June 23rd 2017

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WEEKLY Friday, June 23rd, 2017 Vol. 21, No.37

Fraser Valley Indo Canadian Business Association’s 30th Annual Scholarship Night with special guest Satnam Singh; first Indian NBA player

Satnam Singh pictured with Howe’s Senior Dhol Performers. Photo credit: Navi Brar - NB Photography

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The Patrika


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Friday, June 23rd, 2017

FVICBA Scholarship Night itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



“What is the secret of your success?” Someone asked the late eminent scien�st, Dr. George Washington. “I pray as if everything depends upon God”, he replied, “then I pray if everything depends upon me” – Donald Cur�s ijLMdgI dy husn nUM brkrfr rwKx leI inrMqr XqnsLIl qy sMGrsLsLIl bxn dI loV hY. jIvn rUpI pRIiKaf ivwc kfmXfbI vI hr iksy dy ihwsy nhIN afAuNdI. iksy nUM sPlqf imldI hY, iksy nUM asPlqf. iksy dI ijwq huMdI hY iksy dI hfr. koeI PylH huMdf hY koeI pfs. iksy dI JolI Puwl qy iksy dy dfmn ivc kMzy, koeI qF kfrn hovygf. XkInn sPlqf sfzy kol nhIN afAuNdI. sfnUM sPlqf kol jfxf pYNdf hY. asPlqf ies hkIkq dI sUck hY ik XojnfbwD ZMg nfl ZuwkvyN Auprfly nhIN kIqy gey. jugqI bgYr mukqI nhIN. ijvyN imwtI AuWqy sIimMt df lypn byarQ sfibq huMdf. hr kfrj dy iqMn pVfa huMdy ny, afgfjL (afrMB) mwD qy aMq. jy pRQm crn Bfv sLurUafq vDIaf hY qF awDf kfrj pihlF hI inwbiVaf smJo. AuqsLfh bgYr koeI kMm nypry nhIN cVHdf. afls qy anusLfsLnhIxqf sPlqf dI dusLmx hY. smF brbfd krn vfilaF nUM smF brbfd kr idMdf hY. sony dy kroVF iswky dy ky vI smyN df iewk sikMt KrIidaf nhIN jf skdf. smyN df sdAupXog sPl ijLMdgI, durAupXog asPl ijLMdgI. smF lMGx ipCoN qF kyvl pCqfvf hI pwly rih jFdf hY. suvyly sOxf qy suvwKqy AuWTxf ishqXfbI qy kfmXfbI pRdfn krdf hY. mhfn ivakqI acfnk AuWcfeIaF qy nhIN phuMcdy blik Auh Aus vyly sKq imhnq sdkf AunqI kr rhy huMdy hn jdoN AuhnF dy kMmcor sfQI GurfVy mfr rhy huMdy hn. sPl-asPl ivakqIaF dy ---jIvn dI kfrgujLfrI nUM jfcx-vfcx---AuhnF dy ivakqIqv dI sfrI pRiqBf idRsLtIgocr ho jFdI hY. suGV isafxy susq bMidaF dy jfgx qwk pUry idn jogf kMm inbyV lYNdy hn. sPlqf cutkI mfr ky, iksLqF ivwc tpUsIaF mfr ky jF rfqo-rfq nhIN imldI. ieh qF AuhnF nUM nsIb huMdI hY ijhVy ihMmq nUM Xfr bxf lYNdy hn. sPlqf luwtI nhIN jFdI kmfeI jFdI hY. asPlqf qoN GbrfAux jF mfXUs hox dI loV nhIN. asPlqf hI sPlqf dI pOVI hY. asPl ivakqI nUM afpxIaF GftF kmjLorIaF, AUxqfeIaF qy AukqfeIaF dI jfxkfrI ho jFdI hY Auh afpxIaF glqIaF suDfr ky Pqih hfisl kr lYNdf hY. musLiklF iks nUM nhIN afAuNdIaF. bulMd hOsly nfl hwQ imlfAux qy musLiklF imwqr bx jfxgIaF. kro jF mro vflI nIqI apxf ky qF vyKy, nqIjf sO pRqIsLq rhygf. sPlqf Kfqr koeI jfdU mMqr nhIN bs imhnq drkfr hY, kdy bykfr nhIN jFdI. sPlqf qy asPlqf ivwc koeI bhuqf Prk nhIN. hnyrf sMkyq krdf hY ik cfnx nyVy hI hY. ihMmq, sfhs, aiBafs qy smyN dI ivAuNqbMdI nfl-nfl asPlqf nUM sPlqf ivwc bdilaf jf skdf hY. zf: iekbfl muqfibk: “ijLMdgI ijMNdfidlI df nfm hY. murdf idl BI kXf Kfk jIaf krqy hY.”

ishq leI TIk nhIN Pfst PUz

zf[ ainl kumfr bwgf brgr, pIËf, pfAu-BfjI, pfsqf qy qlIafˆ cIËfˆ sfzI ishq dIafˆ duÈmx hn. hryk Aumr dy lok ienHfˆ dy ÈOkIn hn. ienHfˆ cIËfˆ dy lgfqfr syvn nfl srIr ivwc motfpf qy KUn ivwc crbI dI mfqrf vwD jfˆdI hY, ijs dy nqIjy vjoN idl dy rog, sLUgr,blwzpRYÈr,pyt df alsr,isrdrd, jln,awKfˆ dy rog pYdf ho rhy hn. do cfr imMt ivwc iqafr hox vfly ies Pfst PUz Aupr pYsf lf ky ibmfrIafˆ muwl lYxf ikwQoN dI smJdfrI hY! ijwQy Pfst PUz df kwcf mfl iqafr kIqf jfˆdf hY, AuQy sfP sPfeI df nfmo-inÈfn nhIN huMdf. ies nUM bnfAux vfly afp TIk nf rih ky lokfˆ nUM ibmfrIafˆ vMz rhy hn. Coty Èihrfˆ ivwc gol gwpy jfˆ hor ryhVI mfrkf PUz prosx vfly hwQfˆ `qy dsqfny nhIN cVHfAuNdy jdik ieh kfnUMnI qOr `qy lfËmI hn. amIr jfˆ mwD vrgI pirvfrfˆ df ieh Bojn hux grIbfˆ dy Grfˆ ivwc dfKl ho cuwkf hY ikAuNk ssqy brgr nfl awDy idn dI BuwK Kqm kIqI jf skdI hY. awj kwl ieh Bojn bwicafˆ df styts isMbl bx igaf hY. bwcy hrIafˆ sbËIafˆ,sfg qy mwkI dI rotI nUM Buwl ky krImrol,pIËf qy nUzl df syvn kr rhy hn ijs krky motfpf,pfcx ikiraf ivwc gVbVI,ilvr dIafˆ qklIPfˆ,icVicVfpn qy guwsf pYdf ho irhf hY. jMk PUz ivwc pOÈitkqf Gwt qy crbI ijafdf huMdI hY. ies ivwc aksr bnfvtI rMgfˆ dI vrqoN kIqI jfˆdI hY ijs nfl kYsr vrgIafˆ Gfqk ibmfrIafˆ hox df zr bixaf rihMdf hY. ivtfimn qy PfeIbr (cokr) qoN rihq ieh Bojn hr Gr df mihmfn bx cuwkf hY. ieh socx df vylf hY. vwizafˆ qy bwicafˆ nUM ctpty pkvfnfˆ dI Qfˆ hrf slfd, dhIN, hrIafˆ sbËIafˆ, pnIr, tmftr, Pl qy PfeIbr Xukq Bojn dy ky ishq sMBflxI cfhIdI hY. PAGE 4

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



hr pl jIE cfa nfl gurpRIq isMG

AuqÈfh, lgn, koiÈÈfˆ aqy jÈn KuÈIafˆ dy bIj hn. iËMdgI dy sPr ivwc jykr ienHfˆ nUM nfl lY ky cwlIey qfˆ sPr suhfvxf ho jfˆdf hY. iËMdgI kudrq df idwqf iewk anmol qohPf hY. ies df hr pl cfvfˆ nfl jIE. iËMdgI ivwc rMg afp hI Brny pYˆdy hn jo quhfzI soc qy nËrIey `qy inrBr krdy hn. KuÈIafˆ CotIafˆ CotIafˆ cIËfˆ ivwcoN iml jfˆdIafˆ hn. iksy Coty bwcy nfl hws-Kyz ky, iksy loVvMd dI mdd krky, kudrq nfl moh krky , iKVy hoey Puwlfˆ nUM dyK ky KuÈ hoieaf jf skdf hY. sB nfl hws ky imlo.

nPrqfˆ mn ivwc kuVwqx BrdIafˆ hn ijs nfl cMgy iKaflfˆ vflf ivakqI vI ZihMdI klf ivwc jf skdf hY. CotIafˆ CotIafˆ gwlfˆ idl ivwc rwKx nfl vwzy vwzy irÈqy vI kmËor ho jfˆdy hn. iËMdgI ijAUx leI ipafr df hoxf bhuq ËrUrI hY. ipafr, inmrqf qy imwTI bolcfl cMgy ikrdfr dI inÈfnI hn. cMgy ikrdfr vfly bMdy nfl hr koeI imlxf psMd krdf hY. iËMdgI AudoN cMgI lwgdI hY jdoN asIN KuÈ huMdy hfˆ, pr XkIn kirE iËMdgI EdoN vDIaf ho jfˆdI

ijvyˆ sPr df afnMd lYx leI sfmfn df Gwt hoxf ËrUrI hY, Ausy qrHfˆ jIvn df afnMd mfxn leI iÈkfieqfˆ df Gwt hoxf lfËmI hY. jo quhfzy kol hY Aus ivwc sMquÈt rihxf qy rwb df sLukrfnf krnf iswKo . loVfˆ ieMnIafˆ nf vDfE ik ijAUxf aOKf ho jfvy. iËMdgI clfAux leI pYsf vI ËrUrI hY, pr pYsf hI iËMdgI nhIN. iËMdgI df aslI Dn cMgI ishq hY. iewk cMgI ishq jIvn dy sfry suwKfˆ df afDfr hY.

hY jdoN sfzI vjfh nfl sB KuÈ hox. jdoN sfzy aMdroN svfrQ Kqm ho jfˆdf hY AudoN hI iensfnIaq dI sLurUafq huMdI hY. afqm-ivÈvfs hI iewk sohxI iËMdgI ijAUx df rsqf hY. imhnq, lgn aqy jËibafˆ nfl mMiËlfˆ dy rfh sOKy lwB jfˆdy hn. afpxy ierfdy mËbUq rwKo. anuÈfsn qy imhnq nUM iËMdgI ivwc apxfE. iËMdgI pRqI hmyÈfˆ afÈfvfdI nËrIaf rwKo. DrqI `qy rih ky afsmfn CUhx dI cfhq rwKo. afpxy afp nUM cMgIafˆ cIËfˆ vwl afkriÈq kro. AumIdfˆ dy dosq bxo. KuÈIafˆ qy cfa vMzo. kudrq nfl moh kro. cVHdy sUrj, TMZIafˆ hvfvfˆ, vgdy pfxIafˆ nUM mihsUs kro. quhfnUM afpxy afp iËMdgI nfl ipafr ho jfvygf. KUbsUrq iKafl hI iËMdgI nUM KUbsUrq bxfAuxgy.


cMgIafˆ ikqfbfˆ pVHo, Auh quhfnUM iËMdgI ijAUx bfry isKfAuNdIafˆ hn. ikqfbfˆ bfrUd vfˆg huMdIafˆ hn, Prk isrP ieMnf hY ik bfrUd iewko vfr Ptdf hY qy ikqfb hËfrfˆ vfr Dmfkf krdI hY. sMgIq mnuwKI jIvn ivwc imTfs Brdf hY. ies leI dovfˆ nUM afpxy dosq bxfAuxf cfhIdf hY. byloVIafˆ

quhfzIaF For all sfrIaF your Car gwzIaF dIaF Detailing loVF leI Needs Call pvI nfl Pavi at: sMprk kro:



The Patrika 

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Horgan and NDP Fighting to Strip Workers of Secret Ballot By Chris Gardner, President, Independent Contractors and Businesses Association The following op/ed was first posted on VancouverSun.com last night and is available to all media outlets to use, free-of-charge. 678 words. Andrew Weaver’s story is similar to a lot of workers in B.C. “I know from first-hand experience that in any union certification drive there are those people who feel pressured to sign [a union card],” the B.C. Green Party leader told The Vancouver Sun this week, “but they want the opportunity to have a secret ballot.” Of course they do. After all, there is nothing more fundamental to our democracy than the secret ballot. Whether it’s when we elect governments or strata councils or association boards, we rely on the secret ballot to provide assurance that the voting process is free from manipulation by one side or the other. Working men and women deserve no less when they are deciding whether or not to join a union. Yet the soon-to-come NDP government is committed to stripping workers of that democratic right. In recent weeks, John Horgan has been doing a victory lap of sorts, meeting with the big unions who funded his campaign and outlining his plans for a frightening new era in labour relations after he takes power. While the news may be good for the NDP and its union donors, it’s bad for everyone working in small businesses across our province. All British Columbians should be concerned about the impending attack on the democratic rights of workers and fairness in the workplace. It is an issue that will impact small businesses in every sector of our economy – construction, hotels, restaurants, and other retail operations. The first salvo is Horgan’s commitment to remove the right of workers to use a secret ballot when deciding to join, switch or leave a union. This has been the law in B.C. since 2001 – it ensures that neither employers nor unions are able to coerce or intimidate workers. Certification votes are fair and supervised by a neutral party, the Labour Relations Board.


Horgan’s preferred alternative is to have union organizers walking around workplaces, showing up on doorsteps, or following workers to their kid’s events, or to the store, or wherever else they can corner them – whatever it takes to get them to sign a union card. This process is rife with abuse and more than a few arms are twisted. It’s backroom politics at its worst and it goes against every principle of openness and transparency that should define workplaces across the province. The decision to support a unionization drive is a deeply personal one and not one the vast majority of workers want to make while a union organizer is standing over his or her desk, when surrounded by colleagues watching to see if they sign a union card, or when a union card is put in front of you when you are at home. It was encouraging to see Weaver break ranks from his NDP partners to state unequivocally that he would “never support legislation that will eliminate the secret ballot.” But it’s early days, and Weaver has changed his mind on issues important to B.C. workers before – Site C comes to mind. However, we are encouraged by Weaver’s principled stand on the secret ballot and hope he will stick to his principles on this one. In an era where the demand for skilled labour is at an all-time high, there is no discernable difference between the wages and benefits paid by union and non-union employers in the construction sector for example. When it comes to safety in the workplace, the same is true. It is difficult to see Horgan’s view as anything other than payback to big unions for their support of the NDP during the most recent provincial election. Stripping workers of the secret ballot will only serve to weaken the rights of workers at the expense of big unions and harkens back to an era of smokefilled back rooms where union bosses dictated the fate of workers trying to do nothing more than make an honest living and support their families. We have enjoyed relative labour peace in the construction sector in B.C. and it’s disturbing to see the NDP so committed to turning back the clock on labour relations in our province.

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

We have decided to move to a bigger brighter flower shop to serve you better. Lots of parking, a huge bright store with lots and lots of flowers and gifts. Full service florist with the best designers and flowers in Abbotsford.


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asIN quhFnMU imlx leI bhuq AuqsLfihq hF. ****

sfzI mdd kro aqy sB nMU dwso ik asIN julfeI 1 nMU isLPt ho rhy hF****

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604-870-2994 ICBA Applauds Weaver for Secret Ballot Stance The Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) applauded Green Party leader Andrew Weaver following his announcement today that he would not support the NDP’s plan to take the secret ballot away from union certification votes. For 16 years, the NDP and its union donors have been trying to strip workers of the democratic right to cast a secret ballot, instead pushing for a system where employees have to publicly sign a card approving a union. “Stripping workers of the secret ballot would weaken the rights of workers to the benefit of big unions – we’ve enjoyed relative labour peace in B.C. in recent years, so it’s puzzling that the NDP want to turn back the clock on labour relations in this province,” said Chris Gardner, ICBA President. “The current system, using a secret ballot, ensures that neither employers nor unions are able to coerce or intimidate workers. Certification votes are fair and they are supervised by a neu-



tral party, the Labour Relations Board.” In an interview with The Vancouver Sun, Weaver explained that his preference for a secret ballot was born out of his experience with the University of Victoria faculty association. His comment that, “in any certification drive there are those people who feel pressured to sign a certification drive but they want the opportunity to have a secret ballot,” lines up with the experiences of workers across B.C. “There is nothing more fundamental to our democracy than the secret ballot. Whether it’s when we elect governments or members to local community associations, we rely on the secret ballot to provide assurance that the process is free from manipulation,” said Gardner. “Working men and women deserve no less when they are deciding whether or not to join a union.”

úòðÃÆ÷ ëËìÇðÕÃ

grmIaF dI ruwq af cuwkI hY! afE aqy sfzf nvF kwpVf vyKo

vDIaf 100% kftn- iek mItr KRIdo, iek mItr muPq

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32853 VenturaAve Abbotsford PAGE 7

The Patrika



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

afAux vfly smyˆ ivc pyÈ af skdI hY pfxI dI gMBIr kmI ies hPqy dI sLurUafq ivÈv vfqfvrn idn qoN hoeI sI aqy AumId sI ik srkfr vwloN vfqfvrn dI ivgVdI hflq nUM suDfrn leI kuJ Tos Auprfilafˆ df aYlfn hoeygf aqy mIzIaf ivc sfrQk bihs hovygI pr inrfÈf hI hwQ lwgI. hux ijwQoN qwk vfqfvrn dI gwl hY ies ivc iqMn cIËfˆ afAuNdIafˆ hn-pfxI, jMgl aqy ËmIn aqy ienHfˆ iqMnfˆ dI hI hflq icMqfjnk hY. sB qoN pihlfˆ awj asIN pfxI dI gwl krdy hfˆ. jfxkfrfˆ df anumfn hY ik jykr jl pRdUÈx iesy qrHfˆ vDdf igaf qfˆ sMn 2025 qwk pIx leI sfP pfxI AuplbD nhIN hovygf. pfxI dy pRXog BivwK ivc pfxI dI smwisaf afAux vflI hY. ies nUM iDafn `c rwKdy hoey ivigafnI Koj ivc lwgy hoey hn aqy ijwQoN vI ijvyˆ vI sLuwD pfxI iml skdf hovy, Aus leI KojbIn Koj kr rhy hn. imsfl dy qOr `qy hvf ivc jo nmI hY, hMums hY ijs nUM ihAuimiztI kihMdy hn, Aus nUM hvf qoN iswDy boql bMd krn dy pRXog sPl hoey hn. hux AunHfˆ leI bkfiedf vftilMg plfˆt iqafr ho gey hn. ienHfˆ dy clfAux leI sOr AUrjf df vI Ëbrdsq iesqymfl ho irhf hY.


nmI qoN bixaf ieh pfxI sfry ËrUrI qwqfˆ nfl BrpUr Xukq pfieaf igaf hY. Bfv ieh ik anyk ibmfrIafˆ isrP zyZ-do iltr sfP pfxI pIx nfl hI dUr kIqIafˆ jf skdIafˆ hn. sfzI hkIkq anyk dyÈ ies qoN pihlfˆ afpxy iewQy AudXoigk rsfiexfˆ aqy GrylU gMdgI dI ibhqr inkfsI nfl afpxIafˆ ndIafˆ aqy pfxI sroqfˆ nUM surwiKaq bxf cuwky hn. jIvn dyx vflIafˆ pRmuwK ndIafˆ dI jo bykdrI asIN kIqI hY Ausy df nqIjf pfxI sMkt dy rUp ivc awj sfzy sfhmxy hY. kudrq dI ikRpf df ieh Audfhrn kI Gwt hY ik ijwQy icrfpuMjI ivc dunIaF ivc sB qoN iËafdf bfirÈ huMdI hY AuWQy kdy hVH nhIN afieaf aqy rfjsQfn ivc jYslmyr dy ryigsqfnI ielfky ivc Gwt bfirÈ hox dy bfvjUd kdy sfP pfxI df sMkt pYdf nhIN hoieaf. awDI qoN iËafdf afbfdI AudXogfˆ qoN inkly Kqrnfk rsfiexfˆ aqy GrylU kUVy nUM Ausy qrHfˆ hI ienHfˆ pfxI sroqfˆ ivc phuMcf idMdI hY. hux ieh gwl smJ ivc af geI hovygI ik nyV BivwK ivc hI sfP pfxI hfsl krn ivc sfnUM ikMnIafˆ muÈiklfˆ afAux vflIafˆ hn. ho skdf hY ik sfzI

pUrn cMd srIn

afmdnI df bhuq ihwsf kyvl pfxI KrIdx kMm nhIN huMdf. jo lok Coty aqy vwzy Èihrfˆ ivc hI Krc hox lwgy. ivc rihMdy hn, Auh tUtIafˆ qoN sfP pfxI nf imlx kfrn plfsitk dI boql ivc Aupfa afsfn hY bMd pfxI df iesqymfl krdy hn. hux ies hflq qoN bcx df Aupfa vI bhuq plfsitk dI boql df pfxI vI ishq leI afsfn hY, kyvl iewCf ÈkqI cfhIdI hY. Kqrf bx irhf hY. jdoN pfxI df awj ieh ibnfˆ trItmYˆt dy pfxI sroqfˆ ijvyˆ ndI, hfl hY qfˆ afAux vfly smyˆ ivc kI hox jf nflIafˆ, qlfbfˆ, nihrfˆ afid ivc vhf idwqy jfx `qy rok lgf ky sKq sËf df irhf hY, ies dI klpnf kIqI jf skdI hY. pRbMD kr idwqf jfvy. awj sfzy iewQy kyvl 20 PIsdI pfxI hI trIt huMdf hY. sfzI idhfqI afbfdI leI KyqIbfVI leI pfxI dI loV huMdI hY. iksfn hmyÈf qoN soky nfl jfˆ iËafdf bfirÈ hox nfl Pslfˆ dy Krfb hox sdkf musIbq ivc Ps jfˆdf hY. ienHfˆ dovyˆ siQqIafˆ qoN bcx dy Aupfa vI bhuq sDfrn hn. KyqI Kyqr ivc kyvl eynf hI ieMqËfm krnf hY ik vftrÈYWz ivkfs qoN pfxI df BMzfrn hovy qfˆ ik vkq pYx `qy loV muqfbk iesqymfl ivc ilafˆdf jf sky aqy isMcfeI dy afDuink ZMg aqy sfDnfˆ nUM lfËmI qOr `qy lfgU kIqf jfvy. aMnf hËfry duafrf afpxy ipMz rflygVH iswDI aqy jlpurÈ dy nfˆa `qy pRiswD rfjyˆdr isMG ny rfjsQfn dy alvr ivc afpxy anUTy pRXogfˆ qoN ienHfˆ dovfˆ gwlfˆ nUM iswD kr idwqf hY. jykr iewCf ÈkqI hovy qfˆ koeI muÈikl

ndI pfxI ivvfd sfzy iewQy afËfdI dy bfad qoN ndI pfxI ivvfd sLLurU hoey, Auh awj qwk cldy af rhy hn. sfrIafˆ ndIafˆ nUM joV ky AunHfˆ df pfxI KyqI AudXog aqy GrylU ËrUrqfˆ nUM pUrf krn df kMm ienHfˆ ivvfdfˆ kfrn hI ruikaf ipaf hY. vrqmfn srkfr ny ienHfˆ dy hwl leI mfrc 2017 ivc iek ibwl pyÈ kIqf hY, ijs nfl dyÈ Br dy ndI pfxI ivvfdfˆ dy inptfry leI iek hI itRibAUnl bxfey jfx dI Xojnf hY, ijs df PYslf afKrI aqy afdrXog hovygf. ies dy leI kwul sfZy cfr sfl dI imafd insicq kIqI geI hY. eIÈvr nf kry ik agly 10 virHafˆ ivc pfxI nUM lY ky ivÈv XuwD hox dI BivwKvfxI swc ho jfvy.

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika 


joV bdlvfAux dIafˆ qknIkfˆ qy Krc zf[ mnjIq isMG bwl pMjfbI dI khfvq AuiTaf jfvy nf, iPwty mUMh mr ky ijAUx nfloN cMgf ik ieko vfr kOVf goizafˆ df ivc bVI scfeI hY ikAuNik AuTx Guwt Br lAu, Bfv Krcy df pRbMD kr lAu leI sfry srIr df Bfr cuwkx dI iËMmyvfrI qy joV bdlx dy EpryÈn vfsqy iqMngoizafˆ dI hI huMdI hY. kuJ smfˆ pihlfˆ cfr dI muÈkl jr lAu. jy dovfˆ goizafˆ hryk ivakqI nUM kuJ nf kuJ imhnq krnI ivc nuks hovy qfˆ iekwTy hI bdlvf lYx pYˆdI sI. pYdl qurnf pYˆdf sI, pOVIafˆ ivc Pfiedf hY. ieMj iek vfr hI qklIP cVHnIafˆ pYˆdIafˆ sn; sfeIkl clfAuxf qfˆ JwlxI pYˆdI hY. hspqfl df Krcf vI iewk afm hI gwl sI. pr ajokI afDuinkqf ny vfr hI huMdf hY. apryÈn sbMDI mn ivc bMdy nUM aYnf afrfmpRsq bxf idwqf hY ik af rhy sfry svfl Bfvyˆ Auh Krc jfˆ pIV pOVIafˆ dI Qfˆ ilPtfˆ ny mwl leI hY. pYdl hox sbMDI hox, zfktr nfl pihlfˆ ivcfr jfˆ sfeIkl dI gwl Cwzo, dophIaf vfhn lYxy cfhIdy hn. qy lgËrI kfrfˆ afm huMdIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn . Kyzx mwlHx df iksy kol smfˆ nhIN. joV bdlx bfry aKbfrfˆ qy hor mfiDamfˆ ieMtrnYt, vtsaYp, Pysbuwk, XU-itAUb, rfhIN BMblBUsy pfAux vflIafˆ keI qrHfˆ vIzIE Kyzfˆ nfl iek Qfˆ Aupr bYiTafˆ hI dIafˆ mÈhUrIafˆ kIqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. ies vkq pfs ho jfˆdf hY. pfrtIafˆ, ivafh dI qknIk iqMn qrHfˆ dI huMdI hY. mÈhUrI smfrohfˆ Aupr loV qoN vfDU Kfx-pIx nfl krn vfly kol ijhVI qknIk hovy Auh Ausy srIr df Bfr byihsfbf vD jfˆdf hY. motfpf nUM hI sB qoN vDIaf dwsdf hY. ieh hn: hox qy vriËÈ dI axhoNd kfrn gozy qy cUÜy (1) mYnUal jfˆ afm aOËfrfˆ nfl EpRyÈn dy joV nuksfny jfˆdy hn ikAuNik iblizMg krnf, iehdy ivc keI kuJ aMdfËn hI df pUrf Bfr nIhfˆ Aupr hI pYxf huMdf hY. krnf pYˆdf hY. joVfˆ aMdr hwzIafˆ dy ql aqy nrm qy lckdfr qMqU kfrtIlyj dy bxy hoey pwDry qy smql huMdy hn . kudrq vwloN ienHfˆ joVfˆ (kbiËafˆ) nUM qyl dyx df vI pRbMD huMdf hY ijs nUM sfienovIal ikhf jfˆdf hY. ies leI qyl vfly nrm qy smql sqfh vfly joV, bVy afrfm nfl kMm krdy hn pr jdoN joVfˆ dI smql nuksfnI jfˆdI jfˆ KurdrI ho jfˆdI hY, qyl Gt jfˆdf jfˆ muwk jfˆdf hY qfˆ joVfˆ ivc bVI pIV huMdI hY. Bfr nhIN cuwikaf jfˆdf qy keI vfr joV jfm hI ho jfˆdf hY. ies siQqI nUM afrQrfieits ikhf jfˆdf hY. jd pfxI isr qoN lMG jfvy qfˆ joV bdlx dI nObq af jfˆdI hY. aYsy joVfˆ dI pIV jd aYnI vD jfvy ik roËfnf dy kMm vI nf ho skx qfˆ smJo joV bdlvf lYxf hI TIk rhygf. joV ikMnf ku nuksfinaf igaf, qurniPrn, bUt-jurfbfˆ pfAux, kfr ivc bYTx jfˆ pOVIafˆ cVHn ivc ikMnI ku qklIP huMdI hY, nUM mwdynËr rwKdy hoey joV bdlx bfry soicaf jfˆdf hY. jdoN qurn ivc muÈkl af rhI hovy jfˆ ivakqI lMÕ mfr ky qury, joV ivc kfPI pIV hovy, joV cMgI qrHfˆ muVdf nf hovy, suwj jfvy, pwTy kmËor pY jfx qfˆ byhqrI hY. joVfˆ df shI ZMg nfl kMm nf krn df kfrn qfˆ EstIE afrQrfieits qy gTIaf rog hn pr ienHfˆ rogfˆ dy shI kfrnfˆ bfry pUrI qrHfˆ pqf nhIN lwg sikaf iPr vI motfpf, ivrfsq (pirvfrfˆ ivc hox vflI smwisaf), joV dy ivkisq hox vyly nuks, ieko joV df vfr vfr swtfˆ nfl nuksfinaf jfx kfrn ho skdy hn. hux joV bdlx dI suivDf hY, ies leI jy iksy ivakqI nUM aYsI smwisaf ho jfvy qfˆ mr

(2) nYvIgyÈn qknIk qy pI[aYs[afeI[ (pyÈYˆt spYisiPk ienstrUmYˆt). ienHfˆ ivcoN nYvIgyÈn qknIk sB qoN vDIaf hY ikAuNik iehdy nfl joV dI alfienmYˆt vDIaf ho jfˆdI hY. iPwt kIqy jfx vfly ieMplfˆt, stynlYs stIl, kobflt-kromIam, tfiety n Iam, tY ˆ t flm, pO l IQfielIn, iËrkonIam-aOgËInIam Dfqfˆ qoN bxfey jfˆdy hn. vwK vwK kMpnIafˆ ies df Auqpfdn krdIafˆ hn. aMimRqsr dy joV bdlx dy iek mfihr zfktr anusfr iËrkonIam-aOgËInIam sB qoN vDIaf qy hMZxsfr Dfq hY. rogI dI Aumr, jIvnivDI, kfrobfr, srIr dI bxqr qy afpxI muhfrq anusfr srjn, quhfzy nfl slfh krky Kud hI ieMplfˆt dI cox krdf hY.

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Bfrq qy pMjfb dy qkrIbn sfry hI vwzy Coty Èihrfˆ ijvyˆ aMimRqsr, pitaflf, jlMDr, biTMzf, cMzIgVH, idwlI, guVgfAuN, cyneI, muMbeI, kolkfqf, bMglOr ivc mfihr zfktr hn jo joV bdlx dy EpRyÈn kfmXfbI nfl kr rhy hn. afm hflqfˆ ivc rogI do qoN iqMn idnfˆ ivc qurnf sLurU kr idMdf hY. ivkisq dyÈfˆ nfloN Bfrq ivc ielfj ssqf hox krky AunHfˆ dyÈfˆ ivc vsdy BfrqI qy AuQoN dy vsnIk rogI vI ielfj vfsqy Bfrq afAuNdy hn. Krcf: ieMplfˆt dI iksm, EpRyÈn iQeytr dy Krcy, aYnfsQIËIaf, nrisMg, dvfeIafˆ qy hspqfl dy hor Krcy imlf ky pRfeIvyt sYˆtr ivc qkrIbn svf qoˆ ZfeI lwK df Krcf af jfˆdf hY. ies qoN Gwt Krcy nfl vI ielfj ho skdf hY pr Aus dI kuafiltI Gwt hovygI. PAGE 9

The Patrika



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Writing your will keeps you in control (NC) No matter the size of your estate, specialists recommend that every adult have a will. Without one, you risk leaving the distribution decisions to an impersonal formula where the government writes the terms. A valid will ensures that your property will be dealt with according to your wishes and with a minimum of complications and expense for your estate. Without a will, your spouse may not receive as much as you would like, your heirs may receive fixed percentages regardless of their needs, and a court-appointed

administrator will handle your affairs. When making your will, it is important to give careful thought to which persons, needs or organizations you would like to benefit. It is best to consult a lawyer or notary to ensure your will is properly drawn up. This is much less expensive than most people imagine. Here are 10 reasons for drafting a will: 1. It’s your property: A will guarantees your assets will be distributed according to your wishes. 2. Children and grandchildren: A will provides for the care of any children who are minors, enabling you to choose a guardian. Should both parents die, it assures the children do not become wards of the court. 3. Speedy settlement of affairs: Without a will, lengthy court delays could create undue hardship for your family. 4. Estate planning: When skillfully drafted, a will allows you to incorporate tax-saving measures and avoid unnecessary taxes, resulting in increased funds for your beneficiaries. 5. Simplified distribution of your estate: By providing a blueprint and a list of directions, families will not have to guess about what you wanted. 6. Peace of mind: A will sets out your true intentions. 7. Questions of capacity: If you eventually lose mental capacity, it may not be legally possible for you to write a will. This is why it’s best to write one when you’re still in good health. 8. Supporting your favourite causes: A will ensures that you can continue to help organizations you have believed in during your lifetime, such as a health, education or sports charity, or a human rights organization like Amnesty International. 9. Relieving family burdens: Reviewing the contents and nature of your estate and making your decisions known ahead of time makes it easier on your family members. 10. Ability to be creative: There are relatively few rules that limit a testator’s (person who writes a will) ability to make creative, thoughtful dispositions of property.


Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika



Students Visit Gurdwara Nanak Niwas Thursday, June 15 was an extremely busy day at India Cultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas (8600, #5 Road in Richmond). Grade 12 students from one of our neighbourhood schools-Richmond Christian High School- have been busy learning about various religions. About 50 students in three different groups visited Gurdwara Nanak Niwas to learn about Sikhism and the Indo-Canadian community in Canada. They were followed by an Inter-Faith group from Simon Fraser University. It was an honour for me, as their guide, to share with these visitors the basic principles of Sikhism, the message of universal brotherhood, human rights and equality as preached by our Guru Jis starting with Guru Nanak Dev ji. They were

very keen to learn about Sikhism and the contribution of our community to the development of Canada. Gurdwara Nanak Niwas is one of the most popular places for visitors on Richmond’s Highway to Heaven. There are more than 20 places of worship of different religious denominations. They are an excellent example of inter-cultural and inter-religious harmony. Such initiatives gain added significance when we are celebrating the 150 th anniversary of Canada.


dunIaf df nMbr 1 ivkrI trYktr

The Patrika




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pUrI kYb ey[sI[ / stIrIE dy nfl qyjI nfl vWK hox vflf lozr 2,000 aYl bI aYs qoN vWD dI ilPitMg smrWQf nfl

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



idmfg `qy ijigafsf df kI huMdf hY asr? zf: hrisLMdr kOr

iek kmry ivc nIlI zwbI peI sI. Aus zwbI AuWqy kuwJ vI iliKaf hoieaf nhIN sI. Aus dy duafly cotI dy ivigafnI qy buwDI jIvI bYTy sn. AunHfˆ sfirafˆ nUM ikhf igaf ik kmry dI hr cIË GoKo, CyVo qy prKo pr zwbI iblkul nhIN CyVnI. kmrf purfqn vsqfˆ nfl Biraf ipaf sI. AunHfˆ nUM dwsy bgYr kmry dy koinafˆ ivc sUKm kYmry lfey hoey sn. kYmry rfhIN pqf lwigaf ik hr iksy ny nIlI zwbI nUM cMgI qrHfˆ inhfiraf. kuwJ jxy afpxIafˆ kursIafˆ qoN AuWT ky dUjy pfsy jfx qoN pihlfˆ Aus zwbI dy nyiVAuN ho ky lMGy. pRqwK ids irhf sI ik nIlI zwbI ny sB nUM afpxy vwl bdobdI iKwc ilaf sI. aKIr iewk buwDI jIvI ny kih hI idwqf, “Blf kI ho skdf hY ies inwkI ijhI nIlI zwbI ivc, vyKIey qfˆ shI?`` sB ny hfmI Br idwqI. Pyr kI sI, Jtpt iqMn jxy agfˆh hoey qy zwbI df Zwkx cuwk idwqf. zwbI KflI sI. AunI hI dyr nUM iqMn mnoivigafnI bfhroN aMdr afey qy kihx lwgy, “asIN iesy AuWqy hI Koj kr rhy sI. afm bMdf qfˆ vrijq cIË vwl Jtpt dOVdf hY. vyKxf ieh sI ik cotI dy smJdfr bMdy kI krdy hn?`` zf[ mY Q Ias grU b r ny zy i vs ivclI XUnIvristI afP kYlIPornIaf ivKy iek mËydfr Koj kIqI. Aus ny keI ivakqIafˆ nUM kMipAUtr sfhmxy ibTf ky iewk axjfx bMdy dI qsvIr ivKfeI qy Aus bfry kuwJ svfl puwCy. hr svfl df shI jvfb kMipAUtr ivc afpxy afp 14 sikMt bfad iliKaf ids jfˆdf sI. Aus smyˆ ivc sfirafˆ dI aYm[afr[afeI[ skYn kIqI geI. ieh vyKx ivc afieaf ik ijnHfˆ nUM kuwJ jfxn dI iewCf sI, AunHfˆ ny ichrf cMgI qrHfˆ GoiKaf sI qy iËafdf shI jvfb idwqy sn. aijhy sYÈn qoN bfad svflfˆ dy jvfbfˆ nUM pUrI qrHfˆ Xfd vI rwK ilaf sI. aYm[afr[afeI[ skYn rfhIN pqf lwigaf ik vwD ijigafsf vfly lokfˆ dy idmfg dy iewk ihwsy ivc vwD hlcl hoeI sI. AunHfˆ dy idmfg ivcly sYWlfˆ ivc vI vwD hrkq hoeI sI ijs nfl sunyhf awgy qwk, Bfv XfdfÈq sYˆtr qwk phuMc igaf sI. ijnHfˆ nUM jvfb Xfd rih gey sn, AunHfˆ sfirafˆ df 24 GMty bfad dubfrf aYm[afr[afeI[ skYn kIqf igaf. ijnHfˆ nUM ijigafsf vwD sI, AunHfˆ dy idmfÊ ivc 24 GMty bfad vI hrkq huMdI idsI. zf[ grUbr ny nqIjy kwZy ik ijs nUM vwD jfxn dI cfh hovy, Aus df idmfg iËafdf dyr cusq drusq rihMdf hY qy aijhy bwcy iËafdf cMgI qrHfˆ gwl nUM smJ ky lMmy smyˆ qwk Xfd rwK skdy hn. rwtU qoqy gwl nUM bhuq dyr Xfd nhIN rwK skdy. vzyrI

A u m r i v c zopfmIn d f Gtxf qy XfdfÈq GtxI afm hI v y K x i v c afAuNdI hY. ieMj hI ividafrQIafˆ nUM pVHfAux vyly iksy boirMg lYkcr dOrfn zopfmIn ikqy KUMjy `c vV ky bih jfˆdI hY qy ividafrQI isvfey AubfsIafˆ mfrn jfˆ sOx qoN ielfvf kuwJ nhIN krdy. aijhI klfs qoN bfad iek vI aijhf hrPL nhIN ijhVf puwCy jfx AuWqy ividafrQI Xfd kr ky dws skx. ies Koj qoN bfad anyk dysfˆ ivc XfdfÈq vDfAux leI Kojfˆ kIqIafˆ geIaf qy hr Qfˆ AuWqy iehI nqIjf inkilaf ik ijigafsU hoxf bhuq ËrUrI hY. ijhVy kudrq vwloN ijigafsU hox, AunHfˆ ny afpy hI lfiek bx ky cotI AuWqy phuMc jfxf huMdf hY. kudrq ny hr bwcy nUM jMmx smyˆ KojI suBfa dy ky Byijaf huMdf hY. Aus ny hr cIË AuWqy svfl puwC-puwC ky mfipafˆ nUM byhfl kr dyxf huMdf hY. ijhVy mfpy bwcy dI Auqsukqf vwl iDafn nf dyx qy iJVk ky cuwp krvf dyx, Auh bwcy df bOiDk ivkfs Kqm kr rhy huMdy hn. ijhVy mfpy bwcy dy svflfˆ dy jvfb vI dyx aqy Ausy vrgf koeI hor svfl vI awgoN kr dyx, Auh afpxy bwcy nUM AuWc kotI df igafnI bxf rhy huMdy hn. jy buZypy dI gwl krIey qfˆ AuWQy ijigafsf df vwD hoxf bhuq iËafdf ËrUrI hY. afm lok afpxy mfipafˆ nUM swqiraf bhwqiraf kih ky KUMjy lf Cwzdy hn qy AunHfˆ qoN slfh mÈvrf vI lYxf psMd nhIN krdy. nqIjf ieh huMdf hY ik AunHfˆ df ihwpokYˆps qy zopfmIn afpxf kMmkfr Gtf idMdy hn qy hOlI-hOlI idmfg suMgVnf sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. ijigafsf pYdf krn nfl iËafdf dyr qwk idmfg rvfˆ rwiKaf jf skdf hY. kuwJ nvfˆ pnp jfx jfˆ ijwqx dy aihsfs ny hI vwzI Aumr ivc idmfg jvfn rwKxf hY. ieh Koj ‘sfieMs zylI` irsfly dy akqUbr 2014 aMk ivc Cp cuwkI hY ik isrP vDIaf srIrk ishq hI nhIN blik idmfg nUM cusq rwKx leI vI pRyrnf dI vwD loV huMdI hY. pRyrnf lYx leI skfrfqimk AUrjf dI loV hY jo hor iswKx dI cfh nfl pYdf huMdI hY. PAGE 13


The Patrika 

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Ministers Hussen, Freeland, Joly and Bibeau mark World Refugee Day


he Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship; The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs; The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and la Francophonie; and The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister responsible for Multiculturalism today issued the following statement on World Refugee Day: “Canada is deeply concerned by the unprecedented numbers of children, women and men fleeing conflict and persecution around the world. This is a phenomenon that affects many countries and Canada is committed to doing its part to provide assistance and protection for refugees, and to addressing the root causes of their plight.

region while continuing to welcome thousands of refugees from o‎ ther parts of the world. “Over the years, our country has received thousands of refugees including 37,000 Hungarian refugees in the mid1950s and the resettlement of nearly 60,000 refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos a generation later, as well as thousands more from Uganda, Kosovo, Bhutan and many other countries. We are committed to maintaining this humanitarian tradition. “We are fortunate in Canada to have a network of service provider organizations, community groups, and individual Canadians that work tirelessly to help refugees integrate into Canadian society as quickly as possible.

“As we mark World Refugee Day, we are reminded that we must all do what we can to help the most vulnerable.

“As we celebrate Canada 150, we must take the opportunity to reflect on our past. There is no doubt that Canada’s strong humanitarian tradition has helped shape this country.

“Canada recently welcomed more than 40,000 Syrian refugees who have been forced to flee their homeland because of the recent war and conflict in the

“Canada is a country that values compassion, openness and diversity. These are the principles that we honour on this World Refugee Day.”

Top 3 ways to exercise with your dog outdoors (NC) With the winter months finally behind us, gone are the days of treadmills and spin classes; it’s time to take your workout regimen outside. So, when you’re planning your next outdoor workout, choose exercises that benefit you and your furry four-legged friend. Here are three fun outdoor exercises you can do with your dog: Go for a run, ride, or blade. Alas, you have found yourself the perfect running/biking/blading buddy — your dog. Whether you hit the city streets or the backwoods, it’s a win for everyone. Be sure to consider your pup’s size, age, and how welltrained he is when deciding whether he should tag along. PAGE 14

Join outdoor agility or fitness classes. Aside from learning a new skill and staying active, agility classes for dogs and dog-friendly fitness classes are great ways to strengthen your bond and deepen your communication with your pet. Lace up the cleats. Playing soccer with your dog is a nice twist on the classic game of fetch. It increases your own cardio and keeps your dog sharp and engaged. Be sure to pack a few durable balls, just in case one pops. After a long day of exercise, be sure you’re fueling your dog with the proper diet. Opt for a highquality food that is complete and balanced, like Purina One. Find more information online at purinaone.ca.

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



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6 Acres located in one of the most desirable areas of South Abbotsford. Major Truck Route 2 Houses in great condition (1 renovated), and currently planted with raspberries. Great for parking trucks or building your dream house.

Central Location surrounding many businesses. Busy location with loyal clientele. Newly painted, new counters, display cases. State of the art kitchen. Current owner willing to train! Call for more info

$ 120,000

32263 Harris Road

5 acre blueberry farm featuring renovated 4 bedroom home on city water. Showcasing spacious detached shop & garage, full production Blueberry farm gives owner ability to sell fresh berries on one of Abbotsford's artery routes.

How innovations in agriculture help protect soil (NC) Innovations in agriculture have fields reduces diesel fuel use by up allowed farmers to make changes to 194 million litres a year. to the way they grow their crops to Tilling the land also impacts the further protect the environment. organic matter in the soil, which According to Pat Beaujot, soil leads to increased erosion from wind scientist and founder and director or water. of strategic market development at Seed Hawk, a conservation tillage “Organic matter is the glue that equipment company, the biggest holds soil particles together and change is the advent of biotech what helps the soil hold water and crops that allow farmers to practice nutrients — it’s the most important conservation tillage. thing to long-term viability of soil. Biotech crops and improved seeding “Conservation tillage is when a equipment allow farmers to improve farmer plants seeds for the crop directly into the standing stubble their soil and the environment, which of the previous year’s crop without is a huge environmental success tilling the land to control weeds,” he story,” says Beaujot. “The practice of conservation tillage stores carbon explains. dioxide in the soil in the form of Farmers used to have to till the organic matter so our soils become land to control weeds, so they made a carbon sink.” more equipment passes over the field which led to high fuel use and Learn more about how farmers are increased greenhouse gas emissions. protecting the environment online at Today, fewer tractor passes over the helpingcanadagrow.ca. PAGE 15

The Patrika



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

pMjfbI sMgIq ivc pYdf ho irhf ihMsk vrqfrf zf: srdUl aOjlf

pM j fbI gIq-sM g Iq dI prM p rf bhu q purfxI qy amIr hY. ies ivc smyˆ-smyˆ keI bdlfa aqy qbdIlIafˆ vI afeIafˆ. pMjfbI gIq-sMgIq ny byÈwk afDuink rMg vI apxfieaf hoieaf hY pr ies dI qfsIr ivc prMpirk gfien ÈYlI vI BrpUr rUp ivc ivdmfn hY. Auh sMgIq ijs nUM gurUafˆ, pIrfˆ, Ausqfdfˆ ny vrosfieaf jdoN Aus dI smkflI siQqI ajoky dOr ivc dyKdy hfˆ qfˆ sMjIdf gfiekI suxn vfilafˆ nUM aPsos vI huMdf hY aqy guwsy dI iek lihr vI mn ivc AuWTdI hY. GoVIafˆ, suhfgfˆ, Zoly, mfhIafˆ dI lYa, sur, qfl ijwQy rUh nUM afnMd idMdI sI, AuWQy ajokI gfiekI ivc pYdf hoieaf pOp qy rOk df rOlf bycYnI dI avsQf pYdf kr irhf hY jo ik pMjfbIafˆ dy suBfa dy Borf vI anukUl nhIN jfpdf. dUjf mslf pMjfbI gfiekI ivc rol-Gcoly df ieh vI sfhmxy af irhf Auh hY bgYr AusqfdI ÈfigrdI qoN ies Kyqr ivc pRvyÈ krn vfly gfiekfˆ df. ies krky hryk nUM ieh mihsUs huMdf hY ik Èfied Auh vI cMgf gvweIaf ho skdf hY ivÈyÈ krky pUMjIpqI axisiKaq lokfˆ df ies ivc pRvyÈ kfPI Gfqk iswD hoieaf hY. purfxy gfiek afpxy Ausqfdfˆ dI sMgq kridafˆ iswKidafˆ pUrI Aumr lgf idMdy sn pr ajoky gfiek iswKx-isKfAux dI prMprf nUM pfsy krky pRiswD gfiek df

Syndicate Logistics Ltd. Teams EARN 58 to 64 cents based on experience

24 idn kMm qy




HIRING WORKERS Workers needed Positions available:

Rate for Experienced Drivers*


Truck Drivers Local Work Only No Long Haul Evening and Day Shift Available

Wages based upon experience


BC, CALIFORNIA, ALBERTA, TORONTO, NEWYORK - bons hr sfl - BONUS EVERY YEAR - imQy idn df skYjUal kMm - SCHEDULE WORK AVAILABLE - zYNtl aqy mYzIkl bYnIiPts - Dental and Medical Benefits - sfry nvyN trWk aqy trylr - Only New Trucks and Trailers - skyl qy jfx dI loV nhIN - Bypass on Scales - qnKfh smyN qy imlLygI aqy - On time pay - Direct deposits isWDI akfAUNt ivwc jfvygI


CELL: 604.832.6363 - OFFICE: 604.746.2777 PAGE 16

byÈwk pMjfbI bhfdr kOm hY aqy afAux vfly hmlfvrfˆ df mUMh qoV jvfb idMdy rhy hn. bIrrsI vfrfˆ aqy XoiDafˆ df jws gfAuxf pMjfbI sMgIq df vwzmuwlf aMg irhf hY qy hY vI pr kuVIafˆ nUM pRBfivq krn leI hiQafrfˆ df ivKfvf krnf, DmkIafˆ dyxIafˆ, aKOqI Xfrfˆ dIafˆ isPqfˆ dy pul bMnHxy koeI sUrbIrqf nhIN sgoN ihMsk vqIry nUM sfhmxy ilaf irhf hY. smfjk qOr `qy DIafˆ, BYxfˆ, mfvfˆ dI kdr krnI pMjfbIafˆ nUM bfKUbI afAuNdI hY. ivwidaf dy mMdrfˆ skUlfˆ-kfljfˆ ivcoN pVH-ilK ky mnuwK ijAUx jogf vI huMdf hY aqy kmfAux jogf vI. pr gIqfˆ ivc pyÈ skUl-kfljfˆ dy idRÈ ividak mfhOl dI iKwlI Auzf ky isrP qy isrP ipafr muhwbq dy awzy hI nËr afAuNdy, jo iek mfrU ruJfn hY. awj loV hY pMjfbI gfiekI dy aijhy ruJfn nUM rokx dy leI vI aqy ies qoN bcx dI vI. iesy krky sfzIafˆ afAux vflIafˆ nslfˆ sfzy `qy mfx kr skxgIafˆ nhIN qfˆ hiQafr jykr ivcfr `qy BfrU rhy, Èor jykr sur `qy BfrU irhf, lfprvfhI jykr sMjIdgI `qy BfrU rhI qfˆ iswty gMBIr pYdf hoxgy ijs dy iËMmyvfr asIN hovfˆgy.

at North American Forest Products

Starting Rate for New Drivers*

nvyN zrfeIvrF leI sLurUafqI qnKfh *

nvyN skYjUal 21,000 mIl mhInf ibnF EAST cWly

lybl pRfpq krn leI sMgIqk mfhOl nUM gMDlf kr rhy hn.

aYbtsPorz ivwc sfa-imwl ivwc kMm krn vflLy kfimaF dI loV hY| sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI idn aqy sLfm dIaF isLPtF lY skdy ho

: Please send resumes too:

Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : info@naforest.com | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



kYptn srkfr leI iemiqhfn hY pMjfb df pihlf bjt

jgmIq isMG pMjfb ivc kfˆgrs pfrtI dI srkfr afpxf pihlf bjt pyÈ krn jf rhI hY. kYptn amirMdr isMG dI srkfr df ieh sB qoN aihm aqy inrxfiek iemiqhfn hY. coxfˆ dOrfn kIqy vwzy vfaidafˆ ivc iksfnfˆ dI krËf muafPI, AudXog aqy vpfr nUM ssqy dr `qy ibjlI dyxf, 4 hPiqafˆ ivc nÈf Kqm krnf, Ègn skIm dI rfÈI 51 hËfr krnf, hr Gr `coN iek jIa nUM nOkrI, ijMnf icr nOkrI nhIN imldI 2500 rupey df ruËgfr Bwqf, 2500 rupey buZfpf pYnÈn, aMghIx pYnÈn, grIbfˆ nUM 5-5 lwK dy pwky mkfn bxf ky dyxf, 5 rupey ivc pyt Br Bojn, aOrqfˆ dI 33 PIsdI irËrvyÈn aqy 10 lwK nOjvfnfˆ nUM smfrt Pon afid muwK vfady sn. Bfvyˆ nvIN srkfr dI ikMnI vI nyknIqI hovy pr sfry vfady iekdm pUry krny sOKy nhIN hn, 5 sfl df smfˆ cfhIdf hY. niÈafˆ dy sbMD ivc hrpRIq isMG sMDU puils aPsr dI agvfeI hyT bxI Pors (aYs[tI[aYP[) ny asrdfiek kdm ËrUr cuwky hn. aOrqfˆ dy rfKvyˆkrn sbMDI vI hkUmq awgy vDI hY. kyˆdr dI srkfr vwloN ley gey iek PYsly muqfibk iksfnfˆ nUM hux 3 lwK dy krËy `qy hux kyvl 4 PIsdI ivafj dyxf pvygf. ies PYsly df sUby dy muwK mMqrI ny ivÈfl ihrdy nfl svfgq kIqf hY. afriQk iËMdgI mnuwK df afDfr hY aqy awj qoN pihlfˆ pMjfb vrgy agfˆhvDU sUby `qy eynf iBaMkr aqy cuxOqI BrpUr sMkt kdy nhIN sI afieaf. arQcfry dI mfVI hflq ny pMjfb dI rIVH dI hwzI qoV idwqI hY. pMjfb dIafˆ sfrIafˆ pfrtIafˆ dy isrkwZ afgUafˆ nUM aihm muwidafˆ `qy iek rfie bxfAuxI pvygI. BKvyˆ muwidafˆ `qy sfˆJI rfie ËrUrI hY, KyqIbfVI sMkt, amn aqy kfnUMn-ivvsQf, snaqI ivkfs, ruËgfr aqy cusq-drusq tYks vsUlI afid. ies sihmqI nfl pMjfb iek afdrÈk sUbf bx skdf hY. KËfnf mMqrI mnpRIq isMG bfdl leI vI ieh prK dI GVI hY, ikAuNik AunHfˆ dI sfrI rfjnIqk ivAuNqbMdI pMjfb nUM afriQk sMkt `coN kwZx vwl kyˆdirq rhI hY. kyvl gwlIN bfqIˆ kMm nhIN cwlxf, mÈhUr gLËlkfr brijMdr cOhfn dIafˆ sqrfˆ hn : ‘Auh vxjfrf jo bsqI ivc dIvy vycx afieaf sI, roÈnIafˆ dI gwl qurI jd Auh gwlIN bfqIN tfl igaf.` ipCly idnIN sRI vI[pI[ isMG bdnOr nUM sfrIafˆ rfjnIqk pfrtIafˆ, smfj syvI jQybMdIafˆ, iksfn XUnIanfˆ afpxy-afpxy qOr `qy imlIafˆ hn. sB qoN hYrfnIjnk mMg pwqr sLRomxI akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr isMG bfdl vwloN idwqf igaf. ies ivc ieko lIk nfl sfrf krËf muafP krn dI mMg lft sfb awgy kIqI geI hY jo srfsr

brfV hfsohIxI, qrk rihq aqy bckfnf hY. sRI vI[pI[ isMG bdnOr iek bVy mDur Bergen Farms located at 2283 Peardonville Road in Abbotsford, BC is currently aqy koml ivakqI hn. mYˆ AunHfˆ nfl 10 hiring for various positions at our farm. Positions available include Field vrHy lok sBf ivc mYˆbr irhf hfˆ. myrf Supervisor, Forklift Operator (with valid license) and Truck Driver. pUrf ivÈvfs hY Auh idRVHqf nfl Auprflf -Company: Bergen Farms krngy qfˆ ik pMjfb nUM ies afriQk sMkt -Business location: Abbotsford Job requirements: `coN kwiZaf jf sky. sLRomxI akflI dl nUM -Title of position: Field Supervisor, -Must have a valid driver’s license Truck Driver, Forklift ieh vI aihsfs krnf cfhIdf hY ik ieh - Forklift License Operator pihlI vfr hY jd Auh iek muwK ivroDI iDr -Language spoken: -Number of positions: 4 vjoN AuWBrn ivc asPl rhy hn. BivwK -Terms of employment: Seasonal English and Punjabi -Wages: Starting at $14/hr ivc nyqfvfˆ nUM kfhlI ivc swqf hfsl -Anticipated start date: As soon as possible krn aqy kursI moh Cwz ky suihrdqf qy dUraMdyÈI df sbUq dyxf pvygf. pMjfb ivc roË lokfˆ nUM KudkuÈIafˆ, kYˆsr, brign PfrmjL 2283 pIrznivl roz ‘qy siQwq ivwc PIlz suprvfeIjLr, POrkilPt pIlIaf vrgIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ nfl iËMdgI aOprytr (lfeIsYNs dI loV hY), trwk zrfeIvr dI pojLIsLnF leI kfimaF dI loV hY. mOq dI lVfeI lVnI pY rhI hY. aijhy mOky lokfˆ nUM buinafdI shUlqfˆ dyxIafˆ srkfr dI muZlI iËMmyvfrI hY. ijnHfˆ lokfˆ nUM ajy kMpnI: brign PfrmjL nOkrI leI lfjLmI loVF: sQfn: aYbtsPorz qwk pIx leI sfP pfxI muhweIaf nhIN, nOkrI df isrlyK: PIlz suprvfeIjLr, trwk zrfeIvr, ishq syvfvfˆ df mfVf hfl hY, bwicafˆ -Xog zrfeIvr lfeIsYNs dI loV aqy Pork ilPt afprytr dIafˆ skUlI PIsfˆ ivc BfrI vfDf hox pojILsLn: 4 -POrkilPt lfeIsYNs nOkrI dI imafd: sIjLnl dI loV hY krky mjbUrIafˆ hn, AunHfˆ sfhmxy bulyt qnKfh: 14/pRqI GMtf -ieM g ilsL aqy pMjfbI trynfˆ, skfeI kryprfˆ, PlfeIEvr, vwzIafˆ kMm sLurU krn dI qrIk: CyqI qoN CyqI bolxI lfjLmI hfeI-vy, bfieEtYknolojI afid muwdy bhuqI aihmIaq nhIN rwKdy. afriQk mfihrfˆ dI ieh puKqf rfie hY ik byloVIafˆ sbiszIafˆ Kqm krky hI pMjfb dI afriQk nINh mËbUq ho skdI hY. sRI hrbMs lfl sfbkf spIkr, sRI ihwq dyÈ dy isrkwZ smfj syvI pwqrkfr aqy cqur bfxIaf idRÈtfˆq bnfm sRI aimq Èfh aiBlfÈI sfbkf mMqrI, sRI Bgvfn dfs 200 qoN vwD pwqrkfr iekwTy ho ky jdoN kuJ idn pihlfˆ Bfjpf dy pRDfn aqy pRDfn jYqo sfbkf mMqrI, sRI kyÈo rfm, sRI sMq ieh ros pRgt krn ik vwzy srmfeydfrfˆ mMqrI dy sB qoN nyVly sfQI sRI aimq rfm isMglf, sRI rGubIr isMG igwdVbfhf, aqy vwizafˆ Grfixafˆ df zyZ lwK kroV df Èfh ny rfÈtr ipqfmf mhfqmf gfˆDI bfry mflvy dy cotI dy bfxIaf ibrfdrIafˆ dy krËf qfˆ muafP kIqf jf irhf hY aqy ijhVf ÈrfrqpUrn, gYr-iËMmyvfrfnf aqy jfq afgU sn aqy pMjfb dy pyˆzU arQcfry dy tI[vI[ cYnl swc `qy pihrf idMdf hY, Aus hAUmY df pRgtfvf kridafˆ AunHfˆ dI sMiGaf vwzy ihqYÈI rhy sn. ieh pMjfbI mfˆ-bolI nUM Gyiraf jf irhf hY qfˆ gwl smJ afAuNdI kyvl iek ‘cqur bfxIey` nfl kIqI. ies dy vI pwky smrQk sn. myrf ieh idRVH hY. ies muwdy ny sfry dyÈ df iDafn iKwicaf nfl Bfrq dy kroVfˆ lokfˆ dy svY-mfx nUM ivÈvfs hY ik 2002 qoN 2007 qwk kYptn hY aqy afAux vfly smyˆ ivc ieh iek vwzI BfrI swt vwjI hY. jykr rfÈtr nfiek cqur, huiÈafr aqy sujwg nf huMdf qfˆ amirMdr isMG dI hkUmq ivc sRI suirMdr lihr df rUp Dfrn kr skdf hY. aYmrjYˆsI aMgryË ijs dy rfj ivc kdy sUrj nhIN sI isMglf iek bhuq sPl KËfnf mMqrI sn, dOrfn vI dyÈ ivc iek aijhf vfqfvrn ijnHfˆ ny pMj sfl Pslfˆ, bfKUbI cukvfeIafˆ bxfieaf igaf sI, ijs nfl pYRWs df glf Cupdf, afpxf borIaf ibsqrf bMnH ky Email lMdn resume to: info@bergenfarms.ca 604-854-5661 tfpUafˆ vwl nf muVdf. brqfnIaf dy pRDfn aqy ipMzfˆ nUM ibnfˆ pwKpfq rfhq idwqI. Guwitaf igaf sI. mMqrI ivMstn cricl ny vI rfÈtr ipqf aimq Èfh jI nUM ieh smJxf cfhIdf hY ik nUM kdy awDnMgf PkIr kih ky apmfnjnk bfxIaf buwDI srvAuWqm buwDI hY, AunHfˆ dI 200 pwqrkfrfˆ vwloN ieh aihd ilaf jfxf itwpxI kIqI sI pr ies awDnMgy PkIr ny ieh itwpxI aÈoBnIX hY. gujrfq dI DrqI ik asIN cuwp nhIN rhfˆgy, swc Aujfgr dyÈ dI afËfdI hfsl krvfAux df ikRÈmeI `qy awj vI ieh gIq byhwd hrmn-ipafrf krfˆgy, dmn ivruwD lVfˆgy, ivÈyÈ mhwqv nqIjf kwiZaf sI. hY ‘sfbrmqI ky sMq qUny kr dIaf kmfl`. rwKdf hY. ieQy svrfj bIr dI ieh kivqf ZukvIN hY mflvy ivc ieh aKfx mÈhUr hY, ‘mflvy dy pRYWs dI afËfdI `qy hmlf jwt bfxIey`. 85 dy dhfky ivc mYˆ jd pMjfb iksfnfˆ nUM cuwp rihxf cfhIdY, ibjlI borz df pRbMDkI mYˆbr sI, iek aYn[zI[tI[vI[ df GtnfkRm dwsdf hY ik bVy kfibl muwK ieMjInIar sI[aYc[aYl[ pYRWs nUM goizafˆ Bfr cwlx leI mjbUr krnf mËdUrfˆ nUM cuwp rihxf cfhIdY gupqf hoieaf krdy sn, ijnHfˆ df ipCokV mOky dI srkfr df sB qoN vwzf hwQkMzf kuVIafˆ qy ividafrQIafˆ nUM cuwp rihxf pyˆzU sI. AunHfˆ ny iek Jtky nfl myry kihx bx igaf hY. hukmrfn swqf dy grUr ivc cfhIdY, `qy smuwcy pMjfb dy kMZI eyrIaf, bfrzr ieh smJdy hn ik Èfied hmyÈf leI Auh eyrIaf aqy 20 iklomItr dy sym dy Gyry isMGfsn `qy bYTy rihxgy. pMjfbI dy mÈhUr dilqfˆ, dimqfˆ qy mhfˆgIrfˆ nUM cuwp rihxf ivc afey ipMzfˆ nUM isMgl pol rfhIN 90 gLËlkfr sRI jgqfr dIafˆ ienklfbI cfhIdY, hËfr itAUbvYWl kunYkÈn idwqy, ijs nfl sqrfˆ hnhoTfˆ qy srIr nUM cuwp rihxf cfhIdY, pMjfb dI ikrsfnI qro-qfËf ho geI. ikwkrfˆ qy klIrfˆ nUM cuwp rihxf cfhIdY, mflvy dy mÈhUr isafsqdfn aqy pMjfbI ‘ikMnI ku dyr afiKr DrqI hnyr jrdI, mfˆ-bolI dy vwzy alMbrdfr syT rfmnfQ, ikMnI ku dyr rihMdf KfmoÈ KUn myrf.` sfnUM sfirafˆ nUM cuwp rihxf cfhIdY. PAGE 17

The Patrika



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Eugene Reimer Middle School held its first annual student of the month dinner Eugene Reimer Middle School held its first annual student of the month dinner on June 14th. The evening began with an inspiring keynote speech from soccer star Ish Jhaj. Ish is a kinesiology graduate from Simon Fraser University. She has been playing soccer since she could walk, and continues to play on a Women’s Premier team. Ish is the founder of a registered nonprofit society, Shooting for Hope, that uses soccer camps in rural villages in India to give girls opportunities to get active, gain self-esteem and form starategies for success. The Eugene Reimer students were excited to hear that Ish set a goal of helping other in Grade 5 and she persevered until her dream was a reality. The school lobby was packed with over 100 students, staff and parents who came out to celebrate the 2016/2017 Students of the Month. Students were selected based on academics as well as our character traits displayed throughout the year. Each


teacher that nominated the student came to the dinner to recognize their students. Congratulations 2016/2017 Eugene Reimer Students of the Month. You have made us proud!

Grade 7- Harjot Sohi December

Grade 8- Navjot Chahal Grade 6- Zoe Antonio Grade 7- Roshan Pooni Grade 8- Laura Grandberg


Grade 6- Nayha Pandher Grade 7- Jeyzer Recina


Grade 8- Gavin Garcha

Grade 8- Tanya Boparai

Grade 7- Harshvir Singh Grade 8- Talia Bergen

Grade 6- Amrit Litt

Grade 6- Simrat Dhanoa Grade 7- Gurnoor Sidhu

October Grade 6- Sabrina Takkar

Grade 7- Noorjot Dhaliwal

Grade 8- Ben Tran



Grade 7- Harleen Dhaliwal


Grade 6- Eschonica Sharma

Grade 8- Marisa Smit

Grade 6- Karlene Purewal Grade 7- Noorkiran Brar


Grade 8- Angie Bui

Grade 6- Robin Sharma Grade 7- Jasleen Brar Grade 8- Chelsea de Perio


Grade 7- Jasnoor Sekhon


Grade 6- Khang Huynh

Grade 6- Sonal Sandhu

Grade 8- Ravinder Sidhu

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



How to travel in luxury without spending a fortune (NC) The vacation of your dreams is closer than you think if you plan your trip like a pro. Here Deborah Thompson, travel expert and editorin-chief of the New Jetsetters website and magazine, shares her best advice. “Luxury travel is about deciding what’s ‘splurgeworthy,’” she explains. “We try to have at least one amazing meal on vacation. The location of the venue — overlooking a spectacular landmark or gorgeous vista — adds to the appeal, of course.” Fly in affordable style. Thompson often treats herself by opting for the mid-range version of a carrier’s options. For example, Air Canada’s Premium Economy Class offers a larger seat, extra legroom and other perks, but is a lot less expensive than business or first class on those longhaul flights to Asia. Purchase access to Maple Leaf Lounge. Consider purchasing a onetime access to the Maple Leaf Lounge to freshen up, indulge and recharge with beverages, food and high-speed internet access. Set a daily allowance. Plan what you want to do each day before you leave, allotting a specific amount for meals and entertainment. If you allot $50 for breakfast and then decide you only want bagels and a coffee one day, the money saved can go towards a nicer dinner or a bottle of wine with your meal.

priced rooms are unaffordable for most of us, but if you look carefully at the different categories, you’ll likely find one that will be luxurious for you.

