WEEKLY Friday, June 2nd, 2017 Vol. 21, No.34
Sharanjit Gill & Raj Gill Receive Top Mortgage Broker Award Again!
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The Patrika
jUn 2017 dOrfn
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
istI ivKy kI nvF hY
pfxI bfry muPq vrksLfp
2017 pRfprtI tYks
jlfAux dI pfbMdI
cMgI qrF iqafr kIqf bgIcf isstm aqy cMgf isMcfeI ZMg pfxIdI bwcq krn ivcshfeI hovygf|muPq vrksLfp ivc sfzy nfl sLfml hovo aqy pfxI bfry sucyq hox dI jfc iswKo| afpxy pfxI dy ibwl ivc bwcq krnf iswKo| • sbjLIaF dy bfg aqy pfxI bfry jfigRqf 10 jUn 6:30 bfad dupihr • vftr vfeIjL gfrzinMg jUn 14, 6:30 bfad dupihr • kusLl isMcfeI : jUn 10, 10:30 svyry www.ourwatermatters.ca ‘qy pihlF rijstr hovo aqy vDyry jfxkfrI pRfpq kro|
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styj 1
dIaF rsitRksLnjL hux sLurU ho cuwkIaF hn
lfan nMU pfxI lfAuux leI: 2 idn eIvn aYzrs: buwDvfr aqy sinwcrvfr aOz aYzrs: vIrvfr aqy aYqvfr
isrP svyry 6 vjy qoN 8 vjy qwk
gfrizn: loV mufibk Puwl • sbjLIaF • drwKq • sLrwbjL
istI kfAuNisl dIaF mIitMgF istI kfAuNisl dIaF mIitMgF lfeIv vyKo: www.abbotsford.ca/livecouncil iswtI kfAuNisl dIaF mIitMgF dI sUcnf istI dI vYbsfeIt ‘qy pRsfirq kIqI jFdI hY| vYbsfeIt hY: www.abbotsford.ca/councilagendas
kfAuNisl mIitMgF df pRogrfm jun 12 3:00 dupihr bfad aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 sLfm pbilk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl jUn 19 q:00 vjydupihry kmytIaOP dI hol (kmrf 530) jUn 26 3:00 vjy dupihr bfad aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00sLfm pbilk suxvfeI /rYgUlr kfAuNisl julfeI 10 1:00 dupihry kmyutI aOP dI hol (kmrf 530) julfeI 17 3:00 vjy bfad dupihr aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7:00 sLfm pbilk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
ipRM: suirMdrpfl brfV Jean De-La-Buryere afpxy iek article ivc ilKdf hY, “Let us not complain organist men because of their rudeness, their ingratitude, their injustice, their arrogance, their love of self, their forgetfulness of others. They are so made. Such is their nature. To be annoyed with them is like denouncing a stone for falling or a fire for burning.” ijLMdgI JoiraF, sMisaF, duwKF qy sLkfieqF df ihwsf vI hY, hr afdmI afpxf afpxf swc jIAuN irhf hY, bgYr soicaf ik swc dI koeI jfq nhIN huMdI qy ieh iksy dI mlkIaq vI nhIN huMdI. mYN ies nfl iblkul hI sihmq nhIN ik sLkfieqF, sMsy jF ivgocy bymfanI jF byvjf huMdy hn pr ajoky mfnv dI qRfsdI ieh hY ik jo Auh dUsiraF qoN AumId rwKdf hY, afp vI Ausy qrHF df hovy. bfbf PrId jI muqfibk ikwkr bIj ky dfKF dI qF afs nhIN nf rwKxI cfhIdI. hr iensfn aMdr rwb hY-ijho ijhf quhfzf rwb hY, Aus dI klipq qsvIr quhfzy qoN vwK ho skdI hY pr “mqlb qoN AusI ky nfm sy hY.” asIN ijLMdgI df koeI Kyqr vI lY leIey, cfhy rfjnIqk hovy ijwQy rojL afpxy afp nUM shI iswD krn leI dUsiraF dy aYb igxy jFdy hn. smfijk jIvn ivc vI ieho dyKx prKx nUM iml irhf hY pr smfijk jIv AudoN vDIkI df isLkfr ho jFdf hY jdoN dUsrf Aus dI juwqI ivc pYr pfky vyKxf nhIN cfhuMdf“kBI idl qoV nf dyxf, iksI mfsUm kf ‘rfhI’, ik duaf kI qrh aksr bd duaf BI kfm afqI hY. Bernard Shaw ny vI afpxy sLbdF ivc iknHF sohxf ikhf hY, “Do not break those hearts which love you. For hearts once gushed like ROSE will never bloom again.” awj dy msLInI Xuwg ivc msLInF vFg kMm `c lwigaF afdmI ‘kfhl’ hMZf irhf hY, jIvn jIAux dI QF jIvn nUM Bwjf irhf hY qy Bwj irhf hY ikAuNik Aus nUM pqf hY ik Aus dI pIVH, qklIP dyKx dI bjfey lok qF quhfzy qoN bws cMgy dI afs krdy hn. pr hmysLf ijwq ieCfeI dI hI huMdI hY, dyrI bysLk lfjLm huMdI hY-Oscar Wilde afpxy iek nfvl ivc iek QF ilKdf hY:“The good ended happily and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means.” afdmI dIaF jdoN expectations Gt geIaF, Shakespeare dy Macbeth vFg Auh KOPnfk hwd qk ambitious nf irhf, qF myrf iKafl hY asIN ienHF sB mnuwKI alfmqF qoN AuWcy AuWT jfvFgy. amIn PAGE 4
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
gurU goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb dy pihlvfn ijwqy do pwtky Kflsf dIvfn susfietI ros gurU Gr vloN hr sfl dI qrHF slfnf tUrnfmYNt krvfieaf igaf. ijs ivc sOkr, kbwzI, vyt-ilPitMg qy rYsLilMg dy bhuq hI sLfndfr mYc krvfey gey. gurU goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb dy pihlvfnF ny do pwtky dIaF kusLqIaF ijwqIaF. Epn df pwtkf ijwq ky insLfn rMDfvf knyzf kysrI bixaf aqy 20 sfl dI Aumr df pwtkf ijwq ky pvn iKMzf knyzf kumfr bixaf. qIsry ptky leI sMnI ibMinMg dUjy nMbr qy irhf. klwb dy hor pihlvfnF ny vI mYzl ijwqy. gurU Gr vloN donoN idn aquwt lMgr vrqfieaf igaf. klwb dI hor jfxkfrI leI Pon krnf: blvIr isMG Plpoqf-604-807-6455
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Speech Fest at Beaver Creek Elementary School Surrey has become a very popular centre for the Indo-Canadian community. As a matter of fact, anywhere in the world when you mention the City of Surrey, people quickly associate the name with this thriving hub for the Indo-Canadian community. In addition to so many landmarks and milestones of our community’s success, this city is also now the centre for Punjab culture, language and identity. Speaking of Punjabi language, Surrey has now become a great model for it. This year, the Surrey School District is offering Punjabi classes seven secondary and four elementary schools. In order to showcase this, a number of schools get to-gether every year and hold competitions and related activities pertaining to Punjabi language. The latest such event took place on May 25.
The grade 7 students were: Mehneek Chahal (Newton, High Self Esteem), Navreen Khakh (Strawberry Hill, Self Confidence), Sewa Pandher (Beaver Creek, The Voice of Our Generation). All of the students made very impressive presentations. This made the job of judges-Barj Dhahan, Harnarayan Singh, Harman Kaur and Mandeep Patrola-Rai- very difficult. However, after very careful consideration they declared these students as the winners: Grade 5: Jaypreen Gill, Grade 6: Manpreet Sahota, Grade 7: Sewa Pandher. Jaskaran Deogun was declared as the overall winner by the judges.
The Speech Fest was made even more enjoyable by excellent cultural performances by students from each of the participating schools. On top of that, Hockey Night in Punjabi commentaTeachers of Punjabi from Surrey’s four tor Harnaryan Singh and Gurpreet
Sian gave a glimpse of their talents. Mandeep wowed the audience with her Bhangra skills demonstration. Surrey Newton MP Sukh Dhaliwal and MLA Harry Bains conveyed their greetings and commended the students for their speeches. On behalf of Punjabi Language Education Association (PLEA) Paul Binning, Rajinder Pandher and I had the honour of thanking and congratulating the students, teachers, parents and organizers of this wonderful event. We were glad to present Certificates of Appreciation to representatives from each of the participating schools. Student MCs Gurleen Brar and Simrat Sidhu did an excellent job both in English and Punjabi in moving things along. Overall, it was a very enjoyable event. Organizers led by Harman Pandher must be commended for doing Grade 6 was represented by these an excellent job. students: Manpreet Sahota (Newton, The Power of Words), Sahil Koshal Balwant Sanghera (Strawberry Hill, Respect), and JasPresident, Punjabi Language Education meet Sidhu (Beaver Creek, Media: Association the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly). elementary schools-Beaver Creek, Green Timbers, Newton and Strawberry Hill- conducted their in school Punjabi speech competitions and selected one student each from grades 5, 6 and 7. These students and their teachers were hosted by Beaver Creek Elementary School for Surrey School District’s 3rd Annual Punjabi Speech Fest. The Speech Fest was held in a very pleasant environment. The participants were very excited throughout. Here is a list of the participants with the name of their school and their topics: Grade 5: Sukhman Kambo (Green Timbers, The Effects of the Internet), Jaypreen Gill (Newton, Mother Tongue Punjabi), Tashveen Sekhon(Strawberry Hill, Drugs),Jaskaran Deogun(Beaver Creek, A Very Valuable Thing).
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
For the Record: Acts of Terror Remind Us of the Need for Unity and Resilience By: Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M.
rguably, every generation has a moment that defines it. A moment that, when you ask someone where they were and what they were doing, they can most likely tell you. For my parent’s generation, it would have been the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. For my grandparent’s generation, it would have been the announcement of the end of World War II. For my generation (Generation X), I would suggest that it was the events of September 11th, 2001 that have defined us. It was roughly 7:30am and I had just arrived on campus; at the time, I was attending Columbia Bible College in Abbotsford. I had arrived early as part of my usual routine, enjoying some quiet time and getting some work done. Alone in the student lounge our Dean of Students – the late George Schmidt – walked-in. I said, “good morning” to which he replied with something along the lines of… “Something awful has happened”. He turned on the TV and just moments later we watched as the second airplane struck the second tower. Over the next couple of hours, the lounge filled-up with hundreds of students as we all watched in disbelief. Some of us were silent. Some cried. Some prayed. However, despite our various reactions, one thing was for certain – at some level we all knew that things would never be the same again.
someone of the same gender, just seems so asinine that it makes my head hurt. Through that lens, as I watched the most recent attack in Manchester, my heart once again broke. Once again, a religious fanatic took the lives of innocent civilians based on a hatred rooted in bastardized religious dogma. Of course, with that came the usual religious rhetoric by the ultra-right conservatives who use every tragedy to try and create divisions and perpetuate a hate of their own. And, once again, I found myself shaking my head in disbelief that our society seems to be de-evolving. But then, something quite remarkable happened. Something that stopped me in my tracks and brought chills to my spine. As I was watching the news online an imagine appeared. The image was that of an elderly Jewish woman and a younger Muslim man. The elderly woman was in a wheel chair, and the man was kneeling next to her. He had her hand in his, and together they were praying, both with tears in their eyes. Though it was rooted in tragedy and pain, it was a beautiful moment; one that made me think to myself… perhaps, not all is lost!
Fast-forward to 2017 and suffice it to say that the unsettled feeling we all had within us that day was, sadly, accurate; the recent attack in Manchester serving as just the latest in a series of gutwrenching reminders. Indeed, my generation is – in the view of many – a generation defined by a new, global As I conclude this particular column terror threat. it is that image – or, more accurately For The Record… put, the message it sends – that I wish Though intellectually I understand the to focus on. Simply put, that image concept of hate, I have never actually was a powerful reminder for me – and understood the essence of hate. At least hopefully for others – that what unites not hate that stems from the abstract. us is, and always will be, far greater A hate based on someone’s race, than what divides us. In that spirit, let religion, gender, sexual orientation, or us continue as a global community to other such things. To hate someone walk hand-in-hand with one-another, because their skin color is different, celebrate our differences and help oneor to hate someone because they love another remain resilient so that hatred.
The Patrika
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Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
vfh! aPgfinsqfn ivc ‘aOrqfˆ df tI[ vI[` cYnl poR: kulbIr isMG
aPgfinsqfn ny vw z I pihl kridafˆ nUM afDfr bxf ky hPqfvfr tI[afr[pI[ kwZ iesqrIafˆ leI iek tI[ vI[ cYnl afrMB leI jfˆdI hY. dUrdrÈn afrMB qoN awj qwk kIqf hY. dunIaF Br ivc ieh afpxI drÈkfˆ ivc mkbUl irhf hY. ijMnI ivÈfl iksm df pihlf cYnl hY. sfry krmcfrI, phuMc dUrdrÈn dI hY, EnI iksy vI inwjI pR o i zAU s r, aY ˆ k r, py È kfr aqy KL b rfˆ nYtvrk dI nhIN hY. vI aOrqfˆ hI piVHaf krngIafˆ. aijhf sMkyqk qOr `qy ies leI kIqf igaf hY ikAuNik aPgfinsqfn ivc aOrq `qy anykfˆ pfbMdIafˆ hn, bMidÈfˆ hn, pihrfvy sbMDI hdfieqfˆ hn.
qfËf KLbrfˆ ieh af rhIafˆ hn ik dUrdrÈn ny afpxy kOmI qy kOmfˆqrI cYnlfˆ dI rUpryKf aqy pRogrfmfˆ ivc kuJ aijhy bdlfa kIqy hn, ijnHfˆ sdkf pRfeIm tfeIm `qy vI inwjI cYnlfˆ nfloN awgy inkldf nËr af
tI[ vI[ cYnlfˆ `qy aOrq dI mOjUdgI pihlfˆ irhf hY. nIqI bdlx dy Cy mhIny dy aMdr vI rihMdI hY pRMqU pUry df pUrf cYnl aOrqfˆ dUrdrÈn ny pRfeIm tfeIm `qy mkbUl ihMdI nUM smripq hovy, ieh pihlI vfr vfpiraf iPlmfˆ ivKf ky afpxI tI[afr[pI[ duwgxI hY. Bfvyˆ qknIkI pwK qoN kmIafˆ, kmËorIafˆ kr leI hY. aYqvfr vfly idn 187 PIsdI hoxgIafˆ pRMqU krmcfrI aOrqfˆ dy jËby aqy df vwzf vfDf not kIqf igaf. zfierYktr imÈn pwKoN koeI kmI nhIN hY.
jnrl suprIXf sfhU df kihxf hY ik BfrqI
ieh cYnl aOrqfˆ dI pRqIinDqf krygf, drÈk vfps dUrdrÈn nfl juV irhf hY. aOrqfˆ dI afvfË bxygf aqy aOrqfˆ dy hwkfˆ sfhU anusfr dUrdrÈn dI phuMc BfrqI vsoN leI lVygf. ikAuNik aPgfinsqfn dunIaF dy 90 PIsdI ihwsy qwk hY. dUrdrÈn dy kOmI dI aijhI Qfˆ hY ijwQy mIzIaf dy Kyqr ivc cYnl nUM 2014 ivc hPqy ivc 15 kroV
aOrq nUM inhfieq muÈikl siQqIafˆ df 50 lwK drÈk vyKdy sn. 2015 ivc ieh sfhmxf krnf pYˆdf hY. aOrq dy hwkfˆ aqy igxqI Gt ky 13 kroV 20 lwK rih geI
mIzIaf afËfdI sbMDI gwlfˆ qfˆ bhuq huMdIafˆ jdik 2016 ivc vD ky 17 kroV 20 lwK hn pRMqU aml ivc kuJ nËr nhIN afAuNdf. ho geI. dUrdrÈn aiDkfrIafˆ df kihxf hY
iesy leI hux ieh kdm cuwikaf igaf hY. ik asIN aijhI iksy dOV ivc Èfiml nhIN hfˆ, ikAuNik dUrdrÈn df mnorQ smfijk hfl dI GVI ies cYnl `qy tfk Èoa, ishq mfnvI nËrIey qoN pRogrfm pRsfirq krnf hY. qy sMgIq sbMDI pRogrfm pyÈ kIqy jf rhy hn. cYnl df pRsfrn 8 meI nUM afrMB AuDr dUrdrÈn dI muPq izÈ dI lokipRaqf hoieaf. hryk lVkI ny afpxf isr dupwty jfˆ vDdI jf rhI hY. iek qfˆ dUrdrÈn dI skfrP nfl Zikaf hoieaf sI. ies cYnl ‘zfierYkt tU hom` syvf muPq hY. dUsry nfl aPgfinsqfn dy mIzIaf AudXog nUM pfsy inwjI izÈfˆ vfly mhInfvfr pYsy lYx dy nfl-nfl keI nKry krdy hn. nqIjy vjoN nvIN afvfË imlI hY. dUrdrÈn dy vDdy kdm
lok dUrdrÈn dI ‘zfierYkt hom` syvf vwl prq rhy hn. bIqy iek-do sflfˆ dOrfn ies
jdoN df tI[afr[pI[ isstm afrMB hoieaf ruJfn ivc qyËI afeI hY. awj 20 imlIan hY, eyjMsIafˆ lgfqfr dUrdrÈn nUM nËr qoN vwD Grfˆ kol dUrdrÈn dI izÈ hY. nqIjy aMdfË krdIafˆ afeIafˆ hn. drasl ies vjoN ies `qy cYnl slft dI kImq kfPI df kfrn ieh hY ik dUrdrÈn dy ivÈfl vD geI hY. afAuNdy kuJ mhIinafˆ ivc ies phuMc Gyry nUM mfpx leI eyjMsIafˆ kol koeI `qy cYnlfˆ dI igxqI 150 hox dI gwl khI pYmfnf hI nhIN hY. mhfˆngrfˆ dy sImq Grfˆ jf rhI hY. PAGE 9
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
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The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
sLok smfcfr afp jI nuM bVy duKI ihrdy nflL sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy pUjnIk bIbI jI nsIb kOr aOjlf 29 meI, 2017 nUM 85 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky sfnUM sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey hn| AunHF dy pqI lsLkr isMG, supwqr sMqoK isMG aqy
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Brf jgIr isMG bdysfL pihlF hI gurcrnF ivwc jf ibrfjy hn| Auh afpxy ipWCy afpxy bwcy suKivMdr kor (drsLn isMG mwlHI), inrml isMG (nirMdr kOr), inrml kOr (jgdyv isMG shoqf), ENkfr iSsMG (hrdIp kOr) aqy kuljIq kOr (nMUh) smyq poqy-poqIaF qy dohqy-dohqIaF CWz gey hn| AunHF df iPAUnrl 3 jUn nUM bfad dupihr 2:30 vjy PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom,2061 irvrsfeIz roz, aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf aqy Aus AprMq AunHF nimq rwKy pfT df Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs sLfm 4 vjy gurUduafrf klgIDr drbfr ivKy pvygf| Affectionately known as "Bibi ji", Nasib Kaur Aujla left us peacefully on May 29th 2017 at the age of 85. She will be greatly missed by all of her friends and family. She was predeceased by husband Lashkar Singh, son Santokh Singh and brother Jagir Singh Badesha. She is survived by her loving children Sukhwinder Kaur (Darshan Singh Mahil), Nirmal Singh (Narinder Kaur), Nirmal Kaur (Jagdev Singh Sahota), Onkar Singh (Hardeeppal Kaur), daughter-in-law Kuljeet Kaur and many grand-children, great grand-¬children,cousins, nieces and nephews. The funeral services will be held in Abbotsford, BC on Saturday, June 3rd at 2:30 pm at the Fraser River Funeral Home, 2061 Riverside Road, followed by prayer services at Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar at 4:00 pm. We love you always Bibi ji and you will live forever in our hearts.
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The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
trUzo qy ÈIar ny sMsd aqy tryz vrgy muwidafˆ AuWqy kIqI gwlbfq torfˆto: nvyˆ kMËrvyitv afgU aYˆzirAU ÈIar ny afpxy jyqU BfÈx ivwc pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo AuWqy Bfvyˆ iqwKy hmly kIqy. pr ÈIar dI ijwq qoˆ bfad aYqvfr nUM dovfˆ ny Pon AuWqy lMmfˆ smfˆ gwlbfq kIqI. hfAUs afP kfmnË ivwc ÈIar rsmI qOr AuWqy ivroDI iDr dy afgU bx cuwky hn. trUzo ny ÈIar nUM ietlI qoN Pon kIqf ijwQy pRDfn mMqrI jI-7 isKr vfrqf ivwc ihwsf lYx leI gey hoey hn. dovfˆ afgUafˆ ny sMsd ivwc kMmkfj sucfrU ZMg nfl clfAux qy amrIkf nfl sbMDfˆ dI aihmIaq AuWqy gwl kIqI. ieh jfxkfrI pRDfn mMqrI afiPs vwloN jfrI ibafn ivwc idwqI geI. afAux vfly hPiqafˆ ivwc dovfˆ afgUafˆ ny inwjI qOr AuWuqy vI iewk dUjy nfl mulfkfq krn AuWqy sihmqI pRgtfeI. Bfvyˆ ieh Pon rsmI qOr AuWqy kIqf igaf sI pr ilbrlfˆ ny vI ÈIar dI aflocnf krn df koeI mOkf nhIN KuMJfieaf. ÈIar dI ieh mMg hY ik ijhVIafˆ XUnIvristIafˆ afpxy kYˆps ivwc afpxy ivcfr pRgt krn qoN rokdIafˆ hn AunHfˆ leI PYzrl PMizMg bMd kr idwqI jfxI cfhIdI hY. Bfvyˆ pRDfn mMqrI afAux vfly hPiqafˆ ivwc dyÈ qoN bfhr hoxgy pr ÈIar vwloN somvfr qoN afpxy kfks dy 98 hornfˆ mYˆbrfˆ nfl pRÈn kfl dI agvfeI kIqI jf skdI hY. mOjUdf aYn[zI[pI[ afgU tOm mlkyar ny soÈl mIzIaf rfhIN ÈIar nUM vDfeI idwqI. mlkyar dI pfrtI vI nvfˆ afgU cuxn dI iqafrI kr rhI hY. aYn[zI[pI[ dy sfry AumIdvfr aYqvfr nUM hox vflI bihs leI iqafrI kr rhy hn qy iksy ny nvyˆ kMËrvyitv afgU nUM vDfeI dy do Èbd nhIN afKy.
