WEEKLY Friday, February 17th, 2017 Vol. 21, No.19
India Canada Association of Abbotsford
celebrated the 68th Republic Day of India in Abbotsford on February 4th, 2017, where a host of guests including Mayor Henry Brown, Police Chief Bob Rich, Member of Parliament Jati Sidhu, Councillors Kelly Chahal and Sandy Blue were present along with other dignitaries.
ieMzIaf kYnyzf aYsosIeysLn afP aYbtsPorz vwloN gxqMqr idvs bhuq hI sLfndfr ZMg nflL aYbtsPorz ivKy 4 PrvrI, 2017 nUM mnfieaf igaf,ies mOky myar hYnrI brOn, pulIs cIP bOb irwc, mYNbr pfrlImYNt jqI isWDU, kONslr kYlI cfhl aqy sYNzI blU dy nflL-nflL hor pqvMqy swjx vI sLfiml hoey|
Purchases First time home buyers Builders Mortgage Refinances Ports
iksy vI qrHF dI mOrgyj lYx leI aimq nUM Pon kro
The Patrika
ienkm tYks prsnl ibjLns rYNtl jI[aYs[tI[ tI2 buwkkIipMg srivs py-rol
Friday, February 17th, 2017
We speak English, Punjabi, & Hindi asIN pMjfbI,ihMdI aqy aMgryjI boldy hF
Prime Minister Trudeau concludes visit to meet with President Trump
he relationship between Canada and the United States is unique and unparalleled. We have the longest, most peaceful, and mutually beneficial partnership of any two countries, forged by shared geography, common interests, and one of the largest and most comprehensive economic relationships in the world. Millions of good middle class jobs depend on that relationship. The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today concluded his first official visit with the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. During the bilateral meetings, the two leaders covered various areas of mutual interest, including trade and investment as well as national, continental, and international security. They discussed their shared focus on how to build stronger economies where the middle class, and those working hard to join it, have greater opportunities
to succeed and prosper. They also discussed how the relationship has created jobs for our citizens and opportunities for our businesses. The two leaders then took part in a Women in Business Executives roundtable, where they announced the creation of the Canada-United States Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders. This initiative will help empower women-owned businesses, and further contribute to economic growth and competitiveness in both Canada and the U.S., as well as enhance the integration of our two economies.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
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muPq slfh msLvry leI awj hI Pon kro
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ipCly 45 sflF qoN kfr aYksIzYNtF dy kysF df qjLrbf!
kyvl afeI sI bI sI klym
“ isMpsn QOms iek aijhI tIm hY ijMnF ny iewk kys nMU bhuq hI cMgI qrHF cYlMj dy qOr lYky ijwq pRfpq kIqI hY jdoN ik iksy hor kol ies kys nMU lVn dI smrwQf nhIN sI. ” -iewk aYbtsPorz dy ivafh ivwc jfgo vyly vfprI Gtnf dy sbMD ivwc ilMk aKbfr ivwc mfrc 12, 2011nMU CpI rIport dy afDfrq.
Visit our website for the answers to all your questions related to your ICBC claim.
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The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
sMpfdkI zf: rfDf ikRsLnn ny ikhf sI, “mfnv df dfnv bx jfxf AusdI hfr hY, mfnv df mhf-mfnv bx jfxf cmqkfr hY-Ausdf mfnv hoxf Aus dI ijwq hY.” ikMnI puKqf scfeI hY zf: rfDf ikRsLnn dy sLbdF ivc mfnvqf nfl Auq-poq ieh sLbd kfPI hn-ies qoN awgy sLfied kihx leI kuJ nhIN rih jFdf ikAuNik AunHF muqfibk iensfn bs iensfn bxky hI jIE lvy ieho Aus dI sB qoN vwzI mhfnqf hY, iensfn bnxf hI aOKf hY koeI musLkl nhIN ihMdU jF muslmfn hoxf. asIN sB afm iensfn hI hF, bysLk intsLy vrgy ivdvfnF ny “Man and Superman” ilwK ky “Superman” df concept rwiKaf sI. ieh gwl vwKrI hY ik koeI mhuMmd quglk bx jFdf hY, koeI dysLF dIaF hwdbMdIaF mjLbUq krn leI Gr afey sLrnfrQI df rfh rokdf hY, koeI Drm qy isafsq krdf hY koeI notF qy. gwl iewQy Kqm nhIN huMdI-koeI ihtlr vI bx jFdf hY qy koeI sfrI dunIaF ijwqx vI qur pYNdf hY pr, “dfrf rhf nf jm nf iskMdr sy bfdsLfh, qKqy jMmI py sYkVoN afey cly gey.”
rojL LlfeIn ivc lwgdf qy jd Aus dI vfrI afAuNdI afpxI vfrI ipCly nUM dy ky iPr kqfr dy afKr ivc Klo jFdf sI. aihlkfrF ny rfjy nUM dwisaf ik iek PkIr numf drvysL rojL kqfr ivc lwgdf hY pr ibnF anfj ley ipwCy clf jFdf hY. rfjy ny bulf ky puwiCaf qF PkIr boilaf, “bfdsLfh slfmq qUM bfdsLfh hY, jo mrjI dfn kr skdf hY, myrf vI dfn dyx nUM idl krdf, myry kol isrP myrI vfrI hY mYN ipCly nUM dy ky afp ipwCy clf jFdf hF.” iensfnIaq dI ies qoN vwzI imsfl hor kI ho skdI hY. ikMnHF cMgf hovy jy afAux vflIaF sfzIaF nslF leI asIN vI koeI ieho ijhIaF imsflF kfiem kr skIey ijvyN:
vkq kdy iksy nUM muafP nhIN krdf, hr bMdf afpxI jLmIr awgy juafbdyh huMdf hY. ikMnHI ku dyr asIN BulyiKaF ivc jIa skdy hF. AunHF kOmF dy nF hmysLF sunihrI awKrF ivc ilKy jFdy ny ijnHF kOmF, ijnHF sKsLIaqF ny afpf iqafg ky afm mnuwK leI kuJ kIqf huMdf hY. Henry Ford ny ikhf sI: “Give the best you have got today that’s a recipe for a better tomorrow.” afdmI df ieho jIvn mnorQ hoxf cfhIdf hY jLrUrI nhIN ik mhfn bxn leI dOlq df, qfkq df jF isafsq df shfrf hI jLrUrI hY. iensfnIaq qF inwkIaF inwkIaF cMigafeIaF qoN hI BFpI jFdI hY. iksy izwgdy nUM boc lYxf, iksy dy duwK ivwc bs hfa df nfhrf mfr dyxf afid ikMny hI iensfnI qkfjLy hn jo ibnF iksy kImq qoN kIqy jf skdy hn. Aus drvysL PkIr vFg jo iek bfdsLfh jo rojL anfj vMzdf sI ijnHF koeI cuwk ky lY jf sky iek PkIr numf drvysL PAGE 4
George Bernard Shaw ilKdf hY, “Life is not a brief caudle for me, it is sort of splendid torch which I have got hold for a moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”
The Patrika Patrika The
Friday, February December17th, 25th,2017 2015 Friday,
gurU qyg bhfdr aiDkfrF nUM dyx cox rYjIldI IafˆaflmI qy rymnu hVywKIvflf
nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU bldyv isMG sVknfmf vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI irhf dI sI.hfmI ryhVyBrI. vflyivcfrDfrk vwloN afpxyivro sfQI j v y ˆ -hYi.jAuvny ˆ Hfˆ rfKI ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn ihfsl DIafˆnfl dI gw l fˆ krn dO r fn mY n U M pqf lw g f ik ny co x fˆ dI qfrIK vwloN iqMn sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI rwiKaf leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxAuI s peI. afAuNdI dfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nyVy nfl idw lI ivwc rYlI krky do gyVy Cwz idwqy sn. vwzy lIzr wKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ nfl nvMbr 1675 nUM idwqI geI kujf rbfnI iswKfˆ mnu dIafˆ gwlfˆ AuhI sn, pr aMdfË kuJ vwKrf rhInUM sI, Biraf hoieaf hY ijwQy lokfˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry, dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl sI. gflH fˆ vrgI BfÈf vwKrI qy iqw.Kafpxy I sI. pfrtIafˆ dy kO m jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leIvIjfnfˆ vfrIafˆ Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy ju l mfˆ iKlfÌ A u m I d v f r f ˆ ryhVy vflf vfr-vfr qfVIafˆ mfrdf KuÈ ho afvfË bulMd krn aqy ÈhIdI pRfpq krn dy ihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk a q y irhf dovyˆ bfhvfˆ cuwk ky nfairafˆ df jvfb mMqv ipCly asl qy Aucycy arQfˆ bfry ajy kfblIaq df pRdrÈn kIqf pr gurU qyg idMdf sI.jIieh lIzr vI pihlfˆ vfˆgivro vfady ahudaqy ydfrfˆnfdIhI bhfdr ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk DIafˆ qwk shI aiDaYn nhIN kIqf igaf dy hw k fˆ dI rw i Kaf leI afpxI ku r bfnI dy ky pro s ky clf igaf qy lo k afpo afpxy Grfˆ nIN d Au z dI jf shI pirpyK qoN GoiKaf igaf hY. ipCly kuJ ijs nY i qk-rU h fnI bu l M d I nU M Co i haf, Au s dI sI.aMGrdhfikafˆ qoN mnuwKI hwkfˆ bfry rhI aflmI dolnfˆ nUM ho qury. agly idn iek hor pfrtI dI ‘c Èfied ikqy nhIN cox rYlmnu I AuwKsI y ieiqhfs Qfˆ hoxI sI. pRÈimldI. fsn ny votfˆ imsfl dy AuBfr nfl hux sfnUM mhfnGr gurjf U dIkyÈhIdI ies leI gu r U qy g bhfdr jI nU M mnu hwkfˆ dI AuWcrumfnvI aiDkfrfˆ I sI. mMipCly gx df Jfn vD igaf. dymuharQfˆ wilafˆdIivwKocj iehI Qfˆ rYlIafˆ leI rfKvIN rwKIwKhoI e bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf krn df mO k f imilaf hY . mYˆ skdf ies lIzr nuwkV mIitMgfˆ huMdIafˆ. vwzIafˆ cox rYlIafˆ jf hY. nUM Aucycf suxn leI igaf. lo k fˆ df sbr hYrfn krn vflf sI. Auh homnurhIafˆ sn. Au m Idvfrfˆ dy prvfrk wKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf gu r U qy g bhfdr dyIklfimsfl blIdfn skdy sn. sB qonUN M mY cox pRjfˆ cfrkfnUivwMnc ruMcwJyaqy hoesuy Bsn. jfˆˆbdrf hYvI - shfiek I phu fivk iqMn cfr GMty vIjIAuz dy K idafˆ aflmI mnu w K I aiDkfr sM s Qfvfˆ vI phuMcmfhO . pihlI fˆ dIÈihr phuMcdIdOdfxf rfn mnu ies l ivwcqrHsfzy mMzwKI I vwD hYrfnI ies gwl dI sI ik ienHfˆ rYlIafˆ AunHfˆ nUM afpxy moZIafˆ ivwcoN iek df drjf dy aiDkfrfˆ nUz M ku JxisafsI tIicafˆ nUM hfsl ivw c iek vw I co rYlI hox vflI sI. AuNj ivwc jfx leI lokfˆ df ikMnf vkq brbfd hn. leI hiQafr vjoN vriqaf f ,hY pr aqy rhIafˆ huMdf hovygf qy kMm df ikMnf nuksfn huMdf mykrn rI isafsI idlcspI bhuq GwjfˆtdhY mnuwKvfr I hwkiek fˆ dI nvIN rfKIpfrtI bfry crcf krdynfl smyˆ lMzn mnuwKI jQybMdI hovygf.afDfrq ryhVy vflf iPr aiDkfr Ausy Qfˆ KVf sI. ies dI afmd iPrkUvfd Puwt pYˆdf hY. iPrkU soc pnpx df amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl ny gurU qyg bhfdr conqIjf x mukieh fblfhuidlsp bx igaf, ijs krky mYnUM smJ nhIN sI af rhI ik Auh ikhVI Mdf hY ik mnuwKI hwkfˆ dy rKvfly jI dI ÈhIdI nMU mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI mhwqqf nfl mYafpxy ˆ vI coBfeIcfry x rYlI, vyafpxI Kx sukOxmn, leI jf puwjaqy f. pfrtI df smrQk hY. Pyr jdoN vwzy lIzr ivcfrDfrf joV ky Aus bfry ivcfr-vtfˆdrf vI kIqf sI. ny BfÈx `c ikhf ik jdoN sfzI srkfr buisafsI lfry bosihXo lI jfgrhy sn. mu w K lIzr ‘isrP` Iafˆ dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy amnY stI ieMtrnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ bxI, Xfd rwiKE, ˆ 15 dI idnfˆ dy aM dMqrI sfZy kudiqM puNwiies jaf.socAus ny dy hn. hw qfˆnAuGM dot N hoy dy jfˆrdInfl hY jdo qihq ivÈv-ivafpI aYlmYfnnfmy 50vIN jYa mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ lMGxf nUM mO iBRkÈy t lIzrfˆ aqy nÈy vy c x vfilafˆ nU M jy l boiksy lxfivro sLDurIU dykridafˆ hI ivroDdII Au pfrtIafˆ aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs bfry axgo i laf kr idw q f jfˆ d f hY jfˆ ivro D Iafˆ dy dIafˆikqfb rotIafˆ Kuafvfˆ gf.rhI iehsI.sujQy x ky nUM kosdy hoey ikhf ik mYˆ ienHfˆ nUM nfnI iek iqafr krvf bMdryI hvwVy loN mnu w K I hw k fˆ dI rfKI df ivro D ho x lw g pY ˆ d f hY . ies pR f jY k t df Au d y È hry k sdI ‘c mnu w K I hw k fˆ vfly ny jY k frf Cw i zaf. jdo N lo k fˆ df iekw T Xfd krf idafˆgf, byeImfnI nfl joVy brdfrfˆ dIˆ rypCfx krnfkosI. ies igaf. ikqfb iKMalM z igaf qfˆ mY hVy vfly l clf Dn gf, asIN grIb iesdfdy ihsfb Ault lvfˆ suBfivk phuMchr qihq mnunUwKM I dy df isrly K ‘id lO N g mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy c pMaiDkfrfˆ j-pMj mrly plft dyvfˆg nOjvfnfˆ dI ibnfˆdfiksy BydBfv dyy,kdr kIqI mYˆ puwiCaf, ‘mYˆ qYnUM sfrIafˆ rYlIafˆ ivw ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pM j Au W G y mnu w K I aiDkfrfˆ . AuhdyBfvy hox jfˆdyivro nUjfˆM dnOIkhYrIafˆ vfˆgˆ y afpxy aqy ibjlI awDDy IryKytmy dyiKaf qUM ikhVI pfrtI df bMdf aY?` Auh dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI dy. ies mnuivw wK c hooNxiksy dy nfqy kr idafˆsogcy. dI ieMdlIl nf suxhYkyikBIV ny hws ipaf aqy kihMdf, ‘afpxI pfrtI qfˆ hY. bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jOhn illbrn (1617ivÈymyÈrhwy lfgy kfˆ dy mY hwl kfdfr hn.sfPf ieh Èfml Brfvf, afh ryhVf aY qy aOh KVf GoVf. jy jYsfry kfrfiensfn Cwizaf. ijhf phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf 57), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), ivlIam pYWn ieh vgxgy qfˆ aqy afpxf wlrHf cw(1694-1778) lU?` ‘qfVIafˆ vlytI bYTf 50 ku sflfˆ df kmËor ijhf (1644-1718) volcu tya nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, qfˆ qUM ey nIafˆ mfrdf sI?` mYˆ puwiCaf. ‘jdoN bMilMdgf afpxy ryhVy `qydfbYkoTef Ipihlfˆ rfˆ Bfr hn. jfˆ ivcfrDfrf sQfn pY nhIN huMdf. Èfml ieh lIzr iek dUjy nUM gflHfˆ kwZdy aY, nf hogurigaf qy iPr do v y ˆ hw Q Au p r cu w k ky bVy U qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI kuJ ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI bVf nËfrf afAuNdf, iksy nUM gwpI, iksy nUM josoÈc nfl Aus nybKÈdI jYkfry hYdfaqy jvfb qf.mnu jdowKN I Èhfdq nUM qfkq nflidwhI nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI JUrTbfnI f, iksy nUM zrfmy bfË!leI hux‘ihM afpfˆ qfˆcfdr` gflHfˆ vI ivroDivafpk I iDr nUDfrnf M kosdfnUM sI hwkny fˆ q dIf srv bljfˆidMgflH dI hYf.ˆ ku dsdy hn. iesy d dI
dyguxrU jI vrgIafˆ itwpxIafˆ krdf sI qfˆ ryhVy vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly vflf È huMmfrnf df sI. ËrU do ku bfad kfrnfˆbhu AuqWqy KuJfq rI idnfˆ hY. kÈmIrI Au s y mM z I ivw c dU j I pfrtI dI vw z I co x rYlI pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh sI. soidy caf M vI suxkrnf nf cfhIdf. aOrMgmYËyˆ b julies mfˆ dfnUsfhmxf pY irhf h McguxrUdfjIswqo N shfieqfienH mMfgˆ lIzrfˆ x afey dysIr aqy nfl Au phu iBafcfr sn.sfˆAu afs nfl jICkoy jf l afey df Jhf hYies . pihlfˆ vfˆggumYrˆ U ipw KVoqsn f. ik rU h fnI ÈKsIaq vjo N Au n H f ˆ df aihm ru q mYnUM hYrfnI hoeI ik AuhI ryhVy vflf pUrbfy hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdÈfh nUM iDafn nfl sQfnk lIzrfˆ dy BfÈx sux
smJf ky AunHfˆ nUM musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgy. asIN smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gurU jI dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHfˆ jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ny lMgr, sMgq aqy pMgq dI pRQf rfhIN smfijk aqy Dfrimk brfbrI nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf. ies rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. iswK Drm dIafˆ ienHfˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk qOr ‘qy gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk
kwZ nhIN nflygupqf jfˆdY beI Èbd vrqyskdy jfˆdy . hn. rU jIlwdyg blIdfn dI ieh sfry aMdroN iek ˆ dyihmM aY.z`I ieM nf afKnUM aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfqrH ˆ dy fbR nËrIey Cu vfˆg hw hYs . jyipaf. kr koe‘vo I ihM U hukkIhnU mrfn,M kyitafAu ryhVyxvflf t diPr afpxI mu s ilm pR j f Au W q y ju l m Zfh irhf huMdf pfeyˆgf?`, mYˆ aYvyˆ puwC bYTf. ‘vot[[[vot[[[.` qfˆ rU cjIxnylwAugdf.oN vI afpxf afpf‘mY vfrn dy rfh Auhguso iPr boilaf, ˆ qfˆ ‘no tf` hI qu r nf sI. Au n H f ˆ dI Èhfdq ipw C y jo sM k lp sI, dwb ky afAUN. afpxy nhIN iPwt koeI, ieh Auh iksy Drm ivÈyÈ qwk sImq nhIN sI. iehI afK ky Auh afpxy GoVy dI ipwT plosx qwQ AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq nUM vwD mhfn bxfAuNdf hY. lwg ipaf.
iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy ieiqhfsk cfˆdnI cOk ijs Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM isrP iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. ieh kdm mhfn gurU dI gYr-sMprdfiek qy bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly idRÈtIkox nUM mfnqf qy akIdq dyx vwl dyr nfl cuwikaf, pr aiqaMq Zukvfˆ kdm hovygf. - ly K k afksPo r z bru k s XU n IvristI, afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df pRoPYsr hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
How tax law changes impact your return (NC) Feeling overwhelmed by the recent tax changes announced? Check out a few of the most important changes that may impact your tax return, decoded by the experts at H&R Block.
Benefit. But don't worry, the new plan is more generous than before and has higher family income thresholds, meaning bigger monthly payments for most families.
More money, more taxes. The lowermiddle income tax rate went down from 22 to 20.5 per cent, and a new tax bracket of 33 per cent was created for those earning more than $200,000 per year. So if you made more than $216,975 in 2016, you can expect to pay more this year in taxes.
No more income splitting. You can no longer apply for the Family Tax Cut for 2016. This income splitting used to allow parents with children under age 18 to transfer some of the higher earner's taxable income to the lower earner, saving families up to $2,000 on their taxes.
Home sweet home. Did you sell your house last year? Previously, if you sold your home you weren't required to report the sale on your tax return. However, starting in 2016 you must report the sale if you want to claim the principal residence exemption. Kids and taxes. As of July 2016, the Canada Child Tax Benefit and The Universal Child Care Benefit were replaced by the new Canada Child
Accessible home. If you made your main residence more accessible to seniors or dependents with disabilities, you may be eligible for a new nonrefundable tax credit. Taxpayers can claim expenses up to $10,000 as a result of those renovations or alterations. Speak with a tax expert if you have any questions, or file online with H&R Block's free online software.
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
Have you been scammed? Recognize, reject and report fraud (NC) Fraudsters are creating increasingly sophisticated tactics to obtain our personal information and money. Email phishing, credit card scams and identity theft are just some of the scams out there, so it’s important to know how to protect yourself. It’s also important to know what to do if you’ve been scammed. It can be hard to bring scammers to justice, as they often cover their tracks by using fake or stolen identities, made-up email addresses and disposable phone numbers. But you should always report a scam if you or someone you know falls victim to one. Here are some tips to help you recover after you’ve become the victim of a scam: 1. Report it to a law enforcement agency. Less than five per cent of fraud victims report their experiences to law enforcement agencies. Many don’t report because they feel embarrassed, but reporting helps keep others from experiencing the same thing. The best law enforcement agency to contact depends on where you live and the type of fraud you’ve experienced. If you’re not sure where to report, contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, and they will guide you. 2. Look for The Little Black Book of Scams. This handy book outlines widespread scams, offers tips on how to protect yourself and your hardearned cash, and suggests ways to report a scam. 3. File a police report. Just as you would call the police if you were robbed on the street, if a criminal uses
the internet to steal your money, it’s not any less of a crime. File a police report as soon as you can, but remember to call the non-emergency number for your local police department and ask for the fraud or computer-related crimes division. 4. Contact your bank or credit card company. If you’ve fallen victim to a scam involving money, be sure to contact your bank or credit card company as soon as possible so that they can freeze your cards and prevent any further charges. Credit card companies may also be able to reverse the transaction if they believe that your credit card was billed fraudulently. Banks also have policies that protect you from online losses, provided you’ve met certain requirements for safeguarding your information. 5. Update your anti-virus software. If you open up a suspicious email, the scammers who sent it may have embedded links within the message that could infect your computer. If this occurs, run a full system check on your computer with reliable software. Find more information at www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/fraud.
The Patrika
kYˆsr nfl juVy zr qy aslIaq sfzy mulk ivwc kYˆsr nUM bhuq hI iBafnk aqy jfnlyvf ibmfrI smiJaf jfˆdf hY, pr hkIkq ieh nhIN hY. amrIkf smyq keI hor ivkisq mulkfˆ ivwc kYˆsr dI ibmfrI sfzy mulk qoN lgpg ds guxf iËafdf hY pr AuWQy kYˆsr dI ibmfrI kfrn mrn vfly ivakqIafˆ dI igxqI sfzy mulk qoN ikqy Gwt hY. ies df kfrn ieh hY ik amrIkf ivwc kYˆsr dy rog sbMDI lokfˆ ivwc vDyry jfgrUkqf aqy sfzy mukfbly iËafdf zfktrI shUlqfˆ df AuplwbD hoxf hY. sfzy dyÈ ivwc kYˆsr sbMDI jfgrUkqf Gwt hox krky lokfˆ ivwc kYˆsr sbMDI keI iksm dy zr, vihm aqy Èwk pYdf ho cuwky hn. ies krky vwzI igxqI ivwc kYˆsr dy mrIË aqy AunHfˆ dy pirvfr ies df shI ielfj krvfAux dI Qfˆ aMD-ivÈvfsfˆ ivwc Ps ky nImhkImfˆ kol dysI ZMg-qrIikafˆ nfl ielfj krfAux lwg jfˆdy hn. ies sB df Pfiedf hox dI Qfˆ sB qoN aihm nuksfn ieh huMdf hY ik ies cwkr ivwc pYx nfl kYˆsr dI ibmfrI dI styj vD jfˆdI hY aqy ies df shI qy pwkf ielfj hox dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ mwDm pY jfˆdIafˆ hn. kYˆsr df smyˆ isr shI
ielfj sLurU nf krn krky hI sfzy mulk ivwc ies rog kfrn hox vflIafˆ mOqfˆ dI igxqI vwD hY. lfprvfhI jfˆ axjfxpuxy ivwc hoeI glqI nfl hox vflIafˆ mOqfˆ hI kYˆsr dy jfnlyvf aqy iBafnk hox sbMDI vihm qy zr pYdf ho igaf hY. ieh Dfrnf drasl, swp dy zMg mfrn kfrn hox vflI mOq vrgI hY. Bfrq dy lgpg 90 PIsdI swp aijhy hn ijnHfˆ dy kwty jfx kfrn mnuwK mrdf nhIN pr iPr vI swp dy kwty jfx `qy 90 PIsdI lok mr jfˆdy hn. drasl, Auh swp dy zMg kfrn jfˆ Aus dI Ëihr krky nhIN mrdy blik swp sbMDI mn ivwc pey vihm aqy zr kfrn idl PylH ho jfx krky mr jfˆdy hn. kuJ ies qrHfˆ df zr hI ies ibmfrI nfl vI juiVaf hoieaf hY, kuJ lok kYˆsr dI ibmfrI kfrn qfˆ nhIN mrdy pr Aus pRqI mn ivwc agfAUN bYTy zr aqy vihm kfrn hI jfn qoN hwQ Do bYTdy hn.
bÈrqy AunHfˆ dI pCfx muZlI styj AuWqy hI ho jfvy aqy ielfj shI smyˆ `qy shI zfktr kol sLurU ho jfvy. kYˆsr dIafˆ kyvl 10 PIsdI iksmfˆ nUM hI iËafdf Kqrnfk mMinaf jf skdf hY pr Auh vI jfnlyvf nhIN hn. smyˆ isr shI ielfj nfl ies ibmfrI dy mrIË kfPI lMmfˆ smfˆ cMgI iËMdgI ijAuN skdy hn. ieh vfcx dI ËrUrq hY ik dyÈ dy afËfd hox smyˆ sfzy mulk dy lokfˆ dI aOsq Aumr 38 sfl sI. AudoN kYˆsr nf-mfqr hI sI pr CUq dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ iËafdf sn. afËfdI qoN bfad CUq dIafˆ ibmfrIaf AuWqy kfbU pfAux nfl aOsq Aumr vD ky awjkwlH 70 sfl ho geI hY hflfˆik ies smyˆ dOrfn kYˆsr df rog vI viDaf hY.