Remember that the service you receive at a good luxury hotel will be the same for all guests, regardless of which room number is yours. Often, it’s not the size of the room that’s important, but the quality of the bed and linens, the upscale amenities, and a gorgeous bathtub with a view. Purchase in advance. Always pre-buy museum, event and rail tickets. This helps plan your expenses in advance, meaning you’re not surprised when you reach the front of the line and find out your day’s budget is blown on just museum tickets. Getting your tickets in advance also lets you sign up for email alerts, meaning you’ll be able to score a great deal on your air fare and a freebie or discount at restaurants and attractions. Check out the “shoulder season.” The cost of your dream room will usually be much less in the time periods between high and low seasons. If you choose the dates closest to when the high season rate begins or ends, you’ll have much the same weather.

Dish out for dream digs. The highest-

Call for Nominations Nominations are now open for the 22nd Annual Abbotsford Business Excellence Awards! The Business Excellence Awards recognizes outstanding organizations and individuals that strive for excellence in our community. On Thursday, November 23rd at Tradex, we will give thirteen awards to exceptional Abbotsford-based

businesses and entrepreneurs. Business Excellence Award recipients are Leaders in their industry with a commitment to Customer Service, a concern for the Community, and a passion for Innovation. Deadline for submission is Friday, September 22, 2017.


The Patrika



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

srdfr jrnYl isMG Buwlr svrgvfs ijlHf biTMzf dy ipMz ZupflI nfl sbMiDq s: jrnYl isMG Buwlr pRmfqmf vloN bKsLI 103 sflF dI Bog ky 18 jUn 2017 idn aYqvfr nUM svrg isDfr gey hn. Auh 1990 `c imsLn bI[sI[ knyzf ivKy afey sn. srdfr jrnYl isMG Buwlr dy pMj BUiqk srIr df sskfr 25 jUn 2017 aYqvfr nUM 12:30 vjy FRASER RIVER FUNEARL HOME 2061 RIVERSIDE RD ABBOTSFORD ivKy hovygf. AuhnF nimq rKfey sihj pfT df Bog vI Ausy idn bfad dupihr 2:30 vjy gurduafrf sfihb imsLn guriswK susfietI 32086 Lougheed Hwy Mission ivKy pfey jfx AuprMq aMiqm ardfs hovygI. pirvfr nfl duwK sFJf krn leI Pon nMbr: drsLn isMG Buwlr: 604-832-2333













rfj Buwlr: 604-864-7454

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika 


soc hI hY KuÈhflI df rfË BuipMdrvIr isMG hr iensfn dI pihcfx Aus dI ÈKsIaq qy vDIaf cox krn qy shI PYsly lYx df qoN huMdI hY. ÈKsIaq inKfrn ivwc sB qoN vkq iml jfvy. vDIaf BivwK nUM klipq vwzf hwQ mnuwK dI soc df hI huMdf hY. ijs krky sfnUM jo vI cfhIdf huMdf hY pihlfˆ sfnUM qrHfˆ dI iksy iensfn dI soc hovygI, Aus dI Aus nUM afpxI soc qy ivcfrfˆ ivwc bdlxf ÈKsIaq vI Aus dy afDfr `qy hI inrDfrq pvygf. ieh sfzy `qy inrBr krdf hY ik hovygI. iËafdfqr ivakqI afpxI iËMdgI asIN shI ivcfrfˆ df pRvfh clfAuxf hY jfˆ dIafˆ muÈiklfˆ aqy nf pU r cVH I afˆ iewCfvfˆ kfrn hr vkq icMqf ivwc rihMdy hn. AunHfˆ nUM iehI iÈkfieq huMdI hY ik jo asIN cfhuMdy hfˆ Auh kdI nhIN huMdf qy jo asIN nhIN cfhuMdy, Auh hmyÈfˆ huMdf hY. ies df kfrn hY ik iensfn jo socdf hY AuhI kplpnfvfˆ ivwc lY ky afAuNdf hY. iewk idn AuhI klpnfvfˆ nUM amlI rUp idMdf hY. sfzy swuK-dwuK isrP sfzI soc `qy inrBr huMdy hn. gurUqfkrÈx qy inAUtn dy isDfˆqfˆ vfˆg iËMdgI ivwc vI soc dy isDfˆq kMm krdy hn jo sB iensfnfˆ glq df. ijs ividafrQI nUM pRIiKaf ivwc `qy lfgU huMdy hn. PylH hox df iËafdf zr huMdf hY, Auh aksr asIN iËMdgI ivwc jo cfhIey bx skdy hfˆ. hI PylH huMdf hY. ikAuNik jy asIN burf socdy asIN soc ÈkqI dy ËrIey ies nUM pf skdy hfˆ qfˆ asIN afpxI soc ivwc nfkfrfqmk hfˆ, pr ieh AudoN hI huMdf hY jdoN idmfg AUrjf rfhIN bury pRBfvfˆ nUM afpxy vwl ivwc ivcfrfˆ dI klpnf nfl pihlfˆ Aus afkrÈq krdy hfˆ jo sfzy kMm krn dI cfhq dI prCfeI bxfeI jfˆdI hY jo smfˆ pf ÈkqI aqy imhnq ivwc rukfvt bxn dy ky imhnq qy idRV ierfdy nfl pUrI huMdI hY. nfl hI idRV ierfdy aqy ivÈvfs df pwDr dyiKaf jfvy qfˆ dunIafˆ AUrjf nfl hI cwl Kqm kr idMdI hY. asIN afpxy ivcfrfˆ nUM rhI hY ijwQy nËr mfro AUrjf hI AUrjf hY. nfkfrqmk AUrjf dy ËrIey bfhr Cwzdy hfˆ iensfn vI AUrjf df hI sroq hY. iensfn qy Auh nfkfrqmk AUrjf afpxI hI smfn ivwc do qrHfˆ dI AUrjf kMm krdI hY pihlI AUrjf nUM afkrÈq krdI hY. sfkfrfqmk qy dUjI nfkfrfqmk. donfˆ ivwc cuMBkI gux huMdy hn jo smfn AUrjf sfnUM afpxI ÈKsIaq vDIaf bxfAux leI nUM afpxy vwl afkrÈq krdy hn. ienHfˆ hmyÈfˆ sfkfrfqmk ivcfrfˆ `qy aml krnf donfˆ ivwcoN iewk dI cox krky hI sfzy ivcfr cfhIdf hY ijs sdkf sfzI iËMdgI sPl bxdy hn qy iPr ivcfr idmfg ivwc cfhq hovygI aqy sfzI ÈKsIaq inKrygI. duwK, df klpnf icwqr bxfAuNdy hn. ieh sfzI KuÈI, amIrI-grIbI, ipafr-nPLrq ieh soc bxdy hn qy AuhI soc nUM pUr cVHfAux sB sfzy bulfAux `qy hI sfzI iËMdgI ivwc leI asIN iksy nf iksy hIly Aus nUM amlI afAuNdy hn. ijvyˆ jy asIN bury hflfq ivwc rUp idMdy hfˆ. ies dy Ault jy asIN koeI hfˆ qfˆ asIN afpxy mn dy zr, icMqf aqy vI ivcfr idmfg ivwc nf lY ky afeIey qfˆ kmËor hoey ivÈvfs rfhIN hor bury hflfq sfzI iËMdgI df BivwK aqIq `qy inrBr Kud hI pYdf kr lYˆdy hfˆ. jdoN koeI ibmfr hovygf. Dfrimk ivcfrfˆ anusfr iensfn huMdf hY qfˆ Auh idmfg ivwc ieh vihm pYdf dy vjUd ivwc iewk ÈkqI kMm kr rhI hY krdf hY ik mYˆ TIk nhIN ho skdf jfˆ myry ijs nUM sB ny alwg alwg nfm idwqy hoey `qy dvfeI asr nhIN kr rhI. asl ivwc hn ijvyˆ- rwb, prmfqmf, afqmf, cyqnf, aijhf hI ho irhf huMdf hY qy Aus dI hflq AUrjf afid. jy iensfn vI rwb df rUp hY hor ivgVdI jfˆdI hY. ikAuNik sfzy srIr qfˆ iensfn ivwc afpxI iewCf pUrI krn dI df kMtrol idmfg ivwc hY. idmfg jo hukm ÈkqI vI hovygI. ieh swc hY, pr ieh iewCf idMdf hY, srIr Aus nUM hI mMndf hY. ÈkqI soc-ivcfrfˆ, sKq imhnq aqy smyˆ nfl imlky hI kMm krdI hY. sfzI klpnf ies leI jykr asIN KuÈ rihMdy hfˆ qfˆ asIN jfˆ soc df smfˆ pf ky pUrf hoxf vI iewk smyˆ idmfg ivwc KuÈhfl soc pYdf krdy hfˆ qy df isDfˆq hY ikAuNik jy asIN smyˆ dy aMqr nUM jy asIN Audfs huMdy hfˆ qfˆ asIN Audfs soc Kqm kr deIey qfˆ sfzIafˆ iewCfvfˆ qurMq pYdf krdy hfˆ. KuÈhfl iËMdgI df iehI rfË hI pUrIafˆ ho jfxgIafˆ. aijhf krky asIN hY ik hryk iensfn nUM afpxI iËMdgI ivwc Kud leI musIbqfˆ df hI Zyr lfvfˆgy. iesy afpxI soc df dfierf sfkfrfqmk pfsy leI hI iËMdgI ivwc iewCfvfˆ pUrIafˆ hox vwl ivÈfl kr lYxf cfhIdf hY. jy asIN ivwc smyˆ dy aMqr df isDfˆq vI afpxf kMm aijhf krfˆgy qfˆ iPr kudrq vwloN sfnUM Kud afp hI krdf rihMdf hY qfˆ jo sfnUM shI hI cMgy qy vDIaf mOky pRdfn kIqy jfxgy. PAGE 21

The Patrika


Friday, June 23rd, 2017


kYnyzf dI 150vIN vrHy gMZ mOky dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dy PfAUNzr ipRMsIpl, zf: dlIp isMG igwl nUM Xfd kridaF… ieiqhfs dy pMny pVHidaF aqy awj dy jLmfny qy njLr pfAuNdy sfnUM pqf lgdf hY ik sfAUQ eysLIan lokF df kYnyzf `c bhuq ijLafdf Xogdfn hY. sfAUQ eysLIan lokF ny hr iewk Kyqr `c JMzy gwzy hn. hr iewk jgfh qy Auh pRiswD hn. isafsq, KyzF, jMgF, iswiKaf, kfrobfr aqy hor anykF KyqrF `c ihwsf ilaf hY. kYnyzf nUM ibhqr bxfAux `c afpxf pUrf Xogdfn pfieaf hY. afpxy dysL nUM Cwz ky kYnyzf `c af ky BlfeI dy kMm kIqy, ijs nfl kYnyzf dI qrwkI hoeI. ijnF Xogdfn dUjy lokF ny kYnyzf `c pfieaf hY, AunHF BfrqIaF ny pfieaf hY. hr iewk musLklF `c jUJ ky awj afpxf nfm rosLn kIqf aqy afpxI pihcfx bxfeI, awj hr iewk iensfn BfrqIaF qoN jfxU hY. ies BfeIcfry df kYnyzf pihlI psMd irhf hY. krIb 100 sfl pihlF qoN sfAUQ eysLIaf ivwcoN kYnyzf phuMcx leI bhuq sfry BfeIcfry ijnHF ivc pMjfbI, gujrfqI, iPjIan, ihMdU, muslmfn muwK qOr qy sLfml hn.

kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry dy Xogdfn

ies BfeIcfry dy lokF ny kYnyzf phuMc ky sKq imhnq kIqI aqy jIvn dy hr Kyqr ivc vwzIaF mwlF mfrIaF hn Kfs krky pMjfbI BfeIcfry ny ijs imhnq krky afpxy pirvfr nUM pfilaf aqy afpxy mulk rihMdy afpxy irsLqydfrF qy hor pirvfk mYNbrF nUM kYnyzf bulfAux leI koeI ksr bfkI nhIN CwzI. iehnF sKq imhnq krky kYnyzf dIaF sfrIaF pRoivMsF `c sfAUQ eysLIaf dy lok, Bfrq, pfiksqfn, bMglfdysL, nypfl, BUtfn aq sRI lMkf qoN hn. kYnyzf dy ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan mUl dy lok bhuq hn. sfAUQ eysLIan mUl dy lokF df kYnyzf dy arQ ivvsQf, rwiKaf, rfjnIqI aqy bhuswiBafcfrk ivrsy ivwc bhuq vwzf Xogdfn hY. sfAUQ eysLIan lokF df Xogdfn kYnyzf leI bhuq jLrUrI hY. sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry df arQ ivvsQf ivwc bhuq vwzf Xogdfn hY. AunHF ny kYnyzf dI afriQkf nUM vDfieaf hY. sfAUQ eysLIan dy kM m afriQkqf leI bhu q jL r U r I hn. AunHF nvIaF nOkrIaF pYdf kIqIaF hn jo ik kYnyzf dy nfgirkF leI bhuq mhwqvpUrn mOky sfbq hoey. sfAUQ eysLIan ny trwikMg, tYksI aqy KyqI vrgy DMidaF ivwc vfDf kIqf. sfAUQ eysLIan lok bhuq sKq imhnqI hn jo ik iksy vI afriQkqf leI bhuq cMgf hunr hY. ieh BfeIcfry dy lok loV anusr bhuqy GMty kMm krn dy smrwQ hn jo ik afriQkqf leI cMgf PAGE 22

afpxI Cfp CwzI hY. ijvyN iehnF ny afpxy leI vwzy-vwzy Gr sQfpq kIqy, PfrmF ivwc kMm krky bI[sI[ sUby `c bhuq sfry Pfrm KrIdy iehnF ny pUrI imhnq krky iehnF nUM abfd kIqf aqy PslF dI BfrI AuqpqI kIqI aqy KyqIbfVI nfl sbMDq ieMzstrI ijvyN byrI, kYnrIaF, grIn hfAUsF dI sQfpnf kIqI ijwQy ky ikMny hI hor ivakqIaF nUM rujLgfr imilaf. ies qoN ielfvf ienHF vloN lwkV, imwlF ivwc bhuq imhnq krky, qrwkI kIqI aqy kYnyzf afriQkqf ivwc vI BfrI Xogdfn pfieaf igaf. kYnyzf `c bhuq sfry lokI lybr dy kMm krdy hn jy ieh BfrqI lokI Aury nf huMdy qF awj lybr vfly kMm krn leI kOx huMdf. BfvyN ik sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry dy lokF dI igxqI kuwl abfdI df krIb iqMn prsYNt hI hY. pr ies leI BfeIcfry dy lokF vloN ijLMdgI dy hr Kyqr ivc bhuq ijLafdf qrwkI kIqI hY. lMby smyN qoN ies BfeIcfry vloN ijnHF `c iswK BfeIcfry dy lok sLfml hn, kYnyzf dy sfry sUibaF aqy PYzrl srkfrF ivwc coxF ijwq ky nvF ieiqhfs isrijaf igaf hY. ibRitsL kolMbIaf iswK BfeIcfry nfl sbMDq sRI Aupl dosFJ pRImIar dy ahudy qy phuMcy. PYzrl srkfr ivw c ies smy N vw z I igxqI ivc isw K pMjfbI kYnyzf dI pfrlImYNt ivwc phuMcy hn. ijnHF ivwc swjx isMG aqy nvdIp isMG bYNs mhwqvpUrn ivBfg dy mMqrI

bxy hn. afpxy rfjsI asr rsUK kfrn hI pMjfbI BfeIcfry dy lokF vloN 1907 ivwc vfpry kfmfgftfmfrU jhfj svfr 376 ivakqIaF nUM vYnkUvr bMdrgfh qoN vfps kr idwqf igaf sI dI Xfd sQfpq krfeI geI hY. kYnyzf dy sQfnk lok sfAUQ BfeIcfry dy lokF nfl ibnF iksy Byd-Bfv qoN rihMdy hn. sQfnk lok ies BfeIcfry dy lokF dI imhnq aqy qrwkI psMd hox krky, pUrI iewjLq krdy hn. QoVy smyN `c hI ies BfeIcfry dy lokF vloN smfj dy hr Kyqr ivc bhuq ijLafdf qrwkI kIqI hoeI hY. mhwqvpUrn jObF hfsl kIqIaF ny aqy afpxf kMm pUry lgn nfl krdy, afAuNdy hn. ijs krky srkfr ny sfAUQ eysLIan lokF nUM kYnyzf afAux vfsqy scfrU nIqIaF aml ivwc ilaFdIaF hn. bhuq sfry sfAUQ eysLIan nyqf dysL nUM hor vDIaf bnfAux dI koisLsL krdy hn. pMjfbI nyqf ny dysL df bhuq ivkfs kIqf hY. ieh bhuq vwzf Xogdfn hY. cfhy sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dI afbfdI 1[4 hI hovy, pr AuhnF df Xogdfn kYnyzf `c bhuq ijLafdf irhf. vrlz vfr pihly `c bhuq sfry sfAUQ eysLIan lokF ny kYnyzf dy leI ihwsf ilaf aqy bhuq sfry sLhId ho gey. ikhVf bMdf dUjy dysL dI BlfeI leI afpxI jfn dy skdf hY? ies dy leI vwzf ijgrf cfhIdf hY aqy Auh sfAuQ eysLIan lokF dy bjfey iksy hor kol nhIN. afpxy dysL afpxy pirvfr nUM Cwz ky, kYnyzf nUM

kYnyzIan ieiqhfs ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan df Xogdfn

hY ikAuNik ies nfl pYdfvfr vDI hY aqy srkfr nUM vwD tYks imldf hY. kYnyzIan afriQkqf dy ivwc sfAUQ eysLIan lookF dy Xogdfn df vwzf hwQ hY.

sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry df kYnyzf dI rwiKaf ivwc vI kfPI Xogdfn hY. ieh lok bhuq dlyr qy imhnqI hn. sfAUQ eysLIan ibRitsL rfj dy JMzy Qwly pihlI aqy dUjI vwzIaF jMgF ivwc bhuq bhfdrI nfl lVy. ieh ibRitsL aqy kYnyzf leI bhuq jLrUrI sI. ieh iek Kfs kdm sI ikAuNik ieh iek kYnyzf dI aKMzqf df pRqIk qy kYnyzf dIaF kdrF kImqF dI rfKI leI jLrUrI sI. awj vI sfAUQ eysLIan zIPYNs ivwc mhwqvpUrn rol inBf rhy hn. kYnyzf df qqkfl rwiKaf mMqrI, sR: hrjIq isMG swjx sfAUQ eysLIan mUl dy hn. AuhnF ny hmysLf hI kYnyzf dI rwiKaf qy kdrF kImqF dI rfKI nUM pihl idwqI.

sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry df kYnyzf dI bhucfrk swiBaqf ivwc vI vwzf Xogdfn hY. kYnyzf iewk mltIklcrl dysL hY ikAuNik kYnyzf dy ivwc vwK-vwK qrHF qy swiBaqf dy lok hn. AuhnF ivwcoN sB qoN vwD sfAUQ eysLIan mUl dy hn. ies qrHF iehnF qoN ibnF kYnyzf dI mltIklcrl swiBaqf iPwkI lwgygI. bhuswiBafrk kYnyzf df ieh iek ainwKVvF aMg hn. sfAUQ eysLIan dI bYNk grfAUNz awz-awz dysLF qoN hox krky iehnF kYnyzf nUM alwg-alwg swiBafqfvF dy cMgy gux idwqy hn. ies krky kYnyzf iek vDIaf dysL bx igaf hY. iehnF dI soc ivcfr kYnyzf leI iek jLrUrI cIjL hY. sfAUQ eysLIan lokF dy kYnyzf ivwc vwK-vwK qrHF dy mnorMjn df sfDn hn. ies qrHF ieh cIjLF sfAUQ eysLIan a q y kYnyzIan

mnrfj isMG bVYc hI afpxf pirvfr bxfieaf aqy ies dy leI jfn vI dy idwqI kYnyzf dy leI bhuq sfry jfixaF ny kurbfnIaF idwqIaF. kYnyzf dI afbfdI bhuq Gwt sI. kYnyzf nUM cMgy lokF dI loV sI jo ik dysL dI qrwkI krn `c mdd kr skdy ny. kYnyzf `c sfAUQ eysLIan lokF ny bhuq sfry kMmkfj kIqy. bhuq hI ijLafdf vwzy bMdy trwk clfAuNdy hn. iewk jgfh qoN dUjI jgfh smfn phuMcfAuNdy hn. trwk clfAux vflf awj sfAUQ eysLIan lokI awvl hn. bhuq sfry trwk hfdsy hoey ny, pr iehnF kYnyzf dy leI trwk clfAuxf nhIN Cwizaf. trwk clfAux dy nfl-nfl ieh dUjy kMm vI bQyry krdy hn. kYnrIaF, PYktrIaF `c bhuq kMm kIqf aqy krdy hn. kMm krn dy nfl ieh afpxy bwicaF df vI pflxposx krdy hn. sfAUQ eysLIan lokF ny bhuq sfry kMm kIqy. AuhnF ny kYnyzf dI qrwkI `c pUrf ihwsf pfieaf. sfAUQ eysLIan lokF ny kYnyzf nUM bhuq vDIaf bxfieaf. iesfn srF klcr l e I jLrUrI hn. smuwcy qOr qy sfAUQ

eysLIan BfeIcfry df kYnyzf dI qrwkI leI bhuq Xogdfn hY. iehnF lokF ny kYnyzf nUM qrwkI dy rfh qy qorn ivwc Xogdfn pfieaf hY.

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



Protect your legacy with a will (NC) The topic of will-writing is often fraught with myths and misperceptions. Many of us believe that only the rich, elderly, or people in dangerous lines of work need to worry about having one. In fact, up to half of Canadians die without a will, leaving their legacy unprotected and friends and family with uncertainty about their estate. This is why legal practitioners recommend that every person should have a will covering these five essential points: • Determine who you want as your executor — the person who will carry out your wishes in settling your estate. • Carefully plan for your dependents. • Name a guardian for young children. • Detail specific monies or gifts to friends, relatives or charities. • Put in writing the details of your funeral arrangements.

A will is more than a simple outline for the final distribution of your property and effects. It is an occasion to plan for the financial support of the people and projects who you have actively supported during your lifetime. In addition to family and loved ones, many people also consider organizations in their will. Some common examples include a church, charity, or favourite organization like Amnesty International.. Laws about will-making and taxes vary from province to province and the specific wording to ensure that your wishes are carried out may require the help of a lawyer. Experts strongly recommend that you seek legal advice on this subject.




The Patrika 

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

mnuwK smyˆ-smyˆ kuJ nvfˆ isrjx dI iewCf rwKdf afieaf hY. Kud svfˆg rcx, aiBnY krn, iviBMn rUp Dfrn krn aqy nfc nwcx dI klf aqy isrjx pRikiraf dy afhr ivwc jutdf afieaf hY. afp nwcx dy nfl-nfl mnuwK ny kdy kfT dIafˆ bxIafˆ puqlIafˆ nUM afpxIafˆ AuNglfˆ dy ieÈfirafˆ `qy ncfAux df supnf ilaf hovygf qy kfT dIafˆ puqlIafˆ nUM mnuwK afpxIafˆ AuNglIafˆ nfl ncfAux lwg ipaf. Auh AunHfˆ koloN aiBnY krvfAux lwg ipaf qy Kud sUqrDfr bx ky AunHfˆ nUM afpxy kfbU ivwc rwK ky AunHfˆ nUM afpxI iewCf anusfr hrkq ivwc rwKx dy Xog ho igaf. ieh klf kTpuqlIafˆ df qmfÈf dy nfˆ nfl jfxI jfx lwgI. dy r pihlfˆ pM j fb dy glI-mhu w i lafˆ , cOrfihafˆ, lokfˆ dy smUihk rUp ivwc ivcrn vflIafˆ Qfvfˆ, swQfˆ qy myilafˆ afid ivwc lokfˆ dy mnorMjn vfsqy pyÈyvr klfkfr lokfˆ dy mnorMjn vfsqy puqlIafˆ dy qmfÈy ivKfAuNdy sn. drÈk ienHfˆ qmfiÈafˆ nUM bVI bysbrI, Auqsukqf qy idlcspI nfl vyKdy qy psMd krdy sn. puqlIafˆ lwkVI dIafˆ bxfeIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ sn. AunHfˆ dI GfVq, jVq qy iÈMgfr ies qrHfˆ kIqf jfˆdf sI ik AunHfˆ dy nYx-nkÈ bVy iqwKy qy Pbvyˆ bxfey jfˆdy sn. AunHfˆ dy ichry-mUhry nUM puqlI vwloN inBfey jfx vfly ikrdfr dy suBfa anusfr GiVaf qy iÈMgfiraf jfˆdf sI. ies qrHfˆ Auh bhuq idl-iKwcvIN idwK pRdfn

The Patrika 

hux nhIN huMdf kTpuqlIafˆ df qmfÈf

krn vflf rUp gRihx kr lYˆdIafˆ sn. AunHfˆ nUM Kyzy jfx vfly pfqr/ikrdfr dy suBfa anukUl puÈfkfˆ pihnfeIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ sn. kTpuqlIafˆ nUM pihnfeIafˆ jfx vflIafˆ ÈoK, BVkIlIafˆ-PbvIafˆ puÈfkfˆ drÈkfˆ nUM afkrÈq krn vflIafˆ huMdIafˆ sn. AunHfˆ dy iÈMgfr smyˆ AunHfˆ dI pfqr anukUlqf nUM iDafn ivwc rwiKaf jfˆdf sI. Audfhrn vjoN rfxIafˆ df hfr-iÈMgfr rfxIafˆ vrgf kIqf jfˆdf sI. sUrbIr, XoDy hiQafrfˆ nfl lYs qy joÈIlf pRBfv pfAux vfly huMdy sn. rfjkumfrfˆ dI swj-Dwj rfjkumfrfˆ vrgI kIqI jfˆdI sI. hryk kTpuqlI afpxy afp ivwwc iewk pfqr/pfqrfˆ df smrUp bx ky AuBrn vflI huMdI sI. kTpuqlIafˆ afpxy ikrdfr dy aiBnY nUM bfKUbI inBfAuNdIafˆ sn qy drÈkfˆ dI psMd AuWpr KrIafˆ AuqrdIafˆ sn. pihly simafˆ ivwc kTpuqlIafˆ df qmfÈf hnyrf hox ipwCoN kIqf jfˆdf sI. hnyry ivwc rOÈnIafˆ dy pRBfv nfl qmfÈy dy idRÈfˆ nUM qy smuwcy pRBfv nUM suMdr, mnmohk qy idliKwcvfˆ bxf ky pyÈ kIqf jfˆdf sI. qmfÈf ivKfAux leI sfDfrn mMc isrj ilaf jfˆdf sI. iksy vwzy afkfr dy myË jfˆ qKqpoÈ AuWpr jfˆ ËmInI pwDr qoˆ QoVHy AuWcy sQfn nUM mMc vjoN vrq ilaf jfˆdf sI. QoVHI-QoVHI ivwQ `qy do-iqMn mMjIafˆ KVHIafˆ kr leIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ sn. AunHfˆ AuWpr rMgdfr sjfvtI prdy qfx ley jfˆdy sn.

dIvy, mombwqIafˆ, mÈflfˆ jfˆ lYˆp ivwcoN kuJ jgf ky rMgmMc AuWpr hlkI ijhI rOÈnI kr leI jfˆdI sI. kTpuqlIafˆ dy nfl bfrIk pr mËbUq kfly rMg df Dfgf bMinHaf jfˆdf sI, ijhVf mwDm rOÈnI ivwc nËr nhIN sI afAuNdf. ienHfˆ Dfigafˆ dy dUjy isry qmfÈf ivKfAux vfly pRvIn klfkfr dy hwQfˆ/AuNglfˆ ivwc huMdy sn qy Auh afpxIafˆ AuNglfˆ nfl AunHfˆ nUM ncfAuNdf sI. AuNglfˆ nfl PVy qy ihlfey jfˆdy ienHfˆ bfrIk Dfigafˆ dIafˆ hrkqfˆ df hI kmfl huMdf sI- kTpuqlIafˆ df qmfÈf/kTpuqlIafˆ nUM ncfAuxf, AunHfˆ koloN klfbfËIafˆ lgvfAuxIafˆ, AunHfˆ nUM iewDrAuWDr AuCflxf qy AunHfˆ koloN Auqyijq krn vfly krqwv krvfAuxy sUqrDfr dI klf df hI kmfl huMdf sI. sUqrDfr afpxy igwitaf AuWpr Jfˆjrfˆ qy twlIafˆ bMnH lYˆdy sn. puqlIafˆ dIafˆ nfc-mudrfvfˆ nfl myl ky Auh Jfˆjrfˆ CxkfAuNdy qy nfl-nfl twlIafˆ vjfAuNdy sn. nfc mudrfvfˆ, afvfËfˆ aqy adfvfˆ df sumyl puqlIafˆ dy qmfÈy nUM hulfrf pRdfn krn ivwc shfeI huMdf sI. sUqrDfr dI sfQx klfkfr puqlIafˆ dy nfc nfl ZolkI dI qfl AuWqy koeI pRcwilq gIq Coh lYˆdI sI qy ies qmfÈy df rMg hor gUVHf qy pRBfv gihrf huMdf clf jfˆdf sI. sUqrDfr afpxy mUMh ivwc rwKI pIpnI nfl Bfˆq-suBfˆqIafˆ afvfËfˆ pYdf krky ies qrHfˆ df pRBfv pYdf kr lYˆdf sI ijvyˆ

PAGE 25 zf[ ipRqpfl isMG mihrok puqlIafˆ Kud gf jfˆ bol rhIafˆ hox. gwlfˆ krn, gIq gfAux, lVfeI-JgVy krn, hfsf-mËfk afid krn df pRBfv isrjx vflIafˆ kTpuqlIafˆ keI kuJ kih jfˆdIafˆ sn. puqlIafˆ dy qmfÈy rfhIN iksy rfjymhfrfjy, sUrbIr XoDy, iksy pRym khfxI jfˆ iksy hor lok-idlcspI vflI gfQf nUM ibafinaf jfˆdf sI. rfj drbfrfˆ, rxBUmI ivwc jUJx dIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ, pRym pRsMgfˆ afid nUM ienHfˆ rfhIN bVI klfqimkqf nfl pyÈ kIqf jfˆdf sI. ienHfˆ qmfiÈafˆ rfhIN iËMdgI dy keI lGU, pr mhwqvpUrn pRsMgfˆ nUM bVy BfvpUrq aMdfË rfhIN pyÈ kIqf jfˆdf sI. pMjfb ivwc kTpuqlIafˆ dy qmfÈy rfhIN hIr rfˆJf, imrËf sfihbf, sohxI mhIvfl, rUp bsMq, srvx puwqr afid dIafˆ kQfvfˆ nUM bVI klfqimkqf nfl pyÈ kIqf jfˆdf irhf hY. kTpuqlIafˆ dy qmfÈy ivwc keI klfvfˆ df sumyl hox kfrn ieh imÈrq klf KUbsUrq nmUnf pyÈ krdI hY. afpxy smyˆ dI lokipRaf klf dy mfiDam rfhIN pyÈ kIqf jfˆdf kTpuqlIafˆ df qmfÈf hux bIqy simafˆ df qmfÈf bx ky rih igaf hY. hux mnorMjn dy hor anyk sfDn vI pRfpq hn aqy mnuwK dy suhj-suafd dy imafr vI bdl gey hn. ies leI hux ieh qmfÈy lokfˆ dIafˆ ismrqIafˆ ivwcoN vI guMm huMdy jf rhy hn.

afpxIaF jrUrqF anusfr Cotf jF vwzf kstm hom bnvfAux leI iewk vfr suKrfj isMG bfT nflL jrUr gwlbfq kro AunHF kolL 10 sflF dy qjLrbf hY | Auh bhuq hI ZukvyN smyN ivwc shI bwjt df Gr bnfAux dy mfhr hn|

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The Patrika



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pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:






225 2233 Mckenzie Rd

33245 Alta Ave

241 27411 28 Ave

2826 Clearbrook Road

31934 Peardonville Road

Rare Find! Alderview in Aldergrove. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright & spacious living area, dining, kitchen, laundry, carport & a nice backyard for entertainment. Well maintained complex with tons of visitor's parking and steps to school. Close to shopping, recreation, US Border & easy access to freeway. Don't miss this one!

Investors Alert! 5400 sq ft at lot in a Central location. Priced to sell. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, public transit and easy access to freeway. Hurry!!!

Neat & Clean Rancher w/bsmt in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway. Call to view









Friday, June 23rd, 2017


1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! This neat & clean unit features 1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom, plus a den, bright living room, open kitchen layout & a balcony. It is centrally located. Well maintained complex. Low strata fee. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, restaurants & much more. Call to view now!

A Move Ahead


2 Storey w/ basement home in a Great Location! This home features 5 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms with an en suite in the master. Big lot backing onto creek and steps to Mill Lake Park. This home needs TLC. Total 4 baths but there are some more rooms which contain additional en suite facilities. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, mall, public transit & much more.









3803 Chadsey Cre

111 33255 Old Yale Road

3419 Clearbrook Rd

31030 Heron Ave

33837 Mayfair Ave

33853 Mayfair Ave

3927 Brighton Pl

3484 Thurston Pl


SOLD Great Location! Split entry home on a 7950 sq ft plus lot in a central location. This home has 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, nice backyard, huge sundeck, renovated kitchen, rec room, big living area & much more. There are few updates in the house like newer paint, some new flooring in bedrooms, kitchen cabinets/counters & some new doors.


The Brixton! Very neat & clean Ground Floor unit with a walkout patio. This bright unit features 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, kitchen with granite counter tops & lots of cabinets, big living area with a replace, dining area, laundry room & a patio. Close to schools, recreation, restaurants, public transit, mall & parks. Don't miss this one!