Maintenance Full Service Gasoline Brakes
Tune-up Suspension General Repair Air conditioning
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Down the Memory Lanes: Grade 11 Class of 1967-68 Govt. Hr. Sec. School Guru Tegh Bahadar Garh, Distt:Moga, Punjab, India
17 17
CPA, CGA, MA Photo: Courtesy of Sukdev Singh Brar (604-625-4423)
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
  virus indexing � � � � � � � � � �   � € � � � � � � � �
We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
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We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
PAGE 14 Friday, December 25th, 2015
The Patrika
Friday, June PAGE 2nd, 2017 5
Services Announcement: gurPublic U qyg bhfdr jI dI aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfrF nUM dyx
Rajin Gill 778.982.4008
Consulate General of India, Vancouver
nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHfˆ rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI vwloN iqMn sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI rwiKaf leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI peI. dfs aqys BfeI idaflbedfs nfl the idwlGovernment I ivwc you may aware, of India had decided in January, mnuwKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ nfl nvMbr 1675 nU M idw q I geI ku r bfnI nU M isw K fˆ 2015 to discontinue PIO cards advising to convert them into OCI cards hoieaf hY ijwQy lokfˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry, dy nfl-nfl pUrI six kOmmonths. adb qy The siqkfr nfl Biraf within deadline for conversion of the PIO cards has kO m jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ. afpxy Xfd krdI hYY. mufour gl hkU mq dy julmfˆ iKlfÌ been extended times since then. As the current last date for PIO cards conihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk afvfË buinto lMd krn ÈhIdI fpq30 krn dy 2017, version OCIaqy cards endpRon June, we request all PIO kfblIaq df pRdrÈn kIqf card pr holders gurU qyg mM q v ipCly asl qy Au c y c y arQfˆ bfry ajy to immediately apply for converting their PIO jI cards into OCI cards to avoid bhfdr ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivro DIafˆ qwk shI aiDaYn nhIN kIqf igaf aqy nf hI inconvenience. dy hw k fˆ dI rw i Kaf leI afpxI ku r bfnI dy ky shI pirpyK qoN GoiKaf igaf hY. ipCly kuJ ijs nY i qk-rU h fnI bu l M d I nU M Co i haf, Au s dI dhfikafˆ qoN mnuwKI hwkfˆ bfry aflmI aMdolnfˆ imsfl mnu w K I ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhIN imldI. dy AuBfr nfl hux sfnUM mhfn gurU dI ÈhIdI ipCly AuWc mfnvI aiDkfrfˆ dy arQfˆ dI Koj ies leI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf krn df mOkf imilaf hY. jf skdf hY. mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ nUM do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf jfˆdf hY- shfiek jfˆ kfnUMnI phuMc aqy suBfivk gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM dyKline idafˆ with aflmIthemnuannouncement wKI aiDkfr sMsQfvfˆ vI of the 350th phuMc. he pihlI qrHfParkash ˆ dI phuMc Parv dOrfn(Birth mnuwKI In Au n H f ˆ nU M afpxy mo Z Iafˆ ivw c o N iek df drjf dy Anniversary) of the Tenth aiDkfrfˆ nUM kuJ isafsI tIicafˆ nUM Sikh hfsl Prime Minister of India, the ConsulrhIafˆ hn. Guru, Guru Ji ate General of India, Vancouver is krn leI hiQafr vjoN Gobind vriqaf jfˆSingh df hY aqy the mnuwKI 350th Parkash of Maharaj is being celebrated by the mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI rfKI bfry crcf krdy smyˆ celebrating lMzn afDfrq aiDkfr Parv jQybMdI Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj at GurdGovernment of India in India and outiPrkUvfd Puwt pYˆdf hY. iPrkU soc pnpx df amnYstI ieMtrnYÈnl ny gurU qyg bhfdr 15255, 68 side nqIjfIndia ieh where huMdf hY Indians ik mnuwKI reside. hwkfˆ dy rKvfly wara jI dI Dukh ÈhIdI Niwaran nMU mnuwKI hwSahib, kfˆ dI mhw qqf nfl Surrey, BC on 11th June, 2017 afpxy BfeIcfry, afpxI kOm, ivcfrDfrf aqy Avenue, Aus bfry ivcfr-vtfˆdrf vI kIqf sI. While announcing the celebration joV ky10 isafsI sihXogIafˆ dy hwQ Toky bx ky rih jfˆdy from am and 12Aunoon. amnY s tI ieM trnY Ènl s smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ by Prime hn.the hwd Government qfˆ AudoN ho jfˆdI hYofjdoIndia, N ies soc qihq dy ivÈv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI this occasion, H.E. Shri Vikas Minister Narendra Modi iksy ivroDof I dyIndia mnuwKIShri aiDkfrfˆ dI AulMG xf nUM On mOky aflmIHigh mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy ieiqhfs bfry Swarup, of India said, “Commemoration of the historiaxgoilaf kr idwqf jfˆdf hY jfˆ ivroDIafˆ dy iek ikqfb iqafrCommissioner krvf rhI sI. jQy b M d I vwloN Canada, will attend the celebration cal will mnuwKevents I hwkfˆ dI rfKIconnect df ivroDfuture hox lwggenerapYˆdf hY. to ies pR fjYkt dfthe Audsangat yÈ hryk sdI ‘c mnuwKI hwkfˆ address (devotees). tions with our roots. Those who forget and dy alM b rdfrfˆ dI pCfx krnf sI. ies ikqfb ies dy can Aultnever suBfivk phuMc qihq Only mnuwKI history create history. df isrly K ‘id lO N g mfrc tU PrIzm` sI aqy The Consulate of India in Vancouver aiDkfrfˆ ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI those candIcreate history who are conies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pM j Au W G y mnu w K I aiDkfrfˆ cordially invites all to participate in jfˆdI hY.with Auh the Bfvyˆ historical afpxy hox roots”. jfˆ ivroDI Kymy nected dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gu r U qy g bhfdr jI df nfm vI the celebrations. dy. ies soc dI dlIl hY ik mnuwK hox dy nfqy Èfml hY . bfkI cfrfˆ ‘c jO h n illbrn (1617sfry iensfn ivÈyÈ hwkfˆ dy hwkdfr hn. ieh phuMc mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf 57), jOhn lOk (1632-1704), ivlIam pYWn nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, (1644-1718) aqy voltyar (1694-1778) ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. Èfml hn. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI kuJ ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI Trudeau’s positive plan is OTTAWA, – The following soc nUM qfkq(ON) bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI statemnuwKI “Justin Èhfdq nUM ihM dU Drm Kfqr class idwqI providing help dIforrfKI middle ment on tonight’s Conservative Party hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY. kurbfnI dsdyreal hn. iesy leI ‘ihM d dI cfdr` leadership vote was issued by Azam families, with important steps like the Èbd vrqy jfˆdtax y hn.cut, gurthe U jI new dy blIdfn dI gurU jI vwlNational oN afpxf blIdfn dyx dyofPYthe sly ipCly class Canada Ishmael, Director Lib- middle aijhI ivafiKaf nHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIeythe nUM kfrnfˆ AuWqyofJfq mfrnf ËrUrI hY. kÈmIrI Child Benefit, Au and strengthening eral Party Canada: CuitafAuxPension vfˆg hY. jyk r ko e I ihM d U hu k mrfn, pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh Canada Plan - real change “With for krnf Canadians, afpxI musilmScheer pRjf AuWqand y julhis m Zfh irhf huMdf aOrMgËyso b dymuch julmfˆatdfstake sfhmxf pY irhf that Andrew Conservaqfˆ gu r U jI ny Au d o N vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh Liberals are looking forward to a robust sI aqy Auh gurU jI qoN shfieqf mMgx afey tive Party have opposed every step of hI qu r nf sI. Au n H f ˆ dI Èhfdq ipw C y jo sM k lp sI, debate with Andrew Scheer on how sn. Auh ies afs nfl gurU jI kol afey sn the way. to Canada’s ik continue rUhfnI ÈKsIaq vjoN Aureal nHfˆ dfprogress aihm ruqto bf Auh iksy Drm ivÈyÈ qwk sImq nhIN sI. iehI qwQ AunHfˆ dIScheer Èhfdq nUwould M vwD mhfn bxfAudown Ndf hY. double strengthen our middle class supportnUM “Andrew hY aqy ivcol f bx ky aqy mugand l bfdÈfh the same failed policies that saw every family toZjoin smJf ky AunHfˆ nUworking M musIbq hard ivwcoN kw xgy. it. asIN on iesy nËrIey qoN idwlI dy ieiqhfsk cfˆdnI cOk middle class fall behind under ten smJ skdy hfˆ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gurU jI the ijs Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf “This leadership race has made one years of siQq Stephen dI hmfieq lYx df PYslf AunHfˆ leI bhuqIafˆ igaf sI, gurduHarper. afrf sIsThe gMj Liberal sihb nUM thing clear: Andrew Scheer’s Conser- Party ofKCanada will stay focused on muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHfˆ isrP isw fˆ jfˆ ihM d U a fˆ leI aihm Dfrimk vative Party is Kdeeply with jfxdy sn ik isw Drm dyout moZof I gutouch rU nfnk sn building a stronger middle class and a asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn Canadians, withqyasiBafcfr divisive agenda aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj ivwc jfqIthat pRQf better future for all Canadians – not just nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy only wealthiest one percent. df Kuwlserves H ky ivrothe D kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ the wealthiest one percent.” He has opposed marriage a qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM equal nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswKand Drm ieh kdm mhfn gurleadership U dI gYr-sMthat prdfiek qy want brings woman’s no “Canadians ny lMgr, sMgright q aqytopMgchoose, q dI pRQfand rfhINhas smfijk bR i hmM z I mfnvI hw k fˆ vfly idR È tIko x nU M mfnqf together. Instead of an extreme plan to growbrfbrI the economy orkIqf. support aqy Dfrimk nUM AuqÈfhq ies people qy akIdq dyhope x vwlMr. dyrScheer nfl cuwill wikaf, pr agenda, work Canada’s middle class. Mr. Scheer rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI aiqaMq Zuwe k vfˆ kdm ho v y g f. was Stephen a closely with the Liberal team and all bRfhmxvfdI socHarper’s dy DfrnI candidate vkflq krdyfor sn. Parliament dedecade - and taking their party - ly K k inafksPo r z bruto k scontinue XU n IvristI, iswK Drm dIafˆnow ienHhe’s fˆ sfrIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ krky parties real middle class in an even more extreme qO direction. afksPo rthe z (XU [ kyhelp [ ) ivwthat c ieknfimks df kÈmIrI bRfhmx ivcfrDfrk r ‘qy gurU qyg livering pRoPYsr hY.need.” bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk families
Consulate General of India, Vancouver: Celebration of 350th Parkash Parv
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Aldergrove Indian Restaurant
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$ 677,000
4862 Bell Road
Location! Location! Location!
Trucker and Investor Alert! 5 Acre Blueberry Farm Recently renovated flooring and kitchen. Lots of income potential, Suite, Shed, Barn, Berries, Truck Parking. Call for more info!
6 Acres located in one of the most desirable areas of South Abbotsford. Major Truck Route 2 Houses in great condition (1 renovated), and currently planted with raspberries. Great for parking trucks or building your dream house.
Central Location surrounding many businesses. Busy location with loyal clientele. Newly painted, new counters, display cases. State of the art kitchen. Current owner willing to train! Call for more info
$ 120,000
32263 Harris Road
5 acre blueberry farm featuring renovated 4 bedroom home on city water. Showcasing spacious detached shop & garage, full production Blueberry farm gives owner ability to sell fresh berries on one of Abbotsford's artery routes.
Statement on the Conservative Party’s leadership vote
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Future Science Leaders heads to Abbotsford (Abbotsford) - The Abbotsford School District and Science World British Columbia are very excited to announce that the Future Science Leaders program is coming to Abbotsford, in January 2018.
an expert in that field, who is from a local university. The program is then scaled up in year 2 and year 3, to allow students to narrow their area of focus and apply their skill sets to real world challenges.
Future Science Leaders is an engaging, after-school science program for top high school students who are passionate about science and STEM subjects. Currently, this program is offered at TELUS World of Science and the distance from Abbotsford to Vancouver makes it difficult for Abbotsford students to take advantage of such a great opportunity.
“The Abbotsford Board of Education is excited to offer this opportunity to our students,” noted Shirley Wilson, Board Chair. “Providing schools throughout our district access to this specialized program speaks to the vision of our district - providing a world-class, innovative and individualized educational experience for every student.”
The expansion to Abbotsford is an exciting first step, as the Science World team tests ways of growing this successful youth development program. In the first year of the program, students complete multi-week themes of chemistry, physics, biology, earth and space, and math and technology. Each theme is led by
“There is a growing deficit of qualified people to fill STEM jobs in BC,” said Dr Scott Sampson, President and CEO of Science World. “We are pleased to be working with the Abbotsford School District to make the Future Science Leaders program more accessible to students. This program will help students further develop the talent, drive and discipline needed to excel in STEM careers.”
Science World leads the delivery of the program and provides a unique opportunity for motivated science students to develop a powerful peer network, while pursuing their interests in science. Program graduates have gone on to win top prizes in regional and international science fairs, as well as entrance scholarships to Ivy League schools. “The Abbotsford School District is known for its high level sports academies and this program is modeled after that. We want students to be able to pursue a passion in science, much like they can pursue their passion in sports,” said David de Wit, Principal at Rick Hansen Secondary School of Science and Business. The program will be hosted at Rick Hansen Secondary, but will be open for applications from all secondary students across Abbotsford.
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The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Canadian Muslim Community Donates $25,000 to Hospital Foundation in British Columbia
he Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at A cheque of $25,000 was presented to Canada presents $25,000 cheque her for the Shuswap Hospital Foundato Mayor of Salmon Arm for tion. Advancement of Mr. Lal Khan Malik, National PresiShuswap Lake General Hospital dent of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Hundreds gathered on May 21, 2017 in Canada, said “Islam teaches us that we must strive for the betterment of Salmon Arm, British Columbia to athumanity and vie with one another tend the annual “Run for Salmon Arm” in good works. Through its various organized by the Ahmadiyya Elders charity events throughout the country, Association, an auxiliary organization including here in Salmon Arm, the of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada Canada. More than 500 people partici- is committed to raising funds for hospated in the charity walk, jog and run pitals and other various community to raise funds for the Shuswap Hospital initiatives. Foundation. The run attracted more than 500 people Her worship Nancy Cooper, Mayor of from various parts of Canada, from Salmon Arm, welcomed community Toronto to British Columbia, to raise members and expressed her gratitude to funds for the Shuswap Lake General the Ahmadiyya Elders Association for Hospital. Full details can be found at organizing this humanitarian initiative. www.runforsalmonarm.ca
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
bI[sI[ ivwc Gwt igxqI srkfr leI gRInË ny aYn[zI[pI[ nfl jfx df kIqf PYslf
aYˆzirAU ÈIar ny ijwqI kMËrvyitv lIzriÈp torfˆto: lfl sUhIafˆ gwlHfˆ vfly qy hfAUs afP kfmnË dy sfbkf spIkr aYˆzirAU ÈIar nUM Èinwcrvfr nUM afiKrkfr kMËrvyitvfˆ ny afpxf afgU cux ilaf. AunHfˆ nUM stIPn hfrpr df hI dUjf rUp dwisaf jfˆdf hY. PYzrl kMËrvyitv lIzriÈp dOV ivwc hornfˆ qoN ielfvf ÈIar ny muwK dfavydfr mMny jf rhy mYkism brnIar nUM vI mfmUlI Prk nfl hrfieaf. ÈIar qy mYkism brnIar ivcfly mukfblf bVf Ëbrdsq sI. ÈIar nUM 50[95 PIsdI aMk hfsl hoey jdik brnIar 49[05 PIsdI aMkfˆ nfl dUjy sQfn AuWqy rhy. ies qoN pihlfˆ 12 bYlts ivwc vI ÈIar hI lIz kr rhy sn. Etvf ivwc pYdf hoey sskYcvn dy aYm[pI[ ny afpxy jyqU BfÈx ivwc afiKaf ik ies pfrtI ivwc hr kMËrvyitv df svfgq hY qy ieh pfrtI quhfzy sBnfˆ nfl hI soBdI hY. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik asIN sfry jfxdy hfˆ ik vMzIafˆ dOrfn kMËrvyitv ikho ijhy lwgdy hn qy asIN dubfrf aijhf nhIN hox dyvfˆgy. asIN iewkjuwt ho ky hI ijwq skdy hfˆ. ÈIar ny afiKaf ik Auh iewQy ieh dwsx leI hfËr hoey hn ik awj qoN kYnyzf leI afs df nvfˆ dOr sLurU ho igaf hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik trUzo dy ilbrlË Poto sUt krvfAux qy sYlPIafˆ lYx ivwc aYny iËafdf ruwJy hoey hn ik AunHfˆ nUM ies gwl dI koeI prvfh nhIN hY ik AunHfˆ dIafˆ nIqIafˆ nfl kuwJ nhIN sMvr irhf qy mwD vrg dI iksy vI qrHfˆ mdd nhIN ho rhI.
ies muwdy qoN awgy vwD cuwky hn. AunHfˆ dy sfQI sskYcvn aYm[pI[ brYz trOst ies lIzriÈp dOV ivwc cOQy sQfn AuWqy rhy. afpxI ijwq qoN bfad inAUË kfnPrMs nUM sMboDn kridafˆ ÈIar ny afiKaf ik lIzr df kMm sfry kMËrvyitvfˆ ivcfly sfˆJI rfie bxf ky sB nUM nfl qornf hY. kuwJ muwidafˆ AuWqy sfzf kfks vMizaf jfˆdf hY qy sfzI lihr iQVk jfˆdI hY qy ies nfl afm jnqf nUM glq sunyhf jfˆdf hY. pr keI hor muwdy hn ijvyˆ bolx dI afËfdI, pirvfrfˆ leI tYksfˆ ivwc ktOqI, mYzIkl pRYktIÈnrË dy hwkfˆ dI ihPfËq afid, ijnHfˆ bfry sfry kMËrvyitv iewkmq hn. ies mOky brnIar ny afiKaf ik nqIjy Bfvyˆ ikho ijhy vI rhy hox Auh afpxy isDfˆqfˆ qy pfrtI pRqI vcnbwD rihxgy. AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik ÈIar dI agvfeI vflI pfrtI ivwc AunHfˆ leI ËrUr Qfˆ hovygI. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik mukfblybfËI AunHfˆ nUM psMd hY qy ieh mukfblf kfPI Ëbrdsq vI irhf qy Auh ÈIar nfl kMm krn leI iqafr hn. AunHfˆ ÈIar dI isPq kridafˆ afiKaf ik Aus ny cMgI muihMm clfeI qy ieho lokqMqr hY.
ivktorIaf: ibRitÈ kolMbIaf ivwc gRIn iËkrXog hY ik iewQy 16 sflfˆ qwk ilbrl pfrtI dI mdd nfl hux aYn[zI[pI[ dy swqf AuWqy kfbj rhy qy 9 meI nUM hoeIafˆ srkfr bxfAux df rfh pwDrf ho igaf hY. coxfˆ dOrfn AunHfˆ bhuqIafˆ sItfˆ AuWqy ijwq vI aYn[zI[pI[ afgU jOhn hOrgn qy gRIn hfsl kIqI. pr 87 sItfˆ vflI ivDfnsBf pfrtI dy aYˆzirAU vIvr ny ies sbMD ivwc ivwc Auh bhuigxqI hfsl nhIN kr sky. aYlfn kridafˆ afiKaf ik agly cfr AunHfˆ dy ihwsy 43 sItfˆ afeIafˆ jd ik sflfˆ leI dovyˆ pfrtIafˆ rl ky siQr Gwt aYn[zI[pI[ nUM 41 sItfˆ hfsl hoeIafˆ qy igxqI srkfr bxfAuxgIafˆ. hOrgn nfl gRInË dy pwly iqMn sItfˆ peIafˆ. kYnyzIan inAUË kfnPrMs nUM sMboDn kridafˆ vIvr ieiqhfs ivwc pihlI vfrI srkfr bxfAux ny afiKaf ik gRInË agly cfr sflfˆ leI leI gRIn pfrtI dI mdd leI jfxI ËrUrI aYn[zI[pI[ nUM smrQn dyxgy qy asIN ieh ho geI. ivKf idafˆgy ik Gwt igxqI srkfr vI kMm somvfr nUM pRImIar ikRstI klfrk hfr kr skdI hY. svIkfrn leI iqafr hI nhIN sI. klfrk vIvr ny afiKaf ik gRIn pfrtI ny ies ny iewk ibafn jfrI krky afiKaf ik smJO q y Au u W qy rËfmM d I pR g tfeI hY qy ieh byhwd ËrUrI hY ik awj bI[sI[ ivwc aYn[zI[pI[ ies sbMD ivwc mMglvfr nUM aY n [zI[pI[ qy gR I n pfrtI dy afgU a fˆ vot krvfAux jf rhI hY. pr hOrgn nUM nhIN lwgdf ik ies PYsly df aYn[zI[pI[ ivcfly hoey smJOqy sbMDI aYlfn nUM ibRitÈ ivwcoN koeI ivroD krygf. hOrgn ny afiKaf kolMbIaf vfsI cMgI qrHfˆ smJ lYx ikAuNik ik AunHfˆ nUM pUrf XkIn hY ik sfzI tIm vwloN ies dy pRoivMs dy BivwK ivwc cMgy nqIjy srbsMmqI nfl ies PYsly df smrQn kIqf nhIN inklxgy. ivDfn sBf ivwc sB qoN vwD jfvygf. jdoN qwk aYn[zI[pI[ ies PYsly nUM sItfˆ hfsl krn vflI pfrtI vjoN ieh sfzI mnËUrI nhIN idMdI AudoN qwk smJOqy dy vyrvy iËMmyvfrI bx jfˆdI hY ik asIN aglf kdm jfrI nhIN kIqy jfxgy. iDafn nfl cuwkIey.
