February 24th, 2017

Page 1

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The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, February 24th, 2017

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PryjLrValley vYlI Fraser Valley Fraser Cultural Diversity Awards Cultural Diversity avfrzj Awards klcrl zfievrstI DO YOU KNOW OF A BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION THAT

kI qusDO IN iksyYOU ibjins jF sMgTn nUM KNOW OF A BUSINESS jfxdy ho jo ik iviBMnOR qf


huxy AnHF nUM 14 vyN PryjLrvYlI klcrl



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l H l in P




The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, February 24th, 2017

jLrUrI sUcnf: agly 4-5 mhIinaF leI mMdr nvIN QF qy mUv ho cuWkf hY



FOR FURTHER INQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT DR. ASHOK SHARAMA (PRESDENT) 604-832-2022 VIJAY GAUTAM (SECRETARY) 778-549-9748 The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, February 24th, 2017

WEEKLY Friday, February 24th, 2017 Vol. 21, No. 20



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The Patrika


PrvrI 2017 dOrfn vyst ivjLrz

istI ivKy kI nvF hY

quhfzy kol koeI vsqU hY pr pqf nhIN lwg irhf ik ies nUM ikwQy suwitaf jfvy| qusIN istI df vyst ivjLrz vyKo qF quhfnUM pqf lwg jfvygf ik ik ies vsqU nUM iks bYg ivc pfieaf jfvy – gfrbyj ivc, rIsfeIkilMg jF zrfp aOP izpU ivc suwitaf jfvy| ies bfry vyKo: www.abbotsford.ca/wastewizard

krbsfeIz rIsfeIkilMg pRogrfm ivc qbdIlIaF istI bI sI dy mltI mYtIrIal rIsfeIkilMg pRogrfm ivc sLfml ho igaf hY| ies nfl rIsfeIkilMg syvf ivc suDfr hovygf| sLihr invfsI vDyry vsqFrIsfeIkilMg ivc pf skxgy| ies leI PMz rYjLIzYNt XUjL PIs dI QF ieMzstrI dyvygI | ies bfry vyrvy sihq jfxkfrI PrvrI dy aMq ivc sLihr invfsIaF nUM idwqI jfvygI| vDyry jfxkfrI leI vyKo: www.abbotsford.ca/collection

200,000 lokF leI plYinMg hux jdoN srkfrI kimAuintI plYn sfzy kol hY qF smF hY ik ieh plYn BivwK leI sfhmxy ilaFdf jfvy| vyrvy leI plYn 200,000 aqy hux ho irhf aiDaYn vyKo www.abbotsford.ca/plan200K ‘q jf ky|

Friday, February 24th, 2017


smwisaf hovy qF Pon kro jy quhfzy sfhmxy

kimAuintI vfsqy irport

Kwzy,gfrbyj,izwgy drwKq,jF zryn ivc pfxI iekwTf hox vrgI smwisaf hovy qF sfzy AuprysLn Xfrz nUM 604-853-5485 ‘qy Pon kro|ies df smF somvfr qoN sLuwkrvfr 4:30 dupihr mgroN qwk hY| jy ieh smwisaf ies smyN qoN bfad hovy jF sLnI, aYqvfr nUM hovy qF puils nUM nfn-aYmrjYnsI lfeIn ‘qy 604-859-5225 ‘qy POn kro|

iblizMg primt jfxkfrI lokl iblzrF nUM kfPI leI aqy iblizMg primt leI bynqI pwqr dyx dI nvI pRikiraf bfr jfxn leI swdf hY | gfhkF nUM byhqr syvf dyx leI aqy AyzIk smF GtfAux leI pRikiraf srl kIqI hY| ies vfsqy nvyNPfrm cflU kIqy jf rhy; aMqm qfrIK aqy bfeIlfa ivc qbdIlIaF kIqIaF hn| ies sbMDI sfzy nfl PrvrI 28 nUM svyr dy 8 vjy qoN 9 vjy qwk MCA Auditorium Foyer ivc sLfml hovo|

sipMRg bRyk df mjLf lvo

pI afr sI ny bwicaF leI mfrc13-26 qwk mOj myly df pRogrm bxfieaf hY| ies bfry Cipaf spirMg zyjL Plfier aYbI jF mYtskueI rYkrIeysLn sYNtr ‘coN lvojf vyKo: www.abbotsford.ca/prc

kimAUIntI leI iqafr kIqI 2016 dI irport vyKo ijs ivc 2016 dIaFsfzIaF pRfpqIaF df vdnx hY| vyKO: www.abbotsford.ca/communityreport

istI kfAuNisl mIitMgF

istIkfAuNisl dIaF mIitMgF df vyrvf istI dI vYbsfeIt www.abbotsford.ca/livecouncil qy hr dUsry somvfr nUM pRsfirq huMdf hY| kfAuNisl dy eyjMzf www.abbotsford.ca/councilagendas ‘qy AuplbD hY|

kfAuNisl mIitMgF dI smF sUcI

mfrc 6 3:00 vjy svyry aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 sLfm jnqk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl PrvrI 20 3:00 vjy svyry,aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 vjy sLfm jnqk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl mfrc 13 1:00 dupihry kmytI aOP hol (kmrf 530) mfrc 20 3:00 vjy dupihry aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 vjy sLfm jnqk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl mfrc 27 1:00 dupihr mgroN kmytI aOP df hol (rUm 530) apRYl 3 1:00 vjy dupihr mgroN kmytI aOP df hol (kmrf 530) apRYl 10 3:00 vjy dupihr mgroN aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 dupihr mgroN jnqk suxvfeI


CANUCK PLACE CHILDREN’S HOSPICE RAISES OVER $275,000 AT THE 3RD ANNUAL GIFT OF LOVE GALA IN ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD, BC – February 20, 2017 – Over 300 guests gathered at Abbotsford’s Quality Hotel & Conference Centre on Saturday, February 18th to support Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, BC’s pediatric palliative care provider, at the third annual Gift of Love Gala presented by MNP. Sold out months in advance, the event was emceed by Breakfast Television Co-host, Riaz Meghji, and was attended by Canuck Place supporters including guests, volunteers, and sponsors and staff. Together this dedicated and generous group raised over $275,000 to support the critical care of BC’s children with


life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them. Gala Co-Chairs, Jennefer Vanderpol and Lisa Fershau led a passionate volunteer gala committee who connected Continued on page 11

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017



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kyvl afeI sI bI sI klym

“ isMpsn QOms iek aijhI tIm hY ijMnF ny iewk kys nMU bhuq hI cMgI qrHF cYlMj dy qOr lYky ijwq pRfpq kIqI hY jdoN ik iksy hor kol ies kys nMU lVn dI smrwQf nhIN sI. ” -iewk aYbtsPorz dy ivafh ivwc jfgo vyly vfprI Gtnf dy sbMD ivwc ilMk aKbfr ivwc mfrc 12, 2011nMU CpI rIport dy afDfrq.

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The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017



ijs bolI ivc asIN mF dIaF lorIaF suxIaF hox qy ijs bolI ivc mF dIaF iJVkF KfDIaF hox Blf Auh ikvyN Buwl skdI hY pr 21 PrvrI mF bolI idvs qy surjIq pfqr dIaF ieh sqrF:“sB kl kl krdIaF ndIaF df, sB sF sF krdy ibrKF df, sB cIN cIN krdIaF icVHIaF df, afpxf hI qrfnf huMdf hY. pr suixaY hY ies DrqI qy, iek Auh vI dysL hY ijs aMdr bwcy dI afpxI mF-bolI dy bolx qy jurmfnf huMdf hY.” sfnUM sB nUM socx leI mjLbUr krdIaF hn bysLk XUnysko dI rIport muqfibk bwcy leI afpxI mfdrI juLubfn ivc pVHnF sOKf huMdf hY-pMjfbI bolI gurUaF pIrF sUPI drvysLF dI bolI hY. pMjfbI bolI nUM nIvF idKfAux leI ies nUM AujwzF dI BfsLf kihxf srfsr ainafey hY bfbf njLmI muqfibk ijhVy afKxivwc pMjfbI vuhsq nhI, qihjLIb nhIN, pVHky vyKx ‘vfrs’, ‘buwlF, bfhU’, lfl pMjfbI df.


ijs bolI ivc gurU nfnk dyv jI vrgy sLfier hoey hox-ijs ivc buwlHf qy vfrs ny iliKaf hovy-ijs nUM muslmfn sUPI drvysLF ny gfieaf hovy qy iliKaf hovy, Auh iksy hkUmq nfimaf dI muhqfj nhIN rih jFdI. sB qoN vwzI gwl ijs ivc gurU gRMQ sfihb The jI Patrika ilKy gey hox, Auh bolI kdy nhIN mr skdI BfvyN lwK BivwK bfxIaF kIqIaF jfx. Friday, December 18th, 2015  pMjfbI 150 mulkF ivc vsdy pMjfbIaF dI 12vIN 13vIN bolI hY. awj jd ik skUlF ivc vI pVHfeI jFdI hY iPr ies df BivwK DuMdlf ikvyN ho skdf hY. pRo: mohn isMG dI “sfvy pwqr” dI pihlI aYzIsLn iek lwK ivk geI sI jd pMjfbI skUlF ivc pVHfeI nhIN jFdI sI. bfrvHIN sdI `c bfbf PrId jI hoey hn ijnHF nUM asIN pMjfbI sfihq df jnm dfqf kih skdy hF qy aMgryjI ivc cOsr 14vIN sdI ivc hoieaf hY. Shakespeare bfbf PrId qoN 25 sfl bfad hoieaf hY iPr eynI purfqn bolI qy qF sfnUM mfx krnf cfhIdf hY.

aYbtsPorz myar vwloN ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF jn smUh nUM vDfeIaF

M smyN mF-bo dy hfxlIdfhYbxfAu x leI 2 fbIbopwliqRI ksfzI f vwlafpxI oN aYbtsPo rz myamF r dIissitm pM(pMjjfbI bol I hYistI -sfzI bolI hY-nUsfzI iPr afpxI mF imlIan zflr Krc krn df PY s lf kIqfbohYl.I hYNndUrIijaF brfAU kIqI cM sMg KyIpikvy pr N ivsL ysL hY. ies ivc koeI sLwk nhIN ik iksy qo dInmFnfl ijafdf ho skdI gwliksy bfq iek df sfraM sL pfTkF leIiPrky ikRsims qy kOm df, iksy iek df hwkies nhINKrcy huMdf krky isLv kuistI mfr,nUrfmsrU M tYks pivwaxKI, c 2[5 aqy nvy N sfl dy sL u B afgmn dIaF Ku s L I aF bfvf blvMq qy blvMq gfrgI aqy uiesy qrHpR Fq hoIsL r qlyK dI krnf dyx vIhovGwygtf.nhIN dfkFvfDf lok.F nUM qurMq sFJIaF krn ihwq pysL kIqf jf irhf hY)

hI CysM qIqnfl nqIjysUpR pq qy hoxikw gys. fkfrF stfP dI dy ies nUM ijMnI dyx pMjfbIaF dI hY AunHIN muslmfn F PkIrF, PfIaF kM m kfj ivc qy j L I afey g I. ijvyhYN .hIiksy CwutboIaF sIjLn afAu x kvflf vI lI df nUM ---vFg ivBw qIaFhYivc kYd vI nhIN kIqf jf skdf ijvyN Aus myar aqy kONsl kimAuintI ies eIvYNt byGiraF dy muwdy ‘qy myar ny afiKaf ik ny 7vIN sdI `c sMsikRq nfl kIqf sI-iesy leI ieh BfsLf afm bol cfl dI BfsLf dy jLos-KrosL ivwc vfDf krn leI sKq AunHF dy vfsqy Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn. istI nhIN bxkr skI. f dI drjfbM dI b vIfrIaF nhIN hoxI cfhIdI. 21 PrvrI 1952 nUM bMgflI imhnq rhyBfsL hn. stfP ny kfro f srkfr bsyrf ividafrQIaF fdqnuidw qI sI. bolI nUsUM bDrm vFg nfl hI AubyWcGfiraF ruqbfleI dyxrYf xcfhIdf nfl iml ky pUny ry sL sLhihr M sjfAu x mF vfsqy bxfAux leI pRfprtI pRfpq krn leI Xqn hYijvy . suik rjIq pfqr mutrI qfibk awKgr, ikR qy sirjk D inKyiVaf nhIN jf skdf, ies leI hfeIstrIt lfeIitM ims dfkrsbM rhI hY. AunHF ikhf ik kONsl ny pRfeIvyt aM gor ryys jLnI jL jLrnUUrM IpUhYry pr asINivwafpxy pwDx rf,qy ies dI Au WcqfvInUM mfrikt prvfn krIey bolI zYk sLihr c cmkfAu sYktr nfl hfAUisM. gmF vfsqy nUhr M afpxI smJIey KMBrF znfl sMasIN qI dUhorieaf qy bhu dyrF qw k nhIN‘qy sfl dIpihcfx qrHF zfAU n tfAU,nmFgvy aYbtsPo prkbhu kIqf hY.qIienH skImF ikRWzsims lfeIitM g krnf, stfP vlosfzIaF N ajy kM Au skdytR. Isfzy afpxy lok, sfzy lyKk, srkfrF, sfzy ividak adfry m ho irhf hY. ieh qurMq hI pUqy rIaF pR f eIvy t lI ikR s ims iznr vI afrgy n feIjL Kfs krky pRkfsLk afpxI ijLMmyvfrI smJx.nhIN iehhonhIN ik jo ikqfbF AunHF ny CfpIaF skdIaF. kIqf. myarAuh aqyhIistI vwloN sfry hn isrP vycxIaF hn. jn smUh nUM ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF lwK-lwK

myar ny hor ikhf ik Dfrimk BfeIcfiraF

aw j mF bolmyI aidvs hY ies , hrkfro mulbkfrI dI BfeIcfiraF mfqBfsLf leInfl duafvF df I afrjL vDfeIaF. r brfAU n aYbleI tsPoieh rz hr ivKykOmaqy sL Y l tr iqafr krn leI kM m kIqf idn 1953hY qocfhy N rihMkodefI hYafmrIkf . jdoN qoN `c AuhrihM kYndyzf fhYdIcfhy koeI rUs ivc jF arb ivc. afpxI jf irhfPrjL hY. my ny byafpF GiraFvI dI mF-bo lI pRnUfM eIvy bxdf qbf dyxknstrksL f qy idvfAuxnf sfzf hYasor afAu pRxshfieqf krIey ivsL f l t ru trFijt leI Pry j L r hY l Q XU i nt nfl kM m krn ik afpixaF bwicaF lI ilKx kMpasIN nI ivc sI[eI[E[ sI. nUhYM nmFrIbobrfAU n qy pVHn vwl pRyrq krIey-ies dy amIr dI idlcspI jL f hr kIqI hY qF ik Au n HF nUM aYbtsPo z istIkrvfeIey ivwc iqM.n GrF sfl`c kONspMlr ivrsy qoN rvfikP jfbI bolIey:-


irhf aqy hux vrqmfn ivc Auh myar dI idKfieaf jfey ik ijLLMdgI bsLr krn df “qyrI mF bolI ey bIbf, kwhoKrF qrIkf vFg nfvIrol hY.pMjfbI pdvI ‘qy hY . pVH pMjfbI ilK pMjfbI gYrqmMdf bol pMjfbI.” myar brfAUn aYbtsPorz invfsIaF leI myar vwloN istI mYnyjr dI qnKfh ivc ies nUM rujLgfr, ishq aqy Kyzx qoN ielfvf kIqy gey vfDy nUM jfiejL aqy ZukvF afKidaF qswlI pRgt kIqI geI ik ies suK sLFqI nfl rihx leI sB qoN vwD vDIaf nfl istI nUM lfB hI hoeygf. istI mYnyjr

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017



ijwq df mMqr- myrI mMijLl py njLr hY zf: hrijMdr vflIaf

Aus dy supny vwzy sn. afpxy supinaF nUM pUrf krn ihwq Aus ny vpfr sLurU kIqf pr burI qrHF asPl ho igaf. Aus smyN Aus dI Aumr mihj 22 sflF dI sI. 23 viraF dI CotI ijhI Aumr ivc Aus ny ivDfiek bxn dI cfhq nfl cox lVI aqy burI qrHF hfr igaf. 24 viraF df hoieaf qF iek vfr iPr vpfr ivc hwQ ajmfAuxf cfihaf iPr PylH ho igaf. jdoN Aus dI Aumr ajy 26 sflF dI hI sI ik kudrq vloN Aus nUM iek hor Jtkf lwigaf ik Aus dI mihbUb kuVI dunIaF qoN cwl vsI. Auh bybs ho ky mfXUs ho igaf. izprYsLn kfrn Aus nUM keI mhIny hspqfl ivc kwtxy pey. jdoN TIk hoieaf qF iPr spIkr dI cox liVaf aqy hfr igaf. ieh cox hfrn smyN Aus dI Aumr 29 viraF dI sI. 31 sflF dI Aumr ivc Auh ielYktr dI iek hor cox hfr igaf. 39 viraF dI Aumr ivc Auh amrIkI kFgrs dI iek hor cox hfr igaf. asPlqfvF Aus nUM nf qoV skIaF aqy nf hI rok skIaF. 46 viraF dI Aumr ivc Auh iek vfr iPr sYnyt dI cox hfr igaf. agr socdy hovo ik Aus dIaF asPlqfvF df islislf ruk igaf qF qusIN glq soc rhy hovogy. 47 sflF dI Aumr ivc Auh amrIkf dy AuprfsLtrpqI dI cox ivc hfr igaf. iPr do sfl bfad amrIkf sYnyt dI cox iPr hfr igaf. Aus dIaF hfrF df islislf jfrI sI pr Aus ny hfr nhIN mMnI. Aus nUM pqf sI ik ijLafdfqr mhfn lokF ny afpxI sB qoN vwzI sPlqf afpxI sB qoN vwzI asPlqf dy iek kdm awgy hfisl kIqI hY aqy

sPl hox leI sPlqf dI iewCf asPlqf dy zr qo N ijL a fdf ho x I cfhIdI hY. Auh vfr vfr asPl hoieaf ikAuNik Auh sPl hoxf cfhuMdf sI. afiKr Auh 52 sfl dI Aumr ivc ijwq hfisl krn ivc kfmXfb ho i eaf aqy amrIkf df 16vF rfsLtrpqI bixaf. hux qwk qF smJ hI gey hovogy ik mYN amrIkf dy sfbkf rfsLtrpqI iebrfihm ilMkn dI khfxI suxf irhf sI ijs dI sPlqf dI khfxI skfrqmk soc dI vwzI Audfhrx hY. ilMkn dI iesy soc kfrn dunIaF Aus nUM mhfn mMndI hY. Aus vrgy skfrqmk soc vrgy iensfn Gwt hI pYdf huMdy hn. jdoN Aus dIaF hfrF df islislf jfrI sI qF bhuq sfry lokF ny Aus nUM ikhf “Cwz KihVf, ijwq qyrI iksmq ivc nhIN” Aus df jvfb sI pihlF qusIN kbUl kro ik mYN afm iensfn nhIN hF. ikAuNik iksy vI afm iensfn dy jIvn ivc ieMnIaF hfrF aqy asPlqfvF nhIN af skdIaF. mYN koeI ivsLysL iensfn hF aqy koeI vwzI ijwq mYnUM AuzIk rhI hYswc muwc hI skfrqmk soc dy DnI lok afm iensfn nhIN huMdy. Auh ilMkn aqy Qfms alvf aYzIsLn vFg vfr vfr hfr ky ijwq nUM cuMmdy hn. vfr vfr asPl hox kfrn AunHF dy AuqsLfh ivc koeI kmI nhIN afAuNdI. Auh hr hfr qoN bfad hor idRV iewCf sLkqI nfl sPlqf vwl vDx dI ihMmq rwKdy hn. aijhy lokF bfry hI iksy sLfier ny ikhf hY: dUr qwk kFty ibCy Qy, ijLMdgI kI rfh my ZUMzny vfloN ny dyKo, iPr BI klIaF ZUMz lIN

kuJ XfdF

rOibn srvx prkfsL kuJ XfdF iKVx Puwl bx ky

kuJ XfdF ivCVy Xfr dIaF

kuJ XfdF sUlF bx jfxf.

jnmF qoN ruwsI bhfr dIaF.

kuJ ijLMdgI ilaf ky dyxI hY

kuJ af ky isMjxf ijLMdgI nUM

kuJ mOq df sOdf kr jfxf.

kuJ amrvyl hY bx jfxf.

kuJ XfdF…

kuJ XfdF…

kuJ XfdF buwkl mfvF dI

kuJ XfdF buwkl bohVF dI

kuJ inwky inwky cfvF dI.

kuJ XfdF syj ny QohrF dI.

kuJ Bwuilaf gIq suxf jfxf

kuJ TMzIaF CfvF dyxgIaF

kuJ Kuwisaf mIq imlf jfxf.

kuJ hOky srvx dy jfxf.

kuJ XfdF…

kuJ XfdF…

rubfeIaF ardfs kr imhrMmq swcy prvdgfr qUM.

aijhI skfrqmk soc dy mflk lokF leI sLfier bsLIr bdr ny iliKaf hY:

sVdf bldf jgq jlMdf Tfr qUM.

ijs idn sy clf hUM, myrI mMijl py njLr hY

iPr aMgfr ivCfey ny nmrUd ny,

afKoN ny kBI mIl kf, pwQr nhIN dyKf

kyvl isMG inrdosL

aMigafrF nUM muV krdy guljLfr qUM. PAGE 5


The Patrika 

Friday, February 24th, 2017

$29.4-million back-to-school boost for B.C. classrooms


overnment is giving schools throughout the province a funding lift to support student learning, cut costs for families and bring B.C.’s new curriculum to life in classrooms with the new $29.4-mil- skills they need to succeed in college, university and the workforce. lion Student Learning Grant. Government will begin flowing the ex- B.C.’s 60 school districts will receive tra funding to public and independent a total of $27.4 million based on the schools in the coming weeks so they number of students in their district. can begin working with parents and Independent schools will receive $2 teachers to prepare for the new school million. School districts will be notiyear. Schools will be required to put fied about the amount of funding they a priority on purchasing supplies and will receive before the end of February. resources that reduce costs for parents School districts and independent and help teachers deliver B.C.’s new schools will be required to report to curriculum. parents and the Ministry of Education Schools can use the one-time funding on how the funds were used prior to the to purchase a wide range of supplies for start of the 2017-18 school year. schools and classrooms – everything from textbooks, hands-on learning tools and computer programs, to athletic equipment, art supplies and lab equipment. They can decide what types of learning supplies to purchase, giving them flexibility to meet the local needs of parents, students and teachers. These new resources will help teachers bring B.C.’s new curriculum to life in the classroom, so students can gain the hands-on experience, collaboration, critical thinking and communications


As a result of B.C.’s strong economic growth and fiscal discipline, government was able to identify this one-time funding and use it toward important investments like the Student Learning Grant. This builds on the Province’s record $5.1-billion funding to B.C. public schools in 2016-17. In addition to this base funding, and including the new Student Learning Grant, school districts are benefiting from new measures announced over the course of the year totalling nearly $125 million.

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika



PyPiVafˆ `c pfxI jmHfˆ hox dI smwisaf aqy ielfj

PyPiVafˆ ivwc pfxI jmHfˆ hox dI smwisaf qoN kfPI igxqI ivwc ivakqI pIVHq hn. PyPiVafˆ ivwc jmHfˆ hoey pfxI vfly mrIË bVI qklIP ivwc huMdy hn. aijhy mrIËfˆ nUM sfh vI bVI aOiKafeI nfl afAuNdf hY. qknIkI qOr `qy ies nUM ‘plUrl ieiPAUXn` ikhf jfˆdf hY. plUrl Bfv PyPiVafˆ duafly iJwlI qy ieiPAUXn df mqlb qrl pdfrQ df iekwTf hoxf hY.

kudrqI qOr `qy hox vflI ihljul dOrfn qyl (lubrIkyÈn) df kMm krdf hY. sfh aMdr iKwcx qy bfhr kwZx dOrfn PyPiVafˆ dI hlcl nUM qr rwKx vfsqy ‘plUrl PlUz` huMdf hY. sfDfrn hflfq jfˆ qMdrusqI vyly ies dI mfqrf bhuq Gwt huMdI hY. ieh qrl KUn `coN hI afAuNdf hY qy qMdrusq ivakqI ivwc ieh qrl dOry `c rihMdf hY. agr ieh qrl loV qoN iËafdf mfqrf ivwc iekwTf ho jfvy qfˆ iksy rog krky huMdf hY. ieh iewk kudrq ny ijvyˆ isRÈtI sfjx vyly kmfl ibmfrI nhIN, sgoN keI qrHfˆ dy rogfˆ ivwc kIqI hY ievyˆ hI mnuwKI srIr sfjx ivwc iewk lwCx huMdf hY. ieh iewko pfsy jfˆ (Kwby vI bhuq kmflfˆ kIqIafˆ hoeIafˆ hn. ijvyˆ qy swjy) dovyˆ pfsy ho skdf hY. purfxy ikilHafˆ dy bfhr jfˆ dyÈ dI srhwd dy nfl nfl iewk pfxI BrI nihr huMdI hY, PyPiVafˆ ivwc pfxI jfˆ plUrl ieiPAUXn jo duÈmx nUM awgy vDx ivwc rukfvt pf dy kI kfrn: ieh pfxI PyPiVafˆ dy ivwc ky bcfE df kMm krdI hY, ievyˆ hI srIr jmHfˆ nhIN huMdf, sgoN ies dy bfhr vflI ivwc ijwQy ijwQy aihm jfˆ nfjuk aMg hn, ‘surwiKaf nihr` ivwc huMdf hY. AuN j afm AuQy AunHfˆ duafly iek iJwlI huMdI hY ijs bolx-cflx dI BfÈf ivwc iehI ikhf jfˆdf ivwc qrl huMdf hY. ieh qrl AunHfˆ aMgfˆ hY ik PyPiVafˆ `c pfxI jmHfˆ ho igaf hY. dI surwiKaf pRdfn krdf hY. kudrq ny ieh vfDU pfxI keI rogfˆ dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ sfry hI aihm aMgfˆ (vfeItl afrgnË)- krky huMdf hY ijvyˆ ik: idl, idmfg, PyPVy, joVfˆ, pqflUafˆ qy inmonIaf pyt dy aMdr sfry nfjuk aMgfˆ nUM bfhrI duÈmxfˆ (ijvyˆ lVfeI-JgVf, GsuMn-muwkI PyPiVafˆ dI tI[bI[ qy durGtnf afid) qoN bcfa leI qrl vflIafˆ QYlIafˆ ivwc lpyitaf hoieaf hY. idl dy rog ieh qrl surwiKaf vfsqy aqy ienHfˆ aMgfˆ dI idl df PylH hoxf

Friday, February 24th, 2017

zf[ mnjIq isMG bwl

kMnsitRkitv pYrI-kfrzfieits (idl dy Gtx nfl huMdf hY ijvyˆ gurdy jfˆ ijgr dy bfhr vflI iJwlI df iewk rog) rogfˆ ivwc. gurdy df PylH hoxf (srIr dIafˆ pRotInË hImo-QOrYks: KUn vflf qrl jf inrf hI Gtx kfrn) KUn. brCI, cfkU jfˆ golI vwjx nfl, kYˆsr krky jfˆ aYQrosklIroiss vflI KUn dI ijgr df rog ‘isroiss` jo ÈrfbIafˆ ivwc nflI Pt jfx krky. vDyry huMdf hY (ies ivwc vI pRotInË Gt jfˆdIafˆ hn) kfeIlo-QOrYks: icwtf ijhf qrl, ilMP dy lIk ho jfx krky. bwicafˆ ivwc sokVy dI ibmfrI- kvfÈfAukfr (srIr dIafˆ pRotInË Gtx kfrn) pfieE-QOrYks: pfk vflf qrl, ies nUM aYˆmpfeImf ikhf jfdf hY, jo inmonIaf gTIaf jfˆ joVfˆ dI soj ivwc keI vfr plUrf jfˆ PyPVy dI iksy ienPYkÈn dI AulJx dI soj vI ho jfˆdI hY qy pfxI iekwTf ho vjoN huMdI hY. ies siQqI ivwc rogI gMBIr jfˆdf hY. huMdf hY aqy buKfr qy kfˆbf lgdf hY. jfˆc: plUrf df jfˆ PyPVy df kYˆsr jo pRfiemrI jfˆ mrIË koloN puwC-igwC aqy zfktrI muafieny (stYQoskop nfl) qoN ipwCoN qPqIÈI tYst sYkMzrI ho skdf hY. krvf ky pUrf zfiegnoiss bxdf hY qy Aus alfmqfˆ: loV qoN vDyry qrl jmHfˆ hox nfl dy muqfibk hI ielfj huMdf hY. aYksry qy PyPVy dwby jfˆdy hn. sfh lYx vfsqy pUrI sI[tI[ skYn qoN pqf lwg jfˆdf hY ik pfxI qrHfˆ PYl nhIN skdy so sfh aMdr iKwcx iewko jfˆ dovyˆ pfsy Biraf hoieaf hY. jy ieh ivwc qklIP mihsUs huMdI hY. CfqI ivwc kfPI iËafdf mfqrf ivwc hovy qfˆ rogI df drd, KMG, ihckI qy inmonIafˆ hovy jfˆ qyË sfh kuJ sOKf krn leI ieh qrl kwZ idwqf buKfr afid. qrl dI iksm anusfr plUrl jfˆdf hY. iesy kwZy hoey PlUz dy vwK vwK ieiPAUXn hyT ilKy muqfibk ho skdI hY- tYst kIqy jfˆdy hn. keI kysfˆ ivwc pihlfˆ hfeIzro - QO r Y k s: hlky pIly rM g df hI pqf huMdf hY ik rogI nUM PyPVy df jfˆ iksy pfrdrÈI qrl (sIrs PlUz) jo idl dy hor aMg df kYˆsr hY ijs kfrn PyPVy ivwc rogfˆ ivwc jfˆ KUn/srIr ivwc pRotInË dy pfxI dI smwisaf afeI hY. aijhy kysfˆ ivwc

bfkI pMnHf 24 'qy


Friday, February 24th, 2017

ICBC Claims

· Pain & Suffering · Wage Loss · Medical Expenses

The Patrika



afeI[sIo[bI[sI[ klym · dwuK qklIPF · kMm dI qnKfh · mYzIkl Krcy

Real Estate Law · Property Transfers · Mortgages · Independent Legal Advice

rIal iestyt lfa

Notary Services · Affidavits · Sponsorship Letters · Power of Attorney · Certified True Copies

notrI syvfvF

· pROprtI tRFsPr · mOrgyj · afjLfd kfnMUnI slfh · hlPIaf ibafn · rfhdfrI · muKiqafrnfmf · srtIPfeIz kfpI krnI



The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

Repair Shop

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Friday, February 24th, 2017

We do ALL this and even More! New/used cars Tune Up Brakes Exhaust Front End Work Engine Repairs Clutches Water Pumps Trany Service U-Joints Front Axle Tires Shafts Don t Despair Ect. Sat will be there.

