March 17th, 2017

Page 1

Purchases First time home buyers Builders Mortgage Refinances Ports

iksy vI qrHF dI mOrgyj lYx leI aimq nUM Pon kro

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, March 17th, 2017




#1 Mortgage Broker Thank You for making us the #1 Mortgage Broker with credit union - 2015 & 2016.

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Raj Gill, AMP 604.564.1000 VANCOUVER OFFICE #200-6330 Fraser St. (Near Vancity) E:

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, March 17th, 2017

Sharnjit Gill, AMP 604.507.1000 SURREY OFFICE #244-8138, 128 St.(Payal Centre) E:

Friday, March 24, 2017 Drop In Between 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 100 – 32660 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 4V6 Abbotsford Join Michael de Jong as we open our 2017 Campaign Office. Light refreshments provided


The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, March 17th, 2017


safety meeting #2 End Gang Life presentation by Sgt. Jag Khosa of Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit-BC

March 18



Door open: 4:30pm I Start time: 5:00 pm dinner will be served

at W. J. mouat school 32355 mouat Dr, abbotsforD, bc

Awau h`l l`Bx leI isr joV ky bYTIey

community partners:

BweIcwry dy AwgUAW, mwipAW Aqy nOjvwnW nMU Ku`lHw s`dw hY ik Awau isr joV ky bYTIey Aqy niSAW Aqy ihMsw dI Byt cVH rhI AwpxI nOjvwn pIVHI dI icMqw krdy hoey ieMnHW dI suc`jI sMBwl leI koeI swriQk h`l l`BIey[ ComBinED ForCES SpECiAL EnForCEmEnt Unit-BritiSh CoLUmBiA

For more inF inFormation, in Formation, please contact: sarabjit s singh sarai s 778.808.7042

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, March 17th, 2017


Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar Abbotsford will be hosting a community safety meeting to discuss positive programs for the South Asian youth in Abbotsford. Community leaders, parents and youth are invited to bring their suggestions.


Let’s bring change together!

WEEKLY Friday, March 17th, 2017 Vol. 21, No.23



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The Patrika


Friday, March 17th, 2017


The Lieutenant Governor visits Dasmesh Punjabi School


n Friday, March 3, Dasmesh Punjabi School was thrilled to host the Honourable Judith Guichon, the 29th Lieutenant Governor of BC, for an afternoon of talks and celebrations. Her Honour’s visit comes as part of her commitment to visit 150 British Columbian schools in honour of our nation’s upcoming sesquicentennial anniversary of Canadian Confederation. Her Honour participated in a schoolwide programme that allowed her to engage personally with all our 750 plus student body. Her Honour addressed the students, from K to Grade

discussions regarding government and the duties of the lieutenant governor. Before departing, many of our primary students were able to perform for Her Honour. From a cheerful poem from our first graders to a peppy and darling dance from our Kindergarteners and ending with a vibrant cultural dance from our Grade 3 boys, DPS put on quite the show. Her Honour immediately expressed her delight and gratitude for the hard work of our younger students in putting on such an amazing display. Her Honour’s visit concluded soon thereafter, culminating in a donation

Please join us on March 25th at 6pm at Civic Plaza located at 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC for a candle light vigil in the memory of our beloved baby, Nimrat Gill. She was taken away from us too soon as she was only 3 years old.

aYbtsPorz sLihr

kI quhfnUM pqf hY... sLIsLy aqy bhuq pqly plfsitk dy tukVy kulYksLn smyN rIsfeIkl krnXog hor vsqUaF nfl iml jFdy hn aqy ieMnHF nUM awz krnf musLkl ho jFdf hY. ies df arQ hY ik nf qF sLIsLf aqy bhuq pqly plfsitk dy tukVy aqy nf hor pdfrQ shI ZMg nfl rIsfeIkl kIqy jf skdy| apRYl 3 qoN mgroN sLIsLf aqy iPnhINlm plfsitk krbsfeIz rIsfeIkilMg pRogrfm ivc pRvfn nhIN kIqy jfxgy| ikrpf krky sLIsLf aqy iPlm plfsitk sUbfeI rIsfeIkilMg izpU ivc iljfE| nvyN rIsfeIkilMg pRogrfm bfry hor jfxkfrI lYx leI vyKo

12, and discussed with them her role in our system of government, our country’s upcoming milestone, and various facets of Canadian history and culture that charmed and intrigued her audience. Her Honour’s address was followed up with a Question and Answer segment, where our senior students engaged Her Honour in many thoughtful


of several hand-picked books for our school library. Her Honour then stood up to personally thank and bid farewell to our students as they departed for their classrooms. DPS was absolutely delighted and honoured to have been selected to host the Honourable Judith Guichon and thank her for a wonderful afternoon.

prcUn dy keI dukfndfr plfsitk dy sLfipMg bYg lY lYNdy hn| go grIn! jdoN qusIN sLfipMg krn jFdy hoqF muV vrqxXog bYg lY ky jfvo

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017


sMpfdkI “ijs Kyq sy dihkF ko muXuwsr nf ho rotI, Aus Kyq ky hr KosLf-ey-gMDm ko jlf do.” ieh atwl scfeI hY ik mOq df koeI smF insLicq nhIN (Death has no calendar) pr duwK qF AunHF guMicaF qy hY, AunHF ijLMdgIaF qy hY jo ijLMdgI dIaF musIbqF qy ijLMmyvfrIaF dy boJ nfl mr jFdy hn jF mrnf AunHF nUM mu s L k l df sO K f hl njLr afAuNdf hY jd ik mrn vflf kMmjLor nhIN KudkusLI krdf ey Aus nUM vyKo ikvyN bIqdIaF huMdf, ikAuNik afdmI afpxy qF kMzf cuiBaf ny GVIaF. asIN ikhVy pMjfb dI gwl krdy vI brdfsLq nhIN kr skdf. iPr iks hF jo icwty dI Byt cVHf idwqf igaf. mYN kdy ijgry nfl Auh afpxy afp nUM Kqm krdf rfjnIqIvfn nhIN sF qy nF hI mYnUM rfjnIqI hY ieh Aus dIaF mjLbUrIaF qy dusLvfrIaF df bhuqf igafn hY, mYnUM qF isrP KbrF hI jfxdIaF hn jF jfxdy hn jo rih jFdy qoN pMjfb dy ipMzF sLihrF dy AunHF hnyHiraF hn ipwCy jo iql iql krky mrdy hn. asIN df pqf lgdf hY ijwQy iksy bImfr nUM sfrI Aus Bfrq mhfn dy vfsI hF ijwQy “zfl zfl sfrI rfq pwKI JwlidaF bIqdI hY ikAuNik qy icVHIaF vsyrF krdIaF hn”, ijhVf ibjlI isrP kuJ ku muwTI Br lokF df hwk “sfry jhF sy awCf hY.” awj Ausy pMjfb dy bxky rih geI hY. lok kYNsr nfl mr rhy hn dUisLq pfxI pI pI ky, nisLaF ny pMjfb nUM iks kgfr ikMj bdldy hn vPfdfrIaF dy mfpdMz qy ilaf KVf kIqf hY. pr asIN sB jfxdy isafsq dI dunIaF ivc qy ikMj kuJ bMdy hF isafsq dI vI afpxI juLbfn huMdI hY jo isrP dfa dI qfk `c bYTy mOky qlfsLdy nPrqF dy nfsUr Brn nhIN idMdI qy iksy hn, ikvyN ipAu isrP puwqr isafsq dy isafsqI nUM jurm krky sfihby-ikrdfr moh ivc afpxf isafsI kYrIar dfa qy lf idMdf hY qy ikvyN vwzIaF vwzIaF kMpnIaF bxn ivc dyr nhIN lgdI. pMjfb `coN ies leI kUc kr rhIaF hn hr rojL asIN blfqkfr dIaF KbrF suxdy ik hfkm iDr AunHF `c ihwsydfrI pfAux hF, hr rojL pulIs vloN drj kIqIaF jF mMgx dI gwl krdI hY nhIN qF AunHF df JUTIaF aYP-afeI-afr df Kulfsf huMdf hY, ibsqrF gol krn dIaF DmkIaF idMdI hY. hr rojL pulIs qsLwdd lokF nUM qRhfAuNdf hY qy hr rojL byiensfPIaF dy nsuqr afdmI awj vfikaf hI pMjfb nUM swcI suwcI isafsq df sInf ClxI krdy hn. kI iehI pMjfb dI loV hY BvyN iksy dI vI hovy. afm afdmI df supnf sI jo rojL sfzy vzyry vyKdy sI. nUM qF rojLI rotI cfhIdI hY amn cYn asIN iks Bfrq mhfn dI gwl krdy hF nfl. ieh vkq df qkfjLf vI hY. jy BfeI ijwQy nyqf vwzy drwKq izwgx nfl DrqI BqIjfvfd nUM Cwz ky isrP qy isrP lok ihwlx dIaF bfqF pfAuNdy hn. awj asIN BlfeI dI gwl kIqI jfvy-iksfn dI rfhq qyiraf myiraF `c rul ky rih gey hF. dI gwl krIey-DrqI dy aMn-dfqy df duwK awj asIN isrP afpxy hI syk qoN zrdy hF vMzfeIey. ieh afs nvIN bxI srkfr qoN dUjf BfvyN sfrf sV jfvy. rfj scmuwc lokF hovygI ik Auh hr qrHF dy vKryvyN qoN Aucf dI syvf krky huMdy hn. rxjIq isMG df AuTky lok BlfeI dI gwl krn-afAux nf lY ky koeI rxjIq isMG nhIN bx jFdf. vflIaF sdIaF AunHF nUM Xfd krngIaF. vfeIt hfAUs df nF lYx nfl vfeIt istI ieiqhfs gvfh hY ijnHF ny lok ibhqrI dy nhIN, Ausr jFdy. gwlF iksy df kuJ nhIN kMm kIqy AunHF dy nfm sunihrI awKrF ivc suafrdIaF qy nF hI iksy nUM 30 lwK df ilKy gey. pihl dy afDfr qy dysL dy aMn muafvjLf dyx nfl jbr ijnfh df dfg mwQy dfqy dI gwl kIqI jfvy. jo bIq igaf AunHF qoN Doqf jFdf hY. ivdysLI dOry afm afdmI df hnyiraF nUM kosx dI bjfey AumIdF dy dIvy BuwKf iZwz nhIN Br skdy. ijs df afpxf jgfeIey. iksy aMgryjL lyKk muqfibk:kYNsr nfl mrdf hY Aus nUM jf ky puwCo ikvyN “It’s better to light a candle than bIqdy ny rfq idn, ijs df koeI afpxf to curse the darkness.” PAGE 4

Friday, March December Friday, 17th,25th, 20172015

The Patrika Patrika The

gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI aflmI I aiDkfrF nUM dyx ibnF Qwl y vflfmnuJowKl f

primMdr sohwZkI fˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) vw l o N idw q y gey blIdfn nU M BfrqI DkflI jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI jdoN bMdy dIaF iewCfvF dI sihj qormwivgV ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHfˆ rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI jfvy lflcIBfeI ho jFdf ipafsf vwloN qF iqMnmnsfQIafˆ mqIhY.dfs, BfeIpfxI sqI rwiKaf leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI peI. mMdfs gy qF dI sihj iewCfidwhYl.I pr aqyieh BfeIAus idafl dfs nfl ivwc idwqI `c geIzukuwibaf rbfnIhov nUy M aqy iswKfˆ mnuwKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ nfl jynvMkoberI 1675 gly qwnU kM pfxI dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl Biraf hoieaf hY ijwQy lokfˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry, pfxI pfxI dI duhfeI pfeI jfvy qF Aus nUM kOm jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ. afpxy Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy julmfˆ iKlfÌ lflcI ikhf skdf . pRfpq krn dy ihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk afvfË bu lMd jf krn aqy hY ÈhIdI mMqv ipCly asl qy Aucycy arQfˆ bfry ajy kfblIaq df pRdrÈn kIqf pr gurU qyg buqwwD kihMdaiDaY f hY niknhIN lflc f mnu k shI kIqfivc igafzuwb aqy nf wKhI bhfdr jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ isL kfr vfly sL vFg r AuDkurJ dy hwkfˆ dI rwiKaf leI afpxI kurbfnI dy ky shI pirpy K qoKrgo N GoiKaf igaf iew hY.DipCly ijs nYiqk-rUhfnI bulMdI nUM Coihaf, Aus dI qoN mnu kfˆ bfry aflmI dOdhfikafˆ iVaf iPrdf hYwKqyI hw bfr-bfr dwuK BogaMdfdol hYnfˆ . imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhIN imldI. dy AuBfr nfl hux sfnUM mhfn gurU dI ÈhIdI ipClyqsU AuWciek mfnvI dy arQfˆ Koj ies leI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI lIh phuMiaiDkfrfˆ caf hoieaf icMqkdIsI. bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf krn df mO kf imilaf krI jFdf hY. buwD pursL leI awj df idn Au h iek khfxI suxfAuhYNd. f hY. iek vfr iek jf skdf hY. mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ iKaf afdmI ny amIr nUhoM xdo dfnËrIafˆ PYslf nfl kIqf.dyAu s hI kfPI hY. Auh DwupF qy hvfvF dI CUh nUM rU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM df hY-`qyshfiek I phu suBfivk gu mfxdf . Auh lihrF, sugMDF, sMpMsCQfvfˆ IaF qy nyjfˆisr afpxIjfˆtokfnU pI rwMnK I qyMckoaqy t pfieaf dy K idafˆhYaflmI mnuwKI aiDkfr vI phuMc. pihlI qrHfˆ dI phuMc dOrfn mnuwKI rMngHfFˆ nUdfM afpxy afnMdmolYZNd f hYivw. cAuoN hiek iesdfpl ivcdy Iafˆ drjf aqy sLihrnUnUM MkuquJr isafsI ipaf. tIicafˆ nUM hfsl Au aiDkfrfˆ rhIafˆ hn. krn leI hiQafr vjoN vriqaf jfˆdf hY aqy jINdf hY qy afpxy awj dy idn nUM sfrQk jd Auh sLihr dy aYn ivckfr GuMm irhf sI mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI rfKI bfry crcf krdy smyˆ lMzn krdf afDfrq hY. suhjmnuwKI qy nykaiDkfr I df inwkjQybMdI f ijhf qF nflovfd nflPuwtieh vI aMdsorcAupnpx WT irhfdf amnY iPrkU pYˆdsvfl f hY. iPrkU stI ieMtrnYÈnl ny gurU qyg bhfdr Jlkfrf vI Aus nUM hIiraF dI cmk dmk nqIjf ieh huMdiks f hY qrH ik Fmnu I hwkjfvy fˆ dy ?rKvfly sI ik amIr howK ieaf Aus jI dI ÈhIdI nMU mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI mhwqqf nfl afpxy BfeIcfry , afpxI kO m , ivcfrDfrf aqy vFg afAuivcfr-vtfˆ Ndf hY. lflcI BivwsI. K jo V kynjL Aur s bfry drfmnu vI wKkIqf smyN Aus dI njLr iksy hor rfhI `qy peI, isafsI sihXogIafˆ dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM mfxn dI afs ‘c sfrI Aumr vsqUaF, ijhVf sodnIf hYleI hn. hwdbhu qfˆqAusfrf doN ho jfˆ jdoNjf iesirhf soc sI. qihq dy ivÈv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI jLmInF aqy jfiedfdF iekwTIaF krn ivc iksy ivroDI dy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dI AulMGxf nUM mO Au h afdmI dOiVaf aqyjfˆAuivro s ny kuJdy ky aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs bfry axgo ilaf kr idwqf igaf jfˆdf hY DIafˆ juitaf rihMiqafr df hY.krvf rhI sI. jQybMdI vwloN iek ikqfb somnu nfwKJpw tfˆf dI mfr ky df cuwkivro ilaf. I hwk rfKI D hox lwg pYˆdf hY. ies pRfjYkt df AudyÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKI hwkfˆ iek I khfxI hY. nsrU In ny dy alMsUbPrdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnfdsI. iesiksy ikqfb ies suBfivknUphu qihq“lo mnukwKF I dy jw j nydy Aul stafdmI M puMcwiCaf, ‘id lONgivc mfrclwtU Grisrly ipwCKy bgIcy gy PrIzm` pyV-pOdsIy dyaqy Ky aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI df nfl Bry bjLfr ivcoN sonf cuwk ky dOV ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ jfˆdI hY. Auh Bfvyˆ afpxy hox jfˆ ivroDI Kymy qF mn `c lflc pYdf ho igaf. Aus ny jfx dI soqYcnUMdIiks qrHhYF Au Id wKhohoexI sI?” dy. ies dlIl ikmmnu dy nfqy dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI vfV twhYp. IbfkI aqycfrfˆ aMd‘c r jOjfhnviVaf. V-pOdy illbrnpy(1617sfry hwkfˆ dy“mY hwn kdfr ieh Èfml Au s iensfn afdmI ivÈy ny Èikhf, U M qF hn. isrP 57), hn nfl lOk (1632-1704), phuMc mnu wKI hwkafieaf fˆ dI srv ivafpkqf sbjLjOIaF Bry pey sn. ivlIam Aus dy pYjoWn sonf njLr sI. AusdI Dfrnf smyN (1644-1718) aqy vo l ty a r (1694-1778) nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, hwQ lwgf, qoV qoV ky afpxy JOly `c pfx lokF BIV mYnUM idsInhINsI.” ilMg jfˆdIivcfrDfrf df konhIN eI sQfn huMdf. Èfml hn. lwgf. kudrqI mflk AuQy af igaf Aus lflc isLkfr jI mnudI wK ÈhIdI nUM aflyiesy duaaMflyqrIvI dI ku gurU qygdy bhfdr J ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI M qfkq aqyisrP nfl hI mnuwKI Èhfdq ny puwiCaf, iewQy dI kI rfKI kr irhf N?q”I sUsoJc nU nhIN rihMbKÈdI dI. AuhhY qF vsqFnUM ihM“qU dU M Drm Kfqr eyidw hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY. kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr` pdfrQF dI cmk dyKdf hY aqy iksy vI qrHF gurU FjInUvwM hfsl loN afpxf blIdfn x dy PYspYly jFdf ipCly ienH krn leI dykfhlf kfrnfˆ AuWqy Jfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI hY. sfzI mwD-sLRyxI ies dI vDIaf imsfl pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh hYaO.rho dI iewCkrnf f krIpYjfxf Mgr Ëy,b hodyrjuaqy lmfˆ hodfrsfhmxf irhf sI aqy Au h gu r U jI qo N shfieqf mM g x afey hI sfzy lflcI hox df sbUq hY.


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bryk~ EYgz`st itaUn-E@p ieMjn vrk

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rIpyEr pUrI qs@lIbKS kIqI j~dI hY|

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nsrUdIn boilaf, “mYN qyj hvf

Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI nfl Au W z ky iew Q y afx izw i gaf hF.” aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM miftafAu l k xnvfˆy gi hY k.hjyfk, r “koq ieh Cu eIF ihMP dU y r hukmrfn, afpxI mu s ilm pR j f Au W q y ju l m Zfh irhf s b j L I a F i k s n y p u w t I a F n y hu ?Md”f qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh nsrUdIn boilaf, “asl `c hnyrI sn. Auh ies afs nfl gurU jI kol afey sn hI qurnf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, qyjL sI, qoN bcx h iksy DrmmYNivÈyAuWzx È qwk sImq nhIN sI.leI iehI ajo ny sfnUM vjo kudN Au rq r lY aFdf ik rUkhy jIvn fnI ÈKsIaq nHfqo ˆ dfN dUaihm ruqbf Au qw Q Au n H f ˆ dI Èhfdq nU M vw D mhfn bxfAu N d f hY. ivcoqo lNf tubx aqysfnU mugM lafpxI bfdÈfh hYhY. aqy kudrq wtxkynfl hoNdnUM ienHF pOidaF nUM hwQ pf ley sI.” smJf ky AunHfˆ nUM musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgy. asIN iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy ieiqhfsk cfˆdnI cOk dysmJ arQF df iPkr hox lwgdf hY. hr koeI mflk ny ikhf, “awCf! pr ieh sbjLIaF skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gurU jI ijs Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf afpxy jIvnlYnU sfrQk leI bhu kfhlf Aus Joly ivc ikvyN af vVIaF?” dI hmfieq x M df PYslfkrn AunHfˆ leI qIafˆ igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM vygf. a ieh cMgIaqy qrHfˆ isrP pYmuxÈklfˆ lwgBiraf df hY. irhf asINhovsqU F, sfry jLmInF nsrUdisw InKfˆny jfˆjvfb idwfˆ qleI f, “asl mYN ihMdUa aihm ivc Dfrimk jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn jfiedfdF nfl afpxy afp nUM arQ dyx vI iesy gwl leI hYrfn ho ky soc irhf sI aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy dI kowlisLH kysLivro krdy hF. sI. jLmAuInF-jfiedfdF dI aqy aYn Ausy vkq qUM iewQy af viVaf.” df Ku D kIqf nHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. bRfhmxvfdI soc rhy nUM nkfrdIafˆ iswFKsuDrm KrId vyc kr lokF dIaFsn.gwl xo. ieh lflckdm sfzymhfn mn aM qI pdf cor hYqy. gurdU rlI dI gYsLrF-sM rdfiek ny lM g r, sM g q aqy pM g q dI pR Q f rfhIN smfijk ieMJ lwgdf hY ijvyN Auh sdf-sdf leI jIx bR ihmMsL zIFqI mfnvI fˆ vfly ÈtIkohYx qF nUM mfnqf ieh jdhwcokr I ho idR jFdI sfzf aqy Dfrimk brfbrI nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf. ies qy akIdq dy x vw l dy r nfl cu w i kaf, pr dIaF iqafrIaF kr rhy ho x . rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI aiqaM jIvn qibnF Qwlkdm y dy vrgf ho jFdf Zukvfˆ bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. buwD-pursL vrqmfn ivc ijAuNdf hY. lflcI hY, ijs nUM Dn-dOlq qy suwKF-sfDnF nfl iswK Drm dIafˆ ienHfˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky - ly K k afksPo r z bru k s XU n IvristI, mnu wK Bivw ivcivcfrDfrk jIx dIaF qOiqafrIaF kdy nhINr zBiraf (XU [ kyjf[ ) skdf. ivw c ieknfimks df kÈmIrI bRK fhmx r ‘qy gurU hI qyg afksPo bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk pRoPYsr hY.



The Patrika 

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Not On The Menu: High Heels Soon to be Considered Unfair Dresscode Victoria, BC - Workers rights group Retail Action Network is anticipating that Bill M237 introduced by Green Party MLA Andrew Weaver will mean an end to the requirement for some workers to wear high heels on the job. “There are restaurants, such as the Cactus Club, that still have a requirement to wear a 3” heel to work. This is completely unacceptable and needs to change.” says Retail Action Network organizer Kaitlyn Matulewicz. Requiring workers to wear high heels is not just a health and safety issue; the problem is bigger than footwear. The Retail Action Network says that archaic gendered uniforms that involve high heels, short skirts, lowcut tops, and even hair and make-up requirements are discriminatory and reflect a broader workplace culture where sexism and sexual harassment are rampant. While ending employer imposed high heel requirements is an important first step, more change is needed.


Matulewicz recently completed a study on sexual harassment in BC restaurants. Her research showed that some restaurant employers use the reliance workers have on tips to pressure them to accept sexualized and gender-based dress codes. BC’s liquor servers minimum wage is $1.25/hour lower than the regular minimum wage and increases a server’s dependency on tips. While more needs to be done to combat sexism and discrimination in restaurants, ending employer mandated high heels and gender based footwear requirements is an important first step. The bill comes at an important time as the Retail Action Network and many restaurant workers are making genderbased dress codes an important political issue in the lead up to the election. The Retail Action Network is calling for the elimination of the lowered liquor server minimum wage; full protection for server’s tips; and a end to discriminatory and gender-based dress codes.

Friday, March 17th, 2017

ICBC Claims

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The Patrika



afeI[sIo[bI[sI[ klym · dwuK qklIPF · kMm dI qnKfh · mYzIkl Krcy

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rIal iestyt lfa

Notary Services · Affidavits · Sponsorship Letters · Power of Attorney · Certified True Copies

notrI syvfvF

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The Patrika 

Drq mfˆ dy jfey, ikvyˆ qy ikwQoN afey[[[ kYlfÈ prbq ies dy nyiVAuN do aihm pRxX lfl anusfr ipRQvI dy keI ihwsy BfrqI diraf afrMB huMdy hn hornfˆ ihwisafˆ nfloN vwD purfxy hn aqy sfzf Aup mhfˆdIp ies pwKoN mohrI hY. BU-grB ivigafnIafˆ qy pRfikRqk iewk smyˆ ieh Aup mhfˆdIp mYzgfskr, ieiqhfskfrfˆ nUM mOq qoN BYa nhIN afAuNdf. aPrIkf, sRIlMkf, afstrylIaf, inAUËIlYˆz Auh mOq ivwcoN vI koeI nvIN pYdfieÈ hox dI aqy iewQoN qwk aYˆtfrkitkf nfl juiVaf gwl krdy hn. AunHfˆ df ieh idRÈtIkox sfzy hoieaf sI. ikqy ieh myl sfˆJI DrqI gRih ipRQvI nfl juVy lwKfˆ-kroVfˆ virHafˆ dy ieiqhfs dI Aupj hY. ies ieiqhfs dOrfn dy rUp ivwc sI aqy ikqy ËmInI pulfˆ dy bhuq kuJ nvfˆ vfpiraf, bhuq kuJ purfxf rUp ivwc. iesy leI zfienfsOr kuJ hI imitaf, sYˆkVy BU-KMz bxy, sYˆkVy ivKMizq idnfˆ ivwc cyneI qoN afklYˆz (inAUËIlYˆz) hoey, hËfrfˆ pRfxI ivkisq hoey, hËfrfˆ hI phuMc jfieaf krdy sn. sfnUM ies df pqf lupq hoey. BU-ivigafnI qfˆ AunHfˆ idnfˆ dI jblpur (mwD pRdyÈ) qy afklYˆz qoN imly qsvIr sfzy sfhmxy pyÈ kr idMdy hn zfienfsOrfˆ dy avÈyÈfˆ qoN lwgdf hY. ieh jdoN sfzI ipRQvI ipGly lohy qy hor Dfqfˆ iewko ijhy hn. hux cyneI qy inAUËIlYˆz dy iKwcVInumf Èorby vrgI sI ijs dy AuWpr drimafn do mhfˆsfgrfˆ df aMqr hY, pr ÈIÈynumf dRv dI prq sI. AudoN idn isrP ctfnfˆ dI bxqr qy DrqI hyTly Kixjfˆ Cy GMitafˆ df huMdf sI aqy cMdrmf eynf dIafˆ vMngIafˆ iewko ijhIafˆ hn. iesy qrHfˆ nyVy sI ik Auh ipRQvI nUM Aus dy gRih-pMD pwCmI Gft dIafˆ ctfnfˆ, Kfs krky plwkV qoN Btkf idMdf sI. hOlI-hOlI ieh Èorbf iKwqy (pflGft) dIafˆ phfVIafˆ dI bxqr TMZf ho ky mhfˆsfgrfˆ ivwc bdl igaf aqy mYzgfskr dIafˆ ctfnfˆ vflI hI hY. pRxX ies ivwc qYrdy DfqUeI tukVy ËmInI toieafˆ lfl afpxIafˆ Kojfˆ nUM isrP ctfnfˆ qwk hI ivwc bdl gey. ieh ËmInI toey afpo ivwc sImq nhIN rwKdf. Auh ienHfˆ ctfnfˆ AuWqy tkrfAuNdy rhy, tuwtdy rhy, iewDr AuWDr mOjUdf bYktIrIaf, kfeI afid df vI afpsI ibKrdy rhy. ieh Auh smfˆ sI jdoN Druv myl lwBdf hY aqy sfzy nfl sfˆJf krdf hY. vI DrqI dy do isry nhIN sn aqy iewk syD ivwc nhIN sn.

sfzy gRih dy Gtnfvfˆ nfl BrpUr aqIq aqy ies dI mOjUdf pRfikRqk siQqI df ibhqrIn qy aiqaMq idlcsp ZMg nfl ibRqfˆq pRfikRqk ivigafnI qy KojI pRxX lfl ny afpxI ikqfb ‘ieMzIkf: ey zIp ny c U r l ihstrI afPL ieM z Ian sbkfˆtInYˆtl` (Bfrq: BfrqI Aup mhfˆdIp dy pRfikRqk ieiqhfs dI khfxI) ivwc pyÈ kIqf hY. ieh ikqfb virHafˆ dI imhnq df nqIjf hY aqy bfkmfl nqIjf hY; ies ivwc guMJldfr gwlfˆ qy qwQfˆ nUM inhfieq srl BfÈf ivwc bVI rvfnI nfl sfzy sfhmxy ilafˆdf igaf hY. ies ikqfb muqfibk sfzf Aup mhfˆdIp iewk smyˆ jMbUdIp Bfv bhuq vwzf tfpU hoieaf krdf sI ijwQy bfkI dunIafˆ dy mukfbly vwD bycYnI, vwD hrkq sI. iesy kfrn hI ies dy toty hoey jo ibKr ky afDuink afstrylIaf, ieMzonyÈIaf afid df rUp Dfrn kr gey. mnuwK dI AuqpqI df rfh bxfAux vfly bxmfnsf mYˆ iewk sfDfrn pfTk hfˆ. ijs df ÈOk vwKvwK iviÈafˆ bfry pVHn qwk sImq hY. pRfikRqk ieiqhfs myry leI nYÈnl ijEgRfiPk cYnl AuWqy koeI tfvfˆ tfvfˆ pRogrfm dyKx qwk sImq hY, pr ‘ieMzIkf` ny mYnUM nfvl pVHn vrgf suafd idwqf. suafd hI nhIN idwqf, myry igafn ivwc BrpUr vfDf kIqf. PAGE 8