myarË ny EvrzoË sbMDI mOqfˆ dy sMkt nfl nijwTx leI PYzrl srkfr nUM lfeI guhfr vYnkUvr: niÈafˆ dI EvrzoË kfrn hox vflIafˆ mOqfˆ dy sbMD ivwc dyÈ Br dy myarË ny ies nYÈnl aYmrjMsI leI PYz rl srkfr nUM syD dy x dI apIl kIqI hY. myarË df kihxf hY ik PYzrl lIzriÈp ies mfmly ivwc sfzI mdd kry qfˆ ik smyˆ isr lokfˆ dI niÈafˆ dI lq df ielfj krvfieaf jf sky qy jnqf nUM jfgrUk krn leI muihMm clfeI jf sky. vYnkUvr qoN myar gRYgr rObrtsn, ijhVy niÈafˆ dy sMkt dy sbMD ivwc vwzy Èihrfˆ dy myarË dy kfks dI agvfeI vI kr rhy sn, ny afiKaf ik 12 hornfˆ Èihrfˆ dy AunHfˆ dy hmruqbf aiDkfrIafˆ df mMnxf hY ik hflfq bhuq ivgV cuwky hn. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik Etvf nUM lokfˆ dIafˆ iËMdgIafˆ bcfAux leI lIzriÈp BUimkf inBfAuxI hI hovygI.
dwsxf bxdf hY ik aYˆzirAU ÈIar dI pIl rIjn ivwc sfbkf sports mMqrI bwl gosl qy vkIl rfkyÈ joÈI qy AunHfˆ dy sihXogIafˆ vwloN hmfieq kIqI geI sI. iesy qrHfˆ mfrKm qoN aYm[pI[ bOb sroaf, aYˆzirAU ÈIar dI mdd kr rhy sn. pIl rIjn dy bhuqy hlky ÈIar dI JolI pey hn qy iesy qrHfˆ hI EntfrIE qy hor Kyqr ˆ irAU kuwJ df mMnxf hY ik ÈIar vI afm sihmqI ivwcoN mYkism brnIar dy mukfbly aYz nUM muV srkfr bxfAux df rfh mMndy ÈIar nUM aMq ivwc vwD vot imlI. PYzrl ishq mMqrI jyn iPlpOt ny ipCly hn, ijvyˆ ik hfrpr ny ds sfl qoN vI sfbkf Kyz mMqrI bwl gosl ny sfzy nfl mhIny afiKaf sI ik vfrI vfrI arjoLeI vwD smyˆ qwk swqf AuWqy kfbj rihx leI gwlbfq kridafˆ afiKaf ik aYˆzirAU pfrtI dy hr DVy nUM hr ÈKs nUM iewkjuwt sIar lMmy smyˆ qoN isafsq dy ivwc hn qy krI rwiKaf. dUjy mMndy hn ik Auh afpxy Auh hfAUs spIkr vI rih cuwky hn. ies ivroDIafˆ nUM dbfAuNdy hn. ipCly sfl qoN ielfvf Auh nOjvfn vrg nUM apIl kMËrvyitv hYˆzbuwk ivwcoN smilMgI ivafhfˆ krn vfly qy cMgy nyqf sfbq hoxgy. ies dy df ivroD krn vfly iewk klfË nUM htfAux nfl hI AunHfˆ afiKaf ik AunHfˆ nUM pUrI AumId vfly pfrtI mYˆbrfˆ df AunHfˆ smrQn kIqf hY ik 2019 ivwc Auh ilbrl srkfr nUM ikAuNik AunHfˆ df mMnxf hY ik kYnyzIan XkInn mfq dyxgy.
kIqy jfx dy bfvjUd ijnHfˆ pRoivMsfˆ qy tYrytrIË ny EvrzoË nfl hox vflIafˆ mOqfˆ bfry koeI jfxkfrI sfˆJI nhIN kIqI Aus qoN Auh kfPI pryÈfn hY. iPlpOt dy pRYWs skwqr aYˆzirAU mYkYˆzirwk ny vIrvfr nUM jfrI kIqy ibafn ivwc mMqrI dy pwK AuWqy afiKaf ik kYnyzf ivwc ies smyˆ asIN kOmI pbilk hYlQ sMkt ivwc Psy hoey hfˆ. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik mMqrI iPlpOt ies sMkt nfl nijwTx leI jo sMBv koiÈÈ hY krn leI iqafr hY. pr Auh ies leI dyÈ Br ivwc srkfr dy hr pwDr nfl rl ky kMm krnf cfhuMdy hn. rObrtsn ny ieh vI afiKaf ik zftf iewkTf krn dy nfˆ AuWqy kuwJ pRoivMs hwQ ipwCy iKwc rhy hn pr jfxkfrI hfsl krn leI PYzrl srkfr nUM iewk sfˆJf POrmYt qfˆ apnfAuxf hI hovygf.
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Parade Proudly sponsored by
Happy 150th
Birthday Day
Prospera Credit Union Canada Day Parade – 11am Ware Street/South Fraser Way to Trethewey Street/MaClure. Parade grandstand on South Fraser Way between Bourquin/Gladwin.
Main Stage 1pm-10pm Talented young local performers: Kassandra Klack - 6pm Her Brothers - 6:35pm Saint Soldier - 7:10pm Thistle Dew - 7:45pm Order of Abbotsford - 8:00pm Sister Says - 8:35pm The Ballantynes - 9:10pm
Saturday, July 1
And many more!
Family Fun
Abbotsford Exhibition Park
Abbotsford Arts Council Artisan Market Featuring artwork from local Lower Mainland artists and crafters.
Fireworks Celebration 10pm, Rotary Stadium
Community Displays - 1-5pm
Canada’s 150th Birthday!
Abbotsford Exhibition Park June 30, 6-9pm and July 1, 11am-10:30pm A birthday this big deserves a whole weekend celebration! See amazing local talent on June 30, featuring Abbotsford Youth Orchestra, Pacific Mennonite Children’s Choir, Valley Festival Singers, Sionnaine Irish Dance Academy, Skipping Sensations, Circus Performers, May Day Choir and Korean Drummers. Fraser Valley Food Trucks will be on site.
Food Truck Festival - 1-10pm (Sponsored by Fraser Valley Food Truck Festival) Mini-golf/Hayrides - 1-5pm Pony Rides - 1-5pm Play Zones - 1-5pm
SPONSORED IN PART BY: Fraser Valley Food Truck Festival McDonalds Homestead Nursery BCAA Fraser Valley Regional Library
The Reach Gallery Museum Twisters Gymnastics Abbotsford/Mission Recycling 4Cats Art Studio Fraserway RV Skipping Sensations
Abbotsford Centre Calvin Dyck Abbotsford Arts Council Agrifair Fierce Flyers Flyball Club
GLH Vending Celebration Fireworks Cannor Garden Centre
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
District budget maintains priorities as it prepares for 17-18
Agreement language. We anticipate a few challenges in the months ahead, but our focus will be on creating and maintaining a progressive workforce moving forward. We anticipate that the newly created Classroom Enhancement Fund (CEF) will cover many of the costs associated with adapting to the staffing and capacity requirements The Board remains committed to related to these changes.” funding key initiatives from its strategic plan, including continued focus The district is preparing for a few on Strong Starts, along with projects emerging issues that may pose addiat Rick Hansen Secondary School, tional challenges as the year progressExplozone, the expansion of Learning es, including the management of facilCommons and Science World’s Future ity pressures arising from increasing Science Leaders - a new program for enrolments; staffing changes/shortages secondary students. related to the restored 2002 Collective Agreement provisions on class size and “We are committed to maintaining the composition; technology costs related focus on our strategic initiatives for to improved data protection and secuthe coming year and to provide new rity; and increased administrative costs and exciting opportunities for our stufor the management and oversight of dents,” said Shirley Wilson, Chair for 2002 Collective Agreement provisions. the Abbotsford Board of Education. “But, we also recognize that we are The final 2017-18 Budget was apfacing a difficult reality in our district proved by the Board of Education at as we restore the 2002 Local Collective the May 30th Board meeting. $215 million budget for the 2017-18 year has been passed by the Abbotsford Board of Education, as the district prepares for another school year. Student enrolment will grow by approximately 140 students to over 19,800 students in the coming year.
SFU EXPERTS PROPOSE TRANSITION TO LOW-CARBON ENERGY ECONOMY A new report co-authored by 71 university researchers from all 10 provinces indicates that decreased demand for fossil fuels over the coming decades could significantly reduce inward investment in the oil and gas sector, making the industry a less attractive and riskier business. The scholars recommend that Canada makes the shift from being an oil producing country to becoming a low carbon energy leader.
Sylvester, Director of Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue and contributor to the report. “This report reflects the collective minds of 71 scientists and scholars and their best advice on how Canada can chart its path towards a cleaner low-carbon future.” SFU experts can speak to the following topics:
• How Canada can transition to low-carbon energy systems while The independent paper—that several remaining globally competitive. Simon Fraser University professors contributed to—was developed to • How science and research can examine how Canada could transition inform public policy and debate on to low-carbon energy systems while transitioning to a low-carbon economy. remaining globally competitive. ReOpportunities for affordable Energizing Canada: Pathways to a • energy, innovative jobs, and job creLow-Carbon Future, provides indepenation. dent academic input to Generation Energy, a national dialogue on Canada’s Contact: path to a low-carbon future launched by Natural Resources Canada on April Shauna Sylvester, Director, Centre for Dialogue, 778.782.9579, smsyles@ 21, 2017. sfu.ca “The world is undergoing the most important energy transition since the Meg Holden, Professor, Urban Studindustrial revolution,” says Shauna ies and Geography, 604.839.9794, mholden@sfu.ca
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Kirsten Brazier, Nadine Caron, under new Andy Sidhu, and Tamara Taggart to management receive honorary degrees from UFV
our exemplary citizens will receive honorary doctorates at the University of the Fraser Valley Convocation ceremonies, to be held June 6 and 7 at the Abbotsford Centre. They include Kirsten Brazier, an aviation professional and mentor of young women in science and technology; Dr. Nadine Caron, Canada’s first female First Nations surgeon and an advocate for northern, remote, and Aboriginal communities; Andy Sidhu, the founder and publisher of The Patrika, Abbotsford’s English-Punjabi bilingual newspaper; and Tamara Taggart, co-anchor of CTV Vancouver’s News at Six and advocate for people with disabilities.
Fresh Canvas Spa Abbotsford is now Red Lotus Spa
“I am once again extremely impressed with the achievements and inspirational stories of the people we will be conferring our highest honour upon,” said UFV President Mark Evered, who will be presiding over his last Convocation ceremonies before retiring at the end of June. “They all exemplify the values of excellence and service to community that we hold dear at UFV.” Kirsten Brazier
Abbotsford : 33341 South Fraser Way Ph.: 604.852.8929
Kirsten Brazier is president of the Achieve Anything Foundation, based in Langley. She formed the organization to develop and implement projects and programs aimed at inspiring female leaders in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), and STEMbased fields such as aviation, aerospace, and the marine and defence sectors. Brazier is the founder of the extremely popular annual The Sky’s No Limit — Girls Fly Too! event, which has provided more than 20,000 young women with an introduction to aviation through a free introductory flight. Brazier is an aviation professional with 24 years’ experience as a pilot (airplanes and helicopters). She also has excelled in aviation operations and management, aviation consulting, mentoring, and community outreach. Brazier will receive her doctorate at the 9:30 am ceremony on June 6.
n non-invasive, non-laser skin hydradermabrasion procedure ration and antioxidant protection kin with no discomfort or
Nadine Caron Dr. Nadine Caron is Canada’s first female First Nations general surgeon. She is internationally renowned for her advocacy work addressing the disparities of rural, remote, northern, and Aboriginal communities. Reaching extraordinary success since her university days as a star student and basketball player, Caron was the first female First Nations student to graduate from UBC’s School of Medicine (as the top
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
student) and was named one of Maclean’s 100 Canadians to Watch. While completing her surgical residency, she achieved her Master of Public Health at Harvard. Today she continues to distinguish herself as an outstanding surgeon, researcher, mentor, educator, patient advocate, and community leader. She is a faculty member in the Northern Medicine program at the University of Northern BC, an associate faculty member at John Hopkins Centre for American Indian Health, and an assistant professor with UBC’s Faculty of Medicine. Through role-modeling and public speaking, she encourages First Nations youth to share her love of learning and further their education. Caron will receive her doctorate at the 2:30 pm ceremony on June 7. Andy Sidhu When Andy Sidhu emigrated from Malaysia to Canada in 1974, and started working at a dairy farm, he didn’t imagine a future in publishing. He joined the Canada Farm Labour Pool as a bookkeeper, utilizing his accounting background, and was promoted to management roles. His ability to speak fluent English and Punjabi made him well-known in the community, and he soon became an interpreter and cultural relations advisor for various organizations, including the local police department, UFV, and Canadian Immigration Services. In 1996 he founded and became publisher of The Patrika, Abbotsford’s only bilingual newspaper (English-Punjabi). Through his newspaper and his volunteer service, he has built bridges and has become a multi-award–winning champion of multiculturalism. Sidhu will receive his doctorate at the 2:30 pm ceremony on June 6. Tamara Taggart Well known as the co-anchor of CTV News at Six, Tamara Taggart is a veteran broadcaster, third-generation Va n c o u v e r i t e , cancer survivor, and mother of three who has been with CTV Vancouver in various roles since 1997. Recognized for her commitment to the community beyond her work in broadcasting, Taggart was appointed to the Order of British Columbia in 2015 for her volunteer work supporting health care and the well-being of children and people with disabilities. Among the numerous organizations she is involved with, Taggart is a strong supporter of the Developmental Disabilities Association and the BC Centre for Ability. Her son Beckett has Down Syndrome, and Taggart’s TEDx Talk has helped reframe the conversation with parents of special needs children. She is the recipient of many broadcasting awards. Taggart will receive her doctorate at the 9:30 am ceremony on June 7. The public is welcome to attend all UFV convocation ceremonies. PAGE 21
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
SURREY – Health Canada has approved Fraser Health to open two supervised consumption sites in Surrey that will help save lives in areas that are among the hardest hit by the public health emergency. “Today’s news is the result of many months of planning and consultation at all levels, and we are pleased that Health Canada has approved these two supervised consumption sites in Surrey,” said Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall. “Supervised consumption services save lives, and provide opportunities to engage with people, reverse overdoses when they occur, connect people to treatment for their addiction when they are ready, and ultimately reduce the number of people dying.”
The two sites are scheduled to open in June following the completion of renovations and staff training. Services at the site will include the supervision of injection drugs and Fraser Health is also seeking Health Canada approval for intra-nasal and oral substances, which will be a first in Canada. Fraser Health will integrate both sites into existing health services: one at Quibble Creek Sobering and Assessment Centre, and another on 135A Street operated in partnership with Lookout Emergency Aid Society, adjacent to Health Solutions (the SHOP Clinic) and Front Room Drop-in.
“We carefully selected both sites based on data analysis that indicated these areas have the highest rate of overdose deaths in the region,” said Fraser Health Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Victoria Lee. “Supervised consumption services are one component of our overdose strategy that will support people in areas that have a disproportionate number of overdoses, and today’s exemption from Health Canada will allow us to take a significant step forward in engaging with this population.” Quibble Creek will provide supervised consumption services to clients of the centre between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., seven days a week. The location on 135A Street and will be operated in partnership with Lookout Emergency Aid Society. Supervised consumption services will be provided daily from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m., based on data analysis which showed the greatest opportunity for impact. Over the past several months, Fraser Health engaged in an extensive consultation process which has included oneon-one meetings with key stakeholders, two public information sessions, a web-based survey, and interviews with people who use drugs. The site on 135A will be called SafePoint – the result of consultation with the people who are most likely to access services there.
WVB: Local recruits bring championship pedigree to Cascades level – combined, they have been part of five medal-winning teams at the B.C. high school championships, and have also had some outstanding accomplishments in both club and beach The quartet of newcomers includes volleyball. setter Olivia Heinen (Langley, B.C.), Cascades head coach Mike Gilray middle Lauren Poirier (Port Coquitlam, termed it “an outstanding class across B.C.), libero Karissa Marazzi (Ab- the board.” botsford, B.C.) and right side Alexis Edwards (Abbotsford). Each player “I’m really excited,” he said. “They’re has played a pivotal role in tremen- going to push our veteran players at a dous team successes at the high school variety of positions. The University of the Fraser Valley women’s volleyball program has signed four local high school recruits, infusing its roster with talent and depth heading into the 2017-18 season.
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
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The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
· 45 Acres bare
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land avail in Mission. Call for more info
Acres Parcel avail in Aldegrove Call for more info
2728 Clearbrook Rd · 3 bdrm
· 1 bath · House size: 860 sqft · Newly updated home currently rented out to long term tenants.
MISSION · 3 bdrm 33035 14TH AVE
· 2 bath · Lot: 8,742 sqft · House size: 2,154 sqft · Currently being rented out. Tenants looking to stay long term.
32605 Geneva Ave · 5 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 7,200 sqft · House size: 2,240 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite
2875 Crossley Dr
$798,888 7419 Wren St
NEW LISTING $1,249,888
3246 Atwater
· 5bdrm · 4 bath · Lot: 7,500 sqft · House size: 2,986 sqft · 1 bdrm basement suite
MISSION Well established convenience grocery store for sale! 1 bdrm living accommodation & a separate 3 bdrm rental home. Corner property w/ lots of parking. Great potential to re-develop.
· 5 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 5,447 sqft · House size: 2,033 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite
2960 Bergman St
PLA for 5 lot subdivision · Lot: 34,000 sqft · House size: 3,200 sqft · 6 bdrm , 3 bath · Wide driveway. Up to 8 cars
HARRISON MILLS 1193 Kilby Rd 25.7 Acres Blueberry Farm in
NEW LISTING $1,999,888
Harrison Mills. Possible to subdivide into two parcels (verify with city hall) 17 Acres DUKE. 7 Acres REKA. 1.5 Acres ELLIOT Machinery can be included
ABBOTSFORD · Completely renovated home! · 6 bdrm · 3 bath · Lot: 7,070 sqft · House Size: 2,400 sqft
2115 Beaver St
ABBOTSFORD · Build your dream home or subdivide with the neighbouring property. · Central Location · Close to shopping, recreation centre and ameneties
33436 George Ferguson Way
32634 Cowichan Ter
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31475 Cougar Court · 7 bdrm
32019 Noble Ave · 3 bdrm · 2 bath · Lot: 5,900 sqft · House size: 1,305 sqft · 1 bdrm Basement Suite $614,888
3410 Shuswap Te · 4 level split · 4 bdrm, 3 bath · Lot: 6,167sqft · House size: 2,760 sqft · Close to all three schools
MISSION · 3 bdrm · 1 bath · Lot: 11,760 sqft · House size: 2,180 sqft · 1 bdrm Basement Suite
7668 Hurd St
· 6 bath · Lot: 8,102 sqft · House size: 4,792 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite
31309 Wagner Dr · 8 bdrm · 6 bath · Lot: 6,975 sqft · House size: 4,529 sqft ACCEPTED OFFER · 2 bdrm Basement Suite
1907 Knox Terrace
· 7 bdrm · 5 bath · Lot: 9,160 sqft · House size: 4,618 sqft
32511 Oriole Crst · 3 bdrm, 1 bath
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The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
novf skoÈIaf ivwc mfmUlI Prk nfl ilbrl ijwqy novf skoÈIaf: stIPn mYknIl dI agvfeI doÈfˆ df jnqf AuWqy koeI bhuqf asr nhIN vflI ilbrl pfrtI hI novf skoÈIaf ivwc hoieaf. FOR LEASE!
New Listing - West Abbotsford Condo Mt. Waddington - West Abbotsford
Lot in Mission - 3 storey home plan is ready. Close to all amenities. Asking #339,900. For more info please call Kuldip Sall
YOUR NEW HOME SEARCH STOPS HERE! 7805 sqft lot has 4 bedroom 2 bathrooms, 2034 sqft, rancher with full basement and very cool loft would be perfect for first time home purchaser. Incredible holding property for future development. For more information please call Kuldip Sall.
ASSIGNMENT - Central Abbotsford Location!!! Home in popular Fairfield Estates. Recently renovated, SS appliances, RV parking and a private backyard perfect for entertaining.
Subdividable Lot 10,240 sqft lot, 7 bedroom, 3 full bath, Open concept throughout, kitchen, dining, living rm and sunroom with roman columns. French traditional kitchen, large sunroom with windows and more windows to take in the panoramic mountain view. Please call for more information.
Approximate 2000 sqft. Commercial space for lease. Good for convenience store, grocery store, s hop & lots of other businesses. Good exposure & lots of parking. Please call for more info.
p izz a
$274,888 This lovely, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom corner unit is nicely updated with newer kitchen cabinets and countertops, paint, flooring, lighting and bathroom vanity. Indoor swimming pool, hot tub and sauna.
1486 sqft plus 439 sqft Solarium/deck, Brand New 2 bdrm & Fex/den, 2 full bath, Granite counter top. Close to all amenities.
2568 sqft house on 9450 sqft with 5 bedroom house and 3 bath with LEGAL SUITE, New roof, New water tank, New kitchen, 2 bedroom Legal suite rented for $800/month. Close to hospital, park, shopping, easy access to Freeway. Please call for your personal viewing.