Providing over 20 years of Professional Automotive Repair expertience right here in Abbotsfort!

Sat Sharma

Student Visit A large number of students and their teachers from Youth with a Mission School from Vancouver visited India Cultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas on Tuesday, February 21. Richmond’s Highway to Heaven is a

very popular place for students and adults alike to visit and look first hand the at intercultural and religious harmony on this small stretch of # 5 Road this community.More than twenty places of worship of different religious denominations call #5 Road their home The visitors were very keen to learn about Sikhism and the Indo-Canadian community. As part of their visit the students and teachers enjoyed the delicious vegetarian langar (meal) . Here the visitors are with some members of the Gurdwara Management Committee. Balwant Sanghera (604-836-8976)


Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika




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Continued from page 2...

with the Fraser Valley community to make this special event so successful. “Over 40% of the children and families in the Canuck Place program reside in the Fraser Health Region so having this community support is truly special,” said Canuck Place CEO Margaret McNeil. “The funds raised at this event by our guests and community partners ensure we can continue to provide complex clinical care to children with life-threatening illnesses and help meet doctors and volunteers step in is a huge the growing need around the province.” weight off our shoulders,” said Petra. The evening also featured a moving “This means we can simply focus on personal story from Canuck Place savouring the time we spend together. parents and Abbotsford residents, This time is a gift.” The story of their Petra Fellinger and Rolf Schwuchow, son Nicolas whose “spirit fills a room” whose son, four-year-old Nicolas, is captivated the audience and articulated on the Canuck Place program. Both the critical role Canuck Place plays in parents eloquently shared their family’s providing medical respite care for both profound experience caring for a child children and parents. with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type Patrick Roberge Productions teamed 1 and the critical role Canuck Place up with Simon Cooksley Design to has in their lives as they work through create a bold, stylish event experience their daily challenges and the need for inspired by the era of Prohibition which ongoing, regular support. was complemented by the music of the “Nicolas’ medical care can be labour Jennifer Hayes Trio and the Pacific intensive so being able to come to Mennonite Children’s Choir, as well as Canuck Place and have the nurses, the Fascinatin’ Rhythm dancers.

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The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017


Canada + India Connecting countries and cultures

Students at UFV’s Chandigarh campus, which recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary

With a UFV campus in Chandigarh, India, and the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies in Abbotsford, UFV’s proud connection with India continues to grow.



pMjfbI pihlvfn bI[sI[ rYsLilMg cYpIanisLp leI cuxy gey b I q y i d n aYbtsPorz dy W. J . M O UAT. skUl ivKy awpr PryjLr vYlI jLon slYksLn leI, bI[sI[ hfeI skUl rYsLilMg aYsLosIeysLn vloN bhuq hI vDIaf rY s L i lM g tU r nfmY N t krvfieaf igaf. ijs ivc jLon dy vwK vwK skUlF ivc pVHdy lVkIaF qy lVky pihlvfnF ny bhuq hI AuqsLfh nfl ihwsf ilaf. ijs ivc gurU goibMd rYsilMg klwb vloN Ausqfd bUtf isMG ZINzsLf vI afpxy pihlvfnF dI tIm lY ky hfjLr hoey, aqy pihlvfnF ny klwb vfsqy mYzl ijwqy. mYzlF df vyrvf ies pRkfr hY: 1[ idafl isMG sLyr igwl golz mYzl 2[ jwgI gfKl golz mYzl 3[ qnjoq kfhloN golz mYzl 4[ krm sLyr igwl golz mYzl 5[ akfsL suMz islvr mYzl PAGE 12

6[ suKmfn ilwDV islvr mYzl 7[ idlpRIq rMDfvf islvr mYzl 8[ sMnI ibMinMg islvr mYzl 9[ prvyjL DflIvfl cOQf sQfn Xfd rhy 2, 3, 4, mfrc nUM bI[ sI[ dy bhuq hI sohxy sLihr slmn afrm ivc bI[sI[ hfeI skUl rYsLilMg cYpIanisLp krvfeI jf rhI hY. ijs ivc gurU goibMd isMG rYsLilMg kwlb dy ieh sfry pihlvfn Bfg lY rhy hn. klwb dI hor jfxkfrI leI Pon nM: blvIr isMG Plpoqf-604-807-6455

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

kfly Dn nfl lihlhfAuNdI hY dyĂˆ ivwc isafsq dI Psl zf[ virMdr BftIaf

ivwq mMqrI arux jyqlI ny ies vfr dy bjt ivwc isafsI cMdy `qy iskMjf kwisaf hY qy aYlfn kIqf hY ik hux koeI vI isafsI pfrtI 2000 rupey qoN iĂ‹afdf dfn nkdI ivwc nhIN lY skygI. dfn lYx leI isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM cYk jfˆ izjItl moz apxfAuxf pvygf aqy 2000 rupey qoN vwD rkm dy cMdy (dfn) df ihsfb cox kimĂˆn nUM dyxf pvygf. ies dy nfl isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM izjItl pymYˆt apxfAux `qy keI qrHfˆ dI Cot imlygI. Kfs gwl ieh hY ik cMdf dyx vflf afpxf nfˆa gupq bxfeI rwKx leI isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM bfˆz dy rUp ivwc dfn dy skdf hY.

cMdy dI hwd 20 hĂ‹fr rupey qoN Gtf ky 2 hĂ‹fr rupey krn dI isPfrĂˆ kIqI hY.

ies dy leI kimĂˆn ny jn pRqIinDqf aYkt 1951 ivwc soD krn df suJfa vI idwqf sI. iPlhfl isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM imldf cMdf afmdn kr aYkt 1961 dI Dfrf 13 (ey) hyT afAuNdf hY. ies dy qihq pfrtIafˆ qoN 20 hĂ‹fr rupey qoN Gwt dy nkd cMdy df somf nhIN puwiCaf jf skdf. ieh afm Dfrnf hY ik Aus ivvsQf dI vrqoN kr ky isafsI pfrtIafˆ cMdy dy rUp ivwc kflf Dn lYˆdIafˆ hn. ieh vI iĂ‹kr Xog hY ik isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM imlx vflf 80-85 PIsdI cMdf 20 hĂ‹fr rupey qoN Gwt rkm dy rUp iĂ‹kr Xog hY ik ies qoN pihlfˆ isafsI ivwc huMdf hY qy ies dy somy vjoN axpCfqy pfrtIafˆ 20 hĂ‹fr rupey qwk df cMdf nkd vrkrfˆ df iĂ‹kr kr idwqf jfˆdf hY. rkm dy rUp ivwc lY skdIafˆ sn aqy Aus kuJ idn pihlfˆ isafsI cMdy ivwc kfly df ihsfb cox kimĂˆn nUM vI nhIN dyxf pYˆdf Dn dI vrqoN df ieh muwdf mflIaf skwqr sI. ipCly kuJ smyˆ qoN dyĂˆ ivwc kfly Dn hsmuK dy iewk ibafn nfl AuiTaf sI, ijs ivruwD CyVI geI jMg dOrfn isafsI pfrtIafˆ nfl Brm bixaf sI ik isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM nUM bynfmI soimafˆ qoN imlx vfly cMdy df muwl imldy nkd cMdy nUM lY ky srkfr ny nvIN Cot pRmuwKqf nfl AuiTaf hY. aqIq ivwc suxn nUM idwqI hY, pr jdoN ies ibafn `qy ivvfd KVHf imilaf sI ik BfrqI cox kimĂˆn ny nkd hoieaf qfˆ spwĂˆt ho igaf ik tYksyĂˆn soD kfnUMn dy qihq isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM koeI

bfkI pMnHf 29 'qy

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock


Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business. We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? ‚ Â?‚ Â? Â? Â? ƒ Â? ƒ Â? „ Â? Â? Â… Â… Â? Â? ‚ „ ‚Â? † € ƒ Â? ƒ Â… † Â? Â? Â? ‚ Â? „ „ Â? Â? Â?† ‚ Â… Â… Â? „ „ Â? Â… Â? Â? Â?

When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰

We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

�€ � � � � �„ … � � … � �

We offer:

Expert Consulting Competitive Pricing Exceptional Quality Stock A Wide Selection of Varieties Complete Customer Satisfaction

Â? ÂŒ Â? ‰ Â? Â? † € Â? € „ Â… ÂŒ ÂŽ ‘­Â’ “”• –——”


For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

PAGE 14 Friday, December 25th, 2015

The Patrika

MSPjI premiums more guCutting rU qyg bhfdr dI aflmI mnuwKputs I aiDkfrF nUM dyxmoney

Yesterday, I presented British Colum- still choosing to leave B.C. families nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU bia’s fifth-straight balanced budget. like yours with more money in their vwloN idwsuccessive qy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI pockets jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk DIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI Each surplus illustrates to make theirivro own choices. ieiqhfs ‘c invy k lf sQfn hfsl hY . Au n H f ˆ rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivro Iafˆ dI our determined commitment to grow With Budget 2017 we intend toDmove vw l o N iqM n sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI rw i Kaf leI Au n H f ˆ nU M afpxI ku r bfnI dy x peI. a strong, job-creating economy; invest to eliminate Medical Services PlanI predfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nfl idw l I ivw c in priority programs; and keep the cost miums. As a fiaijhIafˆ rst step, keI we are cutting mnuwKI ieiqhfs imsflfˆ nfl nvMgovernment br 1675 nUM idw I geI kurfor bfnIyou, nUM isw Kfˆ MSP of affqordable the premiums in half for families and, Biraf ho i eaf hY ijw Q y lo k fˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl individuals with family net incomes of taxpayer. kOm jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ. afpxy krdIlike hYY. muancient gl hkUm q dy julnow, mfˆ iKlfÌ ItXfd seems history but up $120,000 efflo ective ihwqtofˆ qo N AuWpr Auper WT kyyear, aijhy kfˆ ny JanunYiqk afvfË bu l M d krn aqy ÈhIdI pR f pq krn dy just four years ago many were skepti- ary 1, 2018. As arÈn result, in pr addition kfblIaq df pR d kIqf gu r U qyto g mMqvthat ipCly qy reliably Aucycy arQfˆ bfry toajy cal B.C.asl could return a the estimated two million people who bhfdr jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivro D Iafˆ qwk shI aiDaY n nhINMuch kIqf igaf aqyworld nf hI currently pay no premiums, a further balanced budget. of the dy hwkfˆ dI rwiKaf leI afpxI kurbfnI dy ky shI pirpy K qo N Go i Kaf igaf hY . ipCly kuJ two was still pinned under an economic million British Columbians will ijs nYiqk-rUhfnI bulMdI nUM Coihaf, Aus dI dhfikafˆ qoof N mnu wKI hwkfˆ proportions. bfry aflmI aMB.C. dolnfˆ see downturn historic their premiums cut in half—a imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhIN imldI. dy AuBfr finfl x sfnUM mhfn gurU dI ÈhIdI ranked fth huamong the provinces in move that will put almost $1 billion ies leI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI ipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ dy arQfˆ dI Koj in economic growth. the pockets of middle-class British bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf krnbalance df mOkf imilaf hY. Yet that budget we did, and Columbians. jf skdf . step not by raising taxes we have delivered successive bal- We take hYthis mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf anced budgets every year since. And elsewhere, but by drawing on the jfˆdf hY- shfiek jfˆ kfnUMnI phuMc aqy suBfivk gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM the B.C. economy has emerged from benefits of having of sM Canada’s dyKidafˆ aflmI mnuwKI one aiDkfr sQfvfˆ vI phuMcmiddle . pihlIofqrH fˆ dI phuto Mc dO rfn mnu the the pack again be wKaI strongest economies. A typical family Au n H f ˆ nU M afpxy mo Z Iafˆ ivw c o N iek df drjf dy aiDkfrfˆ M kuJ isafsI tIicafˆ nUM hfsl of four paying full premiums will leader in nU Canada. save rhIafˆ hn. krn leI hiQafr vjoN vriqaf df hYcits, aqy $900 per year in 2018. A single parent While others struggle withjfˆdefi mnuwhave KI hwkthe fˆ dIfreedom rfKI bfry crcf krdy lMznnet afDfrq aiDkfr and jQybMdI we to choose howsmy to ˆ with incomemnuwKI up to $40,000 two iPrkU v fd Pu w t pY ˆ d f hY . iPrkU so c pnpx df amnY s tI ieM t rnY È nl ny gu r U qy g bhfdr invest our surpluses. We can choose to children will see their monthly preminqIjfthe iehservices huMdf hY ikour mnucitizens wKI hwkfˆ dydepend rKvfly ums jI dIdrop ÈhIdIfrom nMU mnu wKI hwtokfˆ$23. dI mhw qf nfl fund $46 Aqfamily afpxy BfeIcfry , afpxI kO m , ivcfrDfrf aqy with joV kynet Ausincome bfry ivcfr-vtfˆ drf vIand kIqftwo sI. on without running deficits that our of $35,000 isafsI sihXo dy hwQ Toky bxwill ky rihhave jfˆdy children children andgIafˆ grandchildren will their monthly premiamnYstI ieM trnYsee Ènl Aus smy ˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ hn.pay hwdback. qfˆ AudWe oN ho jfˆcan dI hYchoose jdoN iestosocinvest qihq ums to eliminatedaYentirely. dy ivÈv-ivafpI lfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI iksy ivro D I dy mnu w K I aiDkfrfˆ dI Au l M G xf nUM Budget in building schools, hospitals and high2017 supports workers mOky aflmI mnuwKalso I aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs bfry axgoilaf kr qf jfˆdto f hYget jfˆ ivroDproperty Iafˆ dy and meidwtoday your SOLD!! ways atCall record level. And remarkably, jobs by helping iek ikqfb iqafr krvf our rhI businesses sI. jQybMdI vwto loN mnuwKhave I hwkfˆ the dI rfKI df ivro hoxboth lwg pYwhile ˆdf hY. be we ability to Ddo more competitive. Starting October ies pRfjYkt df AudyÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKI hwkfˆ ies dy Ault suBfivk phuMc qihq mnuwKI dy alMbrdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI df isrlyK ‘id lONg mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy Rajin Gill jfˆdI hY. Auh Bfvyˆ afpxy hox jfˆ ivroDI Kymy ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI dy. ies soc dI dlIl hY ik778.982.4008 mnuwK hox dy nfqy dy rfiKafˆ ‘cwww.facebook.com/RajinRealEstate/ Èfml hY . bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jOhn illbrn (1617sfry iensfn ivÈyÈ hwkfˆ dyrajinrealtor@gmail.com hwkdfr hn. ieh @RajinRealtor ivlIam pYWn phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf 57), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), (1644-1718) aqy voltyar (1694-1778) nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, Homelife Glenayre Realtyhn. Èfml www.rajinrealtor.com ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI kuJ ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI soc nUM qfkq bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY. kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr` 30635 Curlew Drive 3020 Crossley Drive 32550 Huntingdon Rd gurU jI vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI kfrnfˆ AuWqy Jfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh CuitafAux vfˆg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukmrfn, aOrMgËyb dy julmfˆ df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf afpxI musilm pRjf AuWqy julm Zfh irhf huMdf sI aqy Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf mMgx afey qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh hI qur nf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, sn. AuhRenovated ies West afsAbbotsford nfl gurU jI kolBeautiful afey West snAbbotsford Home. 19.7 Acres in blueberries Home with legal Close to all ameneties, Approx. 6sImq years duke variety Au h iksy Drm ivÈy È qw k nhIN sI. iehI ik rUhfnI ÈKsIaq qbf to Highway 1, bedroom suitevjoN AunHfˆ df aihm easyruaccess home and out buildings tenant @ $900/month all levels of school, highstreet, property is close to UFV, mhfn bxfAuNdf hY. hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdÈfhandnUlocated M qwQ AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq nUM vwDfreeway. Call Fruiticana. Bring your offers!! Motivated sellers smJf ky Aunwill Hfˆ not nUtoday, M last! musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgyCall . behind asIN iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy Call ieiqhfsk today for showing! for more info! cfˆdnI cOk smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pM i zqfˆ vw l o N gu r U jI $ 3,495,000 ijs$ 664,500 Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf $ 639,000 dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM muÈklfˆ264th Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cM5411 gI qrH fˆ isrP Street - Langley Gladwin Road iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn asQfn nhIN mMinafLooking jfxf cfhIdf. toies sellasQfn aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy your home or df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ieh kdm mhfn gufarm? Call me qy rU dI gYr -sMprdfiek ny lMgr, sMgq aqy pMgq dI pRQf rfhIN smfijk bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly today for xanUM mfnqf idRÈtIko INVESTORbrfbrI ALERT - GREAT aqy Dfrimk nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf.5 acre ies blueberry farm qy akIdq dy x vw l dy r nfl LOCATION! 6.4 acres of vacant spacious 3400 sf house FREE cuwikaf, pr rfhIN Au nlocated Hfˆ CUqCfq dI buSubject rfeI nUM BMizaf,very ijs land in Langley. Blue cropdI and duke variety, aiqaM q Zu k vfˆ kdm ho v y g f. property faces West and is in RU-5 drip system- irrigation system bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. NO OBLIGATION zoning. Fertile soil suitable for a very close to the city wide variety of crops, and z bru k s XU n IvristI, iswK Drm dIafˆ ienHffruits ˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky - ly K k afksPo rEVALUATION!! vegetables. afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk qO r ‘qy gu r U qy g $ 775,000 $ 1,399,000 bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk pRoPYsr hY.


Friday, February 24th, 2017 PAGE 5

     

in the pockets of BC families

1, 2017, B.C. will begin phasing out sales tax on electricity, starting with a reduction to 3.5%, and moving to full exemption on April 1, 2019. This will save small and medium-sized businesses about $50 million per year, with all businesses saving more than $160 million annually. We’re also reducing the small business tax rate to 2% from 2.5%, effective April 1, 2017. This means B.C. will have the second lowest small business tax rate in Canada. Our strong economy allows us to cut these taxes while continuing to invest in the programs and services you depend on. With this budget, we lay out a plan for significant new investments in classrooms. The Education budget will increase by $740 million over three years compared to last year’s fiscal plan, including $228 million to fund enrolment growth and new funding for rural education, student transportation, K-12 salary costs, continued funding for the Learning Improvement Fund, and an incremental $320 million in interim funding over three years while government works to conclude a final agreement with the BCTF on class size and composition. Budget 2017 is also funding $2 billion in school capital projects over three years—to build,

replace, renovate, seismically upgrade, and repair schools across the province. The Ministry of Health will see a three-year increase of $4.2 billion compared to 2016-17, including funding to support a $100-million, three-year enhancement in services for mental health and substance use, particularly for youth. We’re also providing funding to support families, individuals and children most in need, including for Grand Chief Ed John’s report on Indigenous Child Welfare and to increase to income assistance rates for persons with disabilities. With discipline and prudent fiscal management, British Columbians will begin to reap the benefits of the solid economic foundation we have laid. Sticking with these principles will continue to deliver the dividends of strong economic growth and affordable government services. A balanced budget may not be enough to grab headlines in British Columbia anymore, but British Columbians have a right to be proud of what they have accomplished. Finance Minister Michael de Jong


The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017





or the fourth year in a row, Sikhs across Canada, in partnership with the World Sikh Organization of Canada, joined to take part in the One Billion Rising movement by providing care packages, treats and baked goods to approximately 1500

that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than one billion women and girls. This initiative was launched by the WSO in 2013 in Vancouver and has subsequently spread across Canada. This year, for the first time, Sikhs in Winnipeg also took part in the One Billion Rising initiative.

Truck (Edmonton) and other local our communities and this event provides an opportunity to raise the issue partners. but also lets us do something nice for Generous support for dental care items those that have been directly affected. in the care packages was received from We are proud that this year WSO is Airport Dental Centre (Brampton). offering the Sikh Family Helpline as a WSO President Mukhbir Singh said, resource to women and families facing “The WSO’s One Billion Rising initia- violence or other issues. We are very tive has spread faster and farther than grateful to our community partners and we could have imagined and is growing organizations across Canada without every year. Violence against women is whom this event would not be the sucan issue that needs to be discussed in cess it is today.”

Volunteers gathered in each city to prepare packages which included a variety of items, including, gift cards, personal care women and children in shelters in products and plush toys for children. Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Win- This year, WSO was joined by Punjabi nipeg, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Community Health Services (Calgary), Valentine’s cards prepared by Sikh Ottawa Sikh Academy, Gurdwara Sachildren accompanied the packages. hib Brahm Bunga (Montreal), ConcorOne Billion Rising began as a call to dia Sikh Students Association, McGill action based on the staggering statistic Sikh Students Association, Seva Food



The Patrika 

nyqf jI dI guMmsLudgI irport

sfzy ipafry nyqf bdlU rfm jI ipCly pOxy afp jI nUM afKrI vfr sLihr dy cONk ivc nOvIN vfly nfgirk sLfsqr vfly mfstr dy mOlf bKsL dI aQfh BfsLx idMdy dyiKaf igaf pMj sflF qoN guMm hn. afm ZMgF rfhIN AunHF nUM lwBx dy sfzy sfry sI. AumId hY afp hux vI iksy nf iksy ikrpf kfrn afp nUM pqf hY ik mnuwK smfijk pRfxI hY. so afp iekwly sLihr BfsLx dy rhy hoxgy. Xqn asPl ho cuwky hn. nyV-qyV dy ielfikaF ivc spIkrF rfhIN BfsLx idMdy smyN afp pMj imMt ivc sO vfr kdy nhIN rihMdy, ds vIh JolI cuwk hr smyN nfl rwKdy hn, ijhVy hr smyN grIbI htfAux dy vfady krdy hn, muinafdI krf cuwky hF, kMDF qy iesLiqhfr lf-lf vyK cuwky hF qy Qfxy vI Jwt bfad bfhF cuwk ky nfary lfAuNdy hn afp dI hF ivc hF imlfAuNdy hn. so ijwQy vI iksy afdmI nUM Gyr ky lok qy keI vfr josL ivc GsuMn vI irport ilKf ky dyK cuwky hF, pr hwQ pwly kuJ nhIN afieaf. ies muihMm mfrdy hn. josL ivc GsuMn mfrn dI ies ‘hF jI! hF jI!’ “awCf jI, awCf jI!” ‘bhuq awCf’, ‘TIk hY jI’, afid afdq kfrn afp do vfr ivc Gr dy brqn qy vhutI dIaF vflIaF ivk cuwkIaF hn qy ds hjLfr afpxy sYktrI dy, pMj vfr surwiKaf gfrzF kihMdy hox qF smJ lYxf ik ieh sfzy guMmsLudf nyqf jI hI hn. dy qy pwcI ku vfr mfeIk dy krjL Qwly awz afey bYTy hF. hux aKIrly hiQafr vjoN aKbfr df shfrf ilaf hY.

vfly dy bwqI dy bwqI dMd kwZ cuwky hn.

QF-QF BfsLx dyx kfrn afp jI dI afvfjL lfAUz spIkr vFg ienHF ny Kwdr df kmIjL pjfmf pfieaf hY qy isr qy topI leI hY. AuWcI ho geI hY. afm gwlF kridaF vI ienHF dI afvfjL iek mIl qwk igrigt rMg bdlx ivc mfhr huMdI hY, afp pfrtI bdlx ivc mfhr arfm nfl suxI jf skdI hY. qrk BrpUr qy josLIlIaF gwlF krn kfrn hn. so ho skdf hY, hux afpny icwtI jF nIlI pwg bMnH leI hovy qy pjfmy afp afm gwlF kridaF vI lVdy pRqIq huMdy hn. dI QF inwkr pf leI hovy.


