March 31st, 2017

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WEEKLY Friday, March 31st, 2017 Vol. 21, No.25

sfeImn PryjLr XUnIvristI ivwc pVHn vfly insLfn rMDfvf ny knyzIan jUnIar aqy sInIar rysilMg ivwc dUsrI vfr rfsLtrI pwDr qy ijwq pRfpq krky pMjfbI BfeIcfry df nf Aucf kIqf. Simon Fraser University’s Nishan Randhawa repeats his feats from last year, defending both his Canadian Junior and Senior freestyle wrestling titles

Purchases First time home buyers Builders Mortgage Refinances Ports

iksy vI qrHF dI mOrgyj lYx leI aimq nUM Pon kro



The Patrika 

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Friday, March 31st, 2017

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017


“Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.”


iksy aigafq lyKk dIaF ieh pMkqIaF ikMnHIaF sfriQk hn awj dy sMdrB ivc qy kwlH vI ieh eynHIaF hI sfriQk sn. amIrI grIbI df ikMnHf vwzf pfVHf hY, JUT qy swc dy pfVHy vFg, TIk qy glq vFg. “amIrI aOr grIbI kI PLkq ieqnI khfxI hY, grIbI eyk buZfpf hY, amIrI eyk jvfnI hY.” pr asIN AudoN byvws ho ky rih jFdy hF jd ieh pfVHf irsLiqaF dIaF dIvfrF hor AuWcIaF krn lgdf hY afpixaF nUM bygfny bnfAux lgdf hY qy dosqIaF nUM dusLmxIaF ivc bdlx lgdf hY. BfvyN ieh pfVHf smfj dI sLurU qoN hI hoxI rhI hY. ikRsLn sudfmy dI dosqI iks ny nhIN suxI pr sfry ikRsLn sudfmy vFg nhIN ho skdy qy dosqI vI Aus pwDr dI nhIN ho skdI. pYsy vfly bMdy nfl cfhy Auh irsLqydfr, cfhy Auh dosq imwqr hY hr bMdf afpxf irsLqf dwsx ivc PLKr mihsUs krdf hY qy grIb nfl nyVly irsLqy qoN vI awK curfAux lgdf hY. ieho hfl auhdydfrIaf df hY. iksy Aucy ruqby vfly nfl hr bMdf dUr jF nyVy df irsLqf aksr lwB hI lYNdf hY qy iksy nIvyN drjy dy mulfjLm nfl BYx Brf vI irsLqf rwKx qoN sLrm ijhI Kfx lgdy awKIN vyKy hn. Aus nfl dUrI bnfAux dI vI hr koisLsL kIqI jFdI hY. asIN smfijk jIv hF, smfj nfl sfzf atuwt irsLqf hY. asIN ies ivc ivcrnf hY qy ieh sB kuJ ies df iesy qrHF aMg rihxf hY jo sdIaF qoN rihMdf afieaf hY. pr socx vflI gwl hY ik iekwlI Dn dOlq hI jIvn df afDfr nhIN huMdI. afdmI df ikrdfr, Aus dI vPfdfrI, Aus dI ilafkq vI bhuq vwzIaF PAGE 4

rihmqF hn jo keI vfr gurbq hyT dwb ky rih jFdIaF hn. rfjy mhfrfjy aksr afpxy drbfrF ivc bhuq isafxy slfhkfr rwKdy sn, rfijaF dy vjIr vI ieho kMm krdy sn aqy awj ijnHF nUM asIN kfnUMnI slfhkfr kihMdy hF (jo iek civilized word hY) ies ivc koeI sLwk nhIN ik iensfn pYsy dy grUr ivc sB kuJ Buwl jFdf hY qy iesy grUrqf ivc Aus df idmfg AunHIN isafxp nfl nhIN soc skdf qF hI qF Aus nUM slfhkfrF dI loV pYNdI hY. pr ienHF sB cIjLF qoN Aupr ‘vkq’ hY jo mYN pihlF vI iliKaf sI iksy nUM nhIN bKsLdf. iesy leI kihMdy hn:“dunIaF myN iskMdr koeI nhIN bs ‘vkq’ iskMdr hoqf hY.” isafxp qy ilafkq vwzy vwzy KwbIKfnF dy gozy lvfAuNdI vyKI hY. aklF ibn KUh KflI qy isafxp qy akl ibnF dOlqF AujVdIaF asIN vyKdy hF. dysL qy kOmF keI vfr ievyN hI brbfd hoeIaF hn. ies leI grIb hr vfr glq nhIN huMdf qy ijhdI koTI dfxy Auh hr vfr isafxf vI nhIN huMdf ikAuNik:“Nothing is absolutely right and nothing is absolutely wrong in this world. Every opinion and every argument has always. three sides: -your side, my side and the RIGHT SIDE. sfnUM sB nUM TIk qy glq df aMqr ivcfrdy hoey TIk qy loVvMd dI shfieqf krnI cfhIdI hY grIbI amIrI dy pfVyu qoN AuWcf AuTky.

The Patrika Patrika The


     

Friday, March December Friday, 31st,25th, 20172015

gurmY U qyN gsLbhfdr dI aflmI mnuwkr KI aiDkfrF nUM dyx nYN sLnjI YN afqm hnn irhf sI

ikAuNik mYnUM afrfm krnf nhIN afAuNdf sI

nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hYpfl . AunsyHfˆmsn rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI vwloN iqMkntr, sfQIafˆ mqI dfs, sqI rw iKaf leI ˆ nUM afpxI rbfnI krn dyxI peI. zfierY Xyl aYBfeI zvrtfeIijL Mg,BfeI 12815 afrfm hI Au dynHfbfry ivwc kuivcfr df dfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nfl idw l I ivw c iskfmro, vynzot, imsLIgn su J fa idw q f. Au s ny mY n U M dw i saf ik afrfm wKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ nfl nvMbr 1675 nUM idwqI geI kurbfnI nUM iswKfˆ mnu krnf honfieaf jfnx mYN sLBfeIcfry nYN sLnY,N Biraf hY ijwdyQy kfrn lokfˆ nyhI afpxy Cydy mhIny pihlF nmfdqygRsiqkfr sqI jIvn nfl-nfl pUrI mY kON mAuadb nfl afqm-hnn kr irhf hF. kO m jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ . afpxy Xfd krdI hYY. mu l hkU q dy judIlmfˆ iKlfÌ ibqf irhf sI. mYg N hmy sLf mqxfE avsQf ihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk afvfË bul ÈhIdI pRfpq krn ivw c rihM dMfdsIkrn aqyaqy afrfm nhIN krdf sI.dy kfblIaq AudoN qoN mYN afrfm krn kIqf df aiBafs df pRdrÈn pr gurkIqf U qyg mM q v ipCly asl qy Au c y c y arQfˆ bfry ajy rojL rfq nUM snfXU Qkfn nfl Qwk ky aqy bhfdr hY. jdoN mY N rfq nUM ibsqr AuWqy jFdf hFDIafˆ qF jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivro qwkqqshI n nhIN igaf aqy leI nf hI pihlF afpxy srIr nUM afrfm idMdf hF, Pyr icM GraiDaY prqdf sI. kIqf pr ikAu N? ies shI pirpyK qoN GoiKaf igaf hY. ipCly kuJ dy hwkfˆ dI rwiKaf leI afpxI kurbfnI dy ky ik iksy ny mYnUM ieh nhIN dwisaf ik pfl, sONdf hF. hux mYN pUrf afrfm lY ky jfgdf dhfikafˆ qoN mnuwKI hwkfˆ bfry aflmI aMdolnfˆ ijs nYiqk-rUhfnI bulMdI nUM Coihaf, Aus dI qUdyM afpxI hwiqaf kr M irhf M afpxI hF. iehmnuiewwKkI ieiqhfs cMgf suDfr ikAunhIN Nik pihlF ‘c hYikqy imldI. AuBfr nfl hux sfnU mhfnhYguN.rqUU dI ÈhIdI imsfl ies leI gu r U qy g bhfdr jI nU M mnu w K I hwkfˆ dI gqI nU M Gw t ikAu N nhIN krdf? qU M afrfm mY N Qkfn aqy qxfE dI avsQf ivw c jfgdf ipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ dy arQfˆ dI Koj bR i hmM z I ivcfrDfrf dy mo Z Iafˆ ‘co N iek igixaf ikAu N nhIN krdf? sI. hu x KFdy aqy mo t r clfAu N d y smy N vI krn df mOkf imilaf hY. jf skdf hY . afrfm krdf hF. ies df arQ ieh nhIN mYmnu N svy y jldI AunUTM df, jldI jldI wKI raiDkfrfˆ do nËrIafˆ nfl KFdf, dyiKaf ik motr clfAuNdy smyN mYN asfvDfn rihMdf jldI dfVHjfˆI bxfAu f, Mc jldI jfˆdf hYjldI - shfiek kfnUMnINdphu aqy sujldI Bfivk gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM hF. hux mYN afpxy idmfg dI shfieqf nfl phu Mc.pihndf pihlI aqy qrHfmo ˆ dI mnuwKI dyKidafˆ aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfr sMsQfvfˆ vI kw pVy tr phu ivwcMc bYdOTrkyfnafpxy gwnzHfIˆ nUclfAu Ndf mohF, snfXU shfieqf nfldy Au M afpxy ZIafˆ ivwcdI oN iek df drjf aiDkfrfˆ nUM kuho J jFdf. isafsImYntIicafˆ nUMdfhfsl kM m `qy rvfnf UM zr lwg ik nhIN. myhn. ry afrfm krn df muwK sQfn Auh hY leIahiQafr vjoN nUvriqaf f hY aqy rhIafˆ jykrn mYN sty irMg vhIl M jm ky jfˆ nfdPiVaf ijw Q y mY N kMm krdf hF. idn ivwc keI vfr mnuikqy wKI hwieh kfˆ dI rfKIivwbfry qF iKVkI coN dIcrcf inklkrdy Bwjygsmy f. ˆ lMzn afDfrq mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdI afpxf kMmieMrotkrnYkyÈmY dyKdf Puwt pYˆdf hY. iPrkU soc pnpx df amnY stI nlN afpxy ny gurafp U qygnUM bhfdr mYiPrkU N qyjvL fd gqI nfl kMm krdf. jldI nfl hF ik afrfm dI avsQf ivw c hF jF . nqIjf ieh huMdf hY ik mnuwKI hwkfˆ dy rKvfly jI dI ÈhIdI nMU mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI mhwqqfnhIN nfl Gr Bw j df aqy rfq nU M sO x ivw c vI jldI afpxy BfeIcfry, afpxI kOm, ivcfrDfrf aqy jo jdo GMtivcfr-vtfˆ I vwjdI hY,dAu oN mYkIqf N Pon sI. nUM V N kyPonAusdIbfry rfdvI krn XqngIafˆ krdf. isafsIdfsihXo dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy amnY BYaBIq ho ky hI nhIN cu w k df. Po n Au W q y gw l stI ieMtrnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ hn. hw d qfˆ Au d o N ho jfˆ d I hY jdo N ies so c qihq ivÈv-ivafpI aMqFI krdy smyN mYN iewkaYlsufnnfmy wqy hoedI y isL50vIN sLU dIjYqrH myrI hflq ieMnI Krfb ho geI sI ik mYnUM dy I dy dI Au lMGxfdynUM mO wKI avsQf aiDkfrfˆivw dycieiqhfs pUkrynaflmI afrfmmnudI rihMdf bfry hF. zyiksy trOivro Xt Divw c mnu iewkwKIpRaiDkfrfˆ iswD snfXU mfihr axgoilaf kr idwqf jfˆdf hY jfˆ ivroDIafˆ dy iek ikqfb iqafr krvf rhI sI. jQybMdI vwloN kol jfxf ipaf. Aus ny mYnUM afrfm krn ienHF sB gwlF df Pl ieh hoieaf ik hux mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI rfKI df ivroD hox lwg pYˆdf hY. fjYkt df dyÈ hry k sdI wKI bx hwkfˆ myrfpRjIvn suKAudfeI aqy ijAU‘cx mnu Xog dy leI ikhf. Aus ny mYnUM afrfm krn dy ies alMb pCfx-krnf iessnfXu ikqfb ies kudywJAuisDFq lt sudw Bs fivk igaf hYrdfrfˆ aqy mYdIN snfXu QkfnsI. aqy leI y. AusphunyMcmYqihq nUM hr mnu smywKN, I dy df isrly K ‘id lO N g mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy aiDkfrfˆ iksy ByNddy,Bfv dy kdr kM m krdydI , gwibnfˆ zI clfAu KFdy aqy sOkIqI Ndy icMqf qoN pUrI qrHF mukq hF. jfˆdI hY. Auh Bfvyˆ afpxy hox jfˆ ivroDI Kymy ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy. ies soc dI dlIl hY ik mnuwK hox dy nfqy dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI sfry iensfn ivÈyÈ hwkfˆ dy hwkdfr hn. ieh Èfml hY. bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jOhn illbrn (161757), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), ivlIam pYWn phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf mohn (1644-1718) igwl aqy voltyar (1694-1778) nUM jnmiek idMdDrqI, I hY, ijs ‘qyqihq keI nsl, srhwdDrm, F. kOm, Èfml hn. drvfjLy dy bUhy bMd ny ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. gurU qyg bhfdr dI ÈhIdI keIjIkeI dysL. iesy aMqrIvI kuJ ivcfrvfn iek N, gurU dU qyj gy qobhfdr sfihb dI soc nUM qfkq bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI iekivafpk dysL, dyDfrnf lwKF nUsLM ibl hr.idMdI hY. hwkfˆ dIhr srv asINleI eynf,‘ihMd dI cfdr` kurbfnI dsdy ikAu hn.N iesy




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sLihrF blIdfn ivc, Gr gurU jIlwvwKlFoN afpxf dyxkro dy ipCly kfrnfˆkro AuV WqFy GrF Jfq ivc, mfrnfarbF ËrUrIkmry hY. kÈmIrI . pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh aOrMghr Ëyb kmry dy juldIaF, mfˆ df sfhmxf krnf Gwt qoN Gw t ny,pY irhf sI aqy Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf mMgx afey cfr nfl dIvfrF. sn. Auh ies afs gurU jI kol afey sn ik rUhhr fnI ÈKsIaq vjobfrIaF N AunHfˆ df Auaihm kmry ivc, Wqy, ruqbf hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdÈfh nUM smJf ky AunHfˆ nUprdy M musIbq lfeyivwcoN kwZxgy. asIN smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gurU jI dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHfˆ jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ny lMgr, sMgq aqy pMgq dI pRQf rfhIN smfijk aqy Dfrimk brfbrI nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf. ies rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. iswK Drm dIafˆ ienHfˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk qOr ‘qy gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk

Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI luk AulunkHfˆ dy ijAu y. zI nËrIey nUM aijhI ivafiKaf bRiNd hmM CuitafAux vfˆg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukmrfn, nf lu dI, irhf huMdf afpxI musaYilm pRk jfx-lu AuWqy kjufAu lmxZfh qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh kfhdI loV peI hY? hI qurnf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, Auh iksy Drm ivÈy qwkqF, sImq nhIN sI. iehI luÈkdy qwQ AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq nUM vwD mhfn bxfAuNdf hY.

jirm Mdy ny. cfˆdnI cOk iesy nËrIey qomuN idw lI dyhuieiqhfsk ijs Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM isrP iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. ieh kdm mhfn gurU dI gYr-sMprdfiek qy bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly idRÈtIkox nUM mfnqf qy akIdq dyx vwl dyr nfl cuwikaf, pr aiqaMq Zukvfˆ kdm hovygf. - ly K k afksPo r z bru k s XU n IvristI, afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df pRoPYsr hY.



The Patrika 

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Prime Minister announces support for high-quality, affordable child care across the country


anadians deserve the opportunity to raise their families the way they want, but far too many do not have access to the highquality, affordable child care they need. With increased support for early learning and child care, more Canadian parents can pursue new opportunities to work and learn, and build a better future for themselves and their children. That’s why the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today highlighted that Budget 2017 proposes $7 billion over 10 years, beginning in 2018-19, to support and create more high-quality, affordable child care spaces across the country. This funding is in addition to an initial investment of $500 million announced in Budget 2016 for this upcoming year, 2017-18. These investments would help increase the number of affordable, highquality child care spaces for low- and modest-income families, and would


make it easier for more parents to work or return to school. Over the next three years, this funding could support up to 40,000 new subsidized child care spaces. The government is working with the provinces and territories to develop a National Framework on Early Learning and Child Care, focusing on best practices and innovative approaches to best serve families. A distinct Indigenous Framework on Early Learning and Child Care will also be created in cooperation with Indigenous partners to reflect the unique cultures and needs of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children across Canada. With Budget 2017, the government will continue to deliver the things that matter most to Canadians: good jobs, healthy living, strong communities, and better opportunities for future generations.

The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017



úòðÃÆ÷ ëËìÇðÕÃ

muPq; muPq syl ivsfKI syl

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qMdrusqI aqy ibmfrI iewk hI iswky dy do pihlU hn. iensfn dy jIvn kfl ivwc ieh dovyˆ pihlU iewk-dUjy AuWqy BfrU hox dI koiÈÈ krdy hn. nqIjn iksy mOky ibmfrIafˆ nfl lVx dI ÈkqI kmËor hox kfrn asIN ibmfrIafˆ df iÈkfr ho jfˆdy hfˆ. BfrqI lokfˆ ivwc sB qoN vwzy pwDr `qy hox vflI aijhI hI iewk ibmfrI hY ijs nUM asIˆ tI[bI[ dy nfm nfl jfxdy hfˆ. ies ibmfrI dI sLurUafq qkrIbn 6000 sfl pihlfˆ hoeI sI. jrmnI dI XUnIvristI afP tXUbIgn ivwc 2014 `c hoeI iewk Koj dOrfn pqf lwgf ik iensfnfˆ ivwc ieh ibmfrI 5000 sfl pihlfˆ aPrIkf ivwc pfeI geI sI. iensfnfˆ qoN ieh Byzfˆ, bwkrIafˆ, gfˆvfˆ aqy mwJfˆ ivwc PYlI. smuMdrI sIl mwCIafˆ pRjnx leI aPrIkf dy smuMdrI qwt `qy afAux krky iensfnfˆ aqy tI[bI[ dI ibmfrI dy sMprk ivwc af geIafˆ. ies dy PlsrUp tI[bI[ df bYktIrIaf sIl mwCIafˆ rfhIN aYtlfˆitk nUM pfr krdf hoieaf amrIkf aqy hor mhfˆdIpfˆ ivwc phuMicaf aqy hOlI hOlI pUrI dunIafˆ ivwc PYl igaf. ivÈv dy vwK vwK vrgfˆ dy lok ies ibmfrI df iÈkfr hox lwgy. 19vIN sdI ivwc tI[bI[ dI ibmfrI iËafdfqr jvfnfˆ aqy awDKV Aumr dy lokfˆ ivwc dyKx nUM imlI. ies kfrn Aus smyˆ ies nUM ‘romYˆitk izËIË` dy nfm nfl vI jfixaf jfx lwgf. 24 mfrc 1882 nUM robrt koc nfm dy iewk pfrsI ivigafink ny tI[bI[ dy mrIËfˆ dI blgm AuWqy kIqy pRXog ivwc ibmfrI PYlfAux vfly bYktIrIaf bfry pqf lgfieaf aqy Aus nUM ‘mfiekobYktIrIam itAUbrikEloiss` (aYm[tI[bI[) df nfm idwqf igaf. 100 sflfˆ bfad 24 mfrc 1982 nUM ivÈv ishq sMgTn vwloN ies

The Patrika 

qpidk dy lwCx, kfrn aqy ielfj

idn nUM ‘ivÈv tI[bI[ idvs` dy nfˆ hyT mnfAux df PYslf kIqf igaf. 1993 ivwc ivÈv ishq sMgTn ny tI[bI[ nUM iewk ‘ivÈvivafpI sMkt` GoiÈq kIqf aqy ies Kyqr ivwc Koj hor mËbUq kIqI. ies ibmfrI dy lwCx aqy ies qoN bcfa, rokQfm aqy PYlx qoN rokx dy Aupfa ies qrHfˆ hn:

tI[bI[ dy lwCx: tI[bI[ srIr ivwc do qrHfˆ dI ho skdI hY. pihlI PyPiVafˆ dI tI[bI[ aqy dUjI srIr dy bfkI ihwisafˆ dI. krIb 90 PIsdI qoN vwD mrIËfˆ ivwc PyPiVafˆ dI tI[bI[ hI vyKx nUM imldI hY. ienHfˆ dovyˆ iksmfˆ ivwc kuJ iewk smfn lwCx hn, ijvyˆ ik- buKfr hoxf, kfˆbf iCVnf, BuwK Gwt lwgxI, Qkfvt rihxI, rfq smyˆ psInf afAuxf qy qyËI nfl Bfr Gtxf afid. PyPiVafˆ dI tI[bI[ ivwc ‘lMby smyˆ qoN blgm vflI KfˆsI` df iewk Kfs lwCx vyKx nUM imldf hY. CfqI ivwc drd rihMdf hY aqy keI vfrI blgm ivwc KUn vI afAux lgdf hY. ijnHfˆ ivakqIafˆ ivwc ibmfrIafˆ nfl lVn dI ÈkqI kmËor huMdI hY, AunHfˆ ivwc tI[bI[ df bYktIrIafˆ PyPiVafˆ ivwcoN KUn rfhIN srIr dy bfkI ihwisafˆ ivwc PYl jfˆdf hY. ijvyˆ ik idmfgI pRxflI, hwzIafˆ, srIr dy joV, gurdy qy pyt dIafˆ afˆqVfˆ afid. ies nUM hI srIr dy bfkI ihwisafˆ dI tI[bI[ ikhf jfˆdf hY. ies ivwc hwzIafˆ aqy joVfˆ ivwc drd, pyt aqy PyPiVafˆ ivwc pfxI Brnf, idmfgI dOry aqy idmfgI buKfr, kmËor pfcn pRxflI afid vyKx nUM imldy hn. ieh ibmfrI ishq pwKoN kmËor ivakqIafˆ, bwicafˆ qy bjLurgfˆ afid ivwc iËafdf vyKx nUM imldI hY. aYc[afeI[vI[ eyzj qoN gRsq mrIËfˆ ivwc tI[bI[ dI sMBfvnf iËafdf pfeI jfˆdI hY ikAuNik AunHfˆ

Friday, March 31st, 2017

zf[ ismrdIp kOr

ivwc ibmfrIafˆ nfl lVn dI smrwQf afm cfhIdI hY. ies dI jfˆc aqy ielfj srkfrI ivakqI dy mukfbly bhuq hI Gwt huMdI hY. hspqflfˆ ivwc muPq AuplbD hY. tI[bI[ ivruwD muihMm nUM mËbUq krn leI Bfrq tI[bI[ qoN bcfa dy Aupfa: ies ivÈy `qy vwK srkfr ny 1997 ivwc afr[aYn[tI[sI[pI[ vwK dyÈfˆ dy ivigafnkfˆ df kMm keI sdIafˆ nfˆ df pRogrfm sLurU kIqf sI. ies dy aDIn qoN cldf af irhf sI, pr robrt koc dI tI[bI[ dy mrIË nUM iewk inrDfirq smyˆ Koj qoN bfad ies AuWqy ho rhy pRXogfˆ df leI iksy dUjy ivakqI dI ingrfnI hyT kMm Ëor PV igaf. Prfˆs dy do ivigafnIafˆ dvfeI KvfeI jfˆdI hY. ies nUM zOts pRxflI aYlbrt kflmya aqy kYimlI igAuirn ny kihMdy hn. ies df Pfiedf ieh rihMdf hY 1906 ivwc tI[bI[ dI ibmfrI leI tIky ik dvfeI dI koeI vI Kurfk CutdI nhIN dI Koj kIqI, ijs nUM bI[sI[jI (bYsIls aqy ibmfrI df ielfj AuWicq ZMg nfl ho kflmya igAuirn) df nfˆ idwqf igaf. sB jfˆdf hY. dvfeI lY rhy ivakqI nUM Kurfk qoN pihlfˆ ieh tIkf 1921 ivwc Prfˆs ivwc df pUrf iDafn rwKxf pYˆdf hY. Kurfk ivwc iewk bwcy dy lgfieaf igaf. ies df nqIjf aMzy, duwD, hrIafˆ sbËIafˆ aqy qfËy Pl sfkfrfqmk inkilaf. PlsrUp 1954 qwk afid dI mfqrf vDfAuxI cfhIdI hY. ZfeI lwK lokfˆ nUM ieh tIkf lgfieaf jf cuwkf sI aqy 1956 ivwc ieh kuwl igxqI tI[bI[ PYlx qoN rokx dy ZMg: tI[bI[ nfl vwD ky Cy lwK ho geI. ies ivwc 50 PIsdI gRsq ivakqI dI ieh bhuq vwzI iËMqoN iËafdf skUlI bwcy sn. XUrop qoN bfhr myvfrI hY ik Auh ies ibmfrI nUM PYlx qoN iksy hor dyÈ ivwc ieh tIkf pihlI vfr roky aqy afpxy qwk rwK ky Kqm krn df Bfrq ivwc 1948 nUM lgfieaf igaf. awj Xqn kry. nwk aqy mUMh Zwk ky rwKx nfl vI bwcy dy jnm smyˆ ieh tIkf lgfieaf kfPI hwd qwk ies nUM PYlx qoN roikaf jf jfˆdf hY, ijs nUM afm BfÈf ivwc lok ‘moZy skdf hY. jgfh jgfh `qy Quwkx qoN prhyË vflf tIkf` kihMdy hn. ieh tIkf jnm qoN krnf cfhIdf hY. Quwk aqy blgm df shI iewk sfl dI Aumr qwk lgfieaf jf skdf ZMg nfl inkfs hoxf aiq ËrUrI hY. ijnHfˆ hY. ieh tIkf BivwK ivwc hox vfly tI[bI[ dy pirvfr ivwc iksy mYˆbr nUM tI[bI[ hY, rog qoN srIr nUM surwiKaq rwKdf hY. ies Auh sPfeI df Kfs iKafl rwKx. Kfxf rog qoN bcfa leI srIr df qMdrusq hoxf bxfAux aqy Kfx qoN pihlfˆ hwQ cMgI qrHfˆ bhuq mhwqvpUrn hY. sfP aqy sMquilq Dox. bwicafˆ ivwc tI[bI[ jldI PYldI hY, afhfr, roËfnf vrijÈ, KuwlHI hvf dI sYr ies leI pMj sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy bwicafˆ afid bhuq ËrUrI hn. nUM tI[bI[ dy mrIË dy sMprk ivwc afAux qoN bcfAuxf cfhIdf hY. ibmfrI dy bcfa tI[bI[ dI rokQfm: jy iksy ivakqI ivwc ivwc hI ies df ielfj hY. tI[bI[ ijMnf ies ibmfrI dI pCfx sLurU ivwc hI ho jfvy Gwt PYlygI, Enf hI ies AuWqy kfbU pfAuxf qfˆ ielfj krnf afsfn rihMdf hY. iksy afsfn ho jfvygf. lgfqfr ho rhIafˆ ivivI qrHfˆ dI KfˆsI jy 15 idnfˆ (do hPqy) qoN gafnk Kojfˆ sdkf AumId hY ik asIN nyV iËafdf rihMdI hY qfˆ Aus ivakqI nUM tI[bI[ BivwK ivwc tI[bI[ dI ibmfrI qoN pUrn rUp leI blgm dI jfˆc krvfAuxI cfhIdI hY. ivwc Cutkfrf pfAux dy kfibl ho jfvfˆgy. aijhf hox `qy qurMq zfktr dI slfh lYxI

Provincial sponsorship honours the memory of Vimy Ridge veterans In honour of the Canadians and British Columbians involved in the victory at Vimy Ridge in 1917, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced today that the Province will contribute $350,000 to the Vimy Foundation to support the creation of a Centennial Park at the site of the battle. The Vimy Foundation Centennial Park will be located adjacent to the Vimy monument in France. This unique area will be comprised of 100 Vimy Oak trees symbolizing the centennial. These trees are direct descendants of acorns collected following the battle in April 1917 and will be planted in a circular pattern four deep to represent


the four divisions of the Canadian Forces that fought together for the first time at the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Benches and reflective areas in full view of the famous monument will also be part of the park. Funding also will be provided to support ‎participation by local cadets at the ceremony in France. British Columbians supported the war effort in great numbers, and facilitated the raising and mobilization a great number of Battalions for the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

Estimates suggest that 81 British Columbians lost their lives between April 1 and May 1, 1917. Of those, 47 soldiers are commemorated on the Vimy Memorial, 10 soldiers are buried at La Chaudière Military Cemetery, Vimy, and 21 soldiers are buried at Canadian Cemetery No. 2, Neuville-St. Vaast. British Columbia lost three nursing sisters who are buried in cemeteries tended by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The current monument on the grounds welcomes approximately 700,000 visitors a year. The centennial anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge is taking place on April 9. The official

commemorative ceremonies are taking place at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, organized by the Government of Canada (Veterans Affairs Canada) and an estimated 30,000 Canadians will be in attendance. de Jong attended the Vimy Centennial Celebration gala dinner in Toronto on March 20, 2017, in support of the Centennial Park and the Centennial Legacy Fund that will help send 25 students to travel to Europe each year for the next five years and ensure Canadian youth ‘walk through the footsteps of history’ and experience Canadian history first hand.

