The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, April 14th, 2017
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THE PATRIKA COMING SOON TO FACEBOOK! The Patrika - Wrap - Friday, April 14th, 2017
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WEEKLY Friday, April 14th 2017 Vol. 21, No.27
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Patrika
asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
sMpfdkI “awj aYtm dy Zyr qy bYTf jfpy sfrf jwg kuVy, Kbry kd koeI pfgl ies nUM lf dyvygf awg kuVy, hIrosLImf nfgfsfkI rhy ny jLflm tol kuVy awj hvf ivc jLihrF GulIaF pfxI lfl lfl kuVy.” kuJ ieho ijhI siQqI qF nhIN pr iPr vI kuJ iesy qrHF df sfzy afly duafly vfpr irhf hY. sIrIaf df rsfiexk hmlf ies dI jIAuNdI jfgdI imsfl hY. pwCmI sUby iezilb ivc mMglvfr nUM jo sIrIan jhfjLF dy lVfkU jhfjLF vloN kIqf igaf mMinaf jf irhf hY ijs ivc awT sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy igafrF bwicaF smyq Gwto Gwt 100 lok mfry gey hn. bysLk XUaYn kimsLn ny jFc sLurU kr idwqI hY. ies qoN bfad sLihr Kfn syLKun Auqy hvfeI hmly dOrfn sYNkVy lok jKmI hoey pr gYs hmly ivc 400 qoN vwD lok burI qrHF jKmI hoey dwsy jFdy hn. huxy huxy vfisLMgtn dy iek skUl dI KLbr hY hmlfvr ny afpxI skUl tIcr pqnI qy iqMn bwicaF nUM golIbfrI df isLkfr bxfieaf. (BfvyN ies qrHF dIaF KLbrF sfnUM inwq suxn nUM imldIaF hn jd jnUn isr cVH ky bolx lgdf hY) kdy msijd `c kqlyafm, kdy skUlF `c kqlyafm, (ipsLfvr gvfh hY) kdy aPgfinsqfn `c kql kdI pfiksqfn. gwl kI dunIaF dy iksy nf iksy ihwsy ivc rojL anmol jfnF ies bfrUd dI Byt cVH jFdIaF hn. lVfeIaF dy qOr qrIky bdldy hn-jgfh bdldI hY pr iensfnI KUn hr jgfh ieko ijhf vihMdf hY. kwlH vIaqnfm `c vihMdf sI awj sIrIaf `c vih irhf hY. pr afKr qy afKr Gfx qF mnuwKI jfnF df ho irhf hY. sfihr luiDafxvI ny TIk ikhf sI:“jMg qoN Kud eyk mslf hY jMg ikaf msloN kf hl dygI.” amn skUn df koeI mukfblf nhIN. jMg ivc iensfnI jfnF hI nhIN jFdIaF siBafqfvF vI nsLt huMdIaF hn. ieiqhfs cIK cIK ky kihMdf hY ik lVfeIaF ivc isvfey mrn-mfrn qoN isvf kuJ hfsl nhIN hoieaf. sfzy sfhmxy 47 df kqlyafm hY. ijs dy jKLm awj vI qfjLf hn qy asIN Aus pfVHy nUM Aus vKryvyN nUM awj qwk nhIN Bulf sky. Blf Auh ikvyN Bulf skdy hn ijnHF dy pirvfrF dy pirvfr 47 qy iPr 84 dI Byt cVH gey. jMg dy hor bVy muhfjL hn-jMg grIbI leI lVI jf skdI hY, byrujLgfrI BuwKmrI nfl lVI jf skdI hY ijwQy bwcy iek iek dfxy nUM qrs rhy hn. iewkIvIN sdI `c phuMicaf mnuwK jfq pfq qy AUc nIc ivruwD vKryvyN Kqm nhIN kr sikaf. awj asIN qyiraF myiraF `c rulky rih gey hF. jMg ikqy vI hovy, KUn ieko qrHF vihMdf hY. sIrIaf dy gYs nfl sihkdy bwicaF dIaF vIzIAu qusIN vI soLsLl mIzIaf qy vyKIaF hoxgIaF. sony vrgy mfsUm ikvyN sihk rhy hn qy dyK rhy hn iensfnI dihsLq df nMgf nfc ijnHF ivc AunHF df mfsUm bcpn mr irhf hY. so afAu sfihr luiDaxvI dIaF pMkqIaF nUM sfriQk bxfeIey aqy dunIaF dy hukmrfnF nUM qrlf krIey, apIl krIey ik “pIVf pY pY jMmIaF ijLMdF ieAuN nf mfro”“ies lIey aY sLrIPL iensfno jMg tlqI rhy qo ibhqr hY. afp aOr hm sBI ky aFgn myN, sLmHF jlqI rhy Bo ibhqr hY. brqrI ky sbUq kI Kfiqr, KUM bhfnf hI kXf jLrUrI hY. Gr kI qfrIkIaf imtfny ko Gr jlfnF hI kXf jLrUrI hY.” PAGE 4
Friday, April December 25th, 2015 Friday, 14th, 2017
The Patrika Patrika The
gurU qygivigafnk bhfdr jI dI cy aflmI wKIf aiDkfrF qnf mnu pYd krnf nUM dyx
nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHfˆ rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI vwloN iqMn sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs,guBfeI leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI peI. ribMdsqI r isMrwGiKaf mfxk dfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nfl idwlI ivwc wKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ nfl nvMbkry Xu1675 M idwqI geI kurbfnIjnUI M df iswKXufˆwgmnu ajo wg nUM nUivigafn qy qknflo ikhf ho jfˆieaf df hYhY. mnu bdOBfeIcfry lq Biraf ijwQwKy loI ksUfˆJny dI afpxy , dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl any k fˆ Ko j fˆ ny mfnvI jIvn nU M mu w Z o N bdl ky rw K idw q f hY . ivigafnk kfZfˆ ny ajo k y kO m jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ . afpxy Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy julmfˆ iKlfÌ ihwqmfˆ fl qoN kIqf AuWpr hYAuWqy T lgfqfr ky aijhy kr lokfˆirhf ny nYhYiqk mnu wK dybujIvn nUM any fˆ suwK-shU nfl . afvfË lMd krn aqykÈhIdI pRfpqlqfˆ krn dy mflo kfblIaq df pR d rÈn kIqf pr gu r U qy mMqv ipCly qy Auc ajy ny dunIafˆ nUM clf rhI iksy aidwK ÈkqIg qknflo jI qy asl ivigafn dyychYy arQfˆ rfnkunbfry vrqfry qwk shI aiDaYn nhIN kIqf igaf aqy nf hI bhfdr jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ bfry wilq igaf Dfrnfvfˆ bfry kukuJJlody kfˆhwnUkM fˆmudI V so x leI r kr idwqfdy ky rwicKaf leI mjbU afpxI kurbfnI shI sdIafˆ pirpyK qoqoN N pRGociKaf hY. ipCly ijs nY i qk-rU h fnI bu l M d I nU M Co i haf, hYdhfikafˆ . afvfjfeI dywKqyI Ë sfDnfˆaMnydoivÈfl qoN mnu hwkrPqfr fˆ bfry aflmI lnfˆ sMsfr dIafˆ mIlfˆ dIafˆ dUrIafˆ nUM Aumyst dI imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhIN imldI. dy qAufBhYfr. sM nfl sfnUM dy mhfn gurivw U dI ÈhIdI idw cfrhuxsfDnfˆ Kyqr c ho eI pRgies qI nfl pUrrUfqysMgsbhfdr fr ismt iewwk leI gu jI ky nUM mnu wKI ipM hwkzfˆ dI ipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ dy arQfˆ dI Koj bx jIvn ivw dfzkrn ipwCy ivigafnk plwbigixaf DIafˆ ihmM I ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coAuN iek krnigaf df mOhY kf. imilaf hY.c anykfˆ suwK-shUlqfˆbRpY jf skdf hY . qoN koeI mnuwK ienkfrI nhIN ho skdf. nvIN qrHfˆ dI iswiKaf ny virHafˆ qoN lokfˆ dy mn mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf gurU qysogcfˆbhfdr dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM ivw rUVIvfdI nUM nvy Xuwg dIafˆ dI jfgjIlfeI hY. jfˆc df vsIafˆ hY- shfiek jfˆ kfnUDfrnfvfˆ MnI phuMc aqy suBˆ fivk dy K idafˆ aflmI mnu w K I aiDkfr sM sQfvfˆ vI phuMc. pihlI qrHfˆ dI phuMc dOrfn mnuwKI AunHfˆ nUqfˆ M afpxy iekmnudfwK drjf mnu wK dI ronUËM fnf dgI vltIicafˆ ghu nfl nËr mfrIey mihsUmosZIafˆ huMdivw f hYcoN ik dy dy aiDkfrfˆ kuJiËMisafsI nUM hfsl rhIafˆ hn. krn vjoN qy vriqaf hY aqy bhu qy leI kfrjhiQafr ivigafn qknflojfˆjdIf nfl juVy hoey hn. hr mnuwK afpxy Gr, dPLqr, mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI rfKI bfry crcf krdy smyˆ lMzn afDfrq mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdI skUl, kflj, XUnIvristI, bfËfr, AudXoigk kyˆdr qy hor afly-duafly ivwc iPrkUvfd Puwt pYˆdf hY. iPrkU soc pnpx df amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl ny gurU qyg bhfdr ivcridafˆ g-sMg jI juiVaf hoieaf . wKsUIchwnfkfˆdydIqyË -qrfr nqIjf ieh ivigafn huMdf hY ik dIafˆ mnuwKIKohwjkfˆ fˆ dydy aM rKvfly dI ÈhIdI nMU hY mnu mhw qqf nfl afpxy BfeIcfry kOm, ivcfrDfrf mfiDamfˆ ny mnu, wKafpxI I jfxkfrI ivwc bysLumaqy fr vfDf dunivcfr-vtfˆ Iafˆ dy iksydrf konvIy ivwkIqf c sI. joV kIqf ky AushY.bfry isafsI sihXogIafˆ dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ vfpry hr vrqfry dI KLbr hux plfˆ-iCxfˆ ivwc hI pRfpq ho jfˆdI hY. ivigafnk hn. hwd qfˆ AudoN ho jfˆdI hY jdoN ies soc qihq dy ivÈv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI Koiksy jfˆ ny jIvn dy hr Kyq kRfnUˆqM IkfrI qbdIlIafˆ ky jIvn dI qor bfry nUM ivromnu DIwKdyI mnu wKI aiDkfrfˆ dIrAuivw lMc Gxf mOky aflmI mnuwKIilaf aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs axgo i laf kr idw q f jfˆ d f hY jfˆ ivro D Iafˆ dy asloN hI bdl ky rwK idwqf hY. ies siQqI dy d iqafr jy smfijk iekbfvjU ikqfb krvfvrqfry rhI sI. vl jQybghu MdI vwloN mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI rfKI df ivroD hox lwg pYˆdf hY. ies pRfjYkt df AudyÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKI hwkfˆ nfl nËr mfrIey qfˆ mihsUs huMdf hY ik ivigafnk Xuwg ivwc ivcridafˆ hoieafˆ vI dy alMbrdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb ies dy lt arQfˆ suBfivkivwphu Mc qihq mnu wKI bx sfzI socAushI c ivigafnk nhIN skI. asIN ivigafnk kfZfˆ qy Kojfˆ aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI df isrlyK ‘id lONg mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy df hfˆ pr socDdf vI gYsdI r-ivigafnk qy wKqrkhIx ‘c 17vIN dy pMj AuWGy mnu I aiDkfrfˆ jfˆdafnM I hY.dAuqfˆ h mfxdy Bfvyˆ afpxy hoxsfzI jfˆ ivro I Kydfierf my ies ajy dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gu r U qy g bhfdr jI df hYdy.. aksr ilKy hYlokikvI dy DfrnI bx jfx qfˆ siQqI icMqfjnknfm vI ies socpVH dI y-dlIl mnuaijhI wK hox dysoc nfqy Èfml hY. bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jOhn illbrn (1617sfry ivÈyÈ hwkKo fˆ j dyfˆ hwdIkdfr iehq sfrIafˆ lw gdIiensfn hY. ivigafnk bdOlhn. q bhu iBafnk ibmfrIafˆ dy ielfj phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf 57), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), ivlIam pYWn sMnUBM jnm v ho idM sky iesqihq dy bfvjU ajy kO vIm,lwK(1644-1718) fˆ lok aigafnqf c Btkdy aqy dy volhnH tyayrry ivw (1694-1778) dI hn. hY, ijs nsl,dDrm, Èfml hn. jfˆ ivcfrDfrf koeI leI sQfnsfDfˆ nhINsMhuqMdfˆf.qy nImfˆ hkImfˆ kol gyVy kwZdy hn. vihmfˆhoilMegy ibmfrIafˆ dI rodfkQfm gu r U qy g bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqhYrIvI kuJ ivcfrvfn U qyg bhfdr sfihb Brmfˆ kfrn sfzI aQfh luwt ho rhI . ivigafn dy acMiBqgurvrqfry dy bfvjU d awjdI soc nUM qfkq bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI vI fˆ lokivafpk aOlfd Dfrnf pfAux nUdIM bl Kfqr dy vws pey hoey hn ijs nfl Auh hwkany fˆ dIksrv idMdqfˆ I hYq.irkfˆ kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr`
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afp afpxI ivwqI luwt krvf rhy hn.
gurU jI vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI kfrnfˆ AuWqy Jfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM asIN lINf-hmxfˆ bfqIN) qfˆ q agfˆ hfˆ pr afpxI I `qy CuitafAusoxcvfˆnUgM qrkÈIlqf hY. jykr koedI I ihMksvw dU huktmrfn, pMizqfˆgw(bR nUM Aubhu s smy ˆ dy muhgvDU l bfdÈfh afpxI mu s ilm pR j f Au W q y ju l m Zfh irhf huMdf nhIN fˆ vihm-Brm awjpY vI sfzI iËMdgI df ihwsf bxy hoey hn. pirvfrfˆ aOrMgprKdy Ëyb dy .juany lmfˆkdf sfhmxf krnf irhf qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh sIcaqy Auh gu jI qo mMgbo xlafey ivw aksr hIrUkdy koN eshfieqf I JgVf jfˆ -bulfrf ho jfxf suBfivk gwl hY. isafxy sn. Auh ies afs nfl gurU jI kol afey sn hI qurnf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, ikhf sn ik ijw hox KVk y hn.Drm keIivÈy vfr È qwafriQk k sImq smw nhINisafvfˆ sI. iehI ik rUhkrdy fnI ÈKsIaq vjoQN yAudonHfBfˆ ˆ dfzyaihm ruqbfhIAupYhˆdiksy qw Q Au n H f ˆ dI Èhfdq nU M vw D mhfn bxfAu Ndf hY. huhYMdaqy Iafˆ ivco hn ljfˆf bx keIkyvfr df vKrynU vMfˆ lVfeI df kfrn bx jfˆdf hY. keI vfr aqyivcfrfˆ mugl bfdÈfh smJf ky AunGry Hfˆ nUlM Umumsilafˆ sIbq ivwc asIN xiesy lo k aijhy nUoNM kw vIZxgy hwl. krfAu leI aKOqqoI N qfˆ kol jfˆdy cfˆ hn. nËrIey idwqlirkfˆ I dy ieiqhfsk dnIkI cOk smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gurU jI ijs Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf asIN afp shy msly vI AuKundHfˆ leI nhIN bhu sulqJf ? dI hmfieq lYxVy df PYslf Iafˆskdy igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHfˆ isrP iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk sB qoN sn duKik dfeI nvIN qknflo jI dI durvrqoN kr ky afm lokfˆ jfxdy iswKsiQqI Drm dyieh moZhY I guik rU nfnk sn asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn Aunivw Hfˆ nycsmfj qy siBafcfr c jfqI pRQf hn. dyaqymnfˆ aMDivsvfÈ pYdf ivw kIqy jf rhy svyivÈv r smyivafpI ˆ bhuqy mnu cYnwKlfˆI aiDkfr `qy lokfˆlihr dy dy nUM qfˆ df Ku w l H ky ivro D kIqf sI. Au n H f ˆ dIafˆ isw i Kafvfˆ qIrQ asQfn df drjf f jfxf BivwK, ivafh-ÈfdI, ruËgfr qy ibmfrI qoN injfq pfAux sxy hor muidwÈqklfˆ dy cfhIdf hwwl hY. bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ieh kdm mhfn gurU dI gYr-sMprdfiek qy dwnyslMy gjfˆr,dysMhn, ijspMnfl kQfˆ fdyrfhIN mnfˆsmfijk ivwc vihmfˆ-Brmfˆ nUM hor pwkf kIqf jf irhf hY, gq aqy gq dIlopR bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly idRÈtIkox nUM mfnqf aqyN ik Dfrimk brfbrI nUM Au qÈfhqdfkIqf. jdo afDuink sMcfr sfDnfˆ AudyÈies lokfˆqynUMakIdq qrk qydydlIl x vwlnfl dyr jfgrU nfl k cuwikrnf kaf, pr rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI aiqaMq Zukvfˆ kdm hovygf. huMdf hY. afDuink sMcfr sfDnfˆ, ivwidak adfirafˆ qy hor sMsQfvfˆ nUM afm lokfˆ nUM bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. jfgrU k krn lofVˆ sfrIafˆ hY qfˆ jo h ivigafnk skx ibnfˆ Mdy lycK kapxf afksPo r zqybru k svjf XU nhu IvristI, iswK Drm dIafˆdIienH iswiAu Kafvfˆ krky - so afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df kÈmIrI bR f hmx ivcfrDfrk qO r ‘qy gu r U qy g ivwqI aqy mfnisk ÈoÈx qoN bc skx. bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk pRoPYsr hY.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
KLlIl ijbrfn qy julfhy ny ikhf, sfnUM kuJ bsqrF bfry vI dws. Aus ny Auqr idwqf: quhfzy bsqr quhfzy suhwpx df bhuq vwzf ihwsf lukf dyNdy hn, pr Auh koJ nUM nhIN lukf skdy. qy BfvyN qusIN bsqr Aus suqMqrqf dI rIJ ipwCy pfAuNdy ho jo prdfdfrI ivc imldI hY, Auh quhfzy leI iek joqrf, iek jLMjIr hI bx jFdy. kyhf cMgf hovy qusIN Duwp hvf nUM afpxI cmVI nfl vwD qy pusLfk nfl Gwt imlo. ikAuN jo Duwp ijLMdgI df sfh hY qy hvf ijLMdgI df hwQ hY. quhfzy ivcoN kuJ lokIN kihMdy hn, “ijhVy kwpVy asIN pihndy hF, Auh qF AuqrI pOx ny buxy hn.” qy mYN kihMdf hF: afho, kwpVy AuqrI pOx ny hI buxy sn. pr Aus dI KwzI sI sLrm qy Ausdf Dfgf sI pwiTaF dI mulfiemI. qy jdoN Auh afpxf kMm mukf bYTI qF jMgl ivc iKV iKV hwsx lg peI. Bul nf jfvo ik hXf qF mYlI awK qoN bcfa leI iek Zfl hY. qy jdoN mYlIaF awKF vfly hI nf rihxgy qF hXf df muwl iek byVI, iek mfnisk iBRsLtqf qoN vwD hor kuJ vI hovygf. nfly ieh vI Bul nf jfxf ik DrqI quhfzy nMgy pYrF dI Coh nfl KusL huMdI hY aqy pOxF nUM quhfzy vflF nfl Kyzx df cfa hY.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Transforming supports for youth in British Columbia Abbotsford-area MLAs joined with members of the community today to celebrate the launch of Foundry Abbotsford, a new integrated youthservice centre.
support and navigation, Aboriginal child-service social workers and other Aboriginal service providers.
The Ministry of Health provided $3 million to the InnerChange Foundry will bring new and existing Foundation in March 2015 to assist in services under one roof so families the development of Foundry. Further
and young people can access a one-stop shop for primary-care, mental-health, substance-use, and social services. The centre, for youth between the ages of 12 and 24 years, is hosted by Abbotsford Community Services and is expected to be fully operational and accepting clients this year.
investments to the centres include a $1.5-million investment from the Graham Boeckh Foundation, and commitments from InnerChange Foundation and St. Paul’s Foundation to each fundraise. The Ministry of Children and Family Development is providing significant support to the Abbotsford centre, including daily representation from ministry mentalFoundry Abbotsford is one of the five health clinicians and youth-social centres announced in June 2016, as workers, as well as staff from the part of a provincial network of easily local delegated Aboriginal agency, accessible youth service centres Xyolhemeylh. hosted by local organizations. The other Foundry centres are located in The Michael Smith Foundation for Prince George, Kelowna, Campbell Health Research will be providing River and North Shore. These new $800,000 toward the evaluation sites build on the success of the St. and research component of the Paul’s Granville Youth Health Centre initiative. Abbotsford Community in Vancouver. This model focuses Services will also be launching a on earlier therapeutic interventions, local fundraising campaign to help when mental-health problems are ensure the centre will be able to meet just emerging. Intervening early the community’s needs. can help to prevent challenges with mental-health and substance-use Budget 2017, with $165 million provided in targeted mental-health from becoming more serious. and substance use-investments, Services at Foundry will be offered added $8.4 million over three years by interdisciplinary teams, which to expand Foundry integrated youth may include physicians, nurse service centres in up to five additional practitioners, mental-health and sites, for a total of up to 11 sites substance-use clinicians, youth and throughout the province. Locations family peer support and navigation are still to be determined. workers, youth and guardianship workers, income assistance and The Ministry of Health spends about supported employment service $1.45 billion each year to support workers, outreach workers, LGBTQ+ people in need of mental-health or substance-use services and supports.
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kpVy dy stor 'qy kMm krn leI Full Time aqy Part Time kfimaF dI loV hY, English, pMjfbI aqy slfeI afAuxI jrUrI hY. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro jI. 32853 Ventura Ave aYbtsPorz $100 dy ky sLnIl aqy kotpYNt dy 5 sUt KRIdo 2 sUt iblkuwl muPLq lvo nvIaF isLpimMt phuMc cwukIaF hn nmUnf iewQy dyKo New selection of Crepe De Chine
32853 VenturaAve Abbotsford PAGE 7
The Patrika
AunwqI nobyl purskfrfˆ vflf ivigafn ikRstlogrfPI ivigafn dy iewk mhwqvpUrn aqy asIm sMBfvnfvfˆ vfly Kyqr df nfm hY ikRstlogrfPI ijs qoN sfDfrn pMjfbI lgpg nfvfikP hI hn. afE iesy nvyˆ pRqIq ho rhy Èbd dIafˆ qihafˆ ProlIey. rvf jfˆ ikRstl Èbd bhuqy lokfˆ ny suixaf hovygf. ikRstl dI sUKm bxqr nUM ivÈlyiÈq krn df ivigafn hY ikRstlogrfPI. ieh iksy nf iksy ivDI nfl ikRstl dI sMrcnf df nkÈf iKwcx vrgf kMm krdf hY. afE ikRstlogrfPI dIafˆ gwlfˆ rqf ivsQfr nfl krIey. pdfrQfˆ dI KUbsUrqI qy suhj AunHfˆ dIafˆ ikRstlfˆ dI Èkl qy simtrI krky hI hY. kudrqI rUp ivwc pRfpq Tos pdfrQfˆ ivwcoN nwby PIsdI qoN vwD rvydfr Bfv ikRstlfˆ dI Èkl ivwc hn. ryq, Kixj, cwtfnfˆ, Dfqfˆ, hIry, jvfhrfq qy Bfˆq Bfˆq dy rsfiexk pdfrQ sB dI bxqr ikRstlfˆ vflI hY. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik sQUl pwDr AuWqy sfnUM aksr ies df afBfs nhIN huMdf. ikRstlfˆ dI vwzI mfqrf ivwc hoNd df kfrn ieh hY ik ienHfˆ ivwc prmfxUafˆ dI inXimq jVq vfsqy kudrqI AUrjf dI sB qoN Gwt Kpq huMdI hY. iehI nhIN, ikRstl vflf rUp sB qoN vwD siQr huMdf hY. ikRstl jgq dy kudrqI
suhj dI KUbsUrq imsfl nfiekf (mYksIko) dIafˆ ikRstl guPfvfˆ hn. molsk vrgy keI jl jIv vI ikRstl pYdf krdy hn. molsk, kYlsfeIt ikRstl bxfAuNdf hY. ajokI tYknflojI ivwc vrqy jfˆdy bhuqy bnfvtI pdfrQ ikRstlI rUp vfly hn. sYmI kMzktr, supr kMzktr, hlkIafˆ imÈirq Dfqfˆ, aYl[sI[zI[ vfly ilkuiez ikRstl, PulrIn, grfPIn afid ies dIafˆ imsflfˆ hn. aYks-rya ikRstlogrfPI vwzI igxqI ivwc kudrqI, gYr-kudrqI ikRstlfˆ dI aidRÈ sMrcnf nUM spwÈt kr ky AunHfˆ dI vrqoN nvyˆ nvyˆ Kyqrfˆ ivwc sMBv bxf rhI hY. iPiËks, kYimstrI, bfieElojI, zfktrI, ieMjnIairMg, dvfeIafˆ, Kixj- ikhVf Kyqr hY jo ienHfˆ df lfB nhIN lY irhf. pdfrQfˆ dI sMrcnf dy aMkiVafˆ df irkfrz vyKo. pMj lwK qoN vwD pdfrQfˆ dy kYˆbirj strwkcrl zytfbys ivwcoN nwby PIsdI dI bxqr aYks-rya vrq ky smJI geI hY. aYks-rya ikRstlogrfPI vfsqy Gwto-Gwt AunwqI nobyl purskfr idwqy jf cuwky hn. agfˆh vI virHafˆbwDI ieh Kyqr iesy qrHfˆ AucyrI ivigafnk Koj df ivÈf bixaf rhygf.
ivlIam hYnrI brYg aqy ivlIam lfrYˆs brYg ipE-puwqr dI Auh joVI hY ijs ny 1915 ivwc ikRstlogrfPI leI nobyl purskfr ijwiqaf. puwqr dI Aumr Aus vyly isrP pMJI sfl sI qy Auh hux qwk sB qoN CotI Aumr ivwc BOiqk ivigafn df nobyl purskfr ijwqx vflf ivakqI hY. duwK dI gwl ieh hoeI ik hYnrI brYg df dUjf puwqr Bfv lfrYˆs brYg df Brf ies purskfr dy aYlfn qoN kuJ idn pihlfˆ hI POq ho igaf. ieh gwl vI iDafn dyx vflI hY ik 1914 df BOiqk ivigafn df nobyl purskfr vI ikRstlogrfPI dy Kyqr nUM hI igaf sI. ies df jyqU mYks vfn lfE sI ijs nUM aYks-rya ikRstlogrfPI dy Kyqr ivwc moZIafˆ vflf kMm krn leI ieh mfx hfsl hoieaf. ienHfˆ Gtnfvfˆ AuprMq sO sfl qoN vwD smfˆ bIq igaf hY, pr ikRstlogrfPI dI cVHq qy mhwqv awj vI kfiem hY. iehI kfrn hY ik kuJ smfˆ pihlfˆ XU[aYWn[E[ ny 2014 nUM aMqrrfÈtrI ikRstlogrfPI vrHf aYlfinaf.
