WEEKLY Friday, September 1st, 2017 Vol. 21, No.47
PrI ieMtrprfeIjL duafrf kIqf srvya ieh ivKfAuNdf hY ik mfeIkl zI jONg jOn hOrgn iKlfP eIlYksLn ijwqx leI sB qoN vDIaf AumIdvfr hn. ieh srvya mynstrIt rIsrc duafrf kIqf igaf hY ijs ivwc 2,050 bI sI ivwc rihx vfly lokF ny Bfg ilaf. A new survey commissioned by Free Enterprise B.C. shows that Michael de Jong is best positioned to win an election campaign against John Horgan. The survey of 2,050 British Columbians, conducted by Mainstreet Research, has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.18 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. “We conducted this survey to see who would be best leader to bring Free Enterprise back to British Columbia, said Markus T. Delves, spokesperson for Free Enterprise B.C. “If British Columbians could vote, Mike de Jong would win the BC Liberal Leadership Race,” said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research in his written conclusion. “De Jong performs better on the ballot due to his performance in the lower mainland. He outperforms the generic ballot and is the only candidate that was tested who outpolled John Horgan.” “British Columbians would prefer De Jong as BC Liberal Leader, think he would make the best opposition leader and that he would fare best in a general election “ said Maggi. “Given the poll results we would strongly encourage Mike de Jong to run for leader. BC needs a Premier that will be focused on economic growth. Given his track record of fiscal stewardship, including 5 balanced budgets, the fastest growing economy and lowest unemployment rates in Canada Mike De Jong can be that leader,” finished Delves.
Michael De Jong, MLA - Abbotsford West.
Free Enterprise BC exists to promote public policy and advocate on issues that support free enterprise values and the development of a strong, sustainable and socially responsible economy.
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The Patrika
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Friday, September 1st, 2017
qusI afpxI ijLMdgI aYbtsPorz ivwc ikvyN bqIq kr rhy ho? sFnMU afpxI soc bfry dwso aqy sfzI nvyN pRogrfmF aqy nvIaF shUlqF bnfAux ivwc mdd kro.
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Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
ivwidaf aqy mnuwK df irsLqf vI alOikk hY. sMsfr Br dy bMidaF ny afpo afpxy dysLF ivwc afpo afpxI bolI, bolxI sLurU kiqI qy iPr aglI kfZ jo kwZI Auh bhuq hI kImqI hY, Auh hY ilwpIaF df psfr. hr bolI leI vwK vwK ilwpIaF Xojnf bwD kIqIaF ijnHF rfhIN iksy bolI dI hr afvfjL nUM iliKaf jf sky. aMgryjLI ivwc 26 awKrF qoN hI sfrIaF afvfjLF bulfeIaF qy pMjfbI ivwc 35+6 awKrF qoN. ienHF ilwpIaF qoN iPr pVHfeI dI sLurUafq hoeI. hr dysL ivwc bwicaF nUM pVHn pOx leI AunHF ivclI soJI nUM muwK rwKidaF Aumr dI ryKf imQI geI. kYnyzf ivwc hux skUl KuwlHx vflLy hn. bwicaF nUM bVf hI cfa hY qy mfipaF nUM vI. iksy bwcy ny pihlI vfr dfKl hoxf hY qy iksy ny pfs ho ky aglI klfs ivwc dfKlf lYxf hY. lMmIaF CuwtIaF ivwc bwcy Gr rih ky pUry awky pey hn, ikAuNik eyQy nf nfnkIN, nf BUaf dy qy nf mfsI dy jf ky rihx df isstm hY, ies leI bwcy GrF dIaF kMDF ivwc rih ky awky pey hn qy AuzIk rhy hn ik skUl KuwlHx qF Auh afpxy jmfqIaF nflL qy dosqF nflL imlL ky KusLIaF mfnx. keI bwicaF df tIcrF nflL mfipaF qoN vI vwK ipafr hY Auh afpxy siqkfrq tIcrF kolL jfx leI Auqfvly hn. kYnyzf ivwc bwcy nUM pVHn pfAux leI Aumr pMj sfl hY pr keI QfeIN iewk kmrf skUilMg vfilLaF ny Strong future dy nF dy skUl vI KolHy hoey hn ijwQy iqMn ku sfl dy bwicaF nUM dfKl kr ilaf jFdf hY qy AunHF nUM AuWTxf bYTxf, dUijaF ivwc rihxf, KylHxf mwlHxf, qy QoVHf ilKxf pVHnf vI isKfieaf jFdf hY iPr pMj sfl df hox qy aYlImYNtrI skUlF jF prfeIvyt skUlF ivwc dfKl krfieaf jFdf hY. bwicaF dI ijLMdgI ivwc pihlI qbdIlI afAuNdI hY jdoN Auh storF ivwc jf ky bYg, lMc bYg, kfpIaF, pYnislF, rbVF, kfiedy qy ikqfbF KrId ky, pfVHI jF pfVHf, bx ky KusL KusL skUl jFdf hY, do cfr idn ivwc hI Auh ijwQy afpxy mrjLI dy bwicaF nUM dosq bxfAuNdf hY, EQy pVHn dy nflL nflL anusfsLn ivwc rihxf vI iswK lYNdf hY. keI mfpy vI bwicaF dy lMmIaF CuwtIaF Gry rihx qoN awky hoey huMdy hn. keI GrF ivwc bjLurg mfpy nhIN huMdy, mMmI zYzI ny kMm qy jfxf huMdf hY, EdoN bwcy vI qMg huMdy ny qy mMmI zYzI vI cfhuMdy huMdy ny ik bwcy skUl jfxf sLurU krn qF Auh by-iPkrI nflL afpxy kMm qy jfx. kYnyzf ivwc srkfrI nIqI hY ik ijhVf bwcf eyQy vs irhY Aus nUM 12 klfsF qwk pVHnf jLrUrI hY. ies nIqI df hI rMg hY ik eyQy pVHdy pVHdy hI kMm dy mOky imlidaF kMm krnf iswK lYNdy hn qy kMm krnf afdq vI bxf lYNdy hn. bfrF qwk dI pVHfeI ivwc KLfs skImF qihq bwicaF dI rucI anusfr AunHF nUM AucyrI ivwidaf ivwc jfx leI ivsLy dI hdfieq vI imlL jFdI hY ik Auh ikhVy PIlz `c ijLafdf kfmXfb rhy gf qy nflL PAGE 4
hI srkfrI Xojnf anusfr AucyrI ivwidaf dIaF PIsF leI keI iksm dIaF hYlp skImF AuplBd hn. pVHn leI bhuq hI pwDry rfh hn, tfeIm anusfr jF hflfqF anusfr pVHn df lfhf ilaf jf skdY, qy pVHn leI Aumr sImf koeI nhIN hY, cfhy qusIN sO sfl dy ho, qusIN dfKlf lY ky pVH skdy ho. Kfs gwl hY ik srkfrI skUlF ivwc PIsF nhIN hn, bws srivs df Krcf hI ilaf jFdf hY pr prfeIvyt skUlF ivwc PIsF hn, hom vrk cYikMg vI hY vwK vwK DrmF dI iswiKaf vI AuplBd hY. ivwidaf dy imafr ivwc vI Prk huMdY. hr klfs `coN pfs hox leI pMj pwDr rwKy hoey hn, ijvyN: gryz A=86% aqy ies qoN AuWpr gryz B=75% qoN 85% gryz C=63% qoN 74% gryz E=50% qoN 62% gryz F=50% qoN Qwly cOQI qwk iksy nUM vI PylH nhIN kIqf jFdf. pr prfeIvyt skUl imafr qoN Qwly rhy ividafrQI nUM PylH krdy hn. bfrHvIN qoN bfad bVy hI Kyqr hn ijvyN aYjUkysLn-mYzIkl, ieMjnIairMg, imltrI, pulIs, kMstRksLn, kfnUMn, isafsq afid, bwcy nUM Xogqf anusfr jfx leI aiDafpk nyk slfh idMdy hn. KLfs gwl hY ik eyQy anpVH koeI nhIN huMdf, loV ijMnI ivwidaf hr iewk kolL huMdI hY qy Auh Audr pUrqI dy Xog huMdf hY. awj kwl hr sLihr dy storF ivwc bwcy aqy mfpy KusL KusL sOdy KrIddy njLrI pYNdy hn, koeI bYg lY irhY qy koeI lMc pYk lY irhY. pMjfbI sfihq ivwc bwicaF vFg afpxI soc bxfAuNidaF bwicaF qy ilKdy af rhy iewk mhfn kvI dy gIq dy kuwJ bol ilK rhy hF, Auh mhF kvI hn s: BuipMdr isMG pMCI. lE dyKo ienHF df ipafrf gIq: “ijLMdgI df bxdf afDfr bsqf jIvn df bxdf Ausfr bsqf pVH pVH, bwicE sr kro mMijLlF sfiraF df hY siqkfr bsqf sfrIaF burfeIaF ies kwZ dyxIaF mfVIaF gwlF leI qlvfr bsqf.” eysy hI ivsLy nUM asIN eydF vI kih skdy hF: “ivwidaf huMdI hY awK qIsrI kih rhy swjx isafxy ieh huMdf hY inafrf gihxf jy koeI ies nUM mfxy hr iewk kdm eys df mMijLl lfeI jfey itkfxy hr Kyqr qy hr kfrj dI pUrI nbjL pCfxy ivwidaf pVH bxdy ivdvfn sLKLsIaq jfvy siqkfrI afE bwicE dwb ky pVHIey bxIeyN AuWc aiDkfrI DMnvfd sihq, sMpfdkI mMzl.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
lok gIqfˆ df ivlwKx rUp ‘bflo mfhIaf` sqnfm isMG kYˆQ pMjfbI lok gIqfˆ dy keI rUp pRcwilq rhy qfˆ mfhIey qoN Bfv Aus pRymI qoN hY jo afpxI hn. AunHfˆ ivwcoN keI rUp qfˆ afpxI hoNd bflo nUM hfsl krn leI rfˆJy vfˆg mwJIafˆ gvf cuwky hn, pr keIafˆ df vjUd ajy vI cfrn nUM vI iqafr hY. ies kfiv-rUp df kfiem hY. aijhy hI kfiv rUpfˆ ivwcoN iewk nfˆ ‘mfhIaf` ies krky iËafdf pRcwilq ho pRcwilq rUp “bflo mfhIaf” hY. mfhIaf, igaf ikAuNik ies ivwc mfhIaf Èbd dI twpf, bflo afid ies dy hor vwKo-vwK vrqoN bfr-bfr kIqI jfˆdI hY. pRcwilq nfˆ hn. ies kfiv rUp df sB qoN pRcwilq aqy svIikRq nfˆ ‘mfhIaf` mMinaf ‘mfhIey` dy keI twipafˆ ivwc pihlI sqr igaf hY. awjkwlH Bfvyˆ ies dI lokipRXqf df dUjI sqr nfl koeI sbMD nhIN huMdf. AuWnHI nhIN rhI ijMnI pMj- Cy dhfky pihlfˆ aijhy twipafˆ ivwc pihlI sqr Bfvyˆ ies huMdI sI, pr iPr vI lok gIqfˆ ivwcoN ies nUM nUM lYabwD krn leI hI isrjI jfˆdI hY iPr Èfh-svfr lok kfiv rUp mMinaf jfˆdf hY. vI ieh twpy df sfriQk aqy atuwt aMg huMdI hY. twipafˆ ivwc suhj pYdf krn leI ‘bflo mfhIaf` rUp jfˆ bxqr pwKoN bhuq hI jfˆ pRBfv gihrf krn leI twpy dy pihly Cotf kfiv rUp hY. ieh do crnfˆ jfˆ sqrfˆ crn qoN ibnfˆ ‘mfhIaf` sfDfrn ibafn df kfiv rUp hY. ies dI pihlI sqr bhuq rih jfˆdf hY. ies ivwc kfivk Jlk pihly CotI huMdI hY jdoN ik dUjI sqr pihlI crn krky hI bxdI hY ijvyˆ : nfloN duwgxI huMdI hY jfˆ Aus qoN vwzI huMdI sVky `qy irVH vwitaf. hY ijvy:do pwqr anfrfˆ dy,
ijnHfˆ XfrI nf lfeI,
sfzI glI lMG mfhIaf,
AunHfˆ dunIafˆ qoN kI Kwitaf.
duwK tuwtx ibmfrfˆ dy.
mfhIaf lok gIq rUp hY, ies leI ies nUM gfien rUp ivwc suixaf jf skdf hY. ies nUM ivafh vyly ZolkI, prfq, GVf afid lok sfËfˆ nfl gfieaf jfˆdf hY. sMgIq dy mfihrfˆ anusfr mfhIaf phfVI, isMDI, BYrvI, sMprf aqy mfˆzf afid rfgfˆ ivwc gfieaf jfˆdf hY, pr zMgr cfrdy pflI jfˆ gwBrU, iqRMÖx ivwc kwqdIafˆ muitafrfˆ afid ies nUM gfiekI dIafˆ bfrIkIafˆ ivwc jfey ibnfˆ gfAuNdy hn. keI vfrI kuVIafˆ vwloN juwt bxf ky mfhIey gfAux df mukfblf vI kIqf jfˆdf hY. ijhVy juwt kol gfAuNdy-gfAuNdy twpy pihlfˆ muk jfx, Auh hfr jfˆdf hY. iesy qrHfˆ keI vfrI swiBafcfrk smfgmfˆ ivwc muMzf aqy kuVI vfro vfrI ‘bflo mfhIaf` gfAuNdy hn :
vxjfrf bydI anusfr bflo sfˆdlbfr dy ielfky gujrfˆvfly dI iewk muitafr sI ijhVI kÈmIr dy iewk gwBrU muhMmd alI mfhIey nUM ipafr krdI sI. AunHfˆ dohfˆ ny ivafh krfAux df PYslf kr ilaf, pr bflo dy mfpy ies ivafh leI rfËI nf hoey. ies AuprMq muhMmd alI, bflo nUM Bjf ky lY igaf, pr Auh CyqI PiVaf igaf. Aus nUM jylH dI sËf ho geI. ies kfiv- rUp sbMDI iewk dMd-kQf hor vI hY ik bflo qy muhMmd alI kcihrI ivwc ‘mfhIey` dy twipafˆ rfhIN svfl-jvfb krdy sn. ies gwl dIafˆ DuMmfˆ sfry pMjfb ivwc pY geIafˆ. AudoN ies gIq df nfˆ ‘bflo mfhIaf` mÈhUr ho igaf. lok mq anusfr dovfˆ nUM sMgIq nfl bVf moh sI. dovfˆ dI afvfË bVI surIlI qy idlfˆ nUM iKwc pfAux vflI sI. afpxIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ dy ieËhfr leI AunHfˆ ny twipafˆ nUM afDfr bxfieaf. Auh AunHfˆ twipafˆ nUM svflfˆ-jvfbfˆ ivwc gfAuNdy sn:-
gwl kr ky kI lYxf ey, dunIafˆ qoN zr cMn vy, asIN dunIafˆ ivwc rihxf ey.
‘bflo-mfhIaf` muwK qOr `qy ipafr qy ivCoVy df gIq hY. ies df ivÈf-vsqU gwBrU qy muitafr dy ipafr dy afly-duafly hI imwTI imwTI gwl kr jf, GuMmdf rihMdf hY. ies krky ies dI bolI imÈrI dIey zlIey nI. imwTI huMdI hY. iÈkvy- iÈkfieqfˆ, Aulfhmy cVHdy pMjfb ivwc ijvyˆ bolI jfˆ twpy nUM aqy byvPf hox dy Èwk sbMDI Èbd vI lok sfihq ivwc pRDfnqf pRfpq hY, Ausy ipafr dI BfÈf ivwc Aucfry jfˆdy hn. ienHfˆ qrHfˆ lihMdy pMjfb ivwc bflo mfhIaf bVf gIqfˆ ivwc imlfp dI Qfˆ imlx dI iewCf, pRcwilq hY. bolI vfˆg ieh inrf vlvly df aDUrIafˆ swDrfˆ aqy ibrhf vfly ivÈy muwK gIq hY. ies ivwc QoVHy Èbdfˆ rfhIN bhuq rUp ivwc pyÈ huMdy rhy hn. Bfvyˆ ajoky smyˆ kuJ ikhf jfˆdf hY. asl ivwc mfhI Èbd dy ivwc ies dy gfAux dI pRQf lop ho cuwkI hY, afpxy arQ mwJfˆ dy pflI qoN hn, pr jykr pr ies dy bfvjUd bflo mfhIaf lok gIqfˆ ies dy ivksq arQfˆ dI gwl kIqI jfvy dy ivlwKx rUp vjoN svIkfr kIqf igaf hY. lfzfˆ dIey plIey nI.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
For the Record: Animal Cruelty Beyond Comprehension ’m a cat guy. There… I said it. Her name is Schatzi and she’s the little love of my life. Yes, I realize by putting that in print I’m bound to get a pretty good ribbing from those who know me, but that’s okay.
My mom bought her for me in the fall of 2008. I had just ‘parted ways’ with my previous employer – an employment experience that was nothing shy of dreadful, thus causing me to vow to myself that I would never again work for anyone else – and decided I would embarked on establishing my own consulting firm. As such, my mom decided that if I wasn’t going to go to an office each day that I needed some companionship. Of course, it only took a matter of seconds for me to fall in love with this little ball of fur who was only a few weeks old at the time, and since then she’s been my faithful sidekick!
By: Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M.
who cause the needless suffering or death of animals are just horrible human beings.
For The Record…
What prompted this topic was a combination of two key elements. The first, social media. The second, What I have really come to appreciate the recent developments surrounding about Schatzi over the years is just the banning of the grizzly bear trophy how intuitive, loyal and loving she hunt here in British Columbia. is. For those who have been reading Speaking first to social media, there my columns for a while now, you is not a day that goes by where I might remember that in January of fail to come across some absolutely 2016 I had a brain tumour removed. heartbreaking scenes involving During my recovery, Schatzi was animal cruelty. Examples include, astonishing. She followed me from though by no means are limited room-to-room; kept watch by lying to: dog fighting; chicken fighting; in the doorway of my bedroom clubbing of seals; slaughtering of during the day to ensure I wasn’t dolphins and the hunting of whales. disturbed; and slept on my pillow Then, of course, there are the things every night. What’s remarkable that are considered ‘cultural’ such about that is she never used to do as bullfighting or cutting the fins those things before I got ill. Indeed, off sharks for soup. Finally, let’s like most cats, she was always not forget things like horse racing, very independent and would only horse trotting and dog sledding – all ever ‘hang-out’ if she felt like it. of which result in animals regularly However, as I was battling this major suffering serious injuries, often times health crisis she completely changed resulting in them being euthanized. her behaviour and focused all her Of course, these are just the tip of energy on me. the iceberg when it comes to the Given my experiences with Schatzi, well-being of animals. One of my and having been an animal lover my greatest frustrations are animals that entire life, I have never understood are kept in captivity and/or used people who have it in them to cause for entertainment purposes. From the needless suffering or death of rodeos and circuses, to wild animals animals. Indeed, to be very candid, chained-up (and often drugged) so I have always thought that people people can have their picture taken PAGE 6
Friday, September 1st, 2017
with them, to indoor zoos where animals don’t even see the light of day or breathe fresh air, the way we use animals for entertainment purposes really disgusts. The most recent example that has gone viral on social media is a baby dolphin that died after being washed-up on shore and people preventing it from returning to the ocean so they could have their picture taken with it. All I could do is ask myself “what the hell is wrong with these people?”. Turning now to the grizzly bear trophy hunt, I’m just going to cut to the chase and say it – if you’re a trophy hunter of any kind, you are a crappy human being. To go out and hunt an animal for ‘sport’ is
The Patrika
just really pathetic. The only thing worse – that I can think of – are the psychopaths that torture animals for amusement. With all of the above in mind, I will close by stating just two things. First, the banning of the grizzly bear trophy hunt thrills me. Second, I would call on all our elected officials to drastically expand our laws to further punish all those individuals who engage in the needless suffering and death of animals. Our laws and associated penalties are far too lean when it comes to some of these atrocious acts, and we must therefore expand our protection of animals and put more of these individuals in jail, and for greater periods of time!
Teaching children about the refugee crisis through games (NC) Last year, for the first time in the history of the Olympics, 10 refugees competed without a national team – a sombre reminder of the growing global refugee crisis. A black and orange flag was designed for them, a nod to the life jackets so many donned while risking their lives to cross the sea to flee war and in hopes of finding security elsewhere. They also got their own anthem. Why not organize a Refugee Olympic Day this year in your school to teach students about the role Canada can play in helping refugees that arrive here?
• Show on the map which 30 countries are offering resettlement • Talk about how different countries are contributing aid toward the refugee crisis.
By the end of 2015, the number of refugees increased to 21.3 million – Divide students into teams and have almost half of those are women and them compete in various races, children. Canada is taking some, but such as three-legged race and egg we could be doing more. and spoon race. They are numerous ideas for fun competitions like this Te a c h y o u r s t u d e n t s a b o u t online. If there are students who are reaching out to refugees in our refugees, consider asking them to be neighbourhoods, learning about their team leaders in your Olympics. experience and making friends with them. Imagine what it must be like Other activities you can do as part of to flee your home, leaving everything this day of activity and action: behind, then arrive in a country you • Create a map showing where most know nothing about. refugees end up. Currently, 86 per Consult Amnesty’s I Welcome cent are in developing regions. In Refugees campaign at www.amnesty. 2015, least developed countries were ca. hosting 4.2 million refugees, or 26 per cent of the global total. PAGE 7
The Patrika
svfeIn PlU: kfrn, lwCx qy ielfj svfeIn PlU iewk iksm dI vfiers nflL hox vflLI ibmfrI hY ijs df nfm aYc[ ienPlUeyˆjf hY. ies vfiers dI awgy iewk iksm aYc-1 aYn-1 hY jo Kfs svfeIn PlU nflL sbMD rwKdI hY. ‘svfeIn` df Bfv hY sUr aqy ‘PlU` df arQ hY jLukfm qy iKHcvyˆ sfh dy lwCxfˆ nflL idKx vflLI ibmfrI. 20vIN sdI dy sLurUafqI dhfikafˆ ivwc ieh vfiers isrP sUrfˆ ivwc hI sI. 1970 qoN 80 ivwc amrIkf `c hoeIafˆ Kojfˆ ivwc mnuwKfˆ `c ies vfiers dI hoNd imlLI. Aus mOky ies ibmfrI nflL pIVq ivakqIafˆ dI sMiKaf Gwt hox kfrn ies vwl bhuqI gOr nf kIqI geI. 2009 ivwc mYkisko aqy AuWqrI afierlYˆz ivwc ies dI mhfˆmfrI ny ivÈv ishq sMgTn aqy hor keI Koj sMsQfvfˆ df iDafn kyˆidRq kIqf. ies qoN bfad vfiers ivroDI tIkfkrn aqy ies dy ielfj dI Koj Ëor PV geI. 2015 dOrfn Bfrq ivwc svfien PlU dI mhfˆmfrI ny sYˆkVy lokfˆ nUM afpxy pRBfv hyT ilaf. ies dy sB qoN vwD gRsq mrIË gujrfq, idwlI, AuWqr pRdyÈ, mwD pRdyÈ aqy mhfrfÈtr ivwc vyKx nUM imlLy hn. hfl hI ivwc AuWqrI aqy pwCmI Bfrq ivwc ies ibmfrI nflL pIVq keI kys sfhmxy afey hn.
lwCx: vfiers nflL sMprk hox qoN bfad iewk hPqy dy aMdr sLurUafq dy kuJ idnfˆ ivwc buKfr, isr drd, jLukfm, KfˆsI, lgfqfr iCwkfˆ, acfnk kmËorI mihsUs hoxf, glLy ivwc KfrsL rihxI ieiqafid lwCx vyKx nUM imlLdy hn. ies smyˆ dOrfn hI zfktr dI slfh nflL svfeIn PlU dy vfiers dI jfˆc hoxI ËrUrI hY ikAuNik ieh srIr ivwc bhuq qyËI nflL PYldf aqy keI ËrUrI aMgfˆ ijvyˆ PyPVy aqy sfh pRxflI AuWpr kfbU pf lYˆdf hY. qIbrqf nflL PYlx krky nmUnIey dy lwCx vI vyKx nUM imlLdy hn. CfqI ivwc qyË drd, blgm ivwc KUn, srIr df nIlf pYxf afid dy nflL keI pCfx: ivÈv ishq sMgTn ny vfiers mrIËfˆ ivwc acfnk by hoÈI aqy dOry pYx nflL gRsq mrIËfˆ dI pCfx leI AunHfˆ nUM dy lwCx vI vyKx nUM imlLdy hn. srIr ivwc iqMn pRkfr dIafˆ sLRyxIafˆ ivwc vMizaf hY. pfxI dI kmI ho jfˆdI hY ijs df guridafˆ pihlI sLRyxI ivwc Auh ivakqI afAuNdy hn AuWpr burf pRBfv pYˆdf hY. ijhVy hfl hI ivwc ies ibmfrI nflL pIVq mnuwK dy sMprk ivwc afey hn; dUsry ijhVy sfvDfnIafˆ: vfiers nflL hox vflLI koeI mhfˆmfrI vflLy Kyqr df dOrf krky afey hn. vI ibmfrI nUM PYlx qoN rokxf, ies dI ies sLRyxI ivwc Auh mrIË afAuNdy hn ijnHfˆ rokQfm ivwc aihm BUimkf inBfAuNdf hY. ivwc buKfr, acfnk sfh lYx ivwc qklIP, ieh ibmfrI sfh rfhIN PYldI hY. jy qusIN Qkfn aqy kmËorI afid lwCx idKfeI idMdy PlU qoN pIVq ho qfˆ iCwkx jfˆ KMGx vyly hn. ienHfˆ nUM sMBfivq mrIËfˆ dI sLRyxI ivwc rumfl nflL nwk aqy mUMh Zkxf XkInI rwiKaf jfˆdf hY. qIsrI sLRyxI ivwwc AunHfˆ bxfE. iksy vfiers gRsq mrIË nUM imlx mrIËfˆ nUM rwwiKaf jfˆdf hY ijnHfˆ ivwc aYc-1 vyly aYn-95 nfm dy iewk Kfs iksm dy aYn-1 dy puKqf sbUq imlLdy hn. ienHfˆ dI mfsk (nkfb) nflL nwk aqy mUMh ËrUr Zko. afm imlx vflLy mfsk dy mukfbly sMBflL dy Kfs pRbMD kIqy jfˆdy hn. kfrn: ieh vfiers pihlfˆ pihl isrP sUrfˆ ivwc sI. mnuwK dy AunHfˆ ibmfr sUrfˆ dy sMprk ivwc afAux kfrn ies ny mnuwK jfqI `qy afpxf iskMjf kwisaf. hr vfr ËrUrI nhIN ik ieh ibmfrI sUrfˆ dy sMprk ivwc afAux nfl hI hovy. iksy svfeIn PlU nflL gRsq ivakqI dy sMprk ivwc afAux nflL sfh rfhIN ieh bVI qIbrqf nflL PYldI hY. iesy leI mrIË dI ailhdgI bxfeI rwKxf aiq ËrUrI hY. sMGxI afbfdI vflLy Kyqrfˆ aqy Gwt hvfdfr Grfˆ ivwc rihx vflLy pirvfrfˆ ivwc ieh iËafdf PYldf hY.
Friday, September 1st, 2017
zf[ ismrdIp kOr aYn-95 dy surfK kfPI Coty huMdy hn ijnHfˆ ivwcoN vfiers df pfr ho jfxf nfmumikn huMdf hY. mrIË nUM imlx qoN bfad hwQ cMgI qrHfˆ sfP kro. hspqflfˆ, lYborytrIafˆ afid ivwc kMm krdy ivakqIafˆ nUM Kfs sfvDfnI rwKxI cfhIdI hY. hspqflfˆ ivwc alwg qoN svfien PlU vfrz bxfey jfˆdy hn. ies leI Gr ivwc vI mrIË dI bfkI pirvfrk mYˆbrfˆ nflLoN ailhdgI bxfeI rwKxI aiq ËrUrI hY. rokQfm dy ZMg: svfien PlU dy sLurUafqI lwCxfˆ ivwc hI ies dI jfˆc ho jfxf rokQfm nUM kfPI afsfn kr idMdf hY. CfqI df aYksry aqy kuJ Kfs iksm dy KUn aqy nËly dy tYstfˆ ivwc vfiers dI hoNd df jldI pqf lwg jfˆdf hY. EsltfmIivr nfm dI dvfeI ies vfiers nflL lVn ivwc kfPI hwd qwk sPl rhI hY. zfktr dI slfh AuprMq dwsI dvfeI nUM inXimq smyˆ anusfr lE. sfh rfhIN srIr ivwc afksIjn dI pUrqI nf hox sdkf lgfqfr iKHwcvfˆ sfh afAux dI sUrq ivwc hspqfl dfiKl ho ky ielfj krvfAux ivwc guryË nf kro. srIr ivwc hoeI pfxI dI kmI dI pUrqI leI qrl pdfrQfˆ df syvn vDfE. ijafdf qlLIafˆ, KwtIafˆ aqy TMzHIafˆ cIjfˆ qoN pRhyj rwKo. Gr dI aqy afs pfs dI sPfeI df iDafn rwKxf aiq ËrUrI hY.
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
jwtF dy supny vycx vflLy ‘klfkfrF’ dI soc nUM vMgfrdy gIq
svrn pMjfb dI iksfnI dy KudkuÈIafˆ dy rfh pYx `qy lMmy smyˆ qoN roËfnf ibafnI qfainafˆimhixafˆ df islislf jfrI hY, jo pqf nhIN ikMnf icr hor ievyˆ rhy gf? iksfnI msly srkfrfˆ vwloN iekdm hwl kr idwqy jfx, ieh vI ieMnI CyqI sMBv nhIN qy koeI bdlvfˆ ikwqf lwB ky mOq nUM tflx vflLf rfh iksfn apxf lYx, ieh vI sMBv nhIN. iksfn mrn nUM hI sB muÈklfˆ df hwl ikAuN smJx lwgf? isafsI pfrtIafˆ iksfnI bcfAux dI gwl krky Kud ikvyˆ bcdIafˆ rhIafˆ? kudrq dI mfr, krËy, suMgVIafˆ ËmInfˆ aqy vDIafˆ loVfˆ bfbq bhuq sfry svfl sn qy hn, ijnHfˆ nUM ijMnf zUMGfeI nflL ivcfro, mslf Enf gMBIr lwgdf hY. pMjfb dy iksfnfˆ dy bYˆk Kfqy dyK ley jfx qfˆ afriQk KuÈhflI df pqf lwg jfˆdf hY. tYlIivËn nfˆa df zwbf hI aijhf hY, ijhVf iksfnI nUM by hwd KuÈhfl, mnafeIafˆ krn vflf vrg, ÈOk pflx vflLf, mihMgIafˆ gwzIafˆ qy bypRvfh iËMdgI ijAUx vflLf dwsdf hY. iksfn dI gwl kridafˆ tI[vI[ jwtvfd dy rfh `qy qur pYˆdf hY. jwtfˆ nUM tI[vI[ ny aijhy ‘Klnfiek` bxfieaf, ijnHfˆ nUM nf iksy KwbIKfn dI pRvfh sI qy nf hY. jwt jwjfˆ nUM pflLdf hY, jwtfˆ krky kcihrIafˆ cwldIafˆ hn, jwt zI[sI[, zI[aYs[pI[, Qfxydfr sB nUM mUhry lf lYˆdf hY, jwt dI ijhVI kuVI `qy awK af jfvy, Aus nUM ivafh ky Cwzdf hY, jwt cMzIgVH `c PlYt msqIafˆ mfrn leI rwKdf hY, jwt mihMgy qoN mihMgf trYktr lY ky ÈrIk sfVdf hY, jwt vrgI koTI koeI pf nhIN skdf, jwt df iksy nflL pMgf pY jfvy qfˆ gfjr-mUlI vfˆg bMdy JtkfAuNdf hY, vwzy-vwzy bRfˆz jwt dy isr `qy cwldy hn, jwt nUM pVHn dI loV nhIN, ikAuNik Auh KfndfnI amIr hY qy amIrfˆ nUM skUlfˆ-kfljfˆ `c jfx dI loV nhIN qy sB qoN vwzI gwl, jwt srkfrfˆ clfAuNdf hY, bdldf hY aqy Tuwk bxf ky rwKdf hY. jwtfˆ dI aijhI ÈoBq isrP buwDU bksf krdf hY, hor koeI nhIN. kI swcIN jwt ieho ijhf hY? jy pMjfb df jwt eynf amIr hY qfˆ hr roË Pfhf lYx, nihrfˆ `c CflL mfrn, gwzIafˆ Qwly afAux qy spryafˆ pIx vflLf vrg ikhVf hoieaf? Auh pMjfb df hI jwt hY jfˆ iksy hor sUby df? jy hor sUby df hY qfˆ Èfied mflvf pMjfb `coN bfhr ho igaf hovy. pMjfbI gfiekI qy iPlmfˆ df nwby PIsdI ihwsf ËmInI hkIkq qoN Ault hY. iewQy iKafl Au z frIafˆ ivkdIafˆ hn. ijM n f mihMgf iKafl, EnI vwD mÈhUrI qy pYsf. klpnf `qy jI[aYs[tI lfgU nhIN, ies leI klfkfr jo mrËI kih skdy hn, jo mrËI kr skdy hn. kuJ iek iËMmyvfr qy hkIkq smJx vflyL nvyˆ pUr dy muMzy koiÈÈfˆ krdy hn ik swc ibafn kIqf jfvy. bhuqI vfr AunHfˆ dy swc nUM soÈl mIzIaf `qy pRvfn kr ilaf jfˆdf
isMG tihxf hY, pr jdoN gIq dy sMgIq, vIzIE aqy pRcfr `qy lfey pYisafˆ df ds PIsdI ihwsf vI vfps nhIN muVdf qfˆ aglI vfr Auh vI Ausy rvfieqI rfh pY jfˆdy hn? ipCly iek mhIny ivc mYˆ iqMn gIq aijhy suxy hn, ijhVy iksfnfˆ dI asl hkIkq ibafn krdy hn. iqMnfˆ aMdr iksfnI df drd luikaf hoieaf hY. ienHfˆ gIqfˆ nUM pMmI bfeI, gYrI sMDU qy rMmI rMDfvf-ipRMs rMDfvf Brfvfˆ dI joVI ny gfieaf hY. gYrI sMDU nOjvfn pUr df chyqf gfiek hY. gIq ËrIey Aus ny ryafˆ, spryafˆ dI gwl kIqI hY qy jvfn puwq vwloN KudkuÈI df iKafl pflx dI vI, pr Pyr Aus nUM buwZf bfp idsdf hY qy Auh rwsf lY ky Gr vfps prq afAuNdf hY. afKdf hY, ‘mYˆ gIqfˆ vflLf jwt nhIN, Kyqfˆ vflLf hfˆ.` ies gIq nUM irwkI Kfn vwloN iliKaf igaf hY. dUjf gIq rMmI rMDfvf qy ipRMs rMDfvf df hY. jwtfˆ dI asl ibafnI krky AunHfˆ dI pCfx df dfierf viDaf hY aqy siqkfr vI. ijhVy klfkfr afKdy ny ik ‘ijwQy huMdI af pfbMdI hiQafr dI, jwt EQy Pfier krdf`, AunHfˆ `qy vI ivaMg kwisaf igaf hY. muMizafˆ dy rfh `qy qurdIafˆ ijhVIafˆ gfiekfvfˆ ‘bult qfˆ rwiKaf ptfky pfAux nUM` gfAuNdIafˆ hn, AunHfˆ nUM vI swc dwisaf igaf hY. gIq dy bol hn, ‘sfnUM dwisE Ërf ku gfAux vfilLE, Auh jwt ikhVy ipMz rihMdf ey?` qIjf gIq pMmI bfeI df hY. bfeI df gIq afpxy BfeIcfry `qy ktfKÈ qfˆ nhIN, pr jwtfˆ df mnobl vDfAux vflLf ËrUr hY. bfeI nvIN pIVHI nUM smJfAuxI idMdf hY ik jy afpxy bfp, dfdy qy prvfr dy bfkI mYˆbrfˆ dI KyqI kMmfˆ ivc mdd krfeI jfvy qfˆ Krc kuJ hwd qwk Gwt skdf hY. Aus nUM aPsos hY ik nvIN pIVHI nUM PYÈnfˆ ny zMg ky ËmIn nflLoN qoV idwqf. ies gIq nUM rfj kfkVf ny iliKaf hY. Aus dy gIq dy bol hn, ‘krËy `c jfˆdI af iksfnI zuwbdI.` ies qoN pihlfˆ vI keI gIq pMjfb dI asl qsvIr ibafn krdy irlIË hoey hn, ijnHfˆ nUM Gwt huMGfrf imilLaf hY. ieh sB gIq sfnUM afpxy idmfg `qy jMmI DUV JfVn vfsqy pRyrdy hn. klfkfrfˆ dy vwzy ihwsy ny sfzI soc KuMZI krn ivc jo Xogdfn pfieaf hY, Aus dI pVcol krn vfsqy ieh gIq afKdy hn, ieh gIq hlUxdy hn ik gfiek, gIqkfr swc nhIN ibafn rhy, ieh srkfrfˆ vrgy hn, jo isrP sbË bfg idKf rhy hn. aPsos, pMjfbIafˆ df vwzf ihwsf isr vflLf nhIN irhf. awlHV pMjfbI cfˆBlxfˆ jfxdy hn, hkIkq pCfnxI nhIN. ijs idn pMjfbIafˆ nUM afpxy huMdy nuksfn dI smJ af geI, Aus idn nf XBlI mfrkf gIqfˆ dy gfiek lwBx gy qy nf Auh lIzr, ijhVy afm lokfˆ df KUn cUsx qoN ibnfˆ hor kuJ nhIN krdy.