Friday, March 31st, 2017

The Patrika



ieMzo knyzIan sInIar sYNtr srIzYltf df mfsk drbfr ieMzo knyzIan sInIar sYNtr srI-zYltf df mfrc mhIny df mfsk kvI drbfr sYNtr dy Auprly vwzy hfl ivwc 26 mfrc idn aYqvfr nUM s: gurnfm isMG iswDU sInIar vfeIs pRDfn dI pRDfngI hyT sMpMn hoieaf. ies qoN AuprMq jIvn isMG rfmpurI, kyvl isMG inrdosL, ieMdrjIq isMG DfmI, bIbI divMdr kOr jOhl, qijMdr kOr bYNs, drsLn isMG atvfl, juigMdr kOr gryvfl, amRIk isMG lyl, hrjIq doDrIaf afid kvIaF ny bhuq hI ipafrIaF arQ BrpUr aqy sLihd vFg imwTIaF kivqfvF nfl sroiqaF df rwjvF mnorMjn kIqf. styj skwqr dI syvf s: cmkOr isMG aOlK ny bVI ijLMmyvfrI nfl inBfeI. cfh pfxI aqy hor sB Kfx pIx dI syvf s: sInIar sYNtr vwloN kIqI geI. sfrf pRogrfm iek sdIvI Xfdgfr ho inbiVaf. aprYl mhIny dy afKrI aYqvfr nUM iPr iekwTy hox df sMklp lY ky sfry KusLI-KusLI ivdf hoey.

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The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017

ipRMsIpl igafn isMG kotlI duafrf rcI “nfnk sLfier iev kihaf” ipRMsIpl igafn isMG kotlI duafrf rcI “nfnk sLfier iev kihaf” nUM pVH ky ievyˆ lwgdf sI ijvyˆ qusIˆ iksy gËlgo df klfm pVH rhy ho. pr hwQly kfiv sMigRh “nfnk qy muK Aujly” nUM pVH ky ies qrHfˆ lwgdf hY

ijvyˆ qusIˆ iksy ivaMgkfr dI kivqf df pfT kr rhy ho. pr ieh gwl iksy hwd qwk swcI nhIˆ.ikEˆik hwQly kfiv sMigRh ivc iek nsIhqkfr vI bYTf hY . jo kdm kdm `qy jIvn dy hr moV `qy sfmHxy afAux vflIafˆ aOkVfˆ bfry quhfnUM jfxU hI nhIˆ krfAuˆdf, blik iehnfˆ qoˆ bc ky ikvyˆ inklxf hY,df hwl qy rfh vI drsfAuˆdf hY . iensfn nUM afpxy jIvn dy arQ vI smJfAuˆdf hY, ies jnm dy aslI mksd vl vI ieÈfrf krdf hY, qy ies lkÈ nUM ikvyˆ pRfpq krnf hY, bfry mfrg drÈx vI krvfAuˆdf hY. ijs nfl kfiv sMigRh “nfnk qy muK Aujly” df nfˆ pUrI qrHfˆ myl hI nhIˆ Kfˆdf idsdf, blik ies nfl ies dy shI arQ vI smJ af jfˆdy hn. EhI muK Auwjly, aQvf suhxy hn jo

ndIm prmfr

suhxy kMm krdy hn. kihMdy hn ik hfsy qy ivaM g ivc khI hoeI gwl iËafdf a s r krdI hY bjfey gMBIrqf n f l khI gwl dy.ikEˆik hwsxf pRfxI df Euh pl huMdf hY ijs ivc iensfn pUrn qOr qy sucyq huMdf hY . Aus pl ivc Aus dI igRhx ÈkqI vI afpxI AuwprlI hwd qwk phuMcI hoeI huMdI hY. afE ies lo ivc afpfˆ kotÜI sfihb dy kfiv sMigRh dIafˆ kivqfvfˆ nUM vfcIeyy. ivaMg qy hfs-ivaMg dIafˆ kivqfvfˆ:kI hY pMjfb sfzf, Auh nf pMjfb idwsdf,rMgIlI mihPl, Qfˆ Qfˆ lok lVfeI jf, ivdvfn bx gey, sYqfn bx gey, ÈmÈfn bx gey, bMdy nUM prK bMdy, nftk idKfAux vfly, sfzf ÈOk, pRfxI qr jfeyˆgf, myly lok mnfeI jfˆdy, kursI leI mridafˆ, snmfn vI ny ssqy, aigafnqf df Ëor, iek sMsQf bxfvfˆ, mYˆ vI ienfm pfvfˆ, syvk sdfAux vfly, ByK df Ëor, afid . ies kfiv sMgRih ivc kuwl 61 kivqfvfˆ hn ijhnfˆ ivcoˆ 20 dy krIb ivaMg qy hfs-ivaMg dIafˆ hn . bfkIafˆ ivcoˆ kuJ ivÈv ÈfˆqI, vfqfvrn sMbMDI hn. kuwJ Dfrimk qy nsIhqafmyË hn jo msnvI dI bfkmfl vMngI ivc rcIafˆ geIafˆ hn. iehnfˆ ivc anuprfs alMkfr, kurbfnI dIafˆ qukfˆ dIafˆ vMngIafˆ dy nfl nfl muhfvrfbMdI vI kIqI geI hY qy kvI. gurbfxI dIafˆ qukfˆ dy hvfly ijs nfl ÈuB amlfˆ pRqI jfxkfrI qy cMgy iensfn bnx leI pRyrnf vI pRfpq huMdI h . kotlI sihb dI kivqf ivc mkrf CMd prDfn hY. kuJ kivqfvfˆ gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI CMdfbMdI qy vI afDfrq hn qy eyhI kivqfvfˆ nsIhqafmyË vI hn qy afÈfvfdI vI. kuJ kivqfvfˆ gËl numf hn. ikEˆik myrf iKwqf gËl hY. ies leI mYˆ gËl numf kivqfvfˆ ivcoˆ kuJ afpxy psMdIdf iÈar pyÈ krdf hfˆ. “ies ngrI dy cfnx ipwCy, Cup ky bYTy nHyr bVy ny . eyQy Auhly Brm BulyKy, cwkrivAU dy Pyr bVy ny . vkqoˆ KuMJy lmhyˆ eyQy, akloˆ afkI soc bVI hY, bIqy dI prCfeIˆ PVdy, eyQy suMn-svyr bVy ny .” afsfˆ rIJf cfvfˆ swDrfˆ, sB nUM qUM ruÈnf ky dyK. sdmyˆ swlfˆ swtfˆ pIVfˆ, sB nUM qUM sihlf ky dyK . qUM vI mfxyˆ jwg vI mfxyˆ, suwKfˆ lwdI mihk kQUrI


The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017


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dunIˆ suhfvf bfg dy aMdr, suhxy Puwl iKVf ky dyK.�

“nYxIˆ nkĂˆ Aukyry qyry, Xfdfˆ ivc smo vy swjxf.

rwKIˆ bxf ky bMdy, iËMdgI dI rfs eydfˆ,

bhuqy hMJU vMz idwqy sI, rwKy kuJ lko vy swjxf .�

Puwlfˆ qoˆ mfx lYxf, kMizafˆ qoˆ qfx lYxf .

sPf 95 Xfˆ ies sMigRh dI afKrI kivqf ikDry nf rMg rUhfˆ, nf hI Ăˆbfb idsdf . ny qfˆ myrf idl hI moh ilaf hY . pqf nhIˆ kotlI sfihb ny ies nUM PfzI ikEˆ rwiKaf nf hI klol krdf, ikDry pMjfb idsdf . hY . mYˆ jfx buwJ ky hI ies kivqf df koeI iĂˆar pyĂˆ nhIˆ kr irhf . aMq ivc mYˆ byidl aiBwj rUhfˆ, kfhly qy KuĂˆk Ă‹Ă‹by, ieh khfˆgf ik kotlI sfihb dI kivqf df muwK sur lok msly, cODr dI dOV, smfj suDfr qoˆ pihlfˆ bMdy df suDfr krnf aqy imwtI df ipafr vI qfˆ, hux nf nfXfb iensfnI igrfvt nUM jwg Ă‹fihr kr ky idsdf. drusq krnf hY . ies kfiv sMigRh dIafˆ sfrIafˆ kivqfvfˆ afpxy nfˆ ÂŤnfnk qy muK suhxy suhxy Pwlfˆ ivcoˆ, lwB lvyˆgf mihk Aujlyâ€? nfl pUrf pUrf inafˆ krdIafˆ hn qy kQUrI, hr pfTk koloˆ pfT dI mMg krdIafˆ hn. ies nfl mYˆ kotlI sfihb nUM ieh kfiv poly poly poty afpxy, kMizafˆ nfl Cuhf ky sMigRh rcx leI vDfeI pyĂˆ krdf hfˆ qy dyK . ies kfiv sMgRih nUM jI afieafˆ afKdf hfˆ .kotlI sihb dy iek iĂˆar nfl smfpq Auwkq iĂˆar pVH ky mYnUM lUeIs afrm krdf hfˆ : ÂŤaYvyˆ nf Jur bih ky, idl strOˆg df gfieaf gIq Xfd af jfˆdf hY nUM krfr dy . ; “vHwt ey vMzrPul vrlz iet ieĂ‹â€? qy ikMnI hsIn iĂ‹MdgI, hws ky guĂ‹fr dy .â€? hyTly do iĂˆarfˆ df koeI jvfb hI nhIˆ .

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017

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iek dfq puwqr dI dy dy,


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puwqF ibnF kdy vI POjF ny,

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bfbf sB ny pfeIaF ny. lokI afAuNdy dyx vDfeIaF ny. puwqF ibn iksy hor dIaF, nf jfvx lfvF pVHIaF ny. rMg lfdy CyqI CyqI qUM, ipwCy hor vI sMgqF KVIaF ny. mmqf dI mfrI GrvflI, rfh puwq df qwkdI rihMdI ey.


awKF ivc hMJU Br lYNdI, jd kwlI ikDry bihMdI ey. qyry AuWqy afsF mflkf hux, af ky asIN DrIaF ny. rMg lfdy CyqI CyqI qUM, ipwCy hor vI sMgqF KVIaF ny. ikqy swq swq ilKdf dfqf qUM, sfzI JolI ieko pf dyvIN. lMmI Aumr `qy gur iswKI Auhdy BfgF ivc ilKf dyvIN. igwl ny qF kivqf ilKx dIaF, lf idwqIaF awj JVIaF ny. rMg lfdy CyqI CyqI qUM, ipwCy hor vI sMgqF KVIaF ny.

Friday, March 31st, 2017

The Patrika 

iËMdgI ijAUx df slIkf- jIvn jfc

iewk idn ivhl lY ky soc ky dyKo iËMdgI hY kI? asIN kI krn afey hfˆ. qusIN soco iËMdgI ivwc qusIN kI krnf cfhuMdy ho? ikhVI cIË quhfnUM KuÈI idMdI hY.? jy supny hoxgy qfˆ hI AunHfˆ nUM pUrf kr skogy, pr iKafl rwiKE iewk kfmXfb ivakqI df mMqv afpxy tIcy nUM hfsl krnf hY nf ik dUsirafˆ nUM hrf ky awgy lMGxf. jo krnf cfhuMdy ho Aus vwl kdm puwto. rsqy quhfzy leI afpxy-afp KuwlHdy jfxgy ikAuNik rwb vI AunHfˆ dI mdd krdf hY jo afpxI mdd afp krdy hn. ies leI jldI afpxI mMiËl lwB ky Aus vwl vwDxf sLurU kr idE. mnuwKI idmfg bhuq ÈkqIÈflI hY. jykr qusIN ies nUM cMgy iKaflfˆ nfl Brogy qfˆ quhfzI iËMdgI hor iËafdf KUbsUrq ho jfvygI. lok quhfzy bfry kI gwlfˆ krngy, ies gwl dI prvfh nf kro. jo quhfnUM cMgf lwgdf hY, Auh kro. dUijafˆ dy zr qoN afpxIafˆ iewCfvfˆ df kql nf kro. jdoN qwk kfmXfbI KuÈIafˆ dI kuMjI nhIN, blik qusIN ÈIÈy ivwc afpxy-afp nfl nËrfˆ imlf KuÈI hI kfmXfbI dI kuMjI hY. jykr qusIN skdy ho, AudoN qwk qusIN shI ho. Auh krogy jo quhfnUM KuÈI idMdf hY qfˆ qusIN kfmXfb ËrUr hovogy. iËMdgI ivwc sB qoN iensfnI iPqrq KuÈfmd psMd hY. Aus nUM vwzI muÈikl ieh hY ik asIN keI cIËfˆ afpxIafˆ cMigafieaf qy dUsirafˆ dIafˆ ibnfˆ socy krI jf rhy hfˆ qy keI ibnfˆ kry burfeIafˆ bhuq jldI nËr afAuNdIafˆ socI jf rhy hfˆ. afpxy roËfnf dy ruJyvyˆ qoN hn. afpxIafˆ kmIafˆ nUM vI kbUl krnf iËMdgI ijAUx df slIkf bhuq Gwt lokfˆ nUM huMdf hY, pr ijnHfˆ nUM ieh slIkf huMdf hY, Auh afpxI iËMdgI df BrpUr afnMd mfxdy hn. iËafdfqr lok sfrI iËMdgI sMquÈtI qy KuÈI dI Bfl ivwc iewDr-AuWDr Btkdy rihMdy hn ikAuNik iËMdgI ivwc AunHfˆ nUM hI ieh cIËfˆ nsIb huMdIafˆ hn ijhVy asl rUp ivwc ies df mqlb smJ jfˆdy hn. iËMdgI kI hY? ies nUM smJx leI koeI iËafdf smfˆ nhIN cfhIdf. hr iewk GVI, hr pl, hr idn df afnMd mfnxf hI iËMdgI hY. iËMdfidlI nfl iËMdgI nUM jIE, hr pl hr idn kuJ nvfˆ isKfAuNdf hY. ijs idn ieh cIË smJ afAuNdI hY. Aus idn qusIN dunIafˆ nUM alwg nËrIey qy vwKry aMdfË nfl dyKxf sLurU kr dyvogy. iËMdgI ivwc CotIafˆ-CotIafˆ cIËfˆ df afnMd mfnxf sLurU kr idE, iewk idn qusIN mihsUs krogy ik Auh bhuq vwzIafˆ sn.

iswKo. jy qusIN afpxy-afp nUM ipafr qy siqkfr nhIN dy skdy qfˆ iksy hor qoN AumId krnI Cwz idE. afpxIafˆ kmIafˆ nUM lwB ky suDfrn dI koiÈÈ kro. ies leI nhIN ik dUsry lok quhfzy ivwc ieh sB dyKxf cfhuMdy hn blik qusIN cfhuMdy ho. glq kMm leI pCqfvf krnf shI gwl hY, pr pCqfvy ivwc hI iËMdgI ibqf dyxI glq hY. glqIafˆ nUM suDfr ky awgy vDo ikAuNik pfxI jy vgdf rhy qfˆ hI sfP rhygf. ies leI iËMdgI ivwc hmyÈfˆ awgy vDo. cldy rihxf hI iËMdgI df muwK inXm hY. afpxy-afp nUM iewk dfiery qwk sIimq krky nf rwKo. smfj ivwc vKryvyˆ Aus dunIafˆ bnfAux vfly ny nhIN bxfey, ieh kuJ glqIafˆ afpxIafˆ hI hn. sfzy jnm qoN bfad sfnUM sfzf dfierf dws idwqf jfˆdf hY. ijs ivwc jfq-pfq, Drm afid Èfiml hn. kudrq leI sB iewko ijhy hn, iPr asIN ikAuN nhIN smJdy ik sfzy sfirafˆ leI vI Auh iewk hY. lok Drm dy nfˆ `qy lVdy hn, pr ijAuNdy nhIN.

PAGE 13 gurpRIq isMG iewCfvf aMdr dwb ky vfips nhIN jf irhf. mYˆ Aus hr cIË df afnMd mfixaf hY jo mYnUM kudrq ny bKÈI sI. iËMdgI ivwc Auqfr-cVHfa cldy rihMdy hn. hnyrI rfq qoN bfad svyr ËrUr huMdI hY. mfVy-hflfqfˆ ivwc vI kuJ cMgf lwBo. afpxI iËMdgI dI KUbsUrqI quhfnUM AudoN nËr afvygI jdoN qusIN ies dI qulnf dUijafˆ dI iËMdgI nfl krnI Cwz dyvogy. jo quhfzy kol hY Aus ivwc sMquÈt rihxf iswKo. loVfˆ ieMnIafˆ nf vDfE ik ijAUxf aOKf ho jfvy. ijhVI iËMdgI qusIN jIa rhy ho Auh bhuq vDIaf hY. ies gwl df XkIn quhfnUM AudoN hovygf jdoN qusIN AunHfˆ lokfˆ bfry socogy ijnHfˆ df supnf Auh cIËfˆ pRfpq krnf hY jo quhfzy kol ies vyly mOjUd hn. iPr asIN ikAuN afpxI iËMdgI qoN asMquÈt hfˆ?

duinafvI kMm vI ËrUrI hn, pr ies ivwc Kud nUM nf Buwlo. iËMdgI ivwc iewk sMquln bxf ky cwlo. irÈiqafˆ dI kdr kro. keI vfr iksy dI khI CotI ijhI gwl quhfzI jo qusIN mihsUs krdy ho, Auh dunIafˆ awgy iËMdgI bdl ky rwK idMdI hY. AuhI lok rwKx ivwc Èrm nf mMno qfˆ jo kwlH nUM qusIN quhfnUM iJVkdy hn jo quhfzf Blf cfhuMdy jdoN afpxI iËMdgI Bugq ky jfE qfˆ ieh hn. ies leI jy koeI quhfnUM kuJ smJfAux gwl Pkr nfl kih sko ik mYˆ afpxIafˆ leI iJVkdf hY qfˆ Aus dI vI kdr kro.


The Patrika



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Friday, March 31st, 2017

Aging Gracefully tance of our limitations and adopting

ccording to media reports, University of Chicago surveyed 3,026 adults ages 30 and above about their attitudes towards growing old. The survey was conducted between September 19 and 21. It came up with some very interesting results. It found that younger generations are less optimistic than the older ones. As people grow older they become more optimistic. The survey found that people in their 30s were found to be 46% optimistic whereas those in their 70s 66% optimistic. So far as the quality of life is concerned, the respondents had similar disparity. Those in their 30s rated the quality of their lives as very good or excellent whereas nearly 70% of people who were in their 70s rated their lives as very good or excellent. It indicates that as people grow older they begin to appreciate different aspects of their lives than your younger peers. Though this sample was very small yet it does point to something very interesting. Positive attitude may be one of the reasons that seniors these days are living a lot longer than their ancestors. Current trends indicate that a large number of seniors are living productively upto one hundred years. Longevity of seniors is becoming quite common now. People like marathon runner Fauja Singh and Mrs. Mann Kaur are setting a good example in this regard. A recent report in the media indicates that a person’s genetics account for about 20%. The remaining 80% is dependent on other factors like diet and lifestyle. It further pointed out that historically, humans are created to be mobile. In other words we were born to engage extensively in mobility oriented activities. It further stated that our body goes into hibernation if we don’t move for 90 minutes or more. Thus, it is important to keep the body in motion as much as possible. It is necessary not only for good health but also for mental clarity and longevity. Aging is a natural process. As we age, our health is likely to decline. Our reflexes may not as good as they were in our younger years. Also, our memory may not be as sharp as it was when we were young. With advancing years we may become more dependent on others. These developments are part of aging. Rather ta blaming others for our difficulties we need to accept this natural process. Change is the law of nature. As a matter of fact, change is the only constant in our lives. Accep-

a positive attitude towards life makes dealing with any issues a lot easier. We must make every effort in staying active physically, socially and mentally. Walking or jogging is a great way to be physically active. Having a purpose in life is another crucial part of enjoying life and aging gracefully. This could be having a hobby, helping with raising the grandchildren and volunteering for activities that one enjoys. Such activities are also very helpful in dealing with stress. These days, a lot of people- especially seniors- seem to be facing stress of some kind. All of us, especially seniors, must do everything within our means, to avoid stress. If it can’t be avoided, we need to find ways and means of altering and adapting it. If unable to do so we must accept the fact and find ways and means to deal with stress in a productive manner. Mindfulness, focusing on the present has been described as an effective way to get rid of success. In order to enjoy a healthy and productive life we need to find some time to relax at least for half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. Simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breath puts you in a relaxed state of mind. In addition to relaxation, exercise even for a few minutes daily is extremely beneficial for a healthy mind and body. Proper diet is also very important in staying healthy. Positive thinking and having an optimistic outlook on life goes a long way in enjoying our senior years. With proper attitude and right frame of mind, a person, regardless of his/ her age, can tackle any challenge. As we grow older we become wiser. It is true that as we age, our reflexes don’t work the way they used to be. This is something we should expect and be prepared for it. As a matter of fact, aging is a gradual transition. If one feels young at heart, the years don’t have much relevance. Eventually, everyone has to go through the aging process. This is a reality. So why not accept it and enjoy every moment of your life no matter how old or young you are. After all, age is really a number. Rather than worrying about getting old we should enjoy life. This kind of positive attitude /approach will go a long way in helping us age gracefully. Balwant Sanghera (Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist)

Friday, March 31st, 2017


he 2017 Homelessness Count shows that there are reportedly 271 individuals in our community who are experiencing homelessness, which is an increase from the previous count in 2014 of 151, announced Mayor Henry Braun. Out of the 271 individuals, 112 people have shelter through local service providers. These new statistics show that there is an increase of people experiencing homelessness by 79% in Abbotsford, with an overall increase of 74% throughout the Fraser Valley Regional District. “Although municipal governments do not have the mandate for housing or health, we have made a commitment to utilizing a Housing First approach toward homelessness in the community,” said Mayor Henry Braun. “Our goal is to be a city where everyone has a home.” At the time of the count on March 8, 2017, the new supportive housing facility on Gladys Road, Hearthstone

The Patrika 


Homeless Count Numbers Released Place, had a total of 6 individuals in and Response to Homelessness. This “roadmap” articulates communitythe facility. action priorities and includes areas “24 more individuals will be housed such as housing capacity, outreach in Hearthstone Place during the and wrap-around services, access to gradual entry phase, which will bring housing, health services and support Abbotsford’s count down to 247. This connections, community integration, decreases the percent change to 63%, and funding resources. which is below the regional average,” The Coordinated Intake Referral Prosaid Braun. gram will begin this spring, ensuring Hearthstone Place is operating with a our community agencies work together gradual entry of individuals in order to to support people coping with issues create a sense of home and community related to homelessness. for those being housed.

A new program, Abbotsford Rental Connect, will also be initiated to help those who need to find a home by connecting tenants and landlords and supporting a successful tenant-landlord relationship through providing key services.. “We will continue to build strong partnerships and relationships with other levels of governments and service providers so that we are better able to respond to the housing and health needs in our community.”