Friday, February 24th, 2017

blrfj isMG jf sFBdy hn. PYvIkol dy pwky joV vFgUM kursI nfl jf juVdy hn qy iPr ieMc vI nhIN ihwldy. AumId hY hux vI iksy kursI nfl icMbVy bYTy hoxgy. so ienHF nUM lwBx smyN hr qrHF dI kursI qy bYTy lokF nUM jLrUr ghu nfl dyK lYxf. gFDI jI dy cyly hox kfrn afp BydBfv qoN kohF dUr hn. iksy iksm dI kursI nfl Byd-Bfv nhIN krdy-lwkV dI, lohy dI, iqMn lwqF vflI, do lwqF vflI, hr qrHF dI

kursI `qy bYTx dy afp mfhr hn. so nvIaF kursIaF nUM hI nhIN, sgoN Gr vfly afp nUM aiDafpk bxfAuxf cfhuMdy sn, pr borz dy tuwtIaF BwjIaF kursIaF nUM vI ghu nfl dyK lYxf. koeI pqf nhIN ikho qfnfsLfhI vqIry kfrn afp df rfsLtr inrmfqf bxn df supnf aDUrf ijhI kursI nfl icMbVy bYTy hox. rih igaf. idRV ierfdy dy hox kfrn afp afp hr qrHF df AudGftn krn ivc ivsLysL ny hONslf nhIN Cwizaf qy nyqf muhfrq rwKdy hn. awj bx ky hI sfh ilaf. acyq mn ivc kursI qwk lwKF irbn kwt ky anykF pRdrsLnIaF, moh hox kfrn afp hux vI numfiesLF qy iemfrqF df imlKf isMG vflI spIz qy dOV ky kursI

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017



AudGftn kr cuwky hn. kYNcI hr smyN afp pqf nhIN ienHF pMjF sflF ivc afp jI ny dI jyb ivc hI huMdI hY. jy ho ikMnIaF pfrtIaF qy sky qF suwqy hoey lokF dI vI qlfsLI jLrUr ikMnIaF zrYWsF bdlIaF hn. rwb jfxy hux leI jfvy qy ijs dI jyb `coN Auh pjfmf pihndy hn, pYNt kYNcI inkly, smJ lYxf ik ieh sfzy nyqf jF inwkr. pgVI bMnHdy hn jF topI pihndy jI hI hn. ho skdf hY, hn? so ies guMmsLudgI AudGftn df mOkf nf imlx kfrn, awjkwlH irport nfl asIN AunHF dI Poto Cpx leI afp iesy kYNcI nfl drjI nhIN Byj rhy. bx ky kwpVy kwt rhy hox, nfeI bx ky isr sfzy nyqf jI nUM lwBx vfly nUM AunHF vwloN kIqy muMn rhy hox jF mflI bx ky JUTy vfaidaF dy 51 vfV brfbr kr rhy hox. so nyqf jI nUM Qfl qy rul rhy nINh pwQrF dy 101 trwk lwBx smyN ies qrHF dy lokF nUM vI ienfm vjoN idwqy jfxgy. Kfs ghu nfl dyK ilaf jfvy. aiDafpk BrfvF nUM Kfs apIl hY ik Auh lokF qoN vfr-vfr votF mMgx kfrn afp CuwtIaF df BrpUr Pfiedf jI nUM hr jxy-Kxy awgy hwQ joVn dI afdq pY cuwkI hY. so ijwQy vI AuTfAux qy sfzy guafcy nyqf jI nUM lwB ky ienfm pRfpq krn. ienfm koeI ibnF gwloN hwQ joV irhf hovy jF idl KolH ky ‘isbfkf smfeIl’ vMz nf imlx dI sUrq ivc hyT ilKy pqy `qy jLrUr isLkfieq drj krvfAux. irhf hovy, qF smJ lYxf ieh sfzy nyqf jI hI hn.

POrI kfrvfeI hovygI.



The Patrika 

Friday, February 24th, 2017

C3 in March at The Reach has you participate in art to taking a visual tour of Provence! Culture, Coffee & Cookies (C3) at The Reach Gallery Museum heads into the month on Wednesday, March 1st at 10:30am with local artist Linda Klippenstein engaging the public in her special hands-on Walking Strong Together: Community Art Project. She has already distributed art canvases to diverse groups in Abbotsford that encourage its people to participate in this community art project, which will later be on display at various local venues. At the free March 1st Reach event, you can help create a beautiful art piece. No artistic experience necessary, as the design has already been drawn on to the canvas - you will simply apply paper to different sections of the design. On March 8th at 10:30am, Dave Watts will talk about the Power Pioneers, a very active retiree organization making a difference in their community. One of their active roles is to preserve the history of BC Hydro and its predecessor companies. Watts will show their story through a power point and through history books that they have published. On March 15, it’s an off-site tour that meets at 10:30am at the Sikh Heritage Museum at 33089 South Fraser Way. The coordinator at the Centre for IndoCanadian Studies at UFV, Sharanjit Sandhra, will lead you through the Sikh Heritage Museum exhibit (Dis) Enfranchisement 1907-1947: The Forty-Year Struggle for the Vote. It investigates and presents the arduous struggle for the South Asian franchise and the right for equal recognition and citizenship with other Canadians. This exhibit also pays homage to the stories of franchise for Chinese-Canadians, Japanese-Canadians and women of European descent.


Then on March 22nd at 10:30am, it’s back at The Reach with Rod Lafond and his Travel and Photography: A Month in Provence experience. Picture this: you have rented a house in the heart of an ancient village of just 500 people, surrounded by vineyards. Life centers on the café in the village square.

Adapt to the pace of Provencal life, use your rented car to explore nearby towns, sprawling farmers’ markets, Roman ruins and more. Take a side trip to Cannes and Monaco and be sure to take lots of photos. Make memories with Lafond! On the morning of March 29th, Marian Flodin returns with Part 2 – Our Ukrainian Adoption: Bringing Zhenya Home. Flodin will reveal her family’s journey as they adopted a 13 year-old girl from Ukraine and the events that followed, including bringing their daughter home. The free Wednesday morning C3’s will stimulate and provide learning opportunities for people of all ages in a social coffee-style setting. For more information or to pre-register for Culture, Coffee & Cookies at The Reach, 32388 Veterans Way, go online at thereach.ca/ events-programs and click the link, or phone: 604 864 8087 (dial “O”).

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika 


Veteran Music Composer “Khayyam” launches his Jukebox titled “Soothing Melodies of Khayyam” on Bewafaii, Umrao Jaan, Bazaar, Razia Sultan & Lorie among others. He has Filmi Gaane Youtube Channel won several accolades for his work 20 February’17,Mumbai: Shemaroo including 3 Filmfare awards, a National Entertainment Ltd pays tribute to the Award & Padma Bhushan. He is not veteran music composer Mohammed only an unparalleled artist, but gem Zahur Khayyam ji, popularly known of a person. He also recently formed as Khayyam Saab, on his 91st birthKHAYYAM PRADEEP JAGJIT day. On the occasion, Khayyam saab KAUR (KPJ) Charitable Trust and launched his jukebox titled “Soothing donated all his wealth to the trust to Melodies of Khayyam” on Filmi Gaane provide a helping hand to the needy Youtube channel. from the music fraternity. Soothing Melodies of Khayyam feaWatch Khayyam Saab’s special juketures 20 original song videos from box “Soothing Melodies of Khayyam” films like Bazaar, Shagoon, Footpath and Subscribe to YouTube channel and Lorie among others. A compilation “Filmi Gaane” - a treat for every Hindi of handpicked & rare melodies that is Film Music Lover and the one-stop sure to be loved by his audience. One digital destination for Retro Bollywood needs to visit https://www.youtube. Melodies. com/watch?v=PzsCL5x2tDY to enjoy About Shemaroo the songs. Khayyam Saab has composed music for masterpieces like Foothpath, Phir Subah Hogi, Shagoon, Aakhri Khat, Kabhi Kabhie, Trishul, Noorie, Thodisi

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The Patrika



Friday, February 24th, 2017

sqnfm Bfmrf dI sPlqf dI khfxI hY ‘vn ien ey iblIan`

sqnfm isMG Bfmrf ny Aus smyˆ bfsiktbfl dI dunIafˆ ivwc pRvyÈ kIqf jdoN sfrf dyÈ pUrI qrHfˆ ikRkt ivwc zuwibaf hoieaf sI. Bfmrf rfÈtrI bfsiktbfl sMG (aYWn[ bI[ ey[) ivwc Èfml hox vflf pihlf BfrqI bfsiktbfl iKzfrI hY. kOmfˆqrI iKafqI pRfpq krn dI ies Xfqrf ivwc sqnfm ny keI rukfvtfˆ AuWqy ijwq pRfpq kIqI aqy afpxI sKq imhnq, idRVqf, smrpx aqy inmrqf dy ies mfxmwqy rfh AuWqy kdm rwKy. 16 sfl dI Aumr ivwc Auh cIn ivwc hoeI 26vIN eyÈIafeI bfsiktbfl cYˆpIaniÈp ivwc Bfrq vwloN Kyzx vflf sB qoN Gwt Aumr df iKzfrI vI bx igaf. sqnfm vwloN ienHfˆ pRfpqIafˆ leI kIqI sKq imhnq nUM drsfAuNdI hY dsqfvyËI iPlm ‘vn ien ey iblIan`. pyÈ hY Aus nfl hoeI mulfkfq dy aMÈ:quhfzf bfsiktbfl Kyzx df sPr ikvyˆ sLurU hoieaf? mYˆ bhuq Gwt Aumr df sI jdoN mYˆ bfsiktbfl Kyzx lwg ipaf sI. jdoN mYˆ 10 sfl df sI Aus smyˆ myrf kwd 5 Puwt 9 ieMc df sI. myry cfcf jI ny myry ipqf jI nUM ikhf ik mYnUM luiDafxf sports akYzmI ivwc bfsiktbfl Kyzx Byj dyx ikAuNik myrf


srIr qy kwd kfT ies Kyz leI pUrI qrHfˆ ieh dU j Iafˆ dsqfvy Ë I iPlmfˆ qo N nfl iPt hY. ies ZMg nfl mYˆ bfsiktbfl iblkul vwK hY ikAuNik ies ivwc kyvl mYˆ hI nhIN blik ies ivwc myrf pUrf dI dunIafˆ ivwc pRvyÈ kIqf. pirvfr aqy Auh sfry lok hn ijnHfˆ nfl ieMnI CotI Aumr ivwc aYWn[bI[ey[ ivwc Èfml mYˆ Kyizaf hfˆ. bhuq vDIaf dsqfvyËI hox df vwzf mukfm hfisl krky kI mihsUs iPlmfˆ bxfeIafˆ geIafˆ hn, pr Auh kIqf? kyvl iKzfrI `qy hI kyˆdirq huMdIafˆ hn, jdoN ik ies df Gyrf ivÈfl hY. iewQy qwk phuMcxf aqy dyÈ nUM mfx hfisl krvfAuxf iewk Èfndfr aihsfs hY. myry koc ies mu k fm `qy pu w j x qw k qu h fnU M ny mYnUM jo mfrgdrÈn aqy igafn AuplwbD ikhVIafˆ ikhVIafˆ muÈklfˆ df sfhmxf krfieaf, Aus qoN mYnUM ieh AuplwbDI hfsl krnf ipaf? krn ivwc shfieqf imlI hY. iewQy qwk puwjx leI mYˆ bhuq imhnq kIqI hY pr bcpn qoN hI bhuq muÈklfˆ df sfhmxf ‘vn ien ey iblIan` iks iksm dI khfxI vI krdf afieaf hfˆ. myry pYr vwzy hox hY? krky mYnUM afpxy sfeIË dI juwqI nhIN imldI dsqfvyËI iPlm ‘vn ien ey iblIan` sI. aMgryËI nf bol skx krky sports myry hux qwk dy iËMdgI dy sPr nUM bhuq hI skflriÈp hfisl krn ivwc vI bhuq vDIaf qrIky nfl ivKfAuNdI hY ik ikvyˆ mYˆ muÈkl afeI. aYWn[bI[ey[ivwc cuxy jfx qoN bfad vI mYˆ bhuq muÈiklfˆ df sfhmxf kIqf ieMnI Gwt Aumr ivwc ieMnf vwzf mukfm hfisl ijvyˆ ik AuWQoN dI BfÈf nUM smJxf, AuWQoN dy kIqf. iËMdgI dy sPr ivwc awgy viDaf aqy koc nUM smJxf. pr mYˆ kdy vI ienHfˆ muÈklfˆ muÈklfˆ aqy keI qrHfˆ dy dbfvfˆ df sfhmxf qoN hfr nhIN mMnI qy lgfqfr imhnq krky kIqf. ies nUM hI iPlm df afDfr bxfieaf awgy vDdf jf irhf hfˆ. igaf hY. jdoN quhfzy ipqf jI ny ikhf ik quhfzy AuWqy ‘vn ien ey iblIan` dUjIafˆ dsqfvyËI pirvfr, koc aqy dyÈ dI iËMmyvfrI hY, ies iPlmfˆ nfloN ikvyˆ alwg hY? df quhfzy `qy koeI dbfa ipaf?

ÈoBf ijMdl

mfqf ipqf jo vI kihMdy hn bwcy dI BlfeI leI kihMdy hn. jykr AunHfˆ ny mYnUM ieh gwl khI qfˆ kuJ smJ ky hI khI hoxI hY. mYˆ AuhI kIqf hY jo AunHfˆ ny ikhf qy awgy vI AuhI krfˆgf jo Auh kihxgy. ipqf jI dy khy df myry `qy koeI dbfa nhIN sI. Aus smyˆ myry sfhmxy iewk tIcf sI ik mYˆ afpxy dyÈ nUM mfx idvfAuxf hY. qusIN nvyˆ iKzfrIafˆ nUM koeI sMdyÈ dyxf cfhuMdy ho? imhnq hI sPlqf qwk phuMcx dI pOVI hY. nOjvfn ijhVI vI Kyz Kyzx Aus `c KUb imhnq krn qy dyÈ aqy afpxy mfqf-ipqf df nfˆ rOÈn krn.

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika 

mYN kwlH vI musIbqF df mukfblf kIqf hY aqy awj vI kr skdI hF mYN grIbI aqy bImfrI dIaF zUMGfeIaF ivwcoN lMG cuwkI hF. jdoN lok puwCdy hn ik mYN sMktF qoN iks pRkfr pfr pf skI? qF mYN iehI AuWqr idMdI hF ik “mYN kwlH vI musIbqF df mukfblf kIqf aqy awj vI kr skdI hF. kwlH kI hovygf? ies icMqf ivwc afpxy afp nUM kdy nhIN JokFgI.”

kIqy isrP jIa rhIaF hn. mYN jIvn dy jfm dI afKrI bUMd qwk pI leI hY, jd ik AunHF ny isrP Auprlf svfd hI cwiKaf hY. mYN aijhIaF gwlF jfxdI hF ijnHF nUM Auh kdy nhIN jfxngIaF. mYN AunHF vsqUaF nUM dyK skdI hF, ijnHF nUM Auh kdy nhIN dyK skdIaF. isrPL AuhI iesqrIaF ivafpk idRsLtIkox pf skdIaF hn, ijnHF dI idRsLtI mYN QuVH, sMGrsL, dusLicMqf aqy inrfsLf qoN hMJUaF nfl Dul ky sfP ho geI hovy aqy Auh cMgI qrHF vfkP hF. mYnUM hmysLf afpxI ivafpk idRsLtIkox hI AunHF nUM sMsfr ivwc sLkqI dy bfhr kMm krnf ipaf hY. jdoN mYN ipRX bxf skdf hY. afpxy aqIq nUM dyKdI hF, qF mYnUM Auh iewk XuwD Kyqr ijhf njLr afAuNdf hY, ijs ivwc mYN kTor swtF dI XUnIvristI qoN iewk drsLn tuwty supny, tuwtIaF afsF aqy tuwty sMmhon hfsl kIqf hY. Auh ieh ik sihj jIvn dy tukVy ibKry pey imldy hn. mYN hmysLf qoN ibqfAux vflI iesqrI kuwJ nhIN kr skdI. AunHF hflfqF nfl lVdI rhI hF jo iBaMkr mYN awj nUM Aus dy Ausy rUp ivwc svIkfr rUp ivwc myry ivruwD sn aqy ijnHF dy kfrn krnf iswiKaf hY. ‘kwl’ qoN BYaBIq ho ky mYN awj mYN smyN qoN pihlF hI buwZI ho geI hF. koeI sMkt AuDfr nhIN lYNdI. BivwK dI icMqf AunHF hflqF ny mYnUM apfhj aqy jLKmI kr hI sfnUM zrpok bxf idMdI hY. mYN Aus BYa nUM idwqf sI. AunHF jLKmF dy insLfn awj vI myry afpxy qoN dUr rwKdI hF, ikAuNik anuBv ny nfl hn. mYnUM isKfieaf hY ik BYa df kfrx pYdf hox qy Aus nfl lohf lYx dy leI buwDI aqy sLkqI Pyr vI mYnUM afpxy AuWqy duwK nhIN huMdf. mYnUM afpxy afp iml jfvygI. CotIaF CotIaF aqIq dy sMkt AuWqy mYN hMJU nhIN vhfAuNdI JuMjlfhtF df myry AuWqy koeI asr nhIN huMdf. aqy nf AunHF iesqrIaF nfl koeI eIrKf jdoN quhfzy suK df sfmrfj hI Zih ky quhfzy hI krdI hF ijnHF nUM musIbqF df sfhmxf cfry qrPL ibKr igaf hovy, aijhI siQqI nhIN krnf ipaf. ikAuNik mYN sMGrsL krky ivwc nOkr duafrf pfxI dy ipafly qy nvF ijLMdf rhI hF jd ik Auh ibnF sMGrsL

PAGE 21 zoroQI izks

kwpVf nf rwKxf jF rsoeI ivwc sUp Clkf aOrq sMktF nUM lY ky duKI hox dI bjfie hws ky igrf dyxf, kI arQ rwKdf hY? skdI hY Auh iksy vI gwl qoN duKI nhIN ho skdI. mYN afpxy sMktF dy kfrn duKI nhIN lokF qoN ijLafdf afs nhIN rwKxI cfhIdI, huMdI, ikAuNik AunHF sMktF duafrf hI mYN hux ieh gwl mYN iswK leI hY aqy ies leI mYN qwk jIvn dy hr pihlU qoN vfkPL ho skI awj Aus imwqr aqy vfkPL qoN vI, jo myry hF. aqy jo kImq mYN AunHF dy leI cukfeI, pRqI jLrf vI vPLfdfr nhIN huMdf aqy gwlF Auh vfjLb sI. bxfAuNdf rihMdf hY, suK pRfpq kr lYNdI hF. sB qoN vwzI gwl qF ieh hY ik mYN afpxy zoroQI izks ny ‘awj dy dfiery ivwc’ rih ky jIvn nUM hsfAuxf bxf ilaf hY ikAuNik myry afpxI icMqf AuWqy ijwq pfeI sI. Auh kihMdI jIvn dIaF gwlF hI aijhIaF sn ik jF sI-jy mYN kwlH musIbqF dy sfhmxy ztI rhI qF mYN AunHF AuWqy roNdI jF Pyr hwsdI. ijhVI qF awj vI rih skdI hF.



The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017


B.C.’s fifth consecutive balanced budget delivers the dividend of a strong economy British Columbia’s fifth consecutive balanced budget delivers the dividends of a strong and diversified economy and prudent fiscal management by cutting costs for middle-class B.C. families, investing in priority programs and services, and promoting a competitive, job-creating economy, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced today. Balanced Budget 2017 funds new investments for classrooms, mental health services, and other supports for families, children, and those most in need, while leaving nearly $1 billion more in the pockets of B.C. families by cutting Medical Services Plan (MSP) premiums in half as a first step to eliminating them entirely as it becomes affordable. Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, MSP premiums will be reduced by 50% for households with an annual net income of up to $120,000. Following this change, more than two million British Columbians will pay no premiums and a further two million will see a 50% reduction

in their premiums — cutting premiums near to levels set in 1993. A typical family of four paying full premiums will save $900 per year in 2018. A single parent with net income up to $40,000 and two children will see their monthly premiums drop from $46 to $23. A family with net income less than $35,000 and two children will see their monthly premiums eliminated. Balanced Budget 2017 makes significant new investments in classrooms. Compared to Budget 2016, the Education budget will increase by $740 million over three years, including $228 million more to fund enrolment growth in B.C. schools, funding for rural education enhancement, student transportation, K-12 salary costs, continued funding for the Learning Improvement Fund, and an incremental $320 million over three years while government works to conclude a final agreement with the BC Teachers’ Federation on class size and composition. Budget 2017 is also funding $2 billion in school capital projects over three

years — to build, replace, renovate, seismically upgrade and repair schools throughout the province. The Ministry of Health will see a threeyear increase of $4.2 billion, compared to its 2016-17 base budget, including funding to support government’s $100-million, three-year enhancement in services addressing mental health and substance use issues, particularly for youth. Budget 2017 also includes funding for $2.7 billion in health capital projects – including new patient care towers at both the Penticton Regional Hospital and the Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops.

The recent funding agreement with the federal government will provide additional resources over and above these budgeted amounts for addictions treatment and mental health. Balanced Budget 2017 provides an additional $796 million over three years to support families, individuals and children most in need, including:

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Friday, February 24th, 2017

$287 million over the next three years to the Ministry of Children and Family Development, of which $120 million is to begin addressing recommendations of the Grand Chief Ed John Report on Indigenous Child Welfare.

The Patrika 

health or substance use issues. The BC HOME Partnership program, launched in January 2017, will provide more than $700 million in repayable down payment assistance over the next three years to help over 42,000 individuals and families get into the housing mar$199 million to fund a $600 per year ket for the first time. increase to income assistance rates for persons with disabilities. As well, the threshold for the firsttime homebuyers’ program will be in$175 million to provide income ascreased to $500,000, saving first-time sistance supports for those in need, inbuyers up to $8,000 in property transfer cluding $8 million to exempt additional tax on the purchase of their first home. child-related benefits, expected to help 600 families and 1,000 children. Other changes to help support workers, jobs and the ability of businesses $135 million over three years for comto compete internationally and remain munity living services, primarily via resilient in a challenging global trade Community Living BC. climate include: The Province continues to act to adEliminating PST on electricity over the dress housing supply and improve coming two years — saving small, mehousing affordability for middledium, large and industrial businesses class B.C. families. Government has throughout the province $164 million committed $920 million to support by 2019-20, which further encourages the creation of over 5,300 affordable use of clean B.C. hydro power. This housing units. Leading up to Budget measure was recommended by the 2017, government committed an adCommission on Tax Competitiveness. ditional $65 million to fund another 380 affordable housing units to house Cutting the small business corporate the homeless and those with mental income tax rate to 2% from 2.5%.


Extending and enhancing sector tax credits for tech, Scientific Research and Experimental Development, venture capital to support innovation, commercialization and the tech sector. Investing a record $13.7 billion over three years in new and upgraded provinwould not be carrying the burden of cial taxpayer-supported infrastructure operating debt. to support services and jobs. The Province’s taxpayer-supported Government is forecasting modest debt-to-GDP ratio, a key measure of surpluses in all three years of the fiscal debt affordability, is forecast to deplan, helping keep taxpayer-supported cline to 16.0% in 2019-20, down from debt affordable. By the end of 2019-20, 17.9% in 2013-14. the direct operating debt, forecast at $1.1 billion, will be 90% lower than The independent British Columbia the $10.2 billion in 2013-14. This re- Economic Forecast Council is projectduction is estimated to save more than ing provincial real GDP growth to be $500 million in interest costs by the 2.3% in 2017, 2.2% in 2018, and an end of the fiscal plan. With continued average of 2.1% over the 2019-21 pediscipline, there will be an opportunity riod. Reflecting prudence, government for B.C. to be free of operating debt as is projecting B.C. economic growth of early as 2020-21 – which would mark 2.1% in 2017, 2.1% in 2018, and 2.0% the first time in 45 years the Province over the 2019-20 period.

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The Patrika 

Friday, February 24th, 2017

Bfrq dI rfjnIqI jnm kuMzlIafˆ KolHx dy dbky qoN pRhyË kr lvy qfˆ cMgf rhygf pMj rfjfˆ leI cwl rhy ivDfn sBf coxfˆ dy clMq dOr ivwc hfly msfˆ do rfjfˆ pMjfb aqy goaf ivwc votfˆ pYx df kMm isry ciVHaf hY, iqMn rfjfˆ AuWqrf KMz, AuWqr pRdyÈ aqy mnIpur ivwc coxfˆ df aml jfrI hY. AuWqrf KMz leI isrP iewk idn pMdrfˆ PrvrI aqy mnIpur leI cfr qy awT mfrc vfly do gyV rwKx nfl AuWqr pRdyÈ iekwly vfsqy swq gyV hoxy hn, ijhVy awT mfrc nUM mnIpur dy dUsry gyV dy nfl isry lwgxgy. igxqI sB dI igafrfˆ mfrc nUM hoxI hY. asIN pMjfb dy lok iewk gwl vwloN KuÈ-iksmq hfˆ ik eyQy cox lVfeI ivwc kuVwqx Bfvyˆ bVI sI, iPr vI cox-jMg dy afKr qwk inwjI pwDr dIafˆ gwlfˆ AuCflx vwloN iewk hwd rih geI. dUÈxbfËI ijMnI vI suxnI peI sI, Auh burI qfˆ lwgdI sI, pr hornIN QfˆeIN ies qoN bhuq dUr qwk gwl jfˆdI idwsdI hY. sMsfr dI mhfˆÈkqI khy jfˆdy amrIkf vfilafˆ dy rfÈtrpqI dI cox leI muihMm ipCly sfl bVf lMmf smfˆ cwldI rhI sI. EdoN amrIkf dy lIzrfˆ vwloN nIvfxfˆ Cohx dIafˆ ctkfry lYx vflIafˆ Kbrfˆ sux ky vI BYVf lwgf sI. zonflz trMp dI pqnI imlyinaf bfry bVI nIvIN hwd CoNhdIafˆ gwlfˆ

jiqMdr pnUM pRcfrIafˆ geIafˆ sn qy ies ivwc mIzIey df jfnkI ny lfÈ dy koloN byiewËq kr iewk ihwsf vI pUrI qrHfˆ srgrm irhf sI. ky AuTf idwqf sI. iPr isafsI ijwq jfx qoN bfad vI mIzIey vwl trMp dI jMg hoeI qfˆ jYlilqf ijwq geI hfly qwk kOV bxI hoeI hY. sfzy Bfrq ivwc qy jfnkI coxfˆ ivwc hfrn ipwCoN vI mIzIey df iewk ihwsf muwidafˆ dI bjfey isafsq qoN bfhr ho geI qy afgUafˆ qy AunHfˆ dy prvfrfˆ dy jIafˆ bfry jYlilqf df afpxy sB qoN vwzy bVy nIvyˆ pwDr dIafˆ irportfˆ pyÈ krn lwg ivroDI kruxfinDI nfl afZf lwg jfˆdf hY. ieh irportfˆ bhuqI vfrI mIzIey igaf. EdoN dovfˆ ny ies afZy ivwc dI afpxI lwBq nhIN huMdIafˆ, iewk jfˆ dUsrI iewk-dUjy dy cfl-cwlx bfry Auh iDr ny bixaf-bxfieaf msflf pYsy Krc gwlfˆ khIafˆ sn, ijnHfˆ df iËkr ky pyÈ krvfieaf huMdf hY. jdoN eydfˆ df Bwdf krnf vI ÈoBdf nhIN. bVI muÈkl ijhf mfhOl bxdf ipaf hovy qfˆ afm lokfˆ nfl Auh bihs bMd hoeI sI. nUM sInIar afgUafˆ qoN iksy syD dI afs ho AuNj ies qoN pihlfˆ jdoN aYmrjYˆsI skdI hY, pr Bfrq dI rfjnIqI ijs lIh dy bfad ieMdrf gfˆDI coxfˆ ivwc AuWqy cwl peI hY, EQy Kud vwzy-vwzy afgU hfr geI aqy jgjIvn rfm iksy sfAU syD qoN swKxy vgdy lgdy. vrgy sfrI Aumr dy nihrU-gfˆDI ies vkq bIbI jYlilqf iËMdf nhIN qy Aus prvfr dy Bgq sfQ Cwz gey bfry bhuqI crcf krI jfx dI loV vI hux sn, EdoN vI bhuq bd-mËgI nhIN rih geI, pr Aus dI AuTfx dy idnfˆ vy K I geI sI. iew k aM g ry Ë I ivwc jo kuJ qfiml nfzU ivwc hoieaf sI, Aus rsfly ivwc jgjIvn rfm dy nUM cyqy kr ilaf jfvy qfˆ mOjUdf coxfˆ ivclI puwqr dIafˆ ijhVIafˆ qsvIrfˆ ÈbdfvlI df BivwK smJ af skdf hY. iewk EdoN Cfpx df kMm hoieaf sI, AunHfˆ ny BfrqI vyly aMnf zI[ aYWm[ ky[ pfrtI dy muKI aYWm[ rfjnIqI dy nfl BfrqI smfj nUM vI ihlf jI[ rfmfcMdrn dy bhuq nyVy rhI jYlilqf idwqf sI. kfrn isrP ieh sI ik nihrUnUM rfmfcMdrn dI mOq mgroN Aus dI pqnI gfˆDI prvfr nUM jgjIvn rfm dy pfsf

vwtx qoN kOV sI, pr ijhVIafˆ qsvIrfˆ Cfpx df kMm hoieaf, AunHfˆ bfry crcf sI ik iksy KuPIaf eyjMsI ny lIk kIqIafˆ sn. srkfr dI agvfeI morfrjI izsfeI dy hwQ sI. jgjIvn rfm AusbfkI pMnHf 37 'qy

pMnHf 8 dI bfkI pihlfˆ pqf huMdf hY qy rogI dvfeI vI lY irhf huMdf hY pr keI rogI PyPVy ivwc pfxI jmHfˆ hox dI smwisaf nfl hI afAuNdy hn qy jfˆc AuprMq pqf lgdf hY ik tI[bI[ hY. ies qoN ielfvf KUn qy ipÈfb vgYrf dy tYst kIqy jfˆdy hn. inmonIafˆ jfˆ tI[bI[ ivwc ienHfˆ tYstfˆ df Kfs mhwqv huMdf hY.

