August 4th 2017

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WEEKLY Friday, August 4th, 2017 Vol. 21, No.43

Remembering Naranjan Grewall, first Indo-Canadian Mayor in Canada- 1954 see page 50.

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The Patrika


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Friday, August 4th, 2017

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




The Patrika 

Friday, August 4th, 2017


ies DrqI qy jdoN sB qoN pihlF mnuwK afieaf hovygf AudoN Aus kol awj dy mnuwK vflIaF suK shUlqF iblkul nhIN hoxgIaF, Auh nMgf, BuwKf, by-Grf qy by-shfrf hovygf. Aus dy kol jy Es vyly dI jfiedfd hovygI qF isrP igafn ieMdry qy ienHF igafn ieMdiraF ny hI Aus nUM qrwkI dy rsqy qoiraf hovygf qF Aus qoN awgy Aus dIaF hor loVF ny jLrIhy Bflxy arMB idwqy hoxgy. ienHF sroqF qoN hI ivigafn dI soc Aus nUM suwJI hovygI awj asIN mnuwK aqy ivigafn Kyqr dy sMvfd qoN jfxU hox df hI Auprflf krFgy. jdoN mnuwK nUM ivigafn dI soJI hoeI hovygI qF Aus ny sB qoN pihlF rotI, kwpVf aqy mkfn dy jugfV kfiem kIqy qy iPr ivigafn mMzl dy anykF KyqrF ivwc KojF df psfrf arMiBaf hovygf. ies qoN agly dOr `c Aus ny nvIaF KojF KojidaF afpxf Kfx-pIx, rihx sihx, afvfjfeI Zoa-ZuafeI, sMcfr sfDn, mn prcfvf, sMsfrk irsLqy, smfjk bxqr, ivwidaf qknflojI, mYzIkl, koml klfvF, AudXogf aqy AupXogI KyqrF ivwc bhuq hI sMjIdgI nfl zUMGI soc ivwc jFidaF anykF AuplBdIaF pRfpq kr leIaF, ijs qoN afm mnuwKqf nUM lfB imly. agly pVfa ivwc Aus ny qknIkI Kyqr ivwc by-sLumfr Aupkrx iqafr kr ley ijnHF ny ies DrqI qy svrgF vrgy suK pYdf kr idwqy hn. mnuwKI mn dI ikwzI vwzI pRfpqI hY ik Aus ny iewk inwkI ijhI zwbI ivwc sfrf sMsfr kfiem kr ilaf hY. ies zwbI df btn dwb ky qusIN hr ieiqhfs, imiQhfs, klfvF, klfkfrF, KyzF, iKzfrIaF, ipafrF, ipafiraF, ivAupfr, KojF, rog, ielfj, dvfeIaF, ieMjnIairMg, gwl kI jLmIn qoN lY ky asmfn qwk df hr vrqfrf sikMt dy aMdr aMdr pRqwK dyK skdy ho. ies Kyqr dy keI ascrj vrqfry vI hYrfnIjnk socF pysL krdy hn ijvyN rom ivwc 101 sflf bIbI df bwcy nUM jnm dyxf, mrd nUM bwcf jMmxf, mOsmF dI agfAUN jfxkfrI, cMd sUrj qy vsoN dIaF sMBfvnfvF, jnm mrn df smF pqf kr lYxf, JUT PVn vflIaF msInF mOq dy Kfqmy df Auprflf, grB ivwc hI bwcy dy idl df sPl aprysLn kr dyxf afidk. dunIaF dy hr ihwsy ivwc vsdy hr iensfn ivwc kfm, kroD, loB, moh, hMkfr ivafpk hn, ikqy koeI BfrU hY qy ikqy koeI. ienHF ivwcoN hMkfr qy kroD ivnfsLkfrI rucIaF rwKdy hn. sMsfr dy bhuq sfry dysLF srbpwKI qrwkIaF dy nfl nfl rsfiexk KojF qy bhuq jLor idwqf hY. awj dy mnuwK ny afpxI rwiKaf aqy dysL dIaF srhwdF dI rfKI leI bhuq hI sLkqIsLflI mfrU hiQafr bxf rwKy hn, dusLmx dy Gr df ieMc ieMc ProlidaF sYtlfeItF rfhIN pqf hI nhIN kIqf ik ikwQy kI hY? sgoN Gfqk itkfixaF nUM nsLt krn leI vI jLrIhy pYdf kr ley hn. ienHF sLkqIsLflI ivnfskfrI AupkrxF nUM kMtrol ivwc rwKx leI sfnUM sLFqI srUp hox dI bhuq loV hY. imjLfielF aqy aYNtI-imjLfeIlF dy nqIjy qbfhI dr qbfhI hn. “nMg BuwK `coN jMm ky bMidaF hIly kry ivkfs dy, mfrIaF mwlF hr Kyqr ivwc mn icwq lf ky. ijLMdgI sOKI krqI nvIaF nvIaF KojF ny, rwKqf pUrf svrg dunIaF nUM bxf ky. jnm mrn qy rogF dy Byd jfx ley, pqfl qoN arsL qwk dI Poto rwKyN ktf ky. ivkfs dy JMzy gwzI iPrdF ey hr Kyqr `c, jMglIN mMgl vsyNgf cMd sUrj qy jf ky. prmfxU sLkqIaF qy rsfiex dy Zyr Ausfr ley, rwKIN sbr sLFqI dI pUrI bryk lgf ky..” DMnvfd sihq, sMpfdkI mMzl PAGE 4

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017



rwKVI rwKVI df idn sI rmn awj kuJ ijLafdf hI sfjry AuWT peI sI. pfTI boldy hI gurdvfry phuMc geI vIr dI lMbI Aumr dI duaf leI, “hy pRmfqmf myry vIr nUM lMbIaF AumrF qy KusLhfl ijLMdgI deIN, kdy Aus df vfl vI ivMgf nf hovy….” iPr CyqI CyqI Gr df kMm-DMdf inptf ky bVy hI cfvF qy mlHfrF nfl ilaFdI rwKVI qy miTafeI lY ky vIr dy ivhVy jf phuMcI. mF-BrjfeI BqIijaF nUM imlI. cfh pfxI pI ky rmn ny vIr qoN ibnF BF-BF krdy ivhVy `c ingfh mfrdy puwiCaf “BfbI myrf vIr nI idsdf ikwQy af?

BYx jI kbIldfrI dy sO isafpy kwlf bMdf kI kI kry, kI kI Xfd rwKy, AuhnF df koeI pqf nI kdoN vfps afAux. qusIN afh rwKVI eyQy rwK jfE, qyrf jo ivhfr bxdf mYN dy dUMgI, AUN…hux qF afh rwKVI df ivhfr lokI bMd hI krI jFdy af…kihMdy bfby vI tI[vI[ qy kQf krdy dwsdy ny BfeI ienHF vihmF-BrmF `c nf pAu, pr ikwQy htdIaF, sUtF qy pYisaF dy lflc nUM….

“nhIN…nhIN BfbI mYN pYisaF sUtF dI BuwKI nI mYN qF vIr dI suwK vfsqy…aMdroN AuWiTaf hOkf golf bx ijvyN gly `c Ps igaf, rmn koloN vfk pUrf nf ho sikaf qy afvfjL lVH-KVHf geI…BfbI ajy vI kuJ bol rhI sI pr Aus dy kMn kuJ suxn “Auh qF kwl df pitafly igaf hoieaf qoN asmrwQ sI, Aus df isr sF-sF krn jLrUrI kMm sI AuWQy…. BfbI df bolx df lwgf. awKF awgy hnHyrf Cf igaf… . pr aMdfjL kuJ Krvf sI rmn ijvyN pRysLfn ijhI Bry mn nfl rwKVI hwQ `c PVI bYTI rmn ho geI” lY vIry nUM rwKVI df Xfd nI sI ajy vI vIr dI AuzIk `c bUhy vwl itwk itwkI lfeI bYTI sI. Blf…sLfm qwk muV qF afvygf nf?

keI pYmfny hn mMiËl dy

mMiËl koeI afKrI itkfxf nhIN huMdI. idshwidafˆ qoN pry vI mMiËl hY. alwg alwg ivakqI mMiËl nUM afpxI soc dy dfiery ivwc rwK ky dyKdy hn, pr mMiËl pfAux leI inÈfnf sB df iewko hY ik iksy kMm ivwc kfbl ho ky kfmXfbI pfAuxf. keI rotI df vsIlf hox `qy mMiËl iml geI smJdy hn. keI Kud rotI df vsIlf kridafˆ dUijafˆ leI ruËgfr pYdf krky mMiËl dI pRfpqI smJdy hn. hr iensfn df mMiËl pRqI afpxf afpxf idRÈtIkox hY. jo qurdy rihMdy hn mMiËl AunHfˆ dy kdmfˆ ivwc huMdI hY. jo qurdy nhIN isrP socdy hn mMiËl AunHfˆ qoN Pfslf vDf lYˆdI hY. ijnHfˆ ivwc mMiËl dy Pfsly nUM qYa krn dI qfˆG huMdI hY, Auh awkdy Qwkdy nhIN qy nf hI Auprfm huMdy hn. Auh rsqy ivwc ruk ky afrfm nhIN krnf cfhuMdy sgoN lgfqfr cwldy rihMdy hn. ihMmq qy AuqÈfh mnuwK nUM inrfÈqf dy aflm ivwc nhIN jfx idMdy blik Ausdf hOslf bxfeI rwKdy hn. hOsly nfl ivakqI qUPfnfˆ qoN vI nhIN GbrfAuNdf. smuMdr ivwc zgmgf rhI byVI nUM iknfry lfAux dI dlyrI idKfAuNdf hY. pMjfbIafˆ df isdk qy isrV dyKo ijwDr vI gey ijwq dy JMzy gwzy. hr Kyqr ivwc mMiËl dy inÈfny vwKry vwKry hn. iewk ivakqI bhuq sfrf Dn iekwTf krky kih skdf hY ik mYˆ afpxI mMiËl pRfpq kr leI. iewk ivakqI sfrf Dn lokfˆ ivwc vMz ky sMinafsI jIvn Dfrn krky ieh gwl afK skdf hY ik mYnUM hux mMiËl dI pRfpqI ho geI. mMiËl df koeI pYmfnf inrDfrq nhIN hY. klf qy isrjxf dy Kyqr ivwc mMiËl dy mukfm `qy phuMcx leI afpxI iËMdgI vI bhuq CotI idKfeI idMdI hY. ies Kyqr ivwc mMiËl imRg-iqRÈnf hY. klfkfr afpxI mMiËl dI Btkx ivwc iËMdgI nUM

alivdf kih idMdf hY. mMiËl iPr vI Aus nUM idKfeI nhIN idMdI. Btkx ivwcoN hI hr iensfn mMiËl dI qlfÈ krdf hY ijs leI Auh hmyÈfˆ XqnÈIl rihMdf hY. isdk, isrV, imhnq, hOslf qy afqm ivÈvfs mM i Ël dI pR f pqI ivw c aihm Xogdfn pfAuNdy hn jo imhnq nhIN krdy Auh kfPlf nhIN bx skdy. ijnHfˆ kol afqm ivÈvfs nhIN huMdf Auh kfPilafˆ dI DUV ivwc guafc jfˆdy hn. sPlqf AunHfˆ nUM hI nsIb huMdI hY jo jIvn Br ikirafÈIl rihMdy hn. ienHfˆ nUM idn qy rfq ivwc koeI aMqr nhIN lwgdf. afls, eIrKf qy sfVf mMiËl dy rsqy ivwc rukfvt KVHI krdy hn. sihxÈIlqf, imlvrqn qy sihXog kMizafly rfhfˆ nUM vI afsfn bxfAuNdy hn. mMiËl `qy phuMcx vfsqy iksy dI AuzIk nhIN krnI cfhIdI. ijhVy afpxf inÈfnf nhIN imwQdy qy mMiËl vwl srpwt dOV pYˆdy hn, Auh keI vfr izwg pYˆdy hn. iPr Auh mMiËl vwl mUMh nhIN krdy, sgoN sfrI Aumr zrdy rihMdy hn. mMiËl vwl dOV koeI ËrUrI nhIN, ies vwl sihjqf aqy DIrj nfl vI viDaf jf skdf hY. iewk idn ivwc hI jyqU nhIN bixaf jf skdf. ijnHfˆ kol hfr nUM iKVy mwQy svIkfr krn df slIkf huMdf hY aMq ivwc Auh iËMdgI dI bfjI ijwq lYˆdy hn. ipafr afpxI alwg mMiËl inrDfrq krdf hY. ies ivwc ivakqI afpxf sB kuJ guaf ky vI afKdf hY ik mYˆ mMiËl pRfpq kr leI. ikMny hI ivakqI vsIly nf hox dy bfvjUd AuWcy ahuidafˆ `qy phuMcy. ieh AunHfˆ dI imhnq df iswtf hY. jykr kuJ krn df jËbf hovy, musIbqfˆ afpxy afp rsqy ivwcoN ht jfˆdIafˆ hn.



The Patrika 

Friday, August 4th, 2017

Entrepreneurs: Make your pitch and pivot to Canada! Pilot program for newcomers launching companies in Canada to be made permanent Canadians are welcoming to people and ideas from around the globe. Welcoming entrepreneurs who have the expertise to turn their ideas into successful companies is one way that Canada’s openness can help build a world-class innovation economy. The Start-up Visa Program, a pathway to permanent residence for cuttingedge entrepreneurs launching a startup company in Canada, will become a regular feature of Canada’s immigration landscape in 2018. As part of the five-year pilot, launched in 2013, innovative entrepreneurs can apply to become permanent residents after a Canadian venture capital fund or angel investor group has made a significant financial commitment in their business idea, or after a business

incubator has accepted them into their program. A recent evaluation of the Start-up Visa Program found that it is delivering on its goals; immigrant entrepreneurs are actively developing innovative companies in Canada that are beginning to show positive results for Canada’s economy and creating middle-class jobs across a range of industries. Making the program permanent supports the Government of Canada’s Innovation and Skills Plan, which seeks to attract investment and support the growth of a diverse range of companies, creating well-paying jobs for Canadians. In the months ahead, IRCC will work to finalize regulations for the permanent program in order to have a seamless transition when the pilot expires on March 31, 2018.

MP ALISTAIR MACGREGOR ENDORSES JAGMEET SINGH DUNCAN, B.C. – Alistair MacGregor, MP for Cowichan—Malahat—Langford, and the NDP’s Justice Critic, has announced his support for Jagmeet Singh’s bid to lead the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada “I’m endorsing Jagmeet Singh to be the next leader of the NDP because I think he has a unique ability to inspire a new generation of Canadians away from the cynical, status quo policies of the Liberals and Conservatives.”, said MacGregor.“Whether it’s his charming and engaging personality, his organization and endless energy, or his strong stand on issues of social justice, I truly believe Jagmeet is a leader who will make a profound impact in Canada at the helm of our party.” “As the Justice Critic for our party, I know how important our rights and freedoms are in maintaining our democracy,” MacGregor noted. “Jagmeet has a long history of standing strong for these rights, and he will ensure the NDP leads the way on environmental, economic, and social justice issues.”


MP Alistair MacGregor added that “The NDP needs to be the vehicle for real and meaningful progressive change in Canada. To do this, we need a leader who can generate excitement, grow our party, and generate a buzz about our policy ideas. Jagmeet Singh is that leader.” NDP Leadership Candidate Jagmeet Singh was humbled to accept MP Alistair MacGregor’s support. “I’m so happy to have Alistair’s endorsement as a justice advocate.” Singh added, “He has done great work as our Justice Critic and I’m excited to work together to advance economic, social and environmental justice on behalf of Canadians.”

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017



Rally in solidarity with #NotInMyName held in BC he first public rally by Indians Abroad for Pluralist India (IAPI) in Surrey on Sunday


evening received a welcoming response. Organized in solidarity with #NotInMyName campaign against ongoing violence against minorities in India by Hindutva extremists, the rally was attended by activists from diverse backgrounds. The event was held near the Surrey City Hall. The participants also raised slogans and marched to the nearby Sky Train Station with their placards to draw attention of the passersby to the issue which has sparked a mass movement across India. Not a single elected official was present despite being invited. None of the two Indo Canadian Surrey MPs and five MLAs who were sent messages showed up. Among the local Surrey MLAs there are at least four Indo Canadians. Even those who organized prayers for the eight Amarnath pilgrims who died in the recent attack blamed on militants in Kashmir in Surrey were absent.

Among the speakers were South Asian Network for Secularism and

Democracy (SANSAD) leader Chinmoy Banerjee, the Editor of People’s Voice Kimball Cariou, Aam Aadmi Party supporter Goldy Deol, Sikh Nation activist Sunil Kumar, veterran columnist Rajinder Pandher, Buddhist and Ambedkarite activist Param Kainth, progress poet Amrit Diwana, Fraser Valley Peace Council leader Nazir Rizvi, a visiting UK Professor Fahima Mehmood Patel, a young activist Sameena and Indian Rationalist activist Avtar Gill. The speakers were unanimous in their criticism of the growing Hindutva extremism in India and the silence of the Canadian and US governments over this. It was also decided that a big demonstration will be held on August 27 in support of day of action being organized in India against public lynching of Dalits and Muslims by the sangh activists. Those in attendance included the members of Committee of Progressive Pakistani Canadians who came to show their solidarity.



The Patrika 

plytlYWt sYWlfˆ df Gtxf aqy zyˆgU buKfr agsq, sqMbr qy akqUbr ivwc zyˆgU buKfr keIafˆ nUM afpxI lpyt ivwc lY lYˆdf hY. buKfr dy nflL-nflL srIr dy keI ihwisafˆ ivwcoN KUn vgxf sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. KUn dy sYWl KurdbIn rfhIN plytfˆ vrgy nËr afAux kfrn ienHfˆ nUM plytlYWt kihMdy hn. ienHfˆ dI igxqI Gtx krky KUn vgdf hY. KUn ivcly lfl aqy icwty sYlfˆ qoN ielfvf ies qIsrI iksm dy sYlfˆ nUM plytlYWts jfˆ Qroˆbosfiets kihMdy hn jo KUn dy jmfAu ivwc shfeI huMdy hn. lfl qy icwty sYlfˆ vfˆg plytlYts vI hwzIafˆ dI imwJ jfˆ bon mYro ivwc hI bxdy hn. ienHfˆ sYlfˆ krky hI afm hflqfˆ ivwc mfVI- motI swt lwgx jfˆ apRyÈn qoN bfad, KUn jMm jfˆdf qy vgxoN ruk jfˆdf hY. sfDfrn KUn ivwc ienHfˆ sYlfˆ dI igxqI zyZ lwK qoN lY ky cfr lwK pRqI ikAUibk imlImItr qwk huMdI hY. ieh igxqI Gtx dy keI kfrn hn ijnHfˆ ivwcoN zyˆgU buKfr iewk hY. ienHfˆ dI igxqI krn leI ielYktROink kfAUNtr AuplBD hn. jdoN ieh igxqI Gt ky pMjfh hËfr jfˆ ies qoN vI QoVHI rih jfvy qfˆ iksy bfhrI swt dy bgYr vI KUn vgxf sLurU ho skdf hY ijvyˆ nksIr Puwtxf, msUiVafˆ `coN lhU inklxf, ipÈfb jfˆ twtI rsqy KUn, lhU dI AultI,


cmVI hyTfˆ KUn jmHfˆ ho jfxf, afid . keI vfr qfˆ ienHfˆ sYlfˆ dI igxqI isrP Cy qoN ds hËfr hI rih jfˆdI hY. aYsI hflq ivwc rogI bhuq Kqrnfk siQqI coN guËr irhf huMdf hY. pYdfvfr Gtxf: ikAuNik ieh sYl bon-mYro ivwc bxdy hn, ies leI bon-mYro dy nuksfˆ nfl ienHfˆ dI pYdfvfr `qy burf asr pYˆdf hY. KUn dy kYˆsr (aYikAUt mfielfiez / ilMPfiez ilAUkImIaf) jfˆ ilMPomfˆ ivwc nfrml sYl pYdf krn vflLI imwJ, kYˆsr vflLy asfDfrn sYlfˆ nflL hI zwkI rihMdI hY, ies leI nfrml sYl (plytlYWt) bnx dI guMËfieÈ hI nhIN rihMdI. ies leI ienHfˆ dI igxqI Gtx krky aYikAUtilAUkImIaf dy mrIË msUiVafˆ `coN KUn dI iÈkfieq nflL afAuNdy hn. keI dvfeIafˆ qy ryzIeyÈnË bon-mYro `qy iswDf asr krky ies nUM sYl bnfAux dy asmrwQ kr idMdIafˆ hn. ienHfˆ dvfeIafˆ dI sUcI lMmI hY, ijvyˆ mlyrIey leI kunIn qy kYˆsr dy ielfj leI kImoQYrfpI qy ryzIeyÈn, aYˆtI bfieAuitk leI kloromfieisitn, srIr dIafˆ drdfˆ leI vrqIafˆ jfx vflL I afˆ dvfeIafˆ iebUjYisk, iPnfielbUtfËon, afid, idl rog dIafˆ dvfeIafˆ izjOkisn, afid.

Friday, August 4th, 2017

mnjIq isMG bwl

ies krky hdfieqfˆ idwqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn ik zfktr dI slfh qoN ibnf dvfeI nf lvo. vfiers: zyˆgU df vfiers, hYpytfieits, rUbYlf, vY r IsY l f (ickn pO k s), aYc[afeI[vI (eyzË vfiers) afid bo n mY r o nU M by a sr krdy hn qy plytlYWts dI pYdfvfr Gt jfˆdI hY. eyplfsitk anImIaf ivw c bo n -mY r o iekdm sLurU huMdI qy Kqrnfk ho skdI nuksfnI jfx krky, plytlYWts smyq sfry hY jfˆ iPr hOlLI hOlLI sLurU ho ky lMmf smfˆ hI sYWlfˆ dI pYdfvfr Gt jfˆdI hY jo keI cldI hY. ies nUM pRfiemrI Qroˆbo-sfietovfr Gfqk iswD huMdI. pInIaf vI ikhf jfˆdf hY. ies rog df ivtfimn dI kmI: ivtfimn bI-12 aqy afDfr ieimAUn isstm df afpxy-prfey Poilk eyisz dI kmI krky AuqpMn hox dI pCfx Buwlxf hY. ieh isstm bixaf vflLy (mYgflo-blfsitk) anImIafˆ ivwc qfˆ srIr dI surwiKaf vfsqy hY pr keI plytlYWts vI Gt jfˆdy hn. aijhy kysfˆ siQqIafˆ ivwc ieh afpxy bygfny dI pCfx ivwc ieh ivtfimn dyx nflL hflq suDr Buwl ky, afpixafˆ nUM nÈt krn lgdf jfˆdI qy iblkul TIk ho jfˆdI hY. hY. so plytlYWts Gt jfˆdy hn qy KUn afeItI pI (eIzIEpYiQk Qroˆbo-sfieto- vgxf sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. ienHfˆ ibmfrIafˆ nUM pInIaf): ieh smwisaf sB ivwc ho skdI afto-ieimAUn ibmfrIafˆ ikhf jfˆdf hY. hY pr aOrqfˆ `c kuJ vDyry huMdI hY. ieh ieh hn-irAUmytfiez afrQrfieits,

Friday, August 4th, 2017

isstYimk-ilAUps ieirQmytoiss, afeI[ tI[ pI[ afid. iqwlI (splIn) ivwc sYlfˆ df jmHfˆ hoxf (splYink iskuaYstRyÈn) vI plytlYts dI igxqI GtfAuNdf hY. ijgr rog (isroiss) krky jdoN iqwlI ivc kfPI KUn jmfˆ rihMdf hY qfˆ Auhdy nflL kfPI sYWl AuWQy zwky rihMdy hn qy bfkI KUn ivwc ienHfˆ dI Gft ho jfˆdI hY. zyˆgU iksy vI Aumr ivwc ho skdf hY. AuˆuNj bwicafˆ dy mukfbly, vwizafˆ ivwc ieh vDyry Kqrnfk huMdf hY. buKfr Bfvyˆ iksy vI iksm df hovy, nIm-hkImfˆ koloN ielfj nhIN krvfAuxf cfhIdf. KUnI zyˆgU vflLy rogI nUM POrn aYmrjYˆsI ivwc hspqfl dfKl krvfAuxf cfhIdf hY. srIr `coN inklL rhy KUn nUM pUrf krn leI irÈqydfrfˆ, dosqfˆ df qfËf KUn dyxf cfhIdf hY. qfËy KUn nflL, plytlYts qy KUn, dovfˆ dI kmI pUrI ho jfˆdI hY. plytlYWts sYlfˆ dI kmI vfly ivakqI vfsqy cYrI, sMqrf, tmftr, aKrot, aMgUr, kfjU afid PlL, pwiqafˆ vflLIafˆ hrIafˆ sbËIafˆ, ppIqf, mwCI/ mwCI df qyl lfhyvMd hn. zwbf-bMd Kfxy, jMk PUz, ql?Ly hoey Bojnfˆ qoN pRhyË krnf cfhIdf hY.

The Patrika 


zyˆgU pYdf krn vflLf mwCr, ijs dI bVI dihÈq hY, sfP pfxI `qy vDdf Puldf hY. Gr dy aflLy-duaflLy dI sPfeI rwKxI bhuq ËrUrI hY. ieh mlyrIey vflLy mwCr nflLoN kuJ vwzy sfieË df huMdf hY. ijwQy lVdf hY AuQy KfirÈ jfˆ sfV ijhf pYˆdf hY . zyˆgU dy mwCr qoN bcfa vfsqy Grfˆ ivc kUlrfˆ aqy gmilafˆ ivc KVHf pfxI kwZ dyxf cfhIdf hY. Cwqfˆ AWuqy aksr tuwty hoey gmly, purfxy tfier, imwtI dy Bfˆzy, cInI dy purfxy brqn afid pey huMdy hn ijnHfˆ ivwc KVHf pfxI zyˆgU vflLy mCwr pYdf kr skdf hY. aYsIafˆ sB vsqfˆ nUM sMBfl lYxf cfhIdf hY. sYr vyly qy Èfm nUM lfan ivc bYTx vyly bfhvfˆ qy lwqfˆ pUrIafˆ ZwkIafˆ hox. ies dI pCfx ieh hY ik ieh kflLy rMg df huMdf hY qy ivwc icwty inÈfn huMdy hn. ies leI aflLy duaflLy dI sPfeI rwKo. pfxI iekwTf nf hox idE. Grfˆ nUM jflLIafˆ vflLy drvfËy bfrIafˆ lgvfE. mwCrdfnIafˆ df pRXog kro. mwCrfˆ nUM BjfAux vflLIafˆ agrbwqIafˆ qy mYtfˆ dI vrqoN kro. mwCrfˆ nUM BjfAux vflLIafˆ Kfs qyl jfˆ krImfˆ vrqoN kItnfÈk dvfeIafˆ df iCVkfa krvfAu. Èihrfˆ qy ksibafˆ dIafˆ kfrporyÈnfˆ jfˆ imAUinispl kmytIafˆ, POigMg mÈInf rfhIN mwCrfˆ df ielfj kr skdIafˆ hn.

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The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

Canada 150 Celebration at Mill Lake Park on August 10 Abbotsford, July 31, 2017 – A light show, accompanied by a live symphony orchestra, along with family-friendly activities and entertainment, is set to take place at Mill Lake Park in Abbotsford to celebrate Canada150. Red, White and You is a free community event taking place at Mill Lake Park (Bevan Avenue entrance) from 5:00 to 10:00 pm on Thursday, August 10, 2017. Community zones will be open until 9:00 pm and will include Castle Fun Park’s mini-golf course, The City of Abbotsford’s PRC Inflatable Obstacle

Course and a glow-themed activity hosted by the Reach Gallery Museum. There will be many learning opportunities and creative crafts sponsored by Abbotsford Mission Recycling, the Abbotsford Arts Council, Fraser Valley Regional Library, Corrections Canada, Heritage Abbotsford, Early Years, and Metro 50th Zones. Food trucks from the Fraser Valley Food Truck Festival will be on site with food available to purchase. A diverse lineup of entertainers has been scheduled on the main stage from 5:00 to 10:00 pm and includes a performance by local singer/songwriter

Jada Klein. The Hurricanes, a 30-member Abbotsford youth drumming group will perform, as well as the First Nations Dancers and the Great Gordini, an award-winning and family-friendly, magician. The featured performance is a Symphony Under the Stars show starting at 7:30 pm. Calvin Dyck, local violinist and concertmaster of the Vancouver Island Symphony, is producing this event. The concert will also feature the Abbotsford Youth Orchestra. An epic light show will accompany the final piece of the evening and Mill Lake Park will come to life with an incredible light show synced to the music. Free parking will be available at Abbotsford Middle School, Abbotsford Senior Secondary, Godson Elementary School and MSA Arena. This Canada 150 initiative is made possible from the $45,000 grant from the Federal Government under the Celebration and Commemoration Program Canada 150 Fund and from sponsorship from Telus.


Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

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Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika 


stYPlokOkl jrfsImfˆ df cmVI AuWqy hmlf

hriÈMdr ieh Èfied ajIb lwwgy pr hY TIk ik sfzy sfry srIr AuWqy anyk iktfxU plL rhy hn. stYPlokOkl vI AunHfˆ ivwcoN iek hY. ieh nf isrP cmVI, blik nwk aMdr vI bYTf Kfˆdf pINdf rihMdf hY. lgpg 15 qoN 40 PIsdI lokfˆ ivwc ieh iktfxU koeI ibmfrI pYdf nhIN krdf. kwCfˆ, mUMh, nwk, kMn, cmVI qy lgpg hr joV ivwc psIny `c ilbiVaf cmVI AuWqy mËy nflL bYTf rihMdf hY. roË nhfAux aqy srIr dI sÌfeI krdy rihx nflL cmVI sfP ho jfˆdI hY. iPr iewDrAuWDr hwQ lfAuNidafˆ dubfrf ieh cmVI AuWqy zyrf pf ky bih jfˆdy hn.. tI[bI[. pys mykr pfieaf hoxf. aYgËImf. ipÈfb dI nflLI pfeI hoxI. lhU dy icwty sYlfˆ ivwc nuks. hImozfieiliss. cyzIak ihgfÈI isMzrom. apryÈn bfad tfˆky lwgy hoxy. ivskot aYlzirc isMzrom. stIrfiez Kfˆdy hoey. ieimAUnoglobUiln eI df vDxf. kYˆsr dIafˆ dvfeIafˆ Kfˆdy hoey. nvfˆ joV pfieaf hoxf. ieimAUn isstm dy kMm kfr ivwc kmI.

kOr, aYm[zI[ tYst: ies bImfrI nUM lwBx leI lhU dy keI tYst krny pYˆdy hn qy aYks-ry, klcr, afid vI.

cmVI AuWqy hmly bfad vflLfˆ dIafˆ jVHfˆ ivwc PoVy bx skdy hn. dfVHI ivwc dfxy inkl afAuNdy hn. kwC ivwc iPMsIafˆ ho skdIafˆ hn. CfqI AuWqy lflI ho skdI hY. CfqI pwk skdI hY. nhUMafˆ dIafˆ korfˆ pwk skdIafˆ hn. nwk aMdr iPMsI ho skdI hY. Èwkr rogIafˆ dy pYrfˆ ivwc pIk pYxI. skybIË dy dfixafˆ ivc pIk pYxI. PoiVafˆ vflLI Qfˆ AuWqoN vflLfˆ df JVnf. pwtfˆ dy aMdrly pfsy PoVy hoxy. sfrI cmVI Auqrn lwg pYxI.

ho jfieaf krdI sI pr hux 700 rupey dy mihMgy tIky idn ivwc cfr vfr glUkoË dI boql rfhIN lf ky msfˆ hI TIk kIqI jf rhI hY. mUMh rfhIN Kfx vflLIafˆ dvfeIafˆ hOlLIhOlLI iblkul hI asr CwzdIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. ËKmfˆ AuWqy lfAux vflLIafˆ itAUbfˆ vI isrP zfktrI slfh nflL hI vrqxIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn.

ielfj: aYˆtIbfieEitk dIafˆ golIafˆ jfˆ tIky loV anusfr. cIrf dy ky pIk kwZxI. aYgËImf jfˆ hor lwCxfˆ df nflLo-nflL vwK ielfj.

Kqrf: nIm hkImfˆ aqy kYimstfˆ qoN vfDU aYˆtIbfieEitk Kf-Kf ky mrIËfˆ ny afpxy srIr AuWqy afm dvfeIafˆ df asr Kqm kr ilaf hY. iesy leI hux nfrml iktfxU vI Kqrnfk rUp Dfrn kr cuwky hn ikAuNik AunHfˆ nUM mfrn vflLIafˆ dvfeIafˆ by asr ho cuwkIafˆ hn. lgfqfr ho rhIafˆ nvIafˆ Kojfˆ rfhIN hor qyË dvfeIafˆ lwBIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn pr AunHfˆ dI by loVI vrqoN qy Auh vI aYlopYQI zfktr dI Qfˆ iksy vI hor pYQI jfˆ dvfeIafˆ dIaf dukfnfˆ qoN afpy dvfeI KrIdx dy ruJfn ny ies afm ibmfrI ivwc vI mOq dr vDf idwqI hY. inq vDdI jfˆdI mrIËfˆ dI igxqI qy by asr ho rhIafˆ stYPlokOkl iktfxU sKq jfn huMdy hn. dvfeIafˆ nUM vyKdy hoey sfry ivkisq dysfˆ pr ies dy bfvjUd kudrqI qOr AuWqy cmVI ivwc dvfeIafˆ dIafˆ dukfnfˆ AuWqy ibnfˆ prcI dIafˆ prqfˆ nUM afpy lMG nhIN skdy jdoN qwk dy dvfeI vycx AuWqy kfnUMnx rok lf idwqI koeI gMBIr rog nf hovy. isrP iek vfr geI hY. isrP spYÈilst zfktr dI prcI cmVI rfh dy dyvy qfˆ Pyr srIr aMdr ieh AuWqy hI dvfeI imlL skdI hY. pr sfzy qbfhI mcf skdy hn, ikAuNik ieh afpxy mulk ivc aijhf kuwJ vI nhIN hY. duaflLy iek Gyrf pf ky ieimAUn sYWlfˆ qoN spYÈilst zfktr kolL mrIË hr qrHfˆ dI bcx df ZMg lwB lYˆdy hn. ieimAUin sYWlfˆ dvfeI awD-pcwD vrq ky qy sfry EhVnUM mfr vI idMdy hn. ibmfrI nflL lVn pohV aËmf ky hI phuMcdy hn. Aus vyly vflLy sYWlfˆ ivwc bih ky hmlf krdy rihMdy mrIË nUM bcfAuxf muÈkl ho jfˆdf hY ikAuNik hn. aYˆtIbfieEitk dy asr qoN bcx leI awDy qoN vwD aMg afpxf kMmkfr Cwz cuwky afpxI idwK bdl lYˆdy hn. afpxy aMdroN huMdy hn. iehI ibmfrI pihlfˆ roË dy 6 ËihrI qwq kwZx lwg pYˆdy hn. rupey dy iek pYlisiln dy tIky nflL TIk

bcfa: ielfj nflLoN prhyË hmyÈfN ibhqr huMdf hY. idn ivc swq qoN awT vfr cMgI ieh afm qOr AuWqy nvjMmyˆ bwicafˆ qoN lY qrHfˆ sfbx lf ky hwQ Doxy cfhIdy hn. ky pMj sfl qwk dI Aumr vfilafˆ nUM huMdI ËKLm nUM qurMq cMgI qrHfˆ KuwlHf pfxI pf ky hY. bjLurgfˆ qy gurdy dy rog vfilLafˆ nUM vI sfbx nflL sfP krn dI loV hY. ËKLm nMgf ieh ho skdI hY. jy iktfxU afpxf Zyr iblkul nhIN rihxf cfhIdf qy nf hI mwKI sfrf Ëihr bfhr suwt dyx qfˆ sfry srIr bihx dyxI cfhIdI hY. nwk ivwc AuNglfˆ nhIN df qihs nihs ho jfˆdf hY qy mOq ho skdI mfrnIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ. iztol nflL ËKm roË hY. skfrlYt buKfr. PUz puafieËinMg. sfP krdy rihxf cfhIdf hY. zUMGy ËKm dI inmUnIaf. kfˆby nflL buKfr. blwz pRYWÈr pwtI spYÈilst zfktr qoN hI krvfAuxI df Gtxf. cfhIdI hY. PAGE 13


The Patrika 

Friday, August 4th, 2017

Soaring temperatures lead to increasing demand for power VANCOUVER – BC Hydro expects provincewide electricity demand to reach record breaking highs for summer peak hourly demand this week. Increasing temperatures have resulted in a significant increase in overall provincial electricity use.

the winter. The highest peak hourly demand ever was recorded on Jan. 3, 2017 when consumption reached 10,124 megawatts between 5 and 6 p.m. This is in contrast to utilities in California and Ontario, where the highest peaks are experienced in the summer months due to the On Monday, BC Hydro recorded widespread use of air conditioning. the highest peak hourly demand – the hour customers use the most There are a number of ways British electricity – of the summer at 7,297 Columbians can save money during megawatts. This represents an the heat wave: increase of 444 megawatts over the Close the drapes and blinds: previous Monday. While BC Hydro · has enough capacity available to shading windows can block out up serve the additional electricity load, to 65 per cent of the heat. the energy required to serve this Out with the warm, in increase in demand is equivalent · with the cool: position a fan by a to running four Ruskin generating window or door in the evening when stations at maximum capacity. temperatures are cooler to direct the BC Hydro is anticipating peak hourly cool air in. demand over the next few days to be Spin that fan: ceiling fans are between 7,500 and 7,800 megawatts · – breaking the previous summer the most efficient option for cooling. record of 7,468 megawatts set on Ensure the fan is rotating counterclockwise to help direct the cool air Aug. 11, 2014. down. Typically, during a heat wave, BC Hang laundry to dry: avoiding Hydro sees a spike in peak electricity · demand as customers turn on fans the dryer will keep unnecessary heat and air conditioners to stay cool and out the house. refrigeration units work harder. · Opt for smaller appliances: Although there is a significant increase use a microwave, crockpot or toaster in provincial electricity load during oven to avoid the extra heat produced a sustained heat wave, BC Hydro by larger appliances when preparing still records the highest demand in meals.

How to power your outdoor living space


(NC) A gourmet kitchen, a ceiling fan and ambient lighting sound like the must-haves for an indoor reno. For today's homeowner, maxing out on summer means setting up al fresco living. Here is what you need to know about powering your outdoor space so it delivers all season long.

protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) to help avoid shock.

Choose the right outlets for outdoors. Outlets are an essential element for a fully functioning backyard. Whether you're planning to power decorative lighting for romance or speakers to play the perfect music while entertaining, ensure all outdoor outlets are

Running wires to power your backyard. If electricity is needed to power your garden from the front to the back, a trench may be required to run wires underground. Wires need to be buried anywhere from 45 centimetres up to one metre depending on the location, voltage and wiring method.

Protect power sources from the elements. Any outlet that could be exposed to snow, rain and other debris needs to have a cover plate marked “extra duty.” These covers are important for preventing electrical shocks.

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017



Child labour went into that lunch box snack (NC) With fall and another school year approaching, many parents are preparing themselves for the daily task of packing school lunches.

A recent report by Amnesty International says that some of the largest multi-national producers of food get their palm oil from Indonesia.

We think about convenience, nutrition and what our children's tastes are (which vary week to week, if not day to day). But, have you ever thought whether child labour was used to produce those fruit roll-ups or that tiny container of dried cereal?

“People don't want to buy products made with child labour, but right now companies are buying their palm oil from a source whose record is fraught with serious human rights abuses,” says Fiona Koza, Amnesty International Canada's campaigner for business and human rights.

If the list of ingredients on the label includes palm oil, chances are it comes from an Indonesia plant which employs children as young as eight years-old. Palm oil, also often called palm kernel, palmate, or stearic acid, is popular in processed foods because it is solid at room temperature, is cheap and gives many foods a creamy taste and texture. But, children helping to produce the product work without safety equipment and among toxic pesticides and must carry bags of palm fruit that weigh over 50 pounds

Here's what to avoid on ingredient labels in order to keep palm oil – and child labour – out of your child's lunch box: • vegetable oil • glyceryl • stearate If you stick to fresh fruit and vegetables grown as close to home as possible, you'll be providing your children with healthy snacks produced without child labour.




1st Mortgages 2nd Mortgages pihlI mOrtgyj CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES dUjI mOrtgyj kMstrwksLn mOrtgyj EQUITY TAKE-OUTS iekuietI tyk afAUt



The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

ÈhId AUDm isMG nUM Xfd kridafˆ amnpRIq isMG (zf:) ÈhId AUDm isMG df jnm 26 dsMbr, 1899 eI: ivc pitaflf irafsq dy ipMz sunfm ivKy mfqf nrfiexI aqy ipqf cUhV rfm dy Gr hoieaf. Auh goq dy kMboj sn. AUDm isMG df bcpn df nfˆa Èyr isMG sI. Aus dy ipqf lfgly ipMz styÈn `qy cOkIdfrI krdy sn. ipqf cUhV rfm ny aMimRq Ck ilaf aqy tihl isMG bx gey. Èyr isMG df iewk Cotf Brf mukqf isMG sI. bcpn ivc Èyr isMG dy mfqf-ipqf guËr gey. ies dOrfn Auh afpxy Brf nUM nflL lY ky sRI drbfr sfihb, aMimRqsr dy drÈnfˆ leI cwl pey ik rsqy ivc iewk sfDU ny dovyˆ bflkfˆ dy gyrUey bsqr pihnf idwqy. dovyˆ Brfvfˆ dI grIbI/hflq dyK ky hjLUrI rfgI ikÈn isMG ny 24 akqUbr 1907 eI: ivc AunHfˆ nUM sYˆtrl Kflsf XqImKfny phuMcf idwqf. ijwQy dy pRbMD hyT AunHfˆ ny iswK-isDfˆqfˆ

df igafn hfsl kIqf. AuWQy dovyˆ Brfvfˆ ny aMimRq Cikaf ijwQoN Èyr isMG nUM AUDm isMG aqy mukqf isMG nUM sfDU isMG df nvfˆ nfˆa imilaf. 1917 eI: ivc sfDU isMG dI

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Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika 


mOq ho geI. ies qrHfˆ AUDm isMG bcpn gfAux/suxn df ÈOk sI. 1936-37 eI: qoN mfqf-ipqf aqy Brf dy ipafr nUM mfx ivc sI[ bI[ afeI[ dIafˆ awKfˆ ivc Gwtf nf sikaf. pf ky ‘rfm muhMmd isMG aËfd` nfˆa hyT pfsport bxfAux ivc sPl irhf. Auh keI 1918 eI: ivc mYitRk pfs krn mgroN dyÈ GuMmdf hoieaf ieMglYˆz phuMc igaf. AUDm isMG ny XqImKfnf Cwz idwqf. AunHfˆ iek idn AUDm isMG ny ieMzIaf afiPs idnfˆ ivc pMjfb `qy aMgryËI hkUmq df ivc noits vyiKaf, ijs anusfr eIst rfj sI aqy iPrkU mfhOl cwl irhf sI. ieMzIaf aYsosIeyÈn aqy rfiel sYˆtrl ivsfKI dy mhfn purb 13 apRYl 1919 eI: susfietI ny rl ky 13 mfrc, 1940 eI: vflLy idn jwilHafˆ vfly bfg ivKy rfÈtrI nUM kYkstn hfl ivKy mIitMg afXoijq lIzrfˆ vwloN ÈfˆqmeI sBf kIqI jf rhI krnI sI. ies mIitMg dI pRDfngI lfrz sI. AUDm isMG ny ies sBf ivc ÈmUlIaq ËYtlYˆz kr irhf sI. mfiekl Auzvfier ny kIqI. acfnk pMjfb dy lYPtInYˆt gvrnr vI ies mIitMg ivc Èfiml hoxf sI. pUrI mfiekl Auzvfier ny rYËInflz aYzvrz XojnfbMdI aqy inscq imqI anusfr AUDm hYrI zfier nUM kmfˆzr inXukq krky isMG kYkstn hfl ivKy dfKl hoieaf. jwilHafˆ vflLy bfg ivc bulfeI sBf `qy AUDm isMG ivckfrly Cwzy rsqy dy swjy golIafˆ brsfAux df hukm dy idwqf. Èfm pfsy Kloqf sI. mIitMg Kqm huMidafˆ hI Aus dy svf cfr vjy zfier POjI dsqy smyq ny afpxI irvflvr qoN pMj-Cy sLUt kIqy jwilHafˆ vflLy bfg aMdr dfKl hoieaf. ik Auzvfier Ausy vkq DrqI `qy izgdf Aus vkq durgf dfs BfÈx kr irhf sI. hoieaf dm qoV igaf. lfrz ËYtlYˆz vI zfier dy hukm `qy golLIafˆ dI bfCV ny mfiraf igaf. ies qoN bfad AUDm isMG sYˆkVy BfrqIafˆ nUM mfr mukfieaf. ies ivc ny afp afpxI igRPqfrI dy ky irvflvr sB qoN Cotf bwcf swq mhIny df vI ÈhId puils hvfly kridafˆ ikhf ik, ‘mYˆ afpxI hoieaf. ies GtnfkRm nfl AUDm isMG dy iËMmyvfrI inBfa idwqI hY.` sIny ivc aMdr bdly dI cMigafVI BVk AuWTI. Aus ny inrdoÈfˆ dy kql df bdlf adflq vwloN 1 apRYl, 1940 eI: ivc AUDm lYx aqy dyÈ nUM gulfmI qoN aËfd krvfAux isMG `qy Auzvfier aqy ËYtlYˆz dI mOq df doÈ lf ky sYˆtrl krIimnl kort, Elz df mn bxf ilaf. bylI ivKy mukwdmf clfieaf igaf. agly 1919 eI: nUM Auh XUnfeIitz styt afP idn Aus nUM mOq dI sËf suxf ky pYˆtnivl amrIkf phuMc igaf. AuWQy Aus ny bwbr jylH Byj idwqf igaf, ijwQy 31 julfeI 1940 akflI lihr dIafˆ kRfˆqIkfrI gqIivDIafˆ eI: ivc AUDm isMG nUM PfˆsI `qy ltkf idwqf ivc Bfg lY ky mfx mihsUs kIqf. 1923 igaf. AUDm isMG ny afpxy jylH sfQI iÈv eI: ivc Auh vfps Bfrq af igaf. ies isMG jOhl nUM kuJ icwTIafˆ ilKIafˆ sn jo dOrfn Auh keI irvflvr gupq qrIky nflL gurU nfnk dyv XUnIvristI dI lfiebRyrI ilaf irhf sI ik aMimRqsr puils ny Aus ivc mOjUd hn. ienHfˆ icwTIafˆ qoN Aus dy nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf. AUDm isMG nUM 4 KuÈ-imËfj suBfa aqy bhfdr-idl hox sfl dI kYd hoeI. 1931 eI: nUM Auh irhfa df rfË KuwlHdf hY. Aus df ierfdf sI ik hoieaf aqy jwdI ipMz sunfm prq igaf. mOq qoN bfad Aus dIafˆ asQIafˆ (Pul) sunfm dI puils Aus nUM qMg krdI rhI, aqy rfK Bfrq Byj idwqI jfvy. aMgryË ijs krky AUDm isMG iPr aMimRqsr af srkfr ny ies dI mnËUrI nhIN sI idwqI igaf. aMimRqsr ivKy Aus ny ‘rfm muhMmd pr 1975 eI: ivc Bfrq srkfr ÈhId isMG aËfd` nfˆa hyT pyˆtr df ikwqf sLurU AUDm isMG dIafˆ asQIafˆ nUM Bfrq vfps kr idwqf. iesy nfˆa hyT Auh ieMglYˆz ilafAux ivc kfmXfb rhI. ÈhId AUDm ivc pRiswD hoieaf. ieh nfˆa BfrqIafˆ isMG ny grIbI Biraf jo bcpn vyiKaf sI leI sMkyq sI ik iPrkUpuxy qoN AuWpr AuWT Aus ny AUDm isMG nUM imhnqI bxf idwqf. ky iswK, ihMdU aqy muslmfn afpxy vqn XqImKfny ivcoN pRfpq kIqy sMskfrfˆ ny Aus leI iewk hox. ieh dukfn kRfˆqIkfrIafˆ df nUM iensfn bxf idwqf. jwilHafˆ vflLy bfg awzf vI bxI. dI Gtnf ny Aus aMdr dyÈ-ipafr aYsf AUDm isMG; rfjgurU, Bgq isM G aqy Biraf ik Auh ies sfky dy doÈIafˆ nUM mfrn suKdyv vrgy kRfˆqIkfrIafˆ nUM afpxf gurU df pRx inBfa sikaf. aijhy amr ÈhIdfˆ smJdf sI. 1935 eI: ivc Auh kÈmIr dy ieiqhfs aqy Xfd nUM lY ky sfnUM afpxIafˆ igaf, ijwQoN Aus nUM Bgq isMG df icwqr KudgrËIafˆ, nPrqfˆ aqy clfkIafˆ nUM lfˆBy imilaf; ijs nUM Auh pUjdf irhf. AUDm rwK ky, dyÈ-ipafr dI Bfvnf nUM apxf ky isMG nUM kRfˆqIkfrI kvI rfm pRsfd ibsiml brfbrqf vflLy mËbUq dyÈ df inrmfx dIafˆ kivqfvfˆ aqy dyÈ-BgqI dy gIq krnf cfhIdf hY. PAGE 17


The Patrika 

Friday, August 4th, 2017

Serve delicious desserts with Canadian ingredients (NC) Your kids will think they are getting dessert when you pull out this fun treat made with bananas, nuts and honey. Simple and nutritious, it's also perfect for entertaining or taking to work as a mid-afternoon snack. When shopping for the ingredients, make sure to support locally produced foods by double checking your labels. Try BeeMaid honey, packed by producer-owned co-ops that have been a part of the Canadian food landscape for over 60 years. “Our over 300 beekeeper owners take great pride in their ownership, and take extreme care to provide the best quality honey,” explains Guy Chartier, CEO. “We source it all from our owners, and this structure ensures that our honey is of consistent quality year after year, bottle after bottle.” Honey Banana Pops Ingredients: • 1 1/3 cups (315 mL) ground toasted almonds, ground coconut, candy sprinkles and/or graham cracker crumbs • 4 just-ripe bananas, peeled • 1/2 cup (250 mL) BeeMaid honey • 8 popsicle sticks

Directions: 1. Spread your topping choices on a plate. Cut bananas in half crosswise. Insert a popsicle stick into each cut end. 2. To assemble, hold each banana half over plate or waxed paper to catch drips. Spoon about 1 tablespoon of honey over banana, rotating and smoothing with back of spoon to coat all sides. You can also squeeze honey from a plastic honey bear container and smooth out with a spoon. 3. Roll banana in topping of choice until coated on all sides, pressing with fingertips to help topping adhere. Place pops on waxed paper lined cookie sheet. 4. Repeat with remaining bananas, honey and topping. Serve at once.

Amp up nutrition with a smoothie (NC) Barbecues, cookouts and travelling mean the warmer months are often crammed with food that's of little nutritional value. While depriving yourself of seasonal treats will make you feel like you're missing out, you can improve your overall health by balancing these indulgences with a nutrient-packed smoothie. You'll find a wallop of antioxidants, protein and sweet berry taste in this beautiful blueberry smoothie. Just make sure you take a close look at the label when choosing the ingredients to get a tastier and healthier drink. Check that your honey is 100 per cent Canadian for a sweet, delicate taste and high-quality refreshment. “When you buy pure Canadian honey, you know it was produced to the highest food safety standards and can feel confident feeding it to your family,”


explains Shannon Bowden of Bee Maid Honey. Every time you make a purchase, it also supports our country's beekeepers and farmers who rely on bees to pollinate their crops. Blueberry Delight Ingredients: • 1/2 cup (125 mL) frozen blueberries • 1/2 cup (125 mL) yogurt • 1 banana • 1/2 cup (125 mL) orange juice • 2 tbsp (30 mL) BeeMaid honey Directions: Prep time: 5 minutes Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve immediately.

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017



Communities thrive when you support local businesses (NC) Minimum wage increases have everyone worrying about how small businesses are going to survive. However you can make a difference with your everyday decisions about where to spend your money. From the coffee shop in the morning, to the landscaper for your garden or the restaurants and the retail stores you go to, you can choose to support a local spot. To make your community a vibrant one, consider spending your dollars locally. Here are three reasons why it pays to support small businesses where you live. 1. Uniqueness. When you're asked to name your favourite restaurant or café in your neighbourhood, it's often a unique local business. A one-of-a-kind store is able to capture the flavour of your community and cater to its distinctive tastes and needs — something impossible for a big box retailer to do. 2. Better service. When you connect with a business owner directly, you can feel the difference. They are more invested in your happiness and work to

personalize your experience. It doesn't take long to think of an example of a business that knows you by name and remembers what you like. Plus, most small businesses will special order items for you to keep you coming back. 3. Stimulate the local economy. When you support local businesses, you keep dollars within your community and an abundance of job opportunities are created. It can also attract a range of other local businesses and residents to the area. Mobile payment company, Square, helps people participate in their local economy by making it easy and affordable for small businesses to accept a range of payments.

How to turn your side hustle into a full-time job (NC) Today's world revolves around the so-called “gig economy,” where individuals make a little extra cash from a small business outside their day jobs. From renting out a room in your home to travellers to using your love of crafting to make unique handmade gifts, bonus moneymakers are a great way add to your income. Some people love part-time projects so much that they would ideally pursue them full-time if they could. If you're dreaming of bringing your side hustle front and centre, here are three tips to help. Learn time management skills. Balancing a full-time job and being a budding entrepreneur isn't easy. The demand for your time never stops growing as there is always more you could be doing. Multi-tasking is often necessary, as is being good at prioritizing what needs to be done. Most successful entrepreneurs get up early or stay up late to power through their work, so try getting a couple of extra hours of uninterrupted time every day.

Simplify with innovative tools. There are many tools and services that can help you organize your life and business so you can focus on doing work that matters. One of the most challenging parts of running your side hustle shouldn't be getting paid. Mobile payments company, Square, offers a free card reader and app to make it easy for you to take credit card payments anywhere and get paid as soon as the next business day. Build and maintain a network. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely — many people won't understand what you're doing or be able to relate to your problems. Improve both your happiness and valuable connections by finding ways to stay connected. Join meet-up groups to surround yourself with people who understand your journey. Establish a mentor relationship to help guide you, and, most importantly, don't forget about your friends and family. Encouragement from those around you is essential to your success.