“We are making strong headway in accomplishing many of the directions set out in our Homelessness Action Plan, but we know that there is a lot of work yet to be done.” Several initiatives are currently underway, including an update to the Affordable Housing Strategy, which will include an emphasis on rental options for low-income individuals and housing for vulnerable populations. The City of Abbotsford, along with multi-stakeholders, has created a Collaborative Roadmap for the Prevention



The Patrika 

afËfdI dy prvfny dI gOrv gfQf afËfd ihMdusqfn leI lVI geI lVfeI ÈhId Bgq isMG dy iËkr qoN ibnfˆ aDUrI hY. ies mhfn XoDy df jnm 28 sqMbr 1907 nUM lfielpur iËlHy dy ipMz bMgf (mOjUdf pfiksqfn) ivwc hoieaf. Bgq isMG dy ipqf df nfˆ ikÈn isMG qy mfqf df nfˆ ividafvqI sI. Bgq isMG ny muZlI iswiKaf lfielpur dy iËlHf borz pRfiemrI skUl qoN hfsl kIqI. mgroN Auh zI[ey[vI[ skUl lfhOr ivwc dfKl ho gey. Auh vwK vwK iksm dIafˆ ikqfbfˆ pVHn df ÈOkIn sI. 1923 ivwc Auh lfhOr dy nYÈnl kflj ivwc dfKl ho gey. mgroN Auh nYÈnl kflj Cwz ihMdusqfn soÈilÈt rIpbilkn aYsosIeyÈn df ihwsf bx ky kRfˆqIkfrI sMgTn nfl juV gey. afpxy lyK ‘mYˆ nfsiqk ikAuN hfˆ` ivwc Auh kflj dy idnfˆ bfry ilKdy hn, “kuJ Ausqfdfˆ df mYˆ chyqf sI qy kuJ mYnUM nf psMd krdy sn. mYˆ iËafdf pVHn ilKx vflf ividafrQI nhIN sI. mYˆ iewk ÈrmIlf lVkf sfˆ, jo afpxy BivwK qoN iËafdf AumIdfˆ nhIN rwKdf sI.`` Bgq isMG gLdr pfrtI dI ivcfrDfrf qoN vI pRBfivq sn. Bfrq nUM hiQafrbMd sMGrÈ qoN afËfd krvfAux qy brfbrI vfly smfj dy vjUd df aihsfs sB qoN pihlfˆ gLdrIafˆ ny hI krvfieaf sI. ihMdusqfn soÈilst rIpbilkn aYsosIeyÈn nfl juVn qoN kuJ arsf bfad pirvfr vwloN ivafh leI dbfa pfAux AuWqy Bgq isMG


lfhOr Cwz ky kfnpur cly gey. 1927 ivwc kfkorI ryl gwzI zfkf mfmly ivwc AunHfˆ nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf. vDIaf slUk qy Ëmfnq dI rfÈI swT hËfr rupey bdly AunHfˆ nUM irhfa kr idwqf igaf. sqMbr 1928 ivwc Bgq isMG ny afËfdI dy sMGrÈ nUM jfrI rwKidafˆ nOjvfn Bfrq sBf df gTn kIqf. 1928 ivwc sfeImn kimÈn Bfrq afieaf qy Aus df bfeIkft krn leI muËfhry hoey. jdoN ieh kimÈn 30 akqUbr, 1928 nUM lfhOr phuMicaf qfˆ lflf lfjpq rfey dI agvfeI hyT lokfˆ ny Ëbrdsq ros muËfhrf kIqf. ies muËfhry ivwc ihwsf lYx vfilafˆ `qy aMgryË suprzYˆt aPsr skOt ny lfTIcfrj krn df hukm dy idwqf. ies dOrfn lflf jI burI qrHfˆ ËKmI ho gey aqy 17 nvMbr 1928 nUM AunHfˆ dI mOq ho geI. iewk gupq Xojnf qihq Bgq isMG qy Aus dy sfQIafˆ ny skOt nUM mfrn df PYslf ilaf. Bgq isMG qy rfjgurU Qfxy dy sfhmxy mOky dI qlfÈ ivwc luk ky KVHy sn. bI[ky[ dwq vI AuWQy mOjUd sI. dwq dy ieÈfry AuWqy Auh dovyˆ Kbrdfr ho gey. AuWQy hI cMdr ÈyKr afËfd vI nfl dy zI[ey[vI[ skUl dI cfrdIvfrI nfl lwigaf ies Gtnf nUM aMjfm dyx ivwc ihPfËqI rol adf kr irhf sI. aMdroN skOt dI Qfˆ aMgryË aPsr sONzrË bfhr afieaf qy rfjgurU ny Aus dy isr ivwc golI mfr idwqI, ijs nfl Auh afpxf hoÈ guaf bYTf.

mgroN Bgq isMG ny iqMn-cfr golIafˆ dfg ky Aus dy mrn df pUrf pRbMD kr idwqf. Auh dovyˆ Bwjx lwgy qfˆ iewk ispfhI, jo ik ihMdusqfnI sI, AunHfˆ df ipwCf krn lwgf, jdoN Auh nf tilaf qfˆ afËfd ny iewk golI Aus dy mfr idwqI. ies qrHfˆ AunHfˆ ny lflf lfjpq rfey dI mOq df bdlf ilaf. nOjvfn ienklfbIafˆ ny Bgq isMG qy Aus dy sfQIafˆ dI rihnumfeI hyT brqfnvI hkUmq qy ihMd vfsIafˆ nUM JMjoVn leI idwlI asYˆblI ivwc Dmfkf krn dI Xojnf bxfeI. ies kMm leI Bgq isMG qy bI[ky[ dwq df nfˆ qYa hoieaf. Xojnf qihq 8 aprYl 1929 nUM AunHfˆ ny kyˆdrI asYˆblI ivwc iewk KflI Qfˆ AuWqy bMb suwt idwqf. pUrf hfl DUMeyˆ nfl Br igaf. Auh cfhuMdy qfˆ AuWQoN Prfr ho skdy sn pr Auh Bwjy nhIN. AunHfˆ ny AuWQy hI ruk ky ‘ienklfb iËMdfbfd` dy nfary lfAuxy sLurU kr idwqy. kuJ smyˆ ivwc hI pulIs AuWQy phuMc geI qy dovfˆ nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf. jylH ivwc Bgq isMG ny krIb do sfl guËfry. ies dOrfn AunHfˆ kdy vI afpxI irhfeI leI Ëor nhIN lfieaf pr dyÈ dI afËfdI leI afKrI sfh qwk lVn df aYlfn kIqf. AunHfˆ vwloN jylH ivwc ilKy Kq awj vI AunHfˆ dy bulMd ivcfrfˆ dI qrjmfnI krdy hn. AunHfˆ iliKaf ik mËdUrfˆ df ÈoÈx krn vflf cfhy Auh koeI BfrqI hI ikAuN nf hovy, AunHfˆ df duÈmx hY. jylH ivwc Bgq isMG qy Aus dy

Friday, March 31st, 2017

ipRMsIpl XfsIn alI sfQIafˆ ny 64 idn qwk BuwK hVqfl kIqI. lfhOr ivwc sONzrË dy kql, asYˆblI ivwc bMb Dmfky afid dy kys cwly. 7 akqUbr 1930 nUM itRibAUnl df PYslf jylH ivwc phuMicaf. Bgq isMG, suKdyv qy rfjgurU nUM PfˆsI, kml nfQ iqvfVI, ivjY kumfr isnhf, jY dyv ikÈor, iÈv vrmf, gXf pRsfd, ikÈorI lfl qy mhfvIr isMG nUM Aumr kYd, kuMdn lfl nUM swq qy pRym dwq nUM iqMn sfl bfmuÈwkq dI sËf suxfeI geI. dwq qy Bgq isMG nUM idwlI asYˆblI bMb kfˆz leI Aumr kYd sI sËf suxfeI geI. brqfnvI hkUmq ieMnI buËidl sfibq hoeI ik PfˆsI leI qYa vkq svyr dy Cy qoN swq vjy `qy vI kfiem nf rhI qy 23 mfrc 1931 nUM Èfm dy krIb swq vwj ky 33 imMt `qy hI Bgq isMG, suKdyv qy rfjgurU nUM PfˆsI dy idwqI geI. PfˆsI qoN pihlfˆ jylH ivwc gwlbfq dOrfn Bgq isMG ny afpxy sfQI iÈv vrmf nUM ikhf sI, “jdoN mYˆ ienklfb dI rfh ivwc pihlf kdm rwiKaf sI qfˆ mYˆ soicaf sI ik jy afpxI jfn dy ky vI mYˆ ienklfb iËMdfbfd df nfarf dyÈ dy kony kony ivwc PYlf skfˆ qfˆ mYˆ smJfˆgf ik myrI iËMdgI dI kImq pY geI. awj vI Bfrq qy pfiksqfn dy lok Bgq isMG nUM afËfdI dy dIvfny dy qOr ‘qy dyKdy hn, ijs ny afpxI pUrI iËMdgI dyÈ leI kurbfn kr idwqI.

The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017



kI ielYktRoink voitMg msLInF nfl CyVKfnI ho skdI hY? ijvyˆ hI cox nqIijafˆ df aYlfn hox lgdf hY, iqvyˆ hI hfrn vfly AumIdvfrfˆ jfˆ AunHfˆ dIafˆ pfrtIafˆ vwloN aijhy Èwk Ëfihr kIqy jfxy sLurU ho jfˆdy hn ik, kI ielYktRoink voitMg mÈInfˆ (eI[vI[aYmË) ny AunHfˆ nfl iensfP kIqf hY jfˆ nhIN. AuNj vI jy aijhy iksy AumIdvfr ny afpxI hfr df kfrn lwBxf hovy qfˆ iksy byjfn vsqU AuWqy afpxI BVfs kwZ lYxI sB qoN vDIaf rihMdI hY, ikAuNik Auh afp bol ky koeI jvfb nhIN dy skdI. iek mÈIn df afpxf koeI idmfg nhIN huMdf. iek mnuwK qoN Ault, Auh iksy qrHfˆ df koeI pwKpfq krnf nhIN jfxdI aqy Auh svyr qoN Èfm, idn qoN rfq qwk aqy sfl dy iksy vI idn ibnfˆ Qwky kMm kr skdI hY. ies dOrfn AudoN qwk Aus dI kfrjkuÈlqf ivc koeI kmI nhIN afAuNdI, jdoN qwk ik Aus nUM AUrjf imldI rihMdI hY. ielYktRoink voitMg mÈInfˆ dy mfmly ivc ieMj hI vfprdf hY. iksy vI hor mÈIn vfˆg AunHfˆ df ivvhfr keI-keI idnfˆ, GMitafˆ qy imMtfˆ bfad vI ieko ijhf hI rihMdf hY. kI ielYktRoink voitMg mÈInfˆ iksy vI qrHfˆ dI CyVKfnI qoN surwiKaq hn? 1989 `c ienHfˆ mÈInfˆ dI vrqoN coxfˆ ivc krn dI pRvfngI idwqI geI sI aqy AudoN qoN lY

ky hux qwk 100 qoN vwD coxfˆ ielYktRoink voitMg mÈInfˆ rfhIN krvfeIafˆ jf cuwkIafˆ hn. iksy cox dy jyqU kuJ hor coxfˆ ivc hfr jfˆdy hn qy kuJ hfrn vfly ijwq jfˆdy hn. ienHfˆ bhuq sfry sflfˆ dOrfn kuJ lokfˆ ny kdy-kdy ienHfˆ mÈInfˆ dI BrosyXogqf AuWqy Èwk pRgtfey hn aqy bhuq vfr AunHfˆ ny aijhy ivcfr df mËfk vI Auzfieaf hY ik ‘ienHfˆ mÈInfˆ nfl CyVKfnI ho skdI hY.`

ivc sMBv ho skdf hY. hux ikAuNik pI[sIË qfˆ afm AudyÈ vfly isstm huMdy hn qy AunHfˆ nUM ieMtrnYWt nfl joiVaf jf skdf hY. ienHfˆ ivcfly qulnf krnI vfjb nhIN hY, ikAuNik eI[vI[aYWm[ nUM ieMtrnYWt jfˆ vfierlYWs isstm nfl joVn dI koeI ivvsQf hI nhIN hY. iPr eI[vI[aYWmË dy ivc koeI afpryitMg isstm nhIN huMdf. Auh aYˆbYWzz (pihlfˆ qoN qYasLudf) Aupkrn hn.

kuJ lokfˆ ny doÈ lfieaf hY ik ies mÈIn ivc koeI ‘sfPLtvyar` pfieaf jf skdf hY, ijvyˆ ik prsnl kMipAUtrfˆ (pI[sIË)

pRogrfm kIqy jf skdy hn. ies qoN bfad vrqoN ivc afAux qoN bfad aijhy pRogrfmfˆ nUM bdilaf hI nhIN jf skdf.

zf: rjq mUnf

aijhy sfry qwQfˆ nUM vwKo-vwKrIafˆ adflqfˆ vwloN anykfˆ ptIÈnfˆ dy rUp ivc suxvfeI krdy smyˆ dlIlfˆ aqy ivroDI-dlIlfˆ qoN bfad inbyiVaf jf cuwkf hY. adflqfˆ ny iek sur ivc ienHfˆ ielYktRoink voitMg mÈInfˆ ivc afpxf pUrf Brosf pRgtfieaf hY. Bfvyˆ votr df Brosf ielYktRoink voitMg mÈInfˆ AuWqy bhuq iËafdf hY, cox kimÈn ny eI[ vI[ aYWm[ mÈInfˆ ivc ‘votr vYrIPafE vyKIey ik Bfrq dIafˆ ielYktRoink kuJ aijhy Èwk vI pRgtfey gey hn ik kuJ feIeybl pypr afizt tRyl` (vI[ vI[ pI[ voitMg mÈInfˆ nUM ikhVI cIË mËbUq bx- aijhy lukvyˆ ‘kI-stRoks` lfey ho skdy ey[ tI[) joVn leI aglyry kdm cuwky hn. fAuNdI hY. sB qoN pihlfˆ, iksy eI[vI[aYWm[ hn, ijnHfˆ rfhIN eI[vI[aYWm[ mÈInfˆ dy iv- ieh sIlbMd ipRMtrË huMdy hn, ijnHfˆ ivc nUM ieMtrYWwt jfˆ iksy hor vfierlYWs sMcfr vhfr nUM bdilaf jf skdf hovy. aijhf dyKx leI iek iKVkI lwgI huMdI hY qy hyTfˆ Aupkrn-mobfeIl jfˆ aijhy hor iksy kuJ socxf kyvl klpnf dI Auzfx hY, iek sIlbMd bksf huMdf hY. hfl hI ivc XMqr nfl joVn df koeI qrIkf nhIN hY. ikAuNik ieh mÈInfˆ inrmfx dOrfn, bfad hoeIafˆ coxfˆ dOrfn aijhIafˆ bhuq sfrIafˆ ies leI koeI aidwK sMcfr Aupkrn ies vI[ vI[ pI[ ey[ tI[ mÈInfˆ vrqIafˆ geIafˆ mÈIn nfl joiVaf nhIN jf skdf. ivigafn dy muwlfˆkxfˆ qy coxfˆ vyly keI iksm dy sn. ies mfmly df idlcsp pwK ieh hY dy iek aOsq ividafrQI nUM vI ieh gwl tYstfˆ ivcoN lMGdIafˆ hn. mÈIn nUM ieh vI ik iksy vI AumIdvfr ny cox kimÈn dIafˆ pqf huMdI hY ik vfierlYWs sMcfr leI pqf nhIN huMdf, ikhVI kuMjIiks AumIdvfr sQfpq kfrj ivDIafˆ anusfr ienHfˆ silwpfˆ iek ‘kpilMg aYˆtInf` dI loV huMdI hY. nfl sbMDq hY. voitMg dOrfn ies mÈIn nUM eI[vI[aYWmË ivc koeI aYˆtInf nhIN huMdf. iek pRIËfeIizMg aPsr vwloN Xog bxfieaf dI igxqI krn leI nhIN afiKaf. kI ies ies qoN ieh XkInI huMdf hY ik eI[vI[aYWmË jfˆdf hY qy iek votr vwloN kyvl ieko ‘kIa` nfl ienHfˆ mÈInfˆ dI BrosyXogqf hor vI vD nhIN jfˆdI? dy bfhr koeI sMcfr ho hI nhIN skdf, Bfv dbfeI jf skdI hY. ies nUM iksy vI ZMg nfl koeI sMdyÈ nhIN eI[vI[aYWm[ mÈInfˆ ivc mOjUd pRogrfm vrqmfn zfierYktr, afeI[ afeI[ tI[, Byijaf jf skdf. kyvl icwp dy inrmfx smyˆ ieko vfr hI iBlfeI qy sfbkf zI[ jI[ sI[ zI[ ey[ sI[ aqy BfrqI cox kimÈn dy ielYktRoink voitMg mÈInfˆ bfry ‘qknIkI mfihr smUh` dy mYˆbr.


The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017

New Event Calendar Highlights Canada150 Celebrations in Abbotsford


s Canada celebrates its 150th birthday this year, the City of Abbotsford along with many community organizations are gearing up to ensure the celebrations continue throughout the year to honour our great country, announced Mayor Henry Braun.

The City of Abbotsford has recently launched a community events calendar for all Canada150 celebrations happening in Abbotsford. Businesses, community groups and organizations can submit a Canada150 event to this central community calendar which will act as a portal to the many events occurring in our community. Visit for details. “There are so many celebrations taking place this year so we really wanted to make sure residents and visitors could easily find out what was happening throughout the year to celebrate Canada150,” said Mayor Henry Braun. “With a simple click to


this calendar, residents now can easily see how they can participate and join in the celebrations of our great country.” The Canada Day 150 celebration will be the theme of this year’s annual Canada Day celebrations at Exhibition Park on July 1. Prospera Credit Union has once again stepped up as the naming sponsor of Abbotsford’s Canada Day Celebrations, holding this title for many years. “Prospera has always shown a high level of dedication and commitment to our city and to Canada Day, and they truly

are an amazing corporate partner,” said Braun. “Community involvement through partnerships and sponsors are behind the success of Abbotsford’s Canada Day, and we thank Prospera for continually giving back to the community each year.”

ing forward to all the fun and fanfare of an extra special Canada Day in Abbotsford this year as we celebrate not just our nation’s birthday, but also our unique sense of connectedness that is an integral part of our Canadian heritage.”

“This is a meaningful year for all Canadians as we celebrate 150 years as a c o u n t r y. At Prospera, we’re excited to celebrate this milestone and show some “True North” pride,” said Shawn Good, President and CEO of Prospera Credit Union. “We’re look-

Along with the annual Canada Day celebrations on July 1, the City of Abbotsford is also planning two more great events to celebrate Canada150, including a ‘Symphony Under the Stars’ celebration at Exhibition Park on June 30th and a ‘Red White and YOU’ event on August 10 at Mill Lake, featuring a spectacular laser light show. More details will be available soon on the new Canada150 community calendar. Applications are also now being accepted for the Canada Day parade, community booths, entertainment on the main stage and volunteer applications. Organizations and individuals can register for any of these activities at

The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017



Morneau’s Missed Chance Should Concern Canadians by Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director (This column originally appeared in the Toronto Sun on March 24th, 2017)

There are handouts for politicallyfavoured industries like clean tech. And for powerful special interests like aerospace and automobiles. There will be a new “platform” called – surprise – Innovation Canada which will develop six “Economic Strategy Tables” (which will also be linked with the existing Department of Innovation). In a final bold stroke of innovation, the government even decided to combine a bunch of different corporate welfare funds into one, and call it the Strategic Innovation Fund!

Finance Minister Bill Morneau unveiled the Trudeau government’s second budget this week, and in many ways it wasn’t a new budget at all, but just a clarification of many measures from last year. In some ways, that’s a relief, because last year was a veritable spending spree, with Morneau plunging the country into a $23 billion deficit (a far cry from the Liberals’ promise of three years of ‘modest’ $10 billion deficits) and didn’t even provide a plan on how they would climb out of it – ever. One can be forgiven for bracing for yet another multi-billion increase in the deficit. But not pouring any fuel on the fire doesn’t change the fact the feds already have a five-alarm fiscal fire on their hands. Even with a lid on spending increases, our federal debt is now projected to leap from $637 billion to $756 billion in just five years. Just the interest payments on that will cost an eye-watering $143 billion over the same timeframe. Talk about mortgaging our kids and grandkids’ future. More troubling is that the government doesn’t seem to know what it’s doing with its own ‘innovation’ agenda, which is supposed to help boost economic growth (while the Canadian economy isn’t in recession, growth is projected to be weak). Instead the agenda seems to be nothing more than the same old corporate welfare programs that have failed time and again.

If you were looking for tax relief in this budget, forget it: aside from a few small boutique measures, it’s mostly the status quo. There are even a few sneaky tax hikes. Excise duties on alcohol are going to rise by 10% over the next five years. And with some expansions to Employment Insurance accessibility for groups such as home caregivers, EI premiums will be going up as well. And then of course there’s the federal carbon tax, which will be imposed on the provinces whether they like it or not. There are a few bright spots. The government is taking a Canadian Taxpayers Federation recommendation to review expenditures department by department to help kill wasteful programs and root out inefficiencies. There’s also a commitment to expand free trade within Canada – something that could benefit all Canadians. But overall, this year’s budget is big on words and short on details. It claims to help the middle-class – without explaining who counts as ‘middle class.’ It says it’s focused on innovation – but with new (and recycled) corporate welfare funds designed to throw money at favoured industries and companies, there’s not much innovative about it. With this budget, Morneau had an opportunity to explain how he would get the books into balance and start to tackle our massive federal debt. He took a pass. As a result, future generations of Canadians will pay a hefty price.


The Patrika


Friday, March 31st, 2017


pMjfb XUnIvristI–lfhOr qoN cMzIgVH qwk lfhOr siQq pMjfb XUnIvristI df purfxf kYˆps lfhOr ivwc pMjfb XUnIvristI 14 akqUbr 1882 nUM hoNd ivwc afeI. klkwqf XUnIvristI (24 jnvrI 1857), bMbeI XUnIvristI (24 julfeI 1857) aqy mdrfs XUnIvristI (5 sqMbr 1857) mgroN ieh dyÈ dI cOQI XUnIvristI bxI. ies mgroN alfhfbfd XUnIvristI 16 nvMbr 1889 nUM hoNd ivwc afeI. Bfrq ivwc AucyrI iswiKaf dy AuQfn dI khfxI idlcsp hY. 1904 qwk sfrIafˆ XUnIvristIafˆ dy afpo afpxy vwK vwK kfnUMn sn. 1904 ivwc dyÈ dIafˆ sfrIafˆ XUnIvristIafˆ nUM BfrqI XUnIvristIafˆ sbMDI kfnUMn V99 hyT ilafˆdf igaf. ienHfˆ pMj XUnIvristIafˆ ivwc purfxy kuJ inXm hfly qwk lfgU hn. ienHfˆ sMsQfvfˆ ivwc sYnyt aqy isMzIkyt cuxy jfx dI rvfieq hfly vI kfiem hY. 1947 qwk ibRitÈfˆ ny Bfrq ivwc 496 kflj aqy 21 XUnIvristIafˆ kfiem kIqIafˆ. dyÈ vMz qoN bfad dy Bfrq ivwc hux qwk 750 XUnIvristIafˆ hoNd ivwc af cuwkIafˆ hn aqy 35,000 qoN vI vDyry kflj hn. pMjfb XUnIvristI dI sLurUafq dI gwl krIey qfˆ ibRitÈfˆ ny Bfrq ivwc AucyrI iswiKaf dy psfr leI 1 jnvrI 1864 nUM lfhOr ivwc srkfrI kflj sQfipq kIqf.

iDafn isMG hvylI nUM kflj dI iemfrq vjoN vriqaf igaf. 1869 ivwc ies df nfˆ lfhOr XUnIvristI kflj rwiKaf igaf jo mgroN pMjfb XUnIvristI kflj, lfhOr ho igaf. qyrHfˆ vrHy cwlI muihMm mgroN hI ies kflj nUM 14 akqUbr 1882 nUM XUnIvristI df drjf idwqf igaf. ies dOrfn 1870 ivwc ErIaYˆtl kflj, lfhOr sQfipq kIqf igaf. ies ivwc sMsikRq, arbI, PfrsI, pMjfbI, ihMdI vrgIafˆ BfrqI BfÈfvfˆ Au W qy iDafn kyˆdirq kIqf igaf. ErIaYˆtl kflj ivwc 1879 ivwc pMjfbI ivBfg sLurU kIqf igaf. dyÈ vMz mgroN ies df nfˆ pMjfbI BfÈf aqy swiBafcfr ivBfg rwiKaf igaf. kflj ivwc 1983 qwk ihMdI ivBfg vI cwldf irhf. pMjfb df gvrnr sr cfrls aMPrstn aY c Isn ies XU n IvristI df pihlf cfˆslr sI. Aus ny sr jymË brYzvuwz lfiel nUM pihlf Aup-kulpqI inXukq kIqf. ikMgË kflj, lMzn ivwc arbI dy pRoPYsr gOtlIb ivlhYm lfeItnr nUM 1882 ivwc pMjfb XUnIvristI df pihlf

rijstrfr lfieaf igaf. Aus ny ies KYbrpKqUnKvf, pfiksqfn) vI ies dy sMsQf dy ivkfs ivwc AuWGf Xogdfn pfieaf. aDIn sn. ieh vI mMinaf jfˆdf hY ik cMzIgVH siQq pMjfb XUnIvristI df lfhOr 1875 ivwc sQfipq kIqf igaf mihMdrf vflI XUnIvristI nfloN vKryvfˆ krn leI kflj, pitaflf ies XUnIvristI vwloN aMgryËI ivwc ies dy Èbd joV vwKry rwKy mfnqf pR f pq pihlf kflj sI. sy ˆ t gey, pr ieh swc nhIN hY. drasl, dyÈ stIPnË kflj, idwlI 1881 ivwc sQfipq vMz qoN pihlfˆ ies df nfˆ dovfˆ Èbd joVfˆ hoieaf. pMjfb dIafˆ AuWGIafˆ ÈKsIaqfˆ nUM nfl iliKaf jfˆdf irhf sI. ies dy PYlo/sYnytr cuixaf igaf. ienHfˆ ivwc kÈmIr dy mhfrfjf rxbIr isMG, dyÈ vMz mgroN pMjfb XUnIvristI nUM, pitaflf dy mhfrfjf rfijMdr isMG, nfBf Kfskr cVHdy pMjfb vfly pfsy, kfPI dy rfjf hIrf isMG, kpUrQlf dy rfjf muÈikl dOr ivwcoN guËrnf ipaf. btvfry jgqjIq isMG, jINd dy rfjf rGbIr smyˆ PYslf kIqf igaf sI ik dovyˆ pMjfbfˆ isMG, bhfvlpur dy nvfb muhMmd sdIk ivwc iemiqhfn lYx dI iËMmyvfrI pMjfb Kfn, mflyrkotlf dy nvfb iebrfihm XU n IvristI, lfhO r dI ho v y g I. ies Kfn, PrIdkot dy rfjf ibkrm isMG, mMqv leI rijstrfr mdn gopfl isMG munÈI hukm cMd aqy soZI hukm isMG ijhy iÈmly qoN lfhOr gey. XUnIvristI ivwc ivakqI Èfml sn. 1907 ivwc sr pI[sI[ mdn gopfl isMG dy dPqr ivwc hI inwjI cYtrjI ies dy pihly BfrqI Aup-kulpqI shfiek ny AunHfˆ df kql kr idwqf. iesy bxy jdoN ik zf[ Aumr hXfq milk dyÈ vMz qrHfˆ arQ Èfsqr ivBfg dy muKI pRoPYsr mgroN lfhOr siQq XUnIvristI dy pihly ibRj nfrfiex df vI AunHfˆ dy dPLqr ivwc hI Aup-kulpqI sn. aKMz Bfrq ivwc ies kql kr idwqf igaf. dovfˆ dyÈfˆ drimafn ny ivÈfl iKwqy dIafˆ ivwidak loVfˆ pUrIafˆ JuwlI nPrq dI hnyrI kfrn srkfr ny 27 kIqIafˆ. 1922 qwk axvMzy pMjfb smyq sqMbr 1947 nUM cVHdy pMjfb ivwc vI ieh idwlI Kyqr ies dy aDIn afAuNdf sI jdoN XUnIvristI sQfipq krn leI kfnUMn pfsACCOUNTING kIqf jo 1 akqUbr 1947 nUM hoNd ivwc ik 1947 qwk jMmU kÈmIr, bloicsqfnINDUS aqy Au W qr-pw C mI srhw d I sU b f (hu x afeI. gvrnr sr cMdU lfl iqRvydI ies dy

ienkm tYks prsnl ibjLns rYNtl jI[aYs[tI[ tI2 buwkkIipMg srivs py-rol


We speak English, Punjabi, & Hindi asIN pMjfbI,ihMdI aqy aMgryjI boldy hF


Friday, March 31st, 2017

The Patrika 

pihly kulpqI sn. ies df pRÈfsn iÈmly siQq kYˆp qoN clfieaf igaf. 8 PrvrI 1948 qoN 31 mfrc 1949 qwk jsits qyjf isMG nUM ies df afnryrI vfeIs-cfˆslr inXukq kIqf igaf. mOjudf smyˆ pIXU, lfhOr dy Aup kulpqI zf[ ËPr moien nfisr aqy pIXU, cMzIgVH dy Aup kulpqI pRo[ arux kumfr grovr hn. afpxI sLurUafq dy smyˆ qoN hux qwk ienHfˆ dovfˆ sMsQfvfˆ ny bhuq ivkfs kIqf hY. 1947 qoN bfad ies dy dPLqr soln CfAuxI ivKy qbdIl kr idwqy gey jdoN ik ies dy vwK vwK ivBfg pMjfb aqy idwlI ivwc vwK vwK Qfvfˆ `qy cldy rhy. ies mgroN 1960 ivwc sfry ivBfg cMzIgVH siQq kYˆps ivwc cwlx lwgy.

dyÈ dI afËfdI dy Gol ivwc pMjfb XUnIvristI, lfhOr ny vDIaf BUimkf inBfeI. 1932 dy XUnIvristI kYlMzr ivwc iewk Gtnf bfry 8 akqUbr nUM kIqI geI kfrvfeI drË hY. drasl, lfhOr sfiËÈ kys ivwc itRibAUnl ny Bgq isMG, suKdyv aqy rfjgurU nUM PfˆsI dI sËf suxfeI. ividafrQIafˆ aqy aiDafpkfˆ vwloN ies df ivroD suBfivk hI sI. awT akqUbr nUM pulIs ny klfsfˆ ivwc dfKl ho ky ies nUM dbfAux dI koiÈÈ kIqI. pMjfb XUnIvristI dI sYnyt ny ies kfrvfeI dI inMdf kridafˆ sKq Èbdfˆ ivwc mqf pfs kIqf ik ipRMsIpl dI sihmqI qoN ibnfˆ pulIs kYˆps ivwK dfKl nhIN sI ho skdI!

dy È dIafˆ Au W GIafˆ XU n IvristIafˆ dy brfbr dI kfrguËfrI idKfAux dy bfvjUd kyˆdr aqy sUbfeI srkfrfˆ vwloN ies nfl mqryeI mfˆ vflf slUk kIqf jfˆdf irhf hY. pMjfb srkfr ny ies nUM idwqf jfx vflf XUnIvristI bjt df ihwsf 40 PIsdI qoN Gtf ky 8 PIsdI kr idwqf, ies 8 PIsdI rkm dI adfiegI vI nhIN kIqI jf rhI. kyˆdr srkfr ies dIafˆ ivwqI loVfˆ df 92 PIsdI ihwsf muhweIaf krdI hY, pr ieh vI isafsI kfrnfˆ krky ieh shfieqf rokdI rihMdI hY ikAuNik pMjfb XUnIvristI iswDy qOr `qy mnuwKI sroq mMqrfly dy kMtrol hyT nhIN hY.

aPsos dI gwl ieh hY ik pIXU, cMzIgVH ny dyÈ vMz kfrn pYdf hoeI nPrq df iÈkfr hoey pRo[ aYWm[jI[ isMG aqy pRo[ ibRj nfrfiex dy nfˆ dIafˆ qKqIafˆ qwk nhIN lfeIafˆ ijnHfˆ nUM pIXU, lfhOr ivwc AunHfˆ dy dPLqrfˆ ivwc kql kr idwqf igaf sI. Bgq isMG dy sfQI pRym dwq vrmf dI vI koeI Xfdgfr nhIN hY ijs ny jylH ivwcoN irhfa hox mgroN XUnIvristI ivwc aiDafpn kfrj kIqf. pIXU, lfhOr dI vYWbsfeIt bVy mfx nfl dfavf krdI hY ik nobyl purskfr jyqU pfiksqfnI ivigafnI abdus slfm aqy BfrqI ivigafnI hrgoibMd Kurfxf iewQoN dy purfxy ividafrQI hn jdoN ik pIXU, cMzIgVH dI vYWbsfeIt hrgoibMd Kurfxf df iËkr qwk nhIN krdI.

pMjfb XUnIvristI nfl juVIafˆ AuWGIafˆ ÈKsIaqfˆ:–

PAGE 21 XUnIvristI dy 134 sflfˆ dy ieiqhfs ivwc jsits qyjf isMG iewko iewk iswK sn ijs ny ies dy Aup kulpqI df ahudf sMBfilaf.