Friday, April 14th, 2017
zf[ kuldIp isMG DIr
Ximq qy simtrI vflIafˆ ikRstlfˆ dI bxqr df kfrn golfkfr pfxI dy kxfˆ dI nymbwD pYikMg hY. 1669 ivwc zYnmfrk dy ivigafnI inkolfs stYno ny ies gwl vwl iDafn idvfieaf ik iksy vI Kixj dI koeI vI ikRstl lE, Aus dy iewko ijhy pfisafˆ ivckfr kox AuhI rihMdf hY. ies ivwc Prk qfˆ pdfrQ dy bdlx nfl pYˆdf hY. Aus df mksd iksy vI iewk pdfrQ ivwc hr ikRstl dI iewko ijhI bxqr nUM Aujfgr krnf sI. Aus df ieh nukqf awj stYno dy nym vjoN jfixaf jfˆdf hY. Prfˆs dy Kixj ivigafnI hfeI ny aTfrvIN sdI ivwc ies Dfrnf nUM agfˆh vDfAuNidafˆ suJfa idwqf ik hr ikRstl inwkIafˆ inwkIafˆ iekfeIafˆ qoN ieAuN hI bxdf hY ijvyˆ iewtfˆ nfl koeI kmrf. 1803 ivwc zfltn ny aYtmI isDfˆq pyÈ kIqf qfˆ CyqI hI ieh gwl sB ny svIkfr leI ik ikRstlfˆ dI simtrI df kfrn ienHfˆ ivwc pdfrQ dy axUafˆ prmfxUafˆ dI kRmbwD jVq hY. hux Ërf prmfxU nUM iewk ibMdU dy rUp ivwc klipq kro. ieh soco ik ieh ibMdU spys ikRstlfˆ dy nymbwD rUp qy simtrI bfry ivwc iewk Kfs qrqIb ivwc jVy hoey hn. ivigafnk CfxbIx sqfrvIN sdI ivwc ies nfl iewt vrgf koeI Zfˆcf bxfieaf kYplr ny sLurU kIqI. Aus ny 1611 ivwc igaf hY. ies Zfˆcy dy hr ibMdU dy aflyikhf ik asmfnoN izwgdI brP dIafˆ induafly iewko ijhf Zfˆcf hY. aijhI siQqI
Friday, April 14th, 2017
ivwc iksy vI iewk ibMdU dy afly-duafly dy iewk Zfˆcy nUM ivigafnk ÈbdfvlI ivwc lYits df nfˆ idwqf igaf hY. ies lYits AuWqy iewk jfˆ vDyry prmfxU jVI jfE, ikRstl dI AusfrI krn vflI iewt bx jfvygI. ienHfˆ iewtfˆ dI nymbwD jVHq nfl hI ikRstl bxdI hY. 1845 ivwc Prfˆs dy iewk pRiqBfÈflI BOiqk ivigafnI afgst brfvys ny ieh sfbq krky dwisaf ik dunIafˆ Br ivwc ikRstlfˆ dI AusfrI leI isrP cOdfˆ pRkfr dIafˆ iewtfˆ pRfpq hn. kuwl cOdfˆ iksm dI lYits hI hY. Aus dI ieh sQfpnf ajy qwk prK AuWqy KrI Auqr rhI hY. lYits dy do ibMdUafˆ ivwc dUrI Bfv Aus
ICBC Claims
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The Patrika
dy iknfirafˆ dI lMbfeI aqy do iknfirafˆ ivckfrly kox nUM lYits dy pYrfmItr kihMdy hn. ienHfˆ pYrfmItrfˆ dy afDfr `qy lYitsfˆ nUM swq isstmfˆ ivwc vMizaf igaf hY. sB qoN srl isstm ikAUb Bfv Gx df hY. hr iknfrf brfbr hr kox nwby drjy df. sB qoN guMJldfr isstm trfeIkilink hY. ies ivwc iknfry vI vwzy-Coty hn aqy kox vI. cyqy rhy ik ies dy bfvjUd ieh isstm pUry nym nfl pUrI ikRstl dI hr lYits ivwc inBdf hY. ikqy koeI gVbVI nhIN. iewk vfr izËfeIn bx igaf, so bx igaf. muV ky pdfrQ dy hr ikRstl ivwc AuhI rhygf. iesy smyˆ hI ivlIam imlr nfˆ bfkI pMnHf 44 'qy
afeI[sIo[bI[sI[ klym · dwuK qklIPF · kMm dI qnKfh · mYzIkl Krcy
Real Estate Law · Property Transfers · Mortgages · Independent Legal Advice
rIal iestyt lfa
Notary Services · Affidavits · Sponsorship Letters · Power of Attorney · Certified True Copies
notrI syvfvF
· pROprtI tRFsPr · mOrgyj · afjLfd kfnMUnI slfh · hlPIaf ibafn · rfhdfrI · muKiqafrnfmf · srtIPfeIz kfpI krnI
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Today’s BC Liberals launch bold vision for new Silicon Valley in Canada’s Pacific Gateway BURNABY – B.C.’s tech sector is thriving – and today at Burnaby’s General Fusion Labs, Premier Christy Clark introduced the BC Liberal plan to keep creating jobs and opportunity in the Lower Mainland and across B.C. “While other countries are looking inward, B.C. and our tech sector are building bridges to the world,” said Premier Clark. “Today’s BC Liberals are the only party with a plan to seize this moment in history, and keep building a dynamic tech sector across our province.” B.C.’s tech sector already includes over 10,200 companies and over 106,000 jobs, contributing more than $14.1 billion to B.C.’s annual economic output. The jobs it creates pay 75 per cent over the industrial average. The party’s 2017 platform, Strong BC, Bright Future, includes an ambitious vision to keep growing BC’s tech sector, with four main goals: Keeping tech sector job growth above the • provincial average, and reaching 120,000 by 2020. • Increasing investment in the B.C. tech sector by up to an additional $100 million in the sector by 2020. • Creating 1,000 new grads in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math disciplines, on top of the 1,000 coming. • Increasing the number of tech companies with 10 or more employees by 20 per cent by 2021. Some of the new ideas in Strong BC, Bright Future include: •
Teaching coding in Grades 6 through 9
• Ensuring BC tech business are first in line for government contracts • $10 million for new life science research chairs • Breathing new life into Robson Square as an innovation hub where students, teachers, startups, and tech giants collide and create great things. “In a globally competitive industry, B.C.’s tech sector is thriving – and creating good-paying, family-supporting jobs,” said Premier Christy Clark. “Our tech strategy is focused on making sure companies have what they need to grow – access to talent, capital, markets, and data.” Today’s BC Liberals’ full 2017 election platform is available at The provincial election will be held on May 9th.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
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The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
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Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Patrika
ggndIp kOr
ikMnf shI hY ‘pRI vYizMg PotosLUt`? pMjfbIafˆ vwloN ivafhfˆ ivwc kIqI jfˆdI PËUl KrcI qoN asIN BlI BfˆqI jfxU hfˆ. mwD vrg dyKf dyKI PjLUl KrcI df BfgIdr bxky ies dI sB qoN vwD mfr Jwl irhf hY. ivafhfˆ leI huMdy bymqlby Kricafˆ ivwc hux iewk hor Krcf Èfml ho igaf hY, Auh hY ivafh qoN pihlfˆ hox vfly muMzy kuVI dy PotosLUt df ijs nUM ‘pRI vYizMg sLUt` df nfm idwqf igaf hY. ieh PotosLUt drasl ivafh qoN keI idn pihlfˆ nyVy qyVy jfˆ dUr durfzy dI KUbsUrq Qfˆ `qy ivafh vfly muMzy kuVI nUM bulf ky AuQy iPlmI klfkfrfˆ dy rumfˆitk idRÈfˆ dI qrj `qy iKwcIafˆ Potoafˆ aqy vIzIE huMdI hY. ies dOrfn kuVI muMzy dy bhuq sfry kwpVy bdlfey jfˆdy hn ijs ivwc inrol iPlmI pwK BfrU huMdf hY. ies qrHfˆ dy iPlmI aMdfË ivwc kIqy gey PotosLUt df Krcf 20 hËfr qoN sLurU ho ky keI lwK qwk hY.
ies PotosLUt df muwK AudyÈ huMdf hY ik ivafh vfly idn ieh vIzIE aqy Potoafˆ nUM donoN pfsy dy pirvfirk mYˆbrfˆ, irÈqydfrfˆ aqy dosqfˆ dy sfhmxy vwzIafˆ vwzIafˆ skrInfˆ `qy pRdriÈq krnf. ivafh smfgm dOrfn ieh skrInfˆ `qy lgfqfr cldf rihMdf hY. nvIN qy afDuink qknIk apxfAuxf mfVI gwl nhIN hY, pr kI ieh jfieË hY ik keI hËfrfˆ rupey Krc ky asIN Aus irÈqy dI numfieÈ afpxy hI sfirafˆ sfhmxy ieMj kr rhy hfˆ ijs dI nINh qfˆ ivafh vfly idn Pyirafˆ, lfvfˆ jfˆ inkfh nfl hI rwKI jf skdI hY. kfnUMnI qOr `qy iksy vI Drm ivwc ivafh AudoN hI svIkfirafˆ jfˆdf hY jdoN ies dIafˆ imwQIafˆ hoeIafˆ Dfrimk rsmfˆ pUrIafˆ ho jfˆdIafˆ hn. sfzf smfj vI ies irÈqy nUM AudoN hI mfnqf idMdf hY. ies PotosLUt rfhIN jo idRÈ pyÈ kIqy jfˆdy hn, AunHfˆ nfl lwgdf hY ik ivafh qfˆ pihlfˆ ho cuwkf hY, hux qfˆ isrP ivKfvy vflI rIq hI bfkI rihMdI hY.
hryk irÈqy dI gihrfeI df iewk afpxf
ainwKVvfˆ aMg hY. ieh sdf bixaf rhy qfˆ
inwG qy afnMd huMdf hY jo kiÈÈ ivafh
hI cMgf hY ikAuNik koeI vI mnuwK AuWnf icr
qoN pihlfˆ ibnfˆ imly iewk dUjy leI huMdI
hI iksy cIË leI qfˆGdf hY jdoN qwk Auh
sI Aus nUM Èbdfˆ ivwc ibafn krnf bhuq Aus nUM pRfpq nhIN huMdI. ies dI pRfpqI `qy muÈikl hY, pr pqf nhIN ikAuN nvIN pIVHI ieh sB Gflxf Buwl jfˆdf hY. qy afDuinkqf dy aflMbrdfr ienHfˆ husIn plfˆ qy smyˆ nUM Kqm krn `qy lwgy hoey hn.
afDuinkqf idKfvy ivwc nhIN, sgoN afpxy
afDuinkqf dI hnyrI vgx qoN pihlfˆ jdoN ivcfrfˆ ivwc afAuxI cfhIdI hY. ies leI ivafh huMdy sn qfˆ AunHfˆ ivwc lfVf lfVI dy afDuink ho ky afpxy jIvn sfQI nfl afpsI myl df jo ieMqËfr huMdf sI, Ausdf ivcfrfˆ dI sfˆJ kfiem hoxI cfhIdI hY Pl imwTf huMdf sI. ies nUM isrP mihsUs qfˆ jo ajoky smyˆ ivwc tuwt rhy pivwqr hI kIqf jf skdf hY. Èrm, hXf, sfdgI,
irÈiqafˆ dI igxqI nUM Gtfieaf jf sky.
slIkf aqy ilafkq sfzy swiBafcfr aqy afDuink hox df asl mqlb hoxf cfhIdf Drmfˆ df ihwsf hn. ienHfˆ ivwc af rhI
hY ik ivafh qoN pihlfˆ lfVf aqy lfVI dI
igrfvt nUM rokx leI nvIN pIVHI nUM vI kuJ ‘pRI mYirj kfAUˆsilMg` krnf qfˆ jo Auh socxf cfhIdf hY. iËMdgI ivwc ivafh qoN bfad afAux vfly aOrq mrd df afpsI irÈqf jo ivafh
vwzy bdlfa leI afpxy afp nUM mfnisk
dy bMDn nfl pivwqr bxdf hY, Aus df
qOr `qy iqafr kr skx aqy ies dIafˆ
idKfvf krnf koeI bhuqI cMgI gwl nhIN hY.
guMJlfˆ nUM afsfnI nfl sulJfAux df vwl
apsI Èrm df prdf pMjfbI swiBafcfr df
iswK skx.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
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FOR THE RECORD: Why Attending University Still Matters @RajinRealtor Homelife Glenayre Realty
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n recent years I have heard time and time again that attending university just isn’t worth it. Indeed, it seems that there is an ever-growing sentiment that attending a post-secondary institution – especially if pursuing something in the area of the humanities or social sciences – will leave you unemployed and burdened with debt. As someone who is passionate about post-secondary education – myself holding a masters law degree and serving as a provincial appointee on the Board of Governors of a local university – I cannot help but feel disheartened by these sentiments. I am disheartened in part because – as you will see in the later half of my column – these sentiments are drastically overstated. However, what is even more disheartening is the notion that attending university is all about getting a job. That it is nothing more than a means to an end. The reality is, nothing could be further from the truth. Though attending university does help ones chances to secure employment and develop the potential for greater, long-term personal income, university is about so much more. For those students who opt to engage their university experience determined to go outside their comfort zone and push themselves beyond their usual norms they can quickly discover the benefits that go hand-in-hand with exploring their own personal development. From being challenged to think critically and thus being forced to state why they believe something (that is to say, to provide reason, logic and at time even empirical data), to being encouraged to listen and to discuss different points of view (and learning how to respectfully disagree), to taking advantages of unique opportunities geared specifically for students, to building networks and even friendships (some of which will undoubtedly last a lifetime), the whole point of attending university
By: Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M. is about growing as an individual.
For The Record… I stated at the beginning of my column that the negative sentiments regarding the value of a university education – in particular one focused on the humanities and the social sciences – are drastically overstated. To that end, allow me now to share some statistics that may surprise you. The first statistic that might surprise you is that between March 2008 and March 2016, 1.4 million new jobs were created for university graduates – almost triple as many new jobs for college and trades graduates combined. Turning now to those who have undergraduate degrees in the humanities and social sciences, it might further surprise you to learn that the majority of those graduates earn, on average, above $65,000 annually. Moreover, 55% of current professional leaders across 30 countries have higher education qualifications in the arts. In addition to the employment and financial benefits that come from having a university degree, let us now turn to some of the benefits I spoke of earlier that go beyond ‘getting a degree to get a job.’
Friday, April 14th, 2017
By attending a university students learn a whole host of soft-skills. From critical thinking skills – the single greatest attribute employers are looking for – to organizational, research and communications skills, universities are about educating the whole person. Moreover, universities provide students the opportunity to gain meaningful experiences that can lead to successful employment. For example, 80% of employers surveyed say co-op and internship students are a source of new talent and potential future employees; this perhaps explaining why enrollment in co-op programs at universities has jumped by 25% in recent years from 53,000 students in 2006 to 65,000 students in 2013. In fact, experiential learning itself allows for upwards of 55% of undergraduate students to benefit from co-op, internships and service learning. It is these opportunities that then lend themselves to helping secure longterm, meaningful employment as employers look for well-rounded, experienced individuals who can demonstrate a broad-range of skills.
The Patrika
sLok smfcfr
Of course, there are those without university degrees who have gone on to succeed and I do not want to take anythiBy: Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M. bIbI jI svrn kOr igwl spuqnI BfeI ng away from those individuals; though, admittedly, I cringe when they wear it as a badge of honor and suggest to others that attending university is unnecessary. The reality is, though there are those who have gone on to achieve great success without a university education, they are the exception to the rule. Thus, as the world continues to face a broad range of economic, social and environmental challenges (to name only a few), now more than ever we need a generation of critical thinkers with the academic background to take-on the tasks that await us.
2061 Riverside Rd. aYbtsPorz ivwKy
svrgvfsI AuDm isMG igwl jI ipMz rfjf hovygf aqy aMiqm ardfs Kflsf dIvfn sfihb df mHjfrf ijwlHf nvF sLihr afpxI
sosfeItI aYbtsPorz ivKy 4 vjy hovygI.
91 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky, mMglvfr nMU pRmfqmf dy crnF ivwc jf ibrfjy hn.
jfxkfrI vfsqy sMprk nMbr: bldyv isMG
AunHF df sskfr 16 apRYl idn aYqvfr nMU igwl 604-807-4761 jF mnmohx isMG 2:30 sFm Fraser Valley Funeral Hall
hIr: 604-825-8609
This article was written from source provided by: The views in this article are my own and do not reflect the university with which I am affiliated.
The Patrika
mFvF TMZIaF CfvF (khfxI) PV skdI hovy. pr Auh cuwp krky bYTI sI dI loV hY. ikDr igaf hY gvfcI hoeI. ies gvfcI aOrq nfl mYN vI Auh afsrf, ijs dI afs ivc Aus ny aOkVF BrI, gvfc geI sF. sfrI ijMdgI jIa leI? lMmy rsqy qwk mYN muV nhIN skdI. pYrF awgy lMby musIbqF ptolo birwj qoN roiel aYvyinAU qwk ijwQoN Bry, QoVF Bry rsqy, Auh mYnUM muVn df mOkf imilaf. Gwto Gwt vIh hOlI hOlI qYa krdI geI. pwcI imMt lMG gey sn. mYN dPqr af geI, ies AumId nfl ik awj pr myrf mn Ausy gvfcI aOrq kol rih myrI AuNgl PV ky qurn vflf myrf puwq kwlH myry igaf. hny r y rfh ivw c cfnx, ikAuN gvfc geI hY? myrf afsrf bxygf-kul df myry pYr bryk `qy gey, myry mgr afAuNdIaF iks puwq dI mF hY? dIpk, Kfndfn df icrfg. kfrF df kfPlf myry awgy lMGx leI bhuq ies mulk ivc nf koeI Kfndfn hY, nf kfhlf sI. ipClI gorI ny qF myrI kfr iks DI dI mF hY? Kfndfn dy icrfg. sB kuJ mtIrIailsitk dI DImI cfl `qy hfrn vI mfiraf. BIV kI ho irhf hY sfzy GrF nUM? ho igaf hY, puwq puwq nhIN, DI DI nhIN, dy rOly ivc mYN agFh lMG geI. pr myry mF mF nhIN, hr pfrk ivc, hr sVk mn df iek ihwsf Ausy pwQr dI slYb svflF df AuliJaf qfxf-bfxf myrI soc dy kMZy, hr bfjLfr `c, gurU GrF `c, AuWqy bYTI aOrq kol hI rih igaf. koeI ivc sI. sfzI mF gvfc geI hY. ibgfnf gvfcIaF mfvF hn-DIaF df pu w q F df bjLurg pMjfbI aOrq svyry ikAuN GroN bfhr mulk ibgfnI bolI, ibgfnf vfhrf pfhrf, sqfieaf buZfpf hY, ikDr jf rhy hF asIN? inrfdr Biraf ipafr ivhUxf Gr df inklygI? mfhOl-mYN dUr qwk soc geI hF-awKF dy kuJ icr pihlF ryzIE pMjfb qoN nUMh sws dy irsLqy `qy kIqf tfk-sLoa mYnUM byhwd hwQ ivc bYg PVI koieaF ivc awQrU af ky Klo igaf hY. iks Audfs kr igaf. dI mF hY? jo svKqy bYg `c kwpVy pf sVk kI Auh gvfc geI hY? dy kMZy af bYTI hY. afpxf rfh lwB skx keI lok afey, jo afpxf duwK myry kol roxf kMm `qy Auh jf nhIN skdI. ieh bws rUt vflI Auh idwsdI nhIN-awK AuWqy ciVHaf cfhuMdy sn, roxf nhIN isrP Auh gwl krky vI nhIN hY, ijwQoN Auh ikDry jfx leI bws motf csLmf DuMdlf hY. Aus nUM qF afsry hOlf hoxf cfhuMdy hn, ijhVI Auh iksy nfl
Friday, April 14th, 2017
ieMdrjIq iswDU srI
ikMg jfrj hfeIvya `qy BIV bhuq sI. moV muVidaF mYN tRYiPk ivc iGr geI. acfnk sVk dy kMZy peIaF pwQr dIaF bMnIaF AuWqy bYTI bjLurg pMjfbI aOrq ny myrf iDafn iKwicaf. BIV ivc myrIaF njLrF isrP Aus dy ichry dI bdhvfsI, AuWzy AuWzy iKcVI vfl, kol pey pIly rMg dy bYg `qy iPr geIaF. Aus dy ichry df Auizaf rMg, Aus dy kwpVy sB kuJ myry aMdr hlcl mcf gey sn. myrf iDafn kfr dI GVI vwl clf igaf. Cy vwj ky pMqflI imMt hoey sn.
nhIN kr skdy. ijs gwl dy krn nfl AunHF df isr nIvF huMdf hY, puwq sLrmsfr huMdf hY. ikhVI gwl AunHF dy sMG `c aV geI hY ? su w k I bu r kI vFg ijhVI Qu w k I vI nhIN jf skdI, lMGdI vI nhIN hY. kI aOlfd ieh suwkI burkI bx geI hY? koeI afrmI dy myjr sn, ijnHF nUM mYN imlx vI geI, jo iksy puwq dI vwzI hnyrI bysmYNt `c ikrfey `qy rihMdy hn, PuwlF dI JukI tfhxI vrgI bjLurg mF afpxI bcI KucI iewjLq afpxI bIbI sLKsIaq hyTF lukfeI bYTf bjLurg myjr mYnUM dUr qwk tukVy tukVy kr igaf hY. ies bjLurg joVy ny afpxI aOlfd aMgryjLI dy rYjLIzYNsLl skUlF ivc
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
pVHfeI, imltrI skUlF dy Krcy afpxf mUMh bMd krky pUry kIqy, awKF `c hjLfrF supny rwK puwq knyzf ivafihaf, hux nUMh nUM bjLurg mfpy psMd nhIN hn. nf suxIaF jfx vflIaF gwlF nUMh sws nUM afKdI hY, sws nUM mrn dI QF nhIN lwBdI, puwq cuwp hY. ieh cuwp sB nUM aprfDI bxfAuNdI hY. jy puwq mF ipAu dI kdr nhIN krdf qF bygfnI DI ikAuN krygI. aijhI hflq ivc puwq, mF, ipAu qy pqnI ivc sYNzivwc bx ky rih jFdf hY.
awQrU pI jFdI hY. ienHF mfvF dy mUMh dIaF iek iek lkIrF AunHF dy sMGrsL dIaF mUMh boldIaF qsvIrF hn. iek nUMh cIk cIk ky afKdI hY, “bIbI qUM aMnHIN ho geI eyN, juafk sVk `qy qurdf ipaf ey.” cfr inafxy sFBdI dfdI ny isrP ieho hI ikhf, “puwq koeI nf, ies Aumry sfry hI aMnHy ho jFdy hn.” bjLurg sws dI nUMh, sws nfl boldI nhIN. bwicaF nUM vI bolx nhIN idMdI. Gr ivc kuwtmfr vI huMdI hY. sfiraF dy mUMh `qy kOVI cuwp jMmI hoeI hY.
mF ipAu vwzy Gr dI hnyrI bysmYNt ivc sLFqI BYx jdoN nvIN nvIN pfrk ivc afAux rihMdy hn, pYnsLn vI hY, puwq DI imlx vI lwgI, puwqF DIaF dy bVy gux gfAuNdI, KyqF afAuNdy hn, pr mn ivc drd bhuq hY jo ivc kMm krdI, DIaF puwqF ny aYsI gwq iksy nUM dwisaf nhIN jf skdf. bxfeI ik Aus dy lPjL hI mr gey. Auh ies bjLurg joVy nUM imlx qoN bfad mYN keI hux iksy nfl boldI nhIN. pfrk vI nhIN idn Audfs rhI. kihx nUM qF mYN vI AunHF afAuNdI. ijAuNdy jIa mnPI ho geI hY. asIN nUM kih afeI, “jy Auh quhfzI prvfh nhIN mfvF, eynIaF nkfrIaF iks qrHF geIaF? krdy qF qusIN vI afpxI ijLMdgI jIE, GuMmo iPro, gurduafry jfE, jy bwcy af jfx qF mYnUM Xfd hY, myrI dfdI bVI jby vflI aOrq TIk hY, jy nhIN afAuNdy qF vI sLukr-gujLfrI sI. koeI DI puwq poqrf Aus awgy kuskdf kro. pIV bhuq hY, moh tuwtdf nhIN, Auh nhIN sI. sfnUM sfiraF nUM qF Auh kuwt vI bjLurg ieMzIaf muV rhy sn. myrf mn bhuq lYNdI sI, pr kdy iksy puwq ny dKl nhIN sI Audfs hY. ieh qF Gr Gr dI khfxI hY. idwqf qy kdI sfzI mF vI dfdI df hwQ PV pfrk ivc bYTI hr bjLurg aOrq dI ieh ky rok nhIN sI skdI. ‘rMbf qy muMzf cMzy pIV hY. koeI kih idMdI hY, koeI cuwpcfp hI shI rihMdy hn’ dfdI aksr afKdI.
dfdI dI ies cMzfeI ivc asIN kuVIaF mYN mMndI hF bjLurgF dIaF afdqF pwk aksr af jFdIaF. mYN aOrq df bhuq cuwkIaF huMdIaF hn, AunHF nUM bdlxf afsfn inrfdr huMdf vyiKaf. nhIN hY. pr AunHF df iqRskfr krnf ikDr sLihr dI sB qoN vwD pOsL klonI ivc myrI dI isafxp hY. afdmI qF GroN bfhr inkl gvFZx bjLurg aFtI glI ivc kMD nfl jFdy hn, aOrq df buZfpf bhuq hnyrf qy mMjI zfh puwqF nUM roNdI rihMdI, sfrf idn- lMbf ho jFdf hY. mF sws dy bYiTaF Tfh Tfh sfrI rfq. puwq poqry mnf ky dfdI nUM lY bUhy mfrny, inrfdr Bry bol bolxy glq jFdy, Pyr kuJ idnF bfad dfdI dI mMjI hn. mF ny qF kdy puwq nUM koeI svfl nhIN glI ivc hI huMdI. pr Auh qy ieMzIaf sI. kIqf. hr QF Aus dI AuNgl PVI qurdI sO sLrm ilhfj sI, iewQy qF vx vx dI rhI, awj mF nUM puwq dI loV peI qF puwq nkfrdf hY, pqnI nUM qF Auh kuJ kih nhIN lwkVI iekwTI hoeI peI hY. skdf. 911 nMbr iswDf zfiel krdIaF nf, iksy vwzy dI sLrm, nf iksy df ilhfj. hn bIbIaF. mYN ieh nhIN jfxdI ik swsF aKy jI asIN afjLfd hF. hF afjLfd hF, GrF ivc ikMnIaF ku sfrQk huMdIaF hn. mF ipAu nUM sFBx hwQoN, pr pYnsLn df cYWk pr quhfzy GrF df ijMdrf huMdIaF hn. cuwpcfp sFB lYNdy hn. myrI iek gvFZx bjLurg iek idn kihx iek bjLurg myry nfl rojL svyry bws lwgI, “BYx jI! ieh puwqF dI hI gwl nhIN, PVdf. iek idn mYnUM puwCx lwgf, “bIbI DIaF vI, sB leI mfpf vfDU BfrU ho jFdf mONkI kI huMdf?” mYN ikhf, “kI gwl ho geI hY.” DIaF mfvF vI Auh nhIN rhIaF, nf BfjI.” kihx lwgf, “myrf poqf mYnUM bfbf DIaF mfvF dI iewjq krdIaF hn, nf nUMhF mONkI afKdf hY.” mYN Aus bjLurg df ichrf krngIaF. ieh jLihrIlf cwkr hr Gr dyiKaf gMdy kwpVy, ruilaf ruilaf ijhf cwldf hY. ikMg jfrj hfeIvya vflI bjLurg ikqy kMm `qy jf irhf sI. aOrq mYnUM muV lwBI nhIN, pr myry aMdr myrf mn bVf kusYlf hoieaf. mYN qF Aus iek zUMGf toaf puwitaf igaf hY, ijs ivc bjLurg nUM mONkI df arQ nhIN dwisaf, pr myry vrgIaF keI aOrqF burkI burkI ho iksy hor qoN qF Aus nUM jLrUr pqf lwg hI ky izwg rhIaF hn. vkq bdl irhf hY. bury qoN bhuq bury leI. igaf hovygf.
Offering a warm, friendly atmosphere to share a meal with family and friends at any time of the day or evening.
Two Large Pizza & Chicken Wings Free 2L Pop do lfrj pIjy aqy ickx ivMg nfl PrI do lItr pOp. isrP
vDIaf aqy cosq numf vfqfvrn. svyry sLfm afpxy dosqF aqy pirvfr nfl Kfxy nfl anMd mfxo, iksy vI vkq- idny jF sLfmI.
Three Large Pizza 1/2 off Chicken Wings Free 2L Pop iqMn lfrj pIjLy, ½ ickx ivMgs nfl do lItr pOp PrI
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Spread the Word to End the Word Abbotsford UFV student Roshan Gosal, with the help of over 70 student volunteers and numerous Special Olympics athletes, has initiated the Spread the Word to End the Word campaign in our city for the third consecutive year. The campaign has the support of all 11 Abbotsford high schools, The University of the Fraser Valley and The City of Abbotsford. Mayor Henry Braun and UFV President Dr. Mark Evered were the first to sign the forms pledging their support to eliminate the derogatory use of the R- word ( retard or retarded ) and promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. The campaign will be showing up all over Abbotsford over the next few months. Roshan, a Special Olympics coach and the Community Outreach-Youth Coordinator for Special Olympics BC - Abbotsford has been a volunteer with Special Olympics BC - Abbotsford for 5 years. His goal is to spread this awareness campaign throughout B.C. hoping to see each school embrace this message of inclusiveness. Roshan received the YMCA Power of Peace
Youth Award for his work and has started a club at UFV called “Friends of Special Olympics.” To date over 6000 signatures have been collected in Abbotsford alone. Roshan states, “ the beauty of Abbotsford, of our Province, of our country is its diversity. Everyone deserves respect because everyone adds to this beauty.” My grandparents emigrated to Canada in the late 1960’s. My mom has told me stories about growing up being a minority and the racial slurs she had to endure. As time passed, the name calling decreased and the slurs became part of “ jokes”. She said the interesting part of it is she still felt the pain whether it was a joke or not because it reminds you that you are different . People want to be included, the want to belong. My mom reminds me of how lucky we are to live in a part of the world where people are willing to change and grow together. I know that originally mental retardation or mentally retarded was a medical term to describe people with significant intellectual impairment but
in todays society the r-word has become a common word used as an insult for someone or something stupid. For example, you might hear someone say, “That is so retarded” or “Don’t be such a retard.” Even though this comment may not be directed towards someone with a disability, it is hurtful. It is the same as using any hate word or racial slur. The American Psychiatric Association, American Federal Health, Education and Labour policies, and the World Health Organization have recognized this and have revised or in the process of making changing to their formal terminology replacing mental retardation with intellectual disabilities. As our world evolves, our language evolves. To create an inclusive society
we need to be sensitive to the impact we have on each other. It is important for each of us to be aware of the power of our words. We can lift a person’s spirit or we can tear it down. This can happen in any language, in any culture but its effect is the same.” To learn more and join us in pledging to choose respect and end the R-word, please visit and watch for upcoming booths at UFV and high schools throughout Abbotsford!
Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Patrika
Canadian filmmakers to produce Komagata Maru historical miniseries
inister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services Amrik Virk announced a
South Asian community and to the families of the victims of this incident.
$2 million contribution to Knowledge Network for the making of Lions of the Sea, a feature film and miniseries, based on the history of the Komagata Maru incident.
