April 7th, 2017

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Arjun Kapoor

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iksy vI qrHF dI mOrgyj lYx leI aimq nUM Pon kro

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, April 7th, 2017






604-853-1600 #1-32442 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford

Mon. to Fri. 9:00am - 7:00pm Sat. 9:00am - 5:30pm Sunday 11:00am - 4:00pm

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, April 7th, 2017

WEEKLY Friday, April 7th, 2017 Vol. 21, No.26



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The Patrika


apRYl 3,2017 qoN irhfiesLI rIsfeIkilMg dy inXm bdl rhy hn| istI sUby dy rIsfeIkilMg pRogrfm ivc sLfml ho igaf hY|

aYbtsPorz kUVf-krkt GtfAUx dy

istI dI rIsfeIkilMg syvfvF leI PMz lokF qoN leI PIs ‘coN nhIN sgoN AuMnHF vwloN idwqy jfxgy ijhVy pYikMg df sfmfn aqy Cipaf kfgjL bxfAuNdy hn| ies qrF $1 imlIan pRqI sfl dI bwcq hovygI sLihrIaF nUM AuMnHF pdfrQF dI ivsiqRq sUcI imlygI krbsfeIz pRogrfm jF zrfp aOP izpU rfhIN rIsfeIkl ho skxgy| ikrpf krky afpxI nIly bYg ivc bfrIk sLIsLf jF pqlf plfsitk nf pfAuxf|


pqlf plfsitk


for for or

aYbtsPorz boql izp 333236 vflsL aYivinA afr&tI boql izpU aYbtsPOrz

koeI cIjL ikvyN suwtIey ies leI vyKo

Pom pYikMg


zrop aoP izpU


Thank Thank You You

3 apRYl qoN ieh cIjLF nyV dy rIsfeIkilMg izpU ‘qy lY jfxf|



Friday, April 7th, 2017


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sLfipMg , bRYwz,bYg aqy plfsitk rYp

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jy ajy vI nvyN pRogrfm bfry koeI svfl hY qF vyKo: www.abbotsford.ca/collection afr&tI boql izpU aYbtsPOrz

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krbsfeIz kMpostybljL krbsfeIz kMpostybljL


Wast e

• plfsitk pRvfn nhIN • hPqyvfrI ipkawp • pRqI Gr 10 kntynr

• asImq nIly bYg pRqI Gr

• do hPiqaF bfad ipkawp • 3 kntynt pRqI Gr dI hwd

sUqI gyNdF, svYb,zYNtl Plfs,sPfeI pdfrQ

bRYz, sIrIal

vrqy pypr tIsLU

pfstf,cOl, aftf Xfrz aqy bgIcy df kUVf

sbjLIaF aqy PlLF dI rihMd KUHMd

crbI,qyl sLorbf

PUz nfl ilwbVy kfgjL, tyk-afAUt pypr,pIjLf bksy

blU bYg ivc ieh cIjLF krbsfeIz qoN nhIN cuwkIaF jFdIaF| ieh sfrIaF cIjLF drfp-aP izpU ‘qy iljf skdy hn|

sfmfn CFt ilafjfvy

nt & Kol

ctnI slfd zRYisMg, jYm,pInt btr

pOdy & Puwl cfh-bYg kfPI Pok iPltr


krbsfeIz gfrbyj

• hPqyvfrI ipwkap

aMzy iClky

mfs. mwCI hwzIaF

izpU zrop aoP

krbsfeIz rIsfeIklXog vsqF

duwD dy Auqpfd

pypr, gwqy, pflqU jfnvrF dy PUz bYg, aFizaF vfly kfrtn jUs vfly pypr kntynr, izspojLybl kfPI kwp

kuikMg qyl aqy itAUbF lfeIt blb kuikMg qyl aqy itAUbF

cIn aqy sLIsy dIaF cIjLF jUs vfly pypr kntynr, izspojLybl kfPI kwp pypr, gwqy,pflqU jfnvrF dy PUz bYg,aFizaF vfly kfrtn jUs vfly pypr kntynr, izspojLybl kfPI kwp vwtdfr gwqy (bMzl pwDr kIqy hoey (bMzl ivc)

plfsitk kntynr PUz kntynr,twb, jwg Zwkx,duwD jwg, kfPI pfzplFt gmly, tRyaF,kwp, ipafly afid

alUMmInm pwqry plytF,tRyaF kYn, Zwkx aqyhor kntynr

aKbfrI kfgjL, Ponbuwk pypr,pypr igPt rYp, gRIitMg kfrz afid

Paint Cans mlHmpwtI,zRfier sLItF, Metal Items (Scrap vYkUam klInr & Small Appliances) bYg ivc pfey zfiepr bYg & kUVfL

bYtrIaF kfr bYtrIaF kMipAUtr ielYktRfinks

cYirtI nUM nf-dyx Xog kpVy,sLU glfs boqlF mrqbfn nfn-rIPMzybl glfs pdfrQ awz bYgF ivc isgrt toty aqy suafh

ibwlI df gMd dUhry bYg ivc sYNzivc rYp aqy ijLpr vfly bYg

pqlf plfsitk sLfipMg

Pom pYikMg klIn Pom kntynr ,tRyaF izpUaF qoN pqf kro ,ikhVIaF cIjLF pRvfn hn| izpUaF dI sUcI leI vyKo: www. RecycleBC.ca

Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF

 




The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017


"mhuwbq ky lIey kuC Kfs idl mKLsUs hoqy hYN Xh voh ngmf hY jo hr sfjL py gfieaf nhIN jfqf"


ipafr, iËMdgI dy bfg df sB qoN KUbsUrq Puwl hY, iewk kudrqI ÈkqI, iewk aijhf aihsfs ijs nUM kyvl rUh nfl hI mihsUs kIqf jf skdf hY. ipafr, iqafg, sihXog aqy smrpx nfl BrpU r , svfrQ qo N AuWiTaf iewk aijhf pivwqr irÈqf hY ijs ivwc hr idl dI rIJ, afs, AumId aqy cfvfˆ nfl sjfey supinafˆ dI dunIafˆ CupI huMdI hY. ieh Aus rwb vfˆg hY jo kudrq dy kx-kx ivwc smfieaf hoieaf hY. sbMDfˆ nUM mËbUq krn vflf iewk aijhf iËMdgI df husIn jËbf hY jo iensfn nUM inmr bxfAuNdf hY. ies dI qfsIr iewk aijhy Puwl vrgI hY jo afpxI sugMDI aMdr Guwt ky nhIN rwK skdf. ieh iËMdgI dI sMpUrnqf `qy hsqI dI prm aslIaq hY. ies qoN hI iËMdgI `c rs pYdf krn leI ipafr df hoxf bhuq ËrUrI hY. ipafr mnuwKI mn dIafˆ suwk cuwkIafˆ tfhxIafˆ nUM iPr qoN hrf krn df jËbf rwKdf hY. jykr iËMdgI `coN ipafr dy somy suwk jfx qfˆ jIvn bhuq muÈikl ho gf. ipafr qoN ibnfˆ iËMdgI dI KUbsUrqI The jfvy Patrika sMBvnhIN  hY.

ipafr iewk kwcy Dfgy vfˆg huMdf hY ijs nUM ivÈvfs hI mËbUq rwKdf hY. jykr ies nUM byvPfeI df Cotf ijhf vI Jtkf lwgy qfˆ ieh Dfgf iekdm tuwt jfˆdf hY ijs nUM iPr joVnf asMBv huMdf hY. ies leI afpxy ivÈvfs dy Dfgy `qy kdy vI svfrQ dI kYˆcI nf clfE. ipafr eybntsPo I ku lck ËrUrmya horxI (pMjfbIdypwiirÈqy qRkf vw`c loN aY rz istI cfhIdI hY ik dU r rih ky vI afpxy ipafr hYnrI brfAUn nfl kIqI sMKyp pr ivsLysL dI jUddf gI sfraM mihsUssL pfTkF kIqI jf gwlmO bfq leIsky ikRsqfˆimshI ipafr dy irÈiqafˆ ivw c dU r Iaf hox aqy nvyN sfl dy sLuB afgmn dIaFpYKudsf LIaF qo N ruk skdIafˆ dgIhY)ivwc sFJIaF krn ihwqhn. pysL ipafr kIqf jfiËM irhf gmfˆ-duwKfˆ df aihsfs nhIN hox idMdf, jIvn ijvyN hI CwutIaF df sIjLn afAux vflf hY ivw c inmrqf pYdf krdf hY. ieh ipafr myar aqy kONsl kimAuintI ies eIvYNt aqy inmrqf hI hn jo sfirafˆ df mn ijwq dy jLos-KrosL ivwc vfDf krn leI sKq lY ˆdy hn. ipafr krn vfly ivakqIafˆ dI imhnq kr rhy hn. stfP ny kfrobfrIaF so c ivvhfr lcfl sB ku bdl nfl, iml ky pUaqy ry sLbo ihr nuM sjfAu xJvfsqy jfˆ dy ik hn.hfeIstrIt jIvn pivwtrI qr lfeIitM qy sfriQk jfˆdf ijvy g, ikRhosims hYzY.kies dI ho N d jIvn nU M Ku È Iafˆ Ky i Vafˆ orysLnjL nUM pUry sLihr ivwc cmkfAuxf, , Kuhr afihÈfˆ , AuqrH mMgF fˆzfAU nfl BrInrwaYKbdItsPo hY raqy sfl dI n tfAU z iËM d gI iKVI rihM d I hY . jy k r kdy ipafr ikRsims tRI lfeIitMg krnf, stfP vlodyN irÈiqafˆ csskU dy somvIy suafrgy wkdy mihsU pRfeIvytlIivwikR imsniznr nfeIjLs hokIqf. x lwgmyxarqfˆaqy kuJistI dUrI vwisrj lY x I ibhqr loN sfry jn smUh N sfl dIaF lwpYKd-lw hunUMdikR I hYs.ims iesaqy nflnvy iPr qoN qfËgI f hoKx vDfeIaF. r brfAUjdo n aY lw g pvygI.mya ivakqI N mubÈtsPo iklfˆrzqoivKy N hfr 1953 qo N rihM d f hY . jdo N qo N Au h kY n y z f ky tuwt jfˆdf hY qfˆ ipafr krn vfly dosdI qivsL f l sfk-sbM pR f eIvy tDtrFijt imw qr, I Aus dI knstrksL AUrjf bx nky kMs pnI sI[eI[E[ sI. nUhYM n rI qo brfAU n Au dy ivc lVKVfAu Ndy kdmfˆ iPr N qfkq aY b tsPo r z istI ivw c iqM n sfl kO N s lr dy ky ihMmq nfl dunIafˆ df mukfblf krn irhf x dvrqmfn ivc iËM Auh myadfr iew dIk dy Xogaqy bxfhuidM y hn. ipafr dgI pdvI ‘qy hY . kImqI qohPf hY.

ies leI iËMdgI nUM KUbsUrq bxfAux leI sB nfl ipafr kro, nPrq nhIN ikAuNik nPrq `coN pYdf hoieaf guwsf Aus ivakqI nUM hYvfn bxf idMdf. sihjqf Kqm ho jfˆdI hY. ivakqI jldbfË ho jfˆdf hY aqy kfhlI `c ley gey PYsly Aus nUM invfxfˆ vwl lY jfˆdy hn ikAuNik ies hflq ivwc Auh afpxI ËmIr dI afvfË nhIN suxdf. nPrq nfl mn ZihMdIafˆ klfˆ ivwc jf bYTdf hY aqy cMgy iKaflfˆ vflf pMCI ipafr dy ipMz df isrnfvfˆ Buwl jfˆdf hY. sfzy afly-duafly nPrq, ipafr rUpI pOdy nUM qbfh kr idMdI hY. ies leI jykr asIN afpxy idlfˆ ivwcoN nPrq dIafˆ kMDfˆ Zih-ZyrI kr dyeIey qfˆ KuÈidlI dy mfhOl dI isrjxf hovygI. ies vfsqy sB qoN pihlfˆ ieh ËrUrI hY ik ivakqI afpxy-afp nfl ipafr kry. afpxy nfl ipafr krn df sB qoN vDIaf qrIkf hY ik afpxI iËMdgI afqm-snmfn nfl jIE aqy iksy nUM vI afpxy afqmsnmfn nUM Tys nf phuMcfAux idE aqy nf hI iksy leI ies nUM Gwt kro. jo ivakqI December 18th, 2015 afpxy afpFriday, nUM ipafr nhIN kr skdy Auh kdy vI iksy nUM ipafr nhIN kr skdy. jykr ieh lwgdf hY ik Auh dUijafˆ nfl ipafr krdy hn qfˆ ieh imRg iqRÈnf vfˆg hI hY. jykr koeI glqIafˆ hoeIafˆ hn qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM svIkfrdy hoey TIk krn ivwc koeI burfeI nhIN hY. ijhVy smfijk irÈqy ipafr nUM asPl bxfAuNdy hn, AunHfˆ nUM bdlx qoN issitm nUM smysPl N dy hfx x leI ibnfˆ ipafr nhINdfhobxfAu skdf. ÈqrM2j imlIan zflr Krc krn df PY s lf kIqf hY. ivwc vËIr aqy iËMdgI ivwc jykr ipafr mr smJoistI Kyz nUKqm. nIafˆ ivwc ies jfvy Krcyqfˆkrky M tYksduivw c 2[5 sB qo N qfkqvr iensfn Au h I hY jo Do K pRqIsLq df vfDf krnf hovygf. lokF nUM qurfMqKf ky fˆ nfl ipafr Cwzdf. hI vI Cyqlo Ik nfl nqIjy pRfpqkrnf hoxgynhIN . stfP dy kMmkfjikM ivc LI afeyhY gI.ik ies nUM pf skx ipafr nf KuqyÈjnsIb vfly lok hmyÈfˆ Xfd afAuNdy rihMdy hn. byGiraF dy muwdy ‘qy myar ny afiKaf ik ipafr BrIafˆ eIafˆjfawrhy Kfˆ, hn. ÈrDfistI nfl AunHF dy nfl vfsqy Xqn hokIqy Ju ikaf hoieaf isr sUb f srkfr nfl byGaqy iraFsihXo leIgrYkrdy x bsyho rfey hw Q pR m fqmf nU M bhu q hn. jy k r qu h fzy ko bxfAux leI pRfprtI pRfpq krn leI Xqnl ipafr pirvfr hntqfˆ kr rhIkrn hY. Auvflf nHF ikhf ik kOaqy Nsl do nyspRqfeIvy Xfd rwKnfl o qusINvIdunmfrikt Iafˆ dy amIr sYktr hfAUisMivakqIafˆ g vfsqy sMpcrk F skImF ivw oN ho.kIqf jykrhoieaf koeI hYqu.hienH fnUM Au ksfAux‘qydI ajy irhf hY. qfˆ iehipafr qurMq nfl hI pUAu rs IaFnUM ko iÈÈkMmvIhokrdf nhIN ho skdIaF. aijhf nf krn dI apIl kro jfˆ Aus sQfn qo N Au cly jfE. munÈIBfeIcfiraF pRym cMd ny mya rsnyy smy horˆ ikhf ik Dfrimk ikhf hY ikbfrI jIvnBfeIcfiraF `c pRym nUM swnfl df idE, pRIym aqy kfro afrjL dI kfriqafr suxo. ipafr aihsfs nUM idlsLYlputr krn dy leI kMm kIqf jf irhf hYivw . my r cny subywtGxfiraF shfieqf idmfg coa N Kro sMBvdInhIN ikAuNik leI Au Pry lQ ivw XUicntnhIN nflvsdy kMm jokrn iPr hjloLrk hYidl iewk dI idlcspI jL f hr kIqI hY qF ik Au n H F M vfr AuWjV jfˆdy hn. ies leI iËMdgI nUdI idKfieaf jfey ik ijL L M d gI bsL r krn df KUbsUrqI leI ipafr nfl rho. Ërf ijMnI horl qrIkf . ikAuNik pwqy EhI suMdr gw `qy rusvI dy hYnhIN lw gdy tfhxI nhIN. ivc mya r hn vwloN joistI mYnqo yjN rtuwtdIdy qnKfh

aYbtsPorz myar vwloN ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF jn smUh nUM vDfeIaF


myar brfAUn aYbtsPorz invfsIaF leI ies nUM rujLgfr, ishq aqy Kyzx qoN ielfvf suK sLFqI nfl rihx leI sB qoN vwD vDIaf

kIqy gey vfDy nUM jfiejL aqy ZukvF afKidaF qswlI pRgt kIqI geI ik ies nfl istI nUM lfB hI hoeygf. istI mYnyjr

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



supnf qy sMklpq hY sPlqf dI jfmnI zf: hrijMdr vflIaf

jo vI ivakqI dunIaF ivwc afieaf hY Auh sPl iensfn bxn dI rIJ afpxy mn ivwc pfldf hY. kuwJ lok aijhy huMdy hn jo afpxI sKsLIaq nUM ies qrHF inKfr lYNdy hn aqy sYNkVy aOkVF, kiTnfeIaF dI prvfh nf krdy hoey PrsL qoN arsL qwk phuMc jFdy hn. ijLafdf igxqI ivwc lok ijLMdgI kwtdy hn nf ik mfxdy hn. aijhy lokF dI vI igxqI Gwt nhIN jo dhfikaF dI imhnq nfl bxfeI pirvfr dI jfiedfd nUM imwtI ivwc imlf ky arsL qoN PrsL `qy af jFdy hn. aksr svfl puwiCaf jFdf hY ik sPl iensfn ivwc aijhy ikhVy gux huMdy hn ijnHF kfrn Auh bfkIaF qoN awgy inkl jFdf hY. aijhy sPl iensfn ivwc hyT ilKy gux huMdy hn:

3[ supnysfjL hoxf vI vwzf gux hY pr syLK iclI vfly supny dyKxf cMgI gwl nhIN hmysLF vwzf soco. Auh soco qusIN kr skdy ho, Aus supny nUM hkIkq ivwc bdlx leI ihMmq hoxI vI jLrUrI huMdI hY. jy ihMmq hovygI qF 1[ mn dI suxnf-aksr lok puwCdy hn kI sfDn vI jut jfxgy. krIey kfmXfbI hfsl krn leI? jvfb kuC krny ky iley mOsm nhIN mn cfhIey hY-Auh kro jo krdy ho Aus nUM psMd krnf sLurU kr dyvo. ikwqy dI cox leI bcpn ivwc sfDn sBI jut jfeyNgy sMklp kf DMn cfhIey hI afpxy idl dI afvfjL suxky awgy vDx df jo supny aqy sMklp nfl supny pUry huMdy hn. hOslf hoxf cfhIdf hY. kMm dI cox ivwc lokF dI Gwt hI suxnI cfhIdI hY. bhuq vfr lokF 4[ spsLtvfdI hoxf vI sLKsIaq df cMgf nUM quhfzI sKsLIaq ivclI sLkqI df igafn gux huMdf hY. lokF nfl gwlbfq krdy smyN nhIN huMdf. jy skUl aiDafpk dI gwl mMnI hmysLF spwsLt aqy swc gwl sfP suQry sLbdF jFdI qF aYzisn kdy vI blb dI kfZ nf `c krnI afAuxI cfhIdI hY. gwl sfP hovy kwZ skdf. skUl aiDafpkF dI ingfh ivwc pr sLbd kOVy nhIN hoxy cfhIdy. aijhy sLbd Auh nflfiek aqy inkMmf ividafrQI sI. nf vrqo ijs nfl dUjy df idl duKy pr ieh pr Aus dI sKsLIaq ivcly idRV ierfdy ny vI nhIN krnf cfhIdf ik dUjy nUM KusL krn 1000 vfr asPlqf qoN bfad vI Aus nUM leI JUT df shfrf ilaf jfvy. ijwq dvfeI. iesy qrHF mfrkonI ny vI iksy dI 5[ vkq pR b M D n ivw c mfihr ivakqI nhIN mMnI aqy vwzf Kojkfr bixaf. EmpurI sPl iensfn huMdy hn. vkq dI kImq nUM nUM bdsUrq kihky Aus dy rsqy BtkfAux dI koisLsL krn vfly vI bQyry sn pr Auh pihcfxo. vkq pRbMDn ivwc mfihr bxo. kMmF dI sUcI bxfE. smF sImF qih kro. zitaf irhf. rojLfnf zfierI ilKo. smyN dI kdr kro. 2[ nkfrfqmkqf qoN dUr rihxf vI sPl ivakqIaF df vwzf guxf hY. hmysLf 6[ svY-pVcol-afpxy afp nfl gwl krn skfrqmk soc dy sfQI bxn vfly sPlqf dI afdq pfE. svY-pVcol kro. afpxIaF dy rfhI bxdy hn. skfrqmk soc dy nfl kmIaF aqy KUbIaF dI vI sUcI bxfE. nfl iewk gwl hor vI Xfd rwKxI jLrUrI hY kmIaF nUM dUr krn dy AuprfilaF bfry ilKo. ik jo lok afpxf siqkfr nhIN krdy qF hor dUjy pfsy ieh gwl vI jLrUrI hY ik jy quhfnUM lok vI AunHF df mfn snmfn nhIN krngy. pqf hovy ik koeI gwl quhfzy vws ivwc nhIN hY kdy vI afpxI burfeI nhIN krnI cfhIdI. qF Aus nUM Cwz dyx ivwc vI byhqrI huMdI hY. afpxy afp nUM qrs dy pfqr bxfAuxf cMgI Aukq gux apxfE aqy afpxy ivakiqqv gwl nhIN huMdI. nUM sPlqf dI rfh `qy pfE. PAGE 5


The Patrika 

Friday, April 7th, 2017

Earth Hour: B.C. powers down and saves the equivalent of turning off 1.1 million LED lights Vancouver – British Columbians saved 24 megawatt hours of electricity and reduced the provincial electricity load by 0.3 per cent during Earth Hour last night – the equivalent of turning off about 1.1 million LED lightbulbs.

Northern Interior: 3.4 mega• watts more (0.4 per cent) BC Hydro customers can view their individual electricity use for Saturday evening by logging onto their online account. They can get an hourly breakdown of their electricity use and compare it to the same time period the previous Saturday (March 18).

Earth Hour is an annual global event hosted by the World Wildlife Fund that encourages individuals to turn off unnecessary lights and electronics in an effort to conserve power. Since 2002, BC Hydro has invested Nearly 190 countries and territories over $1.4 billion in conservation – across seven continents participated as about $100 million per year on averthe global community came together to age. Last year, conservation programs power down between 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. achieved cumulative energy savings of on Saturday, March 25. 5,091 gigawatt hours. That’s enough to Reduction in electricity load by region: power 485,000 homes. Lower Mainland: 16.5 mega- BC Hydro is offering in-store discounts • watts less (0.4 per cent) on select energy-efficient LED bulbs Vancouver Island: 3.3 mega- and lighting fixtures until April 13. For • watts less (0.2 per cent) tools, resources and incentives to help Southern Interior: 7.9 mega- you be smart with power year-round, • watts less (1.7 per cent) visit powersmart.ca.


The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



úòðÃÆ÷ ëËìÇðÕÃ

doVHy Bjy aYbtsPorz vl nMU 'qy phuMco OverseasivsfKI syl muPq syl

kpVy dy stor 'qy kMm krn leI Full Time aqy Part Time kfimaF dI loV hY, English, pMjfbI aqy slfeI afAuxI jrUrI hY. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro jI. 32853 Ventura Ave aYbtsPorz $57 dI KRIdfrI krn ‘qy

22” vwzf sUtkys muPLq lvo

$114 dI KRIdfrI krn 'qy

$350 dI KRIdfrI krn 'qy

3 pcs Bed Set muPLq lvo 7 pcs King Size rjfeI sYt muPLq

$100 dy ky sLnIl aqy kotpYNt dy 5 sUt KRIdo 2 sUt iblkuwl muPLq lvo nvIaF isLpimMt phuMc cwukIaF hn nmUnf iewQy dyKo New selection of Crepe De Chine


32853 Ventura Ave Abbotsford PAGE 7

The Patrika


Friday, April 7th, 2017


Blk qIk qF bVI dyr ho jfvygI- imwtI rudn kry

Drq mfˆ hY, imwtI pflxhfr. DrqI df iqMn-cOQfeI ihwsf pfxI ny mwilaf hoieaf hY, cOQf ihwsf KuÈk hY. ies cOQy ihwsy df awDf ihwsf mfrUQl, phfV, brP afid ny Zwikaf hoieaf hY, ijwQy bhuq grmI, AuWBV-KfbV aqy iËafdf srdI hY. ieh ihwsf gYr-AupjfAU hY. iesy cOQy dy bfkI awD df vI cflI PIsdI sym, dldl, ctfnfˆ, bhuqI bfirÈ jfˆ iËafdf Zlfx hox kfrn gYr-AupjfAU hY. kwul Gtf ky bfkI jo sfZy swq PIsdI dy krIb bcdf hY, AuhI hY sfzI DrqI df AupjfAU imwtI vflf ihwsf. iehI ihwsf lwKfˆ virHafˆ qoN sfzf pflxhfr hY, mnuwKI swiBaqfvfˆ df Drohr vI.

ieh gwl mMn lYxI cfhIdI hY ik mnuwK ies gRih dI KuÈk prq nUM pyt pUrqI leI pUrI qrHfˆ vrq irhf hY aqy ies ivc hux hor bhuqI guMjfieÈ nhIN hY. iek anumfn anusfr KyqIbfVI AupXukq BUmI df lgBg 70 PIsdI, dirafvfˆ df krIb 10 PIsdI aqy jMglfˆ df lgBg 50 PIsdI asIN hux vrq rhy hfˆ. mwCIafˆ dy mUl ËKIirafˆ df vI asIN 70 PIsdI ivkfs kr ilaf hY. ieh sfzy bdlxXog aqy muV-nivafAux vfly sfDn hn pRMqU asIN ienHfˆ nUM nivaf nhIN, mfr rhy hfˆ. afbfdI dI vDdI dr dy anupfq nfloN ieh pihlfˆ hI Gt gey hn. kMkrIt-klcr vI imwtI nUM ingl irhf hY.

sovIaq KojI v[ a[ kovkf anusfr vrqmfn dunIaF ËmIn df 10 qoN 11 PIsdI arQfq krIb 150 kroV hYktyar vrq ky Aus ivc KyqI kr rhI hY. jy ienHfˆ ivc crfˆdf afid vI Èfiml kr leIafˆ jfx qfˆ ieh 23 qoN 30 PIsdI bx jfˆdf hY. hux jMglfˆ nUM vI KyqI df aMg hI mMinaf igaf hY. BOˆ-AupXog ivc jMglfˆ dI ivÈyÈ mhwqqf hY. jy ieh ihwsf vI Èfiml kr ilaf jfvy qfˆ aMkVy 50-55 PIsdI bx jfxgy, pRMqU hY ieh sfrf kwJ DrqI dy KuÈk Bfv cOQy ihwsy nfl sMbMiDq arQfq Drq df isrP sfZy bfrfˆ PIsdI.

DrqI df ieh ihwsf ijs AuWpr sfzf sfrf dfromdfr hY, kdy sfzy iKafl ivc nhIN afAuNdf. ies nUM gfrMtIsLudf mMinaf hoieaf hY pr aijhf hY nhIN jfˆ asIN rihx nhIN idwqf. mnuwK aqy kudrq dy Gol df aKfVf iehI ihwsf hY. asIN bVI nfsLukrI nfl ies dI vrqoN krdy af rhy hfˆ. jy ieh BUmI sfhswqhIx ho geI qfˆ kI vfprygf? bylgfm ihrsf kfrn imwtI bfˆJ hI nhIN ho rhI, sgoN AupjfAU prqfˆ AusfrIafˆ hyT afeI jfˆdIafˆ hox kfrn ieh afkfr ivwc vI Gwt rhI hY.


imwtI:- kdy Drq dI ieh prq jrKyË pdfrQfˆ aqy imwqr jIvfˆ nfl BrpUr sI pr

asIN ies dI byikrk vrqoN krky sfrf kuJ Ault-pult kr idwqf hY. imwtI dI iek ieMc prq iqafr hox ivwc iek hËfr vrHf lwg jfˆdf hY aqy kudrqn jrKyË hox ivwc iqMn sdIafˆ. Blf sfzy ivwcoN ikMinafˆ ku nUM ieh gwl pqf hY? asIN qfˆ ieh vI nhIN jfxdy ik imwtI pYdf ikvyˆ hoeI?

ivjY bMbylI

vfprdf hY. qdy qfˆ imwtI isrP kudrqn bhumuwlI hY.

imwtI ivwc kI huMdf hY?:- imwtI dI prq afpxy aMdr bVf kuJ hfˆ-pwKI rwKdI hY aqy kudrqI qOr `qy smqol ivwc rihMdI hY/sI.pr hux aijhf nhIN hY. kfrn, mnuwK dIafˆ afphudrIafˆ gqIivDIafˆ. asl ivwc imwtI DrqI dI AuprlI prq df Auh ihwsf lwKfˆ dI qfdfd ivwc jIvfxUafˆ qoN ibnfˆ imwtI hY, ijwQy DrqI Auprlf BurBrf pdfrQ ivwc bhuq sfry Kixj aqy rsfiex pdfrQ aqy vfXUmMzl (qy BUgoilk gqIivDIafˆ vI huMdy hn ijvyˆ:aqy jIv vI) afpo ivwc ikirafÈIl rihMdy A-imwtI ivcly muZly qwq aqy AunHF dI hn. mOsmfˆ dy asr hyT ctfnfˆ aqy DrqI dyx:dI AuprlI qih iqVkx-tuwtx dy iswty vjoN imwtI hoNd ivwc afAuNdI hY. Coty-Coty iek nfeItrojn:-mwuZlf kMm Bfvyˆ pOdy dy vfDy sYWlI pOdy aqy jIvfˆxU ies ivwc pnpdy hn. df hY pr jVHF, pwqy, bIj aqy pOdy dI ishq gldy-sVdy ieh pdfrQ BMn-joVH sjIvI vI iesy dI bdOlq huMdI hY. qyËfb (afrgYink aYisz) pYdf krdy hn. PfsPors:-jVHF dy ivgsx, jldI vfDf aqy ieMj DrqI dI qih dy kx hor bfrIk hoeI pOdy dy jldI pwkx sbMDI kfrj. jfˆdy hn. ies sfry Gol ivwc jYivk mfdf DrqI dy Kixjfˆ nfl rldf rihMdf hY. ieh potfsLIam:-pOdy dI rwiKak sLkqI. kIVypRikiraf sfl-dr-sfl, sdI-dr-sdI mkOVy, ibmfrIaF aqy mOsm dIaF dusLvfrIaF cldI rihMdI hY. smyˆ nfl Kixj pdfrQ nUM sihx aqy Pl dI guxvqf df sUck. imwtI ivwc rMg Brdy rihMdy hn. nvyˆ Kixj cldy aqy purfxy inkldy, vrqIˆdy rihMdy a-dUjy drjy dy qwq:hn. iesy qrHfˆ bnspqI, jIv-jMqU gl-sV slPr:- AUrjf pYdf krn vflIafˆ ky mlHV bxdy rihMdy hn, ijhVy ies nUM pRikirafvfˆ aqy suafd qy gMD dy Xoigkf jrKyË bxfAuNdy hn pr ieh sB bhuq hOlI df bfnHxUM. cldf

Friday, April 7th, 2017

ICBC Claims

· Pain & Suffering · Wage Loss · Medical Expenses

The Patrika



afeI[sIo[bI[sI[ klym · dwuK qklIPF · kMm dI qnKfh · mYzIkl Krcy

Real Estate Law · Property Transfers · Mortgages · Independent Legal Advice

rIal iestyt lfa

Notary Services · Affidavits · Sponsorship Letters · Power of Attorney · Certified True Copies

notrI syvfvF

· pROprtI tRFsPr · mOrgyj · afjLfd kfnMUnI slfh · hlPIaf ibafn · rfhdfrI · muKiqafrnfmf · srtIPfeIz kfpI krnI



The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, April 7th, 2017

3 ways agriculture benefits our communities

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

Repair Shop

Looking for 3rd or 4th year Mechanic!

CLOSED : Sunday and Monday

OPEN: Tuesday to Saturday


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We do ALL this and even More! New/used cars Tune Up Brakes Exhaust Front End Work Engine Repairs Clutches Water Pumps Trany Service U-Joints Front Axle Tires Shafts Don’t Despair Ect. Sat will be there.

Providing over 20 years of Professional Automotive Repair expertience right here in Abbotsfort!

Sat Sharma

(NC) As the temperatures begin to rise and snow begins to melt, many of us look forward to getting outside and being active once again. Whether you prefer swinging on the monkey bars at the playground, jogging through the park, or cycling on the road, Canadian communities have plenty of places to play. Much of these spaces are thanks to the agriculture and farming industries. Here's how: 1. Public and private green spaces help create healthy, active communities. These lawns, parks and gardens are maintained with pesticides, which keep weeds and other pests under control, diminish pollens that can agitate allergy symptoms,

and keep fields safe for 3. Plant science innovasports. tions lower grocery bills, 2. The plant science in- helping families afford dustry generates more healthy food. Without than $1.8 billion in tax these advances, we would revenues every year in be paying about 55 per Canada. These funds help pay for things our com- cent more for food — munities need like play- roughly $4,400 more per grounds, parks and roads. year per family.

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



under new management Fresh Canvas Spa Abbotsford is now Red Lotus Spa


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Three must-do tips for selling your car to these kinds of details w i l l make y o u r vehicles “Showing a clean, brightly lit, unclutm o r e tered and competitively priced vehicle, appealing to potential buyers. with all associated paperwork, is an easy way to differentiate yourself in 2. Be prepared. Prepare the necessary the used vehicle market.” explains insurance paperwork, ownership and Michael Bettencourt, managing editor maintenance records ahead of time. Showing a potential buyer that you are at autoTRADER.ca. organized with your vehicle's records If you are looking to upgrade your own will demonstrate that it was likely well vehicle, there are a few important tips cared for. to keep in mind before snapping those first glamour shots of your automobile 3. Get proactive. Have the vehicle to ensure a swift and successful sale. certified by a licensed mechanic and have the emissions tested at one of 1. Clean up your act. Washing and your province's registered facilities. waxing the exterior of the vehicle, This will make the process simple and along with vacuuming and detailing the painless for yourself and the prospecinterior, will make it more presentable. tive customer. Make sure to have any scuffs or scratches repaired. These may not seem like Find more information at www.autosignificant issues, but paying attention trader.ca. (NC) If you are searching for a new car this spring, but need to get rid of your current vehicle, don't race towards the finish line. There are some important steps you need to take to get the highest possible return on your investment.

#128 - 31935 South Fraser Way. Abbotsford, BC. V2T 5N7

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The Patrika


Friday, April 7th, 2017

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Happy Vaisakhi!



ihmfilaf ieMzIan rYstorYNt, aYbtsPorz

We also do catering for all occasions quhfzf afpxf rYstorYNt ijWQoN qusIN sfry pMjfbI KfixaF df anMd mfx skdy ho| qjLrbykfr kuWk ! vDIaf Kfxf ! svfd lfjvfb !