Friday, March 17th, 2017

jYvIr isMG

sMgmrmr df rUp gRihx kr igaf. aMzymfn sfgr ivwc siQq bYrn tfpU `qy Bfrq df ieklOqf srgrm jvflfmuKI

ipRQvI `qy aijhIafˆ ikafmqfˆ vI afeIafˆ ijnHfˆ ny bhuqy jMqUafˆ qy vnspqI df sPfieaf kr idwqf, pr iPr Xuwgfˆ dIafˆ qbdIlIafˆ ny ies gRih AuWqy jIvn dI nvyˆ rUpfˆ `qy nvIN nuhfr nfl vfpsI sMBv bxfeI. kdy qfpmfn ivwc Kqrnfk ZMg nfl vfDf hoieaf, kdy qyËfbI mIhfˆ dI Brmfr rhI, kdy brP Xuwg afAuNdy rhy aqy kdy smuMdrfˆ dy hyTfˆ jvflfmuKI Ptdy rhy. sfzy afpxy smyˆ ivwc DrqI aMdrlI tYktOink plytfˆ afps ivwc Ëor nfl tkrf ky Kqrnfk BUcfl ilafAuNdIafˆ hI rihMdIafˆ hn, pr BUcflfˆ vfly vrqfry qoN ielfvf vI afps ivwc Aus qrHfˆ lgfqfr KihMdIafˆ rihMdIafˆ hn ijvyˆ muMbeI mhfˆngr dy aMdr cwldIafˆ rylfˆ dy mwD pRdyÈ ivwc jwblpur qoN pRfpq hoey aMdr XfqrI srIirk qOr `qy afps ivwc zfienfsOr dy hËfrfˆ sdIafˆ purfxy aMzy lgfqfr KihMdy rihMdy hn. ‘ieMzIkf` ieh bYktIrIaf qoN hI jIv-jMqU ikvyˆ Aupjy, vI dwsdI hY ik sfzI dunIafˆ dy hI kuJ ies df vrnx vI bVy srl ZMg nfl kIqf ihwsy aijhy hn ijwQy hr roË hlky hlky igaf hY. pihlfˆ jIv Aupjy, iPr AunHfˆ nUM Bucfl afAuNdy hn. idn qy rfq df Prk krn dI loV ikAuN asIN afpxy gRih df ijMnf kuJ ivgfV skdy peI, ieh loV pUrI krn dI Xogqf AunHfˆ hfˆ, Auh ivgfVI jfˆdy hfˆ. DrqI dy AuWpr qfˆ ny ikvyˆ ivkisq kIqI aqy iPr ies Xogqf puwt-putfeI qy phfVIafˆ qwk df sPfieaf ny AunHfˆ dI jIvn ikiraf ivwc kI kI Prk krnf jfrI hY hI, smuMdrfˆ dy ql AuWqy jf pfieaf, ieh sB ies ikqfb ivwc drj hY. ky vI aijhI hI puwt-putfeI kIqI jf rhI Auh sfnUM rIVH dI hwzI ivkisq hox dI gfQf hY. mnuwKI vsoN ivwc bysLumfr vfDy aqy ies vI suxfAuNdf hY aqy zfienfsOrfˆ dy Kfqmy dI vfDy nfl juVIafˆ loVfˆ BU-grB nUM KflI vI. asIN bcpn qoN ieh pVHdy afey hfˆ ik krn dy rfh qurIafˆ hoeIafˆ hn. aijhf ikvyˆ jIv-jMqU pihlfˆ pfxI ivwc pYdf hoey krn krky aqIq nfl juVIafˆ Xfdfˆ dy aqy AuWQoN DrqI AuWqy afey. lfl sfnUM dwsdf ieiqhfs dy pRmfx lgfqfr imtfey jf rhy hY ik ikhVy ikhVy jIv DrqI qoN iPr pfxI hn. ies dy bfvjUd pRfcIn avÈyÈ hr Qfˆ, ivwc prq gey aqy pfxI dy pwky bfiÈMdy bx hr sqih AuWqy mOjUd hn jo ik ipRQvI dy gey. vyl mwCI ienHfˆ ivwcoN iewk sI; ies dy pRfikRqk ieiqhfs dy sbUqfˆ dy rUp ivwc sfzy pUrvj mOjUdf cUhy ihrn (mfAUs zIar) sfhmxy afAuNdy rihMdy hn. aijhy pQrft nfl imldy juldy sn. (POislË) prbqfˆ qoN ielfvf dirafeI iewk pfsy jIvfˆ dy ivkfs dI khfxI hY aqy qlfˆ, phfVI kMdrfvfˆ pRfcIn mMdrfˆ aqy dUjy pfsy AunHfˆ qbdIlIafˆ dy vyrvy hn iewQoN qwk ik idwlI mYtro leI ËmIndoË ijhVIafˆ sfzI DrqI dy nkÈ lgfqfr KudfeI dOrfn vI imldy rhy hn aqy hux vI bdldIafˆ rhIafˆ. drwKq izwg-izwg ky mOjUd hn. pRxX lfl sfnUM phfVI ctfnfˆ, imwtI dIafˆ prqfˆ hyT dwbdy cly gey. ieh dirafeI qlfˆ qoN imly pwQrfˆ, phfVI guPfvfˆ aMq koiely ivwc bdl gey. koielf hor qy kMdrfvfˆ dIafˆ kMDfˆ afid df aiDaYn sKq huMdf hoieaf hIirafˆ df rUp Dfrn kr krn leI pRyrdf hY aqy dwsdf hY ik ikvyˆ igaf. smuMdrI jIvfˆ dy Kol cfk ivwc bdl ctfnfˆ jfˆ pwQrfˆ df rMg, bxqr qy AunHfˆ gey aqy cfk awigAuN DrqI dIafˆ aMdrUnI aMdrly lihrIafˆ dy afDfr `qy asIN jfx qihafˆ aMdrlI grmI ivwc irwJdf hoieaf skdy hfˆ ik bhuq pRfcIn smyˆ jdoN DrqI

dy sfzy vfly ihwsy ivwc jvflfmuKI Puwty sn qfˆ lfvf iks pfisAuN vih ky ikwDr vwl igaf sI aqy ikwQy jf ky TMZf hoieaf sI. sfzy bcpn ivwc pwQr dy gIty sfzy leI KËfnf hoieaf krdy sn. pRxX lfl dy dwsx muqfibk ieh gIty swcmuwc hI KËfnf sn. ienHfˆ dy aMdr DrqI df sYˆkVy sfl df ieiqhfs smoieaf hoieaf sI. Auh ieh iglf vfr-vfr krdf hY ik sfzy mulk ivwc vwK vwK iksmfˆ dIafˆ ijafEiljk bxqrfˆ nUM bcfAux leI koeI kfnUMn vjUd ivwc nhIN. ieMdOr (mwD pRdyÈ) nyVy mfnfvr dy mYgmf cYˆbrfˆ df bjrI leI Kxn ho irhf hY jfˆ hfbur nyVy pQrftfˆ nfl BrpUr cUnf pwQrfˆ dI lgfqfr KudfeI krky AunHfˆ nUM dsqkfrI vsqfˆ iqafr krn leI vriqaf jf irhf hY. suprIm kort vwloN aijhy ivnfÈ nUM rokx leI dKLl ËrUr idwqf jf irhf hY, pr ivafpk pwDr `qy aijhy kfnUMn bxfey jfxy ajy bfkI hn jo pQrftfˆ qy pwQrfˆ aMdr Cupy ieiqhfs dI ihPfËq kr skx. ‘ieMzIkf` ivwc mnuwK dI AuqpqI qy ivkfs dI khfxI vI mOjUd hY. pihlfˆ ipRQvI AuWqy Puwlfˆ qy Plfˆ vfly pOdy ivkisq hoey. iPr ieh drwKqfˆ df rUp lYˆdy gey. iPr ienHfˆ AuWqy bMdr jfqI dy jIv AuqpMn hoey. Auh ËmIn AuWqy ivcrn vfly vwzy-vwzy jnOrfˆ qoN zrdy drwKqfˆ qoN hyTfˆ hI nhIN sn AuWqrdy. jdoN kuJ bxmfns ËmIn `qy AuWqrnf sLurU hoey qfˆ Auh cOksI vjoN vfr vfr aglIafˆ do lwqfˆ cuwk ky ipwCy vwl dyKdy rihMdy sn ik koeI mfrKorf jfnvr AunHfˆ dy ipwCy qfˆ nhIN af irhf. aijhI cOksI ny bxmfnsfˆ nUM aMq do pYrfˆ dy shfry cwlxf isKf idwqf aqy ajokI mnuwKI bxqr df muwZ bMnH idwqf. do pYrfˆ `qy cwlx dI ivDf aPrIkf ivwc Aupjy mnuwK nUM dUr-dUr qwk prvfs krn aqy pihlfˆ dwKx aqy iPr bMgfl qwk lY afeI.

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017



af igaf mobfeIl btUey df Ëmfnf jI[aYs[ guridwq

purfxy simafˆ ivc lok afpxy pYsy nUM iksy kwpVy dI gMZ pf ky afpxy lwk nfl bMnH ky cldy sn| iPr hOlI-hOlI jyb ivc btUey rwKx df irvfj sLurU hoieaf, jo ik ajy qwk vI cwilaf af irhf hY| pr hux pYsy nUM afm btUey ivc nhIN blik mobfeIl btUey ivc rwKx df ruJfn vD irhf hY | ies nfl nf qfˆ jyb dy Puwl jfx jfˆ pft jfx df zr hY aqy nf hI iksy jybkqry df zr hY| qusIN cfho qfˆ lwKfˆ dI rkm afpxy mobfeIl ivc sfˆBI iPro| shI arQfˆ ivc qfˆ qusIN afpxy bYˆk nUM hI afpxI jyb ivc pf ky GuMm skdy ho| ies qrHfˆ jdoN vI aqy ijwQy vI cfho, qusIN lokfˆ nfl rkm df lYx-dyx kr skdy ho pr quhfnUM jyb ivcoN pYsy kwZx dI vI loV nhIN huMdI| Auprokq pRxflI nUM nkd-rihq pRxflI jfˆ kYÈlYWs isstm ikhf jfˆdf hY| asl ivc ies qrHfˆ krky qusIN ieMtrnYWt AuWqy afpxf iek ielYktRfink Kfqf bxf ky ivcr rhy huMdy ho| ies Kfqy df koz isrP quhfzy kol huMdf hY aqy hor koeI vI afdmI quhfzI mrËI qoN ibnfˆ ies Kfqy nUM vyK jfˆ vrq nhIN skdf| jykr qusIN iksy nUM koeI rkm idMdy ho qfˆ Auh quhfzy ielYktRfink Kfqy ivcoN Gt jfeygI aqy jykr iksy qoN koeI rkm pRfpq krdy ho qfˆ Auh quhfzy Ausy ielYktRfink Kfqy ivc jmHfˆ ho jfeygI| qusIN jdoN cfho, Aus ielYktRfink rkm nUM afpxy bYˆk Kfqy ivc Byj skdy ho aqy loV vyly afpxI aslI rkm afpxy bYˆk vfly Kfqy qoN pRfpq vI kr skdy ho| ies nfl qusIN jyb ivc vfDU rkm rwKx dy boJ qoˆ mukq ho skdy ho|

aOksIjn, istrs pya, aYm rUpIa, eyartYl mnI, afeIzIaf mnI afid pRmuwK hn| ienHfˆ qoN ielfvf bhuq sfry bYˆkfˆ ny vI afpo-afpxy mobfeIl btUey kYÈlYWs dy ieMtrnYWt bfËfr ivc Auqfr idwqy hn| ienHfˆ ivc BfrqI styt bYˆk df styt bYˆk bzI, aYc[zI[aYP[sI[ bYˆk df pyËYp, afeI[sI[afeI[sI[afeI bYˆk df pfikts, aYkiss bYˆ k df aYkiss pya afid iËkrXog hn| ienHfˆ sfirafˆ df mksd isrP iek hI hY: nkdI rihq lYx-dyx| ienHfˆ ivc iksy bYˆk Kfqy ivcoN ielYktRfink ZMg nfl rkm pfeI jfˆdI hY aqy iPr ielYktRfink ZMg nfl hI loV muqfbk Krc kr leI jfˆdI hY|

nkd rihq pRxflI nUM AuqÈfihq krn leI awjklH Bfrq dI srkfr vI pwbfˆ Bfr hY| ies leI hr roË nvIafˆ qoN nvIafˆ skImfˆ aqy qknIkfˆ suJfeIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn| ijhVIafˆ qknIkfˆ pihlfˆ qoN cwl rhIafˆ sn, AunHfˆ nUM vI nivafieaf jf irhf hY| nkd-rihq lYx-dyx dI pRikiraf nUM vwD qoN vwD srl aqy sOKf bxfAux dIafˆ koiÈÈfˆ jfrI hn| srkfr nUM pqf hY ik Bfrq dy bhuq sfry lok anpVH jfˆ Gwt pVHy hoey hn| ies qoN ielfvf pVHy-ilKy lok vI qknIkI kMmfˆ vwl Gwt hI iDafn idMdy hn| nvIafˆ qknIkfˆ bfry afm lokfˆ ivc keI iksm dy ÈMky vI hn| ies leI nvyˆ ZMgfˆ dI Koj ho rhI hY qfˆ ik afm lok vI ienHfˆ qknIkfˆ nUM apxfAux ivc iJjk Kqm kr dyx|

mobfeIl btUey nfl Bugqfn bhuq qyËI nfl kIqf jf skdf hY|

btUey ivc rkm pfAux, Krc krn jfˆ iksy nUM awgy Byjx dy ZMg, ienHfˆ sfirafˆ ivc lgpg iewko ijhy hI hn| ijs nUM vI rkm ByjxI hY, Aus df Pon nMbr aqy ByjI jfx vflI rkm hI ilKx dI loV huMdI hY, bws iewko hI kilwk nfl iek-do sikMtfˆ ivc hI rkm Aus nUM iml jfˆdI hY| dovfˆ hI iDrfˆ dy mobfeIl nMbrfˆ AuWqy ies sbMDI sunyhf vI af jfˆdf hY| hr btUey dI surwiKaf dy puKqf ieMqËfm huMdy hn| quhfzf afpxf bxfieaf hoieaf iewk pfsvrz huMdf hY| ies qoN ielfvf iek hor koz vI lgfieaf jf skdf hY qfˆ ik koeI Eprf ÈKs nf qfˆ quhfzy btUey dy aMdr Jfk sky aqy nf hI iek rupey dI vI corI kr sky| ieMtrnYWt bYˆikMg dy mukfbly mobfeIl btUey nfl Bugqfn dy lfB:

ieMtrnYWt bYˆikMg rfhIN bYˆk Kfqy ivcoN Bugqfn krn leI kfPI lMbI pRikiraf hY aqy vfrI-vfrI pfsvrz Brnf pYˆdf hY aqy EtIpI dI vI AuzIk krnI pYˆdI hY pr mobfeIl btUey nfl ienHfˆ PflqU ikirafvfˆ qoN bwcq ho jfˆdI hY. ieMtrnYWt bYˆikMg rfhIˆ Bugqfn krn leI quhfnUM afpxy sMvydnÈIl zfty nUM vfr-vfr CyVnf pYˆdf hY pr ies qrIky rfhIN iksy dy sfhmxy ieMj krn dI loV nhIN|

aksr bhuq vfrI mobfeIl btUey nfl Bugqfn krn nfl koeI nf koeI kYÈbYk afid imldf rihM d f hY ijvy ˆ ik keI ijhVy mobfeIl btUey vwD mkbUl hn, kMpnIafˆ 5 PIsdI qoN lY ky 20 PIsdI qwk AunHfˆ ivc pytIaYm, mobIkivk, PRIcfrj, vI irafieq kr idMdIafˆ hn | PAGE 9

The Patrika



Friday, March 17th, 2017

Human rights champion to receive Medal of Good Citizenship


inister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and Minister Responsible for TransLink Peter Fassbender, on behalf of Premier Christy Clark, will present Sahib Thind, a well-known Surrey citizen, with the province’s newest honour, the Medal of Good Citizenship.

The ceremony will be held at 3:15 p.m. on Friday, March 17, in the Drawing Room at the Teahouse in Stanley Park, 7501 Stanley Park Dr., Vancouver Launched in July 2015 by Premier Clark, the prestigious Medal of Good Citizenship recognizes individuals who, through exceptional long-term service, have made outstanding contributions to their communities without expectation of remuneration or reward. The medal reflects their generosity, service, acts of selflessness and contributions to community life. Nominations for the Medal of Good Citizenship are accepted year-round. Thind will be honoured with the medal for his dedication to his unwavering dedication to human rights. For almost a quarter century he had been the driving force for a formal Parliamentary apology for the 1914 Komagata Maru incident in which hundreds of passengers from India who sought refuge in the country and province were denied entry to Canada and turned away without benefit of the fair and impartial treatment benefitting a society where people of all cultures are welcomed and accepted. His foundation, the Professor Mohan Singh Memorial Foundation, criss-crossed Canada, and travelled abroad to bring attention to the cause and lobby for an official Parliamentary apology in various legislative assemblies, including those in B.C. and in the Indian State of Punjab. All of the travel costs were personally paid for by Thind. The Professor Mohan Singh Memorial Foundation lobbied the B.C. provincial government for an apology for its role in this tragedy. After 94 years, the B.C. legislature unanimously passed a motion on May 23, 2008, apologizing for the Komagata Maru incident. PAGE 10

“This house deeply regrets that the passengers who sought refuge were turned away,” said Liberal House Leader Mike de Jong.

in the Canadian Parliament. With the official Komagata Maru apology in hand, Thind is continuing his efforts, and expanding his actions to include issues faced by many other communities by working to establish diverse curricula in all Canadian provinces.

In May 2016 the federal government apologized for the Komagata Maru incident and for his part in this struggle, Thind and his organization, has As well the non-partisan, been recognized in the Punjab State legislature in India, and non-denominational, human

rights foundation hosts the Mela Gadri Babiyan Da in Bear Creek Park in Surrey, with Thind leading all organizational efforts. The festival, which invites South Asian performers from around the world, is attended by 70,000-100,000 festival-goers. It is all put on by volunteers, and the foundation charges no admission.

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017


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SALE OF CENTRE ICE MULTI-PLEX BRINGS INVESTMENT BOOST TO ABBOTSFORD Centre Ice Arena purchased by Fraser Valley-based GG Townline Ventures Ltd. (Abbotsford, BC) – As of February 1st, 2017, Centre Ice Multiplex, an important fixture in the Abbotsford sports and fitness scene, was sold to a new owner -- GG Townline Ventures Ltd of Surrey, BC. Showing full confidence in the Fraser Valley economy, this transaction is confirmation that Abbotsford continues to be a secure place to invest and develop business. “GG Townline Ventures is proud to make this investment with the goal of contributing to the strength of Abbotsford’s local sporting and fitness community,� states Patrick Giesbrecht, spokesperson for GG Townline Ventures Ltd. “As longtime residents of the Fraser Valley, GG Townline Ventures’ owners are excited to continue the legacy of hospitality and excellence for which Centre Ice has long been known.� The sale, and potential repurposing, of Centre Ice Multiplex had long been rumoured, but members and local

residents can take comfort in knowing that a Fraser Valley business has assumed the ownership and operation of the entire facility, including Apollo Athletic Club and two ice rinks. Plans are to continue with current operations, while enhancing the overall experience in the months to follow. “Current staff will remain in their respective roles, and members can expect the status quo to continue while new improvements are made,� said Giesbrecht, who will serve as the interim General Manager of the complex. “The new owners are excited to own this property and continue this healthy-lifestyle service to the Abbotsford community.�

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The Patrika


Friday, March 17th, 2017


anMdpur sfihb dy holy mhwly df purfqn rMg zfæ gurdyv isMG iswDU Specials: FREE UNDERARM LASER HAIR REMOVAL! with purhcase of Full Face or Brazilian laser hair removal treatment. *Limited time only. KfsIaqF: pUry Pys jF brfjLIlIan lyjLr rImUvl trItmYNt dy nfl aMzrafrmjL lysr hyar rImUvl leI | (kyyvl kuJ smyN vfsqy)


sOPt ilPt zrmf iPlrjL

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(kyvl kuJ smyN vfsqy)

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gurU goibMd isMG jI vwloN holI dy iqAuhfr dIafˆ romfˆ c k ibrqIafˆ dI Qfˆ sU r mgqI vflIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ Aujfgr krn leI holI qoN agly idn holf mhwlf mnfAuxf sLurU kIqf igaf sI. AunHf vwloN mnfey pihly holy mhwly dy mnfey jfx dy smyˆ ies Auqsv df kyˆdrI sQfn iklHf holgVH sI. srUp isMG kiÈÈ dIafˆ ilKIafˆ ‘gurU kIafˆ sfKIafˆ’ ivwc holf mhwlf mnfAux df ibafn ieAuN kIqf igaf hY, ‘iesI vrK ipCly sfl kI qrh holIafˆ ky idhuM myˆ iklHf holgVH ky nËdIk bVI cihl pihl hUeI. Kflsf afps my ˆ to l Iafˆ bnfie Plgu n su d I aÈtmI sy pUrnmfˆ qIk iklHf anMdgVH sy bfhr iklf lohgVH ky nËdIk bVIafˆ rOxkfˆ rhIafˆ. ies AuprMq Kflsf holgVH kI qrP afieaf. iprQmYˆ pfˆc inÈfncI ien kY pICy pfˆc ipafry, ijn ky hfQoN myˆ lMmIafˆ ikrpfnfˆ pkVIafˆ hoeIafˆ sn, ies qrh KflseI diraf TfTfˆ mfrdf

hoieaf pUry jobn sy holgVH ky mYdfn myˆ jfie phuMcf.’ ‘pMjfbI lokDfrf ivÈvkoÈ` dy anusfr ‘holy mhwly vfly idn Kflsy nUM do dlfˆ ivwc vMz ky, dsm pfqÈfh msnUeI (nklI) XuwD krvfieaf krdy sn. iek dl inÈicq sQfn Auqy kfbË ho jfˆdf, dUjf Aus Auqy hmlf krky iklHf Kohx df Xqn krdf. ies qrHfˆ nklI XuwD duafrf XuwD jugqI qy pYˆqrybfËI df aiBafs huMdf. XuwD dy ngfry vwjdy, hiQafrfˆ df tkrfE huMdf, jYkfry gUMjdy aqy Pqih dIafˆ KuÈIafˆ mnfeIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ.’ dsMbr 1704 ivwc phfVI rfijafˆ qy mugl sYnf dIafˆ shuMafˆ Auqy Brosf kr ky gurU goibMd isMG jI anMdpur qoN cly

Friday, March 17th, 2017

gey qfˆ mugl sYinkfˆ dy zr kfrn ieQoN dy vsnIkfˆ ny anMdpur ivwcoN cly jfx ivwc BlfeI smJI. ieMj iek vfr holf mhwlf mnfAux dI inrMqrqf ivwc ivGn qfˆ pY igaf pr iswK ies Auqsv nUM Buwly nhIN. aOKy simafˆ ivwc vI jdoN dfa lwgdf, Auh holf mhwlf mnfAuNdy rhy. igafnI igafn isMG ny ‘qvfrIK gurU Kflsf’ ivwc iliKaf, ‘srhMd dy sUbydfr sdIk byg nUM Bfˆj dy ky aqy ropVIey pTfxfˆ qy nflfgVHIey rfjf qoN nËrfnf lY ky isMGfˆ ny sMmq 1813 ibkrmI nUM anMdpur dy holy myly ivwc gulfl qy gutky jf Auzfey.’ mfrc 1763 dy holy smyˆ vI anMdpur ivwc rOxkfˆ lwgIafˆ, jdoN srdfr qfrf isMG gYbf srhMd vwl jf rhI ÈfhI sYink tolI nUM moirMzy dy sQfn Auqy hrf ky ies Auqsv ivwc Èfml hoieaf sI. ies arsy dOrfn anMdpur af vsy gurU aMÈ soZI Èfm isMG dy cfr prvfrfˆ ny anMdpur dI Kuws cuwkI Èfno ÈOkq nUM bhfl krn vwl iDafn idwqf, pr iksy kfrn holy mhwly dy jlUs df rsqf bdl idwqf igaf. hux ieh mhwlf gurduafrf sRI kysgVH sfihb qoN sLurU ho ky ndI crn gMgf dy iknfry KuwlHy mYdfn ivwc puwjdf qy AuQy Èsqr ivwidaf dy hunr dI pRdrÈnI krn ipwCoN vfps sRI kysgVH sfihb af ky smfpq huMdf. iswK srdfrfˆ vwloN imlI srpRsqI nfl anMdpur dy soZIafˆ dI jfiedfd

The Patrika 

ivwc byaMq vfDf hoieaf. 1845-46 dOrfn iswKfˆ qy aMgryËfˆ drimafn hoey pihly XuwD ivwc soZIafˆ vwloN lfhOr drbfr df pwK pUrn qoN nfrfË hoey aMgryË hfkmfˆ ny jMg ijwqx ipwCoN AunHfˆ dI coKI jfiedfd Ëbq kr leI, pr iswK jgq ivwc AunHfˆ pRqI ÈrDf Bfvnf nUM dyKidafˆ AunHfˆ dI iewËq bhflI kr idwqI geI. iswK srdfrfˆ ivwc pRcilq ivrfsqI vMz dy asUl anusfr ipqf dy mrn ipwCoN Aus dy sB qoN vwzy puwqr nUM mwuKI mMinaf jfˆdf sI. ies leI anMdpur dy sBnfˆ soZIafˆ ivwcoN vwzI srkfr dy lkb nfl jfxy jfˆdy gurU vMÈjfˆ nUM vDyry mfx siqkfr pRfpq sI. PlsrUp vwzI srkfr prvfr df muKI hI hfQI Auqy svfr ho ky holy mhwly dy Auqsv dOrfn iswK sMgqfˆ dI agvfeI krdf sI. ieMj iswK Drm dIafˆ hornfˆ rsmfˆ dI punr sQfpnf hox dy nfl-nfl holy mhwly df purb vI ÈfnO ÈOkq nfl mnfieaf jfx lwgf. holy mhwly dI Èfno ÈOkq df ibafn iËlf gËtIar, hu i Èafrpu r (1904) ivw c ieM j kIqf igaf hY: ‘anMdpur df holf mylf do idn Brdf hY. dUjy idn dupihr ipwCoN vwK-vwK gurduafirafˆ dy ÈrDflU afpo afpxy ivÈyÈ inÈfn sfihb lY ky kIrqn krdy hoey nËdIk vfly co Auqy puwjdy hn. sfry inÈfn sfihb iekwTy hox df nËfrf bVf idlcsp qy icqrmeI huMdf hY. afpo afpxy inÈfn sfihb duafly Jurmt pfeI pujfrIafˆ aqy

ÈrDflUafˆ dy jlUs Bytf pRfpq krdy aqy lokfˆ nUM asIsfˆ idMdy hoey hOlI-hOlI cwldy hn. gUVy nIly vsqr pihn ky aqy ÈMkU rUp pwgVIafˆ dy duafly stIl dy cwkr sjfeI inhMg anMdpur gurduafry df inÈfn sfihb leI jfˆdy vyKx Xog huMdy hn. bhuq sfry inhMg GoiVafˆ Auqy svfr huMdy hn qy afp muhfry hwlf krdy, joÈIly hfv Bfv pRgtfAuNdy aqy jYkfry bulfAuNdy ieAuN ivcrdy hn, ijvyˆ iksy duÈmx qoN afpxy inÈfn sfihb dI rwiKaf kr rhy hox. kdy kdfeIˆ iksy iek tolI vwloN gurU df js gfien krn leI Èbd dI zUMGI DunI AuTdI hY. soZI afpxy hfQIafˆ qy sjy hoey GoiVafˆ Auqy svfr ho ky afAuNdy hn aqy hjUm ivwcoN lMGdy hn. hfQI Auqy svfr vwzI srkfr isr Auqy cOrI JulfAuNidafˆ, jnqf pfsoN siqkfr aqy Bytf pRfpq krdI hY. ies avsr Auqy iekwTy hox vfly lokfˆ dI igxqI lgBg qIh hËfr huMdI hY. ‘Èfm vyly inÈfn sfihb DImI gqI nfl qy jyqUafˆ vflI Èfn nfl ksby vwl ilafey jfˆdy hn. sUrj iCpdy BIV GtxI sLurU ho jfˆdI hY qy bhuqy ÈrDflU afpxy Grfˆ nUM cfly pf idMdy hn. bhuq sfry kwtV inhMgfˆ dI hfËrI sdkf ies myly nUM sdf kuJ rfjsI mhwqv vflf smiJaf jfˆdf hY. iek mOky 1864 ivwc iek kwtV iswK ny luiDafxf imÈn dy iek pRcfrk nUM mfr idwqf sI.

PAGE 13 iek qjrbykfr mYijstRyt aqy ÈkqIÈflI puls bl dy nfl puls dy iËlf suprzYˆt dI mOky Auqy qfienfqI hmyÈf hI lfhyvMdI smJI geI hY. ies myly qoN qurMq pihlfˆ vIh-qIh hËfr dy lgBg vwzI igxqI ivwc lok anMdpur qoN Cy mIl dUr siQq kIrqpur dy gurduafirafˆ dy drÈnfˆ leI afAuNdy aqy AuQoN anMdpur puwjdy hn.’ holy mhwly dy ies Dfrimk pwK dy nfl ies df dUjf pwK vI sI. Coty ksby ivwc byaMq sMgq afAux kfrn AuqpMn ho skdI sMBfvI BgdV qoN bcx leI srkfr ivÈyÈ puls qfienfq krdI. Bfvyˆ dUr durfzy qoN vwzI igxqI ivwc iswK sRI kysgVH ivwc aMimRq Ckx afAuNdy, pr ies Auqsv nUM mylf smJ ky mnorMjn leI afAux vfly lokfˆ dI igxqI vI Gwt nhIN sI. srkfr ipMzfˆ qoN mnorMjn krn dy mksd leI afey aijhy lokfˆ leI igxqI dy idnfˆ leI Èrfb df Tykf KolH idMdI, jo Èrfb pI ky ieDr AuDr GuMmdy. gurduafrf suDfr lihr dy afrMiBk dOr ivwc akflIafˆ ny ies KrmsqI nUM rokx vfsqy holy mhwly dy pRbMD ivwc dKl aMdfËI sLurU kIqI. PlsrUp 1921 qoN ienHfˆ kurIqIafˆ nUM TwlH pYxI sLurU hoeI aqy 1925 ivwc gurduafrf aYkt bxn ipwCoN gurduafirafˆ df pRbMD sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy hwQ afAux ipwCoN holy mhwly df srUp Aukf hI bdl igaf.


The Patrika



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he University of the Fraser Valley has completed a hat-trick as a leading employer in BC.

For the third year running, UFV has been named one of BC’s Top Employers. UFV was selected because it offers employees:

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Friday, March 17th, 2017

competitive salaries

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campus amenities

family-support initiatives such • as maternity and paternity leave top-up •

employee assistance programs

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• phased-in retirement work options and defined benefit pension plans.

Associate Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations. “UFV strives to be continually engaged with, and serving the needs of, our students and our surrounding communities, including local civic governments and the Stó:lō aboriginal people.” “It’s almost unprecedented that undergrads do hands-on research,” explains Newman, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Food Security and the Environment, one of three research chairs at UFV. “Here, they get the kinds of oppor¬tunities that would go to graduate students at other institutions.” The opportunity to work closely with students at a university that places a premium on teaching excellence is part of what attracted Newman to UFV in 2011. With maximum class sizes of 36, UFV of-fered a welcome alternative to her previous experiences at large institu¬tions with overflowing lecture halls.

“It’s our goal to provide the best undergraduate education in Can¬ada,” says Brealey. “To achieve this, we are Employers are evaluated using eight committed to identifying and using criteria: physical workplace; work at- best teaching practices, and to bemosphere and social; health, financial, ing innovative, entrepreneurial and and family benefits; vacation and time accountable.” Brealey, who shares off; employee communications; per- responsibil¬ity for HR with Dianne formance management; training and Hicks, Director, Human Resources skills development; and community and Staff Relations, notes that UFV involvement. Employers are compared recently ear-marked $1.2 million for to other organizations in their field. A innovative teaching strategies. total of 70 employers were selected Community-focused research also for the 2017 BC’s Top Employers plays a significant role at UFV. Newcompetition. man’s inves¬tigative work includes UFV has 814 full-time employees, aspects of food security, including the and 315 part-time employees with an tensions between agriculture and subaverage service span of 11.1 years and urban growth in areas like the Fraser Valley. That scholarly pursuit meshes an average age of 49. with another of the university’s core The university was also chosen as a values — serving the needs of the one of BC’s Top Employers for fos- surrounding communities. tering a workplace environment that encourages and enables employees UFV’s progressive, collegial and supto engage in teaching and learning portive culture has con¬tributed to a practices that support the development collaborative com¬munity of faculty of the Fraser Valley community and and staff, says Brealey. “That feeling of being part of a family has been there beyond. since our old college days,” he adds. “Community engagement has always been a core value for our university, Newman agrees: “There’s a real sense ever since its beginnings as a com- that we’re all working togeth¬er to munity college,” says Ken Brealey, achieve the university’s goals.”


Friday, March 17th, 2017

The Patrika



Protect B.C. patients by banning paid plasma clinics, says Darcy VICTORIA— Scott Adams, Andrew Cumming and others like them need access to a safe, stable blood supply, says New Democrat health spokesperson Judy Darcy. That’s why Darcy is pressing the Christy Clark government to step in immediately and ban paid plasma clinics from British Columbia. “Scott Adams has needed to have 40 blood transfusions to save his life, blood that came through Canadian Blood Services’ voluntary program,” said Darcy. “And as Blood Services has already noted, the paid clinics are hurting voluntary donations in Saskatoon, where a paid clinic opened in 2016.

noting that their voluntary donor num- organization formed to advocate for bers dropped. fulfilling Mr. Justice Horace Krever’s Scott Adams was walking his dogs recommendations following that scanon Gorge Road last summer when he dal. BloodWatch and the B.C. Health was struck by a vehicle. He needed Coalition presented Darcy with a petimultiple surgeries, and dozens of tion with more than 6,000 signatures transfusions, to save his life. calling for paid clinics to be banned “Without a voluntary blood dona- from B.C. tion system, my life would certainly have been at risk,” said Adams. “I am “Justice Krever was clear: paid blood eternally grateful for Canadian Blood clinics put the safety of our blood supServices, and its donors, who literally made the difference between life and death for me.”

“Only government intervention can keep these paid clinics from setting up shop in British Columbia and draining away donations from voluntary clinics.”

Darcy said that private operators like Canadian Plasma Resources are under no obligation to keep what they collect in Canada, so having regular Canadian Blood Services donors go to paid clinics means less blood for Canadian patients.

Canadian Blood Services CEO Dr. Graham Sher said in December that ““We’ve begun to see some early impacts of having this private, for-profit enterprise operate in our jurisdiction,”

For Andrew Cumming of Toronto, it’s the safety as well as supply of blood that he’s concerned about. A survivor of the tainted blood scandal, Cumming is the co-founder of BloodWatch, an

ply at risk,” said Cumming. “Governments need to make patients’ safety the first priority.” “It’s not too late, but time is running short,” said Darcy. “We want the Christy Clark government to do the right thing to protect the security of blood supply for B.C. patients.”



