June 16th 2017

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WEEKLY Friday, June 16th, 2017 Vol. 21, No.36


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The Patrika 

jrnYl isMG syKf dy pMjfbI nfvl ‘ivgocf’ aqy ipRM:suirMdrpfl brfV dI ‘tukVf tukVf ijLMdgI’ pusqk df ihMdI anuvfd lok arpx vYnkUvr :-(brfV-Bgqf BfeI kf) pMjfbI sfihq dy do nfmvr sfihqkfrF jrnYl isMG syKf aqy ipRM: suirMdrpfl kOr brfV nUM Aus smyN mfx-pRmfx hfisl hoieaf jdoN AunHF dy pMjfbI sfihq df ihMdI `c anuvfd ho ky lokF dI kcihrI ivwc afieaf. AuWGy nfvlkfr jrnYl isMG syKf df pMjfbI ivwc nfvl ‘ivgocf’ ihMdI `c anuvfd hox ipwCoN ‘ipGlqI XfdyN’ isrlyK hyT pMjfb Bvn srI ivKy ‘ihMdI sfihq pRIsLd kYnyzf’ aqy sfAUQ eysLIan aYsosIeysLn vYnkUvr nFvF dIaF sMsQfvF vwloN lok arpx kIqf igaf. ‘ivgocf’ nfvl sfl 2009 `c lok arpx kIqf igaf sI qy hux ies df 296 siPLaF `qy ihMdI `c anuvfd kIqf igaf hY. iesy qrF suirMdr pfl kOr brfV dI pMjfbI pusqk ‘tukVf tukVf ijLMdgI’ df vI ihMdI `c anuvfd hoieaf hY ijhVI ik iesy smfgm `c lok arpx kIqI geI hY. ‘tukVf tukVf ijLMdgI’ pusqk df ihMdI `c anuvfd hox ipwCoN ies nUM ‘pl ivkl pRqIpl’ nFa hyT Cfipaf igaf hY ijs dy 94 sPLy hn. ieh dovyN pusqkF vwzI igxqI `c sfihqkfrF dI hfjLrI ivwc irlIjL kIqIaF geIaF. ihMdI `c anuvfd hoeIaF pusqkF bfry bolx vfilaF ivwc hornF qoN ielfvf mohn igwl, ndIm prmfr, ieMdjIq kOr iswDU, acfrIaf idRvYdI, nCwqr isMG igwl hrkIrq kOr cfhl, muhMmd rPIk, isLKf puryvfl, ajy ZINgrf aqy kml ZIgrf sLfml sn.

Friday, June 16th, 2017




sfzIaF syvfvF:

nfsLqy aqy duiphr dy Kfxy df bIstro, vYjItyrIanF dI Kfxy dI cox, bRfeIzl sLfvr, jnmidn pfrtIaF, aqy hor vI bhuq kuJ Hours Of Operation Tue To Sat 9:00 To 4:00pm tanglebank@telus.net

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Friday, June 16th, 2017

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF



The Patrika



Friday, June 16th, 2017


iqMn kflF (aqIq, vrqmfn BivwK) hr smyN dy hfx dIaF, jwgo bfhrIaF, cMgIaF burIaF, JUTIaF swcIaF KbrF sfzy ajoky Xug dI dyx Social media qy pVHn sunx nUM imldIaF rihMdIaF hn. iesy qrHF 30 meI nUM iksy bhuq hI well educated kuVI df iliKaf iek kflm piVHaf. isrlyK sI:-widowism-A challenge in social pluralism qy awgy iliKaf sI, “Please read my blog and feel free to leave comments. widowism is not only my problem, it is a social block. I dare to write my story but there are women who fear to express. Be cautious of your behaviour…little things hurt more…what do you say?”

17 17


Email: jas@jkacpa.com

kuJ dyr bfad mYN iPr dyiKaf myry qoN isvf Aus qy koeI Comment nhIN sI. bVI hYrfnI hoeI ik asIN inwkI ijhI Gtnf df sLfm qwk iesy sLosLl mIzIaf qy post mfrtm krky rwK idMdy hF. Ausy kuVI ny iPr awgy jf ky afpxI pUrI gwl afKI ijs df sLurU ies qrHF sI: “An evening of Black Friday when a socially accepted well respected married woman turned into a window overnight…yeh.” Aus dy pqI nUM hfrt atYk hoieaf, do bwicaF df bfp rfqIN cMgf Blf suwqf, svyry sdf leI alivdf kih igaf. ikMnI aPsos dI gwl hY ik jvfn Aumry ivDvf qy iPr ijMmyvfrIaF df boJ sihx vflI aOrq/kuVI nUM iewkIvIN sdI `c ieh sB kuJ ilKxf pY irhf hY. Aus ny afpxI sfrI khfxI ivc sfzy Social behaviour dI gwl kIqI hY ijhVI sfzy smfj df sdf qoN hI ihwsf rhI hY. prysLfn sF pVHky-ik ies aOrq nUM afpxy hflfq nUM Justify ikAuN krnf pY irhf hY qy iPr ieh vI Ausy smfj ivc rihMdI hY ijs df asIN sfry vI ihwsf hF. mhInf bIq jfx qoN bfad vI iksy sLKs ny Aus qy kuJ nhIN iliKaf. mYnUM avqfr isMG Dmot dIaF lfeInF:icwtI cuMnI vyKy vlI isivaF dy, qUM moieAuN iek vfr asIN hF rojL mry.” Xfd afeIaF qy Dur aMdr qwk ihlf ky rwK geIaF sLfied ies krky vI ik mYN vI Ausy smfijk brfdrI nfl sbMD rwKdI hF. ijs ivc aksr hr ivDvf afpxy afp nUM suafl puwCdI hY “Is widowism is a curse”? Auh afpxy blog ivc awgy jf ky ilKdI hY,


“Should we make a widow club, where we the widows of this club express ourselves freely, live a lifewe laugh, we cry, we remember our husbands with all the good and bad memories without being judged, we breathe, we whistle, remember our little fights with our husbands. If we want to cry-we cry….” qy afKr qy iliKaf sI: “No one chooses to become a widow-it comes to you as a natural phenomenon of death.” Aus dI vMgfr sI Auh lyK, Question mark sI sfzy smfj qy suafl sI sfzy buwDI jIvIaF leI smfj dy sLuB-icMqkF leI qy AunHF sB leI jo smfj BlfeI qy smfj suDfr df bIVf cuwkI iPrdy hn, ijnHF dIaF iewjLqF dy qurly sB qoN vwzy huMdy hn. ikAuN iJjk gey Auh ies qy kuJ ilKx qoN? ikAuN smfj df ieh vrqfv jo Auh kuVI mihsUs krdI hY qy jo hr ivDvf dI hoxI hY, ijs nUM Auh afpxI BfsLf ivc “isroN nMgI” vI kihMdy hn-jo Gr ivc huMdy ivafh sLfdIaF `c prHy ho ky bih jFdI hY ik pihlF suhfgxF afpxf kMm inptf lYx df juafb dyx dI koisLsL nhIN kIqI? ies qoN vwD ky koeI gYr-iensfnI (inhuman behaviour) vrqfv nhIN ho skdf ikAuNik juafb asIN qusIN sB jfxdy hF, jdoN keI vfr ieh suxn nUM imldf hY, “iPr vI bMdf sLgnF df Kwitaf hI KFdf hY.” iknI hfsohIxI qy by-buinafd (baseless & ridiculous logic) qrk hY AunHF df. mYN isrP aOrq dI gwl kIqI hY ikAuNik mYN Blog hI iksy sMjIdf aOrq df piVHaf hY qy iPr aOrq nUM hI loV pYNdI hY ieh sB kuJ ilKx dI qusIN smJ gey hovogy. asIN cMdrmF qy plft KrIdx dI gwl krdy hF qy DrqI qy rINgdy suaflF dy juafb nhIN dy skdy. mYN suafgq krFgI AunHF icMqkF df, Au n H F smfj su D frk adfiraF df, AunHF siqkfr Xog lyKkF df jo ies ivsLy qy ilK ky Byjxgy hr sImF qy sMBfvnfvF df siqkfr krdy hoey afpxy ivcfrF nUM pRgtfAuxgy pr ikrpf krky ieho ijhy nfjLk (delicate issue) nUM bihs df muwdf nf bxfieaf jfvy. bsLIr bdr dy lPLjF ivc, “vohN AudfsIaF nf sjf sky, kBI ijsmoN jf ky mjLfr pr, nf dIey jly AuskI aFK myN, Ausy ieqnI sKq sjLf nf do.”

Friday, June 16th, 2017

The Patrika



cInI mfzl, iek Zuwkvfˆ hwl ivjY bMbylI

cIn nfloN pihlfˆ ‘afËfd` ho ky vI keI mfmilafˆ ivwc asIN Aus nfloN pCV gey hfˆ. ienHfˆ mfmilafˆ ivc kudrq qy kudrqI somy vI sLumfr hn. ijs iek gwl ivwc asIN nhIN pCVy Auh hY afbfdI. drwKq AugfAux dI bjfey inafxy jMmfAux ivwc asIN bVy huiÈafr hfˆ. asl gwl smJx ihwq, pihlfˆ cIn qy Bfrq dy sdMrB `c kuJ. asIN 1947 `c afËfd hoey qy Auh 1948 ivc. Aus vkq asIN keI mfmilafˆ ivc cIn qoN bVy awgy sfˆ. jy mnuwKI isrjxf, qknIk, kl-purjy, rylfˆ, kfrKfinafˆ, ivkisq Kfnf, isMcfeI pRbMD, KyqI aqy sfKrqf afid dI gwl nf vI krIey qd vI cIn nfloN kudrq sfzy AWuqy ijafdf myhrbfn sI. Aus nfloN, jrKyË BONa, KixjpdfrQ, smuMdrI sfihl, jl-somy, diraf aqy jMgl afid sfzy pfs iËafdf vI sn aqy BrpUr vI. pr asIN pCV gey, ies df vwzf kfrn sfzf inwj aqy isafsI pRbMD sI. sfzf mOjUdf isstm kudrq nUM vI lY bYTf.

cIn vfly sfzy jMglfqIafˆ vfˆg hwQIN drwKq Gwt lfAuNdy hn. Auh smyˆ smyˆ iek Kfs iKwqf kuJ smyˆ leI mnuwKfˆ aqy pflqU jfnvrfˆ dy dfKly qoN iblkul bMd kr idMdy hn. srkfrI rfKy vI Aus duafly GuMmdy rihMdy hn, ivwc nhIN jf skdy. iPr huMdf kI hY? Aus bMd rkby ivc kudrq afpxf rMg-ibKyrdI hY. kudrqrn bnspqI aqy Aus ielfky dy irvfieqI drwKqfˆ dI kudrqrn Aupj ivwc bysLumfr vfDf huMdf hY. cIn vfly Aus iKwqy AuWqy sbMiDq vsoN aqy pflqU jfnvrfˆ dI inrBrqf vjoN AunHfˆ nUM moVvyˆ rUp ivc ruËgfr, lwkV, cfrf afid df pRbMD krdy hn. bhuqI vfr qfˆ isrP AunI ku rkm qoN vI Gwt dyxf pYˆdf hY ijMnI ku rkm Aus iKwqy ivc nvyˆ jfˆ lfey jfx vfly drwKqfˆ nUM isry cVfHAux leI cfhIdI hY. sKq rUp `c bMd, Aus rkby ivc drwKqfˆ df kudrqI hI aYnf hYrfnIjnk vfDf huMdf hY ik bMdf Kud vI hYrfn rih jfˆdf hY. inrDfrq smyˆ AuprMq Kfs Èrqfˆ aDIn Auh rkbf KolH idwqf jfˆdf hY aqy ievË vjoN iksy hor pfsy Aunf hI bMd.

nf isrP vrKf pfxI rokdy hn sgoN Auh bYrIar(jMgl-rfKy) df vI kfrj inBfAuNdy hn. ieh bMD, BON-Kor aqy hVH rokdy, DrqI `c jl-sMcfr smyq nfl lwgvyˆ iKwqy aqy phfVIafˆ `c nmI sMcfr krdy hn. AunHfˆ bMDfˆ aqy jl-BMzfrfˆ dy kYcmYˆt (mgrly rkby) ivwc hYrfnIjnk rUp ivwc kudrqrn bnspqI df vfDf huMdf hY, ijhVI jMgl df rUp Dfr ky iswDy-aiswDy bhu-pwKI lfB phuMcfAuNdI hY.

pMjfb dI kMZI bYlt ivwc BUmI qy jl sMBfl ivBfg ny ipCly simafˆ ivwc BUmI qy jl sMBfl nIqI qihq aijhy bhuq sfry kwcypwky bMD aqy rokfˆ AusfrIafˆ. ies nfl ijwQy hVH ruky, jl-sMcfr hoieaf, BUmI Kor rukI, suwky cÈmy vg qury, jl-pwDr AuWpr AuWiTaf, AuWQy iehnfˆ AusfrIaf dy ipCly pfsy hYrfnIjnk pwDr `qy bnspqI ivwc vI isPqI vfDf hoieaf. pr aijhf krdy smyˆ ies ivBfg nUM keI Qfvfˆ AuWqy ‘jMglfqI kfnUMnf` ny pRyÈfn vI kIqf. jdik aijhy kfrjfˆ ny ‘jMgl` nUM nuksfn nhIN KYr, gwl hor pfsy nf iqlk jfey afAu jMglfˆ vwl muVIey. afËfd hox vyly cIn kol BrpUr iek kMm Auh hor krdy hn. phfVI ielfikafˆ sI phuMcfxf sgoN moVvyˆ rUp ivwc pihlfˆ hI jMgl Gwt sn pr Aus ny ivksq kr ley ivwc Auh Kwzfˆ-coeIafˆ dy muhfinafˆ nUM kwcy- Kqm ho cuwky jMglfˆ nUM punr-surjIq krnf aqy asIN…. AuhnIN kI kI kIqf?? pwky bMD Ausfr ky bMd kr idMdy hn. ijhVy hY aqy kIqf vI hY. pMjfb vrgy iKwqy ijwQy

pihlfˆ hI zI-gRyizz jMgl hn AuWQy aijhy kfrjf dI byhwd loV hY. sfnUM ieh gwl pwly bMn lYxI cfhIdI hY ik jy imwtI aqy pfxI hY qd hI jMgl hY. arQfq, imwtI +pfxI = bnspqI (AuprMq ) jIvn.



The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017


Letter to the Editor: Walking the Whalley Strip


live in a beautiful relatively new glass tower adjacent to King George Skytrain. It’s a Concord Pacific development. My building has a concierge, games room, movie theatre, bowling alley, fullyequipped gym, steam room, among other amenities. Holland Park, SFU Surrey, and Central City Mall are all across the street. I have a secure underground parking spot in the heart of the new Surrey City Centre. I basically have been living in my own protected bubble for the last couple of years.

combined opioid drug crisis and I guess perhaps a lack of good paying jobs for youth.

My friend stated that most politicians probably don’t care if homeless drug addicts die of an overdose. Apparently, they don’t have value as human beings in the eyes of the decision makers. If they did there would be long-term soluI decided to step out of my comfort tions proposed and acted on to help the zone recently to discover the neigh- poor and homeless. bourhood and get into shape. I started The local authorities are doing somewalking down King George Boulevard thing, however. I discovered that the and explored the new City Centre LiSurrey RCMP clear out the tents and brary, City Hall, North Surrey Recrehomeless people almost every day. ation Centre, and Surrey Civic Plaza. They force them to move but they have Everything was impressive. no where to go! This is a really a poor Then I ended up on 135A street or the and pathetic attempt to clean up this Whalley Strip. My God! I basically tent city in the heart of Whalley. walked into Surrey’s own mini-DownThe local residents and businesses town Eastside! There were at-least 100 want the Whalley Strip cleaned up. tents and each tent had 3-4 homeless It’s a black mark on Surrey and more people inside. A lot of the people were so on the British Columbia Governapparently driven out of Vancouver and ment I would argue as housing and other parts of the Lower Mainland and social services is largely a provincial ended up in Surrey. I guess Surrey is a responsibility. convenient destination as it has a tent city community and is accessible via I am curious to know Premier Christy Skytrain. Clark’s solution to her government’s neglect of the most marginalized and Unfortunately, many of the homeless vulnerable in our city? people were noticeably sick with either drug and alcohol addiction, malnour- As a social worker, I felt deeply moved ishment, or mentally ill. There was a about what I saw. I don’t believe in belack of hygiene and stench of urine. I ing critical of an issue without proposam sure this is a breeding ground for ing a solution so I will present one idea. disease and infection. First, some people say that even if the I was surprised to see so many young poor and homeless on the strip were people. I found this very sad as it’s a offered housing they would end up reflection of the new reality for some back on the strip because of the social of our next generation with an out of support, relationships, networks, daily control inflated housing market and


Friday, June 16th, 2017

The Patrika



routine, and lifestyle they have made eventually help people find jobs if they there. are homeless and living in tents. For example, they become street entrenched and there are benefits to this such as access to free food and easy availability of drugs. I feel there is probably some truth to this. So, what is the solution? I would recommend that the various levels of government consider developing “transitional housing” in Surrey where people can benefit from a similar social support network they receive on the strip while learning to live more independently with a healthier lifestyle in a supported housing model.

The British Columbia Government needs to look at transitional housing models around the world and determine what would be a good fit for Surrey and the Lower Mainland. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of hope in the BC Government developing any new housing for the poor and homeless in Surrey. Maybe an incoming new NDP government will have a change of heart. We will see!

Alex Sangha is an award winning social worker who lives in Surrey. For more information on Alex check out The goal eventually would be for http://alexsangha.com people to move out and settle into good quality housing with supports in In Gratitude, neighbourhoods throughout the Lower Amar (Alex) Sangha, MSc, MSW Mainland when they are back on their feet and can more successfully inte- Registered Clinical Social Worker grate back into society. Cell: 604-842-7340 I feel its next to impossible to effecFax: 604-628-3841 tively treat the mentally ill or provide drug and alcohol daytox or detox or

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32853 VenturaAve Abbotsford PAGE 7

The Patrika



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Friday, June 16th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017



pyt drd dy kfrn qy Aupfa zf[ ajIqpfl isMG, aYm[zI[

iËafdfqfr ro g Iafˆ ivw c py t drd df kfrn pyics qy mroV huMdy hn. pyics cfhy lysdfr hovy jfˆ KUnI, dovyˆ hflqfˆ ivc vwzI afˆqVI ivc ËKm ho jfˆdy jo pyt drd df kfrn bxdy hn. pyt dy kIVy vI pyt drd df vwzf kfrn hn, Kfs krky bwicafˆ ivc ieh smwisaf vwzI hY. kIVy hox dI dÈf ivc drd afm krky kdy kdy aqy mwTf mwTf huMdf aqy kuJ dyr ipCoN afpxy afp vI TIk ho jfˆdf hY. lVkIafˆ ivc mfˆhvfrI smyˆ pyt drd dI qklIP ho jfˆdI hY, ijs nUM GrylU Aupfvfˆ nfl TIk kIqf jf skdf hY. vYsy mfˆhvfrI sLurU huMidafˆ hI ieh TIk ho jfˆdf hY. bflgfˆ ivc pyt drd df kfrn pypitk alsr, izAUzInl alsr jfˆ pypitk alsr isMzrom df drd vI pfieaf jfˆdf hY. afm qOr `qy imrc msflydfr Bojn Kfx ipCoN ies pRkfr df drd hMdf hY. ieMzoskopI jfˆc nfl ies pRkfr dy pyt drd df pqf lwg jfˆdf qy shI ielfj nfl rog Kqm ho jfˆdf hY.

krvf lYxf cfhIdf hY. aijhf nf hox `qy apY ˆ i zks Ptx df Kqrf huMdf hY. ies siQqI nU M gMBIr hI smJxf cfhIdf hY. ipwqy dI pwQrI: ipwqy ivc pwQrI do iksm dI huMdI hY. pihlI ijs`c isrP iewk jfˆ do vwzIafˆ pQrIafˆ jfˆ dUjI, ijs `c 15-20 jfˆ vwD Coty Coty pwQr hox. pwQrI dI Èkfieq hox `qy drd qfˆ aksr huMdf hI hY, pr buKfr dI iËafdf iÈkfieq nhIN huMdI. AultI, jIa kw c f dI iÈkfieq drd hox vyl y hmyÈf nhIN huMdI, kdI kdI hI ho skdI hY. altrfsfAUNz dI sOKI jfˆc nfl ipwqy dI QYlI `c peI pwQrI dI stIk jfxkfrI iml jfˆdI hY. ies jfˆc nfl QYlI df sfeIË, motfeI, suMgVn dI ÈkqI, pQrI df sfeIË, afid vI pqf lwg jfˆdf hY. pwQrI CotI hox `qy kdI kdI ieh ipwqy dI QYlI dI nflI (sI[bI[zI[) ivc iKsk ky clI jfˆdI hY. aijhI hflq ivc pIlIaf hox dI sMBfvnf bx jfˆdI hY. ielfj nf krvfAux qy lfpRvfhI vrqx krky soË hox df Kqrf vI ho skdf hY.

aMqVIafˆ ivc soË: ies nUM ‘koks iebzoimn` kihMdy hn. ies dy kfrn vI pyt ivc drd huMdf hY. mhIinafˆ dy ielfj nfl ieh pUrI qrHfˆ TIk ho jfˆdf hY. ieh pyt dI qpidk hI huMdI hY. lIvr dI soË kfrn vI pyt ivc drd huMdf hY. ipwqy dI QYlI ivc pwQrI jfˆ soË,apYˆzysfeIts qoN ielfvf kuJ aOrq rogfˆ ivc pyt drd dy nfl AultI, buKfr, pqly dsq, pIlIaf dI iÈkfieq huMdI hY. ies qrHfˆ dy drdfˆ dI afpxI hI pCfx huMdI hY, ijs nUM zfktr asfnI nfl pCfx lYˆdy hn. gurdy ivc pwQrI: pyt drd df iek kfrn gurdy ivc pwQrI hox dI smwisaf kfPI vDI apYˆizks aqy ipwqy dI QYlI dI soË: ies hoeI hY. pwQrI CotI hox `qy mUqr nflI `c kfrn acfnk drd AuTdf qy qyË huMdf aqy vI iKsk ky clI jfˆdI hY iek vfrI jd kuJ GMitafˆ qwk rih skdf hY. drd mOky dfxf bx jfvy qd Aus `qy kYlÈIam aqy AultI, jIa kwcf qy buÉfr huMdf hY. aijhf PfsPors jmf ho ky Cotf dfxf vwzI pQrI drd sfry pyt `c nf ho ky kuJ sImq ihwsy, `c bdl jfˆdf hY. Kfs idÈf ivc jfˆdf hY. afm Aupfvfˆ nfl ieh TIk nhIN huMdf. drd jdoN apYˆizks dy rogI nUM drd mOky AultI vfˆgU lgdf hY. kfrn huMdf qfˆ AudoN drd dI sLurUafq DuMnI buKfr vI ho skdf hY. jy pwQrI CotI hovy dy koloN huMdI hY. kuJ GMitafˆ jfˆ iewk do idnfˆ qfˆ ies dy mUqr mfrg rfhIN bfhr inkl qwk pyt dy swjy pfsy hyTly ihwsy ivc siQr jfx dI sMBfvnf bxI rihMdI hY. jy pwQrI ho jfˆdf hY. iek Cotf ijhf golf vI AuQy df afkfr vwzf hovy qfˆ ies nUM sfbq jfˆ qoV mihsUs huMdf hY. ielfj smyˆ zfktr apRyÈn ky vI kwiZaf jf skdf hY. rfhIN apYˆizks nUM kwZ idMdy hn. apYˆizks df Èwk pYx `qy rogI nUM mfrPIn df tIkf dy ky guVHI nINd nhIN svfAuxf cfhIdf aqy nf hI mUMh rsdy Kfxf idE. sfdf pfxI, hlkI cfh, QoVI QoVI mfqrf `c idwqI jf skdI hY. iDafn rhy apYˆizks dy drd dy lwCx afAuNdy hI qurMq Xog zfktr qoN ielfj krfvfAuxf qy Aus dI slfh nfl apRyÈn

dvfeIafˆ nfl pwQrI qoV ky jfˆ gfl ky kwZx dy mOky vI huMdy hn pr dvfeI nfl ieh ielfj vwzI pwQrI ivc nfkfm ho jfˆdf hY qfˆ iPr ies df iewko iek hwl apRyÈn hI huMdf hY. keI rogIafˆ ivc vfr vfr pwQrI bxn dI smwisaf bxI rihMdI hY. aijhy lokfˆ nUM AunHfˆ sfry kfrnfˆ qoN dUr rihxf cfhIdf hY jo pwQrI bxn ivc shfiek bxdy hn. PAGE 9

The Patrika


Friday, June 16th, 2017

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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The Patrika



Friday, June 16th, 2017

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‘muwTI ivwc---kI?’ (ivaMgk imMnI khfxI) vfh nI BYxy! afh qF kmfl hI hogI “prso N qU M mY n U M vY n kU v r my n strIt qy imlI sI, kwlH skft roz srI ‘c iPrdI sI-aqy awj sIzr pfrk sL f ipM g sY N t r `c, afh cfr Jo l y BrI iPrdI aY N ” ko e I sy l nhIN Cw z I ho x I?” “nI kfhnUM bIbI!” aYvyN tfeIm pfs leI GroN inkl


lKbIr ‘lwkI’ gwKV

qurIdY” bws awKF dI BuwK aY-aOh vI cuwk, aOh vI “lY ieh koeI ieMzIaf aY, beI Gr muwTI ivwc PVy kfrz nUM ivKfAuNidaF, vfly dy nfl hI sLihr nUM jfxf hY.” nwk qy bwulH mroVidaF ikhf’ aYvyN cuwk-ijhVI cIjL nUM hwQ lfieaf, bws cuwk leI” iPr iksy nUM nfl cwkI iPrnYN.” “nI nhIN BYxy, iPr vI bMdy dI “cw l ieh qF TIk hY ” , “pr aw j kw l H bhu q rjLfmMdI qF cfhIdI hI aY, afiKr ieMnF kihMdI BYx gwzy vFg lwdI, cfry Joly cuwk ky qurdI bxI, ijvyN vfrI qYnUM iekwilaF hI vyiKaf hY, storF pYsy qF Aus ny hI dyxy huMdy aY.” mUMh `c buVbVfAuNdI jf rhI sI `c Gu M m idaF, kdy vIr jI nhIN idsy nfl?” “lE kr lE gwl” nI qUM qF “Gwt qUM vI nhIN”, krdI iPrdI bhuq BolI aYN-‘afh ‘bYNk kfrz” aY gwlF”, vwzI afeI”…. (ientRYk) kfhdy leI aY? ‘BYx ny

Open air burning is banned from June 1 - September 30 Burning permit applications are no longer being accepted for this season. Please apply for a fall permit after September 25, 2017. Open air burning is not permitted in the URBAN area at any time of the year.

BURNING Ban in Effect June 1st to Sep 30th awg mcfAux dI pfbMdI jUn 1 qoN sqMbr 30, 2017 qwk

For more information www.abbotsford.ca/fire

srHI ivwKy hoieaf mylf muitafrF df dI iek Jlk

KwulHI hvf ivwc awg mcfAux dI pfbMdI KwulHI hvf ivwc awg mcfAux dI pfbMdI jUn 1 – sqMbr 30 qwk lfgU hY. ies ruwq ivwc awg mcfAux leI aYplIkysLnF hux nhIN leIaF jfxgIaF. ikrpf krky pwqJV dI ruwq ivwc awg mcfAux leI primt sqMbr 25, 2017 qoN bfad lvo. sLihrI ielfikaF ivwc KuwlHI hvf ‘c awg mcfAuxf sfl Br sKLq mnHf hY hor jfxkfrI leI www.abbotsford.ca/fire ‘qy jfE.

