March 10th, 2017

Page 1

WEEKLY Friday, March 10th, 2017 Vol. 21, No.22

Eugene Reimer Grade 8 Boys Basketball Team

See page 10.

Arjun Kapoor


Thinking of buying or selling lling real estatee ? day! Call me Today!

Little Oak Realty

Independently Owned and Operated

Purchases First time home buyers Builders Mortgage Refinances Ports

iksy vI qrHF dI mOrgyj lYx leI aimq nUM Pon kro

The Patrika



Friday, March 10th, 2017


ienkm tYks prsnl ibjLns rYNtl jI[aYs[tI[ tI2 buwkkIipMg srivs py-rol


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Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017


sMpfdkI: kOmFqrI aOrq idvs nUM smrpq


8 mfrc 1985 nUM aOrqF vloN kIqy jf rhy roh BrpUr mujLfhry qy puls ny lfTIaF aqy golIaF vrfAuxIaF sLurU kr idwqIaF, ijs nfl anykF aOrqF jLLKLmI aqy keI sLhId ho geIaF. ies Gtnf ny amrIkf qy sfry XUrp nUM hlUx ky rwK idwq f. pihlF aOrq idvs 28 PrvrI 1909 nUM amrIkf ivc mnfieaf igaf. amrIkf dI smfjvfdI pfrtI ny ies idvs nUM inXUXfrk ivc kwpVf snaq ivc kMm krdIaF aOrqF vloN kMm dIaF mfVIaF hflfqF ivruwD hVqfl dOrfn sLhId hoeIaF mjLdUr aOrqF nUM sLrDFjlI idMidaF mnfieaf. 8 mfrc nUM inXUXfrk ivc sLhId hoeIaF aOrqF nMU sLrDFjlI dyx leI aOrq The Patrika idvsdI   mhwqqf nUM smJidaF hoieaF jrmn dI sosLl zYmokryitk pfrtI dI afgU ‘klfrf jYtikn” ny 8 mfrc nUM aOrq idvs dy qOr qy mnfAux dI pihl kdmI kIqI.

df iensfP hY? sfzy smfj ivc awj vI hjLfrF dfmnIaF mOjUd hn ijnHF df iksy nf iksy QF iksy nf iksy rUp ivc sLosLx ho irhf hY-blfqkfr ho irhf hY. axK dy nF qy vI aOrq hI blI cVHdI hY:“gYrq ky nfm py PkqL bytI hI kql ikAuN? mfrf ho bfp ny koeI bytf imsfl do!” Friday, 2015df jy smfj aO rq nUDecember M pihlF hI18th, brfbrI drjf idMdf qF awj aOrq iek mMzI dI vsqU nf bxfeI jFdI. pqf nhIN ikAuN aOrq dy aiDkfrF qy hI ikMqU pRMqU kIqf jFdf hY. jLmIn `c afpxf hwk lYx vflI BYx nfl Brf bfeIkft krdy mYN vyKy hn. sfzy smfj ivc kuVI nUM mfrn qy iqRskfrn dy nvyN nvyN ZMg eIjfd huMdy rihMdy hn aqy 70% issitm nUM smyN dy hfx df bxfAux leI 2 aOrqF ihMsf df isLkfr huMdIaF hn. bysLk imlIan zflr Krc krn df PYslf kIqf hY. mrd pRDfn smfj ivc aOrq nUM dbfAux ies Krcy s ivwc 2[5 qy gul fm rwkrky Kx dyistI vwK nUvwM KtYk qrIky apxfey pR qIsLpr q df vfDf gf. lonjL kF nU gey aOr q dIkrnf dyx honUvM yasIN rM qu aMrdMqfjL hI Cy q I nfl nqIjy pR f pq ho x gy . stfP dy nhIN kr skdy:-

aYbtsPorz myar vwloN ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF jn smUh nUM vDfeIaF

pr ies idn dI mhwqqf nUM jfxidaF hoieaF qy smfj ivc aOrq dI aihm BUimkf smJidaF hoieaF vI aOrq dI qRfsdI AuvyN hI brkrfr hY. hr Xuwg ivc aOrq iksy (pMjfbI pwiqRkf vwloN aYbtsPorz istI myar nf iksy rUp ivc jLulm df isLkfr rhI hY hYnrI brfAUn nfl kIqI sMKyp pr ivsLysL Aul sbfq jLulmdfdysfraM rUp bdldy rhyleI hn. ikR ieiqhfs gw sL pfTkF sims vwl Jfq M pqf lwdIaF gygf KuiksLIikvy aqy nvyN mfrIey sfl dy qF sLuBsfnU afgmn aF N rfijaF krn mhfrfijaF qF nfl sFJIaF ihwq pydy sL hrm kIqf aO jfrirhf hY) Bry rihMdy sn. akbr kol hjLfrF aOrqF sn, ijvy hI CwrfjpU utIaFqdfaOsIjL afAu x F vflf keIN vfr rqFnies qrH dy sLoshYLx my a r aqy kO N s l kimAu i ntI ies eIvYkr Nt qoN bcx leI smUihk afqm hwiqaf dy jLos-KrosL ivwc vfDf krn leI sKq lYNdIaF sn, BfvyN ik Aus nUM jLohr pRQf df imhnq kr rhy hn. stfP ny kfrobfrIaF nF dy idwqf jFdf irhf. nfl iml ky pUry sLihr nuM sjfAux vfsqy ijvy trIvsqU lfeIitM g, ikR sims aOrqiknUhfeIstrIt M hmysLf iek vFg vriqaf zY k o r y s L n jL nU M pU r y sL i hr ivw c cmkfAu igaf, prfeI DI, prfieaf Gr, pqIxf,df hr n tfAU aYbsLtsPo Gr sfl puwq dI df qrH GrF zfAU afid ikMnnHy hI bd rAuzs ikR s ims tR I lfeIitM g krnf, stfP vloN nUM hor bYgfnf krdy rhy. mulkF kOmF dIaF pR f eIvy t lI ikR s ims iznr vI afrgy n feIjL lVfeIaF hoeIaF dMgy hoey dfa qy aksr kIqf. myar aqy istI vwloN sfry jn smUh aOrq hI lwgI nf? iek mhfn Xug pursL, nUM ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF lwK-lwK mrd agMmVy ny ies ainafey iKlfP vDfeIaF. myar brfAUn aYbtsPorz ivKy afvfjLqobuN l Md dkIqI:1953 rihM f hY. jdoN qoN Auh kYnyzf dI ivsL f l pRN mM f eIvy t trFijt n “so ikAu df afKIaY , ijquknstrksL jMmy rfjfn.” kMpnI ivc sI[eI[E[ sI. hYnrI brfAUn prbtsPo siQqI j vIivw AucvyN iqM hY,n kdy aY rzawistI sflivcfrI kONslrnUM sqI dy nF qy sivw q rI kih dy x f-kdy qyjdILfb irhf aqy hux vrqmfn ivc Auh myar pf ky Au pdvI ‘qys hYnUM.jUnoN byjUn kr dyxf Blf ikwQoN


myar brfAUn aYbtsPorz invfsIaF leI ies nUM rujLgfr, ishq aqy Kyzx qoN ielfvf suK sLFqI nfl rihx leI sB qoN vwD vDIaf

kMmkfj ivc qyjLI afeygI.

“voh ijsky hfQ myN Cfly hY, pYroN my ibvfeI

byGiraF dy muwdy ‘qy myar ny afiKaf ik hY, AunHF dy vfsqy Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn. istI sU nfl rf AubsfI srkfr ky dm sy rOxbykGiraF afpkyleI bMgrYloxN mybsy N afeI bxfAu hY.” x leI pRfprtI pRfpq krn leI Xqn kr rhI hY. AunHF ikhf ik kONsl ny pRfeIvyt aDu inknfl smfjvIivc aOrqF/ku ilK sY ktr mfrikt hfAUViIaF sMg pVH vfsqy ky Au c y ahu i daF qy ibrfjmfn hn, Auh sMprk kIqf hoieaf hY. ienHF skImF ‘qy ajy kMm hoqOrirhf hY. iehinrBr qurMq hI rIaF afriQk qy afqm vI pUhn pr nhIN aPsohosskdIaF. AudoN huMdf hY jdoN koeI sLhId dI bytI

gua rmy swc kihx dI ihMmBfeIcfiraF q kr bYTdI my r hnyrhokOrrikhf ik Dfrimk hY qF ko e I bw l y b fj Au s dI ihM m q vMgfrdf aqy kfrobfrI BfeIcfiraF nflnUM afrjL I hYY.liks qrHF dy krn smfj leI dI isrjnf kr jf rhy sL tr iqafr kMm kIqf hF asIN rq idvs mnfAuNdy irhf hY.. myiek ar pfsy ny byaO GiraF dI shfieqf leI Pryjpfsy Lr hYAulsQ nUXUM iswnt nfl kMqomN vrjdy krn hF-iek c kihx dI jLl fhr ik AunhYHF :nU-M hF idlcspI iesy leI su wKxkIqI srhwhYdqF I ilKdf idKfieaf jfey ik ijLLMdgI bsLr krn df “du gf cMzvII cMn dI kfqr ilK, ho r rqrIkf aOarrq nU ilKxfmYmrd ilK.” my vwMljyoN istI nyjr brfbr dI qnKfh ivc kIqy gey vfDy nUM jfiejL aqy ZukvF afKidaF qswlI pRgt kIqI geI ik ies nfl istI nUM lfB hI hoeygf. istI mYnyjr

The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017



8 mfrc nfrI idvs `qy

bldyv isMG (sVknfmf)

8 mfrc df idn pUry ivsLv ivc nfrI idvs vjoN mnfieaf jfxf hY. ies idn nfrI sLskqIkrx dy dfavy kIqy jfxgy. nfrI dI mhfnqf bfry crcfvF hoxgIaF. AunHF nUM durgf lksLmI cMzI nfl qulnf krky vizafieaf jfeygf. pr asIN sB jfxdy hF aslIaq kI hY. mYN iek sDfrx lyKk hF. myrI koeI kwtV ivcfrDfrf nhIN, pr myry ivcfr hn. ieh ivcfr bdldy vI rihMdy hn. kuJ nhIN vI bdldy. mYnUM iehnF qy mfx hY. iehI ivcfr mYnUM mnuwK bxfAuNdy hn. ipCly idn dI iek Gtnf qoN lgdf hY dysL iPr AulJ igaf hY. kOx rfsLtrvfdI hY, kOx rfsLtrvfdI nhIN hY. rfsLtr ivcilq hY. hux 20 sflF dI ividafrQx gurmyhr kOr dy bolx qy pUrf vfvylf mwicaf hoieaf hY jF mcfieaf jf irhf hY. Aus ny ienf hI ikhf sI, ‘myry sYink ipqf nUM pfiksqfn ny nhIN mfiraf, XuwD ny mfiraf hY.’ gurmyhr dy pwK ivc bolx vfly sfry rfsLtr ivroDI hn qy dUsry DmkIaF dyx vfly, Aus nUM blfqkfr krn dy zrfvy dyx vfly rfsLtrvfdI hn. iek lVkI ivc eynI ihMmq ikvyN af geI, ‘Auh ieh khy ik mYN iksy jnUMnI jwQybMdI qoN zrdI nhIN, mYN iksy dI DONs nhIN mMndI.’

swqfDfrI pfrtI qy ies dy kfrku M n F dI POj ieh ikvyN brdfsL q krdI. iksy nUM vI zrfAux, DmkfAux, DwkysLfhI krn jF mUMhkflf krn df rfj vwloN AuhnF nUM aiDkfr imilaf hoieaf hY. iehnF lokF ny hI qih krnf huMdf hY, kOx rfsLtrvfdI hY qy kOx rfsLtr-pwKI hY. KLbr hY, mohflI pulIs ny iek 18 sflF dI lVkI nUM ies leI tfrcr kIqf, ikAuNik Aus dy nfbflg Brf ny sYktr-91 qoN iek mhInf pihlF iek nfbflg lVkI nUM Bjf ky lY igaf sI qy pulIs lVkI nUM Aus dy Brf df aqf-pqf jfnx leI tfrcr krdI sI. ieh hY nfrI dI iewjLq aqy snmfn krn dI imsfl. iehnF idnF ivc asIN klpnf cfvlf, JFsI dI rfxI, ikrn bydI qy hor anykF vIrFgxF dIaF gwlF krky vfhvf KwtFgy qy iPr agly sfl dI 8 mfrc qwk ,iPr AuhI kuJ krFgy, jo hux qwk krdy afey hF.


KlIl ijbrfn

iek nOjvfn ny ikhf, sfnUM dosqI dI gwl cVHx vfly nUM phfV mYdfn qoN vyiKaF vDyry suxf! spsLt pRqIq huMdf hY. qy Aus ny AuWqr vjoN ikhf:

dosqI afpxI rUh nUM gihiraF krn qoN ibnHF quhfzf dosq quhfzIaF loVF dI pUrqI df hI hor iksy mksd leI nf kro. rUp hY. Auh quhfzf Kyq hY ijsdI ibjfeI ijhVf ipafr afpxy rhws dy AuGfV qoN ibnHF ipafr nfl aqy vfZI sLukrfny nfl huMdI hY. iksy hor vsq dI mMg krdf hY Auh ipafr Auh quhfzf dsqrKfn qy quhfzf cONkf-cuwlHf nhIN, blik iviCaf hoieaf iek jfl hY hY. ikAuN ju qusIN Auhdy pfs afpxI BuwK smyq ijs ivc kdy koeI lfhyvMd vsq PVI nhIN jf skdI. afAuNdy ho aqy Aus pfsoN sLFqI mMgdy ho. jdoN quhfzf dosq quhfzy sfhmxy afpxf mn afpxI sB qoN cMgI cIjL afpxy dosq leI KolHdf hY qF qusIN afpxy mn ivclI ‘nFh’ rfKvIN rKo. qoN nhIN zrdy nf hI afpxI ‘hF’ nUM rok ky jy Aus ny quhfzy lwQy hoey pfxI srpr rwK Czdy ho. vyKxy hn qF Aus nUM afpxy cVHy hoey pfxI jdoN Auh bolxf bMd kr dyNdf hY EdoN vI vI vyKx idAu. quhfzf idl Aus dy idl dIaF gwlF suxnf Auh vI kI dosq hY ijs nUM qusIN vkq-mfrn bMd nhIN krdf. leI hI lBdy iPrdy ho? ikAuN ju dosqI ivc sfry ivcfr, sfrIaF KfhsLF, sfrIaF afsF-AumIdF sLbdoN ibnf hI pYdf huMdIaF qy vMzIaF jFdIaF hn qy ienHF nfl iek pRsMnqf vI sLfml huMdI hY ijs dI vfh vfh krn dI loV nhIN pYNdI.

Aus nUM hmysLf vkq-jIAux leI lwBo. Auh quhfzIaF loVF pUrn leI hY, quhfzf sKxfpn pUrn leI nhIN.

dosqI dI imTq ivc hfsy nUM ivcrn idAu, qusIN jdoN dosq qoN ivCVy qF quhfnUM gLm nhIN KusLIaF sFJIaF hox idAu. huMdf. ikAuN jo qusIN Aus dy ijhVy gux nUM sB ijwQy inwkIaF inwkIaF gwlF dI qRyl hovy, idl qoN vwD ipafrdy, Auh Aus dI gYr-hfjLrI nUM AuQy hI svyr imldI hY, AuQy hI AuhnUM ivc hor vI AuGV jfvygf ijvyN phfV Aupr qfjLgI imldI hY. PAGE 5


The Patrika 

Friday, March 10th, 2017

Government actions renew B.C. as a leader in mining Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett outlined government’s actions today, including new policies and funding, to increase competitiveness, strengthen First Nations involvement, and enhance responsible resource development in British Columbia’s mining sector.

for mines permitting and oversight, announced in Budget 2017. This is in addition to the $4.85 million budget lift in 2015. Eliminating provincial sales tax on electricity over the coming two years.

Allowing mining companies to temporarily defer a portion of their hydro “Today we have more than 30,000 bills when the sector was experiencing people working in mineral exploration, a slowdown due to low commodity mining and related sectors, double the prices. number employed in 2001,” Bennett said. “After a particularly long and dif- Adding community engagement as a ficult commodities downturn, the min- deductible expense in B.C.’s mining ing industry is on the road to recovery exploration tax credit program. and well-positioned to take advantage of strengthening prices. Our mining Establishing the Major Mines Permitindustry is environmentally responsible ting Office to improve the coordination and a great job creator for our rural of major mine permits across governcommunities and also creates many ment. jobs in Vancouver’s 700 head offices.” Reducing turnaround time for Notice of Over the last four years, government Work permits to under 50 days, down has taken steps to keep the industry from 110 days in 2011— surpassing the goal of 60 days set out in the BC competitive, including: Jobs Plan. Ministry of Energy and Mines budget increase of $18 million over three years “We commend government’s commitment to improve industry competitive-


Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika



pYrIN kuhfVf: mnuwK nUM vI ingl lYxgy hwQIN lfey lfˆbU hr sfl kxk aqy Jony dI mÈInI ktfeI AuprMq Aus dI rihMd-KUMhd nUM awg hvfly krn krky huMdy nuksfn bfry Èbdfˆ aqy Ëbfn rfhIN bVI crcf cldI hY. ijhVI bhuqf krky DUMafˆ-rflI nfl huMdy nuksfnfˆ duafly hI GuMmdI hY. pr ies sfry nfl ho rhyˆ lukvyˆ nuksfnfˆ bfry qurMq sucyq hox dI loV hY ikAuNik jy asIN nf sMBly qfˆ mukMml sjIv iËMdgI burI qrHfˆ gVbVf jfvygI. ienHfˆ lfˆbUafˆ nfl afey vryH vDdy vfqfvrnI ivgfV aqy ivÈv-qfpmfnI vfDy nfl ruwqfˆ `c vI mMdBfgI qbdIlI af rhI hY ijs dy bVy hI durBfgy aqy dUrrs iswty inklxgy. sgoN ieh lfˆbU jrKyË imwtI, imwqr kItfˆ aqy pfxI nUM vI ingl rhy hn ijnHfˆ qoN ibnfˆ mnuwKI iËMdgI ikafsI hI nhIN jf skdI. sihj-isrjxf:- kudrq ny ies Drq `qy jo vI isrijaf hY, Auh sihj ivkfs dy aml rfhIN hoieaf hY. mnuwKI jIvn dy ivkfs leI ËrUrI ipwTBUmI iqafr krn leI kudrq ny lwKfˆ virHafˆ df smfˆ ilaf hY. BUmI dy iek jrKyË kx nUM vI pYdf krn leI bhuq sfrIafˆ ikirafvfˆ dI loV pYˆdI hY. BUmI dI iek ieMc prq iqafr hox ivwc krIb 1000 vrHf bIq jfˆdf hY aqy jrKyË hox ivwc iqMn sdIafˆ. imwtI DrqI dI AuprlI

prq df Auh ihwsf hY. ijwQy DrqI Auprlf BurBrf pdfrQ aqy vfXUmMzl (qy BUgoilk srgrmIafˆ aqy jIv vI) afps ivwc ikRafÈIl rihMdy hn. mOsmfˆ dy asr hyT ctfnfˆ aqy DrqI dI AuprlI qih tuwtx dy nqIjy vjoN imwtI hoNd ivwc afAuNdI hY. Coty-Coty iek sYlI pOdy aqy jIvfxU ies ivwc pnpdy hn. gldy-sVdy ieh pdfrQ BMn-joVU sjIvI qyËfb (afrgYink aYisz) pYdf krdy hn. ies ivwc jYivk mfdf DrqI dy Kixjfˆ nfl rldf rihMdf hY. ieh aml sflfˆ dr sfl, sdI dr sdI cldf rihMdf hY. iesy qrHfˆ bnspqI, jIv-jMqU gl-sV ky mwlVH bxdy rihMdy hn. nvyˆ Kixj rldy qy purfxy vrqIˆdy, inkldy rihMdy hn. ieMj imwtI polI, jrKyË aqy nmI BrBUr rihMdI hY pr ieh sfrf kuJ bhuq hOlI vfprdf hY. BurBrIafˆ sKq prqfˆ qoN BUmI jfˆ jrKyË qwq pYdf krn vyly vwK-vwK iksm dIafˆ ikirafvfˆ ijs qrHfˆ ik Zukvfˆ qfpmfn, hvfvfˆ, nmI aqy vrKf afid aqy Coty-Coty jIv qy AunHfˆ duafrf pYdf kIqy rsfiex ctfnfˆ jfˆ sKq prqfˆ nUM Korn ivwc shfeI huMdy hn.ieMj ienHfˆ ikirafvfˆ dy asr aDIn BUmI df ivkfs huMdf hY. ieMj hI BUmI dI jrKyË prq hor keI kfrkfˆ nUM

Friday, March 10th, 2017

ivjY bMbylI

smytdI-ingldI hoeI bxdI hY. iesy prq ivwc lwKfˆ-kroVfˆ inwky-inwky prjIvI afpxf jIvn cwkr pUrf krdy hoey BUmI jrKyËqf aqy mnuwKI jIvn `c mhwqvpUrn rol adf krdy hn. iesy Qfˆ `qy hI hvf cwkr, jl cwkr aqy ËrUrI qwqfˆ df cwkr cldf hY. ies qrHfˆ iqafr hoeI BUmI ËrUrI qwqfˆ nfl lbryË huMdI hY, ijs ivwc vwK-vwK iksm dy jIv vDdy-Puldy hn. ies ivwc hI pfxI ËIrn aqy hvf cwkr pUrf krn dI smrwQf huMdI hY. AuhI bnspqI pYdfvfr leI Drfql dy qOr `qy kMm krdI hY. ËmIn dI AuprlI sqh ijs ivwc BrpUr Psl PldI hY, dI zUMGfeI isrP 10 qoN 15 sYˆtImItr hI huMdI hY. iesy jgfh hI pey hoey ËrUrI qwq DrqI dy AupjfAU jfˆ bMjr hox dI qsdIk krdy hn. igwT ku zUMGI ies jrKyË prq df bVf Cwz ky bfkI qwq muwK qOr `qy ËmIn ivcoN nuksfn kr bYTdy hfˆ asIN. hI ley jfˆdy hn pr pihly iqMnfˆ leI sMqulq loV:- pOdy dy ivkfs leI muwK sLuwD vfqfvrn aqy ipCly 13 leI Zukvfˆ qOr `qy 16 qwqfˆ dI loV pYˆdI hY. ienHfˆ qfpmfn aqy iswlH hoxI ËrUrI hY. ienHfˆ qwqfˆ ivw c o N afksIjn, kfrbn, hfeIzro j n, dI mOjUdgI aqy shI bxqr hI DrqI dI nfeItrojn, PfsPors, potfÈ, kYlÈIam, jrKyËqf df pYmfnf huMdI hY, arQfq ieh slPr qy mYgnIÈIam muwK qwq hn jdoN nhIN hoxf cfhIdf ik vwD qfpmfn sozIam ik afiern, iËMk, kfpr, mYˆgnIË, boron, qoN sozIam afksfeIz bxf dyvy jfˆ qpÈ sozIam aqy molIbzYnm lGU qwq hn. XUrIaf nUM gYs ivwc bdl dyvy. shI bxqr afksIjn, kfrbn aqy hfeIzrojn nUM aqy shI mfqrf vfly ieh sfry qwq hI

bfkI pMnF 16 'qy


Friday, March 10th, 2017

ICBC Claims

· Pain & Suffering · Wage Loss · Medical Expenses

The Patrika



afeI[sIo[bI[sI[ klym · dwuK qklIPF · kMm dI qnKfh · mYzIkl Krcy

Real Estate Law · Property Transfers · Mortgages · Independent Legal Advice

rIal iestyt lfa

Notary Services · Affidavits · Sponsorship Letters · Power of Attorney · Certified True Copies

notrI syvfvF

· pROprtI tRFsPr · mOrgyj · afjLfd kfnMUnI slfh · hlPIaf ibafn · rfhdfrI · muKiqafrnfmf · srtIPfeIz kfpI krnI



The Patrika


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Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika Welcomes Mrs. Surinder Pal Kaur Brar as Punjabi Editor itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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he Patrika welcomes former Principal of SD College, for Women in Moga, Punjab, Mrs. Surinder Pal Kaur Brar as the new Punjabi Editor. She brings a wealth of experience to the newspaper through her previous administrative roles. Mrs. Brar is replacing Mr. Jagir Singh Gill who has now retired after serving the paper for over 16 years.



tudents from Mr. Piper and Mrs. Craven’s class recently competed in the Arcademics Math Cup competition. The results were astounding. Eugene Reimer placed 1st in North America! The two-day math competition saw students competing in 40 hours of multiplication drills against more than 20,000 students. Students from Eugene Reimer played individually but gathered points as a team based upon the number of problems they could correctly answer. Our students answered Jasdeep Mahal – 2nd place in North a staggering 399,417 problems over the America based on total points scored. two-day event. Arman Mahil – 5th place in North In addition to winning the Arcademics America based upon total number of Math Cup for the highest total point games played. total, there were three students who Tanu Manhas – 8th place in North ranked in the top 10 based upon their America based upon total number of individual achievement. games played.


The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017



Together we stand against gang violence!


n March 4th, community safety meeting was held in Abbotsford to discuss ideas on how to prevent our youth from joining gangs. This meeting was hosted by the local Sikh Temple - Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar in an effort to bring police and the community together on one platform. A big thank you to Mr. Sarabjit Singh Sarai for reaching out and spearheading this much needed meeting.


$350 $350 $350 $6000 $8750 $15,550 $12,500 $6000


Sgt. Jag Khosa and Cpl. Jas Buttar represented CFSEU-BC to deliver End Gang Life message alongside Abbotsford Police Deputy Mike Serr and Cst.