The Patrika 

smF bhuq sfrIaF smwisafvF nUM afpxy afp hwl kr idMdf hY lueI tI[ montyNt jUnIar icMqf ny myry jIvn dy ds kMm kr skdf hF. ies pRkfr qrHF musIbqF df Aus AuWqy koeI vrH y Gtf idw q y . aTfrF qo N mYnUM nOkrI qoN hwQ Doxf ipaf. asr nhIN hoieaf. aTfeI qwk dy Auh ds vrHy awT sfl pihlF Aus dy afiPs myry nOjvfn jIvn dy aiqaMq Pyr awT sfl pihlF, iewk ivwc bYTy mYnUM Aus nfl eIrKf du p ihr nU M mY N icM q f Au W q y kfbU sPl aqy BVkIly vrHy hoxy ho afeI aqy mYN socx lwgf, pf ilaf aqy Au d o N qo N mY N icM q f cfhIdy sn. nhIN krdf. Aus dupihr nUM mYN kfsL! Bgvfn ny mYnUM vI Aus hux mYN mihsUs krdf hF ik iewk aijhy ivakqI dy dPqr dy vFg bxfieaf huMdf. Auh ds vrHy isrP myrI hI ivwc sI ijs nUM myry nfloN vI ijLafdf icMqfvF sn. pRMqU Pyr gwlbfq dy dorfn `c Aus ny mYnUM glqI nfl nsLt hoey sn. vI Aus dy brfbr pRsMn icwq iewk pwqr idKfieaf jo Aus nUM mYnUM hr gwl dI icMqf rihMdI ivakqI mYN hux qwk ikqy nhIN Ausy svyr imilaf sI aqy mYnUM sI-nOkrI dI, ishq dI, dyiKaf. sMn 1929 ivwc Aus ny Aus nUM pVHn dy leI ikhf. Auh pRIvfr dI aqy afpxy hIx KUb Dn kmfieaf pr bfad pwqr zFt-Ptkfr nfl Biraf Bfv dI. mYN lokF nUM imlx qoN ivwc kOzI-kOzI guaf idwqI. hoieaf sI. Aus ivwc ikMny hI ieMnf zrdf sI ik mOkf afAuNdy sMn 1933 ivwc Aus ny Pyr Dn aPsosjnk pwK AuTfey gey hI AunHF qoN awK bcf ky bc kmfieaf ayq Pyr Ko idwqf. sn. jy mY n U M aijhf pw q r inkldf. jdoN kdy myrf imwqr sMn 1937 ivwc Aus ny Pyr imilaf huMdf qF mYnUM kfT mfr glI ivwc iml jFdf, mYN Aus nUM Dn kmfieaf aqy Aus nUM vI Ko jFdf. mYN puwiCaf-“ibl, hux axdyiKaf kr idMdf. ikAuNik idwqf. Auh dIvflIaf ho igaf qUM ies df kI AuWqr dyvyNgf?” mYnUM zr rihMdf sI ik ikqy Auh sI aqy Aus dy dusLmxF aqy AuWqr ivwc ibl ny ikhf-“dyK, Ptkfr nf dyvy. krjLdfrF ny Aus df ipwCf PV mYN qYnUM iewk rhws dwsdf hF. BivwK ivwc jdoN kdy vI qYnUM anjfx afdmIaF nUM imlx ilaf sI. Aus dIaF musIbqF icMqf hovy qF iek pYnisl ivwc qF bhuq hI BYa lwgdf aijhIaF sn ik hor koeI aqy kfgjL lY ky bYT jfE sI. nqIjf ieh hoieaf ik huMdf qF pfgl ho igaf huMdf aqy afpxI icMqf df ivsQfr nOkr rwKx vfly iqMn vwK-vwK jF afqm hwiqaf kr lYNdf. nfl vyrvf ilK lE. Pyr Aus ivakqIaF nUM mYnUM ieh kihx pRMqU ijs qrHF QMdy GVy AuWqy kfgjL nUM swjy hwQ dI qrP df sfhs nhIN hoieaf ik mYN pfxI df asr nhIN huMdf Ausy zysk dy hyTF zrfier ivwc rwK


Friday, March 17th, 2017


rxjIq afËfd kfˆJlf

idE. kuwJ idn inkl jfx idE votfˆ dI nIqI ny Gr Gr vMzIafˆ pfeIafˆ ny. qy Pyr Aus nUM vyKo? jo jo kuwJ qUM iliKaf sI, Aus dI Aus smyN Brfvfˆ nUM pfV AunHfˆ dy hwQ zfˆgfˆ PVfeIafˆ ny. vI qYnUM icMqf hovy qF Aus kfgjL nUM Pyr Aus jgfh rwK dy. kuwJ dhyj dy hwQoN AuWjVy ny anykfˆ hI Gr iewQy, idnF qwk AuWQy hI rihx idE. ibn ksUroN DIafˆ BYxfˆ mfr mukfeIafˆ ny. Auh AuWQy surwiKaq rhygf. Aus df kuwJ nhIN ivgVygf. Aus ies dunIafˆ `qy vsdy vihÈI dirMdy bVy, drimafn qYnUM icMiqq krn vflI smwisaf dy bfry ivwc iBRÈt nIqI ny hr Qfˆ DuMmfˆ pfeIafˆ ny. bhuq kuwJ Gft-vfD ho skdI hY. myrf aijhf anuBv hY ik krdy kfr bQyrI pr krË ijAuN df iqAuN, DIrj rwKx `qy ksLt dyx vflI icMqf bulbuly dI qrHF ivlIn dsfˆ nhuMafˆ dIafˆ ikrqfˆ sB GbrfeIafˆ ny. ho jFdI hY. bVy cfvfˆ nfl pfly puwqr ipafry jo, Aus slfh ny myry AuWqy zUMGf mfˆ qy ipAu nUM vMizaf AunHfˆ BfeIafˆ ny. pRBfv pfieaf. ‘hux mYN virHaF qoN ibl dI slfh df pflx cVH cVH ky mihMgfeI pwbfˆ Bfr hoeI, krdf af irhf hF aqy iswty vjoN awj mYN kdy icMqf nhIN ijAUxf muÈikl lokIN dyx duhfeIafˆ ny. krdf.” rokfˆ lf hjUm df hVH nf Twilaf jfxf hY, smF, bhuq sfrIaF smwisafvF nUM afpxy afp hwl kr idMdf eykf kr jd lokfˆ ny juV qfkqfˆ lfeIafˆ ny. hY. awj ijs smwisaf nUM lY ky icMqq ho, ho skdf hY smF Aus bOxI soc ‘afËfd` awgy vDx nf idMdI hY, nUM afpxy afp hwl kr dyvy. iesy krky iËMdgI ivwc ieh rokfˆ afeIafˆ ny.

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The Patrika 

sLFq JIl dy pfxI ivc (khfxI) (kYnyzf dI KUbsUrqI dy nF)

“prIaF ny prIaF !!” tI isMG ny huMgfrf Biraf. qd jY dIp isMG ny gMBIr huMidaF jY dIp isMG vI afKr tI isMG kol Ausy ikhf, “kuVIaF qF Xfr sfzIaF pMjfbxF XUrpI dysL ivc phuMc igaf ijwQy Aus df vI bhuq KUbsUrq huMdIaF ny…hF…ienHF muwZ kdImI dosq tI isMG kuJ sfl pihlF vrgI szOlqf dI kmI jLrUr huMdI hY kuJ… af visaf sI. jY dIp isMG iekihry ijsm mYnUM qF afpxIaF kuVIaF dy sFvly ijhy rMg aqy drimafny kwdkfT df qy tI isMG kuJ qy awKF dI KUbsUrqI ijLafdf iKwc pfAuNdI Bfr drimafny kwdkfT df pr klIn syLvz hY. nhIN? qYnUM ikvyN lgdf? iswK irhf sI sLurU qoN hI. tI isMG boilaf, “ienHF dIaF awKF qF EdUM bxdI dohF dI bhuq sI. hux vI jd kdy vI vwD KUbsUrq ny blOrI aqy nIlIaF… iekwTy ikqy jf rhy huMdy qF Auho bcpn aqy JIl dy pfxI vFgUM gihrIaF aqy ilsLkjvfnI vyly vflIaF KuwlHIaF gwlF iPr krdy dIaF….” ijnHF ivc hlkI CyVCfV aqy hfsf-mKOl sLfml huMdf. hux jd Auh kfPI arsy bfad “pr keIaF dIaF qF aYvyN vVyivaF ijhy iPr imly qF jY dIp isMG ny tI[ isMG nUM vrgIaF vI huMdIaF ny…qy keI gorypuwiCaf “hux vI qyry EhI rMg-ZMg kfiem gorIaF qF bs hvf Bry Bukfny ijhy hI hn tI isMhF…? lgdy hn….” “Xfr afdqF ikqy jFdIaF ny…?” BfvyN kwtIaF porIaF porIaF jI!! kih ky jY dIp ny tI isMG dI gwl afp hI pUrI kIqI aqy hws ipaf. “iPr suxf kuJ? kI sIbo dy supny Pyr afAuNdy ny? jY dIp ny tI isMG nUM Poiraf. “Xfr ies prIaF dy dysL ivc qF jfgidaF vI supny hI afAuNdy rihMdy af!” tI isMG ny gMBIr huMidaF ikhf. “afho…qYnUM kMm sOKf imilaf hoieaf nf eyQy…nhIN qF supny dyKxy kdoN df Buwl igaf huMdf…hY nf?” “hF ieh qF hY…!” tI isMG ny isr ihlfieaf. ies qrHF dIaF gwlF krdy hoey donoN dosq izskvrI tfiel vflI sVk qy sLfm dI sYr krdy jFdy hoey iek Jr-Jr krky vgdy pfxI dy nfly kol Aupr bxy lwkV dy pul AuWpr Tihr gey. iewQy iek pfsy AuWcy lMmy Ek aqy XUnIPirMs dy ruwK sn. agoN sVk qMg ho ky sMGxy Gfh ivcoN lMGdI sI. iek pfsy Zlfx sI ijwQy bxy lwkV dy mkfn icwty rMg ivc KUbsUrq iKzOixaF vFg jfp rhy sn. ruwKF ivc pMCI cihk rhy sn. coa df pfxI Duwp aqy CF dy imly nkisaF ivcoN blOhI Bfa mfrdf ilsLkdf hoieaf vg irhf sI aqy pul dy awgy qF iksy Jrny vFg sOKI ijhI kl kl dI afvfjL krdf kuJ gIitaF aqy pwQrF AuWpr izwg irhf sI. “qUM hr rojL eyDr hI afAuNdf huMnf sYr krn? jY dIp ny tI isMG nUM puwiCaf?” “hF aksr!” tI isMG ny muskrf ky huMgfrf Biraf. qdy AunHF koloN dI gorIaF prIaF vrgIaF kuVIaF zlkdy hoey arD-ngn srIrF vflIaF jOigMg krdIaF lMGIaF…. “vfh ikaf KUbsUrqI af!” jY dIp isMG ny tI isMG dI vwKI ivc AuNgl KoBidaF ikhf.

PAGE 17 mihmf isMG qUr

hux’ afK iksy nvyN sfQI dI Bfl ivc inkl pYNdy hn…. qUM nhIN aOr shI aOr nhIN, aOr shI….” “qF hI qF ienHF dy irsLiqaF ivc ko e I pirvfrk sFJ nhIN bfkI bcI…!” tI isMG ny ies KulHidlI dy nqIjy vw l iesL f rf kridaF ikhf.

“pr sfzy pirvfrk irsL i qaF ivclf dMB aqy Gutx ikhVf irsLiqaF nUM cfr-cMn lfAuNdIaF…bwDyruwDy idn ktI krdy ny sfzy lok…qy vYQfirss vyly qyry vFgUM idl qy tukiVaF nUM Xfd kr lYNdy ny bs…iKaflI iesLk hI mfnx jfxdy ny sfzy bhuqy lok qF.” “hux asIN afpo-afpxy pYNqiVaF qoN GuMm nhIN gey kuJ…?” tI isMG ny jY dIp dIaF “awCf…qy afpxy buVHy kyho ijhy lwgdy awKF ivc afpxIaF muskrfAuNdIaF awKF af…aOh…ZolF vrgy iZwzF vfly…?” nfl dyKidaF ikhf, pfsy vflI dUsrI sVk qy qury jFdy kuJ pMjfbIaF vwl iesLfrf kridaF tI isMG ny “hux qUM mYN ho igaf…mYN qUM ho igaf hY nf?” jY dIp dI gwl df bVf ZukvF svflnumf gwl qF EhI af nf ikqy vI mukMml jhF jvfb idwqf. nhIN imldf…khIN py jmIN qoN khIN afsmF nhIN imldf, pr iek gwl af iPr vI ijhVy “hF…ieh qF TIk af…iksI ko mukMml KUbsUrqI dy mflk huMdy hn nf jInIas jhF nhIN imlqf…khIN py jLmIN qoN khIN anMdjIvI ijAUVy huMdy hn nf ijhVy… afsmF nhIN imlqf….” krUp jfpdy lokF kudrq pRymI huMdy hn nf ijhVy…Auh sLFq ivc vI keI hor gux huMdy hn aqy iksy dI KUbsUrqI vI keI vfr kuJ aOguxF nfl dfgdfr vI huMdI hY…qUM hI gfAuNdf nhIN sI huMdf… ‘qumhy cFd mYN afKUMgf mgr Aus mYN BI dfgL hY?” jY dIp ny sLrfrqI njLrF nfl tI isMG vwl vyKidaF ikhf.

JIl dy itky pfxI ivc pYNdy cMdrmf dy aks nUM vyK ky vI sLrsLfr ho rihMdy hn aqy afpxI phuMc ivclI jLmIn dI KUbsUrqI aqy AupXogqf qoN vFJy nhIN rihMdy…. afnMdjIvI ho jFdy hn.” vfh…! jY dIp ipafry…, ikMnI vDIaf gwl kih idwqI qUM Xfr! tI isMG ny jY dIp isMG nUM sfhmixEN hwQ ivc hwQ mfrn leI AuksfAuNidaF ikhf. ies hwQ imlxI df ptfkf mfr ky Auh AuQoN awgy qur pey aqy afpxI purfxI afdq anusfr tI isMG hux Pyr gux guxgxfAuNdf jf irhf sI, pukfrqf clf hMU mYN glI glI bhfr kI bs eyk CfEN julPL kI bs iek ingfh ipafr kI.

tI isMG ny hlkf ijhf hws ik ikhf, “qYnUM Xfd ny hfly vI sfrIaF Auh gwlF…?” “hUM…jY dIp muskrf ky awgy booilaf, “Xfr…ieh jo guwz mfrinMg…hYlo… hfey…bfey…afid afK ky koloN lMGdIaF gorIaF…ijnHF nUM qUM kOhkfPL dIaF prIaF kihMnf ey…nf ieh qF kihMdy rotI pkfAux vI nhIN jfxdIaF. Auh sB buafey trYzI jF hsbYNzF dy pYsy nfl aYsL krn vflIaF hI huMdIaF ny…vfh pey qy ienHF cMn-ichiraF dy aMdrUnI dfgLdfr ijhy ichry vI ids pYNdy hn…!” “afho…hwQ nf phuMcy qF QUh kOVy aMgUr vI ho jFdy hn!” tI isMG ny vI nihly qy dihlf mfridaF ikhf. pr jY dIp isMG ny pUrI gMBIrqf nfl gwl awgy qorI, “qYnUM dwisaf qF hY pYsy nfl sB qrHF dy aMgUrF qwk phuMc ho jFdI hY aqy swcy ipafr-ipAUr vflIaf gwlF qF hux sfzy BfrqI siBafcfr ivc vI ikqy nhIN rhIaF. ieh sfzy nfloN ies gwloN iPr vI cMgy hn ik aYvyN glL-nrV nhIN inBfAuNdy iPrdy…ijMny smyN leI vDIaf sfQ inBdf hY inBfAuNdy hn…nhIN qF iPr donoN qrPLf sihmqI nfl hI ‘clo iPr pry PAGE 17


The Patrika 

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Ken Herar’s Column


ongratulations, to all the nominees and recipients of The Fraser Valley Cultural Diversity Awards, which were held last week here in town. FVCDA started in 2003 to recognize organizations and individuals that embrace diversity in the community. Close to 50 nominees were from: Abbotsford, Mission, Langley and Chilliwack. Having been on both sides as a nominee and a recipient of the Champion of Diversity Award in 2007 I can only say to all that it should be an honour you or your organization, whether you made it on stage or not to be part of such a fabulous evening to recognize worthy causes in our communities. This year’s recipients were: Inclusive Environment (small organizations) – The Water Shed Arts Cafe, Langley, Inclusive Environment (medium and large organizations) – University of the Fraser Valley, Marketing – Seabird Island Health Services, Agassiz, Innovative Initiative (small organizations) – Spill Ur Beanz, Fraser Valley, Innovative Initiative (medium and large organizations) – Emma’s Acres, Mission, Effective Human Resources


Strategies – Correctional Service of Canada, National Employment Equity and Diversity Strategic Plan and Champion of Diversity – Kanta Naik with the Abbotsford school district. I bumped into a good friend a few weeks ago and we had the most engaging conversation about some of our upcoming Cycling4Diversity events, which he was excited to be part of. A few days later, I was informed that be suddenly passed away at this home. I was completely shocked to hear this horrible news. Henry (Enrique) Rempel, who in my humble opinion was true Champion of Diversity for our community and helped out our citizens who were homeless. He met with them regularly and bought them coffee and invited them to his home to meet with his children. Rempel, was a highly principled individual, who cared about making lives better for people and staying out of the spotlight or gathering recognition. His wife Katharina said: “he always had a passion to look after people, who were marginalized, weak and vulnerable.” She shared with me that they had a person live with

them at their home for a few months and was recovery addict. Henry and his wife moved to Abbotsford in 1989 and have four children. Christine Wiebe, who has been a long time volunteer in our community and has served as Executive Assistant to Abbotsford MLA’s Bill Richtie and Peter Dueck from 1979-1994. She had these inspiring words to say about our local volunteers to bring our diverse community together: “ Each and every contribution by a volunteer is of significance for the betterment of Abbotsford in building our community and bringing people together. As you can tell by the award programs, volunteers are respected and appreciated. The spin off from volunteers brings out their professions and talents, and offers the volunteer an opportunity to prove themselves in many ways. In every community there is work to be done.

“ What are some of the benefits? Fulfilling dreams, learning something new, sharing knowledge, joy of giving, achievement, meeting sponsors, providing inspiration, laughing, and having fun, just to name a few. “ Volunteering has been a passion of mine for over 70 years, but 4 years ago I took a look at my bucket list and decided it was time to fulfil some of my dreams. Shortly, I will find out how successful I have been and how empty my bucket list will be.”

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017



Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on Holi


he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the occasion of Holi: “This week, Canadians of the Hindu faith will celebrate Holi, also known as the Festival of Colours. “This festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is an opportunity to celebrate peace, renew friendships, and look forward to new beginnings with optimism and joy. It is also a time to reflect on the traditional notions of good and evil, and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness. Holi is celebrated by Hindus and non-Hindus alike across Canada, South Asia, and around the world. “To mark this happy occasion, family and loved ones gather to sing, dance, eat delicacies, light bonfires, and paint each other with brightly coloured

powders and dyes. “This year, as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation, let us take the opportunity to honour the many cultures, traditions, and beliefs that make Canada such a wonderful place to live. Canadians of the Hindu faith have made enormous contributions to Canada and have helped make it the strong and diverse country it is today. “On behalf of our family, Sophie and I wish all those celebrating Holi a fun, joyous, and colourful festival. “Holi Hai!”



The Patrika 

kudrq dy iKlfP nhIN, Aus dI rËf ivc cwlo myry sfhmxy qfËf aKbfr zylI imrr ipaf sI, ijs dI vwzI surKI ieh sI ik ieMglYˆz df iek bhuq mÈhUr Putbfl df iKzfrI ijs df nfˆa jfrj kumn sI, Aus ny ieh aYlfn kIqf hY ik mrn qoN bfad Aus df idmfg lYbortrI vfly lY lYx aqy Aus `qy Koj krn. jfrj kumn 1966 ivc jrmnI dy iKlfP Kyizaf sI jo ieMglYˆz df mÈhUr iKzfrI sI. ajoky smyˆ ivc zfktrfˆ ny Koj kIqI hY ik bcpn ivc Putbfl Kyzx smyˆ isr nfl ihwtfˆ mfrn kfrn idmfg dy kuJ ihwsy ihwl jfˆdy hn ijs kfrn afKrI Aumr mqlb buZfpy ivc iKzfrI nUM izmYˆÈIaf ho jfˆdf hY. izmYˆÈIaf ivc mnuwK nUM sB kuJ Buwl jfˆdf hY, XfdfÈq Kqm ho jfˆdI hY. ies gwl dI Koj zfktrfˆ ny ies gwl qoN kIqI ik Putbfl dy purfxy bhuq mÈhUr 14 iKzfrIafˆ ivcoN 12 iKzfrI jo bcpn ivc 10 sfl dI Aumr qoN vI pihlfˆ dy Putbfl Kyzdy rhy sn, Auh izmYˆÈIaf nfl hI mry sn. ies kfrn zfktr hYrfn ho gey. zfktrfˆ ny Putbfl dy iKzfrIafˆ dy nfl sMprk kIqf ik jy Auh mrn qoN bfad afpxf idmfg dyx qfˆ sI[tI[eI[ kr ky Koj kIqI jf sky ik Putbfl dy iKzfrIafˆ df izmYˆÈIaf dy nfl kI sbMD hY. Cy iKzfrIafˆ ny ieh iejfËq

dy idwqI, ijnHfˆ ivcoN cfr ivc ieh gwl sfhmxy afeI ik AunHfˆ nUM ieh ibmfrI sI. jfˆc dOrfn hor purfxy iKzfrIafˆ nUM vI ieh ibmfrI sI, ijnHfˆ ivc nObI Aumr 74 sfl mfrtn Aumr 73 sfl, ivlsn Aumr 82 sfl afid hn, ienHfˆ sfirafˆ nUM izmYˆÈIaf sI. ies Koj nfl ieh gwl sfhmxy afeI ik CotI Aumr ivc bwicafˆ nUM Putbfl Kyzdy smyˆ isr nfl ihwt nhIN mfrnI cfhIdI. amrIkf ivc pihlfˆ hI 10 sfl dy bwicafˆ `qy pfbMdI lwg cuwkI hY ik Auh isr nfl ihwt nhIN mfr skdy. iek hor Putbfl iKzfrI jYP dI mOq vI iesy vjHf krky hoeI sI. ies dI lVkI ny ieh gwl khI ik Aus dy ipqf nUM izmYˆÈIaf dI ibmfrI sI. ies iKzfrI dI sB qoN pihlI vfr 2002 ivc sI[tI[eI[ kIqI geI sI, ijs ivc ieh gwl sfhmxy afeI ik Aus nUM izmYˆÈIaf dI ibmfrI sI. ies iKzfrI dy puwqr ny vI ieh gwl dwsI ik 55 sfl dI Aumr ivc AunHfˆ dy ipqf nUM bwicafˆ dy nfˆa Buwlxy sLurU ho gey sn. ijs pYQoloijst zfktr ny ies df ielfj kIqf sI, Aus ny ieh ikhf ik jYP dy idmfg df aglf ihwsf burI qrHfˆ nuksfinaf hoieaf sI. muwkybfËfˆ ivc vI idmfg `qy pMc lwgx nfl ieh ibmfrI ho jfˆdI hY, so bwcy AuhI Kyzfˆ Kyzx, ijs nfl Auh qMdrusq rihx, koeI aMdrUnI nuksfn nf hovy.

izmYˆÈIaf dy hor kfrn vI ho skdy hn, mYnUM Xfd hY myry ipMz dy iek bjLurg seId aihmd ivrk, ijnHfˆ nUM hËfrfˆ iÈar ËbfnI Xfd sn, Auh hr gwl nfl Zukdf iÈar qurMq suxf idMdy sn. Auh kflj dy ÈfierI mukfbilafˆ ivc ihwsf lYˆdy qfˆ iksy nUM ijwqx nhIN idMdy sn. mYˆ kfPI arsy bfad afpxy vqn igaf qfˆ ivrk sfihb mYnUM bfËfr ivc iml gey, mYˆ AunHfˆ nUM jwPI pf ky imilaf pr AunHfˆ ny mYnUM pihcfixaf nf, mYˆ jd AunHfˆ nUM afpxf nfˆa qy ipMz dwisaf qfˆ Auh afKx lwgy ik mYnUM kuJ Xfd nhIN. nyVly iek dukfndfr ny mYnUM dwisaf ik ivrk sfihb dI XfdfÈq Kqm ho geI hY. mYˆ hYrfn-pRyÈfn AunHfˆ dy sfhmxy KVHf irhf, jdoN mYˆ pMj sfl pihlfˆ vqn afieaf sfˆ qfˆ ivrk sfihb dI bhuq vDIaf XfdfÈq sI. mYnUM bfad ivc pqf lwgf ik AunHfˆ dy byty dI hfdsy kfrn mOq ho geI sI, ijs dy gm ivc ivrk sfihb dI XfdfÈq cly geI. myry ipMz dy nfl dy ipMz kpUrpur df PËl aihmd iswDU jo ÌOj `coN sUbydfr irtfier sI, Auh bVf sKq kurKq suBfa df sI, lok Aus koloN zrdy sn. AuNj Auh iksy nfl lVfeI nhIN sI krdf, glq bMdy nUM vrjdf sI. hoieaf ieh ik AunHfˆ dI jvfn bytI iksy kfrn nIm pfgl ho geI, Aus ny GroN bfhr iPrdI rihxf qy lokfˆ ny Aus nUM Gr Cwz ky jfxf jfˆ dws ky jfxf ik srdfr sfihb quhfzI bytI PlfxI jgHf hY. DI dI ies hflq kfrn iswDU sfihb dy idmfg `qy aijhf asr hoieaf ik AunHfˆ nUM idmfgI ibmfrI ho geI. ies sdmy nfl hux ieh hflq hY ik AunHfˆ nUM kuJ Xfd nhIN, sB kuJ Buwl gey hn. rotI Kf ky ieh Xfd nhIN rihMdf ik mYˆ rotI Kf leI hY jfˆ nhIN. mYˆ jdoN AunHfˆ nUM vyKdf qfˆ awKfˆ ivc hMJU af jfˆdy ny ik iek tOhr vfly bMdy dI kI hflq ho geI hY. ies df mqlb ik pRyÈfnI nfl vI idmfg `qy mfVf asr huMdf hY jy koeI icMqf krI jfvfˆgy, socI jfvfˆgy, idmfg nUM arfm nf imlx dyvfˆgy qfˆ Ëfihr hY ik idmfgI ibmfrI ho skdI hY. Putbfl aqy muwkybfËI vI ies df kfrn hY, jy idmfg nfl ihwt krfˆgy jfˆ muwkybfËI dy pMc isr `qy lwgxgy qfˆ idmfg afpxI jgHf qoN ihlygf jo buZfpy ivc idmfgI ibmfrI df kfrn bx skdf hY. idl qy idmfg sfzy ijsm dy do bVy hI nfjuk ihwsy hn. kudrq vwloN idl dI surwiKaf leI Aus AuWpr hwzIafˆ df jfl bixaf hY, iesy qrHfˆ idmfg vI hwzI dy iek ipMjry ivc surwiKaq hY. kudrq ny ienHfˆ dovfˆ ihwisafˆ nUM kuMj ky surwiKaq rwiKaf hoieaf hY, asIN shI vrqoN nf krfˆgy qfˆ ies df nqIjf vI Bugqxf pvygf. kudrq dy kMmfˆ nUM asIN nhIN bdl skdy. jnm aqy


Friday, March 17th, 2017

gulfm musqPf zogr mOq bMdy dy vws ivc nhIN hY ieh kudrqI hY. iksy isafxy bMdy nUM iksy ny puwiCaf ik kudrq nUM bdlxf ikMnf ku iensfn dy hwQ ivc hY qfˆ isafxf boilaf ik qUM iek lwq cuwk ky KVHf ho, Auh KVHf ho igaf, iPr isafxy ny ikhf ik hux dUsrI lwq vI cuwk qfˆ Auh kihx lwgf ik ieh qfˆ nhI ho skdf, jy mYˆ dUsrI lwq vI cuwkfˆgf qfˆ izwg pvfˆgf. qfˆ isafxy ny ikhf ik bs eynf hI aKiqafr hY bMdy dy hwQ ivc. jo kudrq dI rËf ivc rihMdf hY Auh suKI rihMdf hY. bwcy hox jfˆ bwcIafˆ hox, kwcy hwzIˆ koeI sKq kMm nhIN krnf cfhIdf. kwcy GVy `qy diraf pfr nhIN huMdy, GVf pwk lYx dyxf cfhIdf hY, qfˆ hI diraf pfr ho skdf hY. awj kwlH sfzy nOjvfn iPlmfˆ dy hIro vyKvyK ky idnfˆ ivc zOly ivKfxy cfhuMdy hn. bfzI iblizMg df ÈOk Gwt hY, nOjvfnfˆ nUM dunIaF nUM zOly ivKfAux df iËafdf ÈOk hY. bfËfr ivc DVfDV pRotIn qy dvfeIafˆ ivkdIafˆ hn jo kihMdy hn ik quhfzy zOly idnfˆ ivc bx jfxgy. bwcy ijMm ivc jfˆdy hn, ieh dvfeIaf Kfˆdy hn ik jldI jldI zOly bx jfx, cMgI Kurfk vI nhIN Kfˆdy , koeI Gr df kMm vI nhIN krdy. bhuq sfry nOjvfn afpxI iËMdgI guaf bYTdy hn. pfiksqfn dI kyˆdrI srkfr dy iek vËIr (mihkmf aOkfP) df kMm ihMdU mMdrfˆ aqy gurduafirafˆ dI syvf sMBfl krnf aqy ivdyÈfˆ qoN afAux vfly jiQafˆ leI Tihrn df ieMqËfm krnf huMdf hY. iesy pdvI df vËIr sdIk-al PfrUk, hËfry df rihx vflf hY. Aus df lVkf Aumr 27 sfl vI bfzI iblizMg dy cwkr ivc ieh dvfeIafˆ Kf irhf sI, mfpy Aus nUM mnHfˆ vI kr rhy sn, pr Auh nf hitaf qy nvMbr 2016 ivc Aus dI mOq ho geI. ies qrHfˆ bhuq sfry nOjvfn mOq dy mUMh ivc jf rhy hn. dvfeIafˆ Kf ky ijsm bxfAux vfly jvfnfˆ dI poltrI Pfrm dy murigafˆ vflI hflq huMdI hY, ijMnfˆ nUM rfqo-rfq Bfr vDf ky vyicaf jfˆdf hY. Auh ipMz dy dysI murgy df mukfblf nhIN kr skdy. ipMz ivc iksy dy Gr pRfhuxf af jfvy qfˆ Aus dy Kfx vfsqy murgf bxfAux leI aMJfxyˆ murgy nUM PVn leI dOV-dOV ky hMB jfˆdy hn pr brfielr murgf Duwp lwgx nfl hI PuVk jfˆdf hY. so aijhy kMm nhIN krny cfhIdy ik afpxy idmfg dI PwtI poc ky bYT jfeIey jfˆ jfn qoN hwQ Do bYTIey. hux asIN ies nqIjy `qy phuMc gey hfˆ ik kudrq dy kMmfˆ ivc dKl nhIN dyxf cfhIdf. pr asIN ikwQy muVdy hfˆ, Pslfˆ nUM Kfdfˆ aqy ËihrIlIafˆ dvfeIafˆ df iCVkfa kr rhy hfˆ. kYˆsr vrgIafˆ nfmurfd ibmfrIafˆ mnuwK nUM lwg rhIafˆ hn. sfnUM kudrq dy ivruwD nhIN cwlxf cfhIdf, sgoN Aus dI rËf ivc rihMidafˆ Aus dy nfl cwlxf cfhIdf hY.

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017


aiBafs hYzf: hrijM ijwq df vwzf mMqr dr vflIaf

amrIkf df qrfk hY mfeIkl iPlpsL, Aus ny AulMipk ivc 23 mYzl ijwqy hoey hn. bIijLMg AulMipk ivc Aus dy iekwly dy awT mYzl sn. qYrfkI dI dunIaF ivc Auh df vwzf nfm hY. AulMipk mYzl ijs nUM ijwqx leI anykF dysL qrs rhy hn. Aus ny iekwly ny lVI lf idwqI. iek idn iek pwqrkfr ny Aus nUM ikhf: “mfeIkl qusIN bVy iksmq vfly ho qusIN ieMny golz mYzlF dy ivjyqf ho”

“ikhVI iksmq sRI mfn jI, mYN iksy iksmq nUM nhIN mMndf. mYN ipCly 15 viraF qoN ibnF aYqvfr dI CuwtI ikqy ibnF, rojLfnf awT GMty pfxI ivc aiBafs krdf hF. hr rojL awT GMty. aiBafs nfl mYN afpxy afp nUM sfiDaf hY Ausy aiBafs sdkf mYN ivsLv jyqU bixaF hF. iesy aiBafs ny myry ivc iewCf sLkqI aqy afqm bwl Biraf hY. iesy aiBafs dy afsry hfsl kIqy ivsLvfs nfl mYN dunIaF Piqh krdf hF” mfiekl ny jvfb idwqf sI. mfiekl vFg hI iek grIb krmcfrI df bytf mihMdr isMG DonI ihMdosqfn dI kpqfnI krn dy kfbl bixaf. Auh vI rojLfnf swq-awT GMty aiBafs krdf sI. anykF sMgIqkfr afpxy irafjL dy isr qy lokF dy idlF `qy rfj krn ivc kfmXfb hoey hn. hr idl ajLIjL gfiek GMitaF bwDI irafjL krdf hY. irafjL df mqlb huMdf

hY iebfdq, iebfdq df arQ hY BgqI Xfix jy qusIN idloN irafjL kr rhy huMdy ho qF smJo qusIN BgqI kr rhy huMdy ho. iesy krky sfzy siBafcfr kMm nUM BgqI nfl joiVaf igaf. so sUqr spwsLt hY ik idloN iswLdq nfl kIqf aiBafs jF irafjL jF pRYkits iek qrHF dI iebfdq huMdI hY. jo BgqI krdf hY Auh pRBU nUM pf lYNdf hY. jo aiBafs krdf hY afpxI mncfhI mMijLl pf lYNdf hY. aMgryjLI aKfx df pMjfbI arQ hY “aiBafs bMdy nUM sMpUrx bxf idMdf hY.”