Friday, February 17th, 2017
zf[dyivMdr isMG sMDU
rogfˆ ivwc jkV lYˆdy hn. ijnHfˆ mulkfˆ ivwc Èrfb aqy qMbfkU-Xukq niÈafˆ dI mnfhI hY, AuWQy kYˆsr bhuq Gwt huMdf hY. iswKfˆ ivwc vI qMbfkU kfrn hox vflf kYˆsr Gwt hY pr Èrfb dI vrqoN vwD krn krky ieh vI kYˆsr dI mfr hyT af gey hn. Èrfb aqy qMbfkU-Xukq niÈafˆ nUM rokxf sfzy afpxy hwQ vws hY. aijhf krky asIN kYˆsr hox nUM muwZoN hI KfrË kr skdy hfˆ. vfqfvrx pRdUÈx df mslf srkfr aqy smfj nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY pr iPr vI asIN ies nUM GtfAux ivwc iksy hwd qwk Xogdfn pf ky kYˆsr qoN bcfa kr skdy hfˆ. ieh gwl pwly bMnH lYxI cfhIdI hY ik pRdUÈx rihq vfqfvrx ivwc rihx, Èrfb, niÈafˆ qy iPkrfˆ qoN rihq, sfdf sfP aqy sLuwD Bojn kYˆsr dy pYdf hox aqy vDx-Puwlx dy Kfx vfly ivafkqI nUM kYˆsr bhuq Gwt Bfvyˆ anykfˆ kfrn hn pr sfzy mulk ivwc huMdf hY. lgfqfr ho rhIafˆ Kojfˆ, dvfeIafˆ, ies df muwK kfrn pRdUiÈq vfqfvrx aqy qknIkfˆ, zfktrI muhfrq aqy cyqnf vDx niÈafˆ dI vD rhI vrqoN hY. qMbfkU-Xukq sdkf hux kYˆsr jfnlyvf rog nhIN irhf. nÈy, mfs aqy Èrfb dI vrqoN mnuKI ÈrIr ieh jfxnf ËrUrI hY ik kYˆsr vI afm rogfˆ aMdrly ishqmMd sYWlfˆ nUM kmËor kr idMdI afpxI jIvn ÈYlI suDfr ky kuJ hwd qwk vrgI hI iewk ibmfrI hY aqy ies dIafˆ hY ijs nfl kYˆsr aqy hor ibmfrIafˆ dy qfˆ kYˆsr nUM pYdf hox qoN roikaf jf skdf 90 PIsdI iksmfˆ df pwkf ielfj sMBv hY, sYWl BfrU ho jfˆdy hn aqy sfzy ÈrIr nUM hY jdoNik kfPI hwd qwk ies df pUrf ielfj
Friday, February 17th, 2017
vI sMBv hY. kYˆsr dy rog qoN mukqI ies dy smyˆ isr pqf lwgx aqy Aus dI styj AuWqy inrBr krdI hY. ies mMqv leI kYˆsr df QoVHf bhuqf Èwk pYx `qy kYˆsr dy mfihr zfktr dI slfh lYxI ËrUrI hY. 40 sfl qoN vwD Aumr dIafˆ aOrqfˆ nUM sfl ivwc iewk vfr afpxy ÈrIr dI kYˆsr mfihr qoN jfˆc krvf lYxI PfiedymMd ho skdI hY. jdoN iksy ivakqI AuWpr kYˆsr dy hmly dI jfxkfrI ho jfvy qfˆ dysI nIm hkImfˆ, jfdU-tUixafˆ aqy Dfgy-qvIqfˆ dy cwkr ivwc pYx dI bjfey ibnfˆ iksy dyrI qoN qurMq kYˆsr mfihr zfktr qoN ielfj sLurU kr dyxf cfhIdf hY.
The Patrika
ieh BulyKy vI mn ivwcoN dUr kr lYx dI ËrUrq hY ik kYˆsr df ielfj bhuq iËafdf mihMgf hY. hkIkq ieh hY ik ies df ielfj vI dUjIafˆ hor ibmfrIafˆ vrgf hI hY aqy pYsy vI lgpg AunHfˆ dy ielfj ijMny hI lgdy hn, bÈrqy ik zfktr dI cox shI kIqI jfvy. ieh TIk hY ik ies dIafˆ dvfeIafˆ ËrUr kuJ mihMgIafˆ hn pr sUJvfn mfihr zfktr AunHfˆ dI suXog vrqoN krky pIVqfˆ df Krc kfPI Gtf skdf hY. ibmfrI df pqf lwgx `qy qurMq mfihr zfktr qoN ielfj sLurU krfAuxf ËrUrI hY ikAuNik iËMdgI slfmq ielfj nfl hI rih skdI hY.
kYpsUlfˆ aqy golIafˆ ivwc KurfkI qwqfˆ df bdl zf[ iÈafm suMdr dIpqI mnuwK vwloN iqafr cIËfˆ aqy kudrq qoN iswDy iesqymfl df Prk: ieh dyKx ivwc afieaf hY ik jdoN koeI iswDf tmftr jfˆ gfjr df iesqymfl krdf hY qy dUjy pfsy tmftr df sUp aqy gfjr df jUs pINdf hY qfˆ Aus df asr cfr guxfˆ Gt jfˆdf hY. ies qwQ dI ivigafnk smJ ieh hY kudrq ny iewk cIË ivwc sfry qwq pfey hoey hn. sfnUM sfry qwq afpxI inrDfirq mfqrf ivwc cfhIdy hn cfhy gRfm, imlIgRfm qy cfhy mfiekrogRfm. ieh sfry qwq, ivtfmn aqy imnrl rl ky kMm krdy hn. iewk qwq dI Gft dUjy nUM pRBfivq krdI hY. ijvyˆ ik kYlÈIam nUM sucfrU ZMg nfl kfrjÈIl hox leI ivtfmn ‘zI` dI loV pYˆdI hY, nhIN qfˆ kYlsIam dI sfDfrn golI imwtI dy brfbr hY. iesy qrHfˆ hI bfkI KurfkI qwq pRBfivq huMdy hn. asIN jdoN gfjr jfˆ tmftr nUM slfd dy rUp ivwc Kfˆdy hfˆ qfˆ Auh sfry qwqfˆ ivwc iewk shI anupfq `c srIr ivwc jfˆdf hY. dUjy pfsy, jdoN asIN sUp jfˆ jUs bxfAuNdy hfˆ, Bfvyˆ Aus nUM pUrf incoV lYˆdy hfˆ pr iPr vI bfkI bcy pdfrQ ivwc kuJ aihm qwq rih jfˆdy hn. ies krky incoVy hoey qwq vI asr nhIN idKf pfAuNdy. jy ies qwq nUM golIafˆ qy kYpsUl nfl joV ky dyKIey qfˆ sfnUM ivtfmn ‘bI-12` dI roËfnf dI loV iewk mfiekRogRfm hY qy ies dIafˆ golIafˆ 500 aqy 1500 mfiekRogRfm ivwc imldIafˆ hn. ieh ivtfimn pfxI ivwc GulxÈIl hY ijs krky ies dI vfDU mfqrf nflo-nfl srIr `coN bfhr ho jfˆdI hY. ies df mqlb spÈt hY ik sfnUM ienHfˆ qwqfˆ dy jËb hox bfry ÈMkf hY. jy KurfkI vsqfˆ aqy AunHfˆ dI sUcI vwl Jfq mfrIey qfˆ koeI vI Pl, sbËI jfˆ anfj iksy iewk qwq nUM
nhIN smoeI bYTf. sfrIafˆ vsqfˆ ivwc sB kuJ hY, bs anupfq df QoVHf-bhuqf Prk hY. jy asIN kudrqI rUp ivwc sMquilq Kurfk lYˆdy hfˆ qfˆ sfnUM iksy bfhrI qwq dI loV nhIN hY. sfzy iKwqy ivwc vrqI jfˆdI Kurfk dI QflI sMquilq Krfk df vDIaf nmUnf hY. iewk QflI ivwc do rotIafˆ, iewk kVCI cfvl, iewk kOlI dfl, sbËI, dhIN aqy slfd. jy ieh vwK vwK cIËfˆ svyry, dupihry qy Èfm dI QflI ivwc Gwt-vwD vI ho jfx qfˆ koeI gwl nhIN. aihm hY Gwt CyVCfV. jy ies QflI nUM afpxI Kurfk nfl imlf ky dyKIey qfˆ sB qoN vwD mfr sbËI aqy Plfˆ `qy pYˆdI hY. jdoN vI iksy pirvfr dI mflI hflq suDrdI hY qfˆ Gr ivwc iGE, krIm aqy qyl vfly pdfrQfˆ dI afmd vDdI hY, sbËIafˆ qy Plfˆ dI nhIN. iehI ivtfimn aqy imnrl dy muwK sroq hn. Kurfk dy nfˆ `qy golIafˆ-kYpsUl vycxy afsfn hn. iksy nUM ieh dvfeI nhIN lgdy, sgoN qfkq dy kYpsUl lgdy hn. jy iksy ivakqI nUM ikhf jfvy ik 100 gRfm hrIafˆ sbËIafˆ aqy 200 gRfm Pl Kfxy hn, Auh ies pRqI Kycl nhIN krdf. dvfeI muwk jfvy qfˆ Ausy vyly Bwj ky jfˆ Byj ky mMgvf lY afAuNdf hY. pr jy slfd ivwc kuJ nf hovy qfˆ sfnUM mihsUs hI nhIN huMdf. nfl hI golI jfˆ kYpsUl nUM ijwQy mrËI qy jdoN mrËI lYxf vI sOKf hY. ies mfniskqf nUM smJx aqy bdlx dI loV hY. dUjI gwl, jy iksy ivÈyÈ hflq ivwc lgdf hY ik ikqy Kojfˆ `qy afDfirq koeI qwq asrdfr ho skdy hn qfˆ iewk pihlU Xfd rwKxf cfhIdf hY jo ik bhuq sfrIafˆ dvfeIafˆ `qy vI brfbr hI lfgU huMdf hY ik dvfeI nUM KflI pyt aqy sfDfrn pfxI nfl vrqxf cfhIdf hY. PAGE 9
The Patrika
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Friday, February 17th, 2017
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UBC ‘s third year Faculty of Land &Food Systems, led by Nisha Takhar visited India Cultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas (8600 #5 Road, Richmond) to discuss their UBC-based research project Land, Food and Community . Here they are with some mebers of the Gurdwara Management Committee. Balwant Sanghera
Tiger Jeet Singh chosen by Japan’s TV Asahi
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Japan’s leading broadcast company TV Asahi visited Tiger Jeet Singh and his family last week to film a day in the life of the wrestling legend, humanitarian and philanthropist. Tiger was chosen by TV Asahi as being one of the top ten most famous celebrities ever in Japanese history. Other notables that made the top ten list was boxing legend ‘Iron’ Mike Tyson. The day in the life of Tiger will be aired in Japan on TV Asahi as part of a two-hour special presentation, “World’s Most Dangerous Interview�, on Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 8:58 p.m. (Japanese time).
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
bI[sI[ eyjL klfs rYssilMg tUrnfmYNt ivwc pMjfbI pihlvfnF ijwqy mYzl
ipCly idnIN bI[sI[ rYsilMg aYsLosIeysLn vwloN kYmlUps ivKy bI[sI[ eyjL-klfs rYsilMg tUrnfmYNt krvfieaf igaf. ijs ivwc dUr durfizAuN vwK vwK skUlF ivwc pVHdy lVkIaF aqy lVky pihlvfnF ny bhuq hI AuqsLfh nfl ihwsf ilaf. ijs ivwc Ausqfd bUtf isMG ZINzsf vI gurU goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb dy pihlvfnF nUM nfl lY ky hfjLr hoey. pihlvfnF ny afpxy klwb vfsqy mYzl ijwqy. mYzlF df vyrvf ies pRkfr hY:1[ skUl buafeyhmrfjL sMDr-golz mYzl rIsLfn DflIvfl-islvr mYzl jLorfvr ZIzsLf-golz mYzl 2[ kYzit buafeyjwgI gfKl-golz mYzl jIvn igwl-brfAUNj mYzl idafl sLyr igwl-golz mYzl idlpRIq rMDfvf-golz mYzl mnvIr iswDU-golz mYzl akfsL suMz-brfAUNj mYzl sMnI ibinMg-islvr mYzl qrnjoq kfhloN-golz mYzl krm sLyr igwl-islvr mYzl prvyjL DflIvfl-golz mYzl jobn DflIvfl-golz mYzl klwb dI hor jfxkfrI leI Pon krnf blvIr isMG Plpoqf 604-807-6455 PAGE 11
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
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4 fitness classes to try in 2017 (NC) Working out on your own can be lonely, creating the potential to lose interest and motivation over time. Here are four new fitness classes to try this year that are sure to keep you going back for more: Boxing. Forget about having to jump in the ring for this full body exercise — many gyms and studios focus on the nocontact style. This intense workout will improve overall fitness through moves that increase your agility, coordination, balance, endurance, speed and power. Be sure to wear clothes that you can jump and lunge in. Barre. This ballet-inspired workout is designed to build toned and lean muscles. It features a combination of postures that use a barre to balance while performing small muscle movements with high reps. Prepare for class with toe grip socks and yoga attire, like the Denver Hayes 100 wash yoga legging from Mark's. Mixed format. Try a hybrid format, where multiple workouts are mixed
into one class. They usually combine strength training and cardio, making a hybrid one of the most effective ways to burn calories. Make sure to dress appropriately for the types of workouts you will be doing, especially if the styles of exercise are completely different. Spin. Group cycling is popular for a reason — you ride in a group setting that every fitness level can benefit from. Classes can be offered at your local gym or spin studio. Wear attire that's best suited for moderate impact. www.newscanada.com
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
ÈrIk nfˆa df Èbd sfzI bolcfl dI BfÈf ivwc afm suxn nUM imldf hY. ÈrIk Èbd sfzy pMjfbI BfeIcfry dI sfˆJ dy smfijk dfiery ivwcoN Aupijaf hY jo iewk mhwqvpUrn aMg-sfk leI vriqaf jfˆdf hY. ies leI ÈrIky kbIly ibnfˆ mnuwKI mn dI sfˆJ smfj ivwc aDUrI hY. Bly simafˆ ivwc jy koeI afpxy ÈrIky nfl iksy mqByd kfrn ruws jfˆdf, iPr Aus nUM ÈrIky dy mohqvr, sUJvfn bMdy iekwqr ho ky Aus dI irhfieÈ `qy jf ky Aus nUM smJf ky ivafh ÈfdI jfˆ hor KuÈI dy smfgm ivwc Èfml krky afpxIafˆ KuÈIafˆ mnfAuNdy qy AunHfˆ nUM hor duwgxIafˆ krdy sn. ÈrIk koeI ibgfnf jfˆ Eprf nhIN huMdf jfˆ bxdf sgoN KUn dy irÈqy ivwcoN jfˆ koeI nyVlf sfk sbMDI hI huMdf hY. suK-duK vMzfAux vyly ÈrIky, BfeIcfry dI aihm BUimkf huMdI hY ikAuNik ieho ijhy smfgm afpixafˆ nfl ÈoBdy hn. iksy smyˆ pRiswD gfiek qy gIqkfr dIdfr sMDU dI afvfË ivwcoN inkly ieh bol sfzy Grfˆ dy bnyirafˆ `qy ivafh ÈfdIafˆ dy mOky gUMjdy rhy hn:Auho afpxf hI afpxy nUM hfˆ krjU, jy ikqy mfr vI istU qfˆ vI Cfˆ krjU.
vwsxf ÈrIky df, nfBy dI srdfrI[[[
iksy dI vDIkI jfˆ Krvypx kfrn afpsI irÈiqafˆ ivwc keI vfr lVfeI JgVy ho jfˆdy hn qfˆ iPr ÈrIkybfËI df rUp Dfr lYˆdy hn. ijwQy mqByd huMdy hn, AuWQy smJOqy vI afpxy Brfvfˆ nfl hI huMdy hn. ijwQy sfˆJ huMdI hY, AuWQy hI keI vfr ÈrIkybfËI vI huMdI hY. iksy smyˆ pfiksqfn vI ivÈfl Bfrq df ihwsf huMdf sI, pr hux ÈrIk bx ky ÈrIkybfËI krdf hY. kwlH asIN ijs nUM Brf kihMdy hfˆ, iPr Aus nUM ÈrIk kihx lwg jfˆdy hfˆ. jdoN afpxy hI ibgfinafˆ nfl jf KVHn qy iPr ieho kihxf bx jfˆdf hY:swjry ÈrIk bxgy mwlo mwlI ey pMjyb myrI Cxky (dIdfr sMDU) ieh vI khfvq afm suxn nUM imldI hY ik ÈrIk lfvy lIk. keI vfr ieh vI suxn nUM imldf hY ik Aus ny myrI pUry ÈrIky ivwc nwk vZf idwqI hY. kihMdy ÈrIk qfˆ BfeI imwtI df mfx nhIN huMdf, jdoN kdy iksy afpxy nUM nvyˆ shyVy irÈiqafˆ dI ipAuNd cVHn lwg pvy qfˆ Pyr iewko mfˆ dy pyt qoN jMmy sky Brf vI ÈrIk bxky, moh mfieaf dy jfl ivwc ismt ky iewk dUjy pRqI dUrIafˆ isrj ky ijAUx lwg pYˆdy hn.
vYsy jy dyiKaf jfvy qfˆ ÈrIky vfly jfˆ ÈrIk afpxy hI huMdy hn aqy afpxy kdy vI ibgfny nhIN huMdy. iewk dUjy pRqI iksy iksm dI qohmqbfËI, myhxybfËI jfˆ inMidaf cuglI vI ÈrIkybfËI nUM vDfAuNdI hY. KfndfnI lokfˆ dy twbr dy jIa koeI glq-mlq kMm krn lwgy qfˆ Auh sO vfr afpxI ËmIr dI afvfË nUM suxdy hn ikAuNik AunHfˆ nUM afpxy ÈrIky kbIly df zr huMdf hY. Bly simafˆ ivwc Auh lok afps ivwc rl-imlky rihMdy sn aqy iewk dUjy df afdr siqkfr krdy sn. kdrfˆ kImqfˆ dI kdr krdy hoey kihMdy sn: vwsxf ÈrIky df, nfBy dI srdfrI. isafxy qy sUJvfn lok ieho ijhIafˆ lok khfvqfˆ `qy pUrf aml krdy sn. kihMdy sI ‘ÈrIk df dfxf, isr duwKdy qoN vI Kfxf.` awj kwlH dI nvIN pIVHI purfqn irÈqy nfiqafˆ dI amIr ivrfsq aqy ivrsy nUM afpxI iËMdgI ivwcoN ivsfr rhI hY. iewk dUjy dy suwK-duwK vMzfAux dI iprq vI kfhlypx qy KudpRsqI kfrn Kqm ho rhI hY. 90ivafˆ qoN bfad vyKx nUM imldf hY ik iewk ivhVy ivwc rihMdy Brf awzo awz ho ky KuÈIafˆ mnfAuNdy hn. awj kwlH
PAGE 13 snyhieMdr isMG mIlU ÈrIkybfËI hor hI qrHfˆ df rUp Dfr geI hY. hr sBf, susfietIafˆ, pfrtIafˆ pirvfrfˆ, afˆZ-guafˆZ, glI-muhwly Èihrfˆ-ipMzfˆ dPqrfˆ, adfirafˆ, sMsQfvfˆ ivwc keI axjMmy ÈrIk pYdf hoey afm vyKx-suxn nUM imldy hn. awj kwlH eIrKf qy sfVf krky sky vI ÈrIkfˆ vfˆg KihbfËI krky iKwJdy Kpdy rihMdy hn. ies leI loV hY ik purfqn irvfieq anusfr ÈrIk Èbd dI sfriQkqf, mhfnqf, mhwqqf nUM smJx dI. nykI BlfeI qy iewk dUjy dI vizafeI dy BfgIdfr bxIey aqy ies jIvn dI Xfqrf nUM Auqsv vfˆg guËfrIey. iewk dUjy dI mfniskqf nUM smJIey qy pCfxIey. afpxy KUn nUM aYˆvy BMg dy Bfxy nf sfVIey nf sVn deIey. iksy nUM ieh nf kihxf pvy ik myry sIny ivwc rVkx bol ÈrIkfˆ dy. mnuwKI irÈiqafˆ ivwc suihrdqf, moh-muhwbq qy ipafr dI KUÈbo BrIey qy vMzIey. rlimlky KuÈIafˆ sfˆJIafˆ krn nfl jIvn snyhmeI-suKmeI, anMdmeI ho jfˆdf hY. iewk dUjy nUM brfbr df BfeIvfl smJ ky afpsI sfˆJfˆ dI zor pkyrI, vzyrI qy mËbUq krn vfly ÈrIk bx ky iÈrkq kro nf ik eIrKf qy ibgfnypx dy pfqr bxo.
The Patrika
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Friday, February 17th, 2017
NOTHING SAYS ‘I LOVE YOU’ LIKE A STI Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for couples to proclaim their love, but whether you’re in a relationship, casually dating or single and looking to mingle, contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is a sure way to turn down the romance. Fraser Health recently launched a new sexual health web resource for people to learn more about sex, including protecting yourself from STIs, how to talk about sex with a partner, birth control options, where to access sexual health services, how to get support if
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you’ve experienced sexual violence, and more.
I have already had a STI. Can 3) I catch the same one again? If you have been treated for a STI, you can get re-infected with it again if you have unprotected sexual contact with someone who has it. Other STIs, such as herpes and HIV, cannot be cured. There are medications you can take to decrease symptoms and the risk of transmission but you will carry the virus for the rest of your life. 4) I had unprotected sex but feel fine. Does that mean I don’t have a STI? The symptoms of many STIs don’t appear for days, weeks, or even months. That’s why it’s important to be tested if you have had unprotected sex, even if you don’t have any obvious symptoms.
5) I can’t get or pass on a STI “Don’t forget the ‘pillow talk’ this through oral or anal sex, right? You Valentine’s Day! And by ‘pillow talk’ can catch a number of STIs by having we mean talking about sex with your unprotected oral, anal, and vaginal partner, so that you can make informed sex. Using a condom reduces your risk decisions about protection, birth of catching a STI. control, or any sexual concerns you If you have had unprotected sex and/ may have,” said Fraser Health medi- or think you could have a STI, Fraser cal health officer Dr. Michelle Murti. Health’s web resource outlines how “Unprotected sex is the easiest way to and where you can get tested. You catch a STI, and it’s important that a can also learn how to protect yourperson knows what their options are self from STIs, including options for to ensure they’re making their sexual sexual activities that lower the risk health a priority.” of getting STIs, types of protection, Some of the most common questions that health care providers hear from patients about STIs include: Can I get a STI from kissing? 1) Most STIs are not spread through kissing, although it is not advisable to kiss people with cold sores as you could catch the herpes virus. Can I get a STI from a toilet 2) seat? It is very unlikely that you will contract a STI from a toilet seat. They are usually spread through skin-toskin sexual contact or through unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex.
and available vaccines. If you have been diagnosed with a STI, the web resource also outlines ways to access treatment and tell your partner. Fraser Health recently launched a social media campaign (see attached images) that encourages people to make their sexual health a priority and provides answers to common questions. For more sexual health information and resources, please visit Fraser Health’s sexual health web resource here.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
How food banks help our communities (NC) When we think about food banks, we might be under the misconception that they're mostly used by regular clients stopping by for a weekly hamper pickup, but the reality couldn't be more different. Here Katharine Schmidt, executive director, Food Banks Canada shares insights into the services that modern food banks provide to help their clients meet their own long-term needs. Community kitchens. Whether it's the Greater Vancouver Food Bank in Vancouver, or The Sharing Place in Orillia, many food banks across Canada operate community kitchen programs. Community kitchens bring together community members to host workshops to teach participants how to start their own community kitchen, provide food safety training and certification, and teach vital cooking skills to clients and volunteers. Kids programs. According to Food Banks Canada, approximately one third of those helped by food banks are children. Good nutrition during infancy and early childhood years is vital
to long-term growth and health. That's why food banks often provide special hampers for families with infants and small children. Local food banks will also point their clients to community programs to help educate parents and children on proper nutrition. Fresh food recovery. Surplus food is an essential part of the food bank ecosystem. Food banks typically support local agencies like shelters and community centres with these items, which they pick up from local grocery stores, restaurants, hotels and cafeterias. In addition to feeding our communities, food recovery programs also help to reduce food waste.
items to augment existing food supplies at home when times get tough. Community programs, nutritional education and support for other community organizations help relieve food insecurity issues. But they could not operate without the help of volunteers and a steady stream of donations. This spring, local food banks across Canada are partnering with
stores like Loblaws and Real Canadian Superstore to collect donations and help feed our communities.