AuWGy lyKk mulk rfj afnMd aqy ihMdI nfvlkfr qy aflock hËfrI pRsfd idvydI sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI zf[ mnmohn isMG 1960ivafˆ dOrfn tYgor cyar dy pRoÌYsr aqy pRoPYsr bI[aYWn[ gosvfmI ny aYWm[ey[ ieknOimks aqy ieiqhfs ivwc sB qoN vwD rhy. aMk hfsl krn df irkfrz bxfieaf. ErIaYˆtl kflj, lfhOr dy aiDafpk aqy pM j fb XU n IvristI ivw c pM j fbI sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI ieMdr kumfr gujrfl, ivBfg dy bfnI muKI zf[ mohn isMG dIvfnf Èfier iekbfl aqy PYË, blrfj qy BIÈm klkwqf XUnIvristI qoN pMjfbI sfihq `qy sfhnI aqy ivigafnI sqIÈ Dvn vI pIXU, pI[aYWc[zI[ aqy pIXU, lfhOr qoN zI[ilt[ lfhOr hyT afAuNdy srkfrI kflj, lfhOr dy purfxy ividafrQI sn. krn vfly pihly ivakqI sn.


The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017

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The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017


Province invests $10 million in Abbotsford flood protection Simon Gibson, MLA for AbbotsfordMission, on behalf of Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness Naomi Yamamoto, today announced $10 million in flood protection funding for the City of Abbotsford as part of the Province’s major investment in emergency preparedness and public safety. The funds are part of over $80 million in emergency preparedness funding announced by the Province on March 15. In order to prevent further erosion to the Fraser River’s banks and the dikes protecting the Matsqui floodplain in Abbotsford, the Province of British Columbia is investing $10 million in the design and implementation of a long-term solution. The City of Abbotsford is proposing a system of spurs along the riverbank, but other options are also still being considered. The City of Abbotsford and the Province will engage with First Nations, and in particular the Sumas First Nation, to develop a long term strategy to significantly reduce the risk of dike failure, while protecting fish habitat and the traditional fishery of the Sumas First Nation on this stretch of the Fraser River. On March 15, the Province announced over $80 million in funding for flood protection and prevention, seismic safety, local government emergency preparedness, search and rescue, and fire prevention. Some of the projects which will better protect the citizens of the Fraser Valley include: $10.5-million investment in infrastructure funding for the Fraser Valley Regional District: $6 million to upgrade the system of dikes at Nicomen Island, located on the Fraser River northeast of Abbotsford, which are in many areas too steep or too low and could pose a hazard in a major flooding event. This funding will widen the dikes to increase stability, and in turn protect agricultural lands and a Lakahahmen First Nation community. The remaining $4.5 million will be allocated to the existing pumping system infrastructure which supports these dikes. $2.13-million investment in three Fraser Basin Council (FBC) projects:

$1 million will support the FBC in conducting an inventory and engineering assessment of all orphan or unmanaged dikes in British Columbia. This assessment will evaluate the structural conditions of the dikes and determine the cost to upgrade the dikes to provincial standard and to acquire at-risk properties. The goal of this project is to assess the risks to local communities and to help facilitate the transfer of diking authority to local governments.


Canada’s first tele-pediatric intensive care program launched in BC Vancouver – Canada’s first tele-pediatric intensive care service (tele-PICU) provides children with increased access to specialized care closer to their home community.

The service is currently available at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Nanaimo Regional Hospital and Victoria General Hospital as well as BC Children’s Hospital. Tele-PICU $800,000 will go toward a seismic as- was established by Child Health BC in sessment of existing Lower Mainland partnership with the Island and Interior dikes to withstand seismic events, health authorities. which will provide vital information about risks and vulnerabilities in those Tele-PICU allows teams at BC Chilcommunities. This funding will allow dren’s or Victoria General Hospital to for the field testing of almost 50 struc- assess children closer to their community through real-time, two-way tures. This information will be vital in videoconferencing. Tele-PICU teams developing seismic design guidelines use high resolution cameras and digital for diking infrastructure. stethoscopes that enable physicians $330,000 will support the cross- and nurses to see patients as well as sectional sonar survey of the Fraser to listen to and amplify sounds of River bottom to assist the FBC in the heart and lungs of seriously ill or its proposed development of flood- injured children. hazard analysis tools and modelling of the floodplain. This data will also assist in upgrades to the current river model used for freshet forecasting, to provide more accurate information to the public and stakeholders.

As a result of this initiative, intensive care teams can now collaborate with health care providers in communities across the province to help children receive diagnosis and treatment sooner and often without leaving their community. When a child does not need to be transferred to BC Children’s or Victoria General, families face fewer burdens including reduced travel costs, time away from work and are able to stay better connected to their community support networks. The service also supports health care providers by sharing new knowledge and best practices to further building the capacity of health care providers. Tele-PICU is part of Child Health BC’s Children’s Virtual Care initiative that integrates tele-health and other technologies to enhance services to children throughout BC. These sites include technology and tele-health equipment as well as equipment to support pediatric visits with trained nurses and support staff.

$100,000 in Provincial Emergency Program Air (PEP Air) funding: Currently, PEP Air relies on verbal position updates and manual maps to estimate aircraft positions and locations of interest when searching for overdue or downed aircraft, or in supporting ground search and rescue teams. This funding will enable PEP Air to purchase flight tracking and mission management tools and equipment to improve operational safety and effectiveness. $630,000 in fire prevention funding for the Fire Chiefs Association of British Columbia: This funding will facilitate a fire prevention program for at-risk, single family homes, based on a University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) study. The program will focus on communities identified in the UFV study. It is anticipated that local fire departments will provide voluntary fire safety inspections for the identified at-risk homes, including the installation of up to two smoke detectors.


The Patrika



India is ashamed of sexuality and physicality : Radhika

Till now I have this fear of my parents : Salman Salman Khan says his family and friends keep him grounded as they do not get affected by his a superstar status. The 51-year-old actor, who is one of the most popular stars of the Indian film industry, says people around him always make sure to counter him if he does anything "wrong". "I don't keep myself grounded. I at times find myself flying high. But my family and friends keep me grounded. "When a person reaches at high position, people around them just agree to whatever they say. But my family and friends always tell me if they find something wrong in me," Salman says in reply to a fan's question on his app. The actor says he is still afraid of his parents and makes sure that his behaviour did not affect his family and friends. "Till now I have this fear of my parents. I still have the fear that what I am doing may hurt my mom and dad or upset my siblings." Salman will next be seen in Kabir Khan's "Tubelight". The actor is currently shooting for Ali Abbas Zafar's "Tiger Zinda Hai" which stars Katrina Kaif as the female lead.

Actress Radhika Apte, who has often been under the scanner for her "bold" approach in her films, says anything remotely associated with human body can turn out to be a problem in India -- a country that is "very ashamed of sexuality and physicality". Sex and sexuality are not the only veiled topics of discussion in the country. Menstruation also finds a spot on the list, and Radhika is happy that the topic is being handled in a "big way" in her upcoming Bollywood film "Pad Man" -- which tells a true story of a man's journey to make affordable sanitary napkins. Starting with the poster in the shape of a sanitary napkin, Radhika feels the film will help overcome the hesitation which surrounds a natural process that a woman goes through every month. "I think our country is very ashamed of sexuality, physicality, or human body. Anything to do with human body or sexuality is a problem here," Radhika said .


Randeep Hooda, who is passionate about horses as much as he is about acting, won three medals at the recently-concluded horse show at the Amateur Riders' Club.What makes his win more significant is the fact that his horse, Dream Girl, is not only his first mare, but one of the nine injured horses he adopted and nursed back to health.Says Randeep, “People advised me to get fancy , trained and fit horses from abroad for the races.But I wasn't keen. What's victory then? Satisfaction comes from the challenge of nursing `broken' horses and watching them make a comeback to their former glory .“ Talking about how he met his `Dream Girl', he says, “She came to me last year with a severe hip problem and an undetectable pain in her front right leg. She had lost her confidence and used to tremble. After consulting a vet, I put her on rehabilitation

exercsies and started r e schoon ilg her.“ He adds, “Many a times, my heart was in my mouth when Dream Girl reacted to something on the ground. I often thought I wouldn't be able to leave the racecourse in one piece! I guess courage is fear held on a moment longer. Thankfully , I survived, barring a few tears and cracks. We won two golds and one silver. One of the biggest life lessons reiterated by Dream Girl is -fall eight times but get up the ninth. With a little love, some nursing, a lot of encouragement and the singlemindedness of purpose, one can achieve the impossible.“

Film industry has become disciplined : Madhuri

Madhuri Dixit, who ruled the silver screen in the late '80s and '90s, has said the film inustry has become more "disciplined" over the years. "Today films are being made on time and everyone has become punctual. There is discipline. Also, different kinds (concept) of films are being made and are doing well. It is not just about song and dance, they have started focusing on the story too. "Today women (actress) are


Friday, March 31st, 2017

coming in the forefront and producing films which is wonderful. You get a bound script, you are aware about your role, your look and actors just have to focus on their performance. The industry is moving in the right direction," Madhuri said.Madhuri, 49, who was present at FICCI Frames 2017 along with her husband Sriram Nene, spoke about her online dance academy and life after marriage and mtherhoood.

Sanjay delays 'Bhoomi' release to avoid box office clash with Aamir 'Secret Superstar'

Every time two bigticket films clash at the box office, it sends a shiver down the trade's spine as they dread serious division of business. This year has already seen a major face-off — Hrithik Roshan's Kaabil and Shah Rukh Khan's Raees — with the fight between both camps getting messy in the run-up to release. Taking a cue from that, Sanjay Dutt has requested the producers of his comeback film, Bhoomi, to postpone it and avoid a clash with close friend Aamir Khan's Secret Superstar. Bhoomi was slated to hit screens on August 4 along with Aamir's production venture that is written and directed by his former manager Advait Chauhan. Says a source, "Dutt doesn't want to clash with Aamir since they go a long way. We have seen that

no matter how professional people act, box office contests eventually get dirty, even between close friends [hinting at the ping-pong comments between Hrithik-Rakesh Roshan and SRK-Ritesh Sidhwani]. Moreover, Aamir's is a small budget film, riding solely on content. A star clash could affect it." Keeping that in mind, Dutt has requested co-producers Sandeep Singh and Bhushan Kumar to hold the film for another Friday. Dutt tells us, "I know the kind of hard work and effort that goes into making a film. I believe, after all the work being put in, it can't be reduced to a clash at the box office. Aamir is a dear friend and I wouldn't want my comeback film to be pitted against his. In this industry, we should all make an effort to help each other."

Friday, March 31st, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, March 31st, 2017



Investors take a close look. Total 14520 sq.ft. , huge lot with lots of potential.Rented $1800/mo. Corner property * PREC - PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION

Total lot size 12160 sqft and total built up area is 1360 sqft

Total lot size 7163 sqft and total built up area is 2318 sqft


spacious open gourmet kitchen with a large island.






2 Lots available on Townline Rd in Abbotsford



7,000 SqFt Lot & 8,400 Sqft Lot







$ 565000

$ 565000

NEAR 192



8.9 MIL






ASKING 6.5 mill

INDUSTRIAL/COMMERICAL BUSINESS WITH PROPERTY 45107 WELLS ROAD Grocery/convenienec store located in Chilliwack Sardis. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom on the second level, would be perfect for owner/operator.

$ 989,000

33858 Enterprise Avenue industrial property, fully leased APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE 146 - 19653 Willowbrook Dr 1200Sqft $22/ Sqft plus NNN


1.699 MIL





34211 HALLERT RD 38.54 acres of prime Matsqui blueberry farm land, right on the corner of Bell Road and Hallert Road. Lots of water available for irrigation, city water for home. House features 6 bdrms, 2 baths, kitchen, w/vaulted ceiling & huge deck, shop , horse barn with insulated tack room. Blueberry varities include Rica(10 acres), Duke(7 acres), Bluecrop(13 acres) and Elliot(5 acres). Last year production was approximately 245K lbs. Lots of outbuildings with a rental income of $6,000 per month. Please call for a private tour.




6705 CHADSEY RD 5.98 AC of blueberry farm with a house. 20 x 50 sqft shop to park your farm equipment. Beautiful acreage to build your dream home as well. Easy to access for a truck driver to park his truck home from the freeway.


4.9 acres of land with a beautiful new house . 3 acres of raspberry and more than 8000 sq ft house $2,999,000



2252 272 St, LANGLEY. BC 6 acres with 2 house Rental income 3100 per month. Asking 1.5 mill


The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017


FEB 4th Sat. 1-4PM


FEB 4th Sat. 1-4PM




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Sunrise West Coast Realty

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c: 604.825.0215 Kanwaljit K. Gill

2867 MCCALLUM RD, ABBOTSFORD SUB DIVIDABLE LOT! Large 10240 sqft lot 5 bedroom 3 full bathrooms, Potential for 2 lots. New Roof and Thermo Windows, Basement fully renovated, Central Air Condition, Lots of parking including RV parking. Detached garage has power. New development in neighbourhood. Easy access to Hwy. Please call for your personal Tour.


Open House Saturday y April 1st From 2.00 to 4.00 PM

6 bedroom house. 2.5 bath, 3 bedroom basement suite with separete entry. 8700 sf. Corner lot west Abby near all amenities. Rented for $2,200 / month Don't miss! Call Kanwaljit K Gill



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The Patrika 

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Friday, March 31st, 2017

The Patrika



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The Patrika



Apply now for BC Arts Council grants and scholarships

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Community CleanUp Week Beautifies Neighbourhoods

.C. students pursuing a career in the arts could receive up to $6,000 through the BC Arts Council’s Scholarship Awards, one of several grant programs now open for applications. Other programs with upcoming deadlines include project assistance for music, dance, theatre, media artists and the literary arts, as well as assistance for arts periodicals.


Arts awards with an application deadline of Monday, May 1, 2017:

Project assistance programs with an application deadline of Tuesday, April 18, 2017:

In 2016, 1041 residents participated in the Community Arts awards with an application deadline of Clean-Up program. These participants included local resiWednesday, May 31, 2017: dents, community groups, organizations and local schools. Project Assistance for Media Artists – supports Classes from Abbotsford Middle School, Centennial Park independent media artists with the creation of Elementary School, Godson Elementary School, Rick Hanspecific projects such as works in film, video, sen Secondary School, Sandy Hill Elementary School and Yale Secondary School contributed to beautifying their city. audio/sound art and new media.

Arts Periodicals – assists arts periodicals not currently receiving BC Arts Council operating assistance that are devoted to the first publication of any form of artistic expression, or social, cultural or intellectual commentary or inquiry. Professional Arts Training – supports arts and cultural training activities, programs and organizations. Professional Performing Arts (Music, Dance or Theatre) – supports the development, creation, production or live performance of classical, experimental, original, traditional and contemporary art forms from all world cultures. Professional Literary – supports activities in literary arts in British Columbia.


Scholarship Awards – assists with pre-professional training of outstanding B.C. students with a grant of up to $6,000 per year for studies at the post-secondary level in the arts. Applicants must submit reference letters and a portfolio of recently completed work.

The Government of British Columbia is investing approximately $60 million in arts and culture in 2017-18 to further support a thriving creative economy. Within this funding, the BC Arts Council is providing $24 million to help artists and cultural organizations flourish in more than 200 communities throughout the province. The BC Arts Council draws upon the expertise of British Columbia’s arts and culture community to provide an independent peer-review adjudication process.

Abbotsford - March 27, 2017 - Abbotsford residents are encouraged to pick litter up around their workplace, school, community trails and streets during Community Clean-Up Week from April 17-23, 2017. Residents can volunteer their time to help beautify their neighbourhood and do their part for Earth Day.

This initiative provides teachers with a great way to provide classes with hands-on, real world learning opportunities for students. Participating classes will have their names entered into a draw for a gift card, courtesy of the Teachers’ Learning Store. The City of Abbotsford would like to challenge residents to get involved in Community Clean-up Week. How to get involved: 1. Register at by April 10, 2017.

Friday, March 31st, 2017

The Patrika



mnpRIq bfdl df sitMg apryÈn ibnHfˆ lfl bwqI gwzI hox dI vjHf kfrn hI pMjfb dy ivwq mMqrI mnpRIq bfdl ny 2 tYRiPk puils aiDkfrIafˆ nUM irÈvq lYˆdy rMgy hwQI igRPqfr kIqf hY. jfxkfrI muqfbk mnpRIq isMG bfdl luiDafxf-dorfhf dwKxI bfeIpfs `qy lMGidafˆ afpxI ibnfˆ lfl bwqI vflI gwzI qy jf rhy sn qfˆ AunHfˆ ny vyiKaf ik jgjIq isMG aqy mnjIq isMG kfˆstybl dorpMjvIN pMjfb ivDfn sBf df pihlf sYÈn ÈurU,pRotym fhf pul `qy nfkybMdI dOrfn izAUtI kr rhy hn aqy irÈvqKorI vI kr rhy hn ijsdf spIkr ny kYptn nUM cukfeI shuM bkfiedf Auhnfˆ vwloˆ vIzIE vI bxfieaf igaf aqy puils kmIÈnr luiDafxf kuMvr ivjy pRqfp isMG dy iDafn ivwc ieh mfmlf ilafdf.ijs qoˆ bfad dovfˆ puils mulfËmf pMjfb dI 15vIˆ ivDfn sBf df pihlf sYÈn ÈurU ho igaf hY.ies dOrfn sB qoˆ pihlfˆ nUM sspYˆz kr idwqf igaf hY. mnpRIq bfdl ny sitMg afpRyÈn dI vIzIE dyx qoˆ mnHfˆ pRotym spIkr rfxf ky[pI[isMG vwloˆ sdn dy nyqf kYptn amirMdr isMG nUM shuM cukfeI kIqf sI pr puls vwloˆ Aukq sitMg dI vIzIE jfrI kr idwqI geI hY. geI.aijhf pihlI vfr hoieaf ik akflI dl kol nf qf swqf hY aqy nf hI ivroDI iDr df ahudf.ivDfn sBf c pihlI vfr ivroDI iDr dI BUimkf afm afdmI pfrtI inBfvygI ZwzrIafˆ vfly dI soÈl mIzIaf `qy jMg . 117 ivcoˆ 112 ivDfn sBf mYˆbrfˆ nUM shuM cukfeI geI.pihly idn sfbkf muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl aqy sfbkf Auwp mwuK mMqrI suKbIr isMG bfdl ny shuM nhIˆ cuwkI. iswK pRcfrk rxjIq isMG ZwzrIafˆ vfly df qfjf ivvfd hor iqwKf ho igaf hY.ZwzrIafˆ vfly ny srbwq Kflsf vwloˆ Qfpy gey qKq kysgVH sfihb dy jQydfr amrIk isMG ajnflf hux afeI pMjfb `c mËbUq ivroDI iDr: bYˆs nUM imlx qˆo spÈt ienkfr kr idwqf.ies dy nfl hI ZwzrIafˆ vfly ny ies lVfeI nUM pMjfb `c ivroDI iDr dI BUimkf inBf rhy afm afdmI pfrtI qy lok iensfP pfrtI dy Pysbuwk qy XUitAUb `qy lY afˆdf hY. drasl ÈnIvfr nUM jQydfr amrIk isMG ajnflf gTjoV ny afpxy afp nUM kfˆgrs pfrtI df prCfvfˆ dwisaf hY.ismrjIq bYˆs muqfbk dI agvfeI hyT siqkfr kmytI dy mYˆbrfˆ qy dmdmI tksfl dy isMGfˆ ny ZwzrIafˆ vfilafˆ kfˆgrs srkfr cMgf jfˆ mfVf jo vI kMm krygI Aus nUM jnqf drbfr `c Ausy qrHfˆ dy hYzkuaftr gurUduafrf prmyÈr duafr sfhmxy iekwqrqf kIqI sI. ies vyly ZwzrIafˆ phuMcfieaf jfvygf. ismrjIq bYˆs df kihxf hY ik coxfˆ qoˆ pihlfˆ kmËor ivroDI iDr vfly ny AunHfˆ nfl mulfkfq nhI kIqI sI.puils pRÈfsn dy Brosy mgroˆ ieh lok cly hox kfrn pMjfb ivc mfPIaf rfj aqy jMglrfj df bolbflf sI pr hux aijhf nhIˆ gey sI. vIzIE ivwc AunHfˆ dfavf kIqf hY ik jdoˆ gurUduafrf sfihb dy syvfdfrfˆ ny AunHfˆ hovygf.bYˆs muqfbk afm afdmI pfrtI ivroDI iDr dI BUimkf bfKUbI nfl inBfeygI aqy nfl mobfiel Pon `qy gwl krn vfsqy afiKaf qfˆ AunHfˆ ny gwl krn dI Qfˆ ieh kihxf srkfr dy cMgy mfVy kMmfˆ `qy nËr rwKygI. ÈurU kr idwqf ik Auh ZwzrIafˆ vfilaf kolo muafPI mMgvfAux afey hn qy Aus qoˆ jvfb lYxf hY. BfeI ZwzrIafˆ vfilafˆ ny ikhf ik Auh sMgq pRqI jvfbdyh hn nf ik amrIk hux nfjfieË primtfˆ `qy cwl rhIafˆ inwjI bwsfˆ dI Èfmq isMG ajnflf jfˆ hornfˆ ivakqIafˆ pRqI. trfˆsport ivBfg pMjfb ny inwjI trfˆsportrfˆ `qy iskMjf kwsidafˆ krIb ö hËfr qoˆ mjITIaf hUx kYptn nUM nsIhqfˆ dyx lwgf vwD cwl rhy nfjfiej primtfˆ nUM rwd krn dI ivAuˆqbMdI GVidafˆ sUby dy cfry irËnl trfˆsport aQfrtI (afr[tI[ey) dPqrfˆ qoˆ irportfˆ mMgIafˆ hn. ieh Auh primt hn mjITf hlky dy ivDfiek ibkrm mjITIaf ny mwuK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG `qy vwzf jo irvfieqI isafsI pfrtIafˆ qy kuJ idn pihlfˆ syvf mukq hoey trfˆsport ivBfg hmlf boilaf hY.Auh ipMz qnyl `c lokf dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ suxn puwjy hoey sn . ijwQy ipMz dy iek aiDkfrI dI kiQq imlIBugq kfrx cfr-cfr vfrI rUtfˆ `c vfDf krky jfrI qnyl `c lokfˆ nUM imly plft kfˆgrs srkfr vwloˆ nf dyx df mjITIaf ny ivroD kIqf. kIqy gey. rUt primtfˆ `c vfdy krky clfeIafˆ bwsfˆ dy mflk ijwQy motI kmfeI krky mjITIaf ny srkfr `qy inÈfnf sfDidafˆ ikhf ik kfˆgrs lokfˆ dy isrfˆ qoˆ Cwq Koh rhI mflfmfl ho cuwky hn AuQy nfjfieË rUp ivc cwldIafˆ bwsfˆ ny srkfrI KËfny nUM rgVf hY, ijs df kfrn mjITf `c kfˆgrs dI hoeI hfr hY. ies qoˆ ielfvf kYptn `qy inÈfnf lfieaf hY. iewQy hI bws nhIˆ sUby aMdr aMimRqsr-pitaflf qy pitaflf-jlMDr vrgy sfDidafˆ AunHfˆ ikhf ik srkfr puwTy kMmfˆ nUM smfˆ Gwt dyvy aqy afpxy kIqy vfady pUry keI rUt aijhy vI hn ijwQy ibnHfˆ primtfˆ `qy inwjI bwsfˆ cwl rhIafˆ hn.hor qfˆ hor kry.ibkrm mjITIaf ny icqfvnI idwqI hY ik jykr srkfr vwloN lokfˆ dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ pitaflf-sunfm qy iProËpur ijhy keI mnoplI rUt aijhy hn,ijnHfˆ `qy isrP srkfrI hwl nf kIqIafˆ geIafˆ qfˆ ÈRomxI akflI dl vwloˆ ies df ivroD kIqf jfvygf. bwsfˆ hI cwl skdIafˆ hn,pr ipCly keI sflfˆ qoˆ akflI-Bfjpf srkfr qy trfˆsport mihkmy dI myhrbfnI sdkf ienHfˆ rUtfˆ `qy inwjI ey[sI aqy lgjrI bwsfˆ clf ky pMjfb akflI dl df nvjoq iswDU nUM krfrf jvfb srkfr dI ies Xojnf nUM Zfh lfAuˆidafˆ inwjI trfˆsportfˆ vwloˆ aMnHI kmfeI kIqI geI.