nUM vyKdy hoey Aus df sfh sOKf krn leI ies pfxI jfˆ qrl nUM kwiZaf (QOrYkosYˆtyiss) jfˆdf hY. tI[bI[ rog nfl QoVHf qrl jmHfˆ hoieaf hovy qfˆ dvfeIafˆ nfl hI suwk jfˆdf hY. kYˆsr krky ieiPAUXn (milgnYˆt plUrl ieiPAUXn) hovy qfˆ vDyry kysfˆ ivwc ieh pfxI kwiZaf hI jfˆdf hY jo kuJ dyr bfad Pyr iekwTf ho jfˆdf hY. jy PyPVy jfˆ plUrf dy pRfiemrI kYˆsr df mrIË afvy hI qrl jmHfˆ hox dI iÈkfieq nfl qfˆ pihlfˆ sfry tYstfˆ nfl zfiegnoiss pwkf kIqf jfˆdf hY iPr kYˆsr dI iksm anusfr ielfj huMdf hY. AuNj, ieh iewk azvfˆsz styj huMdI hY. iDafn ivwc rwKx vflIafˆ gwlfˆ:

qrl df tYst: iewk mhwqvpUrx jfˆc huMdI hY. ies dI mfqrf (imlIiltrfˆ jfˆ iltrfˆ ivwc), rMg, KUn jfˆ pfk df rilaf hoieaf hoxf afid not kIqf jfˆdf hY. tI[bI[ dy kysfˆ ivwc hlky pIly rMg vfly pfxI nUM jfr jfˆ tYst itAUb ivwc kuJ dyr rwK CwzIey qfˆ ies ivwc mwkVI vrgf jflf ijhf bx jfˆdf hY. ies qrl dI KurdbInI jfˆc qoN tI[bI[, kYˆsr jfˆ inmonIey afid df zfiegnoiss bx jfˆdf hY qy aglf ielfj Aus muqfibk hI rog sLurU hox smyˆ hI mfihr zfktr kol kIqf jfˆdf hY. jf ky tYst/ielfj krvfE. ijMnf dyr nfl puwjogy, rog Aunf hI vDdf jfvygf. kYˆsr nfl PyPVy ivwc pfxI jmHfˆ hoxf: keI qrHfˆ dy kYˆsrfˆ ivwc PyPiVafˆ ivwc srIr dy ieimAUn isstm nUM qkqvr rwKx pfxI jmHfˆ ho skdf hY. ienHfˆ ivwc PyPVy qy vfsqy sfP-sPfeI rwKo qy sMquilq aqy plUrfdf kYˆsr pRmuwK hn. plUrf dy kYˆsr poÈitk Bojn Cko. ieh isstm hr qrHfˆ nUM ‘milgnYˆt mIËoQylIEmf` ikhf jfˆdf hY. dIafˆ ienPYkÈnË (tI[bI[ inmonIafˆ afid) sYkMzrI kYˆsr: CfqI qy aMz-koÈ dy kYˆsr qy kYˆsr dy iKlfP lVdf hY. (aOrqfˆ ivwc), ijgr, aMqVIafˆ, imhdf qy ilMPomf afid kfrn milgnYˆtplUrl iksy jfdU-tUxy vfly dy jfˆ aKOqI isafixafˆ dy cwkr ivwc kdy nf pvo. AunHfˆ kol jf ky ieiPAUXn bx jfˆdI hY. vkq brbfd huMdf hY qy Auny idnfˆ ivwc ielfj: rog df pUrf pqf lwgx `qy Aus df ibmfrI hor gMBIr ho jfˆdI hY. Kfs Aupcfr sLurU huMdf hY pr rogI dI siQqI PAGE 24

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, February 24th, 2017


Letter to the Editor I Balraj Kaur Gill want to file a complaint against the inadequate treatment or care of a medical condition. I lost my 3-year-old daughter, Nimrat Kaur Gill because of the carelessness of the staff members at the Abbotsford Regional

Feb. 5 night. I took her to the hospital at 2:00 AM on Feb. 6 for help with my husband because he was sick too. Doctor gave antibiotic to my husband but did not bother about my daughter. He said she is OK, and give her Tylenol. We went home at 7:00 am and gave her Tylenol every four hours. But she was still not feeling well. Next morning, Feb. 7 at 5:00 am, I took her to the hospital again because she could not sleep well and was having problems, but the staff was so careless, they did not pay attention to give her anything. I was telling the nurses, laboratory persons and doctors about her changing symptoms, but they did not pay attention. They did not bother to give her oxygen or any IV for her dehydration as she was vomiting. When she was almost gone, they made a code call and the whole staff was pretending to giver her CPR and after 15 minutes, they said sorry but I think that she was already gone when started their job because I was there until then but then they told me to go outside. It is such a shame that the emergency staff wasted 5 hours to think anything for a baby. Five hours are too much time to save a Hospital and Cancer Centre (Emer- life in the emergency department. Are gency Department). She had cough the doctors there only to give Tylenol and fever, and could not sleep well on or Advil to patients? I think even the

house- wives know that much. What is the use of their degrees? I have very much disappointed with their services. Our family doctor, Chaudhry, Yash has reports, if you have any questions, please check with him. I want an investigation for this case because I have lost my future there. According to me what a useless staff, they cannot do anything in two visits. They should have done an x-ray and bloodwork on the first day of the visit but they did not take it seriously even on the second day visit,

and I lost my sweet pie. In my mind, doctors at emergency departments are specialists who can save everybody or at least do their best to save lives. Unfortunately, I was totally wrong. They don’t even have time to check the patient properly. So bad… Balraj Kaur Gill 604-859-7057 778-551-4288

Editor: BC Coroners Service investigating death of child The BC Coroners Service has confirmed it is inves- members on Feb. 6, 2017, and had been discharged tigating the case of a three-year-old girl who died at home the same day. The next day her condition worsened, and she was returned to the hospital. She Abbotsford Regional Hospital on Feb. 7, 2017. died later that day. Nimrat Kaur Gill, who lived in Abbotsford, had been taken to the hospital emergency ward by family

The Coroners Act requires that all deaths of children be reported to, and investigated by, the BC Coroners Service. The purpose of the investigation is not to find fault; however, recommendations may be made that could help prevent future deaths in similar circumstances.

Letter to the Editor:Three years in pain and still no date for surgery for Osoyoos’ Lee Horn Three years in pain and still no date for surgery for Osoyoos’ Lee Horn VICTORIA - The wife of an Osoyoos man languishing in pain for nearly three years has come to Victoria to try to speed up the process of getting his hip replaced.

Gaye brought his story to the legisla- Lee and his wife Gaye had a photo tour “What’s most galling is that the governture Monday. operation in the south Okanagan, but ment ran a pilot project in Richmond “We know that under Christy Clark’s Lee’s physical pain has left him unable that actually reduced waits for hip and government, B.C. has the second worst to perform tasks that used to be routine. knee replacements by 75 per cent, but wait lists for both hip and knee replacethey discontinued funding for it,” said ments,” said New Democrat health “I want my husband back,” says Gaye, Darcy. “The result is stories about spokesperson Judy Darcy, who raised plainly. the issue in Question Period. “But Lee people like Lee; people whose lives are “Imagine being a former college footputs a human face to those troubling disrupted and who are left in terrible ball player sitting inside watching his statistics. pain waiting for surgeries. wife with two bad knees shoveling “It’s unconscionable that the health care system has left Lee in debilitating the driveway. That’s what waiting for “The Christy Clark government simply

Lee Horn waited nearly two years just for diagnostics to pinpoint the reason for his pain, and has been waiting for surgery for 538 days since he was told his hip needed to be replaced. His wife pain for more than three years.”


health care looks like.”

isn’t working for patients like Lee.”

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017




2790 Allwood Street





• Investment Opporunity • will need some TLC • 2 Bedrooms

www.veermalhi.com ING



• 1 Bath • Living space= 925 sf • Strate= $310/mth



• Lots of Updates! Close to all Schools • Perfect for 1st Time Buyer

• 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths






Abbotsford, BC V2T 3R7

• Living Space = 1768 sf • Lot = 6360 sf



• Totally Suitable! • 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths


• Living Space = 2,574 sf • Lot = 6,570 sf


• Rare Large Lot in West Abby • 2 Baths • Unauth 1 Bd Suite • Living Space = 2,584 sf • 4 Bedrooms • Lot = 8211 sf

122 - 32850 George Ferg Way


34125 Higginson Cresdcent ...........................$895,000 5 - 33890 Marshal Road ...................................$789,900 44 - 30748 Cardinal Ave ..................................$459,700 2735 Mitchel Street ...........................................$610,000



res c A 43

res c A 89

res c A 92




• Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area • 4 bedroom 2 bath

• Drip Irreg • BlueCrop/Duke & Some Equip Variety • Flat / Rectangular

6113 Beharrell Road

Lot 6 Glenmore Road


• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area

• Drip Irreg • Flat / Rectangular • Elliot Variety

es Acr 9 3 25.


•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety

• Blueberry Farm • LAND ONLY • Bradner Area

Lot B Haverman Road

cres A 2 .98


1 Ac 4 . 8 1

• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm

1639 King Road ..................................................$815,000 30544 Steelhead Court ....................................$619,900 3666 Newcastle Road .......................................$649,000 2290 Imperial Street ........................................$550,000

•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety

Lot 1 on Glenmore Road

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

• Matsqui Flats • Bare Land

• Rare Listing of this type • Minutes from town

Lot B Riverside Street

res c A 10

• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

• Mission • Full Production Blueberry Farm

• Ready for Machine Pick • 5 min from town

430 Bowman Road

5111 Tolmie Road............................................$1,149,900 4627 Dixon Road ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ........................................$874,700 565 Marion Road ........................................... $1,699,900

39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 McCallum Road ~ Agassiz ........................... $2,300,000 Taylor Road ~ MtLehman Area .................. $2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900


The Patrika


Friday, February 24th, 2017


Call for a FREE Market Evaluation AMAN HAYER





33090 Phelps Avenue, Mission

$699,000 2-31877 South Fraser Way $119,000

Beautiful 3000+Sft House with 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 full bathrooms with Living & family room. Downstairs there is a rec room with full bathroom, 2 Bdrm Basement suite. Situated in very desirable and quite neighborhood. Corner flat lot for extra parking and privacy. Close to school and parks with easy access. Early possession available. Open house Sat & Sun(Nov19-Nov20) from 1-3Pm.

Established travel agency and Western Union, great clientele in a high commercial neighborhood. Currently month to month lease of $2000.00 + GST, long term lease of 1-5 years available as well.


38388 Hawkins Pickle Road $2,495,000

10660 Farms Rd, Mission

39.79ac Blueberry farm, include two dwelling (Main House + mobile home) monthly rent income $2100. approx. 30ac palanted,17ac duke, 6ac blue crop, 6ac duke and some Elliot. Drip irrigation system. New shipping container put in for pump house. House has new roof. Field is set up for machine pick.

Full production 19.7 Acres blue berry farm( Blue crop 8 acres, Reka 4 and Duke 4 acres) set up as a machine pick on city water and only 5 mins away from Mission city.3 Bdrm house which is r e n t e d o u t f o r $1000/month.


2090 Oakridge Crst. $299,000 1st time buyers has a great opportunity to own a 2 bdrm Mobile home with huge 6700 Sft Lot (50' x 134'). Covered patio, workshop and lots of parking .NO pad rent or restrictions. No strata fees.You own the home and land! Value in land.In mobile subdivision, not mobile home park. Call for more information or to make an appointment to view.

10708 Farms Rd, Mission


$1,549,000 25062 21 B Ave


Situated in the gentle rolling hills of Langley's Otter district, this 17+ acre property features incredible potential! Entering from the quiet country road, you will find just under 2 fenced acres with a 45'x24' loafing barn, plus a well maintained 5 bdrm, 2700 sq ft, 4 lvl split home.

29295 Huntingdon Road $2,395,000

24 Acres with a view of Mount Baker, right next to the city and close to the airport. Older home renovated inside, or you can build a beautiful home with a view. Field is ready for variety of plantation. Don't miss this great offer on a great location !!

30635 Sandpiper Dr $699,000

Location !!! A huge rectangular h 9,730 sqft lot in a great neig borhood, completely renovated with new appliances, new kitchen, new windows, new flooring & new paint. Great opportunity with a great price ! Don't miss out !!

40965 Yale Rd - Chilliwack over 91 acres with two legal titles planted in mature blueberries (2005). Primarily Duke variety with some Bluecrop as well. Subject property is located just off of Yale Road exit and Hwy #1 for easy access. Solid three bedroom rancher with ajoining unauthorized suite. Former Dairy with massive out buildings and shop for storage of machinery, truck

$849,000 Trades Welcome

Don't miss the opportunity to own a 18.7 acres full production blue berry farm(14 acre Duke, 2 Blue crop & 1 acres Reka) machine pick on city water. Only 5 mins away from Mission and best fertilize land and water for blue berries. 4 Bdrm house currently rented for $1000/month.

21 acres with blueberry farm 120ac blueberry farm in Mission 7.1million with $60,000.00 Rental income in Mission for just $12,50,000.


The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017


Taz Cheema 778.255.6555

I’m not #1, my clients are

www.TazCheema.com tazc@sutton.com 15483 - 104 Ave Surrey,BC. V3R 1N9


ACTIVE C8009610 Board: F Agri-Business

40298 NICO


pMnHf 13 dI bfkI bfad isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM Cot dyx df koeI nhIN krvfeI. dbMg lihËy ivwc ikhf jfvy nvfˆ inXm nhIN bxfieaf igaf hY. qfˆ dyÈ ivwc isafsq dI Psl kfly Dn nfl lihlhfAuNdI hY. kuJ smyˆ qoN smfj dy iewk aYsosIeyÈn Pfr zYmokRyitk irPfrm dI iewk ihwsy vloN ieh gwl vfr-vfr AuTfeI jf rhI irport muqfbk dyÈ dIafˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ sI ik afKr aijhy nvyˆ inXm ikAuN nhIN dI kmfeI df 70 PIsdI ihwsf bynfmI soimafˆ bxfey jf rhy ik isafsq ivwc kfly Dn dI qoN afAuNdf hY aqy ies dI jfxkfrI pfrtI vrqoN `qy rok lwgy? notbMdI nfl jd afm nf qfˆ afmdn tYks ivBfg nUM idMdI hY afdmI dy Dn dI brIkI nfl jfˆc kIqI jf aqy nf cox kimÈn nUM. tYks mfmilafˆ dy rhI hY qfˆ isafsI cMdy dy mfmly ivwc purfxy jfxkfrfˆ dI mMnIey qfˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ iesy cln nUM ikAuN kfiem rwiKaf jf irhf hY? Cot dy ËrIey cMdy dI Kyz ivwc BfrI gVbV krdIafˆ hn. iesy irport muqfbk ipCly ies rfey nfl Èfied hI koeI asihmq 10 sflfˆ aMdr kOmI isafsI pfrtIafˆ dI hovygf ik ies smyˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM bynfmI kmfeI ivwc 313 PIsdI vfDf hoieaf imlx vflf cox cMdf Bfrq ivwc vwzy pwDr hY. 2005-06 ivwc sfrIafˆ isafsI pfrtI `qy PYly iBRÈtfcfr df iewk pRmuwK somf dI kuwl kmfeI 274 kroV rupey sI, jo hY, ies leI notbMdI nfl sLurU kIqI geI 2014-16 ivwc vwD ky 1131 kroV rupey iBRÈtfcfr ivroDI muihMm dI sPlqf leI ho geI. irport ivwc isafsI pfrtIafˆ dI ieh vI ËrUrI sI ik ies mfmly ivwc ibnfˆ kuwl aYlfnI afmdn 11367[34 kroV rupey dyrI mukMml pfrdriÈqf ilafˆdI jfvy. dwsI geI hY, ijs ivwcoN 7832[98 kroV BivwK ivwc isafsI pfrtIafˆ dy Krc dI rupey dI afmdn df ËrIaf ax aYlfinaf hwd `qy hor iÈkMjf kwsx dI loV hY. afAuNdy hY. ieho nhIN, bhuqIafˆ KyqrI pfrtIafˆ ny sflfˆ ivwc ieMtrnYt afDfrq voitMg pRxflI 2004-05 qoN afpxy cMdy dI irport jmfˆ ies ivwc mdd kr skdI hY. Virtual Tour:


Don't mis located e professio and 2 bat home; an monthly r subject p This is a

P.I.D.: Propert Zoning/

Land Sz Brochur

Property Details

Interest In Land: Freehold Environmental Assessment Phase: None Occupancy: Tenant Seller's Rights Reserved: No Amenities:

Site Services: Electricity, Lane Paved, Telephone, Septic System, S Lighting, Well

MISSION - 77 Acre Blueberry Farm

DONT MISS OUT! on this rare 77 Acre Blueberry farm, with mature blueberry production, located east of the District of Mission. The field generates good yield and income, and is professionally planted with Rika, and Elliot varieties. The property features: 1) a 3 bedroom and 2 bath single family dwelling;

40298 NICOMEN SLOUGH ROAD $ 5,200,000 imsLn izAUznI zrosL ivwc 77 eykV bilAU byrI Pfrm cMgI BrvIN Psl dyx vflf ivkfAU hY. ijs ivwc rIkf qy ielIat vrfeItI dy bUty hn. ies pRfprtI ivwc iewk iqMn bYWzrUm qy 2 bfQrUm df Gr, iewk do mMjLlf spilt lYvl df Gr, iewk lMmf cOVf tRylr Gr, iewk ivsLfl bfrn vI hY. sfrI pRfprtI coN 3200 zflr qoN Aupr ikrfieaf afAuNdf hY. imsLn dy supr stor aqy tfAUn qoN isrP 15 imMt dI dUrI hI hY. ieh pRfprtI afmdn leI afAux vfly smyN leI sunihrI mOkf hY.

2) a 2-story, split level dwelling; 3) a single-wide mobile home; 4) a large storage barn. All residences are tenanted and generate over $3200 in monthly revenue. Easy access to Lougheed Highway, located a few km to the south. The subject property is just 15 minutes away from Superstore & all other amenities in Mission. This is a fantastic opportunity to purchase with great income potential.

Restrictions: Within ALR

Office Area Sq Ft: Retail Area Sq Ft: Warehouse Area Sq Ft:

Mezzanine Area Sq Other Area Sq Ft:

Lease Details

Lease Op Cost SqF

Leased Rate Sq. Foot:

Additional Rent/S

Leased Size Sq. Foot: Lease Type:

Lease Term (Mont Lease Expiry Date

Firm: Sutton Premier Realty

01/18/2017 06:55 AM


Information herein



The Patrika 

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017




Raman Dhillon

Personal Real Estate Corporation


Gurpreet Singh Chahal www.gurpreetsinghchahal.com gurpc@hotmail.com


R E A LT Y I N C .


ibjins vIjLy ‘qy afAux vfilLaF leI suinhrI mOkf

aYgjLI ivwc kmrsLIal iblizMg ivkfAU hY, ies ivwc 2 rYjLIzYNsLIal Xuint hn| 2300 skueyar Puwt kmrsLIal jgHf ivwc qusIN afpxI psMd df stor Kol skdy ho aqy Auwpr irhfiesL kr skdy ho jF ikrfey ‘qy dy skdy ho| kImq isrP $499,000





6 New Homes

Under Construction

Townline Area. Call for more info.

Brand new house with legal suite. 6 bedrooms and 4 baths. Backlane access. Close to schools



3,800 Sqft. Gourmet kitchen, eating nook, West Abbotsford 3 bdrm & family rm up, 2 bdrm legal suite, plus recroom, washroom and living room, dining room, family room, 4 one bedroom guest suite for upstairs, Jacuzzi, bedrooms and 3 bathrooms! Lower floor spiral staircase, skylight, 2 gas fireplaces. Onyx enjoys a rec room with bar, full bathroom fixtures, tubs, etc. Close to all level of schools. and bedroom plus a 2 bedroom suite! Close to Recreational centre, easy freeway access, Close to Sikh Gurudwara, High Street Oversized lot with RV parking, double mall. Very nice house, must see, Won't last garage, quiet street, make your move long. Call for your personal view. today!







4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and 4400sq. ft. of luxury living. Every floor overlooking the valley and Mt. Baker. Large sundeck and patio. 2 Cultured stone fireplaces, large open basement with wet bar and media room. Spacious den, large master ensuite, soaring ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, extra bedroom with ensuite.

New House Bare Land



8 acres, very close to airport and new Great Neighbourhood, Huge Level Fenced Yard, covered deck. Kitchen, Massive Island, shopping mall. Great open plan living Quartz counter-tops, Gas range and stove, with soaring ceilings, wonderful spice and instant hot water, Pantry, Formal dining formal kitchens with top of the line room. Master bedroomwith a private deck. appliances, a sensational dining room and Ensuite with his and her sinks, large shower a fabulous large master bedroom and and separate tub, massive closet. Downstairs ensuite. Professional gym in the is fully finished. basement.



Starting $275,000




Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.




10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.


Sumas Prairie. Raspberry Farm Beautiful House. & BIG House!

$ 799,700





5,054.00 sq.ft.







2 bdrm + 8267 sq. NEW ft. Lot HOME 1 bdrm suite


BIG Lot for Sale with House 23,958 sqft in Abbotsford!


Industrial Warehouse



Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with Duke Blueberries, One acre Blue crop, one acre.Elliot and one acre Dixie Plants. Last year production 140,000 lbs.


High production farm, 20+ ACRES Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location Duke & Blue Crop. with smaller house. High production.

2 units. Almost 8400 sq. ft. Can be sold separately. Financing available. CHILLIWACK For Sale

Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!

8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!



bI sI dy klfsrUmF dy suDfr leI $29[4 pRvfn bI sI dy iswiKaf mMqrI mfeIk brnIar df kihxf hY ik sUby dI blvfn arQivvsQf hox krky asIN ividafrQIaF dI byhqrI nUM muK rKidaF klfsrUmF dysuDfr leI $29[4 pRvfn kr rhy hF| ies invysL nfl ieMzIpYNzYNt aqy pbilk skUlF dy hr ividafrQI nUM lfB hovygf| ies rfsLI ivcoN $27[4 imlIan pbilk skUlF leI aqy $2[00 imlIan ieMzIpYNzYNt skUlF leI hovygf| ies qrF bI sI dy60 skUl izsitRktF nUM lfB phuMcygf| 2017-18 dy skUl sflsLurU hox qoN pihlF skUl izsitRkt aqy ieMzIpYNzYNt skUl suDfr dy plYn mfipaF nUM aqy isiKaf mMqRfly nUM Byjxgy| sbMDq pRbMDkF nUMdo muK nukqy sfhmxy rwKxy hoxgy --- bYk-tUskUl splfeI dy Krcy leI shfieqf krnf aqy bI sI nvyN pfTkRm nUM klfs rUmF ivc nsLr krnf| srkfr df dfavf hY ik 2016-17 dOrfn pbilk skUlF leI $5[1 iblIan Krc kIqy gey jo afpxy afp ivc iek mIlpwQr hY| srkfr anumfn anusfr hr ividafrQI leI $50 hor Krc hoxgy|

aYbtsPorz dI 3 sflf dI bwcI dI mOq dI jFc krygI PRyjr hYlQ aQfirtI 6 PrvrI nUM 3 sfl bwcI inmrq igwl bImfr ho geI, Aus dy mfpy Aus nUM hspqfl lY gey pr sbMDq zfktrF ny ieh slfh dy ky mfipaF nUM Gr moV idwqf ik ies nUM tfeIlinOl idwqy jfvy| bwcI dI hflq muV Krfb hox qy Aus nUM mUV hspqfl ivc iljfieaf igaf| 7 PrvrIdI svyr nUM bwcI dI mOq ho geI| Aus dI mOq df kfrn df pqf nhIN lgfieaf igaf pr mfipaF df ivcfr hY ik Aus nUM inmonIaf ho igaf sI| mfpy hspqfl ivc hoey ielfj qoN bhuq inrfsL hn|N AuMnHF df iKafl hY ik hspqfl ivc Gor axgihlI kIqI geI|zfktrF ny bImfrI lwBx df Xqn hI nf kIqf| mfipaF dy ies vrlfp mgroN PRyjLr hYlQ aQfirtI vwloN jFc sLurU kIqI geI hY jo ajihIaF mOqF qoN mgroN irvfjx kIqI jFdI hY| ieh inrI rIq bx ky rih geI hY| 19 PrvrI nUM bwcI dy sskfr smyN bhuq sfry hmdrd nm awKF nfl hfjLr sn|


The Patrika 

Friday, February 24th, 2017

bI sI dI ilwkr izstrIibAUsLn bRFc lornf igbjL nUM snmfinaf jfvygf dI kusLlqf vDfeI jfvygI Medal of Good Citizenship nfl bI sI dI ilwkr vMz bRFc 1000 splfierF qoN sLrfb KrIddI hY ijMnHF ivc kYnyzIan, aqyaMqrrfsLtrI splfier sLfml hn| iPr ieh bRFc iehsLrfb Qok ivkryqfvF aqy prcUn ivkryqfvF nUMvMzdI hY| ies smyN ieh bRFc 3200 pUrbI,brOzvya aYivinAU , vYnkUvr ivcsiQq hY | hux Xojnf ieh hY ies nUM 2018 dI bsMq ruwq qwk 7003, 72stRIt, zYltf ‘qy ilaFdI jfvygI| nvIaF ‘qy afDuink vyarhfAUs mYnyjmYNt ipRikraf cflU kIqIjfvy; nvInqm hYnzilMg sfmfn lgfieaf jfvy aqy bRfc bfry jfxkfrI vI nvInZMg nfl idwqy jfxdf pRbMD kIqf jfvy| nvINXojnf bxfAux leI vpfrk, kfnUMnI aqy inafey mfhrF dI slfh leI geI| nvIN QF 10 sfl dI lIjL ‘qy leI geI hY| ies pRojYkt leI $57[1 imlIan df bwjt bxfieaf igaf hY | vrxnXog hY ik bI sI ivc 10,000 vpfrk adfiraF nUM ilwkr vycx dy lfiesYNs idwqy hoey hn| lgBg ieh sfry ies bRFc ‘qy hI inrBr hn| ieMnHF ivc rYsorYNt, bfr, hotl ieMzstrI,pRfeIvyt ilwkr stor aqy ies bRFc df prcUn izvIXn sLfml hY|

ivwq mMqrI vwloN 2017 dy bwjt ivc tYks Cot dyx df iesLfrf bwjt qoN pihlF hoey smfgm ivc bI sI dy ivwq mMqrI mfeIk zI jONg vwloN nvIN juwqI pihxn dI irvfieq nUM qoVidaF afpxI purfxI juwqI nUM nvFqlLf lgvf ky bwjt pysL krndf PYslf kIqf hY| 21 PrvrI nUM bwjt pys LkIqf jfvygf jo cox qoN pihlF pysL kIqf jfx vflf bwjt hovygf| afs hY ik $2[24 iblIan df ieh bwjt iPr srplws bwjt hovygf ijs ivc tYks Cot dy df iesLfrf KjLfnf mMqrI vwloN kIqf igaf hY| ilbrl srkfr vwloN pysL kIqf jfx vflf lgfqfr pMjvF srplws bwjt hovygf| ies qoN pihlF mfnXog pRImIar ikRstI klfrk vwloN aYm aYs pI dy pRImIamF nUM vI soDx dI gwl kIqI sI| hux keI hflqF ivc ieh iksq awDI rih jfvygI|