Wanted Full time and Part time LPN for patient care at home. Candidate will be licensed, good communication skills. Work will be 9:00am to 5:00pm. Please forward resume to:

ijLMdgI ivc hr Kyqr ivc sPlqf pRfpq krn leI aiBafs loVINdf hY. myry kol aksr ividafrQI af ky kihMdy hn: “asIN afeI ey aY s qF krnf cfhu M d y hF pr sfzI aMgryjLI cMgI nhIN. asIN srkfrI skUlF ivc pVHy hF. Gr vfly itAUsLn rwKky nhIN pVHf skdy.” mYN AunHF nUM ipafr nfl smJfAuNdf hF ik dunIaF dI koeI cIjL aijhI nhIN ijhVI aiBafs nfl pRfpq nf kIqI jf sky. mYN AunHF nUM sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG aqy sfbkf rfsLtrpqI abdul klfm dI Audfhrx dy ky kihMdf hF ik grIbI vI kdy quhfzy rsqy ivc roVf nhIN bx skdI. bs, mn bxfAu aqy sLIsLy mUhry KVky jF dosqF nfl imlky aiBafs sLurU kr dyvo. iek sfl ipwCoN myry kol jdoN afAugy qF quhfzI sLKsIaq kuJ hor hI hovygI.


The Patrika


For The Record By: Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M.


onouring Our Veterans: 100 Years Since Vimy Ridge

add that though I myself am not a Veteran (my single Prior to serving with the Vancouver greatest regret in Police Department for 31 years my stepfather, Detective Ron Gale (Ret.), first served 9 years life is not spending with Canadian Forces Military Police. A any time serving man of tremendous character, integrity and in the military) I thoughtfulness, I can say without reservation am still deeply hurt that he did justice to both the uniforms he and angered by the challenges facing wore during his 40-year policing career. those Veterans with Justin P. Goodrich Recently, my mother and stepfather moved to the CFB Chilliwack Chilliwack after having spent the majority of Historical Society. their life together in South Surrey. Aside from the positive vibes and the various activities For the Record… this vast, progressive city offers, it also holds The Battle of Vimy Ridge is one of the most meaningful memories for Ron who had been epic battles fought by Canadians in our stationed as a Military Police Officer at CFB history. It was bloody… it was awful… but Chilliwack for several years. that’s what war is. What bothers me is that Though the base was closed in 1997, there political correctness has gone so far, and are a group of Veterans who continue to meet people are so hypersensitive to ‘not nice monthly – the CFB Chilliwack Historical things’ in their relatively perfect little worlds, Society. With the majority of their members that they seem to glance over the realities of ranging from their 70’s in to their 90’s, war. these individuals come together for various reasons: friendship… support… community Yes, violence is awful. Yes, death and suffering services… etc. Moreover, they do so because are horrific. Yes, war is an abomination. of a common bond shared by all those who However, war is real. Our history is real. The sacrifices of our soldiers – then and now have served their county. – is real. Whether we like it or not, these Recently, during one of their monthly awful realities are the foundation that have meetings, a discussion took place regarding brought us the relative peace and security the upcoming 100th Anniversary of Vimy we enjoy today and they must be discussed Ridge (April 9th to 12th, 1917). As part of openly. From keeping the memories alive of this important historical anniversary, these those who have lost their lives in combat, to Veterans had been trying to set-up displays ensuring that war isn’t just something we see in malls throughout the Fraser Valley. Sadly, in the movies (and, thus, nothing more than they were not welcome everywhere they had a Hollywood spectacle), to ensuring we do applied to. not re-live past mistakes as a global society, It isn’t often my stepfather talks about his these stories must be told – most notably, by military service. Indeed, it wasn’t until those who lived them. more recently when his former partner As I conclude this week’s column let me with the Vancouver Police Department, the offer just two closing remarks. First, if Honourable Harjit Sajjan, became Minister of National Defense for the Government of you are reading this and you have a venue Canada that Ron started to share more about in your community that you can donate to his experiences. However, it was just last those Veterans running the CFB Chilliwack week that he actually phoned me to express Historical Society, please consider doing so. his deep frustration after learning about the On a related note, my sincere thanks and rejection the CFB Chilliwack Historical appreciation to Willowbrook Mall in Langley Society has received throughout the Fraser who hosted these Veterans just a few weeks ago. Second, though it is always important to Valley. thank our men and women in uniform for their For my stepfather I think it hurts for a couple service and sacrifice, please make an extra of reasons. First, as a matter of principal, one special point this April 9th to 12th to do so as would think Veterans would be welcomed we remember their predecessors – 100 years anywhere. Additionally, as the desire to set- ago – who will forever be Canadian heroes. up these displays are tied to the upcoming anniversary of Vimy Ridge – a battle his Justin P. Goodrich is the Managing Partner grandfather had fought in – I am certain it of Alliance Public & Government Relations struck a painful chord within him. I will also (


Friday, March 17th, 2017


$140 million to improve access, target key mental-health initiatives


new mental-health digital hub that will make it easier for thousands of British Columbians to find the services and supports closest to them is among various targeted initiatives totalling $140 million over three years under Budget 2017 to support those with mental-health and substance-use challenges. The new resources will focus on prevention and early intervention, housing, enhanced treatment and supports, and better integration and access to services. The digital hub is designed to enable people to find mental-health and substance-use information and services based on audience,

topic and location, bringing together more than 6,000 services from over 450 providers throughout the province. The hub was created with input from service providers, experts, parents, caregivers and people who have experienced mental-health issues themselves. It will be supported by HealthLinkBC. Supporting this work, the Province is targeting investments that will address key service gaps ― many of which affect children and youth ― that have been identified through extensive research under a Cabinet Working Group on Mental Health. This includes consultation with clients, families, service providers, researchers, and Aboriginal mental-health stakeholders, as well as recommendations from the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth and B.C.’s Representative for Children and Youth. “Research tells us that 70% of serious mental-health issues start before the age of 25,” said Minister of Children and Family Development Stephanie Cadieux. “We’re targeting investments toward prevention and early intervention for children and youth to help ensure that families have greater access to the help they need early ― before their issues become crises.” To ensure better access to a range of services for youth and young adults, the Province has committed funding over the next three years for new additional supports to: Hire more than 120 mental-health practitioners to connect children, youth, and their families to mental-health and substance-use treatments and supports faster. Create up to 28 new highly specialized substance-use treatment beds for young people, which will provide the highest level of substance-use care available in the province.

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Abbotsford, B.C: Community Safety Meeting for Parents and Youth When: 4:30pm Doors Open and 5:00pm Start time, March 18th, 2017 Location: W.J Mouat Secondary School, 32355 Mouat Dr, Abbotsford Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar will be hosting a Community Safety Meeting to raise awareness on gang related issues and to also discuss positive programs for South Asian youth in Abbotsford. Community Leaders, Parents and youth are invited to bring their suggestions. Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar has started a Community Awareness Team which includes Community Partners, Parents and youth who will bring important issues arising in front of the community and have open talk and solutions for these issues. They understand that the issues are not a quick fix, but as a team they would like to actively and meaningfully learn from and share information with different segments of the community to enhance knowledge and skills.



Èok smfcfr bhuq hI dwuKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf

Community and Policing Partners for jfˆdf hY ik sfzy siqkfrXog mfqf jI this event are Abbotsford Community Services and Combined Forces Spe- gurnfm kOr nwq, supqnI s[ ajcial Enforcement Unit-BC myr isMG nwq, ijnHfˆ df ipClf ipMz Exclusive Presentation, Interview OpsDfr, iËlHf luiDafxf sI, 92 sflfˆ portunities dI suwKfˆ BrI Aumr Bog ky 8 mfrc nUM Moderator: Harjit Singh Gill. Radio Talk Show Host gurUcrnfˆ `c jf ibrfjy hn. mfqf jI Presenters: Sergeant Jag Khosa of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit will be delivering CFSEUBC’s End Gang Life presentation to raise awareness on dangers of gang lifestyle. Myths and realities of gang life will also be explored in this presentation. Also, present during Q & A

1983 `c kYnyzf afey aqy ieQy afpdy byty BfeI ipafrf isMG nwq pfs rih rhy sn. mfqf jI df pykf ipMz jogI mfjrf (nyVy mlOd) sI. mfqf jI df sskfr Èincrvfr 18 mfrc nUM 5 irvr iPAUnrl hom,

Deputy Chief Mike Serr of Abbotsford zYltf ivKy 2:00 vjy hovygf aqy Police Department sihj pfT sfihb jI dy Bog aqy aMiqm Henry Braun, Mayor of Abbotsford ardfs gurduafrf sfihb dÈmyÈ drbfr, Jati Sidhu, Member of Parliament Dinner will be served

srHI ivKy 3:30 vjy hovygI. nwq pirvfr nfl duwK sfˆJf krn leI Pon:

ipafrf isMG nwq (spuwqr): 604-8250365 dlivMdr isMG nwq (spuwqr): 778-2371435

MVB: Cascades’ Kleingeltink named All-Canadian


niversity of the Fraser Valley men’s volleyball standout Joel Kleingeltink wrapped up his senior season by collecting a prestigious award on Wednesday evening, as he was named a CCAA All-Canadian. Kleingeltink becomes the third Cascades men’s volleyball player to be voted to the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association’s national allstar squad, and the second in two years. Preceding him as CCAA AllCanadians were Derek Fletcher (2008 and 2009) and Adam Chaplin (2016). The high-flying right side from Langley, B.C. had a phenomenal fifth year with the Cascades, ranking among the top five in the PACWEST conference in total offence (328 points, third), blocks (55, third), aces (33, fourth) and kills (240, fifth). He also finished second in total offence on a per-set basis (4.05 points) and was recognized as a PACWEST first team all-star for the

first time. He’d been named a conference second team all-star the previous two seasons. Kleingeltink led the Cascades to a 17-7 record in PACWEST play, good for second place, and the team spent 12 of a possible 13 weeks in the CCAA national rankings, peaking at No. 6. “He’s truly earned this honour, and I’m proud of all he’s been able to accomplish in the three years I’ve been able to coach him,” UFV head coach Kyle Donen said, reflecting on Kleingeltink’s All-Canadian nod. “I put him in a starting role in my first year, and he really hasn’t looked back – he’s strived to be better every year. He’s worked incredibly hard to get to where he is, and his presence off the floor is just as important to our team as his presence on the floor. It’s what makes him who he is. “I can only hope we have more players like Joel in the future of our program.”



The Patrika 

pMjfb ivwc vD irhf gfiekI pRdUÈx dyx leI nhIN blik isrP iqËfrq leI isrijaf jfˆdf hY. mMzI ivwc suhj, sihj aqy KUbsUrq alÌfË nhIN isrP glYmr ivkdf hY ijs dI ajokI gfiekI ivwc Brmfr hY. iehI kfrn hY ik pMjfbI gfiekI ivwcoN klf aqy klfkfr donoN mnPI ho rhy hn. bdmfÈI, hiQafr, ihMsf aqy hor gYr-sMjIdf cIËfˆ dI Brmfr idn-b-idn vD rhI hY. ajoky gfixafˆ dy bol aqy pyÈkfrIafˆ isrP cMd ku lokfˆ dIafˆ kfmuk Bfvnfvfˆ nUM sMquÈt krn leI hI GVIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. aOrq dy ijsm dI numfieÈ pMjfbI smfj nhIN blik mMzI cfhuMdI hY. jykr gwl pMjfbI gfiekI dI krIey qfˆ aOrq ijs nUM pMjfbI sMsikRqI ivwc pMj iËMdgI dy aijhy koeI aihsfs qy Bfvnfvfˆ pfxIafˆ dI rfxI, Gr df Bfg aqy ivhVy df nhIN jo gIqkfrfˆ dI klm sMg nf lrËIafˆ iÈMgfr smiJaf jfˆdf hY, Aus nUM nIvyˆ pwDr hox aqy ijnHfˆ nUM qrËfˆ aqy hykfˆ nfl gf dy gIq isrjx aqy gfAux vfly gIqkfr ky gfiekfˆ ny lok mnfˆ nUM Dur aMdr qwk aqy gfiek GtIaf aqy glq qrËfˆ AuWqy suafd nf bKiÈaf hovy. muitafrfˆ dy mnfˆ iQrkx vflI mihË iewk kTpuqlI bxfAux dI vydnf, hUk, qVP, ipafr aqy cfvfˆ dI leI hr dfa vrq rhy hn. klfqimk pyÈkfrI sLurU qoN hI gfiekfˆ aqy gIqkfrfˆ leI luBfvxI rhI hY. Bfvyˆ ies ajokI gfiekI dy iËafdfqr bol arQhIx gfiekI df Durf aOrq-mrd dI afpsI iKwc aqy gYrieKlfkI Bfvfˆ nUM aiBivakq jfˆ ipafr irhf hY, pr ies ivwc suhj, krn vfly huMdy jf rhy hn aqy AunHfˆ AuamIr muwl ivDfn, klfqimkqf aqy lPËfˆ Wpr pyÈ idRÈ-icqrn nOjvfn pIVHI nUM dI rvfngI df bysLumfr myl-joV irhf idÈfhIx hI nhIN kr rhy blik AunHfˆ dI hY. ieh pMjfbI bolfˆ dI imTfs aqy AunHfˆ cirqrhIxqf leI vI iswDy qOr `qy iËMivwc pyÈ Bfvfˆ dI KUbsUrqI hI sI ijs ny myvfr hn. iËafdfqr gIqfˆ ivwc iPlmfey pMjfbI gfiekI dI sB hwd-bMinafˆ qoN pfr jfˆdy idRÈfˆ ivwc hiQafr, nÈy, Èrfb, ivÈv pwDr AuWpr pihcfx kfiem kIqI. kuwt-mfr, gflI-gloc aqy aÈlIlqf qoN ies ivwc do rfvfˆ nhIN ho skdIafˆ ik pM- ibnfˆ hor kuJ nËr nhIN afAuNdf. gixafˆ jfb ivwc gfiekI dI bVI amIr prMprf ivwc vD irhf jwtvfd iksfnI BfeIcfry rhI hY. pr ipCly zyZ dhfky qoN pMjfbI leI aiq Gfqk iswD ho irhf hY. jwt iewk gfiekI df imafr lgfqr izwgdf jf irhf ikrqI sLRyxI hY ijs nUM dyÈ df aMndfqf hY. kuJ ku gIqkfr aqy gfiek dovyˆ hI hox df mfx pRfpq hY, pr mOjUdf gIqfˆ nf qfˆ siBafcfrk qOr `qy sucyq hn aqy ivwc ies nUM isrP isry df nÈyVI aqy nf hI GtIaf gfiekI kfrn igr rhIafˆ nfjfieË hiQafrfˆ df mflk bxf ky jylHfˆ, kdrfˆ kImqfˆ pRqI iPkrmMd hn. aÈlIl kcihrIafˆ, klwbfˆ aqy kuVIafˆ ipwCy hI aqy inrlwj pyÈkfrIafˆ ijwQy pMjfbIafˆ nUM Gumfieaf jfˆdf hY. mihMgIafˆ lokyÈnfˆ aqy Èrmsfr kr rhIafˆ hn AuWQy sfzI amIr vwzIafˆ-vwzIafˆ koTIafˆ dy TfT-bfT idKf siBafcfrk prMprf nUM vI Korf lf rhIafˆ ky ies nUM ikrqI qoN kukrmI bxf ky kurfhy hn. aslIaq ivwc gIqkfr aqy gfiek pfieaf jf irhf hY. ieh iewk ieiqhfisk dovyˆ hI mMzI dI mihË vsqU bx cuwky hn. swc hY ik ijs kOm nUM hfÈIey vwl Dwkxf ieh gIqkfr aqy gfiek kyvl qy kyvl hovy sB qoN pihlfˆ Aus kOm dy nfiek nUM AuhI ilKdy aqy gfAuNdy hn jo mMzI ienHfˆ Kqm kIqf jfˆdf hY. iehI aml pMjfbI qoN ilKvfAuxf aqy gvfAuxf cfhuMdI hY. gfiekI rfhIN pMjfbI kOm nfl vfpr irhf hux gIq-sMgIq rUh nUM ivsmfdI afnMd hY. axK, iewËq aqy sUrbIrqf dI pRqIk pMjfbI siBafcfr ivwc gIq-sMgIq dI prMprf sdIafˆ purfxI hY. purfqn pMjfb dy KuÈgvfr mfhOl ivwc isrjy lok gIq pMjfbIafˆ dI amIr prMprf, albyly suBfa aqy AuWcy-suwcy afcrx dI mUMhoN boldI qsvIr hn. sdIafˆ qoN pMjfbI rihql `qy sMdlI pYVfˆ pf rhy Zoly, twpy aqy mfhIey afid ny pMjfbI mfˆ-bolI nUM hI nhIN inKfiraf blik ienHfˆ ivwc pyÈ lok mnfˆ dy vlvly aqy swDrfˆ dy pRgtfvy ny pMjfbI gIq sMgIq dI aflmI pwDr `qy invyklI pihcfx sQfipq kIqI hY.


muwC nUM isrP kuVIafˆ nUM BrmfAux df ËrIaf hI idKfieaf jfˆdf hY. ipMz dI kuVI nUM vI gfixafˆ ivwc DI-BYx dI Qfˆ mfsLUkf kihx ivwc koeI Èrm nhIN smJI jfˆdI jo ik pyˆzU siBafcfr nUM vwzI Zfh hY. afDuink gfiekI ivwc kuVIafˆ dy mUMhoN aijhy bol bulvfey jfˆdy hn jo AunHfˆ dy Bfv nhIN huMdy sgoN aKOqI aqy avfrf afÈkfˆ dI glq soc dI klpnf huMdI hY. gIqkfrfˆ aqy gfiekfˆ rfhIN ilKy jfˆdy aqy gfey jfˆdy aijhy gfxy sfzIafˆ nYiqk kdrfˆ-kImqfˆ df Gfx kr rhy hn. asIN mUk drÈk bx ky sB kuJ afpxy awKIN vyK rhy hfˆ. ipafr, muhwbq bfry gfxy hmyÈfˆ hI ilKy aqy gfey jfˆdy hn. aijhy bhuq sfry hor vI gfiek aqy gIqkfr hn jo awj vI sfP-suQry bolfˆ aqy gfiekI nfl afvfm df mnorMjn kr rhy hn. pr ipCly 10-15 sflfˆ qoN pMjfbI gfiekI dy Kyqr ivwc af rhy idn-b-idn inGfr ny aijhy cotI dy gfiekfˆ leI vI Klfa pYdf kr idwqf hY. kuJ ku aijhy sQfipq klfkfr hn ijnHfˆ ny Kud nUM aijhI qVk-BVk aqy nIvyˆ drjy dI gfiekI dy ipV qoN lfˆBy kr ilaf, pr afpxI klf aqy pMjfbI sMsikRqI dIafˆ kdrfˆ-kImqfˆ nfl smJOqf nhIN kIqf. aijhy hor vI bhuq sfry klfkfr hn jo awj vI afpxI klf nfl pMjfbI mfˆ-bolI dI syvf kr rhy hn, pr afpxf ËmIr mfr ky gYr-sMjIdf ZMg dI pyÈkfrI aqy gfiekI smfj nUM nhIN dy rhy. pMjfbI smfj dI siQqI dI smIiKaf qoN pqf lwgdf hY ik aslIaq ivwc sfzI jIvn-ÈYlI ivwc vI pwCmI pRBfvfˆ aDIn idn-b-idn bdlfa af rhy hn. asIN AunHfˆ dy Auh siBafcfrk pYtrn apxf rhy hfˆ jo sfzy siBafcfrk Kyqr ivwc iPwt nhIN bYTdy. pwCmI siBaqf dIafˆ mfrU hnyrIafˆ ivwc AuWzI iPrdI sfzI nOjvfn pIVHI sfzy klfqimk mfpdMzfˆ aqy nYiqkqf nUM ipCVypx dI inÈfnI smJdI hoeI isrP glYmr ivwc ijAuxf cfhuMdI hY. vkq dI isqm-ËrIPI hY ik Aus nUM shI rsqf idKfAux vfly aiDafpk aqy mfpy Kud mMqr-mugD ho ky pYsf kmfAux dI aMnHI cUhy-dOV ivwc rsiqAuN Btk cuwky hn. so kuJ hwd qwk ieh sfrf dfromdfr vI GtIaf

Friday, March 17th, 2017

zf[ amndIp kOr qy nIvyˆ pwDr dI gfiekI aqy idRÈ-icqrx leI plytPfrm pRdfn kr irhf hY. ijs gfiekI nUM pirvfr ivwc bYT ky suixaf aqy mfixaf nhIN jf skdf Aus nUM mYirj pYlysfˆ ivwc styts isMbl Bfv pRiqÈTqf df pRqIk smiJaf jfˆdf hY. nIvyˆ pwDr dI gfiekI pMjfb dI ÈfnfˆmwqI anmol ivrfsq nUM Zfa hI nhIN lf rhI sgoN ivÈv pwDr `qy pMjfb dI glq qsvIr pyÈ kr rhI hY. pMjfb gurUafˆ df hY, sUrbIrfˆ df hY, hIrfˆrfˆiJafˆ df hY, swsIafˆ-sohxIafˆ df hY aqy ieÈk hkIkI qy ieÈk mËfjI dy ipV ivwc kRfˆqIkfrI lIhfˆ pfAux vfly nOjvfnfˆ df hY. hwk, swc, imhnq, lgn aqy iebfdq afid kdrfˆ-kImqfˆ nfl sMjoey sfzy ivrsy ny pMjfb nUM sdIvI siBafcfrk hiraflI bKÈI hY, pr ajokI gfiekI ivwc vD rhy gYr-ieKlfkI aqy gYr-sMjIdf qwqfˆ ny sfzy drpyÈ zUMGf smfijk sMkt KVHf kr idwqf hY. pMjfb, pMjfbI aqy pMjfbIaq dI nuhfr hux pMjfb mIzIaf dy hwQfˆ ivwc hY. pMjfbI ivrfsq aqy siBafcfr nUM dUiÈq hox qoN bcfAux dI iËMmyvfrI sfzI sfirafˆ dI hY. Bfvyˆ smwisaf gMBIr aqy nfjuk hY. isrP bfËfrvfd leI gfeI jf rhI gfiekI kdrfˆ-kImqfˆ nUM Korf lf rhI hY. pfxI pulfˆ AuWqoN lMG irhf hY, pr ieh spwÈt hY ik KUnI pMinafˆ nfl Bry ieiqhfs dy vfirs pMjfbI jo hr musIbq df tfkrf inwzrqf nfl zt ky krdy rhy hn, ies qrHfˆ pMjfbI smfj nUM nÈqonfbUd nhIN hox dyxgy. bMjr ho rhy siBafcfr nUM cMgy muwl-ivDfn aqy nYiqk kdrfˆ-kImqfˆ dI muV hiraflI bKÈxI pvygI. hux smyˆ dI vwzI mMg hY ik GtIaf gIqfˆ aqy aÈlIl pyÈkfrIafˆ nUM pMjfbI gfiekI dy ipV ivwcoN lfˆBy krn leI iekjuwt hoieaf jfvy. aijhy gfiekfˆ, gIqkfrfˆ aqy tI[vI[ cYnlfˆ df bfeIkft kIqf jfvy jo pMjfbI gfiekI dI amIr prMprf nUM mMzI dy qrfjU ivwc qol rhy hn. aflmI pwDr AuWpr pMjfbI adb aqy qihËIb df iekbfl bulMd rwKx leI aqy pMjfbIaq dI pfkIËgI kfiem rwKx leI afE iml ky hMBlf mfrIey qfˆ jo pMjfbI bfiÈMdy ivsmfdI mMzlfˆ ivwc jIvn bqIq kr skx.

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika


2 Lots available on Townline Rd in Abbotsford


Friday, March 17th, 2017


7,000 SqFt Lot & 8,400 Sqft Lot

BUSINESS WITH PROPERTY 45107 WELLS ROAD Grocery/convenienec store located in Chilliwack Sardis. Potential to grow business by adding pizza, vegetables or other convenience items. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom on the second level, would be perfect for owner/operator.

ASKING 6.5 mill

146 - 19653 Willowbrook Dr 1200Sqft $22/ Sqft plus NNN

$13 plus NNN


The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017


FEB 4th Sat. 1-4PM


FEB 4th Sat. 1-4PM




New PABC position paper addresses Seniors’ Healthcare Physiotherapy can help reduce hospitalizations and costly medical treatments. The Physiotherapy Association of BC (PABC) released a new position paper today, the second in a series to be published in advance of the province’s May 9 general election. Entitled Physio Can Help: Physiotherapy Can Improve Health for Seniors, the latest paper examines BC’s fastgrowing seniors’ population; looks at the growing cost to the province’s healthcare system for those aged 65 years and older; and offers recommendations as to how physiotherapy can improve seniors’ health while mitigating expenditures. The paper offers a special focus on the risks faced by seniors from falls. “Falls kill, directly and indirectly, between 800 and 1,000 British Columbians each year – nearly all of whom are seniors,” said Christine Bradstock, Chief Executive Officer of the PABC.

“The number of elderly people who die from falls in BC each year is four- to five-times higher than the number of people killed annually by automobile accidents.” Using these tools, physiotherapy can help reduce hospitalizations and costly medical treatments, while also helping seniors retain their independence for as long as possible. “From 1986 to 2016, BC’s seniors’ population more than doubled, rising from 358,000 to more than 850,000,” said Bradstock. “Over the next two decades it is expected to grow to almost 1.5 million.” “Clearly, the cost of providing high quality healthcare to that growing population is a very high-priority for all British Columbians, and our latest position paper represents an effort to begin a meaningful dialogue as to how physiotherapy can provide better health at an affordable cost.”




The Patrika 

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The Patrika



Jasbir Banwait


Manbir Banwait


REAL ESTATE MARKETING • Commercial • Agricultural • Residential

(778) 552-0305 / (778) 241-4472



The Patrika 

Friday, March 17th, 2017

pMjfb dI kmfn hovygI kfˆgrs dy hwQfˆ `c pMjfb dI jnqf ny sUby dI kmfn kfˆgrs hwQ PVf idwqI hY. kYptn amirMdr isMG dI agvfeI hyT kfˆgrs ny sfry ikafs lfˆBy kridafˆ 77 sItfˆ `qy kbËf krky ieiqhfs isrj idwqf hY.sB qoˆ vwD cricq afm afdmI pfrtI nUM isrP 20 sItfˆ imlIaafˆ hn. AuwJ `afp` nfl gwTjoV krn vflI bYˆs Brfvfˆ dI lok iensfP pfrtI vI do gurduafry `c pRÈfd vMzx vflI mÈIn ny CyiVaf ivvfd sItfˆ lY geI hY . coxfˆ ivwc sB qoˆ vwzf Jtkf sRomxI akflI dl nUM lwgf hY.akflI dl dy Kfqy isrP 15 sItfˆ peIafˆ hn.akflI dl dI BfeIvfl BfrqI jnqf pfrtI ijlHf PiqhgVH sfihb dy muwK ieiqhfsk gurduafrf sfihb ivKy kVfh pRÈfd vMzx iqMn sItfˆ `qy kfbË hoeI hY.ÈRomxI akflI dl afKrI dm qwk hYitRk lfAux dy dfavy vflI pihlI ielYktRonk mÈIn soÈl mIzIaf `qy kfPI crcf df ivÈf bxI hoeI hY.ivvfd df muwdf iewk qfˆ ies ËrIey kMpnI df pRcfr kIqy jfx df vI hY qy dUjf ies krdf irhf pr Aus nUM ieiqhfsk hfr df sfhmxf krnf ipaf.ies qrHfˆ kfˆgrs nUM pRÈfd vMzx dI mirafdf dy Ault vI dwisaf jf irhf hY . AuDr gurduafrf sfihb 77,afm afdmI pfrtI +lok ieMnsf pfrtI 22 qy akflI dl-bIjypI nUM 18 sItfˆ dy mYnyjr ny guru Gr ivwc aijhI iksy vI mÈIn dy nf hox dI gwl khI hy.AunHf soÈl imlIafˆ hn. akflI dl dy keI mMqrI vI afpxIafˆ sItfˆ hfr gey.AuˆJ muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl,Auwp muwK mMqrI suKbIr isMG bfdl qy mfl mMqrI ibkrm isMG mIzIaf `qy idKfeI jfx vflI vIzIE dI jfxkfrI nUM glq krfr idwqf hY .mYnyjr mjITIaf afpxIafˆ sItfˆ bcfAux ivwc kfmXfb rhy . nwQf isMG muqfbk ieh isrP mÈIn bxfAux vflI kMpnI dI aYz hY.kMpnI ny sfl 2013 ivwc mÈIn df tYst kIqf sI.Aus qoˆ bfad aYs[jI[pI[sI[ ny ies nUM mirXfdf pMjfb dy pfxI nUM bcfAux leI aMqrfÈtrI dy Ault dwsidafˆ rwd kr idwqf sI.AunHfˆ ikhf ik kMpnI vwloˆ afpxI mÈhUrI leI ieh vIzIE df pRcfr kIqf jfxf glq hY. adflq `c jfxgy iswK

pMjfb dy gRih mMqrI qy muwK mMqrI df Bfr cuwkxgy kYptn amirMdr isMG pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxfˆ `c vwzI ijwq drj krvfAux qoˆ bfad hux sUby `c nvI srkfr bxfAux dI iqafrI cwl rhI hY.nvI srkfr dy mwuK mMqrI mhfrfjf kYptn amirMdr isMG 16 mfrc nUM shuM cuwkx jf rhy hn.ies dOrfn AunHfˆ dy nfl keI mMqrI vI shuM cuwkxgy.sUqrfˆ muqfbk Kbr hY ik gRih mMqrflf vI kYptn amirMdr isMG afpxy kol hI rwKx jf rhy hn. ijkrXog hY ik gRih mMqrfly iewk byhwd ÈkqIÈflI ivBfg hY.puils pRÈfsn vI gRih mMqrfly dy aDIn huMdf hY.jykr aijhf huMdf hY qfˆ ieh mMinaf jf irhf hY ik puils ivBfg `c rfjnIqk dKlaMdfËI bhuq Gwt ho jfvygI.ies qoˆ pihlfˆ akflI srkfr `c gRih mMqrI suKbIr isMG bfdl sMBfl rhy sn. ies dOrfn puils pRxflI `c akflI lIzrfˆ qy dKlaMdfËI dy ielËfm lwgdy rhy hn.

pMjfb df sB qoˆ CotI Aumr df aYm aYl ey duafby dy nvfˆ Èihr hlky ivwc kfˆgrs pfrtI vwloˆ ijwq pRfpq krn vflf aMgd isMG sYxI nvI cuxI geI pMjfb ivDfn sBf df sB qoˆ CotI Aumr df ivDfiek bx igaf hY. 24 sfl dI Aumr `c ivDfiek bxn vflf ieh nOjvfn purfxy kfˆgrsI pirvfr nfl sbMiDq hY. hlkf vfsIafˆ df DMnvfd kridafˆ aMgd ny ikhf ik ieh mfx Aus dy pirvfr vwloˆ pIVHI-dr-pIVHI lokfˆ dy duwK drd vMzfAux aqy hlky dy ivkfs `c Brvfˆ Xogdfn pfAux sdkf imilaf hY.pihlfˆ aMgd dI mfqf guriekbfl kOr bblI nvfˆ Èihr qoˆ ivDfiek sn . Aus dy dfdf mrhUm idlbfg isMG sYxI keI vfr vËIr rhy aqy AunHfˆ dy ipqf mrhUm pRkfÈ isMG vI ivDfiek bx ky sMsdI skwqr rhy sn . Aus ny afm afdmI pfrtI dy AumIdvfr afpxy qfey crnjIq isMG cMnI nUM hrfieaf.