CITY OF ABBOTSFORD Fire Rescue Service www.abbotsford.ca/fire



The Patrika 

Friday, June 16th, 2017

Celebrating Canada’s 150th It’s great to be Canadian, eh?! Planning for Agrifair 2017 was pretty easy once we realized Canada was having a birthday – let’s celebrate! How does one go about doing that? Well, think Canadian and have some fun, eh?! Hockey in August - why not! Strathcona Mounted Troop – of course. Salute to Canadian Military – one ball diamond of history coming up of WWI, WWII, and Cold War educational interactive displays. Recognizing Canadian diversity on our main stage Friday showcasing Multi Culturalism featuring Bhangra dancing and more, Saturday a salute to Canadian rock & roll with Jerry Doucette and Sunday our Christian performance by Kutless. Building on the success of 2016, where the board of directors strategically planned “going back to our fair roots and let families come first”, 2017 sees more of the same style of entertainment and attractions. Partnering with so many amazing attractions such as the Demolition Derby featuring more demo and roll over action including the Global FMX Bike Riders and a 30 foot fire breathing dragon! Street hockey challenges open to all ages during non-competitive games, an all-new Laughing Logger show that will include an interactive area. The ever popular Dan the One Man Band, Magician Gary Savard, Science World and Keva planks, Lego with a giant Canada flag build, mini golf, and the family room with complimentary diapers and wipes. The family building will host a variety of new and favorite vendors and story time with some of your favorite Disney Characters including Anna & Elsa. If your spidey sense is tingling – it could be because Spiderman is on site and ready to help.


More Canadian entertainment – how about wrestler Davey Boy Smith Jr, barrel racing, the antique tractor parade, dog show and of course racing pigs and ducks. As well, welcome back to Shooting Star Amusements with their family friendly midway, ConeZone with its educational road safety program, the wonderful Country Horse Classic program including wheelbarrow races. And of course our large 4-H and livestock program. Agrifair boosts the largest agricultural program within lower mainland fairs. Expanded programming will include garden tours as part of the Gate to Plate on site educational tour. Teaching you where your food comes from, how to build a veggie garden and plant some wild flowers to help the honey bee population. And come hungry! This year marks the largest show of food trucks Agrifair has ever had – you wanted it we brought it! We are looking for tons of volunteers, email us at agrifair.ca or go on our website and complete a volunteer form to submit, or come see us on Canada Day at Exhibition Park and sign up right there! Interested in sponsoring the Agrifair, we have all sorts of options. Give the office a call, or check out our Go Fund Me Page, https://www.gofundme. com/canada150atagrifair. Agrifair is a register charity and can issue you a tax receipt, as well. Take out your calendars and mark off August 4 to 6, where you can come to the best little country fair in the nation!

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Down Memory Lane: S.D. College for Women, Moga Punjabi Sahit Sabha 1970-71

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

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We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

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We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika  PAGE5

The Patrika PAGE  14 

Rajin Gill 778.982.4008


rky gurU hwkfˆ dI DIafˆ dI xI peI.

lfˆ nfl feIcfry, . afpxy ny nYiqk gurU qyg vroDIafˆ nI dy ky Aus dI imldI. hwkfˆ dI igixaf

Idfn nUM Qfvfˆ vI drjf dy

jQybMdI bhfdr qqf nfl kIqf sI. aiDkfrfˆ IN jYaMqI hfs bfry bMdI vwloN nuwKI hwkfˆ s ikqfb sI aqy aiDkfrfˆ nfm vI (1617am pYWn -1778)


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6 Acres located in one of the most desirable areas of South Abbotsford. Major Truck Route 2 Houses in great condition (1 renovated), and currently planted with raspberries. Great for parking trucks or building your dream house.

Central Location surrounding many businesses. Busy location with loyal clientele. Newly painted, new counters, display cases. State of the art kitchen. Current owner willing to train! Call for more info

$ 120,000

32263 Harris Road

5 acre blueberry farm featuring renovated 4 bedroom home on city water. Showcasing spacious detached shop & garage, full production Blueberry farm gives owner ability to sell fresh berries on one of Abbotsford's artery routes.

Diverse Lineup to Entertain All at Canada 150 Celebration Abbotsford, June 14, 2017 – A birthday this BIG deserves a weekend celebration! An impressive evening entertainment lineup has been booked for this year’s Canada Day celebrations in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday kicking off on June 30! This year’s Canada Day celebrations, sponsored by Prospera Credit Union, and with grant funding received from the Federal Government under the Celebration and Commemoration Program, will be full of new and exciting entertainers including Her Brothers, Saint Soldier, Sister Says, and The Ballantynes. This year also marks the first time that the event has been organized by the Abbotsford Arts Council, the same organization that has brought the Fraser Valley Concert Series (formerly Envision Concert Series) and Jam in Jubilee. Kassandra Clack opens the lineup, at 6:00pm. Clack, from Abbotsford, is an energetic country artist and is quickly becoming an up-and-comer. Following Clack will be Langley-based band Her Brothers. In 2015, they were the first and only band to win the title of Langley has Talent, this honour led them to an opportunity to perform on the WE DAY Stage at Rogers Arena as well as Mighty Peace Day in Alberta. The name Her Brothers, refers to their sense of justice towards not only two of the members’ own sister, but towards all women. Which they became acutely aware of while on a humanitarian trip to southeast Asia.

ihb dI r idwqI I cfdr` Idfn dI ËrIey nUM kmrfn, rhf huMdf n dy rfh klp sI, sI. iehI AuNdf hY.

Friday, June 16th, 2017

Performing next will be Thistle Dew, a folk vocal trio from Abbotsford. Using ukelele and guitar they bring music from several eras and styles in beautiful three-part harmonies. Next on the stage is Sister Says, a soulful indie pop group based out of Vancouver fronted by mixed HaidaTsimshian siblings Gillian and Robert Thomson. They’ve performed in BC, Ontario, Manitoba and Beijing at the likes of the TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival, Kaslo Jazz Etc. Festival, Edge of the World Music Festival in Haida Gwaii, Canadian Music Week in Toronto, and many more. Headlining the event at 9:00pm are The Ballantynes, a Vancouver six-piece inspired by 1960s soul and garage music. They were named last year by The Georgia Straight as one of Vancouver’s best bands. Their 2015 debut album, Dark Drives, Life Signs, was acclaimed by Exclaim! magazine for its “driving snare rolls, awe-inducing organs and positive vibes”. The fireworks display will begin immediately after their performance. The afternoon entertainment lineup from 1:00 to 5:00 will consist of several community and cultural performances, including singing, First Nations drumming, and dancing styles from ballroom to bhangra.

Along with the annual Canada Day celebrations on July 1, the City of Abbotsford is also planning two more great events to celebrate Canada150, including a kick off celebration at Exhibition Park on June 30th and a ‘Live Abbotsford Indo-Canadian rapper Saint Symphony Orchestra directed by CalSoldier will also be performing on the vin Dyck on August 10 at Mill Lake. main stage this year. Saint Soldier was born in Punjab, India, and immigrated Don’t miss this special concert at Roto Canada as a young child in the mid tary Stadium in celebration of Canada’s 1980s. He has been performing for 150th Birthday on Friday, June 30th several years in the Lower Mainland, at 6pm! released his first of several recordings These Canada150 initiatives in Abin 2010, and won at last year’s Fraser botsford are possible due to the $45,000 Valley Music Awards in the Hip-Hop grant received from the Federal Govcategory. His music discusses social ernment under the Celebration and issues facing south Asian youth of his Commemoration Program Canada 150 generation, as well as youth of other Fund. This grant is provided to help Abbotsford celebrate Canada150. backgrounds.

dnI cOk Auqfiraf sihb nUM Dfrimk asQfn lihr dy hIdf hY. fiek qy nUM mfnqf af, pr

ristI, mks df



The Patrika Friday, June 16th, 2017

Lynne Harris Named as 2017 Order of Abbotsford Recipient Abbotsford, June 12, 2017 – Abbotsford City Council the 2004 Summer Games, the 2006 Senior Games, is proud to announce that Lynne Harris is this year’s 2009 Special Olympics, the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay. recipient of the Order of Abbotsford. Lynne Harris is being recognized for her leadership and contributions to building our community. In her combined twenty four years of public service as an Abbotsford School Board Trustee for fifteen years and City Councillor for nine years, Lynne has served her community willingly. Lynne has always shown a commitment to Abbotsford and has volunteered for many initiatives and projects above and beyond her commitments. Lynne was an advocate for sports and for healthy living and her volunteer roster shows this passion and dedication – Lynne was a part of the 1995 Western Canada Summer Games, the 2002 Disability Games,



Lynne was the Chair of the Abbotsford Canada Day Committee for many years and has been an integral part in growing the Abbotsford Canada Day celebrations to what they are today. The Order of Abbotsford is bestowed to an individual who has demonstrated a particularly high level of contribution or length of service to Abbotsford and its residents, and who has brought distinction to themselves and the community through outstanding achievements in a variety of areas, including but not limited to: culture, public or community service, the environment, heritage conservation, and sports. Recipients of the Order of Abbotsford have their names recorded in the Order of Abbotsford Merit Book, which is maintained by the Office of the Mayor. The Order of Abbotsford award ceremony will be held on July 1, at the Canada Day ceremonies at Abbotsford Exhibition Park. Nomination forms for the 2018 Order of Abbotsford awards are available on the City’s website at www.abbotsford.ca/order.

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The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017


nMbrfˆ nfl prKx vflf ividak Zfˆcf bdlx dI loV iekvfk isMG pwtI

skUlfˆ ivc pVHdy bwicafˆ vwloN isrP PylH ho jfx jfˆ Gwt nMbr afAux krky afpxI iËMdgI nUM afpxy hwQIN Kqm krn df PYslf kr lYxf sfnUM socx leI mjbUr kr irhf hY ik asIN iswiKaf pRxflI dI muV GoK krIey ikAuNik iswiKaf df mMqv pUrf huMdf nËr nhIN af irhf. svfl pYdf ho irhf hY ik ikqy asIN ividafrQIafˆ nUM aMkfˆ dI dOV ivc pf ky isrP mÈInfˆ hI qfˆ nhIN bxfeI jf rhy? skUlI ivwidaf srkfrI hY jfˆ pRfeIvyt, ies ivwc KfmIafˆ AuBr ky sfhmxy af rhIafˆ hn. bwicafˆ dIafˆ CotIafˆ awKfˆ Aupr vwzIafˆ aqy vwzy nMbr dIafˆ aYnkfˆ, vwzy aqy BfrI bsqy, motIafˆ ikqfbfˆ dy brIk awKr, aMkfˆ dI dOV, hPqfvfrI/mhInfvfrI/qRYmfisk aqy iCmfhI iemiqhfn, dUjy qIjy idn iksy nf iksy ivÈy df tYst, gYrËrUrI pRfjYkt vrk, jmfq ivwc gruwp bihs aqy ivakqIgq aYktIivtI dy nfˆ `qy idmfgI boJ, vwD aMkfˆ dy lflc ivwc pVHfeI qoN bfhr jf ky hor iviÈafˆ nUM pVnHf jfˆ pRYktIklI iswKxf qfˆ ik skUl df nfˆ AuWcf ho sky, ieh ivcfrn dI loV mihsUs krfAuNdy hn ik mOjUdf iswiKaf pRxflI nvIN pIVHI nUM shI idÈf vwl nhIN iljf rhI. islybs nUM skUl ivwc iqafr krvfAux dI bjfie kfpIafˆ `qy not ilK idwqf jfˆdf hY ik ivÈy bfry jfxkfrI ieMtrnYWt qoN lwB ky ilafAu. hryk bwcy dy Gr ivwc kMipAUtr/ ipRMtr nhIN aqy nf hI ieMtrnYWt bfry bhuiqafˆ mfipafˆ nUM bhuqI jfxkfrI hY. skUloN afey bwcy nUM mfpy cfr vjy qoN pihlfˆ itAUÈn leI Cwz afAuNdy aqy iPr Cy vjy qoN bfad bËfr ivwc ieMtrnYWt kYPy jfˆ dukfnfˆ `qy Dwky Kfˆdy hn qfˆ ik sbMiDq pRfjYkt bfry jfxkfrI iekwTI kIqI jf sky. iPr dukfnfˆ vfilafˆ koloN ieMtyrnYWt (gUgl qoN corI jfˆ nkl rfhIN) pRfjYkt iqafr krky rYzImyz pRfjYkt AuWqy jmfq, ividafrQI df nfˆ, rol nMbr bdl ky mfqf ipqf nUM dy idwqf jfˆdf hY, ijs dy afDfr `qy awT qoN ds aMk agly idn aiDafpk vwloN ividafrQI dy Kfqy ivwc jmHfˆ kr idwqy jfˆdy hn. ividafrQIafˆ vwloN hËfrfˆ rupey lf ky bxfey gey ieh pRfjYkt do cfr idn ipRMsIpl dy kmry, stfP rUm dy kmry jfˆ klfs df vwD qoN vwD ds idn qwk iÈMgfr bxn qoN bfd rwdI ivwc jfˆ awg dy hvfly kr idwqy jfˆdy hn ikAuNik iksy hor ividafrQI vwloN ilafˆdf/ bxfieaf igaf nvfˆ pRfjYkt purfxy pRfjYkt jfˆ mfzl dI Qfˆ lY lYˆdf hY. mYˆ dfavy nfl kih skdf PAGE 16

hfˆ ik iewk sfl ivwc skUlfˆ vwloN iewk bwcy koloN pRfjYkt vrk dy nfˆ `qy jo Krc krvf idwqf jfˆdf hY, Aus Krc dI rkm nfl do ividafrQI vDIaf pVHfeI kr skdy hn. ies sfry kfsy ivwcoN ividafrQI ny kI iswiKaf hY? isrP ieMnf ku ik bfËfroN pYsy dy ky rYzImyz pRfjYkt ilafAux nfl aMk pRfpq ho jfˆdy hn, pwly kuwJ nhIN pYˆdf. pwly isrP aMk pYˆdy hn qy iehI aMk PfeInl iemiqhfnfˆ ivwc bhuqf kMm nhIN kr pfAuNdy ikAuNik ieh skUl pwDr qwk hI rih jfˆdy hn. bwicafˆ ivwc sfzf ivwidak Zfˆcf iËMdgI pRqI hfˆ-pwKI rvweIafˆ Brn ivwc kfmXfb hI nhIN ho irhf. ies dy Ault aMkfˆ dI dOV ivwc ividafrQIafˆ Aupr dbfa aYnf iËafdf vDf idwqf igaf hY ik nqIjf afs anusfr nf afAux kfrn AunHfˆ aMdr inrfÈqf Br idMdf hY. aijhI ividak pRxflI qurq qbdIlIafˆ dI mMg krdI hY. bhuq inrfÈ bwcy afqmhwiqaf vrgf kdm cuwkx lwgy iewk pl vI afpxy jfˆ mfipafˆ dy duwK bfry nhIN socdy. iksy kMD `qy cVH rhI CotI ijhI kIVI nUM PUk mfr ky dyKo, Auh vI afpxy afp nUM bcfAux df jqn krdI nËr afvygI. jfnvr sVk pfr krn lwgy jykr koeI qyË vfhn af jfvy qfˆ iewkdm afpxI jfn bcfAux leI ipwCy hwt jfˆdy hn. asIN qfˆ iensfn hfˆ, iPr ikAuN inwkIafˆ smwisafvfˆ awgy vI hfr jfˆdy hfˆ. afAu iËMdgI nUM jIvIey, koeI smwisaf aYsI nhIN ijs df hwl nf hovy. iËMdgI iËMdf idlI df nfˆ hY. skUlfˆ ivwc ividafrQIafˆ leI KuÈgvfr mfhOl isrjxf ijwQy smyˆ dI mMg hY, AuWQy pVHfeI qoN ielfvf hor boJ Gwt hoxy cfhIdy hn. pVHfeI ivc aMkfˆ dI nhIN, guxvwqf nUM pihl imlxI cfhIdI hY. duwK huMdf hY ik 65 pRqIÈq nMbr lYx vflI iek bwcI ny ies krky Ëihr ingl ilaf ik Aus dy nMbr Aus dI afs qoN Gwt sn. ividafrQIafˆ nUM aMkfˆ dI dOV ivcoN kwZ ky guxvqf qy iËMdf idlI dI dOV ivwc Èfml krnf pvygf. ieh bVI kOVI swcfeI hY ik pRfeIvyt skUlfˆ dy pRbMDkfˆ ny afpxy aiDafpkfˆ nUM skUlfˆ df nfˆ cmkfAux leI bwicafˆ dy vwD aMk ilafAux dI doV ivc pf rwiKaf hY aqy srkfrI skUlfˆ dy aiDafpkfˆ nUM srkfr dIafˆ hor izAUtIafˆ krn qoN ivhl nhIN iml rhI. aijhI ividak pRxflI nvIN pIVHI df BivwK sMvfrn, Aus nUM iËMdgI dIafˆ cuxOqIafˆ dy hfx dy smrwQ nhIN hY. afAu, ies Aupr iPr ivcfr krIey.

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017



bI[sI[ ivwc klfrk nUM Gwt igxqI srkfr dI pRImIar vjoN cukfeI geI shuM

22 jUn nUM bI[sI[ ivDfnsBf ivwc pY skdf hY Brosy df vot ivktorIaf: ibRitÈ kolMbIaf ivwc hoeIafˆ coxfˆ qoN bfad ijhVy nqIjy afey hn AunHfˆ nfl qfxI ieho ijhI AulJI hY ik mfmlf ajy qwk iksy qx-pwqx nhIN lwg sikaf. hux 22 jUn nUM iewk vfrI iPr isafsqdfnfˆ nUM ibRitÈ kolMbIaf dI ivDfn sBf ivwc iewkTf hoxf hovygf ijwQy swqfDfrI ilbrl pfrtI nUM Brosy df vot ijwqxf pvygf pr dovyˆ ivroDI iDrfˆ ilbrl pfrtI nUM hrfAux leI pUrf awzI cotI df joLr lfAux leI iqafr hn.

srkfr dy 16 sflfˆ dy Èfsn df Kfqmf vI ho skdf hY. srkfr dy hfAUs lIzr mfeIk zI jONg ny afiKaf ik sB qoN pihlf kMm spIkr dI cox kIqy jfxf hovygf. buwDvfr nUM AunHfˆ iewk ibafn ivwc afiKaf ik coxfˆ ivwc Psvyˆ mukfbly qoN bfad sfhmxy afey nqIijafˆ qoN bfad hux srkfr ieh priqafAuxf cfhuMdI hY ik kI hfAUs nUM AunHfˆ ivwc ajy vI Brosf hY.

aYn[zI[pI[ afgU jOhn hOrgn ny ies gwl AuWqy ikMqU kIqf hY ik klfrk ny ivDfnsBf df iejlfs pihlfˆ ikAuN nhIN swidaf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ijMny smyˆ nUM ikRstI klfrk 22 jUn nUM Brosy dy vot leI ivDfn sBf ivwc joLr lfvygI Eny icr nUM qfˆ Aus nUM bdlx leI ibRitÈ kolMbIaf vfsIafˆ nUM Cy mhIny qoN vI vwD smfˆ ho cuwikaf hovygf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik AunHfˆ nUM pUrI afs hY ik Auh jld hI Brosy df vot krvfAux leI iqafr ho jfvygI qfˆ ik ibRitÈ kolMbIaf vfsIafˆ nUM Auh nvIN srkfr iml sky ijs leI AunHfˆ vot kIqf sI. gRIn pfrtI dy afgU aYˆzirAU vIvr ny nqIijafˆ kfrn klfrk dI swqf AuWqy pkV vI iewk ibafn ivwc ies aYlfn df svfgq mfmUlI ijhI rih geI qy ies qrHfˆ vI kIqf hY. mihsUs kIqf jf irhf hY ik ieh ilbrl pRImIar ikRstI klfrk ny vI ieh qOKlf pRgtfieaf hY ik aYn[zI[pI[ qy gRIn pfrtI vwloN Gwt igxqI srkfr bxfAux leI hwQ imlf lYx qoN bfad AunHfˆ nUM pUrf Èwk hY ik Auh Brosy df vot hfr jfvygI. ipCly mhIny iksy vI pfrtI ny pRoivMÈIal coxfˆ ivwc bhumq iswD krn jogIafˆ sItfˆ nhIN sn ijwqIafˆ. 87 sItfˆ vflI ivDfnsBf ivwc 43 sItfˆ ilbrl pfrtI dy ihwsy afeIafˆ jdik aYn[zI[pI[ ny 41 sItfˆ AuWqy ijwq hfsl kIqI qy gRInË iqMn sItfˆ ijwqx ivwc kfmXfb rhy.

bwicaF `c motfpy nUM dyKdy hoey kYnyzf df ishq ivBfg cuwkx jf irhf ieh kdm Etfvf— kYnyzf ivc motfpf iek vwzI smwisaf bx ky AuWBr irhf hY. Kfs qOr `qy bwicafˆ ivc ieh smwisaf 1980 dy bfad qoN hux qwk iqMn guxf vD geI hY. lgBg iek iqhfeI 6 qoN 17 sfl dy Aumr dy bwicafˆ df Bfr loV qoN iËafdf hY. ies smwisaf nUM dyKdy hoey kYnyzf df ishq ivBfg ‘Pfst PUz` dy ivigafpnfˆ `qy bYn lgfAux aqy AunHfˆ nUM kuJ hwd qwk kMtrol krn bfry soc irhf hY, qfˆ jo bwcy ienHfˆ ivigafpnfˆ nUM dyK ky Pfst PUz vwl afkriÈq nf hox. ienHfˆ

dy jÈn mnfey jf rhy hn qfˆ pMjfbI BfÈf nUM ikvyˆ ivsfiraf jf skdf hY. ies mOky `qy ‘kYnyzf zrfeI` zirMk dy zwby `qy Kfs qOr `qy ‘jÈn mnfE` iliKaf igaf hY. ieh zirMk Bfvyˆ zrfeI hY, ies `qy pMjfbI ivc iliKaf ‘jÈn mnfE` pVH ky pMjfbIafˆ dy idlfˆ ivc TMz pY jfˆdI hY.

mfr Kf gey qy iesy kfrn Auh bhumq hfsl krn qoN vfˆJy rih gey.

iesy dOrfn aYn[zI[pI[ qy gRInË ny afps ivwc hwQ imlf ley qy ies nfl aYn[zI[pI[ dy Gwt igxqI srkfr bxfAux dy dfavy ivDfnsBf dy klrk kRyg jymË ny ilbrl leI rfh pwDrf ho igaf qy Auh ies mhIny kfks dy mYˆbrfˆ nUM dwisaf ik 1952 ivwc dy aMq ivwc hox vflI Brosy dI vot ivwc vI ivDfnsBf ivwc ieho ijhf hI rhws qy ilbrlfˆ nUM hrf vI skdy hn. AuqÈfh vflf mfhOl sI qy awj vI ieho sB ilbrl ipCly 16 sflfˆ qoN iewQy swqf AuWqy kuwJ ho irhf hY. kfbj hn. bI[sI[ ivDfnsBf dI kfrvfeI votrfˆ ny 43 ilbrlfˆ, 41 aYn[zI[pI[ mYˆbrfˆ 22 jUn nUM sLurU kIqI jfvygI. ies dOrfn qy iqMn gRIn pfrtI AumIdvfrfˆ nUM ipCly shMu cuwkx dy smfroh ivwc iewkly ilbrlfˆ mhIny hoeIafˆ pRoivMÈIal coxfˆ ivwc cuixaf. ny hI ihwsf ilaf. pr mfhOl nUM hlkf krn pr iewQy hI sfrI gVbV ho geI. 87 sItfˆ leI klfrk qy ivwq mMqrI mfeIk zI jONg vflI ivDfn sBf ivwc ilbrl iewk sIt qoN ny kuwJ zfˆs stYWps vI kIqy.

srI ivwc bs syvf df suDfr kIqf jfvy (cmkOr isMG aOlK) iewQy ieMzo kYnyzIan sInIar istIjn sYNtr dy pRDfn s: hrpfl isMG brfV ny iek ibafn rfhIN srI sLihr ivwc Gwt bs srivs hox qy icMqf pRgt kIqI. Aus ny qyjI nfl ies sLihr dI vDdI vsoN qy ivkfs hox qy qulnfqmk shUlqF nf

hox qy sLihr invfsIaF dI prysLfnI qy duwK df iejLhfr kIqf. pUrb inAUtn eyrIey ivwc 148 strIt duafly dy lokF dI bs suivDf dI mMg nUM istI pRsLfsn vwloN rwd kIqy jfx dI inKyDI kIqI. sbMDq pRsLfsn jordfr ZMg nfl trFijt kMpnI koloN mMg pUrI krfvy.

aPgfinsqfn ivwc muV kYnyzf dI mdd cfhuMdf hY nfto: swjx Etvf: rsmI qO r Au W qy aPgfinsqfn imÈn Kqm hox qoN iqMn sfl bfad nfto vwloN kYnyzf nUM muV afpxy puils trynr aPgfinsqfn Byjx dI guËfirÈ kIqI geI hY. rwiKaf mMqrI hrjIq swjx ny ieh jfxkfrI idMidafˆ dwisaf ik kYnyzf ies muwdy nUM gMBIrqf nfl lY irhf hY.

asl ivwl ieh guËfirÈ nfto vwloN amrIkf ivc tI[ vI[ `qy afAux vfly ivigafpn, rfhIN afeI hY. iewk rwiKaf aiDkfrI ny aKbfrfˆ ivc Cpx vfly Pfst PUz dy dwisaf ik hux jfˆ qfˆ isvlIan puils ieÈiqhfr afid vI Èfml hoxgy. trynr ijvyˆ ik afr[sI[aYm[pI[ nUM ies ies qoN pihlfˆ ies ivÈy `qy lokfˆ, ieMzstrI imÈn ivwc Èfml kIqf jfvygf qy jfˆ iPr aqy ishq ivBfgfˆ nfl ivcfr-vtfˆdrf kYnyzIan POj dy jvfn aPgfn puils nUM kIqf jfvygf. ies qoN bfad hI ies sMbMDI tryinMg dyxgy. swjx ny afiKaf ik kYnyzf ibwl nUM sMsd ivc pyÈ kIqf jfvygf. kYnyzf aPgfinsqfn nUM smrQn dyx leI hr pwK ivc isrP ikAUibk hI aijhf pRoivMs hY, nUM iDafn ivwc rwK irhf hY. hflfˆik Aus ijwQy Pfst PUz mfrkIt `qy srkfr df kuJ ny ies gwl qoN ienkfr kIqf ik kYnyzIan pIskIprË nUM iewQy nhIN Byijaf jfvygf kMtrol hY. ikAuNik ieh koeI sMXukq rfÈtr df imÈn nhIN hY.

kYnyzf `c pMjfbI BfsLf dy siqkfr dI ieh hor Jlk, dyK ky mn ho jfvygf ‘bfgo-bfg’ Etfvf— kYnyzf ivc pMjfbI BfÈf nUM qIjI sB qoN iËafdf bolI jfx vflI BfÈf df drjf imilaf hoieaf hY. iewQy pMjfbI df ieMnfˆ siqkfr kIqf jfˆdf hY ik iewQy keI sVkfˆ df nfˆ pMjfbIafˆ dy nfˆ `qy rwiKaf igaf hY aqy keI borz pMjfbI ivc lwgy hoey iml jfxgy. hux jdoN kYnyzf dI 150vIN vrHygMZ

ivktorIaf: ikRstI klfrk nUM rsmI qOr AuWqy awj ibRitÈ kolMbIaf dy pRImIar vjoN sMhu cukfeI geI. Auh 65 sflfˆ ivwc pihlI vfrI pRoivMs dI pihlI Gwt igxqI srkfr dI agvfeI krygI.

swjx ny iewk ieMtrivAU ivwc dwisaf ik sfnUM asl ivwc amrIkf vwloN hI aijhf krn leI afiKaf igaf sI. pr aPgfinsfqn ivwc ies vfrI puils trynr lfAux dI mMg kIqI geI hY. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik asl ivwc asIN ajy vI aPgfinsqfn pRqI vcnbwD hfˆ. asIN PMz afid vI AunHfˆ nUM muhweIaf krvf cuwky hfˆ iPr Bfvyˆ Auh ivkfs dy kMmfˆ AuWqy, surwiKaf blfˆ nUM qnKfhfˆ dyx afid AuWqy Krc kIqI geI hovy jfˆ nhIN.