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The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
kI bfzI iblizMg leI styrOiez lYxf TIk hY? sfbkf izptI mYzIkl kimsLnr
ieh hY ik Coty qoN vwzy Èihrfˆ qwk ‘hImYn` bxf dyx dy dfavy krn vflLy ijm qy ksrq isrP iek mhIny ivwc bxfE isks pYk sQfn DVfDV KuwlH rhy hn. pr ieh sB eybs! qusIN bx skdy ho afpxy Èihr dy acfnk nhIN hoieaf hY. jOhn iebRfhm, slmfn Kfn jfˆ arnolz svfrjnygr! ies qrHfˆ dI ieÈiqhfrbfËI, drasl ÈihrI mwDvrgI nOjvfnfˆ leI pRsfr mfiDamfˆ, Kfs krky ieMtrnYt `qy bfzI iblizMg PYÈn df rUp Dfrn kr cuwkI aksr vyKx nUM imlLdI hY. iek Ëmfnf hY. ‘hI-mYn` bxn dI cfhq nUM pUrf krn sI jd bfzI iblizMg hI mYn luwk, isks leI Auh by iJjk aYnfbOilk stIrfiez pYk eybs afid sLugl pwCmI dyÈfˆ aqy (iek rsfiexk dvfeI jo pwiTafˆ nUM sKq pyÈfvr aYQlItfˆ, mfzlfˆ, hIro-hIroienfˆ bxfAuNdI hY) dI vrqoN kr rhy hn. pwCmI qy iKHzfrIafˆ qwk sImq sI pr hux aflm dyÈfˆ ipCoN hux qIjI dunIafˆ dy dyÈfˆ ivwc
vI ieh ruJfn qyËI nflL vD irhf hY. ipwCy ijhy hI ieMglYˆz dI iek gYr srkfrI sMsQf ‘sIafrafeI` ny styrOiez dI vDdI vrqoN bfry iek srvyKx kIqf hY ijs muqfbk ipCly sflfˆ ivwc ies hfnIkfrk zrwg dI vrqoN `c bhuq iËafdf ieËfPf hoieaf hY. iekwly ieMglYˆz ivwc 2010 qoN 2013 drimafn styrOiez vrqx vfilLafˆ dI qdfd `c 645 PIsdI vfDf hoieaf hY. sIafrafeI df kihxf hY ik ieMglYˆz `c krIb 60 hËfr lok bfzI iblizMg leI aYnfbOilk styrOiez dI vrqoN kr rhy hn.
ajIqpfl isMG aYm[zI[
iehI kfrn hY ik
hfnIkfrk zrwg dI KrIdo-ProKq qy ies dI vrqoN nUM kMtrol krn vflLI ‘nyÈn hYlQ aYˆz kyar ‘aYksylYˆs` (aYnafeIsItI) ny ipwCy ijhy styrOiez dI vrqoN bfry hdfieqfˆ jfrI kIqIafˆ hn.
aYnafeIsItI dy aiDkfrI qy zrwg mfihr pRoPYsr mfeIk kylI kihMdy hn, ‘styrOeIz bfry jy Bfrq dI gwl krIey qfˆ iewQy aYnfbOilk ilkstyrOiez dI KrId-ivkrI qoN lY ky ies nUM vrqx afid `qy koeI pfbMdI nhIN hY. nf srkfr qy nf hI iksy hor sMsQf kolL koeI irkfrz hY ik dyÈ `c ikMny lok gYr-ËrUrI ies zrwg dI vrqoN krdy hn. vYsy Coty Èihrfˆ qwk PYl cuwky bfzI iblizMg dy PYÈn nUM vyK ky hflfq df aMdfËf lfieaf jf skdf hY. puxy ishq zrwg dy mfihr zf[ aBY kumfr muqfibk ipCly kuJ sflfˆ `c iPlm qy mnorMjn mIzIaf ivwc srIr dI numfieÈ df irvfj qyËI nflL viDaf hY. ies nflL alVH nOjvfn vwD asr aMdfË huMdy hn. Auh jldI hI- mYn bxn dI cfhq lY ky nyVy dI ijm `c phuMc jfˆdy hn. iËafdfqr ijm `c Xog mfstr qy zfktr nhIN huMdy. nOjvfn zfktrfˆ dI slfh qoN ibnf hI styrOiez dI vrqoN sLurU kr idMdy aqy hOlLI hOlLI ies dy afdI ho jfˆdy hn. ijwQoN qwk styrOiez dI KrId-ivkrI, drfmd-brfmd dy knUMnI pwK dI gwl hY, ies bfry kOmfˆqrI pwDr `qy kOmI mfp-dMz nhIN. kuJ dyÈfˆ `c ies dI byloVI vrqoN `qy pfbMdI lwgI hoeI hY. kuJ dyÈfˆ `c ieh bgYr rok KrIdy-vycy aqy vrqy jf skdy hn. amrIkf, kYnyzf, arjntfeInf, bRfËIl, afstRylIaf, purqgfl vrgy krIb 15 pwCmI dyÈfˆ ny ies `qy sKqI nflL pfbMdI lf rwKI hY. sbMiDq zfktr dI ilKqI slfh ibnf ienHfˆ dyÈfˆ `c styrOiez KrIdy nhIN jf skdy. dunIafˆ dy iËafdfqr dyÈfˆ `c aijhI koeI sKq pfbMdI nhIN hY. sfry dyÈfˆ dIafˆ KHyz sMsQfvfˆ ny iKHzfrIafˆ Aupr styrOiez dI vrqoN `qy sKq pbMdI lf rwKI hY. ies dy bfvjUd hr sfl iKHzfrIafˆ vwloN styrOiez dI vrqoN krn dIafˆ KLbrfˆ afAuNdIafˆ rihMdIafˆ hn.
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
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Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
mfˆtrIal qy Etvf ivwc qUPfn ny mcfeI qbfhI, jn-jIvn Twp 100 sfl purfxy ruwK vI qyË hvf sfhmxy cÈmdId lYËiln jfrj ny dwisaf ik nhIN itk sky, ibjlI splfeI hoeI pRBfivq BfrIafˆ BfrIafˆ cIËfˆ vI hvf dy iqnky vfˆg AuWzIafˆ jf rhIafˆ sn, kfrfˆ vI hvf dy Ëor ikAUibk: dwKxpwCmI ikAUibk ivwc afey awgy itk nhIN sn pf rhIafˆ. ies qrHfˆ df Ëbrdsq qUPfn kfrn 63,000 qoN vI nËfrf pihlfˆ kdy vyKx nUM nhIN imilLaf. vwD Grfˆ dI ibjlI splfeI Twp ho geI. keI lok ies dOrfn ËKmI vI hoey pr mfˆtrIal ivwc qfˆ 100 sfl purfxy ruwK iksy nUM jfnlyvf swtfˆ nhIN lwgIafˆ. ijnHfˆ vI ies qUPfn ny jVHoN puwt idwqy. keI Qfˆvfˆ ielfikafˆ ivwc BfrI nuksfn hoieaf hY AuWqy mlbf izwgx kfrn keI Grfˆ nUM vI puils AunHfˆ Qfvfˆ AuWqy Gr Gr jf ky lokfˆ nuksfn phuMicaf. dI rfËI KuÈI df pqf lY rhI hY. aYnvfiermYt ˆ kYnyzf vwloN ies gwl dI puÈtI kIqI geI hY ik hvf dy hyTfˆ vwl nUM qkVy dbfa kfrn qUPfn dOrfn BfrI nuksfn hoieaf. mfˆtrIal dy nOqry zym zI gRys ielfky ivwc ies df asr sB qoN vwD vyKx nUM imilLaf. hvf dI rPqfr 113 iklomItr pRqI GMty dI gqI qwk phuMc geI. ies rPqfr awgy ibjlI dy KMBy suwky pwqy vfˆg AuWz gey qy ibjlI dIafˆ qfrfˆ tuwt geIafˆ, ruwK vI jVHoNˆ puwty gey.
ies dOrfn 63,000 Grfˆ nUM nuksfn hoieaf hY. Èihr qoN bfhr mfˆtryjI ivwc 29,000 Gr pRBfivq hoey hn, lfryntIanË ivwc 14,000 Grfˆ qy lvl ivwc 5,000 Grfˆ nUM nuksfn phuMicaf hY. Etvf ivwc vI qUPfn ny Èihr nUM Gyr ilaf. iewQy vfvroly afAux dI cyqfvnI vI idwqI geI hY. Etvf ivwc vI qbfhI vflLf mMËr hI nËr afieaf. ruwK iewQy vI jVHfˆ qoN AuWKV gey qy gOlP bfl ijwzy gVy vI izwgy.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Walk for Pluralist India held in Vancouver
Walk for Pluralist India against growing attacks on religious minorities under Modi government was held here on Sunday evening. Organized by the Indians Abroad for Pluralist India (IAPI), the walk started from the Simon Fraser University Harbour Center and went up to the Komagata Maru Memorial. The participants stopped by at the Indian consulate for sloganeering and dropped some flyers at its doorstep. They chanted slogans against Hindutuva terrorism and saffronisation. Later, the march culminated at the Komagata Maru ,memorial where speakers unanimously expressed their concern over attempts to transform India into Hindu theocracy. They also condemned the Khalsa Diwan Society the oldest Sikh body that helped the Komagata Maru passengers and fought against racism and stood for a secular and egalitarian India after the
British left for denying an opportunity to visiting Indian journalist Rana Ayyub to address the congregation. Khalsa Diwan Society had recently denied an opportunity to Ayyub to speak to the congregation citing her “controversial background.” Ayyub has authored a book based on her investigation of complicity of the government in anti Muslim violence in Gujarat when Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of the state. Modi was hosted by the Khalsa Diwan Society in 2015 when he came here as the Prime Minister of India.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
National Trucking Week 2017: Sharing the Cost of Truck Transportation By Louise Yako, President & CEO
September 3 to 9, 2017, National Trucking Week, is a time for the industry to celebrate its workforce and take a brief bow for the efficient and reliable service it provides to everyone who makes a purchase, visits a hospital or clinic, or puts their garbage out weekly at the curb. We all take part in activities that are made possible or easier because of trucking companies and their employees. Despite the hype around automated trucks, the nuts and bolts of this industry haven’t changed much over the years. However, trucking companies are facing ever-increasing costs, which
means even though transportation is a small component of the price of most goods, consumers should expect somewhat higher prices. “Free shipping” is good marketing, but the cost of transportation is buried in the overall price.
1st Mortgages 2nd Mortgages pihlI mOrtgyj CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES dUjI mOrtgyj kMstrwksLn mOrtgyj EQUITY TAKE-OUTS iekuietI tyk afAUt
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
sLok smfcfr duKI ihrdy nfl dwisaf jFdf hY ik sfzy siqkfrXog gurpRqfp isMG bfjvf, ipClf ipMz jMz dsU h f (hu i sL a frpu r ) vfihgurU vwloN bKsLI 50 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky akfl clfxf kr gey hn. Auh afpxy ipwCy mfqf, pqnI aqy do bwcy Cwz gey hn. Auh 27 sfl qoN zYltf ivKy rih rhy sn. AunHF dy pMj BOiqk srIr df aMiqm sMskfr 7410 Hopcott irvr sfeIz iPAUnrl hom zYltf
ivKy 3 sqMbr nUM bfad dupihr 1 vjy pvygf. AuprMq sfihj pfT df Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs dIaf rsmF 120 strIt 72 aYvIinAu `qy siQwq gurduafrf sfihb guriswK tYNpl srI ivKy sMpUrn kIqIaF jfxgIaF. sMprk 604-585-4555
asIN Coty aqy lMby rUtF leI Enr aprytr aqy zrfievr hfier kr rhy hF NEW PAY POLICY
Starting Rate for New Drivers*
Rate for Experienced Drivers*
C E L L : 6 0 4 .8 3 2 .6 3 6 3 PAGE 16
O F F IC E : 6 0 4 .7 4 6 .2 7 7 7
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
“WWE aYbtsPorz ivc vfps af irhf hY”
“srI dy 22 sfl dy muMzy dI mOq gYNg nflL sMbMDq”
vrlz rYsilMg eyNtrtynmYNt WWE dy stfr somvfr akqUbr 16 nUM aYbtsPorz sYNtr vfps af rhy hn. WWE dy stfr jo sLfml hox g,y hn, ijMdr mfhl, isLnsUk nfkfmurf, ey jy stfieljL, kyivn EivnjL aqy hor vzy stfr. ies eIvYNt dIaF itktF $20 qoN sLurU hn aqy ies sLukrvfr svyry 10 vjy nUM syl qy lgxIaF hn. qusIN itktF arInf bOks afiPs jF Pon qoN lY skdy ho. WWE ipCly vfrI PrvrI ivc afieaf sI aqy 4,500 lok sLfml hoey sI. hor jfnkfrI leI abbotsfordcentre.ca qy jfE.
prdIp isMG, 22 sfl df, klovrzyl ivc afpdy zrfeIvy 166 strIt aqy 63B ivc golLI Kf ky miraf ipaf sI. buwDvfr nUM IHIT ny GosLnf kIqI ik puils prdIp nUM jfxdI sI aqy gYNg nflL sMbMDq sI. prdIp zYltf df jMimaf pilaf sI aqy klovrzyl iek sfl pihlF mUv hoieaf sI. mMglvfr qkrIbn rfq dy 9 vjy, RCMP kwTI ho geI sI. iek guaFZI ny ikhf ik Aus nUM keI golLIaF cldIaF suxIaF. klovrzyl dy pfrk kolLy ieh eirIey sLFq huMdf hY pr ieh hux srI dy golLIaF cwlx dy erIey ivc af igaf hY. mMglvfr nUM puils 64 aYvInIAU jo 156 strIt aqy 168 strIt dy ivcflLy hY nUM bMd kIqf igaf sI. buwDvfr vflLy idn strItF KulH cukIaF sn. Aus erIey ivc iek lfeIt rMg dI vYn jFdI idsI sI. Auh kfr afKrI vfr 64 aYvInIAU 166 strIt qoN dyKI geI sI. jy iksy kolLy koeI vI jfnkfrI hY qF srI RCMP: 604-599-0502 jy qusIN aigafq rihnf cfhuMdy ho qF krfeIm stfpr nUM sMprk kro: 1-800-222-TIPS jF www.solvecrime.com
“aYbtsPorz dy pfthol 1000 qoN vD”
TMZy aqy brP Bry isaflL qoN bfad, aYbtsPorz 2017 ivc pfthol BridaF ny ipCly sflF nflLoN vD pYsy KLrcy hn. istI ny 1,108 pfthol 2017 ivc Bry hn. 2016 ivc totl 1,110 pfthol Bry aqy 2015 ivc totl 1,261 pfthol Bry sI. 200 pfthol nflL sMbMDq kys pihly iqMn mhIny ivc af cuwky sn, aprYl aqy meI ivc 100 aqy jUn 1 qoN agsq 24 qk 69 kys afey hn. isaflL dy mhIinaF ivc istI pfthol nUM TIk nhIN kr skI. bsMq ivc istI ny “kolz pficjL” nUM htfieaf aqy sQfeI hft“aOrgYink Kfxy dI dukfn ivc iek miraf kuwqf aqy imks asPflt lfieaf. istI ny 2017 ivc $81 493 pfthol TIk krn qy lfey hn. suwKf stor kIqf hoieaf imilLaf” 2016 ivc ies qrIk qwk AuhnF ny isrP $57 294 lfey aqy 2015 ivc $72 437 PryjLr hYlQ ny bIXONz aOrgYinks, mypl irwj ibjLins, nUM “hfeI” hYjLrz ryitMg idqI sI. 2016 ivc totl $101 200 aqy 2015 ivc totl $110 230 lfey sI. hY. meI 29 nUM ies stor dy bYk afiPs nUM kmrf bxfieaf igaf sI. Kfxy vflLI jgHf aqy istI ny ies sfl pfthol TIk krn leI $148 000 df rihx vflLI jgf alwg hoxI cfhIdI hY. zIAUznI trMk roz ivc bhuq sfrIaF mwKIaF lwBIaF aqy nf mnjLUr sroq qoN Kfxf mMgfieaf sI. mIt vflLIaF cIjLF Auwqy lybl nhIN bjt bxfieaf hY. sn. jfnvrF nUM iblizMg ivc afAuxf mnf hY. iek hor sLkYq imlLI ik kmry ivc kuwqy “nvIN sYvn Eks mfl ivc kFzo” sYvn Eks mfl df nvF mflk kih irhf hY ik Auh rih rhy sn. RCMP vI afeI ikAuNik stor ivc suKf vI sI. jUn 6 nUM jdoN ienspYksLn sYvn Eks jfiedfd qy kFzo aqy hor iblizMg bxfvy gf pr mfl cflU rhy gf. PrvrI hoeI qF miraf kuwqf hjy vI PrIjLr ivc ipaf sI, bYwk rUm hjy vI bYwzrUm sI, aqy mIt ivc mfl $214 mIlIn zflr leI ibwikaf sI aqy koeI piblsfeIjLz syl nhIN sI. qy koeI vI lybl nhIN sn. ies stor df mfilk, zYins pRsfd, Kfxy vflLy eyrIey ivc zfvf zvYlpmYNt, ircimMz dI zvYlwpmYNt kMmpnI, ny sYvn Eks mfl nUM KrIidaf hY. “ryz” spry kr irhf sI ik mwKIaF mr jfx. pRsfd nUM ikhf igaf sI ik Auh knyzIan mMglvfr nUM, zyivz cuMg, zfvf df milk, ny ikhf ik Auh istI nflL imlL ky sYvn Eks PUz ieMspYksLn eyjMsI nUM lyblF vfry puwCy. pRsfd kihMdf ik miraf kuwqf isrP kuiqaF mfl dI 35 eykV jLmIn qy iblizMg bxfAux leI plYn bxfvy gf. cuMg kihMdf ik Auh dy kolLy ipaf sI, aqy jo vI mIt ipaf sI Auh isrP bMidafN leI Kfx vflLf nhIN sI aqy ieh jfiedfd nflL kuC alwg krnf cfhuMdf hY pr mfl KulHf rwKU. Auh ny ieh vI ikhf jo Auh miraf hoieaf kuwqf hI iksy gRfhk ny Auh nUM stor krn leI ikhf hI ikAuNik istI nflL gwlH cwl rhI hY aqy Auh iblizMg bxfAux dy hwk ivc hn. Auh nUM pqf nhIN sI ik lfC nflL kI krnf sI. Aus dy stor ivc swuKf ipaf sI Auh iksy mpnI ny idqf sI ik Auh jfnvrF dI duafeI sI. hor kMplyNt af rhI hY ik iblizMg “13 sfl dI kuVI nUM EvrzojL qoN bfad igRPqfr kIqf” kMivco N bdbU af rhI hY. pRsfd kih rhf hY ik ieh sfry JUTy aljLfm hn aqy iesy kfrn nIAU vYst minstr dI puils ny iek swLkI nUM igRPqfr kIqf ik Aus ny 13 sfl dI kuVI Aus df ivAupfr brbfd ho cwukf hY. Auh hux iewk lf sUt krn nUM iqafr hY. nUM nsLy bycy sn ijs kfrn Aus dI mOq ho cukI hY. julfeI 15 nUM 22 strIt skfeI tryn stysLn ivc do iksLorF ny MDMA (aYkstsI vrgf) KrIidaf. jd Auh Gry, gYNgvfr port kuivtlm, phuMc rhI sI qF Aus nUM “mYzIkl izstrYws” ho geI sI. Aus nUM roXl kolMmbIan hsipqfl Byijaf ijQy Aus dI jfnlyvf EvrzojL nflL mOq ho geI. sLkI gYˆgvfr qy zrwg dI awg awj srI qy aYbotsPorz dI jvfnI nUM ingldI jf rhI hY.ivdyÈfˆ qy puils ny trYiPikMg ieMnH kMtrolz sbstYNs dy do cfrj lfey hn. ieh nIAU vYst ivwc asIˆ jIvn cMgyrf bnfAux afey lwgBwg afAux vflI pIVHI nUM gvfAux dy kMzy KVy minstr df dUjf MDMA kys hY. meI ivc iek 16 sfl dI kuVI dI mOq ho geI sI. hfˆ.ies ibmfrI dy kfrn GrylU qy bfhrI vI hn.Auprokq msly dI pVcol,mulfˆkx puils ny iek ivakqI nUM igRPqfr kIqf aqy trYiPikMg ieMn kMtrolz sbstYNs df qy hwl leI ivcfrfˆ krn leI 9 sqMbr idn Èincrvfr nUM Pryjr rIvr iPAUnl hom(2061rIvrsfeIz roz aYbtsPorz) ivKy 4vjy iek Porm krvfieaf jf irhf cfrj lfieaf. hY.ies ivwc mfˆ bfp dI juMmyvfrI qy bwicafˆ dy pwCmI Zfˆcy ivwc pflxpoÈx dy ZMgfˆ bfry puils kihMdI hY ik mfipaF nUM afpdy bicaF nflL nsLy dI vI ivdvfn ivcfr rwKxgy.afp sB nUM bynqI hY ik afp vwzI igxqI ivwc phuMco qfˆ ik afpfˆ afpxy bwicafˆ df BivwK svfr skIey. ieh Porm rfjnIqk nhIˆ hovygf. vDyry vrqoN vfry gwl krnI cfhIdI hY. jfxkfrI leI jskrn isMG DflIvfl 604 825 3687[[sqnfm isMG igwl 778 240 “istI AumId krdI hY ik iml lyk pfrk jld KulH jfey” iml lyk pfrk agsq 21 4435 [[rfjivMdr isMG vVYc 778 929 8444 nfl sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY. DMnvfd. df bMd hY jd iek pMp nUM murMmq krnf ipaf. pihlf pMp istI ny jo KoilHaf sI, Auh Krfb inkilLaf. bhuq grmI kfrn murMmq krn df kMm tlLigaf hY. istI nUM AumId hY PulkfrI qIaF dy myly dy pRbMDkF df snmfn ik pfrk vIkaYNz qwk KuwlH jfvy gf. ies vKLq iek hor pfrk qusIN jf skdy ho: spwz mrPI pfrk 32285 ihlkrYst avInIAU. PulkfrI qIaF df mylf-2017 bVy sucwjy ZMg qy sLfno sLOkq nflL krvfieaf igaf ijs dy pRbMDkF nUM snmfnq kIqf igaf. pMjfbI BfeIcfry dIaF bjLurg mfqfvF ny mMg kIqI ik isaftl ivc do qIaF dy myly lgdy hn prMqU sfAux dy cfro aYqvfr hI “lf pqf aOrq ipClI vfr srI jFdI idKI” qIaF lgxIaF cfhIdIaF hn. AuhnF dwisaf ik qIaF pMjfb dy ipMzF df amIr ivrsf agsq 27 nUM hYnf ihl, 19 sfl dI aOrq, dy pirvfr ny Aus nUM lfpqf GoisLq kIqf. qy swiBafcfr hY ijs nUM pRdysLF ivc bVy sLOk qy AuqsLfh nflL mnfieaf jFdf hY. agsq 13 nUM Auh afKrI vfr aYbtsPorz dyKI geI sI jdoN Aus ny avdy pirvfr nUM PulkfrI qIaF dy myly dIaF pRbMDkF rfjpRIq kor mwlI, gurdIp kOr JwlI, mnrUp kOr ikhf ik Auh iksy aMnjfx afdmI nflL srI cwlI hY. jd Auh srI phuMcI, qF Aus ny iZwloN, qrn pRysLr, afrqI prsfd, rvnIq kOr, srsLdIp DflIvfl, irMpI DflIvfl, afpdy pirvfr nUM dwisaf pr hor koeI jfnkfrI nhIN idwqI. Auh zfAUn tfAun vYnkUvr ismrjIq JwlI, dljIq bYNs, rUbI sMDU, jsivMdr Kylf, rxjIq kOr mfhl, suKvMq aONdI jFdI sI. hYnf iek kOkysLIan hY, 5’7 hY, 100 pfAUNz, nIlIaF awKF hn aqy lMby kOr hoTI, ipMkI sLrmF aqy rfjbIr kOr gryvfl ny KUb imhnq kr ky sohxy ZMg nflL iswDy sunihrI vflL sn. jy iksy kolLy hYnf vfry jfnkfrI hY qF aYbtsPorz puils nUM qIaF df mylf krfAux krky bjLurg mqfvF qy pMjfbI BfeIcfry vwloN snmfnq kIqf qy Pon kro: 604-859-5225 jF 911 kfrgujLfrI dI sLlfGf kIqI. PulkfrI qIaF dy myly dIaF pRbMDkF df pMjfbI BfeIcfry vloN snmfn krn AuprMq XfdgfrI qsvIr. PAGE 18
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Site C Must Be Completed, ICBA Tells BCUC
he message in the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) submission to the B.C. Utilities Commission’s (BCUC) Site C review panel is very simple: Finish the job building Site C.
forget that the once-in-a-generation recession of 2008/09 artificially held down the demand for energy for two years,” said ICBA Communications Director Jordan Bateman. “That recession crippled our economy, but unless “The Site C dam has been the subject we’re going to have a major recession of a robust, nearly three-year, inde- every single decade, energy demand pendent review and its business case will grow substantially over the next is solid - we cannot produce this kind 50 years as it has for the past 50 years. of high-quality, reasonably-priced, We need Site C to meet the demand of clean energy anywhere,” said ICBA a growing population, more electric President Chris Gardner. “For the next vehicles, an expanding economy and century, Site C will act as the founda- to help meet our commitments under tion for the solar, wind and other clean the 2015 Paris Climate Accord.” sources of energy that comes on stream, ensuring B.C. can meet its climate goals and power its economy with renewable energy.” In response to t h e B C U C ’s terms of reference, the ICBA submission made five key points: •
Site C is on time and on budget
Ratepayers cannot be expected • to spend billions of dollars and get nothing in return – the result of cancelling or postponing the project Site C provides the best value • and an all-important backbone for other renewable energy sources as we transition from fossil fuels to the clean renewable energy provided by Site C Energy demand will continue • to grow in B.C., as more people move here and the economy expands Site C, the subject of more • than 150 legally binding environmental and technical conditions, will be one of the most sustainable energy projects ever built in any country “Claims by Site C opponents that electricity demand is flat are false. They
ICBA, the voice of B.C.’s construction industry, has been fighting hard to keep Site C workers on the job. Today, more than 2,400 men and women are working on Site C. “The stakes of the outcome of the BCUC review are significant,” said Gardner. “It affects real people and real families who are counting on the jobs at Site C to pay the bills. To shut it down now would hurt BC Hydro’s finances, cost B.C. taxpayers dearly, cripple the Peace River economy, and send a chilling message to investors looking to build a business and create opportunities – B.C. is not open for business.” In recent weeks, ICBA has fought for Site C through its pink slip campaign and a poster campaign in Fort St. John, that generated nearly 4,000 emails supporting Site C through www.get2yes.icba.ca.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
• bI sI qoN albrtf • idn aqy rfq AuplwbD • ipn qoN ipn srivs • zrfeI vYn • mfeIljL dy ihsfb nflL rfq dI qnKLfh • rYvInIAU dy ihsfb nflL idn dI qnKLfh • trwk dI pfrikMg AuplwbD
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
vYjItyrIan izlfeIt bykrI aqy pIjLf ieMzIaf dy suafd vflLIaF aflU pYtIjL pnIr pYtIjL
kulcy vI imldy hn. asIN sfrf smfn afizaF aqy psLaf dI crbI qo ibnHf iqafr krdy hF.