coxfˆ qoˆ bfad kYptn df bfdlfˆ `qy pihlf hmlf

pMjfb dy sfbkf Auwp muwK mMqrI suKbIr bfdl qy AunHfˆ dI kyˆdrI mMqrI pqnI hrismrq kOr bfdl somvfr nUM swcKMz sRI hirmMdr sfihb ivKy nqmsqk hox phuMcy. ies dOrfn nvjoq isMG iswDU vwloˆ pMjfb df KËfnf luwty jfx dy akflI dl `qy lgfey gey doÈfˆ `qy pRqIikiraf idMdy hoey suKbIr bfdl aqy hrismrq ny ikhf ik jykr KËfny ivc koeI vI gVbVI hY qfˆ kfnUMn df shfrf lY skdy hn.suKbIr ny ikhf ik isrP bolx nfl nhI, kfˆgrs srkfr kMm vI krky idKfvy. iËkrXog hY ik sQfnk srkfrfˆ bfry nvjoq isMG iswDU ny akflI dl `qy pMjfb df Kjfnf luwty jfx dy doÈ lgf ky mfmly dI jfˆc krn dI gwl afKI sI.

pMjfb muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny coxfˆ qoˆ bfad pihlI vfr sfbkf mwuK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl qy Aunfˆ dy pwuqr suKbIr bfdl `qy inÈfnf sfiDaf hY.bfdl ipE-pwuq vwloˆ KyqI krËf muafP krn dy vfady qoˆ ipwCy htx dy lfey gey doÈfˆ `qy kYptn ny ikhf ik dovyˆ bfdlfˆ nUM mnBfAuˆdI gwl suxn qy Buwlx dI ibmfrI hY . muwK mMqrI ny ikhf ik bfdl srkfr afpxy 10 sfl dy Èfsn dOrfn sUby dy iksfnfˆ dI BlfeI leI iewk vI kdm cuwkx `c nkfm rhI hY. muwK mMqrI ny apIl kIqI hY ik sfbkf muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl aqy sfbkf Auwp muwK mMqrI suKbIr isMG bfdl afpxf mfx-siqkfr hor nf GtfAux ijnHfˆ nUM hfl hI dIafˆ coxfˆ dorfn vwzI Zfh lwgI hY.AunHfˆ ikhf ik bfdlfˆ nUM kYptn amirMdr df jnqf nUM pihlf Jtkf pMjfb dy lokfˆ dy ihwqfˆ dI rfKI qy ienHfˆ nUM AuqÈfh dyx leI srkfr df sihXog krnf muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny afpxy chyiqafˆ dIafˆ mOjfˆ leI bfdlfˆ nUM vI mfq cfhIdf hY . pf idwqI hY.kYptn amirMdr dy isafsI qy mIzIaf slfhkfrfˆ dI Poj ivwc 19 jrnYÜ Èfml ho cuwky hn.ieh igxqI ajy hor vD skdI hY.sfbkf mwuK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl modI dI sKqI:- hux muV bxfAuxy pYxgy pfsport dy aijhy slfhkfrfˆ dI igxqI noˆ hI sI. drasl pMjfb dI jnqf ny kfˆgrs nUM ies hux jld hI muV pfsport bxfAuxy pY skdy hn.ivdyÈ mMqrflf jld hI icwp vfly AumId nfl Pqvf idwqf hY ik muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG sUby nUM afriQk kMgflI eI-pfsport pyÈ krygf,ijs `c pfsport sbMDI jfxkfrI dI ielYktRfink qrIky nfl ivwcoˆ AUBfrngy.nOjvfnfˆ nUM rujgfr imlygf qy AunHfˆ nUM niÈafˆ dI dldl ivwco kwiZaf jf qsdIk kIqI jf skygI.pfsport bxfAux dy inXmfˆ nUM hfl hI `c afsfn bxfAux qoˆ skygf.kYptn amirMdr isMG dI pihlI kYbint mIitMg dy PYsilafˆ ny jnqf dy idlfˆ bfad hux modI srkfr aijhy dsqfvyËfˆ dI glq vrqoˆ rokx leI sKq hY.icwp ËrIey nUM CUh ilaf sI.afm afdmI pfrtI vI kihx leI mjbUr ho geI ik ieh PYsly AunHfˆ dy iemIgRyÈn aiDkfrIafˆ nUM DoKfDVI df pqf lfAux qy pfsport df glq iesqymfl rokx dbfa krky hI hoey hn.drasl kYptn amirMdr ny vI afpxy leI isafsI slfhkfrfˆ `c mdd imlygI.kyˆdr srkfr ny ijafdf surwiKaf vfly icwp `qy afDfirq eI-pfsport dI POj KVI kr leI hY qy Auqsfihq hoeI jnqf inrfÈ hox lwgI hY. ilafAux dI pRikiraf ÈurU kr idwqI hY. PAGE 31

The Patrika



vy sfeIN aMimRqf pRIqm vy sfeIN! qyry crKy ny awj kwq ilaf kwqx vflI nUM hr iek muwZf pwCI pfieaf

pfxI cyiqaF dy

pRimMdrjIq vgxf asIN vI hOlI-hOlI ikr jFdy ny cyiqaF `coN

asIN vI bIqxf

kuJ QfvF, nF, pqy, ichry

isrhfxy bIq gey dy

Friday, March 31st, 2017

imRg iqRsLnf

ik pihlf mrd nhIN

nf hI qyrf pqf itkfxf

mYN qyrI ijLMdgI ivwc

cfhvF qYQoN vfry jfxf

jo myrIaF pwqJVI sLfmF ivwc bhfr bx ky afeI

kOx bihMdf

ikr gey hovFgy asIN vI

cyiqaF `c keI vfr

ieh JwlI jhI Kwbq kuVIey.

nfvF, QfvF, ichiraF dy

cuBIaF huMdIaF

ies Copy Gwqx vflI nUM

iehIE sLfied muhwbq kuVIey.

cyiqaF `coN

iClqrF vI

qfk iksy nf KolHy BIVy

bIqI Aumr vFg

AunHF dI coB vI aksr zMgdI rhy

hfey awlfh awj kI bxIaF

inwsl pey rFgly pIVHy

vgxf ey pfxIaF ny

sfhIN srkdI rhy

vyK atyrn bAurf hoieaf

ieMj hI

lwBdf awqx vflI nUM

nhIN bMnHI jFdI

iksy nf idwqI iksy nf mMgI

cyiqaF dI gMZ

dUjy kMnI vfj nf lMGI

eynI Guwt ky

aMbr hws ky vyKx lwgf

ik Aumr Br hI nf KuwlHy

ies Zfry Cwqx vflI nUM

jy sfzy cyiqaF dI iebfrq ey iqlkvIN

vy sfeIN qyry crKy ny

nhIN ikrdIaF cyiqaF `coN iClqrF dIaF ieh zMg CohF ieh ikr jfvx qF cyqy sLFq icq

af jfey iek lwjLq kuVIey

cyiqaF dy

Aumr ny bIqxf

sLFq icq pfxI

bIqy vkq dI lfsL dI numfiesL nf lfeIey

sMGxy hnyry Btk irhf sF

AuqfrI hoeI kuMj nUM

awD asmfny ltk irhf sF

AumrF lMGIaF pwbF Bfr

ieh vrqmfn ies pl Kyzdf

ieAuN imlIey ijvyN koeI nr qy mfdf


qyrI afmd Auh Kq kuVIey

svrfj kOr port lYNz mOsm bdly qy ijMd dI cwkI

prAupkfrI rUhF

iehIE sLfied muhwbq kuVIey.

sqvMq kOr pMDyr ieh kYsf sMsfr qyrf, vfr.

kI jfxf qyry idl ivc kI hY

dws ieh kYsf sMsfr.

nPrq hY jF lfprvfhI

pr JUTy huMdy pfr.

AumrF dI igwlf

bIq gey

koeI pIvy sfrI nUM-jIvy sfrI nUM

qy ikrdy gey

KuixaF qyrf nF

muwkx islisly

sfhF dy prfigaF `c

smyN qoN myt nf hoieaf

awD-dly jhy

aihsfs df irsLqf

idn mhIny qy sfl

qoV nf hoieaf

hr pl iesy gwl dI rihMdI

rvfieq df irsLqf

idl myry nUM lwBq kuVIey

kdI joV nf hoieaf.

iehIE sLfied muhwbq kuVIey.


muV muV cyiqaF dI kMD qy nf icpkfeIey

pihlI vfr iewk dUjy nUM imldy hn.

pr rUh dI PwtI `qy

inwq sUrj jMmdy…

afpF imlIey qy iml ky qUM vI qy mYN vI

iehIE sLfied muhwbq kuVIey.

pIhx pf ky igVdI geI

iek dUjy dI qRyh ijAuNdy

ieAuN nhIN ho skdf ik

ibrhx ijs nUM sdf AuzIky

koeI Qfh nhIN

vg rhI asLFq

pr myrI dosq!

ies iCx nUM Xfdgfr bxfeIey

vgxf pfxIaF ny

ndI qVpI AuWClI iknfiraF qoN

jo igaf hY bIq

swjxF dI koeI KLbr nf sfr

ivsLfl ietlI qRyh ndI dI sI jF mwlfh dI

mwlfh ny pfxIaF nUM hwQ Cuhfieaf

dohF kol qpdy vkq dy tukVy

ies pl afpxy dohF df

rihx vgdy sdf

qRyh qVpI

dohF kol ismrqIaF dy kfPLly ny

duaf krIey

ikrnf ryq ny

zuwb geI ndI afpxy aMdr

mn dI imtdI BuwK ijAuN koeI

afpxf afpxf aqIq

hMJU vFgUM ltk irhf sF


mwlfh dy gIqF dy bol sux

duwKF ipCoN suwK ijAuN koeI

sfzy dohF kol hY sulGdf

jo afpxy hwQF `c mcldf

awj kwq ilaf kwqx vflI nUM

mwlfh dI guafcI afpxI gwl

qpdy rfhIN ruwK ijAuN koeI

nf qUM pihlI aOrq

smyN dI awK dI plk dy Auqy

inrlyp ho jfvx

qF prfey cy q y vI qF isLlflyK nhIN

ndI df afpxf Jwl

amrjIq kONky jfxdf hF

bIbf blvMq nf qyrf mYN nfm hI jfxF

bIqI Aumr vFg

nf koeI igaf qy nf koeI afieaf

ieAuN imlIey

ru w q F afeIaF qy tu r geIaF

myry idl ivc iesy gwl dI awj kwl rihMdI hfl duhfeI ipafr hovy qF cMgf hovy mOsm ieh swqrMgf hovy

swcy PFsI cVHdy ny,

mfeI Bfgo nf Gr Gr jMmdI, jo mrdF nUM geI llkfr.

ivwc musIbq dyK iksy rfxI JFsI jM g ivw c nUM, jUJ geI, qurdy pfsf mfr. hwQ ivwc PV qlvfr. ivrlf ivrlf koeI Auh qF amr, sdf leI lYNdf, ho gey, afx duKI dI sfr. mF gujrI qy Auhdf nfeIitMgyl vFg ikMny pRIvfr, lYNdy, “sqvM q ” jL r f iew k ibmfrF dI awj sfr. imwtI df qUM, mdr trysf vrgy gey, kih kih ky sLukr gujLfr. ikMny ijMd duKIaF qoN

The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017

gLjLl rubInf sLbnm mom dy Gr bYT ky hF sUrjF nUM BfldI. mYN Auh JwlI hF jo Kud afpxy hI Gr nUM bfldI. idl dy toty bldIaF rIJF qy vrHdy awQrU, jd krF kwTy qF bx jFdI hY zfierI sfl dI. vrqdy ny ies qrHF Bfxy vqn dI Drq `qy,



pbru qU hrIafvlf

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI

ig: kyvl isMG inrdosL siqgur nfnk dyv jI qwikaf srvr iek ipafrf. Aus dI ihwk qy kml PuwlF dy pwqr lYx hulfrf. imrg pMKyrU afAuNdy rihMdy

sfzI idloN ieh hI hY iewCf,

sunyhf dosqI df idwqf hY Gwl mIaF..

pIx leI inrml pfxI.

lfhOr iswKF df blvfn rfj hovy.

mYnUM awj qwk smJ nf afeI qyry surqfl dI.

jfpy hoeI imhrbfn hY

POj afpxI kfbU dy ivc rwKy,

nfl qyry hr GVI hI eId qy sLbrfq sI,

ies QFh kwudriq rfxI.

rxjIq ijhf koeI dlyr mhfrfj hovy.

15 PrvrI 1946 eI: nUM rfjf gulfb isMG kuJ hor srdfrF aqy aihlkfrF nUM nfl lY ky mhfrfj dlIp isMG vwloN hfrizMg nUM ksUr jf ky imilaf

qUM igaf idl ho igaf ey jyb ijAuN kMgfl dI.

kIqf kUc gurF ny AuQoN

amn-sLFqI imly iensfP sB nUM,

aMdr-Kfqy sI sB kuJ qih hoieaf,

sFB ky rwKIN ikqy ‘sLbnm’ ieh dOlq Xfd dI,

QoVHf smF ibqf ky.

prjf KusL qy sFJf smfj hovy.

lwgy lok-idKfvf krn bylI.

sdBry bolF `c afKIN bfq mfhIvfl dI.

vfps afAuNdy iek dm ruk gey,


Aus QFh Auqy afky.

zf: srbjIq sMDFvflIaf

qfl suhfvy dI QFh AuQy

bsMqI ruwq aMdr mYN vsl df bIj boieaf hY.

CwpV sI iek gMdf.

ik qYnUM imlx Kfqr hI qF myrf jnm hoieaf hY.

ieMnI peI bdbU sI afAuNdI

mYN cVH ky rUh bnyry `qy inhfrF vftVI qyrI,

KVH nf skdf bMdf.

vyK ijs nUM Xfd afAuNdI BuKmrI bMgfl dI. aY jLmfny! qyrIaF AuNglF qy nwcF iks qrHF?

qyrI afmd nUM idl srdl `qy suwcf qyl coieaf hY. qUM af ky drd dy prbq qoN mYnUM surKrU krdy. keI jnmF qoN mYN qyry ihjr df boJ Zoieaf hY. sdf vih vih ky nYxF df hY afKr nIr vI mwuikaf, ik ajLlF qoN myrf idl KUn dy hMJU vI roieaf hY. pqf nhIN ikAuN iksy bulbul ny zUMGI cIk hY mfrI, pqf nhIN ikAuN iksy ibrhx ny mfrU rfg Joieaf hY.

Aus nUM ieAuN sMboDn krky kihMdy siqgur nfnk. eynI BYVI hflq qyrI. ho geI ikvyN acfnk. Auqr ivwc srovr kihMdf Puwl nf tuwty zflHoN.

qyry aflm `c qF myry ijhy df hsLr aYsf hY,

mYN vI tuwtky CwpV bixaf

iksy mfsUm bwcy ny ijvyN aMigafr Coihaf hY.

Aus csLmNy dy nfloN.

myry idl cIrvyN sMdysL qy kIkUM n afeyNgf,

kMcn vrgI dyhI myrI

mYN afpxI klm nUM afpxy lhU aMdr zuboieaf hY.

sVHky ho geI kolf.


sqIsL gulftI quhfzy kol jy kr axkhy sLbdF dI sohbq hY. mYN dfvy nfl kih skdF quhfnUM vI muhwbq hY.

lIrF lIrF afp mYN kIqf qn afpxy df colf. hAuN ivc af ky gur diraf qoN jo afpxI ivwQ pFdf.

hrcMd isMG sLyry pMjfb vrgI, peI afpxI muV ilhfjL hovy.. sLuB icMqk jo rxjIq pirvfr dy ny, iswK rfj dy vPfdfr afE. ijnHF jMgF dy ivc nhIN ilaf ihwsf, sfzy kol Auh sfry srdfr afE. suhxy rfj dI icqrIey rUp-ryKf, lY ky afpxy suhxy ivcfr afE.

ijhVf pihlF hI pY igaf sLrn bylI. kr glqIaF ‘pl’ ny muwk jFdy, sjLfvF sdIaF ipMzy qy jrn bylI. hrcMd isMGf AulIky jo pwQrF qy, Auho Puwl kdy nf qrn bylI.. hfry pYrIN pey jf ijwiqaF dy, isr suwt ky nIvIaF pf ky jI. aMgryjL afey sjf ky qgimaF nUM,

hrcMd isMGf ipafr dI gwl krIey,

isr cwk ky DOxF akVf ky jI.

idloN dusLmxI sB ivsfr afE..

hfrizMg ny dbky mfr ikhf,

Blf chudy hF asIN pMjfbIaF df,

hr gwl dy qfeIN rVkf ky jI.

nf smJo sfnUM gYr BfeI.

hrcMd isMGf sfzf jo hrjL hoieaf,

iswK POjF ny kIqf mjbUr sfnUM,

asIN lYxy dfm tuxkf ky jI..

qF hI pfey pMjfb ivc pYr BfeI.

aMimRqsr jo POjI iekwT hoieaf,

rfKI kIqI asIN qy afpxI ey,

lft Aus qoN bVf GbrFvdf eI.

pfieaf lhOr ny idwlI nfl vYr BfeI.

dUjy pfsy sihmy lhOrIaF nUM,

hrcMd isMGf awgf suafr leIey,

mfr dbky hor jrkFvdf eI.

muV pey nf ieho jf kYrH BfeI..

srkfr aMgrjLI rwKU iKafl Qozf,

AuqnI dyr nf asIN jfvxf ey,

ihrdf rUpI inrml srvr,

msly hox nf jd qwk hwl mIaF.

ieh kyhI Btkxf, ijs dI nf sUrq hY, nf sIrq hY.

bx CwpV hY jFdf.

sfzf kbjLf sfry pMjfb qy hY,

mYN mn dI kYd ivwc vI hF, qy mn nUM kYd vI rKdF,

afpxy Dury qoN kdy nf tuwtIey

jy nf bYT mukfeI gwl mIaF.

qy myry kol jo kuJ vI hY Auh mn dI bdOlq hY.

sdf hI juV ky rhIey

smF lMiGaf muV nf hwQ afAuxf,

myrf ivsLvfsL hY bwicE, quhfzy kMm afvygI,

rih inrdosL ibqfeIey jIvn

drdmMd hux afE cwl mIaF.

asfzy kol jo QoVHI ijhI sLbdF dI dOlq hY.

moKu mukiq pd lhIey.

hrcMd isMGf asIN AuzIkdy hF,

ieh ikhf sLKs hY ijs ivwc isLkfieq nf bgLfvq hY,

Aus kI hY jf ky Aujr krnf,

nfly cogf vI AunHF nUM pFvdf eI. hrcMd isMGf jy sihmqI nf kIqI, sfnUM dUjf ielfj vI aFvdf eI.. ielfkf sqluj aqy ibafs df jo, duafbf sfrf hI kbjLy krnf eI. zyZ kroV hY lYxf nkd asIN, hrjLfnf jMg df qusF ny Brnf eI. cldf... PAGE 33

The Patrika


Friday, March 31st, 2017


A new year off to a great start for B.C.’s tourism sector n the first month of 2017, international visitor arrival numbers continue to show positive signs of growth for the booming tourism sector in British Columbia.


The latest numbers from Statistics Canada from January 2017 indicate a 9.2% increase over the same month in 2016, resulting in 23,427 more visitors arriving in B.C. Other notable increases for January (over January 2016) include: China – up 55.8% Australia - up 36.7% Mexico - up 37.4% United Kingdom – 21.5% South Korea – 19.1% India – up 17% Direct flights can have a significant impact on international visitor arrivals. Both China and Australia saw

Clean Water and Wastewater Fund invests in Fraser Valley


ocal governments in Fraser increases in air capacity to British Valley are receiving federColumbia of 35.4% and 87.8% real-provincial investments spectively. These new flights are due in critical clean water and in part to the Province eliminating the wastewater infrastructure, announced international jet fuel tax which has Abbotsford-Mission MLA Simon Gibreduced costs for airlines. son on behalf of Minister of CommuEach new daily international flight nity, Sport and Cultural Development to B.C. creates between 150 and 200 Peter Fassbender. new jobs at Vancouver International The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund Airport (YVR). An additional 300 to is providing approximately $310 mil400 jobs are created indirectly in the lion to 144 projects throughout the province at businesses such as hotels, province. restaurants, travel agents and tour Clean Water and Wastewater Fund operators. recipients for Fraser Valley include: In addition, the Province’s lead mar$1,476,298 for Hatzic Prairie Water keting organization, Destination BC System Upgrade (DBC), has been instrumental in promoting strong tourism sector growth. $333,452 for Lake Errock Water SysDBC was established by the Province tem Upgrades in April 2013 to lead the marketing of The Clean Water and Wastewater British Columbia as a tourist destina- Fund enables crucial investments tion, and to promote the development in local government infrastructure, and growth of the tourism industry specifically supporting long-term benthroughout B.C. efits in rehabilitating drinking water,

wastewater and stormwater systems, as well as planning and designing future facilities and upgrades to existing wastewater systems. This funding will help communities ensure that residents enjoy safe and reliable access to drinking water and improved environmental protections, and will assist local governments in meeting provincial and federal regulations. Clean water and wastewater management is a core service that communities depend on to grow and help ensure sustainability principles are met, while improving community vibrancy, resiliency and attractiveness. The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund is one of the key ways the B.C. government is taking action to strengthen, grow and diversify rural communities. These projects build on the immediate investments and long-term action plan outlined in B.C.’s Rural Economic Development Strategy that are expected to create over 26,000 jobs and add $2.8 billion to provincial GDP.

M.J. SIDHU LABOUR CONTRACTORS LTD. M.J. Sidhu Labour Contractors Ltd. nMU Pfrm, nrsrI, aqy grIn hfAUs leI vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY

Newcomers Fair

New to Abbotsford? New to BC? New to Canada? Gather valuable information from our community’s leading service providers and bring your immigration questions for discussion with a representative from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada April 5, 2017 11am-3pm at Apollo Multiplex Complex #203-3600 Townline Rd. Abbotsford 604-859-7686

iml vfsqy vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY

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nvyN jF purfxy GrF ivwc tfeIlF lgvfAux leI hmysLf Xfd rwKo Tile Installa on


ALL DAY SERVICE muPq aYstImyt lYx leI ibwkr isMG isWDU nfl sMprk kro: Call Bikkar Sidhu for free es mate: 604-308-0266 PAGE 34

The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017



B.C. home to more small businesses Growth in the province’s small business sector remained strong through the fourth quarter of 2016 as outlined in B.C.’s Small Business Quarterly Report released today. During the last three months of 2016, new business incorporations increased 10.8% and business bankruptcies declined 27.7%, which is among the lowest recorded in recent years. Additionally, the number of small businesses in B.C. in December 2016, excluding people who were self-employed, was 188,057, up 1.9% from a year earlier. This latest edition of the Small Business Quarterly examines small businesses in B.C.’s tech sector, noting 9,905 businesses, of which 96% are small businesses, are tech-related according to the latest statistics available from 2015. The Small Business Quarterly also reports that B.C.’s tech sector employs more people than mining, oil and gas, and forestry combined and accounts for 4.9% of the province’s workforce. High tech, defined by BC

Stats as technology at the cutting edge and usually associated with strong economic growth and advanced technological development, created $26.3 billion in revenue and contributed 7% of B.C.’s GDP to the provincial economy in 2015. B.C.’s tech sector is the third largest high tech workforce in Canada behind Ontario and Quebec. The Small Business Quarterly is a publication created by BC Stats. Each quarterly issue takes an in-depth look at one particular small business area, for example women entrepreneurs were featured in the third quarter edition. The report also gives a general update on the state of the overall sector through that quarter. The #BCTECH Strategy is a key component of the BC Jobs Plan to support the growth of British Columbia’s vibrant technology sector and strengthen B.C.’s diverse innovation economy. The multi-year strategy includes a $100-million BC Tech Fund and initiatives to increase talent development and market access for tech companies that will drive innovation and productivity throughout the province.



ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ 33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail:


hr aYqvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 12 vjy qwk myn drbfr hfl ivwc ivsLysL dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn.


hryk sMgrFd vfly idn smUh sMgqF vloN hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb ivKy sRI sihj pfT sfihb dy Bog AuprMq 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf aqy ZfzI vfrF df gfien kIqf jFdf hY. sLfm nUM 5:45 qoN 7:45 vjy Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy myn hfl ivwc kQf, kIrqn aqy ZfzI drbfr huMdy hn. sMgqF pRqI bynqI hY ik donoN vkq gurbfxI kIrqn sux ky jIvn sPl bxfE jI.


hr aYqvfr vfly idn bIbIaF vloN gurduafrf sfihb dy Auprly hfl (qIjI Plor) ivwc dupihr 12[30 vjy qoN 4[00 vjy qwk sMgqI rUp 'c sRI suKmnI sfihb jI dy pfT huMdy hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr mMglvfr qy vIrvfr nUM Xogf dIaF klfsF sLfm 7[00 qoN 9[00 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb drbfr hfl ivKy hr sLnIvfr nUM sLfm 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ismrn huMdf hY. ismrn krky afpxf jIvn sPl kro. pRB kf ismrnu sB qy AUcf..