2014 qoN 2017 qwk kYnyzf ny aPgfinsqfn ivwc ieMtrnYÈnl izvYlpmYˆt pRogrfm qihq aPgfn nYÈnl sikAUirtI PorisË, ijs ivwc aPgfn nYÈnl afrmI qy d aPgfn nYÈnl puils vI Èfml hY, leI 227 imlIan zflr qy 2015 qoN 2018 qwk 330 imlIan zflr dyx df vfadf kIqf sI. swjx ny afiKaf ik kYnyzf afpxy iksy vI BfeIvfl mulk nUM alwg Qlwg hoieaf nhIN vyK skdf. swjx ny afiKaf ik gwTjoV iesy leI huMdy hn. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik vwK vwK DmkIafˆ dy sbMD ivwc Auh afpxy BfeIvfl mulkfˆ nfl lgfqfr rfbqf rwK rhy hn iPr Bfvyˆ Auh nfto jfˆ dfieÈ ivroDI mIitMgfˆ hox. swjx ny iewQy ieslfimk styt dy dUjy nfˆ dfieÈ dI vrqoN kIqI. ipCly sfl agsq ivwc swjx ny aYlfn kIqf sI ik kYnyzf pIskIipMg imÈn leI iqMn sflfˆ dy arsy ivwc 600 POjI tukVIafˆ Byjygf qy 450 imlIan zflr Krc krygf. bfad ivwc AunHfˆ keI dyÈfˆ df dOrf kIqf qy ieh afiKaf ik Auh ies sfl dy aMq ivwc imÈn bfry aYlfn krngy. pr 2017 dy vI lwgBg Cy mhIny inkl cuwky hn pr ajy qwk ies pIskIipMg imÈn bfry iewk awKr qwk nhIN boilaf igaf. swjx df kihxf hY ik Auh ies qrHfˆ dy afpryÈnË df smrQn krdy hn pr sMXukq rfÈtr qy amrIkf ivwc lIzriÈp bdlx kfrn ies ivwc dyr hoeI. PAGE 17


The Patrika 

Friday, June 16th, 2017

3 tools to rent for a green and healthy lawn (NC) Whether you're working on your own yard or you're a professional with clients to serve, the arrival of warm weather is the perfect time to build a healthy lawn that will make the neighbours green with envy.

Turf rake: Too much thatch is one of the most common yard problems. More than half an inch of this dead build-up will start to damage roots and block nutrients. Rent a power turf rake to quickly and easily clear excess thatch.

Aerator: Almost every yard can benefit from aeration. An aerator removes thin cores of dirt so that air, water, fertilizer and new grass seed can penetrate. This lets the roots grow deeper and stops too much thatch from building up. Rent a power aerator to get this job done faster and to make sure the holes are deep Tool rentals are popular for lawn enough to be effective. maintenance because both homeowners and professionals can get high Seeder: Over-seeding is a great way quality equipment for the short term to fill in bare spots and enhance a without having to worry about upkeep tired-looking lawn. But it's important or storage. The service works with to seed correctly or you'll be throwing your schedule and budget because you your money away. A power seeder only pay for what you need, when you makes slits in the ground to embed your seeds, giving them the best chance at need it. germinating. Hamad recommends the following equipment to prepare your lawn for Find more information at www.homedepot.ca/toolrental. the season: “A well-kept lawn is about more than just looks. It also creates oxygen, reduces noise pollution and removes emissions from the air,” explains Jamal Hamad, who leads the pro and tool rental departments at The Home Depot Canada.


The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017



Tips on managing health conditions for active individuals (NC) Energetic people with active lives shouldn’t have to give up their passions once they are diagnosed with a health condition. And with the number of Canadians with diabetes on the rise — an estimated 3 million Canadians are living with the disease — it’s important to know what lifestyle changes will keep you healthy and help maintain energy levels. “For individuals living with a disease like diabetes, technology has really helped people stay on track and not interfere with the hobbies or sports a highly active person enjoys,” explains Toronto endocrinologist Harpreet S. Bajaj, MD, MPH. “New and innovative tools can help people manage the disease and understand their blood sugar levels to stay on top of their game.” Here are some tips to help motivate and maximize daily activities to help meet your goals. Incorporate energy management. Eating three balanced meals a day is crucial for everyone, but for active

individuals it’s also important to ensure that the largest portion will be vegetables or fruit mixed in with some lean protein. Remember the 80-20 rule. Eat well at least 80 per cent of the time, but it’s very important to leave some room for soul nourishment and favourite foods. A guilty snack can be allowed here and there. Add balance. Activities like meditation and yoga are great for a balanced lifestyle and positive mental health, which can help active individuals stay focused and on track. Be accurate. Taking care of your health can be challenging, but technology can help simplify the process. The Contour Next One meter and its app help make it easy for people with diabetes to use their smartphones to manage the condition. The new meter also uses coloured lights to quickly indicate if a reading is too high, too low, or within target range, making results more accurate and better to understand.

3 meal planning tips for special diets (NC) Meal planning can be a daunting task. For individuals living with special diets and health conditions like diabetes, it’s important to prepare ahead. Here are three tips to help on your journey towards eating well and healthy living. 1. Food options: It’s important to eat three meals per day to keep your diet and blood glucose readings in check. Stick with high-fibre foods like whole grain breads and cereals, lentils, and fruits to help lower sugar and cholesterol levels. Have a glass of milk and a piece of fruit to complete your meal. 2. Portion sizes: A dinner plate can be used to figure out the right portions for each meal. The plate method is easy to understand and will work in any situation. Vegetables should take up exactly half your plate, as they are very high in nutrients and low in calories. Grains and starches should occupy about a quarter of the plate. These foods are broken down into glucose, which the body needs for energy. Meats and alternative foods make up the remaining

q u a rt e r. To f u , eggs, fish a n d lentils a r e healthier protein options. 3. Technology: It is important to keep your blood glucose meter with you always in case your blood sugar levels fall too low. Technology has made this easier, and the Contour Next One system and its app are helping people manage diabetes using their smartphone. Readings can be accessed from the app and shared with healthcare professionals to help identify how daily activities and food choices may impact blood glucose results. If you’re having difficulties discovering a meal plan that’s right for you, a registered dietitian can help you create a personalized system.


The Patrika



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Friday, June 16th, 2017

dyÈ dI rfjnIqI muV iBRÈtfcfr dy sfey hyT pRo: aBY kumfr dUby rfjnIqk iBRÈtfcfr df svfl iek iPr rfjnIqI ivc afm qOr `qy do qrHfˆ dy BfrqI rfjnIqI dy kyˆdr ivc af igaf hY. pYisafˆ df afdfn-pRdfn huMdf hY. pihlf AuNj qfˆ ieh svfl kdI vI kyˆdr qoN bfhr hY ‘prsnl mnI` Bfv inwjI Dn, ijs nUM nhIN sI pr ies vfr ibhfr, AuWqr pRdyÈ afpxy ahudy aqy hYsIaq dI durvrqoN rfhIN aqy idwlI dI rfjnIqI ies nfl juVIafˆ nyqf afpxy irÈqydfrfˆ leI jmHfˆ krdy hn. qfËf Gtnfvfˆ qoN pRBfivq huMdI lwg rhI hY. dUjf hY ‘polItIkl mnI` Bfv isafsI Dn, ibhfr ivc jykr lflU Xfdv aqy AunHfˆ dy ijs nUM nyqf pfrtIafˆ leI jmHfˆ krdy hn. puwqr-DIafˆ `qy kyˆdrI eyjMsIafˆ ny iÈkMjf dovyˆ hI iBRÈtfcfr hn pr ‘prsnl mnI` kisaf qfˆ iniqÈ kumfr dI agvfeI ivc iek aijhf iBRÈtfcfr hY ik koeI vI nyqf cwl irhf mhfˆgTjoV iek vfr muÈikl ivc jnqk rUp ivc svIkfr krn df hOslf iGr jfxf pvygf. jykr idwlI ivc arivMd nhIN kr skdf. ies dy Ault ‘polItIkl kyjrIvfl ivruwD AunHfˆ dy sfbkf sfQI kipl mnI` iek aijhf iBRÈtfcfr hY, ijs nUM keI imÈrf afpxy doÈfˆ df 10vfˆ ihwsf vI sfbq ivÈyÈ hflqfˆ ivc pfrtIafˆ aqy nyqfvfˆ vwloN kr sky qfˆ rfjDfnI hI nhIN, pMjfb dI nf isrP svIkfr kIqf jfˆdf hY, sgoN Aus rfjnIqI `qy vI asr pvygf. iesy qrHfˆ svIkfrqf dy mfiDam rfhIN inwjI qOr `qy AuWqr pRdyÈ ivc bhujn smfj pfrtI aMdr afpxI iemfndfrI df sbUq vI idwqf jfˆdf cwl rhI AuQl-puQl vI rfjnIqI leI Dn hY. iDafn rhy ik jYn hvflf zfierIafˆ jmHfˆ krn bfry hY aqy ies qihq iek-dUjy ivc ijhVy nyqfvfˆ dy nfˆa Èfiml sn, AunHfˆ `qy lgdy doÈfˆ ny rfjnIqk nYiqkqf nUM itwc ivc lfl ikRÈn azvfnI aqy Èrd Xfdv jfxidafˆ sMg-Èrm dIafˆ sfrIafˆ hwdfˆ qoV vI sI aqy ienHfˆ dovfˆ vwzy nyqfvfˆ ny jnqk idwqIafˆ hn. smfjvfdI pfrtI dy aMdrUnI qOr `qy ieh nUM svIkfr kr ilaf sI ik klyÈ ipwCy vI luwt dy mfl dI vMz dI KfmoÈ AunHfˆ ny pfrtIafˆ leI ieh Dn ilaf sI. BUimkf hY. asIN jfxdy hfˆ ik ienHfˆ dovfˆ df ieh mMnxf

Friday, June 16th, 2017

The Patrika 


awj vI inwjI qOr `qy AunHfˆ dI pfrdrÈqf Auh shUlq vI nhIN hY, jo azvfnI kol sI. azvfnI vfˆg ieh svIkfr nhIN kr skdI df pRmfx mMinaf jfˆdf hY. ik Aus ny jo ilaf, Auh inwjI jybfˆ Brn leI ijhVy nyqf aqy rfjnIqk pfrtIafˆ nhIN, sgoN pfrtI clfAux leI hY. siQqI ‘prsnl` aqy ‘polItIkl mnI` ivc Gflf ieh hY ik jykr kfˆgrs aqy Bfjpf `qy kfly mflf krdy hn, AunHfˆ dI rfjnIqI ivc iksy Dn nfl rfjnIqI krn df doÈ lfieaf jfvy nf iksy idn durgq huMdI hY. ies durgq df qfˆ AunHfˆ dy aks `qy koeI mfVf pRBfv nhIN nËfrf smfjvfdI pfrtI aqy bhujn smfj peygf, ikAuNik AunHfˆ ny kfly Dn dI vrqoN pfrtI dy mOjUdf hflfq dy rUp ivc vyiKaf jf krn df dfavf kdy kIqf hI nhIN. pr afm skdf hY. ienHfˆ pfrtIafˆ df ieh hfl ies afdmI pfrtI `qy jykr aijhf doÈ lgdf leI hoieaf hY ik ienHfˆ `qy kfbË nyqfvfˆ hY qfˆ Aus dy aks `qy mfVf asr pY skdf aqy AunHfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ ny inwjI aqy jnqk hY. arivMd kyjrIvfl ivruwD bgfvq kr Dn ivc koeI Prk nhIN kIqf. smfjvfdI cuwky sfbkf mMqrI kipl imÈrf dy qfËy doÈfˆ pfrtI AuWqy Xfdv pirvfr df kbËf hY aqy `qy gOr krIey qfˆ Gwto-Gwt ieh qfˆ lgdf Aus dI rfjnIqI nfl hox vflI sfrI kmfeI hI hY ik Èfied ieh pfrtI vI afpxIafˆ pirvfr vfilafˆ ivc vMzI jfˆdI hY aqy kOmI rfjnIqk KfihÈfˆ pUrIafˆ krn leI Ausy nfl rfjnIqI vI huMdI hY. AuWqr pRdyÈ kuJ glq ZMg-qrIikafˆ nfl Dn iekwTf dI rfjnIqI `qy nËdIkI nËr rwKx vfly kr rhI hovygI. ieh mMinaf jf skdf hY jfxdy hn ik ipCly sfl dy afKrI idnfˆ ik kyjrIvfl aqy Aus dy sfQI inwjI qOr `qy ivc ies pirvfr dy isKrly nyqfvfˆ ivc iBRÈt nhIN hoxgy pr kI goaf aqy pMjfb jnqk mMc `qy jo afpsI nfrfËgI AuWBr ky ivc clfeIafˆ geIafˆ cox muihMmfˆ sO aqy sfhmxy afeI sI, Aus ivc rfjnIqk kfrnfˆ hËfr rupey dy cMdy nfl cwlIafˆ hoxgIafˆ? dy nfl-nfl kmfeI dI vMz qoN pYdf hoey isrP hwd drjy dI mfsUmIaq hI ies qrHfˆ ivvfdfˆ dI BUimkf vI sI. tI[vI[ `qy aksr dy dfaivafˆ `qy XkIn kr skdI hY. myrf ieh gwl puwCI jfˆdI hY ik iÈvpfl Xfdv mMnxf hY ik jykr ieh pfrtI isrP idwlI dy bfkI sfry ivBfg qfˆ muwK mMqrI ny vfps ivc hI Kud nUM sImq rwKdI qfˆ aijhf kr idwqy sn pr pI[zbilAU[zI[ ikAuN nhIN krn dI nObq Aus dy sfhmxy Gwt afAuNdI. vfps kIqf igaf sI? ies dI aMdrlI gwl AuNj idwlI dIafˆ ipClIafˆ coxfˆ ivc PrËI ijs idn sfhmxy afeygI, Aus idn sfry hI kMpnIafˆ dy mfiDam rfhIN rupey iekwTy krn hYrfn ho jfxgy. AuNj vI ies pirvfr dy kuJ dy doÈ Aus `qy lwg cuwky hn. ikAuNik Aus smyˆ lokfˆ `qy afmdnI qoN iËafdf kmfeI df kys idwlI ivc AunHfˆ dI lihr sI, ies leI ieh vI cwl irhf hY. bhujn smfj pfrtI ivc doÈ nhIN lwgy sn pr aijhI suKd siQqI mfieafvqI aqy Aus dy Dn-kmfAU sfQI sdf nhIN rihx vflI hY. nsImUdIn sdIkI ivcfly ivvfd spwÈt rUp ivc dwsdf hY ik rfjnIqI iks qrHfˆ nhIN smfjvfdI pfrtI, bhujn smfj pfrtI aqy afm afdmI pfrtI dI hflq iek vfr kIqI jfxI cfhIdI. pihlfˆ isrP ivroDI iPr iqwKy cox suDfrfˆ dI loV `qy rOÈnI pfrtIafˆ doÈ lgfAuNdIafˆ sI ik bspf ivc pfAuNdI hY. ies qrHfˆ dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ ivc itktfˆ ivkdIafˆ hn, pr hux iËMmyvfr kfˆgrs aqy Bfjpf vrgIafˆ pfrtIafˆ vI pwqrkfr kih rhy hn ik 2017 dIafˆ coxfˆ Ps skdIafˆ hn. Bfjpf dy kOmI pRDfn df ivc ies pfrtI ny koeI 1200 kroV rupey qfˆ nkdI lYˆdy hoey sitMg afpRyÈn qwk vI itkt vyc ky jmHfˆ kIqy sn. notbMdI kfrn ho cuwkf hY. jykr coxfˆ dI PMizMg dy msly ieh nkdI bykfr ho geI aqy itktfˆ lYx nUM iksy vI qrIky nfl pfrdrÈI kr idwqf vfilafˆ nUM vfps kr idwqI geI qfˆ ik Auh jfvy qfˆ ‘polItIkl mnI` dI ËrUrq Kqm ho Aus nUM nvIN krMsI ivc bdl ky muV qoN hfeI jfeygI aqy Aus siQqI ivc ‘prsnl mnI` kmfn kol jmHfˆ krvfAux. nsImUdIn aqy jmHfˆ krn vfly nyqf Aus df shfrf nhIN lY mfieafvqI ivcfly ivvfd iesy gwl nUM lY ky skxgy. svfl ieh hY ik qyËI nfl cox hY ik ies lMmI-cOVI rkm ivcoN kI vfps suDfr ikAuN nhIN sLurU ho rhy? qjrbf dwsdf hoieaf, kI nhIN aqy jo nhIN vfps hoieaf, hY ik ies nUM ltkfeI rwKx `c vwzIafˆ hI Auh ikwQy igaf? nhIN, sgoN CotIafˆ pfrtIafˆ df vI ihwq hY. kuJ iesy qrHfˆ dy cwkr ivc idwlI dI afm ieh iek aijhf hmfm hY, ijs ivc sfry afdmI pfrtI PsI hoeI hY. ieh pfrtI nyqf aqy sfrIafˆ pfrtIafˆ nMgy KVHy hn. kPfieqI ZMg nfl coxfˆ lVn dy vfady nuksfn jykr iksy nUM ho irhf hY qfˆ Auh nfl swqf ivc afeI sI. ies leI ies nUM BfrqI lokqMqr df hY. PAGE 21

The Patrika


Friday, June 16th, 2017


How to check if your child’s early childhood educator is qualified










(NC) If you’re looking for a new doctor, what’s the first thing you do? Likely, it’s research and checking to see if they’re legally able to practise. So why should looking for an early childhood educator or ECE be any different? After all, this person works closely with your child, often on a daily basis. Fortunately, you can find information about an ECE in Ontario by using the College of Early Childhood Educators’ online public register. Created as part of its responsibility to protect the public interest, the College’s register allows anyone including parents, employers and even members themselves to access information about anyone who is a member or was a member of the College.

Registered early childhood educators, are trained, qualified and accountable. An RECE understands child development, plans programs for learning through play, is responsive to children’s needs, and more. Checking the register is the only guaranteed way to make sure someone is registered with the College. The best part is that the register is updated in real-time so it reflects the most current information. And since it’s online, you can check it anytime, anywhere.



The register gives you information including the member’s name, registration number and status, and when their Certificate of Registration was issued. It also shows important information like limitations on the ability to prac- You can check the register yourself tise, disciplinary actions and pending online at college-ece.ca/publicregister. discipline proceedings.

How to manage body pain as you age (NC) Our bodies change as we age. And as much as we’d like to steer clear of long-lasting muscle, joint, back and arthritis pain, we may be unable to dodge these symptoms as time marches on. So why does this happen? With age, muscle fibres shrink and weaken, which can contribute to fatigue and limit physical activity. At the same time, joints may stiffen and lose flexibility, resulting in pain, inflammation and, in some cases, arthritis.

“When we leave our 30s and enter our 40s and 50s, pain can become a regular part of life. Some of my patients complain that they have to rely on taking multiple doses of pain relievers in a day Long-lasting body pain may be more to cope,” says Dr. Jeff Habert. “Advil common as we get older, but it shouldn’t 12 Hour offers an option where just one stop us from enjoying life and accompill keeps working for up to 12 hours.” plishing all we want to. Research has found that a combination of treatment If you’re looking for an additional way methods, including physiotherapy, to help get some relief, try applying massage therapy and medications, icepacks to reduce inflammation and show the best results when managing ease pain, or a warm bath to relieve body pain. aching muscles. As always, consult your health care provider with any health concerns.


Friday, June 16th, 2017

The Patrika



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Premier Christy Clark introduces new Executive Council Ministry responsibilities updated June 13, 2017

Abbotsford, June 10, 2017 – Join WestJet officials, Abbotsford International Airport Authority members, Mayor Henry Braun and local MLA’s and MP’s to celebrate WestJet’s 20 year anniversary at Abbotsford International Airport.

Today at Government House, Premier Christy Clark and her Executive Council were formally sworn in by Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon. “Our province needs a strong economy, one capable of supporting the services and high quality of life that British Columbians expect and deserve,” said Premier Clark. “But the public has also said they want us to do things differently to address areas that impact their lives and their families every day – this new cabinet reflects that message.”

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Date: June 19, 2017 Time: 9:30am. Media to meet Airport staff at the Five new ministers, including British Columbia’s first Water-clock in the Terminal at 9:15am elected Indigenous cabinet minister with a portfolio. Location: Abbotsford International

“The provincial election made two things clear: British Columbians want a government that will work across party lines, and one that will bridge the divide between urban and The Executive Council reflects modern, diverse British rural British Columbians,” Premier Clark said. Columbia. Its 22 members include: “For as long as we have the confidence of the legislature, we will work to bridge this gap, and create an environment Thirteen men and nine women. where both resource-dependent communities and dynamic, Ten ministers from Metro Vancouver/Fraser Valley, 12 from tech-focused urban centres thrive, and create opportunities Northern B.C., Vancouver Island, and the B.C. Interior. for each other.” Three who use wheelchairs. The legislature has been recalled to sit on June 22, 2017.

Airport Terminal Building, 30440 Liberator Avenue, Abbotsford BC Please RSVP to psidhu@abbotsford. ca.




The Patrika 

Friday, June 16th, 2017

The Patrika 

Friday, June 16th, 2017


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mnoj sLrmf inrsMdyh, ieh gihrf ivsLf hY qy sfzf gLjLb df hY, quhfnUM koeI srdfr BIK srokfr vI. lyKk qy pfTk vrg nUM swdf hY mMgdf hoieaf nhIN lwBygf. hfl dI GVI ieh ik ies bfry afpxy afpxy ivcfr ilK Byjo. pwkf hY ik pMjfbIaF ny BfvyN ikMny vI ijLkrXog qF quhfzIaF icwTIaF itwpxIaF ivcfrF qy kMm kIqy hox pr iksy pMjfbI dI pCfx iek suJfvF nUM iesy pMny qy aglyry aMkF ivc pysL gMBIr nfgirk dy rUp ivc nhIN hY. Auh hwd kIqf jFdf rhygf. drjy df iKlMdVf aqy mUl rUp ivc jLfihl sRI mnoj sLrmf sMvydnsLIl qy sMjIdf sLfier hY. nOkrI dy islsly ivc mYN ds sfl muMbeI hox dy nfl-nfl icMqk vI hn. mnoj sLrmf ivc irhf qy qy Auprokq Dfrnf nfl bfr-bfr df ieh lyK, jo Auh pRmuwK ihMdI aKLbfr ivc tkrfieaf. myrI sMvydnsLILqf rUM dy PMibaF Cipaf, sfnUM pMjfbIaF dy aks bfry socx vFg Auzf idwqI geI. mYnUM keI vfr jfipaf, vfsqy mjLbUr krdf hY. kI pMjfbI hox df ieh awKF `coN zuwlHdI vydnf, icMqf, duwK, pIV arQ, BMgVy jF igwDy vflf ilbfs pf ky nwcdy ikqy nF ikqy QoQI mMn leI jFdI hY. iblkul gfAuNdy njLr afAuxf hI hY? inrsMdyh ieh pwK mrd nUM drd nhIN huMdf vFg. sfzy ivrfsqI siBafcfr df KUbsUrq ihwsf mYnUM mhFBfrq kfl df iek pRkrx Xfd qF hY, pr ieh pMjfbI aks dy dunIaF ivc afAuNdf hY (800 qoN 400 bI[sI[). ikqy ktoc, pysL ho rhy smuwc dI inrol hkIkq qF nhIN. ieMdU swiBaqf, Kfnf bdosL, sfDU, ahIr, ies lyK nUM ilKy jfx dy sbwb bfry lyKk dI KwqrIaF dI DrqI. iPr iskMdr, muslmfn hyT ilKI, itwpxI mhwqvpUrn hY. qy Kfs krky gjLnI dI afmd, gurU nfnk mnoj sLrmf vloN lyK bfry kuJ sLbd-ijvyN dyv jI df afgmn, mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG, ik ies lyK ivc vI ijLkr hY, ies nUM ilKx afjLfdI aMdoln qy iPr vMz. soc qurdI qurdI ipwCy myrf muMbeI prvfs irhf hY. nOkrI dy akflI dl dy Aus morcy qwk jFdI hY. ijs dy islisly ivc AuWQy ibqfey ds virHaF ivc nqIjy vjoN pMjfbI sUbf bixaf. iPr 1960 df mYnUM inrMqr ies KIV ivcoN gujLrnf ipaf hrf ienklfb, 1966 ivc pMjfb nUM CFg ky ik pMjfbI mUl rUp ivc, Kfx pIx dy skIn hirafxf aqy ihmfcl df bxnf. iek aYsf lokF dI Auh jmfq hY, ijs qy cutkly bxdy sUbf, ijs dIaF jVHF ieMnIaF purfxIaF hn hn, jo ibnF gwl golI clf idMdy hn qy ijnHF ik koeI vI ieMnf qy mfx kr sky. sUPIaF dI kol idmfg nhIN huMdf. rhI KhI ksr, Auh DrqI, bfbf PrId, vfrs sLfh, buwly sLfh dI iPlmF qy gIq pUrI kr idMdy hn, ijnHF ivc DrqI. iewQy hI irgvyd ricaf igaf. iewQy pMjfbI siBafcfr dy nfm qy BMgVy, igwDy dIaF hI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI rcnf hoeI. pusLfkF ivc pMjfbI muMzy kuVIaF hr vyly ibnF hIr rFJf, imrjf sfihbF dI pRIq kQfvF qy kfrn nwc rhy hn, ijvyN ik nf hor koeI kMm pUrn Bgq qy hor iksy vI iesy hI srjmIn kfj hI hovy qy nf koeI iPkr Pfkf. kihx dI Aupj hn. ieh gdrI XoiDaF dI DrqI df arQ ieh vI ik iehnF lokF kol, nsLt hY. lflf lfjpq rfey srdfr Bgq isMG, krn vfsqy vfDU pYsf qy smF hY. vwD qoN vwD rfjgurU, suKdyv qy hor anyk dysL BgqF dI hoieaf qF iek awD iPlm ivc pMjfbIaF df DrqI hox df suBfg vI pMjfb nUM hI pRfpq hY. bhfdrI vflf rUp pysL kr idwqf. pr ies smyN dI cfl nfl aqvfd dy iBafnk duKFq df mMqv vI sLhId Bgq isMG dy Aus aks nUM pMjfbIaF ny hI afpxy ipMzy qy Jwilaf qy vflf hI rihMdf ijnHF ivc Aus nUM afjLfdI dI vlUMDry mnF dy bfvjUd smfijk aqy Dfrimk Kfqr ibnF socy ivcfry PFsI cVH jfx vfly sihcfr bxfeI rwiKaf. asl ivc pMjfbIaF iek prvfny dy rUp ivc hI pysL kIqf jFdf dI axK, juJfrU qy imhnqI suBfa qy koml irhf, ibnF iksy bOiDk icMqn dy. klfvF nfl moh iehnF nUM iek Kfs rMgq pMjfb dy msly, ijvyN rfjnIqk, afrQk dyNdf hY. ieh pMjfbI kOm hI hY jo afpxy qy smwisafvF hry ienklfb dy PylH hox, nfl hI hwsx df mfdf rwKdI hY. mnuwKI suBfa hY AupjIaF musLklF, qyjLI nfl muwk rhy, DrqI ik jIhdy qoN qusIN GbrfAuNdy ho, Aus nUM AulJf hyTly pfxI, smfjk, rfjnIqk aMdoln, idAu. pMjfb dy nOjvfnF ivc viDaf nsLf iesy KudkusLIaF, nsLy dy PYl dy sfmrfj dIaF soc dI hI sLfqr cfl jfpdI hY. pqf nhIN gwlF qF kI, pMjfbIaF dI jFbfjLI, iewQoN dy ieh ruJfn ikwQoN afieaf, pr pMjfb dI qfkq sMgIqkfr, iKlfVI, pwqrkfr, zfktr, rMg qy ies dy AusfrU invyklypn dI insLfn dyhI krmI, icwqrkfr, rfjnIqIvfn qy sfihqkfr krn dI QF Aus qy cutkly GV ky pMjfbIaF vI iksy sMvfd ivc kdy nhIN AuWBr ky afey. dy mnoivigafn nUM KMzq krn dI iek koisLsL ies sB kuJ nUM AuBfrn qy ies sbMDI qrIky ijhI aksr cldI rhI hY. pMjfbI zfktr, nfl sMvfd CyVn df ieh shI smF hY. hux BfsLf ivigafnI, aiDafpk, sfihqkfr, ‘eykm’ nUM ies mMc dy rUp ivc mMnidaF mYN sMgIqkfr, pwqrkfr, rMg krmI, iPlmkfr, cfhuMdf hI gwl awgy qury Auh pMjfbI hY. iksy ivigafnk imhnqI iks ikwqy hY koeI kmI? mnuwK dy bfry ivc boilaf igaf ieh Cotf iPr ikAuN sfnUM hmysLf PUhV hI mMinaf jfvy? ijhf vfk iks qrHF df pRBfv pfAuNdf hY? Kfs pMjfbIaF df mKOl AuzfAux dI QF, jLrUrq Aus krky pMjfb qoN bfhr ieMJ ikhf igaf hovy sLkqI nUM jfnx dI hY jo hr hmly dy bfad qF? msLq, mn mOjI, bdmfsL, ibnF vjfh AuT ky KVy hox df hunr jfxdI hY qy jjLbf lVn qy mrn-mfrn vflf, pihlvfn, mUMh vI rwKdI hY. Pwt afid. hF, kdy kdy koeI ies qrHF kihMdf kI ieh kuknUs qoN Gwt hn? vI lwB skdf hY. ik pMjfbIaF dI jIAUx df PAGE 25

The Patrika


Friday, June 16th, 2017





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· 2 bath bat b ath at th · Lo Lot: 8,742 8,74 7 sqft Lot: ·H Ho ous use sse e size: si 2,154 sqft House · Curr rren rrr r tly being rented out. Currently Tenants looking to stay ter long term.