Basement Entry Home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 Bedrooms/ 4 Bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Main floor features 3 Bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, bright living room, dining area, family room, kitchen & a sunny sundeck. Suite plus+ a good size rec




407 - 31831 Peardonville Road

31011 Gardner Ave

2208-2210 BEAVER ST

SOLD West Point Villa! This top fl o o r u n i t f e a t u r e s 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living area, kitchen and laundry. Well maintained complex. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, parks &


Location! Location! A cute basement entry home on a corner lot & cul-de-sac location. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, fenced backyard, double garage and much more. Some of the updates inculde high end appliances in main kitchen, new kitchen cabinets, newer paint, new vanities in bathrooms,

Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.

Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.

SOLD A wonderful revenue generating property sitting on a huge flat 10,500 sq ft corner lot. Each side features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard for entertainment.







Nicely renovated 2 Storey w/bsmt home with a unique layout in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms, sunken living room, dining, kitchen, family room, den, rec room, fenced yard with parking at front & back and much more. Some of the updates are- newer hotwater tank, furnace, roof, windows, rugs, flooring, appliances


305 - 33960 Old Yale






4 - 30748 CARDINAL AVE


2 bedrooms,2 bathrooms. 853 sqft. Only 10 years old. Rentals Allowed.

Custom Built 2 storey w/basement home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Top floor features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms out of which 2 are master bedrooms with Jacuzzi en suites. Main floor features huge living room, dining room, kitchen with

Custom Built 3 storey home with a unique layout & Legal Suite! This home features 8 bedrooms/ 7 bathrooms with a backyard for entertainment. Main floor features bright living room, open kitchen concept with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances & tons of storage, spice kitchen, huge family room, dining area, den





2805 Countess Cres.


First time buyers & Investors ALERT! West Abby Rancher with basement. 8050 Sq. Ft. Lot $549,700

Fair eld Estates! Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Main oor features- Wide entrance hall, huge sunken living room, dining, sunken family room, big kitchen with an island and lots of storage, see thru replace in the middle of living & dining area, bedroom (can be used as an of ce or


Investors & 1st time home buyers Alert! Cute home on a corner lot in West Abbotsford. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, dining area, kitchen, family room and a big yard. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, Cineplex, mall, public


"Corner Unit". Perfect 2 storey home in a good neighborhood. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS a den (can be used as an of ce or rec room), Big Master Bedroom has an ensuite with a Jacuzzi soaker tub, huge living room, family room, dining











#35- 30748 Cardinal Ave

2868 Gardner Pl



27575 32nd Ave Aldegrove Langley

32627 Chehalis Drive


15 - 31600 OLD YALE RD






1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! Rancher/ Bungalow sitting on a 6,450 plus sq ft at lot. This home features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining, laundry room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. This is a good starter home, a good retirement home, a good rental home and a good holding property.

Executive Custom Built Home in a secure gated community. Come & feel the warmth & charm in this 3 storey home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home has an excellent nishing throughout & features 7 bedrooms/4 bathrooms & a nice backyard with good size sundeck for entertainment. Main oor features huge living room.

Your home search stops here! Custom built Basement Entry home with a Legal Suite in a good neighborhood. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms which includes 2 Master bedrooms on the Main oor with ensuite in both, huge living room w/ replace, dining area, kitchen, nook, family room w/ replace, big sunny sundeck for entertainment, double door. open entrance, walk out Legal


Corner Unit. Huge backyard. 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS Den. Modern Concept, Open Kitchen Layout, Granite Counter Tops & Stainless Steel Appliances.


4 Level split home 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms living room family room rec room

cul de sac and much more


Location! Location! 1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! A cute Rancher w/basement style home on 7300 sq ft lot in a quiet cul de sac. One of the best neighborhoods to raise your kids. Some other features - . Renovated open layout kitchen with lots of cabinets & slate ooring, good size bedrooms, cozy living room, solid built sundeck just off from dining, good size rec room in the basement.


Solid Rancher with basement style home in a quiet neighborhood. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms & a private backyard. Main floor features - 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, good size living room, formal dining, cozy family room, open kitchen layout with stainless steel appliances & laundry room. Basement has 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms & a rec room with separate with separate entrance.


Well kept & renovated split entry home sitting on 8300+ sq ft lot in Aldergrove. This home features 4 bedrooms. baths with an en suite in masterMain floor has a bright & spacious living room, big kitchen, 3 bedrooms/1.5 baths, dining area & a nice sundeck for entertainment. Basement has a huge rec room, bedroom (can be used as an office), full bath, laundry & storage area.


Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika



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The Patrika



Spice Radio's Weekly Top 10 Songs By Angelina Rai

1. Ullu Ka Pattha Jagga Jasoos - Arijit Singh & Nikhita Gandhi

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Lara Dutta Bhupathi - @LaraDutta Celebrating this incredible man!! 20 yrs to his first grand slam. 07/06/17.The 1st Grandslam for India and his birthday!! @Maheshbhupathi

Abhishek Bachchan @juniorbachchan Congratulations to the Pakistan team on winning the Champions Trophy. The better team on the day. Chin up team India, we still #BleedBlue

2. Radio Tubelight - Pritam, Kamaal Khan and Amit Mishra 3. Raabta Raabta - Pritam and Nikita Gandhi 4. Main Tera Boyfriend Raabta - Arijit Singh and Neha Kakkar

5. Baarish Half Girlfriend - Ash King and Shashaa Tirupati

Miss Pooja - @1MissPooja Happy Father's Day all Thankuuuuuuu Papa for alwaz being with me. My Papa is the best

6. Naach Meri Jaan Tubelight - Kamaal Khan, Nakash Aziz, Dev Negi, and Tushar Joshi 7. Ikk Vaari Aa Raabta - Arijit Singh 8. Haareya Meri Pyaari Bindu - Arijit Singh 9. Tinka Tinka Dil Mera Tubelight - Pritam and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan 10. Thodi Der Half Girlfriend - Farhan Saeed & Shreya Ghoshal PAGE 28

Vegas Golden Knights @GoldenKnights Our first preseason game will be against @Canucks this September. We'll pick one of their players before then. Suggestions? #VegasDraft

Bipasha Basu - @bipsluvurself Sweat is Magic Cover yourself in it daily to grant your wishes! Multiple exercises, multiple reps, multiple sets... feeling the burn!

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

aYbtsPorz groarjL kYnrI afpxy qIsry vrHy ivwc pUrI kfmXfbI nfl dfKl ho rhI hY. ipCly do sflF ivwc aDuink msILnrI lfky plFt pUry jor nfl cwlx Xog bxf idwqf hY. so ies sfl blUbyrI hYNz ipwk PrYsL vwD qoN vwD pYk kIqI jfvygI. kOnrYkt ilKy hoey vIrF nMU pihl idwqI jfvygI. iksfn vIrF nMU bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik afpxy Kfqy CyqI Kohlo qy afpxI PrYsL qy prosYs byrI ilaf ky afpxI kYnrI nMU blMdIaF qy iljf ky, ikrsfxI df BivwK Aujlf kro. sMprk vjoN:

kYnrI df Pon: 604-746-3030 PYks: 604-746-3031 bljIq isMG DflIvfl: 604-807-7725 725 jrnYl isMG hIr: 604-309-6060 kulivMdr isMG kUnr: 604-614-8795

srI aqy ircmMz ivwc rihx vfly iksfn vIrF leI 4623-168th St. ivwKy irsIivMg stysLn hY.

Gary Tiwana 604-807-6477 CELL



2201 Martens St


myhr sMgIq skUl Ç (aYbtsPorz)

kIrqn,qblf aqy pMjfbI klfsF bWicaF aqy vWizaF leI

$699,900 Wow! your search stops here.Custom Built large 3 storey Everything that you need. This home has it all, 9 Bdrm, 7.5 Bthrm, 3 Gas F/P. Spice Kitchen, Theatre Room, Gym. 4 mbdrms & 2 bdrm suite. A/C heat pump. 3 car garage on over 11,000 sqft Private Lot. 10+ Car parking.List goes on. 2-5-10 Year Warranty.


Nice & updated 4 bdrm home in central location. New roof, windows, kitchen, flooring & paint. 3 bdrms up 2, pc ens, 1 bdrm suite down. Double gar. Big sundeck, blacony & backyard. Call Gary for your personal tour.


Your search is over! This beautiful

GET YOUR CUSTOM 3 storey home has lots of extras: Total 7 bdrms, 6 baths, 3 Mbdrms, HOME BUILT BY A Dream kitchen w/ 5’x10’ island, wood floors, 2 way F/P, 2 bdrm WARRANTY BUILDER. legal suite + 1 bdrm Nanny Suite A must see! Call Gary. 7 LOTS TO CHOOSE Total Lot Area 0.74 Acres 2 HOMES - SIDE X SIDE FROM IN WEST ABBOTSFORD. YOU CAN HAVE 2 OR 3 STOREY HOME BUILD OF YOUR INVESTORS ALERT! Great location for development 152’ ft CHOICE WITH front on Fraser Hwy. OCP shows commercial on Front & LEGAL SUITES. Multi family at back, mix use, lots of various options. May be Gas Station, Drive Thru. Both homes need lots of reno. PICK YOUR OWN Can be good rentals. Lots of options. Key piece of property DESIGN & COLOURS & aprofitable project. Call Gary for more info.


9 ½ sfl dy bwicaF ny sPlqfpUrvk afnMd kfrj krky iewk irkfrz kfiem kIqf iewQy qMqI sfj vI isKfey jFdy hn

afnMd kfrj, suKmnI sfihb, sihj pfT aqy sIR afKMz pfT sfihb leI spYsL l kIrqnI jQy leI sdf Xfd rWKo

klfsF cwl rhIaF hn

nvyN bwicaF leI dfKlf julfeI 1 qoN sLurU

4 hPiqaF df swmr kYNp julfeI 10 qoN sLurU

pihlF afE aqy pihlF pfE afpxI psMd df idn aqy smF - sItF sImq hn

ijafdf L jfxkfrI leI kYptn bI[aYs[ mfn nfl sMprk kro:

778-245-6079 jF 778-246-2376 ieWko hI QF qy ieWko hI nF - 3325 Denman Street PAGE 29


 to








 More than 22 Years of Experience in Real Estate

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We have qualified buyers


hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.

Cell: 604-857-2427

33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: kds@canadiansikhheritage.ca www.canadiansikhheritage.ca




Reduced Price

3628 Heritage Drive Custom built 3 storey house on big lot. Home built by E. Schmidt Builder with big private NEWtoLISTING yard. Close all level schools, High Street mall, easy freeway access, church and Kalghidhar Gurdwara. On main floor living room, kitchen, family room, 2 laundries , den, Covered Sundeck. 4 large bedrooms up. 2 or 3bdrm suite in the bsmt.


hr aYqvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 12 vjy qwk myn drbfr hfl ivwc ivsLysL dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn.


hryk sMgrFd vfly idn smUh sMgqF vloN hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb ivKy sRI sihj pfT sfihb dy Bog AuprMq 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf aqy

Huntingdon Road, Abbotsford Hobby farm 6.9 Acres. Excellent location next to elementary school, 3 miles from U.F.V., close to U.S.A border, big house. Some blueberry 3 year old, vegetables, out standing buildings, roof 8 years old. Showing only with appointment.

walk-in closet and ensuite. Main floor has a vaulted living room with dining room and second family room. Second master bedroom and huge games room on main floor a bedroom unauthorized suite on main floor. Huge patio overlooking a Stanley park-lik property comes with a barn and 7 acres of land on opposite side of the street, equally hr aYqvfr vfly idn bIbIaF vloN gurduafrf sfihb dy Auprly hfl (qIjI Plor) ivwc dupihr 12[30 vjy qoN 4[00 vjy qwk sMgqI rUp 'c sRI suKmnI NEW LISTING 11 homes on the cul-de-sac property. This property is NOT a strata. New subdivisio p r o p e r t pRqI bynqI hY ik donoN vkq gurbfxI kIrqn sux ky jIvn sPl bxfE jI.


sfihb jI dy pfT huMdy hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr mMglvfr qy vIrvfr nUM Xogf dIaF klfsF sLfm 7[00 qoN 9[00 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb drbfr hfl ivKy hr sLnIvfr nUM sLfm 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ismrn huMdf hY. ismrn krky afpxf jIvn sPl kro. pRB kf ismrnu sB qy AUcf..


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb (imAUjIam hfl) ajfieb Gr sMgqF dy drsLnF leI hr rojL svyry 9[00 qoN sLfm 5[00 vjy qwk KoilHaf jFdf hY.


gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy iswK ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI leI lfiebRyrI sQfpq kIqI geI hY. sMgqF vwD qoN vwD lfB AuTfE jI.


pMjfbI dIaF klfsF gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM 9 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.

sUcnfvF:c hr orvIrvfr nUM grBvqI aOrqF vfsqy time mhIny home ivw buyers investors. Basement entry house on a klfsFcul-de-sac lgfeIaF jFdIaF ijs ivwc location.hn Close to Kfx pIx qy Kurfk vfsqy transportation, schools, shopping, jfxkfrI vI station, idwqI jFdI . and a rec police fire hY hall centre. Three bedrooms on the main floor, including the kitchen, living room and dining room. Basement has a large recreation room and a b e d r o o m .

rfgI jwQy:

BfeI ajYb isMG jI jIrf vfly mohn isMG nMgl vflf


2[ hr vIrvfr nUM 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy dupihr nUM ishq bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jFdI hY ijs ivwc bwcy, jvfn aqy bjLurg vI sLfml ho skdy hn. moinkf 604-308-8216

D L O S week e n o êz¯×ðÅîin kQf vfck:


BfeI hrivMdr isMG jI rOlI vfly lKvIr isMG sMDU


Creek SideDr.

Close to Bluejay elementary school and all level school, close to Fruiticana with easy freeway access



3636ZfzI HERITAGE hYWz gRMQI: 3ivRecreati Bedrooms ingroom,onlekiuproom ning room jQf:DR. --- 1lNew bedroom galtchen, suifortediupstai rs users Covered Ca roofSundeck BfeI suKdyv isMG BfeI muKiqafr isMG Sikh jIrf Temple andvfly High jwPto r (luiDafxy vfly) Close Street Mall, Easy freeway

ll Sam Toor!

access. 3 bedroom, family and kitchen on main. Large 2 bdrm daylight bsmt suite. Total 3 Bathrooms. Lots of Parking

RANCHER 7000 SQ. FT LOT jUn-15 vIrvfr, sMgrFd afrMB hfV jUn-16 sLuwkrvfr, afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smUh sMgq Hot Listing $339,900 fo er aYed btsPorz dy pRIvfrF vwloN. (sLhIdI idhfVf gurU f d duc Nee e $329,900 R quick possession. yard and shop and lots offirst parking, 70 home x100 ftbuyer lotand on Marshall Road, all fenced full bath laundry with basement Solid 3 bedroom Rancher arjn dyv jI) Very good investment or time jUn-17 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm gurmIq isMG brfV pRIvfr vloN. NEW LISTING jUn-18 aYqvfr, Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI syvf smUh sMgq 30592 CRESTVIEW AVENUE aYbtsPorz dy pRIvfrF vloN.(sLhIdI idhfVf gurU arjn dyv jI) jUn-18 aYqvfr, Bog sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf mlkIq kuafltI golz ijAUlrj isMG qUr dy pRIvfr vwloN. 22 CT Gold Jewllery | Gold Bars | Silver Jewellery | & Gemstone jUn-18 aYqvfr, aMqm ardfs svrgvfsI suKdyv isMG sMDU dI aqy Bog sRI sihj pfT jI bfad dupihr 2 vjy smUh pRIvfr vloN. 5 ijAUlrI dy nvyN izjLfien phuMc cuWky hn| Pon: 604[864[8515 jU n -24 sL n Ivfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm rfjpfl isMG iZwloN pRIvfr vloN. Great location, Acres Close to town jUn-25 aYqvfr, Bog sRI sihj pfT sfihb jI, svyr dy lMgrF dI syvf Apollo Gym, LHouse evel land qy sLgn dI rsm amrjIq kOr mwlI dy pRIvfr vloN. jUn-30 sLuwkrvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm jiqMdr isMG prmfr pRIvfr vloN. jUn-30 sLuwkrvfr, afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf Enkfr isMG prmfr dy pRIvfr vwloN. julfeI-01 sLnIvfr, knyzf zy (CANADA DAY) julfeI-01 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm gurpRIq isMG cImF pRIvfr vloN. nvF stor sIzr pfrk plys qoN mUv ho ky 2646 Auburn Street qy Auburn Plaza julfeI-01 sLnIvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf qyijMdr isMG igwl, rijMdr isMG ivwc nvF mYgf sLoarUm dsmysL PUzj dy ipWCy KolH idwqf igaf hY| brfV pRIvfr vloN.


Great location, custom built, 3 story house, over 4350 sq ft, 3 car garage,bigger lot, (8145 sqft). Close to all level schools, apollo gym, shopping, business, playground, and bus services.


Summer Special Sale


hYrItyj gurUGr sRI sfihj pfT dI syvf leI: BfeI guljLfr isMG gulsLn

sMprk kro: mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-864-7700

604.864.8515 | #102 - 2646 Auburn St. Abbotsford BC V2T 3K1 PAGE 30

Over 1 ac with bi

Rarely Available Estate on over one acre! Almost 5600 sq. ft. home on 2 levels with a h

Over 6,300 sq.ft. lot! Good for first


350 CLAYBUR Abbo

4 bedrooms and large room upstairs h nUM 5:45 qoN 7:45 vjy Kflsf dIvfn sosafietI dy mynden/storage hfl ivwc kQf, kIrqn aqyupstairs. ZfzI drbfr Master huMdy hn. sMgbedroom qF ZfzI vfrF df gfien kIqf jFdf hY. sLfm garage.

32164 Mouat Abbotsford

Nicely Renovated home - 4300 sq.ft. (8145 SF Lot Area) of exclusive quality in every detail. Bright open floor plan. Professional interior design in quiet area of new executive homes. This 2 Storey Home has 5 bedrooms and 4 baths with unauthorised suite in West Abbotsford best location, walking distance to Rick Hansen school.

Friday, June 23rd, 2017


Buying or Selling any type of Property? Call Today!




The Patrika


sYktrI, jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl): 1-604-832-4000 zfierYktr qrsym isMG idafl: 1-778-552-4466

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika 


ajmyr aOlK dy jfx df smfj nUM vwzf Gftf

kYptn ny pMjfb dy iksfnfˆ dy PslI krËy muafP kIqy

awGy nftkfr qo lokpwKI ÈKsIaq pRoPYÈr ajmyr isMG aOlK dy dyhfˆq Auwpr lok pwKI jwQybMdIafˆ ny zUMgy duwK df ieËhfr kIqf hY .bulfirafˆ ny ikhf ik pRoPYsr aOlK ny isrP rMgmMc qy sfihq dy Kyqr ivwc hI nhIˆ sgoˆ jmhUrI qy jmhUrI hwkfˆ dI lihr ivwc bhumuwlf Xogdfn pfieaf. ies aËIm ÈKsIaq nUM ijMdgI nfl zUMGI muhwbq sI . AunHfˆ ny afpxI smuwcI ijMdgI ies smfj nUM iensfn dy ijAuxXog bxfAux leI cwl rhy sMGrÈ ivwc sMGrÈIl lokpwKI jmhUrI qfkqfˆ dy moZy nfl moZfˆ lfAuˆidaf qy klm qy rMgmMc dy morcy qoˆ ivÈyÈ Xogdfn pfAuˆidafˆ smfj dy lyKy lfeI.Aunfˆ dy aMqm sMskfr ivwc vwzI igxqI ivwc lok puwjy. ijhnfˆ ivwc Ausdy pirvfr qoˆ ibnf afm afdmI pfrtI dy sMsd mYˆbr pRo[sfDU isMG, nfjr isMG mfnÈfhIaf ,AuwGy nfvlkfr bldyv isMG sVknfmf,zf srbjIq isMG, zf[qyjvMq mfn[zf surjIq BwtI,amolk isMG qy pMjfb dy lyKk rMg krnI aqy buwDjIvI Èfml sn .

pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny sUby dy pMj eykV qwk ËmIˆ dI mflkI vfly iksfnfˆ df do lwK rupey df qy KudkuÈI pIVq pirvfrfˆ df pUrf krËf muafP krn sxy keI aihm aYlfn kIqy hn . muwK mMqrI ny dfavf kIqf ik ies nfl krIb 18.5 lwK kuwl iksfnfˆ ivwco 10.25 lwK nUM Pfiedf hovygf.AunHfˆ KudkuÈI pIVq pirvfrfˆ leI rfhq dI rkm iqMn lwK rupey qoˆ vDf ky pMj lwK rupey krn,ivDfn sBf dI iewk kmytI bnfAux df aYlfn kIqf. ieh kmytI KudkuÈI pIVq pirvfrfˆ nfl gwlbfqfˆ rfhIˆ KudkuÈI bfdlfˆ dy syvf kyˆdrfˆ nUM kYptn dy qfly dy kfrnfˆ df pqf lf ky irport dyvygI.snaqfˆ leI ibjlI dI dr pMj rupey pRqI XUint ipMzf dy lokfˆ dIafˆ shUlq leI vwK vwK Qfvfˆ Auwqy sfbkf bfdl srkfr vwloˆ KolyH gey hI kfiem rwKx aqy pMjfb dIafˆ trwk XUnIan BMg krn df aYlfn vI kIqf . syvf kyˆdrfˆ nUM kfˆgrs srkfr bMd krn jf rhI hY. biTMzf iËlyH dy 124 ivwco 67 syvf rfmnfQ koivMd ho skdy ny Bfrq dy agly rfÈtrpqI kyˆdr bMd hox jf rhy hn. srkfr dy ies PYsly kfrn ipMzfˆ dy lokfˆ ivwc Ëbrdsq nfrfjgI pfeI jf rhI hY. ipMzfˆ dy lokfˆ df kihxf hY ik syvfˆ kyˆdr KuwlHx kfrn AunHfˆ Bfjpf ny sfiraf nUM hYrfn kridafˆ Auwqr pRdyÈ dy dilq afgU rfmnfQ koivMd nUM dy kMm asfnI nfl ho jfˆdy sn . hux iPr qoˆ qihsIlfˆ qy kcihrIafˆ dy cwkr mfrny rfÈtrpqI cox leI aYnzIey df AumIdvfr aYlfn idwqf,jo ies vkq ibhfr dy rfjpfl pYxgy.asl ivwc ienHfˆ syvf kydrfˆ ivwc lokfˆ dy pfxI qy ibËlI dy ibwl ,zrfvIieMg hn.pfrtI dy sMsdI borz dI acfnk swdI mIitMg qoˆ bfad pRDfn aimq Èfh ny mIzIaf lfiesMs,jfqI srtIiPkyt afid dy kMm huMdy sn . nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ ikhf,”rfmnfQ koivMd ny hmyÈf dilqfˆ qy dUjy pCVy vrgfˆ dI BlfeI leI kMMm kIqf hY.”AunHfˆ amId Ëfhr kIqI ik sRI koivMd nUM sfrIafˆ ivroDI sfbkf jQydfr BfeI gurmuK isMG nUM imilaf DmkI pwqr pfrtIafˆ dI hmfieq vI hfsl hovygI. qKq sRI dmdmf sfihb dy sfbkf jQydfr BfeI gurmuK isMG jI nUM iksy anpCfqyy luiDafxf,pTfnkot qy afdmpur qoˆ Auwzxgy Ëhfj ivakqI vwloˆ DmkI pwqr Byijaf igaf hY. do siPafˆ df ieh pwqr skUÜI kfpI dy sUby ivwc hvfeI sPr nUM bVHfvf dyx vwl mhwqvpUrn kdm cuwkdy hoey pMjfb srkfr ny pMinaf qy pMjfbI ivwc iliKaf hoieaf hY. pwqr ivwc sfbkf jQydfr df nfˆ nhI iliKaf dyÈ dy mwuK pRogrfm Auzfx(Auwzy dyÈ kf afm nfgirk) hyT Bfrq srkfr qy eyarport pr BwdI ÈbdfvlI ilKI geI hY .qy DmkI idwqI geI hY ik Auh afpxy ipMz gurmq aQfrtI afP ieMzIaf(ey[ey[afeI) nfl sihmqI pwqr `qy shI pfeI hY. bulfry ny awgy smfgm krky ivKfvy. ies Gtnf nUM jQydfr iDafn isMG mMz ny zrfmf krfr idwqf hY. dwisaf ik ies skIm dy hyT biTMzf,luiDafxf,pTfnkot qy afdmpur dy cfr hvfeI nvjoq iswDU ny KolHaf bfdlfˆ dIaf bwsfˆ df kwcf icwTf awizafˆ df pMj pRsqfvfˆ dy rfhIˆ sMprk sfiDaf igaf hY. ies skIm dy hyT XfqrIafˆ nUM qkrIbn iewk lwK sItfˆ AuplbwD krfeIafˆ jfxgIafˆ. pMjfb ivDfn sBf ivwc kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny ikhf ik suKbIr bfdl qy bfdl

pirvfr ny pMjfb nUM luwt ky KfDf hY . pfxI vflI bws qy suKbIr dIafˆ bwsfˆ ny pMjfb dI srkfrI trfˆsport nUM brbfd kr idwqf hY . AunHfˆ ikhf ik bfdlfˆ kol do bwsfˆ huMdIafˆ sn. hux 650 bwsfˆ cwl rhIafˆ hn. bfdl dwsx ik ieh 650 bwsf ikwQoˆ afeIafˆ. asl `c ieh pMjfb nUM lwut ky hI afeIafˆ hn. iswDU ny suKbIr bfdl nUM itwcr kridafˆ ikhf mlot kfˆgrsI ivDfiek ajYb isMG BwtI nUM ivDfn sBf df izptI spIkr cuixaf igaf ik kfkf jI Bfpf jI nUM kihMdy pfxI vflI bws lYxI hY.Bfpf jI ny bws ilaf ky iksfnfˆ dI hY.kYptn ny kuJ idn pihlfˆ hI ies dI pRvfngI dy idwqI sI.ivDfn sBf `c akflI dl Psl hI zbo idwqI . ies bfry sfry pMjfb nUM pqf hY . AunHfˆ ikhf ik Auh bfdl qy Aus vwloˆ krËf mukqI `qy bihs dy msly nUM lY ky srkfr df ivroD jfrI irhf. akflI dl dy dy puwqr suKbIr nUM bihs df swdf idMdy hn pr Auh afAuˆdy hI nhIˆ . bIjIpI dy ivDfiekfˆ ny srkfr iKlfP nfarybfËI kIqI.ies dy nfl hI muwK ivroDI iDr afm afdmI pfrtI ny sdn dy bfhr gYlrI ivwc srkfr iKlfP pRdrÈn kIqf.`afp` smflsr(mogf) ivwKy hoieaf ivÈfl kvI drbfr df ielËfm hY ik AunHfˆ nUM aihm msly `qy bolx nhIˆ idwqf jf irhf.`afp` ny afpxI BfeIvfl pfrtI dy ivDfiek ismrjIq bYˆs dI muawqlI nUM rwd krn dI vI mMg auTfeI. mogf dy ksbf smflsr ivc sfihq akfdmI idwlI vwloˆ ivÈfl kvI drbfr krvfieaf igaf.smfgm dI pRDfngI pMjfb XUnIan cMzIgVH dy irËnl sYˆtr mukqsr sfihb dy KuÈKbrI: pMjfb `c mOnsUn dI brsfq zfierYktr zf[ prmjIq isMG ZIgˆrf ny kIqI. smfgm df sMcfln sfihq akfdmI idwlI dy pMjfbI ivBfg dy slfhkfr borz dy mYˆbr bldyv isMG sVknfmf ny kIqf. zf[ afm nfloˆ dws idn pihlfˆ surjIq brfV,nCwqr isMG qoˆ ielfvf ,crnjIq smflsr,svrnjIq , mnjIq purI pMjfb ,hirafxf aqy cMzIgVH ivwc mOnsUn afm nfloˆ dws idn pihlfˆ puwj jfvygI.vIh ,jgdIÈ kuÈl,nvjIq brfV afid 30 kvIafˆ ny Bfg ilaf. ies pRogrfm dI ielfky jUn nUM pRI-mOnsUn dI AuzIk Kqm ho jfvygI jdoˆik 26 jUn qoˆ brsfq pYx lwg jfvygI. ivc BrpUr pRsMsf hoeI . mOsm ivBfg muqfbk dwKx-pUrbI mOnsUn qyËI nfl awgy vwD rhI hY . ies sfl ipCly sflfˆ dy mukfbly mOnsUn vwloˆ agfAU dsqk dyx dy asfr hn.

BwtI ny sMBflI ivDfn sBf dI kmfn, ivDfn sBf ivc hMgfmf

igwl dy ivroDIafˆ nUM ibwtU ny dwisaf afeI[aYs[afeI qy KfilsqfnIafˆ dy sfQI ivDfn sBf `c sfbkf zIjIpI igwl nUM ÈrDfˆjlI dyx df ivroD krn vfilafˆ nUM rvnIq ibwtU ny afeI[ aYs[afeI qy KfilsqfnIafˆ dy sfQI dwisaf hY . luiDafxf ivKy gwlbfq kridafˆ ibwtU ny ikhf ik kypIaYs igwl ny afpxI jfn `qy Kyz ky pMjfb nUM awqvfd dI BwTI `coˆ kwiZaf hY. awj AunHfˆ df ivroD krn vfly bfdl Audoˆ igwl kolo surwiKaf mMgdy iPrdy sn. PAGE 31

The Patrika




bMsI lukf dyvF

gurBjn igwl

kivMdr cFd jo rUh qwk awpVy iek vfr aYsI Dun vjf dyvF

ikMny sUrj cVH ky lih gey, vkq ilhfjL kdy nhIN krdf. isKr phfV dI tIsI AuWqoN, AuWqry bfJoN iks df srdf? gYs gubfry cVHdy aMbrIN, ikwQy izwgdy vyK ilaf kr, qUM ies jUnI ikAuN pYNdf hYN, jy mn rihMdy aMdroN zrdf. cuglI dI KwtI df Kwitaf Kfxf sOKf hjLm nf hovy, ibn afeI qoN qyry vrgf, mOqoN pihlF qfhIAuN mrdf. cMm dI jIB Gumf ky swc QF kUV kmfvyN dvyN dlIlF, mn dI adl kcihrI aMdr ikAuN rihMdYN hrjfny Brdf. jy iensfP dI qwkVI qyrI dey inaF nf kry PYsly, pfV vkflqnfmf swjxf, myrf idl hfmI nhIN Brdf. nIq dI bOrI QwilAuN sI lY AuproN pfvyN hyTF grky, bdnIqI `coN bd nUM lfh dy, kfhdy ipwCy rihMdY mrdf. eynf qf ieiqhfs nUM puwC lY bMdf ikhVI jMg hrdf jyqU aflmgIr iskMdr jd vI mrdf Kud qoN mrdf.

gLjLl hrimMdr kohfrvflf Biraf jo sfnUM cUs ky, KflI KjLfnf ho igaf. ijs Dn `qy sfzf hwk sI, ikwQy rvfnf ho igaf. jo gIq gfAuNdy hF asIN, iliKaf sI Auh tYgor, iliKaf qF sI guxgfx nUM, kOmI qrfnf ho igaf. ikMnf dbfieaf jfbrF, puwC puwC ky puwtdy pYr hF, puwtIey AulFGF ivrivAuN, KiVHaf jLmfnf ho igaf.

qy Aus qoN bfad afpxy afp hI bMsI lukf dyvF myry aMdrly mfrUQl `c iqrhfeIaF iPrn gLjLlF myrI iewCf hY mYN ies ipafs nUM pfxI bxf dyvF afjLfdI dI lgn aYsI jgfvF, PVPVfht `coN pirMdy nUM sxyN ipMjry hI aMbr `qy Auzf dyvF

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

qwq sfr dIaF gwl kyvl isMG inrdosL dosqo kibwq iek vrxk CMd hY. ies ivc mfqrf nhIN awKr igxy jFdy ny. iek pMkqI ivc iekwqI awKr huMdy ny. pihly awD ivc solF qy dUjy awD ivwc pMdrF. pysL hY ieh kibwq jo huxy hI ilK ky hitaf hF… kibwq dr qoN svflI KflI, moVIey nf huMdy suMdy, buwlHIaF dy AuWqy kdy, afvy ienkfr nf. mfx huMdy jyVHf koeI, rhy inrmfx ho ky,

mihj do pl myry pihlU `c bYTy mIt ky awKF

kOx Blf krU koeI, Auhdf siqkfr nf.

mYN iek pwQr dy buwq nUM mom dI dyvI bxf dyvF

husn jvfnI mfpy, iqMn rMg lwBdy nf,

ivCI hoeI sVk `qy dyKdy afieE, njLr myrI

qyry kol hYgy ny jy, krnf hMkfr nf.

mYN afpxy dosqF nUM ies qrHF Gr df pqf dyvF

imly snmfn qyrI, rUh df apmfn hoky,

jy ndIaF cIr skdf hYN imlx dI qFG lY ky qUM

aYsy snmfn AuWqy, mfrIN kdy Dfr nf.

bhuq mumikn hY mYN rsqy df hr prbq htf dyvF rhy socF dy ivc cfnx df iek diraf ijhf vgdf qyry mwQy dy kony ‘cFd’ dI mUrq bxf dyvF

mYN jo vI sLbd ilKF ajmyr rozy mYN jo vI sLbd ilKF qyrI Ausqq ivc ilKF nhIN qF inrsLbdf hI rhF

Xfr srmfieaf huMdy, asl `c ijMdgI df, XfrF nfl Xfrf kdy, krIN Xfr mfr nf. sjdf sMDUr sdf, mFg `c suhfgxf dy, mFg `c sMDUr kfhdf, hovy jy Bqfr nf. Puwl nf gulfb idaf, Puwlf rul jfvxf sI, qyrI rfKI vfsqy jy, huMdy kdy Kfr nf. jLor dI hQOVy dIaF, swtF kdoN shy sonf, lohy AuWqy hOlI swtF, mfrdf luhfr nf.

bs eyho kfmnf krn leI

hfr jfxf hor gwl, mMn lYxf gwl hor,

awKF bMd kr leIaF hn

aMq EhI ijwq jFdf, mMny jyVHf hfr nf.

jo vI icqr myry hwQoN bxyN

qYN kI inrdosL swk, lfhuxy aYsy sikaF df,

suMdrqf dy nvyN arQ isrjy

aOKI vyly afx ijnHF, leI kdy sfr nf.

nhIN qF bxdf hI Kur jfvy


mYN qyrI Jlk ivc

pRo: bldyv bwlI bldy ibrK nUM hY ajy ieh afs vI.

huMdf sI sfzy nfl df, iek do mwJF sI pfldf,

sMpUrnqf dy drsLn kIqy hn

jIvn df pwDr Es df, ikwdF sLhfnf ho igaf.

iesy leI hux apUrnqf dyK

mukygf Aus df iek idn bxvfs vI.

skdf hF

AulJdy rhy jy ibrK eydF hI afpsI,

bMd plkF ipwCy awKF KolHI bYTI

qF rukygI nm hvfvF dI hI vfpsI.

kul nUM lgfey dfgL nf, ijwQy Xrfnf ho igaf.

idRsLtI iCx BMgr ivc Jfq mfr

kwty aMgUTy dI hY ies ivwc bybsI,

krnI AunHF kI mfr sI, Cwzy hvf ivc qIr jo,

lYNdI hY qy qYnUM ieMdrDnusL ivc

hrPL jy ny kr rhy vfr vfr KudkusLI.

bYTI nUM pCfx lYNdI hY

sfijLsL hvfvF dI hY jo sihrf ho igaf,

mYN afpxI bFh lwKF Xojn lMmI

ieh tfpU vI qF hiraf Biraf sI kdI.

krky qyry vfl Coh lYNdf hF qy

jMgl muV muV grj ky hY boldf,

lihr lihr ho jFdf hF.

rwuK nUM hwk nhIN gwl kry aihsfs dI.