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was heart wrenching to hear uncle of Charn Kingra to the crowd of over 500 Satikar Sidhu (Latest homicide victim) attendees. share his family’s pain with the crowd. MC duties were conducted by the It was a positive experience to see the well-respected Radio host, Mr. Harjit community and the police coming Singh Gill of 1550 KRPI Radio who together however we need to be more encouraged the parents to have an open proactive rather than being reactive! communication with their kids rather Next community meeting has been than turning a blind eye. scheduled on March 18th, 2017. Venue, Such a huge turnout at a few days, time and details will be announced short notice goes to show that parents soon. no longer want to suffer in silos. It

afE asIN gYNg ihMsf dy ivrWD KVyH hoeIey 4 mfrc nMU ieWk kmAUintI surWiKaf mIitMg aYbtsPorz ivWKy nOjvfnF dy gYNg ivWc sLfml hox nMU rokx leI kIqI geI | ieh mIitMg sQfnk isWK gurUdvfrf sfihb kligDr drbfr vloN ieWk koisLsL sI ijs ivWc pulIs aqy kmAUintI nMU iekWTy ieWk mMc qy ilafAux leI host kIqI geI sI | ies bhuq jLrUrI mIitMg dI agvfeI krn leI srbjIq isMG srfey df bhuq DMnvfd

sfrjYt jYg Kosf aqy korporl jYs bUWtr CFSEU BC qoN aYbtsPorz pulIs izptI Mike SERR aqy koNstybl ikMgrf phuMcy aqy gYNg lfeIP df aMq krn df sMdysL idWqf |ies mIitMg ivWc 500 qoN vWD lok sLfmlL hoey | aglI kimAuintI mIitMg mfrc 18,2017 nMU hovygI, smF aqy jgHf dI jfxkfrI jldI hI GosLq kIqI jfvygI | PAGE 11


The Patrika 

Friday, March 10th, 2017



he President of the Building Officials’ Association of BC (BOABC), Mr. Manjit S. Sohi BSc, RBO, CRBO, announced today that the Association’s Executive Committee members are extremely pleased to see that Part 3, Division 1 of the Building Act has been brought into force. It is now mandatory for all Building Officials, as defined in the Act, to join the Building Officials Association of BC, pass qualifying examinations and earn continuing

professional development credits. Mr. Sohi stated that this supports the Province’s desire to see a high standard of professionalism in the industry and a more consistent application of the BC Building Code.

Protect B.C. patients by banning paid plasma clinics, says Darcy VICTORIA— Scott Adams, Andrew Cumming and others like them need access to a safe, stable blood supply, says New Democrat health spokesperson Judy Darcy. That’s why Darcy is pressing the Christy Clark government to step in immediately and ban paid plasma clinics from British Columbia. “Scott Adams has needed to have 40 blood transfusions to save his life, blood that came through Canadian Blood Services’ voluntary program,” said Darcy. “And as Blood Services has already noted, the paid clinics are hurting voluntary donations in Saskatoon, where a paid clinic opened in 2016. “Only government intervention can keep these paid clinics from setting up shop in British Columbia and draining away donations from voluntary clinics.”

pacts of having this private, for-profit enterprise operate in our jurisdiction,” noting that their voluntary donor numbers dropped.

Scott Adams was walking his dogs on Canadian Blood Services CEO Dr. Gorge Road last summer when he was Graham Sher said in December that struck by a vehicle. He needed multiple ““We’ve begun to see some early im-


The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

surgeries, and dozens of transfusions, is the co-founder of BloodWatch, an organization formed to advocate for to save his life. fulfilling Mr. Justice Horace Krever’s “Without a voluntary blood dona- recommendations following that scantion system, my life would certainly dal. BloodWatch and the B.C. Health have been at risk,� said Adams. “I am Coalition presented Darcy with a petieternally grateful for Canadian Blood tion with more than 6,000 signatures Services, and its donors, who literally calling for paid clinics to be banned made the difference between life and from B.C. death for me.� “Justice Krever was clear: paid blood Darcy said that private operators like clinics put the safety of our blood supCanadian Plasma Resources are under ply at risk,� said Cumming. “Governno obligation to keep what they collect ments need to make patients’ safety the in Canada, so having regular Canadian first priority.� Blood Services donors go to paid clinics means less blood for Canadian “It’s not too late, but time is running short,� said Darcy. “We want the patients. Christy Clark government to do the For Andrew Cumming of Toronto, it’s right thing to protect the security of the safety as well as supply of blood blood supply for B.C. patients.� that he’s concerned about. A survivor of the tainted blood scandal, Cumming

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock


Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business. We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? ‚ Â?‚ Â? Â? Â? ƒ Â? ƒ Â? „ Â? Â? Â… Â… Â? Â? ‚ „ ‚Â? † € ƒ Â? ƒ Â… † Â? Â? Â? ‚ Â? „ „ Â? Â? Â?† ‚ Â… Â… Â? „ „ Â? Â… Â? Â? Â?

When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

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32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika

PAGE 14 Friday, December 25th, 2015

     

Parkinson’s withnUM dyx gurU qyDoes g bhfdr jI dI aflmI mnustart wKI aiDkfrF fungi in your gut?

nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI (NC) For‘cresearchers who study disease. If she can ieiqhfs invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. ParAunHfˆ Parkinson’s rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDestabIafˆ dI vwloN iqMn sfQIafˆ BfeIa mqI BfeI sqI rwiKaf AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnIfungi dyxI peI. kinson’s disease, newdfs, frontier of lish a leI relationship between and dfs aqy BfeI is idafl dfs nfltheidwmicrolI ivwc the symptoms of the disease, follow-up investigation emerging: mnuwKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ nfl nvMbr 1675including nUM idwqI geI kurbfnIbacteria nUM iswKfˆ studies organisms, viruses, mechanisms Biraf hocould ieaf hYexamine ijwQy lokfˆ the ny afpxy BfeIcfry, dy nfl-nfl pUrIlive kOm in adb and fungi that andqyonsiqkfr us. nfl by which fungi might infl uence the kO m jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ . afpxy Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy julmfˆ iKlfÌ development of Parkinson’s disease. With from afvfËfunding bulMd krn aqyParkinson ÈhIdI pRfpqCanada krn dy ihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk kfblIaq df pRdrÈn kIqf pr gurU qyg and British mMqv Parkinson ipCly asl Society qy Aucycy arQfˆ bfryCoajy This line of research might eventually bhfdr jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ lumbia, Dr. Silke qwk shI aiDaY n nhINAppel-Cresswell kIqf igaf aqy nf at hI lead to treating the fungi with antifundy hwkfˆ dI rwiKaf leI afpxI kurbfnI dy ky shIUniversity pirpyK qoN GoofiKaf igafColumbia, hY. ipCly kuisJ gal the British medications, if ijs nYiqk-rUhfnI bufor lMdexample, I nUM Coihaf,to Ausee s dI dhfikafˆ qochanges N mnuwKI hwto kfˆour bfrysense aflmIofaMsmell dolnfˆ eliminating studying or reducing the fungus in imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhIN imldI. dy Auin Bfrour nfl huxwhich sfnUM mhfn rU dIbefore ÈhIdI the and gut, occurgulong body also eliminates Parkinson’s. ipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ arQfˆ walkdI Koj ies leI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI the tremor, stiffness and dy trouble Alternatively, it might also be possible krnthat df are mOkfthe imilaf hY. motor symptoms bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf ing classic to boosthYother microbes in the body, jf skdf . of mnuParkinson’s. wKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf using non-invasive measures like gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM jfˆdf hY- shfiek jfˆ kfnU phuMccolleagues aqy suBfivk probiotics. Appel-Cresswell andMnI her phuMc. pihlI qrHfˆ dI phuMc dOrfn mnuwKI dyKidafˆ aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfr sMsQfvfˆ vI know that the internal surface of the AunHfˆ nUreally M afpxyexciting moZIafˆ ivwthing coN iek df drjf dy would be if, aiDkfrfˆ nUM kuJ isafsI tIicafˆ nUM hfsl “The nose and the entire gut are heavily in rhIafˆ hn. the future, we could look at people at krn leI hiQafr vjoN vriqaf jfˆdf hY aqy populated by microbes. high of Parkinson’s and treat them mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI rfKI bfry crcf krdy smyˆ lMznrisk afDfrq mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdI iPrkU vfd out Puwtthat pYˆdfthe hY. microbes iPrkU soc outnumpnpx df early,” Appel-Cresswell says. “It turns amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl ny gu rU qyIdentifyg bhfdr nqIjf ieh hu M d f hY ik mnu w K I hw k fˆ dy rKvfly ing what role the human microbiome ber the number of cells that are human jI dI ÈhIdI nMU mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI mhwqqf nfl afpxy BfeIcfry afpxIshe kOmsays. , ivcfrDfrf aqy plays is truly d a rf new joV ky in Ausdisease bfry ivcfr-vtfˆ vI frontier kIqf sI. by a factor of ,100,” “We have isafsI sihXo g Iafˆ dy hw Q To k y bx ky rih jfˆ dy for amnYmedicine, stI ieMtrnYshe Ènladds. Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ more microbes in our system than huhn. hwcells.” d qfˆ AudoN ho jfˆdI hY jdoN ies soc qihq dy ivÈv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI man something is easily accessible iksy ivroDI dy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dI AulMGxf nUM “It mOkis y aflmI mnuwKI that aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs bfry axgoilaf qfwonders jfˆdto f hYget jfˆifyour ivro Iafˆ dy and modifi able, krvf so it holds for Appel-Cresswell theDproperty fungi Callkr meidwtoday SOLD!! iek ikqfb iqafr rhI sI.promise jQybMdI vw loN mnuthe wKI hw kfˆ infl dI rfKI df the ivrodevelopment D hox lwg pYˆdf of hY. treatment.” in gut uence ies pRfjYkt df AudyÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKI hwkfˆ ies dy Ault suBfivk phuMc qihq mnuwKI dy alMbrdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI df isrlyK ‘id lONg mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy Rajin Gill jfˆdI hY. Auh Bfvyˆ afpxy hox jfˆ ivroDI Kymy ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI dy. ies soc dI dlIl hY ik778.982.4008 mnuwK hox dy nfqy dy rfiKafˆ ‘ Èfml hY . bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jOhn illbrn (1617sfry iensfn ivÈyÈ hwkfˆ hwkdfr hn. ieh @RajinRealtor ivlIam pYWn phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf 57), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), (1644-1718) aqy voltyar (1694-1778) nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, Homelife Glenayre Realtyhn. Èfml ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI kuJ ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI soc nUM qfkq bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY. kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr` 30635 Curlew Drive

3020 Crossley Drive

Friday, March 10th, 2017 PAGE 5

Is there child labour in your toothpaste? plantations in Indonesia, run by the world’s biggest palm oil grower, Wilmar. People work in dangerous conditions and are exposed to toxic chemicals while earning as little Palm oil is cheap and versatile for as $2.50 a day. Children as young use in cooking, processed food, as eight years-old are carrying household products, and cosmetics. out hazardous work on palm oil It is used as an ingredient in half plantations, sometimes dropping of your household items, from out of school to do so. Women are toothpaste and soap to chocolate forced to work long hours. Under and cereal. Indonesian law, many of these abuses are criminal offences, but the Popular companies like Nestle, laws are poorly enforced. Colgate and Kellogg’s are selling food and cosmetics that contain palm The companies involved are not oil, tainted by human rights abuses. forthcoming about whether the After environmental concerns were palm oil in their products are raised, these companies reassured sourced from this grower’s plants. their consumers that their products Meanwhile, Wilmar and the use “sustainable palm oil.” New companies it supplies are not held research, however, has revealed that accountable for the horrific abuses child labour and forced labour, along happening on palm oil plantations. with environmental destruction, are Human rights organizations are part of the production process. calling for transparency and accountability, but it also means Amnesty International uncovered that consumers must be vigilant at shocking abuses on palm oil the grocery store. (NC) Every day when you brush your teeth, you may be using something produced through child labour, without even knowing it.

32550 Huntingdon Rd

gurU jI vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI kfrnfˆ AuWqy Jfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh CuitafAux vfˆg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukmrfn, aOrMgËyb dy julmfˆ df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf afpxI musilm pRjf AuWqy julm Zfh irhf huMdf sI aqy Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf mMgx afey qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh hI qur nf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, sn. AuhRenovated ies West afsAbbotsford nfl gurU jI kolBeautiful afey West snAbbotsford Home. 19.7 Acres in blueberries Home with legal Close to all ameneties, Approx. 6sImq years duke variety Au h iksy Drm ivÈy È qw k nhIN sI. iehI ik rUhfnI ÈKsIaq qbf to Highway 1, bedroom suitevjoN AunHfˆ df aihm easyruaccess home and out buildings tenant @ $900/month all levels of school, highstreet, property is close to UFV, mhfn bxfAuNdf hY. hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdÈfhandnUlocated M qwQ AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq nUM vwDfreeway. Call Fruiticana. Bring your offers!! Motivated sellers smJf ky Aunwill Hfˆ not nUtoday, M last! musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgyCall . behind asIN iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy Call ieiqhfsk today for showing! for more info! cfˆdnI cOk smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pM i zqfˆ vw l o N gu r U jI $ 3,495,000 ijs$ 664,500 Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf $ 639,000 dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM muÈklfˆ264th Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cM5411 gI qrH fˆ isrP Street - Langley Gladwin Road iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn asQfn nhIN mMinafLooking jfxf cfhIdf. toies sellasQfn aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy your home or df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ieh kdm mhfn gufarm? Call me qy rU dI gYr -sMprdfiek ny lMgr, sMgq aqy pMgq dI pRQf rfhIN smfijk bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly today for xanUM mfnqf idRÈtIko INVESTORbrfbrI ALERT - GREAT aqy Dfrimk nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf.5 acre ies blueberry farm qy akIdq dy x vw l dy r nfl LOCATION! 6.4 acres of vacant spacious 3400 sf house FREE cuwikaf, pr rfhIN Au nlocated Hfˆ CUqCfq dI buSubject rfeI nUM BMizaf,very ijs land in Langley. Blue cropdI and duke variety, aiqaM q Zu k vfˆ kdm ho v y g f. property faces West and is in RU-5 drip system- irrigation system bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. NO OBLIGATION zoning. Fertile soil suitable for a very close to the city wide variety of crops, and z bru k s XU n IvristI, iswK Drm dIafˆ ienHffruits ˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky - ly K k afksPo rEVALUATION!! vegetables. afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk qO r ‘qy gu r U qy g $ 775,000 $ 1,399,000 bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk pRoPYsr hY.



Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika 


3 ways you can help wrongfully imprisoned Canadians overseas 1. Write a letter to authorities demanding their release. Foreign governments can be encouraged to think twice if they know people are paying attention. In many cases, letter-writing campaigns supported by ordinary citizens have been crucial in securing prisoners’ release. Using social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, can also be a The vast majority go about their visits good way to make your voice heard. without any problems, but a few find themselves trapped in the nightmare 2. Reach out to your Member of scenario of being unjustly arrested and Parliament. The government has an important role to play in securing the imprisoned. release of Canadian citizens, residents There are some Canadian citizens and and people with strong Canadian conresidents who have been stuck in exact- nections, who are unjustly imprisoned ly that predicament for years. Examples overseas. The duty is more urgent when include Huseyin Celil, a Canadian citi- there is a risk of torture. However, zen imprisoned in China for more than some cases do not always receive the 10 years; Bashir Makhtal, a permanent full attention they deserve. Raising resident imprisoned in Ethiopia for your concerns with your local MP is over a decade; and Saeed Malekpour, a great way to ensure they understand a permanent resident locked up in Iran that you see this as an important issue for over eight years. All three men have and that you want them to act. no reasonable hope of access to justice in countries notorious for their use of 3. Demand an equitable system for torture. These are three things you can supporting Canadians detained abroad. do to help people like them who are Mohammed Fahmy is an award-winning Canadian journalist who spent unjustly imprisoned overseas: more than a year illegally imprisoned (NC) Every year, millions of Canadians travel abroad for all kinds of reasons — work, business, holidays or to visit family. Sometimes they spend years perfectly planning their trip, curating lists of museums, restaurants and sites to see while working hard to save up for their adventure.

in Egypt. In partnership with Amnesty International, he launched an initiative demanding that all Canadians, permanent residents and people with strong Canadian connections who are unjustly detained abroad receive fair and equal support from the Canadian government to secure their release. Find more information online at



The Patrika 

Friday, March 10th, 2017

pMnHf 8 dI bfkI bnspqI df jIvn-cwkr pUrf krn leI ËrUrI huMdy hn. lfˆbU Zukvyˆ qfpmfn aqy loVINdI iswl dI mfqrf nUM gVbVf idMdy hn. DrqI ivwc qwq muwK rUp ivwc do qrHfˆ pey huMdy hn. kuJ qfˆ iswDy hI DrqI dy kxfˆ dy bfhr jkVy huMdy hn aqy kuJ ihwsf nmI ivwc Guilaf huMdf hY. ieh iek rsfieixk ikiraf hY pRMqU sVI hoeI DrqI rsfieixk qOr `qy ies ikiraf qoN rihq ho jfˆdI hY. qpÈ nfl kudrqI qwq vI sV jfˆdy hn jfˆ nf vrqy jfx vfly qwq bx jfˆdy hn. XUrIaf Kfdfˆ afid dy axvrqy qwq gYsfˆ ivc bdl jfˆdy hn. aglI Psl leI vwD Kfd pfAuxI pYˆdI hY aqy pfxI vI vDyry dyxf pYˆdf hY. DMn df AujfVf:- iekwly pMjfb ivc hI slfnf 26 lwK hYktyar Jonf lfieaf jfˆdf hY, ijs dI aMdfËn 163 lwK tn prflI df 80 PIsdI ihwsf sfiVaf jfˆdf hY. asIN ies dI shI vrqoN krky krIb 3[50 lwK tn inrol AupXogI qwq hr qwq vryH pRfpq kr skdy hfˆ. QoVHI ijhI imhnq aqy smyˆ nfl pr sOKy qy ikPfieqI ZMgfˆ nfl nfeItrojn, PfsPors qy potfÈ qwq hfisl kIqy jf skdy hn ijnHfˆ df bfËfrI muwl koeI 233 kroV bxdf hY. pMjfb ivc sflfnf 10[2 lwK tn nfeItrojn, 2[08 lwK tn PfsPors qy 0[12 lwK tn potfÈ dI Kpq huMdI hY. isrP prflI qoN hI 2 lwK tn nfeItrojn,


4[78 tn potfÈ aqy 33 hËfr tn PfsPors pRfpq kIqI jf skdI hY. iekwlI nfeItrojn df hI bfËfrI mwul kroV ku bxdf hY. ieMj jI pMjfb dy 34 lwK hYktyar rkby ivc bIjI jfˆdI kxk aqy Aus dy PUky jfˆdy nfV dy aMkVy igxfey jf skdy hn. prflI aqy nfV qoN vrqoN Xog cIËfˆ gwqf, kfgË aqy ibjlI vI bxfey jf skdy hn. hoxf ieh cfhIdf hY:- ktfeI qoN bfad jykr Psl dI rihMd-KUMhd Kyq ivc glx-sVn idwqI jfvy qfˆ sUKm jIv-pRikiraf `c qyËI, iswl dI hoNd `c vfDy smyq bhuq sfry qwq ijhVy ik bnspqI dy Zfˆcf-qwq ivc smgr rUp ivc pey huMdy hn, Auh ËmIn ivcly vwK-vwK iksmfˆ dy ikrmfˆ dIafˆ ikirafvfˆ duafrf iPr BUmI ivc iml jfˆdy hn. awg nfl DrqI vwK-vwK iksmfˆ dy sUKm jIv ijhVy glx-sVn dy aml ivc shfeI huMdy hn aqy kuJ aijhy jIv vI jo hvf ivcoN nfeItrojn lY ky DrqI ivc smfAuNdy hn, nÈt ho jfˆdy hn. ieh jIv hvf ivclI nfeItrojn nUM nfeItryt dy rUp ivc vtf idMdy hn ijs nUM pOdy jVHfˆ rfhIN jËb kr lYˆdy hn. ies qoN ibnfˆ iswl vfly Kyqfˆ ivc bhuq hI sUKm iksm dI bnspqI vI hvf ivclI nfeItrojn nUM DrqI ivc jËb kr idMdI hY. ienHfˆ sUKm jIvfˆ aqy bnspqI dy

nÈt hox nfl imwtI dI AupjfAU ÈkqI `qy vfXUmMzl ivwc imlf rhy hfˆ, ijs nfl ieh bhuq mfVf asr pYˆdf hY. gYsfˆ vfqfvrn nUM plIq krdIafˆ hn jo moVvyˆ rUp ivwc bMdy aqy sjIv sLRyxIafˆ `qy Kqrnfk iswty:- awg nfl slPr bVf mfrU asr huMdf hY. isrP Jony dy vwZ zfieafksfeIz aqy nfeItrojn sfVn nfl hI vfqfvrn ivc 70 PIsdI zfieafksfeIz afid gYsfˆ bxdIafˆ hn, kfrbn zfieafksfeIz, 0[66 PIsdI jo pfxI nfl iml ky qyËfb bxf idMdIafˆ mIQyn aqy 2[9 PIsdI nfeItRojn afksfeIz hn. ieh gYsfˆ sUrj qoN af rhy ienPrf-rYz hvf ivwc GuldI hY. pihlIafˆ dovyˆ gYsfˆ pRkfÈ nUM afpxy aMdr smo lYˆdIafˆ hn, ijs df asr hvf mMzl ivwc 100 virHafˆ qwk kfrnfˆ mOsm ivwc byikrk qbdIlI afAuNdI rihMdf hY qy mgrlI nfeItryts df 170 hY. ieh gYs aqy byloVf qfpmfn phfVI virHafˆ qfˆeI. ieh lfˆbU vwzI pwDr `qy brP aqy glyÈIarfˆ nUM ipGlf-qoVn dy afksIjn dI Kpq krdy hn ikAuNik iksy nfl-nfl mnuwK dI kMmkfmI smrwQf vI vI vsqU dy sVn vyly afksIjn dI vrqoN GtfAuNdf hY. ipGlI hoeI brP smuMdr huMdI hY. lfˆbUafˆ nfl hvf ivwc afksIjn aqy jl-soimafˆ nUM vI pRBfivq krdI hY, GtdI hY, sfh lYxf aOKf huMdf hY, ingfh, ijhVf nyV BivwK df iek hor icMqfjnk ishq kmËor pYˆdI hY, kMmkfjI smrQf `qy ivÈf hY. awg nfl AuprlI imwtI dI krIb BYVf asr pYˆdf hY aqy durGtnfvfˆ vDdIafˆ do Puwt qih burI qrHfˆ nuksfnI jfˆdI hY aqy hn. ieh EËon prq ivwc ho rhy mogry dy ieh kudrqI qwqfˆ aqy nmI qoN ivhUxI ho vfDy nUM rokx leI kIqy jf rhy Xqnfˆ ivwc jfˆdI hY. sVI hoeI DrqI vwD pfxI mMgdI vI vwzf aiVwkf hn. imwqr kIt mrdy hn. hY ijhVf ik pihlfˆ hI QoVHf hY. gYsfˆ nfl vrKf pRBfivq huMdI hY aqy qyËfbI iCVkfa imwqrfˆ df Gfx:- rsfiex qwqfˆ (aqy Kixj dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ vDdIafˆ hn, jl pRdUÈx pdfrQ vI) qoN ibnfˆ imwtI ivwc anykfˆ hI vI vDdf hY. jIvfxU aqy sUKm jIv huMdy hn. bhuqyry imwqr jIv hn.iek aMdfËy muqfibk ds Pslfˆ dy sfVy jfˆdy nfV-prflI qoN asIN iklo imwtI ivwc hI krIb ds hËfr alwgBfrI mfqrf ivwc kfrbn zfieafksfeIz, alwg iksmfˆ dy koeI ds kroV bYktIrIafˆ nfeItRojn zfieafksfeIz aqy kfrbn huMdy hn. ieh bYktIrIafˆ Kfd aqy hor mo n o a fksfeIz afid ËihrIlIafˆ gY s fˆ gly-sVy mfdy nUM qoV-BMn ky pOidafˆ leI

Friday, March 10th, 2017

vrqxXog Kurfk pYdf krdy hn. gMzoey, ijnHfˆ nUM ËmIndoj iksfn vI ikhf jfˆdf hY, vI imwtI dI AupjfAU ÈkqI nUM bxfAuxvDfAux leI ËmIn ivwc bhuq vwzI qfdfd ivwc huMdy hn/sn. iewk eykV imwtI ivwc ds lwK gMzoey rih skdy hn ijhVy murdf bnspqI aqy hor rihMd-KUMhd nUM ds tn pRqI sfl dI dr nfl Kf ky Kfd bxf skdy hn aqy 40 tn imwtI nUM Ault-plt skdy hn. ienHfˆ qoN ibnfˆ anykfˆ hor kIVy-mkOVy imwtI nUM jIvq pRsiQqI pRbMD (eIko isstm) dy qOr `qy apxfAuNdy aqy brkrfr rwKdy hn. pihlfˆ hI bhuiqafˆ nUM qfˆ asIN vlfieqI Kfdfˆ aqy rsfiexk dvfeIafˆ nfl mfrGwiqaf hY aqy rihMdIafˆ nUM hux cuafqI lf ky mfr rhy hn. muuwkdI gwl:- afËfdI AuprMq ihMdusqfn ny afm qOr `qy aqy pMjfb ny Kfs qOr `qy imwtI nUM sMBflx, ivgsfAux dy sdIafˆ purfxy ajmfey hoey ZMg-qrIky Cwz ky murgI qoN ieko idn hI sony dy aMzy kwZx df afqmGfqI rsqf aKiqafr kr ilaf hY. muwkdI gwl, hwQIN lfey lfˆbUafˆ nfl asIN byÈkImqI BUmI aqy kudrqI qwq hI nhIN sfVdy, asIN imwqr kIt aqy pfxI vI Kqm kr rhy hfˆ. DrqI mfˆ dy ipzyˆ smyq asIN qfˆ afpxy vfrsfˆ df BivwK lUh rhy hfˆ. kxk df nfV aqy Jony dI prflI jdoN ivafpk rUp ivwc sVdy hn, qfˆ ieh bVy kuJ nUM afpx nfl PUkdy hn.

The Patrika 


hËfrfˆ hI kIt-pqMgy ijhVy BUmI aqy Pslfˆ dy imwqr huMdy hn aqy DrqI dI AuprlI sqh aqy bnspqI nUM afpxf vsybf bxfeI bYTy huMdy hn, df nslGfq huMdf hY. DrqI AuprlI prq, BUgoilk aflf-duaflf aqy bnspqI dy aMg-sMg rihMdf ieh arbfˆKrbfˆ df jIa-jMq hI hY, ijs dI iek kVI vjoN mnuwK aqy jrKyË imwtI dI hoNd icqvI hI nhIN jf skdI. jy asIN nf sMBly qfˆ:- sfzI ies acyq-sucyq bysmJI qoN inklx vfly iBafnk iswitafˆ pRqI afAux vflIafˆ pIVHIafˆ sfnUM kdy mfP nhIN krngIafˆ . ieh iek ivigafnk scfeI hY ik DrqI Aupr mnuwK dy pRvyÈ qoN pihlfˆ kudrq vwloN BUgoilk cOigrdf, bnspqI, jIv-jMqUafˆ aqy pMCIafˆ df iek ivafpk sMsfr isrijaf igaf sI ijhVf mukMml rUp ivwc iek dUjy Aupr inrBr hY. pMjfb dy sMdrB ivwwc sfdf ijhI iek gwl hor smJx dI loV hY ik pMjfb df KyqI sMkt isrP sroqfˆ dI ivigafnk qy sucwjI vrqoN dI Gft df hI iswtf nhIN sgoN kudrqI sihhoNd qoN nfbr hox, ivigafn dI aMnyHvfh, kfhlBrI aqy hwdoN vwD vrqoN df iswtf hY. asIN aglI Psl bIjx leI bVy kfhly hfˆ, ies lflsfmeI kfhl aqy ‘munfPy` dI hfbV qihq hwQIN lfey lfˆbUafˆ ny mnuwK nUM vI ingl lYxf hY. TrMmy nfl soco, Blk qIk qfˆ bVI dyr ho jfvygI.