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bfbf blvMq isMG Kurdpur dI sLqfbdI nUM smripq dysL BgqF aqy gdrI XoiDaF dI Xfd `c 23 vF lok ivrsf mylf 10 sqMbr nUM vYnkUvr :-(brfV-Bgqf BfeI kf) lok ivrsf klcrl aYsosIeysLn vwloN dysL BgqF, gLdrI XoiDaF aqy kfmgftfmfrU dy sLhIdF dI Xfd ivwc bfbf blvMq isMG Kurdpur dI sLqfbdI nUM smripq 23vF lok ivrsf mylf 10 sqMbr idn aYqvfr nUM aYbtsPorz dy rotrI styzIam ivKy hox jf irhf hY. myly dy muwK pRbMDk sLFqI srUp ny myly bfry gwlbfq kridaF dwisaf ik sLhIdF dI Xfd `c krvfey jFdy myly pMjfbI pRvfsIaF dI ivdysLI jMmpl pIVHI leI pVHfeI df iewk qrHF nflL ivrsy nUM Xfd rwKx vflLf ivsLf vI hY ijs qoN afAux vflLIaF pIVHIaF nUM afpxy puriKaF dIaF ies dy nflL hI dysL BgqF, gLdrI XoiDaF sLhfdqF bfry jfxkfrI imlLdI rhygI. aqy kfmfgftfmfrU duKFq dy sLhIdF dIaF myly `c koirEgrfPIaF qoN ielfvf lok qsvIrF dI vyrvy sihq iewk vwzI pRdrsLnI gfiek dIp iZwloN, jsmIn, anmol ivrk, vI lgfeI jfvygI. lok ivrsf klcrl lwKf, Bjnf amlI aqy hYrI swcdyvf lokF aYsosIeysLn vwloN sBnF nUM myly `c phuMc ky df mnorMjn krngy. byhqrIn BMgVf aqy sLhIdF dI Xfd nUM isjdf krn leI swdf igwDf myly dI styj df isMLgfr hoxgy. skUlI idwqf jFdf hY. myly `c afAux leI koeI bwicaF vwloN iqafr kIqIaF vwK vwK iksm itkt nhIN hY. dIaF pysLkfrIaF vI vyKx nUM imlxgIaF. PAGE 21
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
zyrf isrsf dy hYwzkuaftr `c dfKl hoeygI puils ?
rfm rhIm nUM òú sfl kYd dI sËf df aYlfn,óú lwK jurmfnf sfDvI nflL blfqkfr krn dy doÈI zyrf isrsf dy muKI rfm rhIm nUM ñú -ñú sfl dI sËf df aYlfn kIqf igaf hY. ieh sËf jwj jgdIp isMG vwloˆ rohqk dI jylH `c lgfeI adflq dOrfn suxfeI geI hY. ies mOky rfm rhIm ny jwj sfhmxy rihm dI apIl kIqI sI pr jwj ny ies nUM nËr aMdfË kridafˆ ñú-ñú sfl dI sËf df Pqvf pVH idwqf. sËf aYlfny jfx qoˆ bfad blfqkfrI bfbf kort `c hI bYT ky ro ipaf qy rihm dI BIK mMgx lwgf. iPr kihMdf mYˆ kYdIafˆ vflLy kpVy nI pfAuxy.mYnUM Kfxf bhuq mfVf imldY. bfby dI iek nf suxI geI.ñõ sflfˆ bfad pIVq sfDvIafˆ nUM iensfP imilLaf hY .
zyrf isrsf `c dfKÜ hox dI Xojnf bfry zIafeIjI sMjIv Èrmf ny ikhf ik ajy ies dI koeI Xojnf nhIN. AunHfˆ df kihxf hY ik sQfnk pRÈfsn dy inrdyÈfˆ qoˆ bfad ies bfry PYslf ilaf jfvygf.zyry nUM cfry pfisafˆ qoˆ POj ny Gyrf pf ilaf hY qy jfˆc krn AuprMq hI pYrokfrfˆ nUM bfhr inklx idwqf jf irhf hY .zIafeIjI df kihxf hY ik pYrokfrfˆ df koeI jfnI mflI nuksfn nf hovy ies df vI pUrf iDafn rwiKaf jf irhf hY. zyry aMdroˆ BfrI mfqrf `c hiQafr aqy ivsPotk imlx dI sMBfvnf hY.
guru nfnk dyv jI df ivafh purb srkfrI qor qy mnfvygI srkfr- iswDU pMjfb srkfr vwloˆ sUby aMdr ñú pRmuwK Auqsv srkfrI qOr qy vwzy pwDr Auwqy mnfey jfxgy aqy btflf Èihr leI mfx vflLI gwl hY ik srkfr vwloˆ ò Auqsv, gurU nfnk dyv jI dy ivafh purb qy ibrhf dy sulqfn kvI iÈv kumfr btflvI df jnm idn srkfrI pwDr qy mnfey jfxgy. ieh pRgtfvf nvjoq isMG iswDU ny btflLf ivKy kIqf.
hirafxf dy bfibafˆ dy isr Kqry dy bwdl
òõ agsq , òúñ÷ nUM zyrf isrsf dy muKI nUM sfDvI nflL blfqkfr df doÈI aYlfn krn qoˆ bfad hirafxf dy iewk hor bfbf rfmpfl dIafˆ muÈklfˆ vI vD skdIafˆ hn.rfmpfl sfkÈI mhfrfj ny vI CwzI rfm rhIm dI XfrI ivwruD ihMsf BVkfAux qy adflqI hukmfˆ dI avwigafˆ krn dy doÈ hyT cwl rhy kys df gurmIq rfm rhIm dy pwK ivwc ibafn dyx vflLy Bfjpf dy sfˆsd sfkÈI mhfrfj ny PYslf vI jldI suxfieaf jf skdf hY. ihsfr dI adflq ivwc rfmpfl ivruwD ô vwKXU-trn lY ilaf hY . AunHfˆ ikhf AunHf ny zyrf muKI dy pwK ivwc koeI ibafn nhIˆ idwqf vwK kys drjL kIqy gey sn,ijMnHfˆ ivwcoˆ ò `qy adflq PYslf suxfeygI.PYslf suxfAux blik Auh qfˆ kort df snmfn krdy hn. sfˆsd ny ikhf ik kort df PYslf hI aMiqm leI adflq nUM jylH ivwc hI sQfpq kIqf jfvygf. huMdf hY. ies leI rfm rhIm nUM bcfAux leI koeI ibafn nhIˆ idwqf. sfkÈI ny ikhf ik rohqk jyÜH aPsrfˆ nUM sspYˆz krn dI idwqI DmkI AunHfˆ qfN ieh ikhf sI ik jykr kroVfˆ lok cIk rhy hn qfˆ ies mfmly nUM QoVHf tflL dyxf cfhIdf sI.Aus mgroˆ PYslf krnf cfhIdf sI .AunHfˆ ikhf ik suxvfeI qoˆ pihlfˆ pUrI blfqkfr dy doÈI bfbf rfm rhIm nUM jd rohqk dI jylH ivwc lY ky gey qfˆ Auh afpxy iqafrI hoxI cfhIdI sI, ikMnIafˆ jfnfˆ clIafˆ geIafˆ hn qy arbfˆ df nuksfn ho igaf. nflL mUMh bolI bytI hnIpRIq nUM rwKxf cfhuMdf sI. jylH aiDkfrIafˆ ny ikhf ik jylH dy kfnUMn anusfr koeI vI nflL nhIˆ rih skdf qfˆ qYÈ ivwc afey rfm rhIm isMG bfby iBMzrfvfly bfry svfmI vwloˆ vwzf Kulfsf ny ikhf ik mY huxy hirafxf dy sI[aYm jfˆ kyˆdr dy iksy mMqrI nUM Pon lgf ky AunHF nUM bIjypI dy rfj sBf mYˆbr subrfmnIan svfmI ny jrnYÜ isMG iBMzrvfly bfry nvfˆ Kulfsf sspYˆz krf dyAUˆ. ies nUM kihMdy ny rwsI jlL geI, vwt nhIˆ igaf. kIqf hY.AunHfˆ ny iswK Porm dy smfgm ivwc ikhf ik sMq jrnYÜ isMG iBMzrfvfly ny kdy vI Kfilsqfn dI mMg nhIN sI kIqI ikAuˆik Auh iBMzrfvfly nUM imlLy sI qfˆ AunHfˆ ieh Kulfsf kIqf sI. svfmI ny ikhf ik AunHfˆ ny sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI mrhUm ieMdrf gfˆDI srkfr nUM sfkf nIlf qfrf leI mnHfˆ kIqf sI. Porm dy skwqr jrnl pRqfp isMG ny dwisaf ik ies smfgm dOrfn svfmI ny ikhf hux sfkf nIlf qfrf vfpry óú sfl qoˆ vwD df smfˆ ho igaf hY , ies leI ies sfky nflL juVy sfry srkfrI dsqfvyË sfhmxy afAuxy cfhIdy hn qfˆ jo rUs sxy brqfnIafˆ dI ies sfky nflL juVI BUimkf sfhmxy ilafˆdI jf sky. Auh ies muwdy nUM lY ky sMsd ivwc inwjI ibwl vI pyÈ krngy.
suKbIr bfdl ny qoVI zyrf isrsf muKI nflLNo XfrI pMjfb qy hirafxf sxy dyÈ dy keI sUby ihMsf nflL Juls gey hn pr ÈROmxI akflI dl cuwp irhf. ies KfmoÈI df kfrn akflI dl qy zyrf isrsf ivcflLy isafsI XfrI hY . akflI dl ny zyrf isrsf dI hmfieq nflL hI mflvy dIafˆ kuJ sItfˆ ijwqIafˆ sn . ies krky akflI dl ies mfmly `qy KfmoÈ rihxf hI byhqr smJ irhf sI pr hux akflI dl dy pRDfn ny afpxI cuwpI qoVI hY .AunHfˆ ny zyrf nflL XfrI qoVidafˆ cMgy rgVy lfey hn. aMimRqsr ivwc pwqrkfrfˆ ny akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl nUM Gyr ilaf.suKbIr ny kort dy PYsly dI ÈlfGf kIqI qy ikhf ik koeI vI iensfn kfnUMn qoˆ Auwqy nhIN hY.
lokfˆ nUM ivafh,pfrtIafˆ qy Bogfˆ dIafˆ qrIkfˆ bdlnIafˆ peIafˆ . zyrf isrsf muKI dI òõ agsq dI pyÈI nUM lY ky bxy qxfa vflyL mfhOl kfrn kfPI lokfˆ nUM afpxy ivafh dIafˆ pfrtIafˆ qy Bog smfgmfˆ dy idn mulqvI krny pey. ies qoˆ ielfvf siBafcfrk pRogrfmfˆ dIafˆ qrIkfˆ vI bdl idwqIafˆ hn.jfxkfrI muqfbk biTMzf Èihr dy hI nOOjvfn krmjIq isMG iKwpl dy ivafh dI pfrtI pihlfˆ pyÈI vfly idn biTMzf mfnsf mfrg `qy ieMpIrIal pYlys `c sI ijs nUM bdl ky buwDvfr dyr Èfm dI kr idwqI geI hY.ieMnfˆ hI nhIN biTMzf ivKy Èfn sMgIq sdn vwloˆ `rUh-ey-mOiskI` nfm df pRogrfm òö agsq nUM hotl aYmsn prfiez `c rwiKaf igaf sI pr hux ies nUM pRbMDkfˆ ny bdl ky akqUbr mhIny dy pihly hPqy qk tflL idwqf hY .pUry pMj idn sfrf kMmkfj Twp ho ky rih igaf. PAGE 22
mjITIaf vwloˆ kyjrIvfl nUM itkt dI pyÈkÈ
sfbkf kYbint mMqrI ibkrm isMG mjITIaf vwloN afm afdmI pfrtI dy muKI arivMd kyjrIvfl, ‘afp` nyqf sMjy isMG qy afÈIÈ Kyqfn iKlfP kIqy gey mfxhfnI dy kys dI suxvfeI mOky mjITIaf qy sMjy isMG aMimRqsr iËlHf adflq ivwc pyÈ hoey.adflq vwloˆ kys dI suxvfeI leI aglI qrIk òø sqMbr rwwKI geI hY . sMjy isMG muqfbk òø nUM arivMd kyjrIvfl Kud adflq ivwc pyÈ hoxgy. ies mOky ibrkm mjITIaf ny ikhf ik arivMd kyjrIvfl smyq bfkI lIzr ies kys qoˆ Bwj rhy hn.AunHfˆ nUM pqf hY ik mjIiTaf `qy lfey gey sfry ielËfm JUTy hn.AunHfˆ kyjrIvfl nUM ikhf ik jykr AunHfˆ nUM iewQy afAux leI pYsy dI idwkq hY qfˆ Auh kyjrIvfl dI itkt vI Kud hI buwk krvf idMdy.
amodI srkfr iKlfP zty ñú lwK bYˆk krmcfrI dyÈ Br `c pbilk sYktr dy bYˆkfˆ `c kMm Twp irhf. bYˆkf dy ñú lwK krmcfrI hVqfl `qy rhy. bYˆk krmcfrI XUnIanfˆ ny ielËfm lfieaf ik modI srkfr pRfeIvyt bYˆkfˆ nUM Pfiedf dyx leI srkfrI bYˆkfˆ nUM nuksfn kr rhI hY. aijhf jfrI irhf qfˆ srkfrI bYˆk bMd ho jfxgy.bYˆk XUnIan lIzrfˆ df kihxf hY ik modI srkfr pRfeIvyt bYˆkfˆ nUM KVHfˆ krn `c lwgI hoeI hY . srkfr aijhIafˆ nIqIafˆ ilaf rhI hY ijs qihq srkfrI bYˆk bMd hox dy kgfr `qy af jfxgy.AunHfˆ ikhf ik srkfrI bYˆk grIbfˆ,mËdUrfˆ qy iksfnfˆ nUM krË idMdy hn pr srkfr cfhuMdI hY ik ieh bYˆk bMd ho jfx.
iksfn KudkuÈI pIVq pirvfrfˆ nUM imlLygI mhInfvfr pYnÈn afm afdmI pfrtI pMjfb ny pMjfb ivwc KudkuÈI kr cuwky iksfnfˆ dy pIVq pirvfrfˆ nUM mhInfvfr pYnÈn dyx dI ÈurUafq kIqI hY . ijs qihq afp dy afgU suKpfl isMG Kihrf vwloˆ biTMzf-mfnsf iËlyH dy õú pirvfrfˆ nUM òõúú rupey pRqI mhInfˆ pYnÈn dyx dI ÈurUafq kIqI jf rhI hY, jdoˆ ik òú qoˆ vwD pirvfrfˆ nUM iewko vfr õú hËfr rupey Aukf puwkf shfieqf dyx df pRogrfm AulIikaf hY.AunHfˆ ikhf ik ies rkm aqy pirvfrfˆ dI igxqI nUM CyqI hI vDfieaf jf irhf hY .Kihrf ny aYlfn kridaf ikhf ik `afp` prvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dI mdd nflL afriQk qMgI kfrn KudkuÈI krn vflLy iksfnfˆ aqy Kyq mËdUrfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ dI hr sMBv mwdd df Auprflf krygI .
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
High temperatures lead to record breaking power consumption VANCOUVER – BC Hydro set a new record for summer power consumption on Monday evening when peak hourly demand – the hour that customers use the most electricity – reached 7,851 megawatts.
On Jan. 3, BC Hydro recorded t h e highest ever peak Electricity demand increased by 12 h o u r l y per cent over last Monday’s peak d e m a n d hourly demand of 7,022 megawatts. at 10,126 The energy required to serve the 829 megawatt increase in demand represents the equivalent of running megawatts. seven Ruskin Generating Stations at full capacity. B.C. is fortunate to have a large hydroelectric system that can be The new summer record breaks the counted on at all times of the year previous record set on Aug. 11, 2014 to respond quickly to changes in of 7,468 megawatts by almost 400 electricity demand that occur when megawatts. It is the second power temperatures reach extreme highs consumption record broken this year. or lows.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
qusIN rIal iestyt KLrIdxf jF bycxf cfhuMdy ho? qusIN ieho ijhy rIal iestyt nUM lwB rhy ho jo ik rIal iestyt dI mfrikt dI aOiKafeI nUM kyvl suxdf hI nhIN pr smJdf hY? qusIN hor nf dyKo aqy rIal iestyt leI sfnUM sMprk kro.
Himat Grewal Gary Dhindsa
604.832.3768 604.300.2523 garydhindsa@vyberealty.com
2806 11967 80 AVENUE - DELTA
This beau�ful brand new unit can serve as a perfect new home or investment property. A gorgeous view of the North Shore Mountains, Delta and Surrey are visible from this 28th floor unit. The apartment has great ameni�es both inside and outside the building and is located in a central loca�on. Come Check it out!
Well running Indian sweet shop and restaurants business for sale. Great opportunity to take over Beekaner Sweet Shop & Restaurants LTD. This established sweet shop has regular customers and earns a good income. Close to High Street Mall, Sikh Temple, freeway access
www.bluejayrealestategroup.com |
Bluejay_realestategroup |
Bluejay Real Estate Group
Thinking of buying or selling real estate? Are you looking for a realtor that not only listens but understands the challenges and complexities of the real estate market? Look no further and contact us for all your real estate needs. PAGE 25
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Jagdish Kang The Patrika604-226-6611
Friday, September 1st, 2017
iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx sbMDI shI slfh aqy syD lYx leI sMprk kro NEW LISTINGS
9104 Emiry St
Wow!! What a great house on Emiry St. Huge double oversize garage. Tons of parking! Lots of room for the RV, Semi-truck or you name it! Lots of room to build shop at the back property!
31133 Kingfisher Pl
107 - 32044 Old Yale Rd
Perfect Family home in West Abbotsford. Welcoming 3 storey in popular Townline area. 3 bedrooms up, master bedroom has fantastic ensuite. 1 Bed/Den on main, Skylight
$ 267,900
2340 Holly St
63 -31098 Westridge Pl
Lot in Chilliwack 3649 Oxford St
27655 Railcar Cr
30707 Saab Pl
Investors/builders ALERT. Property already has 2 PID's. Total 14520 sq.ft., huge lot with lots of potential. Plus large character basement home at corner of McDougall and Clarke
Popular Green Gables! An excellent location right in the heart of the city. This is a nicely situated main floor unit which has been very well maintained and features plenty of
21 31235 Upper Maclure Rd
3096 Curlew Dr
2057 Olive Way
Wow!! 2 lots with separate legals, plus large character basement home at corner of McDougall and Clarke in Downtown Abbotsford. View of mountains, vacant ready to go. Excellent investment. Beautiful 8 Bed rooms, 5 Bathrooms Like new in desirable location in Cherry hill area close to elementary, secondary schools, public transportation & UFV.
31856 Iwk Crt
2046 Majestic Cr
2559 Railcar Cr
$1,247,000 2594 Caboose Pl
32150 Elkford Dr 32150 Elkford Dr
Beautiful custom built New mega home High end finishing with crown mouldings, modern lights, Designer colour scheme, big kitchen and spice kitchen. Two master bedrooms
Beautiful 4249 sf home in West Abbotsford 3 storey with fully finished basement includes 8 large bedrooms, 6.5 full washrooms. High end finishing with crown mouldings,
3468 Merrit St
46011 Riverside
Golden Temple
International Tour and Travel (CPBC License # 72295)
AIR FRANCE SPECIAL iksy vI eyarlfeIn dIaF sB qoN ssqIaF itktF lYx leI awj hI sMprk kro Pon: 604-744-0722
aYmrjYNsI ivWc pWzf nUM Pon kro
778-372-6820 sYl:
604-703-5464 PAGE 27
Lorem ips
om ted up on to ke, y 1
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Top 1% Realtor 2017 of FVRB
M.A., Ph.D
fw. gurivMdr isMG DwlIvwl
5 eykV, 10 eykV, 15 jW 20 eykV Pwrm Aqy Gr syl ‘qy[ tr`krz qy hor cwhvwn KrIddwr A`j hI sMprk krn[ Top Sold Units Award 2017 gurvindersinghprec@gmail.com Award Winner Abbotsford 7
Realtor For
For More Properties Visit www.gurvindersinghdhaliwal.com
Gr byrI P`rm, K`lI zmIn, l`t j~ vp`rk j`ied`d KrIdx j~ vycx vyly v`jb ryt Eqy S`nd`r syv`v~ leI hmyS` w`d r@Ko| AGRICULTURAL / FARM - AYgrIklcrl / Pwrm RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES - rYzIfYNSIAl / Gr / ifvYlpmYNt
13528 80a Ave
2007 bulid 3 storey home with basement suite. 2 bedroom upstairs and 2 bedroom unauthorised suite. double garage backlane access.
2215 PEARDONVILLE ROAD 5 1.96 Acres
Prime redevelopment site Designated Industrial, now in A1. Central location with old timer and workshop (30x40) gross area 1.96 acres. Rental Income
13456 80 AVE
$ 769,900
INVESTOR ALERT... 9,900 Sqft Great West Abbotsford location. This lot has potential for subdivision or Duplex. 5 bedrooms and 2 washrooms along with Living room and Family room. Currently rented for $2,400 pm. SELLER MOTIVATED
1 Acre Sub-Dividable
Large LUC 7304 sqft with 83 front square lot, with an updated 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom with detached garage. Lots of parking. Renovations include windows, blinds, kitchen and bath cabinets, stainless steel appliances and newer roof. Seller motivated
Investor Alert...This 1 ACRE lot is not in the ALR. Future potential development property. Also Executive 4 Bdrm & 3 bathroom home on 1 acre located next to West Abbotsford
5979 128A ST
12500 Sqft Lot
Subdividable Land!! Large Rancher Home On Subdividable More Than 12500 Sqft Lot. Great West Abbotsford Location. Make Your Rezoning Application Today. Currently Rented
32314 PEARDONVILLE ROAD 12262 81 Ave, Surrey New Listing - Sub-Dividable Lot
Hot Listing
updated house approx 4000 sf lot living room, family room, kitchen, 3 bedroom private backyard best location in west newton
New Listing
2010 build Panorama Ridge exclusive community of fine 2 storey + bsmt, legal coach homes. 7 bdrms, 5 full bathrooms, Fully finished 1 bdrm bsmt. BONUS 460 sqft 1 bedrm legal suite above garage! Double garage plus additional parking.
1962 Catalina Crescent
New Listing
Fully renovated 5 bedroom and 3 bathroom , separate entry to basement area. seller motivated.
30706 Crestview Ave 3395 Headwater Place 32951 TUNBRIDGE AVE, MISSION New Listing
2 storey basement entry home has 3 bedrooms, family room, den on main and 2 bedroom legal suite down. Spacious oak kitchen, 3 full baths and 4pc gas. Close to freeway, High Street shopping center, GURDWARA KALGIDHAR DARBAR and all levels of school.
31268 Wagner Drive
Completely Renovated 5 bedrooms and 4 full baths house with legal suite in West Abbotsford best location, walking distance to Rick Hansen school. Upstairs: Living room, Family room, Kitchen, 3 beds and 2 full baths.
2 storey with 2 unauthorized suites with 4300+ sf covered area. 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms in west abbotsford townline area.under construction. close to school, Gurdwara, gym and all amenities. will be ready in a month
4300 sq.ft. (8145 SF Lot Area) 2 Storey Home has 5 bedrooms and 4 baths with unauthorized suite. Living room, Family room, Kitchen on main & 4 beds and 2 full baths on Upstairs.
40,000 sqft RS
Approx. One acre within the city limits!! Connected to city water and sewer. 3 bathrooms! Huge double oversize garage.Beautiful Flat, Rental Income, Priced to sell! Hurry on this one!!!
7631 192 St, Surrey
New Listing - Sub-Dividable Lot 1.23 Acre
1.23 Acre I N V E S T O R A L E R T. . . E x c e l l e n t Investment Property in Cloverdale, Clayton, 1.23 AC basement entry home, 4 bedrooms & Living room, basement fully finished. Motivated seller. currently rented. Builder/developer alert for future development potential in Clayton OCP.
12.10 Acre Blueberry Farm Ner Mt Lehmen Road
Big house approx 4300 sq.ft. 8 bedroom + 4 full bathroom, city w a t e r. R e n o v a t e d h o u s e . Approximately 10 acres planted in Bluecrop and 1 acre in Reka. High production. 15% tax not applicable on this property
2776 FAIRLANE ST 9300 SF
INVESTOR ALERT! Possible rezoning and development in the future!!! This lot has potential for subdivision. Nicely reno'd rancher with walk out basement on 9,300+ sqft lot. 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom for upstairs and a 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom LEGAL SUITE downstairs with den with a closet. Motivated Seller.
2727 240 Street
20 Acre Blueberry Farm with House
What a great opportunity! In the heart of LANGLEY with a family home!! 20.24 ACRES OF BLUEBERRY FARM offering 3 bedroom home, which was renovated in 2009 with a new roof, windows and cabinets. The subject property is located on the west side of 240th Street. It offers great access to Fraser Highway and is close to the USA Border. The field has been planted in 3 varieties of Blueberries -
53.60 Acre Farm with new house
53.60 ACRES OF BLUEBERRY FARM offering 4 bedroom home built in 2007, approx. 20 acres of Blue Crop of 8 years, 5 acres of Duke of 4 years, 2.5 acres of Reka, 8 acres of Elliot. All machinery available, but not included. Seller Motivated. 15% tax not applicable on this property
25837 16 AVENUE, Langley 39 Acre
$ 3,900,000
Blueberry and Vegetable Farm of 39+ Acre with a renovated rancher and a Mobile Home. It has 2 workshops; 2100 sqft (60x35) & 624 sqft (26x24). There is Fruit Stand with cooler, 6 barns and 2 shops with annual income of $84,000
Nicely Renovated Home in Central Abbotsford, Corner of Chehalis & Gladwin Rd. on 6000 sf plus corner lot. Close to City Center, School & Shopping. Walking distance from Rotary StadiumTwo BRs upwith 2 fullbaths & Huge kitchen & bdrms up. Laminate flrg in bsmt, one bedroom & bathroom &family rm.
Khalsa Business Center Surrey
Motel for sale at Donaldson Drive, Grand Forks, BC
Unit 23, 24 8430 128 St Shops 299,000/Unit Lease $2500/Month koeI vI AwPr ilAwau
Any Offer Welcome • New Business For Sale Maple Ridge Quiznos $249,000
Hot Deal! $649,000
6 ACRE farm & House located in Keremeos B C C h e r r y Tr e e s : 1755, Apple Trees: 1200, Great income, trade welcome.
Any Offer Welcome • Abbotsford's Top location of Munchies for sale $249,000
#418 30515 CARDINAL AVE Newly built - West Abbotsford
2 bedroom, 1 ensuite bathroom, very clean & spacious. Currently rented. highway and airport access.
Spotle featur spacio room. New kitche basem
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
No one has the right to judge my film journey : Jacqueline Jacqueline Fernandez is not worried that she will get slotted in a category due to her current spate of glamorous roles and says she would not do an indie project just to prove her acting chops.The 32-year-old actor says it is her journey and no one has the right to point fingers at her choice of films. In an interview, Jacqueline says, "I am not supposed to do an indie project because other people are telling me, 'You are a glamorous actress now and you should be doing indie films'. That will never be my mindset."That will mean I am doing it for the wrong reasons. It should come from within. If I feel that I want to do something completely different I will do it. As an actor I do my job with conviction so it is for no one to actually
judge because it is my journey. I choose things which I can do justice to."The actor believes only right attitude and hard work take one forward in Bollywood and coming from a film family does not make much difference."Good attitude and hard work are what take you forward in films and in life. I feel both outsiders and industry kids have to put in their fair share of hard work. "No one has it easy. I have worked with industry kids and seen their struggle. They have seen my struggle, but audience doesn't come because of your background, that way they are quite unforgiving. They will only come if they like you."
Have stopped doing films out of friendships : Ajay Having been in the industry for over 25 years, Ajay Devgn says his process of choosing a movie has become "more clear" and he now goes forward with a project only if its script is good.Devgn thinks the stakes have become too high for an actor to say yes to a film out of emotional reasons. "Earlier we would just listen to an idea and say 'lets do it. Films were releasing left right and centre, we were doing 12 films at a time, so we did a lot of movies purely out of emotions and for relationships. "The process of choosing a film has become more clear today. Now, it really means business. Stakes are too high, there is too many pressure," Devgn tells interview. Though initially he did choose certain movies for the friendship's sake, Devgn insists he never took on a film just to survive in the industry. "There was never a phase where I chose a film purely to survive as there was too much work. There has always been too much work and I've been lucky that ways.
There was no need of 'survival'. It was either you liked a script or you do it for friends and for the emotions." The 48-year-old National Award-winning actor says the change in selecting a film came about with time as the audience has evolved."For me, it has become clear (to choose a film) not because of the external pressure but because the audience has evolved a lot. You can't ever judge the taste accurately but you do have a barometer. "I should enjoy doing a film, which is very important. Filmmaking isn't just the process of a release, it is 100 days of shooting before that. If I don't enjoy that, I will not be able to work."
Objectifying of women happens everywhere : Ileana Ileana D'Cruz says it would be wrong on her part to say that she cannot be a prop in a movie as she has enjoyed playing a glamorous diva on screen. Recently, actor Taapsee Pannu had spoken out against the way women were portrayed in films, recalling a shot from her debut Telugu film, in which a coconut was thrown at her navel. Ileana, who has worked extensively in the South, believes that objectifying women is not an issue of only South films as it happens everywhere. "I don't want to put a finger and say it only happens in South Indian films, it happens everywhere. There could be films in Bollywood as well, where the women sometimes are just a prop. It would be prudish to say, 'I don't want to be a prop in a film' because there are certain films I've loved doing as I have looked very glamorous in them. At the end of the day, it's your choice," Ileana says.
Amitabh Bachchan is the most gifted comedian :Sajid
Director Sajid Khan says according to him, Amitabh Bachchan is good at tickling the funny bone of the audience and it was the megastar who ended the run of comedians in Hindi cinema with his comic timing in films.Sajid, who has helmed several comedy films, believes Bachchan is an extremely gifted comedian."The biggest superstar of our country is Mr Amitabh Bachchan, who I feel is the most gifted comedian of all times."He ended the run of the comedians in films when a mainstream actor (like him) started doing comedy. He is the finest comedian as a superstar. Then of course we have Johhny Lever," Sajid said. when asked why top stars
refrain from doing a fullfledged comedy film. The director feels the three Khans - Aamir, Salman and Shah Rukh - should do comedy films as they are brilliant actors."I think Salman did quite a few comedy films few years back. To ease off, they all should do a comedy film, I think Aamir, Shah and Salman should do a comedy film as all three are good at it. If you are a good actor then you are good at comedy," he says. According to Sajid, immense planning and detailing goes into writing a comedy scene which has to range from real to bizarre, slapstick to situational."Comedy is basically action but you get the reaction on laughter. I think Akshay Kumar and Riteish Deshmukh are two gifted, talented comic actors who can pull off anything." The director has collaborated with both Akshay and and Riteish in three films -- "Heyy Babyy", "Housefull" and "Housefull 2".
Shooting 'Halka' in a slum was difficult : Paoli Dam
Paoli Dam will be seen in Nila Madhab Panda's 'Halka' and the actress said it was a difficult film for her as she shot it in a slum area in Delhi.The movie, also starring Ranvir Shorey, has been filmed in a slum near Pragati Maidan in the capital."I essay the role of the mother of a child, who wants to use his own toilet and not the common toilet in a slum. Ranvir essays the character of the father. Shooting in a slum was difficult," Paoli said.On her co-star Ranvir, the actor said, "He used to pull my leg over my love for fish. He is a nice human being and a sensitive actor."Talking about doing more Hindi films, Paoli, who made her Bollywood debut with "Hate Story" in 2012, said, "If I get good Hindi film offers, I will definitely go for it. Films are a mass medium and I am lucky to have got good offers."The actor is current seen in "Maacher Jhol", directed by Pratim D Gupta. It is the story of Dev, a Paris-based chef, who comes to Kolkata after 13 years to his ailing mother."My character is the cementing factor in the family of the celebrity chef."
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Family Narrative a Strong Motivator for Youth
he issue of on-going shootings in Metro Vancouver, especially amongst South Asian youth, is very troubling for our community. The blame game already seems to be in full gear. However, looking at this whole situation it appears that this kind of approach doesn’t get us anywhere. Adolescence is a very critical and difficult period both for youth and parents. Building and fostering healthy relationships, bonding, trust and connection between parents and children is a very important factor and a crucial strategy in this regard. However, these measures must begin at a very early age. Research indicates that family narrative can play an extremely important role in keeping our children and youth well connected to their families and out of trouble. The concept of family narrative was developed in early 1990s by a prominent psychologist Dr. Marshal Duke
of Emory University. A few years later another professional, psychologist Bruce Feiler hit upon this strategy by accident. In an article printed in the New York Times and reproduced by the Readers Digest, Feiler states that one day their extended family was having dinner at his house. At this family function, the children were either playing with their electronic gadgets, iPhone, and iPad etc. or they were arguing with each other. There was very little positive interaction between the youngsters. Feiler states that seeing all of this, his dad called him and asked him to do something about it as their family was falling apart. That is when Feiler started looking into this strategy and how it could help families come
closer and bond to-gether. Duke had discovered that children, who knew their family history well, were very resilient and had good self-esteem. They also were very close to other family members and had better control over themselves. Also, they were well-equipped to face any challenge in life. The underlying reason for this was that these youngsters felt better connected to their families. They became proud of their families. Such youth felt that they were part of something much bigger than themselves. Consequently, they became more resilient and happier than their peers. The key findings of this research were that a strong family narrative is the key to a family’s unity and happiness. This is also the main ingredient for a strong and happy family. Children/ youth who know their family history well, its challenges, successes, failures and aspirations also have better control over their lives. So where do we start? The first step in this process is to start with you, as a parent. Talk to you children/ youth about yourself, your trials, tribulations, successes, failures and dreams. It should create curiosity in them. Then take this family narrative one step further to your parents
Continued on page 38 PAGE 31
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
pf BMgVf rqn kury gurdyv buwtr
buwJ rhy dIvy
pf BMgVf rqn kury, qyrf vIjLf kYnyzf df af igaf.
pRsoLqm pwqo hanHyiraF nf lVnf hY pYxf dosqo.
hkUmq isMG inwJr jIhny qyrI dws sI pfeI, rwb krky mry ivcolf.
keI sflF qoN jIqf qyrf, tYks gOrimMt df Brdf.
buJ rhy dIivaF df hY kihxf dosqo.
jy pIxI nhIN afAuNdI dfrU, qUM pIxI Cwzdy Zolf.
ienkm pUrI krn nUM, do-do isLPtF kMm sI krdf.
iewk-iewk PUk `kwTI kMm krgI,
pihly pYWg qUM bxy igafnI, dUjy pYWg krdYN BlvfnI
afeI ieMtrivAU sux ky, tYlIPon `qy sI Gbrf igaf.
dIivaF dI ihMz nflL Kih ky mrgI.
qIjy pYWg qUM bxjyN qoqf, cOQy pYWg qUM mUrK Koqf
pf BMgVf rqn kury, qyrf vIjLf kYnyzf df af igaf.
kflKF dy sMg nhIN rihxf dosqo…
dyK afpxf guaFZI sMqf, kMnF qoN sI bolLf.
cfnx dy kfPly ny hanHyry nUM zrf ilaf,
kwcy Gr `c rihMdf sI, Zih ky ho igaf sI KolLf.
sUrj qoN iswK nvF jIvn bxf ilaf.
pMjIN sflIN muV ky afieaf, koTI sohxI pf igaf.
cMn sUrjF qoN sbk hY lYxf dosqo…
pf BMgVf rqn kury, qyrf vIjLf kYnyzf df af igaf.
dIivaF dI XfrI sdf cfnx nf rhygI,
BoNey vyc vwt ky nI, DI nUM ivwc kYnyzf ivafhqf, Aus krmF vflLI ny, sfrf twbr buwDU kf lMGfqf, cUhy BuwKy mrdy sI, jfiedfd ipMz `c ikMnI bxf igaf. pf BMgVf rqn kury, qyrf vIjLf kYnyzf df af igaf. nMnf pONdI qUM ikAuN jfx nUM, ikhVI gwl dIaF aVIaF? rih ky ivwc kYnyzf dy, kwtIey suwK dIaF do GVIaF. Cwz gwlF ‘dyv’ dIaF ijhVf AultI pwtI pVHf igaf. pf BMgVf rqn kury, qyrf vIjLf kYnyzf df af igaf.
ieh qyyry qy ho geI BfrU, qUM mMn myrI axBolf jy pIxI nhIN afAuNdI dfrU, qUM pIxI Cwzdy Zolf. gt gt boql hV qUM jfvyN, awD moieaF vFgUM mr qUM jfvyN kuwqy mUMh dI krn sPfeI, Jwt ibMd AultI kr qUM jfvyN mwq geI ey mfrI qyrI, ro ro qYnUM isr ho igaf polf jy pIxI nhIN afAuNdI dfrU, qUM pIxI Cwzdy Zolf.
hanHyiraF dy nflL sfzI soc KihMdI rhygI,
Gr ivc hY nf pfeIaf dfxy, kI Kfx ieh bfl inafxy
asIN iswK ilaf sfgr nf zihxf dosqo…
DI qyrI awj BuwbIN roeI, qyyry vyK brfbr hoeI
cfnx df pwqo jy anMd hY qUM mfnxf,
iPr pCqfieaF kuJ nf hoxf, jd lMG igaf vf vrolf
lokF dy idlF ivwc pf lvIN aflHxf,
jy pIxI nhIN afAuNdI dfrU, qUM pIxI Cwzdy Zolf.
kwulIaF `c swc sdf rihxf dosqo…
lokF qoN mMg ky mOjF mfxy, hr qIjy idn qUM huMdfN Tfxy
buJ rhy dIivaF df kihxf dosqo.
sLrm hXf nf qYnUM Borf, kI kihxgy lok isafxy
hanHyiraF nf lVnf hY pYxf dosqo.
ijMd gmF `c suwkdI jFdI, iksmq sVky ho geI kolf
awj socF ny kivMdr cFd
jy pIxI nhIN afAuNdI dfrU, qUM pIxI Cwzdy Zolf. vIr Bgq df vIrf eyN qUM, dysL df sohxf hIrf eyN qUM,
awj socF ny rIJF dy Gr jfxf hY
af nisLaF qoN qobf krlY, gurU gRMQ df pwlf PV lY
avqfr isMG puafr
awg df iek diraf afpF qr jfxf hY
afpy krU gf imhrF dfqf, ‘inwJrf’ ikAuN KFdf izwkf zolf
KOry ikwQoN bih geIafˆ afx blfvfˆ sVkfˆ `qy?
iml bYTFgy mYN, pIVF qy qnhfeI
roË roË ho rhIafˆ durGtnfvfˆ sVkfˆ `qy.
eydF XfdF df mylf Br jfxf hY
iewk dUjy qoN awgy inkl jfx dI kfhlLI hI,
jMm jMm sUrj pUjo pr ieh jfx lvo
myt idMdI hY bMdy df isrnfvfˆ sVkfˆ `qy.