1907 Knox ox Terrace

· 7 bdrm · 5 bath baatth b h · Lot: t: 9,160 t: 9,1 sqft 4,618 sqft · House size: s


· 6, 18, & 35 Acres Parcel avail in Aldegrove Call for more info ALDERGROVE Land for sale! Build your 27055 29 Ave

NEW LISTING $524,888 $524 888

dream home on this bare lot. Located close to recreation centre and shopping. Option to buy lot 2 for $ $575K. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to build!

31309 Wagner agner Dr · 8 bdrm b rm bd m · 6 bath baatth b h · LLot: ot: o ot t: 6,975 6,,9 6 975 97 7 sqft · House Hous ous o ou usse size: u siz 4,529 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Ba Suite

32605 Geneva Ave · 5 bdrm bd drm r · 3 bath baatth b h · LLot: ot: ot: t: 7,200 7,2 sqft ·H ous o ou u e size: s House 2,240 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite

2960 Bergman St


PLA for 5 lot subdivision · Lot: 34,000 sqft · House size: 3,200 sqft · 6 bdrm , 3 bath · Wide driveway. Up to 8 cars

HARRISON MILLS 1193 Kilby Rd 25.7 Acres Blueberry Farm in


Harrison Mills. Possible to subdivide into two parcels (verify with city hall) 17 Acres DUKE. 7 Acres REKA. 1.5 Acres ELLIOT Machinery can be included

2875 Crossley ssley Dr

· 5bdr 5bdrm b m · 4 bath baatth b h · LLot: ot: o ot tt: 7,500 7,,5 7 500 50 0 sqft · Hous ou ous o use size: us siz 2,986 sqft House · 1 bdrm basement b suite

3246 Atwater water

· 5 bdrm bdrm bd · 3 bath batth ba h · LLot: ot: ot tt:: 5,447 5,4 447 44 47 sqft · Hous ous ou o usse size: u size 2,033 sqft House · 2 bdrm Basement Ba Suite


32634 Cowichan Ter

· Split level home · 4 bdrm 3 bath · Lot: 6,000 sqft · House size: 1,983 sqft

$680,000 32019 Noble Ave · 3 bdrm · 2 bath · Lot: 5,900 sqft · House size: 1,305 sqft · 1 bdrm Basement Suite $614,888

ABBOTSFORD ·C Completely omp ple renovated h ho hom om o me! e home! · 6 bdrm bd b drm rm · 3 bath bath ba bat · LLot: ot: 7,070 7,0 sqft · House Size: S 2,400 sqft

2115 Beaver eaver St

ABBOTSFORD · Build Bui Bu B uilld u d your yyou dream home with h hom om me or or subdivide s neighbouring t e ne the n eigh iiggh gh ghb property. pr pro p rope ro errtty ty. y · Central Cen Ce C e en nttra trr l Location L · Close Close to shopping, recreation centre and ameneties

33436 George Ferguson Way


31475 Cougar Court · 7 bdrm

$1,098,000 7419 Wren St


· 6 bath · Lot: 8,102 sqft · House size: 4,792 sqft · 2 bdrm Basement Suite

MISSION Well established convenience grocery store for sale! 1 bdrm living accommodation & a separate 3 bdrm rental home. Corner property w/ lots of parking. Great potential to re-develop.

3410 Shuswap uswap Te · 4 level le e ell sp ssplit · 4 bdrm, bdrrm bd rm, m, 3 bath m, · LLot: ot: o ot t: t 6,167sqft 6,,16 6 16 167 ·H Ho ouse size: siz 2,760 sqft House Cl t all three schools · Close to

MISSION · 3 bdrm bd b drm · 1 bath baatth b h · LLot: Lo ott: ot: o t: 11,760 11 1 1 sqft ·H ous o u e size: 2,180 sqft House · 1 bdrm Basement Suite

7668 Hurd St

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017


New Listing - West Abbotsford Condo Mt. Waddington - West Abbotsford

$249,999 This lovely, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom corner unit is nicely updated with newer kitchen cabinets and countertops, paint, flooring, lighting and bathroom vanity. Indoor swimming pool, hot tub and sauna.




YOUR NEW HOME SEARCH STOPS HERE! 7805 sqft lot has 4 bedroom 2 bathrooms, 2034 sqft, rancher with full basement and very cool loft would be perfect for first time home purchaser. Incredible holding property for future development. For more information please call Kuldip Sall.

Location!!! Home in popular Fairfield Estates. Recently renovated, SS appliances, RV parking and a private backyard perfect for entertaining.

10,240 sqft lot, 7 bedroom, 3 full bath, Open concept throughout, kitchen, dining, living rm and sunroom with roman columns. French traditional kitchen, large sunroom with windows and more windows to take in the panoramic mountain view. Please call for more information.


1486 sqft plus 439 sqft Solarium/deck, Brand New 2 bdrm & Fex/den, 2 full bath, Granite counter top. Close to all amenities.




DEERTRAIL WEST ABBOTSFORD 5 bdrm, 19'9x12' Rec room, 3 full bath, bsmt entry 2500 sqft home on 6000 sqft lot with LEGAL SUITE, New roof/Water tank, SS appliances. Close to both l ev el s cho o ls/s ho pp i ng c en ter, ea sy ac ce ss to freeway.



Approximate 2000 sqft. Commercial space for lease. Good for convenience store, grocery store, p izz a s hop & lots of other businesses. Good exposure & lots of parking. Please call for more info.


Lot in Mission - 3 storey home plan is ready. Close to all amenities. Asking #339,900. For more info please call Kuldip Sall


ASSIGNMENT - Central Abbotsford

Subdividable Lot






2568 sqft house on 9450 sqft with 5 bedroom house and 3 bath with LEGAL SUITE, New roof, New water tank, New kitchen, 2 bedroom Legal suite rented for $800/month. Close to hospital, park, shopping, easy access to Freeway. Please call for your personal viewing.


D L O $619,900 S

Apartment for sale by owner. Open House June 17th & 18th from 1.00 - 4.00pm

2 Bedrooms & 2 Washrooms Apartment Fully Renovated with new appliances Location: #137 - 32830 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford, BC


MISSION 4 bdrm, 3 full bath, fully renovated home, New kitchen,New bathrooms, New doors/windows, New driveway, New furnace, New flooring, New appliances, list goes on & on. Close to schools,For more info please call.

For more info contact Hardeep Brar:

778.237.7143 or 778.232.0581


The Patrika


Friday, June 16th, 2017



hrimMdr kohfrvflf gurF jo afiKaf sfnUM, Cpy jo gutikaF AuWqy. cVHy nf sLbd Auh sfQoN, mnF dy vrikaF AuWqy. Kuxy hn cyiqaF ivc Auh, bxy hn imwTIaF XfdF, jo poty mF munfKI dy, Cpy sn PulikaF AuWqy.


bfbf njLmI

eyDr kIqI swjxf ny qkId sLurU.


EDr myry dusLmx dI ey eId sLurU.

zf[ sLhrXfr ieAuN ieAuN dyh qpdI rhI, TMZ klyjy mFih

kfql sI Auh sLfm dIaF aKLbfrF ivwc,

TMZ dI QF kuJ syk dy, Auqr imilaf nFih

PjLr dIaF aKLbfrF ivwc qrdId sLurU.

AumrF nfl ivgfV ky, Kwitaf vwitaf kI

hXf `qy ho igaf hwlf, qy Twly kOx hux `kwlf,

eyho jhy mYN iewk idn lIVy pfvFgf,

sBfly kOx ieh DOly, jo nwcx TumikaF AuWqy.

sfrf ipMz krygf myrI dId sLurU.

nsLy qoN mukq kI hoxy, duafbf mflvf mfJf,

GuwgU-GoVy sfnUM vI pey idsdy ny,

ihPfjLq hY zrMmF dI, kropI mtikaF AuWqy.

KflI KIsy krIey ikMJ KrId sLurU.

rUp vtfeI jfxgy, rihx nf ien ibn

kdy nf pUrIaF peIaF, qy sDrF mn `c hI rhIaF,

pihlF qoN mMnvf lY myrf aMdr df,

aih hY, ieh, ieh, ahu igaf, vyK nf sikaf rwj

kdy nf lf sky mfhI, duafnI JumikaF AuWqy.

Pyr krFgf ZolF nfl qfeId sLurU.

ieh ieAuN hI roNdf rhy, ies dy eyhIAu eI cwj

ihMmq krky ijhVy lokIN tur pey ny,

hsdIaF vsdIaF bsqIaF, aMdroN aMdrIN rox

rcy nf sLbd rUh aMdr, bxfey sLbd ny mMqr, Gsy ny jpidaF poty, qy Gfsy mxikaF AuWqy.


myry vwloN mMjLl dI AumId sLurU.

gurBjn igwl ikMny sUrj cVH ky lih gey, vkq ilhfjL kdy nhIN krdf.

BuVk ipaF eyN, ajy qy Auhdy jLulmF dI,

isKr phfV dI tIsI AuWqoN, AuWqry bfJoN iks df srdf?


gYs gubfry cVHdy aMbrIN, ikwQy izwgdy vyK ilaf kr, qUM ies jUnI ikAuN pYNdf hYN, jy mn rihMdy aMdroN zrdf.

‘bfbf njmI’ kIqI ey qshId sLurU.

pMz KolHI, kI vyKdF, iek awD kivqf hI? AumrF nfl nf nfpIaF, sfl mhIny idn,

aih afieaf sI kOx sI, ieh ahu qur cwilaf kOx? gYr hfjLrIaF BridaF, Aumrf geI guafc hYrfnI, hYrfnIaF, aih kOx Kloqf eI pfs

bIbf blvMq

bVy idnF qoN ruwq nhIN prqI

smJ nf afvy, vfrqf, smJ nf afAuNdy bol

cuglI dI KwtI df Kwitaf Kfxf sOKf hjLm nf hovy,

ruwq ik ijs ivc Puwl iKVdy ny

rMg brMgy aflHxy sB kuJ gol mtol

ibn afeI qoN qyry vrgf, mOqoN pihlF qfhIAuN mrdf.

ruwq ik ijs ivc iPjLf mihkdI

cONh-qrPIN hnyrf ipaf, ql ivc Kbry ryq

cMm dI jIB Gumf ky swc QF kUV kmfvyN dvyN dlIlF,

Aus ruwq leI myrI ijMd sihkdI.

zol irhf asmfn ikMJ Br sfgr dy hyT

mn dI adl kcihrI aMdr ikAuN rihMdYN hrjfny Brdf.

bVy idnF qoN ruwq nhIN prqI

jy iensfP dI qwkVI qyrI dey inaF nf kry PYsly,

ruwq ik ijs ivc gulmohrF dy Puwl pwiqaF `coN

pfV vkflqnfmf swjxf, myrf idl hfmI nhIN Brdf.

Cxy cfnxI,

nIq dI bOrI QwilAuN sI lY AuproN pfvyN hyTF grky, bdnIqI `coN bd nUM lfh dy, kfhdy ipwCy rihMdY mrdf. eynf qf ieiqhfs nUM puwC lY bMdf ikhVI jMg hrdf jyqU aflmgIr iskMdr jd vI mrdf Kud qoN mrdf.


blvIr iZwloN

swjx jI,


mn myrf Auh cfhy mfnxI.

rihxf vI aOKf ijhf, kihxf vI musLikl DrqI vI mukdI nhIN, qUM qF cilaf cl jfx leI kI mihPlF, qurny aFh qur jfeIey

bVy idnF qoN ruwq nhIN prqI

ieh vI kI hoieaf Blf, Kurny aF Kur jfeIey

ruwq ik ijs ivc diraf vgdy

supnf sI, kuJ vI nhIN, lY ilaf Kbry kOx

ruwq ik ijs ivc DrqI TrdI

koisLsL krF, pCfx lF, hlkI hlkI pOx

Aus ruwq ibn qF DrqI mrdI

pOx aDUrI rih geI, pwqIaF vI nf ihldIaF

qusIN ikhVI ruwqy afey,

Aus ruwq nUM koeI idE sunyhf

ijs ruwqy asF ibrhf gfieaf,

ijs ruwq nUM koeI krdf nyhf

nYxF dy ivwc kwjlf pfieaf,

ijs ruwq nUM koeI sdf AuzIky

qy asF rwj rwj hMJU vhfey,

Aus ruwq leI myrI ijMd sihkdI

swjx jI,

ruwq ik ijs ivc iPjLf mihkdI

jy ikDry guMm igaf eyN, sfrf eI qyrf vwg

qusIN aYsI ruwqy afey…!!

bVy idnF qoN ruwq nhIN prqI.

bMidaf, qUM Bwl jfeyNgf, cyqy rwKdy Twg

pyNitMg vrgf ruwK hY, iks nUM afKF idl dIaF mOq isKf geI nINdrF qy hwsxf roxf toNhidaF toNhidaF aksmfq pfAuxf qy Koxf

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017

nI mF

(idwlI ryp kys nUM smrpq) ieMdrjIq iswDU srI

Aus kmlI kuVI dy nF

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF

iksy lok-gIq dy…

hrcMd isMG bfgVI

srbjIq sohI

nI mF

muwKVy vrgIey kmlIey kuVIey!

qyrI afty dI icVHI

sfry hI gIq…

mYN dws ikwQy DrF…?

guxguxfey nhIN jf skdy,

sLihr qyry dIaF

iesLk dy gIq ajy vI vrijq ny

glIaF suMJIaF

isaflF dIaF kuVIaF leI!

Guwp hnyry rfh. dihsLq psrI cfr cuPyry bMd hoey myry sfh. sLihr qyry ivc cfr cuPyry dihsLq vs rhI nI mF mYN dws ikwQy DrF? qyrI afty dI icVHI.



puwq myry nUM imlf dy iek vfrI,

dlIp isMG nUM cfVHky GoVy,

vyK lvF idl Br ky.

sLflImfr bfg qoiraf.

mwQf cuMmky kfljy lflF,

idn muwikaf hnyrf hox lwigaf,

muV ky mYN vwK nf krF.

mihlF nUM dlIp muiVaf.

ajy vI smrwQ nhIN,

myry ibnF nf rfq nUM sONdf,

gulfb isMG ny roikaf Aus nUM,

JMg dy jMglF dI KfmosLI cIrn vfsqy.

myry ibnF aMn nf Cky.

qUM kfkf ikwQy cwilaf?

qYnUM nhIN pqf,

ikwQy Bfldf hoeygf mYnUM,

afpF rfq nUM iewQy hI rihxf,

kflI-bolI rfq AuqrI.

bfg ivc rfq kwtxI.

aYny icr nUM goiraF af ky,

Kfx-pIx df sfmfn iewQy sfrf,

mihlF df bUhf mwilaf.

ipkink afpF krnI.

jdoN iKVHx dI ruwqy…

bMd kr qUM rfxIey roxf,

ijvyN afiKaf sfhb ny mYnUM,

rIJF nfl pfly howey guwty dy Puwl

Cwz hux rox-Dox nUM

bol pgfAuxy Aus dy.

smF ho igaf jfx df qyrf,

kwlH cwlFgy sLihr muV afpF,

hor nf AuzIk krnI.

bhuqy idn nhIN lfvxy.

cwk gwTVI gwzI dy ivc bihjf,

qyry sfQI sfry ny eyQy,

rFJy dI vMJlI…

jdoN hflfq dy Kurdry pl… rysLmI aihsfsF nUM bycYn krdy ny.

aMdr rwKF qF

KwKVIaF ho ky ibKrdy ny.

KFdy ny cUhy

jdoN mrdI hY…

bfhr KFdy ny kF.

ijLMdgI dy rfhF ivwc,

sB kuwJ ipaf rihx dy.

bfg ivc jf ky vyK lY.

AuNJ qF sfrf jwg hY myrf

smJOiqaF sMg kdmqfl kridaF

ieh afK ky lf leI mUhry,

dlIp isMG ny vyKy jd sfQI,

nf koeI sLihr grF.

pYrF dI mtkn dI adf

mhfrfxI rxjIq isMG dI.

Aus kuwJ DIr Diraf.

nf hAukf

bVI qklIPL huMdI hY.

ijMdF jf ky gwzI dy ivc bihgI,

pr mF qoN ibnF nf kuwJ KfDf,

KuwlHy Cwz bUhy-bfrIaF

pY igaf cuwp krky.

pwky rih gey pdfrQ sfry,

nINd afeI nf mfrdf pfsy,

jdoN mdhosL krdy ieqr dI QF qy

hukm nf hoieaf Kfx df.

dUr ikqy kuwqy BONkdy.

afpxy ijsm nUM…

kwZI mihlF `coN qyrI ptrfxI,

mF ikqy vI njLr nf afeI,

kihMdI rxjIq isMG nUM.

mMjy AuWqy hwQ mfrdf.

qyry ibnF nf myrf koeI drdI,

sfrI rfq awKF ivc bIqI,

mVHIaF `coN af jf AuTky.

msF hY sI idn ciVHaf.

kMnF ivwcoN dI lMGdy ny

qyrI mVHI qy aKIrI dIvf DrgI,

mihlIN jfx dI kfhl sI Aus nUM,

vkq dy sUey…

krIN nf AuzIkF myrIaF.

ibMdy-ibMdy khy jfx nUM.

bVI qklIP huMdI hY.

hrcMd isMGf nf imtf koeI skdf,

jd muV ky mihl ivc afieaf,

ilKIaF lyK dIaF.

drF awgy mF nf KVHI.


Auho Bwj ky mihl ivc viVaf,

goiraF ny jLulm kry swc jfixEN.

mF qfeIN tolHdf iPry.

nf hMJU eyQy myrf duwK vMzfvy nf nI mF qyrI afty dI icVI DwupF `c sV geI CfvF `c Tr geI rwuK vI nf krdy CF afty dIaF icVIaF bnyry qy DrIaF

bVI qklIP huMdI hY.

cuwilHaF dI suafh mlxI pYNdI hY. jdoN hfrky muMdrF pfAux leI

KFdy ny kuwqy qy kF


nI mF

qYnUM nhIN pqf!

qyrI afty dI icVI

iesLk dy gIq ajy vI vrijq ny

hvf KorI df bhfnf krky,

sfry kmry Proly Aus ny,

mYN dws ikwQy DrF….

isaflF dIaF kuVIaF leI!

mF nfloN puwq qoiVaf,

mF AuhnUM ikqoN nf imlI. PAGE 29


The Patrika 

Friday, June 16th, 2017

5 reasons why your child should get in The dirt on soil conservation on the game the farm (NC) The lure of screen time can often deter kids from going outside, but enrolling yours in sports or physical activity will help them stay active this summer. Here are some of the main benefits of getting in the game:

a safe place for children to push their lim- (NC) Farmers are the original its — it teaches them to set goals and try environmentalists — they rely on again if they do not succeed the first time. the land for their business and are keen to adopt new technologies 4. Make friends: Being part of a team that help protect the environment. allows kids to socialize with their peers. Almost all sports have elements of team- One technology that has been a work, and learning to work together is huge environmental success story another valuable life skill. is biotech crops, which allows farmers to practice conservation 5. Have a blast: Having fun is the most tillage. important reason to get your kids in the game this summer. Through play, kids “Conservation tillage is when a develop a positive association with sport farmer plants seeds for the crop and physical activity, encouraging them directly into the standing stubble to be active for life. of the previous year’s crop without

1. Maintain good health: Did you know that, according to the federal government, only 9 per cent of kids ages five to 17 get the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity? Cardiovascular fitness, strength, improved flexibility and bone density are all developed through exercise. Plus, it helps maintain a healthy body weight and reduces the risk of health For parents worried about the expenses problems. associated with getting kids in the game, 2. Develop self-esteem: Not only does Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities can getting active help improve overall mental help by assisting with the costs of registrahealth and well-being, it allows kids to tion, equipment and even transportation. venture beyond their comfort zones and try new things. Playing a sport fosters self- You can support this cause by donating at esteem and helps kids develop confidence. your local Canadian Tire; 100 per cent of customer donations stay in the community. 3. Learn resilience: Even the best athletes If you know a kid who wants to play but is in the world fail, and learning to overcome unable to because of costs, find help online setbacks is an important life skill. Sport is at jumpstart.canadiantire.ca.


tilling the land first,” explains Pat Beaujot, a soil expert and founder of a conservation tillage equipment company. “When a farmer plants a biotech crop, rather than till the land to control the weeds, he can spray a pesticide, which is an extremely efficient way to control weeds and grow a very good crop.”

leaves the field susceptible to wind and water erosion. Beaujot says that by the 1970s, half the organic matter in the soil in Western Canada had been depleted. “Pesticides and biotech crops have allowed farmers to practice conservation tillage to build up the organic matter in the soil. To go from what we saw here in the 70s when dust was blowing and soil was eroded to what we have today is a huge environmental success story.”

Learn more about how farmers are protecting the environment online Tilling the land breaks down the at helpingcanadagrow.ca. organic matter in the soil, which

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017



Innovative ways to manage your health (NC) Technology is no longer just for savvy millennials. More and more people of all ages are embracing technology and using it to simplify their lives.

MAKE UP TO $14,000 THIS SUMMER at North Americas Leading Fresh Berry Processor! Eligibility: Not currently working Permanent resident or Canadian citizen Will commit to full-time training for 12 days Will commit to work full time Contact: 604-720-3301, or email: shannon@eclipsehr.ca

“In fact, the advancements in technology have been particularly beneficial for people living with health conditions such as diabetes,” says Toronto endocrinologist Harpreet S. Bajaj, MD, MPH. “Innovative tools and technology have helped people understand, simplify and better manage a complex disease like diabetes.” Here are a few more tips that will provide insight into how new technology can help improve your health too. Digital health management: Most Canadians are unaware of services that are already available through electronic methods at medical offices, health clinics and pharmacies. For example, digitally shared medical records can save a lot of time for you and your doctor. New and innovative services can include access to records, video consultations, prescription records, and patient notifications.