D L O S $649,900
5 bdrm, 19'9x12' Rec room, 3 full bath, bsmt entry 2500 sqft home on 6000 sqft lot with LEGAL SUITE, New roof/Water tank, SS appliances. Close to both l ev el s cho o ls/s ho pp i ng c en ter, ea sy ac ce ss to freeway.
MISSION 4 bdrm, 3 full bath, fully renovated home, New kitchen,New bathrooms, New doors/windows, New driveway, New furnace, New flooring, New appliances, list goes on & on. Close to schools,For more info please call.
srkfr bxfvygI pr AunHfˆ nUM bhuq hI sImq afpxy jyqU BfÈx ivwc mYknIl ny afiKaf sItfˆ AuWqy ijwq hfsl hoeI hY. ik Auh pRoivMs nUM awgy iljfx leI birl 99 PIsdI votfˆ dI igxqI ho cuwkI hY qy qy bylI nfl rl ky kMm krngy. AunHfˆ awgy mYknIl dI agvfeI vfly ilbrl jfˆ qfˆ afiKaf ik pRoivMs nUM aglIafˆ pIVHIafˆ leI shyj ky rwKx vfsqy hI AunHfˆ afpxI cox lIz kr rhy hn qy jfˆ 27 sItfˆ AuWqy cuxy muihMm clfeI. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik afpxIafˆ jf cuwky hn jdik jymI bylI dI agvfeI DIafˆ qy puwqfˆ leI sfnUM mËbUq arQcfry vflI pRogrYisv kMËrvyitv pfrtI 17 sItfˆ df inrmfx awj hI krnf hovygf qfˆ ik Auh hfsl kr cuwkI hY jfˆ ienHfˆ AuWqy awgy cwl iewQy novf skoÈIaf ivwc rih ky hI afpxy rhI hY. gYrI birl dI aYn[zI[pI[ 7 sItfˆ pirvfrfˆ nUM pfl skx. AuWqy awgy cwl rhI hY. mYknIl ny ieh vI afiKaf ik AunHfˆ df 51 sItfˆ vflI ivDfn sBf ivwc bhuigxqI tIcf bjt nUM Ausy qrHfˆ muV pyÈ krn df leI iksy vI pfrtI nUM 26 sItfˆ cfhIdIafˆ hY ijvyˆ ik Aus nUM pihlfˆ kIqf igaf sI. hn. mYknIl nUM ies leI ijwq hfsl hoeI iesy dOrfn pIsI lIzr jymI bylI ny awDI ikAuNik pRoivMs dy hYlQ kyar isstm dy rfq nUM idwqy afpxy BfÈx ivwc afiKaf ik sMkt ivwc hox dy pbilk sYktr XUnIanË nqIjy drsfAuNdy hn ik novf skoÈIaf vfsI qy birl qy bylI vwloN AunHfˆ iKlfP lfey gey mYknIl srkfr qoN KuÈ nhIˆ hn.
Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034 iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro
2306 Alexander Cres
34212 Larch Street
RealtorSukh@hotmail.com Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
$698,800 DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL! Currently zoned RS3 with urban 3 infill designation. Lots of potential development options on this huge 13,096 sqft lot. The home itself has had many updates over the years. Newer roof & skylight, hot water tank, 2" blinds, fridge & dishwasher. The main floor has an open concept design, and a bright, atrium style living room.The oversized yard is private, fully fenced and has a huge 34x18 wood sundeck. There are a few outbuildings including a wired 15x14 shop, 20x14 garage and 9x12 greenhouse. There is plenty of parking out front for all your toys as well!
35386 Wells Gray
3330 Harvest Dr
Home sweet home! This lovely family home is located just a block from Mission's Heritage Park and offers 4 upstairs bedrooms, 2 baths, a traditional layout, big picture windows for loads of natural light, spacious rooms, lots of storage, a potential for an in-law suite, a workshop, a brand new (huge!) 3095 MCCRAE ST.
SOLD $595,900 This lovely two story home, backing onto a Green belt, in one of Abbotsford's most desirable, family oriented neighbourhoods is now available. Owned since 2000, the home owners are downsizing into a smaller condo, as the kids have moved on. Leaving this home ready for the next family to enjoy and create memories in. This home features a new roof in 2012, New Sears thermo.
$729,000 Beautifully updated 5 bdrm (+ den) rancher with fully finished bsmt in superb East Abby location. Larch Park is only steps away, or stay in your south facing backyard oasis relaxing in your own heated pool! 3 updated baths (incl 3 pc ensuite), 2 new kitchens, new top of the line Trane furnace and air conditioning, vinyl plank flooring downstairs, new siding, gutters, garage door and all exterior doors. Vinyl windows up and down, and roof is approx 10 years old. Attic insulation added to R40 rating. Bsmt is plumbed for 2nd laundry, perfect for that large family! Main floor has gorgeous engineered hardwood, a living room with built in surround sound, and a kitchen with a farmhouse sink, quartz counters and stainless steel appliances.
$799,000 "The Highlands" Beautiful home in East Abbotsford. 2 storey home with basement. Main floor has living room with Gas Fireplace, Hardwood floors throughout, gorgous Kitchen with granite counter tops, Gas Stove, Stainless Appliances, heated slate tile floors, den/office by front entrance. Upstairs with 4 bedrooms, laundry room upstairs with sink,
33678 7th Ave
2287 OTTER ST.
Contact me for subdivideable properties 30849 CARDINAL AVE.
W e H a v e Q u a l i fi e d B u y e r s F o r H o m e s PAGE 25
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Letters to the Editor
mfxXog sMpfdk jI,
skdf hY ik ieh klfsfˆ bMd kr idwqIafˆ jfx . ies df bfkI skUlfˆ aqy klfsfˆ qy siq sRI akfl . vI kfPI prBfv pvygf .ieh bhuq hI icMqf pMjfbI lYMgUeyj aYjU kyÈn asosIeyÈn jnk mslf hY. mYˆ iehnfˆ dohfˆ skUlfˆ dy cOQI (plI) vloˆ mYˆ afpxI kimAUintI nUM iek jmfq dy bwicafˆ dy mfipafˆ nUM apIl krdf hfˆ ik Auh CyqI hI afpxy bwcy dy skUl dy jrUrI apIl krnI cfhuMdf hfˆ. ipRM sIpl nUM imlx jfˆ PUun kr ky afpxy bwcy pMjfbI BfÈf dy prymIafˆ leI ieh bhuq nUM pMjfbI klfs leI rijstr krvfAux. KuÈI dI gwl hY ik ies sfl srHI dy swq hfeI skUlfˆ aqy cfr aYlImYˆtrI skUlfˆ nfl hI plI vloˆ smucI kimAUintI aqy ivc pMjfbI BfÈf dIafˆ klfsfˆ cwl rhIafˆ iehnfˆ sB skUlfˆ ivc jfˆdy bwiwcafˆ dy hn.afs hY ik sqMbr qoˆ iek hor skUl mfipafˆ nUM apIl hY ik vwD qoˆ vwD bwcy hr (sulIvfn hfeIts) ivKy BI pMjfbI dI klfs iek pMjfbI klfs leI rijstr krvfAu. ÈurU ho jfvygI.cfr aYlImYˆtrI skUl ijwQy afAu afpxI mfˆ bolI pMjfbI dI prPuwlqf pMjfbI dIafˆ klfsfˆ cl rhIafˆ hn Auh leI afpx Xogdfn pfeIey. ies vfry jy hn: bIvr krIk ,strfbyrI ihwl, grIn hor jfxkfrI lYxI hovy qfˆ dfs nfl öúôitMbrj aqy inAUtn .sfzy iDafn ivc øóö-øù÷ö Aupr jfˆ sfDU ibinMg nfl ilafˆdf igaf hY ik do aYlImYˆtrI skUlfˆ ÷÷ø-÷÷ó-ñøøö qy sMprk kro .hux ivc agly skUl sfl (sqMbr ,òúñ÷) qoˆ loV hY ik afpfˆ vwD cVH ky afpxI mfˆ bolI ÈurU hox vflIafˆ pMjvIˆ dIafˆ klfsfˆ leI pMjfbI leI hMBlf mfrIey. ividafrQIafˆ dI igxqI bhuq Gwt hY. DMnvfd. ieh skUl hn: bIvr krIk aYlImYMtrI afp jI df ÈuBicMqk (ñòó ey strIt aqy öö avIinAU)aqy strfbyrI ihwl aYlImYMtrI(ñòô strIt blvMq isMG sMGyVf aqy ÷ö aYvIinAU) .iehnfˆ dohfˆ skUlfˆ ivc jy pMjfbI klfsfˆ leI bwiwcafˆ dI igxqI nfˆ pRDfn, pMjfbI lYMgUej aYjUkyÈn vDI qfˆ ieQy pMjfbI klfsfˆ Kqry ivc hn.ho asosIeyÈn Dear Editor, It is great news for Punjabi Language Education Association (PLEA) and wellwishers of Punjabi that Surrey School District has become a great model for Punjabi language in schools. Currently, Punjabi classes are under way in seven secondary and four elementary schools in Surrey. It is likely that in September, there will be another secondary school (Sullivan Heights) offering Punjabi. The four elementary schools where Punjabi classes are under way are: Newton, Green Timbers, Beaver Creek and Strawberry Hill. Low enrollment for Punjabi classes at some of the elementary schools in particular has always been a major concern.
Director, Marketing & New Business Development
Registered trademark owned by Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company *Mutual funds are distributed through Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. *Only mutual fund representa�ves associated with Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. have access to mutual funds.
the principal of their child’s respective school immediately and let him/her know that you are enrolling your child in the Punjabi classes beginning in grade five in September, 2017. They should act fast. If not done so immediately, it may be too late. It is likely that if the enrollment numbers for grade 5 at both of these schools don’t improve the classes may be cancelled. That will be a major setback not only to PLEA but also to all of the well-wishers of Punjabi.
Furthermore, I would like to urge our community and the parents at all of the Surrey public schools to encourage their children to register for Punjabi in their schools both at the elementary and secondary levels. Finally, I would like to request every well-wisher of Punjabi to It has been brought to PLEA’s attention act as the goodwill ambassadors for our that enrollment figures for the grade 5 mother tongue. classes scheduled for September, 2017 are fairly low in two elementary schools- Now is the time to make sure that we Beaver Creek and Strawberry Hill. It is make every effort to ensure that rather a major concern to PLEA. It takes a lot than losing any classes under way in our of time, energy and effort by many to public schools in Surrey, we add more get any Punjabi classes under way in our to this list. It is a challenge that we must schools. PLEA has waged a struggle over meet head on. For further information the past 23 years to reach at this point. As please feel free to contact me at 604-836such, a development like this is a cause 8976 or Sadhu Binning at 778-773-1886. for concern. On behalf of PLEA I would Thank you. like to appeal to all of the well-wishers Sincerely, of Punjabi in general and the parents of grade 4 students at both of these schools Balwant Sanghera to ensure that there are enough students Punjabi Language Education enrolled for these classes. The parents of Association grade four students at Beave Creek and Strawberry Hill schools should contact
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
bYNk `c not igxidaF drsLn buwtr myry afly duafly iKlry pey ny not… EprI njLr nfl kYsL-kYibn `coN qwk irhf hF notF nUM notF vfilaF nUM… Pty purfxy notF vrgy ichry… ichiraF qy icpikaf akyvF… akyvyN `coN Aupijaf QkyvF… sfrf idn hwQ hrkq krdy sfrf idn not igxdIaF AuNglF pr ienHF notF leI nf myry poitaF `c srgm iCVI nf hI kdy moh Aupijaf mn ivc ienHF notF ivc qF kivqf ijMnf vI vjLn nhIN Kq ijMnf vI Bfr nhIN
idnF dy iPrn df supnf
qIjf GwlUGfrf
kivMdr cFd idnF dy iPrn df supnf jdoN koeI idKfAuNdf hY
igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL qIsrf GwlUGfrf kOm nUM Buwlxf nhIN.
myry Bfrq df hr mMgqf bVf hI iKliKlfAuNdf hY
Buwl jfAU jwg sfrf kOm nUM Buwlxf nhIN.
afjLfdI jsLn huMdy ny surwiKaf CqrIaF Qwly
idwlIey dfg qYN lfieaf dfmn afpxy nUM,
sihm dy bwdlF hyTF iqrMgF lihrfAuNdf hY ajy qIkr rupeIaf zflrF `qy jfn hY idMdf
nF rwK nIlf qfrf kOm nUM Bwulxf nhIN. brI hox leI afp hI qYN brnfly qoN,
kYbint ivclIaF PfielF blvIr iZwloN myry dPqr ivclIaF
lohy dIaF kYbints ivc peIaF guMgIaF PfeIlF iehnf df vI kI hfl
EhI krfieaf kfrf kOm nUM Buwlxf nhIN.
ijvyN afvfgvx df
ajy qwk dysL, gory bfdsLfh dy gIq gfAuNdf hY
dsqf bx iPwt hoieaf ivc kuhfVy dy,
cwkr kwt rhIaF hox
ikqy jo Bfr ZoNdf hY ikqy hY mFjdf brqn
Aus df rol inafrf kOm nUM Buwlxf nhIN.
bs ieMj hI iewk kYbint qoN
afjLfdI dI asl qsvIr Auh bwcf idKfAuNdf hY kihx nUM vIr BUmI hY qy hY sLkqI sQwl sfzf
Puwl ackn qy lf sLhIdF AuproN dI, lMiGaf ijAuN srdfrf kMm nUM Buwlxf nhIN. vxj isrF dy krky qoV inBf igaf jo,
dUjI kYbint ivc qbdIl huMdIaF rihMdIaF ny ieh
myrf hfkm ienHF QfvF `qy vI pihry ibTfAuNdf hY
axKF df vxjfrf kOm nUM Buwlxf nhIN.
keI vfr socdI hF
pirMdf pr nf mfry dyiKE jsLny afjLfdI `qy
qKq akfl df Zfihaf qopF tYNkF nfl,
kI hY iehnF dI ijLMdgI
sihm ky ismitaf hoieaf kbUqr PVPVfAuNdf hY
hoieaf KUnI kfrf kOm nUM Buwlxf nhIN.
kI iehnF df dm nhIN Guwtdf
gjLl idlbfg isMG buwkxvflf jd sMjoey supinaF df iqVkxf jfrI irhf. qVpxf jfrI irhf qy Btkxf jfrI irhf. hoieaf kI dy ajLlF qoN mulfkfq nhIN hoeI,
idlF df iek dUjy dy leI DVkxf jfrI irhf. suKdyv DflIvfl kuVIaF AuWzdIaF hvf `c cUrI mnjLUr nfhIN afjLfdI dI kImq AuWqy, iqwqlIaF vFg qy PudkdIaF icVHIaF vFg KusLI-KusLI ipMjry dy ivc pMCI df PVkxf jfrI irhf. afjLfd lwgdIaF gurUaF mhFpursLF dy AupdysLF dy bfvjUd, mihPUjL smJdIaF afpxy afp nUM mnuwKI kdrF kImqF df grkxf jfrI irhf. pr pqf nhIN kdoN aqy ikvyN lwK dfrU bUtIaF qy vYd hkIm swd ley, iehnF df ho jFdf sfhmxf pr ijLMdgI df mOq vwl nUM srkxf jfrI irhf. jLbrF jLnfhF, kql KudkusLIaF, jfrI irhf kwcI Psl df aOV dy ivc suwkxf, blfqkfrF sMg pwkI Psl qy ibjlIaF df kVkxf jfrI irhf. awj kwlH afm hI swc kihxf, swc ilKxf swc df prcfr krnf, afE socIey qy krIey kuJ mnuwK dI mukqI dy ies aDfr dI Kfqr kuVIaF hI qF huMdIaF ny mnuwKI afjLfdI df afDfr
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
sIny ivc inrdosLF dy ijAuN KuwiBaf qUM, Puwl bx iqwiKaf Kfrf kOm nUM Bwulxf nhIN.
mihmf isMG qUr idlF dI loV bx jFdy qF irsLqy joVny pYNdy. idlF `qy Bfr bx jFdy qF irsLqy qoVny pYNdy. suxogy qF mYN AuhnF bfry vI swc hI suxfvFgf, jo irsLqy Qok ivwc sfrI Aumr hn EVny pYNdy.
iehnF nUM nf koeI Kfx pIx df iPkr nf hI jIx mrnf df kI ieh sB qoN Aupr hn jF iPr bhuq mhfn iks dunIaF ivc rihMdIaF ny ieh
bVf hI Ct ptfAuNdy ny bVf hI sLor krdy ny,
iehnF nUM iksy nfl koeI
jdoN vI vfr gYrF dy AunHF vwl moVny pYNdy.
isLkvf nhIN hY
hvfeI mihl qF Xfro hvfeI mihl hI huMdy,
afpxy afp ivc hI
jo bxdy hI nhIN huMdy kdy nf qoVny pYNdy.
jIa rhIaF ny ieh
klf sLkqI iksy dI qF AudoN hI rK huMdI hY,
kI ieh bhuq hI
jdoN pfxI cVHy hoey ipCFh nUM moVny pYNdy.
kImqI hn jF iPr
ieh swc hY isLlp vI socF dy nfl-nfl cfhIdf,
koeI jnmF jnmFqrF dI
JUTy hfkm dI awK ivwc rVkxf jfrI irhf.
gLjLl ivc qF slIky nfl moqI joVny pYNdy.
kYd kwt rhIaF ny ieh
ipafs ijLMdgI dI imRg iqRsLfn bx geI,
qsvIr dI bulMdI dI gLjLl ivwc loV rihMdI hY,
myry dPqr ivclIaF
isafxy afKdy aMbr coN qfry qoVny pYNdy.
kYbints vflIaF PfeIlF.
Aumr sfrI ivc QlF dy Btkxf jfrI irhf.
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
qyrI dunIaF sqvMq pMDyr dunIaF ieh dunIaF,
aOrq dI awK surjIq klsI aOrq dI awK cyqn
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI
vyK rhI bs vyK rhI qyrI bxfeI dunIaF. qyrI dunIaF `c vsdy,
vrkf vrkf lhU luhfn qvfrIK koJy dfgF vflf kuPr ijhf ieqhfs. ijwQy jMmx qoN pihlF jF
ny bMdy ieh ijhVy. ikqy roxy gmF dy
jMmdI df glf Guwt idwqf jfey ijwQy awg dIaF lptF ivc ijAuNdI nUM BuMn suwitaf jfey
ijMnf lyKIN ilKy qUM. ikqy KusLIaF dy hfsy, hwsx iksy ivhVy. ikqy mfvF roNdIaF, ny puwqF qfeIN. ikqy puwq roNdy ny,
ijwQy kwt ky porI porI sIs
ikqy hirafvl ikqy,
hVH vgdy ikqy, qrsdy pfxI nUM rihMdy. jy iewko hI dunIaF, sfjx vflf qUM hY.
jy qUM iewko klm nfl, ilKdf hYN lyK. qF ilKy lyKF `c eynf, Prk ikAuN hY?
srkfrI kMmF ivc lwq aVFvdI af. hrcMd isMGf swd srdfrF nUM,
qy tukVy krky bdn dy
drbfr afpxf lfrMs ny lfieaf jI.
icwTI-pwqr hfrizMg dy nfl krky,
ivc dirafvIN roVH idwqf jfey.
ijnHF srdfrF-gwdfrF ny sulfh kIqI,
gory nvyN mnsUby bxfAux lwgy.
ivc prdys nI mfey myrIey
AunHF sfiraF qfeIN bulfieaf jI.
mF-puwq nUM krIey vwK afpF,
mfr kuwt ky qoV mroV ky
mfn-snmfn AunHF nUM dyx leI,
kfrn Bfl ky ibwly lgfAux lwgy.
bMnH ky aOrq nUM kUVy dy ZolF ivc
plfn Aus ny ieh bxfieaf jI.
hr pfsy isvl qy POj aMdr,
byrihmI nfl suwt idwqf jfey.
hrcMd isMGf hoeI Audfs ijMdF,
kI iehI hY ijLMdgI aOrq dI
ieh mUl nf Aus nUM Bfieaf jI..
dyK rhI bs dyK rhI
mhfrfjf dlIp isMG df drbfr ivc lyt afAuxf aqy qyj isMG dy rfjy df iKqfb dyx qy iqlk nf lfAuxf
aOrq dI cyqn awK kr afs rhI
sfry AuzIk mhfrfj dI krn lwgy,
socx dI, bolx dI qy sfh lYx dI afeygI iek idn afjLfdI afeygI.
mfhIaf amrjIq sLFq
dlIp isMG pCV ky afieaf eI. ieh vyK lfrMs sI lfl hoieaf, guwsy nfl Aus qKLq bhfieaf eI. qyj isMG dy rfj iqlk lfE,
rsUK afpxf gory vDfAux lwgy. hrcMd isMGf iksy kI Aujr krnf, mhfrfxI ijMdF nUM Auh sqfAux lwgy.. icwTI ilK lfrMs ny Kf guwsf, JfVF mhfrfxI nUM pfeIaF ny. jo qUM hY bgfvqF krn lwgI, irpotF sfrIaF asF nUM afeIaF ny. hm hor brdfsLq nhIN kr skdf,
lfrMs dlIp nUM kVk suxfieaf eI.
pihlF kIqIaF bhuq smfeIaF ny.
hrcMd isMGf mhfrfjf dlIp isMG ny,
hrcMd isMGf gusqfKIaF krn ijhVy,
qyj isMG dy iqlk nf lfieaf eI..
sjLfvF AunHF ny aMq nUM pfeIaF ny..
rfq peI qy kIqf Boj vwzf,
mhfrfxI ny dwisaf pwK afpxf,
KFdy-pINdy qy KusLI mnFvdy ny.
iehy JUT ny sB ieljLfm mIaF.
ivafh vrgf AuWQy mhOl bixaf,
mYN bflk mhfrfj nUM pfldI hF,
isr sUhf cIrf vy,
qfxy puwTy nf buixaf kr,
amnF df bx rfKf,
kdI qF cuwp krky qUM,
myry bFikaf vIrf vy.
gwl dUjy dI suixaf kr.
awg jLulm dI vrHdI ey,
iek mflk dy bflk hF,
BYx qyrI hwQ joV ky,
ikAuN dws rOlf pfieaf?
awj arjoeI krdI ey.
sFJIvflqf dy pflk hF.
hrcMd isMGf ienHF kuqfhIaF df,
rOlf ikhVI gwl df ey,
bUty KusLbU dy iml lfeIey,
ieljLfm ijMdF dy isr qy lFvdy ny.. lfrMs ny ijMdF qy sLwk kIqf,
af bih ky inbyV leIey,
jykr Puwl lwg jfvx,
ieh mhfrfjy nUM Ault pVHFvdI af.
pwK rfxI df AunHF nf mUl suixaf,
Coty bfl nUM kry iKlfP sfzy,
iek qrPf hukm suxfieaf eI.
qyrI sfjI dunIaF `c eynf Prk ikAuN hY?
ies nUM kIqf dlIp qoN vwK jfey,
sfzy iKlfP ieh inwq BVkFvdI af..
afeygI iek idn afjLfdI afeygI soky ny pYNdy.
sfry hwk hfsl krky hYnrI lfrMs muV rYjIzYNs bixaf aqy afpxIaF mnmrjLIaF krn lwgf. ies KusLI ivc Aus ny 7 agsq 1847 nUM iek vwzf drbfr kIqf
Aus dy idl ivc jLihr AugFvdI af.
kbjLf kr lhOr drbfr AuWqy,
qy iehI hY ijAux df aihsfs tuwkF nUM ijhVy.