23 PrvrInUM sfAUQ vYnkUvr nybrhuz hfAus ivKy vYnkUvr dI nfigRk lornf igbjL nUM mYzl aOP guwz istIjLnisLp nfl snmfnq kIqf jfvygf| Aus nUM ieh snmfn vYnkUvrPRyjLrivAU dI ivDfiek sUjLyn aYNtn pysL krygI| ieh snmfn aijhy sLihrI nUMidwqf jFdf hY ijs ny kimAUintI ivc ivlwKx syvf kIqI hovy| lornf aijhI syvf anyk kimAuintI izvYlpmYNt mfmilaF,kmytIaF, eyjYNsIaF ivc sLfml ho ky bjLurgF dIaF loVF pUrIaF krn leI smrpn rhI hY| 30 sflF qoNvYnkUvr ivc rih rhI lornf vwK vwK swiBafcfrF nfl sbMDq bjLurgF nUMiekwiTaF krn leI srgrm rhI| AuMnHF dIaF khfxIaF suxdI ; AuMnHF df anuvfd krdI aqy pusqkF ivc CfpdI rhI hY| ieMnHF khfxIaF ivc Kfxf pkfAux dy vwK vwK qrIikaF dIaF khfxIOaF vI hn| gwl kI ik Auh vwK vwKipCokV dy bjLurgF nfl ieMnI Gul iml jFdI ik Auh afpxy iZwz dI gwl Aus nfl sFJI krnoN iJjkdy vI nhIN|

aYbtsPorz puils aPsrF ivruwD cwl rhI jFc smfpq bI sI dy puils sLkfieq kimsLnr ny aYbtsPorz dy 100 puils ivruD cwl rhI durivvhfr dI jFc smfpq kr idwqI hY| kimsLn df kihxf hY ik adflqI PYsly jFc krn vfilaF nUM Auh jfxkfrI lYx dI afigaf nhIN idMdy ijhVI jfxkfrI jFc krqfvF leI jLrUrI hY| ies jfxkfrI ivc gupq ieqlfh dyx vfilaF dy nfm sLfml hn| ies qrF adflqI PYsly gupq ieqlfh dyxvfilaF dy nfm nsLr krn dI afigaf nhIN idMdy| Xfd rhy ik puils aPsrF dy ivruwD 2013 ivc sLkfieqF imlIaF sn| PrvrI 2015 ivc kimsLnr dy dPqr ny ikhf sI ik kiQq dosLIaF ivc 17 aPsr sLfml sn aqy ieMnHF ivruwD BYVy ivhfr dIaF 148 sLkfieqF sn| hux ieMnHf 148 sLkfieqF ivcoN 122 Cwz idwqIaF hn| hux kyvl cfr aPsrF ivruwD jFc jfrI rhygI ijMnHF ivruwD 15 sLkfieqF hn|

cUly dI srjrI ivc hoeI bhuq dyr qoN awky hoey mrIjL dI guhfr

tRMp ieMtrnYsLnl hotl aqy tfvr iqwKy ivvfdF dy Gyry ivc

EsoeIas df lI hfrn cUly dy drd qoN pIVHq hY | ieh qklIP Aus nUM lgBg iqMn sfl qoN hY | Aus dy cUly dI srjrI dI vfrI dI AuzIk krdy lI dI pwqnI gy hfrn afKr bI sI dI ivDfn sBf dI gYlrI ivc phuMc geI ijwQy bYT ky Auh vyK rhI sI ik AuMnHF dI pIVHf bfry aYn zI pI vwloN svfl puwiCaf jf irhf sI ik lokF nUM aijhI srjrI vfsqy 500 idn ikAuN AuzIk krnI pYNdI hY| Aus df kihxf hY ik AuMnHF ies ishq pRxflI ivc Aumr Br iksLqF qfrIaF hn| iPr vI srjrI leI ieMnI lMmI AuzIk ikAuN? qMg afeI gya hfrn ikhf ik AuMnHF vfsqy qF koeI srkfr nhIN hY| aYn zI pI aflock jUzI zfrsI df jvfb idMidaF ishq mMqrI tYrI lyk ny ikhf,” sUby ivc gozy aqy cUly bdlfAuX vfilaFdI igxqI ipCly 15 sflF ivc hwdoN vD geI hY—duwgxI ho geI hY| srkfr ny ies AuzIk nUM GtfAux leI $25 imlIan pRvfn kIqy hn|

vYnkUvr ivc 147 kmiraF vfly tRMp ieMtrnYsLnl hotl aqy tfvr df rsmI AudGftn 28 PrvrI nUM hovygf| Aus qoN pihlF hI hotl dy ies nfm bfry crcf iCV peI hY| aflockF df kihxf hY ik ieh nfm vYnkUvr dy iviBMn swiBafcfrF dy kyNdr nfl myl nhIN KFdf| ieh nfm Auus ivakqI nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY ijs ny KulHy qOr ‘qy muslmfn dysLF ivruwD bhuq kuJ ikhf| AuMnHF df ivcfr hY ik ieh nfm nslvfd dy sunyhF idMdf hY | kYrI jMg ny qF izvYlpr nUM ikhf hY ik ieh nfm bdl dyv ikAuNik ies ivcoN Sexism & Bullying dI bdbU afAuNdI hY| vYnkUvr ivc aijhf nfm sLoBf nhIN idMdf hY| kuJ lokF df ivcfr hY ik 28 PrvrI nUM hox vfly AudGftnI smfroh ivc hor rOlf pvygf ijs df sfhmxf zflnztRMp dy byitaF nUM krnf pvygf jo ies ivc sLfml hoxgy| ieMnHF KbrF qoN anumfn lgfieaf jf skdf hY ik amrIkf dy nvyN bxy pRDfn zfnlz trMp pRqI afm lokF dy kI ivcfr hn|

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika



ivlwKx qy adBuwq iemfrq rfÈtrpqI Bvn dunIafˆ dy sB qoN vwzy jmhUrI mulk Bfrq dy pRQm nfgirk df invfs rfÈtrpqI Bvn rfiesInf phfVI `qy bixaf hoieaf hY. ieh byimsfl iemfrq hox dy nfl-nfl dyÈ dy mfxmwqy ieiqhfs df gvfh vI irhf hY. rfÈtrpqI Bvn dI ivÈflqf df aMdfËf ies gwl qoN lgfieaf jf skdf hY ik cfr mMiËlf ies Bvn `c 340 kmry hn qy sfry kmirafˆ df iesqymfl kIqf jf irhf hY. afËfdI qoN pihlfˆ qwk ieh Bvn qqkflI ibRitÈ vfiesrfey df srkfrI invfs sI. AudoN ies nUM vfiesrfey hfAUs ikhf jfˆdf sI. afËfdI qoN bfad vfiesrfey dI AupfDI Kqm hox kfrn Bfrq dy gvrnr jnrl dy qOr `qy ckrvrqI rfjgopflcfrI rfÈtrpqI Bvn ivwc rih rhy sn. AunHfˆ qoN bfad 26 jnvrI 1950 nUM ieh dyÈ dy pihly rfÈtrpqI zf[ rfijMdr pRsfd df invfs bixaf. AudoN qoN ieh dyÈ dy rfÈtrpqI df srkfrI invfs hY. 1950 `c ies nUM rfÈtrpqI Bvn df nfˆ idwqf igaf. hux dyÈ dy 13vyˆ rfÈtrpqI pRxb muKrjI iewQy rih rhy hn. ieh idwlI dy idl ivwc siQq hY. Bfrq dy rfÈtrpqI Aus sQfn `qy nhIN rihMdy ijwQy vfiesrfey rihMdf sI sgoN mihmfn kmry `c rihMdy hn. rfÈtrpqI Bvn df inrmfx 1912 ivwc sLurU ho ky 1929 ivwc pUrf hoieaf. rsmI qOr `qy 1931 ivwc AudGftn hoieaf. ies Èfndfr iemfrq df muwK iÈlpkfr aYzivn lYˆzsor lutyXnË sI. ies dy inrmfx ivwc BfrqI, romn, mugl, buwD aqy XUropIan klfkfrfˆ dI imhnq nËr afAuNdI hY. ies dy inrmfx leI lgBg 4,000 eykV ËmIn dI loV sI. 14 jUn 1912 nUM lUitanË ny iÈmlf qoN sB qoN pihlf skYWc bxf ky hrbrt bykr nUM Byijaf sI. Aus ny lfrz hfrizMg dy kihx `qy iemfrq dy Kyqr nUM 13000,000 Gx Puwt qoN 8500,000 qwk sIimq kr idwqf. ies nUM bxfAux `qy AudoN 1,45,00,000 lwK rupey Krc hoey sn. 1914 ivwc sLurU hoey ies Bvn dy inrmfx df muwK ieMjnIar hwk kIilMg sI jdoNik ies df iËafdfqr inrmfx kfrj Tykydfr hsn al rfiÈd ny krvfieaf sI. ies iemfrq ivwc 340 kmry, 74 brfmdy, 37 sBfgRih, krIb iewk iklomItr df ivhVf, 18 pOVI mfrg aqy 37 Puhfry hn. qkrIbn do lwK vrg Puwt `c bxy ies Bvn ivwc Aus smyˆ 7,600 tn sIimMt, 30 lwK Gx Puwt lfl pwQr aqy 70 kroV iewtfˆ lwgIafˆ sn. ies dy inrmfx ivwc lohy jfˆ stIl df pRXog nhIN kIqf igaf.

ieh guMbd srvdyv mMidr (pYinQan afP rom) dI Xfd idvfAuNdf hY, pr ivÈlyÈkfˆ df ivcfr hY ik guMbd dI bxqr sfˆcI sqUp vrgI hY. sY ˆk Vy kmirafˆ vflI ies iemfrq `c drbfr hfl, aÈok hfl qy bYˆkueyt hfl hn. sfry muwK smfgm drbfr hfl ivwc afXoijq kIqy jfˆdy hn. ies ivwc 500 lok iekwTy bYT skdy hn. iewQy hI lfrz mfAUNtbYtn ny pMizq jvfhr lfl nihrU nUM 15 agsq 1947 nUM afËfd Bfrq dy pihly pRDfn mMqrI vjoN shuM cukfeI sI. bYˆkueyt hfl ivwc mihmfnfˆ dy Bojn dI ivvsQf kIqI jfˆdI hY ijwQy 104 sItfˆ vflf lMbf myË hY. sB qoN sohxf aÈok hfl afieqfkfr hY. ies dIafˆ kMDfˆ, Cwqfˆ qy PrÈ dI kfrIgrI vyKxXog hY. ies ivwc shuM cuwk smfgm qy hor pRogrfm huMdy hn. rfÈtrpqI Bvn ivwc hor vI bhuq sfry hfl aqy kmry hn. julfeI 2014 ivwc rfÈtrpqI pRxb muKrjI vwloN iewk imAUËIam dI sLurUafq kIqI geI qfˆ ik bfhroN afAux vfly lok ies Bvn dI kfrIgrI qy iÈlp klf nUM vyK skx.

dI anumfnq kImq 2[63 lwK kroV rupey hY. ieh muwdf keI vfr AuWT cuwikaf hY ik Bfrq dy rfÈtrpqI Bvn dI sfˆB-sMBfl `qy kroVfˆ rupey sflfnf Krc ho rhy hn aqy ies iemfrq dI vrqoN iksy hor kMm leI kIqI jf skdI hY. sUcnf dy aiDkfr qihq pRfpq jfxkfrI muqfibk rfÈtrpqI Bvn AuWqy sflfnf 100 kroV rupey Krc ho jfˆdy hn. ies ivwc mihmfnfˆ dI KfqrdfrI df Krc Èfml huMdf hY. rfÈtrpqI bxn mgroN

mrhUm ey[pI[jy[ abdul klfm ny ikhf, “hux mYˆ Bfrq df rfÈtrpqI bx igaf hfˆ qfˆ myry iËMdf rihx qwk sfrf Krc srkfr AuTfeygI, aijhy ivwc mYnUM afpxI qnKfh aqy bfkI bwcq nfl kI krnf cfhIdf hY.`` sfbkf rfÈtrpqI dI ieh gwl do sMdyÈ idMdI sI: pihlf, rfÈtrpqI nUM iksy qrHfˆ dI qnKfh dI loV nhIN huMdI aqy dUjI, ies nUM PjUl Krc ikhf jf skdf hY.

FERTIGATING BERRIES? Choose from BERRY RED, GREEN, YELLOW or BLUE (available in 20 LT Pails, 208 LT Drums, or TOTES) TM

rfÈtrpqI Bvn df Kfs afkrÈx mugl gfrzn hY. mYsUr dy ivRMdfvn gfrzn nUM Cwz ky Èfied hI hor koeI bfg ies dy mukfbly df hovy. mugl gfrzn dI pirklpnf lyzI hfrizMg ny kIqI. drasl, sRIngr ivcly inÈfq qy ÈflImfr bfg Aus nUM bhuq cMgy lwgy. AudoN qoN hI mugl gfrzn Aus dy iËhn ivwc bYT igaf sI. Bfrq dy hux qwk ijMny vI rfÈtrpqI iewQy invfs krdy afey hn, AunHfˆ muqfibk ies ivwc kuJ nf kuJ bdlfa ËrUr hoey hn. pihly rfÈtrpqI zf[ rfijMdr pRsfd ny ies Kfs bfg nUM jnqf leI KolHx dI gwl kIqI. iesy sdkf ieh gfrzn hr sfl mwD PrvrI qoN mwD mfrc qwk afm jnqf leI KoilHaf jfˆdf hY. mugl gfrzn qy rfÈtrpqI Bvn dy bgIcy dI dyK-ryK leI svf do sO qoN vwD mflI hn. ies ivwc 110 vwK vwK iksmfˆ dy aOÈDI pOdy, rMg-ibrMgy Puwl hn. iekwly gulfb dIafˆ hI 250 qoN vI iËafdf iksmfˆ hn. Bvn ivwc iewk ivBfg GoiVafˆ df vI hY ijs ivwc keI qrHfˆ dy GoVy hn.

pRo[ jspRIq kOr

A division of

1454 B Riverside Rd. Abbotsford, BC Ph.: 604-850-9500

sB qoN mihMgI srkfrI irhfieÈ dy mfmly ivwc Bfrq df rfÈtrpqI Bvn dunIafˆ ivwc swqvyˆ nMbr aqy amrIkf df vfeHIt hfAUs dsvyˆ nMbr `qy hY. vfeHIt hfAUs dI aMdfËn kImq 258 kroV rupey mMnI geI hY, pr Bfrq dy rfÈtrpqI Bvn dI kImq Aus qoN qkrIbn 14 guxf iËafdf Bvn dy iblkul ivckfr iewk lMbf kfˆsI df 3500 kroV rupey hY. cIn nMbr iewk `qy guMbd bixaf hoieaf hY ijs dI lMbfeI Bvn hY. cIn dy rfÈtrpqI Bvn df KyqrPl dI AucfeI qoN duwgxI hY. lutyXnË muqfibk 34 lwK vrg mItr qoN iËafdf hY qy Aus PAGE 33

The Patrika


gumsLudf rsqy rivMdr rvI swq rMgIaF nUM lwBdy, lwBdy pMCI iKMzr gey


gLjLl amrIk isMG pUnI idlbrI afpxI jgfh hY idl-lgI afpxI jgfh. hY inafrI pr jLrf idl nUM lgI afpxI jgfh. iks qrHF afKF ibn qyry hY hwj hux jIx df,

kihrI bwdl, pOx kVkdI,

idn-ktI afpxI jgfh hY ijLMdgI afpxI jgfh.

aMbr ZwT pey!!!

qmHF ivc rlgwz ny dovyN anUTy rMg ivc,

qUPfnF ivc KMB, KMB kr ky,

iqsLngI afpxI jgfh hY irMdgI afpxI jgfh.

pMCI tuwt gey

aOgxF qy rihmqF df rfbqf hY ajLl qoN,


Friday, February 24th, 2017


divMdr pUnIaF shI hmdrdIaF df kI bxygf

ipRM: suirMdr pfl brfV CfvF nf hox koly DuwpF sMBfl rwKIN,

glq hYrfnIaF df kI bxygf

cfnx jy muwk igaf ey hnyry nUM nfl rwKIN.

imlI hY KLfmIaF nUM bfdsLfhI

rwKIN qUM kol afpxy kuJ ku pIVH afpxI

Blf hux KUbIaF df kI bxygf

PuwlF dy koloN gujLrIN pr kMzy sMBfl rwKIN.

jdoN pfxI nf imilaf pfp vDxy

tuwitaf hY Brm qyrf jy moh dy pfxIaF qoN,

srF ivc zubkIaF df kI bxygf

tuwtIaF vMgF dy kuJ ku tukVy sMBfl rwKIN.

Buwl-cuwk afpxI jgfh bKsLMdgI afpxI jgfh.

hjLfrF lok GuMmx af rhy ny hux ienHF vfdIaF df kI bxygf

suPny iqVk gey

ijLMdgI dy ivc dohF df dKl hY dosqf, msqIaF afpxI jgfh pfbMdgI afpxI jgfh.

nsLy hiQafr ikDry nf ivkx qF

sfhF dy pwly bMnHky krmF df dfn rwKIN.

aMbrIN AuWzx vfly, kIkUM

lft qy sV mrn jogy vlvly df Prk hY,

kubyrF dfnIaF df kI bxygf

icVHIaF nUM afKIN afpxy botF dI KYr mMgx,

BoN `qy iGsr rhy!!!

Auns hY afpxI jgfh dIvfngI afpxI jgfh.

AunHF ny mulk BMny qy mYN socF

bdldy mOsmF df pr qUM iKafl rwKIN.

hoNd, inhoNd df gMZ-vlyvF,

lMmIaF AumrF akfrQ ny nroey aml ibn,

ik qfly cfbIaF df kI bxygf

afrjf afpxI jgfh pfieMdgI afpxI jgfh.

hux aflm vwitaF qy Krc krdY


nfm-lyvf Gt shI ‘amrIk’ hF qF Esdf,

srfPLF jOhrIaF df kI bxygf

arpxf afpxI jgfh hY bMdgI afpxI jgfh.

prmjIq isMG ivrk bVI vfr bih soicaf pr gwl smJ nf afvy.

asIN Kud ivc hI ikMny zuwb gey hF

ieh hwz-mfs df bMdf kfhqoN pwQr huMdf jfvy.

bolI sfzI

hjLfrF sYlPIaF df kI bxygf

pMKoN ivrvy, awKF aMdr,

icMqn AulJ gey Buwl BulweIaF ivc idsLfvF, rsqy ikwDr gey???

sLYqfn mohn igwl iensfn qyry aMdroN, sLYqfn ieh kI kr irhf. lohy df jMgl AuWsiraf, ruwKF df jMgl sV irhf. iek buwZI hoeI lfsL nUM, ijLMdf rwKy msLIn qy, pr cVHdI Aumry DVkdy hoey, idl df kql kr irhf. ipqf qy puwq dI mOq df, aYnf ku hI bws Prk hY.

pvn ‘igwlF vflf’ vwsF BfvyN dysL, pRdysL clf jfvF mYN, vDy-Puly bolI sfzI, krdf duafvF mYN. nfnk-PrId, bfby-buwly apnfeI jo

kfnUnI GfVy gurbcn kOr iZwloN kfnUnI GfVy kfnMUn qF GV idMdy.

muwkdI jfey sMvydnf ies `coN, viDaf hY hMkfr jd vI muwK `coN boldf hY mYˆ-mYˆ dI rt lfvy. lflsfvfˆ ny Koh ilaf ies df suK qy cYn nrm spMjI gwidafˆ `qy nINd nf ies nUM afvy.

muwl botF df hwQF Auqy Dr idMdy.

sB kuJ huMdy-suMidafˆ vI imty nf ies dI BuwK

cfhuMdf hF sMBfl lvF Auhdf isrnfvF mYN,

iehnF ilKqF ivc sLrfrq hY

sbr, sMjm, sMqoK df slIkf kOx isKfvy.

vDy-Puwly bolI sfzI…

iehnF ihwkF ivc hkfrq hY.

inwjI svfrQ vfsqy sB irÈqy nfqy qoV

QoVI-bhuqI AuhI myry ihwsy ivwc afeI jo.

ijs ivwcoN hoey isLv-pfqr jvfn ny, sfrI dunIaF `c mfx-snmfn ey.

iehnF bolF dy ivc qlKI hY.

mfiKAuN-imwTI bolI pMjfbI hI khfvF mYN,

kuJ dyx lYx qoN mnPI hY.

vDy-Puly bolI sfzI…

awj hvf dy awK sLrfrq hY.

GoVIaF, suhfg igwDy-BMgVy qy bolIaF, lohVIaF dIvflIaF, ivsfKIaF qy holIaF, mF dIaF lorIaF nf bfqF dfdI dIaF pfvF mYN, vDy-Puly bolI sfzI… ikwsy-kfiv ijs ivwc bxIaF khfxIaF,

nf ruwKfˆ dIafˆ Cfvfˆ, nf hiraflI Bfvy. luwty-Twgy iewk-dUjy nUM byÈrmI dy nfl

ieh hvf nUM kuwjy pfAuNdy ny.

Èor Èrfby ivwc rul igaf iËMdgI df sMgIq bysury,

bs qlK kfnUMn bxfAuNdy ny.

byqfly nUM sur-qfl `c kOx ilafvy.


iehnF qrjLF ivc buJfrq hY

iek df isvf hY Tr irhf.

lok-gIq, Zoly-mfhIey nwc-nwc gfvF mYN,

iehnF ihwkF ivc hkfrq hY.

AUVf-afVf iswK sfrI pYNqI pCfxdf,

qn-mn rogI kr ilaf, pf kudrq nfl vYr

DrmI-krmI idsx dy leI ZˆoNg ieh bVy rcfvy.

AumrF dy qwk nI BulfeIaF Auho jfxIaF. vDy-Puly bolI sfzI…

Guwg vsyˆdy ngr pr iekwl dI jUn hMZfvy.

iehnF ihwkF ivc hkfrq hY.

iek df isvf hY bl irhf,

iek dy hwQ jy klm hY,

iPkr krIN nf kfeI AumrF dI sLfm df hux

kyvl isMG inrdosL ikxkf ipafr df

awj bdly ruK hvfvF dy.

nPrq kInf sfVf pYr psfr df.

dUjy dy hwQ ivc vMJlI,

hfly vI ‘pvn’ nhIAuN pUrI pr jfxdf.

pqry Auzdy by rihm sLfhF dy.

vMz ij qyry kol ikxkf ipafr df.

qIjy dy hwQ bMdUk,

dirafvF vrgI df Byd ikMJ pfvF mYN,

JUTI iZloN pwly lfanq hY.

sihxsLIlqf sMjm DIrj nf ikqy,

ieh bfdsLfh kI kr irhf. PAGE 34

vDy-Puly bolI sfzI krdf duafvF mYN.

iehnF ihwkF ivc hkfrq hY.

hr QF hAuN df nfg PuMkfry mfrdf.

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017



ivÈv ÈfˆqI-smyˆ dI pukfr

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI

igafn isMG kotlI kudrq dI kIrqI df,apmfn kr nf bMdy. suhjfˆ dy gulsqfˆ nUM , vIrfn kr nf bMdy . dunIafˆ dy bfg aMdr, mfnv ny Puwl sfry, Puwlfˆ nUM qoVny df, aYlfn kr nf bMdy .

isMGF df golI iswkf, brUd aqy hor jMgI sfmfn Kqm ho jfxf

koeI eys Qfˆ hY miraf, koeI Es Qfˆ hY miraf,

pqf lwigaf lVdy POjIaF nUM,

bMdy df mrn eynf, afsfn kr nf bMdy .

muwk cwilaf jMgI sfmfn BfeI.

koeI iksy df idl hY, koeI nUr hY iksy df, vsdy Grfˆ dy ËKmI, armfn kr nfˆ bMdy .

lfl isMG dy nfl hI qyj isMG, nws igaf ey Cwz mYdfn BfeI. bujLidlF, gwdfrF qy dgybfjLF,

Drmfˆ dy nfˆ qy DMdf, krmfˆ dy nfˆ qy TwgI,

koeI huMdf nhIN dIn-amfn BfeI.

hr Qfˆ mlIn afpxf, eImfn kr nfˆ bMdy .

hrcMd isMGf pul vI vwZ gey,

awKfˆ dy TIk sfhvyˆ, zulHdf nf KUn qwkyˆ afpxf aihsfs eynf, byjfn kr nf bMdy .

afeI isMGF dI muwTI ivc jfn BfeI. QF brUd dI inkly srHoN-ryqf, isMG jo vI pytI KolHdy ny.

mqlb nUM pUjdf eyˆ, hwk swc nfˆ pCfxy ,

bMdUkF-jMbUrky sfry Klo gey,

kOzfˆ qoˆ hIirafˆ nUM, kurbfn kr nf bMdy .

bybs isMG pey jLihrF Goldy ny.

hr Qfˆ jhUr rwb df, hr ÈY c` nUr Ausdf,

vDy hOsly Pyr iPrMgIaF dy,

Aus nUM vMgfrny df, aiBmfn kr nf bMdy . AusdI rËf dy aMdr, srbwq df Blf hY ,

Auho hwly qy hwlf boldy ny. hrcMd isMGf insLfny syD dUroN, mfr mfr jvfnIaF roldy ny.

afpxy leI iksy df, nuksfn kr nf bMdy .

dUr-mfrU iswKF dIaF jo qopF,

hr idl hY mUl mfxk, dYvI amol rcnf,

dirafEN pfr qoN goly brsfn bylI.

idl qoVny df koeI, sfmfn kr nf bMdy . ikDry hY Drq lUhI, lUihaf afkfÈ ikDry ,

AunHF qopF dy qopcI lfl isMG ny, lfey XUrpI aqy muslmfn bylI. clfAuNdy qopF dy krky mUMh AuWcy,

hr Qfˆ bfrUd awg df, rwQvfn kr nf bMdy .

goly vYrI dy AuqoN dI jfx bylI.

ngrI mnuwKqf dI, ikDry nf PUk dyvx,

hrcMd isMGf geI nKuwt bfjLI,

hYˆkV qy ihrs eyny, blvfn kr nf bMdy .

