam Simran (meditation on God’s name), Kirat Karni (living an honest life and living), and Wand Kay Shako (sharing what one has with the community), we at Dasmesh emphasize and encourage the same of our students.
Located at Legends Academy
Over the past two year, Dasmesh Punjabi School has developed a very #7 32700 George Ferguson Way productive relationship with Telus. One of our talented students, HarsimAbbotsford, British Columbia V2T 4V6 ran Gosal, won first prize in the national Telus Wise cartoon competition. e. laser@legendsacademy | www.legendsacademy.ca Several of our staff and students were then invited to a special video session in Telus Gardens where they presented their views on bullying. Clips from these sessions were used in a Telus Commercial that aired on MTV. The school received an opportunity from Telus to donate to a charity of our choice, thanks to Harsimran Johal’s winning entry in the Telus Wise Competition. The Dasmesh Student Council decided to donate the funds of $5000 to Abbotsford Community Services (ACS) to help our local community with the various programs organized and run by ACS.
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
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We at Dasmesh Punjabi School believe giving back to the community in any way we can and staying true to our core value of Sewa is the best way to not only show our students the power of giving, but the importance of helping those in need, as Sikhism is founded on principles of Sarbat da Bhalla - working towards the “common good of all".
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
ieMzo knyzIan sInIar sYˆtr sHrI-zYltf df mfsk kvI drbfr ieMzo knyzIan sInIar sYˆtr sHrI-zYltf df jnvrI mhIny df mfsk kvI drbfr sYˆtr dy Auprly vwzy hfl ivwc òù jnvrI idn aYqvfr nUM s:gurnfm isMG iswDU dI pRDfngI hyT sMpMn hoieaf. ÈurUafq s: nCwqr isMG brfV dy nfvl “pypr mYirj” nfl hoeI. Auhnfˆ ny afpxy ies nfvl bfry ivsQfr pUrvk cfnxfˆ pfieaf. iesqo AuprMq ieMdrjIq isMG DfmI, rxjIq isMG inwJr , bIbI divMdr kor johl, qijMdr kor bYˆs, gurmIq isMG kflkt, drÈn isMG atvfl, juigMdr kor gryvfl, jIvn isMG rfmpurI, pivqwr kor brfV, amRIk isMG lyl, hrjIq doDrIaf afid kvIafˆ ny bhuq hI ipafrIafˆ arQ BrpUr aqy Èihd vfˆg imTIafˆ kivqfvfˆ nfl sroiqafˆ df rwjvf mnorMjn kIqf. styj skwqr dI syvf s: gurbcn isMG brfV ny bVI ijMmyvfrI nfl inBfeI aqy nfQ hI do avfjfˆ nfl gfxf pyÈ kIqf. cfh pfxI aqy hor sB Kfx pIx dI syvf s: gurnfm isMG iswDU vwlo kIqI geI. sfrf pRogrfm iek sdIvI Xfdgfr ho inbiVaf. PrvrI mhIny dy afKrI aYqvfr nUM iPr iekwTy hox df sMklp lY ky sfry KuÈI KuÈI ivdf hoey.
kYnyzf dI riPAUjIafˆ sbMDI nIqI ivwc koeI qbdIlI nhIN: husYn Etvf: iemIgRyÈn mMqrI aihmd husYn df kihxf hY ik kYnyzf amrIkf nfl hoey Aus smJOqy nUM rwd nhIN krn vflf ijs rfhIN dyÈ dy riPAUjIafˆ nUM kYnyzf ivwc riPAUjIafˆ df drjf hfsl krn leI aplfeI krn vfsqy rok lfeI jfvy. mMglvfr nUM aYn[zI[pI[ dI iemIgRyÈn ikRitk jYnI kvYn vwloN swdI geI inAUË kfnPrMs qoN bfad husYn ny pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ Aukq gwl afKI. kvYn vwloN ilbrlfˆ nUM ieh apIl kIqI geI ik Auh surwiKaq qIjy mulk vfly smJOqy qoN afpxf nfˆ vfips lY lYx. surwiKaq qIjf mulk smJOqf 2004 ivwc hoNd ivwc afieaf sI, ijs qihq pihlfˆ qoN hI kYnyzf jfˆ amrIkf phuMc cuwky ibnYkfrfˆ nUM iksy hor mulk ivwc riPAUjI df drjf hfsl krn AuWqy rok lfeI geI sI. pfrlIafmYˆt ihwl AuWqy hoeI kYbint mIitMg qoN bfad husYn ny afiKaf ik smJOqy dIafˆ sfrIafˆ Èrqfˆ qy mfxk afpxI Qfˆ AuWqy brkrfr hn qy ies smyˆ ies ivwc koeI vI qbdIlI nhIN kIqI geI. husYn ny afiKaf ik amrIkI pRÈfsn ny AunHfˆ 850 riPAUjIafˆ nUM dyÈ ivwc afAux dI iejfËq idwqI hY ijhVy amrIkf dy rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp dy nvyˆ hukmfˆ qoN pihlfˆ hr qrHfˆ dI kfgËI kfrvfeI pUrI krky hrI JMzI hfsl kr cuwky sn. iËkrXog hY ik trMp dy nvyˆ hukmfˆ anusfr ierfn, ierfk, ilbIaf, somflIaf, suzfn, sIrIaf jfˆ Xmn dy nfgirkfˆ dy amrIkf ivwc dfKl hox AuWqy rok lfeI geI hY. aYn[zI[pI[ vwloN srkfr qoN ieh mMg vI kIqI jf rhI hY ik pMj ivakqIafˆ dy gruwp vwloN pRfeIvyt qOr AuWqy riPAUjIafˆ nUM spfˆsr krn dy pRogrfm dI ilimt Kqm kIqI jfvy. srkfr ny ieh asQfeI pRogrfm sIrIafeI qy ierfkI riPAUjIafˆ dy muV vsyby leI sLurU kIqf sI. pr 2017 ivwc srkfr ny ieh aYlfn kIqf sI ik Auh ies pRogrfm qihq 1,000 arËIafˆ hI svIkfr krygI. ies pRogrfm qihq ibnYkfrfˆ dI ilimt ipCly hPqy hI muwkI hY. husYn ny ies pRogrfm ivwc iksy vI qrHfˆ dI Pyrbdl qoN ienkfr kIqf hY. iewQy dwsxf bxdf hY ik aYn[zI[pI[ dI guËfirÈ AuWqy aYmpIË trMp dy trYvl bYn AuWqy aYmrjMsI bihs krngy. ies dOrfn aYmnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl qy kYnyzIan kfAuNsl POr riPAUjIË vwloN srkfr qoN syP Qrz kMtrI vfly smJOqy qoN pfsy hox dI mMg kIqI jf rhI hY. PAGE 11
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
aYbtsPorz ivKy sRI gurU grMQ sfihb siqkfr kmytI aqy smUMh sMgqF vloN sLhId bfbf dIp isMG dI Xfd qy srbq dy Bly leI sRI afKMz pfT sihb krfey gey
aYbtsPorz-gurduafrf klgIDr drbfr sfihb aYbtsPorz ivKy sLhId bfbf dIp isMG jI dy jnm idhfVy qy AunHF dI inwGI Xfd `c aqy srbq dy Bly leI sRI aKMz pfT sfihb krfey gey. BfeI bicwqr isMG hYWz gRMQI smyq pMjF isMGF ny ardfs bynqI kIqI. AuprMq BfeI sfihb ny sMgqF nUM hukmnfmf srvx krfieaf gurU sfihb qoN ipafr lYNidaF afeI hoeI sfrI sMgq nUM gurU sfihb dI bKisLs isrpfE idwqy gey. smUMh grMQI isMGF, cobdfrf qy lMgr ivwc syvf kr rhy isMG isMGxIaF df kotn koit DMnvfd kIqf igaf. vwloN: kuldIp isMG syKoN PAGE 12
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
cox ijwqx dy nusLKy (ivaMg) ipafry lIzro! jnqf idE du l firE! jnqf idE sy v ko ! votF isr `qy hn. qrIk qYa ho geI hY. afE! afpF afpxI kuMBkrnI nINd qoN jfgIey. bVf icr alop rhy, hux pRgt hox df mOkf afieaY. isrP pRgt hI nf hoeIey, sgoN dovyN hwQ joV ky pRgt hoeIey ikAuNik agly pMdrF idn afpF nUM iek buwq vFg iesy pojL ivc rihxf pYxf hY. kI ikhf, ajy qF kuJ vI nhIN kIqf. idn QoVHy hn. iPkr nf kro. ajy zuwlHy byrF df kuJ nhIN ivgiVaf. asIN ielYksLn aYksprt quhfzy nfl hF. hux qwk hjLfrF AumIdvfrF dy isr ijwq df ishrf bnHf cuwky hF. sfzy kol jyqU AumIdvfrF dy hjLfrF pRsMsf pwqr hn. do cfr qF hux vI PqUhI dI jyb `c hoxgy. hwQ kMgx nUM afrsI kI? kho qF huxy kwZ ky idKf idMdy hF. vYsy vI dysL dI vMz vyilaF df jnm hox kfrn asIN vI gFDI jI vFg swcvfdI hox df vfadf kr skdy hF. kI ikhf pRsMsf pwqr dyKx dI loV nhIN. sfzy `qy XkIn hY. XkIn hY qF cMgI gwl hY. XkIn nfl hI dunIaF cwldI hY. lE, kfgjL pYWn kwZo qy ielYksLn ijwqx dy nusKy not
kro. sfzf iek-iek nusKf svfsvf lwK df hY. so, dyr nf kro. ilKxf nhIN afAuNdf qF guaFZIaF df aYm[iPl muMzf swd lE. ajy kwlH hI ispfhI BrqI hoieaf. CyqI kro, ieh sB qoN jLrUrI hY. kI ikhf, ‘tfeIm nhIN.’ tfeIm qF kwZxf pYxf. mMinaf ik ielYksLn leI qusIN postr CpvfAuxy hn, dPqr KulHvfAuxy hn, grIbF dI hfa ivc nfary iqafr krny hn, JONpVIaF-JuwgIaF `c jf ky grIbF nfl cfh pIxI hY. hjLfrF idl luBfAuxIaF skImF bfry socxf hY. hjLfrF lfiraF bfry socxf hY. socI jfxf. ieh CotIaF-motIaF gwlF huMdIaF rihxgIaF. quhfzy cmcy afpy sFB lYxgy. qusIN sfzIaF ‘hr msfly ipplf mUl’ vflIaF skImF vwl kMn kro. skImF sfzy kol bhuq hn. sfzy qoN dwsIaF nhIN jfxIaF, quhfzy qoN suxIaF nhIN jfxIaF. so, sO gjL rwsf isry `qy gMZ. jy ijwqxf hY qF afpxI hr spIc ivc ivroDI pfrtI dy AumIdvfr nUM mMdf bolo qy Aus `qy BFq-BFq dy dUsLx lfE. kI ikhY? Auh qF bVf hI bIbf rfxf hY. Aus `qy kI dosL lgfeIey? ipafirE!
Drm krm dy cwkrF `c nhIN peIdf. ieAuN qF pUrIaF pY geIaF. qusIN afpxy ivroDI `qy hjLfrF qrHF dy dUsLx lf skdy ho. hor kuJ nhIN suJdf qF kih idE ies df pVdfdf aMgryjLF df cmcf sI. agilaF ny ikhVf sO sfl purfxy isAuNk KfDy irkfrz dyKxy aF. kih idE aMgryjLF ny AuhnUM ‘rfey bhfdur’ df iKqfb vI idwqf sI. aYvyN QoVHf idwqf sI ‘iKqfb’. lwKF bydosLy BfrqIaF df kql krfieaf sI. iehI aMgryjLF df ipwTU dysL DrohI, hux quhfzI luwt Koh krn nUM iPrdY. Kvrf BYVI bUQI vflf ikhVy mUMh nfl votF mMgdf iPrdf. sLrm nhIN afAuNdI hux TyTr nUM. ieho ijhy buwkl dy swp nUM mUMh moVvF jvfb idE. tuwkV boc dI jLmfnq jLbq krf idE. Bfldf votF…iehnUM suafh idE swqF cuwilHaF dI. lE jI ihMg lwgy nf PtkVI rMg coKf. votr afpy quhfzy hwk `c Bugqxgy. jykr iksy ivroDI df ipCokV dysL BgqI nfl nwko-nwk Biraf hovy, iPr vI GbrfAux dI AuWkf loV nhIN. Jwt kih idE, ‘mYN jfxdF ienHF vwizaF dysL BgqF nUM. suwqy
pey aMgryjL dy cUMZI vwZ igaf sI, ienHF df bfbf. hux pYnsLn lvfeI iPrdf sfrf EVmf koVmf. hy KF! sLrm nhIN afAuNdI hoxI pYnsLnF KFidaF nUM sfrf KjLfnf KflI kr Cwizaf AUqF ny. Zyky pYnsLnF dy. mUMh kfly krky Koqy `qy ibTfE ienHF nUM. sI[bI[afeI[ dI ienkuafierI krfE ienHF JUiTaF dI. pYnsLnF bMd krky jylHIN quMno ienHF nUM. JUTy jhfn dy! mfro ienHF dy[[[ cfr. akl afvy.’ quhfzy aYnf kihx nfl hI jnqf df ruK bdl jfvygf qy quhfzI ijwq XkInI ho jfvygI. ivroDI nUM burf Blf kihx df koeI mOkf nf gvfE. Auh BfvyN afpxI Drm pqnI nfl hI isLmly, kuPrI jF zlhOjLI sYr krdf hovy, qusIN rOlf pf idE, ‘Eey iehnUM votF pfAu x nU M iPrdy ho . sO sO qF iehny shylIaF rwKIaF. puwCx vflf hovy beI qUM puwqF-poiqaF vflf, dohqy-dohqIaF vflf, ieh kI kMjrKfnf iKlfrdF? sLrm hY ik nhIN Borf? kI ieho ijhy sLKs nUM votF pfEgy? bfhlf qINgiVaf iPrdY. Bfldf votF. votF nhIN ies ZwTy dI nsbMdI krfE. nfly cfr
blrfj isMG pYsy imlxgy, nfly ieh vihVkf KOrU pfAxoN ht jU. votF df. lE jI! ieMnf ku icwkV suwtx nfl sO PIsdI votr quhfzy hwk `c Bugqxgy. nf Bugqy qF sfzf nFa bdl idE. lgdy hwQ ielYksLn ijwqx df iek hor nusKf not kr lE. hor kuJ nhIN suJdf qF afpxy ivroDI AumIdvfr dy pihrfvy bfry hI dUsLx lfAuxy sLurU kr idE. kih idE, ‘DoqI qF dyKo mlMg dI[[[nmUnf ikqoN df. ikvyN sVk suMBrdf iPrdY. kwlH nUM jy ijwq igaf qF ieAuN hI not suMBr-suMBr afvdy juafkF dy Gr BrU. ieh DoqI nhIN, JfVU hY pYsy iekwTy krn vflf. not hUMJx vflf JurlU hY. huxy qoN pRYkits krdf iPrdY not hUMJx dI. Bfldf votF. pihlF DoqI qF sFBxI iswK lY. DoqI qF sFBI nhIN jFdI, dysL ikvyN sFBUgf? lE jI quhfzy aYnf kihx nfl quhfzIaF votF pwkIaF. ‘kwlIkwlI’ vot quhfzy pwK `c BugqU. hor hjLfrF dUsLx ny. ijhVy mrjLI lfE. kih dE, ‘ieh blYkIaf hY, nsLyVI hY. iehdf nfnf hjLfrF vfr aPIm vycdf PiVaf. sfzy bjLurgF
nfl qF pVHdf sI. sO vfr gDy `qy mUMh kflf krky ibTfieaf iehnUM. iek vfr qF agilaF gDy dI pUC nUM ptfky bMnH ky awg vI lfqI sI. lE jI gDf zr ky ‘ZIcUM-ZIcUM’ krdf Bwijaf qy jnfb buVHk ky Qwly. imwtI `c gDy vFgUM lotxIaF Kfx. mhInf lwq `qy plsqr lwgf irhf. juVI iPr vI nhIN cwj nfl. qfhIEN qF hux lMgVf ky qurdf[[[kYdoN. ikqoN df. BfldY votF hux. nsLyVIaF df dohqf, jLKIrybfjF df poqf[[[BfldY votF. ieh ijwq igaf qF sfry sUby nUM amlI bxf dU. mrjLI aY QozI. ijqfAu x f ijqf idE pr iPr mfvf KfDy ibnF AuWiTaf nhIN jfxf. soc lE.’ lE jI! aYnf kihx nfl hI quhfzI ijwq XkInI ho jfvygI. blYkIey qy jLKIrybfjL nUM ikhVf BVUaf vot pfvygf? so, ipafry AumIdvfro! votF ivc afpxI ijwq XkInI bxfAux leI sfzy dwsy acUk nusiKaF `qy jLrUr cwlo. ies ivc hI quhfzf Blf hY, quhfzy pirvfr df Blf hY. quhfzI AuWnqI, pirvfr dI AuWnqI, sUby dI AuWnqI qy dysL dI AuWnqI hY.
The Patrika
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Friday, February 3rd, 2017
What’s in a Name?
Last month I wrote about issues of character, integrity and reputation. I did so in part because I had been reflecting on the events in my own life in 2016, as well as to help shape our thinking as we prepare for the next provincial election and the lens through which we will judge those seeking public office. Though I have been writing for various publications throughout Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley for over a decade, I have never had such a remarkable response. From emails, to notes on social media, to individuals pulling me aside when they see me in the community, the amount of feedback I have received has been truly surprising (not to mention, humbling). As part of this feedback I had a couple of conversations that made me realize something rather profound: integrity is subjective. What do I mean
by that? I mean that while the notion of integrity is rather ‘black and white’, its application is not. This leads me to what I’ll describe as ‘Part II’ of what had only be intended to be a singular column on the topic of integrity. After receiving the aforementioned feedback I decided to undertake an exercise. I approached a group of thought, community, business and political leaders and asked them for testimonials for my firm’s website (something I have never done before). I decided that if I wanted to be sure that I was doing all that I
FOR THE RECORD Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M. could to live-out my life with integrity, it would be the words of others that would confirm whether or not I’m on the righttrack. If not, though I knew they would all be polite, I also knew there would be certain words they would avoid. Upon having received these testimonials (which are now online), I was pleased to see that the word used most often to describe me was in-fact integrity. I say that not as an attempt to thump my own chest, but as a means to demonstrate the points that will be made shortly.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
For the Record… It has been said that... “The speaker can convince most people of most things – and himself of anything.” As such, here are the metrics that I would suggest we as a community should use when determining an individuals worthiness to serve in public office. First and foremost, is the manner in which they identify themselves consistent with the manner in which others see them? In other words, if they claim to have integrity, can that be substantiated? If so, then it should not be difficult to find individuals who will easily endorse them; thus aligning their reputation with the candidate. The next metric I would use to determine the degree of a candidates integrity are the foundational values they hold and the manner in which they live-out (or do not
live-out) those values. Here the questions are simple: Are they humble, or arrogant? Are they compassionate, or selfish? Do they have a track-record of true success, or are they simply a legend in their own mind?
opinions only when asked (and even then, choosing their words carefully)? Moreover, how do they treat those who do not enjoy the same privileges – be they reputation, financial or otherwise – as they do?
The third metric that comes to mind is intelligence. Now when I say intelligence, I do not necessarily mean ones level of education. What I mean is intelligence in the broader sense. Are they self-aware? Do they have the necessary emotional intelligence to be able to deal with criticisms? Do they take the appropriate amount of time reflecting on their own shortcomings? Are they prepared to take ownership, or do they always blame others?
In closing, what has been made clear to me is that there are three types of people: those who evidently do not have integrity; those who have convinced themselves they have integrity; and, finally, those who actually do have integrity. As such, I would once again encourage all of us to determine the character of a person seeking public office before we judge them too harshly. That is to say, even if perhaps we do not agree with their political ideologies, so long as they are fundamentally good and living their lives with integrity, they deserve our admiration and respect for letting their name stand for public office.