zyrf isrsf ny hfr df TIkrf akflI dl isr BMinaf zyrf swcf sOdf isrsf ny cox nqIijafˆ mgroˆ TIkrf sRomxI akflI dl isr BMn idwqf hY.zyrf isrsf dy isafsI ivMg ny sRomxI akflI dl nUM KuwlHI hmfieq dyx df aYlfn kIqf sI pr ies dy bfvjUd sRomxI akflI dl nUM mflvy ivwc vwzI hfr df sfhmxf krnf ipaf hY.kfˆgrs dI vwzI ijwq mgroˆ zyrf pYrokfrfˆ ny zyrf isrsf dy isafsI ivMg `qy vI Auˆglfˆ cuwkxIafˆ ÈurU kr idwqIafˆ hn.zyrf isrsf dy isafsI ivMg dy cyarmYn rfm isMG df kihxf sI ik sRomxI akflI dl df gRfP hI eynf izwg cuwkf sI ik Auh pYrokfrfˆ dI hmfieq dy bfvjUd vI ijwqx dI smrwQf ivc nhI puwj sikaf .AunHfˆ afiKaf ik zyrf srsf dI hmifeq krky hI akflI dl swq-awT sItfˆ qoˆ 15 qwk puwjf hY.

iswK `qy hmlf mgroˆ kYptn ny modI nUM vMgfiraf pMjfb kfˆgrs dy pRDfn kYptn amirMdr isMG ny amrIkf `c iswK nOjvfn Aupr nslI hmly dI qfËf Gtnf `qy icMqf Ëfhr kridaf ikhf hY ik modI srkfr ies msly leI pRBfvI kdm cwuky.AunHfˆ kyˆdr srkfr nUM ikhf ik ivdyÈfˆ `c rihx vfly BfrqIafˆ dI surwiKaf puKqf kIqI jfvy. kYptn ny ikhf ik vD rhI asihxÈIlqf qy BfrqI smfj ivrwuD ihMsf icMqf df ivÈf hY.ienHfˆ nUM kMtrol qoˆ bfhr jfx qoˆ pihlfˆ rokxf ËrUrI hY.AunHfˆ ikhf ik Bfrq srkfr vwloˆ ienHfˆ hYrfnIjnk qy pwKpfqI hmiÜafˆ dI isrP inMdf krnf kfPI nhIˆ sgoˆ ienHfˆ Gtnfvfˆ nUM muV vfprn qoˆ rokx vfsqy Auwc pwDr `qy kdm cuwkx dI loV hY . PAGE 30

pMjfb dy pfxIafˆ nUM bcfAux leI iswK jwQybMdI iswKs Pfr jsits aMqrfÈtrI adflq ivwc jfvygI. iesy muihMm qihq ivÈv Br dy mulkfˆ ivwc `pMjfb jl jnmq 2017 leI votfˆ pfeIafˆ geIafˆ hn. ijs ivwc lgpg do lwK qoˆ vwD iswKfˆ ny ies dy hwk ivwc votfˆ pf ky smrQn idwqf hY. pMjfb dy pfxIafˆ nUM bcfAux leI isK jQybMDI vwlOˆ ÈurU kIqy `pMjfb jl jnmq 2017 qihq Bfrq smyq lgpg 20 mulkfˆ ivwc hux ies sbMDI iek ptIÈn kOmfˆqrI adflq ivwc dfier kIqI jfvygI. iswKs Pfr jsits jQybMdI dy koafrzInytr avqfr isMG pnUM ny dwisaf ik pMjfb vftr irPrYˆzm dI hux qk lgpg do lwK qoˆ vwD lokfˆ ny hmfieq kIqI hY. ienHfˆ ivwc Bfrq smyq 20 mulkfˆ ivwc vsdy iswK Èfml hn, ijnHfˆ ny pMj mfrc nUM vwK vwK gurduafirafˆ ivwc jf ky ies sbMDI votfˆ pfeIafˆ hn. Aunfˆ afiKaf ik pMjfb ivwc PYzryÈn pIr muhMmd vwloˆ akfl qKq sRI kysgVH sfihb aqy qKÖq sRI dmdmf sfihb ivKy kYˆp lfey gey sn, ijwQy pMjfbIafˆ ny iewk lwK 67 hËfr votfˆ pfeIafˆ hn. iesy qrHfˆ iswKs Pfr jsits vwloˆ amrIkf, knYzf, ieMglYˆz, ietlI, spyn, bYljIam, purqgfl, hflYˆz, jrmnI, svIzn, dubeI, inAUËIlYˆz, astrylIaf, afstrIaf, Prfˆs, zYnmfrk, polYˆz qy hor mulkfˆ ivwc vsdy iswKfˆ ivwco lgpg 35 hËfr iswKfˆ ny ies dy hwk ivwc votfˆ pfeIafˆ hn. ies sbMDI suprIm kort dy PYsly nUM rwd kridafˆ AunHfˆ afiKaf ik pMjfb dy pfxIafˆ `qy isrP pMjfb df hwk hY aqy ies nUM bfhrly sUibaf nUM dyx dI bjfey pMjfb qk phuMcfAux leI iswK kOm idRVqf nfl Xqn krygI.

hfr qoˆ bfad soÈl mIzIaf `qy muV srgrm hoey BgvMq mfn,kuJ ies qrHfˆ mfrI bVHk pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxfˆ ivc Ëbrdsq hfr imlx qoˆ bfad ijwQy ijwQy afm afdmI pfrtI dy iËafdfqr AumIdvfr cwup af rhy hn,AuQy hI pfrtI dy sInIar afgU aqy sMgrUr qoˆ mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt BgvMq mfn ny afpxy Pys bwuk pyj `qy vIzIE rfhIˆ kfˆgrs pfrtI nUM vDfeI idwqI hY.mfn ny iek vfr iPr ijwQy akflI dl `qy hmlf kIqf,AuQy hI `afp` dI ipwT QfpVI hY.BgvMq mfn ny ikhf ik dhfikafˆ purfxI pfrtI akflI dl ijwQy hfÈIey `qy clI geI hY,dUjy pfsy isrP iqMn sfl pihlf bxI `afp` vwzI pfrtI bx ky AuwBrI hY . mfn ny ikhf ik `afp` ivroDI iDr dI BUimkf bfKUbI inBfvygI aqy srkfr dy cMgy-mfVy kMmfˆ `qy afvfË bulMd krdI rhygI.BgvMq mfn ny afpxy Èfierfnf aMdfË ivc ieh vI ikhf `hfly dm hY srIr `c mrdy nhIˆ afpfˆ,jMg cfhy hfry hfˆ [[ ËmIr qoˆ hrdy nhIˆ afpfˆ,AumId hux rwiKE ruwq bdlx dI Xfro,hfr dy ikwdfˆ jykr lVdy nhIˆ afˆpfˆ`.

kfˆgrsIaf dIafˆ gwzIafˆ qoˆ gfieb hovygI “lfl bwqI " biTMzf ÈihrI qoˆ jyqU kfˆgrs AumIdvfr mnpRIq isMG bfdl ny afiKaf ik kfˆgrs hkUmq vIafeIpI klcr nUM Kqm krn leI pihl krygI aqy pihlI kYbint mIitMg ivwc hI ienHfˆ muwidafˆ `qy crcf hovygI.AunHfˆ afiKaf ik kfˆgrs ny afpxy cox mnorQ pwqr ivwc vIafeIpI klcr nUM Kqm krn sbMDI vfadf kIqf sI,ijs `qy pUrn aml kIqf jfvygf . AunHfˆ afiKaf ik lfl bwqI aqy gMnmYnfˆ qoˆ ielfvf AudGftnI pwQrfˆ qoˆ prdy htfAux afid sbMDI bfkfiedf PYsly ley jfxgy. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik cox mnorQ pwqr nUM aml ivwc ilafAux leI kMm ÈurU ho jfvygf. mnpRIq bfdl ny AumId jqfeI ik kfˆgrs srkfr dI kYbint mIitMg ivwc ieh mfmly ivcfry jfxgy aqy PYsly ley jfxgy.

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017


hrkIrq kOr cihl df nfvl `qyry bfJoˆ`lok arpx lok sfihq akfdmI rij:mogf vwloˆ prvfsI lyiKkf hrkIrq kOr cihl df plyTf nfvl `qyry bfJoˆ` 12 mfrc 2017 nUM nCwqr isMG DflIvfl XfdgfrI Bvn mogf ivKy rIlIË kIqf igaf.ieh rsm nCwqr isMG brfV(knyzf), ky[aYl grg,bldyv isMG sVknfmf,gurmIq kiVaflvI,zf[ gurjIq isMG sMDU ,zf[ surjIq brfV aqy lyiKkf ny inBfeI.nfvl Auwpr ipR:gurmyl isMG, surjIq brfV, rvI kfˆq Èuklf, zf[ gurjIq isMG sMDU aqy bldyv isMG sVknfmf ny afpxy ivcfr pRgt kridafˆ,hrkIrq kOr dy ies Xqn dI ÈlfGf kIqI.Aus dI ÈYlI aqy kfivk-ÈbdfvlI dI BrpUr pRsMsf kIqI.nfvl dI isrjxf bfry lyiKkf ny vI afpxy ivcfr pRgtfey aqy ikhf ik ipRsIpl suirMdrpfl kOr brfV myry pRyrxf sroq hn .mYˆ AunHfˆ dI kivqf aqy ivcfrf qoˆ bhuq pRBfvq hfˆ .ies smfgm ivc dUsry prvfsI nfvlkfr nCwqr isMG brfV,dy nfvl “pypr mYryj” bfry vI ivcfr crcf kIqI geI .afpxy nfvl bfry gwl kridafˆ brfV ny ikhf ,mY ivdyÈ jfx dI lflc ivwc bxdy iqVkdy irsiqafˆ dI gwl kIqI hY.ies smyˆ hfËr kvIafˆ ny kivqf pfT kIqf. ies mOky sodfgr brfV lMzy dI pusqk “hIirafˆ vflf Qyh” vI rIlIË kIqI geI[

Unanimous Support for Green Commissioner Mackinnon’s Motion on Cetacean Bylaw Vancouver, BC - Last night, the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation unanimously voted to amend the Parks Control By-law to prohibit cetacean captivity in Vancouver Parks. The Park Board considered four options and heard from speakers over the course of two consecutive evenings. The options included: 1. Call on City Council to include an assent question (plebiscite) in the 2018 municipal election. 2. Accept the Aquarium’s February 20th announced plans (bring back belugas from other institutions to the Vancouver Aquarium but discontinue display of belugas by 2029). 3. Amend the Parks Control Bylaws (including a ban). 4.

Horgan calls on Clark to ensure Elections BC can complete its investigation before British Columbians vote VICTORIA— In the wake of serious revelations about Christy Clark’s fundraising tactics, B.C. New Democrat Leader John Horgan is calling on the government to provide Elections BC with sufficient resources to complete its investigation before British Columbians vote. “With disturbing reports that B.C. Liberal insiders may be breaking the law to help Christy Clark’s corporate donors cover their tracks, British Columbians deserve to have all the facts before they vote in just 63 days,” said Horgan. “I’m calling on Christy Clark to make that happen by offering Elections BC any resources it needs to fast-track this investigation and uncover the extent of this behavior before election day.” Horgan applauded officials at Elections BC for moving quickly to open an investigation as soon as the allega-

tions came to their attention, but noted that with the enormous demands of organizing the election the agency will be challenged to conduct a full investigation in advance of the election. “Again and again, Christy Clark has put her backroom donors ahead of British Columbians,” said Horgan. “It’s time to stop protecting her donors and do everything in her power to ensure British Columbians have answers to these disturbing allegations before they vote.” Horgan said his MLAs are willing to do whatever it takes to get Elections BC additional resources to aid the investigation. “We’re prepared to pass any motion or bill needed to help Elections BC get to the bottom of this,” said Horgan. “All that’s missing is a ‘yes’ from Christy Clark.”


Maintain the status quo.

After hearing from speakers, Green Commissioner Stuart Mackinnon moved and NPA Commissioner KirbyYung seconded the following motion:

“THAT the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation directs staff to bring forward for enactment by the Board an amendment to the Parks Control By-law to prohibit the importation and display of live cetaceans in Vancouver parks and report back not later than May 15, 2017.” In 2010, Commissioner Mackinnon moved a motion calling for a plebiscite on the future of cetaceans in captivity in Vancouver Parks in the 2011 Vancouver municipal election. While that motion did not succeed, his latest motion calling for a ban was supported unanimously. After hearing from speakers, 0ne by one, each of the seven commissioners voted in support of the motion. “Tonight is the culmination of thousands of caring people’s work. I stand shoulder to shoulder in pride with them. It was a very good night,” said Mackinnon of the outcome of the vote.

Province supports Canada Sevens Series women’s rugby tourney The 2017 HSBC Canada Women’s Sevens rugby tournament will return to Langford this May, thanks in part to a $130,000 provincial investment announced by Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour.

Today’s investment includes $100,000 from the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Responsible for Labour’s Tourism Events Program and $30,000 from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development’s Major Events Program.

The 2017 HSBC Canada Women’s Sevens tournament runs May 27-28 at Westhills Stadium in Langford, and is part of the HSBC World Rugby Women’s Sevens Series, with 12 of the world’s best national teams competing. One of the most dynamic global sporting events, the tournament will feature all three medalists from the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games rugby sevens debut – Australia, New Zealand and Canada. This is the third time the women’s rugby sevens tournament will be hosted in Langford, home of Rugby Canada’s Canadian Rugby Centre of Excellence. The tournament will be broadcast nationally in Canada on TSN and will receive international media attention.

The Tourism Events Program supports events that raise awareness nationally and internationally of British Columbia’s tourism experiences and motivates Canadians and people from other countries to travel and experience British Columbia. These events generate tourism and economic activity in communities and regions throughout the province. The Major Events Program, administered by the Sport Branch in the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, supports the hosting of single-sport events that demonstrate economic and community development, sport development and regional engagement.


The Patrika


kfl df pMCI


aMimRqf pRIqm kfl df pMCI Auzdf nI mfey

amrIk isMG pUnI clx cirwqr hY hux afdm KfxI df.

Auh kuJ suxdf nf kihMdf

bdl igaf ey sgl suBf ikrsfxI df.

AuWcy qF klsL bQyry nII mfey

iehdf idwqf tuwkr KFdI hY dunIaF,

Auh iksy klsL nf bihMdf

afpxf Jwt lMGdf hY BuwKI-BfxI df.

rojL df sUrj lwBx qurdf

AuTdy bihMdy crcf krdy ny sfry,

Auh ikhVI idsLf vl rihMdf

iZwzoN koeI drdI nhIN inmfxI df.

ikQoN qF aONdf ikwQy qF jFdf

mMzI ivc mjLdUrI lwBdf iPrdf hY,

koeI idhuM cVHdf nf lihMdf

jIhnUM hY aMndfqf krky jfxIdf.

Xwg qy hvn cUrIaF kutdy

Ausdy duwD dhIN dI CfqI `coN nisLaF, sUq ilaf ey sugm sMgIq mDfxI df.

Auh iql nhIAuN dMdI lFdf

iswJ lYNdf ey kItF aqy ndIxF nUM,

kfl df pMCI Auzdf nI mfey

koeI moV nhIN sLfhF dI ZfxI df.

Auh kuJ suxdf nf kihMdf

“KyqI ijn kI AujVy KlvfVy ikaf jfAu”

mfey nI aj awKIN izwTf

bcn smr hux hoieaf hY gurbfxI df.

Auh mn dy bnF ‘coN lMGdf qy ijhVy iCx ivc iesLk mOldf Auh iCx df cogf cugdf… kfl df pMCIN Auzdf nIN mfey!

ruwqF df sMgm rivMdr rvI sVk dy Aus pfr iek bwdl brs irhf sVk dy ies pfr Duwp df nsLf ijhf

Friday, March 17th, 2017


Pfly coN hiQafr brUd isafVF coN, qoVf iewQy tuwtygf vMz kfxI df. smyN dy srdfro nINdr `coN jfgo, kro AupfAu koeI tuwtdI qfxI df. bIq rhy dI iviQaf dwsI hY ‘amrIk’, rwb jfxy kI hoxYN aMq khfxI df.


afpxf afpxf qswvr ipRM: suirMdr pfl brfV jdoN asIN afpxy qswvr qoN,

pfl iZwloN idn qF gujLr igaf qyrI Xfd dy shfry. jfgFgy rfq Br hux socFgy qyry bfry.

afpxf hI vkq curfAuNdy hF. kuJ pl muwTIaF `c Guwtdy hF qy kuJ rIJF vrHfAuNdy hF. nf koeI PlsPLf iPr socF dy, prHF nUM myc afAuNdf hY. jd ijsmF qoN awgy vI, rUhF dI bfq pfAuNdy hF. lPLjLF dI QoVH isrP bs, ijsm hI hMZfAuNdy ny. sUlIaF dI kYd dy aMdr,

ijs ivc qyry qy myry irsLqy svfr sfry XfdF dI myrI iksLqI lgdI nhIN iknfry. qyrI AuzIk ivc pl igx igx idny gujLfry hux rfq Br igxFgy aMbr dy jfg qfry. koisLsL bVI hY myrI Buwl jF mYN bIqy mOsm bIqy dI mihk idl nf myrf idloN ivsfry. rMgF dI afs lY ky KusLbU dI Bfl aMdr afpxI hXfq dy idn mYN ies qrHF gujLfry. sI qFG sfQ hovy cMn cfnxI qy qyrf nf sfQ qyrf imilaf nf cMn qy nf hI qfry. JIlF qy JrinaF dy, PuwlF qy iqwqlIaF dy by-nUr ny njLfry qyry bgYr sfry.

izwgdy GrF dI vydnf

mnjIq mIq izgdy GrF nUM ijAuNdy jfgdy hI asIN

nf kdI swc smfAuNdy ny.

cwlo dy afeIey afsry

ipqrF ijhy ho gey

hY ijs df mrqbf AuWcf,

Kvry kI socdy Auh

afpxy hnyiraF `c

hoxgy ivcfry

idn-dIvIN Ko gey

jldI hI

nf Aus nUM loV ielmF dI.

prqy qF kOilaF nUM

suMny Gr Qwk ky

divMdr pUnIaf

keI vfr vyiKaf suixaY,

hfAuNky ijhy afAuxgy

pryqF ijhy ho gey

Poky vfady ikMnf icr

AuWjVy GrF `c rUhF

hfdsy pYVF vI pfAuNdy ny.

ipafrF nUM inBfAuxgy

rihx kIhdy vfsqy

jdoN qfrIkIaF dy nfl,

vyhiVaF dy ruwK

kuJ qy bcf lY

gl BuwilaF nUM lfAuxgy

qUM qF sfrf zuwlH cwilaf

sfrf Gr hI Br jfvy

smyN dIaF icVIaF ny

PwkrF qoN leIaF jo

TuMgxy ny bfjry

duafvF Buwl cwilaf

iliKaf guaFZIaF ny

PokI hI amIrI `c

bhuq ho cuwikaf hY kivqf ivc rwuKF df mfnvIkrn

ienHF dy ivckfr

asIN apxy sfry akyvyN QkyvyN AunHF ivcoN vyKidaF

iek bulHf rumk irhf

AunHF nUM akf Qkf idwqf hY

PuwlF ivwcoN rMg ibrMgIaF

awj kwlH, kivqf afKdI jfpy:

suixaY hY PirsLqy af ky

mihkF KyV irhf

“mYnUM myry rMg dI ho ky iml qF shI

Dwup CfvF ivc DrqI

kuJ dIvy jgfAuNdy ny.

iPr hI qYnUM ipafr kr skF aY dunIaF”

koTf iPs cwilaf

PkIrI Cwz cwilaf

sUrj, bwdl CyV irhf

jldI hI

smyN dI loV hY hux qF

suwkI iqRvYxI

ilKy pRdysIN ‘mIq’

Biraf, Biraf aMdr

qyrI Xfd ivc bwilaf

duwK idloN nf AuBfsry

sLrqF `qy Auqr afAuxgy mfnv hoey ruwK

smy nUM prK ky jIAuxf,

ipqrF df irx qF

izgy GrF nUM

awj koeI aMdroN KuwlH irhf

afKx lwgxgy roab nfl

cukf jfh kdy Jwilaf

cwlo! dy afeIey afsry

ruwqF df ieh sMgm


nhIN qF pwQr vI aksr

asIN! suwiqaF GrF nUM Cwz

pqf nhIN kI socdy

Aus dy aMdroN zuwlH irhf!!

“sfnUM hry ho ky hI imilaf kro!”

tur afey sfjry

Auh hoxgy inafsry.


qohiPaF dy sMg afAuNdy ny.

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017



nvF sfl mubfrk

kyvl isMG inrdosL

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI

dosqo isrI gurU grMQ sfihb jI ivc do bfrh mFh hn. iek siqgur nfnk dyv jI df quKfrI rfg aMdr qy dUsrf pMcm pfqsLfh df mfJ rfg aMdr. dovyN bfrF mfh cyq mhIny dI sMgrFd (pihlI cyqr) qoN sLurU huMdy hn. nfnk sLfhI 549vF kYlMzr asIN prdysIaF srI ivc ipCly idnIN lok arpn kIqf hY. awj vqn nUM Xfd kridaF ieh kivqf Byt krn dI KusLI lY irhf hF… duafbf prdysLF dy ivc vqn dI Xfd jdoN vI afvy. cyq mhIny cyqy afvy afpxf dysL duafbf.

krk klyjy ivcoN AuTy rUh klvl ho jfvy.

ijwQy hiraf bUr aMbF nMU pYNdf by-ihsfbf.

cfa nhIN sI dysL Cwzx df

kU kU krdI jdoN koiel

kyvl sI mjLbUrI.

dI kUk kMnF ivc pYNdI.

nhIN qF dwso kOx hY cfhuMdf

mfiKAuN imwTI mDur hUk sI kwZ kfljf lYNdI.

afpixaF qoN dUrI.

hr pfsy hiraflI qwk ky

qn hY eyQy mn hY EQy ieh asF df jIxf.

rUh jFdI nisLafeI.

aMqVIaF dIaF vwt ky zorF

hrf dupwtf lY ky jfpy kudrq rfxI afeI.

ihjrF dy Pwt sIxf.

coNdf KUn qqIrIaF, nf pwtIaF lfeIaF.

Aus dy ipwCy ho gey, XoDy blkfrI.

pwqIaF ivcoN muwK idKlfvx

sLflf! vwsy mulk kYnyzf

afKr POjF goiraF, sn mgr htfeIaF.

mfrI isMGF jf ky, iPr cot krfrI.

jd kxkF dIaF bwlIaF.

irjLk leI ijwQy afieaf.

iPr hukm dy ky gPL ny, qopF mMgvfeIaF.

rolI JMz aMgryjL dI, jf POj iKlfrI.

JUmx hvf dy JAuNky dy nfl

ieh vI swc inrdosL afpxf

dUroN mfrU rPlF, AunHF clvfeIaF.

afpxy pYroN ihwl gey, Auho iek vfrI.

ho msqI ivc JwlIaF.

mulk nf jfey Bulfieaf.

vrHdy goly-golIaF, sI JVIaF lfeIaF.

ipwCy htky goiraF, iPr bfq ivcfrI.

guafcy rMg

golIaF awgy qygF, iPr kMm nf afeIaF.

qopF aqy bMdUkF, lY aslf BfrI.

amrjIq kONky

ies qrHF aMgryjL ny, iPr TwlHF pfeIaF.

kIqI dUroN isMGF qy, AunHF bMbfrI.

isMGF df kihr df hmlf aqy dlyrI vyK ky aMgryjLI POjI ipwCy htky qopF aqy dUr mfrU bMdUkF dI vrqoN krn lwgy

Auh vI bMd krvf ky, Cwz qury iBKfrI.

vfr CMd

sB qopF rPlF KVHgIaF, peI musLkl BfrI.

isMGF roh ivc afxky, jd qygF vfhIaF.

by-bws ho ky rih geI, iswK POj ivcfrI.

BrI srHoN brUd dI QF, kr huisLafrI.

jo awgy afeIaF pltnF, Auh Drq grfeIaF. iPr sLfm isMG rx gwijaf, DU leI ktfrI.

sfzy koloN sucyq jF acyq

ieh rMg ijMny vI guafcy

isMGF goly-golIaF, ihwkF ivc KfeIaF.

iPr qopF awgy ho geI, hr qyg nkfrI.

ijhVy rMg guafc gey ny

sfzy afpxy sn

ClxI-ClxI ho gey, pr qoV inBfeIaF.

isMG sLhIdaF pf gey, hoeI ClxI sfrI.

ho sky qF

iehnF rMgF ibnF

jo kihky quiraf sUrmf, Aus kr idKlfeIaF.

pr nf kIqI sUrmy ny, jfn ipafrI.

AuhnF rMgF nUM lwB ky ilafeIey

sfzy ivhiVaF ivwc

sLfm isMG vI jUJdf, kr igaf cVHfeIaF.

hwQoN CwzI sUrmy nf, pr ktfrI.

afAu ies vfrI

mfqm hY

holI Pyr rMgF nfl mnfeIey

sog hY

kuJ rMg, rMgF nUM vrn gey

sMqfp hY

Gr nhIN prqy

iehnF rMgF qoN ibnF

Gr AuhnF dIaF KLbrF hI muVIaF

holI rMgF dI nhIN jLKmF dI brsfq hY

kuJ rMg KUnI ruwqF ny ingly

koisLsL krIey

kuJ rMg srhwdF qy ibKry

ik awlHy jLKmF nUM

kuJ rMg KyqF `c qVPdy

Pyr hwsx df vwl isKfeIey

kuJ rMgF dIaF rUHhF

ho sky qF

dUjy kMZy AunHF ny, jf POj AuqfrI.

ajy vI

AuhnF rMgF nUM

jMg smwgrI sqluj, ivc zobI BfrI.

suMny GrF `c BfAuNdIaF

lwB ky ilafeIey

jFdy pul vI qoV gey, aMgryjL pujfrI.

kuJ rMgF nUM ajy vI

qy holI ies vfr Pyr

aMimRqsfr dy rfh pey, kr POj nkfrI.

AuhnF dIaF mfvF bulfAuNdIaF

rMgF nfl mnfeIey…

dunIaF dy ivc Kwt igaf, XoDf vizafeIaF. Cwz ky rUh klbUq nUM, geI mfr AuzfrI. hrcMd isMGf jfxIaF, nf kdy BulfeIaF..

sfhF nfl inBfa igaf, sUrf srdfrI.

hoieaf colf rwqVf, rwq coeI sfrI. sBrfvF dI jMg ivcoN bcy iksy ispfhI ny jMg df awKIN vyiKaf hfl atfrI jf ky ieMJ afKr ihwk nfl lf leI, Aus Drq ipafrI. ibafn kIqf iswK rfj qy lf igaf, Aumr Auh sfrI. vfr CMd hrcMd isMGf ilKxgy, js sdf ilKfrI.. dwsx vfly dwisaf, sI afx atfrI. s: sLfm isMG atfrI aqy Aus dy sfQI jMg sBrfvF vflI, ijs vyKI sfrI. ihwkF qy golIaF Kf ky aqy dusLmxF nUM hwQ Auh Bwjy kMz ivKf ky, gey mfr AuzfrI. ivKfAuNdy jMgy-mYdfn ivc sLhIdIaF pf gey. bcy ispfhI, jrnYlF aqy asly KuxoN ipwCy htx lwgy. igt-imt nfl iPrMgIaF, AunHF kIqI sfrI.

dUjy kMZy bIVIaF, jo qopF BfrI.

sLfm isMG jd ho sLhId igaf, gory afpxf jLor cVHFvdy ny. tFvF tFvF isMG jo rih igaf, mfr golIaF QfeyN igrFvdy ny. iswK POj ivc BfjVF pY geIaF, Auho afpxf afp bcFvdy ny.

cldf... PAGE 33

The Patrika



sfzy bwicaF vfsqy ivwidaf bhuq hI mhwqvpUrn hY-pRIq rfey skUl trwstI pRIq rfey 9 meI 2017 nUM aYbtsPorz vYst qoN aYm[aYl[ey[ dI cox lV rhy hn. AunHF dIaF skUl trwstI dy qOr qy aqy lok BlfeI dy kMmF nUM muwK rwKidaF Auh adfrf pMjfbI pwiqRkf rfhIN afpxy ielfky dy sB votrF nUM apIl krdy hn ik Auh pUrI qndyhI nfl kimAUintI dIaF loVF vwl iDafn dyxgy aqy ijs ivsLvfsL aqy AumId nfl votr AunHF nUM cuxngy Auh Aus df pUrf pUrf mfx aqy siqkfr krdy hoey AunHF dIaF AumIdF qy Krf Auqrx dI pUrI koisLsL krngy.bysLk pMjfbI BfeIcfry dy AuWcy kwd vfly, lMby ishqmMd nOjvfn pRIq rfey nUM kOx nhIN jfxdf. BfeIcfry ivwc iewk jfxI pihcfnI hrmn ipafrI sKsLIaq jo ipCly Cy sflF qoN aYbtsPorz dy skUl trwstI vjoN afpxI pUrI Xogqf aqy smrwQf nfl syvf inBf rhI hY. pihlI vfr coxF `c asPl rihx ipwCoN lgfqfr do vfrI izsitR k t aY j U k y s L n bo r z aYbtsPorz dy zfierYktr dI cox `c jyqU rhy. hux qIjI vfr vI ies afs aqy AuqsLfh nfl cox mYdfn ivc hn ik kimAuintIaF Aus vwloN bqOr skUl trstI bIqy Cy virHaF dOrfn jnqk ihwqF leI kIqI kfrvfeI aqy srgrmI nUM vyKdy hoey Aus nUM BrpUr smrQn dyky iewk vfr iPr syvf df mOkf bKsLxgIaF. ivdvqf aqy inmrqf dI mUrq sKsLIaq sB BfeIcfiraF ivwc ipafr aqy siqkfr dI Bfvnf nUM pRbl krdy hoey BivwK ivwc ivwidak mfhOl nUM hor vI cMgyrf bxfAux leI XqnsLIl hox dI bcnbwDqf lY ky lokF dI kcihrI ivwc hfjLr hoeI hY. pRIq rfey afpxI pUrI ijLMmyvfrI nfl BfeIcfry dIaF srgrmIaF, sMmylnF, smfgmF aqy iekwTF ivwc Bfg lYNdy af rhy hn. AunHF nUM kimAuintI qy pUrf pUrf mfx hY ik ies vfr vI Auh jnqf dy sihXog aqy shfieqf nfl sPlqf pRfpq krngy. skUl trwstI dI ijLMmyvrI inBfAuNidaF Auh kimAuintI dy muwidaF msilaF qoN byKLbr nhIN rhy AunHF ny pUrI qrHF kimAuintI dIaF srgrmIaF dI sLmUlIaq kIqI. Auh kimAuintI dI krYktr kONsl, aYbtsPorz Xuvf kimsLn, aYbtsPorz dy PYstIvl (aYbIPYst) borz, sfeIkilMg afP zfievristI, aYm[aYs[ey[ imAUjLIam borz, dI rIc borz, iltrysI mYtrjL borz, isstr istI kmytI, dI kunuk plys kMpyn aYgjYkitv kmytI aqy 2014 ivwc kunuk plys hfAUspfeIs dI nvIN iblizMg leI PMz iekwqr krn vflI sfAUQ eysLIan tfskPors ivwc aihm sLmUlIaq kIqI. bIqy sflF dOrfn AunHF dI axQwk imhnq kfrn hI aYbtsPorz dy keI skUlF ivwc pMjfbI lfgU hoeI hY. BivwK ivc bfkI rihMdy skUlF ivwc vI mF bolI pRqI AunHF dI vcnbwDqf hY ik AunHF vloN Auh pMjfbI lfgU krvfAux leI XqnsLIl rihxgy. pRIq rfey Bfrq qoN cfrtrz akfAuNtYt XU[ky[ (ieMglYNz) ivwc 1992 nUM afieaf. ijwQy Aus ny skfitsL srkfr leI kMm kIqf. 1995 ivwc kYnyzf afieaf aqy 1997 qoN pRIq rfey ny bI[sI[ srkfr


leI kMm kIqf. Aus dI kOmFqrI dUr-idRsLtI hY. Auh hmysLf hI kimAuintI dIaF smfijk qy swiBafcfrk srgrmIaF ivwc idlcspI rwKdf hY. Aus dI supqnI aYbtsPorz skUl ivwc tIcr hY. Aus dy iqMny bwcy skUlF ivwc pVHdy hn. Aus dI mfqf skUl tIcr sI aqy ipqf jI BfrqI afrmI dy rItfierz krnl hn. mukdI gwl sfrf hI pirvfr ivwidaf df kdrdfn hY. skUl trwstI vjoN Aus nUM 6 sflF df vwzf qjrbf hY. ies dOrfn Aus ny skUlF dy stUzYNt, tIcrF aqy hor lokF nfl myl imlfp krky smwisafvF nUM smiJaf hY aqy AunHF nUM hwl krn leI XqnsLIl hoieaf hY. pMjfbI BfeIcfry df pihlf skUl trwstI sYq igwl sI jo iewk trm pUrI krn ipwCoN Pyr cox nhIN liVaf. pr pRIq rfey Auh sKsLIaq hY jo ivwidaf ivwc pUrI qrHF idlcspI rwKdf hY. iesy leI Auh kihMdf hY ik sfzy bwicaF leI ivwidaf bhuq mhwqvpUrn hY. ikAuNik awjkwlH dy jLmfny ivwc ivwidaf iewk cfnx munfrf hY . iew k mnu w K dy leI ivwidaf mnuwK df qIjf nyqr hY. ijs bgYr mnuwK aDUrf hY. Aus df ivkfs aDUrf rihMdf hY. iewk pRIpUrn sKsLIaq Ausfrn leI pfeydfr AuWc pwDr dI ivwidaf dI aqIaMq loV hY. so ijs sMsQf ny ies df pRbMD krnf hY AunHF ivwc hr iewk BfeIcfry dI pRqIinDqf hoxI jLrUrI hY. vsoN dy anupfq anusfr swq zfierYktrF ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry dI pRqIinDqf vDxI smyN dI loV hY. afpxf aqy bwicaF dy ibhqr BivwK leI qjLrbykfr, sucwjy sulJy hoey, vyKy prKy hoey AumIdvfrF dI cox hI ivwidaf dy pwDr, skUlF nUM ihMsf aqy zrwg rihq krn dI kfmnf hY. so pMjfbI pwiqRkf duafrf pRIq rfey ny smUh aYbtsPorz votrF nUM sinmr bynqI kIqI hY ik Auh 9 meI nUM vwD qoN vwD igxqI ivwc cox sYNtrF qy jf ky afpxy kImqI vot dI vrqoN krn. afm qOr `qy votr cox dOrfn afpxy hwk dI vrqoN krn leI axgihlI vrq jFdy hn. ieh vot df aiDkfr bhuq jdo jihd bfad 1947 nUM imilaf sI sfAUQ eysLIan kimAuintI nUM. so ies df pUrf lfB AuTfE. qusIN afpxy bwicaF dy BivwK dI cox krnI hY nf kyvl skUl borz dy trwstI dI. ies leI vot pfAuxf iewk pivwqr PrjL hY. qusIN aYzvFs poilMg kr skdy ho. kYnyzf vrgy ivksq dysL ivwc 40 pRqIsLq vot poilMg hoxf hYrfnI vI hY aqy lokqMqr df nFh pwKI vI hY. lokF dI coxF ivwc eynI Gwt sLmUlIaq df hoxf. lokqMqr leI awCf nhIN. lokqMqr dI sPlqf leI hr iewk votr nUM afpxI vot dI vrqoN jLrUr krnI cfhIdI hY. sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry `qy qF hor vI juMmyvfrI bxdI hY ikAuNik AunHF nUM qF jwdo jihd rfhIN hI bVI musLkl nfl ieh aiDkfr pRfpq hoieaf. so vot afpxI mnpsMd anusfr iksy nUM vI pfE pr pfE jLrUr.