Food hampers. Food hampers remain one of the most valuable tools in our efforts to help people in need fight against hunger. And contrary to popular belief, most clients couldn't be considered regulars. According to a 2016 report from the Mississauga Food Bank, only 11 per cent of clients visited the location once or more per month. Food hampers will help provide recipients with essential food
The Patrika
rIqI irvfjfˆ dy nfˆ `qy PjUl KrcI rIqI -irvfj qy sMskfr mnuwK dI pUrI iËMdgI nflo nfl cwldy hn. jnm qoN lY ky mrn qwk hr pVfa AuWpr koeI nf koeI rsm kIqI jfˆdI hY. purfqn simafˆ qoN pRcwilq rsmfˆ qy irvfj awj vI kfiem hn, pr Prk isrP ieMnf ku af igaf hY ik AunHfˆ rIqI irvfjfˆ dy nfˆa `qy PjUl KrcI afm kIqI jfˆdI hY. pYsy dI pRDfnqf hox kfrn ajoky rIqI-irvfj KoKly jfpdy hn. smfj ivwc nwk rwKx leI lok awzIafˆ cuwk ky Pfhf lYˆdy hn qy ivwqoN vwD Krcf krky pUrI iËMdgI nrk Bogdy hn jfˆ iPr KudkuÈIafˆ dy rfh pY jfˆdy hn. ajokIafˆ rsmfˆ dyK ky jfpdf hY ijvyˆ ieh Coty bwicafˆ dIafˆ Kyzfˆ hox qy lok Boly Bfa ienHfˆ AuWpr sfrI pUMjI lutf rhy hox. pihlfˆ lok sfdf qy afrfmdfiek jIvn ibqfAuNdy sn, pr awj dI BwjdOV BrI iËMdgI ivwcoN sfdgI aqy afrfm gfieb ho cuwikaf hY. bwcy dy jnm Kfs krky muMzy dy jnm `qy rIqI-irvfjfˆ dy nfm `qy jÈn mnfAux leI bhuq Krcf kIqf jfˆdf hY. mihMgy aqy byloVy qohPy idwqy ley jfˆdy hn. Aus dy mfpy smfj ivwc DONs rwKx leI pYsf pfxI vfˆg vhf idMdy hn. kuVIafˆ dI lohVI df irvfj cfhy hux pRcwilq ho irhf hY jo iewk cMgI
pihl hY, pr jÈn qfˆ awj vI muMizafˆ dy jnm `qy hI mnfey jfˆdy hn. awgy pVHfeI `qy bhuq Krc huMdf hY. ajoky mfpy iËafdfqr afpxy bwicafˆ nUM mihMgy kOnvYˆt skUlfˆ ivwc hI pVHfAuxf psMd krdy hn jo awj styts isMbl bx igaf hY. pihlfˆ sfry ipMz dy bwcy iewk hI srkfrI skUl ivwc pVHdy sn, pr AupBogqfvfdI Xuwg aqy pYsy dI pRmuwKqf ny sB kuJ bdl ky rwK idwqf hY. AUc nIc df Byd jo iekwTy pVHn nfl imtxf sI, hux Auh ivkrfl rUp Dfrn kr igaf hY.
GMty dI myËbfnI hI jfn sUlI `qy tMg idMdI hY. mYirj pYlysfˆ dI afmd 1980 qoN bfad hI hoeI hY ijs ny ivafhfˆ dIafˆ rsmfˆ nUM PurqI pRdfn idwqI hY aqy kfPI hwd qwk bxfvtIpx vI ilafˆdf hY. lokIˆ Ègn df ilPfPLf lY ky cMd plfˆ leI jfˆdy hn qy Kf pI ky vfps af jfˆdy hn. BfeIcfrk sfˆJ iblkul Kqm huMdI jf rhI hY. anMd kfrj dI rsm ivwc ijwQy pihlfˆ sfry lok Èfiml huMdy sn,pr hux qfˆ pqf hI nhIN cwldf kdoN ieh rsm ho geI. Kfx-pIx df swiBafcfr sfzy mnfˆ `qy BfrU ho cuwikaf hY. isrP cMd sfzy smfj ivwc sB qoN iËafdf PjUl KrcI plfˆ dI JUTI KuÈI nUM asIN anMd smJx df ivafhfˆ `qy kIqI jfˆdI hY ijwQy dhyj dy nfm vihm pfl bYTy hfˆ. `qy sOdy kIqy jfˆdy hn. purfqn kfl ivwc dfj df iËkr imldf hY, pr AudoN hYsIaq PjUl KrcI df sbMD isrP KuÈI nfl hI anusfr qy sfdf dfj idwqf jfˆdf sI. jMJ nhIN hY, sgoN gmI ivwc vI PjUl KrcI Gwt dI afE Bgq sfDfrn qrIky nfl huMdI nhIN kIqI jfˆdI. Ëmfnf cfhy bdl igaf sI. brfqI vI nYiqkqf df pwlf nhIN Cwzdy hY, pr mrn afid dIafˆ rsmfˆ `qy vI kfPI sn qy sfdgI nfl hr rsm ivwc Èfml Krc kIqf jfˆdf hY. bjurgfˆ nUM vwzf krn huMdy sn. ajoky smyˆ aMdr brfq dI afE dy nfˆa `qy jlybIafˆ jfˆ hor pkvfnfˆ nfl Bgq bVy joÈ KroÈ nfl kIqI jfˆdI hY. lokfˆ dI iKdmq kIqI jfˆdI hY. ieh kOVf mihMgy Kfxy prosy jfˆdy hn. afrkYstrf swc hY ik ijs bjurg nUM vwzf kIqf jfˆdf hY lgf ky nYiqkqf nUM iCwky tMg ky awD Zky aksr hI Aus dI aOlfd ny Aus nUM Tokrfˆ ijsmfˆ dI numfieÈ lgfeI jfˆdI hY. ajokf mfrIafˆ huMdIafˆ hn aqy isrP ÈrIky ivwc ivafh pihlfˆ dI qrHfˆ idnfˆ df nf ho ky cMd DONs rwKx leI aijhf kIqf jfˆdf hY. jykr GMitafˆ ivwc inwbV jfˆdf hY aqy ieh cMd aijhf nf huMdf qfˆ awj ibrD afÈrm sfzy
Friday, February 17th, 2017
gurqyj isMG smfj `qy klMk nf bxdy. ajoky agfˆhvDU qy pVHy ilKy iËafdfqr lokfˆ ny afpxy bjurgfˆ nUM Gr qoN bfhr df rsqf idKf idwqf hY. afpxy afp nUM sfP dwsx leI lok AunHfˆ bjurgfˆ dy mrn `qy ieh PjLUl KrcI krdy hn. jykr asIN afpxy mfipafˆ df kihxf nhIN mMndy qy bxdf siqkfr nhIN idMdy qfˆ sfnUM afpxI afAux vflI pIVHI qoN siqkfr dI afs Cwz dyxI cfhIdI hY. rIqI-irvfj qy sM s kfr jo sfnU M sfzy bjurgfˆ qoN imly hn, Auh bVy mhfn hn jo sfnUM BfeIcfrk bMDnfˆ ivwc bMnHdy hn. smfj ivwc hoeI AuWQl puwQl nUM Twl pfAux leI sfnUM aKOqI rIqI- irvfj iqafgxy pYxgy. PjUl KrcI nUM bMd krky ies pYsy df sfriQk AupXog kIqf jfvy. dyÈ dy 21 kroV lok BuwKmrI df iÈkfr hn qy mulk dy 40 PIsdI bwcy kupoiÈq hn. grIbI kfrn sfzy dyÈ dy 1[40 kroV lok gulfmI df jIvn ibqf rhy hn. grIbI kfrn lfiek bwcy pVHfeI Cwzx leI mjbUr hn. ienHfˆ lokfˆ dI mdd krky pYsy dI vrqoN sfriQk ho skdI hY. srdI qy ibmfrIafˆ kfrn roËfnf ikMny lok mrdy hn, pr iPr vI sfzI iensfnIaq nhIN jfgdI.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
ipwplf vy myry ipMz idaf, qyrIafˆ TMZIafˆ Cfvfˆ[[[ awj Èihrfˆ qfˆ kI ipMzfˆ ivwc vI Gr-Gr ieMtrnYWt qy smfrt Ponfˆ ny kroVfˆ dI jnsMiKaf vfly dyÈ ivwc hr bwcy, jvfn qoN lY ky bjurg qwk nUM iekwly rihx dI afdq pf idwqI hY. iksy vyly lok idn df iËafdfqr smfˆ swQfˆ, drvfiËafˆ, KUhfˆ-toiBafˆ `qy lwgy ipwpl vrgy ivÈfl ruwKfˆ hyT iekwTy guËfrdy sn. muitafrfˆ gIty Kyzx qoN lY ky ikwklI pfAuxf, pIˆGfˆ JUtxIafˆ, cfdrfˆ kwZxIafˆ, crKy kwqxy afid aqy gwBrUafˆ df bjurgfˆ nfl rl qfÈ Kyzxf, ipMz qoN lY ky dyÈ qwk dI rfjnIqI ivcfrnf, gwlfˆ krdy-krdy vfx vwtxf, mMjy buxnf afid GrylU kMm, amlIafˆ df afAuNdI-jfˆdI nUM itwcr krnf, sB kuJ ipwplfˆ-bohVfˆ vrgy ruwKfˆ hyT hI huMdf sI. sfAux mhIny qIafˆ dy idnIN qfˆ ienHfˆ ruwKfˆ hyT muitafrfˆ KUb hwsdIafˆ-KyzdIafˆ sn aqy AunHfˆ dy shury jfx mgroN vI ruwK idl-idmfg ivwc rihMdy sn. ipwplfˆ df sfzI roËmrf iËMdgI ivwc juVy hox sbMDI anykfˆ sfihqk vMngIafˆ vyKx nUM imldIafˆ hn:ipwplf vy myry pyky ipMz idaf, qyrIafˆ TMZIafˆ Cfvfˆ. Zfb qyrI df gMDlf pfxI, AuWqoN bUr htfvfˆ. ipwplI `qy do pINGfˆ pfeIafˆ, do muitafrfˆ JUtx afeIafˆ, pING cVHfeI, vMg tkrfeI, joVf tuwt igaf vMgfˆ df mYˆ afÈk ho geI vy rfˆJxf, pIVH vyK ky dMdfˆ df. ipwpl df sbMD sfzy sfihq-siBafcfr qwk hI sImq nhIN blik ihMdU Drm dIafˆ anykfˆ imiQhfisk vMngIafˆ ivwc ies ruwK df iËkr imldf hY. gIqf ivwc Bgvfn sRI ikRÈn ny arjun nUM ikhf ik, “ruwKfˆ ivwc mYˆ ipwpl hfˆ.`` ihMdU Drm ivwc ies nUM bRhmf df avqfr mMinaf jfˆdf hY. iesy qrHfˆ ies df sbMD ivÈnUM mhfrfj nfl vI joiVaf jfˆdf hY. drasl ies ruwK dI pUjf purfqn vyly qoN hI kIqI jfˆdI hY aqy ies nUM pivwqr qy pUjxXog ruwK mMinaf jfˆdf hY. ipwplf vy hiraOilaf qyrf pUjf muwZ qYnUM pUj ky ipwplf mYˆ kdI nf pfvfˆ duwK.
ruwK ies gwl dI gvfhI Brdf hY ik ies dI Aumr afm ruwKfˆ nfloN kfPI iËafdf huMdI hY. BfrqI lok kQfvfˆ ivwc ipwpl nUM bohV dI mfdf, XfnI pqnI mMinaf jfˆdf hY aqy lok rIqI-irvfjfˆ anusfr ies df ivafh ‘inMm` nfl vI krdy hn. ihMdU aqy boDI lokfˆ ivwc ies dI mMnq aYnI iËafdf huMdI hY ik lok ies dy muwZ jfˆ tfhxIafˆ qwk nUM vI kwtxf pfp smJdy hn. hornfˆ Drmfˆ qoN ielfvf iswK Drm ivwc vI ipwpl dy ruwK df iËkr vyKx nUM imldf hY. iewk gurduafrf sfihb sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI nfl sbMDq nfnk mqy ivKy nYnIqfl dI qihsIl sqfrgMj aMdr hY, ijs nUM ipwpl sfihb dy nfˆ nfl jfixaf jfˆdf hY. iksy Ëmfny ivwc ieQy gorK-pMQI nfQ-jogIafˆ df mT hoieaf krdf sI. ies qoN ielfvf iewk hor gurduafrf pMjvyˆ pfqÈfh sRI gurU arjn dyv jI nfl sbMDq hY, ijs nUM gurduafrf ipwplI sfihb dy nfˆ nfl jfixaf jfˆdf hY aqy ieh sQfn puqlIGr, aMimRqsr ivKy hY aqy iewk hor gurduafrf ipwplI sfihb, iblgf iËlHf jlMDr ivKy vI siQq hY. ivÈfl Gyry, AuWcfeI vfly ies pwqJVI ruwK dy srdI dy idnfˆ ivwc pwqy JV jfˆdy hn. ipwpl dy pwiqafˆ dI KV-KV df iËkr lok gIqfˆ ivwc aksr suxn nUM imldf hY:-
Cwz ky nf jfeIN imwqrf, idl dy bol mYˆ bolfˆ. golHfˆ sLurU dy idnfˆ ivwc lfl aqy pwk ky hOlI-hOlI gUVHy jfmxI rMg dIafˆ ho jfˆdIafˆ hn. anykfˆ qrHfˆ dy pMCI ienHfˆ golHfˆ nUM Kfxf bhuq psMd krdy hn aqy ienHfˆ pMCIafˆ dIafˆ ibwTfˆ rfhIN hI ipwpl dy bIj anykfˆ ruwKfˆ, iemfrqfˆ ivwc puwj jfˆdy hn, ijnHfˆ qoN bfad ivwc ipwpl AuWgy ivKfeI idMdy hn. ipwpl dIafˆ vDIafˆ hoeIafˆ jVHfˆ iemfrqfˆ ivwc qryVfˆ pf idMdIafˆ hn. ies df mqlb ieh nhIN ik sfnUM ipwpl nhIN lfAuxf cfhIdf, blik KuwlHIafˆ Qfvfˆ `qy ivAuNqbMdI anusfr hI lfAuxf cfhIdf hY. bIj aqy klm donfˆ qrIikafˆ rfhIN asIN ies ruwK dI pOd iqafr kr skdy hfˆ. Cfˆ dI pRfpqI qoN ielfvf ipwpl dy swk qoN msUiVafˆ dy rog, cmVI rog, kbË, asQmf XfnI sfh rog, bfˆJpx, nksIr Puwtxf afid anyk ibmfrIafˆ dy ielfj leI dvfeIafˆ iqafr kIqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. ipwpl dy pwqy cfry dy rUp ivwc sukf ky klf dy kMmfˆ ivwc KUb vrqy jfˆdy hn. ipwpl dy mfmly ivwc iewk aihm gwl ies lyK rfhIN sfˆJI
zf[ lKivMdr isMG lwKyvflI
krnI lfËmI hY ik ipwpl sfzy sBnfˆ leI pUjxXog ruwK hY aqy ies ivwc koeI Èwk vI nhIN hY, pr keI vfr ies ruwK nUM pUjx smyˆ qyl vI arpx kIqf jfˆdf hY jo smfˆ pf ky ruwK Kqm hox df kfrn jf bxdf hY. pUjf krn df ieh vI qrIkf apxfieaf jf skdf hY ik asIN purfxy lwgy ruwKfˆ nUM kwtx qoN guryË krIey, nvyˆ aqy Zukvyˆ sQfnfˆ `qy ivAuNqbMdI anusfr ruwK lfAuxy cfhIdy hn qfˆ jo sfzy ipMzfˆ-Èihrfˆ ivwc kudrqI aqy hirafvl BrpUr mfhOl bixaf rhy. lok afpxy glI-muhwilafˆ ivwc ienHfˆ nUM hmyÈfˆ qoN inhfrdy aqy roËmrf dI iËMdgI ivwc vrqoN ivwc ilafAuNdy rihx. ikMnf cMgf hovy jy sfzIafˆ afAux vflIafˆ pIVHIafˆ vI afpxy Gr afAuNidafˆ nUM ienHfˆ bolfˆ rfhIN Grfˆ dI inÈfnI dwsx:bfËfr ivkyˆdI qr vy, myrf sfhmxI glI ivwc Gr vy, ipwpl inÈfnI, jIvyˆ Zolf. Zol jfnI, sfzI glI afvyˆ, qyrI imhrbfnI.
ipwpl idaf pwiqaf qyry pwq ny sfvy vy, inwq kurlfvfˆ bIbf, mYˆ qyry hfvy vy. ipwpl idaf pwiqaf vy kyhI KV-KV lfeI af, pwq JVy purfxy vy, ruwq nivafˆ dI afeI af. mfrc mhIny dy aKIr jfˆ aprYl dy sLurUafqI idnfˆ ivwc inkly nvyˆ gulfbI aqy qfˆby rMgy pwqy ilÈkfˆ mfrdy ruwK nUM KUbsUrq bxfAuNdy hn. ipwpl dy aMzfkfr, idl dI Èkl vfly aqy lMmI-pqlI pUC ijhI vfly hlky pwqy vI ies dI alwg pihcfx hn. hlkI ijhI hvf nfl pwiqafˆ dI huMdI KVKV jyT-hfVH dIafˆ Duwpfˆ ivwc ipwpl hyTfˆ suwqy iensfn nUM lorI dyx df aihsfs krvfAuNdI hY. ipwpl dy Puwlfˆ bfry socx `qy iewk svfl AuWTdf hY ik kI qusIN ipwpl dy Puwlfˆ nUM vyiKaf hY? ieh bVI rOck gwl hY ikAuNik ipwpl nUM lwgx vflIafˆ golHfˆ asl ivwc Pl nhIN huMdIafˆ, blik Auh iewk aijhf Kol jfˆ Bfˆzf huMdIafˆ hn, ijs ivwc Puwl aqy Pl donoN pfey jfˆdy hn. golHfˆ ipwpl-bohV aqy gUlr afid sB iewko jfqI dy ruwK hox krky sBnfˆ `qy nËr afAuNdIafˆ hn.
ipwpl dI pihcfx ivÈv pwDr `qy AudoN bxI jdoN gOqm buwD nUM igafn dI pRfpqI ies ruwK hyT hoeI. iesy mhfnqf sdkf ipwpl awj sMsfr dy iËafdfqr dyÈfˆ ivwc ‘boDI ruwK` ipwplfˆ AuWqy afeIafˆ bhfrfˆ, dy nfˆ nfl jfixaf jfˆdf hY. sRIlMkf ivwc bohVfˆ nUM lwg geIafˆ golHfˆ. mOjUd qkrIbn 2000 sfl qoN vI purfqn
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Abbotsford to Join Multi-Material BC Recycling Program ABBOTSFORD – February 1, 2017 - The City of Abbotsford will now be a participating member of the provincial Multi-Material BC (MMBC) recycling program in 2017 announced Mayor Henry Braun today. “Council is very pleased that Abbotsford is now able to join this provincial recycling management program and that this service will now be available for our residents,” said Mayor Braun. “Abbotsford residents have been paying fees from producers of packaging and printed paper since it started in
2014 without receiving any of the recycling service.” MMBC began operating in 2014, as a non-profit organization financed by the businesses that produce packaging and printed paper and is responsible for residential recycling programs in many areas across BC, either directly, or by working with local governments, First Nations, private companies and non-profit organizations. With the signing of the service agreement, the City of Abbotsford becomes a recipient of the provincial recycling program with revenue returns of about $1 million a year. “The City essentially be-
comes a contractor. The fact that we could actually generate revenue that goes back into our recycling and solid waste programming was an added benefit for joining the program,” added Braun. “The MMBC program has a proven track record in other municipalities and their approach is streamlined and will enable us to reach our waste diversion targets while improving our recycling service to Abbotsford residents.” Residents will see some changes to how material is picked up and sorted. Under the MMBC program, no glass or film plastics like plastic bags, will be accepted in the curbside recycling, but instead can be dropped off at a local recycling depot. Plastic bags
can also be taken to local retailers who have a bag recycling program. Residents have until April 3 to remove this material from the blue bags, or the City could be penalized. Other material; paper, cardboard, tin, aluminum, milk cartons and plastics will continue to be collected in the curbside recycling collection program. Certain new materials will also be collected such as coffee cups and lids, paper pet food bags, and an expanded list of plastic containers. The curbside limits of three cans of garbage, 10 compostable waste cans and unlimited recycling bags remain the same, and the recent 2017 Curbside Collection Schedule mailed out by the City in December does not change.
10 money-saving tips for going green (NC) Helping the earth and your wallet at the same time is completely doable. These tips from TD Friends of the Environment Foundation show you how. 1. Use your window shades to your advantage. Open them up on sunny days to draw warmth, and close them at night to keep your home warm and cozy. 2. Make it a game — get the kids involved by creating an earth drill, where everyone goes around the house turning off unused lights and appliances. Whoever finds the most things to turn off gets to pick what board game to play. 3. Use a programmable thermostat and keep the temperature a few degrees lower in the winter. Reducing the temperature by one degree can cut two to three per cent off heating bills on average. 4. Watch the clock and only run appliances like dishwashers and laundry
machines, when the cost of electricity is at its lowest. 5. Make your own DIY cleaning products at home and use reusable rags and old towels when cleaning. 6. Opt for energy-efficient appliances and unplug small appliances and electronics when not in use. 7. Check for drafts and insulate doors, windows and any other areas where you feel cold air coming in. 8. Install a ceiling fan to better circulate warm air throughout the home. 9. About 90 per cent of the energy a washing machine uses goes toward heating the water. Wait until you have a full load of laundry and wash clothes in cold water. 10. Install efficient toilets and shower heads throughout your home to save on water consumption. New low-flow toilets can use six or less litres of water per flush compared to older toilets that use 13 to 20 litres.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
MBB: Dulay ignites third-quarter explosion, Cascades extinguish Heat to clinch playoff berth The University of the Fraser Valley men’s basketball team has found success this season in lockstep with a series of historic individual performances from Manny Dulay, and it seemed appropriate that they followed a similar blueprint on Friday as they clinched a Canada West playoff berth. Taking on UBC Okanagan in Kelowna, the Cascades and Heat were deadlocked 40-40 at halftime. But Dulay sparked a massive third-quarter run which saw the visitors outscore the hosts 30-10 in the frame, and they cruised from there, winning 87-72 to improve to 10-9 and punch their postseason ticket. It’s the eighth straight season that the UFV men’s basketball program will appear in the Canada West playoffs. Dulay reached a career milestone in the process. The fifth-year point guard hit his second, third and fourth three-pointers of the night during that scorching third-quarter stretch, giving him 240 triples in his Canada West career and moving him into third place in conference history, passing Casey Archibald (UBC Thunderbirds, 200207) and Danny Balderson (Lethbridge Pronghorns, 1993-95, 1997-2000) who were tied at 239. Dulay’s ascent up the all-time threepointers list is likely finished – with one regular-season game to go (Saturday, 7 p.m. at UBC Okanagan, webcast at ufv.canadawest.tv), former teammate Sam Freeman’s UFV record of 254 treys seems safe. Former Regina Cougar Jeff Lukomski holds the conference record of 308. But the Surrey, B.C. product does have an outside shot (pun intended) of setting a new Canada West singleseason record for triples. He’s made a nation-leading 76 this season, and
seven more on Saturday would break the conference mark currently co-held by Nathan Dixon (Manitoba Bisons, 2008-09) and Daniel Ferguson (Calgary Dinos, 2010-11). Don’t put it past Dulay – he’s knocked down eight in a game on two occasions in 2016-17. “It’s cool that it worked out that way,” Cascades head coach Adam Friesen said afterward, reflecting on Dulay’s individual milestone dovetailing with the decisive moment in a playoffclinching victory. “Manny’s had a really good year, and he’s doing some pretty cool things and that’s great for him. The fact that our team has clinched a playoff spot and made it eight straight years is pretty cool as well. Dulay’s game-high 21 points came on 7-of-11 shooting from the field, including 4-of-8 from beyond the arc, and he bolstered his Canada West-leading assists total with five more on Friday. With one game to go, he’s ahead of Manitoba’s Ilarion Bonhomme by two assists, 91 to 89. Andrew Morris (17 points off the bench, 7-of-9 from the field) and Mark Johnson (16 points, 6-of-9 from the field) also had exceedingly efficient evenings for the Cascades. Nav Bains and Vijay Dhillon scored nine points apiece, and Anthony Gilchrist snared 10 rebounds. The Heat (2-17, 17th in Canada West) saw four players score in double figures, led by Aldrich Berrios (19) and Matt Lafontaine (13).