Auh vI imilaf hukm vjfx bylI.

dXf Drm qy nykI, iensfn dy ny gihxy ,

kuwJ smyN ipwCoN sqluj dy AuqrI kMZy qy lfeIaF dUr-mfrU qopF vI KVH geIaF. ieh jfxky iPrMgIaF dy hor vI qfbV-qoV hmly hox lwgy

bMidEˆ ÈYqfn bnxf, prvfn kr nf bMdy .

qopF, rihkly, bMdUkF jd bMd hoeIaF,

mfnv dy Drm sfry, srb sfˆJ ny isKfAuˆdy ,

jLor iPrMgI isMGF qy pfAux lwgy.

lflc leI vwK afpxf, eImfn kr nf bMdy .

goly qopF dy Pfier bMdUkF dy,

awgoN mINh dy vFg sI afAux lwgy. pysL koeI nf isMGF dI jFvdI ey, jfnF kImqI Auh gvfAux lwgy. hrcMd isMGf aKIr nUM isMG sUry, ipwCy vwl pYr iKskfAux lwgy.. sBrfvF dI jMg ivc isMGF df golI-brUd muwk jfx krky ies ibpqf ivc isMGF df mnobl vDfAux leI s: sLfm isMG atfrI sPYd ilbfs aqy sPYd GoVy qy sLyry pMjfb dI qrHF jMg dy mYdfn ivc afx gwjy jd igaf muwk brUd sI, isMG lwgy iPr Gbrfx. sB KVH gey rPlF-rihkly, qy vrq geI suMn-sfn. gory-golIaF mfr ky, Auh dUroN kwZ dy jfn. sLfm isMG atfrI Aus smyN, af gwijaf ivc mYdfn. Aus nfl rsflf isMGF df, Auh afieaf vFg quPfn. af isMGF nUM llkfiraf, hux lAu kwZ ikrpfn. cwko nyjLy brCIaF, qy lE kws kmfx. asF BuwlxI afpxI iprq nf, nhIN ipafrI krnI jfn. awj krnf jMg cmkOr df, asIN jf ky rVy mYdfn. asIN vFgUM jIq-juJfr dy, hoxf kOm leI kurbfn. asIN sUry isMG dsLmys dy, sfnUM sLkqI AuWqy mfn.

cldf... PAGE 35

The Patrika



Friday, February 24th, 2017

mukq qy shI vpfr nfl nvyˆ rfh KuwlHxgy: trUzo strYsbrg: kYnyzf nfl mukq vpfr smJOqf isry cVHn dI KuÈI ivwc pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny XUrpIan XUnIan df idl KolH ky sLukrIaf adf kIqf qy KUb ipafr jqfieaf.

ivktorIaf:- ilbrl srkfr vloN pysL kIqf igaf lgfqfr pMjvF sRplws bjLt ibRitsL kolMbIaf 2017-18 bjt dIaF pR m u w K qfvF df ijL k r krnf bxdf hY . pUrv-anumfn muqfibk ijs ivc vfDU 295 imlIan lgfqfr agly bjt ivc vI AuvyN hI anumfinaf rhygf 2019-20 dy vfDU 223 imlIan nfl ----2016-17 ivc ijhVI 2[20 iblIan dI vfDU BivwKbfxI kIqI geI sI Auh dubfrf 1[5 iblIan dI rih jfvygI, ijLafdf krky GrF dy Krc, awg lwgx dy bcfAu sfDnF aqy dUsry sfmfn vfsqy.

ivc pRfpq krygI ijhVI rIport ivc srkfrI dyK ryK ivc mrn vfilaF bwicaF leI isPfrsL kIqI geI hY. ivwidaf qy agly iqMn sflF leI vDf ky rfsLI 740 imlIan kr idwqI geI hY Ausy smyq ijs rfhIN aiDafpk XUnIan nfl gwlbfq hoeI sI, bwicaF df klfs-sfeIjL aqy AunHF dIaF Kfs shUlqF leI ieh suprIm kort df PYslf sI.

agly do sflF ivc ibjLins leI ibjlI qy pI[aYs[tI[ Kqm kr idwqI jfvygI aqy srkfr agly ivwqI sfl ivwc 50[2 iblIan 2019-20 leI 164 imlIan bcfieaf KrcygI. aYm[aYs[pI[ iek jnvrI 2018 jfvygf. qoN 50% qoN Gtf idwqI jfvygI qF ik cfr jixaF dy itpIkl pirvfr agly sfl Coty DMidaF qy kfrporty afmdn tYks 900 zflr Gwt dy skx aqy smyq ijnHF dI 2[5% dI QF 2% kr idwqf jfvygf. slfnf afmdn 120[000 zflr qoN Gwt hY. hu x srkfrI anu m fn mu q fibk 8[000 minstrI afP iclzrn aqy PY i mlI proprtI trFsPr tYks dI bcq hovygI zIvYlpmYNt 287 imlIan agly iqMn sflF jo pihlI vfr Gr KrIdygf.

izPYˆs AuWqy iËafdf Krc krygf kYnyzf: swjx Etvf: vIrvfr nUM brw slË ivw c nfto afgUafˆ nfl mulfkfq dOrfn rwiKaf mMqrI hrjIq swjx ny afiKaf ik afpxI rwiKaf nIqI dy mulfˆkx smyˆ kYnyzf rwiKaf vfly Kyqr ivwc nvfˆ invyÈ kr skdf hY. pr zOnlz trMp vwloN vfrI vfrI kIqIafˆ jf rhIafˆ ieh iÈkfieqfˆ ik nfto mYˆbrfˆ vwloN ies gwTjoV leI afpxI pUrI ihwsydfrI nhIN pfeI jf rhI, bfry iksy vI qrHfˆ dI gwl krn jfˆ vfadf krn qoN swjx ny iknfrf hI kIqf. swjx ny afiKaf ik AunHfˆ amrIkf dy rwiKaf mMqrI jymË mYtIË nfl gwl kIqI sI. iewQy dwsxf bxdf hY ik mYtIË trMp pRÈfsn dy qkVy bulfry hn qy AunHfˆ buwDvfr nUM nfto mulkfˆ nUM Krcy nUM lY ky KrIafˆ vI suxf idwqIafˆ. mYtIË ny afiKaf ik amrIkf afpxIafˆ ijLMmyvfrIafˆ inBfa irhf hY pr jy qusIN sfry ieh nhIN cfhuMdy ik amrIkf ies gwTjoV qoN hwQ ipwCy iKwcy qfˆ quhfnUM sfirafˆ nUM afriQk pwKoN ies dI hor mdd krnI hovygI. swjx ny afiKaf ik lYtvIaf ivwc POjI tukVIafˆ Byj ky qy mltInYÈnl nfto imÈn dI agvfeI krky kYnyzf nfto pRqI afpxI vcnbwDqf df hI muËfhrf kr irhf hY. swjx ny afiKaf ik nfto ivwc ijho ijhf pRBfv sfnUM cfhIdf hY Aus leI asIN loVINdy sroqfˆ dy prIpyK ivwc Krcy bfry vI gwlbfq PAGE 36

krdy hfˆ. AunHfˆ rwiKaf nIqI dy mulfˆkx df vI vfrI vfrI iËkr kIqf. rwiKaf mMqrI vjoN aijhf krnf AunHfˆ dy kMm df hI ihwsf hY ijnHfˆ ny agly 20 sflfˆ leI kYnyzf dIafˆ rwiKafˆ loVfˆ, ijnHfˆ ivwc nfto sbMDI vcnbwDqfvfˆ qy hor imÈn afid vI Èfml hn, df vI iDafn rwKxf hY. ijs qoN Bfv hY hor pYsy dI loV pr AunHfˆ ieh nhIN dwisaf ik ikMnf. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik asIN jfxdy hfˆ ik ipClI srkfr vwloN Krcf Gwt kIqf igaf sI qy rwiKaf mulfˆkx nfl asIN ieh pqf lfAux ivwc kfmXfb huMdy hfˆ ik kI cfhIdf hY, invyÈ ikwQy kIqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. nfto df kihxf hY ik mYˆbr mulkfˆ nUM jI[zI[pI[ df do PIsdI rwiKaf AuWqy Krc krnf cfhIdf hY. kYnyzf ies smyˆ iewk PIsdI aijhf kr irhf hY qy lMmyˆ smyˆ qoN amrIkf vwloN Aus AuWqy dbfa pfieaf jf irhf hY. swjx ny afiKaf ik aijhf trMp Xuwg dI sLurUafq qoN bhuq pihlfˆ qoN ho irhf hY. swjx nfto dy skwqr jnrl jYnË stOtnbrg dy nfl nfl afstrylIaf, Prfˆs, jrmnI, purqgfl, slovynIaf qy XUnfeIitz ikMgzm dy mMqrIafˆ nfl vI duvwlI mulfkfq krngy. Auh imAUinK sikAUirtI kfnPrMs leI jrmnI jfxgy| pr rwiKaf mMqrI ny nfto leI koeI nvfˆ vfadf nhIN kIqf.

pr AunHfˆ ieh cyqfvnI vI idwqI ik jy kfˆprIhYˆisv ieknfimk aYˆz tryz agrImYˆt isry nf cVHdf qfˆ ieh afpxI iksm dI afKrI zIl hoxI sI. trUzo ny afiKaf ik XUrpIan XUnIan swcmuwc bhuq hI vwzI pRfpqI hY qy ieh ÈfˆqmeI sihXog dI aduwqI imsfl vI hY. kYnyzf ieh jfxdf hY ik ivÈvivafpI mMc AuWqy pRBfvÈflI XUrpIan avfË nf isrP sfzI muwK qrjIh sI sgoN ies dI byhwd loV vI sI. iËkrXog hY ik 28 mulkfˆ vfly XUrpIan XUnIan leI ieh sfl kfPI Auqrfa cVHfa vflf irhf. ibRtyn vwloN ies blfk nUM Cwzx dy PYsly dI amrIkf dy rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp ny KUb ÈlfGf kIqI. trMp ny qfˆ iewQoN qwk afiKaf

ik vyKx vflI gwl ieh hY ik hux aglf dyÈ ikhVf hovygf ijhVf blfk Cwzygf. trUzo aijhy pihly kYnyzIan pRDfn mMqrI hn ijhVy XUrpIan pfrlIafmYˆt nUM sMboDn krngy. trMp vwloN XUrpIan XUnIan leI inXukq kIqy sPIr tYWz mYlOk ny ies hPqy dy sLurU ivwc pRYWs nUM dwisaf sI ik XUrpIan XUnIan df amYrIkinËm iKlfP rvweIaf kfPI smwisafvfˆ BrpUr hY. afpxy ibafn ivwc trUzo ny afiKaf ik ijhVy lok ieh iÈkfieq krdy hn ik tryz zIlË nfl kuwJ ku nUM hI Pfiedf huMdf hY AunHfˆ dI ies icMqf df Tos qy jfieË kfrn hY. pr kYnyzf qy XUrpIan XUnIan drimafn hoieaf mukq vpfr smJOqf sfirafˆ leI hI PfiedymMd qy cMgf hY. trUzo ny afiKaf ik ijhVf kfrobfr mukq qy shI hovygf ikAuNik ies nfl sfzy nfgirkfˆ dIafˆ ijMLdgIafˆ bhuq vDIaf ho jfxgIafˆ qy ies nfl roËgfr dy hor mOky pYdf hoxgy.

gYrkfnUMnI ZMg nfl amrIkI srhwd qoN kYnyzf dfKl hox vfilafˆ nUM rokx dI do torI aYmpIË ny kIqI mMg mfˆtrIal: do kMËrvyitv aYmpIË vwloN PYzrl srkfr qoN ieh mMg kIqI jf rhI hY ik gYrkfnUMnI ZMg nfl amrIkI srhwd qoN kYnyzf dfKl hox vfly lokfˆ dy hVH nUM rokx leI Auh koeI Tos kfrvfeI kry. aYqvfr nUM imÈyl rYˆpl qy tonI klymYˆt ny tvIt kIqf ik gYrkfnUMnI qOr AuWqy ies qrHfˆ lokfˆ df kYnyzf dfKl hoxf iewk qfˆ asurwiKaq hY qy dUjf ies nfl sQfnk kfnUMn lfgU krn vfilafˆ AuWqy vfDU boJ vI pY irhf hY. rYˆpl ny iliKaf ik srkfr nUM kYnyzIanfˆ nUM surwiKaq rwKx qy gYr kfnUMnI qrIkf apnfAux bfry soc ivcfr krn vfilafˆ nUM qfVnf krn leI aijhy hflfq AuWqy pRqIikiraf krnI hI cfhIdI hY. klymYˆt jo ik kMËrvyitvfˆ dy pbilk syPtI ikRitk hn, ny rYˆpl dI ies itwpxI dy smrQn ivwc tvIt kIqf. AunHfˆ iliKaf ik gYrkfnUMnI ZMg nfl ies qrHfˆ iewk mulk qoN dUjy mulk dfKl hoxf asurwiKaq hY qy sQfnk kimAUintIË AuWqy boJ vI hY. sfzy kfnUMn df snmfn hoxf cfhIdf hY. iËkrXog

hY ik mYnItobf dI afr[sI[aYm[pI[ vwloN ieh aYlfn kIqy jfx ik Èinwcrvfr rfq nUM aYmrsn nyVy 22 hor lok srhwd pfr krky kYnyzf dfKl ho gey, mgroN rYˆpl ny afpxf sunyhf post kIqf. aiDkfrIafˆ df kihxf hY ik riPAUjI df drjf hfsl krn leI vwD qoN vwD lok kYnyzf dfKl hox dI koiÈÈ kr rhy hn. ipCly kuwJ hPiqafˆ ivwc aYmrsn ielfky ivwc drjnfˆ lokfˆ nUM igRPqfr kIqy jfx dy bfvjUd ienHfˆ aMkiVafˆ ivwc kmI nhIN af rhI. ikAUibk ivwc vI riPAUjI df drjf hfsl krn vfilafˆ dI igxqI ivwc BfrI vfDf hoieaf hY ikAuNik Auh vI aijhf pRoivMs hY ijwQy gYr kfnUMnI ZMg nfl lok dfKl ho rhy hn. lokfˆ vwloN ieh rfh kYnyzf XUaYs syP Qrz kMtrI agrImYˆt qoN bcx leI vI cuixaf jf irhf hY. ijhVy lok amrIkf ivwc rih rhy hn AunHfˆ df kYnyzf af ky riPAUjI drjf hfsl krn dI koeI quk nhIN bxdI ikAuNik Auh pihlfˆ hI surwiKaq mulk ivwc rih rhy hn.

trMp pRÈfsn dI aflocnf krn vfly sInIar aiDkfrI dI CuwtI! vfiÈM g tn: afpxy pR f eIvy t BfÈx ivw c rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp dIafˆ nIqIafˆ qy AunHfˆ dy nyVly slfhkfrfˆ dI aflocnf krn vfly trMp pRÈfsn dy sInIar aiDkfrI nUM nOkrI qoN kwZ idwqf igaf. nYÈnl sikAUirtI kfAuNsl dI vYstn hYmIsPIar zvIËn dI agvfeI leI iewk mhIny pihlfˆ hI inXukq kIqy gey kRyg izeyry nUM sLuwkrvfr nUM aYgjYækitv afiPs iblizMg ivwcoN bfhr kr idwqf igaf. vfeIt hfAUs dy aiDkfrIafˆ vwloN ies gwl dI puÈtI kIqI geI hY ik izeyry hux aYn[aYs[sI[ nfl kMm nhIN krdy qy AunHfˆ nUM nYÈnl izPYˆs XUnIvristI hI Gwl idwqf

igaf hY ijwQy Auh pihlfˆ kMm krdy sn. ieh puwCy jfx AuWqy ik srkfrI krmcfrIafˆ nUM ies leI zr ky rihxf hovygf ik rfÈtrpqI dI aflocnf krn vfly nUM nOkrI qoN hwQ vI DuafAuxy pY skdy hn qfˆ vfeIt hfAUs dI qrËmfn sfrfh hwkfbI sYˆzrË ny afiKaf ik AunHfˆ nUM nhIN lwgdf ik rfÈtrpqI dy eyjMzy nUM awgy vDfAux leI inXukq krmcfrI nUM Aus eyjMzy dy iKlfP hoxf cfhIdf hY. jfxkfr sUqrfˆ anusfr lYitn amrIkf, Kfs qOr AuWqy mYkisko nfl sbMDfˆ dI asuKfvIN sLuærUafq, sbMDI nIqIafˆ kfrn izeyry ny trMp pRÈfsn dI nukqfcInI kIqI sI.

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika 


pMnHf 24 dI bfkI dy nfl KVoqf sI qy gRih mMqrI crn isMG nUM ieh sfQ psMd nhIN sI, ijs kfrn KuPIaf eyjMsIafˆ ny ieh qsvIrfˆ kfˆgrs qwk pucfeIafˆ sn. ies qoN ieh smJxf aOKf nhIN ik srkfrI aPsr vI hr kMm srkfr dI mrËI dy muqfbk nhIN krdy, Auh iksy vkq iksy hor nfl awK imlf ky koeI Jtkf dyx qwk vI jf skdy hn. ijhVI byhUdgI ies vyly pMj rfjfˆ dIafˆ coxfˆ ivwc huMdI vyKI jf rhI hY, ieh vI ipCly idnfˆ ivwc hwdfˆ pfr krdI mihsUs kIqI geI hY. isafsI jMg hux inwjI afZf lfAux vflI lIh AuWqy pYˆdI jfpdI hY. pfrlImYˆt dy do ajlfs, pihlfˆ mOnsUn ajlfs qy iPr srd ruwq df ajlfs ibnfˆ koeI kMm kIqy lMG gey hn. ivroDI iDr keI gwlfˆ nfl nfrfË hoeI peI sI. pRDfn mMqrI modI nUM ies mfmly ivwc pihl kr ky ajlfs clfAux df koeI rfh kwZxf cfhIdf sI, pr Auh eyDr mUMh krn dI Qfˆ sgoN ivroDI iDr nUM iTwT krn vfly lPËfˆ dI cox krn lwgy rhy sn. hux jdoN bwjt sYÈn cwl irhf hY qfˆ iPr AuhI khfxI duhrfeI jf rhI hY. ivroDI iDr pihlfˆ qoN guwsy dy Aubfly mfr rhI sI qy pRDfn mMqrI ny ies nUM TwlHx dI Qfˆ afpxy BfÈx ivwc zfktr mnmohn isMG AuWqy cfˆdmfrI kr idwqI. rfhul gfˆDI afpxy bcpny vfly jnqk BfÈxfˆ aqy pfrlImYˆt dy ivwc afpxy slfhkfrfˆ dIafˆ rtfeIafˆ hoeIafˆ gwlfˆ kihx jogf hY qy Aus bfry pRDfn mMqrI modI kuJ vI khI jfx qfˆ bhuqf rwPV nhIN pY skdf, pr mnmohn isMG bfry khIafˆ gwlfˆ nfl dyÈ ivwc nvIN kuVwqx df mfhOl bx igaf hY. ies mfhOl ivwc ivroDI iDr vI kuJ nf kuJ khygI. hux jdoN EDr qoN vI kuJ gwlfˆ khIafˆ geIafˆ qfˆ pRDfn mMqrI ny ieh kih ky snsnI PYlf idwqI ik Aus kol sfirafˆ dI jnm-kuMzlI peI hY qy Auh afpxI afeI AuWqy af igaf qfˆ sfirafˆ nUM byprd kr dyvygf. ieh iswDf qy spwÈt dbkf hY ik ivroDI iDr cuwp ho ky bYT jfvy, vrnf mYˆ sfirafˆ df jlUs kwZ idafˆgf.

pRDfn mMqrI modI ny pihlI vfrI jdoN lfl iklHy qoN iqrMgf JMzf Julfieaf qfˆ ikhf sI ik mYˆ Bfrq df pRDfn mMqrI nhIN, BfrqI lokfˆ df pRDfn syvk hfˆ. AunHf nUM Auh hI Èbd Xfd kr ky ieh spwÈt krnf cfhIdf hY ik Auh krnf kI cfhuMdy hn? iewt df jvfb pwQr nfl dyx dI nIq hovy qfˆ muwdy rfjsI Kyqr ivwc vI bQyry hn. AuWqrf KMz dy muwK mMqrI jfˆ sMsfr pRiswD sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG jfˆ iPr

pihlI vfrI pfrlImY ˆ t mY ˆ b r bxy BgvMq mfn nUM qIsry drjy dI coB lfAux dI loV nhIN rih jfˆdI. iksy afgU nUM Aus dI jnm-kuMzlI KolHx df zrfvf dyxf qy Aus zrfvy nfl cuwp kr ky bYT jfx leI kih dyxf pRDfn mMqrI dy ruqby vfly afgU df kMm nhIN. pMjfbI muhfvrf hY ik ‘Bwjidafˆ nUM vfhx iewko ijhf huMdf hY` qy ijs pfsy nUM BfrqI rfjnIqI ies vyly jfˆdI peI hY, jfˆ iljfeI jf rhI hY, Aus ivwc jdoN iewk

pfsy qoN kuJ kIqf jfvygf qy iPr dUsry pfisAuN vI BfjI moVn dI gwl ho geI qfˆ jlUs ies dyÈ df inklygf. ËrUrI nhIN ik dUsry lok iswDf modI vwl nUM inÈfnf syDx df sfmfn lwBI jfx, ieho ijhI twkr ivwc nfl dy afgUafˆ ivwcoN vI iksy vwl cfˆdmfrI kIqI geI qfˆ isafsI mfhOl bhuq gMDlf ho jfvygf. Auh nObq nf afvy qfˆ cMgf hovygf.

iksy afgU ny dyÈ dy ihwqfˆ dy iKlfP kuJ kIqf hY qfˆ lokfˆ awgy rwKxf cfhIdf hY qy aijhy kMm leI ieh Èrq lfAux dI loV nhIN ik jy qusIN cuwp nf kIqy qfˆ ieh ivKflf pfAUNgf. Bfrq dy lokfˆ nUM pqf lwgxf cfhIdf hY ik Plfxy lIzr ny dyÈ df afh nuksfn kIqf hY. ijhVf BfÈx ies vfrI pRDfn mMqrI ny kIqf hY, Auh dyÈ ihwq vfly iksy Byd qoN prdf cuwkx dI Qfˆ ivroDI iDr vfly afgUafˆ dy inwj bfry koeI gwl pqf hox df ieÈfrf krdf hY. Bfjpf keI vfrI ieh kih cuwkI hY ik rfhul gfˆDI Plfxy dyÈ ivwc vfrvfr jfˆdf hY, Èfied nirMdr modI vI Aus qrHfˆ dI gwl df sMkyq krdy ho skdy hn. jy AunHfˆ df ieÈfrf swcmuwc ies qrHfˆ df hovy qfˆ ieh rfjnIqI df bVf nIvfˆ pwDr Cohx dI gwl hY. eydfˆ dIafˆ gwlfˆ iksy bfry vI inkl skdIafˆ hn. AuNj eydfˆ dIafˆ gwlfˆ inklx dI AuzIk krn dI loV vI awj-kwlH nhIN rhI. jvfhr lfl nihrU XUnIvristI dy ividafrQI afgU knHeIaf kumfr dy kys ivwc sfbq ho cuwkf hY ik iksy dy bfry koeI AucycI cIË iksy mfhr dI mdd nfl bxvfeI vI jf skdI hY. huxy ijhy pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxfˆ dy dOrfn iewk akflI pfrlImYˆt mYˆbr bfry eydfˆ dI koeI vIzIE GuMmfeI jf cuwkI hY, ijs dy bfry Aus df kihxf hY ik sfrI JUT hY. Auh JUTI hY jfˆ swcI, ies ivwc jfey ibnfˆ vwzf svfl ieh hY ik kI BfrqI rfjnIqI df pwDr hux ieh af jfvygf ik dyÈ dy ihwqfˆ dI crcf Cwz ky ieho ijhf gMd-mMd proisaf jfvygf?



We wanted Akshay in 'Aankhen 2', but he is busy :Arjun

Arjun Rampal who will be playing a visually impaired character in the much-awaited sequel to the 2002 hit film Aankhen, said he was not competing with anyone but the challenge is to raise the standard. "Aankhen is always a special film in my career and still people talk about this film wherever I go... technically we are much improved now we want to take the movie to another level," Rampal told media. "There is only one and half months left to start the shoot in South Africa. We will be doing some amazing stunts. So we are training hard for that," he added. "I am trying to carry forward the role from the prequel and how to enhance it and for that, I need to train hard." Asked if Akshay Kumar, who was in the previous part, will be seen in the movie? Rampal said the only two characters which repeated are Amitabh Bachan and me. However, "we wanted, but Akshay is busy with his films".

'Fukrey 2' wil be better than first instalment : Richa

Actress Richa Chadha, who will be seen reprising her role of a lady goon in "Fukrey 2", is confident that the sequel will be better than the first movie in the franchise."'Fukrey 2' is a very good film and my instinct says it will be better than the first instalment," R i c h a said the essence of her role as 'Bholi Punjaban', who lends money at high interest rate, is not changed for "Fukrey 2"."My character has not been changed, but the story and the creativity are completely different from the first one. 'Fukrey' was a surprise for the audience as we all were newcomers that time. Nobody expected that the film would do such good business," Richa added.Ali, who played Zafar, a serious guitarist and a loverboy in the first part, said: "This time there will be a lot of adventure and action. 'Fukrey 2' will be more fun and entertaining."However, Ali feels making a sequel is really risky because people already have high expectations.


The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017


Actors not doing big films doesn't mean they are jobless : Neha Neha Dhupia says if few actors are not doing mainstream cinema does not mean that they do not have work. The 36-year-old actress feels that all of them have been busy in some way or another, including their own business or TV ads. "If an actor is not doing commercial films doesn't mean he or she has no work to do at all. I have been busy. There are really big stars who are not seen in films but they own football team, they have other businesses and even actresses who are not working for

seven-eight years have endorsements to do, appear on television. So all are doing relevant work," Appearing in multi-starrer films like 'Chup Chup Ke', 'Singh is Kinng' among others, Neha has made her presence felt and is further hopeful of doing better work. "You always hope for better work to come your way, work more with interesting filmmakers. They (filmmakers) are aware I exist," she said. "I am getting interesting offers but they are not interesting enough to me. Good cinema interest me. Like 'Dangal' was phenomenal but I don't fit in the film."

'Rangoon' is one of the most heroic characters I have played : Shahid

Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, who plays a soldier of the British Indian Army in Vishal Bhardwaj's upcoming historical war drama "Rangoon", says it is one of the most heroic characters he has ever played in a film so far.Shahid told "My character Nawab Malik is a very different character from Tommy Singh ('Udta Punjab'), Charlie-Guddu ('Kaminey') and Haider ('Haider'), and that was the reason why I played the part... Vishal sir always offers me something challenging and different.""Nawab Malik is the most heroic character I have ever played so far, who is a soldier with a strong sense of duty and

Saif models Rangoon look on his grandfather Saif Ali Khan endary drew reference from his leg grandfather, Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi, to get his character's look and nuances right in the upcoming war drama, Rangoon. A source revealed, “Since the film is set during World War II, Saif took inspiration from some of the great personalities of that time, including Errol Flynn, Humphrey Bogart and Tyrone Power. He also went through pictures of his grandfather, who was a wellknown cricketer.Even the clothes that Saif has worn in the film are largely from his royal wardrobe.“ When asked if his look has been inspired by his grandfather, the

big patriot. It is a very inspiring character and I am glad to get the opportunity."The film is set in a time when India was going through a political turmoil.Asked about understanding the psychology of a character of that era, Shahid said: "Of course, the sociopolitical scenario of that time was quite different. The whole nation was aroused to achieve freedom. Nawab Malik symbolized that emotion in the film. But there is an emotional tussle as he was an Indian, serving for British Army and there come different dynamics that makes it interesting." Considering how Shahid has delivered some of his best performance as an actor in collaboration with Bhardwaj, when asked about how their equation has developed over a period of time, he said: "I share a special bond with him. Since the film is a director's medium... If as an actor I am the cake, he is the icing on the cake."

actor elaborated, “It is, in a way . I am quite aware of what the 40s were like, in terms of what people wore. I have also watched films based on those times. I liked that way of dressing. Lot of noted (Italian) designers have kept that period of dressing alive even today . It was a particularly glamorous time. After a long time, I have enjoyed the wardrobe of a movie. It's good to feel glamorous and well-dressed on the set.“

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017



jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-ipwq-ivkfr, GrylU JMJt, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, sMqfn-pwK TIk, rog-BY-hfnI, iesqrI-swuK, kfrobfr TIk. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; PrvrI 1,2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

You can suddenly find yourself with a lot more to handle than you expected. Avoid automatic response. You need to give yourself time to think about what is reasonable when it comes to commitment from you. What might have been put into place in December can now be fine-tuned and settled from now to early February.

Doubts could arise about certain priorities, especially if you are beginning to realise that there is either overwhelming detail attached or that they will cut into daily routines too much. You are in a better position, from now to early February, to take another look at future goals realistically, which includes more on your own terms.

 

ibRK-rkq-cfp, guwsy ‘c vfDf hovy, Dn-sMpdf-suwK-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo-bdl. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; PrvrI 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.



imQn-ishq TIk, Xojnf sPl, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI, snmfn imly, ivsLysL Krc hovy, bMDU-ksLt, sMpqI lfB. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; PrvrI 5, 6 asLuwB hn.



krk-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-ksLt, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr TIk. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; PrvrI 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB hovy, injI-jn-sihXog, siQr, jfiedfd dy JgVy, sLuwB smfcfr, sMqfn-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr gVbVfey (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; PrvrI 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



kMinaf-ishq TIk, Gr ivc KusLI dy kfrj hox, bMDU-suwK, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr TIk. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; PrvrI 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.