(mhfrfjf dlIp isMG dy bflg hox qIk 4 sqMbr 1854 eI: nUM 16 sfl df hoxf sI)
hux idl nf Jwldf ey.
“sLFq” QF QF qy iKwl jfeIey.
ptfky aqy afiqsLbfjLI clFvdy ny. dlIp isMG nf AuWQy phuMicaf ey, gory hfkm guwsf KFvdy ny.
rwKF iKafl subfh qy sLfm mIaF. myrf iksy dy nfl koeI vfsqf nhIN, JUT boldy lok qmfm mIaF. hrcMd isMGf hY rwb gvfh myrf, iksy nfl nf krF klfm mIaF..
The Patrika
HELP WANTED AT SHINGLE MILL GENERAL LABOUR Starting wage- $16.50/per hour Sawyer $150 (Guaranteed) Rate#1 $13/sq Rate#2 $5.50/sq Cubberman Shake packers:$150 (Guaranteed) Medium $4.25/sq Heavy$4.50/sq imWl ivWc kMm krn vfilLaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh idWqI jfvygI Extended Health Benefits after 3 months
Silver Creek Premium Products Ltd, Mission Contact by phone Iqbal Brar
604-832-1239 PAGE 30
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
Canada to host 2018 G7 Top Mortgage Broker Sharnjit Gill & his Team Got Another Award Summit in Charlevoix, As the housing market heats up in It is a family business, Quebec Lower Mainland, along with hous- a small Team Raj Gill
he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that the 2018 G7 Summit will be held at Le Manoir Richelieu in La Malbaie, Quebec. Located in the Charlevoix region, this unique and idyllic area highlights our country’s vast and diverse natural beauty and evokes the historical significance of the St. Lawrence River. Next year’s summit will allow Canada to showcase both its domestic and international priorities: to strengthen the middle class, advance gender equity, fight climate change, and promote respect for diversity and inclusion. It will also be an important opportunity for Canada to engage G7 counterparts on pressing global challenges, and pursue further collaboration on innovative and clean economic growth. A parallel announcement was also made today at Le Manoir Richelieu by Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jean-Yves Duclos, and Minister of National Revenue Diane Lebouthillier.
and Jasdeep Gill are looking after VANCOUVER Office & Sharnjit Gill looking after SURREY Office. For many years, Gill has been ranked top mortgage brokers since 2002. For the year 2015 & 2016 he and his team has been ranked # 1 with Credit Union for maximum mortgage funded. He has been ranked one of the TOP MORTGAGE BROKER Gill and his team’s mission is to (CMP) in Canada for the last 9th educate and guide people before year in row. He has been ranked offering them the mortgage. Gill TOP 37 in Canada. says that when they educate and Recently he received VERIS equip their clients with the right AWARD for being the Top 3 mortknowledge, people feel empow- gage broker in BC by volume for ered and buy from them, referring 2016. There is no shortcut to sucthem further. He feels that this cess. It is the sweat & hard work dedication towards their clients that earns your bread. To stay on has made them one of the top pro- the Top on consistent basis, you will have to toil twice as hard. ducers of mortgages in BC. es, the prospective buyers are on a hunt for a mortgage too. Sharnjit Gill of Superior Mortgage advices that it is important for the buyers to shop around and take guidance before getting a mortgage from any institution. “People think that rate of interest is the only important feature of a mortgage, overlooking other aspects. It is the duty of a mortgage broker to educate the clients about these other important features of their mortgage.”
Our secret to success that we add value to our services and demonstrate the same to our clients and this leads to establishing long terms relationship. We get 85% business though repeat clients. Our Mission: Getting It Right with our clients providing right advice, guidance and education. A Team of THREE BUT POWER OF ONE. Sharnjit Gill, Raj Gill and Jasdeep Gill express deep gratitude to the whole community for their TRUST in our Team since 2001.
INSURANCE SERVICES Owner Operatiors and Drivers BC - California - BC ● No Experience Required ● Training will be provided ● Ability to cross border
quhfzIaF ieMsLorYNs (bImy) dIaF syvfvF leI hfjr hF. “supr vIjLf” leI hr svfl leI sMprk kro.
afAux vflyL smyN ivwc afpxy pUry pirvfr nUM aqy afpxI kmfeI nuM surwiKaq cfhMudy ho?
tYksI aqy trwk zrfeIvrF leI spYsLl skImF
sfzy kol kuJ nvIaF skImF afeIaF hn|
afp jI dI jfxkfrI pUrI qrHF nfl surwiKaq aqy gupq rwKI jfvygI.
sfzf kMm gRMtI hY, shI slfh, ZukvIN skIm aqy qswlI bKsL! Come visit us for all your insurance needs!
● Clean Driver Abstract
ijvyN lfeIPL ieMsLorYNs, mOrgyjL ieMsLorYNs, kMm krn dy Xog nF hovy, iksy iksm df aYksIzYNt, ikqy sPLr qy jf rhy ho, rwb nF kry iksy nf murfd ibmfrI df isLkfr ho jfvoN qF, bwicaF dI agFh pVHfeI leI skIm, buZfpy vyly pYsf ikvyN kMm afvy, jF supr vIjLf afid. hmysLF iewko nfm Xfd rwKxf! We guarantee that you will not be disappointed by our expertise insurance services!
Karamjit Rajwan: 604-897-9646 asIN afp jI dI pUrI jfxkfrI lYky afp nMU shI slfh ZukvIN skIm aqy ieMsLorYNs (bImf) lYky dyvFgy.
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
WESTBERRY FARMS LTD. vYstbyrI P`rmz (bYNs~ dI kYnrI) Â? Â? Â? Â Â?
aYbtsPorz kYnrI ivwc kfimaF dI loV Abbotsford 1. Cannery Workers ( ) aYbtsPorz byrI ipwkrF 2. Forklift Operators ivwnUcM rfeIz vI 3. Computer Operator idwqI jfvygI 4. Truck Driver 5. Quality Control Supervisor (kuE`ltI kMtrol suprv`iejr)
Now Hiring New & experienced Mechanincs
aYbtsPorz leI byrI ipkrF dI vI loV hY.
Work is available till End of November
hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro:
Hardev: 778-241-1914 Amrik Chahal: 778-929-4530 Office: 604-850-0377 Apply in person:34488 Bateman Rd.,Abbotsford, British Columbia Fax your resume: 604.855.1625 | Hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday) PAGE 32
trwk aqy trYlr rIpyar ilmitz
asIN nvyN aqy qjLrbydfr mkYink hfier kr rhy hF. Contact:
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
mhInf ku pihlF hVHF ivc ruVH gey Pfier cIP dI imlI lfsL mhInf ku pihlF afrsI aYmpI df kihxf hY ik mhInfku pihlF kUc krIk ivc afey hVHF ivc ruVH gey Pfier cIP klytn kYiszI lfsL iml geI hY| ieh lfsL aYsLkrfPt Pfier ivBfg ny 27 meI nUM ruVHgey pul dy nyVy lwBI guMm hox smyN NAuh kYmlUps dy pwCm ivc hVHF dI dyK ryK kr rhy sn| KYc krIk dy myar jOn ny ikhf ik kYiszI afpxy ikwqy nUM pRxfieaf BWdr pursL sI jUn 2016 ivc Aus nUM mYzl aOP guwz istIjLn d kyy snmfinaf igafsI| Aus dy jfx nfl kimAuintI nUM vwzf Gftf ipaf hY|
zYltf df rIsfeIkilMg sYNtr ciVHaf awg dI Byt 27 meI dIsLfm dy 7 vjy PRyjrL diraf dy kMZy siQq alfskf vya df rIsfeIkilMg sYNtr awg dI Byt ciVHaf vyiKaf igaf| AuuQoN inkldf DUaF dUroN hI njLr af irhf sIO| dwisaf igafhY ik awg ieMnI iBafnk sI ik awg buJfAU amly nUM ies ‘qy kfbU pfAux ivc do GMty lwg gey| Pfier aiDkfrI lYPtInYNt klytn inwkl df kihxf hY,” AuwQ ypyNt vfly bkisaF aqy pRopyn kYnF dy jlx nfl kMn pfVvyN Dmfky pYNdy suxy gey| asIN jdoN AuwQy phuMcy qF awg bhuq PYl cuwkI sI| sfnUM afpxy pfxI vfly tRwk awg qoN kfPI dUr rwKxy pey| awg mwDm pYx qy ieh tRwk awg dy nyVy jf sky|” ies awg dy kfrn ibjlI dI splfeI ivc vI ivGn ipaf| sYNtr dy mflk nUM DUaF cVH igaf| ies iblizMg dy sfhmxy pfrk kIqI iksLqI aqy bws vI nsLt ho gey|”
pYNitktn grl gfeIzF ny istI kfAuNisl nUM sLihr dI sPfeI bfry kIqI sLkfieq
EST. 2005
O •C
pYNitktn dIaF grl gfeIzF ny jdoN sLihr df dOrf kIqf qF AuMnHF keI QfeIN isgrtF dy tukVy imly aqy gMdgI vyKI| iehidRsL vyK ky AuMnHF ny istI kfAuNisl nUM sLihr dI sPfeI vwl iDafn dyx dI mMg kIqI | ieMnHF ivc iek 10 sflf kuVI mkYNjLI plonr vI sL:fml sI | mkYNjLI ny ikhf ik Aus ny istI kfAuNisl nUM pwqr ilK ky ikhf ik Auh istI leI kuJ krnf locdI hY|
guMm hoeIaF aqy kql kIqIaF afid DmkI imlx mgroN iek sLwkI nOjvfn igRPqfr kIqf igaf vfsI aOrqF dI pVqfl dI suxvfeI sLurU qoN pihlF pivwqr agnI rsm ircmMz afr sI aYm pI dy aiDkfrIaF df kihxf hY ik iek DmkI imlx mgroN iek sLwkI jvfn igRPqfr kIqf hoeI igaf hY| ies sbMDI pVqfn 29 meIdI svyr nUM sLurU hoeI| vfeIHthOrs: guMm hoeIaF aqy kql hoeIaF afid vfsI aOrqF dI pVqfl dI kfrvfeI sLurU hox qoN pihlF iek pfvn agnI rsm hoeI| svyr huMidaF hI AuwQy 30 ku ivakqI iewk cwkr dI sLkl ivc iekwTy hoey ijMnHF ny pRfrQnf kIqI aqy gfxy gfey| ieh agnI hPqf jldI rhy gI| pVqfl kr rhy kimsLnrF dy awgy 40 pirvfr pbilk qOr ‘wqy aqy pRfeIvyt qOr ‘qy gvfhIaF dyxgy| aOrqF dy zfierYktoryt leI ijMLmyvfr mMqrI jynI zYizMs df kihxf hY ik ies tYrIytrI ivc kuJ dhfikaF dOrfn 41 aOrqF guMmho geIaF jF kql kIqIaF geIaF sn| afid vfsI nyqf pItr jOnstn ny ikhf ik Aus nUM KusLI hY ik ieMnHF aOrqF dy pirvfrF nUM afKr afpxI ibrQf suxfAux aqy drpysL kTnfeIaF dwsx df mOkf iml irhf hY|
ieh DmkI rfbrt mYkmYQ sYkMzrI skUl nUM idwqI geI sI| BfvyNmfipaF nUM pwqr ilK kydwisaf igafsI ik Auh afpxy bwicaF nUM 30 meI vfly idn skUl Byj skdy hn ikAuNik koeI Kqrf nhIN prMqU 30 meI nUM sfry bwcy skUl nf afey | ijhVy afey, AuMnHF nUM kmiraF qoN bfhr nf jfx idwqf igaf| ies qrF Auh vI sihmy hoey aMdr hI rhy| stfP vI kmiraF ivc hI irhf| ies pVqfldOrfnafrI sIaYm aPsrF ny sfry bwicaF dy bsiqaF dI qlfsLI leI;,AuMnHF dy Pon vI cYwk kIqy| ies qrF 2:30 vjy qwk bwcy aqy ividafrQI aMdr hI rhy| puils ny ieh nhIN dwisaf ik igRPqfr kIqy jvfn ‘qy kI dosL afropy gey hn|
afKr grIn ny imlfey hwQ jOn hfrgn nfl
16 sfl dI iek lVkI nUM kfmuk qOr ‘qy ijwc krn vfly pfl isLpPYl nUM adflq ny 15 sfl dI kYd df hukm suxfieaf hY| ieh Bwdr pursL ies lVkI nUM Brmf ky hfeIvya 10 dI iewk QFlY igaf aqyAus nUMsPfeIkrn df kMm dyx df vfadf kIqf pr nfl hI Aus Aupr kfmuk hmlf vI kIqf| ieh mMdBfgI Gtnf 2014 ivc vfprI sI| iewQy hI bws nhIN, ieh hvsI afdmI Aus lVkI nUMafpxyswrHI ivcly Gr ivc lY igaf ijwQy jbr cldf irhf| Aus dI kfmn-lfa pwqnI gRys zyivs ‘qy vI ies iGnfAuxI Gtnf ivc sLfml hox df dosL hY pr Aus Aupr vwKrf mukwdmf cwl irhf hY| Aupro sjLf Aus vwloN afpxf dosL mMnx mgroN suxfeI geI| Aus dy vkIl ny Aus dI sjLf 10 sfl krn dI bynqI kIqI ikAuNik Aus nUM afpxy kIqy ‘qy pCqfvf hY|
29 meI nUM jOn hfrgn aqy aYNzrIAU vIvr ny iml ky ikRstI klfrk dy rfj df aMq krn df smJOqf kr hI ilaf| hfrgn ny ikhf,” mYN bhuq KusL hF ik ikAuNik asIN hux lokF nUM byhqr srkfr dy skFgy|” donF pfrtIaF df kihxf hY ik ieh srkfr koilsLn srkfr nhIN hovygI| vIvr ny ikhf ik ieh alpsMiKak srkfr hovygI jo pUry cfr sfl cwlygI| grIn pfrtI dy iqMnF ivDfiekF ny ies smJOqy dI pusLtI kr idwqI hY | aYn zI pI dy ivDfiek vI loVINdI pusLtI kr dyxgy| klfrk ny bhuq kuJ kihx qoN sMkoc kridaF ikhf “ sfnUM aglf kdm soc ivcfr ky cuwkxf hovygf|mYN afpxy sfQIaF nfl slfh msLvrf krFgI|” Xfd rhy ik aijhI rfjnIqk siQqI bhuq lMmy arsy vwloN pYdf hoeI hY| ies krky srkfr dI siQrqf bfry qOKly vI pRgtfey jf rhy hn| Xfd rhy ik grIn ivDfiek kyvl hmfieq dyxgy, srkfr df ihwsf nhIN hoxgy|
iek lVkI nUM kfmuk qOr ‘qy ijwc krn vfly afdmI nUM 15 sfl dI kYd
Together for a SAFER ABBOTSFORD We are a not-for-profit organization funding Abbotsford Police Department community programs. With support from our citizens and business community, we help our police make Abbotsford the safest city in British Columbia.
abbypf.ca PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
muwK mMqrI nUM imlx phuMcy iswK qoˆ AuwqrvfeI ikrpfn, dsqfr dI qlfÈI leI vI ikhf mfeIinMg skYm` kfrn amirMdr mMqrI mMzl df ivsQfr KtfeI `c pMjfb dy sInIar mMqrI rfxf gurjIq isMG dI kMpnI dy mulfËmfˆ vwloˆ mfeIinMg dI eIafkÈn ivc ryq dIafˆ Kwzfˆ dy Tyky hfsl krn AuTy isafsI qUPfn kfrn amirMdr mMqrI mMzl dy ivsQfr df pRogrfm iPlhfl KtfeI `c pYˆdf nËr af irhf hY. amirMdr mMqrI mMzl `c muwK mMqrI sxy 10 mMqrI hn. ies ivwc ajy awT hor kYbint mMqrI Èfml kIqy jfx df skop hY .mMqrI dy agly mhIny dy mwD qoˆ afrMB hox jf rhy ivDfn sBf sYÈn qoˆ pihlfˆ ivsqfr kIqy jfx dI sMBfvnf hY . ies kfrn keI kfˆgrsI ivDfiekfˆ ny Ëordfr lfibMg ÈurU kIqI hoeI hY pr sYˆz mfeIinMg nUM eI-afkÈn qy ies ivc rfxf gurjIq dy rol nUM lY ky AuwTy ivvfd ny pRdyÈ dy isafsI mfhOl nUM iekdm BKf idwqf hY .
Auwqr pRdyÈ dy muwK mMqrI XogI aidwiqafnfQ nUM imlx phuMcy iewk iswK nUM surwiKaf krmIafˆ ny rok ky dsqfr qy ikrpfn Auqfrn leI ikhf. iswK ny jdoˆ aijhf krn qoˆ ienkfr kIqf qfˆ surwiKaf dsqy ny Aus nUM aMdr jfx qoˆ rok idwqf. XogI Èuwkrvfr nUM gorK nfQ mMdr gey sn ijwQy AunHfˆ mMdr ivwc pfT pUjf kr rhy lokfˆ df hfl cfl puwiCaf aqy bfad ivwc jnqf drbfr lfieaf.jnqf drbfr dOrfn DrmÈflf bfËfr dy rihx vfly qyjpfl isMG muwK mMqrI nUMˆ imlx phuMcy, pr surwiKaf krmIaf ny qlfÈI lYx ihwq qyjpfl isMG nUM rok ilaf qy ikrpfn Auqfrn nUM ikhf . qyjpfl isMG ny ikhf ik Auh ÈurU qoˆ hI XogI nUM imlx afAuˆdy rhy hn pr pihlfˆ aijhf kdy nhI kIqf igaf. Aunfˆ dwisaf, “1984 dI iswK nslkuÈI qoˆ bfad XUpI ivwc aijhI Gtnf Èfied pihlI vfr vfprI hY jdoˆ iksy srdfr nUM dsqfr Auqfr ky qlfÈI krvfAux leI ikhf igaf hovy. Bfrq ivwc aijhf hoxf mMdBfgf hY qy gorKnfQ mMdr pirsr ivwc aijhf ivvhfr hoxf myry leI kfPI apmfnjnk sI”.
hux Gr-Gr imlygf 10 rupey `c Kfxf
sfzI rsoeI nUM lokfˆ dy iml rhy Brvyˆ huMgfry qoˆ bfad hux pRÈfsn vwlo PUz vYn dI ÈurUafq kIqI geI hY. ies vYn rfhIˆ lokfˆ nUM ssqf Kfxf Gr-Gr phuMcfieaf jfvygf. ds rupey ivwc Kfxf muhweIaf krvfAux dI muihMm luiDafxf iËlHf pRÈfsn ny ipCly mhIny ÈurU kIqI sI. luiDafxf nfrQ qoˆ kfˆgrsI ivDfiek rfkyÈ pfˆzy ny ies PUz vYn nUM hrI 28 meI nUM 82 sfl dI Aumr ivwc dunIaf nUM alivdf kih gey pMjfb dy sfbkf JMzI idKf ky rvfnf kIqf hY . zIjIpI kypIaYs igwl df aYqvfr idwlI dy loDI roz ÈmÈfn Gft ivwc srkfrI snmfnfˆ rfxf gurjIq isMG dy `nOkr` rfqo-rfq nfl sskfr kiqf igaf. ies mOky pMjfb puils ,idwlI puils qy sIafrpIaYP ny igwl bxy kroVpqI Tykydfr dI imRqk dyh nUM gfrz afP afnr nfl snmfn idwqf. Èupr kOp vjoˆ jfxy jfˆdy sfbkf zIjIpI dy sskfr mOky pirvfrk mYˆbrfˆ qoˆ ielfvf vwzI igxqI ivwc lok ÈrDfˆjlI dyx pMjfb ivwc hoeIaf ryqf bËrI dIafˆ Kwzfˆ dI bolI ivwc pMjfb srkfr dy mMqrI df phuMcy, pr isafsqdfnfˆ df nf phuMcxf Kfs crcf df ivÈf irhf. sskfr ivwc Èfml `gorKDMdf` sfhmxy afieaf hY. pMjfb dy ibjlI qy isMcfeI mMqrI rfxf gurjIq ny afpxy hox leI puils ivBfg dy aPsr qy hor lok vwK vwK sUibafˆ qoˆ phuMcy, pr isafsI lokfˆ iqMn krmcfrIafˆ nUM rfqo rfq kroVpqI bxf idwqf. mIzIaf irport muqfbk rfxf gurjIq ivwcoˆ isrP minMdrjIq isMG ibwtf hI Kfs ichrf sn . df rsoeIaf awj rfj dI sB qoˆ mihMgI ryqy qy bjrI dI Kwz df mflk hY . Èuwkrvfr
ibwty nUM Cwz ky kypIaYs igwl dy sMskfr `qy koeI vI isafsI lIzr nf puwjf
kbwzI iKzfrI imMdI vwloˆ mihlf df Pysbuwk `qy lfeIv mrzr
iewk nOjvfn ny iklHf rfeypur ivwc iewk mihlf df kql kr ky Aus df vIzIE soÈl mIzIaf Auwqy vfierl kr idwqf. nOjvfn ny pihlfˆ mihlf df kql kIqf qy iPr Pysbuwk Auwqy afpxy jurm nUM kbUl vI kIqf. kql krn vfly nOjvfn ny afpxf nfˆ minMdr isMG imMdI dwisaf. Auh kbwzI df iKzfrI hY . imRqk mihlf dI pCfx srbjIq kOr vjoˆ hoeI hY.