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
zf: amr isMG afjLfd
pMjfb dy kudrqI sroqfˆ dI rwiKaf ËrUrI Bfrq dy jfxy-pihcfxy gfˆDI-vfdI, lyKk, pw q rkfr, vfqfvrn-pR y m I aqy jlrwiKak anupm imÈr iek lMmI ibmfrI AuprMq 16 dsMbr nUM sfnUM ivCoVf dy gey. pUry dyÈ nUM aqy Kfs krky pMjfb nUM anupm imÈr dy jIvn qoN bhuq kuJ iswKx dI loV hY. anupm imÈr nUM nyVy qoN jfxn vfly dosqfˆ df kihxf hY ik Auh dyÈ dy bhuq ihwisafˆ ivc pfxI dI mOjUdf siQqI qoN bhuq icMqq rihMdy sn. Auh bhuq hI gihrI pIVf mihsUs krdy hoey aksr hI ikhf krdy sn ik asIN pfxI pRqI afpxy puriKafˆ dI sdIafˆ purfxI ivrfsq nUM Bulf ky byhwd gMBIr glqI kr rhy hfˆ. AunHfˆ dI ieh icMqf isrP Èbdfˆ qwk hI sImq nhIN sI. AunHfˆ ny sfrI Aumr lokfˆ nUM pfxI bcfAux dI mhwqqf smJfeI aqy afpxy hwQfˆ nfl pfxI bcfAux leI ipMz-ipMz jf ky kMm kIqf. AunHfˆ ny afpxI smJ aqy kMmfˆ nfl pUry dyÈ nUM jo sunyhf idwqf Auh hrigË vI BulfAux vflf nhIN.
vwloN Cfp ky vMizaf jf cuwkf hY. ieh ikqfb vfqfvrn aqy kudrq-pRymIafˆ aqy pfxI `qy kMm krdy hr ivakqI aqy jQybMdI leI iek Drm-gRMQ ijMnI snmfinq hY. AunHfˆ qoN pRyrnf lY ky aqy AunHfˆ qoN iswK ky sYˆkVy kudrq aqy vfqfvrn pRymI aqy pfxI dy muwdy `qy kMm krn vfly srgrm kfrkuMn awj vI pUrI afsQf aqy lgn nfl afpxy jIvn nUM kudrq, jMgl, vfqfvrn aqy pfxI nUM smrpx kr rhy hn. rfijMdr isMG aqy lCmx isMG vrgy jl XoDy ijnHfˆ ny rfjsQfn vrgy sUby ivc pfxI dI smwisaf nUM hwl krn leI byimsfl kMm kIqf afpxy-afp nUM anupm jI dy cyly khfAux ivc mfx mihsUs krdy hn. ies ikqfb ivc aMkq igafn nfl dyÈ ivc hËfrfˆ qflfb, toBy, JIlfˆ aqy ndIafˆ muV-surjIq kIqIafˆ jf cuwkIafˆ hn. pfxI AuWpr, dUsrI ikqfb-“rfjsQfn kI rjq bUdyˆ” 1995 ivc CpI jo ik anupm jI dy rfjsQfn ivc Kud kIqy kMm `qy afDfirq hY.
pRdyÈ srkfr ny AunHfˆ nUM ‘ÈhId cMdr ÈyKr afËfd kOmI purskfr` nfl snmfinq kIqf. sfl 2011 ivc AunHfˆ nUM jmnf lfl bjfj aYvfrz nfl invfijaf igaf. Auh bhuq sflfˆ qwk, gfˆDI pIs PfAuNzyÈn dy do-mfsk rsfly dy aYzItr rhy. anupm jI dI gihrI smJ sI ik vfqfvrn, jMgl aqy pfxI iqMnfˆ nUM sfˆBxf DrqI `qy vsdy jIvn leI byhwd ËrUrI hY. iqMnfˆ dI sMBfl iek-dUjy nfl juVI hoeI hY aqy iqMnfˆ dI sMBfl mnuKqf aqy bfkI jIv-jMqUafˆ dI hoNd leI aqI ËrUrI hY. AunHfˆ df mMnxf sI ik ienHfˆ iqMnfˆ dI sfˆB-sMBfl leI sfzy puriKafˆ kol iek gihrI smJ sI jo ik asIN ivsfrI jf rhyˆ hfˆ, ijs dy byhwd mfrU iswty inkl rhy hn. anupm jI ny afpxf sfrf jIvn vfqfvrn, jMgl aqy pfxI dI sMBfl nUM smripq kr idwqf. jMglfˆ aqy drwKqfˆ dI sMBfl dI mhwqqf nUM smJdy hoey Auh swqrivafˆ ivc AuWqrfKMz dI icpko-lihr nfl bhuq nyiVAuN juVy rhy. sfl 1978 ivc AunHfˆ dI aMgRyËI ikqfb AunHfˆ dI smJ dI numfieMdgI krdI axmol CpI ‘icpko lihr-AuqrfKMz dy jMglfˆ dI ikqfb hY “ab BI Kry hYˆ qflfb” jo 1993 Bfrq srkfr dy vfqfvrn aqy jMglfq dOlq nUM bcfAux leI aOrqfˆ dI koiÈÈ`. ivc pihlI vfr CpI. ieh ikqfb hux qwk mMqrfly vwloN AunHfˆ nUM sfl 1996 ivc AunHfˆ ny pfxI nfl juVIafˆ smwisafvfˆ nUM hwl 19 BfÈfvfˆ ivc Cp cuwkI hY. ies ikqfb “ieMdrf gfˆDI vfqfvrn purskfr” nfl krn leI rvfieqI aqy sQfnk igafn df pMjfbI anuvfd KyqI ivrfsq imÈn invfijaf igaf. sfl 2007 ivc mwD dI vrqoN AuWpr inrBr kIqf. ies igafn
dy kyˆdr hn-qflfbfˆ/toiBafˆ nUM bcfAuxf, ienHfˆ dI sfˆB-sMBfl krnf aqy mr cuwky qflfbfˆ/toiBafˆ df punr-surjIqIkrn krnf; jl pRbMDn krnf aqy mINh dy pfxI nUM sMBflxf. awj BfrqIafˆ aqy Kfs krky pMjfbIafˆ nUM anupm jI dI iËMdgI qoN bhuq kuJ iswKx dI loV hY. pfxI, imwtI, kudrqI soimafˆ aqy mnuwKI ishq dI jo brbfdI pMjfb ivc hoeI hY Èfied hI dunIafˆ dy iksy hor dyÈ jfˆ Bfrq dy iksy hor sUby ivc hoeI hovy. ipCly 50-60 sflfˆ qoN KyqI ivc awq dy ËihrIly rsfiexfˆ dI vrqoN ny pMjfb dy hvf-pfxI-imwtI nUM Ëihrfˆ nfl Br idwqf hY. zUMGy pwqxf dy pfxI dI vwD vrqoN aqy snaqI kUVy-krkt ny vI ies ivc vwzf ihwsf pfieaf hY. qfp ibjlI Grfˆ ivcoN inkldI suafh vI aMqfˆ dI ËihrIlI huMdI hY jo ik hvf-pfxI-imwtI ivc hI iml rhI hY. vfhnfˆ `coN inkldf DUMafˆ aqy plfsitk dI aMnHy-vfh vrqoN vI hvf-pfxI-imwtI ivcly Ëihrfˆ ivc vfDf kr rhy hn. sYˆtrl pRdUÈx kMtRol borz, pMjfb pRdUÈx kMtRol borz, sYˆtrl grfAUNz vftr borz, bfbf PrId sYˆtr Pfr spYÈl iclzrn, Bfbf prmfxU Koj kyˆdr, styt vftr tYsitMg lYb aqy anykfˆ hor sMsQfvfˆ dIafˆ irportfˆ spwÈt gvfh hn ik pMjfb
jdoN do mMijafˆ nUM joV spIkr lwgdy sI ÈmÈyr isMG sohI
ijwQy awj dy smyˆ ivwc lok ivafhfˆ ÈfdIafˆ mOky mYirj pYlysfˆ jfˆ Grfˆ ivwc zI[jy[ lgf ky nwc twp ky qy BMgVy pf ky ivafh dIafˆ KuÈIafˆ mnfAuNdy hn. AuWQy lMGy vyilafˆ ivwc ivafh vfly Gr ivwc koTy `qy do mMijafˆ nUM puwTy lot KVHy kr ky pfivafˆ nfl bMnH ky spIkr lfieaf jfˆdf sI. awj dy rOly rwpy qoN rihq Aus smyˆ spIkr vflf bMdf jdoN gRfmoPon mÈIn `qy lgfAuNdf sI qfˆ ivafh vfly Gr ivwc iewk vwKrf mfhOl isrj idMdf sI. AunHfˆ simafˆ ivwc afs pfs dy ielfky ivwc tfˆvf twlf hI spIkr vflf huMdf sI. spIkr vflf dUr df sPr qYa krdf hoieaf gwzy `qy jfˆ sfeIkl `qy sMdUk, mÈIn, aYˆplIPfier, irkfrz, bYtrIafˆ qy hor sfjo sfmfn lwd ky ivafh vfly Gr keI idn pihlfˆ hI phuMc jfˆdf sI. ipMz vfilafˆ nUM spIkr suxn df cfa ieMnf iËafdf huMdf sI ik ivafh qoN keI idn pihlfˆ hI Auh afpxf sfrf kMm kfr mukf lYˆdy sn. Byzfˆ dy afjVHI Aus ipMz dI hwd ivwc hI Byzfˆ cfrdy sn ijwQy spIkr lwgxf huMdf sI. ivafh vfly Gr ivwc spIkr PAGE 20
vfly nUM pYsy dy ky vfro vfrI afpxf-afpxf psMdIdf gIq lgvfieaf jfˆdf sI qy bVy ipafr siqkfr nfl sfry rl ky suxdy sn. AudoN awj vfˆg zI[jI[ `qy gIq lfAux `qy lVfeI nhIN sI huMdI. ijs spIkr vfly nUM ivafh dIafˆ rsmfˆ muqfibk gIq lgfAux df igafn sI, Aus df ivafh vfly Gr bhuq siqkfr kIqf jfˆdf sI. Gr vfly spIkr vfly dI pUrI afE Bgq krn dy nfl nfl pRogrfm Kqm hox `qy Aus nUM kwpVy qy pwg vI dy idMdy sn. hux pihly simafˆ vfˆg ivafh dy mOky spIkr nhIN vwjdy. hux ivafh ÈfdIafˆ `qy spIkr dI Qfˆ kMn pfVvIN afvfË vfly zI[jy[ isstm ny lY leI hY. ijwQy AuWcI afvfË ivwc Bfvyˆ koeI vI gIq lwg jfvy hr koeI nwcygf ËrUr. AunHfˆ simafˆ ivwc Gr Bfvyˆ kwcy sn, pr lokfˆ ivwc afpsI ipafr bhuq iËafdf sI. spIkr vflf jdoN mÈIn `qy jnm qoN mrn qwk hr rsm muqfibk gIq vjfAuNdf sI qfˆ lokfˆ ivclI afpsI sfˆJ hor gUVHI krdf sI.
Friday, February 17th, 2017
dy pfxI dy sfry sroq burI qrfˆ pRdUÈq ho cuwky hn. tYst irportfˆ ivc pfxI aqy Kfs krky DrqI hyTly pfxI ivc lYwz, afrsYink, kYzmIam, pfrf, XUrynIam aqy hor ËihrIlIafˆ Dfqfˆ; PlorfeIz aqy hor anykfˆ ËihrIly pdfrQ vwD mfqrf `c imly hn. hvf, imwtI aqy KfD-pdfrQfˆ dIafˆ irportfˆ vI iesy qrHfˆ dy nqIjy idKf rhIafˆ hn. Bfvyˆ Kojfˆ bhuq Gwt hn pr jo vI hn Auh spwÈt drsfAuNdIafˆ hn ik pMjfb dy hvf-pfxI-imwtI aqy KfDpdfrQ Kqrnfk Ëihrfˆ nfl Br cuwky hn. hvf-pfxI-imwtI ivcoN ieh Ëihr iswDy jfˆ Bojn rfhIN sfzy aqy hor jIv-jMqUafˆ dy srIrfˆ ivc phuMc jfˆdy hn. ieh Kqrnfk ËihrIly rsfiex sfzy srIr dy sohl rsfiexfˆ, jInfˆ aqy koiÈkfvfˆ nUM TIk ZMg nfl kMm nhIN krn idMdy-ijs kfrn Bfˆq-Bfˆq dIafˆ purfxIafˆ aqy lf-ielfj ibmfrIafˆ, pMjfb ivc afm vrqfrf ho igaf hY. iswty vjoN pMjfbI iewk ibmfrfˆ dI kOm bx ky rih gey hn. ibmfrIafˆ dI lMmI sUcI ivc Èfiml hn-srIr dI lVn ÈkqI df kmËor hoxf; kYˆsr; Bfˆq-Bfˆq dIafˆ aYlrjIafˆ aqy afto-ieimAUn ibmfrIafˆ; hwzIafˆ-joVfˆ-pwiTafˆ dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ; sUgr, blwz-pRYÈr, idl aqy KUn-nfVfˆ dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ; cmVI, idmfg aqy nsnfVfˆ dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ; mfnisk ibmfrIafˆ,
The Patrika
nÈy aqy ihMsf aqy pRjxn-pRxflI dIafˆ anykfˆ alfmqfˆ afid. pMjfbIafˆ ivc srIr dI lVn ÈkqI dy kmËor hox nfl anykfˆ sMkRfimk ibmfrIafˆ ivc vwzf vfDf hoieaf hY-PlU, zyˆgU, ickn-gunIafˆ aqy hor vfierl buKfr; kflf-pIlIaf, mwsy, eyzË, awz-awz aMgfˆ dI tI[bI[; cmVI, nONhfˆ aqy hor aMgfˆ dIafˆ AuWlIienPYkÈnfˆ; aYc-pfeIlorI aqy pytKrfb krn vflIafˆ hor ienPYkÈnfˆ, mUqr aqy pRjxn-pRxflI dIafˆ ienPYkÈnfˆ aqy ienHfˆ ienPYkÈnfˆ qoN hox vfly kYˆsr afid. ies gwl dy spwÈt sMkyq iml rhy hn ik pMjfbIafˆ dI pRjxn-pRxflI hOlI-hOlI PylH ho rhI hY. sLukrfxUafˆ dI igxqI df Gtxf; nuksdfr sLukrfxUafˆ dI anupfq df vDxf; vIrj dI guxvwqf dy hor mfpdMzfˆ ivc igrfvt; afpxy-afp grB-pfq, iCmfhy-sqmfhy bwcy, kmËor aqy jmfˆdrU nuksfˆ vfly bwcy pYdf hox dI dr ivc coKf vfDf; mrdfnf-kmËorI dI iÈkfieq df afm hoxf; mhfˆ-vfrI dy nuksfˆ, pRjxn aMgfˆ dIafˆ rsOlIafˆ aqy kYsr aqy byaOldy joiVafˆ dI igxqI ivc vwzf vfDf afid ies gMBIr smwisaf dy sbUq hn. Bfvyˆ pMjfb ies qrHfˆ dIafˆ smisafvfˆ qoN vwD gRihsq hY, dyÈ dy hor ihwsy vI iesy idÈf vwl vD rhy hn. hry ienklfb dy nfˆa `qy Kqrnfk KyqI
rsfiexfˆ dI vrqoN, snaqI pRdUÈx, koly aqy ptrol-zIËl dI vrqoN aqy plfsitk dI vrqoN dyÈ dy hor sUibafˆ ivc vI vD rhI hY. iesy kfrn krky pMjfb vrgIafˆ ishq smwisafvfˆ hor sUibafˆ ivc vI vDx dIafˆ irportfˆ af rhIafˆ hn. ies sMdrB ivc anupm imÈr jI df jIvn aqy kMm dyÈ aqy Kfs krky pMjfbIafˆ leI Kfs mhwqv rwKdy hn. afE! anupm jI dy jIvn aqy Gflxf nUM Xfd krIey. ies Xfd nUM lMmyˆ smyˆ qwk afpxy ihridafˆ ivc smo ky rwKIey. AunHfˆ dy isKfey hoey asUlfˆ aqy qknIkfˆ nUM afpxI jIvn-jfc bxfeIey. ies qoN pihlfˆ
ik hflfq nf-muVnXog siQqI ivc phuMc jfx, pMjfb dy jl-sroqfˆ nUM bcf leIey. kudrqI sroq iksy vI swiBaqf df afDfr huMdy hn. asIN kudrq dy hI bwcy hfˆ. sfzy aqy hor jIvfˆ dy srIr kudrq dy hI mUl qwqfˆ dy bxy hoey hn aqy ienHfˆ qwqfˆ nUM vrq ky hI kMm krdy hn. afpxy kudrqI sroqfˆ (hvf-pfxI-imwtI, smUh jIv-jMqU aqy mnuwK) nUM qbfh krky asIN afpxy pYrfˆ `qy afp hI kuhfVI mfr rhyˆ hfˆ. anupm jI dy jIvn aqy Gflxf qoN isKdy hoey kudrq nUM sMBflx leI, shI jIvn-jfc iswKxI smyˆ dI sB qoN vwzI loV hY.
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The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
$102-million investment will expand access to surgical care at VGH
he Province, in partnership with Vancouver Coastal Health and the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, today announced a $102-million project for 16 new state-of-the-art operating rooms to be built at the Jim Pattison Pavilion at Vancouver General Hospital (VGH). “This will be one of the most complex hospital expansions in B.C. history,” said Vancouver-Fraserview MLA Suzanne Anton, who made the announcement on behalf of Health Minister Terry Lake. “World-class health care is vital to British Columbians, and through this strategic investment, the new VGH operating room suite will bring high-quality surgical care for the thousands of patients who have surgery at Vancouver General Hospital every year.” The project also includes a 40-bed hospital unit for care before and after surgery, new communication systems to manage activities for health professionals across two operating floors, and upgraded infrastructure including heating, ventilation and air condition-
ing, electrical and plumbing, additional storage and new administrative spaces to support operations. “As part of a broader strategy to improve patient access to timely surgery, this expansion will enhance our surgical capacity to meet current needs and position us to accommodate growth and technology in the future,” says Dr. Marcel Dvorak, Vancouver Coastal Health associate senior medical director. “Many of our current operating rooms are 30 years old and simply cannot accommodate new technology and equipment. Adding more operating rooms will ensure our patients from throughout B.C. get the surgery they need, when they need it, whether it’s emergency or scheduled surgery.” The number of surgeries performed at VGH will increase from 16,800 per year to more than 19,000 per year, an increase of 2,200 surgeries annually.
Total cost of the project is $102.4 million, with the Province committing $34.8 million, Vancouver Coastal Health providing $47.6 million, and the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation contributing $20 million. Completion is scheduled for 2021. It’s expected more than 450 direct construction jobs with an additional 299 jobs in supplier industries, providing goods and services used by the project, will be created for a total of more than 749 jobs during construction.
“Our world-leading surgeons deserve world-leading operating rooms,” says Barbara Grantham, VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation president and
The B.C. government is making record investments in modern, safe infrastructure projects throughout the province. In doing so, these construc-
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chief executive officer. “The partnership between government and philanthropy enables us to provide just that. We could not be more proud than to support the expansion of surgical services at VGH, for today and future generations.”
tion projects are creating well-paying, family-supporting jobs. These investments are possible because of the fiscal plan of the B.C. government. As the adult Level 1 Accredited Trauma Centre in B.C., VGH provides unique and complex services to patients who often arrive by ambulance or air ambulance from throughout the province. Along with providing the highest level of care round-the-clock for injured patients from resuscitation through rehabilitation, VGH is a leader in academic programming, trauma training and research in affiliation with the University of British Columbia.
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
pMjfbI sfihq dI rkfn rcnfkfr dlIp kOr itvfnf
kI qusIN afpxIafˆ pRfpqIafˆ qoN KuÈ ho. jy pMj-ds vrHy vwD jI ilaf Gwt jI ilaf, nhIN qfˆ kI krnf rih igaf? kI Prk pYˆdf hY.
iesy leI aOrqfˆ dIafˆ ilKqfˆ nUM shI qOr `qy smJ qy ieMtrpRYWt vI nhIN kr rhy.
myrf iKafl nhIN ik mYˆ iksy pRfpqI bfry soc ky koeI vI rcnf kIqI hY. swc puwCo qfˆ pqf nhIN ikAuN, koeI vI pRfpqI mYnUM pRfpqI nhIN lwgdI. iesy krky vwzy qoN vwzy mfnfˆsnmfnfˆ ny mYnUM aMdr qwk kdy JUixaf nhIN. iksy vI apRfpqI ny zulfieaf nhIN. mqlb ieh ik sqh `qy vfprn vflIafˆ gwlfˆ myry sihj nUM bhuqf izstrb nhIN krdIafˆ. mYnUM lwgdf hY mYˆ jo krnf sI myry koloN kr nhIN hoieaf. iesy leI hr rcnf qoN mgroN myry mn ivwc iksy aglI rcnf dI AuzIk KVoqI rihMdI hY.
afpxy simafˆ ivwc afpfˆ Xqn kIqy ibnfˆ pRvfnk kIqy gey, nvyˆ lyKk Xqn duafrf vI nhIN pRvfn ho rhy. ikAuN?
ikMnI ku Aumr dI iewCf rwKdy ho qy ikAuN? jy Gwt jfˆ vwD cfhuMdy ho qfˆ Aus dy kfrn dwso. Aumr dy vwD jfˆ Gwt hox bfry mYˆ kdy soicaf nhIN sI, pr iewk idn myrf bytf afKx lwigaf, mMmI myrf koeI BYx-Brf hI nhIN hY. Aus dI gwl qoN mgroN mYˆ socdI rhI. kI sMsfr qoN ivdf hox vyly asIN afpxy bwcy nUM bhuq iekwlf nhIN Cwz jfvfˆgy? hux mOq bfry socdI hfˆ qfˆ mn krdf hY, myry byty ismrn df hMZxsfr Gr pirvfr bx jfvy qd hI mrnf sOKf hovygf. ies qoN pihlfˆ eydfˆ nhIN sI huMdf. hmyÈfˆ iehIE lwgdf sI ik lokIˆ mOq qoN ieMnf zrdy ikAuN hn.
drÈn ivwcoN isMboilk arQ lwBx nUM jIa krdf hY. imiQhfs rcnf pRikiraf df iewk aijhf sfDn hY ijwQy imwQ rfhIN swc qwk aiDafpk huMidafˆ ijhVy pfTk numf bMdy awpVn dI ivDI huMdI hY. jdoN asIN ienHfˆ quhfnUM Gyrf pfeI rwKdy sn, aiDafpn imwQfˆ nUM zIkoz nhIN kr skdy aqy drÈn Cwzx ipwCoN AunHfˆ dI axhoNd ikvyˆ lwgdI hY? nUM vrqmfn dIafˆ socfˆ rfhIN hI smJx dI jy aiDafpk hox vyly dy lok afpxy rfh koiÈÈ krdy hfˆ qfˆ Auh pkV qoN Aury-prHy pY gey hn qfˆ keI hor qrHfˆ dy lok myry rih jfˆdIafˆ hn. afly-duafly hn. ies leI mYnUM koeI iequhfzy anuBv anusfr PYimnn sYˆsyibltI kwlqf jfˆ aOK nhIN mihsUs huMdI. sB qoN vwD bfry mrd vDyry jfxdy hn jfˆ aOrqfˆ? cMgf sfQ ikqfbfˆ df hY. Auh vI ijhVIafˆ myrf Bfv ieh jfxn qoN hY ik aOrqfˆ ivwc rUh qwk Auqr jfx vflIafˆ hox. iekwly idlcpsI aOrqfˆ nUM vwD huMdI hY jfˆ mrdfˆ bYT ky afpxy mn dI guPf ivwc Auqr ky nUM? afpxI rcnf ivwcoN AuWqr idE. jdoN mYˆ bfhrlI dunIafˆ qoN gYrhfËr ho ky ijAuNdI hfˆ qfˆ mYnUM bVf cMgf lwgdf hY. mYˆ aOrq dI iËMdgI df swc hor hY. Bfv aOrq kdy iekwlqf mihsUs nhIN kIqI. dy mfˆ hox krky Aus dy svY nfl, smfj nfl, Drm nfl, kudrq nfl qy rwb nfl aMimRqf pRIqm afKrI Aumry joiqÈ qoN kYirÈiqafˆ df Drfql hI vwKrf huMdf hY. iesy Qfriss lwBx qur peI sI. qusIN imiQhfs leI Prfiez vrgf mnoivigafnI vI afKdy df pwlf PV ilaf hY. koeI itwpxI? hn ik mYnUM aOrq dI pUrI smJ nhIN lwg aMimRqf pRIqm ny afpxI Xfqrf dy pqf rhI. ieMglYˆz ivwc iewk muhfvrf bixaf nhIN iks pVfa AuWqy ikhVy kfrnfˆ krky hoieaf ik mINh, nOkrI qy aOrq bfry qusIN joiqÈ df rfh cuixaf, mYˆ nhIN jfxdI. XkIn nfl kdy kuJ nhIN kih skdy. zf[ qusIN mYnUM imiQhfs df pwlf PVdI afiKaf mohn isMG dIvfnf ny mYnUM iewk vfrI dwisaf hY, ies bfry mYˆ dwsxf cfhfˆgI ik myrI sI ik gurU goibMd isMG jI ny vI iliKaf hY rcnfqimk Xfqrf ivwc keI pVfa afey ik rwb, iksmq qy aOrq bfry asIN nhIN hn. ieMny virHafˆ dy icMqn, mMQn, anuBv jfx skdy. mYˆ afKdI hfˆ ik sfzy aflock, aqy cyqnf ijs pVfa AuWqy phuMcy hn, PYimnn sYˆsyibltI bfry kuJ nhIN jfxdy. AuWQy phuMc ky ieiqhfs, imiQhfs, Drm qy
guljLfr isMG sMDU
lyKkfˆ ny afpxIafˆ ilKqfˆ nUM afpxy ijwzIafˆ bxf ilaf hY. mYˆ ‘jIAux jogy` pusqk dy smrpx ivwc iliKaf sI, ‘AunHfˆ lyKkfˆ dy nfm ijhVy sfihq ilKdy hI nhIN, sfihq jIAuNdy vI ny.`
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myry iKafl ivwc ipCly lyKkfˆ leI ilKxf koeI DMdf nhIN sI ijs df Èohrq, pYsy, ahuidafˆ qy mfnfˆ-snmfnfˆ nfl muwl puafieaf jfvy. Èfied Auh rcnf nUM vycx vflI vsq nhIN sn smJdy. AunHfˆ leI ieh kMm afpxI rUh jfˆ iksy AuWcy-suwcy mksd leI kIqf jfˆdf sI. Auh lyKk bxn leI nhIN sI ilKdy, pr awj dy smyˆ ivwc muwKbMd ilKvfAuxy, PMkÈn rcfAuxy, rIivAU krvfAuxy qy ienHfˆ kMmfˆ leI guwt bxfAuxy, mfnfˆ-snmfnfˆ leI irÈvqfˆ, isPfrÈfˆ. ienHfˆ sB gwlfˆ ny rl ky lyKk nUM keI QfeIN afm lokfˆ nfloN vI GtIaf sfbq kr idwqf hY. qusIN afp hI iewk vfrI dwisaf sI ik qusIN afpxI mfˆ nUM ijhVI vI gwl mnfAuxI huMdI afK idMdy sI, ieh gwl ikqfb `c ilKI hoeI hY qy mfˆ ikqfbfˆ nUM mhfˆpurÈfˆ dy rcy mhfn gRMQ smJdI sI qy quhfzI gwl mMn lYˆdI sI, pr jdoN qusIN vI do-iqMn ikqfbfˆ ilK idwqIafˆ qfˆ iPr iewk idn byby nUM jdoN afiKaf byby ieh gwl ikqfb `c ilKI hoeI hY qfˆ byby bolI, “jf vy. ikqfbfˆ vI qfˆ qyry vrigafˆ ny ilKIafˆ huMdIafˆ ny.`` awjkwlH
ikAuNik qusIN puwCdy ho dwsxf hI peygf ik sMinafs Gr qoN qur ky jMgl ivwc cly jfxf nhIN huMdf. sMinafs qfˆ quhfzy iËMdgI pRqI vrqfry ivwc huMdf hY jfˆ nhIN huMdf. sMinafs df mqlb huMdf hY iewCfvfˆ qoN pfr lMG quhfnUM Cpx qoN ipwCoN afpxI rcnf nfl jfxf. sMinafs qoN jy mqlb ilKx pVHn qoN moh Gt jfˆdf hY. kI quhfzI koeI vI rcnf sMinafs lYxf hY qfˆ ieh ËrUrI nhIN lwgdf. aijhI nhIN ijs nUM dubfrf piVHafˆ ieh ijMnf icr hwz-pYr cwldy hn, kMm-kfr Cwz lwigaf hovy ik ieh kmfl mYQoN ikvyˆ ho ky ikAuN bYTxf hoieaf. hux jdoN virHafˆ dy igaf. jy Audfhrx dyxI pey qfˆ ‘AurvÈI` lMG jfx nfl cyqMnqf dy vDyry ivÈfl hox nfl anuBv dIafˆ zUMGfeIafˆ qwk jfx df qoN bfhr dI idAu. vylf hY qfˆ ilKx-pVHn dy afpxy sfh lYx mYˆ afpxIafˆ rcnfvfˆ nUM muV ky pVHdI hI vrgy krm qoN ikAuN mUMh moiVaf jfvy. mYˆ nhIN. dunIafˆ ivwc hor QoVHIafˆ hn cMgIafˆ iksy gwl leI vI Aucyc nhIN krdI. iËMikqfbfˆ pVHn leI. mYˆ qfˆ afpxI rcnf bfry dgI dI suBfivk qor nUM KVHf kr dyx vflf iehI socdI hfˆ ik vkq swco-swc inqfr sMinafs myrI loV nhIN. idMdf hY. ienHfˆ ivwcoN ijhVI ilKq jIAux jogI hoeI, jIAuNdI rhygI qy ijhVIafˆ Kfd dlIp kO r itvfxf df smu w c f vrqfrf bxn jogIafˆ hoeIafˆ, Kfd bx jfxgIafˆ. bxdIafˆ-PwbdIafˆ rkfnfˆ vflf irhf hY. ieh qfˆ 100 sfl qoN mgroN dy lok hI dws PiqhgVH sfihb vflI idwK nfloN hux vflI idwK ivwc isafxp qy srdfrI pRDfn hY. skxgy ik mYˆ kI rMg lfieaY. Aus ny afpxy rkfnpuxy AuWqy cuMnI dI Qfˆ qusIN hux sMinafs afÈrm ivwc pRvyÈ krn cfdr EVH leI hY. Aus df ieh gux muwZ qoN vfly ho. sMinafs lvogy? awj qwk dIafˆ rcnfvfˆ nUM cmkfAux ivwc cMgf huMdf qusIN mYnUM ieh sfry inwjI svfl vI bhuq shfeI hoieaf hY. sfihq sMsfr puwCdy hI nf. afpxy bfry gwlfˆ krnIafˆ ivwc ijhVI iewËq ajIq kOr ny afpxI mYnUM cMgIafˆ nhIN lwgdIafˆ. ies inwj bfry bybfkI nfl bxfeI hY, itvfxf ny afpxy qusIN gwlfˆ puwC rhy ho, Auh qfˆ pMjfˆ qwqfˆ dI rkfnpuxy nfl. ienHfˆ dovfˆ dy sdkf myrI vkqI Kyz hY. ies gwl nUM bhuq pihlfˆ jfx pIVHI dy rcnfkfr iewËq-ivhUxy nhIN rhy. lYx mgroN sfzy irÈIafˆ ny vydfˆ AupinÈdfˆ Gwto-Gwt mYˆ hux eydfˆ nhIN socdf ijwdfˆ Aupr iksy rcyqf df nfm nhIN idwqf. hux pihlIafˆ ivwc socdf sfˆ.
