WEEKLY Friday, May 19th, 2017 Vol. 21, No.32
UFV Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies celebrates 10 years, rebrands as South Asian Studies Institute
Arjun Kapoor
778.240.6163 www.homesbykapoor.com
Thinking of buying or selling lling real estatee ? day! Call me Today!
Little Oak Realty
Independently Owned and Operated
See page 27.
The Patrika
pMjfb Bvn ivwc kyNdrI pMjfbI lyKk sBf vloN ibkr isMG Kosf df khfxI sMigRh "inwkI inwkI vft" rIlIjL kridaF
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Ricky Dhaliwal
Business Development Manager
ricky.dhaliwal@cwccanada.com CWC Immigration Solutions Inc
DO YOU HAVE A FARM ? kI quhfzy kol Pfrm hY? pMjfbIaF df mfx pihlvfn insLfn rMDfvf ipCly hPqy dysL brfjLIl ivKy sInIar pYn-amYrkn rYsLilMg cYpIanisLp krvfeI geI. ijs ivc dunIaF dy msLhUr pihlvfn ny ihwsf ilaf aqy gurU goibMd isMG rYsLilMg klwb dy pihlvfn insLfn rMDfvf ny vI knyzf tIm vloN bhuq hI AuqsLfh nfl ihwsf ilaf. pihlvfn insLfn rMDfvf ny knyzf vfsqy qFby df mYzl ijwiqaf aqy gurU goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb df mfx vDfieaf. Xfd
pihlvfn insLfn rMDfvf pMjfbI BfeIcfry df rhy pihlvfn insLfn rMDfvf Ausqfd bUtf smyN df AuBrdf hoieaf pihlvfn hY. ijs qoN BivwK ivwc bhuq hI AumIdF hn. isMG ZIzsf dy irsLqy ivc Bfxjf hY.
DO YOU NEED SKILLED WORKERS ? kI quhFnMU hunrmMd kfimaF dI loV hY?
Cell : 604-859-2624
Office : 604 852 4444 | Fax : 778 856 4444
Friday, May 19th, 2017
The Patrika
asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
sMpfdkI “sLguwPLqf idl BI tUty hUey hY aMdr sy, bhuq roqy hY ijnko lqIPy hoqy Xfd rihqy hY Kudf ny Xh isPq dunIaF kI hr aOrq ko bKsLI hY ik voh pfgl BI ho jfey qo bwcy Xfd rihqy hY.” ‘munwvr rfxf’
njLrF qoN bcfieaf huMdf qy iPr AuhI puwq buwZI mF jo izAuZI `c bYTI quhfnUM AuzIkdI rihMdI hY-ibn imly aMdr lMG jFdy ho ieh soc ky ik mF nfl kI gwl krIey, mF nUM qF ieknOimks afAuNdI nhIN, ibjinsL qy nOkrI bfry kuJ jfxdI nhIN sLyar bfjLfr qoN anjfx hY mF. bcpn `c iek dunIaF sI mF-rwb sI quhfzf qy iPr Auh suwKF mMgdf konf jdoN hmysLf hmysLf leI KflI ho jFdf hY qF mF dI kImq df pqf cldf hY jo bVI dyr ho cuwkI huMdI hY AudoN qwk.
mF dy irsLqy df koeI bdl nhIN-ieh myvf bs iek vfrI hI nsIb huMdf hY:mdrjL-zy (mF idvs) PfdrjL-zy (ipqf idvs) vFg hr qrHF afAuNdf qy clf jFdf hY. bVf sLor huMdf hY tI[vI qy aKbfrF ivc mhInf pihlF hI mF-bfp leI qohiPaF dI “ipafr iksy kihqy hY aOr mmqf ikaf cIj hY, ivkrI dI rwj ky numfiesL kIqI jFdI hY BfvyN keI GrF `c mfvF puwqF nUM afpxI muwk cuwkI duafeI dIaF duhfeIaF dy rhIaF huMdIaF hn. keI mfpy puwqF dIaF bysmYNtF `c ikrfey Xh voh Aunsy pUCIey ijnkI mr jfqI hY mF.” qy rihMdy vI drvfjy vwl itkitkI lfeI rwKdy hn DIaF puwqF dy mUMh vyKx leI, Auh mF bfp ijnHF ny BuwKy iqhfey rihky quhfnUM pfilaf pVHfieaf huMdf hY, quhfzI hr cIjL qoN kdI kdI ijLMdgI ivc ies qrHF vI huMdf hY ik afdmI nUM duwK musIbqF af Gyrdy hn AuWTdf bihMdf bMdf ‘hfey mF’ kihky AuTdf hY qy socdf hY vfry vfry gey huMdy hn. quhfzy leI hjLfrF qrHF kI sfzy mfipaF vI kdI eyny duwK qklIPF shy hoxgy, pr dy duwK suwK Jwly huMdy hn. puwqF dy hjLfrF gunfh lukfey huMdy hn, mF ny ipAu dI kut qoN bcfieaf sfnUM kdy mihsUs nhIN hox idwqy, huMdf hY, lko lko ky rwKy pYsy puwq nUM lko ky hI “Gr kI ies bfr mukMml qlfsLI lUMgf, idwqy huMdy hn gm iCpf kr myry mF bfp khf rwKqy Qy.” pr:-aksr[[[ “sLihr my jfkr pVny vfly BUl gey iks kI mF ny ikqnf jLyvr bycf Qf”. jo quhfzy do pl dyr nfl afAux qy dihlIjF ivc duafvF krdI nhIN sI QwkdI qy qusIN Aus nUM dUjI vfr puwCx qy vI afpxf ros lukf nhIN skdy-ijs ny kfly itwky lf lf ky jLmfny dIaF
asIN iks qrHF dI nvIN qihjLIb dy BfgI ho gey hF, ijwQy mfpy puwqF nUM puwCky AunHF dy kmiraF `c jf skdy hn. ieh AuhI mF huMdI hY ijhVI kdy quhfnUM rfq nUM zr lwgx qy sfrI rfq sONdI nhIN sI:“eyk muwdq sy myrI mF nhIN soeI “qfibsL”, mynY iek bfr khf Qf muJy zr lgqf hY.” mF idvs qy asIN vwD qoN vwD vDIaf qohPf qy jsLn mnfAux dI koisLsL krdy hF. pr 364 idn iPr mF dy ikwDr jFdy hn? gurdvfry mMdr `c rwb qF hI KusL huMdf hY jy qusIN GrF dy rwbF nUM KusL krdy ho. kQn hY ik rwb ny ikhf sI ik mYN hr jgfh hfjLr nhIN ho skdf ies leI Aus ny mF dI isrjnf kIqI. rwb ny ikhf jf nhIN, ies df qF pqf nhIN pr mF df drjf rwb vrgf jLrUr hY. isafixaF df kQn hY ik afiKr dunIaF iksy nf iksy shfry KVI hY. srvx puwqrF dI vI kmI nhIN ijhVy afKrI dm qwk mipaF df shfrf bxy rihMdy hn. kI sfnUM nhIN lgdf ik ibrD afsLrm vI lfvfrsF leI huMdy hn qy iPr jnmdfqy lfvfrs kdoN qoN ho gey? quhfzI ijLMdgI dI qyjL rPqfr ivc ipsx leI bjurg mF bfp hI rih gey ikAuN? iek grIb mF df jd pqI cl visaf qy Aus ny afpxy kwly kfry puwq nUM lokF df golf DMdf krky pfilaf, pVHfieaf, ivafh kIqf-ivafh qoN bfad pqI pqnI nUM sLihr hI nOkrI iml geI-mF buwZI ho geI-kMm kfjL krn qoN asmrQ-kdy dvfeI-kdy grOsrI qMg afey dohF jIaF ny mF nUM ibrD afsLrm `c Cwzx df PYslf kIqf mF nUM Cwz ky qurn lwgy puwq nUM mF asIsF dyx lwgI kihMdI, “jIAuNdf rih, jvfnIaF mfxy puwq, vwDy Puwly-qyry bwcy kdy qYnUM ibrD afsLrm `c nf Cwz ky jfx-bVf aOKf huMdf hY puwq afpxIaF afdrF qoN dUr rihxf qy afKrI sfh ibgfny hwQF `c lYxf.” “rwb bhfny mr muwk geIaF afpo afpxIaF mfvF lwBdy lokI rox guafcI rUh df imwtI coN isrnfvF lwBdy.” afAu iPr mF idvs vFg hr idn mF dy lyKy lfeIey-Auprokq sB gwlF nUM JuTlfeIey, mF dIaF asIsF lY ky byiPkrI dI nINd hMZfeIey-mF dI CfvyN bhIey-bfpU bohV vrgI Aumr hMZfeIey. amIn
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
iËMdgI dI KUbsUrqI df KËfnf sihxÈIlqf kYlfÈ cMdr Èrmf
iensfnI guxfˆ ivwcoN iewk aijhf gux ijs dI vrqoN krdf hoieaf mnuwK afpxI ÈKsIaq nUM inKfr skdf hY, Auh hY sihxÈIlqf df gux. ieh iewk aijhf gux hY jo ivakqI nUM bury qoN bury hflfqfˆ ivwc vI GbrfAux nhIN idMdf aqy dlyrI nfl tfkrf krn dI ÈkqI pRdfn krdf hY. ieh Auh cfbI hY jo iksmq dy bMd drvfËy KolH idMdI hY. ieh AuqÈfh qy pRsMnqf df KËfnf hY. iksy vI pRbMDk dI kuÈlqf Aus dI sihxÈIlqf `qy hI inrBr krdI hY, ijs dI vrqoN krdf hoieaf Auh afpxy vwKo-vwKry suBfa vfly sfQIafˆ koloN vwD qoN vwD kMm kZvf skdf hY. ieh jIvn ivwc ÈfˆqI qy imTfs Brn dI iewk bhuq vwzI klf hY. jo ivakqI ies klf nUM nhIN iswKdy, Auh bhuq kuJ hox dy bfvjUd vI iekwTy rihx df afnMd nhIN lY skdy. sihxÈIl ivakqI ivwc rIJ, afs, Bfvnfvfˆ aqy idlI cfvfˆ nfl sjfey supinafˆ dI dunIafˆ CupI huMdI hY. afqmivÈvfs nfl BrpUr mOsmfˆ dy aMg-sMg cwlx aqy smfijk sbMDfˆ nUM kfiem rwKx dy hunr dy nfl sihxÈIl ivakqI dy Èbdfˆ ivwc Puwlfˆ vrgI imTfs huMdI hY. Auh afpxy aMdr dI afvfË suxdf hY qy afpxy pYrfˆ nUM Êlq rfhfˆ `qy qurn qoN rokdf hoieaf cMgyrf mfrg drÈk iswD huMdf hY. sihxÈIl ivakqI afpxy suBfa ivwc sMquln rwKdy hn. jdoN dUsry df guwsf Èfˆq ho jfvy qfˆ qrk nfl jvfb idMdy hoey muskrfht aqy afqmivÈvfs nfl Aus dI jubfn bMd kr idMdy hn. sfzI iËMdgI iewk bhuq vwzy smuMdr dI qrHfˆ hY, ijs ivwc duwK aqy smwisafvfˆ dy rUp ivwc jvfr Bfty aksr afAuNdy rihMdy hn, ijs nfl sfzf jIvn rUpI pfxI gMdf hox lwgdf hY. ies hflfq ivwc aksr asIN Gbrf jfˆdy hfˆ, pr sihxÈIl ivakqI ivafkul nhIN huMdf blik Èfˆq mn nfl ies df hwl lwBdf hY. ies qrHfˆ kuJ smyˆ bfad ieh smwisafvfˆ qy duwK afpxy afp hI Kqm ho jfˆdy hn. afpxI hoeI inMdf dI vI sihxÈIl ivakqI prvfh nhIN krdf ikAuNik ieh Auh smJdf hY ik inMdf qfˆ kyvl ijAuNdy lokfˆ dI hI huMdI hY, mirafˆ dIafˆ qfˆ kyvl qfrIPfˆ hI huMdIafˆ hn. awj dy Xuwg
ivwc pirvfrk anuÈfsn kfiem rwKxf vI tyZI KIr hY, ijs nUM Gr dy muKI vwloN kyvl sihxÈIlqf dy gux nfl hI kfiem rwiKaf jf skdf hY. ieiqhfs gvfh hY ik bl, qfkq dy nfl ijnHfˆ Èfskfˆ kol sihxÈIlqf df gux sI, AunHfˆ ny hI afpxf iswkf clfieaf sI. iesy hI gux sdkf Auh afpxy iksy iPrky jfˆ vrg `qy afpxf dbdbf kfiem rwK sky. sihxÈIlqf vrgy guxfˆ nfl ley PYsly AusfrU huMdy hn jo kfmXfbI vwl nUM sfzy kdm vDfAuNdy hn. awj dy Xuwg ivwc sihxÈIlqf df mqlb glq smJ ilaf jfˆdf hY. ies nUM ivakqI dI kmËorI smiJaf jfˆdf hY. Xfd rwKo, sihxÈIlqf df Bfv ivakqI df iksy gwloN zr jfˆ kmËorI nhIN hY. ieh qfˆ mhfˆÈkqI hY. bhuq ÈkqIÈflI ivakqI hI sihxÈIl ho skdf hY. kmËor afdmI kdy vI sihxÈIl nhIN ho skdf. sihx krn df arQ hY, ivkfs hoxf. irÈiqafˆ dI KUbsUrqI vI iewk dUjy dI gwl nUM brdfÈq krn ivwc hI hY. sihxÈIlqf dI kmI krky hI awj irÈqy dUr huMdy jf rhy hn. pqI-pqnI dy irÈiqafˆ ivwc drfVfˆ aqy qlfk qwk dI nObq vI asihxÈIlqf df hI nqIjf hn. nOjvfnfˆ ivwc aksr sihxÈIlqf dI kmI vyKx nUM imldI hY. iesy leI hI ajoky smyˆ ivwc bwicafˆ aqy mfipafˆ ivwc qkrfr rihMdf hY. mfipafˆ vwloN smfˆ nf imlx kfrn bwcy afpxy afp nUM axgOilaf mihsUs krdy hn jo AunHfˆ ivwc asihxÈIlqf df kfrn bxdf hY. nOjvfnfˆ ivwc niÈafˆ df ruJfn vI AunHfˆ dI asihxÈIlqf df hI nqIjf hY. ies leI afE afpxy bw i cafˆ nU M pU r f smfˆ idMdy hoey, AunHfˆ dIafˆ ËrUrqfˆ df iDafn rwKdy hoey bcpn qoN hI AunHfˆ ivwc sihxÈIlqf vrgy gux ivksq krn dI koiÈÈ krIey qfˆ jo Auh afpxI afAux vflI iËMdgI nUM ibnfˆ iksy muÈkl dy hMZfAuNdy hoey nroey smfj dI isrjxf kr skx. PAGE 5
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
BC Hydro helps Abbotsford residents save up to $300 on select ENERGY STAR appliances ABBOTSFORD: Abbotsford residents in the market for a new appliance can save hundreds of dollars on some of the most energy-efficient appliances. From now until June 15, BC Hydro and the City of Abbotsford are offering rebates up to $100 each on select ENERGY STAR washing machines. BC Hydro is also offering $100 rebates on select ENERGY STAR dryers and refrigerators. In addition, participating retailers and manufacturers are offering further rebates, up to $200 on select ENERGY STAR appliances, bringing potential savings up to $300. Appliances can account for up to 20 per cent of a household’s electricity use. Switching to ENERGY STAR appliances saves customers money and energy. For example:
of washing machines. An ENERGY STAR front-loading machine can cut water use by nearly 40 per cent and electricity use up to 65 per cent compared to a conventional top loader. • Electric clothes dryers are estimated to account for 12 per cent or more of total electricity costs. ENERGY STAR clothes dryers use 20 per less energy. BC Hydro customers can also take their savings to the next level by making smart energy choices in conjunction with these high-efficiency appliances. • Washing laundry in cold water can save up to $27 per year. • Adding a dry towel to a dryer load can significantly reduce drying times and save up to $27 per year. • Setting the fridge and freezer to their ideal temperature can save up to $25 per year. The fridge should be set between 2°C and 3°C and the freezer should be at -18°C.
• Refrigerators are often the most energy-consuming appliance in the home. Replacing a fridge that is 10 years old or older with an ENERGY STAR model could save $40 a year on For information on eligible purchase electricity costs. dates, qualifying models and rebate • Heating water accounts for 90 amounts, visit powersmart.ca/appliper cent of the energy consumption ances.
Prep your car for summer road trips celebrating Canada’s 150th (NC) Warmer weather means picking a spot on the map and gathering friends or family for an old fashioned road trip. And with Canada’s 150th anniversary, this summer is the perfect time to hit the road and discover Canadian sights. Here’s how you can get your vehicle ready for a long a drive.
maintenance. Confirm that your auto insurance is in place and that you have everything you need to change a tire in case you get a flat. Don’t forget to map out your route — including stops — before leaving, and double check if any hazardous weather is expected.
Make the interior clean and comfy. Did you know outside air filled with road dust, pollen and odours can enter through your car’s air conditioning system? These particles can make people cough, wheeze and be short of breath. So keep your air fresh with a cabin air filter that cleans the air entering the vehicle’s interior. The FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filter can remove up to 98 per cent of dirt, dust and allergens from the incoming air. It is the only cabin air filter that uses the natural deodorizing qualities of Arm & Hammer baking soda and activated carbon to Stay safe. Safety is a number one pri- absorb and eliminate odours. ority on every road trip, so make sure your car is up to date with its scheduled www.newscanada.com Pack an entertainment kit. This tip is especially important if you have kids. Fill a backpack with fun things to do while you’re on the road, like crossword and puzzles, books and magazines. Prepare a playlist with music everyone likes that can chill you out or amp you up, depending on what the situation calls for. If your passengers are planning on watching movies or shows, download them to your tablet or laptop in advance so you don’t use up all your cellphone data.
Friday, May 19th, 2017
The Patrika
Learning Stars Arts Academy and Detailing, R. Mann trucking Ltd., Red Glamour Studio, Alpine, Pannu Trucking Ltd., Gagan Farm Market, Amarjot Brar Mortgage broker, A&P Fruit Growers, Integrity Driving School, Hi-Peak Railing and Special thanks to our sponsors: Bindy Gates, Talhan Twins Fitness, Abby Wedding and Flowers, Mehta Video, Konddlay realtor, Charlesworth Red Apple Fashion, Anju’s Hair and Insurance Service, JM Herbal and Beauty Products, Sid’s Auto Glass Beauty!
other’s Day Special, Dinner and Dance! It was a fun filled evening with lots of entertainment and comedy by Rana Ranbir! The show was a great success with a good turn out!
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Seniors Appreciation Day Tuesday, June 6, 2017 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Muriel Arnason Library and the Langley Senior Resources Society celebrate their annual Seniors Apparition Day. Please come and join us to learn an interesting way of sharing your stories from Penny Hambrook of ‘You’ve Gotta Have Friends. Enjoy the sweet voice of a young singer ‘Jamey Ayana’, and enter to win a copy of the book “Reminiscences, Recipes & Remedies: Langley Seniors Reminisce About Their Food Heritage.” A light lunch will be served. This is a free, drop-in program. Muriel Arnason Library is located in the Township of Langley Civic Facility at 20338 - 65 Avenue, and the phone number is 604-532-3590.
ICBC Claims
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The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
aYvrYst Piqh krn vflf 6 sflf advYq BfrqI puxy dI pihlI klfs dy iek ividafrQI ny sMsfr dI sB qoN AuWcI prbq cotI mfAUNt aYvrYst dy bys kYNp qwk phuMc ky sMsfr dy sB qoN vwD CotI Aumr dy prbqfrohI hox df irkfrz bxfieaf hY. Cy sflf advYq sB qoN Gwt Aumr df aijhf BfrqI vI bx igaf hY jo ies sQfn `qy srdIaF `c phuMicaf hY. advYq dI mF pfiel, jo Kud iek tRyNz tRYkr hY, ny dwisaf, “sLurU-sLurU `c mYN iekwly bys kYNp qwk jfx dI Xojnf bxfeI sI pr advYq myry nfl jfx dI ijLwd krn lwgf. mYN Aus nUM ikhf ik Auh myry nfl vI AudoN jf skygf jykr Auh phfV cVHn `c tRyinMg hfsl krygf aqy ies dy leI iqafrI krygf. agly iek mhIny leI Aus dI tRyinMg `c rojLfnf 100 mMjLlF cVHnf sLfml sI.” 13 idnF dI ieh muihMm jdoN Kqm hoeI sI Aus smyN advYq 6 sfl 10 mhIny df sI. bys kYNp smuMdr ql qoN 17593 Puwt AuWcf hY. advYq ny dwisaf ik ies muihMm df sB qoN musLikl idn Auh sI jdoN Aus ny nypfl `c nfmcy bfjLfr qoN cVHfeI kIqI sI. ies pUrI muihMm dOrfn iek idn `c kIqI geI sB qoN lMbI cVHfeI sI.
ieh cVHfeI qoN pihlF afKrI mnuwKI vsyry vflf Ky q r sI. iew C fvfdI advY q ny dwisaf, “mYN aglI vfr mfAUNt iklImMjfro `qy Piqh hfsl krnf cfhFgf.” pfiel anusfr advYq aYzvYNcrs srgrmIaF pRqI axjfn nhIN hY. Auh jdoN iqMn sflF df hoieaf sI qF Aus ny afpxI pihlI 5 iklomItr dI dOV pUrI kr leI sI. mOjUdf smyN `c Auh sivimMg aqy pfrkr (iek Kyz ijs ivc ibnF iksy mdd dy musLkl rukfvtF nUM pfr krnf huMdf hY) `c vI ihwsf lY irhf hY. jdo N Au s qo N pu w i Caf igaf ik kI Au h aYvrYst Piqh krn vflf sB qoN CotI Aumr df bwcf bxn dI iewCf rwKdf hY qF Aus dI mF ny ikhf, “Auh aijhf krnf bys kYNp qwk phuMcx qoN vI vwD Kqrnfk hY. advYq XUrp dy sB qoN AuWcy prbq mfAUNt aYlbrUs `qy vI cVHfeI krn df cfhvfn hY. mOjUdf smyN aYvrYst bys kYNp qwk phuMcx vfly sB qoN Gwt Aumr df irkfrz holzr idwlI df hirsLq sOimqr hY. 17 akqUbr 2014 nUM 5 sfl dI CotI Aumr `c Aus ny aYvrYst dI kflf pwQr cotI, jo 18519 Puwt dI AucfeI `qy hY nNUM Piqh kIqf sI.
muwZlI sfihq sBf vloN mdr zya (mfqf df idn) bVy ipafr qy sLrDf nfl mnfieaf igaf aYbtsPorz: isafxy kihMdy hn ik mF rwb df dUjf nfm hY. ies leI rwb qoN bfad mF dI pUjf (syvf) krnI bxdI hY. sfzy smfj ivwc Xfd krn leI vwK vwK idn rwKy hoey hn ijvyN mdr zya Pfdr zya aqy rwb dy ipafry nUM Xfd krn leI hor ajLfdI idn, sLhIdI idn, pRkfsL Auqsv idhfVy. ies lVI qihq mdr zya muwZlI sihq sBf vloN gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf dIvfn susfietI ivKy bVI sLrDf pRym qy BrvIN igxqI ivwc mnfieaf igaf. s: gurbKsL isMG Zwt dI pRDfngI hyT ieh pRogrfm 1 vjy sLurU ho ky 3 vjy sMpUrn hoieaf. vwK vwK kvI, sihqkfrF ny mF bfry kivqf rfhIN qy ivcfrF rfhIN KUb cfnxf pfieaf. ies sBf ivwc jsvMq sMDU sIrf ivsLysL qOr qy phuMcy. bIbI gurbcn kOr iZloN mIq kuafrzInytr, krmjIq isMG sMDU, bIbI sqvMq kOr pMDyr, jnrl skwqr surjIq isMG shoqf, KjLfncI mulKrfj bjfj, blivMdr isMG cMnUafxf, blvMq isMG mfkx, divMdr isMG pUMnIaf, dyv isMG mogf, mihmf isMG qUr, gurnfm isMG mwlI, blivMdr isMG srpMc, gurmIq isMG iZwloN, BgvMq isMG mMdr, mIzIaf skwqr kuldIp isMG syKoN aqy hor sihqkfr mOjUd sn. gurbKs isMG Zwt dI mfqf bIbI inhfl kOr jo ipCly mhIny svrgvfs ho gey sn nUM 2 imMt mOn Dfr ky KVy ho ky sLrDf dy Puwl Byt kIqy. kuldIp isMG syKoN
The Patrika
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itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
Repair Shop
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Friday, May 19th, 2017
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Friday, May 19th, 2017
The Patrika
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The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
For the Record: Provincial Election Results Speak to a Universal Displeasure
By: Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M.
or those of us in British Columbia who are politically inclined, the May 9th provincial election results – which, at the time of this column, still remain somewhat uncertain pending absentee ballots in at least one riding where the results could change – have left a great many of us, regardless of political stripe, feeling unsettled. As someone who has never been shy about his political leanings (I am a federal conservative and a provincial liberal), I will be the first to admit that the results were, for me, bittersweet. Though it is very likely the BC Liberals will hold on to their minority government and perhaps even form a majority government, the reality is we do not have a clear mandate. Having said that, even if by chance the outcome changes once the absentee ballots are counted, the reality is the NDP would not have a clear mandate either. The bottom line –
Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M.
but the results have demonstrated a universal displeasure within BC political discourse that is seemingly more about “the lesser of two evils” and “change for the sake of change” instead of a vision for the future filled with optimism and excitement. Except, perhaps, for those who identify with the BC Green’s who were thrilled with their results and now see themselves as a viable alternative – if only as there are only two things we can the Official Opposition – in the next infer with certainty from the results: election! First, British Columbian’s do not feel particularly confident in either option. For The Record… Second, British Columbian’s want change. When reflecting on any event or situation in my own life I always ask Of course, as the party leaders took to myself “what have I learned”. Be it their respective podiums on election personally, professionally or otherwise, night they each had their own reality to I ask myself this question to ensure I share. BC Liberal leader Christy Clark have not missed an important lesson, spoke about the popular vote. BC NDP and to further ensure that moving leader John Horgan spoke about more forward I am being as thoughtful as I seats in the legislature. Dr. Andrew possibly can be. So, what have we – Weaver spoke about the increase his the BC Liberals – learned from these party experienced having gone from results? one to three seats. In short, each party spoke of a ‘victory’ through their own Though his is just one voice among lens. However, I would argue that the BC Liberal MLA’s, here I will turn to result for most British Columbians the remarks made by Dr. Darryl Plecas left them feeling somewhat numb. (Abbotsford-South) on election night Not say I’m not glad the BC Liberals who, in his usual fashion, spoke from held on to power, of course I am; a place of thoughtfulness and integrity
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
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when we said “our party should take a lesson from this‌ I think we have to speak to a broader group of people. It comes across sometimes that we are a very arrogant collection of people. That’s not the case, but it sometimes seems like that. I hope this makes us more humble and more respectful of the constituents overall, and especially people who are in need.â€?
they can once again elect a BC Liberal government with a healthy majority. Finally, by way of a closing thought – and speaking to an earlier theme – I for one would also like us to revisit proportional representation. With close to 17% of British Columbian’s voting for the BC Greens, revisiting proportion representation – though it may complicate things by almost always resulting in a minority government – would at least ensure that more people can feel as though their voices are being heard; instead of them staying home on election day because they feel as though theirs might be a wasted vote. We are diverse province and our electoral system needs to better reflect that!