Network will be able to broadcast the film and miniseries on its television service, and stream them on its website and apps. The production will begin this year, as the province celebrates its history and diversity as part of Canada’s 150th anniversary in 2017, and prepares to celebrate the 150th anniversary of B.C.’s entry into Confederation in 2021.
First Take Entertainment Ltd. is producing the feature film and four-part miniseries. Set in 1914, the film will chronicle the tragic story of 376 Indian passengers that sailed into Vancouver’s Burrard Inlet aboard the Komagata Maru in the hope of opportunity and a better life, but who were turned away. Tragically, upon their forced repatriation to India, 19 individuals were killed. This production provides an opportunity to highlight the early struggle of South Asian Canadians for justice and equality and a key part of the province’s history. South Asian pioneers have established strong cultural ties between India and British Columbia, playing a significant role in shaping immigration policies and furthering B.C.’s international trade and investment. In 2008, the B.C. Legislative Assembly made a formal apology to the
With this contribution, Knowledge
First Take Entertainment is a Canadian-based international film production house specializing in feature films. The company will engage with Community Foundations of Canada to hold complimentary screenings of the film at community centres, schools and libraries in B.C. and Canada, as well as to provide curriculum and copies of the DVD and miniseries. The estimated production budget for Lions of the Sea is between $16 and $19 million, with contributions coming from the Knowledge Network and other Canadian entities. A viewer-supported public broadcaster, British Columbia’s Knowledge Network offers commercial-free documentaries, arts and culture, drama and children’s programs from British Columbia, Canada and around the world.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
cuqflI afgUafˆ dI akfl qKq awgy pyÈI aqy votfˆ dy ‘bfbf bfËfr` df muwdf jiqMdr pnUM ies hPqy iewk mIitMg sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy jQydfr igafnI gurbcn isMG smyq pMjfˆ isMG sfihbfn ny kIqI aqy pMjfb dI rfjnIqI ivwc srgrm cuqflI afgUafˆ nUM afpxy awgy afx ky pyÈ hox vfsqy hukm jfrI kIqf hY. iswKfˆ dI sB qoN AuWcI mMnI jfˆdI ies sMsQf df ieho ijhf hukm afvy qfˆ ikAuNik ies df sMbMD iswK BfeIcfry nfl hoxf cfhIdf hY, ies leI iksy hor nUM dKl dyx dI bhuqI loV nhIN ho skdI. ijwdfˆ df hukm akfl qKq sfihb qoN ies vfrI kIqf igaf hY, ies nfl ieh loV pYdf huMdI hY qy ies swdy dI ivafiKaf krn df hwk hornfˆ nUM vI hY. kfrn sfP hY ik swdy gey vwK-vwK pfrtIafˆ dy ieh afgU Bfvyˆ iswK smfj ivwcoN hn, pr swdx df kfrn isafsI loV qoN pYdf hoieaf hY. ienHfˆ sfirafˆ AuWqy doÈ lwgdf hY ik ieh isrsf dy zyrf swcf sOdf vfly bfby kol votfˆ df qrlf mfrn gey sn qy ies qrHfˆ krn nfl akfl qKq sfihb vwloN jfrI hoey Aus purfxy hukmnfmy dI AulMGxf
hoeI hY, ijs hukmnfmy ivwc Aus zyry nfl koeI sMbMD nf rwKx leI iswKfˆ nUM hdfieq kIqI geI sI. asl ivwc Aus hdfieq df kfrn vI ieho sI ik Aus zyry ny Aus sfl coxfˆ ivwc votfˆ pfAux nUM afpxy cyly iewk pfrtI ipwCy qory qy dUsrI aOKI ho geI sI. hukmnfmy leI EdoN akfl qKq sfihb qoN pMj isMG sfihbfn ny ieh gwl afDfr bxfeI sI ik isrsy zyry dy muKI ny sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy coly vfˆg pihrfvf pihn ky iewk qrl pdfrQ iqafr kIqf qy gurU sfihb dI sfˆg lfAux df Xqn kIqf sI. iswK BfeIcfry ivwc ies nfl ros jfigaf qy ijnHfˆ lIzrfˆ ny ieh ros jgfieaf sI, Auh hflfq BVkfAux qoN bfad vI Aus zyry nfl sfˆJfˆ pfldy rhy sn.
akfl qKq sfihb dy ajoky jQydfr nUM ieh svfl lgfqfr puwiCaf jfˆdf rhygf ik Aus ny Kud mohry lwg ky zyrf muKI nUM pihlfˆ muafPI dy idwqI qy iPr iswKfˆ vwloN kIqy Ëordfr ros ipwCoN muafPInfmf vfps lY ilaf qfˆ ies dI cfbI iks ny GuMmfeI sI? zyrf muKI vfr-vfr kihMdf sI ik Aus ny muafPI mMgx dI koeI icwTI hI nhIN ByjI, ijs icwTI nfl iPr muafPI idwqI geI, Auh JUTI icwTI ijs bMdy ny akfl qKq qwk pucfeI sI, Aus dy iKlfP kI kfrvfeI kIqI geI? eynI gwl hI nhIN, hux qoN pMj sfl pihlfˆ dIafˆ ivDfn sBf coxfˆ ivwc Ausy zyry nfl isafsI sOdf mfr ky ijhVy afgU ny zyrf muKI dy iKlfP kys vfps lYx df pwqr iewk Qfxydfr qoN adflq nUM pyÈ krvfieaf sI, Aus dy iKlfP kI kfrvfeI kIqI sI?
gey? lok-rfjI pRbMD ivwc ijs nfgirk dI vI vot bxI hY, Aus qwk phuMc df ijhVf hux qlb kIqy cuqflI iswK rfjsI afgU kI koeI vsIlf hovy, AumIdvfrfˆ nUM Auh vrqx pYˆqVf lYxgy, ieh Auh jfxdy hoxgy, AunHfˆ dI loV pYxI hY. koeI afgU ieh nhIN khygf dy pwK jfˆ ivroD ivwc asIN kuJ nhIN khfˆgy, ies hPqy akfl qKq sfihb qoN pMj isMG ik asIN PlfxI sMprdf vfly lokfˆ qoN votfˆ pr ieh gwl puwCI jf skdI hY ik zyrf sfihbfn ny isafsI lIzrfˆ nUM swdx vyly mMgx nhIN jfxf. hr iksy votr kol AunHfˆ muKI leI ibnfˆ mMigafˆ EdoN ijhVI muafPI AunHfˆ dI isafsI ksrq nUM avwigaf ikhf nUM jfxf pvygf. inrMkfrIafˆ qoN lY ky swcy jfrI kIqI sI, Aus dy ipwCy kI cwkr sI? hY ik ieh swcy sOdy zyry qoN votfˆ mMgx ikAuN
ieMds vYlI ivc pYdf hoeI hwk swc qy qrk dI soc dy rihbr gurU nfnk qoˆ mgroˆ hjLfrfˆ ÌkIrfˆ aqy ies soc dy pfˆDIafˆ dy ÉUn dI isMcfeI mgroˆ srbMs dfnI kurbfnI dy msIhf dsmyÈ ipqf gurU goibMd isMG dy svfry inafry aqy ipafry dunIafˆ Br ivc vsdy Kflsf pMQ nUM ieMds akfAUˆitMg dy pirvfr vwloˆ Kflsf pMQ isrjxf idvs dI lwK lwK vDfeI hovy jI
ienkm tYks prsnl ibjLns rYNtl jI[aYs[tI[ tI2 buwkkIipMg srivs py-rol
We speak English, Punjabi, & Hindi asIN pMjfbI,ihMdI aqy aMgryjI boldy hF
Friday, April 14th, 2017
sOdy qwk ijs dIafˆ vI votfˆ bxIafˆ hn, Aus df qrlf krn leI AumIdvfrfˆ ny jfxf hY. Dfrimk pwKoN ieho ijhI koeI rok iksy pfrtI AuWqy lfAux jfˆ iksy nUM iksy vwl Aucycf Byjx nUM cox pRbMD ivwc Drm dI durvrqoN krn df muwdf bxf ky koeI nfgirk kwlH nUM hfeI kort jfˆ suprIm kort ivwc vI jf skdf hY.
The Patrika
cflU krn dI loV ikAuN mihsUs hoeI? kI ies qoN ieh gwl spwÈt nhIN ho jfˆdI ik akfl qKq dy jQydfr sfihb ny ieh sB kuJ iewk pfrtI dI rfjsI loV leI ies qrHfˆ kIqf ik akfl qKq sfihb dy mfxsiqkfr df vI ilhfj nhIN sI rwiKaf? ies qoN bfad vI akfl qKq dy jQydfr ny EnI dyr cuwp ikAuN nhIN qoVI, jdoN qwk mukfbly dy srbwq Kflsf vfly jQydfrfˆ ny iPr vI jy ies sMbMD ivwc ikMqU krny hn ienHfˆ hI lIzrfˆ dy gl prnf pfAux df kMm qfˆ pihlf ikMqU Kud akfl qKq dy ajoky sLurU nhIN sI kr ilaf? jQydfr ivruwD huMdf hY. jdoN ieh afgU lok jdoN ienHfˆ sB pwKfˆ nUM vyiKaf jfvy qfˆ pizyrf swcf sOdf gey qy aKbfrfˆ ivwc ienHfˆ hlI loV ieh inkldI hY ik akfl qKq dIafˆ qsvIrfˆ CpIafˆ sn, EdoN akfl qKq sfihb df mOjUdf jQydfr afp lfˆBy ho jfvy sfihb dy jQydfr ny cuwp ikAuN vwtI rwKI qy iksy hor nUM aglf koeI PYslf krn dyvy. sI? iPr jdoN EQy gey afgUafˆ dy BfÈxfˆ dI Kbr aKbfrfˆ ivwc CpI ik akfl qKq ieho nhIN, sgoN ijs dy kol ieh iËMmyvfrI vwloN lfeI pfbMdI qoN Ault Auh EQy ieh afvy, Aus dy mUhry pyÈ ho ky pihlfˆ ieh kih ky afey hn ik asIN quhfzI nfm crcf jQydfr afpxIafˆ Buwlfˆ leI pCqfvf kry. krfvfˆgy qfˆ akfl qKq dy jQydfr EdoN pihly iksy smyˆ df iewk jQydfr awj iswKI ikAuN nf boly? Aus dy bfad zyrf swcf sOdf qoN kwiZaf hoieaf hY, ajoky jQydfr bfry vwloN jdoN akflI dl dI hmfieq df sMdyÈ BivwK kI PYslf lY lvygf, ies vyly kihxf jfrI ho igaf, EdoN akfl qKq dy jQydfr aOKf hY. jQydfr nUM awj dI Qfˆ Blk df ny qurMq kfrvfeI krn dI Qfˆ afpxf socxf cfhIdf hY. hflfq kdy vI iewko DVy mobfeIl Pon ikAuN bMd kr idwqf aqy votfˆ jfˆ iewko isafsI pfrtI dI mrËI dy muqfbk pYx ipwCoN cfr PrvrI Èfm nUM dobfrf Pon nhIN cwldy rihxy.
ieh muwdf eyQy Cwz ky asIN iewk hor pwK bfry gwl krnf cfhuMdy hfˆ. hr cox ivwc sfnUM votrfˆ vwloN pYsy lY ky votfˆ pfAux dI gwl suxnI pYˆdI hY. grIbI mfry ijhVy lok slPfs Kf ky jfnfˆ dy rhy hn, ‘mrdf kI nf krdf` dy aKfx muqfbk Auh ivcfry pyt dI BuwK dy sqfey hox kfrn ËmIr mfr ky afpxI vot vycdy hn qfˆ bury khy jfˆdy hn. iewk aKfx hY ik ‘grIb dI vhutI sfirafˆ dI BfbI` huMdI hY. Auh grIb lok vI grIb dI vhutI vfˆg sBnfˆ dy ÈoÈx df iÈkfr hn. aslI crcf ijnHfˆ dI hoxI cfhIdI hY, AunHfˆ dI nhIN huMdI qy grIbfˆ vwloN votfˆ vycx df rOlf pf ky sfzy smfj dI aslI qsvIr lukfAux df pfp huMdf rihMdf hY. aslI qsvIr EdoN inwKr ky sfhmxy afAuNdI hY, jdoN cox pRcfr dOrfn iewk pfrtI df kOmI nyqf iewk sfD dy zyry jfˆdf hY qy dUsrf agly idn Ausy sfD kol pihly dI gwl kwtx qy afpxI mMnx dI imMnq krn clf jfˆdf hY. mUhry bYTy sfD sfirafˆ nUM gwlIˆ-bfqIˆ duwD-puwq df vr dyeI jfˆdy hn qy votfˆ pYx qoN do ku idn rihMidafˆ qoN ijwqdI iDr qoN BivwK dy lfB imldy jfpx jfˆ KVy pYr mfieaf dI koeI QYlI cVHfvy ivwc cVHdI idws pvy qfˆ Aus ipwCy Bugqx leI
PAGE 21 afpxy syvkfˆ vwl ruwkf Byj dyˆdy hn. ieh gwl lukI hoeI kdy vI nhIN rihMdI. sfnUM ies nfl Prk nhIN pYˆdf ik cuqflI lIzrfˆ nUM akfl qKq sfihb ivKy swd ky kuJ sËf lfeI jfvy jfˆ QoVHy bMdy jfpx qfˆ AunHfˆ dy prnf-cuwkfˆ nUM nfl swd ky BIV Br leI jfvy. ies dI Qfˆ sfnUM ieh gwl vwzf muwdf jfpdI hY ik swcf sOdf zyrf hovy jfˆ koeI hor, zyrydfrfˆ df votrfˆ leI iswDy swdy jfrI krnf aqy ieh swdy dyx leI rfjsI lIzrfˆ nfl sOdy mfrnf kdoN qwk cwlygf? qrkÈIl lihr df afgU jgsIr jIdy kmfl dI gwl krdf huMdf hY. ies vfr vI kmfl dI gwl Aus ny isrP eyny Èbdfˆ ivwc ieMj kih idwqI hY ik ‘kihMdy sMgq vycdI votfˆ qy sMgqfˆ nUM bfby vyc gey`. akfl qKq sfihb ivKy cuqflI lIzrfˆ nUM swd ky iZwlI sËf lfeI jfvy jfˆ BfrI jfˆ suwky Cwizaf jfvy, ies dI Qfˆ sfnUM Auh muwdf vwzf lwgdf hY, ijhVf jgsIr jIdy ny keI vfr AuTfieaf hY. BfrqI lokqMqr dI mOjUdf vMngI ivcly ivgfVfˆ nUM suDfrn dI iewCf ijs iksy isr ivwc hfly mOjUd hY, Aus leI jgsIr jIdy dI ieh coB iewk vwzf muwdf hoxI cfhIdI hY, pqf nhIN ieh muwdf bx skygI ik nhIN.
The Patrika
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Mapping their contribution – Province proclaims Sikh Heritage Month and recognizes South Asian historic places
of B.C.,� mentioned Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
s part of the celebrations and proclamation today of April as Sikh Heritage Month, Premier Christy Clark announced today that 15 South Asian historic places are being added to British Columbia’s Register of Historic Places.
In 2016, a public nomination process began and included an evaluation by sector and community experts. As a result, a total of 24 eligible places were nominated b y B r itish Columbians and 15 of those are now being provincially recognized for their high significance to South Asian Canadian history in British Columbia. Heritage BC was engaged to administer the nomination process and create an interactive map that features all 24 eligible nominated
The recognition celebrates B.C.’s diversity and multiculturalism and the significance of British Columbians of South Asian descent and their contribution to the province. “We celebrate our diversity in British Columbia, because we know it’s our greatest strength. Now more than ever – we need to continue being an example for the world,� said Premier Clark. “There are communities in every corner of our province that British Columbians of South Asian descent have left their mark on, enriching us all.� �I am pleased that we have been able to identify Historic Places that show the important contribution of South Asian Canadians to the development
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Corporate Law • Incorporation of Companies sfzy kolL • Sale and Purchase of Shares and/or Business bolx vflf • Shareholder/Partnership Agreements We have Punjabi Speaking Staff
pMjfbI stfP hY
Gerry Palmer
Ph: 604.852.1682 Fax: 604.852.1686 #1-33775 Essendene Ave, Abbotsford, BC V2S 2H1 PAGE 22
sites with expanded documentation for the 15 historic places, available online:
places from the South Asian Canadian perspective, helping preserve, explore and share our province’s multicultural heritage,� said Royal BC Museum chief operating officer and deputy CEO Angela Williams. “The Royal BC Museum looks forward to sharing stories about these places and their historical significance.� Some of the recognized sites include:
The list paints a rich picture of the contributions that South Asian Canadians have made to the development and prosperity of B.C. since the mid19th century. “This project gives all British Columbians an opportunity to see B.C.
Punjabi Market, Vancouver – a collection of small businesses and stores, which historically have catered to the Punjabi community, this historic location illustrates the evolution and development of South Asian businesses following their initial involvement with the B.C.’s lumber industry. The Punjabi Market was thriving in the 1970s when a large influx of Punjabi people settled in South Vancouver and became inextricably woven into the city’s cultural fabric. It is also one of the gathering spots during Vaisakhi.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Golden Sikh Temple, Golden – One of the earliest Sikh temples in B.C., though no longer standing, the gurdwara’s significance is recognized in its original location. The temple was far outside the Lower Mainland, and demonstrates early Sikhs had settled into B.C.’s southeast region. The gurdwara was a place where people practised their faith, socialized with others of the same faith and received the emotional support they needed to work and live so far from their homeland. Topaz Street Sikh Gurdwara, Victoria – Originally established in 1912 followed by the construction of a new building in 1969, this historic place was built by pioneers of the community, who faced many hardships in their journeys to British Columbia. It served free meals and was a place for new immigrants to connect with the community. “South Asian century old history in B.C. is replete with province wide personal travels, subsequent settlements and socio-cultural investments in community spaces,” noted Advisory Committee member, and Director, Centre for Indo Canadian Studies at the University of the Fraser Valley, Satwinder Bains. “A recognition of our unique and rich history
is a significant milestone in British Columbia’s historical trajectory of purposeful inclusion and acceptance of the impacts by diverse communities on our province.” “All individuals need to feel included and a part of society. To date South Asian history in British Columbia has not been systematically documented from our South Asian perspective,” added South Asian Canadian Historic Places Project Evaluation Team member, Dr. Balbir Gurm. “The South Asian Historic Places Project helps us recognize the physical spaces that are historically significant to our community. This is a step in recognizing the many diverse groups and more specifically those of South Asian heritage who are a part of British Columbia’s history. I am thrilled to be a part of this important work.”
Premier Christy Clark, Today’s BC Liberals honour veterans with tuition rebate pledge COMOX -- As British Columbians and Canadians honour the sacrifice of the soldiers who gave their lives at the Battle of Vimy Ridge 100 years ago, Today’s BC Liberals are announcing a new 50 per cent tuition fee rebate for Canadian Armed Forces veterans, to help them upgrade their education and transition into civilian life. “Canadian Armed Forces members are our best and bravest – but we know that the transition from military to civilian life can be challenging,” said Jim Benninger, BC Liberal candidate in Courtenay-Comox and former base commander of CFB Comox. “This platform commitment is a small but meaningful way to show our appreciation for their service, as they make that transition and help contribute to our growing economy.”
This is a milestone in the Provincial Recognition Program’s South Asian Historic Places Project. It marks the completion of a project designed to identify historic places and culturally important locations to help South Asian Canadians, and all British Co- The rebate would cover 50 per cent of lumbians, honour this cultural history tuition paid at a B.C. post-secondary institution for Canadian Armed Forces in perpetuity. veterans looking to upgrade their edu-
cation and skills and find a rewarding career. It would be available to Canadian Armed Forces veterans who have served in the Regular Force or as a Class “C” Reservist for at least three years, and honourably released. Veterans who are medically released and unable to complete at least three years’ service would also be eligible. The commitment will be included in the party’s platform for the provincial election, which takes place May 9th.
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The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Don't want to repeat 'Lunchbox' success : Nimrat Siddharth believes I've a violent streak : Vidya
Venturing into the
digital space with an upcoming web series, The Test Case, Nimrat Kaur has said the overwhelming success of 'The Lunchbox' didn't stop from her experimenting in her career. The Ekta Kapoor project will see the 35-year-old actress play an Army officer for the first time."I always want to try new things in life. Yes, this (Internet) is a new avenue, but never in my life have I believed in pre-set notions. I really don't think there is need for any actor to be calculative about these kind of things. You connect with something and you just do it," Nimrat told on the sidelines of
an automobile event in Delhi. Nimrat, who has done two international projects Homeland and Wayward Pines, agrees that movie buffs still recognise her for the role of a lonely housewife in The Lunchbox. "I guess that's a cross for most actors to bear when something works tremendously for them. I want to undo thisimmediately by presenting myself in different ways, which is actually the real fun of being an actor. I don't want to repeat the success of Lunchbox again, and what I wish for now is something bigger, better and more enriching," she said.
Self-realisation struck on the set : Prateik Prateik Babbar, who broke free from his addiction to drugs, has revealed that he turned over a new leaf while shooting for his Bengali film debut, Aroni Taukhon, which is set for an overseas release next week."During the filming phase, I was heavily into substance use and that was the first time I got a perspective on how it was important to say no to drugs. Self realisation struck on the set and finally helped me go clean.In fact, I stayed away from drugs on set since I had to mentally and physically train for the role and get into the skin of my character," confesses Prateik, who, incidentally, plays a no-
Vidya Balan says her husband Siddharth Roy Kapur believes she has a violent streak. The actress also said that she did the forthcoming period drama "Begum Jaan" as she wanted to find a way to vent her anger. She spoke about the film and her relationship with Siddharth during a chat show When the show's host asked Vidya about the kind of anger she shows in the film, Vidya said: "I wanted to unleash that part of me and all it took was a conversation with Bhatt saab on a flight. We were promoting ‘Hamari Adhuri Kahani' so, I told him that I wanted to give an expression to my anger, I have a lot of anger." The actress added: "The long and short of it is that he came to me with ‘Begum Jaan'...But to actually give vent to that kind of anger, aggression, wasn't easy. But it was fun, once you break the limits, it was a lot of fun. It's so freeing. Siddharth believes that I do have a violent streak." "Begum Jaan" is a Hindi adaptation of National Awardwinner Srijit Mukherji's critically acclaimed Bengali outing "Rajkahini". The film sees Vidya play a brothel owner in a story of survival set against the backdrop of the country's partition in 1947.
torious rich boy addicted to drugs, but gets over it after finding the love of his life and eventually sacrificing her to another man."A big lesson I learnt was how love is the biggest sacrifice. I could relate to that situation since in my life too, I have changed for love and sacrificed people, who have meant the world to me, and finally made peace with loss," he adds.
If it's comfortable, it will look good : Rhea Actress Rhea Chakraborty has flaunted a swimsuit for a new ad campaign. She believes everything looks good on a person as long as one is comfortable in it. Earlier this year, Rhea featured in a sensuous photo shoot, and now she has slipped into beachwear as the face of a summer campaign of an e-commerce brand. She will be seen donning a swimsuit, and spending an afternoon by and in the pool as part of the campaign. Talking about her experience, Rhea said in a statement: "When this summer campaign concept came my way, I really liked the looks and the collection - especially the beachwear. We all wear swimsuits when we swim... As long as I'm comfortable in what I'm wearing, I know it will look good." She said she totally loved jumping into the pool for it. On the film front, Rhea will soon be seen in Mohit Suri's "Half Girlfriend" alongside Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor. She also has Yash Raj Films' "Bank Chor" in her kitty.
I'm self-proclaimed aficionado of eyewear :Ranveer Known for his eclectic, quirky and eccentric fashion style, Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh can carry any ensemble with absolute panache. The actor says he is a self-proclaimed aficionado of eyewear and feels more than happy about his fans and well-wishers following his trends. Ranveer, who endorses eyewear label Carrera, was here to launch the new campaign for the brand. Talking about his love for sunglasses, Ranveer told here: "I'm a self- proclaimed aficionado of eyewear." Be it bright colours, elaborate prints or out-of-thebox silhouettes, Ranveer has been praised for his bold looks. The actor says his style is not by intent. As to how he feels about all the appreciation coming his way, Ranveer says: "It feels wonderful... it's not by intent or by design... it just happened that a couple of years into show business, I decided I'm not going to try and make an attempt... a futile attempt to sort of fit into some kind of expectations or moulds of looking or dressing." The 31-year-old star says he just wears what makes him happy. "I just decided to wear and do what I want and make the choices of clothes that I want to wear that make me happy... free and liberated from critiques and judgements. When I finally started dressing for myself is when I started being perceived as one who stands out...," he added.
Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
How to Avoid Common Home Buying Errors
ow to avoid the most common buyer errors
Shopping for a new home is an emotional experience. It is also time consuming and comes with a myriad of details. Some buyers, however, get caught up in the excitement of buying a new home and tend to overlook some items. Their home purchase turns into an expensive process. These errors generally fall into three areas: Paying too much
deal? Without research on the market and comparable homes, you could lose thousands of dollars. Before you make that offer, be sure you have researched the market. A Real Estate Professional can offer an unbiased opinion on the value of a home, based on market conditions, condition of the home and neighborhood. Without knowledge of the market, your offer could be too much. Or worse, you could miss out on a great buying opportunity. Buying a mismatched home
Losing a dream home to another buyer Buying the wrong home When you have a systematic plan before you shop, you will be sure to avoid these costly errors. Here are some tips on making the most of your home purchase: Bidding without sufficient information What price do you offer a seller? Is the seller's asking price too high? Is it a
What do you need and want in a home? Sounds simple. Yet, clearly identifying your needs and bringing an objective view to home shopping leaves you in a better position. Sometimes, home buyers buy a home that is too large or too small. Perhaps they did not consider the drive to work, the distance to school, or the many repair jobs waiting for completion. Plan ahead. Use your needs list as a guideline for every home you view.
Make the final contract subject to a Unclear title
favourable report.
Before you sign any document, be sure the property you are considering is free of all encumbrances. As part of their services, a Real Estate Professional can supply you with a copy of the title to ensure there are no liens, debts, undisclosed owners, leases or easements.
Shopping without pre-approval It only takes a few hours to get mortgage pre-approval. When you are shopping for a home, this gives you more power. A seller is more likely to consider an offer from a serious buyer. Remember additional costs
Outdated survey Before the purchase is completed, an updated survey is essential. This report will indicate boundaries and structural changes (additions to the house, a new swimming pool, neighbour's new fence which is extending a boundary line, etc.).
Besides the funds for the purchase of a home, you’ll need funds for items such as loan fees, insurance, legal fees, surveys, inspections, etc. Rushing the closing Before you sign, ensure that all documentation clearly reflects your
Unexpected repairs For $300 - $500 a professional inspector will conduct a thorough inspection of the home. This way, you will have an idea of the cost of future repairs.
understanding and conditions of the transaction. Has anything been forgotten? Don’t rush. You could lose money, financing or even the sale.
Do you have property to sell? Happy Vaisakhi! TOP 1% OF REALTORS IN THE FRASER VALLEY 2016
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Attention builders & developers
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2115 Beaver St Open House Sat. April 15th 1-4pm & Sun April 16th 1-3pm
3410 Shuswap Te · 4 level split · 4 bdrm, 3 bath · Lot: 6,167sqft · House size: 2,760 sqft NEW LISTING · Close to all three schools $598,888
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The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Sat. Apr 15th 1-4PM
34846 Mcmillan Pl
34850 Mcmillan Pl
34853 Mcmillan Pl
34861 Mcmillan Pl
Beautiful Brand new 2 storey home with Home Warranty in New Subdivision in popular Mcmillan Area ! This family friendly neighbourhood is located in East Abby and close to Parks, Recreation, Shoping and Great Schools. Featuring main floor with Great room concept, gourmet kitchen with quratz counter tops , loads of cupboards & covered Patio. 9' Ceiling on both floors.Upstairs Features large master bedroom with walk in closet and 5pc ensuite along with 3 more bdrms. Total 4 Bedrooms. Fenced Backyard. Call today for more information and tour!
Sat. Apr 15th 1-4PM
2672 Mcmillan Rd
2680 Mcmillan Rd
COACH HOME WITH LEGAL SUITE. Beautiful Brand new 2 storey home total 5 bedroom house in New Subdivision in popular Mcmillan family friendly neighborhood.Home Warranty. Main floor has great room concept , gourmet kitchen with quartz counter tops and loads of cupboards and flex room. Upstairs : spacious Master bedroom with walk in closet ,5 pc. ensuite along with 3 more bedrooms,4 bedrooms up. Plus detached one bedroom legal suite above garage.located in east Abby ,Close to Yale secondary school, shopping and easy free way access. Easy to show.