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Specials: FREE UNDERARM LASER HAIR REMOVAL! with purhcase of Full Face or Brazilian laser hair removal treatment. *Limited time only. KfsIaqF: pUry Pys jF brfjLIlIan lyjLr rImUvl trItmYNt dy nfl aMzrafrmjL lysr hyar rImUvl leI | (kyyvl kuJ smyN vfsqy)


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hux 400 zflr (rYgUlr 500 zflr) (kyvl kuJ smyN vfsqy)

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∙ hr qrHF dI cmVI vfsqy: pwkI hyar irmUvl ∙ botOks qy rYstIlyn ∙ Poto lfeIt PysLIal ∙ rojysLIaf qy sikwn tYgs ∙ spfeIzr aqy vYrIkos nfVIaF rImUvl ∙ cmVI df trItmYNt ∙ cmVI ksf (Tightening) ∙ JurVIaF df ielfj ∙ bYlkfrf

sOPt ilPt zrmf iPlrjL

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

swq smuMdr pfrguldf Ăˆfier drĂˆn igwl Ă‹fr isMG sMDU kYnyzf vfsI drĂˆn igwl df jwdI ipMz ZuwzIky sI. ies ipMz dI guVHqI suqMqrqf sMgrfmI lflf lfjpq rfey nUM hI nhIN sgoN nfvlkfr jsvMq isMG kMvl nUM vI iml cuwkI hY.

drĂˆn dIafˆ rgfˆ ivwc ienHfˆ dovfˆ df kuJ nf kuJ hox dy bfvjUd Aus df inwj Aus AuWqy hfvI rihMdf sI. Auh mUl rUp ivwc kfivk ibrqI nUM prnfieaf hoieaf sI. sMgrfmI vrKf qoN ivrvf qy nfvl rcnfkfrI nUM PVn leI kivqf dI Ăˆrn lYx vflf. cMgyrf jIvn ijAUx dI cUhf dOV ivwc Aus ny bVy vylx vyly, pr kivqf df pwlf nhIN Cwizaf.

mYˆ drĂˆn igwl nUM afpxy imwqr rGbIr isMG rfhIN imilaf. Auh ‘isrjxf` nUM mfiek shfieqf dyx vfilafˆ ivwc sB qoN awgy sI. pMjfbI sfihq dI pRPuwlqf leI kuJ nf kuJ krdy rihxf Aus df ĂˆOk sI. iksy vyly qfrf isMG hyar dy ‘ieMzo-kYnyzIan tfeImĂ‹` dI shfieqf dy nfl-nfl Aus ny ‘kYnyzf drpx` nfˆ df afpxf rsflf vI kwZI rwiKaf. ienHfˆ kMmfˆ leI pYsy kmfAux vfsqy Auh drimafny pwDr df pRfprtI zIlr vI irhf. jdoN kYnyzf ivwc pRfprtI df kMm mwTf ipaf qfˆ Aus ny kYnyzf leI nrsfˆ iqafr krn vfsqy pMjfb dy iewk qoN vwD Ăˆihrfˆ ivwc nYnI nfˆ dIafˆ sMsQfvfˆ vI clfeIafˆ. Auh kYnyzf dy ieMtrnYĂˆnl pMjfbI iltryrI trwst df sMsQfpk hox AuprMq pMjfbI lyKk mMc, vYnkUvr df koafrzInytr vI irhf. kYnyzf ivwc nOkrIafˆ lwBdy smyˆ vI Aus ny ilKx-pVHn dIafˆ shUlqfˆ nUM pihl idwqI. srI dI pbilk lfiebryrI df zfierYktr bxnf iesy lVI ivwc afAuNdf hY. afpxI pihlI jIvn sfQx mnjIq kOr dy akfl clfxy ipwCoN Aus dI Xfd ivwc sfihqk snmfn dI sQfpnf krnf vI iesy ĂˆOk ivwc Ăˆfml hY. ies qrHfˆ dy sfQI dy qur jfx ipwCoN

bfkI pMnHf 20 'qy

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?

We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰

We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

�€ � � � � �„ … � � … � �

We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

Â? ÂŒ Â? ‰ Â? Â? † € Â? € „ Â… ÂŒ ÂŽ ‘­Â’ “”• –——”

• •  • • � •

For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika

PAGE 14 Friday, December 25th, 2015

Friday, AprilPAGE 7th, 2017 5

     

Sikh Sewa International gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI aflmI mnu wKI aiDkfrF nUM dyx nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHfˆ vwloN iqMn sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI dfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nfl idwlI ivwc nvMbr 1675 nUM idwqI geI kurbfnI nUM iswKfˆ dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy julmfˆ iKlfÌ afvfË bulMd krn aqy ÈhIdI pRfpq krn dy mMqv ipCly asl qy Aucycy arQfˆ bfry ajy qwk shI aiDaYn nhIN kIqf igaf aqy nf hI shI pirpyK qoN GoiKaf igaf hY. ipCly kuJ dhfikafˆ qoN mnuwKI hwkfˆ bfry aflmI aMdolnfˆ dy AuBfr nfl hux sfnUM mhfn gurU dI ÈhIdI ipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ dy arQfˆ dI Koj krn df mOkf imilaf hY.

Society of Youth

hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkWith fˆ dI the help of youth volunteers and the community, Sikh Sewa International Society rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI of Youth raised $2,130.32 through a Bottle rwiKaf leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI peI.

Drive hosted on March 25, 2017. All proceeds

mnuwKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆwill nfl be going towards SSISY’s upcoming Biraf hoieaf hY ijwQy lokfˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry local ,and international projects. Just this past kOm jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆDecember, . afpxy SSISY held an ophthalmology camp ihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ nyfornYiin qka rural village in India where eye checkkfblIaq df pRdrÈn kIqf pr gurU qyg ups and surgical procedures were performed. bhfdr jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ The nonprofit organization inspires youth of dy hwkfˆ dI rwiKaf leI afpxI kurbfnI dy ky Abbotsford to help poverty-stricken individuals ijs nYiqk-rUhfnI bulMdI nUM Coihaf, Aus dI continue making a positive impact in their imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhINand imldI. community. ies leI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf jf skdf hY.

mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf jfˆdf hY- shfiek jfˆ kfnUMnI phuMc aqy suBfivk gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM phuMc. pihlI qrHfˆ dI phuMc dOrfn mnuwKI dyKidafˆ aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfr sMsQfvfˆ vI aiDkfrfˆ nUM kuJ isafsI tIicafˆ nUM hfsl AunHfˆ nUM afpxy moZIafˆ ivwcoN iek df drjf dy krn leI hiQafr vjoN vriqaf jfˆdf hY aqy rhIafˆ hn. mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI rfKI bfry crcf krdy smyˆ lMzn afDfrq mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdI iPrkUvfd Puwt pYˆdf hY. iPrkU soc pnpx df amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl ny gurU qyg bhfdr nqIjf ieh huMdf hY ik mnuwKI hwkfˆ dy rKvfly jI dI ÈhIdI nMU mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI mhwqqf nfl afpxy BfeIcfry, afpxI kOm, ivcfrDfrf aqy joV ky Aus bfry ivcfr-vtfˆdrf vI kIqf sI. isafsI sihXogIafˆ dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ hn. hwd qfˆ AudoN ho jfˆdI hY jdoN ies soc qihq dy ivÈv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI iksy ivroDI dy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dI AulMGxf nUM mOky aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs bfry axgoilaf qf jfˆdto f hYget jfˆyour ivroDproperty Iafˆ dy iek Callkr meidwtoday SOLD!! ikqfb iqafr krvf rhI sI. jQybMdI vwloN mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI rfKI df ivroD hox lwg pYˆdf hY. ies pRfjYkt df AudyÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKI hwkfˆ ies dy Ault suBfivk phuMc qihq mnuwKI dy alMbrdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI df isrlyK ‘id lONg mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy Rajin Gill jfˆdI hY. Auh Bfvyˆ afpxy hox jfˆ ivroDI Kymy ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI dy. ies soc dI dlIl hY ik778.982.4008 mnuwK hox dy nfqy dy rfiKafˆ ‘cwww.facebook.com/RajinRealEstate/ Èfml hY . bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jOhn illbrn (1617sfry iensfn ivÈyÈ hwkfˆ dyrajinrealtor@gmail.com hwkdfr hn. ieh @RajinRealtor ivlIam pYWn phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf 57), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), (1644-1718) aqy voltyar (1694-1778) nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, Homelife Glenayre Realtyhn. Èfml www.rajinrealtor.com ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI kuJ ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI soc nUM qfkq bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY. kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr` 30635 Curlew Drive

3020 Crossley Drive

32550 Huntingdon Rd

gurU jI vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI kfrnfˆ AuWqy Jfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh CuitafAux vfˆg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukmrfn, aOrMgËyb dy julmfˆ df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf afpxI musilm pRjf AuWqy julm Zfh irhf huMdf sI aqy Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf mMgx afey qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh hI qur nf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, sn. AuhRenovated ies West afsAbbotsford nfl gurU jI kolBeautiful afey West snAbbotsford Home. 19.7 Acres in blueberries Home with legal Close to all ameneties, Approx. 6sImq years duke variety Au h iksy Drm ivÈy È qw k nhIN sI. iehI ik rUhfnI ÈKsIaq qbf to Highway 1, bedroom suitevjoN AunHfˆ df aihm easyruaccess home and out buildings tenant @ $900/month all levels of school, highstreet, property is close to UFV, mhfn bxfAuNdf hY. hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdÈfhandnUlocated M qwQ AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq nUM vwDfreeway. Call Fruiticana. Bring your offers!! Motivated sellers smJf ky Aunwill Hfˆ not nUtoday, M last! musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgyCall . behind asIN iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy Call ieiqhfsk today for showing! for more info! cfˆdnI cOk smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pM i zqfˆ vw l o N gu r U jI $ 3,495,000 ijs$ 664,500 Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf $ 639,000 dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM muÈklfˆ264th Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cM5411 gI qrH fˆ isrP Street - Langley Gladwin Road iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn asQfn nhIN mMinafLooking jfxf cfhIdf. toies sellasQfn aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy your home or df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ieh kdm mhfn gufarm? Call me qy rU dI gYr -sMprdfiek ny lMgr, sMgq aqy pMgq dI pRQf rfhIN smfijk bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly today for xanUM mfnqf idRÈtIko INVESTORbrfbrI ALERT - GREAT aqy Dfrimk nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf.5 acre ies blueberry farm qy akIdq dy x vw l dy r nfl LOCATION! 6.4 acres of vacant spacious 3400 sf house FREE cuwikaf, pr rfhIN Au nlocated Hfˆ CUqCfq dI buSubject rfeI nUM BMizaf,very ijs land in Langley. Blue cropdI and duke variety, aiqaM q Zu k vfˆ kdm ho v y g f. property faces West and is in RU-5 drip system- irrigation system bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. NO OBLIGATION zoning. Fertile soil suitable for a very close to the city wide variety of crops, and z bru k s XU n IvristI, iswK Drm dIafˆ ienHffruits ˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky - ly K k afksPo rEVALUATION!! vegetables. afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk qO r ‘qy gu r U qy g $ 775,000 $ 1,399,000 bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk pRoPYsr hY.



Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika



New treatment beds to open for adults with serious substance use challenges Vancouver – Thirty new substance use treatment beds for adults across the province are now accepting referrals through contracted providers managed by BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority. “We have opened 500 additional new substance use beds over the past three years, however we also recognize that more resources are needed in the face of the overdose crisis,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “The emergency harm reduction measures we’ve introduced such as overdose prevention sites and expanded access to naloxone and Suboxone must go hand in hand with longer-term strategies to support addictions treatment across the province. That’s why we have dedicated substantial new resources toward additional treatment beds and the BC Centre on Substance Use’s work on research and training to ensure the entire system of care is effective and evidence based.”

other 10 beds will be provided by Ce- BCMHSUS will evaluate the quality dars Discovery Centre Ltd. located in of the contracted services in order to Cobble Hill on Vancouver Island. All determine the most effective subbeds are expected to be open by April stance use 15, 2017. treatment The proponents were selected following a thorough evaluation process. Both contracts are for one year, with the possibility of renewal. BCMHSUS will work closely with the selected proponents over the course of the contract term to coordinate provincial access to the program and provide contract management.

service delivery model to be implemented in the longer term.

The Ministry of Health, through the Provincial Health Services Authority, is providing $3.4 million to fund this initiative over the next fiscal year. This is part of the provincial government’s investment of $10 million to create 60 new intensive residential treatment beds and 50 intensive outpatient treatment spaces in the short term as part of the battle against the epidemic of illicit drug overdoses.

“It’s critical that we provide more evidence-informed treatment services for adults dealing with substance use challenges in B.C.,” said BCMHSUS Vice-President Lynn Pelletier. “We are delighted to work in partnership with the Phoenix Society and Cedars Phoenix Drug & Alcohol Recovery at Cobble Hill to provide residential and Education Society in Surrey will treatment services for people across provide 20 of the additional beds. The the province”.



hrjIq ny cfeIN-cfeIN tonI dy ivafh dy nvyN Cpfey kfrzF df bMzl myjL AuWqy ilaf itkfieaf aqy mnjIq nUM kfrzF dI CpfeI, rMg afid bfry Aus dI psMd puwCx leI afvfjL mfrI. awKF nfl hI mnjIq df AuWqr AuzIkx lwgf. mnjIq ny hfly kuJ nhIN sI ikhf, Auh Pyr boilaf, “lokF nfloN vwKry hI bxvfey hn. sfry kMmF ivwc pYsf nhIN vyiKaf jFdf. puwqF dy ivafh qF krmF vfilaF dy ihwsy afAuNdy hn. lokIN ieMzIaf qoN vI kfrz Cpvf ky lY afAuNdy vyKy aY. imhrF ny AuWpr vfly dIaF. jwt awgy ipwCy vwjx vflf nhIN. gwj vwj ky sfrf kfrj krFgy.” hrjIq qoN ijvyN KusLI sFBI nhIN sI jf rhI. mnjIq ny iewk kfrz kwiZaf, rMg, CpfeI aqy idK vyKx dI QF kfrz AuWqy iliKaf pVHn lwg peI. tonI dy mfqf-ipqf dy nfvF dy nfl-nfl dfdy-dfdI aqy nfny-nfnI df nF vI Cfpy hoey sn. pr ikMnI dyr mnjIq dI njLr ipqf dy nF vfly Kfny `qy jf ky atkI rhI. hrjIq nIJ lf ky hrjIq dy hfv Bfv inhfrdf irhf. Aus ny soicaf mnjIq sLfied ipMz rihMdy svrgI bfpU df nF pVHky Bfvuk ho geI hovy. bfpU poqy dy ivafh nUM AuzIkdf kuJ mhIny pihlF pirvfr df sfQ Cwz igaf sI. afpxy afp nUM ies siQqI qoN


The Patrika 

blYkbYrI dy bUty (khfxI)

pfsy krn leI mnjIq ny vI qur gey bfpU df hI shfrf ilaf, “krmF vfly dfdy hI poiqaF dI brfq cVHdy hn.’ Aus ny afK hI idwqf. hrjIq nUM kfrzF leI DMnvfd ikhf qy afpxy ichry df rMg bdlx dI koisLsL kIqI. hrjIq qF Kfxf Kf ky dosqF ivwc kfrz vMzx clf igaf pr mnjIq dIaF awKF awgy AuhI kfrz dy awKr GuMmdy rhy. ijvyN tonI dy ipqf df nF sunihrI moty awKrF ivwc Cipaf hoieaf sI. mnjIq dIaF awKF awigAuN sfrI bIqI khfxI iPlm vFg awgy lMGx lwgI. jd Auh pihlI vyr ivnIpYWg eyarport `qy jhfjLoN AuWqrI qF lMmy sPr df QkyvF sI. soicaf sI prvfr smyq hrjIq sfhmxy Kloqf bysbrI nfl AuzIk irhf hovygf. imlygf qF sPr df qF hI ipCly pUry sfl dI iekwl df QkyvF vI Auqr jfvygf. pr Aus dIaF nIJ lf ky vyKdIaF awKF nUM hrjIq ikDry nf idisaf. sws ny ghu nfl nUMh dIaF awKF nUM piVHaf aqy bnfAutI hfsy nfl mnjIq nUM prcfAuNdI hoeI kihx lwgI, “DIey hrjIq qF ipCly hPqy df kYlyPornIaf leI quiraf sI. AuQoN kihMdf torFto df loz buwk kr ilaf. asIN qF prsoN dy AuzIkdy rhy hF. vfr-vfr Pon krdf irhf hY. vyly isr puwj jfx bfry dwsdf irhf hY. pr DIey ieh trwkF df DMdf. kdy loz nhIN imilaf, kdy loz nhIN Auqiraf. kdy

tfier Krfb, kdy koeI mkYnIkl pRfblm, trwkF vfilaF dI qF DIey pirvfrF nfloN trwkF nfl sFJ vDyry ho jFdI hY. iewQy qF kMmF nfl hI rotI qurdI hY. kihMidaF sws ny mnjIq nUM afpxy klfvy ivwc lY ilaf. sws dy ipafr nUM vyKidaF mnjIq ny vI afpxy awQrUaF ivwc hfsf imlf idwqf. “koeI nhIN mF jI, kMm nhIN krFgy qF KfvFgy ikwQoN.” asIN ikhVy zflr Joly Brky ieMzIaf qoN afpxy nfl lY ky afAuNdy hF.” mnjIq ny sulJy lPjF ivwc AuWqr idwqf. rfqF dIaF isLPtF idn dIaF isLPtF, idn rfqF dI dUhrIaF isLPtF, vwzy vwzy Gr, vwzIaF vwzIaF bYNkF dIaF dyxdfrIaF aqy ies sB leI imwtI nfl imwtI huMdy prvfr, iKMzdy-tuwtdy irsLqy ies vwzI dOV Bwj ny irsLiqaF nUM rol ky rwK idwqf hY. pqI Gr hY qF pqnI Gr nhIN, pqnI Gr hY qF pqI lMmy sPr qy igaf hoieaf hY. pqI dy mFipAu dy pypr Brny hn. pqnI dy mF-ipAu qy BYx BrfvF nUM swdxf hY. afmdn pUrI krn leI koeI kflf bYl vI iewQoN dy vrg dI rIs nhIN kr skdf. srkfr dy tYksF df hI Qfh nhIN. irsLiqaF nfl pUry Auqrn leI afpxy irsLiqaF nUM kurbfn krnf pYNdf hY. irsLqy bx qF jFdy hn pr irsLiqaF df inwG iehnF ivcfry lokF dy ihwsy Gwt hI

Friday, April 7th, 2017

ibwkr isMG Kosf afAuNdf hY. iehnF dI ijLMdgI ivwc irsLiqaF dI aihmIaq hI gvfc geI hY. iewQy prvfrF nUM iekwiTaF krn leI kurbfn ho rhIaF nOjvfn muitafrF afpxI JolI KflI leI iPrdIaF hn. bwcy ho jfxgy qF vDyrI afmdn ikwQoN afvygI? bwicaF nUM sMBflidaF kMm nhIN kIqy jfxgy. Pyr afmdn df muwl qfrnf pAU? AuDr ieMzIaf ivwc isafxIaF swsF afpxIaF nUMh nUM vrHf-do vrHy bwcy dI AumIdvfrI nf hovy qF vYdF hkImF dy leI iPrdIaF hn. iewQy swsF afpxIaF nUMhF nUM bwcy nf jMmx dy ZMg qrIky dsdIaF hn. “DIey, aOKy sOKy sMjm rwKidaF cfr vrHy, dwbky kMm kro. Gr bx jfxgy. sfrf twbr rl ky bYTFgy. rl ky bYTy twbr ivwc Pyr bwcy sFBxy vI suKfly ho jFdy hn. Pyr sfrf kuJ TIk ho jfAU suwK nfl. “kyhI cMdrI DrqI hY, iewQy af ky sB socF hI bdl jFdIaF hn.” mnjIq dy aMdroN hOl ijhf AuWiTaf. pr afly-duafly vwl njLr mfridaF aMdr hI dwb ky rih igaf. “ikvyN irsLiqaF dI BMn qoV krky qfeycfcy, mfmy-BUaf dy prvfrF nfl PrjI irsLqy isrjdy hoey lok afpxI Aumr dy Auh vrHy gvf bYTdy hn jo Pyr ijLMdgI df ihwsf

Friday, April 7th, 2017

nhIN bx skdy. afpxI phuMc qoN vDyry dfj dy ky DIaF nUM prdysL qordy mfpy soc lYNdy hn, “sfzI DI rfxI bxky jhfjL ivwc cVH geI hY” pr AuhI DI icwTIaF ivwc aqy PonF `qy afpxf duwK mfipaF nfl jdoN sfJF krdI hY qF mfpy isrP afpxI byvsI `qy JUr hI skdy hn. hwQ pwly kuJ nhIN afAuNdf iewQy aYm[aYs[sI[ aqy aYm[iPl dI izgrI vflI DI anpVH Kyq mjLdUr pqI nfl idn vyly Kyq mjLdUrI krdI hY qy rfqF vyly storF dIaF iblizMgF dI sPfeI krdI hY. jdoN dI iewQy AuWqrI hY kdI rwj ky nhIN suwqI aqy afpxy ivhVy ivwc Kyzx vfly bwcy leI qrsdI rihMdI hY. mnjIq df irsLqf lYx leI mnjIq dI ivwidak Xogqf, rMg rUp aqy Aumr dy nfl nfl Aus dIaF iqMn BYxF df vI sOdf hoieaf sI. AuhnF ivcfrIaF nUM vI ibnF hIl hujq kIiqaF axjoV muMizaF nfl ivafihaf igaf sI. iewQoN dI dOV ivwc sLfml hox leI ieho ijhIaF kurbfnIaF aksr krnIaF hI pYNdIaF hn. mnjIq jdoN iewQy nvIN-nvIN afeI sI qF hrjIq jldIjldI Gr muVn dI koisLsL krdf bYNkF dIaF pymYNtF ipwCy rih jFdIaF. Pyr vwzIaF pymYNtF dyx leI lMmy sPr nUM inklxf pY jFdf. hPqy df rfsLn mukf ky Gr muVdf. byhf qbyhf Kf ky loVF dI hnyrI ivwc gvficaf rihMdf. mnjIq kol idn rfq df kMm huMdf

The Patrika 


aqy jF iPr Pon rfhIN hrjIq df suwK sunyhf puwjdf rihMdf. mOjF AuzIkidaF nUM mOjF vfly idn kdy nf imly. Pfrm ivwc kMm krn vfly Aus idn grmI vDyry hox krky hflo byhfl ho rhy sn. iewk bwdlI lihMdy vwloN AuWTI qy ikximx hox lwg peI. pRIqm jo iewQy riPAUjLI bx ky rih irhf sI. mnjIq jo afpxy idl dy aMdr cfa ismt ky bYT geI sI, Qwky tuwty afpxy-afpxy duwK sFJy kr rhy sn. iekwTy kMm kridaF aijhI sFJ aksr hI ho jFdI hY. “riPAUjLI qF nrk dI ijLMdgI hMZf rhy hn iewQy” lMmy smyN qoN prvfs df sMqfp Bogdy pRIqm ny hOkf ilaf. ‘nf qF pirvfrk sFJF rhIaF aqy nf hI srIrk suwK” Gr jf ky vI mnjIq nUM pRIqm vwloN khy srIrk suwK dI gwl Xfd afAuNdI rhI. srIrk suwK qF iewQy prvfrF ivwc bYiTaF nUM vI nhIN iml irhf. mnjIq vfr-vfr pRIqm dI qsvIr vyKdI rhI. agly idn Pyr mINh ipaf. pRIqm mINh ivwc iBwjI mnjIq vwl vyKdf irhf. mINh ivwc iBwjI mnjIq ivwcoN iek KusLbo pRIqm vwl vDI. iek qVp, iewk hOkf ikx imx aqy vwqrI DrqI dI mihk. AuhnF srIrk suwK dI qMd joV leI. mnjIq jF pRIqm qoN ho hoieaf Auh krnf nhIN sn cfhuMdy. pRIqm afpxy afp nUM iDrkfrdf irhf. mnjIq afpxy afp nUM lfhnqF pfAuNdI rhI. bfkI pMnHf 37 'qy



The Patrika 

Friday, April 7th, 2017

Prime Minister announces Malala Yousafzai will visit Canada to receive honorary citizenship


he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that Malala Yousafzai will visit Canada on April 12, 2017, to address the Canadian Parliament and to officially receive the honorary Canadian citizenship bestowed upon her in 2014. At 15 years old, Ms. Yousafzai was the target of Taliban assassins after she became an outspoken advocate for the right of girls to learn and to attend school. She has since become an international spokesperson for girls’ education and the rights of women and girls. In recognition of this work, she


was named a co-recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. Prime Minister Trudeau will take this opportunity to meet with Ms. Yousafzai to discuss girls’ empowerment through education and how they can actively contribute to the sustainable development of their communities and countries.

Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika 


Provincial sponsorship honours the memory of Vimy Ridge veterans


n honour of the Canadians and British Columbians involved in the victory at Vimy Ridge in 1917, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced today that the Province will contribute $350,000 to the Vimy Foundation to support the creation of a Centennial Park at the site of the battle. The Vimy Foundation Centennial Park will be located adjacent to the Vimy monument in France. This unique area will be comprised of 100 Vimy Oak trees symbolizing the centennial. These trees are direct descendants of acorns collected following the battle in April 1917 and will be planted in a circular pattern four deep to represent the four divisions of the Canadian Forces that fought together for the first time at the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Benches and reflective areas in full view of the famous monument will also be part of the park. Funding also will be provided to support p‎ articipation by local cadets at the ceremony in France. British Columbians supported the war effort in great numbers, and facilitated

the raising and mobilization a great number of Battalions for the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Units from around the province were part of the victory, including: 2nd Battalion (Canadian Mounted Rifles) – recruited from Victoria and Vernon; 29th Battalion (Vancouver) – recruited from Vancouver and New Westminster;

tended by the Commonwealth War an estimated 30,000 Canadians will be in attendance. Graves Commission. The current monument on the grounds welcomes approximately 700,000 visitors a year. The centennial anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge is taking place on April 9. The official commemorative ceremonies are taking place at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, organized by the Government of Canada (Veterans Affairs Canada) and

de Jong attended the Vimy Centennial Celebration gala dinner in Toronto on March 20, 2017, in support of the Centennial Park and the Centennial Legacy Fund that will help send 25 students to travel to Europe each year for the next five years and ensure Canadian youth ‘walk through the footsteps of history’ and experience Canadian history first hand.

102nd Battalion (Northern British Columbia) – recruited from Northern B.C. and Comox; and 131st Battalion (Westminster) – recruited from New Westminster. Estimates suggest that 81 British Columbians lost their lives between April 1 and May 1, 1917. Of those, 47 soldiers are commemorated on the Vimy Memorial, 10 soldiers are buried at La Chaudière Military Cemetery, Vimy, and 21 soldiers are buried at Canadian Cemetery No. 2, Neuville-St. Vaast. British Columbia lost three nursing sisters who are buried in cemeteries


The Patrika


pMnHf 13 dI bfkI rih gey swjx dy mn AuWqy kI bIqdI hY, Aus dI iewk gLËl ivwc aMikq hY: iËMdgI df af igaf kyhf pVfa ids irhf, nf suwJ irhf koeI vI rfh. sfQ qyrf sI qfˆ sB kuJ sfQ sI bfJ qyry ho igaf, sB kuJ suafh. Cwz igAuN ikAuN hnyry rfh ivwc Byj dy, koeI Byj dy, qUM hux sLuaf. ieh gwl vwKrI hY ik Auh jIvn sfQ dy mfmly ivwc ieMnf suBfgf sI ik Aus dI dUjI pqnI crnjIq aiqaMq slIky vflI hY qy hsIn aOrq hY. drÈn igwl nUM Aus dy aMqly sfhfˆ qwk Puwlfˆ vfˆg sfˆB ky rwKxf Aus dy ihwsy afieaf. sfQ ikMnf vI cMgf ikAuN nf hovy, bIqy simafˆ df Audryvfˆ drÈn igwl dy suBfa df ihwsf sI: kwlH dy pwqr jd vI prqfˆ, kuJ hOky kuJ afhvfˆ, awj dy pMCI qyrI cuMJ ivwc, ikhVI cog mYˆ pfvfˆ. idn cVHdy qoN lihMdy qk, hY sPr drd df jfrI hfdisafˆ dy nfl prucIafˆ, ieh jIvn dIafˆ rfhvfˆ.



kuJ Buwly, kuJ Btky vI hfˆ, mMiËl awKoN eynf Audfs ho ky, ikwdfˆ srygf qyrf Auhly, pMCI byafs ho ky, ikwdfˆ srygf qyrf eynI DUV Auzf geIafˆ ny, vfprIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ. bYTf prfey vqnIˆ, socyˆ qUM dyÈ bfry AuNj, bIqy dI Xfd qy BivwK dIafˆ cflfˆ bfry drÈn igwl koeI igixaf-imiQaf isDfˆq lY ky nhIN sI cwldf. Aus leI ieh sB kudrqI vrqfrf sI ijhVf jIvn Br Aus dy nfl cldf irhf. 1998 dy aMqly idnfˆ ivwc ilKI iewk gLËl dy do iÈar ies dI puÈtI krdy hn:

pr nf iewk dUjy dI gwl df, idMdf koeI huMgfrf.

drÈn igwl dy Aus duwK nUM coxvyˆ iÈarfˆ ivwc proxf kfPI nhIN. Aus dI iewk gLËl Aus dy eynf hwsfs ho ky, ikwdfˆ srygf qyrf. aMqrIv dI aslI qsvIr iKwcdI hY ijhVI swq smuMdroN pfr bYTf vI Auh afpxy mn nUM iewQy ijAuN dI iqAuN pyÈ hY: dyÈ dI icMqf lfeI rwKdf sI. vIhvIN sdI nf qIafˆ, nf sfˆJIafˆ, nf myly, nf Èor, dy aMqly dhfky ivwc ijhVf sMqfp pMjfb ny hMZfieaf, Auh dUr bYTf vI Aus leI hAuky ikwQoN cVH ky af igaf, mOsm bdlyKor. Brdf irhf. Aus dy Audryvyˆ dI pihlI sur vihÈq nMgI nwcdI, dihÈq cfr-cuPyr AudoN dI hY jdoN ieh sMqfp nhIN sI vfpiraf: zfkU cor, smglrfˆ, luwitaf Èihr BMbor.

pqf nhIN ikAuN moh ho jfˆdY, ivkoilqry Qfvfˆ mYˆ nhIN prqfˆgf afpxy dyÈ hux nfl, bMd ny sB myry leI prvyÈ hux. eydfˆ hI bws juV jfeIdY, iËMdgI Br kuJ nfvfˆ nfl.

Friday, April 7th, 2017

myrf bwcf duwD nUM ‘zuwz` afKdf

AuNj qfˆ Duwp iKVI dI afpfˆ, mihk bQyrI mfˆ nUM bVIafˆ muÈiklfˆ drpyÈ hux. Gr dIafˆ ikÈqfˆ ny hoeIafˆ BfrIafˆ mfxI hY, awj-kwlH afpxf ieÈk ho igaY, afpxIafˆ puwC nf, cldI nhIN koeI pyÈ hux. hI Cfvfˆ nfl. hOlI hOlI Aus df ieh duwK afpxy pirvfr kuJ vI hovy, mYˆ drÈn nUM aijhIafˆ Audfs df duwK nf rih ky pUry pMjfbI BfeIcfry dy GVIafˆ ivwc isr suwt ky bYTf nhIN dyiKaf. drd df rUp Dfr igaf. ZyrI Zfh ky jfˆ inclf ho ky bihxf Aus df aMbr dy ivwc GuMmdy iPrdy bwdl ikvyˆ Kfsf nhIN sI. iksy iewk kMm dI smfpqI `qy afvfrf nvfˆ kMm ivwZxf qy AuqÈfh nfl AuWzxf Aus dy suBfa ivwc Èfml sI. Auh mrdy dm qwk kfly mINh ny lwgdf ieMj hY, vrHnf ijvyˆ ies AuqÈfh AuWqy pihrf idMdf irhf. dyÈoN dubfrf. swQfˆ dy ivwc hux vI lokIˆ, kwTy ho ky bihMdy ivdyÈ jf ky vI.

ivwidaf kyˆdr bx gey, aiqvfd dI Tfhr, aflm PfËl ho gey, aklfˆ dy hux cor. drasl, drÈn df aMdrlf afpxy bfhr nfl sdf hI jUJdf irhf. Aus dy jIvn ivwcoN lMGidafˆ ieh vrqfrf afm imldf hY ijs df aks Aus dI kivqf ivwc vI spwÈt hY. jd vI aMdr huMms hovy, bfhr nUM mn krdf hY. irsdy nfsUrfˆ dy kfrn, muV muV ky idl Brdf hY. Aus ny pMjfb dy kfly idnfˆ bfry inJwk iliKaf. iewQoN dIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ kfrn Aus nUM sqluj Audfs qy Jnfˆ JUrdf nËr afAux lwigaf. Aus nUM iËMdgI dy ruky hoey pfxIafˆ qoN zr afAuNdf ijhVy hVHfˆ nfloN vI Kqrnfk

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



jfpdy. Aus dI kivqf AunHfˆ Kloqy pfxIafˆ dI cuwp nUM qoVn leI clfey bfx vI afKI jf skdI hY. Auh rfsfˆ, algoiËafˆ qy sfrMgIafˆ df rMg mfxn df aiBlfÈI sI ijhVy kflI bolI hnyrI ny afpxI buwkl ivwc lY ley sn.

asIN qfˆ swjx, qur cwly hfˆ,

ieh Btkx eys juafnI dI,

hux qfˆ sfzf, iewk dr lMG ky,

ikMnf icr vrqI jfeygI.

dUr dr prvyÈ!

buwZI isafsq kd qk ieh,

mOq ivKflI, dy geI sfnUM,

jIvn bfry Aus dI ieh Dfrnf Aus dI kivqf ivwc Bys bdl bdl ky afAuNdI rhI hY. kdy gIq, kdy gLËl qy kdy nËm bx ky. ‘KfnfbdoÈ` nfˆ iewk pRgIq Aus dy Aucft mn dI bhuq sohxI qsvIr iKwcdf hY:

ivwc iBafnk vys!

qur cwly prdys! awj qoN nf koeI, ngr asfzf, nf koeI sfzf dys!