Kbry iewk jLry ny kI kr jfxf hY
afpxy hwQIN Gr qoN qory afpxy jfieafˆ nUM,
jy pIxI nhIN afAuNdI dfrU, qUM pIxI Cwzdy Zolf.
gLjLl mf[ suirMdr pfl isMG kOx khy ik cyqy coN moh muwk jFdf?
AumrF ies isKLr dupihry sUrj vI,
vkq nflL qy afKr
kdy kdy qF bwdlF Ehly luwk jFdf.
sLfh ny rotI Kfqr ablf soLsLx kr
ruwK vI suwk jFdf.
ruwqF dI qbdIlI roikaF rukdI nhIN,
lwBdIafˆ hI rih geIafˆ keI mfvfˆ sVkfˆ `qy.
lMgr cfVHn dyvI mMdr jfxf hY
tfhxy ruwK df sfQ
Auh `kwly nhIN nflL AunHfˆ dy Kqm ho jfˆdIafˆ ny,
jy dUjy leI, mrnf huMdf hY jIvn
kdy vI Cwzdy nhIN,
kuwl pirvfr dy supny aqy iewCfvfˆ sVkfˆ `qy.
mYnUM apxI sONh afpF mr jfxf hY
huMdI ikMj AulMGxf awj kwlH sVkI inXmfˆ dI,
aOVF, pIVF, soky qoN byhfl jhI
af myry nflL cwl qYnUM ivKfvfˆ sVkfˆ `qy.
iewk DrqI ny aMbr `qy vrH jfxf hY
cMgf hovy kr ley jykr hr koeI ieh inÈcf, krky nÈf kdy nf vfhn clfvfˆ sVkfˆ `qy. PAGE 32
bUtf BfvyN suwkdf suwkdf suwk jFdf. moh muhwbqF XfdF sMg sMg cwlIaF ny,
afeI bsMq qoN vyKo pqJV muwk jFdf. AumrF df ieh sPLr mnuwK df rwuK ijhf, PlL pwkx qy ieh qF
jIvn pYNzf BfvyN muwkdf muwk jFdf.
hor vI Juk jFdf.
apxI soc dI DUxI hY mGdI rihxI
muwTIaF Br Br cMn rosLnI vMzy jd,
kOx khy ik cyqy coN muwk jFdf,
vyKIN iek idn sUrj vI Tr jfxf hY
DrqI qoN iPr sB hnHyrf muwk jFdf. vkq nflL qy afKr ruwK vI suwk jFdf
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
blYk ipRMs
kulvIr shoqf zfnsIvfl ieh hY AujVIaF DrfqlF dI khfxI kobiraF zogiraF rMGVF dI khfxI
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI
isdkF dy sLfqr, kfqlF dI khfxI
ipwT `c KBoey iqwKy, KMjrF dI khfxI
cyiqaF `coN BuwlI, qvfrIK dI khfxI
DoKy dgybfjLIaF, PrybF dI khfxI
aFdrF `coN AuWTI iewk, cIK dI khfxI
rfxI dIaF rulLdIaF, pMjybF dI khfxI
rulL rhI ijMdF dI, ijMd dI khfxI
mfn mwqy sfzy, ieiqhfs dI khfxI
jFbfj gumnfm, king dI khfxI
lhU dIaF bUMdF qy, ipafs dI khfxI
goly mfry isMGF ny kr iswDy,
vfr rok ky nyjLy df Zfl AuWqy,
jfgdI jmIr zuwlHy, lhU dI khfxI
hlkIaF qy grkIaF, jLmIrF dI khfxI
nfl qygF df jOhr ivKfieaf eI.
DUh mfr dy iKwc qlvfr mIaF.
kysrI dupwty vflLI, bhU dI khfxI
KflsfeI rfj dy, aKIrF dI khfxI
hrcMd isMGf qyrF Auc-aPsr,
Gumfr cwk qoN BFzy lhux ijvyN,
AujVy sI rfj aqy ikvyN bUhy rMgly
imwqro jLrUr iewk vfr, jf ky dyiKE
kpqfn trYvrs vI mfr mukfieaf eI..
isMG lYNdy sI isr Auqfr mIaF.
luwty kohynUr tuwtI ring dI khfxI
bwicaF bjLurgF dy nfl, jf ky dyiKE
mfr Kf ky muVy aMgryjL ipwCy,
kOmI qKqF dy izwgy hoey, QMHmF dI khfxI
DoKy nflL Kohy, ieMc ieMc dI khfxI
Pwt coNdy qy DrqI lfl hoeI.
pMj dirafvF tuwty, bMnHF dI khfxI
kulvIr iswK rfj dy, prince dI khfxI
ieho hfl sI isMGf sUiraF df,
hrcMd isMGf Kyq ijAuN pey pyTy, isr aMgryjLF dy idwqy iKlfr mIaF.. pop liVaf vFg bhdfrF dy, aMq ilaf Auh vI mfr isMGf.
cwl idlf ikqy hor ZUMzIey
murdy cwky nf koeI sMBfl hoeI.
rxjIq ikMgrf cwl idlf ikqy hor ZUMzIey, eys sLihr `coN ipafr nhIN lwBxf.
cOvI-pwcI rjmYNt jo goiraF dI,
sIs Pyr vI ilaf Auqfr isMGf.
burI AunHF dy bhuq sI nfl hoeI.
ipwCf kIqf Bwjy jFidaF df,
hrcMd isMGf qlvfrF coNdIaF ny,
nfl rl ky kIqy vfr isMGf.
KUn rwqVI hr sI Zfl hoeI..
hrcMd isMGf mwQy zfh lVy,
krnl ‘bruwk’ df vyK ky hfl mMdf,
ijwq kIqI AWuQy llkfr isMGf..
‘XunYt’ qy ‘vItly’ afey cVHky jI.
isMGF GoVy qy qopF Koh leIaF,
ijs dy supny qUM lYnF eyN Eh eyQoN qYnUM Xfr nhIN lwBxf. cwl idlf ikqy hor ZUMzIeypwQrF dI ies DrqI Auqy moh mqlb dy rih gey ny. qYnUM rwb jo kihMdy sI awj Kud hI rwb bx bih gey ny. kdr idlF dI jfxy ijhVf Eh eyQoN idldfr nhIN lwBxf. ijs dy supny qUM lYnF eyN Eh eyQoN qYnUM Xfr nhIN lwBxf. cwl idlf ikqy hor ZUMzIey. ibnf prK qoN, ibnf sLrq qoN, ijs nUM qUM apxfieaf sI. mUDy mUMh Eh suwt igaf qYnUM qrs rqf nf Kfieaf sI.
isMGF mfrky awzI GoiVaF nUM, agoN roikaf AunHF nUM KV ky jI. XunYt ilaf AunHF ny mfr AuWQy, myjr ‘ikRstI’ soiDaf lV ky jI.
BfvyN Aus ny loh-pusLfk pfeI,
mukf idwqy pUrF dy pUr bylI. sYnfpqI gPL df jo zyrf, Auh vI irhf nf bhuqI dUr bylI. sfQI gPL dy Aus nUM kihx lwgy, ipwCy htIey afpF jLrUr bylI.
ijs dy supny qUM lYnF eyN Eh eyQoN qYnUM Xfr nhIN lwBxf.
hrcM d isM G f iglbrt dy aPsr igafrF, 157 ispfhI mfry sI GV ky jI..
cwl idlf ikqy hor ZUMzIey.
bRgyzIar pop df hwlf
Bfg cMgy gPL dy rfq hoeI,
kdmF dy ivwc ivwC igaf Aus dy, qUM sI iswDf sfDf Eey.
bRgyzIar pop ny roh dy ivc af ky,
afKr hoeI lVfeI bMd vIro.
pr Aus bydrdI df sI hr mqlbKor ierfdf Eey.
rsflf afpxf afKrI cfiVHaf ey.
pqf lwigaf isMGF dI sLkqI df,
jnm jnm qwk inB jfey ijhVf Auh pwkf iekrfr nhIN lwBxf.
GoVy kfblI Auqy jvfn jMgI,
ijs dy supny qUM lYnF eyN Eh eyQoN qYnUM Xfr nhIN lwBxf.
cfr rjmYNtF nUM jMg ivwc vfiVaf ey.
cwl idlf ikqy hor ZUMzIey.
lMby nyjLy sfr dy hwQ AunHF,
kwc qoN kwcy kwicaF ny afKr nUM kwc kmfAuxf Eey.
nhIN bicaf AunHF jo pfiVaf ey.
ipMz ckr dy ikMgry vrgf nhIN koeI Xfr iQafAuxf Eey.
hrcMd isMGf awzI lf gorf,
PV ky bFh nf Cwzy ijhVf, lfvy qYnUM pfr nhIN lwBxf.
vFg sLyr dy Auh dhfiVaf ey..
ijs dy supny qUM lYnF eyN Eh eyQoN qYnUM Xfr nhIN lwBxf.
hwQIN isMGF dy ZflF sfr dIaF,
gl dy nfl nf lfieaf cuwk ky, ho igaf Eho Prfr nhIN lwBxf.
cwl idlf ikqy hor ZUMzIey.
Auho rokdy AunHF df vfr mIaF.
hrcMd isMGf afAuNdy ny isMG cVHy, JfV dyxgy vFgrF bUr bylI..
Kwty krqy AunHF dy dMd vIro. lfl isMG nf AuWQy sI qyj isMG, jo Bwjy sI Cwz ky sMd vIro. hrcMd isMGf jy nf rfq pYNdI dyNdy PwitaF vFg Auh rMd vIro.. cylIaF vflI dI jMg bfry aMgryjL ilKfrI sr aYzivn afrnOlz ieAuN ibafn krdy hn sr aYzivn afpxI ilKq aMdr, ies qrHF dy dyNdf ivcfr mIaF. PAGE 33
The Patrika
Abbotsford’s Trucking company is looking for company drivers and owner operators for local work. 5-6 days a week. Company Drivers: $20 per hour ur Owner Operator: $55 per hour
Friday, September 1st, 2017
pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz (rij:) dI mfisk mIitMg pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz dI mfisk mIitMg idn aYqvfr nUM Kflsf dIvfn susfietI dy lfiebryrI hfl ivwc pvn igwlF vfly dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI. ieh mIitMg 12 qoN 3:00 vjy qwk cwlI ijs dy ivwc sBf dy mYNbrF ny afpxIaF-afpxIaF rcnfvF, khfxIaF sFJIaF kIqIaF. ijs dy ivwc surjIq isMG awcrvfl, gurdyv buwtr, hkUmq isMG inwJr, gurmyl
brfV, pvn igwlF vflf aqy bldyv suwKI rozy sLfiml hoey. bfad ivwc afAux vflLIaF ikqfbF bfry vI gwlbfq kIqI geI. sfihq sBf dI aglI mIitMg 24 sqMbr nUM hovy gI hor jfxkfrI leI bldyv suwKI nUM Pon kr skdy ho: 604-855-1952
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gwzIaF dI iztyilMg aMdro aqy bfhro N International tandem axel Car vYkUam, Shampoo flat bedsLtruck for sale with YNpU, $49.99 vYkisMg, & UP job, local work pOilisLMg , dfg htfAuxy
40 - 50 hours granted per week Call: 604-857-5535
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The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
mfˆtrIal qy Etvf ivwc qUPfn ny mcfeI qbfhI, jn-jIvn Twp mYrIjuafnf dy kfnUMnIkrn dI Xojnf nUM srkfr nslI lYˆË hyT vI prKy: Prgus Etvf: ilbrl aYm[pI[ gRYWg Prgus cfhuMdy hn ik srkfr mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMn dy dfiery ivwc ilafAux dI afpxI Xojnf nUM iewk vfrI nslI lYˆË hyT vI prK lvy. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik ieh XkInI bxfieaf jfvy ik isafh nsl dy kYnyzIanfˆ nUM ies qihq inÈfnf nhIN bxfieaf jfvygf ijvyˆ ik aqIq ivwc bxfieaf jfˆdf irhf hY.
pfrlIafmYˆtyrIanË dI isKr vfrqf mgroN afKIafˆ.
isKr vfrqf dOrfn pRoivMÈIal mMqrI qy PYzrl pfrlIafmYˆtyrIanË kYnyzf ivwc isafh nsl dy BfeIcfirafˆ nUM drpyÈ smwisafvfˆ bfry ivcfr vtfˆdrf krn leI Zuky sn. mYrIjuafnf dy kfnUMnIkrn qy pRsqfivq nIqI dy inafˆiek qy afriQk pRBfvfˆ nUM vI mIitMg ivwc muwK qOr AuWqy Prgus, jo ik ilbrl blYk kfks dy ivcfiraf igaf. pRYËIzYˆt vI hn, ny afiKaf ik ieh by hwd ËrUrI hY ik srkfr ies gwl AuWqy Prgus ny afiKaf ik ieho ijhy muwdy hn ivcfr kry ik isafh nsl dy lokfˆ nUM ijwQy sfnUM ieh XkInI bxfAuxf cfhIdf mOjUdf mYrIjuafnf kfnUMn qihq glq ZMg hY ik sfnUM iDafn ivwc rwiKaf jfvygf qy sfnUM aihiqafqI mfpdMz apnfAux nflL inÈfnf bxfieaf jfˆdf irhf hY. AunHfˆ leI Ëor lfAuxf hovy gf. Prgus afpxy afiKaf ik sfry hI jfxdy hn ik isafh sihXogIafˆ, ijnHfˆ ivwc inafˆ mMqrI jozI nsl dy BfeIcfry nflL sbMDq lokfˆ nUM ivlsn rfiebolz vI Èfml hY, AuWqy ieh mfmUlI mfqrf ivwc mYrIjuafnf rwKx leI XkInI bxfAux leI dbfa pfAuxf cfhuMdy vI sËf idwqI jfˆdI rhI hY. ieho qrk hn ik mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMn dy dfiery ivwc mUlvfsIafˆ leI vI idwqf jf skdf hY. ilafAux leI kIqy jf rhy aiDaYn dOrfn ieh gwlfˆ Prgus ny mMglvfr nUM Etvf isafh nsl dy kYnyzIanË dy qjLrby nUM ivwc muwkI kYnyzIan kfks afP blYk vI iDafn ivwc rwiKaf jfvy.
ieMtrpol ny torfˆto dy iewk ivakqI dI afqmGfqI hmlfvr vjoN kIqI pCfx torFto: torfˆto dy iewk ivakqI dI ieMtrpol vwloN afeI[aYs[afeI[aYs[ dy afqmGfqI hmlfvr vjoN pCfx kIqI geI hY. hflfˆik ieh spÈt nhIN ho sikaf ik ieh ivakqI ijAuNdf vI hY jfˆ nhIN? 25 sflf qfibrul hfisb AunHfˆ cfr bMglf dyÈI ipCokV vflLy nOjvfnfˆ ivwcoN iewk sI ijs ny mwD pUrb ivwc afeI[aYs[afeI[aYs[ ivwc Èfml hox leI pMj sfl pihlfˆ torfˆto Cwz idwqf sI. ienHfˆ nUM afˆdry poiln vwloN rkrUt kIqf igaf sI. poiln itimnË, EntfrIE ivwc hfkI KHyzdf vwzf hoieaf sI qy bfad ivwc Aus nUM afeI[aYs[afeI[aYs[ dy pRcfr ivwc abU musilm al kfnfdI afiKaf igaf sI. poiln 2013 ivwc sIrIaf ivwc mfiraf igaf sI. hfisb kYnyzf priqaf ËrUr sI pr bfad ivwc Auh sIrIaf ivwc lVn clf igaf. jy ieMtrpol dI sUcnf shI hY qfˆ pihlI kqfr dy jMgjU dI Qfˆ Aus nUM afqmGfqI hmlfvr bxf idwqf igaf hY qy hux Auh abU bfkU al bMglf dyÈI dy nfˆ nflL jfixaf jfˆdf hY. rYizklfeIjyÈn mfihr amrnfQ amrisMgm jfrj vfiÈMgtn XUnIvristI dy awqvfd sbMDI pRogrfm nflL juVy hoey hn.
100 sfl purfxy ruwK vI qyË hvf sfhmxy nhIN itk sky, ibjlI splfeI hoeI pRBfivq ikAUibk: dwKxpwCmI ikAUibk ivwc afey Ëbrdsq qUPfn kfrn 63,000 qoN vI vwD Grfˆ dI ibjlI splfeI Twp ho geI. mfˆtrIal ivwc qfˆ 100 sfl purfxy ruwK vI ies qUPfn ny jVHoN puwt idwqy. keI Qfˆvfˆ AuWqy mlbf izwgx kfrn keI Grfˆ nUM vI nuksfn phuMicaf. aYnvfiermYˆt kYnyzf vwloN ies gwl dI puÈtI kIqI geI hY ik hvf dy hyTfˆ vwl nUM qkVy dbfa kfrn qUPfn dOrfn BfrI nuksfn hoieaf. mfˆtrIal dy nOqry zym zI gRys ielfky ivwc ies df asr sB qoN vwD vyKx nUM imilLaf. hvf dI rPqfr 113 iklomItr pRqI GMty dI gqI qwk phuMc geI. ies rPqfr awgy ibjlI dy KMBy suwky pwqy vfˆg AuWz gey qy ibjlI dIafˆ qfrfˆ tuwt geIafˆ, ruwK vI jVHoNˆ puwty gey.
cÈmdId lYËiln jfrj ny dwisaf ik BfrIafˆ BfrIafˆ cIËfˆ vI hvf dy iqnky vfˆg AuWzIafˆ jf rhIafˆ sn, kfrfˆ vI hvf dy Ëor awgy itk nhIN sn pf rhIafˆ. ies qrHfˆ df nËfrf pihlfˆ kdy vyKx nUM nhIN imilLaf. keI lok ies dOrfn ËKmI vI hoey pr iksy nUM jfnlyvf swtfˆ nhIN lwgIafˆ. ijnHfˆ ielfikafˆ ivwc BfrI nuksfn hoieaf hY puils AunHfˆ Qfvfˆ AuWqy Gr Gr jf ky lokfˆ dI rfËI KuÈI df pqf lY rhI hY. ies dOrfn 63,000 Grfˆ nUM nuksfn hoieaf hY. Èihr qoN bfhr mfˆtryjI ivwc 29,000 Gr pRBfivq hoey hn, lfryntIanË ivwc 14,000 Grfˆ qy lvl ivwc 5,000 Grfˆ nUM nuksfn phuMicaf hY. Etvf ivwc vI qUPfn ny Èihr nUM Gyr ilaf. iewQy vfvroly afAux dI cyqfvnI vI idwqI geI hY. Etvf ivwc vI qbfhI vflLf mMËr hI nËr afieaf. ruwK iewQy vI jVHfˆ qoN AuWKV gey qy gOlP bfl ijwzy gVy vI izwgy.
vYnkUvr, torfˆto qy kYlgrI dunIafˆ dy sB qoN vwD rihxXog Èihrfˆ ivwcoN pihly ds ivwc Etvf: ies sfl dunIaF dy sB qoN vwD rihxXog 10 Èihrfˆ ivwcoN isKrly iqMn ivwc kYnyzf dy iqMn Èihrfˆ nUM sQfn hfsl hoieaf hY. mYlbOrn nUM lgfqfr swqvyˆ sfl dunIafˆ df sB qoN vDIaf rihxXog Èihr df drjf hfsl hoieaf hY.
d ieknfimsts ieM t Y l IjY ˆ s XU i nt dy amrisMgm ny hI torfˆto dy ies ivakqI ivÈlyÈkfˆ vwloN sfl 2017 dI globl df nfˆ ieMtrpol dI sUcI ivwc vyiKaf sI. ilvyibiltI irport dy jfrI kIqy gey qfËf Aus ny vI ieho afiKaf ik ieh sfP nhIN aMk ivwc dunIaF Br dy 140 Èihrfˆ ivwc ho sikaf hY ik hfisb ijAuNdf hY jfˆ nhIN? lokfˆ dI iËMdgI dy imafr nUM afˆikaf igaf. Aus ny afiKaf ik ieh pqf lfAuxf kfPI ies leI ijhVy mfpdMz qYa kIqy gey sn aOKf hY ik ies qrHfˆ dy awqvfdI kdoN mfry AunHfˆ ivwc siQrqf, hYlQkyar, swiBafjfˆdy hn. Aus ny afiKaf ik icMqf df ivÈf cfr qy vfqfvrx dy nflL nflL iswiKaf qy ieh hY ik hfisb vrgy awqvfdI kYnyzf buinafdI Zfˆcy vrgIafˆ vMngIafˆ Èfml qy qfˆ nhIN pr XUrp ivwc kdy vI hmlf kIqIafˆ geIafˆ. kr skdy hn. Aus ny ieh vI dwisaf ik ieMtrpol dI sUcI ivwc 173 lok ierfkI ipCly swq sflfˆ ivwc isKrly pMj Èihrfˆ dI hn. asIN AunHfˆ bfry nhIN jfx skdy ik Auh sUcI ivwc QoVHf bhuq Pyrbdl hoieaf hY. kOx hn ikAuNik XUrp ivwc AunHfˆ df koeI imsfl vjoN ies sfl mYlbOrn isrP 0[1 PIsdI aMk dy Prk nflL iveynf nUM ipwCy mujrmfnf irkfrz nhIN hY. Cwzx ivwc kfmXfb ho sikaf. iveynf qoN ies dOrfn kYnyzIan srkfr ieh nhIN bfad vYnkUvr qy torfˆto nUM ies sUcI ivwc afK rhI ik Auh ieh mMndI hY ik hfisb qIjf qy cOQf sQfn hfsl hoieaf. ies qoN ijAuNdf hY jfˆ nhIN? pbilk syPtI mMqrI bfad kYlgrI qy aYzIlyz iewkiTafˆ pMjvyˆ rflP guzyl dy bulfry skOt bfrzslya ny sQfn AuWqy rhy. aYqvfr nUM iewk ilKqI ibafn ivwc afiKaf ik srkfr kOmI surwiKaf dy afpryÈnË ies sfl vyKx ivwc afieaf ik 44 Èihrfˆ dy mfmly ivwc itwpxI nhIN kr skdI. nUM sUcI ivwc pRmot kIqf jfˆ ipwCy Dwikaf bfrzslya ny afiKaf ik asIN ieh afK igaf. iPr Bfvyˆ kfrn koeI vI irhf hovy skdy hfˆ ik kYnyzf srkfr sfry Kqirafˆ dI ijvyˆ ik AuWQy Gwt rhI jurm dr,awqvfd ingrfnI kr rhI hY qy AunHfˆ nflL nijwTx sbMDI DmkIafˆ ivwc iejLfPf, asiQrqf jfˆ leI vI sfzy kolL hr qrHfˆ dy mfpdMz hn. sYr spfty sbMDI gqI ivDIafˆ ivwc vfDf.
ivÈlyÈkfˆ ny ipCly kuwJ sflfˆ qoN jfrI ruJfn vwl vI iDafn idvfieaf ijs ivwc pfieaf igaf ik amrIkf dy keI Èihrfˆ dy aMk ies leI vI Gwt rhy hn ikAuNik AuWQy nfgirkfˆ ivwc aÈfˆqI pfeI jf rhI hY. ieh sB isafh nsl dy amrIkIafˆ dIafˆ puils hwQoN ho rhIafˆ mOqfˆ ivwc hoey vfDy qy amrIkf dy nvyˆ rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp dIafˆ vMzIafˆ pfAux vflLIafˆ nIqIafˆ kfrn ho irhf hY. ies sfl isznI vI swqvyˆ qoN 11vyˆ nMbr AuWqy jf phuMicaf. awqvfd sbMDI DmkIafˆ dy pYdf hoey Kqry kfrn rihxXog pihly ds Èihrfˆ ivwcoN isznI bfhr hoieaf mMinafN jfˆdf hY. ies dy nflL hI Prfˆs qy XUky ivwc vfrI vfrI ho rhy awqvfdI hmilafˆ, mfeIgRyÈn sMkt qy bRYgiËt kfrn XUrp dy keI Èihr vI ies sUcI ivwc kfPI ipwCy rih gey hn. ies dy nflL hI sIrIaf ivwc zmYsks, nfeIjIrIaf ivwc lYgOs qy ilbIaf ivwc iqRpolI ies sUcI ivwc sB qoN hyTfˆ rhy. 2017 dy ds sB qoN vwD rihxXog Èihrfˆ ivwc hyT ilKy Èihr Èfml hn: mY l bO r n, afstry l Iaf/ivey n f, afstrIaf/ vYnkUvr, kYnyzf/ torfˆto, kYnyzf/ aYzIlyz, afstrylIaf qy kYlgrI, kYnyzf (brfbr)/ prQ, afstrylIaf/ afklYˆz, inAUËIlYˆz/ hYlisMkI, iPnlYˆz/ hYmbrg, jrmnI PAGE 35
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Now Hiring New & experienced Mechanincs
trwk aqy trYlr rIpyar ilmitz
asIN nvyN aqy qjLrbydfr mkYink hfier kr rhy hF. Contact:
trMp vwloN nfPtf smJOqf rwd krn dI DmkI dy bf vjUd vpfr mMqrI ny kIqI Èfˆq rihx dI apIl vYnkUvr: amrIkf dy rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp vwloN vfrI vfrI nOrQ amYrIkn PrI tryz agrImYˆt (nfPtf) rwd krn dI idwqI jf rhI DmkI dy mwdynËr kYnyzf dy kOmfˆqrI vpfr mMqrI ny sfirafˆ nUM Èfˆq rihx dI apIl kIqI hY. dUjy pfsy trMp lgfqfr ies nUM sB qoN mfVf qy Gfty df sOdf dwsdy af rhy hn.
dy aMq ivwc sLurU hoxf hY. vIk ieMz AuWqy kIqy tvIt ivwc trMp ny kYnyzf AuWqy inÈfnf sfDidafˆ afiKaf sI ik mYkisko qy kYnyzf nflL ies mfmly ivwc gwlbfq krnf kfPI muÈkl hoieaf ipaf hY. ÈYˆpyn ny afiKaf ik nfPtf df afDunIkIkrn kIqy jfx ivwc koeI icMqf vflLI gwl nhIN hY qy 1990ivafˆ ivwc ies smJOqy dy isry cVHn qoN lY ky aijhf 12 vfrI ho cuwikaf hY. asIN vfqfvrx, lybr qy ilMgk smfnqf bfry iewk-iewk aiDafey cfhuMdy hfˆ. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik hux 2017 cwl irhf hY. ies leI ieh smfˆ hY ik asIN aijhy vpfrk smJOiqafˆ rfhIN dunIafˆ Br dy ibhqrIn mfpdMzfˆ nUM hwlfsyLrI dyeIey qy vpfr nUM shI qy sMquilq bxfeIey.
PrYˆkOies iPilp ÈYˆpyn ny amrIkf, kYnyzf qy mYkisko drimafn hoey 23 sfl purfxy ies smJOqy dI pYrvI kridafˆ afiKaf ik ieh mnuwKqf dy ieiqhfs df sB qoN PldfeI kfrobfrI smJOqf hY. ÈYˆpyn ny bI[sI[ dy cYNbr afP kfmrs vwloN afXoijq lMc dOrfn vYnkUvr dI ibËns kimAUintI dy mYˆbrfˆ nUM sMboDn kridafˆ afiKaf ik sfnUM ieho XkInI bxfAuxf hovygf ik asIN hryk AunHfˆ afiKaf ik amrIkI qy kYnyzIan Kbr AuWqy nf qfˆ pRqIikiraf deIey qy nf arQcfry iewkjuwt hn. hr roË 2 iblIan hI koeI itwpxI krIey. zflr dIafˆ vsqfˆ qy syvfvfˆ roËfnf srhwdoN iËkrXo g hY ik nfPtf dy sbM D ivw c pfr idwqIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. ies dy nflL gwlbfq ies mhIny dy sLurU ivwc afrMB hI 400,000 lokfˆ nUM roËgfr imilLaf hoeI sI qy gwlbfq df dUjf gyV ies hPqy hoieaf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Get skills, training and work connections at....
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muV POjfˆ aPgfinsqfn Byjx qoN trUzo ny idwqf korf jvfb amrIkf dy imËfeIl izPYˆs ivwc vI ihwsf iesy dOrfn amrIkf dy rfÈtrpqI zOnlz trMp ny hËfrfˆ POjI tukVIafˆ muV aPgnhIN lvygf kYnyzf finsqfn Byjx df PYslf kr ilaf hY. hux Etvf: ilbrl srkfr vwloN amrIkf dI ies nflL ieh svfl KVHf ho igaf hY ik qrË AuWqy imËfeIl izPYˆs jfˆ muV POjI kI kYnyzf nUM vI aijhf krn leI amrIkf tukVIafˆ aPgfinsqfn Byjx sbMDI jfrI vwloN afiKaf jfvygf? buwDvfr nUM mfˆtrIal ikafsarfeIafˆ AuWqy pRDfn mMqrI jsitn ivwc gwl kridafˆ trUzo vwloN dovfˆ ivcfrfˆ trUzo ny ivrfm lfAuNidafˆ afiKaf ik ai- nUM Jtk idwqf igaf. PYzrl qy pRoivMÈIal iemIgRyÈn aiDkfrIafˆ nflL mulfkfq qoN jhf kuwJ nhIN hox vflLf. bfad pwqrkfrfˆ nflL gwlbfq kridafˆ AuWqrI korIaf vwloN iqafr kIqy jf rhy AunHfˆ spÈt qOr AuWqy afiKaf ik aijhy pRmfxU ËKIry dy mwdynËr ipCly kuwJ idnfˆ qoN mfmilafˆ ivwc asIN AuhI PYslf lvfˆgy, ieh svfl isr cuwk irhf sI ik kI kYnyzf ijhVf kYnyzIanfˆ dy ihwqfˆ ivwc hovygf. nUM amrIkf dy kOˆtInYˆtl imËfeIl izPYˆs AunHfˆ ieh vI afiKaf ik ienHfˆ do muwidafˆ ÈIlz df ihwsf hoxf cfhIdf hY jfˆ nhIN? AuWqy sfzf PYslf jldI bdlx vflLf nhIN. iËkrXog hY ik kYnyzf ny 2005 ivwc vMzIafˆ bfilsitk imËfeIl izPYˆs vflLI itwpxI vflI kOmI bihs qoN bfad bfilsitk imË- ilbrl srkfr vwloN hux qwk afieaf feIl izPYˆs df rfh cuixafN sI pr bhuq sfirafˆ nfloN sKq ibafn mMnI jf rhI hY. sfry rwiKaf mfihrfˆ qy pfrlIafmYt ˆ yrIanË, ies qoN ipCly kuwJ hPiqafˆ ivwc ies sbMDI ijnHfˆ ivwc kuwJ ilbrl vI Èfml sI, ies puwCy jfx vflyL svflfˆ qoN ilbrl srkfr tflLf hI vwtdI rhI hY. muwdy nUM muV KuwlHvfAuxf cfhuMdy sn.
Now hiring company & lease operators for Dry/Reefer lanes from BC to Alberta & Canada to USA lanes!
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The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Continued from page 31 (their grandparents), where were they born, what did they do? Share with your children/youth some interesting episodes from your and your parents’ lives. This will likely take you to your ancestral village/city where you and your parents were born and raised. Develop this family narrative further by reciting important/significant events/incidents from your lives. A family album, videos, tapes or any other auditory or visual record about your life and that of your parents and grandparents is likely to create curiosity and interest among your children and grandchildren.
DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019
Duke and Feiler emphasize that this strategy is particularly important for children whose identities tend to solidify during adolescence and late teens. It has been suggested that when faced with a challenge, happy families, like happy people, add a new chapter to their life story that shows them overcoming the hardships. In this context, it is important to communicate effectively with each member of the family. Sharing positive stories about each member of the family is also a great way to connect with each other.