The Patrika 

Friday, March 10th, 2017

B.C. Court Upholds Antisemitic Hate Speech Conviction


he British Columbia Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from Arthur Topham, who was convicted of promoting hatred against Jewish people in November, 2015.

free speech – it’s a crime in Canada, and rightfully so.”

“This is an important victory for tolerance and human rights in Canada,” added Amanda Hohmann, National Through his website, RadicalPress. Director of B’nai Brith’s League for com, Topham has called for Jews to be Human Rights. forcibly sterilized, claimed that Can“In recent years, police and prosecutors ada is “controlled by the Zionist Jew have been hesitant to charge individulobby,” and described Jewish places als with wilful promotion of hatred, of worship as “synagogues of Satan.” perhaps because they fear that the acThe decision of Justice G. Bruce Butler cused will successfully appeal against in B.C. comes as part of a long legal the charges. This verdict shows that the saga spearheaded by Harry Abrams, a hate speech sections of the Criminal B’nai Brith Canada member who first Code are constitutionally sound and reported Topham’s antisemitic screeds should be utilized whenever necesto the Canadian Human Rights Com- sary.” mission, and then later to the B.C. Hate Topham’s sentencing is likely to take Crimes Unit. place in the near future. He faces a “I’m pleased with the court’s verdict,” maximum of two years in prison, and Abrams said. “Calling to sterilize an the forced closure of his hateful webentire ethnic or religious group is not site. It is not yet clear if he will appeal yesterday’s ruling.

Christy Clark budget: A few election goodies, but no significant investment in vital public services Today’s BC budget offered a number of election goodies for voters—including a rollback of some of the massive increases in MSP premiums imposed by the BC Liberals—but nothing to invest in vital public services that have been cut over the past 16 years, says the BC Federation of Labour.

There are no new plans to build social housing that would deal with affordability issues. And nothing to expand public transit that’s such a high priority for communities across the province.”

Lanzinger says she’s concerned that Premier Clark chose to do nothing in the budget to address the growing “Hard working British Columbians and problem of inequality between rich and our families are grappling with urgent poor in BC. challenges around affordability and the “There’s no poverty reduction strategy, lack of public services,” says BCFED and nothing to help the 500,000 Britpresident Irene Lanzinger. ish Columbians working for poverty “While services for people have been wages, less then $15 an hour.” cut to the bone for the last 16 years, And with the government announcthe rich and powerful have done very ing a number of capital projects in the well,” says BC Federation of Labour budget, Lanzinger says she can’t underPresident Irene Lanzinger. “It reflects stand why the government isn’t manthe choices Premier Clark and the dating that trades apprentices will be Liberals have made—and whose side part of building public infrastructure. they’re on. “It’s a head scratcher,” says Lanzinger, “Again with this budget they’ve chosen “because a serious jobs strategy should not to invest in public services,” says be leveraging government investment Lanzinger. “There’s nothing concrete in building things to help train the for parents struggling to find affordable next generation of workers and give child care spaces. Seniors still won’t apprentices the practical experience to get the care they need and deserve. complete their certifications.”


Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika



B.C. farmers’ markets benefit from Buy Local funding


armers’ markets all over the province are enticing British Columbians with locally grown and produced products, fresh from their own backyards. The B.C. government’s Buy Local program is providing six local farmers’ markets with a combined total of $57,055 in funding The Buy Local program is helping agrifood companies promote their products through buy local initiatives. The Coquitlam Farmers’ Market Society is receiving up to $7,830 in funding to advertise through a social media campaign, creating promotional materials and updating the organization’s website to bring more visitors to their year round markets.

Farmers’ markets play an increasingly important role in the economic impact of a community and increasing the sales revenues of B.C. producers. With the goals of reconnecting local producers with suburban consumers, and

citizens with each other, the Coquitlam Farmers’ Market Society operates one of Metro Vancouver’s longest running suburban farmers’ markets. The Poirier Street Market is a weekly outdoor summer market that is celebrating its 21st year in the community this season. Along with over 65 vendors, visitors will find food events, demonstrations and workshops, entertainment and kids’ activities and crafts. During the colder months, the Port Moody Winter Farmers’ Market offers a weekly indoor/outdoor winter market with over 35 vendors and visitors can learn about gardening, growing their own food and participating in special cooking classes.

bians to support B.C.’s farmers and eat local all year. The B.C. government has committed $14 million to the Buy Local Program since 2012, including $6 million over the next three years announced in Balanced Budget 2017. Approximately 200 B.C. agrifood and seafood companies have expanded their reach and sales in communities throughout B.C. since the program began, with the $8 million of funding accessed to date resulting in $29 million in investments through matching funds.

The Buy Local program has provided $356,565 in funding to farmers’ markets all over the province since 2012 to support food security in B.C. and help local businesses grow and thrive in the competitive agrifood industry. The B.C. government’s Agrifood and Farmers’ markets allow British Colum- Seafood Strategic Growth Plan sup-

ports the building of domestic markets and maintaining a secure food supply. The plan is a component of the BC Jobs Plan, and the roadmap to leading the agrifoods sector to becoming a $15-billion-a-year industry by 2020. The provincial government’s Buy Local program is administered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia. Applications are available at:


The Patrika



ishq `qy BfrU pY irhf hY Kurfk df svfd

Kurfk df asl kMm ijwQy srIr nUM AUrjf dyxf, srIr dI tuwt-Bwj dI murMmq krnf hY, AuWQy hI ies df mhwqv svfd dy pwK qoN vI aihm hY. svfd jIv ivkfs ivwc mnuwKfˆ qwk phuMcdy pMj pRmuwK igafn ieMdrIafˆ df ihwsf hY. asIN sux, suMG, dyK, Coh aqy svfd rfhIN sucyq huMdy hfˆ aqy iPr Aus igafn dy afDfr AuWqy awgoN koeI kdm cuwkdy hfˆ. glq sunyhf sfnUM nuksfn vI phuMcf skdf hY. keI vfr koeI vsqU dyKx ivwc aqy suMGx pwKoN qfˆ TIk lwg skdI hY, pr svfd ivwc kOVI, iqwKI jfˆ KwtI ho skdI hY. ies krky sfzI jIB Aus nUM Kfx qoN ienkfr kr idMdI hY. jy ajoky sMdrB ivwc dyKIey qfˆ mnuwKI CyVCfV nfl bxfeI geI cMgy svfd vflI cIË sfzy srIr nUM nuksn kr skdI hY qy koeI KwtI aqy bkbkI kudrqI cIË sfnUM Pfiedf dy skdI hY. roËmrf dI iËMdgI ivwc asIN Kurfk leI AunHfˆ cIËfˆ dI hI cox kIqI hY jo sfzy svfd vfly ihwsy nUM pRvfn sI. Bfv anfj ivwc kxk, cOl, dflfˆ jfˆ Pl sbËIafˆ dI iewk lMmI sUcI sI. smyˆ dy nfl nfl ivigafnk smJ qihq asIN imwTf, nmk aqy iGE jfˆ qyl nUM afpxI Kurfk nfl joiVaf qy ies qrHfˆ Kurfk ivwc svfd


dI srdfrI huMdI geI. ajoky ruJfn nUM dyK ky asIN kih skdy hfˆ ik Bojn ivwc svfd nUM hI pRmuwK rwiKaf jf irhf hY. Kurfk df mUl mksd hY ik Aus nUM srIrk qMdrusqI leI Aus ivcly guxfˆ krky cuixaf jfvy, pr awj aijhf nhIN ho irhf.

anfj vrg ivwc asIN hOlI hOlI kxk aqy cOl vwl Jukf vDfieaf hY qy sfzy Kfxy ivwc mwkI, bfjrf qy rfgI afid lop ho gey hn. jy kxk dI vrqoN `qy vI nËr mfrIey qfˆ asIN ies dy iCwlky (sUVy) nUM mnjUrI nhIN idwqI aqy mYdy AuWqy vDyry inrBr ho gey ikAuNik Aus nfl bxy Kfxy svfdly qy nrm huMdy hn. sbËIafˆ aqy Plfˆ dy vrg nUM asIN afm qOr `qy ibmfrI vyly dI Kurfk vjoN hI jfxdy hfˆ. hux jdoN bfËfrU ruJfn vD irhf hY qfˆ asIN ÈihqUq, byr aqy jfmn vrgy Plfˆ nUM pyˆzU kih ky nfkfr idwqf hY qy hor sQfnk Plfˆ vwloN vI iDafn Pyr ilaf hY. iGE, qyl, nmk aqy imwTf afid awj sfzI Kurfk dy aihm qwq hn. ienHfˆ qwqfˆ df mksd Kurfk nUM svfdlf bxfAuxf hI hY. ienHfˆ nfl sfzy KurfkI pdfrQ imwTy, nmkIn, iqwKy qy Ksqf bxdy hn. ieh sfry qwq awj sfzI KurfkI QflI ivwc loV qoN vwD

vrqoN ivwc af rhy hn.

Friday, March 10th, 2017

zf[ iÈafm suMdr dIpqI

hY ik ivakqI nUM ijs iksy svfd jfˆ gMd dI afdq pf dyvy, Auh Aus df afdI ho Kurfk ivigafn ny KurfkI qwqfˆ bfry sfzI jfˆdf hY. ies dy mwdynËr hI bwicafˆ dy jfxkfrI ivwc vfDf kIqf ijvyˆ pRotIn, svfd nUM kuJ ies qrHfˆ iqafr kIqf jfˆdf ivtfimn aqy Kixj pdfrQfˆ afid dI hY ik vwzy ho ky vI Auh ies nUM jfrI rwK lMmI kqfr hY. Bojn ivigafn ny sfzI skx. bcpn ivwc qfˆ bwcy dI iËwd cwl Kurfk nUM mUMh qwk phuMcfAux leI Kfxy jfˆdI hY pr vwzf ho ky Aus dI pwkI hoeI nUM svfdly bxfAux dy ZMg dwsy. awj dI afdq Aus nUM Kud-b-Kud Aus Kfxy vwl lY Kurfk aqy Bojn ivwidaf df mksd hY ik jfˆdI hY, ijs qoN Aus nUM roikaf jfˆdf sI. Kfxf svfdlf qy nrm hovy ijvyˆ brYWz, svfd dy lflcvws aZuwkvfˆ Kfxf Kfx dy bMd, pUrI aqy kulcf afid. imwTf hovy iswty vjoN awj bwicafˆ ivwc motfpy dI dr ijvyˆ kyk, pystrIafˆ qy imTfeIafˆ afid. Kqrnfqk hwd qoN vwD hY qy jvfn huMdy nmkIn qy Ksqf hox ijvyˆ BujIaf, pkOVy, huMdy Auh Èwkr rog, idl dIafˆ bImfirafˆ smosy aqy hor afid pdfrQ. asIN mwCI qy hwzIafˆ dy nuks dy iÈkfr hox lwgy hn. nUM vDIaf pRotIn aqy Gwt PYt vflf smJ bwicafˆ dIafˆ KurfkI afdqfˆ nUM syD dyx ky iesqymfl krnf cfhuMdy hfˆ, pr Kf leI Gr df KurfkI vfqfvrx kfPI qyl ivwc qly hoey mwCI dy pkOVy, iGE aihmIaq rKdf hY. Gr ivwc jo bfhroN aqy nmk nfl bxy Ksqf aqy svfdly afvygf jfˆ bxygf, bwcy AuhI Kfxgy. dUjf rUp ivwc rhy hfˆ. Èfied iesy mksd dy mwdynËr hI Auh anfj, dflfˆ aqy Pl- pVfa hY skUl, bwcf jyb KrcI nfl mnmrËI dI cIË KrId skdf hY qy skUl sbËIafˆ gfieb hoey hn, jo svfdlf df KurfkI vfqfvrx (kMtIn) aqy skUl Bojn bxfAux ivwc aiVkf bxdy sn. vwloN qYa itPn ivwc Kfxy dI iksm kfPI bwicafˆ ivwc Kurfk dy invykly rUp mddgfr ho skdy hn. svfd df kMm cfklyt, kyk, aYnrjI bfr, kRIm ibskut, sucyq krnf hY ik Kurfk quhfzI jfn nUM Kqrf qfˆ nhIN phuMcfvygI, pr asIN svfd jYlI, kYˆzI, kurkry aqy icps afid imldy hn. sfrIafˆ srIrk ieMdrIafˆ ivwc dI lpyt ivwc nuksfn phuMcfAux vflI Kfskr svfd aqy gMD dI ieh KfsIaq Kurfk vwl hI iKwcy jf rhy hfˆ.

Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika 

soc ÈkqI df kmfl hr cIË df pRqIibMb Aus dy ibMb anusfr hI bxdf hY. koeI vI vsqU sfnUM Ausy qrHfˆ hI idsygI ijs qrHfˆ df Aus dy bfry sfzf ivcfr hovygf. qusIN BYa Cwz ky inrBYa bxo. afls iqafgo, imhnqI bxo. rfhfˆ ivwc Juwldy JwKVfˆ qoN nf zro, ieh qfˆ kyvl quhfnUM AuWcf cuwkx leI hI JUldy hn. swcf suwK pRfpq krn leI mn ivwcoN duwKfˆ df BYa kwZ idE. qusIN Bfvyˆ ikMny vI grIb ikAuN nf hovy, pr ieh afs kdy nf Cwzo ik qusIN amIr nhIN bx skdy.

PAGE 21 sMqoK isMG Bfxf

nf kro, iPr qusIN ijhVf vI kMm krogy Aus ieh Bfvnfvfˆ hOlI hOlI sfzy aMdr jVH ivwc ËrUr sPl hovogy. ies qrHfˆ quhfzIafˆ PVdIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. aijhI inrfÈvfdI AumIdfˆ dy mihkdy Puwl iKV AuWTxgy. soc ivwcoN AupjIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ df mfnv mn ivwc pYdf hoxf sB qoN iËafdf Gfqk iswD kdy vI hflfq df gulfm nf bxo. hflfq huMdf hY. AuqÈfh aqy ÈkqIÈflI AuWcIafˆ df mukfblf krn dI Kud ivwc ÈkqI pYdf Bfvnfvfˆ nfl BrpUr iËMdgI df nfm hI kro. ibnfˆ vjHf koeI vI kMm nhIN huMdf, ies AumMgfˆ aqy KuÈIafˆ Biraf aslI jIvn dI muwZlI vjHf mfnisk hI huMdI hY. mn dI hY. qrwkI dIafˆ mMiËlfˆ qYa krn leI pRivrqI hI kfmXfbI jfˆ nf-kfmXfbI leI afqm ivÈvfs df shfrf lYxf bhuq vfqfvrx df inrmfx krdI hY. sfzy kMmfˆ ËrUrI hY. afqm ivÈvfsI soc vfly lok df Pl Ausy qrHfˆ df hI hovygf ijs qrHfˆ dI muÈiklfˆ Bry pYˆizafˆ ivwcoN vI afpxy rfhfˆ sfzI soc hovygI. soc dI ÈkqI nfl hI qn nUM lwB lYˆdy hn. dI ÈkqI kfrj krdI hY. sfzy ivcfrfˆ df pRBfv sfzy pUry srIr `qy ËrUr pYˆdf hY. sfzf suBfa aqy sfzIafˆ afdqfˆ ieh sB sfzy ivcfrfˆ df hI pRqIibMb huMdIafˆ hn. ienHfˆ df sfzy kfrjfˆ `qy pUrf asr pYˆdf hY. asIN ijhVy kMm nUM krn df ierfdf kr ilaf hY Aus nUM pUrf krn ivwc sfzf pUrn ivÈvfs hoxf cfhIdf hY. Aus dI sPlqf ivwc sfnUM Borf vI Èwk nhIN hoxf cfhIdf. ies kMm leI qn mn lf dyxf hI sfzf PrË hY. mn ivwc ieh ivÈvfs hoxf cfhIdf hY ik myrIafˆ mfnisk ÈkqIafˆ ies kMm nUM nypry cfVH ky hI dm lYxgIafˆ.

qn aqy mn df afpsI myl aiq ËrUrI hY. mn dI klpnf nfl hI sfry srIrk kfrj sLurU huMdy hn. quhfzf afpxf pwkf ivÈvfs quhfzI sPlqf dy bUhy KolH idMdf hY. ËrUrq aqy klpnf ieh donoN hI imlky sMGrÈ nUM jnm idMdIafˆ hn. sMGrÈ sPlqf nUM jnm idMdf hY. afqm ivÈvfs sPlqf dI kuMjI hY. jo bMdf Kud `qy Brosf rwKdf hY, Auh afpxI Xogqf anusfr afqm ivÈvfsI huMdf hoieaf afpxy AudyÈ dI pRfpqI bfry socdf hY. ijhVy bMdy afpxIafˆ nËrfˆ nUM inrMqr afpxy tIcy `qy iekfgr krky rwKdy hn, AuhI sPlqf dy pYˆzy qYa krdy hn. mn nUM sdf cVHdI klf ivwc rwKo. cVHdI klf AuWcy ivcfrfˆ aqy jykr sfzy mn ivwc ieh gwl Gr kr lYˆdI hY inrml soc nfl bxdI hY. afpxy afp AuWqy ik mYˆ kuJ vI nhIN hfˆ, mYˆ quwC hfˆ, ibmfr hfˆ, aqy afpxI kfrj ÈkqI AuWqy kdy vI Èwk myry ivwc koeI Xogqf nhIN hY. bs iPr kI hY?


The Patrika



Friday, March 10th, 2017

Canadian youth reap diverse benefits of volunteering (NC) Growing up in Toronto community housing, Venessa felt that youth across the city didn’t have a voice. So, when her community introduced a new Youth Tenant Representative position, she campaigned for three months and won. The feat is even more impressive when you consider she was only seven years old. “For [the next] six years, I went to city hall meetings and community meetings, and met with countless community members,” Venessa recalls. She is now a volunteer charity event coordinator. “I am grateful to have had a seat at the table.”

“It’s all about baby steps,” Venessa explains. “Find a volunteer position doing something you’re interested in, make connections and learn from your experiences. Employers love seeing volunteer experience and you’ll meet new people. It’s really a win-win situation!” “Volunteering also opens doors to careers,” says Jessica Glazer, president and CEO of Mind HR Placement Agency in Montreal, Quebec. “You never know who you are going to meet.”

For some, volunteering is simply a way to pay it forward. Growing up in Iran with a neuropathic disability, Mostafa It’s not surprising that young people had to stop going to school when he Kay made a similar journey nine years ago, moving from Lagos, Nigeria, are Canada’s most active volunteers, was 12. to study in Canada on a scholarship. representing about 66 per cent of those “We immigrated to Canada for a better When he initially moved to Toronto, who give their time for a cause. Time, life,” he says. “I started high school in he became wrapped up in his career after all, is on their side. Canada when I was 17 and I had to do and wasn’t volunteering. But after Our country’s volunteering numbers a lot of catching up.” drawing inspiration from a friend who might surprise you. In 2013, four out After graduating from graphic design helped out at the Toronto International of 10 Canadians volunteered, putting college, Mostafa sought out an orga- Film Festival, he decided to give it a in 1,957,000,000 total hours. But how nization that helped children from a go and sought out an organization that can the other 60 per cent of us find the supported young people in getting a similar background. time and inspiration to do the same? better education.

“I would like to see that deserving youths, not unlike myself not so long ago, are afforded similar opportunities,” he says. Kay, Mustafa and Venessa all volunteer for Beautiful World Canada, an organization that funds, supports and encourages education for children in Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Uganda. To learn more about Beautiful World, or about sponsoring a student, visit www.

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The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017



Jackie Hogan appointed interim president of UFV ABBOTSFORD – The University of the Fraser Valley Board of Governors unanimously appoints Chief Financial Officer and Vice-President Administration Jackie Hogan as Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, effective July 1. Hogan will succeed Dr. Mark Evered upon his planned retirement, while the search for UFV’s next president continues. “UFV has an admirable leadership team, and I am absolutely delighted that Jackie Hogan has agreed to serve as interim president,” says UFV Board Chair John Pankratz. “Jackie’s tremendous knowledge, leadership, and dedication will serve UFV students, faculty, staff, and communities very well through this transitional phase.”

with two outstanding vicepresidents and a remarkable faculty, staff, and leadership team, we will continue to deliver on UFV’s mission to provide excellent post-secondary education in the heart of the Fraser Valley.” A Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Hogan also holds a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree from the University of Calgary. She is an alumna of UFV, earning the Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medal for academic excellence with her Business Administration diploma.

Professionally, Hogan joined UFV in 1989, rising through the organization to become Chief Financial Officer in 2010. In 2014, the Association of Women in Finance awarded “I am honoured and humbled Hogan the prestigious PEAK to serve as interim presi- Award for Excellence in the dent,” says Hogan. “Together, Public Sector.

Hogan is responsible for the financial leadership and management of UFV’s $115 million operating budget and $250 million in capital assets, on about a million square feet of classroom, laboratory, clinic, and other service space on campuses in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, and Hope, as well as Chandigarh, India. She lives in Abbotsford with her husband, Paul, and two daughters, is underway. The university will appoint an acting Chief Chloe and Sophie. Financial Officer and ViceUFV’s Board announced last President Administration to month that the presidential fill Hogan’s current role, effecsearch, initiated in February tive July 1. For more informa2016, resulted in a candidate tion, visit who withdrew at the final presidential-search. stage. The renewed search



bI sI dy ieiqhfsk kfnUMn ivcoN ivqkry vflf ivsLf kwiZaf igaf bI sI dI ivDfn sBf ivc nvF Discriminatory Provisions (Historical Wrongs)Repeal Act pysL kIqf igaf| ies nvyN aYkt df mMqv purfxy ivqkry vfly kfnUMn ivcoN Auh ivsLf vsqU Kfrj krnf hY ijhVf cInI afvfsIaF dy ivruwD ivqkry df pRgtf krdf hY| huxy huxy pRkfsLq kIqI geI Chinese Legacy BC:Legislation Review Report ivc 19 aijhy golmol kfnUMnF dI insLfndyhI kIqI geI hY ijnHF ivc ivqkry dIaF DfrfvF hn| jdoN ieho ijhy ivqkry krn dy kfnUMn bxfey gey sn AudoN mnuwKI aiDkfrF bfry koeI PYzrl ,sUbfeI jF aMqrrfsLtrI kfnUMn nhIN sn aqy nf hI AudoN kYnyzIan cfrtr aOP rfeIts & PRIzmjL aYkt sI| ieh sfrI khfxI 1871 aqy 1882 qoN pihlF dI hY| 1871 ivc bI sI, bI sI kfnPYzrysLn ivc sLfml hoieaf sI aqy 1882 ivc kYnyzIan cfrtr aOP rfeIts bixaf sI| 15 meI, 2014 nUM sfrI bI sI ivDfn sBf ny BUq kfl dI srkfrF vwloN bxfey gey aijhy ivqkry vfly kfnUMnF bdly cInI kimAuintI qoN muafPI mMgI sI|

The Patrika 

vYnkUvr puils aPsrF Aupr golIaF aMqrrfsLtrI tRMp hotl dy AudGftn cwlx AuprMq cfr ivakqI igRPqfr ‘qy puils Krcf hoieaf $105,000 6 mfrc nUM qVksfr vYnkUvr puils aPsrF AuWpr AudoN golIaF clfeIaF geIaF jdoN Auh iek Pon kfl afAux ‘qy dwKxI vYnkUvr dy iek Gr kol phuMcy sn| Aus Gr ivcoN iek afdmI inkilaf ; golIaF clf ky iPr aMdr clf igaf| ies AuprMq hor Pors mMgvfeI geI ijs ivc vYnkUvr puils dI aYmrjYNsI irspFs tIm vI sLfml sI | svyr dy 4:30 vjy do afdmIaF aqy do aOrqF nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf| hor pVqfl kIqI jf rhI hY|

Gwt-igxqI BfeIcfiraF dy 82% lok ivqkry df isLkfr - iek srvyKx

kRYizt XUnIan vYn istI dI dyK-ryK ivc krvfey gey srvyKx ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik srvyKx ivc Bfg lYx vfly vwK vwK swiBafcfrk mUl dy 82% lokF ny ikhf ik AuMnHF nUM nslI ivqkry df sfhmxf krnf ipaf hY| ieMnHF ivco awiDaF qoN vwD ny ikhf ik bhuq sfry lokF ny AuMnHF dy smUh bfry mnOqF bxfeIaF hoeIaF hn ijs dy nqIjy vjoN AuMnHF dy smUh dy lokF nUM afpxy ipCokV kfrn smfjk srkfr aqy aiDafpkF ivckfr Gft df aihsfs huMdf hY| aijhy ivqkry dy bfvjUd Gt-igxqI dy aijhy lokF ny ikhf ik bhuswiBafcfrkqf hoieaf smJOqf kYnyzf leI bhuq vDIaf hY ikAuNik bI sI dI bhu-igxqI bI sI srkfr aqy pbilk skUlF dy aiDafpkF ivckfr bhuswiBafcfrkqf nUM psMd krdy hn| iPr vI ies srvyKx iek smJOqf hoieaf hY ijs anusfr 2002 ivc hoey anusfr nslvfd ajy ijAuNdf hY ijs dI inMdf hr cMgy smJoqy ivcoN kwZy gey sLbd muV drj kIqy jfx df kMm sLihrI nUM krnI cfhIdI hY| sOKf ho jfvygf| ieh sLbd klfs dy sfeIj aqy bxqr bfry sn | aiDafpkF dI PYzrysLn df kihxf hY ieh sLbd XhUdI kimAuintI sYNtr nUM imlI bMb srkfr vwloN kwZ ley gey sn| hux hoieaf smJOqf vI qF dI DmkI dI vYnkUvr puils vwloN jFc hI asl ivc smJOqf mMinaf jfvygf jy bI sI tIcrjL XhUdI kimAuintI sYNtr nUM imlI bMb dI DmkI kfrn 7 PYzrysLn dy mYNbr aqy bI sI pbilk skUlL aYNplfeIjL mfrc dI rfq smyN vYnkUvr puils nUM vYst 4vyN aYivinAU aYsosIeysLn ies nUM pRvfn krngy| bI sI tI aYP dy pRDfn ,nyVy Ek stRIt ivKy bulfieaf igaf| puils ny cOksI vjoN glYn hYNsmYn df kihxf hY ik ies smJOqy nfl bI sI dI iblizMg nUM KflI krvfieaf aqy iblizMg dI qlfsLI leI aYjUkysLn ivc nvF cYptr sLurU hovygf| agly skUl sfl dy pr AuwQoN koeI ivsPotk pdfrQ nf imilaf| kuJ dyr ipwCoN sLurU huMidaF hIhjLfrF hor tIcr BrqI krny pYxgy,klfsF AuwQoN bfhr kwZy gey imhmfn aqy kfmy vfps af gey| hor CotIaF ho jfxgIaF,aqy spYsLl tIcr vI inXukq kIqy jFc ho rhI hY| Xfd rhy ik kYnyzf dy hor BfgF ivc vI jfxgy| isiKaf mMqrI mfeIk brnIar ny ies smJOqy nUM XhUdI BfeIcfry nUM gfhy bgfhy aijhI siQqI df sfhmxf ividafrQIaF, tIcrF aqy mfipaF leI nvIN Kbr ikhf| krnf pY irhf hY| kYnyzf ijhy dysL ivc vI nslvfd df ies sfl dy sLurU ivc bI sI srkfr ny 1100 nvyN aiDafpk nfs nhIN hoieaf aqy nslvfdI aijhy kfr krky afpxI krn ihq $100 imlIan Krcx df aYlfn kIqf sI| BVfs kWZdy rihMdy hn| vrxnXog hY ik nvMbr 2016 ivc sLurU hoeI smJOqy dI gwlbfq 27 bYTkF hox AuprMq nypry cVHI hY| iclfvYk aqy aYbtsPorz dIaF