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb (imAUjIam hfl) ajfieb Gr sMgqF dy drsLnF leI hr rojL svyry 9[00 qoN sLfm 5[00 vjy qwk KoilHaf jFdf hY.


gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy iswK ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI leI lfiebRyrI sQfpq kIqI geI hY. sMgqF vwD qoN vwD lfB AuTfE jI.


pMjfbI dIaF klfsF gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM 9 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.

sUcnfvF:- mhIny ivwc hr vIrvfr nUM grBvqI aOrqF vfsqy klfsF lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn ijs ivwc Kfx pIx qy Kurfk vfsqy jfxkfrI vI idwqI jFdI hY.

rfgI jwQy: BfeI gurpRIq isMG sfhnyvfl (ryrU sfihb) BfeI rysLm isMG gwjxvflf (mogy vfly)


ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ 33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: kds@canadiansikhheritage .ca

smUh sMgqf nUM ivsfKI df KuWlf sWdf idWqf jFdf hY| apRYl 14: svyry 10 vjy arMB sLRI aKMz pfT sfihb|

kQf vfck: pRo: prmjIq isMG (gurdfspur vfly)

hYWz gRMQI: ZfzI jQf: BfeI suKdyv isMG BfeI guljLfr isMG gulsLn (luiDafxy vfly)

êz¯×ðÅî apRYl-01 sLnIvfr,


2[ hr vIrvfr nUM 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy dupihr nUM ishq bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jFdI hY ijs ivwc bwcy, jvfn aqy bjLurg vI sLfml ho skdy hn. moinkf 604-308-8216

Bog sRI sihj pfT sfihb aqy aMiqm ardfs nimwq sv: blbIr isMG iswDU duiphr 12 vjy

apRYl-02 aYqvfr,

Bog sRI sihj pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf mlkIq isMG iZwloN pRIvfr vwloN.

apRYl-07 sLuwkrvfr, afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smsyr isMG DflIvfl pRIvfr vwloN. apRYl-09 aYqvfr,

Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smsyr isMG DflIvfl pRIvfr vwloN.

apRYl-11 mMglvfr, pUrnmfsLI, Bog sRI sihj pfT sfihb jI sLfm 7:30 vjy arMB sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI sLfm 7:30 vjy apRYl-13 vIrvfr,

afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf rxjIq isMG mfn pRIvfr vwloN.

apRYl-14 sLuwkrvfr, sMgrFd afrMB vYsfK apRYl-14 sLuwkrvfr, afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smUh sMgq aYbtsPorz pRIvfrF vwloN. vYsfKI dy sbMD ivwc apRYl-15 sLnIvfr,

Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf rxjIq isMG mfn pRIvfr vwloN.

apRYl 15: vYnkUvr ngr kIrqn

apRYl-16 aYqvfr,

Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smUh sMgq aYbtsPorz pRIvfrF vwloN. vYsfKI dy

do bWsF svyry 8 vjy vYnkUvr ngr kIrqn jfx vflIaF sMgqF leI rvfnf hoxgIaF| gurUGr vloN Plot vI sjfieaf jfiegf.

apRYl-16 aYqvfr,

insLfn sfihb df colf sfihb dI syvf 8 vjy svyry hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb dI

apRYl-16 aYqvfr,

Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI, aYbtsPorz dy voitMg mYNbrF dI slfnf jrnl mIitMg

apRYl 16: svyry 8 vjy insLfn sfihb colLf bdlx dI syvf isWK hYrItyj gurUGr ivWKy hovygI|

sbMD ivwc aqy 9 vjy myn gurduafrf sfihb dy insLfn colf sfihb dI syvf hovygI. aYqvfr 2 vjy drbfr hfl ivwc hovygI.

svyry 9 vjy insLfn sfihb colLf bdlx dI syvf myn gurUdGr ivKy hovygI| svyry 10 vjy Bog sLRI aKMz pfT sfihb| kIrqn dIvfn sjxgy gurU kf lMgr atuWt vrqygf syvf lYx leI sMprk: Bjn qUr: 604-864-7700 (mIq pRDfn) gurUu Gr: 604-850-7338

hYrItyj gurUGr sRI sfihj pfT dI syvf leI: BfeI guljLfr isMG gulsLn

sMprk kro: mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-864-7700

sYktrI, jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl): 1-604-832-4000 zfierYktr qrsym isMG idafl: 1-778-552-4466


The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017

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Friday, March 31st, 2017

ijm pYtIsn vwloN syNt pfl hspqfl nUM $75 imlIan df dfn bI sI dy arb pqI ijm pYtIsn ny syNt hspqfl leI $75 imlIan df dfn idwqf hY| syNt pfl PfAuNzysLn dy kihx anusfr ies hspqfl dy ivc ieh dfn sB qoN vwzf hY| PfAuNzysLn dy sIeI Eizk vfielt df kihxf hY ik ies dfn nfl iek ivsLflmYzIkl aqyrIsrc sYNtrbxfieaf jf skygf| ies df nF ijm mYzIkl sYNtr hovygf| ijm pYtIsn ny ikhf,” mYN ies hspqfl nUM ieh dfn dy kyKusLI mihsUs kr irhF hF ijhVf 120 sfl qoN lokF dI syvf kr irhf hY| nvF ijm pYtIsn mYzIkl sYNtr vI hspqfl dI sLfndfr irvfieq nUM awgy qoridaF smrpn Bfvnf nfl syvf krygf| |

E.coli dy Kqry kfrn rOibn huwz aftf mfrikt ‘coN vfps ilaf jfvygf kYnyzIan PUz ieMspYksLn eyjYNsI df kihxf hY rOibn huwz mfrky df aftf pwCmI kYnyzf ivc bhuq psMd kIqf jFdf irhf hY| hux vyiKaf igaf hY ik ies afty ivc eI-kolI dI mlInqf hY| ies afty dy Kfx nfl bImfr hox dIaF KbrF hn| ijs 10 iklo dy bYg Aupr iliKaf hY ik ieh apRYl 17, 2018 qwk KfxXog hY, Auh bYg mfrikt ivcoN cuwky jfxgy| ieh aftf bI sI, albrtf,sskYcvn aqy mYnItobf ivc ivk cuwkf hY|

ibjlI dI Kpq GtfAux leI mnfieaf igaf Earth Hour

The Patrika 


puils dy ingrfn ny 2015 ivc Gfqk golI clfAux vfly aPsr nUM dosL-mukq krfr idwqf

lYNglI qoN alzrgrov qwk dy tRFskYnyzf hfeIvya nUM 6-lynI krn leI $113 imlIan pRvfn

mfrc 2015 ivc brnbI df 35 sflf afdmI puils aPsr dI golI nfl mfiraf igaf sI| hux Aus vfrdfq dI jFc kr rhy puilsdy ingrfn df kihxf hY ik Auh afdmI afpxyhwQ ivc cfkU PV ky puils aPsr vwl af irhf sI aqy puils aPsr dy hukm dIpflxf nhIN kr irhf sI| ies krky puils aPsr nUMafpxy bcfE leI golI clfAuxI peI| ies jFc ivc ieh vI ikhf igaf ik Aus afdmI dI mOq golIkrky nhIN sgoN Aus dysrIr ‘qy lwgy keI PwtF krky hoeI| ieMnHFswtF ivc AusdI CfqI Aupr Cury nfl hoey jLKmF krky hoeI sI| ies qrF golI clfAux vfly aPsr nUM dosL-mukq krfr idwqf igaf|

tRFs-kYnyzf hfeIvya dy 216 stRIt qoN 264 stRIt d yihwsy nUM 6-lynI krn leI bI sI srkfr ny $113 imlIan pRvfn kIqy hn| ieh rfsLI PYzrl=sUbfeI dy ies pRojYkt nUM pUrf krn leI sUby dy ihwsy vjoN idwqI jfvygI| kuLwl Krcf $235[5 imlIan hox df anumfn hY| ies pRojYkt aDIn 232 stRIt ieMtrcyNj vI bdlygI; glovr roz Evrpfs afDuink bxfieaf jfvygf; sI pI ryl krfisMg ivc qbdIlI hovygI; hfeIvy 17 ‘qy nvIN kmrsLl tRwk pfrikMg shUlq vI bxfeI jfvygI| ies sbMDI lYNglI tfAunisLp dy myar jYk pRojL ny ikhf,” asIN bhuq KusL hF ik hfeIvya df ieh Bfg 6-lynI bxfieaf jf irhf hY|

tRwikMg ieMzstrI dy suDfr leI Auprfly ivwZy gey bI sI dy tRFsportysLn mMqRfly vwloN vpfrk tRwikMg dy primt isstm aqy qknIkI suDfrF leI Xojnf bxfeI hY ijs Aupr aml krn nfl smyN aqy pYsy dI bwcq hovygI| primt lyxf sOKfho jfvygf| nvyN cOVy tfierF df mulFkx kIqf jfvygf ijs ivc vyiKaf jfvygf ik ieMnHF tfierF df sVkF ‘qy ikMnf aqy ikho ijhf pRBfv pYNdf hY| 10 aYkslF vfly kntynr tRwk 30,489 iklogrfm dydo kntynr iljf skxgy| Xqn kIqy jfxgy ik tRwikMg kMpnIaF nYsLnl syPtI koz dIaF sLrqF pUrIaF kr skx| kntynr tRwikMg kimsLnr tRwk tYg isstm dy suDfr leI kMm kr irhf hY| Auh pRBfivq hox vfilaF qoN 31 mfrc,2017 qwk suJfAu mMg irhf hY| smfrt ilPt aYkslF dI vrqoN bfry vI ivcfrF ho rhIaF hn| gwl kI ik tRwikMg dy suDfr leI Auprfly sLurU ho gey hn|

ibjlI dI Kpq nUM GtfAux leI World Wildlife Fund vwloN sLurU igaf arQ afvr 25 mfrc dI rfq nUM mnfieaf igaf| bhuq sfry jfigRq lokF ny Aus idn 1 GMtf ibjlI bMd rwKI| bI sI hfeIzro vwloN ikhf igaf hY ik ieMj krn nfl 2017 ivc 24 mygfvft GMitaF dI bwcq hoeI jo 2015 dI bwcq nfloN ikqy vwD hY| 2013 ivc ieh bwcq 136 kYd kwt ky afieaf bdnfm muMzy bfjL mygfvft sI| bI sI hfeIzro df kihxf hY ik arQ afvr nIl vYnkUvr ivc iek icnMHfqimk eIvYNt hY pr iPr vI ies nfl ibjlI dI rihx dI soc irhf hY Kpq bfry jfigRqI pYdf huMdI hY| bgYr loV qoN ibjlI dI Kpq krI jfx qoN guryjL krn dI gwl cldI hY| bI sI kurYksLn vwloN jfrI kIqI lok pRkfsLn ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik dunIaf Br ivc bdnfm ho cuwkf mUMzybfjL imQ ky mfry gey jvfn df nF sI afpxI kYd pUrIkrn mgroN vYnkUvr ivc rihx df mn jskrn lflI bxf irhf hY| ies pRkfsLnf df mMqv aijhy bwdU aprfDI ipCly idnIN aYbtsPorz ivc ieknOjvfn nUM golI df qoN sfvDfn rihx dI loV nUM Aujfgr krn df hY| 2007 insLfnf bxf ky mfr idwqf igaf sI| ies kql dI jFc kr ivc ies dIaF KbrF dunIaF Br ivc CpIaF sn| nIl rhI ientYgryitz homIsfeIz ienvYstIOgyitMg tIm ny Aus nfmI ies aprfDI nUM jrmnI dI puils ny QfeIlYNz ivcoN imrqkdf nF jskrn lflI dwisaf hY | Auh 20 sfl df PiVaf sI jdoN ies ny afpxIsLkl vI ikvyN nf ikvyN bdl nOjvfn sI| ies tIm dy kfrporl myGnPfstr df kihxf leI sI | 201`2 ivc kYnyzf afAux ‘qy ies nUM vYnkUvr hY ik puils nUM Aus nUM jfxdI sI| Aus nUM golI df insLfnf dy eyarport qoN igRPqfr kIqf igaf sI | hux vI ies bxfAux vfly Porz aYP 150 ivc mOkyqoN Prfr ho gey sn| Aupr keI pfbMdIaF hn ijMnHF ivc 16 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr ies Gfqk vfrdfq vfly idn 4:30 vjy bfaddupihr dy bwicaF nfl sMprk krn dI mnfhI sLfml hY vYnkUvr puils nUM bulfieaf igaf sI| puils dy phuMcx qy Aus puils df kihxf hY ik nIl dI afvf jfeI ‘qy kVI njLr nUM imrqk krfr dy idwqf sI aqy AusdIlfsL hspqfl rwKxgy ijs qrF Auh hr aijhy aprfDI Aupr rKdy hn|

srkfr 60 skUl ijLilHaF dI shfieqf leI dyvygI $95 imlIan bI sI srkfr sUby dy 60 skUl ijLilHaF nUM $95 dy rhI hY qFjo Auh afpxI loV anusfr kmiraF dfsuDfr kr skx, grIn hfAUs gYs dy inkfs nUM Gtf skx| ieh rfsLI sUby dy cfr pRogrfmF rfhIN vMzI jfvygI| ies nfl 223 skUl suDfr pRogrfmF nUM nypry cfVHn leI $53 imlIan Krcy jfxgy| klfsrUmF leI sfmfn, lYbF df sfmfn aqy afrt splfeI KRIdI jf skygI| 15 skUl izsitRkt $5 imlIan dI shfieqf nfl AUrjf pwKON kusLl ho skxgy| bI sI dy 2017 dy bwjt ivc agly iqMn sflF ivc $740 imlIan bI sI dy aYjUkysLn isstm leI rfKvyN rwKy gey hn| ies sbMDIisiKaf mMqrI mfeIk brnIar ny ikhf,” asIN ienHF pRogrfmF rfhIN $95 imlIan df invysL Lkr rhy hF qF jo hr izsitRkt ieh XkInI bxf sky ik ividafrQIaF nUM vDiaf pVHfeI krn df vfqfvrn iml sky aqy ividafrQIaF dIaF hor loVF pUrIaF ho skx| mYN hrskUl izsitRkt nUM Auqsfihq krFgf ik Auh ieMnHF pRogrfmF qoN pUrf lfhf lvy|”

zYltf bxn lwgf kfrporysLn qoN ‘istI’ bI sI ivc zYltf iewko iewk imAuinpYltI hY ijs df aiDkfirq nfm ‘kfrporysLn hY| hux ieh kfrporysLn ivcfr kr rhI hY ik Auh afpxf nfm kfrporysLn dI QF ‘istI’ kr lvy| zYltf dI kfAuNslr hYdr ikMg df kihxf hY ik ‘kfrporysLn’ qoN bdl ky “ istI’ rwKxf koeI vwzI gwl nhIN| gwl swc muwc vwzI nhIN prMqU ieAuN krn leI $5000 df Krcf hox df anumfn hY | sfry sfeInj bdlxy pYxgy; kfgjLF pwqrF ivc qbdIlI krnI pvygI| AuMnHF ieh vI dwisaf ik jdoN AuMnHF df zYlIgytL hflYNz igaf sI qF AuwQy pRBfv ieh bx igaf ik zYlIgysLn iksy pRfeIvyt kfrporysLn dI pRqIinDqf kr irhf hY ; iksy sLihr dI nhIN| awgoN leI aijhy BMblBUsy qoN bcx leI zYltf nUM kfrporysLn dI QF ‘istI’ GosLq krnf jLrUrI ho igaf hY|

phuMcfeI geI sI| AuMnHf ikhf ik AuMnHF df mMnxf hY ik bhuq sfry lokF nUM ies dy kfrnF df pqf hY prMqU koeI dwsz nUM iqafr nhIN| iPr vI AuMnHF apIl kIqI ik sUh dyx vfly dI pCfx gupq rwKI jfvygI| sUcnf 1-800-222-8477 jF 1-800-551-4448 ‘qy idwqI jf skdI hY|


The Patrika



Spice Radio's Weekly Top 10 Songs By Angelina Rai

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Amitabh Bachchan - @SrBachchan What an incredible feat .. 13yr old tribal girl from Telangana conquers Mt Everest !! 'POORNA' now a film by RAHUL BOSE ! Watch it

Karan Johar - @karanjohar 1 month to go for the BIGGEST movie event ever!! #baahubali2 ....this epic will unravel soon!!

1. Badri Ki Dulhania Badrinath Ki Dulhania - Dev Negi, Neha Kakkar, Monali Thakur and Ikka 2. Naughty Billo Phillauri - Diljit Dosanjh, Nakash Aziz and Shilipi Paul 3. Zaalima Raees - Arijit Singh and Harshdeep Kaur

Vidya Vox @VidyaVox Eeeee serious fan girl moment! @aliaa08

4. The Humma Song Ok Jaanu - Jubin Nautiyal, Shashaa Tirupati and A.R. Rahman

5. Whats Up Phillauri - Mika Singh and Jasleen Royal

Emraan Hashmi @emraanhashmi Thank you everyone for all your blessings and wishes . Love you all .

6. Yeh Ishq Hai Rangoon - Arijit Singh 7. Uff Yeh Noor Noor - Amaal Malik, Armaan Malik and Manoj Muntasir 8. Bawara Mann Jolly LLB 2 - Jubin Nautiyal and Neeti Mohan 9. Enna Sonna Ok Jaanu - Arijit Singh and A.R. Rahm 10. Tamma Tamma Again Badrinath Ki Dulhania - Bappi Lahiri, Anuradha Paudwal and Badshah


Alia Bhatt - @aliaa08 Happy happy birthday @emraanhashmi!!!!! Big big

The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017



jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-ipwq-ivkfr, GrylU JMJt, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, sMqfn-pwK TIk, rog-BY-hfnI, iesqrI-swuK, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1,2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

After the events that have taken place in your life since late January, you now find yourself in a situation where it would be wise to reflect on where life seems to stand now and what you want to accomplish in the future. What might need greatest consideration are your finances, as they come under the spotlight to 21st April.

Mars will move into your sign this week, where it will remain until 21st April. This heralds the beginning of a new 2-year cycle. Your energy level should lift, as well as your self-confidence. This could tempt you to rush into things but the position of Venus, your ruling planet, warns you to be cautious and patient to early April.

 

ibRK-rkq-cfp, guwsy ‘c vfDf hovy, Dn-sMpdf-suwK-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo-bdl. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.



imQn-ishq TIk, Xojnf sPl, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI, snmfn imly, ivsLysL Krc hovy, bMDU-ksLt, sMpqI lfB. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6 asLuwB hn.



krk-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-ksLt, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB hovy, injI-jn-sihXog, siQr, jfiedfd dy JgVy, sLuwB smfcfr, sMqfn-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr gVbVfey (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



kMinaf-ishq TIk, Gr ivc KusLI dy kfrj hox, bMDU-suwK, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.

7 

qulf-ishq TIk rhy, GrylU JgVy, inwjI lokF nfl axbx, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx qoN nuksfn df zr. iesqrI-ksLt. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6, asLuwB hn.



ibRisick-pyt ‘c KrfbI, Dn-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMpqI bfry icMqf, sMqfn-suwK, Xojnf sPl, dusLmx qoN BY, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.



Dn-ishq TIk, PjUl df Krc hovy, dusLmx aqy ibmfrI df zr, Brf df ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-ishq TIk, GrylU JMJt, BfeI-bMDU qoN suwK, sMpqI-icMqf, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr cMgf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.

You can’t get away from commitments or responsibilities because others are in a better position to apply the pressure and they will. You need to look at what you have learned as a result. There is no point feeling sorry for yourself. You can be in for much frustration to mid April because of not being able to move things forward.

Others can readily accept plans you have for the future, especially if they have seen you as handling matters in a responsible manner since late January. If there is anything more you want to discuss or put forward, do that. Be sure you do not forget some of the finer points. Focus on your priorities from not to mid April.

You now need to move to the stage, from now to mid April, of committing yourself to whatever you have been considering pursuing in the long term since late January. This needs to be based on what you have seen a beneficial in the long term. It might be difficult to either know to fulfil the expectations someone else has of you.

On one level you can feel as though you are emerging from demanding expectations of others, though there will still be some remnants operating on a more subtle level until early April. Ask as many questions as you can right now as it can make things clearer when it comes to looking at long term goals from now to mid April.

Whatever actions other people have taken since late January should not be put to one side lightly. From now to mid April it may become difficult to know exactly where they stand, though they could be quite demanding. Don’t be surprised if you feel you need to reconsider your position by early April. Don’t overlook details.

There will no longer be any hidden aspects to exactly where you stand with someone else, though they may still try to hide some things. This could lead to a battle of some description between now and mid April. They are placed in a position where they will need to change their current stance by early April.

Where you have been able to take chances or just go with the flow since late January, you are now heading into a cycle to mid April where you will need to put your energy into taking care of the details. Your general health or fitness might need better attention in this time as well, especially if you have been socialising.

Whatever you have been working on to put in place since late January will now move onto an easier flowing stage to mid April though there might be other aspects that you weigh up and reconsider to early April. You are in a good position to gather information now that could be very helpful when it comes to final decisions later.

Do a final weigh up in your mind about what you feel are important priorities that you need to move forward on and start to put into place from now to mid April. Listen to your inner voice when it comes to finances. There is no need to move forward with anything that could cause you any financial worry further on.

Whatever has gone on with finances since late January now moves to the next stage of either gathering more information or giving things more thought to mid April. It is a worthwhile exercise as you could benefit during April as well. Much of this will be dependent on taking what is the most responsible path, however difficult.

11  kuMB-ishq Krfb, vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB, bMDU-ksLt, siQr-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, iesqrI-pwK TIk, kfrobfr bfry icMqf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6 asLuwB hn.



mIn-ishq TIk rhy, PjUl df Krc hovy, injI-jn ivroD krn, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK TkI, iesqrI-suwK rhy, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf aqy snmfn. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.


The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017

bjt qoN bfad amrIkf kUc krn bfry soc skdy hn pRoPYÈnlË: aYˆbroË eyarports dy injIkrn qoN ienkfr nhIN kr rhy mOrinAU

Etvf: kMËrvyitvfˆ dI aMqirm afgU ronf aYˆbroË df kihxf hY ik AunHfˆ nUM ies gwl df zr hY ik pRoPYÈnlfˆ leI tYksfˆ ivwc kIqy jfx vfly vfDy kfrn Auh ikqy srhwd qoN dwKx vwl kUc nf kr jfx. vIrvfr nUM iewk ieMtrivAU ivwc aYˆbroË ny afiKaf ik bhuq sfry nOjvfn cMgf krIar ies leI apnfAuNdy hn ikAuNik Aus ivwc cMgI kmfeI vI huMdI hY. jy qusIN afpxI pRoPYÈnl kfrporyÈn clfAuNdy hoˆ qfˆ inwky kfrobfrI hox nfqy quhfnUM hor tYks dyxy hoxgy. jo koeI vI Kud nUM inwkf kfrobfrI mMndf hY srkfr Aus AuWqy hor tYks lfAux dI iqafrI kr rhI hY.

pRoPYÈnlË ivwc pfey gey ies qrHfˆ dy qQf kiQq ruJfn dI vI gwl kIqI qy mOjUdf siQqI nUM Aus nfl joiVaf. aYˆbroË ny afiKaf ik pRoPYÈnlË socxgy ik stUzYˆt lon ajy Auqfrn vflf ipaf hY, kYnyzf ivwc rihxf ikMnf mihMgf vI hY qfˆ clo amrIkf cwldy hfˆ. zOnlz trMp ienkm tYks ivwc Cot dy rhy hn, ibËns tYks ivwc vI Cot idwqI jf rhI hY qfˆ nOjvfn amrIkf ikAuN nhIN jfxf cfhuxgy?

vI XkInI bxfAuxf cfhuMdy hfˆ ik sfzy eyarport shI ZMg nfl kMm krn qy ienHfˆ bfry XfqrI cMgI rfie pyÈ krn. aijhf krn dy iewk nfloN hor keI rfh hn qy ajy qwk asIN iksy iswty AuWqy nhIN phuMcy hfˆ. ies leI sfzy kol irport krn leI vI kuwJ aYˆbroË ny afiKaf ik Auh 28[5 iblIan iewk ieMtrivAU ivwc mOrnIAU ny afiKaf ik nhIN hY. iËkrXog hY ik mOrinAU ny ipCly zflr dy pyÈ kIqy gey Gfty qoN icMiqq hY ies qrHfˆ df kdm cuwky jfx bfry pyÈ kIqI buwDvfr afpxf dUjf bjt pyÈ kIqf sI. qy bjt nUM sMquilq nf kr skx vflI gwl geI irport dy sbMD ivwc srkfr ajy iksy ijs ivwc AunHfˆ nvyˆ Krcy Gwt drsfey sn AunHfˆ nUM Kl rhI hY. 2017 ivwc pyÈ kIqy iswty AuWqy nhIN phuMcI hY. ieh irport sfbkf pr srkfr vwloN ienPrfstRkcr qy hornfˆ snaYq mMqrI zyivz aYmrsn vwloN iqafr pRogrfmfˆ AuWqy Krc kIqI jfx vflI rkm buwDvfr nUM pyÈ kIqy gey bjt ivwc PYzrl gey ies bjt ivwc 2021-22 ivwc 18[8 kIqI geI. aYmrsn ny 2004 qoN 2006 bfry ivsQfr pUrvk jfxkfrI idwqI sI. srkfr ny ieh aYlfn kIqf sI ik kuwJ pRo- iblIan zflr df Gftf drsfieaf igaf qwk ilbrl pfrtI nfl kMm kIqf. mOrinAU PYÈnË ivwc hux ibwl aDfrq akfAUˆitMg hY. trUzo vwloN jo vfady kIqy gey sn ieh ny afiKaf ik asIN XfqrIafˆ dy qËribafˆ pbilk trfˆiËt dI vrqoN krn vfilafˆ nhIN cw l y g I. ieh PY s lf akfAU N t Y ˆ t s, AunHfˆ qoN iqwgxf hY qy ijnHfˆ cIËfˆ AuWqy pRDfn dI prvfh krdy hfˆ. asIN ieh vI XkInI leI ivwq mMqrI ny srkfr dI tYks kRYizt zYˆitsts, vkIlfˆ, zfktrfˆ, psLUafˆ dy mMqrI ny Krcf krn df vfadf kIqf sI bxfAuxf cfhuMdy hfˆ ik sfzy eyarport Kqm krn dI Xojnf df pwK pUiraf sI. ies zfktrfˆ qy kfieropRYktrË AuWqy agly sfl AunHfˆ AuWqy Krcf ho vI nhIN irhf. ies leI qrHfˆ tYks kRYizt qy kuwJ Gwt vrqy kRYizts qoN lfgU hovygf. dunIaF ivwc sfirafˆ nfloN ibhqr hox. ies bjt ivwc keI aijhIafˆ cIËfˆ hn ivwc ktOqI kIqy jfx nfl srkfr nUM agly AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik asIN ieh sfl 215 imlIan zflr dI bcq hovygI. aYˆbroË ny afiKaf ik Aus nUM zr hY ik ienHfˆ ijnHfˆ pRqI asIN icMqq hfˆ. vIrvfr svyry aYmpIË ny ies bjt AuWqy hfAUs afP ikwiqafˆ nfl sbMDq pRoPYÈnlË amrIkf kfmnË ivwc bihs vI kIqI. bI[sI[ dy iewk Gr ivwcoN imlIafˆ cfr lfÈfˆ vwl kUc krngy. AunHfˆ 1990ivafˆ ivwc bI[sI[: bI[sI[ dy dUr drfj dy rlIË ivwc afiKaf ik vIkYˆz AuWqy Gtnf skUlfˆ ivwc nmfË nUM imilaf pRoivMÈIal smrQn ielfky ivwc siQq iewk Gr ivwc cfr vflI Qfˆ dI jfˆc kr leI jfvygI. ies ivakqI imRqk pfey gey. ieh jfxkfrI mfmly ivwc aYskROPt ivkitm aisstYˆs EntfrIE: pIl borz dI qxfa BrpUr rhI muwdf ieh hY ik pIl pbilk borz dy kuwJ Èinwcrvfr nUM afr[sI[aYm[pI[ ny idwqI. vrkrË vI rfbqf rwK rhy hn. mIitMg qoN bfad do pRoivMÈIal mMqrIafˆ ny skUl muslmfn ividafrQIafˆ nUM juMmy aYskROPt dI kfAuNslr bfrbrf rOzn ny AunHfˆ skUlfˆ df pwK ilaf ijhVy muslmfn (sLuwkrvfr) dI nmfË adf krn leI Qfˆ sLuwkrvfr dupihr nUM puils aiDkfrIafˆ afiKaf ik kimAUintIË iewQy iewk dUjy ividafrQIafˆ leI nmfË vfsqy Qfˆ qy smfˆ muhweIaf krvfAuNdy hn. ieh ruJfn do nUM aYskROPt nyVy vYnyblË vYlI siQq nfl kfPI juVIafˆ hoeIafˆ hn qy vYnybl muhweIaf krvf rhy hn. iËkrXog hY ik dhfikafˆ qoN cwilaf af irhf hY. torfˆto iewk Gr nUM cYWk krn dI guËfirÈ kIqI vfsI aksr kMm qy mnorMjn dy islisly pIl borz dI mIitMg ies leI qxfa Br- dy kuwJ pbilk skUlfˆ ivwc vI ieho iprq geI sI. muwZlI jfˆc qoN bfad puils ivwc aYskROPt jfˆdy rihMdy hn. pUr ho geI sI ikAuNik iewk muËfhrfkfrI ny cwlI af rhI hY. pr ipCly kuwJ smyˆ qoN ny dwisaf ik jnqf leI koeI Kqry kurfn dy vrky pfV idwqy qy keI hornfˆ ny muËfhirafˆ dI mdd nfl qy ptIÈnfˆ pf ky vflI gwl nhIN hY. pr imRqk pfey gey AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ienHfˆ mOqfˆ df ies ieh mMg kIqI jf rhI hY ik 20 imMt dI ivakqIafˆ dy sbMD ivwc ajy koeI vyrvy ielfky dy lokfˆ AuWqy mfVf asr pvygf. ieslfmoPoibk itwpxIafˆ kIqIafˆ. jfrI nhIN kIqy gey hn. AunHfˆ dwisaf ik ies qRfsdI qoN lokfˆ nUM iswiKaf mMqrI imqËI hMtr ny iclzrn juMmy dI nmfË AuWqy pfbMdI lfeI jfvy. AuBfrn leI gmËdf kfAuNslr vI mOky aYˆz XUQ srivisË mMqrI mfeIkl kotIAU aflockfˆ df mMnxf hY ik Drm-inrpmyjr kRfeImË XUint qy bI[sI[ kOronr AuWqy phuMcy. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik pihlfˆ kdy nfl iml ky borz dI ipwT QfpVn vflf wK skUl isstm ivwc iewk Drm leI srivs mfmly dI jfˆc kr rhI hY. vI ies qrHfˆ dI qRfsdI iewQy nhIN hoeI. ibafn jfrI kIqf hY qy afiKaf ik AunHfˆ kuwJ vwKrf kIqf jfxf shI nhIN hY qy kfrporl zYn moskfluk ny iewk inAUË pIl dy lIzrfˆ nfl mulfkfq kIqI hY qy ividafrQIafˆ ivwc vI ies nfl Byd Bfv ieslfmoPobIaf dI inKyDI krn leI pyÈ mqf aYmpIË Auh jo kuwJ ies muwdy bfbq AuWQy cwl irhf vwDdf hY. pr hMtr qy kotIAU df kihxf hY Aus qoN bhuq icMqq hn. AunHfˆ kueInË hY ik ies qrHfˆ dIafˆ pRfrQnfvfˆ mnuwKI vwloN pfs pfrk AuWqy pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ aiDkfrfˆ sbMDI koz muqfbk shI hn qy Etvf: ieslfmoPobIaf dI inKyDI krn leI aYm-103 mqy nUM pyÈ krn vflI ilbrl afiKaf ik iksy iksm df koeI ivqkrf jfˆ borz dIafˆ Dfrimk mfnqfvfˆ sbMDI idÈf hfAUs afP kfmnË ivwc pyÈ mqf pfs kIqf aYmpI iekrf Kfild nUM jfnoN mfrn dIafˆ pwKpfq brdfÈq nhIN kIqf jfvygf. asIN inrdyÈfˆ dy ihsfb nfl iblkul ZukvIafˆ nslvfd qy ieslfmoPobIaf vrgy muwdy hn. igaf qy ies nUM rokx leI hfAUs kmytI DmkIafˆ vI iml rhIafˆ hn. ies mqy brdfÈq nhIN krfˆgy. vwloN aiDaYn vI krvfieaf igaf. ivwc hfAUs afP kfmnË ivwc ieslfmoPovIrvfr dupihr nUM aYmpIË ny pRfeIvyt mYˆbr vwloN ilafˆdy mqy aYm-103 nUM 91 bIaf aqy nslvfd dy nfl nfl Dfrimk dy mukfbly 201 votfˆ nfl pfs kr idwqf. pwKpfq dI inKyDI dI mMg kIqI geI sI. ies mqy dI keI kMËrvyitv aYmpIË vwloN ipCly mhIny kMËrvyitvfˆ ny ies dy Ault nukqfcInI vI kIqI geI. ies kfrn dyÈ dy mqf ilafˆdf sI qy ieslfmoPobIaf nfˆ dy keI ihwisafˆ ivwc BwKvIN bihs vI ho rhI hY qy ipCly kuwJ hPiqafˆ qoN dyÈ dy keI Èbd nUM hI Kqm krn dI mMg kIqI sI. Èihrfˆ ivwc muËfhry vI kIqy gey. pr ilbrlfˆ ny Aus mqy nUM rwd kr idwqf. Etvf: ivwq mMqrI ibwl mOrinAU vwloN kYnyzf dy kuwJ vwzy eyarports df injIkrn kIqy jfx dI gwl qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf irhf pr 2017 ivwc aijhf kIqy jfx dI ajy koeI Xojnf vI nhIN hY.