The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

BfrqI lokqMqr dI ajokI ijwlHx ivwc koeI AubflLf kdy vI af skdf!

jiqMdr pMnUM mn qfˆ krdf sI ik awj sqluj-Xmnf vyly pRvfn hoey pRfjYkt muqfbk kMm sLurU nUM kurbfnI leI AuksfAux qy afpxI rfjsI ilMk nihr dy Aus mukwdmy bfry iliKaf kr idwqf jfˆdf qfˆ ies df pfxI AuWqr pRdyÈ AuTfx vfsqy pOVI bxfAux df mOkf imlL jf jfvy, ijhVf iesy hPqy suprIm kort dy dy kYrfnf aqy hirafxf dy pfxIpq nyiVAuN vygf. jvfbI Auksfht leI bfdl sfihb dy iewk afdyÈ ny AuBfr idwqf hY, pr asIN Xmnf ivwc pYx nflL keI muwdy hwl ho skdy BqIjy cOtfilafˆ df koVmf pihlfˆ qoN mYdfn ilK nhIN rhy. kfrn ies df ieh hY ik sn. pMjfb dI rfjsI lIzriÈp nUM ies dI ivwc hY. suprIm kort dy ies PYsly nflL pMjfb dI rfjnIqI kucwj dy rfh pY geI hY. mMg krnI cfhIdI sI, kdI iksy ny kIqI hI pMjfb-hirafxf qy ies dy bhfny kyˆdr nflL suprIm kort ny ieh afdyÈ kr idwqf hY nhIN. ds ku sfl pihlfˆ asIN muwdf cuwikaf iewk hor ByV leI muwZ bwJ skdf hY, ijs ik nihr bxfAuxI hI pYxI hY qy Cot isrP sI qy ipClIafˆ ivDfn sBf coxfˆ dOrfn ieho nUM akflI lIzr ‘jMg ihMd pMjfb df hox eynI idwqI hY ik hux do mhIinafˆ ivwc pRDfn muwdf aYWc[ aYWs[ PUlkf ny cuwikaf sI. bfkI lwgf` kih ky pyÈ kiraf krngy. mMqrI kolL bYT ky dovfˆ rfjfˆ dy afgU mslf iksy lIzr ny nf kdy ies dI loV smJI qy Delite Pizza nf pRBakery vfn ho cuwk& f ieh pRfjYkt sfry JgVy nf cfhuMdy hoey vI ies muwdy bfry eynI ku gwl inbyV skdy hn qfˆ inbyVegetarian V lYx. kihxf bVf sOKf hY ik koeI rfh inklL afvygf, AuNj dy iewk hwl vwjoN mMn lYx dI gwl qorI sI. krn dy bfad asIN suprIm kort ivwc pyÈ hoey iewk hor muwdy dI gwl krnI cf hfˆgy. ies dI afs koeI nhIN rih geI. krn df hux Èfied ies mMg dy cuwkx df vkq nhIN EQy do arËIafˆ afeIafˆ sn. iewk arËI kMm ieh sI ik Èfrdf-Xmnf ilMk nihr irhf. suprIm kort ny ieh sfP kr idwqf kuJ rfjsI lIzrfˆ dy pwK vwloN pyÈ hoeI sI df Auh pRfjYkt isry cfVHn dI gwl clfeI hY ik pfxI dyxf jfˆ nhIN dyxf aqy dyxf hY ik iksy kys ivwc sËf vI ho jfvy qfˆ AunHfˆ jfˆdI, ijs dy srvyKxfˆ df muwZ ieMdrf qfˆ ikMnf dyxf hY, ieh bfad ivwc qYa huMdf nUM coxfˆ lVnoN rokx dI dUhrI sËf nhIN gfˆDI dy vyly bwJf sI qy ijs nUM pRfjYkt rhygf, pihlI gwl ieh ik sqluj-Xmnf idwqI jfxI cfhIdI. ieh arËI itk nhIN vjoN pRvfngI atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI dy rfj ilMk nihr bxfAuxI pYxI hY, ikAuNik dyÈ sI skI. dUsrI arËI iewk nfgirk ny ieh dOrfn imlLI sI. mhfNkflI ndI jfˆ Èfrdf dI sB qoN vwzI adflq df hukm hY qy Aus pfeI ik ijhVf lIzr iksy jurm ivwc doÈI ndI df muwZ nypfl ivclI kflLf pfxI JIl df hukm mMnxf hr rfj srkfr dI iËM- sfbq ho jfvy, Aus nUM iPr kdy vI cox lVn qoN bwJdf qy kflLI gMgf aqy gorI gMgf smyq myvfrI hY. ies hukm nflL pMjfb srkfr df mOkf nhIN idwqf jfxf cfhIdf. suprIm keI ndIafˆ nUM afpxy ivwc vlHytdI qy keI leI bhuq vwzI muÈkl KHVI ho geI hY. kort ny cox kimÈn df pwK puwiCaf sI. sQfnk nfˆvfˆ nflL jfxI jfˆdI afKr nUM ieh kyˆdrI srkfr pMjfb vwl nrmI vflLI Kbrfˆ dwsdIafˆ hn ik cox kimÈn ny ies Èfrdf ndI vjoN AuWqr pRdyÈ ivwcoN lMGdI nhIN. ivroD dI iDr vjoN dUsrI Qfˆ Dwky gey bfry koeI sfP pYˆqVf mwlx qoN pRhyË kIqf hY. ies qoN pihlfˆ tnkpur zYm vwloN keI akflI afgU ies smwisaf nflL KuÈ hoxgy, qy adflq qoN iJVkfˆ KfDIafˆ hn ik dyÈ mIl ieh AuWqrf KMz aqy nypfl ivcflLy ikAuNik AunHfˆ nUM iewk hor morcf lf ky lokfˆ df iewk afm nfgirk eyzf aihm muwdf lY srhwd vfˆg vgdI hY. vfjpfeI srkfr ky eyQoN qwk phuMc igaf hY aqy cox kimÈn nUM ies bfry koeI rfey dyx dI loV vI mihsUs nhIN hoeI. smiJaf jfˆdf hY ik cox kimÈn jfˆ isafsI Kyqr dy mhfˆrQIafˆ dy dbfa hyT hY jfˆ hflfq dy vgdy vihx nflL vgxf TIk smJdf hY. ijho ijhf PYslf af jfvygf, cox kimÈn Aus nUM lfgU kr Cwzy gf, pr Kud ies bfry koeI pYˆqVf mwl ky iksy dI awK ivwc rVkx qoN ies leI iJjkdf hY ik hr vwzI rfjsI iDr ivwc ieho ijhy afgU mOjUd hn.

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vjoN kIqf hoieaf sI. Aus ipwCoN agly sfl Auh smfjvfdI pfrtI ivwc Èfml ho igaf. afKrI vfr jdoN kfˆgrs vwloN pfrlImYˆt mYˆbr bixaf qfˆ sËf hox kfrn pfrlImYˆt dI mYˆbrI Kuws geI. kfˆgrs pfrtI nUM sfrI Aumr gflLHfˆ kwZx vflLf bMdf afKr nUM ‘miraf swp` bx ky Esy kfˆgrs dI JolLI pY igaf sI.

idlcsp ikwsf mhfrfÈtr dy do isafsI afgUafˆ pwpU kflfnI qy gopfl rfjvfnI df hY. dovfˆ df sMbMD sMsfr dy sB qoN Kqrnfk mMny jfˆdy mfPIaf srgixafˆ ivwcoN iewk dfAUd iebrfhm dy nflL sI qy dovfˆ dI afpo ivwc twkr cwldI sI. pihlfˆ dovyˆ jxy kfˆgrs ivwc sn. kuJ icr bfad gopfl rfjvfnI ny kfˆgrs Cwz ky afËfd AumIdvfr vjoN rfjnIqI kIqI qy afKrI cox mOky iÈv sYnf nflL jf juiVaf sI. iewk idn iewk kys dI pyÈI Bugqx vyly Aus df kql ho igaf. rfjvfnI dy kql df doÈI ijhVy pwpU kflfnI nUM mMinaf igaf, Auh rfjIv gfˆDI dOr ivwc kfˆgrs ivwc Èfml ho igaf. pihlfˆ Aulhfs ngr dI ngr pfilkf df pRDfn bixafN, iPr kfˆgrs itkt AuWqy ivDfn sBf mYˆbr bx igaf. kys bx jfx ipwCoN Auh jylH ivwc bYTf ijwqdf irhf. Èrd pvfr ny nYÈnilst kfˆgrs pfrtI bxfeI qfˆ Aus nflL Aus nvIN pfrtI ivwc Èfml ho ky Aulhfs ngr dI ngr pfilkf AuWqy jkV rwKI sI. Aus dy jylH ivwc huMidafˆ Aus dI pqnI joqI kflfnI myar bx ky Èihr sMBfldI rhI qy afKrI cox pwpU kflfnI ny EdoN irpblIkn pfrtI vwloN lV ky ijwq leI sI, jdoN Aus dI pqnI kfˆgrs dI pRmuwK afgU vjoN iksy hor nUM kuskx nhIN sI dyˆdI. eyny kys bx jfx aqy sËf ho jfx dy bfad Aus nUM coxfˆ lVn dy aXog mMinaf igaf hr vwzI pfrtI ivwc eydfˆ dy Bfrq ivwc jdoN df cuxy hoey pRqIinDfˆ nUM afgU QoVHI ijhI GoK kIiqafˆ lwB skdy hn. iksy hfAUs dI mYˆbrI qoN Kfrj krn jfˆ coxfˆ lVn qoN aXog krfr dyx df kMm sLurU svfl iPr EQy df EQy hY. suprIm kort hoieaf hY, vwzy kysfˆ ivwc lflU pRsfd Xfdv puwCdI hY ik jdoN dyÈ df iewk nfgirk ies bfry smuwcy dyÈ dy lok jfxdy hn, pr ieho dyÈ dy rfjnIqk mfhOl ivwc ipaf gMd sfP ijhI sËf dI mfr keI hornfˆ nUM vI pY cuwkI krn dI mMg leI sfirafˆ qoN vwzI adflq hY. sB qoN pihlI swt rÈId msUd nUM peI qwk phuMc igaf hY, ies lokqMqr dIafˆ sI, ijhVf Aus vyly kfˆgrs pfrtI df sMivDfnk sMsQfvfˆ afpxf PrË ikAuN nhIN pfrlImYˆt mYˆbr sI qy ies bhfny kfˆgrs smJ rhIafˆ? ies svfl df sMbMD isrP pfrtI df kfPI guwzf bwJdf irhf. ijs kys cox kimÈn qy hux vflLy muwK cox kimÈnr ivwc sËf hoeI qy iPr awgoN leI coxfˆ lVn nflL nhIN, lokqMqr dI hr ÈfK nflL hY. dy aXog krfr idwqf igaf, Auh EdoN df Bfrq dy lok ijnHfˆ lokqMqrI ÈfKfvfˆ vwl sI, jdoN rfjf vI pI isMG dy pRDfn mMqrI afs dI nËr nflL vyKdy hn, AunHf ÈfKfvfˆ hox smyˆ rÈId msUd Aus nflL jnqf dl dy qoN afs nUM Drvfs dyx vflLI krUMbl kdoN afgU vjoN kyˆdrI mMqrI huMdf sI. rÈId msUd PuwtygI? dfgI rfjsI lIzrfˆ df dfgI kIqf pihlI vfr jY pRkfÈ nfrfiex dI lihr hoieaf lokqMqr ijwlHx ivwc Pisaf ipaf ivwc jnqf pfrtI dy afgU vjoN pfrlImYˆt hY. Aus ijwlHx ivwc kdoN aqy ikwdfˆ df koeI ivwc phuMicaf sI. jnqf pfrtI tuwt jfx nvfˆ AubflLf af skdf hY, ies dy sMkyq qfˆ ipwCoN lok dl vwloN ijwqdf irhf qy sËf vflf imldy hn, pr sMkyqfˆ nUM smJx vflLf hfl jurm Aus ny jnqf dl pfrlImYˆt mYˆbr dI GVI koeI nhIN idws irhf.

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika 


afpxy leI vI kuJ pl kwZy nOkrI pyÈf dMpqI

joigMdr isMG (ipRMsIpl) ivafhuqf jIvn smfj dI afDfriÈlf hY. smyˆ df sdAupXog kIqf jf sky. Gr `c pVHy-ilKy sUJvfn, suGV-isafxy dMpqI ÈfdI sLUdf jIvn nUM pihl dyxI, dMpqI df pfsoN hI afdrÈ pirvfr aqy sdfcfrI sB qoN pihlf PrË hY. pqI-pqnI inÈicq smfj dI afs kIqI jf skdI hY. ajoky krn ik Auh Gr `c sfˆJf loVINdf smfˆ ËrUr bhuqy pirvfrfˆ dI jIvn qor nOkrI pyÈf iekwTy ibqfAux gy. iewk dUjy dIafˆ loVfˆ joiVafˆ `qy afDfirq hY. socx vflI gwl smJxgy aqy afpxy idlfˆ dIafˆ DVkxfˆ nUM ieh hY ik ijwQy pqI pqnI dovyˆ dYink jIvn ieksur krn gy. kuJ kihx gy, kuJ suxn `c, kMmkfr jfˆ kfr-ivhfr `c ruwJy huMdy gy, kuJ smJx gy, kuJ smJfAux gy aqy hn, AunHfˆ nUM Gr df vfqfvrn jfˆ mfhOl ipafr dI pIcvIN gMZ pfAux gy. aijhy suKfvfˆ, inwGf, qxfE-rihq aqy ipafr ibqfey iekwTy pÜ dMpqI irÈqy dI QMmHI nUM Biraf bxf ky rwKx leI kI Auprfly krny kdy zolx nhIN idMdy. hfˆ, Èwk, sMdyh aqy cfhIdy hn? qfˆ jo ipafr dI gMZ idn pRqI vYr-ivroD dI Bfvnf kfrn dMpqI jIvn idn pIcvIˆ huMdI jfey. dI ipafr dI QMmHI nUM sdf kfˆbf iCiVaf swcf-suwcf ipafr ÈfˆqI nflL DVkx vflLy rihMdf hY. dMpqI leI jIvn df rfË vI idlfˆ df sfË hY. mDurqf iewk imwTf myvf ieh hY jIvn df sfË vI ieh ik Auh iewk hY. sfˆJ iewk pIcvIˆ gMZ hY. afdr iewk dUjy nUM ipafr dI cfÈnI ctfeI jfx. jIvn pivwqr Dfrnf hY. iewk dUjy dy idlfˆ `c `c pwqJV iekwTy imlL ky kwtx vfilLafˆ dy pRBfvI ivcfrfˆ nflL AuWqrnf mfnvIˆ kdrfˆ svfgq leI bhfr bfhfˆ psfrI rwKdI hY. kImqfˆ dI pCfx hY. ienHfˆ afdrÈk guxfˆ gwl cfhy afriQk smwisaf dI hovy, sky df dMpqI `c bxy rihxf bVf ËrUrI hY. ieh sbMDIafˆ nflL irÈqy inBfAux dI hovy, suBfivk vI hY aqy kfPI hwd qwk TIk vI bwicafˆ dy pflx poÈx dI hovy, iewk dUjy hY ik bhuqI vfrI dMpqI leI iewk dUjy leI pRqI ÈwkI idRÈtI dI hovy, afpsI ivarQ smfˆ kwZxf koeI sOKf kMm nhIN pr iewk dUjy bol bulfry dI hovy jfˆ iewk dUjy nUM apmfinq dIafˆ ËrUrI loVfˆ aqy mjbUrIafˆ nUM smJxf krn bfry hovy, afpxy sfQI dI gwl iDafn aqy iewk dUjy dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ nUM smJ ky nflL suxo, smJo, ivcfro aqy Aus df Aupfa AunHfˆ df siqkfr krnf bhuq hI ËrUrI hY. lwBo. afpxI soc inrpwK, AusfrU aqy ieh TIk hY ik ivhl dy plfˆ dI imwTI sfˆJ, sfriQk rwKdy hoey iksy bihs `c nf pvo. ipafr-BrI qwkxI, nYxfˆ `c afeI KumfrI bihs `c AulJy hoey pl nf kyvl smyˆ nUM aqy do ipafr `c iBwjy Aupmf-rUpI bol nf axsuKfvfˆ, duwKdfeI aqy bdsUrq bxf kyvl aMqrIv Bfvfˆ dI qrjLmfnI krdy idMdy hn, sgoN afpsI rMijÈ dI Dfr nUM hor hn, sgoN keI vfrI jIvn Br df shfrf qIKx kr idMdy hn. vI bx jfˆdy hn. pqI-pqnI dy sfˆJ `c ibqfey pl nf kyvl jy pqI pqnI dovyˆ hI ruJyvyˆ dI mfr Qwly hox suKdfeI, idlkÈ, mDur aqy idlfˆ `c iKwc aqy AunHfˆ kolL iewk dUjy nflL gwlbfq krn pfAux vflLy huMdy hn, sgoN Auh pqI-pqnI df, idl dI hvfVH-kwZx df, duwK-drd dy irÈqy nUM mËbUq, sucyrf aqy lMmyrf vMzx df aqy iewk dUjy dI pIV cuwgx df bxf idMdy hn. by loVI bihs irÈqy nUM smfˆ nf hovy qfˆ aijhI avsQf smyˆ gwlbfq KoKlf krdI hY. mnPI ivcfr bygfngI `c Kwpf pY jfˆdf hY. dUrIafˆ, mjbUrIafˆ aqy ijhI siQqI AuqpMn kr idMdy hn. pRqIkUl lfcfrIafˆ vwDdIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. keI qrHfˆ ivcfr Aupj ky jIvn df mËf ikrikrf dy ÈMky aqy svfl pYdf ho jfˆdy hn. qrk- kr idMdy hn. aijhy vfqfvrn dy PlsrUp ivqrk dI siQqI bx jfˆdI hY. aijhI dÈf pqI-pqnI Gr `c vI Pursq dy smyˆ vI `c, jIvn jfc `c kuJ qbdIlIafˆ ËrUrI kdy-kdy rihMdy hn. Gr `c jdoN vI iewk hn. ipafr dy irÈqy nUM qxfE-rihq dUjy df sfQ hovy, Gwto-Gwt aijhy smyˆ bxfAux leI nyVqf, sfˆJ aqy dfnÈmMdI qfˆ idlfˆ dIafˆ DVkxfˆ sfˆJIafˆ hox, nYxfˆ `c Kumfr hovy aqy buwlHfˆ `qy mDur ipafr dI vDyry loV hY. dMpqI jIvn `c mDurqf, imTfs, inmrqf dI Puhfr hovy. by vjHf aqy by loVy svfl aqy sihxÈIlqf df bxy rihxf, ies pwKoN KUbsUrq plfˆ nUM nÈt kr idMdy hn. nOkrI vI bhuq ËrUrI hY qfˆ jo dMpqI `c suihrd pyÈf dMpqI nUM iekwiTafˆ smfˆ ibqfAux gwlbfq dI siQqI bxI rhy. iewk dUjy leI df smfˆ Gwt hI imlLdf hY. inÈcy hI Auh smfˆ nf kwZxf dohfˆ dy jIvn leI keI vfr aijhy ivhl dy smyˆ afpxf aqy bwicafˆ Gfqk iswD huMdf hY. aijhI dÈf `c jIvn df BivwK AuWjlf aqy sMqoKjnk bxfAux dohfˆ leI ruwKf, nIrs, boJl aqy ivarQ bfry soc skdy hn. bws aijhIafˆ gwlfˆ `c smJo. iewk dUjy nUM smfˆ idwqy ibnfˆ nf nyVqf, nf AulJx jo irÈqy `c drfr pYdf krn. nf apxwq, nf duwK- suwK dI sfˆJ aqy nf agfˆhvDU aqy AusfrU ivcfrfˆ rfhIN iewk hI iewk dUjy leI ihrK huMdf hY. aijhI dUjy pRqI ivÈvfsL pwkf huMdf hY. ies Brosy avsQf `c dovyˆ imwtI dy mfDo ipafr ivhuxy nUM idRVH kIqf jfxf cfhIdf hY ik jIvn dy jfˆ iPr pwQr dIafˆ mUrqIafˆ huMdy hn. hr moV `qy Auh dovy iewk dUjy dy nflL hn. nOkrI pyÈf joVy nUM jIvn ÈYlI `c kuJ iewk dUjy dIafˆ AusfrU Bfvnfvfˆ df siqkfr pirvrqn krny ËrUrI hn. aijhy pqI- dMpqI dI vfsqivk pUMjI hY. pqI-pqnI df pqnI leI ËrUrI hY ik Auh Gr dIafˆ iewk dUjy pRqI sMvydnÈIl hoxf ies gwl df iËMmyvfrIafˆ nUM dPLqr dIafˆ iËMmyvfrIafˆ pRqIk hY ik donfˆ nUM ies irÈqy dI kdr hY qoN alwg rwKx. dPLqr df kMm Gr nf aqy Auh ies irÈqy nUM bxfeI rwKxf cfhuMdy ilafˆdf jfey qfˆ jo Auh smfˆ inwjI jIvn hn. ies qrHfˆ irÈqf sdf nvfˆ-nroieaf vl dy ky hfxI df duwK-drd vMzf ky, Aus rhy gf aqy Aus `c pRym vI bixaf rhy gf. PAGE 21

The Patrika



Tips for back-to-school spending (NC) Buying school supplies and clothes can be the biggest expense for many parents when it comes to shopping for their children. Over Labour Day weekend alone, Canadians made nearly 26 million transactions totalling almost $1.4 billion dollars in retail stores last year. How do you avoid spending a fortune? Here are three tips to help you get the most from your wallet this back-to-school season. Spot the sales. Take advantage of every deal and coupon that comes your way. Check flyers for clearance sales, spend some time browsing online for discount promo codes, and use a comparison app to get the lowest price possible. This can save you more money than you expect. Stick to your list. Don't stray from your teacher's supply list at the start of a new school year, and avoid get-


Friday, August 4th, 2017

Money hacks to make your life simpler (NC) Summer vacation is over, and you're probably getting back to your usual busy routine. Did your holidays take a toll on your budget? Here are some tips for a smart, budget-friendly fall.

ting distracted by unlisted items that catch your attention. As tempting as those items may be, you'll just waste time and money. If shopping with your child, make sure they know the plan ahead of time. Make checkout a breeze. Back to school is a very busy time of year. Use Interac Flash to get through the checkout line faster. It allows you to pay for purchases quickly, securely and conveniently by simply holding your bank card in front of the reader at checkout.

Loyalty pays off. You don't need a credit card to get rewards. Many stores have some version of a loyalty card, so you can shop with your debit card and still earn points. And those points are truly free because you are shopping with your own money, which means you're not paying interest. Plan your big expenses. Be sure to do some research and plan ahead for the bigger purchases. Holiday shopping, for example, can quickly add up. Set a budget, keep an eye out for limited

time offers, and do some price comparisons before making your purchase. Zip through the checkout line. Rushing to get home after a hard day's work but still need to buy groceries for dinner? Interac Flash allows you to pay for everyday purchases quickly, securely and conveniently by simply holding your bank card in front of the reader at checkout.

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017



Top 3 time-saving services you may not know pharmacists offer (NC) You likely make fairly regular trips to your family doctor or a walk-in clinic for a host of health advice and services. But did you know that your local pharmacist may be able to help save you some time, with convenient and accessible services beyond just dispensing medication? “If people were more aware of the services available at their local pharmacy, we could make a bigger impact on easing some of the pressure that exists in other areas of the healthcare system,” explains Ashley Davidson, a pharmacist-owner of a local Shoppers Drug Mart. Whether you're looking to save some time in your day or need some afterhour help, here are three services your local Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacist may be able to provide: 1. Writing prescriptions. If you're suffering from minor ailments or chronic health conditions, pharmacists with the Additional Prescribing Authorization

designation can help. They're trained to assess many common ailments, like allergies, cold sores or asthma and monitor chronic health conditions like hypertension and diabetes. This means your local pharmacist can assess your symptoms and relevant medical history, and if appropriate, write a prescription on the spot, saving you time and helping you feel better faster. 2. Administering vaccines. Most of us know pharmacists can administer the flu vaccine but aren't aware there are other vaccinations we can get right in the pharmacy. Protect yourself from shingles or get travel vaccines for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid and more while you shop for essentials like shampoo and toothpaste 3. Point-of-care testing. We're lucky to have access to pharmacists who are able to screen for some health conditions right at the pharmacy, such as strep-throat. This will help you avoid potentially lengthy waits at the walk-in clinic while you're feeling awful.




The Patrika 

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017



5 relationships that help organize your life (NC) Through the touch of a button and the click of a mouse, we can now make countless decisions and transactions in the privacy of our own homes without speaking to anyone. However, nothing quite replaces a relationship with a professional who knows more about a product or service than you do. In a recent survey, over half of Canadians indicated that they do not have a relationship with key professionals. Take a look at how these people can help you. Lawyer. Useful for more than just suing somebody, lawyers can help you to prepare a will, purchase property, or set up a family trust. Insurance Advisors. Chartered Insurance Professionals (CIPs) can help you figure out the small print in your home insurance policy to make sure you're protected against floods, fires and other disasters; yet only 26 per cent of Canadians have a relationship with a CIP. They can give you the peace of

mind that should the unexpected occur, you'll be covered and supported. Bankers. Online banking has eliminated the need for a personal banking relationship for most people. But working with a trusted banker can be helpful when applying for a loan or mortgage. Bankers can explain in simple terms the ins and outs of interest and other conditions of the loans, as well as answer all your questions on the spot. Accountant. Tax season happens once a year, but 71 per cent of respondents indicated they don't have a professional relationship with an accountant. Accountants can help you ensure you are filing your taxes correctly, and haven't missed any boxes or claims. Financial Advisor. These money experts are the professionals with whom most respondents said they have a relationship. They can assist in investments, business advice, and planning for your kids' education or your retirement.

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afpxIaF jrUrqF anusfr Cotf jF vwzf kstm hom bnvfAux leI iewk vfr suKrfj isMG bfT nflL jrUr gwlbfq kro

Ph: 604-835-1516


The Patrika



bco! bco! bco!