AuWcy burj, asIN KVHy KVoqy, KVHy sukfey kys! iËMdgI, sfQoN bymuK hoeI,

vfly rMg df pwqf luko rwiKaf sI. mYnUM Aus dy qur jfx dI KLbr kYlgrI phuMc ky imlI. qur cwly prdys. kfnPrMs ivwc Bfg lYx vfilafˆ df mn qfˆ jdoN drÈn ny vyiKaf ik Aus dy mn dI bhuq Krfb hoieaf, pr pRbMDkfˆ ny ieh vydnf koeI nhIN suxdf qfˆ Aus ny pury dI hvf sfrI kfnPrMs drÈn igwl nUM smripq nUM afvfËfˆ mfr ky afpxf mn hOlf kIqf. kr ky ies nUM iewk jÈn df rUp dy idwqf. vg vg nI awj, ieh iewk aijhI kfnPrMs ho inwbVI ijs vg pury dIey vfey. dy awDI drjn sYÈn aMimRqf pRIqm, nfnk asIN pwCoN vwl bYTy lokI, isMG, mohn isMG, dyivMdr siqafrQI afid ivCV cuwky sfihqk mhfrQIafˆ nUM smripq bolfˆ dy iqrhfey! sn qy sfrI dI sfrI kfnPrMs drÈn igwl swc qoN vfey sfry zrdy, nUM. Aus dy qur jfx `qy mYnUM Aus dI kivqf hwk qoN kMbx lokIˆ, dy ieh bol cyqy afey: afpfˆ vI hwk leI lVy nf, asIN afpxy duK suK sih cwly! mOq nf afvy myc!

supny hI prnfey!

qyrI ngrI do pl rih cwly! ieh gwl vwKrI hY ik Aus dy ieh sfry dfa- ieh hMJU hux qk roky sn, pyc Dry Drfey rih gey qy Auh jUn 2011 ivwc srI (kYnyzf) dy iewk hspqfl ivwc awj drd khfxI kih cwly! asIN iksy iknfry atky sfˆ, dm qoV igaf. drÈn igwl dy imwqrfˆ df Gyrf bVf ivÈfl sI. jdoN jUn 2011 ivwc Aus df dyhfˆq hoieaf qfˆ kYlgrI ivKy iewk ivÈv pMjfbI kfnPrMs hox vflI sI. hspqfl ivwc dfKl hox kfrn Auh ieh gwl pRbMDkfˆ nUM afpxy ijAuNdy jIa hI dws cuwkf sI ik Auh hfËrI nhIN Br skygf, pr Aus ny afpxy qur jfx

awj Cwlfˆ afeIafˆ vih cwly! qyrI dunIafˆ jIAuNvy jI sdky, asIN ijAuNdy kbrIN pY cwly. jdoN mYˆ ieh bol Aus nUM smripq kIqI kfnPrMs dy cOKty ivwc iPwt krn lwgdf hfˆ qfˆ hor vI Audfs ho jfˆdf hfˆ.



The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017


Letter to the Editor Dear Duncan: Re: Joint Action Plan The Governments of Canada and British Columbia and the Port of Vancouver have made significant improvements in the container trucking industry since we signed the Joint Action Plan in March 2014. However, concerns continue to be expressed regarding a number of issues relevant to the office of the Container Trucking Commissioner. These concerns include the payment of legislated rates and Truck Tag policy. The province of British Columbia has heard the ongoing concerns expressed by the container trucking industry. I understand the frustration truckers feel as they work hard to earn a living for themselves and their families. They expect and deserve fair wages and working conditions.

Over the last year, your office has focused considerable efforts on ensuring rate compliance through audits and investigations. This work is critical to ensuring fair wages are paid in the drayage industry. I understand that the majority of companies have now been audited or are currently under audit (approximately 60%). This is a significant accomplishment that has resulted in $2.2 million returned to drivers. With additional government support, the OBCCTC has recently increased its auditing capacity and continues to expand the number of audits completed or underway. Despite progress made to date, we know challenges continue to exist around Truck Tag policy. The Province is acutely aware that the ability to move to available work is a concern for Independent Operators. I was pleased to read in your March 31st bulletin that you have recently reviewed Truck Tag movement activity over the first three months of 2017, and found that 74 Independent Operators have moved

companies and found available work. I remain supportive of the comprehensive consultative approach you are taking to consider these issues, including your call for submissions from industry that is posted on your website. I encourage you to ensure that facilitation of reasonable independent operator movement to available work remains one of the important principles of the review you are currently undertaking.

The province r e -

Developing a new Truck Tag system which fits industry needs is no easy task but I know you are committed to the task and working hard to get it right. The consultation process underway includes engagement with truckers and the industry as well as an independent, third-party review by a transportation specialist who will produce recommendations for Truck Tag system reform. Further engagement with truckers and the industry will follow on the proposed changes with outcomes and final modifications to the system expected this year.

mains committed to working with partners and stakeholders to ensure the stability of container trucking operations at Lower Mainland ports and looks forward to building on the progress made over the past years. I look forward to a continued partnership with your office to support stability of the Container Trucking Sector. Sincerely, Todd G. Stone Minister

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Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika



John Horgan and the BC NDP kick off Syndicate campaign for a better BC Logistics Ltd. VANCOUVER — The campaign for a better BC kicked off in Vancouver this morning when BC NDP Leader John Horgan revealed the campaign bus that will carry the leader’s tour from now until election day.

Teams EARN 58 to 64 cents based on experience

Horgan was greeted by supporters and a team of Lower Mainland candidates at the BC NDP’s Vancouver regional campaign office.

24 idn kMm qy

“This campaign is about building a province that works for real people, not just the wealthy and well-connected,” longer for the services we all depend on, like health care and education. said Horgan. “While Christy Clark spends her time with big donors and the people at the top, we’ll be travelling to communities across BC, meeting with real people and talking about our plan to make life better for families,” said Horgan.

“Throughout this campaign, you can count on us to be tough on Christy Clark’s record. We will remind voters of the choices she made that have hurt people, and we’ll contrast that with our vision for a better BC that works for you.”

“After 16 years of BC Liberal neglect, families are paying more fees than “As we kick this election campaign ever for fewer services. Good jobs are into high gear, I’m looking forward to harder to find. And they’re waiting meeting people from all walks of life and sharing our vision for building a better BC,” said Horgan.



Starting Rate for New Drivers*

nvyN zrfeIvrF leI sLurUafqI qnKfh *

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The Patrika



aYbtsPorz hfeI skUl ivc pocy gey jfpfnI-kYnyzIanF ieiqhfsk sQfnF nslI nfary dI insLfndyhI kIqI geI aYbtsPorz dy sUmfs mfAuNitn dy skUl dy ahfqy ivc drvfijLaf aqy iKVkIaF .qy nslI iGrxf dy nfary pocy gey| ividafrQIaf vwloN bxfey gey icqrF nUM krUp kIqf igaf| skUl dIaiDafpkf ilMzsy aYirn vwloN ieh nslI iGrxf vflIsLbdfvlI Pysbuwk ‘qy sFJI kIqIgeIhY| Aus df kihxf hY,” mYnUM sLbd nhIN lBdy ijMnHF ivc mYN ies iGnfAxI hrkq ibafn kr skF| iek ividafrQI vwloN bxfieaf igaf suMdr icqr sLrfrqIIaF dI koJI hrkq dy Byt cVH igaf| |” aYbtsPorz puils ies Gtnf dI jFc kr rhI hY|

jfpfnI mUl dy kYnyzf invfsIaF dy 56 sQfnF dI insLfndyhI kIqI geI hY ijhVy ieiqhfsk aqy ivrsy pwKoN mhwqvpUrn hn| 1 apRYl jfpfnIaF dI njLrbMdI dI 75vIN vrHYgMZ df pRqIk hY jdoN 22,000 jfpfnI-kYnyzIan Dwky nfl bI sI dy qwt qoN ivcoN kwZy gey sn aqy sUbydy Dur-aMdrUnI BfgF ivc Byjy gey sn| ieh kOVI Xfd 1942- 1949 dy ivckfr dI hY| ieMnHF njLrbMdIkYNpF dI sMKyp jfxkfrI idMdy dsqfvyjL Cfpy jfxgy aqy bI sI rijstr aOP ihstoirk plyisjL ivc drj hoxgy| ies sbMD ivc swiBafcfr mMqrI tYrIsf vft ny ikhf,” ieiqhfsk sQfn kimAUintIaF dI XfdF 2016 ivc bI sI aYgrIPUz aqy sI- aqy axkQIaF khfxIaF sFBI bYTy hn| ieh smF bI sI dy ieiqhfs df kflf smF hY ; sfnUM ieh smF Gfd krdyrihxf PUz dI irkfrz-qoV inrXfq cfhIdf hY mYN jfpfnI kimAuintI df DMnvfd krdI hF ijMnHF 2016 dOrfn bI sI ivcoN aYgrIPUz aqy sI-PUz dI inrXfq ny ieMnHF sQfnF dI cox kIqI hY ijhVy sfzy sfzy ieiqhfs $3[8 iblIan rhI jo 2015 qoN $300 imlIan vwD hY| vYsy ‘qy cfnxf pfAuNdy hn|” lgfqfr cfr sfl qoN ieh inrXfq vDI jf rhI hY|2016 ivc 712 qrF dy KurfkI pdfrQ 160 mMzIaF nUM inrXfq hfeIvyjL dIaF lynF nUM vDyry kIqy gey| ies mMqv leI 15 aMqrrfsLtrI srkfrI idsxXog bxfAux leI vriqaf dPqr sQfipq kIqy hoey hn| mMzIaF bfry jfxkfrI dyx, invysL krn sbMDI syvf dyx leI srkfr vwloN ieMtrnYsLnl jfvygf nvF pyNt mfrikt izvYlpmYNt strYtjI bxfeI hoeI hY| ies vpfr bfry aOnlfeIn jfxkfrI keI BfsLfvF ivc AuplbD bI sI dy tRFportysLn mMqrI tOz ston vwloN aYlfn kIqf hY | srkfr df aYgrIPUz & sIPUz strYtijk groQ igaf hY ik sUby Br dIaFjrnYlI sVkF dIaF lynF dI plYn ivdysLI mMzIaFlwBx ivc shfiek huMdfhY aqy ieh idsxXogqf vDfAux leI nvF pyNt vriqaf jfvygf | ies plYn bI sI dy jOb plYn df hI iek ihwsf hY| ies sbMDI nvyN pyNt dI prK ho cuwkI hY| ieh vDyry hMZxsfr aqy vDyry aYgrIklcr mMqrI nfrm lYtink df kihxf hY,” iksfnF, idsxXog hY| ies pyNt ivc sLIsLy dI imlfvthY jo ies nUM sIPUz AuqpfdkF nfl imlky bI sI srkfr bI sI dy ieMnHF cmkdfr bxfAuNdI hY| anUmfn lgfieaf igaf hY ik sUby pdfrQF df nfm ivdysLF ivc AuwGfkrn ivc sPlL hoeI hY| dIaF muwK jnrnYlI sVkF (hfeIvyjL) dIaF lynF nUM nvyN dunIaF Br dy lok ieMnHF pdfrQF df suafd mfx rhy hn|” pyNt nfl vDyry idsxXog bxfAux ‘qy$1 imlIan df Krcf hovygf| aijhI sVkF dy kuJ toitaF ‘qy nvyN pyNt dI prK swiBafcfrk sMsQfvF nUM imlIaF gRFtF kIqI jf cuwkI hY| sPl prK dy nqIjy vjoN muwK sVkF nUM bI srkfr vwloN sUby dIaF 150 kiMmAuintIaF nUM$7[6 pyNt krn df PYslf kIqf igaf hY| Xfdrhy ik 2010 ivc imlIan dIaFgR F tF idw q IaF geIaF hn| iehgR F tF PYslfkIqf igaf sI sVkF dIaF lynF nUM pyNt krn leI swiBafcfr mMqrI pItrPYsbYNzr vwloN pRvfn kIqIaF geIaF vriqaf jFdf qrl-pyNt bMd kIqfjfvy| ieh PYslf PYzrl pr ieMnHF dfaYlfn swrHIklovrzyl dy ivDfiek stIPnI pwDr ‘qy hoieaf sI| kfzIaf ny kIqf| ieh pRvfngI kYnyzf 150 pRogrfm aDIn kIqI geI hY | iehpRogrfm kYnyzf dI knPYzrysLn dI ilbrl aYm pI ny zfienf vfts bfry 150vIN vrHygMZ df lKfiek hY| ies pRogrfm df m,MqvN kIqI itwpxI bdly mMgI muafPI dysL dIaF iBMn iBMn kimAuintIaF vwloN dysL dy ivkfs ivc pfey Xogdfn nUM mfxqf dyxf hY| ieh sMsQfvF awz awz 8 mfrc nUM ieMtrnYsLnl mihlf idvs mOky aOtvf ivKy iek ieiqhfsk sQfnF jF ajfieb GrF nfl juVIaF hoeIaF kmytI mIitMg ivc kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dI aYm pI zfienf hn | iehaYlfn kridaF stIPn ny ikhf,” XfdgfrI vfts aqy ilbrl pfrtI dI aYm pI inkolf zI lorIE vI vrHygMZF sfzy BUqkfl nUM Xfd krn, vrqmfn aqy BivwK hfjLr sI | jdoN zfienf vfts dy sYl Pon dI mDur afvfjL bfry socx df mOkf pRdfn krdIaF hn| sfzy amIr aqy lorIE dy kMnI peI qF Aus ny zfienf bfry aijhI itwpxI vMnsuvMny swiBafcfrF dI jfxkfrI dyx df vsIlf bxdIaF kIqI jo iksy nUM cMgI nf lwgI| zfienf ny ies itwpxI hn| asIN iehgRFtF lYx vfilaF nUM vDfeI idMdy hF ijhVy ‘qy nfrfjLgI pRgt kIqI| lorIE ny hfAUs atO kfmnjL sfzyamIr ivrsy nUMsMBflx df nykkMm kr rhy hn|” ivc zfienf vfts qoN muafPI mMgI aqy ikhf ik Aus nUM afpxysLbdF ‘qy bhuq aPsos hY| nfl ieh vI ikhf ik aijhIaF glqIaF aqy BuwlF qoN cMgI iswiKaf vI imldI hY | keI vfr sfzI mnsLf iksy nUM tkor lfAux dI nhIN huMdI prMqU sfzy muMhoN axcfhy sLbd inkl jFdy hn jo dUsry df Advertise in the idl duKfAux vfly ho inwbVdy hn|

For Better Results CALLToday! Punjabi Patrika



Friday, April 7th, 2017

bI sI hfeIzro aqy bI sI PYrI dy ryt vDy 1apRYl qoN bI sI hfeIzro dIaF drF ivc 3[5% df vfDf kIqf igaf hY| ies bdlfa nfl hr irhfsLI ibwl ivc aOsqn $3[74 df vfDf ho jfx df anumfn hY| ieh vfDfbI sI hfeIzro dy purfxy buinafdI ZFcy sfjLo-sfmfn nUM apzyt krn ihq kIqf dwisaf jf irhf hY | iesyqrF bI sI PYrI dy drF ivc 1[9% df vfDf kIqf igaf hY| myn lYNz qoN vYnkUvr tfpU qwk jfx vfly 12 sfl qoN vzyrIAumr vfly XfqrI nUM iek pfsy dI XfqrF leI %17[20 vD dyxy pYxgy aqy stYNzrz vhIkl df ikrfieaf $57[50 ho jfvygf| AuDr afeI sI bI sI dy byisk ryt ,tRFsilMk dy mfsk pfs vI 1 julfeIqoN $2 mihMgy ho jfxgy| vYnkUvr ivc ivc pRfprtI tYks vI vDfey gey hn|

Pfrmf-nYwt qoN lokF dI pRfeIvyt jfxkfrI pRfpq krn vflf igRPqfr Pfrmf-nYt qoN pRfeIvyt jfxkfrI corI df mfmly dI irport PrvrI ivc puils nUM kIqI geI sI |Aus ivc 20,000 lokF dI jfxkfrI corI kIqI geI sI| puils vwloN Aus sLwkI cor dI pCfx krn mgroN Aus ivruwD vfrMt pRfpq krky Aus dy Gr dI qlfsLI leI geI aqy Aus nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf|| Auh ircmMz df rihx vflf hY| Aus df nfm nsLr nhIN kIqf igaf prMqU Aus Aupr keI dosL lgfey gey hn| Aus vwloN corI kIqI geI jfxkfrI kptI mMqvF leI vrqI geI| ishq mMqRflf vwloN ikhf igaf hY ik sMBv hY ik Aus ny ieh corI zfktr bx ky kIqI hovy| mMqRflf vwloN surwiKaf nUM hor qkVf krn df vfadf kIqf igaf hY|

vfk-ien kilinkF ivc zfktrF dI Gft bI sI dI vfk-ien kilinks aYsosIeysLn dI vYbsfeIt ‘qy iek ptIsLn pfeI geI hY ijs ivc lokF nUM dsqKq krn dI apIl kIqI geI hY | aYsosIeysLn dy kihx anusfr bI sI ivc 300,000 lokFkol PYimlI zfktr nhIN| AuDr 2010 ivc 45 vfk-ien kilink bMd kr idwqy geY sn| ieMnHF ivc vI zfktrF dI Gft hY| aYsosIeysLn dy zfierYktr mfeIk mUklfgiln df kihxf hY ik ipCly sfl vI bI sI ivc pMj vfk-ien kilink bMd kIqy gey| AuMnHF nysrkfr qoN mMg kIqI hY ik hor zfktr BrqI kIqy jfx qF jo koeI ivakqI PYimlI zfktr dI syvF qoN vFJf nf rhy|

sfeImn PRyjLr XUnIvristI ivc bxygf nvF styzIam sfeImn PRyjLr XUnIvristIvwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik $10 imlIan dI lfgq nfl brnbI kYNps ivKy nvFstyzIam bxfieaf jfvygf| ieh kMm apRYl 2020 qwk mukMml ho jfx dI afs hY| aYs aYP vI dy vfeIs pRovost itm rhylI df kihxf hY ies pRojYkt dy pUrf hox nfl XUnIvristI dI nuhfr ivc coKf vfDf hovygf| ies styzIam dI AusfrI ivc ividafrQIaF vwloN vwzmuwlf Xogdfn pfieaf jfvygf| ieh styzIam tYrI POks mYdfn dy Auwqr ivc bxygf| 1800 drsLkF dy bYTx leI CwqIaF pOVIaF hoxgIaF, vfsLrUm aqy mIzIaf sYNtr hovygf|

Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika



Friday, April 7th, 2017

dljIq ny dyÈ sfhmxy rwiKaf 1984 df duKfˆq nfmI pMjfbI gfiek qy aYktr dljIq isMG dusfˆJ ny pMjfb dy Aus duKfˆq nUM pUry dyÈ awgy rwiKaf ijs bfry vwzy isafsI lIzr jfˆ iPr klfkfr hux qwk kOmI pwDr `qy KfmoÈ hI rhy hn . ieh duKfˆq 1984 df hY ijs nUM pMjfb ny afpxy ipMzy Auwqy hMZfieaf.`kwlr cYnl` Auwqy `rfeIijMg stfr` pRogrfm ijs ivwc dljIq dusfJ jwj vI hn, ny aYqvfr rfq pUry dyÈ awgy pMjfb df drd rwiKaf. ieh drd dyÈ Br dy lokfˆ ny suixaf vI qy dljIq ny 1984 dy dOr dI Byt cVHy lokfˆ nUM ÈrDfˆjlI vI idwqI. kI afiKaf dljIq dusfˆJ ny `sB qoˆ burf vkq huMdf hY jdoˆ afpxy afpixafˆ nUM Koh idMdy hn.sB qoˆ burf vfaidafˆ qoˆ kMnI kqrfAux lwgI kYptn srkfr vkq huMdf hY jdoˆ koeI Gr qoˆ jfˆdf hY qy vfps nhI afAuˆdf.pMjfb Auwqy vI burf vkq kYptn srkfr dI pMj rupey vflI QflI hux 13 rupieafˆ `c imlygI. mMynIPYsto `c 1984 ivwc afieaf.jdoˆ bhuq sfiraf ny afpixafˆ nUM Koihaf. kfˆgrs ny 5 rupey ivwc QflI df vfadf kIqf sI. hux ivMq mMqrI mnpRIq isMG bfdl hux iBRÈtfccfr dy mfmly `c muwK mMqrI QflI mihMgI krn dI gwl kih rhy hn. mnpRIq bfdl ny ikhf , “sfzf anumfn 5 rupey vI bc nhIˆ skdy dI QflI dyx df sI pr 5 rupey `c sB kuJ nhIˆ afAudf sI. ies leI 13 rupey dI QflI `c cMgf qy pUrf Kfxf imlygf. AunHfˆ dwisaf ik rYwz krfs nfl imlky pMjfb srkfr ny pMjfb srkfr muwK mMqrI nUM lokpfl dy Gyry `c ilafAux leI kfnUMn bnfAux jf rhI hY ieh QflI ÈurU kr idwqI hY. mnpRIq bfdl ny `eybIpI sfˆJf` nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ ikhf qfˆ ik iBRÈtfcfr dy mfmly `c muwK mMqrI qy vI kfrvfeI kIqI jf sky. ieh gwl pMjfb ik sfzI srkfr afpxy vfaidafˆ pRqI pRqIbwD hY qy hr vfadf pUrf krfˆgy.AunHfˆ ikhf dy ivwc mMqrI mnpRIq isMG bfdl ny ivDfn sBf ivKy pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq dOrfn ik pMjfb dI afriQkqf sMkt `c hY. ies nUM sMkt `coˆ kwZx leI asIˆ hr kdm puwt khI hY. mnpRIq isMG bfdl ny ihf ik mfPIaf klcr Kqm krn aqy srkfr ,Kfs qOr rhy hfˆ . AunHfˆ ikhf ik akflI dl dy Auh lIzr anpVH hn jo pMjfb dI afriQkqf `qy koeI vI ivDfiek,mMqrIafˆ nUM jvfbdyh bxAux leI “df knPilkt afP ieMtrst dy ivkfs dy Poky dfavy krdy hn.pMjfb srkfr mYnIPYsto dy pihly vfady qoˆ qfˆ bdl aYkt” bxfieaf jfvygf ijs qihq koeI vI ivDfiek jfˆ mMqrI afrQk Pfiedy leI geI hY, hux dyKxf hY ik Auh agly vfaidaf `qy ikMnf ku KVHdI hY . kfrobfr nhI kr skygf aqy aijhf krn vfilaf nUM ahudy qoˆ htf idwqf jfvygf. iesy

BfKVfˆ `co imlIafˆ hux qwk 19 lfÈfˆ, keIafˆ dy hwQfˆ `c kVy

sMdrB `c kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU vwloˆ kmyzI Èoa krn dy svfl `qy ivwq mMqrI ny ikhf ik nvjoq iswDU sQfnk srkfrfˆ dy mMqrI hn qy Auh iswDy-aiswDy rUp `c kfrobfr nhIˆ kr rhy pr iPr vI kfnUMn bxn mgroˆ vyiKaf jfvygf.

nrvfxf ivwc BfKVf dI isrsf bRfˆc nihr ivwcoˆ bIqy idn imlIafˆ 12 lfÈfˆ qoˆ bfad awj hor ô lfÈf imlIafˆ hn. ipCly kuJ idnfˆ ivwc imlIafˆ lfÈf dI igxqI 19 qwk phuMc geI hY.lfÈf dI ÈnfKq leI pMjfb qy ihmfcl qoˆ kuwl 22 pirvfr phuMcy hn, pr lfÈf dI hflq bhuq Krfb hox kfrn pCfx pCfx krnI muÈkl ho rhI hY. goqfKorfˆ muqfbk keI lfÈfˆ dy hwQf ivwc kVy pihny hoey hn ijs qoˆ aMdfËf lfieaf jf skdf hY ik kuJ lfÈfˆ iswK BfeIcfry nfl sbMDq lokfˆ dIafˆ hn. iPlhfl puils ny mfmlf drj krky lfÈfˆ nUM nrvfxf dy hspqfl dI morcrI rKvfieaf hY. drasl isrsf bRfˆc nihr dI sPfeI df kMm cl irhf hY ijs dy clidafˆ pfxI dy pwDr nUM Gwt kIqf igaf hY. pfxI Gtx kfrn lfÈf Auwqy qYrn lwgIaf hn. ies nihr ivwco aksr ihmfcl qy pMjfb qoˆ vih ky afeIafˆ lfÈfˆ ihsfr imldIafˆ hn.

ivDfn sBf `c iswDU qy mjITIafˆ iBVy

inAUËIlYˆz `c mfry gey puwqfˆ dy aMiqm drÈnfˆ nUM qrsy pirvfr luiDafxf dy ipMz KfˆsI klfˆ dy iewk nOjvfn dI inAUËIlYˆz ivwc sVk hfdsy ivwc mOq ho geI hY. imRqk nOjvfn kwuJ sfl pihlfˆ hI pVfeI leI inAUËIlYˆz igaf sI. ies hfdsy ny pUry pirvfr nUM qoV ky rwK idwqf hY. pirvfr nUM afpxy byty dI lfÈ Bfrq mMgvfAux leI hux dr dr dIafˆ Tokrfˆ KfxIafˆ pY rhIafˆ hn . imlI jfxkfrI anusfr 23 sfl df kmlpRIq isMG pVfeI leI zyZ sfl pihlfˆ hI inAUjIlYˆz igaf sI .pVfeI dy nfl nfl kmlpRIq iewk PYktrI ivwc kMm vI krdf sI. 27 mfrc nUM jdoˆ Auh afpxy dosq lvpRIq isMG nfl kfr ivwc kMm Auwqy jf irhf sI qfˆ rsqy ivwc iehnfˆ dI iewk trfly nfl twkr ho geI. ijs kfrn mOky Auwqy dovfˆ dI mOq ho geI. jMglfq mihkkmy ivwc suprzYˆt kmlpRIq dy ipqf jgrUp isMG ny dwisaf ik kmlpRIq dy nfl ijs lVky dI mOq hoeI hY Auh krnfl df rihx vflf hY. ieh hfdsy ny pirvfr nUM qoV ky rwK idwqf hY . pIVq pirvfr ny mMg kIqI hY ik Aus dy byty dI lfÈ CyqI qoˆ CyqI Bfrq ilafˆdf jfvy.

hfr jfx df koeI mlfl nhIˆ, kfˆgrs nUM vwto-vwt Bjfvfˆgy : ainl joÈI sfbkf akflI-Bfjpf srkfr `c sQfnk srkfrfˆ bfry mMqrI ainl joÈI df kihxf hY ik AunHfˆ nUM hfr jfx df koeI mlfl nhI hY pr kfˆgrs vwloˆ coxfˆ `c kIqy vfaidafˆ nUM pUrf nf krn `qy Auh kfˆgrsI afgUafˆ nUM vwto-vwt BjfAuxgy.aMimRqsr `c vrkrfˆ nfl mIitMg kridafˆ joÈI ny kfˆgrs nUM lMmyˆ hwQIˆ lYˆidafˆ ikhf ik nvfˆ ivkfs krfAuxf qfˆ dUr irhf,kfˆgrs pihly kIqy gey ivkfs nUM vI sMBfl nhIˆ skygI. AunHfˆ ikhf ik Auh isafsq `c syvf krn leI afey hn . Bfjpf `c aMdrnUˆI bgfvq `qy hoey ivroD sbMDI AunHfˆ ny afpxy ivroDIafˆ df DMnvfd kIqf. PAGE 26

rsmI kfrvfeIafˆ qoˆ bfad pMjfb ivDfn sBf ivwc pfrf ciVHaf nËr afieaf.ivDfn sBf ivwc do aMbrsrIey sQfnk srkfrfˆ bfry mMqrI nvjoq iswDU qy sfbkf mfl mMqrI ibkrm mjITIaf afps ivwc iBV gey.iswDU qy mjITIaf ivcfly zrwg mfmly nUM lY ky qUM-qUM,mYˆ-mYˆ hoeI.iswDU ieMnf qwqf ho igafˆ ik Aus ny akflIafˆ nUM bnfrs dy Twg qwk kih idwqf.ivDfn sBf df ieËlfs ÈurU huMidaf hI 15 imRqk ÈKsIaqfˆ nUM srDfˆjlI idwqI geI. ies qoˆ ielfvf pMjfb lfa afiPsrË (amgyËmYˆt) ibwl , 2017 pyÈ kIqf igaf ijs nUM pfs kr idwqf igafˆ. ivwq mMqrI mnpRIq bfdl ny agly iqMn mhIinafˆ df Krcf qorn leI 29,389 kroV df lyKf anudfn pyÈ kIqf. ies dOrfn iswDU ny mjITIaf nUM ikhf ik sfzI srkfr ny icwtf nhI vycxf, ieh iemfndfrI nfl kMm krygI.AunHfˆ ikhf ik bnfrs dy Twgfˆ vfˆg qusI pMjfb dy Twg ho.AunHfˆ ikhf ik qusIˆ jo lokfˆ nfl kIqf lokfˆ ny AuhI quhfzy nfl kIqf.

ÈRomxI kmytI vwloˆ 110ö kroV df bjt pfs ÈRomxI grudvfrf pRbMDk kmytI vwloˆ 11 arb 6 kroV 50 lwK 980 hËfr 434 rupey df bjt pyÈ kIqf igaf . qyjf isMG smuMdrI hfl ivwc guru gRMQ sfihb qy pMj isMG sfihbfn dI hfËrI ivwc ÈRomxI kmytI dy jrnl skwqr amrjIq isMG cfvlf ny bjt pyÈ kIqf. ies AuprMq hfl ivwc mOjUd sfry mYˆbrf ny jYkfry lf ky bjt nUM pRvfngI idwqI.hflfik suKdyv isMG BOr smyq kuJ mYˆbrfˆ vwloˆ ies gwl df ivroD kIqf igaf ik cfvlf ny pUrf bjt pVHn dI bjfey awDf bjt pVHn qoˆ bfad hI mYˆbrfˆ nUM ieh ikhf ik bjt dI kfpI sfirafˆ dy kol puwj cuwkI hY. ies leI ies nUM pRvfngI idwqI jfvy. ies vfr pyÈ kIqf igaf bjt ipCly sfl dy mukfbly 88 kroV 10 lwK 6 hËfr dy vfDy vflf hY. ies vfr dy bjt ivwc ijwQy kYˆsr pIVqfˆ dI mdd qy iswKI dy pRcfr leI bjt rwiKaf igaf hY,AuwQy hI soÈl mIzIaf leI vI Kfs bjt rwiKaf igaf hY.

akflI-Bjfpf srkfr dI jfˆdy jfˆdy Èrfrq kYbint mMqrI bxn qoˆ bfad pihlI vfr jlMDr puwjy nvjoq isMG iswDU ny ikhf ik sfbkf akflI-Bjfpf srkfr jfˆdI bhfr df mËf lYˆdy hoey kfˆgrs df aks Krbf krnf cfhuMdI hY. 10 sfl dy ibwl jykr kvftrlI ley jfˆdy qfˆ iksy df zyZ sO qy iksy df 500 rupey ibwl afAuxf sI. hux pMj-pMj sfl dy ibwl lokfˆ nUM Byj rhy hn. ies df mqlb kfˆgrs srkfr df nfˆ Krfb krnf cfhuMdy hn. iswDU ny ikhf ik ijnHfˆ aPsrfˆ df kMm ibwl iekwTf krnf sI,AunHfˆ sirafˆ nUM noits Byj ky jvfb mMigaf jfvygf ik afKr AunHfˆ ny afpxf kMm shI qrIky nfl ikAuˆ nhI kIqf.iswDU ny ikhf ik afm afdmI `qy nfjfieË tYks nhIˆ lfieaf jfvygf.jykr QoVHf-bhuq tYks lfieaf vI qfˆ iksy nUM qklIP nhIˆ idwqI jfvygI.

Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, April 7th, 2017



Raman Dhillon

Personal Real Estate Corporation


Gurpreet Singh Chahal www.gurpreetsinghchahal.com gurpc@hotmail.com


R E A LT Y I N C .


ibjins vIjLy ‘qy afAux vfilLaF leI suinhrI mOkf

aYgjLI ivwc kmrsLIal iblizMg ivkfAU hY, ies ivwc 2 rYjLIzYNsLIal Xuint hn| 2300 skueyar Puwt kmrsLIal jgHf ivwc qusIN afpxI psMd df stor Kol skdy ho aqy Auwpr irhfiesL kr skdy ho jF ikrfey ‘qy dy skdy ho| kImq isrP $469,800





6 New Homes

Under Construction

Townline Area. Call for more info.

Brand new house with legal suite. 6 bedrooms and 4 baths. Backlane access. Close to schools



West Abbotsford 3 bdrm & family rm up, 2 3,800 Sqft. Gourmet kitchen, eating nook, bdrm legal suite, plus recroom, washroom and living room, dining room, family room, 4 one bedroom guest suite for upstairs, Jacuzzi, bedrooms and 3 bathrooms! Lower floor spiral staircase, skylight, 2 gas fireplaces. Onyx enjoys a rec room with bar, full bathroom fixtures, tubs, etc. Close to all level of schools. and bedroom plus a 2 bedroom suite! Close to Recreational centre, easy freeway access, Close to Sikh Gurudwara, High Street Oversized lot with RV parking, double mall. Very nice house, must see, Won't last garage, quiet street, make your move long. Call for your personal view. today!







4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and 4400sq. ft. of luxury living. Every floor overlooking the valley and Mt. Baker. Large sundeck and patio. 2 Cultured stone fireplaces, large open basement with wet bar and media room. Spacious den, large master ensuite, soaring ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, extra bedroom with ensuite.

New House Bare Land



8 acres, very close to airport and new Great Neighbourhood, Huge Level Fenced Yard, covered deck. Kitchen, Massive Island, shopping mall. Great open plan living Quartz counter-tops, Gas range and stove, with soaring ceilings, wonderful spice and instant hot water, Pantry, Formal dining formal kitchens with top of the line room. Master bedroomwith a private deck. appliances, a sensational dining room and Ensuite with his and her sinks, large shower a fabulous large master bedroom and and separate tub, massive closet. Downstairs ensuite. Professional gym in the is fully finished. basement.



Starting $275,000




Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.




10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.


Sumas Prairie. Raspberry Farm Beautiful House. & BIG House!

$ 774,700




5,054.00 sq.ft.







2 bdrm + 8267 sq. NEW ft. Lot HOME 1 bdrm suite PAGE 28


Industrial Warehouse



Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with Duke Blueberries, One acre Blue crop, one acre.Elliot and one acre Dixie Plants. Last year production 140,000 lbs.




2 units. Almost 8400 sq. ft. Can be sold separately. Financing available. CHILLIWACK For Sale

Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!

8 Brand New HOUSES! BIG Lot for Sale High production farm, 20+ ACRES in Promontory Area with House Chillwack! Blue crop variety, very Duke & Blue Crop. well kept, great location 2 & 3 Storey Houses 23,958 sqft with smaller house. High production. Available NOW! in Abbotsford!

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014

12 Years Experience!

12 Years Experience!

Parvinder Harry

parvharry@gmail.com / shindersgill@gmail.com

Shinder Gill PREC

Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings www.teamelite.ca info@teamelite.ca 604-859-2341

2807 Maple St

2710 McMillan Road


$720,000 (4 BDRM)

Perfect opportunity to own and operate a home based business with storefront on Maple st. and home front on Walnut Ave. Fraser health approval and Architect plans of 800 sqft for restaurant, daycare, hair salon and anyother business you can run under C-1 Zoning. The Store is professionally done with 2 pc bath, janitor room and air conditioned.

2122 Merlot Blvd


. Beautiful, Spacious 2 storey plan with great yard and full basement. No neighbours in the back. 10' high main floor ceilings with over-heighted doors, modern, stylish kitchen with walk in pantry, great room with elegant linear f/p. Mster suite has a large walk-in and baosts spacious, high end ensuite bath with framless beautiful shower.


2862 Princess St


2 BRAND NEW superior built homes that offers exceptional quality and design! Apprx 2300 sq ft homes with legal coach suite for extra income! Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with immaculate kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 9-ft ceiling on main floor for an open, spacious feeling. Located in East Abbotsford, close to Yale Secondary School, ARC Rec Centre and nearby to some of the finest facilities only a few minutes away from your new home! Major shopping and freeway access is also nearby.