guru ngrI phuMcy kyjrIvfl
nUM Kwzf dI hoeI inlfmI ivwc Aus ny nvfˆ Èihr dy sYdpur Kurd dI Kwz 26[51 kroV rupey ivwc leI. ies dOrfn Aus ny 32 vwzy bMidaf nUM pCfiVaf. rfxf gurjIq isMG dI mflkI vflI rfxf ÈUgr imwlË dy Gwto Gwt iqMn hor mulfËmfˆ ny 19 qy 20 meI nUM ryyqy qy bjrI dIafˆ 89 Kwzfˆ dI hoeI inlfmI ivwc sPlqf hfsl kIqI. ies qrHfˆ rfxf ÈUgrj dy iewk hor mulfËm ny nvfˆÈihr dI mihdIpur Kwz 9[21 kroV rupey ivwc KrIdI. ies qoˆ ielfvf rfxf ÈUgrj dy iewk hor mulfËm ny 10[58 kroV rupey ivwc ipMz bYrsfl dI Kwz imlI . ies pUry mfmly `qy jdoˆ pwqrkfrfˆ ny rfxf gurjIq nfl gwl kIqI qfˆ AunHfˆ ny sfrI gwl nUM isry qoˆ nkfridafˆ afpxy krmcfrIafˆ nUM hI pCfxn qoˆ nfˆh kr idwqI. rfxf gurjIq ny ikhf ik pihlfˆ kdy Auh myry krmcfrI sn pr hux Auh myry imwqr zf, rMDfvf dy mulfËm hn . AuDr, afm afdmI pfrtI dy ivDfeik suKpfl isMG Kihrf ny rfxf gurjIq dy asqIPy dI mMg kIqI hY.
idwlI dy muwK mMqrI qy afm afdmI pfrtI suprImo arivMd kyjrIvfl gurU ngr aMimRqsr phuMcy hn. Auh sB qoˆ pihlfˆ sRI hirmMdr sfihb nqmsqk hoey. afm afdmI pfrtI dy lIzrfˆ ny dwisaf ik kyjrIvfl ny aMimRqsr atfrI roz qy iewk irsort ivwc pfrtI srkfr bnx dy ZfeI mhInyy bfad vI pUry nhIˆ hoey vrkrfˆ leI rwKy gey Kfs smfgm ivwc iÈrkq kIqI. Auh sfrf idn pMjfb ivwc rhy. kYptn dy cox vfady arivMd kyjrIvfl pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxfˆ qoˆ bfad pihlI vfr pMjfb afey hn. kyjrIvfl ny ijwQy pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxfˆ `c AunHfˆ dI pfrtI nUM imly smrQn leI pMjfb dy lIzrfˆ ivDfn sBf cox qoˆ TIk pihlfˆ kfˆgrs vwloˆ pMjfb dI jnqf nfl kIqy gey aihm vfaidaf df DMnvfd kIqf,AuwQy hI keI sItfˆ hfr cuwkI afm afdmI pfrtI dy lIzrfˆ nfl hfr dy ivwcoˆ iek vfadf vI ajy qwk vPf nhIˆ ho sikaf, ijs ivwc muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG vwloˆ rfj dI jnqf nUM srkfrI rfÈn izpUaf `qy ssqI aftf-dfl Xojnf dy nfl kfrnfˆ bfry vI ivcfr crcf kIqI. nfl swqf ivc afAux `qy grIb pirvfrfˆ nUM izpUafˆ rfhIˆ ssqy rytfˆ `qy KMz, iGE qy hux modI dy mMqrI `qy juwqf atYk cfh pwqI dyx df supnf idKfieaf hY . hux iswDy Èbdfˆ ivwc ikhf jfvy qfˆ grIbfˆ dy gujrfq dy Bfvngr iËly ivwc iewk pftIdfr ivdrohI ny kyˆdrI mMqrI mnsuK mfˆzvIaf cuwilafˆ qoˆ kYptn srkfr dI cInI,iGE qy cfh pwqI dy Aubfly dI KuÈbU ajy qwk nhIˆ `qy juwqf suwt idwqf. hflfˆik juwqf mMqrI nUM nhIˆ vwijaf pr mOky qy mOjUd puils ny juwqf AuwTI hY . Kbr hY ik kYptn srkfr krIb ñú sflfˆ qoˆ rfj Br ivc nIly kfrzfˆ `qy suwtx vfly BfvyÈ nUM qqkfl ihrfsq ivwc lY ilaf hY . jfxkfrI muqfbk hfridk ptyl ÈRomxI akflI dl dy sfbfk muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl qy ivBfg dy mMqrI afdyÈ dI agvfeI vflI pftIdfr anfmq aMdoln pfrtI dy 20 sflf mYˆbr BfvyÈ ny Bfvngr pRqfp isMG kYroˆ dI Poto htfAux dy mUz ivwc hY . iËlyH dy vwlBIpur ngr ivwc iewk pRogrfm dOrfn kyˆdrI mMqrI mnsuK mfˆzvIaf qy juwqf hymkuMt jfx vflI sMgq leI KuwilHaf pihlf eytIaYm suwt idwqf . BfvyÈ nUM nOjvfnfˆ leI kuJ nf krn nUM lY ky srkfr nfl nrfËgI sI . hymkuMt sfihb dI Xfqrf dOrfn sMgq leI ies vfr iewk Kfs shulq eytIaYm dI vI pMjfb ivwc pMcfieqI coxfˆ mulqvI ÈurU kr idwqI hY . ies qihq hymkuMt sfihb dy nËdIkI pVfa ivwc afAuˆdy gurduafrf pMjfb ivwc pMcfˆ-srpMcfˆ dIafˆ KflI sItfˆ leI 11 jUn nUM hox vflI iËmnI cox mulqvI goibMd Gft ivKy pMjfb nYÈnl bYˆk vwloˆ eytIaYm KoilHaf igaf hY. eytIaYm KUwlHx nfl kr idwqI geI hy. rfj dy cox kimÈnr jgpfl isMG sMDu ny iÜKqI pwqr rfhI pMcfieq sMgq nUM ngdI sbMDI afAuˆdI pRyÈfnI kfPI hwd qwk dUr hovygI. ies dy nfl gurduafrf ivBfg dy aiDkfrIafˆ nUM ies bfry sUicq kr idwqf hY. pMcfieq coxfˆ jUn ivwc bjt sYÈn goibMdDfm ivKy bIaYsaYnaYÜ df tfvr vI lfieaf jf irhf hY. ies nfl sMgq hËfrfˆ ik[mI dI AuwcfeI `qy vI mobfiel syvf nfl juV skygI . dy mwdynjr mulqvI kIqIaf geIafˆ sn . PAGE 34
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
kYnyzf dI 150vIN vrHy gMZ mOky dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dy PfAUNzr ipRMsIpl, zf: dlIp isMG igwl nUM Xfd kridaF… sfAU Q ey s L I an BfeIcfry ny kY n y z f dy ieiqhfs ivwc bhuq Xogdfn pfieaf hY. bfbf guridwq isMG kfmf-gftf mfrU dI asPl koisLsL qoN bfad jd BfrqI 20vIN sdI dy awD ivwc afAux lwgy qF Aus vkq qF Auh QoVI igxqI ivwc afey sn aqy jy awj vyKIey qF hr Kyqr ivwc pMjfbI hn ijvyN ik zfktr, tIcr, akfAUtYNt, lybr afid awj dy smyN ivwc kYnyzf sB qoN vwD vwK-vwK DrmF aqy swiBafcfrF vflf dysL hY. kYnyzf ivwc sB DrmF nUM brfbr smiJaf jFdf hY. alwg-alwg DrmF krky iewQy keI BfsLfvF bolIaF jFdIaF hn aqy sB DrmF dy Drm asQfn bxfey gey hn ijwQy sB nUM afAux dI iejfjLq hY. skUlF aqy kfljF ivwc pMjfbI BfsLf vI iewk ivsLy dy qOr `qy isKfeI jFdI
hY. skUlF ivwc ivwidafrQIaF nUM pMjfbI Kfxf bxfAuxf isKfieaf jFdf hY. Kflsf pMQ dI isrjxf df ngr kIrqn kwiZaf jFdf hY ijs ivwc sB DrmF aqy swiBafcfrF dy lok sLfml huMdy hn. lMbr ivwc vI sB qoN vwD pMjfbIaF df Xogdfn hY. pihlF vI pMjfbI sB qoN awgy sn BfvyN Auh PfrmF df kMm sI jF kYnrIaF, imwlF aqy PYktrIaF df hovy. hOlI-hOlI sKLq imhnq krky AuhnF ny afpxy Kud dy Pfrm lY ley aqy afpxy kfrobfr sLurU kr idwqy aqy Auh aMgdfn vI krdy hn. vlMtIar dy qOr `qy pMjfbI lok skUlF ivwc, hspqflF ivwc, lfiebRyrIaF ivwc, lok sMsQfvF ivwc vI kMm krdy hn.
rfjnIqI ivwc vI pMjfbIaF df bhuq Xogdfn hY. kYnyzf dI srkfr ivwc cfr kYbint mMqrI pMjfbI hn-amrjIq sohI, hrjIq swjx, nvdIp bYNs aqy brdIsL Jwgg 17 aYWm[pI[ hn, 16 knjLrvyitv hn aqy iewk ilbrl pfrtI df aYm[ pI hY. iehnF mMqrIaF aqy aYm[pIaF dy nfl hor vI sfAUQ eysLIan minstr aqy aYm pIjL sn. pMjfbI pfrlImYNt ivwc bolx vflI qIsrI BfsLf hY. ijMny vI jLrUrI PYsly ley jFdy hn sB ivwc iehnF mYNbrF dy ivcfr suxy jFdy hn.
AuhnF ny lybr kIqI jF Auh PYktrIaF ivwc sI jF PfrmF ivwc sI. AuhnF ny afpxy leI iewk pihcfx bnfAux leI koeI ksr nhIN CwzI aqy AuhnF kol awj afpxy Pfrm aqy PYktrIaF hn. pMjfbI swiBafcfr ivwc hryk qrHF dy lok sLfml huMdy hn. sfAUQ eysLIan Kfxf vI sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dI imhnq aqy koisLsL bhuq msLhUr hY. pfrlImYNt ivwc sfAUQ ny AuhnF nUM ies mukfm qwk ilaFdf hY. AuhnF eysLIan lokF df vI bhuq Xogdfn hY. ny hfr kdy vI nhIN mMnI aqy musLkl simaF koml DflIvfl 9-2 (pMjfbI 11) ivwc vI sKq imhnq kIqI qy hfr nhIN mMnI.
hrjIq kOr iswDU dI Xfd ivwc: lyK mukfblf
ieh sfl kYnyzf leI bhuq mhwqvpUrn sfl hY. 2017 kYnyzf df 150vF idhfVf hY. awj kYnyzf dunIaF df sB qoN vDIaf dysL hY. kYnyzf ivwc sfzy kol bhuq sfrIaF cMgIaF shUlqF hn. ijvyN ky muPq hYlQ kyar, cMgIaF nOkrIaF aqy iewk cMgI aqy iemfndfr srkfr. ies krky, dunIaF ivwc bhuq sfry lok kYnyzf ivwc rihxf cfhuMdy hn aqy ies qrF kYnyzf iewk bhuq mltIklcrl dysL hY. kYnyzf ivwc hr qrHF dy lok hn ijvyN ky BfrqI, cIn aqy XorpIan lok. awj kwlH sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dI igxqI bhuq ijLafdf hY. ies krky sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry df ihwsf bhuq vwzf hY. hr iewk Kyqr ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan ny afpxf Xogdfn pfieaf hY. kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry df Xogdfn bhuq ivsLfl hY. sfAUQ eysLIan ny rfjnIqI ivwc vI cMgy mfrky mfry. hr iewk lYvl dI srkfr ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan dy pRqIinD hn. jy qusIN koeI vI kYnyzIan sLihr nUM jFdy ho, qF quhfnUM bhuq sfry sfAUQ eysLIan srkfrI aiDkfrI imlxgy . ijvy N ky my X r, aY m [aY l [ey , aYm[pI[ jF istI kAUNslr. ieh lok afpxy sLihr nUM isrP nhIN pr afpxy dysL nUM ibhqr bxfAuxf cfhuMdy hn. keI pRImIar vI sfAUQ eysLIan hn. AuWjl dosLFJ bI[sI[ dy sB qoN pihly pMjfbI mUl dy pRImIar sn. AuhnF ny bI[sI[ nUM hor vDIaf bxfAux leI bhuq syvf kIqI sI. awj vI BfvyN Auh swT sflF dy hn, Auh hfly vI syvf kr rhy hn. rfsLtrI (nYsLnl) lYvl ivwc vI quhfnUM bhuq sfry sfAUQ eysLIan aiDkfrI imlxgy. ipCly cox ivwc, vIh iswK aYm[pI[ cuxy gey sn. ieiqhfs ivwc ieh kdy vI nhIN hoieaf sI, ik ienHy sfry iswK aYm[pI[ cuxy gey sn. jsitn trUzo ny vI ikhf sI ik,
ies vfrI, Aus dy kYbint ivwc, modI nfloN ijLafdf iswK hox.” keI aYm[pI[ mMqrI vI bxy. ijvyN ik hrjIq swjx (izPYs mMqrI) nvdIp bYNs (ieMzstrI dy mMqrI) brdysL cgr (tUirjLm dI mMqrI) aqy amrjIq sohI (buinafdI dy mMqrI) ieh lok afpxI sfrI ijLMdgI kYnyzf nUM ibhqr bxfAux leI vcnbwD hn. kYnyzIan POj dy ivwc vI sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry dI dyx hY. purfxy simaF qoN awj qwk, sfAUQ eysLIan kYnyzIan POj leI lVdy rhy hn. vrlz vfr 1[2 ivwc keI iswK ispfhI kYnyzf leI lVdy sn. pihlI jMg ivwc ds iswK ispfhIaF ny kYnyzf leI afpxI ijLMdgI krubfn kIqI. iehnF ispfhIaF ivwcoN srdfr bkhm isMG sn. bkhm isMG isrP cOdF sflF dy sn jdoN Auh 1907 ivwc kYnyzf nUM afey. 1914, ivwc jdoN Auh iewkI sflF dy sn, Auh kYnyzIan POj ivwc dfKl hoey. 1916 dI lVfeI ivwc AuhnF nUM swt lwgI. pr hfly vI bkhm isMG kYnyzf leI lVnf cfhuMdf sI. 1917 ivwc PrFs ivwc Auh gujrgy. BfvyN ies tfeIm sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dy hwk Gwt sn aqy ies vkq kYnyzIan srkfr, iswK hox krky bkhm isMG nUM hIx smJdy sn, Aus ny ieh sfrf kuJ avwigaf aqy Pyr vI afpxI ijLMdgI kYnyzf leI kurbfn kIqI. BfvyN kYnyzIan srkfr Aus nUM bygfnf smJdI sI, bkhm isMG afpxy afp nUM kYnyzIan hI smJdf sI aqy Aus aMdr ies dysL leI bhuq ipafr sI. ies qrHF dUsry nON ispfhIaF, ijvyN ik lCmx isMG, hrnfm isMG aqy jOhn bfbU ny afpxy dysL nUM ipafr kridaF hoieaF, afpxy dysL kYnyzf leI afpxI ijLMdgI kurbfn kr idwqI. awj kwlH iehnF sLhIdF dI bhfdrI bhuq sfry sfAUQ eysLIan nOjvfnF nUM POj ivwc dfKl hox dI pRyrnf idMdI hY.
mIzIaf ivwc vI sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dI dyx hY. awj kwlH bhuq sfry pMjfbI, ihMdI, AurdU jF gujrfqI tYlIvIjLn pRogrfm hn. ieh pRogrfm bhuq mhwqvpUrn hn ikAuNik ieh kYnyzIan aqy BfrqI KLbrF pysL krdy hn. pr sfAUQ eysLIan pRogrfm isrPL KLbrF vfsqy hI nhIN, hr qrHF dy vwKry-vwKry poRgrfm ijvyN ky swiBafcfrk, mMnorMjk sports aqy zrfmy pysL krdy hn. bhuq sfry sfAUQ eysLian ryzIE stysLn vI hn. ieh stysLn vI aMgryjLI aqy dUsrIaF BfsLfvF ivwc KbrF pysL krdy hn. ryzIE dy nfl-nfl bhuq sfry sfAUQ eysLIan rsfly vI hn. sB qoN vwzf “drpx mYgjLIn” hY. ies rsfly nUM do pMjfbIaF (guivMdr hMzfl aqy rmnIk izlo) ny sLurU kIqf sI. aMgryjLI ivwc hox krky dony aMgryjLI lok aqy sfAUQ eysLIan lok ies nUM pVHdy hn. ies nUM pVH ky aMgryjLI lok sfAUQ eysLIan swiBafcfr bfry pqf kr skdy h. ies qrHF ieh mIzIaf bhuq lfhyvMd hY. sfAUQ eysLIan nOjvfn ies qrHF, ies mIzIaf nUM vyK ky, sux ky aqy pVH ky afpxy swiBafcfr nfl juV ky, cMgy gux gRihx krky kYnyzf dy cMgy nfgirk bx skdy hn.
anIsLf srF (gryz 10 pMjfbI 12)
krdy hn. ies krky awj kwlH, keI kYnyzIan XUnIvristIaF ivwc BMgVy dy klwb hn. kYnyzf zya AuWqy hr sfl BMgVy dy pRogrfm hu M d y hn. bhu q kYnyzIan lok BfrqI KfxF vI psMd krdy hn. jy qusIN iksy BfrqI rYstorYNt nUM jFdy ho, qF BfrqI mUl dy lokF qoN vwD dUsry mUl dy lok quhfnUM imlxgy. awj kwlH sfry kYnyzIan lok sfAUQ eysLIan lokF nfl AuhnF dy iqAuhfr vI mnfAuNdy hn. skUlF ivwc sfry bwcy BfvyN BfrqI jF gYr-BfrqI mUl dy hn rl ky dIvflI mnfAuNdy hn. vYnkUvr dI ivsfKI dI pryz kYnyzf ivwc sB qoN vwzI pryz hY. hr sfl, hr qrHF dy lok afAuNdy hn. ies dy ielfvf ipCly sfl ivsfKI AuWqy, kYnyzIan srkfr ny pfrlImYNt ivwc aKMz pfT vI rwiKaf sI. ieh sfrIaF swiBafcfrk cIjLF kYnyzf dI mltIklcriljLm leI bhuq mhwqvpUrn hn. ies nfl dUsry lok sfAUQ eysLIan swiBafcfr bfry jfxU ho skdy hn. ies sfAU Q ey s L I an BfeIcfry ny kY n y z Ian qrHF sfAUQ eysLIan lok afpxy swiBafcfr afrts aqy klcr AuWqy vI bhuq asr nUM sMBfl skdy hn aqy nslvfd nUM vI pfieaf hY BfvyN nvyN sfAUQ eysLIan kYnyzIan Gtf skdy hn. swiBafcr bfry jfnxf cfhuMdy hn, pr nfl hI afpxy swiBafcfr nUM sMBflxf cfhuMdy kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan lokF hn. ies krky Auh vI BMgVf klwb, BfrqI df mhwqvpUrn rol hY. BfvyN rfjnIqI, POj rYstorYNt aqy BfrqI kwpVy dIaF dukfnF ivwc jF mIzIaf aqy afrts ivwc sfAUQ Koldy hn. ies qrHF aglI pIVHI vI afpxy eysLIan BfeIcfry df Xogdfn bhuq ivsLfl swiBafcfr nfl juV skdI hY. pr ieh hY. ies krky jdoN asIN ies sfl kYnyzf swiBafcfrk cIjLF isrP sfAUQ eysLIan dI 150vF jnm idn mnfvFgy qF asIN lokF leI hI nhIN hn. pRMqU dUsry mUlF dy lok iehnF dyxF nUM Xfd krFgy. ieh sfrf kuJ vI ies nUM psMd krdy hn ijvyN ky bhuigxqI mltIklcrl kYnyzf dy mfxmwqy ieiqhfs kYnyzIan lok BMgVf pfAuxf aqI psMd df ainwKVvF aMg hY. PAGE 35
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
“Á≥◊Ò” ¡Â∂ “Ï≈‘∞ÏÒ∆-B” Á∆ ¡«‹‘∆ Â∞Ò‰≈ È‘∆∫ ’∆Â∆ ‹≈‰∆ ⁄≈‘∆Á∆ : ¡≈«Ó
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The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
A Glimpse of the Run for Water event in Abbotsford, B.C
Pursue your medical degree from leading universities in Europe, South Asia and the Caribbean, followed by Residency in the U.S.