34830 Mcmillan Place
34836 Mcmillan Place
34840 Mcmillan Place
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
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23 - 3070 Townline Rd
33408 Clayburn Rd.
Renovate it or demolish to 2450 sft House, 10366 sft 6 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms 1acre, 4bedrm 5 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms lot, totally renovated. Legal 3300 Sqft lot build dream home house, shop etc. View 10680 Sqft lot Bsmt Suite. Near Shopping Mall 15681 sft lot of hills & farms. Near Stadium
3493 Wagner Dr
10 ACRES BIG HOUSE & SHOP Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented NEW LISTING
301 - 32550 Maclure Rd
ŕ¨¸ŕ¨žŕ¨ĄŕŠ‡ ŕ¨•ŕŠ‹ ŕ¨¤ŕŠ ŕ¨šŕ¨žŕ¨ĄŕŠ€ ਪ ŕŠ‹ŕ¨Şŕ¨°ŕ¨&#x;ŕŠ€ ŕ¨˛ŕ¨ˆ ŕ¨•ŕŠ ŕ¨†ŕ¨˛ŕŠ€ŕ¨Ťŕ¨žŕ¨ˆŕ¨Ą ਖ ŕŠ€ŕ¨Śŕ¨Śŕ¨žŕ¨° ਚਨ༤ ŕ¨šŕŠ ŕ¨ŁŕŠ‡ ŕŠžŕŠ‹ŕ¨¨ ŕ¨•ŕ¨°ŕŠ‹ ŕ¨œŕŠ€ŕĽ¤ CALL US TO GET FORECLOSURE/BANK SALE PROPERTIES LIST PAGE 28
Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Patrika
Jasbir Banwait
Manbir Banwait
REAL ESTATE MARKETING • Commercial • Agricultural • Residential
(778) 552-0305 / (778) 241-4472
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď Welcome
ď Šď Ťď łď šď€ ď śď ‰ď€ ď ąď ˛ď ˆď žď€ ď ¤ď ‰ď€ ď °ď ’ď ď °ď ˛ď ´ď ‰ď€ ď śď šď Łď ¸ď€ ď …ď ąď šď€ ď ‹ď ’ď ‰ď ¤ď ¸ď€ ď ąď Żď Žď€ ď °ď Šď ¨ď Źď žď€ ď Šď Ľď Ťď€ ď śď ď ˛ď€ ď Şď ˛ď •ď ˛ď€ ď ?ď Żď Žď€ ď Ťď ˛ď Żď€ ď Şď ‰ď ź More than 22 Years of Experience in Real Estate
Surinder (Sam) Toor 604-857-1098 Toll Free:
Cell: 604-857-2427
Buying or Selling any type of Property? Call Today!
Huntingdon Road, Abbotsford
3628 Heritage Drive
FOR SALE 546 McCallum Road - Older Residence, 34’x70’ machine shop - 1 acre blueberry, the rest in raspberry
John Klassen
Lot 1
McCallum Road
- 9.46 acres - Irrigation well and pump - 30’ Frontage access from Farmer Road
Reduced Price: $ 2,075,000 Little Oak Realty Independently Owned and Operated
Gary Tiwana 604-807-6477 CELL
ff dO
ff dO
p ce
e cc
Beautiful 3 Storey with 2 Bdrm Basement Suite. Dream Kitchen, Gas F/P. 5 pc jac ens. Good quality. Dbl gar. 3 1/2 bath. Only 6 yrs old but look like new. Only $739,900 Call Gary to view
Full Production 10 Acre Blueberry Farm in North Langley. Duke & Bluecrop Variety. Large 2 Storey Home. 2 bdrm Mobile home & 1 bdrm suite rented. Total rent $1750/mo Call Gary for Details
Basement entry home in good Your search is over! This beautiful condition. 3 bedrooms up 3 storey home has lots of extras: Total 7 bdrms, 6 baths, 3 Mbdrms, and 2 down. Lot size Dream kitchen w/ 5’x10’ island, 64.5 x 106.5. Great area wood floors, 2 way F/P, 2 bdrm Vacant end of April legal suite + 1 bdrm Nanny Suite Great Buy!! Call me $569,900 A must see! Call Gary.
Happy Vaisakhi!
ď łď ď •ď ?ď ¨ď€ ď Şď §ď ąď€ ď Žď •ď ?ď€ ď ‹ď ď Źď łď šď€ ď ¤ď šď€ ď Şď Žď ď€ ď Šď ¤ď Žď€ ď ¤ď ‰ď€ ď Źď €ď ‹ď€ ď Źď €ď ‹ď€ ď śď „ď ď Ľď ‰ď€ ď ¨ď Żď śď š Farmer Road
Cell: 604.309.7632 Email:
Custom built 3 storey house on big lot. Home built by E. Schmidt Builder with big private yard. Close to all level schools, High Street mall, easy freeway access, church and Kalghidhar Gurdwara. On main floor living
Hobby farm 6.9 Acres. Excellent location next to elementary school, 3 miles from U.F.V., close to U.S.A border, big house. Some blueberry 3 year old, vegetables, out standing buildings, roof 8 years old. Showing only with appointment.
Superb Central Location. 3 homes on property. Total 37350 sq. ft. land. OCP supports a 6 storey - 65 to 70 units. Build now or hold for future. Total rent $5500/mth.Call Gary.
Beautiful home under construction in West Abby. Almost 4000 sqft. Quality finish by builder. 2-5-10 Warranty. Still time to pick your colours. Est Completion May 30. Call Gary
Total Lot Area 0.42 Acres
INVESTORS ALERT! OCP shows multi family site for potential of 32 units. Also can be zoned for 10-12 plex. Good solid homes. Total Rent $3600/month. Both homes with fin bsmt. Excellent central location. Profitable project. Call Gary for info. Asking $729,900 each.
Nicely Renovated home - 4300 sq.ft. (8145 SF Lot Area) of exclusive quality in every detail. Bright open floor plan. Professional interior design in quiet area of new executive homes. This 2 Storey Home has 5 bedrooms and 4 baths with unauthorised suite in West Abbotsford best location, walking distance to Rick Hansen school.
Holly St. Abbotsford
Very hard to find 7700 SQFT big lot with house in west end of city. 2 bedroom house lot 70x110. Close to
5 acres with house
Great location, Close to town Apollo Gym, L evel land
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
RESIDENTIAL Investors take a close look. Total 14520 sq.ft. , huge lot with lots of potential.Rented $1800/mo. Corner property * PREC - PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION
Total lot size 7163 sqft and total built up area is 2318 sqft
spacious open gourmet kitchen with a large island.
DEVELOPMENTS 5 Ready to build on RF 12 Lots for Sale in Surrey. Starting from $877,000 1 Ready to build lot in Mission for Sale.
Asking $335,000
$ 565000
$ 565000
NEAR 192
8.9 MIL
ASKING 6.5 mill
INDUSTRIAL/COMMERICAL BUSINESS WITH PROPERTY 45107 WELLS ROAD Grocery/convenienec store located in Chilliwack Sardis. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom on the second level, would be perfect for owner/operator.
$ 989,000
33858 Enterprise Avenue industrial property, fully leased APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE 146 - 19653 Willowbrook Dr 1200Sqft $22/ Sqft plus NNN
1.699 MIL
34211 HALLERT RD 38.54 acres of prime Matsqui blueberry farm land, right on the corner of Bell Road and Hallert Road. Lots of water available for irrigation, city water for home. House features 6 bdrms, 2 baths, kitchen, w/vaulted ceiling & huge deck, shop , horse barn with insulated tack room. Blueberry varities include Rica(10 acres), Duke(7 acres), Bluecrop(13 acres) and Elliot(5 acres). Last year production was approximately 245K lbs. Lots of outbuildings with a rental income of $6,000 per month. Please call for a private tour.
6705 CHADSEY RD 5.98 AC of blueberry farm with a house. 20 x 50 sqft shop to park your farm equipment. Beautiful acreage to build your dream home as well. Easy to access for a truck driver to park his truck home from the freeway.
4.9 acres of land with a beautiful new house . 3 acres of raspberry and more than 8000 sq ft house $2,888,000
2252 272 St, LANGLEY. BC 6 acres with 2 house Rental income 3100 per month. Asking 1.5 mill
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
pRBjoq kOr
divMdr pUnIaf
do buwlHIaF hsf ky, BrmF leI jvfnI.
afdm dy rMg ZMg qoN aflm hqfsL hY
plkF dI Et qVpy, pr drd dI khfxI.
sMklp ijLMdgI df vI bws pfsL pfsL hY
hrI isMG qfqlf Gr `c kmry ijvyN irsLqy
mihmf isMG qUr armfnF df vgdf diraf vfps kr dy
mYN kmiraF `c
hr pwqf jo lihr `qy qiraf vfps kr dy.
DrqI qy pYr hn myry mslf ieh KOPL df
qurdf rihMdf
Kqrf hY AuWproN vI ik isr qy akfsL hY
drvfjLy AulMGdf hF
qYnUM kuJ afKx ivc qF apxwq bVI sI
hr moV qy hY vyKI, mYN hwsdI ivrfnI.
kbjLy dI Bfvnf ny myrf jIx ieAuN ilaf
irsLiqaF dy
sLbd nf koeI jykr jiraf vfps kr dy.
puwjygI afs-byVI, kIkx iknfiraF qy,
myrf hI ijsm mwl ky KusL myrI lfsL hY
ieMJ hI huMdf hovygf
pfsy rwK qUM cFdI dI Cxkfr ijhI ieh
JwKV ny muhfxy, qy rfq hY quPfnI.
gMgf mihjL AuzIk nhIN hwzIaF dI hI
ieh ipafr dy ny ikwsy, rcnf qoN vI purfxy, mYN Pyr muwZ qoN gfvF, qk rfq hr suhfxI. afey n rfs mYnUM, sfvx dy ieh hulfry,
hn bdlIaF curfey, myry ggn qoN qfry, aMnHI inrfsqf ny, rfhF dI DUV CfxIN.
amrIk pUnI swq smuMdr pfr vsyby dI cfhq, nvIN nsl dy nYxIN visaf Kfb hY. vyKx vflI sLYa bx muwkf hY sMgIq, rMjIdf hY vMJlI cuwp rbfb hY. vsdf sI ieh kdy gurF dy nF AuWqy, awj afsQf Pkq ihsfb-ikqfb hY.
sLihr `c GrF df mulkF `c sLihrF df
kuJ sLuwD hMJUaF dI vI Aus nUM qlfsL hY
dunIaF `c mulkF df
aMdr Auh vVky ro vI rhy soc vI rhy
iensfn bdldf rihMdf
ikAuN sfzy rox Dox qoN sUrj inrfsL hY
hor df hor
ihmfpfq ho igaf hY ngr ivc sPyd cuwp DrqI qy vyK nINd `c lwiQaf akfsL hY
supnf myrf kql jo kiraf vfps kr dy. qyry krky hux ieh pwQr bx skdf hY idl myrf hY hsrq Biraf vfps kr dy.
kuJ hor hI
awj vflf ieh swc nf mYnUM cfhIdf hY
mYN…iewQy ku hI sI
kwlH cOrsqy ivc jo miraf vfps kr dy.
iksy kmry `c
kuJ coxvyN ivsLy hI nf gLjLlF `c bMnH qUM
huxy huxy
idshwdy qwk DUMaF DuMd AudfsI psrI
ichry qF kI hr awK dI vwKrI qlfsL hY
jMgl bylf hiraf-Biraf vfps kr dy.
KolHx qoN pihlF
pYr pYr `qy sMq-jnF dy zyry ny,
suKivMdr aMimRq
Drm-Dfm df DMdf inrf suafb hY.
sqfeygf jy myry sLihr df mOsm clf jfvIN.
BuipMdr kOr igwl hr iek sfh nfl pIV qyrI df, ijhn myry ny drd hMZfieaf,
duwD idaF dirafvF dI ies imwtI dI,
qUM mYQoN surKrU ho ky myry gOqm clf jfvIN.
idl `coN AuWTI cIs myrI ny, hMJUaF dy sMg jI prcfieaf.
qUM mfrUQl `c myry nfl dws kd qIk TihryNgf,
pIV idly dI idl `coN AuWTky, ibn hAuky hI mr jFdI ey,
pukfrygI jy koeI CF myry hmdm clf jfvIN.
pr iek afpxI Cfp ijhI ieh, idl dy koTy ivc ibTfieaf.
qyrI qpdI hXfqI nUM gXf df ibrK loVINdf,
idl dy kony bYTIaF cIsF, hAuikaF dy nfl sfh qy afvx,
hrsLrn kOr sLihr qyry dIaF gwlF krdy.
qUM nfjLuk vyl df idl `coN Bulf ky gLm clf jfvIN.
muwK qy hor nkfb cVHf ky, hr iek hAukf asF dbfieaf.
sux sux ky asIN hAuky Brdy.
qUM lMG jfvIN ijvyN vI ho sky sihrf myry qn df,
pIVF sMg pRIqF pf ky, hMJUaF dy ivc goqy lfey,
iewk ruwq afeI dy geI lfrf
qy myry hMJUaF df twp ky ijhlm cl jfvIN.
dIdy Kfry kr ley afpxy, afpF eydF drd hMZfieaf.
hvf hF mYN qF hr QF phuMc jfvFgI qyry ipwCy,
drd idly df idl hI jfxy, nf koeI iehdI rmj pCfxy,
kOx moieaF ieMj nhIN mrdy.
qyrf ijwQy vI jI cfhy myry afdm clf jfvIN.
nf koeI dfrU eys drd dI, nf koeI lukmfn hI afieaF.
kbrF `qy af Puwl ny rwK gey
qUM myry idl dIaF qrbF qoN rwKIN dUr hwQ apxy,
pIV idly dI cIs idly dI, imMnf imMnf drd shfry,
ikqy nf CyV ky koeI ipafr dI srgm clf jfvIN.
hr iek sfh nfl Xfd qyrI df, kosf kosf PMbf lfieaf.
PV cMn nUM Gr nhIN rwKdy.
hkIkq ivc nhIN afAuxf qF myry Kfb ivc af jf,
sfhF dy ivc vsIaF cIsF, hAuky bx ky idl `qy afeIaF,
jLKm vI gihry drd vI zUMGy
bdl jfeygf jd ieh drd df aflm clf jfvIN.
aMdro aMdrI dwbIaF cIsF, hMJU bx ky CihbrF afeIaF.
mYN qyry ihjr ivc qVpI hF Kbry ikMnIaF AumrF,
hMJUaF dy dirafvF ivcoN, muwK qyry nUM qrsx awKIaF,
ik mwTf hox dy idl df jLrf qUM gLm clf jfvIN.
pIVf sMg pRIqF lf ky, sfvx vFgr vrsx lfieaf.
nvIN sLnfKq, nisLaF df sYlfb hY. rMg ivhUxf, mihk ivhUxf hY ‘amrIk’ jI qy kihxf cfhy Puwl gulfb hY.
zUMGy jLKm
Aus lfry nUM awj vI jrdy. ieh kI bfg jo cIlHF juVIaF
sjdf rUh df ieMj nhIN krdy. ryq df mihl Zih hI jFdf
ieh ny jo mlHm nhIN Brdy. gm sLrn df kOx pCfxy jo myry ny myry nhIN lgdy. PAGE 32
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
sulgdf diraf
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF
mnjIq mIq
hrcMd isMG bfgVI
PokI hF qy QF pUrqI leI
kuJ iPwkf iPwkf Auprfmq ijhf
byvjfh isrjy irsLqy nfqy
aMdr bfhr PYlx lg pYNdf hY
iek arsy bfad boJl ho jFdy ny moey moey, Bfry Bfry, lfsLF ijhy
PYlx lg pYNdf hY
vkq dI pqJV `c AujVIaF
asiqqv dy aMdr bfhr
zyZ kroV aqy jlMDr duafb dy ky,
KuafihsLF ijhy
mwisaf df qilsmI hnyrf
afpF CyqI gwl mukfeIey jI.
QlF nUM lwgIaF ipafsF ijhy
idsdf nhIN
awgy vffsqy rfKI krn sfzI,
inrMqr bdldIaF qmMnfvF dy
ilKq AunHF koloN krvfeIey jI.
dirafeI pft `qy PYilaf
inkMmI POj dI afpF kr CuwtI,
aMnHf Guwp hnyrf
idwqI rkm ieh afpF bcfeIey jI.
ijwQy cfr cuPyrf zuwbx zuwbx krdf hY
hrcMd isMGf clfeIey dOr nvF,
irsLiqaF dy ies sulgdy diraf `c
bIq gey qy imwtI pfeIey jI..
hr rojL
rfjf gulfb isMG dIaF ieh dlIlF
koeI nf koeI
sux ky ijMdF nUM roh cVHxf
byKbrI mOq mrdf hY
ijMdF sux ky gwl gulfb isMG dI,
swjxF dy muky DrvfsLF ijhy
ijAuN ijAuN irsLiqaF aMdrlf inwG afp muhfry htdf jFdf hY hkIkq dIaF buwlHIaF qoN surKI df msnUeI rMg vtdf jFdf hY AuhnF aMdrlf ivsmfdI jfdUpx hOly hOly Gtdf jFdf hY
guwsf Kf ky bolI Pyr isMGo.
bfhroN sB tuwitaf irsLqf
hfr Kf ky ijAuNdy muV afey,
aMdroN aMdrIN bVf kuJ tuwtx lg jFdf hY
iek mOq huMdf hY
qusIN kfhdy mrd dlyr isMGo.
iPwkIaF AumIdF dy
qfhIAuN mn ivc
nfl nfvF dy qusIN ny isMG lfey,
idshwidaF qy AudY sUrj
KOPL huMdf hY
pr bxy nf qusIN sLyr isMGo.
asqx lg pYNdf hY
kfhqoN izgdIaF dIvfrF dy
hrcMd isMGf atfrI qy muiVaf nhIN,
Auhly Auhly qurIey
qusIN afey bUQIaF Pyr isMGo..
aihsfsF `c cmkdf puMinaf df cMn
aYvyN afpxI hoNd guafeIey
sLkl-sUrq bxfeI ey Kflsy dI,
mukx lg pYNdf hY
hoNd guaf iPr JurIey.
qusIN hwQ qlvfrF PVIaF ny.
sflm sbUqf idsdf hY
sfnUM sfrIaF KbrF iml geIaF,
mohn igwl
POjF ikMJ mYdfn ivc lVIaF ny.
iewkIvIN sdI ivc awj iPr,
bMnHdI nhIN, awKF `qy pwtI.
gMgf puwqr BIsLm, jFdf hY vr mMgx,
awj qF, sONdI hY awKF KolH ky.
Bwjy krky bFhvF KVIaF ny.
nyqrhIx iDRqrfsLtr leI.
qF ik, joqhIx pqI nUM idKf sky,
hrcMd isMGf ienHF dy kfrny hI,
awj iPr, Brf sLkunI
ijLMdgI df pMD.
DfVF awj aMgryjLF dIaF cVHIaF ny..
lfl isMG aqy qyj isMG dovyN,
pqf huMdf jy qusF ny ieMJ krnI,
aqy ipqf dI iewCf, dy iKlfP.
iPr, iek pMcflI df,
gMDfrI krdI hY hF, ivafh leI.
ruk jfvy, hoxoN cIr hrn.
awj gMDfrI, nyqrhIx pqI,
qF ik ruk jfvy hoxoN,
afp krdI jf ky vfr rfjf.
iDRqrfsLtr leI,
ieh hor mhFBfrq df XuwD.
sfihb kOr ijAuN peI mrhwitaF nUM,
mYN cwkdI afp ktfr rfjf. rfxI JFsI vFg mYN dusLmxF qy,
pYNdI vYrI nUM mYN llkfr rfjf. hrcMd isMG sLyry pMjfb qfeIN, awj ieMJ nf huMdI hfr rfjf.. vylf bIiqaf hux qy dyr ho geI, smF igaf Cuzf hY zor mIaF. swq sfl df puwq dlIp ajy, iehdI bfhIN nf ajy jLor mIaF. ijvyN muwkdf lAu mukfa rwtf, hux cfrf nf idsdf hor mIaF. hrcMd isMGf dlIp df iKafl rwKIN, qyry nfl mYN dynIaF qor mIaF.. 18 PrvrI 1846 eI: nUM mhfrfxI ijMdF dI sihmqI aqy mhfrfjf dlIp isMG nUM nfl lY ky rfjf gulfb isMG hfrizMg nUM lilafxI afx imilaf pwqybfjL, mwkfr gulfb isMG rfjf, lilafxI imilaf lft nUM af ky jI. sB rfxI qoN asF mnvf ilaf, nbyVo gwl hux ilK-ilKf ky jI. dlIp isMG hY asF ny nfl aFdf, plfn bxfeIey iml-imlf ky jI. hrcMd isMGf krIey sulHf nfmf, nvIN ilKq qy mohrF lf ky jI.. ieh sux ky hYnrI hfrizMg nUM KusLI hoeI ik awgy rsqf sfP hY. pr Auh pihlI gwl qy hI aiVaf irhf ik sLrqF aqy sulHf nfmf lhOr jf ky hI pwkf hoeygf. aMgryjL 20 PrvrI 1846 eI: nUM lhOr jf phuMcy vIh PrvrI aMgryjL lhOr afey, dUey idn iejlfs bulfieaf ey. swq ku sfl df AudoN dlIp hY sI, klgI lf ky qfj sjfieaf ey. mhfrfjf dlIp isMG nUM qKLq Auqy, hfrizMg ny afp bhfieaf ey. cldf... PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
44 iswK afgU sRI akfl sfihb ivKy qlb
pMjfb dy srpMc hoxgy 10vIˆ pfs pMjfb dy pMcfieq mMqrI iqRpq rijMdr bfjvf ny ikhf, “ myrf inwjI ivcfr hY ik pMjfb dy srpMc 10vIˆ pfs hoxy cfhIdy hn . ies bfry mY muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG qy sfry ivDfiekfˆ nfl crcf krfˆgf. Pyr hI ies `qy koeI afKrI PYslf hovygf”. bfjvf ny pwqrkfrfˆ nfl ivÈyÈ gwlbfq kridafˆ ikhf ik ies nfl pMcfieqfˆ dy kMmkfr `c ibhqrI af skdI hY qy pMcfieqF ivkfs kr skdIafˆ hn.AunHfˆ ikhf ,” jdoˆ mYˆ ieh kih irhf hfˆ qfˆ myrf mqlb ieh nhIˆ ik anpVH lok isafxy nhIˆ huMdy.AunHfˆ ikhf ik mYˆ ieh gwl isrP ies krky kih irhf hfˆ ik pMcfieqfˆ dI kfgËI kfrvfeI df kMm hor byhqr hovygf”.
ÈrfbI zRfeIvrfˆ nUM hovygf 10hËfr jurmfnf Èrfb pI ky gwzI clfAux vfilafˆ nUM hux 10 hËfr jurmfnf dyxf pvygf.ies sbMDI lok sBf ivwc iewk aihm ibwl pyÈ kIqf igaf.sVkI afvfjfeI mMqrI iniqn gzkrI ny ibl pyÈ kridafˆ ikhf ik sfl 1988 dy motr vfhn aYkt ivc 30 sfl bfad qrmIm krn leI ieh ibwl ilafˆdf igaf hY . AunHfˆ sdn nUM apIl kIqI ik ies ibwl nUM CyqI qoˆ CyqI pfs kIqf jfvy.AunHfˆ dwisaf ik dunIafˆ ivc sB qoˆ iËafdf sVk hfdsy Bfrq ivwc slfnf vfprdy hn ijnHfˆ ivc zyZ lwK lokfˆ dI jfn clI jfˆdI hY .
iswK nslkuÈI muwdy `qy afpxI srkfr iKlfP zty akflI iswK nslkuÈI dy muwdy `qy akflI dl kyˆdr ivwc afpxI hI BfeIvfl srkfr iKlfP zt igaf hY. rfj sBf ivwc akflI afgU nryÈ gujrfl ny isPr kfl dOrfn 1984 iswK nslkuÈI df muwdf cuwkidafˆ Bfrq srkfr vwloˆ bIqy idn idwqf ibafn vfps lYx dI mMg kIqI.gujrfl ny ivdyÈ mMqrfly qoˆ mMg kIqI ik Bfrq srkfr aˆtfrIE asYˆblI vwloˆ 1984 iswK nslkuÈI nUM mfnqf idwqy jfx dy PYsly nUM glq krfr idwqy jfx df ibafn vfps lvy .
akfl qKq sfihb kOx ilafieaf sI srsy vfly dI icwTI
pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxfˆ-2017 dOrfn zyrf isrsf df smrQn lYx vfly iswK afgUafˆ iKlfP mfmly `qy sRI akfl qKq sfihb skwqryq ivKy pMj isMG sfihbfnfˆ dI iekwqrqf hoeI. ÈRomxI kmytI vwloˆ bxfeI jfˆc kmytI vwloˆ bIqy idnI sOˆpI jfˆc iroprt nUM ivcfridafˆ isMG sfihbfnfˆ ny sRI akfl qKq sfihb ivKy qlb kIqf hY. isMG sfihbfn vwloˆ Aukq iswK afgUafˆ nUM spwÈtIkrn sbMDI sRI akfl qKq sfihb ivKy qlb kIqf igaf hY .
srvx isMG iPlOr sxy 13 lokfˆ dI jfiedfd hovygI kurk
jgdIÈ Bolf nÈf qskrI mfmly `c aYnPorsmYˆt zfierYktoryt (eIzI) ny pihlI vfr rfjsI afgUafˆ dIafˆ jfiedfdfˆ kurk krn dy hukm idwqy hn. eIzI ny bfdl dl dy mMqrI srvx isMG iPlOr,Aus dy puwqr dmnbIr isMG aqy sfbkf akflI dl bfdl ivDfiek aivnfÈ cMdr smyq 13 jixafˆ dIafˆ 61 kroV 62 lwK dIafˆ jfiedfdf kurk krn df afdyÈ idwqf hY. kurk hox vflIafˆ jfiedfdfˆ `c dovyˆ sfbkf akflI dl bfdl dy afgUafˆ dy mfkn vI Èfml hn. ies mfmly ivwc eIzI ny ivdyÈI rihMdy aqy cfr hor vwzy kfrobfrIafˆ iKlfP vI kfrvfeI kIqI hY. ies mfmly dI jfˆc eIzI dy izptI zfierYktr inrMjx isMG kr rhy hn. eIzI dPqr vwloˆ 31 mfrc nUM jfrI kIqy hukmfˆ ivwc ikhf igaf hY ik 13 jixafˆ dIafˆ cwl qy acwl jfiedfdfˆ smyq KyqIbfVI vflI ËmIn, irhfieÈI mkfn, 7 lgËrI kfrfˆ (ryˆj rovr, lYˆz rovr, mrszIË,bI[aYm[zbilAU,hOˆzf aYkOrz, huMzeI afid) Ëbq kIqIafˆ jfx. eIzI vwloˆ pMjfb puils dy sfbkf zI[aYs[pI jgdIÈ Bolf nÈf qskrI mfmly ivwc hux qwk 182 kroV dI jfiedfd kurk krn dy hukm idwqy jf cuwky hn.
bfdlfˆ dIaf lgËrI bwsfˆ dI Èfmq
pMjfb dI trfˆsport nIqI dI jd hyT bfdl pirvfr dIafˆ lgËrI bwsfˆ vI afAuxgIafˆ. pMjfb srkfr dI nvIˆ pfilsI `c lgËrI bwsfˆ `q tYks vDygf. ies df vwzf asr bfdl pirvfr dI trfˆsport qy pvygf ikAuˆik pMjfb ivwc sB qoˆ vwD bfdl pirvfr dIafˆ bwsfˆ hI cldIafˆ hn. pMjfb dy ivwq mMqrI mnpRIq isMG bfdl ny ies dI puÈtI kridafˆ ikhf ik bfdl Kfndfn smyq pMjfb dIafˆ sfrIafˆ lgËrI bwsfˆ `qy tYks vDygf. afm bwsfˆ df tYks Gtfieaf jfvygf. AunHfˆ ikhf ik do hPiqafˆ `c pMjfb dI nvIˆ trfˆsport nIqI df KrVfˆ iqafr ho jfvygf. muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ies nUM dyKx qoˆ bfad mnËUrI dyxgy .