Finally, how do they treat others? Are they the kind of person who goes around slandering someone, or do they remain silent and offer-up their
The Hon. Rona Ambrose, Leader of the Official Opposition comments on President Trumps travel ban. The Hon. Rona Ambrose: “Immigrants and Refugees from all over the world have greatly added to Canada’s success and prosperity, it is a proud part of our history and built this great country. I am relieved to hear all Canadian Passport holders are being exempted from the United States travel restrictions. Countries like Canada and the United States need to shelter ISIS persecuted groups from genocide. Yazidis, Assyrians, Christians and Muslims alike.” For more information on how the US travel ban may affect Canadians, please contact Citizen and Immigration Canada: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/ call.asp
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
pMjfb coxfˆ ivc mIzIaf aqy pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dI BUimkf mIzIaf df iemiqhfn qfˆ hryk coxfˆ dOrfn huMdf hY pr pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ df iemiqhfn ies vfr hoxf hY. pihlfˆ kuJ ku pR v fsI pM j fbI akflIBfjpf gTjoV aqy kfˆgrs nUM ijqfAux leI coxfˆ smyˆ pMjfb afAuNdy sn. ies vfr afp nUM ijqfAux leI pRvfsI pMjfbI vhIrfˆ Gwq ky afey hn. nqIjy vjoN smuwcf idRÈ idlcspI vflf bx igaf hY. pMjfb coxfˆ dOrfn pMjfbI mIzIaf dI kfrguËfrI df lyKfjoKf krIey qfˆ spwÈt nËr afAuNdf hY ik mIzIey df iek vwzf ihwsf mIzIaf dI nYiqkqf dI pRvfh nf kridafˆ Aulfr qy iek pfsV BUimkf inBfa irhf hY. mIzIaf nYiqkqf ivc buinafdI qy mwuZlf svfl scfeI, iemfndfrI qy inrpwKqf df hY. iksy vI afDfr `qy ivqkrf
nf krnf. mnuwK qy smfj dI ibhqrI leI kfrjÈIl hoxf. pfrdrÈI aqy jvfbdyh hoxf. pr aPsos ik ies sB dI hryk ny afpo-afpxI pirBfÈf GV leI hY. nqIjy vjoN mIzIaf nYiqkqf iek guMJldfr ivÈf bx igaf hY. kuJ vI hY hryk mIzIaf adfry nUM afpxI BrosyXogqf qfˆ bxf ky rwKxI hI cfhIdI hY . jd pfTk, drÈk iksy aKLbfr cYnl `qy Brosf hI nhIN krngy qfˆ Aus nUM clfAux dy kI mfany? pfTk, drÈk df Brosf AudoN AuTdf hY jd aKLbfr, cYnl swc qoN mUMh moVdf hY. pMjfbI mIzIaf df iek ihwsf aijhf kr irhf hY aqy AuQoN pfTk, drÈk nUM sMquilq qy inrpwK jfxkfrI nhIN imldI. nqIjy vjoN AunHfˆ dy pwly inrfÈf pYˆdI hY.
hY. 27 jnvrI nUM pRDfn mMqrI sRI nirMdr modI, kfˆgrs dy Aup-pRDfn rfhul gfˆDI aqy idwlI dy muwK mMqrI arivMd kyjrIvfl afpo-afpxIafˆ pfrtIafˆ dy hwk ivc pRcfr krn leI pM j fb ivc sn. inrpwK mIzIaf ny iqMnfˆ nUM brfbr kvry j idw q I. pR M q U Au l fr qy iekpfsV KL b rfˆ dyx leI jfxy jfˆdy mIzIaf ny smuwcI kvryj `qy afpxf rMg cfVH idwqf. AuhI qy EnI kvryj ivKfeI ijhVI AunHfˆ nUM iPt bYTdI sI. aijhIafˆ siQqIafˆ ivc pfTk, drÈk pRyÈfn ho jfˆdf hY, duibDf ivc clf jfˆdf hY, ieh jfxn leI ik aslIaq kI hY, swc kI hY. Aus nUM hornfˆ sroqfˆ df shfrf lYxf pYˆdf hY. pMjfbI mIzIaf pMjfb coxfˆ nfl sbMDq ies dI leI ieh sMkyq ijQy ishqmMd qfËf Audfhrn leI jf skdI nhIN hn, AuQy coxfˆ dOrfn ies
poR: kulbIr isMG
dI BUimkf nUM vI ÈwkI bxfAuNdy pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ df guwsf Puwt hn. ipaf. Bfvyˆ pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dIafˆ pMjfb ivc sImq ijhIafˆ votfˆ hn pr AunHfˆ df pRBfv ivÈfl hY. pMjfb coxfˆ smyˆ vwzI igxqI ivc pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dI afmd nUM dyÈ-ivdyÈ ivc vwzI kvryj iml rhI hY. pRvfsI pMjfbI mIzIaf pMjfb coxfˆ dI kvryj nfl Biraf ipaf hY. ryzIE aqy tYlIivËn `qy huMdI crcf vI iesy duafly kyˆdirq hY. pMjfb df pMjfbI ihMdI mIzIaf vI pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dI pMjfb phuMc nUM ivÈyÈ mhwqv nfl pRkfiÈq kr irhf hY. iesy mhwqv dy mwdynËr kYptn amirMdr isMG ny cox kimÈn nUM icwTI ilK ky ikhf ik aYn[afr[afeI[ lokfˆ nUM pMjfb qoN bfhr kIqf jfvy. ieh KLbr afAuNidafˆ hI soÈl mIzIaf `qy kYptn amirMdr isMG ivruwD
KLbrfˆ dwsdIafˆ hn ik kY n y z f, amrIkf, ieM g lY ˆ z , afstRylIaf, inAUËIlYz ˆ , ietlI afid mulkfˆ qoN pRvfsI pMjfbI vwzI igxqI ivc pMjfb puwjy hoey hn aqy vwK-vwK ielfikafˆ ivc srgrm hn. drasl pMjfb qoN pRvfs krky ivdyÈfˆ ivc gey pMjfbI hr pl pMjfb aqy pRdys dI qulnf krdy hn. pRdys aqy pMjfb dy isstm nUM nIJ nfl inhfrdy hn. jd dovfˆ ivcfly vwzf pfVf vyKdy hn qfˆ mfnisk pIVf ivc iGr jfˆdy hn. iehI mfnisk pIVf AunHfˆ nUM iKwc ky pMjfb ilafeI hY. ies dy leI AunHfˆ nUM mfnisk qOr `qy iqafr krn ivc pRvfsI pMjfbI mIzIaf dI vI aihm BUimkf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
jlvfXU pirvrqn dIafˆ cuxOqIafˆ qy trMp ieh iewk ieqPfk hI hY ik zonlz trMp dI amrIkf dy rfÈtrpqI vjoN qfjpoÈI Aus smyˆ hoeI jdoN sMsfr dIafˆ sB qoN vwD siqkfrq vfqfvrn ingrfn sMsQfvfˆ ny aYlfn kIqf ik 2016 du n Iafˆ dy ieiqhfs df sB qoN grm sfl irhf. ieh ieqPfk Aus smyˆ vfpiraf jdoN iewk pfsy qfˆ sfzI DrqI aflmI qpÈ qoN Aupjy Kqirafˆ ivwc lgfqfr vfDy nfl do-cfr ho rhI hY aqy dUjy pfsy dunIafˆ dy sB qoN qfkqvr isafsI ahudy `qy phuMicaf ivakqI ieh aYlfn kr irhf hY ik aflmI qpÈ qfˆ iewk ‘Brm` hI hY jo cIn ny amrIkI snaqfˆ dI mukfblybfËI nUM KuMZf krn leI rcI sfiËÈ dy qihq AuBfiraf hY. afpxy cox pRcfr dOrfn trMp qfˆ ies qoN vI awgy clf igaf sI: Aus ny vfadf kIqf sI ik amrIkf, pYirs jlvfXU sMDI nfloN nfqf qoV lvygf aqy iPËfeI qbdIlIafˆ dI rokQfm leI sMXukq rfÈtr vwloN kIqIafˆ jf rhIafˆ pihlkdmIafˆ vfsqy PMz dyxy
vI bMd kr dyvygf. amrIkf nUM afriQk qy isafsI nIqIafˆ pwKoN bfkI dunIafˆ nfloN alwgQlwg krn dy trMp dy eyjMzy nfl juVy sfry Kqirafˆ qoN ielfvf jlvfXU sbMDI aflmI vfrqflfp nUM sfboqfj krnf sB qoN vwD aPsosnfk nIqIgq qbdIlI hovygI ikAuNik ies smyˆ mnuwKqf nUM jykr iksy cIË qoN sB qoN vwD Kqrf hY qfˆ Auh hY aflmI qpÈ. 2016 nf isrP hux qwk df sB qoN vwD grm sfl sI sgoN ieh lgfqfr qIjf aijhf sfl sI jdoN DrqI dy qfpmfn ivwc inrMqr vfDf drj kIqf igaf. pihlfˆ 2015 qy 2014 vwD qoN vwD grm vrHy mMny gey sn, 2016 ienHfˆ qoN vI awgy lMG igaf. amrIkf dI eyjMsI – nYÈnl eyaronOitks aYˆz spys aYziminstryÈn (nfsf) anu s fr 1880 qo N imldy irkfrzfˆ anusfr pihlfˆ 2006 sB qoN grm vrHf mMinaf igaf sI. ies qoN bfad 2014, 2015 qy 2016 vflf gyV sLurU hoieaf. ‘nfsf` aqy iewk hor
amrIkI ey j M s I – nY È nl EÈink aY ˆ z aY t mo s PY i rk aYziminstryÈn (aYWnEeyey) nfl sbMiDq ivigafnIafˆ ny ieh drj kIqf hY ik vIhvIN sdI dy mwD dOrfn dI sflfnf qfpmfnI aOsq dy mukfbly 2016 dOrfn DrqI dI sqih Auprlf qfpmfn iewk izgrI sYlÈIas vwD sI. qfpmfn ivclf ieh vfDf srkfrI qOr `qy mfmUlI jfpdf hY, pr ies dy asrfq bhuq ivafpk hn. hornfˆ anumfnfˆ ivwc kuJ inwky inwky Prk hn. XU[ky[ dI kOmI mOsm syvf – mYWt afiPs df kihxf hY ik sfl 2016 afm sflfnf qpÈ dr qoN 0[77 vwD grm sI aqy hux qwk dy irkfrz anusfr do sB qoN vwD grm sflfˆ ivwcoN iewk sI. ivÈv mOsm ivigafnk sMsQf (zbilAUaYWmE), jo ik sMXukq rfÈtr dI mfihrfnf eyjMsI hY aqy jo vwK vwK sroqfˆ qoN pRfpq qfpmfn sbMDI aMkiVafˆ nUM ieksur krn df kMm krdI hY, ies qwQ nfl sihmq hY ik sfl 2016 ny qfpmfn ivwc ieËfPy dy ipCly sfry sflfnf
irkfrz pfr kr idwqy. ies qoN ielfvf ieh qwQ vI sfzy sfhmxy hY ik sfl 2001 qoN bfad dy 16 sflfˆ ivwcoN 15 vwD grm sflfˆ ivwc Èfml rhy hn aqy 2016 ienHfˆ ivwc sLumfr hY. aflmI qfpmfn ivw c iew k izgrI sY l ÈIas jfˆ iew k izgrI dy nyVy-qyVy dy vfDy nfl juVy Kqirafˆ nUM smJxf byhwd ËrUrI hY. dunIafˆ Br dy ivigafnIafˆ dI ies qwQ nfl sihmqI hY ik jy k r AudXoigk Xuwg qoN pihlfˆ dy aflmI qfpmfn dI qu l nf ivwc mOjUdf aflmI qfpmfn 2 izgrI sY l ÈIas vDdf hY qfˆ ies kfrn aijhIafˆ vfqfvrxk qbdIlIafˆ df Xuwg sLurU ho jfvygf ijs nUM moVf nhIN idwqf jf skygf. iesy kfrn vfqfvrn sbMDI hux qwk hoeIafˆ sfrIafˆ vfrqfvfˆ qy sMmylnfˆ dOrfn Ëor iewko AudyÈ AuWqy idwq f igaf ik aflmI qfpmfn ivwc vfDy nUM 2 izgrI sYlÈIas qoN hyTfˆ hI rwiKaf jfvy aqy ies tIcy dI pRfpqI leI hr sMBv Auprfly
kIqy jfx. pYirs jlvfXU sMDI qfˆ ies qoN vI agfˆh clI geI. ies ny qpÈ ivwc vfDy df tIcf 1[5 izgrI sYlÈIas qoN nf vDxf qYa kr idwqf ikAuNik 1[5 izgrI sYlÈIas dy ieËfPy nfl vI DruvI qy sfihlI Kyqrfˆ leI Kqry nËr afAuxy sLurU ho gey sn. ies smyˆ iewk pfsy aflmI pwDr `qy qfˆ ieh ieqPfk rfie hY ik aflmI qpÈ dI rokQfm dy tIcy vwD nIvyˆ hoxy cfhIdy hn, AuWQy zonlz trMp df ruK hux qwk hfsl kIqIafˆ sIimq vfqfvrx pRfpqIafˆ nUM Zfh lfAux vflf hY. zonlz trMp vw l o N mno n Iq kIqI sM X u k q rfÈtr ivwc sQfeI amrIkI pRqIinD inwkI hylI df ieh ibafn ik sM X u k q rfÈtr kuJ cMgf krn nfloN nuksfn vw D krdf hY , amrIkf dy kOmfˆqrIvfd-ivroDI stYˆz nUM hI pRqIibMbq krdf hY. ieh stYˆz amrIkf nUM kOmfˆqrI sM D Iafˆ ivw c o N bfhr kw Z x dy zonlz trMp dy aYlfnfˆ dI hI pYdfieÈ hY. aflmI qpÈ nUM kMtrol krn vfly
pRIqm isMG (pRo[) grIn hfAUs gYsfˆ dI inkfsI GtfAuxf kOmfˆqrI pwDr dI sihmqI qy sMDIafˆ aqy ienHfˆ sMDIafˆ qy inÈfinafˆ AuWpr sKqI nfl aml qoN ibnfˆ sMBv nhIN. ienHfˆ kOmfˆqrI sMDIafˆ nUM sMBv bxfAux ivwc sMXukq rfÈtr dI BUimkf sdf hI aihm rhI hY Bfvyˆ dunIafˆ ivwc JyiVafˆ qy jMgfˆ dy keI ipVfˆ ivwc sMXukq rfÈtr afpxI bxdI BUimkf afsfˆ-AumIdfˆ muqfibk nhIN inBf sikaf. mulkfˆ nUM kfrbn-mukq krn aqy ies qrHfˆ hrf gRih pRBfv GtfAux leI pQrft bflxfˆ (POisl iPAUlË) dI vrqoN Gw t krnf pR m u w K lo V hY . trMp ny isrP koly dI vrqoN vDfAux df hI iekrfr nhIN kIqf sgoN skOt prUiewt nUM amrIkI aYnvfiermYˆ t l pRotYkÈn eyjMsI (eIpIey) df muKI inXukq kIqf hY. trMp ny ieh jfxdy hoey vI ieh inXukqI kIqI hY ik pRdUÈx kMtrol krn aqy grInhfAUs gYsfˆ dI inkfsI GtfAux leI inXM q rx mfpdM z bxfAu x Cont'd on next page
PAGE 18 Cont'd from page 18
sbMDI eIpIey dy Xqnfˆ kfrn skOt prUiewt dI ies sMsQf nfl iqwKI JVp hoeI sI. jInf mYkfrQI sfbkf rfÈtrpqI brfk Ebfmf dy rfj kfl dOrfn eIpIey dI muKI aqy rfÈtrpqI Ebfmf dIafˆ vfqfvrn bdlfa sbMDI nIqIafˆ dI muwK ivAuNqkfr sI. skOt prUiewt ny Kfs qOr `qy jInf mYkfrQI iKlfP jMg CyV idwqI sI. jInf ny sfP hvf sbMDI kfnUMn bxfAux ivwc muwK BUimkf inBfeI sI jo Ebfmf pRÈfsn vwloN vfqfvrnk suDfrfˆ leI kIqIafˆ pihlkdmIafˆ ivwcoN iewk sI. skOt prUiewt sfP hvf sbMDI kfnUMn df aflock sI ikAuNik ieh pQrft bflx snaq dy afriQk ihwqfˆ dy ivruwD sI. prUiewt qyl sMpMn Eklfhomf sUby df atfrnI jnrl sI aqy Auh pQrft bflx snaq dy vwzy hfmI vjoN jfixaf jfˆdf sI. iewQoN qwk ik vfqfvrn pwKI iewk sMsQf ny qfˆ mËfk AuzfAuNidafˆ Aus nUM ‘pQrft bflx snaq dI kTpwuqlI` afiKaf sI. trMp dy vfqfvrn ivroDI pYˆqiVafˆ ny irpbilkn pfrtI dI vfqfvrn bdlfa qoN ienkfr dI pRivrqI nUM AuqÈfihq kIqf hY. gnImq hY ik ivigafnk BfeIcfrf ies gwl bfry iekmuwT hY ik mnuwKfˆ vwloN pQrft bflxfˆ dI vrqoN hI grInhfAUs gYsfˆ dy Auqsrjn aqy aflmI qpÈ df muwK kfrn hY. ivigafn df pUrI qrHfˆ ivroD krnf trMp leI vI afsfn nhIN hovygf. ies qoN vI aihm gwl ieh hY ik inwq ho rhy afriQk aqy qknIkI bdlfa sUrjI aqy pOx AUrjf vrgy nivafAuxXog AUrjf sroqfˆ nUM pQrft bflx afDfirq AUrjf nfloN ssqf bxf rhy hn. ieh afriQk qbdIlIafˆ amrIkf dy vpfrI vrg dy iewk ihwsy nUM trMp dIafˆ pQrft bflx pwKI pihlkdmIafˆ dy iKlfP kr skdIafˆ hn. ies dy nfl hI vfqfvrn pwKI muihMmkfrfˆ aqy sMgTnfˆ dI hmfieq nfl brnI sYˆzrË ijhIafˆ ÈKsIaqfˆ vwloN sLurU kIqf igaf isafsI ivroD aqy sfrI nhIN qfˆ zYmokrYitk pfrtI dy iËafdfqr mYˆbrfˆ vwloN ivroD trMp dy nuksdfr nËrIey aqy nIqIafˆ nUM rokx ivwc sB qoN vwD PYslfkun BUimkf inBfeygf. trMp dy ivqkryvfdI nËrIey dy mwdynËr Aus dy hor mulkfˆ jfˆ sMXukq rfÈtr vrgy kOmfˆqrI sMgTnfˆ aqy pYirs jlvfXU sMDI qoN pRBfivq hox dI sMBfvnf nhIN hY. muwK qOr `qy GrylU pwDr AuWqy ivigafnk, vfqfvrnk, vpfrk aqy isafsI hlikafˆ vwloN ivroD hI trMp nUM vfqfvrn bdlfa sbMDI gwlbfq aqy smJOiqafˆ nUM pyqlf pfAux qoN rok skdf hY jo DrqI bcfAux leI bhuq ËrUrI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Dear Minister:
Thank you for your email. I hope you will understand my skepticism regarding your most recent effort to "engage" Canadians by postcard on electoral reform. First, you asked all of us MPs to engage our communities in determining their views of our electoral system. Many of us did just that by various means, including town halls and surveys. It quickly became apparent that you did not appreciate the message Canadians were sending you, namely that any substantive changes to the rules of our democracy require a referendum. Second, your recent dismissive and hurtful remarks about the work of the Electoral Reform Committee suggested that, after months of consulting Canadians on the future of our electoral system, the committee had not done the work that it had been asked to do. Your statement was patently false, and a slap in the face to all of the committee members who had worked so hard. The committee did exactly what it had been asked to do. It was only that you and your Government did not like the consensus outcome of that process that recommended a national referendum to choose between proportional representation and the status quo. Now, you've embarked upon an online survey process, a "Hail Mary pass" so to speak, which again demonstrates that your Liberal government already has an outcome in mind, one that will only benefit Liberal Party politicians. The survey participants are asked to answer loaded questions that advocate for change without including reference to a referendum that would give Canadians the ultimate choice in deciding how, if at all, the government should change Canada’s electoral system. Given your unwillingness to actually take the opinions of Canadians seriously and ask for their consent in a referendum, any further effort to consult Canadians, including your most recent "postcard" campaign, will undoubtedly be a sham like your previous efforts. It has become quite apparent that the only input you will consider is that which affirms your Government's preferred policy. Accordingly, you should not be surprised to learn that I will NOT be encouraging my community to participate in your MyDemocracy. ca platform. Your effort to co-opt Parliamentarians is simply another transparently obvious ploy to promote your pre-determined electoral agenda. I will not be part of that effort. Sincerely, Ed Fast, MP (Abbotsford)
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Kids doing crafts at The Reach
Prospera Credit Union have once again demonstrated their commitment to arts and heritage based learning by increasing opportunities for families to experience hands-on family programming at The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford. For 2017, Prospera will be offering more funding to support the popular Sunday Family Arts program.
styles. It means that families can take part without having to worry about the cost.” The Reach arts facilitators take great pride in designing fun and playful new arts and heritage projects that relate to current exhibitions
With the additional funding from Prospera, in its sixth year of investing in family creativity, The Reach will now offer two free sessions on each of the biweekly scheduled Sunday Family Arts dates. “We have seen a huge increase in the demand for this program over the past year,” says Laura Schneider, Executive Director at The Reach. “It is so exciting to have a community partner who understands the importance of this program to families and is willing to respond so generously.”
“Investing in the well-being of children and families in our community is always money well spent,” says Prospera Credit Union’s President and CEO, Shawn Good. “There is plenty of research to show that participating in art, music, movement and storytelling activities not only develops language, mathematics, science and social skills, it also strengthens the synapses between brain cells. That’s important since research also shows that at infancy a child has all the synapses needed to speak any language, to learn and appreciate music and movement, and to create visual art...but these must be used in order to be developed.”
Anna Williams, Education Programmer at The Reach states, “The program is so important as it gives kids and families time to bond in a creative environment and encourages a variety of learning
The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford is located at 32388 Veterans Way. For more information on the Prospera funded Sunday Family Arts and other programming visit: www.thereach.ca.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
E.V.P. bolIaF
bldyv suKI rozy
crnjIq smflsr
swq surF qy swq rMg ny, swq sbd dI bolI,
kfhlI awgy toey kihMdy, kI qyrI mjLbUrI,
afpxI mYˆ Aumr sfrI bs irhf ieAuN gfldf.