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
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The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Friday, February 17th, 2017
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The Patrika
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The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
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The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
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The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Tax tips for newcomers to Canada (NC) Did you settle in Canada in 2016? As a Canadian resident, you should do your taxes every year. Here are some quick tips to help you during tax time: 1. Do I need to do my taxes? Residents of Canada for the entire year, or just part of it, must file a return if they have to pay tax or want a refund. You become a resident of Canada for income tax purposes when you establish significant residential ties which include a home or spouse or common-law partner in Canada. You usually establish these ties on the date you arrive. 2. What do I need to know? By filing your taxes, you report income, claim deductions or tax credits, apply for certain benefit and credit payments, and calculate your refund or the correct amount of income tax you should pay, if any. 3. What if I have little or no income to report? You should still are required to
do your taxes. You may get back some of the taxes you paid or be eligible to receive certain benefit and credit payments. Your spouse or common-law partner also has to file a tax return each year for you to receive any benefit and credit payments that you’re entitled to. If you don’t file on time, your benefit and credit payments may be delayed. 4. How do I prepare my tax forms? Most people choose to do their taxes online, since it’s fast, easy and secure. 5. What if I need help? For 45 years, the CRA has teamed up with community organizations and their volunteers to prepare tax returns for eligible individuals for free through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. If you have a simple tax situation and a modest income, you may find a free tax clinic in your area through this program. Find more information online at cra. gc.ca/newcomers. www.newscanada.com
Colouring for a cause (NC) Colouring for adults is a popular trend, praised by experts for its meditative, stress-reducing benefits. But what if colouring could provide a benefit to others too? That’s the vision of an eye-catching campaign promoted by the human rights organization Amnesty International. Its supporters in Canada have been creating colourful butterflies to send a message of concern and support to families whose loved ones “disappeared” in Mexico amidst a dangerous human rights crisis. More than 29,000 people are reported missing in Mexico. Many, like 43 students from a teacher training college, were last seen being taken away by police or armed forces. Amidst official indifference or collusion with organized crime, authorities fail to look for these missing people, leaving families to carry out their own investigations. It’s dangerous, agonizing work in a country where injustice is widespread. But much as suffering in Syria has inspired an outpouring of Canadian sponsorships, the crisis of disappear-
ances in Mexico is inspiring a wave of eye-catching moral support from coast to coast, and many points in between. Monarch butterflies connect the two countries through their annual migration between them. Now the butterflies have become a beautiful symbol of caring across borders. “Stay strong. We support you!” says the message on one butterfly created during a community event in Canada. “You are not forgotten,” reads another. “It means so much to know we are not alone, that people in Canada are supporting our efforts,” says Brenda Rangel, whose brother Hector disappeared in 2009 after being stopped by police. His family never saw him again. Find more information on how you can colour a butterfly of hope at www. amnesty.ca.
The Patrika
ivsLfl virHaF dI gTVI `c
klfkfr: iek ivakqI icqr rivMdr rvI
[[[qy keI swc JUT dy EhilaF `c[[[ jy mYN afpxy sfry swc JUT qyry isr qoN vfr vI idaF iPr vI nhIN imlxI qyrI EdrI rUh nUM tkor
mYN qyry JUTF `qy afpxy swc rwKF qy gTVI dI bMnH dyeIey gMZ ikqy JolI duaf dy hfx dI nhIN huMdI ikqy Kudf Cotf ho jFdf hY duaf qoN gUMgy pIr ivc ivsLvfs rwK vjd ivc af ky jd pfeI Dmfl Ausny
jfxdf hI nhIN sLihr mYnUM
cUrI mnËUr nhIN afËfdI dI kImq AuWqy,
hvfvF nUM,
ipMjry dy ivwc pMCI df PVkxf jfrI irhf.
sMgIq dI jfg lfAuNdf hY!
gurUafˆ mhfˆpurÈfˆ dy AupdyÈfˆ dy bfvjUd,
bVf kuJ arQ-BrpUr,
mnuwKI kdrfˆ kImqfˆ df grkxf jfrI irhf. lwK dfrU bUtIafˆ qy vYd hkIm swd ley, pr iËMdgI df mOq vwl nUM srkxf jfrI irhf.
idl qF krdf hY krnl hrjIq ‘bwsI’ idl qF krdf hY hr koeI hsdf hI idsy ienHF lwBy suwK AuhnF nUM hr iewk dy af jfvy ihwsy idl qF krdf hY rojL svyry lokF `c jfvF pMz Br hfisaF dI AuhnF `c mYN ivKyr afvF.
sB leI vsfAuNdf hY
jfrI irhf kwcI Psl df aOV dy ivwc suwkxf,
rfhgIr, Aus dy kol pey,
pwkI Psl `qy ibjlIafˆ df kVkxf jfrI irhf.
idl qF krdf hY
igtfr dy KuwlHy kys ivc
swc kihxf, swc ilKxf swc df pRcfr krnf,
KflI pMz `c krF iekwTy
afp hI,
JUTy hfkm dI awK ivwc rVkxf jfrI irhf.
kuJ iswky suwt jFdy hn!
ipafs iËMdgI dI imRg iqRÈnf bx geI,
kr rihmqF dI AuzIk
hrI isMG qfqly
AusdIaF qfrF CyVdf,
afpxy afp leI,
qUM myr JUTF `qy afpxy swc rwK
idlfˆ df iewk dUjy leI DVkxf jfrI irhf.
iek AUl jlUl ijhf sMsfr,
sB kuJ iek gTVI ivc rwK dyeIey
Gumf dyeIey[[[smyN df gyV
afpxI igtfr lY ky,
arQ-hIx sLbdF ivc gfAuNdf hY!
ilaf qUM afpxI gTVI vI KolH
gTVI rwK isr `qy[[[cwl qur
hoieaf kI jy ajlfˆ qoN mulfkfq nhIN hoeI,
hr svyr,
swc dI Et krdy hI hn
bfhvF ivcly kMgx pYrF nfl bMnH
qVÌPf jfrI irhf qy Btkxf jfrI irhf.
pr Auh bykfr hY!
pr myry keI JUT
qF qyry vfl vI afpy KuwlH jfxgy
jd sMjoey supinafˆ df iqVkxf jfrI irhf.
Aus leI hrfm hY!
inwky-inwky JUT
gLËl idlbfg isMG buwkxvflf
mMgxf qy hwQ PYlfAuxf-
BfvyN mYN lkoey ny
Friday, February 17th, 2017
iswikaF vl vyK, vyK, hOlI, hOlI, afpxy afp ivwcoN Cx irhf hY! bykfr huMidaF vI, kfr bx irhf hY!!!
supnf hY ijLMdgI sqvMq kOr pMDyr
Aumr sfrI ivwc Qlfˆ dy Btkxf jfrI irhf.
rfjvMq bfgVI pqf neIˆ awg Brdf kOx iehnfˆ jl-kxfˆ aMdr . ik ipMzf Julsdf rihMdf hY bfrÈ dy idnfˆ aMdr . purfxI zugzugI qy hux jmUry kuC nvyˆ lY ky, mdfrI iPr idKfvygf qmfÈf ies grfˆ aMdr .
sfry duwK AuhnF dy iewk vI nf CwzF AuWQy. idl qF krdf hY kdI kdI TUMgF mfrF cwK hfsI AuhnF dI mUMh df suafd suafrF. idl qF krdf hY
iehnfˆ ny jd vI Ptxf hyTlI Auwpr ilaf dyxI,
pr ikAuN nhIN kr skdf
inwq hI dy irhf jLihr mYnUM
sohxy rUp df bhuqf gumfn nf kr,
ho geI hY ksk bhuq gihrI
dfq mfipaF koloN ieh pfeI hY qUM.
ik lfvf bhuq Br cuwkY, mnuwKI prbqfˆ aMdr .
iks qoN hF Jwkdf rihMdf
sux qF lY qUM jLrf Tihr mYnUM
bhuqy pYsy df kdy GumMz nf kr,
AunHfˆ dI BuwK dy awgy smfˆ kI cIË hY awj kwlH,
pYr GroN nhIN kwZ skdf.
mIl pwQr jo mYN bxfey ny
sPlI EhI jo afp kmfeI hY qUM.
Auh sdIafˆ nUM ingÜ jfˆdy ny QoVHy hI plfˆ aMdr .
idl qF krdf hY
AuhI cuwBdy ny awT-pihr mYnUM
sMg sfQ ijhnF qy mfx krdYN,
jo bÜdy ruwK qoˆ Auwzxy dI Qfˆ qy sV geI nfly,
Drm df sLor kuJ Gtfvo hux
Cuwty sfh qy imwtI prfeI hYN qUM.
ikvyˆ botfˆ nUM Cwz jfˆdI Auh koiel BfˆbVfˆ aMdr .
mfx krnf qy kr swcI rUh Auqy,
idnoˆ idn hor huMdI jf rhI ieh CoitEˆ CotI,
Bwj dOV ivc jo BulfeI hY qUM.
ikvyˆ pYrfˆ nUM iKwc iKwc ky mYˆ cfdr dy krfˆ aMdr .
supnf nfm hY dUjf ijLMdgI df,
jy sfnUM Drm dy nfˆ qy ÉrIdx muhqbr afey,
idl qF krdf hY
asIˆ igxqI krf lYxI hY afpxI kfÌrfˆ aMdr .
idl qF krdf hY.
jfpdf hY bVf kihr mYnUM PflqU bldIaF agrbwqIaF hfjLrI qyrI hI lihr mYnUM muwK iqrf iks qrHF mYN Buwl jfvF ies ibnF qF ieh jwg jLihr mYnUM PAGE 32
ijhVI BMg dy Bfxy guafeI hY qUM.
pr koeI rsqf qF lwBy idlI KfihsL hovy pUrI vMzF KusLIaF swjy qy Kwby.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF
bdl igaf hY myrf ipMz
hrcMd isMG bfgVI
nvqyj isMG mwlHI bhuq bdl igaf hY myrf ipMz
afpo afpxy Grfˆ nUM.
kwcy Grfˆ dI Qfˆ,
DiVafˆ ‘c vMzy lokfˆ ny
Ausr gey hn,
bMd kr ley hn
pwky mkfn.
Grfˆ dy drvfËy
ggn nUM CUh rhIafˆ hn,
qy bMd drvfiËafˆ nUM KVkf ky,
AuWcIafˆ iemfrqfˆ.
iBwiKaf ley bgYr,
imt igaf hY,
cfr pltnF nvIaF jo afeIaF,
Auho ipaf hI krdf vfr hY sI.
gPL AunHF nUM awgy lFvdf ey.
KflI prq jfˆdf hY iBKfrI.
ijMnf icr sI isMG df sfh cldf,
sr rfbrt izwk nUM hukm dy ky,
ipMz nUM jfˆdI,
hux, poqy poqIafˆ qoN vwK
nhIN Cwzdf Auh hiQafr hY sI.
dwKxI bfhI qy hwlf krFvdf ey.
kwcI pgzMzI df nfmo-inÈfn.
iekwly kmry ‘c rihMdI hrnfm kOr
dusLmx jo vI kol dI lMGdf sI,
izwk kwcI kMD nUM mfr goly,
hux idKfeI nhIN idMdf,
afpxf duwK Prolx leI,
QF QF qy pfV Auh pFvdf ey.
Auh ipwpl, ijs dI TMZI Cfˆ hyT
hr roË GroN inkldI hY
hrcMd isMGf, isMG jd pey awgoN,
juVdIafˆ sn mihiPlfˆ.
pr sB Grfˆ dy,
jLKmI ho ky ipwCy nUM jFvdf ey..
pfAuNdy sn lok, muhwbq dIafˆ bfqfˆ.
bMd drvfËy dyK,
isMGf morcf kIqf muV pwkf,
imwtI ‘c Kyzdy sI bwcy
afpxIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ df glf Guwt
awg vYrI dy Auqy vrfAux lwgy.
iksy iewk bMdy df duwK,
inrfÈ afpxy Gr prq ky,
dUey pfisAuN ihwp-ihwp kih ky,
byVf zoibaf Kud hI afpixaF ny,
ikvyˆ bx jfˆdf sI
iekwly kmry ‘c jf bihMdI hY.
jLor afpxf gory vI pfAux lwgy.
idwqy kr sI iksLqIaF ivc mory.
sB lokfˆ df duwK.
Èfied bhuq qrwkI kr igaf hY
dovyN pfsy POj bhfdrF dI,
rwsy kwt ky kr afjLfd idwqy,
vwZ idwqf hY iksy ny,
myrf ipMz.
iek-dUey nUM hwQ ivKfAux lwgy.
bMnH sfry pfxI dy ivc qory.
sfˆJfˆ df pRqIk,
hux pVH ilK gey lok
hrcMd isMGf lVfeI qul geI,
Auh ipwpl df ruwK
duwK-suK dI sfˆJ qy muhwbq,
hrcMd isMGf lko brUd gey,
gwdfr ieh dyK GbrfAux lwgy..
qy ipwpl hyT bYTy
ijvyˆ ienHfˆ leI hux hoey,
srHoN-ryq dy idwqy sI Br bory..
awDf idn jd lVidaF bIq igaf,
Drm, krm qy dieaf isMG
bIqy Ëmfny dIafˆ gwlfˆ.
jLor pUrf iPrMgIaF lfieaf ey.
AuWT ky cly gey hn
jgjIq gurm Auh socx ieh lokIN lVdy rihx ikvyˆ qfj isrfˆ ‘qy sfzy sjdy rihx ikvyˆ? Br ky mn prvfs krI jfˆdy pMCI mwc rhy jMgl ivwc Bujdy rihx ikvyˆ? ros jqfAuNdf sfgr nf Borf Èrm kry kihMdf Ql ‘qy bwdl vrHdy rihx ikvyˆ? jo rl cuwkI ikÈqI nfl qUPfnfˆ dy dws musfiPr Aus dy qrdy rihx ikvyˆ? nf qyl aqy nf Etfˆ dI iPkr idlIN iPr JwKV ivwc dIvy jgdy rihx ikvyˆ? ipMjx, kwqx qy buxdy jo mr mr ky, AuhI TMZ ‘c Tur Tur krdy rihx ikvyˆ? aOkfq ‘c rihxf iswKy hux JwKV vI ruwK ivcfry ‘kwly Jukdy rihx ikvyˆ?
isMGf idwqf sbUq bhfdrI df,
dyNdf Aus dy KoB ktfr hY sI. hrcMd isMGf mrnI mr jFdf, ijAuNdy jIa nf mMndf hfr hY sI.. ijnHF Kfn-pTfx sI ijwq ley, AunHF sfhmxy ikhVI sI gwl gory.
lfl isMG dI lflI iPr JV geI, gwdfrI kr igaf iPr gwdfr BfeI. Cwz isMGF nUM ivc mYdfn lVdy,
krm isMG jLKmI asl ivwc jo hY kdy idsdf nhIN,
vYrI pfisEN ipwCy htfieaf ey.
ids irhf jo afdmI, huMdf nhIN.
GoV-svfrF vI BVQU pfieaf ey.
ho igaf muÈikl mnfˆ nUM smJxf,
hrcMd isMGf vDdy jfx awgy,
krI Auh vI pul qoN pfr BfeI.
josL ieqnf isMGF nMU afieaf ey..
hrcMd isMGf AunHF inBfa idwqy,
iewDr vI pwK pUrdf jo AuWDr vI,
jLKmI isMG vI ipwCy hwtdy nf,
aMgryjLF nfl jo kIqy iekrfr BfeI..
Auh iksy df vI kdy bxdf nhIN.
vyK rih gey gory dMg mIaF.
POjF afpxIaF pul qoN pfr krky,
dosqfˆ dI awK nf dyKy burf,
rwqy kwpVy KUn dy nfl iBwjy,
Auho nws ky ipwT ivKf afey.
duÈmxfˆ nUM jo Blf lwgdf nhIN.
ijvyN holI df pfieaf rMg mIaF.
QF brUd dI srHoN qy ryq Brky,
hr iksy df swc huMdf afpxf,
PwtV hor vI jLos dy nfl lVdy,
JUT ivwc bMdf qdy ijAuNdf nhIN.
jwgoN vwKrf lVn df ZMg mIaF.
rwb df Gr nf kho, ivAupfr hY,
hrcMd isMGf afp qoN duwgxy nUM,
afKdf koeI nhIN, suxdf nhIN.
jy Blf srbwq df mMgdf nhIN. jMg ‘ËKmI` hY ijnHfˆ dI iËMdgI, loB zr koeI Jukf skdf nhIN.
iKwc-iKwc jMbUrky krn awgy,
isMG lYNdy nyjLy qy tMg mIaF.. jLKmI isMG jo Drq qy izwg pYNdf,
nws quiraf CflF mfr BfeI. Cy hjLfr POj jo qyj isMG dI,
pytIaF iklHy dy ivc itkf afey. rfsLx-pfxI sB brUd goly, siqluj dy ivc zubfa afey. hrcMd isMGf splfeI bMd hoeI, pul diraf dy ivc bhf afey.. cldf... PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Funding to improve access to surgeries and MRI scans in BC
o provide better access to needed health services, Health Minister Terry Lake today announced an additional $25 million to increase surgical capacity in the next year. He also announced the provincial government will fund four new MRI machines. “Despite significantly increasing the number of surgeries and MRIs being done each year, we are struggling to keep pace with the growing demand,” Lake said. “This extra funding will provide health authorities with additional support as they complete their plans for these procedures in the upcoming
year, and while we work together to implement T o h e l p strategies that improve access over the longer-term.” m e e t d e mand in the The $25 million in additional one-time funding short-term, supports B.C.’s strategy for surgical services, which health aufocuses on patient-centred quality care. The stratthorities egy aims to provide patients who need scheduled will use the surgical services with seamless and timely access additional to information and care. While the total number of funding to surgeries in B.C. has increased 40% over the last 14 reduce the years, health authorities are seeing unprecedented backlog demand and increasing wait times. of patients waiting for s u rg e r i e s . All surgeries will be publicly funded, and will be performed in hospital operating rooms and at contracted privatesector surgical sites. The exact number of extra surgeries is still to be determined. As part of the provincial surgical strategy, health authorities are also working on longer-term measures that will improve co-ordination of care and communication with patients, and more timely access to the service they need. Work is already underway in health authorities at 11 “early adopter” hospital sites throughout the province to implement new systems and policies that will streamline and standardize the management of surgical waitlists. The experiences and lessons learned at these sites will guide systemwide improvements under the provincial strategy. Diagnostic imaging, such as magnetic resonance imaging, is an important part of the system of surgical care. Four new additional MRI machines will be installed in communities facing increased demand: Surrey’s Jim Pattison Outpatient and Surgical Centre, Ridge Meadows Hospital in Maple Ridge, Vernon Jubilee Hospital, and Nanaimo Regional Hospital. The new machines are expected to be in place in 2018. These new additional machines will increase the number of MRI scans being done in B.C., in support of B.C.’s MRI strategy released in 2015, which will see up to 65,000 more scans done annually by 2019. The full cost of the MRI machines will be determined through a procurement process. An MRI machine generally costs about $5 million. The number of MRI scans done in B.C. has risen from 37,000 in 2001, to a projected 177,000 this fiscal year. Since 2001-02, B.C. has acquired 16 new MRI scanners, bringing the total number to 25. Including the four announced today, a further 10 new additional MRI units will go into operation in the next two to three years. Approximately 572,000 surgical procedures were performed in B.C. in 2015-16. Health authorities completed more than 5,000 additional surgeries in 2015-16 through $25 million earmarked to improve access, particularly for people who had been waiting more than 40 weeks for their surgery.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
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Friday, February 17th, 2017
“Ï∂«¯’∂” È∂ Í≈«¬¡≈ «¯’ª ”⁄
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Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
srkfr vwloN kimAuintI gyimMg gRFtF bI sI ivDfn sBf dI bYTk meI dIaF eyar ieMzIaf bMb bxfAux vflf leI $5 imlIan hor pRvfn coxF dy ipCokV ivc sLurU hoeI ieMdrjIq isMG irafieq dI aDvftI srF ivcoN hoeI irhfeI bI sI srkfr kimAuintI gyimMg leI $135 imlIan 14 PrvrI nUM bI sI dy isafsI nyqf arQfq ivDfiek
pihlF hI dy rhI hY pr hux iemNHF gRFtF leI $5imlIan hor idwqy jf rhy hn| ieh pYsy AuMnH nfnpRoiPt sMsQfvF nUM idwqy jFdy hn jo klf, swiBafcfr, KyzF, vfqfvrn,pbilk syPtI afid dy bVHfvy leI kMm krdIaF hn| hj sfl 5000 qoN vwD nfn-pRoiPt sMsQfvF aijhIaFgRFtF dflfB lYNdIaF hn| Auprokq KyqrF ivc kMmkrn vflIaF sMsQfvF nUM ieh gRFt lYx leI bynqI pwqr Byjxf pYNdf hY| iessbMD iovc swiBafcfr ivkfs mMqrI pItr PYsbYNzr df kihxf hY ik srkfr nUM mfx hY ik Auh aijhIaF sMsQfvF dI hOslf aPjLfeI leI hr sfl $140 imlIan dy rhI hY| Auh ieh pYsy ies leI dy rhI hY ikAuNik ieh sMsQfvF bgYr iksy mnfPf kmfAux qoN afpxy afpxy Kyqr ivc vzmuwlf Xogdfn pf rhIaF hn|
PRyjLr ieMstIicAUt vwloN bxfeI kqfrbMdI ivc pbilk skUl dI kfrgujLfrI dUsiraF nfloN cMgyrI PRyjLr ieMstIicAUt hr sfl skUlF dI kqfrbMdI krdf hY | ies sfl dI kqfrbMdI ivc pbilk skUl dIsiraF nfloN awgy hn| ieh kqfrbMdI PfAUNzysLn hunrF dI pRIiKaf dy afDfr ‘qy kIqI jFdI hY| ies ivc gRyz 4 aqy gRyz 7 dy hI sfry bwcy sLfml kIqy jFdy hn| ipCly sflF ivc pRfeIvyt skUl pbilk skUlF nfloN awgy rhy pr ies sfl Aultf ho igaf| bfjLI pbilk skUl mfr gey| Xfdrhy ik bI sI tIcrjL PYzrysLn Auprokq ieMstIicAUt vwloN kIqI kqfrbMdI dI aflocnf krdI af rhI hY| AuH ies ieMstIicAUt dy drjfbMdI krn dy qrIky nUM TIk nhIN smJdI | iewQoN qwk ik Auh mfipaF nUM kihMdI rhI hY ik Auh afpxy bwicaF nUM ieMstIicAUt vwloN krfeI jFdI pRIiKaF ivc nf jfx dyx| donF iDrF ivc ieh pfVf mfipaF leI isrdrdI bx jFdf hY| mfpy iks dI mMnx| Xfdrhy ik ipCly sfl swrHI dy aYjUkysLn borz vwloN isiKaf mMqrI mfeIk brnIar nUM pwqr ilK ky mMg kIqI sI ik tYst krn dy qrIky bdly jfx| hr sfl ieh bKyVf KVHf huMdf hY|
ivktorIaF ivc iekwTy hoey hn | AuMnHF df ieh iekwT jF bYTk afKrI hovy ikAuNik 9 meI 2017 dIaF coxf isr ‘qy hn| iesbYTk ivc mfnXog lYPtInYNt gvrnr jUiTq gueIcn rsmI BfsLn dyxgy aqy pRImIar ikRstI klfrk dIaF XojnfvF dfKulfsf pysL krngy . isafsI inrIKIakF dI BivwKbfxI hY ik ieh bYTk vfdivfd BrpUr hovygI ikAuNik do muwK isafsI pfrtIaF sUby dy votF nUM afkrisLq krn ihq bVy vfady krngIaF. klfrk df kihxf ik Aus dI pfrtI df iDafn hor nOkrIaF, Gr aqy skUl bxfAux `qy kyNidRq hovygf. aYn zI pI dy nyqf jOn hfrgn df kihxf hY ik AuMnHF dI pihl hovygI smrwQf,puwjq aQvf affordability. Auh ieh vfadf vI kr rhy hn ik jy AuMnHF dI pfrtI nUMswqf imlI qF Gwto-Gwt Aujrq $15 pRqI GMtf hivygI aqy bwicaF dI kyar leI $10 pRqI idn kIqy jfxgy. agly hPqy sUby df bwjt vI pysL kIqf jfvygf ijs dy sMqulq hox dI afs kIqI jf rhI hY.