Using the family as a starting point, take it one step further on to the community. For example, our community has been in this country for more than 120 years. Our pioneers went through a lot of challenges in order to survive and succeed. Their stories of courage, perseverance and resilience should serve as sources of inspiration to our younger generations. Consequently, our children and grandchildren will begin to take great pride not only about their families but also about their community. As a matter of fact, large corporations and outfits use this method to inspire and motivate their employees. Once an employee knows the history of the company well he/she feels better connected and is likely to be proud of being a part of it. In a sense, a strong family and community narrative is the key to a family‘s and community’s happiness and unity. It is a very simple technique that has immense potential in inspiring our children and youth to become productive and proud members of their families and the community.
Balwant Sanghera
How to weather financial risk for your farm kuafltI golz ijAUlrj
22 CT Gold Jewllery | Gold Bars | Silver Jewellery | & Gemstone
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nvF stor sIzr pfrk plys qoN mUv ho ky 2646 Auburn Street qy Auburn Plaza ivwc nvF mYgf sLoarUm dsmysL PUzj dy ipWCy KolH idwqf igaf hY|
604.864.8515 | #102 - 2646 Auburn St. Abbotsford BC V2T 3K1 PAGE 38
(NC) Risk is a given for any farming operation. Many factors — from weather conditions to political changes to market pricing — lie beyond a farmer's control. But that does not mean they are left to the mercy of the elements when it comes to risk management. “Farming comes with inherent risk that needs to be managed,” explains Gwen Paddock, national director of agriculture and agribusiness at RBC. “But how much do farmers think about and plan for risk? So many factors can affect revenue streams and net profits beyond weather and markets, from employees to interest rates. The key lies in planning, starting with determining the worst-case scenario you are willing to accept in any given year.” The best risk management approach starts with knowing the facts. Once you understand the risk factors, you can consider what actions for managing each loss or risk are appropriate for your operation. Here are three strategies:
1. Make risk planning part of your business strategy. The more you understand the types of risk you are exposed to, the more likely your decisions will be based on fact and analysis rather than emotion or instinct. Follow a systematic assessment and analysis process in order to arrive at a proper strategy. 2. Know your baseline for risk and be comfortable with it. Ask yourself how much you could afford to lose in your very worst year. For example, if weather takes out 20% of your production, how does that translate into dollars and cents? When you know your bottom line, you'll be more comfortable taking measures to compensate where you can. 3. Balance business risk and financial risk: A key to any risk management plan is striking a balance between business risk (including everything from weather to yield to prices) and financial risk such as interest rates, lending relationships and market variability.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Premier Horgan to visit wildfireaffected areas
remier John Horgan and Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Doug Donaldson will be visiting people in regions affected by the worst wildfire in British Columbia’s history.
“This summer’s unprecedented wildfire season has hurt communities and forced people from their homes,” Premier Horgan said. “British Columbians are working together to recover and rebuild. Your government is here to help.” Since April 1 this year, 1,123 wildfires in the province have burned an estimated 1,061,911 hectares. Premier Horgan and Donaldson will be visiting Kamloops, Cache Creek, Ashcroft and Kelowna. The visit will include a ground tour of the fire damage in Ashcroft and an aerial tour of the Philpott wildfire. During the visit, Premier Horgan and Donaldson will meet with British Columbians affected by the fires, as well as local officials, firefighters, emer-
raser Health is issuing a warning to people who use illicit drugs following preliminary data which showed a notable increase in the number of suspected overdose deaths throughout the region in the past week. The majority of deaths have occurred in private residences, followed by hotels and motels.
gency responders and First Nations leaders who have been providing aid and comfort.
“We applaud the BC government for this fiscally prudent move in declining to provide taxpayer dollars to support the Commonwealth Games in Victoria. Bidding on and hosting things like the Commonwealth Games almost always incur a huge cost to taxpayers, as
“There is a hidden epidemic, with nearly 70 per cent of overdose deaths in Fraser Health occurring at home,” said Fraser Health Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Victoria Lee. “Our targeted response is an important step in supporting people who are at a higher risk of dying.”
“People have been working around the clock to help those whose livelihoods and homes have been impacted by the fires,” Premier Horgan said. “It's imAccording to preliminary data proportant for us to hear first-hand about the devastation and the work being vided by the BC Coroners Service, done to get people back on their feet.” the Fraser Health region has seen a total of 17 suspected illicit drug Among Premier Horgan's first actions overdose deaths over the past week in government were to extend the in communities ranging from Surrey wildfire state of emergency, increase to Hope. payments to evacuees and strike a cabinet task force on the fires. Since Some of the actions Fraser Health then, the government has pledged has been taking to respond to the financial support for small businesses hidden epidemic of overdoses in and allocated up to $200,000 to tour- residences include: ism operations affected by the fires. · Since eight out of 10 people who died at home presented to our emergency departments at least once in the 12 months prior to their deaths, we are implementing a process in our emergency departments to identify people who may be at risk, and offer supports such as first-line treatment (Suboxone) for opioid use disorder.
CTF statement regarding Commonwealth Games Kris Sims, BC Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation made the following statement following the announcement that the BC government would not support a Commonwealth Games bid in Victoria:
the events frequently go far over their initially proposed budgets. “Taxpayers in BC are already stretched to the max when it comes to taxes, housing costs and hardships caused by the forest fires and challenges in the energy sector. Asking them to foot the huge bill for a large event like the Commonwealth Games would have been unfair and we are pleased the BC government has made the right decision.”
· Since the majority of patients list family physicians in their health records, we are providing family physicians with a notification when their patients overdose and we are working with family physicians to reduce barriers to accessing naloxone. · As this hidden epidemic is disproportionately affecting men between the ages of 19 and 59 in trade industries, we are engaging with groups outside the health care sector, such as employers, technical schools, and sports associations, which may be able to assist in identifying and supporting individuals who are struggling with substance use. This September, we will host a workshop to identify interventions for this population. · Since many of these individuals live with a loved one whom they identify as a support, we are seeking opportunities to engage with these family members to help prevent overdoses from occurring.
We have unfortunately seen spikes in deaths periodically during this crisis, particularly in people who are using · We are contacting all patients that on their own. Our message to people overdosed at home within 48 hours who use drugs is that we recognize of discharge from emergency depart- that stigma and shame can prevent ments to assist them in accessing our you from reaching out to others about your drug use and this can be lethal. services. We encourage you to reach out and · As many of these individuals talk with a family member, a friend, have histories of injuries and pain or a trusted health professional – we management concerns, we are im- want you to stay alive. plementing opioid stewardship to ensure more appropriate prescribing For more information about Fraser practices. We have begun working Health’s overdose prevention and with other health professionals such response strategy, including tips for as physiotherapists and chiropractors preventing an overdose, responding to enhance the options for pain man- to an overdose, and information for agement available to people suffering schools and parents, please visit fraserhealth.ca/overdose. from chronic pain. PAGE 39
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-ishq Krfb, afriQk lfB hovygf, imwqr sihXogI rihx, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr TIk. agsq 20, 21, 28, 29, 30; sqMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
There can be a sudden sense that the time has come to get rid of the unnecessary so that you can scale things down if you are to have greatest success in the future. Part of this can be the realisation that you have taken on too many responsibilities that could be easily managed in the long term. This has to be your decision.
What you can really afford and what you might like to do or have could be two different things. You will be more easily tempted than usual to spend first and think later. You are far better to remain your normal careful self. Don’t be pushed into accepting any situation you feel could be too much combined with normal routine.
ibRK-ishq TIk, kfrobfr TIk, swjxF-imwqrF aqy BfeIcfry df sihXog, dusLmx kmjLor, iesqrI-pwK sLuwB. agsq 22, 23; sqMbr 1, 2, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
imQn-ishq TIk, afriQk sMkt afey, imwqrF qoN mdd imly, aOlfd nUM ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. agsq 16, 17, 24, 25; sqMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
krk-vfXU-pIVf, afriQk hflfq suDrn, inwjI-jn-suwK, rfj-pwK qoN BY, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI afvy. agsq 18, 19, 26, 27; sqMbr 5, 6, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
isMG-ishq TIk, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. ividaf-buwDI sLuwB, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, acfnk Xfqrf ivwc ksLt. agsq 20, 21, 28, 29, 30; sqMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-kwP-vfXU-ivkfr, afriQk hfnI hovy, injIjn sihXog dyx, ividaf ivc kmjLorI, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr pihlF dI qrHF. agsq 22, 23, 31; sqMbr 1, 2, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
7 qulf-pyt ivwc KrfbI, kfrobfr ivwc ivsLysL pRgqI, sMpqI-ivvfd, iesqrI-ksLt, PjUl dy JgiVaF qoN bco. agsq 16, 17, 24, 25; sqMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
ibRsick-ishq TIk rhy, afmdn-Krc brfbr, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, sMpqI-suwK, iesqrIsuwK, mhIny df aMq sLuwB. agsq 18, 19, 26, 27; sqMbr 5, 6, 14, 15 asLwuB hn.
Dn-kwP-vfXU-ivkfr, hwQ qMg rhy, Brf df suwK, iesqrI-suwK, sMpqI ivvfd, kfrobfr TIk. agsq 20, 21, 28, 29, 30; sqMbr 7, 8, 9 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-ishq TIk, krjLf isr cVHy, injI lokF nfl axbx, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf. agsq 22, 23, 31; sqMbr 1, 2, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB-ishq TIk, Dn-hfnI-BY, BfeI bMDU qoN mdd, sLuwB kfrj hox, iesqrI-suwK, PjULl df Krc hovy, kfrobfr drimafnf. agsq 16, 17, 24, 25; sqMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
mIn-rkq-ipwq-ivkfr, Dn-lfB ho ky hfnI hovy, injI-jn sihXog, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt, afmdn-Krc brfbr. agsq 18, 19, 26, 27; sqMbr 5, 6, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
Friends or others involved in a group that includes you could surprise you with their determination to scale down in some way. This will firmly place you in a position where you need to weigh up your own situation, especially if there has been some sort of reliance on them. Answers will come from considering what you enjoy.
You could come up against a strong personality or somebody who expects to take control. You need to find a way to fight for your rights strongly but in a passive manner. The less you care about what other people think of you the better. It is hard to judge this at the moment and it can be better than what you expect.
With some proper focus and concentration you can gain clarity on something that has either been deliberately hidden from you or confused you in relation to somebody else. You should only take information into account, which can also be what others tell you, once you have investigated thoroughly enough for the truth.
There is a lot which won’t be clear. Time spent in careful consideration without making any final decision, will be time well spent. You need to maintain a fighting spirit when it comes to your own priorities. This is not an area where you should compromise lightly. Much is about giving others time to show their hand more.
Someone else can quite suddenly decide to get rid of certain things that don’t suit their purposes any longer. You need to be sure this does not load you up with extra responsibilities as you are too inclined right now to be overly generous of yourself. Insist on greater clarity when it comes to information that lacks transparency.
Your own thoughts are powerful right now, particularly when it comes to long-term vision for which you are willing to go into battle. Others find Scorpio mysterious and though they may attempt to predict where you will take things, they can never be sure because, in the end, you are very hard to read. You are just preparing now.
How somebody relates and what their true intentions are can be at odds and very difficult for you to read accurately. There is an underlying desire for power on their part, though you could very well be worrying them. Your freedom from this is to focus more on the future in relation to fulfilling what are important priorities to you.
Impatient behaviour from somebody else is best resisted without a great deal of comment as this will inhibit their ability to stir up trouble. You can approach this in a pragmatic manner while they will be more emotional. The most important thing here is to protect your own position. This can be part of bigger change to come.
Others will be willing to talk about future plans. You might discover that they expect you to accept them without question. However, it is more likely it will not fit with your own priorities and you have to be willing to say so. If you have been lazy of late when it comes to proper exercise or diet you can now become more motivated.
What you realise is best to get some good balance in place can be at odds with the actions you would prefer to take to enjoy yourself. This might equally take place with what children want to do as opposed to what you consider would be more sensible. Don’t succumb to pressure that can result in making you doubt yourself.
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
AND Single
PAID TOLLS AND PERMITS / PAID BRIDGE CROSSINGS AUTHORIZED FUEL CARDS / COMPANY PHONE PROVIDED TYPE OF TRUCKING: VAN/DRY VANS. mfeIlj dy ihsfb nflL qnKLfh- 46 sYNt/ mIl sfP eIkivpmYNt poieMt qoN poieMt mfeIlj, hor zrfp afP leI pYsy idwqy jfx gy ly Evr leI pYsy idwqy jfx gy/ sfry loz pRI skYjUal hn tol aqy primt dy pYsy idwqy jfx gy/ birwj krfisMg leI pya kIqf jfvygf PIAUl kfrz aOQrfeIjLz hovy gf/ kmpnI df Pon idwqf jfvy gf iks qrF dI trikMg: vYn/ zrfeI vYnF
Call Today : Gary Bhangu Bhangu Bross Transportation LTD. Office: (604)-855-9003 | Mobile: (778)-345-9229 | Fax (604)-855-9004 | Bhangubross@shaw.ca PAGE 41
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Welcome Back Students & Staff! On behalf of the Abbotsford Board of Education, it is our pleasure to welcome students and staff to the 2017/2018 school year. We hope you have enjoyed your summer along with some valued family time and perhaps a chance to get away, or had a chance to slow down a bit.
Transportation All school bus riders must register with the Transportation Department. Student Transportations Request Forms are available on the district’s website at www.abbyschools.com/busing
We extend a special warm welcome to our newest students, families, and staff, and wish you all the best in the Abbotsford School District as you start your next educational journey. Please take an opportunity to review our 2016-2020 Strategic Plan found . We are committed to Student Success as our highest priority, and can’t do it without Optimized Resources, a Progressive Workforce, and Engaging Opportunities. The Abbotsford School District envisions a world-class, innovative, and individualized educational experience for every student. We are prepared and ready to meet each student this year with the delivery of education in rich and inspiring ways.
Upon Transportation confirmation, payment is required to secure a seat on the school bus and a Bus Service Contract must be completed.
The Board of Education is excited for the next school year, and hope you are, too. Let’s Do This!
SHIRLEY WILSON Chair, Board of Education shirley.wilson@abbyschools.ca
Stay Connected
Kindergarten The Abbotsford School District has a long history of planning carefully for the transition to kindergarten and recognizes the need for a gradual entry process. This important transition phase is aimed to set up students for success for the rest of their school years, and involves a variety of steps. Kindergarten students and parents begin short sessions with teachers on the first day of school, with full days in Kindergarten commencing the following week. Parents should connect with their child’s school to get specific gradual entry timelines.
Download “Abby Schools” in the App store or Google Play to follow your child’s school and get all announcements, events, news, and blog posts right in the palm of your hand! From day to day procedures to weather related events or emergencies, our app is one of the first communications tools that we update. Over the summer. we also moved away from the use of SD #34 and embraced our public facing brand“Abbotsford School District”. Learn more about the change online at www.abbyschools.ca
ividafrQIaF aqy stfP df suafgq hY! aYbtsPorz borz afP aYjUkysLn vlHoN- sfzf suBfg hY ividafrQIaF aqy stfP nUM 2017/2018 skUl sfl ivwc suafgq kr rhy hF. asIN AumId krdy hF ik qusIN afpdy pirvfr nflL vKLq bqfieaf aqy quhfnUM GuMmx leI mOkf imilLaf jF afrfm kIqf. asIN ipafr Biraf suafgq krdy hF sfzy nvyN ividafrQIaF, pirvfrF, aqy stfP df. asIN aYbtsPorz skUl izsitRkt ivc afpdI nvIN ividak Xfqrf sLurU krn leI quhfnUM sLuwBkfmnfvF idMdy hF. iek mOky nflL sfzI 2016-2020 strftIijk plYn nUM w .abbyschools.ca dyKo. sfzI qrjIh hY ik sfzy ividafrQI sPlqf pRfpq krn aqy anukUl sroqy, pRgqIsLIl kfrjbl, aqy ruJyvyN dy mOky ibnF asIN ieh nhIN kr skdy. aYbtsPorz skUl izsitRkt vrlz klfs, nvInqfkfrI, ivakqIgq ividak anuBv hr bwcy leI cfhuMdy hn. asIN hr bwcy nUM imlx leI iqafr hF aqy pRyrnfdfiek qrIikaF nflL igafn dyx nUM iqafr hF. borz aP aYjUkysLn agly sfl leI AuqsLfihq hY aqy AumId krdy hF ik qusIN vI hovo.
knYkt rho
sfry bws rfeIzrF nUM trFsportysLn zIpfrtimMt ivc dfKlf krnf pvygf. ividafrQI trFsportysLn bynqI Porm izsitRkt dI vYbsfeIt qy hn. www.abbyschools.ca/busing
aYbtsPorz skUl izsitRkt bhuq iDafn nflL ikMzrgfrzn jfx dI qbdIlI krdy hn aqy ieh vI smJdy hn ik ieh pRikiraf hOlLI-hOlLI hoxI cfhIdI hY. ieh jLrUrI qbdIlI ividafrQIaF dy afAux vflLy skUl sflF ivc sPLlqf pRfpq krn leI hY aqy ies leI bhuq kdm hn. ikMzrgfrzn ividafrQIaF aqy mfpy skUl dy pihly idn Coty sYsLn nflL sLurU krn gy, dUjy hPLqy pUry skUl idn sLurU hox gy. mfpy afpdy bwcy dy skUl nflL juVn aqy ikMzrgfrzn dI hOlLI hOlLI qbdIlI vfry pqf lfAux.
“Abby School” zfAunloz kro aYp stor jF gUgl ply ivc aqy afpdy bwcy dy skUl nUM Pflo kro. ies nflL quhfnU sfrIaF GosLnfvF, GtnfvF, KLbrF, aqy blfg postF vfry pqf hovygf. rojLfnf pRikRafvF qoN lY ky mOsm dy nflL sMbMDq GtnfvF jF sMktkfl, sfzf aYp sB qoN pihlF asIN apzyt krdy hF. smr ivc asIN SD #34 dI vrqno ht gey aqy “Abbotsford School District” dI vrqoN sLurU kIqI. ies qbdIlI nflL sMbMDq hor jfnkfrI leI www.abbyschools.ca qy jfE.
trFsportysLn knPurmysLn dy nflL peyimMt jLrUrI hY bs qy sIt bcfAux leI aqy iek kOntrYkt vI Brnf hovy gf.
Mark Your Calendars We head back to school on September 5th! STAN PETERSEN Vice Chair stan.petersen@abbyschools.ca
PHIL ANDERSON Trustee phil.anderson@abbyschools.ca
Stan Petersen www.abbyschools.ca
Preet Rai
CINDY SCHAFER Trustee cindy.schafer@abbyschools.ca
afpdy klMzr mfrk krlo. skUl vfps sqMbr 5 nUM KHLulx gy!
Shirley Wilson
The Patrika
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Friday, September 1st, 2017
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The Patrika Friday, September 1st, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
For various farms,nurseries.processing plants etc. in the Fraser Valley. Applicants will have a choice of their individual job likings. Wages will be discussed upon interview. Work will be year round. For more informa on call
Shah:- 778 808 5437
jflIaF aqy blfeINzjL 50% to 80% OFF
PryjLr vYlI ivwc vWKry vwKry PfrmF aqy nrsrIaF leI kfimaF dI loV hY. kfimaF nMU afpxy psMdIdfr kMm krn df mOkf idwqf jfvygf. qnKLfh ieMtrvIE vyly dwsI jfvygI. pUry sfl Br df kMm hovygf. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro:
sLfh- 778-808-5437
Starting from
(Reg. 1.99/sqft)
Tiles Starting from
(Reg. 2.99/sqft)
trWk zrfeIvrF dI loV
#1 - 2754 Garden Street, Abbotsford BC V2T 3R5 (across from Canadian Tire) Ramesh Chawla
604.832.1840 778.551.4744
vDIaf-vfijb ryt aqy bons
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
A child caregiver required for two children. This is a full-time position. Wage: $11.50/hr, Location: Abbotsford, BC. Language: English, Skills: High School & 1-2 years of experience or training. Duties: Supervise & care for children, preating meals and feeding meals, personal care for children-bathing, and dressing. Person should also maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment. Optional accomodation is also available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note: This is not a condition of employment Contact: hardeepdhaliwal803@gmail.com
Employment zrfeIvr dI loV aYbtsPorz dI trWikMg kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipMn qoN ipMn cWlx leI klfs 1, sLrfb aqy nisLaF qoN rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $6500 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI | 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg | sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)744-9200
asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF. 50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI)
(stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)
Noor Appliances Repair /Tent Rental $25 Service Charge EEiiyEyqyE EiyyEjiy qyE qoyqo j 88iESE
20 x 20 df tYNt isrPL $150 df hfeI pIk tYNt, tybl aqy kursIaF, sfAUNz isstm, zFs PLlor, kuikMg leI pqIly, gYs stov, hItr, lfeItF, eyrIaf rgjL, Qrms, PUz vfrmrjL, bfrbIikAU aqy qMdUr
nsLy Cwzx leI jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com
aqy hr iksm df zYkorysLn df smfn jfgo df smfn qswlIbKsL syvfvF iek vfr syvf df mOkf jLrUr idAu
asIN zYkorysLn vI krdy hF! zYkorysLn df smfn XU. aYsU. eyU. aqy ieMzIaf qoN ilaFdf igaf hY.
krfey leI KflI iqMn kmiraF dI bysimMt ijs ivwc sfiraF hI loVF AuplBd hn, pihlI sqMbr jF sqMbr 15 qoN lY skdy ho. skUl, pfrk, aqy stor njLdIk hn: 3685 inAU kYsl strIt, klIarbruwk roz dy nyVy. sMprk kro:604-751-0220, 604-504-2359
hux hfier kr rhy hn vyj: $15-24 bynIiPt nflL hn rfeIz vI idqI jfvy gI Now Hiring Wage: $15-24 Benefits & Tansportaiton Included
· New or Re-roofing · Cedar Shakes · Duroids · Gutter Cleaning · Torch- On · All Roof Repairs For all your roofing needs call Parminder:
778.552.3395, 778.552.3396
The Patrika
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Specialized In New & Renovation of Older Homes
High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro
& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash
¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid
+RXVH :DVK 7UXFN :DVK ¡Drive Way 'ULYH :D\ *XWWHU &OHDQ ¡Gutter Clean &much more! :LQGRZ &OHDQ 0XFK 0RUH ¡Truck Wash
& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINĂŠs`ryĂŠloErĂŠmynlYNfĂŠEqyĂŠPryzrĂŠvYlIĂŠivcĂŠdoĂŠEqyĂŠiqMnĂŠstorIĂŠ Gr~ĂŠdIĂŠPryimMgĂŠkrdyĂŠh~ s`fyĂŠkIqyĂŠhoeyĂŠkMmĂŠ(PryimMg)ĂŠd`ĂŠirk`rfĂŠs`&ĂŠsuQr`ĂŠhYĂŠEqyĂŠ hmyS`ĂŠpihlIĂŠv`rĂŠp`sĂŠhoieE`ĂŠhY|ĂŠ
iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro
Workers Wanted
kfimaF dI loV hY
Jarnail Maan
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal
www.buildbc.ca/jjframing • jjframing@buildbc.ca Fax 604-850-9308
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile
* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete
Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more
Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765 PAGE 47
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
M.J. SIDHU LABOUR CONTRACTORS LTD. M.J. Sidhu Labour Contractors Ltd. nMU Pfrm, nrsrI, aqy grIn hfAUs leI vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY
iml vfsqy vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY
Pfrm vrkrF dI loV hY iksy vI iksm df jMk mUv krvfAux leI aqy ryh zilvr krvfAux leI sMprk kro Residen al & Commercial Junk Removal
nvyN jF purfxy GrF ivwc tfeIlF lgvfAux leI hmysLf Xfd rwKo Tile Installa on
Pfrm ivwc kMm krn vfilaF aqy iml leI vrkrF dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro.
ALL DAY SERVICE muPq aYstImyt lYx leI ibwkr isMG isWDU nfl sMprk kro: Call Bikkar Sidhu for free es mate: 604-308-0266
A Star Excavating & Demolition
All kind of excavation
Fully insured
Demolition Services Drain Tile Service Lot dig and back fill Mini excavating Service Bobcat Service Snow Removal Tree Removal big or small Ditch digging and cleaning Retaining wall Free old car removal Any kind of Fencing Top soil, Sand, Gravel, Mushroom manure 16 Years Experience
Dav Mobile Car Wash & Detailing Starting from $50 Shampooing, Cut Polish, Power Wax.
Cedar and Chainlink Fencing kMkrIt zrfeIavya qy sfeIzvfk jF pyivMg qurMq krvfAux leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro. For excellent services call Gurjit
604-832-1675 604-850-8624
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
mihkdy rihx irĂˆqy jgdIĂˆ isMG pwKoN
koeI smfˆ sI jdoN afpxy sfry hI nvyˆ purfxy irĂˆqy bVy hI ipafry lwgdy sn. Grfˆ ivwc afpsI pirvfrk sfˆJ huMdI sI. Grfˆ ivwc iksy qrHfˆ dy koeI vKryˆvy nhIN sn sgoN pwkf ivĂˆvfs huMdf sI jo keI keI pIVHIafˆ qwk pirvfr nUM iewko hI mflLf ivwc proey hoey mxikafˆ vfˆg sMBflL ky rwKdf hoieaf iewko Cwq Qwly pIVHIafˆ bwDI vsfeI rwKdf sI. dfdf,dfdI, cfcy, cfcIafˆ, qfey, qfeIafˆ df pirvfr ivwc iewk dUjy pRqI idlI snyh huMdf sI. ies leI afps ivwc rcy imicafˆ nUM pqf hI nhIN lwgdf sI ik pirvfr ivwc bwcy rlL imlL ky ikvyˆ plL gey qy vwzy ho gey? aksr hI pirvfrfˆ ivwc keI vfr qfˆ qfey nUM vwzf Bfpf aqy cficafˆ nUM Cotf Bfpf kih ik vI sMboDn kIqf jfˆdf sI jo awjkwlH isrP aMkl ijhy Ăˆbd ivwc ismt ky rih igaf hY. bwcy aksr AunHfˆ dI Jyp mMndy hoey iksy qrHfˆ dI ĂˆrfrqbfĂ‹I krn qoN guryĂ‹ krdy sn aqy AunHfˆ dy khy suxy df iksy iksm df koeI guwsf vI nhIN krdy sn. sgoN afpsI ipafr sdkf sfry imTfs BrIafˆ moh dIafˆ qMdfˆ dy bMDn ivwc bwJy hoey sn. dfdf,dfdI aqy cfcy, qfey, BUaf aqy mfˆ smfn mfsIafˆ vwloN idwqIafˆ iJVkfˆ ivwcoN rUhfnI ipafr Jlkdf sI qfˆ hI qfˆ AunHfˆ vwloN idwqIafˆ hoeIafˆ iJVkfˆ nUM vI idloN siqkfr imlLdf sI. Grfˆ ivwc bjLurgfˆ vwloN ley gey PYsly aqy sLurU kIqy hoey kMmfˆ nUM iKVy mwQy mMndy aqy AunHfˆ dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ dI kdr krdy hoey nypry cVHfAuNdy sI.
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mihk Bry irĂˆiqafˆ nUM Dur aMdr idl qoN inBfAux leI svfrQpx df iqafg krky irĂˆiqafˆ nUM inBfAuxf hI dirafidlI dI imsfl hY. jdoN sfzy mn ny ieh hfmI Br idwqI ik Auh ibnfˆ iksy svfrQ dy irĂˆqy inBfAux dI kfblIaq rwKdf hY, iPr hI ienHfˆ irĂˆiqafˆ ivwcoN ipafr BrI sugMD afvygI ijs dI mihk dUr dUr qwk ibKrygI. ijvyˆ vwK vwK mOsmfˆ ivwc vwK vwK qrHfˆ dy Puwl iKVdy hn Aus qrHfˆ hI irĂˆqy vI Aumr dy ihsfb nflL bxdy qy juVdy hn. byĂˆwk iensfn ajoky smyˆ ivwc isrĂŒ buwlHfˆ `qy PokI ijhI muskfn dy ivKfvy krky mobfeIl Ponfˆ Ă‹rIey hI duwK suwK dy sfˆJI bx ky AuWproN AuWproN hI irĂˆiqafˆ ivwcoN mihk lwBx dI koiĂˆĂˆ kr irhf hY, pr afqimk qOr `qy aMdroN iksy `qy koeI bhuqf KuĂˆ nhIN. hr koeI afpxIafˆ iewCfvfˆ pUrIafˆ krn ihwq iĂ‹MdgI dy skUn aqy mihk Bry irĂˆiqafˆ nUM awKoN proKy kr irhf hY ikAuNik hr iewk dy mUMh ny iewko rwt lgfeI hoeI hY ik vkq hI nhIN. jykr mihk Bry irĂˆiqafˆ ivwcoN cMdn vrgI KuĂˆbU dy aihsfs Bry inwG df afnMd mfnxf hY iPr vkq nf hox vrgy bhfinafˆ df KihVf qfˆ Cwzxf hI pvygf qfˆ hI ieh mihkI irĂˆiqafˆ dI iKlrI hoeI KuĂˆbo sfzy idlfˆ ivwc iewk dUjy pRqI BrI hoeI nPLrq dI kMizaflI vfV dy kMzy cuwgx ivwc afpxf PrĂ‹ adf krygI. ies leI afpxy roĂ‹fnf dy kMm DMidafˆ dy nflL nflL ieh Puwlfˆ dI mihk vrgy KuĂˆbUdfr irĂˆiqafˆ nUM afpxI buwkl ivwc smo ky ienHfˆ df BrpUr inwG mfnx dI vI loV hY.
ibnfˆ iksy svfrQ qoN afpxy pirvfr ivwc iewk dUjy qoN vD ky kMm kfr inptfAuxy aqy sBnfˆ leI rlL imlL ky pirvfrk gwlbfq sfˆJI krn df iewk vwKrf slIkf huMdf sI. iewk dUjy pRqI koeI myr qyr vflLI gwl nhIN sI sgoN ies dy Ault pirvfrk mYˆbrfˆ ivwc bhuq sihxĂˆIlqf huMdI sI jo cMgy mfVy vkq ivwc vI nhIN GbrfAuNdy sn, sgoN dlyrI nflL aijhy hflfq df rlL imlL ky tfkrf krdy hoey vkq nUM ipCfV idMdy sn. ijvyˆ sPr dy afnMd nUM mfnx leI sfmfn df nflL Gwto Gwt hoxf Ă‹rUrI hY, Ausy qrHfˆ hI mihk Bry irĂˆiqafˆ dy afnMd nUM mfnx leI vI afpsI iĂˆkvy iĂˆkfieqfˆ df Gwt hoxf bhuq Ă‹rUrI hY ikAuNik ijMny igly iĂˆkvy Gwt hoxgy EnI hI irĂˆiqafˆ ivwcoN imTfs
BrI mihk iĂ‹afdf afvygI. ijwQy idlfˆ ivwc by loVIafˆ pflLIafˆ hoeIafˆ nPrqfˆ irĂˆiqafˆ ivwc kuVwqx pYdf kr idMdIafˆ hn, AuWQy hI nflLoˆ nflL inwkIafˆ inwkIafˆ gwlfˆ dy guwsy igly idl ivwc rwKx nflL vwzy qy nyVqf Bry irĂˆqy vI kwc vfˆg iqVk jfˆdy hn. mihk Bry irĂˆiqafˆ nUM inBfAux leI sfzy ivwc afqm ivĂˆvfs df hoxf bhuq lfĂ‹mI hY. ijwQy mn ivwc vsy pwky ivcfr hI ivĂˆvfs dy DnI huMdy hn AuWQy hI inrsvfrQqf df hoxf vI bhuq Ă‹rUrI hY ikAuNik svfrQ Kfqr qfˆ hr dUr duryzy df irĂˆqf vI mihk iKlfrdf nĂ‹r afvygf.
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Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 49
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
ZuwzIky vfilLaF dI ipkink sPlqfpUrvk sMpMn hoeI 20 agsq nUM aYbtsPorz ivKy ZuwzIky vfilaF dI 19vIN slfnf ipkink bVI DUm Dfm nflL mnfeI geI jo ik ZuwzIky df mylf sfbq ho inklLI. bI[sI[ qoN ielfvf kYlgrI, torFto, ivnIpYg, motrIal, amrIkf, ieMglYNz qoN afieaF ipMz vfsIaF nUM ieh mylf smripq kIqf igaf. vwK-vwK Aumr vrg dy bwicaF dIaF dOVF rwsfksLI, vflIvfl, iqMn tMgI dOV dy mukfbly krvfey gey. ies idn styt aYvfrzI mfstr gurcrn isMG aqy ijlHf pRIsLd mYNbr jgqfr isMG DflIvfl nUM vI snmfinq kIqf igaf. dupihr dy Kfxy qoN ielfvf bfr bIkU df ieMqjLfm vI kIqf igaf. 300 qoN Aupr ipMz vfsI iewk dUjy nUM imlL ky myly ivc iPrdy mihsUs kr rhy sn. Smart Wireless dy pfl nfrMg vwloN lwkI zrfa ivc iPhone 7 kwiZaf igaf ipkink kmytI vloN anykF hor vI Cash prize zrfa ivc kwZy gey. ipkink nUM sPlqf pUrvk mnfAux leI vDfvn pirvfr vwloN 300 zflr, nCwqr igwl 200, gurdyv igwl ex srpMc 200, drsLn nrMg 200,
kulvMq igwl (sUbydfrF dy) 200, kuldIp igwl (sUbydfrF dy) 200, pfl nfrMg 300, qoN ielfvf anykF pirvfrF ny 100 aqy 50 zflr idwqy. bwicaF nUM ienfmI ‘T’ Shirts leI 850$ white line finishing (pRdIp igwl qy surjIq isMG) aqy Ricky elective (irwkI, ibMdr) vwloN idwqf igaf. sfry vlMtIarF ny pUrI qndyhI nflL kMm kIqf, pRDfn nCwqr igwl vwloN sfry ipMz aqy sfry vlMtIr nOjfvfnF df DMnvfd kIqf igaf. ies idn ‘mfstr hrI isMG ZwuzIky’ dI ikqfb ‘ieiqhfsk ipMz ZuwzIky’ rIlIjL kIqI geI jo aYbtsPorz aqy srI dI lfiebryrI ivwc AuplbwD hY. ipkink mMc sMcfln poR: hrpfl isMG ny kIqf aqy dwisaf ik hoeI ipkink dIaF qsvIrF aqy vIzIE leI facebook qy dhudike picnic B.C aqy whatsapp qy 778-858-6491 qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY. KjLfncI gurmyl nfrMg ny dwisaf ky agly sfl ipkink meI mhIny dy Long weekend vflLy aYqvfr nUM mnfeI jfvy gI.