hux akflI dl dy bfgIafˆ dI Èfmq
ivDfn sBf coxfˆ `c pfrtI dI hoeI vwzI hfr qoˆ bfad sRomxI akflI dl iKlfP kMm qKq sRI dmdmf sfihb dy jQydfr igafnI gurmuK isMG ny 2015 ivwc sRI akfl qKq krn vfly lIzrfˆ `qy kfrvfeI hovygI.pfrtI ny AumIdvfrfˆ qoˆ DVybMdI kfrn ivroD kMm sfihb qoˆ zyrf isrsf muKI nUM muafPI idwqy jfx `qy mMg kIqI hY ik isrsy vfly qoˆ sRI krn vfly lIzrfˆ dI irport mMgI hY. ieh irport afAux qoˆ bfad jld hI pfrtI `co akfl qKq sfihb ivKy icwTI lY ky afAux dy mfmly dI jfˆc hoxI cfhIdI hY .igafnI keI lIzr bfhr ho skdy hn. gurmuK isMG ny qKq sRI dmdmf sfihb dy lYtr hYwz `qy iewk pRYs not jfrI kridafˆ ÈRomxI akflI dl dy sInIar lIzr qy aYm[pI[suKdyv isMG ZIMzsf ny ikhf ik coxfˆ `c afpxy qy lwgy ielËfmf sbMDI spwÈtIkrn jfrI kIqf hY. mfmly qoˆ qkrIbn zyZ sfl ijhVy akflI lIzrfˆ ny pfrtI AumIdvfrfˆ iKlfP kMm kIqf hY, Auh afAux vfly idnfˆ bfad spwÈtIkrn idMidaf igafnI gurmuK isMG ny ikhf ik sfl 2015 ivwc Bfrq `c pfrtI `co bfhr hoxgy.AunHfˆ ikhf ik AumIdvfrfˆ qoˆ aijhy lIzrfˆ dI irport mMgI srkfr dIafˆ eyjMsIafˆ ny AunHfˆ iKlfP srsy vfly qoˆ akfl qKq sfihb icwTI ilafAux geI hY.ZIˆzsf ny mMinafˆ ik coxfˆ `c AunHfˆ dI pfrtI `qy nÈf,ryqf bËrI qy hor mfPIaf aqy mubMeI ivwc aYktr akÈy kumfr dy Gr ivwc suKbIr bfdl nfl mulfkfq aqy bfdl nfl juVy muwdy BfrU rhy ijnHf sbMDI pfrtI ivroDIafˆ dy pRcfr df jvfb nhIˆ dy skI . srkfr vwloˆ aflIÈfn shUlqfˆ afid dyx df JUTf pRcfr kIqf sI . gurmuK isMG ny mMg kIqI hY ik srsy vfly qo akfÜ qKq sfihb icwTI kOx lY ky afieaf sI ies gwl dI ivdyÈ mMqrfly vwloˆ vIËf nIqI ivwc vwzf bdlfa pUrI pVqfl hoxI cfhIdI hY qfˆ ik AunHfˆ nUM afpxy iKlfP lwgy JUTy ielËfmfˆ qoˆ Cutkfrf ivdyÈ mMqrfly ny Bfrq afAux vfly XfqrIafˆ leI nvyˆ vIËf suDfr nUM iewk apRYl qoˆ lfgU iml sky aq asl gunfhgfr sfhmxy af skx. kr idwqf hY. ieh nvyˆ inXm Bfrq afAux vfly XfqrIafˆ Auwqy lfgU hoxgy. hux Bfrq huiÈafrpur `c skUlI bws nfl vfpiraf iBafnk afAux vfly 161 dyÈfˆ dy XfqrIafˆ nUM eI-vIËf suivDf df lfB imlygf. ivdyÈI XfqrIafˆ nUM Bfrq dy 24 hvfeI awizafˆ Auwqy eI-vIËf dI suivDf idwqI jfvygI. ivdyÈ mMqrfly dy hfdsf, 5 dI moq ies vwzy kdm nfl lwKfˆ XfqrIafˆ dy smyˆ dI bwcq hovygI. AunHfˆ nUM vIËf primt dy JMjt hfjIpur roz isMGpur nyVy vfpry iBafnk hfdsy dOrfn zrfeIvr smyq 4 bwicaf dI mOq qoˆ Cutkfrf imlygf. nvyˆ vIËf suDfr ivwc eI-Xojnf , sYr spftf, kfrobfrI, icikqsfho geI. jfxkfrI muqfbk ieh hfdsf svyry sfZy swq vjy vfpiraf, jdoˆ kYibRj skUl rujgfr vIËf, ieMtrnl vIËf qy iPlm vIËf Èfml hY . dI bws bwicafˆ nUM skUl Cwzx jf rhI sI. ies dOrfn jlMDr qoˆ af rhI iek blYro gwzI nfl isMGpur nyVy bws dI twkr ho geI. ieh hfdsf ieMnf jbrdsq sI ik mOky `qy hI 4 notbMdI qoˆ bfad iksfnfˆ `qy kudrq df kihr skUÜI bwicafˆ smyq bws dy zRfeIvr dI mOq ho geI aqy 18 dy krIb jKmI ho gey,ijnHfˆ nUM qurMq hspqfl iljfieaf igaf . ies hfdsy ny imRqk bwicafˆ dy mfipafˆ nUM qoV ky pMjfb ivwc bymOsmI bfrÈ ny iksfnfˆ dy ichirafˆ dI roxk Koh leI hY. ruk-ruk ho rhI rwK idwqf hY. hfdsy dI Kbr suxdy hI hfjIpur dI rihx vflI iewk aOrq nUM idl df bfrÈ qy qyj hvfvfˆ ny Kyqfˆ ivwc lihrf rhI kxk dI Psl nUM nuksfn kr rhI hY. dOrf pY igaf, ijs kfrn mOky qy hI Aus dI mOq ho geI. hflq ieh hY ik ijnHfˆ iksfnfˆ dI Psl df nuksfn hoieaf hY, Auh srkfr qoˆ muafvjy dI mMg krn lwgy hn . PAGE 34
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Easter Bring Us Hope David McLauren, Ph.D. Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs. But Easter means much more. On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. They believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life, or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross. As part of the Easter season, the death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion is commemorated on Good Friday, always the Friday just before Easter. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him, eternal life in Christ Jesus. The first Easter occurred on the first day of the week after the Passover Sabbath. The first day of the week became the Christian’s “sabbath rest” (Heb. 4:111), the time of weekly Christian celebration of the resurrection. Annually, the Lord’s Day immediately subsequent to the Jewish Passover was a day of special resurrection celebration. Today Easter is celebrated all over the world. Historically, the celebration of Our Lord’s Resurrection is a time of joy, hymns, celebration, and light. Many
churches use bright colors to decorate the sanctuary and the altar, traditionally white and gold. White represents purity and the resurrection, gold symbolizes triumph. Many churches add trumpets to their instrumental music on this day to signify the trumpet of victory after battle and the trumpet “calling” people out of death. Many people use flowers to signify resurrection life, the lily being the most popular because of its long association with spring and the white of salvation. (Confidence in the resurrection is also the historical significance of flowers, especially lilies, at funerals.) Some churches conclude their Easter services with a congregational feast, commemorating the marriage feast of God with His people made possible through Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Most churches repeat the proclamation taken from the gospels and standard from the early second century of the church: He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! The resurrection gives your life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what your circumstances. Experience and celebrate Easter!
Kflsf krYizt XUnIan (KCU) ny bI[ sI[ `c CyvIˆ brfˆc KoHlI
Kflsf krYizt XUnIan ny 110-8028 128 strIt (80 aYvyinAU `qy) afpxI CyvIˆ brfˆc KoHl leI hY - srI Èihr `c ieh iesdI qIsrI brfˆc hY. ieh iek nvIˆ kmrÈIal izvYlpmYˆt `c hY ijsdI afly-duafly dI kimAUintI `coˆ bhuq sfry lokfˆ nUM afpxy vwl iKwcx dI afs hY, ikAuˆik nfl lwgdf ielfkf Bfrq dy pMjfb Kyqr qoˆ bfhr iswKfˆ dI sB qoˆ vwzI vwsoˆ vflf ielfkf hY. òùõú vrgPuwt dI ieh brfˆc invyklI “L” Èkl vflI hY ijs ny iek inwGy aqy iKwc-BrpUr afly-duafly `c izËfeInr nUM hfeItYwk aqy hfeItwc df sumyl bxf skx dy Xog bxfieaf. ies dIafˆ ivÈyÈqfeIafˆ `c Èfml hY kOien kfAUˆtr, vIzIE pRdrÈn vflI kMD, tYwk eyrIaf, afeIpYzfˆ smyq bwicafˆ dy Kyzx vflf eyrIaf, muwK pRvyÈ duafr `qy iek PIcr vfl, tYwk suport eyrIaf aqy hor afDuink shUlqfˆ. brfˆc hPqy dy swqy idn KwulHygI ijs `c somvfr qoˆ Èuwkrvfr dy KuwlHx dy vDfey hoey smyˆ Èfml hoxgy. “asIˆ iek hor brfˆc KoHlx aqy 2016 dy afpxy Èfndfr nqIijafˆ qoˆ bhuq KuÈ hfˆ,» borz dy cyarmYn sR[ hirMdr isMG sohI ny afiKaf. “sfzy nvyˆ logo aqy rMg nfl imlf ky vyiKafˆ ies dI suMdrqf KuÈnumf aqy afrfmdyeI hY, aqy mYˆbr jdoˆ Auh ies brfˆc
nfl kfr-ivhfr krngy, bVy suKfly mihsUs krngy .” Kflsf krYizt XUnIan dy lMmy smyˆ qoˆ krmcfrI, “blivMdr isMG bopfrfey nUM iewQy kimAUintI brfˆc mYnyjr inXukq kIqf igaf hY. “myrI tIm sfzI ies nvIˆ lukyÈn `qy mYˆbrfˆ nUM jI afieafˆ afKx leI iewCfvfn hY,” sRI bopfrfey ny afiKaf. “iekwiTafˆ imlf ky sfzy kol ivwqI syvfvfˆ dI ieMzstrI dy qËrby df iewk vwzf KËfnf hY aqy asIˆ mYˆbrfˆ nUM AunHfˆ dIafˆ ivwqI loVfˆ dy sbMD `c mdd dyx leI qqpr hfˆ.» “asIˆ srI `c afpxI qIsrI brfˆc KolHx `qy bhuq KuÈ hfˆ,» mwuK kfrj-sfDk aPsr dlbIr isMG mihqf ny afiKaf. “srI loar mynlYˆz df sB qoˆ vwD qyËI nfl pRPuwlq hox vflf Èihr hY aqy sfzy lokfˆ dI vwzI igxqI df Gr hY. asIˆ invfsIafˆ nUM Kflsf krYizt XUnIan nfl Èfml hox aqy afpxI kimAUintI nUM smrpq krYizt XUnIan duafrf pRdfn kIqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ syvfvfˆ df afnMd lYx df swdf idMdy hfˆ.» vDyry jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: hirMdr isMG sohI, borz cyarmYn-604-417-9490 dlbIr isMG mihqf, sI eI E – 604507-2300
ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ 33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: kds@canadiansikhheritage .ca
smUh sMgqf nUM ivsfKI df KuWlf sWdf idWqf jFdf hY| apRYl 14: svyry 10 vjy arMB sLRI aKMz pfT sfihb| apRYl 15: vYnkUvr ngr kIrqn do bWsF svyry 8 vjy vYnkUvr ngr kIrqn jfx vflIaF sMgqF leI rvfnf hoxgIaF| gurUGr vloN Plot vI sjfieaf jfiegf. apRYl 16: svyry 8 vjy insLfn sfihb colLf bdlx dI syvf isWK hYrItyj gurUGr ivWKy hovygI| svyry 9 vjy insLfn sfihb colLf bdlx dI syvf myn gurUdGr ivKy hovygI| svyry 10 vjy Bog sLRI aKMz pfT sfihb| kIrqn dIvfn sjxgy gurU kf lMgr atuWt vrqygf syvf lYx leI sMprk: Bjn qUr: 604-864-7700 (mIq pRDfn) gurUu Gr: 604-850-7338
The Patrika
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Friday, April 14th, 2017
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Friday, April 14th, 2017
kMm vflIaF QfvF ‘qy aOrqF leI AuwcI awzI vflI gurgfbI pfAux dI pfbMdI Kqm hux kMm vflIaF QfvF ‘qy aOrqF nUM AuwcI awzI vflI gurgfbI pfAux leI mjbUr nhIN kIqf jf skygf ikAuNik srkfr ny ieh pfbMdI Kqm krn df aYlfn klIqf hY| ies sbMDI pRImIar ikRstI klfrk aqy ikrq mMqrIsLrlI bONz ny ikhf ik ieh pfbMdI ishq aqy surwiKaf nUM pRBfivq krdI hY| ies pfbMdI dI mMg grIn pfrtI dI nyqf aYNizrIAU vIvr vwloN kIqI geI sI| ieh mMg AuMnHF ny vrkr kMpYnsysLn aYkt ivc soD krn vflf ibwl pysL krky kIqI sI|ies ibwl dIrosLnI ivc vrksyP bI sI hux kMmvflIaF QfvF leI nvIaF gfeIzlfeInF ivksq krygf| hux aYNplfeIer aOrqkrmcfrIaF nMU AuwcI awzI vflI gurgfbI pfAux leI mjbUr nhIN kr skxgy|
vYnkUvr skULl borz vwloN do bflg iswiKaf kyNdr bMd krn df pRsqfv ies smyN vYnkUvr ivc iqMn bflg iswiKaf kyNdr hn| hux skUl borz ny iek pRsqfv rfhI ieMnHF ivc do kyNdr bMd krn dI soc irhf hY| iehkyNdr hn – gYdirMg plys aYjUkysLn sYNtr aqy myn stRIt aYjUkysLn sYNtr jo glYzston sYkMzrI skUl ivc cwl irhf hY| vYnkUvr aYzlt aYjUkysn XUnIan dI pRDfn holI ivlIamjL df kihxf hY ik ies kdm nfl 700-800 bflg ividafrQI pRBfivq hoxgy| afpxy isiKaf pwDrF nUM Aucyrf aqy cMgyrf bxfAx dy cfhvfn bflg iml rhI shUlq qoN vFJy ho jfxgy | ies pwKON skUl borz df PYslf aijhylokFdy ihqF ‘qy swt mfrdf hY|
psYNjr tRFsportysLn borz vwloN tYksI dy 175 nvyN lfiesYNs pRvfn bI sI dy pYsYNjr tRFsportysLn borz vwloN vYnkUvr ivc 175 nvyNtYksI lfiesYNs dyx dI pRvfngI idwqI geI hY | ieMnHF ivc 26 vIlcyr phuMc vflIaFtYksIaF hoxgIaF| tRFsportysLn mMqrI tOzston vwloN ies pRvfngI ‘qyKusLI df pRgtfvf kIqf igaf hY| nvyN lfiesYNsF nfl XfqrIaF nUM tYksI syvf leI Gwt smFAuzIk krnI pvygI| hux istI aOPvYnkUvr nUMieMnHF nvIaFtYksIaF nUM pRvfngI dyxI hovygI ies qoNM pihlF istI vwloN 38 subrbn lfiesYNs mnjLUr kIqy gey hn| ies qrF kuL 231 nvyN lfiesYNs afmXfqrIaF leI shfiek sfbq hoxgy|
mfnisk rogIaF leI $1[6 imlIan pRvfn skfimsL dy AuMnHF invfsIaF nUM Gr AuplbD krvfAux leI srkfr vwloN $1[6 imlIan pRvfn kIqy gey hn| iesrfsLI nfl iek Gr rYnovyt kIqf jfvygf ijwQy AuwQoN dy mfnisk rogIaF nUM irhfiesL leI QF iml skygI| ieh rfsLI srkfr dy mYNtl hYlQ hfAUIsMg pRogrfm aDIn pRvfn kIqI geI hY jo 2017 dy arMB ivc aYlfinaf igaf sI| ies aYlfn ivc dwisaf igafsI ik 2016-17 dOrfn $50 imlIan aijhyrogIaF leI idwqfjfvygf aqy 2017-18 dOrfn $15 imlIan KLricaf jfvygf| ies sfrIrfsLI nfl 364 XUnit ieMnHF lokF vfsqy iqafr kIqy jfxgy|
The Patrika
mYtro vYnkUvr ivc byGiraF dI igxqI 30% vDI
puils dy kwuqy ny 87 sflf aOrq jLKmI kIqI
qyjLf aMkiVaF anusfr mYtro vYnkUvr ivc ies smyN 3600 lokF kol Gr nhIN| ies sMiKaf 2014 nfloN 30% vDyry hY| ieMnHF ivcoN 1032 zorvyjL, pfrkF aqy aYlIaF ivc rfqF ktdy hn| mYytro vYnkUvr hfAUisMg kmytI dy muKI aqy port mUzI dy myar mfeIk kly df kihxf hY imAuinpYltIaF nUM ies msly dy hwl leI sUby dI shfieqf dI loV hY ikAuNik hwl nfloN smwisaf vD qyjLI nfl vD rhI hY| iesy qtF mYpl irj dy myat inkol rIz ny ikhf,” byGiraF dI smwisaf nUM hwl krn df isstm PylH ho igaf hY| srkfr nUM ies gMBIr smwisaf dy hwl leI mohrI BUimkf inBfAuxI cfhIdI hY| kYnyzf vrgydysL ivc aijhI smwisaf df hoxf hI sLrmnfk hY|
vYnkUvr puils dy kuwqy ny 87 sflf aOrq nUM AudoN jLKmI kIqf jdoN Auh afpxy bgIcy ivc afpxy puwqr nfl KVI sI| asl ivc Auh kuwqf iek sLwkI kfr cor dI Bfl kr irhf sI| kFsytbl jysn zfAct df kihxf hY ik Aus smyN Aus kuwqy dIzor iksy afdmI ny PVI hoeI sI prMqU acfnk Auh Gr dy ipCvfVy clf igaf ijwQy Auh aOrq bgIcy ivc kMm kr rhI sI| durBfgvws ieh Gtnf Gt geI ijs ivc aOrq dy pwt ‘qy AudoN swt lwg geI jdoN Auh kuwqy dy hmly nfl izwg peI sI| zfauvt ny ies Gtnf ‘qy aPsos pRgt kIqf | vYnkUvr puils ivBfg df izptI cIP Aus aOrq aqy aus dy pirvfr nUM imilaf aqy AuMnHF qoN muafPI mMgI|
bI sI ilbrlF df cox GosLnf-pwqr tol-tYks, tYks kRYizt ‘qy kyNidRq bI sI ilbrl pfrtI vwloN afpxy cox GosLnf pwqr pRkfisLq kIqf igaf hY | ies ivc ikhf igaf hY ik jy Auh iPr swqf ivc afey qF portmfn ibRwj aqy golzn eIar ibRiwj dy tol ivc vfDf nhIN krngy| ies ivc sInIarjL nUM tYks rfhq dyx df vI vfadf kIqf igaf hY| Xogf aqy ijmM ivc jfx vfly bjLurgF nUM %500 df ‘aYkitv tYks kRYizt’ idwqf jfvygf| ieMjkrn nfl nfl srkfrnUM $2[5 imlIan df Ksfrf hovygf| ies qoN ielfvf ‘afrfm/CuwtI tYks kRYizt vI idwqf jfvygf| ijhVy lok afpxy bjLurgF dI shfieqf leI iksy nUM hfier krngy, AuMnhF nUM $500 qwk df tYks kRizt idwqf jfvygf aqy ieMj krn nfl srkfr nUM anumfinq $5 imlIan pRqI sfl df Gftf pvygf| PYrI dI vrqoN krn vfilaF nUM 2020 qwk $1000 dI tYks rfhq dyx df vfadf vI kIqf igaf hY| ieh kfnUM nAuMnHF ‘qy lfgU huMdf hY ijMnHF nUM mjbUrn PYrI ‘qy afxf jfxf pYNdf hY|
by-iDafnI aqy algLrjLI nfl zRfeIvMg krn vfilaF ‘qy vDyry sKqI hovygI jUn 1 2016 nUM sLrfb pI ky zRfeIv krn vfilaF nUM vDyry jrmfny krn df kfnUMn bxfieaf igaf sI| afeI sI bI sI dy sUqrF anusfr ies sKqI nfl sLrfb pI ky zRfeIv krn vfilaF dI igxqI Gwt hoeI hY| hux algLrjL aqy byprvfh zRfeIvrF dI vfrIaf geI jdoN aijhy zRfeIvrF nUM vDyry jurmfny krn dI nIqI GVI geI hY| ieh PYslf pbilk nflslfh-msLvrf krn AuprMq kIqf igaf| ies slfh msLvry dOrfn 90% lokF vwloNmMg kIqI geI ik byprfvfh zRfeIvrF nfl vI sKqI kIqIjfvy qF jo sfzIaF sVkF vDyry surwiKaq bx skx| ies sbMDI pbilk syPtI mMqrI mfeIk moirs df kihxf hY ,” byprvfhI nfl zRfeIv krn vfly vI keIaF dIaF jfnF lY rhy hn|, keIaF nUM burI qrF jLKmI kr rhy hn| asIN cfhuMdy hF ik lok afpxy GrIN rfjLI KusLI nfl phuMcx pr algLrjL aqy sLrfb pI ky zReIv krn vfly sfzI ieh cfhq pUrI hox ivc aiVwkf bx jFdy hn| ieMnHF Aupr sKqI krnI hI bxdI hY|”
bI sI dy aMdrUnI hspqfl ivc hjLfrF aYks-ry aqy skYnF df arQ glq kIqf igaf tYrys hspqfl ivc kMm kr rhy ryzIafloijst vwloN 2200 aYks-ryaF aq yskYnF dy arQ glq kwZy gey| ientIrIar hYlQ vwloN ieMnHF dI njLrsfnI kIqI jf rhI hY| ieh pRgtfvf ies hYlQ eyjYNsI dy zfktr rOn koilnjL vwloN kIqf igaf hY| ies glqI nfl 1790 mrIjL pRBfivq hoey hn| hux ieMnHF aYksryaF aqy skYnF dI rIizMg kYlonf dy jnrl hspqfl dy ryzIafloijst vwloN kIqI jfvygI aqy nvIaF irportF sbMDq mrIjLF dy pirvfrk zfktrF nUM ByjIaF jfxgIaF| Xfdrhy ik ieh Kbr AudoN nsLr hoeIjdoN 700 mrIjLF nUM dwisaf igaf ik AuNHF dI irportF ivc glqIaF hn|
CurybfjLI nfl jLKmI hoey afdmI nUM hspqfl iljfieaf igaf 12 apRYl dI svyr dy 7:30 vjy aYbtsPorz dy vYst Eks mfl dy pUrbI Bfg dI pfrikMg lft ivc 30 sfl df afdmI CUrybfjLI df isLkfr ho igaf| aYbtsPorz puils dI sfrjYNt jUzI brz dy kihx anusfr jdoN puils Auprokq phuMcI qF AuMnHF vyiKaf ik iek afdmI jLKLmI hflq ivc Aus pfrikMg lft ivwc ipaf sI| Auh hosL ivc sI aqy drsLkF nfl gwl bfq kr irhf sI| Aus nUMhspqfl iljfieaf igaf| Aus qoN 20 imMt bfad iek afdmI ies Gtnf dy sbMD ivc igRPqfr kIqf igaf| Aus qoN puwC igwC kIqIgeI aqy hr jfxkfrI lYx leI jFckIqI jf rhI hY| puils vwloN apIl kIqIgeI hY ik iksy nUMies vfrdfq bfry kuJ pqf hovy qF puils nfl 604-859-5225 ‘qy sMprk krn dI ikrpf kry|
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Kqrnfk hY KUn nfVIafˆ ivwc crbI df jmfE mIzIaf dI BUimkf qy ishq sbMDI cyqMnqf dI bdOlq pVHy-ilKy qbky dy nfl nfl GwtiswiKaq lokfˆ nUM vI pqf lwg igaf hY ik KUn dIafˆ nfVIafˆ aMdr crbI df jMmxf iewk gMBIr smwisaf hY. Èbd ‘aYQro sklIroiss` ivwc aYQro qoN Bfv hY dlIaf jfˆ grUal qy ‘sklIroiss` df mqlb hY sKq qMqU. ies leI KUn nfVIafˆ dy aMdrly pfsy AuWproN sKq pr hyToN dlIey vrgI nrm ho jfx dI asfDfrn qbdIlI nUM aYQrosklIriss ikhf jfˆdf hY. kolYstorol df ieh jmfE sfDfrn qy KuwlHIafˆ nfVIafˆ dy bor nUM qMg kr idMdf hY. ieh idl, idmfg aqy hor aMgfˆ ivwc gMBIr rog jfˆ mOq df kfrn bxdf hY. ies rog nUM ‘aYQro sklIroitk vfskUlr izseIË` vI ikhf jfˆdf hY. kfrn: Bojn ivwc do qrHfˆ dy iQMdy huMdy hnlo zYnistI lfeIpopRotIn (aYl[zI[aYl[) aqy hfeI zYnistI lfeIpopRotIn (aYc[zI[aYl[). aYl[zI[aYl[ iewk Kqrnfk iksm dI crbI hY jo aOksIzYˆt pdfrQfˆ dI shfieqf nfl KUn dIafˆ nfVIafˆ ivwc jmHfˆ hox lgdI hY. pUrf rog ivkisq hox ivwc lMmf smfˆ lgdf hY pr ivakqI nUM AudoN hI pqf lgdf hY jdoN pfxI isr qoN lMG cuwkf huMdf hY. Bojn dIafˆ Kqrnfk crbIafˆ (sYcUryitz PYts) dy somy hn- rYWz mIt (bwkrf, ByzU, gAU qy sUr afid) dysI iGE aqy mwKx. hfeI zYnistI lfeIpopRotIn (aYc[zI[aYl[) srIr leI cMgf hY. srIr leI cMgI crbI jfˆ qyl hnsUrjmuKI, mUMgPlI, vVyivafˆ (kftnsIz), soieaf dy qyl, pfm afiel, kOrn afiel (mwkI qoN bixaf qyl) aqy ieh mwCI ivwc vI vDyry imldf hY. ies df mqlb ieh nhIN ik iGE Kfxf iblkul bMd kr dyxf cfhIdf hY. jo lok sKq kMm krdy hn, bwcy (ijnHfˆ dy srIr ajy ivkisq ho rhy hn) aqy iKzfrIafˆ afid vfsqy mwKx qy dysI iGE cMgf huMdf hY. ijvyˆ pfxI dy pfeIp `c izpfiËt jMm jfvy qfˆ tUtI `coN pfxI Gwt inkldf iesy qrHfˆ hI nfVIafˆ aMdr crbI jMmHx nfl sbMiDq
pMjfbI imAUijk ieMzstrI awj arbF rupey dI ieMzstrI dy qOr `qy AuWBr ky sfhmxy afeI hY. inwq nvyN gfeik tI[vI[ skrInF `qy dyKx nMU iml rhy hn. sYNkVy nvyN gfiek hr vrHy pMjfbI imAUijk vIzIE dy ivhVy ivwc pYr Drdy hn. awj pMjfbI imAUijk vIzIE aqy hr qrHF df sMgIq globl ho igaf hY aqy dunIaF dy ijs ihwsy ivwc vI pMjfbI bYTf hY AuWQy pMjfbI gfixaF dy bol suxfeI idMdy hn. pMjfbI gIqkfrF ny vI hr ivsLy qy afpxI klm ajmfeI hY. ipafr, iesLk aqy muhwbq qF sdIaF qoN kvIaF, ikwsfkfrF aqy klfkfrF df mnpsMd ivsLf irhf hY pr pMjfbI gIqF ivwc pRym qoN ielfvf
aMgfˆ nUM KUn dI splfeI Gt jfˆdI hY qy hOlI hOlI nfVI pUrI qrHfˆ bMd ho jfˆdI hY. idl aqy idmfg jo aiq aihm aMg hn, burI qrHfˆ pRBfivq huMdy hn. ies qoN ielfvf dUjy keI aMgfˆ `qy vI BYVf asr pYˆdf hY. aYQro sklIroiss df koeI iewk kfrn nhIN. motfpf, sLUgr-rog, hfeI blwz pRYÈr, qMbfkUnoÈI, Gwt vriËÈ jfˆ bYTy rihx vfly qy Gwt kfrjÈIl rihx vfly kfrobfr jfˆ afdqfˆ qy pirvfrk ipwT-BUmI afid ies dy AuqpMn hox ivwc Xogdfn pfAuNdy hn. aYQro sklIroiss nfl sbMiDq ibmfrIafˆ: ieh srIr dy iksy vI aMg dIafˆ ÉUn nfVIafˆ ivwc ho skdI hY ijvyˆ idl qy idmfg dIafˆ nfVIafˆ, pyt aMdr vwzIafˆ nfVIafˆ, guridafˆ, lwqfˆ aqy bfhvfˆ dIafˆ KUn nfVIafˆ afid. ijhVI nfVI asr-aDIn hovy Aus dy anusfr hI rog dy lwCx huMdy hn. Audfhrn vjoN jy idl dIafˆ nfVIafˆ (koronfrIafrtrIË) ivwc crbI jMm jfvy qfˆ koronfrI afrtrI izseIË jfˆ idl df dOrf, idmfg dIafˆ nfVIafˆ `c hovy qfˆ strok afid. koronfrI afrtrI izseIË: ies nUM ‘koronfrI hfrt izseIË` vI ikhf jfˆdf hY jo pUrI dunIafˆ ivwc mnuwKfˆ df aihm kfql-rog hY. ieh rog mYnopfË qoN pihlfˆ aOrqfˆ ivwc Gwt huMdf hY pr Aus qoN bfad purÈ qy aOrqfˆ dovfˆ ivwc brfbr huMdf hY. idl Bfvyˆ Kud afpxy pMipMg aYkÈn nfl sfry srIr nUM KUn Byjdf hY pr ies dy pwiTafˆ nUM splfeI krn vflIafˆ KUn-nfVIafˆ (koronrI afrtrIË) ivwc jdoN crbI jMm jfˆdI hY qfˆ bor BIVf ho jfx krky idl nUM loVINdI mfqrf ivwc KUn nhIN puwjdf. ies nfl pMp krn vfly ieh pwTy (mfieEkfrzIam) kMm nhIN kr skdy. jdoN ies qMg bor vflI Qfˆ `qy KUn jMm jfvy qfˆ acfnk rukfvt afAux nfl idl df dOrf aqy mOq ho jfˆdI hY. jy vkq isr smwisaf df pqf lwg jfvy qfˆ ivakqI AuNj qfˆ bc jfˆdf hY pr idl df rogI bx jfˆdf hY. idmfg df strok: idl vfˆg idmfg nUM KUn phuMcfAux vflIafˆ KUn-nfVIafˆ (kYroitz
afrtrIË) jo DOx ivwcoN dI huMdIafˆ hoeIafˆ idmfg qwk puwjdIafˆ hn, ivwc vI crbI jMmx nfl splfeI Gt jfˆdI hY qy idmfg df strok ho jfˆdf hY. pYrIPrl afrtrI izseIË: lwqfˆ-bfhvfˆ dIafˆ nfVIafˆ vI crbI jMmx vfly ies rog aYQrosklIroiss dy asr-aDIn afAuNdIafˆ hn. ies leI ienHfˆ aMgfˆ dI splfeI ivwc ivGn pYx (Gtx) krky hwQ jfˆ pYr TMZy rihMdy hn qy kIVIafˆ qurdIafˆ vfˆg mihsUs huMdf hY. keI vfr ienHfˆ Qfvfˆ `qy ienPYkÈn ho jfˆdI hY, jo Kqrnfk sfbq ho skdI hY. gurdf rog: gurdy nUM KUn splfeI krn vflIafˆ nfVIafˆ (rInl afrtrIË) jy crbI jMmx nfl qMg ho jfx qfˆ loVINdI nfloN Gwt splfeI jfx krky gurdy dI kfrjÈIlqf `qy burf asr pYˆdf hY. gurdy df kMm hY KUn nUM Cfx ky Aus `coN ËihrIly qwq qy ÌflqU pfxI vwK krky ipÈfb dy rUp ivwc bfhr kwZxf. ies leI jdoN ies aMg dI kfrjÈIlqf `qy burf asr pYˆdf hY qfˆ srIr `coN pfxI qy axcfhy qwq bfhr nhIN inkldy qy gurdf rog dy lwCx (sojfˆ afid) sfhmxy afAuNdy hn. mÈInI dOr qoN pihlfˆ lok pYdl hI jfˆdy sn qy aOrqfˆ cwkI pIhdIˆafˆ Bfv ik sfry kMm pUry Ëor nfl kIqy jfˆdy sn. AudoN dysI iGE hI ÈOk afm hI KfDf jfˆdf sI qy ies nUM qfkq dyx vflf sB qoN vDIaf somf ikhf jfˆdf sI. Aumr dy ihsfb nfl iQMdy vfly Bojn qoN prhyË krnf cfhIdf hY. sYcUryitz PYts Bfv ik dysI iGE qy mtn afid srIr nUM qfkq dyx dI bjfey crbI jmHfˆ krky aYQrosklIriss pYdf krn ivwc shfeI hu M d y hn. jM m I ho e I crbI vflI jgfh (aYQrosklIroiss) `qy AuqpMn hox vflIafˆ AulJxfˆ AuNj qfˆ aYQrosklIroiss afp iewk bVI vwzI AulJx hY iPr vI ies asfDfrn Qfˆ `qy hor vI Kqrf pYdf krn vflIafˆ AulJxfˆ pYdf ho skdIafˆ/jfˆdIafˆ hn: nfVIafˆ df AuWproN iCwilaf jfxf (alsryÈn): qMg hoey bor vflI jgfh KUn dy qyË vhf nfl
pMjfbI imAUijk ieMzstrI dy cMgy idn
sLrfb, jfq-pfq, nPrq, ihMsf, smfijk aqy afriQk hflq, hiQafr, kfrF, suhwpx aqy kbjf afid anykF ivsLy hn.