7 

qulf-ishq TIk rhy, GrylU JgVy, inwjI lokF nfl axbx, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx qoN nuksfn df zr. iesqrI-ksLt. jnvrI(2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; PrvrI 5, 6, asLuwB hn.



ibRisick-pyt ‘c KrfbI, Dn-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMpqI bfry icMqf, sMqfn-suwK, Xojnf sPl, dusLmx qoN BY, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; PrvrI 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



Dn-ishq TIk, PjUl df Krc hovy, dusLmx aqy ibmfrI df zr, Brf df ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; PrvrI 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-ishq TIk, GrylU JMJt, BfeI-bMDU qoN suwK, sMpqI-icMqf, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr cMgf. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; PrvrI 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.

Someone else can make final decisions or move on from a situation that first arose from mid November to early December, which could either involve or affect you. Their interests will come first. You should not launch into any sudden spending or take risks financially right now, no matter how lucky or fortunate it might seem.

The Full Moon this week occurs in your own sign. This brings matters to fruition or a head, on a personal level and with its connections to other planets this can certainly be spectacular. Don’t jump into commitments on the spur of the moment. You will have a lot to handle this year and need to approach matters practically.

There will be a lot building up behind the scenes. If you take some time to contemplate any situation in which you find yourself, you should be able to gain quite an accurate sense. The thing is not to say or promise too much. It would be wise to give yourself time to go over the details thoroughly from now to early February.

Other people can seem confident and certain when in actual fact they can be all over the place. This can have the effect of bringing your own priorities in life to the surface, especially in any situations where you might have dependence on others. You can do well financially this year if you initially weigh things up carefully.

Be mindful of being too generous of yourself this week as obligations attached could blow out far more than you first anticipate. Others involved will be putting their own matters first, not yours. You are in a good position to get back to putting final plans in place, from now to early February that first arose during December.

You can suddenly gain clear vision of what is possible to achieve in the long term though you are not yet in a position to pursue this. An alternative view to the details that need to be dealt with can lead you to realise that more facts or information has to be gathered. You have got until early October to get ready.

Don’t be tempted to go off track when it comes to your own priorities, as you won’t be able to see what someone else really expects. You have been given the opportunity to get your mind back on track in the last week and from now to early February you need to get more serious about your own situation, especially finances

Others can place a huge demand on your time and attention and it can be upon you before you know it. How you might have reacted once likely needs to be altered and Mercury, the planet of decision making, back in your sign again until 7th February will provide you with the opportunity to do just that. Do not overload yourself.

The future should certainly have a more optimistic tone this year though at the moment you may wonder what is going on behind the scenes. Something about health can come to a head right now which will either please you or make you realise it is time you put more effort into taking care of yourself. Investigate.

Anything involving finances can have some unusual aspects to it and for this reason you should not be tempted to do anything out of the ordinary, especially if somebody else encourages you. One minute you can feel quite clear, the next uncertain. The only way to overcome this is to remain focussed on your priorities.

11  kuMB-ishq Krfb, vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB, bMDU-ksLt, siQr-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, iesqrI-pwK TIk, kfrobfr bfry icMqf. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; PrvrI 5, 6 asLuwB hn.



mIn-ishq TIk rhy, PjUl df Krc hovy, injI-jn ivroD krn, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK TkI, iesqrI-suwK rhy, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf aqy snmfn. jnvrI (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; PrvrI 7, 8 asLuwB hn.


The Patrika



Friday, February 24th, 2017

BivwK dIafˆ ËrUrqfˆ leI pUMjI invyÈ dI shI cox- sYgrIgytz PMz. mOjUdf asiQr bËfr dy hlfqfˆ ivwc mYˆ afpxy gfhkfˆ nUM BivwK leI smJdfrI nfl bcq krn dI slfh idMdf hfˆ. asIˆ afpxy pirvfr dI KuÈhflI leI kMm krdy hfˆ aqy ieh bhuq cMgI qrfˆ jfxdy hfˆ ik ivwqI surwiKaf sfzy leI loV dy smy srIrk aqy jËbfqI surwiKaf muhweIaf kr skdI hY. vwK-vwK lokfˆ dy BivwK leI vwK-vwK ivwqI ËrUrqfˆ aqy invyÈ dy vwK-vwK tIcy huMdy hn-ijvyˆ ik irtfiermYt ˆ ,bwcy df ivafh,Gr KrIdxf, srIrk ivCoVy qy pirvfr dI ivwqI surwiKaf afid. hux svfl ieh hY ik sfzy vwK-vwK ivwqI tIcy vwD kuÈlqf aqy surwiKaq ZMg nfl ikvyˆ pRfpq kIqy jfx, ies df jvfb ieh hY ik asIˆ hmyÈf BivwK leI soc smJ ky invyÈ dy vDIaf aqy isafxy PYsly krIey, ijMnf nfl iewk asrdfr Xojnf bxy qfˆik sfzy ivwqI tIcy pUry kIqy jf skx. sfzy mnoivigafnk aqy ieiqhfsk pwKoˆ aqy qrqIb-vfr ivigafpnfˆ dy kfrx lok smJdy hn, ik kyvl bYˆk hI aYsy ivwqI adfry hn ijhVy invyÈ shUlqfˆ muhweIaf krvfAuˆdy hn aqy bYˆk ivwc invyÈ krnf hI surwiKaq hY,jd ik ieh shI nhIˆ hY, ikAuˆik Auhnfˆ nUM pqf nhIˆ ik aijhIafˆ hor shUlqfˆ vI hn ijhVIafˆ nf isrP invyÈk nUM bYˆk duafrf idwqIafˆ geIafˆ sfrIafˆ invyÈ shUlqfˆ muhweIaf krvfAuˆdIafˆ hn blik ieˆÈorˆs kfnUMnfˆ dy hyT hor lfB vI muhweIaf krvfAuˆdIafˆ hn. ieˆÈorˆs kfnUMnfˆ dI surwiKaf invyÈk nUM afpxI invyÈ kIqI asl rkm aqy ivwqI

tIcy pRfpq krn leI vwD ivkfsdr dy mOky imlx dI mfnisk sMquÈtI vI idMdI hY, aqy nfl hI kMtRYkt dy pRbMD aMdr bËfr df ruJfn mMdI vwl hox jfˆ acfnk srIrk ivCoVy qy AusdI jmfˆ kIqI rkm 75% jfˆ 100% qk surwiKaq huMdI hY. ieˆÈorˆs kMpnIafˆ ivwc invyÈ dI surwiKaf dI Gwt jfxkfrI hox krky sfzf XkIn ajy vI bYˆkfˆ dy mXucual PMz qy afr afr aYs pI (RRSP) jfˆ tI aYP aYs ey (TFSA) Auwqy hY, pr iehnfˆ ivwc invyÈ kIqI mUl rkm dI koeI gfrMtI nhIˆ. ieˆÈorˆs kMpnIafˆ bYˆkfˆ vfˆg hI mXucual PMzf hyT jmfˆ rkm dI ivkfs-dr nUM sYgrIgytz PMz hyT muhweIaf krvfAuˆdIafˆ hn,afAu iehnfˆ dI QoVf ivsqfr ivwc crcf krIey:* sYgrIgytz PMz dI invyÈ dI cox isrP lfeIP ieˆÈorˆs kMpnIafˆ hI muhweIaf krvf skdIafˆ hn, ikAuˆik Auhnfˆ kol ieˆÈorˆs kfnUMnfˆ dy aDIn surwiKaf qy vfDU lfB hn,ies df mqlb hY ik quhfzI nÌfnuksfn sihxÈIlqf muqfibk nf isrP qusIˆ invyÈ kIqI rkm dI Auwc ivkfsdr pRfpq kr skdy ho blik imafd pUrI hox qy jfˆ acfnk srIrk ivCoVy smy jo lfB qy gfrMtIafˆ ieˆÈorˆs kMpnI qoˆ pRfpq ho skdy hn Auh bYˆk qoˆ pRfpq nhIˆ huMdy. mYcXortI gfrMtI dy pRbMDfˆ aDIn sYgrIgytz PMz quhfzI invyÈ kIqI mUl rkm dI 75% jfˆ 100% gfrM t I mu h w e Iaf krvfAu ˆ d y hn jo ieˆÈorˆs dy kfnUMnfˆ dy aDIn jrUrI hY,Audfhrx dy leI qusIˆ $100000 invyÈ

kIqy,imafd pUrI hox qy bËfr dI mMdI krky quhfzy Kfqy ivwc $80,000 rih gey hn,jykr gfrMtI 100% hY qf ieMÈorMs kMpnI $20,000 koloˆ pf ky quhfnUM $100,000 dyvygI. jy ivkfsdr krky Dn $100,000 qoˆ vwD hY quhfnUM Auwc rkm imlygI. ies leI ieh surwiKaf bury vkq leI hY, jo bYˆk ivwc mXucual PMz dy aDIn muhweIaf nhIˆ kIqI jfˆdI. iesy qrfˆ zYQ (mOq) bYnIiPt gfrMtI dy pRbMD dy aDIn acfnk srIrk ivCoVy smyˆ bfËfr dI mMdI dOrfn quhfzI mUl rkm 75% jfˆ 100% surwiKaq rihMdI hY. ieh gfrMtIafˆ quhfzI mUl rkm dy guafAux dI icMqf dUr kr idMdIafˆ hn ijs krky sfzI invyÈ dI cox ijafdf afkrÈk qy surwiKaq hY. ieh shUlq mXucual PMz invyÈ qy lfgU nhI huMdI.

invyÈ nf krIey. ieh shUlq vI mXucual PMz invyÈ ivwc nhIˆ hY. * invyÈ df rIsYt PIcr:- keI ieˆÈorˆs kMpnIafˆ mUl rkm nUM ivkfsdr dy Auwqy rIsYt krn dI vfDU shUlq muhweIaf vI krvfAuˆdIafˆ hn, aqy rIsYt krn dy bfad nvIˆ aqy AuwcI rkm qy gfrMtIafˆ lfgU ho jfˆdIafˆ hn. ies shUlq nfl imafd pUrI hox dI imqI hor agy vwD skdI hY. iewk vfr iPr Xfd rwKxf pvygf,ieh suivDf mXucual PMz invyÈ qy lfgU nhIˆ huMdI. Auprokq shUlqfˆ krky sYgrIgytz PMz invyÈkfˆ leI ijafdf iKwc df kyˆdr bxdy hn .pr bhumq ivwc lokfˆ nUM iehnfˆ bfry ajy vI pqf nhIˆ hY qy Auh R SP jfˆ TFSA invyÈ bYˆkfˆ ivwc krdy hn.

* pRobyt kfnUMnfˆ nUM bfeI pfs krdy hn:ieˆ È orˆ s kfnUMnfˆ dI surwiKaf aDIn sYgrIgytz PMz df dUjf vwzf lfB hY ik invyÈk dI byvkqI mOq smy tYks aqy pRobyt kfnUMn nUM bfeIpfs krdy hoey afm qOr qy qIh idn dy aMdr PMz imRqk dy sfQI dy nfa kIqf jfˆdf hY. pr mXucual PMz invyÈ Auwpr tYks aqy pRobyt Krcy lfgU huMdy hn.

ieˆÈorˆs aqy invyÈ slfhkfr hox krky mYˆ nf isrP quhfnUM afpxI imhnq nfl kmfey hoey Dn nUM invyÈ ivwc vDfAux dI slfh dy skdf hfˆ, blik quhfnUM ies imhnq dI kmfeI nUM surwiKaq rwKx aqy vDfAux df qrIkf vI dws skdf hfˆ. ikRpf krky muÌq slfh leI myry dPqr ivwc afAu jfˆ mYnUM kfl kro qfˆ jo mYˆ quhfnUM ivwqI AudXog dy Ehly rwKy qwQfˆ bfry hor jfxkfrI dy skfˆ. * invyÈ nUM lYxdfrfˆ qoˆ surwiKaf:- sYgrIgytz vDyry jfxkfrI leI mYnUM +604-996PMz df iek hor muwK lfB ieh hY ik ieh 6862 qy sMprk jfˆ sandeepahuja@ imRqk dy pirvfr nUM lYxdfrfˆ qoˆ surwiKaq gmail[com qy eI-myl kro. rwKdy hn, koeI lYxdfr quhfzy pirvfr dI rkm qoˆ ihwsf nhIˆ lY skdf,rkm iswDI **RRSP qoˆ lfB lYx dI afiKrI imqI nf Buwlxf pirvfr dy mYˆbr nUM imlygI. pr ies gwl –mfrc 01,2017 df iDafn rhy ik isrP lYxdfrfˆ qoˆ surwiKaf dy iewko mksd nfl sYgrIgytz PMz ivwc

jnm idn `qy ivÈyÈ:s: qyjf isMG smuMdrI nUM Xfd kridafˆ[[[

Bgvfn isMG jOhl

gurduafrf suDfr lihr dy isdkI iswK sMsQfvfˆ nUM iekwTf krky ‘Kflsf dIvfn dy jQy smyq igRPqfrI leI afpxf nfˆa aMgryË hkUmq vwloN jylH ivc qMgIafˆpyÈ kIqf. Auh gurduafrf suDfr lihr dy qurÈIafˆ vflf jIvn bqIq kridafˆ 17 afgU s: qyjf isMG smuMdrI ny ijs idRVHqf, bfr` dI sQfpnf kIqI. sfdgI, isdkidlI aqy inÈkfm syvk vjoN afpxy ipMz ivc Kflsf hfeI skUl aqy srgrm afgU vjoN hmyÈf mohrI afgU vjoN julfeI, 1926 eI: nUM 44 ku sfl dI Aumr ijhVf mhfn Xogdfn pfieaf, Aus nUM kOm srhflI ivKy sRI gurU goibMd isMG Kflsf kdy vI Buwl nhIN skdI. s: qyjf isMG df hfeI skU l dI sQfpnf krky lo k fˆ nU M jnm ipqf irsfldfr myjr s: dyvf isMG iswiKaq krn leI vwzf AuWdm kIqf. sRI nnkfxf sfihb dy KUnI sfky qoN bfad ijhVI aqy mfqf nMd kOr dy gRih ivKy Aus smyˆ dy pRbMDk kmytI sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy jnm iËlHf aMimRqsr dI qihsIl qrn qfrn dy asQfn dy pRbMD leI bxI, Aus ivc bqOr ipMz rfie kf burj ivKy 20 PrvrI, 1882 mYˆbr Èfiml kIqf igaf. nvyˆ bxy sLRomxI eI: nUM hoieaf. bcpn qoN s: qyjf isMG dI akflI dl ivc Èfiml ho ky CyqI hI aKLbfr rucI Dfrimk aqy smfijk kfrjfˆ ivc sI. ‘akflI pwiqRkf` dI pRkfÈnf sLurU kIqI. cIP Kflsf dIvfn dy mYˆbr vjoN Dfrimk ies aKLbfr leI mfiek shfieqf vI idl Kyqr ivc pRvyÈ kIqf. afpxy Èihr smuMdrI KolH ky kIqI.

ivcry. 13 akqUbr, 1923 eI: nUM jQy ivc idl df dOrf ipaf. ies mfrU hwly smyq igRPqfrI idwqI. 1925 eI: ivc jdoN nfl ies PfnI sMsfr nUM Cwz ky Auh sdIvI Bfrq ivc hkUmq kr rhI aMgryË srkfr ny gurduafrf aYkt pfs kIqf, Aus smyˆ gurduafrf suDfr lihr leI sMGrÈ kr rhy iswK afgU do DiVafˆ ivc vMzy gey. ijhVy sMGrÈ kr rhy iswK afgUafˆ ny gurduafrf aYkt nUM pRvfn nhIN sI kIqf, AunHfˆ jylH

ivCoVf dy gey. s: qyjf isMG smuMdrI dI Xfd nUM hmyÈf leI brkrfr rwKx leI sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny afpxy skwqryq leI bxfeI iemfrq df nfˆa ‘qyjf isMG smuMdrI hfl` rwiKaf. s: qyjf isMG

ivcoN irhfa hox qoN ienkfr kr idwqf. s: smuMdrI dy spuwqr s: ibÈn isMG smuMdrI qyjf isMG vI irhfa hox qoN ienkfr krn nUM 1969 eI: ivc nvIN bxI gurU nfnk

vfly afgUafˆ ivc Èfiml sn. dlyrI qy dyv XUnIvristI df pihlf vfeIs cfˆslr ivc sB qoN pihlfˆ Kflsf dIvfn kfiem jdoN sRI rkfbgMj idwlI ivKy morcf afrMB isdkidlI krky s: qyjf isMG smuMdrI df bxfieaf igaf. awj ies mhfn iswK afgU kIqf. ies qoN ipwCoN hor bhuq sfrIafˆ iswK hoieaf qfˆ qyjf isMG smuMdrI ny sO isMGfˆ siqkfr smuwcf iswK jgq krdf sI. dI kyvl Xfd hI bfkI hY. PAGE 40

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika 


ieMtrnYsLnl pMQk ZfzI jQf BfeI guljLfr isMG gulsLn cMgxF vfly qy sfQI ijlHf luiDafxf `c mulFpur-dfKf dy nyVy ipMz cMgx `c srdfr myhr isMG dy Gr mfqf srdfrnI surjIq kOr dI kuKoN jnmyN guljLfr isMG gulsLn ny skUlI pVH f eI krn Au p rM q pRiswD surMgI mfstr avqfr isMG pfsoN ZfzI klf hfisl kIqI. lgfqfr vIh sfl cotI dy ZfzI jiQaF ivc afpxI ZfzI klf dI pysLkfrI kIqI. bcpn qoN hI gfAux aqy ieiqhfs pVHn df sLOk hox krky iPr prcfrk bixaf. mhfn pMQk ivdvfn ZfzI igafnI ieMdrjIq isMG axKI pfsoN lYkcr ivwidaf pRfpq kIqI. BfeI gulsLn dy ZfzI jQy dI afvfjL ivc keI afzIE kYistF ijvyN jLulm srkfr dy, lfj rwKIN bfjLF vfilaf, BYxo hiQafr AuTfvo, aMimRq KMzy bfty df, sLhId bfbf dIp isMG afid kYstF mfrkIt ivc cwlIaF. iPr vIzIE sIzIjL aYlbmjL “nUMhF dy kfql, pKMzI bfbf, jIqF pI lY pfxI vfr ky afid iPlmF sMgqF ny bVIaF psMd kIqIaF. sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI vloN igafnI dieaf isMG idlbr XfdgfrI ZfzI mukfbilaF `coN joLnl mukfbly `coN pihlf ienfm iPr PfeInl mukfbly `coN gurduafrf dIvfn hfl mMjI sfihb sRI drbfr sfihb ivc “igafnI dieaf isMG idlbr” XfdgfrI aYvfrz pRfpq kIqf. jgrfAuN swiBafcfrk myly qy Aus nUM “ZfzI amr isMG sLOkI aYvfrz” nfl snmfinq kIqf igaf. lFbVf ZfzI mukfbly `coN vI dUjf ienfm pRfpq kIqf. awjklH Aus dy ZfzI jQy `c ZfzI gurprIq isMG gulsLn, surMgI mfstr ieMdrjIq isMG gulsLn, rfijMdr isMG rOsLn sLyrIaF ZfzI kfl dI pysLkfrI kr rhy hn. awjkwlH ieh ZfzI jQf gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy gur ieiqhfs aqy ZfzI vfrF rfhIN inhfl kr irhf hY.

#128 - 31935 South Fraser Way. Abbotsford, BC. V2T 5N7

#128 - 31935 South Fraser Way

Ph: 604-532-3009


The Patrika


Friday, February 24th, 2017


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The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017

Spice Radio's Weekly Top 10 Songs By Angelina Rai



Madhuri Dixit-Nene @MadhuriDixit Dreams don't work unless you do. Don't let the weekends be an excuse to take off from your goals.

PRIYANKA @priyankachopra Baywatch makes everything fun! @TheRock @ZacEfron @AADaddario #Baewatch

1. The Humma Song Ok Jaanu - Jubin Nautiyal, Shashaa Tirupati and A.R. Rahman 2. Go Pagal Jolly LLB 2 - Raftaar and Nindy Kaur

Rishi Kapoor -"Book" @chintskap Many Happy returns of the Day, dear Daboo. Much love from all of us. Your 70th God Bless!

3. Zaalima Raees - Arijit Singh and Harshdeep Kaur 4. Nashe Si Chadh Gayi Befikre - Arijit Singh

5. Enna Sonna Ok Jaanu - Arijit Singh and A.R. Rahman 6. Dangal Dangal - Pritam

Shahid Kapoor @shahidkapoor Team Ratngoon promoting in Delhi. #rangooning

7. Bawara Mann Jolly LLB 2 - Jubin Nautiyal and Neeti Mohan 8. Kaabil Hoon Kaabil - Jubin Nautiyal and Palak Mucchal 9. Badri Ki Dulhania Badrinath Ki Dulhania - Dev Negi, Neha Kakkar, Monali Thakur and Ikka 10. Udi Udi Jaye Raees - Sukhwinder Singh, Bhoomi Trivedi and Karsan Sagathia

Abhishek Bachchan @juniorbachchan And #TeamWEST wins the #NBAAllStar game!! Probably the highest scoring all-star game I've ever seen. Gr8 fun. Now onto the #IPLAuction


The Patrika


Abbotsford’s Trucking company is looking for company drivers and owner operators for local work. 5 days a week, 40-50 hrs per week, $18-$20 per hour our for company drivers. For more information, Call: 604-857-5535



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Friday, February 24th, 2017



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sLok smfcfr afp jI nUM bhuq hI duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy bhuq hI ipafry siqkfr isMG iswDU S/O s: bldyv isMG iswDU, ipClf ipMz cMd purfxf (mogf), pRmfqmf vwloN bKsI 23 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky gurU crnF ivwc jf ibrfjy hn. AuhnF df aMiqm sskfr imqI 26 PrvrI 2017 idn aYqvfr nUM 11 vjy Pryjr irvr iPAUnrl hom 2061 Riverside Dr. aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf. aMiqm ardfs sLfm 3 vjy gurduafrf sfihb bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr 31631 sfAUQ PryjLr vya aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI. pirvfr nfl duwK cmkOr isMG iswDU 604-613-2002 sFJf krn leI Pon: bldyv isMG iswDU 778-240-6900

sLok smfcfr duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY s: blivMdr isMG aOjlf bIqI PrvrI 9, 2017 nUM gurU crnF ivc jf ibrfjy hn AunHF df ipClf ipMz aOjlf ijlHf kpUrQlf sI. AunHF df aMqm sskfr 2061 irvrsfeIz iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivKy PrvrI 28, 2017 mMglvfr svyry 10 vjy hovygf, AunHF nimq pfT df Bog gurduafrf bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr aYbtPorz hovygf. duwK sFJf krn leI Pon: dosq Pon: 604-825-4342 siqMdr isMG aYbtsPorz


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sfnMU tYNzm, PlYt-bYwz, mYksI aqy supr-bI leI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| rUt ibRitsL kulMbIaf, albrtf aqy vfisLMgtn ivwc hn| CALL 604.825.7749 for more information or email resume to info@kingmanenterprise.com

Wanted Full time and Part time LPN for patient care at home. Candidate will be licensed, good communication skills. * cMgI qnKfh imlLygI| Work will be 9:00am to 5:00pm. Please forward resume to:


sLok smfcfr asIN afp jI nUM sUicq kr rhy hF ik sfzy siqkfr Xog mfqf jI Drvfs kOr syKoN 18 PrvrI idn sincrvfr nUM pRmfqmf vloN bKsI 97 sfl dI Aumr pUrI krky akfl purK dy crnF ivc jf ibrfjy hn. AuhnF df ipClf ipMz dfKf (awzf dfKf) hrnyk ngr ijlHf luiDafxf sI aqy pykf ipMz bopfrfey klF sI. Auh srI ivc 1978 qoN rih rhy sn. Auh afpxy ipwCy ‘poqy-poqIaF, dohqydo h qIaF, pVo q y - pVo q IaF vflf Biraf pRIvfr Cwz gey hn. bIbI jI df aMiqm sskfr vYlI ivAU iPAUnrl hom 1464472 aYvIinAU srI ivKy 10:30 vjy hovygf bljIq isMG BwtI gurmIq isMG DflIvfl AuprMq AuhnF dy nimq rKfey sfihj pfT sMprk leI dy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs sRI gurU isMG sqpfl isMG syKoN 604-572-1908 sBf 8115-132 strIt qy 12 vjy hovygI. suKdIp isMG syKoN (suKI) 1-306-807pRIvfr nfl duwK sFJf krn leI AuhnF dy 0741 puwqr blvIr isMG syKoN avqfr isMG syKoN ieMzIaf sqpfl isMG syKoN AuhnF dy dfmfd gurmIq isMG DflIvfl 778-908-3221

Friday, February 24th, 2017

The Patrika

Sardar Ghamanda Singh Gill It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved father, Sardar Ghamanda Singh Gill who passed away peacefully on February 16, 2017 at the age of 87. He was born in Village Saido, District Moga on November 01, 1929 and received his early education at GHG Khalsa School Gurusar Sadhar, then obtained his Masters Degree in Economics from Khalsa College Amritsar. He then married the late Gurnam Kaur Gill of village Sanewhal, District Ludhianna. He had a long and distinguished career as an Economics Professor at GHG Khalsa College Gurusar Sadhar from 1951 until his retirement in 1989. He also served as Principal at the same institution. He had the distinct privilege to provide education to three generations of many families. He was well respected by students and colleagues for his discipline, work ethic, and moral values. He had a unique ability to connect with people from all walks of life. He always practiced what he preached. A deep understanding of Gurbani and deeper relationship with God guided his day to day life. Alongside his academic career, he also obtained the rank of Major in the National Cadet Corps (NCC). He later moved to Surrey, British Columbia in 1992, where he continued his passion of education and served as a volunteer principal for the Punjabi School operated by the Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Surrey/Delta. He is survived by his children Khushpal Singh Gill (wife Narinder Gill), Daljeet Dhillon (husband Late Avtar Singh Dhillon), Jaskiran Virk (husband Inderjit Virk), Rupinder Singh Gill (wife Kulwant Gill); his grandsons Mickey Gill (wife Meena Gill), Kamaljot Dhillon (wife Soman Dhillon), Rickey Dhillon (wife Parveen Dhillon), Jasdeep Gill, Jasman Virk, Harneil Gill; great-granddaughter Mahi Pritam Kaur Gill, great-grandsons Sahajveer Singh Dhillon, Yuvraj Singh Dhillon and Ronak Ghamanda Singh Gill. He is predeceased by his parents Natha Singh and Sant Kaur Gill; wife Gurnam Kaur Gill and brothers Surjan Singh Gill and Dalbara Singh Gill. The funeral ceremony will take place at: Riverside Funeral Home ( 7410 Hopcott Rd, Delta, BC V4G 1B6) at 10:00 AM on Saturday, February 25th, 2017. Prayers will take place at 1:00 PM at Khalsa Diwan Society Surrey (York Centre: HELP 103-7938 WANTED 128 St, Surrey, BC kM V3W 4E8) vfly dI loV hY m krn For further info, contact: Gill family at 604-572-7468

We need worker for video store, English, Punjabi, spoken will be an asset. Full me job. vIzIE stor ivwc kMm krn leI loV hY. qnKfh Xogqf anusfr idwqI jfvygI. kMm Puwl tfeIm hY. aMgryjLI qy pMjfbI ilKxI, bolxI afAuNdI hovy. Pon nM: 604-825-0775



A&W Restaurant located at 2040 Sumas Way, Abbotsford, B.C.V2S 2C7, is looking to fill in the position of Food Service Supervisor to work along with our Restaurant Manager. Job duties for this position include: Supervise and co-ordinate activities; Scheduling shifts for employees and supervising staff in kitchen; Maintain inventory of bar, monitor consumption of stock and order supplies; Recruitment and training of staff members; Maintain records of stock, wastage, sales, repairs; Assisting Restaurant Manager in monitoring quality of food served and regulating excessive consumption by ensuring efficiency in food preparation; Inspect kitchen area, kitchen utensils and equipment to ensure sanitary and safety standards are met. May take customer orders, receive payments and stock refrigerators; This is a full time permanent position that A&W Restaurant is seeking to fill. Compensation for this position is CAN $13.00 per hour. 40 hours per week. Benefits include 2 weeks of paid vacation in a year and discounted meals during scheduled shifts. Location of work is at the address above. Please apply by email or fax, as these are the most efficient way for us to screen your application: Email: awsumas2016@outlook.com Job Requirements: - At least 2+ years’ experience in food services industry is required; - Formal training and education in the food industry is preferable; - Good communication skills, positive attitude to work and people management skills; - Ideal applicant must be available to work on any scheduled, rotational or call in shifts, which includes weekends, nights and mornings; - Able to work under pressure and time constraint in fast paced environment; - Candidate must have completed food safety course Only qualified applicants will be contacted. Thank you.