Friday, August 4th, 2017

kYNp Pfier rok dI AulMGxf

bI[sI[ ivwc lwgIaF iBafnk awgF aqy bhuqI grmI kfrn KuwlHy mYdfn ivwc sLryafm awg bflx dI srkfr vloN mnfhI hY pr keI lok ies Gor smwisaf nUM axgOilLaF kridaF glqIaF kr lYNdy hn. aijhf hI iewk kys sfhmxy afieaf hY ik hukm nUM njLraMdfjL kridaF vrnn sLihr dy iqMn ivakqIaF ny kfnUMn dI prvfh nf kridaF kYNp Pfier kr leI, pr prsLfsn dI cOksI dI njLr ivwc af gey aqy iqMno hI mOky qy PVy gey hn. hux hjLfrF zflr jurmfnf qfrnf pvygf, ies leI afpF ies aihm hukm dI pflxf srI afr[sI[aYm[pI[ dy kimsLnr zvYn mYkzOlz ny sfry mYtro, vYnkovr aqy Kfs krFgy qy sfzf vI Blf qy lokfeI df vI. krky srI invfsIaF nUM 4 pMjfbI qy iewk musilm, Bfv pMj muMizaF ijnHF df ipCokV kI cor vI eImfndfr qy rihm idl ho skdy ny? aprfiDk hY, qoN bhuq bc ky rihx dI loV dwsI hY. vYnkovr dy krmn isMG gryvfl, kuiktlm dy mnbIr isMG gryvfl, iebrfhI iebrfhIm, srI qoN ieMdrvIr isMG jOhl ieh gwl imsLn istI dI hY ik ipCly idnIN iewk bwcy df bhuq hI suMdr bfeIk cor curf aqy hrmIq isMG sMGyVf Aupr bIqy mhIinaF ivwc jfnlyvf hmly hoey, pr ienHF ivwcoN ky lY gey. corI qy bwcy dy mn qy kI bIiqaf? kihx qoN bfhr dI gwl hY, Auh bhuq hI iksy ny vI puils nUM dosLIaF bfry nhIN dwisaf, mYkzOlz ny ikhf ik puils smyq ienHF Audfs rihx lwgf qy Aus dy dosq vI, pr ieh vI iewk kirsLmf hY ik kuwJ smyN bfad lVikaF nUM Kud vI pqf hY ik ienHF dI jfn Kqry ivwc hY, qy ienHF qy iksy vyly vI mfrU cor Aus dy bfeIk dI tYNkI qyl nflL Brf ky qy nvF ijMdf vI nflL ilaf ky Esy hI QF hmlf ho skdf hY, pr iPr vI ieh afpxy dusLmxF, ijnHF qoN ienHF nUM Kqrf hY, bfry kuwJ vfips KVHf kr gey. ies krm qy ijwQy hux cor cor nf rhy AuQy Aus bwcy nUM, Aus dy dosqF nUM, Aus dy mfipaF nUM qy imsLn vfsIaF nUM bVI hI KusLI hY. vI dwsx nUM iqafr nhIN. eysLIan BfeIcfry dI ieh bd-nsIbI hY ik sfnUM afpxy bfry kuwJ vI nhIN pqf huMdf pr lokF nUM sfzy bfry sB kuwJ pqf huMdf. sfzI dUjI sB qoN mfVI afdq hY ik sfzy afpxy bwcy sfzy qoN keI gwlF luko ky rwKdy hn ijnHF qoN anykF Kqry pYdf ho jFdy hn. hyTF idwqI Kbr nUM gMBIrqf nflL lYNidaF mfipaF irsLqydfrF aqy aFZ gvFZ nUM Kbrdfr rihxf cfhIdf hY iksy nflL kuwJ mfVf nf vfpr jfvy.

kOx hovygf bI[sI[ ilbrl pfrtI df aglf prDfn? puils bulfry ny afm lokF nUM icqfvnI idwqI hY ik jy qusIN ienHF ivwcoN iksy vI lVky qoN jfxU ho qF myl imlfp bMd kro, bfl, bwicaF nUM ienHF qoN dUr rwKo, jy iksy nUM iksy bMdy jdoN qwk pMjfbI pwiqRkf dI ieh kfpI quhfzy hwQ `c afey gI AudoN qwk mOjUdf bI[sI[ dIaF gqI-ivDIaF qy sLwk pvy qF Auh 911 jF 604-599-0502 krky CyqI qoN CyqI ilbrl lIzr aqy sfbkf prImIar bIbI kirstI klfrk afpxy pRDfngI ahudy qoN dwsy qF ik kImqI jfnF bcfeIaF jf skx. asqIPf dy cuwkI hovy gI. mfrc 2011 qoN jUn 2017 qwk klfrk bI[sI[ dI pRImIar rhI. kmfl dI gwl ieh hY ik Aus dI srkfr ny ipCly 6 bjtF ivwcoN 5 iblkul bYNlYNsz JIl `coN imlLI iewk lfsL bjt pysL kIqy hn. Kfs gwl ieh vI hY ik bI[sI[ lgfqfr Cy sfl krjLf mukq irhf ipCly idnIN Ekfngn JIl ivwc iewk qrdI lfsL imlLI. afr[sI[aYm[pI[ dy aiDkfrIaF pr iPr vI Auh 2017 `c bI[sI[ `c afpxI srkfr bxfAux dI smrwQf nf rwK skI. nUM iksy ny sUcnf idwqI qy AunHF mOky qy phuMc ky pqf kIqf. puwC pVqfl qoN mrn vflLy dy bhuq hI QoVHy aMqr nflL Auh gwdI qoN vFJI rih geI. QoVyH hI idn ivroDI idr dI nyqf gvFZI ny dwisaf mrn vflLy dI lfsL Aus dy hI Gr nflL lgdI JIl qy zOk qy bxy iewk bxn mgroN ipCly hPqy Aus ny PYslf ilaf ik Auh qmfm ahudy Cwz dyvy gI qy vYst lwkVI dy qKqy qy peI sI qy Aus dy kol iewk Pon vI ipaf sI pr puils ny ajy jFc jfrI klonf qoN aYm[ aYl[ ey[ dI sIt vI. rwKI hoeI hY qy imRqk dI pihcfx bfry koeI Byd nhIN KHoilaf. ieh lfsL JIl ivwcoN bfhr Aus dy pRDfngI Cwzx qoN bfad bI[sI[ dI ilbrl pfrtI `c aMdro aMdrI pRDfngI leI kwZx leI puils nUM goqfKorF dI tIm swdxI peI AunHF lfsL nUM JIl qoN bfhr kwiZaf. dOV pUry jLorF qy ho geI hY. bI[sI[ ilbrl pfrtI dy sMivDfn anusfr pRDfn dy asqIPy vYnkovr `c guafcf 11 sflf muMzf puils ny lwB ilaf

bI[sI[ dy mhFngr vYnkovr ivwc ipCly idnIN iewk 11 sflf muMzf guMm ho igaf sI. idny dupYhr 12 vjy ieh lVkf guafc igaf sI pr puils dI Bwj dOV rMg ilafeI qy lVky nUM shI slfmq BflL ilaf. lVky df nfm brUnyAU Pultn hY puils ny ies nUM vYstminstr ivwcoN lwiBaf. puwC pVqfl qoN pqf lwgf ik Auh afpxy mfipaF nflL stYnly pfrk ivwc GuMmx igaf sI, EQy Auh sfeIkl clfAuNdf clfAuNdf kurfhy pY igaf qy mfipaF qoN ivwCV igaf. Auh bhuq prysLfn ho igaf qF Auh koeI itkfxf lwBx lwgf ijwQoN afpxy mfipaF nUM Pon kr sky pr Gbrfey hoey nUM koeI itkfxf nhIN sI lwB irhf. KusLiksmqI hY ik Auh puils ny lwB ky mfipaF dy spurd kr idwqf, ijs qy Aus dy mfpy bhuq hI KusL hoey aqy AunHF puils df qih idloN DMnvfd kIqf.

aYbtsPorz qy imsLn leI KusLKbrI ienHF dohF hI sLihrF dy vsnIkF nUM bVI hI KusLI hY ik eyQy vD rhy jLulm Gtx lwgy hn. qfjLf aMkVy dwsdy hn ik ieh jurm 6% Gt gey hn. aYbtsPorz imsLn sYnisjL mYtropolItn eyrIaf (C.M.A.) ivwc jurmF dI dr do sfl vDx qoN bfad hux GtI hY. ieh aMkVy stYitsitks knyzf vloN jfxU krvfey gey hn. slfnf aMkVy jo lMGy somvfr nUM jLfihr kIqy gey, AunHF anusfr krfeIm suvIrIaYltI ieMzYks Bfv C.S.I. vloN vwK vwK 34 ielfikaF vI rIport iqafr kIqI geI. lyt qoN lyt iekwqr kIqy aMkiVaF anusfr aYbtsPorz qy imsLn sfry kYnyzf ivwc pihlF CyvyN nMbr qy sI, C.S.I. ivwc swqvyN nMbr qy 2015 ivwc ieh dohF ivwc hI pMjvyN nMbr qy sI. ies KusLI BrI KLbr nUM jI afieaF kihMdy hoey rwb qoN mMg krdy hF ik eyQy koeI vI krfeIm nf hovy. ies KusLI ivwc dohF sLihr vfsIaF dy nflL aYbtsPorz dy puils ivBfg dy kONstybl ieafn mYkzonlz aqy imsLn R.C.M.P. dy srjYNt rOb vIlr vI sLrIk huMdy hoey sfry sMsfr `c sLFqI leI ardfs krdy hn. PAGE 26

qoN bfad pfrtI 28 idnF dy ivwc, ivwc agly pRDfn dI cox leI qfrIk rwKy gI.

iPlhfl pfrtI ny lYNglI qoN aYm[aYl[ey[ irc kolmYn nUM afrjLI pRDfn cux ilaf hY qy sfry pfrtI mYNbr inrxf lYxgy ik aglf pRDfn kOx hovygf? awj dy ikafiPaF anusfr srI dI sfbkf myar aqy kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dI mOjUdf aYm[pI[ zfien vfts df nfm sB qoN AuWpr hY. eyQoN qwk ik afrjLI pRDfn, jo ik bhuq hI hMZy vrqy isafsI nyqf hn, nUM vI keI pfrtI mYNbr pRDfn bxn dy Xog nhIN smJdy. horF AumIdvfrF ivwc sfbkf mMqrI tOz ston, sfbkf ivwq mMqrI mfeIk zI XONg, mfeIk brnIey jymjL mUr irwc kolmYn dy nfm suxy jf rhy hn. AumId hY ik jdoN pRDfngI cox aYlfn hoeI qF ies isafsI dOV ivwc hor nvyN cyhry vI idsxgy qy dOV vI bVI idlcsp hovy gI.

torfˆto ivwc brQzya pfrtI dOrfn cwlI golLI, do hlfk, iewk ËKmI

torfˆto: iewk jnm idn dI pfrtI dOrfn golLI cwlx kfrn do ivakqI mfry gey qy iewk aOrq ËKmI ho geI. golLI Aus mihlf nUM lwgI ijs df jnm idn sI. ieh Gtnf aYqvfr svyry aOrq vwloN mnfeI jf rhI brQzya pfrtI dOrfn Aus dy Gr dy bYkXfrz ivwc bfrbIikAU smyˆ cwlI golLI kfrn vfprI. puils ny dwisaf ik Èihr dy pUrbI ihwsy ivwc mnfeI jf rhI ies brQzya pfrtI ivwc 200 qoN vI vwD lok Èfml sn. aYqvfr svyry QoVHI JVp qoN bfad golLIafˆ clfey jfx kfrn do ivakqIafˆ dI mOq ho geI. dovfˆ ivakqIafˆ nUM mOky AuWqy hI imRqk aYlfn idwqf igaf. ienHfˆ dI pCfx 33 sflf irnflzo kol qy 30 sflf zvyn kYˆpbYWl vjoN kIqI geI hY. mihlf nUM nfjuLk hflq ivwc hspqfl iljfieaf igaf ijwQy Aus dI hflq siQr dwsI jfˆdI hY. puils aiDkfrI rOb nOrQ anusfr iqMnfˆ nUM hI puils jfxdI hY. ieh ajy pqf nhIN lwigaf sI ik iqMnfˆ nUM jfx buwJ ky inÈfnf ikAuN bxfieaf igaf. nOrQ ny dwisaf ik pfrtI ivwc mOjUd mOky dy gvfh sihXog nhIN dy rhy. ieh vI pqf nhIN lwigaf hY ik mÈkUk nUM pfrtI ivwc swidaf igaf sI jfˆ nhIN. mÈkUk df koeI vyrvf puils vwloN jfrI nhIN kIqf igaf hY.

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

ikqy hux nf bxf bYiTE puils dI vIzIE

cMzIgVH vfilLafˆ leI hux nhIN idwlI dUr

soÈl mIzIaf `qy lgfqfr puils mulfËmfˆ dIafˆ vfierl ho rhIafˆ vIzIE df jvfb dyx leI hux guru ngrI aMimRqsr dI puils dI jyb `qy hfeI tYk kYmrf lfieaf igaf hY . ies ivwc puils mulfËm nflL gwlbfq jfˆ iPr JgVf krn vfly ivakqI dI vIzIE qy afzIE irkfrz ho jfvy gI . ies qoˆ ielfvf puils dIafˆ pIsIafr gwzIafˆ ivwc vI kYmry lfey gey hn.ies dI ÈurUafq Èihr ivwc qfienfq òù pIsIafr vYnfˆ ivwco òô qy tYRiPk puils mulfËmfˆ dIafˆ vrdIafˆ qy kYmry lf ky kIqI geI hY . vYnfˆ qy puils mulfËmfˆ dIafˆ vrdIafˆ `qy lwgx vflLy kYmry hfeI tYk hn.

BfrqI rylvy ies smyˆ aijhy pRfjYkt `qy kMm kr rhI hY ik lokfˆ leI idwlI dUr nf rhy. ierfk ivwc lf pqf lVikafˆ dy pirvfrfˆ vwloN ivdyÈ vYsy, do Qfvfˆ dI dUrI GtfAuxI hY qfˆ bhuq aOKI pr ies leI rylvy ivBfg cMzIgVH –idwlI mMqrI qy ielËfm korIzor(ivÈyÈ lfˆGf) ivksq kr irhf hY. rylvy dy dfavy muqfbk ies ivÈyÈ lfˆGy nflL idwlI qoˆ cMzIgVH isrP do GMitafˆ ivwc phuMicaf jf skdf hY. Prfˆs dI mdd nflL rylvy ierfk ivwc òúñô `c agvf kIqy gey óù BfrqIafˆ dy pirvfrfˆ ny srkfr `qy AunHfˆ nUM ies lfˆGy `qy òúú iklomItr pRqI GMtf dI rPqfr vflLIafˆ rylfˆ dOVfey gf. ies nflL iqMn sfl qwk hnHyry ivwc rwKx df ielËfm lfieaf hY . AunHfˆ ikhf hY ik jy kr Bfrq idwlI qoˆ cMzIgVH dI òôõ iklomItr dI dUrI ò GMitaf ivwc hI qYa kIqI jf sky gI. srkfr kolL AunHfˆ dy irÈqydfrfˆ bfry koeI puKqf jfxkfrI nhIN sI qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM lfry nhIN lfAuxy cfhIdy sn . lf pqf BfrqIafˆ ivwc ijLafdfqr pMjfbI hn.ienHfˆ pMjfbI pirvfrfˆ kYptn sfbH dyKo … idhfVI krdf AUDm isMG df ny ikhf hY ik sMsd ivwc ivdyÈ mMqrI suÈmf isvrfj df ibafn suxn mgroˆ ierfk dy pirvfr mosUl Èihr ivwc lf pqf hoey AunHf dy irÈqydfr bfry koeI surfg imlx dIafˆ AumIdfˆ srkfr smyˆ-smyˆ `qy smfgm krvf ky ÈhIdfˆ nUM Xfd qfˆ jrUr krdI hY pr Èfied AunHfˆ tuwt geIaf hn. iewk lfpqf ivakqI dy irÈqydfr srvn ny ikhf ik srkfr ny ipCly dy pirvfrk mYˆbrfˆ dI sfr lYxf Buwl jfˆdI hY ik Auh iks hfl ivc hn? Èfied iehI iqMn sfl qoˆ AunHfˆ nuM hnHyry ivwc rwiKaf hY. kfrn hY ik ÈhId AUDm isMG dy vfrs do zMg dI rotI leI mËdUrI krn leI mjbUr afp df aMdrUnI klyÈ,iPr idwlI vflLy pMjfbIaf `qy hoey hn.ññ sfl pihlfˆ muwK mMqrI rihMdy hoey kYptn amirMdr isMG ny ÈhId AUDm isMG hfvI dy vfrs nUM srkfrI nOkrI dyx df vfadf kIqf sI. ies sbMDI sfl òúúö `c muwK mMqrI dPqr ny pwqr vI jfrI kIqf sI , pr swqf qbdIlI qoN bfad mfmlf TMZy bsqy afm afdmI pfrtI ny pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxfˆ ivc imlLI jbrdsq hfr qoˆ bfad iekjut ivc clf igaf.ÈhId dy pirvfrk mYˆbrfˆ nUM hux iPr qoˆ kYptn dy mwuK mMqrI bxn nflL ho ky hfr dy leI idwlI qoˆ afey afgUafˆ vloˆ kIqI geI mnmrËI nUM ijMmyvfr Tihrfieaf AumId jfgI hY ik vfady nUM Auh pUrf ËrUr krn gy. sI . pfrtI dy afgUaf ny ieQo qwk ikhf sI ik sMjy isMG qy durgoÈ pfTk qy hor idwlI qoˆ afey afbËrvrfˆ ny pMjfb dIafˆ hwkI mMgfˆ, ËrUrqfˆ nUM awKoˆ proKy kr ky glq qrIky nflL kfˆgrsI ivDfiekfˆ df ñõ-ñõ kroV muwl itktfˆ dI vMz kIqI qy keI aijhy glq PYsly kIqy, ijs nflL pfrtI nUM krfrI hfr df kfˆgrs pfrtI ny lok sBf `c ieh gwl khI hY ik gujrfq `c AunHfˆ dy ivDfeikfˆ nUM mUMh dyKxf ipaf. ies qoN bfad idwlI ivc hoeI bYTk ivc hfeIkmfn ny pMjfb iekfeI KrIdx leI bIjypI vwloˆ ñõ-ñõ kroV idwqy jf rhy hn. kfˆgrs df kihxf ik bIjypI nUM Brosf idvfieaf sI ik hux pMjfb iekfeI ivc idwlI vflLy tMg nhIˆ aVfAuxgy qy jo AunHfˆ dI rfj sBf leI hmfieq lYxf cfhuMdI hY.kfˆgrs dy ivroDI iDr dy lIzr mfilkf PYslf hovy gf Auh pMjfb iekfeI dy afgUafˆ dI sihmqI nflL hovy gf pr awj cMzIgVH arjun KVgy ny ikhf ik gujrfq `c isafsI hlfq by hwd Krfb hn iesy leI sfnUM qoˆ afey jlMDr ÈihrI qy idhfqI dy pRDfnfˆ dy vfˆ df aYÜfn hox qoˆ bfad pfrtI ivc afpxy ivDfeik krnftk Byjxy pey ikAuˆik gujrfq `c rfj sBf coxfˆ hn.bIjypI ny ies gwl nUM lY ky klyÈ pY igaf hY . aimq Èfh smyq iqMn lokfˆ nUM mYdfn `c Auqfiraf hY . kfˆgrs vwloN sonIafˆ gfˆDI dy zfktrfˆ vwloˆ postmfrtm krn qoˆ vI ienkfr isafsI slfhkfr aihmd ptyl mYdfn `c hn. guru ngrI dy isvl hspqfl ivwc zfktrfˆ qy bfkI stfP mYˆbrfˆ vwloˆ ÈurU kIqI geI afp` ivDfiek iKlfP kfrvfeI qoˆ BVky BgvMq mfn hVqfl dy cwlidafˆ AunHfˆ vwloN hspqfl ivwc E[pI[zI[ qoˆ ielfvf postmfrtm krn qoˆ afm afdmI pfrtI dy pRDfn qy mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt BgvMq mfn ny ikhf ik pMjfb `c vI ienkfr kr idwqf igaf. zkftrfˆ df kihxf hY ik hVqfl dOrfn Auh isrP aYmrjYˆsI amn kfnUMn dI hflq bd qoˆ bdqr huMdI jf rhI hY. kYptn amirMdr isMG srkfr df syvfvfˆ hI jfrI rwKx gy.drasl srkfr vwloˆ isvl hspqfl ivwc afrËI izAUtIafˆ iDafn amn-kfnUMn dI ivvsQf suDfrn dI bjfey afm afdmI pfrtI ivruwD rfjnIqI kr rhy zfktrfˆ qy bfkI mulfËmfˆ nUM AunHfˆ dy zYpUtyÈn rwd kr ky pihly sQfnfˆ `qy jf qoˆ pyRirq bdlf KorI krn ivwc lwigaf hoieaf hY. mfn ny ikhf ik iewk pfsy Èryafm ky izAUtI krn leI ikhf igaf hY .ies df ienHfˆ mulfËmfˆ vwlo ivroD kIqf jf irhf hY . DmkIafˆ dy ky kql ho rhy hn, hwiqafvfˆ aF Gtnfvfˆ nUM Èosl mIzIaf Aupr lfeIv ietlI dI kMpnI vwloˆ bxfeI idKfieaf jf irhf hY qy iËMmyvfrIafˆ leIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn , pr puils mUk drÈk bxI hoeI hY.dUjy pfsy afm afdmI pfrtI dy afgUafˆ qy vlMtIarfˆ nUM JUTy mfmilafˆ ikrpfn isMG sihbfn vwloˆ rwd ivwc Psfieaf jf irhf hY . ietlI dI suprIm kort vwloˆ ikrpfn `qy pfbMDI lfAux mgroˆ AuwQoˆ dI pRfeIvyt kMpnI ÈRomxI kmytI iKlfP zty pfTI,bfdlfˆ df aKMz pfT vI vwloˆ bxfeI geI ivÈyÈ DfqU dI ikrpfn dy nmUny isMG sfihbfn ny rwd kr idwqy hn. kMpnI vwloˆ ipClI idnIN ieh nmUny akfl qKq sfihb ivKy Byt kIqy gey sn. awj akfl nf kIqf arMB qKq sfihb ivKy pMj isMG sfihbfn dI bYTk ivc kMpnI vwloˆ bxfeI geI ikrpfn nUM pfTI isMG ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI iKlfP zt gey hn. awj pfTI isMGfˆ vwloˆ mUloˆ rwd kr idwqf igaf hY . mIitMg qoˆ bfad akfl qKq sfihb dy jQydfr igafnI hirmMdr sfihb pirkrmf aMdr akfl qKq sfihb nyVy ÈRomxI kmytI iKlfP nfa- gurbcn isMG ny dwisaf ik ietlI dI kMpnI vwloˆ ikrpfn dy nmUny pyÈ kIqy gey sn rybfËI kIqI geI.pfTI isMG lMmy smyˆ qoˆ afpxIafˆ mMgfˆ nf mMny jfx qoˆ KPLf hn. pfTI .awj dI bYTk ivwc pMj sfihbfn vwloˆ ivcfr kIqy jfx mgroˆ qy ieiqhfs vfcx dy nflL isMGF ny ieh ros Aus vyly pRgtfieaf jdoˆ suKbIr bfdl vI hirmMdr sfihb phuMcy hoey sn. hirmMdr sfihb ivKy aKMz pfT afrMB krvfAux phuMcI kyˆdrI mMqrI hrismrq ivdyÈ jfx vfly srkfrI mulfËmfˆ leI nvIafˆ hdfieqfˆ kOr bfdl ny pfTI isMGfˆ dy ies pRdrÈn nUM glq krfr idwqf hY .AunHfˆ ikhf ik ienHfˆ pMjfb srkfr ny aiDkfrIafN qy krmcfrIafˆ vwloˆ leI jfx vflLI `aYks-ieMzIaf nUM aijhf nhIN krnf cfhI df.aijhf pihlI vfr hoieaf hY ik hirmMdr sfihb dI lIv`(ivdyÈI CuwtI) sbMDI nvIafˆ hdfieqfˆ jfrI kIqIafˆ hn. ies sbMDI jfxkfrI pirkrmf aMdr pfTIafˆ vwloˆ pRdrÈn kIqf igaf hovy. AwuQy hI awj ÈRomxI akflI dl idMidafˆ pRsonl ivBfg dy iewk bulfry ny dwisaf ik hux ieh PYslf kIqf igaf hY ik dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl vwlo hirmMdr sfihb ivKy aKMz pfT afrMB krvfieaf igaf ivBfg dI smrwQf aQfirtI vwloN vD qoˆ vD iqMn mhIny dI aYks-ieMzIaf lIv pRvfn pr pfTI isMGfˆ ny nhIˆ blik akfl qKq dy gRMQI vwloˆ ieh pfT afrMB kIqf igaf. kIqI jfvy gI jdik ies qoˆ pihlfˆ iqMn mhIny qwk dI CuwtI sbMiDq ivBfg dy mMqrI dI mnËËUrI nflL imldI huMdI sI. PAGE 28

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017



ruwKfˆ dI mOq `qy ivkfs df jÈn hrkMvl luiDafxf-cMzIgVH sVk AuWqy KVHy ruwKfˆ dy nflL myrI sfˆJ qfˆ bhuq purfxI sI pr ipCly smyˆ ivwc ieh apxwq dy aihsfs ivwc bdl geI sI. ieh ivÈfl drKq sfeIklfˆ, motrsfeIklfˆ qy skUtrfˆ vfilLafˆ nUM jyT hfVH dIafˆ Duwpfˆ df aihsfs nhIN sI hox idMdy. mYˆ vI Auh afnMd mfxdf sI. ipCly idnIN jdoN ipMz jfx leI kfr ny KrV qoN Kfnpur vflLf moV kwitaf qfˆ awKfˆ sfhmxy smJo prlo hI af geI sI. sVk dy aflLyduaflLy vwzy-vwzy drwKq kwt ky ivCfey pey sn. ieh sfrf kuwJ sVk dy Cy mfrgIkrn dy nfˆ `qy ho irhf sI. ivkfs dy nfˆ `qy huMdy ivnfÈ dy pRqwK drÈn ho rhy sn. ‘swQr`, ‘vZfˆgf`, ‘prlo` afid Èbdfˆ dy ivÈfl arQ myry iËhn ivwc GuMmy. afpxy ipMz KmfxoN puwjidafˆ puwjidafˆ mYˆ hËfrfˆ drwKqfˆ dI pIV nUM afpxy ipMzy `qy hMZf irhf sI. AunHfˆ dy izwgx dOrfn pY rhy jVfˆigafˆ dIafˆ afvfËfˆ vfr vfr myry kMnfˆ ivwc pY rhIafˆ sn. mYnUM pMjfbI dy mhfn Èfier iÈv btflvI dI kivqf Xfd afeI: kuJ ruwK mYnUM puwq lwgdy ny kuJ ruwK lwgdy mfvfˆ, kuJ ruwK nUMhfˆ, DIafˆ lwgdy, kuJ ruwK vfˆg Brfvfˆ, kuJ ruwK myry bfby vfˆgr, pwqr tfvfˆ tfvfˆ, kuJ ruwK myrI dfdI vrgy cUrI pfvfˆ kfvfˆ, kuJ ruwK Xfrfˆ vrgy lwgdy cuMmfˆ qy glL lfvfˆ. sVk dy inrmfx qoN pihlfˆ ijvyˆ kuwJ sfiËÈI jfpx lwgf. srkfrI Drohr nUM pey ‘srkfrI corfˆ` df kfrf myry huwJfˆ mfr irhf sI, myrI klm nUM cuxOqI dy irhf sI. myrI rUh drKqfˆ dy byikrkI nflL kIqy vZfˆgy leI lfanqfˆ pf rhI sI. drwKq mYnUM iksy jMg ivwc pey sUrimafˆ dI qrHfˆ lhU-luhfn hoey pey jfpy. ijAuN hI mYˆ AuWcy ipMz kolL puwjf qfˆ awzy ivwc KVHf ivÈfl sdIafˆ purfxf ipwpl lMmf pfieaf hoieaf sI. Aus dy aflLyduaflLy lwgI rOxk mYnUM mfqm ivwc qbdIl

isMG kMg hoeI jfpI. ipwpl dy vwZy jfx nflL mYnUM ikMny hI pMCIafˆ dy byGry hox df aihsfs hoieaf. clo sfzI rfq qfˆ eysI lf ky lMG jfˆdI hY. awj AunHfˆ pMCIafˆ, AunHfˆ dy botfˆ df kI bixaf hovygf, ijnHfˆ AuWqy idn-idhfVy ibjlI af peI sI. sYˆkVy pMCI plfˆ ivwc hI ivkfs dy nfˆ `qy by Gr ho gey sn. AunHfˆ dy dfxy-pfxI df iKafl iksy nUM ikAuN nf afieaf? ipwpl ijs dI buwklL `c sdIafˆ df ieiqhfs smoieaf ipaf sI, hux Auh Xfdfˆ `c bdl cuwkf sI. ijhVy dukfndfr ipwpl dI god ivwc rumkdI pOx df sflfˆ qoN suwK mfxdy sn, AunHfˆ ny isrfˆ `qy pwlIafˆ qfx ky Duwp qoN bcx df hIlf kr ilaf sI. mYnUM ienHfˆ ‘mrdfˆ` nflL ihrK jfigaf ik ienHfˆ afpxy ies afsry nUM bcfAux leI ikAuN hfl duhfeI nf pfeI jdoN ik ieh ipwpl qfˆ sVk qoN iblkul iek pfsy sI. mYnUM lwigaf ik sfzIafˆ rgfˆ ivwc hux Auh KUn nhIN KOldf jo hmyÈf Ëbr-jLulm dy ivruwD lVn-mrn nUM Auqfvlf rihMdf sI. jo vDIkI brdfÈq nhIN krdf sI. mYˆ socx lwgf ikAuNˆ nf srkfrI qMqr ny ienHfˆ sdIafˆ purfxy drwKqfˆ nUM bcfAux df hIlf kIqf. jy ienHfˆ nUM vwZxf mjbUrI sI qfˆ iPr ipwCy ht ky dUjI lfeIn ivwc pOdy ikAuN nf lfey? jdoN lokfeI grmI nflL mr rhI hY, asIN ikAuN ivÈfl drwKqfˆ nUM vwZ ky Kud hI jIvn nUM ivnfÈ vwl Dwk rhy hfˆ? iek idn iPr hux mYˆ ipwpl kolLoN lMiGaf, Auh ajy vI lMbf nMgy DV DrqI mfˆ dI god ivwc ipaf sI. AuhI lok hux Aus dy DV dy prCfvyˆ dI Et lY ky kfrobfr clf rhy sn. mYnUM suMdr lfl bhUguxf vwloN clfey icpko aMdoln dI Xfd afeI. bcpn ivwc qfˆ mYˆ isrP kuJ nMbr lYx leI rwtf lfieaf sI pr Aus dy kfrj dI mhfnqf df aihsfs hux ho irhf sI. mYnUM ruwKfˆ ivwc vI jfn hox df aihsfs jfigaf. AunHfˆ dy DV `qy cwldy afirafˆ dy aihsfs ny rUh kMbf idwqI. iewQy surjIq pfqr dIafˆ sqrfˆ ny myrI inrfÈf nUM afsfˆ ivwc bdlx leI rfh idKfieaf. ‘jy afeI pqJV qfˆ iPr kI aY, qUM afAuNdI ruwq `c XkIn rwKIN, mYˆ lwB ky ikiqEN ilafAunf klmfˆ, qUM Puwlfˆ jogI ËmIn rwˆKIN. PAGE 29

The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

'Padmavati' made with good intention, says Shahid

'Carbon' is first official Hindi sci-fi film : Jackky Bhagnani Actor Jackky Bhagnani says his next film 'Carbon' is the first official Hindi science-fiction film. He, along with actress Prachi Desai, launched the trailer of their upcoming short film 'Carbon'. Speaking to media, he said: "'Carbon' is the first official Hindi sci-fi film. I don't know if you will like the film or not, but you won't be able to say that this movie is an imitation of a Hollywood film. This is our own version.""Just like there is the trading of gold, drugs and petrol, here in the film, we have shown trading of oxygen," he added.Prachi, who is also playing a pivotal role in the film, was asked how she got attached to the film.She said: "The first time when the director and writer met me I didn't even take a second to think about it. I was actually blown away by the idea. Just as much as everyone

else is going to be when they watch the trailer. In some way or the other, it really does leave you with something to think about.""When I heard it, I was pleasantly surprised as someone had come up with this. We have been talking about climate change, but nobody really thought about doing anything about it in the entertainment business," she added.She said they aren't going to show the audience "a cool world about fictional characters or super heroes"."It isn't anything of that sort. 'Carbon' is about you and me in the real world and what we could face in 2067. In that sense, it is really interesting," she said.