20623 85 Ave, Langley

Custom built home in one of the Best subdivision called "Pepin Brook Estates" surrounded by vineyard and agricultural land. Great layout, features open to above familyroom, open kitchen with granite counter tops, 4 bedrooms up( 2 of them are Masterbedrooms), media room & bar area is rough in for your idea.

7 - 3322 Blue Jay Street


3075 Townline Rd

3535 Summit Drive

Custom built home backs onto greenbelt in private gated community. This 3 story home features spacious 4 bedrooms up with all walk in closets (2 Master bedrooms) 3 full bathrooms up. The main floor boosts up with high entry ceilings, living room, family room, high end kitchen cabinets with spice kitchen plus quartz counter tops. The basement has Theatre room w bedroom suite.

2175 Ridgeway St

3555 Viewmount Pl

Open House on Saturday 2-4 and Sunday 12-2. Well built home on a great cul de sac. It has 6 bedrooms with a rec room. Also includes 3 1/2 bathrooms, 2 bedroom legal suite, tile roof, family and living room.

2651 Macbeth Crescent

SOLD Wow! Beautiful 8 Bedroom 6 bathroom home, located on a huge 8455 sq ft lot! Main floor has 12' ceilings in living room w/ lots of big windows providing tons of natural light & wet bar in dining room. The kitchen boasts a spacious open layout with laminate and tile floors throughout home. Above floor features 2 MASTER BDRMS each having its own ensuite. Basement has 2 BDRM legal suite and 1 BDRM guest accommodations.


36077 Emily Carr Grove

Under Construction!


$ 669,000 Great Family Home on large, almost 7000 sq ft lot! This immaculate, bright & open home has been totally renovated upstairs AND downstairs! Upstairs host 3 bdrms incl. master bdrm w/ 2 pc ensuite & 2 bdrm legal suite w/ access to separate laundry. Features include, BRAND NEW light fixtures, windows, kitchen cabinets, new bathrooms & quartz counter tops. There is a fireplace upstairs and downstairs with a new furnace. Freshly painted exterior & interior with modern colors and new laminate floors/ new tiles throughout home & new carpets in bedrooms! Plus, plenty of parking space in open driveway. Prime location near all amenities like Schools, Mill Lake Park & New Abbotsford Regional Hospital. Property is vacant and ready to move in!

32673 Pandora Ave

Updated home on huge 7200 sqft lot in great location, walking distance to Yale Secondary School & ARC gym. Updated with laminate floors, living room boasted up with new electric fire place, light fixtures, new carpet, paint, newer windows, newer garage door , 1 year old roof and more!

8302-204th Street Langley


2898 Station Rd Abbotsford


Rancher with full basement apprx. 1250 sq ft upstairs 1050 sq ft downstairs! This home has 3 Bdrms up w/ 1 1/2 Bath & 2 Bdrms down on apprx 6,300 sq ft level lot. Great for investors and first time home owners. Prime location, close to amenities, bus stop, all levels of schools.


This welcoming home is pristine and well maintained! External features include extra wide driveway, new roof - only 1Yr old, huge covered sundeck & private fenced yard. Inside home has newer carpets, new plumbing throughout entire home, vaulted ceiling in master bedroom & living room with great view of Mt. Baker! Excellent location; easy highway and bus access, within


Brand New 2 Storey w/ Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. Buyers can pick their own color scheme. The upper floor offers 3 Bdrms up + 1 Mbdrm & Walk in Closet w/ a 1 Bdrm suite + Rec Room on below level.


Great Home , Great Location! Very Spacious home with 3 Bdrms up, 2 bdrm legal suite and a bedroom for upstairs use. 3Baths, New Windows, Laminate Flooring, New Baseboards, New Blinds With a Brand New

Plans are ready to view. Please refer to documents attached. Lot is ready to build on!



Like New Custom Built Gorgeous Home! A total of 5 Bdrm & 4 1/2 Bath, tasteful features with open layout , Offering 2 Master Bedrooms with spectacular high end tiles and built in cupboards for the office room. This modern home features 12' High Ceilings, lots of windows throughout for natural sunlight, huge kitchen with granite counter tops, designer color scheme.


NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

We have qualified buyers sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn. PAGE 29

The Patrika



Friday, April 7th, 2017

Province establishes scholarships for women in technology A $500,000 investment will establish scholarships at public post-secondary institutions that encourage women to pursue education that aligns with the needs of the growing tech sector in British Columbia. “The contribution of strong, talented women to our growing tech sector has been incredible – but we need much more,” said Advanced Education Minister Andrew Wilkinson. “Recognizing that women are under-represented in the sector, we want more women to have the opportunity to get the skills, experience and creativity that the industry needs to keep growing.” Female students are under-represented in technology-related areas of study such as sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In the 2014-15 academic year, 53% of students in the B.C. public post-secondary institutions were female. The B.C. public post-secondary system awarded over 8,000 STEM program credentials in 2014-15; 32% of these credentials were awarded to women, while 59% of

non-STEM program credentials were Awards CEO of the Year for 2016. “Our industry and society would awarded to women in 2014-15. benefit from having more women in“One of the smartest things we can do volved in tech and this scholarship is to power our technology business sec- another way to inspire young women tor is to bring more talented women to think of tech for their future.” into the field,” said Judi Hess, CopperLeaf Technologies Inc. CEO and The scholarship is one initiative the Vancouver in Business 2017 Influential Ministry of Advanced Education is Women in Business honouree. “There undertaking to encourage B.C. stuis nothing better than using 100% of our dents to pursue education in the B.C. talented population to drive technology tech industry. The scholarship will be innovation and our economic future. administered by the Irving K. Barber Initiatives like this can provide British British Columbia Scholarship Society. It is anticipated that the application proColumbia a competitive advantage as cess for the scholarship will be availa lack of women pursuing technology able to B.C. students in January 2018. careers is a global challenge.” Scholarship criteria will be announced Premier Christy Clark announced a re- over the coming months. freshed #BCTECH Strategy on March “Creating possibilities for a chroni14, 2017, that focuses on ensuring B.C. cally underrepresented but significant tech companies have access to a highly- part of our population is imperative, skilled workforce that will support the not just for the longevity of ‘Silicon continued growth of the sector. Valley Northwest’, but the future of “Encouraging more women to pursue our economy and our communities,” careers and entrepreneurship in tech is said Irving K. Barber British Columbia an investment that will pay dividends Scholarship Society chairman Ray K. for our province,” said Bobbi Leach, Gandhi. “The Irving K. Barber British Columbia Scholarship Society is CEO of RevenueWire and Planet

RSVP 1 877 661 0314 info@fvhcf.ca www.fvhcf.ca

Mission Memorial Hospital - March 2 7324 Hurd St, Mission BC Chilliwack General Hospital - March 9 45600 Menholm Rd, Chilliwack BC

Fraser Canyon Hospital - April 6 1275 7th Ave, Hope BC Abbotsford Regional Hospital - April 12 32900 Marshall Rd, Abbotsford BC

Each seminar starts at 1PM Guest speakers at events: *subject to change due to availability

Plan for your future now! It’s never too early to start Topics include: How to meet your personal and financial objectives Wills & Estates Planning Naming an Executor Power of Attorney

Refreshments provided by


Planned Giving Bequests Charitable options Leaving a legacy to Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation

Media Sponsor

Space is limited RSVP 1 877 661 0314 info@fvhcf.ca www.fvhcf.ca

honoured to be able to give our best and brightest women the chance to demonstrate that they are gifted coders, technology contributors and industry leaders.” The #BCTECH Strategy is a key component of the BC Jobs Plan to support the growth of British Columbia’s vibrant technology sector and strengthen B.C.’s diverse innovation economy. The multi-year strategy includes a $100-million BC Tech Fund and initiatives to increase talent development through graduate seats, co-ops and coding, as well as data innovation and market access for tech companies to drive innovation and productivity throughout the province.

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



HAPPY VAISAKHI TO ALL OF YOU FROM INSURANCE SERVICES KARAMJIT RAJAWAN AND FAMILY quhfzIaF ieMsLorYNs (bImy) dIaF syvfvF leI hfjrL hF. “supr vIjLf” leI hr svfl leI sMprk kro.

afAux vflyL smyN ivwc afpxy pUry pirvfr nUM aqy afpxI kmfeI nuM surwiKaq cfhMudy ho? Specializing in: LIFE INSURANCE MORTGAGE INSURANCE DISABILITY CRITICAL ILLNESS RESP TRAVEL RRSP SUPERVISA

tYksI aqy trwk zrfeIvrF leI spYsLl skImF

sfzy kol kuJ nvIaF skImF afeIaF hn|

afp jI dI jfxkfrI pUrI qrHF nfl surwiKaq aqy gupq rwKI jfvygI.

sfzf kMm gRMtI hY, shI slfh, ZukvIN skIm aqy qswlI bKsL! Come visit us for all your insurance needs! ijvyN lfeIPL ieMsLorYNs, mOrgyjL ieMsLorYNs, kMm krn dy Xog nF hovy, iksy iksm df aYksIzYNt, ikqy sPLr qy jf rhy ho, rwb nF kry iksy nf murfd ibmfrI df isLkfr ho jfvoN qF, bwicaF dI agFh pVHfeI leI skIm, buZfpy vyly pYsf ikvyN kMm afvy, jF supr vIjLf afid. hmysLF iewko nfm Xfd rwKxf!

afp sB nUM krmjIq rfjvfn aqy pirvfr vwloN ivsfKI dIaF vDfeIaF.

We guarantee that you wil not be disappointed by our expertise insurance services!

Karamjit Rajwan: 604-897-9646 asIN afp jI dI pUrI jfxkfrI lYky afp nMU shI slfh ZukvIN skIm aqy ieMsLorYNs (bImf) lYky dyvFgy. PAGE 31

The Patrika



Friday, April 7th, 2017

ibrK kI Cfieaf isAu rMgu lfvY..



ajIq isMG cMdn ibrK nf huMdy qfˆ ieh DrqI bMjr hoxI sI DrqI dI Zlfn `qy ieMj Kloqy hn ijvyˆ koeI qy mnuwK vI ibrK ibnfˆ eynf KUbsUrq jIvn mÈvrf kr rhy hox. ies DrqI df koeI nhIN sI jIa skdf. ibrK ies DrqI df vI ihwsf Gfh qoN KflI nhIN hY. ieh Gfh iÈMgfr hn qy lMby-cOVy JUMmdy ibrK ikMny awKfˆ leI qrfvq bKÈdf hY qy ies Gfh suMdr lwgdy hn. keI ibrKfˆ dI Cfˆ ieMnI nUM pfxI lfAux leI Coty Puhfry vI sVkfˆ sMGxI huMdI hY ik iensfn ies Qwly bYT ky dy afsy-pfsy cwl rhy hn. sVk dy iknfry iqwKV-dupihr ivwc guËfrf kr skdf hY. `qy qurn smyˆ iensfn sihjy hI ies Gfh keIafˆ ibrKfˆ dy Puwl ikMny KUbsUrq huMdy dI sohxI Cb vyK ky KuÈ huMdf hY. mKmlI hn qy jIa krdf hY ies ibrK nUM jwPI pf sVk df totf iksy muitafr dy kwZy cIr vfˆg ky ipafr kIqf jfvy. hvf nfl ibrKfˆ dIafˆ ivKfeI idMdf hY. ÈfKfˆ JUty lYˆdIafˆ qy nfl hI sMgIq vI pYdf jy ibrK nf hox qfˆ ieh DrqI sV bl krdIafˆ hn. ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ hyT hI purfxy jfvy qy iensfn, ibrKfˆ qoN ivrvf ho ky simafˆ ivwc lokIˆ nlky lgvf ky svrg df rohI bIafbfn ivwc iËMdgI guËfry. pr afnMd lYˆdy sn. keI ibrK rfhfˆ `qy lgfey ibrKfˆ kfrn sfrI DrqI `qy hirafvl jfˆdy sn ik rfhI pfˆDI sPr krn vyly iewQy nËr afAuNdI hY. keI vfr asIN jMglbYT ky sfh lY skx. afrfm kr skx. aMbfˆ byly quridafˆ vyKdy hfˆ ik iewk itwby AuWpr dy ibrK ijwQy ieMnI sMGxI qy imwTI Cfˆ idMdy iKiVaf kysU df ibrK afpxy sohxy Puwlfˆ hn, AuWQy Pl vI idMdy hn. ikMny iksm dy nfl aMigafr bx sfrI ihXfqI nUM KUbsUrq aMb hn jo ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ `qy lwg ky DrqI bxf idMdf hY. amrIkf ivwc qfˆ keI ibrK ieMny AuWcy hn dI ÈoBf vDf idMdy hn. keI aMbfˆ `qy jUn dy mhIny jdoN koiel kUkdI ik AunHfˆ dI tIsI vwl vyiKafˆ DOx nhIN muVdI hY qfˆ Aus dI imwTI afvfË sfzy sIny nUM skUn qy keI ruwK ieMny moty hn ik hËfrfˆ sflfˆ qoN bKÈdI hY. quiraf jfˆdf iensfn koiel dI iewQy KVHy sVkfˆ nUM rMg-Bfg lgf rhy hn. imwTI afvfË suxn leI AuWQy hI pYr gwz ky iewQy ruwKfˆ nUM kwitaf nhIN jfˆdf. ibrKfˆ dI rfKI kIqI jfˆdI hY. hPqy ivwc iewk vfr Klo jfˆdf hY. amrIkf ivwc rihMidafˆ mYˆ vyiKaf hY ik iewQy bfrÈ ËrUr pYˆdI hY ijs kfrn ruwK hry ibrKfˆ dI igxqI vDyry hY. ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ dI rihMdy hn. keI ibrK Bfvyˆ moty ho ky sVkfˆ KUbsUrqI kfrn hI amrIkf iewk amIr dI afvfjfeI leI rukfvt bxdy hn qfˆ vI INDUS AunHfˆ ACCOUNTING nUM zyigaf nhIN jfˆdf blik qrfÈdyÈ vjoN vI jfixaf jfˆdf hY. iewQy ibrKfˆ dy JuMz isr AuWcf krI Kloqy hn qy ieh JuMz qrfÈ ky sVkI afvfjfeI cldI rihMdI

ienkm tYks prsnl ibjLns rYNtl jI[aYs[tI[ tI2 buwkkIipMg srivs py-rol


We speak English, Punjabi, & Hindi asIN pMjfbI,ihMdI aqy aMgryjI boldy hF


Friday, April 7th, 2017

hY. ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ kfrn hI sfzy BfrqI lok amrIkf ivwc zyry lfeI bYTy hn. iewQy ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ qoN ibnfˆ Èfndfr Gr qy KUbsUrq sVkfˆ amrIkf dy Èihr nUM hor KUbsUrqI bKÈ idMdIafˆ hn. purfxy simafˆ ivwc qfˆ ibrKfˆ dI pUjf vI kIqI jfˆdI sI qy awj kwlH vI keI lok ipwpl dy ibrK dI pUjf krdy hn qy Aus dy afly-duafly Dfgy bMnH ky murfdfˆ mMgdy hn. ijwQy ibrK sfnUM Pl, Cfˆ qy lwkVI idMdy hn, AuWQy hI ienHfˆ dy suwkx `qy ies lwkVI nUM bflx leI vriqaf jfˆdf hY. inMm dy pwqy qy nmolIafˆ Kfx nfl keI rog tuwtdy hn qy KUn sfPL huMdf hY. ieMj hI jfmx df ruwK vI bVf AupXogI hY. jfmx dy kUly pwqy Kf ky keI Èwkr rogI afpxf ielfj krdy hn qy tfhlI dI lwkVI KUbsUrq PrnIcr, drvfËy qy bfrIafˆ bxfAux leI vrqI jfˆdI hY. aOrqfˆ dy sfË-iÈMgfr leI cIl qy idAUdfr dI lwkVI vrqI jfˆdI hY. ijhVy lok ruwKfˆ dI mhwqqf jfxdy hn. Auh awj vI ibrK bIj ky afnMd mfxdy hn. jfmx, aMb qy hor Pldfr ruwK lf ky lokIˆ afpxf ruËgfr vI qordy hn . purfxy simafˆ dy lok ieh mMndy hn ik ibrKfˆ nU M kw i taf pfp lw g df hY . Au h lok pRikrqI nfl iewk-imwk ho ky jIvn guËfrdy hn. iesy leI Auh hfrt atYk, Èwkr-rog qy hfeI blwz pYWRÈr vrgIafˆ iBafnk ibmfrIafˆ qoN bcy hoey hn. jdoN qoN lokfˆ ny pRikrqI vwl ipwT kIqI hY, AudoN qoN hI Auh anykfˆ iBafnk rogfˆ dI pkV ivwc af cuwky hn.

The Patrika 


awj-kwlH dy nvyˆ Ëmfny ivwc ibrKfˆ dI kdr nhIN rhI. iesy leI amIr lok ibrKfˆ nUM kwt ky vwzIafˆ-vwzIafˆ iemfrqfˆ Ausfr rhy hn. nvyˆ qy AuWcy, Èfndfr Gr bxf ky Auh afpxI hAumY nUM pwwTy pf rhy hn. hAumY kfrn hI iensfn pRikrqI df moh iqafg cuwkf hY. keI lok ienHfˆ vwzy-vwzy Grfˆ ivwc iekwly rih ky anykfˆ rogfˆ nfl gRsq hn, pr sfP-suQrI hvf qy kudrq dy vMn-suvMny ibrKfˆ qoN iensfn dI BuwK qy moh imwt cuwkf hY. iensfn pRdUiÈq qy gMdI hvf ivwc sfh lY irhf hY. vDyry mOqfˆ iesy kfrn ho rhIafˆ hn. iensfn pRikrqI dI hoNd nUM Bulf bYTf hY. Auh hor ruwK lfAux ivwc ivÈvfs nhIN rwKdf. sgoN pihlfˆ KVHy ruwKfˆ nUM kwt ky pwQr dy jMglfˆ ivwc Btkdf iensfn iewk idn afpxI iËMdgI qoN hwQ Do bYTygf. amrIkf ivwc ruwqfˆ dy bdlx nfl ibrK afpxy pwiqafˆ df rMg bdldy hn. pwqJV dI ruwq ivwc purfxy pwqy JV ky Qwly izwg pYˆdy hn qy nvyˆ pwqy inkl ky ibrK nUM nvIN CvI bKÈdy hn. keI vfr ieh pwqy sonyrMgy bx jfˆdy hn qy ieMj lwgdf hY ijvyˆ sony df ibrK Kloqf hovy. ienHfˆ son-rMgy pwiqafˆ vfly ibrKfˆ kfrn hI amrIkf dI Èfn inrflI hY. gurU arjn dyv jI ny suKmnI sfihb dy pfT ivwc Èlok Aucfiraf hY:ibrK kI Cfieaf isAu rMgu lfvY.. Eh ibnsY Auhu min pCuqfvY..


The Patrika


myrI Kqf

QoVHI bhuq hmdrdI

aMimRqf pRIqm

drsLn buwtr

KOry ikhVIaF rfhvF qoN huMdI

qYnUM sMskfrF dI adflq `c

qy kdoN dI qurI

Aumr kYd dI sjLf suxfeI geI

mYN AunHF rfhvF qy phuMcI

qUM bMDnF dy jylKfny `c

ijwQy PuwlF dy lwdy ruwK sI qy eynI mihk sIik sfhvF dy ivcoN vI mihk aONdI sI acfnk rwuKF dy ivcfly iek srovr vyiKaf ijhdf nIlf qy sfLP pfxI dUr qwk idsdf sI-

Friday, April 7th, 2017


Aumr kYd kwt irhf


plyt Pfrm pRimMdr jIq ikMnIaF ivdfvF, alivdfvF df Auh gvfh ikMnIaF afmdF, Gr prqxIaF df csLmdId

gurcrn kOr kocr mYN cfhuMdI hF ik prAupkfr df sLfhkfr bx jfvF. qy Duwpy sVidaF leI ibrK Cfieafdfr bx jfvF. nvIN BfsLf isKfvF mYN hvf dy buwilaF qfeIN,

qwkIaF Auhny pIcIaF glvwkVIaF

mYN AuhnF vfsqy iek mVkxI rPqfr bx jfvF.

mYN grIbVI

vyKy hMJUaF nfl slfBy ichry

koeI jLwrf jdoN afkfsL CUh ky Drq `qy afvy,

qgVf mihMgf vkIl kr

qwkIaF CxkdIaF cUVIaF

qYnUM pihlI pysLI brI nf krf skI

vyKIaF kMbdIaF zMgorIaF

nf hI sIKF `coN CuzfAux leI bhuqy sbUq hI sn myry kol

AunUM ibMdI bxfvF Es dI hwkdfr bx jfvF.

vyKy myl qy ivjog

nf ieh muhqfj hovx mOsmF dI qfbydfrI dy,

mihsUs kIqy dysLF qy prdysLF dy rog

mYN Puwl klIaF leI afdrsL

AuhdI nINdr `c AuhdI jfg

iek guljLfr bx jfvF.

KYr swuK sFd puwCx nfl jLKm rfjLI qF nhIN huMdy

AuhdI jfg hI AuhdI nINdr

QoVHI bhuq hmdrdI awKF `c Brky

Auh prfeIaF awKF dy supny jIvy

jIa Br ky nhfqI

qyrI mulfkfq leI jLrUr afvFgI.

qurdy pYrF dI Coh ivc QIvy

ieh idl cfhy subfh hr rojL mYN aKLbfr bx jfvF.

qy kMZy qy KloqI


Auh kdy suMJf Audfs, pIV ijhf

Auh myrI sfdgI nUM rfh df roVf kihky kihMdy ny,

ipMzf sukFdI peI sF

suKivMdr ‘afhI’

mYN kMZy qy KloqI qF jIa kIqf srovr ivc nhf lvF…

ik iek aMbrI avfjL afeI ieh isLv jI df srovr ey… isr qoN pYrF qwk iek kMbxI afeI hfey rwbf! ieh qF myrI Kqf myrf gunfh-

hfdsy dr hfdsy afAuNdy rhy. irsLiqaF dy drd qVPfAuNdy rhy. muwdqF qoN ivsiraf iek sLihr hY, cyiqaF ivc Pyr vI afAuNdy rhy.

ik mYN isLv dy srovr ivc nhfqI

Gr jlf idwqf myrI hI rosLnI,

ieh qF isLv df rfKvF srovr hY

Gr jilaf iPr asIN jlqy rhy.

isrP AunHF vfsqy

Gr iksy df igr igaf imwtI AuTf ky lY gey,

qy Pyr AuhIE hI vfj sI kihx lwgIik pfp puMn qF bhuq ipwCy rih gey qUM bhuq dUr phuMc ky afeI eyN iek Tfhr bwJI qy vyiKaf ikrnF ny iek Jurmt ijhf pfieaf qy srovr df pfxI iJlimlfieaf isLv jI muskrf rhy… PAGE 34

kdy Auqyjq, AuzIkvfn, BIV ijhf Auh nhIN qurdf Auhdy qoN hjUm qurdy

svyry AuTdy hI pihlF pVHy ichrf Auh myrf hI,

myrI iewjLq vDygI jy mYN guMJldfr bx jfvF. pqf nhIN kI kI bxnf locdy ny lok dunIaF dy,

AuhdI KVoq `coN qury ijLMdgI

qmMnf hY myrI mYN sB leI gmKfr bx jfvF.

Auhdy `c Auhdf sPr suwqf inhfrdf

hnyry qoN hY nPrq ies leI ‘kocr’ mYN cfhuMdI hF,

afpxI cuwp ivc Auh afp avfjLF mfrdf

ik cfnx dy sunyhy vfsqy mInfr bx jfvF.

gLjLl munwvr sulqfnf (pfiksqfn) awKrF dy ivc bol rhI aF Es kdy vI bfq nf puwCI h aMdro aMdrI zol rhI aF.

rdm ijs dy kol rhI aF.

Gr igiraf iPr asIN igrdy rhy, igrdy rhy.

hwQF nfl lgfeIaF gMZF

dws ky afpxI jLurm khfxI

hfdsy ny sLihr hY lok ny pwQr ijhy,

dMdF dy nfl Kol rhI aF.

sB dy ikwsy KolH rhI aF,

BfvyN myry KMB kwty ny AuWzx

‘sulqfnf’ kI ho igaf mYnUM

leI KMB qol rhI aF,

Kbry kI kI bol rhI aF.

duwKF df pYNzf nf muwkf sbr

“qyry rfhF ivwc ‘munwvr’

drd `coN irsLqy bxy bxdy rhy.

dy rsqy tol rhI aF.

ieh qF pfxI iCVk rhI ey,

‘afhI’ leI qF hfdsf ho ijLMdgI,

idl dy kOVy dirafvF ivc ipafr

qyry Bfxy rfh ivc bYTI

jIx leI bs hfdsy afAuNdy rhy.

dI imsrI Gol rhI aF,

aYvyN hMJU zolH rhI aF.”

vfsqf mmqf leI pfAuNdy rhy, pfAuNdy rhy. hfdsy kuJ pfk ny hMJUaF ijhy,

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017




sudrsLn ‘vflIaf’

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI

kwc dy vsqr jd qoN bMdf hr pl pfeI iPrdf hY. qd qoN pwQr hr koeI afpxy hwQ AuTfeI iPrdf hY. kwcy AuWqy tyk lgf ky kI Kwtygf dws Blf? mMJDfrF dI buwkl ivc jo hoNd imtfeI iPrdf hY. mMdr ivc jo dIp khfvy msijd ivc crfg bxy, iewko jgdI joq df nF ikAuN Drm vtfeI iPrdf hY. swc `qy pihrf kI hux koeI mrdy dm qd dyvygf, kuPr dI lfTI `qy jd bMdf tyk lgfeI iPrdf hY. iks ichry `qy JfqI pf ky idl df mihrm tolyNgf? iek ichry qy sO sO ichrf bMdf lfeI iPrdf hY. aMdr vwsy mihk kQUrI kd pihcfxy mUrK ieh, mn hrnotf KfhsLF ipwCy dOV lgfeI iPrdf hY. cMn isqfry rfq dI JolI hnyrf hI qF pf jFdY, ijs hnyry qoN zrdf sUrj nYx CupfeI iPrdf hY.

sLrqF ilK ky pwkIaF hoxgIaF,

guwsf bVf hI AunHF nUM afp qy hY,

rfxI ijMdF dy awgy df Drnf eI.

jyqU Auh qy sfry sMsfr dy jI.

hrcMd isMG hY ilKq lhOr krnI,

jo kihMdy Aus qy kfiem rihMdy,

ies ibnF mUl nf srnf eI.. gulfb isMG ny ikhf mnjUr sfnUM, asIN huxy lhOr nUM jFvdy hF. qusIN zyrf ksUr dy ivc rwKo, asIN ijMdF nUM jf ky mnFvdy hF. lhOr afAux dI sonUM loV nhIAuN,

jy diraf df nF imt jfxY sfgr dy ivc jFdy hI,

dlIp isMG nUM iewQy ilaFvdy hF.

iPr ikAuN qoV iknfry aYzf kihr mcfeI iPrdf hY.

hrcMd isMGf kro nf iPkr qusIN,

drd pRfhuxy idl dy ivhVy jd qoN afsx lf bYTy,

shI Aus qoN ilaf puaFvdy hF..

‘drsLn’ df hI sfieaf Aus qoN njLr curfeI iPrdf hY.

gulfb isMG ny lhOr jf ky


ismrn joq mfn mYN bUtI ijLMdgI dI pf leI kMD jLrjLrI AuWqy.

mhfrfxI ijMdF nUM sfrI gwl dwsxI gulfb isMG sI CyqI lhOr phuMcf,

pwky lok ieh kOl-iekrfr dy jI. hrcMd isMG rfj slfmqI leI, glqI mMn leI nfl ipafr dy jI.. kihMdy cMgf rfj nhIN jLbq krdy, kro ilK ky muV iekrfr qusIN. awgy vfsqy muV nhIN Buwl krdy, Krcf jMgF df dyvo Auqfr qusIN. dlIp isMG hI qKLq qy rhU bYTf, sfzy khy qy kro ieqbfr qusIN. hrcMd isMGf Gfty df nhIN sOdf, hux kro nf mUl ienkfr qusIN..

ik mihMdI nfl iliKaf hY mYN qyrf nF qlI AuWqy.

imilaf ijMdF nUM mihlIN jf ky jI.

gMnf dy ky BylI jy bc jfvy,

mYN hI dosLI hF ik iehdy `coN mYN do Guwt pI bYTI,

aMgryjL afAuNdy ny mfro-mfr krdy,

sOdf cMgf ey kr lIey Jwt rfxI.

Dro ieljLfm nf aYvyN qusIN suwkI ndI AuWqy.

ksUr af gey sfnUM hrf ky jI.

Auqnf CyqI TIk hY ho jFdf,

mYN dIvf hF mYN vfadf rOsLnI df kr qF lF aYpr,

ijMd kOr nUM Auh zrfAux leI,

ijMnI CyqI sIlIey Pwt rfxI.

gwlF dsdf bhuq vDf ky jI.

QuhVf dy ky bhuqf bcdf ey,

hrcMd isMGf rfj bcf ilaf,

nhIN ies qoN krnf Gwt rfxI.

asF imMnqF qrly pf ky jI..

hrcMd isMGf vkq nhIN socxy df,

ksUr sfrf ieh sfzI POj df hY,

kr PYslf Ptf-Pwt rfxI..

sqluj kIqf asF ny pfr rfxI.

jy mwilaf afx lhOr AunHF,

sMDI kIqI sI sLyry pMjfb dI jo,

Pyr asF ny bYT pCqfvxf ey.

asIN kIqI Auh qfro-qfr rfxI.

vkq lMiGaf muV nhIN hwQ afAuNdf,

ibnF kfrn CyiVaf jf Aus nUM,

sB kuwJ hI hwQoN jfvxf ey.

pihlF kIqf aMgryjLF qy vfr rfxI.

dlIp sxy afp nUM kYd krky,

hrcMd isMGf buwDU jrnYl sfzy,

KOry ikwQy-ikwQy rulfvxf ey.

lUx Kf ky hlfl, kirE nf.

Bwj afey lVfeIaF hfr rfxI..

hrcMd isMG PV ky sfiraF nUM

Xfro, awj dy inËfm ivwc ijhVf,

bVy aOKy plosy ny mYN jf ky,

swc AuBfry svfl kirE nf.

vFg sfnHF dy Auh PMkfr dy jI.

ikvyN dfavf krF mYN pOx dI afvfrgI AuWqy? pirMdy nUM Auh pf ky ipMjry ivc gfAux nUM afKy, jo ilKdf sI gLjLl iek sLoK AuWzdI iqwqlI AuWqy. koeI dfavf nhIN krdf, Auhdy dr qwk pucfvx df, krF ieqbfr ikwdF rihbrF dI rihbrI AuWqy.


ipMR: krqfr isMG kflVf tuwt igaf cwkr sunihry Kuafb df. hfl eIkx ho igaf pMjfb df. bol vI skdf nhIN, awcvI vI hY, pI igaf CMnf ijvyˆ qyËfb df. ieÈk dI gwl muhfl, kirE nf.