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The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
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The Patrika harbantgarcha@hotmail.com
Friday, September 1st, 2017
sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy pihly 413vyN pRkfsL idvs ‘qy pUry iswK jgq qy smUh mfnvqf nUM lwK-lwK vDfeIaF Congratulations to the community on the occasion of Nagar Kirtan (Procession) celebrating the 413th Parkash Diwas of Shri Guru Granth Sahib
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jI[aYm[ (GM) dI koeI vI gwzI KRIdx jF lIjL 'qy lYx leI blivMdr isMG srHF jF nvjoq isMG afhlUvflIaf nfl sMprk kro:
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NS 2
NS 2
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
NS 3
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Charlesworth insurance services ltd.
sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dy pihly 413vyN pRkfsL idvs 'qy pUry isWK sMsfr aqy smUh mfnvqf nUM lWK-lWK vDfeIaF pRvfn hox
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Congratulations to the community as you celebrate the 413th Parkash Diwas of Shri Guru Granth Sahib OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MON, TUE, WED THU R, FRI SATURDAY SUN & HOLIDAYS
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The Patrika
NS 4
Friday, September 1st, 2017
CentralValley Insurance Services Ltd
Home • Auto • Business • Travel • Marine sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dy pihly 413vyN pRkfsL idvs 'qy pUry isWK sMsfr aqy smUh mfnvqf nUM lWK-lWK vDfeIaF pRvfn hox
Congratulations to the community as you celebrate the 413th Parkash Diwas of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Open 7 Days a Week Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 8:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 5:30pm Sunday: 10:00am - 5:00pm We specialize in Visitor Visa insurance! RAVI DHALIWAL 604.615.4950
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Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
NS 5
NS 5
The Patrika
NS 6
On Sunday, Sept 3rd we look forward to the Celebration of
Celebrating the 413th Parkash Diwas of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (The very First establishment day of the Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji).
quhfzy aYbtsPorz dy iqMny aYm. aYl. ey. mfeIkl zI XONg, sfeImn igbsn aqy zYirl plYiks vloN klgIDr gurduafrf drbfr sfihb aYbtsPorz aqy smUh iswK sMgqF nUM sLRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dy 413vyN pihly pRkfsL idvs ‘qy ngr kIrqn dIaF lwK-lwK vDfeIaF. NS 6
#304 - 2031 Mccalum Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 3N5
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
NS 7
First Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji kos from Amritsar, it was received by Hargobind, Guru Arjun’s young son, accompanied by a large number of Sikhs. He bowed at his father’s feet and showered petals in front of the pothis. Guru Arjun Dev ji,Guru Hargobind Sahib, Bhai Gurdas and Baba Buddha ji now bore the palanquin on their shoulders and marched towards Amritsar, led This day commemorates the first parby musicians, with flutes and drums. kash (‘opening ceremony’) of the Guru Granth Sahib at the newly built Golden In Amritsar, Guru Arjun Dev ji first went to the Harimandir Sahib to offer Temple inAmritsar, India, in 1604. karahprasad in gratefulness. To quote Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji (5th guru of the Gurbilas again, an attractive spot sikhs) gave a central place of worship in the thick of a forest on the outskirts to the Sikhs in Sri Harmandir Sahib of Amritsar was marked out by Guru in Amritsar, Punjab(India). What now Arjun. So dense was the foliage that Guru Ji wanted was a scripture for not even a moonbeam could pray into Sikhs. So Guru Ji collected the hymns it. It was like Panchbati itself, peaceful of the first 3 Gurus and some Bhagats and picturesque. A tent was hoisted in from Bhai Mohan, the son of 3rd Guru, this idyllic setting. Here Guru Arjun Sri Guru Amar Das ji and added to and Bhai Gurdas started work on the them the GURBANI(hyms) of thy sacred volume. father i.e. 4th Guru Sri Guru Ramdas Guru Arjun Dev ji directed that during ji, and thy own. daytime the Adi Granth Sahib should Guru Arjan Dev ji got the Adi Granth remain in the Harimandir Sahib and by written by Bhai Gurdas ji. Guru Arjan night, after, Sohila was read, the Adi Dev ji gave the copy to Bhai Bano Granth Sahib should be taken to the for binding. Bhai Bano ji took the adi room he had built for himself. As evegranth sahib ji for binding to Lahore ning advanced by two watches, Bhai and on the way prepared a copy. This Buddha recited Sohila and made the is known as Bhai Bano’s copy. Guru concluding ardas or supplication. The Arjan Dev ji got the original after bindGranth Sahib was closed and wrapped ing. After that the installation of the in silks. Bhai Buddha held it on his adi granth sahib at Harmandir Sahib in head and marched towards the chamber 1604. Baba Buddha were appointed as indicated by Guru Arjun Dev ji. The its first Granthi or keeper. Guru led the sangat singing hymns. Guru Arjan Dev ji sat below Bhai The Adi Granth Sahib was placed on Mohan’s attic serenading him on his the appointed seat, and the Guru slept tambura. Mohan was disarmed to hear on the ground by its side. Daily, in the hymn. Bhai Mohan came downthe small hours of the morning as the stairs with the Adi Granth Sahib and stars twinkle in the pool below, the Adi presented these to the Guru. As says the Granth Sahib is taken out in state to Gurbilas, the Adi Granth Sahib were the Harimandir Sahib and brought by placed on a palanquin bedecked with night to rest in the room marked for precious stones. The Sikhs carried it on it by Guru Arjun Dev ji. The practice their shoulders and Guru Arjun walked continues to this day. But the volume behind barefoot. Guru Sahib refused is not the same. That original copy was to ride his horse, saying that the Adi taken to Kartarpur when Guru Arjun’s Granth Sahib were the very spirit of the successor, Guru Hargobind Sahib, left four Gurus—his predecessors. Amritsar in 1634. There it passed into The cavalcade broke journey at Khadur the possession of his grandson, Dhir Sahib to make obeisance at shrines Mall. It has since remained in that sacred to Guru Angad Dev Ji. Two family The Guru Granth Sahib is the anthology of prayers and hymns that constitute Sikh scriptures, and they contain actual words and verses uttered by the Sikh Gurus themselves. It is a storehouse of spiritual knowledge and teachings that stress meditation in the name of God in order to become a ‘person of truth’.
NS 7
The Patrika
NS 8
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Congratulations to the community as you celebrate the 413th Parkash Diwasof Shri Guru Granth Sahib
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asIN pMjfbI, sfAQ ieMzIan aqy vYstrn Kfxy bxfAuNdy hF Live Catering and Tandoor available at your place
asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI Kfxf bxfAuNdy aqy qMdUr lfANudy hF
gurduafrf, mMidr aqy Dfrimk smfgmF leI Kfs Cot
For any kind of catering contact
Sunny: 604-217-1223 | Jag Deol: 604-2171439 32034 Lougheed Hwy, Mission, BC V2V 1A4 NS 8
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
MP Sidhu welcomes new Cabinet, congratulates new Ministers Jati Sidhu, Member of Parliament for Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon, issued the following statement regarding the recent federal Cabinet shuffle: “I am delighted by Prime Minister Trudeau’s decision to establish two new departments focused on Indigenous issues: the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and the Department of Indigenous Services. I congratulate my colleagues, the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, and the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Indigenous Services, on these historic appointments. “Last August, I hosted two roundtables for First Nation Chiefs and councillors within my constituency to discuss their ideas and concerns. It is my firm belief that the creation of these two departments will lead to a greater emphasis on vital services: housing, the end of the boil water advisory, greater educa-
NS 9
tion and skills traini n g , mental health funding and a larger comm i t ment to Indigenous infrastructure spending. “Here in Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon, I will continue to work hard to ensure that Indigenous services are being delivered to this constituency’s local bands. The relationship between Canada and Indigenous Peoples is vital, and I have every confidence that Cabinet and Caucus will continue to recognize that in our work going forward.”
bMdf mhfn bx jf igafn isMG kotlI zoly nf zgmgfey, aYsf eImfn bx jf. mMgy jo KYr sB dI, aYsf iensfn bx jf. BKdI ibafnbfjLI, lUihaf ipafr eykf, lUqI nf hor lfey, aYsI jLbfn bx jf. nPrq qy eIrKf dy, pfVy nf hor pfey, aYsI dlIl bx jf, aYsf ibafn bx jf. afiKr nUM muwk jfxf, sB JUT df pulMdf, hovy nf JUT ijhVf, aYsf igafn bx jf. dy dy ky hor lYxf, lflc dI afs dUxI, rwKy nf afs PlL dI, eynf mhfn bx jf. iewko hI jLfq jfxy, iewk hI jhfn jfxy, iewko qy tyk lfey, aYsf iDafn bx jf. Bvjl dy cwkrF coN, jykr hY pfr hoxf, DMny dy vFg iswDf, BolLf nfdfn bx jf. ihMdU iesfeI musilm, iswK vI mhfn bMdy, qUM vI ieh iswK bMdy, bMdf mhfn bx jf. NS 9
NS 10
he Guru Granth Sahib was first compiled by the Fifth Sikh Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 in the city of Amritsar. Its second and last version was the handiwork of Guru Gobind Singh, and it was finalized at Damdama Sahib in the year 1705. He added the hymns of his father, Guru Tegh Bahadur, the Ninth Master, and a couplet of his own to the volume wrought a century earlier. Since then, the authorized version has been transcribed and printed a number of times, and it abides. Its adoration or veneration is an article of faith with the Sikhs. Religious literature is sometimes sectarian and monolithic, if not partisan and polemical. It may admit of few variations and shades. No word but its own may be allowed sanctity and sovereignty. One of the greatest glories of the Guru Granth Sahib is its catholic character. Hardly any other scripture of that stature is completely free from bias, animus and controversy. Indeed, the uniqueness of the Granth in this respect is all the more astonishing when we think of the obscurantism, factionalism and fanaticism of the period in which it was composed. Perhaps it is the only scripture of its kind which contains within its sacred covers the songs, hymns and utterances of a wide variety of saints, sages and bards.
The Patrika
The Sri Guru Granth Sahib The revolutionary egalitarianism which such a step symbolized was, therefore, to become the creed of the Sikhs. Above all, a poetic and mystic collage bespeaks the essential humility of the Sikh mind, for humility has been given pride of place in the table of virtues drawn up by the Gurus. The Guru Granth Sahib, then, is a sui generis scripture in the world.It is indeed, a magnificent compendium of the religious, mystic and metaphysical poetry written or uttered between the 12th Century and the 17th in different parts of India. It is, also, at the same time, a mirror of the sociological, economic and political conditions of those days. The satire on the reactionary and tyrannical rulers, on the obscurantist clergy and sects, on the fake fakirs and their like, is open, uncompromising and telling. In showing the path to spiritual salvation, the Guru Granth does not ignore the secular and creative side of man.
The poetry of the Guru Granth is in itself a subject worthy of the highest consideration. The language principally employed is the language of the saints evolved during the medieval period-a language which, allowing for variations, still enjoyed wide currency in Northern India. Its appeal lay in its directness, energy and resilience. Based upon some of the local dialects, For, it is instructive to note that a fairly it was leavened with expressions from substantial part of the volume carries Sanskrit, Prakrit, Persian and Arabic. the compositions of Hindu bhaktas, Muslim divines, Sufi poets and other Another outstanding feature of the God-intoxicated souls. Of course, their Guru Granth Sahib is the precision of hymns and couplets rendered in their its prosody. While a great deal of it, own idiom find a ready correspondence cast in traditional verse forms (salokas in the songs of the Sikh Gurus. Obvi- and pauris), could best be understood ously, the idea of Guru Arjan Dev was in the context of the well-known clasto affirm the fundamental unity of all sical ragas, its hymns and songs make religions, and the unitary character of use of popular folk meters such as alaall mystic experience. It was, so to hanis, ghoris, chands etc. The integral speak, an integral congress of minds relationship between music and verse and spirits operating on the same has been maintained with scholarly spiritual beam. To have thus elevated rectitude and concern. This complete the songs of the bhaktas and the bhats musicalisation of thought in a scientific to the condition of the logos was to and studied manner makes for the unsalute the power of the word whatever usually rigorous, yet supple, discipline form it might take to reveal the glory of of the Granth’s metrics and notaGod. For, it may be observed that Guru tions. The entire Bani whose printed Granth Sahib comprehends the compo- version in its current format comes to sitions and utterances of the high-born 1430 pages(Ang) is divided into 33 secBrahmins and the proud Kashatriyas as tions. While the first section comprises also of the so called lowly Shudras and the soulful and inspiring song of the the unlettered Jats. This was done at Japji composed by Guru Nanak as also a time when the caste system in India a few selected pauris or couplets, the had paralysed the conscience of man. final section is collection of assorted
NS 10
Friday, September 1st, 2017
verses including the shalokas and the swayyas of the bhattas. The remaining 31 sections are named after the well-known classical ragas such as sri, magh, gauri, gujri, devghandhari, dhanassari, bilawal, kedara, malhar, kalyan etc. The division, thus, is strictly based on Indian musicology. Furthermore, each psalm or song is preceded by a number (mohalla) which denotes the name of the composer-Guru from Guru Nanak onwards. It may be noted that the apostolic succession extends from the First to the Tenth Guru, and that the Gurus are often referred to reverentially by their place in the order. What is more, each Guru speaks in the name of the Founder Guru whose spirit permeates his successors. The House of Nanak is indeed a spiritual decagon based upon a complete, inviolate geometry of vision. The major hymns-Japji (Guru Nanak), Anand (Guru Amar Das), Sukhmani (Guru Arjan Dev), Rehras (Guru Nanak, Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjan Dev) are widely recited solo and in congregation by the faithful as morning and evening prayers. Their soothing and ambrosial airs have brought solace and cheer to countless people all over the world. The Sikh philosophy as embodied in the Guru Granth Sahib is chiefly a philosophy of action, deed and consequence. Though in its essentials, it is completely in tune with the ancient Indian thought regarding the genesis of the world and the ultimate nature of reality, it moves away from queitism, passivity and abstractions. The emphasis is on shared communal experience, and on purposive and idealistic involvement. The extinction of the ego or self is the corner-stone of Sikhism. A person, we learn, finds fulfillment only by immersion in the sea of life. Thus, the path of renunciation, abdication, aloofness, flagellation etc., so typical of Hindu thought, is abjured. It’s enjoined on a Sikh to be an insider, viewing with disturst all forms of alienation. Of course, the ideal Sikh is supposed to cultivate the qualities of contemplation, stillness and inwardness in the midst of labor business and engagement. He too regards the world as ultimately Maya or illusion, and the life of man as a tableau of light and shade, but the Nirvana may not be achieved except through an acceptance of the reality of this unreality,
and a proper disposition of the allotted role in the phantasmagoria of life. To that extent, the relative concreteness or solidity of the world is to be endorsed as a measure of understanding. So long as man has a role to play, the artifact of the stage or the theater has to be taken for granted. For, it has thus pleased the Creator to bring about the world and people it with multiples of His self. And the whole creation moves according to a predestined plan. Many a time has the grand show on earth been mounted and dismantled. It is not given to creature man to fully comprehend the essence of reality. As for the concept of the Godhead in the Guru Granth Sahib, it sets upon the trinity of sat chit and anand. God is omnipotent and omniscient. He is the Initiator and the End. He is SelfCreator and Self-Propeller. The soul too in its essence symbolizes this trinity or the God within, though quite often it loses the state of bliss as a result of the ego and the Id. Caught in the meshes of power and pelf, it loses its true moorings, and is tossed about by the whirligig of time. A soul thus abandoned by the Lord, or alienated from Him, keeps spinning through aeons and aeons of suffering. The road to heaven is paved with pity and piety. The idea of the soul as the Lord’s consort is repeated in the Guru Granth Sahib with amazing variations. The mystique of the marriage is invoked time and again to emphasize the indissoluble and ineluctable nature of the union. Man is ordained wife, and commanded to live in the Will of the Lord. Any infidelity or transgression is inconveivable. The nuptial and spousal imagery of the hymns is sensuously rich, apposite and striking. It will thus be seen that the Guru Granth Sahib presents a comprehensive Weltans-Chauung or worldview. It offers a perfect set of values and a practical code of conduct. It is, indeed, the complete teacher.
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
NS 11
NS 11
The Patrika
NS 12
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Now showcasing our Try the amazingly
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604-852-6033 Prestobbq.com
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
NS 13
NS 13
The Patrika
NS 14
Friday, September 1st, 2017
sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy 413 swlw pihly pRkwS idvs nMU smripq
ngr kIrqn nagar kirtan
Sunday Sept 3rd, 2017
Channel Punjabi TV
v`loN ngr kIrqn dw is`Dw pRswrx hovygw
gurU GrW qoN svyry 9 vjy ngr kIrqn leI b`sW c`lxgIAW
Starts 10:30am
AwrMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb: 01 sqMbr idn Su`krvwr svyry 8 vjy Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb: 03 sqMbr idn AYqvwr svyry 8 vjy ngr kIrqn: 03 sqMbr idn AYqvwr svyry 10:30 vjy qoN 3:30 vjy q`k iesy idn klgIDr pwrk ivKy 12 qoN 5 vjy q`k ivSyS dIvwn s`jxgy
FwFI drbwr
kQw drbwr
mMglvwr, 29 Ag`sq, 2017 (Swm 7:30 qoN 9:00)
SnIvwr Ag`sq 26-27, 2017 (Swm 7:30 - 9:00) AYqvwr Ag`sq 26-27, 2017 (Swm 7:30 - 9:00)
phuMc rhy FwFI jQy:
igAwnI hrpwl isMG jI BweI rwm isMG jI Aqy BweI kwbl isMG jI
BweI gurcrn isMG bI.ey. BweI lKivMdr isMG pwrs PARADE ROUTE:
* igAwnI hrpwl isMG jI Kwlsw (PqihgVH swihb vwly) 26 Ag`sq qoN 4 sqMbr Swm 7:30 qoN 9 vjy q`k kQw krngy[ * BweI ipMdrpwl isMG jI Kwlsw 5 sqMbr qoN 7 sqMbr Swm 7:30 qoN 9 vjy q`k kQw krngy[ * AMimRq sMcwr: 02 sqMbr, idn SnIvwr svyry 6 vjy hovygw[
Srart/Finish ×¹: Õñ×Æèð çðìÅð ÃÅÇÔì
30640 Blueridge Drive
ìÇñÀ±Çð÷ âðÅÂÆò
Note : Speeches will be at Kalgidhar Park Beside Gurudwara Sahib
r. eD
Ã˺â Sa êÅÂÆê nd pip ð âð er Å Dr. ÂÆò
Townline Rd.
phuMc rhy rwgI jQy:
BweI sqnwm isMG (hzUrI rwgI sRI drbwr swihb) BweI iekbwl isMG (huiSAwrpur vwly), BweI inrvYr isMG (bwbw ibDI cMd jI dl) BweI virAwm isMG jI (gurU nwnk dl), BweI prmjIq isMG (jlMDr vwly)
àÅÀ±éñÅÂÆé ð¯â
kIrqn drbwr
vIrvwr Ag`sq 31,2017 (Swm 7:30 - 9:00) Su`krvwr sqMbr 01,2017 (Swm 7:30 - 9:00) SnIvwr sqMbr 02,2017 (Swm 7:30 - 9:00)
BweI lKivMdr isMG pwrs
BweI siqnwm isMG jI
ig:rwm isMG jI
Blue Jay St.
ig: hrpwl isMG jI
ìÇñÀ±Ü¶ ÃððÆà
ig: ipMdrpwl isMG jI
Southern Dr. ÃÅÀ±æðé âðÅÂÆò O ld Yale R d.
BweI gurcrn isMG bI.ey.
XUQ drbwr
bu`Dvwr Ag`sq 30, 2017 (Swm 7:30 - 9:00) is`K XUQ Aqy is`K ividAk AdwirAW v`loN kIrqn Aqy kQw dw ivSyS smwgm
kuJ sinmr bynqIAW: swrIAW is`K sMsQwvW, ividAk Adwry Aqy smMUh sMgqW nMU pirvwrW smyq phuMcx leI hwridk s`dw hY[ dsqwrW sjw ky Aqy isr F`k ky Awau jI[ sPweI dw Kws iKAwl r`Ko jI[ vlMtIAr syvwvW leI sMprk kro[ tYNt Aqy stwlW lwaux leI 25 Ag`sq q`k sMprk kro[ (moqw isMG 604-835-2731 suKdyv isMG qwqlw 778-779-1308)
hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro: gurduAwrw swihb 604-504-5530, BweI srbjIq isMG 778-808-7042, BweI rwjivMdr isMG 778-240-0629
NS 14
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
NS 15
Canada Tour 2017
Giani Harpal Singh ji isMG swihb ig:hrpwl isGM jI Fathegarh contact info
Aug 16 – Aug 25
Gurdwara Dashmesh Culture Centre Tel: 403-590-0970 Cell: 403-479-9000 Calgary, AB
Aug 26 – Sep 04
Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar
Tel: 604-504-5530 Cell: 778-240-0629
Sep 05 – Sep 12
Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara
Tel: 604-598-1300 Cell: 604-781-9379
Sep 13 – Sep 19
Gurdwara Sukh Sagar
Tel: 604-521-6933 Cell: 778-386-2536
Sep 20 – Sep 26
Ramgarhia Gursikh Society
Tel: 780-450-3844 Cell: 780-340-3851
Sep 27 – Oct 02
Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar
Tel: 604-504-5530 Cell: 778-240-0629
Khalsa School
Japnam Singh 604-512-0297
Guru Nanak Academy
Tejinder Singh 778-855-1186
Sikh Academy
Baldip Singh Hayer 604-345-3839
Gurmat Centre
Jatinder Singh Brar 778-552-4214
Shan E Khalsa Academy
Inderpreet Kaur 604-746-1000
Abbotsford, BC Surrey, BC
New Westminister, BC Edmonton, AB
Abbotsford, BC Surrey, BC Surrey, BC Surrey, BC
Abbotsford, BC Abbotsford, BC
igAwnI jI AwpxI pRcwr PyrI dOrwn is`K ividAk Adwry Kwlsw skUl, is`K AkYfmI, gurU nwnk AkYfmI, gurmiq sYNtr, Swn-ey-Kwlsw AkYfmI ivKy nOjvwn b`icAW nwl ivSyS ivcwrivtWdrw krngy[ For further information, please contact :
Sarabjit Singh Sarai 778-808-7042 President, Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar, Abbotsford, BC
Sahib Wale
/Gurdwara Kalgidhar Darbar /Gu DESIGN BY:
PqihgVH swihb vwly
NS 15
NS 16
NS 16
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
A Tribute to Harsimran Kaur Dhillon
NS 17 By Reehal Dhillon & Kooner Families
Harsimran Kaur Dhillon (Sevadar) was given recognition by the Khalsa Diwan Society of Abbotsford BC, for her 40 years of tireless Seva at the Heritage Gurdwara Sahib and the Khalsa Diwan Society Gurdwara across the street on her first Barsi. Harsimran Kaur Dhillon was also recognized by the City of Abbotsford Parks and Board Department, for her unconditional volunteering hours for many different organizations in Abbotsford B.C. We would like to thank all family, friends and the general public who were a part of this weekends events during Harsimran Kaur Dhillon’s Akhand Paath. May Waheguru bless her soul and all who she has touched. hrismrn kOr iZwloN (syvfdfr) nUM Kflsf idvfn sosfeItI aYbtsPorz bI sI vloN 40 sfl dI syvf krn leI hYrIitj gurduafrf aqy sfhmxy gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfeItI ny AuhnF dI pihlI brsI nUM snmfinq kIqf. istI afP aYbtsPorz pfrks aqy borz zIpfrtimMt ny hrismrn kOr iZwloN nUM aYbtsPorz dIaF sMsQfvF nflL byhwd GMty syvf krn leI snmfinq kIqf igaf. asIN pirvfr, dosqF df, aqy pbilk df DMnvfd krnf cfhuMdy hF jo hrismrn kOr iZwloN dy aKMz pfT vflLy vIkaYNz df iek ihwsf bxy. vfihgurU AuhnF dI rUh nUM sFqI bKsLx.
NS 17
NS 18
The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Friday, September 1st, 2017
sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dy pihly 413vyN pRkfsL idvs dIaF smUh isWK jgq nUM lWK-lWK vDfeIaF Preet Rai and Family Congratulates the community during the celebration of the 413th Parkash Diwas of Shri Guru Granth Sahib
UFV’s South Asian Studies Institute undertakes research that connects the Fraser Valley to South Asia and the Canadian South Asian Diaspora. • Engage with the community • Earn a certificate • Create business ties with India
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The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
NS 19
gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI sMpfdnf aqy mhwqv iswK Drm jfˆ iswK isDfˆq dI ijMd jfn qy pRfx kyvl gurbfxI hI hY: ``gur sMgiq bfxI ibnf, dUjI Et nhIˆ hih rfeI.`` (BfeI gurdfs jI vfr ñ pAuVI ôò) anusfr ieho mnuwKf ijMdgI nUM `jIa dfnu` dyx leI akfl purK dI pRkfÈk igafn ÈkqI `gurU` bx ky pRgt hoeI hY aqy Aus `gurU joqI` ny mhfn loVIˆdy dYvI guxfˆ (igafn) nUM Èbd rUp ivwc itkf, sdf leI amr krky mnuwKqf dI JolLI pfieaf.``bfJo scy nfm dy, horu krfmfiq asfˆ qy nfhI.`` (BfeI gurdfs jI vfr ñ pAuVI ôó) anusfr nfm rUp gurbfxI gurUafˆ dI sB qoˆ vwzI krfmfq sI, iesy bfxI dy sMgRih nUM ``poQI prmysr kf Qfnu ]`` (m: õñòòö) jfˆ sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy nfˆ nflL jfixaf qy mMinaf jfˆdf hY. ieh iek `lfsfnI Aucqm gRMQ` hY ijs ivwc iËMdgI aqy smfj ivigafn bfry hr pihlU qoˆ rOÈnI pfeI geI hY, ieh sfzIafˆ jIvn guMJlfˆ nUM KolHx df sB qoˆ sohxf sfrQk hwl hY ikAuˆik sfzI sfirafˆ dI Bfvnf jfˆ mnorQ sicafr jIvn dI pRfpqI hI hY ijs nUM Dfrimk bolI ivwc ``goibMd imlx kI, ieh qyrI brIaf ]`` (m: õñò) jfˆ ``iehI qyrf aAusru, ieh qyrI bfr ]`` (Bgq kbIrññõù)aqy rwbI imlfp ikhf jfˆdf hY. hr mnuwKI iËMdgI dy sfhmxy aihm svfl ieh hY ik ``ikv sicafrf hoeIaY ? ikv kUVY qutY pfil ? ], Pyir ik agY rKIaY? ijqu idsY drbfru ]” sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df ienHfˆ sfry svflfˆ bfry anuBvI jvfb hY Bfv siqgurUafˆ ny swcfeI dI dvfeI nflL rogI (sMsfrI mfnvqf) df ielfj kIqf hY jy asIˆ Dfrimk nËrIey (idRÈtIkox) qoˆ vIcfrIey qfˆ gurbfxI dI mhfnqf bhuq vDIk hY. sMsfr jfˆ ivÈv df ieh pihlf gRMQ jfˆ rcnf hY ijs ivwc qmfm dyÈfˆ nslfˆ dIafˆ ivwQfˆ dUr krky, hr iek dy pivwqR bcnfˆ, cfhy Auh ihMdU, muslmfn aqy khI jfˆdI aKOqI aCUq jfqI ivwcoˆ sn, dI inrml rUhfnI bfxI nUM `Dur kI bfxI` (sc kI bfxI) smJidafˆ iekwqR krky iek smfn brfbr siqkfr idwqf igaf hY. dUjf ies dI inrolqf df prmfx ieh hY ik ijwQy bfkI sfry Drmfˆ dy afgUafˆ (pYgMbrfˆ) dy ielfhI klfm AunHfˆ dy sMsfr qoˆ alivdf khy jfx qoˆ Zyr icr bfad dUsirafˆ hwQoˆ sMpfdq hoey AuwQy iswK gurUafˆ ny afpxI hËUrI ivwc ijAuˆdy jI afpxy hwQIˆ mhfn GflLfˆ nflL cMdn vrgI KuÈbU nflL BrI swcfeI nUM iekwqR kIqf. gurbfxI ivwc kyvl jIvn isDfˆqfˆ `qy hI vIcfr kIqI geI hY. ies duafrf drsfieaf igaf (afdrÈ) jIvn nËrIaf mfnvqf leI sB qoˆ ijafdf mhwqvpUrn hY, ijs krky asIˆ ies nUM `gurU` mMndy hfˆ ies qoˆ pihlfˆ sMsfr dy Dfrimk gRMQfˆ ivwc PËUl krmkfˆzfˆ bfry bhuq kuJ (AupdyÈmeI)
drjL hY. koeI igRhsq (jIvn aKfVy) ivwcoˆ BgOVy hox df AupdyÈ krdy hn, ikqy GuMqrbfËI (nGoc kwZxf), ikqy vfDU klpq hvfeI khfxIafˆ drsf (suxf) ky idl nUM llcfAuˆdy hn, pr gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy AupdyÈ ivwc aijhI koeI gwl drjL nhIˆ hY. iewQy nf hI inrI idmfÊI igafn bfËI hY qy nf hI aMD-ivÈvfsI pRyrnf hY. ies dI iswiKaf nf jog mwq dI qrHfˆ kyvl aMqrmuwKI hY qy nf hI pdfrQvfdIafˆ vfNgUM bfhrmuwKI hox dI hY, ies ivwc vwK-vwK Drmfˆ (mjLbfˆ) dy BulyiKafˆ, vihmfˆ, Brmfˆ qy aiOKfeIafˆ nUM soD ky iek nvfˆ jIvn isDfˆq drsfieaf igaf hY. gurbfxI df mËbUn hY `swc` .
isKfeI jfˆdI hY iewQy awlHf, pfrbRhm, rfm, rhIm, vyd, kqyb, kurfn, purfx afid df sfˆJf iËkr kIqf hoieaf imlLdf hY. gurbfxI dI iswiKaf qy ipafr srbivafpI hY. pMjvyˆ gurdyv jI df suMdr Ìurmfn hY: ``eyk rUp sglo pfsfrf ] afpy bnju afip ibAuhfrf ]ñ] aYso igafnu ibrlo eI pfey ] jq jq jfeIaY, qq idRstfey ]ñ] rhfAu ]aink rMg, inrgun iek rMgf ] afpy jlu, afp hI qrMgf ]ò] afp hI mMdru, afpih syvf ] afp hI pujfrI, afp hI dyvf ]ó]afpih jog, afp hI jugqf ] nfnk ky pRB, sd hI mukqf]`` (m: õḲøúó)
ies krky gurU gRMQ sihb jI df sMdyÈ, ies dI sMiQaf, pUjf, ies dI afrqI aqy nmfË inrflI qy afpxI iksm dI hY ijs df hr koeI BfeIvfl ho skdf hY. gurbfxI dy sMdyÈ bfhrmuwKI (ivKfvy) dI Qfˆ ivakqIgq dI aMdrlI ÈuwDqf jf soD qy iËafdf Ëor idMdy hn ikAuˆik soDy mnuwKfˆ nflL hI cMgf pirvfr agoˆ cMgf smfj isrijaf jf skdf hY. kwcIafˆ iewtfˆ nflL kdy pwky mkfn nhIˆ Ausfry jf skdy ievyˆ hI kwcy (JUTy) ivKfvy ienHfˆ cOhfˆ (mfnvqf leI aiq ËrUrI iviÈafˆ) dy jIvn nflL cMgf smfj nhIˆ Aupj skdf. dI KHol ky ivsQfr sihq ivafiKaf kIqI ies leI pihlf jIvn dI hr iekfeI dI geI hY. `swc`; `nfm` df hI ivsmfdI rUp suDfeI qy pikafeI dI loV hY. hY; ieh swcfeI mfno, nfm dI hI qfrIÌ hY: ``iehu scu sBnf kf Ksmu hY, ijsu bKsy so jdoˆ siqgurU sfihbfn srIrk rUp ivwc jnu pfvhy ]`` (m: óùòò), ``scu sBnf iswKI dI isrjnf kr rhy sn Audoˆ vI AunHfˆ hoie dfrU, pfp kZY Doie ]`` (m: ñôöø) smUh ny ies `Èbd` jfˆ `Dur kI bfxI` nUM dI smrwQf rKdf hY. hI `gurU` mMinafN hY. ieh mhfnqf gurU nfnk kfl qoˆ hI clI af rhI hY. gurU Ìurmfn hY jy asIˆ gurU Èrn ivwc af ky gurU Èbd nUM ``iesu jg mih, sbdu krxI hY sfru] ibnu suxIey qfˆ jIvn df spÈt mfrg nËr af sbdY, horu mohu gubfru] sbdy, nfmu rKY skdf hY asIN muV kudrqI jIvn (sihj Auir Dfir] sbdy, giq miq moK duafru ]`` pd) hfsl kr skdy hfˆ, ies avsQf nUM (m: ñḲñóôò), ``sbdu gur pIrf, gihr gurbfxI ivwc `amrpd, prmpd, sihj gMBIrf; ibnu sbdY, jgu bAurfnM]`` (m: pd, cAuQf pd, qurIaf pd, inrbfx, ñḲöóõ), ``aMimRq bfxI qqu vKfxI, igafn by g mpu r f, hAu m Y nU M iqafgx qy nfm iDafn ivic afeI]`` (m: òḲñòôó), prfiex` (nfm dy afsry) afid ibafinafN ``gurbfxI iesu jg mih cfnxu, krim vsY igaf hY, jo mnuwK vI ies avsQf nUM hfsl min afey]`` (m: óḲ ö÷) ``bfxI gurU, kr lYˆdf hY. Auho `swcf` gurmuK, sMq, iswK, gurU hY bfxI; ivic bfxI aMimRqu, sfry ] bRhmigafnI, Bgq jfˆ sfDU ho skdf hY. guru, bfxI khY; syvku jnu mfnY, prqiK gurU jo jIv iesqRI afpxy pRIqm pRBU nUM nfm insqfry]`` (m: ôḲùøò), afid. ismrn qy syvf rfhIˆ pRsMn nhIˆ kr skdI Auh `sucwjI` qy `guxvMqI` vI nhIˆ ho skdI, ies bfxI nUM iekwqR krn df iKafl nvfˆ nf hI sohfgx khI jf skdI hY. ies qrHfˆ dy nhIN sI blik ieh qfˆ iswK Drm dy afid GtIaf jIvn nUM `mnmuK, sfkq, durjn qy gurU pf: ñ qoˆ hI afrMB ho cuwkf sI. AunHfˆ duhfgxI` afidk nfvfˆ duafrf hI ibafinafN ny pMdrfˆ mhfˆpurK Bgqfˆ dI rcnf (bfxI) igaf hY. nUM iekwqR krky afpxy jIvn smyˆ ivwc hI Aus nUM poQI rUp ivwc sMpfdq kIqf, sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI ivwc sMpRdfeI qflIm ijs df pRmfx sfnUM BfeI gurdfs jI rfhIN jfˆ iswiKaf leI koeI Qfˆ nhIˆ iewQy qfˆ ``sBy ``afsf hiQ ikqfb kiC, kUjf bfˆg muslf sfNJIvfl sdfiein; qUM iksY n idsih, DfrI.`` (BfeI gurdfs jI Ḳ vfr ñ pAuVI bfhrf jIAu ]`` (m: õḲù÷), ``eyk nUr óò), ``puCin Poil ikqfb no, ihMdUvzf ik qy sBu jgu Aupijaf, kAun Bly ? ko mMdy muslmfnoeI.`` (BfeI gurdfs jI Ḳvfr ? ]`` (Bgq kbIrḲñóôù), ``burf Blf ñ pAuVI óó) dy bcnfˆ rfhIˆ dyˆdy hn. khu iks no khIaY ? sgly jIa qumHfry ]`` `pfqÈfhI ñ` jI kolL Bgq bfxI mOjUd hox (m: õḲóøó) afid AupdyÈmeI sdBfvnf (1)[ swc df shI rUp kI hY ?, (2)[ swc dI pRfpqI dy sfDn kI hn?, (3)[ ijnfˆ ny swc pRfpq kr ilaf hY, AunHfˆ dI jIvn avsQf kI hY?, (4)[ ijnHfˆ ny swc pRfpq nhIN kIqf kyvl ``Kfxf, pIxf, hwsxf, sAuxf; ivsir gieaf hY mrxf ]`` (m: ñḲñòõô) qk hI mnmuKqf ivwc AulJy pey hoey hn AunHfˆ df jIvn kI hY?