pMjfbI gIqF ivwc jfq-pfq Kfs qOr `qy jwtvfd vfly gIqF dI Brmfr hY. jwt khfAux `qy mfx krn vfly lokF leI aijhy gIq iewk vwzf sMqusLtI df kfrn bxdy hn. dljIq dusFJ vrgy pRiswD gfiek gfAuNdy hn ‘jwt iPry Pfier krdf’ gfAuNdy hn. mnkIrq aOlK dy ‘jugfVI jwt’ ‘jwt df blwz’ aqy inMjf ‘gwl jwtF vflI’ vrgy anykF gIq jwtF bfry afey vrHy pMjfbI gfiekF vwloN gfey jFdy hn. dUjy pfsy jy pUry gIq df ivsLf jwt nf vI hovy iPr vI gfxy ivwc jwt sLbd df pRXog
krnf afm gwl hY. ijs qrHF AuWpr ijLkr kIqf igaf hY ik pRym, iesLk aqy muhwbq dy gfixaF dI qF Brmfr hoxI suBfivk hI hY pr pMjfbI gfiekI ivwc nPrq dy aihsfs nUM pRgtfAux vfly gfxy vI vwzI igxqI ivwc iPlmfey jf rhy hn. pRBigwl df ‘myry kol’ Xuvrfj hMs ‘pfxI’ aqy inMjf df ‘afdq’ afid gfixaF ivwc nPrq dy aihsfs nUM gfieaf igaf hY. nPrq dy nfl ihMsf df afAuxf suBfvk hY. pMjfbI gfixaF ivwc ihMsf df rOlf-Gcolf vI bhuq AuWcI sur ivwc suxn nUM iml jFdf hY. idlpRIq iZwloN ‘muMzy irtrn’ aqy idljIq dusFJ df ‘jwt Pfier krdf’ afid Audfhrx vjoN dyK skdy hF. hiQafrF
zf: mnjIq isMG bwl
nfVI iCwlI jfˆdI hY ijs AuWqy vihMdy KUn dy kuJ qwq jMm jfx nfl Qroˆbs bx jfˆdf hY. ieh KUn dI rukfvt nUM hor vI vDf idMdf hY. kYlÈIam df jmHfˆ hoxf: purfxy aYQrosklIroiss ivwc kYlÈIam jmHfˆ ho jfˆdf hY ijs nfl nrm qy lckIlI KUn-nfVI lohy dy pfeIp vrgI sKq ho jfˆdI hY. ies nUM AuNgl nfl Coh ky vI sKq mihsUs kIqf jf skdf hY. nfVI df Pt jfxf: ies smwisaf kfrn nfVI kmËor ho jfˆdI hY, ies leI jy blwz pRYÈr vwD hovy qfˆ ieh Pt skdI hY. ieh idl dI (koronfrI afrtrI dI ÈfKf) vI ho skdI hY qy idmfg dI (kYroitz afrtrI dI ÈfKf) vI. nfVI Ptx vflI siQqI gMBIr jfˆ Gfqk huMdI hY. keI hflfq aijhy huMdy hn jdoN ivakqI nUM aYQrosklIroiss huMdf hY pr Aus nUM pqf hI nhIN huMdf ikAuNik keI vfr koeI vI lwCx sfhmxy nhIN afAuNdf. AudoN hI pqf lgdf hY jdoN idl df dOrf jfˆ bryn strok ho jfˆdf hY. ies smwisaf qoN bcfa vfsqy vI asIN jIvn ÈYlI ivwc qbdIlIafˆ krn df Auprflf kr skdy hfˆ: Aumr dy ihsfb nfl Gwt iQMdy jfˆ crbI vfly Bojn KfE. kfrjÈIl rho qy inXimq vriËÈ kro. vfDU Kfxf, vDyry kOPI, afeIs krImË, miTafeI, mwKx, dysI iGE qy rYWz mIt afid Gtf idE jfˆ bMd kr idE. Èrfb bMd kr idE jfˆ bhuq Gtf idE aqy qMbfkUnoÈI iblkul bMd kro. jy qusIN sLUgr-rogI ho qfˆ prhyË qy dvfeIafˆ afid nfl ies nUM kMtrol ivwc rwKo. iesy qrHfˆ blwz pRYÈr vfly ivakqI vI prhyË (Gwt lUx qy Gwt iQMdf) qy dvfeI nfl ies nUM kMtrol ivwc rwKo. zf: hrijMdr isMG vflIaf aqy nPrq vFg nsLy vI pMjfbI gfixaF dy ivsLy bxdy hn. sLrfb, aPIm aqy icwty bfry gfxy imldy hn. pMjfbI gIqkfr awj iesLk hkIkI nUM gIqF df ihwsf bxfAux dI bjfey duinafvI cIjLF kfrF, koTIaF aqy jLmInF dI gwl krdy njrIN pYNdy hn. ‘XfrI cMzIgVH vflIey’ aqy ‘jugfV’ afid gfxy ies ivsLy dI Audfhrx hn. suhwpx nUM lY ky ilKy gIqF dI igxqI qF bhuq hY lyikMn pMjfbI gIqF ivwc ‘gorf rMg’ ‘kwd kfT’ ‘qor’ ‘dMd’ qy ‘muskrfht’ df ijLkr afm imldf hY. pMjfbI imAUijk vIzIEjL bfry myrI ividafrQx ihmfnI sLrmf ny vDIaf Koj kIqI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-ipwq-ivkfr, GrylU JMJt, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, sMqfn-pwK TIk, rog-BY-hfnI, iesqrI-swuK, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1,2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
After the events that have taken place in your life since late January, you now find yourself in a situation where it would be wise to reflect on where life seems to stand now and what you want to accomplish in the future. What might need greatest consideration are your finances, as they come under the spotlight to 21st April.
Mars will move into your sign this week, where it will remain until 21st April. This heralds the beginning of a new 2-year cycle. Your energy level should lift, as well as your self-confidence. This could tempt you to rush into things but the position of Venus, your ruling planet, warns you to be cautious and patient to early April.
ibRK-rkq-cfp, guwsy ‘c vfDf hovy, Dn-sMpdf-suwK-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo-bdl. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.
imQn-ishq TIk, Xojnf sPl, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI, snmfn imly, ivsLysL Krc hovy, bMDU-ksLt, sMpqI lfB. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6 asLuwB hn.
krk-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, imwqr-bMDU sihXog, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-ksLt, sLuwB kMmF ‘qy Krc, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB hovy, injI-jn-sihXog, siQr, jfiedfd dy JgVy, sLuwB smfcfr, sMqfn-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr gVbVfey (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-ishq TIk, Gr ivc KusLI dy kfrj hox, bMDU-suwK, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.
qulf-ishq TIk rhy, GrylU JgVy, inwjI lokF nfl axbx, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx qoN nuksfn df zr. iesqrI-ksLt. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6, asLuwB hn.
ibRisick-pyt ‘c KrfbI, Dn-lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMpqI bfry icMqf, sMqfn-suwK, Xojnf sPl, dusLmx qoN BY, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
Dn-ishq TIk, PjUl df Krc hovy, dusLmx aqy ibmfrI df zr, Brf df ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-suwK TIk, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 14, 22, 23, 24; apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-ishq TIk, GrylU JMJt, BfeI-bMDU qoN suwK, sMpqI-icMqf, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr cMgf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 15, 16, 25, 26; apRYl 3, 4, 11 asLuwB hn.
You can’t get away from commitments or responsibilities because others are in a better position to apply the pressure and they will. You need to look at what you have learned as a result. There is no point feeling sorry for yourself. You can be in for much frustration to mid April because of not being able to move things forward.
Others can readily accept plans you have for the future, especially if they have seen you as handling matters in a responsible manner since late January. If there is anything more you want to discuss or put forward, do that. Be sure you do not forget some of the finer points. Focus on your priorities from not to mid April.
You now need to move to the stage, from now to mid April, of committing yourself to whatever you have been considering pursuing in the long term since late January. This needs to be based on what you have seen a beneficial in the long term. It might be difficult to either know to fulfil the expectations someone else has of you.
On one level you can feel as though you are emerging from demanding expectations of others, though there will still be some remnants operating on a more subtle level until early April. Ask as many questions as you can right now as it can make things clearer when it comes to looking at long term goals from now to mid April.
Whatever actions other people have taken since late January should not be put to one side lightly. From now to mid April it may become difficult to know exactly where they stand, though they could be quite demanding. Don’t be surprised if you feel you need to reconsider your position by early April. Don’t overlook details.
There will no longer be any hidden aspects to exactly where you stand with someone else, though they may still try to hide some things. This could lead to a battle of some description between now and mid April. They are placed in a position where they will need to change their current stance by early April.
Where you have been able to take chances or just go with the flow since late January, you are now heading into a cycle to mid April where you will need to put your energy into taking care of the details. Your general health or fitness might need better attention in this time as well, especially if you have been socialising.
Whatever you have been working on to put in place since late January will now move onto an easier flowing stage to mid April though there might be other aspects that you weigh up and reconsider to early April. You are in a good position to gather information now that could be very helpful when it comes to final decisions later.
Do a final weigh up in your mind about what you feel are important priorities that you need to move forward on and start to put into place from now to mid April. Listen to your inner voice when it comes to finances. There is no need to move forward with anything that could cause you any financial worry further on.
Whatever has gone on with finances since late January now moves to the next stage of either gathering more information or giving things more thought to mid April. It is a worthwhile exercise as you could benefit during April as well. Much of this will be dependent on taking what is the most responsible path, however difficult.
11 kuMB-ishq Krfb, vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB, bMDU-ksLt, siQr-sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, iesqrI-pwK TIk, kfrobfr bfry icMqf. mfrc (2017 eI[) 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; apRYl 5, 6 asLuwB hn.
mIn-ishq TIk rhy, PjUl df Krc hovy, injI-jn ivroD krn, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK TkI, iesqrI-suwK rhy, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf aqy snmfn. mfrc (2017 eI[) 20, 21, 30, 31; apRYl 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
sIrIaf msly dy hwl leI asd nUM swqf qoN pfsy krnf hI hovygf: trUzo sIrIaf ivwc rsfieixk hmly leI rUs vI aijhf krn smyˆ bÈr al asd nUM Èfml iewk hwd qwk iËMmyvfr nhIN kIqf jfxf cfhIdf.
bI[sI[ ivwc hfeIikMg kr rhy gruwp dy pMj mYˆbr phfVI qoN izwg ky hlfk hfeIkrË df gruwp aYn iknfry vwl clf igaf sI qy Auh brP ajy qfËf hI izwgI hovygI ijs kfrn Auh tuwt geI hovygI qy Auh hyTfˆ izwg gey hoxgy. ieh sB bhuq hI Kqrnfk irhf hovygf. kolvYWl ny dwisaf ik ijAuNdy bcy hfeIkr ny Aus pgzMzI AuWqy jf rhy iewk hor ivakqI nUM sfrI Gtnf qoN jfxU krvfieaf qy iPr Aus ny puils dy mfritn kOlvYWl ny ies gwl dI puÈtI kIqI iDafn ivwc sfrf mfmlf ilafˆdf. srcrË ik mfAUNt hfrvy dy ql qoN cfr lfÈfˆ imlx ny hYlIkfptr rfhIN gruwp dy lMmyˆ trYk qoN keI GMitafˆ bfad pMjvIN lfÈ vI AunHfˆ qoN bfad pey mlby nUM lwB ilaf. kolvYWl nUM lwB geI. idn vyly lfienË bya ivwc ny dwisaf ik pMj hfeIkrË qfˆ bI[sI[ dy src hYWzkuafrtrË ivKy AunHfˆ pwqrkfrfˆ loar mynlYˆz qoN sn qy Auh inXimq qOr nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ ies nUM vwzI qRfsdI AuWqy hfeIikMg krn vfly gruwp df ihwsf dwisaf. kOlvYWl ny dwisaf ik src qy sn. rYsikAU amly nUM Èinwcrvfr dupihr nUM hfeIkrË dy ijAuNdy bcy sfQI nUM ajy vI ies hfdsy bfry jfxkfrI idwqI geI. ies Gtnf AuWqy XkIn nhIN hY pr Aus hfeIkrË df Cyvfˆ sfQI AunHfˆ qoN kfPI ny src tIm nUM bhuq kImqI jfxkfrI ipwCy rih igaf sI qy jdoN Auh phfVI dI idwqI. imRqkfˆ dy pirvfrk mYˆbr src cotI AuWqy phuMicaf qfˆ pMj hor hfeIkrË hYWzkuafrtr dy nyVy sQfnk lfiebRyrI kol lfpqf ho cuwky sn. AunHfˆ dwisaf ik cotI afpxy ipafirafˆ dI Kbrsfr leI iewkTy vwl bfkI hfeIkrË vwloN Cwzy trYk qfˆ hoey. ajy qwk imRqkfˆ dy sbMD ivwc koeI sn pr brP tuwtx df koeI inÈfn nhIN jfxkfrI jfrI nhIN kIqI geI hY. sI. Aus ny dwisaf ik ieMj lwg irhf sI ik lfienË by a : vY n kU v r dy Au W qr vw l phfVIafˆ AuWqy cVHfeI kr rhy hfeIkrË AuWqy Aus smyˆ musIbq df phfV tuwt ipaf jdoN Auh brP dI pqlI qy asiQr prq nUM pfr krdy smyˆ Aus dy tuwt jfx kfrn 500 mItr hyTfˆ jf izwgy. ieh jfxkfrI aYqvfr nUM src mYnyjr vwloN idwqI geI.
mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI jfmf pihnfAux sbMDI ibwl vIrvfr nUM ilafˆdf jfvygf Etvf: mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI jfmf pihnfAux leI srkfr vwloN ies vIrvfr nUM ibwl ilafˆdf jfvygf. ies dI puÈtI jfxkfr sUqrfˆ vwloN kIqI geI. ies ibwl ivwc pUrf vyrvf hovygf ik PYzrl srkfr mYrIjuafnf dI ivwkrI nUM iks qrHfˆ inXMqirq krn dI Xojnf bxf rhI hY. iËkrXog hY ik srkfr ny ipCly sfl mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc ilafAux df aiDaYn krn vfsqy iewk tfsk Pors kfiem kIqI sI, ijs vwloN 80 qoN vI vwD isPfrÈfˆ ies sMdrB ivwc kIqIafˆ geIafˆ hn ik mYrIjuafnf nUM iks qrHfˆ vyicaf qy vMizaf jfvy. ienHfˆ isPfrÈfˆ ivwc mYrIjuafnf dy syvn leI Gwt qoN Gwt Aumr 18 sfl krn dI isPfrÈ vI hY pr ieh vI afiKaf igaf hY ik ieh hryk pRoivMs qy tYrytrI AuWqy inrBr krdf hY ik Auh Èrfb KrIdx dI kfnUMnI Aumr dy ihsfb nfl hI mYrIjuafnf KrIdx dI Aumr qYa krn jfˆ nf krn.
ies leI pRqI ivakqI cfr pOdy dI Èrq rwKx df vI suJfa hY. ies dy nfl hI ieÈiqhfr afid dI hwd vI sImq krn dI isPfrÈ hY ijvyˆ ik qMbfkU dy mfmly ivwc lfgU hY. kMËrvyitv aYmpIË nUM Gwt qoN Gwt Aumr dy sbMD ivwc iÈkfieq hY. AunHfˆ df kihxf hY ik ies gwl dy puKqf sbUq hn ik 25 sfl qwk dI Aumr qoN pihlfˆ ies dI vrqoN nfl idmfg dy ivkfs ivwc aiVwky pY skdy hn. aYn[zI[pI[ df kihxf hY ik srkfr ies pfsy vwl bhuq hOlI hOlI awgy vD rhI hY qy srkfr nUM jld hI mYrIjuafnf sbMDI ibwl nUM kfnUMnI jfmf pihnfAuxf cfhIdf hY qfˆ ik ies nUM rwKx dy jurm ivwc koeI Ps hI nf jfvy.
ies dOrfn ies PfeIl dy ieMcfrj ilbrl aYmpI qy torfˆto dy sfbkf cIP afP puils ibwl blyar df kihxf hY ik mYrIjuafnf rwKx dy sbMD ivwc lfeI geI mOjUdf pfbMdI nvyˆ kfnUMn dy pRBfvI hox qwk jfrI rhygI. ieh isPfrÈ vI kIqI geI hY ik ies nUM AunHfˆ afiKaf ik nvyˆ kfnUMn nUM lfgU krn storfˆ ivwc rwK ky jfˆ zfk rfhIN afrzr leI agly sfl qwk ieMqËfr krnf pY krky mMgvfieaf jf skdf hY qy jfˆ iPr skdf hY. PAGE 40
kOrisAUlYs-sur-mr, Prfˆs: sIrIaf dy rfÈtrpqI vjoN bÈr asd dy idn bws hux igxy cuxy hI hn. ieh ivcfr pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny somvfr nUM iewQy pRgtfey. kOmfˆqrI qfkqfˆ mwD pUrb ivwc POjI kfrvfeI kIqy jfx sbMDI ivcfr kr rhIafˆ hn.
jdoN trUzo qoN ieh puwiCaf igaf ik asd nUM swqf qoN pfsy ikvyˆ kIqf jfvy qy Aus dI mdd krn vfly rUs nUM iks qrHfˆ sËf idwqI jfvy qfˆ AunHfˆ vwloN koeI vfadf nhIN kIqf igaf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik kYnyzf afpxy BfeIvflfˆ nfl rfie krn qoN bfad rUs AuWqy nvIafˆ pfbMdIafˆ lfAux leI iqafr hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik sIrIaf ivwc ÈfˆqI ilafAux leI trUzo ny inAUË kfnPrMs ivwc afiKaf ik msly df hwl kwZx smyˆ rUs nUM vI Èfml sIrIaf msly df hwl hI qfˆhI kwiZaf jf kIqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf skdf hY jy asd nUM swqf qoN pfsy kIqf jfvy. ik asd Èfsn dI hmfieq krn vfly dyÈfˆ iËkrXog hY ik asd vwloN afpxy hI lokfˆ nUM mfsUmfˆ AuWqy rsfieixk hmly dI vI QoVHI iKlfP ipwCy ijhy krvfey gey rsfieixk bhuq iËMmyvfrI lYxI cfhIdI hY. hmly dI ijwQy sfrI dunIaF vwloN inKyDI kIqI jf rhI hY AuWQy hI rUs qy ierfn vrgy dyÈ jdoN asd pRÈfsn qoN jvfb mMigaf jfvy ies leI Aus nUM sLih dy rhy hn. ieho kfrn qfˆ Aus dy hmfieqI mulkfˆ nUM vI Èfml hY ik Auh ajy qwk swqf AuWqy kfbj hY. kIqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. trUzo ny afiKaf ik sIrIaf msly nUM kOmfˆqrI BfeIcfry nUM rl dUjI ivÈv jMg ivwc ÈhId hoey kYnyzf dy ky Kqm krnf cfhIdf hY. iËkrXog hY ik jvfnfˆ nUM ÈrDfˆjlI dyx jUno bIc phuMcy amrIkf ny ipCly hPqy sIrIaf dy hvfeI trUzo ny afiKaf ik mfsUmfˆ qy bwicafˆ iKlfP itkfixafˆ AuWqy 59 krUË imËfeIlfˆ dfgIafˆ ies qrHfˆ dy koJy pYˆqVy apnfAux vfly ÈKs sn ijs dI keI Qfˆvfˆ qoN inKyDI vI kIqI nUM swqf ivwc bxy rihx df koeI hwk nhIN. geI sI. ieh KdsLf vI pRgtfieaf jf irhf asd qy Aus dy sfQIafˆ dI jvfbdyhI bxdI hY ik amrIkf muV sIrIaf AuWqy vfr kr hY. sIrIaf ivwc ÈfˆqI qy siQrqf ilafAux skdf hY. leI sfnUM qyËI nfl kMm krnf hovygf. pr
gupq jfxkfrI nUM lIk krn df mfmlf: AuWGy nyvI aiDkfrI nUM sspYˆz krn dy PYsly df trUzo ny kIqf smrQn Etvf: pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo df kihxf hY ik kYbint dI gupq jfxkfrI nUM lIk krn dy mfmly ivwc kIqI jfˆc dOrfn ksUrvfr pfey gey dyÈ dy AuWGy nyvI aiDkfrI vfeIs aYzimrl mfrk nOrmn nUM cIP afP izPYˆs stfP vwloN sspYˆz kIqy jfx dy PYsly dy nfl Auh pUrI qrHfˆ sihmq hn. nOrmn, jo ik kYnyzIan hiQafrbMd sYnfvfˆ ivwc dUjy nMbr AuWqy AuWc drjy vfly aiDkfrI sn, nUM jnrl jOnfQn vfˆs vwloN 9 jnvrI nUM sspYˆz kr idwqf igaf sI. ieh PYslf 15 mhIny dI jfˆc qoN bfad kIqf igaf sI. inAU Xfrk istI ivwc pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ trUzo ny afiKaf ik Auh pihlfˆ vI afK cuwky hn ik Auh cIP afP izPYˆs stfP dy PYsly df smrQn
krdy hn. ieh byhwd Kfs mfmlf hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik jfˆc sbMDI kfrvfeI mukMml hox qoN bfad ieh mfmlf adflq ivwc hI nijwTy jfx dI AumId hY qy ies leI Auh ies sbMD ivwc koeI hor itwpxI nhIN krngy. dUjy pfsy nOrmn dy vkIl mYrI hYnIan ny trUzo dI ies itwpxI nUM aZukvfˆ krfr idwqf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik pRDfn mMqrI smyq hornfˆ isafsqdfnfˆ nUM ies qrHfˆ dIafˆ itwpxIafˆ nhIN krnIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ ik koeI mfmlf adflq ivwc jfvygf jfˆ nhIN. ies sbMDI PYslf krnf puils qy keI vfrI kRfAUn dy aiDkfr Kyqr ivwc afAuNdf hY. AunHfˆ df ajy vI mMnxf hY ik nOrmn aPsrÈfhI dy afpsI ÈsqpMjy df iÈkfr hoey hn.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
w w w. m i ke d e j o n g . c o m
de Jong Delivers. zI jONg ny ikhf • A new Courthouse and Justice Centre for Abbotsford • MSP reduction to save families up to $900 a year • 6 laning the Trans-Canada Highway • Abbotsford emergency room expansion • aYbtsPorz vfsqy nvF kort hfAUs aqy iensfP mukfm. • aYm aYspI dI ktOqI 900 zflr Gwt pirvfrf nMU bcfAux vfsqy. • 6 mfrgI trFs knyzf hfeIvy • aYbtsPorz aYmrjYNnsI kmry nMU vwzf krn dI XojnF
100 - 32660 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 4V6 Phone: 778-880-7381 Email: Authorized by Markus Delves, Financial Agent for the Michael de Jong Campaign. Tel: 778.880.7381
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
(Corner of Hillcrest & Parkview)
Dr. Grover & Associates Dr. Gagan and Ashish Grover welcome all new patients and walk-ins to their new clinic. Both Doctors provide full services in hospital, home visits, and are open for long hours. zfktr grovr afpxyy byty, zfktr asLIsL grovr nfl afpxy nvyN kilnk ivwc nvyN aqy vfk ien mrIjLF df svfgq krdy hn. dovyN zfktr ggn aqy zfktr asLIsL grovr pUrIaF shUlqF pRdfn krdy hoey hspqfl azimsLn dOrfn aqy Gry vI mrIjLF nMU vyKdy hn. hux sfzf klIink vwD GMty KuwlHf hY.
CEDAR PARK PHARMACY & MT LEHMAN PHARMACY C open their third location!
ihwl krYst PfrmysI
hux zf[ grovr aqy zf[ jfPrI vflLy nvyN plfjyL ivwc KuwlH cuwkI hY
Hardip Singh Aulakh pharmacist
Perscriptions & Home Health Care provided!
Unit #100- 32516 Hillcrest Ave Abbotsford bc 604 - 746 - 1333 PAGE 42
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
ߢ≈⁄áÒ˜≈ Ã∑áÊ‹Ù¡Ë „Ò
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TELUS PureFibre™ áÒ˜≈fl⁄∑ “aŒÊá ∑⁄ŒÊ „Ò ‚Ê«Ë
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Sevenoaks Shopping Centre
Apex Communications Inc.
Clearwest Solutions Inc.