Health apps: In 2015, there were over 1,200 diabetes-related health apps available. For those living with the disease, this opened the door to simple management tools that could be easily integrated into people’s lives. However, it’s important to find the right one for you. The Contour Next One system and its app are part of the new stream of advanced tech devices that help people better manage diabetes. It features an easy-to-use, wireless-enabled smart meter that links to the related smartphone app. Patients are able to identify trends, monitor their readings from anywhere at anytime, and share their results effortlessly with healthcare professionals. Wearable technology: Wearable devices are more than a fashion trend. Devices like Fitbits encourage people to take control of their fitness, push past daily goals and challenge one another for fun. A great source of motivation, wearable tech is getting people outdoors with simple activities that will greatly benefit their health.

ies grmIaF ivwc $140000 zflr kmfAu AuqrI amrIkf dy msLhUr qfjLI byrI prosYsr XogqfvF: aj klH kMm nf kr irhf hovy. kYnyzf df pwkf vsnIk jF istIjLn hovy. 12 idnF dI Pul tfeIm kMm krn df Brosf duafvf.

sMprk : 604-720-3301, or eI myl : shannon@eclipsehr.ca PAGE 31

The Patrika



Friday, June 16th, 2017

mfzrn rFJy df Kq

blrfj isMG prm ipafrI, kwlH hI bolxf kbUqr duafrf mfr suwitaf.’ nf bfbf nf myrI qobf. mYN nhIN qyrI ByjI icwTI imlI. lY hfsy vflI gwl mwCrF nfl Gol krnf. sux. kwlH lotx kbUqr bVf icr sLsopMjL qUM iliKaf hY ik mYN mhIaF sFBx bfry sB `c ipaf, myry zYzI dy duafly hI gyVy kwZdf qrHF dI pRYktIkl tRyinMg lY ky hI afvF qy irhf ikAuNik kwlH myry zYzI ny kflI mihMdI ho sky qF iksy psLUaF dy zfktr kol vI nfl dfVHI jvF hI sLfh kflI kwZI hoeI sI pMj-swq idn lf afvF. qUM qfkId kIqI hY qy dfVHI rMg ky Auh jvF eI myry vrgy lgdy ik mYN duwD coxF, inafxf pfAuxf qy gqfvf hn. jykr Auh guwsy ivwc ‘mr prHF kbUqrf’ krnf afid kMm cwj nfl iswK ky afvF. qUM nf kihMdy qF Kvry Auh AunHF nUM hI icwTI PVf afpxI shuM dy ky ieh vI ikhf hY ik mYnUM afAuNdf. Pyr pY jfxf sI BVQU. sLukr kr ● No Experience Required ‘PMzr’, ‘qokV’ qy ‘pMj kilafxvI’ afid Auhny zYzI dI Pty bFs vrgI afvfjL pCfx gfvF qy mwJF dI pCfx hoxI cfhIdI hY. myrI leI qy mYnUM icwTI phuMcf idwqI. lY hux kMm dI jfn hIr! qYnUM pqf hI hY ik mYN qF hux qwk gwl `qy afeIey. qUM icwTI ivc iliKaf hY ik minafrI dI dukfn hI krdf irhf hF. zYzI ● Training will be provided qyry Bfpy ny kwlH hI aKbfr ivc iesLiqhfr myrf aOrMgjLyb ijhf hI jLflm hY. mjLfl Byijaf hY ik quhfnUM mwJIaF cfrn leI 89 hY do imMt vI gwdI qoN AuWTx dyvy. sLfm nUM idnF dy afDfr `qy iek mulfjLm cfhIdf hY. gwdI qoN icmty nfl hI lfhux vflI gwl ho qnKfh gwlbfq rfhIN qYa hovygI. qUM iliKaf jFdI hY. so mhIaF bfry pRYktIkl tRyinMg ● Ability to cross border hY ik aYzvrtfeIjLmYNt iek hPqy dy ivc lYx df myry kol ajy koeI tfeIm nhIN. so, Cp jfvygI qy mYN sfry aKbfr dyKdf irhf qUM ieMtrivAU `c mhIaF bfry kuJ nf puwCIN. qy ies afsfmI leI jLrUr arjLI Gwl dyvF. hF pfAUzrF, ilpsitwkF, cUVIaF qy krImF qyrI icwTI qoN pqf lwgf ik qUM vI afvdy Bfpy ● Clean Driver Abstract bfry jo mrjLI puwC lvIN. jykr qYnUM zr hY qy bIbI nfl Xog AumIdvfr dI cox krn ik qyrf zYzI mhIaF bfry AUt-ptFg pRsLn leI nfl bYTyNgI. ieh pVH ky bVf iPkr puwCU qF svyry hI AuhnUM cfh nfl do-cfr hoieaf ik sfzf BfvI shurf nOjfvnF qoN aYdF nINd dIaF golIaF Kuaf dyvIN. afpy sfrI zrdf hY ijvyN kF gulyly qoN aqy iesy leI idhfVI kMuBkrn bixaf GurfVy mfrdf rhU. Aus ny isrPL icwty vflF vfly AumIdvfr hI ieMtrivAU isrP qUM hI kr leIN. jdoN qUM hI ieMtrivAU `qy bulfey hn. qUM mYnUM buwZf bx ky islYksLn kmytI dI cyarprsn hoeI, iPr afAux leI ikhf hY. ipafrI hIr! qyrf swdf sfnUM kfhdf zr? sfzI islYksLn pwkI. isr mwQy `qy. pr myrI vI sux. pihlI gwl qF ieh hY ik sfzy ipMz pMjfbI df aKbfr cMnIeyN! qUM svyry awT ku vjy hI ieMtrivAU afAuNdf hI nhIN, so aYzvrtfeIjLmYNt ikwQoN `qy phuMcx leI ikhf hY ikAuNik bfad ivc dyKUM? aMgryjLI `coN afpxf hwQ sLurU qoN hI AumIdvfrF dI BIV vD jfvygI qy ho skdf qMg hY. so nMbrdfrF dI aMgryjLI dI aKbfr hY myrI ieMtrivAU do-cfr idn bfad ivc qF afpxy leI ‘kflf awKr BYNs brfbr’ hI afvy. mKxIey! ikhVy-ikhVy duKVy quhfzIaF ieMsLorYNs (bImy) dIaF syvfvF leI hfjr hF. vflI gwl hY. kwK smJ nhIN afAuNdI. smJ rovF? afpxIaF muhwbqF df jwg hI nhIN, “supr vIjLf” leI hr svfl leI sMprk kro. kfhdI afAuxI aF? afpF ikhVI aMgryjLI sgoN afpxy vI vYrI ho gey hn. awgy qF qYnUM 1636 - MOUNT afAu LEHMAN RD, BCnUV2T x vflyL smy N ivwAbbotsford, c afpxy pUry pirvfr M aqy 6H7dI aYm[ey[kIqI af. ruVH-KuVH ky msF awT zYzI dy sn cflI vfly iPVky skUtr `qy hI jmfqF hI pfs kIqIaF sn ik qyry iesLk df imlx af jFdf sI. pr hux zYzI ny afpxI Office: 604.557.0900afpxI Cell:kmfeI 604.897.7213 nuM surwiKaq cfhMor udy ho778.246.0074 ? avwlVf rog lwg igaf. hux jdoN dsvIN pfs muhwbq df jnfjLf kwZx leI afvdf iPVkf Specializing in: www.newcapitalroadways.com tYksI aqy trwk zrfeIvrF leI spYsLl skImF krn df ivcfr afieaf qF srkfr ny pMj skUtr vI vyc idwqf hY. so, hux mYnUM dfdf LIFE INSURANCE MORTGAGE INSURANCE Email: dispatch@newcapitalroadways.com qrHF dy pypr krky BwTf bhf qf. so, sohxIey jI dy purfxy sfeIkl `qy hI ieh sO mIl DISABILITY sfzy kol kuJ nvIaF skImF afeIaF hn| aYzvrtfeIjLmYNt qF mYnUM lwBxI nhIN, qUM df sPr qYa krnf hovygf. aYvyN nf aONsIaF CRITICAL ILLNESS afp hI ies dI kitMg mYnUM Byj dyeIN. ByjIN pfAuNdI iPrIN. mYQoN iewk-do vjy qoN pihlF RESP afp jI dI jfxkfrI pUrI qrHF nfl TRAVEL pMjfbI `c hI. Pyr nf khIN. mYN arjLI nhIN nhIN phuMc hoxf. sLfied Jwt pihlF vI phuMc RRSP GwlI. hF swc qUM iliKaf hY ik myry rihx jFdf, pr sfeIkl dI cyn vfr-vfr AuWqrdI surwiKaq aqy gupq rwKI jfvygI. SUPERVISA df ieMqjLfm psLUaF dy vfVy `c hI hovygf, hox kfrn ieh sMBv nhIN. cyn kvr nf ikAuNik quhfzy ZfeI mrilaF dy mkfn `c hox kfrn pYNt vI ibMdy-Jwty cyn `c aVdI sfzf kMm gRMtI hY, shI slfh, koeI kmrf KflI nhIN. sohxIey! ieh kI rihMdI hY. so dyr hoxI lfjLmI hY. sfeIkl ZukvIN skIm aqy qswlI bKsL! lohVf mfiraf? mYN AuWQy rhUMgf ikwdF? sfrI dI duwKdfeI hflq bfry mYN kbUqr rfhIN vI rfq mwCrF nfl GulidaF hI bIq jfAU myrI ivsQfr sihq hMJUaF BrI icwTI ByjI hY. qF. Qozy vfVy dy mwCr hYn vI cfm ciVwkF AumId hY hux qwk iml geI hovygI. Come visit us for all your insurance needs! ijwzy-ijwzy. ipCly mhIny jdoN mYN qYnUM icwTI PVfAux afieaf sI qF AudoN qbyly `c mwCr sohxIeyN, qUM iliKaf sI ik mYN buwZf bx ky ijvyN lfeIPL ieMsLorYNs, mOrgyjL ieMsLorYNs, kMm krn dy Xog nF hovy, iksy iksm df aYksIzYNt, ikqy ny dMdI vwZI sI hwQ `qy hux qwk nhIN DwPV hI afvF ikAuNik qyry zYzI nOjvfnF qoN BirMz sPLr qy jf rhy ho, rwb nF kry iksy nf murfd ibmfrI df isLkfr ho jfvoN qF, bwicaF dI agFh pVHfeI hitaf. nf bfbf nf, mYN nhIN AuWQy rihxf. vFg zrdy hn. ies sbMDI myrI ivafpk leI skIm, buZfpy vyly pYsf ikvyN kMm afvy, jF supr vIjLf afid. hmysLF iewko nfm Xfd rwKxf! sfrI Aumr kUlrF Qwly kwZI af. hux mwCrF qoN iqafrI bfry vI sux lY. mYN iek PkIr qoN dMdIaF vZfvF? mYnUM pfgl kuwqy ny kwitaf? pMjfh rupey ivwc purfxf Jwgf-pjfmf KrId We guarantee that you will not be disappointed by our expertise insurance services! hux qF kihMdf hF, ‘qyrIaF muhwbqF ny mfr ilaf hY aqy zrfmy vfilaF qoN icwtI dfVHI vI suwitaf’ Pyr khFgf, ‘qyiraF nIN mwCrF ny ikrfey `qy lY aFdI hY. ajy isr dy vflF df Karamjit Rajwan: 604-897-9646 prbMD nhIN hoieaf. pr qUM iPkr nf krIN.

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asIN afp jI dI pUrI jfxkfrI lYky afp nMU shI slfh ZukvIN skIm aqy ieMsLorYNs (bImf) lYky dyvFgy.


Friday, June 16th, 2017

myry iek dosq ny ieh ijLMmyvfrI lY leI hY. rwb dy vfsqy koeI bhuq hfsy vflI gwl nf krIN ikAuNik bhuqf mUMh ihlfieaF dfVHI izwg jFdI hY. ieh gwl Xfd rwKIN. hor nf hfsy df qmfsLf bx jy. AuprMq ilKq-myrI moqIaF vflI srkfr! ho sky qF mwJF leI koeI hor cfk hI rwK lE ikAuNik ieh gqfvy-gqUvy krn qy inafxyinAUxy pfAux vfly kMm mYnUM nhIN afAuxy. ijhVy awKr hI aYzy AUt-ptFg ny, Auh kMm Kvry ikho ijhy AUt-ptFg hoxgy. qyry kihx `qy mYN guaFZIaF dI mwJ cox dI koisLsL kIqI sI, pr mUMh dI KfxI peI. pihlF qF jdoN mYN nyVy hoieaf qF mwJ ny pUC mfr ky sfrf Jwgf hI gohy nfl lbyVqf, qy iPr lwq mfr

The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

ky smyq bfltI mYnUM KurlI `c suwt idwqf. qyrI shuM, awKF awgy BMbUqfry nwcx lwg pey sn. kYdoN vFg lMgVfAuNdf msF Gry phMuicaf. zfktr nUM idKfieaf qF pqf lwgf ik cfr QfvF qoN hwzI tuwtI hY. mrdf kI nf krdf? plwsqr luaf ilaf hY. zYzI awz gflHF kwZ irhf hY. myry nfl qF AuhI hoeI ‘nfnI Ksm kry, dohqf cwtI Bry.’ qyry iesLky dy pihly hwly ny hI BuaFtxIaF dy idwqIaF hn. surq mfr idwqI hY. lwq PfkVF-PfkVF kr idwqI hY. ajy hor Kvry, ikhVy-ikhVy dojLKF `coN lMGxf pYxf hY. so, ‘sO gjL rwsf, isry `qy gMZ.’ keI vfrI socdf hF ik CwzF ies sfry isVI-isafpy nUM aqy kih idaF sfPsfP ‘sfQoN nhIN mwJIN cfr huMdIaF’ asIN qF minafrI dI dukfn hI krFgy.

sYtl hoxf: kYnyzf ivwc afpxy pihly sfl leI iqafrI krnI nvyN dyĂˆ ivwc rihx leI afAuxf joĂˆ Biraf aqy hfvI hox vflf dohF qrHF df ho skdf hY. ieh jfxy-pCfxy mfhOl qoN qbdIlI df smF hY, aqy krn vflIaF pihlIaF kuJ cIĂ‹F leI iqafr hox aqy jfxkfrI hfsl krn nfl lMmy smyN leI Pfiedf hovygf.


o zRfeIvr df lfiesYNs: kYnyzf ivwc zRfeIvr df lfiesYNs pRfpq krn dI pRikiraf Aus sUby jF Kyqr, ijs ivwc qusIN rihĂ€dy ho aqy quhfzy zRfeIivĂ€g ipCokV ‘qy inrBr krdI hY. ieQoN hor jfxkfrI lvo: “hr sfl, kYnyzf dunIaf Br qoN hĂ‹frF lokF http://bit.ly/2pNJ4Bg df suafgq krdf hYâ€? RBC dI swiBafcfrk afpxf pihlf kYnyizafeI bYNk Kfqf mfrkItF dI sInIar zfierYktr, afievI • Ko l H o aqy qurĂ€q kRYizt ihstrI bxfAuxI icAu (Ivy Chiu) ny ikhf. “jd ik quhfzy Ăˆu r U kro . kY nyzf ivwc Gr jF kfr vrgIaF aqy quhfzy pirvfr leI dunIaf dy dUjy ihwsy ivwc rihx leI jfxf afsfn nhIN hY, iewk vwzIaF KrIddfrIaF leI kRYizt aqy kRYizt rUtIn bxfAux nfl sYtl hox aqy kYnyzf ihstrI dI loV huĂ€dI hY, pr ieh sYwl Pon dI iĂ‹Ă€dgI nfl juVn ivwc mdd imlygI, dy iblF, ikrfey aqy hor mhInyvfr KricaF aqy qusIN aqy quhfzf pirvfr ĂˆurU qoN hI leI vI loVINdI ho skdI hY. nvyN afey lokF leI bYNikĂ€g bfry vfDU jfxkfrI rbc.com/ sPlqf leI iqafr hovogy. newcomers ‘qy iml skdI hY. pihly 100 idn mhwqvpUrn huĂ€dy hn. jdoN afpxy nvyN BfeIcfry ivwc smfjk qusIN pihlI vfr phuĂ€cdy ho qF ieh ivcfr • nY t vrk bxfAuxf ĂˆurU kro. nvyN afey krn leI kuJ gwlF hn: lokF leI bhuq sfrIaF muPq syvfvF aqy • afpxy sQfnk srkfrI srivs BfeIcfrk sĂ€gTn hn. qusIN mIitĂ€gF aqy afiPs ivwc jfE qF jo qusIN afpxI loV dy smfjk pRogrfm inXq krn leI afAux srkfr duafrf jfrI mhwqvpUrn dsqfvyĂ‹F qoN pihlF hI jfxkfrI lYxf ĂˆurU kr leI drKfsq dy sko, ijnHF ivwc Ăˆfml hn: skdy ho. ies bfry hor jfxkfrI leI ik quhfzy nvyN BfeIcfry ivwc kI kuJ AuplbD o soĂˆl ieĂ€ĂˆorYNs kfrz (SIN kfrz) hY, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/ - iewk nON-aĂ€kF df nĂ€br, kYnyzf ivwc kĂ€m newcomers/services/ ‘qy jfE. krn jF srkfrI pRogrfmF aqy bYiniPtF swiBafcfrk sĂ€GF ivwc Ăˆfml ho leI drKfsq dyx vfsqy quhfĆ’ ies nĂ€br • dI loV hovygI. ĂˆurUafq krn leI afpxy ky afpxIaF jVF dy sĂ€prk ivwc rho. ies nyVy srivs kYnyzf df afiPs (http://bit. jfx-pCfx nfl kYnyzf dI iĂ‹Ă€dgI ivwc qbdIl hox ivwc mdd iml skdI hY aqy ly/2pHRWb6) lwBo. nfl hI quhfĆ’ nvyN dosq imlxgy. o hYlQ kfrz: sĂ€Bfvnf hY ik kYnyzf ivwc ishq-sĂ€Bfl Aus nfloN vwKrI hovygI iksy nvyN dyĂˆ ivwc rihx leI jfx vfsqy jo quhfzy jwdI dyĂˆ ivwc sI. afpxy hYlQ kfPI iĂ‹afdf aYzjstmYNt dI loV huĂ€dI hY. kfrz dy nfl, quhfzy kol keI syvfvF leI inklx qoN pihlF iqafrI krn aqy ieh bImf hovygf. aglf kdm ieh pqf krnf jfxn ik iksy rUtIn ivwc pRBfvI qrIky hY ik quhfĆ’ hor ikhVy vfDU bImy dI loV nfl ikvyN sYtl hoxf hY, nfl qbdIlI ivwc ho skdI hY, aqy quhfzy BfeIcfry ivwc iewk shfieqf imlygI. nvyN afey lokF leI hor PYimlI zfktr dy smyq dujy ishq-sĂ€Bfl slfh vfsqy, rbc.com/newcomers ‘qy pRdfqf (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/ jfE.


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Work is available till End of November

hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro:

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The Patrika


Friday, June 16th, 2017


Social worker Partap Singh DIG (Retd) visits Vancouver - Gian Singh Kotli Vancouver- A highly dedicated social worker S. Partap Singh DIG Delhi (Retd) is in Toronto. He will be visiting Vancouver on 12th June and stay here for few days to meet with community members. He is the General Secretary of The Sikh Forum New Delhi- a registered body whose first president was Lt. Gen Jagjit Singh Aurora. S.Partap Singh is actively involved with Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kender, New Delhi. This institution, started by the former Speaker S. Hukam Singh in 1981, provides completely free education to weaker and needy children with 100 % free boarding facility. S. Partap Singh is also serving the Dasmesh free IAS Academy and coaching centre to prepare young Sikh boys and girls for joining Central and State services. He is a Representative and Advisor for Delhi/NCR/ North America and "The Sikh Review" Kolkata - a theological, educational, social & cultural monthly journal spreading the Sikh message of love and service to mankind all over the world since 1953. Very Fortunately I have been very closely associated with this enlightening Journal for long and leant a lot from it.

Now Hiring New & experienced Mechanincs

(Contact 604 502 7151)

trwk aqy trYlr rIpyar ilmitz

asIN nvyN aqy qjLrbydfr mkYink hfier kr rhy hF. Contact:



The Patrika 

Friday, June 16th, 2017


kYnyzf dI 150vIN vrHy gMZ mOky dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dy PfAUNzr ipRMsIpl, zf: dlIp isMG igwl nUM Xfd kridaF… dwKxI eysLIafeI BfeIcfry df kYnyzf ivwc Xogdfn kYnyzf ivwc vwK-vwK dysLF qoN lok af ky vsy hoey hn. iehnF lokF ivwc dwKxI eysLIafeI lok vI sLfml hn. dwKxI eysLIafeI lokF df kYnyzf dI arQ-ivvsQf aqy swiBafcfr ivwc bhuq vwzf Xogdfn hY. iviBMnqf nUM AuqsLfihq krn qoN lY ky dysL dI qrwkI qwk dwKxI eysLIafeI lokF df vI bhuq vwzf hwQ hY. kYnyzf nUM KUbsUrq aqy KusLhfl bnfAux leI jo dwKxI BfeIcfry ny Xogdfn pfieaf hY Aus bfry hyT ilKy pYiraF ivwc jfxkfrI idwqI jf rhI hY.

kMm AuhnF ny kIqf. AuhnF qoN pihlF cInI BfeIcfry vFg ijvyN ik ijMnF ny kYnyzIan pYsiPk rylvy bxfeI. dwKxI eysLIafeI lokF ny hwz-BMnvIN imhnq kIqI ijs ny iewQoN dI arQ-ivvsQf nUM mjLbUq kIqf.

jo pihly dwKxI eysLIafeI lok kYnyzf ivwc afey Auh afm qOr qy POjI ispfhI sn. iehnF prvfsIaF ny iewQoN dy POjIaF dy nfl moZy nfl moZf joV ky pihlF ivsLv XuwD liVaf BfvyN iehnF eysLIan ispfhIaF nfl ivqkrf kIqf igaf pr AuhnF ny ies dysL dI qrwkI leI koeI kmI nhIN CwzI. jMg 1903 eIsvI qoN dwKxI eysLIafeI lok kYnyzf ivwc qkrIbn pMj lwK pMjfbIaF ny kYnyzf ivwc afvfs hoxy sLurU hoey. jyb ivwc QoVy pYsy df sfQ idwqf. aqy idlF ivwc bhuq vwzI AumId lY ky Auh kMm dI Koj ivwc lwg gey. prvfsIaF ny ieh lok afpxy nfl-nfl afpxf swiBafcfr imwlF, KyqF aqy kfrKfinaF afid ivwc kMm vI lY ky afey ijs nfl kYnyzf ivwc sLfndfr sLurU kIqf. jo kMm kYnyzf dy pVHy ilKy nfgirk qbdIlI afeI. eysLIafeI pihlF qoN hI nhIN kr skdy sn Auh sKLq imhnq vflf iviBMnqf ivwc awvl sn. AuhnF dy dysLF ivwc

isrP iewk Drm jF jfq dy lok nhIN vsdy sn sgoN ieh bfhroN afey lokF dI vI inwGf suafgq krdy sn. iehnF awz-awz lokF ny dwKxI eysLIafeI ivwc afpxf pirvrqn ilaFdf, qy ieh hI pirvrqn kYnyzf dI DrqI ivwc vI dyKx nUM imldf hY. suMdr kwpVy, suafd-Bojn aqy afpxy rMg-brMgy iqAuhfrF nUM vI iehnF ny kYnyzf dI JolI ivwc pfieaf. ies nfl iewQoN dI DrqI nUM dwKxI eysLIafeI lokF ny iewk nvIN idwK idwqI. awj hr kYnyzIan dwKxI eysLIafeI swiBafcfr ivwc ikvyN nf ikvyN sLfml huMdf hY. hux qF pMjfbI nUM kYnyzf dy sMivDfn ny qIjI BfsLf vjoN vI svIkfr kIqf hY. ijvyN hr dysL qoN afey iensfn ny kYnyzf ivwc Xogdfn pfieaf Aus qrHF hI dwKxI eysLIafeI lokF df vI bhuq vwzf Xogdfn hY. skUlF, kfljF ivwc hux dwKxI eysLIafeI BfsLfvF

kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry dy Xogdfn ies sfl asIN kYnyzf dI 150vIN vryH-gMZ mnf rhy hF. ies mOky qy kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry dy Xogdfn bfry afpxy ivcfr sFJy krFgy. sfAUQ eysLIan pihlI vfr 1903 ivwc vYnkUvr phuMcy. AuhnF ivwcoN bhuqy iswKF ny kYnyzf bfry AudoN suixaf jdoN AuhnF ny ibRitsL afrmI ivwc jf ky hONg kONg ivwc lVfeI kIqI kYnyzf dI kmfeI bfry sux ky Auh kYnyzf vwl cwl pey. 1908 qwk 5209 ny kYnyzf jfx df PYslf kIqf. AuhnF ivwc 95% iswK sI aqy Auh afpxy pirvfr ipwCy Cwz afey. jdoN cfeInf aqy jpfn ivcoN lok afAux lwg pey qF kYnyzf dI srkfr zr geI aqy AuhnF ny sfAUQ eysLIan kimAUintI dy hwk Gtf idwqy. lokF dy votF dy hwk Koh ley aqy srkfrI nOkrIaF vI bMd kr idwqIaF. iek nvF kfnUMn inkilaf ik iswDy kYnyzf afAuxf pYxf sI. ies kfnUMn nfl pirvfrF qy bhuq asr ipaf. Auh afpxy pirvfrF nfloN vwK ho gey aqy pirvfr nUM dyKx leI qrs gey. pirvfr dy ivCVx nfl pMjfbI pirvfrF dI igxqI Gt geI. 1914 ivwc gdr pfrtI ny soicaf ik Auh iswDy ibnF ruky kYnyzf jfxgy. 1914 ivwc kfmfgftf mfrU jhfjL 376 lokF nUM lY ky kYnyzf vwl cwl pey. jhfjL hONg kONg ivwc dI ho ky afieaf. jdoN kYnyzf bMdrgfh qy phuMcy qF kYnyzf dI srkfr ny AuhnF nUM kYnyzf ivwc afAux dI iejLfjq nhIN idwqI. jhfjL do mhIny qwk vYnkUvr hfrbr ivwc ruikaf irhf. srkfr df mMnxf sI ik jhfjL iswDf kYnyzf nhIN phuMicaf rsqy ivwc ruk ky afieaf hY. kYnyzf srkfr AuhnF nUM mjLbUr

kr rhI sI ik Auh vfps cly jfx. kYnyzf ivwc vsdy pMjfbIaF ny pUrI koisLsL kIqI ik AuhnF nUM afAux dI iejLfjq idwqI jfvy. AuhnF ny vkIl vI kIqy. Auh AuhnF nUM Kfx aqy pfxI Byjdy. mhIny bfad Auh kort ivwc pysL hoey pr kYnyzf dI srkfr kys ijwq geI. isrP 20 lokF aqy zfktr nUM kYnyzf afAux dI iejLfjq idwqI geI. julfeI 23, 1914 ivwc srkfr ny AuhnF nUM eysLIaf vfps jfx leI mjLbUr kIqf. sfrI kfrvfeI ivwc 19 XfqrI golIaF nfl mfry gey aqy keIaF nUM jylH ho geI. lMby smyN qwk ieh kfnUMn bixaf irhf. kimAUintI dy dbfa krky ijhVy pMjfbI kYnyzf ivwc rihMdy sn AuhnF dIaF pqnIaF aqy Coty bwicaF nUM afAux dI iejLfjq idwqI. kfnUMn sKq hox krky lok corI-corI kYnyzf afAuNdy sn. srkfr nUM pqf lwgx qy AuhnF ny kfnUMn hor sKq kr idwqy. lokF nUM kMm Gwt imldy sn aqy lokF nUM QoVI qnKfh qy kMm krnf pYNdf sI. bhuqy pirvfr rl ky iewk Cwq Qwly rihMdy sn. kuJ pMjfbIaF ny iekwTy ho ky pRImIar hrt awgy afpxf kys rwiKaf ik AuhnF nUM votF pfAux df aiDkfr imlxf cfhIdf hY. ibnF ies aiDkfr qoN Auh dUjy drjy dy vsnIk hn. pihlFpihlF ijMnF ny vrlz vfr 11 ivwc srkfr df sfQ idwqf sI AuhnF nUM vot pfAux df aiDkfr imilaf. pr iPr tfeIm pf ky dUjy lokF nUM vI hwk iml igaf.

aimqoj kOr brfV-gryz 8 (pMjfbI 10)

isKfeIaF jFdIaF hn. ijs nfl kYnyzf dI iviBMnqf df sbUq imldf hY. awj kwl dwKxI lokF dI nvIN pIVHI, kYnyzf ivwc pVH-ilK ky zfktr, vkIl, ieMjnIar, aqy aiDafpk afid dI syvf inBf rhy hn. rmndIp sMDU- gryz 10 (pMjfbI 12)

qwk kfnUMn ivwc sKqfeI Gwt ho geI aqy bhuqy pMjfbI kYnyzf iPr afAux lwg pey. pMjfbIaF ny kYnyzf nUM afpxf dysL mMn ky bhuq kuJ kIqf. AuhnF ny bhuq sKq imhnq kIqI. gurduafry ivwc iswKF qoN ibnF vI hr kimAuintI df siqkfr kIqf jFdf hY. hr iewk nfl iewko ijhf ivvhfr kIqf jFdf hY. sB nUM Kfxf aqy rihx df prbMD kIqf jFdf hY. lokF ny PfrmF ivwc, storF ivwc sKq imhnq krky awjkl afp PfrmF dy aqy storF dy mflk bx bYTy hn. pMjfbI pirvfr iekwTy rihMdy sn. vwzy sFJy pirvfr hox krky ijafdf imlxsfr suBfa hn aqy dUsrIaF kimAuintIaF nfl jldI Gul iml jFdy hn. ijafdf imhnqI hox krky sfry pfsy pMjfbIaF ny mwlF mfrIaF hoeIaF hn. trwkF dIaF kMpnIaF, Pfrm aqy storF dy mflk bx ky pMjfbI hr pfsy PYly hoey hn. cMgI pVHfeI-ilKfeI krky cMgIaF nOkrIaF qy lwgy hoey hn. bwcy zfktr, vkIl aqy afrkItY k t bx rhy hn. hux qF rfjnIqI ivwc vI sfAUQ eysLIan lok pUrf ihwsf lYNdy hn. ies vfr sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry dy bhuq sfry mYNbr sMsd ivwc vI phuMc cuwky hn. sfAUQ eysLIan

kimAuintI nUM afpxy dysL qoN KyqI-bfVI dy qjLrby sn aqy AuhnF qjribaF nUM vrq ky cMgI KyqI krdy hn jo kYnyzf dI afriQk siQqI nUM suDfrn ivwc mwdd krdI hY. sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dI imhnq, imlxsfr suBfa krky iemfndfrI nfl kMm krky hI sfzI pMjfbI nUM awj kYnyzf ivwc qIjI BfsLf dI QF iml geI hY. hmysLf dUsiraF dI mdd krdy hn. KUndfn kYNp hovy jF koeI PUz bYNk, pMjfbI hmysLf awgy rihMdy hn. iesy qrHF jy sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfrf imhnq krdf rhy qF kYnyzf bhuq qrwkI kr skdf hY.

ies qoN bfad hOlI-hOlI 1960 PAGE 35

The Patrika



Friday, June 16th, 2017

Bfrq iswKfˆ nUM pfiksqfn nhIˆ jfx dy irhf :pfik df vwzf ielËfm akflI dl vwloˆ idwqy jf rhy Drinaf dy jvfb `c AuwqrI kfˆgrs ny bfdl qoˆ bzUMgr qk nUM ilaf lMmy hwQI akflI srkfr vwloˆ lgfey jf rhy Drinafˆ `qy kfˆgrs srkfr ny pltvfr kridafˆ ikhf ik Drnf dyx vfly iËafdfqr Auh lok hn , jo kfˆgrs srkfr vwloˆ Drnf dy rhy hn. ies dy nfl hI AunHfˆ bfdl pirvfr `qy iqwKf vfr kridafˆ ikhf ijs pirvfr ny hryk ivBfg `c mfPIaf clfieaf qy nÈy dy mfmly `c eI[zI vwlOˆ sMmx qwk jfrI kr idwqy gey Auh akflI dl Drny `qy bYTf hY . aY[jI[pI[sI dy ies Drny `c Èfml hox `qy AunHfˆ df kihxf hY ik ikrpfl isMG bzUMgr iek aYs[jI[pI[sI dy pRDfn dy qOr `qy nhI blik akflI dl dI nOkr vjoˆ Drny `c puwjy hn. ies mfmly dI kfˆgrs jfˆc krygI nfl hI ies mfmly `c kfnUMnI kfrvfeI kIqI jfvygI ikAuˆik suprIm kort df hukm hY ik iek Drm sMsQf iksy Drny `c nhIˆ jf skdI aqy ies mfmly `c kfnUMnI rfey lY ky pRo[ bzUMgr `qy kfrvfeI kIqI jfvygI.hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik sRomxI akflI dl ny byadbI dy iKÜfP kdy Drnf nhIˆ idwqf .