KihVf CuzfeIey iks qrHF, hux qF peygf socxf,

iswDy lutyry hoxgy, iswDf insLfnf ho igaf. aYvyN qukF sn joVIaF, XfrF vjfeIaF qfVIaF, Ausqq suxI jd ies kvI, Puwl ky Bukfnf ho igaf. PAGE 32

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017




byGr-aOrq dI qRfsdI

inDf PfjLlI

blvIr iZwloN

njLm bhuq afsfn QI phly

Gr ny ingl ilaf hY

njLm bhuq afsfn QI phly

korIaF sDrF df isrnfvF

Gr ky afgy pIpl kI sfKoN sy AuCl kr

mYN hux ikhVy gIty KyzF

afqy jfqy bwcoN ky bsqoN sy inkl ky

mYN ikhVy rfhIN jfvF.

rMg brMgI icVIAuN kI chkfr myN Zl ky


njLm myry Gr jb afqI QI

byGr df isrnfvF

myry klm sy

eys Kyz dy supny dyKF

jldI jldI

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI

nf hI dfsIaF njLr ikqy afeIaF,

bs dy ky Auh srcfa idwqI.

nf AuWQy cuwlHf pwkdf.

hrcMd isMGf hIry jo dfn krdI,

aYny icr nUM mfeI iek afeI

Auho kOzIaF Bfa rulf idwqI.

awKF ivc nIr zolH dI.

iklHy ivc nf koeI iml sky,

eys Kyz nUM sIny lfvF

kihMdI bwicaf bIq igaf Bfxf,

krVf hukm iPrMgIaF lf idwqf.

Kud ko pUrf ilK jfqI QI

mYN pl-pl muwkdI jfvF.

mF hux ikwQoN lwBxI.

bUV isMG nUM Kbrdfr krky,

ab sB mMjLr

myry leI koeI Gr Gr nhIN

kYd krky iklHy ivc pfeI,

rfKf iklHy df Auh bhf idwqf.

bdl cuky hYN

myry leI sB AuWcy dr ny

syLKUpury lY gey rfq sI.

sLfhI mihlF ivcoN kwZ Aus nUM,

DfhF mfrdI gwzI ivc bihgI,

kfl-koTVI ivc pucf idwqf.

Coty Coty cOrfhoN sy

myry drd df koeI bUhf

qYnUM geI hfkF mfrdI.

hrcMd isMGf rfj dI BuwK BYVI,

cOVy rsqy inkl cuky hYN

aMmVI vwl nf sws vwl KulHy

mYN rhUMgI qyry hux koly,

iensfn ByVIaf ies bxf idwqf.

njLm sy muJ qk

mYN shury dI awK dI lflI

rfxI vFG pflMU bwicaf.

mhfrfjf dlIp isMG ny irhfiesL bdlxI

ab mIlON lMbI dUrI hY

mYN dyvr dI pwg df afKrI pwlf

cuwp krky dlIp isMG bih igaf,

dlIp isMG iekwlf mihl ivc,

ien mIloN lMbI dUrI myN

kdy itkfxy isr nf bwJF

mF vfly plMG AuWqy.

ibnF mF qoN ipaf Audfs bylI.

KotI kfr iPrMgIaF kIqI,

qKLqgfh dy Auqy sI jo kmry,

khIN acfnk

mYN drfxI, mYN jTfxI

zflI nfloN Puwl qoiVaf.

AuQy kIqf Aus invfs bylI.

bm Ptqy hY

irsLqy koh-koh mfrn mYnUM

inrdeI nf ienHF ijhf koeI,

gulfb isMG atfrI nUM hukm hoieaf,

koK myN mfEN ky

byGr mYN iks pfsy jfvF

Borf nf qrs kiraf.

qUM rihxf ies dy pfs bylI.

soqy bwcy ktqy hYN

myry kol kIhdf isrnfvF

BuwKf-Bfxf hI plMG AuWqy pY igaf,

hrcMd isMGf kYdIaF vFg kIqf,

mjLhb aOr isafsq

iewk hOkf myry sIny qpdf

ijAuNdy jIa hY mF muwk geI.

pihrf Aus qy rwiKaf Kfs bylI.

mUMh ivc sI jIB pQrfeI,

hYnrI lfrMs ny ibmfr hoxf qy

donoN ney ney nfary rtqy hYN

iewk hOkf myrI awK df awQr

awKF ivc hMJU jMmgy.

kMm qoN CuwtI lYxI

bhuq sy sLhroN

myry sfhF df ieh swQr

hrcMd isMGf klyjy qIr vwijaf,

mfVy kMm iensfn hY kr lYNdf,

bhuq sy mulkoN sy

mYN iks ivhVy zfhvF.

cuwp-cfp pIVF sih igaf.

kry afp jF koeI krFvdf eI.

ab cl kr

myry kol myrf isrnfvF

Bfxy! Bfxy!

BfvyN lwK bhfny Auh isrj lvy,

ijs AuWqy vrq gey AuhI jfxy.

pr aMdroN Auh pCqFvdf eI.

njLm myry Gr jb afqI hY

afpxy Gr agn df pihrf

idn-rfq PlUhf bly aMdr,

myry ilKny kI tybl pr

myrf Gr iekwlf kihrf

KflI kfgjoN ko

ies Gr mYnUM suwkxy pfieaf

19 agsq 1847 eI: nUM mhfrfxI ijMd kOr nUM bydrdI nfl mhfrfjf dlIp isMG qoN vwK krky sLyKUpury dy iklHy ivc kYd kr idwqf

hrcMd isMGf pCqfvf smF pf ky,

KflI hI CoV ky ruKsq ho jfqI hY

myrf Gr hvf df jfieaf

AuWnI agsq nUM mhfrfxI pMjfb dI jo,

koeI rog srIr nUM lFvdf eI..

aOr imlI PutpfQ py jf kr

mYN ikhVy Gr dI awg lokf

ibnF ksUr qoN kYdx bxf idwqI.

rYjzYNt lfrMs qy jLulmF df,

zyZ lwK jo pYnsLn pFvdI sI,

jdoN hwdoN vwD sI Bfr hoieaf.

sLhr ky sB sy bUVy sLihrI kI plkoN pr

myry leI koeI dyvy hokf

sulf qoV ky Auh Gtf idwqI.

KFdf pINdf mOjF mfxdf Auh,

aFsU bn kr so jfqI hY

myry pwly DMdf-DoKf.

cfr hjLfr rupey mhFvfrI,

rogI ho ky aMq ibmfr hoieaf.

Auho iql-iql kr mcFvdf eI.



The Patrika 

Farmers produce more food while protecting the environment (NC) Innovations in crop protection products and plant biotechnology are helping farmers produce more food while at the same time taking care of the environment. “Thanks to plant science technologies, farmers are able to grow a lot more food by growing crops on the country’s best farmland, which preserves biodiversity, tackles climate change and conserves natural resources,” explains Pierre Petelle, vice president of chemistry, CropLife Canada which represents the Canadian manufacturers, developers and distributors of pest control and modern plant breeding products. Without pesticides and plant biotechnology, farmers across the country would need to farm almost 50 per cent more land to grow the same amount of food. That’s more than the total area of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island combined. “When farmers can use the very best land in Canada to grow our food,


natural habitats that provide homes to a variety of species can be preserved to protect biodiversity,” says Petelle. It’s estimated that because farmers can grow more on existing land, 35 million acres of forest, native grasses and wetlands are saved from being used for agriculture, which keeps our country green and pristine. “Farmers are the original environmentalists — they rely on the land for their business, so they take their role to protect the environment very seriously.” Learn more about how farmers are protecting the environment online at helpingcanadagrow.ca.

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika



mYrIjuafnf sbMDI tYks bxy ivwq mMqrIafˆ leI icMqf df ivÈf pyrYˆt kMpnI iKlfP itMm hOrtnË PrYˆcfeIsIË ny Toikaf 500 imlIan zflr df mukwdmf EntfrIE: itMm hOrtnË PrYˆcfeIsIË dy iewk gruwp ny pyrYˆt kMpnI AuWqy 500 imlIan zflr df klfs aYkÈn mukwdmf dfier kIqf hY. bRYˆz sbMDI mfVy pRbMDfˆ dy cwlidafˆ aijhf kIqf igaf. ies gruwp ny cyn dy mflk AuWqy doÈ lfieaf hY ik aijhy kupRbMDfˆ dy cwlidafˆ AunHfˆ leI ibËns ivwc bxy rihxf vI aOKf hoieaf ipaf hY.

AunHfˆ ny jnqk qOr AuWqy vI ies dI iÈkfieq kIqI pr ies sbMD ivwc mYnyjmYˆt nfl gwlbfq krn qoN bfad AunHfˆ gwl iksy qxpwqx lwgdI nf vyKky nuksfn dI BrpfeI leI somvfr nUM 500 imlIan zflr df klfs aYkÈn mukwdmf dfier kr idwqf. afpxy mukwdmy ivwc ies gruwp ny iliKaf hY ik rYstorYˆt bRYˆzË ny itMm hOrtnË PrYˆcfeIË isstm qoN hor pYsf kZvfAux gruwp afP PrYˆcfeIsIË, jo ik afpxy afp leI keI qrHfˆ dy hwQkMZy apxfey. ies sB nUM gRyt vfeIt nfrQ PrYˆcfeIËI aYsoiseyÈn nfl PrYˆcfeIsIË dy gruwp nUM kfPI nuksfn swddf hY, df kihxf hY ik jdoN qoN Prm dI phuMicaf. rYstorYˆt bRYˆz afeIkfink kOPI qy zont cyn lY ky afeI hY qy 2014 ivwc jdoN qoN ies vYsy ieh mukwdmf 1523428 EntfrIE ny brgr ikMg nfl hwQ imlfieaf hY AudoN ienkfrporyÈn dy pwK AuWqy kIqf igaf hY, qoN hI kImqfˆ ivwc BfrI vfDf hoieaf hY ies kol torfˆto ivwc itMm hOrtn dIafˆ do pr nvyˆ mflkfˆ ny ienHfˆ kImqfˆ nfl iswJx PrYˆcfeIsIË hn pr AunHfˆ hornfˆ mudweIafˆ leI AunHfˆ nUM cIËfˆ dIafˆ kImqfˆ vDfAux dI nUM vI nfl rl ky sfˆJy aYkÈn dI mMg kIqI. iejfËq nhIN idwqI.

mYrIjuafnf nUM inrDfrq smfˆ sImfˆ AuWqy kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc ilafAux leI aVI srkfr Etvf: kYnyzf ivwc mYrIjuafnf AuWqy lwgI pfbMdI nUM Kqm krn dy nfl juVIafˆ kfnUMnI, smfjk qy ishq sbMDI cuxOqIafˆ nfl nijwTx leI pRoivMsfˆ vwloN bhuqf smfˆ nf hox dI duhfeI dyx dy bfvjUd PYzrl srkfr mYrIjuafnf nUM julfeI 2018 qwk kfnUMn dy dfiery ivwc ilafAux leI bfiËwd hY. PYzrl ilbrlfˆ vwloN ieh sunyhf somvfr nUM Aus smyˆ lfieaf igaf jdoN mYnItobf dy ivwq mMqrI ny afiKaf ik ieh smfˆ sImfˆ bhuq Gwt hY qy AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ies leI ajy hor smfˆ imlxf cfhIdf hY. afpxf qrk pyÈ kridafˆ kYmrUn PrIËn ny afiKaf ik ies nfl juVy kMm df boJ qfˆ pRoivMsfˆ nUM hI shfrnf pvygf. ies qoN ielfvf mYrIjuafnf leI inXMqirq mfrikt iqafr krn vfsqy ijhVI afriQk qOr AuWqy iqafrI krnI hovygI Auh vwKrI hovygI. PYzrl srkfr ny ies sbMD ivwc aprYl ivwc ibwl ilafˆdf sI qy AunHfˆ df tIcf julfeI 2018 qwk mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc ilafAuxf qy ies nUM inXMqirq krnf sI. PrIËn ny afiKaf ik ajy keI svflfˆ dy jvfb nhIN imly hn ijvyˆ ik jnqk syPtI, ies nUM iks qrHfˆ lfgU kIqf jfvygf qy mYrIjuafnf dI kfnUMnI splfeI lwBxfˆ afid. sfnUM sfrf kuwJ shI ZMg nfl krn

leI iewk sfl df smfˆ idwqf igaf hY. pr asIN ies leI kMm iks qrHfˆ krnf hY ieh iksy nUM nhIN pqf. ies kfnUMn nUM shI ZMg nfl lfgU krn leI vI sfnUM hI iËMmyvfrI inBfAuxI hovygI. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik PYzrl ivwq mMqrI ibwl mOrinAU kol ies mfmly ivwc smfˆ sImfˆ vDfey jfx dI isPfirÈ Auh pihlfˆ hI kr cuwky hn qy Auh ieh mslf muV AuTfAuxgy. pr pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny Etvf ivwc iesy sMdrB ivwc afiKaf ik asIN sfirafˆ nUM kfPI smfˆ dy cuwky hfˆ. asIN sfrIafˆ pRoivMsfˆ qy imAuNspYltIË nfl vI lMmyˆ smyˆ qoN kMm kr rhy hfˆ qy hux smfˆ awgy vDx df hY. mOrinAU ny mIitMg qoN bfad ieh mMinaf ik keI pRoivMsfˆ df ieh afKxf hY ik ajy vI kfPI kMm kIqf jfxf bfkI hY. mOrinAU ny afiKaf ik hux qfˆ ieh qYa krnf bfkI hY ik tYksfˆ qoN hox vflI afmdn nUM pRoivMsfˆ qy PYzrl srkfr drimafn iks qrHfˆ vMizafˆ jfvy. mIitMg qoN bfad albrtf dy ivwq mMqrI joie sYsI ny afiKaf ik AunHfˆ dI pRoivMs julfeI 2018 qwk ies leI iqafr ho jfvygI. ies dOrfn bYˆk afP kYnyzf dy gvrnr stIPn poloË ny arQcfry dI siQqI bfry somvfr nUM ivwq mMqrIafˆ nUM pRYjYˆtyÈn idwqI.

Etvf: Etvf ivwc hox jf rhI dyÈ dy ivwq mMqrIafˆ dI mIMitMg ivwc trUzo srkfr nUM AumId hY ik mYrIjuafnf dy kfnUMnIkrn nfl pRoivMsfˆ dy moiZafˆ AuWqy pYx vfly boJ df muwdf sB qoN vwD AuTfieaf jfvygf. aYqvfr qoN sLurU hox jf rhy ies do-roËf PYzrl-pRoivMÈIal iekwT dy eyjMzy ivwc ies muwdy AuWqy ivcfr vtfˆdrf kIqf jfvygf ik mYrIjuafnf leI inXMqirq mfrikt ivwc iks qrHfˆ ibhqr ZMg nfl tYks lfgU kIqy jfx. mnorMjn vfsqy mYrIjuafnf nUM julfeI 2018 qwk inXMqirq krn qy kfnUMnI jfmf pihnfAux dy tIcy nfl PYzrl srkfr vwloN aprYl ivwc ibwl pyÈ kIqf igaf sI.

aiDkfr Kyqr ivwc ikMnfˆ kMm afvygf. imsfl vjoN albrtf dI pRImIar rycl nOtlI ny cyqfvnI idwqI hY ik mYrIjuafnf dy kfnUMnIkrn nfl pRoivMsfˆ AuWqy kfPI afriQk boJ pvygf. ikAUibk dI pbilk hYlQ mMqrI lUsI cfrlybOies ny ies gwl AuWqy icMqf pRgtfeI hY ik mnorMjn leI vrqI jfx vflI mYrIjuafnf AuWqy lfey jfx vfly tYksfˆ nfl iewkTI hox vflI afmdn hI ies nUM inXMqirq krn, Kfs qOr AuWqy jdoN mfmlf ishq, sikAUirtI qy iswiKaf sbMDI kIqIafˆ jfx vflIafˆ koiÈÈfˆ df hovy, AuWqy Krc kIqI jfvygI. EntfrIE dy ivwq mMqrI cfrls sOsf ny iewk ieMtrivAU ivwc afiKaf ik Auh mYrIjuafnf dy kfnUMnIkrn qoN zr nhIN rhy, bws Auh qfˆ ieho cfhuMdy hn ik ies nfl pRoivMsfˆ AuWqy vfDU boJ nf pvy. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik Auh ieh vI vyKxf cfhuMdy hn ik AunHfˆ dy hmruqbf aiDkfrI ies muwdy pRqI ikho ijhI phuMc apxfAuNdy hn.

gYrkfnUMnI zIlrfˆ nUM inXMqirq mfrikt ivwcoN bfhr krn leI pOt tYks Gwt rwKy jfx dI AumId hY. pRoivMsfˆ qy PYzrl srkfr drimafn tYks qoN hox vflI afmdn iks qrHfˆ sfˆJI kIqI jfvygI ies bfry vyrvy ajy jfrI nhIN kIqy gey. PYzrl ivwq mMqrI ibwl mOrinAU dy afiPs vwloN jfrI inAUË rlIË ivwc afiKaf igaf hY ik mYrIjuafnf AuWqy tYksfˆ dy sbMD ivwc mMqrI npI qulI qy PYzrl ishq mMqrI jyn iPlpOt ny afpsI qflmyl vflI phuMc apxf ky kMm pRoivMsfˆ nfl rl ky kMm krn qy pbilk sikAU i rtI, pu i lisM g qy isw i KafdfeI krnf cfhuMdy hn. muihMmfˆ clfAux df vfadf vI kIqf hY. kYnyzf ivwc mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI jfmf iPlpOt dy afiPs vwloN ieh qrk vI idwqf pihnfAux dI pRikiraf df muwK Durf ies igaf hY ik mYrIjuafnf AuWqy pfbMdI df AuWqy lfey jfx vfly tYks dy rUp ivwc mOjUdf isstm kfPI mihMgf hY qy iewk vfrI sfhmxy afieaf hY. jdoN qoN PYzrl srkfr mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc ilafAux vwloN ies sbMD ivwc ibwl pyÈ kIqf igaf qoN bfad pRoivMsfˆ vwloN ies pfsy kIqf jfxf hY AudoN qoN hI keI pRoivMsfˆ vwloN ieh qOKlf vflf Krcf awDf rih jfvygf. pRgtfieaf igaf hY ik afiKr AunHfˆ dy

2019 dIafˆ coxfˆ qoN pihlfˆ hI nfPtf mslf hwl kr ilaf jfxf cfhIdf: mlronI Etvf: sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI bRfien mlronI df kihxf hY ik ies dI pUrI sMBfvnf hY ik 2019 dIafˆ PYzrl coxfˆ qoN pihlfˆ shI smyˆ AuWqy nfPtf sbMDI muV gwlbfq kr leI jfvygI. pr AunHfˆ ieh cyqfvnI vI idwqI ik kYnyzf qy amrIkf nUM afpxy sfPtvuwz lMbr sbMDI rwty nUM vI jld hwl kr lYxf cfhIdf hY nhIN qfˆ ies df asr vpfrk gwlbfq AuWqy vI pY skdf hY. mlronI, ijnHfˆ 1984 qoN 1993 qwk pRDfn mMqrI rihMidafˆ kYnyzf-amrIkf muPq kfrobfrI gwlbfq nfPtf sbMDI koiÈÈfˆ dI agvfeI kIqI, df kihxf hY ik jdoN 23 sfl purfxy smJOqy nfPtf sbMDI muV gwlbfq df iËkr iCVdf hY qfˆ kYnyzf nUM vI pihlfˆ hI pUrI iqafrI kr lYxI cfhIdI hY. iewk ieMtrivAU dOrfn mlronI qoN jdoN ieh puwiCaf igaf ik kI ieh jld hI sulJ jfvygf qfˆ mlronI ny afiKaf ik ieh mslf

QoVHy icr qy imwTy ZMg nfl hwl hox vflf nhIN hY. ieh puwCy jfx AuWqy ik kI 2019 dIafˆ PYzrl coxfˆ qoN bfad vI ieh gwlbfq jfrI rhygI qfˆ mlronI ny sfP nfˆh afK idwqI. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik AunHfˆ dy ihsfb nfl AudoN qwk ieh mslf hwl kr ilaf jfxf cfhIdf hY. mlronI ny ivdyÈ mMqrI ikRstIaf PrIlYˆz qy amrIkf leI kYnyzIan sPIr zyivz mYknOtn dI isPq kridafˆ afiKaf ik AunHfˆ dhfikafˆ purfxy sfPtvuwz lMbr ivvfd AuWqy inwT ky kMm kIqf, ies nUM ds sfl dy smJOqy mgroN KoilHaf igaf, ies leI iewk sfl dI aYkstYˆÈn vI sI jo ipCly sfl akqUbr ivwc Kqm ho geI. iËkrXog hY ik amrIkIafˆ ny aprYl qoN kYnyzIan sfPtvuwz leI 24 PIsdI kr vsUlxf sLurU kr idwqf hY. ies qoN ielfvf AunHfˆ ies tYirP ivwc hor vfDf krn dI DmkI vI idwqI hY. PAGE 35

The Patrika



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

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trwk aqy trYlr rIpyar ilmitz

asIN nvyN aqy qjLrbydfr mkYink hfier kr rhy hF. Contact:



ipafrf isMG Bogl meI mhInf vwK-vwK skUl, borzfˆ vwloN iek koTVI ivc, ijs ivc ibjlI df ley gey sflfnf iemiqhfnfˆ dy nqIjy kunYkÈn vI nhIN, iek joVf afpxy do bwcy aYlfnx df huMdf hY. pihlfˆ pMjfb skUl skUl Byjdf hY. pqnI Grfˆ ivc JfVU-pocf iswiKaf borz vwloN bfrHvIN jmfq df nqIjf krdI hY. pqI iek KoKf-numf Plfˆ dI aYlfinaf igaf. ipwCoN dsvIN jmfq df dukfn AuWqy mulfËm hY. iesy qrHfˆ hI ipMzfˆ nqIjf. huxy-huxy sI[bI[aYs[eI[ ny vI Èihrfˆ dy kroVfˆ mfpy qrly lYˆdy hn, sfzy bfrHvIN df nqIjf kwiZaf hY. crcfkfr qfˆ bwcy pVH jfx. ienHfˆ nqIijafˆ dIafˆ PIsdIafˆ prK rhy asl ivc grIbI ivc jIvn df sMGrÈ hn. pr sfzf iDafn iek hor vwzI hkIkq kiTn hY. muwK mnorQ huMdf hY, ruËgfr vwl hY. sI[bI[aYs[eI[ (sYˆtrl borz afP lwgf rhy. pirvfr dIafˆ mUl loVfˆ pUrIafˆ sYkMzrI aYjUkyÈn) dy kwZy nqIjy nfl hI huMdIafˆ rihx. nfl-nfl bwicafˆ nUM pVHn dwisaf igaf hY ik sfry dyÈ ivcoN lgpg df mOkf vI imly. ieh sB kuJ krnf sOKf 10 lwK lVky-lVkIafˆ ies iemiqhfn nhIN. pihlfˆ vI sOKf nhIN sI. sfzy bcpn ivc bYTy. iDafn idE, dyÈ dI kuwl iek ivc ipMz ivc awTvIN qwk skUl sI. kmytI arb 20 kroV dI afbfdI ivcoN isrP 10 skUl clfAuNdI sI. ipMz dI afbfdI ZfeI lwK ividafrQI ies borz nfl juVy skUlfˆ hËfr sI. qfˆ vI pMjvIN qoN awTvIN qwk pfVHyny iemiqhfn ivc bYTx leI iqafr kIqy. muMizafˆ dI igxqI kdy vI cflI qoN vwD nhIN pMjfb smyq sB sUibafˆ aqy sB vwzy Èihrfˆ sI hoeI. lVkI iek vI cOQI jmfq qoN awgy dy aMgryËI mfiDam vfly skUl Zol-Zmwky pVHn leI nhIN afAuNdI sI. ipMz dI afbfdI nfl aYlfn krdy hn, bwcy sfzy skUl ivc dI bhuigxqI iËmIˆdfrfˆ dI sI. Ëfhr sI, dfKl krfE. sfzf alhfk (aYiPlIeyÈn) sfry iËmIˆdfr vI ivwidaf nUM mhwqv nhIN dy sI[bI[aYs[eI[ nfl hY. qfˆ vI kuwl 10 lwK rhy sn. pVHfeI pRqI ieh arucI hux vI hY. AumIdvfr bfrHvIN jmfq leI iemiqhfn ivc bYTy. ies aMk df tfkrf pRfˆqk skUl iPr vI hkIkq ieh hY, awj dy Xuwg ivc borzfˆ dy ividafrQIafˆ dI igxqI nfl mfipafˆ dI BfrI igxqI bwcy skUl Byjxf kro. iekwly pMjfb skUl iswiKaf borz cfhuMdI hY. pr grIbI qy pCVyvfˆ AunHfˆ dy dy ividafrQIafˆ dI igxqI pVHo. ies rfh ivc vwzI rok hY. sfl pMjfb skUl iswiKaf borz dy bfrHvIN jmfq dy iemiqhfn ivc 3 lwK 14 hËfr pMjfb skUl iswiKaf borz dy bfrHvIN qy ividafrQI bYTy. sfry dyÈ dy skUlfˆ dy Gwt dsvIN jmfq dy nqIijafˆ `qy JfqI mfro. qoN Gwt iek kroV bwcy ienHfˆ sUbfeI borzfˆ mYirt ivc afey kuVIafˆ-muMizafˆ dIafˆ dy skUlfˆ rfhIN pVHfeI krdy hn. Ëfhr hY, Potoafˆ CpIafˆ hn. pirvfrfˆ dIafˆ vI Potoafˆ 10 PIsdI qoN vI Gwt afbfdI eynI KuÈhfl CpIafˆ hn. sfP pqf lgdf hY ieh mfpy hY ik Auh sI[bI[aYs[eI[ nfl sbMDq bhuq Gwt afmdn vfly lok hn. qfˆ vI KuÈ hn, mihMgy skUlfˆ ivc pVHn leI bwcy ByjdI sfzy DIafˆ-puwq mYirt ivc afey hn. skUl hY. ienHfˆ skUlfˆ dIafˆ PIsfˆ hI vwD nhIN, borz ny pihlIafˆ iqMn puËIÈnfˆ ijwqx hor Krcy vI bhuq hn. iesy krky mfpy vfly bwicafˆ leI vwzy nkd ienfm rwKy hr sfl ienHfˆ skUlfˆ dy pRbMDkfˆ dy pYsy- hn. bwcy KuÈ ho ky dwsdy hn, asIN aglI btorU rvweIey dy iKlfP aMdoln krdy hn. pVHfeI krky ikhVI ivÈyÈgqf pRfpq krnf bwicafˆ nUM pVHfAux df bhuq boJ sUbfeI cfhuMdy hfˆ. borzfˆ nfl sbMDq skUlfˆ ny cuwikaf hoieaf pMjfb skUl borz nfl juVy skUl do pRkfr hY. isiqm-ËrIPI ieh hY ik ieh borz qy dy hn. srkfrI aqy gYr-srkfrI skUl. ieh skUl cMgI pVHfeI nf krfAux leI gYr-srkfrI skUlfˆ dy bwicafˆ dI igxqI bdnfm ho gey hn. ikhf jfˆdf hY ik AuWc Gwt hY pr mYirt ivc afey bwicafˆ ivc pwDr dI pVHfeI isrP aMgryËI mfiDam ienHfˆ dI igxqI iËafdf hY. ieMj srkfrI vfly skUl hI krfAuNdy hn. skUlfˆ nUM ÈoBf Gwt imlI hY qfˆ vI ikAuNik scfeI ieh hY, ieh Xuwg pVHfeI df hY. ieh skUl bwicafˆ dI BfrI igxqI nUM sB mfpy cfhuMdy hn sfzy bwcy pVHn. pr pVHfAux df jws Kt rhy hn, ies krky AunHfˆ dIafˆ pirvfrk hflqfˆ ieko ijhIafˆ ienHfˆ nUM ÈfbfÈ imlxI cfhIdI hY. afm nhIN. pYsy tky dIafˆ mjbUrIafˆ hn. iesy qOr `qy ienHfˆ skUlfˆ nUM imhxf mfiraf krky iek arb 20 kroV dI afbfdI ivcoN jfˆdf hY ik ienHfˆ dy aiDafpk qnKfhfˆ aMdfËn iek kroV bwcy hI dsvIN-bfrHvIN vwD lYˆdy hn, nqIjy Gwt cMgy idKfAuNdy hn. aiDafpk afpxIafˆ muÈiklfˆ dwsdy hn. qwk phuMcdy hn. sfnUM pVHfAux qoN ibnfˆ hor kMm vI krny asIN AunHfˆ mfipafˆ nUM ÈfbfÈ idMdy hfˆ, jo pYˆdy hn. coxfˆ ivc izAUtIafˆ sfnUM dyxIafˆ pYsy dI Gft dy huMidafˆ vI bwcy pVHn Byjdy pYˆdIafˆ hn. zI[eI[E[ df dPqr vI sfnUM hn. sfzy nyVy iek KflI plft ivc bxI itk ky pVHfAux df kMm nhIN krn idMdf. bfkI pMnHf 49 'qy

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

aMg dfn krn vfilaF ivcoN 25% PYNtfinl Kfx vfly bI sI tRFsplFt df kihxf hY ik aMg dfn krn vfilaF ivcoN 25% Auh lok hnh ijhvy PYNtfinl ijhf nsLf Kf rhy hn| kOmI pwDr dy ieh aMkVy 2015dy hn | ieMnHF dfnIaF ivcoN 652 Auh sn ijMnHF dy aMg AuMnHF dI mOq mgroN vrqy gey| EvrzojL nfl mrn vfilaF df idmfg qF murdf ho jFdf prMqU srkulysLn isstm pUrf ikRafsLIl huMdf hY, aUn AusyqrF ijvyNiksykfrhfdsf ivcmrn vfly df aMg ishqmMd huMdy hn| ajy ies gwl dI pusLtI nhIN ho skI ik iPMtfinl Kfx vfilaF dy dfn kIqy aMg dUjy dfnIaF dy dfn kIqy aMgF nfloN GtIaf hn jF nhIN| mfhrFdfkihxf ik ies leI hor Koj dI loV hY|

E ky tfier ‘qy lwgI awg dI jFc jfrI 16 aqy17 jUn dI ivckfrlI rfq smyN aYbtsPorz dy sfAUQ PRyjLrvya aqyvyar stRIt dy cONk ivc siQq E ky tfier ‘qy awg lwgI vyKI geI| qVky 4:30 vjy puils aqy awg buJfAU amly nUM bulfieaf igaf| iek csLmdId gvfh dy kihx anusfr AuwQoN iek afdmI dOVdf vyiKaf igaf ijs ny kfly kpVy pfey hoey sn| jFc krn leI ies cOk nUM kuJ icr leI bMd krnf ipaf| aYbtsPorz dI muK aprfD tIm awg lwgx dy kfrn dI jFc kr rhI hY| jfpdf hY ik ieh awg iksy vwloN kIqI sLrfrq df nqIjf hY|

kYnyzf df pihlf pOz hotl KulHygf ivslr, bI sI ivc ivslr ivc rwsl kilMg aqy aqy AuMnHF dI pwqnI jylInf vwloN iek hotl bxfieaf jf irhf hY ijs nUM kYnyzf dy pihly pOz hotl hox df mfx hovygf| joVy df kihxf hY ik ieh hotl AuMnHFlokF vfsy vDIaf hovygf ijhVy mihMgy hotlFdfKrc nhIN dy skdy| AuMnHF ny ikhf ik iqMn sfl Xqn krn bfad AuMnHF ny ieh hotl Ausfrx df mn bxfieaf| 10 imlIan nf bxn vfly ies hotl ivc 88 “sleeping pods” hoxgy| ieh tokIE dy pRiswD kYpsUl hotlF vrgf hovygf| hr pOz ivc Pom dI zbl mYtRs, skIaieMg df sfmfn,LED lighting, sLIsLf,pwKf aqy kpVy bdlx leI alwg QF hovygI| ies qoN ielfvf hYNgr,qfly vfly kYibint hovygI| ey klfs vfsL rUm hovygf|

kyNdrI vYnkUvr tfpU ivc Bucfl dy Jtky mihsUskjIqy gey kYNbl diraf dypwCm ivc 79 iklomItr dI dUrI ‘qt siQq Kyqr ivc jUn 19 nUM 4[6 mfqrf dy Bucfl dy Jtky mihsUs kIqy gey pr iksy qrF df nuksfn hox qoN bcfa ho igaf| nYcrul rIsoris kYnyzf df kihxf hY ik ieh Jtky svyr dy 10:22 ‘qy mihsUs kIqy gey| XU aYs dy BU ivigafnIaF df anumfn Hy ik ieh Bucfl 1 iklomItr dI gihrfeI ‘qy sI|ivktorIaf dy pwCm ivc siQq dUr qwk mihsUs kIqy gey jo aYpI sYNtr( BucflsLurU hox vflI QF) qoN 300 iklomItr dUr hY|