PAGE 44 pMnHf 9 dI bfkI dy BOiqk ivigafnI ny ikRstl dy smqlfˆ qy idÈfvfˆ nUM nMbr dy ky smJx dI ivDI dwsI. ienHfˆ nMbrfˆ nUM imlrË ieMzIisË ikhf jfˆdf hY aqy awj vI vriqaf jfˆdf hY. aOptIkl tYlIskop bxy qfˆ ikRstlfˆ nUM bfrIkI nfl vyKx smJx leI ienHfˆ dI vrqoN sLurU ho geI. ieh CfxbIx rOÈnI dI vyv-lYˆQ Bfv 4,000 qoN 7,000 aYˆgstrOm qoN Cotf kuJ vI nhIN dws skdI. afm afdmI leI ieh sImf kfPI hY ikAuN jo aYˆgstrOˆm iewk imlImItr df kroVvfˆ ihwsf hY, pr ivigafnI agfˆh qoN agfˆh Jfkxf cfhuMdy hn. ies df kfrn rOÈnI dI izPrYkÈn sI.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
ikRstlfˆ AuWqy izPrYkÈn ivDI nfl kMm krn leI iesy isDfˆq dI vrqoN kIqI jfˆdI hux ieh izPrYkÈn kI cIË hY? sfDfrn hY. ieh ivDI irtn hfAUs, PrfnhOPr qy Èbdfˆ ivwc ies df mqlb hY rOÈnI df rfAulYˆz ny pVfa dr pVfa KUb vrqI qy toty toty hoxf. toitafˆ df muVxf quVxf qy ivksq kIqI. bx rhI qsvIr nUM DuMdlf krnf. rOÈnI dy rfh ivwc sUKm JIQfˆ (silwts) dI rukfvt 1895 ivwc rOˆtjn ny aYks-ryË nfˆ dIafˆ pyÈ afvy qfˆ Auh izPrYkt huMdI hY. rukfvt nvIafˆ qrMgfˆ KojIafˆ. 1901 ivwc Aus nUM qoN pfr hoeI qrMg iewko nhIN rihMdI. toty iesy leI BOiqk ivigafn dy Kyqr df pitoty ho ky keI qrMgfˆ ivwc vMzI jfˆdI hY. hlf nobyl purskfr imilaf. mfx afdr ieh qrMgfˆ iewk dUjI ivwc AulJ ky rOÈnI nfl Aus nUM imAUinK XUnIvristI ivwc pRXdf iewk pYtrn bxfAuNdIafˆ hn. ies ivwc oigk BOiqk ivigafn dI cyar idwqI geI. rOÈnI ikqy vwD, ikqy Gwt huMdI hY. ieh Aus smyˆ XUnIvristI dy isDfˆqk BOiqk pYtrn rsqy ivwc pYx vflI rukfvt dy ivigafn df muKI sOmrPYlz sI. rOˆtjn nYx-nkÈ pCfnx leI kMm afAuNdf hY. dy afAux nfl aYks-rya dI ivigafn dy nvyˆ Kyqrfˆ ivwc vrqoN bfry gwlbfq qurI. sOmrPYlz ny gixqk ivigafn df aYksfeIklopIzIaf sMpfidq kIqf qfˆ mYks lfAu ny Aus ivwc iewk aiDafie iliKaf. dovfˆ nUM lwigaf ik Auh rl ky kuJ vDIaf Koj kfrj kr skdy hn. lfAu, sOmrPYlz dI KojI tIm ivwc Èfiml ho igaf. ieh 1909 dI gwl hY. lfAu ny aOptIkl izPrYkÈn gryitMg nUM aYks-rya dy aiDaYn leI vrqx dI koiÈÈ kIqI. Aus ny vyiKaf ik ieh ikrnfˆ gryitMg leI vrqIafˆ JrIafˆ ivwcoN ibnfˆ izPrYkt hoey lMG geIafˆ. 1912 ivwc pfl eIvflz ny ikRstl lYits dy rYËonytr mfzl bfry lfAu nUM dwisaf. Aus nUM
isDfˆqk qOr `qy klipq afpxy ies mfzl dI puÈtI ivhfrk qOr `qy krnI aOKI lwg rhI sI. klipq lYits dy prmfxUafˆ ivclI Aus duaflf socI ivwQ (ijs nUM ivigafnI rYËonytr dUrI kihMdy hn) pRkfÈ dI qrMg lMbfeI df msfˆ hËfrvfˆ ihwsf sI. ies leI pRkfÈ qrMgfˆ aqy Aus mfzl df joV nhIN sI bYT irhf. aYks-rya nfl AulJy lfAu ny soicaf ik ikAuN nf Aus mfzl qy aYks-rya df joV bxf ky qjrbf krIey. iesy soc nUM amlI rUp idMidafˆ lfAu ny kOpr slPyt dy iewk ikRstl nUM aYks-rya awgy rwK ky izPrYkÈn df qjrbf kIqf. bfkfiedf izPrYkÈn hoeI. nymbwD cwkrfˆ ivwc izPrYkÈn dI pYV nËr afeI. ies nUM lfAu pYtrn kihMdy hn. afieMstIn nUM ies dI Kbr imlI qfˆ Aus ny lfAu nUM vDfeI idMidafˆ icwTI ilKI ik qyrI lwBq ajoky BOiqk ivigafn dI hux qwk dI sB qoN vDIaf Koj hY. iehI aYks-rya izPrYkÈn df jnm sI. lfAu dI ieh pRfpqI 1912 dI hY aqy 1914 ivwc ies leI Aus nUM nobyl purskfr idwqf igaf. AuNj, ies purskfr qoN pihlfˆ 1912 ivwc lfAu dI Koj dy pRkfiÈq huMdy sfr brYg joVI ny aYks-rya izPrYkÈn dI Koj agfˆh qorn df kMm sLurU kr idwqf. AunHfˆ nUM lfAu dI Koj df pqf 26 jUn 1912 nUM vygfrz dI icwTI qoN lwigaf sI. vygfrz bfkI pMnHf 49 'qy
M.J. SIDHU LABOUR CONTRACTORS LTD. M.J. Sidhu Labour Contractors Ltd. nMU Pfrm, nrsrI, aqy grIn hfAUs leI vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY
iml vfsqy vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY Pfrm vrkrF dI loV hY iksy vI iksm df jMk mUv krvfAux leI aqy ryh zilvr krvfAux leI sMprk kro Residen al & Commercial Junk Removal
nvyN jF purfxy GrF ivwc tfeIlF lgvfAux leI hmysLf Xfd rwKo Tile Installa on
trWk zrfeIvrF dI loV PAGE 44
ALL DAY SERVICE muPq aYstImyt lYx leI ibwkr isMG isWDU nfl sMprk kro: Call Bikkar Sidhu for free es mate: 604-308-0266 vDIaf-vfijb ryt aqy bons
Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Patrika
HELP WANTED AT SHINGLE MILL GENERAL LABOUR Starting wage- $16.50/per hour Sawyer $150 (Guaranteed) Rate#1 $13/sq Rate#2 $5.50/sq Cubberman Shake packers:$150 (Guaranteed) Medium $4.25/sq Heavy$4.50/sq imWl ivWc kMm krn vfilLaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh idWqI jfvygI Extended Health Benefits after 3 months
Silver Creek Premium Products Ltd, Mission Contact by phone Iqbal Brar
sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf
Who does not want a beau�ful dream house! We build custom homes, will help you to fulfill your dreams. Contact:
Sukhjinder Dhillon 604-807-2928 Our experience and proffesionalism will help you. Licensed Builder • Project Manager • General Contrac�ng
The Patrika
Employment Wanted F/T In Home Child Caregiver to work from a Mission home 40 hrs/wk $11.50 hr help take care our 1 child. Both parents work full time. Must be able to read/speak English. Drop & pick from school, prepare meals, snacks, help with homework, after school activities, appointments, light housekeeping duties. "Optional accommodation available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment" Baltej Sekhon
kfimaF dI loV
vrkr dI loV
hIr byrI Pfrm nMU Kyq kfimaF dI loV hY | kMm GMitaF df hovygf qy Xog ivakqI nMU vWD vyqn idWqf jfvygf | kfr leI sYNs vfilaF nMU pihl idWqI jfvygI | qnKfh Aus nfl kMm kfr dWs ky mukWrr kIqI jfvygI | sMprk vjoN jrnYl isMG hIr Pon:- (604)856-9620,(604)-309-6060, (604)-309-7799
aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| 778-8784723
kfimaF dI loV
nrsrI aqy Pfrm leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| sfnUM lYNzskyipMg aqy PYNisMg dy kMm kMm GMitaF df hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI PuWl tfiem jF pfrt tfeIm leI Pon kro: 604-855-1065 jF vrkr dI loV hY| rfeIz df pRbMD 778-242-9250
kfimaF dI loV
A child caregiver re full-time positio Abbotsford, BC. Lang & 1-2 years of experie & care for children, p personal care for c Person should also m environment. Option at no cha Note: This is not Contact: harde
hY, hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604897-7669 jF 778-240-6023 Services
nsLy Cwzx leI kpVy dy stor ‘qy kMm krn leI Full Time aqy Part Time jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn Help Wanted musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd kfimaF dI loV hY we need a mechanic full time dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: experienced with blueberry packing machine and belts. also experienced with blueberry quality and food safety.
aYbtsPorz groars nMU PuWl tfeIm blUbYrI pYikMg msLIn aqy bYlt leI qjrbykfr mkYink dI loV hY | blUbYrI koafltI aqy PUz syPtI df qjrbf ho v y | sM p rk kro : (604)746-3030 ABBOTSFORD GROWERS 31825 MARSHALL ROAD
zrfeIvr dI loV aYbtsPorz dI trWikMg kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipMn qoN ipMn cWlx leI klfs 1, sLrfb aqy nisLaF qoN rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $6500 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI | 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg | sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)-744-9200
English, pMjfbI aqy slfeI afAuxI jrUrI 604-859-8244 jF 778-779hY. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky 1337 jF arjLI Bro jI. Overseas Fabrics 32853 Ventura Ave aYbtsPorz
kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15 pRqI GMtf aqy qjL r by k fr nU M qjL r by anu s fr | aY b tsPo r z aqy aY l zrgR o v qo N rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269
Deol Farms, located at 1354 272nd St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 2P9, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from May 15th until Winter 2017 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared Workers Wanted to work long hours outdoors in 30 year old paving business conditions that are physically looking for general labor and class demanding. This position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks one dump truck driver. in various weather conditions. Fax Good pay lots of hours. 30 sfl purfxI pyivNg kMpnI nMU resume to (604) 607-0841. kfimaF dI aqy klfs vn zM p trWk zrfeIvr dI loV hY | cMgI qnKLfh aqy kfPI GMty| Pon Bobby: 6048253813 & 604-5333228
Help Wanted Help needed in a small propagation nursery. If you like to work with plants and soil, fax your resume to 604-8521553
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge
Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs Matrimonial
Xog kMinaf dI loV 30 sflf, jw t isWK, 5'10", kYnyzIan iemIgRFt (pI[afr) lVky leI Xog kMinaf dI loV hY| AuhI swjx sMprk krn jo Ausdy ieMzIaf rihMdy 29 sflf Brf kwd 6 Puwt nUM pwky qOr qy kYnyzf bulf skx| hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-832-5730
In home child caregiver required for a 2 year old. This is a full time, contract position. Wage: $11.50 per hr, Location: Abbotsford B.C, Language: English. Skills: High school &1-2 years experience or training. Duties: supervise & care for child. Preparing meals and feeding the child. Doing all personal care for the child including: bathing, dressing and changing diapers. Person should also maintain a safe, clean and healthy environment. He/she will also be responsible for taking hild to and from appointments. Optional accomodation available at no charge on a live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. Contact: Sukhi 604.832.9822 or email:
lMbr imwl ivwc lMbr stYikMg krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh $16 qoN sLurU aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr ijafdf idwqI jfvygI, kMm aMdr sYLwz ivwc hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro: 604-866-3923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228 , Address: 6350 Unsworth Rd, Chilliwack
Join Our Packing Team Rossdown Farms and Natural Foods Ltd. Rossdown offers full benefit packages and compe ve wages. MSP: A er 3 months; Extended Health Benefits: A er 6 months Please email your resume to or drop off at: 2325 Bradner Road, Abbotsford BC
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash
¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid
+RXVH :DVK 7UXFN :DVK ¡Drive Way 'ULYH :D\ *XWWHU &OHDQ ¡Gutter Clean &much more! :LQGRZ &OHDQ 0XFK 0RUH ¡Truck Wash
Unemployment in BC rises, & Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders province leads country in precarious part-time work—March job stats • • • •
The ranks of unemployed workers in BC grew as full-time jobs declined slightly, while BC leads the country in the prevalence of precarious parttime work, according to March jobs numbers released today by Statistics Canada. Almost 10,000 more British Columbians were out of work compared to the previous month as the labour force grew and the full-time job count declined by more than 2,000, says BC Federation of Labour President Irene Lanzinger. “It’s always disheartening when more workers face unemployment and have to struggle even harder to get ahead in the country’s most expensive place to live,� says Lanzinger. “Clearly the March numbers snapshot a shakey jobs picture in our province.�
With part-time jobs rising by more than 6,000 compared to February, Lanzinger points out that BC leads Canada in a precarious work index— the number of part-time jobs as a percentage of total employment. According to the Statscan numbers, 21.2% of all jobs in BC are part-time, which tend to be lower paying, with fewer benefits, and unstable hours and working conditions compared to full-time work. By comparison only 18.7% of jobs in Alberta and 18.5% in Ontario are part-time. “The preponderance of precarious part-time work here in BC is indicative of a crisis in good quality jobs that weakens the foundation of our economy and underpins the high levels of disparity and inequality that are so rampant in our province,� Lanzinger says.
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINĂŠs`ryĂŠloErĂŠmynlYNfĂŠEqyĂŠPryzrĂŠvYlIĂŠivcĂŠdoĂŠEqyĂŠiqMnĂŠstorIĂŠ Gr~ĂŠdIĂŠPryimMgĂŠkrdyĂŠh~ s`fyĂŠkIqyĂŠhoeyĂŠkMmĂŠ(PryimMg)ĂŠd`ĂŠirk`rfĂŠs`&ĂŠsuQr`ĂŠhYĂŠEqyĂŠ hmyS`ĂŠpihlIĂŠv`rĂŠp`sĂŠhoieE`ĂŠhY|ĂŠ
iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro
Workers Wanted
kfimaF dI loV hY
Jarnail Maan
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal • Fax 604-850-9308
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile
* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete
Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more
Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765 PAGE 47
The Patrika
lok gIqfˆ ivwc bfl-kfiv dy rUp sn. izwkx jfˆ puwgx smyˆ gIqfˆ dIafˆ Èbd DunIafˆ mDur sMgIqk mfhOl pYdf krdIafˆ sn, pr ieh gIq iksy Bfv jfˆ arQoN pry sn. ienHfˆ dy pRvfh ivwc iksy qrHfˆ dI koeI atk jfˆ rukfvt qoN bcx leI Xojkfˆ dI Gwt vrqoN aqy inrfrQk DunIafˆ df vwD pRXog huMdf hY. ies df kfrn igxqI hY jo Kyz ivwc ihwsf lYx vfly vwK-vwK iKzfrIafˆ qy AuNglI jfˆ hwQ nfl hoxI huMdI hY. hr Èbd `qy iewk iKzfrI nUM igixaf jfˆdf hY ijs AuWpr gIq muwkdf hY, Aus isr vfrI afDuink bfl kfiv aqy lok gIqfˆ ivcly jfˆ mItI af jfˆdI hY. bfl kfiv rUp ivÈyÈ ibMdUafˆ `qy afpsI sfˆJ qy awzrfpx rwKdy hn. lok kfiv eINgx, mINgx, qlI, qlIˆgx, ivwc bwicafˆ nfl sbMiDq gIq Aucfr aqy qfrf mIrf zwkrf ikiraf nfl mnorMjn krdy hn. arQfq ienHfˆ nUM AuWcI AuWcI, mwDm jfˆ keI vfrI guV Kfmfˆ, vyl vDfmfˆ, mUlI pwqrf DImI afvfË ivwc gfieaf vI jfˆdf hY aqy pwqirafˆ vfly GoVy afey nfl-nfl koeI Kyz jfˆ ikiraf vI cldI hY. afDuink bfl kfiv pVHn dOrfn aqy hwQ kqfVI, pYr kqfVI AuprMq sohj iqRpqI qfˆ huMdI hY, pr ienHfˆ inwkl bfilaf qyrI vfrI ivwc koeI nf koeI guwJf sMdyÈ vI huMdf hY. QfÜ CotIafˆ bwcIafˆ df gIq hY, pr ies rsmI iswiKaf dIafˆ muwZlIafˆ jmfqfˆ ivwc ivwc Kyz vI Èfml hY. ies kfrn ies nUM vI bwicafˆ nUM bfl gIqfˆ nfl nfc jfˆ ikiraf Kyz gIq kihMdy hn. lVkIafˆ ies nUM gyˆd, krvfeI jfˆdI hY, pr ieh lok gIqfˆ vfˆgU iKwdo jfˆ pMj gItVf KyzdIafˆ AucfrdIafˆ inrol Kyz jfˆ nfc gIq nhIN hn. lok gIqfˆ sn. Qfl Èbd qfl ivwcoN inkilaf hY dy ieh rUp jubfnI Xfd huMdy sn aqy lMbf ikAuNik ies ivwc qfl Kfs mhwqv rwKdI hY. sPr qYa krky pIVHI dr pIVHI bwicafˆ dy Qfl pfAuNdy smyˆ bfl gIq dy bol vI bolxy sfQI bxdy sn. bfl sfihq dI muwK ivÈyÈqf pYˆdy hn aqy gyˆd jfˆ gItiVafˆ dy AuCfl df kflpink sMsfr dI isrjxf krnf hY. ies vI Kfs iKafl rwiKaf jfˆdf hY ijwQy qfl qwQ nUM muwK rwKky afDuink kfiv isrijaf aqy gIq dy bol gyˆd dy AuCfl nfloN AuKV jfˆdf hY. purfqn lok gIq vI ies nUM awKoN gey, AuWQy iewk lVkI dI vfrI muwk jfˆdI proKy nhIN krdy sn. dovfˆ bfl kfiv rUpfˆ hY aqy dUsrI lVkI dI mItI sLurU ho jfˆdI ivwc psLUafˆ- pMCIafˆ, kIVy-mkOiVafˆ, ruwKfˆhY. iewk Qfl afl mfl pUrf hoieaf Qfl, bUitafˆ df mnuwKIkrn krky bfl gIqfˆ dy AuWqy Kqm huMdf hY. iviÈafˆ dy pfqr bxfieaf igaf hY. mfqfipqf, BYx-Brf, mfmf-mfmI, dfdf-dfdI, mfˆ mfˆ guwq kr, DIey BYxy cuwp kr BUaf-PuwPV afid irÈiqafˆ df vrxn vI mfˆ mfˆ ivafh kr, DIey BYxy rfh kr ienHfˆ df kflpink sMsfr isrjx ivwc mfˆ mfˆ jMÖ afeI, DIey BYxy ikwQoN afeI Xogdfn pfAuNdf hY. lok gIq smuwcy mnuwKI jIvn df pRqwK jfˆ apRqwK rUp ivwc ibrqfˆq pyÈ krdy hn. lok kfiv isrjkfˆ ny lok mnoavsQf dy afDfr AuWqy ijwQy jvfnI smyˆ dy lok gIqfˆ aMdr rumfˆitk Bfvfˆ df AuCflf Biraf AuWQy ibrD avsQf nUM AupdyÈfqmk sMdyÈ vI idwqf. bwicafˆ dI mnoivigafnk rucI aqy mfnisk pwDr nUM smJdy hoey bfl kfiv rUpfˆ dI rcnf vI lok gIq isrjx pRikiraf df aihm ihwsf bxI.
bwcy suafAux leI lorIafˆ, Kyz dI sLurUafq leI izwkx jfˆ puwgx dy gIq, Kyzx leI Qfl, nfc leI ikwklI afid rUp bfl kfiv df nmUnf hI hn. lorIafˆ nUM Cwz ky bfkI ijvyˆ Qfl, ikwklI lVkIafˆ nfl sbMiDq hn ijnHfˆ dI isrjxf smfijk sKq inXm ho skdy hn jo lVkIafˆ nUM GroN bfhr jfx dI afigaf nhIN idMdy sn. iesy leI Gr aMdr hI Kyzfˆ KyzIafˆ jfˆdIaf sn. purfqn smyˆ ivwc ivhl, mnorMjn sfDnfˆ dI Gft, afˆZ guafˆZ nfl sfˆJ kfrn bwcy iekwTy iksy Gr dy ivhVy jfˆ KuwlHy Qfˆ `qy Kyzfˆ Kyzdy qy nwcdy gfAuNdy sn. koeI Kyz Kyzx qoN pihlfˆ puwgxf Kyzx df muwZlf Bfg jfˆ ÈurUafqI ihwsf hI huMdf sI ijs qrHfˆ afDuink Kyzfˆ ivwc tOs kIqf jfˆdf hY. iesy qrHfˆ purfqn Kyzfˆ ivwc ieh lok gIq ies df hI rUp PAGE 48
afeI ipwpl dy hyT, nfly shurf nfly jyT nfly mfˆ df jvfeI, Kfˆdf duwD qy mlfeI
Friday, April 14th, 2017
aMimRqpfl isMG sMDU bfVIafˆ
kfiem kr lYˆdIafˆ hn jo bfl sfihq dI dupwtf myry BfeI df, iPwty mUMh jvfeI df pRmuwK ivÈyÈqf hY. vIr myrf afvygf, Bfbo nUM ilafvygf awlV bwlV bfvy df, shylIafˆ sdfvfˆgy, nwcfˆgy qy gfvfˆgy. bfvf kxk ilafvygf. ienHfˆ Kyz gIqfˆ qoN ielfvf ‘kotlf-CupfkI`, bfvI bYTI CwtygI, ‘hrf-smuMdr`, ‘AUc-nIc` Kyz, ‘BMzfmfˆ pUxIafˆ vwtygI. bfvI mMn pkfvygI,
BMzfrIaf`, ‘qo vy qoqiVaf` afid lok Kyzfˆ nfl sbMiDq gIq bfl kfiv gIq df hI rUp hn. afDuink smyˆ ivwc lok gIqfˆ ivcly
bfvf bYTf Kfvygf.
Kyzfˆ aqy nfc nfl sbMiDq lok gIq qfˆ
ikwklI bwcIafˆ dIafˆ sB qoN psMdIdf Kyzfˆ ivwcoN iewk hY. ies dy gIq bflVIafˆ vfly hn. Bfvyˆ ik vwzIafˆ lVkIafˆ vI ikwklI pf lYˆdIafˆ hn. iewk dUsry df guwt jfˆ vIxI PV ky, pYr joV ky, Bfr ipCfˆh suwt ky golfeI ivwc GuMm ky ikwklI pfeI jfˆdI sI. ijvyˆ ijvyˆ gyVf gqI PVdf hY AuWnI hI qyË gqI nfl bol Aucfry jfˆdy hn. iesy kfrn CotIafˆ qukfˆ, sOKy Èbd ies lok gIq dI bxqr pwKoN ivÈyÈ BUimkf inBfAuNdy hn.
iËafdfqr ivsr hI gey hn, pr afDu-
ikwklI klIr dI, pwg myry vIr dI
pRyrnf dy skdy hfˆ.
ink bfl sfihq pVHn vwl vI bwcy iËafdf rucI nhIN idKf rhy. bwcy bfl sfihq Cwz qknIk afDfirq mnorMjn dy sfDnfˆ vwl iËafdf afkrÈq ho rhy hn. jykr asIN afp ikqfbfˆ pVHn dI afdq pfeIey qfˆ bwcy vI ikqfbfˆ pVHn vwl pRyirq hoxgy. ies qoN ielfvf skUlfˆ aqy Grfˆ ivwc purfqn Kyz gIqfˆ aqy nfc gIqfˆ dI jfxkfrI hfsl krky bwicafˆ nUM aijhIafˆ Kyzfˆ Kyzx leI
sfnUM sfzy pYk hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm Puwl tfeIm hY| qkrIbn 10 mhIny kMm cldf hY| qnKfh Xogqf anusfr idwqI jfvygI| ieMplfiemYNt leI stYNpF idwqIaF jfxgIaF| kMm : Pork ilPt zrfeIvr stYikMg bYg pYikMg suprvfeIjLr
hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kr skdy ho:
778-552-3879 jF 604-825-0113
sONdf lyP qy qulfeI. afl mfl hoieaf bIbI pUrf Qfl lorI afDuink bfl sfihq df purfqn rUp hY. afDuink smyˆ ivwc vI lorIafˆ ilKIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. lorI df asl mnorQ bwcy nUM suafAuxf hY, pr aiswDy rUp ivwc bwcy mnorMjn vI pRfpq kr lYˆdy hn. mfˆ hwQ dIafˆ QpkIafˆ dI qfl jfˆ JUly nUM ihlfAuNdI hoeI mwDm afvfË aqy surIlI sur ivwc lorIafˆ df Aucfrn krdI hY ijs dI lor ivwc bwcy sON jfˆdy hn. lorIafˆ qukbMdI pwKoN srl aqy klpnf pRDfn hox kfrn bwicafˆ dI mfniskqf nfl iekimkqf
We need workers for our Pack house, will be full time job. Wages negotiable according to job position. Job Opportunity: - Fork Lift Drivers - Stacking - Bag Packing - Supervisor
Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Patrika
pMnHf 44 dI bfkI ny iewk spYktrogrfP bxfieaf sI. ies ivwc iksy ikRstl AuWqy aYks-ryË suwt ky izPrYkÈn pYtrn vyKy-imxy jfˆdy hn. aYks-ryË iksy imwQy hoey kox AuWqy ikRstl Aupr suwtIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ qy pYtrn vyKy jfˆdy. hYnrI brYg ny afpxy puwqr ivlIam brYg nfl ies bfry gwl kIqI. Aus ny ies bfry qjrby qy igxqIafˆ-imxqIafˆ krky ikRstlfˆ dI lYits sMrcnf AuWqy qjribafˆ nUM gixq dy nym ivwc bMinHaf. Aus df ieh nym awj brYgË lfa vjoN pRiswD hY. ieh nfˆ aYks-rya ikRstlogrfPI dI nINh ikhf jf skdf hY. iesy kfrj leI 1915 df nobyl purskfr brYg ipAu-puwqr dI joVI nUM idwqf igaf ijs bfry sMkyq ies inbMD dy afrMB ivwc kIqf igaf hY. brYg joVI dy kfrj dy afDfr AuWqy ivkisq ivDI sMKyp ivwc kI hY? srl Èbdfˆ ivwc ies df jvfb ieh hY: ijs ikRstl dI sMrcnf vyKxI hY, Aus nUM aYks-ryË awgy rwKo. pRfpq izPrYkÈn pYtrn irkfrz kro. izPrYkÈn hoeIafˆ ikrnfˆ dy kox qy qIbrqf imxo. brYgË nym dy afDfr AuWqy ies do ivmfeI icwqr nUM ikRstl dI iqMn ivmfeI sMrcnf ivwc bdl lE.
ieh lwBq 1914 dI hY. iesy vrHy hIry dy ikRstl dI sMrcnf pCfxI geI. do sfl bfad gRyPfeIt ikRstl dI vwKrI sMrcnf qoN prdf AuWiTaf. iesy nfl ieh smJ afeI ik gRyPfeIt qy hIrf dovyˆ kfrbn dy vwK vwK rUp hn, pr iPr vI ieh ikAuN hY ik hIrf ikMnf sKq hY qy gRyPfeIt ieMnf nrm qy kUlf! qjribafˆ qoN pqf lwigaf ik bhuqIafˆ Dfqfˆ dy ikRstlfˆ dIafˆ iewtfˆ ikAUb (Gx) dy Cy Bujfvfˆ vfly Zfˆcy ivwc jVI lYits dy rUp ivwc hn. 1985 ivwc kfrbn df iewk nvIn ikRstl PulrIn lwiBaf ijs ivwc swT prmfxU juVy hoey sn. ies dy bhupwKI lfBfˆ kfrn ies dI KojI iqwkVI rObrt krl, ircrz smflI qy hYrlz kroto nUM 1996 ivwc rsfiex ivigafn df nobyl purskfr idwqf igaf. 2004 ivwc afˆdry gIm qy kfˆsqYˆiqn novosIlov ny kfrbn df iewk hor ikRstl grfPIn lwiBaf. grfPIn ikRstl isrP iewk prmfxU ijMnf motf hY. ieh hux qwk lwiBaf sB qoN pqlf qy sB qoNˆ mËbUq pdfrQ hY. ies dI KojI joVI nUM 2010 ivwc BOiqk ivigafn df nobyl purskfr hfsl hoieaf.
pRotInfˆ, kolYstrfl, pYnsIiln qy ivtfimn ies ivDI nfl sB qoN pihlfˆ ijs ikRstl dy ikRstlfˆ AuWqy Koj leI nobyl purskfr dI sMrcnf lwBI geI, Auh sI sfDfrn idwqy jf cuwky hn. zoroQI hfkfikn ies Kyqr nmk jo asIN roË rsoeI ivwc vrqdy hfˆ. dI isrVI bIbI hY. Aus ny 1964 ivwc nobyl
sMpfidk nMU icwTI mfxXog sMpfidk jI, siqsRIakfl . ircmMz df hspqfl hux kfPI purfxf ho cuwkf hY .ieh hspqfl 1966 ivc bixaf sI . Aus vyly ies Èihr dI abfdI 50,000 sI.ies krky Aus vyly hspfl dy 123 bYwz kfPI sn. hux ies Èihr dI abfdI 220,000 dy krIb hY aqy hspqfl dy isrP 233 bYwz kfPI nhIM hn.ies krky kimAUintI dI aqy srkfr dI mdd nfl ircmMz hspqfl ivKy iek nvfˆ aikAUt kyar tfvr bxfey jfx dIafˆ koiÈÈfˆ jfrI hn. ies nvIˆ projYkt Aupr kfPI Krc afvygf. so ircmMz hspqfl PfAUMzyÈn ny smuwcI kimAUintI dy nfl sfzI kimAUintI nUM BI mfiek shfieqf leI apIl kIqI hY. ieMzIaf klcrl sYMtr afP kYnyzf gurdvfrf nfnk invfs (nMbr 5 roz,ircmMz) dIafˆ sMgqfˆ ny idl Kohl ky dfn idqf .gurU Gr dy dfnIafˆ vloMˆ $31,500 iekwTy kIqy gey. ieMzIaf klcrl sYMtr afP kYnyzf gurdvfrf nfnk invfs dy cyarmYn aqy dfnI afsf isMG jOhl ny $10,000 dy ky ies rkm nUM $41,500 kr idqf. 31 agsq,2016 nUM gurU Gr dIafˆ sMgqfˆ vloM afsf isMG jOhl aqy Auhnfˆ dI pqnI
ÈRImqI kÈmIr kOr jOhl ny ircmMz hOspItl PfAUMzyÈn dy aiDkfrIafˆ nUM gurU Gr ivKy swd ky $41,500 df cYwk idqf. ircmMz hspqfl aqy ircmMz hspqfl dI PfAUMzyÈn dy numfieMdy ies mdd leI gurU Gr dI prbMDk kmytI aqy sMgqfˆ dy bhuq DMnvfdI hn. 7 aprYl nUM gurU Gr dI prbMDk kmytI dy kuwJ mYMbr aqy syvfdfr ircmMz hspqfl dy swdy qy hspqfl puwjy ijwQy Auhnfˆ df inwGf svfgq kIqf igaf aqy hspqfl dy tUr dy nfl cfh pfxI nfl BI syvf kIqI geI . ies tUr sdkf ieh gwl sfP hY ik ies hspqfl ivKy iek nvyˆ aikAUt kyar tfvr dI bhuq loV hY .afs hY ik kimAUintI dI ihMmq aqy srkfr dI mdd nfl jldI hI ies vfry aglf kdm puwitaf jfvygf. ies ÈuB kfrj ivc sfzI kimAUintI df BI bhuq Xogdfn hY aqy afs kIqI jfˆdI hY ik asIˆ ies kMm nUM isry cVHfAux leI vwD cVH ky ies ivc ihwsf pfAuMdy rhfˆgy. afp jI df ÈuBicMqk, blvMq isMG sMGyVf ircmMz , bI[sI[
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
jOrj PrgUsLn pirvfr AunHF sB df bhuq DMnvfd krdy hn ijnHF ny jOrj dy afKLrI mhIinaF ivWc Aus df iKafl rWiKaf| mfrc 18,2017 nMU Aus dy iPAUnrl ivWc phuMcy aqy kfrz qy PuWlF nfl ipafr jLfhr kIqf aqy hOslf vI idWqf | jOrj ny aYbtsPorz dy lokF nMU bhuq ipafr idWqf | jOrj df pirvfr qih idloN aYbtsPorz dy lokF duafrf jOrj leI idKfey gey siqkfr dI pRsMsf krdf hY |
George Ferguson’s family thank all those who cared for George in the last months of his life, all those who by presence and by participation contributed to George’s funeral on March 18, 2017 and all those who have demonstrated love and support through cards, flowers and messages. George loved the people of Abbotsford. George’s family deeply appreciates the regard and respec t the people of Abbotsford have shown for George. A funeral such as George’s requires many helping hands. George’s family thanks the suppliers who provided such quality service on short notice, City of Abbotsford staff for their co-operation, and those who volunteered their time and talents to contribute to the celebration of George’s life. Very good. Very good indeed! PAGE 50
jOrj dy iPAUnrl leI kfPI mWdd dI loV sI | jOrj df pirvfr DMnvfd krdf hY AunHF sfry splfiers df ijnF ny GWt smyN ivWc vI ienHI vDIaf syvf idWqI, istI aOP aYbtsPorz dy stfP dy sihXog df, aqy AunHF vlMtIraF df ijnF ny jOrj dI ijMLdgI nMU afpxf vkq aqy ilafkq nfl Aus dI ijLdgI df jsLn mnfieaf | bhuq vDIaf | scmuWc bhuq vDIaf |
Henderson’s Funeral Home 604-854-5534
Friday, April 14th, 2017
The Patrika
NDP candidate, Preet Rai’s office opening Open House on Saturday April 8th.