Cy sLbdF df qoVf lfky ivwc qrfjLU qolI,
kYdoN ikAuN bixaf Kohky, hIr dI cUrI, kYdoN ikAuN…
pwQrfˆ dy Èihr `coN ÈIÈy koeI ijAuN Bfldf. sfry mOsm nfl myry Cl sdf krdy rhy
5-7 gwBrU ho iekwTy, iewk bxfeI tolI pf hr joq isaF Zol vjfvy ZolI, pr hrjoq…
nvyN dysL qoN afey gwBrU, pVHy ilKy qy isafxy iek dUjy dI mwdd krdy, afpxy kI bygfny,
koeI vI nf Prk idisaf hfVH df qy isafl df. mYnUM suwcf hIrf, moqI iewk vI imilaf nhIN ryq irhf Cfxdf sfgr irhf hMGfldf.
bfby nfnk ikrq krn dI, iprq axoKI pfeI,
iks iks QF df pfxI pIxf, ieh rwb swcf jfxyN,
qoV ky mYnUM Auh mfrUQl `c suwtxf locdf
Gfl Kfey kuC hwQoN dyvy, hovy rwb shfeI,
awj kwl igxidaF dy, bIqdy jfx jLmfny, awj…
pr mYˆ bxnf locdf hfˆ Puwl sfvI zfl df. nfm Aus dy krnf cfhfˆ Kuafbfˆ df aMbr ivÈfl
sfry kfmy lY ky afsrf, krdy KUb kmfeI, kfrF tOp dIaF, swjrI ijvyN ivafhI, kfrF…
js brfV ‘suwKI’ df pyzUM huxyN dysL qoN afieaf, lMc rUm ivc bihky iek idn, ipMz df hfl suxfieaf,
sB qoN pihlF E.V. dy ivc, syPtI bVI jLrUrI,
virHaF ipwCoN ipMz dIaF gwlF suxky mn nisLafieaf,
afp bcIN qy dUijaF koloN, rwK bxfky dUrI,
brkq E.V. dI ivCiVaf CfeIN imlfieaf brkq…
pr Auh pMCI afdI ho cuwikaf sunihrI jfl df. mYˆ nhIN diraf Auh ijhVf jf ky sfgr ivwc rly Kyq dI jo qyh buJfey mYˆ hfˆ pfxI Kfl df. ilK nf sikaf iÈar mYˆ jo Aus dy mn nUM moh lvy AuNj irhf mYˆ sYˆkVy iÈarfˆ nUM gLËlIN Zfldf.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
sLurlIafˆ Cwz ky AulJfieaf jf irhf hY cox suDfrfˆ df asl muwdf Bfrq dy muwK cox kimÈnr nsIm ËYdI dy iKlfP koeI ivvfdq gwl kdy nhIN su x I geI, aqy dy È dy rfÈtrpqI pRxb mukrjI nUM vI AuWqm iensfn Bfvyˆ nf ikhf jfvy, afm lokfˆ dI nËr ivwc Auh afm qOr AuWqy aOsq drjy qoN cMgy afgU mMny jfˆdy hn. AunHfˆ dovfˆ jixafˆ ny ies hPqy Bfrq dy lokfˆ leI bihs df ieh muwdf CyV idw q f hY ik afpxy dy È dI pfrlImY ˆ t dy hy T ly sdn, lok sBf, qy rfjfˆ dIafˆ ivDfn sBfvfˆ dIafˆ coxfˆ iewko vyly krfAuxIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn. ieh ivcfr awgy vI coxfˆ dy idnfˆ ivwc pyÈ huMdf qy ivcfr df ivÈf bxdf irhf hY. hux ieh iPr pyÈ kr idwqf igaf hY. coxfˆ dy keI mfhr ies muwdy AuWqy ieh gwl bVI sfdgI nfl kih dyˆdy hn
ik iekwTIafˆ coxfˆ krfeIafˆ jfx qfˆ smfˆ aqy pYsf dovfˆ dI bwcq ho skdI hY qy cuxy gey adfirafˆ dI imafd vI pwkI ho jfvygI. vyKx nUM ieh ivcfr suhfvxf hY, pr aml ivwc ieho ijhI soc AuWqy isr KpfAux vwl lokfˆ nUM ruwJy rwKx df lfB isrP eynf hovygf ik cox suDfrfˆ dy asl muwdy qoN lokfˆ df iDafn pfsy ipaf rhygf. iekwTIafˆ coxfˆ krfAux df ivcfr asIN iewk KyKx qoN vwD nhIN mMndy. nf ieh soc aml ivwc af skdI hY qy nf ies df koeI lfB ho skdf hY. iksy ivksq lokqMqrI dyÈ ivwc Bfvyˆ ieh aml ivwc af jfvy, Bfrq dy hflfq ies dy lfiek nhIN . rfjnIqk asiQrqf vflIafˆ rfj srkfrfˆ aqy byBrosgI mqy Bugqdy rihx vflI Bfrq
jiqMdr pnUM
dI pfrlImYˆt nUM afpo ivwc vflf hoieaf sI. ies kfrn tuwt geI qy coxfˆ krvfAux afgU nUM cfr ku sfl dyÈ nUiVaf hI nhIN jf skdf. iPr nvIN pfrlImYˆt cuxnI dI mjbUrI EdoN vI bx geI clfeI jfx df hfsohIxf mOkf dy idwqf jfˆdf qy dUsrf aYmrjYˆsI ipwCoN morfrjI peI. dy v gO V f qy ieM d r sI. ienHfˆ cfry mOikafˆ AuWqy ieh ik sfrIafˆ rfj ivDfn izsfeI dI agvfeI hyT kumfr gujrfl srkfrfˆ dI iksy vI rfj ivwc eydfˆ df sBfvfˆ nUM qoV ky iekwTy iewk srkfr bxdI asIN hmfieq kfˆgrs ny vfps sMkt nhIN sI. EQy srkfrfˆ coxfˆ krvfAux dI iËd pUrI vyKI sI. izsfeI qy cODrI leI qfˆ EdoN vI ieho hflfq afrfm nfl cwl rhIafˆ kIqI jfˆdI. ieh dovyˆ ivcfr crn isMG afpo ivwc lV bxy qy pfrlImY ˆ t co x fˆ sn. pfrlImYˆt aqy ivDfn hI byvkUPI vfly hn. pey qy crn isMG ny ieMdrf hoeIafˆ sn. atl ibhfrI sBf coxfˆ iekwTy krfAux gfˆDI dI mdd nfl izsfeI vfjpfeI dI srkfr kuwl dI nIqI nfl do hI gwlfˆ dUsry pfsy ieho kuJ keI dI kursI Koh leI. msfˆ iewk vot nfl afpxy ivruwD hoxIafˆ sn. pihlI ieh vfr rfjfˆ ivwc huMdf irhf ZfeI mhIny srkfr cwlI byBrosgI mqf pfs hox nfl ik iksy Gwt-igxqI vfly cont'd on page 22 qy ieMdrf gfˆDI ny mdd vfps lY ky ieh siQqI bxf idwqI ik koeI srkfr muV ky bx hI nf sky qy coxfˆ krfAuxIafˆ lfËmI ho jfx. Aus dy bfad jdoN rfjIv gfˆDI hfiraf aqy vI pI isMG srkfr bxI qfˆ Aus dy iKlfP Ausy pfrtI dy cMdr ÈyKr ny (available in 20 LT Pails, 208 LT Drums, or TOTES) bgfvq kr ky rfjIv gfˆDI A division of dI hmfieq nfl srkfr bxfeI sI, pr Au s df 1454 B Riverside Rd. Abbotsford, BC Ph.: 604-850-9500 hÈr vI cODrI crn isMG
The Patrika
PAGE 22 cont'd from page 21
hY. lCmx isMG igwl ny kfˆgrs pfrtI nfl iml ky pMjfb dI jsits gurnfm isMG vflI srkfr dI jVH vwZI sI, pr afp vI nhIN sI clf sikaf qy ivDfn sBf coxfˆ df sfhmxf krnf ipaf sI. keI hor rfjfˆ ivwc vI eydfˆ ho cuwkf hY. ies qrHfˆ dI hflq ivwc iekwTy coxfˆ krvfAux leI lok sBf aqy bfkI sfry rfjfˆ dIafˆ ivDfn sBfvfˆ nUM ibnfˆ vjHf qoVnf pvygf, ijnHf df koeI ksUr nhIN hovygf. iekwTIafˆ coxfˆ krvfAux ivwc pYsy qy smyˆ dI bwcq vyKx vfly ivdvfnfˆ nUM ies qrHfˆ dy mOikafˆ df aihsfs hI nhIN jfpdf. loV asl ivwc Bfrq df Auh cox pRbMD suDfrn dI hY, ijs ivwc keI vfrI QoVHIafˆ votfˆ vflf lIzr jfˆ pfrtI cuxI jfvy qfˆ afpxy afp nUM bhu-sMmqI df pRqIinD dwsdy hn. ies isstm dy bVy nuks hn. keI vfrI coxfˆ ivwc iksy Qfˆ sfry bdnfm AumIdvfr KVoqy huMdy hn qy cMgf afgU cuxn df mOkf lokfˆ kol nhIN rihMdf. iewk vfr AuWqr pRdyÈ ivwc iewk hlky qoN ijhVf ivDfiek cuixaf igaf, Auh kql dy kys ivwc jylH ivwc sI qy Aus qoN dUsry aqy qIsry nMbr vfly dovyˆ AumIdvfr vI kql dy kysfˆ ivwc Esy jylH ivwc dUsrIafˆ
bYrkfˆ ivwc bYTy hoey sn. eydfˆ dy mOky leI votrfˆ nUM ikhf jfˆdf hY ik qusIN ‘notf` (iksy nUM vI vot nhIN) df btn dbf skdy ho. ieh btn lok dwb dyxgy, pr ies df koeI Prk nhIN pYxf. AunHfˆ dIafˆ ‘notf` vfly Kfqy dIafˆ votfˆ dI isrP igxqI kIqI jfvygI, hfr-ijwq leI Aus df koeI arQ nhIN. mhfrfÈtr ivwc ipClI vfr ivDfn sBf coxfˆ dOrfn gVH icrOlI hlky qoN Bfjpf AumIdvfr ijwq igaf. Èrd pvfr dI pfrtI df AumIdvfr 18280 votfˆ nfl dUsry Qfˆ afieaf qy notf dIafˆ votfˆ 17510 inklIafˆ. kfˆgrs AumIdvfr dIafˆ Aus hlky ivwc notf qoN Gwt msfˆ 17208 votfˆ, iÈv sYnf vfly dIafˆ 14892 aqy bhujn smfj pfrtI vfly dIafˆ 13780 votfˆ sn. ies qrHfˆ notf vfly Kfqy dIafˆ votfˆ iqMn pRmuwK pfrtIafˆ qoN vwD inklIafˆ, pr ies nfl iksy nUM Prk nhIN ipaf. ibhfr ivwc ipClIafˆ ivDfn sBf coxfˆ ivwc vIh qoN vwD sItfˆ dy jyqU AumIdvfr df dUsry nMbr vfly qoN ijwq df Prk QoVHf sI qy notf vflIafˆ votfˆ vwD sn. imsfl vjoN Bfjpf AumIdvfr icnpftIaf qoN msfˆ 464 votfˆ dy Prk nfl ijwq sikaf qy notf votfˆ 4506 sn. kucfeIkot qoN lflU pRsfd dI pfrtI df AumIdvfr 3562 dy Prk nfl ijwiqaf qy notf vflIafˆ 7512 votfˆ inklIafˆ. nflMdf
Golden Temple International Tour and Travel sfrIaF eyarlfeIn dIaF itktF lYx leI hyT ilKy nMbrF qy Pon kro:
All Airline Tickets, Vacation & Tour Packages. Call. Pon: 604-744-0722 778-372-6820
qoN jnqf dl XU AumIdvfr 2996 votfˆ dy Prk nfl ijwiqaf aqy notf vflIafˆ 6531 votfˆ sn. goibMdpur qoN kfˆgrsI bIbI 4399 votfˆ dy Prk nfl ijwq geI aqy sB nUM rwd krn vfly notf df btn 5411 votr dwb ky gey sn. iPr ies df iksy nUM lfB kI ho sikaf? krn vflf kMm qfˆ cox pRbMD nUM suDfrn df hY. sfzy cox pRbMD ivwc pMjfh PIsdI qoN vwD votfˆ nfl bVy Gwt lok ijwqdy hn. imsfl vjoN ipClIafˆ coxfˆ vyly BfrqI jnqf pfrtI dIafˆ 282 sItfˆ afeIafˆ qy ieh lok sBf ivwc awD 272 qoN ds vwD bxdIafˆ sn, pr sfry dyÈ ivwcoN Aus dIafˆ votfˆ isrP 31 PIsdI sn. sMsfr ivwc cwldy cox pRbMDfˆ ivwc Bfrq df cox isstm ‘Pst pfs d post` (ijhVf AumIdvfr bfkIafˆ qoN awgy inkl igaf) dI iksm df hY. ies qoN vwK isstm inAUËIlYˆz ivwc cwldf hY. EQy pfrlImYˆt dIafˆ iewk sO iewkI kuwl sItfˆ ivwcoN swqrfˆ dI cox huMdI hY. coxfˆ ipwCoN sfry dyÈ ivwc pfrtIafˆ dI votfˆ dI PIsdI vyKI jfˆdI hY qy ijs pfrtI dIafˆ ijMny PIsdI votfˆ hox, pfrlImYˆt ivwc Aus nUM EnIafˆ sItfˆ iml jfˆdIafˆ hn. cox vflIafˆ swqr sItfˆ ivwcoN Aus pfrtI vwloN ijwqIafˆ sItfˆ kwZ ky ijMnIafˆ koty muqfbk GtdIafˆ hox, EnIafˆ
leI Aus nUM afpxy mYˆbr nfmËd krn df aiDkfr huMdf hY. imsfl vjoN swqr cuxIafˆ jfx vflIafˆ sItfˆ ivwcoN iewk pfrtI ny solfˆ sItfˆ ijwqIafˆ qy bVy QoVHy Prk nfl sItfˆ hfrn kr ky Aus dIafˆ votfˆ pYˆqI PIsdI sn. iewk sO iewkI sItfˆ dI pfrlImYˆt ivwc PIsdI dy ihsfb Aus dIafˆ bqflI sItfˆ hn. solfˆ sItfˆ ijwq cuwkI Aus pfrtI nUM vot PIsdI dy ihsfb bxdIafˆ bqflI sItfˆ ivwcoN bfkI dIafˆ aTfeI sItfˆ leI afpxy mYˆbr nfmËd krn df aiDkfr hovygf. ies df lfB ieh hovygf ik dyÈ ivwc ijs qrHfˆ dI lokfˆ dI rfey afeI hovygI, AunHfˆ dI afm rfey dI PIsdI dy ihsfb nfl pfrlImYˆt vI lokfˆ dy mn muqfbk hI bxygI. sfzy pRDfn mMqrI vfˆg iekwqI PIsdI lY ky koeI bhu-igxqI df dfavf nhIN krygf. ies qrHfˆ dy keI hor bdl vI ivcfry jf skdy hn, pr Aus dI Qfˆ sfnUM pfrlImYˆt qy ivDfn sBfvfˆ dIafˆ coxfˆ iekwTIafˆ krn dy Aus ivcfr vwl AulJfieaf jf irhf hY, ijhVf Blf krn dI Qfˆ hor smwisafvfˆ pYdf krn vflf hY. aglI vfr koeI cox afeI qfˆ eydfˆ dI nvIN suLrlI clfeI jf skdI hY ik ijs dy nfl lok iewk vfr iPr cwkr ivwc pey rihxgy.
S.G.M Fashion & Fabric Ltd.
nvIN isLpmYNt phuMc cwukI hY, iewk gyVf jrUr mfro ies mhIny sfrf smfn holsyl kImqF qy imlLygf|
aYmrjYNsI ivWc pWzf nUM Pon kro
(CPBC License # 72295)
31221 Ridgeview Drive, Abbotsford PAGE 22
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
∙ Suit ∙ Saree ∙ Fabric ∙ Jewellery
∙ sUt ∙ sfVI ∙ kwpVf ∙ ijAUlrI
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
oom nted s up l on e to ake, y 1
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Top 1% Realtor 2017 of FVRB
M.A., Ph.D
fw. gurivMdr isMG DwlIvwl
5 eykV, 10 eykV, 15 jW 20 eykV Pwrm Aqy Gr syl ‘qy[ tr`krz qy hor cwhvwn KrIddwr A`j hI sMprk krn[ Top Sold Units Award 2017 gurvindersinghprec@gmail.com Award Winner Abbotsford 7
Realtor For
For More Properties Visit www.gurvindersinghdhaliwal.com
Gr byrI P`rm, K`lI zmIn, l`t j~ vp`rk j`ied`d KrIdx j~ vycx vyly v`jb ryt Eqy S`nd`r syv`v~ leI hmyS` w`d r@Ko| AGRICULTURAL / FARM - AYgrIklcrl / Pwrm RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES - rYzIfYNSIAl / Gr / ifvYlpmYNt
13528 80a Ave
2007 bulid 3 storey home with basement suite. 2 bedroom upstairs and 2 bedroom unauthorised suite. double garage backlane access.
2215 PEARDONVILLE ROAD 5 1.96 Acres
Prime redevelopment site Designated Industrial, now in A1. Central location with old timer and workshop (30x40) gross area 1.96 acres. Rental Income
13456 80 AVE
$ 769,900
Large LUC 7304 sqft with 83 front square lot, with an updated 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom with detached garage. Lots of parking. Renovations include windows, blinds, kitchen and bath cabinets, stainless steel appliances and newer roof. Seller motivated
12500 Sqft Lot
Subdividable Land!! Large Rancher Home On Subdividable More Than 12500 Sqft Lot. Great West Abbotsford Location. Make Your Rezoning Application Today. Currently Rented
32314 PEARDONVILLE ROAD 12262 81 Ave, Surrey New Listing - Sub-Dividable Lot
INVESTOR ALERT... 9,900 Sqft Great West Abbotsford location. This lot has potential for subdivision or Duplex. 5 bedrooms and 2 washrooms along with Living room and Family room. Currently rented for $2,400 pm. SELLER MOTIVATED
Hot Listing
updated house approx 4000 sf lot living room, family room, kitchen, 3 bedroom private backyard best location in west newton
1 Acre Sub-Dividable
Investor Alert...This 1 ACRE lot is not in the ALR. Future potential development property. Also Executive 4 Bdrm & 3 bathroom home on 1 acre located next to West Abbotsford
5979 128A ST
New Listing
2010 build Panorama Ridge exclusive community of fine 2 storey + bsmt, legal coach homes. 7 bdrms, 5 full bathrooms, Fully finished 1 bdrm bsmt. BONUS 460 sqft 1 bedrm legal suite above garage! Double garage plus additional parking.
1962 Catalina Crescent
New Listing
Fully renovated 5 bedroom and 3 bathroom , separate entry to basement area. seller motivated.
30706 Crestview Ave 3395 Headwater Place 32951 TUNBRIDGE AVE, MISSION New Listing
2 storey basement entry home has 3 bedrooms, family room, den on main and 2 bedroom legal suite down. Spacious oak kitchen, 3 full baths and 4pc gas. Close to freeway, High Street shopping center, GURDWARA KALGIDHAR DARBAR and all levels of school.
31268 Wagner Drive
Completely Renovated 5 bedrooms and 4 full baths house with legal suite in West Abbotsford best location, walking distance to Rick Hansen school. Upstairs: Living room, Family room, Kitchen, 3 beds and 2 full baths.
2 storey with 2 unauthorized suites with 4300+ sf covered area. 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms in west abbotsford townline area.under construction. close to school, Gurdwara, gym and all amenities. will be ready in a month
4300 sq.ft. (8145 SF Lot Area) 2 Storey Home has 5 bedrooms and 4 baths with unauthorized suite. Living room, Family room, Kitchen on main & 4 beds and 2 full baths on Upstairs.
40,000 sqft RS
Approx. One acre within the city limits!! Connected to city water and sewer. 3 bathrooms! Huge double oversize garage.Beautiful Flat, Rental Income, Priced to sell! Hurry on this one!!!
12.10 Acre Blueberry Farm Ner Mt Lehmen Road
Big house approx 4300 sq.ft. 8 bedroom + 4 full bathroom, city w a t e r. R e n o v a t e d h o u s e . Approximately 10 acres planted in Bluecrop and 1 acre in Reka. High production. 15% tax not applicable on this property
2776 FAIRLANE ST 9300 SF
INVESTOR ALERT! Possible rezoning and development in the future!!! This lot has potential for subdivision. Nicely reno'd rancher with walk out basement on 9,300+ sqft lot. 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom for upstairs and a 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom LEGAL SUITE downstairs with den with a closet. Motivated Seller.
2727 240 Street
20 Acre Blueberry Farm with House
What a great opportunity! In the heart of LANGLEY with a family home!! 20.24 ACRES OF BLUEBERRY FARM offering 3 bedroom home, which was renovated in 2009 with a new roof, windows and cabinets. The subject property is located on the west side of 240th Street. It offers great access to Fraser Highway and is close to the USA Border. The field has been planted in 3 varieties of Blueberries -
53.60 ACRES OF BLUEBERRY FARM offering 4 bedroom home built in 2007, approx. 20 acres of Blue Crop of 8 years, 5 acres of Duke of 4 years, 2.5 acres of Reka, 8 acres of Elliot. All machinery available, but not included. Seller Motivated. 15% tax not applicable on this property
25837 16 AVENUE, Langley 39 Acre
$ 3,900,000
Blueberry and Vegetable Farm of 39+ Acre with a renovated rancher and a Mobile Home. It has 2 workshops; 2100 sqft (60x35) & 624 sqft (26x24). There is Fruit Stand with cooler, 6 barns and 2 shops with annual income of $84,000
Nicely Renovated Home in Central Abbotsford, Corner of Chehalis & Gladwin Rd. on 6000 sf plus corner lot. Close to City Center, School & Shopping. Walking distance from Rotary StadiumTwo BRs upwith 2 fullbaths & Huge kitchen & bdrms up. Laminate flrg in bsmt, one bedroom & bathroom &family rm.
Khalsa Business Center Surrey
Unit 23, 24 8430 128 St Shops 299,000/Unit Lease $2500/Month koeI vI AwPr ilAwau
Any Offer Welcome • New Business For Sale Maple Ridge Quiznos $249,000
Hot Deal!