The Patrika 


Tiny grInvuz istI df PUzbYNk bMd Lax Kw’alaams BfeIcfry ny afhox lwgf pxy pihly skUl gRYjUeytF dy mnfey bI sI dy dwKxI Coty ijhy sLihr df PUz bYNk ies krky jsLn bMd hoirhf hY ikAuNik AuhPUz dI mMg pUrI krn qoN asmrwQ ho igaf hY| 2016 dI jngxnf anusfr AuwQy 665 lok vsdy hn| AuwQoN df PUz bYNk 10 sfl pihlF ievYjlIkl crc vwloNcflU kIqf igaf sI| hux Auh PUz dI mMg pUrI krn qoN asmrwQ ho igaf hY| crc borz dy muKI mfritn pRfm df kihxf hY ik AuwQy mhIny ivc dovfr Kfxf vrqfieaf jFdf sI aqy QoVy ijhyGrF dI loV pUrI huMdI sI pr hux Kfxy dI mMg krn vfly bhuq ho gey hn| crc ieMnHF dI loV pUrI nhIN kr skdf ikAuNik crc dy sRoq sImq hn| PUz dI mMg krn vfilaF dI igxqI vDx kfrn crc kol AuMnHF nUM ibTfAux dI vI QF nhIN ijs krky ies nUM bMd kIqf jf irhf hY|

kYmlUps bfeIlfa aPsrF kol pYpr spRya aqy bYtn nhIN hoxy cfhIdy – iek slfh iek qfjLf irport ivc ieh isPfrsLL kIqI geI hY ik kYmlUps dy pils ivBfg nUM vDyry. lok-imwqr bxfAux leI ies dy aPsrF kol kflIaF imrcF dy iCVkfa krn df aiDkfr nf hovy aqy nfl hI ieMnHF kol bYtn( zMzy) vI nf hox| istI vwloN bfeIlfa lfgU krn vfly Bfg dyrIvIAU krn ihq iek slfhkfr hfier kIqf igaf ijs vwloN Auprokq sPfrsL kIqI geI hY| istI nUM iehkM ies krky krnf ipaf ikAuNik ihfrsq ivc leI gey aprfDiaF vwloN puils aPsrF Aupr hmlykIqy gey sn| aqy AuMnHF dI mMg sI ik AuMnHF kol afpxf bcfa krn leI hiQafr hoxf cfhIUdf hY| hor sPrfsLF ivc iek isPfrsL ieh hY ik aPsrF dI izAUtI 12GMt yqo NvwD nf hovy| hux istI dy sfhmxf svfl hY ik kI ieh sPfrsLF mMnIaF jfx ik nf| ies leIkfAuNisldI aglI mIitMg ivc PYslf kIqf jfvygf|

kYdI vwloN hmlf hox ‘qy mYtskueI jylH nUM lwgf qflf

Lax Kw’alaams (ijs nUM pihlF port isMpsn ikhf jFdf sI) ipMz dy pihly10 ividfarQIaF ny hfeI skUl gRYjUeysLn pRfpq kIqI hY | ieMnHF ivc twbrdfr joVf hY ijs dy bwcy vI hn| stIv rIs aqy iniktf vYsly nfm dy joVy nUM bhuq KusLI hoeI hYhfeI skUlpfs krky| AuMnHFdf kihxf hY ik AuMnHF leI hfeI skULlivc pVHnf bhuq musLkl sI ikAuNik bwicaf dI dyK Bfl krn vflf koeIivakqI lwBxf bhuq kTn sI| rIs ny 7vyNgRyz ivc skUl Cwz idwqf sI|hux hfeI skUl gRYjUeyt bxn mgroN Aus nU McMgyrI nOkrI imlx dI afs bwJI hY|

bws ivc aOrq nfl CyVKfnI krn vflf igRPqfr 31 meI nUM iek mF afpxy bwcy nfl vYnkUvr dIzyvIjL stRIt aqy ibAUt stRIt ‘qy bws ivcsvfr hoeI| kuJ imMtF bfad Qrlo stRIt ‘qy 56 sflf afrQr crpk nfmI bMdf vI bws ivc svfr hoieaf| tRFijLt puils dy kihx anusfr ieh bMdtRFijLt puils vwloN aOrq dI shfieqf krn vfilaFdI pRsLMsf kIqI geI hY| f stRolr ivc pey AusmF dy bwcy nUM Auwlr ky vyKx lwgf | jdoNmFny Aus nUM ieAuN krn qoN roikaf qF Aus nUMburf Blf kihx lwg ipaf| iewQyhI bws nhIN Aus ny aOrq nUM huJ vI dy mfrI| afKr Aus nUM kfbU kr ilaf igaf | puils vwloN Aus Aupr DmkI dyx,hmlf krn aqy ijwc krn dy dosL lgfey gey hn|puils df kihxf hY ik tRfijLt isstm nUM vrqoN krn vfilaF nUM iksy zr qoN ibnF sPr krn df hwk hY|

bI sI ilbrlF vwloN ielYkitRk kfr stysLn bxfAux df aYlfn

BfvyN isMGfsnI BfsLn smyN ilbrl srkfr dy hfr jfx dI pUrI sMBfvnf hY pr iPr vI Auh lokF nUM BrmfAux leI ielYkitRkkfrF nUM cfrj krn vfly 4321 stysLn 16 jUn nUM sLfm smyN mYtskueI jylH dy kYdI vwloN iksy bxfAux df aYlfn kr rhy hn| ies plYn nUM nypry aPsr Aupr hmlf kIqf igaf| ies mgroN jylH nUM qflflf idwqf igaf| jylH vwloN iekpRkfsLnf ivc dwisaf cfVHn leI pMj sflF ivc $50 imlIan Krcx dIaF igaf ik ies jylH ivc drsLkF dy afAux jfx dy rok lf gwlF kr rhy hn vfqfvrn mMqrI jOn stwrz| ieho ijhy idwqI geI hY qF jo ies Gtnf dI pUrI jFc pVqfl sLFq stysLnF ‘qy afm ibjleI kfr pMj GMitaF ivc cfrj ho qrIky nfl kIqI jf sky| shfiek vrzn gorzntYnr jFdI hY prMqU Pfst cfrijMg stysLn ‘qy iehI kMm 30 df kihxf hY ik jdoN lokF dI afvf jfeI nUM surwiKaq imMtF ivc ho jFdf hY| ies plYn df mMqv ibjleI kfrF smiJaf igaf AudoN ieh rok Kqm kr idwqI jfvygI| nUM hrmnipafrf bxfAuxfdwisaf jf irhf hY | ies smyN AuMnHF ieh vI ikhf ik kurYksLnl srivs kYnyzf ies Gtnf nfl juVy sfry hflfq df rIvIAU jfrI rwKy gI aqy bI sI ivc 4800 ibjleI kfrF hn aqy 1100 pbilk cfrijMg stysLn hn aqy 30 Pfst cfrijMg stysLn hn| munfsb kdm cuwky gI|


The Patrika


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Innovative ways to manage your health

(NC) Technology is no longer just for savvy millennials. More and more people of all ages are embracing technology and using it to simplify their lives. “In fact, the advancements in technology have been particularly beneficial for people living with health conditions such as diabetes,� says Toronto endocrinologist Harpreet S. Bajaj, MD, MPH. “Innovative tools and technology have helped people understand, simplify and better manage a complex disease like diabetes.� Here are a few more tips that will provide insight into how new technology can help improve your health too. Digital health management: Most Canadians are unaware of services that are already available through electronic methods at medical offices, health clinics and pharmacies. For example, digitally shared medical records can save a lot of time for you and your doctor. New and innovative services can include access to records, video consultations, prescription records, and patient notifications.

Health apps: In 2015, there were over 1,200 diabetes-related health apps available. For those living with the disease, this opened the door to simple management tools that could be easily integrated into people’s lives. However, it’s important to find the right one for you. The Contour Next One system and its app are part of the new stream of advanced tech devices that help people better manage diabetes. It features an easy-to-use, wirelessenabled smart meter that links to the related smartphone app. Patients are able to identify trends, monitor their readings from anywhere at anytime, and share their results effortlessly with healthcare professionals. Wearable technology: Wearable devices are more than a fashion trend. Devices like Fitbits encourage people to take control of their fitness, push past daily goals and challenge one another for fun. A great source of motivation, wearable tech is getting people outdoors with simple activities that will greatly benefit their health.

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

WESTBERRY FARMS LTD. vYstbyrI P`rmz (bYNs~ dI kYnrI) Â? Â? Â? Â Â?

aYbtsPorz kYnrI ivwc kfimaF dI loV Abbotsford 1. Cannery Workers ( ) aYbtsPorz byrI ipwkrF 2. Forklift Operators ivwnUcM rfeIz vI 3. Computer Operator idwqI jfvygI 4. Truck Driver 5. Quality Control Supervisor (kuE`ltI kMtrol suprv`iejr)

aYbtsPorz leI byrI ipkrF dI vI loV hY.

Global Force Realty Ph: 604.800.3800 | Fax: 604.507.8851 Each office is independently owned & operated

Helping You is What We Do! hr qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI iBMdr sLrmf nflL sMprk kro

Cell: 778.551.1404 | listwithbhinder@gmail.com 1688 Mckenzie Rd, Abbotsford

Open House Sunday 2-4 First Time Buyers and Investors Alert! Recently updated, 5 bedroom and 3 bathroom house on cul-de-sac.Walking distance to UFV and Entertainment Centre. Fully finished 2 bedroom basement suite with separate entry. Large lot, lots for parking and private backyard. Close to all levels of schools, recreation centre, shopping centre and easy access to Hwy. Call today for more information.

$ 669,000

Exclusive Farm on 256th Ave

2 Farms in Matsqui 3026 Tims St

#104 - 30525 Cardinal Ave, Abbotsford

This Beautiful TAMARIND WESTSIDE, located in walking distance to High Street Mall, close to public transport and Easy freeway access. This is a spotless 1 bedroom ground floor suite. Open concept, Eat up bar in the kitchen, laminate flooring, electric fireplace, in suite laundry and storage room. The large master bedroom includes a walk in closet and cheater ensuite. Call today to book your tour of thishome!


First Time Buyers and Investors Alert! Recently updated, 5 bedroom and 3 bathroom house on cul-de-sac. Walking distance to UFV and Entertainment Centre. Fully finished 2 bedroom basement suite with separate entry. Large lot, lots for parking and private backyard. Close to all levels of schools, recreation centre, shopping centre and easy access to Hwy.


33208 Hawthorne Ave


Kingfisher Dr. Rd 104 - 30525 Cardinal Ave 16883124Mckenzie 33995 Old Yale Rd


2193 272 St, Langley


3678 Heritage Drive, Abbotsford


This Beautiful TAMARIND WESTSIDE, located in walking distance to High Street Mall, close to public transport and Easy freeway access. This is a spotless 1 bedroom ground floor suite. Open concept, Eat up bar in the kitchen, laminate flooring, electric fireplace, in suite laundry and storage room. The large master bedroom includes a walk in closet and cheater ensuite. Call today to book your tour of thishome!


32230 Hillcrest Ave, Abbotsford

33180 Hawthorne Ave



35-32310 Mouat Drive

Be your own boss and own it all! Very well established business running in Abbotsford for the last 20 years. This two story building was redone in 2009 from top to bottom, which has a pizza place and convenience store on the bottom floor, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with modern looks on top floor. Close to all levels of schools, shopping centre, recreation centreand easy hwy access. Good family based business. CallforMoreInfoToday!

3247 Firhill Dr



32181 Ashcroft Dr




2810 Maple St



1-33917 Marshal Rd

32819 Harwood Pl



32439 Hutingdon


Work is available till End of November

hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro:

Hardev: 778-241-1914 Amrik Chahal: 778-929-4530 Office: 604-850-0377 Apply in person:34488 Bateman Rd.,Abbotsford, British Columbia Fax your resume: 604.855.1625 | Hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



PfeInYNsLIafl plYnr ikvyN cuxIey? sfzy jIvn ivc pYsf kmfAuxf iek gwl hY pr Aus nUM sMBflxf Aus qoN vI vwD jLrUrI hY. iek cMgf PfeInYNsLIal plYnr ijwQy sfzy pYsy nUM shI qrIky nfl sMBflx dI jfc isKfAuNdf hY. Auh afpxI PIs qoN bcf hI lYNdf hY pr sfnUM Aus qoN vwD Pfiedf krvf idMdf hY. tI[zI[ tfvr hfAUs PfeInYNsLl plYinMg dy iek srvyKx muqfbk knyzf ivwc 45 qoN 63 sfl dI Aumr dy 61 pRsYNt nfgirkF dI koeI PfeInYNsLIal plYn nhIN hY. jy k r qu h fzy pfs ko e I PfeInY N s L I al plYnr nhIN hY qF iek Xog plYnr lwBxf bVf musLikl kMm hY. awj bfjLfr ivc bhuq sfry PfeInYNsLIal plYnr khfAux vfly pr Xog nhIN hn. bhuq sfry afpxy afp nUM plYnrjL khfAux vfly asl ivc ienvYstmYNtF nUM vycx df lfeIsYNs hI rwKdy hn. iek PfeInFs plYnr df knyzf dI ‘PfeInFs plYinMg stYNzrjL kONsl’ df mYNbr hoxf jLrUrI hY. ies dy mYNbr smyN anusfr afpxI Xogqf nUM apzyt krdy rihMdy hn. ies kONsl dI vYWbsfeIt `qy jf ky qusIN quhfzy ielfky ivcly plYnrF dI Koj kr skdy ho. ijhVy plYnr dy nF pIly rMg nfl hfeIlfeIt kIqy hoey hn Aus df mqlb hY ik Auh nvyN klfieMt lY rhy hn. quhfzy port PolIE leI ikhVf PfeInYNsLIal plYnr shI bYTdf hY ies leI quhfnUM afp Koj krnI pvygI. hyTF asIN kuJ itp dy rhy hF ijnHF `qy aml krky qusIN afpxy leI Xog plYnr dI cox kr skdy ho. pihlI iqafrI: sB qoN pihlF qF qusIN Kud afp ies ‘PfeInYNsLIal plYnr’ dy ivsLy `qy Koj kro ik ieh lok kI krdy hn. AunHF dy kMm kfr pRqI vwD qoN vwD jfxkfrI hfsl kro, ies ikwqy ivc jo Auh trmF vrqdy hn AunHF qoN afpxy afp nUM pUrI qrHF jfxU

krvfE. ies leI aKLbfrF df ibjLns pMnf pVHo. afpxf PfeInYsLIal tIcf imwQo: pihlF ies gwl `qy ivcfr kro ik awj afriQk qOr `qy quhfzy leI kI jLrUrqF hn. Aus dy nukqy iek kfrj AuWpr ilK lE. ies dy nfl hI ies gwl nUM soc ky rwKo ik BivwK ivc quhfzIaF ies qoN vwKrIaF kI loVF ho skdIaF hn. plYnrF pRqI jfxkfrI hfsl kro: PfeInYNsLIal plYnrF bfry qusIN afpxy dosqF aqy irsLqydfrF qoN slfh lY skdy ho. ijs plYnr nfl Auh lMby smyN qoN kMm kr rhy hn aqy sMqusLt hn ies df mqlb Auh plYnr cMgf hI hovygf. AunHF dI ivwidak Xogqf dI pVqfl kro. PfeInFs plYinMg stYNzrjL kONsl qoN AunHF bfry pqf kr skdy ho. AunHF pfsoN quhfnUM pqf lwg skdf hY ik Aus plYnr dy iKlfP koeI isLkfieqF qF nhIN drj hoeIaF. kuJ hor sMsQfvF dI slfh vI leI jf skdI hY ijvyN ‘ienvYstmYNt rYgUlytrI afrgynfeIjysLn afP knyzf’ jF ‘EntfrIE sikEirtIjL kimsLn’. ienHF sMsQfvF pfsoN quhfnUM pqf lwg jfvygf ik Aus plYnr df irkfrz ikMnf sfP hY. iek qoN vwD plYnrF bfry jfxkfrI lvo: iek qoN lY ky iqMn plYnrF dI jfxkfrI hfsl krky AunHF nfl Pon AuWpr jF AunHF dy dPLqr jf ky puwCigwC kro. AunHF dI ivwidak aqy qjrby dI jfxkfrI hfsl kro. AunHF qoN ieh svfl puwCy jf skdy hn. AunHF dI ivwidaf, qjLrbf aqy spYsIaYiltI? Au h ikM n y lo k F nU M sy v fvF idM d y hn? ikMny smyN qoN Auh ies ikwqy ivc hn? afpxy klfieMt nfl Auh sfl `c ikMnI vfr gwlbfq krdy hn? Auh afp sB kuJ jfxdy hn jF AunHF dy aisstYNt?

mohn igwl

iks qrH F dIaF sy v fvF dy x leI Au h rijstrz hn?

ilKIaF huMdIaF hn. ikqy knPilkt afP ieMtrst ho skdf hY, Auh vI ies ivc ilKqI rUp ivc aMikq huMdf hY. ies ivc Auh iks afrgynfeIjysLn dy mYNbr hn? ieh vI sfP qOr `qy iliKaf huMdf hY ik Auh PIs ikvyN qy ikMnI cfrj krdy hn. Auh iks qrHF PIs lvygf quhfnUM kMpnsysLn ies ieMzstrI dI rYgUlytr bfzI vloN kI dyvygf. kfgjL AuWpr ilKI iksy vI cIjL kdy AunHF iKlfP aYksLn ilaf igaf hY? bfry jykr qusIN spsLt jF sMqusLt nhIN ho qF Aus AuWpr dsqKLq nf kro. mUMh jLubfnI Auh PIs ikvyN cfrj krdy hn: plYnr iksy vI vfady Aupr XkIn nf kro. ies keI qrIikaF nfl afpxI PIs cfrj bfry pUrI qrHF spsLt kro ik qusIN afpxy krdy hn, ijvyN kimsLn, PIs jF mhInf plYnr pfsoN kI afs rwKdy ho. vfr sYlrI. Aus plYnr qoN puwCo ik Auh iks qrIky nfl afpxI PIs lYNdf hY. plYnr nUM smyN smyN isr GoKdy rho: afpxy kI Au h plY n r ienvY s tmY N t F vy c jF plYnr nfl lgfqfr sMprk ivc rho. KrId skdf hY? kI AunHF nUM vwK-vwK afpxy po r tPo l IE bfry svfl pu w C dy ienvY s tmY N t F dy vw K -vw K mu w l imldy rho. smyN smyN anusfr quhfzIaF jLrUrqF hn? kI Auh qd hI pYsy bxfAuxgy jykr ivc afeIaF qbdIlIaF bfry plYnr nUM quhfzI KrIdI ienvYstmYNt ivcoN quhfnUM jfxkfrI idMdy rho. afpxy plYntr pfsoN pY s y bxn? Au n H F qo N bfhr dI kM p nI vI ieh afs rwKo ik Auh iksy qrHF dI afeI ivc ienvYstmYNt krn nfl knPilkt qbdIlI bfry quhfnUM vI dwsdf rhy. iek afP ieM t rst qF nhIN pY N d f ho v y g f? cMgf plYnr kdy vI quhfzy svflF dy jvfb izgrI aqy Xogqf: PfeInYNsLIal ieMzstrI dyx qoN ipwCy nhIN htygf sgoN ies ivc KusLI ivc bhuq sfrIaF qrHF-qrHF dIaF XogqfvF aqy sMqusLtI mihsUs krygf. hn. keI izgrIaF dy qrHF-qrHF dy nF hn. jykr plYnr qoN sMqusLtI nhIN hY: jykr ienHF leI keIaF dy srtIiPkyt qF iek qusIN ieh mihsUs krdy ho ik plYnr idn ivc jF iek hPqy ivc hfsl ho jFdy dIaF syvfvF quhfnUM shIN nhIN bYTdIaF hn. qusIN iksy aYsy plYnr dI Bfl kro jykr qusIN AunHF nfl KuwlH ky gwl krn ijs ny lMbf smF lf ky iksy srtIPfeIz ivc iJjk mihsUs krdy ho. jykr qusIN ivwidak adfry qoN afpxI ivwidaf gRihx AunHF `qy Brosf nhIN krdy aqy AunHF dI kIqI hovy. hyTF ilKIaF XogqfvF ivcoN AunHF iemfndfrI `qy sMqusLt nhIN qF qusIN Aus pfs iek jLrUr hoxI cfhIdI hY. plYnr qoN irsLqf qoV skdy ho. iek plYnr aqy quhfzy ivckfr iemfndfrI aqy Brosf srtIPfeIz PfeInYNsLIal plYnr hoxf jLrUrI hY. (sI[aYP[pI[) ieh kuJ ku gwlF hn ijnHF `qy aml krky prsnl PfeInYNsLIal plYnr (pI[aYP[pI[) afpxy afriQk BivwK nUM suDfiraf jf cfrtz PfeInYNsLIal plYnr (afr[aYP[pI[) skdf hY. iek gwl hmysLf Xfd rwKo ik jdoN qusIN iek plYnr dI ieMtrivAU krdy ho qF ilKqI rUp ivc smJOqf kro: ilKqI rUp iek qrHF nfl qusIN Aus ivakqI nUM nOkrI ivc kMtrYkt kro. dy rhy ho. svfl puwCx ivc sMkoc nf kro. keI bfr ies nUM iengyjLmYNt lYtr ikhf ienHF gwlF `qy aml krky qusIN BivwK ivc jFdf hY. ies ivc Auh sfrIaF trmF bhuq Pfiedf AuTf skdy ho.

myry rMgly pMjfb dI ny sLfn kuVIaF

hrcMd isMG bfgVI

myry rMgly pMjfb dI ny sLfn kuVIaF.

ruwq cMdrI dhyj dI ienHF nUM mfiraf

vIrF Auqy ijLMdgI lutfAux kuVIaF.

KusLIaF dy mOky GuMm GuMm nwcIaF

sfzy igwiDaF dI hn ijMd jfn kuVIaF.

kuVIaF df bfp prHy ivc hfiraf

myry rMgly pMjfb…

mn dIaF sfP idlF dIaF swucIaF

lfmF nUM ny qory vIr hws hws ky

JUrdf ikAuN ho geIaF jvfn kuVIaF.

vIrF ipwCoN suwK iehnF mMgI Zol dI

myry leI rwb dy smfn kuVIaF.

guwt AuWqy bMnHy gfny kws kw sky

myry rMgly pMjfb…

ijs nfl sfry duwK suwK PoldI

vIrF nfloN vwD ny mhfn kuVIaF.

Bwj Bwj KyqF ivc Bwqy ZoNhdIaF

hws hws ruwsy nUM mnfx kuVIaF.

myry rMgly pMjfb…

afQx svyr gfvF mwJF coNdIaF

myry rMgly pMjfb…

awKF ivc ienHF sLrmF ny kwjIaF

duwD dhIN mwKx KvfAux kuVIaF.

cuwp cfp qur jfx ijwQy mfpy qordy

vYrI qfeIN dyK ky kdy nf BwjIaF

myry rMgly pMjfb…

ivq dyK afpdf jo irsLqy ny joVdy

suKI sdf vsx jhfn kuVIaF.

vYrI leI hn ikRpfn kuVIaF.

vIrF dIaF suwKF ienHF sdf mMgIaF

mfx mfipaF df sdf hI vDfx kuVIaf.

myry rMgly pMjfb dI ny sLfn kuVIaF.

myry rMgly pMjfb…

vIrF Auqy GVIaF nf afAux mMdIaF

myry rMgly pMjfb…

sfzy igwiDaF dI hn ijMd jfn kuVIaF.

myry rMgly pMjfb… ‘cMd PrvfhI’ suwK mMgy sB dI ax-mwulI dfq ny ieh myry dysL dI


The Patrika



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-vfXU-ivkfr, guwsy ivwc vfDf, PjUl dy Krc aqy klysL qoN bco, Brf nUM ksLt, imwqr qoN mdd imly, sMqfn df suwK. jUn 18, 19, 26, 27; julfeI 5, 6, 7, 15 asLuwB hn.

  ibRK-iPkr rhy, afriQk hfnI hovy, Brf qoN suwK, ividaf ivwc sPlqf iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI afvy. jUn 20, 21, 28, 29; julfeI 8, 9, asLuwB hn.



imQn-rkq-ipwq-ivkfr, afriQk lfB, BfeI bMDU-suwK, sMqfn nUM ksLt, iesqrI nUM ksLt kfrobfr TIk. jUn 14, 22, 23, 30; julfeI 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.



krk-ishq TIk, afriQk lfB, imwqr-ksLt, iesqrI-pwK sLuwB, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI, mhIny dy aKIr ivc PjUl Krc hovy. jUn 15, 16, 17, 24, 25; julfeI 3, 4, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.



isMG-vfXU-rog kfrn prysLfnI, kfrobfr kmjLor, PjULl dy JgVy aqy durGtnf qoN bco, sMqfnpwK qoN icMqf, mhIny df aKIr sLuwB. jUn 18, 19, 26, 27; juleI 5, 6, 7, 15 asLuwB hn.



Somebody else may give the impression to go your way with matters or leave things in your hands but it may not be as easy as it first appears to you. Their situation can become weakened rather than strengthened for the rest of the year. For this reason you need to be mindful of commitments you might be tempted to take on.

Wanting to act or move forward might be one thing but the more you contemplate the details, the more it seems there is to take into account. The determination to alter the long-term course of things will not weaken but because Taurus has very sensible character traits nor will you like to risk the security you already have.

Involvement with a group of people can benefit you in some way or somebody you know who is in a situation to put a good word forward will be willing to do just that. You could feel you need to take some sort of risk – as long as you keep this within bounds it should work in your favour. Someone else may not be happy though.

Pressure can start to come from all sorts of directions. There are commitments you need to meet but don’t allow somebody else to alter what you have decided on just because it suits them better. You need to be mindful that other people’s expectations don’t produce a lot more than is necessary for you to organise.

There is a strong possibility that you need to gather more information on where you intend to head with any situation long term. You need to ensure you do not become a slave to circumstance in some way through perhaps being too optimistic and not going into the details well enough. See if these goals lose their shine by next year.

It could be almost impossible to know exactly the desires of somebody else. Anything that involves finances between you and somebody else should be treated very carefully to the end of the year. This is especially so with any investment advice you might be given. You could be on different wavelengths in this area.

You may need to question any personal sacrifice you are willing to make for the benefit of others. This could have been occurring already but there comes a turning point now that will last to the end of the year that you see you disadvantaged if you are not careful. Much has to do with being too generous of yourself. Scale it down.

Making good sense of information or putting information to good use will be easy if you remained focussed on the details or taking one step at a time. If you ponder the big picture too much it can easily take you off track. The same can be said for factors that at the present time are unknown. Wait for them to surface, as they will.

Securing the support you need for any creative project should not be difficult. What could be is the financial side. There is a turning point taking place when it comes to money for creative purposes that will remain in effect to the end of the year. You will need to be able to show that you can get the most out of what will be spent.

An excellent time for you to apply your mind to ridding yourself of the unnecessary so that you become freed up to get a good structure in place. If you don’t focus on this you could generate a lot more obligation for yourself than is necessary. It is possible you realise this from past experience and this can make you determined.

It could be difficult to make final decisions about anything you feel compelled to get rid of or bring to an end, mainly because you feel the future will be better off as a result. There is no harm in considering this until the end of the year, especially if you feel you could benefit from gathering more information without rushing.

Money matters still seem to take priority, especially if other people are involved or are putting you under pressure. Focus on your own priorities and whatever you think best for your own situation. A slowing down or turning around is beginning to take place now, which can have the effect of these matters not moving in a hurry.

kMinaf-sLnI-mMgl lVfeI-JgVf krf skdy hn, guwsf nf kro, ividaf aqy kfrobfr ivwc asPlqf, mhIny dy aMq ivwc lfB hovy. jUn 20, 21, 28, 29; julfeI 8, 9 asLuwB hn.

7  qulf-cmVI-rog aqy ipwq-ivkfr kfrn ksLt, sLnI-mMglvfr nUM durGtnf-BY, Brf nUM ksLt, gupq icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn. jUn 14, 22, 23, 30; julfeI 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.



ibRsick-ishq Krfb, nyqr-ksLt, acfnk BfrI Krc, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, Cupy-dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI afvy. jUn 15, 16, 17, 24, 25; julfeI 3, 4, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.



Dn-gupq icMqf, Audr-ivkfr, afriQk shfieqf lYxI pvy, iesqrI-ksLt, mhIny df aKIr ivsLysL prysLfnI vflf hY, bRihsLpq-sLnI-mMgl df dfn kro. jUn 18, 19, 26, 27; julfeI 5, 6, 7, 15 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-rkq-ipwq-ivkfr, injI-jn-ksLt, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, gupq icMqf, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. jUn 20 ,21, 28, 29; julfeI 8, 9 asLuwB hn.

11  kuMB-sLuwkr mfnisk sLFqI dyNdf hY, Dn-lfB hovy, sMpqI-ivvfd, BfeI-bMDU nfl axbx, dusLmxF ivwc vfDf, iesqrI-pwK sLuwB. jUn 14, 22, 23, 30; julfeI 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.



mIn-Dn-lfB ho ky hfnI hovy, sMpqI-ivvfd, sPr dOrfn cot qoN bco, kMmkfr aqy sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxy. jUn 15, 16, 17, 24, 25; julfeI 3, 4, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.


The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



Tips to enjoy every minute of a short vacation (NC) Canada’s three largest airports, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, each saw record passengers in 2016. The trend’s not slowing down either, with Air Canada alone adding 28 new routes to its schedule in 2016 with another 11 planned to launch in 2017. With more people choosing to fly for just a few short days, either to an exciting international location for a quick business trip or a city on the other side of Canada to visit family over a long weekend, we can all use a bit of advice on how to make the most of our trips. Flight attendants travel the world for work, but often only get a few days or even hours to explore each location. Here, Renée Beaumont, an Air Canada flight attendant, offers her best tips that are perfect for weekend warriors, business travellers and families alike. 1. Stay downtown. If you’re spending a limited time somewhere, make sure to stay in the heart of it all. Avoid airport hotels, as they’re often on the outskirts of a city and will mean wasting precious time in transit between the fun and your room.

3. Pack wisely. A carry-on is likely all you’ll need for a short getaway. Beaumont recommends keeping the colours on your clothing simple and making each outfit look different with funky accessories. Be sure to pack from the bottom up — start with comfortable walking shoes and then add pants and tops.

4. Go with the flow. Beaumont says sometimes the best experiences are spontaneous, so venture out into the town without an agenda and follow your instincts. Strike up a conversation with your barista or locals at a café and ask for advice on what to see and do. www.newscanada.com

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2. Keep your options open. Make sure you’re prepared for whatever the weather throws at you. Pick out things to do on a beautiful day, like a famous park or fun street, but have a backup activity ready for a rainy day, like a big museum.

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The Patrika


Friday, June 23rd, 2017


Proud sponsor of the


Happy 150


Birthday Day

Abbotsford celebrates Canada 150!

Friday, June 30th Abbotsford Exhibition Park, Rotary Stadium

www.abbotsford.ca/canadaday PAGE 42

A birthday this big deserves a whole weekend celebration! See amazing local talent featuring: Abbotsford Youth Orchestra Pacific Mennonite Children’s Choir Valley Festival Singers Sionnaine (pronounced Shannon) Irish Dance Academy Skipping Sensations Circus Performers

Food trucks on site.

The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017



Tips on managing health conditions for active individuals (NC) Energetic people with active lives shouldn’t have to give up their passions once they are diagnosed with a health condition. And with the number of Canadians with diabetes on the rise — an estimated 3 million Canadians are living with the disease — it’s important to know what lifestyle changes will keep you healthy and help maintain energy levels. “For individuals living with a disease like diabetes, technology has really helped people stay on track and not interfere with the hobbies or sports a highly active person enjoys,” explains Toronto endocrinologist Harpreet S. Bajaj, MD, MPH. “New and innovative tools can help people manage the disease and understand their blood sugar levels to stay on top of their game.”

Add balance. Activities like meditation and yoga are great for a balanced lifestyle and positive mental health, which can help active individuals stay focused and on track. Be accurate. Taking care of your health can be challenging, but technology can help simplify

the process. The Contour Next One meter and its app help make it easy for people with diabetes to use their smartphones to manage the condition. The new meter also uses coloured lights to quickly indicate if a reading is too high, too low, or within target range, making results more accurate and better to understand.

avfjL dy kMtrol nfl nvyN tIvI dI pysLksL.

Here are some tips to help motivate and maximize daily activities to help meet your goals. Incorporate energy management. Eating three balanced meals a day is crucial for everyone, but for active individuals it’s also important to ensure that the largest portion will be vegetables or fruit mixed in with some lean protein. Remember the 80-20 rule. Eat well at least 80 per cent of the time, but it’s very important to leave some room for soul nourishment and favourite foods. A guilty snack can be allowed here and there.