KOry ikhVI mOq mrfvxf ey.. cldf... PAGE 35


The Patrika 

Friday, April 7th, 2017

bMbfrzIar nUM krnf pY irhf hY aflocnf df sfhmxf mfˆtrIal: ipCly sfl afpxy sInIar aYgjLYkitvË dy Bwiqafˆ ivwc nftkI ZMg nfl vfDf krn dy mfmly ivwc aYqvfr nUM vI bMbfrzIar nUM aflocnf df sfhmxf krnf ipaf. iewk pbilk irlyÈnË aiDkfrI df kihxf hY ik hux qwk kMpnI vwloN ies mYnItobf ivwc hVH kfrn aYmrjMsI vflI siQqI nuksfn leI kIqI geI BrpfeI muwdy qoN mYnItobf: dwKxI mYnItobf dI inwkI ijhI ieh cVHdf pfxI jldI hI ipwCy nhIN hitaf KihVf CuzfAux leI kfPI nhIN hY. kimAUintI isr Aus smyˆ musIbq pY geI qfˆ AunHfˆ dI sfrI sMpqI brbfd ho jfvygI. jdoN aYqvfr nUM iewQy hVH af gey. hVHfˆ kfrn ivnIpYg qoN 90 iklomItr dI dUrI AuWqy aYmjyzbilAU kimAUinkyÈnË dy mrjorI vflnË df kihxf hY ik jy ieh aYrospys nf isrP Grfˆ nUM hI nuksfn ho irhf hY sgoN tfAUn dy muwK hfeIvya dy nfl cVHdy pfxI kMpnI afpxy AuWqy lwgy ies dfg nUM Doxf sVkfˆ vI burI qrHfˆ nuksfnIafˆ geIafˆ hn. cfhuMdI hY qfˆ ies nUM jld hI ieh aYlfn kfrn bMnH bxfAuxf ipaf hY. krnf cfhIdf hY ik borz dy cyarmYn kfrmn tfAUn dy aiDkfrIafˆ ny dwisaf ik kfrmn dy sQfnk vftr trItmYˆt plfˆt ibEzOien ienHfˆ Bwiqafˆ ivwc kIqy vfDy nUM ajy qwk ienHfˆ hVHfˆ kfrn 400 lok pRBfivq hoey hn qy pfxI dy AuWcy ho rhy pwDr kfrn nUM vI BfrI nuksfn phuMicaf. tfAUn nUM pIx vfips lYxgy qy ienHfˆ nUM 2015 vfly pwDr 40 Grfˆ dIafˆ bysmYˆtfˆ hVH cuwkIafˆ hn. vflf pfxI vI nyVly stIPnPIlz ielfky dy AuWqy ilafAuxgy. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ibEzOien kfrmn dy myar bOb imÈyl ny afiKaf ik pYˆibnf vYlI ko-afp qoN lYxf pY irhf hY. hVH dI qnKfh ivwc kIqI geI ktOqI shI AunHfˆ nUM iewQy rihMidafˆ 35 sfl qoN AuWqy df kfrn tfAUn dy aYlImYˆtrI qy hfeI skUl vI idÈf ivwc cuwikaf igaf kdm hY pr bfkI smfˆ ho igaf hY pr ies qrHHfˆ dy hVH AunHfˆ bMd kr idwqy gey hn. Grfˆ nUM bcfAux leI AuWGy aYgËYkitvË nfl vI ieho slUk hoxf cfhIdf hY. pihlfˆ kdy nhIN vyKy. lokfˆ ny 15,000 sYˆzbYg vI iewQy lfey hn jnqf ivwc Aus smyˆ guwsf Br igaf brins pYtrsn ny afiKaf ik AunHfˆ dI qy hor 15000 sYˆzbYg nyVly ielfikafˆ qoN jdoN ipCly hPqy ieh Kulfsf hoieaf ik pROprtI bOien irvr dy kMZy AuWqy hY qy jy mMgvfey gey hn.

ivÈv skyitMg cYˆpIaniÈp `c kYnyzf dIafˆ kuVIafˆ ny do mYzl ijwq ky ricaf ieiqhfs Etfvf: kY n y z f dIafˆ ku V Iafˆ ny ivÈv iPgr skyitMg cYˆpIaniÈp ivc do mYzl ijwq ky dyÈ df nfˆ rOÈn kr idwqf hY. ieh cYˆpIaniÈp hylisMkI ivc afXoijq kIqI geI sI. inAU lYbrfzor dI kItiln EsmOˆz ny 218[13 puafieMt hfsl krky ies cYˆpIaniÈp ivc cfˆdI df qgmf hfsl

bMbfrzIar dy ihAUmn irsorisË aYˆz kMpnsyÈn kmytI dy hYWz ny Èinwcrvfr nUM iewk KuwlHI icwTI jfrI krky kMpnI dIafˆ kMpnsyÈn nIqIafˆ bfry jfxkfrI idwqI qy 2016 ivwc Bwiqafˆ ivwc kIqy vfDy nUM ipCly sfl dy Bwiqafˆ nfl imlfey jfx nUM aZukvfˆ krfr idwqf. iewQy dwsxf bxdf hY ik aYqvfr nUM 200 dy nyVy qyVy lokfˆ ny kMpnI dy mfˆtrIal siQq hYWzkuafrtË dy bfhr muËfhrf kIqf qy PrYˆc ivwc “Èrm kro bMbfrzIar” dy nfary lfey.

iËmnI coxfˆ ivwc sfrIafˆ pfrtIafˆ afpxI sfK bcfAux ivwc kfmXfb rhIafˆ

kIqf, jdoN ik EntfrIE dI gYbrIeyly Etvf: EntfrIE ivwc hoeIafˆ iËmnI coxfˆ zylmYn ny 213[52 puafieMt hfsl krky ivwc kMËrvyitvfˆ qy inAU zYmokRYt AumIdvfrfˆ kfˆsI df qgmf hfsl kIqf. ieh pihlI vfr ny somvfr nUM iewk vfrI qfˆ afpxy ivroDI ilbrlfˆ dy pYrfˆ QwilAuN ËmIn hI kwZ idwqI. hY jdoN kYnyzf ny ies cYˆpIaniÈp ivc do mYzl hfsl kIqy hn. ies cYˆpIaniÈp ivc torfˆto ielfky dy mfrKm-Qfrnihwl hlky ivwc ilbrl AumIdvfr qy sfbkf pI[aYm[E[ rUs dI kuVI ny sony df qgmf hfsl kIqf. stfPr mYrI aYnjI isrP qy isrP 2000 nfPtf bfry ilbrl kYbint mIitMg votfˆ nfl ieh sIt afpxy nfˆ krn ivwc kfmXfb ho skI. sLurUafq ivwc Aus dy ivwc ihwsf lYxgy mlronI ivroDI qy kMËrvyitv AumIdvfr rfgfvn Etvf: sfbkf pRogrYisv kMËrvyitv pRDfn tryz agrImYˆt hY ijs bfry amrIkf dy pfrfcoQI ny cMgI KfsI lIz lY leI sI. mMqrI bRfien mlronI nUM afAux vflI ilbrl rfÈtrpqI muV gwlbfq krnI cfhuMdy hn. sfbkf kYbint mMqrI jOhn mYkYlm sdkf kYbint mIitMg ivwc ivsyÈ qOr AuWqy hfËr sUqrfˆ df kihxf hY ik mlronI, trMp dy ilbrlfˆ df mËbUq gVH rhI ies sIt qoN ilbrl AumIdvfr koloN muV cMgI kfrguËfrI rihx leI swdf idwqf igaf hY. ies mIitMg dosq hn qy Ploirzf ivwc AunHfˆ dy guafˆZI dI AumId kIqI jf rhI sI. ieh ilbrlfˆ ivwc nfrQ amYrIkn PrI tryz agrImYˆt vI hn, dI amrIkf nfl gwlbfq ivwc koeI leI ies leI vI bhuq ËrUrI sIt mMnI jf (nfPtf) AuWqy ivcfr vtfˆdrf kIqf jfxf rsmI BUimkf nhIN hY pr AunHfˆ dI kYnyzIan rhI hY ikAuNik jy 2019 ivwc Auh srkfr hY. 20 sfl pihlfˆ mlronI ny hI ies zIl aiDkfrIafˆ vwloN iewk qËrbykfr qy mMJy bxfAuxI cfhuMdy hn qfˆ ies AuWqy AunHfˆ df nUM isry cVHfAux ivwc aihm BUimkf inBfeI hoey isafsqdfn vjoN rfie leI jf rhI kbjf hoxf ËrUrI sI. sI. hux nfPtf df BivwK Kqry ivwc ipaf hY. iËkrXog hY ik mlronI ny 1990 ivwc ies sIt dy aYnjI leI vI Kfsy mfieny sn, jfrj zbilAU buwÈ qy mYkisko dy rfÈtrpqI hoieaf hY. jo ik ies smyˆ pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo dy kfrlOs sYlInfs nUM nfPtf bfry gwl krn afiPs qoN CuwtI AuWqy cwl rhI hY. keI Aus ieh vI pqf lwigaf hY ik mlronI ny vIrvfr ivwc mdd kIqI sI. mlronI amrIkf dy nUM kYbint leI mËbUq dfavydfr mMndy svyr nUM pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo nfl kfmrs sYktrI ivlbr rOs nUM vI jfxdy hn. isafsI ivÈlyÈk qy sumf strYtyjI mulfkfq qy kYnyzf-amrIkf dI kYbint hn. dy vfeIs pRYËIzYˆt itMm pfvrË df kihxf kmytI dI hox jf rhI mIitMg ivwc ihwsf vIrvfr nUM hox jf rhI ies mIitMg ivwc hY ik ilbrlfˆ df BivwK EntfrIE ivwc hY. lYx df ieh swdf pwqr svIkfr kr ilaf vfiÈMgtn ivwc kYnyzf dy sPIr rih cuwky jy mfrKm-Qfrnihwl ivwc ilbrlfˆ dI vot hY. ieh gwlbfq nfPtf dy BivwK dy duafly zYryk brnI qy vfiÈMgtn ivwc kYnyzf dy hyTfˆ jfˆdI hY qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM ieh pqf lfAuxf hI GuMmx dI sMBfvnf hY. ieh iewk aijhf mOjUdf sPIr zyivz mYknftn vI ihwsf lYxgy. hovygf ik afiKrkfr kmI ikwQy rih geI. PAGE 36

bMbfrzIar ny 2016 ivwc ibEzOien qy pMj hornfˆ aYgËYkitvË dy Bwiqafˆ ivwc 50 PIsdI vfDf kIqf hY. ies qoN ipCly sfl kMpnI nUM srkfr vwloN sbiszI dy rUp ivwc keI imlIan zflr imly sn qy kMpnI vwloN dunIaF Br ivwc afpxy keI mulfËmfˆ dI CfˆgI vI kIqI geI sI. ibEzOien qy mfˆtrIal siQq Auqpfdk dy pMj AuWGy aYgjYLkitvË dy Bwqy 2015 ivwc 21[9 imlIan amrIkI zflr sn qy 2016 ivwc ieh vwD ky 32[6 imlIan amrIkI zflr ho gey.

Etvf-vYnIar sIt AuWqy aYn[zI[pI[ ny pUrf joLr lfieaf qy aYn[zI[pI[ dI aYimlI qmn ny 30 PIsdI votfˆ hfsl vI kIqIafˆ. pr ilbrl AumIdvfr monf PortIar nUM cuxOqI dyx leI ieh kfPI nhIN sn. monf ny 50 PIsdI votfˆ hfsl kIqIafˆ. pr iewk ieMtrivAU ivwc qmn ny afiKaf ik Aus nUM bhuq vDIaf mihsUs ho irhf hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik jo kuwJ vI AunHfˆ hfsl kIqf Aus AuWqy AunHfˆ nUM kfPI mfx hY. ies qoN ielfvf somvfr nUM iqMn hor Qfˆvfˆ AuWqy hoeIafˆ iËmnI coxfˆ dy nqIijafˆ qoN iksy nUM koeI hYrfnI nhIN hoeI. mfˆtrIal dy syˆt-lfrYˆt hlky ivwc ilbrl AumIdvfr iemYnUaYlf lYˆbropOlos ny 57[3 PIsdI votfˆ hfsl krky ijwq drj krvfeI qy iewQoN kMËrvyitv AumIdvfr ijMmI XU nUM isrP 20[4 PIsdI votfˆ hI hfsl hoeIafˆ. albrtf dy kYlgrI hYrItyj qy kYlgrI imdnfpor dIafˆ sItfˆ kRmvfr pihlfˆ stIPn hfrpr qy jysn kynI kol sn. kYlgrI hYrItyj qoN bOb bYnjYLn 70 PIsdI votfˆ nfl awgy rhy qy ilbrl AumIdvfr skOt PorisQ nUM 22[6 PIsdI votfˆ hI hfsl hoeIafˆ. kYlgrI imdnfpor qoN kMËrvyitv AumIdvfr stYPnI kusI ny 76[5 PIsdI votfˆ hfsl krky ijwq drj krvfeI qy iewQoN ilbrl AumIdvfr hYly bRfAUn nUM isrP 17[6 PIsdI votfˆ hI imlIafˆ.

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017


pMnHf 17 dI bfkI hrjIq ivcfrf qF prvfr dy suwK leI PkIrI mwlI iPrdf sI. nf idn nUM afrfm nf hI rfq nUM cYn. mnjIq AusI dI dyxdfr sI. Aus ny afpxy PrjF qoN pfsf vwitaf sI. Auh afpxy afp nUM dosL idMdI rhI. pr ies sB leI hflfq ijLMmyvfr sn. ieh soc ky mnjIq ny mn nUM Zfrs dy rwKI sI. tonI pYdf ho igaf. Gr bUtf lwg igaf. nUMh rfxI df ruqbf AuWcf ho igaf. nUMh rfxI df mfx-snmfn vD igaf. gurduafriaF ivwc lMgr lwgy. vwzf hfl buwk krvfieaf igaf. dUr-durfzy qoN irsLqydfr swdy gey. iewk do irsLqydfr ieMzIaf qoN vI ies smfgm dI afV ivwc vIjLf lY ky sLfml ho gey. awDI rfq qIk rMg rfg dIaF mihPlF lwgIaF pr mnjIq nUM pl-pl Aus df aMdrlf iDrkfrdf irhf. pUry vIh sfl Auh afpxy ies glq PY s ly leI afpxy afp nU M ksUrvfr mMndI rhI aqy afpxy ies gunfh df aihsfs Aus dy aMdr KOrU pfAuNdf irhf. tonI ny grYjUeysLn kr leI. “koeI kMmkfr sLurU kr idMdy aF puwq nUM” hrjIq afKdf. “bhu q IaF pVH f eIaF ivw c vI kI ipaf hY. byloVy Krcy hn. XUnIvristIaF dy.” mnjIq afKdI. iewk idn tonI ny ikhf “mYN qF nOkrI krUMgf. afpxy kMmF ivc vkq hI ikwQy aY. mYN zYzI dI

hflq vyKdf irhf hF. ikDry mfnisk aqy srIrk sMqusLtI nhIN.” srIrk sMqusLtI vflf lPjL mnjIq dy klyjy ivwc ktfr vFg vwijaf. tonI dy irsLqy dI gwl vI qurI. lVkI vyKI geI. irsLqy dI gwl pwkI ho geI. mnuwK leI kfrobfr vI jLrUrI hY. pr pirvfrk sFJF nUM kfiem rwKx leI vkq vI loVINdf hY. ‘Coty ijhy Gr dy gfrzn nUM vI jy bxf sMvfr ky avysly ho jfeIey qF blYk bYrI dy bUty AuWg afAuNdy hn. KflI jLmIn ivwc qF bIj ny ikrnF hI huMdf hY. ieh bIj hvf ivwc AuWz ky vI af jFdy hn.


Columbia Bible College students participate in a cross cultural temple tour Columbia Bible College students participated in a cross cultural temple tour, visited a Sikh temple, Hindu temple, Muslim mosque and a Buddhist temple in Surrey. It was a bridge building initiative by Dr. David McLauren!

“DrqI qF mF huMdI hY. hvf ivwc Auzdy bIjF nUM sFBx dI smrwQf DrqI ivwc afid kfl qoN hY.” mnjIq nUM ikcn gfrzn dI sMBfl krn leI afpxy bfp dy khy lPjL Xfd afey. kfrzF df vwzf bMzl myjL AuWqy ipaf hY. kuJ kfrz mnjIq awj vMz ky af jfvygf. mnjIq afpxy byty dy nF nfl sunihrI awKrF ivwc iliKaf nF hor bycYn kr irhf hY. Gr dy gfrzn dI KflI peI nuwkr ivwc iek blYk bYrI df bUtf AuWg afieaf hY. mnjIq dIaF njLrF Aus bUty `qy hI lwgIaF hoeIaF hn.

Pfrm kfimaF (vrkr) dI loV aYbtsPorz dy byrI aqy sbjLIaF dy Pfrm leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm aMdr aqy bfhr df hovygf| kMm 7 mhIny leI hovygf| $10.85 pRqI GMtf aqy 4% hOlIzya pya kIqf jfvygf| pya hryk do hPqy bfad| kMm brOklI, bIns, mtr, mWkI aqy byrI PslF df hovygf| sfnMU qjLrbykfr trYktr, vYn aqy trWk zilvrI zrfeIvr vI cfhIdy hn|hor jfxkfrIleIPon kro| amrjIq


sfnUM sfzy pYk hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm Puwl tfeIm hY| qkrIbn 10 mhIny kMm cldf hY| qnKfh Xogqf anusfr idwqI jfvygI| ieMplfiemYNt leI stYNpF idwqIaF jfxgIaF| kMm : Pork ilPt zrfeIvr stYikMg bYg pYikMg suprvfeIjLr

hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kr skdy ho:

778-552-3879 jF 604-825-0113 We need workers for our Pack house, will be full time job. Wages negotiable according to job position. Job Opportunity: - Fork Lift Drivers - Stacking - Bag Packing - Supervisor


The Patrika


Friday, April 7th, 2017


Working with Sanjay super amazing, says Aditi Actress Aditi Rao Hydari has described the experience of working with Sanjay Dutt in 'Bhoomi' as super amazing. "'Bhoomi' is going great. It has been very intense. It is a difficult f ilm but at the same time it has been amazing. Working with Sanjay Dutt has been an amazing experience, I'd say super amazing experience," Aditi said here on the sidelines of an event. "The team I am working with is really great. The work we are doing is tough, yet amazing," she added of the Omung Kumar directorial. "Bhoomi" recently made headlines as Sanjay suffered an injury during the shooting of an action sequence. But he completed the shoot nevertheless.

Films very important medium of communication : Shabana Azmi

The actress said: "He was injured, but Sanjay is a real hero. When he got hurt, the next minute he was up and finishing the shoot. He was shooting an action scene. He is really amazing. He shot an entire action scene in just one take. "We have just finished one schedule and soon will start the rest of it." The film is slated to release on August 4. It is a revenge drama that revolves around a fatherdaughter relationship.

Veteran actress and social activist Shabana Azmi says change should be reflected through mainstream cinema as films are a vital medium of communication. "Films are a very important medium of communication and I do think if change is to happen in society, then it must be reflected in mainstream cinema because if you are only going to talk about different characters within the parallel cinema or independent cinema, then you are preaching to the already converted," Shabana .The need of the hour, as she pointed out, is "to bring these concerns particularly about the women's equality into the mainstream". The Padma Shri

awardee is glad top actresses of Bollywood are willing to take that step. "I am particularly pleased that this is something that the top female stars of today are taking very seriously and are willing to go that extra mile to work in the film that is significant to say about women," she added. P r a i s i n g B o l l y w o o d actresses like Vidya Balan, Kangana Ranaut, Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra and Kareena Kapoor Khan, the 66-year-old actress says all of them have been contributing to the cause of women empowerment and she thinks that is helping a great deal.

Sonakshi will not play arm candy to male stars anymore 'I am Dating': Arbaaz I have finally become confident of the fact that I can carry an entire film on my shoulders," asserts Sonakshi Sinha as we meet her upcoming film, Noor. The actress, who started her career with Salman Khan-starrer Dabangg (2010) and faced flak for her weight and frivolous screen appearances, insists she has turned over a new leaf. She played the title role in her last film, 2016 actioner Akira, and will once again be seen as the protagonist in Noor. "Work of many years has led me to have faith that I can pull this (film) off by myself. At one point, I was comfortable doing the films that were working [at the box office]. In the past few years, there has been a marked change in the kind of films being made. I merely

adapted to my surroundings. Those were the kind of stories I wanted to try, but couldn't in the past. This is my time," she says. Quiz her about shedding the label of an arm candy and she says, "I am consciously choosing characters that don't need me to look like an arm candy anymore. I loved the masala movies I have done in the past. I love the absurdity of it all. But now, I would try and do both Lootera and R… Rajkummar (both 2013). Even if I'd received flak for it, I never let that get to me. I took it positively and tried to understand what is expected of me. Choosing 'woman-centric' parts wasn't a result of any pressure on me to deliver 'different' content. I won't do something just because I want to follow in the footsteps of my colleagues. I am doing what my heart wants."

Haven't consciously picked up different genres : Amit Sadh Ever since Amit Sadh ventured into the Hindi film industry, he has managed to star in movies different from one another. The actor says he hasn't consciously picked different genres, but looks for new stories. Amit ventured into Bollywood in 2010 and has featured in films like "Phoonk 2", "Kai Po Che!", "Guddu Rangeela", "Sultan", "Akira" and "Running Shaadi". He will next be seen in Amitabh Bachchan-starrer "Sarkar 3". "I have not consciously picked up different genres, but yes I am conscious of stories...I look for new stories and hence, the change...I always want to see different worlds and because of that I think all my films are different from one another," Amit told . Amit will be seen playing the role of Shivaji Nagre in the political crime thriller film, directed by Ram Gopal Varma. The film also stars Manoj Bajpayee, Yami Gautam, Jackie Shroff and Ronit Roy.


Arbaaz Khan and Malaika Arora called it quits last year after eight years of marriage. And recently there were a rumour doing the rounds that Arbaaz was dating a woman who made quite a few appearances in Arbaaz's Instagram. When he was asked in an interview about it he was quoted saying, "Which one? If you are talking about Yellow, she is just a friend. She is somebody who I meet when I go to Goa. She owns a restaurant." He also revealed, "I am dating, yes. But we are not... As of now, there is still a long way to go."

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-ishq TIk rhy, Dn aqy pirvfr df suwK, injI-jnF nfl myl hovy, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfnpwK qoN AuqsLfh vDfAU pirxfm, dusLmx df BY, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc 18, 19, 27, 28 asLuwB hn.

 

ibRK-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB pr ivsLysL Krc hovy, injI-jn-hfnI, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrIsuwK TIk, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc 20, 21 22 asLuwB hn.



imQn-ishq TIk rhy. Dn-lfB pr ivsLysL Krc hovy, imwqr-bMDU-suwK, sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfnpwK sLuwB, iesqrI suwK, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI: mfrc 14, 23, 24 asLuwB hn.



Somebody else may give the impression to go your way with matters or leave things in your hands but it may not be as easy as it first appears to you. Their situation can become weakened rather than strengthened for the rest of the year. For this reason you need to be mindful of commitments you might be tempted to take on.

Wanting to act or move forward might be one thing but the more you contemplate the details, the more it seems there is to take into account. The determination to alter the long-term course of things will not weaken but because Taurus has very sensible character traits nor will you like to risk the security you already have.

Involvement with a group of people can benefit you in some way or somebody you know who is in a situation to put a good word forward will be willing to do just that. You could feel you need to take some sort of risk – as long as you keep this within bounds it should work in your favour. Someone else may not be happy though.

Pressure can start to come from all sorts of directions. There are commitments you need to meet but don’t allow somebody else to alter what you have decided on just because it suits them better. You need to be mindful that other people’s expectations don’t produce a lot more than is necessary for you to organise.

There is a strong possibility that you need to gather more information on where you intend to head with any situation long term. You need to ensure you do not become a slave to circumstance in some way through perhaps being too optimistic and not going into the details well enough. See if these goals lose their shine by next year.

It could be almost impossible to know exactly the desires of somebody else. Anything that involves finances between you and somebody else should be treated very carefully to the end of the year. This is especially so with any investment advice you might be given. You could be on different wavelengths in this area.

You may need to question any personal sacrifice you are willing to make for the benefit of others. This could have been occurring already but there comes a turning point now that will last to the end of the year that you see you disadvantaged if you are not careful. Much has to do with being too generous of yourself. Scale it down.

Making good sense of information or putting information to good use will be easy if you remained focussed on the details or taking one step at a time. If you ponder the big picture too much it can easily take you off track. The same can be said for factors that at the present time are unknown. Wait for them to surface, as they will.

Securing the support you need for any creative project should not be difficult. What could be is the financial side. There is a turning point taking place when it comes to money for creative purposes that will remain in effect to the end of the year. You will need to be able to show that you can get the most out of what will be spent.

An excellent time for you to apply your mind to ridding yourself of the unnecessary so that you become freed up to get a good structure in place. If you don’t focus on this you could generate a lot more obligation for yourself than is necessary. It is possible you realise this from past experience and this can make you determined.

It could be difficult to make final decisions about anything you feel compelled to get rid of or bring to an end, mainly because you feel the future will be better off as a result. There is no harm in considering this until the end of the year, especially if you feel you could benefit from gathering more information without rushing.

Money matters still seem to take priority, especially if other people are involved or are putting you under pressure. Focus on your own priorities and whatever you think best for your own situation. A slowing down or turning around is beginning to take place now, which can have the effect of these matters not moving in a hurry.

krk-ishq TIk, Dn-sMpdf-suwK, bMDU-ksLt, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI aqy snmfn imly. mfrc 15, 16, 17, 25, 26 asLuwB hn.



isMG-ishq TIk rhy. GrylU-JMJt, injI-jn sihXog, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn-pwK TIk, iesqrI-pwK vI sLuwB, kfrobfr ivwc qrwkI. mfrc 18, 19, 27, 28 asLuwB hn.



kMinaf-pyt ivwc KrfbI, Dn aqy pirvfrk suwK, bMDU-suwK, sMpdf imly, sMqfn-suwK, iesqrIksLt, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc 20, 21, 22 asLuwB hn.

7  qulf-ishq TIk, mn prsMn rhy, Dn aqy sMpdf-suwK-lfB, injI-jn sihXog, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr afm vrgf. mfrc 14, 23, 24 asLuwB hn.



ibRsick-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, hOslf bixaf rhy, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx pfsoN nuksfn df zr, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI. mfrc 15, 16, 17, 25, 26 asLuwB hn.



Dn-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, injI-jn-sihXog, siQr-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, dusLmx mjLbUq, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr bfry icMqf. mfrc 18, 19, 27, 28 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-vfXU ivkfr, Dn-lfB, Brf nUM ksLt, sMpqI-ivvfd sulJy, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrIpwK qoN suwK, kfrobfr ivwc qrwkI. mfrc 20, 21, 22 asLuwB hn.

11  kuMB-ishq TIk, GrylU JgVy, injI-jnF nfl myl hovy. sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI. mfrc 15, 16, 17, 25, 26 asLuwB hn.



mIn-ishq Krfb, pyt ivwc gVbV, Dn-lfB, Brf df suwK, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI. mfrc 15, 16, 17 25, 26 asLuwB hn.


The Patrika


Friday, April 7th, 2017


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The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



gurduafrf bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr iswK susfietI aYbtsPorz 31631 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC V2T 1T8

Office: 604.746.1700

pRogrfm: Kflsf sfjnf idvs dIaF smUh sMgq nUM bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF 15 apRYl idn sLnIvfr nUM insLfn sfihb dy coly dI syvf 1:00 vjy hovygI. smUh sMgq nUM bynqI hY ies kfrj ivwc vwD qoN vwD qn, mn Dn krky syvf ivwc ihwsf pfAu jI. Kflsf sfjnf idvs nUM smripq arMB aKMz pfT 14 apRYl idn sLukrvfr svyry 10 vjy arMB hoxgy. 16 apRYl idn aYqvfr svyry 10 vjy Bog pfey jfxgy. aKMz pfT dI syvf afeIlYNz imwl dy mflk aqy smUh kMm krn vfly pRvfrF vwloN hovygI. smUh sfD sMgq nUM bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ienHF smfgmF ivwc vwD cVH ky hfjLrI Br ky gurU dI KusLI pRfpq kro jI.

rfgI jwQy: BfeI aMimRqpfl isMG btfly vfly BfeI blvMq isMG luiDafxy vfly

kQf vfck: ig: gurjMt isMG rUpovflI ig: ajYb isMG krnfl vfly

kvIsLrI jQf: insLfn isMG Jbfl

pRogrfm buwk krvfAux vfsqy 604-825-7944, 778-808-1921, 604-832-1711 muwK syvfdfr: kulivMdr isMG bfT- 778-808-1921 | krnYl isMG tuwt- 604-825-7944 PAGE 41


The Patrika 

Friday, April 7th, 2017

Canada's Defence Minister visits Kalgidhar Gurdwara in Abbotsford

Hon. Defence Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan attended Gurdwara Kalgidhar Sahib, Abbotsford to talk about making positive choices at Youth and Parent Forum. Sgt. Jag Khosa of CFSEU-BC also interacted with youth and parents about dangers of gang involvement at this event. We all know that it is very important for our kids to have positive role models in their lives. Negative role models influence our kids so it is up to us to provide them with opportunities to interact and associate with positive role models.

gurduAwrw swihb klgIDr drbwr, AYbtsPorf ivKy 1 ApRYl, 2017 nMU knyfw dy r`iKAw mMqrI hrjIq isMG s`jx phuMcy, ijQy auhnW ny ivSyS BrvyN iek`T iv`c nOjvwnW Aqy mwipAW nwl ivcwrW sWJIAW kIqIAW[ gurduAwrw swihb dy mu`K syvwdwr srbjIq isMG srwey ny swirAW nMU ‘jI AwieAW’ kihMidAW DMnvwd kIqw[

It is a known phenomenon that kids who identify with positive role models show higher levels of self-esteem and stronger academics. This event proved that by having our young ones exposed to a positive role model can have a huge positive impact on their mindset. It was heart warming to see all the young kids quietly listening to the important message delivered by Hon. Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defence. A big thank you to him for taking out the time from his busy schedule to give kids an experience of a lifetime. Also, a sincere thank you to the management of Kalgidhar Sahib Sikh Temple for organizing this event and making it all happen. Lets all work together to raise our kids to become good citizens of this country!


The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017


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à ÅÂÆ.ĂƒĂ†.ÏÆ.ĂƒĂ†. ĂĽÂŻÂş ÎÊáĂˆĂ°-ôšçĂ…



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604.853.9707 PAGE 43


The Patrika


Friday, April 7th, 2017


gLjLl gurBjn igwl Cwz qrlocn bIqIaF gwlF kI lYxf ey hfAuNky Brky.

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eyny kdm sbUqy rih gey, sPr shI, ivsLvfs dy krky. grdn iswDI rwKxf kihky pYNdf hY qlvfr qy qurnf, jy qur pAu iewk vfr Pyr qF muVdy ho mMjLl sr krky.

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kwilHaF qurnf aOKf hY pr, myry aMg sMg ikMny sfQI, sbr, isdk, sMqoK, smrpx rUh myrI dy sUhy vrky.

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ikMnI vfrI moVI bUihAuN, af jFdI hY Pyr KrIdx ivikaf nhIN mYN qF hI Jfky awKIaF aMdr hsrq Brky.

● Ability to cross border

koly vflI Kfx `c DoNdy vsqr icwty rwKx Kfqr, swc puwCyN qF jIxf pYNdf pl aMdr sO vfrI mrky.

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kOVf quMmf sO rogF dI, jVH df vYrI ruldf qfhIAuN imwTf hY KrbUjLf, ivkdf mMzI dy ivwc eysy krky. hy gursLbd nf zolx dyvIN iewk sqrI ardfs krF mYN, Buwl jFdf hF ikMnI vfrI qyry kdmF qy isr Drky.

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trWk zrfeIvrF dI loV PAGE 44

vDIaf-vfijb ryt aqy bons

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017



Soccer Academy headed to Eugene Reimer Middle School The Board of Education approved the Eugene Reimer Middle Soccer Academy at the March 7th board meeting. The academy will be for students in grades six through eight, competing in the U11-U14 range. Through participation in the soccer academy, students will have the opportunity to develop a range of technical soccer skills coupled with a unique educational experience. Students will learn soccer from Ian Knight. Ian is currently the Technical Director for the Abbotsford Soccer Association Technical Director as well as Director of the Fraser Valley Youth Soccer Association – FV Selects (Girls). Joining Ian will be Alex Newby. Alex is currently the U9 Boys Prospects Head Coach for Abbotsford Soccer as well as the U13 Girls – FV Selects Head Coach.

Students will receive support, not only in maintaining a healthy balance of on field technique, theory and training, but also learn to become leaders in the classroom. In addition, they will also become trained small side game referees through the academy. Registration for the Soccer Academy is available to students who are currently a member of the Abbotsford Soccer Association or are part of any organized community soccer team. The Soccer Academy is set to begin September 2017; however, registration starts now.


The Patrika




Employment cont'd


kpVy dy stor ‘qy kMm krn leI nsLy Cwzx leI Full Time aqy Part Time jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn aYbtsPorz dI lokl aYkskfvyitNg kfimaF dI loV hY musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd kM p nI leI vrkr dI lo V hY | dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: English, pM j fbI aqy slfeI afAu x I jrU r I qjrbykfr nMU pihl aqy nvyN vrkr 604-859-8244 jF 778-779hY . qnKfh $12/GM t f ho v y g I. sto r ivw c afky nM U try i nM g idWqI jf skdI hY | arjLI Bro jI. Overseas Fabrics 32853 1337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com cM g I qnKL f h qjrby anu s fr | Ventura Ave aYbtsPorz (604)832-1675


vrkr dI loV

Xog kMinaf dI loV

pyNtr dI loV

30 sflf, jwt isWK, 5'10", kYnyzIan iemIgRFt (pI[afr) lVky leI Xog kMinaf dI loV hY| AuhI swjx sMprk krn jo Ausdy ieMzIaf rihMdy 29 sflf Brf kwd 6 Puwt nUM pwky qOr qy kYnyzf bulf skx| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-832-5730

aYbtsPorz dI lokl pyNitMg kMpnI nMU qjLrbykfr pyNtr dI jLrUrq hY | cMgI qnKLfh qjrby anusfr idWqI jfvygI | hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: (778)241-3540

zrfeIvr dI loV aYbtsPorz dI trWikMg kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipMn qoN ipMn cWlx leI klfs 1, sLrfb aqy nisLaF qoN rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $6500 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI | 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg | sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)-744-9200

kfimaF dI loV

kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15 pRqI GMtf aqy qjL r by k fr nU M qjL r by anu s fr | aY b tsPo r z aqy aY l zrgR o v qo N rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269

FARM LABOURERS WANTED Deol Farms, located at 1354 272nd St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 2P9, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from May 15th until Winter 2017 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in various weather conditions. Fax resume to (604) 607-0841.

Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs     

Xog vr dI loV 27 sflf, jWt isWK, 5'4" kWd aYm[ey[ ihstrI, nrs lWgI hoeI lVkI leI Xog vr dI loV hY| EhI sWjx sMprk krn jo Aus dy ieMzIaf rihMdy ccyry Brf, 25 sflf, 5'9" kWd, +2 aqy afeI[ tI[ afeI[ kIqI hoeI nMU pWky qOr qy kYnyzf ilaf skx| hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: (604) 613-6969

sfnUM lYNzskyipMg aqy PYNisMg dy kMm leI PuWl tfiem jF pfrt tfeIm vrkr dI loV hY| rfeIz df pRbMD hY, hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604vrkr dI loV 897-7669 jF 778-240-6023 aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy kfimaF dI loV iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV brfV zrfeIvfl, aYbtsPorz dI hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| 778-878dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM 4723 $13 pRqI GMtf + vkysLn pya aqy kfimaF dI loV qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr $15 qoN $20 pRqI GMtf | aYbtsPorz qoN nrsrI aqy Pfrm leI kfimaF dI rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| leI jsivMdr isMG brfV nUM Pon kMm GMitaF df hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-855-1065 jF kro: 604-614-3185 jF 604778-242-9250 613-0897

sIzr sLyk & isLMgl imWlL imsLn bI sI ivWc PuWl tfeIm kfimaF dI loV hY | afvydk BrosymMd imhnqI aqy nvy kMm isWKx dy kfbl hox | LstIl to vfly bUt luVINdy hn blOk pfeIlr $16.50 / GMtf bUm mYn $20.00 / GMtf kWt EP sfa apRytr $20.00 / GMtf spiltr mYn $20.00 / GMtf vYlzr $20.00 / GMtf (qjrbykfr hoxf jrUrI hY pr vYlizMg srtIiPkyt dI loV nhIN)

kubrmYn – pIs vrk (py ryt leI Pon kro) kMm leI rfeIz df pRbMD imsLn, aYbtsPorz, srI aqy iclfvYk qoN kIqf jf skdf hY

sMprk kro : amr sLfm 3:30 qoN bfad @



Friday, April 7th, 2017


lMbr imwl ivwc lMbr stYikMg krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh $16 qoN sLurU aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr ijafdf idwqI jfvygI, kMm aMdr sYLwz ivwc hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro: 604-866-3923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228 , Address: 6350 Unsworth Rd, Chilliwack

In home child caregiver required for a 2 year old. This is a full time, contract position. Wage: $11.50 per hr, Location: Abbotsford B.C, Language: English. Skills: High school &1-2 years experience or training. Duties: supervise & care for child. Preparing meals and feeding the child. Doing all personal care for the child including: bathing, dressing and changing diapers. Person should also maintain a safe, clean and healthy environment. He/she will also be responsible for taking hild to and from appointments. Optional accomodation available at no charge on a live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. Contact: Sukhi 604.832.9822 or email: sukhi_g89@hotmail.com

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

sfnMU tYNzm, PlYt-bYwz, mYksI aqy supr-bI leI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| rUt ibRitsL kulMbIaf, albrtf aqy vfisLMgtn ivwc hn| CALL 604.825.7749 for more information or email resume to info@kingmanenterprise.com

iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro

& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash

¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid

+RXVH :DVK 7UXFN :DVK ¡Drive Way 'ULYH :D\ *XWWHU &OHDQ ¡Gutter Clean &much more! :LQGRZ &OHDQ 0XFK 0RUH ¡Truck Wash


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HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765




The Patrika 

Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, April 7th, 2017


pqf nhIN lokF dI smJ nUM kI hoieaf, jxyKxy nUM kihMdy iPrdy af ‘Cotf pirvfr suKI pirvfr’, ‘Cotf pirvfr suKI pirvfr.’ sfnUM smJ nhIN afAuNdI ieho ijhy kuPr qol ky AunHF nUM kI imldf? aYdUM vwzf JUT hor koeI ho hI nhIN skdf. Gr ivc Zol nhIN, nhIN qF gl ivc pf ky jLrUr KVkfAuNdy, QF QF jf ky lokF nUM kihMdy, ‘vwzf pirvfr suKI pirvfr’, ‘loko hor inafxy jMmo’. sfzI gwl swc hY, awKr awKr swc hY, jykr XkIn nhIN qF jLrf ku gOr kro qy iPr Kud-b-Kud qusIN vI sfzy nfl sihmq ho jfvogy.

vwzf pirvfr suKI pirvfr (ivaMg)

vFg KVHy ho jfxgy qy Auh quhfzy sdf-bhfr KVky-dVky nUM dyKx-suxn leI Auqsuk ho jfxgy. hOlI-hOlI hr koeI quhfzy cfnx munfry ijhy Gr nUM jfx jfeygf qy quhfzI pRiswDI hovygI. iPr jdoN vI quhfzy ies ajUby vrgy Gr dI gwl hovygI qF lokIN quhfzf nF vI jLrUr lYxgy. ies qrHF quhfzI vfh-vfh hovygI qy ielfky ivc quhfzf nF hr iewk dI jLubfn qy cVH jfvygf. ies qrHF muPq dI pRiswDI sdkf, qusIN agly ielYksLnF ivc aYWm[aYl[ey[ jF aYWm[pI vI bx skdy ho. ho skdf hY muwK mMqrI jF pRDFn mMqrI hI bx jfvo. so vwzf pirvfr hI koTIaF qy kfrF dy Auh Gr, Gr nhIN sgoN vIrfn QF hY ijwQoN hr mflk bxn df sOKf rfh hY. nf ihMg lwgy smyN rOly-rwpy qy sLor-sLrfby dIaF afvfjLF nf PtkVI, rMg coKf. nhIN afAuNdIaF. KVky-dVky dIaF afvfjLF nhIN afAuNdIaF. KVky-dVky nfl hI Gr dI mMn ilaf ik asIN iek sLFqI psMd dysL dy tOhr bxdI hY, dUroN hI pqf lgdf hY ik vsnIk hF. pr sfzy ivwcoN ikMny ku aijhy koeI vsdf hY qy vsx df pqf qF hI lwgdf hn ijhVy ik iek cpyV Kf ky dUjI cpyV hY, jykr rOlf-rwpf pfAux vfly awT-ds Kfx leI dUjI gwlH awgy kr dyx? sLfied bwcy Gr ivc hox. ies hr smyN dy rOly- koeI vI nhIN. jy koeI sfzy iek muwkf mfrdf rwpy kfrn glI ivcoN lMGx vfly, glI ivcoN hY qF sfzI axK sfnUM vMgfrdI hY qy asIN hI ikAuN sgoN aFZ-guaFZ dIaF do-cfr Aus dy sO muwky mfrn df ierfdf krdy hF. glIaF ivcoN lMGx vfilaF dy kMn vI shy aFZ-guaFZ nfl lVfeI qF hoeI hI rihMdI

hY qy asIN dusLmxF nUM qF hI iswiDaF kr skdy hF, jykr sfzI afpxI koeI POj hovy. jykr sfzy bhuqy bwcy hoxgy qF sfzI Gr dI POj iqafr ho jfvygI aqy iPr mjLfl hY koeI sfzy vwl vyK vI jfvy? jykr sfzI afpxI Gr dI POj hovygI qF sfzf ielfky ivc rohb-vDygf qy aFZI-guaFZI sfQoN Qr-Qr kMbxgy. awT-ds bwicaF nfl quhfzf rohb qF pY skdf hY pr mjLf qF hI hY jykr quhfzy Gwto-Gwt igafrF bwcy hox. jykr pRmfqmf quhfnUM igafrF bwicaF dI dfq bKsL dyvy qF quhfzy pON-bfrF hn. smJ lE ik quhfzI lftrI KuwlH geI qy dfqy dI quhfzy `qy Puwl ikrpf hY. quhfzy igafrF bwcy quhfzy leI igafrF kroV df KjLfnf iswD ho skdy hn. jLrf soco ik jykr qusIN ienHF nUM ikRkt Kyzx isKf idE qF ikMnf vDIaf rhy. afpxI hI Gr dI tIm bxf ky kYrI pYkr vrgy nfl sbMD bxfE qy dunIaF dIaF sB tImF nUM hrf ky kroVF rupey kmfE. sfzI duaf hY ik pRfmqmf quhfzy qy ieh imhr jLrUr kry. quhfzy ikRkt dy iKzfrIaF dI PrI koicMg dI

PAGE 49 blrfj isMG ijLMmyvfrI sfzI hovygI. AumId hY qusIN sfnUM inrfsL nhIN krogy. suixaf hY ik aMgryjLF dy smyN vwzy pirvfrF vfilaF nUM murwby dy ky snmfinaf krdy sn. awj-kwlH vI keI mulkF ivc bhuqy bwicaF vfilaF nUM anykF ienfm imldy hn qy Auh mflfmfl ho jFdy hn. kwlH iks ny dyiKaf hY? afdmI AumIdF qy hI ijAuNdf hY. sLfied sfzI srkfr dy mn vI imhr pY jfvy qy Auh bhuqy bwicaF vfilaF nUM muPq jLmInF jF mkfn hI alft krn lwg jfvy. sLfied muPq ivc rfsLn hI splfeI krn lwg pvy. AumIdF nfl hI sMsfr ijAuNdf hY. jykr nyqfvF dy BfsLx qy rok nhIN qF quhfzy bwicaF qy ikAuN? vyiKE mOkf KuMJ nf jfvy. hF iek gwl hor! jykr quhfzy bwcy hoxgy qF quhfzI bhuqI bwcq hovygI, ikAuNik iPr qusIN iksy nUM pMsfrI, iksy nUM zfktr, iksy nUM mfstr, iksy nUM mocI, iksy nUM bjfj, iksy nUM DobI, iksy nUM hlvfeI, iksy nUM nfeI, iksy nUM Qfxydfr qy iksy nUM ieMjInIar bxf skdy ho. ies qrHF qusIN CwqI pRkfr dy Bojn vI muPq Ck skogy aqy lIiVaF kwpiVaF,

M.J. SIDHU LABOUR CONTRACTORS LTD. M.J. Sidhu Labour Contractors Ltd. nMU Pfrm, nrsrI, aqy grIn hfAUs leI vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY

iml vfsqy vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY

Pfrm vrkrF dI loV hY iksy vI iksm df jMk mUv krvfAux leI aqy ryh zilvr krvfAux leI sMprk kro Residen al & Commercial Junk Removal

nvyN jF purfxy GrF ivwc tfeIlF lgvfAux leI hmysLf Xfd rwKo Tile Installa on


ALL DAY SERVICE muPq aYstImyt lYx leI ibwkr isMG isWDU nfl sMprk kro: Call Bikkar Sidhu for free es mate: 604-308-0266 PAGE 49

The Patrika


2 Locations To Serve You!

SPECIAL SERVICES In House Specialists: Spe ecialis Orthodontist, Pediatric Dentist, Periodontist, Oral Surgeon & Prosthodontist. We offer Conscious Sedation services including Nitrous Oxide for high anxiety patients. A

Oral Cancer Screening Device

Do you have a gag reflex? Hate messy impressions? This will solve your problems!

An intraoral 3D scanner. Do you have a phobia of needles? Hate the sound of the dental drill? This will solve your problems! We have a dental laser that allows us to do fillings without needles or anaesthetic!


Friday, April 7th, 2017



Mount Lehman Dental Abbotsford 117-3250 Mt Lehman Road , Abbotsford, British Columbia, V4X 2M9


Eagle Landing Dental #702 8249 Eagle Landing Parkway, Chilliwack, British Columbia, V2R 0P9

Call Us Today ! 604-392-1212 604-856-7860 ALL BELOW SERVICES STARTING AT: Dental Exams X-rays

$27.70 $17.30 for 1, $36.70 for 4 Children's Cleanings $36.70 Adult's Cleanings $42 White Fillings $119 Porcelain Crowns & Veneers $761 (+ lab fee) Porcelain Bridges $1752 (+ lab fee) Complete Dentures $774 (+ lab fee)

Partial Dentures Root Canal Therapy Tooth Extractions

$286 (+ lab fee) $442 $120

(Additional Extractions at same appointment $79.20)

Invisalign Orthodontics Dental Implants Bone Grafts Botox Treatment

$2500 $1999 $528 $9.99 (per unit)

∙ No Referral Necessary Friday, April 7th, 2017

The Patrika



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ABBOTSFORD: B225 - 3122 Mount Lehman Rd. abbotsford@auraortho.com


SURREY: 7192 120th Street, Surrey info@auraortho.com

www.auraortho.com PAGE 51

The Patrika


Friday, April 7th, 2017


Happy Vaisakhi!   


*some conditions apply

P l feIt it k t F

jI[aYm[ (GM) dI koeI vI gwzIFlight KRIdx jF lIjL 'qy Tickets lYx leI blivMdr isMG srHF jF nvjoq isMG wt Ia F l eI p Yk j afhlUvflIaf nfl sMpCurk kro:

Vacation Packages

Balwinder S. Sran Cell: 778-242-1202


Navjot Ahluwalia Cell: 778-344-0007

30355 Automall Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5M1 | Toll Free: 1.888.220.1853 All prices do not include taxes, license or admin fee of $499, see dealer for details.

DL #30735

All prices, Details , Description may change .

Email: info@gurukirpatravels.com #190 - 2655 Clearbrook Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 2Y6 (Opposite KFC) h ot l Hotels k r Uj p Yk j Cruise PACKAGES P l feIt it k t F Flight Tickets Cuwt Ia F l eI p Yk j Vacation Packages


$920 



*some conditions apply

GURU KIRPA TRAVELS Ltd Ph: +1.604.744.5566 PAGE 52


Friday, April 7th, 2017

What Can You Reasonably Afford to Buy? What can you afford? When preparing your budget, you will want to discuss what resources you can allocate to mortgage payments, living expenses, and other financial situations. As your Real Estate Advisor, I can either help or recommend you to a professional who can assist you in establishing a budget and reviewing your financial position. In addition they may suggest some alternative methods to obtain financing, either through traditional lenders or other institutions. To purchase a home, a down payment of as little as 5% down is required. Fortunately, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation offers a federal insurance program designed to help Canadians purchase their first home at an affordable cost. If you choose to put down 20% or more, you will not be required to have any CMHC insurance. Your Real Estate Professional or Mortgage Broker can provide additional details on this program.

To prepare your budget, collect the following: Credit card statements Monthly rent or mortgage payments Utility payments (gas, water, power, telephone) All other monthly expenses (such as food, child care, dues, etc.). Annual or semi-annual expenses (such as insurance, car repair, taxes). As well allow for unexpected items such as medical emergencies, travel and education. Non-fixed expenses (for example, medical expenditures) for the last year. This will give you an estimate of average expenses of this type. Records or an estimate of personal expenses (entertainment, travel, etc.) Once you subtract your expenses from your total income, the amount left over is called your net worth. This will give you an estimate of your financial

situation at present and will help you determine how much you can afford for a down payment. What Can I Afford?

Land transfer, deed tax or property purchase tax, due at the time of closing.(in Quebec within three months following signing)

There are two types of costs in buying a home -- the initial down payment and the ongoing monthly mortgage payments. The largest one-time cost is the down payment.

Mortgage interest adjustment (if applicable), due at the time of closing

When purchasing a home, there are also many one time costs and monthly expenses that you will need to budget for.

Moving expenses, due on the date of move

Typical One-time Expenses Include:

Realty Tax Holdback

Mortgage application and appraisal fee

Typical Monthly Expenses:

Property inspection (optional), due at time of inspection Legal fees, due at the time of closing Legal disbursements, due at the time of closing Property survey (sometimes provided by seller), due at the time of closing

Home and property insurance, at closing and ongoing

PST on High Ratio mortgages

Mortgage payments Maintenance (this could be condominium fees, or allocated maintenance fees) Property and content insurance Property taxes Utilities



Friday, April 7th , 2017

Baldev Singh Gill


Gorgeous 4.26 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful house very close to, Elementary School, new Highstreet Mall and Kalgidhar Gurdwara. Home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Roof only few years old. Prime location, no through road and easy freeway access. Separate driveway for heavy vehicles.

30540 Brookside Ave NEW LISTING



2966 Glenavon Street #29- 31125 Westridge #12 3087 Immel

2620 Caboose Place



406 32075 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford


135 2700 McCallum Road


Just 8 year old with 3 bedroom, rec room and 4 bath townhome close to all levels of schools. Stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. Shows ver y nice.

25 31235 Upper Maclure Rd Abbotsford

NEW LISTING NEW LISTING One of the best BLUEBERRY farm in the area. 5 year new 2 storey HOME on 10 acres in the Sumas Prairies near No.3 Rd exit in Abbotsford. This ‘eld is planted in machine pick Duke Blueberry equipped with poles, wires and drip irrigation. Expected production of around 120,000 pounds of blueberry this year. Close to Elementary school.

Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Expected yeild for 2017 is approx. 200000 pounds. Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

23 ACRES with 2 FULL SIZED HOUSES with numerous income producing barns. One 5 bedrm home and 2nd 4 bedrm 2000 sq.ft beautiful home is approx 20 yr old. This property is perfect for 2 families, large horse barn with indoor arena, 23 stalls and lots of hay storage. 23'x130' Squab (pigeon)/chicken barn. 32'x72' WORKSHOP and 80'x90' BARN. Currently both houses and a few stalls are rented for $6000 per month.

42522 Keith Wilson Rd

Ve r y s p a c i o u s 2 bedroom condo with new laminate €ooring, walk out patio and 2 PARKING STALLS. Very popular rental property, no rental restrictions. Hotwater and Heat is included in the strata fee.


19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm $1,659,000





34641 7th Ave

#2-30989 Westridge

37-31032 Westridge Pl. 3513 Merritt, Abbotsford 2604 Valemont Cr 33414 Kingsley Terrace

Great starter home located in a quiteculde-sac. Just stepts away from the US border. Flat fenced lot with additional back lane access to the property.

1 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools. Excellent location.


41010 No. 2 Rd





30630 Steelhead Crt 32133 Autumn Ave Very beautiful 3 bedroom e c i kpirnigcepr rancher on quiet s g a n i r k e s v a ro Street. Flat lot $57,o0v0e0 for build your future dream

20079 Wansted St

48 - 31255 Upper Maclure



Super Mcmillan 5 year old three location. Close to storey 3 bedroom, 2 Prince Charles bath plus rec. room Elementary School, townhouse in West Fraser Middle Abbotsford. Near all School, Yale level of schools, Secondary School Gurudwara and Apollo and Abbotsford Gym. Excellent Recreation Centre. location.


Very bright and spacious 2 Bedroom with 2 full bath condo. Freshly painted. Carpet, vinyl in the kitchen, cupboard doors, light ‘xtures in the kitchen and living room are just few years old. Close to Matsqui Recreation Centre, Schools and Easy Highway access.

NEW LISTING Beautiful 3 STORY HOME near Hightstreet Mall. 4 bedrooms and 2 full bath upstairs plus full basement with separate entry & R/I bathroom (potential for two bedroom suite). Newer laminate €oors and blinds. Roof and fence are less than two years old.








Three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room,kitchen and family room townhouse. Close to shopping, recreation, and French Immersion Elementary School.



Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford's newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths, mail­oor has of€ce and spice kitchen too. 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, bar, bedroom and full bath for upstairs use.







2 year new townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like New Condition. Near all levels of schools, Gurudwara Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.



Fair€eld Estates! Immaculate Rancher with 2Bedroon LEGAL SUITE in one of the bestneighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Thishome features 7 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living room, dining, family room,big new patio off the kitchen & a ­at private backyard.



Great family home in agreat neighborhood! Sunnyside area. Living, kitchen, dining, 3 bdrms up and1-1/2 up. Fully €nished basement with 2 bedroom Legal suite and a family roomfor upstaits use


2914 Royal Street


LD SO ing price k over as

Nicely renovated Super cleanbasement entry home on a corner rancher with 2 lot. Living room, kitchen, bedroom LEGAL dining, 3bedroomsand SUITE in West two bath up, 1 bedroom Abbotsford. LEGAL SUITE down. UPGRADES New­ooring, paint and less than 2 year old roof. INCLUDE: New Close to University and windows, blinds, easy access to kitchen cabinets with freeway.



Over 2800 Sq.Ft. quality built rancher close to Kalgidhar Darbar Gurdwara . 9ft ceiling on main oor with crown moulding. Just steps to Dave Kandal Elementary School,





7200 Sq. Ft. Lot. Very well maintained house. Granite counter tops& Central Air Conditioner. Located on dead end street




Very Clean 5 bedroom basement entry house, Rec room with full washroom, Living room, Family


Friday, April 7th, 2017

GURINDER SINGH DHALIWAL 778.908.2409 FREE Market Evaluation!




New L

Very nice well kept home on nice clean acerage. Amazing garden with fruit trees and sell cherries for cash. Grow more fruit trees for future family income. Double garage and RV parking. You can add to the existing house to make anysize to produce more rental income.

Abbotsford 31516 Monarch Crt


34288 FARMERS RD $1,499,000


$ 429,900


Investors Alert Alert: Rare big lot with great front and possibility of duplex. Trees for privacy.Wont last long. Call today..

OLD g LOt!! S 2280 Grant Street Bi

is New L





INVESTORS ALERT ALERT: This is a ! g YS IN 5 DA istin golden parcel with New L b l u e b e r r i e s f u l l 2363 BAKERVIEW ST, Abbotsford, 2755 SPRINGHILL STREET, Abbotsford production as the British Columbia V2T3B3 owner has record and kept all sprays NEW LISTING up to date. You just s e r 20 Ac prune the berries and AYS IN 4 D Maple Ridge have the full crop in 34824 Townshipline Rd the coming season. Beautiful top to bottom renovated 6 bedroom with 3 full baths, 3 rooms 31038 Heron Avenue $1,799,000 upstairs and 3 for suite.






SOLD Abbotsford

SOLD 3060 Tims St, Abbotsford

SOLD 2373 Westerly Abbotsford

SOLD 5746 Bell Road, Abbotsford

SOLD 409 33485 S Fraser Way

SOLD 30511 Sandpiper Dr




Friday, April 7th , 2017 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation






OPEN HOUSE 2pm - 4pm (Sat 11th & Sun 12th)



406-30515 CARDINAL AVE




5 Acres

Lot for sale

69 - 1973 WINFIELD DR

pted Acce Offer 2 bedroom 2 bath Condo near HIGH Street/Dr. Kaler's office. Upper floor End unit, open plan with 12' feet ceilings, granite counter tops and black appliances. Master bedroom has high ceiling with view of mountains. Close to shopping, bus, recreation.

ate urt d on!) (C2oBEDROOM so mingBATH. c2oFULL

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety

214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission

9-3270 BLUEJAY ST 3 bdrms, 3 baths, family room double garage








27978 Junction, Abbotsford

Over 10000 sqft lot 6 bedroom home west Abbotsford legal suite on 31606 clearview ave



32181 Ashcroft., Abbotsford

32120 Balfour Dr.



30-31098, Westridge Pl, Abbotsford 3123 Babich St. 2899- Crossley Dr. Abbotsford 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 4 year old, 2 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall, Appollo Gym

6700Sq. Ft, 4 bedroom


3 bedrooms, 2 bath,Family Room up, 2 bedroom legal suite, recroom full bath for upstairs use


3 story, 7 bedroom, 5 bathroom


6 bedroom, 5 bathroom

8500Sq. Ft. lot, 4 bedroom, 4 bath



34041 WAVELL LANE, Abbotsford

3044 Royal Street 5 bedroom 2 and half bath on 6600 sqft lot close to all levels of school.

43-3030 Tretheway St, 3980 Brighten Pl., Abbotsford 3 story 9 bedroom 6bath. Clearbrook village Over 5000 sqft of living. 3 bedroom 2 bath townhouse

Huge lot over 8000 sqft.



2728 Centennial, Abbotsford

3454 Sidegrove, West Abbotsford


as Over

725 Short Rd, Abbotsford 2740 Cambie St Abbotsford 2136 Opal Place, Abbotsford

32085 Ashcroft Dr

It is a 2 bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart

7 bedrooms, 5 bath, Family 5 bedroom 2 1/2 bath family room fully 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath rancher with and freeway. It is rented for $950 per Room, recroom, built in renovated home near new hospital, cul- over 8000 sqft lot month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a 2008, Near Park, Must see de-sac. new house.

Ross, Fraser Hwy Area Good for Trucker


3 story 9 bedroom 5 bath west Abby.

2135 Bakerview 4 bedroom

New Listing 5 ACRES, Rolling Land 6 Bdrm, Workshop Rented $2500 Per month

Custom Built 3 Story home 4 bdrms upstairs, Family Rm, Living Rm, 2 bdrm legal suite, Media Rm, Office in another Master bdrm on main, 6720Sq, Ft, lot, Near All Amenities

#22-3030 Trethway bdrm townhouse

33951, Mccrimmon Dr. Abbotsford 2889 Victoria Street 32277 Peardonville Road 6 bedrooms, 4 bath, 17000 Sq.Ft. Lot, recroom, 3 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall

Almost 11000 Sq. Ft. 5 bdrm, 2 bath sold

ABBOTSFORD This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each.

36432 Estevan Court, Abbotsford

35358 Wells, Gray Avenue #102 - 3080 Townline Rd 2081 Bakerview Fully Abbotsford renovated house 4 bedroom 3 bedroom, 2 bath

on 7000 Sq.Ft lot


Friday, April 7th, 2017

2790 2 27 279 790 A 79 Allwood lllw llw llwood wood ood oo od St SStreet treet




• Value in LAND ONLY • House is a tear down




S For t o L

• Falcon Ridge • Lot size= 19,000+ sf

• Lot size= 6182 sf

• Appointment Only!

33727 1st Avenue, Mission


604 4-85 55-0 0800 604-855-0800

vvirbinder77@gmail.com irbinder77@gmail.ccom

778 8 -241-7451 -2 241- 7451


Abb Ab Abbotsford, bb botssfo for orrd, ord, d, BC C V2T 3R7

• Large Lot • Plans are available

36421 Florence Drive





• Investment Opporunity • will need some TLC • 2 Bedrooms



• Blueberry Farm

• Warehouse & Pump Houses • Drip Irreg & Some Equip

•Matsqui Area

• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)

34350 Bateman Road

cres A 1 4


• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm

Lot 6 Glenmore Road

mth approx

• Blueberry Farm • Flat / Rectangular • 4 bedroom 2 bath • BlueCrop/Duke Variety • Drip Irreg & Some • Matsqui Area Equip


3520 Latimer Street


• Blueberry Farm • LAND ONLY • Bradner Area

9 Ac 25.3

• Drip Irreg • Flat / Rectangular • Elliot Variety

6113 Beharrell Road

7.092 Acres Haverman Road

cres A 2 8

es Acr 5 ox ppr

• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area

• Close to all levels of school

• Living Space = 2002 sf • Lot = 8420 sf

2052 Vinewood Street .....................................$530,000 34125 Higginson Crescent .............................$895,000 5 - 33890 Marshall Road ..................................$789,900 44 - 30748 Cardinal Avenue ...........................$459,700





•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety

• 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths


cres A 3 4

res c A .8

• Unf Bsmt for your ideas!

122 - 32850 George Ferg Way

307 - 33255 Old Yale Road...............................$248,100 30 - 31235 Upper Maclure ..............................$452,000 3520 Latimer Street ..........................................$585,000 122 - 32850 George Ferguson .......................$125,000


• 1 Bath • Living space= 925 sf • Strata= $346.41/

• House & Acerage • Rectangular • Aberdeen Area Property Rental Income

Lot 1 on Glenmore Road 5111 Tolmie Road............................................$1,149,900 4627 Dixon Road ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ........................................$874,700 565 Marion Road ........................................... $1,699,900

• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

430 Bowman Road

res c A 10


•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show

• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay

39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 McCallum Road ~ Agassiz ........................... $2,300,000 Taylor Road ~ MtLehman Area .................. $2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900



Friday, April 7th , 2017

Call for a FREE Market Evaluation HARMAN CHAHAL


Each Office is independently owned and operated

38388 Hawkins Pickle Road $2,495,000

33090 Phelps Avenue, Mission

Established travel agency and Western Union, great clientele in a high commercial neighborhood. Currently month to month lease of $2000.00 + GST, long term lease of 1-5 years available as well.

39.79ac Blueberry farm, include two dwelling (Main House + m o b i l e h o m e ) m o n th l y r e n t income $2100. approx. 30ac palanted,17ac duke, 6ac blue crop, 6ac duke and some Elliot. Drip irrigation system. New shipping container put in for pump house. House has new roof. Field is set up for machine pick.


2625 Springhill St

$699,000 2-31877 South Fraser Way $119,000

Beautiful 3000+Sft House with 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 full bathrooms with Living & family room. Downstairs there is a rec room with full bathroom, 2 Bdrm Basement suite. Situated in very desirable and quite neighborhood. Corner flat lot for extra parking and privacy. Close to school and parks with easy access. Early possession available. Open house Sat & Sun(Nov19-Nov20) from 1-3Pm.



10660 Farms Rd, Mission


30635 Sandpiper Drive $699,000


Location !!! A huge rectangular 9,730 sqft lot in a great neighborhood, completely renovated with new appliances, new kitchen, new windows, new flooring & new paint. Great opportunity with a great price ! Don't miss out !!

First time buyers or investors has a great opportunity to own a very nice 3 bedroom rancher with unauthorized 2 bdrm suite in a desirable area. Schools, buses and parks are in walking distance. Backyard with a large newer deck.Don't miss out, this one won't last long!

10708 Farms Rd, Mission


29295 Huntingdon Road $2,395,000

24 Acres with a view of Mount Baker, right next to the city and close to the airport. Older home renovated inside, or you can build a beautiful home with a view. Field is ready for variety of plantation. Don't miss this great offer on a great location !!

Full production 19.7 Acres blue berry farm( Blue crop 8 acres, Reka 4 and Duke 4 acres) set up as a machine pick on city water and only 5 mins away from Mission city.3 Bdrm house which is r e n t e d o u t f o r $1000/month.

$849,000 Trades Welcome

Don't miss the opportunity to own a 18.7 acres full production blue berry farm(14 acre Duke, 2 Blue crop & 1 acres Reka) machine pick on city water. Only 5 mins away from Mission and best fertilize land and water for blue berries. 4 Bdrm house currently rented for $1000/month.

ed t p e Acc fer Of

21 acres with blueberry farm 120ac blueberry farm in Mission 7.1million with $60,000.00 Rental income in Mission for just $12,50,000.


Friday, April 7th, 2017


5 Acres Bare Land In Abbotsford Located on a peaceful no-thru street in South Abbotsford on Laxton St off of Huntingdon Rd close to airport. This desirable level acreage has grade A gravel based soil and is ideal for a hobby farm or an estate home with Mt. Baker views. Asking $1,499,000

Commercial Investment/Building for Sale/Lease in Downtown Abbotsford 3055 sq ft building on a 3300 sq ft lot at 33760 Essendene Ave. Asking $699,000 or $12 + triple net for lease. High traf c/high visibility area. Ideal for professional services or retail sales. Bus service is directly in front. Please call or email Jim Braich for more info.



Friday, April 7th , 2017

Home Buyers House Hunting Tips House hunting hints You have established your budget. You have been pre-approved for a mortgage. You have contacted a Real Estate Professional to assist you with the purchase of a home. Now the fun, and evaluation begins. You will probably be looking at a few homes before you decide on the perfect one for your family. Before you decide to purchase that home you have absolutely fallen in love with, be sure to be objective in your decision. On appearance alone, the fireplace, the new flooring, paint job and new carpeting create a warm and inviting feeling. Yet, is the home really that perfect? Take a deep breath. Take some time to think about the bigger picture of the home in terms of your needs. Carefully consider whether this home offers the features that will last beyond the first impression. Here are some essential factors to consider: Location is a significant factor in your choice of home. An established community, with a good reputation, a low

crime rate and well-maintained homes, maintains home values. A garbage dump, industrious buildings disposing bad odours and major freeways surrounding your neighborhood are unattractive and disruptive to a peaceful lifestyle. Also consider availability and cost of access to public transportation, major roads and highways. Also consider the condition of public areas such as streets, sidewalks, parks and recreational facilities. Public services should also be established including street cleaning, snow removal, garbage collection, and emergency services. You will also want efficient access to medical services including hospitals, doctors and dentists. Be sure that schools and related school services are also within easy access. Recreational, shopping and entertainment needs should also be considered.

Kamal Gill 604.825.1576


Investors/developers alert: potential for townhouse development site in central abbotsford having rancher of 4 bedrooms plus full washroom fully renvoated rented @ $1500 plus utilites with nice tenants. Large lot 1/4 acre.

PRICE $599,900

Open House 1-4pm October 22nd & 23rd


45257 South Sumas Rd

Very clean 3 bedroom rancher in Fairfield!! 16x20 car garage. Close to rec facilities, walking distance to all levels of schools, churches & shopping centres. Huge over 8000 sq.ft. lot with a newer roof in 2014. Large & level driveway offers lots of parking space. Easy access to hwy and Mission.

Excellent for family or investor. Two storey house on big 8327 sq ft. lot with three bedrooms, two washrooms, dining room, kitchen, upstairs, one bedroom, living room, dining room, and kitchen is the basement. Whole house is rented.


PRICE $549,900

10 ted p e Acres Acc ffer O $975,000 For Sale on Whatcom Road

31930 31932 Madiera Pl

Investment alert/multi family!!! Side by side duplex on 10068 sf corner lot. Basement on ground level with 1-2 bedrooms unauthorized suite on each side. Total 4800 sq.ft. Tenant currently occupy both the units. Some renovations are done. Close to schools, parks, restaurants, transit, Easy Freeway access, all Clearbrook shopping. Seller is motivated, Bring your offers! Call today for a showings.

Quizno’s For Sale in Abbotsford Asking just $149,900

Call 604.825.1576



PRICE $624,800


32082 TIMS AVE.


Location, Location, Location. One of the best locations in CLEARBROOK AREA! Corner lot with 5 bedroom rancher with basement, separate entry. 2 full bathrooms. Basement is partly finished. Easy to add a kitchen if needed. New Laminate floor on main in 2015. New roof, new water tank & furnace. Close to schools, recreation centre, public transit, library and much more. Move in now and hold. Land has great potential.

PRICE $569,900

14.5 Acres

32013 HARRIS RD.


PRICE $998,900

Nursery is included

3- Level Townhome close to Abby Senior School


The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017


Vaisakhi Greetings Vaisakhi is an opportune time to reflect on the tremendous contributions that the Indo-Canadian community has made to the rich and diverse heritage of Abbotsford. With our heart-felt wishes for a joyous Vaisakhi celebration,

ivsfKI df iqAuhfr sfzy leI aYsf Zuk w vF smF hY jdoN sfnUM aYbtsPorz dy amIr aqy vMn-suvn M y ivrsy ivc ieMzo kYnz y Ian BfeIcfry vwlNo pfey sLfndfr Xogdfn bfry ivcfr krnf cfhIdf hY| KusIL aF BrI ivsfKI dy mOky hfridk sLB wu iewCfvF pysL krdy hF|

Abbotsford City Council


Canada + India Connecting countries and cultures

With a UFV campus in Chandigarh, India, and the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies in Abbotsford, UFV’s proud connection with India continues to grow. Happy Vaisakhi!

Students at UFV’s Chandigarh campus.




Vaisakhi 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Charlesworth insurance services ltd.

Vaisakhi Greetings to all our friends and clients! Happy

Phone: 604-852-2565 Fax: 852-2996


8:30 AM - 8 PM 8:30 AM - 9 PM 9 AM - 6 PM 10 AM - 5 PM

1A-32465 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1X4 PAGE 4

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Central Valley Insurance Services Ltd

• Home • Auto • Business • Travel • Marine We specialize in Visitor Visainsurance!

FREE Delivery! Open 7 Days a Week

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#160 32500 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 4W1 (Beside Safeway)



Vaisakhi Greetings to all our friends and clients!














OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Located Between Fruiticana and Punjab Sweets. Corner of Maclure and Townline in the Ellwood Plaza.

 � �


604-853-1112 604-309-3568 PAGE 5

The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017



HAPPY VAISAKHI! May the golden rays of returning bright days fill your hearts and homes with warmth and delight. All of us at RBC® wish you and your family a bountiful harvest of happiness.

rbc.com/newcomers TM

®/ ™ Trademark(s) PAGE 6 of Royal Bank of Canada.

46980 (02/2016)

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017

“qUVI qMd sFB hfVHI vyc vwt ky,



lMbVF qy sLfhF df ihsfb kwtky, kwCy mfr vMJlI afnMd Cf igaf mfrdf dmfmy jwt myly af igaf.” Kflsf pMQ dy isrjxf idhfVy, bdI qy nykI dI ijwq df pRqIk sRI gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI kurbfnI dy ievjL ivc ieh iek BgqI qy sLkqI df sumyl df lfsfnI iqAuhfr hY ijs idn sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny Kflsf dI isrjxf kIqI hr jfq qy Drm qoN AuWcf AuWT ky. hr Drm dI kurbfnI afpxI jgfh hY qy iswK ieiqhfs dIaF kurbfnIaF df ieiqhfs afpxI jgfh hY. iek nO sfl dy bwcy df afpxy ipqf nUM kurbfnI vfsqy qornf-pMQ dI sfjnf krky afpxy cfr sfihbjLfidaF nUM iPr ipqf dI kurbfnI qoN bfad sLhIdIaF df jfmf pihnf dyxf, ieh iswK Drm dy ihwsy hI afieaf hY. muglF iKlfP lVidaF afpxf srbMs dysL qy kOm dI rwiKaf leI vfr dyxf Blf dsvyN pfqsLfh qoN ibnF kOx kr skdf hY? ivsfKI hfVHI dI Psl pwkx dI KusLI df ieh iek mOsmI lok iqAuhfr vI hY. kudrq dy inXm dI pflxf krdf “Change is the Law of Nature.” sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny iswK Drm nUM ieh pihcfx idwqI-iewk Identify pRdfn

kIqI jo dunIaF dy hr kony ivc afpxI ivlwKxqf krky jfxI jFdI hY. ivsfKI qy iksfn afpxIaF PslF dI BrpUr jvfnI vyK ky nwc AuWTdf hY-Aus ipwCy Aus dIaF ikMnHIaF hI rfqF dy jgrfqy huMdy hn. swpF dIaF isrIaF imwD imwD ky GflI Gflxf huMdI hY qy iPr ieh idl diraf sB df aMndfqf ho inbVdf hY. Bfrq nUM afjLfd hoieaF ikMny hI dhfky bIq gey pr iksfn dI shI arQF ivc suwD buwD iksy srkfr leI pihl nf bx skI, iesy leI kuJ ku ingUxIaF rkmF ipwCy Auh afpxy afp nUM Pfhy tMg idMdf hY. iknI qRfsdI hY ies Xuwg dI-dysL df aMndfqf slPfs Kfx leI mjLbUr hY. kfsL! koeI Aus dI kmfeI dy mfany jfx skdf-Aus dy jgrfiqaF df muwl pf skdf. pr aPsos mhIinaF qwk Aus dI Psl mMzIaF ivc ruldI hY.


brUs kYlHr Eqy tIm kYnYks v@loN sB nUM ivs`KI dIE~ l@K l@K vD`eIE~

Bruce Kehler & Team Canex wishing each and everyone a Happy Vaisakhi!