Showbiz a different ball game now : Meghna Naidu Actress Meghna Naidu, who has been part of the entertainment industry for over 15 years, feels the showbiz scenario has changed as there are more actors now in numbers. "My journey in showbiz has been wonderful. I had some great years of work. Of course, now the scenario of work has changed and there are five times more number of actors since I started," Meghna said in a statement. "It is a different ball game now. But I am still doing the work I want to do and will stay in


showbiz till I want," added the actress, who has appeared in southern and Bollywood films like 'Prudhvi Narayana', 'Katthegalu Saar Katthegalu', 'Mashooka' and 'Vaitheeswaran'. Besides films, Meghna has also made a name for herself on the small screen. She was last seen on the popular Colors show 'Sasural Simar Ka'. "Working in movies is a dream... the stories to the cast to the shoot... everything is planned and properly executed. On the other hand, TV is more relatable to the audience. It's a dream that most housewives and kids want to live," she said.

His upcoming period-drama "Padmavati" may have been mired in controversies, but actor Shahid Kapoor said the film did not have anything objectionable and was made with "good" intention. The Sanjay Leela Bhansali-directed period drama faced the ire of certain groups, who attacked the filmmaker and also damaged the film's set, alleging distortion of history over the depiction of queen Padmavati. When asked if certain scenes have been changed post that, Shahid told reporters, "According to me, I have not shot any scene which has been changed. I think there were a lot of presumptions about the film, and people were presuming there were (certain) things in the film. "The clarification has been given that those things are not in the film. I hope when people see the film, they realise that the heart of the film and intent

of the film is very good." "This country and the people who live in it, and specially the area we are talking about in the film, will be glorified and shown beautifully. I play a Rajput king and my character, I feel, will be admired by people," Shahid said . "Padmavati" marks the first collaboration between the "Haider" star and Bhansali, and Shahid said he was thrilled to work with the director. "It's an intense, romantic and a very looked-forward-to film for various reasons. I think it's a labour of love of Bhansali. I had gone mad on Twitter after watching his last film ('Bajirao Mastani'), appreciating everyone, and didn't know I'd be part of his next film. "It's awesome to be working with someone whose work I have admired and loved, especially in the recent past. It is a great cast and going to be a huge film. I am really excited, but I want to underplay it, so I am trying to do that right now."

DJ Shilpi Sharma 'elated' with success of 'Salaam-E-Ishq' Actress and DJ Shilpi Sharma's latest single 'Salaam-E- Ishq' has received over one million views on YouTube and Facebook. She is "elated" with the response to the song."I am flooded with phone calls and messages ever since the single has released. I am elated. Doing good work is my only agenda, success and praises will therefore

follow. I want to do good work in the industry and carve a niche for myself," Shilpi said in a statement.Shilpi and music artist Jasmine Sandlas have reprised the popular 1978 song, which was originally sung by melody queen Lata Mangeshkar and late Kishore Kumar.The song was featured in Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha starrer 'Muqaddar Ka Sikandar'.

Taapsee Pannu's next is a social thriller directed by Anubhav Sinha Taapsee Pannu whose last films like Baby, Naam Shabana and Pink that went onto becoming major successes at the box office and even got critical acclaim, will now be seen in a different avatar in her upcoming comedy caper 'Judwaa 2'. Taapsee who has been shooting for 'Judwaa 2' extensively since April has now signed her next film which is a social thriller.All set to be directed by Anubhav Sinha, 'Mulk' is the title of the film is where Taapsee will be sharing the screen space alongside veteran actor Rishi Kapoor. She plays the role of his daughter-in-law in the movie. The shooting of 'Mulk' will begin in a few months and will be shot in Lucknow and Varanasi.'Mulk' is a story inspired by true events, about a joint family who are involved in a controversy and Taapsee's character is helping the family reclaim their honour.

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika





amrjIq biTMzvI

mMijLl vl nUM jfeI jf

idljIq bMgI hux sfzy ipMMz

awj qy lMGI kwlH df,

igafn isMG kotlI mMijLl vl nUM jfeI jf, ikDry aMq avyr nf dyKIN.

pihlfˆ vfˆg nf

huMdf Prk bVf.

JwKV JFjf mINh hnHyrI, ikDry hnHyr syvr nf dyKIN.

idn rfq dI gwl df,

pIVF dI prCfeIN turdI, nflLy turdy pYrIN Cfly,

lwgdIafˆ qIafˆ qy nf hI qIafˆ ivwc ieh bolI pfAuNdIafˆ awlVH muitafrfˆ, BYxfˆ, DIafˆ ‘sfAux df mhInf mfhI afieaf gwzI joVky, mYˆ nhIN shurIN jfxf

huMdf Prk bVf. rlL ky rfhI mMiËl sOKI pf lYˆdy, mYˆ afieaf qUM cwl df, huMdf Prk bVf.

ibKry pwQr toey itwby, ikDry bulH atyr nf dyKIN.

Friday, August 4th, 2017

pMjfb nflL ivqkrf hrbMs mUMzI aYbtsPorz Bfrq df KyqrPl hY 32 lwK 67 hjLfr iklo mItr. pMjfb df eyrIaf rih igaf hY 50 hjLfr iklo mItr. sfZy 98 PIsdI vflLf hfkm ajy vI nhIN rwjdf.

dunIaF dy ny Gyr bQyry, ‘cwkr-ivAU’ dy Pyr bQyry,

zyZ-PIsdI vflLy pMjfb nUM Kfx nUM Bwjdf.

syD ky aYpr TIk insLfnf, muV ky zuwlHy byr nf dyKIN.

pMjfb df pfxI 80 PIsdI pihlF hI Koh ilaf.

sFB suafrIN rihMdy iqxky, prlo dI afPq dy ivcoN,

bfkI bcdy 20 PIsdI qy vI kbjLf joh irhf.

sihmIN dyK nf afhF ZfhF, sInf ivnHdI lyr nf dyKIN. afs AuzfrI ikrnf dI hY, cfvF ny rusLnfey supny,

jmnf diraf qy pwkf hI kbjLf kr ilaf. pMjfb df 60 PIsdI ihwsf sdf leI vr ilaf.

lY jf KflI gwzI moVky.`

mUMh Pwt bMdf,

srGI soc Aujflf kihMdy, ipwCy muV ky Pyr nf dyKIN.

hux qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM sqfAuNdI hY

bVy puafVy pf idMdf,

son-svyyry rIJ dI lflI, isKr dupihry sLOk dI grmI,

pfxI pMjfb kol hovy nf hovy KUMnI nihr bxf idE.

AunHfˆ dy bfp isr cVHy

soc ky kIqI gwl df,

qwk ky lihMdI sUrj itwkI, aYvyN awQrU kyr nf dyKIN.

jwjF df PYslf, nihr hirafxy dy pwly pf idE.

krËy dI pMz

huMdf Prk bVf.

aOJV rfhF ibKVy pYNzy, suMny Gor cuigrdy aMdr,

ipwT ipwCy bdKoeI,

apxI AuWcI ihMmq dyKIN, Aucy Zyr sumyr nf dyKIN.

ikwQy irhf AunHfˆ dy jIvn ivwc afnMd ijnHfˆ dy srU ijhy vIr qy DrmI bfbl kr rhy hn KudkuÈIafˆ.


df hY kI Pfiedf? mUMh `qy hoeI gwl df, huMdf Prk bVf. hY jfˆ huMdf sI, koeI iksy smyˆ,

puwjdy qoV ny afiKr EhI, ihMmq nUM prnfey ijhVy,

pMjfb aijhf sUbf hY ijs dI nhIN hY rfjDfnI. idwlI df hfkm ajy vI nhIN hwtdf krnoN mnmfnI.

Cwz ky ikDry isdk sbUrI, ZihMdf cfr cuPyr nf dyKIN.

pMjfbI boldy ielfky sB Koh ley ny.

AuWdm hIly isdk-vsIly, gihrF nUM rusLnfeI rwKdy,

px ibjlI Gr luwt ky hwQ Do ley ny.

mMijLl kihMdy tuiraF dI hY, bih ky bhuqI dyr nf dyKIN.


84 `c drbfr sfihb qy tYNk cVHf idwqy. nOjvfn awqvfdI kih ivdysLI Bjf idwqy.

smyˆ smyˆ, pl pl df,

kyvl isMG inrdosL idl apxy nUM aYvyN jflLI bYTy ho.

30 hjLfr pMjfbI pVHy ilKy nOjvfn jfno mfr idwqy.

huMdf Prk bVf.

by-mqlb hI BFbV bflLI bYTy ho.

ajy vI bws nhIN pMjfb isr arbF rupey cfVH idwqy.

afpy idwqI slfh qfˆ

nPrq kInf sfVf dueI dvYsL sxy,

kdr Gtf idMdI,

mn ivc vfDU jLihrF pflLI bYTy ho.

mMgy qoN idwqI rfie df,

by-drdI nflL Ausy ruwK nUM kwt rhy,

huMdf Prk bVf.

by-iPkrI ivc ijs dI zflLI bYTy ho.

kAuzI nI muwl pfxf vyKIN AuhnF ny,

jy ieMj huMdf jfˆ AuNj huMdf,

kAuzI nI muwl pfxf vyKIN AuhnF ny,

GflL ijnHF dI Kfqr GflLI bYTy ho.

jy kih ky pCqfAuxf,

GflL ijnHF dI Kfqr GflLI bYTy ho.

aMnHy dI vMz ivcoN kuJ vI imlxf nI,

pihlfˆ socy kdm df,

aMnHy dI vMz ivcoN kuJ vI imlxf nI,

qwko kd qoN lY ky QflLI bYTy ho?

huMdf Prk bVf.

qwko kd qoN lY ky QflLI bYTy ho?

ies BfvI ny lgdf ey hux tlxf nf,

bymOsmI myvy,

ies BfvI ny lgdf ey hux tlxf nf,

KusL-PihmI ivc ijs nUM tflLI bYTy ho.

afiKr Ëihr bxy,

KusL-PihmI ivc ijs nUM tflLI bYTy ho.

hux vwzy mgrmwCF ny jwPf pf ilaf.

KLfb `c kyvl dyKy suhxy swjxf dy,

ruwqfˆ dy PlL Kfx df,

KLfb `c kyvl dyKy suhxy swjxf dy,

hux lgdf pMjfb ivwc roVF bolxgIaF.

nksL ijLhn ivc afpxy ZflLI bYTy ho.

huMdf Prk bVf.

nksL ijLhn ivc afpxy ZflLI bYTy ho.

cmigwdV qy cmigwdVIaF pr qolxgIaF.

kyvl isMG inrdosL idl apxy nUM aYvyN jflLI bYTy ho. by-mqlb hI BFbV bflLI bYTy ho. nPrq kInf sfVf dueI dvYsL sxy, mn ivc vfDU jLihrF pflLI bYTy ho. by-drdI nflL Ausy ruwK nUM kwt rhy, by-iPkrI ivc ijs dI zflLI bYTy ho.


pMjfb kMgflI dy rfh qor idwqf. jvfnI nUM nisLaF ny Kor idwqf. pMjfb nflL ivqkrf huMdy nUM 70 sfl lMG gey ny. AuWTx jogf nhIN Cwzxf ies nUM aYsy PnIar zMg gey ny. pMjfbI nOjvfno hux kI krogy? kI mwkfrF dy mgr lwg lV mrogy? do ZfeI rfjnIqk pfrtIaF ny pMjfb Kf ilaf.

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017


lKbIr (lwkI) gwKV ijLMdgI dI cftI ivwc, pfeI socF dI mDfxI jdoN.



sMgq igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI

jYsI sMgq qYsI rMgq, lok isafxy kihMdy. bxn sdf hI Bly afdmI,

vkq df nyqrf pf, irVk ky vyiKaf, pf ky psIny df,

jo BilaF kolL bihMdy. bUMd svFqI jy kr ikDry, iswpI ivc pY jfvy. suwcf moqI bxky inklLy,

gVvf Br pfxI jdoN. mwKx ijhy rUp ijhf, njLr nf afieaf kuJ,

jwg ivc sLoBf pfvy. iek ihrnI dI nfBI ivc jd, bUMd AuhI hY jFdI.

kIqf dlIp df ivafh bylI. rfxI ijMdF ikAuN kwZI pMjfb ivcoN, leI qlfsLI ikAuN lIVy luhf bylI. hrcMd isMGf Ausdf ipqf isLrI, jlIl kIqf jgIr hiQaf bylI..

smF kImqI dohF gvfieaf ey.. awT akqUbr qwk AuzIk krky, sLyr isMG iPr POj AuTFvdf ey. afpxy ipqf qfeIN imlx leI, Auh vI Cwz mulqfn nUM jFvdf ey. ‘ipsLfvr’ aqy ‘bnUM’ dy bfgIaF nUM,

sBnF nUM Auh BFdI.

rYjIzYNt aqy zlhOjLI pwCmI pMjfb ivc bgfvq hox krky bVy KusL hoey. iesy krky AunHF ny mulqfn dI inwkI ijhI bgfvq nUM hvf idwqI sI

pr jy AuhI bUMd kdy,

zlhOjLI iesy qfk dy ivc hYsI,

rfm ngr Auh zyrf lFvdf ey..

mUMh swp dy ivc pY jfvy.

mhOl pMjfb df iPr ivgfVIey jI.

cqr isMG vI sLyr isMG vwl quiraf,

bxky jLihr df Cflf EhI,

ho igaf inZfl ieh buwq,

sYnfpqI, srdrF, jrnYlF nUM,

phfVI POjF nUM nfl imlf bylI.

mOq rUp kihlfvy.

cfl krky afpsI pfVIey jI.

nfm-kty jo iswK ispfhI ny,

buwkl `c lY ilaf,

iek bUMd ny sMgq sdkf,

iswK POjF kol hiQafr mfVy,

ienHF nfl rly ny af bylI.

POjF ienHF qy afpF cfVHIey jI.

kwT bwqI hjLfr df juV igaf,

hrcMd isMGf jMg ivc Kqm krIey,

josL isMGf dy ivc aQfh bylI.

bfkI kwutky GrIN vfVIey jI..

hrcMd isMGf ieMJ pRqIq hovy,

iswK POjF KuwlHy mYdfn KVIaF,

isMG lYxgy idwlI nUM Zfh bylI..

ies smyN df lfB AuTfeIey jI.

zlhOjLI vwloN gPL nUM hukm hoieaf,

sLyr isMG qy cqr isMG qfeIN,

POjF cfVH pMjfb nUM jfh mIaF.

Gyrf jf ky afpF pfeIey jI.

ijvyN pihlF iswKF dy mUMh moVy,

qyj isMG nUM afpF nfl lY ky,

AuvyN hux vI kr idKlf mIaF.

iswK POjF vI nfl rlfeIey jI.

sLyr isMG qy Aus dy bfp qfeIN,

hrcMd isMGf Gyr ky POjIaF nUM,

jf ky aYsf sbk isKf mIaF.

hiQafr AunHF qoN afpF rKfeIey jI..

hrcMd isMGf AuzfrIaF mfrdy jo,

sLyr isMG aMgryjLF qy KPf ho ky,

mfr mfr ky ZyrIaF lf mIaF..

mUlrfj dy vwl nUM afieaf ey.

ies smyN dI qfV dy ivc gory,

jrnl ivs ny lVnf bMd kIqf,

krIN bYTy sI sB iqafrIaF ny.

Gyrf mulqfn df Aus htfieaf ey.

AunHF dwKxI, pUrbI sB POjF,

mUl rfj ny isMGf qy sLwk kIqf,

ilaf pMjfb dy ivc AuqfrIaF ny.

Aus afx nf hwQ imlfieaf ey.

cVHy ihMd dy sfry qopKfny,

hrcMd isMGf iklHy ivc irhf bYTf,

qopF hOlIaF aqy BfrIaF ny.

ieho ijhI idsI nf, koeI vI khfxI jdoN. socky hI socky ieh

imwTI nINdr rfxI jdoN.

bx ksqUrI mihkF vMzy,

vwK-vwK rMg vtfey. jyho ijhF dI sMgq kIqI,

spny `c guafcxf,

Auho jyhy gux pfey.

mfrnf AuzfrIaF iPr,

by sLwk sMgq sLkl nf bdly,

lwB jfxI ikqy kdI,

dyNdI bdl suBfvF. qFhIEN cMgy bMidaF dI mYN,

KusLI koeI purfxI jdoN.

sMgq qfeIN cfhvF.

bypRvfhIaF, msqIaF, KumfrIaF,

dws byrI dI sMgq koloN,

rwb vI nhIN sI Xfd huMdf,

kyly ny kI Kwitaf? kMizaF koloN pwq pwq afpxf,

iml kdy bihMdy sI,

Auh pVvf ky hwitaf.

hfxIaF nfl hfxI jdoN.

ijs ny swp nUM duwD ipafieaf,

awKF ml AuWiTaf,

EhI swp ny zMigaf. duwD ipafvx vflLy ny nf,

sLIsLy vwl qwikaf,

muVky pfxI mMigaf.

ho igaf hYrfn (kdoN?)

mihkF vMzIey bx ksqUrI,

afpxI hI sLkl mYQoN, geI nf pCfxI jdoN!

jF moqI kihlfeIey. swp dI sMgq kr ‘inrdosLf’ jLihrF nf bx jfeIey.

nfl afpxy Auh rlFvdf ey. hrcMd isMGf Jnfa dy bYT kMZy,


The Patrika



Tips for staying cool when exercising outdoors (NC) By the time summer finally arrives, most of us can't seem to spend enough time outside — doing everything from dining on patios to jogging in the fresh air. But if you're active in the heat, you're at risk for a number of heat illnesses like muscle cramps, heat exhaustion and even heat stroke. Weather conditions play a big role in how your body regulates its temperature. For example, if it's windy, sweat evaporates faster, which helps to cool you. However, high humidity slows down this process, contributing to increased body temperature. This doesn't mean you can't enjoy some workouts al fresco; just learn how to stay safe while you reap the benefits of physical activity in the warm weather. Here are some tips from Health Canada. 1. Know your risks. Your body is not used to extreme heat at the beginning of the summer or if you don't exercise regularly during hot weather. Your risk increases if you have certain conditions, like breathing difficulties, heart problems or a mental illness such as depression. Watch for symptoms of heat illness including dizziness, nausea, headache, unusually rapid breathing and heartbeat, and extreme thirst. 2. Be prepared. Check the weather and the Air Quality Health Index before you start to exercise so you can modify your physical activity as needed. If you will be in an area where mosquitoes are active, pro-


tect yourself with insect repellent. 3. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of cool liquids, especially water, before you feel thirsty since by that time you're already dehydrated. Take extra water breaks — move into the shade, drink water and remove gear such as a helmet or equipment to let your body cool off. 4. Dress for the occasion. Wear loose-fitting, lightcoloured clothing made of breathable fabric. Shade yourself by wearing a wide-brimmed, breathable hat. If you can't avoid the sun, use a sunscreen that is SPF 15 or higher. Remember, sunscreen will protect against the sun's UV rays but not from the heat. Sunburned skin is also less effective at sweating, putting you at greater risk for heat illness. 5. Be realistic. Don't expect your usual performance during extreme heat. Allow your body to recover after heat exposure. Spend a few hours in a cooler tree-shaded area or somewhere that's air conditioned like a shopping mall, grocery store or public building, such as the public library or community centre.

Friday, August 4th, 2017

How millennials are changing health care communication (NC) Tech-savvy millennials live, work and study on their devices, and electronic messaging is the language they use and understand. So how can health care professionals best use technology to empower young people to take charge of their own health? This is the question that organizations like Mississauga-Halton's addiction treatment centre, Hope Place Centres, is addressing. The team is getting creative with a variety of digital tools to better connect with patients. “Digital tools are the best way to ensure we stay connected and engaged with our millennial clients,” explains Deborah Gatenby, their chief executive officer. “Most of our outpatient appointments and reminders are sent via text messaging. We use Facebook, YouTube and live chat for admissions and we're setting up a bring your own device framework to accommodate our clients' mobile devices.” Organizations like Hope Place Centres, which is supported by Green Shield Canada, a not-for-profit that works to make health care accessible, are providing millennials with the services they need to take charge of their health. Young people now have access to quality health care support right at their fingertips.

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika



bI[sI[ ivwc jMgl dI awg nflL hoey nuksfn df Kud muafienf krn gy trUzo

mury aYnvfiermYˆt mMqrI dy ahudy qoN dyxgy asqIPf! torfˆto: pRImIar kYQlIn ivMn nUM awj AudoN sIt hY. AunHfˆ dy hmruqbf PYzrl aiDkfrI vwzf Jtkf lwgy gf jdoN AunHfˆ dI kYbint ibwl mOrinAU hn. dy iewk aihm mYˆbr glYn mury afpxf BrosyXog sUqrfˆ qoN pRfpq jfxkfrI anusfr ahudf Cwzx gy. mury ivMn kYbint ivwc mury isafsq qoN bfhr imlx vflLI iewk cMgy aYnvfiermYˆt qy klfeImyt cyˆj mMqrI hn. kMm leI ieh ahudf Cwz rhy hn. ajy qwk 59 sflf mury dyÈ qoN bfhr hox kfrn AunHfˆ dy jfnÈIn dI koeI AuWG suwG nhIN hY. koeI itwpxI nhIN kr sky. ieh vI ikafs vfqfvrx nflL juVy muwidafˆ AuWqy spÈt arfeIafˆ lfeIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn ik mury rfie rwKx leI kOmfˆqrI pwDr AuWqy jfxy somvfr nUM kueInË pfrk ivKy ieh aYlfn jfˆdy mury nUM pihlI vfrI PrvrI 2010 krn gy ik Au h pR o i vM È Ial isafsq dIafˆ iËmnI coxfˆ ivwc cuixaf igaf sI. Cy qoN sMinafs lY rhy hn. torfˆto sYˆtr qoN mhIny bfad hI qqkflI pRImIar zfltn mYigMtI ny mury nUM kYbint ivwc Èfml kr aYmpIpI qy ivnIpYg dy myar rih cuwky ilaf ijwQy AunHfˆ irsrc qy ienovyÈn mMqrI mury kmfl dy kflmnvIs vI rhy hn. Auh vjoN syvf kIqI. 2011 dIafˆ coxfˆ qoN bfad vfqfvrx ivwc ho rhIafˆ qbdIlIafˆ leI AunHfˆ nUM minstr afP tryinMg, klfisjL ivMn dy KfsmKfs mMqrI sn. aYˆz XUnIvristIË bxfieaf igaf. Auh aYlfn krn dy nflL hI afpxy ahudy qoN pfsy ho jfx gy qy ies nfl pRImIar nUM somvfr svyry hI afpxI kYbint ivwc mfmUlI Pyrbdl krky gwzI nUM lIh AuWqy ilafAuxf hovy gf. Bfvyˆ mury afpxf ahudf Cwz rhy hn pr Auh agly kuwJ hPiqafˆ leI aYmpIpI bxy rihx gy. mury dy asqIPf dyx nfl iËmnI coxfˆ hox df vI koeI zr nhIN hY ikAuNik ieh pRoivMÈIal qy PYzrl pwDr AuWqy ilbrlfˆ leI bhuq hI surwiKaq

mYigMtI dy asqIPf dyx mgroN akqUbr 2012 ivwc mury ny ilbrl lIzriÈp vfsqy iksmq aËmfAux dI koiÈÈ kIqI pr jnvrI 2013 ivwc pfrtI dy iejlfs qoN pihlfˆ ivMn nUM imlL rhy smrQn dy cwlidafˆ AunHfˆ afpxf nfˆ vfips lY ilaf. nvIN pRImIar ivMn ny vI AunHfˆ dy ruqby nUM vyKidafˆ hoieafˆ PrvrI 2013 ivwc trfˆsportyÈn qy ienPrfstRkcr mMqrI bxf idwqf.

klfeIz irvr pRojYkt AuWqy adflq ny lfeI rok, lfeIn 9 pfeIplfeIn nUM idwqI hrI JMzI Etvf: afrkitk ivwc sYsyimk tYsitMg rokx sbMDI buwDvfr nUM klfeIz irvr dy ienUiet ipMz ny Cy sflfˆ qoN cwlI af rhI jMg ijwq leI hY. ies tYsitMg nflL pfxI dy AunHfˆ jIv jMqUafˆ dI mOq ho skdI sI ijnHfˆ AuWqy ieh lok Kfxy qy roËgfr leI inrBr krdy hn.

adflq ny aYneIbI nUM idwqI geI mnËUrI rwd kr idwqI. ijs qoN Bfv hY ik ieh tYsitMg hux iewQy nhIN ho sky gI. iewk vwKry PYsly ivwc adflq ny vhfa nUM moVn qy lfeIn 9 pfeIplfeIn, jo ik EntfrIE qy ikAUibk drimafn ivCfeI geI hY, dy sbMD ivwc aYnibRwj nUM idwqI mnËUrI sbMDI PYsly nUM brkrfr rwiKaf hY.

suprIm kort ny srbsMmqI nflL ieh PYslf suxfieaf ik nYÈnl aYnrjI borz ny ies pRojYkt qoN pihlfˆ ienuiet dy lokfˆ nflL cMgI qrHfˆ slfh mÈvrf nhIN kIqf qy nf hI ies dy ies ielfky dy vfsIafˆ AuWqy pYx vflLy pRBfv df hI pqf lfieaf. 2014 ivwc qyl qy gYs kwZx dy ies pRojYkt nUM mnËUrI dyx qoN pihlfˆ nf hI mUlvfsIafˆ dy aiDkfrfˆ dI AulMGxf dI hI koeI iPkr kIqI geI.

ies mfmly ivwc adflq ny pfieaf ik aYneIbI ny dwKx pwCmI EntfrIE ivwc Qyms Prst nyÈn dy icwpyvfs vfsIafˆ nflL cMgI qrHfˆ slfh mÈvrf kIqf sI. ies dOrfn adflq ny ieh qfVnf vI kIqI ik Prst nyÈnË dy ielfky ivwc iksy qrHfˆ df pRojYkt sLurU krn qoN pihlfˆ AuWQoN dy vfsIafˆ nflL pUrI qrHfˆ slfh mÈvrf krnf XkInI bxfieaf jfvy nf ik adflq dy sKqI krn AuWqy bfad ivwc ies qrHfˆ dI kfrvfeI nUM aMjfm idwqf jfvy.

rYvylstok bI[sI: ibRitÈ kolMbIaf ivwc jMgl dI awg nflL hoey nuksfn df Kud muafienf krn df mn bxf cuwky pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo dI PyrI dy mwdynËr awg nflL jUJ irhf amlf iewk vfrI iPr qpdy hoey qy KuÈk hvf vflLy mOsm df sfhmxf krn dI iqafrI ivwc jut igaf hY.

hn, ijnHfˆ nUM Èinwcrvfr rfq nUM qyËI nflL PYl rhI awg kfrn afpxy Grfˆ nUM Cwz ky jfxf ipaf. pRoivMs Br ivwc ajy hËfrfˆ dI igxqI ivwc lokfˆ nUM afpo afpxy Gr KflI krn leI iqafr rihx vfsqy afiKaf igaf hY ikAuNik awg kdy vI AuWQoN qwk phuMc skdI hY.

trUzo, pRImIar jOhn hOrgn qy keI hornfˆ kYbint mMqrIafˆ ny somvfr nUM ivlIamË lyk df dOrf krn df PYslf kIqf hY. do hPqy pihlfˆ aMdrUnI ielfky ivwc rihx vflLy lwgpg 10,000 lokfˆ nUM afpxf Gr Cwzx leI mjbUr hoxf ipaf sI. awg aYnI Ëbrdsq sI ik keI ielfikafˆ df qfˆ hfeIvya nflLoN sMprk hI tuwt igaf.

aYqvfr nUM pRfpq hoeI jfxkfrI anusfr pRoivMs Br ivwc 150 Qfˆvfˆ AuWqy awg blL rhI hY qy Pfier aiDkfrIafˆ df kihxf hY ik grm, qy qyË hvfvfˆ kfrn afAux vflLy idnfˆ ivwc awg hor PYl skdI hY. aYnvfiermYˆt kYnyzf ny vI afAux vflLy hPqy ivw c dw K xI aM d rU n I ihw s y ivw c qfpmfn 30 izgrI qo N vw D tw p x dI pyÈIingoeI kIqI hY. bI[sI[ vfeIlzPfier srivs df kihxf hY ik jMgl afm nflLoN ikqy iËafdf KuÈk hn.