7 iksfn jQybMdIafˆ ny krËy dI muafPI leI Gyiraf zI[sI dPqr[ kYptn iKlfP kIqI nfarybfËI iksfnfˆ dIafˆ 7 sMGrÈIÜ jQybMdIafˆ vwloˆ iksfnfˆ mMgfˆ nUM lY ky sUby Br `c idwqy gey iËly pwDrI Drinafˆ qihq iËlf pRbMDkI kMplYksfˆ awgy iksfn jQybMdIaf ny iekwTy ho ky Drnf idwqf aqy srkfr iKlfP jMm ky nfarybfËI kIqI.ies dy nfl hI AunHfˆ ny izptI kimÈnr nUM iksfnI mMgfˆ sbMDI mMg pwqr vI sOipafˆ. bulfiraf ny afpny sMboDn `c sB qoˆ pihlfˆ mwD pRdyÈ `c ÈhId hoey iksfnfˆ pRqI hmdrdI pRgt kIqI aqy srkfr pRqI ros Ëfhr kIqf. bulfirafˆ ny sMboDn `c ikhf ik awj iksfnfˆ dI afriQk hflq bhuq hI qrsXog bx geI hY aqy smyˆ dI srkfr iksfnI nUM PfeidyvMd DMdf bxfAux leI isrP vfady hI kr rhIafˆ hn. afgUafˆ ny ikhf ik krËy kfrn pMjfb `c KudkuÈIafˆ krn vfly iksfnfˆ dI igxqI afey idn vD rhI hY aqy roËfnfˆ hI aKbfr iksfnfˆ dIafˆ KudkuÈIafˆ dIafˆ Kbrfˆ nfl Bry huMdy hn ies dy bfvjUd vI srkfr koeI sfrQk hwl nhIˆ kr rhI hY .

pfiksqfn ny Bfrq iKlfP iswK sMgq nUM pfiksqfn dy gurDfmfˆ dy drÈnfˆ leI pfiksqfn jfx qoˆ roky jfx dy ielËfm lfey hn. pfiksqfnI aiDkfrIafˆ df ielËfm hY ik idwlI siQq pfiksqfnI dUqvfs ny 80 iswK XfqrIafˆ nUM pfiksqfn ivwc 14 jUn nUM pMcm gurU dy ÈhIdy idhfVy mOky pfiksqfn jfx leI vIËy idwqy sn . AunHfˆ ivwcoˆ 66 XfqrI lfhOr nhIˆ phuMc sky ikAuˆik Bfrq ny AunHfˆ nUM qknIkI kfrnfˆ df bhfnf lf ky atfrI rylvy styÈn `qy hO rok ilaf.

puils vwloˆ do hor KfilsqfnI igRPqfr krn df dfavf nvfˆ Èihr dI iËlf puils ny ieMtrnYÈnl iswK XUQ PYzryÈn nfl sbMDq do bMidaf nUM igRPqfr krn df dfavf kIqf hY .PVy gey ivakqIafˆ dI pCfx gurjIq isMG AurP gwgU, ipMz vzflf gRMQIafˆ ,iËlf gurdfspur qy gurmuK isMG ipMz qlvMzI nfhr iËlHf aMimRqsr vjoˆ kIqI geI hY . puils muqfbk ienHfˆ koloˆ iewk 9 aYm[aYm irvflvr vI brfmd kIqf igaf hY. ienHfˆ dovfˆ nUM adflq ivwc pyÈ krky puils ny ienHfˆ df 9 idnf irmfˆz hfsl kr ilaf hY.

Gr `c dfKl ho ky luwtyiraf ny mfrIafˆ golIafˆ, iewk dI moq luiDafxf Èihr dy dugrI ielfky `c luwt krn afey luwtyirafˆ ny Pfienyˆsr qy Aus dI pqnI nUM golI mfr ky AunHfˆ df kql kr idwqf. ies Gtnf `c Pfienyˆsr dO mOq ho geI jd ik Aus dI pqnI nUM hspqfl `c BrqI krvfieaf igaf hY . jfxkfrI muqfbk lutyirafˆ ny AunHfˆ dy puwqr rfhul gupqf nUM bfQrUm `c bMd kr ky , ies Gtnf nUM aMjfm idwqf. imRqk dI pihcfx sunIl gupqf dy rUp `c hoeI hY qy Aus dI pqnI df nfˆ nIlm gupqf dwisaf jf irhf hY . Bwjdy smyˆ iek lutyry ny jd Cwq qoˆ Clfˆg mfr idwqI qfˆ Aus dI lwq tuwt geI, ijs nUM lokfˆ ny PV ky puils dy hvfly kr idwqf .

pMjfb srkfr ny `mfˆ-bolI pMjfbI` ivruwD ilaf PYslf

pMjfb srkfr pMjfbI BfÈf nUM KuMjy lf rhI hY .srkfr ny srkfrI vkIlfˆ dI BrqI krn vyly `mfˆ-bolI pMjfbI` nUM driknfr kr idwqf hY . ieh kihxf hY luiDafxy qoˆ lok iensfP pfrtI ivDfeik ismrjIq isMG bYˆs df. bYˆs Brfvfˆ ny pMjfb srkfr `qy gMBIr doÈ lfAuˆidaf ikhf hY ik srkfr ny srkfrI vkIÜfˆ dI BrqI krn vyly `mfˆ-bolI pMjfbI` nUM driknfr kIqf hY.kYptn srkfr vwloˆ vDIk aYzvokyt jrnl dIafˆ asfmIafˆ dI gfˆDI pirvfr nUM kdy vI isropfE nhIˆ dyvygI iswK kOm BrqI vyly dsvI qwk pMjfbI lfËmI dI Èrq Kqm kr idwqI hY , ijs nfl hor sUibafˆ swcKMz sRI drbfr sfihb qoˆ gfˆDI pirvfr nUM kdy vI isropfE nfl snmfinq nhIˆ kIqf dy lokfˆ leI nOkrI dy rfh KUwlH gey hn . jfvygf.aYsjIpIsI pRDfn pRo, ikrpfl isMG bzUMgr ny ieh vwzf aYlfn kIqf hY ik “ srbsfˆJIvflqf df sMdyÈ dyx vfly iswKfˆ dy kyˆdrI Dfrimk asQfn swcKMz sRI drbfr iswDU dy ibafn ny mcfeI KlblI, ivrfsq-ey-Kflsf` qy sfib qoˆ gfˆDI pirvfr dy iksy mYˆbr nUM kdy vI isropfE nhIˆ idwqf jfvygf ikAuˆik jUn grmfeI isafsq 1984 ivwc dyÈ dI qqkflI pRDfn mMqrI ieMdrf gfˆDI dy hukmfˆ qy BfrqI POj ny drbfr sfihb aqy akfl qKq sfihb ivKy tYˆkfˆ qy qopfˆ nfl hmlf krky dovyˆ iemfrqfˆ nUM ÈRomxI akflI dl ny iswK ieiqhfs,Drm qy swiBafcfr dy qOr `qy jfxy jfˆdy ivrfsq-eyZih ZyrI krn dy nfl mirafdf dI byadbI aqy ieiqhfsk KËfnf luwtx dy duKfˆq nUM Kflsf nUM sPyd hfQI kih ky iswKI dI afqmf `qy hmlf krn leI pMjfb dy sYr spftf qy swiBafcfr mMqrI nvjoq isMG iswDU dI sKq inMdf kIqI hY . iemfrq ivrfsq-ey-Kflsf aMjfm idwqf sI . `qy iswDU dy ibafn isafsq grmfAuˆdI jf rhI hY . pMjfb `c swiBafcfr,Drm qy iswK amrIkf `c iswK suirKaq nhIˆ mihsUs kr rhy – ieiqhfs nUM drsfAuˆdI ieh KUbsUrq iemfrq lokfˆ leI Kfs afkrÈx df kyˆdr hY pr iswDU dy ibafn qoˆ bfad ivroDI iDr ies dI inMdf kr irhf hY .


amrIkf ivc iswK nOjvfn nfl hoey nslI ivqkry `qy pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI ny icMqf mogf `c kihr bx ky virHaf mIˆh, ieko pirvfr dy iqMn jqfeI hY.Auhnfˆ ny tvIt krky amrIkn rfÈtrpqI zonflz trMp aqy Bfrq dy pRDfn mYˆbrf dI mOq mMqrI nUM ies mfmly ivc kdm cuwkx dI apIl kIqI hY aqy amrIkf ivc iswKfˆ dI iËlf mogy dy hlkf inhfl isMGvflf dy ipMz pwqohIrf isMG `c peI brsfq kfrn Gr dI ihPfjq krn leI vI ikhf hY . Cwq izwgx kfrn ieko pirvfr dy iqMn mYˆbrfˆ dI mOq ho geI. imlI jfxkfrI muqfbk ipMz pwqohIrf isMG vflf `c Gr dI Cwq izwgx kfrn pfl kOr pqnI svrgvfsI prmjIq vwzy qskrfˆ nUM Gyrn dI Xojnf :isMG, puwqr gurpRIq isMG(23) BfxjI sumn kOr(3) sfl dI mOq ho geI. jdik iek hor niÈaf dy vpfrIafˆ dI pRfprtI Ëbq krn leI pMjfb srkfr 14 jUn nUM ÈurU hox vfly lVkI kMvljIq kOr(BfxjI) gMBIr ËKmI dwsI jf rhI hY.Gtnf svyry 5 vjy dy krIb bjt ÈYsn ivc ibwl lY ky afeygI. ibwl df zrfPt iqafr kr ilaf igaf hY . sfbkf dI hY jdoˆ pirvfr suwqf ipaf sI, acfnk mkfn dI Cwq pirvfr qy af izwgI. iesy qrHfˆ iswiKaf mMqrI cImf ny ikhf hY ik 60 PIsdI XUQ nUM nÈyVI qy pMjfbIafˆ zrwg vpfrI mogf dy hI bodI ngr ivc vI gUVI nIˆdy suwqy pirvfr dy cfr mYˆbrf `qy Cwq izwg geI . dws ky bdnfm krn vflI kfˆgrs srkfr ajy qwk iewk vI vwzf qskr nhIˆ PV skI. ieh hfdsy ivc gIqf rfxI (15 sfl) dI mOq ho geI. jdik imRqk df ipqf myGnfQ, mfˆ ryÈmf aqy BYx ËKMmI ho gey . PAGE 36

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017


bI sI ilbrl pfrtI dI aYgjLYkitv zfierYktr ny idwqf asqIPf bI sI dI ilbrl pfrtI dI aYgjLYkitv zfierYktr lfrf imwlr ny afpxy pd qoN asqIPf dy idwqf hY | dwisaf jf irhf hY ik Aus ny ieh kMm Aus ivruwD EntorIE ivc lwgy aprfDk dosLF krky idwqf | pfrtI vwloN ies Kbr dI pusLtI kIqI geI hY pr nfl hI ikhf hY Aus ny cox muihMm pUrf krn ‘qy ieMj kIqf hY ijsqrF afm hI kIqf jFdf hY| dsMbr 2015 ivc vI Aus ny ieh pd lwgy dosLF qoN bcfE krn leI iqafrI krn leI Cwizaf sI| aprfDk dosL Aus vwloN kiQq qOr ‘qy kuJ eImylF nUM mytx bfry sn| AuMnHF dosLf bfry mukwdmf sqMbr ivc sLurU hovygf|

aYn zI pI vwloN afpxy hmfieqIaF nUM nvIaF coxF leI iqafr rihx dI icqfvxI

BfvyN 22 jUn nUM ikRstI klfkfr dI afrjLI srkfr dy izwgx dI pUrI sMBfvnf hY pr aYn zI pI dy nyqf jOn hOrgn afpxy hmfieqIaF nUM aglI cox leI iqafr rihx dI icqfvnI dy rhy hn| AuMnHF ikhf ik lok nhIN cfhuMdy ik CyqI coxf hox pr jdoN qwk AuMnHF nUM stkfr bnfAux df swdf nhIN iml; jFdf,kuJ vI ho skdf hY| ies sbMD ivc XUnIvristI aOP ivktorIaF dy rfjnIqI dy pRoPYsr mfeIkl ipRMs df kihxf hY,” aYn zI pI vfly cox dI icqfvnI dy ky PMz krnf cfhMdy hn | lYPtInYNt gvrnr gUeIicn leI grIn aqy aYn zI pI dy ilKqI smJOqy nUM muK rKidaF cox df swdf nhIN idwqf jfvygf| ies krky CyqI cox hox dI koeI sMBfvnf nhIN| hF,iksy anikafsI Gtnf kfrn jFhfdsy kfrn cox ho skygI pr qurMq aijhf hoxfsMBv nhIN jfpdf|”

vYnkUvr istI nUM inkcU (Tiny) GrF dI afigaf dyx dI apIl vYnkUvr dy inXmF anusfr sLihr ivc iblkul hI Coty / inkcU Gr bxfAux dI afigaf nhIN | ies krky ijhV ivakqI mobfeIOl Gr jFinkcU Gr bxfeI bYTy hn, AuMnHF nUM hor ikqy jfx leI ikhf jf irhf hY| aijhy Gr dI mflk korI gRYNzPIlz df kihxf hY ik Aus ny aijhf Gr afpxIaF loVF anusfr bnfieaf| iewQoN qwk ik ik ies Gr ivc afpxy kuwqy vfsqy vI Kfs QF df pRbMD kIqf hoieaf hY | “mYN kFzo ivc nhIN jfxf cfhuMdI jo afm loVF nUM muK rwK ky bxfey hoey hn| mYN 11 mhIinaF qoN afpxy mn-psMd Gr ivc rih rhI hF | hux mYnUM ikhf jf irhf ik mYN ies ivc nhIN rih skdI hY| ieh ainafey, Dwkf hY|” Aus ny duhfeI pfeI hY| aijhy Coty GrF dy hmfieqI bI sI tfeInI hfAUs kulYkitv vfly vYnkUvr istI kfAuNsl nUM kih rhy hn ik kYlyPornIaf vFg iewQy vI bhuq hI Coty GrF dI afigaf hoxI cfhIdI hY|

cInI bjLurgF vwloN ivvfd gRsq iblizMg dI hmfieq kIPr aqy kolMbIaf ‘qy iek bhu-vrqoN vflI irhfiesLI iblizMg bxfey jfx df pRsqfv hY| ieh iblizMg bIizMg ilivMg kMpnI vwloN bxfeI jfvygI ijs ny ieh QF cfr sfl pihlF KrIdI sI| ieh iblizMg 12 mMjLlI hovygI ijs ivc 106 Gr hoxgy aqy 25 sosLl hfAUisMg XUint hoxgy| ies iblizMg dI hmfieq krn vfly cInI bjLurgF df kihxf hY ik AuMnHF nUM zrfieaf, Dmkfieaf jf irhf hY| ies krky Auh istI hfl ivc iessbMD ivc hox vflIaF mIitMg ivc bolx qoN zrdy hn| AuMnHF df ivcfrhY ik ieh pRsqfv iek dm vDIaf hY ikAuNik ies nfl afrQk ivkfs hovygf, vpfr nUM hulHfrf imlygf| ies df ivroD krn vfilaF dI dlIl hY ik 12 mMjLlI iblizMg aFZ guaFZ nUM bOxf kr dyvygI; ikrfey vD jfxgy aqy sInIar prHy Dwky jfxgy| sosLhfAUisMg smyN dI loV hY|

SPCA vwloN cUicaF nfl anmnuwKI ivvhfr krn vfilaF ivruwD dosL lgfAux dI mMg


iqMn bwicaF dy kfql nUM rKvflI ivc bfhr iljfx dI afigaf dyxf KLqrnfk –krfAUn kfAuNisl BfvyN aYln sLfbrn nUM 2008 ivc mYirt ivKy afpxy iqMn bwicaF nUM mfrn df dosLI Tihrfieaf igaf sI pr PYslf krn vfly jwj ny ienHF kqlF nUM Aus df aprfDk dosLI nhIN ikhf sI| ies df kfrn dsidaF jwn ny ikhf sI ik ies afdmI dI mfnisk hflq TIk nf hox krky Aus ny ieMj kIqf sI | jwj ny ikhf ik Auh ieMj krn smyN ieh soc irhf sI ik Auh bwicaF nUM vihsLI kuvrqo (sexual abuse) qoN bcf irhf hY | hux Aus nUM rKvflI ivc bfhr qorn Pyrn dy mfmly ivc krfAUn kfAuNisl dI dlIl hY ik Aus nUM ieMj bfhr iljfxf Kqry qoN KflI nhIN| Aus nUM jylH dIaF slfKF ipwCy hI rwiKaf jfxf cfhIdf hY|

bjLurg joVy ny sLwkI cor nUM kIqf jLKLmI

13 jUn nUM 6:30 vjy dupihr bfad iek afdmI ny aYbtsPorz dy byvn aYivnIAU dy 32700 blfk dy Gr psLUaF nfl hox vfly aiwqafcfr nUM rokx vflI susfietI dy drvfjLy’qy dsqk idwqI| jdoN Gr dy mflk bjLurg ny iclfvYk ivc cUicaF nUM PVn vfilaF ivruD cfrj jymjL goirtjLn ny drvfjLy ‘qy jf ky Aus qoN puwiCaf ik lfAux dI mMg kIqI hY | AuMnHF vwloN iek vIzIE bxfeI kI kMm hY qF bfhrKVy afdmI ny aMdr vVn df Xqn geI hY ijs ivc soPInf PUz ieMk vwloN hfier kIqy gey kIqf| jdoN bjLurg dy rokx ‘qy vI Auh AuwQy nf ruikaf qF ivakqI cUicaF nfl kyvl burf hI nhIN sgoN anmnuwKI bjLurg ny bysbfl df bYt AusdI CfqI ivc dy mfiraf| ivvhfr krdy ivKfey gey hn| ies susfietI dI puils dy afAux qwk bjLurg ny sLwkI corn UM kfbU ivc bulfrI mrsI morIafrtI df kihxf hY ik AuwQy hfjLr rwiKaf| jLKmI sLwkI corn UM hspqfl iljfieaf igaf hor ivakqIaF ny vI ies ivvhfr nMU rokx df Xqn nf aqy hux Auh puils dI ihrfsq ivc hY mflk dI pwqnI kIqf| hux ieh susfietI krfAUn kfAuNisl nUM iehkuJ nUM vI hspqfliljfxf ipaf ikAuNik Auh idl dI mrIjL ivKf ky mMg kr rhI hY ik ieMnHF awqafcfrIaF ivruwD hox krky sfh lYx ivc kTnfeI mihsUs kr rhI sI| kfnUMnI kfrvfeI kIqI jfvy| Aus ny ikhf ik vIzIE nUM vyKx vflf hr iensfn hwkf bwkf rih jfvygf pr AuwQy ilMn hYirs nUM imlygf 2017 afrzr hfjLr hor bMidaF ny kyvl awKF mIc CwzIaF jo Auicq nhIN| aOP aYbtsPorz

mMihMgfeI dy bfvjUd hfAUisLMg mfrikt ‘c qyjLI

bI sI rIal aYstyt aYsosIeysLn df kihxf hY ik hjfAUisMg mfrikt ivc ajy vI bhuq qyjLI hY ikAuNik bhuq sfry KyqrF ivc splfeI Gwt aqy mMg vDyry hY| aijhy KyqrF ivc ies mfrikt nUM vycx vfilaF dI mfrikt ikhf jf skdf hY| cIP afrQk mfhr kYmyrfn muier df kihxf hY ik vYnkUvr ivc KrIdx vfly ivqoN bfhrIaF pysLksLF kr rhy hn| kMzomInIamF aqy tfAunhfAusF dI mMg bhuq hY| ilst kIqf hr kMzomInIam aqy tfAunhfAUs Jwt ivkjFdf hY| jyipCly sfl nfl tfkrf kIqf jfvy qF Gr dI afm kImq Gwto Gwt 4[2% vwD ho geI hY| qyjLI ieMnI hY ik keI QfeIN qF Gr mukMml hox qoN pihlF hI ivk rhy hn| gwl muV iGV ky splfeI Gwt aqy mMg bhuqI hox dI ho jFdI hY|

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Punjabi Patrika

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Friday, June 16th, 2017

Keep girls in sports for success beyond the field (NC) Studies show girls drop out of sports at a much higher rate than boys. Given the proven physical and psychological benefits of participating in them — from improved cardiovascular fitness to increased self-esteem — it’s vital to encourage girls to stay active for life. Fortunately, there are plenty of Canadian female role models who inspire girls to stay in the game. Here are three who set a positive example through sport:

3. Kaillie Humphries. This backto-back Olympic Gold Medallist in bobsleigh was awarded the Lou Marsh Trophy in 2014. She challenges gender barriers by competing in mix-gender and all women crews, fighting for women’s equality. She was one of the first women to compete and win medals against male pilots in an international four-man bobsleigh competition.

1. Rosie MacLennan. It’s hard to imagine that the back-to-back Olympic Gold Medallist in trampoline and our country’s flag bearer at the Opening Ceremonies of the Rio Games once lacked confidence. More than winning medals, she credits sport for helping cultivate her sense of self and instilling a positive body image. One more thing these role models have 2. Hayley Wickenheiser. When Hayley in common? They’re all Ambassadors Wickenheiser started playing hockey, for Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities, she played with the boys and had to helping kids who otherwise couldn’t change in the boiler room. The six-time afford to play get in the game. Olympian won five Olympic medals in You can support this cause by donathockey, including four gold, and also ing at your local Canadian Tire store played on the Canadian Olympic Soft- —100 per cent of customer donations ball team in 2000. She recently retired stay within the local community. If you to focus on her next ambitious goal: know a kid who wants to play but is medical school. unable to because of costs, check out jumpstart.canadiantire.ca.

Children love the Summer Art Camps at The Reach! Abbotsford, BC – Children love summer because school’s out, they get to play to their heart’s content, and many look forward with great anticipation to the joys of experiencing a camp. A favorite for youngsters who love to create while allowing their imagination to run wild, are the Kids Summer Art Camps at The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford, 32388 Veterans Way.

camps the children engage with The Reach’s contemporary art gallery, local heritage museum and incorporate StĂł:lĹ? craft techniques and teachings, all while making new friends.

The Kids Summer Art Camps at The Reach are designed for ages 6 to 12 and are scheduled from July 4 to August 25, 2017. The cost for 2-day camps is $60, 3-day camps are $90 and 5-day They love it, because the innovative camps at $135. young leaders at The Reach’s camps Pre-registration is required since these give the children permission to break camps fill up quickly; register online at the mold, become a contemporary art- thereach.ca or by calling 604 864 8087 making kid, learn fun facts about art x 0. Children are reminded to bring a and community history, and best of NUT-FREE lunch, water bottle, snack all, get their hands messy. At these art and clothes to get messy in!

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017



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knyzf dy ieiqhfs `qy iek pMCI Jfq

AunHF dy iKzfrI AunHF dIaF kfrporysLnF aqy AunHF dIaF POjF dunIaF ivcoN sB qoN AuWqm hn. Auh afpxy afp nUM dunIaF dI afjLfdI dy alMbrdfr smJdy hn. lMby smyN qoN lgfqfr knyzf, amrIkf dy Coty Brf dy vFgUM Aus dy prCfvyN ivc Aus df gvFZI bx ky ijAu irhf hY. amrIkf dy isafsqdfn, afm lok aqy mIzIaf dy nfmvr lok knyzf dy lokF dI rihxI-sihxI aqy sLrfPq df sdf hI mjLfk AuzfAuNdy rhy hn. Auh knyzf nUM iek sfAU bwcf smJdy hn jo AunHF dI buwkl ivc bYTf pl irhf hY ijs dI Auh rKvflI kr rhy hn. amrIkf vfly ieh nhIN jfxdy jd ik Auh sfrI dunIaF nUM ijwqx ivc lwgy hoey hn Ausy vkq knyzf vfsI aqy knyzf dI srkfr afpxy lokF aqy dunIaF dy hor dysLF dy lokF df mn ijwqx ivc lwgy hoey hn. ijs KusLI nUM lwBx leI Auh awj vI Xqn kr rhy hn. knyzf vfly Aus KusLI nUM pRfpq kr cuwky hn. jykr jngxnf, polF, srivaF aqy ivigafnk qrIky nfl kIqy srvyKxF dy sMdrB ivc dyKIey ik kOx lMbf smF kMm krdf hY. kOx imwqrF aqy pirvfrF nfl vwD smF ibqfAuNdf hY. kOx ijLafdf sPr krdf hY. iks df sYks jIvn AuWqm hY dy nflnfl jykr ieh vI svfl puwC leIey ik kOx sLfkfhfrI hY? qF hYrfnIjnk nqIjy sfhmxy afAuNdy hn. mMno BfvyN nf mMno awj knyzf vfsIaF pfs amrIkxF nfloN vwD pYsf hY. knyzIan lok

amrIknF nfloN Gwto Gwt kMm krdy hn aqy AunHF qoN vwD dfrU pINdy hn pr iPr vI knyzf vfsI vwD qMdrusq aqy lMbI Aumr hMZfAuNdy hn. Auh ijLafdf sYks krdy hn, AunHF dy vwD sfQIaF nfl sbMD hn. ies dy bfvjUd Gwt tIneyjLr grB Dfrn krdy hn aqy Gwt sYks dIaF ibmfrIaF dy isLkfr hn. knyzIan lok pirvfrF aqy imwqrF nfl ijLafdf smF bqIq krdy hn. jd gwl jLurmF dI huMdI hY knyzf vfsI kfnUMn nUM mMnx vfly sfAU lok hn. jykr jLurm krdy vI hn qF CotI pwDr df huMdf hY. knyzf ivc mOq dI sjLf vI nhIN hY. jd KyzF, ishq sMBfl, ibjns aqy pYsy dI gwl kIqI jFdI hY qF ieh mMnxf pvygf ik amrIkf dunIaF ivc sB qoN AuWqm hY. jd asIN afm mwDvrgI lokF dy jIvn nUM dyKdy hF qF knyzf dy lokF df mwDvrgI jIvn ikqy AuWqm hY. afm lok knyzf ivc amrIkf dy mukfbly lMbI Aumr Bogdy hn, AunHF dI ishq cMgI hY, AunHF dI sYks jIvn dI ishq AuWqm hY, Gwt qlfk huMdy hn aqy Gwt Coty pwDr dy jLurm huMdy hn. iksy vI dysL nUM jfnxf hovy qF Aus dyL dy afm lokF dy jIvn nUM dyKxf pvygf. knyzf ivc vsdy afm lok dunIaF ivc sfry dysLF dy mukfbly vDIaf sMqusLt jIvn bsr kr rhy hn. pihlI julfeI dy ies knyzf dy jnm idn `qy sB knyzf vfsIaF nUM mubfrkbfd aqy kYnyzf dy BivwK leI sLuwB iewCfvF.

ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service

Anand Irrigation 5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD




HWY 11



HWY 11


asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks




vfr vjf ky Aus df AudGftn kIqf igaf. 1950ivaF dy aMqly sflF ivc lgfqfr ies idn nUM mnfAux dI rsLm sLurU hoeI. iek bfr sLurU hoeI ieh rsm hux hr sfl knyzf zya vfly idn mnfeI jFdI hY. ies idn pRDfn mMqrI JMzf Julf ky kOm dy nF sMdysL dyx qoN bfad idn Br mnorMjn gqIivDIaF ivc ihwsf lY ky idn dy jsLn nUM mnfAuNdy hn. 1968 ivc pfrlImYNt ihwl qy mltIklcr bhuBfsLfeI sMgIq smfroh hoxy sLurU hoey ijs ivc afpxy-afpxy siBafcfrk gIq aqy nfc krny sLurU kIqy ijs ivc pMjfbIaF dy BMgVy dI tIm ny vI isLrkq kIqI. ies sfry smfgm nUM PYstIvl knyzf dfy nF `qy 1979 qwk tI[vI[ Aupr knyzf Br ivc idKfieaf jFdf irhf. 1980 ivc srkfr ny ienHF jsLnF nUM isrP pfrlImYNt ihwl `qy sImq nF rwK ky knyzf dy vwK-vwK KyqrF ivc vI mnfAuxf sLurU kr idwqf. iesy idn vwzy sLihrF ivc ies idn dy jsLn sLurU hoey. 1981 ivc 15 vwzy sLihrF ivc ieko smyN ies idn nUM mnfieaf igaf. ienHF sfry sLihrF ivc rfq nUM jsLnF dI smfpqI afiqsLbfjLI clf ky kIqI geI. 1981 qwk ies idn nUM zomInIan zya dy qOr `qy jfixaf jFdf sI. 1982 ivc srkfrI qOr `qy ies idn df nF bdl ky knyzf zya kr idwqf igaf. Aus idn qoN ies idn nUM hr sLihr qoN sLurU ho ky pfrlImYNt ihwl qwk jsLn mnf ky ibqfieaf jFdf hY. ies sB kuJ qoN ipwCy jfeIey qF knyzf df ieiqhfs 1000 ku sfl purfxf imldf hY. pihlF afid vfsI (nyitv) lok aYQy rihMdy sn. bhuq TMZ hox kfrn Auh mwCIaF PV ky jF isLkfr krky afpxf jIvn inrBfa krdy sn. AunHF dI iek afpxI bolI aqy siBafcfr sI. AunHF df afpxf iek ieiqhfs hY ijs dI gwl kdy Pyr ivsQfr ivc krFgy. XUrpIan lok pihlI vfr knyzf dy pUrbI qwt `qy hjLfr ku sfl pihlF afey. ienHF ivc KojI, vpfrI jF smuMdrI zfkU lok sLfml sn. ienHF lokF ny ies DrqI `qy pwky qOr `qy irhfiesL krn dI koisLsL kIqI pr bhuqy qF TMZy mOsm df sfhmxf nf kr sky qy bfkI bcdy afid vfsIaF ny ies DrqI qoN Bjf idwqy sn. 1600 qwk knyzf dI DrqI bfkI dunIaF leI iek acMBf hI bxI. ibRitsL aqy PrFsIsI lok 1600 ivc knyzf af ky pwky qOr `qy vsxy sLurU hoey. PrFsIsI aqy ibRitsL lok afps ivc lVdy rhy. ies lVfeI df aMq 1764 ivc hoieaf jd knyzf pwky qOr `qy ibRitsL dy rfj hyT af igaf. ieh Aus smyN qwk cldf irhf jd pihlI julfeI 1867 nUM rfxI ivktorIaf dy rfj hyT ibRitsL srkfr ny iek smJOqy nUM sihmqI dy idwqI ijs dy qihq knyzf iek afjLfd dysL dy qOr `qy ivcrygf aqy ies dI afpxI afjLfd srkfr hovygI. Aus smJOqy qoN bfad hI knyzf nUM zomInIan afP knyzf df nF idwqf igaf. awj vfly knyzf zya df nF Aus smyN hI zomInIan zya dy nF `qy sLurU hoieaf. dunIaF dy nksLy ivc knyzf dysL amrIkf dy isr `qy iek mukt vFg sijaf bYTf hY. amrIkf vfly smJdy hn ik Auh sfrI dunIaF qoN AuWqm kOm hn. Auh smJdy hn

mohn igwl



Friday, June 16th, 2017

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kny z f zy a hr sfl pihlI ju l feI nU M mnfieaf jFdf hY. ies idn CuwtI hox krky lok ies idn nUM afpxy pirvfr aqy imwqrF ipafiraF nfl rl ky mnfAuNdy hn. GrF dy ipwCy Gfh AuWqy pfrkF ivc jF PfrmF ivc bfrbyikAU kIqf jFdf hY. hr CotI vwzI kimAUintI ivc afiqsLbfjLI clf ky idn df aMq kIqf jFdf hY. sfdy sLbdF ivc ies idn nUM knyzf df jnm idn dy qOr `qy mnfieaf jFdf hY. amrIkf 1776 ivc ibRitsL rfj qoN vwK hoieaf qy ies idn Aus dI afpxI vwKrI hoNd sQfpq hoeI. Auh 4 julfeI nUM afpxy dysL df afjLfdI df idn mnfAuNdy hn. Aus idn Auh vI jnm idn mnfAuNdy hn. Aus idn Auh vI sfry rl iml ky jsLn mnfAuNdy hn jo asIN knyzf vfsI iek julfeI vfly idn mnfAuNdy hF knyzf nUM afjLfd hox leI amrIkf dI afjLfdI qoN bfad hfly sO sfl hor AuzIkxf ipaf jd 1867 ivc AunHF ny ‘zomInIan afP knyzf’ dI sQfpnf kIqI. knyzf vfsI ies idn nUM sUibaF dy iekwTy ho ky iek nvyN dysL dI isrjxf df idn dy qOr `qy mnfAuNdy hn. knyzf zya hmysLf hI iek julfeI nUM mnfieaf jFdf hY pr jy Aus idn aYqvfr hY qF ieh Aus qoN agly idn mnfieaf jFdf hY. bhuqy lok Aus hflq ivc vI ies nUM pihlI julfeI nUM mnfAuxf hI ibhqr smJdy hn. Aus hflq ivc CuwtI somvfr dI huMdI hY. ies idn qoN lMbf smF pihlF knyzf gryt ibRtyn dI jfgIr sI. smF pYx `qy dysL dy vwKvwK ihwisaF ny iekwTy ho ky iek dysL sQfpq krn bfry soicaf. julfeI 1, 1867 nUM rfxI ivktorIaf dy rfj hyT ibRitsL srkfr ny ies PYsly nUM sihmqI dy idwqI ijs dy qihq knyzf iek sMpUrn afqm inrBr dysL bx igaf aqy ies nUM afpxI afjLfd srkfr bxfAux dI mnjLUrI dy idwqI geI. ieh nvIN kOm jo hfly vI ibRitsL rfj nUM smripq sI df nF ‘zomInIan afP knyzf’ rwiKaf igaf. Aus vkq zomInIam afP knyzf dy isrP cfr sUby EntfrIE, ikAUibk, novf skosLIaf aqy inAU brnjLivk sn. awj knyzf dy 10 sUby aqy iqMn tYrItrIaF hn. Aus smyN pihlI julfeI nUM zomInIan zya dy qOr `qy jfixaf jFdf sI. 1879 qoN pihlF ies idn dI CuwtI nhIN sI huMdI. pihlI julfeI 1879 nUM ies idn dI afjLfdI dy idn dI CuwtI aYlfnI geI qy ieh CuwtI hr sfl hoxI pwkI imwQ idwqI geI. ies qoN pihlF ies idn nUM afjLfdI df idvs mnfAux dI rIq sI. 1917 ivc knPYzrysLn (rfj mMzl) df 50vF jnm idn mnfieaf igaf. ies idn hI pfrlImYNt iblizMg df ivckfr vflf blfk vI ies idn nUM smripq kIqf igaf jo Aus vkq Ausfiraf jf irhf sI. iblizMg df ieh blfk knPYzrysLn dy puriKaF aqy pihlI sMsfr jMg ivc lV rhy aqy sLhId hoey ispfhIaF nUM smripq kIqf igaf. 1927 ivc knPYzrysLn dy 60 sfl hox `qy zfiemMz jublI mnfeI geI. ies idn gvrnr jnrl ny vYilMgtn strIt `qy siQq knPYzrysLn iblizMg df nINh pwQr rwiKaf aqy pIs tfvr ivc lwgy GVqfl (GMtI vfjf) nUM pihlI

The Patrika

• Irrigation Installation

ierIgySn ienst`lySn

• Post Pounding

post l`auxy

• Drip and Sprinkler Systems

fir@p Eqy spirMklr

• Ditch Digging and Cleaning

if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

• Farm Drains

Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy

Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017




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The Patrika



Friday, June 16th, 2017

Consulate General of India Vancouver Owing to unavoidable circumstances, the Management of Gurdwara Dukh Nivaran Sahib, Surrey has sought to postpone the celebration of the 350th Prakash Parv of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj by the Consulate on June 11, 2017 at the Gurdwara Sahib.

2. In view of above, the Consulate is constraint to inform that the scheduled celebration of the 350th Prakash Parv of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj by the Consulate at Gurdwara Dukh Nivaran Sahib, 15255 68 Avenue, Surrey, BC on 11th June, 2017 from 10 am and 12 noon stands postponed.

avfjL dy kMtrol nfl nvyN tIvI dI pysLksL.

Breeze through airport security with these packing tips (NC) Being screening-savvy saves you time, as July and August are the busiest time of year at Canadian airports, with more than 10 million passengers expected this summer. Most air travellers know there are rules about what they can and can't bring in their carry-on baggage. Some of the rules are obvious — no knives, weapons or explosives — but those around liquids, gels and aerosols can be trickier. “One of the biggest hold-ups at our security checkpoints is having too many liquids, aerosols and gels,” explains Mathieu Larocque, who works for the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority. “These substances have to be in containers of 100 millilitres or less, placed in a one-litre resealable plastic bag and removed from your carry-on bag for inspection. Larger containers and overstuffed plastic bags won't fly.” However, there are some important exceptions. Both prescribed and over-the-counter medications can be in larger quantities, but they should be left in the original manufacturer's packaging or with pharmaceutical labels intact so they can be easily identified.








EST. 2005









Liquids for children under two years old, such as breast milk, baby food, formula and juice, can also be in larger quantities. In all cases, the containers should be taken out of the carry-on bag and ready to present to the screening officer for inspection.


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Together for a SAFER ABBOTSFORD We are a not-for-profit organization funding Abbotsford Police Department community programs. With support from our citizens and business community, we help our police make Abbotsford the safest city in British Columbia.


The Patrika



Friday, June 16th, 2017












PURCHASE * LEASE^ Or our lowest price on F-150’s as advertised below






2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017


31739 37539 36339 42339 35789 37239 41539 39239 35489 40339 35489 43939 41539 35389 40239 31589 31589 31589 42089 38839 48739 57639 48939 48439 48989 50289 44589 47639 43939 72389 39789 40339 58739 57489 56489 48739 58589 62414

2622 3046 2958 3332 3618 3024 4093 3941 3590 3980 3590 3449 4093 3581 3971 2908 2611 2611 4144 3058 6379 6460 6404 6368 7380 7456 7010 7254 6949 5708 3929 3980 5095 3868 3804 4803 5609 4652

29117 34493 33381 39007 32171 34215 37446 35298 31899 36359 31899 40490 37446 31808 36268 28681 28978 28978 37945 35781 42360 51179 42535 42071 41609 42833 37579 40385 36990 66681 35860 36359 53644 53621 52685 43936 52980 57762

41899 41899 56999 56999 58849 49174 55199 79169 51749 57479 57099 57479 57479 57399 57479 57099 57099 57099 58849 58849

11052 11052 11725 11725 11844 7918 12100 13116 12886 12914 12882 12914 12914 13182 11755 12928 12928 11732 11844 11844

30847 30847 45274 45274 47005 41256 43099 66053 38863 44565 44217 44565 44565 44217 45724 44171 44171 45367 47005 47005



EAH13780SOLD EAH22888SOLD EAH31739 EAH31882 EAH31883 EAH31885 EAH46831 EAH46832 EAH46833 EAH62939 EAH62940 EAH62941 EAH70274 EAH70275 EAH72562 EAH80105 EAH80106 EAH80107SOLD EAH99796 EDH05802SOLD EDH48573 EDH65671 EDH70435 EDH76957 EDH85717 EDH85718 EDH85719 EDH92533 EPH06626 ESH70276 ESH70277 EXH15829 EXH17184 EXH45195 EXH72915 EXH72916 EXH84694

F-Series Trucks

2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017



F1H01472 F1H01473 F1H01477 F1H01479 F1H01481 F1H01482 F1H01574 F1H09974 F1H13965 F1H13966SOLD F1H13967 F1H13969 F1H13970 F1H13972 F1H13973 F1H13974 F1H13976 F1H13977 F1H14643 F1H14644


2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017















59299 59299 56999 56999 56999 44399 47749 56349 52299 68249 52659 65879 65879 66329 45699 44399 46449 46449 43524 56999 63449 63449 49174 65749 55149 57099 60099 45324 56259 54449 73149 79849 57099 60099 57449 54449 68349 78949 78949 78399 54449 57549 57929 71079 81299 90138 90193 90743 90743 59964 91413 90463 93173 92623 87718 73574 86018 84824 59419


11873 11873 11725 11725 11725 11286 11490 12184 12903 12702 11889 13883 13883 14504 12286 12164 12315 11395 11156 13377 12395 12395 7918 12542 12105 12882 13136 11352 12178 12053 13016 13709 12755 13135 11771 12053 13342 14367 14367 14327 12053 13429 13464 12882 11783 11511 13320 13371 13371 8295 13433 11517 13783 13732 11317 8745 12926 12817 7054

SALE PRICE 47426 47426 45274 45274 45274 33113 36259 44165 39396 55547 40770 51996 51996 51825 33414 32235 34135 35054 32368 43622 51054 51054 41256 53207 43044 44217 46963 33972 44081 42396 60133 66140 44344 46964 45678 42396 55007 64582 64582 64072 42396 44120 44465 58197 69516 78627 76873 77372 77372 51669 77980 78946 79390 78891 76401 64829 73092 72007 52365

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T H E F R A S E R VA L L E Y ’ S O N LY F O R D S U P E R S T O R E ! At MSA Ford in Abbotsford you can expect the lowest prices in Canada on new Ford Cars, SUV’s and Trucks. All advertised prices are our lowest cash price. Prices are net of all available rebates, including Delivery Allowance, Non Stackable Cash, Spring Bonus Cash, F-150 loyalty rebate and other applicable rebates. Not included are Ford loyalty certificates, grad rebate, first time buyer rebate and other special targeted Ford offer . These rebates can be applicable if vehicle line qualifies. Advertised sale prices are not compatible with Ford Credit sub vented APR and LAPR rates. Vehicles advertised are subject to prior sale. Offers only valid at MSA Ford Sales. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rulesand eligibility. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable PST and GST and ENVIRO fees. All offers expire June 17, 2017 @ 5:00PM.


The Patrika



KLlIl ijbrfn Pyr iek vkIl ny ikhf: pIr mursLd, qusIN iehnF bfry mYN hor kI kfnUMn dI qF koeI gwl hI nhIN khI. khF isvfey q y A u s n y j v f b i d w q f : ies dy ik quhfnUM KusLI imldI hY kfnUMn bxf ky, ieh vI qF vI, kfnUMn qoV ky qusIN Aus qoN vI vwD KusL Duwpy Kloqy huMdy ho. qusIN AunHF bwicaF vrgy E ijhVy h o e y h n smuMdr lfgy bVI lgn nfl ryq dy Gr pr ienHF bxfAuNdy rihMdy hn qy Pyr hwsidaF hwsidaF dIaF ipwTF sU r j vw l Zfh ZyrI kr idMdy hn. hn? jdoN qusIN ryq dy Gr bxfAuNdy ho qF smuMdr ieh isrP dIaF CwlF bhuiqAuN bhuqI ryq ilaf ky kMZy a f p x y Aupr suwtdIaF rihMdIaF hn. qy jdoN qusIN prCfvyN vyKdy hn qy ienHF prCfivaF nUM kfnUMn AunHF nUM Zfh dyNdy ho qF smuMdr quhfzy hfsy mMndy hn. sUrj ienHF vfsqy prCfivaF df ivc sLfml huMdf hY. rcnhfr hY qy ies dy isvf kuJ vI nhIN? swcIN-muwcIN smuMdr srl-icwq lokF dI sMgq nymF kfnUMnF nUM svIkfr krn df arQ ies dy isvf hor kI hY ik asIN bhuq inAuN ivc hws ky KusL huMdf hY. ky DrqI Aupr ienHF prCfivaF df mUMh pr AunHF lokF df kI khIey ijnHF vfsqy muhFdrf AulIkdy rihMdy hF. ijLMdgI smuMdr nhIN qy afdmI dy bxfey hoey Auey sUrj vwl mUMh krky qurn vfilE, nym ryq dy Gr nhIN. DrqI Aupr AulIikaF Auh ikhVf prCfvF ijnHF vfsqy ijLMdgI iek ctfn hY qy kfnUMn hY jo quhfzy rfh ivc rok pf skdf hY. iek CYxI. ijs nfl Auh afpxy hI vrgI Auey hvf dy ruK qurn vfilE!! Auh ikhVI koeI mUrq ctfn Aupr Aukr dyNdy hn. ruwqF-BMbIrI hY jo quhfnUM rfh ivKfeygI? ikhVf kfnUMn quhfnUM bMnH skdf hY jy qusIN Aus lwqoN-afrI bMdy nUM kI khIey afpxI pMjflI BMn suwto: pr dyKxf iksy hor ijs nUM ncfr cMgy nhIN lwgdy? mnuwK dy bMdI-gRih sfhvyN nf BMnxf. Es bld bfry kI khIey ijs nUM afpxI pMjflI nfl ipafr hY qy ijhVy smJdf quhfnUM ikhVy kfnUMn df zr hY jy qusIN nwcdy ik jMgl dy roJ qy imrg lMzr qy avfrf hI jfE pr iksy hor afdmI dIaF kVIaF byVIaF nfl Tyzf nf KfE. psLU ny. Aus buZVy swp nUM kI khIey jo afpxI kuMj lfh nhIN skdf qy dUijaF nUM nMgf qy inlwj afKdf iPrdf hY ? Es bfry kI khIey jo ivafh dI ijLafPq Aupr sB qoN pihlF af phuMcdf hY jdoN iZwz qUs qUs ky Qwk jFdf hY qF afpxI rfhy pYNdf hY: nfly afKI jFdf hY ik sB ijLafPqF kfnUMn dI AulMGxf krdIaF hn qy sB ijLafPqI kfnUMn qoVdy hn?

kOx quhfzy ivruwD kcihrI ivc arjLI dyvygf. jy qusIN afpxf colf lIro lIr kr idAu pr Aus nUM iksy hor afdmI dy rfh ivc nf suwto. AurPLf dy loko! qusIN BfvyN afpxy ZolF dy plVy Zwk vlHyt ky rwK lE qy afpxI rbfb dIaF qfrF iZwlIaF kr lE. pr arsLI AuzdI cUk-icVI nUM kOx hukm dy skdf hY ik qUM afpxf gfAux bMd kr dy.

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A division of

Friday, June 16th, 2017


Workers needed

at North American Forest Products

Positions available:

Truck Drivers Local Work Only No Long Haul Evening and Day Shift Available

Wages based upon experience aYbtsPorz ivwc sfa-imwl ivwc kMm krn vflLy kfimaF dI loV hY| sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI idn aqy sLfm dIaF isLPtF lY skdy ho

: Please send resumes too:

Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : info@naforest.com | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1

aYbtsPorz groarjL kYnrI afpxy qIsry vrHy ivwc pUrI kfmXfbI nfl dfKl ho rhI hY. ipCly do sflF ivwc aDuink msILnrI lfky plFt pUry jor nfl cwlx Xog bxf idwqf hY. so ies sfl blUbyrI hYNz ipwk PrYsL vwD qoN vwD pYk kIqI jfvygI. kOnrYkt ilKy hoey vIrF nMU pihl idwqI jfvygI. iksfn vIrF nMU bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik afpxy Kfqy CyqI Kohlo qy afpxI PrYsL qy prosYs byrI ilaf ky afpxI kYnrI nMU blMdIaF qy iljf ky, ikrsfxI df BivwK Aujlf kro. sMprk vjoN:

kYnrI df Pon: 604-746-3030 PYks: 604-746-3031 bljIq isMG DflIvfl: 604-807-7725 jrnYl isMG hIr: 604-309-6060 kulivMdr isMG qUr: 604-614-8795

srI aqy ircmMz ivwc rihx vfly iksfn vIrF leI 4623-168th St. ivwKy irsIivMg stysLn hY.

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017





vrkr dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr, ikcn hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI| 778-878-4723 kfimaF dI loV

zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-5400 jF 604825-3508

asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF. 50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI)

Services nsLy Cwzx leI

(stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)

jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com

20 x 20 df tYNt isrPL $150 df

kfimaF dI loV

hfeI pIk tYNt, tybl aqy kursIaF, sfAUNz isstm, zFs PLlor, kuikMg leI pqIly, gYs stov, hItr, lfeItF, eyrIaf rgjL, Qrms, PUz vfrmrjL, bfrbIikAU aqy qMdUr

kpVy dy stor ‘qy kMm krn leI Full Time aqy Part Time kfimaF dI loV hY, English, pMjfbI aqy kwpVy vfry jfxkfrI hovy. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro jI. 32853 Ventura Ave aYbtsPorz

Services cont'd Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs     

CAREGIVER NEEDED to start work immediately. $20 per hour.

zmYnsLIaf nfl bImfr mfqf dI qjLrbydfr dyK Bfl krn vfly dI qurMq loV hYs.

5 hours at any suitable time between Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a patient suffering from Dementia. Basic Knowledge of English is a must.

sinwcrvfr, mMglvfr, buwDvfr, aqy vIrvfr nMU 4-5 GMty df kMm hovygf. qnKLfh $20 pRqI GMtf. ieMgilsL bolxI lfjLmI hY.

Experienced Caregiver

email: elainetchapor@gmail.com

aqy hr iksm df zYkorysLn df smfn jfgo df smfn qswlIbKsL syvfvF iek vfr syvf df mOkf jLrUr idAu asIN zYkorysLn vI krdy hF! zYkorysLn df smfn XU. aYsU. eyU. aqy ieMzIaf qoN ilaFdf igaf hY. WE ALSO DO DECORATIONS FOR ALL EVENTS! hor jfxkfrI leI awj hI PoLn kro:


778.552.3395, 778.552.3396 PAGE 45

The Patrika


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GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting • Plumbing Pu@l rYnovySn h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ pNyitMg plMimMg

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The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017



Dress your home to impress when selling (NC) As the saying goes, you only have one shot at making a good first impression. When it comes to selling a home, the first impression that buyers get can make the difference of a house selling or not — and for how much.

Specialized In New & Renovation of Older Homes

2. Doors and windows: Give your front door a fresh coat of paint or a good scrub down. 3. Hardware: Polish or replace old doorknobs, knockers, doorbells, house numbers and mailboxes.

Here are just a few things you can do 4. Tidy up: Make sure your lawn furnito improve your home's curb appeal: ture is clean and in good repair. Keep 1. Landscaping: Prune trees, trim any toys or tools neatly stored or out hedges, weed flower beds and mow of the way. the lawn. Supervision and care required for infant at our residence in Abbotsford ( Lynden Street area). Optional accomodation may be available at no charge on live in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment. This job posting is open for everyone who qualifies including aboriginal, youths, and new immigrants. DUTIES INCLUDE:

Bathing, changing, dressing, personal cleanliness. Preparing formula and feeding baby. Light housekeeping and laundry. Take care of the sleep and wake up hours of the infant. Keep record of the infant . Keep record of the activities of the child on daily basis.


Completion of Secondary school required. Must have experience, 6 months training or certificate in childcare. Fluency in English required Non smoker and clean habits.

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Pay will be $11.00 per hour. How to apply: Please send your resume to amanpreetsidhu552@gmail.com


The Patrika


Friday, June 16th, 2017


Actress Kriti Sanon, who will be seen playing a "tomboyish character" in the upcoming film "Bareilly Ki Barfi", says it was a very fresh for her to play a character from Uttar Pradesh. Talking about the role in "Bareilly Ki Barfi", Kriti said "It's a very tomboyish character. She is a girl living in Bareilly but doing things on her own terms. She is someone who is quite bratty and who questions the basic norms."The 26-year-old actress says her character does brake dance in the film, and has traits which make her different from other girls in Bareilly. "What I really like about the film is also the fact that every relationship is shown very nicely... Also, for me to play a UP girl was very fresh," she added. "Bareilly Ki Barfi" is directed by "Nil Battey Sannata" fame director Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari. it is a romantic comedy rooted in the subculture of the north Indian city Bareilly.

To play Uttar Pradesh girl in 'Bareilly Ki Barfi' was very fresh : Kriti

Katrina is a machine of superhit films : Ranbir Actor Ranbir Kapoor says his "Jagga Jasoos" co-star Katrina Kaif is a big star, who delivers superhit films time and again. He would even like to make a film "only for her" in the future as a producer. "I think Katrina is a machine of superhit films. In the future, when I will produce a film, I would like to make a film only for her," Ranbir, who was present at the song launch of the film along with its director Anurag Basu, told media.Katrina, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said: "Thank you very much." The actors have also shared screen

space in films "Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani" and "Raajneeti". Ranbir, who is currently busy shooting for a biopic on actor Sanjay Dutt -- directed by Rajkumar Hirani -- feels safe and blessed to have a wide range of films in the pipeline. "Last few years weren't that good at the box office, but even then I've got the opportunity to work with Raju sir, Anurag Basu and Ayan Mukerji. I feel very fortunate and blessed. "They are putting their vision in a film and gifting it to me. So, I really hope that I can repay that with my talent," said Ranbir, whose films like "Bombay Velvet" and "Roy" bombed at the box office.