Now I imagine there may be a few folks within the BC Liberal party who didn’t appreciate Darryl’s candid comments, but that’s one of the reasons I have always respected him. Darryl is a straight shooter who, along with evidence based decision-making (vs. partisan decision-making) and a genuine heart for people, I feel embodies the very best of what an elected official should be. All that to J u s t i n P. G o o d r i c h i s t h e say, I believe he is right‌ if there is Managing Partner of one overwhelming lesson we can learn it is that humility – and by extension, A l l i a n c e Public and taking ownership of our shortcomings Government Relations – will be the only way to rebuild the confidence of British Columbians so www.alliancepgr.ca
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
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We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
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We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
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Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika
PAGE 14 Friday, December 25th, 2015
Friday, May 19th, 2017 PAGE 5
Rajin Gill 778.982.4008
gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrF nUM dyx nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHfˆ vwloN iqMn sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI dfs aqy BfeI idafl dfs nfl idwlI ivwc nvMbr 1675 nUM idwqI geI kurbfnI nUM iswKfˆ dy nfl-nfl pUrI kOm adb qy siqkfr nfl Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy julmfˆ iKlfÌ afvfË bulMd krn aqy ÈhIdI pRfpq krn dy mMqv ipCly asl qy Aucycy arQfˆ bfry ajy qwk shI aiDaYn nhIN kIqf igaf aqy nf hI shI pirpyK qoN GoiKaf igaf hY. ipCly kuJ dhfikafˆ qoN mnuwKI hwkfˆ bfry aflmI aMdolnfˆ dy AuBfr nfl hux sfnUM mhfn gurU dI ÈhIdI ipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ dy arQfˆ dI Koj krn df mOkf imilaf hY.
hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI rwiKaf leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI peI. mnuwKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ nfl Biraf hoieaf hY ijwQy lokfˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry, kOm jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ. afpxy ihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk kfblIaq df pRdrÈn kIqf pr gurU qyg bhfdr jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI rwiKaf leI afpxI kurbfnI dy ky ijs nYiqk-rUhfnI bulMdI nUM Coihaf, Aus dI imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhIN imldI. ies leI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf jf skdf hY.
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gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM dyKidafˆ aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfr sMsQfvfˆ vI AunHfˆ nUM afpxy moZIafˆ ivwcoN iek df drjf dy rhIafˆ hn. lMzn afDfrq mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdI amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl ny gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI nMU mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI mhwqqf nfl joV ky Aus bfry ivcfr-vtfˆdrf vI kIqf sI. amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy ivÈv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI mOky aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs bfry iek ikqfb iqafr krvf rhI sI. jQybMdI vwloN ies pRfjYkt df AudyÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKI hwkfˆ dy alMbrdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb df isrlyK ‘id lONg mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI Èfml hY. bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jOhn illbrn (161757), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), ivlIam pYWn (1644-1718) aqy voltyar (1694-1778) Èfml hn.
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Trucker and Investor Alert! 5 Acre Blueberry Farm Recently renovated flooring and kitchen. Lots of income potential, Suite, Shed, Barn, Berries, Truck Parking. Call for more info!
6 Acres located in one of the most desirable areas of South Abbotsford. Major Truck Route 2 Houses in great condition (1 renovated), and currently planted with raspberries. Great for parking trucks or building your dream house.
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32263 Harris Road
5 acre blueberry farm featuring renovated 4 bedroom home on city water. Showcasing spacious detached shop & garage, full production Blueberry farm gives owner ability to sell fresh berries on one of Abbotsford's artery routes.
ies dy Ault suBfivk phuMc qihq mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI jfˆdI hY. Auh Bfvyˆ afpxy hox jfˆ ivroDI Kymy dy. ies soc dI dlIl hY ik mnuwK hox dy nfqy sfry iensfn ivÈyÈ hwkfˆ dy hwkdfr hn. ieh phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI kuJ ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI soc nUM qfkq bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY. kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr` gurU jI vwloN afpxf blIdfn dyx dy PYsly ipCly Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI kfrnfˆ AuWqy Jfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh CuitafAux vfˆg hY. jykr koeI ihMdU hukmrfn, aOrMgËyb dy julmfˆ df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf afpxI musilm pRjf AuWqy julm Zfh irhf huMdf sI aqy Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf mMgx afey qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh sn. Auh ies afs nfl gurU jI kol afey sn hI qurnf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, ik rUhfnI ÈKsIaq vjoN AunHfˆ df aihm ruqbf Auh iksy Drm ivÈyÈ qwk sImq nhIN sI. iehI hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugl bfdÈfh nUM qwQ AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq nUM vwD mhfn bxfAuNdf hY. smJf ky AunHfˆ nUM musIbq ivwcoN kwZxgy. asIN iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy ieiqhfsk cfˆdnI cOk smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gurU jI ijs Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHfˆ isrP iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ieh kdm mhfn gurU dI gYr-sMprdfiek qy ny lMgr, sMgq aqy pMgq dI pRQf rfhIN smfijk bRihmMzI mfnvI hwkfˆ vfly idRÈtIkox nUM mfnqf aqy Dfrimk brfbrI nUM AuqÈfhq kIqf. ies qy akIdq dyx vwl dyr nfl cuwikaf, pr rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI aiqaMq Zukvfˆ kdm hovygf. bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. iswK Drm dIafˆ ienHfˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky - ly K k afksPo r z bru k s XU n IvristI, kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk qOr ‘qy gurU qyg afksPo r z (XU [ ky [ ) ivw c ieknfimks df bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk pRoPYsr hY.
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The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
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The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
kuafrf kYnyzIan ivcoly dI Bfl `c
blrfj isMG jI hF! mYN JUT nhIN boldf. lflf iqkVm cMd sI. hux kYnyzf dsF-nhuMaF dI ikrq kr kr df muMzf ipCly hPqy df kYnyzf qoN ieMzIaf ky kuJ DuaFiKaf ijhf igaf hY. qvy qoN iek afieaf hoieaf hY. kI ikhf QonUM pqf hI nhIN prsYNt ieDr AuDr hovygf. GbrfE nf. ijvyN lwigaf? jnfb! jmF eI Boly E. luky ikhVy dfn `c imlx vflI gF dy dMd nhIN igxy jFdy Bory `c rihMdy E? KYr ajy vI zwulHy byrF df aYdF hI kYnyzIan muMizaF dy rMg nhIN prKy kuJ nhIN ivgiVaf. dUr nf jfE. Aury kMn kro. jFdy. ieho ijhIaF bfrIkIaF Cwzo. pqf hY Auh ieMzIaf ivafh krvfAux afieaf lgdy hwQ muMzy dI akfdimk Xogqf bfry hY. sunihrI mOkf hY. sfzI mMno ivcoly bx jfE. vI jfx lE. muMzf aYm[ey[bI[aYWP[ hY. ikAuN ‘nf ihMg lwgy nf PtkVI qy rMg coKf’ vflI gwl pY gey cwkrF `c? GbrfE nf. ies izgrI hovygI. jnfb! gwl ieh hY ik Auhny ivcoly nUM df mqlb hY, mYitRk apIarz bt Pylz. ‘jYWn’ kfr dyxI hY, AuhnUM kmlf nf smiJE. muMzy ny kYnyzf jfx qoN pihlF pMjfb borz dI bfxIey df puwq aY. kfr AuhnUM dyvygf ijhVf dsvIN jLrUr kr jfxI sI, pr ividaf mMqrI AuhnUM kuVI vfilaF qoN kYnyzf jfx leI hvfeI dy pMj qrHF dy pyprF ny idny qfry idKf idwqy. jhfjL idvfAUgf. kI ikhf, kMm aOKf lgdf? ivcfrf pMj swq sfl do hwQ krdf irhf pr boqf ryl cVHfAux vflI gwl lgdI hY? aOKf kMpfrtmYNtF lsUVI vFg icMbVIaF rhIaF. aMq kMm krky qF kfr dyxI hY. hor qusIN ikhVf sbr df Guwt Br ky bih igaf. so, ies dI AuhdI mfsI dy puwq lwgdy ho? aYvyN ikhVf cfr pVHfeI pwKoN brbfdI `c ivwidaf ivBfg sLq lwK dI kfr idMdf? Bwj-nwT qF krnI hI pYxI pRqIsLq ijLMmyvfr hY. clo pVHfeI df kI hY? hY. kI ikhf iqafr ho. muMzy bfry jfxkfrI jykr aYm[ey[ jF pI[aYc[zI[ vI kr jFdf iPr cfhIdI aY? lE jnfb. QoQoN kfhdf lukfa? ikhVf AuDr zI[sI[ lwg jFdf? bxfAuxy qF myry nfl qF pVHdf irhf. mYnUM Auhdy poqiVaF pIjLy hI sn. so, pVHfeI dI icMqf `c nf pE. qwk df pqf. rfjy mhfrfjy bhuqf pVHdy nhIN huMdy. nF? jnfb! nfvF `c kI ipaf? Auhdf nFa ipafry ivcolf jIE. hvfeI jhfjL qF muMzy ny hY gYrI gOrg. ikAuN AuWz gey qoqy. GbrfE lYxf hI hY. ies sbMDI koeI smJOqf nhIN ho nf aMgryjLI nhIN dysI hY, Kfls dysI. mfmlf skdf. lgdy hwQ kuVI dIaF hor XogqfvF vI irsLqy df hY qy Ehlf rwKxf cMgf nhIN lwgdf. not kr lE. kuVI df kwd Gwt qoN Gwt 5 Puwt skUl ivc Auhdf nFa gurnfm huMdf sI pr 10 ieMc hoxf cfhIdf hY. qusIN khogy ik lMmy kYnyzf jf ky gYrI bx igaf. bfxIaF puwq hox kwd df ivafh nfl kI sbMD? so, arjL hY krky grg dI pUC vI lfAuNdf sI, so gOrg BfeI, kwd dI asIN ikhVf zFg bxf ky vycxI bx igaf. hux pUrf nF gYrI gOrg hY. iPkr hY? pUC lMmI hoAU, BfeI afpxf hI ipwCf ZkU. nf kro. bfxIaF hox dI grMtI myrI. kuVI df Borf kwd hoAU qF BfeI byrIaF qoN kI ikhf Aumr? Aumr kfhdI hY, bws Duwp ku byr qoVny AuhnUM hI suKfly rihxgy. KVHo ky ijwzI hY. hvf dy buwly ku ijwzI hY. qy nfly mrdF Pl qoVn vflI ryhVI df ikrfieaf hI bcU. dI Aumr df kI hY? GoVf qy mrd kdy buwZy nhIN inafxI koeI Jwgf cuMnI svfAU. huMdy. hF, Kurfk imldI rhy qy Kurfk df sfzy lE kuVI dy rMg rUp bfry vI sux lvo. kuVI df Xfr nUM koeI Gftf nhIN. pMj-pMj murgy iekwTy Kf jFdy qy Auh vI rUVIaF qoN gMd cugx vfly rMg duwD icwtf hoxf cfhIdf, jvF pUxI vrgf. nhIN, ivdysLI PIz Kfx vfly. kwuiqaF ijwzy- jvF eI mlUk jIh hoxI cfhIdI hY. Cmk Cwlo ijwzy kuwkV. so Aumr dI icMqf nf kro. msF jIh, lgr vrgI. qUq dI iCtI vrgI. nYx myry ku ijwzf hovygf. qy mYN ikhVf bfbf bx koh-koh lMmy nhIN qF gjL-gjL lMmy qF jLrUr igaF? pihlI pMj sflf Xojnf dy smyN df qF hI hox. kuVI dy vfl bhuqy lMmy nhIN qF DrqI jnm hY myrf. qy mYN qF afpxy-afp nUM ‘svIt nUM jLrUr CUMhdy hox. afpxy ijLlHy, pRFq, dysL jF iskstIn’ hI smJdf hF. ibwtI qy brfV dI ivsLv suMdrI jF mMnI-pRmMnI mfzl nUM qrjLIh gfAux dI afvfjL sux ky awj vI rotI ivwcy Cwz idwqI jfvygI. kuVI dI Aumr pihlI apRYl nUM ky tI[vI[ vwl Bwjdf hF. jy myry ijhy ‘zflzf 20 qoN 22 sfl ivckfr hoxI cfhIdI hY. kuVI pRozkt’ dy sLOk kfiem ny qF kwukV Kfxy dI Gwt qoN Gwt aMgryjLI dI aYm[ey[ hovy. bI[ey[ ivc ielYkitv aMgryjLI pVHI hoeI muitafr nUM Aumr dI icMqf kfhdI? muMzy dy kMmkfr bfry puwCxf cfhuMdy ho? jMm- qrjLIh idwqI jfvygI. akfdimk XogqfvF dy jMm puwCo. quhfzf hwk hY, muMzf EDr pIjLy 40 aMk hn. suMdrqf, kwd, rMg, nYx-nksL bxfAuNdf. bVy hYrfn huMdy E. jfpdf kdy ies qy julPF dI lMbfeI dy 25 aMk hn. aMgryjLI blfa df nFa hI nhIN suixaf. bVy Boly E. ivc pI[aYc[zI[ jF kflj ivc pRoPYsr kuVI ikwdF smJfeIey? clo smJ lE ik aflUaF nUM 10 aMk vfDU idwqy jfxgy. bfkI 25 aMk dy prONiTaF vrgI koeI cIjL bxfAuNdf. eyny ieMtrivAU dy hoxgy. ies ivc AumIdvfrF suafdI ‘pIjLy’ bxfAuNdf ik aMgryjL KFdy-KFdy dI aMgryjLI dI bolcfl, muskrfht, cfl qy AuNglF vI Kfx qfeIN jFdy af. gory pIjLy KfeI adfvF nUM dyiKaf jfvygf. so, ipafry ivcolf jFdy af. zflr suwtI jFdy af. kI ikhf? qusIN jIE! kmr kws lE. idn-rfq iewk krky muMzy smJdy sI, AuDr aPsr lwgf. dwisaf sB nUM leI irsLqf lwBo. quhfzI kfr pwkI. iehI hY. ieh vI qF aPsrI hI hY. ieDrly not-muMzy nUM hvfeI jhfjL idvfAux vfly ivcoly aPsrF qoN lwK drjy cMgy. muMzy dy rMg bfry nUM muMzy dy shuiraF qoN imlx vfly hvfeI jhfjL pqf krnf hY? muMzy df rMg pihlF bgly vrgf `c pUry kYnyzf dI muPq sYr vI krfeI jfvygI. PAGE 16
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
aYgËYkitv vjoN asqIPf dyxgy bMbfrzIar dy ibEzOien
PYzrl srkfr vwloN mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMn dy dfiery ivwc ilafAux dI kfhlI qoN pRoivMs pryÈfn Etvf: agly sfl qo N kY n y z f Br ivw c mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMn dy dfiery ivwc ilafAux dI trUzo srkfr dI jldbfËI kfrn pRoivMsfˆ AuWqy kMm df ijhVf boJ vDygf qy ies dI ijhVI BfrI kImq AunHfˆ nUM cukfAuxI hovygI Aus iKlfP pRoivMsfˆ vwloN ivroD jqfieaf jf irhf hY. hux qwk qfˆ inAU brMËivwk vrgy inwky pRoivMs hI ivroD kr rhy sn. pRoivMs dy ishq mMqrI ny afiKaf ik PYzryÈn dy hornfˆ mYˆbrfˆ vfˆg nf qfˆ inAU brMËivwk mYrIjuafnf dy kfnUMnIkrn leI afAux vfly Krcy df muafvËf dyx leI PYzrl srkfr AuWqy dbfa pf irhf hY qy nf hI ies nUM lfgU krn qoN tflf vwtx dI koiÈÈ kr irhf hY. iËkrXo g hY ik ipCly mhIny PY z rl srkfr vwloN nOjvfnfˆ qy mujrmfˆ dy hwQfˆ qoˆ mYrIjuafnf nUM dUr rwKx leI mYrIjuafnf dI vrqoN nUM kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc ilafAux qy inXMqirq krn leI pyÈ kIqy ibwl qoN bfad qoN hI pRoivMsfˆ vI kfPI ruwJIafˆ hoeIafˆ hn. Etvf nUM afs hY ik ieh kfnUMn julfeI 2018 qwk lfgU ho jfvygf. inAU brMËivwk dy ishq mMqrI ivktr bOzirAU ny iewk ieMtrivAU ivwc afiKaf ik asIN PYzrl srkfr vwloN kfnUMn iqafr kIqy jfx qwk AuzIk nhIN kr skdy sgoN asIN afpxf homvrk krnf suLrU kr idwqf hY.
AunHfˆ afiKaf ik jy ies pRogrfm dI lfgq dy sbMD ivwc PYzrl srkfr vwloN koeI afriQk mdd dI pyÈkÈ hovygI qfˆ asIN Aus leI ienkfr nhIN krfˆgy. pr hfl dI GVI Bfv aYnI jldI ies dI koeI loV hY. iewQy dwsxf bxdf hY ik pRImIar bRfien gYlYˆt inAU brMËivwk leI ieh XkInI bxfAu x f cfhu M d y hn ik mY r Iju a fnf nU M inXMqirq krn qoN bfad ies df vwzf afriQk ihwsf pRoivMs nUM imly qfˆ ik sMGrÈ kr rhy arQcfry nUM sfh af sky. ikAUibk dI ishq mMqrI lUsI cfrlybOies ny cyqfvnI idMidafˆ afiKaf ik PYzrl srkfr vwloN imQI smfˆ sImfˆ vwzI cuxOqI hovygI ikAuNik pRoivMs, tYrytrIË qy imAUNspYltIafˆ afpxy aiDkfr Ky q rfˆ ivw c pO t nfl sbM D q guMJldfr inXm, pRogrfm qy rxnIqIafˆ bxf lYxgIafˆ. Gw t qo N Gw t lIgl ey j , rIty l sy l Ë, pbilk hYlQ, iswiKaf qy sikAUirtI nfl sbMDq idÈf inrdyÈ qYa krnfˆ ies leI byhwd ËrUrI hovygf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik AunHfˆ dI srkfr dy 13 ivBfg mYrIjuafnf dy kfnUMnIkrn leI qyjI nfl iqafrI kr rhy hn. PYzrl srkfr vwloN mYrIjuafnf sbMDI ibwl pyÈ kIqy jfx qoN POrn bfad hI albrtf dI pRImIar rycl nOtly ny cyqfvnI idwqI sI ik ies nfl pRoivMsfˆ AuWqy kfPI boJ pvygf.
hrbl pdfrQ dI ho skdI hY niÈafˆ vjoN vrqoN! aprYl ivwc mYnItobf dy pyˆzU ielfky ivwc puils ny vwzI mfqrf ivwc niÈafˆ dI Kyp PVHI qy AunHfˆ nUM kRYtm vI BfrI mfqrf ivwc imilaf. ies nUM mYrIjuafnf qy hornfˆ niÈafˆ dy nfl lOlIpOp qy kYˆzI vjoN rwiKaf igaf aYizkÈn PfAUNzyÈn afP mYnItobf dy ÈYrI sI. puils nUM ies gwl dI icMqf hY ik ies PYˆzrya ny afiKaf ik kRYtm iewk aijhf hrbl pdfrQ nUM vI nsLy vjoN nOjvfnfˆ nUM hrbl pR o z kt hY ijhVf dw K x pU r bI vyicaf jf irhf ho skdf hY. eyÈIafeI ruwK dy pOidafˆ qoN iqafr huMdf hY jo ik kOPI dy ruwK dy pirvfr ivwcoN hI hY. jy aYltonf puils cIP pYrI bYclr ny afiKaf ies dI Gwt zoË leI jfvy qfˆ ies dy pwqy ik ies dI vrqoN strIt zrwg vjoN ho rhI iewkdm aYnrjI ivwc vfDf kr idMdy hn. ho skdI hY. lok ies nUM nÈy vjoN vI lY rhy pr ies dI vfDU zoË df asr nÈIly pdfrQ ho skdy hn. afr[sI[aYm[pI[ nUM ieh zr vI hY ik lok kRYtm nUM iksy gYrkfnUMnI nsyL nfl vrgf hI huMdf hY. imlf ky lY rhy hox. hYlQ kYnyzf vwloN kRYtm ies hrbl pRozkt dI vrqoN drd ivwc vflI iksy vI vsqU dI ivwkrI nUM hrI JMzI rfhq dyx leI kIqI jfˆdI hY qy ies nUM nhIN idwqI geI hY. pr afr[sI[aYm[pI[ dy qxfa qy icMqf GtfAux leI vI vriqaf bulfry ny afiKaf ik kMtrolz zrwgË aYˆz jfˆdf hY. keIafˆ df qrk hY ik PYˆtfinl sbstfˆisË aYkt qihq kRYtm nUM kol rwKxf vrgy nÈy dy bdl vjoN ies nUM vriqaf jfˆ ies dI vrqoN krnf gYrkfnUMnI nhIN hY. jf skdf hY jdik aflockfˆ df qrk hY ik kRYtm byhwd Kqrnfk nÈIlf pdfrQ hY. mYnItobf: kuwJ kYnyzIan puils eyjMsIafˆ pOidafˆ AuWqy aDfirq pdfrQ dI vrqoN nUM lY ky kfPI icMqq hn. ies df pRBfv nÈIly pdfrQ vrgf hI hY.
zOrvl, ikAUibk: bMbfrzIar dy ipeyry ibEzOien vwloN kMpnI dy aYgjYLkitv dI BUimkf qoN asqIPf idwqf jf irhf hY pr Auh kMpnI dy borz afP zfierYktrË dy cyarmYn bxy rihxf cfhuMdy hn. ieh jfxkfrI bMbfrzIar vwloN idwqI geI. kMpnI df kihxf hY ik AunHfˆ nUM afs hY ik ies qbdIlI nUM bMbfrzIar dy borz afP zfierYktrË vwloN awj hox jf rhI slfnf jnrl mIitMg ivwc rsmI qOr AuWqy mnËUrI dy idwqI jfvygI. kYnyzf dy pMj sB qoN vwzy pYnÈn PMz mYnyjrË smyq keI hor vwzy amrIkI ieMstIicAUÈnl invyÈkfˆ df kihxf hY ik Auh ibEzOien dy muV cuxy jfx df smrQn nhIN krngy. iËkrXog hY ik ibEzOien df pirvfr hI bhu-voitMg Èyarfˆ rfhIN kMpnI nUM inXMqirq krdf hY. AunHfˆ vwloN bMbfrzIar dy aYgjYLkitv kMpnsyÈn plYn df ivroD vI kIqf jfvygf qy keI hor vwK vwK zfierYktr nfmInIË leI votfˆ rokxgy. pr ibEzOien ny vIrvfr nUM jfrI kIqy ibafn ivwc afiKaf ik Auh cyarmYn vjoN borz nfl kMm krdy rihxf cfhuMdy hn. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik Auh aYlyn bYlymyar dI agvfeI vflI mYnyjmYˆt tIm df smrQn
krdy hn ijs ny 2015 dy sLurU ivwc AunHfˆ nUM pRYËIzYˆt qy sI[eI[E[ vjoN bdlI kIqf sI. bMbfrzIar ienkfrporyÈn ny vIrvfr svyry ieh Kulfsf vI kIqf ik pihlI iqmfhI ivwc AunHfˆ dI afmdn ipCly sfl iesy arsy dy mukfbly nON PIsdI hyTfˆ rhI pr iqMn mhIinafˆ dy arsy ivwc AunHfˆ dy Gfty ivwc 31 imlIan zflr dI kmI afeI. pihlfˆ bMbfrzIar ibEzOien qy kMpnI dy pMj aYgËYkitvs nUM imlx vfly muafvjyL ivwc lwgBg 50 PIsdI df vfDf kIqf jfxf sI. pr bfad ivwc ibEzOien ny ies vfDy dI Xojnf nUM iqafg idwqf qy bfkI aYgjYLkitvs ny ies Xojnf nUM 2020 qwk awgy pf idwqf. aijhf ies leI vI kIqf igaf ikAuNik kMpnI dy mfˆtrIal vfly hYWzkuafrtr dy bfhr ies PYsly dI hvf lwgx qoN bfad lokfˆ ny ros muËfhry kIqy. d kYnyzf pYnÈn plYn ienvYstmYˆt borz, kYÈy zI zIpU, EntfrIE tIcrË pYnÈn plYn, ibRitÈ kolMbIaf ienvYstmYˆ t mYnyjmYt ˆ kfrporyÈn, albrtf ienvYstmYt ˆ mYnyjmYˆt kfrporyÈn qy d ikAUibk PYzryÈn afP lybrË sOlIzYirtI PMz df kihxf hY ik Auh pirvfr vwloN inXMqirq kMpnI dI mYnyjmYˆt df ivroD krngy.
pIskIipMg imÈn tilaf! Etvf: aPrIkf leI kYnyzf df imltrI imÈn hfl dI GVI QoVHI dyr leI tl igaf lwgdf hY. ieh vI ho skdf hY ik POjI tukVIafˆ dI qfienfqI hux ies sfl dy aMq qwk hI ho sky. amrIkf, Prfˆs qy gRyt ibRtyn vrgy kYnyzf dy BfeIvflfˆ ivwc cwl rhI isafsI AuQl puQl ies df kfrn dwsI jf rhI hY. mMinaf jf irhf hY ik iesy leI jsitn trUzo dI srkfr ny kOmfˆqrI pIskIipMg koiÈÈfˆ leI afpxI POj Byjx dy vfady nUM kuwJ smyˆ leI ajy hor tfl idwqf hY. pRfpq jfxkfrI anusfr PYzrl srkfr afpxy sYinkfˆ nUM aYny Kqrnfk imÈn AuWqy Byj ky ies gwl df aPsos nhIN
krnf cfhuMdI ik Aus dy sfQI mulkfˆ dIafˆ afpxIafˆ qrjIhfˆ kuwJ hor hn qy aijhy imsn df sfrf boJ hI kYnyzf dy moiZafˆ AuWqy afx ipaf hY. rwiKaf hYWzkuafrtr qoN BrosyXog aiDkfrI ny dwisaf ik kYnyzIan srkfr dI qrjIhI sUcI ivwc pIs imÈn ikqy nyVy qyVy vI njr nhIN afAuNdf. ieh vI dwisaf igaf ik GrylU muhfj AuWqy vI srkfr dy ruJyvyˆ hor hn ijvyˆ ik agly hPqy srkfr nUM afpxf rwiKaf nIqI sbMDI mulfˆkx pyÈ krnf hY. iesy dOrfn rwiKaf mMqrI hrjIq swjx nUM afpxI BrosyXogqf iswD krn leI koiÈÈ krnI pY rhI hY.