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Friday, March 10th, 2017

zyarI PfrmF ‘qy Krfb duwD splfeI krn dy dosLF df sfhmxf

iclfvYk kYtl syljL , aYbtsPorz zyarI Pfrm aqy bI sI imlk mfrikitMg borz qoN duwD KRIdx vflI kMpnI Saputo ny ieMnHF ivruwD mukwdmf kIqf hY ik AuWpro duwD Auqpfdk Krfb duwD splfeI krdy rhy hn| Krfb splfeI kfrn spoto nUM BfrI nuksfn hoieaf | spoto vwloN afpxy vwloN lgfey dosLF dy sbUq vjoN ivsiqRq jfxkfrI adflq ivc pysL kIqI hY| AWuDr iclYvYk kYtl syljL vwloN Saputo nUM KulfH swdf idwqf hY ik Auh AuMnHF dI Pfrm nUM vyK skdy hn ik AuwQy psLUaF df aqy hor sPfeI df ikMnf iDafn rwiKaf jFdf hY| Auh ieh Pfrm 1950 qoN clf rhy hn| imlk borz vwloN ajy ies isvl klym df koeI jvfb nhIN idwqf igaf|

28 PrvrI nUM vYnkUvr ivKy aMqrrfsLtrI tRMp hotl dy AudGftnI smfgm smyN BfrI igxqI ivc puils aPsr qfienfq krny pey qF jo mfhOl sLFq rwiKaf jf sky| amrIkf dy pRDfn zfnlz tRMp dy iqMn bwcy ies mOky hfjLr sn| kFstybl jysn zfAusYt dy kihx anusfr puils vwloN sLFqI bxfeI rwKx leI $105,000 df Krcf krnf ipaf| AuMnHF ikhf ik puils leI lokF dI surwiKaf vwzI pihl hY; puils lokF nUM afpxf ivroD pRgt krn qoN nhIN rokdI pr aijhy ivroD ivKfvy sLFq hoxy cfhIdy hn| Xfd rhy ik ies mOky afr sI aYm pI dy Air One hYlIkfptr vI vriqaf igaf sI ijs dy Krcy bfry ajy koeI jfxkfrI pRfpq nhIN|

ielYksLn bI sI vwloN bI sI ilbrl pfrtI nUM dfn dyx vfilaF dI jFc ho rhI hY ielYksLn bI sI sUby dI ilbrl pfrtI ivruwD lgfey gey AuMnHF dosLF dI pVqfl kr irhf hY ijMnHF ivc dosL lgfieaf igaf sI ik ilbrl pfrtI nUM dfn vfilaF n ydfn dyx leI BfvyN afpxy kRYizt kfrz vrqy sn pr asl ivc Auh dfn kfrporyt GrfinaF vwloN idwqy gey sn| bI sI dy muwK ielYktorl aPsr kIQ afrcr df kihxf hY ik kiQq AulMGxfvF ivc isafsI dfn sLfml hn jo glq ZMg nfl idwqy gey hn| AuMnHf ieh vI ikhf ik sMBv hY ik ieh mfmlf inafie mMqRflf dI aprfDk inafie sLfKf nUM Byijaf jfvy| cox aYkt ivc vvsQf hY ik aijhI AulMGxd krn vfly nUM $10,000 qwk jurmfnf kIqf jfvy,iek sfl dI kYd kIqI jfvy qF ieh donoN sjLfvF idwqIaF jfx| bI sI grIn pfrtI ny qF mMg kIqI hY ik pVqfl afr sI aYm pI qoN krvfeI jfvy| ies sbMDI gMBIr gwl ieh hY ik bI sI ilbrl pfrtI nUM ies ZMg nfl dfn krn vilaF ny kfrpryt GrfinaF qoN ies qrF idwqy gey dfn dI rfsLI vfps lY leI sI| aqy nfl hI ieh dfn afpxIaF tYks rItrnF ivc Br idwqf | ies qrF ieh dUhrI hyrfPyrI df mfmlf bx jFdf hY|

HONOUR HOURE dI pUrI mfrgyj adf kr idwqI geI bI sI dy izptIpRImIar irc kolmYn vwloN Honour Society nUM $4,330,000 df cYwk pysL kIqf igaf qF jo susfietI afpxI pUrI mfrgyj adf kr sky| ies qrF srkfr ny ies susfietI dIaF AuMnHF syvfvF nUM pRmfxq kIqf hY| ieMnHf syvfvF ivc vwzI syvf ieh hY ik ieh susfietI afpxy GrF qoN dUr bYTy kYnyzIan PojIaF nUM Tihrx leI Gr idMdI hY aqy AuMnHF qoN koeI pYsf nhIN lYNdI| afnr hfAUs inAU vYstimMstr ivc siQq hY jo 2009 ivc KrIidaf igaf aqy rYnovyt krky 2011 ivc iPr KoilHaf igaf| mMqrI ny ikhf ik srkfr ies hfAUs dI mfrgyj adf krky KusL hY qF jo ieh vwzI syvf df kMm jfrI rwK sky| vrxnXog hY ik ieh hfAUs afpxy afpryitMg Krcy dfn dI rfsLI nfl hI pUry krdf hY| Poj dy hr vrg dy krmcfrI iewQy af ky QoVHy smyN leI muPq Tihr skdy hn | 2011 qoN lY ky hux qwk iewQy 5000 POjI afpxy pirvfrF smyq Tihr cuwky hn |

Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika



Friday, March 10th, 2017

‘afp` nUM bhumq nf imilaf qfˆ gwTjoV krky srkfr nhI bxfvfˆgy: mfn safsI ikMny ku ÈihxÈIl hfˆ …

sMgrUr dy sMsd mYˆbr BgvMq mfn ny ikhf ik pMjfb ivwc bhumq nfl afm afdmI pfrtI srkfr bxf rhI hY, jy aijhf nf hoieaf qfˆ `afp` iksy vI pfrtI nfl gwTjoV krky srkfr nhIˆ bxfeygI.

mfn eIvIaYm dI rfKI leI bYTy vÜMtIarfˆ df hOslf aPjfeI krn leI puwjy sn. AunHfˆ ÈhId mndIp isMG dI DI gurmyhr kOr `qy pUry dyÈ dI isafsq qfˆ kyˆdrq hY hI,ies ikhf ik akflI dl, Bfjpf qy ienYlo dI imlIBugq sfbq ho geI hY. Auh iml ky pMjfb dy nfl hI ikRkt dy do iKzfrI afps `c iBV gey. dy ihqfˆ `qy ikvy zfky mfrdy rhy hn qy ienHfˆ dI gupq rUp ivc kfˆgrs pwK pUrdI rhI vIryˆdr sihvfg ny jdoˆ gurmyhr kOr df mËfk bxfieaf qfˆ ijwQy sihvfg dy awDy pRÈMskfˆ hY. pMjfbI XUnvristI, srkfrI grlË polotYkink kflj, srkfrI iPËIkl kflj, polo ny Aus nUM nkfr idwqf,AuwQy hI sihvfg dy sfQI ikRkktr gOqm gMBIr vI sihvfg nfl grfAUˆz `c bxy poilMg sYˆtrfˆ Auqy jf ky mIzIaf nfl gwl kridafˆ AunHfˆ ikhf ik `afp` srkfr bxn `qy isafsI lokfˆ nfl imlI Bugq krky pMjfb dy ihqfˆ df nuksfn krn sihmq nhI.gMBIr ny gurmyhr dI hmfieq ivwc iewk vIzIE bxfeI hY . vfly nOkrÈfhfˆ qy hor aiDkfrIafˆ nUM bKiÈaf nhI jfvygf. mfn ny ikhf ik aYs [vfeI AuDr hux sihvfg vI afpxI BrpUr alocnf qoˆ bfad afˆpxI sPfeI idMdy nËr af rhy [aYl mfmly `qy akflI dl-Bfjpf qy kfˆgrs smyq ienYlo vwloˆ kIqI jf rhI zrfmybfËI hn.sihvfg ny qfËf tvIt kridaf ikhf hY ik, “ myrf tvIt iksy dy ivcfrfˆ iKlfP nhIˆ qoˆ lok cMgI qrHfˆ jfxU hn. aBy cotflf afpxI rfjnIqI cmkfAux leI aYws [vfeI [aYwl sI,sB nUM afpxy ivcfr rwKx df aiDkfr hY”. gurmyhr nUM blfqkfr dI DmkI dyx dy [ nUM lY ky zrfmf kr irhf hY. ies dOrfn sRI mfn ny ikhf ik sfry pMjfb `c hI lgpg mfmly ivwc idwlI puils ny kys drj krky jfˆc ÈurU kr idwqI hY.gurmyhr nUM DmkfAux afp vrkr eIvIaYm mÈInf dI rfKI bYTy hn. jy vlMtIar rfKI nf bYTy huMdy qfˆ ipCly vfiÜafˆ dI pCfx kIqI jf rhI hY . idnIˆ iPËIkl kflj `c eIvIaYm mÈInfˆ nfl CyVCfV ho jfxI sI. AunHfˆ ikhf ik ipCly idnIˆ jo Èrfrq hoeI sI, AUh CyVCfV krn leI iewk ÈurUafq sI. ies leI vlMtIafrfˆ idwlI df iklHf Pqih krn qy sRomxI akflI dl dI sUJ-bUJ aqy rfKI kfrn pRÈfsn afpxI skIm `c kfmXfb nhI ho sikaf. AunHf ikhf ik jy ieh skIm kfmXfb ho jfˆdI qfˆ sfry pMjfb `c CyVCfV ho jfxI sI. dy hOˆsly bulMd idwlI sROmxI gurUduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dIafˆ coxfˆ c akflI dl (bfdl) ny ijwq df JMzf lihrf idwqf hY. iewQy 26 PrvrI nUM 46 sItfˆ `qy peIafˆ votf dy nqIjy sfhmxy af cuwky hn aqy ienHfˆ cox ruJfnf dOrfn akflI dl ny (b) 46 sItfˆ `coˆ óõ sItfˆ qy ijwq hfisl kr leI hY, jdo ik akflI dl(idwlI) nUM 7 sItfˆ `qy ijwq hoeI hY afËfdf AumIdvfrfˆ nuM ô sItfˆ hfsl hoeIafˆ hn pr pMQk syvf dl afpxf Kfqf vI nhI KolH sikaf. idwlI kmytI dy pRDfn mnjIq isMG jI [ky vI srnf Brfvfˆ nUM ipwCy Cwzidafˆ ijwq gey hn. idwlI kmytI dI ijwq qoˆ bfad Auwp mwuK mMQrI s [ suKbIr isG bfdl df kihxf hY ik idwlI df iklf Pqih krn qoˆ bfad ieh gwl sfibq huMdI hY ik iswK BfeIcfry ny afm afdmI pfrtI aqy kfˆgrs nUM pUrI qrHfˆ nkfr idwqf hY. ies mOky suKbIr bfdl ny akflI dl(b) dy afgUaf nUM vDfeI idwqI hY aqy ikhf ik ies ijwq qoˆ sfP ho igaf hY ik idwlI df iswK BfeIcfrf vI akflI dl dy nfl KVHf hY. suKbIr bfdl ny ikhf hY ik akflI dl jnqf nfl kIqf igaf hr vfadf pUrf krn leI vcnbwD hY.

afp pfrtI vfly kr rhy ny voitMg mÈInfˆ dI rKvflI

hux bfdl pirvfr qoˆ ikAuˆ nhI zrdI puils. ijhVI pMjfb puils bfdlfˆ dy iek ieÈfry `qy sfry kMm krdI sI Auh hux bfdl pirvfr dI nUMh `qy kyˆdrI mMqrI hrismrq bfdl qoˆ nhI zrdI hY. dr asl kyˆdrI mMqrI hrismrq kOr dy biTMzf dI 100 PuwtI sVk siQq dPqr ivKy 28 PrvrI dI rfq corI ho geI.corfˆ ny 2 ijMdry qoVky dPqr ivclf ienvrtr corI kr ilaf.pqf Audoˆ lwgf sI jdoˆ 1 mfrc dI svyr sPfeI krn afeI qfˆ ijMdry tuwty vyK ky dPqr krmIafˆ nUM ieqlfh kIqI. dPqrI krmIafˆ ny iesy idn hI kYˆt Qfxy `c corI sMbMDI arËI idwqI sI. hYrfnI dI gwl ieh hY ik iÈkfieq dy idn bIq jfx dy bfvjUd hfly qwk koeI vI puils krmI Gtnf vflI Qfˆ vyKx qwk nhI afieaf.ies bfry jdoˆ qPqIÈI aPsr nfl gwl kIqI qfˆ AunHfˆ ieh kihky tfl idwqf ik luwt Koh dy mfmly `c mÈrUP hn. mulfËm vfikaf hI kMm `c ruwJy hoey hn ies bfry kuJ kihxf muÈikl hY. iek gwl qYa hY ik puils nUM pihlfˆ dI qrHfˆ bfdl pirvfr df zr nhIˆ hY.

afm afdmI pfrtI dy afgU aqy sMgrUr qoˆ lok sBf dy sMsd BgvMq mfn ny sQfnk aYs [zI [kflj `c phuMc ky strfˆg rUm df dOrf kIqf aqy puls aiDkfrIafˆ qoˆ voitMg mÈInfˆ dI surwiKaf sbMDI jfxkfrI leI.ies AuprMq pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ AunHfˆ ikhf ik ies dOry df mwuK kfrn vrkrfˆ dI hOˆslf aPjfeI krnf hY. `afp` pfrtI dy vrkr pUry pMjfb `c 28 GMty izAUtI dy ky voitMg mÈInf dI rKvflI kr rhy hn. AunHf ikhf ik pMjfb `c ies vfr kRfˆqI df dOr hY. mfn ny ikhf ik `afp` pMjfb ivc idwlI qoˆ vwD sItfˆ ijwq ky afpxI srkfr bxfeygI.ies dOrfn jdoˆ AunHfˆ qoˆ puwiCaf igaf ik afm afdmI pfrtI vloˆ pMjfb dy mwuK mMqrI dy ahudy dy AumIdvfr leI mIitMgfˆ kIqIafˆ geIafˆ hn, mIitMg `c muwK mMqrI df nfm iks AumIdvfr df qYa hoieafˆ hY. mfn ny ikhf ik ajy qwk pfrtI vloˆ iksy df vI nfˆ pMjfb `c mwuK mMqrI `qy PfeInl nhI kIqf igaf hY. jyqU ivDfiek hI pMjfb df muwK mMqrI df nfm qYa krngy.

vwzy vwzy rfjnIqk Grfixaf nUM ibjlI dy Jtky dyx qoˆ bfad hux pfvr kfrporyÈn ny srkfrI adfirafˆ vwl ruwK kIqf hY. qfËf jfxkfrI anusfr PrIdkot dy muwK jl-Gr aqy jylH df ibjlI kunykÈn kwt idwqf igaf hY. sUcnf anusfr muwK jl-Gr ny 2 kroV 26 lwK rupey df ibwl nhIˆ adf kIqf.kUnYkÈn kwtx nfl pIx Xog pfxI dI splfeI burI qrHfˆ pRBfivq ho geI hY. ies qrHfˆ PrIdkot dI mfzrn jylH ny vI 1 kroV 46 lwK rupey bkfieaf ibwl adf nhIˆ kIqf.afm lokfˆ dI rfie hY ik vwzy rsUKvfnfˆ dy kroVfˆ dy ibwl adf nf krn dI vjfh nfl hI, Coty AupBogqfvfˆ nUM mihMgI ibjlI iml rhI hY. hr koeI 11 mfrc qoˆ bfad bxn vflI srkfr nUM AuzIk irhf hY, Auh aijhy zIPfltrfˆ ivruwD kfrvfeI krdI hY.

hux aYs [vfeI [aYl [ dy muwdy nfl nvIˆ srkfr hI nijwTygI

gdrI bfibaf bfry Koj kr rhI hY jpfnI lVkI

pMjfb qy hirafxf drimafn ivvfdq aYs [vfeI [aYl [ nihr mfmly dI awj suprIm kort `c suxvfeI hoeI.suxvfeI dOrfn hirafxf ny suprIm kort `c ikhf ik adflq dy hukm qoˆ bfad vI pMjfb nihr df inrmfx nhIˆ hox dy irhf. kort ny ies mfmly dI aglI suxvfeI 24 mfrc qwk mulqvI kr idwqI hY. ies leI pMjfb ivwc bxn vflI nvIˆ srkfr hI ies mfmly nfl nijwTygI.

pMjfb pfvr kfrporyÈn pUrf srgrm

pwCmI siBafcfrk pRBfv aqy ivdyÈ jfx dI llk ivc ijs smyˆ pMjfbI afpxI mfˆ bolI pMjfbI qoˆ dUr huMdy jf rhy hn, aijhy `c jfpfn qoˆ afeI kOrI imjukfmI TyT pMfjbI lok gIq gf rhI hY, pMjfbI `c gwl krdI hY qy pMjfbI sfj ZolkI qy bugcU vI vjf lYˆdI hY. kYrI XUnIvristI afP tokIE qoˆ pI [aYc [zI kr rhI hY. Aus df ivÈf dI `100 sfl pihlfˆ PrI iemIgRyÈn` jdoˆ pqf lwgf ik pMjfb dy gdrI bfibaf df vI hor dyÈfˆ `c iËkrXog hY ik pMjfb vwloˆ suprIm kort nUM lgfqfr apIl kIqI jf rhI sI ik ies kys afAuxf-jfxf irhf sI qfˆ Auh iewQy af sfl idwlI jy[aYn[XU[ `c rhI.AuwQy pMjfbI dI suxvfeI aglI srkfr bxn qoˆ bfad kIqI jfvy. 11 mfrc nUM pMjfb ivDfn sBf dy iek pRoPYsr ny Aus nUM gurmuKI isKfeI. coxfˆ dy nqIjy af rhy hn.ies qoˆ bfad aglI srkfr leI aYs [vfeI [aYl [ nihr dyy mfmly nUM iek vwzI cxOqI vjoˆ dyiKaf jf irhf hY. PAGE 26

The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017



22790 790 Allwood d Street


R E S I D E N T I A L E ACC w w





• Unf Bsmt for your ideas!

• 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths

Looking to Sell Your Home or Farm? Call me for a FREE EVALUATION

• Close to all levels of school

• Living Space = 2002 sf • Lot = 8420 sf

604 04-85 88555-0 55 0880 800 0 604-855-0800 virbinde er77@gmail com m

778-241-7451 7 78 -241-7451


Abbotsford, Ab Abb A bb bbot bbots ots ots tsfo fo for orrd d,, BC BC V V2T V2 2 3R7



• Investment Opporunity • will need some TLC • 2 Bedrooms

3520 Latimer Street





•Matsqui Area

• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)

34350 Bateman Road

6113 Beharrell Road

cres A 2 .98

•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety

• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area


res c A 89



• Blueberry Farm • LAND ONLY • Bradner Area

• Drip Irreg • Flat / Rectangular • Elliot Variety

7.092 Acres Haverman Road

es Acr 9 3 25.


Lot 6 Glenmore Road

• Living Space = 1768 sf • Lot = 6360 sf

1639 King Road ..................................................$815,000 30544 Steelhead Court ....................................$619,900 3666 Newcastle Road .......................................$649,000 2290 Imperial Street ........................................$550,000


• Blueberry Farm • Flat / Rectangular • 4 bedroom 2 bath • BlueCrop/Duke Variety • Drip Irreg & Some • Matsqui Area Equip


1 Ac 4 . 8 1

• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm

• 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths

res c A 43

cres A 8 .

• Drip Irreg & Some Equip

• Lots of Updates! Close to all Schools • Perfect for 1st Time Buyer

122 - 32850 George Ferg Way


• Warehouse & Pump Houses


• 1 Bath • Living space= 925 sf • Strate= $310/mth

34125 Higginson Cresdcent ...........................$895,000 5 - 33890 Marshal Road ...................................$789,900 44 - 30748 Cardinal Ave ..................................$459,700 2735 Mitchel Street ...........................................$610,000

• Blueberry Farm



•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety

Lot 1 on Glenmore Road

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

• Matsqui Flats • Bare Land

• Rare Listing of this type • Minutes from town

Lot B Riverside Street

cres A 0 1

• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

• Mission • Full Production Blueberry Farm

• Ready for Machine Pick • 5 min from town

430 Bowman Road

5111 Tolmie Road............................................$1,149,900 4627 Dixon Road ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ........................................$874,700 565 Marion Road ........................................... $1,699,900

39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 McCallum Road ~ Agassiz ........................... $2,300,000 Taylor Road ~ MtLehman Area .................. $2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900


The Patrika



Friday, March 10th, 2017

Call for a FREE Market Evaluation AMAN HAYER




33090 Phelps Avenue, Mission

$699,000 2-31877 South Fraser Way $119,000

Beautiful 3000+Sft House with 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 full bathrooms with Living & family room. Downstairs there is a rec room with full bathroom, 2 Bdrm Basement suite. Situated in very desirable and quite neighborhood. Corner flat lot for extra parking and privacy. Close to school and parks with easy access. Early possession available. Open house Sat & Sun(Nov19-Nov20) from 1-3Pm.

Established travel agency and Western Union, great clientele in a high commercial neighborhood. Currently month to month lease of $2000.00 + GST, long term lease of 1-5 years available as well.

38388 Hawkins Pickle Road $2,495,000

10660 Farms Rd, Mission

39.79ac Blueberry farm, include two dwelling (Main House + mobile home) monthly rent income $2100. approx. 30ac palanted,17ac duke, 6ac blue crop, 6ac duke and some Elliot. Drip irrigation system. New shipping container put in for pump house. House has new roof. Field is set up for machine pick.

Full production 19.7 Acres blue berry farm( Blue crop 8 acres, Reka 4 and Duke 4 acres) set up as a machine pick on city water and only 5 mins away from Mission city.3 Bdrm house which is r e n t e d o u t f o r $1000/month.


2090 Oakridge Crst. $299,000 1st time buyers has a great opportunity to own a 2 bdrm Mobile home with huge 6700 Sft Lot (50' x 134'). Covered patio, workshop and lots of parking .NO pad rent or restrictions. No strata fees.You own the home and land! Value in land.In mobile subdivision, not mobile home park. Call for more information or to make an appointment to view.

10708 Farms Rd, Mission


$1,549,000 25062 21 B Ave


Situated in the gentle rolling hills of Langley's Otter district, this 17+ acre property features incredible potential! Entering from the quiet country road, you will find just under 2 fenced acres with a 45'x24' loafing barn, plus a well maintained 5 bdrm, 2700 sq ft, 4 lvl split home.

29295 Huntingdon Road $2,395,000

24 Acres with a view of Mount Baker, right next to the city and close to the airport. Older home renovated inside, or you can build a beautiful home with a view. Field is ready for variety of plantation. Don't miss this great offer on a great location !!

30635 Sandpiper Dr $699,000

Location !!! A huge rectangular h 9,730 sqft lot in a great neig borhood, completely renovated with new appliances, new kitchen, new windows, new flooring & new paint. Great opportunity with a great price ! Don't miss out !!

40965 Yale Rd - Chilliwack over 91 acres with two legal titles planted in mature blueberries (2005). Primarily Duke variety with some Bluecrop as well. Subject property is located just off of Yale Road exit and Hwy #1 for easy access. Solid three bedroom rancher with ajoining unauthorized suite. Former Dairy with massive out buildings and shop for storage of machinery, truck

$849,000 Trades Welcome

Don't miss the opportunity to own a 18.7 acres full production blue berry farm(14 acre Duke, 2 Blue crop & 1 acres Reka) machine pick on city water. Only 5 mins away from Mission and best fertilize land and water for blue berries. 4 Bdrm house currently rented for $1000/month.

21 acres with blueberry farm 120ac blueberry farm in Mission 7.1million with $60,000.00 Rental income in Mission for just $12,50,000.


Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika 



ACTIVE C8009610 Board: F Agri-Business

The Patrika


40298 NIC

Friday, March 10th, 2017


Taz Cheema 778.255.6555

I’m not #1, my clients are

P.I.D. Prope Zonin

Land Broch

Virtual Tour:

Property Details Interest In Land: Freehold Environmental Assessment Phase: None Occupancy: Tenant

15483 - 104 Ave Surrey,BC. V3R 1N9


Don't m located profess and 2 home; month subjec This is

Seller's Rights Reserved: No Amenities:


Mt. Waddington - West Abbotsford

FORSiteLEASE! Services: Electricity, Lane Paved, Telephone, Septic System Lighting, Well

MISSION - 77 Acre Blueberry Farm

DONT MISS OUT! on this rare 77 Acre Blueberry farm, with mature blueberry production, located east of the District of Mission. The field generates good yield and income, and is professionally planted with Rika, and Elliot varieties. The property features: 1) a 3 bedroom and 2 bath single family dwelling;

40298 NICOMEN SLOUGH ROAD $ 5,200,000 imsLn izAUznI zrosL ivwc 77 eykV bilAU byrI Pfrm cMgI BrvIN Psl dyx vflf ivkfAU hY. ijs ivwc rIkf qy ielIat vrfeItI dy bUty hn. ies pRfprtI ivwc iewk iqMn bYWzrUm qy 2 bfQrUm df Gr, iewk do mMjLlf spilt lYvl df Gr, iewk lMmf cOVf tRylr Gr, iewk ivsLfl bfrn vI hY. sfrI pRfprtI coN 3200 zflr qoN Aupr ikrfieaf afAuNdf hY. imsLn dy supr stor aqy tfAUn qoN isrP 15 imMt dI dUrI hI hY. ieh pRfprtI afmdn leI afAux vfly smyN leI sunihrI mOkf hY.