igafnI bljIq isMG
aqy AunHfˆ dI afpsI sfˆJ dy pRqwK sbUq gurU gRMQ sfihb jI ivwc hI suBfiemfn hn; ijvyˆ `jpu] jI sfihb dI pRiswD pMgqI ``min jIqY jgujIqu]`` hY, vYsy hI kbIr jI rfg mfrU rfg aMdr ``mnu jIqy, jgu jIiqaf[[ ]`` (Bgq kbIrḲññúó) kQn krdy hn. jy gurU nfnk sfihb jI ny afsf rfg ivwc ``iehu mnu, pMc qqu qy jnmf ]`` (m: ñḲôñõ) ikhf hY qfˆ gAuVI rfg ivwc kbIr jI ny ``iehu mnu, pMc qq ko jIAu ]`` (Bgq kbIrḲóôò) ikhf hY jy afsf kI vfr qy shs ikRqI ivwc pf: ñ jI ny ``khu nfnk inhcAu iDafvY ] ivxu siqgur, vft n pfvY ]`` (m: ñḲô÷ú), ``ibnu siqgur, bft n pfvY ]`` (m: ñḲñóõó) Ìurmfieaf hY qfˆ pRBfqI rfg ivwc Bgq byxI jI ny bcn kIqf ``khu byxI gurmuiK iDafvY ] ibnu siqgur, bft n pfvY ]`` (Bgq byxIḲñóõñ) qy kbIr jI df bcn hY ``ibnu siqgur, bft n pfeI ] khu kbIr smJfeI ]`` (Bgq kbIrḲññùô) bfbf PrId jI dy keI slok gurU nfnk sfihb jI dI bfxI nflL imlLdy hn; ijvyˆ: slok nM[ 124 : ``ikaf hMsu ikaf bgulf, jf kAu ndir kryie] jo iqsu BfvY nfnkf ! kfghu hMsu kryie]`` (m: ñḲùñ) sUhI rfg ivwc ``jp qp kf bMDu byVulf; ijqu lMGih vhylf] (m: ñḲ÷òù) bfbf PrId jI dy Ausy rfg ivwc idwqy bcn ``byVf bMiD n sikE, bMDn kI vylf]`` (bfbf PrId-÷ùô) df Auwqr hY ieho ijhI sfˆJ hI dUjI qIjI coQI pMjvIN pfqÈfhI jI dI bfxI (rcnf) ivwc mOjUd hY. ieh (ieksfrqf) iesy krky hoxI suBfvk hY jd sfry gurU sfihbfn jI kolL AunHfˆ Bgqfˆ dI bfxI sMBflLI geI hovy. iesy qrHfˆ `gurU` bfxI vI pf: ñ jI dy smyˆ qoˆ sMBflI hoeI pf: õ vIˆ qk puwjI, bfxI nUM iek Qfˆ krn leI gurU amrdfs jI ny afpxy poqry (bfbf mohn jI dy spuwqr) bfbf shMÈr rfm jI qoˆ poQIafˆ ivwc bfxI sMgRih df kfrj krvfieaf. do sfl (ñõ÷úñõ÷ò) df smfˆ lgf ky sYˆcIafˆ dy rUp ivwc smuwcI bfxI iekwqR kIqI. ieh gurU sfihbfn jI df pihly soicafimiQaf inÈfnf hI sI ik Auh sfry rUhfnI qËrby (sfhiqk qy sMgIqk rMg ivwc) klmbMd krdy jfx ikAuiˆ k smyˆ dy sfihqkfr ilKfrI iËMdgI dy suwcy amlI sfihq qoˆ swKxy ho (Buwl ky) hor pfsy lwgy hoey sn; ijvyˆ ik Ìurmfn hY ``nfAu ivsfrih, bydu smflih; ibKu BUly lyKfrI]`` (m: ñḲñúñõ) gurU sfihb jI ny dÈf bdlI hukm kIqf ``DMnu su kfgdu, klm DMnu; Dnu Bfˆzf, Dnu msu (isafhI)] Dnu lyKfrI nfnkf ! ijin nfmu ilKfieaf, scu] (m: ñḲñòùñ), ``gurmuiK hiQ skQ hin, sfDsMgiq gur NS 19
The Patrika
NS 20 kfr kmfvY. pfxI pKf pIhxf, pYr Doie crxfˆmqu pfvY. gurbfxI iliK poQIaf, qfl imRdMg rbfb vjfvY. nmskfr zMzAuq kir, gur BfeI gil imil, gil lfvY.`` (BfeI gurdfs jI Ḳvfr ö pAuVI ñò), `gurisKI df ilKxf gur bfxI suix smJY ilKY. `` (BfeI gurdfs jI Ḳvfr òø pAuVI õ), ``pfˆDf bUlf jfxIaY gurbfxI gfiexu lyKfrI. zly vfsI sMgiq BfrI ]`` (BfeI gurdfs jI Ḳvfr ññ pAuVI ñö), afid. jdoˆ gurU arjn sfihb jI qk ``Dur kI bfxI[[]``, ``siqgur sbdu aQfhu; aima Dfrf rsu gutie ]`` (Bt klੵ Ḳñóù÷) df BrpUr KËfnf iekwTf ho igaf qfˆ ies vwzI krfmfq rUpI KuÈbU BrI ksqUrI dy ÈudfeI hoey iswK (BOry) sugMDI lYx leI dUroˆ-dUroˆ vI puwjx lwg gey. ies gwl qoˆ duKI ho ky gurU jI dy vwzy BRfqf bfbf ipRQI cMd jI ny cOhfˆ gurUafˆ dy bcnfˆ dI iek vwzI pusqk iqafr krvf leI ikAuˆik Auh isKI syvkI (Bfvnf) nUM afpxy ivakqIgq nflL joVnf cfhuMdy sn. ies df pRmfx gurUafˆ dy hËUrI Éfndfn ivwcoˆ qy BfeI mnI isMG jI dy smkflI ivdvfn BfeI kysr isMG jI iCwbr dy bMsfvlI nfmy ivwc drjL hY; ijvyˆ: `zUm
lgy Èbd mIixaf dy gfvx] dUXf drbfr, drbfr vzf guirafeI df lgy lfvx] mIixaf BI iek pusqk gRMQ bxfieaf] chu pfqÈfhIaf dy Èbd bfxI iliK pfieaf]`
anusfr iekwTI krnI sI. BfeI kysr isMG jI iCwbr ilKdy hn: `bcn kIqf BfeI gurdfs, gurU kI bfxI judf krIey] mIxy pfx lgy nI rlf, so inafrI kr DrIey] so gurU arjn sfihb jI ny gurDfmfˆ dI AusfrI sfihb agy hI bfxI Aucfr krq Bey] so qy hor loVIˆdy kfrjfˆ qoˆ ivhly ho ky isafxy BfeI gurdfs, sB iekwqr kr ley]` suGV ilKfrI BfeI sMq rfm, hrIaf, suKf jdoˆ asI iswK ieiqhfs ivwc gurbfxI sMbMDI qymnsf rfm jI afidk nUM nflL lY ky ÈuD iswK gurUafˆ dI Gflxf, imhnq qy gurU sbd bfxI (kwcI bfxI dI imlfvt qoˆ inrlyp) dy siqkfr bfry vIcfr krdy hfˆ qfˆ ieAuˆ ilKfx df kMm afrMiBaf ies df hvflf vI mflUm huMdf hY ik gurU sfihbfn ny rUhfnIaq BfeI kysr isMG iCwbr jI drjL krdy hn; df cmn (PulvfVI) bÊIcf lfieaf, mfno ijvyˆ: `sfihb lgy rsnf qy sbd bfxI] cfr ``poQI prmysr kf Qfnu]`` coxvyˆ Puwlfˆ df ilKfeI qIr apny Tihrfey] ilKdy jfx Êuldsqf iqafr kIqf hY. swc df incoV hY, sfihb jo rsnIalfey] BfeI sMq rfm qy ieh swcfeI dI mhfnqf aqy vMz vKryivafˆ hrIaf suKf mnsf rfm] ilKdy jfx sfihb vflLy dyÈ ivwc sMsfr ivwc mnuwKI smfnqf jo krn bKfn] dI sB qoˆ vwzI qy suMdr imsfl hY, jo gurU pfqÈfh jI ny afpxy mfmy bfbf mohn jI qoˆ vI gurbfxI dIafˆ sYˆcIafˆ ilafdIafˆ qfˆ ik sMpfdnf ivwc ienHfˆ qoˆ vI shfieqf leI jf sky.ieh sfrf KËfnf jmHf krn `qy gurU jI ny klm dy DnI mhfn qq vyqf ivdvfn BfeI gurdfs jI nUM afpxy nflL lfieaf ikAuˆik ieh kfPI isafxp qy lgfqfr imhnq df kfrj sI. sfrI bfxI rfgfˆ CMdfˆ lgfˆ mfqRfvfˆ qy vw K -vw K gu r U sfihbfnfˆ dI qrqIb
pMj kwky (nvyN jLmfny dy)
jI ny kr idKfeI. rUhfnIaq ivwc AunHfˆ dI sB qoˆ vDIk ivÈyÈqf ieh sI ik AunHfˆ spÈt kIqf: `swcI bfxI Auh hY ijs ivwc nfm inDfn hovy ieh nfm hI prqwK gurU pRgt ho insqfrf krdf hY.` ``bfxI gurU, gurU hY bfxI; ivic bfxI aMimRqu, sfry]guru, bfxI khY, syvku jnu mfnY; prqiK gurU insqfry]`` (m: ôḲùøò) ieh bfxI mnuwKI iËMdgI dI tyk hY ``ijAu mMdr kAu QfmY
QMmnu] iqAu gur kf sbdu, mnih asQMmnu] (m: õḲòø) Bfv afsrf hY. so, gurU sfihbfn ny afpxI hXfqI (jIvn kfl) ivwc hI ``sbdu gurU prkfisE, hir rsn bsfXAu]`` (Bt klੵ Ḳñôú÷) df Auh aMimRq Bojn bKiÈs kIqf hY ijs qoˆ smuwcI mfnvqf (KqRI bRfhmx sUd vYÈ afid) sdIvI afqimk iqRpqI hfsl kr skdy hn. ijhVfmnuwK vI swc df muqlfÈI (cfhvfn) hY ies nUM BuMcygf, Auh afqimk igafn qy sdIvI ÈfqI hfsl kry gf, ies aMDkfr sMsfr ivwc afqimk rOÈnI mfxy gf. sfzf jIvn mnorQ sicafr ho ky jIvn dIafˆ aOkVfˆ (kiTnfeIafˆ) rUp Bvjl qoˆ pfr ho ky krqy purK pRBU df imlfp pRfpq krygf. siqgurU arjn sfihb jI ny gurbfxI jfˆ gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI iesy ivÈysqf nUM prgt kridafˆ aMq ivwc Purmfieaf hY``Qfl ivic iqMin vsqU peIE, squ sMqoKu vIcfro ] aMimRq nfmu Tfkur kf pieE, ijs kf sBsu aDfro ] jy ko KfvY, jy ko BuMcY, iqs kf hoie AuDfro ] eyh vsqu qjI nh jfeI, inq inq rKu, Auir Dfro ] qm sMsfru, crn lig qrIaY, sBu nfnk bRhm psfro ]`` (m: õḲñôòù)
vfh nnkfxy dI DrqIey
lKbIr ‘lwkI’ gwKV kwkf rwKlI kuwqI, jo ielsYLsLn kihMdy ny,
gurpfl isMG nUr sLrDf nflL sIs invfvF mYN.
kysF dI QF jtF-jtUry, PYsLn kihMdy ny,
qYnUM cuMmF qy msqk lfvF mYN.
kwuqy Kfvx ibskut, bwicaF dy glL pftIaF lIrF ny. kwky pMj bxf ley awj dy nvyN amIrF ny.
vfh nnkfxy dI DrqIey.
kwkf sI kCihrf, pihly isMG sjfAuNdy jI,
qUM prIaF qoN vwD prIey nI.
hux PwtIaF vflLI inwkr, rbV df nflLf pfAuNdy jI,
qYnUM rwj rwj isjdy krIey nI.
pUrf nf inBfAuNdy PrjL jo dwisaf pIrF ny. kwky pMj bxf ley awj dy nvyN amIrF ny. kwkf rwK kbUqr, Aus nUM ipsqy pfAuNdy ny, af jFdI jd bfjLI, pMjy dsy lgfAuNdy ny, hfr jFdy jd bfjLI, idl `c AuTdIaF pIVF ny.
vfh nnkfxy dI DrqIey. qUM sohxI eyN CYl CbIlI eyN nI. PuwlF qoN vwD rMgIlI eyN nI.
kwky pMj bxf ley awj dy nvyN amIrF ny.
vfh nnkfxy dI DrqIey.
kwkf kuwkV inwq pqIly dy ivwc cfVHIdf,
qyry KyqIN nfnk bfl kuVy.
peI myjL `qy boql, pYsf afieaf hfVHI df, hoieaf bol bulfrf qF hwQ PVy jMjLIrF ny.
PV sotI cfry mfl kuVy.
kwky pMj bxf ley awj dy nvyN amIrF ny.
vfh nnkfxy dI DrqIey.
kwkf sI ikrpfn dI QF zwb rwKdy cfkU nUM,
iewQy jnm Kudf ny lYxf sI.
pihly qoV dI pI ky gflLF kwZx bfpU nUM, iksy df kI dosL, ieh qkdIrF ny. kwky pMj bxf ley awj dy nvyN amIrF ny. NS 20
Friday, September 1st, 2017
qYnUM ‘nUr’ ny sohxI kihxf sI. vfh nnkfxy dI DrqIey.
Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
NS 21
“sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI, mfnv smfj nUM dyx” “sBy sfNJIvfl sdfien, qUM iksY n idsih vfr Bog ko suin mn lfeI, sRI gurU arjn gurU sfihbfn aqy 15 vwK vwK DrmF nflL bfhrf jIE.. pun igrf alfeI sbMDq Bgq jn 4 gurU Gr dy syvk iswK hn aqy 11 Auc kotI dy bRfhmx Bwt ivdvfn jugo jug atwl sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI mfnv buwZf sfihb Kolhu igRMQ lyhu avfjL sunih qy kvI hn. ievyN anuBv huMdf hY ik ieh smfj dy srbpwKI kilafx leI akfl siB pMQ 36 ielfhI mhfNpurK sdIvI aiDafqimk purK df iewk ielfhI qohPf hY, suwcy moqIaF su i n gu r bcn ru i cr sn lfbk sw q bfk AupdysL df sMcfr krnihwq smuwcI mfnvqf df KLjfnf hY, pivwqr ivcfrF df BMzfr hY mu K jlj alfisk nUM afqimk AuWcqf aqy ieKlfkI pRpwkqf df jo pMcm pfqsLfh sRI gurU arjn dyv jI ny BfeI gurdfs jI dI klm qoN sRI gurU gRMQ adb sMg qib igRMQ su KolHf lY avfjL buwZf vrdfn bKsL rhy hn. sMKypqf nUM muK rwKdy hoey iehI ikhf jf skdf hY ik sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bIV ilKvfeI, aqy ies df muK bolf sfihb dI smuwcI bfxI ivc AunHF vwzmuwly pihlf pRkfsL sqMbr pihlI sMn 1604 sM q f ky kfrij afip Klo i eaf, hir kM m guxF dy vwK vwK ZMgF nflL bhuq suhxy vrnx eIsvI nUM BfdroN sudI eykm 1661 ibkrmI krfvix afieaf rfm imlLdy hn jo bfxI pVHn suxn vfly prfxIaF dy idn scKMz hirmMdr sfihb dy aMdr hoieaf pihlI vfr pRkfsL krky bfbf buwZf so ies qrF pMcm pfqsLfh sRI gurU arjn dy ihridaF nUM TMZk phuMcFdy hn. jI nUM pRmuK gRMQI Qfp idwqf qy afp jI nUM dyv jI mhfrfj ny bfbf buwZf jI nUM pRmuK jd ies mhfn gRMQ nUM hirmMdr sfihb ivKy BfeI sfihb jI df iKqfb bKisLaf qy bfbf gRMQI dI pdvI qy sQfpq krky gRMQI dI suBfiemfn kIqf igaf qF Aus idn ies df jI nUM hukm kIqf. pdvI dI pRQf arMB kIqI, gurU gRMQ sfihb hr rojL aMimRq vyly drbfr sfihb prkfsL buwZf inj isr pr igRMQ, afgY clhu suDfsr ivc kuwl imlf ky 5874 sLbd hn jo 31 kIqf jFdf. gurU arjn dyv jI BfeI buwZf rfgF ivc ivdmfn hn sB qoN vwD bfxI jI aqy BfeI gurdfs jI nflL rlLky Kud pMQ sRI gurU arjn dyv jI mhfrfj jI dI hY kIrqn krdy aqy nflL 6 hor rbfbI jQy mfin clhu bfk ly BXo agfry, cmr gurU ijnHF ny 30 rfgF ivc 2218 sLbd Aucfrn vI drbfr sfihb ivwc sfrf idn inrMqr arjn kr Dfry kIqy jo ies mhfn gRMQ ivwc suBfiemfn hn kIrqn jfrI rwKdy, ievyN ieh iek alOikk sMK aink lGu duMdiB bfjy, jY jY kfr AUc sB qoN Gwt bfxI Bgq sUrdfs jI dI hY jo njLfrf hirmMdr sfihb ivwc hr smyN dyKx kyvl iek inwkI jhI pMgqI qy aDfrq hY. nUM imldf. sur gfjY BgqF ivcoN sB qoN vwD bfxI Bgq kbIr suMdr sRI hirgoibMd cMd, sMg cilq huie jI dI hY. ijnHF dy 541 sLbd sRI gurU gRMQ idn iCpx qoN mgroN rfq nUM afid gRMQ sfihb soB iblMd sfihb ivc sLsLoBq hn. afid gRMQ sfihb df swuK afsn kIqf jFdf qy ies pivwqr ivwc pMj gurU sfihbfn dI bfxI sI pr 9vyN gRMQ nUM afpxy sIs qy ibrfjmfn krky suwK hirmMidr mih jfie puhUcy, rfgI rfg kriq pfqsLfh jI dI bfxI sRI gurU goibMd isMG asQfn qwk Cwz ky iswK sMgqF afAuNdIaF sur AUcy jI mhfNrfj jI ny ies ivc sLfml kIqI hY qy sRI gurU arjn dyv jI ies pivwqr gRMQ mMjI shq igRMQ qihM Qfip, bYTy inkt gurU kul imlf ky 36 mhFpursLF dI bfxI sRI gurU dy siqkfr ivc sfrI rfq Aus kmry ivc gRMQ sfihb ivc aMkq hY AunHF ivc 6 iswK jLmIn qy bYT ky jF lyt ky kwtdy ijwQy ieh qib afp
sLurU gRMQ sfihb ik poQI?”
gurU gRMQ sfihb dI sMpfdnf dy mhFkfrj df leI hrmMdr sfihb aMimRqsr ivc sQfpq syhrf, pMcm pfqsLfh sRI gurU arjn dyv kIqf igaf pihlF ies bIV nUM poQI sfihb ikhf jFdf sI ipwCoN gRMQ sfihb kih ky jI dy isr bwJdf hY. sqkfr idwqf igaf. pMcm pfqsLfh jI ny kyNdrI qIrQ hr mMdr sfihb jI dI, AusfrI gRMQ sfihb nUM Awucy afsn qy sLusLoBq kIqf. ho jfx mgroN, Dfrmk gRMQ hoxf iswKF df afp nIvIN QF qy brfjmfn hoey. sB sMgq pihlf mksd sI. dUjf kfrn ieh vI sI, nUM afdysL idwqf, ik gRMQ sfihb awgy isr kuJ Kud grjL dMBI bfxI nUM qoV mroV ky Jukfvy. gRMQ sfihb df AuvyN hI siqkfr kry, rlLf pf rhy sn. pMcm pfqsLfh jI ny ies ijvyN Eh gurU sfihbfn df krdI hY. bfbf Kqry nUM Bfipaf ik JUTIaF qy gYr rcnfvF bwuZf jI hrmMdr sfihb dy pihly gRMQI bfxI ivc rlL rhIaF hn. so afp jI ny sQfpq kIqy gey. krqfrpur vflLI bIV nUM pihly, cfr gurUaF dIaF shI rcnfvF BfeI gurdfs jI vflLI bIV ikhf jFdf hY. iekwqr kIqIaF. ies bIV qoN ielfvf gRMQ sfihb dIaF do bIVF hor hn. jo vyrvf sfihq ies qrHF hn. gurU jI ny sRI aMimRqsr dy dwKx vwl, rfm sr nF dy iek suMdr qy iekFq QF nUM cuixafN. 1[ BfeI bMno vflLI bIV-gurU arjn sfihb ijwQy bYT ky AuhnF ny afpxI rcnf qy ny krqfrpur vflLI bIV, lfhOr ijld sMpfdnf df kMm arMB kIqf. ies rwbI bfxI bMnvfAux vfsqy dy idwqI BfeI bMno ny Aus nUM ilKx df, sLuB kMm kOm dy mhfn ilKfrI ivc afpxI iewCf anusfr kuJ vfDU bfxI BfeI gurdfs jI dy juMmy lfieaf igaf. ies drjL kr idwqI. awj kwl ieh bIV BfeI bIV ivc pihly pMj gurU sfihbfn 16 (solF) bMno dI Aulfd kolL hY. BgqF, sUPIaF aqy BwtF dI bfxI drjL hY. ieh krqfrpur vflLI bIV kihlfAuNdI hY. 2[ dmdmf vflLI bIV-ieh bIV sRI gurU sMpfdnf df kMm sMmq 1661 ivc smfpq goibMd isMG jI ny dmdmyN sfihb ivc hoieaf iesy nflL BfdoN suwdI iek muqfbk sMmq 1762-63 ivc BfeI mnI isMG jI qoN 16 agsq 1604 idn vIrvfr nUM, iesy ilKvfeI, aqy afpxy muKfr ibMd qoN AucfrI. krqfrpur vflLI bIV nUM gurmq dy pRcfr ies bIV ivc gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI bfxI
BfeI bfjL isMG aYbtsPorz bI[sI[
mhfn gRMQ suK afsn rUp ivc ibrfjmfn huMdy. afiKr Auh GVI nyVy afAux lwgI jd sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI mhfNrfj ny afid gRMQ sfihb nUM gurgwdI sONpxI sI, jdoN ieh gRMQ DIr mwlIaF qoN pivwqr gRMQ pRfpq nf ho sky qF AunHF ny gurU kI kfsLI dmdmf sfihb ivKy afpxI idb idRstI nflL sfrf gRMQ sfihb dubfrf ilKvfieaf, gurU sfihb bfxI Aucfrdy rhy qy BfeI mnI isMG jI Aus nUM klmbMd krdy rhy, aqy sfry gRMQ sfihb jI df srUp pihly gRMQ vrgf hI irhf gurU jI ny ies gRMQ sfihb ivc sRI gurU qyg bhdfr sfihb jI dI bfxI sLfiml krky ies nUM sMpUrn kIqf, gurU goibMd isMG jI mhfNrfj jI ny afpxy joqI joq smfAux qoN pihlF 8 akqUbr sMn 1708 nUM ies sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI awgy mwQf tyk ky ies nUM afpxI gurgwdI qy sLsLoBq kIqf aqy afpxI pivwqr afqmf sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc smo idwqI aqy srIr pMQ ivc vlIn kr idwqf aqy smuwcy pMQ nUM hukm kr idwqf “afigaf BeI akfl kI qbI clfXo pMQ sB iswKn ko hukm hY gurU mfnXo gRMQ” aMq ivc dfs BfeI bfjL isMG smUh sMsfr Br dIaf sMgqF nUM ies mhfn idhfVy, pihlf pRkfsL idvs dI lwK lwK vDfeI idMdf hY jI. gurbcn kOr “iZwloN”
vI drjL kr idwqI. awj kwl dmdmf sfihb pUjf kIqI jFdI hY. AuQy rwbI pRyrnf df somf vflLI bIV hI pRmfxq hY. sB gurduafry vI hY. aMiD ivsLvfs nhIN. sfihbfn ivc sLusLoBq hY. rUhfnIaq df somF gurU goibMd isMG jI ny 7 akqUbr 1708 aqy pUjf dI pfqr hY. nUM ndyV sfihb ivc joqI joqf smfAux qoN Dfrmk pusqk dy nfqy gurU gRMQ sfihb pihlF gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM guirafeI df sB qoN vwzf gux srv sFJI vflqf aqy bKsLI. sMpUrn sfdgI hY. mjLhb qoN Aupr AuT ky pUrn eImfndfrI nflL, pivwqr jIvn bsr keI ihstorIkl ilKfrIaF df kQn hY ik krn dI iswiKaf idMdf hY. srv mfnv jfqI gurU goibMd isMG sfihb dy smyN qwk gurU gRMQ vfsqy KuwlHf hY. lokF dI afpxI BfsLf ivc sfihb, bhuq sfry gurduafrf sfihbF ivc iliKaf hoieaf hY. aOrq df brfbr df hwk sQfpq ho cuwky sn. gurU jI ny dyh DfrI rwiKaf igaf hY. swc Aucfr nUM sB qoN Aucf gurU dI pRQf smfpq krn df aYlfn kIqf afdrsL mMinafN igaf hY. iswKI iek df nhIN aqy awgy qoN gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM gurU mMnx srv sFJf Drm hY. df adysL idwqf. keI QfeIN ieh vI ikhf igaf hY, ik iswKF dy puwCx qy gurU jI ny gurU gRMQ sfihb dy aKMz pfT sfihb, Prmfieaf ik rUhfnI rihnumfeI sLbd rUp spqfh pfT, sMpt pfT kIqy jFdy hn. keI gurU gRMQ hI krn gy. pMjF ipafiraF ivc Kfs ivsLysL idnF qy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI, mYN afp hfjLr hovFgf. svfrI ngr kIrqn dy rUp vjoN kwZI jFdI hY. siqkfr vjoN gurU gRMQ sfihb jI, nUM gurU gRMQ sfihb nflL “gurU sLbd”, lfAuxf rysLmI rmfilaF ivc lpyitaf jFdf hY aqy vI 1765 qoN hI arMB hoieaf hY jdoN gurU mMjI sfihb AuWpr brfjmfn kIqy jFdy hn. jI ny gurqf iswK Drm dy aDfr qy aDfr nIvyN ho ky goizaF Bfr ho ky gRMQ sfihb jI rUp gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM idwqI. nUM mwQf tyikaf jFdf hY. Drm afpo afpxy hn. hr Drm afpo afpxIaF rsmF nflL ies qoN pihlF poQI sfihb jF gRMQ sfihb, juiVaf hoieaf hY. ijwQy gurU gRMQ sfihb dI sLbd hI pRclq sI. NS 21
NS 22
agar Kirtan is a Punjabi terms which literally means "Neighbourhood Kirtan". The word "Nagar" means "town or neighbourhood," and "Kirtan" is a term describing the singing of Shabads (divine hymns). The term refers to the possession of Sikh Sangat (Congregation) through the town singing holy hymns. The concept of a Nagar Kirtan is to bring the message of God to the doorstep of the community. It is very common for Nagar Kirtans to take place wherever Sikhs live. They especially common during the month of Vaisakhi and take place all over the globe. The Panj Piare (five beloved of the Guru) normally lead the procession of the Nagar Kirtan. This is normally followed by at lease one main float, which carries the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. In the float you have several Sewadars performing Kirtan and attending to the Guru. The Sangat walked behind Guru Ji and the Panj Piaare singing shabads and enjoying the glorious day. Food and drinks are sometimes served from
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Nagar Kirtan stationary points or from other subse- the head of his Beloved Sikhs. It was quent floats. to everyone’s amazement that the Panj Piyaras came out of the tent alive and Everyone pays respect to the Sacred Sri in glorious valour dressed in the 5 Ks, Guru Granth Sahib Ji by bowing their as they had the holy ceremony of Amrit heads and are presented with Prashad Shakna performed by Guru Gobind (sacred food) by the sevadars. The Nagar Kirtan is started when the Panj Singh Ji. Pyara (5 beloved ones) walk in front of the Sacred Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The Panj Pyaras are donned in their colourful Bana befitting the occasion. The five are almost always Amritdhari – baptised Khalsa Singhs.
The number 5 is very significant as it was on the day of Vaisakhi 1699 that our Tenth Guru Guru Gobind Singh created the order of Khalsa by baptising 5 volunteers from each corner of India and from different backgrounds. These 5 beloved ones ‘Panj Piyaras’ were given this reference by our 10th Guru Ji himself as they selflessly presented themselves at the call for their lives. It was these Panj Piyaras who amongst 80,000 stood up and entered the tent where Guru Gobind Singh asked for
Guru Gobind Singh gave much honour to the Panj Pyaras as they were the first Amritdhari (baptised) Singhs that our Guru Ji himself bowed to the Panj Pyaras and took Amrit (Baptism) from them. This was followed by the entire sangat (worshippers) participating in the sacred ceremony of Amrit Sanchar and when the Khalsa Panth for formed. Out of respect there are a multitude of sewadars who selflessly clean the roads before the Panj Pyaras and the Guru Granth Sahib is transported. It may be noticed that many in the possession may not wearing any shoes, irrespective of weather conditions – this is due to the respect they show to their holy Scripture, the sacred Guru Granth Sahib.