CurybfËI kfrn iqMn ËKmI, do ihrfsq ivwc vYnkUvr: vYnkUvr dy nfeIt klwb dy bfhr vfprI CurybfËI dI Gtnf qoN bfad iqMn ivakqIafˆ nUM ËKmI hflq ivwc hspqfl iljfxf ipaf jd ik do ivakqIafˆ nUM igRPqfr kIqf igaf hY. ieh jfxkfrI puils ny idwqI. vYnkUvr puils dy sfrjYˆt rYˆzI iPMcmYn ny dwisaf ik Èinwcrvfr nUM svyry 3:00 vjy klwb dy aMdr do DiVafˆ ivwc qUM qUM mYˆ mYˆ ho geI. ies qoN bfad ienHfˆ dovfˆ DiVafˆ nUM
klwb qoN bfhr kr idwqf igaf, ijwQy AunHfˆ ivcfly hwQopfeI ho geI qy iqMn ivakqI CurybfËI kfrn ËKmI ho gey. iqMn nUM gMBIr ËKmI hflq ivwc hspqfl iljfieaf igaf. iPMcmYn ny dwisaf ik JgVy vflI Qfˆ qoN QoVHI dUrI AuWqy hI do ivakqIafˆ nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf. ajy qwk ies sbMD ivwc iksy iKlfP cfrijs drj nhIN kIqy gey hn. PAGE 17
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Healthy eating can be as simple as re-stocking your fridge (NC) Warmer weather is here and many of us are looking to kick-start healthy eating plans. Here are some tips to get you on the right track. 1. Nutritional specialists say the first step to kicking those bad eating habits is to purge your fridge of unhealthy options and guilty pleasure temptations like ice cream, sugary drinks and processed, packaged foods. 2. Once you’ve removed the clutter and junk, organize your fridge and stock it with healthy options like fruit, veggies, nuts and cheese. For easy snacking, pre-cut your vegetables or make a fruit bowl, then place at eye level. When nutritious snacks are visible as soon as you open your fridge, you are more likely to make a healthier choice when hunger strikes.
If you are in the market for a new fridge, look for one that has ample storage space like the LG InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerator. This fridge has more usable space than the average with the ice system located on the door. 4. For beverages, keep a water jug front-and-centre. Need some flavour? Infuse water with lemon, strawberries and cucumber, or make homemade iced teas. Learn to stay hydrated without the sugar or calories found in soft drinks and juices.
5. Finally, to avoid those nagging temptations, store your indulgences in 3. An expert tip on packing produce an opaque storage container and push is to make sure your refrigerator has to the back of your fridge. Out of sight, enough storage space. Wholesome out of mind. foods stay fresher for longer periods when your fridge is organized and tidy. www.newscanada.com
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
ICBABC Awards Ceremony
urrey based Indo-Canadian Business Association of British Columbia (ICBABC) has been doing an excellent job in encouraging and recognizing our young people who have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership and community involvement. It has been doing this for 17 years. The latest 18th Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony at Royal King Place and Convention Centre in Surrey on Friday, May 5th was another huge success. It was a sold out event with more than 700 persons in attendance. This well respected community organization, formed in 1992 has been in the forefront of recognizing and encouraging outstanding students in our community. A well-educated youth is an essential component for the growth and development of any community. In this context ICBABC has been in the lead. Every year, it provides scholarships to very deserving students who have been excelling not only academically but also in supports and other areas. Like previous years, this year’s awardees were outstanding. Thirteen students –twelve girls and one boy –had their academic achievement from 92% to 98%. This reflects their dedication and commitment to excel. It is very encouraging to note that a vast majority of the girls in our community are doing so well academically. However, our boys seem to be falling short on this score. A look at some of our local postsecondary institutions reflects this disparity. As a community, we should be proud of the girls who go to colleges and universities in large numbers and do so well. At the same time we need to instill the value of post-secondary education to our boys as well. Of course, like the girls, our boys who do decide to go for higher education do very well. However, their numbers are relatively small compared to girls and students from other communities. Encouraging and supporting them to excel in post-secondary institutions should be very helpful in this regard. In this context, ICBABC has been setting a good example. Not only that, this community organization of dedicated volunteers has also been helping with the promotion of Punjabi language.
places and the community for more than 23 years. Two years ago, PLEA had requested Simon Fraser University (SFU) to offer Punjabi classes at its Surrey campus. SFU agreed to do so if it could get a community contribution of $30,000 -$10,000 each year for three years. PLEA contacted ICBABC for assistance. ICBABC came through. It agreed to provide these funds to SFU and collaborated with SFU to offer Punjabi language as a full credit course for three years .Consequently; Punjabi classes are in full swing at SFU Surrey. Thus, it was great to see SFU vice president Joanne Currie receive a cheque for $10,000 from ICBABC at its function on May 5 and thank the organization and the community for this collaboration. PLEA is very thankful to ICBABC and its generous member donors for this great initiative.
Since its inception in 1992 as a registered society ICBABC has done a commendable job in promoting the Indo-Canadian Business Community. In 1997 it started the scholarship program known as the Achievement Awards. To this day, ICBABC has raised and distributed over $320,000 in scholarship funds. Not only that, at one of its past events, ICBABC raised $25,000 in less than an hour for the special needs category of the awards. This amount was awarded in its entirety to an autistic student for his two year course at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Thank you ICBABC for helping our Punjabi Language Education Associa- youth in realizing their full potential. tion (PLEA) has been promoting Pun- Keep up the good work ! jabi language in BC’s public schools, Balwant Sanghera post-secondary institutions, public
The Patrika
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Friday, May 19th, 2017
nvfb jwsf isMG afhlUvflIaf aqy sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI zf: hrijMdr isMG vflIaf mYN qkrIbn zyZ ku vrHy qo N bfad sR I kmytI dy smUh mulfjLmF nUM drbfr sfihb hirmMdr sfihb dy drsLn krn igaf sI. kMplYks aqy kMplYks dy afly-duafly dIaF ipCly keI mhIny qoN crcf sux irhf sI ik ieiqhfsk iemfrqF, gurduafrf sfihbfnF, bfkI gwlF Cwzo lyikn jo kMm s: suKbIr gurU sfihbfnF aqy iswK kOm dy ieiqhfsk isMG bfdl ny sRI drbfr sfihb dy afly- hIroaF bfry jLrUrq XogI jfxkfrI jLrUr duafly dI sjfvt leI kIqf hY, Auh kmfl idwqI jfvy. ies nUM AunHF dI izAUtI df ihwsf hY. swc-mwuc hI kmfl hY, bhuq hI KUbsUrq, smiJaf jfvy. ieh duwK dI gwl hY ik kOm iemfrqbfjLI dI klf dI isLKr. vwzf kMm dy Aus jrnYl ijs dI agvfeI ivwc vwzf kIqf hY, ieh kMm pihlF ho jFdf hY qF hor GwlUGfrf, Cotf GwlUGfrf aqy hor ikMnIaf cI cMgf huMdf. ies nfl iswK kOm dI sLfn lVfeIaF lVIaF geIaF. ijs jrnYl dI nUM cfr cMn lwg gey hn. KYr mYN sRI drbfr agvfeI ivwc isMG idwlI Piqh kIqI. Aus sfihb igaf, mwQf tyikaf, drsLn kIqy. sRI jrnYl, sulqfn-ey-Aul-kOm aqy gurU ky akfl qKq sfihb jI dy sfhmxy, KVHy iek lfl nvfb jwsf isMG afhlUvflIaf bfry isMG qoN puwiCaf: sLRomxI pRbMDk kmytI dy mulfjLm iblkul nf jfxkfrI rwKdy hn. “nvfb jwsf isMG afhlUvflIaf dI smfD ikwQy hY” su l qfn-ey - Au l -kO m nvfb jw s f isM G afhlUvflIaf 3 meI, 1718 eIsvI nUM “afh drvfjLy qoN bfhr” Aus ny sRI akfl lfhOr lfgy afhlU ipMz ivKy pYdf hoey sn. qKq sfihb lfgy vfly drvfjLy vwl iesLfrf mfqf suMdrI jI dy lfz ipafr ivwc ply aqy kIqf. mYN aqy myrf bytf drvfjf lMG ky jdoN nvfb kpUr isMG dI rihnumfeI hyT pRvfn bfhr gey, qF AuQy sfnUM kuwJ vI njLr nhIN cVHy srdfr jwsf isMG afhlUvflIaf ijwQy afieaf. AuWQy sLoRmxI gurduafrf pRbMDk gurbfxI aqy kIrqn ivwc mfihr sn AuWQy kmytI dI tfsk Pors df iek isMG bYTf afp qlvfr aqy qIr dy vI DnI sn. Kflsf sI. mYN Aus qoN puwiCaf, rfj dI sQfpnf ivwc ies mhfn XoDy df “isM G sfihb, asIN nvfb jw s f isM G bhuq vwzf Xogdfn irhf hY. dl Kflsf dy afhlUvflIaf sfihb dI smfD `qy jfxf hY muKI hox dy nfqy ienHF aqy lfhOr `qy iswKF jLrf rfh pfE.” df rfj kfiem hoieaf. ies mhfn XoDy dI lIzrisLp aqy pMQ dI syvf sdkf ienHF nUM “mYnUM qF pqf nhIN, mYN puwCky dsdF.” nvfb, bMdICoV aqy sulqfn-ey-Aul-kOm Aus ny nfl KVHy afpxy sfQI qoN puwiCaf. mYnUM dy iKqfbF nfl snmfinaf igaf. hYrfnI hoeI Aus nUM vI kuwJ pqf nhIN sI. aihmd sLfh vwloN sRI hirmMdr sfihb nUM “quhfnUM pqf hY ik sulqfn-ey-Aul-kOm bfrUd nfl AuzfAux qoN bfad sRI hirmMdr nvfb jwsf isMG afhlUvflIaf kOx sI” mYN sfihb dI mOjUdf iemfrq bxfAux dI syvf jLrf ros coN svfl krdf hF srdfr afhlUvflIaf vwloN 1764 eIsvI ivwc kIqI geI sI. srhMd ijwq AuprMq “sfzy iswKF ivwc hI sn” Aus df jvfb sI. ienHF dy ihwsy 9 lwK rupey afey jo ik ienHF sfzIaF gwlF AuWQy hwQ Do irhf iek bjLurg ny iek cfdr ivCf ky ZyrI kr idwqy ijs nUM sux irhf sI. Aus ny sfzI gwlbfq ivwc dKl ‘gurU kI cfdr’ ikhf igaf. bfkI srdfrF ny 5 lwK rupey iekwTy kIqy sn. idMdy hoey ikhf, “ienHF nOjvfn isMGF nUM kuJ nhIN pqf nvfb sfihb bfry aqy AunHF dI smfD bfry. ieh bfbf atwl rfey dy gurduafry dy iblkul nfl hY. kwlH AunHF dy jnm purb dy mOky AuWqy vwzf smfgm ho ky hitaf.” Aus bjLurg ny sfnUM rfh pf idwqf pr mYnUM sLRomxI gurduafrf prbMDk kmytI dy mulfjLmF dI iswK ieiqhfs bfry jfxkfrI bfry jfxky hYrfnI vI hoeI aqy ros vI hoieaf. ieh ros aqy guwsf AudoN hor vI ijLafdf viDaf jdoN ieh pqf lwgf ik AunHF nUM hirmMdr sfihb jI kMplYks lfgy bxI nvfb jwsf isMG dI smfD bfry iblkul jfxkfrI nhIN sI.
sRI hirmMdr sfihb dy Auprly sfry guMbdF `qy sonf cVHfAux dI syvf srdfr jwsf isMG afhlUvflIaf dy pYrokfr s: Pqih isMG vwloN inBfeI geI. 1783 eIsvI ivwc jd nvfb jwsf isMG afhlUvflIaf hr vrHy dI qrHF dIvflI dy mOky `qy sRI drbfr sfihb drsLn iesnfn leI afey sn qF sRI aMimRqsfr ivKy pyt drd hox krky akfl clfxf kr gey. AunHF df sMskfr gurduafrf bfbf atwl rfey dI pirkrmf ivwc nvfb kpUr isMG jI dI smfD lfgy kIqf igaf. ijwQy ies jgfh qy AunHF dI ieh smfD mOjUd hY.
ies vrHy kOm afhlUvflIaf imsl dy muKI sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy pRDfn df iqMn sO sflf jnm pUrv mnf rhI hY. pRo: ikrpfl isMG bzUMgr nUM ies pfsy aijhI jfxkfrI sLRomxI pRbMDk kmytI dy qurMq iDafn dyx dI loV hY aqy sLoRmxI mulfjLmF nUM hovy qF cMgf hY. PAGE 20
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
hwzIafˆ dI mËbUqI leI ksrq vI ËrUrI zf[ hriÈMdr kOr
dUjf qy afKrI Bfg 65 sfl dI Aumr qoN bfad 150 imMt dI Bfr cuwkx vflI ksrq hr hPqy krnI ËrUrI hY Bfv hPqy ivc pMj idn roËfnf 30 imMt. ies ivc 10 imMt lgfqfr iek iksm dI ksrq ibnfˆ ruky kro. ieMj DVkn qy sfh qyË huMdf aqy srIr ivc grmI mihsUs huMdI hY. eynf iDafn rhy ik bolx lwigafˆ sfh df AuKVnf TIk nhIN. jy ieh hox lwg pvy qfˆ ksrq Gtf ky gOlP Kyzxf, bgIcy ivc kMm krnf, kuwqy 50 sflfˆ dI Aumr qoN hI roËfnf kuwJ icr Duwpy jfˆ hor pflqU jfnvr nfl sYr kr afAuxI vrgI hlkI ksrq krn qoN bfad hOlI- bYTx dI afdq pf lYxI cfhIdI hY. ivtfimn zI pUrI rwKx leI mwCI, aMzy, mlfeI, mwKx, hOlI ksrq iPr vDfeI jf skdI hY. afid hPqy ivc iqMn vfr lY lYxf cfhIdf afpxy afp nUM iksy hor AuWqy inrBr bxf hY. hwzIafˆ qy pwiTafˆ df iDafn rwKxf bhuq lYx nfloN isrP pwTy mËbUq kr ley jfx qfˆ ËrUrI ho cuwikaf hY. srIr df sMquln TIk rihMdf hY. mMjy AuWqy pY jfx qoN bicaf jf skdf hY. iesy leI nËr cYWk krvfAuxI ËrUrI hY qfˆ jo Tyzf Kf 65 sfl dI Aumr phuMcdy sfr bYTy rihx ky izwgx qoN bicaf jf sky. AuWcI awzI nhIN df iKafl mnoN kwZ dyxf cfhIdf hY. lMmy smyˆ pfAuxI cfhIdI. kMnfˆ df cYkawp krvfAuxf bYTx nfl bImfrIafˆ Gr kr jfˆdIafˆ hn. ËrUrI hY qfˆ jo suxfeI TIk idMdf rhy. cwkrfˆ iesy leI qur ky bËfroN sbËI ilafAuxI, df ielfj qurMq krvfAuxf cfhIdf hY. pYrfˆ pOVIafˆ cVH lYxIafˆ, hlkf nwcxf, sMgIq df Kfs iDafn rwKxf cfhIdf hY qfˆ jo swtf nfl ksrq krnI, afid hPqy ivc do vfr Pytfˆ qoN bcfE rhy. nf isrP bjLurgfˆ, blik hr hfl krn dI loV hY. ieMj cwkr Kf pMj sfl qoN Coty bwicafˆ qoN lY ky Br jvfn ky izwgx dy afsfr Gwt jfˆdy hn. Xog vI gwBrUafˆ ivc vI bYTy rihx kfrn bImfrIafˆ cMgI ksrq hY jy hPqy ivc iqMn vfr awDf vD rhIafˆ hn ijvyˆ Èwkr rog (tfeIp 2), GMtf kr leI jfvy. ies nfl joVfˆ ivclf motfpf, kYˆsr, blwz pRYWÈr df vfDf, ZihMdI akVfE Gwt jfˆdf hY. klf, hfrt atYk nfl CotI Aumry mOq. iksy vI hfl ivc awDy GMty qoN vwD iewko Qfˆ nhIN bYTxf cfhIdf. Bfvyˆ kursI qoN AuWT ky iËafdf smfˆ bYTx, kMipAUtr, mobfeIl, myË qwk jf ky afpxI aYnk cuwk ilafE, tYlIivËn, afiPs, kfr, gwzI, bws, jhfË pIx vfsqy pfxI lY afE qy Pyr iglfs df sÌr, itAUÈn afid ivc swq qoN 10 GMty vfps rwK afE, afid. jy pihlfˆ kdy rYgUlr qwk roË df smfˆ ibqfAux vfilafˆ ivc ieh ksrq nhIN kIqI qfˆ hux iekdm puwTy iswDy bImfrIafˆ vwD vyKx nUM imldIafˆ hn. jfˆ tyZy-myZy hox nfl hwzIafˆ, joVfˆ qy pwiTafˆ iesy leI ËrUrI hY ik hr ds imMtfˆ bfad df nuksfn ho skdf hY. iesy leI zfktr iewk imMt leI KVHy ho ky bih jfxf jfˆ Klo dI slfh nfl sihjy sihjy ksrq vDfeI ky lwqfˆ qy bfhvfˆ nUM iKwcxf aqy hr awDy jf skdI hY. idl dy rogfˆ qy afrQrfeIits GMty bfad pMj imMt leI qur ky pfxI pIxf vfly mrIË vI zfktrI slfh nfl ksrq sLurU kr skdy qy hOlI-hOlI vDf skdy hn. jfˆ prfˆ jf ky ikqfb cuwkxI, afid krn dI loV hY. iksy vI hfl ivc bwcy jfˆ vwzy vfsqy afm qOr AuWqy Aumr vDx nfl BuwK Gwt ho tI[vI[ dIafˆ Kyzfˆ jfˆ mobfeIl Kyzfˆ iewk qoN jfˆdI hY. pr kdy vI cfh ibskut nfl iZwz zyZ GMty qoN vwD roË nhIN hoxIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ. nhIN Brnf cfhIdf. ies nfloN slfd, Pl, sbËI, pnIr, ipMnI, duwD, Buwjy Coly, afid astRylIaf, iPnlYˆz qy amrIkf ivc ies QoVI mfqrf ivc Kfxy TIk hn qfˆ jo loVINdy dy inrdyÈ dy idwqy gey hn. myrI qfˆ ieho kYlÈIam, ivtfimn zI qy pRotIn pUry huMdy duaf hY-qMdrusq rho, sYr krdy rho, GuMmo rihx. iPro qy kudrq df afnMd mfxo. PAGE 21
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Abbotsford Arts Council Opens 13th Annual Arty Award Nominations. Abbotsford, B.C. – It is time once again to recognize and honor the contributions of local artists and arts advocates with the presentation of the 13th annual Arty Awards, and the first step of the process begins today as The Abbotsford Arts Council opens the nomination period. Entries can be submitted by someone in the arts community, a friend, or by the artist or group themselves, and will be accepted from today through June 23.
Gemini, NHL, and Canadian Comedy Awards has been added to the team as Arty Awards Coordinator. The Abbotsford Arts Council is also thrilled to be partnering with The Reach Gallery and Museum this year to increase the event production, exposure, and reach within the artistic community.
The Arty Awards will take place on Saturday, September 30, 2017 at The Reach Gallery and Museum. These awards are an initiative of the AbThere have been some exciting changes botsford Arts Council to celebrate made for the 2017 celebrations, these and highlight the achievements and contributions of local artists to the Abinclude botsford community. Awards categories redesigned to include a wider representation and more Nomination forms, along with informafully reflect the current arts community tion on the nomination process, and a as a whole. Awards will be presented full breakdown of each category, can be for, Performing Arts, Lifestyle, Media found on the Abbotsford Arts Council’s Arts, Youth Achievement, Literary website www.abbotsfordartscouncil. Arts, Arts Advocate, Visual Arts, com/arty-awards or at the Kariton Art and Emerging Artist, and Lifetime Gallery, located at 2387 Ware Street Achievement Award. In addition, Harry in Abbotsford. For additional informaDoupe, a writer and producer with tion, please contact our office by phone more than two decades of awards show at (604) 852-9358, or by email at artyexperience at the National and Interna- awards@abbotsfordartscouncil.com tional level including numerous Juno,
Trade Prospects with India are Great and Unique- Chief Economist Vancouver- India is fast emerging as the most dynamic economy and the opportunity to do trade with India is now, said Vice President and Chief Economist, Export Development Corporation Canada (EDC), Mr. Peter Hall at an event organized by BC India Business Network (BCIBN) recently.
economy and who is here to share his views with us,” said Mr. Savkur.
“It is BCIBN’s mandate to bring to its members events which are beneficial to them in furthering trade with India. Mr. Hall is a greatly respected economist who has deep insight into the Indian
Apart from BCIBN members, the event was also attended by Ms. Abha Gosain Consul , Consulate General of India and other prominent members of the Indian community.
Addressing the audience Mr. Hall categorically stated that India was going to be the next China in the coming economic cycle. “Prospects with India are very great and unique and Canada has many of the solutions that India The event called “High Tea with Peter needs to grow it’s infrastructure and Hall” opened with remarks by Cath- fulfil some of the aspirations of Indians, he said. erine Sas, President of BCIBN who welcomed the packed room to the talk. Mr. Hall further said that one of the key areas, BC could carve a niche in Vivek Savkur, Chairman Emeritus the Indian market is in the field of agro BCIBN introduced Mr. Hall and Mr. foods. “I am pleased to note that BC has Clark M. Roberts, Deputy Minister, the most diversified trade with India, Ministry of International Trade and but it is not enough. Considering the Minister responsible for Asia Pacific potential that exists out there, this is Strategy and Multiculturalism. the tip of the iceberg,” he said.
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
5 Canadian travel destinations to celebrate 150 (NC) Our neighbours to the south and around the world are learning what Canadians have known all along. The New York Times and Lonely Planet both recently named Canada the num-
ber one destination to visit in 2017, just in time for our 150th birthday. Travel within parts of the country is already seeing a boost. If you’re thinking of exploring some of the fantastic sights in our own national backyard, consider an Air Canada flight pass,
which is a prepaid series of electronic flight credits offering convenient, flexible and costeffective travel within a selected geographic zone at a lockedin cost, so there are no surprises on price. Here are five must-see spots to discover. Montreal. This modern city with old-world European charm is doubling down on the festivities as it turns 375 this year. Look out for a designer Jacques Cartier bridge illuminated by thousands of LED lights. Other special attractions include an open-air museum along Sherbrooke Street commemorating the 50th anniversary of Expo 67, and Cite Memoire, a nighttime event where images and music are screened on the walls of historic buildings in Old Montreal.
access to mountains, Pacific Ocean beaches, and breathtaking scenic landscapes. Be sure to check out the Granville Island farmers’ market and get there in style aboard the Aquabus or a water taxi. Calgary. A trip to Calgary wouldn’t be complete without a visit to its worldfamous rodeo event, the Calgary Stampede, held in July. Don’t miss a day trip to Banff National Park and Lake Toronto. Visit popular family attracLouise, part of the Canadian Rockies tions like the Aquarium; go shopping with gorgeous mountain views, wateron West Queen West; or venture into ways and adventure. quirky areas like the Distillery District, the Junction and Ossington. The Halifax. The heart of the Maritimes, Toronto Islands are also a great spot Halifax’s bustling waterfront has for families and independent travel- beautiful views and fun events on the lers alike — Ward’s Island is the local boardwalk, like jazz and busker festifavourite for a relaxing break from vals. There are many beaches within the city. minutes of downtown, and hidden islands best visited by kayak. If you’re Vancouver. Nestled on the coast of Britinto books or architecture, be sure to ish Columbia, Vancouver combines big check out the new, international design city, rich cultural offerings, with easy award-winning central library.
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The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
· 45 Acres bare
· 6, 18, & 35
land avail in Mission. Call for more info
Acres Parcel avail in Aldegrove Call for more info
2728 Clearbrook Rd · 3 bdrm
· 1 bath · House size: 860 sqft · Newly updated home currently rented out to long term tenants.
MISSION · 3 bdrm 33035 14TH AVE
· 2 bath · Lot: 8,742 sqft · House size: 2,154 sqft · Currently being rented out. Tenants looking to stay long term.
32605 Geneva Ave · 5 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 7,200 sqft · House size: 2,240 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite
2875 Crossley Dr
$798,888 7419 Wren St
NEW LISTING $1,249,888
3246 Atwater
· 5bdrm · 4 bath · Lot: 7,500 sqft · House size: 2,986 sqft · 1 bdrm basement suite
MISSION Well established convenience grocery store for sale! 1 bdrm living accommodation & a separate 3 bdrm rental home. Corner property w/ lots of parking. Great potential to re-develop.
· 5 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 5,447 sqft · House size: 2,033 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite
2960 Bergman St
PLA for 5 lot subdivision · Lot: 34,000 sqft · House size: 3,200 sqft · 6 bdrm , 3 bath · Wide driveway. Up to 8 cars
HARRISON MILLS 1193 Kilby Rd 25.7 Acres Blueberry Farm in
NEW LISTING $1,999,888
Harrison Mills. Possible to subdivide into two parcels (verify with city hall) 17 Acres DUKE. 7 Acres REKA. 1.5 Acres ELLIOT Machinery can be included
ABBOTSFORD · Completely renovated home! · 6 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 7,070 sqft · House Size: 2,400 sqft
2115 Beaver St
ABBOTSFORD · Build your dream home or subdivide with the neighbouring property. · Central Location · Close to shopping, recreation centre and ameneties
33436 George Ferguson Way
32634 Cowichan Ter
· Split level home · 4 bdrm 3 bath · Lot: 6,000 sqft · House size: 1,983 sqft
31475 Cougar Court · 7 bdrm
32019 Noble Ave · 3 bdrm · 2 bath · Lot: 5,900 sqft · House size: 1,305 sqft · 1 bdrm Basement Suite $614,888
3410 Shuswap Te · 4 level split · 4 bdrm, 3 bath · Lot: 6,167sqft · House size: 2,760 sqft · Close to all three schools
MISSION · 3 bdrm · 1 bath · Lot: 11,760 sqft · House size: 2,180 sqft · 1 bdrm Basement Suite
7668 Hurd St
· 6 bath · Lot: 8,102 sqft · House size: 4,792 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite
31309 Wagner Dr · 8 bdrm · 6 bath · Lot: 6,975 sqft · House size: 4,529 sqft ACCEPTED OFFER · 2 bdrm Basement Suite
1907 Knox Terrace
· 7 bdrm · 5 bath · Lot: 9,160 sqft · House size: 4,618 sqft
32511 Oriole Crst · 3 bdrm, 1 bath
· Lot: 6,000 sqft · House size: 1,470 sqft · Tons of parking for RV, boats and toys! · Brand new cabinets
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
UFV Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies celebrates 10 years, rebrands as South Asian Studies Institute SUB DIVIDABLE LOT!
Mt. Waddington - West Abbotsford
LEASED D L $578,888 O S
Approximate 2000 sqft. Commercial space for lease. Good for convenience store, grocery store, s hop & lots of other businesses. Good exposure & lots of parking. Please call for more info.
p izz a
SUB DIVIDABLE LOT! Large 10240 sqft lot 5 bedroom 3 full bathrooms, Potential for 2 lots. New Roof and Thermo Windows, Basement fully renovated, Central Air Condition, Lots of parking including RV parking. Detached garage has power. New development in neighbourhood. Easy access to Hwy. Please call for your personal Tour.
YOUR NEW HOME SEARCH STOPS HERE! 7805 sqft lot has 4 bedroom 2 bathrooms, 2034 sqft, rancher with full basement and very cool loft would be perfect for first time home purchaser. Incredible holding property for future development. For more information please call Kuldip Sall.