2) a 2-story, split level dwelling; 3) a single-wide mobile home; 4) a large storage barn. All residences are tenanted and generate over $3200 in monthly revenue. Easy access to Lougheed Highway, located a few km to the south. The subject property is just 15 minutes away from Superstore & all other amenities in Mission. This is a fantastic opportunity to purchase with great income potential.

Restrictions: Within ALR

$579,900 2867 MCCALLUM RD, ABBOTSFORD SUB DIVIDABLE LOT! Large 10240 sqft lot 5 bedroom 3 full bathrooms, Potential for 2 lots. New Roof and Thermo Windows, Basement fully renovated, Central Air Condition, Lots of parking including RV parking. Detached garage has power. New development in neighbourhood. Easy access to Hwy. Please call for your personal Tour.

Office Area Sq Ft: Retail Area Sq Ft: Warehouse Area Sq Ft:

Mezzanine Area Other Area Sq F

Lease Details

Lease Op Cost S

Leased Rate Sq. Foot: YOUR NEW HOME SEARCH STOPS HERE! 7805 sqft lot Leased Size Sq. Foot: has 4 bedroom 2 bathrooms, 2034 sqft, rancher with full WEST ABBOTSFORD - SFW basement and very cool loft would be perfect for first time Approximate 2000 Lease sqft. Type: Commercial space for home purchaser. Incredible holding property for future lease. Good for convenience store, store, Firm: Sutton Premiergrocery Realty development. For more information please call Kuldip Sall. p izz a s hop & lots of other businesses. Good


Building on our Rural Advantages: B.C.’s Rural Economic Development Strategy outlines the Province’s threepronged approach to build, strengthen, and diversify rural communities. These investments are expected to support up to 26,600 direct and indirect jobs with an overall impact of $2.8 billion to provincial GDP. Targeted initiatives include $40 million to expand and enhance high-speed Internet and an extension of the $25-million Rural Dividend Fund to reinvigorate and diversify more local economies. These


Lease Term (Mo Lease Expiry Da

exposure & lots of parking. Please call for more info.


D L O S $559,900

Huge corner lot 8500 sqft, 5 bedroom home 2.5 bathrooms with LEGAL SUITE. New roof, new water tank. Close to shopping center and schools. Easy access to freeway.

Location!!! Home in popular Fairfield Estates. Recently renovated, SS appliances, RV parking and a private backyard perfect for entertaining.

1486 sqft plus 439 sqft Solarium/deck, Brand New 2 bdrm & Fex/den, 2 full bath, Granite counter top. Close to all amenities.



D L O S $649,900 DEERTRAIL WEST ABBOTSFORD 5 bdrm, 19'9x12' Rec room, 3 full bath, bsmt entry 2500 sqft home on 6000 sqft lot with LEGAL SUITE, New roof/Water tank, SS appliances. Close to both l ev el s cho o ls/s ho pp i ng c en ter, ea sy ac ce ss to freeway.



D L O S $579,900

2568 sqft house on 9450 sqft with 5 bedroom house and 3 bath with LEGAL SUITE, New roof, New water tank, New kitchen, 2 bedroom Legal suite rented for AM shopping, easy $800/month. Close to01/18/2017 hospital,06:55 park, access to Freeway. Please call for your personal viewing.



MISSION 4 bdrm, 3 full bath, fully renovated home, New kitchen,New bathrooms, New doors/windows, New driveway, New furnace, New flooring, New appliances, list goes on & on. Close to schools,For more info please call.

New economic development strategy to build on B.C.’s rural advantages uilding on the economic benefits and jobs created by getting to yes on major projects and provincial investments in infrastructure, Premier Christy Clark and Minister of State For Rural Economic Development Donna Barnett today released the Province’s rural economic development strategy, detailing immediate investments and a long-term action plan to support thriving rural communities.

Additional Rent/

nities and lay the foundation for new investment and jobs in B.C.’s Rural communities throughout B.C. b u rg e o n i n g will also benefit from immediate tartech industry. geted investments through provincial economic development programs Extending the including the Rural Dividend Fund, $25-million Youth Trades Capital Equipment Pro- Rural Divigram, the B.C. Side Roads Program, dend Fund for Connecting British Columbia Grant a fourth year Funding, and the Canada – B.C. Job to support the strength and Grant. sustainability of small rural commuInvest $10 million in 2017-18 for nities. multi-year projects to manage invasive plant species that can cause significant $150 million for the Forest Enhanceeconomic and environmental damage ment Society of British Columbia to in B.C., and to replace Crown-owned plant tens of millions more trees, which will help fight climate change and range fencing. create over 3,000 jobs in rural British A significant $40-million investment Columbia. to extend high-speed Internet access to rural and remote B.C. communities, Begin phasing out provincial sales tax bringing faster broadband speeds that on electricity purchases by reducing will create new economic opportu- it to 3.5% on Oct. 1, 2017, and elimiwill ensure British Columbians in all regions of the province have the opportunity for well-paying jobs and a high quality of life in their community.

nating it by April 1, 2019. This will improve business competitiveness and economic performance, especially for resource industries that are key to rural B.C. such as commercial agriculture, forestry and mining. Reduce the small business tax rate to 2% from 2.5%, effective April 2017, which means B.C. will have the second-lowest small business tax in Canada.

Information her

Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, March 10th, 2017



Raman Dhillon

Personal Real Estate Corporation


Gurpreet Singh Chahal


R E A LT Y I N C .


ibjins vIjLy ‘qy afAux vfilLaF leI suinhrI mOkf

aYgjLI ivwc kmrsLIal iblizMg ivkfAU hY, ies ivwc 2 rYjLIzYNsLIal Xuint hn| 2300 skueyar Puwt kmrsLIal jgHf ivwc qusIN afpxI psMd df stor Kol skdy ho aqy Auwpr irhfiesL kr skdy ho jF ikrfey ‘qy dy skdy ho| kImq isrP $499,000





6 New Homes

Under Construction

Townline Area. Call for more info.

Brand new house with legal suite. 6 bedrooms and 4 baths. Backlane access. Close to schools



3,800 Sqft. Gourmet kitchen, eating nook, West Abbotsford 3 bdrm & family rm up, 2 bdrm legal suite, plus recroom, washroom and living room, dining room, family room, 4 one bedroom guest suite for upstairs, Jacuzzi, bedrooms and 3 bathrooms! Lower floor spiral staircase, skylight, 2 gas fireplaces. Onyx enjoys a rec room with bar, full bathroom fixtures, tubs, etc. Close to all level of schools. and bedroom plus a 2 bedroom suite! Close to Recreational centre, easy freeway access, Close to Sikh Gurudwara, High Street Oversized lot with RV parking, double mall. Very nice house, must see, Won't last garage, quiet street, make your move long. Call for your personal view. today!





Great Neighbourhood, Huge Level Fenced Yard, covered deck. Kitchen, Massive Island, Quartz counter-tops, Gas range and stove, instant hot water, Pantry, Formal dining room. Master bedroomwith a private deck. Ensuite with his and her sinks, large shower and separate tub, massive closet. Downstairs is fully finished.



Starting $275,000



4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and 4400sq. ft. of luxury living. Every floor overlooking the valley and Mt. Baker. Large sundeck and patio. 2 Cultured stone fireplaces, large open basement with wet bar and media room. Spacious den, large master ensuite, soaring ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, extra bedroom with ensuite.

New House Bare Land



8 acres, very close to airport and new shopping mall. Great open plan living with soaring ceilings, wonderful spice and formal kitchens with top of the line appliances, a sensational dining room and a fabulous large master bedroom and ensuite. Professional gym in the basement.




Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.




10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.


Sumas Prairie. Raspberry Farm Beautiful House. & BIG House!

$ 799,700




5,054.00 sq.ft.







2 bdrm + 8267 sq. NEW ft. Lot HOME 1 bdrm suite PAGE 32


Industrial Warehouse



Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with Duke Blueberries, One acre Blue crop, one acre.Elliot and one acre Dixie Plants. Last year production 140,000 lbs.



2 units. Almost 8400 sq. ft. Can be sold separately. Financing available. CHILLIWACK For Sale

Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!

8 Brand New HOUSES! BIG Lot for Sale 35062 HARRIS ROAD High production farm, 20+ ACRES in Promontory Area with House Chillwack! Blue crop variety, very Duke & Blue Crop. well kept, great location 2 & 3 Storey Houses 23,958 sqft with smaller house. High production. Available NOW! in Abbotsford!

Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika

holI aqy holf mhwlf holI ihMdUaF aqy ihMdosqfnIaF df Dfrimk aqy mOsmI iqAuhfr hY. TMz qy kory dI JMbI hoeI bnspqI nUM mOlx df suBfg pRfpq huMdf hY. kVfky dI srdI nfl BMny hoey srIr kosI-kosI ruwq sLurU hox nfl aMgVfeIaF lYx lwgdy hn. bnspqI mOldI hY qF iksfn dI rUh vI KyVy ivc afAuNdI KusLafmdId kihMdI hY aqy srdI nUM alivdf, ikAuNik hux grmI df mOsm bUhy qy dsqk dy irhf huMdf hY. ihMdU Drm dy Dfrimk gRMQ Bfgvq purfx dy swqvyN sbMD ivc jo ies iqAuhfr holI dy sbMD ivc kQf afAuNdI hY, Aus df sfrMs ieh hY ik do Brf, jo ik svwrgF ivc pihrydfr sn, iek vfr irsL IaF (snkfidk) dy srfp dyx qy dYNq jonI ivc pY gey. nfm sn hrxfKs aqy ihrnksLupf. iek ienHF dI BYx sI hoilkf. hrxfKsL ny bhuq qpwisaf krky anykF vr pRfpq kr ley qy afpxf nfm jpfAuxf sLurU kr idwqf, pr bgfvq Gr ivcoN hI AuWT KVI hoeI. Auh sI pRihlfd, jo pRBU Bgq sI, ijs ny dlyrI nfl ipqf df nfm jpx qoN ienkfr kIqf. Aus nUM anykF qsIhy idwqy gey, zrfvy idwqy gey. gurbfxI df Purmfn hY:pRhlfdu koTy ivic rfiKaf bfir dIaf qflf.. inrBAu bflku mUil n zreI myrY aMqir gur gopflf.. (BYrAu mhlf 3, aMg 1154) aKIr ivc pRihlfd dI BUaf hoilkf kihx lwgI, “mYnUM isLv jI df vr pRfpq hY. awg mYnUM sfV nhIN skdI, ikAuNik isLv dI bKisLsL (isropfE) cfdr myry kol hY. mYN buwkl mfr ky pRihlfd nUM awg ivc lY ky bYT jFdI hF. jdoN awg df syk lwgf jF qF bflk sfzf ikhf mMn jfeygf nhIN qF awg ivc sV jfeygf. cunFic ievyN hI kIqf igaf prMqU bflk bc igaf, ikAuNik hvf df JfAuNkf afieaf qy cfdr KuwlH ky pRihlfd duafly ilpt geI qy hoilkf sV geI. DrmI bflk dI ijwq `qy pRBU BgqF ny ies idn nUM mnfAuxf sLurU kr idwqf qy nfm holI rwK ilaf. mhfn Bfrq vrsL sdIaF gulfm irhf hY qy gulfmF df vI gulfm (alqmsL, blbn, rjLIaf sulqfnf) rihx df ies nUM mfx pRfpq hY. jdoN gulfm kOmF koeI iqAuhfr jF idn idhfVf mnfAuNdIaF hn qF Aus ivc gulfm jLihnIaq df Jlkfrf aksr idws hI pYNdf hY. Dfrimk iqAuhfrF `qy vI asIN psLUaF vFg KorU pfAux qoN nhIN htdy. ipMzF ivc jdoN asIN Coty-Coty huMdy sF (awj qoN 5055 sfl pihlF) bIbIaF isafxI Aumr dIaF bfltIaF ivc gohf Gol ky iek dUjI `qy suwt ky ieh pivwqr iqAuhfr mnfAuNdIaF sn aqy afdmI hwQF nUM qyl lf ky qvy dI kflK iek



dUjy dy mUMh `qy mldy. sLfm pYNidaF keIaF dy isr pfty huMdy. bhuq purfxI gwl nhIN hY. mYN 1970 ivc hjLUr sfihb (nfdyV) drsLn krn igaf. myry nfl kuJ POjI jvfn vI myrI pltn 14 pMjfb (nfBf akfl) dy sn. Aus vyly swcKMz hjLUr sfihb dy srbrfh sn sR: sudfgr isMG sLMkr ijlHf jlMDr dy, jo ik kuJ sfl pihlF srI ivc gurpurI isDfry hn. AunHF mYnUM dwisaf ik holy mhwly `c zyZ kuieMtl rMg gurduafry dy PMz ivwcoN KrId ky idwqf jFdf hY. kuJ smF pihlF hoeI iek Gtnf df ijLkr vI AunHF suxfieaf jdoN ies idn `qy pMjfb qoN afey guriswKF do pirvfrF dIaF kuJ nOjvfn lVkIaF dy mUMhF `qy kuJ dwKx dy KrUdI muMzy jLbrdsqI rMg mlx qy byhUdgIaF hrkqF krn lwg pey. AudoN bhuq hI KUn Krfbf ho jfxf sI jykr sMq bfbf hrnfm isMG jI lMgr sfihb bfbf inDfn isMG jI dy gwdI nsLIn ivc nf pYNdy. AunHF dI Dfrimk qy siqkfrq sLKsIaq sdkf KUnI kFz hoxoN bc igaf. pr ieh sB kuJ qF hux vI huMdf hY. iesy idn `qy cMzIgVH ivc amIr pirvfrF dy ivgVy kfky motr sfeIklF aqy kfrF `qy Auh KrUd pfAuNdy hn ik sLrm vI sLrm nfl pfxI pfxI ho jFdI hY. ieh sB gulfm jihnIaq df pRgtfvf hI hY. pihlF qF puils QoVy kIqy hwQ hI nhIN pfAuNdI, jy ikqy pbilk dy roh kfrn kuJ idKfvy mfqr kfrvfeI huMdI hY qF rfjnIqk asr rsUK vrq ky agly dUjy idn bfhr af jFdy hn.

igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL

nfnk sBu ikCu qumry hfQ mY qum hI hoq jo kOmF ivlfsI jIvn dIaF afdI ho jFdIaF shfie..54.. hn, sLrfb, sLbfb qy kbfb dI dldl ivc ieh vI atwl scfeI hY ik vfihgurU vI AunHF dI hI mdd krdf hY jo bMDn kwtx leI bl Dfr lYNdy hn. rfj Bfg koeI iksy nUM QflI ivc pros ky nhIN dyNdf, ihwk dy bl nfl jLor nfl hI pRfpq kIqy jFdy hn.

Ps jFdIaF hn, Auh blhIn ho ky bl

koAU iksI ko rfj n dy hYN..

nUM muwK rwK ky ik asIN afpxy mfrsLl afrt

jo ly hYN inj bl sy ly hYN..

vfilaF dy aDIn ho jFdIaF hn. holf mhwlf sfzy leI dsmysL jI df sdIvI sMdysL hY. hmysLf blvfn bxo qn dy vI qy mn dy vI. afE asIN holf mhwlf mnfeIey, ies afsLy nUM hmysLf ijAuNdf rwKxf hY.

pRMqU gurU goibMd isMG jI ny sfnUM gMdF qy rMgF ivcoN kwZ ky gulfmI dy sMglF nUM kwtx leI jMgF vwl pRyrn leI ies iqAuhfr dI cox kIqI qy nfm vI cVHdI klf vflf holf-mhwlf rwiKaf. ies df afrMB vI AunHF ny ies dy nfm Aupr iek iklHf bxf ky holgVH qoN kIqf. mhfn kosL dy krqf sR: kfhn isMG jI nfBf ies df ieMdrfj ieAuN krdy hn, “holgVH, afnMdpur df iek iklHf iesy QF dsmysL jI ny dIvfn lgf ky sMn 1757 cyqr vdI iek nUM holf mhwlf Kyzx dI rIq clfeI.” (mhfn kosL pMnf 283, sMn 1981 aYzIsLn) gurU goibMd isMG jI jfxdy sn ik bgYr bl dy bMDn pY jFdy hn, iPr koeI Aupfa nhIN ho skdf. Aupfa kyvl iek hI hY, Auh hY bl sLkqI. ipqf gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy slok AunHF dy sfhmxy sn:dohrf.. blu CutikE bMDn pry kCU n hoq Aupfie.. khu nfnk ab Et hir gj ijAu hohu shfie..53.. ies df AuWqr vI agly slok ivc hY:blu hoaf bMDn Cuty sBu ikCu hoq Aupfie.. PAGE 33

The Patrika


Friday, March 10th, 2017


burI afdq

AuWzdy jfxf AuWzdy rihxf


Gft bIbf blvMq diraf ieh jjLibaF df vgdf rhy qF cMgf.

pRimMdr jIq

mnjIq mIq

burI afdq ey myrI

nsIb dIaF mINzF `c

ibwkr isMG Kosf af koeI aYsf smJOqf krIey afpF

mYN afpxI suMÖ qoN

quPfn afieaf qF

AumrF Br df aihd ijhf ilK DrIey afpF

pwqxF qy iehdy mylf lwgdf rhy qF cMgf.

mukq hox leI

ivCVn vyly iekwTy AuWzy sF

aMdr rihMdI mYl idlF dI sfrI Do ky

aOh afs df jo cfnx idisaf hY dUr af ky,

dUijaF dy

iPr pqf nhIN kOx ikwQy sI

sLFq pfxIaF ijhI cuwp ivc

mn PoVy bx bx iekwTy iPsy sI

afpxf sLor Gol dyNdf hF

ikqy kqfeIN qyry JAuly sn

swc bolx leI sUrj sfhvyN krIey afpF mMjLl dUr nhIN rihMdI jy hmdm imljy

jd kol Auhdy jfvF jgdf rhy qF cMgf. Puwl qoV lY nf jfeIN ies loBI mn dy afKy, do idn ieh hor sLfK qy sjdf rhy qF cMgf.

AunHF dI hwsdI iekfeI nUM

pr qkdIr dIaF prqF dy

nfl isdk dy aOKy sfgr qrIey afpF

afpxI cuwp rMg dyNdf hF

hjLfrF Auhly sn

ijs ngrI ivc DrqI sUrj sB df sFJf

vwijaf bsMq rfg hux vwjdf rhy qF cMgf.

burI afdq ey myrI

pr aMnHIaF hnyrIaF `c

KusLIaF df Byq qfhIEN pYNdf hY myry bIbf,

afpxIaF bycYnIaF sMg

AuWzdy pirMidaF dI koeI idsLf nhIN huMdI

Aus ngrI nUM cwl AuWz cwlIey prIey afpF swc dI bolI bolidaF hwQ AuWcy krIey

awQrU vI plk qy jy sjdf rhy qF cMgf.

aYvyN eyQy jINdy jI nf mrIey afpF


pr iksy ruwK, iksy arqly df

surmeI akfrF dI qrlqf nUM

mn `c mihjL aihsfs huMdf hY

GsmYlf kr dyNdf hF

PVPVFdy prF nfl bwiJaf

afpxy vjUd dy slHfby anfr

afqmGfq huMdf hY

mYN dUijaF dIaF PulJVIaF dy kol rwK ky

sLfied QMm jFdy hox qUPfn

cfnx dI Jflx AuzIkx bih jFdf hF

AuhnF leI

bVI burI afdq ey myrI nhIN jy mihPUjL mYN afpxIaF pnfhF ivc qF kOx dyNdf ey nyVqf afpxI

sfnUM imlI hY iPqrq, sIrq brk-qpF dI,

pr kuJ pirMidaF dI iksmq `c

qfiraF sMg ajy rilaf nhIN sI.

qpxf qy qVpxf hY brky byqfb vFÕUM. Pfky vI iek msqI, Purkq vI iek nsLf hY

sLFq Kloqy sI ruwK ajy sfry,

pIqy ihjLr ipafly jfmy sLrfb vFÕUM.

myrf nsIbf nf bx skI

huMgfrf myrf AuhnF Biraf nhIN sI.

jykr koeI kdr krdf sfnUM sIny lfAuNdf,

pr myrf aihsfs qF ieho kihMdf hY

ikhVI idsLf vwly cog leI jfxf,

Auzdy jfxf, Auzdy jfxf

Aumr vDx nfl

Auzdy rihxf Auzdy rihxf

pMCIaF PYslf ajy kiraf nhIN sI.

vDdI hI jFdI ey

hr pl hI, sMGrsL df pl huMdf hY

prbq Kloqy sugMDIaF AuzIkx,

hux ieh afdq vI jIxI pY rhI mYnUM

afpxy hMJUaF df nIr hI

mYN ajy jIxf vI cfhuMdf hF

hvfvF sfgr ajy qiraf nhIN sI.

suwky hoTF leI Drvfs df jl huMdf hY.

PuwlF df vxj

ismrjIq ‘isMmI’

rMgF dI cutkI lY sUrj qoN KuwlHxf,

jd vI Aus ny afpxy hwQIN

jd vI Aus dI

rihMidaF Puwl ny

gulfbF hIaF ajy kiraf nhIN sI.

PuwlF dy hfr proey

jIB `qy afieaf

hwQF `c af

bMd kr awKF bws sfhF nfl qwkF,

Gr dy iksy vzyry dy bol

mF BolI ny afK suxfieaf

kMizaF df rUp lYxf vtf

ijMdry bx Kloey

Puwl-Puwl nf kiraf kr nI

DIey rfxIey!

jobn ruwqy

eys rwuqy

jowbn ruwqy

aYsf ktorf kudrq ny Biraf,

PuwlF df nF

ieh Puwl dUr

PuwlF df vxj burf

pI ky idl “sqvMq” Tiraf nhIN sI.


dysLF dysLFqrF ivc qyry ipafr dy ipafsy

cMdrmF awDf hI aMbrF `coN qwky

qyjLfbI pfxIaF sMg ieh myrI burI afdq

ieh ijLMdgI hY sfzI qpdy qflfb vFÕUM.

sr jLmIn qksId kr lYNdy hox

sLfied koeI Tfhr

PuwlF dI KyqI kOx krdf ey

subfh svyrf sI aMimRq vylf,

ieh ijLMdgI hY sfzI gLm dy sYlfb vFÕUM.

ruldy iPry asIN hF Kfnf Krfb vFÕUM.

ijLMdgI Br qUPfn GuMmdf rihMdf hY

DuKdy afkfrF nUM

sqvMq pMDyr

jIvn rfmpurI

sUrj ajy pr ciVHaf nhIN sI.

jo prfey aflHixaF nUM

mYN ies nUM ikMj bdlF

kudrq df ktorf

biVaF icrF qoN sux ky awky sF mfqmI Dun,

qwk qwk jI myrf Biraf nhIN sI.

vMzdy asIN vI mihkF sUhy gulfb vFÕUM. sfnUM vI bKsL dyNdf, koeI cfnxI dIaF CohF, asIN vI ilsLk pYNdy, irsLmF dI afb vFÕUM.

The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017



pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF

sfJF ipafr dIaF gurbcn kOr iZwloN

hrcMd isMG bfgVI

kdy n idl qoN lihxI sfJ ipafrF dI

hwzI ey rVkIaF nYxI AuGIaF

idl bIxf nfl juVIey idlF dIaF qfrF dI

nINd AuzfAuNdIaF rihMdIaF,

n idl qoN jfx mtfeIaF sfJF ipafr dIaF

sfJF ipafr dIaF.

rwbI kuKoN jfeIaF XfdF ipafr dIaF. aMbroN Auz Auz afeIaF XfdF ipafr dIaF. sihkx bx judfeIaF sfJF ipafr dIaF.

ipafr ibnF n rwjx rUhF

hux qygF lY ky pY jfAu,

iks ivD ZoeIey idl dIaF brUhF.

jf kro vYrI df Gfx.

hwzIeyN rcIaF rihMdIaF, sfJF ipafr dIaF.

rMg gulfbI rUp avwlf.

idl huMdf ey sfKI idl df.

kdy ieh mmqf kdy ieh Cwlf.

mfrky mrIey bylIAu, sfzI syvf hoey prvfn.

nsIhq dvfAuNdIaF

nhIN dfgL iswKI nUM lfvxf,

rihMdIaF-sfJF ipafr dIaF.

sfzI jwg qy vwKrI sLfn.

sfJF ipafr dIaF

ipafr nfl ijAuNdI ipafr nfly hsdI

qusIN cfVHo qIr-kmfn.

tuwtf idl kdy n imldf.

rMg vtfAuNdIaF rihMdIaF,

ibnF ipafr qoN rUh n rwjdI.

kMm nhIN ipwT idKfx df,

jug bdly pr ipafr n bdly.

iks sOLk nUM pfeIaF vrdIaF, iks sLOk pfeI ikrpfn.

rUp idKfAuNdIaF rihMdIaF,

mn bdly pr iKafl n bdly.

sfJF ipafr dIaF.

n imtx ‘iZwloN’,

sfnUM cyqy kry jhfn.

dIaF qfGF sfJF ipafr dIaF.

asIN puwqr gurU goibMd dy,

ipafr dIaF BuwKF pytoN zUMGIaF.

sfzf ivrsf awq mhfn.

pIly pwqr

AuTo sUqo qygF sUirAu,

prkfs kOr AumrF dI ies zfl nIN ijMdy

aYsI mrnI awj mro,

lyKy sB ivsfr nIN ijMdy.

kdy isMG nf ZyrI Zfx. nhIN golI ipwT ivc KfvxI,

pIly pwq byhfl nIN ijMdy.

ho skdf qy KudgrjLI qoN

asIN musfiPr smyN dI byVI

Aupr rwK ikrdfr nIN ijLMdy.