Friday, March 17th, 2017

PREET RAI FOR MLA – ABBOTSFORD WEST - MAY 9th 2017 Elected by you, Working for you. School Trustee Preet Rai is running for MLA in Abbotsford West in the upcoming May 9th 2017 Provincial election. Preet has been on the School Board for eight years. “ It is an honor and privilege to serve as an elected official and it only happens with public support” “My upbringing instilled both a desire and a sense of responsibility around family, community involvement and education. It was a driving force when I first ran for school trustee and it is the reason I am seeking election for MLA for Abbotsford West. A Chartered Accountant (1987) from India, Preet immigrated to the United Kingdom in 1992, where he worked for the Scottish Government. Then, to Canada in 1995 on the point system and has been working with the Government of British Columbia since 1997. “Having a global perspective, I have always taken a keen interest in community, social and cultural activities. My wife is a teacher in Abbotsford. We have three children who have attended Abbotsford public schools. My mother was a teacher and my father is a retired Colonel from the Indian Army.” “In my eight years as School Trustee, I have particularly enjoyed visiting schools throughout the district. I have relished reading to Kindergarten students and answering well thought out questions by middle and high school students. Being in a dunk tank on sports days was chilly at the time, but has left me with warm memories.” ‘In my close interactions with students at AbbyFest, Heritage Fair, public speaking contests and other community events, I have witnessed the pride that they feel in volunteering and displaying their talents, which in turn gives me the energy and keeps me focussed on looking into best opportunities to prepare students to reach their full potential and be successful. Rai’s community involvement is not limited to his role as School Trustee, he has served on the Community of Character Council, Ab-

botsford Yo u t h Commission, AbbyFest Board, Cycling for Div e r s i t y, M S A Museum Board, T h e Reach Gallery Board, Literacy Matters board, Sister city Committee, The Canuck Place Campaign Exceutive Committee, The South Asian task force for the fund raising of the new Canuck Place Hospice built in Abbotsford in 2014. He immensely enjoys organising over 100 volunteers yearly for AbbyFest. He also enjoys dancing with ‘Business in Black’ dance troupe for various community events in Abbotsford for many years. “My message is simple – fiscal, social and environmental responsibility. Leadership is a key issue in the upcoming election. We need leaders who have the vision and drive to move us forward. I feel that the educational system in our province is suffering from a lack of funding and proper direction. Another issue that needs to be addressed is having a healthcare system that is reflective of the growing population with a special emphasis on reducing wait times and care for seniors. We should ensure that we are producing a well versed and skilled workforce giving everyone the opportunity to get the education and training they require to excel in their fields. This will keep our economy strong and vibrant while being fiscally responsible.” “I am always striving to meet the needs of the community. I take to heart the responsibility the community has given me by showing the confidence they have put in me, at the polls over the years.” On May 9th, please make your voice heard and exercise your right to vote. And remember the tall guy with the short name “Rai” – Preet Rai. Please contact Preet at raiaji1@

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017





ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ 33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: kds@canadiansikhheritage .ca

smUh sMgqf nUM ivsfKI df KuWlf sWdf idWqf jFdf hY| apRYl 14: svyry 10 vjy arMB sLRI aKMz pfT sfihb| apRYl 15: vYnkUvr ngr kIrqn do bWsF svyry 8 vjy vYnkUvr ngr kIrqn jfx vflIaF sMgqF leI rvfnf hoxgIaF| gurUGr vloN Plot vI sjfieaf jfiegf. apRYl 16: svyry 8 vjy insLfn sfihb colLf bdlx dI syvf isWK hYrItyj gurUGr ivWKy hovygI| svyry 9 vjy insLfn sfihb colLf bdlx dI syvf myn gurUdGr ivKy hovygI| svyry 10 vjy Bog sLRI aKMz pfT sfihb| kIrqn dIvfn sjxgy gurU kf lMgr atuWt vrqygf syvf lYx leI sMprk: Bjn qUr: 604-864-7700 (mIq pRDfn) gurUu Gr: 604-850-7338



The Patrika 

pMjfb dy hIry gfmf aqy ikwkr isMG pMjfb ivwc awj vI jy koeI afpxI qfkq bfry GumMz kry qF Aus nUM aOkfq ivKfAux leI ikhf jFdf hY ik qMU ikhVf gfmf Blvfn hY. dfry DrmUcwkIey qNoN pihlF pMjfb ivwc sB qoN msLhUr pihlvfn gfmf, ikwkr isMG, dfrf dulcIpurIaf, gMzf isMG jOhl, kwlU, gMUgf, iemfm bKLsL, bulVH aqy mhIdf afid huMdy sn. bfad ivwc dfrf iPLlmI adfkfr bxn aqy lVIvfr ‘rfmfiex’ ivwc hnUMmfn df ikrdfr inBfAux kfrn pRiswDI ivwc sB nUM ipwCy Cwz igaf. gulfm muhMmd AurPL gfmy pihlvfn df jnm 22 meI 1878 nUM aMimRqsr ivwc hoieaf sI. Aus df ipqf ajLIjL bKLsL, ksLmIrI mUl df sI qy irafsq dqIaf df drbfrI pihlvfn sI. pRiswD pihlvfn iemfm bKLsL gfmy df Cotf Brf sI. Auh PrI stfeIl kusLqI krdf sI. Bfrq df ieh sB qoN mhfn pihlvfn afpxy jIvn ivwc 50 sfl kusLqIaF ivwc lgfqfr jyqU irhf. Aus nUM irafsq dqIaf, rIvf, ieMdOr, joDpur aqy pitaflf dI srpRsqI hfsl sI. mhfrfjf pitaflf BuipMdr isMG Aus df ieMnf pRsLMsk sI ik Aus ny gfmy aqy Aus dy Brf iemfm bKLsL nUM jfiedfdF bKLsL ky pwky qOr ‘qy pitafly vsf ilaf. pfiksqfnI pRDfn mMqrI nvfj sLrIP dI pqnI kulsum nvfj irsLqy ivwcoN gfmy dI poqrI hY. gfmy dIaF do pqnIaF sn. iewk qF Aus dy nfl hI pfiksqfn clI geI, pr dUsrI bVOdf (gujrfq) hI rih geI. ds sfl dI Aumr ivwc gfmy ny mhfrfjf joDpur vwloN afXoijq iewk ksrq mukfbly ivwc ihwsf ilaf. ieh mukfblf zMz bYTk mfrn aqy hor ksrqF krn sbMDI sI. 400 pihlvfnF ivwcoN gfmf pihly 15 ivwc af igaf, pr Aus dy dm aqy lgn nUM vyK ky mhfrfjy ny Aus nUM jyqU aYlfn idwqf. Auh joDpur irafsq df drbfrI pihlvfn bx igaf. Auh rojLfnf 5,000 bYTkF aqy 3,000 zMz mfrdf sI qy 40 pihlvfnF nfl jor ajLmfeI krdf sI. ds iltr dwuD, iewk iklo bdfm, iewk iklo iGAu, mIt aqy Pl afid Aus dI rojL dI Kurfk sI. mhfrfjf joDpur ny Aus dI tryinMg leI KLfs qOr ‘qy mfhr Ausqfd rwKy hoey sn. jldI hI mukfbly lVn vfsqy Aus dy zOly Prkx lwgy. 17 sflF dI Aumr qwk gfmf koeI KLfs msLhUr nhIN sI. iksmq df dyvqf Aus ‘qy AudoN imhrbfn hoieaf jdoN Aus ny ihMd kysrI pihlvfn guwjrFvflf dy rhIm bKLsL mulqfnI nUM vMgfr idwqf. gfmy df kwd isrPL 5 Puwt 7 ieMc sI qy mulqfnI df 7 Puwt. mulqfnI ny bhuq Gwt kusLqIaF hfrIaF sn. lokF nUM jfipaf ijvyN iewk bOxy ny rfKLsL nUM Lllkfrn dI gLLlqI kIqI hovy. sfry smJdy sn ik mulqfnI do imMt ivwc gfmy nUM mwCr vFg msl ky rwK dyvygf, pr smF gfmy dy pwK ivwc sI. mulqfnI ZihMdI Aumr df sI jdoNik


gfmy df krIar ajy sLurU hI hoieaf sI. svyry nON vjy sLurU hoeI kusLqI lgfqfr pMj GMty cwldI rhI. dovyN Blvfn Qwk ky cUr ho gey. gfmy dy kMm aqy nwk ivwcoN KLUn vgx lwgf. mulqfnI nUM vI gMBIr aMdrUnI swtF lwgIaF. aKIr PLYslf nf huMidaF vyK ky rYPrIaF ny kusLqI brfbrI ‘qy Cuzvf idwqI. ies mukfbly ny gfmy dI bwly bwly krvf idwqI. Auh DrU qfry vFg kusLqIaF dy afsmfn ‘qy Cf igaf. 1910 qwk mulqfnI nUM Cwz ky gfmy ny sfry msLhUr BfrqI pihlvfnF nUM DUV ctf idwqI. 1911 ivwc lMzn ivwc ivsLv hYvIvyt rYsilMg cYNpIanisLp ho rhI sI. Auh vI afpxy Brf iemfm bKLsL smyq Bfg lYx leI ieMglYNz phuMc igaf, pr vjLn Gwt hox kfrn gfmy nUM Gulx dI iejLfjq nf imlI. duKI ho ky gfmy ny KwlHI cuxOqI idwqI ik Auh iksy vI Bfr dy iqMn pihlvfnF nuM iekwTy 30 imMtF ivwc hrf skdf hY, pr gwp smJ ky koeI pihlvfn lVn leI nf afieaf. iPr Aus ny hYvIvyt vrlz cYpIan polYNz dy stYnIslfs jubYsko aqy PrYNk gONc nUM cYlyNj kr idwqf ik jy Auh AunHF nUM nf hrf sikaf qF ienfm dy brfbr pYsy dy ky Gr clf jfvygf. Aus df sB qoN pihlF cYlyNJ svIkfr krn vflf pysLyvfr pihlvfn amrIkf df bYNjfimn rolr sI. gfmy nUM Aus nUM 1 imMt 40 sikMt ivwc DUV ctf idwqI. dUjy idn Aus ny iewko idn ivwc 12 BlvfnF nUM hrf idwqf qF Aus nUM cYpIanisLp ivwc Bfg lYx dI iejLfjq iml geI. lgfqfr ijwqF pRfpq krdf hoieaf Auh PfeInl ivwc phuMc igaf. PfeInl ivwc Aus df mukfblf vrlz cYNpIan jubYsko nfl hoieaf. ZfeI GMty cwly mukfbly ivwc gfmy ny jubYsko dy pYr nf lwgx idwqy, pr Aus nUM Zfh vI nf sikaf. mukfbfl brfbrI ‘qy bMd krky agly idn ‘qy pf idwqf igaf. Qkfvt df mfiraf jubYsko agly idn aKfVy ivwc hI nf phuMicaf. vrlz cYNpIan df qfj gfmy dy isr ‘qy sj igaf. ies dOrfn gfmy ny sMsfr dy sfry cotI dy pihlvfnF nUM hrf idwqf. amrIkf df bYNjfimn rolr, PrFs df mOrIs zYrIafjL, XUrpIan cYNpIan jfhn lYm(sivtjLrlYNz) aqy sfbkf vrlz cYNpIan jYs pItrsn (svIzn) Aus hwQoN mfq Kf gey. rolr nUM qF gfmy ny 15 imMt dy mYc ivwc 13 vfr ptikaf. ies qoN bfad Aus ny jfpfn dy jUzo cYNpIan qfro imafkI, rUs dy jfrj hYNjLsLimwt aqy amrIkf dy PrYNk gOc nUM llkfiraf, pr Aus df dbdbf ieMnf ho igaf sI ik koeI mYdfn ivwc nf inwqiraf. Aus ny cYlyNj kIqf ik Auh ieMglYNz dy 20 pihlvfnF nUM iewko idn ivwc hrfvygf jF vrlz cYNpIan vjoN imlI rkm ienfm ivwc dy dyvygf, pr koeI sfhmxy nf afieaf. pr ajy vI Aus dy idl ivwc iewk ksk bfkI sI ik vrlz cYNpIan bxn dy bfvjUd Auh rusqm-ey-ihMd nhIN sI bx sikaf. ies leI rhIm bKLsL mulqfnI nUM hrfAuxf jLrUrI

sI. aKIr Auh idn vI af igaf. dovF sUrimaF df ByV alfhfbfd ivwc hoieaf. Cy GMty cwly mukfbly qoN bfad aKIr gfmf rusqmey-ihMd bx igaf. jdoN kusLqI qoN sMinafs lYx qoN bfad Aus nUM pwuiCaf igaf ik Aus nfl iBVn vflf ikhVf pihlvfn sB qoN Kqrnfk sI qF Aus ny iekdm jvfb idwqf ik rhIm bKLsL mulqfnI. ies qoN bfad Ausny gvflIar irafsq dy cYNpIan pihlvfn ibwdU pMizq dI ipwT lvfeI. 1922 ivwc ipRMs afPL vyljL Bfrq dy dOry ‘qy afey. Aus vyly gfmf irafsq pitaflf df drbfrI pihlvfn sI. Aus nUM Bfrq df sB qoN mhfn pihlvfn GoisLq krky ipRMs afPL vyljL ny idwlI ivwc cFdI dI gurj ByNt kIqI. Aus qoN bfad 1927 qwk iksy pihlvfn ny Aus nUM llkfrn dI ihMmq nf kIqI. 18 sflF bfad jubYsko ny 1928 ivwc dubfrf Aus nUM cYlyNj kr idwqf. Aus ny pitafly ivwc 60,000 drsLkF sfhmxy hoeI kusLqI ivwc isrPL 42 sikMtF ivwc jubYsko nUM icwq kr idwqf. jubYsko dIaF iqMn pwslIaF tuwt geIaF qF Aus nUM strycr ‘qy pf ky iljfxf ipaf. jubYsko ny ies qoN bfad kusLqI krnI hI Cwz idwqI. 1947 ivwc gfmf mhfrfjf pitaflf XfdivMdr isMG dy bhuq rokx dy bfvjUd pfiksqfn clf igaf, pr mrn qwk Auh ies PLYsly ‘qy JUrdf irhf. pfiksqfn ivwc Auh 1952 qwk kusLqIaF krdf irhf, pr Bfrq vflI gwl nf bxI. hfQI aqy Blvfn pflxy sOKy nhIN huMdy. Aus nUM iksy nvfb jF reIs ny srpRsqI nhIN idwqI. Aus nUM dmf aqy idl dy rog ho gey, pr ielfj leI pYsy nhIN sn. kusLqI pRymI BfrqI AudXogpqI jI[zI[ ibrlf ny pqf lwgx ‘qy 2,000 rupey dI shfieqf rfsLI ByjI. pfiksqfnI srkfr ny Aus dI 300 rupey mhInf pYnsLn lgf idwqI. rojLfnf 300 rupey dI Kurfk Kf jfx vflf gfmf bdhflI dI ijLMdgI ijAUx lwgf. aKLIr ibmfrIaF nfl Guldf pMjfb df ieh lfsfnI spUq lfhOr spUq lfhOr dy srkfrI hspqfl dy mMjy ‘qy 23 meI 1960 nUM mOq dI JolI jf ipaf. Aus df BqIjf BolU pihlvfn pfiksqfn ivwc kfPLI msLhUr irhf hY. Aus dIaF ksrqF nfl sbMiDq keI vsqUaF aYWnafeIaYWs pitaflf ivwc sMBflIaF hoeIaF hn. aMimRqsr dy cftIivMz gyt dy bfhr Aus dy Brf iemfm bKLsL vwloN sQfipq aKfVf cwl irhf hY. awj vI Aus df nF iemfm bKLsL df aKfVf hY. kihMdy hn ik brUslI, gfmy dy ksrq krn dy qrIikaF df bhuq kfiel sI. Aus ny Aus bfry keI afrtIkl pVHy sn. ikwkr isMG sMDU df jnm 13 jnvrI 1857 nUM lfhOr dy ipMz GxIeyky ivwc hoieaf sI. Aus dy ipqf df nF jvflf isMG qy mfqf df nF sfihb kOr sI. Aus df aslI nF pRym isMG sI. kuJ lok kihMdy hn ik iewk vfr Aus ny

Friday, March 17th, 2017

blrfj isMG iswDU aYsY pI dfqx qoVn leI ikwkr df drwKq hI pwut idwqf sI, ies leI Aus df nF ikwkr isMG pY igaf. aslIaq ieh hY ik swq Puwt kwd aqy ikwkr vrgf kflf rMg hox kfrn Aus df nF ikwkr isMG ipaf. Aus dI rfKLsLF vrgI qfkq dy keI ikwsy msLhUr hn. kihMdy hn ik iewk vfr Auh AUT ‘qy shuiraF nUM jf irhf sI. rsqy ivwc bdmfsLF ny Gyr ilaf qy nkyl PV ky AUT ibTf ilaf. bdmfsLF ny Aus nUM kYNTf dyx leI ikhf. ikwkr isMG ny Bolf ijhf bx ky ikhf ik kYNTy dI gMZ krVI hY, afpy KolH lAu. jdoN bdmfsL njLdIk af ky kYNTf KolHx lwgy qF Aus ny dovF dIaF igwcIaf PV ky AUT KVHf kr idwqf. dovF nUM agly ipMz qwk qorI vFg lmkfeI igaf. Aus df Bfr ieMnf sI ik iewk vfr aKfVy ivwc gwlF krdf krdf qKqposL ‘qy bYT igaf. cwpf cwpf motI lwkV df bixaf qKqposL do toty ho igaf. jvflf isMG KLud pihlvfn sI. ies leI Aus ny ikwkr isMG nUM vI pihlvfnI ivwc pf idwqf. ikwkr isMG afpxy nfnky ipMz gulfm muhMmd nF dy msLhUr Ausqfd dI dyK ryK hyT kusLqI dy dfa-pyc iswKx lwgf. ies qoN bfad Aus ny afpxy ipMz dy vsfvf isMG koloN bfrIkIaF iswKIaF. bfad ivwc Aus ny rusqm-ey-ihMd bUty pihlvfn nUM gurU Dfr ilaf. Auh hOlI-hOlI Bfrq aqy ivsLv pwDr ‘qy msLhUr ho igaf. Auh joDpur, ieMdOr, tONk aqy ksLmIr irafsqF df drbfrI pihlvfn irhf. Aus ny afpxI ijLMdgI ivwc koeI kusLqI nhIN sI hfrI. asl ivwc Aus dI qfkq aqy zIl-zOLl nUM vyK ky bhuqy pihlvfn Aus nfl Gulx leI iqafr hI nhIN huMdy sn, pr Auh afpxy krIar dI afKLrI kusLqI hfr igaf. dsMbr 1911 ivwc ieMglYNz dy bfdsLfh jfrj pMjvyN dI qfjposLI dy jsLn mnfAux leI idwlI drbfr kIqf igaf. AuWQy ikwkr isMG nUM Aus dy purfxy ivroDI aqy Aumr ivwc kfPI Coty aMimRqsr dy pihlvfn kwlU ny cYlyNj kr idwqf. Auh kwlU nUM swq vfr hrf cwukf sI. Aus vyly ikwkr isMG 55 sflF df sI qy dmy df mrIjL sI, pr Aus ny cYlyNj svIkfr kr ilaf. pitaflf dy mhfrfj BuuipMdr isMG, Bfrq dIaF anykF irafsqF dy rfjy aqy vfiesrfey ihMd sfhmxy cfr GMty cwly mukfbly ivwc iewk ivvfdmeI PLYsly nfl ikwkr isMG nUM hfiraf aYlfn idwqf igaf. ies qoN bfad Aus ny Gulxf Cwz idwqf. ieh hfr Aus ny idl nUM lgf leI. iesy gLm kfrn ikwkr isMG dI 18 PrvrI 1914 nUM 57 sfl dI Aumr ivwc afpxy ipMz mOq ho geI. ipMz ivwc Aus dI smfDI iqafr kIqI geI jo ajy vI mOjUd hY. Auh ieMnf msLhUr sI ik Aus nUM vyKx leI lokF df mylf lwgf rihMdf sI. Aus dy do ivafh aqy cfr pwuqr sn. afjLfdI qoN bfad Aus df pirvfr Bfrq af igaf. Aus dy pirvfr nUM iProjLpur ijLlHy ivwc jLmIn alft hoeI sI.

Friday, March 17th, 2017

PYNtfinl dy vpfrIaF nUM vDyry sKLq sjLf imlxI cfhIdI hY Auwc adflq df suJfAu PYNtfinl dy sMkt nUM mwuK rKidaF bI sI dI Aucqm adflq ny ikhf hY ik PYNtfinl dy sOdfgrF nUM vDyry sKLq sjLf idwqI jfxI cfhIdI hY| ies smyN ieh sjLf 12 mhIny qwk dI jylH bMdI hY| ies adflq dy mfnXog jsits zyivzhYirs ny ikhf hY,” ieh nsLf mfriPn nfloN vwD asrdfr hY, afPq hY | myrf ivcfr hY ik ies df DMdf krn vfilaF nUM vDyry sjLf dy dI ivvsQf hoxI cfhIdI hY|” srkfrI vkIlF ny vI iek kys ivc 18-36 mhIny dI sjLf dI apIl kIqI geI prMqU Auh apIl nf mMnI geI| ies bfry bI sI dy ishq aPsr zf: pYrI kYNzl df kihxf hY ,” PYNtfinl ivruwD lVfeI ivc vDyry sKLq sjLf dyxI lVfeI df iek Bfg qF ho skdf hY pr ies df hwl nhIN ho skdf| nsLy KorF nUM vDyry aYjUkyt krnf vI jLrUrI hY|”

sfihb isMG iQMd df snmfn hovygf Medal of Good Citizenship nfl 17 mfrc nUM 3:15 vjy stYnly pfrk dy tIhfAUs dy zrfieMg rUm ivc klcrl izvYlpmYNt mMqrI pItr PYsbYNz sfihb iQMd nUM mYzl aOP guwz istIjLnisLp dy ky AuMnHF df snmfn krngy| pRImIar ikRstI klfrk vwloN 2015 ivc sLurU kIqf igaf ieh snmfn Aus ivakqI nUM idwqf jFdf hY ijs ny kimAuintI dI ivlwKx syvf insLkfm Bfvnf nfl kIqI hovy| pRoPYsr mohn isMG mYmorIal PfAuNzysLn nfl juVy sfihb iQMd lgBg 25 sfl qoN mMg kr rhy hn ik kYnyzf srkfr kfmfgftf mfrU kFz bdly pfrlImYNt ivc muafPI mMgy| ies mMg nUM pRvfn kridaF bI sI srkfr ny 94 sflF bfad sUby dI ivDfn sBf ivc 23 meI 2008 nUM muafPI mMgI sI| meI 2016 ivc PYzrl srkfr ny vI muafPI mMg leI sI| sfihb iQMd nUM snmfnq krn bfry bolidaF pRImIar ny ikhf,” sfihb iQMd mnuwKI hwkF df idRVH smrQk hY jo smJdf hY ik asIN afpxIaF purfxIaF BuwlF df sfhmxf krdy XkInI bxf skdy hF ik sfzIaF BivwKq pIVHIaF ieiqhfs qoN shI syD lY skx| PYzrl srkfr vwloN kfmfgftf mfrU kFz bdly muafPI mMgxf sfihb iQMd dy XqnF df iswtf sI|”

bsMq ruwq dIaF CuwtIaF ivc akyvF bwicaF leI ikvyN lfBdfiek hY? vYnkUvr kostl hYlQ dI mnoivigafnI zf: isLmI kMg df ivcfr hY ik sfzIaF icMqfvF sfnUM kuJ krn leI pRyrdIaF hn , gwl bws sMquln dI hY| jdoN bwcy skUl dy kMm ivc ruJy nhIN huMdy ,Auh smF srgrmI, aflocnfqmk soc aqy smwisafvF dy hwl lwBx nfl sbMDq ishqmMd afdqF dy ivkfs df smF huMdf hY| AuMnHF hor ikhf,” akyvF iewk vfDU sLbd bx igaf hY ijs nUM PjLUl smF ikhf jFdf hY pr ieiqhfs gvfhI Brdf hY ik akyvyN dy smyN ny hI bhuq sfrIaF kfZF , bhuq sfry sfihq aqy adBuwq kivqfvF nUM jnm idwqf hY| akyvyN vyly bwcy afpxy afp Kyzx df smF lwB lYNdy hn| mfipaF dy qOr qy asIN bwicaF leI keI kuJ AuplbD krfAux dy Xqn krdy hF pr Xfd rwKxf cfhIdf hY ik hF-pWKI mfnisk gux iswDy qOr ‘qy qxfa pRbMD aqy icMqf GtfAux nfl sbMDq hn|”

The Patrika 


bMb dI dUjI DmkI imlx ‘qy XhUdI suvwC-AUrjf qknflojI dy bVHfvy leI sYNtr KflI krvfieaf igaf bI sI aqy kYnyzf srkfr dI BfeIvflI vYnkuvr dI Ek stRIt Aupr siQq XhUdI sYNtr 12 mfrc dI svyr 9 vjyN KflI krvfieaf igaf jdoN dUjI vfr bMb dI DmkI imlI| pr 11 vjy muV KolH idwqf igaf| sYntr dy aYgjLYkiytv zfierYktr aYlzYz golzPfrb df kihxf hY ik ies qrF dIaF DmkIaF Kqry dIaF sUck hn| AuMnHf ikhf ik pqf nhIN ieh koJf kMm kOx kr ihhf hY| ies qrF dI DmkIaF trFto, lMzn aqykYlgrI ivc vI imlIaF hn| ipCly hPqy imlI DmkI dI inMdf pRImIar ikRstI klfrk vwloN vI kIqI geI sI ijs ivc AuMnHF ikhf sI ik Guwg vsdy bI sI dI iksy vI BfeIcfry nUM idwqI DmkI sihx nhIN kIqI jfvygI ikAuN ik hr iek nUM afpxy swiBafcfr anusfr sLFqI nfl rihx df hwk hY|

rYstrYNtf ivc kMm krn vflIaF aOrqF nUM AuwcI awzI vflI gurgfbI pfAuxI sLfied lfjLmI nf rhy 8 mfrc nUM grIn pfrtI dI nyqf aYNzrIEU vwloN iek ibl pysL kIqf igaf ijs ivc vrk kMpYnsysLn aYkt ivc ieh soD krn dI mMg kIqI geI hY ik ajy vI ijMnHF rYstorYNtf ivc kMm krn vflIaF aOrqF leI AuwcI awzI vflI gurgfbI pfAuxI lfjLmI hY, Auh sLrq Kqm hovy| iessbMD ivc mfnXog pRImIar sfihbf ikRstI klfrk ny vI 12 mfrc nUMPys buwk post ivc ikhf ik Auh grIn pfrtI dI ies mMg nfl sihmq hn| ieh jYNzr ivqkrf hY jo Kqm hoxf cfhIdf hY| Auh ivDfn sBf ivc pysL kIqy ibwl dI hmfieq krygI|

bI sI qknflojI mMqrI amrIk ivrk aqy PYzrl mMqrI nvdIp bYNs vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik svwC-AUrjf qknflojI dy bVHfvy leI $40 imlIan df invysL kIqf jfvygf| ivrk ny ikhf ik ieMnHF sFJy Xqnf nfl ik suvwC, kusLl aqy siQq qknflojI nfl asIN vwzI qbdIlI ilaf skdy hF| iesy qrF mfnXog bYNs ny ikhf,” kYnyzI dIaF suvwC qknflojI kMpnIaF dy ivkfs leI kYnyzIan srkfr nUM bI sI nfl iml ky kMm krn ivc mfx hY| iesnfl kfrbn df inkfs Gtygf,vfqfvrn sfP hovygf jo sB dI ishq leI lfhyvMd hovygf| dono srkfrI agly iqMn sfl iesy idsLf ivc kM krdIaF rihxgIaf| ies Kyqr nfl sbMDq kMpnIaF dI hr sMBv shfieqf kIqI jfvygI qF jo suvwC AUrjf XkInI bxfeI jf sky|”

bI sI dy qknflojI sYktr nUM hor mjLbUq krn leI srkfr hoeI pwbF Bfr

bI sI dy dUsry sflfnf bI sI tYwk isKrsMmylx ivcbolidaF pRImIar ikRstI klfrk ny ikhf ik qknflojI sMsQfvF ivc pVHn vfly ividafrQIaf dI sMiKaf vDfeI jfvygI qF jo sUby dy AuwnqI kr rhy qknflojI sYktr nUM qknflojI mfhrF dI Gft mihsUs nf hovy| 2022 qwk hr sfl 1000 qknflojI gRYjUeytF df vfDf huMdf rhygf| nvF sfieMs & qknflojI rIsrc cyarjL pRogrfm isrijaf jfvygf| PYzrl srkfr nfl iml ky ivdysLI qknflojI mfhrF dy afvfs nUM sOKf kIqf jfvygf| qknflojI sYktr ivc invysL krn vfly cfhvfnF dI hr sMBv shfieqf kIqI jfvygI| ivktorIaf PfrmysI nUM 90% iesy sbMD ivc qknflojI mMqrI amrIk ivrk ny ikhf ik bfjLfrI zRwgF ivc PYNtfinl imlI qknflojI nfl dunIaF bdl rhI hY | Auc isiKaf mMqrI aYNzrIAU ivlikMnsn df kihxf sI ik srkfr Xojnf hY ivktorIaf dy PFrmfisst jfrz afsn df kihxf hY ik ieMnovysL-izRivn ieMzstrI dI vwD qoN vwD shfieqf kIqI bfjLfr ivc ivk rhIaF 90% zRwgF ivc PYNtfinl pfeI jfvy; AuMnHF nUM sUby ivc isiKaq qknflojI mfhr iml geI hY pr ies dI shI mfqRf df pqf nhIN | Aus dI STS skx| Pain PfrmysI bfjLfrI zRwgF dI prK muPq krdI hY| ies prK ivc Auh iek kfgjL dI vrqoN krdy hn jdoN iksy ikRstI klfrk vwloN rfjnIqk PMzF zRwg nUM Aus Aupr pf ky pfxI ivc Goilaf jFdf hY qF hoey dI pVql leI pYnl df vfadf pRqIkRm mgroN PYNtfinl df pqf lwg jFdf hY pr PYNtfinl dI mfqRf df pqf nhIN lgdf|mfqrF df pqf Forensic Lab pRImIar dy dPqr vwloN ies Kbr dI pusLtI kIqI geI hY ik rfjnIqk PMz iekwTy krn dy qOr qrIikaF dI jFc jF afr sI aYm pI lgf skdy hn| leI mfnXog pRImIar iek pYnl df gTn krygI| ieh vYnkUvr hspqfl ivc supr bwg kdm AudoN cuwikaf jf irhf hY jdoN bI sI ilbrl pfrtI iekwTy kIqy jfx dI ipCly idnIN iqwKI aflocnf hoeI lwBx leI kuwqy dI syvf leI geI vwsI|loN ies sMBfvI aYlfn bfry rfjnIqk pMzqF aqy aYn zI pI lIzr jOnhfrgn df kihxf hY ik kI hux ieh kdm vYnkUvr jnrl hspqfl ivc supr bwg lwNBx leI ZfeI ku sfl dy ieMgilsL kuwqy dI syvf leI geI arQfq kuwqy dI sfrQk hovygf jdoN sUby dIaF coxF isr qy afgeIaF hn| qyjL suMGx sLkqI nUM ies kMm leI vriqaf igaf| nvMbr dUjI gwl ieh ik ipCly hPqy hI ieh aYlfn hoieaf sI ik qoN iek pfielt pRogrfm aDIn jLurbrg aqy Aus df kuwqf afr sI aYm pI ielYksLn aYkt dIaF sMBfvI AulMGxfvF dI aYNgs ies hspqfl ivc iehI kMm kr rhy hn| iqMn sfl jFc krygI| ieMnHF ivc bI sI ilbrlpfrtI nUM kfrpryt pihlF jLrbrg afp vI aijhy bwg df isLkfr ho geI sI| grfixaf vwloN tyZy ZMg nfl idwqy dfn sLfml hn| Auh gwl jLurbrg ny dwisaf ik hux qwk Aus df ipafrf kuwqf 50-60 vI ajy isry nhIN lwgI pr pRImIar vwloN iek pYnl dy bwg lwB cuwkf hY jo hspqfl dIaF vwK vwK QfvF qoN imly| bxfeyjfx dI Kbr nsLr ho geI| vrxnXog hY ik pRImIar Auh hPqy ivc cfr vfr aYNgs nUM hspqfl ilaFAuNdI hY| sfihbf hr sfl bI sI ilbrl pfrtI qoN $50,000 pRqI sfl qnKfh/vjLIPLy vjoN lYNdI rhI hY| PAGE 37

The Patrika


Friday, March 17th, 2017


Spice Radio's Weekly Top 10 Songs By Angelina Rai

Fallon Tonight - @FallonTonight Jimmy and @PriyankaChopra have an impromptu Holi celebration! #FallonTonight

PRIYANKA - @PriyankaChopra This was so fun @jimmyfallon my fav part besides ur shocked face after I got u wit a big blob of face paint was @theroots playing #rangBarse

1. Tamma Tamma Again Badrinath Ki Dulhania - Bappi Lahiri, Anuradha Paudwal and Badshah 2. Badri Ki Dulhania Badrinath Ki Dulhania - Dev Negi, Neha Kakkar, Monali Thakur and Ikka

Thank you to all for so much love & for voting me Best Actress for Sultan #ZeeCineAwards20 17 #Grateful

3. Zaalima Raees - Arijit Singh and Harshdeep Kaur

4. The Humma Song Ok Jaanu - Jubin Nautiyal, Shashaa Tirupati and A.R. Rahman 5. Kaabil Hoon Kaabil - Jubin Nautiyal and Palak Mucchal

Abhishek Bachchan @juniorbachchan And @isro gives us yet another reason to hold r heads up high. They successfully launched 104 satellites in 1 rocket today. #ProudIndian

6. Whats Up Phillauri - Mika Singh and Jasleen Royal 7. Yeh Ishq Hai Rangoon - Arijit Singh 8. Bawara Mann Jolly LLB 2 - Jubin Nautiyal and Neeti Mohan 9. Enna Sonna Ok Jaanu - Arijit Singh and A.R. Rahman 10. Dum Dum Phillauri - Romy and Vivek Hariharan


Alia Bhatt - @Aliaa08 Thank you for the love!!!!! It really really really means a lot!!! #BadrinathKiDulhania

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017



jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-ipwq-ivkfr, GrylU JMJt, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, sMqfn-pwK TIk, rog-BY-hfnI, iesqrI-swuK, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1,2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

After the events that have taken place in your life since late January, you now find yourself in a situation where it would be wise to reflect on where life seems to stand now and what you want to accomplish in the future. What might need greatest consideration are your finances, as they come under the spotlight to 21st April.