Lot in Mission - 3 storey home plan is ready. Close to all amenities. Asking #339,900. For more info please call Kuldip Sall
D L O $559,900 S
Location!!! Home in popular Fairfield Estates. Recently renovated, SS appliances, RV parking and a private backyard perfect for entertaining.
1486 sqft plus 439 sqft Solarium/deck, Brand New 2 bdrm & Fex/den, 2 full bath, Granite counter top. Close to all amenities.
D L O S $649,900
5 bdrm, 19'9x12' Rec room, 3 full bath, bsmt entry 2500 sqft home on 6000 sqft lot with LEGAL SUITE, New roof/Water tank, SS appliances. Close to both l ev el s cho o ls/s ho pp i ng c en ter, ea sy ac ce ss to freeway.
D L O S $579,900
2568 sqft house on 9450 sqft with 5 bedroom house and 3 bath with LEGAL SUITE, New roof, New water tank, New kitchen, 2 bedroom Legal suite rented for $800/month. Close to hospital, park, shopping, easy access to Freeway. Please call for your personal viewing.
MISSION 4 bdrm, 3 full bath, fully renovated home, New kitchen,New bathrooms, New doors/windows, New driveway, New furnace, New flooring, New appliances, list goes on & on. Close to schools,For more info please call.
UFV’s Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies began with an idea and a commitment from the community. Now, as it celebrates 10 years of serving as a centre of activity, events, information, scholarship, and research related to the Indo-Canadian community, it is Open House Saturday extending its focus to embrace regions of South Asia. November Centre director Satwinder5th Bains announced the name changeFrom to the1.00 Southto Asian Studies 4.00 PM Institute (SASI) at a celebration event marking the centre’s first decade on May 3. “As we enter our second decade, we felt it was important for our identity to reflect the broader field of South Asian studies,” noted Bains. “This will result in increased opportunities for UFV faculty and students to connect and collaborate with partner institutions and projects throughout South Asia. We will continue the very important work of facilitating research and other connections, but with a wider mandate.” The Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies (now SASI) has served as a hub where scholars from UFV programs, Indo-Canadian community members, groups from all sectors of the community, international visitors, students, and scholars from India/South Asia come together. “Our young university has done a remarkable job of building connections and partnerships across the world, and the centre, which now deservedly will be an institute, has played a major role in that success,” said UFV President Mark Evered at the 10-year celebration, at which he and his wife Maureen were made honorary patrons of the new institute. The institute supports the development, maintenance and strengthening of links that lead to diverse experiences for students, faculty, and community. It initiates and supports an interdisciplinary range of courses in India-Canada. Studies at UFV, and programs and activities that promote the study of and engagement with the sub-continent and the Indo-Canadian diaspora.
It also houses the BC Regional Innovation Chair on Canada–India Partnership Development, and maintains a close relationship with the UFV campus in Chandigarh, India. In the past ten years the it has undertaken many research projects, created a program of study, supported and mentored student research, and partnered with universities in India. The CICS has built strong community partnerships locally and across Canada with numerous Indian diaspora communities, held international conferences, invited visiting scholars from around the world, curated acclaimed exhibits, and developed business ties with India. It also serves as a repository of history for the Indo-Canadian community. It has partnered with the Gur Sikh Temple National Historic Site on several projects, and is currently working with the Royal British Columbia Museum to ensure that the Indo-Canadian story is reflected in museum exhibits chronicling the history of B.C. The Abbotsford area has one of the largest concentrations of Indo-Canadian population in Canada. Starting in the early 2000s, UFV and the community worked together to build a stronger connection through the creation of the CICS. In April 2005, after several years of fundraising and planning on the part of UFV and the Indo-Canadian community, then-Premier Gordon Campbell announced the centre’s launch. It began operations in 2006, completing its first academic year of service in 2007. “It’s important that we look at the cultural fabric of our communities and ensure that what we’re doing brings them into our embrace,” noted former UFV president Skip Bassford at the time. “I am very much enjoying looking back and reflecting on what we have achieved in our first decade. At the same time, I am also every excited about what the future holds for the South Asian Studies Institute,” says Bains. Contact Satwinder Bains at satwinder.bains@ufv.ca to discuss potential projects and partnerships.
Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034 iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro
2306 Alexander Cres
34212 Larch Street
RealtorSukh@hotmail.com Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
$698,800 DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL! Currently zoned RS3 with urban 3 infill designation. Lots of potential development options on this huge 13,096 sqft lot. The home itself has had many updates over the years. Newer roof & skylight, hot water tank, 2" blinds, fridge & dishwasher. The main floor has an open concept design, and a bright, atrium style living room.The oversized yard is private, fully fenced and has a huge 34x18 wood sundeck. There are a few outbuildings including a wired 15x14 shop, 20x14 garage and 9x12 greenhouse. There is plenty of parking out front for all your toys as well!
35386 Wells Gray
3330 Harvest Dr
Home sweet home! This lovely family home is located just a block from Mission's Heritage Park and offers 4 upstairs bedrooms, 2 baths, a traditional layout, big picture windows for loads of natural light, spacious rooms, lots of storage, a potential for an in-law suite, a workshop, a brand new (huge!) 3095 MCCRAE ST.
SOLD $595,900 This lovely two story home, backing onto a Green belt, in one of Abbotsford's most desirable, family oriented neighbourhoods is now available. Owned since 2000, the home owners are downsizing into a smaller condo, as the kids have moved on. Leaving this home ready for the next family to enjoy and create memories in. This home features a new roof in 2012, New Sears thermo.
$729,000 Beautifully updated 5 bdrm (+ den) rancher with fully finished bsmt in superb East Abby location. Larch Park is only steps away, or stay in your south facing backyard oasis relaxing in your own heated pool! 3 updated baths (incl 3 pc ensuite), 2 new kitchens, new top of the line Trane furnace and air conditioning, vinyl plank flooring downstairs, new siding, gutters, garage door and all exterior doors. Vinyl windows up and down, and roof is approx 10 years old. Attic insulation added to R40 rating. Bsmt is plumbed for 2nd laundry, perfect for that large family! Main floor has gorgeous engineered hardwood, a living room with built in surround sound, and a kitchen with a farmhouse sink, quartz counters and stainless steel appliances.
$799,000 "The Highlands" Beautiful home in East Abbotsford. 2 storey home with basement. Main floor has living room with Gas Fireplace, Hardwood floors throughout, gorgous Kitchen with granite counter tops, Gas Stove, Stainless Appliances, heated slate tile floors, den/office by front entrance. Upstairs with 4 bedrooms, laundry room upstairs with sink,
33678 7th Ave
2287 OTTER ST.
Contact me for subdivideable properties 30849 CARDINAL AVE.
W e H a v e Q u a l i fi e d B u y e r s F o r H o m e s PAGE 25
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
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30 apRYl nUM iek duKdfeI Gtnf hY ik mhfrfÈtr dy puxy iËly ivwc sYlPI lYx dy cwkr ivwc cfr zfktr JIl ivwc zuwb ky aixafeI mOq mfry gey. Auh sYlPI lYx leI ikÈqI dy iek pfsy iekwTy ho gey qfˆ bYlYˆs ivgVn kfrn ikÈqI zuwb geI. kuJ sfl pihlfˆ ÈOk dy rUp ivwc sLurU hoeI sYlPI dI afdq hux iek gMBIr mfnisk rog df rUp Dfrn kr geI hY. hflfq aYny ivgV gey hn ik lok lfÈfˆ nfl vI sYlPI iKwc rhy hn. ipwCy ijhy aijhy iek ‘isafxy muMzy` ny afpxy bfp dI mwc rhI icqf nfl sYlPI iKwc ky styts pfieaf sI, ‘PIilMg sYz ivd Pfdr zYWz.` hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik Aus dy ies mUrKfnf styts nUM anykfˆ ny ‘lfeIk` kIqf. keIafˆ ny Èyrfˆ-cIqy dy ipMjry ivwc izwg ky BMg dy BfVy jfn gvf leI. iksy Dfrimk sQfn `qy cly jfAu, lok ibnfˆ Èrm qoN sYlPIafˆ iKwcI jfˆdy hn. hirmMdr sfihb vrgI pivwqr jgfh vI sYlPI lYxoN nhIN htdy. swcy ÈrDflU ienHfˆ sYlPIbfËfˆ dIafˆ hrkqfˆ qoN pryÈfn ho jfˆdy hn. nf ieh afp iDafn lfAuNdy hn, nf iksy nUM lfAux idMdy hn. sYlPI df kryË aYnf ku vD cuwkf hY ik 2015 ivwc gUgl AuWqy 240 kroV sYlPIafˆ pfeIafˆ sn, jo hux keI guxfˆ vD cuwkIafˆ hoxgIafˆ. 2016 ivwc ieMdrpRsQ ieMstIicAUt afP ienPrmyÈn, nvIN idwlI aqy mYln XUnIvristI, XU[ aYs[ ey[ vwloN krvfey gey srvyKx muqfbk Bfrq ivwc sMsfr dy iksy vI hor dyÈ qoN vwD sYlPI sbMDI mOqfˆ ho rhIafˆ hn. mfrc 2014 qoN lY ky kuwl dunIaF ivwc hoeIafˆ 127 (ijnHfˆ dI irport kIqI geI) sYlPI mOqfˆ ivwcoN 80 iekwly Bfrq ivwc hoeIafˆ hn, jdoN ik pfiksqfn ivwc isrP cfr mOqfˆ hoeIafˆ. cIn dI afbfdI 137 kroV hY, pr AuQy hux qwk isrP cfr lokfˆ dI mOq hoeI hY. sYlPI lYˆdy smyˆ ho rhIafˆ afm mOqfˆ tryn vwloN kucly jfx, smuMdr, nihr jfˆ diraf ivwc zuwbx, Kqrnfk phfVI Zlfx qoN Kwz ivwc izwg pYx, ikÈqI Ault jfx aqy vfhn clfAuNdy smyˆ huMdIafˆ hn. sB qoN vwD mOqfˆ AucfeI qoN izwgx aqy pfxI ivwc zuwbx nfl huMdIafˆ hn. srvyKx ivwc ieh gwl vI sfhmxy afeI ik aOrqfˆ mrdfˆ qoN vwD sYlPIafˆ iKwcdIafˆ hn, pr mOq dr mrdfˆ ivwc vwD hY. ies df kfrn ieh pqf lwgf ik mrd sYlPI lYx lwigafˆ aOrqfˆ qoN vwD Kqrf AuTfAuNdy hn. ies qoN ielfvf 30 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr vfly nOjvfnfˆ dI mrn igxqI sB qoN vwD hY, ikAuNik AunHfˆ nUM vihm hY ik Kqrnfk sYlPI soÈl mIzIaf `qy pfAux nfl lVkIafˆ AunHfˆ vwl vwD afkriÈq huMdIafˆ hn. Pysbuwk `qy bfkIafˆ qoN vwD ‘lfeIk` aqy PUk CkfAux vfly kumYˆt hfsl krn leI jfn Kqry ivwc pfeI jfˆdI hY. sYlPI iKwcx dI lwq
nOjvfnfˆ nUM aPIm dy nÈy vfˆg lwg geI hY. keIafˆ df ieh hfl hY ik AunHfˆ nUM roË iek inÈicq igxqI ivwc sYlPIafˆ iKwcxIafˆ pYˆdIafˆ hn. jy Auh sYlPIafˆ nf lYx qfˆ AunHfˆ dy srIr Aupr nÈf tuwtx vrgy lwCx idKfeI dyx lwgdy hn. ipCly kuJ sflfˆ ivwc mfrkIt ivwc smfrtPonfˆ dI afmd qoN bfad sYlPIafˆ iKwcx dI Kbq bhuq vD geI hY. pwqrkfrfˆ qwk nUM Dwkf mfr ky prHfˆ kr dyx vfly bd-idmfg lIzr qy aPsr vI asIl gfˆ vfˆg Jwt qyrfˆ ieMcI muskfn ibKyr ky sYlPI iKcfAux nUM iqafr ho jfˆdy hn. ieh vI nhIN socdy ik surwiKaf nUM Kqrf pYdf huMdf hY. keI aihmk qfˆ gwzI clfAuNdy smyˆ afpxy afp dI vIzIE bxfeI jfˆdy hn. hux iek nvfˆ ruJfn cwl ipaf hY ik afqm hwiqaf dI sYlP vIzIE bxfAuxI hY. mrn vflf pihlfˆ keI bygunfhfˆ dy nfm lYˆdf hY qy iPr ieh dwsdf hY ik Plfxf-Plfxf myrI mOq df iËMmyvfr hY. iPr bfkfiedf kYmrf iPwt krky PfˆsI lfAuNdf hY. ijs df nfm vIzIE ivwc af jfˆdf hY, Auh ibnfˆ iksy ksUr qoN vI kfnUMnI pcVy ivwc Ps jfˆdf hY. ikqy hfdsf hoieaf hovy, hVH afvy, iksy df kql jfˆ swtfˆ lwgIafˆ hox, koeI drd nfl qVPdf hovy, ivhlVfˆ nUM mdd dI bjfey sYlPI iKwc ky Pysbuwk `qy pfAux df iËafdf iPkr huMdf hY. iPr nfl dI nfl ‘lfeIk` igxn lwg jfˆdy hn. hux srkfr sYlPIafˆ dy iKlfP sKq ho rhI hY. Kqry vflIafˆ Qfvfˆ `qy ‘no sYlPI Ëon` bxfey jf rhy hn. ipCly kuMB myly ivwc BfrI BIV kfrn keI Qfvfˆ ‘no sYlPI Ëon` aYlfnIafˆ geIafˆ hn. kyˆdrI sYr spftf mMqrfly ny sUby srkfrfˆ nUM Kqrnfk Qfvfˆ ÈnfKq krky ‘no sYlPI Ëon` bxfAux dy afdyÈ idwqy hn. muMbeI dy anykfˆ lok sYlPI lYˆdy smyˆ arb sfgr ivwc zuwb cuwky hn. ies leI hux muMbeI dIafˆ bIcfˆ `qy drjn qoN vwD ‘no sYlPI Ëon` bxfey gey hn. sYlPI df ÈOk ijs rPqfr nfl vD irhf hY, ies nUM rokxf hux sMBv nhIN, iPr vI sYlPI lYx lwigafˆ afpxI aqy dUsirafˆ dI surwiKaf nUM Kqry ivwc nhIN pfAuxf cfhIdf. sYlPI iKwcx nfl isrP QoVHy ijhy lfeIk qy kmYˆt hI imlxy hn, pr jy koeI hfdsf ho igaf qfˆ iksy ny Kbr lYx vI nhIN afAuxf. nOjvfn pIVHI nUM sYlPIafˆ iKwcx dy PjUl ÈOk Cwz ky pVHfeI qy Kyzfˆ vwl iDafn dyxf cfhIdf hY. jy koeI ivakqI lfiek hY qfˆ lok afpxy afp Aus dI kdr krdy hn. bhuq Gwt afeI[ ey[ aYs[, afeI[ pI[ aYs[, mMqrI aqy pfrlImYˆt mYˆbr afid sYlPIafˆ soÈl mIzIaf `qy pfAuˆuN hn, pr lok AunHfˆ dI Xogqf qy ahudy kfrn ipwCy-ipwCy qury iPrdy hn. kfmXfb ivakqI nUM ssqI Èohrq hfsl krn dI ËrUrq nhIN hY, ieh hkIkq sfzI ‘sYlPIbfË` nOjvfnI nUM pCfnxI cfhIdI hY.
Friday, May 19th, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
mfvF hox sdIvIN CfvF
mF jd clI jfey
kyvl isMG (inrodsL) mn df boJ Auqfr ilaf sI. afpxI mF dI gwl suxfvF.
dmjIq drsLn mF
lMGxf isKfAuNdI hY.
ijs df nF lYNidaF hI
mF jd clI jfey
sO aMimRq bUMdF ijMnF rs suafd bx
bhuq Xfd afAuNdI hY
hoTF qy af smf jFdf hY.
mF qF mF hI khfAuNdI hY.
mF sO gwlF dy Byd
ieh vI nhIN
suKpfl qyry leI iewCf nf rhI nf shI
pr hr mF qoN sdky jfvF.
afiKaf mYnUM ieAuN suxf ky.
pr ieMj vI nhIN
mfqf myrI dieafvfn sI.
iek iek awKr nUM txkf ky.
ik qyrI Xfd nf rhI
inr-awKr pr igafnvfn sI.
bwicaF mYnUM loVF vyly.
ijLMdgI ivc bhu jLPr jfilaf.
aOKy vyly QoVF vyly.
twbr vKqF nfl pfilaf.
nxd gvFZx iksy drfxI.
Auh nf huMdI ruwl jfxf sI.
swsF vrgI suGV ijTfxI.
ieh Auh muhwbq nhIN sI
jIvn df rfh Buwl jfxf sI.
ibn boly Gr myry af ky.
jo nPrq df puwTf pfsf huMdI hY
diraf vFg atwl vgdI mhwbq nf rhI nf shI pr ieh vI nhIN
ijs dy moh Bry bol suxidaF hI
afpxI CfqI `c dPnfAuNdI hY
sO aMimRq bfxIaF ijMnI mmqf
afpxy bMdy dIaF vDIkIaF
muhwbq bx jIvn rusLnfAuNdI rihMdI hY.
afpxy hwzF qy hMZfAuNdI hY
Auh Kur rhIaF kMDF dy nfl KurdI hY
rjLf `c rihky vkq lMGfieaf.
loVINdI hwQ vsq PVf ky.
ieh qF
ijs df koeI bdlfa nhIN
iKlry kMizaF qy nMgy pYr qurdI hY
nhIN buwlHF qy isLkvf afieaf.
kihxf kol hoAU jd qyry.
qyry nfl iml ky
sO rwbF dI jnnI
mF Gr nUM svrg bxfAuNdI hY
sMjm ivc rih pfly bwcy.
af ky rwK jfvIN Gr myry.
DrqI nUM pMz bxf isr qy AuTfAuNdI hY
Auh Gr nUM tuwtxoN bcfAuNdI hY
ivc kuTflI Zfly bwcy.
ibn boly ibn mMgy puwqrf.
bRihmMz ivc akfs gMgf nfl
mF jd clI jfey
hYsI myrf bfp vI ikrqI.
myry idn ieMj lMGy puwqrf.
sMvfd rcfAuNdI hY.
bVI Xfd afAuNdI hY
sdf rhI kMm dy ivc ibrqI.
qyry Gr koeI afey svflI.
Ausy sfry kuJ nUM
mF jd clI jfey
mF qF mF hI khfAuNdI hY.
hwz qoVvIN imhnq krdf.
kdy nf moVIN Aus nUM KflI.
ijvyN cfihaf sI
bhuq Xfd afAuNdI hY
Auhdy sfhF `coN sfhy-gIqF dI mihk
iPr vI Gr df aOKf srdf.
bfpU bVf sMqfp hMZfieaf.
mF qF mF hI khfAuNdI hY.
afAuNdI hY
ipAu ‘koTI’ bxfAuNdf hY
Auhdy hAuikaF `coN vYxF dI KusLboeI
koTI df mflk khfAuNdf hY
afAuNdI hY
mF inwky inwky hwQF nfl Gr bxfAuNdI hY ijvyN diraf AuWqoN qr ky koeI lihr Gr dy hr dfxy qy afpxI mohr lfAuNdI
afAuNdI hY
iknfiraF nUM KordI ijvyN koeI nihr
almfrIaF `c sM j o e y su p inaF nU M
afAuNdI hY
sihlfAuNdI hY
isKr dupihry qurdy jFdy
puwqrF dy KMBF ivc Auzfx Br ivCoVy dI awg nfl AumrF df
ijvyN CF iQafAuNdI hY hux dIaF qlKIaF qursLIaF ivc
mfipaF ipqrI Drm inBfieaf. msIN msIN sfh suwK df afieaf.
ik nPrq eI ho geI
afpxy afp nUM pUiraF krn dI qmMnf sI ieh mr jfx dI iewCf nf sI qyry nfl iml ky inrfkfr ho jfx dI KfhsL sI
jIivaf nhIN igaf pr ijAUx ivc ivsLvfs hfly muwikaf nhIN
DIaF puwqrF qfeIN ivafihaf.
Ausy rfq ieh gwlF krky.
eys qrHF idn lMG gey aOKy.
myrI godI ivc isr Drky.
ismrnjIq iswDU (JUMdF) Kyz lo nI kuVIE
asIN vI hwQoN ho gey sOKy.
aYsI gUVHI nINdr suwqI.
inwq mfxo nI bhfr,
iek idn mF df supnf afieaf.
myrI mF muVky nf AuWTI.
XfdF bxky rih jfxy
lwigaf mYnUM Es bulfieaf.
Auh qurgI qur asIN vI jfxf.
bcpn dy idn cfr
mYN myrT sI Auh kursLyqr.
mMnxf pYNdf Aus df Bfxf.
mYnUM vI suJ igaf agyqr.
DIE puwqro BYx BrfE.
CuwtI lY ky mYN Gr afieaf.
mfipaF dI rwj syv kmfE.
aMdrlf iZwz iKwc ilafieaf. kro AunHF bwicaF dIaF rIsF.
KOry ikwQy rYx bsyrf ikhVf ey Gr sMsfr, iPr cuwkxf hI pYxf isr jLuMmyvfrIaF df Bfr,
qMdUr qpfAuNdI hY
mF dI Xfd sqfAuNdI hY.
DIaF awlHVF dI msqI
mF jd clI jfey
vyK sI mYnUM awKF TrIaF.
jo vwizaF dIaF lYx asIsF.
jdoN hoeI ijMd qfr-qfr
AuhdI nINd AuzfAuNdI hY
bVI Xfd afAuNdI hY
iPr rfqIN rwj gwlF krIaF.
suwK qF iml jfvxgy afpy.
pwly dy ivc rih jfxy
AuhnUM jMglF dy kMizafly rfhF `coN
mF qF mF hI khfAuNdI hY.
mYQoN iek iekrfr ilaf sI.
nhIN imlxy qF kyvl mfpy.
idwqy mfipaF jo sMskfr.
ieh sLtfpU ptoly iks Kyzxy
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
somdwq idlgIr
mnmohn ikMnf Auqr afieaf sI cMn sfzy kol
qy hux sLfied shI sur dI sunfKq ho nhIN skxI.
ipClI pUnm dI rfq
bQyrf pf ilaf rOlf, qUM itkky bYT jf hux qF,
ikMnIaF bfqF pfeIaF Es
ik tuwtI qfl dI qYQoN murMmq ho nhIN skxI.
jMmI cfnxI `c
klf nUM qF hmysLf sfDnf vI mfx idMdI hY,
lY quiraf sfnUM cFdI dy rwQ `qy lMmI sYr nUM bVI dUr inkl gey dyr bfad prqy kmfl sI cMn dI mihmfn invfjLI qyry jfx mgroN awj kwl vI cMn hOlI ijhy af Auqrdf myry kol qwkdf rihMdf izwb izwb puwCxoN puwCxoN rih jFdf kuJ
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF
surF bfgI ny, rfgF dI ihPfjLq ho nhIN skxI.
hrcMd isMG bfgVI
ieh mslf idl df hY,
akqUbr ivc lfrMs qy sLyr isMG,
qyj isMG qy hor srdfrF nUM
ies dI qjfrq ho nhIN skxI.
iswK POjF nUM AuQy cVHFvdy ny.
pfs afpxy Auh bhfAux lwgy.
qUM hwQF nfl lfAuNdf ey, buJfAuNdf nfl pYrF dy,
AuQoN syLK nUM njLrbMd krky,
jgIrF, ruqibaF aqy srdfrIaF df,
qyrI hF ivc rlfvF hF, ieh ihMmq ho nhIN skxI.
Auho lhOr dy ivc ilaFvdy ny.
cogf BuwiKaF qfeIN pfAux lwgy.
jly duwD dy ny, PUkF mfrdy sB lok lwsI nUM,
pwqr ilKy jo Aus nUM lfl isMG ny,
hrcMd isMGf aMgryjL dy sfjL Auqy,
ienHF koloN qF hux qyrI, ihmfieq ho nhIN skxI.
iqMny kwZ ky Auh idKFvdy ny.
gIq gulfmI dy Auho gfAux lwgy..
ierdf pfk, AuWcf, lksL, jjLbf, hosL sLfiml kr,
hrcMd isMGf jdoN GoK kIqI,
lfrMs afKdf AuWqoN hukm afieaf,
iekwly lfl rMg qoN hI, bgLfvq ho nhIN skxI.
lfl isMG nUM dosLI pFvdy ny..
qusIN ies nUM qoV inBfvxf eI.
ies dosL qihq lfl isMG nUM vjLfrq
agr qusIN smF sMBfilaf nf,
ivcoN kwZ ky bnfrs kYd kr idwqf
iPr qusF ny bYT pCqfvxf eI.
mYN BFp jfnF AuhdI jigafsf
hripMdr rfxf slfmq pYr ny jd qk jdoN qk afs bfkI ey.
ies vfr qUM ieMJ krIN
qurFgI mYN sLmHf lY ky jdoN qk rfq bfkI ey.
gwdfrI krky mfr jLmIr qfeIN,
kro bynqI qusIN ilK sfry,
af jfvIN BfvyN GVI dI GVI
KVHFgI prbqF vFgUM hvf df ruK vI moVFgI,
AuWcf ahudf jo Aus ny pfieaf jI.
asIN dwsFgy jo ilKfvxf eI.
lY jfvIN cMn nUM AuNglI lfa
vqn myry qy jd qk jLulm df ieh Bfr bfkI ey.
ijvyN afieaf AuNJ hI Kuws igaf,
hrcMd isMGf srkfr aMgryjLI ny,
aglI pUrn dI rfq qwk
iqhfey hMs vI mrdy ipafsI mr rhI mwClI,
mfVf kIqf jo awgy afieaf jI.
sulfh nfmf nvF bxfvxf eI..
mYN qwkFgf qyrf rfh…
ndI vI mr geI smJo bs ies ivc gfr bfkI ey.
do hjLfr mhInf dy Bwqf,
dysI srdfrF qy vjLIrF qoN aMgryjL
suxI nf dfsqF myrI sjn Auh qur igaf AuTky,
PV bnfrs kYd krfieaf jI.
aPsrF ny bynqI pwqr ilKvfxf
myry KfmosL hoTF ivc ajy qk bfq bfkI ey.
hrcMd isMG hYnrI lfrMs zfZf,
sfzI ilKqI arjL srkfr nUM hY,
rhygf sfQ qyrf jd qlk hY ijLMdgI bfkI,
hr mihkmy Auqy Cfieaf jI..
aMgryjLI POjF nf ajy htfAu sfeIN.
suwky diraf siqMdr isMG nUr suwky diraf suwk ky vI nhIN suwkdy suwky dirafvF dI qih ivc ieiqhfs nhIN suwkdf suwky diraf zUMGy huMdy jFdy hn suwky dirafvF df avcyqn huMdf hY suwky diraf sdIaF dI pYV sFB ky rwKdy hn suwky diraf rfhF nUM afvfjL mfrdy hn suwky diraf rfhIaF nfl gwlF krdy hn afAu suwky dirafvF nfl gwlF krIey.
rhygI ijLMdgI qd qk ik jd qk sfQ bfkI ey. mfrc 1846 eI: vflI sulfh muqfibk sfl dy aMq qy aMgryjLI POjF ny lhOr `coN cly nykI krdf, dwuK hI Brdf jfxf sI aqy isafsq `coN aMgryjLF df dKl Kqm ho jfxf sI. pr hfrizMg pMjfb df pRo: pUrn isMG kbjLf nhIN sI Cwzxf cfhuMdf sO sfl dy ruwK hyTF iek hfrizMg sI lfrMs qy krI qfeIN, jVH df mwuZ bx imwtI crdf qpdI DrqI ivc hnHyry Bfry rwuK leI sB kuJ krdf lgfqfr Auh ibnF ihwilaF rwuK dy Bfr nUM isr `qy Drdf Aumr Bog ky swuk jFdf ruwK jd muwZ dy toty toty hovx kulhfVI dIaF swtF jrdf iPr vI Aus dI nhIN KlfsI lohVI dI DUxI ivc bldf cuwlHy aqy qMdUr `c sVdf bx koly Auh awg `c mwcdf ijMd lutfAuNdf kI nf krdf swc kihMdy, ies jwg ivc Xfro jo nykI krdf, duwK hI Brdf
ieho dwsdf icwTIaF pf ky jI. dysI vjLIrF aqy amIrF qfeIN, rwKo afpxy nfl imlf ky jI. rsUK vfly srdfrF qy jLor pf ky, kho AunHF nUM kol bulf ky jI. hrcMd isMGf bynqI AunHF vwloN, qusIN lY lAu ieMJ ilKvf ky jI..
ijMnf icr nhIN bflg dlIp huMdf, iswK rfj nUM qusIN clfAu sfeIN. mhfrfj dy rKvfly bxo qusIN, ies nUM ihPfjLq dy nfl pVHfAu sfeIN. hrcMd isMGf sfzI bynqI ieh, ies syvf nUM qoV inBfAu sfeIN.. Puwt pfAU aMgryjL ny KylH KylHI, Puwt idwqI srdfrF ivc pf bylI. zr aqy lflc df Pyr zMzf, ley aMgryjL ny vwD imlf bylI. dInfnfQ dIvfn aqy mhfrfxI, kuwJ AunHF vI ley rlf bylI.
hYnrI lfrMs qy ‘krI’ ny afpxI sihmqI vfly vjLIrF aqy amIrF nUM lflc aqy dbfa dy ky nvIN sulfh leI rjLfmMd krnf
hrcMd isMGf aMgryjL ny lf qMbU,
lfrMs aqy krI afey hukmF nUM,
bfkI sfry amIr vjLIr swdy,
amlI jfmf dovyN pihnfAux lwgy.
pr ijMdF nUM nhIN bulfieaf ey.
kwTy kr ley sfry bulf bylI..