KYr ivsfKI df idhfVf qF Aus leI KusLIaF df pRqIk bxky afAuNdf hY ijs idn Auh afpxy sfry iPkr iCwky tMg ky BMgVf pfAuNdf hY nvIaF afsF nfl, nvIaF AumIdF nfl. ijvyN ijvyN Psl Aus dy Gr afAuNdI hY Auh hor qkVf hox lwgdf hY. afAu rlky apIl krIey simaF dIaF srkfrF nUM ik Auh iksfn dI sfr lYxAus dI ivsfKI nUM hor KusLhfl bxfAuxAus dy duwK drd vMzfAux qy Aus dI ikrq df shI muwl qfrn.

ivafh vfsqy mihMdI slfh msLvrf BRIDAL HENNA | CONSULTATIONS | BIRTHDAY PARTIES jnm idn myk awp: QItr, ivafh dy MAKEUP FOR: SPECIAL OCCASIONS, WEDDINGS (PHOTOPoto sLUt, QItr leI spYsLl eIPYkt SHOOTS), SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR THEATER mihMdI aqy mobfeIl srivs jy loV hovy P.S ALSO CAN PROVIDE MOBILE SERVICES UPON REQUEST. qF asIN quhfzy Gry afky vI mihMdI lfAuuNdy hF


46070 Knight Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 1B7 Phone: 604-858-8188 | Fax: 604-858-1840 | Toll Free: 1-800-220-7881 asIN quhfzy kol afAuNdy hF

Serving the Community since 1983 PAGE 7

The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Celebrate this year’s day of bountiful harvest! May this year be filled with prosperity, abundance and success.

Have a Happy

Michael de Jong,

Simon Gibson,

Darryl Plecas,

Abbotsford West

Abbotsford Mission

Abbotsford South

Abbotsford West Campaign Office 100-32660 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 4V6 Phone: (604) 870-5486 Fax: (604) 870-5444 Email: Mike.deJong@bcliberals.com Website: www.MikedeJong.com

Abbotsford Mission Campaign Office 7221 Park Street Mission, BC V2V 6A4 Phone: (604) 820-6203 Fax: (604) 820-6211 Email: Simon.Gibson@bcliberals.com Website: www.simonGibson.ca

Abbotsford South Campaign Office #12 2047 Sumas Way Abbotsford, BC V2S 8H6 26426 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove Phone: (604) 744-0700 Fax: (604) 744-0701 Email: Darryl.Plecas@bcliberals.com Website: www.DarrylPlecas.com

“Delivering Results for You� PAGE 8

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017




Talking Points on Vaisakhi

ikhs are a vibrant and very visible part of Canadian society and Vaisakhi is one of the largest Sikh celebrations of the year * * The distinct identity of the Sikhs is part of the Khalsa identity, All amritdhari or initiated Sikhs wear the five Sikh articles of faith * kesh -- unshorn hair symbolizing acceptance of God’s will; the hair must be kept covered at all times with a keski or (turban or head-covering) representin spiritual wisdom; * kangha — a wooden comb representiru selfdiscipline; worn in the hair and use(to keep it neat and tidy; * kara — an iron or steel bracelet worn or the wrist; the circle signifies the oneness and eternity ofGod and to use one’s

hands for the benefit of humanity; * kachhera — cotton undergarment representing high moral character and restraint; * kirpan — a stylized representation of a sword, which must be worn sheathed, restrained in a cloth belt, and next to the body; the kirpan signifies the duty of a Sikh to stand

up against injustice. Most kirpans range in size from 6 to 9 inches in length. * The Sikh parade or Nagar Keertan is an opportunity to celebrate Vaisakhi together and with the rest ofthe community as well. The parade is lead by the Punj Pyare and the Sikh scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib

CIBC wishes you Happy Vaisakhi.

CIBC Cube Design & “Banking that fits your life.” are trademarks of CIBC.


The Patrika




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hr aYqvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 12 vjy qwk myn drbfr hfl ivwc ivsLysL dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn.


hryk sMgrFd vfly idn smUh sMgqF vloN hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb ivKy sRI sihj pfT sfihb dy Bog AuprMq 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf aqy ZfzI vfrF df gfien kIqf jFdf hY. sLfm nUM 5:45 qoN 7:45 vjy Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy myn hfl ivwc kQf, kIrqn aqy ZfzI drbfr huMdy hn. sMgqF pRqI bynqI hY ik donoN vkq gurbfxI kIrqn sux ky jIvn sPl bxfE jI.


hr aYqvfr vfly idn bIbIaF vloN gurduafrf sfihb dy Auprly hfl (qIjI Plor) ivwc dupihr 12[30 vjy qoN 4[00 vjy qwk sMgqI rUp 'c sRI suKmnI sfihb jI dy pfT huMdy hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr mMglvfr qy vIrvfr nUM Xogf dIaF klfsF sLfm 7[00 qoN 9[00 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb drbfr hfl ivKy hr sLnIvfr nUM sLfm 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ismrn huMdf hY. ismrn krky afpxf jIvn sPl kro. pRB kf ismrnu sB qy AUcf..


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb (imAUjIam hfl) ajfieb Gr sMgqF dy drsLnF leI hr rojL svyry 9[00 qoN sLfm 5[00 vjy qwk KoilHaf jFdf hY.


gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy iswK ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI leI lfiebRyrI sQfpq kIqI geI hY. sMgqF vwD qoN vwD lfB AuTfE jI.


pMjfbI dIaF klfsF gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM 9 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.

sUcnfvF:- mhIny ivwc hr vIrvfr nUM grBvqI aOrqF vfsqy klfsF lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn ijs ivwc Kfx pIx qy Kurfk vfsqy jfxkfrI vI idwqI jFdI hY.

rfgI jwQy: BfeI gurpRIq isMG sfhnyvfl (ryrU sfihb) BfeI rysLm isMG gwjxvflf (mogy vfly)

2[ hr vIrvfr nUM 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy dupihr nUM ishq bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jFdI hY ijs ivwc bwcy, jvfn aqy bjLurg vI sLfml ho skdy hn. moinkf 604-308-8216

kQf vfck: pRo: prmjIq isMG (gurdfspur vfly)

hYWz gRMQI: ZfzI jQf: BfeI suKdyv isMG BfeI guljLfr isMG gulsLn (luiDafxy vfly)

êz¯×ðÅî apRYl-01 sLnIvfr,

Bog sRI sihj pfT sfihb aqy aMiqm ardfs nimwq sv: blbIr isMG iswDU duiphr 12 vjy

apRYl-02 aYqvfr,

Bog sRI sihj pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf mlkIq isMG iZwloN pRIvfr vwloN.

apRYl-07 sLuwkrvfr, afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smsyr isMG DflIvfl pRIvfr vwloN. apRYl-08 sLnIvfr,

sv: srvx isMG shoq f dy nimwq sihj pfT dy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs dupihr 12 vjy

apRYl-09 aYqvfr,

Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smsyr isMG DflIvfl pRIvfr vwloN.

apRYl-11 mMglvfr, pUrnmfsLI, Bog sRI sihj pfT sfihb jI sLfm 7:30 vjy arMB sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI sLfm 7:30 vjy apRYl-13 vIrvfr,

afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf rxjIq isMG mfn pRIvfr vwloN.

apRYl-14 sLuwkrvfr, sMgrFd afrMB vYsfK apRYl-14 sLuwkrvfr, afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smUh sMgq aYbtsPorz pRIvfrF vwloN. vYsfKI dy sbMD ivwc apRYl-15 sLnIvfr,

Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf rxjIq isMG mfn pRIvfr vwloN.

apRYl-16 aYqvfr,

Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smUh sMgq aYbtsPorz pRIvfrF vwloN. vYsfKI dy sbMD ivwc

apRYl-16 aYqvfr,

insLfn sfihb df colf sfihb dI syvf 8 vjy svyry hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb dI aqy 9 vjy myn gurduafrf sfihb dy insLfn colf sfihb dI syvf hovygI.

apRYl-16 aYqvfr,

Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI, aYbtsPorz dy voitMg mYNbrF dI slfnf jrnl mIitMg aYqvfr 2 vjy drbfr hfl ivwc hovygI.

ivs`KI dy iqauh`r dIE~ sB nUM l@K l@K vD`eIE~ hYrItyj gurUGr sRI sfihj pfT dI syvf leI: BfeI guljLfr isMG gulsLn

sMprk kro: mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-864-7700

sYktrI, jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl): 1-604-832-4000 zfierYktr qrsym isMG idafl: 1-778-552-4466


Vaisakhi 2017


iksfnF qy ikrqIaF df iqAuhfr ivsfKI pRo[ hmdrdvIr nOsLihrvI

pMjfb dy iksfn leI ivsfKI df iqAuhfr sB qoN mhwqvpUrn hY. kxk df iswtf Brdf hY. ivsfKI vfly idn dy afs-pfs kxkF vwZIaF jFdIaF hn. dfixaF dy aMbfr lwgdy hn. Pyr dfixaF dIaF trflIaF Br ky iksfn mMzI jFdy hn. mMzI jFidaF sfr kxk ivk nhIN jFdI. keI-keI idn aqy rfqF afpxy bohl dy isrhfxy bYTxf pYNdf hY. afpxI kxk dI rfKI krnI pYNdI hY. srkfrI aiDkfrI nKry krdy hn, ihwsf mMgdy hn, pqf nhIN kfhdf ihwsf? BUry lfl Jony ivc iswl qy kfloN kwZdf hY aqy kxk ivwcoN GuMzIaF aqy kFigafrI. iksfn dy ichry AuWqy ivsfKI dIaF KusLIaF gfieb hn ikAuNik iksfn jfxdf hY ik DIaF vFg pflI-posI kxk dI ies vfr vI bykdrI ho skdI hY. ivsfKI vfly idn 1699 eI: nUM gurU goibMd isMG jI ny anMdpur sfihb ivKy Kflsf pMQ dI nINh rwKI. sLuwD aqy swcy Kfls mnuwK dI isrjxf kIqI. KMzy dI pfhul Ckf pMj ipafry sfjy. aMimRq pfn krn vfly pMj ipafry. pMj vwK-vwK DrmF, jfqF aqy ielfikaF ivwcoN hn. jfq pfq df Byd Bfv imt igaf. sfry AuWcy-nIvyN iewk smfn ho gey. sFJIvflqf dI mflf ivwc proey gey. dsmysL ipqf shI arQF ivwc Drm-inrpwKqf, lok rfj aqy smfnqf dy hfmI sn. ivsfKI idhfVy qoN sdf pRyrnf imldI rhygI ik sfnUM Poky krmkfzF, jfq-pfq, iPrkfpRsqI aqy sOVI ielfkfpRsqI qoN AuWpr AuWT ky smuwcI mfnvqf dI ibhqrI leI socxf cfhIdf hY. sMgq pMgq aqy sFJy lMgr dI pRMprf kfPI purfxI hY. lMgr dI pRMprf gurU nfnk dyv jI vwloN krqfrpur qoN afrMB kIqI geI sI. afnMdpur sfihb qwk phuMcidaF ies pRMprf dy smfjvfdI arQ hor vI prpwk ho cuwky sn. sMn 1699 dI ivsfKI qwk phuMcidaF ies pRMprf ivwc mfrsLl siprt pRvysL kr cuwkI sI. ikrq krnf, vMz Ckxf, sMjm ivwc rihxf qy sMgq nUM gurU df drjf dyxf, pMjfbI smfj ivwc awj vI kfPI hwd qfeIN dyKy jf skdy hn. ivsfKI eykqf aqy BrfqrI Bfv df sMdysL idMdI hY. sB dy duwK-suwK sFJy ho gey iBwt-Bfv, CUq-Cfq dIaF nINhF ihwl geIaF,

sfl pihlF mhfqmf buwD nUM boD gXf dy sQfn AuWqy, igafn dI pRfpqI hoeI sI. awj ivsfKI dy mOky asIN vyKdy hF ik ‘iewk smUh leI aqy smUh iewk leI’ AuWqy aDfrq sfzf swiBafcfrk KMizq hY. pihlF iksfn qy sIrI kfmy ivwc sFJ huMdI sI. duwK-suwK sux suxf lYNdy sn pr hux ipMzF ivwc Kyq mjLdUr dI ikrq qkfq vI iewk ijxs bx geI hY. ikrq vycx leI (bolI) huMdI hY. Jonf lvfeI aqy kxk ktfeI vyly ieh bolI vwD jFdI hY. hux sFJI KyqI nhIN huMdI. mMg pf ky sFJy ibjfeI, guzfeI aqy kZfeI df kMm hux iksfn nhIN krdy. svfrQ hr pfsy pRDfn hY. afpo-DfpI hY. vfrI-vfrI rl iml ky kMm krn krvfAux df swiBafcfr hux nhIN irhf. ivsfKI df iqAuhfr ikrq dI mhwqqf df iqAuhfr hY. sMGrsL krnf hwQIN ikrq krnf qy iPr rl-iml ky bYT ky Kfxf aqy BwuiKaF nUM KvfAuxf. kdI pMjfb pRqI jIa afmdn ivwc Bfrq `c sB qoN AuWpr sI. sfry sUibaF nfloN vwD trYktrF dI vrqoN hflI vI pMjfb dy iksfn krdy hn. vwzy iksfnF leI srkfr ny itAUbvYWl ibjlI pfxI muPq kIqf hoieaf hY. Pyr vI iksfnI hyTF nUM jf rhI hY. CotI iksfnI krijLaF dy boJ hyTF dwbI peI hY. aMndfqf iksfn afriQk qMgIaF df npIiVaf hoieaf afqm-hwiqaf vrgy aiq bujLidlI kdm cuwkx qwk cilaf igaf hY. pMjfb dy ipMzF dy ijLMmIdfr/jgIrdfr, sLihrF ivwc AusfrIaF afpxIaF ivsLfl koTIaF ivwc rihMdy hn pr Coty iksfn, byjLmIny iksfn aqy Kyq mjLdUr dy DIaFpuwqr imafrI pVHfeI aqy CotIaF-motIaF nOkrIaF leI dr-dr Btk rhy hn. nOkrI pRfpq krn leI Auh kuJ vI krn nUM iqafr hn. pMjfb df Cotf iksfn afpxy byty nUM AuWc iswiKaf idvfAux qy nOkrI df pRbMD krn leI bYNkF pfsoN krjLf lYNdf hY. nOkrI iPr vI nhIN imldI, nf hI ilaf hoieaf krjLf vfps muVdf hY.

sfrI srkfrI msLInrI, afVHqIey, bYNk, puils, aPsrsLfhI grIb iksfn duafly Gyrf Gwq lYNdy hn. pMjfb vrgf gurU dI imhr vflf sUbf vI aiq lfcfr qy mjLbUr ho jFdf hY. dUjy pfsy, iewk irport anusfr ‘mfns sBo eyk pY anyk ko pRBfv hY.” kOmI bYNkF pfsoN, isafsI srpRsqI vfly vwzy jilHaFvfly bfg aMimRqsr ivwc ivsfKI AudXogpqIaF aqy kfrKfnydfrF vwloN krjLy vfly idn 13 aprYl 1919 inhwQI aqy dy rUp ivwc ley iqMn lwK kroV, vwty Kfqy puramn rYlI AuWqy mfeIkl Ezvfier aqy pf ky Kqm kr idwqy hn. jnrl zfier dy hukmF anusfr aMnHyvfh afs krdy hF ik KusLIaF BrI ivsfKI vI golI clfeI geI sI. sYNkVy byksUr lok jLrUr afvygI, jdoN iksfn nUM afpxI imhnq mfry gey sn. df pUrf muwl imlygf, jdoN aMndfqf qy aMn 13 aprYl df idn ies krky vI Xfd krn dI bykdrI nhIN hovygI. iksfn dy ichry Xog hY ikAuNik iesy idn krIb ZfeI hjLfr AuWqy KusLI hwsygI.

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017



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The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017

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Vaisakhi Greetings to all!



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Happy Vaisakhi!

gurU inkly bfhr qMbU `coN, AuWcI bol jYkfry, hwQ ivwc PVI sLmsLIr, peI ilsLkF mfry, ‘iewk sIs cfhIdf’, sux sfry by-hfl sI. gurF sfjy pMj ipafry kfiem kIqI msfl sI. pr bhuiqaF nUM qF ieh vI nhIN pqf, Eh kyhVy pMj nfl sI? jilHaF vflf bfgL KUh lfsLF nfl Biraf, golIaF nfl BuMnI jnqf, lokF ikvyN hoAU jiraf, ikMny hI inhwQy mfry Kvry ikMny nMHny bfl sI? pr bhuiqaF nUM qF ieh nhIN pqf Auh kyhVf sfl sI?

lwkI lKbIr aYbtsPorz

bx srbMsdfnI gurF, kOm nUM bcf ilaf, Bgq, srfBy, AUDm krjL isroN lfh ilaf, suMnq huMdI sB dI, hoxf burf hfl sI, pr bhuiqaF nUM qF ieh nhIN pqf, gurU jI dy kyhVy lfl sI?

kfhdIaF ivsfKIaF, lohVIaF, dIvflIaF, puwCo, ijMnF hfly cuwlHy awgF vI nhIN bflIaF, ikDry sunfmI, awg, ikqy cMdrf Bucfl sI. pr keI suQiraF nUM qF eyh vI nhIN pqf ieh hoeI kIhdy nfl sI?


Abbotsford Council


The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Kflsy pMQ dI isrjxf “Kflsf� PfrsI BfsLf df sLbd hY. ijs dy arQ ivdvfnF ny inwjI mlkIaq kIqy hn. pRoPYsr siqbIr isMG muqfibk sB qoN pihlF ieh sLbd akbr bfdsLfh dy mfl mMqrI rfjf tozr vwl ny Aus jLmIn vfsqy vriqaf sI ijs AuWqy koeI mfmlf afid nhIN sI jo iswDI bfdsLfh dy KjLfny ivwc jFdI sI. Bfv inwjI jfiedfd “Kflsf� vI vfihgurU jI df hY. gurU goibMd isMG jI ny aMimRq Ckf ky Kflsy nUM iswDf akfl purK dy nfl joiVaf hY. ‘iswK’ bxn leI KMzy dI ‘pfhul’ qoN pihlF ‘crn pfhul’ idwqI jFdI sI. BfeI gurdfs jI ilKdy hn, “crn Doie rihrfs kr crnfimRq isKF pIlfieaf.� pr mhfn mnoivigafnI siqgurU ny jl qoN inrmlqf qy ivsLflqf, bfxI qoN aiDafqmkqf qy KMzy qoN bIrqf lY ky ijs pMQ dI isrjxf kIqI, Aus df nfm Kflsf pMQ rwiKaf. sdIaF qoN pyrF hyT ilqfVINdy, durkfrINdy, lokF nUM srdfr bxf idwqf. bfdsLfhIaF bKsL idwqIaF. icVHIaF vrgy kmjLor idlF vfilaF ivwc bfjLF nfl Kihx dI juraq aqy dlyrI Br idwqI. lokF ivwc inrblqf ies kdr af geI sI ik Auh afpo afpxy ikwiqaF ivwc hI msq ho ky Auho ijhf suBfAu gRihx kr gey sn. iehI krfmfq sI jo sdIaF qoN pYrF hyT lqfVINdy lokF nUM axKI qy svY ivsLvfs vfly bxf geI. mnuwK jyho jyhy mfhOl ivwc jIAuNdf hY, Aus dI jIvn sYLlI Ausy qrHF dI hI bx jFdI hY. mMnU dI vrn vMz ny BfrqI smfj nUM KKVIaF kryly kr idwqf. pUjf pfT vfilaF (bRfhmxF) aihMsf prmo Drm df nfarf dy ky axKIly lokF nUM inpuMsLk bxf ky rwK idwqf. mYN

smJdf dysL dI gulfmI df kfrn vI ieh sI. iek awq Aucf bxky pUjnIk bx bYTf qy pfT pqn dfn puMn afid df muKI bx igaf. dUsry nUM qlvfr dI sONpxf krky qfkq df pRqIk bxf ky, afp Aus df pRmuwK slfhkfr bx bYTf. qIsry BfeIcfry nUM vYsL df drjf dy ky KyqI bfVI qy vxj vpfr ivwc lf idwqf. cOQy vrg nUM AuprilaF iqMnF dI syvf leI inXukq kr idwqf. Aus nUM sUdr afK ky iqRskfr krnf sLurU kr idwqf. cfhIdf qF ieh sI ik syvf krn vfly nUM Aucyrf siqkfr idwqf jFdf. pr Aus nUM iGRxq kMm dy ky Aus nfl hI iGrnf sLurU kr idwqI. hux dysL dI rwiKaf df Bfr kyvl iek CqrI dy isr dy idwqf. hyTly donNo vrg vYsL qy sUdr BfrqI smfj vYsL qy sUdr BfrqI smfj aMdr kdy vI bRfhmx qy CwqrI ijMnf mfx siqkfr nf pf sky. jdoN kfbl vwloN pfp dIaF jMJF cVHIaF qF Auh cfry Brf iekwTy ho ky afey. iewDr cONh ivwcoN isrP iek lVny vflf. ieAuN ihMdosqfn dy pYrF ivc gulfmI dIaF byVIaF peIaF. loV sI ienHF byVIaF nUM kwtxvfly iksy mrd agMmVy dI. Aus ny cONhF vrgF nUM iekwiTaF krn leI ds sjfmy Dfrn kIqy. pihlF “KqrI bRfhmx sUd vYs AupdysL chuM vrnf kAu sFJf� KflI kQnI nfl nhIN krnI nfl sLurU kIqf. AuicaF (mlk Bfgo) dI mihmfn invfjI nUM axgOilaf krky nIivaF (BfeI lflo) dI koDry dI rotI nUM suwcy duwD vq mfixaf qy CwqI pRkfr dy BojnF dI lhU luhfn nfl qulnf kIqI. iPr lMgr dI mirafdf qorI. ieh jfq-pfq, AUc-nIc, hfkm prjf afid, Aupr krfrI cot sI. BfvyN akbr vrgf



sLihnsLfh afvy Aus nUM vI drsLkF qoN pihlF lMgr ivwc pMgq ivwc bYT ky pRsLfdf Ckx dI sLrq rwKI. iPr hirmMdr dI isrjxf krky Aus dy cfr drvfjLy rwK ky ieh sMdysL idwqf rwb hr pfsy hY. Aus qoN pihlF Dfrnf ieh sI, “dKxu dyis hrI kf vfsf pCm mfl mukfmf� Bfv ik prmfqmf iksy Kfs idsLf ivwc hI rihMdf hY. sfry Brm gVH qoV suwty. axK qy gYrq aMgVfeIaF lYx leI igafn dy sUrj ny aigafnqf dy hnyry nUM lIro lIr kr idwqf. afKr ivwc iek svfl df AuWqr. keI ivdysLI qy dysLI lyKkF ny ilK idwqf ik gurU nfnk dyv jI vloN jo inrmlqf dI ndI vgfeI geI sI CyvyN gurU hirgoibMd sfihb ny Aus df muwK mfrUQl vwl nUM moV idqf qy ieh lihr suk purk geI. pr ies kQn ivwc rqI Br vI scfeI nhIN. ds gurU sfihbfn dy kyvl srIr hI vwKro vwKry sn joq iek hI sI. “joq Ehf jugiq sfie sih kfieaf Pyir pldIaY.� qlvfr qF gurU nfnk dyv jI vI hwQF ivwc PVf skdy sn. pr AunHF nhIN pkVfeI. kfrn? jo pMCI lMmy smyN qoN ipMjry ivwc ipaf hovy, Aus dy KMB Auzn dI jfc Buwl jFdy hn. AuNJ vI AuhnF ivwc swiqaf nhIN rihMdI. jy Aus nUM ipMjry ivwcoN afjLfd vI kr dyeIey qF Aus nUM koeI dUsrf pkVky ipMjry ivwc pf lvygf jF koeI kuwqf ibwlI Kf jfeygf. iesy qrHF gulfmI lukfeI ivwc pihlF ajLfdI df aihsfs jgfAuxf jLrUrI huMdf hY, iPr nfbrfbrI df kohV Kqm krnf huMdf hY. ibnf sFJy lksL dy hr iewk inwjI jdo jihd bhuq CyqI dm qoV jFdI hY.

Vaisakhi 2017

igafnI kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’ gurU arjn dyv jI qwk kOm ivwc jfgrqI af cuwkI sI. CyvyN pfqsLfh gurU hirgoibMd sfihb jI dIaF cfr jMgF ny isK kOm ivwc svY Brosf jgf idwqf sI. zf: gokl cMd nfrMg dI ieh gwl sO PIsdI swc hY ik ijs qlvfr ny gurU goibMd isMG jI dy hwQF ivwc af ky mugl rfj dIaF jVHF vwZIaF Aus df POlfd gurU nfnk dyv jI ny hI iqafr kIqf sI. gurU goibMd isMG jI ny cOdF jMg lVy. isqm dI gwl ieh hY ik iPr AunHy muglF nfl nhIN hoey ijMny phfVI rfijaF nfl. jfq pfq df hMkfr AunHF nUM hmysLf gurU jI dy ivruwD lVn leI mjbUr kr ilaf. AunHF nUM sdf afpxf hI pflf mfrdf irhf. jy gurU jI ny kyvl afpxf rfj kfiem krnf huMdf Auh sMn 1686 eI: ivwc kr lYNdy jdoN BMgfxI dI jMg ivwc bkfiedf phfVI rfijaF nUM hfr hoeI sI. pRMqU AunHF df AudysL sI, “BY kfhU ko dyiq nih nih BY mfnq afin.� zrnf bujLidlI hY, kfierqf hY, zrfAuxf julmqf hY cMgyjLI hY. Kflsf pMQ dI isrjxf AunHF hlmyrI rfj leI kIqI sI ijwQy koeI jLflm nf hovy ijwQy koeI mjLlUm nf hovy. awj loV hY Aus mrd agMmVy, virafm akyly, aMimRq dy dfqy srbMs dfnI dy aMimRq duafrf bKsLy AuWcy suwcy lksL nUM smJx dI qy Aus nUM mnuwK mfqr qwk phuMcfx dI. qd hI sfrQk ho skdy hn sfzy gurpurb mnfAuxy, sfzy ngr kIrqn sjfAuxy. Kflsy dy jnm idn dI smUh mnuwK mfqr nUM lwK lwK vDfeI hovy.


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Vaisakhi 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

ivsfKI-BgqI aqy sLkqI df sumyl ivsfKI df iqAuhfr sdIaF purfxf iqAuhfr hY. purfqn smyN qoN hI ivsfKI sfzy swiBafcfr df iewk ainwKVvF aMg rhI hY. ieh iqAuhfr ivsfK dy pihly idn Bfv ivsfKI dI sMgrFd nUM mnfieaf jFdf hY. ikrsfnI jIvn nfl ies iqAuhfr dI atuwt sFJ hY ikAuNik ies idn kxk dI vfZI sLurU ho jFdI hY aqy iksfn afpxIaF PslF pwkx dI KusLI ivwc BMgVy pfAuNdy afpxI KusLI df iejLhfr krdy hn. pr hOlI-hOlI purfqn BfeIcfrk sFJ vflI ivsfKI dy nfl ies dy ieiqhfsk sFJ vflI ivsfKI dy nfl iesdy ieiqhfsk aqy Dfrimk pwK vI juV gey. hux vwzy pwDr `qy ivsfKI dy mOky-dysLF ivdysLF ivwc dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn, ngr kIrqn kIqy jFdy hn. iswK BfeIcfrf smUihk rUp ivwc iekwTy ho ky ieh ‘Kflsf pMQ’ dy sfjxf idvs nUM mnfAuNdf hY. dUroN hI ieh Kflsf pCfixaf jFdf hY. pr svfl AuWTdf hY ik iswKF nUM iewk vwKrI pihcfx dI loV ikAuN peI. gurU sfihb dI sLhIdI Kflsy pMQ dI sQfpnf ivwc iek hor mhwqvpUrn kfrn bixaf, jdoN anykF hI hor iswKF, ihMdUaF AuWqy jLulm Zfhy gey. gurU goibMd rfey ny kOm aqy Drm dI rwiKaf leI iehnF juLlmF ivruwD afvfjL bulMd kIqI. ies mhfn sLkqI ny pfp, ainaF aqy JUT ivruwD jnqf nUM jfigRq kIqf. ihMdU Drm dI Kfqr ipqf jI nUM sLhIdI dyx leI idwlI qoiraf. iswKF ivwc bhfdrI aqy

dlyrI vrgy gux pYdf krn leI iswKF nUM jQybMd krnf sLurU kIqf. AuhnF ivwc afqm-ivsLvfs pYdf krn leI iswKF nUM iewk vwKrI pihcfx dyx bfry soicaf. gurU sfihb ny ivsfKI df mOkf hI sB qoN ZukvF smiJaf aqy iswKF nUM anMdpur sfihb (kysgVH sfihb) ivKy iekwTy hox leI ikhf. 30 mfrc, 1699 dI ivsfKI nUM kysgV ivKy iewk BfrqI iekwT hoieaf ijs ivwc gurU sfihb ny lokF AuWqy ho rhy awiqafcfr ivruwD avfjL AuTfeI aqy pMj sIsF dI mMg kIqI. kuJ smF sMnftf Cfey bfad pMj iswKF ny AuhnF dI cuxOqI nUM svIkfr kIqf aqy afpxf sIs Byt krn leI vfro-vfrI awgy afey. gurU sfihb nUM iehnF pMj iswKF nUM srb loh dy bfty ivwc iqafr kIqf KMzy bfty df aMimRq Cwk ky isMG df iKqfb idwqf aqy AuhnF nUM pMj ipafry Qfipaf. bfad ivwc AuhnF pMj ipafiraF qoN afp aMimRq Ck ky isMG sjy. vfhu-vfhu goibMd isMG afpy gur cylf df sMklp ilaf. Kflsy nUM vwKrI pihcfx dy ky kOm ivwc nvIN rUh Br idwqI. iswK nUM aMimRq Ckf ky sMq ispfhI bxf idwqf. BgqI Bfv afqimk guxF krky sMq aqy sLkqI Bfv bIrqf dy guxF krky ispfhI bxf idwqf. dIn-duKIaF dI rwiKaf leI BgqI aqy sLkqI df sumyl krky AUcnIc, grIb-amIr df Byd-Bfv Kqm kr idwqf. so ieko bfty ivwc aMimRq Ckf ky sfrIaF jfqF, brfdrIaF Kqm krky iewk BfeIcfrk sFJ vflf Kflsf pMQ iqafr

THE RED APPLE FOOD STORE Vaisakhi Greetings to All!!

Gurdev Buttar Telephone: 604 859-0161

32354 Marshall Road, Clearbrook, B.C. V2T 1A4 PAGE 16

Vaisakhi 2017

svrgvfsI zf: dlIp isMG igwl dsmysL pMjfbI skUl aYbtsPorz kIqf, mfrg nUM apxfAuNdy hn. aijhy hI AuWcy adfrsLF dy mflk sn gurU goibMd isMG ‘mfns kI jfq sbY eykY pihcfnbo..’ jI. afpxy iehnF AuWcy-suwcy iKaflF sdkf hI iewk afdrsL mnuwK dI isrjxf kIqI. Kflsf pMQ dI isrjxf ipwCoN gurU goibMd loV hY awj sfnUM AuhnF dy asUlF qy pihrf isMG jI dI soc sI ik hkUmq df tfkrf dyx dI. AuhnF duafrf idwqy gey AupdysLF isrP kOmI eykqf aqy qfkq nfl hI nUM prcfrn dI. dOlq rfey sfihb ‘sfihb kIqf jf skdf hY. gurU sfihb ny pMQ dI ey kmfl gurU goibMd isMG jI ivwc ilKdy isrjxf krky AuhnF lokF ivwc afmq hn ik “gurU goibMd isMG jI ny iswK ivsLvfs pYdf kIqf jo kdI afpxy-afp nUM Drm df pRcfr krn leI afpxI mF bolI dwby-kucly, byvws, inqfxy jF lqfVy hoey vrqI. Auh smJdy sn ik Drm AupdysLF smJdy sn. gokl cMd nfrMg ilKdy hn: nUM afpxI mfq BfsLf ivwc nf dyxf, nf kyvl aXog smJdy sn, blik bhuq ‘gurU goibMd isMG dy asr hyT aijhy hfnIkfrk qy Kqrnfk vI pRqIq krdy mnuwK vI rx-Kyqr dy sUrmy bx gey, sn.� ijhnF kdI qlvfr nUM hwQ nhIN sI lfieaf.� jy asIN AuhnF dI kurbfnI nUM hmysLf Xfd rwKxf hY qF sfnUM afpxI mF-bolI gurU goibMd isMG jI nUM Kflsf pMQ dI sQfpnf qoN bfad vI bhuq duwKF qklIPF df siqkfr kfiem rwKxf pvygf qF ik asIN afAux vflIaF pIVHIaF nUM afpxy ivwcoN gujLrnf ipaf. vwzy sLfihbjLfidaF nUM cmkOr dI gVHI ivwc sLhId krvfieaf swiBafcfr nfl joV skIey. mF-bolI Kflsy dI afpxI pihcfx hY. ivdysLF ivwc aqy Coty sfihbjLfidaF nUM ijAuNdy kMDF ivwc icxvf ky vI sI qwk nf kIqI. mfqf afpxI mfq-BfsLf pMjfbI nUM siqkfr idvfAux vfly asIN pMjfbI hI hF jo ies gujrI jI TMZy burj ivwc sLhId ho gey. nUM bxdf siqkfr idvf skdy hF. aprYl sfry pirvfr nUM kOm leI kurbfn krn 6, 2013 dy toiePf pRogrfm ivwc vI vfrvfly gurU goibMd isMG jI srbMsdfnI bx gey. jykr asIN ieiqhfs vwl njLr vfr pMjfbI BfeIcfry aqy pMjfbI BfsLf dI gwl kIqI geI jo ik sfzy swiBafcfr mfrIey qF dyKdy hF ik kuwJ ivrly mnuwK hI huMdy hn jo afpxf afp kurbfn krky dy lokF dI bhu-igxqI hox df sbUq hY. kOm dI sucwjI agvfeI krdy hn. afpxI Kflsf akfl purK dI POj hY. ies dI pihcfx nUM sfzy BfeIcfry ny hI kfiem sucwjI soc aqy isafxp sdkf hI iewk rwKxf hY. afdrsLvfdI, pivwqr qy iensfPL meI

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Want to buy or sell? I am only a call away! CALL FOR FREE EVALUATION

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hr qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI krn shoqf nflL sMprk kro







Beautiful house located in west abby with 3 bedroom on the main and 1 bedroom basement suite rented for 700 month or rec-room could be used as second bedroom for basement . Close to all

Single family rancher home. 1 bedroom. w/Lot. Floor space. Near lots of amenities.





Very well maintained Mouat Garden complex. 3 bdrm & 2 bath townhome. Very quiet complex. Close to all amenities. Schools, stadium, pool, ag, rec, shopping, fully fenced & lands for privacy.

Quality nish throughout from the huge open concept kitchen! Master bedroom on the main oor, with fantastic ensuite bath & walk-in closet & its own patio to absorb the view.