6 ACRE farm & House located in Keremeos B C C h e r r y Tr e e s : 1755, Apple Trees: 1200, Great income, trade welcome.
1.23 Acre I N V E S T O R A L E R T. . . E x c e l l e n t Investment Property in Cloverdale, Clayton, 1.23 AC basement entry home, 4 bedrooms & Living room, basement fully finished. Motivated seller. currently rented. Builder/developer alert for future development potential in Clayton OCP.
53.60 Acre Farm with new house
Motel for sale at Donaldson Drive, Grand Forks, BC
7631 192 St, Surrey
New Listing - Sub-Dividable Lot 1.23 Acre
Any Offer Welcome • Abbotsford's Top location of Munchies for sale $249,000
#418 30515 CARDINAL AVE Newly built - West Abbotsford
2 bedroom, 1 ensuite bathroom, very clean & spacious. Currently rented. highway and airport access.
Spotle featur spacio room. New kitche basem
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
Arjun Kapoor 778.240.6163
www.homesbykapoor.com Little Oak Realty
Independently Ow ned and Operated
Thinking of buying or selling real estate ? Call me Today! iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI iewk vfr jrUUr arjun kpUr nflL sMprk kro
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
TAMARA TAGGART TO SPEAK AT THE 14TH ANNUAL FRASER VALLEY CULTURAL DIVERSITY AWARDS Tickets are now on sale for the 14th Annual Fraser Valley Cultural Diversity Awards. Recognizing best practices of organizations and individuals that embrace the diversity in the community, the evening will feature an ethnically diverse and delicious dinner buffet, local entertainment and remarks from the emcee Fred Lee, Vancouver’s “Man About Town”. This year the awards welcome Tamara Taggart, current weekday
anchor of CTV News at Six, as the guest speaker sponsored by the University of the Fraser Valley. Tamara has focused more than 20 years of volunteer effort on health care, the well being of children and people with disabilities.
10 are $60 per person or $440 for a table of eight (8). Tickets may be purchased by contacting Patricia Driessen at 604-308-5673, or visit the Abbotsford Community Services office at 2420 Montrose Avenue, Abbotsford.
The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, March 3, 2017 at the Quality Hotel & Conference Centre with doors opening at 6:00pm. Early bird tickets purchased on or before February
The event is presented by Abbotsford Community Services in partnership with Mission, and Chilliwack Community Services as well as the Langley New Directions English Language
School. Each year, the awards receive nominations for businesses, programs, initiatives, schools and leaders that work towards building an inclusive community, providing their clients & customers with accessible environments, and having workforces reflective of their community. Nominees from Abbotsford, Mission, Langley and Chilliwack that exemplify the spirit of cultural diversity will be celebrated.
Concepts of cultural diversity include age, gender, abilities, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion and socio-economic background. More information about the event may be found at: http:// www.abbotsfordcommunityservices.com/CDA or by contacting Patricia Driessen at cda@ abbotsfordcommunityservices. com or 604-308-5673.
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
FEB 4th Sat. 1-4PM
The Patrika
FEB 4th Sat. 1-4PM
Free Market Evaluation No Obligation free Apple Iphone watch when you list a house with me (some conditions apply. Limited time offer Dec. 31, 2016)
! D OL
VERINDER VERMA Honest, Trusted and Reliable Realtor
I N C .
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
Jasbir Banwait
Manbir Banwait
REAL ESTATE MARKETING • Commercial • Agricultural • Residential
(778) 552-0305 / (778) 241-4472 bgrp.ca
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Davesher Harmesh Davesher Rupinder Personal Real Estate Corporation Realtor
FREE Market Evaluation Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes
Some of the finest blueberry growing land in BC. Farm production is consistent & at full production levels. Two houses & multiple barns & sheds provide great rental income. Approximately 10 acres Duke, 5 acres Bluecrop, 1 acre Elliot and 1 acre Bluegold.
Real Estate Office
in the Entire Fraser Valley For 16 Years
(Production per Sales Person)
Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
Blueberry Farm in Excellent location in Matsqui, Abbotsford
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Legal Suite - West Abby
2 storey w/fully finished bsmnt!! Near High St. Mall, close to 3 schools. Walk to Appollo Gym &churches. Easy freeway access. 4 bdrms, 3 full baths & laundry up. Almost 4000 sq ft home!!
Brand New! Abbotsford West
2 storey, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms up. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths on main + family room and rec-room. In area of newer homes. Hurry on this one!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Fully finished basement, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Large car-port. Fenced backyard. Priced to sell!!
Maple kitchen w/granite counter tops. Each bedroom has own ensuite. Plus 2 bedroom legal suite. Still time to pick your colours. Act Fast!!
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Building / Development
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Great Location/Abbotsford!
Close to shopping and all amenities and churches!! Great investment property. Property has legal suite.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT OF YOUR RENTAL PROPERTIES For information please call our Property Management Division
Cheri Dudley Property Manager
2 building lots. Beautiful Hatzic Ridge Estates 2759 quality controlled sub-diGated vision. Bring your fussiest buyers. The “Eagle Mountain” of Mission. $549,000 each
- 109 Building Lots Spectacular 3-6 bedroom homes surrounded by stunning views
This high end gated community offers you a choice of fully-serviced lots from 1/4 acre to 2 acre Estate Homes, elegant Executive Ranchers with two basements or Contemporary 2 storeys with basement or building lots. All homes have amazing views looking south over Hatzic Lake, renowned Westminster Abbey and towards Abbotsford, BC and Sumas WA
5076 West Abbotsford Lot
Near Rick Hansen School. New subdivision, close to churches, minutes to freeway. $535,000
5079 East Abbotsford
5 bdrms - Abbotsford
Basement entry, double garage. Close to Fairgrounds and schools. Quiet neighbourhood. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, laundry and rec-room.
Cell: 604-854-0011
cheri@mindymcpherson.com www.mindymcpherson.com
Quality built 4 bdrm Home!
Split Entry - Abbotsford!!
Renovated house, planted Blueberry’s and full production. Drilled well is 150’ deep with tons of water!! No creeks. Great for truck parking. City water and great location across from Bradner Elementary, Public playground, tennis and basketball courts. Easy acces to highway, minutes from town!!
Great opportunity if you enjoy country living.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Building Lot 5928 sq ft lot near Delair Park!! Close to shopping, Castle Fun Park, easy access to hwy #1. $429,000 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Rupinder Davesher Personal Real Estate Corporation
Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
604-832-2831 rupinderdavesher@hotmail.com rupinderdavesher.com
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
Provincial Immigration Programs Act regulation comes into effect Effective Feb. 1, 2017, the regulation c. 37 for the Provincial Immigration Programs Act (PIPA) will come into effect. The regulation was signed by an Order-in-Council and governs the delivery of the BC Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). The PNP is the province’s only direct economic immigration tool for bringing in new British Columbians. B.C.’s quota of PNP nominations is set by the federal government. Specifically, the regulation will: grant authority to collect PNP fees, set out the amount of PNP fees, allow for inspections to be conducted to monitor compliance with program requirements, implement a process for reviewing refused applications. The PIPA was passed into law on Nov. 4, 2015 and comes into force on Feb. 1, 2017. It strengthens the administration of the province’s immigration programs and designates decision-making authority for the PNP to the director, provincial immigration programs. For more information on the B.C. PNP you can visit: www.welcomebc.ca/ pnp
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
rfjvMq bfgVI
iek njLm
pvn ‘igwlF vflf’
suirMdr pfl bgV
isafsq dy nvyˆ hwQkMizafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
myry KfbF nUM nf qUM myrI KLfngfh smJI,
Grfˆ aMdr hI bixafˆ iÌrikafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
kuJ bMgly inafry sn jo mYQoN sr nhIN hoey.
ilaf bQyrf bol qy hux
nf mfqr rOÈnI hY pr qpÈ eynI ik kI dwsIey,
myry hrPLF nUM vI nf qUM myrf hOslf smJI,
kuJ kihxo ht cuwikaf.
ieh sMsd ivwc bÜdy dIivafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
kuJ diraf hI ibPry sn jo mYQoN qr nhIN hoey.
iehnfˆ `qy gurduafry qoˆ ikqy vwD BIV hY juVdI,
hnyry dI sfijLsL sI jF sUlI sI virHaF dI,
ik hux ipMzfˆ `c KuwlHy Tyikafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
bs pl hI Clfvy sn jo mYQoN PV nhIN hoey.
BwuK-ipafs nf nyVy afvy
ikqy icwtf ikqy kYˆsr ik ipMz hI ho gey ÉflI,
kuJ rfhF `c rohIaF sn kuJ irsLqy nfbIny sn,
dyK ilaf ajmf ky.
pey suMn-sfnH cuwlHy cOˆikafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
kuJ moh hI cMdry sn jo mYQoN qj nhIN hoey.
mn dIaF pIVF idl myrf hux sihxo ht cuwikaf,
hux drdF ny QF bxf leI rotI vflI QF qy,
duwKF dy leI suwKF koloN
Auh afpo afpxy kmry nUM kuMzI lf ky sOˆdy ny,
koeI kd qk jIAuNdf hY, smyN dI munisPLI Kfiqr,
bihxo ht cuwikaf, mn dIaF pIVF…
ik ijwdfˆ Gridafˆ nUM Gridafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
pwlVy swc dy BfrI sn jo iksy qoN cwk nhIN hoey.
bol ksYly bol-bolky
ieh sfzI hI iejfËq nfl pIˆdy ny lhU sfzf,
jIBF krIaF gMdIaF,
iehnfˆ aMbfnIafˆ qy ibrilafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
GuMmx peIaF idmfg `c myry
qirMjx dI bjfey ikwtIafˆ ivwc krdIafˆ iÈrkq,
bws BMzIaF hI BMzIaF.
Auh kwqx vflIafˆ nUM criKafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
mfVIaF gwlF nfloN dUr ieh rihxoN hwt cuwikaf, mn dIaF pIVF…
ijnHfˆ ivwc bws khfxI hY myry iËhnI ÊulfmI dI, ikqfb-ey-iËMdgI dy vrikafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
KOry ikhVy jnmF vfly
ijhVy qfˆ dUr dy huMdy AunHfˆ qoˆ bc vI skdy hfˆ,
ipCly lyKy-joKy,
myry mOlf krIbI irÈiqafˆ qoˆ ÉOÌ afAuˆdf hY .
cMgIaF socF aqy isafxp lYxoN ht cuwikaf, mn dIaF pIVF…
bfgI lihrF kulvIr ‘zfnsIvfl’ lihrF AuTIaF ny hux sunfmIaF afAuxgIaF ieh vfvF bwdlF nUM, hux Gyry pfAuxgIaF AuTy puwq sMGrsLF dy, hux DrqIaF gfAuxgIaF
kUV-psfrf mn dy aMdr
DIaF ienklfb dIaF, ieh qKq ihlfAuxgIaF
bYTf KfmIaF lY ky,
ieh pVHIaF ilKIaF ny, ieh pVHny pfAuxgIaF
kMn vI qF hux JUT dIaF hI suxdy KbrF bihky.
ieh qpIaF rUhF ny, hux awg mcfAuxgIaF… zr pY igaf hnyiraF nUM, ieh cMn cVfAuxgIaF ieh bldIaF mombwqIaF, rfh rusLnfAuxgIaF
‘pvn’ ivcfrf rhy socdf
mfvF dIaF cIkF ny, quPfn ilafAuxgIaF
kihxoN ht cuwikaf, mn dIaF pIVF…
hux zfnsIvflIaf Eey, ieh juwg pltfAuxgIaF
divMdr pUnIaf sMq (?) aijhf kuJ vI nhIN kihMdy (kih hI nhIN skdy) jo sfnUM mfpy, aiDafpk, bjLurg aqy dosq nhIN isKfAuNdy ijLMdgI, sLfierI aqy jLmIr ijs qoN axjfx asIN (!) Btkxf huMdf hY Btkx leI vI rihbr dI loV mihsUsdy hF BIV df ihwsf hox df hMkfr loVdy hF
ijnHF nUM mYN kr nI skdf awKoN kdy proKy.
afp qurnf, vgxf
BIV jo sB ikqy jFdI hY pr ikqy nhIN phuMcdI mOilk iekwlqf dy zroN BIV vjoN vrqy jfx nUM svIkfr kr lYNdy hF asIN guaf bihMdy hF afpxy ichry aMdfjL, adfvF hoNd df snmfn mnuwK df iKqfb iksy dy pYr PVn nfloN afp qurnf, vgxf ikqy cMgf huMdYF
iek jLrUrI PfeIl afpxy kmry dI iks nuwkry rwK bYTf hF iml hI nhIN rhI ikqy bVf kuJ hY ies PfeIl `c jo myry hox jF nf hox nfl hY juiVaf ijwQy mYN nf vI hovF ieh PfeIl jLrUr huMdI ies df afsrf huMdf bwicaF dIaF jnm imqIaF srtIiPkytF dy nfl-nfl hor vI keI dsKLq hn ies PfeIl `c sMbMDF dI gvfhI Brdf ieh pypr GroN qurn lwigaf mYN nfl hI lY afieaf eyQy rihx leI ieh irsLqy[[[sbUq nwQI kIqy gey myry nfl ies PfeIl df sLor kdy kdy bhuq qMg kry kmry `c kdy qrly…kdy hukmnfmy aOKy-aOKy sfh suxdy rwKI ikqy hor huMdI hY lwBdf rhF iksy hor nuwkry mn `c afvy kdy ieh PfeIl guMm hI jfvy. jd ies PfeIl nUM lukox dI koisLsL `c ikqy rwKdf rwKy jFdy nfl hwQ vI CtptfAuNdf…bfhvF `c Bry mYnUM iPr myry hox dy sbUq dwsy iPr kmry `c ipaf smfn vI gvfhI Bry kmry `c pey ny kMm krn vfly bUt…kwpVy alfrm GVI ibsqr dIaF islvtF `c mYN rojL izwgF kmry `c Gr nf ikqy socdf hF PfeIl Cwz afvF EQy ijwQoN afieaf sI ieh afvfjLF mfrn vfly kOx smJ nf afvy kmry dy aMdr kOx AuzIky bfhroN kOx bulfvy ikwQy sFB ky rwKF ieh PfeIl ikMny sfry suafl KVHy
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
pMjfb dI axK -mhfrfxI ijMdF
myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[
amr sUPLI
jgdIp kOr
ËmIrfˆ vyc ky ruqby KrIdx lwg pey lokIN. KLbr nf iks qrHfˆ dy lfB mfxn lwg pey lokIN.
myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[
ijsm df arQ ienHfˆ vfsqy vsqU brfbr hY,
DIafˆ rOxk ivhVy dI qy DIafˆ dI mfˆ rfxI,
cVHfa ky qwkVI ‘qn-mfs` vycx lwg pey lokIN.
DI nUM idwiqafˆ kuJ nhIN Gtdf[[[
bVy vwzy itkfa ky isr DVfˆ `qy ny qury iPrdy,
Auhdf dfxf pfxI.
ievyˆ Bfsy, ijvyˆ ibn isr qoN socx lwg pey lokIN.
ieMj myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[
mnfˆ AuWqy pdfrQ ny jdoN qoN pf ilaf glbf,
syr Èwkr mfipafˆ dI nfl Gr Br jfˆdf,
qnfˆ nUM bhuq ssqy muwl vycx lwg pey lokIN.
ieh qfˆ moh dI qfxI.
ijnHfˆ dy hwQ ny bydoiÈafˆ dI rwq ivwc rMgy, bcy kfnUMn qoN byÈwk, nocx lwg pey lokIN. sqfAuNdf hY iPkr ieh rfj-swqf nUM bVf awjkwlH, asfzy Ault iek dm ikMj bolx lwg pey lokIN. Xuwgfˆ qoN hI slfmfˆ qfj qKqfˆ nUM rhy krdy,
ijs dIaF glIaF sfnUM qurnf hY isKlfieaf.
srUaF vrgy gwBrU Auqy ny asvfr.
sfzy ipAu-dfidaF bflI lft ajLfdI dI,
awgy sLfm isMG qy ipwCy Ausdy sUrmy,
Br Br bfty afpxf KUn eys ivc pfieaf.
cwly Cwz atfrI bwcy Gr-prvfr.
ijAuNdy jI eys nUM asF buJx dyxf nhIN,
bfbf bMdf isMG jI quiraf ijvyN nfdyV qoN,
ieMj myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[
sfzy puriKaF df vzmuwlf ieh srmfieaf.
qury jMg nUM XoDy iDaf ky dsm dfqfr.
nf hwkfˆ nf ihwisafˆ df hovy,
cMgf Pqih asF dI mfPI BuwlF-cuwkF dI,
sB dy mn ivc cfAu dusLmx dy sMg jUJx df,
DI dI awK `c ipafrfˆ vflf pfxI.
kihky sLfm isMG ny kUc df hukm suxfieaf.
idl ivc TfTF mfry sB dy dysL ipafr.
myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[
hrcMd isMGf sUrmy cwly vwl sBrfvF dy,
GoVy sLyV sUrmy phuMcy afpxI mMjLl qy,
lfeI cot ngfry jMgI ibgl vjfieaf..
CyqI pMD mukf ky hoey sqluj pfr.
GroN mfipafˆ dy DI sdf BrI awK nfl jfvy, Bfvyˆ hovy afpxy Gr dI rfxI.
mgr hux klgIafˆ pYrIN mDolx lwg pey lokIN.
ieMj myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[
Ërf soco, zly, iCwqr, kdoN qy vwjdy iks dy,
suK mMgdI mrdy dm qk,
inhwQy, qMg, guwsf ieMj kwZx lwg pey lokIN.
hrcMd isMG bfgVI
BfeI BqIijafˆ `coN mfˆ lwBdI DI iDafxI.
s: sLfm isMG atfrI ny afpxf rsflf lY ky hoeI KLbr isMGF nUM sLfm isMG dy afvx dI, atfrI qoN sBrfvF dy jMgI mYdfn vwl nUM jfxf cVHIaF KusLIaF sB nUM geI bdl nuhfr. klI CMd ilaf jfiejLf jMg df jf ky iPr jrnYl ny, vwjy Zol ngfry jdoN ivc atfrI dy,
iekwTy kIqy Aus ny swd sfry srdfr.
afey vyKx lokI Cwz ky kfr-ivhfr.
pY gey ipwsU pqf lwgf jd gwdfrF nUM
bQyrf icr hMZfeI gUMigafˆ dI jUn ienHfˆ ny,
myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[
curfhy ivwc KVo ky hux qfˆ bihsx lwg pey lokIN.
rfj Bogy suK hMZfvy[[[,
lutyry, imskmIxy bx, drfˆ AuWqy, jdoN afAuNdy,
peI iPkrF dy ivc sI gorI srkfr.
kuqIVHfˆ smJ ienHfˆ nUM ny htkx lwg pey lokIN.
mfipafˆ qoN iPr vI afs rwKdI[[[ isafxI ibafxI. kr ardfsy jMg nUM cVHy puwqr mfvF dy, ijwq dy lf jYkfry sFB ley hiQafr. myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[
hnyry `coN Ërf ijMnI, ivKfeI rOÈnI idwqI,
juwg-juwg jIvo juafnIafˆ mfxo, rfËI KuÈI rho,
sLfm isMG atfrI Diraf pYr rkfb qy,
nfl gulfb isMG dy lwgy krn ivcfr.
nvylI ruwq vfly Kuafb vyKx lwg pey lokIN.
awKfˆ pUMJdI qy hwsdI mr jfxI[[[
icwty GoVy AuWqy cVH bYTf srdfr.
jfx lwgI nUM[[[
bKq pfieaf af ky hY buwZy jrnYl ny,
suxfAuNdf hY jdoN qoN rVkvIN qy kVkvIN ‘sUPI`,
icwtf dfVHf aqy gl ivc icwtf kuVqf ey
sfzI krI-krfeI jfey nf bykfr.
qdoN qoN ies nUM mUrK Èfier smJx lwg pey lokIN.
ieMj myrI mfˆ kihMdI aY[[[.
sjfeI sIs Auqy sI Aus icwtI dsqfr.
jMg ijwq ilaf jy ies ny awj sBrfvF df,
bfbf dIp isMG dy vFgUM roh ivc afieaf ey,
sfry sLfm isMG dI ho jfAU jY-jY kfr.
kwcy iKzfrI
BKdf sUhf ichrf hoey nYx aMigafr.
sfnUM ijAuNdy nhIAuN Cwzxf hY iPr isMGF ny,
aMimRq pfl isMG sMDU
sfry sLsLqr pf ky kmrkwsf kr bYTf,
sfzy ipwCoN sfzy rol dyxy pirvfr.
qusIN vI kwcy iKzfrI ho
vFg jvfnF jfpy ichry dI Jlkfr.
burf soc ilaf sI iqMnF ny hrcMd isMaF,
pfglpx ivwc hwQIN mohry huMdy hoey vI
hfQIaF jYsy GoVy pfly nfl KurfkF dy,
krdy kdy BlI nf kOmF dy gwdfr.
gLjLl votF af geIaF kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’ peI dmfmI cot ik votF af geIaF. kr ibgVy kMm lot ik votF af geIaF. vot afpdI lfry lfE sBnF nUM, kr lY kwTy not ik votF af geIaF. ies mOsm ivc Auh iswky vwD cldy ny, ijhnF ivc vwD Kot ik votF af geIaF. lokI sPLl jugfVU Aus nUM kihMdy ny, sB nUM lvy Brot ik votF af geIaF. gupq eyjMzf sfzf hux qoN afAU nf, sB nisLaF dI qot ik votF af geIaF. bfp gDy nUM kihx `c koeI sLrm nhIN, kMm af jfey lot ik votF af geIaF. kyvl vyK qmfsLf nyqf buwlHF nfl, BMnxgy aKrot ik votF af geIaF.
cfl cwlx lwigafˆ iksy cfl df iÈkfr huMdy hoey mfq Kf jfˆdy ho
lfl isMG nUM af imilaf Jwby qyjL isAuN,
pflI KLfidm
gurjMt isMG cfhl
ikAuN nhIN smJdy
kdoN mYˆ afiKaf sfzy ‘c koeI qIsrf afieaf.
ikAuN zrdf kflIafˆ rfqfˆ qoN kdy pRBfq hovygI.
ikMnf icr ho igaf
muhwbq hY qfˆ ikAuN lwgdf idlfˆ ivwc Pfslf afieaf.
sdf nhIN qpÈ ny rihxf kdy brsfq hovygI.
do pfsV Kyz df ihwsf bxdy
sBy snmfn sn kurbfn ijs dI klm dy AuWqoN,
kI hoieaf AunHfˆ nf qYnUM dwisaf isrnfvfˆ,
hux qfˆ hMZ jfE
pqf nhIN ikAuN Auh srkfr awgy isr Jukf afieaf.
hY dunIafˆ gol kdy qfˆ mulfkfq hovygI.
inÈfnfˆ `qy inÈfn lfAux vfilE
Auh kYsf ÈKLs hY Xfrf! qy Aus dI duÈmxI kYsI,
aYvyˆ nhIN bldI lft nUM Auh hor jlf idMdy,
pltf skdy ho qKLqy
jo duÈmx dy drfˆ ‘qy vI buJy dIvy jgf afieaf.
jugnUMafˆ dI vI koeI qfˆ aOkfq hovygI.
qyry hwQ sV gey kfhqoN? qy ichrf muskurfvy ikAuN?
kMizaflIafˆ qfrfˆ ny Bfvyˆ awj srhwdfˆ `qy,
qUM lwgdf dosqf! idlbr dy sfry KLq jlf afieaf.
iKVngy Puwl chuM-pfsIN kdy gwlbfq hovygI.