The Patrika
mF df irsLqf
mulK rfj bjfj pRymI golyvflf mfvF vfilE kdy Xfd kIqf Cwz ieMzIaf iewQy aFvdy ho hMJU kyrdI Poto dyK lYNdI, zfZf ijgrf Aus df jfxdy ho BYx Brf mOky qy Cwz jfvx, pr mfqf dI tuwtdI zor nhIN ijs dy pfs hY mF Xfro, Aus nUM rwb dI loV nhIN mfqf df idl aYsf ipafry, jd bwcf rovy qy kurlfvy afp qF pYNdI igwly ibsqry, bwcy nUM suwky hI QF pfvy cwk CfqI nfl lfvy mfqf khy, zrny dI loV nhIN ijs dy pfs hY mF Xfro, Aus nUM rwb dI loV nhIN afp anpVH Gry grIbI pr bwcy, KUb KVHFdI ey dysL dI AunqI quhfzf BivwK, ipafr nfl smJFdI ey mfvF TMzIaF CfvF huMdIaF, hor bUty dI loV nhIN ijs dy pfs hY mF Xfro… puwq kpuwq nf sFBx mfpy, afKr nUM pCqfvxgy mfqf AunHF dI suwK hI suwKy, kdI iswDy ho jfvxgy Dn ijgrf hY mfqf qyrf, pr idl ivwc mfqf Kor nhIN ijs dy pfs hY mF Xfro… jwg qy ijs dI mF nhIN huMdI, mF qF cyqy afAuNdI mF ibnf jwg suMnf suMnf, mmqf Aus sqfAuNdI Bfxy Aus dy rihxf pYNdf, cldf iksy df jLor nhIN ijs dy pfs hY mF Xfro… keI GrF `c aYsy irsLqy, mfqf duKI ho ky kihMdI puwq ivafihaf suwK lYx nUM, pr nUMh GUr ky pYNdI puwq ivcfly Pisaf bYTf, pr cldf ies df jLor nhIN ijs dy pfs hY mF Xfro… KfndfnI GroN afvx nUMhF, iewjq krn qy afp krf lYx pqI nUM smJx Bgvfn rUp, sws shury `c mfx vDf lYx eykf ijs pRvfr `c hoieaf, svrg dI QoV nhIN ijs dy pfs hY mF Services Xfro… Tile Installation
srvx vrgy puwq hY keI, syvf mfipaF dI krdy TwgI corI nsLf nf vrqx, rwb koloN hn zrdy aYsy puwqr sB nUM dyvy, pRymI mfVy dI loV nhIN ijs dy pfs hY mF Xfro, Aus nUM rwb dI loV nhIN
tfeIlf lgvfAux leI sMprk kro
Specialized In New & Renovation of Older Homes Tiles Renovation Entrance Ways Kitchen (Floor and Backsplash) Fireplace Tiling Old Bathroom Repair New Bathroom Tiling New House Tile Installation
tfielF rYnovysLn aYNtrI dIaF tfielF ikcn dIaF tfeIlF, ikcn dI bYksplYsL Pfierplys dIaF tfielF purfxf bfQrUm irpyar nvyN bfQrUm dIaF tfielF nvyN GrF dIaF tfielF lgvfAuxIaF
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For More Information Call Param at: 604-300-7707
Friday, May 19th, 2017
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
sLok smfcfr asIN bhuq duwK Bry mn nfl sUicq krdy hF ik bIbI nsIb kOr buwtr 9 meI 2017 nUM aYbtsPorz rIjLnl hspqfl ivc dunIaF qoN cly gey hn. Auh afpxy ipwCy afpxy iqMn puwqr svrn, amr, qrlocn buwtr aqy do DIaF ismrjIq cfhl gurmIq brfV, poqy, dohqy, pVpoqry pVdoqry aqy bhuq sfrf pirvfr Cwz gey hn. bIbI nsIb kOr buwtr aqy AunHF dy pqI s: jrnYl isMG 1988 ivwc knyzf ivc afey sn. pihlF Auh ivlIam lyk rhy qy iPr 1985 ivc aYbtsPorz af vsy. AunHF df pykf ipMz iswDvF klF pMjfb sI aqy shurf ipMz hTUr pMjfb sI. Auh iek smprq dfdI aqy ipafrI mF sI. muskfx hr vyly AunHF dy cyhry qy rihMdI sI qy Auh bhuq hI AuqsLfh BrpUr sLKsLIaq sI. asIN mrdy dm qwk AunHF nUM Xfd rwKFgy. prmfqmf AunHF nUM afpxy crnF ivc invfs bKsLy. AunHF dIaF aMqm rsmF 21 meI 2017 nUM 12:30 vjy irvrsfeIz iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivc hoxgIaF aqy aMqm ards gurduafrf bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr ivKy hovygI.
INSURANCE SERVICES Owner Operatiors and Drivers BC - California - BC ● No Experience Required ● Training will be provided ● Ability to cross border
quhfzIaF ieMsLorYNs (bImy) dIaF syvfvF leI hfjr hF. “supr vIjLf” leI hr svfl leI sMprk kro.
afAux vflyL smyN ivwc afpxy pUry pirvfr nUM aqy afpxI kmfeI nuM surwiKaq cfhMudy ho?
tYksI aqy trwk zrfeIvrF leI spYsLl skImF
sfzy kol kuJ nvIaF skImF afeIaF hn|
afp jI dI jfxkfrI pUrI qrHF nfl surwiKaq aqy gupq rwKI jfvygI.
sfzf kMm gRMtI hY, shI slfh, ZukvIN skIm aqy qswlI bKsL! Come visit us for all your insurance needs!
● Clean Driver Abstract
ijvyN lfeIPL ieMsLorYNs, mOrgyjL ieMsLorYNs, kMm krn dy Xog nF hovy, iksy iksm df aYksIzYNt, ikqy sPLr qy jf rhy ho, rwb nF kry iksy nf murfd ibmfrI df isLkfr ho jfvoN qF, bwicaF dI agFh pVHfeI leI skIm, buZfpy vyly pYsf ikvyN kMm afvy, jF supr vIjLf afid. hmysLF iewko nfm Xfd rwKxf! We guarantee that you will not be disappointed by our expertise insurance services!
Karamjit Rajwan: 604-897-9646 asIN afp jI dI pUrI jfxkfrI lYky afp nMU shI slfh ZukvIN skIm aqy ieMsLorYNs (bImf) lYky dyvFgy.
The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Â? Â? Â? Â Â?
aYbtsPorz kYnrI ivwc kfimaF dI loV Abbotsford 1. Cannery Workers aYbtsPorz 2. Forklift Operators 3. Computer Operator ivwc byrI ipwkrF 4. Truck Driver nUM rfeIz vI 5. Quality Control Supervisor
aYbtsPorz leI byrI ipkrF dI vI loV hY.
idwqI jfvygI
Work is available till End of November
zYltf ivwc kfimaF dI loV - Delta Receiving Station
5039 112th St., Delta BC V4K 3N3 Scale/Computer Operator Forklift Operators Truck Drivers Quality Control Supervisor
hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro:
Hardev: 778-241-1914 | Amrik Chahal: 778-929-4530 Office: 604-850-0377 Apply in person:34488 Bateman Rd., Abbotsford, British Columbia Fax your resume: 604.855.1625 | Hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday) PAGE 32
Friday, May 19th, 2017
The Patrika
bcfE amly vwloN guMm Pfier cIP dI lfprvfh zRfeIvrF nUM nwQ pfAux Bfl muawql leI puils aiDkfrI bxy kMstRwksLn vrkr 5 meI nUM hVHF ivc guMm hoey 59 sflf Pfier cIP klytn kYiszI dI Bfl df kMm afr sI aYm pI vwloN rok idwqf igaf hY| Aus dI kfr Zih gey iek pulL dy nyVy imlI sI| ies qoN anumfn lgfieaf igaf sI ik Auh hVH dI Byt cVH igaf hY| Aus dI lfsL lwBx leI qyjL-pfxI tImF vI lgfeIaF geIaF sn| vrxnXog hY ipCly hVHF smyN Aus nUM bhfdrI df ienfm idwqf igaf sI| AudoN ikRstI klfrk vwloN Aus dy axQwk XqnF aqy ihMmq dI sLlfGf kIqI geI sI|
lLfprvfhI nfl zRfeIv krn vfilaF nUM PVn leI vYnkUvr puils aPsr kMstRksLn vrdI pihn ky bhu rUpIey bxy| ieAuN burfrz ibRwj ‘qy hoieaf| ieh kdm sVkF ‘qy kMm krn vfilaF nUM lfprvfh zRfeIvrF qoN bcfAux leI ivwZI muihMm df iek Bfg hY| aijhy ielfikaF nUM kon jLon ikhf jFdf hY ikAuNik AuwQy konF itkfeIaF huMdIaF hn pr lfprvfh zRfeIvrieMnHF konF dI prvfh nf krdy kfimaF df nuksfn kr idMdy hn| vrksyP dy sUqrF anusfr 2007 bI sI dy do cox hlikaF dI hovygI aqy 2016 dy ivckfrly smyN ivc 15 sVkI kfmy mfry gey aqy 229 jLKmI hoey| vrksyP bI sI df kihxf hY ik BfrI dubfrf igxqI jurmfny krn dy bfvjUd lfprvfh zRfeIvr lfprvfhI qoN vYnkUvr-Pfls krIk aqy kortIny-kfmOks dy cox bfjL nhIN afAuNdy| hlikaF dI dubfrf igxqI meI 22-24 nUM hovygI| ieMnHF ivcoN pihly cox hlky qoN ilbrl df AumIdvfr 560 votF surwiKaq ieMjYksLn sYNtr Insite dy nfl ijwqaf hY aqy DUsry ivc aYn zI pI ny kuvl 9 votF zRwgF ivc 80% PYNtYinl imlI dy Prk nfl ijwq pRfpq kIqI hY| dubfrf igxqI leI cox nqIjy inklx qoN bfad3 idnF dy aMdr bynqI krnI pYNdI bfjLfr ivc ivk rhIaF nsLIlIaF vsqF nUM prKx leI hY| sbMDq AumIdvfrFR vwloN smyN isr bynqI krn krky clfeI muihMm dOrfn vyiKaf igaf ik 1000 nmUinaF ivcoN dubfrf igxqI kIqI jfvygI| 1,76,000 gYr hfjLr bYltF 80% ivc PYNtfinl vyKI geI aqy 40% ivc kokyn pfeI dI igxqI df mhwqv ieMnHF cox hlikaF leI bhuq ijLafdf geI| vYnkUvr kostl hYlQ dy zfktr mfrk ilsLfien hY| dubfrf igxqI ho jfx mgroN vI iek pVFa hor hY aqy df kihxf hY ik ies prK df nqIjf ieh inkilaf ik Auh hY adflqI muV-igxqI jo cox kimsLn vwloN nhIN sgoN iensfeIt dy nsLeIaF ny afpxy nsLy dI mfqrf Gtf leI bI sI dI suprIm kort vwloN krvfeI jFdI hY| ieh igxqI aqy EvrzojL dy Kqry qoN bc gey| zdktr mfrk ny ies vI AumdIvfrF vwloN kIqI bynqI AuprMq hI krfeI jFdI hY| prK df iswtf mfntrIal ivc hox vflI 25vINhfrm ieh bynqI aMqm nqIjy inklx qoN 6 idnF dy aMdr aMdr rIzksLn ieMtrnYsLnl kfnPrMs ivc pysL krnf sI| AuMnHF krnI pYNdI hY| so ieMnHF hflfq nUM vyKidaF bI sI cox df df kihx fhY glIaFivc ivk rhIaF zRwgf dI vDyry prK aMqm PYslf sLfied 24 meI nUM vI nf ho sky| AudoN qwk hor jfnF bcf skdI hY| dwisaf jFdf hY ik PYNtfinl mfriPn ikRstI klfrk aqy Aus df mMqrI mMzl bixaf rhygf BfvyN nfloN 100% vD nsLIlI hY aqy ryq dy iek do kxF qoN Kurfk Gfqk ho skdI hY| vrznXoghY ik 2016dOrfn bI sI ivc ieMnHF ivcoN koeI cox hfr vI igaf hovy| EvrzojL nfl 900 lok mr cuwky hn aqy ieMnHF ivcoN 60% PYNtfinl EvrzojL nfl mry|
irwCF dy zr kfrn kIhol JrinaF dy grm csLimaF df dfKlf bMd
sYrspftf aqy mnorMjn dy sLOkInF nUMKbrdfr kIqf igaf hY ik irwCF dy zr krky kIhol dy Jrny aqy tRyl bMd kIqy gey hn| sYr spftf krn vfilaF vwloN aijhIaF QfvF ‘qy Kfd vsqF CwzIaF jfx kfrn irwC AuwQy af jFdy hn| ieh irwC aqy AuMnHF dy bwcy sYr krn vfilaF leI Kqrf bx jFdy hn ikAuNik kdI kdI Auh AuwQy gey sYlfnIaF Aupr hmlf kr idMdy hn| ies iswQqI nUM muK rKidaF kudrqI sroq aiDkfrIaF vwloN AuwQy jfx dy mnfhI hukm jfrI kIqy gey hn aqy nfl hI ikhf igaf hY ik hukm adUlI krn vfilaF nUM jurmfnf kIqf jfvygf| ieh bMdI Kqm hox qoN mgroN vI AuwQy jfx vfilaF nUM ikhf igaf hY ik AuwQy koeI Kfx vflI cIjL aqy gfrbyj nf Cwizaf jfvy ikAuNik ieMj krnf vfeIlz lfeIP aYkt dI Dfrf 33[1(2) dI AulMGxf hY| ies AulMGxf krn vfly nUM $345 df jurmfnf ho skdf hY|
rIal aYstyt df muwl inrDfrk (appraiser) bwicaF leI kfmAuksfAU sfihq rcn df dosLI aYbtsPorz df 33 sflf rIal aYstyt muwl inrDfrk josLUaf jymjL kfmAuksfAU sfihq rcn dy dosL df sfhmxf kr irhf hY| mfrc ivc Aus dy ivruwD jFc sLurU kIqI geI sI 28 apRYl nUM aYbtsPorz puils ny src vfrMt rfhINN Aus koloN bwicaF leI iqafr kIqIaF geIaF ilKqf PVIaF geIaF| ies jFc dy iswty vjoN Aus nUM ihrfsq ivc ilaf igaf| bfad ivc Aus Aupr kuJ pfbMdIaF lgf ky Cwz idwqf igaf| AuMnHF pfbMdIaF qihq Aus nUM 18 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy bwicaF nUM imlx dI mnfhI hY aqy pbilk pfrk,skUl,zy-kyar aqy kimAuintI sYNtr qoN 200 mItr dUr rihx dI hdfieq hY|
lgfqfr vrKf hox ‘qy vI pfxI vrqx ‘qy pfbMdIaF mYtro vYnkUvr ivc 15 meI qoN pfxI dIaf pVf 1 dIaF pfbMdIaF lfgU kIqIaF geIaF hn|15 akqUbr qwk irhfiesLI aqy kfrobfrI Gfhdfr tukiVaF nUM hr qIjy idn pfxI idwqf jf skygf| vftr srivs kimsLn vwloN ieh kdm QuV aqy KusLk vkiPaF leI pfxI bcfAux ihq cuwikaf igaf dwisaf jf irhf hY| sbMDq aiDkfrIaF df ivcfr hY ik ik aijhy Gfhdfr tukiVaF nUM ishqmMd rwKx leI hPqy ivc iek GMtf pfxI dyxf kfPI hY| jLrf grm mOsm ivc qYrfkI dy qlfvF , sbjLIaF leI aqy Gfhdfr Kyz mYdfnF leI pfxI dI Kpq 50% vDfeI jf skdI hY| eIvn aqy aOz nMbrF vfly GrF leI awz awz idn rwKy gey hn| kfrF aqy iksLqIaF nUM Dox vly hojL sLwt-aOP nojLlF vfly hoxy cfhIdy hn| iehpfbMdIaF kyvl pIxXog pfxI leI hn, mINh vly pfxI leI nhIN|
aMqm igxqI qoN pihlF ikRstI ny kIqI gwl imlvrqx dI ieiqhfsk coxF qoN bfad pihlI vfr bI sI dI pRImIar ikRstI klfrk ny ikhf ik Aus ny aYn zI pI ny nyqf jOn hfrgn aqy grIn pfrtI dy nyq aYNzrIAU vIvr nfl sihXog nfl kMm krn dI gwlbfq kIqI hY prMqU Aus gwlbfq dy vyrvy nhIN idwqy| Aus ny ikhf ik cox nqIijaF qoN spwsLt hY ik lok cfhuMdy hn ik rfjnIqk pfrtIaF imlvrqx nfl kMm krn| Aus ny ikhf,” bI sI invfsIaF nUM myrf iehI sunyhf hY ik asIN quhfzI gwl suxdy hF; qusI bdlfa cfhuMdy ho aqy afpxy msilaF df hwl loVdy ho|” ikMzr gftn dy guMJldfr msly bwjt bfry pfsf vtidaF ikRstI klfrk ny ikhf,” asIN lokF vwloN pRgtfeI rfey nUM iDafn ivc rKidaF dUsrIaF pfrtIaF nfl gwlbfq kr rhy hF | AuMnHF pfrtIaF nfl hoeI gwlbfq dy vyrvy dyx ies smyNAuicq nhIN| kyvl ieMnf kihxf kfPI hY ik imlvrqx df rsqf Dfrn kIqf jf irhf hY|”
klfsF dy sfeIj TIk hoxgy zykyarF dI kImq ‘qy
suprIm kort aOP kYnyzf dy hukmF dI pflxf kridaF aYbtsPorz skUl izsitRkt vwK vwK skUlFL dIaF klfsF dy sfeIjL krn jf irhf hY prMqU ies kdm dy iswty vjoN keI skUlF ivc cwl rhy zykyar bMd ho jfxgy| ieh zykyar ieMnHF skUlF dy kmiraF ivc cwl rhy hn| hux ieMnHF zykyarF dy lIjL rIinAU nhIN ho rhy sgoN AuMnHF nUM AuwQoN cly jfx leI ikhf igaf hY| Audfhrx vjoN kMtrI mYzojL zykyar dI cflk nYzIn zyivs df kihxf hY ik Aus nUM AudoN AuwQoN cly jfx leI ikhf igaf jdoN Auh sflfnf lIjL bfry gwl krn leI skUl izsitRkt dy aiDkfrIaF kol phuMcI| iehI hfl ipRMs cfrljL aYilmYNtrI nfl hox vflf hY| vrxnXog hY ik aijhy zykyar bhuq mhwqvpUrn BUimkf inBf rhy hn prMqU skUl izsitRkt adflqF dy hukm dI pflxf krn leI mjbUr hn| klfsF dy sfeIjL TIk krn nfl ijLafdf kmiraF aqy ijLafdf tIcrF dI loV Auqpn ho geI hY| PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Fraser River Community Crematorium
Invitation for Nominations to the Board of Directors Please take note that the Fraser River Community Crematorium Society (the “Society”) will be conducting its general election on July 9, 2017 3pm at 2061 Riverside Rd. The nomination(s) for the following positions are open; • Senior Vice President [One position for two year term] • Board of Directors [ 3 positions for 6 Years] • Board of Director [One position, 2 year term to replace Director elected for Senior Vice President Position] Completed original nomination forms must be received by no later than June 3rd, 2017 5pm at 2061 Riverside Rd. Abbotsford BC V2S 6A5. Post marked will not be accepted. Nominations can be withdrawn by no later than June 3, 2017 5PM with written notification. Qualifications for Senior Vice President: i. Director of the Society in good standing with minimum one year experience on the Board. Qualification for the Board of Directors; a) Must be a Life or Perpetual member of the society. b) Must be a Citizen of Canada or Landed Immigration status in Canada. c) Believes in the cremation of human remain at the end of life ritual according to Sikh and Hindu faith. The Board of Directors of the Society is responsible for the good government of the society. It is expected that the Board of Directors will provide the necessary commitment to complete his/her terms for the office. Be prepared to spend 4 to 8 hours per month for the Society. This includes attending Society meetings, reviewing documents and reports, reviewing issues and determining appropriate responses, attending outside meetings regarding government, municipality and Society issues. There will be about 10 meetings per year and be able to attend regular board meetings. The Nominee must be present himself or herself at the AGM/Election with a brief biography and statement of interest in the Society. If you, or someone you know, has the qualifications and interest to perform the function as a director for the Society, please Contact one of Nominating member to receive the form and mail or drop of at the address above or deliver in person to one of nominating committee members. Nomination Committee: Paul Wadhawan Chair 604-308-6234 Shabnam Brar 604-825-2884 Onkar Brar 778-549-0421
Ranjit Grewal 604-807-4444
Nirmal Sivia 604-825-3762 2061 Riverside Rd. Abbotsford, BC V2S 6A5 Phone: 604-746-3040 Fax: 604-746-3050
borz aOP zfierYktrjL leI nfmjLdgIaF leI swdf
ikrpf krky not krnf ik PRyjLr irvr kimAuintI kRYmftorIam susfietI 9 julfeI, 2017 nUM dupihr bfad 3 vjy 2061 irvrsfeIz roz ivKy afpxI afm cox kr rhI hY| hyT ilKy pdF leI nfmjLLdgIaF KulHIaF hn: • sInIar mIq pRDfn (iek afsfmI, do sfl dI trm) • borz aOP zfierYktrjL (3 afsfmIaF, 6 sfl dI trm) • borz aOP zfierYktr (iek afsfmI 2 sfl dI trm) mukMml asl nfmjLdgI Pfrm 3 jUn, 2017 ,5 vjy sLfm qwk 2061 irvrsfeIz roz, aYbtsPorz bI sI V2S 6A5 ivKy pRfpq ho jfxf cfhIdy hn| ies qoN bfad Byjy svIkfr nhIN kIqy jfxgy| nfmjfdgI vfps lYx leI qfrIk jUn 3, 2017 sLfm dy pMj vjy qwk hY. sInIar mIq pRDfn leI XogqfvF: *borz ivc Gwto Gwt iek sfl dy qjrbf borz aOP 1) 2) 3)
zfierYktrj leI Xogqf: susfietI df jIvn Br leI mYNbr jF sQfeI mYNbr kYnyzf nfigRk jF kYnyzf df lYizMz iemMIgRYNt(afvfsI) mrn AuprMq mnuKI srIr dy sskfr leI pRcwlq iswK jF ihMdU mwq dIaF rhu-rIqIaF ivc ivsLvfsL rKdf hovy
susfietI dy zfierYktr susfietI dy pRclx dy ijLmyvfr hn| afs kIqI jFdI hY ik borz aOP zfierYktrjL afpxy pd dI imafd pUrI krn leI afpxI vcnbwDqf pRgtfAuxgy| susfietI leI 4 qoN 8 GMty arpn krn leI iqafr hovo| ies ivc susfietI dIaF mIitMg ivc hfjLr hoxf, dsqfvyjLF aqy irportF nUM rIivAU krnf, muwidaF nUM rIivAU krnf aqy ZuwkvIN pRqIikiraf ivKfAuxf, srkfr,imAuinspYltI, aqy susfietI dy muwidaF bfryN mIitMgF ivc hfjLr hoxf sLfml hn| sfl ivc 10 mIitMgF hoxgIaF| nfmjfd ivakqI sflfnf jnrl mIitMg/ ielYksLn vfly idn afpxy jIvn ibRqFq aqy susfietI leI vcnbwDqfsihq afp hfjLr hovy| jykr qusIN afp jF quhfzf koeI jfx pihcfx vflf ivakqI susfietI dy zfierYktr vjoN kMm krn dy Xog hY qF nfm jfdgI Pfrm lYx leI iksy vI nfmjLdgI kmytI dy mYNbr nfl sMprk kro. afpxy Bry hoey Pfrm nfmjLfdgI kmytI dy iksy mYNbr nUM afp dy afvo jF Aupr idwqy pqy ‘qy myl kr dyvo jF afp dy dyvo| nfmInyitMg kmytI (muKI) pfl vDfvn muKI
ENkfr brfV
inrml isvIaf
sLbnm brfV
rwjIq gryvfl
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
kYnyzf dI 150vIN vrHy gMZ mOky dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dy PfAUNzr ipRMsIpl, zf: dlIp isMG igwl nUM Xfd kridaF… dsmysL pMjfbI skUl, aYbtsPorz dIaF do ividafrQxF mihkpRIq kOr brfV aqy jsmIn kOr brfV XUnIvristI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy pMjfbI lyK mukfbly ivwc krmvfr pihly aqy dUjy sQfn qy rhIaF XU[bI[sI[ vloN krvfey gey pMjfbI lyK mukfbly ivwc dsmysL pMjfbI skUl, aYbtsPorz dIaF ividafrQxF mihkpRIq kOr brfV aYzvFsz kYtfigrI ivwc pihly sQfn qy aqy jsmIn kOr brfV ibignrjL kYtfigrI ivwc dUjy sQfn qy rhIaF. ieh mukfblf hr sfl XU[bI[sI[ dy eysLIan stwzIjL izpfrtmYNt vloN bI[sI[ dIaF vwKvwK XUnIvristIaF, kfljF aqy skUlF dy ividafrQIaF ivckfr krvfieaf jFdf hY. ijs ivwc XU[bI[sI[ kuaFtln XUnIvristI, srI dy vwK-vwK skUl aqy dsmysL pMjfbI skUl, aYbtsPorz dy ividafrQI Bfg lYNdy
hn. vrnxXog hY ik ies sfl cfr ienfmF ivwcoN do ienfm dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dy bwicaF ny pRfpq kIqy hn. dsmysL skUl dy ividafrQI hr sfl rIsrc pRojYktF rfhIN knyzf dy pMjfbI siBafcfr bfry jfxkfrI iekwTI krdy hn aqy vwK-vwK mukfbilaF ivwc Bfg lYNdy hn. ies qoN pihlF vI qkrIbn jd qoN pMjfbI lyK mukfbly sLurU hoey hn, bwcy hr sfl avfrz hfsl krdy hn. zf: dlIp isMG dy XqnF sdkf jyqU bwicaF nUM skUl dy slfnf ienfm vMz
smfgm ivwc vI snmfinq kIqf jFdf hY. bfkI bwicaF leI ieh bwcy pRyrnf sroq bxdy hn.