32230 Hillcrest Ave. Abbotsford

47267 Sylvan Dr Chilliwack


Happy Vaisakhi! 47261 Sylvan Dr Chilliwack

11- 3270 Bluejay St. Abbotsford

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3413 Hazelwood Pl. Abbotsford

207 - 2450 Church St. Abbotsford

32087 Rogers Ave. Abbotsford

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32181 Ashcroft Dr. Abbotsford

2589-2591 Minter St. Abbotsford

32847 Capilano Pl. Abbotsford

32254 Clinton Ave. Abbotsford

31575 Clearview Cres. Abbotsford

32274 Atwater Cres. Abbotsford



The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Vaisakhi Greetings to all our friends and clients! Happy


Vaisakhi 2017

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017














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T H E F R A S E R VA L L E Y ’ S O N LY F O R D S U P E R S T O R E ! Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer and availability. Offers only valid at MSA Ford. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. All offers subject to prior sale. All available Ford incentives, Non stackable cash rebate, MSA Finance cash, and rebates/credits/allowances/rates have been used in advertised prices. Some rebates and credits may be taxable, including the Costco Member rebate offer. Low APR/LAPR rates not available with non stackable cash. Financing/Leasing on approved consumer or business credit. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. Add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. Vehicle may not be exactly as shown. All offers expire March 31st, 2017.


The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017


ivsfKI qoN sfKI qIk srbjIq sohI afstrylIaf

sfKIaF rih geIaF ny,

ik asIN iPr,

Aus idhfVy `qy vrqy kOqk bfry!

ijLhnF dy duafly…

ijs idn…

kyvl pwg hI vlyt leI hY.

iswKI AusfrI geI sI.

icMqn dI iswKI…

sdIaF dy ilwbVy ipMzy qoN,

bws icMnHF qIk hI smyt leI hY.

mnUM-imwtI AuqfrI geI sI.

kwkfr qF muwl lY afey hF,

ijs idn… pwgF QwilAuN nwpy isr inkly sI bfixaF aMdroN ijgr inkly sI ijs idn bdilaf sI, gurU cyly df rvfieqI irsLqf! ijs idn…

pr iswKI myt leI hY. kI iksy Byt krI hY? kI iksy Byt leI hY? insLfn qF… hor AuWcy hoeI jFdy ny, pr imafr vflI sLrq zyg leI hY! kI hux kyvl

isDFq nUM pihl imlI sI

kVfh hI qyg leI hY?

isr dy ky pfhul imlI sI

jdik hr cONk…

pr Auh idn,

hux qF nKfsL bx cuwkf hY

hOlI hOlI iewk purb bxdf igaf.

smfj qrfs bx cuwkf hY

BIV `coN AuWTky hr koeI


iswK bxdf igaf

ik Aus idn dIaF hux,

idwK bxdf igaf

mihjL sfKIaF hI rih geIaF ny.


kysrI JfkIaF hI rih geIaF ny.

Wishing Everyone a Very Happy Vaisakhi

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Happy Vaisakhi!

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The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017

pMjfb dy iksfn leI ivsfKI df iqAuhfr sB qoN mhwqvpUrn hY. kxk df iswtf Brdf hY. ivsfKI vfly idn dy afs-pfs kxkF vwZIaF jFdIaF hn. dfixaF dy aMbfr lwgdy hn. Pyr dfixaF dIaF trflIaF Br ky iksfn mMzI jFdy hn. mMzI jFidaF sfr kxk ivk nhIN jFdI. keI-keI idn aqy rfqF afpxy bohl dy isrhfxy bYTxf pYNdf hY. afpxI kxk dI rfKI krnI pYNdI hY. srkfrI aiDkfrI nKry krdy hn, ihwsf mMgdy hn, pqf nhIN kfhdf ihwsf? BUry lfl Jony ivc iswl qy kfloN kwZdf hY aqy kxk ivwcoN GuMzIaF aqy kFigafrI. iksfn dy ichry AuWqy ivsfKI dIaF KusLIaF gfieb hn ikAuNik iksfn jfxdf hY ik DIaF vFg pflI-posI kxk dI ies vfr vI bykdrI ho skdI hY. ivsfKI vfly idn 1699 eI: nUM gurU goibMd isMG jI ny anMdpur sfihb ivKy Kflsf pMQ dI nINh rwKI. sLuwD aqy swcy Kfls mnuwK dI isrjxf kIqI. KMzy dI pfhul Ckf pMj ipafry sfjy. aMimRq pfn krn vfly pMj ipafry. pMj vwK-vwK DrmF, jfqF aqy ielfikaF ivwcoN hn. jfq pfq df Byd Bfv imt igaf. sfry AuWcy-nIvyN iewk smfn ho gey. sFJIvflqf dI mflf ivwc proey gey. dsmysL ipqf shI arQF ivwc Drm-inrpwKqf,

Vaisakhi Greetings to all our friends and clients!


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

iksfnF qy ikrqIaF df iqAuhfr ivsfKI

lok rfj aqy smfnqf dy hfmI sn. ivsfKI idhfVy qoN sdf pRyrnf imldI rhygI ik sfnUM Poky krmkfzF, jfq-pfq, iPrkfpRsqI aqy sOVI ielfkfpRsqI qoN AuWpr AuWT ky smuwcI mfnvqf dI ibhqrI leI socxf cfhIdf hY. sMgq pMgq aqy sFJy lMgr dI pRMprf kfPI purfxI hY. lMgr dI pRMprf gurU nfnk dyv jI vwloN krqfrpur qoN afrMB kIqI geI sI. afnMdpur sfihb qwk phuMcidaF ies pRMprf dy smfjvfdI arQ hor vI prpwk ho cuwky sn. sMn 1699 dI ivsfKI qwk phuMcidaF ies pRMprf ivwc mfrsLl siprt pRvysL kr cuwkI sI. ikrq krnf, vMz Ckxf, sMjm ivwc rihxf qy sMgq nUM gurU df drjf dyxf, pMjfbI smfj ivwc awj vI kfPI hwd qfeIN dyKy jf skdy hn. ivsfKI eykqf aqy BrfqrI Bfv df sMdysL idMdI hY. sB dy duwKsuwK sFJy ho gey iBwt-Bfv, CUq-Cfq dIaF nINhF ihwl geIaF, ‘mfns sBo eyk pY anyk ko pRBfv hY.� jilHaFvfly bfg aMimRqsr ivwc ivsfKI vfly idn 13 aprYl 1919 inhwQI aqy puramn rYlI AuWqy mfeIkl Ezvfier aqy jnrl zfier dy hukmF anusfr aMnHyvfh golI clfeI geI sI. sYNkVy byksUr lok mfry gey sn. 13 aprYl df idn ies krky vI Xfd krn Xog hY ikAuNik iesy idn krIb ZfeI hjLfr

sfl pihlF mhfqmf buwD nUM boD gXf dy sQfn AuWqy, igafn dI pRfpqI hoeI sI. awj ivsfKI dy mOky asIN vyKdy hF ik ‘iewk smUh leI aqy smUh iewk leI’ AuWqy aDfrq sfzf swiBafcfrk KMizq hY. pihlF iksfn qy sIrI kfmy ivwc sFJ huMdI sI. duwK-suwK sux suxf lYNdy sn pr hux ipMzF ivwc Kyq mjLdUr dI ikrq qkfq vI iewk ijxs bx geI hY. ikrq vycx leI (bolI) huMdI hY. Jonf lvfeI aqy kxk ktfeI vyly ieh bolI vwD jFdI hY. hux sFJI KyqI nhIN huMdI. mMg pf ky sFJy ibjfeI, guzfeI aqy kZfeI df kMm hux iksfn nhIN krdy. svfrQ hr pfsy pRDfn hY. afpo-DfpI hY. vfrI-vfrI rl iml ky kMm krn krvfAux df swiBafcfr hux nhIN irhf. ivsfKI df iqAuhfr ikrq dI mhwqqf df iqAuhfr hY. sMGrsL krnf hwQIN ikrq krnf qy iPr rl-iml ky bYT ky Kfxf aqy BwuiKaF nUM KvfAuxf. kdI pMjfb pRqI jIa afmdn ivwc Bfrq `c sB qoN AuWpr sI. sfry sUibaF nfloN vwD trYktrF dI vrqoN hflI vI pMjfb dy iksfn krdy hn. vwzy iksfnF leI srkfr ny itAUbvYWl ibjlI pfxI muPq kIqf hoieaf hY. Pyr vI iksfnI hyTF nUM jf rhI hY. CotI iksfnI krijLaF dy boJ hyTF dwbI peI hY. aMndfqf iksfn afriQk qMgIaF

pRo[ hmdrdvIr nOsLihrvI df npIiVaf hoieaf afqm-hwiqaf vrgy aiq bujLidlI kdm cuwkx qwk cilaf igaf hY. pMjfb dy ipMzF dy ijLMmIdfr/jgIrdfr, sLihrF ivwc AusfrIaF afpxIaF ivsLfl koTIaF ivwc rihMdy hn pr Coty iksfn, byjLmIny iksfn aqy Kyq mjLdUr dy DIaFpuwqr imafrI pVHfeI aqy CotIaF-motIaF nOkrIaF leI dr-dr Btk rhy hn. nOkrI pRfpq krn leI Auh kuJ vI krn nUM iqafr hn. pMjfb df Cotf iksfn afpxy byty nUM AuWc iswiKaf idvfAux qy nOkrI df pRbMD krn leI bYNkF pfsoN krjLf lYNdf hY. nOkrI iPr vI nhIN imldI, nf hI ilaf hoieaf krjLf vfps muVdf hY. sfrI srkfrI msLInrI, afVHqIey, bYNk, puils, aPsrsLfhI grIb iksfn duafly Gyrf Gwq lYNdy hn. pMjfb vrgf gurU dI imhr vflf sUbf vI aiq lfcfr qy mjLbUr ho jFdf hY. dUjy pfsy, iewk irport anusfr kOmI bYNkF pfsoN, isafsI srpRsqI vfly vwzy AudXogpqIaF aqy kfrKfnydfrF vwloN krjLy dy rUp ivwc ley iqMn lwK kroV, vwty Kfqy pf ky Kqm kr idwqy hn. afs krdy hF ik KusLIaF BrI ivsfKI vI jLrUr afvygI, jdoN iksfn nUM afpxI imhnq df pUrf muwl imlygf, jdoN aMndfqf qy aMn dI bykdrI nhIN hovygI. iksfn dy ichry AuWqy KusLI hwsygI.

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The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

ieiqhfsk-hvfilaF ivwc iGrI ‘ivsfKI’

afm krky ivsfKI 13 apRYl nUM hr sfl mnfeI jFdI hY pr ‘iswK qvfrIK’ lyKk hrijMdr isMG idlgIr anusfr ieh swc nhIN hY. Auh ilKdy hn mfrc dy sLurU ivwc gurU sfihb ny sfry iswKF nUM hukmnfmy Byj ky

ivsfK mhIny dI pihlI qfrIK (29 mfrc 1698) dy idn anMdpur sfihb phuMcx vfsqy afiKaf. kuJ somy ies kOqk nUM 29 mfrc 1699 nUM aqy kuJ 1695 ivwc hoieaf dsdy hn. pr mYN 1698 nUM vDyry shI mMndf

Vaisakhi 2017

hrBjn isMG ‘mFgt’

hF. drasl agly sfl hI ivsfKI (29 mMg kIqI. ieh kOqk gurU sfihb ny pMj mfrc 1699) dy idn anMdpur sfihb ivwc vfr duhrfieaf. pMjvyN iswK vloN isr Byt 1698 qoN vI vwzf iekwT hoieaf sI qy ies krn qoN kuJ icr mgroN gurU sfihb sIs idn vI hjLfrF iswKF ny pfhul leI sI. ieh Byt krn vfly pMj iswKF nUM nIly bfxy ivwc BulyKf ies qoN hI sLurU hoieaf hovygf. iek pMzfl ivwc lY ky afey. gurU sfihb ny afp sI 1695 ivwc kysDfrI hoey qy kVf pfAux nIlf bfxf pihinaf hoieaf sI. gurU dIaF df hukmnfmf jfrI hoieaf sI. iksy ny BulyKy sfKIaF sfKI 59 mihmf pRkfs, sPf 825, nfl ies nUM hI pfhul nfl joV idwqf hovygf. gurdfs isMG dI vfr (BfeI gurdfs dI pfxI sMqoK isMG ny ‘sUrj pRkfsL’ ivwc ies df vfr vjoN CfpI hoeI) ies sbMDI Bwt vrI koeI sfl nhIN idwqf. 1699 sfl dI gwl sB BfdsoN prgnf Qfnysr ivwc iewk aMdrjL qoN pihlF igafnI igafn isMG ny 1891 ivwc ieMJ imldf hY. TRUCTURAL pMQ pRkfsL ivwc kIqI sI. (pMQ pRkfsL Cfpf gurU goibMd isMG mhl dsm bytf gurU qyg aYzIsLn 1891, sPf 309) bfkI sfiraF bhfdr jI kf sfl 1795 mMglvfr ivsfKI NGINEERS ny iesy glqI nUM qvfrIK bxf idwqf. gurU ky iehI pFc isKoN ko kFzy dI pfhul dI isMG dIaF sfKIaF ilKx sfr 1798 ivwc qfrIK kfm rfKf. ipRQmY dYaf rfm somqI KqrI 1698 hI idwqI hoeI hY. Bwt vhI BfdsoN bfsI lfhOr af Klf hUaf. pfCY mohkm prgnf Qfnysr ivwc vI 1698 df sfl cMd CINbf bfsI svfrkf sfihb cMd nfeI idwqf hoieaf hY. Aus idn hjLfrF iswK gurU bfsI ibdr jqgbfd DrmcMd jvMdf jft dI ngrI anMdpur sfihb ivwc puwjy. Aus bfsI hsqnfpur qfmq cMd JIvr bfsI idn svyry rbfbIaF ny gurU bfxI df kIrqn jgnfQ bfro bfrI Kly hUey. sb ko nIl kIqf. kIrqn qoN bfad BfeI mnI rfm ny aMbr pihnfieaf vhI bys apfn dIaf. iek sLbd dI kQf kIqI. ies dy nfl hI hUkf, hlfl, hjfmq, hrfm, itwkf jMJU gurU sfihb KVHy ho gey. afpxI ikrpfn DoqI kf iqafg krfieaf. mIxy DIr mwlIey imafn ivwcoN kwZI qy afiKaf ik “mYnUM iek rfmgeIey isr guMm msMdF kI vrqn bMd isr cfhIdf hY.â€? gurU sfihb dI gwl sux kI. kMGf, krdf, kysrI, kVf, kCihrf, sb ky sfry pfsy cuwp Cf geI. gurU sfihb ny ko dIaf. sb kysfDfrI kI ey. iqMn vfrI iehI gwl afKI. qIjI vfr afKx isr Byt krn vfly pMjF iswKF (BfeI dieaf qoN ipwCoN BfeI dXf rfm KVHf hoieaf. gurU rfm BfeI muhkm cMd, BfeI sfihb cMd, 101-33241 Walsh Avenue sfihb qKq qoN AuWqry qy Aus nUM PV ky nyVy BfeI Drm cMd, BfeI ihMmq cMd, dy ichry Abbotsford, BC V2T 3S5 lfeI iek hor gVI qy gwzy hoey qMbU ivwc qy vwKrI iksm df nUr Jlk irhf sI. jdoN Phone (604) 859-7873 lY gey hux ieh qMbU vflI phfVI vjUd gurU sfihb dIvfn ivwc phuMcy qF AuhnF nUM Fax (604) 859-7817 ivwc nhIN hY. kuJ plF bfad gurU sfihb pMzfl ivwc pMj hor iswK KVHy njLr afey ieh Email sura@structuraleng.com KUn nfl ilbVI ikrpfn lY ky bfhr afey. sn dyvf rfm, rfm cMd, tihl dfs, eIsLr Web www.structuraleng.com ies vfr gurU sfihb ny iek hor isr dI dfs qy Piqh cMd. gurU sfihb ny AuhnF nUM puwiCaf ik qusIN ikAuN KVHy ho? qF AuhnF jvfb idwqf ik asIN vI isr Byt krn vfsqy hfjLr hF. gurU sfihb ny AunHF Ç Ç nUM ikhf mYnUM isrP pMj isr cfhIdy sI. pr ikAuNik qusIN isdk idlI nfl hfjLr hoey, ies krky quhfnUM pMj mukqy krky jfixaf jfeygf. gurU sfihb ny afiKaf ky awj qoN ienHF pMjF mrjIviVaF nUM “pMj ipafryâ€? afiKaf jfieaf I’ll take you to a krygf. jdoN qwk cMd sUrj kfiem rihxgy gurU dy isr Byt krn vfly pihly pMj iswKF df nF dunIaF Br ivwc kfiem rhygf. jdoN vI kVfh pRsLfd dI dyg iqafr hoieaf krygI. iehnF df CFd (ihwsf) sB qoN pihlF kwiZaf jfieaf krygf. gurU sfihb KMzf Pyr ky afp pfhul iqafr krn lwg pey • mgroN ardfs kIqI qy jYkfry Cwzx mgroN ‘KMzy dI pfhul • Â

dyx dI rsm sLurU kIqI’ gurU sfihb ny KMzy nfl pihlF afpxy mUMh ivwc pMj bUMdF pfeIaF qy iPr pMjF ipafiraF •  nUM KMzy dI pfhul idwqI, (pMj ipafiraF nUM KMzy dI pfhul

• dyx ipwCoN afp AuhnF koloN pfhul lYx dI khfxI mgroN GVI geI jfpdI hY). bhuq kvIaF ny ivsfKI bfry rcnfvF kIqIaF hn. RESP RRSP pr awj nf dfqIaF hn nf koeI lwCI vfZIaF krdI hY. Email: cheema_18@hotmail.com kMbfeInF df Xuwg hY. msLInF ny bMidaF nUM vI msLIn bxf idwqf hY. iksfn dI jo qrfsdI awj hY Auh sfnUM sB nUM pqf hY. aMq qy afpF afpxI pnIrI ‘bwicaF’ nUM ivsfKI dy arQ qusIN ikRtIkl ieMsoLrYNs ivwc afpxf smJfeIey qy afpxy klcr siBafcfr nfl joVIey. pwCm sfrf pYsf vfips lY skdy ho klcr dI hnyrI koloN afpxy aflHxy bcfeIey‌

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ivsfKI dy iqAuhfr aqy Kflsy dy jnm idn dIaF lwK-lwK vDfeIaF !

brighter tomorrow.



Malvinder Cheema

Cell: 778.246.0862


Vaisakhi 2017

The Patrika 





estival of Vaisakhi is celebrated with lot of joy and enthusiasm in the northern state of Punjab and Haryana. Farmers are jubilant over the festival as for them Vaisakhi marks the time for harvest of rabi crops. Prosperous with the bountiful produce they look forward to celebrating Vaisakhi with all eagerness. For the predominant Sikh population of Punjab, Vaisakhi is one of the biggest festivals as it marks the foundation day of Khalsa Panth by the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. Sikh communities all

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017


Vaisakhi Celebrations

over the world celebrate Vaisakhi by participating is extremely energetic and is performed in-groups in special prayer meets and Vaisakhi processions. on the beat of dhol. Farmers also celebrate Vaisakhi as Thanksgiving Day. After taking an early bath in ponds or rivers In the villages of Punjab and Haryana, the day of people visit temples or gurdwaras to express gratiVaisakhi is full of colors and vibrancy. Cries of “Jatta tude to the Almighty for the bountiful harvest and aayi Vaisakhi” reverberate in the skies as gaily- pray for prosperity and good times in future. dressed men and women move towards the fields to celebrate the occasion. High point of Vaisakhi cel- At several places in Punjab, colourful Vaisakhi ebrations in villages is the performance of traditional Fairs are also organized to celebrate the day. People folk dance bhangra and gidda by men and women participate in these fairs with lots of enthusiasm and respectively. The dance is simple in movement but charm. Major attractions of Vaisakhi Fairs are the bhangra and gidda performances as well as wrestling bouts, singing and acrobatics. Performance of folk instruments - vanjli and algoza is also quite popular. Food stalls and shops selling trinkets make Vaisakhi Melas even more joyful. Vaisakhi Celebrations by Farmers

Vaisakhi Celebrations by Sikhs Sikhs celebrate this very important day of their religion with joy and devotion. They take an early bath, wear new clothes and visit the neighborhood gurdwara (Sikh place of worship) to participate in the special prayer meet marked for the day. After a special ardas of kirtans (religious songs) and discourses kada prasad (sweetened semolina) is distributed amongst all present. Later, people sit in rows to relish the langar or community lunch prepared and served by kar sevaks or volunteers. Major celebrations of Vaisakhi are organized at Golden Temple, Amritsar where the Khalsa Panth was founded on a Vaisakhi Day in 1699. Most Sikhs strive to visit Golden Temple on the occasion. Another high point of Vaisakhi celebrations by Sikhs is the Vaisakhi procession or nagar kirtan carried though the city under the leadership of Panj Piaras or the Five Beloved Ones. Men, women and children alike participate in the Vaisakhi processions with enthusiasm. Mock duels, bands playing religious tunes and performance of bhangra and gidda dance make Vaisakhi processions quite colourful and enchanting. Later in the evening, people exchange greetings with friends and relatives usually with a box of sweets or other traditional gifts. Vaisakhi Celebration in India The auspicious day of Vaisakhi is celebrated all over India though under different names and with different set of rituals. People of Assam celebrate April 13 as Rongali Bihu, while those in West Bengal celebrate it as Naba Barsha. Bihar celebrates Vaisakhi as Vaishakha in honour of the Sun God, Surya while Kerala celebrates it as Vishu and Tamil Nadu as Puthandu. In Kashmir, a ceremonial bath and general festivity mark Vaisakhi while in Himachal Pradesh devotees flock to the temple of Jwalamukhi and take a holy dip in the Hot Springs.


The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017



awjhrBjn dfisMKflsf G ‘huMdl’ ikwQy igaf Auh Kflsf pMQ ijhVf,

Kfndfn ieh rfijaF rfixaF dy,

Blf sdf srbwq df mMgdf sI.

iswK pMQ df muwZ qoN nUr mIaF.

mfVy aqy mjLlUm dI Zfl bxdf,

dohF byVIaF ivwc asvfr hoxf,

hwQ lhU inrdosLy nf rMgdf sI.

irhf dyr qoN iehI dsqUr mIaF.

KFdf vMz ky ruwKIaF imwsIaF sI,

lfAuxI pvy jy jfn dI kdy bfjLI,

bol swc dy nhIN AulMGdf sI.

aYsI gwl qoN Bwjxf dUr mIaF.

sLfh muhMmdf loV jy kdy pYNdI,

sLfh muhMmdf kOm df iPkr krdy,

sIs dyxoN nf iJjkdf sMgdf sI.

rihx idwlI dy vI jI hjUr mIaF.


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isMG Bwuilaf gurF dI bol-bfxI, bhuqf golkF vfsqy aVy mIaF. pYsf pUjf df zob mMJDr idMdf, ndI loB dI kdy nf qry mIaF. arQF qIk nf phuMcdf kdy izwTf, bfxI vFg vgfrIaF pVHy mIaF. jQydfrIaF kfgjLI rih geIaF, pihl-kdmIaF kuJ gvf bYTy. dyx quKxF, zro asfltF qoN, rog bujLidlI cMdrf lf bYTy. swcI gwl kihxI BwulI jQydfrF, CYxy JUT dy bVy KVkf bYTy. sLfh muhMmdf luky pRDfn iPrdy, ihrdy KOP jd CfAuxIaF pf bYTy. iehnF idwlI kI ijwqxI jQydfrF, iewk dUjy dI iKwcdy lwq bfbf. awj eykqf kwlH anykqf hY, krdy afpo `c rojL kupwq bfbf. bfrF imslF dI gwl qF dUr dI hY, b x gey pMQ vI pMj ik swq bfbf. idwlI ajy vI EnI hI dUr idwsdI, sLfh muhMmd ny kwiZaf qwq bfbf kOmF bxdIaF swiBafcfr AuWqy, jQydfr nf swc pCfxdy ny. rfj mMgdy Drm dy nfm AuWqy, qMbU rojL jnUMn dy qfxdy ny. pVHdy pfT-muhfrnI kOm vflI, arQ kOm dy rqf nf jfxdy ny. kOm iewk hY kuwl pMjfbIaF dI, CfvF TMzIaF jIhdIaF mfxdy ny. PAGE 25

The Patrika



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Vaisakhi 2017


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or many thousands of years, Vaisakhi has been the time when farmers have put their sickles to harvest and celebrated the coming of a new year. Since 1699, the Sikhs have had a further reason to celebrate at this time of the year. Now Vaisakhi is celebrated with even more energy, pomp and fanfare. It has become a holy day to mark the birth of the Khalsa fraternity. And so 300+ years on, this tradition continues with much gaiety, vigour and enthusiasm. Sikhs worldwide will spend much time remembering this most important day in their religious calendar – the day the Khalsa was created. We take ourselves back to 1699 and the birth place of the Khalsa perhaps the real significance of Vaisakhi for the Sikh people can be comprehended. During the period around 1650, the country around Punjab was in turmoil; the rulers were corrupt; there was no rule of law; the rights of the common people were non-existent; justice did not prevail. The strong imposed their will and their way without question; the

(Khalsa Diwan Society)

weak suffered constantly and quietly; there was misery everywhere. It was under these circumstances that Guru Gobind Singh rose to the occasion and chose to create the Khalsa. The Guru was looking for people within the community who would take on the challenge and rise above the weakness; to be strong and fearless; to be prepared to face these challenges without reservation and to uphold justice; to be fair and even handed at all times; to be prepared to die for the truth. Vancouver Vaisakhi CrowdsThe Vancouver Vaisakhi Parade is one of the largest Sikh parades in the world. Attendees of all races and cultures are welcome at this celebratory and rich cultural event, which features a large number of floats, community performers and live music. Vancouver’s Vaisakhi Parade also features a unique element which pays tribute to the harvest celebration roots of the parade – attendees are given free food and drink from hundreds of local residents and businesses.

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017



Vaisakhi – A Guide to the Annual Sikh Parade and Traditions


By Imroze Singh Deol (Brighton College)

n a week or two, you’ll probably start hearing about “the Sikh Parade” that happens around Vancouver and Surrey every year. You’ve also most likely heard about the free food given out at the parade but there is so much more to it. To a Sikh, the day of April 13th holds a very special place. On this day they celebrate the Harvest season and the Birth of Khalsa.

Soldiers”. In 1675, the Ninth Guru, Guru Tegh Bahudar Ji, was beheaded in Delhi for protecting Hindus’ right to practice their religion by Aurangzeb. On Vaisakhi of 1699, in Anandpur Sahib, the 10th Guru and son of Guru Tegh Bahudar ji, Guru Gobind laid down the foundation of the Panth Khalsa, that is the Order of the Pure Ones giving rise to the festival of Khalsa Sirjana Divas.

Sikhs follow a solar calendar called The Nanakshahi calendar named after the founder of SikhismGuru Nanak Dev Ji. April 13th marks the end of the month “Chet” and beginning of the month “Vaisakh”. The beginning of the month Vaisakh is when the farmers celebrate the “harvest season” and Sikh devotees celebrate “the Birth of Khalsa”. It’s a key month in Sikh history. 1. All About The Harvest Season Harvest Season Bhangra Dance OneFor farmers, the beginning of the month “Vaisakh” is the Punjabi version of thanksgiving where the farmers pay their tributes, thank god for the harvest and pray for happiness and prosperity. The harvest season is a joyous occasion not only for farmers but for every punjabi since Punjab is an agriculture driven state. The state is also known for producing the majority of India’s wheat, rice and barley each season. In celebration of a successful harvest, the festival is also characterised by the folk dance – Bhangra, which is traditionally a harvest dance. Hence, the colourful turbans and dresses. 2. The Birth of Khalsa Kesgarh For something to exist it needs a purpose. Before understanding what Khalsa is, I’ll explain why Sikhs needed Khalsa in the first place. Long ago, Sikhs and the Mughals had a peaceful relationship but things changed when Jahangir came to power. Jahangir Jahangir arrested and executed the fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev ji in 1606. Following that, the sixth Guru, Guru Hargobind ji, militarized the Sikhs and introduced “Miri Piri” aka Saint Soldier. Miri-Piri After the introduction of Miri-Piri, Sikhs who focused mainly on spirituality also turned into warriors; hence the term “Saint


The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017

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mF bfp mF ibnF nhIN Gr ivc cfnx, ipqf ibnF nhIN ipMz srdfrI. vyKy nhIN jd Gr ivc donoN, aihsfs hoieaf mYnUM pihlI vfrI. ro ro ky awj vfjF mfrF, jd vyhVy suMny jfpy. ikwQoN lwBxgy, jdoN ivwCV jFdy mfpy. mfipaF ibnF hor nhIN koeI, jo isr qy kr dey CfvF. pl pl vfrn bwicaF AuWqoN, QF-QF AuWqy krn duafvF. kdy nhIN pUry huMdy muVky, jdoN pY jFdy ny Gfty. ikwQoN lwBxgy, jdoN ivwCV jFdy mfpy.

Balbir Kambo

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Happy ivsfKI dIaF vDfeIaF Vaisakhi!!

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Cell: 604. 613.8246 | balbirk.kambo@td.com For all your mortgage needs! PAGE 28

ipqf ibnf nhIN Gr ivwc, afgU jFdy Qfpy. ikwQoN lwBxgy, jdoN ivwCV gey mfpy.

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď


siqkfr ivsfKI df sqvMq kOr ‘pMDyr’

vrHy idnF bfad af igaf

hoieaf sLurUafq ivsfKI df

idn iewk vfr ivsfKI df

rl iml KusLI‌

rl iml KusLI mnfAu,

Kflsf dunIaF AuWqy Cfieaf,

kro siqkfr ivsfKI df.

kwTy hoky asIN mnfieaf

lwgf anMdpur sI,

awj ieh idn ivsfKI df.

drbfr KMzy dI Dfr

rl iml KusLI‌

`coN hoieaf jnm ivsfKI df.

dsm ipqf qoN vfry jfeIey,

rl iml KusLI mnfAu,

ijMny ho sky gux gfeIey

kro siqkfr ivsfKI df.

Auh isrjxhfr ivsfKI df.

imafn `coN DU qlvfr,

rl iml KusLI‌

isrF dI mMg kIqI pMj vfr

krIey mwq Byd df aMq

jd afieaf idn ivsfKI df

jy rih gey agly sfl sqvMq

rl iml KusLI‌

mnfeIey idn ivsfKI df.

pMjy jfqF iewko bxf ky,

rl iml KusLI mnfAu,

isMG df nfm AunHF nfl lf

kro siqkfr ivsfKI df.

Abbotsford Community Branch 32675 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC V2T 1X9

Main telephone 604 870-5300

Happy Vaisakhi From The Abbotsford Community Branch! PAGE 29


The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017


pRIq r`ey Eqy pirv`r vloN

ivs`KI dy iqauh`r dIE~ sB nUM l@K l@K vD`eIE~

Preet Rai and Family wish everyone a very happy Vaisakhi

Authorized by Baljinder Bains 604.807.1995


Vaisakhi 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017


Happy Vaisakhi from the Fraser Valley Financial Centre Tel: 604-607-3970 201 - 3240 Mt. Lehman Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M9

Darlynnda Ross* CHS™ Alim Kassam* Bam Sidhu* CFP® BA Financial Centre Manager Senior Associate Manager Senior Associate Manager ext 2246 ext 2224 ext 2222

Cathy Ho Sales Manager ext 2244

Tejinder Gill* Sales Manager ext 2239

Sandra Allen* Langley 604-783-7604

Ben Applin* Langley 778-888-9002

Matthew de Haan* ext 2264

Kamaljit Dhillon* Kam Dhillon Insurance Services Inc. ext 2274

Ralph Gauer* Abbotsford 604-859-1221

Alvinder Gill* ext 2231

Rick Gill* BA CPCA ext 2273

Dustin Hughes* Chilliwack 778-828-552

Sheldon Jackman* CFP® Jackman Financial Solutions Inc. Langley 604-538-3445

Gary Kaler* BBA Surrey 604-762-6305

David Dalton* CFP® CLU® CHS™ CPCA Sales Manager ext 2234


Gurbachan Aujla* Abbotsford 604-504-1657

Manpreet Brar BA ext 2249

Terry Brown* BA ext 2265

Susan Caldbeck* ext 2237

Patrick Epp Abbotsford 778-808-2565

Brad Fulton Vancouver 604-617-2661

Marc Fulton Marc Fulton Financial Services Inc. Vancouver 604-842-3324

Brad Funk* CFP®

Ranjit Grewal* Ranjit Grewal Financial Solutions ext 2228

John Hakkarainen* JFH Insurance & Investment Services Inc. 604-607-7353 ext 203

Atticus Harivel* Harivel Financial Services Inc. Langley 604-538-3445

Lucas Hart* Abbotsford 604-615-6640

*Mutual funds distributed by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2017.


Rupinder (Vic) Chhabra* Gordon Clark* BA Gordon D. Clark Financial Services Inc. ext 2256 Chilliwack 604-824-4550 778-406-1146

Don Schmidt* CFP®

Schmidt & Funk Financial Ltd. Langley • 604-514-3347

Rich Hartlen* ext 2230

The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017



Eishpreet (Meeta) Kaur* M.Sc. ext 2227

Kerry Kinney* BA ext 2233

Shannon Pusch ext 2284

Ethel Reyes* Abbotsford 778-880-8911

Harbans Sidhu* CPCA Abbotsford 604-556-9056

Emily Siemens* ext 2245

Allison Layne* ext 2275

Dennis Linton* Langley 604-727-4774

Dan Roberge* Ramandeep Kaur Sandhu IGL Financial Solutions Inc. Abbotsford 604-607-7353 ext 101 778-668-4811

Soba Balfour Surrey 778-772-5706

Bobby Lewis ext 2226

Peter Grewal Port Coquitlam 604-760-6404

Chadley Loewen-Schmidt* Langley 604-619-1402

Satpal Singh* Abbotsford 604-850-6513

Robert Smith* CLU® Smith Insurance & Financial Services Inc. Langley 604-534-0898

Donovan March Chilliwack 604-845-6884

Cary McKanna* Pitt Meadows 604-465-8828

Navdeep (Simmi) Mittu ext 2241

Jas Oberoi* CFP® ext 2232

Ksenia Savost’yanova Port Coquitlam 604-761-9121

Erik Schmidt* BBA CFP® Erik Schmidt Financial Services Ltd. Langley 604-514-3347

Rick Schmidt* CFP® Surrey 604-574-4965

Kamini Sethi ext 2236

Vandna Sohnvi* B.Sc Vandna Financial Services Inc. Vancouver 778-319-9057

May Stokes* CSA Langley 604-928-8253

Rod Wardell* CFP® CHS™ Langley 604-539-1180

Harv Wiens* BA M.Ed ext 2260

Life’s brighter under the sun PAGE 33

The Patrika


Vaisakhi 2017



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The Patrika

Vaisakhi 2017



Happy Vasakhi

Staff and students of Dasmesh Punjabi School wishes everyone a very healthy and prosperous Vasakhi!

Kwlsw swjnw idvs Aqy ivswKI dIAW dsmyS pirvwr v`loN sB nMU l`K l`K vDweIAW

Dasmesh Punjabi School 5930 Riverside St. Abbotsford BC 604. 826 1666 l www.dasmeshschool.com PAGE 35



The Patrika 

Vaisakhi 2017

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