Aus dy sIny ‘c idl dI Qfˆ koeI pwQr hI hovygf,
jIa Brky dyK kdy iksy qUM bfl hwsdy nUM,
cux ky Puwl jo pwQr leI Bytf cVHf afieaf.
jfpygf sfrI ijAuN mihkdI kfienfq hovygI.
iÈlflyKfˆ ‘qy nfvfˆ ivwc qyrf nfm hY ‘KLfidm`
mwisaf dI nHyrI rfq qoN nf GbrfvIN qUM ‘cihlf`,
idaflU ho igaf hfkm gLËl ikhVI suxf afieaf.
suxIN qUM cihkdy pMCI jdoN pRBfq hovygI.
bxf skdy ho hkUmq ik ijs df koeI inÈfn nhIN hovygf pr ijs df inÈfn rhygf inÈfn nf huMdy hoey.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
B.C. HOME Partnership program open for applications As of Jan. 16, 2017, British Columbians looking to purchase their first home can apply to the B.C. Home Owner Mortgage and Equity Partnership p ro g r a m , w h i c h helps first-time homebuyers create
secure and stable futures for their families through home ownership. The B.C. HOME Partnership is designed to help first-time homebuyers who can afford the costs of home ownership, but are experi-
encing challenges with the initial step in entering the market – that is, getting together a down payment. The goal of the program is to help more British Columbians establish a nest egg and ensure the dream of home
ownership remains in reach for families. The program contributes to the amount first-time buyers have already saved for their down payment, providing up to $37,500, or up to 5% of the purchase price, with a 25-year loan that is interest-free and
payment-free for the the total down payment first five years. to $12,960 or 5% of the home’s purchase price, As reported by the Fraas required by Canada ser Valley Real Estate Mortgage and Housing Board in their DecemCorporation. ber 2016 statistics, in Surrey, the benchmark Under the B.C. HOME price for an apart- Partnership program, ment is approximately homebuyers must first $259,200. If a first-time qualify for an insured buyer saves $6,480 to- high-ratio mortgage, to wards their down pay- ensure they can afford ment, or 2.5% of the payments both today home’s purchase price, and in the future. the Province will conApplications are now tribute $6,480, equal to being accepted for purthe buyer’s 2.5% down chases that close on or payment. This brings after Feb. 15, 2017.
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
Not under pressure to reprise Rajesh Khanna's role in 'Ittefaq': Sidharth Actor Sidharth Malhotra, who will be seen stepping in the shoes of superstar late Rajesh Khanna for the remake of "Ittefaq", says he is not under pressure. Sidharth will be a part of the remake version of Yash Chopra's murder mystery "Ittefaq" to be jointly produced by Red Chillies Entertainment, Dharma Production and BR Films. "It is an adaptation and not a direct remake of 'Ittefaq'. There are changes made to the story so it reduces the pressure of filling in the shoes of mega and huge superstar like Rajesh Khanna ji," Sidharth . The actor says he is a huge fan of the yesteryear actor and picked "Anand" as his favourite from the pack of superhits delivered by Khanna.
"I am very excited about doing this film. I am a big fan of him and his films. One film of his that I have liked the most is 'Anand'." The 32-year-old star says that though murder mystery thrillers are quite a rage in the West, not enough films have been made in the genre in Bollywood."It is a genre one hasn't seen in a while. I haven't done murder mystery so I am looking forward to it," he said.Beside Sidharth, the film will star Sonakshi Sinha and the shooting will begin in Mumbai from next month. The 1969 release, "Ittefaq" was a remake of British film, "Signpost to Murder" (1964), revolving around an artist, who is accused of murdering his wife. He then spends a stormy night with a rich woman who harbours a dark secret of her own.
'Anaarkali Favouritism exists in Of Bollywood: Huma Aaraah' not to be missed : Sonu Sood dedicates Kung Swara
Actress Huma Qureshi says she often feels the need to have some guidance from an "elder person" to cut through the nepotism which runs in Bollywood. The actress thinks to say that there is no favouritism in Bollywood would be a lie, but adds that people from within the industry are very hardworking. "The fact is, yes there is nepotism. One will be lying if one said there is no nepotism. There definitely is. But it is there in every walk of life. When I say that, I don't want to take away anything from a lot of my friends who are also from the industry," Huma says in an interview. "They are very hardworking and passionate people. You have to give credit for the hard work and talent but being from here (industry) makes it easier." The actress says unlike her friends from the industry, she does not have the advantage of knowing the nitty-gritty of things. "A lot of times, I don't know who to call, how to plan my career, what films to sign. You really want that, an elder person around to help you plan it. They have the advantage of that. It's just there." Huma made her debut in the two-part crime saga "Gangs of Wasseypur" in 2012 and got wide spread critical acclaim for her performance opposite Nawazuddin Siddiqui. She will now be seen in the upcoming "Jolly LLB 2" opposite Akshay Kumar, two years after her last big release "Badlapur". The 30-year-old actress says post "Badlapur" and "Gangs...", she was offered similar characters.
Fu Yoga to his late father
When Sonu Sood was offered Kung Fu Yoga, an IndoChinese joint production directed by Stanley Tong, the first person he broke the news to was his father Shakti Sagar Sood. An admirer of the international action superstar, Sood Sr was thrilled that his son had bagged a significant role in the film. “Sonu was keen to take his father to the location, but that wish remained unfulfilled as uncle passed away before filming began,“ reveals a friend of the actor. Sonu, who picked up the distribution rights of the film in Indian territory , is releasing it through his company Shakti Sagar Productions, in association with Lawrence Paul. With Kung Fu Yoga set to release on February 3, he says, “While I regret that dad left us before I could take him to the shoot, distributing the film in India through my company , which is named after him, is my way of dedicating it to him. I'm sure his blessings are always with me.“
Swara Bhaskar's new movie "Anaarkali Of Aaraah" has been locked for release , and the actress says this is one film the audience should not miss. "Ji! Aapkey aashirwaad se (Thanks to your blessings). Announcement people! 'Anaarkal iOf Aaraah' March 24, 2017. This one is a not-to-bemissed," Swara . The film, written and directed by debutant Avinash Das, features Swara as Anaarkali, a star orchestra party performer and singer of double-meaning songs in Aaraah town of Bihar. The story revolves around the tumultuous journey of Anaarkali as a party singer and as a woman in an unruly and volatile man's world. Produced by Sandiip Kapoor of Promodome Motion Pictures, the film also features a cast of actors like Sanjay Mishra and Pankaj Tripathi
The Patrika
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Friday, February 3rd, 2017
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The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
67th 68th
- No Ticket - Free Snacks and Dinner - India Ticket Draw
CHIEF GUEST: Hon.Deputy Consul General Mr.AmarJit Singh
Saturday 4th Feb 2017 At (6pm to 9pm) Abbotsford Banquet Hall 33738 Laurel Street, Abbotsford, B.C.
Gurdeep S Grewal Swran S Gill
Jatinder Gill (Happy) Mahendra Kwatra
Dharminder Dubay Balwant Kingra
Ranjit Kingra Harbir Batra
* Lakshmi Narayan Mandir Surrey * Khalsa Diwan Society Abbotsford * Mission Sikh Temple * Shri Durga Bhameshwari Mandir * Universal Cultural Society * Akali Singh Society Vancouver * Khalsa Diwan Society (Surrey) * Hindu Sikh Forum of North America * Hindu Temple Burnaby * Vancouver South Lion Club * F.V. Hindu Temple Abbotsford * Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha (Vancouver) * Namdhari Sanget Surrey * Khalsa Diwan Society (Vancouver) Pamma Daveshar Ji Abby Pizza Aldergrove Red Apple Food Store Valley United Culture Club Abbotsford United Club Bhagat Singh Kabbadi Club Charlesworth Insurance Jaspreet Singh Fruticana Kuldeep Aulakh (All State Trans) Nachhater Mann
DEEPAK SHARMA President 604-832-3735
Transworld Travel Fraser Valley Kabaddi Club Mountain Eagle Trucking Bhagan Toor Safe Driving School AIFC Soccer Club Friends of India Asso. of BC Okanagan Fresh Fruits Young Kabbadi Club Seven Horse Transport Ltd Malkit Narang
VINAY SHARMA Secretary 604-782-7624
Balvir Mahal (MSB Farm) Brar Money Exchange Pizza Junction Choice Railing Rajkumar Sharma Harbor Trucking Ltd. Ranjodh S Sidhu Gurcharan S Dhaliwal Jodha Khote Quick Towing Sushil Sodhi
GURBACHAN S DHATT Treasurer 604-825-4040
Rai Video Productions 604-968-7575 Balwinder Bilaspuri Deepak Kapoor Harvinder Toor Vinod Kaliya Surinder S Chahal Accurate Auto Body Satwinder Sharma Roshanlal Ahuja Guru Nanak Travel New Millenium Tire
SATISH KUMAR JI Chairman 604-618-5114
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-ipwq-ivkfr, GrylU JMJt, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, sMqfn-pwK TIk, rog-BY-hfnI, iesqrI-swuK, kfrobfr TIk. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; PrvrI 1,2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
You can suddenly find yourself with a lot more to handle than you expected. Avoid automatic response. You need to give yourself time to think about what is reasonable when it comes to commitment from you. What might have been put into place in December can now be fine-tuned and settled from now to early February.
Doubts could arise about certain priorities, especially if you are beginning to realise that there is either overwhelming detail attached or that they will cut into daily routines too much. You are in a better position, from now to early February, to take another look at future goals realistically, which includes more on your own terms.
ibRK-rkq-cfp, guwsy ‘c vfDf hovy, Dn-sMpdf-suwK-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo-bdl. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; PrvrI 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.
imQn-ishq TIk, Xojnf sPl, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI, snmfn imly, ivsLysL Krc hovy, bMDU-ksLt, sMpqI lfB. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; PrvrI 5, 6 asLuwB hn.
isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB hovy, injI-jn-sihXog, siQr, jfiedfd dy JgVy, sLuwB smfcfr, sMqfn-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr gVbVfey (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; PrvrI 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-ishq TIk, Gr ivc KusLI dy kfrj hox, bMDU-suwK, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr TIk. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; PrvrI 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.
qulf-ishq TIk rhy, GrylU JgVy, inwjI lokF nfl axbx, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx qoN nuksfn df zr. iesqrI-ksLt. jnvrI(2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; PrvrI 5, 6, asLuwB hn.
ibRisick-pyt ‘c KrfbI, Dn-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMpqI bfry icMqf, sMqfn-suwK, Xojnf sPl, dusLmx qoN BY, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; PrvrI 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
Dn-ishq TIk, PjUl df Krc hovy, dusLmx aqy ibmfrI df zr, Brf df ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; PrvrI 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-ishq TIk, GrylU JMJt, BfeI-bMDU qoN suwK, sMpqI-icMqf, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr cMgf. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; PrvrI 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB-ishq Krfb, vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB, bMDU-ksLt, siQr-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, iesqrI-pwK TIk, kfrobfr bfry icMqf. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; PrvrI 5, 6 asLuwB hn.
The Full Moon this week occurs in your own sign. This brings matters to fruition or a head, on a personal level and with its connections to other planets this can certainly be spectacular. Don’t jump into commitments on the spur of the moment. You will have a lot to handle this year and need to approach matters practically.
There will be a lot building up behind the scenes. If you take some time to contemplate any situation in which you find yourself, you should be able to gain quite an accurate sense. The thing is not to say or promise too much. It would be wise to give yourself time to go over the details thoroughly from now to early February.
Other people can seem confident and certain when in actual fact they can be all over the place. This can have the effect of bringing your own priorities in life to the surface, especially in any situations where you might have dependence on others. You can do well financially this year if you initially weigh things up carefully.
Be mindful of being too generous of yourself this week as obligations attached could blow out far more than you first anticipate. Others involved will be putting their own matters first, not yours. You are in a good position to get back to putting final plans in place, from now to early February that first arose during December.
You can suddenly gain clear vision of what is possible to achieve in the long term though you are not yet in a position to pursue this. An alternative view to the details that need to be dealt with can lead you to realise that more facts or information has to be gathered. You have got until early October to get ready.
Don’t be tempted to go off track when it comes to your own priorities, as you won’t be able to see what someone else really expects. You have been given the opportunity to get your mind back on track in the last week and from now to early February you need to get more serious about your own situation, especially finances
Others can place a huge demand on your time and attention and it can be upon you before you know it. How you might have reacted once likely needs to be altered and Mercury, the planet of decision making, back in your sign again until 7th February will provide you with the opportunity to do just that. Do not overload yourself.
The future should certainly have a more optimistic tone this year though at the moment you may wonder what is going on behind the scenes. Something about health can come to a head right now which will either please you or make you realise it is time you put more effort into taking care of yourself. Investigate.
Anything involving finances can have some unusual aspects to it and for this reason you should not be tempted to do anything out of the ordinary, especially if somebody else encourages you. One minute you can feel quite clear, the next uncertain. The only way to overcome this is to remain focussed on your priorities.
krk-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-ksLt, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr TIk. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; PrvrI 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
Someone else can make final decisions or move on from a situation that first arose from mid November to early December, which could either involve or affect you. Their interests will come first. You should not launch into any sudden spending or take risks financially right now, no matter how lucky or fortunate it might seem.
mIn-ishq TIk rhy, PjUl df Krc hovy, injI-jn ivroD krn, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK TkI, iesqrI-suwK rhy, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf aqy snmfn. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; PrvrI 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
aYˆbroË ny trUzo iKlfP hmly kIqy qyË
aYn[zI[pI[ lIzriÈp dOV ivwc ihwsf lY skdy hn EntfrIE: PYzrl inAU zYmokRYt pfrtI df nvfˆ afgU akqUbr qwk cuixaf jfxf hY pr pRoivMÈIal aYn[zI[pI[ mYˆbr lIzriÈp dOV ivwc Èfml hoey ibnfˆ hI huxy qoN lIzr vjoN AuBr ky sfhmxy af irhf hY. EntfrIE dy izptI aYn[zI[pI[ afgU jgmIq isMG, jo ik torfˆto dy bRfmylIaf-gor-mfltn ielfky qoN aYm[pI[pI[ hn, df kihxf hY ik Auh PYzrl lIzriÈp dI dOV ivwc ihwsf lYx df gMBIrqf nfl mn bxf rhy hn. AunHfˆ dwisaf ik lok AunHfˆ qwk phuMc krky qy AunHfˆ nUM hwlfÈyrI dy ky aijhf krn leI iqafr kr rhy hn. pihlI vfrI jgmIq isMG 2011 ivwc pRoivMÈIal pwDr AuWqy cuxy gey qy iPr AunHfˆ qyËI nfl awgy vwDidafˆ kdy ipwCy muV ky nhIN vyiKaf. pysyL qoN vkIl 38 sflf jgmIq aYn[zI[pI[ dy AuWGy isafsI ruqby nUM hfsl krn bfry ivcfr kr rhy hn. iesy dOrfn kMËrvyitv pfrtI lIzr sbMDI Kbrfˆ vI pUrI qrHfˆ CfeIafˆ hoeIafˆ hn. pr aYn[zI[pI[ ipCly kfPI smyˆ qoN afpxy BivwK nUM lY ky cuwp hY. jgmIq ny afiKaf ik lIzriÈp dOVfˆ bhuq
jgmIq isMG hI muÈkl huMdIafˆ hn qy ienHfˆ ivwc ihwsf lYx bfry pihlfˆ qoN aYlfn krnf kfPI aOKf hY. ajy vI ieh awT nON mhIny dI dUrI AuWqy hY qy ajy keI ichry sfhmxy afAuxgy. ies dOrfn AunHfˆ ilbrl srkfr AuWqy cox vfady qoVn qy cox suDfr nf krn df doÈ lfieaf. kYnyzf bfry afpxy nËrIey dI gwl kridafˆ jgmIq isMG ny afiKaf ik Auh afmdn ivwc vwD rhy pfVy nUM GtfAuxf cfhuMdy hn qy hr Kyqr ivwc brfbrI ilafAuxI cfhuMdy hn qfˆ ik hux qy nyV BivwK ivwc hr koeI sPlqf df afnMd mfx sky. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik kYnyzf hr iksy df svfgq krdf hY pr keI vfrI nIqIafˆ sfQ nhIN idMdIafˆ. ieh puwCy jfx AuWqy ik kI Auh PrYˆc bol skdy hn? qfˆ AunHfˆ afiKaf ik Auh kYnyzf dI dUjI srkfrI BfÈf ivwc pUrI mhfrq rwKdy hn. mlkyar nUM bdlx dI dOV ivwc hornfˆ qoN ielfvf mYnItobf qoN aYm[pI[ inwkI aYÈtn, bI[sI[ qoN aYm[pI[ pItr jUlIan qy EntfrIE qoN aYm[pI[ cfrlI aYˆgs Èfml ho skdy hn.
afielsYˆzË bfry glq ibafnbfËI df trUzo nUM lwigaf Jorf kYlgrI: pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo df kihxf hY ik ies mhIny dy sLurU ivwc afielsYˆzË bfry jdoN Auh gwl kr rhy sn qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM Auh gwl hor qrHfˆ kihxI cfhIdI sI. trUzo ny ieh vI mMinaf ik afriQk qOr AuWqy musIbqfˆ mfry albrtf leI guwsy ivwc jo kuwJ AunHfˆ afiKaf Auh shI nhIN sI. zfAUntfAUn kYlgrI ivwc do roËf kYbint rtrIt muwkx AuWqy mMglvfr nUM trUzo ny afpxI glqI mMnidafˆ afiKaf ik AunHfˆ jo kuwJ vI afiKaf AunHfˆ nUM Auh sB Aus qrHfˆ nhIN sI kihxf cfhIdf. pItrbOro, EntfrIE ivwc tfAUn hfl mIitMg nUM sMboDn kridafˆ trUzo ny afiKaf ik sfnUM POisl iPAUl AuWqy afpxI inrBrqf GtfAuxI cfhIdI hY. Bfvyˆ ies ivwc QoVHf iËafdf smfˆ lwgygf pr sfnUM ieh qbdIlI ilafAuxI hI hovygI. dsMbr ivwc albrtf ivwc byroËgfrI dr 8[5 PIsdI sI. jo ik kOmI byroËgfrI dr 6[9 PIsdI nfloN ikqy iËafdf hY. iËkrXog hY ik albrtf df arQcfrf afiel qy gYs sYktr AuWqy itikaf hoieaf hY. ipCly kuwJ sflfˆ ivwc hI sYˆkVy lok afpxy roËgfr qoN hwQ Duaf cuwky hn. trUzo ny ieh vI afiKaf ik Auh jfxdy hn ik albrtf muÈkl smyˆ
ivwcoN lMG irhf hY. AunHfˆ awgy afiKaf ik keI vfrI Auh ieh afK cuwky hn ik Auh albrtf dy iKlfP nhIN hn qy Auh smJdy hn ik iewQy rihx vfly pirvfrfˆ leI nOkrI dy kI mfieny hn. trUzo ny afiKaf ik lok bfq df bqMgV bxf idMdy hn qy iPr afpxIafˆ isafsI rotIafˆ sykdy hn. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik hux Auh ies sB kfsy nUM smJ cuwky hn qy jfxdy hn ik isafsI dunIaF ies qrHfˆ hI cwldI hY. trUzo ny ieh vI icqfiraf ik ipwCy ijhy hI AunHfˆ ny do vwzIafˆ qyl pfeIplfeInË nUM mnjULrI idwqI sI, jo ik ikMzr mOrgn dI trfˆs mfAUntyn lfeIn sI jo ik vYnkUvr qwk ivCfeI jfxI sI qy dUjI aYnibRwj dI lfeIn 3 pfeIplfeIn sI jo amrIkf dy mwD pwCm qwk vDfeI jfxI sI. 2015 ivwc qqkflI amrIkI rfÈtrpqI brfk Ebfmf vwloN srhwd pfr qwk ivCfeI jfx vflI kIaston aYksaYl pfeIplfeIn nUM mnjLUrI nf dyx qoN bfad hux ilbrl srkfr nUM ies nUM vI jld sLurU kIqy jfx dI afs bwJI hY ikAuNik trMp vwloN ies sbMDI aYgËYkitv afrzrË AuWqy dsqKLq kr idwqy gey hn.