isKFdrU (ibignrjL): ieh kYtfigrI ivwc Auh bwcy sLfml ho skdy hn jo kflj ivwc pihly sfl dI pVHfeI kr rhy hox jF gryz ies lyK mukfbly ivwc Auh ividafrQI Bfg 8vIN qoN 11vIN dI pMjfbI pVHI hovy jF pVH lY skdy hn, ijnHF ny ipCly iqMn sflF ivwc rhy hox. pMjfbI iswKI hovy jF iswK rhy hox. ieh ivkisq (aYzvFsz): Auh ividafrQI iswiKaf XUnIvristI, kflj jF srkfrI skUlF jF Aus dy brfbr dy skUl ivwc leI ijnHF df kflj ivwc dUjf sfl hovy jF 12vIN hoxI cfhIdI hY. ieh mukfblf do kYtfigrIjL jmfq qwk pMjfbI pVHI hovy jF pVH rhy hox. ivwc krvfieaf jFdf hY. (ieh jfxkfrI XU[bI[sI[ dy eysLIan ieh do kYtfigrIjL ies qrHF hn: stwzIjL ivBfg ivwcoN leI geI hY.)
knyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry dy Xogdfn knyzf sMsfr df iewko iewk ivlwKx dysL hY ijs ny dunIaF dy hryk kony qoN afAux vfly ivakqI nUM bfhF PYlf ky apxfieaf hY. cfhy Auh iksy dysL, rMg, jfq nsl df hovy. awj knyzf df 150vF suqMqrqf idvs mnfAuNdy hoey sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dI knyzf dy ivkfs vfsqy pfey Xogdfn df vrnx krnf bhuq mhwqvpUrn hY ikAuNik ipCly 100 sflF qoN ieMnF ny knyzf dy ivkfs qy BlfeI vfsqy afpxf KUn psInf qy hMJU insLfvr kIqy hn. BfvyN ik vwK-vwK mhFdIpF qoN afey lok knyzf dI jnsMiKaf df ihwsf hn pr sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dI nvyklI sKsIaq qy pihcfx krky ieh knyzf dy mwQy df itwkf bxy hoey hn. sfAUQ eysLIan lokF nUM ieMzo knyzIan jF eIst ieMzIan dy nF nfl vI jfixaf jFdf hY. ies ivwc muwK qOr qy Bfrq pfiksqfn bMglf dysL qy sRI lMkf dy lok sLfml hn qy 2011 dy aMkiVaF anusfr knyzf dI kuwl abfdI ivwc 1[6 imlIan lok sfAUQ eysLIan hn. awDy sfAUQ eysLIan lokF df jnm Bfrq ivwc hoieaf ijMnHF ivwc ihMdU, musilm, iswK, iesfeI, boDI qy jYn Drm dy lok sLfml hn. 1903 eI: ivwc sB qoN pihlF sfAUQ eysLIan lok ijnHF ny knyzf dI DrqI qy kdm rwiKaf Auh iswK ispfhIaF df iewk gruwp sI jo ikMg aYzvrz swqvyN dI qfjposLI dy smfroh ivwc sLfml hox afieaf sI. Aus qoN bfad ienHF lokF dI afmd df islislf awj qwk jfrI hY. sfAUQ eysLIan knyzIan lokF dI swiBafcfirk iviBMnqf qy ivlwKx idwK krky ienHF ny knyzf nUM afriQk, smfijk, swiBafcfrk, Dfrimk aqy rfjnIqk hr pwK qoN pRBfivq kIqf hY. knyzf dy afriQk ivkfs ivwc vwzf Xogdfn BfrqI lok Kfs qOr qy iswK BfeIcfry ny pfieaf, ijMnF df ipCokV pMjfbI KyqIbfVI
pirvfrF nfl sbMiDq hY. ieMnHF ny lwkV qy sfa zst nfl lMbr imwlF hoNd ivwc ilaf ky knyzf dI afriQkqf nUM mjLbUq krn qy lwKF lokF nUM rujgfr dyx ivwc afpxf Xogdfn pfieaf. awj vI ieh lok AuWQy kMm kr rhy hn qy imwlF dy mflk hn. KyqIbfVI qy ies nfl sbMiDq AudXoigk DMidaF ivwc vI ienHF lokF ny mwlF mfrIaF hn. sLyr aftf imwl vI sfAUQ eysLIan pMjfbI dI dyx hY ijs df aftf pUry knyzf ivwc msLhUr hY. 1960 dy dOrfn sfAUQ eysIaf qoN bhuq sfry zfktr ieMjInIar aiDafpk XUnIvristIaF dy pRoPYsr aqy sfieMsdfn knyzf afey qy afpxIaF syvfvF nfl knyzf nUM afriQk bulMdIaF vwl lY ky gey. sfAUQ eysIan lokF ny knyzf ivwc rih ky kfmXfbI pRfpq kIqI hY. awj ieh zfktr, pfielt, nrs, pOlItIisan, loXr afid bx gey hn. sfAUQ eysIan lokF df gixq qyjL hox kfrn ieh ibjLinsL aqy akfAUitMg vrgy kMmF ivwc bulMdIaF qy hn. keI sfAUQ eysLIan lokF ny Gwto-Gwt kmfeI krky vI afpxf kMm sLurU kr idwqf hY. ijLafdf lokF ny tYksI, trwk pf ky afpxI afmdn ivwc vfDf kIqf hY. keI ieMzIaf dy Kfx pIx vfly rYstorYNt Kol ley hn. grOsrI stor ijwQy pMjfbI BfrqI rfsLn imldf hY bhuq pRiswD hoey hn. AuWQy BfrqI lokF nfl nfl gory vI afAuNdy hn. BfrqI miTafeI df vwKrf suafd hY aqy Aus suafd nUM brkrfr rwKx leI iewQy pMjfbI miTafeIaF dI dukfn vI bhuq cldI hY. idn iqAuhfr vyly gwzI pfrk krn dI jgfh nhIN imldI. awj sfAUQ eysIan lok rIaYltr vI bx gey hn. pOlIitks ivwc vI af ky lokF dI syvf krky, lokF df ipafr aqy Brosf ijwq ilaf hY. KyqI-bfVI ivwc vI bhuq nfm kmfieaf hY. sfAUQ eysIan lokF nUM afpxy Drm qy ivrsy nfl zUMGf ipafr krky vwK-vwK
Dfrimk sQfn ijvyN ik gurduafry, mMdr, msijd hoNd ivwc afey. iswK Drm dI ivlwKx soc qy sFJIvflqf ny knyzIan BfeIcfry nUM ies hwd qwk pRBfivq kIqf ik eIsfeI Drm nUM mMnx vfly bhuq sfry lokF ny iswK Drm nUM apxf ky isMG sj gey qy awj vI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI soc qy pihrf dy rhy hn. sfAUQ ieMzIan lokF duafrf loVvMd lokF leI PMz iekwTy kIqy jFdy hn. muPq KUndfn kYNpF df smyN-smyN qy afXojn kIqf jFdf hY. Dfrimk sQfnF qy gurduafiraF ivwc gurUaF duafrf clfeI geI lMgr pRQf 24 GMty cldI hY. ijwQy hryk nsl, jfq qy Drm dy lok iekwTy bYTky lMgr Cwkdy hn. sfAUQ eysIan BfeIcfrf knyzf qy pYNdI hryk musLkl dI GVI smyN qn, mn qy Dn nfl mdd leI iqafr rihMdf hY. cfhy Auh kudrqI afPLq hovy cfhy afriQk mMdhflI hovy.
mihkpRIq kOr brfV (gryz 10) dsmysL pMjfbI skUl aYbtsPorz:
dysL dI rwiKaf ivwc vI sfAUQ eysIan BfeIcfrf Kfs krky iswK kOm df Kfs Xogdfn hY. pihly ivsLv XuwD dOrfn lwgBwg ds BfrqI iswK knyzIan afrmI ivwc BrqI hoey ijnHF ivwcoN bukm isMG nUM ivktrI mYzl imilaf jo ik bwirts kolbIaf df rihx vflf sI. sLhIdI AuprMq Aus nUM ‘ikMg ston hop sImYtrI’ ivwc siqkfr nfl dPnfieaf sfAUQ ieMzIan knyzIan BfeIcfry dI igaf. awj vI dysL dI rwiKaf qy BIV pYx qy smfijk qy swiBafcfrk dyx nUM vI awKoN ieh BfeIcfrf dysL leI jfnF vfr skdf hY. proKy nhIN kIqf jf skdf. pMjfbI gIqF dIaF surF qy gory lokF nUM nwcdy afm hI rfjnIqk Kyqr ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dyiKaf jf skdf hY ijs nfl siBafcfirk ny vwzIaF mwlF mfrIaF hn. knyzf dI iviBMnqf dy bfvjUd anykqf ivwc eykqf dI rfjnIqk qy sfAUQ eysLIan lokF df bhuq Bfvnf njLr afAuNdI hY. cfhy iswK BfeIcfry pRBfv hY. Gwt igxqI lokF dI rwiKaf qy df ngr kIrqn hovy cfhy ikRsims jF iPr mnuwKI aiDkfrF nUM lfgU krvfAux ivwc knyzf zya sfAUQ ieMzIan BfeIcfrf ies ieMnF df bhuq vwzf Xogdfn hY. knyzf dI ivwc vwD cVH ky afpxf ihwsf pfAuNdf hY ijs mOjUdf srkfr ivwc bhuq sfry aYm[aYl[ey[ nfl lokF dI afps ivwc siBafcfirk qy qy mMqrI BfrqI hn. ijvyN-amrjIq soeI, BfeIcfirk sFJ vDdI hY. sfAUQ eysIan drsLn kMg, soinaf iswDU, nvdIp bYNs hn BfeIcfry ny afpxy bwicaF nUM siBafcfr jo ik lokF dI hr pwK qy syvf kr rhy hn. nfl juVy rwKx leI BfsLf klfsF, lokgIq aMq ivwc ikhf jf skdf hY ik sfAUQ sMgIq isKfAux leI zFs klfs Koly hn. eysIan lok knyzf dI afriQkqf dI rIV bhuq sfry sfAUQ eysIan pRogrfm ryzIE dI hwzI, swiBafcfr df isMgfr, mnuwKqf dI qy kybl cYnl rfhIN muwK sLihrF ivwc bVI syvf leI hmysLf qqpr aqy dysL dy vPfdfr sPlqf pUrvk cwl rhy hn. ispfhI hn. PAGE 35
The Patrika
Spice Radio's Weekly Top 10 Songs By Angelina Rai
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Jackie Shroff - @bindasbhidu Smile that can raise the dead... eternally beautiful person and actress ... Happy Birthday @MadhuriDixit
1. Move Your Lakh Noor - Diljit Dosanjh, Badshah and Sonakshi Sinha
Jason Alexander @IJasonAlexander Off to Vancouver tomorrow to start filming my new series. Get ready, The Swallows are coming soon.
2. Haareya Meri Pyaari Bindu - Arijit Singh 3. Baarish Half Girlfriend - Ash King and Shashaa Tirupati 4. Mercy Badshah 5. Maana Ke Hum Yaar Nahin Meri Pyaari Bindu Parineeti Chopra
6. Ikk Vaari Aa Raabta - Arijit Singh
7. Phir Bhi Tumko Chaahunga Half Girlfriend - Arijit Singh and Shashaa Tirupati
Miss Pooja @1MissPooja Whatever makes you mad ,leave it. Whatever makes you smile,keep it.
8. Badri Ki Dulhania Badrinath Ki Dulhania - Romy and Pawni Pandey
9. Raabta Raabta - Arijit Singh and Nikita Gandhi
10. Hoor Hindi Medium - Atif Aslam
Priyanka Chopra @priyankachopra So excited about the season 3 pick up for #Quantico congrats to everyone who made it happen! #AlexParrish will be back soon..
Sushant Singh Rajput - @itsSSR Physical Transformation in 5 weeks for #Raabta after #MsdhoniTheUntoldStory InstructorSamee Ahmed
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Victoria University holds self management awareness skills workshop for health aging By- Gian Singh Kotli Va n c o u v e r - D r. Patrick McGowan, Director of Self Management Programs and Professor, Centre on Aging, University of Victoria, BC arranged a special workshop of experienced and trained volunteers of Self-Management Programs to share their experience of working within their community for raising awareness of self management skills for maintaining good health and improving their lifestyle. The workshop was held on May 11, in the Fine Arts Building of the University. This significant Program is run by the University of Victoria and funded by the Ministry of Health, BC. Jay Bains, who is coordinator for the entire B.C. province explained in detail that the purpose of organizing such workshops is to help the seniors with chronic illness to explore ways and means by making them aware about self management skills about their mental and physical conditions for living a healthy life. To make this occasion more awarding Dr. Patrick McGowan, specially invited trained volunteer leaders of Self Management Programs from Punjabi speaking SouthAsian community from Vancouver and also aboriginal com-
munity volunteers from Vancouver and other places. Raminder Pal Singh Kang, Gian Singh Kotli, Raminder K a u r, H a r b i n d e r Kaur Bains, Avtar Kaur Manak and Aboriginal community coordinator June along with other volunteer leaders, shared their vast experience of meeting and interacting with community members, particularly the seniors. More than 15 University students from different cities and provinces of Canada specially attended this workshop and were quite curious to know about the experience of running Self Management programs in the communities, challenges faced, development of ‘trust’ with the participants, implementation of process and facilitation of workshops and finally empowering the participants to learn new prevention and management skills to bring about positive changes in their life style. Almost all the speakers converged on the point that by interacting with seniors they can be brought around to pay more attention towards learning self management skills to improve their health. This interaction session was ended with question and answer session. Jay Bains (Jagdev Singh Bains) may be credited for ar-
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ranging several such well managed workshops in various organizations and Senior Centers in almost all the cities of British Columbia. This time too he did not lag behind to make this program a successful event. Dr Patrick McGowan thanked all volunteers and participants for attending this event on behalf of the University. Photo:-
Participants at the Self Management Skills workshop at University of Victoria on May 11, 2017.
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
END THE HURT. END GANG LIFE. The Abbotsford Police want to work with you to keep our young people safe. We would like to come and meet with your family to talk to you about keeping your son or daughter away from gangs. Police officers who speak Punjabi, and who know what is going on with our youth, will come to your house or talk to you on the phone.
AYbtsPorf puils quhwfy nOjvwnw (b`cy Aqy b`cIAW) nUM
sMprk kro:
If you would like to talk to us, and get some help or advice, you can:
jykr qusI swfy nwl g`l krnw chuMdy ho, Aqy koeI mdd jW slwh lYxI chuMdy h, qW qusI:
Email us at: helpyouth@abbypd.ca
suriKAq r`Kx iv`c quhwfy nwl kMm krnw chuMdy hn[ AsI quhwfy pirvwr nMU imlky quhwfy b`cy Aqy b`cIAW nUM gYNg qoN dUr r`Kx leI quhwfy nwl g`l-bwq krwgy[ ijhVy puils AOiPsr pMjwbI boldy hn, ijhnw nUM jwxkwrI hY ik swfy nOjvwnw nwl kI ho irhw hY, auh quhwfy Gr Awky jW Pon qy g`l-bwq kr skdy hn[
eI myl: helpyouth@abbypd.ca
Call us at: 604-864-4777
Pon: 604-864-4777
ies vIfIE nMU dyKo
We have information on our website in a video called “Lodestar - Parenting Matters”. It is in English and Punjabi.
swfI vYbsweIt qy ies vIfIE “Lodestar - Parenting Matters” bwry jwxkwrI hY[ ieh vIfIE AMgryzI Aqy pMjwbI iv`c hY[
To watch the video, go to www.abbypd.ca , click on Crime Prevention, click on Past Strategies and then click on Parenting Matters.
ies vIfIE nUM dyKx leI www.abbypd.ca, qy jWE, iPr kil`k kro Crime Prevention, iPr kil`k kro Past Strategies Aqy iPr kil`k kro Parenting Matters.
END GANG LIFE People Helping People
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Priyanka Chopra has Signed her Next Hollywood Film
I'm a big fan of Shah Rukh Khan : Sushant
While folk from Bollywood still await confirmation on Priyanka’s next film, it seems like the diva has already taken on her next Hollywood project. Priyanka is currently busy at the premier of Baywatch, promoting the film all across India and the US, with all her fans eagerly waiting to see her sizzle on screen as Victoria Leeds. PC has chosen to remain mum whenever questioned about her next appearance on the big screen but much to everyone’s surprise, film producer Paul Bernon, confirmed through a twitter post that he is all set to produce a new film, along with Priyanka Chopra among other stars.
Jumped at chance to work with Rajkumar Hirani : Sonam Actress Sonam Kapoor says she jumped at a chance to work with filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani in the upcoming biopic on actor Sanjay Dutt. The "Neerja" actress will reportedly essay the role of one of Sanjay's love interests in the upcoming biopic. Asked if she could share something about her role, Sonam said "Unfortunately, I can't. But I am huge Raju Hirani fan. I have seen every film of his. I just jumped at that chance. I was like 'I don't care, tell me what I have to do... If you want me to walk across the frame, I'll do that'."
Sushant Singh Rajput will be seen doing a signature step of Shah Rukh Khan in a song titled 'Sadda move' from the upcoming film 'Raabta'. He says he is a big fan of the superstar."I have grown up on Shah Rukh's films and I'm a big fan. In fact, he is the only actor I went to a set to meet, but unfortunately couldn't," Sushant said in a statement.There is a special part of the song where Sushant spreads his arms and does the signature Shah Rukh step. The film's team shot this moment in the fields. They also put together Shah Rukh's look from the iconic film "Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge", a jacket and a hat.The 31-
year-old actor says he likes it that he can pay a tribute to "Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge" in Dinesh Vijan's directorial."When the team told me that we are including a SRK step I was immediately on board. I like, how we were able to include the 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge' homage in our other song," he added. Talking about SRK's signature move, Vijan said: "Everyone has that one particular dance move they love and this song is about showcasing your move. Sushant is a huge fan of SRK and he became an actor because of him. It was his idea to pay homage to the famous SRK pose."
Quality of theatres improving, of films going down : ShahRukh
Feel lucky when there's no controversy : Irrfan Irrfan Khan's forthcoming Bollywood entertainer "Hindi Medium" has Pakistani actress Saba Qamar as the leading lady, and features a song by Pakistani singing sensation Atif Aslam. The acclaimed actor, who is now "very careful" about what he says, feels lucky that the movie is releasing without any brouhaha. "The environment has become such that anything can happen any time. I remember at the time of "Billu", something had happened over a word. So, you always feel lucky when there's no controversy. "Kis baat ka batankar bann
jaayega, pata nahi chalta (You never get to know when a mountain is made out of a molehill)," Irrfan, who described his experience of working with the "talented" Saba as "excellent", It may be recalled here that in 2009, before Irrfan's "Billu" released, the Hairdressers' Associations of Mumbai had made a hue and cry over its initial title "Billu Barber". As a result, 'barber' had to snipped out. Also, around the release of "Madaari" in 2016, the actor had faced the heat for his remarks around 'qurbani'. Is he more conscious and careful about what he says now? "Yes... I am very careful, and I realized one thing that we don't have a place where you can go and express yourself and say what you want to," Irrfan said.
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who inaugurated a new multiplex at a mall, said that with the advancement of technology, the quality of luxurious experience of movie viewing is increasing whereas the quality of cinema is going to the opposite direction. "Earlier, during my childhood we used to watch lots of good film in bad theatres. These days, good cinema theatres are overtaking the quality of films now," Shah Rukh told media here. He added: "Film watching is always experiential. This kind of beautiful, technically advanced theatre with 3D, leaser projection that offers good experience to our audience, also encourages us to make good films." The inauguration took place at the R City mall, Ghatkopar, located in suburban Mumbai, in presence of Siddharth Jain, the director of Inox Group of companies. With nine screen laserplexes, the 58,000 square feet theatre will offer movie goers a luxurious experience with interactive automated box office, interactive menu and LED video wall
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Ph. 604-855-0020 Email: gurmatcenter@gmail.com
Gurmat Center Summer Camp Teacher Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar 30640 Blueridge Drive, Abbotsford, BC
Posting Date: April 24, 2017
Company: The Gurmat Center Society is a non-profit organization that teaches children faith based education involving Punjabi language, scripture reading, Gatka, and Gurmat Camps. Job Description: Your main responsibilities will be looking after and teaching students that have enrolled in the Summer School Gurmat Camp. The camp involves a variety of activities that the campers will be engaged in; Sikh studies, Language Arts, Math, Punjabi, Indian Classical Music, Gatka, sports and recreation. The camper age will range between KG to grade 5 only. On a day-to-day basis, you will be expected to collaborate with fellow teachers, volunteers and with the Camp Director to provide an experiential curriculum that strengthens the students’ academic skills, social development, physical fitness, and spiritual well-being. The Camp teachers will be role models at every turn to support both students and fellow staff. Each camp teacher will be responsible for 25 students and classroom volunteers. To achieve this, you will be working with another Summer School Gurmat Camp teacher along with a team of volunteers, under the direction of the Camp Director. Your work will enable the society to continue providing young Sikh youth with meaningful and positive experiences that will help them grow emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Requirements and Qualifications: a) b) c) d) e) f)
You must be a student between 18 and 30 years of age. You must have been registered as a full-time student during 2016-2017 academic year. You must intend to return to school on a fulltime basis in the next academic year. You must be a student in a post-secondary program. You must be a Canadian Citizen or a permanent resident. You must be entitled to work in Canada.
You must have excellent command of the English language. h) You must be able to read, write and speak Punjabi fluently. i) You must be willing to take Basic First Aid. j) You must have a valid BC driver’s license. k) Criminal record check required. l) You must have good leadership qualities, organizational skills, and solid communication skills. m) You must be willing to shop for supplies throughout the summer. g)
Start Date: As early as June 26, 2017 Finish Date: August 25, 2017 Work Schedule & Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Hourly Pay: $13.00 per hour Interview: Only candidates that are selected for interviews will be contacted. How to Apply: Resumes can only be submitted by email: gurmatcenter@gmail.com
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-sLnI –mMgl df sLtfstk guwsy kfrn hfnI aqy ishq vfsqy ksLtdfiek hY. nyqr-ksLt aqy mfnisk prysLfnI rhy. jfiedfd bfry JgVy ivwc vfDf hovy. srkfr-pwKoN hfnI-BY. meI 21, 22, 29, 30, 31; jUn 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
ibRK-vfXU-ivkfr, gupq icMqf, inwjI lokF nfl ivgfV, bMDU qoN sihXog, sMqfn-pwK qoN KusLI, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk rhy. meI 14, 15, 16, 23, 24; jUn 1, 2,10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
imQn-gupq icMqf, PjLUl df Krc hovy, hwQ qMg rhy, bMDU-suwK, ivwidaf aqy sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, dusLmx kmjLor, iesqrI-pwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr TIk rhy. meI 17, 18, 25, 26; jUn 3, 4, 13 asLuwB hn. krk-nyqr aqy isr-pIVf, afriQk lfB hovy. imwqr-bMDU-suwK. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr aqy sQfn-bdlI qoN lfB hovy. meI 19, 20, 27, 28; jUn 5, 6, 7 asLuwB hn.
isMG-ishq TIk, afriQk mdd imly, Brf qoN suwK, imwqr nfl axbx, iesqrI-suwK, mhIny dy aMq ivwc afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf. meI 21, 22, 29, 30, 31; jUn 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-lukvyN dusLmx jF nIc qoN byiewjLqI df zr, PjLUl df Krc hovy, Brf qoN suwK imly, bMdUksLt, ivwidaf ivwc asPlqf, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, iesqrI-pwK sLuwB, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI df ivcfr bxy. meI 14, 15, 16, 23, 24; jUn 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
7 qulf-ishq TIk rhy, ivsLysL hfnI aqy Krc qoN icMqf, Brf aqy irsLqydfrF qoN mdd, Xfqrf qoN ksLt-BY, nvIN Xojnf aqy sMqfn-pwK qoN suwK, iesqrI nfl axbx, sLuwB kMmF ivwc mn lwgy. meI 17, 18, 25, 26; jUn 3, 4, 13 asLuwB hn.
ibRsick-guwsy ivwc vfDf, inwjI-jn-ksLt, imwqr qoN sihXog, dusLmx mjLbUq, srkfr-pwK qoN BY, kfrobfr aqy sQfn-bdlI df ivcfr bxy. meI 19, 20, 27, 28; jUn 5, 6, 7 asLuwB hn.
Dn-kfrobfr TIk rhy, bMDU-imwqr df sihXog rhy, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, iesqrI-ksLt, snI-mMgl aqy bRihspq df dfn kIqf jfey. meI 21, 22, 29, 30, 31; jUn 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-vfXU-ivkfr, nyqr-ksLt, acfnk Dn-lfB hovy, Brf df suwK imwqr nUM ksLt, sMqfnpwK aqy ivwidaf qoN icMqf, mhIny dy aKIr ivwc kfrobfr afm-krky TIk rhy. meI 14, 15, 16, 23, 24; jUn 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB-ishq TIk, mn ivwc AuqsLfh, afriQk lfB ho ky ivsLysL Krc hovy, imwqr-bMDU nfl ivgfV, dusLmx kmjLor, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI aqy nvIaF XojnfvF bxn. meI 17, 18, 25, 26; jUn 3, 4, 13 asLuwB hn.
mIn-rkq-ipwq-ivkfr, BfeI-bMDU-ksLt, nvIN Xojnf aqy sMqfn qoN hfnI, dusLmx mjLbUq, iesqrI-pwK qoN mdd, mhIny dy aMq ivwc kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI jF BfeIvflI qoN lfB. meI 19, 20, 27, 28; jUn 5, 6, 7 asLuwB hn.
Somebody else may give the impression to go your way with matters or leave things in your hands but it may not be as easy as it first appears to you. Their situation can become weakened rather than strengthened for the rest of the year. For this reason you need to be mindful of commitments you might be tempted to take on.