Pursue your medical degree from leading universities in Europe, South Asia and the Caribbean, followed by Residency in the U.S.
zfktr bnx dy cfhvFd ividafrQIaF leI aMqrrfsLtrI mOkf
XOrp, sfAUQ eysLIaf, aqy kYirbIan dIaF vDIaF XUinvriswtIaF qoN afpxI mYzIkl izgrI hfsl kro aqy rYjLIzYNsI XU aYs ivwc kro.
Graduate and High-school entry programs
grYjUeyt aqy hfeI skUl ividafrQIaF leI dfKlf pRogrfm
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
END THE HURT. END GANG LIFE. The Abbotsford Police want to work with you to keep our young people safe. We would like to come and meet with your family to talk to you about keeping your son or daughter away from gangs. Police officers who speak Punjabi, and who know what is going on with our youth, will come to your house or talk to you on the phone.
AYbtsPorf puils quhwfy nOjvwnw (b`cy Aqy b`cIAW) nUM
sMprk kro:
If you would like to talk to us, and get some help or advice, you can:
jykr qusI swfy nwl g`l krnw chuMdy ho, Aqy koeI mdd jW slwh lYxI chuMdy h, qW qusI:
Email us at: helpyouth@abbypd.ca
suriKAq r`Kx iv`c quhwfy nwl kMm krnw chuMdy hn[ AsI quhwfy pirvwr nMU imlky quhwfy b`cy Aqy b`cIAW nUM gYNg qoN dUr r`Kx leI quhwfy nwl g`l-bwq krwgy[ ijhVy puils AOiPsr pMjwbI boldy hn, ijhnw nUM jwxkwrI hY ik swfy nOjvwnw nwl kI ho irhw hY, auh quhwfy Gr Awky jW Pon qy g`l-bwq kr skdy hn[
eI myl: helpyouth@abbypd.ca
Call us at: 604-864-4777
Pon: 604-864-4777
ies vIfIE nMU dyKo
We have information on our website in a video called “Lodestar - Parenting Matters”. It is in English and Punjabi.
swfI vYbsweIt qy ies vIfIE “Lodestar - Parenting Matters” bwry jwxkwrI hY[ ieh vIfIE AMgryzI Aqy pMjwbI iv`c hY[
To watch the video, go to www.abbypd.ca , click on Crime Prevention, click on Past Strategies and then click on Parenting Matters.
ies vIfIE nUM dyKx leI www.abbypd.ca, qy jWE, iPr kil`k kro Crime Prevention, iPr kil`k kro Past Strategies Aqy iPr kil`k kro Parenting Matters.
END GANG LIFE People Helping People
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
I cannot expect consistent results : Harshvardhan Kapoor
Films are made for audience, not for critics : Arjun
Actor Arjun Kapoor, whose latest release "Half Girlfriend" has been appreciated by the audience despite mostly unfavourable reviews, says at the end of the day movies are made for the audience."Each individual has a different point of view and I am no one who will change their opinion. Most of the time people (critics) want to see a certain type of film, but I feel, people should watch a film with an open mind just the way the audience watches it. "The audience is more open to giving the film space and time to enjoy what it is meant for rather than having preconceived notions. I feel the audience is the most important part of filmmaking because at the end of the day, you are making a film for them and not for a limited bunch of people who call themselves critics," Arjun said.
Zareen to play law student in Vikram Bhatt's '1921' Actress Zareen Khan is ecstatic to play a law student in Vikram Bhatt's "1921". Zareen said "As a teenager, I always wanted to study law and I am glad that I got an opportunity to play a law student on screen at least."She is currently shooting for the film here. Before that, she visited some law colleges and interacted with law students to observe their mannerism.Reading seems to be on her mind as last week she photo of herself with the book "A Handful of Sunshine" by Bhatt. She captioned it: "There couldn't have been more perfect timing than right now to start reading 'A Handful Of Sunshine' by my favourite Vikram Bhatt. Shoot diaries, '1921'." It will be a two-month schedule and the horror film is slated to release by end of 2017.
Given his stature as Anil Kapoor's son, Harshvardhan Kapoor's Bollywood debut last year, 'Mirzya', piqued curiosity ahead of its release. The Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra project failed to resonate with the masses, but the young actor's outing as an aching lover didn't go unnoticed. After a year, the 26-year-old is gearing up for his next project, Vikramaditya Motwane's vigilante drama, 'Bhavesh Joshi'. Speaking to day after wrapping up a gruelling 80-day schedule, Kapoor says, "It was a tough actionpacked chart. We filmed in the rain, day and night. We have made the movie with passion, fighting everything that went against us. It was challenging, given that we shot a 90100-day film in less than 80 days, and in difficult conditions." With this project behind him, he says he has experienced working on two unique films, both of which have polished his acting skills. Recalling an incident from the schedule, he narrates, "We were shooting in Karjat and I was in prosthetics, covered in mud and sweat. We had to wait for
several hours to do that shoot, but it was worth it." Before the role landed in his lap, it was offered to Imran Khan and then Sidharth Malhotra, but Harsh believes it was destined to be his. "We wanted to make this film for long. It was meant to be made with me." Kapoor isn't entirely distanced from the failure of his previous outing. "I am aware that I don't make standard choices, so I cannot expect consistent results. I'm okay with that. After all, isn't that the nature of this business?"
What reason can I give myself to be arrogant? : Sushant Singh Rajput After a successful stint on television, Sushant Singh Rajput made a smooth transition to films with the 2013 hit Kai Po Che! A few films later, he entered the Rs 100-crore league with a fine performance in his last release, MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, which was among the biggest hits of last year. Since then, whispers of Sushant's highhanded behaviour, suggesting that success has gone into his head, refuse to die down. He admits while most humans have the tendency to somewhat lose their mind following success, for him, nothing has changed. "I am a middle-class boy and didn't find success easily. I had always been acknowledged for my performances, but with Dhoni (biopic), I tasted success at the
box office as well. The film earned a lot of money, but everything didn't come to my pocket," he says with a laugh. A lot may be written about his 'arrogance', but Sushant argues he doesn't feel any change in him. "Now [post Dhoni's success], if I am doing the same 10 things in my personal life that I did earlier, people will have problems with at least two of them. They will have a long discussion on my arrogance based on my b o d y language or the way I speak to a journalist. But I am still the s a m e person."
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
dIAW muSklW
mwnisk ishq, svY-nukswn, gYNg ihMsw, GrylU durivvhwr Aqy Awqm-h`iqAw
mwnisk prySwnIAW bwry jwnx leI Awau (swrI jwxkwrI pMjwbI ivc hovygI) AgwaUN dKl, svY-sMBwl, svY-mSvrw Aqy pirvwrk imlvrqn
3 jUn 2017 drvwzy Kulx H dw smW: 6:00 vjy swm SurU hox dw smW: 6:30 vjy swm
irk hYnsn sYkf M rI skUl 31150 blUirj frweIv AYbtsPorf, bI.sI. cwh-pwxI dw prbMD hovg y w
Awareness Team
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
B.C. New Democrat and B.C. Green caucuses ratify historic agreement VICTORIA - All 44 elected MLAs from the B.C. New Democrat and B.C. Green caucuses have ratified an agreement pledging to work together to support a stable New Democrat government that works for people. “The people of B.C. spoke loud and clear on election day - they want a government that works for them, not just those at the top. With the signing of this historic agreement, we are showing that we are ready to roll up our sleeves and work together to make lives better for British Columbians,” said John Horgan, leader of the B.C. New Democrats. “The results of the election clearly demonstrated that voters wanted to put an end to the bitter, divisive and cynical politics of the past, and get on with productive governance. Today, I am very proud to stand with John Horgan and our respective caucuses to demonstrate how two distinct parties can work together for the good of all,” said Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Greens. The B.C. New Democrat Government has agreed to advance several legislative and policy initiatives identified as a condition of support by the B.C. Green Caucus, including: • Reforming our electoral system, getting the influence of big money out of politics, and reforming lobbying rules; • Recognizing that education is about lifelong learning and fast-tracking enhancement to K-12 education funding;
• Protecting and promoting public health care, creating a proposal for an essential drugs program, and giving families the security of quality, affordable child care; • Getting people moving with better transit; • Giving the opioid crisis the attention it deserves; • Establishing an Emerging Economy Task Force and an Innovation Commission; • Eliminating Medical Services Premiums; • Implementing a basic income pilot project; • Fighting climate change while creating good jobs and introducing rebate cheques that will mean most people pay less while increasing the carbon tax beginning in 2018; • Sending the Site C project immediately to an independent review;
Field Coordinator Position Abbotsford Growers Ltd. is looking to hire a Field Coordinator for its busy 2017 Blueberry Season. Responsibilities include assisting growers with their Canada GAP programs, grower relations, performing In-House field audits, farm inspections, and managing incoming fruit using computer inventory control programs. Candidates must have some educational background in Agriculture or equivalent experience in the field. Knowledge of pesticides and Canada GAP is recommended but not required. Successful applicants must have a driver’s license and their own vehicle.
Office Assistant and Human Resources Abbotsford Growers Ltd is looking to hire an Office Assistant for its busy 2017 Blueberry Season. Responsibilities include payrolls, organizing shifts, hiring new employees, and reception and telephone duties. Successful applicants will be organized, comfortable on the computer, punctual and be able to multitask their various responsibilities.
• Opposing the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion project. “British Columbians have been waiting 16 long years for solutions to so many problems, and we want to help. A New Democrat government, with the support of Green MLAs, will make life more affordable, fix the services people count on, and build a sustainable economy that works for people. This agreement means we have the opportunity to make those changes that are so important. I’m optimistic and excited for the future,” said Horgan.
FERTIGATING BERRIES? Choose from BERRY RED, GREEN, YELLOW or BLUE (available in 20 LT Pails, 208 LT Drums, or TOTES) TM
PIlz koafrzInytr dI loV aYbtsPorz groarjL ilmitz nUM bhuq hI ibjLI blU byrI sIjLn 2017 leI PIlz koafrzInytr dI loV hY. Aus dI ijLMmyvrI groarjL dI mwdd krnI, AunHF dy afpsI sbMDF, hfAUs PIlz aOizts krny, PfrmF dI ieMnspYksLn aqy PrUt XUijMLg dI kMipAUtr qy sfrI ienvytrI df pRogrfm cVHfAuxf. aplfeI krn vflf cMgI ivwidak ipCokV jF Aus dy brfbr PIlz df qjrbf rwKdf hovy. pYstIsfeIz aqy knyzf GAP bfry jfxkfrI vfDU Xogqf igxI jfvygI. cuxy gey AumIdvfr kol afpxI rfeIz aqy zrfeIvr lfiesMs hoxf jLrUrI hY.
afpxf ibAUrf ies pqy qy Byjo aYbtsPorz groarjL ilmitz nUM afpxy ibjLI 2017 blUbyrI sIjLn vfsqy afiPs aisstYNt dI loV hY. Aus dI ijLMmyvrI `c sLfiml pYroljL, isPtF bnfAuxIaF, nvyN kfmy rwKxy, tYlIPon aqy rIsYpsLn df kMm hY. sPl AumIdvfr hor ijLMmyvrIaF dy nfl nfl bhu prqI kMmkfjI dy kfbl qy kMipAUtr `c inpuMn aqy smyN dy pfbMd hoxy cfhIdy hn.
A division of
1454 B Riverside Rd. Abbotsford, BC Ph.: 604-850-9500 PAGE 41
The Patrika
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service
Supervision and care required for infant at our residence in Abbotsford ( Lynden Street area). Optional accomodation may be available at no charge on live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. This job posting is open for everyone who qualifies including aboriginal, youths, and new immigrants. DUTIES INCLUDE:
Anand Irrigation
Bathing, changing, dressing, personal cleanliness. Preparing formula and feeding baby. Light housekeeping and laundry. Take care of the sleep and wake up hours of the infant. Keep record of the infant . Keep record of the activities of the child on daily basis.
5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC
HWY 11
• Irrigation Installation
ierIgySn ienst`lySn
• Post Pounding
post l`auxy
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
fir@p Eqy spirMklr
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~
• Farm Drains
Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy
Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552
Completion of Secondary school required. Must have experience, 6 months training or certificate in childcare. Fluency in English required Non smoker and clean habits. Pay will be $11.00 per hour.
HWY 11
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
How to apply: Please send your resume to amanpreetsidhu552@gmail.com
The Patrika
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting • Plumbing Pu@l rYnovySn h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ pNyitMg plMimMg
Teja 778-246-0087
iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro
& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash
¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid
+RXVH :DVK 7UXFN :DVK ¡Drive Way 'ULYH :D\ *XWWHU &OHDQ ¡Gutter Clean &much more! :LQGRZ &OHDQ 0XFK 0RUH ¡Truck Wash
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile
* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete
Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more
Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
Who does not want a beauďż˝ful dream house! We build custom homes, will help you to fulďŹ ll your dreams. Contact:
Sukhjinder Dhillon 604-807-2928 Our experience and proesionalism will help you. Licensed Builder • Project Manager • General Contrac�ng
The Patrika
Employment kpVy dy stor 'qy kMm krn leI Part Time kfimaF dI loV hY English, pMjfbI aqy slfeI afAuxI jrUrI hY. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro jI. Overseas Fabrics 32853 Ventura Ave aYbtsProz
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Employment cont'd Driver Wanted Driver wanted for local 5-ton truck, must speak English and knowledge of lower mainland will be an asset. $15/hr. For more information, Call Manjit Sidhu: 604-825-5211
vrkr dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| 778-878-4723
zrfeIvr dI loV aYbtsPorz dI trWikMg kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipMn qoN ipMn cWlx leI klfs 1, sLrfb aqy nisLaF qoN rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $6500 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI | 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg | sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)-744-9200
Gr ivkfAU hY klIarbruk pUl dy aqy skUl dy njLdIk Gr ivkfAU hY, ijs child required for two children. This is a PARTY RENTALS ivwc 5 bYzrUm, 3AvfsL rUmcaregiver , position. Wage: $11.50/hr, Location: 8400 sukyar PuAbbotsford, t, bYfull-time k aYlI BC. Language: English, Skills: High School smyq kImq $750,000 hY. & 1-2 years of experience or training. Duties: Supervise
hor jfxkfrI leI&sMcare prkfor krochildren, : preating meals and feeding meals, Matrimonial personal care for children-bathing, and dressing. 604-613-4430
Person should also maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment. OptionallVkI accomodation dI loV is also available nsLy Cwzx leI at no charge on a live-in basis. This27 is sflf not aigwcondition l jwt iswK, of kwdemployment 6 Puwt, sLrfb jF zrwg Note: dy kfrn Contact: hardeepdhaliwal803@gmail.com plws tU krky mfipaF nfl 5 sfl
jy qusIN musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: leI ivjLtr afieaf, cfcy qfieaF ‘qy 604-859-8244 jF 778-779- BYx df sfrf pirvfr ieQy sYtlz, hr shfieqf krn leI iqafr, ipClf 1337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com ipMz mfxUky ijLlHf mogf, leI knyzIan Noor Appliances Repair istIjn jF ieMmIgrFt lVkI dI loV hY. isrP jwt isWK pirvfr hI /Tent Rental aplfeI krn: Pon: 604-825$25 Service Charge 5077 jF 604-897-7669
Employment cont'd kfimaF dI loV nrsrI ivwc msLIn ‘qy pOt Brn aqy grIn hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| kMm GMitaF df aqy 5-6 idn hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-5568686 jF 778-242-9250
Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs
asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF. 50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI) (stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)
hjeet Kaur Sharma, D.O.B 3rd, 1968 of #65 - 3030 ewey St, Abbotsford. B.C 4N2 have changed my to Sukhjeet Kaur Benipal, ted from June 2nd, 2017
20 x 20 df tYNt isrPL $150 df hfeI pIk tYNt, tybl aqy kursIaF, sfAUNz isstm, zFs PLlor, kuikMg leI pqIly, gYs stov, hItr, lfeItF, eyrIaf rgjL, Qrms, PUz vfrmrjL, bfrbIikAU aqy qMdUr aqy hr iksm df zYkorysLn df smfn jfgo df smfn qswlIbKsL syvfvF iek vfr syvf df mOkf jLrUr idAu HELP WANTED
z, aqy aYbtsPorz hotl leI kfimaF dI loVhY. cMgI qnKfh kMm krn dy cfhvfn sMprk krn: gement Services, on Ave.
9640 or 604-309-1976 PAGE 44
General Farm workers required on a berry farm in Abbotford, BC. Duties include harvesting, cultivation, sorting fruit, spraying, irrigation, lifting berry containers, packing, pruning, tying as well other general farm work duties. Must be productive. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in difficult weather condition. Should be able to work with others. Experience preferred. 40-70 hrs/week. Up to 14 month term. Beginning June 20th, 2017. $10.85/hr. Fax resume to 604-850-7612 or mail to Kahlon Farms Ltd. 262 Columbia St. Abbotsford, BC V2T 5X6.
asIN zYkorysLn vI krdy hF! zYkorysLn df smfn XU. aYsU. eyU. aqy ieMzIaf qoN ilaFdf igaf hY. WE ALSO DO DECORATIONS FOR ALL EVENTS! hor jfxkfrI leI awj hI PoLn kro:
778.552.3395, 778.552.3396
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Specialized In New & Renovation of Older Homes
High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro
IMPRESSIONS HOME DECOR BLINDS & jflIaF aqy blfeINzjL 50% to 80% OFF Screens
Flooring $1.00/sqft Tiles $1.49/sqft IMPRESSIONS HOME DECOR
(across Canadian Tire)
(Reg. 1.99/sqft)
(Reg. 2.99/sqft)
Ramesh Chawla
604-832-1840 #1 2754 Garden Street, Abbotsford BC V2T 3R5
The Patrika
2 Locations To Serve You!
SPECIAL SERVICES In House Specialists: Spe ecialis Orthodontist, Pediatric Dentist, Periodontist, Oral Surgeon & Prosthodontist. We offer Conscious Sedation services including Nitrous Oxide for high anxiety patients. A
Oral Cancer Screening Device
Do you have a gag reflex? Hate messy impressions? This will solve your problems!
An intraoral 3D scanner. Do you have a phobia of needles? Hate the sound of the dental drill? This will solve your problems! We have a dental laser that allows us to do fillings without needles or anaesthetic!
Mount Lehman Dental Abbotsford 117-3250 Mt Lehman Road , Abbotsford, British Columbia, V4X 2M9
Eagle Landing Dental #702 8249 Eagle Landing Parkway, Chilliwack, British Columbia, V2R 0P9
Call Us Today ! 604-392-1212 604-856-7860 ALL BELOW SERVICES STARTING AT: Dental Exams X-rays
$27.70 $17.30 for 1, $36.70 for 4 Children's Cleanings $36.70 Adult's Cleanings $42 White Fillings $119 Porcelain Crowns & Veneers $761 (+ lab fee) Porcelain Bridges $1752 (+ lab fee) Complete Dentures $774 (+ lab fee)
Partial Dentures Root Canal Therapy Tooth Extractions
$286 (+ lab fee) $442 $120
(Additional Extractions at same appointment $79.20)
Invisalign Orthodontics Dental Implants Bone Grafts Botox Treatment
$2500 $1999 $528 $9.99 (per unit)
∙ No Referral Necessary Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
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ABBOTSFORD: B225 - 3122 Mount Lehman Rd. abbotsford@auraortho.com
SURREY: 7192 120th Street, Surrey info@auraortho.com
www.auraortho.com PAGE 47
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Email: info@gurukirpatravels.com #190 - 2655 Clearbrook Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 2Y6 (Opposite KFC) h ot l Hotels k r Uj p Yk j Cruise PACKAGES P l feIt it k t F Flight Tickets Cuwt Ia F l eI p Yk j Vacation Packages
*some conditions apply
GURU KIRPA TRAVELS Ltd Ph: +1.604.744.5566 PAGE 48
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Baldev Singh Gill
604.825.8886 NEW LISTING
NEW LISTINGNEW LISTING NEW LISTING Gorgeous 4.26 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful house very close to, Elementary School, new Highstreet Mall and Kalgidhar Gurdwara. Home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Roof only few years old. Prime location, no through road and easy freeway access. Separate driveway for heavy vehicles.
Open House Sat&Sun 20th& 21st 2-4pm
#29 - 31125 Westridge Pl
Just 5 year old 3 bedroom 2 full bath townhouse in west Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools and Gurudwara Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.
30540 Brookside Ave
41010 No. 2 Rd NEW LISTING
$1,889,800 NEW LISTING
23 ACRES with 2 FULL SIZED HOUSES with numerous income producing barns. One 5 bedrm home and 2nd 4 bedrm 2000 sq.ft beautiful home is approx 20 yr old. This property is perfect for 2 families, large horse barn with indoor arena, 23 stalls and lots of hay storage. 23'x130' Squab (pigeon)/chicken barn. 32'x72' WORKSHOP and 80'x90' BARN. Currently both houses and a few stalls are rented for $6000 per month.
42522 Keith Wilson Rd
$2,675,000 NEW LISTING
Great starter home located in a quitecul-desac. Just stepts away from the US border. Flat fenced lot with additional back lane access to the property.
34641 7th Ave
One of the best BLUEBERRY farm in the area. 5 year new 2 storey HOME on 10 acres in the Sumas Prairies near No.3 Rd exit in Abbotsford. This ™eld is planted in machine pick Duke Blueberry equipped with poles, wires and drip irrigation. Expected production of around 120,000 pounds of blueberry this year. Close to Elementary school.
33257 Chelsea Ave
2300 square foot Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet Dead End Street. 7700 Sq. ft. lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in a basement.
Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Expected yeild for 2017 is approx. 200000 pounds. Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm $1,659,000
31883 Mayne Ave NEW LISTING
Beautiful rancher on a quiet Cul-de-sac street in West Abbotsford. Flat over 5800 sq.ft. lot with a gorgeous fully fenced private backyard. Walking distance to Schools and Matsqui
135 2700 McCallum Road
Very spacious 2 bedroom condo with new laminate Šooring, walk out patio and 2 PARKING STALLS. Very popular rental property, no rental restrictions. Hotwater and Heat is included in the strata fee.