ikAUibk istI: kMËrvyitvfˆ dI aMqirm afgU ronf aYˆbroË ny pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo dy iKlfP hmly qyË kr idwqy hn. mMinaf jf irhf hY ik aijhf agly hPqy qoN sMsd dI muV sLurU hox jf rhI kfrvfeI sdkf kIqf jf irhf hY. 15 dsMbr qoN bfad somvfr qoN sMsd dI kfrvfeI muV sLurU hovygI qy aYn[zI[pI[ aqy kMËrvyitv ies qo N pihlfˆ ies hPqy afpo afpxy isafsI dlfˆ dI mIitMg kr rhy hn. ilbrl kYbint ies hPqy pihlfˆ hI kYlgrI ivwc mulfkfq kr cuwkI hY. afpxy isafsI dl nUM sMboDn kridafˆ aYˆbroË ny kMËrvyitvfˆ nUM aijhI pfrtI dwisaf ijhVI kYnyzIanfˆ leI kMm krdI hY. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik ieho iewkmfqr aijhI pfrtI hY ijhVI tYksdfqfvfˆ dy aiDkfrfˆ leI lVdI hY. aYˆbroË ny afiKaf ik ies dy Ault ilbrlfˆ vwloN tYksfˆ ivwc vfDf kIqf jf irhf hY. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik amrIkf dy rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp nfl nfPtf bfry muV afpxf pwK mËbUq ZMg nfl rwKx dI smrwQf vI ilbrlfˆ ivwc nhIN hY. 2015 dy aMq ivwc hoeIafˆ PYzrl coxfˆ ivwc ijwq drj krvfAux vfly ilbrlfˆ nfl juVy anykfˆ ivvfdfˆ df muwdf vI aYˆbroË ny AuTfieaf. AunHfˆ afgf Kfn dy pRfeIvyt tfpU AuWqy trUzo vwloN pirvfr sihq mnfeIafˆ CuwtIafˆ bfry aYiQks kimÈnr vwloN cwl rhI jfˆc dI gwl vI kIqI. aYˆbroË ny afiKaf ik trUzo nUM lwgdf hY ik ieh aYiQks inXm AunHfˆ AuWqy lfgU nhIN huMdy qy Auh mMndy hn ik inXm aijhy hornfˆ lokfˆ leI hn ijhVy AunHfˆ vfˆg bhuqy amIr qy rsUK vfly nhIN hn. hux mOj msqI bhuq ho
geI qy trUzo nUM afpxIafˆ qrjIhfˆ bdlxIafˆ hoxgIafˆ. aYˆbroË ny trUzo nUM swdf idwqf ik Auh amrIkf qy mYkisko nfl mukq vpfr dI ihPfËq iks qrHfˆ krngy ies bfry afpxI Xojnf sfˆJI krn. AunHfˆ trUzo AuWqy ieh doÈ vI lfieaf ik sfrf sfl AunHfˆ ivdyÈfˆ df dOrf krky qy sYlPIafˆ lY ky hI lMGf idwqf hux QoVHf kMm vI kr lYx, arQcfry dI vI suwD lY lYx. 58 PIsdI qwk Auh pRÈn kfl dOrfn bhuVdy hI nhIN sgoN afpxI srkfr dy guxgfx krn qy Potoafˆ iKcvfAux ivwc AunHfˆ dI idlcspI iËafdf rihMdI hY. ies smyˆ trUzo sskYcvn ivwc hn. iesy dOrfn pfrtI dy pbilk syPtI ikRitk tonI klymYˆt ny afiKaf ik sfnUM trMp dI amYirkf Prst dI nIqI df snmfn krnf cfhIdf hY ikAuNik AunHfˆ ies aDfr AuWqy hI rfÈtrpqI dI cox leI muihMm clfeI sI. pr ies dy nfl hI asIN kYnyzf leI hI iewQy hfˆ. aijhy muwdy AuWqy vMzIafˆ df koeI rOlf hI nhIN hY. sfnUM kYnyzf dy pwK nUM hI pihl dyxI cfhIdI hY pr jy trUzo kYnyzf dy ihqfˆ dI ihPfËq krn ivwc asPl rihMdy hn qfˆ asIN kI afK skdy hfˆ. Bfvyˆ qusIN vfiÈMgtn ivwc hI ikAuN nf hovoN, quhfnUM sB qoN pihlfˆ kYnyzIan hoxf cfhIdf hY. jdoN asIN kYnyzf ivwc huMdy hfˆ qfˆ sfnUM kYnyzIanfˆ dy ihqfˆ, vrqmfn qy BivwK dI icMqf huMdI hY. ies ivwc koeI glq gwl nhIN ikAuNik jmhUrIaq iesy qrHfˆ hI kMm krdI hY. jy asIN hr gwl AuWqy 100 PIsdI sihmqI pRgtfeI jfeIey qfˆ kMm nhIN cwldf. kMËrvyitv isafsI dl dI mIitMg sLuwkrvfr dupihr nUM pYWRs kfnPrMs nfl muwkygI.
amrIkf dy iemIgRyÈn bYn qoN pRBfivq riPAUjIafˆ dI sImq hwd qwk hI mdd kr skygf kYnyzf Etvf: Èinwcrvfr dupihr nUM sfrI dunIaF dy afgU ijwQy amrIkf dy rfstrpqI zOnlz trMp vwloN swq musilm mulkfˆ dy nfgirkfˆ dy afpxy dys dfKl hox AuWqy pfbMdI lfAux dy PYsly df mulfˆkx kr rhy sn AuWQy hI pRDfn mMqrI trUzo ny afpxf sunyhf sfP qy spst lPjfˆ ivwc sfirafˆ nUM idwqf. trUzo ny tivwtr AuWqy iliKaf ik ijhVy lok ies PYsly nfl Kud AuWqy julm hoieaf mMn rhy hn jfˆ zr, dihsq afid mMn rhy hn qfˆ asIN quhfnUM ieh dwsxf cfhuMdy hfˆ ik qusIN Bfvyˆ iksy jfiq, mjhb, Drm nfl sbMDq hovoN kYnyzIanfˆ vwloN quhfzf svfgq kIqf jfvygf. vMn suvMnqf hI sfzI qfkq hY. AunHfˆ ies dy nfl hI sIrIafeI bwcy df svfgq krn vflI afpxI qsvIr vI sfˆJI kIqI. ies sunyhy nUM 419,000 vfrI rItvIt kIqf igaf qy 749,000 vfrI lfeIk kIqf igaf. ies tvIt nfl iemIgRYˆts pRqI kYnyzf dI KuwlHidlI njr afAuNdI hY. pr jy ivhfrk qOr AuWqy vyiKaf jfvy qfˆ kYnyzf kI sunyhf dyxf cfh irhf hY? riPAUjI aYzvokytj df
kihxf hY ik dys kfPI kuwJ kr skdf hY Kfs qOr AuWqy jdoN gwl pRfeIvyt spfˆsrispj dI afvy. sYtlmYˆt eyjMsI kimAUintI mYtrj torfˆto dy vflMtIar stIPn vft df kihxf hY ik trUzo ies qrHfˆ gwl kr rhy hn ijvyˆ iksy vI mulk qoN riPAUjIafˆ leI afs dI ikrn isrP kYnyzf hI rih igaf hY. pr AunHfˆ dI srkfr dIafˆ nIqIafˆ nfloN ieh gwlfˆ ivroDfBfsI hn. 2017 leI kYnyzf df riPAUjI df tIcf 25,000 hY, jo ik iqMn ihwisafˆ ivwc vMizaf hoieaf hY. ienHfˆ ivwcoN 16,000 riPAUjIafˆ nUM pRfeIvyt qOr AuWqy spfˆsr kIqf jf skdf hY, 7500 srkfr dI shfieqf nfl iewDr af skdy hn qy 1500 aijhy pRogrfm rfhIN ijs ivwc Aukq dovyˆ qrHfˆ dy pRogrfm rlf ky sfml kIqy gey hn. dsMbr ivwc istIjnisp aYˆz iemIgRysn kYnyzf ny ieh aYlfn kIqf sI ik Auh gruwp afP PfeIv spfˆsrisp arjIafˆ sImq krn jf irhf hY. ies qoN iewk mhIny bfad sI[afeI[sI[ ny ieh ktOqI 1000 kr idwqI.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
(Corner of Hillcrest & Parkview)
Dr. Grover & Associates Dr. Gagan and Ashish Grover welcome all new patients and walk-ins to their new clinic. Both Doctors provide full services in hospital, home visits, and are open for long hours. zfktr grovr afpxyy byty, zfktr asLIsL grovr nfl afpxy nvyN kilnk ivwc nvyN aqy vfk ien mrIjLF df svfgq krdy hn. dovyN zfktr ggn aqy zfktr asLIsL grovr pUrIaF shUlqF pRdfn krdy hoey hspqfl azimsLn dOrfn aqy Gry vI mrIjLF nMU vyKdy hn. hux sfzf klIink vwD GMty KuwlHf hY.
CEDAR PARK PHARMACY & MT LEHMAN PHARMACY C open their third location!
ihwl krYst PfrmysI
hux zf[ grovr aqy zf[ jfPrI vflLy nvyN plfjyL ivwc KuwlH cuwkI hY
Hardip Singh Aulakh pharmacist
Perscriptions & Home Health Care provided!
Unit #100- 32516 Hillcrest Ave Abbotsford bc 604 - 746 - 1333 PAGE 41
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
iek kimAuintI smwisaf iek kimAuintI smwisaf iek kimAuintI smwisaf 2016 ivc 914 mOqF hoeIaF ijhVIaF bI sI ivc EvrzojL zrWg Kfx df iswtf sn| duK dI gwl hY ik pirvfr puwqr, DI,Brf,BYx, mF jF ipqf sdf leI guaf bYTy| ieh mOqF rokIaF jf skdIaF hn| sfnUM sfiraF nUM smwisaf smJx dI loV hY aqy iswKxdI loV hY ik asIN sMkt nUM Kqm krnleI kI kr skdy hF| smwisaf ieh hY ik ik iksy drd nUM mYnyj krn leI vrqI jFdI PYNtfinl glIaF ivc ivk rhI hY| PYNtfinl bhuq qfkqvfr zRwg hY ijs nUM kokyn, jF ihrfien nfl imlfieaf jf irhf hY jF hor zRwg bxfAux leI vriqaf jf irhf hY ijvyN jfalI OxyContin jo zIlr vyyc rhy hn|ieh irhfiesL vrgI Opiod prAus qoN vwD blvfn hY| ieh EpIaiez sfh lYx vfly isstm nUM dbfAuNdy hn aqy ies dI Evr zojL bMdy df sfh bMd kr idMdI hY| pYNtfinl pihlI vfr nsLyL df qjrbf krn vfly nOjvfn PYNtfinl nfl mr rhy hn| ieh AuMnHF lokF nUM mfr rhI hY ijhVy pfrtIaF ivc ies dI vrqoN krdy hn| bfrMbfr nsLf vrqx vfilaF nUM mfr rhI hY ijhVy afdI ho ky nisLaF nfl jUJ rhy hn| hux glIaF ivcoN nsF KrIdx vfly PYNtfinl hI Kf rhy hn| AuMnHF nUM EvrzojL nfl mrn df vwD Kqrf hY| ikAuNik PYNtfinl bhuq sMkyidRq hY ijs krky zrWg zIlr ies nUM surwiKaq ZMg nfl hor nsLy nf imlf nhIN skdy | mUMh pfV ky afKIey ik Auh prvfh nhIN krdy ik ik ieh syP hY jF nhIN| Auh kyvl pYsf bxfAux cfhuMdy hn|
“sfzI kimAUintI ivwc lok EvrzojL nflL awq dI hwd qwk mr rhy hn” asIN kI kr skdy hF ? jy qusIN mfpy ho jF iksyjvfn dy kyar-igvr ho qF AuMnHF nfl glIaF ivc ivkdy nisLaF bfry gwl kro| pMnf 4 AuMnHF srOqF dI jfxkfrI idMdf hY ijMnHf rfhIN qusIN bwicaF dI shfieqf kr skdy ho| jLrUrIhY ik nquhfzy kol jfxkfrI hovy| Auh ies nUM ieMnI CyqI smJ jfxgy ijMnI dI quhfnUM afs nhIN| kuwJ bwicaF nUM qjrbf krn leI nsLy pysL kIqy jFdy hn jdoN Auh ajy imzl skUl ivc huMdy hn| pMnf 3 ‘qy myry vwloN mfipaF nUM iliKaf pwqr suJfE idMdf hY ik qusIN gYrkfnUMnI zRwgF bfry afpxy bwicaF nflL ikvyN gwlbfq kro ieh pwqr sfzI vYbsfeIt ‘qy hY aqy zfAunloz kIqf jf skdf hY| jy qusIN afpxy smfjk jIvn dy Bfg vjoN KFdy ho qF glI ivc ivkdI zRwg vrqxI bMd kro|hr idn quhfzy vrgy lok aijhy nsfL Kf ky mr rhy hn|glIaF ivcoN alkOhl qoN ielfvf KrIdI zRwg ivc PYNtfinl hox dI sMBfvnf hY|hr vfr jdoN qusIN aijhIaF zRwgF Kfdy ho qF sMMBv hY ik qusIN PYNtfinl dI mfrU zojL Kf rhy hovo jy qusIN nisLaF dy afdI ho aqy stRIt zrWg inrMqr KFdy ho qF quhfzy leI nsLf Cwzxf kTn hY| mukdI gwl ik XkInI bxfE ik qusIN aijhy afdmI nfl quhfzy Kfx dfsmF myl nhIN KFdf| afpxyu kol Naloxon rwKo| jy qusIN jF hor ivakqI EvrzojLlYNdf hY qF 911
Abbotsford Police Department 2838 Justice Way, Abbotsford BC, V2T 3P5 604-859-5225 | www.abbypd.ca
‘qy Pon kro| quhfnUM jfxnf cfhIdf hY ik quhfnUM girPqfr nhIN kIqf jfvygf ikAuNik qusIN kyvl zRwg KFdy ho| jIvn ijAux leI ielfj dI loV hY afKrI gwl ieh hY ik zRwgF nfl mrn qoN bcx leI nsLy Kfxf bMd kro| jy qusIN shfieqf lYx leI iqafr ho qF 604-850-5106 ‘qy Call Abbotsford Addiction Centre. bdlvyN ielfj hn jo glIaF dy nsLy bMd krn ivc shfiek huMdy hn| sfnUM pqf hY ik ieh kiTn rsqf hY prMqU ijAux leI ieAuN krnf jLrUrI hY| sPl hox qwk hOslf nf Cwzo|
igafn hI kuMjI hY sfnUM sfiraF nUM pqf hoxf cfhIdf aqy afpxI kimAuintI dy bwicaF aqy hor lokF nUM bcfAux leI ZMg qrIky soco| ieh lyK pVHn leI afp jI df DMnvfd| aYbtsPorz puils ivBfg ies sMkt nUM Kqm krn leI afpxy stykholzrF aqy kimAuintI nfl iml ky kMm krdf rhygf|
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
izptI cIP kFstybl mfeIk sr duafrf musLikl df hwl
asIN ies nMU ikvyN rok skdy hF? srl qrIky nflL: sfnUM ies bfry koeI kfrvfeI krnI hovygI
ipCly iqMn sflF dy QoVHy smyN ivc PYNtinl dI gYrkfnUMnI vrqoN ny bI sI dIaF sfrIaF kimAuintIaF dI qbfhI kIqI hY| asIN vyiKaf hY ik nsLy dI EvrzojL nfl hox vflIaF mOqF jo 2014 ivc 306 sn, 2016 ivc 914 ho geIaF| aPsos hY ik ieh ruJfn kYnyzf Br ivc vD irhf hY| PYNitnl iksy nUM nhIN bKLsLdI| ieh ieMnI jLihrIlI hY ik jy ieh shI shI nf imlfeI jfvy qF EvrzojL atwl hY| iues krky ijLafdf nsLf Kfx vfly vI EvrzojL df isLkfr ho jFdy hn| iksy vfsqy koeI gMujfiesL nhIN, Bfvy Auh nsLyVI hovy, kdI kdfeIN vrqx vflf hovy jF qjrbf kr irhf hovy| bdiksmqI nfl sfnUM ieh smwisaf df hwl njLr nhIN af irhf| myrI 20 sflF dI puils syvf ivc mYN hwl lwBx vfilaF styk holzrF dy aijhy sFJy Xqn nhIN vyKy| ieMnHF XqnF ivc hfrm rIzksLn, rok-Qfm,jnqk sMdysL, aqy kfnUMnI Xqn sLfml hn| mYN XkIn idvfAuNdf hF ik hr iek EvrzojL df ruJfn Kqm krn leI vcnbwD hF | mfpy afm hI mYnUM pWuCdy hn ,” asIN ieh ruJfn ikvyN Kqm kr skdy hF?” srl sLbdF ivc khIey qF sfnUM srgrm rihxf cfhIdf hY| mfipaF, kocF, aiDafpkF qwk hryk nUM srgrm hoxf cfhIdf hY| smJo; qwq pysL kro aqy suxo| jy qusIN aijhy afdmI nUM jfxdy ho ijhVf kdI-kdfeIN nsLf vrqdf hY jF nsLy df afdI hY, Aus dI shfieqf kro| hwl lWBx ivc AuMnHF dI shfieqf kro aqy AuMnHF leI hfjLr rho|
muwK kFstybl Serr awj kl Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Drug Abuse Committee d dy carprsn cyarprsn aq aqy ieMtr-minstrI vfrikMg gruwp bI sI EvrzojL irspFs jfieMt tfsk POrs dy ko-cyar hn|
igafn ijLMdgIaF bcfAuNdf h
Aumr: hr Aumr smF: somvfr qoN suLWkrvfr- 8:30 svyr qoN 4:30 sLfm| sLfm nYMU slfh aqy grup AuplbD
sMprk: Maureen Accleton, Office Manager Email: aaac@abbotsfordcommunityservices.com Website: www.abbotsfordcommunityservices.com Al-A-Teen (604) 870-9774 iksy hor jF afpxy dI sLrfb pIx dI afdq qoN pRBfivq iksLor avsQf vfilaF nUM grup swport Aumr” 8-19, mMglvfr 7:15 vjy sLfm Website: www.bcyukon-al-anon.org D-Talks Line (866) 658-1221 Detox muwdy XUQ leI jfxkfrI lfeIn: Aumr: 12-21, mMglvfr qoN sLuwkrvfr –9 vjy svyry qoN sLfm dy 7:45 qwk
mOqF hoeIa 2016
kimAuintI vsIly aYbtsPorz nsLf sYNtr (604) 850-5106 bfhrI alkOhl aqy aYbtsPorz kimAuintI dy zRwg pRogrfm leI PMz PRyjLr hYlQ aQfirtI vwloN idwqy jFdy hn| iksy afpxy jF hor dI zRwg vrqoN nfl pRBfivq hoey bflgF jF jvfnF nUM muPq kfAuNsilMg idwqI jFdI hY|
Impact (604) 853-1766 nsLf-mukq aqy sLrfb mukq jIvn ijAux leI shfieqf AuplbD pRoPYsLnl kfAuNslr 12 kdmI mfzl irkvrI rfhIN slfh idMdy hn Aumr: 12-24,somvfr –sLuwkrvfr , 10:00 svyr qoN 5:30 sLfm| Website: www.impactabby.com Kelty Resource Centre (800) 665-1822 ieh sYNtr keI qrF dy mYNtl hYlQ aqy nsLy dy muwidaF leI jfxkfrI aqy srOq dsdf hY|Y ijhVy kfrn sUby dy bwicaF aqy nOjvfnF nUM pRBfivq krdy hn| ieMnHF ivc AudfsI, icMqf,iDafn dI Gft ivvhfrk smwisaf dy muwdy sLfml hn pr ieMnHf qwk sImq nhIN| svflF dy jvfb dyx leI pIar swport vrkr AuplbD hn| hr Aumr dy ivakqIaF vfsqy, somvfr qoN sLuwkrvfr svyr 9:00 vjy qoN sLfm dy 5 vjy qwk Website : www.keltymentalhealth.ca
mfipaF leI hor sroq • • • • • • •
nYsLnl aYNtI-zRwg XukqI bwicaF leI rookQfm gfeIz knyzIan sYNtr aOn sfbstFs kuvrqoN hYlQilMk bI sI bI sI : 8-1-1 tI tI vfeI zfiel 7-1-1 Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Line Lower Mainland: 604-660-9382 Toll-free from anywhere else in BC: 1-800-663-1441
‘qy hr sroq aqy vIzIE AuplbD hn www.abbypd.ca
ieMnHF ivcoN 80% mrd sn EvrzojL nfl mry
2015 qoN 79% vWD
73% mOqF 19-49 sfl dy
EvrzojL dIaF
90% vfrdfqF hoeIaF: 61% pRfeIvyt mkfnF ivc
EvrzojL nfl mrn vfl 9% GroN bfhr mry
bI sI ivc iweko mhIny (dsMbr 2016) ivc mrn vfilaF dI igxqI sB qoN vwD sI aqy ieh igxqI 2015 qoN EvrzojL nfl mrn vfilaF qoN duwgxI hY |
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
izEn hoxgy XUrpIan XUnIan qy jrmnI leI kYnyzf dy aMbYszr sfnMU tYNzm, PlYt-bYwz, mYksI aqy supr-bI leI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| rUt ibRitsL kulMbIaf, albrtf aqy vfisLMgtn ivwc hn| CALL 604.825.7749 for more information or email resume to info@kingmanenterprise.com
Etvf: sfbkf ilbrl afgU qy ivdyÈ mMqrI
XUnIan nfl kYnyzf dy sbMD hor mËbUq krn
stIPn izEn ny mMglvfr nUM sfrIafˆ
leI Auh afpxI pUrI vfh lf dyxgy.