When participating in the Nagar Kirtan, one can find solace and peace even when thousands are walking with you. One can reach a state of Nirvana when indulging in the singing of Kirtan while following the Guru Granth Sahib. This is what the Nagar Kirtan is all about. There are young and old, Sikh, nonSikh that follow the Nagar Kirtan route, stand on the sides and freely distribute refreshments to all alike. The Nagar Kirtan is concluded as the sacred Guru Granth Sahib re-enters the Gurdwara and the whole Sadh Sangat stands still for the Ardas (concluding Prayer). You may notice that many members of the Sadh Sangat take their shoes off on the streets while the Ardas is being read on the loud speaker – again this is purely a sign of respect of the holy Bani. It is also noticeable that the majority of the Sadh Sangat have covered their heads, this is a significant sign of respect to the presence of our sacred Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The colour Orange is in honour of the Khalsa Panth, as the Panj Pyaras are robed in Orange. (Sources: SikhiWiki)
Why free food is not the highlight of Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan parade Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan parade is not A Nagar Kirtan, commonly referred to as a parade, usually marks the day of about free food. Period. the celebrations. Nagar Kirtan differs I am tired of hearing the phrase “free from a traditional parade in the sense food” in some media coverage without it has a religious and sacred meaning giving a context to it. Yes, the food is attached to it. The Punjabi word, nagar served free of cost but the ‘why’ is big- denotes town, and kirtan means singing of religious hymns. So Nagar Kirtan ger than the price tag. literally means going around the town Vaisakhi is traditionally celebrated as singing sacred hymns. harvest festival in India. The festival is celebrated as the start of a New Year, The Sikh holy book, Sri Guru Granth throughout the country, under different Sahib, being carried on a float in Surnames and with different local tradi- rey Vaisakhi parade on April 20, 2013; Photo: Aziz Dhamani tions. In the northern state of Punjab, which most of the Sikhs call home, it The day of Vaisakhi parade, the Sikh holy book Sri Guru Granth Sahib is is called Vaisakhi. taken on a decorated float along a For Sikhs, the festival holds a signifi- parade route and Sikhs join the procescant meaning: it is on Vaisakhi day in sion singing the praise of the Lord, the 1699, the tenth Sikh guru, Guru Gobind Gurus and the Sikh teachings. Along Singh established the Khalsa (the pure the route, other devotees offer food to ones) and laid down a code of con- people. duct for the Sikhs. So the festival of For the Sikh diaspora, the Vaisakhi Vaisakhi is celebrated as the birthday procession is a time for the Sikh comof Khalsa by Sikhs worldwide. The munity to come together and celebrate faith, which was founded by the first the foundation of Khalsa, and be a part Sikh guru, Guru Nanak Dev, predates of community living. The occasion is Vaisakhi. also used as a platform to bring aware-
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ness to social issues. Also, it inadvertently becomes a campaign ground for politicians of all stripes. But on the celebration of the faith, Sikh teachings ask the followers to cook and eat together and serve each other. It comes from the three tenets of Sikhism, which are: Naam japo: To remember the One creator and meditate on His presence.
explain the context, especially for media persons who are deconstructKirat karo: To work hard and earn ing the ever-growing parade for other through honest means. Canadians. Vand chako: To do selfless service and share resources, including food. So call it free food, but please don’t That is why, at a Sikh place of worship, say it is the highlight of the parade. called a gurdwara (literally means gate- The highlight is the essence of Sikhism way to the guru) food is always served. – selfless service and sharing without It is called langar and yes, it is always giving importance to the price tag. The free, just like it is done on Vaisakhi day highlight are the people who spend celebrations. countless hours preparing the food and making sure it is always served fresh, hot, and with devotion. As I said earlier, technically it is free food, but it becomes imperative to (Sources: Aziz Dhamani)
The Patrika
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The Patrika
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Friday, September 1st, 2017
The Patrika
NS 25
10 Pointers When Participating in Sikh Parades
he Sikh parade is a Nagar Kirtan procession involving transporting Sikhism's holy scripture Guru Granth Sahib on a palanquin or float through the streets while singing devotional hymns. Parades are held on Abstain From Tobacco, Alcohol and special occasions. Drug Use Try these ten tips, whenever attending Nagar Kirtan for an enjoyable Eat Your Fill of Free Food and Drinks and unforgettable experience. Paying (Langar) attention to these 10 pointers when Watch For Moving Parade Vehicles participating in any Sikh parade makes Walk Beside, or Take a Ride on Floats for fun filled festivities: Locate Nagar Kirtan Start and Finish
Shop for Religious Items at Bazaar
Decide on Parking, Meeting Place and Freshen Up with Sanitary Facilities Exit Plan Participate in Seva Preparation and Show Reverence and Respect Wear Clean-up Appropriate Attire
Abbotsford Community Branch 32675 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC V2T 1X9
Main telephone 604 870-5300
aYbtsPorz kimAUintI brYNc vloN sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dy pihly 413 vyN pRkfsL idvs 'qy lWK-lWK vDfeIaF The Abbotsford Community Branch Congratulates the community as you celebrate the 413th Parkash Diwas of Shri Guru Granth Sahib NS 25
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The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
gurU gRMQ sfihb: sMkln qy sMpfdn pRo: zf aMimRqpfl kOr (pMjfbI XUnIvristI) sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb sMpfidq gRMQ hY Bfv ieh ik ies ivc iewk qoˆ vDyry bfxIkfrfˆ dI rcnf Èfiml hY. iswK Drm dy pMjvyˆ gurU sRI gurU arjn dyv jI ny afpxy qoˆ pihlfˆ siqgurfˆ dI bfxI nUM iekwqr krky sMn 1604 eIsvI ivc afpxI rcnf aqy Bgqfˆ dI bfxI nUM Èfiml kridafˆ ies df sMpfdn kIqf. ieiqhfsk sRoq aqy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc drjL bfxI dy hvfilafˆ qoˆ pqf lgdf hY ik gurU gRMQ sfihb koeI KflI pMinafˆ df ivÈfl sMgRih nhIˆ sI ijs ivc smyˆ-smyˆ bfxI drjL huMdI geI blik gurU sfihbfn aqy gurU Gr nflL juVy ivakqIafˆ vloˆ bfxI df iekwqrIkrn, ivakqIgq aqy sfˆJy Xqnfˆ vjoˆ hoˆd ivc afieaf. sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy sMkln aqy sMpfdnf dy kfrj nUM iqMn pwDrfˆ qoˆ vyiKaf jf skdf hY. pihlf pwDr prMprf anusfr bfxI dI sMBflL aqy loV nflL sMbMDq hY, dUsrf bfxI dy pRmfixk srUp aqy cox nflL sMbMDq hY aqy qIsrf
leI mirafdf, icMqn aqy PlsPy duafrf srIrk, afqimk, smfijk aqy Dfrimk syD gurU sfihb ny lokfˆ dI BfÈf ivc idwqI ijs nUM agly gurU sfihbfn ny `nfnk` dy nfm Qwly apxfieaf, idRVHfieaf aqy awgy qoiraf. ies dy ilKq srUp nUM BfeI gurdfs, jo ik qIsry gurU amrdfs sfihb dy smyˆ qoˆ gurU hËUrI ivc sn, ny mukMml kIqf aqy sRI gurU arjn dyv duafrf sMpfdnf dy rUp ivc pRqwK hoieaf. sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc 36 bfxIkfrfˆ dI bfxI drjL hY ijs ivc 6 gurU sfihbfn, 15 Bgq, 11 Bwt aqy 4 guriswK hn. sDfrx rUp ivc ies gRMQ nUM iqMn Bfgfˆ ivc vMizaf jfˆdf hY. pihly Bfg ivc pMnf 1 qoˆ 13 qk inqnym dIafˆ bfxIafˆ drjL hn ijnHfˆ ivc jpu, sodru, rihrfs aqy soihlf nfm dIafˆ bfxIafˆ hn ijnHfˆ nUM iswK mirafdf anusfr vwKo-vwKry smyˆ pVHn df nym idwqf igaf hY ijvyˆ jpu jI sfihb aMimRq vyly, rihrfs sfihb sMiDaf smyˆ aqy kIrqn soihlf rfq sOx smyˆ pVHnf cfhIdf hY.
sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df vzy r f Bfg jo pM n f 14 qoˆ 1352 qk hY rfgbwD sMkln aDIn hY ijsnUM sRI gurU arjn dyv jI ny 30 rfgfˆ ivc vMizaf hY. bfad ivc dsm gurU sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny nOvyˆ gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI bfxI jYjfvMqI rfg ivc drjL krky rfgfˆ dI kwul igxqI 31 kr idqI. aKIrlf Bfg rfg mukq bfxI df hY ieh pMnf 1352 qo ˆ 1430 qk drjL hY ies Bfg ivc shsikRqI, gfQf, Punhy, slok ÈyÉ ÌrId aqy kbIr, pwDr Auhnfˆ jugqfˆ nflL sMbMDq hY ijsny swvXy, slok, vfrfˆ qy vDIk, cAuboly, imhnq nflL sMBflI hoeI bfxI nUM ÈuD bfxI slok mhlf nOvfˆ, muMdfvxI aqy aKIr ivc dy rUp ivc hmyÈf surwiKaq rwKxf hY. rfgmflf bfxI idqI geI hY.`` sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc drj bfxI df bfxI dy sMkln ivc bfxI dI CotI qoˆ CotI sMkln koeI sfDfrx kMm nhIˆ sI blik iekfeI Èbd nUM vyKIey qfˆ Èbd bfxI dy ieh iek ivÈyÈ ivcfrDfrf df vfhk sI isrlyK df afrMB mUl mMqR dy rUp ivc jo bfxI dI cox df afDfr bixafN ijs df huMdf hY ijsdy iBMn-iBMn rUp hn. ijvyˆ jfˆ afrMB iswK Drm dy bfnI sRI gurU nfnk dyv siqgurU pRsfdu jfˆ siqnfm gur pRsfid jfˆ jI qoˆ hI ho jfˆdf hY ijnHfˆ ny afdrÈ mnuwKI siqnfm krqf purKu gurpRsfid jfˆ pUrf mUl smfj dI sMklpnf ihwq ielfhI bfxI df mMqR hY. Aus qoˆ bfad rfg df aMkx hY ijs gfien kIqf. gurU nfnk sfihb ny afpxy ivc 31 muK rfg aqy 31 rfg pRkfr hn. sfQI BfeI mrdfny dI rbfb aqy sMgIq nflL rfg ivÈyÈ ivc bfxI aMikq krn smyˆ pihl ielfhI bfxI AucfrI aqy gfeI. mulk dI gurU sfihbfn nUM idqI geI hY ijs nUM `mhlf` hr idÈf ivc pYdl jf ky duwK aqy aÈfˆqI kRm ivc drjL kIqf igaf hY. Audfhrx vjoˆ ivc qpdy lokfˆ dy jIvn ivc KyVf ilafAux mhlf 1 gurU nfnk dyv jI, mhlf 2 gurU df Xqn kIqf ieh afrMB sI bfxI dI hoˆd aMgd dyv jI jfˆ mhlf 9 gurU qyg bhfdr jI df, jdoˆ iËMdgI ijAux leI inqfpRiq jIvn vl sMkyq krdf hY. gurU sfihbfn dI bfxI NS 26
ivÈyÈ sMbMDq rfg ivc Kqm hox qoˆ bfad Bgqfˆ dI bfxI Au h nfˆ dy nfm sihq isrlyK rUp ivc drjL hY Audfhrx vjoˆ ``bfxI Bgq kbIr jI`` afid. ies qoˆ agy kRmvfr kfiv-rUp jfˆ gfien rUp drjL hn. kfiv-rUpfˆ dy aMqrgq pdy, dupdy, iqpdy, cAupdy pMjpdy afid afAuˆdy hn. pidafˆ qoˆ bfad astpdIafˆ hn. Pyr lMmyrIafˆ rcnfvfˆ jfˆ vfrfˆ nUM kRmvfr drjL kIqf igaf hY. ies dy nflL hI sMbMDq bfxI rcnfvfˆ ivc slok aqy pAuVIafˆ kfiv rUpfˆ nUM vI ilaf igaf hY.kfiv-rUpfˆ nUM drjL krn smyˆ vI gurU sfihbfn aqy Bgqfˆ dy kRm nUM iDafn ivc rwiKaf igaf hY. pd dy kfiv-rUp nUM aMkfˆ nflL aMikq kIqf igaf hY. Audfhrx vjoˆ afsf mhlf df Èbd hY ``jf iqs sfihb df BAu kyhf.`` ies aMkx ivc pihlfˆ Èbdfˆ dy pidafˆ dI igxqI, iPr Èbdfˆ dI igxqI aqy iPr sMbMDq bfxIkfr dy Èbd dI kwul igxqI drsfeI geI hY. Èbd dy aMq ivc .. 4 .. 7 .. 46 .. df aMkx hY. pihlf aMk Aus Èbd dy pidafˆ dI igxqI dws irhf hY ik Bfv 4 pdy hn dUjf aMk 7 hux qk dy Èbdfˆ dI igxqI dws irhf hY aqy qIsrf 46 aMk afsf rfg ivc afey gurU arjn dyv jI dy kwul Èbdfˆ dI igxqI drsf irhf hY. Èbd dy pidafˆ ivc `rhfAu` dI quk vI hY ijs ivc Èbd rcnf df kyˆdrI Bfv huMdf hY. sfihqk aqy sMgIqk idRstI qoˆ rhfAu dI mhwqqf ivÈyÈ
hY. sfihqk idRstI qoˆ `rhfAu` ivc sMbMDq Èbd df kyˆdrI Bfv huMdf hY aqy sMgIqk idRstI qoˆ rhfAu dI quk nUM sQfeI vjoˆ gfien kIqf jfˆdf hY. gurU gRMQ sfihb dI sfrI bfxI ivc sMpfdkI jugqfˆ sMkyqfˆ sihq drjL hn. ijvyˆ 9 vfrfˆ Auqy Dunfˆ dy sMkyq hn ijvyˆ `llfˆ bhlImf kI Duin gfvxI`, `phiraf kY Gir gfvxf` afid. ijQy ieh bfxI gfien dy sMkyq hn AuQy pVHn ivDI sMbMDI vI sMkyq pRfpq huMdy hn ijvyˆ ``eyh slok afid aMq pVHnf afid ies pRkfr `Gru` `jiq` afid dy sMkyq vI jo sMgIqk idRstI qoˆ mhwqvpUrn hn. bfxI ivc drsfey gey sMkyq bfxI nUM smJx bUJx leI mfrg drsLk bxdy hn. sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df sB qoˆ mhwqvpUrn qwQ ieh ik gurU gRMQ sfihb df `qqkrf` hY jo ik Èpst rUp ivc dwsdf hY iks rfg ivc koeI vI bfxI rcnf iks gurU sfihbfn dI hY aqy iks pMny `qy hY. ies dy nflL hI bfxIafˆ dy kRmvfr isrlyK ijwQy bfxIkfr dy kriqqv df inKyVf krdy hn AuQy bfxIkfrfˆ aqy Auhnfˆ dIafˆ rcnfvfˆ nflL isDy rUp ivc sfˆJ puafAuNdy hn. ies pRkfr sMpfdnf dI idRstI qoˆ bfxI df sMpfdn sMpfdkI sUJ, gMBIrqf, sMjIdgI dI aiq Auqm imsfl hY
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
NS 27
Call our Pharmacist Today for any Questions Gurdev Hayre 604-854-5800
sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy pihly 413vyN pRkfsL idvs ‘qy pUry iswK jgq aqy smUh mfnvqf nUM lwK-lwK vDfeIaF Congratulations to the community on the occasion of Nagar Kirtan (Procession) celebrating the 413th Parkash Diwas of Shri Guru Granth Sahib HIG
A S. F R
FREE DELIVERY Anywhere in the Lower Mainland
We will pick-up your Prescription and Deliver your Medication for FREE
#9-31205, MACLURE ROAD, ABBOTSFORD BC (Next to Townline Fruiticana) You can transfer your prescription to us anytime!
604-854-5800 NS 27
NS 28
NS 28
The Patrika
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034 iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro
2647 Chapman Place
34814 Laburnum Ave
RealtorSukh@hotmail.com Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
$799,900 elcome home to your picture perfect McMillan home! A top tier location that offers walking distance to all levels of schools, shopping, and rec centre. Also only a few minutes to Hwy 1. The cul de sac setting offers a large private and fenced pie shaped lot that is family friendly. Now for the spotless 5 bedroom 3 bath home that has seen numerous updates and shows perfectly. The main floor features laminate flooring, cozy fam rm with gas f/p and a large deck overlooking the park like b/y. Spacious kitchen with eating area has updated appliances. Large l/r and d/r is a great retreat for the adults.
33912 Andrews Place
35494 Edson Place
Home sweet home! This lovely family home is located just a block from Mission's Heritage Park and offers 4 upstairs bedrooms, 2 baths, a traditional layout, big picture windows for loads of natural light, spacious rooms, lots of storage, a potential for an in-law suite, a workshop, a brand new (huge!) 3095 MCCRAE ST.
SOLD $669,000 Prime location - close to all facilities - schools, shopping recreation, University, Hospital. Large lot for extra parking, RV, and other options. Note the large bedrooms, spacious laundry, and the possibility of 5 bedrooms. This house has been updated and ready for the new owner.
$599,900 Charming East side rancher! Fully renovated rancher on large corner lot in fantastic location. This home has extensive updates including a new kitchen, s/s appliances, large island, dark laminate flooring, new paint, upgraded lighting, custom built electric fireplace and more. Fully covered patio off the great room. Large master bedroom can be converted back into two separate rooms just by putting the wall back up! Great schools nearby including Dr. Thomas Swift, Clayburn Middle and Robert Bateman Secondary as well as Margaret Sternerson for french immersion. Nothing to do here but move right in!
$789,000 Renovated in 2013 to increase the master bedroom that now includes an 8'2x6'10 walk in closet and a 3 piece en-suite. Open concept kitchen with a large island and a raised seating bar for 5. Magnificent Rec room featuring a wet bar and dishwasher that is an entertainers delight. Can also be converted to a 1 bedroom suite. High efficiency furnace, on demand hot water, all new vinyl windows,3 year old roof, new gutters and list goes on...
33678 7th Ave
2287 OTTER ST.
Contact me for subdivideable properties 30849 CARDINAL AVE.
W e H a v e Q u a l i fi e d B u y e r s F o r H o m e s
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Little Oak Realty Independently Owned and Operated
โ Top 1% Real Estate Team of Year 2015.. Award Winning" ย ย Davinder Brar-PREC Harpreet Mann-PREC CALL FOR A FREE MARKET 604.302.2222 604.832.8485 EVALUATION NEW LISTING
31362 McConachie PL 34080 Higginson Cr 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, legal bsmt suite, near Fruiticana NEW LISTING
3752 Harwood Cr
4 - 3270 Bluejay St
3 Bedroom on main floor with 2 Bedroom basement suite
6 Bedroom and 3 Bathroom, bsmt suite, near UFV NEW LISTING
2 Storey Townhome with 3 Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. CUSTOM BUILT
30 -31255 Upper Maclure RD
2421 Cresent Way Renovate it or demolish to build dream home
32773 Cowichan Terrace 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms 10680 Sqft lot Near Stadium
31032 Westridge Pl 2224 Broadway St 33341 Whidden Ave Master suite features 6 Bedrooms, 4 3 Bedroom, 2
4 pc ensuite with his
with a beautiful house in Aldergrove
32635 Rossland Pl Great rental property
2 3070 Townline Road
4 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms Very Well desired area of Blue Jay Hills complex
30 Acres Blueberry Farm 2098 Beaver Street 6 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms with 7070 sqft lot size
32054 Scott PL 3 Bedroom home, near schools and shopping center
RENTAL PROPERTY 10 ACRES BIG FOR SALE HOUSE & SHOP NEAR UFV 3 story, 6 bdrm, 6 bath, bsmt suite, recroom, media room, wet bar, 4 bdrms up, big driveway, near University.
Condo Building in Good Condition 6% Return of Investment
103 - 2962 Trethewey
31098 Deertrail Road
Spacious and bright, 2 bedroom, 2 full bath. New floor, new
Great Family Home in desirable area of West
Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented
3 - 3070 Townline Road 4 bedrooms,
3 bathrooms Near Shopping Mall
เจธเจพเจกเฉ เจ เฉ เจคเฉ เจนเจพเจกเฉ เจช เฉ เจชเจฐเจ เฉ เจฒเจ เจ เฉ เจ เจฒเฉ เจซเจพเจ เจก เจ เฉ เจฆเจฆเจพเจฐ เจนเจจเฅค เจนเฉ เจฃเฉ เฉ เฉ เจจ เจ เจฐเฉ เจ เฉ เฅค CALL US TO GET FORECLOSURE/BANK SALE PROPERTIES LIST PAGE R3
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
2790 2 27 279 790 A 79 Allwood lllw llw llwood wood ood oo od St SStreet treet
• 2650 sqft home • 4 Bdrm • 3 baths
32373 Grouse Ct
www.veermalhi.com D! SOL
• Legal Suite $900/mth • OCP = Urban 3 Intill • 5 Bdrm, 3 Baths • Nicely Renovated • 7000 sf Lot
• 6400 sqft lot • rec room
604 4-85 55-0 0800 604-855-0800
vvirbinder77@gmail.com irbinder77@gmail.ccom
778 8 -241-7451 -2 241- 7451
Abb Ab Abbotsford, bb botssfo for orrd, ord, d, BC C V2T 3R7
• 2,568 Sq Ft. • 4 bedrooms
2095 Beaver Street
• 3 baths • Rancher with Basement
es Acr 0 4 ox ppr
• Chilliwack • SetUp for Machine Pick
• Full Production Berries • House w/ good rental income
50000 Prairie Central Road
cres A 9 25.3
• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty
• Planted in Blueberries • Flat RectangularParcel
430 Bowman Road
• Build Your Dream
Home • 5min from Abbotsford Centre
• Build Your Dream • New Listing Home • Sumas Prairie • Duke & Elliot Variety • Drip Irreg
565 Marion Road
• New Listing • 2 Houses • Mortgage Helper
res c A .1
• 7 Acres Duke • 2 Acres Blue Crop
• Blueberry Farm • 2700+ SF Home
•Matsqui Area
• Duke & Blue Crop
Exclusive Listing
cres A 2 .98
cres 10 A
• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show
1723 Jackson Street........................................$1,875,000 28028 Layman Avenue ................................. $1,400,000 6113 Beharrell Road ...................................... $1,374,900 7.09 Acres Lot B Haverman ......................... $1,298,900
34631 First Avenue
2994 Eastview Street .........................................$680,000 33727 1st Avenue ...............................................$251,000 46199 Third Avenue...........................................$409,900 36421 Florence Drive ........................................$485,000
es Acr 2 6 9.
es Acr 5 . 19
• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production
• 1 Bath • Near Sumas Border • 2 Titles
cres A 0 1
• Sub Division Potiential • 3 Bdrm House
2477 Lilac Cr
1639 King Cres ................................................. $1,000,000 2477 Lilac Crescent ............................................$624,000 33860 Hollister Place .........................................$629,900 27181 28B Avenue .............................................$595,000
• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay
• Land Only • Blueberry Farm • Matsqui Area
•5 min from town • Flat • BlueCrop & Duke Variety
Lot 1 on Glenmore Road
5111 Tolmie Road ........................................... $1,149,900 4627 Dixon Raod ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road.........................................$874,700 39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Davesher Harmesh Davesher Rupinder Personal Real Estate Corporation Realtor
FREE Market Evaluation
Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes 5266
3473 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford
3501 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford
31182 Firhill Drive, Abbotsford
32660 Esquimalt Terrace, Abbotsford
OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 2:00 - 4:00 3965 SF Home/West Abby
OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 2:00 - 4:00 3887 SF Home/West Abby
OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 12:00 - 2:00 6 Bdrm Home/West Abby!
OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 2 bdrm Legal Suite, Abby
Real Estate Office
in the Entire Fraser Valley For 16 Years
(Production per Sales Person)
Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103-33070 5th Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
8835 Wooler Terrace, Mission
2 bdrm legal suite/Mission 3,426 sq ft home on 6,170 sq ft lot. Main features kitchen, familly rm, living rm, dining rm & 3 bdrms. Below has rec rm, ikitchen, living rm, laundry & 3 bdrms. Don’t miss out on this home.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
27964 Ledunne Avenue, Abbotsford
2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hiway #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.
27665 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
#71 20118 Beacon Road, Hope
Beautiful 3745 sq ft 2 storey home w/ fully finished bsmnt. 6 large bdrms, 5 full washrooms. Close to all levels of schools, High St. Mall, churches & highway #1. High ceilings, open floor plan.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
#37 20118 Beacon Road, Hope
3 bdrm home with open living room, kitchen and den, double garage. Near the shopping mall, rec centre and rotary stadium.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
2552 Caboose Place, Abbotsford
OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1:00 - 4:00 Area of new Homes/Abby
Beautiful home on 2150 sq ft lot. 3 bdrm home, 2 full baths. Open living rm, huge dining rm. Close to High Street Mall, U.S. Border, easy access to Hwy #1. New floors, plumbing, paint & lots more. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.
2582 Caboose Place, Abbotsford
Under Construction in Hope
1448 sq ft Rancher in Hope
Don’t miss out, 1349 sq ft rancher w/4,391 sq ft lot. Main has kitchen, nook, master bdrm, den, 2nd bdrm & laundry Lots of natural light w/big back yard. Gated Community.
Two bdrms plus den rancher w/open concept floor plan w/great room. 9’ ceilings. Double garage & fully landscaped yard. Strata fee only $25/m!! Call NOW!!
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
31291 Wagner Place, Abbotsford
2074 Dolphin Crescent, Abbotsford
Station Road Area/Abby! 3861 sq ft home on 5813 sq ft south facing lot. 8 bdrms, 6 baths, 2 gas f/p, 2 kitchens on main & 1 kitchen in bsmnt. 2 laundries. Upgraded LED lights and spanish crystal chandelier!!
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Building / Development 5234
2 bdrm legal suite/Abby! 4,000 sq ft home. Main has kitchen & spice kitchen, liv rm, din rm & family rm. Upstairs has 4 bdrms & 3 baths. 2 bdrm legal suite and separate media rm & bar for owner use down!! Great location!
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Prime Location, Abby
4 bdrms/West Abby!
3971 sq ft home!! Lot size 5813 sq ft. Near Hiway #1 & Fraser Hiway & shopping centers. Main has kitch, spice kitch, living rm & family rm. Up has 3 spacious bdrms. Finished basement w/rec rm, theatre rm.
4,500 sq ft home. Main has open kitchen, spice kitchen, den, family rm & liv rm. Bsmnt has 4 bdrms. Walking distance from rec center and schools!! Close to hi-way #1 & High Street Mall.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Harmesh 604-897-4521
3178 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford
32095 Rogers Avenue, Abbotsford
Close to Abbotsford Hospital!
Quiet neighbourhood, great location. 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down. Open floor plan. Private backyard. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
MISSION 10 Acre Building Site! 10394 Stave Lake Privacy among the hills and mature forests. Large level building site. Septic and well in place. Build your dream home. (Owner can build for you!!) 10 minutes drive from West Coast Express. $599,000
27928 Conductor Drive, Abbotsford
PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT OF YOUR RENTAL PROPERTIES For information please call our Property Management Division
Abbotsford West
Basement entry, custom built home in new subdivision. Open floor plan, family rm & huge kitchen, 2 full washrms on main & 2 full washrms in basement. Close to shopping & easy access to HWY #1.
Call Harmesh 604-897-4521
Fairfield area Abbotsford!
Walking distance to Rotary Stadium. All levels of school. Legal suite. Quiet, desirable area. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
New Home in Abbotsford!!
2 storey home with detached garage, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Great neighbourhood, easy access to shops, U.S. border and Hi-way #1 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
4 building lots. Beautiful Hatzic Ridge Estates #5, 13, 24, 25 34854 Ferndale Ave, Mission Gated quality controlled sub-division. Bring your fussiest buyers. The “Eagle Mountain” of Mission. $549,000 each
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Jasbir Banwait
Manbir Banwait
REAL ESTATE MARKETING • Commercial • Agricultural • Residential
(778) 552-0305 / (778) 241-4472 bgrp.ca
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Rajinder Dhutti
32030 Fir Ave
32462 Hillcrest Ave
31362 McConachie Pl
3313 Blue Jay St
33188 Westbury Ave
Rookie of the YEAR
Personal Real Estate Corporation
pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:
Investors Alert! Rancher with basement on a huge 8500 plus sq ft lot. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, laundry room, rec room.
Centrally located Split Entry home sitting on 8,000 plus sq ft Corner Lot!!! This home features 5 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living area, spacious kitchen, dining, family room walkout basement
2298 Cameron Cr
2826 Clearbrook Road
3803 Chadsey Cre
31030 Heron Ave
33837 Mayfair Ave
33853 Mayfair Ave
33245 Alta Ave
225 2233 Mckenzie Rd
SOLD 2 Storey w/ basement home with a Legal Suite in East Abbotsford. Main oor features living room, kitchen with granite counter tops and lots of storage, spice kitchen, dining area
Investors Alert! 5400 sq ft at lot in a Central location. Priced to sell. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, public transit and easy access to freeway. Hurry!!!
Great Location! Split entry home on a 7950 sq ft plus lot in a central location. This home has 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, nice backyard, huge sundeck, renovated kitchen, rec room, big living area & much more. There are few updates in the house like newer paint, some new flooring in bedrooms, kitchen cabinets/counters & some new doors.
407 - 31831 Peardonville Road
31011 Gardner Ave
2208-2210 BEAVER ST
SOLD West Point Villa! This top fl o o r u n i t f e a t u r e s 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living area, kitchen and laundry. Well maintained complex. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, parks &
SOLD Location! Location! A cute basement entry home on a corner lot & cul-de-sac location. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, fenced backyard, double garage and much more. Some of the updates inculde high end appliances in main kitchen, new kitchen cabinets, newer paint, new vanities in bathrooms,
Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.
#35- 30748 Cardinal Ave
2868 Gardner Pl
27575 32nd Ave Aldegrove Langley
SOLD A wonderful revenue generating property sitting on a huge flat 10,500 sq ft corner lot. Each side features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard for entertainment.
Nicely renovated 2 Storey w/bsmt home with a unique layout in West Abbotsford. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms, sunken living room, dining, kitchen, family room, den, rec room, fenced yard with parking at front & back and much more. Some of the updates are- newer hotwater tank, furnace, roof, windows, rugs, flooring, appliances
Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.
2 Storey w/ basement home in a Great Location! This home features 5 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms with an en suite in the master. Big lot backing onto creek and steps to Mill Lake Park. This home needs TLC. Total 4 baths but there are some more rooms which contain additional en suite facilities. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, mall, public transit & much more.
241 27411 28 Ave
Corner Unit. Huge backyard. 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS Den. Modern Concept, Open Kitchen Layout, Granite Counter Tops & Stainless Steel Appliances.
4 Level split home 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms living room family room rec room
cul de sac and much more
Location! Location! 1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! A cute Rancher w/basement style home on 7300 sq ft lot in a quiet cul de sac. One of the best neighborhoods to raise your kids. Some other features - . Renovated open layout kitchen with lots of cabinets & slate ooring, good size bedrooms, cozy living room, solid built sundeck just off from dining, good size rec room in the basement.
Solid Rancher with basement style home in a quiet neighborhood. This home features 6 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms & a private backyard. Main floor features - 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, good size living room, formal dining, cozy family room, open kitchen layout with stainless steel appliances & laundry room. Basement has 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms & a rec room with separate with separate entrance.
Well kept & renovated split entry home sitting on 8300+ sq ft lot in Aldergrove. This home features 4 bedrooms. baths with an en suite in masterMain floor has a bright & spacious living room, big kitchen, 3 bedrooms/1.5 baths, dining area & a nice sundeck for entertainment. Basement has a huge rec room, bedroom (can be used as an office), full bath, laundry & storage area.
Your home search stops here! Basement entry home with a Legal Suite on a quiet street near cul-de-sac. Good neighborhood to raise your kids. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, backyard
305 - 33960 Old Yale
2 bedrooms,2 bathrooms. 853 sqft. Only 10 years old. Rentals Allowed.
Basement Entry home in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living room, kitchen, bright family room, good size rec room, laundry room, double garage
Only 3 years oldCustom Built Quality Home in a central location. This home features 7 bedrooms/8 bathrooms, Legal Suite, nice backyard & tons of parking. Main oor features huge living area,
2805 Countess Cres.
4 - 30748 CARDINAL AVE
SOLD NEW LISTING 3419 Clearbrook Rd
31934 Peardonville Road 111 33255 Old Yale Road
First time buyers & Investors ALERT! West Abby Rancher with basement. 8050 Sq. Ft. Lot $549,700
32627 Chehalis Drive
15 - 31600 OLD YALE RD
1st time home buyers & Investors Alert! Rancher/ Bungalow sitting on a 6,450 plus sq ft at lot. This home features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining, laundry room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. This is a good starter home, a good retirement home, a good rental home and a good holding property.
Executive Custom Built Home in a secure gated community. Come & feel the warmth & charm in this 3 storey home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home has an excellent nishing throughout & features 7 bedrooms/4 bathrooms & a nice backyard with good size sundeck for entertainment. Main oor features huge living room.
Your home search stops here! Custom built Basement Entry home with a Legal Suite in a good neighborhood. This home features 8 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms which includes 2 Master bedrooms on the Main oor with ensuite in both, huge living room w/ replace, dining area, kitchen, nook, family room w/ replace, big sunny sundeck for entertainment, double door. open entrance, walk out Legal
Kamal Gill 604.825.1576
33233 GEORGE FERG WAY Investors/developers alert: potential for townhouse development site in central abbotsford having rancher of 4 bedrooms plus full washroom fully renvoated rented @ $1500 plus utilites with nice tenants. Large lot 1/4 acre.
PRICE $599,900
3431 Promontory Court
45257 South Sumas Rd - Chilliwack
Beautiful Custom built 2 Storey w/bsmt home. Total 8 bdrms and 5 bathrooms. 4 Bedrooms and Two full washroom upstairs. Master Bedroom has nice view and huge ensuite. Main floor has Living room, Family room, kitchen w/nook, laundry.
Excellent for family or investor. Two storey house on big 8327 sqft. lot with three bedrooms, two washrooms, dining room, kitchen, upstairs, one bedroom, living room, . dining room, and kitchen is the basement. Whole house is rented.
PRICE $1,011,000
PRICE $624,800
Open House 1-4pm October 22nd & 23rd
2383 Beaver St Investor Alert/Multi family 11200 sq.ft. lot, 100 ft front. Side by Side Duplex, in central location with excellent rental potential. Total 10 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, 4 kitchens, four living rooms, very spacious, 4200 SF. 6 years old roof, recent renovations
PRICE $1,249,000
GAS Station For Sale in Abbotsford PAGE R11
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Rupinder AZAD& Associates 604-825-4321 azad@shaw.ca
koeI vI Gr, pRfprtI jF ibjins KRIdxf jF vycxf hovy qF ieh iewk bhuq hI smJdfrI vflf PYslf huMdf hY. aijhy mOky leI asIN quhfzI mwdd leI hfjLr hF. iewk vfrI jLrUr imlo jF Pon kro! WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? FOR NO OBLIGATION, FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR PROPERTY, CALL ME TODAY!! NEED LISTINGS!! SELLER MARKET STILL HOLDING GOOD, CALL ME NOW!! HAVE QUALIFIED BUYERS WANTING TO BUY.
FOR SALE Indian Sweet Shop and Restaurant Established business. Turn Key operation! All equipment included in price. Low rent and low overhead expenses. Good cash flow business for the right minded. For further inquiry contact Rupinder Azad.
Price Reduced: $109,900
SPACE FOR LEASE Office/Retail 1540 sqft on 2 Floors (Main + Basement) In Cedar Park (Newer Complex)
SPACE FOR LEASE 3300 sqft - All on one floor with reception area infront. Back-Lane Access 4 or 5 offices, 3 bathrooms, Kitchen area, Board Room etc. A nice set up for any professional business. Downtown Abbotsford Location. For Inquiry or Viewing Call: Rupinder Azad 604-825-4321 or Email.