Mars will move into your sign this week, where it will remain until 21st April. This heralds the beginning of a new 2-year cycle. Your energy level should lift, as well as your self-confidence. This could tempt you to rush into things but the position of Venus, your ruling planet, warns you to be cautious and patient to early April.

 

ibRK-rkq-cfp, guwsy ‘c vfDf hovy, Dn-sMpdf-suwK-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo-bdl. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.



imQn-ishq TIk, Xojnf sPl, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI, snmfn imly, ivsLysL Krc hovy, bMDU-ksLt, sMpqI lfB. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6 asLuwB hn.



krk-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-ksLt, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB hovy, injI-jn-sihXog, siQr, jfiedfd dy JgVy, sLuwB smfcfr, sMqfn-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr gVbVfey (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



kMinaf-ishq TIk, Gr ivc KusLI dy kfrj hox, bMDU-suwK, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.

7 

qulf-ishq TIk rhy, GrylU JgVy, inwjI lokF nfl axbx, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx qoN nuksfn df zr. iesqrI-ksLt. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6, asLuwB hn.



ibRisick-pyt ‘c KrfbI, Dn-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMpqI bfry icMqf, sMqfn-suwK, Xojnf sPl, dusLmx qoN BY, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



Dn-ishq TIk, PjUl df Krc hovy, dusLmx aqy ibmfrI df zr, Brf df ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-ishq TIk, GrylU JMJt, BfeI-bMDU qoN suwK, sMpqI-icMqf, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr cMgf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.

You can’t get away from commitments or responsibilities because others are in a better position to apply the pressure and they will. You need to look at what you have learned as a result. There is no point feeling sorry for yourself. You can be in for much frustration to mid April because of not being able to move things forward.

Others can readily accept plans you have for the future, especially if they have seen you as handling matters in a responsible manner since late January. If there is anything more you want to discuss or put forward, do that. Be sure you do not forget some of the finer points. Focus on your priorities from not to mid April.

You now need to move to the stage, from now to mid April, of committing yourself to whatever you have been considering pursuing in the long term since late January. This needs to be based on what you have seen a beneficial in the long term. It might be difficult to either know to fulfil the expectations someone else has of you.

On one level you can feel as though you are emerging from demanding expectations of others, though there will still be some remnants operating on a more subtle level until early April. Ask as many questions as you can right now as it can make things clearer when it comes to looking at long term goals from now to mid April.

Whatever actions other people have taken since late January should not be put to one side lightly. From now to mid April it may become difficult to know exactly where they stand, though they could be quite demanding. Don’t be surprised if you feel you need to reconsider your position by early April. Don’t overlook details.

There will no longer be any hidden aspects to exactly where you stand with someone else, though they may still try to hide some things. This could lead to a battle of some description between now and mid April. They are placed in a position where they will need to change their current stance by early April.

Where you have been able to take chances or just go with the flow since late January, you are now heading into a cycle to mid April where you will need to put your energy into taking care of the details. Your general health or fitness might need better attention in this time as well, especially if you have been socialising.

Whatever you have been working on to put in place since late January will now move onto an easier flowing stage to mid April though there might be other aspects that you weigh up and reconsider to early April. You are in a good position to gather information now that could be very helpful when it comes to final decisions later.

Do a final weigh up in your mind about what you feel are important priorities that you need to move forward on and start to put into place from now to mid April. Listen to your inner voice when it comes to finances. There is no need to move forward with anything that could cause you any financial worry further on.

Whatever has gone on with finances since late January now moves to the next stage of either gathering more information or giving things more thought to mid April. It is a worthwhile exercise as you could benefit during April as well. Much of this will be dependent on taking what is the most responsible path, however difficult.

11  kuMB-ishq Krfb, vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB, bMDU-ksLt, siQr-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, iesqrI-pwK TIk, kfrobfr bfry icMqf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6 asLuwB hn.



mIn-ishq TIk rhy, PjUl df Krc hovy, injI-jn ivroD krn, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK TkI, iesqrI-suwK rhy, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf aqy snmfn. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



The Patrika 

Friday, March 17th, 2017

riPAujIaF dI shfieqf leI mYnItobf dy pRImIar ny Etvf qoN mMgI afriQk mdd, PYzrl srkfr cuwp

kYnyzIan vrkPors ivwc aOrqfˆ dI BfgIdfrI vDI pr Bwqy ajy vI purÈfˆ nfloN Gwt! Etvf: kYnyzIan vrkPors ivwc aOrqfˆ dI BfgIdfrI Bfvyˆ pihlfˆ nfloN kfPI vD geI hY pr ajy vI afpxy purÈ sihXogIafˆ dy mukfbly aOrqfˆ nUM Gwt Bwqy idwqy jfˆdy hn. stYtysitks kYnyzf vwloN kMm vflI Qfˆ qy Bwiqafˆ ivwc brfbrI bfry krvfey gey srvyKx qoN ieh qwQ sfhmxy afieaf.

ivnIpYg: amrIkf qoN mYnItobf rfhIN kYnyzf dfKl ho ky pnfh hfsl krn dy qlbgfrfˆ leI pRImIar bRfien pfilstr vwloN mMgI geI afriQk mdd leI pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo vwloN koeI pRqIikiraf nhIN pRgtfeI geI. pfilstr df kihxf hY ik ienHfˆ lokfˆ dI hfAUisMg, vYWlPyar, BfÈf sbMDI tryinMg, kfnUMnI shfieqf qy hor syvfvfˆ dyx leI afriQk mdd vfsqy iewk hPqy qoN vI pihlfˆ ies sbMD ivwc trUzo nUM ilK ky shfieqf mMgI sI pr ajy qwk AuWDroN ies df koeI jvfb nhIN afieaf.

cfhIdI hY. pfilstr ieh vI cfhuMdy hn ik trUzo amrIkf dy rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp nUM Pon krn qy AunHfˆ nUM hflfq dI nËfkq smJfAux. aijhf krnf ies leI vI ËrUrI hY qfˆ ik trMp nUM vI ienHfˆ hflfq qy ienHfˆ nfl juVy Kqirafˆ bfry pqf hoxf cfhIdf hY. iewQy dwsxf bxdf hY ik mYnItobf dI inwkI ijhI kimAUintI aYmrsn ivwc sB qoN vwD lok amrIkf ivwcoN dfKl ho rhy hn.

nUM Gwt qnKfh vflIafˆ nOkrIafˆ krn leI mjbUr hoxf pYˆdf hY qy ies kfrn vI Bwiqafˆ PYzrl pbilk syPtI mMqrI rflP guzyl ivwc asmfnqf af jfˆdI hY. ieh vI not ny ipCly vIkYˆz aYmrsn df dOrf kIqf kIqf igaf ik jy kMm vMz shI vI hovy Bfv sI qy kimAUintI vwloN brdfÈq kIqI jfx jy purÈfˆ dy mukfbly iewko ijhf kMm aOrqfˆ vflI vfDU Kycl leI afriQk mdd dyx df pfilstr ny afiKaf ik sfzy ko l vI ho r nfˆ nUM imly qfˆ vI Bwiqafˆ ivwc koeI qbdIlI Brosf vI idvfieaf sI. guzyl ny ieh vI pR o i vM s fˆ vfˆ g sImq sro q hn qy sfzI afnhIN afvygI. aOrqfˆ nUM iewko ijhy kMm dy riQk siQqI vI koeI bhuqI vDIaf nhIN hY. afiKaf sI ik Auh suwLkrvfr nUM kIqI jfx purÈfˆ nfloN Gwt Bwqy hI imlxgy. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik aijhy lokfˆ dI mdd krn vflI mulfkfq dOrfn amrIkf dy homlYˆz buwDvfr nUM jfrI kIqy gey aiDaYn, ijs df isrlyK “vumn ien kYnyzf :vumn aYˆz pyz XUnIvristI afP torfˆto dy ieMstIicAUt ivwc sfnUM koeI ieqrfË nhIN qy asIN vI tIm sikAUirtI skwqr jOhn kYlI kol vI ieh vrk” sI, ivwc pfieaf igaf ik 2015 POr jYˆzr aYˆz d iekOnmI dI zfierYktr kYnyzf df ihwsf bx ky KuÈ hfˆ pr PYzrl muwdf AuTfAuxgy. ivwc purÈfˆ vwloN kmfey gey iewk zflr dy sfrfh kfplfn df kihxf hY ik ienHfˆ srkfr nUM vI afpxI iËMmyvfrI inBfAuxI mukfbly aOrqfˆ nUM 87 sYˆt hI imly. lybr lwBqfˆ nfl Auh pUrf ieqPfk rwKdI hY qy eyar Pors src aYˆz rYsikAU qknIÈIan dI tryinMg Pors srvyKx qy kfimafˆ dI 25 qoN 54 sfl AunHfˆ afiKaf ik Bfvyˆ vwD qnKfh vflI nO k rI ho v y jfˆ Gw t qnKfh vflI nO k rI dI Aumr AuWqy inrBr ies zftf muqfbk hfdsy ivwc mOq stYtskYn ny ieh pfieaf ik purÈfˆ vwloN hovy aOrqfˆ nUM iewko qrHfˆ dy kMm leI purÈfˆ hr GMty aOsqn 29[86 zflr kmfAux dy dy mukfbly Gwt Bwqy hI imldy hn. ies sskYcvn: rfiel kYnyzIan eyar qknIÈIanfˆ ivwcoN iewk sI. AunHfˆ afiKaf mukfbly aOrqfˆ nUM pRqI GMtf 26[11 zflr qoN ielfvf smfj ivwc aOrqfˆ qoN bwicafˆ Pors src aYˆz rYsikAU qknIÈIan dI ik src aYˆz rYsikAU kimAUintI dy mYˆbrfˆ dI prvirÈ qy Gr dy hor kMmfˆ kfjfˆ leI XOrktn, sskYcvn nyVy tryinMg hfdsy nfl mulfkfq krnf hI bhuq vwzI gwl hY. dy ihsfb nfl afmdn hoeI. vwD smfˆ kwZx dI vI afs kIqI jfˆdI hY ivwc mOq ho geI. afr[sI[ey[aYP[ anusfr Bfvyˆ mOsm cMgf hovy jfˆ mfVf, idn hovy jfˆ aiDaYn ivwc ieh vI pfieaf igaf ik qy ies qrHfˆ dy dbfa dy cwlidafˆ vI keI buwDvfr nUM mfstr kfrporl aYlPrYWz bfr rfq, muÈkl ivwc Psy kYnyzIanfˆ dI jfn AuWcIafˆ qnKfhfˆ vflIafˆ nOkrIafˆ AuWqy aOrqfˆ Kfs iksm dy krIar nUM awgy nhIN tryinMg dOrfn mfiraf igaf. Auh ivnI- bcfAux leI ijhVf Kqrf Auh cuwkdy hn pYg siQq 435 trfˆsport aYˆz rYsikAU Auh lfimsfl hY. mfstr kfrporl bfr vI pihlfˆ hI purÈfˆ df kbjf hox kfrn aOrqfˆ vDf skdIafˆ. skuafrzn df mYˆbr sI. POj vwloN jfrI aijhf kuwJ krn dI hI iqafrI kr irhf kIqy gey iewk ibafn ivwc afiKaf igaf sI. 17 ivMg ivnIpYg dy kmfˆzr krnl trUzo ny 3 aprYl nUM pMj Qfˆvfˆ AuWqy iËmnI coxfˆ ik afr[sI[ey[aYP[ dy zfierYktoryt afP aYˆzI kuwk ny vI bfr dy pirvfr, dosqfˆ qy krvfAux df kIqf aYlfn PlfeIt syPtI vwloN hfdsy dI jfˆc kIqI sfQI srivs mYˆbrfˆ nfl duwK sfˆJf kIqf. Etvf: pMj KflI pey PYzrl hlikafˆ mMqrI stIPn izEn qy jOhn mYkYlm nUM jfvygI qy jfˆc jfrI rihx dOrfn iksy vI AunHfˆ afiKaf ik mfstr kfrporl bfr nUM Brn leI iËmnI coxfˆ 3 aprYl nUM mMqrI mMzl ivwc hoeI Pyrbdl qoN bfad qrHfˆ dI jfxkfrI sfˆJI nhIN kIqI jfvygI. 435 skuafrzrn dI src aYˆz rYsikAU tIm df kImqI mYˆbr sI. sskYcvn ivwc krvfeIafˆ jfxgIafˆ . pr ienH f ˆ co x fˆ izplo m Y i tk ahu i dafˆ leI ieh sItfˆ rwiKaf mMqrI hrjIq swjx ny afiKaf ik Cy mhIinafˆ qoN vI Gwt smyˆ ivwc ieh dUjf dy bfvjUd hfAUs afP kfmnË ivcly Cw z xIafˆ peIafˆ . Etvf vY n Iar sIt bfr kYnyzf dy cMd Aumdf src qy rYsikAU Gfqk hfdsf hY. smIkrx bdlx dI koeI guMjfieÈ nhIN hY. ipCly sfl agsq qoN AudoN qoN KflI hY jdoN pIl ivwc Dfrimk aËfdI mfnx dI sInIar ilbrl mMqrI mOirl blYˆgr dI pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo vwloN pMj Qfˆvfˆ mOq ho geI sI. sfirafˆ nUM hY KuwlH: jYPrI AuWqy iËmnI coxfˆ krvfey jfx dy aYlfn mgroN ieh dwsxf bxdf hY ik do sItfˆ aYn[zI[pI[ dy aYm[pI[ mYiQAU izAUb df brYˆptn: brYˆptn dI myar ilMzf jYPrI ny hmy È fˆ Dfrimk aËfdI bfry aiDkfrfˆ qfˆ kMËrvyitvfˆ leI iblkul surwiKaq kihxf hY ik ieh iËmnI coxfˆ ivroDI iewk ibafn jfrI krky afiKaf hY ik pIl dy cfrtr nUM apnfAuNdy hfˆ. muslmfn mMnIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn qy hux vI aijhf hI pfrtIafˆ leI aijhf mOkf hn ijs rfhIN izsitRkt skUl borz ivKy muslmfnfˆ vwloN ividafrQIafˆ nUM skUl dy smyˆ dOrfn jy hox dI sMBfvnf hY. ieh dovyˆ sItfˆ hn kYnyzIanfˆ nUM ieh cyqy krvfieaf jf skdf adf kIqI jfx vflI nmfË bfry nPrq Bry nmfË adf krnI pYˆdI hY qfˆ sfnUM Aus dI kYlgrI hYrItyj, jo ik sfbkf pRDfn hY ik 2015 ivwc hoeI ijwq qoN lY ky trUzo BfÈx qy PYlfeIafˆ jf rhIafˆ glqPihmIafˆ kdr krnI cfhIdI hY. ies ivwc koeI mMqrI stIPn hfrpr dI sIt sI qy dUjI ny hux qwk ikhVy ikhVy vfady qoVy hn, qoN Auh hYrfn hn. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ipCly swk nhIN ik asIN hornfˆ Dfrimk mOikafˆ do dhfikafˆ qoN muslmfn ividafrQI pIl AuWqy vI ieho ijhf hI kuwJ krdy hfˆ. AunHfˆ kYlgrI imdnfpor, jo ik sfbkf iemIgRyÈn ijvyˆ ik dyÈ dy voitMg isstm ivwc suDfr iKwqy dy skUlfˆ ivwc sLuwkrvfr nUM nmfË adf afiKaf ik muslmfn ividafrQIafˆ nUM 20 mMqrI jysn kynI, jo ik hux albrtf dI krn df vfadf qfˆ trUzo ivsfr hI cuwky krdy af rhy hn. ieh koeI nvIN gwl nhIN imMt leI KflI Qfˆ AuWqy vflMtIar stfP pRogrYisv kMËrvyitv pfrtI dI lIzriÈp hn. kMËrvyitv aYm[pI[ gyrfrz zYltYl hY. EntfrIE ihAUmn rfeIts koz Dfrimk dI ingrfnI hyT nmfË adf krn dyx nfl leI joLr lf rhy hn, df gVH sI. bfkI ny afiKaf ik ieh hkIkq vI iksy qoN lukI aËfdI dI hfmI Brdy hn. sfzI istI qy sfzy AuWqy iksy iksm df afriQk boJ nhIN iqMnfˆ ivwc mfˆtrIal dI syˆt lfrYˆt, torfˆto hoeI nhIN hY ik izEn nUM Aus dI mrËI dy rIjn sfzy pbilk skUlfˆ ivwc Dfrimk pYˆdf hY. kuwJ gYrsmfjk ansrfˆ vwloN ies df mfrKm QOrnihwl qy Etvf df vYnIar Ault mMqrI mMzl qoN bfhr kIqf igaf. mfnqfvfˆ nUM brkrfr rwKx dI KuwlH idMdy qrHfˆ Dfrimk Bfvnfvfˆ nUM Tys phuMcf ky hlkf Èfml hn. ienHfˆ iqMnfˆ sItfˆ AuWqy sfbkf ilbrl afgU nUM ieh svIkfr krn hn. iPr Bfvyˆ ieh Dfrimk bfxf pfAux dI PYlfeIafˆ jf rhIafˆ aPvfhfˆ qy mfhOl nUM ilbrlfˆ dI mËbUq pkV hY qy ieh awgy ivwc ikMny hPiqafˆ df smfˆ lwigaf ik Aus KuwlH hovy ijvyˆ ik iswK ividafrQI ikrpfx gMDlf krn dIafˆ kIqIafˆ jf rhIafˆ koiÈÈfˆ qy pwg bMnH skdy hn, jfˆ iksy ÈfkfhfrI/ nUM bUr nhIN pYx idwqf jfvygf. pIl dyÈ dy vI ieMj hI rihx vflI hY. syˆt lfrYˆt qy nUM trUzo vwloN jrmnI qy XUrpIan XUnIan koÈr/ hlfl afid vrgIafˆ Drmfˆ nfl sB qoN vMn-suvMnqf vfly iKwiqafˆ ivwcoN iewk mfrKm QOrnihwl ipCly mhIny Aus smyˆ df sPIr bxfieaf jf irhf hY. ies nfl juVIafˆ KfxpIx sbMDI bMidÈfˆ hox asIN hY. vMn-suvMnqf sfzI qfkq hY. KflI hoeIafˆ sn jdoN sInIar ilbrl syˆt lfrYˆt dy votrË KPf vI ho skdy hn. PAGE 40

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017




(Corner of Hillcrest & Parkview)

Dr. Grover & Associates Dr. Gagan and Ashish Grover welcome all new patients and walk-ins to their new clinic. Both Doctors provide full services in hospital, home visits, and are open for long hours. zfktr grovr afpxyy byty, zfktr asLIsL grovr nfl afpxy nvyN kilnk ivwc nvyN aqy vfk ien mrIjLF df svfgq krdy hn. dovyN zfktr ggn aqy zfktr asLIsL grovr pUrIaF shUlqF pRdfn krdy hoey hspqfl azimsLn dOrfn aqy Gry vI mrIjLF nMU vyKdy hn. hux sfzf klIink vwD GMty KuwlHf hY.



CEDAR PARK PHARMACY & MT LEHMAN PHARMACY C open their third location!

ihwl krYst PfrmysI

hux zf[ grovr aqy zf[ jfPrI vflLy nvyN plfjyL ivwc KuwlH cuwkI hY

Hardip Singh Aulakh pharmacist

Perscriptions & Home Health Care provided!

Unit #100- 32516 Hillcrest Ave Abbotsford bc 604 - 746 - 1333 PAGE 41


The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017


I'm not sureabout performing with Justin Bieber : Sunny Leone Actress Sunny Leone says she is not sure if she would be performing with Canadian pop star Justin Bieber at a concert to be held here in May. There were reports about Sunny joining the pop sensation for his maiden concert in India."I am not sure about performing just yet but I am super excited to attend. I love Justin Beiber and to watch him live will be such a treat," Sunny . Bieber is bringing his 'Purpose World Tour' to India with a performance on May 10 in Mumbai.Beside Deepika Paduokone, names of Varun Dhawan, Sidharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt are being considered to perform at the concert. However, there is no official confirmation about the line up.Sunny was talking to reporters at company Emojifi's launch of 'Sunny Leone sticker emoticons'.

Sushant Singh Rajput says he always wanted to be in films and is happy with the way things are going in his career."I have been acting for 11 years. I have been doing theatre, television and films. I am doing the kind of films that I wanted to do. I can't complain against anything I can't say it is difficult or easy. "I am fortunate to get good work. I have planned it like that. I don't know what is working and what is not," Sushant.The actor received rave reviews for

his performance in the Neeraj Pandey-directed "M S Dhoni: The Untold Story" but reports of him throwing starry tantrums started doing the rounds after its success. Sushant, however, says, "It's not true. It is not (success) in my head." The actor is currently working on Karan Johar's production "Drive," which also stars J a c q u e l i n e Fernandez.Sushant is also looking forward to the release of his film "Raabta" opposite Kriti Sanon.

Loved Taapsee in Baby? Know her story in Naam Shabana Every time a film that becomes a talking point releases, some or the other character in it makes an impact on the audience's minds, irrespective of the duration heshe appears on screen. One such character to have a good recall value is Taapsee Pannu's in Baby, which starred Akshay Kumar. Even though the actress was on screen for barely 20 minutes in Baby, cinegoers loved her no-nonsense Intel agent role, who showcases her action skills when she beats the baddie, essayed by Sushant Singh. Now, two years after the film, as a special treat for fans of the spy thriller, a first-of-its-kind spin-off has been created with Taapsee's character getting her own fulllength feature film. Called Naam Shabana, this movie is helmed by Shivam Nair. Like Baby, Naam Shabana, which releases on March 31, also features a strong ensemble cast, with most of the big guns of Baby. Besides Akshay (Ajay Singh Rajput), Anupam Kher (Shuklaji) and Danny Denzongpa (Feroze Khan), this film will also have Manoj Bajpayee and Prithviraj, who will join them on a new mission. Neeraj Pandey , who directed Baby and is one of the producers of Naam Shabana, says, “Taapsee as Shabana in Baby left an indelible impression on audiences world over. It seemed important to share more about the character. Naam Shabana is the most obvious yet innovative step to take to build the franchise.“


Fortunate to get good work : Sushant

I just want to entertain : Varun Varun Dhawan, whose latest film 'Badrinath Ki Dulhania' released, says his aim is to entertain the audience with whatever he does. Varun on tweeted: "My director and the entire team has put in a lot of effort I hope everyone connects with the film and message. I just want to entertain." The actor, who is seen essaying the role of Badri in the Shashank Khaitan directorial, says the film is very special. "'Badrinath

Ki Dulhania' has been a very special film in my life... Like all actors I have also worked extremely hard," he added. 'Badrinath Ki Dulhania', which also features actress Alia Bhatt in key role, is the second instalment of the 2014 film "Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania." Varun has also roped in to play a double role in the remake of the popular 1997 Salman Khan s t a r r e r 'Judwaa'.

Can't say I don't like public scrutiny : Disha Patani Disha Patani has been in news for her alleged romantic relationship with actor Tiger Shroff and her strong reply to slut shaming trolls. The actress says she isnt fond of the public scrutiny, but understands that it is a part and parcel of a celebrity's job. "No one likes it (public scrutiny). But it is okay as it is a part of my job. I have chosen this job. If I didn't like it, I would have chosen something else. I can't go out and say that 'I don't like it'," Disha told over phone. Disha, who has been roped in as the brand ambassador of Pond's, says she doesn't like to mingle much, and is a shy person. "I am an anti-social person. I am a very shy girl, but that's okay. People want to know about it (star's life) if you are coming on screen, and are coming on a public platform. It doesn't disturb me if the focus is on my work," she said. The actress, who was seen in "M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story" and "Kung Fu Yoga", says that her journey in Bollywood has just started, and she has not chalked out any plan or strategy for it. "I have just started my career. It is too early for me to sit and think things like 'How I will take it ahead and everything' or 'What I will do with my life'. I am just enjoying my work and waiting and reading scripts. I don't have any plan of action," said the actress.

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The Patrika



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The Patrika



rIVH dI hwzI dy drd df ielfj sfzI rIVH dI hwzI kuwl 33 mxikafˆ dI bxI huMdI hY. ienHfˆ ivwc swq srvfeIkl (grdn dy mxky), 12 QYroisk (ipwT df Bfg), pMj luMbr (kmr) aqy pMj iPAUj ho ky iewk sYklr Bfg bxfAuNdy hn aqy cfr iPAUj ho ky koiksI Bfg nUM bxfAuNdy hn, ijs nUM pUC vflI (tyl bon) hwzI ikhf jfˆdf hY. rIVH dI hwzI dy mxikafˆ dy joVfˆ ivwc iewk qrl pdfrQ aqy gwdIdfr iJwlIafˆ huMdIafˆ hn, ijnHfˆ nUM asIN izsk dy nfˆa nfl jfxdy hfˆ. rIVH dI hwzI ivwc afAux vfly pirvrqn nUM

Friday, March 17th, 2017

zf[ kulvMq rfmf

asIN spoˆzylfieiss (hwzIafˆ df vD jfxf) mfspyÈIafˆ dy iËafdf iKcfa ivwc vI kihMdy hfˆ. rihx vflf grdn df Jukfa iewk pfsy vwl ho jfˆdf hY. ies ivwc srvfeIkl drd dy (grdn) kfrn: muwK krky strnokflIzo mYstoiez kuJ mrIËfˆ ivwc iewk jfˆ iewk qoN vDyry vfr nfmI msl dy iKcfa krky huMdf hY. ies ibmfrI nUM trotIkols ikhf iewk jgHf `qy swt lwgx kfrn huMdf hY. jfˆdf hY. glq qrIky nfl vDI hoeI hwzI vI ies df kfrn bxdI hY aqy mxikafˆ ivwc iËafdf ieh srvfeIkl dy gTIey krky vI imnrl dy jmHfˆ hox krky vI drd ho ho skdf hY. skdf hY. GMitafˆ bwDI kMipAUtr `qy kMm, dPqrI kM m kfj jfˆ lM b f smfˆ koeI vfhn clfAux vfly vI ies smwisaf df iÈkfr ho skdy hn. bcfa:

BrpUr mfqrf ivwc pfxI pIxf cfhIdf hY. kursI aqy myË quhfzy kwd dy ihsfb nfl ksrq krn qoN pihlfˆ afpxy srIr nUM hoxy cfhIdy hn. grm krnf qy ksrq krn qoN bfad TMZf afpxy mobfeIl nUM moZy `qy rwK ky grdn krnf cfhIdf hY. tyZI krky gwl nhIN krnI cfhIdI. ies nfl trotIkols nfˆ ibmfrI lwg jfˆdI hY. pUrI mfqrf ivwc nINd lYxI cfhIdI hY. luMbr (kmr drd): pyt Bfr nhIN sOxf cfhIdf. luMbr mxky sMiKaf ivwc pMj huMdy hn. luMbr df drd iksy qrHfˆ dI swt lwgx nfl jfˆ iPr mfspyÈIafˆ dy iËafdf akVfa (sitPns) kMm krn dOrfn afpxIafˆ mfspyÈIafˆ nUM nfl sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. smyˆ smyˆ `qy QoVHf afrfm dyxf cfhIdf hY. nsfˆ dy dbfa ivwc afAux nfl ienHfˆ joVfˆ lgfqfr iewk jgHf bYT ky kMm krn vfilafˆ df drd sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. nUM hr awDy GMty bfad pMj imMt leI qurnfgTIey nfl vI ies df drd sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. iPrnf cfhIdf hY. zorsl (QYroisk) kmr df Bfg: QYroisk iewk mxky dy dUjy mxky qoN iKskx nfl pslIafˆ aqy mxky afps ivwc do joVfˆ nfl vI ies df drd sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. ies nfl imly huMdy hn, jo ik ienHfˆ nUM rIVH dI hwzI lwqfˆ qy pYrfˆ ivwc tyZfpx af jfˆdf hY. mrIË nfl joVdy hn. ienHfˆ dovfˆ joVfˆ dy TIk qrHfˆ nUM ipÈfb krn vyly Ëor lgdf hY. lwqfˆ kMm nf krn krky sfzy srIr dy AuWprly BfrIafˆ ho jfˆdIafˆ hn. keI vfr mrIË dy ihwsy ivwc drd sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. joVfˆ vwloN pYrfˆ ivwc soiËÈ af jfˆdI hY qy lwqfˆ suMn nsfˆ nUM dbfAux `qy drd CfqI aqy pyt hox lwgdIafˆ hn. smyˆ smyˆ `qy grdn dIafˆ ksrqfˆ krnIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn.

ivwc vI ho jfˆdf hY.

zorsl drd qoN bcfa: srIrk vËn kwd muqfibk rwKxf cfhIdf hY. sOx vyly qlfeI df iesqymfl kro. afpxy srIrk Zfˆcy nUM iewksfr rwKxf cfhIdf hY.