DUh-DuUh qygF mfr ky,

jIvn vihMdI Dfr nIN ijMdy.

duwK suwK kdI siQr nhIN huMdy

kro vYrI lhU luhfn.

bMdF hI kudrq ivc kihMdy

ieh jIvn df sfr nIN ijMdy.

nhIN Bwijaf dyxf jfx.

sdf bYTf nhIN rihxf jwg qy, aMq muwkxI ijMd `coN jfn.

kfdr df sLfhkfr nIN ijMdy.

awj qyrf hY Kbr nf kwlH dI

inwq krdf DrqI dIaF lIrF

suwt bIqy dy Bfr nIN ijMdy.

sfzf kIqf nfm brfn.

mjLHbF dy lMgfr nIN ijMdy.

igrgt rMgI ies dunIaF ivc

ijnHF moVy mUMh durfnIaF,

dgf kIqf nmk hrfmIaF,

qusIN AunHF dI sMqfn.

ipafr dosqI irsLqy nfqy

sB mqlb dy Xfr nIN ijMdy.

dyKy bxy vpfr nIN ijMdy.

Cwz idlgIr vMz muhwbq

pMzq BfeI muwlF rwKx

bx sB dI gLmKfr nIN ijMdy.

awj afeI GVI prK dI,

aMqr pIVH inhfr nIN ijMdy

nf zoly koeI jvfn.

buwkl ivc ktfr nIN ijMdy. kI Koieaf kI pfieaf eyQy

pIly pwq byhfl nIN ijMdy.

sfzf iswkf dunIaF mMndI, sfqoN kMbdf ey aPgfn.

hrcMd isMGf cwly gwBrU,

nhIN krI iksy ny kfn.. s: sLfm isMG atfrI afpxy sUrbIrF nUM nfl lY ky rxoN Bwjx dI bjfey 50 nMbr pltn Auqy jf ipaf. kinMGm 1849 pMnf 328 vfr CMd sLfm isMG srdfr sI, ciVHaf Bbkfky. Aus PVI hwQ BgOqI, afkfl gjfky. 50 nMbr pltUn qy, Auh tuwitaf jf ky. awgoN vrHdIaF golIaF, Tfh vwjx af ky. awzI lfeI sUiraF, iPr guwsf Kf ky. cwly isMG srdfr sI, GoVy ihxkfky. AunHF rolI JMz aMgryjL dI, isr suwty lfh ky. vwZ-vwZ lfeIaF ZyrIaF, rwK idwqy mukf ky. iek vfrI awgy lf ley, AunHF dbkfky. kuwJ mry kuwJ Bwj gey, gory Gbrf ky. isMGf mUMh aMgryjL df, rwK idwqf Buaf ky. liVaf sLfm isMG sI, ieMJ mwQf zfh ky. hrcMd isMGf Bwijaf, nhIN kMz ivKf ky..

cldf... PAGE 35

The Patrika


Friday, March 10th, 2017


sInIar aiDkfrIafˆ dIafˆ vDIkIafˆ dy iÈkfr sfrjYˆt nUM 141,000 zflr df hrËfnf dyvy afr[sI[aYm[pI[: jwj

gfie kYrn vI PYzrl aYn[zI[pI[ lIzriÈp dOV ivwc hoey Èfml ikAUibk: ikAUibk qoN aYm[pI[ gfie kYrn afiKaf ik torfˆto qy aYtlfˆitk kYnyzf Auh vI aYn[zI[pI[ dI lIzriÈp dOV ivwc Èfml ielfky ho skdy hn ijwQy asIN awgy vwDx ho gey hn. hux ies dOV ivwc ihwsf lYx dI qfˆG lf skdy hfˆ. vfilafˆ dI igxqI iqMn ho geI hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ikAUibk vfsI hox nfqy, kYrn, jo ik arQÈfsqrI hn, ny gYitinAU, ijs dI prvirÈ irmo s kI ivw c ho e I, ikAUibk ivwc somvfr nUM ieh aYlfn kIqf. ijhVf Etvf, mfˆtrIal qy torfˆto ivwc vI AunHfˆ ieh Qfˆ ies leI cuxI ikAuNik 2011 rihMdf irhf hovy, Auh ikqy vI qy ikho ijhy ivwc aYn[zI[pI[ dy mrhUm afgU jYk lyatn hflfq ivwc vI kMm kr skdy hn. AunHfˆ df ny vI iewQy hI afpxI muihMm ivwZI sI. Ausy mksd ieh hY ik aYn[zI[pI[ iewk qwt qoN sfl pihlI vfrI kYrn hfAUs afP kfmnË lY ky dUjy qwt qwk afpxf afDfr mËbUq df ihwsf bxy sn. kr lvy. mlkyar nUM bdlx dI dOV ivwc somvfr nUM hI kYrn ny afpxI Xojnf dy pihly AuWqrI EntfrIE qoN aYm[pI[ cfrlI aYˆgs qy ihwsy df Kulfsf kIqf qy sfry kYnyzIanfˆ leI bI[sI[ qoN aYm[pI[ pItr jUlIan vI Èfml byisk afmdn kfiem krn df pRsqfv pyÈ ho cuwky hn. lIzriÈp leI bihs 12 mfrc kIqf. ies mOky AunHfˆ dwisaf ik Auh Etvf, nUM Etvf ivwc hovygI. mfˆtrIal, trOies-irvIeyryË, ikAUibk istI qy irmoskI, ikAUibk df dOrf krngy. mYnItobf qoN aYm[pI[ inwkI aYÈtn qy izptI hux iewk vfrI muV ikAUibk ivwc afpxf EntfrIE aYn[zI[pI[ afgU jgmIq isMG vI afDfr mËbUq krnf aYn[zI[pI[ leI bhuq ies dOV ivwc Èfml hox bfry ivcfr kr muÈkl kMm hY. kYrn ny afiKaf ik iewQy rhy hn. aYn[zI[pI[ df nvfˆ afgU akqUbr pfrtI kol isrP 16 sItfˆ hI hn. AunHfˆ awgy dy aMq qwk cuixaf jfvygf.

pRDfn mMqrI trUzo vwloN brYˆptn istI hfl df acxcyqI dOrf brYˆptn: kYnyzf dy pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny brYˆptn istI hfl df dOrf kIqf. acxcyqI kIqy ies dOry dOrfn pRDfn mMqrI ny myar ilMzf jYPrI, aYm[ pI[ kml KYhrf, sonIaf iswDU, rUbI shoqf aqy rfj gryvfl nfl gwlbfq kIqI. ies mOky AunHfˆ dyÈ dy nOˆvyˆ sB qoN vwzy Èihr nfl sbMDq muwK muwidafˆ AuWqy sQfnk isafsqdfnfˆ nfl gwlbfq vI kIqI. myar qy sQfnk aYmpIË nfl pRfeIvyt imlxI dOrfn trUzo ny afiKaf ik lMmy smyˆ qoN koeI pRDfn mMqrI brYˆptn ivwc quhfnUM sfirafˆ nUM imlx nhIN afieaf. brYˆptn ivwc iewk GMtf ibqfAux qoN bfad pRDfn mMqrI imsIsfgf ivwc myar bOnI kROˆbI qy hor aiDkfrIafˆ nfl mulfkfq krn leI dwKxI pIl leI rvfnf hoey. myar qy afpxy sikAUirtI dy lfm lÈkr nfl trUzo jdoN istI hfl phuMcy qfˆ stfPrË qy jnqf vwloN AunHfˆ df Brvfˆ svfgq kIqf igaf. mIzIaf vI AuWQy phuMc cuwikaf sI pr trUzo ny iksy vI qrHfˆ dy svflfˆ df jvfb PAGE 36

nhIN idwqf. CyvIN mMiËl dy borzrUm ivwc iewk svfl dy jvfb ivwc trUzo ny afiKaf ik rl ky brYˆptn, jItIey qy EntfrIE vfsIafˆ leI buinafdI Zfˆcy, nOkrIafˆ qy AunHfˆ dy BivwK dI gwl krn ivwc AunHfˆ nUM kfPI KuÈI hoeI. jYPrI vwloN ies mIitMg nUM AusfrU qy skfrfqmk dwisaf igaf. 600,000 dI abfdI vfly brYˆptn dy keI aijhy muwdy hn ijnHfˆ nUM hwl kIqf jfxf ËrUrI hY ijvyˆ ik pihlI XUnIvristI nUM iks qrHfˆ afkfr idwqf jfvy, vD rhy trYiPk dI smwisaf qoN ikvyˆ injfq pfeI jfvy qy zfAUntfAUn, ijs ivwc KVoq af cuwkI hY, ivwc ikvyˆ nvIN rUh PUkI jf sky. ies qoN ielfvf gRytr torfˆto eyrIaf ivwc sB qoN vwD byroËgfrI dr vI brYˆptn ivwc hI hY. jYPrI ny dwisaf ik trUzo ny zfAUntfAUn Plwz pRotYkÈn cYnl nUM mukMml qOr AuWqy sMvfrn leI brYˆptn dIafˆ Xojnfˆvfˆ vI iDafn nfl suxIafˆ. ies qoN ielfvf tU-vya go tryn qy brYˆptn nUM drpyÈ hor cuxOqIafˆ bfry vI gwlbfq kIqI geI.

Etvf: iewk mfAUNtI nUM keI sflfˆ qwk Aus dy sInIarË vwloN qMg pryÈfn kIqy jfx dy mfmly ivwc EntfrIE dy jwj ny aihm PY s lf su x fAu N i dafˆ afr[sI[aY m [pI[ nU M sbMDq mfAUNtI nUM 141,000 zflr hrËfny vjoN dyx df hukm suxfieaf hY. srbAuWc adflq dy jwj mYrI vYlI ny afr[sI[aYm[pI[ vwloN sfrjYˆt pItr mYrIPIlz nfl kIqy gey ivvhfr nUM apmfnjnk dwisaf. mYrIPIlz 2005 ivwc PYzrl kMËrvyitv AumIdvfr vjoN afpxI iksmq aËmfAuxI cfhuMdf sI pr Aus dy sInIarË vwloN Aus AuWqy lfey KfhmKfh dy doÈfˆ kfrn Aus df ieh supnf ivcfly hI rih igaf. vYlI ny afpxI 174 pMinafˆ dI afpxI irport ivwc dwisaf ik jdoN mYrIPIlz dy sInIarË nUM ieh pqf lwigaf ik Auh bYrI ivwc PYzrl nOmInyÈn leI KVHy hox dI Xojnf bxf irhf hY qy ies bfry AunHfˆ nUM Aus ny JUT dwisaf hY qfˆ Auh Aus dy ipwCy pY gey qy Aus nUM qMg pryÈfn krn lwgy. ieh AuhI nOmInyÈn sI ijhVI EntfrIE dy mOjUdf pIsI afgU pYitRk bRfAUn ny afiKrkfr ijwq leI. vYlI ny afiKaf ik mYrIPIlz nUM qMg pryÈfn kIqf igaf, Aus nfl DwkyÈfhI kIqI geI, Aus AuWqy afr[sI[aYm[pI[ dy kRYizt kfrz

dI durvrqoN krn dy doÈ lwgy, Aus dI bdlI kIqI geI qy Aus dI sfK nUM gMDlf krky Aus dIafˆ smyˆ smyˆ hox vflIafˆ qrwkIafˆ rokIafˆ geIafˆ. Aus smyˆ kfˆstybl qy 50 sfl dy ho cuwky mYrIPIlz leI ieh iewk kOVI imwTI ijwq hY. ies smyˆ mYrIPIlz afr[sI[aYm[pI[ nUM iewkjuwt krn leI kOmI muihMm clf irhf hY. jwj vYlI vwloN suxfey gey ies PYsly bfry mYrIPIlz ny afiKaf ik PYslf sux ky Aus dy hwQ pYr suMn ho gey. Aus dI Aus dy bwicafˆ, pqnI dI iËMdgI dy 12 sfl lMG gey ies sMGrÈ dy rfh quridafˆ. ieh sB Aus ny pYsy leI nhIN kIqf sgoN ieh jvfbdyhI qy iemfndfrI inrDfrq krn leI sI. Aus ny afiKaf ik jdoN Aus ny juLlm iKlfP avfË AuTfeI qfˆ Auh kfˆstybl sI qy ijnHfˆ iKlfP Auh bol irhf sI Auh kmIÈnz aiDkfrI sn, ies leI Aus nUM hfÈIey AuWqy Dwk idwqf igaf. Aus ny afiKaf ik afr[sI[aYm[pI[ dy tOp kOp kimÈnr bOb pflsn nUM Aus qoN muafPI mMgxI cfhIdI hY. dUjy pfsy afr[sI[aYm[pI[ ny ies PYsly qoN bfad cuwp Dfr leI hY. stfP sfrjYˆt jUlI gYgnOn ny eI-myl ivwc afiKaf ik afr[sI[aYm[pI[ nUM adflq df PYslf iml cuwikaf hY qy Aus df mulfˆkx kIqf jf irhf hY.

pYirs smJOqy dI ihPfËq leI eIXU ny kYnyzf qoN mMigaf sfQ Etvf: pY i rs klfeImy t cy ˆ j smJO q y dI ihPfËq leI XUrpIan XUnIan dy aYnvfiermYˆt kimÈnr kYnyzf df sfQ cfhuMdy hn. aijhf amrIkf ivwc zOnlz trMp dy pRÈfsn kfrn asiQr isafsI mfhOl kfrn kIqf jf irhf hY. vIrvfr nUM Etvf phuMcy eIXU klfeImyt aYkÈn aYˆz aYnrjI kimÈnr imgUal eyrIafs kYnyty ny afiKaf ik kYnyzf qy XUrpIan XUnIan pYirs smJOqf lfgU krn leI vcnbwD hn. sfzy kol sfˆJf tIcf hY qy sfnUM pYirs smJOqy dy inXmfˆ nUM lfgU krnf hovygf. kYnyty ny ieh vI afiKaf ik eIXU trMp pRÈfsn nfl rl ky AusfrU ZMg nfl kMm krnf cfhuMdf hY pr ieh nhIˆ afiKaf jf skdf ik BivwK ivwc kI luikaf hoieaf hY. iewk gwl dI AunHfˆ gfrMtI idwqI ik 28 mulkfˆ df XUrpIan blfk pYirs smJOqy leI ËrUr sMGrÈ krygf. aijhf krn leI sfnUM kYnyzf smyq hornfˆ dyÈfˆ nfl vI BfeIvflI krnI hovygI. AunHfˆ awgy afiKaf ik globl vfrimMg iewk hkIkq hY qy sfzy

kol rihx leI isrP ieho DrqI hI hY. kYnyty ny aYnvfiermYˆt mMqrI kYQrIn mYkynf nfl vI mulfkfq kIqI. nvMbr ivwc trMp dI ijwq qoN bfad qoN hI mYkynf bhuqI crcf ivwc nhIN hn. pr AunHfˆ buwDvfr nUM afpxy hmruqbf amrIkI aiDkfrI skft pruiet nfl Pon AuWqy ËrUr gwl kIqI. pruiet nUM ipwCy ijhy hI aYnvfiermYˆt pRotYkÈn eyjMsI df mwuKI inXukq kIqf igaf hY. Etvf ivwc XUrpIan XUnIan dI aMbYsI AuWqy kYnyty nfl sfˆJI pRYWs kfnPrMs ivwc mYkynf ny afiKaf ik sfzI srkfr pYirs smJOqy leI vcnbwD hY. asIN vfqfvrx nUM bcfAux leI sMjIdgI nfl kdm cuwkfˆgy qy asIN mMndy hfˆ ik ieh swcmuwc afriQk mOkf hY. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik sfnUM sfirafˆ nUM ies leI rl ky hMBlf mfrnf hovygf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik jdoN pYirs smJOqf hoieaf sI qfˆ mfrikt ivwc skfrfqmk bdlfv afey sn ijs qoN ieh sMkyq imldf hY ik loar kfrbn iPAUcr lfËmI hY qy ies sdkf roËgfr dy nvyˆ mOky vI imlxgy.

The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017



imstr bhfnybfjL nfl mulfkfq Auh purfxy mogy sfzy Gr kol hI rihMdf hY. Aus df aslI nF jfxn leI qF Auhdy skUl dy purfxy DUV nfl Bry rijstr hI Polxy pYxgy, Auh vI Gwto-Gwt qIh sfl purfxy. skUl dy bfAU jI dy sLuwD bnspqI qylF nfl ply srIr qoN aYnf ksLt nhIN kr hoxf. clo afpF kI lYxf AunHF dy aslI nF qoN. afpF vI iKmf sihq, AunHF nUM AuhI kih idMdy hF jo lok kihMdy hn arQfq imstr bhfnybfjL. AunHF df bhfnybfjL ikvyN ipaf, Auh bhfnybfjL hn vI ik nhIN, ieh jfxn leI sfnUM iksy kMipAUtr jF kYlkUlytr nUM qklIPL dyx dI loV nhIN. afpF AunHF dy Gr hI cly cldy hF, afpy duwD df duwD, pfxI df pfxI ho jfAU. pysL hY bhfnybfjL jI nfl mulfkfqbfAU jI, iKmf krnf lok QonUM bhfnybfjL ikAuN kihMdy af?

idMdI aY myry vIr! idMdI aY! pr aMbF dI BuwK aMbfkVIaF nfl nI imtdI huMdI. asIN afpxf eI qorI-Pulkf nhIN kwZxf, Cy juafkF qy AunHF dI JfeI df vI iKafl krnf. bhfny nf bxfeIey qF BuwKy mrIey. pihlI vfr hI kMm kr dyeIey qF lokIN isr `qy cVH jFdy af. bMdy dI vuwkq eI nhIN rihMdI. do cfr gyVy puafeIdy af qF afpy kuJ JfVdy af. nf lokF nUM pqf nhIN lgdf Qozy JUTy bhfinaF df? Qozf qF vfh hI pVHy-iliKaF nfl pYNdf. ikvyN cfrdy ho AunHF nUM? myry vIr! bQyrf cfr dyeIdf lokF nUM. Koqy cfrny BfvyN aOKy huMdy hox pr bMdy cfrny nhIN. afpxf qF dPLqr ivc iewko hI golzn rUl apxfieaf ik “Lo k Busy do nothing” Bfv

blrfj isMG

ruwJy idKfeI idE qy kro kwK nf. jdoN koeI afsfmI afAuNdI hY qF afpF dUroN hI AuhnUM dyK ky PfeIlF Prolx lwg peIdf hY. aglf pMj-ds imMt KVf AuzIkdf rihMdf hY ik kdoN bfAU jI ivhly hox qy kdoN Auh gwl kry. kdy dfeIaF qoN vI iZwz lukdy ny? afpF nUM sB pqf huMdf agly dI bycYnI df. afpF ruwJy hox df bhfnf krI jfeIdf. kdy mwQy `qy hwQ rwK leIdf, kdy isr Kurkx lwg jfeIdf qy kdy AuNglF `qy igxn lwg jfeIdf. aglf kfhlf pY ky kihMdf, “bfAU jI! kMm….” asIN agly vwl mwQy `qy sO iqAUVIaF pf ky, buwlHF `qy AuNgl rwK ky, juafk nUM ipsLfb krfAux vFgUM ‘sLI…sLI…’ krIdf. agl cuwp kr jFdf. hor awDf GMtf lMG jFdf.

vfh beI vfh! aKy zuwbI qF jy sfh nf afieaf. qYnUM ajy qwk nhIN pqf lwigaf sfnUM bhfnybfjL ikAuN kihMdy af? BoilE pfqsLfho! QonUM do sfl ho gey sfnUM lwBidaF nUM. Cy joVy iCwqr vI Gs gey hoxy aF. asIN hwQ afey Qozy? ajy puwCdy af bhfnybfjL ikAuN kihMdy af. Bolypx dI vI koeI hwd huMdI hY. pr bfAU jI! asIN qF jdoN vI Gr afey sfnUM qF iehI ikhf igaf ik qusIN Gr nhIN. nf qusIN AudoN Gr huMdy sI? nf hor nfnky igaf huMdf sI? TMZ ivc ipCly kmry ivc rjfeI ivc mUMh dy ky ipaf huMdf sI. aYvyN GoglkMnf bx jFdf sI. mYN soicaf aYvyN kMn Kfxgy. GrvflI nUM awz cfhpfxI df Xwb pAU. aYvyN khU, “af geI hnUMmfn dI POj cfhtf Ckx nUM.” qusIN jo puwCxf puwCo qy pwqrf vfco. qusIN ikho ijhy bhfinaF nfl lokF nUM niVwnvyN dy cwkr ivwc pfAuNdy ho? bhfnf koeI iek af afpxy kol? hjLfrF bhfny af lokF nUM trkfAux dy. iksy nUM kih dyeIdf, ‘aYnk Gry rih geI. ibnF aYnk qoN mYN suafh krF? iksy nUM kih dyeIdf, ‘awj cfbI Gr rih geI’, iksy nUM kih dyeIdf ‘awj qF BfeI ieh rijstr dukfndfr kol hY. ijld ijAuN bMnHfAuxI sI, vrkf-vrkf hoieaf ipaf sI.’ jy koeI bhuqf KihVy pY jy qF kih dyeIdf, ‘BfeI ieh rijstr qF sfihb kol aY. sfihb bVf kwbY. awj Auhdf mUz vI Krfb aY. Kvrf GrvflI nfl lV ky afieaf. mYN qF jfxf nhIN Auhdy kol. qUM jfxf qUM lY af.’ jfxf ikhVy BVUey ny huMdf. aglf buV-buV krdf qur jFdf. quhfzy ieho ijhy bhfinaF nfl lokF nUM pRysLfnI qF huMdI hoAU. kI imldf lokF nUM Bukf ky? KsmF nUM Kfvy jnqf. asIN Tykf ilaf jnqf df. lokF dI pRysLfnI dyKIey ik afpxf suwK dyKIey? dPqrI kMm bVf aOKf huMdf. isr polf ho jFdf. hryk df kMm krI jfeIey qF isr Kurkx nUM vI ivhl nf imly. sLfm qwk Jwgf pfV ky sVkF `qy kmly hoey iPrIey qy juafkF qoN vwty KfeIey. nf BfeI nf, sfrI Aumr muPq dIaF copVIaF KfDIaF, hux ikAuN vwty KfeIey? hux qF suwK nfl sInIar ho gey aF, hux ikAuN kMm krIey? bfkI ipafry vIr lokF nUM BukfeIey nf qF sfzf qorI-Pulkf ikvyN cwly. sLfm nUM lfl prI dy drsLn ikvyN hox? kI buJfrqF ijhIaF pfeI jfny E. qorI-Pulky df kI rOlf? nf srkfr quhfnUM qnKfh nhIN idMdI?


The Patrika


Friday, March 10th, 2017


I don't think Swara Bhaskar gets her due : Sonam Secret to Priyanka Chopra's lovely lips revealed

Sonam Kapoor believes her 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo' co-star Swara Bhaskar is an outstanding actress but her work hasn't been acknowledged much as it should be. "I don't think Swara gets her due. Last year, 'Nil Battey Sannata' was one of the most amazing

films and her performance was outstanding. If you see these films, you will understand what a true feminist means...someone who fights for her rights. She is an incredible artiste," Sonam said at the unveiling of the wine brand Chandon's "The party starter" anthem . Asked about the edited intimate scenes of the Swara-starrer 'Anaarkali of Aarah' which leaked online, Sonam said: "I had the opportunity to watch the film and I cried a lot while watching it. I was so moved by her performance and the story of Anaarkali." Swara and Sonam will share the screen space again in another film titled 'Veere Di Wedding'. On the occasion of International Women's Day (March 8), Sonam also gave out a message for women. "To be empowered and being yourself are important for every human being," she said

Not being part of any Bollywood camps was a wrong move : Govinda Actor Govinda says the film industry has big camps and feels it was a wrong move on his part to not get into any. The 53-year-old actor had a successful career in the 90s but it slowed down after he joined politics in mid-2000s. Though he made a comeback of sorts with 'Partner', his recent outings like 'Happy Ending' and 'Kill D i l l ' couldn't do wonders at the box o f f i c e . Govinda says the backing of a particular camp boosts an actor's career, which he realised much later. "There are massive camps in Bollywood. I never belonged to any camps but I think it was a wrong move. I should have had. It affects your career. It's one big family," Govinda told . "In that one family, if you create harmony and build good relations, it works. If you are a part of it, if you are blessed, you will do very well." The actor says during his low phase, people made his journey more


difficult and that is when he looked up to megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who had battled his away through financial difficulties. "I have struggled a lot, let me tell you, it is not so easy. When I was struggling, people didn't make my way easy. I heard and saw what had happened to Bachchan sir, but didn't know it w i l l happen with me. He could do it, come out of it, that w a s inspiring." Govinda says his financial struggle was "daunting" and he found immense difficulty in even getting his films made. "It (financial struggle) is tiring. It is daunting, people misbehave, they don't write (movies) for you properly, some even ask for money again and again, saying they get paid better writing for TV." "Industry was always moneyoriented but now it has become very costly. It is very tough for an actor to make a film and release."

We have been observing Priyanka Chopra's smile down the years. She may have been rumoured to have had lip augmentation, but PeeCee's luscious pair of lips are her most striking feature. Now the star attributes her thicker, fleshier lips to a homemade scrub which

not only exfoliates, but plumps her pout. She has been applying a mix of sea salt, vegetable glycerine and rose water to plump her assets. We have been plastering on the mix for a while now, but with no effect. Guess PeeCee's got along with a little help from the surgeon.

I am in the best phase of my life : Kareena Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is currently enjoying motherhood and also handling her professional life well, says she is in the best phase of her life. "I feel alive because I feel I am in the best phase of my life. I am a happy person and always look out for positivity," she said on at the launch ceremony of a channel, which is a collaboration . Being the brand ambassador of the newly-launched channel, the 36-year old star thanked the

Sony and BBC Earth and said that she was four months pregnant while shooting the advertisement for the channel. "My son would be feeling alive when he will know about this fact," she added. At the professional front, the "Ki and Ka" actress is all set to bounce back to face the cameras. Currently, Kareena is prepping for the upcoming film 'Veere Di Wedding', which also stars actresses Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar.

Shahid is taking a break from dark roles for sometime Actor Shahid Kapoor says he will be taking a break from dark and complex roles for sometime. The 36-year-old actor, whose latest period war film "Rangoon" could not create a magic at the box office, said that he wants to feature in lighter roles next.The actor has played two back-toback serious characters in "Udta Punjab" (2016) and the recently released Vishal Bhardwaj-directed film. During a Q and A session, one of the asked Shahid, "Is it that you prefer dark films more now?"

To this the actor replied, "Nope. Not for a while now."Shahid also said, "Good films always do well," when one of the fans asked if he believed some good films don't work at the box office. He said after completing his prior commitments he would like to do "anything light and fun." About his role in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's magnum opus "Padmavati", he said the best thing about Raja Rawal Ratan Singh's character is that he was, "Noble heroic fearless. Above all a true lover.