Wanting to act or move forward might be one thing but the more you contemplate the details, the more it seems there is to take into account. The determination to alter the long-term course of things will not weaken but because Taurus has very sensible character traits nor will you like to risk the security you already have.
Involvement with a group of people can benefit you in some way or somebody you know who is in a situation to put a good word forward will be willing to do just that. You could feel you need to take some sort of risk – as long as you keep this within bounds it should work in your favour. Someone else may not be happy though.
Pressure can start to come from all sorts of directions. There are commitments you need to meet but don’t allow somebody else to alter what you have decided on just because it suits them better. You need to be mindful that other people’s expectations don’t produce a lot more than is necessary for you to organise.
There is a strong possibility that you need to gather more information on where you intend to head with any situation long term. You need to ensure you do not become a slave to circumstance in some way through perhaps being too optimistic and not going into the details well enough. See if these goals lose their shine by next year.
It could be almost impossible to know exactly the desires of somebody else. Anything that involves finances between you and somebody else should be treated very carefully to the end of the year. This is especially so with any investment advice you might be given. You could be on different wavelengths in this area.
You may need to question any personal sacrifice you are willing to make for the benefit of others. This could have been occurring already but there comes a turning point now that will last to the end of the year that you see you disadvantaged if you are not careful. Much has to do with being too generous of yourself. Scale it down.
Making good sense of information or putting information to good use will be easy if you remained focussed on the details or taking one step at a time. If you ponder the big picture too much it can easily take you off track. The same can be said for factors that at the present time are unknown. Wait for them to surface, as they will.
Securing the support you need for any creative project should not be difficult. What could be is the financial side. There is a turning point taking place when it comes to money for creative purposes that will remain in effect to the end of the year. You will need to be able to show that you can get the most out of what will be spent.
An excellent time for you to apply your mind to ridding yourself of the unnecessary so that you become freed up to get a good structure in place. If you don’t focus on this you could generate a lot more obligation for yourself than is necessary. It is possible you realise this from past experience and this can make you determined.
It could be difficult to make final decisions about anything you feel compelled to get rid of or bring to an end, mainly because you feel the future will be better off as a result. There is no harm in considering this until the end of the year, especially if you feel you could benefit from gathering more information without rushing.
Money matters still seem to take priority, especially if other people are involved or are putting you under pressure. Focus on your own priorities and whatever you think best for your own situation. A slowing down or turning around is beginning to take place now, which can have the effect of these matters not moving in a hurry.
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
kYptn ny kyˆdr kol AuTfey pfxI,nÈy qy ivwqI sMkt dy muwdy
nvjoq iswDU ny Poly bfdlfˆ dy poqVy pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq isMG iswDU ny bfdl pirvfr `qy vwzf hmlf kIqf hY . AunHfˆ ny ikhf ik srkfr dI afmdn bfdlfˆ df kfrobfr bx geI sI . trfˆsport, kybl,ryqf-bjrI afid sB kfrobfr `qy akflIafˆ df kbËf sI . iswDU ny ikhf ik hux sB kuJ sfhmxy af irhf hY .bfdl srkfr ny kyˆdrI PMzfˆ ivwc afpxf 368 kroV rupey Èyar hI nhIˆ idwqf sI . ies leI Bfrq srkfr hux PMz dyx qoˆ ienkfr kr rhI hY . AunHfˆ ny bfdlfˆ `qy hmlf kridafˆ ikhf ik ieh jo ivkfs purÈ bxy iPrdy hn, asl ivwc ivnfÈ purÈ hn. AunHfˆ ikhf ik bfdl srkfr ny ivwq kimÈn df 125 kroV ruipaf nhIˆ idwqf.AunHf ikhf ik Auh bfdl ipE-puwq nUM bihs dI cuxOqI idMdy hn.
BgvMq mfn vwloˆ pfrtI df jQybMdk Zfˆcf BMg
pMjfb dy mwuK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny sqluj Xmunf ilMk nihr dy ivvfd nUM afpsI sihmqI nfl hwl krn `qy Ëor idwqf hY.AunHfˆ ny kOmfˆqrI pwDr `qy pRvfinq irpyrIan isDfˆq dy afDfr `qy dirafeI pfxIafˆ dI ZwukvIˆ vrqoˆ dy ankUl hwl leI sbMDq sUibafˆ nUM Bfrq srkfr nfl qflmyl krn df swdf idwqf hY. pMjfb ivwc niÈafˆ dI smwisafˆ df iËkr kridafˆ mwuK mMqrI ny mIitMg dI pRDfngI kr rhy kyˆdrI gRih mMqrI nUM afiKaf ik jdoˆ srhwdfˆ dI ingrfnI df kMtrol surwiKaf blfˆ kol hY qfˆ kyˆdr vwloˆ srhwd pfroˆ niÈafˆ dI qskrI rokx leI srhwd `qy sKq ingrfnI rwKx vfsqy hdfieqfˆ jfrI kIqIafˆ jfxIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn.AunHfˆ ny guafˆZI sUibafˆ rfjsQfn,hirafxf,ihmfcl pRdyÈ qy jMmU kÈmIr nUM posq qy BMg dI gYr kfnUMnI qOr `qy ho rhI KyqI nUM Kqm krn leI Tos Xqn kIqy jfx dI apIl kIqI.
bfdl vwloˆ sMgq drÈnfˆ `c vwMzIafˆ gRfˆtfˆ kYptn ny leIafˆ vfps,hvfeI awzy smyq 250 pRfjYkt ltky sfbkf mwuK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl dy sMgq drÈnfˆ `qy kYptn srkfr dI tyZI nËr hY. ivDfn sBf coxfˆ qoˆ TIk pihlfˆ DVfDV hoey sMgq drÈn `c irEVIafˆ dI qrHf vMzIafˆ geIafˆ gRfˆtfˆ kYptn srkfr ny vfps lY leIafˆ hn.iËlf pRÈfsn dy bYˆk akfAuˆt `c pey lgBg 87 lwK rupey srkfr ny vfps kwZvf ley hn. ieh rupey rUrl izvYlpmYˆt PMzs (afr[zI[aYP) dy qihq iËlf pRÈfsn kol gRfmIx ielfikafˆ leI Byjy gey sn. iËafdfqr pYsf sMgq drÈn dy qihq hoeIafˆ GOÈnfvfˆ leI Krc hoxf sI .ieh sMgq drÈn jlMDr kYˆt,afdmpur,nkodr, krqfrpur ivDfn sBf hlikafˆ `c hoey sn .
afm afdmI pfrtI dI pMjfb iekfeI dI kmfn sMBflidaf hI BgvMq mfn ny pfrtI df jQybMdk Zfˆcf BMg kr idwqf hY .BgvMq mfn ny cMzIgVH ivwc mIitMg qoˆ ieh aYlfn kIqf . AunHfˆ ikhf ik awj qoˆ pfrtI df sfrf jQybMdk Zfˆcf BMg hY. jld hI nvfˆ Zfˆcf Ausfiraf jfvygf. ies leI pUrI cox pRikRaf qihq nvIafˆ inXukqIafˆ kIqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ. mfn ny ikhf ik ivDfn sBfˆ coxfˆ ivwc jo kmIafˆ rhIafˆ, Auh dUr kIqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ. AunHfˆ ny nIly kfrz Dfrkfˆ leI aihm Kbr,kYptn srkfr ny aYlfn kIqf ik pfrtI gurdfspur iËmnI cox qy ingm coxfˆ lVygI.Aus dI iqafrI ivwZ idwqI hY . AunHfˆ ikhf ik kYptn srkfr qoˆ ivDfn sBf `c qy sVkfˆ `qy lokfˆ nfl kIqy jfrI kIqf sKq hukm vfaidaf df ihsfb ikqfb ilaf jfvygf. ies mOky pfrtI dy Auwp pRDfn amn aroVf ny ipClI bfdl srkfr vwloˆ ssqy rfÈx leI ÈurU kIqy gey nIly kfrz ivc hoeI DfˆDlI ikhf ik iewk mhIny ivwc sfrIafˆ nvIafˆ inXukqIaf ho jfxgIafˆ . dI jfˆc leI Èihr qy ipMz ivc zor–tU-zor srvy ÈurU ho igaf.Èihr ivc ngr kOsl krmcfrIaf dI izAUtI ies kMm leI lgfeI geI hY. pqf lwgf hY ik aftf-dfl df boJ akflI dl nUM afeI Dfrimk qy pMQk muwidafˆ dI Xfd Gwt krn leI krmcfrIafˆ nUM hukm idwqf igaf hY ik ijs Gr ivc iek iklovft qwk ivDfn sBf coxfˆ ivwc hfr qoˆ bfad ÈRomxI akflI dl iPr Dfrimk qy pMQk eyjMzy vwl df ibjlI mItr df kunYkÈn mnËUr hY jfˆ afpxy nfˆ `qy ijs pirvfr kol motrsfeIkl muiVaf hY. akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr isMG bfdl ny smUh akflI afgUafˆ qy vrkrfˆ hY Ausdf nIlf kfrz bMd kr idwqf jfvy.pRÈfsn vwloˆ 15 meI qoˆ pihlfˆ sfry nIly kfrz nUM apIl kIqI ik Auh ÈRI akfl qKq sfihb dy hukmfˆ dI pflxf kridafˆ afpo afpxy Dfrkfˆ dI jfˆc krky irport dyx nUM ikhf igaf hY .ajy qwk dI jfˆc ivc awDy qoˆ iËafdf nËdIk gurduafrf sihbfn ivwc 14 meI nUM svyry 9 vjy ÈRI jpujI sfihb dy pfT AuprMq nIly kfrz Dfrkfˆ dy pqy nhIˆ iml sky hn. ardfs smfgmfˆ ivwc Èfml hox. kfblygOr hY ik sRI akfl qKq sfihb vwlo Auqrfˆcl afp nfl hI zty rihxgy suKpfl Kihrf sUby dy hirduafr ivKy pihlI pfqÈfhI sRI guru nfnk dyv jI dI crn Coh pRfpq hr kI pfAuVI ivKy gurduafrf sRI igafn godVI sfihb leI jgHf hfsl krn vfsqy 14 afm afdmI pfrtI lIzr suKpfl Kihrf ny ikhf ik Auh bIjypI jfˆ iksy hor pfrtI ivwc meI nUM jpujI sfihb jI dy pfT AuprMq ardfs smfgm krfAux dy afdyÈ idwqy hn . nhI jf rhy.jlMDr `c pRYws kfnPrMs krky AunHfˆ dwisaf ik Auh bIjypI `c nhIˆ jf rhy qy nf hI afm afdmI pfrtI df koeI nyqf jf irhf hY. ies bfry crcf sI ik suKpfl Kihrf pfrtI Cwz skdy hn . suKpfl Kihrf ny BgvMq mfn bfry kuJ vI kihx qo ienkfr kr ivdyÈ `c rihx vfly BfrqIafˆ leI vwzI rfhq idwqf. AunHfˆ ieh jrUr ikhf ik Cotypur nUM kwiZaf igaf qfˆ AunHfˆ Aus nUM vI mMdBfgf ikhf pRvfsI BfrqIafˆ nUM vIËf aqy hor syvfvfˆ sbMDI ibhqr shUlqfˆ dyx leI Bfrq srkfr sI . gurpRIq GuwgI gey ieh vI pfrtI leI cMgf nhIˆ. Kihrf ny ikhf ik aYnafreIË ny AunHfˆ mulkfˆ ivc 40 hor vxj dUqGr KolxH df PYslf kIqf hY, ijnHfˆ ivc BfrqI pfrtI dI rIV dI hwzI hn. AunHfˆ pfrtI leI PMizMg vI kIqI hY qy kMpyinMg leI vI afey. vwzI igxqI ivc rihMdy hn. ÈRomxI akflI dl dy jrnl skwqr aqy afnMdpur sfihb AunHfˆ ny iewk icwTI vI ilKI sI. ies leI AunHfˆ qoˆ vI sihmqI lYxI cfhIdI sI . qoˆ lok sBf mYˆbr pRo[ pRym isMG cMdUmfjrf ny jfxkfrI idMidaf dwisaf ik AunHfˆ nUM ies sbMDI ivdyÈI mfmilafˆ bfry mMqrfly ny sUicq kIqf hY .pRo[ cMdUmfjrf pRvfsI BfrqIafˆ hux puils vfilafˆ dI Èfmq, irÈvq lYx `qy Poto kilwk Kfs kr ky pMjfbIafˆ nUM vIËf aqy hor kMmfˆ sbMDI drpyÈ muÈklfˆ dy hwl leI ipCly puils dy kMmkfj nUM suDfrn qy pfrdrÈI krn leI luiDafxf puils ny pihl kIqI hY. lMby smyˆ qoˆ lok sBf ivc avfË AuTf ky srkfr `qy Ëor pfAuˆdy af rhy hn . Kfs qOr Auwqy trYiPk izAUtI dyx vfly puils krmcfrI Auwqy puils dI Kfs nËr hovygI .ieh nËr koeI hor nhIˆ sgoˆ AunHfˆ dI vrdI Auwqy lwigaf kYmrf rwKygf. ies gwl dI kYptn srkfr ny mroVI aPsrÈfhI dI cfbI smfrt ÈurUafq pihlI vfr luiDafxf qoˆ kIqI geI hY . iewQy nfky Auwqy KVHn vfly trYiPk pMjfb srkfr ny pRfeIvyt iemfrqfˆ nUM srkfrI ivBfgfˆ leI gYst hfAUs jfˆ hor kfrnfˆ puils krmI dI nËr lokfˆ Auwqy hovygI qy puils Auwqy awK kYmry dI . krky vrqy jfx `qy rok lf idwqI hY . srkfr ny ies qihq sbMDq mihkimafˆ nUM 30 afp` dI GuwgI hux kfˆgrs dy pMjy `qy ! jUn qwk aijhIafˆ iemfrqfˆ KflI krn dy afdyÈ idwqy hn. ivwqI ivBfg vwloˆ jfrI kIqy afdyÈ muqfbk sfry dPqrI dOirafˆ dOrfn srkfrI aiDkfrI srkfr vwloˆ muhweIaf afp` dy JfVU qoˆ AuwzI GuwgI kfˆgrs dy pMjy Auwqy bYT skdI hY. afm afdmI pfrtI qoˆ krvfey gey gYst hfAUs ivwc hI Tihrngy.loV pYx `qy srkfrI mihmfn Gr KflI nf asqIPf dyx qoˆ bfad `afp` dy sfbkf pMjfb knvInr gurpRIq isMG GuwgI dy nvyˆ hox dI sUrq ivwc srkfrI aiDkfrIafˆ nUM iksy hotl ivwc Tihrfieaf jf skdf hY. isafsI BivwK bfry keI qrHfˆ dIafˆ crcfvfˆ cwl rhIafˆ hn . iesy dOrfn GuwgI dy nËdIkI ivwq mMqrfly ny ieh afdyÈ sfry iËilafˆ dy izptI kimÈnrfˆ smyq hr ivBfg dy muKI hlikafˆ df kihxf hY ik Auh kfˆgrs ivwc jf skdy hn . btflf ivDfn sBf cox qoˆ nUM Byjy hn. srkfr ny sfP kIqf hY ik jy óú jUn qoˆ bfad koeI aiDkfrI ies afdyÈ iksmq aËmfAux vfly gurpRIq isMG GuwgI ny Bfvyˆ ies muwdy Auwqy koeI pRqIikRaf nhIˆ dI AulMGxf krdf PiVaf igaf qfˆ afpxy rihx afid df sfrf Krcf Aukq aiDkfrIafˆ idwqI pr sUqrfˆ anusfr GuwgI dI sur kfˆgrs nfl iml skdI hY. GuwgI dy nËdIkIafˆ anusfr jykr Auh rfjnIqI ivwc rihxf cfhUMdy hn qfˆ kfˆgrs AunHfˆ leI sB qoˆ shI hY. nUM hI krnf hovygf.
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro
& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash
¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid
+RXVH :DVK 7UXFN :DVK ¡Drive Way 'ULYH :D\ *XWWHU &OHDQ ¡Gutter Clean &much more! :LQGRZ &OHDQ 0XFK 0RUH ¡Truck Wash
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
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* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete
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Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
Who does not want a beauďż˝ful dream house! We build custom homes, will help you to fulďŹ ll your dreams. Contact:
Sukhjinder Dhillon 604-807-2928 Our experience and proesionalism will help you. Licensed Builder • Project Manager • General Contrac�ng
The Patrika
Employment kpVy dy stor 'qy kMm krn leI Part Time kfimaF dI loV hY English, pMjfbI aqy slfeI afAuxI jrUrI hY. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro jI. Overseas Fabrics 32853 Ventura Ave aYbtsProz
Employment cont'd
vrkr dI loV
FARM LABOURERS WANTED Deol Farms, located at 1354 272nd St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 2P9, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from May 15th till winter 2016 for $10.85 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in various weather conditions. Fax resume to (604) 607-0841.
aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, Services qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| nsLy Cwzx leI 778-878-4723
jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd aY l zrgR o v dI zM p trWk kM p nI dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: nMU zrfeIvr aqy mkYink dI loV| 604-859-8244 jF 778-779Aldergrove based dump truck 1337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com Drivers/Mechanics Needed:
company is looking for drivers & mechanics. Contact: 604-6440199 / 604-807-4040
Help Wanted General Farm workers required on a berry farm in Abbotford, BC. Duties include harvesting, cultivation, sorting fruit, spraying, irrigation, lifting berry containers, packing, pruning, tying as well other general farm work duties. Must be productive. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in difficult weather condition. Should be able to work with others. Experience preferred. 40-70 hrs/week. Up to 14 month term. Beginning June 20th, 2017. $10.85/hr. Fax resume to 604-850-7612 or mail to Kahlon Farms Ltd. 262 Columbia St. Abbotsford, BC V2T 5X6.
Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge
Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs Announcements
asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF. 50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI) (stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)
20 x 20 df tYNt isrPL $150 df hfeI pIk tYNt, tybl aqy kursIaF, sfAUNz isstm, zFs PLlor, kuikMg leI pqIly, gYs stov, hItr, lfeItF, eyrIaf rgjL, Qrms, PUz vfrmrjL, bfrbIikAU aqy qMdUr aqy hr iksm df zYkorysLn df smfn jfgo df smfn qswlIbKsL syvfvF iek vfr syvf df mOkf jLrUr idAu asIN zYkorysLn vI krdy hF! zYkorysLn df smfn XU. aYsU. eyU. aqy ieMzIaf qoN ilaFdf igaf hY. WE ALSO DO DECORATIONS FOR ALL EVENTS! hor jfxkfrI leI awj hI PoLn kro:
778.552.3395, 778.552.3396
Friday, May 19th, 2017
In home child caregiver required for a 2 year old. This is a full time, contract position. Wage: $11.50 per hr, Location: Abbotsford B.C, Language: English. Skills: High school &1-2 years experience or training. Duties: supervise & care for child. Preparing meals and feeding the child. Doing all personal care for the child including: bathing, dressing and changing diapers. Person should also maintain a safe, clean and healthy environment. He/she will also be responsible for taking hild to and from appointments. Optional accomodation available at no charge on a live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. Contact: Sukhi 604.832.9822 or email: sukhi_g89@hotmail.com
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
sfnMU kYnrI ivc kfimaF dI loV hY.
HWY 11
How to apply: Please send your resume to amanpreetsidhu552@gmail.com
HWY 11
Pay will be $11.00 per hour.
Completion of Secondary school required. Must have experience, 6 months training or certificate in childcare. Fluency in English required Non smoker and clean habits.
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks
5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC
Bathing, changing, dressing, personal cleanliness. Preparing formula and feeding baby. Light housekeeping and laundry. Take care of the sleep and wake up hours of the infant. Keep record of the infant . Keep record of the activities of the child on daily basis.
Well Pump Installation and Service
Anand Irrigation
Supervision and care required for infant at our residence in Abbotsford ( Lynden Street area). Optional accomodation may be available at no charge on live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. This job posting is open for everyone who qualifies including aboriginal, youths, and new immigrants.
ANAND Irrigation
kMm jUn qoN qoN sqMbr qk clygf. Auh hI aplfeI krn jo sfrf sIjLn kMm kr skdy hn. sfnMU plFt suprvfeIjLr, PorkilPt zrfeIvrF (Pul tfeIm aqy pfrt tfeIm ijnf kol itkt hovy) aqy Pul tfeIm mkYink dI vI loV hY. iehnF sfiraF pojLIsLnf vfsqy Gwt qoN Gwt 3 sflF df qjrbF jLrUrI hY. sfry kfmy afiPs ivc afp afky aplfeI krn Monday- Friday 9:00-4:30 jykr qus PorkilPt/ suprvfeIjLr jF mkYink leI aplfeI kr rhy ho qF apfieMtmYNt jrUr bxfAu.
• Irrigation Installation
ierIgySn ienst`lySn
• Post Pounding
post l`auxy
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
fir@p Eqy spirMklr
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~
• Farm Drains
Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy
Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552
The Patrika
2 Locations To Serve You!
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∙ No Referral Necessary Friday, May 19th, 2017
The Patrika
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www.auraortho.com PAGE 47
The Patrika
Friday, May 19th, 2017
jI[aYm[ (GM) dI koeI vI gwzI KRIdx jF lIjL 'qy lYx leI blivMdr isMG srHF jF nvjoq isMG afhlUvflIaf nfl sMprk kro:
Balwinder S. Sran Cell: 778-242-1202
Navjot Ahluwalia Cell: 778-344-0007
30355 Automall Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5M1 | Toll Free: 1.888.220.1853 All prices do not include taxes, license or admin fee of $499, see dealer for details. All prices, Details , Description may change .
DL #30735
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Tanglebank Gardens Brambles Bistro
n 1996 Arnold and Brenda Falk decided to put to use 2 acres of their 20 acres property situated in a beautiful area of West Abbotsford by using Arnold’s and Brenda’s brainwave of having a garden type eatery like the ones they have in Europe. Arnold’s passion to grow plants, herbs perennials and flowers got Brenda excited to start a nursery where she could also serve food which is grown in her own garden. So in 2004 they started the Bistro which has become the talk of the town with its beautiful setting where customers enjoy their food sitting amongst multi coloured flowers, shrubs, smell of greenery and fresh air and most importantly, enjoy fantastic food.
where she uses plants and flowers from her own garden. The Bramble Bistro is a popular place for people who like to enjoy their morning meals in the peace and quiet atmosphere of a garden. Warm and delicious meals are prepared with produce from their very own garden which is grown by Lauren and Arnold. Brenda wears many hats besides managing their Bistro and her landscaping duties. She has been a c i t y councillor of Abbotsford since 2014 as a member of Abbotsford First. Arnold is the one who keeps everyone grounded and does all the administrative duties. However, don’t be surprised if you find him sometimes clearing tables and doing the dishes.
They have four children who have been involved with them in their project from day one but its Lauren the oldest who like her Dad was more inclined towards agriculture and in fact after 20 years manages Brenda had a dream to create a place the farm together with help from where people could feel like they are her Dad. on a mini holiday without having to leave Abbotsford. She said that she Brenda went on to say that besides had read a quote some time ago,” If growing nursery stock and breakfast you don’t focus on beautiful things they have also ventured into you lose the appreciation of all things weddings where in summer they beautiful”. can accommodate about 140 people and in winter about 60. They also We encourage all our readers to have evening events for families make a trip to Tanglebank Gardens where they can have a crowd of Brambles Bistro which is at 29985 40 to 60 people. Brenda also does Downes Road, Abbotsford. Tel: 604 landscaping, designing of gardens 856 9339
tYNglbYNk gfrznjL bRYNbljL bistro 1996 ivc afrnlz aqy bRYNzf Pfk ny pwCmI aYbtsPorz dy suMdr eyrIaF ivc siQq afpxI 20 eykV dI pRfprtI ivcoN 2 eykV nUM afpxy XOrp ivcly bfg vrgf Bojnflf bxfAux df mn bxfieaf ijs kMm ivc Auh afpxy Purny nUM pUrf kr skx| afrnlz dy pOdy jVI-bUtIaF aqy Puwl AugfAux dy sLOk ny bRYNzf nUM iek nrsrI bxfAux leI Auqsfihq kIqf ijwQy Auh afpxy bgIcy ivc pYdf kIqf PUz lokF nUM Kuaf skx| ies qrF 2004 ivc AuMnHF ny bistro sLurU kIqf ijs dIaF gwlF sfry sLihr ivc ho rhIaF hn; ijwQy rMg brMgy PuwlF, JfVIaF, hirafvl aqy qfjLf hvf ivc bYT gfhk suafdly Kfxy df anMd mfxdy hn| AuMnHF dy cfr bwcy hn jo pihly idn qoN hI ies pRojYkt ivc ieMnHF nfl sLfml hn prMqU sB qoN vwzI lfrn jo afpxy bfp vFg aYgrIklcr vwl ruicq hY, 20 sflF bfad afpxy ipqf dI shfieqf nfl Pfrm df pRbMD krdI hY| bRYNzf ny hor ikhf ik nrsrI aqy brykPfst qoN ielfvf AuMnHF ny ivafhF df kMm vI arMB idwqf hY ijs ivc Auh grmIaF ivc 140 aqy srdIaF ivc 60 ivakqIaF df pRbMD kr skdy hn| AMuMnHF kol pirvfrF leI sLfm vyly dy smfgmF df vI pRbMD hY ijwQy Auh 40 qoN 60 ivakqIaF leI pRbMD kr skdy hn| bRYNzf lYNzskyipMg , gfrzn zIjLfeIn krn df kMm vI krdI hY ijMnHF ivc Auh afpxy bfg dy pOdy aqy PUwl vrqdI hY| bRNYbl bistro AuMnHF lokF leI hrmnipafrI QF hY ijhVy bfg dy sLFq
vfqfvrn ivc svyr dy Bojn df anMd mfxnf cfhuMdy hn| grm aqy suafdy Kfxy lfrn aqy afrnlz dy bfg ivc Augfey pdfrQF nfl iqafr kIqy jFdy hn| bistro df pRbMD krn qoN ielfvf bRYNzf dy isr hor vI keI ishry hn| Auh aYbtsPorz Pst dy mYNbr vjoN 2014 qoN istI lkfAuNislr vI hY| afrnlz Auh ivakqI hY jo hr iek nUM QF isr rKdf hY aqy sfry pRbMDkI krqwv inBfAUNdf hY| pr, hYrfn nf hoxf jy qusIN Aus nUM myjL sfP krdf aqy BFzy sfP krdf vyK lvo| bRYNzf df suPnf sI lokF vfsqy aijhI QF bxfAux df, ijwQy Auh aYbtsPorz qoN bfhr nf jf ky imMnI hflIzy mxf skx| Aus ny ikhf ik Aus ny kuJ smF pihlF iek aKfx piVHaf sI,” jy qusIN suMdr cIjLF vwl kYNidRq nhIN huMdy qF qusIN suMdr cIjLF nUM mfxn df mjLF guaf lYNdy hO|” asIN sfry pfTkF nUM tYNGlbYNk gfrznjL bRYNBl bistro ivc iek vfr jfx leI Auqsfihq krdy hF jo 29985 zoNjLroz ‘qy siQwq hY aqy Po nH: 604-8569339
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Baldev Singh Gill
604.825.8886 NEW LISTING
NEW LISTINGNEW LISTING NEW LISTING Gorgeous 4.26 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful house very close to, Elementary School, new Highstreet Mall and Kalgidhar Gurdwara. Home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Roof only few years old. Prime location, no through road and easy freeway access. Separate driveway for heavy vehicles.