The Patrika
Friday, April 14th, 2017
C 2 F O W I EN S E N D T S C E A S O K L AT S ., R A P E fo R B IL A r 29 T T E H
This is NOT JUST A SALE! Every New In-stock Ford is on SALE! Offers good April 11 - April 15.
2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017
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✓ Instant Credit Approval Available
STOCK # EAH01065 EAH01067 EAH01068 EAH01070 EAH13777 EAH13778 EAH13780 EAH13784 EAH22890 EAH29772 EAH31739 EAH32999 EAH91384 EDH48573 EDH65085 EDH65671 EPH06626 EPH18393 EPH38141 EXH13886 EXH17184 EXH27815 EXH45195 EXH84690 EXH84694 F1G07828 F1G94177 F1H01472 F1H01473 F1H01474 F1H01477 F1H01478 F1H01479 F1H01481 F1H01482 F1H01483 F1H01484 F1H01486 F1H01574 F1H01577 F1H03775 F1H03776 F1H14643 F1H14644 F1H14645 F1H14646 F1H14649 F1H14650 F1H14653 F1H14654 F1H14655 F1H14658 F1H14659 F1H16214 F1H16217 F1H16218 F1H16220 F1H16221 F1H26830 F1H26831 F1H26832 F1H26833 F1H29299 F1H29301 F1H37435 F1H37436 F1H37437 F1H37438 F1H37440 F1H37441 F1H37442 F1H37443 F1H37444
$33,589 $36,289 $34,789 $31,739 $30,939 $30,939 $37,539 $34,939 $42,639 $32,039 $42,339 $31,589 $32,589 $57,639 $42,289 $48,939 $72,389 $75,139 $74,589 $58,639 $57,489 $56,539 $56,489 $58,449 $62,414 $39,799 $66,949 $41,899 $41,899 $56,999 $56,999 $56,999 $56,999 $58,849 $49,174 $49,174 $49,174 $48,774 $55,199 $58,249 $49,174 $55,949 $58,849 $58,849 $59,299 $59,299 $79,569 $80,119 $56,999 $56,999 $56,999 $44,399 $47,749 $46,949 $55,799 $55,699 $41,299 $45,299 $68,249 $54,229 $52,659 $52,199 $54,379 $53,599 $73,149 $73,149 $73,149 $73,149 $73,149 $63,449 $63,449 $63,449 $66,299
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✓Lease and Finance Rates from 0%
2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017
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$66,299 $49,174 $49,174 $59,039 $58,659 $59,079 $58,629 $58,629 $55,149 $55,149 $55,149 $68,349 $59,199 $56,259 $52,799 $73,149 $79,849 $47,874 $47,874 $57,099 $57,099 $40,974 $68,349 $58,659 $71,079 $71,079 $71,079 $60,729 $56,189 $56,189 $90,138 $73,574 $86,614 $84,943 $99,874 $19,699 $20,849 $20,849 $20,149 $19,999 $30,088 $43,588 $27,888 $31,288 $44,288 $36,738 $28,738 $27,488 $43,738 $27,338 $22,898 $23,598 $24,548 $23,898 $40,498 $33,498 $41,948 $54,298 $33,298 $32,798 $33,298 $49,998 $47,398 $40,448 $33,264 $33,459 $33,199 $39,099 $38,109 $39,529 $44,024 $44,024
$13,423 $11,918 $11,918 $12,700 $12,657 $12,641 $12,608 $12,624 $12,355 $12,355 $12,355 $13,573 $12,651 $12,428 $12,149 $13,266 $13,959 $11,815 $11,815 $12,489 $12,489 $9,481 $13,592 $12,657 $13,132 $13,132 $13,132 $12,213 $7,534 $7,534 $11,761 $10,332 $11,504 $11,362 $12,996 $4,767 $4,886 $4,886 $4,814 $4,789 $5,332 $6,347 $5,151 $5,431 $6,294 $5,877 $5,221 $5,119 $6,248 $5,107 $1,899 $1,969 $2,032 $1,992 $2,038 $2,306 $2,789 $4,945 $2,293 $2,266 $2,293 $3,246 $3,088 $4,343 $3,424 $3,438 $3,419 $5,150 $5,061 $5,153 $5,565 $$5,565 5 565 5,565 5,5
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$52,876 $37,256 $37,256 $46,339 $46,002 $46,438 $46,021 $46,005 $42,794 $42,794 $42,794 $54,776 $46,548 $43,831 $40,650 $59,883 $65,890 $36,059 $36,059 $44,610 $44,610 $31,493 $54,757 $46,002 $57,947 $57,947 $57,947 $48,516 $48,655 $48,655 $78,377 $63,242 $75,110 $73,581 $86,878 $15,432 $16,463 $16,463 $15,835 $15,710 $24,756 $37,241 $22,737 $25,857 $37,994 $30,861 $23,517 $22,369 $37,490 $22,231 $21,499 $22,129 $23,016 $22,406 $38,460 $31,192 $39,159 $49,353 $31,005 $30,532 $31,005 $46,752 $44,310 $36,105 $29,840 $30,021 $29,780 $33,949 $33,048 $34,376 $38,459 $38,459
MON - THURS • 8:30AM - 7PM FRI & SAT • 8:30AM - 6PM SUN • CLOSED
T H E F R A S E R VA L L E Y ’ S O N LY F O R D S U P E R S T O R E ! Vehicles advertised do not qualify for 0% financing. Dealer may sell for less. Vehicles advertised are subject to prior sale. Offers only valid at MSA Ford Sales. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. add dealer documentation and registration fees of $440, and applicable taxes and fees. All offers expire April 15, 2017.
Friday, April 14th, 2017
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BC Liberal Campaign offices open
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Arjun Kapoor 778.240.6163 Little Oak Realty
Independently Owned and Operated
Thinking of buying or selling real estate ? Call me Today! iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI iewk vfr jrUUr arjun kpUr nflL sMprk kro PAGE R3
Friday, Aprill 14th, 2017 MLS TOP 10%
Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation
Listing Needed Call Jag
#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5
Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666
Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation
OPEN HOUSE 2pm - 4pm (Sat 11th & Sun 12th)
406-30515 CARDINAL AVE
5 Acres
Lot for sale
pted Acce Offer 2 bedroom 2 bath Condo near HIGH Street/Dr. Kaler's office. Upper floor End unit, open plan with 12' feet ceilings, granite counter tops and black appliances. Master bedroom has high ceiling with view of mountains. Close to shopping, bus, recreation.
ate urt d on!) (C2oBEDROOM so mingBATH. c2oFULL
6700Sq. Ft, 4 bedroom
3 bedrooms, 2 bath,Family Room up, 2 bedroom legal suite, recroom full bath for upstairs use
West Abbotsford with a house Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety
214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission
9-3270 BLUEJAY ST 3 bdrms, 3 baths, family room double garage
30-31098, Westridge Pl, Abbotsford 3123 Babich St. 2899- Crossley Dr. Abbotsford
Blueberry Farm
2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 4 year old, 2 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall, Appollo Gym
69 - 1973 WINFIELD DR
27978 Junction, Abbotsford
Over 10000 sqft lot 6 bedroom home west Abbotsford legal suite on 31606 clearview ave
3 story, 7 bedroom, 5 bathroom
32181 Ashcroft., Abbotsford
32120 Balfour Dr.
6 bedroom, 5 bathroom
8500Sq. Ft. lot, 4 bedroom, 4 bath
34041 WAVELL LANE, Abbotsford
3044 Royal Street 5 bedroom 2 and half bath on 6600 sqft lot close to all levels of school.
43-3030 Tretheway St, 3980 Brighten Pl., Abbotsford 3 story 9 bedroom 6bath. Clearbrook village Over 5000 sqft of living. 3 bedroom 2 bath townhouse
Huge lot over 8000 sqft.
2728 Centennial, Abbotsford
3454 Sidegrove, West Abbotsford
a Over
725 Short Rd, Abbotsford 2740 Cambie St Abbotsford 2136 Opal Place, Abbotsford
32085 Ashcroft Dr
It is a 2 bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart
7 bedrooms, 5 bath, Family 5 bedroom 2 1/2 bath family room fully 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath rancher with and freeway. It is rented for $950 per Room, recroom, built in renovated home near new hospital, cul- over 8000 sqft lot month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a 2008, Near Park, Must see de-sac. new house.
Ross, Fraser Hwy Area Good for Trucker
3 story 9 bedroom 5 bath west Abby.
2135 Bakerview 4 bedroom
New Listing 5 ACRES, Rolling Land 6 Bdrm, Workshop Rented $2500 Per month
Custom Built 3 Story home 4 bdrms upstairs, Family Rm, Living Rm, 2 bdrm legal suite, Media Rm, Office in another Master bdrm on main, 6720Sq, Ft, lot, Near All Amenities
#22-3030 Trethway bdrm townhouse
33951, Mccrimmon Dr. Abbotsford 2889 Victoria Street 32277 Peardonville Road 6 bedrooms, 4 bath, 17000 Sq.Ft. Lot, recroom, 3 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall
Almost 11000 Sq. Ft. 5 bdrm, 2 bath sold
This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each.
36432 Estevan Court, Abbotsford
35358 Wells, Gray Avenue #102 - 3080 Townline Rd 2081 Bakerview Fully Abbotsford renovated house 4 bedroom 3 bedroom, 2 bath
on 7000 Sq.Ft lot
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Baldev Singh Gill
30540 Brookside Ave
Gorgeous 4.26 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful house very close to, Elementary School, new Highstreet Mall and Kalgidhar Gurdwara. Home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Roof only few years old. Prime location, no through road and easy freeway access. Separate driveway for heavy vehicles.
30676 W Osprey NEW LISTING
34641 7th Ave
3 barns and 1 workshop
Very Good Rental Income $2,675,000
25 31235 Upper Maclure Rd Abbotsford
Ve r y s p a c i o u s 2 bedroom condo with new laminate ooring, walk out patio and 2 PARKING STALLS. Very popular rental property, no rental restrictions. Hotwater and Heat is included in the strata fee.
2 houses
42522 Keith Wilson Rd
406 32075 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford
Level 23 Acres
135 2700 McCallum Road NEW LISTING
Just 8 year old with 3 bedroom, rec room and 4 bath townhome close to all levels of schools. Stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. Shows ver y nice.
Very bright and spacious 2 Bedroom with 2 full bath condo. Freshly painted. Carpet, vinyl in the kitchen, cupboard doors, light xtures in the kitchen and living room are just few years old. Close to Matsqui Recreation Centre, Schools and Easy Highway access.
Great starter home located in a quitecul-desac. Just stepts away from the US border. Flat fenced lot with additional back lane access to the property.
Beautiful 3 STORY HOME near Hightstreet Mall. 4 bedrooms and 2 full bath upstairs plus full basement with separate entry & R/I bathroom (potential for two bedroom suite). Newer laminate oors and blinds. Dr
2300 square foot Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet Dead End Street. 7700 Sq. ft. lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in a basement.
33257 Chelsea Ave
10 Acres
Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Expected yeild for 2017 is approx. 200000 pounds. Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm $1,659,000
Duke Blueberry Farm 5 year old House 5 bedrooms Expected production
41010 No. 2 Rd
120,000 lbs $1,889,800
#2-30989 Westridge
37-31032 Westridge Pl. 3513 Merritt, Abbotsford 33414 Kingsley Terrace 20079 Wansted St
2914 Royal Street
Nicely renovated rancher with 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in West Abbotsford. UPGRADES INCLUDE: New windows, blinds, kitchen cabinets with solid plywood boxes,
ce SO king pri over as
30630 Steelhead Crt 32133 Autumn Ave Over 2800 Sq.Ft. quality Very beautiful 3 built rancher close to bedroom rancher Kalgidhar Darbar eon on quiet Street. Flat c i Gurdwara . 9ft ceiling r p e c g i n kpir main oor vsewith oa krinags crown for build your moulding. 57,0ov0e0r Just steps to lotfuture D a $v e K a n d a l dream Elementary School, home. Vinyl Churches , Parks &
48 - 31255 Upper Maclure
2966 Glenavon Street #29- 31125 Westridge
Super Mcmillan location. Close to Very Clean 5 Prince Charles bedroom basement Elementary School, entry Fraser Middle School, house, Rec room with Yale Secondary School full washroom, Living and Abbotsford room, Family room, Recreation Centre. 2 bedroom legal
5 year old three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath plus rec. room townhouse in West Abbotsford. Near all level of schools, Gurudwara and Apollo Gym. Excellent location.
#12 3087 Immel
Three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room,kitchen and family room townhouse. Close to shopping, recreation, and French Immersion Elementary School.
2620 Caboose Place
Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford's newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths, mail€oor has of…ce and spice kitchen too. 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, bar, bedroom and full bath for upstairs use.
1 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools. Excellent location.
2 year new townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like New Condition. Near all levels of schools, Gurudwara Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.
Fair…eld Estates! Immaculate Rancher with 2Bedroon LEGAL SUITE in one of the bestneighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Thishome features 7 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living room, dining, family room,big new patio off the kitchen & a €at private backyard.
Super cleanbasement entry home on a corner lot. Living room, kitchen, dining, 3bedroomsand two bath up, 1 bedroom LEGAL SUITE down. New€ooring, paint and less than 2 year old roof. Close to University and easy access to freeway.
7200 Sq. Ft. Lot. Very well maintained house. Granite counter tops& Central Air Conditioner. Located on dead end street
Friday, Aprill 14th, 2017
Davesher Harmesh Davesher Rupinder Personal Real Estate Corporation Realtor
FREE Market Evaluation Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes
2576 Caboose Place, Abbotsford
Brand New Home West Abby!
Real Estate Office
in the Entire Fraser Valley For 16 Years
(Production per Sales Person)
OPEN HOUSE Saturday 2:00 - 4:00
Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
2 storey w/fully finished bsmnt. Main features large family rm open to kitchen, spice kitchen, dining rm, living rm & den. Upper has 4 bdrms & 3 full baths. Bsmnt has 2 bdrms, 2 baths, rec room, media room & play room.
Call Harmesh 604-897-4521
34061 Townshipline Road - Abby
Blueberry Farm in Excellent location in Matsqui, Abbotsford
27638 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford
OPEN HOUSE - Sunday 2:00 - 4:00
New Beauty in Abbotsfsord
This is a “must see” home! High ceilings, den/office, huge island, spice & main kitchen. 2 sundecks, good size backyard. Minutes from High Street Mall and #1 HWY!
32672 14th Avenue, Mission
5862 Sq ft Luxury Home!
Some of the finest blueberry growing land in BC. Farm production is consistent & at full production levels. Two houses & multiple barns & sheds provide great rental income. Approximately 10 acres Duke, 5 acres Bluecrop, 1 acre Elliot and 1 acre Bluegold.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
3501 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford 5172
3887 Sq Ft Home/West Abby
2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Perfect location near Mission Rec Center, shopping L& all schools. 8 bdrms, 6 full baths. Granite countertops. Triple garage. RV parking, theatre rm & bar, 3 covered decks. Open fl plan and high ceilings.
Call Harmesh 604-897-4521
3396 Headwater Place
Legal Suite - West Abby
2 storey w/fully finished bsmnt!! Near High St. Mall, close to 3 schools. Walk to Appollo Gym & churches. Easy freeway access. 4 bdrms, 3 full baths & laundry up. Almost 4000 sq ft home!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
3178 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford 5161
Brand New Home!
Huge 2 storey home. Near High St. Mall, freeway and U.S. border!! 4 bdrms + laundry up w/3 full baths. Main has liv rm, fam rm, kitchen, din rm, powder rm PLUS nanny OR in-law suite OR Home based
business!! Priced to Sell!!
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT OF YOUR RENTAL PROPERTIES For information please call our Property Management Division
Cheri Dudley Property Manager
604-820-9000 Cell: 604-854-0011
Friday, April 14th, 2017
32703 Unger Court, Mission 5082
2828 Alice St., Abbotsford 5171
3034 Tims Street, Abbotsford 5061
Building / Development 5160
Quality built 4 bdrm Home!
Maple kitchen w/granite counter tops. Each bedroom has own ensuite. Plus 2 bedroom legal suite. Still time to pick your colours. Act Fast!! Call Harmesh 604-897-4521
2387 Southdale Cres., Abbotsford 5085
Split Entry - Abbotsford!!
Abbotsford Rancher!
Renovated Rancher with basement, 3 bdrms up and 3 bdrms down. Close to Matsqui Recreation Center and Elementry, Middle and High schools. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Call Harmesh 604-897-4521
Fully finished basement, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Large car-port. Fenced backyard. Priced to sell!!
Call Harmesh 604-897-4521
Great Location/Abbotsford! Close to shopping and all amenities and churches!! Great investment property. Property has legal suite.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
7820 Falcon Cresent, Mission 5192
Great Mission Location!
- 109 Building Lots Spectacular 3-6 bedroom homes surrounded by stunning views This high end gated community offers you a choice of fully-serviced lots from 1/4 acre to 2 acre Estate Homes, elegant Executive Ranchers with two basements or Contemporary 2 storeys with basement or building lots. All homes have amazing views looking south over Hatzic Lake, renowned Westminster Abbey and towards Abbotsford, BC and Sumas WA
1,800 sq ft house, good location. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Call now for yor private tour.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
4 building lots. Beautiful Hatzic Ridge Estates #5, 13, 24, 25 34854 Ferndale Ave Mission Gated quality controlled sub-division. Bring your fussiest buyes. The “Eagle Mountain” of Mission. $549,000 each 4,005.25 sq ft building lot!! Abbotsford Can build 2 story home w/legal coach house on detached garage. Near hi-way 1, High St Mall & USA border. $439,000
East Abbotsford Building Lot 35629 Zanatta Place 5928 sq ft lot near Delair Park!! Close to shopping, Castle Fun Park, easy access to hwy #1. $415,000
Rupinder Davesher Personal Real Estate Corporation
Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
MISSION 10 Acre Building Site! 10394 Stave Lake Privacy among the hills and mature forests. Large level building site. Septic and well in place. Build your dream home. (Owner can build for you!!) 10 minutes drive from West Coast Express. $599,000
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Friday, Aprill 14th, 2017
2790 2 27 279 790 A 79 Allwood lllw llw llwood wood ood oo od St SStreet treet
• Value in LAND ONLY • House is a tear down
S For t o L
• Falcon Ridge • Lot size= 19,000+ sf
• Lot size= 6182 sf
• Appointment Only!
33727 1st Avenue, Mission
604 4-85 55-0 0800 604-855-0800 irbinder77@gmail.ccom
778 8 -241-7451 -2 241- 7451
Abb Ab Abbotsford, bb botssfo for orrd, ord, d, BC C V2T 3R7
• Large Lot • Plans are available
36421 Florence Drive
• Investment Opporunity • will need some TLC • 2 Bedrooms
• Blueberry Farm
• Warehouse & Pump Houses • Drip Irreg & Some Equip
•Matsqui Area
• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)
34350 Bateman Road
cres A 1 4
• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm
Lot 6 Glenmore Road
• Blueberry Farm • Flat / Rectangular • 4 bedroom 2 bath • BlueCrop/Duke Variety • Drip Irreg & Some • Matsqui Area Equip
3520 Latimer Street
9 Ac 25.3
• Drip Irreg • Flat / Rectangular • Elliot Variety
6113 Beharrell Road
7.092 Acres Haverman Road
cres A 2 8
es Acr 5 ox ppr
• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area
• Close to all levels of school
• Living Space = 2002 sf • Lot = 8420 sf
2052 Vinewood Street .....................................$530,000 34125 Higginson Crescent .............................$895,000 5 - 33890 Marshall Road ..................................$789,900 44 - 30748 Cardinal Avenue ...........................$459,700
• Blueberry Farm • LAND ONLY • Bradner Area
•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety
• House & Acerage • Rectangular • Aberdeen Area Property Rental Income
Lot 1 on Glenmore Road
• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty
• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production
430 Bowman Road
res c A 10
5111 Tolmie Road............................................$1,149,900 4627 Dixon Road ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road ........................................$874,700 565 Marion Road ........................................... $1,699,900
mth approx
•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety
• 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths
cres A 3 4
res c A .8
• Unf Bsmt for your ideas!
122 - 32850 George Ferg Way
307 - 33255 Old Yale Road...............................$248,100 30 - 31235 Upper Maclure ..............................$452,000 3520 Latimer Street ..........................................$585,000 122 - 32850 George Ferguson .......................$125,000
• 1 Bath • Living space= 925 sf • Strata= $346.41/
• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show
• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay
39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 McCallum Road ~ Agassiz ........................... $2,300,000 Taylor Road ~ MtLehman Area .................. $2,799,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900
Friday, April 14th, 2017
Rupinder AZAD& Associates 604-825-4321
Parm Brar 778.549.4946
koeI vI Gr, pRfprtI jF ibjins KRIdxf jF vycxf hovy qF ieh iewk bhuq hI smJdfrI vflf PYslf huMdf hY. aijhy mOky leI asIN quhfzI mwdd leI hfjLr hF. iewk vfrI jLrUr imlo jF Pon kro!
FOR SALE Indian Sweet Shop and Restaurant Established business. Turn Key operation! All equipment included in price. Low rent and low overhead expenses. Good cash flow business for the right minded. For further inquiry contact Rupinder Azad.
iksy qrHF dI pROprtI (Gr, Pfrm jF ibjLins) KRIdx jF vycx leI prm brfV nfl aWj hI sMprk kro ! #2- 2838 Garden Street, Office: 604.853.3374 Abbotsford BC V2T 4W7 Email: Website:
Price Reduced: $109,900
5 Acres Bare Land In Abbotsford Located on a peaceful no-thru street in South Abbotsford on Laxton St off of Huntingdon Rd close to airport. This desirable level acreage has grade A gravel based soil and is ideal for a hobby farm or an estate home with Mt. Baker views. Asking $1,499,000
Commercial Investment/Building for Sale/Lease in Downtown Abbotsford 3055 sq ft building on a 3300 sq ft lot at 33760 Essendene Ave. Asking $699,000 or $12 + triple net for lease. High traf c/high visibility area. Ideal for professional services or retail sales. Bus service is directly in front. Please call or email Jim Braich for more info. PAGE R9
Friday, Aprill 14th, 2017
Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014
12 Years Experience!
12 Years Experience! /
Shinder Gill PREC
Parvinder Harry
Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings 604-859-2341
2807 Maple St
2710 McMillan Road
7 - 3322 Blue Jay Street
3555 Viewmount Pl
SOLD $829,900
$720,000 (4 BDRM)
Perfect opportunity to own and operate a home based business with storefront on Maple st. and home front on Walnut Ave. Fraser health approval and Architect plans of 800 sqft for restaurant, daycare, hair salon and anyother business you can run under C-1 Zoning. The Store is professionally done with 2 pc bath, janitor room and air conditioned.
2122 Merlot Blvd
2 BRAND NEW superior built homes that offers exceptional quality and design! Apprx 2300 sq ft homes with legal coach suite for extra income! Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with immaculate kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 9-ft ceiling on main floor for an open, spacious feeling. Located in East Abbotsford, close to Yale Secondary School, ARC Rec Centre and nearby to some of the finest facilities only a few minutes away from your new home! Major shopping and freeway access is also nearby.
20623 85 Ave, Langley
Custom built home in one of the Best subdivision called "Pepin Brook Estates" surrounded by vineyard and agricultural land. Great layout, features open to above familyroom, open kitchen with granite counter tops, 4 bedrooms up( 2 of them are Masterbedrooms), media room & bar area is rough in for your idea.
. Beautiful, Spacious 2 storey plan with great yard and full basement. No neighbours in the back. 10' high main floor ceilings with over-heighted doors, modern, stylish kitchen with walk in pantry, great room with elegant linear f/p. Mster suite has a large walk-in and baosts spacious, high end ensuite bath with framless beautiful shower.
2862 Princess St
3075 Townline Rd
3535 Summit Drive
Custom built home backs onto greenbelt in private gated community. This 3 story home features spacious 4 bedrooms up with all walk in closets (2 Master bedrooms) 3 full bathrooms up. The main floor boosts up with high entry ceilings, living room, family room, high end kitchen cabinets with spice kitchen plus quartz counter tops. The basement has Theatre room w bedroom suite.
2175 Ridgeway St
Open House on Saturday 2-4 and Sunday 12-2. Well built home on a great cul de sac. It has 6 bedrooms with a rec room. Also includes 3 1/2 bathrooms, 2 bedroom legal suite, tile roof, family and living room.
2651 Macbeth Crescent
SOLD Wow! Beautiful 8 Bedroom 6 bathroom home, located on a huge 8455 sq ft lot! Main floor has 12' ceilings in living room w/ lots of big windows providing tons of natural light & wet bar in dining room. The kitchen boasts a spacious open layout with laminate and tile floors throughout home. Above floor features 2 MASTER BDRMS each having its own ensuite. Basement has 2 BDRM legal suite and 1 BDRM guest accommodations.
36077 Emily Carr Grove
Under Construction!
$ 669,000 Great Family Home on large, almost 7000 sq ft lot! This immaculate, bright & open home has been totally renovated upstairs AND downstairs! Upstairs host 3 bdrms incl. master bdrm w/ 2 pc ensuite & 2 bdrm legal suite w/ access to separate laundry. Features include, BRAND NEW light fixtures, windows, kitchen cabinets, new bathrooms & quartz counter tops. There is a fireplace upstairs and downstairs with a new furnace. Freshly painted exterior & interior with modern colors and new laminate floors/ new tiles throughout home & new carpets in bedrooms! Plus, plenty of parking space in open driveway. Prime location near all amenities like Schools, Mill Lake Park & New Abbotsford Regional Hospital. Property is vacant and ready to move in!
32673 Pandora Ave
Updated home on huge 7200 sqft lot in great location, walking distance to Yale Secondary School & ARC gym. Updated with laminate floors, living room boasted up with new electric fire place, light fixtures, new carpet, paint, newer windows, newer garage door , 1 year old roof and more!
8302-204th Street Langley
2898 Station Rd Abbotsford
Rancher with full basement apprx. 1250 sq ft upstairs 1050 sq ft downstairs! This home has 3 Bdrms up w/ 1 1/2 Bath & 2 Bdrms down on apprx 6,300 sq ft level lot. Great for investors and first time home owners. Prime location, close to amenities, bus stop, all levels of schools.
This welcoming home is pristine and well maintained! External features include extra wide driveway, new roof - only 1Yr old, huge covered sundeck & private fenced yard. Inside home has newer carpets, new plumbing throughout entire home, vaulted ceiling in master bedroom & living room with great view of Mt. Baker! Excellent location; easy highway and bus access, within
Brand New 2 Storey w/ Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. Buyers can pick their own color scheme. The upper floor offers 3 Bdrms up + 1 Mbdrm & Walk in Closet w/ a 1 Bdrm suite + Rec Room on below level.
Great Home , Great Location! Very Spacious home with 3 Bdrms up, 2 bdrm legal suite and a bedroom for upstairs use. 3Baths, New Windows, Laminate Flooring, New Baseboards, New Blinds With a Brand New
Plans are ready to view. Please refer to documents attached. Lot is ready to build on!
Like New Custom Built Gorgeous Home! A total of 5 Bdrm & 4 1/2 Bath, tasteful features with open layout , Offering 2 Master Bedrooms with spectacular high end tiles and built in cupboards for the office room. This modern home features 12' High Ceilings, lots of windows throughout for natural sunlight, huge kitchen with granite counter tops, designer color scheme.
NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.
We have qualified buyers sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.
Friday, April 14th, 2017
30th Annual Vaisakhi Luncheon with Keynote Speaker: Mr. Baltej S. Dhillon
Friday, Aprill 14th, 2017