The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017



sfˆJy pMjfb dI gfiekf jLubYdf Kfnum nUM Xfd kridafˆ ihMdusqfn dI vMz ny ijwQy dyÈ nUM do Bfgfˆ Bfrq qy pfiksqfn ivwc vMz idwqf, AuWQy sfzy ÈhId, gfiek, lyKk, klfkfr, bolI, BfÈf qy swiBafcfr nUM vI do ihwisafˆ ivwc vMz idwqf. lokfˆ dy idlfˆ `qy rfj krn vfly gfiek qy gfiekfvfˆ ijvyˆ nUrjhfˆ, ryÈmf aqy jLubYdf Kfnum nUM vI Bfrq Cwz ky afpxf jIvn pfiksqfn dI DrqI `qy guËfrnf ipaf.

af igaf sI. 1950 qoN 1960 qwk iewk dhfkf Auh AurdU aqy pMjfbI gIq pyÈ krn vflI pUrI srgrm gfiekf vjoN ivcrI. sur aqy afvfË ivwcoN Auh afvfË nUM vDyry qrjIh idMdI sI. Aus df ivcfr sI ik sur nUM afvfË nfl imlfieaf jf skdf hY, pr jy afvfË hI nf hovy qfˆ sur dI vI koeI aihmIaq nhIN rih jfˆdI.

gwlfˆ sux ky mfhI nfl myrIafˆ,

4 jnvrI 1951 ivwc ‘ieMzIaf aYˆz pfiksqfn pRozkÈn` dI sfˆJI pMjfbI iPlm ‘ibwlo` ivwc Aus ny ipwTvrqI gfiekf vjoN pihlI vfr gfieaf. ies qoN bfad ‘qsvIr mihl ipkcrË` dy bYnr hyT 13 jUn 1953 nUM irlIË hoeI inrdyÈk nËIr dI pMjfbI iPlm ‘ÈihrI bfbU` dy nfl Aus df nfˆ AuWGIafˆ gfiekfvfˆ qy klfkfrfˆ ivwc Èfml ho igaf. bs Pyr! Aus ny ipwCy muV ky nhIN dyiKaf. Aus ny lgfqfr 147 iPlmfˆ leI 244 gIq gfey.

dupwtf byeImfn ho igaf. vrgy idlfˆ nUM tuMbx vfly gIq sroiqafˆ dy rUbrU krn vflI surIlI afvfË dI milkf jLubYdf Kfnum df jnm sfˆJy pMjfb dy Èihr aMimRqsr ivKy 1935 ivwc hoieaf. Auh ajy 12 ku sfl dI hI sI jdoN Bfrq pfiksqfn dI vMz ho geI. ies kfrn jLubYdf df pirvfr Bfrq nUM Cwz ky nvyˆ bxy dyÈ pfiksqfn ivwc jf visaf. pMdrfˆ sfl dI Aumr ivwc hI jLubYdf df nfˆ coxvIafˆ gfiekfvfˆ ivwc

myrI cuMnI dIafˆ ryÈmI qMdfˆ

blivMdr isMG Buwlr

vy mYˆ Guwt Guwt dynI afˆ gMZf ik cMnf qyrI Xfd nf Buwly rfqfˆ myrIafˆ bxf ky rwbf nHyrIafˆ nsIbfˆ vfly qfry tuwt gey Aus dy aijhy gIqfˆ nUM sroqy awj vI bhuq cfa nfl suxdy hn. Aus dy kuJ gIq jo bhuq mkbUl hoey hn: idlf Tihr jf Xfr df nËfrf lYx dy qUM CuwtI lY ky af jf bflmf qUM sfzy vwl qwk swjxf myrf jIvy Zolf mYnUM bfbl awj nf qor jLubYdf ny Bfvyˆ kfPI iPlmfˆ ivwc adfkfrI vI kIqI, pr Aus dI mkbUlIaq gfiekf

vjoN hI hoeI. Aus ny Br jvfnI ivwc iPlmfˆ dy kYmrfmYn irafË buKfrI nfl ivafh krvf ilaf aqy hOlI hOlI iPlmfˆ qoN dUrI bxf leI. Aus dy do puwqr aqy do DIafˆ hn. ‘asfˆ jfx ky mIt leI awK vy` gIq nfl lokfˆ df mnorMjn krn vflI jLubYdf Kfnum ny 9 akqUbr 2013 nUM krIb 78 sfl dI Aumr ivwc lfhOr ivKy afpxy pRfx iqafg idwqy. PAGE 41

The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017


(Corner of Hillcrest & Parkview)

Dr. Grover & Associates Dr. Gagan and Ashish Grover welcome all new patients and walk-ins to their new clinic. Both Doctors provide full services in hospital, home visits, and are open for long hours. zfktr grovr afpxyy byty, zfktr asLIsL grovr nfl afpxy nvyN kilnk ivwc nvyN aqy vfk ien mrIjLF df svfgq krdy hn. dovyN zfktr ggn aqy zfktr asLIsL grovr pUrIaF shUlqF pRdfn krdy hoey hspqfl azimsLn dOrfn aqy Gry vI mrIjLF nMU vyKdy hn. hux sfzf klIink vwD GMty KuwlHf hY.



CEDAR PARK PHARMACY & MT LEHMAN PHARMACY C open their third location!

ihwl krYst PfrmysI

hux zf[ grovr aqy zf[ jfPrI vflLy nvyN plfjyL ivwc KuwlH cuwkI hY

Hardip Singh Aulakh pharmacist

Perscriptions & Home Health Care provided!

Unit #100- 32516 Hillcrest Ave Abbotsford bc 604 - 746 - 1333 PAGE 42

The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017





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Sevenoaks Shopping Centre

Apex Communications Inc. 32915 South Fraser Way

Clearwest Solutions Inc. 3122 Mt. Lehman Rd

2140 Sumas Way

*ãù’ ŒË ⁄flÊßãË ãÊ⁄ ¡ù ãù’ ŒË ãÊ⁄ flÊ‹ „Ê®Á’a« áÒ˜≈fl⁄∑‚ ÁflAø ‚◊⁄AÕÊ ŒË•ù ’¢Œ‡ù „È¢ŒË•ù „á •ã flÊãÊfl⁄À∑ Œ’Ê• ŒÊ TELUS ÖÊß’⁄ ¶A“Á≈∑ ã∑áÊ‹Û¡Ë ûȘã ∑Û® •‚⁄ á„Ñ “ÒbŒÊ, ¡Û Á∑ ⁄Ú‡áË Œ Á‚ªá‹¬ ûȘã ¶œÊ⁄ã „Ò˚ ‚Ê⁄ πã⁄ù Áflø ©“‹’œ á„c˚ †“‡∑‡ •“aÒ‹ 30, 2017 ãA∑, Á⁄„Êß‡Ë ªÊ„∑ù Á¡áÇù á ’Ëã 90 ÁŒáù Áflø TELUS Internet áÊ Á‹¶ „Ù∞, flÊ‚ã ©“‹’œ „Ò˚ 2 ‚Ê‹ Œ ‚⁄Áfl‚ ±ª⁄Ë◊Òed≈ $Ã Optik TV ‹® ‚Ê®á-•“ ∑⁄á flÊ‹ áfled ªÊ„∑ù ‹® 6 ◊„Ëá flÊ‚Ã “a◊Ù·á‹ ∑Ë◊Ãù ©“‹’œ „á, á„Ñ Ãù “a◊Ù·á‹ ∑Ë◊Ãù 3 ◊„Ëá flÊ‚Ã ‹ÊªÍ „ÙÀªË•ù˚ ß‚ “aÙ◊Ù·á‹ ‚◊ed Œ •@à ÃÙed ¶◊ ∑Ë◊Ãù (◊Ú¡ÍŒÊ $82/◊Ê‚∑) ‹ÊªÍ „ÙÀªË•ù˚ „Ù⁄ “‡∑‡ù áÊ‹ Á◊‹Ê߶ á„Ñ ¡Ê ‚∑ŒÊ˚ Ω°≈Ù-Ω°≈ Á‚‚≈◊ •fl‡∑ãÊflù ‹ÊªÍ „ÙÀªË•ù˚ ßáÇù ‚flÊflù ‹® •¢ã◊ ÿÙªãÊ TELUS “aãËÁᜠfl‹Ùed Áá⁄œÊ⁄ã ∑ËãË ¡Ê∞ªË˚ ߢ≈⁄áÒ≈ ±∑‚Ò˜‚ ©“ÿÙª ŒË ‚Ë◊Ê •œËá „Ò; ‡Ê◊‹ «Ê≈Ê ãÙed fl°œ fl⁄ãÙed ©˜“⁄ flÊœÍ ∫⁄ø ‹ÊªÎ „Ùäª˚ ‚⁄Áfl‚ ±ª⁄Ë◊Òed≈ •ªÊ™ed ⁄AŒ ∑⁄á $ã ◊á‚Íπ ∑⁄á ŒË ÖË‚ ‹AªªË, •ã ‚⁄Áfl‚ ±ª⁄Ë◊Òed≈ Áflø ⁄Á„¢Œ ◊„ËÁá•ù áÊ‹ ß„ $15 Œ Á„‚Ê’ ¡⁄’ „Ù∞ªË, áÊ‹ „Ë ‹ÊªÎ ≈Ò∑‚ ‹°ªäª˚ TELUS •∑Ê™ed≈‚ •fl°· ß∑Ù „Ë áÊ◊ $Ã „ÙÀ øÊ„ËŒ „á˚ TELUS, TELUS ‹ÙªÙ, TELUS PureFibre, the future is friendly •ã ‚÷ TELUS Corporation Œ ≈⁄«◊Ê⁄∑‚ „á, ‹Êß‚Òed‚ •œËá fl⁄ã ª∞ „á˚ ‚Ê⁄ „A∑ ⁄Êπflb „á˚ © 2017 TELUS.


The Patrika


Friday, March 31st, 2017


sLok smfcfr

sLok smfcfr

bhuq hI duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy srdfr blbIr isMG isWDU spuWqr cFd isMG, lyt gurdyv kOr isWDU ijnHF df ipClf ipMz Drmkot ijlLf mogf sI, 55 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky 25 mfrc nMU gurUcrnF ‘c jf ibrfjy hn| blbIr isMG jI df sskfr sLincrvfr 1 apRYl nMU irvr sfeIz iPAUnrl hom ivWKy 10:30 vjy hovygf aqy sihj pfT sfihb jI dy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfeItI aYbtsPorz ivWKy 12:30 vjy hovygI| isWDU pirvfr nfl duWK sFJf krn leI Pon:604-850-5490 ggn isMG isWDU: 778-991-2708

bVy duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY s: sqbIr isMG Dnoaf zYltf invfsI puwqr srdfr ieMdrjIq isMG Dnoaf ipMz qlvMzI klF, ijlHf luiDafxf 40 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky gurU crnF ivwc jf ibrfjy hn. AunHF df aMqm sskfr 2 apRYl 2017 nUM 12:30 idn aYqvfr irvr sfeIz iPAUnrl hom zYltf 7410 Hopcott Road ivKy hovygf AuprMq Bog qy aMiqm ardfs 8820-168 strIt srI bI[sI[ drbfr sRI gurU grMQ sfihb jI ivKy hovygI. duwK sFJf krn leI Pon nM: ipqf ieMdrjIq isMG Dnoaf 604-765-4122 bytf jskrnbIr isMG Dnoaf 778-861-4601

Pfrm kfimaF (vrkr) dI loV aYbtsPorz dy byrI aqy sbjLIaF dy Pfrm leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm aMdr aqy bfhr df hovygf| kMm 7 mhIny leI hovygf| $10.85 pRqI GMtf aqy 4% hOlIzya pya kIqf jfvygf| pya hryk do hPqy bfad| kMm brOklI, bIns, mtr, mWkI aqy byrI PslF df hovygf| sfnMU qjLrbykfrtrYktr,vYn aqytrWk zilvrIzrfeIvrvIcfhIdy hn|hor jfxkfrIleIPon kro| amrjIq trWk zrfeIvrF dI loV PAGE 44


vDIaf-vfijb ryt aqy bons

Friday, March 31st, 2017

The Patrika



sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf

Who does not want a beau�ful dream house! We build custom homes, will help you to fulfill your dreams. Contact:

Sukhjinder Dhillon 604-807-2928 Our experience and proffesionalism will help you. Licensed Builder • Project Manager • General Contrac�ng


The Patrika



kfimaF dI loV brfV zrfeIvfl, aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $13 pRqI GMtf + vkysLn pya aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr $15 qoN $20 pRqI GMtf | aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI jsivMdr isMG brfV nUM Pon kro: 604-614-3185 jF 604613-0897

vrkr dI loV stor ivwc kMm krn leI Full Time aqy Part Time vrkrjL dI loV hY. pMjfbI aqy aMgryjI afAuxI lfjLmI hY. qnKLfh $12 pRqI GMtf idwqI jfvygI. Pon: 604-864-8100 Email: overseasfabrics@

kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr | aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269


Employment cont'd

FARM LABOURERS WANTED Deol Farms, located at 1354 272nd St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 2P9, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from May 1st until Winter 2017 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks

in various weather conditions. Fax resume to (604) 607-0841. Workers Wanted

Farm workers required starting June 1st. 40--60 hours/week. Duties include pruning, planting, weeding, & harvesting berries. As well as other general farm duties. Work is outdoors & can be physically demanding. Wage $10.85/hour. Fax resume to 604--‐850--‐7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C9.

vrkr dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| 778-8784723

Friday, March 31st, 2017

kfimaF dI loV nrsrI aqy Pfrm leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| kMm GMitaF df hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-855-1065 jF 778-242-9250

Services Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs     

In home child caregiver required for a 2 year old. This is a full time, contract position. Wage: $11.50 per hr, Location: Abbotsford B.C, Language: English. Skills: High school &1-2 years experience or training. Duties: supervise & care for child. Preparing meals and feeding the child. Doing all personal care for the child including: bathing, dressing and changing diapers. Person should also maintain a safe, clean and healthy environment. He/she will also be responsible for taking hild to and from appointments. Optional accomodation available at no charge on a live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. Contact: Sukhi 604.832.9822 or email:

Matrimonial lVky dI loV 31 sflf isWDU jWt isWK kWd 5 PuWt 5 ieMc BA, MA, PGDCA, MCA kIqI ho e I lVkI leI kny z Ian istIjn jF iemIgRFt lVky dI loV hY| lVkI ieMzIaf rihMdI hY| PLon:- 604-825-8561 ieMzIaf:- 01191-98787-91669

sIzr sLyk & isLMgl imWlL imsLn bI sI ivWc PuWl tfeIm kfimaF dI loV hY | afvydk BrosymMd imhnqI aqy nvy kMm isWKx dy kfbl hox | LstIl to vfly bUt luVINdy hn blOk pfeIlr $16.50 / GMtf bUm mYn $20.00 / GMtf kWt EP sfa apRytr $20.00 / GMtf spiltr mYn $20.00 / GMtf vYlzr $20.00 / GMtf (qjrbykfr hoxf jrUrI hY pr vYlizMg srtIiPkyt dI loV nhIN)

kubrmYn – pIs vrk (py ryt leI Pon kro) kMm leI rfeIz df pRbMD imsLn, aYbtsPorz, srI aqy iclfvYk qoN kIqf jf skdf hY

sMprk kro : amr sLfm 3:30 qoN bfad @



Farm Workers & Supervisors Wanted

fering 16 hours per week at a rate of $25.00 per hour. ALL APPLICANTS SHOULD EMAIL DIRECTLY AT "jobinportal@gmail. com"

lMbr imwl ivwc lMbr stYikMg krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh $16 qoN sLurU aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr ijafdf idwqI jfvygI, kMm aMdr sYLwz ivwc hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro: 604-866-3923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228 , Address: 6350 Unsworth Rd, Chilliwack


The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017



& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •

Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties

EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê

iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro

3 ways to contribute to a good cause this year (NC) With spring around the corner, many people have more free time during the warmer months, and are looking for ways to give back. Here are three ideas to help while indulging in your love for animals: 1. Volunteer at your local animal shelter. Perfect for students hoping to fill community service hour requirements while on a break from school, almost every community has at least one animal shelter or rescue group that needs help. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities at shelters and rescue organizations, from office duties and community outreach and education to training, feeding and socializing, so people with every skillset are often able to lend a hand.

operating expense for animal welfare organizations. Through PetSmart’s Buy a Bag, Give a Meal program, for every bag of dog or cat food purchased online and at its more than 1,500 stores across North America through the end of the year, the leading pet specialty retailer will donate a meal to a pet in need served by animal welfare organizations and food banks.

Workers Wanted

kfimaF dI loV hY

Jarnail Maan


We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal • Fax 604-850-9308

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

3. Foster a pet. As many animal welfare organizations have dogs or cats not suited for living in a shelter atmosphere, fostering a pet in your home is a simple way to give back without the long-term commitment of pet ownership.

Find more ways to get involved at your local shelter or rescue group, 2. Donate supplies. While pets and learn more about the Buy a Bag, await adoption, they need access to Give a Meal program at food, making pet food a significant giveameal. PAGE 47

The Patrika



sLok smfcfr

Friday, March 31st, 2017

pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz (rij[) dI aglI mIitMg 30 apRYl 2017 nUM

bhuq hI duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy siqkfr Xog mfqf jI prIqm kOr brfV supqnI surjIq isMG brfV ijnHF df ipClf ipMz rfjyafxf ijlLf mogf sI, 66 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky 21 mfrc nMU gurU crnF ‘c jf ibrfjy hn| pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz (rij[) dI mfsk mIitMg 26 mfrc 2017 nUM idn dy bfrF prIqm kOr brfV jI df aMiqm sskfr sLincrvfr 1 apRYl nMU PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl vjy qoN ZfeI vjy qwk gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI dy lfiebRyrI hfl ivc pRDfn hom ivWKy 12:30 vjy hovygf aqy sihj pfT sfihb jI dy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs pvn igwlF vfly dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI. mIitMg ivc sBf dy jo lyKk sLfml hoey AuhnF ny afpxIaF rcnfvF sFJIaF krn dy nfl nfl afpxIaF iqafrI aDIn aglIaF pusqkF gurduafrf bMdf isMG bhfdr aYbtsPorz ivWKy 2 vjy hovygI| df ijLkr kIqf. mIitMg dy sLurU ivc sBf vloN sfl vfsqy AulIky gey pRogrfm dI rUpbrfV pirvfr nfl duWK sFJf krn leI Pon:604-625-8733 ryKf bfry gwlbfq hoeI qy sBf vloN Cfpy jf rhy mYNbrF dIaF rcnfvF dy sMgRih pusqk 604-625-8733 , nvdIp isMG brfV (nYv brfV): 778-552-2797 nUM kYnyzf dy 150vyN idvs dIaF srgrmIaF dy ihwsy vjoN mnfAux df PYslf kIqf igaf. rcnfvF dy dOr ivc sB qoN pihlF pvn ny afpxI nvIn kivqf “guVH dI cfh” pVHI qy ijs ivc iek dysI mfhOl pysL kIqf igaf: gurdyv isMG buwtr ny afpxI CpfeI aDIn pusqk ivcoN kivqf “hIrf jnm nhIN imlxf bfr bfr E bIbf!” s[ surjIq isMG awcrvfl ny afpxI kivqf “BUq pRyq” ivc rfjsI lokF qy ivaMg pysL kIqf, bldyv sIhrf ny nvIN CpI pusqk “Pfsly” ivcoN iek gLjLl-“ksmksL ivc bIqI myrI…” surjIq klsI ny afpxI kivqf “sfzI jUn” nfrI idvs nUM smripq kIqI aqy gurmyl isMG HELP WANTED brfV ny afpxI kivqf sLhId Bgq isMG nUM smripq kIqI jo ik bhuq hI Bfv pUrq sI. pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz (rij[) dI aglI mfsk mIitMg 30 apRYl 2017, idn aYqvfr idn dy bfrF vjy gurduafrf Kflsf dIvn susfietI dy lfiebRyrI hfl ivc hovygI. ies mIitMg ivc mYNbrF nUM Xfd krvfieaf jFdf hY ik ijs ny CpfeI aDIn sBf dI pusqk leI kivqf jf khfxI nhIN idwqI AuhnF nUM bynqI hY ik Auh 30 apRYl qoN pihlF pihlF mYtIrIal puwjdf kr dyx. mYNbr lyKkF nUM afpxI kfivk rcnf ilafAux df swdf idwqf jFdf hY. sfry mYNbrF nUM bynqI hY ik sBf dIaF mIitMgF ivc sLfml hox aqy mYNbrisLp bfry jfxkfrI leI pRDfn pvn igwlF vflf nUM 604-615-9877 Pon qy, jF KjLfncI gurdyv isMG buwtr nUM 604-855-6737 qy sMprk kro.

sfnUM sfzy pYk hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm Puwl tfeIm hY| qkrIbn 10 mhIny kMm cldf hY| qnKfh Xogqf anusfr idwqI jfvygI| ieMplfiemYNt leI stYNpF idwqIaF jfxgIaF| kMm : Pork ilPt zrfeIvr stYikMg bYg pYikMg suprvfeIjLr

hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kr skdy ho:

778-552-3879 jF 604-825-0113 We need workers for our Pack house, will be full time job. Wages negotiable iable according to job position. Job Opportunity: - Fork Lift Drivers - Stacking - Bag Packing - Supervisor


Friday, March 31st, 2017

GuMz-cukfeI vyly piVHaf igaf sI Drm bnfm mfrksvfd : lyKk pRo:gurmIq isMG itvfxf ivcfr Auqyjk lok-pwKI pusqk : zf: anUp isMG jmfqI cyqnf qy icMqn pRo: gurmIq isMG itvfxf dI nv-pRkfisLq pusqk ` Drm bnfm mfrksvfd` (2004) ivroDI pRqIq huMdIaF do ivcfr-pwDqIaF drimafn iek smqol ` iek smnvY jF lok-ihwq ivc iek dUjy dIaF shfiek jf pUrk iswD krn df iek sfrQk Xqn hY| AuMnHF anusfr “ dovyN (Drm qy mfrksvfd) iksy vI pRkfr dy mnuwKI sLosLx dy mwZoN-suwZoN vYrI hn| donoN hI mnuwK nUM ies DrqI `qy kudrq dI sB qoN vDIaf ikrq smJdy hoey, ies nUM svYmfn duafAux dI pRiawigaf krdy hn| dovyN hI pr-Aupkfrqf, BrfqrIaqf aqy sFJIvflqf leI vcnbwD hn|” pMnf 11) | ieMnHF dovF ivcfr-pwDqIaF dy ivroDI pRqIq hox dy iqMn pRmuWK kfrn igxy jf skdy hn| (A) Drm df bfhrI icMnHfqmk, ivKfvy,krmkFzI, pfKMzF qy ivKfvy `qy aDfirq pRBfvI qy bfhrI rUp-ivDfn ijs df AuMJ Drm dI asl rUh glI jF vwQ(content) nfl koeI srokfr nhIN|