Open House Sat&Sun 20th& 21st 2-4pm
#29 - 31125 Westridge Pl
Just 5 year old 3 bedroom 2 full bath townhouse in west Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools and Gurudwara Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.
30540 Brookside Ave
41010 No. 2 Rd NEW LISTING
$1,889,800 NEW LISTING
23 ACRES with 2 FULL SIZED HOUSES with numerous income producing barns. One 5 bedrm home and 2nd 4 bedrm 2000 sq.ft beautiful home is approx 20 yr old. This property is perfect for 2 families, large horse barn with indoor arena, 23 stalls and lots of hay storage. 23'x130' Squab (pigeon)/chicken barn. 32'x72' WORKSHOP and 80'x90' BARN. Currently both houses and a few stalls are rented for $6000 per month.
42522 Keith Wilson Rd
$2,675,000 NEW LISTING
Great starter home located in a quitecul-desac. Just stepts away from the US border. Flat fenced lot with additional back lane access to the property.
34641 7th Ave
One of the best BLUEBERRY farm in the area. 5 year new 2 storey HOME on 10 acres in the Sumas Prairies near No.3 Rd exit in Abbotsford. This ™eld is planted in machine pick Duke Blueberry equipped with poles, wires and drip irrigation. Expected production of around 120,000 pounds of blueberry this year. Close to Elementary school.
33257 Chelsea Ave
2300 square foot Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet Dead End Street. 7700 Sq. ft. lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in a basement.
Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Expected yeild for 2017 is approx. 200000 pounds. Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm $1,659,000
31883 Mayne Ave NEW LISTING
Beautiful rancher on a quiet Cul-de-sac street in West Abbotsford. Flat over 5800 sq.ft. lot with a gorgeous fully fenced private backyard. Walking distance to Schools and Matsqui
135 2700 McCallum Road
Very spacious 2 bedroom condo with new laminate Šooring, walk out patio and 2 PARKING STALLS. Very popular rental property, no rental restrictions. Hotwater and Heat is included in the strata fee.
2914 Royal Street
48 - 31255 Upper Maclure
#12 3087 Immel
2620 Caboose Place
#2-30989 Westridge
37-31032 Westridge Pl.
Three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room,kitchen and family room townhouse. Close to shopping, recreation, and French Immersion Elementary School.
Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford's newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths, mailˆoor has of‰ce and spice kitchen too. 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, bar, bedroom and full bath for upstairs use.
1 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools. Excellent location.
2 year new townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like New Condition. Near all levels of schools, Gurudwara Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.
D LD OLD OLD LD SOL LD LD LD OLD LD OLD O O O O O price g n i k s SO S S S S S S S S S a over
25 31235 Upper Maclure Rd
406 32075 George Ferguson Way
Just 8 year old with 3 bedroom, rec room and 4 bath townhome close to all levels of schools. Stainless steel appliances and granite
Very bright and spacious 2 Bedroom with 2 full bath condo. Freshly painted. Carpet, vinyl in the kitchen, cupboard doors, light ™xtures in the kitchen and living room are just few years old. Close to Matsqui Recreation Centre, Schools and Easy Highway
30630 Steelhead Crt 32133 Autumn Ave Over 2800 Sq.Ft. quality Very beautiful 3 built rancher close to bedroom rancher Kalgidhar Darbar e c i Gurdwara . 9ft ceiling on r p e on quiet Street. Flat c g main Šoor vsewith krinagskpirni crown moulding. ov0e0roaJust steps to lot for build your ,0 7 5 $ D a v e K a n d a l future dream Elementary School, home. Vinyl Churches , Parks &
Nicely renovated rancher with 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in West Abbotsford. UPGRADES INCLUDE: New windows, blinds, kitchen cabinets with solid plywood boxes,
2966 Glenavon Street #29- 31125 Westridge
Super Mcmillan location. Close to Very Clean 5 Prince Charles bedroom basement Elementary School, entry house, Rec room with Fraser Middle School, Yale Secondary School full washroom, Living and Abbotsford room, Family room, Recreation Centre. 2 bedroom legal
5 year old three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath plus rec. room townhouse in West Abbotsford. Near all level of schools, Gurudwara and Apollo Gym. Excellent location.
Friday, May 19th, 2017
GURINDER SINGH DHALIWAL 778.908.2409 FREE Market Evaluation!
WE HAVE QUALIFIED BUYERS FOR HOMES, CONTACT US! Dream Home!!! (very q u i t e a r e a ) Exceptionally well maintained this beautiful 2 story house has everything that you need. Upper oor can a cco m m o d a t e l a r g e family, consisting of spacious living room, family room, kitchen, master bedroom with 2 more bedroom, 2 washrooms. Huge back
ist New L
32514 Carter Ave $689,000
New L
13090 - 72 Ave $699,000
SOLD 3060 Tims St, Abbotsford
DLOt!! L O S LD Rare Big O S 31516 Monarch Crt 2280 Grant Street SOLD SOLD Investors Alert Alert: Rare big lot with great front and possibility of duplex. Trees for privacy.Wont last long. Call today..
34824 Townshipline Rd
2363 BAKERVIEW ST, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2T3B3
Maple Ridge
Beautiful top to bottom renovated 6 bedroom with 3 full baths, 3 rooms upstairs and 3 for suite.
2373 Westerly Abbotsford
31038 Heron Avenue Abbotsford
5746 Bell Road, Abbotsford
409 33485 S Fraser Way
30511 Sandpiper Dr
Rajinder Dhutti
407 - 31831 Peardonville Road
Rookie of the YEAR
Personal Real Estate Corporation
pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:
241 27411 28 Ave
2826 Clearbrook Road
31934 Peardonville Road
Rare Find! Alderview in Aldergrove. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright & spacious living area, dining, kitchen, laundry, carport & a nice backyard for entertainment. Well maintained complex with tons of visitor's parking and steps to school. Close to shopping, recreation, US Border & easy access to freeway. Don't miss this one!
Investors Alert! 5400 sq ft at lot in a Central location. Priced to sell. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, public transit and easy access to freeway. Hurry!!!
Neat & Clean Rancher w/bsmt in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway. Call to view
NEW LISTING 111 33255 Old Yale Road
West Point Villa! This top floor unit features 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living area, kitchen and laundry. Well maintained complex. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, parks & easy access to freeway. Don't miss this one! Call to view now!
A Move Ahead
The Brixton! Very neat & clean Ground Floor unit with a walkout patio. This bright unit features 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, kitchen with granite counter tops & lots of cabinets, big living area with a replace, dining area, laundry room & a patio. Close to schools, recreation, restaurants, public transit, mall & parks. Don't miss this one!
3803 Chadsey Cre
31011 Gardner Ave
3419 Clearbrook Rd
31030 Heron Ave
33837 Mayfair Ave
33853 Mayfair Ave
3927 Brighton Pl
3484 Thurston Pl
Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.
Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.
Custom Built 2 storey w/basement home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Top floor features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms out of which 2 are master bedrooms with Jacuzzi en suites. Main floor features huge living room, dining room, kitchen with
Custom Built 3 storey home with a unique layout & Legal Suite! This home features 8 bedrooms/ 7 bathrooms with a backyard for entertainment. Main floor features bright living room, open kitchen concept with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances & tons of storage, spice kitchen, huge family room, dining area, den
SOLD Great Location! Split entry home on a 7950 sq ft plus lot in a central location. This home has 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, nice backyard, huge sundeck, renovated kitchen, rec room, big living area & much more. There are few updates in the house like newer paint, some new flooring in bedrooms, kitchen cabinets/counters & some new doors.
Location! Location! A cute basement entry home on a corner lot & cul-de-sac location. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, fenced backyard, double garage and much more. Some of the updates inculde high end appliances in main kitchen, new kitchen cabinets, newer paint, new vanities in bathrooms,
Basement Entry Home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 Bedrooms/ 4 Bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Main floor features 3 Bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, bright living room, dining area, family room, kitchen & a sunny sundeck. Suite plus+ a good size rec
1960 Catalina Cr
2208-2210 BEAVER ST
SOLD West Abbotsford! 2 Storey w/ basement home on a 7200 plus sq ft lot. Lots of updates in this home. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms, huge living room, dining area, open layout kitchen with lots of storage, family room, nook, huge rec room in the basement, double garage and a nice backyard for entertainment. Close to
SOLD Home with a Legal Suite in a Central Location! Split entry home which is perfect for a rst time home buyer or Investor. This 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms home with a big backyard is close to shopping, schools, recreation, hospital, easy access to freeway and much more. Call to view
Nicely renovated 2 Storey w/bsmt home with a unique layout in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms, sunken living room, dining, kitchen, family room, den, rec room, fenced yard with parking at front & back and much more. Some of the updates are- newer hotwater tank, furnace, roof, windows, rugs, flooring, appliances
SOLD A wonderful revenue generating property sitting on a huge flat 10,500 sq ft corner lot. Each side features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard for entertainment.
SOLD Legal Suite! Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 2.5 baths and a nice backyard. Main floor has 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms with a half ensuite bathroom, huge living room, dining, kitchen & a nice sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen with a separate entrance. recreation,
Fair eld Estates! Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Main oor features- Wide entrance hall, huge sunken living room, dining, sunken family room, big kitchen with an island and lots of storage, see thru replace in the middle of living & dining area, bedroom (can be used as an of ce or
Investors & 1st time home buyers Alert! Cute home on a corner lot in West Abbotsford. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, dining area, kitchen, family room and a big yard. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, Cineplex, mall, public
"Corner Unit". Perfect 2 storey home in a good neighborhood. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS a den (can be used as an of ce or rec room), Big Master Bedroom has an ensuite with a Jacuzzi soaker tub, huge living room, family room, dining
#35- 30748 Cardinal Ave
2868 Gardner Pl
27575 32nd Ave Aldegrove Langley
32627 Chehalis Drive
15 - 31600 OLD YALE RD
1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! Rancher/ Bungalow sitting on a 6,450 plus sq ft at lot. This home features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining, laundry room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. This is a good starter home, a good retirement home, a good rental home and a good holding property.
Executive Custom Built Home in a secure gated community. Come & feel the warmth & charm in this 3 storey home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home has an excellent nishing throughout & features 7 bedrooms/4 bathrooms & a nice backyard with good size sundeck for entertainment. Main oor features huge living room.
Your home search stops here! Custom built Basement Entry home with a Legal Suite in a good neighborhood. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms which includes 2 Master bedrooms on the Main oor with ensuite in both, huge living room w/ replace, dining area, kitchen, nook, family room w/ replace, big sunny sundeck for entertainment, double door. open entrance, walk out Legal
Corner Unit. Huge backyard. 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS Den. Modern Concept, Open Kitchen Layout, Granite Counter Tops & Stainless Steel Appliances.
4 Level split home 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms living room family room rec room
cul de sac and much more
Location! Location! 1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! A cute Rancher w/basement style home on 7300 sq ft lot in a quiet cul de sac. One of the best neighborhoods to raise your kids. Some other features - . Renovated open layout kitchen with lots of cabinets & slate ooring, good size bedrooms, cozy living room, solid built sundeck just off from dining, good size rec room in the basement.
Solid Rancher with basement style home in a quiet neighborhood. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms & a private backyard. Main floor features - 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, good size living room, formal dining, cozy family room, open kitchen layout with stainless steel appliances & laundry room. Basement has 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms & a rec room with separate with separate entrance.
Well kept & renovated split entry home sitting on 8300+ sq ft lot in Aldergrove. This home features 4 bedrooms. baths with an en suite in masterMain floor has a bright & spacious living room, big kitchen, 3 bedrooms/1.5 baths, dining area & a nice sundeck for entertainment. Basement has a huge rec room, bedroom (can be used as an office), full bath, laundry & storage area.
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Friday, May 19th, 2017
2790 2 27 279 790 A 79 Allwood lllw llw llwood wood ood oo od St SStreet treet
• Development Potential • 4 Bdrm House
• 1/2 Acre
• Value in LAND ONLY • House is a tear down
• Close to UFV
604 4-85 55-0 0800 604-855-0800
vvirbinder77@gmail.com irbinder77@gmail.ccom
778 8 -241-7451 -2 241- 7451
Abb Ab Abbotsford, bb botssfo for orrd, ord, d, BC C V2T 3R7
• Lot size= 6182 sf
• Appointment Only!
33727 1st Avenue, Mission
• Falcon Ridge • Lot size= 19,000+ sf
• Large Lot • Plans are available
F A R M S res c A .1
• Blueberry Farm • 2700+ SF Home
• Duke & Blue Crop
• Blueberry Farm
• Warehouse & Pump Houses • Drip Irreg & Some Equip
6521 Little Street
• New Listing • 2 Houses • Mortgage Helper
•Matsqui Area
• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)
35130 Beaton Road
• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm
res c A .5
• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production
430 Bowman Road
•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety
Lot 6 Glenmore Road
• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area
•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety
Lot 1 on Glenmore Road
28028 Layman Avenue ................................. $1,400,000 6113 Beharrell Road ...................................... $1,374,900 7.09 Acres Lot B Haverman ......................... $1,298,900 5111 Tolmie Road ........................................... $1,149,900
• New Listing • Build Your Dream • Sumas Prairie Home • Duke & Elliot Variety • Drip Irreg
565 Marion Road
res c A 10
Ac .982
• 7 Acres Duke • 2 Acres Blue Crop
• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty
34350 Bateman Road
cres A 1 4
cres 62 A
30 - 31235 Upper Maclure ..............................$452,000 3520 Latimer Street ...........................................$585,000 122 - 32850 George Ferguson .......................$125,000 2052 Vinewood Street ......................................$530,000
9 Ac 25.3
•Matsqui Area
mth approx
res c A .8
• 1 Bath • Living space= 925 sf • Strata= $346.41/
122 - 32850 George Ferg Way
36421 Florence Drive
36421 Florence Drive ........................................$485,000 2994 Eastview Street .........................................$680,000 33727 1st Avenue ...............................................$251,000 307 - 33255 Old Yale Road...............................$248,100
• Investment Opporunity • will need some TLC • 2 Bedrooms
• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show
• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay
4627 Dixon Raod ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road.........................................$874,700 39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Thank you for supporting the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies
In the early 2000s, UFV teamed up with visionary members of the South Asian community to create a partnership and develop a vibrant program of India–Canada studies and engagement at UFV. Their goal was to involve students, professors, and community members and agencies in an exciting, ongoing endeavour focused on research, teaching, and community and economic development in both India and Canada. From 2003 to 2006, dedicated volunteers worked tirelessly to raise funds for the establishment of a
$2.5 Million endowment to create the BC Regional Innovation Chair on Canada–India Business and Economic Development. This impressive goal was achieved through the support of numerous donors who built an endowment fund for the Chair. In 2006, UFV established the Centre for IndoCanadian Studies (CICS) to house the Chair and serve as a hub for research, engagement, and study. In the past ten years, the centre has undertaken many research projects, created a program of study, supported and mentored student research,
and partnered with universities in India. The CICS has built strong community partnerships locally and across Canada with numerous Indian Diaspora communities, held international conferences, invited visiting scholars from around the world, curated acclaimed exhibits, and developed business ties with India. We are proud of our achievements and look forward to your continued involvement with our UFV community. Thank you to our donors, volunteers, and students for their continued support.
Friday, May 19th, 2017
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT & VICE-CHANCELLOR The community leaders and benefactors who helped establish the Centre for IndoCanadian Studies showed remarkable vision and faith in our university. With their wise counsel and generous support, and under the outstanding leadership of Satwinder Bains and her colleagues, we have built together a centre for education, scholarship, and service that in 10 short years has established a reputation for excellence not just regionally but nationally and internationally. The centre has become a busy portal linking the Fraser Valley and the ancestral homeland of many people in our community. It has brought to our university and the Fraser Valley many scholars and dignitaries who have engaged, challenged, and enriched us.
It has played a key role in the development of our campus in Chandigarh and supported the UFV/BC Innovation Chair in Canada-India Partnership Development. And it continues to build those vital connections that facilitate the exchange of people and ideas between Canada, India, and other parts of Asia. What a remarkable 10 years! What a legacy! What a foundation we have built for our future work together as university and community partners! With deep gratitude and congratulations to all,
Mark D. Evered, Ph.D. President & Vice-Chancellor
DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE It gives me great pleasure to thank you for celebrating our anniversary with us on May 3 — an important 10-year milestone in the history of the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies at the University of the Fraser Valley. Each journey is filled with many stories and experiences, and these last 10 years have not disappointed in this regard. What started as an idea quickly became a reality, and opportunities have presented themselves at every turn and every corner. The centre’s work has been enriched by the people who have worked so hard and with such dedication to bring our mandate to life. Community members, donors, faculty colleagues, staff, students, the leaders of UFV, and organizations have all lent their support through goodwill, financial contributions, energy, commitment, time, ideas, and friendships. Your partnerships have been crucial. We have learned much along the way, and we know there is still so much to do. As we enter our second decade, we feel it is important for our identity to reflect the broader field of South Asian studies. We are please to announce the centre’s new name: South Asian Studies Institute (SASI). We count on your continued support in the future. Thank you.
Satwinder Kaur Bains Director
Friday, May 19th, 2017 ®
The Right Realtors for Today’s Market!
604.825.2281 kanwal_sekhon@hotmail.com
T. 604-572-1008 F. 604-572-3008 #266 8128 128 St, Surrey, BC V3W 1R1
38 ACRE BLUEBBERY FARM • Half Bluecrop and Half Elliot • 5 minutes from Abbotsford • Drilled Well and all irrigated • Big Storage Shed • Trade Welcome with Small Farm • 5 year old plants VACANT LOT
• Vacant Lot • 5,400 sq ft. • Excellent for investors • Surrounded by Multi Family buildings • City residential OCP for higher density. • Close to shopping & City Center
10-8358 121A St, Surrey
Great Family Business for Sale ! BUSY LOCATION! Southgate Shopping Centre Store offering shipping, packaging, printing & other services, plus office supplies.
Great view lot Epworth Crt ABBOTSFORD
Kingsley Terr
31550 Ridgeview DR
King Road
Lantern Ave
Mallerd Street
Blueridge Dr.
NEW LISTING 3133 Mallard St Godwin Ave.
2180 Bakerview St
Grant St
Evergreen St
ABBOTSFORD Clearbrook Vill
We have qualified buyers looking for new listings. PAGE R8
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014
12 Years Experience!
12 Years Experience!
Parvinder Harry
parvharry@gmail.com / shindersgill@gmail.com
Shinder Gill PREC
Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings www.teamelite.ca info@teamelite.ca 604-859-2341
5038 Riverside Street
32424 Best Ave
32614 Haida Dr
Great location, almost 20 acres blueberry machine pick farm, close to town, on CITY water. Updated 4 bedroom rancher with double garage, newer paint inside and outside, 4 years roof, new windows and 2700 sqft shed. 8.5 acres Duke 8 years old, 7 acres bluedcrop 3 yrs/ 8 yrs, 15 yrs and 2.5 acres elliot 5 yrs old. The farm is fully drip irrigation automatic system (automatic fertilizer systems), pols and wires.
Stunning View from all 3 levels of the home. Tastfully updated with quartz countertops, new laminate floors, new tiles , blinds, light fixtures and new SS appliances. Features spacious layout with elegant kitchen open to familyroom, livingroom, diningroom on main floor, 4 bedrooms up, 2 bathrooms up with good size laundry room upstairs, and 2 bedroom suite with insuite laundry for mortgage helper. Call for your personal tour.
Lovely rancher style home, in a convenient, central location walking distance to Abbotsford Rotary Stadium. The whole backyard and sidewalk is paved- No back neighbors. Features of the home include 3 years old water tank, newer furnace, and newer washer/ dryer. Nice, clean home with oak kitchen, gas fireplace in family room,laminate flooring and large covered patio, double garage with LOTS of parking! Ideal starter home!
2807 Maple St
2710 McMillan Road
2122 Merlot Blvd
$720,000 (4 BDRM)
7 - 3322 Blue Jay Street
$829,900 Perfect opportunity to own and operate a home based business with storefront on Maple st. and home front on Walnut Ave. Fraser health approval and Architect plans of 800 sqft for restaurant, daycare, hair salon and anyother business you can run under C-1 Zoning. The Store is professionally done with 2 pc bath, janitor room
2862 Princess St
$749,900 Excellent family oriented neighbourhood, updated 3392 sqft home on 7000 sqft corner lot. Great open layout with 9` main floor ceiling, features new kitchen cabinets, granite counter tops, new energry star windows, crown mouldings, laminate floors, new blinds and 4 year new roof. Close all level of schools and amenities. Call for your personal tour.
3537 Summit Drive
BRAND NEW superior built home that offers exceptional quality and design! The Garage is detached and plenty of room for parking. Green space directly in front of door for the kids to enjoy the green. Apprx 2700 sq ft home with possible in law suite for extra family! Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with immaculate kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 10-ft ceiling on main floor for an open, spacious feeling. Located in East Abbotsford. House will ready to move in September, 2017.
2651 Macbeth Crescent
$950,000 3555 Viewmount Pl
20623 85 Ave, Langley
2175 Ridgeway St
3075 Townline Rd
36069 Emily Carr Grove
31084 Upper Maclure Rd
36077 Emily Carr Grove
32673 Pandora Ave
Under Construction!
8302-204th Street Langley
$ 669,000
2898 Station Rd Abbotsford
D D D D D D L L L L L L O O O O O O S S S S S S Rancher with full basement apprx. 1250 sq ft upstairs 1050 sq ft downstairs! This home has 3 Bdrms up w/ 1 1/2 Bath & 2 Bdrms down on apprx 6,300 sq ft level lot. Great for investors and first time home owners. Prime location, close to amenities, bus stop, all levels of schools.
This welcoming home is pristine and well maintained! External features include extra wide driveway, new roof - only 1Yr old, huge covered sundeck & private fenced yard. Inside home has newer carpets, new plumbing throughout entire home, vaulted ceiling in master bedroom & living room with great view of Mt. Baker! Excellent location; easy highway and bus access, within
Brand New 2 Storey w/ Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. Buyers can pick their own color scheme. The upper floor offers 3 Bdrms up + 1 Mbdrm & Walk in Closet w/ a 1 Bdrm suite + Rec Room on below level.
Great Home , Great Location! Very Spacious home with 3 Bdrms up, 2 bdrm legal suite and a bedroom for upstairs use. 3Baths, New Windows, Laminate Flooring, New Baseboards, New Blinds With a Brand New
Plans are ready to view. Please refer to documents attached. Lot is ready to build on!
Like New Custom Built Gorgeous Home! A total of 5 Bdrm & 4 1/2 Bath, tasteful features with open layout , Offering 2 Master Bedrooms with spectacular high end tiles and built in cupboards for the office room. This modern home features 12' High Ceilings, lots of windows throughout for natural sunlight, huge kitchen with granite counter tops, designer color scheme.
NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.
We have qualified buyers sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Raman Dhillon
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Gurpreet Singh Chahal www.gurpreetsinghchahal.com gurpc@hotmail.com
R E A LT Y I N C .
ibjins vIjLy ‘qy afAux vfilLaF leI suinhrI mOkf
aYgjLI ivwc kmrsLIal iblizMg ivkfAU hY, ies ivwc 2 rYjLIzYNsLIal Xuint hn| 2300 skueyar Puwt kmrsLIal jgHf ivwc qusIN afpxI psMd df stor Kol skdy ho aqy Auwpr irhfiesL kr skdy ho jF ikrfey ‘qy dy skdy ho| kImq isrP $469,800
6 New Homes
Under Construction
Townline Area. Call for more info.
Brand new house with legal suite. 6 bedrooms and 4 baths. Backlane access. Close to schools
3,800 Sqft. Gourmet kitchen, eating nook, West Abbotsford 3 bdrm & family rm up, 2 bdrm legal suite, plus recroom, washroom and living room, dining room, family room, 4 one bedroom guest suite for upstairs, Jacuzzi, bedrooms and 3 bathrooms! Lower floor spiral staircase, skylight, 2 gas fireplaces. Onyx enjoys a rec room with bar, full bathroom fixtures, tubs, etc. Close to all level of schools. and bedroom plus a 2 bedroom suite! Close to Recreational centre, easy freeway access, Close to Sikh Gurudwara, High Street Oversized lot with RV parking, double mall. Very nice house, must see, Won't last garage, quiet street, make your move long. Call for your personal view. today!
Great Neighbourhood, Huge Level Fenced Yard, covered deck. Kitchen, Massive Island, Quartz counter-tops, Gas range and stove, instant hot water, Pantry, Formal dining room. Master bedroomwith a private deck. Ensuite with his and her sinks, large shower and separate tub, massive closet. Downstairs is fully finished.
Starting $275,000
4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and 4400sq. ft. of luxury living. Every floor overlooking the valley and Mt. Baker. Large sundeck and patio. 2 Cultured stone fireplaces, large open basement with wet bar and media room. Spacious den, large master ensuite, soaring ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, extra bedroom with ensuite.
New House Bare Land
8 acres, very close to airport and new shopping mall. Great open plan living with soaring ceilings, wonderful spice and formal kitchens with top of the line appliances, a sensational dining room and a fabulous large master bedroom and ensuite. Professional gym in the basement.
Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.
10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.
Sumas Prairie. Raspberry Farm Beautiful House. & BIG House!
$ 774,700
5,054.00 sq.ft.
2 bdrm + 8267 sq. NEW ft. Lot HOME 1 bdrm suite PAGE R10
BIG Lot for Sale with House 23,958 sqft in Abbotsford!
Industrial Warehouse
Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with Duke Blueberries, One acre Blue crop, one acre.Elliot and one acre Dixie Plants. Last year production 140,000 lbs.
High production farm, 20+ ACRES Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location Duke & Blue Crop. with smaller house. High production.
2 units. Almost 8400 sq. ft. Can be sold separately. Financing available. CHILLIWACK For Sale
Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!
8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!
Friday, May 19th, 2017
ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF mubfrkF !
1859 Queen st
House is fully renovated
Fantastic holding property 2.2 acres currently zoned A-1 but part of Airport Industrial reserve. Land is level & cleared. Excellent investment opportunity. This is fast growing area. Hard to find property like this. Value in land. Suitable for Agri Tourism too Motivated seller. Bring your offers.
4 - 31235 Upper Maclure Town house
SOLD 2775 sq.ft. home. 3 bdrms + Den. GreatLocation. Recently Renovated. Landscaped yard.
Family oriented townhome complex is 9 yrs young. Well maintained town house with 3 bedrooms & 2.5 bathrooms. In family and pet friendly complex. Completely finished with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, all included. $479,000
Still Available
3962 Bell Rd
SOLD 9 - 2241 Mcallum Rd only 17 units make up this quiet well maintained complex These homes are perfect for those just starting out.
SOLD SOLD 210 - 32550 Maclure
2921 Babich St
162 - 3162 Townline Rd
aYbtsPorz ivwc iksy vI qrHF dI rYjIzYNsLIal jF kmrsLIal pROprtI KrIdx jF vycx leI qjLrbykfr iraltr crnjIq isMG jMzU nflL sMprk kro|
Friday, May 19th, 2017
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