aYbtsPorz bfrn ivc hjLfrF cUcy awg dI ByNt cVH gey somvr, 13 meI dI svyr dy 6:30 vjy roz #3 dy nyVy tflmI roz ‘qy siQq bfrn ivc awg lwg geI ijs nfl lgBg 5000 cUcy mr gey| awg buJfAU ivBfg df kihxf hY ik awg buJfAU amly dy phuMcx smyN sfrf bfrnawg dI lpyt ivc af cuwkf sI| ies krky Auh ieMnHF cUicaF nUM bcf nf sky pr dUjy bfrn nUM bcf ilaf igaf| ies pRfprtI ‘qy do hor bfrn vI hn pr AuMnHF ‘qy koeI asr nhIN hoieaf| awg lwgx dykfrn df pqf nhIN lwg sikaf|
PRyjLr hYlQ vwloN ilMgk CUq qoN bcx leI sfvDfn rihx dI icqfvnI
14 PRvrI,vYlntfeIen zy ‘qy PryjLr hYlQ vwloN icqfvnI dy rUp ivwc slfh idwqI geI hY ik ilMgk sbMDF nfl CUq jFlfg ho skdI hY jo bfad ivc Kqrnfk iswD ho skdI hY| lokF nUM Kbrdfr krn leI AuMnHF vwloN nvIN sYksUal (ilMgk) hYlQ vYb jfrI kIqI hY| lok ies vYb ‘qy jf ky isaftl qoN vYnkUvr qwk qyjL rPqfr bcffE dy sfDnF bfry jfxkfrI lY skdy hn| PRyjLr hYlQ mYzIkl aPsr zf: mfeIkl mUrqI df kihxf hY ik ilMgk tRyn cwlx dI sMBfvnf? CUq qoN hox vflIaF bImfrIaF bfry sfvDfn rho, vYb ‘qydwsy vfisLMgtn dy gvrnr jy ienslI vwloN $1 imlIan pRvfn suJfvF dI pflxf kro qF jo qusIN ilMgk CUq qoN bc sko| kIqy hn ijs nfl iek aiDaYn kIqf jfvygf ik sIaYtl pYrol ‘qy gey afdmI nUM lBidaF qoNiek qyjL rPqfr gwzI clfeI jfvy ijs nfl vYnkUv 1 GMty ivc phuMicaf jf sky| ies sbMD ivc vfisLMgtn puils nUM imilaf corI df sfmfn styt tRFsportysLn sYNtr dy zfierYktr mfrk hYlnbYwk df kihxf hY ik ies AuqsLfhpUrn pRojYkt nfl keI mwudy aYbtsPorz puils vwloN jdoN zIn aYNzrIAU zgls sI juVdy hn ijMnHF ivcoN vwzf muwdf ieh hY ik tRyn dIaF lfeInF pYrol Kqm krn leI AusdyGr Cfpf mfiraf qF AuhqF ivCfeIaF jfxgIaF aqy ies rUt nUM bxfAux ‘qy Krcf nf imilaf pr aYbtsPorz dI zonjL roz ‘qy siQq Aus ikMnf hovygf; ies rUt dY sMBfl kOx krygf| dUjI gwl dy Gr ivcoN corI df sfmfn imilaf| ies sfmfn ivc corI ieh ik ies qoN afmdn ikMnI ho skygI| AuDr vYnkUvr kIqIaF kfrF imlIaF ijMnHF dI kImq $100,000 anumfnI dy kfAuNslr jIaOP mYg ny ikhf ik istI ies aiDaYn geI hY| lMmykwd df aYNzrIAU skIa gfieb hY| puils vwloN dI qFG nfl AuzIk krygf| sUby dImfnXog pRImIar aqy apIl kIqIgeI hY ik jy iksy nUM zInaYNzrIAU zgls skIa tRFsportysLn mMqrI tOzston gvrnr ienslI dy sMprk bfbq pqf hovy qF Auh 604-859-5225 ‘qysMprkkrn ivc hn| afs kIqI jfdI hY ik pRsqfivq aiDaYn dsMbr dI ikrpf kry jF kRfeImstfpr nUM 1-800-222-8477 ‘qy sUcnf dyvy| qwk mukMml ho jfvygf|
1985 ivc eyar ieMzIaf dy jhfjL nUM aD-asmfny qbfh krn leI bMb bxfAux vfly ieMdrjIq isMG irafieq nUM aDvftI srF ‘coN afjLfd kr idwqf igaf hY| hux Auh ijwQy cfhy rih skdf hY| ieh PYslf pYrol borz aOP kYnyzf vwloN ilaf igaf hY| Xfd rhy ik bMb nfl qbfh kIqy jhfjL ivc 331 ivakqI mfry gey sn ijMnHF ivc 329 musfPr aqy 2 bYUgyj hYNzlr sLfml sn| | ieMdrjIq isMG nUM afpxy sfQIaF nUM bcfAux leI JUT bolx krky sjLf hoeI sI| iehkiQq sfQI sn irpudmn isMG milk aqy ajfieb isMG bfgVI ijMnHF nUM mfrc 2005 ivc byksUr krfr dy Cwz idwqf igafsI| vrxnXog hY ik irhfeI mgroN ieMdrjIq isMG irafieq vwloN kuJ nhIN ikhf igaf|
bI sI PYrIjL dI iek purfxI byVI dI hovygI inlfmI bI sI PYrIjL dI iek 52 sfl purfxI byVI, kueIn aOP brnbI vycx leI inlfmI horhI hY| ies dI srkfrI bolI $400,000 qoN sLurU hovygI| ies ivc 904 ivakqI bYT skdy hn aqy ivc keI kYPtyrIey , igPt sLfp aqy bwicaF df jLon hY| ies dI QF polYNz ivc bxI aqy qrl kudrqI gYs nfl cwlx vflI pihlI byVI clfeI jfvygI ijs df nfm hovygf Salish Orca| inlfm hox vflI PYrI ivc cfr strok vfly do ieMjx hn jo zIjLl nfl cldy hn| ieh byVI hr hPqy 54 gyVy lf ky 918 nftIkl mIl df sPr krdI hY| vrxnXog hY ik ies qoN iek sfl pihlF kueIn aOP iclfvYk vI vycI geI sI vr Aus df ivkrI muwl nsLr nhIN kIqf igaf sI ijs krky keI qrF dy svfl KVHy ho gey sn
iek ptIsLn rfhIN bI sI pirvfr idvs nUM mMg kIqI geI 13 PRvrI nUM mnfey geY bI sI pirvfr idvs bfry keI svfl sfhmxy afey hn | iek ptIsLn rfhIN qF ieh vI mMg kIqI geI hY ik ieh idvs bdilaf jfvy ikAuNik ieh hor Cy sUibaF dy pirvfr idvs nfl myl nhIN KFdf ijMnHF ivc ieh PrvrI dy qIjy somvfr nUM mnfieaf jFdf hY| Auprokq mMg krn vfilaF ivc bI sI dI grIn pfrtI df nyqf aYNzirAU sLfml hY| bI sIi ivc ieh idn 2013 qo mnfieaf jf irhf hY | iehidn jnqk slfh msLvrf qoN bfad insLicq kIqf igaf sI|hux ies idn nUM bdlx dI mMg iek ptIsLn rfhIN kIqI geI ijs Aupr 18,000 ivakqIaF ny hsqfKr kIqy hn| ies idvs bfry socvfnF df kihxf hY ik ieh idn mnfAuxf qF hI sfrQk hY jy lok ieh ivcfr krn ik pirvfrk jIvn nUM hor suKdfiek bxfAux leI kI kdm puwty jfxy cfhIdy hn; pirvfrk irsLiqaF/sbMDF nUM mjLbUq krn leI sfnUM kI kuJ krnf cfhIdf hY| inrf mnorMjn kr lYx nfl pirvfr gTIly nhIN ho skdy| pirvfrk kdrF kImqF bfry crcy hoxy cfhIdy hn, twut rhy irsLiqaF nUM bcfAux leI hwl lBxy cfhIdy hn| PAGE 37
The Patrika
Health Ministry to cover Parkinson’s medication
ਕਨੇਡਾ ਿਵੱਚ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਬੋਲੀ ਦਾ ਜਸ਼ਨ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਲੈਂਗੂਏਜ ਐਜੂਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਐਸੋਸੀਏਸ਼ਨ (ਪਲੀ)
14 ਵ" ਸਲਾਨਾ ਅੰਤਰਰਾਸ਼ਟਰੀ ਮ"- ਬੋਲੀ ਿਦਨ ਐਤ ਵਾਰ 26 ਫਰਵਰੀ 2017 ਬਾਅਦ ਦੁਪਿਹਰ 2:00 ਤੋਂ ਸ਼ਾਮ ਦੇ 4:00 ਵਜੇ ਤੱਕ (ਦਰਵਾਜਾ 1:30 ਵਜੇ ਖੁੱਲ+ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ) ਨੌਰਥ ਡੈਲਟਾ ਰੀ+ੀਏਸ਼ਨ ਸੈਂਟਰ 11415 - 84 ਐਵਿਨਊ, ਡੈਲਟਾ
ਸਕੂ ਲ%, ਕਾਲਜ% ਅਤੇ ਯੂ ਨੀਵਰਿਸਟੀ- ਿਵੱਚ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੀ ਪੜ)ਾਈ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰਾਉਣ ਦੀ+ ਕੋਿਸ਼ਸ਼% ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਸ(ਝੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ।
❉ ਿਵਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਬੁਲਾਰੇ: ਹਰਨਰਾਇਣ ਿਸੰਘ
ਨੇ ਆਈਸ ਹਾਕੀ ਦੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਿਵਚ ਕਮੈਂਟਰੀ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਿਵਲੱਖਣ
ਪਛਾਣ ਬਣਾਈ ਹੈ ਤੇ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਬੋਲੀ ਦਾ ਵੀ ਕਨੇਡਾ ਿਵਚ ਇਕ ਵੱਖਰਾ ਸਥਾਨ ਸਥਾਪਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ।
❉ ਿਵਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਸਨਮਾਨ:
ਕਨੇਡਾ ਿਵਚ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੀ ਪੜ0ਾਈ ਲਈ ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਨ ਯੋਗਦਾਨ ਪਾਉਣ ਲਈ
ਭਾਈਚਾਰੇ ਦੀ ਇਕ ਜਾਣੀ ਪਛਾਣੀ ਸ਼ਖਸੀਅਤ ਦਾ ਸਨਮਾਨ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।
❉ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਿਵਿਦਆਰਥੀ% ਵਲੋਂ ਕਿਵਤਾਵ&, ਗੀਤ ਆਿਦ ਦੀ$ ਪੇਸ਼ਕਾਰੀ$। ❉ ਪਲੀ ਵਲੋਂ ਸੱਭ " ਖੁੱਲ'ਾ ਸੱਦਾ ਹੈ ਿਕ ਆਓ ਿਮਲ ਕੇ ਆਪਣੀ ਮ-- ਬੋਲੀ ਦਾ ਜਸ਼ਨ ਮਨਾਈਏ। ❉ ਜਸ਼ਨ ਿਵਚ ਦਾਖਲਾ ਮੁਫਤ ਹੈ ਤੇ ਚਾਹ ਪਾਣੀ ਦਾ ਪ'ਬੰਧ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ। pRogrfm bfry hor jfxkfrI lYx leI sMprk: blvMq sMGyVf - 604-836-8976 sfDU ibinMg - 604-437-9014 privMdr DfrIvfl - 778-838-1121 pfl ibinMg - 778-889-8255
Punjabi Language Education Association (PLEA)
Friday, February 17th, 2017
In recognition of the challenges faced by British Columbians with Parkinson’s disease, the Ministry of Health will be working with the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre to identify and prioritize patients for coverage of the medication Duodopa. “We have been in discussion with the Parkinson Society British Columbia and the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre about this treatment, and they have shared strong testimonials and compelling accounts of the drug improving symptoms and quality of life for some patients,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. Physicians at the centre, which is part of the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health at the University of British Columbia, will identify suitable patients and submit requests for PharmaCare coverage under the ministry’s Special Authority program. Coverage is expected to be provided to a small number of patients who are clinically appropriate and may benefit from the treatment, and for whom other options like deep-brain stimulation surgery are not feasible. “Through a rigorous drug review process, our goal under the PharmaCare
program is to find the best treatment options while still maintaining value for dollar for British Columbians,” said Lake. “We understand that quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease can be a significant challenge. With introduction of coverage on an exceptional basis, we are offering an additional option for families facing this terrible disease.” Duodopa is a gel-form combination of two medications, levodopa and carbidopa, administered directly to the small intestine through a surgically placed tube. Pharmacare also already covers the oral form of levodopa/ carbidopa. Due to the very high cost of this drug, the Ministry of Health has been in discussions with AbbVie, the manufacturer of Duodopa, to explore ways to make the product more affordable. The ministry will also be reviewing the use of deep-brain stimulation surgery for severe and complex Parkinson’s patients, compared to Duodopa. B.C.’s PharmaCare is one of the most comprehensive drug programs in Canada, and covers approximately 12 drugs proven to be effective for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
3 reasons to donate to charity (NC) If you find yourself wanting to make a difference in your community, a donation of your time or money to a local charity could be the solution. Here are three reasons why you should help support a cause you believe in: 1. It can keep you informed about important issues. Many charities concentrate their efforts on social justice and international development. By getting in contact with a charity, you can learn more about a crucial and important topic that interests you. 2. You may receive a tax deduction. You are eligible to receive a deduction on your taxes with a monetary donation to a registered Canadian charity. 3. Most importantly, you can help someone in need. If you are interested in doing some good, check out Toronto-based charity Beautiful World
Canada. Working with partners in Uganda, Rwanda and Sierra Leone, this organization provides scholarships to young women wishing to attend post-secondary education. This allows women to graduate with a better chance of finding employment, enabling them to focus on bettering themselves and their community. Find more information at www.beautifulworldcanada.org.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-ipwq-ivkfr, mn-asLFq, GrylU-ivvfd sulJx, Dn-lfB, injI-jn-sihXog, sMpdfsuwK, sMqfn vfsqy Krc, iesqrI-ksLt kfrobfr TIk, PrvrI 19, 20, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
A clear impression about what you believe is best to act upon should arise. However it may not all be easy long term. Don’t be tempted to overlook the responsibilities attached, as they won’t go away. Someone else can be more willing than usual to please you but in reality you have to look at whether this will last.
Somebody else can bring up discussion about commitment of some description. While it might seem all very agreeable there would be much about it that you cannot see clearly yet. You are not in a strong position to command what you need until mid March to early April. Listen by all means but bide your time for now.
ibRK-isr aqy nyqr-ksLt, Dn-lfB, injI-jn-sihXog, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn-ksLt, rogBY, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 12, 13, 21, 22, 23; mfrc 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
imQn-ishq TIk, Dn-hfnI, bMDU-suwK, sMpqI-ivvfd, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-pwK vfsqy Krc, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 14, 15, 24, 25; mfrc 4, 5, 13 asLuwB hn.
isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, injI-jn-ksLt, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI. PrvrI 19, 29, 28, mfrc 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-ishq TIk, mfnisk ksLt, GrylU JgVy, imwqr-bMDU qoN mdd imly, sMpdf-lfB, Drm-krm ivwc AuWnqI, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 12, 13, 21, 22, 23; mfrc 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
7 qulf-Audr-ivkfr, mn asLFq, sLuwB-Krc, bMDU-suwK, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrIksLt, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 14, 15, 24, 25; mfrc 4, 5, 13 asLuwB hn.
ibRsLick-ishq TIk, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn-suwK, dusLmx aqy rog-BY, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 16, 17, 18, 26, 27; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
Dn-ishq TIk, ivsLysL Krc, Brf dI icMq, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-ksLt, dusLmx dby rihx, iesqrI-pwK sLuwB, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI. PrvrI 19, 20, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, injI-jn sihXog, sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. PrvrI 12, 13, 21, 22, 23; mfrc 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB-vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB, injI-jnF nfl ivgfV, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrIsuwK, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. PrvrI 14, 15, 24, 25; mfrc 4, 5, 13 asLuwB hn.
You are in a good position to get things organised and to get things done, especially if you are willing to take on the responsibilities attached. Someone can verbally express keenness but you may discover that will only apply if it is you doing most of the work. If it causes any issues with their routines they will likely opt out.
Discussions with others about future options either you or they would like to pursue can be interesting and surprising. This could have more of a tendency to flow along their lines so that you need to be sure you wish to go their way more than your own. Look for something that they haven’t been happy with that they want to escape.
Don’t be tempted to follow somebody else’s advice too quickly, even though it might seem to fit into what you want quite well. You need to look at what you have already put in place and the routines that are attached to it. This is getting to the stage of steadying itself out so you don’t want to upset it with a sudden change.
Much activity with other people continues but you could find it difficult to put your own agenda into place, as they will want to dominate. The best thing is to keep discussions going, rather than coming to a conclusion. This will give you time to gather more information or to learn more about what an agreement will mean.
Proper detail is necessary when it comes to any situation where you have to make a decision to put things in place. Amongst other things, this could involve home and family matters. Being sensible on the financial side is necessary. There is little point in over committing just to satisfy the situation. It will come back to bite.
The ideas you have that you would like to be able to act upon have a strong creative element to them and can be associated with much pleasure and enjoyment. Getting the commitment necessary could be a problem, especially if this has to come from others. You have no problem with the long-term vision but they could be limited.
You could see just the thing you want, particularly for the home or perhaps a family member. However, you should temper any impulse to buy it without considering other things that money might be better spent on or if it leaves you short when it comes to having money available for unexpected happenings. Pausing is wise.
Mentally you will be on the ball. The only thing you have to watch is entering into agreements too quickly. This could incline you to overlook important priorities that might eventually cause issues with your decisions. You will have no trouble finding any information that would be helpful to you, so look into all possibilities first.
Why somebody else takes the position they do could puzzle you. Most important is that you do not risk your own finances or do anything along these lines impulsively. As much as it might seem terribly dull, it is better for you to take the conservative approach, mainly due to your commitments and see how things unfold in time.
krk-ishq TIk rhy, afriQk lfB hovy, injI-jn-icMqf, sMpqI-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB rhy, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr gVbVfey. PrvrI 16, 17, 18, 26, 27; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
Look at things you want to pursue in the long term based on the actions you are willing to take. There will be those who do not support you, mainly because it can interfere with commitments attached to them. Your progress will be supported more by whom you know, rather than what you know. Pursue these connections.
mIn-ishq TIk, GrylU-JMJt, injI-jnF nfl myl, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrIpwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 16, 17, 18, 26, 27; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
trUzo vwloN afgf Kfn dy tfpU AuWqy mnfeIafˆ CuwtIafˆ dy sbMD ivwc aYiQks kimÈnr ny muV jfˆc kIqI sLurU PYzrl srkfr vwloN brYˆptn ivwc pbilk trfˆiËt suDfrfˆ leI invyÈ brYˆptn: iewk cMgy afrQk BwivK dI AusfrI leI mËbUq buinafd kfiem krn vfsqy vDyry ruËgfr pYdf krn, mwD vrg nUM ivksq krn leI kYnyzf PYzrl srkfr aqy AuNtyrIE pRoivMÈIal srkfrfˆ vwloN invyÈ kIqf jf irhf hY. sfieMs aqy afrQk ivkfs bfry PYzrl mM q rI nvdIp isM G bY ˆ s , Au N t y r IE dy trfˆsportyÈn mMqrI stIvn zYl zUkf, brYˆptn dI myar ilMzf jYPrI ny brYˆptn vYst rfeIizMg ivwc pYˆdI brYˆptn trfˆiËt dI PYsltI ivKy brYˆptn ivwc 6 nvyˆ pRojYktfˆ df aYlfn kIqf. nvdIp bYˆs ny ieh aYlfn buinafdI Zfˆcy bfry mMqrI amrjIq isMG sohI dI qrP qoN kIqf. ieh pRojYkt pbilk trfˆiËt ienPrfstrkcr PMz qihq pUry kIqy jfxgy. 32[4 imlIan zflr dy iehnfˆ pRojYktfˆ ivwc 50% dy krIb Xogdfn PYzrl srkfr vwloN pfieaf jfvy g f. Au N t y r IE Br ivw c aijhy 29 pRojYkt PMz kIqy jfxgy. brYˆptn ivwc afrMB hoey pRojYktfˆ ivwc surwiKaf aqy BrosyXogqf nUM mËbUq krn leI jLUm bws srivs pRojYkt df eyarport roz AuWqy clfAuxf iewk Audfhrx hY. hor pRojYktfˆ ivwc 20 bwsfˆ nUM bdlxf aqy iqMn nvIafˆ bwsfˆ lfAuxIafˆ aqy brYˆptn trfˆiËt dIafˆ iËadfqr bwsfˆ nUM aftomYitk qrIky nfl mfnItr krn dy pRogrfm df
Etvf: pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo vwloN afgf Kfn dy pRfeIvyt kYrybIan tfpU AuWqy mnfeIafˆ geIafˆ CuwtIafˆ dy sbMD ivwc aYiQks kimÈnr mYrI zfasn ny dUjI jfˆc sLurU kr idwqI hY.
kmI nUM hI drsfAuNdf hY. ÈIar ny afiKaf ik hux afpxy hI nYiqk mfpdMzfˆ dy sbMD ivwc trUzo sLwk dy dfiery ivwc af gey hn. iËkrXog hY ik ies qoN pihlfˆ jnvrI ivwc torI aYm[pI[ blyn kfliknË dI bynqI AuWqy kimÈnr ny kOnPilkt afP ieMtrst aYkt qihq jfˆc vI sLurU kIqI sI. zfasn dy afiPs ny somvfr nUM afiKaf ik ies smyˆ asIN ies mfmly ivwc hor Kulfsf nhIN kr skdy ikAuNik sfzy afiPs vwloN hr qrHfˆ dI jfˆc nUM gupq rwiKaf jfˆdf hY. zfasn vwloN somvfr nUM dUjI jfˆc sLurU krn dy mfmly ivwc pRDfn mMqrI afiPs vwloN koeI pRqIikiraf nhIN pRgtfeI geI.
ivsQfr krnf Èfml hY. iehnfˆ pRojYktfˆ kMËrvyitv aYm[pI[ qy lIzriÈp dy ivwc bws ÈYltrfˆ nUM suDfrnf vI Èfml hY. dfavydfr aYˆzirAU ÈIar vwloN trUzo nUM ies mOky mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt kml KYhrf, aYm ies dOry nUM qohPy vjoN kbUl krn dy sbMD pI rfj gryvfl, sonIaf iswDU, rmyÈ sMGf, ivwc ies dI jfˆc dI kIqI geI guËfirÈ rUbI shoqf qoN ielfvf aYm[ pI[ pI[ ivwk dy mwdynËr aYm pIË leI kOnPilkt afP iZwloN, hirMdr mwlHI aqy istI kfAuNslr ieMtrst koz qihq zfasn vwloN muwZlfˆ gurpRIq iZwloN vI hfËr sn. aYlfn krdy mulfˆkx krn qoN bfad ieh dUjy gyV dI hoey nvdIp bYˆs ny ikhf ik AuNtyrIE Br jfˆc sLurU kIqI geI hY. ivwc kimAUintIafˆ nUM mËbUq krn leI ÈIar ny afiKaf ik ies dOry leI mnjLUrI PYzrl srkfr pRivMÈIal srkfrfˆ aqy dyxf pRDfn mMqrI vwloN shI PYslf lYx ivwc imAuNspYltIafˆ nfl iml ky kMm kr rhI hY. Auhnfˆ ikhf ik awj aYlfny gey pRojYktfˆ nfl kYnyzIan ajy vI mMndy hn ik mMdvfVy brYˆptn ivwc iewk vDIaf aqy BrosyXog df dOr brkrfr hY: irport trfˆiËt isstm kfiem hovygf ijs nfl kYnyzIanfˆ dIafˆ awj dIafˆ aqy BwivK dIafˆ Etvf: dyÈ dy smuwcy afriQk prIpyK nUM lY polfrf dy aYgjLYkitv vfeIs pRYËIzYˆt kRyg loVfˆ pUrIafˆ hoxgIafˆ. ky kYnyzIan asihj mihsUs kr rhy hn. vOrzn ny mMglvfr nUM afiKaf ik iewk pfsy AuNtyrIE dy trfˆsportyÈn mMqrI stIvn pr aijhf socx vfly kYnyzIan afpxI Auh mMdvfVf huMdf hY ijhVf arQÈfsqrI zYl zUkf ny ikhf ik mYnUM KuÈI hY ik AuNtyrIE injI hoxI nUM lY ky kfPI skfrfqmk hn. mMndy hn qy iewk Auh ijhVf lokfˆ vwloN mihsUs kIqf jfˆdf hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik aqy brYˆptn dIafˆ trfˆiËt loVfˆ nUM pUrf Bfvyˆ keI sfl pihlfˆ mMdvfVf Kqm ho po l frf stR Y t y i jk iensfeItË dy 22vy ˆ krn leI PYzrl srkfr mdd dyvygI ijs nfl smuwcy BfeIcfry nUM lfB puwjygf. slfnf afAUtluwk qoN ieh Kulfsf hoieaf hY cuwikaf hY pr ipCly nON sflfˆ qoN sfnUM lok brYˆptn dI myar ilMzf jYPrI ny ikhf ik ik 57 PIsdI kYnyzIanfˆ df mMnxf hY ik ieho afKdy hn ik asIN mMdvfVy dy dOr brYˆptn ivwc kMm krn, pVHn aqy Kyzx dyÈ ivwc mMdvfVf cwl irhf hY. pr ieh ivwcoN lMG rhy hfˆ. polfrf ny ieh afnlfeIn srvyKx 25 jnvrI qoN 30 jnvrI qwk leI pbilk trfˆiËt iewk jrUrI sfDn ipCly sfl hoey srvyKx nfloN QoVHf ibhqr krvfieaf sI. vOrzn ny ieh vI afiKaf hY jo ik hr sfl bwsfˆ ivwc vwD rhIafˆ siQqI mM n I jf skdI hY ikAu N i k ipCly sfl ik Bfvyˆ kYnyzIanfˆ dI arQcfry nUM lY ky svfrIafˆ dI igxqI qoN sfbq huMdf hY. Auhnfˆ ikhf ik ivwqI shfieqf pRdfn krn 76 PIsdI kYnyzIanfˆ df ieho mMnxf sI nkfrfqmk soc ajy vI brkrfr hY pr leI Auh PYzrl aqy pRoivMÈIal srkfrfˆ ik dyÈ ajy qwk mMdvfVy ivwcoN bfhr nhIN afpxy inwjI PfienfˆisË nUM lY ky AunHfˆ dI dI DMnvfdI hY. skfrfqmkqf lgfqfr vD rhI hY. inwkl sikaf.