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sKLq lkV aqy lYmInyt pyNitMg mOlizMg


rsoeI aqy vfsLrUm sIzr aqy cyn sMbMiDq vfV

zrfeIvfl rYnovysLn Gr Doxf

PryjLr vYlI eyrIey ivwc tYlIikAUmInIkysLns kMpnI nUM 6 Puwl tfeIm vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY| kMpnI dI vYn imlLygI | klfs 5 df lfiesYNs hoxf jrUrI hY| tryinMg idwqI jfvygI| kMipAUtr aqy aMgryjI BfsLf df igafn hoxf cfhIdf hY| 2ivakqI iewk tIm ivwc kMm knrgy| cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr $12-$18 qwk imlLygI| pwkf kMm aqy imhnqI vrkr mYnyjmYNt ivwc vI jf skdy hn| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-300-1788 jF rYjLmy eImyl kro: vrkrF dI loV info@canteltelecom.com

aYbtsPorz dI lokl svIt sLfp leI ikcn hYlpr aqy kstmr srivs leI vrkrF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mfhOl| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-825-5155 PAGE 45

The Patrika


Employment Truck Driver Wanted Class 1 truck driver required to transport loads for our company. The loads are for USA (CA). Experience in trucking industry will be preferred. Knowledge of English is must and Knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Drivers abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@ gloadtransport.com/gloadhr@ gmail.com, 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2 FARM LABOURERS WANTED Deol Farms, located at 1354 272nd St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 2P9, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from June 15th till winter 2016 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in various weather conditions. Fax resume to (604) 607-0841.

Employment cont'd Workers Wanted T.S. Mankatala Farms requires seasonal workers for approximately six months starting May 1/17. Duties include planting, weeding, pruning, harvesting of berries as well as other general farm duties. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in cold and wet conditions. Wages $10.86/hr, 50 to 60 hrs/week. Apply in person at 267 Columbia St, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5X7.

Workers Wanted Farm workers required starting as soon as possible. 40--‐60 hours/ week. Duties include pruning, planting, weeding, & harvesting berries. As well as other general farm duties. Work is outdoors & can be physically demanding. Wage $10.85/hour. Fax resume to 604-‐850--‐7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C9.

vrkr dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI|

Pon : 778-878-4723 dupihr 12 vjy qoN bfad

AYbtsPorf mSrUm Pwrm nUM qurMq loV hY ip~krW dI[ kMm ienfor hovygw, $11.00/GMtw iphly 3 mhIny leI[ aus qoN bwAd pr pWaUf pyA kIqw jwvygw[ Awp Awky AplweI kro : - 28265 – 58th AVE, Abbotsford, V2S 8B9 jW kwl kro 604.856.9833, PYks 604.856.9853


Employment cont'd

kfimaF dI loV

aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE

brfV zrfeIvfl, aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $13 pRqI GMtf + vkysLn pya aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr $15 qoN $20 pRqI GMtf | aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI jsivMdr isMG brfV nUM Pon kro: 604-614-3185 jF 604-613-0897

suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604-615-9877

Services cont'd Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs     

Driver Wanted Driver wanted for local 5-Ton truck, must speak English and knowledge of lower mainland will be an asset. $17/ hr. For more information, Call Manjit Sidhu: 604-825-5211

Matrimonial Xog kMinaf dI loV 25 sflf, 6’2” kwd, jwt isWK kYnyzf dy pVHy ilKy kYnyzIan istIjn lVky leI pVHI ilKI Xog lVkI dI loV hY| stUzYNt primt vflLI lVkI ‘qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf skdf hY| lVky df sfrf pirvfr kYnyzf ivwc sYtlz hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604625-105

lMbr imwl ivwc lMbr stYikMg krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh $16 qoN sLurU kfimafˆ dI loV aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr ijafdf idwqI mÈrUm kMpnI nMU pYikMg leI vrkrfˆ dI q jfvygI, kMm aMdr sYLwz ivwc hovygf| hor kMm GMitafˆ df hY, qnKfh hr 15 idn bfa jfxkfrI leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro: 40+, GMty pRiq hPqy. $12.00– $12.40 604-866-3923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228 afpxf rYYËmy PYks kro 604-856-9853 Address: 6350 Unsworth Rd, Chilliwack

kro 28265 58th Ave, aYbtsPorz, V4X hor jfxkrI leI Pon kro : 778-323-7

zrfeIvr dI loV hY vr dI loV hY

jwt isWK,Aumr 30 sfl, bI[aYs[sI[ sfieMs, kwd 5’5”, ijlHf luiDafxf, ieMzIaf ‘c rih


Friday, February 24th, 2017


rihI lVkI leI kYnyzIan istIjn jF iemIgRFt pirvfr mfpy, BYx, AYbtsPorf mSrUmlVky Pwrm dI nUM lo quV rMqhY|lobfkI V hY sfrf ip~krW Brf kYnyzf c cMgI qrHF sYwt hn| hor jfxkfrI dI[ kMm ienfor hovygw, $11.00/GM w iphly mhIny leI[ leItPo n kro:3 778-598-4343 aus qoN bwAd pr pWaUf pyA kIqw jwvygw[ Awp Awky AplweI kro : - 28265 – 58th AVE, Abbotsford, V2S 8B9

mÈrUm kMpnI nMU pYikMg leI vrkrfˆ dI qurMq loV hY. kMm GMitafˆ df hY, qnKfh hr 15 idn bfad. 40+ GMty pRiq hPqy. $12.00– $12.40/GMty. afpxf rYYËmy PYks kro 604-856-9853 jfˆ afky aplfeI kro 28265 58th Ave, aYbtsPorz, V4X 2E8 hor jfxkrI leI Pon kro : 778-323-7727 jfˆ 604-856-9833

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď


& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash

¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid

+RXVH :DVK 7UXFN :DVK ¡Drive Way 'ULYH :D\ *XWWHU &OHDQ ¡Gutter Clean &much more! :LQGRZ &OHDQ 0XFK 0RUH ¡Truck Wash



The Patrika


Friday, February 24th, 2017


jwg ijAUx vwzIafˆ BrjfeIafˆ sfzy smfj df dsqUr hY ik kuVI jdoN jvfn ho jfˆdI hY qfˆ Aus df ivafh krky Aus nUM shurIN qor idwqf jfˆdf hY. Aus nUM shury Gr jf ky vI afpxf pykf Gr aksr Xfd afAuNdf hI rihMdf hY. smyˆ dy nfl mfˆ-ipE sdIvI qOr `qy qur jfˆdy hn qy iksy iksy ivcfrI df qfˆ afpxf Brf vI jhfnoN kUc kr jfˆdf hY. iPr bfad `c kOx Aus dI sfr lvygf? kihMdy nyBfeIey rfj BqIjI Tfxf, Cwzdy BUaf afAuxf jfxf. jdoN kuafrI sI qfˆ Aus dy vIr df ivafh ho igaf sI ikAuNik Auh Aus qoN vwzf sI. Aus nUM afpxf vIr qfˆ ipafrf hI sI, BfbI vI ipafrI lwgdI sI. mfˆ dy qur jfx ipwCoN BrjfeI hI duwK aqy BIV pYx smyˆ nxfn nUM gl lfAuNdI hY. Aus nUM bxdf srdf idMdI vI hY. qfˆ hI qfˆ Auh afKdI hYvIr myry ny kuVqI idwqI, Bfbo ny PulkfrI. juwg juwg jIa Bfbo, lwgyˆ vIr qoN ipafrI.

Bwj-Bwj ky bVy cfa nfl krdI hY. Aus dI shury pirvfr ivwcoN hor jIafˆ dy nfl-nfl drfxI ivafhux jf rhy idEr dy surmf vI pqI df Cotf Brf vI huMdf hY. BfbIafˆ leI idEr bVy lfzly qy ipafry huMdy hn. keI qfˆ Aus ny hI pfAuxf huMdf hYÈrfrqI idEr jdoN BfbI hwsdI hY qfˆ bVI pihlI islfeI idErf rsBrI, nIJ lf ky Aus dy icwty anfrfˆ dy dfixafˆ vrgy dMdfˆ nUM qwkdy rihMdy hn. qfˆ hI qfˆ dUjI vy guwl anfr. Auh kihMdI hY. qIjI islfeI qfˆ pfvfˆ, myrf idEr bVf tuwt pYxf, jy mohrfˆ dyvyˆ cfr, hwsdI dy dMd igxdf. vy ijAUx joigaf cfr. kuJ vI hovy BrjfeI nUM idEr afpxy hI jdoN Auh afp ivafhI afeI sI qfˆ Aus dI DIafˆ-puwqfˆ ijMnf ipafrf huMdf hY. Auh Aus nUM sws ny bVy cfa kIqy sI. Aus dI nxd vI glq pfsy jfxoN rokdI rihMdI hY aqy Aus nUM Aus qoN vfrI-vfrI jfˆdI sI. sMgdI hoeI Auh iksy vI pfisAuN nIvfˆ nhIN hoxf dyxf cfhuMdI. rotI nhIN sI KfˆdI pr nxfn qfˆ nvIN afeI dUjy pfsy Auh afpxy CVy jyT nUM cMgf nhIN BfbI dy mUMh `c burkI pfAux qwk jfˆdI hY. smJdI jo nok-Jok krdf hI rihMdf hY. Auh lok bolI hYqfˆ afpxy idEr pRqI hI bhuq ipafr ieAuN drsfAuNdI hYnvIN bhU muklfvy afeI, sws DrqI pYr nf lfvy,

idEr Bfvyˆ mwJ cuMG jfey,

lY nI nUMhyˆ rotI Kf lY,

nUMh sMgdI nf Kfvy, iPr kuJ icr cfad Aus df ivafh ho jfˆdf hY. shury Gr ivwc jdoN Aus dy idEr df mUMh ivwc BfbI dy, ivafh huMdf hY qfˆ Aus nUM gozy-gozy cfa huMdf nxd burkIafˆ pfvy. hY. Auh Dmflfˆ pfAuNdI nhIN QwkdI. hr kMm

srbjIq isMG Jwmt CVy jyT nUM lwsI nhIN dyxI. so aijhy irÈiqafˆ ivwc kdy vI mYlfpx qy kOVfpx nhIN ilafAuxf cfhIdf. BfbI vI afpxf pykf ipMz Cwz ky ies Gr afeI hY. ivafh ky ilafˆdI hY. Aus df pUrf-pUrf mfx-siqkfr kIqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. awj vI Aus nUM afpxy pykIN bYTI mfˆ vrgI vwzI BfbI dI Xfd afAuNdI hY. mfˆ vrgI ies leI ik mfˆ mgroN AuhI qfˆ pyky Gr dI mflkx bxI hY. jdoN vI Auh pykIN imlx-iglx jfˆdI hY qfˆ Aus dI BfbI Aus dI Kfqr-syvf `c koeI ksr nhIN CwzdI. Aus nUM hmyÈfˆ awKfˆ `qy bhfAuNdI hY. aYvyˆ qfˆ nhIN isafxy afKdyjwg ijAUx vwzIafˆ BrjfeIafˆ, pfxI mMgy duwD idMdIafˆ. aijhy irÈiqafˆ dI mnuwKI jIvn ivwc bVI aihmIaq huMdI hY. ieh irÈqy sfnUM sfirafˆ nUM sdIvI bxfeI rwKxy cfhIdy hn. moh df koeI muwl nhIN huMdf.

KlIl ijLbrfn hux iek Kgolvyqf ny ikhf: mursLd, bfry vI kuJ dwso. qy Aus ny Auqr idwqf: qusIN aimq qy amfp smyN dI imxqIaF kr suwtxI cfhuMdy ho. qusIN cfhuMdy ho ik quhfzf afcrx GVIaFplF qy ruwqF df anusfrI ho jfvy. qusF qF afpxI rUh nUM vI ruwq vfr dI qory qornf cfhuMdy ho. qusIN cfhuMdy ho ik vylf iek ndI bx jfvy qy qusIN Aus dy kMiZaF Aupr bYT ky ies dI vgdI Dfr nUM vyKdy rho. pr quhfzy aMdrlf akfl jfxdf hY ik jIvn akfl hY. iek ipafr-ivcfr qoN dUjy ipafr-ivcfr Auh ieh vI jfxdf hY ik bIq cuwkf kwlH qwk jF iek ipafr-krm qoN dUjy ipafrqF awj dI Xfd hY qy afAux vflI kwlH awj krm qwk qurdf-iPrdf nhIN rihMdf? df supnf.

qy kI smF ipafr vFg hI avMz qy –a-qor jo quhfzy aMdr bYTf boldf gfAuNdf qy socdf- nhIN? icqvdf hY, Auh ajy vI Aus pihly iCn dy pr jy afpxy icMqn ivc qusIN smyN nUM ruwqF hwd-bMny dy aMdr vsdf hY jdoN qfiraF nUM ivc jLrUr hI imxnf hY qF hr iek ruwq pulfV ivc iKlfiraf igaf sI. nUM bfkI sfrIaF ruwqF afpxy Gyry ivc lY quhfzy ivc kOx nhIN mihsLUsdf ik Aus dy aMdr ipafr krn dI hwdoN bfhrI sLkqI hY? nfly, kOx nhIN mihsUsdf ik Aus df ipafr hwdoN bfhrf huMdf hoieaf vI Aus dy hoNdkyNdr dy Gyry ivc iGiraf hoieaf hY, Auh PAGE 48

lYx idAu. afpxI awj nUM bIq cuwkf qy afAux vflf smF afpxI glvwkVI ivc lY lYx idAu-iek quhfzI Xfd qy dUjf quhfzI isk bxy.

The Patrika

Friday, February 24th, 2017



rfbrt klImYˆts

izjLItl lutyirafˆ qoˆoN sfvDfn hux sfzy Grfˆ ivwc nvIN iksm dy cor qy zfkU dfKl ho rhy hn aqy sfzf Dn luwt rhy hn, ijvyˆ ik mYnUM huxy-huxy pqf lwgf hY: keI sflfˆ qoN mYˆ kRYizt kfrz vrqxf bMd kIqf ho i eaf hY . mY ˆ PYslf lY ilaf sI ik myry kol jo pYsf hovygf, mYˆ Ausy nUM vrqfˆgf qy jy my r y ko l pY s f nhIN hovygf qfˆ mYˆ koeI Krcf vI nhIN krfˆ g f. myrf ieh PfrmUlf kfrgr iswD hoieaf qy jdoN qwk notbMdI sLurU nhIˆ hoeI, AudoN qwk mYnUM krYizt kfrz dI kdy Xfd vI nhIN sI afeI. acfnk mYnUM mihsUs hoieaf ik mYnUM kfrz dI ËrUrq hY aqy mYˆ afpxI almfrI ivwcoN ies nUM lwB ilaf. mYnUM iewk joVI hYWzPon dI loV sI aqy mYˆ aYc[ aYs[ bI[ sI[ dy kfrz AuWqy ies df afrzr Byj idwqf. ‘rYizP ÈfipMg` nfˆa dI vYWbsfeIt ny mYnUM dwisaf ik quhfzf afrzr Byj idwqf igaf hY aqy mYˆ kRYizt kfrz vrqx leI Kud `qy kfPI mfx mihsUs kIqf. iqMn GMty bfad jdoN kRYizt kfrz kMpnI qoN mYnUM eI-myl afeI ik myry kfrz qy 99 zflr dI KrIddfrI hoeI hY qfˆ myrf ivÈvfs kfPI zgmgf cuwkf sI. 99 zflr df mqlb sI lgBg swq hËfr rupey. mYˆ qurMq ies eI-myl AuWqy idwqy gey nMbr `qy sMprk kIqf. dUjy pfsy qoN ajIb ijhI mÈInI iksm dI afvfË afeI qy myrI iÈkfieq drj kIqI geI qy mYnUM dwisaf igaf ik Auh myrf kRYizt kfrz rwd kr dyxgy. jdoN mYˆ afpxy kfrz ivwcoN corI kIqy gey 7000 ruipafˆ bfry puwiCaf qfˆ mYnUM dwisaf igaf ik mYˆ ikAuNik iÈkfieq drj krfeI hY, ies leI ies rfÈI nUM rwd kr idwqf jfvygf. AunHfˆ ny myrf kfrz kYˆsl kr idwqf, pr kwlH hI kRYizt kfrz kMpnI vfilafˆ df ibwl imilaf. ies `qy 7000 rupey df Krc ajy vI drj sI, Bfv ik mYnUM Aus sOdy leI pYsy dyxy pY rhy sn, jo mYˆ kIqf hI nhIN sI. mYˆ jfxdf sI ik hux mYˆ kI krnf hY. mYˆ iewk arËI pwqr zfAUnloz krnf sI aqy ies `qy afpxI iÈkfieq dy vyrvy aqy iÈkfieq nMbr drj kr ky ies nUM pyÈ krnf sI. mYˆ piVHaf-iliKaf qy jfxkfr hfˆ, ies leI jfxdf sI ik ies siQqI df sfhmxf ikvyˆ krnf hY, pr glIafˆ-bfËfrfˆ ivwc ivcrn vfly afm afdmI bfry kI ikhf jfvy? Aus dy pwK ivwc afvfË kOxfˆ AuTfvygf? jy myry nfl kRYizt kfrz vrqx dy isrP iqMn GMitafˆ dy aMdr aijhf ho skdf hY qfˆ AunHfˆ hËfrfˆ-lwKfˆ zkYqIafˆ dI klpnf kro, jo AunHfˆ kYÈlYs gfhkfˆ nfl hoxgIafˆ, jo izjItl lYx dyx df bdl apxfAuxgy. kI qusIN iksy grIb afdmI qoN ieh afs kr skdy ho ik Auh kfl sYˆtr dy krmcfrI nUM Pon krygf? kI qusIN ieh klpnf kr skdy ho ik anpVH ivakqI nUM jdoN acfnk pqf lwgygf ik Aus dI bwcq hYkrfˆ vwloN corI kr leI geI hY qfˆ Aus dy mn qy kI bIqygI?

sfzy kol koeI surwiKaq pRxflI nhIN hY. Bfrq ivwc anpVH lokfˆ dI igxqI kroVfˆ ivwc hY qy bYˆk aqy kRYizt kfrz kMpnIafˆ iblkul iksy dI pRvfh nhIN krdIafˆ, ijvyˆ mYnUM afpxy qjrby qoN pqf lwgf hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc vI sfzy dyÈ ivwc kYÈlYs bxn df bdl pqf nhIN ikAuN cuixaf igaf hY. kdy Ëmfnf sI jdoN grIb aqy mwDvrgI lok ieh mMndy sn ik AunHfˆ dI almfrI, iqjOrI jfˆ drvfËy `qy lwgf qflf AunHfˆ dIafˆ CotIafˆ-motIafˆ kImqI vsqfˆ dI rKvflI leI kfPI hY, pr hux bYˆkfˆ ivwc AunHfˆ dI bwcq dI rKvflI kOx krygf?

lutyirafˆ df iewk nvIN iksm df igroh hoNd ivwc af igaf hY, jo afnlfeIn hyrfPyrI kr ky afpxIafˆ AuplbDIafˆ `qy mfx kr irhf hY, jd ik pRDfn mMqrI lokfˆ nUM afpxf pYsf bYˆkfˆ ivwc jmHf krvfAux df swdf dy rhy hn. ieh lutyry AunHfˆ sfry lokfˆ nUM luwtx dI iqafrI krI bYTy hn, ijnHfˆ nUM iewk ivakqI dIafˆ KuÈPihmIafˆ kfrn izjLItl Kfqy KuwlHvfAux leI mjbUr hoxf ipaf hY. iesy dOrfn svfl pYdf huMdf hY ik myry KUn-psIny dI kmfeI jy iksy lutyry vwloN corI kr leI jfˆdI hY qfˆ ies dI pUrqI kOx krygf?

You can donate Non-perishable donation items such as: qusIN nw Krwb hox vwlw Kwxw dwn kr skdy ho ijvyN ik:

Canned Soup f`bw bMd sUp

Cereal sIrIAl

Canned fruits, vegies, beans f`bw bMd PL, sbzIAW, dwlW

Rice cOl

Tomato Sauce tmwtr sOs

Peanut butter / Jam pIn`t b`tr/ jYm

Diapers fweIpr

Pasta pwsqw

Juice jUs

Baby food / formula b`icAW dw Kwxw / pwaufr du`D

qusIN hyT ilKy piqAW qy svyry 8 vjy qoN Swm 6 vjy dy iv`c Kwxw phuMcw skdy ho[ jW Kwxw dyx leI iehnW PonW qy sMprk kro[ Please drop off food at the following locations between 8:00 am- 6:00 pm or call us to arrange a pick up time. Sukhninder Singh Dhillon: 2535 Lilac Cr, Abbotsford, 604-716-9294 Sukhjinder Singh Dhillon: 3291 Nadeau Pl. Abbotsford Iqbal Singh Pooni: 32269 Nakusp Dr, Abbotsford, 604-832-9801 Salinder Singh Gill: 33048 Brundige Ave, Abbotsford PAGE 49

The Patrika


Friday, February 24th, 2017


30210 Automall Drive - Abbotsford Toll Free: 1-800-688-2657 jsivMdr GMumx dI lIzrisLp ivwc sfzI pRoPYsLnl tIm quhfzI syvf leI hmysLf hfijLr hY| asIN pMjfbI, aMgryjI, ihMdI aqy AurdU boldy hF nvIaF aqy purfxIaF gwzIaF leI iewk vfr jrUUr syvf df mOkf idE Contact us for all your automotive needs! DL# 5736

New & Used Vehicles! Jaswinder Ghuman (604)-897-3003

We Speak: ∙English Pawandeep Singh (778)-878-7292



Moe Nazim (604)-729-1496

∙Urdu Sangram Singh (604)-300-2161

New exhibit documents the long struggle for the South Asian vote in Canada


he Indo-Canadian community 20th century, the community was dishas been part of the Canadian enfranchised. multicultural mosaic for more A new exhibit curated by UFV’s Centhat 100 years. tre for Indo-Canadian Studies (CICS) Its members contributed to society and examines the 40-year struggle to attain the vote for Ind0-Canadians. (Dis) Enfranchisement 1907-1947: The Forty-Year Struggle for The Vote offers a different perspective in uncovering Canada’s historical past as we commemorate the 150th year of Canadian Confederation. The exhibit is funded by a Canada 150 grant from the federal government. help build the economy during the early decades of their time here without having the right to express their opinions through voting in provincial or federal elections. In current times, candidates running for public office pay close attention to the Indo-Canadian community in the hopes of securing votes from that demographic, but for 40 years in the


The exhibit will be displayed in the Gur Sikh Temple’s Sikh Heritage Museum in Abbotsford, BC (a national historic site). “Using this heritage site as the location for the exhibit challenges ethnocentric narratives by highlighting Sikh community history as part ofNazim BC heriPawandeep Singh Moe (778)-878-7292 (604)-729-1496 tage,” notes Satwinder Bains, director of UFV’s Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies.

“These narratives are just as important because it is the history that we are apt to repeat if we have no knowledge of it. The youth of today need to know our long struggles so Photo Credit: Diego Slosse (@diegothat we may protect what which so slosse.photo) many fought so hard to gain,” she says. For more information contact: “As a Canadian, I am proud of the freedoms we all enjoy in this great Sharanjit Kaur Sandhra, MA, nation,” says Abbotsford Member of PhD Student Parliament for Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Jati Sidhu. “As a Sikh, I am Coordinator proud of those who came before me Sangram and whoSingh fought for their right to enjoy Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies, (604)-300-2161 UFV those freedoms. I have no doubt this exhibition will strike a powerful chord Sharanjit.sandhra@ufv.ca to all who have struggled for equality (604) 851-6325 or stood up for the rights of others.”

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b rm bd 3316 7thh Avenue · 4 bdrm

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32511 Oriole Crst · 3 bdrm, 1 bath


· Lot: 6,000 sqft · House size: 1,470 sqft · Tons of parking for RV, boats and toys! · Brand new cabinets


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ALDERGROVE · 3 storey · 8 bdrm, 7 bath · Lot: 7,244 sqft · House size: 5,346 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite $998,888

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32605 Geneva Ave · 5 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 7,200 sqft · House size: 2,240 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite $685,888


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· 6 bdrm · 4 bath · Lot: 6,004sqft · House size: 2,755 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite

180 32550 Maclure Rd

· Town own o ow w ho hou h o s in Townhouse Cle ear arb a rb rbroo roo ro ok Village Clearbrook ·6b bd drrm rm, m 5 bath bdrm, · Lot: ot: o ot t: 5 ,856 sqft 5,856 · House size: size 1,180 sqft

33-30748 Cardinal Ave Townhouse for Sale!

·4b bd drm rm bdrm ·3b ba ath th bath ·H ous o ou usse Size: u S House 2,200 sqft · Close to Schools




Friday, February 24th , 2016


Friday, February 24th, 2017


Mt. Waddington - West Abbotsford


$579,900 2867 MCCALLUM RD, ABBOTSFORD SUB DIVIDABLE LOT! Large 10240 sqft lot 5 bedroom 3 full bathrooms, Potential for 2 lots. New Roof and Thermo Windows, Basement fully renovated, Central Air Condition, Lots of parking including RV parking. Detached garage has power. New development in neighbourhood. Easy access to Hwy. Please call for your personal Tour.

YOUR NEW HOME SEARCH STOPS HERE! 7805 sqft lot has 4 bedroom 2 bathrooms, 2034 sqft, rancher with full WEST ABBOTSFORD - SFW basement and very cool loft would be perfect for first time Approximate 2000 sqft. Commercial space for home purchaser. Incredible holding property for future lease. Good for convenience store, grocery store, development. For more information please call Kuldip Sall. p izz a s hop & lots of other businesses. Good

exposure & lots of parking. Please call for more info.


D L O $559,900 S

Huge corner lot 8500 sqft, 5 bedroom home 2.5 bathrooms with LEGAL SUITE. New roof, new water tank. Close to shopping center and schools. Easy access to freeway.

Location!!! Home in popular Fairfield Estates. Recently renovated, SS appliances, RV parking and a private backyard perfect for entertaining.


1486 sqft plus 439 sqft Solarium/deck, Brand New 2 bdrm & Fex/den, 2 full bath, Granite counter top. Close to all amenities.





DEERTRAIL WEST ABBOTSFORD 5 bdrm, 19'9x12' Rec room, 3 full bath, bsmt entry 2500 sqft home on 6000 sqft lot with LEGAL SUITE, New roof/Water tank, SS appliances. Close to both l ev el s cho o ls/s ho pp i ng c en ter, ea sy ac ce ss to freeway.



D L O S $579,900

2568 sqft house on 9450 sqft with 5 bedroom house and 3 bath with LEGAL SUITE, New roof, New water tank, New kitchen, 2 bedroom Legal suite rented for $800/month. Close to hospital, park, shopping, easy access to Freeway. Please call for your personal viewing.



MISSION 4 bdrm, 3 full bath, fully renovated home, New kitchen,New bathrooms, New doors/windows, New driveway, New furnace, New flooring, New appliances, list goes on & on. Close to schools,For more info please call.




Friday, February 24th , 2016

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