The Patrika 

not: ieh lyK sfihq akYzmI, luiDafxf ivKy sR: jsvMq isMG kMvl duafrf piVHaf igaf (a) ieiqhfsk gy V nfl Dfrimk sMsQfvF `qy hfkm jmfqF qy hor sOVy ihwqF vfilaF df kbjLf ho jfxf aqy Auwpr-Ausfr (Super-structure) dy hor aMgF vFg Drm dI rUh df vI hfkmF hwQoN aDrMigaf jfxf| pRo: itvfxf anusfr ,”iswK Drm hI nhIN,sfry DrmF dI mnwKvfdI ivcfrDfrf nUM smyN dIaF srkfrF, rfjsLfhI kI, qy nfm-inhfd prjfqMqr kI, sB ny afpxy anusfrI ivcfrDfrf bxf ky qor ilaf hoieaf hY|” pMnf 18| hfkm jmfqF Drm nUM afpxy jmfqI aqy ivsLysL krky kimAUinstF vwloN Drm dy mhwqv pUrn Kyqr nU MhfkmF dy rihmo-krm `qy aqy AuMnHF dI ies Kyqr `qy ajLfrydfrI nUM cxOqI rihq Cwz dyxf afid|Auh vyKx qoN pRBfvI rUp ivc asmrwQ rhy hn ik koeI Drm ainaF, jLor-jLulm aqy afpxy mwZly rUp ivc smfijk byiensfPI ivruwD dwibaFkucilaF dI afvfjL bx ky AuwTy aqy Drm isDFq nUM afqmsLfq krky aqy ies qoN bl pRfpq krky lwKF lokF ny mnuWKI svYmfx, smfijk brfbrI aqy hwk, swc qy iensfP dI Kfqr kurbfnIaF Biraf ieiqhfs isrijaf| Drm mnuwK dy Kfx-pIx, rihxsihx,pihnx-prcx, rsmF-irvfjF,

sL M i kaF-ivsL v fsL F ,isw i Kaf-ishq aqy mnorMjn-aYsL-iesLrq afid ijLMdgI dy sfry pwKF-psfrF nUM pRBfivq kr irhf hY| Drm ivakqI dI mfnisk bxqr qy bhuqI aqy smfijk qy swiBafcfrk jIvn-sLYlI nUM insicq -inrDfirq krn vflf pRmuwK kfrk hY| Drm sfzy smfijk-swiBafcfrk qfxy-bfxy nUM hI nhIN sgoN sfzy afriQkrfjnIqk jn-jIvn nUM vI iswDy qy aiswDy aqy pRqwK qy apRqwK rUp ivc pRBfivq kr irhf hY| smkfl `c Drm dI BUImkf lok-ihwq `c hY jF ivroD ivc, pr ieh inrMqr sfzI smfijk qy ivakqIgq soc nUM pRBfivq kr irhf hY aqy ieh smfijk swc df mhwqv pUrn qwq hY| pRo: itvfxf ies pwK dI vfr-vfr pusLtI krdy hn: “ lokfeI dI mULl pRivrqI sLrDf hY jo ieh sLrDf huMdy huMdy pUjf dI hwd qwk phuMc geI|pUjf ivc bdlI hoeI sLrDf mnuWK dI mno-ibrqI df buinafdI aMg hY|” pMnf 12 “ jigafsU Dfrimk ivakqI vI ies gwl `qy sihmq hn ik rwb iek sMklp hY| dr aslL sMklp qF afKr sMklp hn| iksy sMklp rfhIN ijMnHF kImqF df pRcfr ho irhf hovy, Auh gwl vyKxXog huMdI hY| --- sMklp nUM buwq bxf lYxf jF sMklp ipwCy kMm krdI krqfrI afqmf qoN axgihlI sfDfrn


mnuwK dI idmfgI bxqr df ihwsf bx geI jfpdI hY|” pMnf 3| nukqf kyvl eynf hY ik glq jF TIk, ivigafn aqy qknIk ivc hoey byimsfl ivkfs dy bfvjUd rwb aqy Drm vwzy smfijk swc hn| pRo: iksLn isMG anusfr,” rwb dI hoNd hr pihly iksy smyN vFg awj vI iek smfijk swc hY pr ieh ivigafnk swc nhIN|” mMn ilaf ik hfkm jmfqF dy kbjLy hyTly `Drm` df rol nfkfrfqmk hI hY pr Drm ny BfrI bhuigxqI mihkUmF dy mnmsqk nUM mwilaf hoieaf hY| Drm,AuMnHF dI rojLfnf ijLMdgI nUM insicq-inrDfirq aqy syD dyx ivc pRBfvI ihwsf pf irhf hY| ies avsQf ivc Drm df aMnHyvfh KMzn krky, Drm qoN iknfrf krky aqy Drm qoN inrlyp-inrpwK rihx df dfavf krky kI pRfpqI krFgy|? iesdf kdficq ieh arQ nhIN ik asIN vI hfkmF duafrf pRcfry jf rhy `Drm` anusfr pUjf-pfTF, pfKMzF,krm-kFzF, ivKfivaF aqy Dfrimk dMB ivc sLfml ho jfeIey| loV Drm dI gulI ḲmUl qwqḲmuZlI vwQ nUM pkVn, smJx qy smJfAux dI hY| DrmF dI lokpwKI,ivafiKaf,jo aslI,vfsqivk aqy sfkfrfqmk hY, krnf aqy smJfAuxf hI lok-ihq ivc hY|


The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017

BC Cancer Agency improving services and patient-centered care for Fraser Valley t) s i p ra e h T a p S l a c i d e (M l Sundeep Gi Surrey – BC Cancer Agency’s under new management

Fresh Canvas Spa Abbotsford is now Red Lotus Spa


Fraser Valley Centre is expanding with a new chemotherapy unit with more research space and enhanced patient-focused services to improve cancer care for patients and families in the Fraser Valley region.

Now 50% off

Say good bye to unwanted hairs without pain of waxing or shaving! A technology that weakens the hair from the roots and solves all your hair removal problems. Works on all types of hair.

Hydra Facial Now $95

The “HydraFacial” treatment is the newest advance in non-invasive, non-laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. HydraFacial is the only hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin with no discomfort or downtime. The treatment is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive and non-irritating. The HydraFacial treatment improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles,congested and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin.

Abbotsford : 33341 South Fraser Way Ph.: 604.852.8929


The expansion will increase chemotherapy treatment chair capacity by 28 per cent – with an average extra 4,300 patient visits for a total of 15,000 visits per year. Additional ambulatory clinical space will also provide 13,000 more patient visits with clinical care teams each year. The total capital cost of the project is estimated to be approximately $7.4 million. The BC Government will contribute $6.4 million and the BC Cancer Foundation has committed to raising $1 million. Renovations are estimated to be complete by winter 2017.

The BC Cancer Agency has six regional centres located around the province in: Abbotsford, Prince George, Surrey, Kelowna, Vancouver and Victoria. The centres provide a broad range of services including prevention, treatment, screening, genetic counselling and supportive care. The Fraser Valley Centre is an active research clinic contributing through clinical trials done within the facility. The research teams study new or improved cancer treatments, as well as ways to prevent and detect cancer.

The Patrika

Friday, March 31st, 2017



30210 Automall Drive - Abbotsford Toll Free: 1-800-688-2657 jsivMdr GMumx dI lIzrisLp ivwc sfzI pRoPYsLnl tIm quhfzI syvf leI hmysLf hfijLr hY| asIN pMjfbI, aMgryjI, ihMdI aqy AurdU boldy hF nvIaF aqy purfxIaF gwzIaF leI iewk vfr jrUUr syvf df mOkf idE

Contact us for all your automotive needs!

DL# 5736

New & Used Vehicles! Sangram Singh (604)-300-2161

We Speak: ∙English Jaswinder Ghuman (604)-897-3003

∙Punjabi Pawandeep Singh (778)-878-7292


∙Urdu Moe Nazim (604)-729-1496

How to boost your farm business in tough times (NC) Money problems can strike anyone at any time - especially in today's economy. Fortunately, if you're a farmer, there's a way to help protect yourself against future disasters and the highs and lows of farming. A program called AgriStability works as a kind of insurance for farmers, where they pay a relatively small fee to enroll and can trigger a payment in a lower income year where they have a decline in farming revenue. “Participating in AgriStability can make a big difference in a bad year and doesn't cost a lot for the potential return. Whether farmers are experiencing low incomes because of poor yields or commodity prices, or rising input costs, the program can cover up to half the loss,” explains Jon Friesen, a director with the federal AgriStability administration. Farmers can enroll in the program in any given year, but it helps to be an ongoing participant so that payments can

be made quickly based on information already on file. Participating also doesn't have to mean a big accounting bill. The AgriStability form is short – just one page in addition to the farm tax package – and it asks for numbers that most farmers already track. AgriStability is one of four Business Risk Management programs offered to farmers by federal and provincial governments. It pays to make smart use of all available programs and tools to keep your farm business viable and profitable. The program is delivered by the federal government in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Yukon. If you're in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec or Prince Edward Island, AgriStability is delivered provincially. Find more information online at agr.


The Patrika



Friday, March 31st, 2017












SALE PRICE $15,888

$28,738 – $4,761 – $1,000

SALE PRICE $22,977

– $21,068 – $500

SALE PRICE $19,508




$40,498 – $7,500 – 32,998 – $1,000

SALE PRICE $31,988




2017 F-150 CREW CAB XLT/XTR 4X4

2017 F-150 CREW CAB XLT




3.5 V6, 6 SPEED AUTO, SYNC 3, SIRRIUS. #01473



$29,389 – $4,501 – $1,000




* $1,000 DOWN + COSTCO TP $16,234 PURCHASE OPTION $27,239

SALE PRICE $23,888




* $2,200 DOWN + COSTCO TP $15,240.72 PURCHASE OPTION $21,363 0% LAPR


$72,389 – $7,540 – $64,489 – $1,000


2017 F-150 CREW CAB XLT/XTR 4X4

2017 F-150 CREW CAB XLT/XTR 4X4

2017 F-250 CREW CAB XLT 4X4

2017 F-350 CREW CAB XLT 4X4







$52,899 – $7,560 – $3,750 – $1,000

SALE PRICE $40,589


$55,199 – $7,296 – $3,750 – $1,000



SALE PRICE $47,942


$58,735 – $1,000

SALE PRICE $57,935











$48,942 – $1,000



MON - THURS • 8:30AM - 7PM FRI & SAT • 8:30AM - 6PM SUN • CLOSED M I S S I O N


T H E F R A S E R VA L L E Y ’ S O N LY F O R D S U P E R S T O R E ! Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer and availability. Offers only valid at MSA Ford. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. All offers subject to prior sale. All available Ford incentives, Non stackable cash rebate, MSA Finance cash, and rebates/credits/allowances/rates have been used in advertised prices. Some rebates and credits may be taxable, including the Costco Member rebate offer. Low APR/LAPR rates not available with non stackable cash. Financing/Leasing on approved consumer or business credit. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. Add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. Vehicle may not be exactly as shown. All offers expire March 31st, 2017.


Friday, March 31st, 2017


Arjun Kapoor 778.240.6163 Little Oak Realty

Independently Owned and Operated

Thinking of buying or selling real estate ? Call me Today! iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI iewk vfr jrUUr arjun kpUr nflL sMprk kro



Friday, March 31st, 2017 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation






OPEN HOUSE 2pm - 4pm (Sat 11th & Sun 12th)





5 Acres

Lot for sale

69 - 1973 WINFIELD DR

pted e c c A Offer 2 bedroom 2 bath Condo near HIGH Street/Dr. Kaler's office. Upper floor End unit, open plan with 12' feet ceilings, granite counter tops and black appliances. Master bedroom has high ceiling with view of mountains. Close to shopping, bus, recreation.

ate urt d on!) (C2oBEDROOM so mingBATH. c2oFULL

6700Sq. Ft, 4 bedroom


3 bedrooms, 2 bath,Family Room up, 2 bedroom legal suite, recroom full bath for upstairs use

West Abbotsford with a house Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety

214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission

9-3270 BLUEJAY ST 3 bdrms, 3 baths, family room double garage



30-31098, Westridge Pl, Abbotsford 3123 Babich St. 2899- Crossley Dr. Abbotsford

Blueberry Farm





2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 4 year old, 2 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall, Appollo Gym




27978 Junction, Abbotsford

Over 10000 sqft lot 6 bedroom home west Abbotsford legal suite on 31606 clearview ave


3 story, 7 bedroom, 5 bathroom




32181 Ashcroft., Abbotsford

32120 Balfour Dr.

6 bedroom, 5 bathroom

8500Sq. Ft. lot, 4 bedroom, 4 bath



34041 WAVELL LANE, Abbotsford

3044 Royal Street 5 bedroom 2 and half bath on 6600 sqft lot close to all levels of school.



43-3030 Tretheway St, 3980 Brighten Pl., Abbotsford 3 story 9 bedroom 6bath. Clearbrook village Over 5000 sqft of living.

3 bedroom 2 bath townhouse Huge lot over 8000 sqft.



2728 Centennial, Abbotsford

3454 Sidegrove, West Abbotsford


ask Over

725 Short Rd, Abbotsford 2740 Cambie St Abbotsford 2136 Opal Place, Abbotsford

32085 Ashcroft Dr

It is a 2 bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart

7 bedrooms, 5 bath, Family 5 bedroom 2 1/2 bath family room fully 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath rancher with and freeway. It is rented for $950 per Room, recroom, built in renovated home near new hospital, cul- over 8000 sqft lot month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a 2008, Near Park, Must see de-sac. new house.

Ross, Fraser Hwy Area Good for Trucker


3 story 9 bedroom 5 bath west Abby.

2135 Bakerview 4 bedroom

New Listing 5ACRES, Rolling Land 6 Bdrm, Workshop Rented $2500 Per month

Custom Built 3 Story home 4 bdrms upstairs, Family Rm, Living Rm, 2 bdrm legal suite, Media Rm, Office in another Master bdrm on main, 6720Sq, Ft, lot, NearAll Amenities

#22-3030 Trethway bdrm townhouse

33951, Mccrimmon Dr. Abbotsford 2889 Victoria Street 32277 Peardonville Road 6 bedrooms, 4 bath, 17000 Sq.Ft. Lot, recroom, 3 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall

Almost 11000 Sq. Ft. 5 bdrm, 2 bath sold


This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each.

36432 Estevan Court, Abbotsford

35358 Wells, Gray Avenue #102 - 3080 Townline Rd 2081 Bakerview Fully Abbotsford renovated house 4 bedroom 3 bedroom, 2 bath

on 7000 Sq.Ft lot


Friday, March 31st, 2017

Baldev Singh Gill


Gorgeous 4.26 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful house very close to, Elementary School, new Highstreet Mall and Kalgidhar Gurdwara. Home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Roof only few years old. Prime location, no through road and easy freeway access. Separate driveway for heavy vehicles.

30540 Brookside Ave NEW LISTING



2966 Glenavon Street #29- 31125 Westridge #12 3087 Immel

2620 Caboose Place



Very bright and spacious 2 Bedroom with 2 full bath condo. Freshly painted. Carpet, vinyl in the kitchen, cupboard doors, light ‘xtures in the kitchen and living room are just few years old. Close to Matsqui Recreation Centre, Schools and Easy Highway access.

406 32075 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford


135 2700 McCallum Road

Just 8 year old with 3 bedroom, rec room and 4 bath townhome close to all levels of schools. Stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. Shows ver y nice.

25 31235 Upper Maclure Rd Abbotsford

NEW LISTING NEW LISTING One of the best BLUEBERRY farm in the area. 5 year new 2 storey HOME on 10 acres in the Sumas Prairies near No.3 Rd exit in Abbotsford. This ‘eld is planted in machine pick Duke Blueberry equipped with poles, wires and drip irrigation. Expected production of around 120,000 pounds of blueberry this year. Close to Elementary school.

Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Expected yeild for 2017 is approx. 200000 pounds. Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

23 ACRES with 2 FULL SIZED HOUSES with numerous income producing barns. One 5 bedrm home and 2nd 4 bedrm 2000 sq.ft beautiful home is approx 20 yr old. This property is perfect for 2 families, large horse barn with indoor arena, 23 stalls and lots of hay storage. 23'x130' Squab (pigeon)/chicken barn. 32'x72' WORKSHOP and 80'x90' BARN. Currently both houses and a few stalls are rented for $6000 per month.

42522 Keith Wilson Rd

Ve r y s p a c i o u s 2 bedroom condo with new laminate €ooring, walk out patio and 2 PARKING STALLS. Very popular rental property, no rental restrictions. Hotwater and Heat is included in the strata fee.


NEW LISTING Beautiful 3 STORY HOME near Hightstreet Mall. 4 bedrooms and 2 full bath upstairs plus full basement with separate entry & R/I bathroom (potential for two bedroom suite). Newer laminate €oors and blinds. Roof and fence are less than two years old.



19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm $1,659,000





34641 7th Ave

#2-30989 Westridge

37-31032 Westridge Pl. 3513 Merritt, Abbotsford 2604 Valemont Cr 33414 Kingsley Terrace

Great starter home located in a quiteculde-sac. Just stepts away from the US border. Flat fenced lot with additional back lane access to the property.

1 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools. Excellent location.


41010 No. 2 Rd





30630 Steelhead Crt 32133 Autumn Ave Very beautiful 3 bedroom e c i kpirnigcepr rancher on quiet s g a n i r k e s v a ro Street. Flat lot $57,o0v0e0 for build your future dream

20079 Wansted St

48 - 31255 Upper Maclure



Super Mcmillan 5 year old three location. Close to storey 3 bedroom, 2 Prince Charles bath plus rec. room Elementary School, townhouse in West Fraser Middle Abbotsford. Near all School, Yale level of schools, Secondary School Gurudwara and Apollo and Abbotsford Gym. Excellent Recreation Centre. location.







Three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room,kitchen and family room townhouse. Close to shopping, recreation, and French Immersion Elementary School.



Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford's newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths, mail­oor has of€ce and spice kitchen too. 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, bar, bedroom and full bath for upstairs use.







2 year new townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like New Condition. Near all levels of schools, Gurudwara Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.



Fair€eld Estates! Immaculate Rancher with 2Bedroon LEGAL SUITE in one of the bestneighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Thishome features 7 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living room, dining, family room,big new patio off the kitchen & a ­at private backyard.



Great family home in agreat neighborhood! Sunnyside area. Living, kitchen, dining, 3 bdrms up and1-1/2 up. Fully €nished basement with 2 bedroom Legal suite and a family roomfor upstaits use


2914 Royal Street


LD SO ing price k over as

Nicely renovated Super cleanbasement entry home on a corner rancher with 2 lot. Living room, kitchen, bedroom LEGAL dining, 3bedroomsand SUITE in West two bath up, 1 bedroom Abbotsford. LEGAL SUITE down. UPGRADES New­ooring, paint and less than 2 year old roof. INCLUDE: New Close to University and windows, blinds, easy access to kitchen cabinets with freeway.



Over 2800 Sq.Ft. quality built rancher close to Kalgidhar Darbar Gurdwara . 9ft ceiling on main oor with crown moulding. Just steps to Dave Kandal Elementary School,





7200 Sq. Ft. Lot. Very well maintained house. Granite counter tops& Central Air Conditioner. Located on dead end street




Very Clean 5 bedroom basement entry house, Rec room with full washroom, Living room, Family



Friday, March 31st, 2017

Davesher Harmesh Davesher Rupinder Personal Real Estate Corporation Realtor



FREE Market Evaluation Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes



3396 Headwater Place

34061 Townshipline Road - Abby


Blueberry Farm in Excellent location in Matsqui, Abbotsford



Real Estate Office

in the Entire Fraser Valley For 16 Years

(Production per Sales Person)


OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun 2:00 - 4:00 Legal Suite - West Abby

2 storey w/fully finished bsmnt!! Near High St. Mall, close to 3 schools. Walk to Appollo Gym & churches. Easy freeway access. 4 bdrms, 3 full baths & laundry up. Almost 4000 sq ft home!!

Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5



Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


32672 14th Avenue, Mission

5862 Sq ft Luxury Home!


Perfect location near Mission Rec Center, shopping L& all schools. 8 bdrms, 6 full baths. Granite countertops. Triple garage. RV parking, theatre rm & bar, 3 covered decks. Open fl plan and high ceilings.

2576 Caboose Pl., Abbotsford

Brand New Home/ West Abby!

$999,000 Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

3501 Hill Park Place, Abby


3887 SF Home West Abby


2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


Some of the finest blueberry growing land in BC. Farm production is consistent & at full production levels. Two houses & multiple barns & sheds provide great rental income. Approximately 10 acres Duke, 5 acres Bluecrop, 1 acre Elliot and 1 acre Bluegold.

2 storey w/fully fin bsmnt. Main features large family rm open to kitchen, spice kitchen, dining rm, living rm & den. Upper has 4 bdrms & 3 full baths. Bsmnt has 2 bdrms, 2 baths, rec room, media room & play room.

27638 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford 5135

New Beauty in Abbotsfsord

This is a “must see” home! High ceilings, den/office, huge island, spice & main kitchen. 2 sundecks, good size backyard. Minutes from High Street Mall and #1 HWY! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT OF YOUR RENTAL PROPERTIES For information please call our Property Management Division

Cheri Dudley Property Manager

604-820-9000 Cell: 604-854-0011



Friday, March 31st, 2017

2828 Alice St., Abbotsford 5171

Building / Development

3178 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford 5161

32703 Unger Court, Mission 5082


Abbotsford Rancher!

Renovated Rancher with basement, 3 bdrms up and 3 bdrms down. Close to Matsqui Recreation Center and Elementry, Middle and High schools. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Call Harmesh 604-897-4521

MISSION 10 Acre Building Site! 10394 Stave Lake Privacy among the hills and mature forests. Large level building site. Septic and well in place. Build your dream home. (Owner can build for you!!) 10 minutes drive from West Coast Express. $599,000

business!! Priced to Sell!!


Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

3034 Tims Street, Abbotsford 5061


Split Entry - Abbotsford!!

Fully finished basement, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Large car-port. Fenced backyard. Priced to sell!!

4 building lots. Beautiful Hatzic Ridge Estates #5, 13, 24, 25 34854 Ferndale Ave Mission Gated quality controlled sub-division. Bring your fussiest buyes. The “Eagle Mountain” of Mission. $549,000 each

New ListiNg

5183 Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


2387 Southdale Cres., Abbotsford 5085

Great Location/Abbotsford! Close to shopping and all amenities and churches!! Great investment property. Property has legal suite.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Brand New Home!

4,005.25 sq ft building lot!! Abbotsford Can build 2 story home w/legal coach house on detached garage. Near hi-way 1, High St Mall & USA border. $439,000


East Abbotsford Building Lot 35629 Zanatta Place 5928 sq ft lot near Delair Park!! Close to shopping, Castle Fun Park, easy access to hwy #1. $415,000 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Quality built 4 bdrm Home!

Huge 2 storey home. Near High St. Mall, freeway and U.S. border!! 4 bdrms + laundry up w/3 full baths. Main has liv rm, fam rm, kitchen, din rm, powder rm PLUS nanny OR in-law suite OR Home based

Maple kitchen w/granite counter tops. Each bedroom has own ensuite. Plus 2 bedroom legal suite. Still time to pick your colours. Act Fast!!



Call Harmesh 604-897-4521



- 109 Building Lots Spectacular 3-6 bedroom homes surrounded by stunning views This high end gated community offers you a choice of fully-serviced lots from 1/4 acre to 2 acre Estate Homes, elegant Executive Ranchers with two basements or Contemporary 2 storeys with basement or building lots. All homes have amazing views looking south over Hatzic Lake, renowned Westminster Abbey and towards Abbotsford, BC and Sumas WA

Rupinder Davesher Personal Real Estate Corporation

Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5




Friday, March 31st, 2017

2790 2 790 Allwood d Street


604 04-85 85 8 55 08 55-0 800 80 0 604-855-0800 virbinde er77@gmail com m

778 7 78 -241-7451

R E S I D E N T I A L w w ING






• Unf Bsmt for your ideas!

• 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths

Ab Abb A Abbotsford, bb bbot bbots ots ots tsfo fo for orrd d,, BC BC V V2T V2 2 3R7

Looking to Sell Your Home or Farm? Call me for a FREE EVALUATION

• Close to all levels of school

• Living Space = 2002 sf • Lot = 8420 sf


• Investment Opporunity • will need some TLC • 2 Bedrooms

3520 Latimer Street

F A R M S 10.


• Drip Irreg & Some Equip

•Matsqui Area

• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)

34350 Bateman Road

cres A 1 4


• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm

• Blueberry Farm • Flat / Rectangular • 4 bedroom 2 bath • BlueCrop/Duke Variety • Drip Irreg & Some • Matsqui Area Equip

•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety

34125 Higginson Crescent .............................$895,000 5 - 33890 Marshall Road ..................................$789,900 44 - 30748 Cardinal Avenue ...........................$459,700 2735 Mitchell Street ........................................$610,000


• Blueberry Farm • LAND ONLY • Bradner Area


9 Ac 25.3

• Drip Irreg • Flat / Rectangular • Elliot Variety

6113 Beharrell Road

7.092 Acres Haverman Road

cres A 2 8

es Acr 5 ox ppr

• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area

•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety

• House & Acerage • Rectangular • Aberdeen Area Property Rental Income

Lot 1 on Glenmore Road

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

430 Bowman Road

res c A 10


5111 Tolmie Road............................................$1,149,900 4627 Dixon Road ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ........................................$874,700 565 Marion Road ........................................... $1,699,900


• Living Space = 1768 sf • Lot = 6360 sf

mth approx





Lot 6 Glenmore Road

• 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths

cres A 3 4

res c A .8

• Warehouse & Pump Houses

• Lots of Updates! Close to all Schools • Perfect for 1st Time Buyer

122 - 32850 George Ferg Way

307 - 33255 Old Yale Road...............................$248,100 30 - 31235 Upper Maclure ..............................$452,000 3520 Latimer Street ..........................................$585,000 122 - 32850 George Ferguson .......................$125,000

• Blueberry Farm

• 1 Bath • Living space= 925 sf • Strata= $346.41/

• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show

• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay

39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 McCallum Road ~ Agassiz ........................... $2,300,000 Taylor Road ~ MtLehman Area .................. $2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900


Friday, March 31st, 2017

Parm Brar 778.549.4946

iksy qrHF dI pROprtI (Gr, Pfrm jF ibjLins) KRIdx jF vycx leI prm brfV nfl aWj hI sMprk kro ! #2- 2838 Garden Street, Office: 604.853.3374 Abbotsford BC V2T 4W7 Email: Website:

5 Acres Bare Land In Abbotsford Located on a peaceful no-thru street in South Abbotsford on Laxton St off of Huntingdon Rd close to airport. This desirable level acreage has grade A gravel based soil and is ideal for a hobby farm or an estate home with Mt. Baker views. Asking $1,499,000

Commercial Investment/Building for Sale/Lease in Downtown Abbotsford 3055 sq ft building on a 3300 sq ft lot at 33760 Essendene Ave. Asking $699,000 or $12 + triple net for lease. High traf c/high visibility area. Ideal for professional services or retail sales. Bus service is directly in front. Please call or email Jim Braich for more info.




Friday, March 31st, 2017

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