vkq df sMqfp Bogdy bjurg
kulimMdr kOr
iËMdgI df afKrI pVfa buZfpf hY qy ies Aumr ‘c hr iensfn srIrk qy mfnisk kmËorI dI jkV ivwc af jfˆdf hY. bcpn qy jvfnI qoN bfad pirvfrk iËMmyvfrIafˆ inBfAuNidafˆ bwicafˆ df BivwK sMvfrn, AunHfˆ leI suK-sfDnfˆ qy shUlqfˆ dy Auprfly kridafˆ Aumr dy ies pVfa ‘qy Auh iekwlqf qy KflIpn df aihsfs pfldf hY. pihly vyilafˆ ivwc bjurg nUM Gr ivwc sB qoN vwzf qy isafxf jfx ky sB vwloN pUrf siqkfr imldf sI. AunHfˆ dI dyKBfl qy sfˆB-sMBfl, afpxy kMmfˆ df ihwsf smJ ky puwq-BqIjy qy poqry rl ky krdy sn. Cotf bwcf ieh kuJ awKIN vyKdf qfˆ vwzf hox ‘qy Auh irÈiqafˆ dI aihmIaq Kud-bKud pCfnx lwg jfˆdf, pr awj mfhOl bdl cuwkf hY. iekwly pirvfrfˆ ivwc qfˆ bjurg hox dI pirBfÈf koeI AudoN hI smJ skdf, jdoN afp buwZf huMdf hY. AudoN hI jfxdf hY ik smfˆ ieMnf kÈtmeI vI ho skdf. hux qfˆ bjurgfˆ qoN afs kIqI jfˆdI hY ik smJx qy vyKx ik sfzy kol smfˆ qy ivhl ikwQy hY? Auh Kud hI afpxy afp nUM sMBflx. hr bjurg mfˆ-bfp vI pUrI vfh lfAuNdy hn ik sfzy bwicafˆ dI jIvn-ÈYlI ivwc sfzy kfrn koeI rukfvt nf afvy. hux jykr ies Aumr ‘c koeI cldy iPrdy pMD pugf lvy qfˆ gnImq hY, nhIN qfˆ AunHfˆ dy mUMh vwl vyKxf pY jfˆdf hY. iekwly pirvfrfˆ ‘c koeI bjurgfˆ dI dyKBfl huMdI vyKdf nhIN qy Auh jfx vI nhIN skdy ik ienHfˆ nUM sfzy shfry dI ikMnI ËrUrq hY. afey idn mIzIaf ivwc bjurgfˆ dI huMdI durdÈf pVHdy, suxdy qy vyKdy hfˆ. ies siQqI ivwc bjurg awj dI pIVHI awgy kuJ mMgfˆ rwKky, afsfˆ, AumIdfˆ nfl AunHfˆ dy PrË Xfd krvfAuNdy hoey kuJ nukiqafˆ ‘qy gOr krn leI AunHfˆ nUM kuJ ies qrHfˆ vMgfrdy hn. jdoN asIN buwZy qy kmËor hox dI iÈkfieq krdy hfˆ qfˆ qlK nf hovo, DIrj rwKo qy sfnUM smJx dI koiÈs kro, ijvyˆ asIN quhfnUM smJdy rhy hfˆ. Kfx lwgy gMdy ho jfeIey aqy kwpVy afp nf pf skIey qfˆ sfnUM sihx kro qy sfzI mdd kro. Auh smfˆ Xfd kro jdoN asIN quhfnUM Kfx-pIx qoN bfad sfP krky iqafr krdy rhy hfˆ. jykr, asIN boldy smyˆ iewko gwl bfr-bfr duhrfAuNdy jfeIey qfˆ sfnUM toko nf ikAuNik jdoN qusIN Coty sI qfˆ jdoN qwk qusIN sON nhIN jfˆdy sI, asIN AuhI khfxI vfr-vfr suxfAuNdy sI. jykr sfzf nhfAux df mn nf hovy qfˆ sfnUM dbky nf mfro qy nf hI Èrmsfr kro, Xfd kro quhfnUM nhfAux lwgy sfnUM keI bhfny suxny pYˆdy sI. jykr koeI gwl Buwl jfeIey jfˆ gwlfˆ krdy lVI tuwt jfvy qfˆ sfnUM Xfd krn leI loVINdf smfˆ dy ky sfzy kol bYT ky suxo ËrUr. jdoN sfzIafˆ kmËor lwqfˆ qurn qoN afqur ho jfx qfˆ sfzy nfl quro, sfnUM afpxf hwQ idE, ijvyˆ qusIN sfzf hwQ PV ky cwlxf iswKdy sI. jdoN iksy idn sfnUM aihsfs huMdf hY ik sfzI iËMdgI dy idn pUry ho gey hn, hor nhIN ijAUxf cfhuMdy qfˆ vI sfnUM afpxf pMD ipafr qy Èfn nfl Kqm krn ivwc sfzI mdd kro. sfzy ieh nukqy pVH sux ky qusIN GiVaf GVfieaf juafb ËrUr idEgy ik ieh qfˆ quhfzy PrË sn, pr asIN quhfnUM ËrUr khfˆgy ik qusIN vI sfzy pRqI afpxy PrË qy iËMmyvfrI df aihsfs kro. iksy idn qusIN jfx jfEgy ik sfzIafˆ keI glqIafˆ dy huMidafˆ vI asIN hmyÈfˆ quhfzy leI vDIaf soicaf qy quhfzy leI rsqy iqafr kIqy hn. asIN quhfnUM jfx lwgy vI muskrfhtfˆ qy idlI ipafr hI dy ky jfvfˆgy. jo ipafr qy siqkfr df pRgtfvf qy ivKfvf quhfnUM sfzy jfx qoN bfad lwKfˆ rupey Krc ky krnf pYˆdf hY, Aus dI bjfey sfzf buZfpf vDIaf, Xfdgfr qy suKdmeI bxf ky lokfˆ ivwc imsfl pYdf kr idE. PAGE 40
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
(Corner of Hillcrest & Parkview)
Dr. Grover & Associates Dr. Gagan and Ashish Grover welcome all new patients and walk-ins to their new clinic. Both Doctors provide full services in hospital, home visits, and are open for long hours. zfktr grovr afpxyy byty, zfktr asLIsL grovr nfl afpxy nvyN kilnk ivwc nvyN aqy vfk ien mrIjLF df svfgq krdy hn. dovyN zfktr ggn aqy zfktr asLIsL grovr pUrIaF shUlqF pRdfn krdy hoey hspqfl azimsLn dOrfn aqy Gry vI mrIjLF nMU vyKdy hn. hux sfzf klIink vwD GMty KuwlHf hY.
CEDAR PARK PHARMACY & MT LEHMAN PHARMACY C open their third location!
ihwl krYst PfrmysI
hux zf[ grovr aqy zf[ jfPrI vflLy nvyN plfjyL ivwc KuwlH cuwkI hY
Hardip Singh Aulakh pharmacist
Perscriptions & Home Health Care provided!
Unit #100- 32516 Hillcrest Ave Abbotsford bc 604 - 746 - 1333 PAGE 41
The Patrika
A few glimpes of the Republic Day of India Celebration in Abbotsford!
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
#IShouldntHaveClicked — Be smart and stay safe on social media (NC) Many of us love sharing on social networks — whether that’s pictures of our family, information about an upcoming vacation, or
updates on a new fitness trend we’re trying out. But with so much personal information out there, it’s easy for scammers to get hold of your money or steal your identity. With the growing popularity of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and other social media sites, it’s important to be careful about how much information we share, where, and with whom. Canadians lose millions of dollars every year from these kinds of vicious attacks, so be on the lookout at all times. Protect yourself by being mindful when using social media: 1. Be password savvy. Create strong passwords and ensure that they’re unique and challenging so scammers won’t be able to guess them. A good password is one that’s easy to remember but hard to guess. Make it a habit to change your passwords regularly and use different ones for different sites. Don’t save them to your browser — a password management tool is much safer and can help you keep track of them all. 2. Explore your privacy settings. Managing your settings wisely can
help avoid any unwanted attention to your social media pages. Adjust your settings to select who can access your personal information,
photos and posts. 3. Avoid oversharing. While social media encourages the sharing of personal information, avoid revealing too many personal details. Scammers can use this to track down information that allows them to steal your identity. Remember, just because you post something in a private group or with advanced privacy settings doesn’t mean that someone won’t take a screen shot and share it. 4. Be careful where you click. There are many attention-grabbing links, photos and articles that pop-up, but don’t click on just anything. While these sites may look legitimate, they can contain programs that attempt to take your contact information and share it. 5. Stay alert and cautious. Be vigilant about who you communicate with online and how you verify their identity. Be extra cautious when people online ask you to do something. Never click on suspicious links, and never share personal or financial information unless you can absolutely trust the person on the other end and verify that they are who they say they are.
Health Ministry to cover Parkinson’s medication In recognition of the challenges faced by British Columbians with Parkinson’s disease, the Ministry of Health will be working with the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre to identify and prioritize patients for coverage of the medication Duodopa. “We have been in discussion with the Parkinson Society British Columbia and the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre about this treatment, and they have shared strong testimonials and compelling accounts of the drug improving symptoms and quality of life for some patients,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. Physicians at the centre, which is part of the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health at the University of British Columbia, will identify suitable patients and submit requests for PharmaCare coverage under the ministry’s Special Authority program. Coverage is expected to be provided to a small number of patients who are clinically appropriate and may benefit from the treatment, and for whom other options like deep-brain stimulation surgery are not feasible. “Through a rigorous drug review process, our goal under the PharmaCare program is to find the best treatment options while still maintaining value for dollar for British Columbians,” said Lake. “We understand that quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease can be a significant challenge. With introduction of coverage on an exceptional basis, we
are offering an additional option for families facing this terrible disease.” Duodopa is a gel-form combination of two medications, levodopa and carbidopa, administered directly to the small intestine through a surgically placed tube. Pharmacare also already covers the oral form of levodopa/carbidopa. Due to the very high cost of this drug, the Ministry of Health has been in discussions with AbbVie, the manufacturer of Duodopa, to explore ways to make the product more affordable. The ministry will also be reviewing the use of deep-brain stimulation surgery for severe and complex Parkinson’s patients, compared to Duodopa. B.C.’s PharmaCare is one of the most comprehensive drug programs in Canada, and covers approximately 12 drugs proven to be effective for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
Celebrate the Year of the Rooster at Muriel Arnason Library Saturday, February 18 2:00 - 3:00 pm: Muriel Arnason Library is celebrating its 9th annual Chinese New Year, and everyone is cordially invited to join the library staff and some special artists to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Come and enjoy the Chinese dance items and a Tai Chi demonstration, make a craft and a lucky envelope, and taste some New Year’s foods. This is a free, drop-in program. All supplies are provided. Muriel Arnason Library is located in the Township of Langley Civic Facility at 20338 - 65 Avenue, and the phone number is 604-532-3590. PAGE 43
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
sLuprvIjLf ieMsoLrYNs lYx smyN iDafn rwKx Xog gwlF 1[qusIN ieMsLorYNs kdoN lY skdy ho?
suprvIjLf aplfeI krn leI quhfnUM $100,000 zflr dI ieMsLorYNs lY ky afpxI arjI dy nfl lfAuxI jLrUrI hY. ies leI quhfnUM suprvIjLf aplfeI krn qoN pihlF ieMsLorYNs lYxI jLrUrI hY.
sfnMU tYNzm, PlYt-bYwz, mYksI aqy supr-bI leI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| rUt ibRitsL kulMbIaf, albrtf aqy vfisLMgtn ivwc hn| CALL 604.825.7749 for more information or email resume to info@kingmanenterprise.com
2[ ikMny smyN leI ieMsLorYNs lYxI jLrUrI hY?
birMdr igwl
suprvIjLf leI quhfnUM Gwto Gwt 1 sfl dI $100,000 zflr dI ieMsLorYNs lYxI jLrUrI hY. ieh ieMsorYNs quhfzy mfqfipqf jF dfdI-dfdf dy kYnyzf phuMcx qy hI sLurU huMdI hY. jykr quhfzy mfqf ipqf iek sfl qoN Gwt smF kYnyzf ivwc rihMdy hn qF qusIN bfkI bcy smyN dy pYsy vfps lY skdy ho.
3[ Deductable-ijvyN ik kfr, Gr dI ieMsLorYNs dy ivc huMdf hY. ieh qusIN afpxI mrjI nfl lY skdy ho. Claim lYx qy ieh quhfnUM afp nUM dyxf pYNdf hY. 4[C/C sLrqF-koeI vI suprvIjLf ieMsLorYNs lYx qoN pihlF ies gwl df iDafn rwKxf jLrUrI hY. ieh C/C dIaF sLrqF pUrIaF krdf hovy. C/C dIaF sLrqF anusfr ieh ieMsLorYNs iek sfl qy $100,000 zflr dI hoxI jLrUrI hY. 5[ purfxIaF ishq smwisafvF-ieh bhuq jLrUrI hY ik jykr quhfzy mfqf-ipqf nUM koeI vI Health Condition hY qF quhfnUM Auh pfilsI lYxI cfhIdI hY ijhVI loV pYx qy quhfzI mwddgfr sfibq hovy. 6[Basic Insurance or comprehensive Insurance, Basic Ins. C/C dIaF sfrIaF sLrqF qF pUrIaF kr dyvygI pr ieh jLrUrI nhIN loV pYx qy quhfzI mwdd vI kr sky. ies leI hmysLf quhfnUM afpxI loV anusfr hI ieMsLorYNs lYxI cfhIdI hY. 7[ Accidental Death Dismemberment-ieh iek vDIaF option hY jo qusIN afpxI ieMsLorYNs dy nfl lY skdy. ieh option qusIN $9 qoN 11 pr mhInf dy nfl lY skdy ho. 8[Cancellation options- keI vfr supr vIjLf nhIN lwgdf jF koeI hor kfrnF krky sfzy mfqf-ipqf nhIN af skdy. ies leI sfnUM ieh ieMsoLrYNs kYNsl krnI pYNdI hY. ies leI ies option nUM vI iDafn ivc rwKxf cfhIdf hY. 9[10 idn df ivcfr smF-kuJ kMpnIaF quhfnUM 10 idn df smF idMdIaF hn. jykr quhfnUM iksy kfrn krky pfilsI TIk nf lwgy qF qusIN pfilsI ivc Pyr bdl kr skdy ho jF kYNsl kr skdy ho. 10[Broker-ies sB qoN jLrUrI hY ik ijs Broker qoN qusIN ieMsLorYNs lY rhy ho Auh ieMsLorYNs dIaF bfrIkIaF nUM smJdf hovy. quhfzIaF jLrUrqF anusfr hI quhfnUM pfilsI dyvy. ijhVI loV pYx qy quhfzy kMm af sky aqy mwddgfr sfibq hovy. koisLsL kro ik hmysLf Broker nUM iml ky hI pfilsI lAu. loV pYx qy qusIN Aus nfl sMprk kr skdy ho. Pon jF ieMtrnYWt qoN ieMsLorYNs lYx qoN sMkoc kro. PAGE 44
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
mobfeIl dI vrqoN df mfVf ruJfn zf[ rxjIq sfzy dyÈ ivwc bfkI mulkfˆ dy mukfbly mobfeIl Ponfˆ dI iËafdf vrqoN ho rhI hY. dyÈ ivwc lgpg 80 kroV qoN vI vwD mobfeIl Pon vrqy jf rhy hn. kImqfˆ Gwt hox kfrn ies dI vrqoN amIrfˆ qoN ielfvf grIb pirvfr vI kr irhf hY. skUlfˆ ivwc ividafrQIafˆ nUM mobfeIl sYWt iljfx dI mnfhI hY pr iPr vI bhuqy ividafrQI mobfeIl rKdy hn. Auh ies dI bhuqI vrqoN pVHfeI krn dI Qfˆ sunyhy Byjx jfˆ iewk dUjy nfl vfrqflfp krn leI hI krdy hn. awj mfipafˆ kol bwicafˆ leI smfˆ nhIN hY, Auh bwicafˆ nUM KuÈ krn leI pYsf qfˆ KuwlH ky Krc kr skdy hn pr afpxy bwicafˆ nfl bYT kuJ smfˆ gwlfˆ nhIN kr skdy. awj kfr ivwc sPr dOrfn pqI gwzI clfAuNdf hY, nfl bYTI pqnI Pon `qy afpxI iksy shylI nfl gwlfˆ kr rhI huMdI hY qy ipwCy bYTy bwcy afpo-afpxy mobfeIl ivwc koeI Kyz rhy huMdy hn. ieho hfl Grfˆ ivwc vI vyKx nUM imldf hY. pihlfˆ ryl ivwc sPr krn smyˆ bhuqy XfqrI koeI ikqfb jfˆ mYgËIn KrId lYˆdy sn pr hux Pon
isMG nfl juVy mfpy sPr dOrfn afpxy bwicafˆ nUM ikqfbfˆ afid pVHn leI iks qrHfˆ afK skdy hn? mobfeIl dI jy sMjm aqy loV anusfr vrqoN kIqI jfvy qfˆ ies dy bhuq lfB hn. ividafrQIafˆ nUM Gr bYTy aiDafpkfˆ dI shfieqf pRfpq ho skdI hY. ies qoN ielfvf iksy vI ivÈy bfry jfxkfrI qusIN nYWt qoN Gr bYTy hI pRfpq kr skdy ho. lfiebRyrI jf ky vwzI igxqI ivwc ikqfbfˆ lwBx ivwc imhnq krn dI loV nhIN pYˆdI. ies dy nfl hI mobfeIl AuWqy afey sunyihafˆ nUM pVHn leI iewk Kfs smfˆ inÈicq kIqf jfvy. vfr vfr mobfeIl KolHx nfl pVHfeI df smfˆ brbfd nhIN krnf cfhIdf.
sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf
mfipafˆ nUM vI afpxy bwicafˆ nUM smJfAux cfhIdf hY ik skUl Pon dI vrqoN leI nhIN iËMdgI dI muwZlI smJ hfsl df smfˆ hY. bwicafˆ nUM iËafdf aMk hfsl krn leI mihMgy mobfeIl Pon KrId ky dyx df lflc dyxf vI TIk nhIN. ies Aumr ivwc bwicafˆ nUM afpxy sfrf iDafn pVHfeI AuWpr hI kyˆdirq krn dI pRyrnf dyxI cfhIdI hY.
A&W Restaurant located at 2040 Sumas Way, Abbotsford, B.C.V2S 2C7, is looking to fill in the position of Food Service Supervisor to work along with our Restaurant Manager. Job duties for this position include: Supervise and co-ordinate activities; Scheduling shifts for employees and supervising staff in kitchen; Maintain inventory of bar, monitor consumption of stock and order supplies; Recruitment and training of staff members; Maintain records of stock, wastage, sales, repairs; Assisting Restaurant Manager in monitoring quality of food served and regulating excessive consumption by ensuring efficiency in food preparation; Inspect kitchen area, kitchen utensils and equipment to ensure sanitary and safety standards are met. May take customer orders, receive payments and stock refrigerators; This is a full time permanent position that A&W Restaurant is seeking to fill. Compensation for this position is CAN $13.00 per hour. 40 hours per week. Benefits include 2 weeks of paid vacation in a year and discounted meals during scheduled shifts. Location of work is at the address above. Please apply by email or fax, as these are the most efficient way for us to screen your application: Email: awsumas2016@outlook.com Job Requirements: - At least 2+ years’ experience in food services industry is required; - Formal training and education in the food industry is preferable; - Good communication skills, positive attitude to work and people management skills; - Ideal applicant must be available to work on any scheduled, rotational or call in shifts, which includes weekends, nights and mornings; - Able to work under pressure and time constraint in fast paced environment; - Candidate must have completed food safety course Only qualified applicants will be contacted. Thank you.
The Patrika
Employment kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz dI lokl lMbr imWl leI Puowl tfeIm plynrmYn, vYlzr aqy gRIn cyn ‘qy kMm krn leI kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mfhOl| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-807-2097
Workers Needed
Employment cont'd Truck Driver Wanted Class 1 truck driver required to transport loads for our company. The loads are for USA (CA). Experience in trucking industry will be preferred. Knowledge of English is must and Knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Drivers abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@ gloadtransport.com/gloadhr@ gmail.com, 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2
Arjuna Berry Farms Ltd. requires workers for 8 months starting April 01, 2017. Duties include weighing, sorting, picking and packing fresh berries. Other general farm labour is needed as well. Wages are $10.85/ hr 40-50hrs/ week. Fax resume to 604.852.3979 vrkr dI loV or email to info@arjunaberries. com or apply in person at 32320 aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy Huntingdon Rd., Abbotsford.
Services cont'd
vr dI loV hY jwt isWK ,Aumr 30 sfl, bI[aYs[sI[ sfieMs, kwd 5’5”, ijlHf luiDafxf, ieMzIaf ‘c rih rihI lVkI leI kY n y z Ian istIjn jF iemIgR F t lVky dI loV hY| bfkI sfrf pirvfr mfpy, BYx , Brf kYnyzf c cMgI qrHF sYwt hn| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 77-598-4343
Xog kMinaf dI loV
25 sflf, 6’2” kwd, jwt isWK kYnyzf dy pVHy ilKy kYnyzIan istIjn lVky leI pVHI ilKI Xog lVkI dI loV hY| stUzYNt primt vflLI lVkI ‘qy vI pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy ivcfr kIqf jf skdf hY| lVky df iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV sfrf pirvfr kYnyzf ivwc sYtlz hY| Employment cont'd hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| 625-1050 Workers Needed Po n : 778-878-4723 Mount Lehman Fruit Growers, dupihr 12 vjy qoN bfad Services 28349, 0 Ave, Abbotsford, BC, requires workers for 8 months starting March 01, 2017. Duties include planting, weeding, pruning, harvesting of berries as well as other general farm work duties. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in cold and wet conditions. Wages $10.85 per hour, 40 to 50 hours per week. Fax resume to 604-8539625 or Call: 604-807-4170
kfimaF dI loV brfV zrfeIvfl, aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $13 pRqI GMtf + vkysLn pya aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr $15 qoN $20 pRqI GMtf | aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI jsivMdr isMG brfV nUM Pon kro: 604-614-3185 jF 604-613-0897
AYbtsPorf mSrUm Pwrm nUM qurMq loV hY ip~krW dI[ kMm ienfor hovygw, $11.00/GMtw iphly 3 mhIny HELP WANTED leI[ aus qoN bwAd pr pWaUf pyA kIqw jwvygw[ Awp Awky AplweI kro : - 28265 – 58th AVE, Abbotsford, V2S 8B9 HELP WANTED jW kwl kro 604.856.9833, PYks 604.856.9853
aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE
Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge
Announcements cont'd
Change of Name
I, Dalwinder Kaur Parmar d/o Gian Singh Dhillon, holder of Indian No # L5924064 issued Epl`ieMs irpyEr Passport at Vancouver, B.C. on Permanent Epl`ieMs resident of VPO: Dhilwan Kalan, Kothe Chak Bhag Singh Wale, Dist: Faridkot Punjab India - 151204 and presently residing at 3342 Pl, Abbotsford, B.C. V2T Wagner 5G1 Canada do hereby change my name from Dalwinder Kaur Parmar to Dilpreet Kaur Dhillon with Announcements immediate effect.