2914 Royal Street
48 - 31255 Upper Maclure
#12 3087 Immel
2620 Caboose Place
#2-30989 Westridge
37-31032 Westridge Pl.
Three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room,kitchen and family room townhouse. Close to shopping, recreation, and French Immersion Elementary School.
Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford's newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths, mailˆoor has of‰ce and spice kitchen too. 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, bar, bedroom and full bath for upstairs use.
1 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools. Excellent location.
2 year new townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like New Condition. Near all levels of schools, Gurudwara Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.
D LD OLD OLD LD SOL LD LD LD OLD LD OLD O O O O O price g n i k s SO S S S S S S S S S a over
25 31235 Upper Maclure Rd
406 32075 George Ferguson Way
Just 8 year old with 3 bedroom, rec room and 4 bath townhome close to all levels of schools. Stainless steel appliances and granite
Very bright and spacious 2 Bedroom with 2 full bath condo. Freshly painted. Carpet, vinyl in the kitchen, cupboard doors, light ™xtures in the kitchen and living room are just few years old. Close to Matsqui Recreation Centre, Schools and Easy Highway
30630 Steelhead Crt 32133 Autumn Ave Over 2800 Sq.Ft. quality Very beautiful 3 built rancher close to bedroom rancher Kalgidhar Darbar e c i Gurdwara . 9ft ceiling on r p e on quiet Street. Flat c g main Šoor vsewith krinagskpirni crown moulding. ov0e0roaJust steps to lot for build your ,0 7 5 $ D a v e K a n d a l future dream Elementary School, home. Vinyl Churches , Parks &
Nicely renovated rancher with 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in West Abbotsford. UPGRADES INCLUDE: New windows, blinds, kitchen cabinets with solid plywood boxes,
2966 Glenavon Street #29- 31125 Westridge
Super Mcmillan location. Close to Very Clean 5 Prince Charles bedroom basement Elementary School, entry house, Rec room with Fraser Middle School, Yale Secondary School full washroom, Living and Abbotsford room, Family room, Recreation Centre. 2 bedroom legal
5 year old three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath plus rec. room townhouse in West Abbotsford. Near all level of schools, Gurudwara and Apollo Gym. Excellent location.
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
GURINDER SINGH DHALIWAL 778.908.2409 FREE Market Evaluation!
WE HAVE QUALIFIED BUYERS FOR HOMES, CONTACT US! Dream Home!!! (very q u i t e a r e a ) Exceptionally well maintained this beautiful 2 story house has everything that you need. Upper oor can a cco m m o d a t e l a r g e family, consisting of spacious living room, family room, kitchen, master bedroom with 2 more bedroom, 2 washrooms. Huge back
ist New L
32514 Carter Ave $689,000
New L
13090 - 72 Ave $699,000
SOLD 3060 Tims St, Abbotsford
DLOt!! L O S LD Rare Big O S 31516 Monarch Crt 2280 Grant Street SOLD SOLD Investors Alert Alert: Rare big lot with great front and possibility of duplex. Trees for privacy.Wont last long. Call today..
34824 Townshipline Rd
2363 BAKERVIEW ST, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2T3B3
Maple Ridge
Beautiful top to bottom renovated 6 bedroom with 3 full baths, 3 rooms upstairs and 3 for suite.
2373 Westerly Abbotsford
31038 Heron Avenue Abbotsford
5746 Bell Road, Abbotsford
409 33485 S Fraser Way
30511 Sandpiper Dr
Rajinder Dhutti Rookie of the YEAR
Personal Real Estate Corporation
pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:
33245 Alta Ave
241 27411 28 Ave
2826 Clearbrook Road
31934 Peardonville Road
Rare Find! Alderview in Aldergrove. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright & spacious living area, dining, kitchen, laundry, carport & a nice backyard for entertainment. Well maintained complex with tons of visitor's parking and steps to school. Close to shopping, recreation, US Border & easy access to freeway. Don't miss this one!
Investors Alert! 5400 sq ft at lot in a Central location. Priced to sell. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, public transit and easy access to freeway. Hurry!!!
Neat & Clean Rancher w/bsmt in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway. Call to view
NEW LISTING 225 2233 Mckenzie Rd
1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! This neat & clean unit features 1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom, plus a den, bright living room, open kitchen layout & a balcony. It is centrally located. Well maintained complex. Low strata fee. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, restaurants & much more. Call to view now!
A Move Ahead
2 Storey w/ basement home in a Great Location! This home features 5 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms with an en suite in the master. Big lot backing onto creek and steps to Mill Lake Park. This home needs TLC. Total 4 baths but there are some more rooms which contain additional en suite facilities. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, mall, public transit & much more.
3803 Chadsey Cre
111 33255 Old Yale Road
3419 Clearbrook Rd
31030 Heron Ave
33837 Mayfair Ave
33853 Mayfair Ave
3927 Brighton Pl
3484 Thurston Pl
23- 32310 MOUAT DR
Custom Built 2 storey w/basement home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Top floor features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms out of which 2 are master bedrooms with Jacuzzi en suites. Main floor features huge living room, dining room, kitchen with
Custom Built 3 storey home with a unique layout & Legal Suite! This home features 8 bedrooms/ 7 bathrooms with a backyard for entertainment. Main floor features bright living room, open kitchen concept with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances & tons of storage, spice kitchen, huge family room, dining area, den
SOLD Great Location! Split entry home on a 7950 sq ft plus lot in a central location. This home has 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, nice backyard, huge sundeck, renovated kitchen, rec room, big living area & much more. There are few updates in the house like newer paint, some new flooring in bedrooms, kitchen cabinets/counters & some new doors.
The Brixton! Very neat & clean Ground Floor unit with a walkout patio. This bright unit features 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, kitchen with granite counter tops & lots of cabinets, big living area with a replace, dining area, laundry room & a patio. Close to schools, recreation, restaurants, public transit, mall & parks. Don't miss this one!
Basement Entry Home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 Bedrooms/ 4 Bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Main floor features 3 Bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, bright living room, dining area, family room, kitchen & a sunny sundeck. Suite plus+ a good size rec
407 - 31831 Peardonville Road
31011 Gardner Ave
2208-2210 BEAVER ST
SOLD West Point Villa! This top fl o o r u n i t f e a t u r e s 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living area, kitchen and laundry. Well maintained complex. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, parks &
Location! Location! A cute basement entry home on a corner lot & cul-de-sac location. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, fenced backyard, double garage and much more. Some of the updates inculde high end appliances in main kitchen, new kitchen cabinets, newer paint, new vanities in bathrooms,
Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.
Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.
Nicely renovated 2 Storey w/bsmt home with a unique layout in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms, sunken living room, dining, kitchen, family room, den, rec room, fenced yard with parking at front & back and much more. Some of the updates are- newer hotwater tank, furnace, roof, windows, rugs, flooring, appliances
SOLD A wonderful revenue generating property sitting on a huge flat 10,500 sq ft corner lot. Each side features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard for entertainment.
R e n o v a t e d 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths townhouse. Affordable price. Close to schools, shopping, Rotary Stadium, parks and malls.
Fair eld Estates! Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Main oor features- Wide entrance hall, huge sunken living room, dining, sunken family room, big kitchen with an island and lots of storage, see thru replace in the middle of living & dining area, bedroom (can be used as an of ce or
Investors & 1st time home buyers Alert! Cute home on a corner lot in West Abbotsford. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, dining area, kitchen, family room and a big yard. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, Cineplex, mall, public
"Corner Unit". Perfect 2 storey home in a good neighborhood. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS a den (can be used as an of ce or rec room), Big Master Bedroom has an ensuite with a Jacuzzi soaker tub, huge living room, family room, dining
#35- 30748 Cardinal Ave
2868 Gardner Pl
27575 32nd Ave Aldegrove Langley
32627 Chehalis Drive
15 - 31600 OLD YALE RD
1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! Rancher/ Bungalow sitting on a 6,450 plus sq ft at lot. This home features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining, laundry room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. This is a good starter home, a good retirement home, a good rental home and a good holding property.
Executive Custom Built Home in a secure gated community. Come & feel the warmth & charm in this 3 storey home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home has an excellent nishing throughout & features 7 bedrooms/4 bathrooms & a nice backyard with good size sundeck for entertainment. Main oor features huge living room.
Your home search stops here! Custom built Basement Entry home with a Legal Suite in a good neighborhood. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms which includes 2 Master bedrooms on the Main oor with ensuite in both, huge living room w/ replace, dining area, kitchen, nook, family room w/ replace, big sunny sundeck for entertainment, double door. open entrance, walk out Legal
Corner Unit. Huge backyard. 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS Den. Modern Concept, Open Kitchen Layout, Granite Counter Tops & Stainless Steel Appliances.
4 Level split home 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms living room family room rec room
cul de sac and much more
Location! Location! 1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! A cute Rancher w/basement style home on 7300 sq ft lot in a quiet cul de sac. One of the best neighborhoods to raise your kids. Some other features - . Renovated open layout kitchen with lots of cabinets & slate ooring, good size bedrooms, cozy living room, solid built sundeck just off from dining, good size rec room in the basement.
Solid Rancher with basement style home in a quiet neighborhood. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms & a private backyard. Main floor features - 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, good size living room, formal dining, cozy family room, open kitchen layout with stainless steel appliances & laundry room. Basement has 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms & a rec room with separate with separate entrance.
Well kept & renovated split entry home sitting on 8300+ sq ft lot in Aldergrove. This home features 4 bedrooms. baths with an en suite in masterMain floor has a bright & spacious living room, big kitchen, 3 bedrooms/1.5 baths, dining area & a nice sundeck for entertainment. Basement has a huge rec room, bedroom (can be used as an office), full bath, laundry & storage area.
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
2790 2 27 279 790 A 79 Allwood lllw llw llwood wood ood oo od St SStreet treet
• Development Potential • 6 Bdrm House
• Central Abbotsford
• Rental Income • Up&Down Tenanted
• Close to UFV
• 1/2 Acre
1639 King Crescent
• Value in LAND ONLY • House is a tear down
• Blueberry Farm • 2700+ SF Home
• Duke & Blue Crop
• Blueberry Farm
• Warehouse & Pump Houses • Drip Irreg & Some Equip
6521 Little Street
• New Listing • 2 Houses • Mortgage Helper
•Matsqui Area
• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)
35130 Beaton Road
• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm
• Large Lot • Plans are available
36421 Florence Drive
30 - 31235 Upper Maclure ..............................$452,000 3520 Latimer Street ...........................................$585,000 122 - 32850 George Ferguson .......................$125,000 2052 Vinewood Street ......................................$530,000
• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty
34350 Bateman Road
res c A .5
• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production
430 Bowman Road
•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety
Lot 6 Glenmore Road
• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area
•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety
Lot 1 on Glenmore Road
28028 Layman Avenue ................................. $1,400,000 6113 Beharrell Road ...................................... $1,374,900 7.09 Acres Lot B Haverman ......................... $1,298,900 5111 Tolmie Road ........................................... $1,149,900
• New Listing • Build Your Dream • Sumas Prairie Home • Duke & Elliot Variety • Drip Irreg
565 Marion Road
res c A 10
Ac .982
• 7 Acres Duke • 2 Acres Blue Crop
• Falcon Ridge • Lot size= 19,000+ sf
cres A 1 4
cres 62 A
• Appointment Only!
9 Ac 25.3
•Matsqui Area
• Lot size= 6182 sf
res c A .8
33727 1st Avenue, Mission
36421 Florence Drive ........................................$485,000 2994 Eastview Street .........................................$680,000 33727 1st Avenue ...............................................$251,000 307 - 33255 Old Yale Road...............................$248,100
res c A .1
• Development Potential • 4 Bdrm House
2411 Adelaide Street
604 4-85 55-0 0800 604-855-0800
vvirbinder77@gmail.com irbinder77@gmail.ccom
778 8 -241-7451 -2 241- 7451
Abb Ab Abbotsford, bb botssfo for orrd, ord, d, BC C V2T 3R7
• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show
• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay
4627 Dixon Raod ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road.........................................$874,700 39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
TELUS PureFibre
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Friday, June 2nd, 2017
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Friday, June 2nd, 2017 ®
The Right Realtors for Today’s Market!
604.825.2281 kanwal_sekhon@hotmail.com
T. 604-572-1008 F. 604-572-3008 #266 8128 128 St, Surrey, BC V3W 1R1
38 ACRE BLUEBBERY FARM • Half Bluecrop and Half Elliot • 5 minutes from Abbotsford • Drilled Well and all irrigated • Big Storage Shed • Trade Welcome with Small Farm • 5 year old plants VACANT LOT
• Vacant Lot • 5,400 sq ft. • Excellent for investors • Surrounded by Multi Family buildings • City residential OCP for higher density. • Close to shopping & City Center
10-8358 121A St, Surrey
Great Family Business for Sale ! BUSY LOCATION! Southgate Shopping Centre Store offering shipping, packaging, printing & other services, plus office supplies.
Great view lot Epworth Crt ABBOTSFORD
Kingsley Terr
31550 Ridgeview DR
Grant St
King Road
Lantern Ave
Mallerd Street
Blueridge Dr.
NEW LISTING 3133 Mallard St Godwin Ave.
2180 Bakerview St
Evergreen St
ABBOTSFORD Clearbrook Vill
We have qualified buyers looking for new listings. PAGE R8
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014
12 Years Experience!
12 Years Experience!
Parvinder Harry
parvharry@gmail.com / shindersgill@gmail.com
Shinder Gill PREC
Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings www.teamelite.ca info@teamelite.ca 604-859-2341
5038 Riverside Street
32424 Best Ave
32614 Haida Dr
Great location, almost 20 acres blueberry machine pick farm, close to town, on CITY water. Updated 4 bedroom rancher with double garage, newer paint inside and outside, 4 years roof, new windows and 2700 sqft shed. 8.5 acres Duke 8 years old, 7 acres bluedcrop 3 yrs/ 8 yrs, 15 yrs and 2.5 acres elliot 5 yrs old. The farm is fully drip irrigation automatic system (automatic fertilizer systems), pols and wires.
Stunning View from all 3 levels of the home. Tastfully updated with quartz countertops, new laminate floors, new tiles , blinds, light fixtures and new SS appliances. Features spacious layout with elegant kitchen open to familyroom, livingroom, diningroom on main floor, 4 bedrooms up, 2 bathrooms up with good size laundry room upstairs, and 2 bedroom suite with insuite laundry for mortgage helper. Call for your personal tour.
Lovely rancher style home, in a convenient, central location walking distance to Abbotsford Rotary Stadium. The whole backyard and sidewalk is paved- No back neighbors. Features of the home include 3 years old water tank, newer furnace, and newer washer/ dryer. Nice, clean home with oak kitchen, gas fireplace in family room,laminate flooring and large covered patio, double garage with LOTS of parking! Ideal starter home!
2807 Maple St
2710 McMillan Road
2122 Merlot Blvd
$720,000 (4 BDRM)
7 - 3322 Blue Jay Street
$829,900 Perfect opportunity to own and operate a home based business with storefront on Maple st. and home front on Walnut Ave. Fraser health approval and Architect plans of 800 sqft for restaurant, daycare, hair salon and anyother business you can run under C-1 Zoning. The Store is professionally done with 2 pc bath, janitor room
2862 Princess St
$749,900 Excellent family oriented neighbourhood, updated 3392 sqft home on 7000 sqft corner lot. Great open layout with 9` main floor ceiling, features new kitchen cabinets, granite counter tops, new energry star windows, crown mouldings, laminate floors, new blinds and 4 year new roof. Close all level of schools and amenities. Call for your personal tour.
3537 Summit Drive
$950,000 3555 Viewmount Pl
BRAND NEW superior built home that offers exceptional quality and design! The Garage is detached and plenty of room for parking. Green space directly in front of door for the kids to enjoy the green. Apprx 2700 sq ft home with possible in law suite for extra family! Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with immaculate kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 10-ft ceiling on main floor for an open, spacious feeling. Located in East Abbotsford. House will ready to move in September, 2017.
2651 Macbeth Crescent
20623 85 Ave, Langley
2175 Ridgeway St
3075 Townline Rd
36069 Emily Carr Grove
31084 Upper Maclure Rd
36077 Emily Carr Grove
Under Construction!
32673 Pandora Ave
8302-204th Street Langley
$ 669,000
2898 Station Rd Abbotsford
Rancher with full basement apprx. 1250 sq ft upstairs 1050 sq ft downstairs! This home has 3 Bdrms up w/ 1 1/2 Bath & 2 Bdrms down on apprx 6,300 sq ft level lot. Great for investors and first time home owners. Prime location, close to amenities, bus stop, all levels of schools.
This welcoming home is pristine and well maintained! External features include extra wide driveway, new roof - only 1Yr old, huge covered sundeck & private fenced yard. Inside home has newer carpets, new plumbing throughout entire home, vaulted ceiling in master bedroom & living room with great view of Mt. Baker! Excellent location; easy highway and bus access, within
Brand New 2 Storey w/ Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. Buyers can pick their own color scheme. The upper floor offers 3 Bdrms up + 1 Mbdrm & Walk in Closet w/ a 1 Bdrm suite + Rec Room on below level.
Great Home , Great Location! Very Spacious home with 3 Bdrms up, 2 bdrm legal suite and a bedroom for upstairs use. 3Baths, New Windows, Laminate Flooring, New Baseboards, New Blinds With a Brand New
Plans are ready to view. Please refer to documents attached. Lot is ready to build on!
Like New Custom Built Gorgeous Home! A total of 5 Bdrm & 4 1/2 Bath, tasteful features with open layout , Offering 2 Master Bedrooms with spectacular high end tiles and built in cupboards for the office room. This modern home features 12' High Ceilings, lots of windows throughout for natural sunlight, huge kitchen with granite counter tops, designer color scheme.
NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.
We have qualified buyers sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Raman Dhillon
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Gurpreet Singh Chahal www.gurpreetsinghchahal.com gurpc@hotmail.com
R E A LT Y I N C .
ibjins vIjLy ‘qy afAux vfilLaF leI suinhrI mOkf
aYgjLI ivwc kmrsLIal iblizMg ivkfAU hY, ies ivwc 2 rYjLIzYNsLIal Xuint hn| 2300 skueyar Puwt kmrsLIal jgHf ivwc qusIN afpxI psMd df stor Kol skdy ho aqy Auwpr irhfiesL kr skdy ho jF ikrfey ‘qy dy skdy ho| kImq isrP $469,800
6 New Homes
Under Construction
Townline Area. Call for more info.
Brand new house with legal suite. 6 bedrooms and 4 baths. Backlane access. Close to schools
3,800 Sqft. Gourmet kitchen, eating nook, West Abbotsford 3 bdrm & family rm up, 2 bdrm legal suite, plus recroom, washroom and living room, dining room, family room, 4 one bedroom guest suite for upstairs, Jacuzzi, bedrooms and 3 bathrooms! Lower floor spiral staircase, skylight, 2 gas fireplaces. Onyx enjoys a rec room with bar, full bathroom fixtures, tubs, etc. Close to all level of schools. and bedroom plus a 2 bedroom suite! Close to Recreational centre, easy freeway access, Close to Sikh Gurudwara, High Street Oversized lot with RV parking, double mall. Very nice house, must see, Won't last garage, quiet street, make your move long. Call for your personal view. today!
Great Neighbourhood, Huge Level Fenced Yard, covered deck. Kitchen, Massive Island, Quartz counter-tops, Gas range and stove, instant hot water, Pantry, Formal dining room. Master bedroomwith a private deck. Ensuite with his and her sinks, large shower and separate tub, massive closet. Downstairs is fully finished.
Starting $275,000
4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and 4400sq. ft. of luxury living. Every floor overlooking the valley and Mt. Baker. Large sundeck and patio. 2 Cultured stone fireplaces, large open basement with wet bar and media room. Spacious den, large master ensuite, soaring ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, extra bedroom with ensuite.
New House Bare Land
8 acres, very close to airport and new shopping mall. Great open plan living with soaring ceilings, wonderful spice and formal kitchens with top of the line appliances, a sensational dining room and a fabulous large master bedroom and ensuite. Professional gym in the basement.
Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.
10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.
Sumas Prairie. Raspberry Farm Beautiful House. & BIG House!
$ 774,700
5,054.00 sq.ft.
2 bdrm + 8267 sq. NEW ft. Lot HOME 1 bdrm suite PAGE R10
BIG Lot for Sale with House 23,958 sqft in Abbotsford!
Industrial Warehouse
Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with Duke Blueberries, One acre Blue crop, one acre.Elliot and one acre Dixie Plants. Last year production 140,000 lbs.
High production farm, 20+ ACRES Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location Duke & Blue Crop. with smaller house. High production.
2 units. Almost 8400 sq. ft. Can be sold separately. Financing available. CHILLIWACK For Sale
Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!
8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF mubfrkF !
1859 Queen st
House is fully renovated
Fantastic holding property 2.2 acres currently zoned A-1 but part of Airport Industrial reserve. Land is level & cleared. Excellent investment opportunity. This is fast growing area. Hard to find property like this. Value in land. Suitable for Agri Tourism too Motivated seller. Bring your offers.
4 - 31235 Upper Maclure Town house
2775 sq.ft. home. 3 bdrms + Den. GreatLocation. Recently Renovated. Landscaped yard.
SOLD Family oriented townhome complex is 9 yrs young. Well maintained town house with 3 bedrooms & 2.5 bathrooms. In family and pet friendly complex. Completely finished with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, all included. $479,000
Still Available
3962 Bell Rd
SOLD 9 - 2241 Mcallum Rd only 17 units make up this quiet well maintained complex These homes are perfect for those just starting out.
210 - 32550 Maclure
2921 Babich St
162 - 3162 Townline Rd
aYbtsPorz ivwc iksy vI qrHF dI rYjIzYNsLIal jF kmrsLIal pROprtI KrIdx jF vycx leI qjLrbykfr iraltr crnjIq isMG jMzU nflL sMprk kro|
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Friday, June 2nd, 2017