AuWc aiDkfrIafˆ df ieh gruwp ivlIamË lyk ivKy Pfier sYˆtr qy awg nflL qbfh hoey ielfky df hvfeI muafienf krn qoN pihlfˆ POj qy afr[sI[aYm[pI[ dy mYˆbrfˆ nflL mulfkfq krygf. ipCly kuwJ idnfˆ qoN ivlIamË lyk vfsI Gr prqx lwgy hn pr hornfˆ ielfikafˆ dy lokfˆ nUM ajy vI Gr prqx dI iejfËq nhIN imlLI. aY m rjM s I mY n y j mY ˆ t bI[sI[ dy rO b rt trnr ny dwisaf ik aYqvfr nUM 6000 dy krIb lok ajy vI byGirafˆ dI sUcI ivwc Èfml hn. ienHfˆ ivwc kilMtn ipMz qy ies dy nflL lwgdy ielfikafˆ dy lok vI Èfml

Èinw c rvfr nU M trU z o ry v y l sto k ivw c sn ijwQy AunHfˆ awg nflL JMbIafˆ bI[sI[ kimAUintIË leI rfhq kfrj clfAux vfsqy rYWz krfs nUM vwD qoN vwD dfn dyx leI afiKaf. trUzo ny afiKaf ik jdoN vI sfzy AuWqy BIV peI hY qfˆ kYnyzIanË ny iewkjuwt ho ky musIbq df sfhmxf kIqf hY qy loVvMdfˆ dI hr sMBv mdd kIqI hY. ies vfrI vI asIN kYnyzIanfˆ qoN ieho AumId krdy hfˆ.

nfPtf qihq srhwdoN pfr lybr dI suKflLI afvfjfeI cfhuMdf hY kYnyzf AUËo ny afiKaf ik jy lybr dI gqIÈIlqf df pRbMD nf kIqf igaf qfˆ hkIkq ivwc aijhI imsfl dy nmUny aksr vyKx nUM imilLaf krngy. jdoN kMpnIafˆ invyÈ sbMDI PYsly krdIafˆ hn qfˆ Auh hr pRikiraf nUM ijMnf ho sky sucfrU ZMg nflL clfAuxf EhfieE siQq tryz vkIl zYn AUjoL ny cfhuMdIafˆ hn. iewk Audfhrn idMidafˆ afiKaf ik ijvyˆ nfPtf qihq kYnyzf, amrIkf qy mYkisko koeI amrIkI kMpnI torfˆto jfˆ nYÈivwly drimafn lybr dI afvfjfeI suKfilLafˆ ivwc vwzf invyÈ krnf cfhuMdI hY qy kMpnI hoxI cfhIdI hY. ies qihq kMpnIafˆ nUM dy sI[eI[E[ ny ieh PYslf kIqf ik torfˆto lybr mfrikt ieMpYkt asYsmYˆt krvf ky hI Auh Qfˆ hovy gI ijwQy invyÈ kIqf jfvy ieh iswD krn dI loV nhIN pYxI cfhIdI ik gf. jdoN kYnyzIan bfrzr eyjMt vwloN Aus koeI kMm ijhVf afrËI qOr AuWqy kIqf jfxf nUM bfrzr pfr krn smyˆ AuWQy roikaf igaf hY Aus leI amrIkI jfˆ mYksIkn vrkr qfˆ Aus nUM afiKaf igaf ik kYnyzf dfKl qfˆ Xog hn pr kYnyzIan vrkr nhIN. hox leI Aus nUM vrk primt dI loV hY. ibËns ivËItrË leI vrk primt dI loV nUM ies qihq Kqm kIqf jfxf cfhIdf Aus nUM bfrzr AuWqy rokx vflLI mihlf hY. pRoPYÈnlË qy kMpnI dy aMdr hI hox ny Aus nUM afiKaf “kI qusIN jfxdy hoˆ sr vflLIafˆ bdlIafˆ leI vrk vIËf pRikiraf kYnyzIan roËgfr bcfAuxf myrf PrË hY qy hoxI cfhIdI hY. pr nfPtf sfry pRoPYÈnlË ies leI mYˆ quhfnUM kYnyzf dfKl nhIN hox dy AuWqy lfgU nhIN huMdf. ies qihq 60 ikwqy skdI.” awgoN sI[eI[E[ ny afiKaf “quhfnUM ijnH f ˆ ivw c zfktr, zY ˆ i tst, vkIl, pqf nhIN mohqrmf qusIN (Bfv kYnyzf akfAUˆtYˆt, hotl mYnyjr, ieknfimst, ieMjInIar qy ivigafnI afid Èfml hn. ny)300 roËgfr dy mOky gvf idwqy hn.” Etvf: nOrQ amYrIkn PrI tryz agrImYt ˆ (nfPtf) dy nvInIkrx dy sbMD ivwc agly mhIny sLurU hox jf rhI gwlbfq leI kYnyzf dy tIicafˆ dI sUcI ivwc sB qoN pihlf kMm lybr dI gqIÈIlqf nUM XkInI bxfAuxf hY.


The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

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Bgq isMG ny afpxI inwjI iËMdgI bfry Èfied hI kdy kuwJ iliKaf hovy. Aus vwloN ilKy gey lyK ‘mYˆ nfsiqk ikAuN hfˆ?` qoN sfnUM Aus dy inwj dy kuwJ Jlkfry ËrUr imlLdy hn. ies lyK ivwc afpxI pihlI igRPqfrI bfry Auh ilKdf hY, “meI 1927 ivwc mYnUM lfhOr qoN igRPqfr kIqf igaf. cfxcwk hoeI ies igRPqfrI qoN mYˆ Kud vI hYrfn sI. mYnUM ies gwl df koeI ielm nhIN sI ik pulIs vwloN myrI BflL kIqI jf rhI hY. mYˆ iewk bfg ivwcoN guËr irhf sI ik acfnk pulIs ny mYnUM Gyrf pf ilaf. mYˆ Kud hYrfn sI ik ies mOky mYˆ iekdm Èfˆq sI aqy mYnUM Ërf ijMnI vI koeI Gbrfht nhIN sI hoeI.`` pr iewQy suafl hY ik ienHfˆ hflfqF ivwc Auh ikvyˆ ieMnf Èfˆq icwq rih skdf sI? aqy Aus nUM ikAuN nhIN sI lwgdf ik pulIs vwloN Aus dI BflL kIqI jfvygI? ikAuNik Aus nUM ieh gwl iblkul pqf sI ik kfPI smyˆ qoN srkfr vwloN Aus dIafˆ srgrmIafˆ `qy lgfqfr nËr rwKI jf rhI sI. ies igRPqfrI bfry Aus dy Coty Brf s[ rxbIr isMG dy kuJ kfgËfq ivwc kuJ hor vyrvy imldy hn. Aus ny afpxy vwzy Brf Bgq isMG bfry bhuq qrwdd nflL vwK vwK sroqfˆ qoN jfxkfrIafˆ iekwqr kIqIafˆ. Bgq isMG nUM ijs vyly Pfhy lfieaf igaf, AudoN Auh msfˆ 6 virHafˆ df sI. Aus nUM vI afpxy vwzy Brfvfˆ s[ kulqfr isMG aqy s[ kulbIr isMG nflL AudoN qwk pulIs dIafˆ DwkyÈfhIafˆ df iÈkfr hoxf ipaf jdoN qwk dyÈ afËfd nhIN ho igaf. hfl hI ivwc mYnUM s[ rxbIr isMG dy kuJ kfgËfq ivwcoN guËrn df mOkf imilaf hY. ienHfˆ kfgËfq ivwc Auh ies igRPqfrI bfry ilKdf hY, “Bgq isMG nUM lfhOr dy roÈnI gyt nyiVAuN igRPqfr kIqf igaf aqy jdoN pulIs vflLy Aus nUM tfˆgy ivwc ibTf ky iljf rhy sn qfˆ Aus dy iewk imwqr ny Aus nUM dyK ilaf aqy Auh sfeIkl `qy tfˆgy dy ipwCy ho quiraf. Bgq isMG ny jdoN Aus nUM afpxy ipwCy afAuNdy dyiKaf qfˆ Aus nUM ikhf, “BfeI, ies qrHfˆ myry ipwCy afAux df koeI Pfiedf nhIN, jy myry Gr vfilafˆ nUM KLbr kr dyvyˆ qfˆ bVI imhrbfnI hovy gI.`` Bgq isMG dy kihx `qy Auh muMzf iswDf sfzy ipMz JuwgIafˆ KfsrIafˆ vwl ho quiraf, jo lfhOr qoN koeI pMj-Cy mIl pYˆdf sI.`` rxbIr isMG Aus Gtnf nUM Xfd kridafˆ dwsdf hY ik Aus dy ipqf sRI ikÈn isMG ny Aus nUM dwisaf sI, “Auh muMzf myry kolL ipMz afieaf aqy Aus ny mYnUM pfsy iljf ky dwisaf ik pulIs Bgq isMG nUM igRPqfr krky iksy axjfxI Qfˆ `qy lY geI. Aus nUM ieh vI pqf nhIN ik pulIs ny Aus nUM ikhVy mfmly `c PiVaf hY? Aus muMzy ny mYnUM vfrvfr ikhf ik Bgq isMG nUM CuzfAux leI mYnUM CyqI qoN CyqI lfhOr phuMcxf cfhIdf hY.`` ipqf dy hvfly nflL rxbIr isMG awgy ilKdf hY, “Aus idn lfhOr ivwc iswKfˆ df mÈhUr ‘joV mylf` sI. sfry pirvfr ny ies myly ivwc jfx dI iqafrI kIqI hoeI sI. Gr ivwc vMn-suvMny pkvfn pwky hoey

sn qy dfavq vrgf mfhOl sI. ieh KLbr suxidafˆ hI mYˆ soicaf ik jy Bgq isMG dI igRPqfrI dI KLbr Aus dI mfqf qwk puwj geI qfˆ Auh iPkrfˆ `c zuwb jfvy gI. ies dy nflL hI myry mn ivwc ieh ivcfr vI afieaf ik Auh jdoN sfry twbr nflL lfhOr myly `qy geI qfˆ ieh KLbr Aus nUM AuWQy vI iml jfxI hY. mYˆ Aus nUM myly `qy jfx qoN rok idwqf aqy ikhf ik mYˆ lfhOr iksy ËrUrI kMm leI cwilaf hfˆ. ies qrHfˆ mYˆ Bgq isMG dI igRPqfrI bfry pqf krn aqy Aus dI irhfeI bfry koeI cfrf krn leI lfhOr cilaf igaf.`` vIryˆdr isMDU afpxI pusqk ‘XuwgdRÈtf Bgq isMG` ivwc Bgq isMG dy igRPqfrI qoN bcx nUM kuJ ieAuN ibafndI hY: “aMimRqsr rylvy styÈn qoN bfhr inklx vyly Bgq isMG ny mihsUs kIqf ik Aus df ipwCf kIqf jf irhf hY. Bgq isMG kolL Aus vyly ipsqOl sI aqy Aus leI ËrUrI sI ik Auh ies vyly iksy vI qrIky igRPqfrI qoN bcy. Auh pulIs nUM JkfnI dyx leI ieDroNAuDroN GuMmdf-GuMmfAuNdf aMimRqsr Èihr dy puqlIGr ielfky dI iewk BIVI glLI ivwc iksy axjfx Gr ivwc dfKl ho igaf. ieh Gr aYzvokyt srdUl isMG df sI. srdUl isMG ies Gtnf bfry kuJ ieAuN dwsdy hn, “iewk nOjvfn Gbrfieaf hoieaf myry Gr af viVaf. Auh Bgq isMG sI. Aus ny mYnUM afpxI pCfx Ëfhr kridafˆ ikhf, “pulIs vflLy myry ipwCy lwgy hoey hn. myrI jyb ivwc ipsqOl hY. jykr mYˆ ies vyly igRPqfr ho igaf qfˆ bhuq sfry krn vflLy kMm ruk jfxgy.`` Aus dI gwl sux ky mYˆ Aus qoN ipsqOl lY ky afpxy drfj ivwc rwK ilaf. mYˆ jdoN GroN bfhr inkl ky dyiKaf qfˆ AuWQy sfdy kwpiVafˆ `c kuJ pulIs vflLy mYnUM nËr pey. Auh iksy nOjvfn bfry puwC rhy sn. mYˆ AunHfˆ nUM ikhf ik mYˆ qfˆ aijhy iksy muMzy nUM ieDr afAuNdy nhIN dyiKaf. mYˆ AunHfˆ nUM ‘ikrqI` dy dPqr vwl ieÈfrf kridafˆ ikhf ik AunHfˆ nUM Aus pfsy dyK lYxf cfhIdf hY. pulIs vflLy myrI gwl nflL sihmq huMidafˆ ‘ikrqI` dy dPqr vwl qur gey.`` vIryˆdr isMDU iesy sMdrB ivwc awgy ilKdI hY ik Bgq isMG nUM jdoN lwigaf ik Kqrf tlL igaf hY qfˆ Auh aYzvokyt srdUl isMG dy GroN inklL quiraf, pr cOksI vjoN Aus ny Auh ipsqOl AuWQy hI Cwz idwqf. iewQoN Auh Cyhrtf rylvy styÈn `qy puwijaf ijwQoN awigAuN Aus ny lfhOr leI gwzI PV leI. lfhOr phuMc ky Auh PiVaf igaf ijs df iËkr iewQy kIqf igaf hY. afpxI pusqk ivwc vIryˆdr isMDU ies sfrI Gtnf df iËkr afpxy cfcy s[ rxbIr isMG dy hvfly nflL krdI hY. Aus df ieh hvflf drusq jfpdf hY ikAuNik s[ rxbIr isMG dy kfgËfq ivwc vI ies Gtnf df iËkr vI ieAuN hI kIqf igaf imlLdf hY. Bgq isMG dy lgpg sfry jIvnIkfrfˆ qy Aus nflL sbMiDq hor kuJ vI ilKx vfilLafˆ ny ieh Gtnf ies ikqfb `coN ieMn-ibMn hI cuwk leI hY. Bgq isMG dI pihlI igRPqfrI bfry ies qoN ielfvf ikDry hor koeI vyrvf

Friday, August 4th, 2017

nhIN imlLdf pr idlcsp gwl ieh hY ik Aus dI igRPqfrI dy ieh vyrvy (lyK dy pihly pYry ivwc Bgq isMG vwloN afpxy dwsy anusfr) Bgq isMG aqy AunHfˆ dy ipqf s[ ikÈn isMG vwloN ibafn kIqy hflfq nflL myl nhIN Kfˆdy. ies qoN vI agfˆh aYzvokyt srdUl isMG vwloN ies Gtnf bfry ibafny qwQ s[ Bgq isMG qy s[ ikÈn isMG vwloN dwsIafˆ geIafˆ gwlfˆ dy Ault KVoNdy hn. ies qoN ielfvf Bgq isMG Aus smyˆ afpxy pirvfr ivwc rih irhf sI aqy pirvfrk kMmfˆ `c hwQ vtf irhf sI ijs kfrn Aus smyˆ Aus kolL hiQafr rwKx dI koeI sMBfvnf nhIN lwgdI. aijhf koeI hor sbUq vI nhIN imlLdf ik AunHfˆ idnfˆ ivwc Bgq isMG jfˆ Aus dy sfQIafˆ kolL koeI vI hiQafr hox. s[ ikÈn isMG igRPqfrI mgroN Bgq isMG nUM lwBx `c nfkfm rhy. AunHfˆ nUM ieh vI pqf nf lwigaf ik Bgq isMG nUM ikAuN igRPqfr kIqf igaf hY aqy igRPqfrI mgroN ikwQy iljfieaf igaf hY? Auh Bfvyˆ bhuqy amIr nhIN sn, pr sfDnhIx vI nhIN sn. Auh AuWGy kfˆgrsI sn ijnHfˆ df pRBfvÈflI lokfˆ nflL cMgf rsUK sI pr ies mfmly `c koeI vI AunHfˆ dI mdd nf kr sikaf. s[ ikÈn isMG vwloN 19 jUn 1927 nUM afpxy ipqf s[ arjun isMG nUM ilKI icwTI qoN iewk bfp dI byvwsI JlkdI hY. ies icwTI ivwc ikÈn isMG ilKdy hn: “pulIs aPsrfˆ ny mYnUM ieh ikhf sI ik Auh mulfkfq qoN 24 GMty pihlfˆ sUcnf dyx gy. asIN AuWQy gey vI, pr sfnUM koeI sUcnf nhIN imlLI qy awj qwk AunHfˆ ny nf Bgq isMG nflL mulfkfq df mOkf idwqf ey qy nf hI AunHfˆ ny ieh dwisaf ey ik Bgq isMG nUM ikwQy rwiKaf hoieaf ey! pqf nhIN pulIs Auh nUM ikwQy lY geI ey! mYnUM hfly qwk ieh vI nhIN pqf ik AuhnUM ikhVy aprfD `c PiVaf ey. hfly qwk mYˆ aMdfËy hI lfeI jfˆdf hfˆ, pr aMdfiËafˆ df koeI afDfr vI nhIN huMdf. Auh bhuqy pwky nhIN inklLdy.`` ies qrHfˆ Bgq isMG dI igRPqfrI qoN bfad 20 idnfˆ qwk vI pirvfr nUM ieh nhIN sI pqf ik pulIs ny Bgq isMG nUM PV ky ikwQy rwiKaf hY. Auh qfˆ mihË ikafsarfeIafˆ hI lf rhy sn ik Aus nUM ikwQy rwiKaf ho skdf hY. s[ ikÈn isMG ies islisly `c qfËf GtnfkRm bfry afpxy ipqf nUM jfxU krvfAuNidafˆ awgy ilKdy hn: “pulIs vfilLafˆ ny Auhdy leI kwpVy bxvfey sn. AunHfˆ df ibwl mYˆ qfr idwqf. hfly kuJ idn hoey ik pulIs aPsrfˆ ny Auhdy leI hor kwpVy mMg ley. Auh vI pucf idwqy gey ny. kwlH izptI kimÈnr lfhOr nUM arËI idwqI sI ik AuhnUM iksy adflq ivwc pyÈ krky irmfˆz mqlb qrIk leI jfvy. ies leI mukwdmy dI iqafrI hox qwk Ëmfnq `qy Cwz idwqf jfvy jfˆ AuhnUM jylH dy iksy hvflfq `c pucf idwqf jfvy, ijwQy Auhdy nflL hPqy `c do idn mulfkfq kIqI jf sky. ies `qy izptI kimÈnr ny ikhf ik irmfˆz lY ilaf igaf hY. AuhnUM 20 jUn nUM pyÈ krn leI ikhf igaf hY. kwlH nUM asIN AuWQy jfxf hY.`` ies qrHfˆ aKIr pirvfr nUM afpxy puwqr df mUMh dyKx dI afs bwJ geI lwgdI hY. pirvfr nUM ipCly idn hPiqafˆ qoN afpxy puwqr dI koeI AuWG-suwG nhIN sI.

The Patrika



ies islisly `c aglI gwl qorn leI sfnUM vIryˆdr isMDU aqy sfinafl dy iËkr dI loV hY. isMDU ilKdI hY ik s[ ikÈn isMG dy Xqnfˆ aqy lfhOr hfeI kort dy dKl nflL koeI iewk mhIny mgroN Bgq isMG nUM 60 hËfr rupey Ëmfnq dy ky irhfa krvfieaf igaf. AunHIN idnIN ieh bhuq vwzI rkm mMnI jfˆdI sI. jykr asIN vIryˆdr isMDU vwloN dwsy gey GtnfkRm nUM shI mMn leIey qfˆ Bgq isMG nUM koeI do hPqy lfhOr iklHy ivwc bMd rwiKaf igaf aqy bfkI dy smyˆ borstl jylH ivwc rwiKaf igaf. isMDU dwsdI hY ik Ëmfnq dI rkm df pRbMD s[ ikÈn isMG dy imwqr lfhOr dy bYirstr dunI cMd aqy lflf dOlq rfm ny kIqf. dovfˆ ny qIh-qIh hËfr rupey df pRbMD kIqf sI. Bgq isMG nUM Pfhy lfey jfx qoN do mhIinafˆ dy aMdr-aMdr sfinafl vwloN ilKI geI Aus dI jIvnI meI 1931 ivwc hI pRkfiÈq ho geI sI. mMinaf jfˆdf hY ik ieh Bgq isMG dI ilKI geI dUjI jIvnI sI. sfinafl iKlfP Bgq isMG dy nflL hI lfhOr sfiËÈ kys ivwc mukwdmf cwilaf sI, pr adflq ny Aus nUM ies kys `coN brI kr idwqf sI. sfinafl ilKdf hY: “mYijstryt mUhry pyÈ krn qoN pihlfˆ keI idn Aus nUM iekwly nUM jylH dI koTVI `c bMd rwiKaf igaf aqy Aus nUM ieh vI nhIN sI dwisaf igaf ik Aus nUM iks doÈ aDIn PiVaf igaf hY. Bgq isMG ny AudoN pihlI vfrI borstl jylH dyKI sI aqy ies qoN ZfeI sfl mgroN iewQy hI Aus ny aqy Aus dy sfQIafˆ ny jylH suDfrfˆ dI mMg nUM lY ky XfdgfrI BuwK hVqfl kIqI sI.`` ies kys bfry hor vyrivafˆ dI jfxkfrI idMidafˆ sfinafl dwsdf hY ik ieh kys kfPI lMbf smfˆ cwilaf aqy mYijstryt ny 60 hËfr rupey dI ËmfnqI rfÈI `qy Bgq isMG nUM irhfa krn dy hukm suxfey. sfinafl anusfr Aus dy pirvfr leI ies rfÈI df pRbMD krnf koeI bhuqf aOKf nhIN sI. iesy mfmly bfry Auh awgy ilKdf hY, “lMbI mukwdmybfËI mgroN hfeI kort ny Aus nUM ies jfmnI qoN mukq kr idwqf.`` sfinafl dI ilKI ‘jIvnI Bgq isMG` AuWqy pRkfiÈq huMidafˆ hI pfbMdI lf idwqI geI aqy ies dIafˆ sfrIafˆ kfpIafˆ Ëbq kr leIafˆ geIafˆ. 1947 ivwc ies ny AudoN rOÈnI dyKI jdoN ies dy kuJ soDy gey afDuink sMskrx df ihMdI anuvfd pRkfiÈq hoieaf. Aus bfry pihlI jIvnI 1930 ivwc iksy aigafq ivakqI vwloN ilKI geI sI. mYˆ ieh jIvnI lwB leI, pr ies ivwc Aus dI pihlI igRPqfrI df koeI iËkr nhIN sI. iewk hor jIvnI Aus dy sfQI rfm dulfry iqRvydI vwloN ilKI geI jo 1938 ivwc CpI aqy ies ivwc igRPqfrI df sMKyp ivwc hvflf imlLdf hY. dyÈ dI afËfdI mgroN bI[pI[aYWl[ bydI ny s[ kulbIr isMG nflL imlL ky iewk hor jIvnI ilKI, pr mYˆ ies dI kfpI dI sUh nhIN lf sikaf. ies leI sfzI cox vIryd ˆ r aqy sfinal vwloN ilKIafˆ geIafˆ jIvnIafˆ qwk hI sIimq rih jfˆdI hY, pr AunHfˆ vwloN idwqy gey ivsqfr aqy Bgq isMG dy Auprokq ibafn ivwc Prk hY. mYˆ ies lyK dy agly ihwsy ivwc ies bfry spÈt krn dI koiÈÈ krfˆgf.

Abbotsford’s Trucking company is looking for company drivers and owner operators for local work. 5-6 days a week. Company Drivers: $20 per hour ur Owner Operator: $55 per hour 60-70 hrs per week. Day Cab tractor required andd trailer will be provided. Flat bed-no tarps required For more information,

Call: 604-857-5535 PAGE 37

The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

sLok smfcfr bVy du K I ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik aYbtsPorz ivwc rihx vfly srdfr gu r dy v isMG igwl ijnHF df ipClf ipMz bwDnI klF ijlHf mo g f hY , ipCly idnIN sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey hn. AuhnF df sskfr PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivKy 5 agsq idn sincrvfr 03:00 vjy hovygf aqy sRI sihj pfT sfihb jI dy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs, Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aYbtsPorz sLfm dy 5:00 vjy hovygI. afp sB nUM bynqI hY ik ivwCVI rUh nUM sLrDf dy Puwl Byt krn jLrUr phuMco. pRvfr nfl duwK sFJf krn leI 778-549-7514, 778-908-7500 jF 778-8786500


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9 ½ sfl dy bwicaF ny sPlqfpUrvk afnMd kfrj krky iewk irkfrz kfiem kIqf iewQy qMqI sfj vI isKfey jFdy hn

afnMd kfrj, suKmnI sfihb, sihj pfT aqy sIR afKMz pfT sfihb leI spYsL l kIrqnI jQy leI sdf Xfd rWKo

klfsF cwl rhIaF hn

nvyN bwicaF leI dfKlf julfeI 1 qoN sLurU

4 hPiqaF df swmr kYNp julfeI 10 qoN sLurU

pihlF afE aqy pihlF pfE afpxI psMd df idn aqy smF - sItF sImq hn

ijafdf L jfxkfrI leI kYptn bI[aYs[ mfn nfl sMprk kro:

778-245-6079 jF 778-246-2376 604.864.8515 | #102 - 2646 Auburn St. Abbotsford BC V2T 3K1 PAGE 38

ieWko hI QF qy ieWko hI nF - 3325 Denman Street

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika 


pwCmI qrË dy jIvn ny vDfieaf mfnisk qxfa, jIvn nUM bxfieaf nIrs

ajokf mnuwK vD rhy mfnisk qxfa kfrn ijwQy vD rhIafˆ mfnisk aqy ijsmfnI ibmfrIafˆ qoN pIVq hY, AuQy Aus dy jIvn ivwcoN suwK, cYn aqy itkfa gfieb ho rhy hn. bhuq sfry mnuwK ienHfˆ alfmqfˆ qoN bcx leI kfm-rs df shfrf lY rhy sn pRMqU srmfeydfr dyÈfˆ ivwcoN jo aMkVy hux AuplbD ho rhy hn, AunHfˆ anusfr mnuwK leI rs lYx df ieh rsqf vI bMd huMdf nËr af irhf hY aqy Aus df jIvn pUrI qrHfˆ nIrsqf vl Dwikaf jf irhf hY. vD rhy mfnisk qxfa kfrn kfmuk rucI aqy kfmuk smrwQf df Gtxf aqy sLukrfxU igxqI (sprm kfUANt) Gtx nflL lMby smyˆ ivwc vsoN dy Gtx dI smwisaf pYdf ho rhI hY. Bfvyˆ ik ies vyly qfˆ asIN vsoN dy qyËI nflL aqy byrok vDx dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ nfl jUJ rhy hfˆ pRMqU ies sdI dy aMqly ihwsy ivwc vsoN dy Gtx dI smwisaf gMBIr rUp Dfrn kr skdI hY. lgpg hr srmfeydfr dyÈ ivwc ho rhy nvyˆ srvyKx aqy aMkVy ieh hI sfbq kr rhy hn ik kfmuk rucI aqy kfmuk smrwQf GtI jf rhy hn. iesy qrHfˆ lgpg hr srmfeydfr dyÈ ivwc jxn ÈkqI (PritltI) qy jxn dr (PritltI ryt) Gt rhy hn, vsoN nUM siQr rwKx leI aOsqn hr joVy nUM 2[1 bwcy pYdf krny pYˆdy hn. ies nUM bdl jxn dr jfˆ irplysmYˆt PritltI ryt ikhf jfˆdf hY. aOsqn hr joVy nUM 2 qoN kuJ vwD (2[1) bwcy pYdf krny pYˆdy hn. jy ieMny bwcy nf pYdf hox qfˆ iPr dyÈ dI afbfdI GtxI sLurU ho jfˆdI hY, ijs qrHfˆ sfnUM ieh jfx ky hYrfnI huMdI hY ik srmfeydfr dyÈfˆ ivwc kfmuk rucI Gt rhI hY, Ausy qrHfˆ sfnUM ieh sux ky vI hYrfnI huMdI hY ik ies sdI dy aMqly ihwsy ivwc afbfdI Gtx dI gMBIr smwisaf pYdf hox vflLI hY. asIN qfˆ ieh hI suxdy afey hfˆ ik vsoN df qyËI nflL vDxf aqy byrok vDxf hI gMBIr smwisafvfˆ hn. amrIkf ivwc Koj dy aMkVy ieh sfbq kr rhy hn ik sfl 1990-2010 qwk amrIkIafˆ ivwc kfmuk rucI GtdI afeI hY. ieMglYˆz ivwc nYÈnl srvy afP sYkÈUal aYtIikAUzË aYˆ z lfeIP stfeIlË (nftsfl) vwloN krvfey gey srvyKx ivwc vI kfmuk rucI aqy sMBog dI dr Gtx dy ruJfn sfhmxy afey hn. afstrylIan nYÈnl srvy afP sYksLUal aYkitivtI dy srvyKx vI ienHfˆ ruJfnfˆ dI hI puÈtI kr rhy hn. jpfn PYimlI plYinMg aYsosIeyÈn (jI[aYP[pI[ey[) vwloN krvfey gey srvyKx ijwQy ienHfˆ ruJfnfˆ dI puÈtI krdy hn, AuWQy aijhy aOrqfˆ aqy mrdfˆ dI igxqI qyËI nflL vD rhI hY, ijhVy kfmuk sbMDfˆ pRqI iGrxf dI Bfvnf rwKdy hn, 46% aOrqfˆ aqy 26% mrd hux kfmuk sbMDf pRqI iGrxf vflLf rvweIaf rwKdy hn. nOjvfnI ivwc ieh dr qfˆ lgpg izEZI hY. kfmuk rucI dy Gtx dy nfl-nfl vD irhf mfnisk qxfa sLukrfxUafˆ dI igxqI vI