Learn more about your investments with new reports (NC) Education is the first step towards financial well-being. That's why Canada's financial literacy leader Jane Rooney is calling on investors to take a careful look at two new annual reports that they will receive beginning this year that contain details about investment performance and fees. “The investment funds industry is taking positive steps to ensure that Canadians develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to become informed and capable investors,” says Rooney. “I believe that knowledge helps Canadians to make responsible financial decisions and ultimately, to be able to secure a sound financial future for themselves and their families.” Ms. Rooney encourages Canadians to open their new reports and learn more about their investments in a short awareness video. View the video and find more information online at ific.ca.

ijLafdf smF tIvI df luwqPL AuTfE aqy pRogrfm lwBx leI smF GtfE. • vfies-pfvrz irmot • ieMtgrytz sports aYp • bwicaF leI ivsLysL ikwzjL jLon • aMqr-igafnI msLvry

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*ies afrMBk BlueSky TV aqy ieMtrnYWt 150 pysLksL ivc Small TV plfn sLfml hY aqy isrPL nvyN gfhkF leI hY. nvyN gfhkF ny ipCly 90 idnF ivc, coxvIaF Shaw srivsjL (ieMtrnYWt, vIzIE jF Pon) jF bMzl nUM nhIN ilaf hoxf cfhIdf. pysLksL ibnF noits qoN bdlI jf skdI hY. idKfeIaF geIaF kImqF ivc tYks sLfml nhIN hY. pihly sfl dI poRmosLnl kImq $79.90/ mhInf isrPL nvyN gfhkF leI hY. mOjUdf gfhk 2 sfl dI ValuePlan `qy do sfl leI pRomosLnl kImq $129.90/ mhInf nfl ieMtrnYWt 150 aqyL BlueSky TV pRfpq kr skdy hn. poRmosLnl smyN qoN bfad inXmq ryt lfgU hoxgy aqy bdly jf skdy hn. sfry KyqrF ivc sfrIaF Shaw srivsjL AuplbD nhIN hn. quhfnUM ikrfey `qy idqf igaf jF quhfzf KrIidaf BlueSky TV XMqr aqy mozm nvF jF murMmq kIqf hoieaf ho skdf hY. jy quhfzI koeI vI srivs kYNsl huMdI hY qF quhfnUM Auh XMqr Shaw nUM vfps krnf pvygf jo qusIN nhIN KrIidaf hY. vwD qoN vwD bfrF (12) tIvI joVy jf skdy hn ijs leI iqMn (3) BlueSky TV HDPVRs hoxgy aqy hryk ivc iqMn (3) portljL hoxy cfhIdy hn. qusIN koeI vI Shaw srivs nUM awgy nhIN vyc skdy. ^2-sfl dy ValuePlan isrPL ieMtrnYWt aqy tIvI smJOqy nfl AuplbD hn ijs ivc BlueSky TV sLfml hY. ieMtrnYWt aqy BlueSky TV smJOiqaF leI ieMtrnYwt 150 jF iesqoN Aupr dy nfl nfl ilmitz tIvI df Gwt qoN Gwt ieMtrI srivs lYvl lYxf jrUrI hY. 2-sfl dy ValuePlan ivcoN, Shaw Pon srivsjL nUM iksy vI smyN bfhr kwiZaf jF sLfml kIqf jf skdf hY. ieMtrnYWt aqy BlueSky TV dy 2-sfl dy ValuePlan dy aDIn, gfhk kMplImYNtrI rYNtl BlueSky TV HDPVR aqy BlueSky TV portl pRfpq krngy jd Auh ieMtrnYWt 150 aqy Small TV jF ies qoN Aupr lYxgy. vrnf, mfisk rYNtl PLIs $15 pRqI mhInf pRqI BlueSky TV HDPVR aqy mfisk rYNtl PLIs $5 pRqI mhInf pRqI BlueSky TV portl lfgU hovygI. 2-sfl dy ValuePlan bfry ijLafdf jfxkfrI shaw.ca/valueplandetails `qy dyKI jf skdI hY. © 2017 sfrIaF Shaw srivsjL `qy, sfzIaF vrqoN aqy pRfeIvysI pflsI dIaF sFJIaF sLrqF lfgU huMdIaF hn jo shaw.ca `qy hn. © 2017 Shaw Cablesystems G.P.


The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

anyk smwisafvfˆ df iewk hwl ‘cuwp`

prmfqmf vwloN mnuwK nUM imlI iewk aijhI ĂˆkqI ijs dI vrqoN nfl mnuwK afpxy afp nfl sMvfd rcfAuNdf hoieaf afnMd mihsUs krdf hY, nUM cuwp dy nfˆ nfl jfixaf jfˆdf hY. ieh iewk aijhf vrdfn hY ijs nfl mnuwK ivwc sbr, sMqoK, sMjm aqy sihxĂˆIlqf vrgy gux pYdf ho jfˆdy hn jo mnuwK nUM iĂ‹MdgI dy hr mukfm `qy ijwq hfsl krn ivwc shfeI huMdy hn. cuwp, mnuwK nUM kudrq dy nyVy lY ky jfx df sfDn hY. cuwp df arQ hY Zuwkvyˆ aqy arQ BrpUr Ăˆbdfˆ dI vrqoN krnf. cuwp rihxf afpxy afp ivwc iewk ĂˆkqIĂˆflI qy pRBfvĂˆflI hiQafr hY ijs dI vrqoN nfl ivakqI dI sihxĂˆkqI aqy PYsly lYx dI smrwQf iĂ‹afdf ho jfˆdI hY. cuwp rihx nfl ivakqI afpxy afp nUM iĂ‹afdf AUrjfvfn mihsUs krdf hY ikAuNik vwD bolx nfl ijMnI AUrjf Krc huMdI hY, Gwt bolx jfˆ cuwp rihx nfl AUrjf Aus qoN Gwt Krc huMdI hY. ies qrHfˆ bcI AUrjf nfl srIrk aMg iewksur ho jfˆdy hn. Aus df socx df dfierf ivĂˆfl ho jfˆdf hY ijs nfl ivakqI ivwc sfkfrfqmk ivcfr jnm lYx lwgdy hn. hlImI afpxy afp hI Aus ivakqI

kYlfĂˆ cMdr Ăˆrmf

dy aMdr aflHxf pf lYˆdI hY. Gwt bolxf ijwQy ivakqI dI isafxp nUM drsfAuNdf hY, AuWQy vwD bolx aqy mUMhPwt lokfˆ df afpxy afly-duafly dy lokfˆ ivwc bhuqf pRBfv nhIN huMdf ikAuNik afpxI gwlbfq ivwc AunHfˆ df qrk iËafdf asrdfr nhIN huMdf.

ies nUM afsfn bxfAuxf pYˆdf hY, kuJ nĂ‹r aMdfĂ‹ krky aqy kuJ brdfĂˆq krky. jdoN koeI idl duKfey qfˆ cuwp rihxf hI ibhqr huMdf hY ikAuNik ijnHfˆ nUM asIN jvfb nhIN idMdy, AunHfˆ nUM vkq jvfb idMdf hY.

cuwp rihx jfˆ Gwt bolx vfly ivakqIafˆ dy irĂˆqy vI hMZxsfr huMdy hn. bVbolfpx keI vfr JgiVafˆ df kfrn bx jfˆdf hY. iĂ‹afdf bolx vfly keI vfr mfVy bolfˆ duafrf afpxy aMdr Ă‹ihr Gol lYˆdy hn ijs nfl ivakqIafˆ ivwc guwsy aqy kroD dI Bfvnf pYdf huMdI hY jo irĂˆiqafˆ ivwc qryVfˆ df kfrn bxdI hY. kfmXfb ivakqI afpxy ichry `qy kyvl do hI cIĂ‹fˆ rwKdy hn muskrfht aqy KfmoĂˆI. muskrfht msilafˆ dy hwl krn leI aqy KfmoĂˆI msilafˆ qoN dUr rihx leI. koeI ikMnf vI quhfzy nfl burf slUk kry, kdy vI Aus dy pwDr `qy jfx dI koiĂˆĂˆ nf kro. cuwp rih ky mĂ‹bUq bxo aqy AuWQoN cly jfE. JgiVafˆ vyly cuwp rihx dI koiĂˆĂˆ kro, Kfs krky jdoN dUsrf bhuq iĂ‹afdf guwsy ivwc hovy. cuwp rih ky jo ikhf jf skdf hY, Auh Ăˆbdfˆ nfl nhIN. iĂ‹MdgI kdy vI afsfn nhIN huMdI,

cuwp nUM suwK aqy ĂˆfˆqI pRfpqI df Ă‹rIaf kihMdy hn. cuwp aqy iekfˆq afqmf dy srvoqm imwqr huMdy hn. srIrk qMdrusqI pwKoN vI cuwp dI BrpUr mihmf hY. mnuwKI mn dI AudfsI aqy qxfa nUM dUr krky hlkfPulkf krn dI smrwQf vI cuwp ivwc hI huMdI hY. aMqr mnfˆ nUM GoKxf, aOkVfˆ, musIbqfˆ ivwcoN guĂ‹r ky rUhfˆ df anuBv krnf iĂ‹MdgI df aslI aml hY jo cuwp rihx jfˆ Gwt bolx nfl hI sMBv hY. ies qrHfˆ rUh iKVI rihMdI hY jo iksy vI pRfpqI qoN Gwt nhIN. jykr mn `c KuĂˆI qy AuqĂˆfh hovy qfˆ hI psMdIdf tIcf pRfpq krn df rfh afsfn huMdf hY. afdmI df mnobl vDdf hY aqy Auh hfrfˆ qoN nhIN GbrfAuNdf qy nf hI hfrdf hY. mnuwK dy idmfg ivwc nvyˆ aqy sLuwD ivcfr vI kyvl AudoN hI jnm lYx lwgdy hn, jdoN asIN cuwp rih ky iekfgr mn nfl socIey.

pqI-pqnI dy irĂˆqy dI iemfrq nUM vI cuwp vrgy gux dI vrqoN nfl hI mĂ‹bUq rwiKaf jf skdf hY. dovfˆ ivwc keI muwidafˆ `qy aksr keI vfr afpsI qkrfr ho jfˆdI hY jo keI vfr AunHfˆ dI axbx df kfrn vI bx jfˆdI hY. aijhy mOikafˆ `qy jykr AunHfˆ ivwcoN iewk QoVHf ijhf cuwp rih jfvy qfˆ AuhI irĂˆqf sdIvI hMZxsfr bixaf rihMdf hY. cuwp rihx nfl mnuwK dy aMdr cMgy bol jmHfˆ huMdy rihMdy hn. iewk arQpUrn cuwp anykfˆ arQhIx bolfˆ qoN ikqy cMgI huMdI hY. ajoky mfhOl ivwc bwicafˆ aqy mfipafˆ ivwc ivcfrfˆ df tkrf ho jfˆdf hY ikAuNik bwcy nvIN pIVHI dy ivcfrfˆ dy nfl cwlx dI iĂ‹wd krdy hn. ies leI aijhy mOikafˆ `qy cuwp dy mMqr dI vrqoN kro. ies df mqlb ieh vI nhIN hY ik AuWkf hI nf boilaf jfvy. Auicq smyˆ `qy nf bolx vflf JUTf aqy kmĂ‹or sfbq huMdf hY. afpxy hwk, afqm-snmfn aqy dUsirafˆ dI BlfeI leI qrk nfl afvfĂ‹ bulMd krnI cfhIdI hY qfˆ hI snmfnjnk iĂ‹MdgI bqIq kIqI jf skdI hY.

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Friday, June 23rd, 2017

bury kMm df burf nqIjf

The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

blrfj isMG iswDU aYWs[pI[ ieh asl vfikaf 1948-49 dOrfn ajoky afm vfˆg roĂ‹mrHf dy kMm krn lwg ipaf qrn qfrn iĂ‹lHy dy iewk ipMz ivwc vfpiraf qy ĂˆrIkfˆ nUM ieAuN imldf ijvyˆ kuJ hoieaf sI. hrnfm isMG iZwloN pMjfh ikwly Ă‹mIn hI nf hovy. df mflk isr kwZvfˆ iĂ‹mIˆdfr sI. 13-14 kuJ idnfˆ bfad gopfl dfs ny vI cyilafˆ sfl df gMgf isMG Aus df ieklOqf puwqr smyq Aus dy ipMz afx Auqfrf kIqf. sI. hrnfm isMG dI pqnI qyj kOr ny Qfˆ hrnfm isMG ny bYˆz vfijafˆ nfl Aus df Qfˆ suwKfˆ suwK ky puwq ilaf sI. hrnfm isMG svfgq kIqf qy lokfˆ ivwc pRcfr kr idwqf df koeI hor skf BYx Brf nhIN sI. ĂˆrIky ik irwDIafˆ iswDIafˆ dy mflk myry gurU vfilafˆ dI awK Aus dI Ă‹mIn AuWpr itkI ihmfilaf prbq qoN pDfry hn. hrnfm hoeI sI. AunHfˆ nUM pqf sI ik jy gMgf isMG isMG dy Gr kQf-kIrqn aqy hvn Xwg dy mfiraf igaf qfˆ hrnfm isMG qy qyj kOr dOr cwl pey. imwTy cOlfˆ qy lwzU jlybIafˆ dy hAuky nfl hI mr jfxgy. iPr Ă‹mIn vI lMgr lwg gey. jdoN gopfl dfs ny hrnfm afpxI qy hvylI vrgf mkfn vI afpxf. isMG dI syvf qoN iĂ‹afdf pRsMn ho jfxf qfˆ Auh bflk gMgf isMG nUM mfrn dI iqMn cfr hukm dyxf, “jfh! Gr dI PlfxI nuwkr vfr koiĂˆĂˆ kr cuwky sn. iewk vfr cfcI puwt, rwb BlI krygf.â€? hrnfm isMG ny bcnI ny gMgf isMG nUM duwD ivwc Ă‹ihr imlf bfibafˆ dy pYrfˆ nUM hwQ lf ky, jl iCVk ky ky ipaf idwqf sI, pr zfktr ny bcf ilaf. jfxbuwJ ky lokfˆ nUM ivKf ky jgfh puwtxI qfˆ dUjI vfr ĂˆrIky vfly DoKy nfl gMgf isMG kdy sony dI aMgUTI, kdy hfr qy kdy cfˆdI nUM vMz vyly pfiksqfn jf rhy ĂˆrnfrQIafˆ dy iswikafˆ df Biraf GVf inkl afAuxf. df kfPlf luwtx nfl lY gey ik rOly-gOly Auh gwl vwKrI hY ik sfmfn pihlfˆ hI gupq ivwc pfr bulf idafˆgy. pr Bfxf rwb df! qOr `qy dbfieaf igaf huMdf sI. hOlI hOlI acfnk POj af geI qy Aus ny lutyirafˆ sfry ipMz ivwc KLbr PYl geI ik mhfn AuWpr golIbfrI kr idwqI. golI nfl sB krnI vfly sMq, hrnfm isMG nUM KĂ‹fny qoN vwzf vYrI qfieaf kMs isMG hI mfiraf bKĂˆ rhy hn. hOlI hOlI hrnfm isMG dy igaf. vrdI golI ivwcoN Bwj ky Gr afey duĂˆmx vI bfibafˆ dy lwqfˆ gozy Guwtx lwg gMgf isMG nUM hrnfm isMG ny rUh nfl pey. iewk idn mOkf vyK ky AunHfˆ ivwcoN kuJ JMibaf. Aus Gtnf qoN bfad gMgf isMG iĂ‹afdf kfhly sMqy tfˆzy BMn ny bfby nUM bynqI ĂˆrIkfˆ df iblkul ivsfh nhIN sI Kfˆdf. kIqI, “bfbf jI ikRpf kro. sfnUM vI koeI kuJ idn bfad ĂˆrIky `coN cfcf lwgdf KĂ‹fnf bKĂˆ idAu.â€? ieho qfˆ gopfl dfs mfhxf doDI, gMgf isMG dy mgr ikrpfn qy hrnfm isMG cfhuMdy sn. iPr vI nklI lY ky Bwijaf, pr cOkMnf gMgf isMG Bwj ky guwsy nfl bfby ny kws ky sMqy dI vwKI ivwc Gr af viVaf. ies klyĂˆ kfrn hrnfm lwq mfrI, “ht pry duĂˆtf. KĂ‹fny ies qrHfˆ isMG pihlfˆ vI keI vfr pMcfieq iekwTI nhIN imldy huMdy. hrnfm isMG ny qfˆ myry kr cuwkf sI, pr duĂˆmx pMcfieq ivwc mMny nfl rfqfˆ jfg jfg ky iCly kwty ny qfˆ ikqy hI nf ik asIN Ă‹ihr idwqf jfˆ sfzf hrnfm jf ky Aus `qy mfqf lkĂˆmI dI ikRpf hoeI isMG nfl koeI vYr hY. hrnfm isMG ny aY.â€? iZwzoN KuĂˆ huMdf gopfl dfs grijaf. dunIafˆ vyKI hoeI sI. Auh smJ igaf ik sfry ĂˆrIkfˆ ny lMmy pY ky gopfl dfs dy crn hux pMcfieq ivwc jfx df koeI lfB nhIN. PV ley qy zMzOq krdy hoey bKiĂˆĂˆfˆ krn jo kuJ krnf hY Auh afp hI krnf pvygf. dIafˆ bynqIafˆ krn lwgy, pr gopfl dfs ny bMdy Gwt hox kfrn iswDI twkr ivwc Auh AunHfˆ nUM gflHfˆ kwZ ky Bjf idwqf. aKIr keI ĂˆrIkfˆ df mukfblf nhIN sI kr skdf. AuNj idnfˆ bfad hrnfm isMG dI iĂˆPfrĂˆ mMn vI jy Auh kql krdf qfˆ pulIs ny PV ky ky bfbf pRsMn hoieaf. bfby ny Prmfieaf jylH ivwc quMn dyxf sI qy ipwCoN gMgf isMG ny ik afAux vflI jyT dI mwisaf dI rfq tUxf iPr vI nhIN sI bcxf. keI idn socx qoN krky dyvI nUM pRsMn kIqf jfvygf. bfad Auh gMgf isMG qy qyj kOr nUM shurIN bfby ny hukm idwqf, “mwisaf dI rfq nUM Cwz ky aMimRqsroN hirduafr vflI gwzI cVH 12 vjy Ăˆhfbpury vflI nihr dy suMny pul igaf. AuWQy Aus df purfxf dosq gopfl AuWpr iewk kflf bwkrf, do ikwlo sMDUr, pMj isMG, bfvf gopfl dfs bxky afĂˆrm KolHI ikwlo sUr df mfs, ZfeI ikwlo mfˆh, 28 lohy bYTf sI. gopfl dfs ny sfrI iĂ‹MdgI koeI dy ikwl qy swq mMjIafˆ lY ky phuMc jfieAu. cMgf kMm nhIN sI kIqf, pr ipClI Aumry jy lyt ho gey qfˆ KĂ‹fnf igaf smJo.â€? sB kuJ Cwz ky sfD bx igaf sI. hrnfm hrnfm isMG dy muwK swq duĂˆmx KĂ‹fny isMG ny Aus nUM sfrI iviQaf KolH ky dwsI dy lflc ivwc iClf kwtx leI iqafr ho qy Aus dy gl lwg ky AuWcI AuWcI rox lwg gey. awDI rfq nUM swqy jxy bfby aqy do sB ipaf. iekwly puwqr dy isr `qy mOq nwcdI qoN ivĂˆvfspfqr cyilafˆ nfl suMny pul `qy vyK ky Aus dIafˆ awKfˆ awgy hnyrf Cfieaf phuMc gey. mwisaf dI kflI bolI rfq ivwc hoieaf sI. dovfˆ ny inwq dI GYˆs GYˆs Kqm bfby ny afpxf pfKMz sLurU kr idwqf. kfly krn leI iewk Kqrnfk Xojnf bxfeI qy bwkry dI blI dy ky Aus df KUn mMjIafˆ dy hrnfm isMG vfps ipMz af igaf. Auh pfivafˆ `qy lfieaf igaf. swqfˆ mMjIafˆ dy bfkI pMnHf 48 'qy

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The Patrika



Friday, June 23rd, 2017



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zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $15 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-5400 jF 604825-3508 kfimaF dI loV

zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY aqy aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY. nvyN kfmy vI aplfeI kr skdy hn. qnKfh qjLrby anusfr $14 qoN $20 qwk idwqI jfvygI. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778552-0842 kfimaF dI loV

nrsrI aqy Pfrm leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| kMm GMitaF df hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-855-1065 jF 778-242-9250

Services nsLy Cwzx leI jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com kfimaF dI loV kpVy dy stor ‘qy kMm krn leI Full Time aqy Part Time kfimaF dI loV hY, English, pMjfbI aqy kwpVy vfry jfxkfrI hovy. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro jI. 32853 Ventura Ave aYbtsPorz

Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs      PAGE 46

asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF.

CAREGIVER NEEDED Experienced Caregiver zmYnsLIaf nfl bImfr mfqf dI to start work immediately. $20 per hour.

qjLrbydfr dyK Bfl krn vfly dI qurMq loV hYs.

5 hours at any suitable time between Saturday, Monday, sinwcrvfr, mMglvfr, buwDvfr, Wednesday and Friday aqy vIrvfr nMU 4-5 GMty df for a patient suffering from kMm hovygf. qnKLfh $20 pRqI Dementia. Basic Knowledge GM tf. ieMgilsL bolxI lfjLmI hY. of English is a must.

email: elainetchapor@gmail.com

50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI) (stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)

20 x 20 df tYNt isrPL $150 df hfeI pIk tYNt, tybl aqy kursIaF, sfAUNz isstm, zFs PLlor, kuikMg leI pqIly, gYs stov, hItr, lfeItF, eyrIaf rgjL, Qrms, PUz vfrmrjL, bfrbIikAU aqy qMdUr aqy hr iksm df zYkorysLn df smfn jfgo df smfn qswlIbKsL syvfvF iek vfr syvf df mOkf jLrUr idAu asIN zYkorysLn vI krdy hF! zYkorysLn df smfn XU. aYsU. eyU. aqy ieMzIaf qoN ilaFdf igaf hY. WE ALSO DO DECORATIONS FOR ALL EVENTS! hor jfxkfrI leI awj hI PoLn kro:


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The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017


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kfimaF dI loV hY

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Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Who does not want a beauďż˝ful dream house! We build custom homes, will help you to fulďŹ ll your dreams. Contact:

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HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765 PAGE 47

The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

pMnHf 45 dI bfkI pfivafˆ ivwc iewk iewk ikwl Toikaf igaf. bfby ny sMDUr mUMh `qy ml ky bVf KOPnfk Bys bxfieaf hoieaf sI. awDf pOxf GMtf puwTy iswDy mMqr pVH ky bfby ny smwgrI jl pRvfh kr idwqI. mMqr pVHdf bfbf kVikaf, “ho geI dyvI idafl, clo sfry iewk dUjy nUM mMjIafˆ nfl bMnHo. hux afKrI mMqr pVHdy hI KĂ‹fny dyx vflI dyvI pRgt hovygI.â€? lflc ivwc aMnHy hoey duĂˆmxfˆ ny mMjIafˆ dIafˆ pYˆdfˆ KolH ky Kud hI iewk dUjy nUM kws kws ky mMjIafˆ nfl bMnH idwqf. iksy ny nf puwiCaf ik KĂ‹fny df mMjIafˆ nfl kI sbMD hY? afKrI bMdy nUM bfibafˆ ny afpxy kr kmlfˆ nfl mMjI nfl nUV idwqf. jdoN

sfry bMnH idwqy gey qfˆ bfby ny afvfĂ‹ mfrI, “af jf BfeI hrnfm isMhfˆ, kMm iswD ho igaf.â€? nyVy hI luikaf hrnfm isMG Cfl mfr ky bfhr inkilaf. hrnfm isMG nUM vyK ky ĂˆrIkfˆ nUM smJ af igaf ik DoKf ho igaf hY. Auh CtptfAux lwgy, muafPIafˆ mMg ky bcfa leI cIkfˆ mfrn lwgy, pr smfˆ lMG cuwkf sI. Aus rsqy zrdy mfry idny koeI nhIN sI lMGdf, rfq nUM iks ny afAuxf sI. hrnfm isMG ny PtfPt bfby aqy cyilafˆ dI mdd nfl ĂˆrIkfˆ nUM mMjIafˆ smyq vgdI nihr ivwc vgfh mfiraf. AunHfˆ dI awj qwk AuuW suwG nhIN inklI.

A Star Excavating & Demolition All kind of excavation

Looking for General Laborer in a lumber remanufacturing plant various positions available. Pay depends on experience and job hired for. HEAVY LIFTING AND HIGH SPEED WORK ENVIRONMENT. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DONT HAVE EXPERIENCE OR FIT THE CRITERIA. Positions available : grader, greenchain worker , chop saw operator, planer operator, resaw operator, maintenance general laborer. PAY : $16-$21 an hour plus benefits after 3 month probation period. lMbr rImYnUPYkcirMg plFt ivwc kfimaF dI loV hY. qnKfh anuBv muqfbkBfr cwkxf aqy qyjI nfl kMm krnf jLrUrI hY. ikrpf krky jy quhfzy kol anuBv nhIN hY jF qusIN qyjL mhOl ivwc kMm nhIN kr skdy, qF aplfeI nf kro. pojLIsLnf: gRyzr, gRIncyn vrk kfmy, cOp sOa aOprytr, plfnr aOprytr, rIsOa aOprytr, myntyinMs jYnrl vrkr qnKfh: $16-$21 pRqI GMtf aqy iqMn mhIny dy pRObysLn bfad bYnIiPt

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The Patrika

Friday, June 23rd, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

pMnHf 36 dI bfkI skUl-aiDafpkfˆ dy ieh ieqrfĂ‹ TIk hn. qfˆ vI asIN smJdy hfˆ, srkfrI skUlfˆ aqy ienHfˆ aiDafpkfˆ df bhuq vwzf PrĂ‹ hY. ijvyˆ asIN pihlfˆ ilK afey hfˆ sfry dyĂˆ ivc lgpg iek kroV bwcy dsvIN/bfrHvIN qwk phuMcdy hn. Auh mihMgy skUlfˆ ny nhIN pVHfey huMdy. ienHfˆ srkfrI skUlfˆ dI pnIrI hI huMdy hn. dUjy Ăˆbdfˆ ivc dyĂˆ dI jnqf nUM sfKr bxfAux df pivwqr kMm ienHfˆ skUlfˆ dy iĂ‹Mmy lwgf hoieaf hY. duwK dI gwl hY, dyĂˆ dI hfkm jmfq jnqf nUM pVHfAux dy aihm PrĂ‹ nUM BuwlI hoeI hY.

krn vflf hY. asl inwjIkrn Aus Kyqr ivc hoxf cfhIdf hY, ijwQy grIb lok afpxy bwicafˆ nUM pVHn leI Byjdy hn. ies Kyqr ivc ienHfˆ inwjI adfirafˆ ny pRvyĂˆ nhIN krnf. ies Kyqr ivc srkfr nUM afp pihl krnI pYxI hY. ieh Kyqr sUibafˆ dy skUl borzfˆ ny sMBfilaf hoieaf hY. AunHfˆ nUM muĂˆiklfˆ df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY. huxy-huxy KLbr afeI hY, ibhfr dy skUl borz dy dsvIN dy iemiqhfn ivc 65 PIsdI bwcy PylH ho gey hn. iek mhInf pihlfˆ dI KLbr sI, mwD pRdyĂˆ dy skUl borz dy iemiqhfn dy nqIjy inklx qoN bfad pMjfh ividafrQIafˆ ny KudkuĂˆI kIqI. hux pMjfb qoN vI kuJ ividafrQIafˆ dy KudkuĂˆI krn dIafˆ duKdfeI KLbrfˆ afeIafˆ hn.

ikAuN nhIN KĂ‹fny dI kfPI rfĂˆI ienHfˆ srkfrI skUlfˆ dI hflq suDfrn aqy ienHfˆ dI kfrguĂ‹frI ibhqr krn Auwqy KrcI jfˆdI? afKr ivwidaf nfloN iĂ‹afdf kImqI vsqU ikhVI hY? jy dyĂˆ dI kuwl afbfdI sUbfeI skUl borzfˆ aqy AunHfˆ nfl juVy dsvIN-bfrHvIN qwk pVHI-ilKI ho jfvy qfˆ skUlfˆ dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ hmdrdI Biraf ikMnf vwzf smfijk ienklfb af jfeygf? iDafn mMgdIafˆ hn. sUibafˆ kol Dn-rfĂˆI dI Gft hY. qfˆ vI sUby ipMz-ipMz skUl KolH hfkm jmfq nUM smJxf cfhIdf hY, lok ky aqy grIb qoN grIb lokfˆ nUM pVHn df grIbI dI dldl ivcoN inklxf cfhuMdy mOkf dy ky suqMqr dyĂˆ dI iek buinafdI loV hn. Auh qrwkI krnf cfhuMdy hn. qrwkI pUrI kr rhy hn. kyˆdr sUibafˆ nUM vwD Dn krn leI pVHfeI Ă‹rUrI hY. AuWcI ivwidaf dyvy. sUby skUl borzfˆ ivc iswiKaf mfihr aqy pyĂˆfvfrfnf iswiKaf dy Kyqr ivc Ăˆfiml krn. AunHfˆ dI slfh nfl srkfrI inwjI adfry vwzy pwDr `qy dfKl ho gey skUlfˆ dI kfrguĂ‹frI suDfrI jfey, qfˆ ik hn. ieMj ividak kMm df vI inwjIkrn grIb mfipafˆ dy bwcy muZlI iswiKaf qy AuWcI hoieaf hY. pr ieh inwjIkrn BulyKf pYdf iswiKaf ivc hux nfloN vI vwD sPl hox.

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asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

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ierIgySn ienst`lySn

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if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

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sfnMU kYnrI ivc kfimaF dI loV hY.

kMm jUn qoN qoN sqMbr qk clygf. Auh hI aplfeI krn jo sfrf sIjLn kMm kr skdy hn. sfnMU plFt suprvfeIjLr, PorkilPt zrfeIvrF (Pul tfeIm aqy pfrt tfeIm ijnf kol itkt hovy) aqy Pul tfeIm mkYink dI vI loV hY. iehnF sfiraF pojLIsLnf vfsqy Gwt qoN Gwt 3 sflF df qjrbF jLrUrI hY. sfry kfmy afiPs ivc afp afky aplfeI krn Monday- Friday 9:00-4:30 jykr qus PorkilPt/ suprvfeIjLr jF mkYink leI aplfeI kr rhy ho qF apfieMtmYNt jrUr bxfAu.

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 49

The Patrika



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Friday, June 23rd, 2017



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4 minor mistakes that can cost you big on car insurance (NC) Although basic insurance standards vary from province to province, all Canadian car owners are legally required to have automobile insurance on each of their vehicles. Here Lisa Purves, director of personal auto at Intact Insurance, explains how you might be able to save yourself money and a headache by avoiding these simple but common mistakes. 1. Not asking. Always inquire about discounts when you’re negotiating your insurance. Your provider may be able to offer you better rates based on a good driving record. Bundling your insurance into a home-automobile package might also help save you money. Or consider signing up for a usage-based insurance program, available in some provinces, that rewards you for safe driving habits. 2. Paying by instalments. Some insurers charge interest if you pay your premiums by monthly instalments. If paying upfront isn’t an option, prioritize paying on time. Late or missed payments may result in further fees or even a policy cancellation, which could all lead to more expensive future premiums. You can set up pre-authorized payment arrangements with your bank so you’ll never miss a payment or be late.


3. Long commutes. Driving for an extended period of time to work every day means m o r e mileage and time on the road, which both increase collision risk and wear and tear on your vehicle. These increased risks could potentially raise your insurance premiums, even with a good driving record. You may be able to reduce your mileage and time on the road by car-pooling, taking public transit or working from home for a few days each week.

Summer is the season of sun, fun and… insurance? (NC) Did you know that sun-glare and insect-related car accidents, vandalism and flash flooding are common insurance incidents that occur in the summer? With that in mind, you might be wondering who you can trust to explain complicated insurance policies that protect your home, car or business for when the unexpected happens. When looking for the right policy for you, a Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) has earned a special designation that abides by a code of ethics, along with added knowledge and understanding from extra courses of study. Here are three areas where they can help.

Home insurance. Do you have flood protection? What types of flooding/water damage are included or excluded? How do natural disasters affect the terms of the insurance? Is your roommate covered under 5. Lending your car. Before handing over your the same insurance plan? How much personal propkeys, think about how it may impact your vehicle erty insurance do you need? What is sewer back-up and insurance record. Offer a lift and some help insurance? instead. Remember that anyone borrowing your car needs a license and permission to use your vehicle. Car insurance. Do you have collision or comprehenIf someone is borrowing your vehicle regularly, you sive coverage? What are the differences? What about should consider updating your policy to include your car liability concerns? How do at-fault and nothem under your coverage. fault accident policies work?

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

The Patrika



for more details

Congratulations TO OUR 2017 GRADUATES

The Board of Education is proud to salute the Abbotsford School District`s 2017 graduating class. There were many notable accomplishments by students at these schools over the past year in academics, athletics, the arts and especially in the areas of leadership, community service, and fundraising for causes both local and international. Many of our graduates have earned scholarships and hundreds will be entering college and university programs in the coming year. Others are starting careers, working or traveling the world. To all of the 2017 graduates... Best Wishes!





The Patrika 

Friday, June 23rd, 2017


Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Bhumi Pednekar ducks Akshay Kumar's pranks Bhumi Pednekar's dedication to her craft was evident right from her debut film for which she piled on 30 kilos to suit the role. Her second outing at the theaters, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, comes exactly two years after her big screen debut and her co-star is none other than Akshay Kumar. When asked about sharing screen space with Akshay Kumar in the drama, Bhumi beams, “He's amazing. Being on set with Akshay Kumar everyday was like a masterclass.“ Akshay on one hand is known to be an early riser and somebody who loves to shoot early in the morning. On the other hand, he is notorious for pulling pranks on the sets of his films. Bring this up and Bhumi says, “ Akshay made everyone laugh because he was always up to some mischief. I was always alert whenever he was around. He hasn't really been able to play a prank on me.“

Tiger says he's 'biggest fan' of Michael Jackson Actor Tiger Shroff, who is gearing up for the release of his forthcoming film "Munna Michael", says he believes he is late pop legend Michael Jackson's biggest fan.&pictures has partnered with Eros International and Next Gen Films to bring a contest titled "Main Hoon Michael" ahead of the theatrical release of Eros and Viki Rajani's "Munna Michael". Tiger will travel to different cities across India to identify the biggest dancing fans of Jackson.Talking about it, the actor said in a statement: "When it comes to Michael Jackson, I like to call myself his biggest fan. And ‘Main Hoon Michael' is an opportunity for me to meet people who share the same passion for MJ as I do."