ikafsarfeIafˆ AuWqy ivrfm lfAuNidafˆ afiKaf ik AunHfˆ XUrpIan XUnIan qy jrmnI leI kYnyzf df aMbYszr bxn dI pRDfn mMqrI dI pyÈkÈ svIkfr kr leI hY.
zOnlz trMp dy amrIkf df rfÈtrpqI bxn qoN bfad kYnyzf ivwc nIqIgq qbdIlIafˆ qihq kYbint ivwc kIqI geI Pyrbdl df dovyˆ sInIar afgU inÈfnf bxy sn. iewk pfsy ijwQy
izEn ny ieh aYlfn afpxy hfAUs afP kfmnË
kYnyzf cIn nfl afpxy sbMD suDfrn leI jor
dy klIgË nUM alivdf afKx smyˆ kIqf. AunHfˆ
lf irhf sI qy afriQk sihXog vDfAux qy
qoN pihlfˆ sfbkf iemIgRyÈn mMqrI jOhn mYkYlm
mukq vpfr smJOqy leI hr hrbf vrq irhf
vwloN vI afpxy sfQIafˆ nUM alivdf afiKaf
sI qfˆ aijhy ivwc trMp dy rfÈtrpqI bxn
igaf. iËkrXog hY ik dovfˆ sfbkf mMqrIafˆ
qoN bfad kuwJ smIkrn bdl gey.
nUM ies mhIny dy sLurU ivwc kYbint ivwc kIqI Pyrbdl smyˆ afpo afpxy ahuidafˆ qoN pfsy kIqf igaf sI.
izEn ajy afpxI nvIN BUimkf bfry jwkfˆ-qwkfˆ ivwc sn pr mYkYlm ny KuÈ huMidafˆ afiKaf ik cIn vflI asfeInmYˆt AunHfˆ leI iblkul shI
mYkYlm ny pihlfˆ hI cIn ivwc kYnyzf df
kMm hY. izEn ny Aus smyˆ ieh ahudf sfˆiBaf
aMbYszr bxn dI pyÈkÈ svIkfr kr leI
hY jdoN 28 dyÈfˆ dy XUrpIan XUnIan dy blfk
sI. pr izEn ies sbMDI PYslf lYx ivwc QoVHf
ivwcoN ibRtyn vwK hox leI hwQ pYr mfr irhf
vDyry smfˆ lf rhy sn pr afiKrkfr AunHfˆ
hY. izEn ny afiKaf ik aijhy nfjuLk mOky Auh
mMglvfr nUM pRÈn kfl qoN bfad ieh sspYˆs
XUrp nfl kYnyzf dy sbMDfˆ nUM hor mËbUq krn
vI Kqm kr hI idwqf qy afiKaf ik XUrpIan
leI Ëor lfAuxgy.
sL gurcrn isMG igwl ipMz qfryvflf (mogf) ipCly 23 sflF qoN kYnyzf ivc bI[sI[ ivwc rihMdy sI. 29 jnvrI nUM sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey. AuhnF df aMiqm sskfr 4 PrvrI idn sLnIvfr nUM PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom (2061 irvrsfeIz roz) aYbtsPorz ivKy dupihr 12:30 vjy hovygf. AuhnF nimq aMiqm ardfs aqy Bog Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy 2:30 vjy pvygf. pirvfr nfl duwK sFJf krn leI hy T ilKy nMbrF dy sMprk kr skdy ho: gurimMdr igwl (ibtU) puwqr 778-549-9818 cmkOr isMG iswDU 604-613-2002
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
ivnIpYg ivwc trUzo nUM krnf ipaf roh df sfhmxf ivnIpYg: ivnIpYg ivwc tfAUnhfl mIitMg dOrfn mUlvfsIafˆ qy pfeIplfeIn dy ivkfs dy muwdy AuWqy pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo nUM roh df sfhmxf krnf ipaf. 1200 dy nyVy qyVy muËfhrfkfrIafˆ ny inwky inwky gruwpfˆ ivwc iewkTy ho ky pfeIplfeIn dy iKlfP muËfhrf kIqf. kuwJ hor muËfhrfkfrI, jo ik iswDy pRDfn mMqrI dy ipwCy bYTy sn, ny pfxI pivwqr hY, dy nfairafˆ vfly sfeIn borz cuwky hoey sn. muwTI Br muËfhrfkfrIafˆ ny jdoN trUzo nUM cuxOqI idwqI qfˆ AunHfˆ afpxI gwl jfrI rwKx leI iejfËq mMgI qy AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik Auh lokfˆ dy svflfˆ dy jvfb dyxf cfhuMdy hn.
iewk ivakqI ny trUzo nUM afiKaf ik pfeIplfeInfˆ dy ivkfs sbMDI AunHfˆ dI mnjUrI nfl AunHfˆ lokfˆ dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ nUM Tys phuMc rhI hY ijnHfˆ ny AunHfˆ nUM vot kIqf sI. trUzo ny jdoN muËfhrfkfrIafˆ qoN afpxI gwl afKx dI iejfËq mMgI qfˆ lokfˆ ny AunHfˆ dI isPq vI kIqI. ies qoN pihlfˆ trUzo ny jdoN idn vyly XUnIvristI afP ryjfienf df dOrf kIqf qfˆ AuWQy vI AunHfˆ df svfgq muËfhrfkfrIafˆ vwloN kIqf igaf. AuWQy lokfˆ ny pfeIplfeInfˆ qoN lok kImqI hn, vrgy bYnr vI cuwky hoey sn. ivnIpYg dy aYlImYˆtrI skUl ivwc trUzo df Brvfˆ svfgq hoieaf.
sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf
kIaston aYksaYl pfeIplfeIn dI mnjUrI leI trfˆskYnyzf kfrporyÈn ny idwqI nvIN arËI kYlgrI: trfˆskYnyzf kfrporyÈn ny kIaston aY k saY l pfeIplfeIn dI mnjU r I leI amrIkf dy ivdyÈ ivBfg kol rfÈtrpqI dI mnjUrI leI nvIN arËI lfeI hY. ies pRojYkt qihq albrtf qoN stIl istI, nybrfskf qwk 1900 iklomItr dy Kyqr ivwc qyl phuMcfieaf jfvygf, ijwQy ieh amrIkf dy KfVI qtfˆ dy nfl lwgdIafˆ hornfˆ irPfienrIafˆ qwk phuMcx vflIafˆ lfeInfˆ nfl vI juVygf. ieh arËI Aus smyˆ lfeI geI hY jdoN amrIkf dy rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp ny ies pRojYkt
nUM suLrU krn leI ies hPqy dy sLurU ivwc nvyˆ hukmfˆ AuWqy dsqKq kr idwqy sn. trMp ny ivdyÈ mMqrfly qy hornfˆ eyjMsIafˆ nUM PfeInl arËI AuWqy 60 idnfˆ dy aMdr aMdr PYslf lYx leI afK idwqf sI qy ieh vI aYlfn kIqf sI ik 2014 ivwc vfqfvrx sbMDI kIqf igaf aiDaYn ies mfmly leI kfPI qswlIbKÈ hY. iËkrXog hY ik sfbkf rfÈtrpqI brfk Ebfmf ny 2015 dy aKIr ivwc kIaston aYksaYl pfeIplfeIn nUM mnjUrI dyx qoN nfˆh kr idwqI sI.
A&W Restaurant located at 2040 Sumas Way, Abbotsford, B.C.V2S 2C7, is looking to fill in the position of Food Service Supervisor to work along with our Restaurant Manager. Job duties for this position include: Supervise and co-ordinate activities; Scheduling shifts for employees and supervising staff in kitchen; Maintain inventory of bar, monitor consumption of stock and order supplies; Recruitment and training of staff members; Maintain records of stock, wastage, sales, repairs; Assisting Restaurant Manager in monitoring quality of food served and regulating excessive consumption by ensuring efficiency in food preparation; Inspect kitchen area, kitchen utensils and equipment to ensure sanitary and safety standards are met. May take customer orders, receive payments and stock refrigerators; This is a full time permanent position that A&W Restaurant is seeking to fill. Compensation for this position is CAN $13.00 per hour. 40 hours per week. Benefits include 2 weeks of paid vacation in a year and discounted meals during scheduled shifts. Location of work is at the address above. Please apply by email or fax, as these are the most efficient way for us to screen your application: Email: awsumas2016@outlook.com Job Requirements: - At least 2+ years’ experience in food services industry is required; - Formal training and education in the food industry is preferable; - Good communication skills, positive attitude to work and people management skills; - Ideal applicant must be available to work on any scheduled, rotational or call in shifts, which includes weekends, nights and mornings; - Able to work under pressure and time constraint in fast paced environment; - Candidate must have completed food safety course Only qualified applicants will be contacted. Thank you.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Employment cont'd Driver Wanted Driver wanted for local 5-Ton truck, must speak English and knowledge of lower mainland will be an asset. $15/ hr. For more information, Call Manjit Sidhu: 604-825-5211
Employment cont'd
Employment Workers Wanted
vrkr dI loV hY
General Farm workers needed. Job duties include pruning, weed control, harvesting berries. Start date June 1, 2017. $10.85/ hr, please mail resume to Toor Farms, 2124 Chateau Place, V2T 3V1 or email to joetoor@hotmail.com
Pfrm ivwc Gr vI ikrfey leI KflI hY | sfnU M nrsrI aqy Pfrm leI vrkr dI loV hY| trYktr clfAuxf afAuNdf hovy| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-825-2536
kfimaF dI loV
kM s tR k sL n kM p nI nU M kfimaF dI kfimaF dI loV lo V hY | nvy N kfimaF nU M try i nM g aYbtsPorz dI lokl lMbr imWl idwqI jfvygI| cMgI qnKfh aqy kMm leI Puowl tfeIm plynrmYn, vYlzr GMitaF ‘qy hovygf| Pon kro: 604aqy gRIn cyn ‘qy kMm krn leI 825-1554 kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| cMgI qnKfh kfimaF dI loV aqy vDIaf mfhOl| hor jfxkfrI leI aYbtsPorz dI lokl lYNzskyipMg Pon kro: 604-807-2097 kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI loV hY| qnKfh qjLrby anusfr $11-$15 pRqI GMtf Workers Needed Arjuna Berry Farms Ltd. requires idwqI jfvygI| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-613-5751 workers for 8 months starting April 01, 2017. Duties include weighing, kfimaF dI loV sorting, picking and packing fresh lM b r imw l ivw c lMbr stYikMg krn leI berries. Other general farm labour is needed as well. Wages kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh $16 qoN are $10.85/ hr 40-50hrs/ week. sLurU aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr Fax resume to 604.852.3979 ijafdf idwqI jfvygI, kMm aMdr sYLwz or email to info@arjunaberries. ivwc hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI gurjIq com or apply in person at 32320 nUM Pon kro: 604-866-3923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228 , aYzrs: 6350 Huntingdon Rd., Abbotsford. ansvrQ roz, iclfvYk|
Employment cont'd
kfimaF dI loV
aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl Workers Needed kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| Mount Lehman Fruit Growers, nvyN kfimaF nUM $15[50 pRqI GMtf 28349, 0 Ave, Abbotsford, BC, aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr requires workers for 8 months | aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN starting March 01, 2017. Duties rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI include planting, weeding, pruning, Pon kro: 778-552-6269 harvesting of berries as well as other general farm work duties. GENERAL FARM WORKERS WANTED Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in Seasonal employment harvesting cold and wet conditions. Wages and pruning raspberries and $10.85 per hour, 40 to 50 hours per blueberries, from approx. April 15th week. Fax resume to 604-853-9625 till winter 2017. Individuals must be or Call: 604-807-4170 prepared to work varying hours in an environment that is physically Truck Driver Wanted demanding. Requires the ability to Class 1 truck driver required to work repetitive tasks in a range of transport loads for our company. outdoor weather conditions. Hourly The loads are for USA (CA). wage of $10.85, 45 to 60 hours Experience in trucking industry will per week. If interested, please fax be preferred. Knowledge of English resume to J & J Farms Ltd. (604) 855is must and Knowledge of Punjabi 0534 located at 30860 Huntingdon will be an asset. Good wages and Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B7. benefits as per the experience. kfimaF dI loV Drivers abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@ nrsrI ivWc kMm krn leI kfimaF dI gloadtransport.com/gloadhr@ loV hY| kMm dI tryinMg idWqI jfvygI, gmail.com, 31137 Southern Drive, pWkf kMm, rfeIz df pRbMD aqy cMgI Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2 qnKfh vI idwqI jfvygI| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-857-2963
Services cont'd
Employment cont'd zrfievr aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI kM p nI nU M bI[sI[ - albrtf cwlx leI 2 sflF dy qjLrby vflLy kMpnI zrfievrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| vDIaf ryt aqy hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-908-4422
kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15[50 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr | aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269
zIjLl mkYink dI loV aYs[afr[tI[ trwk & trylr irpyar vfilLaF nUM hYvI izAUtI zIjLl mkYink dI qurMq loV hY| qjLrby vflLy nUM pihl aqy qnKfh qjLrby anusfr hovygI| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: (604) 855-0091
aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604-615-9877
vrkr dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI|
Pon : 778-878-4723 dupihr 12 vjy qoN bfad Matrimonial
Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge
Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs
vr dI loV hY jwt isWK ,Aumr 30 sfl, bI[aYs[sI[ sfieMs, kwd 5’5”, ijlHf luiDafxf, ieMzIaf ‘c rih rihI lVkI leI kYnyzIan istIjn jF iemIgRFt lVky dI loV hY| bfkI sfrf pirvfr mfpy, BYx , Brf kYnyzf c cMgI qrHF sYwt hn| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 77-598-4343
vr dI loV jwt isWK “hFs” pirvfr dI lVkI, Aumr 27 sfl, aYm aYs[sI (bfieEtYk), kwd 5’6”, leI kYnyzIan istIjLn jF pI[afr lVky dI loV hY| lVkI ivjLtr vIjf qy kYnyzf afeI hoeI hY| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI, qusIN ies nMbr ‘qy Pon kr skdy ho: 604-308-4747
Xog kMinaf dI loV
We are looking for full tme and part time cooks with minimum 2 years cooking experience. The positions are available immediately. Please apply on site at: Ocean Park Pizza 20097 40th Ave., Langley or email resume to: Oceanparklangley@gmail.com Phone: 604.533.4808 - ask for Leo
Join Our Team Rossdown Natural Foods Ltd. We are hiring for mul ple general labor posi ons in our Poultry Manufacturing Plant: • Live End • Eviscera on • Packaging Rossdown offers full benefit packages, compe ve wages and staff prices on chicken Please email your resume to hr@rossdown.com or drop off at: 2325 Bradner Road, Abbotsford BC
25 sflf, 6’2” kwd, jwt isWK kYnyzf dy pVHy ilKy kYnyzIan istIjn lVky leI pVHI ilKI Xog lVkI dI loV hY| stUzYNt primt vflLI lVkI ‘qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf skdf hY| lVky df sfrf pirvfr kYnyzf ivwc sYtlz hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604625-1050
Services nsLy Cwzx leI jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd WANTED dy cfhvfn ho qF jOHELP hn nUM Po n kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com
HELP WANTED Help wanted for household chores mainly cooking, laundry and light cleanup, must have own ride. Work 5 days a week $13.00/hr. Work from 4 pm -7 pm. Please call 604-308-5855 for further inquiry. GrylU kMmF ijvyN Kfxf pkfAuxf, kwpVy (lFzrI) aqy hlkI sPfeI afid leI vrkr dI loV hY| afpxI rfeIz hoxI jrUrI hY, kMm 5 idn pRqI hPqf ,qnKfh $13 pRqI GMtf| kMm sLfm nUM 4 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk hovygf| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-308-5855
The Patrika Friday, February 3rd, 2017
& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders
aYbtsPorz dI lokl svIt sLfp leI ikcn hYlpr aqy kstmr srivs leI vrkrF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mfhOl| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-825-5155
• • • •
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal
Workers Wanted Jarnail Maan
kfimaF dI loV hY www.buildbc.ca/jjframing • jjframing@buildbc.ca Fax 604-850-9308
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
aMimRqf Èyr igwl nUM Xfd kridafˆ[[[ kuJ mnuwK aYsy vI huMdy ny, jo QoVHy smyˆ ivc hI smfj nUM shI syD dy jfˆdy hn. ienfˆ mhfn hsqfKrfˆ ivc iek hY aMimRqf Èyr igwl, ijs ny afpxy koml hwQfˆ nfl smfj dy Zfˆcy ivc iek nvfˆ rMg Biraf. Aus ny purfqn ÈYlI nUM iqafg ky iËMdgI dy XQfrQ nUM icqrx dI koiÈÈ kIqI. qfhIEN aMimRqf Èyr igwl
nUM sMsfr-pRiswD icwqrkfr aMimRqf Èyr igwl nUM bcpn qoN hI zrfieMg df bVf ÈOk ikhf jfˆdf hY. sI. ierivn vkqfeI jo iek hMgrI dy Èihr buwZfpYst AuWGy icwqrkfr aqy aMimRqf ivc 30 jnvrI 1913 Èyr igwl dy mfmf jI lwgdy nUM ies mhfn ÈKsIaq sn. GuwgU-kfkVy vfhux dI Qfˆ df jnm hoieaf. Aus dI Auh vI afpxy mfmy dI qrHfˆ mfqf sYrI aYntyint sI, qsvIrfˆ bxfAux lwg peI. jo hMgrI dI vsnIk sI 5-6 sfl dI Aumr ivc hI aqy ipqf srdfr AumrfE Aus ny afpxy afly-duafly isMG Èyr igwl sn. bcpn dIafˆ vsqfˆ dy icwqr bxfAuxy dy muZly 8 sfl hMgrI ivc sLurU kr idwqy. ieh dyK ky mfmf jI bhuq pRsMn hoey aqy guËfry sn. Aus nUM hwlfÈyrI vI idwqI.
Suman’s in Abbotsford is hiring a Full Time Hairdresser to add to our awesome team. We are a busy locations and are looking for someone who is able to multi task and enjoys working in a team based environment. Applicants must have the appropriate Hairdressing knowledge with some work experience, we do offer some paid training on all of our services and protocols. We are looking for individuals who will be available on Saturday and/or Sundays. Starting wage of $12 to $15/hr depending on experience. Duties Include references • Suggest hair style compatible with client's physical features or determine style from client's instructions and preferences • Cut, trim, taper, curl, wave, perm and style hair • Apply bleach, tints, dyes or rinses to colour, frost or streak hair d hair • Analyze hair and scalp condition and provide basic treatment or advice on beauty care treatments for scalp and • Clean and style wigs and hair pieces • Apply hair extensions • Shampoo and rinse hair • Perform receptionist duties and order supplies • Train or supervise other hairstylists, hairstylist apprentices and helpers Requirements • Some secondary school education is required. • Completion of a two- or three-year hairstyling apprenticeship program or completion of a college or other program in hairstyling combined with on-the-job training is usually required. • May be required to provide a hairstyling demonstration before being hired.
30697 Marshall Rd, Abbotsford, BC
TRIPLE EIGHT TRANSPORT IS NOW HIRING COMPANY DRIVERS & LEASE OPERATORS COMPANY DRIVERS • Competitive Mileage rate .47 cents Single driver & 0.62 cents Teams • Paid all Live pick up & Drops • Paid Layovers t’s • Excellent Equipment’s lan • Extended Medical Plan • US phone provided • Paid Twice a month PAGE 48
sLurU ivc aMimRqf Èyr igwl pfxI vfly rMgfˆ nfl icwqrkfrI kiraf krdI sI; iPr Aus ny qyl-ivDI nfl icwqr bxfAux dI klf hfisl kIqI. ieh AudoN hoieaf jdoN Aus dy mfmf jI iÈmly afey hoey sn aqy AunHfˆ ny Aus dy mfipafˆ nUM ieh ikhf sI ik aMimRqf Èyr igwl iek idn bhuq vwzI icqrkfr bxygI. ies nUM isKlfeI dI pUrqI leI pYirs Byj idwqf jfvy. apRYl 1929 nUM sfrf pirvfr
dlvIr isMG luiDafxvI hI pYirs clf igaf. pMj sfl AuQy aMimRqf Èyr igwl icwqrklf dI pVHfeI ivc mGn rhI. 1934 ivc aMimRqf Èyr igwl vfps Bfrq af geI. Aus ny ieh pihlfˆ hI soc rwiKaf sI ik Aus df aslI kfrjKy q r Bfrq hI hY . iew Q y af ky Au s ny icw q rkfrI ivc bhuq imhnq kridafˆ hoieafˆ mfipafˆ df nfˆ a hI nhIN , sgo N afpxy dy È df nfˆ a vI rOÈn kIqf. Aus ny pRiswD klf-ikRqIafˆ ivc ‘BfrqI mfˆ`, ‘iBKÈU`, ‘iqMn lVkIafˆ` aqy ‘phfVI aOrqfˆ` afid dI rcnf kIqI. ies qoN ielfvf ‘dulhn df iÈM g fr`, ‘bR h mcfrI`, ‘kQf-vfck`, ‘dwKx-BfrqI pyˆzU` afid icqr vI AulIky sn. ieh gwl vI PLKr nfl khI jf skdI hY ik Aus ny afpxy swiBafcfr nUM sMBflx ivc vwzf Xogdfn pfieaf. jUn 1938 ivc aMimRqf Èyr igw l pY i rs clI geI qy
AuQy zfktr ivktr iegfl nfl ÈfdI kr leI. ÈfdI ipwCoN dovyˆ jIa hMgrI cly gey. sfl ku bfad afpxy pqI nfl iÈmly af geI. iewQy hI Aus ny ‘vhutI` aqy ‘cfrpfeI Auqy afrfm kr rhI aOrq` dy icwqr bxfey sn, jo sMsfr pRiswD hoey. sMsfr nUM klf-ikRqIafˆ `c sjfAuNdI hoeI Auh Br jvfnI ivc, XfnI aTfeI virHafˆ dI Aumr ivc hI 5 dsMbr 1941 nUM pyics rog df iÈkfr ho geI. ies iBafnk bImfrI ny sfQoN aMimRqf Èyr igw l sdf leI Ko h leI, pr afpxIafˆ sMsfr pRiswD klf-ikRqIafˆ krky awj vI Auh sfzy ivc ijAuNdIjfgdI hY. Aus dy bxfey hoey icwqr ‘nYÈnl gYlrI afPL mfzrn-afrts` idwlI ivKy lwgy hoey hn, jo aMimRqf Èyr igwl dy nfˆa nUM hI nhIN, sgoN Bfrq dy nfˆa nUM vI cfr cMn lgfAuNdy hn.