Gtf irhf hY. smuwcy qOr `qy ienHfˆ sfry ruJfnfˆ df nqIjf jxn ÈkqI dy Gtx aqy jxn dr Gtx dy rUp ivwc inklL irhf hY. Bfvyˆ ies vyly smuwcy qOr `qy sMsfr dI muwK smwisaf afbfdI df qyËI nflL byrok vDxf hY, pRMqU srmfeydfr dyÈfˆ dI afbfdI GtxI sLurU ho cuwkI hY aqy AunHfˆ nUM ikrq ÈkqI (vrk Pors) bfhroN ilafAuxI pY rhI hY. jy asIN jrmnI aqy jfpfn, jo ik sMsfr dy sB qoN ivkisq srmfeydfr dyÈ hn, vwl dyKIey qfˆ ies qwQ dI puÈtI ho jfˆdI hY ik srmfey dy ivkfs nflL vsoN df Gtxf inÈicq hY. kuJ lok myry `qy ikMqU-pRMqU krngy ik mYˆ jrmnI aqy jfpfn nUM sMsfr dy sB qoN vwD ivkisq srmfeydfr dyÈ ikAuN dws irhf hfˆ? ieh pRBfv hY ik amrIkf, sMsfr df sB qoN ivkisq srmfeydfr dyÈ hY. mYˆ jrmnI aqy jfpfn dovfˆ dyÈfˆ ivc igaf hfˆ aqy dovfˆ dyÈfˆ df bhuq sfrf rkbf motr, ryl aqy dirafvfˆ ivc pfxI dy jhfjfˆ (iÈp) rfhIN dyiKaf hY. mYˆ amrIkf ivc vI lMbf smfˆ gujLfiraf hY aqy lgpg amrIkf dy hr ihwsy ivc afpxI kfr duafrf sPr kIqf hY. jdoN asIN amrIkf dI qulnf jrmnI aqy jfpfn nflL rkby aqy afbfdI dy afDfr `qy hoey ivkfs nflL joV ky dyKdy hfˆ qfˆ jrmnI aqy jfpfn amrIkf nflLoN bhuq awgy hn, nYÈnl stYitsitks afiPs afP jrmnI anusfr jrmnI dI vsoN afAux vflLy 40 sflfˆ ivc 10% Gwt jfeygI. 2016 ivc jrmnI dI afbfdI 81 imlIan (18 kroV 10 lwK) sI. 2060 ivc ieh 67 qoN 73 imlIan rih jfeygI. jfpfn dy ishq mMqrfly anusfr afAux vflLy 50 sflfˆ ivc vsoN qIjf ihwsf Gt jfvy gI aqy afAux vflLy 100 sflfˆ ivc jfpfn dI afbfdI 60% Gwt jfey gI. sfl 2015 ivc jfpfn dI afbfdI 127 imlIan sI jo 2065 ivc 88 imlIan aqy 2115 ivc isrP 51 imlIan rih jfey gI. ijAuN-ijAuN ivkfsÈIl dyÈfˆ ivc srmfeydfrfnf ivkfs df nmUnf ivkisq hoey gf AunHfˆ ivc hI Auh smwisafvfˆ pYdf ho jfxgIafˆ jo awj ivkisq dyÈfˆ ivc dyKx nUM iml rhIafˆ hn. cIn ivc jxn dr Gwt geI hY ieh jxn dr (2[1) qoN Gt ky 1[6 dy nyVy phuMc cuwkI hY. ies sdI dy aMq qoN pihlfˆ hI Bfrq ivc vI jxn dr 2[0 qoN Gwt jfey gI arQfq afbfdI Gtx lwg pey gI. kMm-kfjI jfˆ nOkrI pyÈf aOrqfˆ Bfrq ivc awj vI bhuq Gwt bwcy jMm rhIafˆ hn. aY s o s Iey i tz cY ˆ b r afP kfmrs aY ˆ z ieMzstrI afP ieMzIaf vwloN krvfey gey srvyKx anusfr 35% qoN vwD aOrqfˆ isrP iek bwcf hI jMmxf cfhuMdIafˆ hn. Ëfihr hY ik srmfey ny mfnisk qxfa vDf ky mnuwKqf nUM ijwQy nIrsqf vwl Dwikaf hY, AuWQy jnm ÈkqI dy Gtx vrgIafˆ gMBIr smwisafvfˆ vI pYdf kr idwqIafˆ hn. ivkfs df pwCmI nmUnf aMq ivc mnuwKqf dy ivkfs dI Qfˆ `qy ivnfÈ df kfrn bx skdf hY. sMsfr nUM pUrbI isafxp `qy afDfirq bdlvyˆ ivkfs nmUny dI loV hY. PAGE 39

The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-bRihspq duafrf vyiKaf jf irhf cMdr mnobl ivwc vfDf kry. guwsy aqy JgVy qoN bco. afriQk sMkt df sfhmxf krnf pvy. buDU-suwK, apmfn-BY hY. julfeI 16, 23, 24; agsq 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.

There can be a sudden sense that the time has come to get rid of the unnecessary so that you can scale things down if you are to have greatest success in the future. Part of this can be the realisation that you have taken on too many responsibilities that could be easily managed in the long term. This has to be your decision.

What you can really afford and what you might like to do or have could be two different things. You will be more easily tempted than usual to spend first and think later. You are far better to remain your normal careful self. Don’t be pushed into accepting any situation you feel could be too much combined with normal routine.

 

ibRK-pyt Krfb, kfrobfr TIk, imwqr-bMDU-ksLt, iesqrI nUM vfXU-rog, mhIny df aKIr sLuwB rhy. julfeI 17, 18, 25, 27; agsq 1, 4, 5, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.





imQn-vfXU-rog, Dn-hfnI, injIjn-ksLt, sMqfn-suwK, srkfr vwloN BY, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, sLuwB kfrj krn vfsqy pRyrnf imly. kfrobfr gVbV kry. julfeI 19, 20, 28, 29; agsq 6, 7, 8, 15 asLuwB hn. krk-ishq TIk, acfnk ivsLysL Krc af pvy. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, cMgy sihXogI imlx, mhIny df aMq duwKdfiek. julfeI 21, 22, 30, 31; agsq 9, 10, asLuwB hn.





isMG-PjLUl dy JgVy qoN bco, guwsf nf kro hfnI df zr hY. sMqfn-pwK suwLB, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, nIc pfsoN apmfn-BY. julfeI 16, 23, 24; agsq 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.

kMinaf-ishq TIk rhy, afriQk lfB ho ky vI krjLf cVHy, nvIN Xojnf bxy, suKdfeI Xfqrf, iesqrI-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx mjLbUq, mMglvfr nUM sfvDfn. julfeI 17, 18, 25, 26, 27; agsq 1, 4, 5, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

7  qulf-acfnk ksLt aqy afriQk hflfq ivgVn, imwqr-bMDU pfsoN sihXog imly, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, iesqrI-pwK nfl ivgfV, mhIny dy mwD qoN bfad kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 19, 20, 28, 29; agsq 6, 7, 8, 15 asLuwB hn.



ibRsick-pyt ivc KrfbI, afriQk lfB, imwqr-bMDU-suwK, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, pqnI nfl axbx, acfnk ksLt-BY. julfeI 21, 22, 30, 31; agsq 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



Dn-ishq TIk, AulJy hoey msly hwl hox, Brf df suwK, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf srkfrI-pwK qoN BY, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB. julfeI 16, 23, 24; agsq 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-nINd df mMgl cot-BY kfrk hY, sMpqI-ivvfd, inwjI lokF nfl axbx, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, afmdn TIk, PjLUl dy Krc qoN sfvDfn. julfeI 17, 18, 25, 26, 27; agsq 1, 4, 5, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

11  kuMB-sLnI-sLuwkr TIk hn, mn ivkfs vfly pfsy cly, Dn-lfB ho ky hfnI hovy, inwjI lokF aqy bMDU nfl axbx, nvIN Xojnf bxy, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. julfeI 19, 20, 28, 29; agsq 6, 7, 8, 15 asLuwB hn.



mIn-nyqrF aqy isr ivwc pIVf, sMpqI ivvfd df hwl imly, afriQk hfnI, aqy gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn rho, QF aqy kfrobfr bdlx df ivcfr bxy, julfeI 21, 22, 30, 31; agsq 9, 10 asLuwB hn.


Friends or others involved in a group that includes you could surprise you with their determination to scale down in some way. This will firmly place you in a position where you need to weigh up your own situation, especially if there has been some sort of reliance on them. Answers will come from considering what you enjoy.

You could come up against a strong personality or somebody who expects to take control. You need to find a way to fight for your rights strongly but in a passive manner. The less you care about what other people think of you the better. It is hard to judge this at the moment and it can be better than what you expect.

With some proper focus and concentration you can gain clarity on something that has either been deliberately hidden from you or confused you in relation to somebody else. You should only take information into account, which can also be what others tell you, once you have investigated thoroughly enough for the truth.

There is a lot which won’t be clear. Time spent in careful consideration without making any final decision, will be time well spent. You need to maintain a fighting spirit when it comes to your own priorities. This is not an area where you should compromise lightly. Much is about giving others time to show their hand more.

Someone else can quite suddenly decide to get rid of certain things that don’t suit their purposes any longer. You need to be sure this does not load you up with extra responsibilities as you are too inclined right now to be overly generous of yourself. Insist on greater clarity when it comes to information that lacks transparency.

Your own thoughts are powerful right now, particularly when it comes to long-term vision for which you are willing to go into battle. Others find Scorpio mysterious and though they may attempt to predict where you will take things, they can never be sure because, in the end, you are very hard to read. You are just preparing now.

How somebody relates and what their true intentions are can be at odds and very difficult for you to read accurately. There is an underlying desire for power on their part, though you could very well be worrying them. Your freedom from this is to focus more on the future in relation to fulfilling what are important priorities to you.

Impatient behaviour from somebody else is best resisted without a great deal of comment as this will inhibit their ability to stir up trouble. You can approach this in a pragmatic manner while they will be more emotional. The most important thing here is to protect your own position. This can be part of bigger change to come.

Others will be willing to talk about future plans. You might discover that they expect you to accept them without question. However, it is more likely it will not fit with your own priorities and you have to be willing to say so. If you have been lazy of late when it comes to proper exercise or diet you can now become more motivated.

What you realise is best to get some good balance in place can be at odds with the actions you would prefer to take to enjoy yourself. This might equally take place with what children want to do as opposed to what you consider would be more sensible. Don’t succumb to pressure that can result in making you doubt yourself.

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017

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The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

Creating a budget with your kids (NC) Instilling good spending habits in your children when they are young will guard them from making big mistakes down the road. From an early age, parents can regularly reinforce smart budgeting lessons for their children, and that starts with putting cash in their hands. Here are some tips from Anurag Kar, senior manager at Interac, on how to raise financially responsible kids this school year. Open a bank account. This is the first step in providing your children the autonomy to manage their own money. Open a bank account for them to deposit and withdraw funds. Teach your children the importance of creating and protecting their password and PIN. Teach need versus want. This can be challenging when children are learning to budget for the first time. To help them distinguish between needing and wanting something, remind your child that every dollar spent is one dollar less from their weekly allowance. It also doesn't hurt to ask them to pay for their own school supplies.

when they are away at university or college. Most transfer notifications are sent instantly, with the rest available to deposit within 30 minutes. Later this year, you'll also be able to register email addresses for Autodeposit, meaning you'll skip the manual deposit action and receive a notification when there is a new deposit in your account.

Scope out good deals. Once they begin understanding the worth of their money, encourage your children to shop for the best bargains. Take some time to explain how price comparisons and coupons can help stretch the money they've earned.

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Transfer allowance into their account. Using Interac e-Transfer, send them their allowance directly to their bank account. This is also a great real-time solution for sending your kids money

Maximize today's digital tools for better health (NC) Many of us are eager to take advantage of today's digital tools to manage our health. We want to book doctor appointments, check test results online, renew prescriptions electronically and access more telehealth services. Fortunately, health organizations are working towards making care more convenient and accessible. With today's technological advances, the opportunities are endless to help people navigate the various health care options. Green Shield Canada, a not-for-profit that strives to improve access to health care for all Canadians, partners with various organizations across the country that share their same commitment to accessible treatment. Two of the organizations are 211 and Maryvale. 211 offers onestop access through a telephone helpline and a comprehensive website that connects users to various health, community and social services. Maryvale is a children's mental health treatment centre in Ontario that uses text messaging for appointments and incorporates various social media apps to support their clients' treatment and recovery. “Technology is moving so fast and we need to stay current to engage our clients,” explains Connie Martin, their executive director. With technological tools becoming more entrenched in all aspects of our lives, Canadians are gaining more access to the health supports we need. Find more information online at


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$84.90/ mhInf dUsry sfl leI

2- sfl dy ValuePlan^ nfl. inXmq ryt $105/ mhInf.

ijLafdf jfxkfrI leI, 1-866-556-7065 qy PLon kro jF qy jfE. *pysLksL ibnF noits qoN bdlI jf skdI hY. idKfeIaF geIaF kImqF ivc tYks sLfml nhIN hY. poRmosLnl kImq $49.90/mhInf pihly sfl leI aqy $84.90/mhInf dUsry sfl leI isrPL nvyN ieMtrnYWt gfhkF leI hY ijhnF ny ipCly 90 idnF ivc ieMtrnYWt nhIN ilaf hoxf cfhIdf. (“ nvyN gfhk”) poRmosLnl smyN qoN bfad inXmq ryt lfgU hoxgy aqy bdly jf skdy hn. nvyN gfhkF vloN 2–sfl ValuePlans dy afrzr ibnF sQfpqI PIs dy Xog hn jF Auh ibnF PIs qoN afpxy ieMtrnYWt hfrzvyar nUM afpxy-afp sQfpq krn dy Xog hn. dUsrIaF srivsjL aqy hfrzvyar afrzrF leI $100 dI sQfpqI PIs lfgU hovygI. afpxy-afp sQfpq krn vfly gfhkF leI, sLfml kIqIaF jF nvIaF srivsjL leI ibilMg cwkr, XMqr dI sQfpqI dI qfrIKL jF afrzr krn dy 14 idn bfad sLurU hovygf. sfry KyqrF ivc sfrIaF Shaw srivsjL AuplbD nhIN hn. kUnYksLn dI spIz mOzm XMqr, gfhk dy XMqr dI Xogqf, iblizMg vfieirMg, ieMtrnYWt tRYiPLk aqy vfqfvrxI hflfqF nfl bdl skdI hY. jy quhfzI koeI vI srivs kYNsl huMdI hY qF quhfnUM Auh XMqr Shaw nUM vfps krnf pvygf jo qusIN nhIN KrIidaf hY. ^2-sfl dy ValuePlan isrPL ieMtrnYWt smJOqy nfl AuplbD hY. pihlF kYNsl krn dI PIs lfgU huMdI hY aqy 2-sfl dy ValuePlan dy bfkI rihMdy mhIinaF dI igxqI nUM pihlF kYNsl krn dI PIs ($15 pRqI mhInf isrPL ieMtrnYWt smJOqy leI) nfl guxf krky ihsfb lfieaf jfvygf. 2-sfl dy ValuePlan bfry ijLafdf jfxkfrI `qy dyKI jf skdI hY. † zfAUnloz spIzjL `qy aDfrq. qusIN koeI vI Shaw srivs nUM awgy nhIN vyc skdy. ©2017 Shaw Communications Inc. sfrIaF Shaw srivsjL `qy, sfzIaF vrqoN aqy pRfeIvysI pflsI dIaF sFJIaF sLrqF lfgU huMdIaF hn jo `qy hn.

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017



For the Record: Clark’s Resignation Sets the Stage for Change


oday marks the last day for Christy Clark as leader of the BC Liberal Party, having announced just one week ago that she would not only be stepping down as party leader, but also as the MLA for Westside-Kelowna. After six-years as Premier, Clark and the BC Liberals lost a confidence motion on June 29th, thus allowing the NDP – with assistance from the BC Greens – to form government. To be honest, I thought Clark would have resigned that very day. Perhaps I’m a little old fashioned, but I see the roll of a party leader a lot like the captain of a ship; if something goes wrong onboard, no matter whose fault it is, it is the captain who is ultimately responsible. Clark, however, didn’t seem to share that opinion thus – announcing boldly, on numerous occasions – that she would remain on and serve as Leader of the Official Opposition. Speaking for myself, I personally couldn’t imagine going from being the Premier to the Leader of the Official Opposition. Moving beyond the notion that resigning immediately would have been the principled thing to do, I don’t know how anyone could go from BC’s top job to the opposition benches? Regardless, Clark has now resigned and it’s certainly for the best. Though publically BC Liberal MLA’s and staffers are using terms like ‘surprised’, ‘shocked’ and ‘disappointed’ with respect to Clark’s sudden resignation, most everyone I have spoken to have expressed a tremendous sense of relief. Indeed, one need not be a BC Liberal insider to know that an ever-growing segment within the party was becoming more and more disenfranchised with Clark. Subsequently, this very sentiment could have eas-

ily led to a toxic situation that could have resulted in a backlash from the party membership; and, perhaps, even members of the BC Liberal caucus? However, with Clark’s resignation the party has now been spared this unnecessary drama and it can immediately begin working towards a leadership contest – and, more importantly, a new chapter for the party. Not withstand the above sentiments – and before I share my thoughts on what’s next for the BC Liberals Party – I will give Clark credit where credit is due. Under her leadership Clark led the BC Liberals to a stunning victory in 2013, helped BC create the strongest economy in the country (inclusive of five balanced budgets), and did hold the province’s top job for just over six-years. Thus, regardless of how one may feel about Clark personally with respect to her attitude, ego, leadership style, etc., one also cannot help but acknowledge that her track-record was commendable. For The Record… There are certain values that I have always held dear – two of those are loyalty and principal. However, I also believe that loyalty should never be blind, and that principle should always be paramount over politics. The challenge with those values is that they can come at quite a cost. Politically active since I was a teenager, I first joined the BC Liberal Party when I was just 14 years old. However, over the course of the past 20+ years I have twice resigned my membership. The first time I resigned my membership I was all of 18 years old and was – by virtue of my age and lack of life experience – somewhat naïve. However, the second time was only five years ago; that time I knew I

would face some significant backlash – and boy did I ever! So… why am I sharing this? I’m sharing this because though I would likely make the same decisions all over again, I’ve also come to realize that sometimes ‘hanging-in-there’ and working towards making changes from within could be more advantageous. It is for that reason that I rejoined the party roughly four years ago; though not an easy decision, as I didn’t particularly care for Clark as its leader. However, I knew that a season of change was on the horizon, and now that that season has arrived I am looking forward to playing my role special interests have come to form as a party member to facilitate change. a disturbing narrative. As a result of In the coming months the BC Liberal these perceptions the party requires a Party will embark on a leadership con- fundamental shift in the kind of leader test; one that allows for both MLA’s it must elect if it hopes to regain its and non-MLA’s to put their names for- status as government in the next elecward to lead the party. This process, tion. As to who that leader may be? however, needs to be about more than Well, I have got some thoughts on who just finding a new captain for the ship, I’d like to see; however, I will, instead, so to speak. This new chapter must be focus on the kinds of attributes that about reshaping the party – both with individual should have. respect to its platform and its values. Speaking first to its platform, that process has already begun. Though those who are more cynical will say that the Liberals final Throne Speech was nothing more than feel-good political jargon, I would like to think that it was the first step in acknowledging that British Columbian’s are looking for a different kind of balance between economic, social justice and environmental issues. Turning now to values, this is where the next evolution of the party must take place. The BC Liberals have been known for many years now as a top-down organization; one that has lost its fundamental, grass-roots values. As a result, stigmas around elitism and

First-and-foremost, the party needs a leader that will inspire. One who – with authenticity and humility – can demonstrate a true commitment to public service. One who values transparency and inclusion. One who believes in genuine collaboration instead of a benevolent autocracy. Finally, a leader who – despite our ‘adversarial system of government’ – will work across party lines and make evidencebased decisions. In short, a new vision and a new kind of leader will help ensure that the BC Liberals will once again form government, thereby implementing a platform that will be in the best interests of all British Columbian’s.

Cough lingering? Some symptoms point to tuberculosis (NC) Although most coughs are nothing to worry about, persistent cough symptoms could indicate tuberculosis or TB, an infection of the lungs and respiratory system. Unlike a cold, TB hangs around for weeks, with symptoms that can include coughing up blood, chest pain or pain with breathing or coughing, unintentional weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, fever, and chills.

WThose living in Indigenous communities with high TB rates and people who previously lived in countries with high TB infection rates are the most at risk. If the cough you've been dealing with has been around for two weeks or more and you belong to one of the above mentioned groups, see your healthcare provider to rule out TB. You can be infected with TB without knowing it. There are two types of

TB: latent TB infection and active TB disease. Latent TB infection means that you're infected but won't have any symptoms and you cannot pass on the bacteria to others. You should still seek testing and possible treatment to stop the latent infection from developing into active disease, especially if you have a higher risk. Active TB disease means that you will likely have symptoms and can transmit the infection to others.

Fortunately, TB doesn't have to be any worse than a regular cold. The disease is preventable and curable, and testing is available from your local community healthcare provider. A simple prescription of antibiotics can send either the infection or disease packing and get you back to normal. Like with any antibiotic prescription, make sure to take the full amount, even if you start to feel better.




The Patrika 

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Positions available:


Truck Drivers Local Work Only No Long Haul

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Wages based upon experience tonI’jL plys rystorYNt nUM Puwl aqy pfrt tfeIm lfeIn kuwk dI loV hY. Gwt qoN Gwt iewk sfl df qjLrbf hovy. lfeIn kuwk nUM nfsLqf aqy lYNc bnfAuxf pvygf. kMm leI isLPt svyr dy 6 vjy qoN sLfm dy 5 vjy dy ivc ivc hovygI. vIkaYNz aqy ivDWORKERS NEEDED fink CuwtI qy quhfnUM AuplwbD hoxf pvygf. iewQy bhuq vDIaf mhOl hY aqy sfrI tIm shfiek hY. ikrpf krky afpxf rYjLmy 1-4 vjy dy ivwc ivwc rYstorYNt 101-31120 pIrznivl roz, aYbtsPorz ivKy lY ky afE jI. Call 604.725.6681 or email:

For various farms,nurseries.processing plants etc. in the Fraser Valley. Applicants will have a choice of their individual job likings. Wages will be discussed upon interview. Work will be year round. For more informa on call

sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI idn aqy sLfm dIaF isLPtF lY skdy ho

: Please send resumes too:

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jflIaF aqy blfeINzjL 50% to 80% OFF

PryjLr vYlI ivwc vWKry vwKry PfrmF aqy nrsrIaF leI kfimaF dI loV hY. kfimaF nMU afpxy psMdIdfr kMm krn df mOkf idwqf jfvygf. qnKLfh ieMtrvIE vyly dwsI jfvygI. pUry sfl Br df kMm hovygf. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro:


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604.832.1840 778.551.4744 PAGE 45

The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017




Workers Wanted

Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

ey 1 pfrtI rYNtl vfilLaF nMU Puwl Epl`ieMs irpyEr tfiem aqy pfrt tfeIm kfimaF Epl`ieMs  dI loV hY| A 1 Party Rentals needs full time and part-time delivery helpers. Driving licence required. Good pay for the right person. Phone: 604-825-0455 vrkrF dI loV qUr kMstRksLn kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh, vDIaf mfhOl, hor jfxkfrI lYx leI sMprk : 604-825-3839 Help Wanted

Ocean Park Restaurant full time kitchen helper/line cook with immediate effect. Must have experience. Only apply in person between 2pm-4pm. Unit #102 – 2596 McMillan Road, Abbotsford, BC. Phone: 604-614-3431.

   

nsLy Cwzx leI jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF

Highland Turf Farm with farms in

Abbotsford and Pitt Meadows Is looking for an experienced truck driver with some forklift experience to deliver turf in the lower mainland area. call 604 830-1634 Should be able to TRUCK speak and understand English. Other tasks are required after driving.

asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF. 50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI) (stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)

20 x 20 df tYNt isrPL $150 df

A child caregiver req

hfeI pIk tYNt, tybl aqy kufull-time rsIaF, position sfAUNz isstm, zFsAbbotsford, PLlor, kuikMg BC. Lang leI pqIly, gYs sto , hItr, & v1-2 years of experie care for lfeItF, eyrIaf rgjL&, Qrms, PUzchildren, pr personal vfrmrjL, bfrbIikAU aqy qMdUr care for c

Person should also m environment. aqy hr iksm df zYkorysLn df smfn Option at no cha jfgo df smfn qswlIbKsL Note: syvfvF This is not iek vfr syvf df mOkf jLrContact: Ur idAu hardee

asIN zYkorysLn vI krdy hF! zYkorysLn df smfn XU. aYsU. eyU. aqy ieMzIaf qoN ilaFdf igaf hY. WE ALSO DO DECORATIONS FOR ALL EVENTS!

zrfeIvr dI loV aYbtsPorz dI trWikMg kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipMn qoN ipMn cWlx leI klfs 1, sLrfb aqy nisLaF qoN rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $6500 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI | 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg | sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)744-9200

trWk zrfeIvrF dI loV


Competitive Rates & Bonuses

Xog vr dI loV jwt isWK, aMimRqDfrI, 24 sflf, 5"4 kwd, sohxI snuwKI, pVHI ilKI (bI aYs sI nrisMg) lVkI leI kYnyzIan istIjn jF iemIgRFt gu r isW K lVky dI lo V hY . ho r jfxkfrI lYx leI sMprk kro: 778-779-2207 PAGE 46

Contact J. Grewal 604.308.2080

hor jfxkfrI leI awj hI PoLn kro:


778.552.3395, 778.552.3396

TRUCK FOR SALE 2009 International Truck with trailers for sale complete with full time work hauling plywood. For more information call: 604.807.6634 2009 ieMtrnYsLnl trwk dy nflL trylrjL syl leI hn ijs dy nflL Pul tfeIm kMm jo plfeIvuwz nUM Zohxf hY vI imlygf. hor jfnkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604- 807- 6634

vDIa a

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting • Plumbing Pu@l rYnovySn h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ pNyitMg plMimMg

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& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash

¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid

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Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties

We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty EsINĂŠs`ryĂŠloErĂŠmynlYNfĂŠEqyĂŠPryzrĂŠvYlIĂŠivcĂŠdoĂŠEqyĂŠiqMnĂŠstorIĂŠ tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr Gr~ĂŠdIĂŠPryimMgĂŠkrdyĂŠh~ grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs s`fyĂŠkIqyĂŠhoeyĂŠkMmĂŠ(PryimMg)ĂŠd`ĂŠirk`rfĂŠs`&ĂŠsuQr`ĂŠhYĂŠEqyĂŠ hmyS`ĂŠpihlIĂŠv`rĂŠp`sĂŠho i eE`ĂŠhY | ĂŠ iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal

Workers Wanted


Specialized In New & Renovation of Older Homes

kfimaF dI loV hY

Jarnail Maan

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Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

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* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

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Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765 PAGE 47

The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, August 4th, 2017

M.J. SIDHU LABOUR CONTRACTORS LTD. M.J. Sidhu Labour Contractors Ltd. nMU Pfrm, nrsrI, aqy grIn hfAUs leI vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY

iml vfsqy vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY

Pfrm vrkrF dI loV hY iksy vI iksm df jMk mUv krvfAux leI aqy ryh zilvr krvfAux leI sMprk kro Residen al & Commercial Junk Removal

nvyN jF purfxy GrF ivwc tfeIlF lgvfAux leI hmysLf Xfd rwKo Tile Installa on


Pfrm ivwc kMm krn vfilaF aqy iml leI vrkrF dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro.