CALL 604.825.7749 for more information or email resume to


sYkrm (kmr qoN hyTfˆ vfly Bfg df drd): sYkrm rIVH dI hwzI df hyTlf ihwsf hY. ieh luMbr dy pMjvyˆ mxky aqy koiksI ivckfr afAuNdf hY. sYkrm iewk iqkox afkfr dI hwzI huMdI hY. ieh afps ivwc iPAUË ho ky sYkrmfirËn bxfAuNdIafˆ hn.

ielfj: srvfeIkl drd aqy kmr drd dy zfktrI ielfj sbMDI kfPI Kojfˆ ho roËfnf sfh dIafˆ ksrqfˆ krnIafˆ cuwkIafˆ hn. afDuink mÈInI aqy afXurvYcfhIdIafˆ hn. idk qknIk rfhIN ies df ibnfˆ apryÈn ielfj vI sMBv ho cuwkf hY. ies nfl mrIË iËafdf dyr KVHy nhIN hoxf cfhIdf ikAuNik kuJ idnfˆ ivwc ibnfˆ drd, ibnfˆ byhoÈI aqy ies nfl rIVH dI hwzI `qy dbfa pYˆdf hY. ibnfˆ cIr-PfV dy isrÌ pMj idn dy ielfj ies kfrn rIVH dI hwzI df drd sLurU ho nfl qMdrusq mihsUs krn lgdf hY aqy jfˆdf hY. afnMdmeI jIvn bqIq kr skdf hY. iËafdf dyr pYrfˆ Bfr nhIN bYTxf cfhIdf. lMbf smfˆ Juk ky koeI kMm nf kro.

sfnMU tYNzm, PlYt-bYwz, mYksI aqy supr-bI leI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| rUt ibRitsL kulMbIaf, albrtf aqy vfisLMgtn ivwc hn|

ksrq krn qoN pihlfˆ srIr nUM grm kro aqy ksrq krn qoN bfad TMZf kro.

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The Patrika



$%%(< &+2,&( &216758&7,21 /7'

Laminate & Hardwood Tiles Drywall Painting Kitchen & Washroom Renovation Moulding Cedar & Chain Link Fencing House Wash

sKLq lkV aqy lYmInyt pyNitMg mOlizMg


rsoeI aqy vfsLrUm sIzr aqy cyn sMbMiDq vfV

zrfeIvfl rYnovysLn Gr Doxf

sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf

Who does not want a beau�ful dream house! We build custom homes, will help you to fulfill your dreams. Contact:

Sukhjinder Dhillon 604-807-2928 Our experience and proffesionalism will help you. Licensed Builder • Project Manager • General Contrac�ng


The Patrika


Employment kfimaF dI loV zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-5400 jF 604-825-3508

Workers Wanted

Wood Shop Workers Wanted Pay based on experience Heavy lifting involved Benefits offered Email resumes to randy@ or drop off at Project Doors, 2592 Mt. Lehman Rd, Abbotsford Fruit Farm Workers Wanted Baring Farms Ltd. is looking to hire 10 seasonal full-time employees for their blueberry farms located in Abbotsford, British Columbia. Duties include harvesting crops, pruning and weeding, working in all types of weather conditions, lifting boxes up to 50 pounds, irrigating crops. Start Date of Employment (Approx.): July 17, 2017, Work Hours: 40-50 hour work week, Wage: $10.85/hour, Minimum Education: None, please email:, fax: 604-287-1122, or mail to Baring Farms Ltd. 5625 Riverside St. Abbotsford, BC V4X 1T4

FARM LABOURERS WANTED Deol Farms, located at 1354 272nd St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 2P9, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from April 1st until winter 2017 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks

in various weather conditions. Fax resume to (604) 607-0841.


Friday, March 17th, 2017


Employment cont'd Workers Wanted Farm workers required starting as soon as possible. 40--‐60 hours/ week. Duties include pruning, planting, weeding, & harvesting berries. As well as other general farm duties. Work is outdoors & can be physically demanding. Wage $10.85/hour. Fax resume to 604-‐850--‐7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C9.

vrkr dI loV

Employment cont'd

Farm workers wanted For planting, pruning, tying, harvesting, and weeding. Work is physically demanding. 6 days a week in all weather conditions. Work will start march 17 2017 $10.85hr. Send resume to 2997 southern crescent Abbotsford B.C. V2T 5H7 or email or

Matrimonial lVky dI loV 31 sflf isWDU jWt isWK kWd 5 PuWt 5 ieMc BA, MA, PGDCA, MCA kIqI hoeI lVkI leI knyzIan istIjn jF iemIgRFt lVky dI loV hY| lVkI ieMzIaf rihMdI hY| PLon:- 604-825-8561 ieMzIaf:- 01191-98787-91669

lVkI dI loV

In home child caregiver required for a 2 year old. This is a full time, contract position. Wage: $11.50 per hr, Location: Abbotsford B.C, Language: English. Skills: High school &1-2 years experience or training. Duties: supervise & care for child. Preparing meals and feeding the child. Doing all personal care for the child including: bathing, dressing and changing diapers. Person should also maintain a safe, clean and healthy environment. He/she will also be responsible for taking hild to and from appointments. Optional accomodation available at no charge on a live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. Contact: Sukhi 604.832.9822 or email:

Jatt Sikh 30 years, 6' Computer Engineer boy seeking Canadian PR girl. Sister Canada settled. Contact: Shifali Mann 778-251-3708 kfimaF dI loV jWt isWK 30 sflf 6 PuWt kMipAutr nrsrI ivwc kMm krn vflLy lVky aqy ieNjInIar lVky leI kYnyzIan pI lVkIaF dI loV hY| hor jfxkfrI leI afr lVkI dI loV hY| BYx kYnyzf ivWc kfimaF dI loV Pon kro: 604-308-9626 pWkI hY| sMprk leI: sLPflI mfn nrsrI ivwc kMm krn vflLy lVky aqy 778-251-3708 lVkIaF dI loV hY| hor jfxkfrI leI aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| 778-8784723

Pon kro: 604-308-9626

GENERAL FARM WORKERS WANTED Seasonal employment harvesting and pruning raspberries and blueberries, from approx. June 15th till winter 2017. Individuals must be prepared to work varying hours in an environment that is physically demanding. Requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in a range of outdoor weather conditions. Hourly wage of $10.85, 45 to 60 hours per week. If interested, please fax resume to J & J Farms Ltd. (604) 855-0534 located at 30860 Huntingdon Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B7.

Driver Wanted

Driver wanted for local 5-Ton truck, must have one year experience and able to speak English and knowledge of lower mainland will be an asset. $18/ hr. For more information, Call Manjit Sidhu: 604-825-5211

FARM LABOURERS WANTED Geneva Farms Inc, located at 31580 Huntingdon Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B8, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from ASAP till winter 2017 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This position


Xog kMinaf dI loV

aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE 32 sflf, jwt gurisWK, gryvflL,

5’9”, vY w l sY t lz, qlfksL u d f, iewklOqy lVky leI sfAU suBfa dI pVHI-ilKI KfndfnI lVkI dI loV hY| stUzYNt jF ivjLtr vIjy ‘qy kYnyzf afeI lVkI ‘qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf skdf hY| sMprk: 604-897-6553

suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: Announcments 604-615-9877 Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Change of Name

I, Jagraj Singh Sangha 32366 Marshall Rd Abbotsford BC V2T Epl`ieMs irpyEr 1A4 do hereby change my name Jagraj Singh Sangha to Tek Epl`ieMs from Singh as of Jan 1st 2017.

  Change of name  I, Sukhdeep Kaur Deol d/o Pritam  Singh, holder of Indian Passport No  # P2867811 issued at Vancouver on

nsLy Cwzx leI

jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd requires the ability to work repetitive dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: tasks in various weather conditions. 604-859-8244 jF 778-779Fax resume to (604)-853-4605. 1337 jF

31/10/2016 Permanent resident of VPO: Sekha, Teh: Barnala, Distt: Sangrur Punjab India and presently residing at 32292 Atwater Cr, Abbotsford, BC V2T 4L2 Canada do hereby change my name from Sukhdeep Kaur Deol to Sukhdeep Kaur Grewal with immediate effect.

sIzr sLyk & isLMgl imWlL imsLn bI sI ivWc PuWl tfeIm kfimaF dI loV hY | afvydk BrosymMd imhnqI aqy nvy kMm isWKx dy kfbl hox | LstIl to vfly bUt luVINdy hn blOk pfeIlr $16.50 / GMtf bUm mYn $20.00 / GMtf kWt EP sfa apRytr $20.00 / GMtf spiltr mYn $20.00 / GMtf vYlzr $20.00 / GMtf (qjrbykfr hoxf jrUrI hY pr vYlizMg srtIiPkyt dI loV nhIN)

kubrmYn – pIs vrk (py ryt leI Pon kro) kMm leI rfeIz df pRbMD imsLn, aYbtsPorz, srI aqy iclfvYk qoN kIqf jf skdf hY

sMprk kro : amr sLfm 3:30 qoN bfad @


The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017



Production workers required in plastic factory situated in Mission as soon as possible. Work is 40-50 hours/week. Day and night shifts are available. Call Mike: 1-604-803-9077 or Email:

& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •

Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties

EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê

iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Workers Wanted

kfimaF dI loV hY

Jarnail Maan


We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal • Fax 604-850-9308

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765



The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017


anMdpur sfihb dy holy mhwly df purfqn rMg zfæ gurdyv isMG iswDU


sfnUM sfzy pYk hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm Puwl tfeIm hY| qkrIbn 10 mhIny kMm cldf hY| qnKfh Xogqf anusfr idwqI jfvygI| ieMplfiemYNt leI stYNpF idwqIaF jfxgIaF| kMm : Pork ilPt zrfeIvr stYikMg bYg pYikMg suprvfeIjLr

hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kr skdy ho:

778-552-3879 jF 604-825-0113 We need workers for our Pack house, will be full time job. Wages negotiable iable according to job position. Job Opportunity: - Fork Lift Drivers - Stacking - Bag Packing - Supervisor


gurU goibMd isMG jI vwloN holI dy iqAuhfr dIafˆ romfˆck ibrqIafˆ dI Qfˆ sUrmgqI vflIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ Aujfgr krn leI holI qoN agly idn holf mhwlf mnfAuxf sLurU kIqf igaf sI. AunHf vwloN mnfey pihly holy mhwly dy mnfey jfx dy smyˆ ies Auqsv df kyˆdrI sQfn iklHf holgVH sI. srUp isMG kiÈÈ dIafˆ ilKIafˆ ‘gurU kIafˆ sfKIafˆ’ ivwc holf mhwlf mnfAux df ibafn ieAuN kIqf igaf hY, ‘iesI vrK ipCly sfl kI qrh holIafˆ ky idhuM myˆ iklHf holgVH ky nËdIk bVI cihl pihl hUeI. Kflsf afps myˆ tolIafˆ bnfie Plgun sudI aÈtmI sy pUrnmfˆ qIk iklHf anMdgVH sy bfhr iklf lohgVH ky nËdIk bVIafˆ rOxkfˆ rhIafˆ. ies AuprMq Kflsf holgVH kI qrP afieaf. iprQmYˆ pfˆc inÈfncI ien kY pICy pfˆc ipafry, ijn ky hfQoN myˆ lMmIafˆ ikrpfnfˆ pkVIafˆ hoeIafˆ sn, ies qrh KflseI diraf TfTfˆ mfrdf hoieaf pUry jobn sy holgVH ky mYdfn myˆ jfie phuMcf.’ ‘pMjfbI lokDfrf ivÈvkoÈ` dy anusfr ‘holy mhwly vfly idn Kflsy nUM do dlfˆ ivwc vMz ky, dsm pfqÈfh msnUeI (nklI) XuwD krvfieaf krdy sn. iek dl inÈicq sQfn Auqy kfbË ho jfˆdf, dUjf Aus Auqy hmlf krky iklHf Kohx df Xqn krdf. ies qrHfˆ nklI XuwD duafrf XuwD jugqI qy pYˆqrybfËI df aiBafs huMdf. XuwD dy ngfry vwjdy, hiQafrfˆ df tkrfE huMdf, jYkfry gUMjdy aqy Pqih dIafˆ KuÈIafˆ mnfeIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ.’ dsMbr 1704 ivwc phfVI rfijafˆ qy mugl sYnf dIafˆ shuMafˆ Auqy Brosf kr ky gurU goibMd isMG jI anMdpur qoN cly gey qfˆ mugl sYinkfˆ dy zr kfrn ieQoN dy vsnIkfˆ ny anMdpur ivwcoN cly jfx ivwc BlfeI smJI. ieMj iek vfr holf mhwlf mnfAux dI inrMqrqf ivwc ivGn qfˆ pY igaf pr iswK ies Auqsv nUM Buwly nhIN. aOKy simafˆ ivwc vI jdoN dfa lwgdf, Auh holf mhwlf mnfAuNdy rhy. igafnI igafn isMG ny ‘qvfrIK gurU Kflsf’ ivwc iliKaf, ‘srhMd dy sUbydfr sdIk byg nUM Bfˆj dy ky aqy ropVIey pTfxfˆ qy nflfgVHIey rfjf qoN nËrfnf lY ky isMGfˆ ny sMmq 1813 ibkrmI nUM anMdpur dy holy myly ivwc gulfl qy gutky jf Auzfey.’ mfrc 1763 dy holy smyˆ vI anMdpur ivwc rOxkfˆ lwgIafˆ, jdoN srdfr qfrf isMG gYbf srhMd vwl jf rhI ÈfhI sYink tolI nUM moirMzy dy sQfn Auqy hrf ky ies Auqsv ivwc Èfml hoieaf sI. ies arsy dOrfn anMdpur af vsy gurU aMÈ soZI Èfm isMG dy cfr prvfrfˆ ny anMdpur dI Kuws cuwkI Èfno ÈOkq nUM bhfl krn vwl iDafn idwqf, pr

iksy kfrn holy mhwly dy jlUs df rsqf bdl idwqf igaf. hux ieh mhwlf gurduafrf sRI kysgVH sfihb qoN sLurU ho ky ndI crn gMgf dy iknfry KuwlHy mYdfn ivwc puwjdf qy AuQy Èsqr ivwidaf dy hunr dI pRdrÈnI krn ipwCoN vfps sRI kysgVH sfihb af ky smfpq huMdf. iswK srdfrfˆ vwloN imlI srpRsqI nfl anMdpur dy soZIafˆ dI jfiedfd ivwc byaMq vfDf hoieaf. 1845-46 dOrfn iswKfˆ qy aMgryËfˆ drimafn hoey pihly XuwD ivwc soZIafˆ vwloN lfhOr drbfr df pwK pUrn qoN nfrfË hoey aMgryË hfkmfˆ ny jMg ijwqx ipwCoN AunHfˆ dI coKI jfiedfd Ëbq kr leI, pr iswK jgq ivwc AunHfˆ pRqI ÈrDf Bfvnf nUM dyKidafˆ AunHfˆ dI iewËq bhflI kr idwqI geI. iswK srdfrfˆ ivwc pRcilq ivrfsqI vMz dy asUl anusfr ipqf dy mrn ipwCoN Aus dy sB qoN vwzy puwqr nUM mwuKI mMinaf jfˆdf sI. ies leI anMdpur dy sBnfˆ soZIafˆ ivwcoN vwzI srkfr dy lkb nfl jfxy jfˆdy gurU vMÈjfˆ nUM vDyry mfx siqkfr pRfpq sI. PlsrUp vwzI srkfr prvfr df muKI hI hfQI Auqy svfr ho ky holy mhwly dy Auqsv dOrfn iswK sMgqfˆ dI agvfeI krdf sI. ieMj iswK Drm dIafˆ hornfˆ rsmfˆ dI punr sQfpnf hox dy nflnfl holy mhwly df purb vI ÈfnO ÈOkq nfl mnfieaf jfx lwgf. holy mhwly dI Èfno ÈOkq df ibafn iËlf gËtIar, huiÈafrpur (1904) ivwc ieMj kIqf igaf hY: ‘anMdpur df holf mylf do idn Brdf hY. dUjy idn dupihr ipwCoN vwK-vwK gurduafirafˆ dy ÈrDflU afpo afpxy ivÈyÈ inÈfn sfihb lY ky kIrqn krdy hoey nËdIk vfly co Auqy puwjdy hn. sfry inÈfn sfihb iekwTy hox df nËfrf bVf idlcsp qy icqrmeI huMdf hY. afpo afpxy inÈfn sfihb duafly Jurmt pfeI pujfrIafˆ aqy ÈrDflUafˆ dy jlUs Bytf pRfpq krdy aqy lokfˆ nUM asIsfˆ idMdy hoey hOlI-hOlI cwldy hn. gUVy nIly vsqr pihn ky aqy ÈMkU rUp pwgVIafˆ dy duafly stIl dy cwkr sjfeI inhMg anMdpur gurduafry df inÈfn sfihb leI jfˆdy vyKx Xog huMdy hn. bhuq sfry inhMg GoiVafˆ Auqy svfr huMdy hn qy afp muhfry hwlf krdy, joÈIly hfv Bfv pRgtfAuNdy aqy jYkfry bulfAuNdy ieAuN ivcrdy hn, ijvyˆ iksy duÈmx qoN afpxy inÈfn sfihb dI rwiKaf kr rhy hox. kdy kdfeIˆ iksy iek tolI vwloN gurU df js gfien krn leI Èbd dI zUMGI DunI AuTdI hY. soZI afpxy hfQIafˆ qy sjy hoey GoiVafˆ Auqy svfr ho ky afAuNdy hn aqy hjUm ivwcoN lMGdy hn. hfQI Auqy svfr vwzI srkfr isr Auqy cOrI JulfAuNidafˆ, jnqf pfsoN siqkfr aqy Bytf pRfpq krdI

Friday, March 17th, 2017

The Patrika 

hY. ies avsr Auqy iekwTy hox vfly lokfˆ holy mhwly dy ies Dfrimk pwK dy nfl ies dI igxqI lgBg qIh hËfr huMdI hY. ‘Èfm vyly inÈfn sfihb DImI gqI nfl qy jyqUafˆ vflI Èfn nfl ksby vwl ilafey jfˆdy hn. sUrj iCpdy BIV GtxI sLurU ho jfˆdI hY qy bhuqy ÈrDflU afpxy Grfˆ nUM cfly pf idMdy hn. bhuq sfry kwtV inhMgfˆ dI hfËrI sdkf ies myly nUM sdf kuJ rfjsI mhwqv vflf smiJaf jfˆdf hY. iek mOky 1864 ivwc iek kwtV iswK ny luiDafxf imÈn dy iek pRcfrk nUM mfr idwqf sI. iek qjrbykfr mYijstRyt aqy ÈkqIÈflI puls bl dy nfl puls dy iËlf suprzYˆt dI mOky Auqy qfienfqI hmyÈf hI lfhyvMdI smJI geI hY. ies myly qoN qurMq pihlfˆ vIh-qIh hËfr dy lgBg vwzI igxqI ivwc lok anMdpur qoN Cy mIl dUr siQq kIrqpur dy gurduafirafˆ dy drÈnfˆ leI afAuNdy aqy AuQoN anMdpur puwjdy hn.’

df dUjf pwK vI sI. Coty ksby ivwc byaMq sMgq afAux kfrn AuqpMn ho skdI sMBfvI


Research breaks new ground on tracking brain changes in autism

Researchers available to share study BgdV qoN bcx leI srkfr ivÈyÈ puls findings during international Brain qfienfq krdI. Bfvyˆ dUr durfzy qoN vwzI Awareness Week March 13-19 igxqI ivwc iswK sRI kysgVH ivwc aMimRq Simon Fraser University researchers Sam Doesburg and Vasily Vakorin Ckx afAuNdy, pr ies Auqsv nUM mylf have discovered that how different smJ ky mnorMjn leI afAux vfly lokfˆ dI regions of the brain communicate igxqI vI Gwt nhIN sI. srkfr ipMzfˆ qoN with each other develops atypically in autism. For years, researchers have mnorMjn krn dy mksd leI afey aijhy sought to discover hallmarks of the lokfˆ leI igxqI dy idnfˆ leI Èrfb df autistic brain, but often with contradictory results. Tykf KolH idMdI, jo Èrfb pI ky ieDr AuDr GuMmdy. gurduafrf suDfr lihr dy afr- The research, performed using magneteoncephalographic (MEG) imagMiBk dOr ivwc akflIafˆ ny ies KrmsqI ing of communication between brain nUM rokx vfsqy holy mhwly dy pRbMD ivwc areas, shows that researchers have essentially been “looking for the wrong dKl aMdfËI sLurU kIqI. PlsrUp 1921 qoN thing.” According to the research, ienHfˆ kurIqIafˆ nUM TwlH pYxI sLurU hoeI aqy published by the American Neurologi1925 ivwc gurduafrf aYkt bxn ipwCoN cal Association, it is the brain changes throughout childhood and adolescence gurduafirafˆ df pRbMD sLRomxI gurduafrf that are altered in people with aupRbMDk kmytI dy hwQ afAux ipwCoN holy mhwly tism, rather than ‘overcorrection’ or ‘under-connection,’ as some research df srUp Aukf hI bdl igaf. suggests.

“What we found is that instead of looking for an overcorrected brain or an under-connected brain, we need to look for a brain that is atypical for its specific state in development (six-toseven years old, for example),” says Doesburg, who holds SFU’s Callum Frost Professorship in translational Research in Autism. “Providing objective brain markers for autism will help in the early and accurate diagnosis of autism, as well as a method for tracking the progression of the disease over time or during treatment.” The research will be further supported through the launch of SFU’s new ImageTech Lab at Surrey Memorial Hospital later this year. Meanwhile, SFU’s Behavioural Neuroscience program, offered jointly by the Departments of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology and Psychology, is being expanded to provide unique educational opportunities that focus on this type of translational neuroscience research.



10th annual Golden Tree Vigil

swfy mobwiel bYNikMg mwhr quhwfI shUlq muqwbk siQq hn[

AwpxI sQwnk kost kYpItl syivMgz mobwiel bYNikMg mwhr, kYrn hIr nUM imlo[ kYrn quhwfy kol Aw ky quhwnMU imlygI, auh vI aus smyN ’qy jo quhwfy leI FukvW hY[ikauNik jdoN mOrgyj dI g`l hovy, audoN quhwfy kol hr vwrI brWc iv`c Awaux dw smW nhIN huMdw[ auh nvIAW mOrgyjW, rIinaUlz Aqy kMstRkSn jW fvYlpmYNt &wienWisMg sMbMDI swfy sB qoN vDIAw pROfkt Aqy ryt quhwfy kol lY ky AwvygI[ kYrn nUM &on kro[ quhwfI mdd kr ky aus nUM ^uSI hovygI[ Karen Heir 604.786.3194


The Patrika 

Friday, March 17th, 2017

FV Cultural Diversity Awards

The Patrika

Friday, March 17th, 2017



30210 Automall Drive - Abbotsford Toll Free: 1-800-688-2657 jsivMdr GMumx dI lIzrisLp ivwc sfzI pRoPYsLnl tIm quhfzI syvf leI hmysLf hfijLr hY| asIN pMjfbI, aMgryjI, ihMdI aqy AurdU boldy hF nvIaF aqy purfxIaF gwzIaF leI iewk vfr jrUUr syvf df mOkf idE

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The Patrika


Friday, March 17th, 2017









$28,738 – $4,761 – $1,000

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SALE PRICE $15,888

SALE PRICE $22,977

SALE PRICE $23,888


2016 F-150 CREW CAB XLT/XTR 4X4

2016 F-150 CREW CAB XLT/XTR 4X4






SALE PRICE $40,589







* $1,000 DOWN + COSTCO TP $16,234 PURCHASE OPTION $27,239



Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer and availability. Offers only valid at MSA Ford. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. All offers subject to prior sale. All available Ford incentives, Non stackable cash rebate, MSA Finance cash, and rebates/credits/allowances/rates have been used in advertised prices. Some rebates and credits may be taxable, including the Costco Member rebate offer. Low APR/LAPR rates not available with non stackable cash. Financing/Leasing on approved consumer or business credit. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. Add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. Vehicle may not be exactly as shown. All offers expire March 18th, 2017 at 6:00 pm (PST).









MON - THURS • 8:30AM - 7PM FRI & SAT • 8:30AM - 6PM SUN • CLOSED





T H E F R A S E R VA L L E Y ’ S O N LY F O R D S U P E R S T O R E ! Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer and availability. Offers only valid at MSA Ford. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. All offers subject to prior sale. All available Ford incentives, MSA Finance cash, and rebates/credits/allowances/rates have been used in advertised prices. Some rebates and credits may be taxable, including the Year End $1,000 on F-150 offer. Financing/Leasing on approved consumer or business credit. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. Add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. Lease Offers are plus applicable taxes and payments are calculated B-Weekly Lease offer is calculated at 99% for 36 months 20 000 kms per year limit More mileage available at higher monthly payment Total paid is $16 817 40 plus tax = ($18 835 56) Guaranteed residual at lease end is 23 035 plus taxes All offers expire February 11 2017 at 6:00 pm (PST)


Friday, March 17th, 2017


Arjun Kapoor 778.240.6163 Little Oak Realty

Independently Owned and Operated

Thinking of buying or selling real estate ? Call me Today! iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI iewk vfr jrUUr arjun kpUr nflL sMprk kro




Friday, March 17th, 2017

Friday, March 17th, 2017




Friday, March 17th, 2017

Davesher Harmesh Davesher Rupinder Personal Real Estate Corporation Realtor



FREE Market Evaluation Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes



3396 Headwater Place

34061 Townshipline Road - Abby 5070

32688 Pandora Avenue, Abbotsford 5103



Real Estate Office

in the Entire Fraser Valley For 16 Years

(Production per Sales Person)

OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun 2:00 - 4:00 Legal Suite - West Abby


2 storey w/fully finished bsmnt!! Near High St. Mall, close to 3 schools. Walk to Appollo Gym & churches. Easy freeway access. 4 bdrms, 3 full baths & laundry up. Almost 4000 sq ft home!!

Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

32672 14th Avenue, Mission 5174

5862 Sq ft Luxury Home!

Perfect location near Mission Rec Center, shopping L& all schools. 8 bdrms, 6 full baths. Granite countertops. Triple garage. RV parking, theatre rm & bar, 3 covered decks. Open fl plan and high Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


3178 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford 5161

Brand New Home!

Huge 2 storey home. Near High St. Mall, freeway and U.S. border!! 4 bdrms + laundry up w/3 full baths. Main has liv rm, fam rm, kitchen, din rm, powder rm PLUS nanny OR in-law suite OR Home based

business!! Priced to Sell!!

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831




3501 Hill Park Place, Abby 5172

3887 SF Home/West Abby

2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hiway #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831



Blueberry Farm in Excellent location in Matsqui, Abbotsford

Some of the finest blueberry growing land in BC. Farm production is consistent & at full production levels. Two houses & multiple barns & sheds provide great rental income. Approximately 10 acres Duke, 5 acres Bluecrop, 1 acre Elliot and 1 acre Bluegold. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


2576 Caboose Pl., Abbotsford 5170

Brand New Home/West Abby!

2 storey w/fully fin bsmnt. Main features large family rm open to kitchen, spice kitchen, dining rm, living rm & den. Upper has 4 bdrms & 3 full baths. Bsmnt has 2 bdrms, 2 baths, rec room, media room & play room. Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


2 storey, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms up. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths on main + family room and rec-room. In area of newer homes. Hurry on this one!! Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


3 storey almost 7300 SF home on 10360 SF lot. 12 bdrms, 10.5 baths & 4 kitchens. 3 bdrms & laundry on main. S/S appliances w/granite & quartz countertops. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


27638 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford 5135

New Beauty in Abbotsfsord

This is a “must see” home! High ceilings, den/office, huge island, spice & main kitchen. 2 sundecks, good size backyard. Minutes from High Street Mall and #1 HWY! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


32703 Unger Court, Mission 5082

3176 Engineer Crescent

Brand New! Abbotsford West

Custom Built Luxury Abbotsford Home

PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT OF YOUR RENTAL PROPERTIES For information please call our Property Management Division

Cheri Dudley Property Manager

604-820-9000 Cell: 604-854-0011

Quality built 4 bdrm Home!

Maple kitchen w/granite counter tops. Each bedroom has own ensuite. Plus 2 bedroom legal suite. Still time to pick your colours. Act Fast!!

Call Harmesh 604-897-4521




Friday, March 17th, 2017

2828 Alice St., Abbotsford 5171

Building / Development 5160

Abbotsford Rancher!

MISSION 10 Acre Building Site! 10394 Stave Lake Privacy among the hills and mature forests. Large level building site. Septic and well in place. Build your dream home. (Owner can build for you!!) 10 minutes drive from West Coast Express. $599,000

Renovated Rancher with basement, 3 bdrms up and 3 bdrms down. Close to Matsqui Recreation Center and Elementry, Middle and High schools. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


3034 Tims Street, Abbotsford 5061


4 building lots. Beautiful Hatzic Ridge Estates #5, 13, 24, 25 34854 Ferndale Ave Mission Gated quality controlled sub-division. Bring your fussiest buyes. The “Eagle Mountain” of Mission. $549,000 each

3178 Engineer Crescent

Townline Area of Abbotsford

6 Brand New Homes Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Split Entry - Abbotsford!!

Fully finished basement, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Large car-port. Fenced backyard. Priced to sell!!

Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


2387 Southdale Cres., Abbotsford 5085


East Abbotsford Building Lot 35629 Zanatta Place 5928 sq ft lot near Delair Park!! Close to shopping, Castle Fun Park, easy access to hwy #1. $415,000 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Brand New Homes in Hope Starting from



Great Location/Abbotsford! Close to shopping and all amenities and churches!! Great investment property. Property has legal suite.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Lots For Sale in Chilliwack Starting from



- 109 Building Lots Spectacular 3-6 bedroom homes surrounded by stunning views

This high end gated community offers you a choice of fully-serviced lots from 1/4 acre to 2 acre Estate Homes, elegant Executive Ranchers with two basements or Contemporary 2 storeys with basement or building lots. All homes have amazing views looking south over Hatzic Lake, renowned Westminster Abbey and towards Abbotsford, BC and Sumas WA

Rupinder Davesher Personal Real Estate Corporation

Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5




Friday, March 17th, 2017

2790 2 790 Allwood d Street


R E S I D E N T I A L w w






Looking to Sell Your Home or Farm? Call me for a FREE EVALUATION

• Close to all levels of school

• Living Space = 2002 sf • Lot = 8420 sf

• Investment Opporunity • will need some TLC • 2 Bedrooms

3520 Latimer Street

F A R M S 10.


• Drip Irreg & Some Equip

•Matsqui Area

• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)

34350 Bateman Road


• Blueberry Farm • Flat / Rectangular • 4 bedroom 2 bath • BlueCrop/Duke Variety • Drip Irreg & Some • Matsqui Area Equip

• Living Space = 1768 sf • Lot = 6360 sf

•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety

6113 Beharrell Road

• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area

1639 King Road ..................................................$815,000 30544 Steelhead Court ....................................$619,900 3666 Newcastle Road .......................................$649,000 2290 Imperial Street ........................................$550,000

• Blueberry Farm • LAND ONLY • Bradner Area

cres A 9 .08


• Drip Irreg • Flat / Rectangular • Elliot Variety

7.092 Acres Haverman Road

res c A 39

•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety

Lot 1 on Glenmore Road

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

• Matsqui Flats • Bare Land

• Rare Listing of this type • Minutes from town

Lot B Riverside Street


c 10 A


• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

• Mission • Full Production Blueberry Farm

• Ready for Machine Pick • 5 min from town

430 Bowman Road

5111 Tolmie Road............................................$1,149,900 4627 Dixon Road ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ........................................$874,700 565 Marion Road ........................................... $1,699,900



• Lots of Updates! Close to all Schools • Perfect for 1st Time Buyer

• 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths




Lot 6 Glenmore Road

• 1 Bath • Living space= 925 sf • Strate= $310/mth



cres A 2 8

cres A 1 4

• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm


cres A 3 4

res c A .8

• Warehouse & Pump Houses


122 - 32850 George Ferg Way

34125 Higginson Cresdcent ...........................$895,000 5 - 33890 Marshal Road ...................................$789,900 44 - 30748 Cardinal Ave ..................................$459,700 2735 Mitchel Street ...........................................$610,000

• Blueberry Farm




• Unf Bsmt for your ideas!

• 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths

604 04-85 85 8 55 08 55-0 800 80 0 604-855-0800 virbinde er77@gmail com m

778 7 78 -241-7451


Ab Abb A Abbotsford, bb bbot bbots ots ots tsfo fo for orrd d,, BC BC V V2T V2 2 3R7

39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 McCallum Road ~ Agassiz ........................... $2,300,000 Taylor Road ~ MtLehman Area .................. $2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900

Friday, March 17th, 2017


Parm Brar 778.549.4946

iksy qrHF dI pROprtI (Gr, Pfrm jF ibjLins) KRIdx jF vycx leI prm brfV nfl aWj hI sMprk kro ! #2- 2838 Garden Street, Office: 604.853.3374 Abbotsford BC V2T 4W7 Email: Website:




Friday, March 17th, 2017

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