LEASE OPERATORS • Mileage Basis up to 1.55 Single & $1.70 Teams including Fuel FSC • Paid Layover • Safety bonus every month • Discounted Fuel • Health Benefits • Direct Deposit REQUIREMENTS • Min 1 year experience • Ability to cross border • Clean Driver abstract and • Positive, professional Attitude Please email your resume and driver abstract at jobs@triple8.ca Or call for more information at 604 751 0728 604 743 4398
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
kotixs prvfr nUM mfE-qsy quMg df Èok sunyhf ajfieb Gr ivwc pRdriÈq cInI ienklfb ivwc vrxn Xog BiUmkf adf krn vfly BfrqI zfktr duafrkf nfQ kotixs dI mOq qoN lgBg 75 sflfˆ bfad AunHfˆ nUM ies vfr sfzy guafˆZI dyÈ dI lIzriÈp vwloN snmfnq kIqf jf irhf hY. iewk sMkyq dy rUp ivwc cIn dy qqkflI ienklfbI nyqf mfE qsy quMg vwloN 1950 ivwc icwqrilwpI dI ÈYlI ivwc iliKaf hoieaf Auh sMdyÈ muV bhfl kr idwqf hY, jo AunHfˆ dy prvfr nUM Byijaf sI. bhfl kIqf hoieaf ieh sMdyÈ ipCly aYqvfr mhfrfÈtr dy Èolfpur dy ngr ingm nUM sONipaf igaf, ikAuNik kotixs df jnm ieQy hI hoieaf sI. ivÈyÈ isafhI dI vrqoN krdy hoey rvfieqI cInI ÈYlI ivwc iliKaf hoieaf ieh dsqfvyË lgBg iqMn Puwt lMmf hY aqy rvfieqI rfeIs pypr nfl iqafr kIqf igaf hY. kotixs prvfr ny ieh dsqfvyË solfpur ngr ingm nUM dfn vjoN sONipaf qy Aus ny ieh ajfieb Gr ivwc pRdriÈq kr idwqf hY. aijhI afs kIqI jf rhI hY ik nvyˆ isry qoN bhfl kIqf igaf ieh dsqfvyË solfpur ajfiebGr ivwc jnqf dy afkrÈx df kyˆdr bxygf.
cIn dy gfnsU ajfieb Gr ivwc Koj krqf JfElI hsq ilKq icwqrilwpI klf vsqfˆ aqy dsqfvyËfˆ nUM bhfl krn ivwc mfhr hn. AunHfˆ ny ÈMGfeI ajfieb Gr qoN irtfier hoey pRfcIn swiBafcfrk vsqfˆ dy KojI aqy bhflI mfhr JU ipMg hYˆg dI shfieqf nfl ies dsqfvyË nUM bhfl kIqf hY. bhflI dy kMm ‘qy lgBg do hPiqafˆ df smfˆ lwgf. zfktr kotixs jy jy hspqfl ivwc kMm krdy sn, jdoN AunHfˆ nUM 1938 ivwc mYzIkl imÈn `qy cIn Byijaf igaf sI. AunHfˆ ny jMg dy aYn mohrI moricafˆ `qy jf ky afpxIafˆ syvfvfˆ idwqIafˆ qy jfpfn ivruwD jMg ivwc axigxq cInI POjIafˆ dIafˆ jfnfˆ bcfeIafˆ. bfad ivwc AunHfˆ ny iewk cInI aOrq gUE ikMglfn nfl ivafh kr ilaf. ies ivafh qoN cfr sflfˆ bfad 32 sfl dI Aumr ivwc cIn ivwc hI zfktr kotixs df idhfˆq ho igaf. cIn pRqI kotixs dIafˆ syvfvfˆ qoN mfE qsy quMg bhuq hI pRBfvq hoey sn. mfE nUM Kud cInI icwqrilwpI ivwc bhuq muhfrq hfsl sI qy AunHfˆ dI ilKfvt vI bhuq gËb dI sI, ies leI AunHfˆ ny Kud
iewk Bfv pUrn ÈrDfˆjlI ilKI: ‘cInI POj afpxI iewk bfˆh guaf bYTI hY aqy ieh dyÈ afpxf dosq guaf bYTf hY.` ies dsqfvyË df mhwqv ibafn kridafˆ cInI lok gxrfj dy muMbeI dy tryz kONslr Jyˆg ÈIAUafn ny ikhf: “cyarmYn mfE vwloN kotixs prvfr nUM Byijaf igaf hsq ilKq sMdyÈ anmol PMz hY aqy dovfˆ dyÈfˆ ivcfly ieiqhfsk imwqrqf nUM pRmfixq krn dy nfl nfl ies gwl df vI sMkyq hY ik zfktr kotixs pRqI AunHfˆ dy mn ivwc ikMnf aQfh snmfn sI. Jyˆg ny ies pUrI koiÈÈ ivwc lIzriÈp dI BUimkf adf kIqI hY. Jyˆg ny dwisaf, “cInI lIzriÈp ny kotixs prvfr nfl lgfqfr sMprk bxfeI rwiKaf hY qy jdoN vI Bfrq ivwc koeI cInI nyqf afAuNdf hY qfˆ Auh inXmpUrvk AunHfˆ dI BYx mnormf nfl ËrUr hI mulfkfq krdf hY. ies dsqfvyË dI bhflI qy solfpur dy ajfieb Gr nUM ies df sONipaf jfxf mhfn kotixs pRqI sfzy snyh qy snmfn dI zUMGfeI nUM Ëfhr krdf hY.”
klipq mfxkIkr
WSO Statement on Quebec Terror Attack The World Sikh Organization of Canada condemns the horrific terror attack at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec in Sainte-Foy, Quebec City. It was reported that two gunmen entered the mosque and killed six people. WSO President Mukhbir Singh said, “our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the horrific shooting. Canadians stand together to condemn this act of terror and stand in solidarity with the Muslim community. We will guard our shared values of diversity and inclusion even more jealously and we will work to prevail over the forces of hatred and bigotry. We are confident that law enforcement agencies will work quickly to bring those responsible for this tragedy to justice. “ The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) is a non-profit organization with a mandate to promote and protect the interests of Canadian Sikhs as well as to promote and advocate for the protection of human rights for all individuals, irrespective of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and social and economic status.
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Remember to buy your new BC Parks licence plate The public is encouraged to purchase their new BC Parks plates at Autoplan broker offices starting Monday, and show their support for provincial parks through images of a Kermode Bear, Purcell
Mountains or scenic Porteau Cove. In partnership with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, the specialty licence plates were unveiled by Environment Minister Mary Polak and Transportation and In-
frastructure Minister All net proceeds from Todd Stone in Vancou- the sale and ongoing rever earlier this month. newals of BC Parks liThe licence plates al- cence plates will be relow motorists to show invested back into protheir support, while vincial parks through ensuring BC Parks has the Park Enhancement additional funds to in- Fund, a transparent acvest in new programs count where revenues enhance programs or and improvements.
Dasmesh Punjabi School Kindergarten: Your Child’s Education Journey Begins Here! Our Unique Language Program
English Program: We offer specialized English programs designed to help our students reach their full potential. These programs include: 3 L (Literacy, Language, and Learning) and a Phonics program to increase vocabulary and comprehension. Punjabi Program: Developed by our Punjabi Department, the Punjabi program gives our students an advantage over the Ministry mandated curriculum, which begins in Grade 5. Connecting our students to their heritage language at a young age. French Program: The Core French Language program focuses on active learning with a variety of highly motivational hands-on activities.
Our Mission:
Creating a safe and healthy environment for quality education and heritage preservation.
Studies have shown that the introduction of multiple languages at an early age are beneficial for the retention and comprehension of language development, therefore at Dasmesh we offer English, Punjabi and French at the kindergarten level, allowing your children the opportunity to grasp multiple languages, while their developing minds can fully absorb them.
Registration Open! Contact Us For More Information 5930 Riverside Rd. Abbotsford, B.C. V5x1T8 Tel: (604) 826-1666 Fax: (604) 820-8924
services in provincial parks beyond the core services provided by government.
To view the three licence plate designs, please visit: www.icbc. com/bcparksplates
The BC Parks specialty plates cost $50.00 for the initial purchase, and $40.00 for each annual renewal. The licence plates all depict scenes from B.C.’s parks and recreation areas:
The new specialty plates are part of the BC Parks Future Strategy, announced by Premier Christy Clark on Nov. 28, 2016. Within the strategy, the Province is investing $22.9 million to build 1,900 new campsites, is seeding a new BC Parks Foundation with a $5-million endowment, and will be allocating funding in 2017 for other recreation and conservation initiatives, including hiring more park rangers.
The Kermode Bear, a rare subspecies of black bear found only in British Columbia; The Purcell Mountains, which make up the natural backdrop of the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Provincial Park and Protected Area, spanning north to Bugaboo Provincial Park in the interior region, and Porteau Cove, a picturesque view overlooking Howe Sound from the popular waterfront Porteau Cove Provincial Park along the South Coast.
Learn More: To learn more about BC Parks, and to view the BC Parks Future Strategy, please visit: www. bcparks.ca To learn more about ICBC and where to purchase your own BC Parks licence plate, please visit: www.icbc. com
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
30210 Automall Drive - Abbotsford Toll Free: 1-800-688-2657 In order to serve you better this year, we have added multilingual associates to our existing sales team. Our sales advisory team now offers South Asian speaking professionals ready to communicate and deliver to your expectations!
jsivMdr GMumx dI lIzrisLp ivwc sfzI pRoPYsLnl tIm quhfzI syvf leI hmysLf hfijLr hY| asIN pMjfbI, aMgryjI, ihMdI aqy AurdU boldy hF nvIaF aqy purfxIaF gwzIaF leI iewk vfr jrUUr syvf df mOkf idE Contact us for all your automotive needs!
DL# 5736
New & Used Vehicles! Jaswinder Ghuman (604)-897-3003
We Speak: ∙English Pawandeep Singh (778)-878-7292
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Bfrq df 68vF gxqMqr idvs vYnkUvr ivKy DUm-Dfm nflL mnfieaf igaf| BfrqI kONslKfny vwloN krvfey gey smfgm mOky vYnkUvr siQq kONsl jnrl sRI rjIv kumfr cMdr, izptI kONsl jnrl s[ amrjIq isMG, kONslyt s[jsbIr isMG, ieMzIaf -kYnyzf aYsosIeysLn dy pRDfn sRI dIpk sLrmf aqy hmdrd dy gurdIp isMG gryvflL KVHy ivKfeI dy rhy hn
The Patrika
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
afE aqy iswDf aYm[aYs[ey[ Porz dy pRYjLIzYNt, mfeIk mYkzOnlz dy nfl gwl bfq kro.
ieh quhfnMU POrz gwzI ‘qy BrosyXog syvfvF dyx df vfadf krdy hn. kfrobfr mflkF leI Kfs lIjL aOPr
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T H E F R A S E R VA L L E Y ’ S O N LY F O R D S U P E R S T O R E ! Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer and availability. Offers only valid at MSA Ford. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. All offers subject to prior sale. All available Ford incentives, MSA Finance cash, and rebates/credits/allowances/rates have been used in advertised prices. Some rebates and credits may be taxable, including the Year End $1,000 on F-150 offer. Financing/Leasing on approved consumer or business credit. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. Add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. Lease Offers are plus applicable taxes and payments are calculated B-Weekly. Lease offer is calculated at .99% for 36 months. 20,000 kms per year limit. More mileage available at higher monthly payment. Total paid is $16,817.40 plus tax = ($18,835.56). Guaranteed residual at lease end is 23,035 plus taxes. All offers expire February 11, 2017 at 6:00 pm (PST).
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Record Setting Year at Abbotsford International Airport 2016 was a record setting year in passenger numbers for the Abbotsford International Airport (YXX), announced Mayor Henry Braun today. YXX has seen significant growth and development over the past several years, including major terminal renovations, the addition of an international customs building, and the ongoing development of strong relationships with existing and new tenants, businesses, and major airlines; all of which have contributed to this record setting year for the Abbotsford International Airport.
“WestJet congratulates the entire Abbotsford International Airport on their banner success in 2016,� said Bob Cummings, WestJet Executive Vice President, Commercial. “Over the past two decades our airline has brought millions of guests in and out of Abbotsford, and we are continually impressed with the team’s collective commitment to service, efficiency and low-cost. We reference Abbotsford's low cost and fees as a model to be emulated by other airports. WestJet looks forward to working with the team towards another banner year in 2017.�
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
Repair Shop
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Final passenger statistics for 2016 total 530,643 persons, which is an increase of 42,810 persons or 8.78 per cent over 2015. “Abbotsford International Airport has a vision to be recognized as a competitive regional gateway promoting high quality economic growth and development,� said Braun. “YXX is achieving that vision with this year’s record passenger volume. By seeing more people through the gates, the airport will continue to support the economic vitality of the local community and establish its role as a vital regional transportation network.� Part of the success of YXX’s growth comes from its core business strategy of continuing to grow its business base through existing concessionaires, partners and airlines while encouraging new business to locate on the airport grounds.
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“The success and growth of Abbotsford International Airport begins with the strategy to create and develop relationships with industry and community partners,� said Jim Young, President and CEO of NewLeaf Travel. “NewLeaf Travel Company is privileged to be among those partners as Abbotsford continues to be a highperforming destination for NewLeaf’s route network.� Key to YXX’s future success is its ongoing strategy to innovate and empower the business community. By using a partnership business model, YXX is positioned well for opportunities and growth in 2017. For more information on the Abbotsford International Airport, please visit www.abbotsfordairport.ca.
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
2790 2 790 Allwood d Street
• Investment Opporunity • will need some TLC • 2 Bedrooms
www.veermalhi.com w w w.veermalhi.com ING
• 1 Bath • Living space= 925 sf • Strate= $310/mth
• Living Space = 1768 sf • Lot = 6360 sf
122 - 32850 George Ferg Way
• Unauth Suite • 5 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Subdividable
6113 Riverside Street
res c A 39
• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty
• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm
•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety
Lot 6 Glenmore Road
430 Bowman Road
• Mission • Full Production Blueberry Farm
• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area
•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety
• Ready for Machine Pick • 5 min from town
• Matsqui Flats • Bare Land
Lot 1 on Glenmore Road
cres A 3 31.4
• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production
res c A 89
c 10 A
• 4 Baths • Living Space = 3613 sf • Lot = 6581 sf
1639 King Road ..................................................$815,000 30544 Steelhead Court ....................................$619,900 3666 Newcastle Road .......................................$649,000 2290 Imperial Street ........................................$550,000
cres A 2 8
• Blueberry Farm • Drip Irreg & Some Equip • 4 bedroom 2 bath • Flat / Rectangular • Matsqui Area • BlueCrop/Duke Variety
• Large Rec Room • Unauth Suite • 7 Bedrooms
• Living Space = 2137 sf • Lot = 10,160 sf
cres A 1 4
34125 Higginson Cresdcent ...........................$895,000 5 - 33890 Marshal Road ...................................$789,900 44 - 30748 Cardinal Ave ..................................$459,700 2735 Mitchel Street ...........................................$610,000
cres A 3 4
• Lots of Updates! Close to all Schools • Perfect for 1st Time Buyer
• 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths
604 04-85 85 8 55 08 55-0 800 80 0 604-855-0800
virbinder77@gmail.com virbinde er77@gmail mail.com com m
778 7 78 -241-7451
Ab Abb A Abbotsford, bb bbot bbots ots ots tsfo fo for orrd d,, BC BC V V2T V2 2 3R7
• Sumas Prairie • Media Room • 6 Bedrooms
Lot B Riverside Street
res c A .5
• 4 Baths • Living Space = 4000+ sf
• Barns are leased
1390 Angus Campbell Road 5111 Tolmie Road............................................$1,149,900 4627 Dixon Road ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ........................................$874,700 565 Marion Road ........................................... $1,699,900
• Rare Listing of this type • Minutes from town
• Development Potential • 3 Bath •Phase 3 of the OCP • Living space = 2330 sf • Minutes from Mission • 5 Bedroom town
39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 McCallum Road ~ Agassiz ........................... $2,300,000 Taylor Road ~ MtLehman Area .................. $2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
TELUS PureFibre. Pure anand. Ω⁄ Á‹¶¥ ß∑ ¬’⁄Œ‚à ∑ÈáÒ∑·á˚
Sevenoaks Shopping Centre
Apex Communications Inc. 32915 South Fraser Way
Clearwest Solutions Inc. 3122 Mt. Lehman Rd
2140 Sumas Way
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Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Á’¡‹Ë ŒË Ã¬Ë flùª ì TELUS PureFibre™ •“áÊ¥ •Ã 150 Mbps •“‹Ù« •Ã 150 Mbps «Ê™á‹Ù« ‚“Ë« ŒÊ •áÈ÷fl ∑⁄Ù, ¡Ù ÃÈ„Ê« “Á⁄flÊ⁄ É “°∑Ê ¶á¢Œ “aŒÊá ∑⁄ªÊ˚ ‹¥ ߢ≈⁄áÒ˜≈ 150/150 Œ ∑ $ 42/◊„ËáÊ˚ 6 ◊„Ëá ‹® ß∑ TV ’¢«‹ Áflø˚* ‚ÊC ÖÙá ∑⁄Ù 1-844-284-7962, ¡ù ¡Ê¥ telus.com/abbotsford/punjabi $Ã˚
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Parm Brar 778.549.4946
iksy qrHF dI pROprtI (Gr, Pfrm jF ibjLins) KRIdx jF vycx leI prm brfV nfl aWj hI sMprk kro ! #2- 2838 Garden Street, Office: 604.853.3374 Abbotsford BC V2T 4W7 Email: parm.brar@century21.ca Website: www.century21.ca
Taz Cheema 778.255.6555
I’m not #1, my clients are
www.TazCheema.com tazc@sutton.com 15483 - 104 Ave Surrey,BC. V3R 1N9
DONT MISS OUT! on this rare 77 Acre Blueberry farm, with mature blueberry production, located east of the District of Mission. The field generates good yield and income, and is professionally planted with Rika, and Elliot varieties. The property features: 1) a 3 bedroom and 2 bath single family dwelling;
40298 NICOMEN SLOUGH ROAD $ 5,200,000 imsLn izAUznI zrosL ivwc 77 eykV bilAU byrI Pfrm cMgI BrvIN Psl dyx vflf ivkfAU hY. ijs ivwc rIkf qy ielIat vrfeItI dy bUty hn. ies pRfprtI ivwc iewk iqMn bYWzrUm qy 2 bfQrUm df Gr, iewk do mMjLlf spilt lYvl df Gr, iewk lMmf cOVf tRylr Gr, iewk ivsLfl bfrn vI hY. sfrI pRfprtI coN 3200 zflr qoN Aupr ikrfieaf afAuNdf hY. imsLn dy supr stor aqy tfAUn qoN isrP 15 imMt dI dUrI hI hY. ieh pRfprtI afmdn leI afAux vfly smyN leI sunihrI mOkf hY.
2) a 2-story, split level dwelling; 3) a single-wide mobile home; 4) a large storage barn. All residences are tenanted and generate over $3200 in monthly revenue. Easy access to Lougheed Highway, located a few km to the south. The subject property is just 15 minutes away from Superstore & all other amenities in Mission. This is a fantastic opportunity to purchase with great income potential.
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Friday, February 3rd, 2017
Mental health and substance use resources available online Fraser Health’s online mental health and substance use resource -- fraserhealth.ca/mentalhealth -- provides essential information to individuals and their families seeking support for mental health and/or substance use concerns.
experience of mental illness. She got sick at age 17 while she was at university. Her journey with mental illness has been tough, but with treatment, respect and family support, today Clara is living a happy and fulfilling life. She is a proud mom of two boys, a social worker with Fraser Health and a public speaker. She maintains her well-being by being self-aware and proactive about managing her symptoms.
"I'm excited about this new web resource because it's challenging enough to have a mental illness or support a loved one through it. Finding mental health information, resources Need support and information and services should be easy," about mental health and subsays Clara. stance use services for you or Clara, whose story is featured your loved one? Visit fraserin the video below, has lived health.ca/mentalhealth
#128 - 31935 South Fraser Way. Abbotsford, BC. V2T 5N7
#128 - 31935 South Fraser Way
Ph: 604-532-3009