Change of Name I, Kulwant Kaur Cheema d/o Atma Singh, holder of Indian Passport No # L4599008 issued at Vancouver, B.C. on Permanent resident of VPO: Abdullapur (Chohane Kalan) PO: Shergarh Cheema, Teh: Malerkotla, Dist: Sangrur Punjab India - 148020 and presently residing at 32596 Pandora Ave, Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 3X1 Canada do hereby change my name from Kulwant Kaur Cheema to Kamaljit Kaur Baring with immediate effect.
suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604-615-9877
kfimafˆ dI loV mÈrUm kMpnI nMU pYikMg leI vrkrfˆ dI qu kMm GMitafˆ df hY, qnKfh hr 15 idn bfa 40+ GMty pRiq hPqy. $12.00– $12.40 afpxf rYYËmy PYks kro 604-856-9853 kro 28265 58th Ave, aYbtsPorz, V4X hor jfxkrI leI Pon kro : 778-323-7
zrfeIvr dI loV hY vr dI loV hY
Help wanted for household chores mainly jwt isWK,Aumr 30 sfl, bI[aYs[sI[ sfieMs, cooking, laundry and light cleanup, must have own ride. Work 5 days a week $13.00/hr. Work kwd 5’5”, ijlHf luiDafxf, ieMzIaf ‘c rih from 4 pm -7 pm. Please call 604-308-5855 for rihI lVkI leI kYnyzIan istIjn jF iemIgRFt further inquiry. GrylU kMmF ijvyN Kfxf pkfAuxf, kwpVy (lFzrI) aqy hlkI lVky dI loV hY| bfkI sfrf pirvfr mfpy, BYx, AYbtsPo sPfeI afid leI vrkr dI loV hY| afpxI rfeIz hoxIrf mSrUm Pwrm nUM qurMq loV hY ip~krW Brf kYnyzf c cMgI qrHF sYwt hn| hor jfxkfrI jrUrI hY, kMm 5 idn pRqI hPqf ,qnKfh $13dI[ pRqI GMtf| kMm sLfm nUM 4 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk hovygf| hor jfxkfrI lY x kMm ienfor hovygw, $11.00/GM w iphly mhIny leI[ leItPo n kro:3 778-598-4343 leI Pon kro: 604-308-5855 aus qoN bwAd pr pWaUf pyA kIqw jwvygw[
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Awp Awky AplweI kro : - 28265 – 58th AVE, Abbotsford, V2S 8B9
mÈrUm kMpnI nMU pYikMg leI vrkrfˆ dI qurMq loV hY. kMm GMitafˆ df hY, qnKfh hr 15 idn bfad. 40+ GMty pRiq hPqy. $12.00– $12.40/GMty. afpxf rYYËmy PYks kro 604-856-9853 jfˆ afky aplfeI kro 28265 58th Ave, aYbtsPorz, V4X 2E8 hor jfxkrI leI Pon kro : 778-323-7727 jfˆ 604-856-9833
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The Patrika
& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders
aYbtsPorz dI lokl svIt sLfp leI ikcn hYlpr aqy kstmr srivs leI vrkrF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mfhOl| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-825-5155
• • • •
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal
Workers Wanted Jarnail Maan
kfimaF dI loV hY www.buildbc.ca/jjframing • jjframing@buildbc.ca Fax 604-850-9308
vrkrF dI loV
PryjLr vYlI eyrIey ivwc tYlIikAUmInIkysLns kMpnI nUM 6 Puwl tfeIm vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY| kMpnI dI vYn imlLygI | klfs 5 df lfiesYNs hoxf jrUrI hY| tryinMg idwqI jfvygI| kMipAUtr aqy aMgryjI BfsLf df igafn hoxf cfhIdf hY| 2ivakqI iewk tIm ivwc kMm knrgy| cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr $12-$18 qwk imlLygI| pwkf kMm aqy imhnqI vrkr mYnyjmYNt ivwc vI jf skdy hn| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-300-1788 jF rYjLmy eImyl kro: info@canteltelecom.com PAGE 47
The Patrika
cldf hoieaf
iensfP dI pgVI
sLrmf afKdf, “srdUl isMaF, mYnUM kI pqf sI ik sflf kuwiqaF df twbr af? sOrI myry Xfrf, vYrI sOrI af.” “sLrmf, mYN qF srkfrI vkIlI qoN awgy vDxf aF Xfr, eyh jLnfnI myry rfh ivc roVf bxUM, dws hux…Cwz vI nhIN skdf eyhnUM.” Auh duwK-suwK Poldy. hux srdUl nUM srkfrI mkfn iml igaf. ikrfey df kmrf Cwz ky Auh srkfrI Gr ivc jf bYTy. bfpU ny ryhVI vyc idwqI sI. srkfrI Gr ivc bxI vfVI ivc bfpU vMn-suvMnIaF sbjLIaF lfAux lwigaf. aFZ-guaFZ df KUb idl lfeI rwKdf bfpU, Auh sBnF ivc hrmn ipafrf ho igaf.
inMdr GuigafxvI
irhf sI, “E vDfeIaF, kI gwl? huxy qoN bUhy bMd kr ley?” sLrmf jI ny CyiVaf. Gut-Gut imly. hwsx qy cfa sFJf krn ivc ruwJy hoey sn ik bfpU kol af igaf. bfpU dy pYrIN hwQ lf ky sfiraF ny AuhnUM vI vDfeIaF idwqIaF. zrfieMg rUm ivc Kloqy sn ik CotI myjL Auqy srdUl isMG dI mF dI qsvIr peI sI, “vyK nsIb kury, afpxf dUlf jwj bx igaY, qUM kyhVI dunIaF ivc bYTI aYN, af jf vyK lY af ky hux qF….”
Suman’s in Abbotsford is hiring a Full Time Hairdresser to add to our awesome team. We are a busy locations and are looking for someone who is able to multi task and enjoys working in a team based environment. Applicants must have the appropriate Hairdressing knowledge with some work experience, we do offer some paid training on all of our services and protocols. We are looking for individuals who will be available on Saturday and/or Sundays. Starting wage of $12 to $15/hr depending on experience. Duties Include references • Suggest hair style compatible with client's physical features or determine style from client's instructions and preferences • Cut, trim, taper, curl, wave, perm and style hair • Apply bleach, tints, dyes or rinses to colour, frost or streak hair d hair • Analyze hair and scalp condition and provide basic treatment or advice on beauty care treatments for scalp and • Clean and style wigs and hair pieces • Apply hair extensions • Shampoo and rinse hair • Perform receptionist duties and order supplies • Train or supervise other hairstylists, hairstylist apprentices and helpers Requirements • Some secondary school education is required. • Completion of a two- or three-year hairstyling apprenticeship program or completion of a college or other program in hairstyling combined with on-the-job training is usually required. • May be required to provide a hairstyling demonstration before being hired.
bfpU prny nfl awKF pMUJx lwigaf.
hux lok Gr vDfeIaF dyx leI af rhy sn, pr pqnI pykIN bYTI hoeI sI. srdUl isMG ny afpxy sfly nUM Pon kIqf, “hYlo, kI hfl? awCf beI, myrf nqIjf srdUl isMG dI pRfpqI Auqy sfry imwqr qy af igaY, mYN juzIsLIal mYijstRyt bx irsLqydfr KusL sn ik cMgf sYWt ho igaf igaYN, Gr dws idE sfiraF nUM qy nfly hY. pr srdUl isMG ieho afKdf, “myrI ruipMdr nUM eyQy Cwz jfE.” qF hfly mMjLl hor aY, rwb sfQ dyvy, “vDfeIaF hox BfjI, eyh QozI qrwkI quhfzIaF ardfsF mYnUM lwg jfx.” vkIl qoN hoeI af, kI cwkr hoieaf jI, qusIN dwisaf eI nf?” Aus df anpVH lgpg zyZ-do sfl qk df arsf Auh sflf puwCdf sI. srkfrI vkIl irhf. Auh pI[sI[aYs. (juzI:) dI iqafrI krn lwigaf. Aus ny srdUl isMG ieh afK gwl inbyVdf hY, ies bfry nf bfpU nUM, nf BYxF qy nf iksy “hF, pypr idwqy sI, pfs ho igaf, clo… dosq nUM, dwisaf hI nhIN sI. pypr ho iPr Cwz jfE ruipMdr nUM.” gey. nqIjf af igaf. sB qoN vwD nMbr GMty mgroN, vwzf sflf imTfeI df zwbf lY srdUl isMG dy sn. vDfeIaF imlx lwgIaF. srdUl isMG Gr nhIN sI. Aus ny ky qy BYx nUM skUtr ipwCy ibTfl ky af soicaf ik koeI vDfeI dyx Gr hI nf af puwijaf. rsmI vDfeIaF dy ky qy KusLI jfey qy bfpU nUM sux bhuqI KusLI ho jfvy qy sFJI krky clf igaf. ruipMdr kOr KusL Auh acfnk afeI cMgI KLbr idl `qy nf sI, “bfpU QonUM vDfeI hovy.” lf jfvy. Auhny imTfeI dy pMj zwby KrIdy. “DIey, swcy pfqsLf ny myhr kIqI aY, KusL rho puwq afbdy Gry, vDo-Puwlo hwso Kyzo.” motr sfeIkl Bjf ky Gr pwuijaf. bfpU PulvfVI kol kursI zfhI bYTf sI. “quhfnUM bhuq vDfeIaF hox jI.” ruipMdr kOr ny srdUl nUM nyVy ho ky afiKaf. “aMdr afjf bfpU.” imTfeI vfly zwby sMBfldf srdUl isMG aMdr nUM quiraf. “qYnUM vI bhuq vDfeIaF ruipMdr, pr bfpU aMdr afAuNdf puwCdf hY, “hfa kI hux afpF nUM ijLMdgI ivc kuJ bdlfE leI afieaYN awj dUilaf, bVf smfn krny pYxgy, hux qUM dyK…rwb ny afpF qoN lgdf aY kuC.” lukfieaf kuC nI qUM afpxy afp `c cyNj ilaf, qdy eI gwzI cwlU, qUM qwqI-kfhlI “afjf, afjf kol qF afjf, dsdf aYN.” nf hoieaf kr, ruipMdr hux qUM iek jwj “bfpU afpxI KusLI Auqy kfbU rwKIN, keI vfrI Coty GrF dy muMzy bhuq vwzy bx jFdy dI pqnI aYN.” ny, pr AunHF nUM afpxf ipCokV cyqy rwKxf Auh suxIN geI qy muskrfeI geI. cfhIdY, mYN dyK kwcy klrk qoN srkfrI vkIl bixaf qy hux ho skdf mYN jwj vI iek idn bfhr sLfm sFJI kr rhy bx jfvF pr hfly pwkf pqf nhIN bfpU.” srdUl dy nyVly iqMn cfr dosq Aus Auh awDI gwl jfx-buwJ ky luko igaf sI. nfl bYTy sn. gwl ruipMdr dI cwl peI. bfpU ny gwl sux ky awKF muMdIaF qy dovyN sfiraF dI ieho slfh sI ik srdUl, hwQ kMnF nUM Cuhf ley, “hy gurU bfbf moqI ijho-ijhI hYgI aY hux idn ktI kr rfm mihrf jI, sux lY Pirafd, kr dy Brfvf. iek boilaf, “bfeI keI vfry inafry, hy pRmfqmf qyrf lwK lwK kmlIaF jnfnIaF BfgF vflIaF huMdIaF sLukr aY, puwq dUly hOslf qy afs rwK, ny, kI pqf aY srdUl, qUM Auhdy BfgF `qy krUgf swcy pfqsLfh sB imhrF.” qrwkI kIqI aY, so, hux Auh qyrI aY qy qyrIE rhU.” ienHF gwlF qoN srdUl isMG hfly Auh gwlF kr hI rhy sn ik gyt nUM kfPI hOslf imilaf sI. `qy koeI afieaf. GMtI vwjI. iqMny jxy srdUl isMG dy sfQI srkfrI vkIl afey ijAuN bfpU ipMzoN afieaf sI, AuhdI Kloqy sn. srdUl isMG gyt KolHx af PAGE 48
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Abbotsford’s Trucking company is looking for company drivers and owner operators for local work. 5 days a week, 40-50 hrs per week, $18-$20 per hour our for company drivers. For more information, Call: 604-857-5535 ishq qy rMg ivc coKf inKfr af igaf. Auh bx-Tx ky rihMdf. Aus nUM puwqr dy qrwkI krn Auqy bhuq mfx sI. hux qF AunHF dy Gr ipMz dy kihMdy-kuhfAuNdy srdfr-ijLMmIdfr vI Bwjy-Bwjy afAux lwgy sn, ijnHF dy GrF ivc Auh imhnq mjLdUrIaF krdy rhy sn, Auh lok hux AunHF nUM hor ingfh nfl dyKdy sn. srdUl isMG dI pihlI positMg gurU kI ngrI sRI aMimRqsfr sfhb ivKy hoeI. gurU Gr syvf df mOkf imlx `qy Auh bVy KusL sn. bfpU sfrI Aumr aMimRqsfr sRI hirmMdr sfhb dy drsLn krn leI qrsdf irhf sI. ipMz ivc lokF dy GrIN kMm kry, jF iPr drsLn kry? mOkf nf juVdf, nf hI ikrfieaf-BfVf juVdf sI. hux idn bdl gey sn. srdUl isMG df zrfeIvr bfpU nUM rojLfnf hI sRI drbfr sfhb lY jFdf. bfpU AuQysyvf ismrn krdf qy Aus df mn sLFq qy sihj avsQf ivc rihMdf. bfpU nUM sRI drbfr sfhb ivwc syvf krn df KuwlHf smF nsIb hoieaf. iek idn Auhny aMqr-afqmf `coN ardfs kIqI sI, “hy myiraf mflkf, qYN koeI ksr nhIN CwzI imhrF krn dI, bws eyho aY ardfs ik mYnUM qurdy-iPrdy nUM cwk lvIN, nUMh-puwq nUM ksLt nf dyvF mYN, qy dUjf ieh ik myry dUly pwuq dy isr `qy hmysLf imhr Biraf hwQ rwKIN, qrwkIaF
bKsLdf rhIN myry mflkf myry ikrqI puwqr nUM.” kihMdy ny ik gurU Gr swcy mn nfl kIqI ardfs ibrQI nhIN jFdI. srdUl isMG dy Gr ivwc puwqr pYdf hoieaf. KusLIaF hor dUxIaF-cOxIaF ho geIaF. dfdf poqy nUM iKzfAux qy lfzlzfAux lwigaf. ruipMdr kOr dy vqIry qy ivvhfr ivc bdlfE af irhf sI. pr Auh ipwCy pyikaF df iKafl nhIN sI CwzdI. srdUl dy sfilaF ivcoN koeI nf koeI afieaf hI rihMdf. jfx lwgy BrfvF dIaF Auh notF nfl jybF Br idMdI. srdUl isMG dIaF cfroN BYxF `coN kdIkdI koeI afAuNdI qy srdUl isMG BYxF df mfx-qfx krn lgdf, ruipMdr dy mUMh Auqy pilwqxF cVH jFdIaF. srdUl isMG AuhdIaF iplwqxF nUM nhIN sI gOldf qy afpxI mrjLI pugfAuNdf sI. Auh BYxF nUM KusL krky qordf. iek idn bfpU drbfr sfhb qoN koTI priqaf. kursI Auqy bYTf qF poqf iklkfrIaF mfrdf Auhdf godI ivc af ciVHaf. ardlI pfxI df glfs ilaf ky hfly kol Kloqf hI sI ik bfpU kursI dy swjy pfsy vwl nUM luVkx lwg ipaf. ardlI ny bIbI jI nUM afvfjL mfrI. ruipMdr kOr BwjI afeI, “bfpU jI, kI ho igaf quhfnUM? TIk qF E bfpU jI, hYlo… hYlo…bfpU jI.”
Friday, February 17th, 2017
bfpU byhosL ho igaf. Gr iek kfr KloqI sI. nOkr kfr clfAuxI jfxdf sI. nfl dy jwj dI koTI ivcoN Aus ny iek muMzf bulfieaf. bfpU nUM kfr ivc pfieaf qy nfl ruipMdr kOr vI, iek inwjI hspqfl ivc lY gey. bfpU idl dy vwzy dOry nfl rsqy ivc hI pUrf ho igaf sI. srdUl isMG kcihrIAuN af igaf. kcihrI df sfrf stfP qy hor jwj vI af gey. sLfmIN pMj vjy bfpU df sskfr kr idwqf igaf. nfl dy jwjF ny afpxy sfQI jwj srdUl isMG nUM slfh idwqI ik kwlH nUM asQIaF cug ky, prsoN nUM Gr sRI suKmnI sfhb df pfT rKvf ky Bog pf idE, hux sfry ieMJ hI krdy ny, kort ivcoN CuwtIaF lyx df vI mOkf nhIN hY, so, srdUl isMG nUM ieh gwl TIk lwgI. ipMz sunyhf Byijaf igaf. BYxF dUr-dUr sn, sskfr `qy nhIN af skIaF sn. so, Bog koTI dy lfan ivc hI rwK ilaf igaf. koTI bhuq vwzI sI srdUl isMG dI. ipMz dy vI kfPI lok Aucycf puwjy qy sfry irsLqydfr vI. jwj, vkIl, isvl qy puils dy Auc aPsr vI BfrI igxqI ivc puwjy hoey sn. ipMz dy lok gwlF kr rhy sn, “kmfl ho geI af, eynf mfxqfx bcn isEN df, Auhny kdI soicaf nhIN sI hoxf, bVf mfx aYN beI jwj sfhb df, ipMz BfvyN do sO kIly df mflk
The Patrika
ijLMmIdfr mr jfey, eyny aPsr, zI[sI[ jwj aYs[aYs[pI[ qy pqvMqy nhIN afAuNdy, bcn isEN bfry ikMnf sohxf bol ky gey af, beI rwb dy rMg inafry aY.” ipMz dy nMbrdfr jfgr isMG ny bMidaF ivc KloiqaF afiKaf sI. srdUl isMG ny ijLMdgI dy kiTn hflfqF dy QpyVy qF KfDy pr hflqF nfl smJoqf kdy nf kr sikaf. Auh pMj sfl df arsf aYzIsLnl sYsLn jwj irhf. Auhdy apIl lwg jFdI, lok eyDroN-AuDroN pqf krdy ik pYsy KFdf hY jF nhIN. jd AuhdI sKqI qy iemfndfrI df pqf lgdf qF iksy df hOslf jF ihMmq nhIN sI pYNdI ik Auh aijhf kuJ kr jfvy. Aus bfry qF ieh gwl vI msLhUr sI ik pMjfb dy iek anpVH aYm[aYl[ey[ ny afpxy votr dI mwdd leI isPfrsL vjoN afpxI lYtrpYz Auqy iek icwTI ilK idwqI qy Aus bMdy ny BrI adflq ivc jf ky srdUl isMG nUM PVf idwqI sI. adflq ivc sMnftf PYl igaf. aYm[aYl[ey[ nUM kort dI iewjLq hwqk leI noits kwiZaf igaf. Aus ny AuhI icwTI kys vflI imsl nfl atYc kr idwqI sI. kys qF pihlF hI iKlfP jfx vflf sI, so iKlfP ho igaf sI. aMnyvfh pYsy Kfx vfly jwj srdUl isMG df nF sux ky bhuq KPf huMdy. AuhdI
vizafeI AunHF nUM hjLm nhIN huMdI sI. srdUl isMG df nF sux ky nyqfvF qoN ielfvf puils aPsr vI qRihMdy rihMdy sn. Aus ny puils dy keI ksUrvfr AuWc-aPsrF nUM BfrI kYdF qy jurmfny kIqy sn. hfeIkort ivc srdUl isMG dI pUrI iewjLq sI. Auh syvf mukq hoieaf qF nfl hI Aus nUM kMijLAUmr kort df jwj lf idwqf igaf. bfbf syLK PrId jI dI Xfd ivc PrIdkort ivKy myly Auqy hr sfl bfbf PrId XfdgfrI susfietI cfr hsqIaF df snmfn krdI hY, ienHF ivwc inaFpfilkf `c vDIaF syvfvF leI iek iemfndfr jwj vI cuixaf jFdf hY. sRI: ieMdrjIq isMG Kflsf dI srpRsqI hyT snmfn kmytI bVI pux-Cfx krdI hY ik snmfny jfx vflf ikDry ikqoN dfgI qF nhIN? srdUl isMG nUM ‘bfbf PrId iemfndfrI purskfr’ leI cuixaf jFdf hY. Kflsf jI dI icwTI pVH ky Auh pRsMn huMdf hY ik clo, iksy ny qF Aus nUM smiJaf hY? myly mOky sMgqF dy BfrI iekwT ivc srdUl isMG nUM iekvMjf hjLfr rupey, snmfn-pwqr, loeI, isropf afid Byt kIqy jFdy hn qy Aus dy jIvn bfry styj AuqoN bol ky cfnxf pfieaf jFdf hY. ruipMdr kOr suxdI-dyKdI vfrvfr Bfvuk huMdI. srdUl isMG df puwqr, nUMh qy powqrf vI nfl puwjy hoey hn.
PAGE 49 iekvMjf hjLfr rupey qF Auh susfietI nUM vfps kr idMdy hn, bfkI snmfn vsqF Auh ruipMdr kOr dI JolI ivc rwK idMdf hY. pRogrfm qoN mgroN jd sfry iekwTy ho ky cfh pINdy hn qF ruipMdr kOr boldI hY, “Kflsf jI, qusIN srdfr sfhb df snmfn kIqf, awj dyK-sux ky mYnUM ienHF `qy mfx mihsUs hoieaf, mYnUM lwigaf ik myrf bMdf vI gRyt aY, mYN qF sfrI Aumr ienHF nfl lVdI hI rhI aF.” ieh kihMdI ruipMdr kOr cfh df kwp pfsy rwK ky awKF pUMJx lgdI hY, “Kflsf jI, rwb dI shuM lwgy, mYN qF sfrI Aumr do sfVHIaF `c eI kwt leI, mYN lVdI rhI ik srdfr jI, jdoN afpF pfrtIaF `qy jfny aF qF kwlH dy lwgy mYijstRytF dIaF pqnIaF Cy-Cy hjLfr dIaF sfVIaF pihnI iPrdIaF ny, qy mYnUM Cy sO dI sfVI juVdI rhI, ienHF ny kihxf ik koeI nf ruipMdr kOry, bMdf pihn-sMvr ky nhIN, sgoN afpxy afcrn qy nyk kMmF nfl vwzf huMdf aY.” ieh afK Auhdf mn iPr AuCl afieaf hY. bVf Bfvuk mfhOl bx igaf hY. sfry jxy srdUl isMG jwj nUM anoKy siqkr BrIaF njLrF nfl qwk rhy hn. Aus dy isr AuWqy bwDI duwD DoqI icwtI ‘iensfPL dI pwg’ hr iek df iDafn iKwc rhI hY
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Satinder Sartaaj to campaign for UNO against human trafficking he United Nations Office on ping and bringing awareness against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) illegal global human trafficking which has picked up Indian artist is known as modern day slavery. HuSatinder Sartaaj under its project ‘Blue Heart Campaign’ against human trafficking. The other Indian artists are AR Rehman and Sonu Nigam. More than 30 artists around the world have united against human trafficking and released an album ‘Music to Inspire’ by label Rukus Avenue who launched this album, says a press release.
The world-famous artists include Ozark Henry, Karmin, Joss Stone, Jack Atlantis, Tisha Campbell, Steve London and Lee England. Mr.Sammy Chand who own label Rukus Avenue informed that all proceeds would go to the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for victims of trafficking in persons. The album was launched at UN Office in New York by the H.E. President of the General Assembly Peter Thompson. The album will be available online tomorrow at iTunes, Amazon and Google play. Indian folk singer Dr. Satinder Sartaaj is going to play a major role in stop-
man Trafficking is one of the most shameful practices in present day and is also the genesis of child labor and sexual slavery. The horrifying figure of 168 million children who works as laborers and 73 million under the age of 10 itself explains the seriousness of the situa-
tion and calls for an urgent action to eradicate the human trafficking from the face of the world.
Satinder Sartaaj is going to make his Hollywood debut with ‘The Black Prince’, a movie based on the last king of Punjab, Maharaja Duleep Singh. The Blue Heart campaign seeks to encourage involvement and inspire action to help stop this crime and also people to show solidarity with the victims of human trafficking by wearing the Blue Heart. The campaign is also an initiative for raising awareness to fight human trafficking and its impact on society.
Satinder Sartaaj explains that the Blue Heart represents the sadness of those who are trafficked while reminding us of the cold-heartedness of those who buy and sell fellow human beings. There are 30 million slaves living under human trafficking and 80% are women.
He informed that the project ‘Song of Hope’ was offered to Sartaaj Foundation which is a charitable organization founded. The video of the song will be released on next week. The mission of Sartaaj Foundation is to reach out and help the talented youth in the fields of arts, culture, education and sports, he said. “We are committed to being responsive to the needs of our youth and young adults, cultivating their God-given talents and gifts and enabling them to grow in their respective fields,” he said.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
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Plan a successful retirement (NC) Whether your retirement is just around the corner or down the road, you're probably already thinking about it –– and maybe worrying, too. That's why it's important to plan for retirement, to eliminate as many unknowns as possible and to chart the course that is right for you. Here are some considerations to get you started: Financial health isn't most important. Having money definitely increases your choices, but you can enjoy a fulfilling retirement without having a lot of it. Volunteering, part-time work, and appropriate lifestyle choices that fit your income are all ways of experiencing a rewarding retirement without extravagant savings. Your health is key. Poor physical or mental health removes choices, whether you have money or not. Your plan should include maintaining and improving your health and knowing how health issues can be handled before they happen.
Diversify your retirement income. Poor investment returns early in retirement can have an impact, but avoiding the stock market by investing in lowreturn vehicles such as guaranteed investment certificates may not be the answer. Equity investments, unlike GICs, can provide opportunities for growth that can offset the effects of inflation. Your plan should include strategies for accessing market growth while protecting your income from the impact of a short-term market downturn. Expect to be busy. Experienced retirees will tell you they have little spare time. Life tends to expand to fill up time, so ensure you schedule in the things that are meaningful to you. Explore work opportunities. Some people work in retirement for financial reasons, but many seek part-time, occasional or flexible work that provides social interaction and a sense of accomplishment. Plan to talk to working retirees about why they work and how they fit their retirement around it.
The Patrika
Friday, February 17th, 2017
afE aqy iswDf aYm[aYs[ey[ Porz dy pRYjLIzYNt, mfeIk mYkzOnlz dy nfl gwl bfq kro.
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offers subject to prior sale. All available Ford incentives, MSA Finance cash, and rebates/credits/allowances/rates have been used in advertised prices. Some rebates and credits may be taxable, including the Year End $1,000 on F-150 offer. Financing/Leasing on approved consumer or business credit. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, ated at .99% for 36 months. 20,000 kms per year limit. More mileage available at higher monthly payment. Total paid is $16,817.40 plus tax = ($18,835.56). Guaranteed residual at lease end is 23,035 plus taxes. All offers expire February 18, 2017 at 6:00 pm (PST).
Friday, February 17th, 2017
Friday, February 17th, 2017
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Friday, February 17th, 2017
Parm Brar 778.549.4946
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Money management tools to get your finances in order today (NC) Do you have a household budget? Do you know how much you'll need to save to maintain your lifestyle in retirement? Do you know how to get your credit report? If you answered no to any of these questions, not to worry — many Canadians are just like you. Nearly two-thirds rate their own financial knowledge as poor, based on results from the 2014 Canadian Financial Capability Survey (CFCS). The CFCS tests the financial literacy of Canadian adults as well as their day-to-day money management and long-term financial planning behaviours. The survey found that fewer than half of Canadians take that first step in personal financial management — making a household budget. While almost 70 per cent said they have no problem keeping up with their bills, three in 10 struggle to make their regular payments, and six in 10
don't know how much they'll need for retirement. “Canadian households are dealing with record levels of debt and chronically low savings rates, but the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has the information to help build your knowledge and skills, which can help you feel in control of your finances,” says Jane Rooney, Canada's Financial Literacy Leader. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's website has tools to help, including a quiz to test your financial knowledge. It points you to the resources that can increase your knowledge in the areas where you need a boost. On the site, you will also find the Canadian Financial Literacy Database, which includes more than 1,300 resources and events to help you budget, manage debt, and save for retirement. Find more information online at itpaystoknow.gc.ca.
Friday, February 17th, 2017