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604-832-1675 604-850-8624

The Patrika

Friday, August 4th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

iqMn bwicaF leI dyK-Bfl krn vflLf cfhIdf hY. ieh Pul tfeIm kMm hY. qnKLfh: $11.50 QF: aYbtsPorz bI sI. BfsLF: aMgRyjLI. loVF: hfeI skUl kIqI hovy aqy 1-2 sfl tryinMg jF anuBv hovy. kMm: bwicaF dI dyK-Bfl kry, Kfxf bxfvy aqy iKlfvy, bwicaF nUM nlLfvy aqy kpVy puafvy. ivakqI sfPL- suQrf, surwiKaq, aqy vDIaf mhOl bxf ky rKy. muPq ivc rihx vflLf QF vI idwqf jf skdf hY jy quhfnUM cfhIdf hovy. not : ieh rujLgfrI dI sLrq nhIN. sMprk kro: / 604.721.5757

Dhaliwal & Sons

Well Pump Installation and Service

5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD





HWY 11



HWY 11




asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

Anand Irrigation


Urgently needs blueberry pickers Clean fields 20 Acres of Duke

ANAND Irrigation


Class 4 Drivers Needed

DflIvfl & snjL Pfrm nUM byrI ipwkrF aqy klfs 4 zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY. ieh sohxf aqy sfPL suQrf 20 eykV df Pfrm 32550 hnitMgtn roz qy hY. kfimaF leI GrylU mhOl hY. byrI ipwkrF nUM 47 sYNt pr pONz dy imlxgy. hor jfxkfrI leI amRIk DflIvfl: 604-313-7848 jF blrfj DflIvfl: 778- 862-2944 nUM sMprk kro.

• Irrigation Installation

ierIgySn ienst`lySn

• Post Pounding

post l`auxy

• Drip and Sprinkler Systems

fir@p Eqy spirMklr

• Ditch Digging and Cleaning

if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

• Farm Drains

Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy

Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 49

The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017

Drinking. Driving. What You Must Know: Part 1 *This is the first in a series of four articles on the laws on driving under the influence in British Columbia.* The lights flash. You know the drill. First the questions. Then the instructions on exhaling into a breathalyzer device. “Fail”. What’s next? There are two avenues in British Columbia: The Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) and the Criminal Code. The MVA regulates drivers and licensing in B.C. It has a set of rules and consequences for those who drive while under the influence of alcohol. You have seen the MVA in action if you’re familiar with the three-, seven-, 30- and 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions.

An MVA charge affects your ability to lawfully drive. Eventually you could lose your license. But because it is under the provincial laws, you do not have the specter of a criminal charge, and the shadow of a criminal record, to worry about. But, yes, you guessed it, that is not always accurate. The Criminal Code looms over any driving-under-the-influence matters. It’s laws on this matter forms a complementary panel of provisions that have been deployed and refined for decades. It is one of the most widely-used Criminal Code laws. And you can concurrently face actions under the MVA and the Criminal Code. What could be a mistake in an otherwise stellar driving record could lead to a protracted, expensive driving prohibition and a criminal record.

This raises a host of questions. Are all charges of driving under the influence treated the same? How can you appeal an MVA charge? What are your chances? And what penalties will you face if you’re unsuccessful? What about the potential criminal charges. What are the laws? When and how do they apply? What are the consequences if convicted? Can you face actions under both the Criminal Code and the MVA? And, will you have a criminal record, or is it possible to avoid one? This series of articles hopes to illuminate the process of how the laws apply to driving-under-the-influence cases and the repercussions. The next article discusses the actions under the MVA. And you will see just how expensive it can be.

Patrika Media is pleased to present Jon Singh as a legal affairs contributor. He practices as a barrister and solicitor in Surrey and is a graduate of UBC Law School.

Ken Herar's Column: Controversial death in Seattle remembered


ixty years later and mystery still surrounds the case of Mission man’s death

“It’s murder!” The words of Helen Grewall were echoed by many friends of her late husband – former Mission Mayor Naranjan Grewall – after his suspicious death in a Seattle hotel in the summer of 1957. Naranjan Grewall was a leader and pioneer who was truly ahead of his time. He became the first “Hindu” (the colloquial term for South Asians at the time) elected to any political position in Canada when he was voted in as a member of the Mission city council in 1950. Later, he would top this feat by becoming mayor in 1954. Always known for never shying away from any battle, Grewall’s legendary dust-up with then Premier W.A.C. Bennett at the Mission Legion in 1956 was the culmination of a battle for the “little guy” that Grewall had fought for all his life. Not only was Bennett caught flatfooted and speechless at the audaciousness of Grewall’s fearless foray into a Social Credit rally, Grewall so turned the tide of opinion that Bennett had to be escorted by the Mounties out of town.


Grewall’s run for a seat in the BC Legislature as a member of the CCF came as no surprise to anyone. He was first and foremost a man of the people. He saw the way the forest industry was being monopolized by large companies with what seemed to be too-close ties with government. His testimony at the Royal Commission on Forest Resources in 1955, where he compared the new system of forest licences to the feudal system that he had left behind in India 30 years previously, certainly fanned the flames of “The War in the Woods.” Although he lost the election in a close battle, Grewall was later proved correct when then Forest Minister Robert Sommers was forced to resign over allegations of corruption in the granting of some of those same licences. Sommers was convicted of accepting bribes two years later and sentenced to a term of imprisonment for five years. Needless to say, Naranjan Grewall was a polarizing figure. He was a wealthy man who gave freely and generously to worthy causes yet fought against

many of the practices that were responsible for the wealth of many of the businessmen with whom he rubbed shoulders every day. He was well respected in the community of Mission and beyond – yet there were 14 suspicious fires in sawmills he was part owner of and his own house was set ablaze by an unknown arsonist. His wife was well aware of the dangers he faced although he kept to himself his suspicions as to who was behind the threats. True to his selfreliant and honourable reputation, he refused to name anyone or make any official complaints without proof. Naranjan Grewall’s death, which occurred on a business trip to Seattle, was officially labeled a suicide. Some of his close friends went to Seattle to try to make sense of the tragedy. What they discovered only raised more questions and indicated that the police investigation was certainly very limited in scope.

There were reports of a loud quarrel in his room at the Star Motel and later that same night he moved to a different motel. There was alcohol found in the same room as his body and Grewall was never known to drink, yet the police insist that he was alone in the room at all times. Why would a man who was going to end his life call his daughter and tell her that he had arrived safely in Seattle and everything was going well? The Spanish-made .32 automatic pistol was found clutched in his right hand. Although not unheard of, police statistics show that fewer than one-quarter of people who shoot themselves while standing are still holding the firearm after they fall. Further to this, Naranjan’s wife claimed her husband had a fear of guns and would not have had one in his possession for any reason. This month marks the 60th year of Naranjan Grewall’s death. Although we will probably never know the truth of what happened that fateful night, we do know that the courage, honesty, and indomitable will of this one man helped guide Mission along the path to becoming the thriving and diverse community it is now. – You can contact Ken Herar at

Friday, August 4th, 2017

The Patrika 


Nagar Kirtan organised by Guru Nanak Gurudwara Delta-Surrey on July 29th. 2017


The Patrika



Friday, August 4th, 2017


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Friday, August 4th, 2017




Friday, August 4th, 2017

Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034 iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro



2647 Chapman Place

34814 Laburnum Ave Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING


$799,900 elcome home to your picture perfect McMillan home! A top tier location that offers walking distance to all levels of schools, shopping, and rec centre. Also only a few minutes to Hwy 1. The cul de sac setting offers a large private and fenced pie shaped lot that is family friendly. Now for the spotless 5 bedroom 3 bath home that has seen numerous updates and shows perfectly. The main floor features laminate flooring, cozy fam rm with gas f/p and a large deck overlooking the park like b/y. Spacious kitchen with eating area has updated appliances. Large l/r and d/r is a great retreat for the adults.



33912 Andrews Place

35494 Edson Place

Home sweet home! This lovely family home is located just a block from Mission's Heritage Park and offers 4 upstairs bedrooms, 2 baths, a traditional layout, big picture windows for loads of natural light, spacious rooms, lots of storage, a potential for an in-law suite, a workshop, a brand new (huge!) 3095 MCCRAE ST.



SOLD $669,000 Prime location - close to all facilities - schools, shopping recreation, University, Hospital. Large lot for extra parking, RV, and other options. Note the large bedrooms, spacious laundry, and the possibility of 5 bedrooms. This house has been updated and ready for the new owner.



$599,900 Charming East side rancher! Fully renovated rancher on large corner lot in fantastic location. This home has extensive updates including a new kitchen, s/s appliances, large island, dark laminate flooring, new paint, upgraded lighting, custom built electric fireplace and more. Fully covered patio off the great room. Large master bedroom can be converted back into two separate rooms just by putting the wall back up! Great schools nearby including Dr. Thomas Swift, Clayburn Middle and Robert Bateman Secondary as well as Margaret Sternerson for french immersion. Nothing to do here but move right in!

$789,000 Renovated in 2013 to increase the master bedroom that now includes an 8'2x6'10 walk in closet and a 3 piece en-suite. Open concept kitchen with a large island and a raised seating bar for 5. Magnificent Rec room featuring a wet bar and dishwasher that is an entertainers delight. Can also be converted to a 1 bedroom suite. High efficiency furnace, on demand hot water, all new vinyl windows,3 year old roof, new gutters and list goes on...

33678 7th Ave








2287 OTTER ST.







Contact me for subdivideable properties 30849 CARDINAL AVE.




W e H a v e Q u a l i fi e d B u y e r s F o r H o m e s


Friday, August 4th, 2017


Little Oak Realty Independently Owned and Operated

โ Top 1% Real Estate Team of Year 2015.. Award Winning" ย ย Davinder Brar-PREC Harpreet Mann-PREC CALL FOR A FREE MARKET 604.302.2222 604.832.8485 EVALUATION NEW LISTING


31362 McConachie PL 34080 Higginson Cr 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, legal bsmt suite, near Fruiticana NEW LISTING


3752 Harwood Cr

4 - 3270 Bluejay St

3 Bedroom on main floor with 2 Bedroom basement suite

6 Bedroom and 3 Bathroom, bsmt suite, near UFV NEW LISTING


2 Storey Townhome with 3 Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. CUSTOM BUILT


30 -31255 Upper Maclure RD

2421 Cresent Way Renovate it or demolish to build dream home

32773 Cowichan Terrace 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms 10680 Sqft lot Near Stadium

31032 Westridge Pl 2224 Broadway St 33341 Whidden Ave Master suite features 6 Bedrooms, 4 3 Bedroom, 2


4 pc ensuite with his

with a beautiful house in Aldergrove

32635 Rossland Pl Great rental property


2 3070 Townline Road

4 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms Very Well desired area of Blue Jay Hills complex

30 Acres Blueberry Farm 2098 Beaver Street 6 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms with 7070 sqft lot size


32054 Scott PL 3 Bedroom home, near schools and shopping center

RENTAL PROPERTY 10 ACRES BIG FOR SALE HOUSE & SHOP NEAR UFV 3 story, 6 bdrm, 6 bath, bsmt suite, recroom, media room, wet bar, 4 bdrms up, big driveway, near University.

Condo Building in Good Condition 6% Return of Investment

103 - 2962 Trethewey

31098 Deertrail Road

Spacious and bright, 2 bedroom, 2 full bath. New floor, new

Great Family Home in desirable area of West

Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented

3 - 3070 Townline Road 4 bedrooms,

3 bathrooms Near Shopping Mall

เจธเจพเจกเฉ เจ เฉ เจคเฉ เจนเจพเจกเฉ เจช เฉ เจชเจฐเจ เฉ เจฒเจ เจ เฉ เจ เจฒเฉ เจซเจพเจ เจก เจ เฉ เจฆเจฆเจพเจฐ เจนเจจเฅค เจนเฉ เจฃเฉ เฉ เฉ เจจ เจ เจฐเฉ เจ เฉ เฅค CALL US TO GET FORECLOSURE/BANK SALE PROPERTIES LIST PAGE R3


Friday, August 4th, 2017

FOR SALE 546 McCallum Road

John Klassen Cell: 604.309.7632 Email: PAGE R4

McCallum Road

- 9.46 acres : 1 acre blueberry, the rest in raspberry - Irrigation system, well & 15hp pump - Frontage McCallum & 30’ access Farmer Rd - Older residence: .Main Fl: one bdrm, bathroom, eating and living area. 2nd Fl: four bedrooms. 34’x70’ Machine Shop. High property, view to South East. Motivated Seller.

Lot 1

Farmer Road

List Price: $ 2,095,000 Little Oak Realty Independently Owned and Operated

Friday, August 4th, 2017




Friday, August 4th, 2017


2790 Allwood Street





• CLOSE to Hospital • 2.5 baths • 3 Bdrm Rancher w/ • Close to Mil Lake & bsmt Oaks Shopping

cre /2 A

• 3 Bdrm Rancher • Full Production • Near Whatcom Rd Berries • Easy access to Hwy 1

res c A .5


• New Listing • Build Your Dream • Sumas Prairie Home • Duke & Elliot Variety • Drip Irreg

565 Marion Road



• 1 Bath • Near Sumas Border • 2 Titles

• Development Potential • 4 Bdrm House

34631 First Avenue

• Development Potential • 6 Bdrm House

• Central Abbotsford • Good Rental Income

2411 Adelaide Street

2994 Eastview Street .........................................$680,000 33727 1st Avenue ...............................................$251,000 307 - 33255 Old Yale Road...............................$248,100 30 - 31235 Upper Maclure ..............................$452,000 res c A .1

cres 62 A


9 Ac 25.3



• 7 Acres Duke • 2 Acres Blue Crop

Exclusive Listing

res c A 82

• Blueberry Farm • 2700+ SF Home

•Matsqui Area

• Duke & Blue Crop

6521 Little Street

cres 10 A


• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area

• Close to UFV

1639 King Cresecent

33860 Hollister Place .........................................$629,900 27181 28B Avenue .............................................$595,000 46199 Third Avenue...........................................$409,900 36421 Florence Drive ........................................$485,000

• New Listing • 2 Houses • Mortgage Helper




F A R M S es Acr 6 1 rox App



• Sub Division Potiential • 3 Bdrm House

2093 Broadway Street





Abbotsford, BC V2T 3R7

•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety

Lot 1 on Glenmore Road

• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show

28028 Layman Avenue ................................. $1,400,000 6113 Beharrell Road ...................................... $1,374,900 7.09 Acres Lot B Haverman ......................... $1,298,900 5111 Tolmie Road ........................................... $1,149,900

• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

430 Bowman Road


4627 Dixon Raod ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road.........................................$874,700 39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000 5270 Bradner Road ........................................ $1,048,900


Friday, August 4th, 2017

Davesher Harmesh Davesher Rupinder Personal Real Estate Corporation Realtor



FREE Market Evaluation




Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes 5266

3473 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford


3501 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford


31182 Firhill Drive, Abbotsford

32660 Esquimalt Terrace, Abbotsford

OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 2:00 - 4:00 3965 SF Home/West Abby

OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 2:00 - 4:00 3887 SF Home/West Abby

OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 12:00 - 2:00 6 Bdrm Home/West Abby!

OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 2 bdrm Legal Suite, Abby


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8835 Wooler Terrace, Mission






2 bdrm legal suite/Mission 3,426 sq ft home on 6,170 sq ft lot. Main features kitchen, familly rm, living rm, dining rm & 3 bdrms. Below has rec rm, ikitchen, living rm, laundry & 3 bdrms. Don’t miss out on this home.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


27964 Ledunne Avenue, Abbotsford



2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hiway #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.


27665 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford





Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


#71 20118 Beacon Road, Hope

Beautiful 3745 sq ft 2 storey home w/ fully finished bsmnt. 6 large bdrms, 5 full washrooms. Close to all levels of schools, High St. Mall, churches & highway #1. High ceilings, open floor plan.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


#37 20118 Beacon Road, Hope


3 bdrm home with open living room, kitchen and den, double garage. Near the shopping mall, rec centre and rotary stadium.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


2552 Caboose Place, Abbotsford




OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1:00 - 4:00 Area of new Homes/Abby

Beautiful home on 2150 sq ft lot. 3 bdrm home, 2 full baths. Open living rm, huge dining rm. Close to High Street Mall, U.S. Border, easy access to Hwy #1. New floors, plumbing, paint & lots more. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.


2582 Caboose Place, Abbotsford







Under Construction in Hope






1448 sq ft Rancher in Hope

Don’t miss out, 1349 sq ft rancher w/4,391 sq ft lot. Main has kitchen, nook, master bdrm, den, 2nd bdrm & laundry Lots of natural light w/big back yard. Gated Community.

Two bdrms plus den rancher w/open concept floor plan w/great room. 9’ ceilings. Double garage & fully landscaped yard. Strata fee only $25/m!! Call NOW!!

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


31291 Wagner Place, Abbotsford



2074 Dolphin Crescent, Abbotsford


Station Road Area/Abby! 3861 sq ft home on 5813 sq ft south facing lot. 8 bdrms, 6 baths, 2 gas f/p, 2 kitchens on main & 1 kitchen in bsmnt. 2 laundries. Upgraded LED lights and spanish crystal chandelier!!

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Building / Development 5234

2 bdrm legal suite/Abby! 4,000 sq ft home. Main has kitchen & spice kitchen, liv rm, din rm & family rm. Upstairs has 4 bdrms & 3 baths. 2 bdrm legal suite and separate media rm & bar for owner use down!! Great location!

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Prime Location, Abby

4 bdrms/West Abby!

3971 sq ft home!! Lot size 5813 sq ft. Near Hiway #1 & Fraser Hiway & shopping centers. Main has kitch, spice kitch, living rm & family rm. Up has 3 spacious bdrms. Finished basement w/rec rm, theatre rm.

4,500 sq ft home. Main has open kitchen, spice kitchen, den, family rm & liv rm. Bsmnt has 4 bdrms. Walking distance from rec center and schools!! Close to hi-way #1 & High Street Mall.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


3178 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford



32095 Rogers Avenue, Abbotsford


Close to Abbotsford Hospital!

Quiet neighbourhood, great location. 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down. Open floor plan. Private backyard. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

MISSION 10 Acre Building Site! 10394 Stave Lake Privacy among the hills and mature forests. Large level building site. Septic and well in place. Build your dream home. (Owner can build for you!!) 10 minutes drive from West Coast Express. $599,000



27928 Conductor Drive, Abbotsford



PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT OF YOUR RENTAL PROPERTIES For information please call our Property Management Division


Abbotsford West

Basement entry, custom built home in new subdivision. Open floor plan, family rm & huge kitchen, 2 full washrms on main & 2 full washrms in basement. Close to shopping & easy access to HWY #1.

Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


Fairfield area Abbotsford!

Walking distance to Rotary Stadium. All levels of school. Legal suite. Quiet, desirable area. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


New Home in Abbotsford!!

2 storey home with detached garage, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Great neighbourhood, easy access to shops, U.S. border and Hi-way #1 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


4 building lots. Beautiful Hatzic Ridge Estates #5, 13, 24, 25 34854 Ferndale Ave, Mission Gated quality controlled sub-division. Bring your fussiest buyers. The “Eagle Mountain” of Mission. $549,000 each

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831




Friday, August 4th, 2017

Friday, August 4th, 2017




Friday, August 4th, 2017

Jasbir Banwait


Manbir Banwait


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Friday, August 4th, 2017

Rajinder Dhutti





32030 Fir Ave

32462 Hillcrest Ave

31362 McConachie Pl

3313 Blue Jay St

33188 Westbury Ave

Rookie of the YEAR

Personal Real Estate Corporation

pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:



Investors Alert! Rancher with basement on a huge 8500 plus sq ft lot. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, laundry room, rec room.

Centrally located Split Entry home sitting on 8,000 plus sq ft Corner Lot!!! This home features 5 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living area, spacious kitchen, dining, family room walkout basement











2298 Cameron Cr

2826 Clearbrook Road

3803 Chadsey Cre

31030 Heron Ave

33837 Mayfair Ave

33853 Mayfair Ave

33245 Alta Ave

225 2233 Mckenzie Rd

SOLD 2 Storey w/ basement home with a Legal Suite in East Abbotsford. Main oor features living room, kitchen with granite counter tops and lots of storage, spice kitchen, dining area


Investors Alert! 5400 sq ft at lot in a Central location. Priced to sell. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, public transit and easy access to freeway. Hurry!!!


Great Location! Split entry home on a 7950 sq ft plus lot in a central location. This home has 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, nice backyard, huge sundeck, renovated kitchen, rec room, big living area & much more. There are few updates in the house like newer paint, some new flooring in bedrooms, kitchen cabinets/counters & some new doors.



407 - 31831 Peardonville Road

31011 Gardner Ave

2208-2210 BEAVER ST

SOLD West Point Villa! This top fl o o r u n i t f e a t u r e s 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living area, kitchen and laundry. Well maintained complex. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, parks &

Location! Location! A cute basement entry home on a corner lot & cul-de-sac location. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, fenced backyard, double garage and much more. Some of the updates inculde high end appliances in main kitchen, new kitchen cabinets, newer paint, new vanities in bathrooms,


SOLD A wonderful revenue generating property sitting on a huge flat 10,500 sq ft corner lot. Each side features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard for entertainment.


Nicely renovated 2 Storey w/bsmt home with a unique layout in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms, sunken living room, dining, kitchen, family room, den, rec room, fenced yard with parking at front & back and much more. Some of the updates are- newer hotwater tank, furnace, roof, windows, rugs, flooring, appliances

Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.






#35- 30748 Cardinal Ave

2868 Gardner Pl



27575 32nd Ave Aldegrove Langley

Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.





2 Storey w/ basement home in a Great Location! This home features 5 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms with an en suite in the master. Big lot backing onto creek and steps to Mill Lake Park. This home needs TLC. Total 4 baths but there are some more rooms which contain additional en suite facilities. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, mall, public transit & much more.

241 27411 28 Ave


Corner Unit. Huge backyard. 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS Den. Modern Concept, Open Kitchen Layout, Granite Counter Tops & Stainless Steel Appliances.


4 Level split home 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms living room family room rec room

cul de sac and much more


Location! Location! 1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! A cute Rancher w/basement style home on 7300 sq ft lot in a quiet cul de sac. One of the best neighborhoods to raise your kids. Some other features - . Renovated open layout kitchen with lots of cabinets & slate ooring, good size bedrooms, cozy living room, solid built sundeck just off from dining, good size rec room in the basement.


Solid Rancher with basement style home in a quiet neighborhood. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms & a private backyard. Main floor features - 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, good size living room, formal dining, cozy family room, open kitchen layout with stainless steel appliances & laundry room. Basement has 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms & a rec room with separate with separate entrance.


Well kept & renovated split entry home sitting on 8300+ sq ft lot in Aldergrove. This home features 4 bedrooms. baths with an en suite in masterMain floor has a bright & spacious living room, big kitchen, 3 bedrooms/1.5 baths, dining area & a nice sundeck for entertainment. Basement has a huge rec room, bedroom (can be used as an office), full bath, laundry & storage area.

Your home search stops here! Basement entry home with a Legal Suite on a quiet street near cul-de-sac. Good neighborhood to raise your kids. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, backyard


305 - 33960 Old Yale


2 bedrooms,2 bathrooms. 853 sqft. Only 10 years old. Rentals Allowed.



Basement Entry home in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living room, kitchen, bright family room, good size rec room, laundry room, double garage

Only 3 years oldCustom Built Quality Home in a central location. This home features 7 bedrooms/8 bathrooms, Legal Suite, nice backyard & tons of parking. Main oor features huge living area,











2805 Countess Cres.


First time buyers & Investors ALERT! West Abby Rancher with basement. 8050 Sq. Ft. Lot $549,700






4 - 30748 CARDINAL AVE





31934 Peardonville Road 111 33255 Old Yale Road



SOLD NEW LISTING 3419 Clearbrook Rd






32627 Chehalis Drive


15 - 31600 OLD YALE RD






1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! Rancher/ Bungalow sitting on a 6,450 plus sq ft at lot. This home features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining, laundry room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. This is a good starter home, a good retirement home, a good rental home and a good holding property.

Executive Custom Built Home in a secure gated community. Come & feel the warmth & charm in this 3 storey home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home has an excellent nishing throughout & features 7 bedrooms/4 bathrooms & a nice backyard with good size sundeck for entertainment. Main oor features huge living room.

Your home search stops here! Custom built Basement Entry home with a Legal Suite in a good neighborhood. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms which includes 2 Master bedrooms on the Main oor with ensuite in both, huge living room w/ replace, dining area, kitchen, nook, family room w/ replace, big sunny sundeck for entertainment, double door. open entrance, walk out Legal




Friday, August 4th, 2017

Tips to protect your home from water damage (NC) Did you know that water is the leading cause of home damage in most provinces? Just this past May, communities across the country had to cope with flooding as heavy rainfalls hit various regions over many days. What can you do to protect your home? Here, Marc Barbeau, property claims manager of Intact Insurance shares his top four tips: 1. Water-resistant dĂŠcor. The next time you're renovating your home, explore installing cement board instead of drywall in your basement. It's typically used in showers and tubs and is less likely to absorb water. Cement boards are extremely moisture resistant and dry quickly when wet. For base moulding, consider a formed, paintable plastic material instead of wood. This way, even if water gets in, your home may be able to withstand excess water and mould damage.

Arjun Kapoor 778.240.6163

2. Install backflow valves and sump pumps. A sump pump may help keep your basement safe and dry by collecting and disposing the water from your home. Already have a sump pump? Think about adding battery backup for times where the power is out. 3. Consider overland flood insurance. It's estimated that only 10 to 15 per cent of Canadians have insurance for overland flooding. New insurance products can help cover this. For example, Intact Insurance's enhanced water damage package consists of up to four components: sewer back-up, water and sewer lines, overland water and ground water. It's best that you talk to a broker to ensure you're getting the coverage you need. 4. Keep valuable items on higher floors. Store sentimental and valuable items on the upper floors of your home, away from the basement as many of these items may never be replaced if your basement floods.

Rupinder AZAD& Associates 604-825-4321

koeI vI Gr, pRfprtI jF ibjins KRIdxf jF vycxf hovy qF ieh iewk bhuq hI smJdfrI vflf PYslf huMdf hY. aijhy mOky leI asIN quhfzI mwdd leI hfjLr hF. iewk vfrI jLrUr imlo jF Pon kro!

Little Oak Realty


Independently Owned and Operated

Thinking of buying or selling real estate ? Call me Today! iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI iewk vfr jrUUr arjun kpUr nflL sMprk kro PAGE R12

FOR SALE Indian Sweet Shop and Restaurant Established business. Turn Key operation! All equipment included in price. Low rent and low overhead expenses. Good cash flow business for the right minded. For further inquiry contact Rupinder Azad.

Price Reduced: $109,900

SPACE FOR LEASE Office/Retail 1540 sqft on 2 Floors (Main + Basement) In Cedar Park (Newer Complex)

SPACE FOR LEASE 3300 sqft - All on one floor with reception area infront. Back-Lane Access 4 or 5 offices, 3 bathrooms, Kitchen area, Board Room etc. A nice set up for any professional business. Downtown Abbotsford Location. For Inquiry or Viewing Call: Rupinder Azad 604-825-4321 or Email.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.