Kriti relishes bread pakora in London As much as our heroines may work hard to look fit, and flabless, they all admit to being foodies when no one's watching. Kriti Kharbanda is no less. The Bengaluru girl was shooting in the cool climes of London for her dramedy Guest Iin London, and one day she craved for bread pakoras. The crew went an extra mile to ensure her temptations were met with as she recalls, “I was once tempted to have bread pakoras during our London schedule, and considering the location of our shoot, it was practically impossible to find a place that served them.Much to my surprise, the crew managed to fetch me some scrumptious, piping hot pakoras like the ones you'd get in Mumbai.“ Nothing beats desi khaana in a videshi mahaaul...right?

WHEN SHRADDHA WENT UNDER COVER... Looking the part is half the battle won. Shraddha Kapoor's look in Haseena Parkar, her upcoming biopic on Dawood Ibrahim's sister Haseena Parkar, has grabbed eyeballs. The actress plays the title role with an age graph of 17 to 45. She goes from playing a young girl in her late teens to a married woman with a child. Director Apoorva Lakhia toiled hard with a leading make-up artist, hairstylist and a team of costume designers for nearly a year to set her look right. After that, he ensured that Shraddha kept her appearance in the film under wraps. To begin with, the team wasn't allowed to bring phones on the set. As a precaution, Shraddha even travelled covering her face with a muslin cloth, since she did a part of her make-up at home. She also made sure she doesn't move around in the vicinity of the set without shielding her look. No wonder then that she surprised people with her look when the veil of secrecy was lifted.

After 'Pink', there is an acceptance that I can act : Angad Bedi Angad Bedi says his work in last year's critically acclaimed film "Pink" has boosted his confidence and the also helped him immensely during the shoot of "Tiger Zinda Hai".The acztor, who will feature in the Salman Khan-Katrina Kaif starrer, says director Ali Abbas Zafar asked him to just focus on his character and not go overboard with too much preparation.On working with Salman and Katrina in the film, Angad told, "Working in 'Pink' helped me, there was an acceptance in the industry that at least I can act. My main nervousness was how to find the tone of my character.""Ali said don't prep too much and don't think too hard. I just followed that. If out of the billion people who will watch Salman, even 10 people notice my hard work, my life will be made," he says.The 34-year-old actor has worked in films like "Faltu" and "Ungli"

before gaining recognition for his negative character in the National Award-winning film, "Pink".Angad considers it a "good fortune" to bag a film with Salman after having worked with Amitabh Bachchan in "Pink", and says the "Dabangg" star has the quality to make everyone comfortable around him.



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034 iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro



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35494 Edson Place

Home sweet home! This lovely family home is located just a block from Mission's Heritage Park and offers 4 upstairs bedrooms, 2 baths, a traditional layout, big picture windows for loads of natural light, spacious rooms, lots of storage, a potential for an in-law suite, a workshop, a brand new (huge!) 3095 MCCRAE ST.



SOLD $669,000 Prime location - close to all facilities - schools, shopping recreation, University, Hospital. Large lot for extra parking, RV, and other options. Note the large bedrooms, spacious laundry, and the possibility of 5 bedrooms. This house has been updated and ready for the new owner.



$599,900 Charming East side rancher! Fully renovated rancher on large corner lot in fantastic location. This home has extensive updates including a new kitchen, s/s appliances, large island, dark laminate flooring, new paint, upgraded lighting, custom built electric fireplace and more. Fully covered patio off the great room. Large master bedroom can be converted back into two separate rooms just by putting the wall back up! Great schools nearby including Dr. Thomas Swift, Clayburn Middle and Robert Bateman Secondary as well as Margaret Sternerson for french immersion. Nothing to do here but move right in!

$789,000 Renovated in 2013 to increase the master bedroom that now includes an 8'2x6'10 walk in closet and a 3 piece en-suite. Open concept kitchen with a large island and a raised seating bar for 5. Magnificent Rec room featuring a wet bar and dishwasher that is an entertainers delight. Can also be converted to a 1 bedroom suite. High efficiency furnace, on demand hot water, all new vinyl windows,3 year old roof, new gutters and list goes on...

33678 7th Ave








2287 OTTER ST.







Contact me for subdivideable properties 30849 CARDINAL AVE.




W e H a v e Q u a l i fi e d B u y e r s F o r H o m e s


Friday, June 23rd, 2017


Little Oak Realty Independently Owned and Operated

โ Top 1% Real Estate Team of Year 2015.. Award Winning" ย ย Davinder Brar-PREC Harpreet Mann-PREC CALL FOR A FREE MARKET 604.302.2222 604.832.8485 EVALUATION NEW LISTING




31362 McConachie PL 34080 Higginson Cr 3752 Harwood Cr Open House Open House 3 Bedroom June 25th, 1-4 pm June 25th, 1-4 pm on main floor with

4 - 3270 Bluejay St

4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, legal bsmt suite, near Fruiticana

6 Bedroom and 3 Bathroom, bsmt suite, near UFV



2 Bedroom basement suite

2 Storey Townhome with 3 Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. CUSTOM BUILT


30 -31255 Upper Maclure RD

2421 Cresent Way Renovate it or demolish to build dream home

32773 Cowichan Terrace 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms 10680 Sqft lot Near Stadium

31032 Westridge Pl 2224 Broadway St 33341 Whidden Ave Master suite features 6 Bedrooms, 4 3 Bedroom, 2


4 pc ensuite with his

with a beautiful house in Aldergrove

32635 Rossland Pl Great rental property


2 3070 Townline Road

4 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms Very Well desired area of Blue Jay Hills complex

30 Acres Blueberry Farm 2098 Beaver Street 6 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms with 7070 sqft lot size


32054 Scott PL 3 Bedroom home, near schools and shopping center


NEAR UFV 3 story, 6 bdrm, 6 bath, bsmt suite, recroom, media room, wet bar, 4 bdrms up, big driveway, near University.

Condo Building in Good Condition 6% Return of Investment

103 - 2962 Trethewey

31098 Deertrail Road

Spacious and bright, 2 bedroom, 2 full bath. New floor, new

Great Family Home in desirable area of West

Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented

3 - 3070 Townline Road 4 bedrooms,

3 bathrooms Near Shopping Mall

เจธเจพเจกเฉ เจ เฉ เจคเฉ เจนเจพเจกเฉ เจช เฉ เจชเจฐเจ เฉ เจฒเจ เจ เฉ เจ เจฒเฉ เจซเจพเจ เจก เจ เฉ เจฆเจฆเจพเจฐ เจนเจจเฅค เจนเฉ เจฃเฉ เฉ เฉ เจจ เจ เจฐเฉ เจ เฉ เฅค CALL US TO GET FORECLOSURE/BANK SALE PROPERTIES LIST PAGE R3


Friday, June 23rd, 2017 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu

Personal Real Estate Corporation

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Listing Needed Call Jag

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation



32076 Austin Ave

Basement entry home 3 bedroom up 1 bedroom den down. call for more info


3052 Mouat Dr

8939 Cedar St Over 1 Acre


27978 Junction, Abbotsford 3 story, 7 bedroom, 5 bathroom



Over 10000 sqft lot 6 bedroom home west Abbotsford legal suite on 31606 clearview



Lot for sale

17+ Acres


256th St, Langley Great Rental Income. Call for more info

Off hwy 7 East Mission SOLD ING! ASK R E OVSOUTHERN DR 321028





3123 Babich St.

2899- Crossley Dr. Abbotsford

406-30515 CARDINAL AVE 69 - 1973 WINFIELD DR 2 bedroom 2 bath Condo near HIGH Street/Dr. Kaler's office. Upper floor End unit, open plan with 12' feet ceilings, granite counter tops and black appliances. Master bedroom has high ceiling with view of mountains. Close to shopping, bus, recreation. $279,900


5 Acres



5 Bedroom House 5800 Sqft



Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

192 - 32550 Maclure Rd 30-31098, Westridge Pl,Abbotsford 3 bedrooms, 2 bath

2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 4 year old, 2 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall, Appollo Gym

214500 Morris Valley Rd

6700Sq. Ft, 4 bedroom

2596 Parkview St Half Duplex, 4 bedroom, family room, Very Clean

3 bedrooms, 2 bath,Family Room up, 2 bedroom legal suite, recroom full bath for upstairs use






32120 Balfour Dr.

43-3030 Tretheway St, Clearbrook village

3980 Brighten Pl., Abbotsford

6 bedroom, 5 bathroom

8500Sq. Ft. lot, 4 bedroom, 4 bath

3 bedroom 2 bath townhouse

3 story 9 bedroom 6bath. Over 5000 sqft of living. Huge lot over 8000 sqft.


Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Baldev Singh Gill

604.825.8886 NEW LISTING

31083 Edgehill Ave


Nice basement entry home with family room in a good West A b b o t s f o r d neighborhood. New roof and blinds. Close to schools, fruticana, apollo gym and Highstreet mall. Easy freeway access

#2-30989 Westridge



126 Whatcom Rd NEW LISTING

2 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools.



14.07 Acres of Duke and Elliot variety Blue berry farm. Drip system for irrigation is in place (water supply from ditch). City water is also connected to the property. Prime location, close to US Border and shopping. Good income last year,




41010 No. 2 Rd


Many opportunities exist for this property. Buy as a great investment opportunity, your œrst home or tear down and rebuild on 7370 sq.ft. falt lot. Located close schools and recreation center. New žoor in bedrooms, new electric heaters new wondows and new paint.


One of the best BLUEBERRY farm in the area. 5 year new 2 storey HOME on 10 acres in the Sumas Prairies near No.3 Rd exit in Abbotsford. This Âœeld is planted in machine pick Duke Blueberry equipped with poles, wires and drip irrigation. Expected


23 ACRES with 2 FULL SIZED HOUSES with numerous income producing barns. One 5 bedrm home and 2nd 4 bedrm 2000 sq.ft beautiful home is approx 20 yr old. This property is perfect for 2 families, large horse barn with indoor arena, 23 stalls and lots of hay storage. 2 3 ' x 1 3 0 ' S q u a b (pigeon)/chicken barn. 32'x72' WORKSHOP and 80'x90' BARN. Currently both houses

42522 Keith Wilson Rd




Gorgeous 4.26 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful house very close to, Elementary School, new Highstreet Mall and Kalgidhar Gurdwara. Home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Roof only few years old. Prime location, no through road and easy freeway access. Separate driveway for heavy vehicles.

30540 Brookside Ave


NEW LISTING Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Expected yeild for 2017 is approx. 200000 pounds. Full irrigation system and machine

19.44 Acre Full Production $1,659,000

$2,675,000 Blueberry Farm



33257 Chelsea Ave



2300 square foot Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet Dead End Street. 7700 Sq. ft. lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in a basement.

33629 Clayburn RD


16.32 acre income producing blueberr y farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.




2620 Caboose Place D D D 135 2700 L L L D D O O O L D McCallum Road S S S LD LD OLD D LD OLD e Or askL L LD SOL SO O O O ing pric S O S S S S O S e ov S S

#29- 31125 Westridge

6 year old three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath plus rec. room townhouse in West Abbotsford. Near all level of schools, Gurudwara

31883 Mayne Ave

34641 7th Ave

Great starter home located in a quiteculde-sac. Just stepts away from the US border. Flat fenced lot

25 31235 406 32075 George Upper Maclure Rd Ferguson Way

Beautiful rancher on a quiet cul-desac street in west abbotsford. Flat over5800 sqft lot

Very spacious 2 bedroom condo with new laminate žooring, walk out patio and 2 PARKING STALLS. Very popular rental property, no rental restrictions. Hotwater and Heat is included in the strata fee.

Arjun Kapoor 778.240.6163

Just 8 year old with 3 bedroom, rec room and 4 bath townhome close to all levels of schools. Stainless steel appliances and granite

Very bright and spacious 2 Bedroom with 2 full bath condo. Freshly painted. Carpet, vinyl in the kitchen, cupboard doors, light Âœxtures in the kitchen and living room are just few years old. Close to Matsqui Recreation Centre, Schools and Easy Highway

2914 Royal Street

Nicely renovated rancher with 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in West Abbotsford. UPGRADES INCLUDE: New windows, blinds, kitchen cabinets with solid plywood boxes,

30630 Steelhead Crt 32133 Autumn Ave Over 2800 Sq.Ft. quality Very beautiful 3 built rancher close to bedroom rancher Kalgidhar Darbar e c i Gurdwara . 9ft ceiling gcepr on on quiet Street. Flat main žoor vsewith krinagskpirni crown moulding. ov0e0roaJust steps to lot for build your ,0 7 5 $ D a v e K a n d a l future dream Elementary School, home. Vinyl Churches , Parks &

48 - 31255 Upper Maclure

Very Clean 5 bedroom basement entry house, Rec room with full washroom, Living room, Family room, 2 bedroom legal

2966 Glenavon Street #12 3087 Immel

Super Mcmillan location. Close to Prince Charles Elementary School, Fraser Middle School, Yale Secondary School and Abbotsford Recreation Centre.

Three storey 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living room,kitchen and family room townhouse. Close to shopping, recreation, and French Immersion Elementary School.

Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford's newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths, mailƒoor has of„ce and spice kitchen too. 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, bar, bedroom and full bath for upstairs use.

Rupinder AZAD& Associates 604-825-4321 azad@shaw.ca


koeI vI Gr, pRfprtI jF ibjins KRIdxf jF vycxf hovy qF ieh iewk bhuq hI smJdfrI vflf PYslf huMdf hY. aijhy mOky leI asIN quhfzI mwdd leI hfjLr hF. iewk vfrI jLrUr imlo jF Pon kro!

Little Oak Realty


Independently Owned and Operated

Thinking of buying or selling real estate ? Call me Today! iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI iewk vfr jrUUr arjun kpUr nflL sMprk kro

FOR SALE Indian Sweet Shop and Restaurant Established business. Turn Key operation! All equipment included in price. Low rent and low overhead expenses. Good cash flow business for the right minded. For further inquiry contact Rupinder Azad.

Price Reduced: $109,900

SPACE FOR LEASE Office/Retail 1540 sqft on 2 Floors (Main + Basement) In Cedar Park (Newer Complex)

SPACE FOR LEASE 3300 sqft - All on one floor with reception area infront. Back-Lane Access 4 or 5 offices, 3 bathrooms, Kitchen area, Board Room etc. A nice set up for any professional business. Downtown Abbotsford Location. For Inquiry or Viewing Call: Rupinder Azad 604-825-4321 or Email.




Friday, June 23rd, 2017


Friday, June 23rd, 2017

What's yours and what's shared in a condo? (NC) There's no doubt that condominiums as a unit owner you should report any are an increasingly popular choice for new homeowners. In 2016 alone, more common element issues to the board than 22,600 new units became homes for Ontarians who are looking for the condo in writing. lifestyle and amenities. If you're thinking of joining them, a good first step is to understand the difference in responsibility between what you own and what all the building's unit owners share.

If a warranty claim must be made,

property management company fulfill

some boards will identify a designate

this role. Once a claim is submitted,

who will act as the condo's represen-

the builder has 18 months to complete

tative; others may choose to have a

the required repairs. TELUS STORES Aldergrove 26310 Fraser Hwy.

±‚Ê ’¢«‹ ÁÖ⁄ Á∑°Õ Á◊‹ªÊ˚

A benefit of purchasing a new condominium is the mandatory warranty that is provided by your builder and backed by Tarion, the warranty's administrator. There's a separate warranty for your individual unit and another for the building's common elements.

Brentwood Town Centre Crystal Mall Lougheed Town Centre Metropolis at Metrotown 3855 Henning Dr. 4501 North Rd.

Coquitlam Coquitlam Centre 1071 Austin Ave.

Delta Scottsdale Centre 1517 56th St.

Your unit's warranty provides coverage for deposit protection and delayed closing before you move in. After you take occupancy, it covers defective materials, building code violations and unauthorized substitutions of items agreed to in the purchase agreement.

4841 Delta St. 4912 62nd St.

Langley Willowbrook Mall 8700 200th St. 19638 Fraser Hwy. 20159 88th Ave. 20202 66th Ave.

Maple Ridge Haney Place Mall

Your builder is required to provide you with a homeowner information package, explaining what is and isn't covered in your individual unit, how to make a claim and when to involve Tarion. As owner, you are responsible for understanding and managing the warranty that comes with your unit and to submit warranty claims on a timely basis.

22661 Lougheed Hwy.

Mission Mission Smartcentre 32670 Lougheed Hwy.

New Westminster Royal City Centre

North Vancouver Capilano Mall Lynn Valley Centre 1295 Marine Dr. 1801 Lonsdale Ave.

Pitt Meadows

All condos come with some common elements — like roofing, parking, exterior cladding and some mechanical systems. The homeowner package should clearly outline which are considered common elements. For example, electrical, heating and plumbing systems may be considered part of the common elements and not your individual unit.

19800 Lougheed Hwy.

Port Coquitlam 2020 Oxford Connector

Richmond Lansdowne Centre Richmond Centre 11686 Steveston Hwy.



The common element warranty is managed by your condo's board of directors or delegated to a property manager. The board is made up of a group of unit owners who are elected to run the condominium corporation on behalf of all owners.

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The board must arrange for a post-construction performance audit, which will determine if there are any major deficiencies in the common elements. If there are, the board should report them to the builder and to Tarion. Any warranty claims relating to the condominium's common elements must be dealt with by the board of directors, but


Central City Shopping Centre Cloverdale Crossing Guildford Town Centre Semiahmoo Shopping Centre 3189 King George Blvd. 7380 King George Blvd. 13734 104th Ave.

Vancouver Oakridge Centre Pacific Centre 220 East 1st Ave. 551 Robson St. 991 Denman St. 1095 West Pender St. 1143 Robson St. 1855 Burrard St. 2338 Cambie St. 2372 West 4th Ave. 2706 Granville St.

ÖÙá ∑⁄Ù 310-MYTV (6988) ¡ù telus.com/abbottsfordaisabundle $Ã ¡Ê¥˚

2748 Rupert St. 3121 West Broadway

West Vancouver Park Royal South ß„ “‡∑‡ù ¡Íá 30, 2017 ãA∑, Á⁄„Êß‡Ë ªÊ„∑ù, Á¡áÇù á ’Ëã 90 ÁŒáù Áflø TELUS TV ¡ù Internet ¡ù Home Phone áÊ Á‹¶ „Ù∞, flÊ‚ã ©“‹’œ „á˚ „Ù⁄ “aÙ◊Ù·á‹ “‡∑‡ù áÊ‹ Á◊‹Ê߶ á„Ñ ¡Ê ‚∑ŒÊ˚ ß‚ “aÙ◊Ù·á‹ ‚◊ed Œ •@à ÃÙed ¶◊ ∑Ë◊Ãù ‹ÊªÍ „ÙÀªË•ù˚ ‚⁄Áfl‚ ±ª⁄Ë◊Òed≈ •ªÊ™ed ⁄AŒ ∑⁄á $ã ◊á‚Íπ ∑⁄á ŒË ÖË‚ ‹AªªË, •ã ‚⁄Áfl‚ ±ª⁄Ë◊Òed≈ Áflø ⁄Á„¢Œ ◊„ËÁá•ù áÊ‹ ß„ PVR •ã Á«¬Ë≈‹ ’Ú∑Á‚¬ ‹® $15 Œ Á„‚Ê’ ¡⁄’ „Ù∞ªË˚ ‚⁄Áfl‚ ◊á‚Íπ ∑⁄á ©“⁄¢ã ⁄Òed≈‹ ß∑Èß“◊Òed≈ ø¢ªË „Ê‹ã Áflø •flA‡ flÊ“‚ ∑Ëã ¡ÊÀ, á„Ñ ãù •∑Ê™ed≈ $ã ßáÇù Œ ’Œ‹ fl¡Ùed ‹Êªã fl‚Í‹ ∑ËãË ¡Ê∞ªË˚ Á’áù ßã‹Ê„ ÁŒ°ã ¶◊ ∑Ë◊ãù Áflø 㒌ˋË, øÒá‹ ‹Ê®á•“‚ •ã “Ò∑Á¬¢ª Áflø ã’ŒË‹Ë ∑⁄á ŒÊ •Áœ∑Ê⁄ TELUS ∑Ù‹ ⁄Êπflù „Ò˚ HD ŒπÀ ‹® HDTV-input-equipped ≈Ò‹ËÁfl¬á „ÙÀÊ øÊ„ËŒÊ „Ò˚ Ω°≈Ù-Ω°≈ Á‚‚≈◊ •fl‡∑ãÊflù ‹ÊªÍ „ÙÀªË•ù˚ ßáÇù ‚flÊflù ‹® •¢ã◊ ÿÙªãÊ TELUS “aãËÁᜠfl‹Ùed Áá⁄œÊ⁄ã ∑ËãË ¡Ê∞ªË˚ **ߢ≈⁄áÒ˜≈ ±∑‚Ò˜‚ ‚“Ë«; ‹Ù∑‡á, „Ù◊ áÒ˜≈fl⁄∑ Œ •¢Œ⁄ fl⁄ãÙed, ߢ≈⁄áÒ˜≈ ≈aÒÁÖ∑, ‚’¢œã áÒ˜≈fl⁄∑ ◊Òá¡◊Òed≈ •Ã ‚⁄fl⁄ ∑áÁ”ª⁄‡á¬ $ã ¶œÊÁ⁄ã „Ò˚ TELUS áÒ˜≈fl⁄∑ ◊Òá¡◊Òed≈ •Á÷¶‚ Œ fl⁄fl ŒË ¡ÊÀ∑Ê⁄Ë ‹® Á∑⁄“Ê ∑⁄∑ telus.com/networkmanagement ŒπÙ˚ ***TELUS Home Phone ‚⁄Áfl‚ ·⁄Ãù ‹ÊªÍ; Áfl‚ÕÊ⁄ ‹® telus.com/serviceterms $Ã ¡Ê¥˚ ≈Ò∑‚ •Ã 911 ‚⁄Áfl‚ ∫⁄ø fl°π⁄ „á˚ ’„ÈÃ ß‹ÊÁ∑•ù Áflø ∑ÊÁ‹¢ª ÖËø⁄¬ ©“‹’œ „á˚ ∑Ë◊Ãù πÃ⁄ •áÈ‚Ê⁄ fl°π-fl°π „Ù ‚∑ŒË•ù „á˚ ∑È√ “Ê’¢ŒË•ù ‹ÊªÍ; Áfl‚ÕÊ⁄ ‹® telus.com/homephone $Ã ¡Ê¥˚ ß„ TELUS ‹ÙªÙ •Ã Optik TV, ŒÙfle d TELUS Corporation Œ ≈⁄«◊Ê⁄∑‚ „á, ‹Êß‚Òe‚d •œËá fl⁄ã ª∞ „á˚ ß◊Á¡¬, ¶⁄≈fl⁄∑ •Ã ≈⁄«◊Ê⁄∑‚ ‹® ‚Ê⁄ ∑Ê“Ë⁄Ê®≈‚ ©áÇù áÊ‹ ‚¢’Á¢ œã ◊Ê‹∑ù ŒË ◊‹∑Ë•ã „á˚ ‚Ê⁄ „°∑ ⁄Êπfled „á˚ © 2017 TELUS. *



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

2790 2 27 279 790 A 79 Allwood lllw llw llwood wood ood oo od St SStreet treet



• 10 ACRES


es Acr 5 1 ox ppr

D! L O S



• 3 Bdrm Rancher • Full Production • Near Whatcom Rd Berries

• Close to Airport

604 4-85 55-0 0800 604-855-0800

vvirbinder77@gmail.com irbinder77@gmail.ccom

778 8 -241-7451 -2 241- 7451

cres A 0 1

Abb Ab Abbotsford, bb botssfo for orrd, ord, d, BC C V2T 3R7

• Development Potential • 6 Bdrm House

Asking Price: $ 2,600,000

F A R M S res c A .1

•Matsqui Area

• Duke & Blue Crop

6521 Little Street


• Blueberry Farm

• Warehouse & Pump Houses

•Matsqui Area

• BlueCrop & Blue Hardy (Mature) •Duke&Elliot (younger plants)


• Land Only • Matsqui Area • Blueberry Farm

1639 King Cresecent


• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

430 Bowman Road


•5 min from town • Flat / Rectangular • BlueCrop Variety

Lot 6 Glenmore Road

• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area

• New Listing • Build Your Dream • Sumas Prairie Home • Duke & Elliot Variety • Drip Irreg

565 Marion Road

res c A 10


•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety

Lot 1 on Glenmore Road

28028 Layman Avenue ................................. $1,400,000 6113 Beharrell Road ...................................... $1,374,900 7.09 Acres Lot B Haverman ......................... $1,298,900 5111 Tolmie Road ........................................... $1,149,900


• Close to UFV

res c A .5

Ac .982


• 7 Acres Duke • 2 Acres Blue Crop

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

34350 Bateman Road

cres A 6 5

cres 62 A

35130 Beaton Road

• Development Potential • 4 Bdrm House

2994 Eastview Street .........................................$680,000 33727 1st Avenue ...............................................$251,000 307 - 33255 Old Yale Road...............................$248,100 30 - 31235 Upper Maclure ..............................$452,000

9 Ac 25.3


• Drip Irreg & Some Equip

• New Listing • 2 Houses • Mortgage Helper

• Central Abbotsford • Good Rental Income


res c A .8




2411 Adelaide Street

33860 Hollister Place .........................................$629,900 27181 28B Avenue .............................................$595,000 46199 Third Avenue...........................................$409,900 36421 Florence Drive ........................................$485,000

• Blueberry Farm • 2700+ SF Home

cre /2 A

• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show

• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay

4627 Dixon Raod ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road.........................................$874,700 39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900


Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Davesher Harmesh Davesher Rupinder Personal Real Estate Corporation Realtor

604-897-4521 davesher.harmesh@gmail.com




FREE Market Evaluation


Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes



3473 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford 5266

3501 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford 5172

27665 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford NE 5272 W LIS


Real Estate Office

in the Entire Fraser Valley For 16 Years

(Production per Sales Person)


Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5

34061 Townshipline Road 5179

Blueberry Farm in Excellent location in Matsqui, Abbotsford

Some of the finest blueberry growing land in BC. Farm production is consistent & at full production levels. Two houses & multiple barns & sheds provide great rental income. Approximately 10 acres Duke, 5 acres Bluecrop, 1 acre Elliot and 1 acre Bluegold. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


32928 Conductor Drive, Abbotsford 5217

OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12:00 - 2:00 3965 SF Home/West Abby

2 storey home with detached garage, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Great neighbourhood, easy access to shops, U.S. border and Hi-way #1 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


3024 Tims Street, Abbotsford 5061

Split Entry - Abbotsford!!

Fully finished basement, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens. Large car-port. Fenced backyard. Priced to sell!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


2 bdrm legal suite/West Abby!

2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.

2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.

4,000 sq ft home. Main has kitchen & spice kitchen, liv rm, din rm & family rm. Upstairs has 4 bdrms & 3 bathrooms. 2 bdrm legal suite and separate media rm & bar for owner use down!! Great location!

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831



32672 14th Ave, Mission

5862 S.F. Luxury Home!

Perfect loc near Mission Rec Center, shopping & all schools. 8 bdrms, 6 full baths. Granite countertops. Triple garage. RV parking, theatre rm & bar, 3 covered decks. Open floor plan and high ceilings.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Building / Development

5234 MISSION 10 Acre Building Site!

New Home in Abbotsford!!

OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12:00 - 2:00 3887 SF Home/West Abby


10394 Stave Lake Privacy among the hills and mature forests. Large level building site. Septic and well in place. Build your dream home. (Owner can build for you!!) 10 minutes drive from West Coast Express. $599,000


4 building lots. Beautiful Hatzic Ridge Estates #5, 13, 24, 25 34854 Ferndale Ave, Mission Gated quality controlled sub-division. Bring your fussiest buyes. The “Eagle Mountain” of Mission. $549,000 each


East Abbotsford Building Lot 35629 Zanatta Place 5928 sq ft lot near Delair Park!! Close to shopping, Castle Fun Park, easy access to hwy #1. $499,900 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


3339 Siskin Drive, Abbotsford 5253


Legal Suite! West Abby

Basement entry home. 3 bdrms, 2 full baths w/ensuite in the master. Close to schools, Highstreet Mall and Hiway #1 Big family room, dining area & living room. Double garage.

Call Harmesh 604-897-4521




3178 Engineer Crescent

Abbotsford West

Basement entry, custom built home in new subdivision. Open floor plan, family rm & huge kitchen, 2 full washrms on main & 2 full washrms in basement. Close to shopping & easy access to HWY #1. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831



Spectacular 3-6 bedroom homes with stunning views

109 Building Lots!

This high end gated community offers you a choice of fully-serviced lots from 1/4 acre to 2 acre Estate Homes, elegant Executive Ranchers with two basements or Contemporary 2 storeys with basement or building lots. All homes have amazing views looking south over Hatzic Lake, renowned Westminster Abbey and towards Abbotsford, BC and Sumas WA

Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103 - 33070 Fifth Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5

Rupinder Davesher Personal Real Estate Corporation


rupinderdavesher@hotmail.com rupinderdavesher.com



Friday, June 23rd, 2017




RESIDENTIAL 10800 sqft lot near Mill lake,

12 - 31600 Old Yale Road, 10,000 sqft Abbotsford lot with

build your dream home

Total lot size 7163

2800 sqft house


near Mill Lake


and total built up




area is 2318 sqft


68 Townhouse site with PLA. Asking $185 per door.

4 Building lots

9 Unit

10 ACRE assembly in Langley (Brookswood for

Townhouse site in

with house available in Aldergrove

Mixed Residential)





3.2 MIL

2 MIL/Acre

1.3 MIL





$ 565000

$ 565000





ASKING 6.5 mill


146 - 19653 Willowbrook Dr 1200Sqft $22/ Sqft plus NNN

10 Units Available

33858 Enterprise Avenue Industrial Property, fully leased APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE



1990 Coquitlam Ave Potential 5% plus CAP rate

3.9 MIL

1.699 MIL


Sumas Prairie


34211 HALLERT RD 38.54 acres of prime Matsqui blueberry farm land, right on the corner of Bell Road and Hallert Road. Lots of water available for irrigation, city water for home. House features 6 bdrms, 2 baths, kitchen, w/vaulted ceiling & huge deck, shop , horse barn with insulated tack room. Blueberry varities include Rica(10 acres), Duke(7 acres), Bluecrop(13 acres) and Elliot(5 acres). Last year production was approximately 245K lbs. Lots of outbuildings with a rental income of $6,000 per month. Please call for a private tour.



15 Acres Blueberry Farm in Sumas Prairie ASKING 1.8 MIL



2252 272 St, LANGLEY. BC 6 acres with 2 house 5HQWDO LQFRPH SHU PRQWK Asking 1.5 mill



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014

12 Years Experience!

12 Years Experience!

parvharry@gmail.com / shindersgill@gmail.com

Shinder Gill PREC

Parvinder Harry

Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings www.teamelite.ca info@teamelite.ca 604-859-2341

4357 N Auguston Parkway

36041 Emily Carr Grove



Brand New 2 Storey w/ Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with a Theatre room and also 2 more bedrooms in the basement for a growing family. On over 5,000 sq ft lot, plenty of room for the kids to play. Very great location.

Brand New 2 Storey w/ Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. Buyers can pick their own color scheme. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Flex Room on the Main Floor. Rec Room with a Theatre room and also more space in the basement for a growing family. On over 4,000 sq ft lot, plenty of room for the kids to play. Very great location, walking distance to nearby parks.

2807 Maple St

31907 Old Yale Rd

11243 243 A Street

11233 243 A Street



Brand New 2 Storey w/ Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with a Theatre room. On over 4,000 sq ft lot, plenty of room for the kids to play. A great location.

Brand New 2 Storey w/ Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with a Theatre room. On over 4,000 sq ft lot, plenty of room for the kids to play. A great location.

Townline Area

2651 Macbeth Crescent

$718,800 A 2700 sq ft home with 5 bedrooms and 2 bedroom unauthorized suite with a theatre room.Updated, laminate floors, new paint, new sundeck and new roof.

A 1231 sq ft. home with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. With a Lot size of over 10,000 Sq ft. With a great mountain view and substantial amount of parking space.


2700 Caboose


Perfect opportunity to own and operate a home based business with storefront on Maple st. and home front on Walnut Ave. Fraser health approval and Architect plans of 800 sqft for restaurant, daycare, hair salon and anyother business you can run under C-1 Zoning. The Store is professionally done with 2 pc bath, janitor room

ALERT INVESTORS/DEVELOPERS/BUILDER S. TWO LOTS sub-dividable home and New Lots will be facing Countess cr. All the paperwork is ready for applying. The home is rented while you apply.

31084 Upper Maclure Rd 3075 Townline Rd

Open layout with 4 bedrooms up, 3 bathrooms up, family, living room plus den on main floor, 2 bedroom legal suite and bedroom + media room for your entertainment.


2 Lot Sub Dividable Lot in Aldergrove Over 10,000 sq feet, good 115 sq feet frontage, good rental house rented for $2000 per month, close by schoolcall for more info. Clearbrook Area2 lot sub dividable home

36077 Emily Carr Grove

32673 Pandora Ave







2710 McMillan Road

7 - 3322 Blue Jay Street

2122 Merlot Blvd

3555 Viewmount Pl




SOLD $749,900

$720,000 (4 BDRM)


Under Construction!

$699,900 Great quite location, walking distance to Rotary Stadium and Schools. This home features 3 bedrooms up and 2 bedroom basement suite, updated with new kitchen cabinets, bathrooms cabinets with quartz counter tops, new railing, blinds and newer flooring. Level back yard and big driveway. Call for your personal tour.

Cherry Ave $515,000

33410 Sechelt Terrace


8302-204th Street Langley


SOLD $599,000

2175 Ridgeway St

SOLD $ 669,000

2898 Station Rd Abbotsford


$495,000 $777,700 3537 Summit Drive 20623 85 Ave, Langley




SOLD $1,199,000

NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

We have qualified buyers sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.



Friday, June 23rd, 2017

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