The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017



jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-ipwq-ivkfr, GrylU JMJt, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, sMqfn-pwK TIk, rog-BY-hfnI, iesqrI-swuK, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1,2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

After the events that have taken place in your life since late January, you now find yourself in a situation where it would be wise to reflect on where life seems to stand now and what you want to accomplish in the future. What might need greatest consideration are your finances, as they come under the spotlight to 21st April.

Mars will move into your sign this week, where it will remain until 21st April. This heralds the beginning of a new 2-year cycle. Your energy level should lift, as well as your self-confidence. This could tempt you to rush into things but the position of Venus, your ruling planet, warns you to be cautious and patient to early April.

 

ibRK-rkq-cfp, guwsy ‘c vfDf hovy, Dn-sMpdf-suwK-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo-bdl. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.



imQn-ishq TIk, Xojnf sPl, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI, snmfn imly, ivsLysL Krc hovy, bMDU-ksLt, sMpqI lfB. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6 asLuwB hn.



krk-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-ksLt, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB hovy, injI-jn-sihXog, siQr, jfiedfd dy JgVy, sLuwB smfcfr, sMqfn-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr gVbVfey (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



kMinaf-ishq TIk, Gr ivc KusLI dy kfrj hox, bMDU-suwK, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.

7 

qulf-ishq TIk rhy, GrylU JgVy, inwjI lokF nfl axbx, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx qoN nuksfn df zr. iesqrI-ksLt. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6, asLuwB hn.



ibRisick-pyt ‘c KrfbI, Dn-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMpqI bfry icMqf, sMqfn-suwK, Xojnf sPl, dusLmx qoN BY, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



Dn-ishq TIk, PjUl df Krc hovy, dusLmx aqy ibmfrI df zr, Brf df ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-ishq TIk, GrylU JMJt, BfeI-bMDU qoN suwK, sMpqI-icMqf, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr cMgf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.

You can’t get away from commitments or responsibilities because others are in a better position to apply the pressure and they will. You need to look at what you have learned as a result. There is no point feeling sorry for yourself. You can be in for much frustration to mid April because of not being able to move things forward.

Others can readily accept plans you have for the future, especially if they have seen you as handling matters in a responsible manner since late January. If there is anything more you want to discuss or put forward, do that. Be sure you do not forget some of the finer points. Focus on your priorities from not to mid April.

You now need to move to the stage, from now to mid April, of committing yourself to whatever you have been considering pursuing in the long term since late January. This needs to be based on what you have seen a beneficial in the long term. It might be difficult to either know to fulfil the expectations someone else has of you.

On one level you can feel as though you are emerging from demanding expectations of others, though there will still be some remnants operating on a more subtle level until early April. Ask as many questions as you can right now as it can make things clearer when it comes to looking at long term goals from now to mid April.

Whatever actions other people have taken since late January should not be put to one side lightly. From now to mid April it may become difficult to know exactly where they stand, though they could be quite demanding. Don’t be surprised if you feel you need to reconsider your position by early April. Don’t overlook details.

There will no longer be any hidden aspects to exactly where you stand with someone else, though they may still try to hide some things. This could lead to a battle of some description between now and mid April. They are placed in a position where they will need to change their current stance by early April.

Where you have been able to take chances or just go with the flow since late January, you are now heading into a cycle to mid April where you will need to put your energy into taking care of the details. Your general health or fitness might need better attention in this time as well, especially if you have been socialising.

Whatever you have been working on to put in place since late January will now move onto an easier flowing stage to mid April though there might be other aspects that you weigh up and reconsider to early April. You are in a good position to gather information now that could be very helpful when it comes to final decisions later.

Do a final weigh up in your mind about what you feel are important priorities that you need to move forward on and start to put into place from now to mid April. Listen to your inner voice when it comes to finances. There is no need to move forward with anything that could cause you any financial worry further on.

Whatever has gone on with finances since late January now moves to the next stage of either gathering more information or giving things more thought to mid April. It is a worthwhile exercise as you could benefit during April as well. Much of this will be dependent on taking what is the most responsible path, however difficult.

11  kuMB-ishq Krfb, vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB, bMDU-ksLt, siQr-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, iesqrI-pwK TIk, kfrobfr bfry icMqf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6 asLuwB hn.



mIn-ishq TIk rhy, PjUl df Krc hovy, injI-jn ivroD krn, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK TkI, iesqrI-suwK rhy, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf aqy snmfn. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.


The Patrika


Friday, March 10th, 2017


Spice Radio's Weekly Top 10 Songs By Angelina Rai

NOOR - @sonakshisinha Aaaand the #NoorTrailer is here. Proud & excited! @NoorTheFilm is really close to my heart. Hope you guys like it

Karan Johar @karanjohar I am ecstatic to share with you all the two most wonderful additions to my life... Roohi and Yash.

1. Zaalima Raees - Arijit Singh and Harshdeep Kaur 2. The Humma Song Ok Jaanu - Jubin Nautiyal, Shashaa Tirupati and A.R. Rahman 3. Tamma Tamma Again Badrinath Ki Dulhania - Bappi Lahiri, Anuradha Paudwal and Badshah

4. Badri Ki Dulhania Badrinath Ki Dulhania - Dev Negi, Neha Kakkar, Monali Thakur and Ikka 5. Enna Sonna Ok Jaanu - Arijit Singh and A.R. Rahman 6. Go Pagal Jolly LLB 2 - Raftaar and Nindy Kaur 7. Laila Main Laila Raees - Pawni Pandey 8. Bawara Mann Jolly LLB 2 - Jubin Nautiyal and Neeti Mohan 9. Kaabil Hoon Kaabil - Jubin Nautiyal and Palak Mucchal 10. Udi Udi Jaye Raees - Sukhwinder Singh, Bhoomi Trivedi and Karsan Sagathia PAGE 40


Jay Sean @jayseanMoreCan't wait to perform at @AKFoundation & @TheShilpaShetty fdn #OrphanAid the UK's biggest ever Asian charity concert. Grab your tix now! April 29th London

PRIYANKA @priyankachopra More Congratulations @karanjohar so happy for you. May Yash and Roohi always have a beautiful healthy life. Much love always

The Patrika Friday, March 10th, 2017




CAMP 2017

Mar 20 to 23, 2017



9:30 AM TO 4:00PM

RegisteR fee $10

ages 5 & up


The Patrika



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Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017





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TELUS PureFibre™ áÒ˜≈fl⁄∑ “aŒÊá ∑⁄ŒÊ „Ò ‚Ê«Ë

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‹¥ ߢ≈⁄áÒ˜≈ 150/150 Œ ∑

$ 42/◊„ËáÊ˚

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*¶◊ ∑Ë◊à Á‚⁄Ö $82/◊„ËáÊ $ã „Ù⁄ ¡ÊÀÙ, ¡ù ÖÙá ∑⁄Ù 1-844-284-7962 ¡ù TELUS ‚≈Ù⁄ $ã ¡Ê¥˚ TELUS STORES


Sevenoaks Shopping Centre

Apex Communications Inc. 32915 South Fraser Way

Clearwest Solutions Inc. 3122 Mt. Lehman Rd

2140 Sumas Way

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The Patrika 

Friday, March 10th, 2017

kI ieho hY gurmyhr kOr df ‘gunfh` aqy ipwCy pYx vfilafˆ dI ‘dyÈBgqI` dI dfsqfn!

Owner Operatiors and Drivers BC - California - BC ● No Experience Required ● Training will be provided ● Ability to cross border ● Clean Driver Abstract

jiqMdr pnUM kfrigl dI jMg dy vkq Bfrq df pRDfn mMqrI atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI huMdf sI. iPr Aus dI srkfr isrP iewk vot dy Prk nfl izwg peI aqy nvIˆafˆ coxfˆ krvfAuxIafˆ peIafˆ sn. sfry dyÈ ivwc cox muihMm dI agvfeI krdf Auh pMjfb afieaf qfˆ luiDafxy ivwc Aus dI pRYWs nfl vfrqf ivwc asIN vI hfËr sfˆ. asIN EQy iewk gwl kihx dI koiÈÈ kIqI ik Bfrq dy iksy rfj dI srkfr kfrigl dy ÈhIdfˆ leI pMj lwK rupey dyx df aYlfn krdI hY, iksy rfj dy muwK mMqrI df ds lwK rupey dyx df ibafn af jfˆdf hY. sfzf svfl sI ik kI kyˆdr srkfr nUM ies qrHfˆ bolI dyx dI Kyz rok ky sB QfˆeIˆ iewko ijhf mdd df pYmfnf nhIN imQxf cfhIdf? awgoN vfjpfeI df ieh jvfb sI ik ies qrHfˆ hr koeI afpo-afpxy ihsfb nfl ‘dyÈBgqI` df pRgtfvf kr irhf hY, kyˆdrI srkfr iksy dy mn nUM Tys nhIN pucfAuxf cfhuMdI. hux jdoN gurmyhr kOr df muwdf crcf ivwc hY qfˆ iewk vfr iPr ieho jfpdf hY ik “hr koeI afpo-afpxy ihsfb nfl ‘dyÈBgqI` df pRgtfvf kr irhf hY”. ÈhIdfˆ dI mdd dI bolI dyx vrgy vwKo-vwK aYlfn kr ky ‘dyÈBgqI` dy byÈrm prdy hyT EdoN ijhVI rfjnIqI ho rhI sI, awj iPr ‘dyÈBgqI` dy nfˆa hyT Esy dMB df ivKfvf ho irhf hY.

gurmyhr kOr dy muwdy kfrn hirafxf ivDfn sBf ivwc hoeI bihs bVI hfsohIxI imsfl pyÈ krdI hY. iewk Bfjpf mMqrI ny gurmyhr kOr dy ivhfr nUM dyÈ-DrohI ikhf qfˆ ivroD krn vfsqy ienYlo pfrtI dy afgU ny ieh Who does not want a beau ful dream house! 1636 - MOUNT LEHMAN RD, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6H7dlIl idwqI ik ‘bwcf glqI vI kr jfvy qfˆ Aus dy ivruwD ies qrHfˆ dI gwl nhIN kihxI build604.897.7213 custom homes, will help you to Office: 604.557.0900We Cell: or 778.246.0074 cfhIdI.` sfzI smJ ivwc vI gurmyhr kOr fulfill your dreams. bwcI hY, pr Aus ny glqI ikhVI kIqI hY? Aus ny isrP eynf hI ikhf sI ik jMgfˆ df Contact: Email: Sukhjinder Dhillon 604-807-2928 rfh Cwz ky do gvfˆZI dyÈfˆ nUM iml ky rihxf cfhIdf hY. Bfjpf mMqrI ny eynI gwl qoN Aus Our experience and proffesionalism will help you. nUM vI dyÈ-DrohI qy Aus df pwK lYx vfilafˆ nUM vI dyÈ DrohI kih idwqf. igwT ijwzI Ëbfn Licensed Builder • Project Manager • General Contrac ng vfly Aus mMqrI dI jfxkfrI leI gurmyhr kOr df pwK Èrd pvfr ny vI ilaf hY, kI Èrd pvfr nUM dyÈ DrohI ikhf jfvygf? idwlI iswK gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny Aus kuVI df pwK ilaf hY, kI Auh dyÈ DrohI ho geI hY? sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI df pRDfn Aus dy pwK ivwc boilaf hY, kI Aus nUM Bfjpf dyÈ DrohI mMnygI? akfl qKq df jQydfr vI kuVI dy pwK ivwc boilaf hY, kI iswKfˆ dI isKrlI Dfrimk pwdvI AuWqy bYTy hoey bMdy nUM Bfjpf ies Kfqy ivwc rwK skdI hY? kI sB lok kupwqy aqy isrP Bfjpf vfly dyÈ-Bgq khy jfx jogy rih gey hn?

Wanted Full time and Part time LPN for patient care at home. Candidate will be licensed, good communication skills. Work will be 9:00am to 5:00pm. Please forward resume to:


ny iliKaf sI: ‘amnfˆ dy pujfrI hfˆ ibsimlf a Y p r , dfavq jM g dI qfˆ iPr jMg hI shI`. pihlI gwl Aus ny jMg dI nhIN, amn dI khI sI. hr sfAU ivakqI pihlI iewCf ieho krygf ik jMgfˆ dI BwTI qoN mnuwKqf iksy vI qrHfˆ bcxI cfhIdI hY. gurmyhr kOr ny vI ieh hI iewCf Ëfhr kIqI sI, ijs nUM iewk Kfs rfjnIqI nfl juVy hoey lok dyÈ-Droh kihx qwk cly gey hn. jMg qfˆ amrIkf qy jfpfn ny vI lVI sI qy Bfrq-pfik qoN vwD Kqrnfk jMg lVI sI. jfpfn ny amrIkf dy prl hfrbr ivwc ijMnI qbfhI mcfeI sI, Aus nUM amrIkf awj qwk nhIN Buwl sikaf qy amrIkf vfilafˆ ny hIroÈImf qy nfgfsfkI dy Èihrfˆ AuWqy aYtm bMb suwtx df ijhVf pfp kIqf sI, Aus nUM isrP jfpfn vfly nhIN, dunIaF dy lok nhIN Bulf sky. Auh lok vI hux ieh kihx qwk af gey hn ik EdoN jo kuJ hoieaf sI, muV ky nhIN hoxf cfhIdf. afpxI hoÈ sMBflx qoN pihlfˆ kfrigl dI jMg ivwc afpxf bfp guaf cuwkI Aus kuVI dy mn ivwc ieh soc afeI ik hux hor jMgfˆ nhIN cfhIdIafˆ, myry vfˆg hor bwcy anfQ nhIN hoxy cfhIdy, qfˆ ieh koeI gunfh nhIN bxdf. iewk Kfs rfjnIqI dy lokfˆ nUM jMgfˆ dI Qfˆ amn dI gwl krnf gunfh lwgdf hY qfˆ ies mfmly ivwc dyÈ BgqI dy afpy bxy iPrdy JMzf brdfrfˆ nUM Bfrq dyÈ df ieiqhfs Pol lYxf cfhIdf hY.

kfrigl dI ijhVI jMg ivwc gurmyhr kOr dy bfp ny ies dyÈ leI jfn vfrI sI, Auh Bfjpf dy pRDfn mMqrI atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI dy vkq Bfrq AuWqy ibnfˆ vjHf TosI geI sI. pfiksqfn ivwc EdoN pRDfn mMqrI nvfË ÈrIP sI, pr Aus df Aus jMg ivwc koeI ksUr nhIN sI. sfrI sfiËÈ EQoN dI POj dy muKI jnrl muÈwrP ny kIqI sI. jMg ipwCoN muÈrwP ny nvfË ÈrIP df qKqf plt kr ky pfiksqfn dI kmfn sfˆB leI aqy Dwky nfl EQy rfÈtrpqI bx igaf. vfjpfeI sfihb jfxdy sn ik ieh Auho muÈwrP hY, ijs ny sfzy AuWqy kfrigl dI jMg TosI sI aqy sYˆkVy BfrqI POjI Aus jMg ivwc mfry gey sn. ies dy bfvjUd vfjpfeI ny muÈwrP nfl jMgbfËI Cwz ky amn smJOqf krn dy Xqn kIqy sn. muÈwrP idwlI df jMimaf isr pY geI jMg lVnoN Bfrq dy lok kdy Bwjy hoieaf sI qy Aus dI dfeI vI iËMdf sI. idwlI nhIN, pr subhf-Èfm jMg lwgx dI suwKxf afey muÈwrP nUM Aus dI dfeI nfl imlfAux vI nhIN suwKdy iPrdy. ibsiml PrIdkotI leI Aus dy jnm vfly itkfxy ‘nihr vflI

The Patrika

asIN Aus qoN pihlfˆ dI gwl kr skdy hfˆ. ijwQy awj bMglf dyÈ hY, ies nUM aMgryËfˆ ny vfps jfx vyly pwCmI pfiksqfn vjoN Bfrq qoN vwKrf kIqf sI. EdoN dy pfiksqfn dI rfjDfnI rfvlipMzI qoN ies dI hkUmq iewk pfiksqfnI sUby vjoN clfeI jfˆdI sI. iPr hflfq ivgV gey. bMgflI lokfˆ dI mdd BfrqI POj ny ieMdrf gfˆDI dI agvfeI ivwc kIqI aqy sfry dyÈ dy lok ies mdd dy hwk ivwc ieMdrf gfˆDI nfl KVy sn. awj dI Bfjpf EdoN jn sMG huMdI sI qy ies dy isKrly afgU atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI ny ieMdrf gfˆDWANTED I aqy Aus vwloN lfeI jMg dy pwK HELP ivwc ieh ikhf sI: ‘ieMdrf nhIN, Xy afj kI durgf hY`. ies jMg ipwCoN dovfˆ dyÈfˆ ivwc kOV isKrfˆ AuWqy sI. iPr vI amn leI gwl cwl peI. Bfrq dI pRDfn mMqrI, Auho durgf khI jfˆdI ieMdrf gfˆDI aqy pfiksqfn vwloN bMglf dyÈ dy duKfˆq dI jVH smiJaf jfx vflf jMg ipwCoN bixaf pRDfn mMqrI jLulPkfr alI Buwto smJOqf krn dy leI imlxf mMn gey qfˆ BfrqI phfVI AuWqy iÈmly ivwc aqy pfiksqfn dy phfVI sQfn mwrI ivwc mIitMgfˆ dy dOr cwl pey sn. EdoN qwk

ieMdrf gfˆDI df rfjsI ivroD sLurU kr cuwkI jn sMG dy afgU vfjpfeI ny smJOqy dIafˆ koiÈÈfˆ nUM dyÈ-Droh kdy nhIN sI ikhf, ies df pwK pUiraf sI. awj dy dOr dI gwl krIey qfˆ sfzf pRDfn mMqrI jdoN mfsko igaf qy EQoN kfbl jf ky muVn vyly acfnk lfhOr jf AuWqiraf qfˆ isrP Bfjpf dy afgUafˆ ny nhIN, ivroDI iDr dy sB sfAU lIzrfˆ ny vI ies df svfgq kIqf sI. iqMn idn bfad pTfnkot ivwc hvfeI POj dy styÈn AuWqy hmlf ho igaf qfˆ Bfrq srkfr dI kwc-GrV kUtnIqI dI aflocnf hoeI sI, iksy ny ieh afKx vfsqy mUMh nhIN sI pfiVaf ik pfiksqfn nfl amn df Xqn nhIN krnf cfhIdf. ienHfˆ Xqnfˆ vwloN pfiksqfn iKskdf irhf hY, Bfrq ny kdy ies qoN pfsf nhIN vwitaf. Bfrq hmyÈf pihl krdf irhf hY qy ieho pihl ies dI sMsfr ivwc sfK ivwc vfDf krn vflI sfbq hoeI hY. ijhVy Bfrq df ieqhfs isrP isr peI jMg nfl inptx qy awgoN-ipwCoN hmyÈf amn dI pihl krn df irhf hY, Aus dyÈ dI iewk bwcI ny isrP jMg dy ivroD ivwc amn dI iewCf pRgt kr idwqI qfˆ gunfh ho igaf aqy afp kdI mrn-mfrn aqy kdy nvfË ÈrIP dy jvfkfˆ nUM Ègn dyx vfly dyÈBgq bx bYTy! Bfjpf afgUafˆ ny ieh gË pqf nhIN ikwQoN lY afˆdf hY! ieh rfjnIqI dIafˆ loVfˆ df gË hY. mnuwKqf leI rfjnIqI dI loV vfly gË nhIN, Auh gË cfhIdy hn, ijhVy iksy imafr AuWqy pUry AuWqr skdy hox.

sfnUM sfzy pYk hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm Puwl tfeIm hY| qkrIbn 10 mhIny kMm cldf hY| qnKfh Xogqf anusfr idwqI jfvygI| ieMplfiemYNt leI stYNpF idwqIaF jfxgIaF| kMm : Pork ilPt zrfeIvr stYikMg bYg pYikMg suprvfeIjLr

hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kr skdy ho:

778-552-3879 jF 604-825-0113 We need workers for our Pack house, will be full time job. Wages negotiable iable according to job position. Job Opportunity: - Fork Lift Drivers - Stacking - Bag Packing - Supervisor



Friday, March 10th, 2017

hvylI` qwk iewk KUbsUrq sVk vfjpfeI ny AucycI bxvfeI sI. iPr afgry jf ky ipafr df pRqIk qfj mihl ivKfieaf sI. afKrI vkq smJOqf huMdf-huMdf rih igaf, ieh gwl vwKrI hY, pr jMg dIafˆ gwlfˆ krn vfilafˆ nUM ieh cyqf kr lYxf cfhIdf hY ik jy amn dI gwl krnf gunfh hY qfˆ vfjpfeI ny vI kIqf sI.

vrkrF dI loV

aYbtsPorz dI lokl svIt sLfp leI ikcn hYlpr aqy kstmr srivs leI vrkrF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mfhOl| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-825-5155 $%%(< &+2,&( &216758&7,21 /7'

Laminate & Hardwood Tiles Drywall Painting Kitchen & Washroom Renovation Moulding Cedar & Chain Link Fencing House Wash

sKLq lkV aqy lYmInyt pyNitMg mOlizMg


rsoeI aqy vfsLrUm

zrfeIvfl rYnovysLn

sIzr aqy cyn sMbMiDq vfV

Gr Doxf

Abbotsford’s Trucking company is looking for company drivers and owner operators for local work. 5 days a week, 40-50 hrs per week, $18-$20 per hour our for company drivers. For more information, Call: 604-857-5535

International tandem axel flat bed truck for sale with job, local work 40 - 50 hours granted per week Call: 604-857-5535 PAGE 45

The Patrika



Employment cont'd

kfimaF dI loV

Workers Wanted

zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-5400 jF 604-825-3508

Mandair Farms general farm labour. Starting pay $10.85. Work starts in mid march full time. Hard work. Job description is picking berries, weeding, spraying, clean up, etc.

Workers Wanted

Contact 604-853-7246

Wood Shop Workers Wanted Pay based on experience Heavy lifting involved Benefits offered Email resumes to randy@ or drop off at Project Doors, 2592 Mt. Lehman Rd, Abbotsford

FARM LABOURERS WANTED Deol Farms, located at 1354 272nd St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 2P9, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from April 1st until winter 2017 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks

in various weather conditions. Fax resume to (604) 607-0841.

Friday, March 10th, 2017


Workers Wanted Farm workers required starting as soon as possible. 40--‐60 hours/ week. Duties include pruning, planting, weeding, & harvesting berries. As well as other general farm duties. Work is outdoors & can be physically demanding. Wage $10.85/hour. Fax resume to 604-‐850--‐7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C9.

vrkr dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| 778-8784723 kfimaF dI loV nrsrI ivwc kMm krn vflLy lVky aqy lVkIaF dI loV hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-308-9626



Seasonal employment harvesting and pruning raspberries and blueberries, from approx. June 15th till winter 2017. Individuals must be prepared to work varying hours in an environment that is physically demanding. Requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in a range of outdoor weather conditions. Hourly wage of $10.85, 45 to 60 hours per week. If interested, please fax resume to J & J Farms Ltd. (604) 855-0534 located at 30860 Huntingdon Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B7.

aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE

nsLy Cwzx leI

suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604-615-9877

jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-779-1337 jF

Driver Wanted Driver wanted for local 5-Ton truck, must have one year experience and able to speak English and knowledge of lower mainland will be an asset. $18/ hr. For more information, Call Manjit Sidhu: 604-825-5211

FARM LABOURERS WANTED Geneva Farms Inc, located at 31580 Huntingdon Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B8, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from ASAP till winter 2017 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This

position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in various weather conditions. Fax resume to (604)853-4605.

Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs     

Services cont'd

Matrimonial Xog kMinaf dI loV 32 sflf, jwt gurisWK, gryvflL, 5’9”, vY w l sY t lz, qlfksL u d f, iewklOqy lVky leI sfAU suBfa dI pVHI-ilKI KfndfnI lVkI dI loV hY| stUzYNt jF ivjLtr vIjy ‘qy kYnyzf afeI lVkI ‘qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf skdf hY| sMprk: 604-897-6553

In home child caregiver required for a 2 year old. This is a full time, contract position. Wage: $11.50 per hr, Location: Abbotsford B.C, Language: English. Skills: High school &1-2 years experience or training. Duties: supervise & care for child. Preparing meals and feeding the child. Doing all personal care for the child including: bathing, dressing and changing diapers. Person should also maintain a safe, clean and healthy environment. He/she will also be responsible for taking hild to and from appointments. Optional accomodation available at no charge on a live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. Contact: Sukhi 604.832.9822 or email:

Production workers required in plastic factory situated in Mission as soon as possible. Work is 40-50 hours/week. Day and night shifts are available. Call Mike: 1-604-803-9077 or Email: PAGE 46

The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017


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iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro

*Free Estimates

& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash

¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid

+RXVH :DVK 7UXFN :DVK ¡Drive Way 'ULYH :D\ *XWWHU &OHDQ ¡Gutter Clean &much more! :LQGRZ &OHDQ 0XFK 0RUH ¡Truck Wash


Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Canada - USA - Canada Canada - USA - Canada

Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* kYnyzyf - XU aYs ey- kYnyzf * Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

Kingman Enterprise Drivers & owner wanted for British Colombia, Alberta, Washington, tandem, flatbed, maxi & super b Competitive wages Call 6048257749 for more information or email resume to

sfnMU tYNzm, PlYt-bYwz, mYksI aqy supr-bI leI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| rUt ibRitsL kulMbIaf, albrtf aqy vfisLMgtn ivwc hn| CALL 604.825.7749 for more information or email resume to



The Patrika

Friday, March 10th, 2017


buZfpy df rog– pfrikMnsoinËm ijvyˆ ijvyˆ sfzI Aumr vDdI jfˆdI hY, srIr dy ibmfrIafˆ df iÈkfr hox df Kqrf vI vDdf jfˆdf hY. ienHfˆ `coN keI rogfˆ nfl qfˆ asIN sOiKafˆ hI nijwT skdy hfˆ jfˆ AunHfˆ df ielfj krvf ky injfq pf skdy hfˆ. jy shI qrIky nfl kIqf jfvy qfˆ ielfj nfl kfPI rog TIk ho jfˆdy hn pr keI ibmfrIafˆ sfzy leI cuxOqI bx jfˆdIafˆ hn. ‘pfrikMnsoinËm` iewk aijhf hI rog hY ijs qoN ajy qwk Cutkfrf pfey jfx df qrIkf nhIN iml sikaf. ies rog ivwc idmfg aqy sUKm nfVIafˆ vflf isstm nuksfny jfˆdy hn. ies dy iswty vjoN srIr kMbx lwg jfˆdf hY. bfbf ÈyK PrId jI ny ikhf hY: buwZf hoieaf ÈyK PrId kMbx lwgI dyh. vzyrI Aumry hox vflf ieh rog afm krky 5060 sfl qoN vwD Aumr vfilafˆ nUM afpxf iÈkfr bxfAuNdf hY. kuJ rogI 50 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy vI ho skdy hn. sUKm nfVIafˆ (nrvË) dy sYWl, ijnHfˆ rfhIN idmfg qoN sMdyÈ afAuNdy hn, nuksfny jfx krky idmfg df inXMqrx nhIN rihMdf. ies krky rogI nUM koeI sfDfrn ijhf kMm krnf vI muÈikl ho jfˆdf hY. AuNj qfˆ ieh rog mrdfˆ qy aOrqfˆ `c brfbr hI huMdf hY pr keI irportfˆ muqfibk mrd ies df iÈkfr vDyry huMdy hn. 2013 dy aMkiVafˆ anusfr kuwl

dunIafˆ ivwc ies ibmfrI dy 53 imlIan rogI sn qy iewk lwK iqMn hËfr dI mOq hoeI sI. ibmfrI df zfiegnoiss bxn qoN bfad, afm krky 7 qoN 14 sfl df jIvn-kfl huMdf hY. 1817 ivwc pihlI vfr iewk aMgryË zfktr, jymË pfrikMnsn ny ies ‘ihwlx vfly rog` bfry iewk lyK iliKaf sI. bfad ivwc Ausy zfktr dy nfm `qy hI ies rog df nfˆ pfrikMnsoinË pY igaf. ies rog sbMDI anykfˆ Kojfˆ hoeIafˆ hn qy ieh islislf ajy vI inrMqr cwl irhf hY. ies zfktr dy jnm vfly idn 11 aprYl nUM pfrikMnsoinË bfry jfgrUkqf idvs mnfieaf jfˆdf hY. dunIafˆ ivwc mÈhUr hsqIafˆ EilMpk sfeIkilst zYivs iPMny, mÈhUr bOkisMg cYˆpIan muhMmd alI, aYktr mfiekl jy[aYP[, gIqkfr qy gfiek jOhnI kYÈ, aYktrYs aYstYle gYtI aqy amrIkf dI atfrnI jnrl jYnyt rYno afid ies rog qoN pIVHq sn. ies rog dy muwK rUp ivwc iqMn lwCx huMdy hn: ibnfˆ iksy kMtrol dy srIr dy aMgfˆ df lgfqfr ihwlI jfxf. srIr dIafˆ sfrIafˆ ikirafvfˆ dI gqI Gt jfxf.

jfxf ieh bVI muÈikl nfl muVdy hn. iswDf KVHy hox ivwc muÈikl, srIr df sMquln nf rihxf, bolx vyly TIk qrHfˆ lPË nf inklxy qy suxn vfly nUM smJ nf lwgxI, ipÈfb dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ, aMqVIafˆ dI ihljul Gtx krky kbË rihxI aqy nINd dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ afid. ies rog krky hox vflIafˆ smwisafvfˆ:

jfˆdy hn qy zopfmIn dI pYdfvfr GtdI jfˆdI hY, ies nfl srIr dy aMgfˆ dI ihljul `qy Aus df kMtrol vI Gtdf jfˆdf hY. pr ieh sfrf vrqfrf ikvyˆ qy ikAuN sLurU huMdf hY, ies bfry ajy qwk pUrI qrHfˆ pqf nhIN lgfieaf jf sikaf. KojI ivigafnkfˆ ny kuJ kysfˆ ivwc keI ‘jInË` dy nuks hox dI gwl khI hY. vwzI jn-sMiKaf `qy afDfirq Kojfˆ qy srvyKx anusfr jy iksy twbr ivwc ieh rog hovy qfˆ Aus dy iksy hor jIa ivwc ieh ibmfrI hox df iËafdf zr huMdf hY, pr ieh isrP iewk srvy hI hY qy ivrfsq dI BUimkf iswD krn vfsqy ajy hor Kojfˆ cwl rhIafˆ hn.

Bfvyˆ afm krky hwQ-pYr hI ihwldy hn pr buwlH, jIB, jbfVf, pyt qy CfqI dy pwTy vI ihwlI jfˆdy hn. ieh ihwlxf AudoN sLurU huMdf hY jdoN ieh pwTy kuJ nhIN kr rhy huMdy. ijvyˆ hwQ nfl cuwkx vyly ieh ihwlxf Gt jfˆdf hY. ies ihwlxI nUM ‘rYsitMg iewk hor aiDaYn rfhIN ieh drsfieaf trYmrË` ikhf jfˆdf hY. igaf hY ik ieh rog 500 lokfˆ `coN iewk pwTy afkV jfx nfl srIr ivwc drd hox nUM huMdf hY. XUnfeIitz ikMgzm ivwc lgdI hY. srIr dI hr qrHfˆ dI ihljuwl aMdfËn svf lwK lokfˆ nUM ieh rog hY. Gt jfˆdI hY. ienHfˆ ivwc vIh `coN iewk nUM cflI sfl qoN Gwt Aumr ivwc hI kuJ alfmqfˆ sLurU ho qurn-iPrn-hwQ nfl koeI cIË PVn jfˆ geIafˆ sn. aOrqfˆ dy mukfbly mrdfˆ ivwc krn nUM idl hI nhIN krdf. ieh rog kuJ vDyry pfieaf igaf hY. awKfˆ Jmkx qy qurn vyly bfhvfˆ df ihwlxf Gt jfˆdf hY.

pwiTafˆ (mfspyÈIafˆ) df afkV (sitwP ho) gwl-bfq krn vyly isr qy DOx df ihwlxf. mUMh dy hfv-Bfv, hwQfˆ df ihlfAuxf Gt jfˆdy hn jfˆ Kqm hI ho jfˆdy hn. kbË, kVwlfˆ, drdfˆ, lwqfˆ bfhvfˆ df sOxf, kIVIafˆ qurnfˆ, hwQfˆ pYrfˆ dIafˆ AuNglfˆ nUM TMZ lwgxI jfˆ syk inklxf afid ikAuNik ichry qy gly dIafˆ mfspyÈIafˆ asr aDIn afAuNdIafˆ hn, ies leI ivakqI dI afvfË hI nhIN inkldI jfˆ BfrI ho jfˆdI hY. Kfxf icwQx qy inglx ivwc vI muÈikl pyÈ afAuNdI hY. mUMh ivwc KuÈkI vI ho jfˆdI hY. ies qoN ielfvf pfrikMnsoinËm dy rogI nUM hor vI keI qrHfˆ dIafˆ BOiqk aqy mnoroigk smwisafvfˆ ho jfˆdIafˆ hn ijvyˆ- AudfsI, gm qy zr, suMGx ÈkqI Gtxf jfˆ Kqm ho jfxf, nINd aqy XfddfÈq dI smwisaf. rog dy kfrn: ies rog vfly mrIËfˆ dy idmfg dy nrv-sYWl nuksfny jfˆdy hn qy AunHfˆ ivwcoN inklx vfly sfDfrn rsfiex ‘zopfmIn` df bxnf Gt jfˆdf hY. arogqf ivwc ieh rsfiex srIr dy vwK vwK Bfgfˆ dI ihljuwl leI shfeI huMdf hY aqy ies dy kMtrol sbMDI isgnl Byjdf hY. ijvyˆ ijvyˆ idmfg dy sYWl (inAUrons) nuksfny


zf: mnjIq bwl

kItnfÈk dvfeIafˆ nfl kMm krn vfilafˆ aqy isr dI purfxI swt vfilafˆ nUM ies ibmfrI dI lpyt ivwc afAux df kuJ vDyry Kqrf rihMdf hY. keI aiDaYn drsfAuNdy hn ik vDyry kOPI/cfh pIx vfilafˆ aqy qMbfkU-noÈI vfilafˆ ivwc pfrikMnsoinËm dy lwCx dyrI nfl afAuNdy hn. ies df zfiegnoiss, muwK rUp ivwc lwCxfˆ qoN hI huMdf hY. ies qrHfˆ dIafˆ alfmqfˆ iksy hor rog krky nf hox ies leI inAUro-iemyijMg (aYm[afr[afeI[) krvf leI jfˆdI hY. ies rog dI sB qoN mfVI gwl hY ik ijMnf icr bMdy dI iËMdgI hY, Aus nUM rog dy nfl hI rihxf pYˆdf hY. iPr vI kuJ nf kuJ qfˆ krnf hI cfhIdf hY. ‘lYvozopf` aqy kuJ hor dvfeIafˆ ijvyˆ zopfmIn aYgoinsts, mono aYmIn afksIzys ienihibtrs afid idwqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. ieh dvfeIafˆ isrP mfihr zfktr hI dsdy hn. sYlP mYzIkyÈn nf hI ho skdI hY qy nf hI krnI cfhIdI hY. bcfa: jvfnI qy aDKV Aumry kIqI hoeI vriËÈ ies rog df bcfE krn ivwc shfeI huMdI hY. kOPI df syvn vI iewk shfiek dy rUp ivwc sfhmxy afAuNdf hY. ivtfimn ‘sI` aqy ivtfimn ‘zI` ies rog qoN bcfa krn ivwc shfeI pfey gey hn.

Friday, March 10th, 2017

The Patrika 


ikhVf rUp lYˆdf jf irhf hY ividafrQI isafsq df ivcfrDfrk tkrfa? hrmyl prIq

ividafrQI rfjnIqI BivwK dy cMgy qy mMJy hoey isafsqdfnfˆ leI nrsrI df kfrj krdI hY . kfljfˆ / XU n IvristIafˆ ivc stUzYˆt XUnIanfˆ rfhIN BivwK dy ieh nyqf pRvfn cVHdy hn. ieh mMinaf jfˆdf hY ik kfljfˆ/XUnIvristIafˆ qoN inkly nyqf pVHy ilKy hox krky vDyry sUJbUJ vfly huMdy hn. Kfs krky XUnIvristIafˆ dI ividafrQI rfjnIqI qoN afey afgU kOmfˆqrI vrqfry nUM smJx dy vDyry smrwQ hoxgy, ieh AumId bwJdI hY. pr vrqmfn smyˆ asIN ividafrQI rfjnIqI df jo vrqfrf dyK/ smJ rhy hfˆ, Auh icMqfdfiek hY. ipCly kuJ smyˆ qoN asIN dyKdy hfˆ ik kfljfˆ/ XUnIvristIafˆ dIafˆ coxfˆ mOky aksr coxfˆ lVdy DVy sInf-ËorI/kuwt-kutfpy `qy AuqfrU ho jfˆdy hn. ividafrQI rfjnIqI Bfvyˆ muwKDfrf dI rfjnIqI df muwZ mMnI jfˆdI hY pr ies dy srokfr ividafrQIafˆ dI BlfeI hoxy cfhIdy hn. asl ivc ividafrQI jQybMdIafˆ rfjnIqk dlfˆ nfl vf-bfsqf hn. sfry dlfˆ dy afpo-afpxy ividafrQI ivMg hn. ieQoN qwk gwl smJ afAuNdI hY ik ivcfrDfrk qOr `qy ieh ividafrQI jQybMdIafˆ iksy rfjsI pfrtI qoN syD lYˆdIafˆ hox pr Auh isafsI pfrtIafˆ dy hwQToky bx ky, AunHfˆ dy sOVy isafsI ihwqfˆ dI pUrqI leI mohry bx ky afpxI ‘isafxp` nfl dgf krn ieh drusq nhIN. ipCly kuJ arsy qoN ividafrQI gruwpfˆ dI ieh lVfeI isrP pRDfngI qwk nhIN rhI, ivcfrDfrk tkrfa dI siQqI ivc dfKl ho geI hY. hYdrfbfd dI kyˆdrI XUnIivristI df roihq vymUlf kfˆz, jvfhr lfl nihrU XUnIvristI df knHeIaf kumfr qy Aumr Kfild kfˆz ies dIafˆ icMqnXog vMngIafˆ hn. jvfhr lfl nihrU XUnIvristI vflf tkrfa hux idwlI XUnIvristI ivc vI PYl igaf hY. ieh gwl ivcfrnI pvygI ik ies qrHfˆ df tkrfa sfl 2014 ivc BfrqI jnqf pfrtI dI agvfeI vflI srkfr dy swqf ivc afAux qoN bfad AuWBrvyˆ rUp ivc sfhmxy ikAuN afieaf hY? sfrIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ df jmHfˆ joV ieh dwsdf hY ik afr[ aYs[ aYs[ dI ividafrQI jQybMdI aiKl BfrqI ividafrQI pR I Èd vw l o N apxfieaf jf irhf ivcfrfˆ dy vKryvyˆ nUM kucl dyx vflf ruK ies sfry GtnfkRm df muwZ bMnHdf hY. Bfrq swiBafcfrk iviBMnqf vflf, bhu-BfÈfeI, bhu-DrmI dyÈ hY. ies qoN vI awgy ieh vMz jfqfˆ-kbIilafˆ dy rUp ivc ivafpq hY. iesy qrHfˆ isafsI nËrIey qoN ieQy keI ivcfrDfrfvfˆ ivgs rhIafˆ hn. asloN swjy pwKI, Kwby pwKI qy mwwD mfrgI. BfrqI sMivDfn hr iksy nUM afpxy ivcfrfˆ dy pRgtfvy dI afËfdI qy aiDkfr idMdf hY. aglf svfl ies nfl ieh juVdf hY ik ieh vwKry ivcfr/sur ikqy dyÈ leI

nuksfndfiek qfˆ nhIN? ikqy ieh dyÈ nUM vMzx vfly qfˆ nhIN? mslf ieQoN hI pYdf huMdf hY. Kwby pwKI qy aMbydkrvfdI ivcfrfˆ vfly ividafrQI sMgTn kuJ Gtnfvfˆ jfˆ vrqfirafˆ Auqy afpxy vwKry ivcfr rwKdy hn qfˆ dUjI iDr aiKl BfrqI ividafrQI pRIÈd dyÈ dI eykqf df ‘Tykf` lY bYTdI hY. rfÈtrvfd dy nfˆa hyT Auh ivroDI ivcfrfˆ nUM dmnkfrI qrIky nfl kucl dyx df rfh aKiqafr krdI hY. horfˆ sMgTnfˆ vfˆg ies sMgTn nUM vI hwk hY ik ieh afpxI gwl dlIlpUrn ZMg-qrIikafˆ nfl rwKy. dUijafˆ vfˆg sMmyln kry, ivcfr goÈtIafˆ kry qy afpxf pwK rwKy. AuQy ieh sfhmxy ilafvy ik dUjy jo kr rhy hn Auh ikvyˆ glq hY. pr nhIN, ienHfˆ ny vwKrI afvfË df glf dbf dyx df jo rfh cux ilaf hY Auh vfjb nhIN. rfÈtrvfd df Tykf isrP aiKl BfrqI ividafrQI pRIÈd ny hI nhIN lY ilaf hoieaf. rfÈtr pRym iksy nUM Dwky nfl, dbf ky, Dmkf ky nhIN pYdf kIqf jf skdf. iksy vI vwKrI ivcfrDfrf nUM dyÈ-DRoh grdfn ky ieh lok ivdroh hI pYdf kr rhy hn. bygfngI df aihsfs krvf rhy hn. ieh rfÈtr pRym vDf nhIN rhy, sgoN Aus leI Kqry KVHy kr rhy hn 2014 qoN bfad ijhVy Èbd sB qoN vwwD suxn nUM imly hn Auh dyÈDRoh aqy asihxÈIlqf hn. ey[bI[vI[pI[ qy ies dI puÈqpnfhI krn vfilafˆ ny afpxy ivcfrfˆ nUM Tosx, afpxy afphudrypn nUM shI TihrfAux leI dyÈ DRoh df hiQafr byrihmI nfl iesqymfl kIqf hY. sMGvfdI soc, jo aiKl BfrqI ividafrQI pRIÈd df Kfsf hY, Aus nfl asihmq hoxf hI dyÈ-DRoh bxf ky pyÈ kIqf jf irhf hY. ieh inhfieq hI Kqrnfk vrqfrf hY. kOx dyÈ-DRohI hY ies df PYslf sMivDfn anusfr kfnUMn ny krnf hY, aiKl BfrqI ividafrQI pRIÈd jfˆ Aus dy hmiKafl sMgTnfˆ nUM ieh aiDkfr afKr kOx idMdf hY ik Auh ijs nUM cfhux dyÈ-DRohI krfr dy dyx? hfl hI ivc gurmyhr kOr nfˆa dI kuVI crcf ivc hY. idwlI XUnIvristI dI ieh ividafrQx Aus POjI ipAu dI DI hY ijs ny iesy dyÈ dI afn Èfn Kfqr srhwd `qy lVidafˆ Èhfdq idwqI sI. gurmyhr ny ipwCy ijhy ikhf sI ik Aus dy ipqf nUM pfiksqfn ny nhIN, sgoN jMg ny mfiraf hY. ieh gwl aKOqI rfÈtrvfdIafˆ nUM sUlfˆ vfˆg cuBI hY. gurmyhr dy ienHfˆ Èbdfˆ ivc kuJ vI glq nhIN, ieh gwl kihx qy smJx dI bOiDk smrwQf hY. asl smwisaf pfiksqfn nhIN, jMg hI hY. lok jMg nfl mrdy hn. BfrqI vI mry hn qy pfiksqfnI vI mry hn. pfiksqfn ivc vI gurmyhr vrgIafˆ DIafˆ hoxgIafˆ jo ies jMg kfrn afpxy ipAu guaf bYTIafˆ hoxgIafˆ, Auh gurmyhr vfˆg afpxy ivcfr cfhy pRgtfAux

nf, pr ibnfˆ Èwk AunHfˆ ivcoN vI kuJ qfˆ ËrUr gurmyhr vfˆg socx vflIafˆ hoxgIafˆ. gurmyhr ny ieMkÈfP kIqf hY ik ey[bI[vI[pI[ dI aflocnf krn mgroN Aus nUM jfnoN mfrn dIafˆ DmkIafˆ imlIafˆ hn, jbr-jnfh dIafˆ DmkIafˆ vI idwqIafˆ geIafˆ hn. dyÈ ivc gurmyhr nUM vwzf smrQn iml irhf hY. pr kuJ lokfˆ nUM lwgdf ik gurmyhr dIafˆ nËrfˆ idwlI XUnIvristI dIafˆ coxfˆ `qy hn. Auh afpxy afp nUM iek lIzr vjoN pyÈ kr rhI hY. clo ies gwl nUM mMn vI leIey ik gurmyhr afAuNdIafˆ coxfˆ ivc kuwdx df ierfdf rwKdI hY qfˆ ies ivc kI

glq hY? XUnIvristI coxfˆ ivc Aus nUM vot BfrqI ividafrQI pfAuxgy, pfiksqfnI lok qfˆ nhIN afAuxgy? ies qoN aglf qy aihm svfl ieh ËihrIly nfg vfˆg Pn PYlfeI KVHf hY ik, kI ey[bI[vI[pI[ dI ivcfrDfrk aflocnf krn vflIafˆ kuVIafˆ dy blfqkfr kr idwqy jfxgy? kI pihlfˆ aijhf hI kIqf jfˆdf irhf hY? XUnIvristIafˆ AuWc-akfdimk soc ivksq krn df sQfn hn. jykr AuQy vI ies qrHfˆ dI sMkIrn mfniskqf hfvI hY qfˆ ieh socx, ivcfrn qy icMqn krn df mslf hY.


The Patrika



RSVP 1 877 661 0314

Mission Memorial Hospital - March 2 7324 Hurd St, Mission BC Chilliwack General Hospital - March 9 45600 Menholm Rd, Chilliwack BC

Fraser Canyon Hospital - April 6 1275 7th Ave, Hope BC Abbotsford Regional Hospital - April 12 32900 Marshall Rd, Abbotsford BC

Each seminar starts at 1PM Guest speakers at events: *subject to change due to availability

Plan for your future now! It’s never too early to start Topics include: How to meet your personal and financial objectives Wills & Estates Planning Naming an Executor Power of Attorney

Refreshments provided by


Planned Giving Bequests Charitable options Leaving a legacy to Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation

Media Sponsor

Space is limited RSVP 1 877 661 0314

Friday, March 10th, 2017

$150-million reforestation investment will help fight climate change, create more rural jobs


oday, Premier Christy Clark announced $150 million for the Forest Enhancement Society of British Columbia to plant tens of millions more trees, which will help fight climate change and create over 3,000 jobs in rural British Columbia.

on reforestation initiatives throughout the province. This is in addition to the $85 million government allocated in 2015-16 to the society. “The rehabilitation and reforestation of damaged forest stands will provide significant greenhouse gas benefits and increase the use of low-quality fibre,” said Jim Snetsinger, vice-chair, Forest Enhancement Society of British Columbia. “The society is pleased to receive this funding and we will work with government agencies, First Nations, forest licensees and stakeholders to achieve these important objectives.”

“This is an investment in our forests, in B.C.’s rural communities – and the world’s clean air,” said Premier Christy Clark. “This initiative is another example of how we do business in B.C., striking a balance between environmental protection and economic priorities. That’s the approach that has built Canada’s leading economy, and “Since 2005, we’ve invested over $445 a world-recognized leader on climate million in reforestation through Forests action.” for Tomorrow,” said Forests, Lands and The $150 million will be transferred Natural Resource Operations Minister in the 2016-17 fiscal year as a lump- Steve Thomson. “Today’s funding will sum payment to the independent For- build on those efforts and ensure our est Enhancement Society of British children can enjoy the environmental Columbia to advance environmental and economic benefits we enjoy from stewardship and, in particular, focus our forests.”

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The Patrika



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The Patrika



Friday, March 10th, 2017


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Friday, March 10th, 2017




· 45 Acres bare land avail in Mission. Call for more info ABBOTSFORD 2994 Eastview St · 4 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 6,000 sqft · House size: 2,300 sqft · 1 bdrm Basement Suite $698,888 MISSION · 3 bdrm · 2 bath · Lot: 8,742 sqft · House size: 2,154 sqft Currently being rented NEW LISTING out. Tenants looking to stay long term $429,900 $429 900

33035 14th Ave

· 6, 18, & 35 Acres Parcel avail in Aldegrove Call for more info

32605 Geneva Ave · 5 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 7,200 sqft · House size: 2,240 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite $685,888

ABBOTSFORD 31309 Wagner Dr · 8 bdrm · 6 bath · Lot: 6,975 sqft · House size: 4,529 sqft Rec room, games room, 1 NEW LISTING\ACCEPTED OFFER bdrm & full bath for upstairs. 2 bdr bsmt suite $899,888 ABBOTSFORD

30701 Cardinal inal Ave · First Firs rsst time rs m ever on the

mar m arket kett market · 6 bdrm, bd b drm rrm, m, m, 5 bath · LLot: ot: 5,856 5,856 sqft 5, ·H ouse Size: Siz 3,5865 sqft House · 2 bdrm Basement Ba Suite

180 32550 Maclure Rd

· Town Townhouse own ow o wnh hou ho o s in Cle ea arrrb arb brroo o oo ok Village Clearbrook ·6b bd drrm rm, m, 5 bath m bdrm, · Lot: ot : 5 ot: ot ,856 sqft 5,856 · House size: size 1,180 sqft

ABBOTSFORD · Build your dream home or subdivide with the neighbouring property. · Central Location · Close to shopping, recreation centre and ameneties $348,888

33436 George Ferguson Way

7668 Hurd St


· 3 bdrm · 1 bath · Lot: 11,760 sqft · House size: 2,180 sqft · 1 bdrm Basement Suite

ALDERGROVE · 3 storey · 8 bdrm, 7 bath · Lot: 7,244 sqft · House size: 5,346 sqft ACCEPTED OFFER · 2 bdrm Basement Suite $998,888 $998 888

26898 27 Ave


b rm bd 3316 7thh Avenue · 4 bdrm

· 2 bath ba ath h · LLot: ot: ot o t: t: 6,000 6,00 000 00 0 0 sqft · Hous ous usse size: u size 1,990 sqft House · 2 bdrm Basement Ba Suite · Stunning Mountain View


3990 Brighton Pl

$839,777 3468 Merritt St


· 7 bdrm · 4 bath. · Lot: 7,987 sqft · House size: 3135 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite


· 6 bdrm · 4 bath · Lot: 6,004sqft · House size: 2,755 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite

ABBOTSFORD · 5 bdrm bd b drm · 3 bath batth ba h · Lot: Lot: ot: ot t 6,722 6,7 722 72 22 sqft 2 · Hous ous ou o usse size: u size 2,820 sqft House · 2 bdrm Basement Ba Suite $698,888

3294 Nadeau deau Pl


3611 Nicola St

ABBOTSFORD · 5 bdrm bd dr · 4 bath ba b ath th · LLot: ott: ot: t: 13,068 13, sqft ·H ouse size: s House 3,200 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite $699,888

3271 Cheam Dr

· 4 bdrm · 3 bath batth ba h · LLot: ot: ot o t 6,000 6,0 sqft 6, ·H ous ou o u e Size: S House 2,400 sqft · 1 bdrm Basement Suite

32511 Oriole Crst · 3 bdrm, 1 bath


· Lot: 6,000 sqft · House size: 1,470 sqft · Tons of parking for RV, boats and toys! · Brand new cabinets


1730-1732 732 Keats St

Attention builders & developers Atte

· 5 bdrm, bdrm bd rm 2 bath Duplex · SSub ub dividable ub d di lot: 10, 0,,450 sqft 0,4 0 10,450 ·H ouse Size: House 3 232 sqft 3,232


3041 Eastview St · 6 bdrm

· 4 bath ba b at · LLot: ot: ot tt:: 6,340 6 sqft ·H o e Size: 3,128 sqft ous House · 2 bdrm bdr Basement Suite




Friday, March 10th , 2017


Friday, March 10th, 2017 Welcome









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Huntingdon Road, Abbotsford


Hobby farm 6.9 Acres. Excellent location next to elementary school, 3 miles from U.F.V., close to U.S.A border, big house. Some blueberry 3 year old, vegetables, out standing buildings, roof 8 years old. Showing only with a p p o i n t m e n t . Call Sam Toor



Nicely Renovated home - 4300 sq.ft. (8145 SF Lot Area) of exclusive quality in every detail. Bright open floor plan. Professional interior design in quiet area of new executive homes. This 2 Storey Home has 5 bedrooms and 4 baths with unauthorised suite in West Abbotsford best location, walking distance to Rick Hansen school.

Holly St. Abbotsford

Very hard to find 7700 SQFT big lot with house in west end of city. 2 bedroom house lot 70x110. Close to shopping and bus service, school. Easy to build dream house. It has a new roof, paint, tiles. Very good tenants paying $1100 rent per month. Showing only with appointment.

SOLD Great location Close to town Apollo Gym Level land




Friday, March 10th , 2017

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