Was Alia Bhatt in two minds for Meghna Gulzar's film? Alia Bhatt was apparently in two minds before she gave her nod to Meghna Gulzar's film based on Harinder Sikka's book, Calling Sehmat. Since it is the story of a Kashmiri woman married to a Pakistani army officer set against the 1971 IndoPak war, Alia had reservations over the controversial subject. Buzz is her dad, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt convinced her to accept the offer. He feels Alia needs to take on films with diverse subjects. We are certain that Alia got an okay from godfather Karan Johar too before signing on the dotted line.

ShahRukh defends the title 'Jab Harry Met Sejal' The new title of Imtiaz Ali's next has sent social media into a tizzy. Criticised for being a blatant reference to 1989 classic American rom-com 'When Harry Met Sally' to sounding too similar to Ali's 'Jab We Met' (2007), reactions to 'Jab Harry Met Sejal' have ranged from funny to infuriating. Lead actor Shah Rukh Khan, however, hopes the audience will eventually warm up to it. "We are all too close to the film to be objective. I was reading an article where the writer has taken great pains to go into the depth of why the film's title is not good. People have to understand it's just the title, there's more to the film. There's got to be a strong enough reason why the film is called that," he reasons.


I'm not dumb to get affected by stardom : Sushant "M S Dhoni: The Untold Story" did wonders for Sushant Singh Rajput's career but at the same time his behaviour at public events came under scanner. Sushant says he is not "dumb" to get affected by stardom but at the same time he is also not willing to let the opinion of other people influence his decisions. "After 'M S Dhoni...' people started saying I turned arrogant but people see things the way they want to. I am not bothered by what others feel about me... I know how I am and how I want to be," Sushant said. "Dumb people get affected by stardom. I would like to believe that anybody who is slightly intelligent will understand that apart from the actor, there are so many other parameters deciding the success of a film and making an actor a star." Recently a clip of Sushant losing his cool on a journalist, when she asked him about the Kulbhushan Jadhav

issue, went viral. The actor refused to comment on the same and got involved in an argument with the media person. Sshant, 31, says he is not a "people pleaser" and will only comment if he is aware about a particular topic. "I take the responsibility of everything I do. If I am asked some question I will say what I feel, not what somebody else wants to listen. I am not a people pleaser. I will not endorse a popular opinion just for the sake of getting an acknowledgement. I will be extremely confident in putting forward my version of things." Sushant says he became rich and famous during his television days and he would have continued to do that if money was his endgame.

The Patrika

Friday, June 16th, 2017



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LEASE OPERATORS: Looking for General Laborer in a lumber remanufacturing plant various positions available. Pay depends on experience and job hired for. HEAVY LIFTING AND HIGH SPEED WORK ENVIRONMENT. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DONT HAVE EXPERIENCE OR FIT THE CRITERIA. Positions available : grader, greenchain worker , chop saw operator, planer operator, resaw operator, maintenance general laborer. PAY : $16-$21 an hour plus benefits after 3 month probation period. lMbr rImYnUPYkcirMg plFt ivwc kfimaF dI loV hY. qnKfh anuBv muqfbkBfr cwkxf aqy qyjI nfl kMm krnf jLrUrI hY. ikrpf krky jy quhfzy kol anuBv nhIN hY jF qusIN qyjL mhOl ivwc kMm nhIN kr skdy, qF aplfeI nf kro. pojLIsLnf: gRyzr, gRIncyn vrk kfmy, cOp sOa aOprytr, plfnr aOprytr, rIsOa aOprytr, myntyinMs jYnrl vrkr





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Outdoor upgrades that add value to your property

Time to upgrade the TV? Make it an amazing Father’s Day gift

(NC) During the warmer months, there's often nothing better than spending a weekend outside working in the garden or fixing up the house. Sharon Grech, Colour & Design Expert at Benjamin Moore, shares some ideas for weekend summer projects that add value to your property.

get-friendly landscape projects like adding decorative stepping stones, a small garden or window boxes. Painting your front door is another simple yet impactful project that enhances your property's curb appeal. When choosing front door colours for a dark or brick house, Grech recommends Concord Ivory HC-12 or a classic red like Dutch Tulip to brighten it up and coordinate with bright flowers. If your home is painted in a lighter colour, try a more fashion forward option like Wythe Blue HC143 and complement with a garden of flowers in simple whites and lots of green.

Deck it out. A great way to make a fresh statement in your backyard or breathe new life into an aging deck is to give it a colour makeover. Grech recommends Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT, a premium stain available in several colours and varying opacities, designed to enhance and protect the appearance of decks, siding and outdoor wood furniture. The stain also penetrates into the wood to provide excellent UV protection. “For a modern contemporary look, I love Rustic Taupe or Westcott Navy. For a more classic look, try Get your home picture perfect. Thinking of selling? The summer is the best Leather Saddle Brown,” she says. time to photograph your home. Even Curb appeal. The front of your home if you're not planning on listing it until is the first thing people notice, so keep later in the year, arrange to take photos your front yard looking fresh with bud- now when it's looking its best.

(NC) If you really want to blow dad’s mind this year, give him the gift of an awesome gaming, movie or sports experience. After all, fathers need downtime too and it’s a good time to upgrade your overall home entertainment experience. Adding a new TV to the man-cave is a gift he won’t soon forget. But it can be easy to get confused by all the options and latest tech specs. The top things to look for are picture quality, sound quality, smart features and sleek design. Here are some tips to help you pick out the perfect one:

2. Choose a Smart TV. This feature lets dad access all his favourite web content on the TV screen, including video and music streaming. He can view his favourite websites and even 1. Top-of-the-line picture quality. Look get a mobile connection that will allow for a model that makes even the dark- him to enjoy his smartphone content on est scenes crisp, clear and viewable, the big screen. perfect for watching a high-energy 3. Sharp sound is essential. You’re not hockey game or a movie. One of the getting the most out of your movies or best options on the market is the new TV shows unless you’ve got bold, rich LG Super UHD TV with advanced sound. Despite its sleek silhouette, the Nano CellTM technology in 4K — it LG Super UHD TV takes sound seriproduces amazing colours and deep ously with a premium speaker system blacks and comes with Dolby Vision that provides an immersive listening technology experience.


The Patrika



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Friday, June 16th, 2017


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The Patrika



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The Patrika



Friday, June 16th, 2017



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Friday, June 16th, 2017

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Friday, June 16th, 2017

Baldev Singh Gill

604.825.8886 NEW LISTING



Open House Sun June 18th 1-3pm

#2-30989 Westridge

2 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools.




126 Whatcom Rd NEW LISTING

41010 No. 2 Rd


33257 Chelsea Ave


One of the best BLUEBERRY farm in the area. 5 year new 2 storey HOME on 10 acres in the Sumas Prairies near No.3 Rd exit in Abbotsford. This ย eld is planted in machine pick Duke Blueberry equipped with poles, wires and drip irrigation. Expected production of around 120,000 pounds of blueberry this year. Close to Elementary school.




Gorgeous 4.26 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful house very close to, Elementary School, new Highstreet Mall and Kalgidhar Gurdwara. Home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Roof only few years old. Prime location, no through road and easy freeway access. Separate driveway for heavy vehicles.

30540 Brookside Ave


14.07 Acres of Duke and Elliot variety Blue berry farm. Drip system for irrigation is in place (water supply from ditch). City water is also connected to the property. Prime location, close to US Border and shopping. Good income last year, all the basic work is done. Enjoy the bumper crop in this year.


Many opportunities exist for this property. Buy as a great investment opportunity, your ย rst home or tear down and rebuild on 7370 sq.ft. falt lot. Located close schools and recreation c e n t e r. N e w ยก o o r i n bedrooms, new electric heaters new wondows and new paint.



23 ACRES with 2 FULL SIZED HOUSES with numerous income producing barns. One 5 bedrm home and 2nd 4 bedrm 2000 sq.ft beautiful home is approx 20 yr old. This property is perfect for 2 families, large horse barn with indoor arena, 23 stalls and lots of hay storage. 23'x130' Squab (pigeon)/chicken barn. 32'x72' WORKSHOP and 80'x90' BARN. Currently both houses and a few stalls are rented for $6000 per month.

42522 Keith Wilson Rd NEW LISTING



2300 square foot Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet Dead End Street. 7700 Sq. ft. lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in a basement.

Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Expected yeild for 2017 is approx. 200000 pounds. Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm $1,659,000






2620 Caboose Place D D D 135 2700 L L L D D O O O D D McCallum Road Lprice S S S LD L L D LD OLD D OLD SOL O L L O O O O g n i S k S S S S S S over as SO SO

#29- 31125 Westridge

34641 7th Ave

Great starter home 6 year old three storey 3 located in a quiteculbedroom, 2 bath plus rec. de-sac. Just stepts room townhouse in West away from the US Abbotsford. Near all level of schools, Gurudwara border. Flat fenced lot


25 31235 406 32075 George Upper Maclure Rd Ferguson Way

31883 Mayne Ave

Beautiful rancher on a quiet cul-desac street in west abbotsford. Flat over5800 sqft lot

Very spacious 2 bedroom condo with new laminate ยกooring, walk out patio and 2 PARKING STALLS. Very popular rental property, no rental restrictions. Hotwater and Heat is included in the strata fee.

Just 8 year old with 3 bedroom, rec room and 4 bath townhome close to all levels of schools. Stainless steel appliances and granite

Very bright and spacious 2 Bedroom with 2 full bath condo. Freshly painted. Carpet, vinyl in the kitchen, cupboard doors, light ย xtures in the kitchen and living room are just few years old. Close to Matsqui Recreation Centre, Schools and Easy Highway

2914 Royal Street

Nicely renovated rancher with 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in West Abbotsford. UPGRADES INCLUDE: New windows, blinds, kitchen cabinets with solid plywood boxes,

30630 Steelhead Crt 32133 Autumn Ave Over 2800 Sq.Ft. quality Very beautiful 3 built rancher close to bedroom rancher Kalgidhar Darbar e c i Gurdwara . 9ft ceiling on r on quiet Street. Flat kpirnigcep main ยกoor vsewith oa krinags crown for build your moulding. 57,0ov0e0r Just steps to lotfuture D a $v e K a n d a l dream Elementary School, home. Vinyl Churches , Parks &

48 - 31255 Upper Maclure

Very Clean 5 bedroom basement entry house, Rec room with full washroom, Living room, Family room, 2 bedroom legal

2966 Glenavon Street #12 3087 Immel

Super Mcmillan location. Close to Prince Charles Elementary School, Fraser Middle School, Yale Secondary School and Abbotsford Recreation Centre.

Three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room,kitchen and family room townhouse. Close to shopping, recreation, and French Immersion Elementary School.

Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford's newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths, mailย oor has ofย ce and spice kitchen too. 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, bar, bedroom and full bath for upstairs use.


Friday, June 16th, 2017

GURINDER SINGH DHALIWAL 778.908.2409 FREE Market Evaluation!


WE HAVE QUALIFIED BUYERS FOR HOMES, CONTACT US! Dream Home!!! (very q u i t e a r e a ) Exceptionally well maintained this beautiful 2 story house has everything that you need. Upper oor can a cco m m o d a t e l a r g e family, consisting of spacious living room, family room, kitchen, master bedroom with 2 more bedroom, 2 washrooms. Huge back


ist New L

32514 Carter Ave $689,000




New L

13090 - 72 Ave $699,000

SOLD 3060 Tims St, Abbotsford


DLOt!! L O S LD Rare Big O S 31516 Monarch Crt 2280 Grant Street SOLD SOLD Investors Alert Alert: Rare big lot with great front and possibility of duplex. Trees for privacy.Wont last long. Call today..


34824 Townshipline Rd





2363 BAKERVIEW ST, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2T3B3






Maple Ridge

Beautiful top to bottom renovated 6 bedroom with 3 full baths, 3 rooms upstairs and 3 for suite.


2373 Westerly Abbotsford



31038 Heron Avenue Abbotsford



5746 Bell Road, Abbotsford

409 33485 S Fraser Way

30511 Sandpiper Dr


Rajinder Dhutti Rookie of the YEAR

Personal Real Estate Corporation

pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:





33245 Alta Ave

241 27411 28 Ave

2826 Clearbrook Road

31934 Peardonville Road

Rare Find! Alderview in Aldergrove. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright & spacious living area, dining, kitchen, laundry, carport & a nice backyard for entertainment. Well maintained complex with tons of visitor's parking and steps to school. Close to shopping, recreation, US Border & easy access to freeway. Don't miss this one!

Investors Alert! 5400 sq ft at lot in a Central location. Priced to sell. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, public transit and easy access to freeway. Hurry!!!

Neat & Clean Rancher w/bsmt in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway. Call to view









NEW LISTING 225 2233 Mckenzie Rd


1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! This neat & clean unit features 1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom, plus a den, bright living room, open kitchen layout & a balcony. It is centrally located. Well maintained complex. Low strata fee. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, restaurants & much more. Call to view now!

A Move Ahead


2 Storey w/ basement home in a Great Location! This home features 5 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms with an en suite in the master. Big lot backing onto creek and steps to Mill Lake Park. This home needs TLC. Total 4 baths but there are some more rooms which contain additional en suite facilities. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, mall, public transit & much more.









3803 Chadsey Cre

111 33255 Old Yale Road

3419 Clearbrook Rd

31030 Heron Ave

33837 Mayfair Ave

33853 Mayfair Ave

3927 Brighton Pl

3484 Thurston Pl





SOLD Great Location! Split entry home on a 7950 sq ft plus lot in a central location. This home has 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, nice backyard, huge sundeck, renovated kitchen, rec room, big living area & much more. There are few updates in the house like newer paint, some new flooring in bedrooms, kitchen cabinets/counters & some new doors.


The Brixton! Very neat & clean Ground Floor unit with a walkout patio. This bright unit features 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, kitchen with granite counter tops & lots of cabinets, big living area with a replace, dining area, laundry room & a patio. Close to schools, recreation, restaurants, public transit, mall & parks. Don't miss this one!

Basement Entry Home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 Bedrooms/ 4 Bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Main floor features 3 Bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, bright living room, dining area, family room, kitchen & a sunny sundeck. Suite plus+ a good size rec




407 - 31831 Peardonville Road

31011 Gardner Ave

2208-2210 BEAVER ST

SOLD West Point Villa! This top fl o o r u n i t f e a t u r e s 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living area, kitchen and laundry. Well maintained complex. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, parks &

Location! Location! A cute basement entry home on a corner lot & cul-de-sac location. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, fenced backyard, double garage and much more. Some of the updates inculde high end appliances in main kitchen, new kitchen cabinets, newer paint, new vanities in bathrooms,

Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.

Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.




Nicely renovated 2 Storey w/bsmt home with a unique layout in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms, sunken living room, dining, kitchen, family room, den, rec room, fenced yard with parking at front & back and much more. Some of the updates are- newer hotwater tank, furnace, roof, windows, rugs, flooring, appliances


SOLD A wonderful revenue generating property sitting on a huge flat 10,500 sq ft corner lot. Each side features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard for entertainment.

305 - 33960 Old Yale







2 bedrooms,2 bathrooms. 853 sqft. Only 10 years old. Rentals Allowed.

Custom Built 2 storey w/basement home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Top floor features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms out of which 2 are master bedrooms with Jacuzzi en suites. Main floor features huge living room, dining room, kitchen with

Custom Built 3 storey home with a unique layout & Legal Suite! This home features 8 bedrooms/ 7 bathrooms with a backyard for entertainment. Main floor features bright living room, open kitchen concept with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances & tons of storage, spice kitchen, huge family room, dining area, den





2805 Countess Cres.


First time buyers & Investors ALERT! West Abby Rancher with basement. 8050 Sq. Ft. Lot $549,700

Fair eld Estates! Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Main oor features- Wide entrance hall, huge sunken living room, dining, sunken family room, big kitchen with an island and lots of storage, see thru replace in the middle of living & dining area, bedroom (can be used as an of ce or



Investors & 1st time home buyers Alert! Cute home on a corner lot in West Abbotsford. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, dining area, kitchen, family room and a big yard. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, Cineplex, mall, public

"Corner Unit". Perfect 2 storey home in a good neighborhood. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS a den (can be used as an of ce or rec room), Big Master Bedroom has an ensuite with a Jacuzzi soaker tub, huge living room, family room, dining











#35- 30748 Cardinal Ave

2868 Gardner Pl



27575 32nd Ave Aldegrove Langley

32627 Chehalis Drive


15 - 31600 OLD YALE RD






1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! Rancher/ Bungalow sitting on a 6,450 plus sq ft at lot. This home features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining, laundry room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. This is a good starter home, a good retirement home, a good rental home and a good holding property.

Executive Custom Built Home in a secure gated community. Come & feel the warmth & charm in this 3 storey home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home has an excellent nishing throughout & features 7 bedrooms/4 bathrooms & a nice backyard with good size sundeck for entertainment. Main oor features huge living room.

Your home search stops here! Custom built Basement Entry home with a Legal Suite in a good neighborhood. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms which includes 2 Master bedrooms on the Main oor with ensuite in both, huge living room w/ replace, dining area, kitchen, nook, family room w/ replace, big sunny sundeck for entertainment, double door. open entrance, walk out Legal


Corner Unit. Huge backyard. 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS Den. Modern Concept, Open Kitchen Layout, Granite Counter Tops & Stainless Steel Appliances.


4 Level split home 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms living room family room rec room

cul de sac and much more


Location! Location! 1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! A cute Rancher w/basement style home on 7300 sq ft lot in a quiet cul de sac. One of the best neighborhoods to raise your kids. Some other features - . Renovated open layout kitchen with lots of cabinets & slate ooring, good size bedrooms, cozy living room, solid built sundeck just off from dining, good size rec room in the basement.


Solid Rancher with basement style home in a quiet neighborhood. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms & a private backyard. Main floor features - 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, good size living room, formal dining, cozy family room, open kitchen layout with stainless steel appliances & laundry room. Basement has 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms & a rec room with separate with separate entrance.


Well kept & renovated split entry home sitting on 8300+ sq ft lot in Aldergrove. This home features 4 bedrooms. baths with an en suite in masterMain floor has a bright & spacious living room, big kitchen, 3 bedrooms/1.5 baths, dining area & a nice sundeck for entertainment. Basement has a huge rec room, bedroom (can be used as an office), full bath, laundry & storage area.





Friday, June 16th, 2017


Friday, June 16th, 2017

2790 2 27 279 790 A 79 Allwood lllw llw llwood wood ood oo od St SStreet treet


R E S I D E N T I A L es Acr 5 1 ox ppr

• 10 ACRES


• Development Potential • 6 Bdrm House

Asking Price: $ 2,600,000

F A R M S res c A .1

•Matsqui Area

• Duke & Blue Crop

6521 Little Street


• Blueberry Farm

• Warehouse & Pump Houses

•Matsqui Area

• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)


• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm

• Close to UFV

1639 King Cresecent

res c A .5


• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

430 Bowman Road



•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety

Lot 6 Glenmore Road

• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area

•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety

Lot 1 on Glenmore Road

28028 Layman Avenue ................................. $1,400,000 6113 Beharrell Road ...................................... $1,374,900 7.09 Acres Lot B Haverman ......................... $1,298,900 5111 Tolmie Road ........................................... $1,149,900

• New Listing • Build Your Dream • Sumas Prairie Home • Duke & Elliot Variety • Drip Irreg

565 Marion Road

res c A 10

Ac .982


• 7 Acres Duke • 2 Acres Blue Crop

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

34350 Bateman Road

cres A 6 5

cres 62 A

35130 Beaton Road

• Development Potential • 4 Bdrm House

2994 Eastview Street .........................................$680,000 33727 1st Avenue ...............................................$251,000 307 - 33255 Old Yale Road...............................$248,100 30 - 31235 Upper Maclure ..............................$452,000

9 Ac 25.3


• Drip Irreg & Some Equip

• New Listing • 2 Houses • Mortgage Helper

• Central Abbotsford • Good Rental Income


res c A .8




2411 Adelaide Street

33860 Hollister Place .........................................$629,900 27181 28B Avenue .............................................$595,000 46199 Third Avenue...........................................$409,900 36421 Florence Drive ........................................$485,000

• Blueberry Farm • 2700+ SF Home

cre /2 A


• 3 Bdrm Rancher • Full Production • Near Whatcom Rd Berries

• Close to Airport

www.veermalhi.com qft 10 s



604 4-85 55-0 0800 604-855-0800

vvirbinder77@gmail.com irbinder77@gmail.ccom

778 8 -241-7451 -2 241- 7451

cres A 0 1

Abb Ab Abbotsford, bb botssfo for orrd, ord, d, BC C V2T 3R7

• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show

• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay

4627 Dixon Raod ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road.........................................$874,700 39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900



Friday, June 16th, 2017

TELUS PureFibre™

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Friday, June 16th, 2017

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Friday, June 16th, 2017


The Right Realtors® for Today’s Market!




604.825.2281 kanwal_sekhon@hotmail.com

T. 604-572-1008 F. 604-572-3008 #266 8128 128 St, Surrey, BC V3W 1R1




ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD • 72 x 110 Lot • 13,966 sq ft Lot • Total 8,280 sq ft. • 3 Bedrooms up • 3 Bedrooms & 2 & 1 washroom washrooms upstairs. • Extra Rec Room • 2 Bedrooms down downstairs 31928 CONRAD AVE 2436 ADELAIDE ST • Family Room • 2 Bedroom Legal $799,000 • Currently Rented $765,000 Suite.



38 ACRE BLUEBBERY FARM • Half Bluecrop and Half Elliot • 5 minutes from Abbotsford • Drilled Well and all irrigated • Big Storage Shed • Trade Welcome with Small Farm • 5 year old plants ABBOTSFORD


• New Home • 4 Bedrooms up •East Abbotsford & 3 Full washrooms • Corner Lot • 2 Bdrms on main • Approx. 4400 sq ft • Potential for side suite • Extra media room • Great size living area 27692 LANTERN AVE • Huge backyard for kids 35969 EMILY CARR CR & 1 bedroom $888,000 • Double car garage $989,000 • 2 Bedroom Legal Suite


10-8358 121A St, Surrey



Great Family Business for Sale ! BUSY LOCATION! Southgate Shopping Centre Store offering shipping, packaging, printing & other services, plus office supplies.




Kingsley Terr

31550 Ridgeview DR




King Road

Lantern Ave

Mallerd Street


Blueridge Dr.

NEW LISTING 3133 Mallard St Godwin Ave.

2180 Bakerview St




Grant St

Evergreen St

ABBOTSFORD Clearbrook Vill


We have qualified buyers looking for new listings. PAGE R8


Friday, June 16th, 2017

Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014

12 Years Experience!

12 Years Experience!

Parvinder Harry

parvharry@gmail.com / shindersgill@gmail.com

Shinder Gill PREC

Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings www.teamelite.ca info@teamelite.ca 604-859-2341

5038 Riverside Street

32424 Best Ave


32614 Haida Dr



Great location, almost 20 acres blueberry machine pick farm, close to town, on CITY water. Updated 4 bedroom rancher with double garage, newer paint inside and outside, 4 years roof, new windows and 2700 sqft shed. 8.5 acres Duke 8 years old, 7 acres bluedcrop 3 yrs/ 8 yrs, 15 yrs and 2.5 acres elliot 5 yrs old. The farm is fully drip irrigation automatic system (automatic fertilizer systems), pols and wires.

Stunning View from all 3 levels of the home. Tastfully updated with quartz countertops, new laminate floors, new tiles , blinds, light fixtures and new SS appliances. Features spacious layout with elegant kitchen open to familyroom, livingroom, diningroom on main floor, 4 bedrooms up, 2 bathrooms up with good size laundry room upstairs, and 2 bedroom suite with insuite laundry for mortgage helper. Call for your personal tour.

2807 Maple St

Babich St


Lovely rancher style home, in a convenient, central location walking distance to Abbotsford Rotary Stadium. The whole backyard and sidewalk is paved- No back neighbors. Features of the home include 3 years old water tank, newer furnace, and newer washer/ dryer. Nice, clean home with oak kitchen, gas fireplace in family room,laminate flooring and large covered patio, double garage with LOTS of parking! Ideal starter home!

Beautiful, spacious 2 storey with full basement. 10' high main floor ceilings with over-height doors, modern,stylish kitchen with pantry, great room wih elegant linear f/p with surround tiles. Master suite has VERY LARGE walk-in and boasts spacious, high end ensuite bath with free standing soaker tub and a beautiful shower , quartz counter tops thru out, Basement has a Legal one bedroom suite with a Rec Room for the kids. Ready to move in!

Cherry Ave

Townline Area

Perfect opportunity to own and operate a home based business with storefront on Maple st. and home front on Walnut Ave. Fraser health approval and Architect plans of 800 sqft for restaurant, daycare, hair salon and anyother business you can run under C-1 Zoning. The Store is professionally done with 2 pc bath, janitor room

A 2320 sq ft home with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.With a Lot Size over 20,000 Sq ft. Centrally located, nearby shopping and Recreational area. Huge Area for parking.

31084 Upper Maclure Rd 3075 Townline Rd


2700 Caboose Open layout with 4 bedrooms up, 3 bathrooms up, family, living room plus den on main floor, 2 bedroom legal suite and bedroom + media room for your entertainment.

36077 Emily Carr Grove


2 Lot Sub Dividable Lot in Aldergrove Over 10,000 sq feet, good 115 sq feet frontage, good rental house rented for $2000 per month, close by schoolcall for more info. Clearbrook Area2 lot sub dividable home

32673 Pandora Ave

Under Construction!






2710 McMillan Road

7 - 3322 Blue Jay Street

2122 Merlot Blvd

3555 Viewmount Pl





$720,000 (4 BDRM)


2651 Macbeth Crescent

A 2700 sq ft home with 5 bedrooms and 2 bedroom unauthorized suite with a theatre room.Updated, laminate floors, new paint, new sundeck and new roof.

A 1231 sq ft. home with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. With a Lot size of over 10,000 Sq ft. With a great mountain view and substantial amount of parking space.


$750,000 BRAND NEW superior built home that offers exceptional quality and design! The Garage is detached and plenty of room for parking. Green space directly in front of door for the kids to enjoy the green. Apprx 2700 sq ft home with possible in law suite for extra family! Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with immaculate kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 10-ft ceiling on main floor for an open, spacious feeling. Located in East Abbotsford. House will ready to move in September, 2017.




36069 Emily Carr Grove

11220 243 Street


8302-204th Street Langley

SOLD $599,000

2175 Ridgeway St

SOLD $ 669,000

2898 Station Rd Abbotsford



$495,000 3537 Summit Drive





20623 85 Ave, Langley

SOLD $1,199,000

NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

We have qualified buyers sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.




Friday, June 16th, 2017


Friday, June 16th, 2017

ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF mubfrkF !

1859 Queen st


House is fully renovated


Fantastic holding property 2.2 acres currently zoned A-1 but part of Airport Industrial reserve. Land is level & cleared. Excellent investment opportunity. This is fast growing area. Hard to find property like this. Value in land. Suitable for Agri Tourism too Motivated seller. Bring your offers.

4 - 31235 Upper Maclure Town house


SOLD 2775 sq.ft. home. 3 bdrms + Den. GreatLocation. Recently Renovated. Landscaped yard.

Family oriented townhome complex is 9 yrs young. Well maintained town house with 3 bedrooms & 2.5 bathrooms. In family and pet friendly complex. Completely finished with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, all included. $479,000

Still Available

3962 Bell Rd

SOLD 9 - 2241 Mcallum Rd only 17 units make up this quiet well maintained complex These homes are perfect for those just starting out.

SOLD SOLD 210 - 32550 Maclure

2921 Babich St

162 - 3162 Townline Rd

aYbtsPorz ivwc iksy vI qrHF dI rYjIzYNsLIal jF kmrsLIal pROprtI KrIdx jF vycx leI qjLrbykfr iraltr crnjIq isMG jMzU nflL sMprk kro|




Friday, June 16th, 2017

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